#it's my one override of everything in this family
soryualeksi · 2 years
In all seriousness for once, any other autists / nd folks out there, prefereably with autist / nd kids? Having any suggestions on how to get my 4-years-old son to tolerate ANY medical examination at all?
Because in theory I would have to do a Covid test on him, but there’s no way I’m getting the swab in his mouth.
Taking a temperature in any way? Refusal. Letting doctors check inside his mouth / ears / eyes? Rarely possibly, with lots of convincing and a lot of time. Basically, he is VERY uncomfortable with all medical examinations and his reaction to things that make him uncomfortable is avoiding (understandable), running away, stiffing his body in some corner, refusing to move at all and eventually screaming himself into a meltdown...
I don’t want to override his bodily autonomy and FORCE him into medical examinations, BUT medical intervention to assure his health are also the one line I draw where I say “In this case I can and WILL override your will if I have to, because it is my responsibility as your parent to keep you save.” It’s the one thing I am, reluctantly, willing to force him into if I have to. But I wish I didn’t HAVE to. Because it’s BAD to override his own autonomy over his body and it makes him feel bad and also I’m scared it will traumatize him in the long run. (It doesn’t happen often, just so I’m not being creepy / callous. It’s actually VERY rare I force him and it’s ALWAYS about serious health issues. Think “can’t breathe because lungs full of infectious slime” that has to be treated.)
So any ideas, any ideas at all, how to get him to, you know, want to “comply” on his own? Because I’m reaching a bit of mental breaking point here from the stress of one kid with Covid and now trying to get the other kid to at least let me take ONE GODDAMN MOUTH SWAB. And for the future, I can’t always have “how the FUCK am I gonna get him to get examined and treated without it being a potentially traumatizing disaster with lots of screaming and crying”.
What would / did help you / your kids / kids you know with getting less uncomfortable and scared of medical procedures? Because it’s a very specific issue and I’m just. Drawing a blank. I guess because I can’t really make out what makes ME tolerate this kind of stuff, but in my case I think it’s because medical stuff is my special interest and I’m weird about it?
I just want to be able to take a temperature or do a goddamn Covid swab from the mouth without everything being horrible. 
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madamedramatics · 4 months
A scenario where Shepard jokes with Vega, saying she's practically Garrus' wife now after she promotes him to her XO during the war, resulting in them unintentionally spending a lot more time together.
The joke goes over Vega's head, and he goes to congratulate Garrus personally. Garrus is confused, and Vega promises to keep the "secret marriage" a secret. Garrus now has to figure out how in the hell he accidentally proposed to and married a human and how is he supposed to tell his dad he missed the unplanned wedding and the ceremonial meeting of his fiancé. He was almost 30, but this was going to get him grounded for at least another 30 years or maybe even life.
Was he supposed to get his new wife a gift? Where they supposed to get matching tattoos like Turians? He could've sworn he read somewhere that humans consummated their vows the same way Turians do. Where did he go wrong dammit!?
He adores the idea of Shepard being his wife and loves knowing that she was so excited that she even told Vega about it. He just now has to figure out how he married her in the first place without her knowing he doesn't know. Because then she'll think he never wanted to marry her, and that is NOT the case. Maybe Tali will know? No way. She'd just call him a bosh'tet. Wrex will also call him a professional idiot. Liara won't judge, but he's sure she still hasn't gotten over her crush on the Commander, and he doesn't want to rub his new marriage in her face. Maybe Joker will tell him if he promises him the new fornax issue.
Garrus has had his fair share of giving his dad a pseudo aneurysm, but this one was going to send him into cardiac arrest for sure when he finds out his son married a woman the family didn't even meet. He needs a drink...after he finishes bribing Edi to scrub away everything she just heard him say out loud.
Garrus doesn't know that Vega is the galaxy's worst secret keeper, telling Shepard he's keeping the secret marriage a secret unwilling to let Shepard convince him that she's actually not married yet. She goes to see Garrus to have a good laugh about Vega's idiocy but walks into Garrus telling Edi he will use Shepard's override if she doesn't get rid of something.
Garrus is absolutely mortified and gives the cheesiest greeting to his "wife." She assumes Vega already brought the joke to Garrus but she's not overlooking him trying to be suspicious with Edi. He recovers, mentioning it was for his sesrch history for a gift he wanted to get her. He did intend to get her a gift so the phrase wasn't a complete lie...
She jokes about it and calls him her husband. Garrus, the realist he is, does not take this as a joke. She leaves him to his vices, and Garrus is now in a full-blown panic. He needs to understand what he did, and he needs to know now.
(If my brain gets any more random ideas, I'll at least finish and provide a resolution to this concept, lol. Feel free to offer your own ending)
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souliebird · 5 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 19]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
chapter masterlist
Words: 3.6k
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banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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Frank, admittedly, isn’t as fit as he used to be. 
Running through the desert, carrying all his gear, used to be an everyday thing he could do no problem, but now, running through the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, he finds his breathing to be a bit labored. 
Then again, that might be because he’s pissed off. He, Jones, and Red were in the middle of setting up for a night of surveillance, something Red insisted they do, when the costumed idiot took off into the night without a word.
Normally, Red will give them the damn courtesy of letting them know before he disappears to protect his flock, so him just starting to bolt had Frank and Jones scooping up their shit and following. 
One thing Frank’s learned while working with Matt Murdock is to trust the bastard when it comes to his senses - when he says they need to clear out, there is usually a damn good reason to start running. But he has always given a reason or a head’s up - taking off like this must mean something is going down.
Jones gave up trying to keep pace a few blocks back, but Frank is determined to find out what the hell is going on. Red has the advantage of not hauling an additional fifty pounds of gear, and he has taken to parkouring over the roofs, so has gotten about a block and a half ahead. 
Frank can keep him in his sights, at least. He’s making a bee-line right towards Chelsea and that’s causing a pit to start to grow in the Marine’s stomach. Not many things override Red’s deep seeded commitment to his city and only one of those things resides outside Hell’s Kitchen. 
He adjusts his grip on his bag and forces his legs to move faster.  
The buildings around him shift from businesses to residential and about two blocks into the change, Frank knows what set the Devil off. 
His little girl is in the middle of the sidewalk, crying hysterically as her mother struggles on the ground against some fat fuck in a business suit. Frank only sees the attacker for a brief second before fury incarnate grabs him by his thick neck and slams him into the ground by Mom’s feet. The sound of a skull being cracked rings clear before it's covered by angry roars and the crunch and squelch of someone’s face being pounded in. 
By the Grace of all that is Holy, Red’s baby seems to not care her dad is about to kill a guy and scurries to her Mommy now that she is free. Frank kicks his ass into gear to get there before she can be traumatized anymore. 
He doesn’t know if the little girl recognizes him or not, but she doesn’t fight it when Frank picks her up. She clings to him desperately, burying her face against his neck and just sobbing. Instincts he forgot he had kick in and Frank bundles Minnie up in his duster, rocking her and trying to soothe her the best he can.
“Hey, hey, sweet girl, it's okay, it's okay. I gotcha. Everything’s gonna be okay, I gotcha.”
Frank cups the back of her head, careful to not tangle his fingers up in her curls and turns her away from her bloody mother. He needs to check on you, to make sure your wounds are something he can handle, and they don’t need to take you to the hospital, but he can’t do that with a crying toddler in his arms. 
“He hurt my Mommy!” The baby wails and his heart just about breaks. He wants so badly to join Red in stomping the piece of shit’s head into the pavement for endangering such a precious child, but he knows he can’t. She can’t witness any more than she already has. 
As often as Frank takes digs at Murdock for being an altar boy, he can’t let Red’s daughter see him lose control and step over the line he swore to never cross. He’d never forgive himself for causing that trauma for her. So, he hugs the little girl closer, kisses the top of her head, then grunts, “Red!”
Murdock stills mid-punch, his bloody fist raised and ready to continue his punishment. He looks feral - he is snarling, and gore has splashed up onto his face. He is shaking with rage and for a brief moment, Frank can see why he claims to have the Devil in him. Then, just as his little girl cries for her Mom again, control returns to him. Red tilts his head in a way Frank knows he heard something, then he pushes himself up into standing. 
Red rips his gloves off, throwing them to the ground, before taking the few steps to clear the gap between him and Frank. He barely starts to rasp out his daughter’s name before she’s turning in Frank’s arms and trying to throw herself to him, sobbing.
The noise Red makes is not at all human as he crushes his baby girl to his chest. A new round of loud tears start and Frank knows he has to work quickly before they start attracting attention. 
He pulls his duster off and throws it around Red’s shoulders, trying to hide his garish costume. Murdock seems to realize what he’s doing - he curls into it while ducking his horn-head and moving towards the shadows as he comforts his daughter. Frank can’t hear what he’s saying - his voice is low and the crying covers it - but honestly he doesn’t care.
He turns his attention back to your limp body on the ground, dropping down and letting his knowledge of field medicine take over.
Your forehead is bleeding pretty bad, but a quick assessment of the wound tells him it looks worse than it really is. You’ve got a pretty good gash, but it is shallow, and he doesn’t feel any bone breakage under it or swelling. You’ll need a few stitches, and a hell of a lot of ibuprofen, but you won’t need a hospital. You probably passed out from a combination of pain and exhaustion from an adrenaline rush. 
Still, Frank checks your neck before deciding to move you, just to make sure it's safe. 
As he starts to press his fingers along your spine, Jones finally makes her appearance, jogging up to the scene. 
“What the fuck?”
Frank barely looks up as he growls out his reply, focusing on his work while formulating a plan in his head, “It’s his kid.”
“Oh shit,” she replies, then after a beat, “Is he dead?”
Frank barely looks over to the beaten man in question - his chest is still rising and falling so that’s good enough for him. “Nah, not yet. Call it in - then meet us up in her apartment.” 
He rattles off the address and apartment number as he scoops you up into a fireman’s carry. He’s glad he doesn’t have far to go, because your weight, plus his gear, isn’t doing any favors to his back. As he gets you situated, Jones steps over to the attacker and nudges him in the side with her boot. His face isn’t recognizable as human, but that isn’t what she comments on. 
“What is that smell? Did he shit himself?”
“Fuck if I know, just call it in,” Frank grunts as he begins to trudge towards the right building. “Red, let's go!”
He knows he doesn’t have to explain the plan to Murdock - fucker heard him the first time. Red falls in line and by some miracle, his little girl’s crying has tampered down. She’s still crying - Frank would be more concerned if she wasn’t - but she’s tucked herself close to her Dad and seems to be just more upset than actively terrified. Frank’s got no idea what Murdock could have possibly done to soothe her, but he gives him props for doing it so damn fast. 
He can hear Jones calling for an ambulance as they enter into your building, and once in the lobby, Frank wastes no time barking another order, “Take off your helmet.” 
That earns him a glare, or what counts as a glare from the Devil, and Murdock uses one hand to pull his cowl off and stuffs it between his chest and his daughter before starting for the stairs. Frank is right at his heel and being so close means he can finally hear what Red is repeating to his girl. 
“Just listen to her heart, baby, everything’s okay. You know that sound. Just listen to her heart.”
Frank has a good guess what that means - his theory about passing out from exhaustion and pain is probably correct. If your heart isn’t in crazy panic ‘I’m dying’ mode, you should be fine after a good night’s rest. 
The only problem they encounter in the climb up to your apartment is your door. They have to do a weird song-and-dance of Frank turning so Red can get into your purse to get keys while also making sure Minnie can’t see your face. He hasn’t gotten the chance to clean you up in any way and he’s not going to let any little girl see her mom like that if he can help it. 
Once they are inside the apartment, Frank goes right to the couch to lay you out. As he does, he says over his shoulder, “I’m gonna call Curt.” 
Just because you don’t need a hospital doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see a medical professional. Frank knows what he is doing, but he does not trust himself to stitch up your face. Someone with delicate hands needs to do that, and the best person he knows for that is Curt. 
Murdock, however, disagrees. 
“Call Claire,” he counters firmly. 
Frank knows better than to argue - this is Murdock’s family and Frank ain’t got a dog in this fight. So, once you are down, and his gear is dropped, he fishes out his phone to call the feisty nurse. As he does, Red starts back towards what Frank assumes is the bedroom, talking in a sweet tone to his little girl, “It's okay, Frank’s gonna clean Mommy up, then we can go see her. She’s just got a scrape, everything’s okay.”
Frank focuses on his task at hand - as the line rings, he raids the kitchen for washcloths, bowls, and paper towels. He’s on his way back to the couch when Claire finally answers.
“What did he do this time?”
A little smile forms on his lips at her bluntness - he’s always liked Claire and her no-nonsense attitude. 
“Ain’t him. His girl got mugged, hit her head pretty good,” he explains, as he dips a washcloth into the water to start on cleaning you up. The cut on your forehead is still bleeding, but only a little by this point. He’ll have to retrace their steps to wipe away any blood droplets, so they don't leave a trail right to your door.
“So, take her to the ER.”
He hums at the response, then adds the crucial element, “His little girl saw it all.”
The line is silent for a good five seconds before Claire is swearing, “I’m on my way. How bad are we talking?”
He feels a little for the nurse at the moment - she’s always having to deal with Red broken and battered and is probably thinking she’s going to have to do some sort of impromptu surgery. He gives a rundown on your injuries, then adds, “Your stitches are nicer than mine.” 
“Exactly what a lady wants to hear. How’s the kid?” 
“Physically ok, but probably going to have nightmares for a while,” is his honest reply. There wouldn’t be an attacker left to pick up in an ambulance if Minnie had gotten hurt - he would have made sure of that no matter what Red would have said.
Claire groans in response, “I don’t know anything about child psychology, Frank.” 
“No one’s expecting you to.”
The nurse may be a miracle worker in the eyes of Red’s little vigilante group, but no one in this world is qualified to deal with all their mental problems.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll be there. You’re lucky I’m on this side of town already.” 
Claire hangs up on him and Franks stuffs his phone back into his pocket. He’ll need to call Mirco later to set up a camera on your building, something similar to what he’s got for Karen, and arrange for some background checks on the neighbors. The area seems to be working class just trying to get by, but isn’t that just all of the city now? Even if one drunk-off-his-ass guy just made some stupid decision, it put you and the kid in danger and that is a no-go in Frank’s book. As much Red will huff and puff and growl, his family falls under Frank’s sphere of protection and that isn’t something Frank skimps on. 
So, a full security upgrade is in your near future. 
But that is something he’ll figure out the details for later on. Right now, he puts his full attention in cleaning you up. 
The worst of it is the cut on your forehead. He folds a washcloth and sets it on the wound to help the remaining bleeding stop, then moves onto your cheeks. You’ve got some gravel stuck there, but he doesn’t see any glass or metal. There’s some bruising, but he doesn’t think it will be anything to fuss about - it will fade away within a day or so. He’s seen worse coloring on a hickey. The bastard who attacked you didn’t seem like he knew what he was doing, or he was too sloshed out of his mind to be coordinated.
 Overall, you are just pretty banged up. 
But nonetheless, Frank takes care to make sure it just looks like you are resting, even putting the throw blanket left on the couch over you to hide the grime stains on your clothes. 
Red and his creepy bat ears must be listening, because as soon as he goes to dump the bloody cleaning water, he’s coming out of the bedroom with Minnie. She’s still in his arms, clinging to his neck like a koala, but her tears have stopped. She’s still sniffling, though.
Frank hangs back as the little girl is brought to her Mommy and his heart damn near breaks again when she starts talking. 
“She’s just sleeping?” 
“She’s just sleeping,” Red confirms. He carefully kneels down beside you and makes slow, exaggerated movements as he puts his hand over your heart. “You can feel, too. Just sleeping.”
He watches as the tiny little girl untangles herself from her father and stretches to put her hand next to his. She scrunches up her nose and gets a look Frank has seen a million times on Red. 
“Boom. Boom. Boom.”
“Exactly, boom. Boom. boom. The same heart-noises Mommy makes when she sleeps.” 
They stay like that for a few seconds before little hands go up to your face and Minnie is examining your cuts.
“He hurt Mommy,” she says so softly that Frank wants to stomp back downstairs and unload his Glock into the asshole. “She has ouchies.” She turns so quickly in Red’s arm that Frank sees him jump just a little - probably still on high alert - and she slaps both her hands on his cheeks, “You have to kissy it better.”
Her voice is so serious and demanding, he’s surprised Red doesn’t instantly comply. Instead, he kisses his little one’s forehead. 
“A doctor is going to come and make sure all her ouchies are taken care of. Then we can kiss it better.”
Her curls bounce as the little girl whips around to address Frank, ordering in the same voice, “You have to kissy it better, too.”
He damn well knows better than to argue with a three year old girl - Lisa could put him in his place like no one's business - so Frank simply nods with a, “Yes, ma’am.” Red doesn't look thrilled at the agreement, but he's not the one who's opinion Frank cares about.
Her brown eyes sus him out, narrowing a fraction before he passes whatever criteria she has and Minnie turns back to her mother and father. “When is she gonna wake up?”
“She'll wake up when she's done resting,” Murdock gently advises. “She needs lots of rest right now.” 
Frank knows what question is coming before it is even asked. It is the universal toddler question. 
Red, it seems, needs to spend more time with his kid because he looks completely baffled by the question. He repeats the word, which just gets parroted back at him, and Frank can practically hear Lisa and Frankie chanting along with her. 
Why would you need lots of rest in a way a terrified toddler would get it? There's a slight hint of panic in Red’s sightless eyes as he fights to find an answer and Frank takes pity on him. 
He steps forward and asks the little girl, “Have you ever played really hard then needed a nap after?”
Attention swings back to him but this time he is prepared for it. Minnie considers his question, then nods, and Frank gives her a soft, friendly smile. “Same thing, sweetheart. Your Mommy’s body worked really hard and now she needs a nap.” 
“She needs a nap,” the baby replies and then, to his amusement, proceeds to stuff her fingers into her mouth and suck on them. He's got no idea what that means, but Red’s shoulders relax a fraction, so he assumes it's a good thing. 
He wonders if she's starting to get tired now that the action is over. He can't imagine why they were out in the first place, but he has to guess it was to get something from the store. That is his experience with bringing a baby in their pajamas out at night - there was something needed that couldn't wait until morning. That would also explain the black bag in your purse.
He looks to Red and his girl - Murdock has sat himself on the floor beside the couch, facing you, and Minnie is tucked in his lap, sucking her fingers still. Both of their focus seems to be on you. So, Frank lets curiosity get the better of him and he goes to snoop. 
There’s a bottle of Pedialyte nestled inside the bag, and by the tiny bit missing, he has a feeling he knows who it is for. He looks from it, over to the sweet child sitting in Red’s lap, and decides she probably still needs it if her mom went out in the middle of the night for it. So, he turns his snooping to the kitchen and opens and closes cabinets until he finds the one holding sippy cups. All of them have Braille labels on them and he briefly wonders what each says before grabbing one with Big Bird on it. He gives it a good rinse before filling it up halfway with the blue liquid.
He removes his tactical vest before he heads back to the living room. He thinks of it more of a sign for Red than Minnie. The little girl might be scared of the skull art, but he hopes it will help Murdock relax. He’s putting on a good face for his daughter, but Frank can see the tension in his jaw and how on edge and angry he must be, and he can’t be blamed. He knows how emotional Red can get and he’s surprised he’s managing to keep it together - so subtly letting him know ‘there’s no danger here’ and Frank isn’t a threat to his family might just get him to stop grinding his teeth. 
He approaches slowly and somewhat loudly, while holding out the sippy cup, “Here you go, sweetie.”
Minnie blinks up at him with those wide brown eyes and he can see the exhaustion starting to creep in - getting a bottle might just knock her out. He has to lean down so she can take it, but as soon as she does, her hand drops from her mouth and she politely mumbles, “Thank you.” 
“You’re very welcome, sweetheart.”
“What is it?” Murdock questions, nose twitching to try to figure out the smell. Frank doubts he’s familiar with the drink, but soon he’ll have it memorized.
“Blue Pedi-lyte,” the baby grumbles before the spout goes right into her mouth and she starts to nurse it. Almost instantly she starts leaning back against Red’s chest and Frank knows right away she’ll be asleep within minutes. 
He checks his phone as he goes to take a seat at the kitchen table. Claire should be here any minute and it's a toss up if Jones comes up or not. He’ll wait until everything is all settled to head out - he does want to make sure you are okay and he’s not going to leave Claire alone with an upset kid and her Dad-devil. 
Frank brings up his texts to Karen to start typing out that the op is a bust, when Murdock’s quiet voice interrupts his train of thought.
“Thank you, Frank.”
“Nothing to thank me for, Red. It’s your family. You don’t gotta explain that to me.”
“Still, thank you, Frank. I mean it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Murdock.”
a/n: frank has entered the chat and assumed Alpha Dad role. his family now.
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
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@ladyoflynx @hobiebrowns-wife @sarcasm-n-insomnia @lillycore
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
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two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
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@starry-night-20 @rebeccapineapple @writtenbyred @cherrypie5 @capswife @silvercharacterchaos @resting-confused-face
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httpswritings · 3 months
if you were my little girl: the series part 5
alexia putellas x child!reader; this story contains mentions of traumatic experiences as drug addiction, child abuse and similar topics. don't read it if you find those topics triggering.
a/n: i was a little bit disgusted writing some parts of this, that's why it has taken more than usually to post it. if you feel the same way when you read it, i guess i've captured well the feeling with words. part 6 will be similar to this one.
Flour dusted your cheeks as you nervously kneaded dough with Alexia. Outside, the rumble of the vacuum cleaner announced your parents' frantic cleaning for the family reunion. Alexia, ever perceptive, noticed the tightness in your smile.
"Don't worry," she said, her voice a warm reassurance. "I'm not going anywhere."
Relief washed over you as Alexia squeezed your shoulder, a silent show of support. But then, a wave of shame crashed down. You loved having Alexia by your side, but you dreaded her witnessing the potential chaos of your family reunion. You squeezed the cookie dough in your hand a little too hard, wishing you could bake away the impending awkwardness.
An hour ticked by, the house humming with the final flourishes before the guests arrived. Relief battled with a gnawing anxiety in your gut. Family members began to trickle in, greeted warmly by your mother, who then ushered them towards Alexia. As introductions were made, Alexia couldn't help but marvel at the warmth radiating from this seemingly happy family. But a dissonant note jarred the picture. Her gaze fell on the clinking beer bottles your uncle brought, a familiar dread sparking in your eyes. Alexia's heart clenched. There you were, barely a shadow against the backdrop of the bustling room, yet the fear etched on your young face spoke volumes. A fierce protectiveness ignited within her, pushing aside the initial wonder. This loving facade, this was the "devil" you'd spoken of?
The spotlight naturally fell on Alexia during the family reunion. A constant stream of questions flowed her way, each inquiry a beat in the symphony of getting-to-know-you. Even your parents joined the chorus, their voices brimming with pride as they declared to anyone within earshot how lucky they were to have an small Alexia as their daughter.
But the facade cracked when one of your uncles, amidst the laughter, uttered a comment about women's football.
"She's good," he chuckled, "but be careful she doesn't turn..." his voice trailed off, replaced by a knowing wink, "...lesbian, you know?"
A ripple of laughter spread, leaving you and Alexia as islands of silence. The term "lesbian" was a nebulous thing, one you'd heard hurled as an insult at girls who excelled at sports, but you know ot meant a woman that loved women. You didn't understand why it was bad, just that the tone felt wrong.
Across from you, Alexia stiffened. Her jaw clenched, and a flicker of anger ignited in her eyes. Yet, she swallowed the retort, the fierce protectiveness she felt for you overriding her own indignation. This wasn't about her. In the stifling atmosphere, a silent vow solidified. She was there to shield you, even if it meant enduring veiled barbs and swallowing her own voice.
It was nearly 1PM and the barbecue started.
Alexia understood right away what you meant with the drawing.
She saw how everyone besides your grandmother was drunk, very drunk.
There was a heavy beer odor in the atmosphere, that made Alexia feel nauseous, and she remembered how upset you got when you had smelled that odor in her some weeks ago.
Everything made sense.
The clock ticked relentlessly towards 1 pm, the hands seeming to etch closer to the moment the festivities would truly begin. A plume of smoke rose from the barbecue pit, carrying with it the unmistakable, acrid scent of burning charcoal and sizzling meat. Alexia inhaled sharply, the pungent air triggering a memory. It was the same heavy beer stench that had twisted your face in disgust when you caught a whiff of it on her. A sudden understanding dawned on her. You hadn't been exaggerating in your frantic drawing. Glancing around at the scene before her, confirmation washed over her like a cold wave. Bodies swayed precariously, laughter devolved into slurred shouts, and empty beer bottles littered the once pristine picnic tables. It was clear – everyone, with the possible exception of your stoic grandmother perched primly on the edge of the scene, was demonstrably, uncomfortably drunk. The nausea that had been a mere flicker before now blossomed in her stomach, as thick and unwelcome as the oppressive atmosphere surrounding her. Everything about this picture, from the reeking air to the sloppy revelry, suddenly made even more sense, terrible sense.
Alexia watched you across the chaotic scene. Here you were, amidst the laughter and smoky haze, surprisingly relaxed. You even seemed genuinely amused, sharing jokes with your family. Could she blame you? This was your normal, the background noise you'd grown accustomed to, the beer-soaked gatherings, the boisterous laughter that teetered on the edge of aggression. Maybe you hadn't even noticed the way everyone seemed a little off-balance, their voices a touch too loud, their movements a hair too jerky. Perhaps you'd simply normalized it all, the way one gets used to the hum of a refrigerator after a while.
The thought made her stomach clench. Then, as if on cue, a beer bottle clattered to the ground, shattering with a jarring crack. You flinched, a flicker of alarm crossing your face before it was quickly masked by a strained smile. Alexia's observation sharpened. Your pupils were dilated, and your hand, reaching for a bread roll, trembled slightly.
A primal urge for safety surged through you. The boisterous laughter that had seemed amusing moments ago now felt like a cacophony, threatening to drown you out. Instinctively, you gravitated towards Alexia, seeking refuge by her side. You'd always admired her hands, strong and capable – the kind that left colorful imprints on both your canvases and your skin during your painting sessions. Back then, they'd been instruments of creativity, but now, they transformed into something more – a potential shield against the unsettling atmosphere. The unspoken promise of protection emanating from those hands offered a sliver of comfort amidst the chaos.
The moment of amusement with Alexia evaporated like spilled beer on the picnic table as you got near the men of your family to get some water. Your uncle, emboldened by a few too many drinks, lurched back into his usual pattern of inappropriate comments. His voice, thick with slurred words, boomed across the gathering. "If I were you, I'd keep an eye on your little girl. She seems very content with Alexia." A forced laugh escaped his lips, but it held a nasty edge. Shame burned in your cheeks.
Relief washed over you as you realized Alexia hadn't caught the undercurrent of the conversation happening a few feet away from her. Your father, flanked by your two uncles, was fielding questions cast in slurred tones.
"Why is she here, anyway?" your eldest uncle rumbled, his voice thick with suspicion.
"Alexia's been a great help with the girl's journey on football. She's a good woman."
The youngest uncle leaned in conspiratorially, his breath reeking of stale beer. "Yeah, well, good woman or not, is she one of them?" He punctuated his question with a jerk of his thumb, the implication hanging heavy in the air.
"One of them?"
"A dyke, do you know if she's one of them?
A knot of anger tightened in your stomach. You still loved your family, even after everything they had done to you, but suddenly, the thought of being related to them, felt painful. You longed for the escape of your room, a place where the world couldn't twist your innocent friendship into something ugly. You stole a glance at Alexia, catching the way she laughed with your grandmother, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling around her.
This was uncharted territory. Usually, Alexia stood as your shield, but now, a fierce protectiveness surged through you, a need to defend the one who'd always been your rock. The conversation went over your head. Dyke. A word associated with something you didn't quite grasp, yet somehow felt ugly. Why were they calling Alexia that? You'd never heard her mention a boyfriend, but girlfriends were a blank slate too. But, what if she liked girls? Why was that a problem?
As you kept listening to them talk, your innocence felt bruised.
"She's hot. It'd be a waste if she's really a lesbian.
"God only knows if I have the chance."
A tear escaped, then another, and you bolted for the safety of your room.
Alexia, her heart echoing your pain, sprung up and followed. "Hey, little one," she called out, her voice laced with concern. "What happened?" Before you could answer, the others arrived, their presence only amplifying your tears. What was once your haven now felt tainted, the air thick with their presence. Your drawings, your toys, even your bed seemed to echo the intrusion.
Your mom reached out, but you burrowed deeper into Alexia's embrace, her familiar scent of fruit offering a sliver of comfort. "Her stomach hurts," Alexia lied gently, a shield against the storm brewing around you.
A semblance of normalcy returned, but you were a shadow by Alexia's side. When Alexia asked what had made you cry, her worried eyes met yours. A truth dawned on you - the depth of your love for her. No longer an idol, she was your fierce protector, an angel in this sudden hell, a sister.
"Just... uncomfortable," you mumbled, unable to voice the unspoken hurt. Alexia saw through it, but held her tongue. This burden was hers, a consequence of leaving you unguarded. Maybe a brief escape was possible.
"Can I take her to the park?" she asked your parents, hoping for a distraction. Your father, still wary of Alexia under his uncles' scrutiny, hesitated.
"Let them go," your grandmother unexpectedly intervened. "The child looks bored of only being surrounded by adults."
To your surprise, the park became a reality. It was your first outing with Alexia, just the two of you. She challenged you to a race, a playful glint in her eyes. Despite her victory, it was her joyous laughter that soothed you, a melody of safety.
The park itself welcomed you with open arms. You made a beeline for the slide, a picture of carefree happiness. Watching you, tears welled in Alexia's eyes.
You were feeling very happy when a gaggle of children, trailed by their parents, swarmed Alexia. Requests for selfies and football games flew through the air.
Your stomach, previously a dull ache, lurched into a full-blown protest. It wasn't just a tummy ache anymore; it was a physical manifestation of your possessiveness. You didn't want to share Alexia with other children, let alone during this hell of a day.
You were her “little one”.
It was the same feeling other kids got when they wouldn't share their toys, their parents, or their siblings. Only, for you, Alexia wasn't just anyone. She was the closest thing you had to family, along with Alba.
The park's joy felt stolen as you stalked out, hand in hand with Alexia. Barcelona's streets stretched before you, but there was no peace to be found, not with Alexia surrounded by others. Alexia, ever perceptive, caught your downturned lips. A secret smile played on her lips. "Hey," she whispered, leaning down, "you know you're still my favorite little girl, right?"
You hugged her and she picked you up.
"I know you're not going to like this but we should return to your house."
You whined in her arms and she really wished she could've bring you home with her, invite Alba and had a peaceful night.
You fell asleep on her arms and she held you tightly.
"Wake up, little one. I need you to be awake until the reunion's over so I can stay."
The boisterous reunion noises held a sinister edge. A sudden crash shattered the fragile peace, sending a jolt through you as you entered the house. Before you could even whimper, Alexia materialized beside you, her eyes wide with worry.
The air crackled with tension, fueled by the adults' increasing intoxication. Subtle cues – the way your parents forgot about your daily bath, the strained silences – painted a picture of neglect that gnawed at Alexia. She retreated to your room, a sanctuary amidst the chaos, creating a world of happy dolls to distract you from the turmoil outside.
If she couldn't make the world a better place, she would create your own one.
As the clock ticked closer to 1 am, the party raged on. Your grandmother, her face etched with concern, offered Alexia a chance to stay the night. Your parents were too drunk to even care.
The familiar comfort of Alexia sleeping beside you, like a sleepover with a best friend, offered a flicker of normalcy. Yet, sleep remained a distant dream. The sounds of arguments vibrated through the walls, a constant reminder of the day's unsettling events.
You liked having Alexia in your room, like you were with your other friends in sleepovers.
She kissed your front as a goodnight and held your hand from her bed.
"Sleep well, my princess."
Sleep eluded you both. The boisterous voices from the living room seemed to vibrate through the walls, a constant reminder of the day's events. A sudden, jarring crash shattered the tense silence. Your heart hammered against your ribs, a panicked echo of the sound. Alexia, alert in an instant, was beside you before you could even cry out.
Her arms wrapped around you, a fierce embrace that spoke volumes more than any words could. You clung to her, your body trembling with a fear she'd never witnessed in anyone else. A single, fierce whisper escaped her lips, "I've got you. I've got you."
The chaos that had been simmering all day finally erupted. Even Alexia, who thrived on boisterous family gatherings, couldn't hide the fear creeping into her eyes. Her hand instinctively reached for her phone, searching for a lifeline - the police, her family, anyone.
But before she could dial, the door creaked open revealing your grandmother, her face etched with worry. "Take her with you, Alexia," she pleaded, voice trembling. "Please, take her."
Confusion clouded your mind, but a surge of bravery prompted you to peek out from behind Alexia. The sight that greeted you was a blur of motion - your uncles locked in a furious struggle, their playful banter replaced by guttural grunts. When they noticed you, they attempted a smile, the facade crumbling as quickly as it formed.
Alexia scooped you close, shielding you from the escalating chaos. Your grandmother, a pillar of strength amidst the storm, began packing a bag with your clothes. Alexia, fear momentarily forgotten, focused solely on getting you out of that hostile environment.
"You're coming with me," she whispered fiercely. "You're safe with me."
A flicker of doubt crossed your face as you looked at your grandmother. Alexia understood. She offered your grandmother a chance to escape with them, but the refusal was swift.
"My place is here," she said, voice heavy with resignation. "They're my sons. But she," she gestured towards you, "she doesn't deserve this. I want her to have a different life, a better life."
With trembling hands, Alexia scrawled her phone number on your grandmother's wrist. "This is mine," she instructed, voice urgent. "Please, don't let anyone else see it. I don't know what's coming next, but I can't bear the thought of her losing contact with you."
A silent understanding passed between them. Your grandmother squeezed Alexia's hand, then leaned down to kiss your forehead. Her voice held a lifetime of unspoken advice, "Remember what I always tell you. Education is your key. It's your power. Never depend on anyone, especially a man," just like she depended on her sons, she wanted something different for you.
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mookymilksims · 5 months
ULTIMATE Realistic Functional Shops Mods in The Sims 3 | Guide and Tutorial
Hey, everyone! Back again with another in depth tutorial. From my poll, a Functional shops guide was second popular to Family Gameplay.
This guide isn't going to be as long, hopefully! And we don't really have many mods, at least nowhere near as many for the other guides I've done. This guide is pretty simple, and I'll show you in the video how to get everything set up. I picked the systems that are the easiest to set up, it's a combination of other simmer's processes, with my own tweaks for added convenience. I mainly focus on Aesthetic and Functionality, as nothing should take away from your immersion in game. So I feel like I've done my best to come up with these easier systems. I've been playing like this for years so I'm super excited to show you all how to make literally any shop functional in the sims 3!
So what I'm going to offer are many ideas to maintain the consistency and look of your lot without losing functionality of that lot.
We are going to try and keep this guide simple and to the point. This guide will include:
Store objects and how to install them.
Modded Objects - For functional stores and Fashion stores.
How to set up Functional grocery stores.
How to set up functional stores in general, minus Fashion stores.
How to Set up functional Fashion stores.
Fashion Lots you'll want to make.
How to combine the Fashion stores with Consort Dress Code mod.
Miscellanous functional mod objects and cc sets you can buy for your stores.
Store Objects and How to install them:
The first thing we are going to need are the actual store objects. I recommend getting all of them from here.
I also use these few ones from Blam's EA Store.
Chocolate fountain
Pet shop
Then you want to get these store fixes here.
I'm going to show you how to install them it is super easy.
All the store objects should go into your mods folder.
I recommend merging everything and backing up the individual files on another drive.
All store mods should also go in your mods folder.
This is your Overrides folder if you're not using CCmagic.
If you are using CCmagic then this is your Packages folder.
Now copy the CCmerged file from your mods folder and paste that file in your Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > DCBackup folder.
Never remove it.
This is where the data for the store objects are stored, without them your game will throw you a lot of errors when attempting to use those store objects.
That's it!
Now we can move on to the fun mods that change your game in powerful ways.
Modded Objects for Functional Stores and Fashion Stores
Ani's Savvier Seller - This is what you will use for 95% of functional stores in your game.
Ani's ITF Stands - This is what you will use for the remaining 5% of functional stores, to be able to shop for new outfits.
Ani's Shop for clothes (MUST Have either this mod or ITF stands, cannot have both) - This is an alternative option for those who do not have ITF. You cannot have both in your game.
Ani's Ration Box - For our functional Grocery stores. This mod adds a scripted object where when placed in your inventory and opened, 10 random ingredients will be placed in your inventory and the donation box will disappear. This mod is also working with custom ingredients as well. So you will always get a random assortment of items. The items are cheap in game so you can buy multiple in one shopping trip and get a random assortment of 100+ ingredients in your inventory.
Kwimi's Ration Box Overrides - Download this is you want to use EVERYTHING in the ATS3 Grocery set.
My edit to Kwimi's overrides - Download this is you want my edit of Kwimi's overrides. I hid all of the single objects from the ATS3 set, as it wouldn't make sense to put them in my builds. You can ONLY have either my edit or Kwimi's overrides, pick one or the other.
My collection file for functional shops mods - Download this if you want to be able to find all of the modded objects we will be discussing in this guide, including the bulk objects from ATS3 grocery store.
ATS3 Grocery store set - If you download the full set, then get Kwimi's overrides. If you only download the bulk objects (x3, x4, etc) then get my edit of Kwimi's overrides. https://aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_24.shtml https://aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_downtown_25.shtml
ATS3 Savvier Seller Sets - You can download whatever you want from these sets.
Consort Dress Code Mod - For more dynamic attire in town. https://modthesims.info/d/477049/dresscode-by-consort.html
Transmogrifier - Allows you to copy the script (function) of an object and paste it onto another object.
How to Set-Up Functional Grocery Stores
First, I have to show you how to set up Savvier seller in general. It works the same as Savvy Seller store content, so this won't be a huge learning curve for you guys!
Place down a savvier seller surface on a community lot. This should be a lot sims will want to visit so you can call this a hangout lot.
Then a counter with a savvier seller register.
Now place an object on the SS surface.
Now leave Build/Buy mode, and stay in Paused mode.
Now you ctrl-shift click the SS register, name it w/e you'd like.
Now ctrl-shift click the SS surface and link it to the register that you just named.
Then enable restock from inventory and restock from buy mode.
This allows all objects you place on the surface to be restocked from the build/buy mode catalogue. This still works when you hide the objects from the catalogue as well.
You can now set the open and close times, mark up or down prices, employee, owner, etc.
You do not have to set an owner. You can make a random townie the owner, or yourself if you want to own your own functional store. The money will go into your sims inventory after every purchase. We will get more into that later.
NOTE: That NRAAS register won't assign a sim to these registers, which means you have to manually pick one. This can cause issues if you don't want a townie to use it. So I recommend creating a household of 8 savvier seller YA sims, you don't need 8 stores in your game, but this makes it really easy to find those sims when manning the stations, without sacrificing townies you actually want to interact with and see around town. Just make their last names Savvy, for convenience.
The savvier seller mod alone makes basically everything in your game buyable.
Flower shops, Weed shops, Arcades with functional prizes, Museum gift shops, Art stores, Furniture stores, Candy Stores, a new kind of bakery (that sells custom food cupcakes, etc instead)!
When I say everything I mean everything!
So now that you've got your new functional shop systems installed, and you know how to generally set it up, I'm going to show you how to make a functional Grocery store.
I used to go into the RH buy everything from the store, and individually set them up one by one on shelves, make the inventory items restoackable from the inventory then start shopping.
This was such a long process, and also broke my immersion because I did not want to see a peice of shrimp on a random shelf in a grocery aisle!
So with Kwimi's genius idea, she created overrides for ATS3 grocery store items. To be used along side Ani's Ration box mod.
This mod gives you a random selection of 10 ingredients in game, whenever you open it, you'll get a random assortment. This mod is compatible with custom ingredients as well!
So now, I can set up these items on grocery shelves, which looks more realistic for my build, and actually add ingredients to my sims inventory, whenever I choose to open the boxes.
In the video I also show you that I transmogrify the savvier seller ATS3 shelves into the Flirtyghoul shelves converted by Martasimbook, and it worked.
However, as Kwimi noted herself, us simmers still like to shop for specific items instead of randomly hoping for the right ingredient without entering the RH.
I'm going to try to alleviate this issue.
Start with creating a Deli section, for just the meats.
A seafood section, for just the fish.
Then use the Store fruit and veggie stand object for the produce section.
Now you can place all the meats you can buy from the Grocery RH on the SS surfaces in the meat section. Do the same for the seafood section.
You don't need to do any set up for the produce stands. The object will randomly refill it's own inventory every day with new produce options!
Now, whatever else you miss you can just buy the remainder from the RH itself.
Personally, I like shopping for things at random, I don't necassarily want that to be user directed, unless there is a special event, like Thanksgiving, so I have to buy a roast.
I like to imagine that everything isn't going to be available to me with the donations boxes and produce stand because it's sold out or not in season, etc.
I also like to imagine that my sim is shopping for what THEY want specifically, just like the townies are, without it being user directed.
NOTE: Combined with my ULTIMATE Realistic Food overhaul, there are still hundreds if not thousands of recipes I can put together in game with the ingredients that are randomly bought.
However, I can still specifically shop for certain meats and seafood which is what I'll more than likely want for most of the custom recipes I put together in game.
Although, with the meshes it's implied the ingredient was in the food, so you don't actually need them.
So this makes grocery stores so much more fun and less stressful to set up in game. It's a way less tedious process.
The result leaves the lot itself looking very realistic, so I don't have to sacrifice Aesthetic for functionality.
Which is what I really care about.
The best part is you can make pantries actually functional in your sim's home. By placing what you bought on the shelves, as the ingredients won't go bad until AFTER you open the box and the food is placed in your inventory.
You can also add custom snacks and foods to a storage unit in the pantry as well and take out whatever your sim wants to eat in between meals for that day. Try finding a close pantry object, and transmogrifying it into a storage chest from WA. You should now be able to click on the pantry to place or remove custom food you've bought out and about!
How to set up Functional Stores in General
All links will be at the end of the Guide with the Misc Script objects & cc sets section!
Now I will tell you how to go about other kinds of Functional shops in game.
For flower shops, I want to recommend the flower arranging mod. You can set up savvier seller with the bouqets you make, as well as cc plants. So if you want to own a flower shop, you actually have something pretty interactive to do during the day while your customers shop.
For furniture stores, you mainly want to focus on the Savvier Seller rugs and shelves. Shelves for misc decor, and rugs for furniture like couches, beds, kitchen sets, etc.
However, it's important to note that when you have a lot of cc, this option isn't exactly reasonable, so I typically like to set up
bed and mattress stores
vase and decor stores
children furniture stores
Appliance stores
This is much more manageable if you're like me and have a lot of cc. It makes shopping a lot more fluid for being able to actually put those products in my home from the buy mode family inventory (which is where all objects that can't go into your inventory will go).
Everything else that I get from the catalogue or collection folder's can be tossed in as something I ordered online.
Pro tip: Consider using StudioPap's moving boxes in the room until you actually put the room together. I always use them when moving in or out, and changing a room around like a sim aging up and needing a more mature room. You could also use savvier seller to immersively sell what you're not going to use anymore in a yard sale. Alternatively, moving all items you want to sell to your family invetory then using NRAAS Consigner selling them at a consignment register! The yard sale can be set up in a big park instead of your home lot for convenience. I love seeing the boxes and re-decorating that part of the room. It adds a very dynamic roleplay feature to my gameplay!
For Electronics stores, with Arsils custom phones and backpacks, you can actually replace the cellphone you are using by following the guide in game. Use the ATS3 purse set alongside the mod for more functional cell phones to buy!
So when buying cellphones at something like an Apple store this can actually be functional. You can also set up more computers, laptops, TV's, and the store object ipad as well.
For specific niche stores, consider the Sewing and knitting mod, with the patch version for both to work in game. You can set up a really pretty etsy shop, and just like with the flower shop, you can actually work at the store location and have an active career. Showing some love to our small business simmers out there!
For functional book stores, instead of the rh, just buy the books from the RH and place them on savvier seller surfaces. To get the best look I use this table for it, and a pile of books using OMSP, to make it look like your sim is randomly selecting a book from the pile.
For weed shops, you can now use the buds that come with MD Vile ventures mod, and set them up on savvier seller surfaces to sell them like that instead.
For beach shops you can use Arsil's sunglasses, and Ani's ITF stands for custom bikini's. TS spray tan and sunscreen mod.
For food stores, like bakeries and coffeeshops, you can use custom food from various places and ATS3 custom drinks, specifically the coffee's and energy drinks. Just set them up on savvier seller shelves and enjoy.
You can even make much more specific shops as well, like smoothie shops, sandwhich shops.
Liqour stores using Dina Dine and ATS3 liqour sets.
Tea shops, with ATS3 and Ani's tea sets. Don't forget the store tea set, and modded tea set without the table!
Toy stores, using various cc toys, and fidget spinner. Olomaya crayons, puzzles and coloring books.
For Makeup stores, consider Arsil's Lipstick mod, (you can also put this in a fashion store).You can also use PJ's Deodarant mod in these stores. And cc functional perfumes (must have glass blowing store object, but if you've been following this guide then you already have it).
For car dealerships, add the savvier seller car spot object and set up as many cars as you'd like to buy from. I like making at least 2 car shops. 1 is an expensive car dealership. Another is a junkyard where you can buy the cheaper cars.
For Bike Shops, this can be actual bikes and/or mopeds and motorcycles. Just place them on a savvier seller rug and recolor it to your liking.
Pro-tip: You can also make a semi-functional car mechanic shop by Transmogrifying the fixer upper car into the current car you own either on the car mechanic lot or on your home lot. Then binding a custom car mechanic career to the EA science career so they will actually interact with the car on that lot.
Some more items you can add to Grocery stores, PJ Bubble Bath, PJ card stand, PJ pet bowl, Olomaya's smoking mod for the cigarrette's and vape.
For Pet stores, you can add PJ pet bowl items, and various pet toys and furniture that came in pets.
I don't typically place the Graham's pet shop register on these lots, I'll use a pet pantry for those, with deco animals in their crates to simulate where you'd actually be getting the animals from.
For Art supply stores, Consider PJ painting supplies, Lyralei journal, Zoeoe's scribbling pad fixed, cc art easels, UNI sketchbook, street art kits, crayons from Olomaya and Arsil. And the drafting tables that came with Ambitions.
For Music Stores, Consider the ATS3 music store set, and selling actual instruments.
For the Movie theater, Consider selling custom snacks. Adding the store popcorn machine. Selling action figure dolls to buy after viewing the movie. And a claw machine, to win prizes for your date!
For Sex Shops, consider adding passion condoms, and sex toys that come with the mod. I also include deco vibrators and dildo's, fleshlights, etc, as something you can buy from savvier seller, they aren't functional but they imply things. The passion mod altogether makes this implied action functional, so it works out fine.
For convenience stores, to make them more functional you can add the petrol system mod gas stations, and refill your gas at these stores, you can also sell Arsils bag of chips and these variations, and arsil's gum. With various custom snacks and foods to eat.
You can make asian themed convenience stores as well.
For Sports Shops, this is completely seperate from the Gym lot. Consider TS Yoga mats, Olomaya's Get pumped items, The chin-up bar from showtime. Arsil's excercise bike. Treadmill. Strength training. The various basegame throwable items like the football, more items from this ATS3 set. And the punching bags with the same WA martial arts object script. Also, sell olomaya's healthy snacks on this lot as well, these items boost your workout routines.
And well, you get the gist! You can virtually make any store idea you have in game functional. You could even transmogrify cc surfaces from savvier seller surfaces in game instead for a much more cohesive look to your build. Keep in mind, this may not always work, but for the most part it does, just wanted to throw that disclaimer out there!
How to Set up Functional Fashion stores
But what about fashion stores? How do we make those functional?
Using Ani's ITF stands.
These add very intuitive ITF stands to your game where you and townies (when changing the xml settings) can shop from.
NOTE: You do need ITF for this to work, however, if you don't have ITF, Ani's shop for clothes mod will do just the trick. It's not as extensive as the ITF stands, but you'll still be able to shop for new outfits on community lots. I also believe the Shop for clothes mod is compatible with NRAAS Dresser, but the ITF stands mod is not.
This is because the ITF stands mod replaces the plan outfit interaction from the dressers in game which breaks some key components of NRAAS Dresser. With both mods installed I also wasn't able to save my new outfits, either. So learn from my mistakes.
The ITF stands mod increases the amount of outfits you can have per category, which was my favorite feature of the NRAAS Dresser mod, so when I read extensively what both mods changed I realized I didn't even need NRAAS Dresser anymore, anyway. So I personally like to give my active household 7 everyday outfits. I just change their outfit using the dresser in the morning before they leave the house.
You can open up Ani's ITF stands mod using S3PE, right click the xml file, open it up in notepad, and set autonomy to true, then save. So now townies will autonomously shop for new outfits in your game. This isn't as intrusive as you think. In my game, they will replace their outfits. I also notice that when they are shopping from a pedestal the same age and gender as them they will wear the custom outfit I set for that mannequin. So it's a fun way to auto style your town without having to individually change all the townies outfits yourself, sometimes I still will do this, but I catch the townies that haven't shopped for clothes by themselves yet, so it cuts down this work for me by a lot!
Performance tip: So I want to tell you guys a pro-tip that I figured out in my own playtest of the fashion stores. I tried to set up custom outfits for every age and gender in a store and my game consistently crashed everytime I tried to go back in game and continue the build.
This is because all of those cc outfits for all genders and ages overloaded the lot.
But I was able to make stores for the elderly, both genders, without crashing. A store for YA and Adult men. Same for YA and Adult Women. A store for Teens, sometimes I make two stores for both genders or split one store up with both genders. A store for kids, both genders.
This allowed me to add at least 8-10 ITF stands with custom cc outfits on each of these lots without crashing. This also led me to more optimized lots as since I'm only focusing on one specific theme and age group, the lot could be a lot smaller. One day I might do speedbuilds on this and upload it to the community.
Alternatively, if you want to add all the age groups and genders on one lot, consider only adding one of each, the best theme for this build would be a thrift store, which I've made several times in game myself without crashing.
Fashion Lots you'll want to make (I keep these around 20 x 20 lot size, they can fit basically anywhere in my worlds with very little issues): Just set these lots as visitors allowed. It'll push all kinds of sims to these lots randomly through out the day.
It's important to note that I won't create fashion stores for every age and every gender, for every outfit category. I mainly focus on the outfits and age groups that would bother me the most. I revamp all of my households before starting my gameplay, so I've given everyone in my world a default cc outfit to start with. The attire for ages I don't create lots for either wouldn't bother me at all if it were missing, or the age group is more manageable in the world population where I can change their attire right then and there on the spot. My CAS runs pretty fast considering how much CAS cc I have so I don't mind this process at all.
Everyday Wear: You can make 4 outfits each of the either the age groups or genders without crashing on the lot for everyday wear.
A store for the elderly, both genders. 4 men, 4 women.
A store for the men, YA-A. 4 YA, 4 A.
A store for the women, YA-A.
A store for teens. You can either make one for each gender, which makes 2 stores and 8 outfits. Or 1 store for teens in general, 4 female teen and 4 male teen outfits.
A store for kids, both genders or 2 stores for each gender.
Athletic Wear:
Sports shop. YA-A, both genders, 2 each. I'll put these on the same lots where I sell all the scripted objects.
The other ages don't bother me.
A store for the elderly and kids, both genders. 2 outfits for Elderly Female, 2 for male. 2 for female kids, 2 for male.
A loungerie store, Victoria's secret. For female YA-A.
A Nike or sneaker store. For male YA-A.
Other ages don't bother me.
Formal Wear:
A wedding store. For male and female YA-A, 2 each.
Other ages don't bother me.
Beach shops. YA-A, both genders, 2 each.
Kid's Beach shops. Both genders, 2 each. I also include functional pool floats to this store for more fun.
Other ages don't bother me.
Outerwear: will typically only get it's own fashion store for vacation worlds. I love creating themed outfits to the mannequins for vacation worlds. I'll show you how I do this in the next section.
How to combine the Fashion stores with Consort Dress Code mod
Once you enable the autonomous interaction in the xml's of Ani's mod, townies will autonomously buy outfits from the mannequins. The townies will replace their ONE and only outfit in that category.
They will not create more outfits like you the player would. This is great news for optimization as too many outfits for each category on every sim in the world would create lag, and it wouldn't even be neccassary since townies can't autonomously change their outfit numbers for each category, anyway (NRAAS Dresser does this but it caused lag, that's how I know).
So, when they do shop for that outfit on the mannequin, it's only going to be one outfit and you will see them in that outfit for the rest of the savefile or until they shop from another mannequin with a different outfit.
This is where I use the seasonal lot marker to my advantage.
I place down the ITF stands for every season, I DO NOT place the stands down on the default setting, the objects will obviously conflict.
This means all I have to do is create seasonal outfits on the mannequins each new season, and within a couple of sim days you'll start to see random townies walking around with these outfits on.
This is why breaking the fashion stores down by gender and age really matters.
As, the townies will be wearing a bunch of different cc outfits you set up in the store instead of, for example, all elderly women wearing the same exact outfit.
Because I also use the Consort dress code mod, I need to leave some slots open to get the most out of my roleplay.
The dress code mod will automatically change the sims outfits to the outfit number for the category, but you will have to set that outfit up.
It's a pretty lightweight script, you shouldn't feel it in your performance, assuming you've optimized your game altogether.
Basic outfit numbers by Category:
Everyday Wear: 7 outfits (Mon-Sun), Townies get 1.
Athletic wear: 2 outfits (basic workout, ballerina/dancer), Townies get 2 (if they enter lot with dress code script).
Sleepwear: 2 outfits (Basic pajamas, towel set, sometimes a 3rd one for sexy loungerie), Townies get 2 (if dress code script is present).
Formal Wear: 2 outfits ( Fancy event, Party outfit), Townies get 2 (if they enter lot with dress code script).
Swimwear: 1 outfit, Townies get 1 outfit. I just change the bathing suit after 1 sim year if I get bored of seeing it.
Outerwear: 3 outfits (Winter, Summer/Spring, Fall), Townies get 3 (if dress code is present).
Career wear: 2 (work and school if present), Townies get 2, 1 is their actual work outfit and the second is if I need it for something like school.
Consort Dress Code mod rules I follow:
Whenever I place the dress code script on a lot I stick to these rules to get the most cohersive experience.
Career attire outfit #2 For teens and Kids is their school uniform if I set that up.
Athletic attire outfit #3 For teens and Kids is their school workout uniform if I set that up.
(This is why I left Athletic attire slot 3 open above)
Protip: You can use MC to copy the outfits for every sim the same gender and age as the sim you selected to speed this process up for schools!
Athletic Attire Outfit #2 For YA+ for dance studio's.
Formal attire outfit #1 For Adults in their banquet, fancy restaraunt attire.
Formal attire outfit #2 For Adults in their party outfit for dance clubs.
Formal attire outfit #3 For everyone, this is for funerals. I throw a general party in formal attire on an open graveyard RH lot with the dress code script on it. This is why I leave this outfit slot open.
Sleepwear attire Outfit #2 For everyone, using ATS3 towel set. I will also set these up in my residential bathrooms.
So this is how I optimized it altogether which gave me more dynamic variety with NPC's changing their looks.
Now let's talk about outerwear for Vacation worlds.
Camping world fashion store, Outerwear slot 2
Beach town Fashion store, Outerwear Slot 2
Snow world Fashion Store, Outerwear slot 1
France or Monte Vista, romantic get away kind of worlds, Outerwear Slot 3.
I leave these as the outerwear outfit slots because it's more manageable and easy to change since I only use 3 outfits in this category.
That way I won't ruin the everyday wear I've already set up for my active sims when they return back home, and I can easily change their outerwear again since it's only 3 outfits.
I can also switch up between the outerwear and everyday outfits when I'm out with my sims. My months last 28 days in game, but I will turn off aging and seasons to extend that season for an extra month or 2. So by the time the new season comes around, I'm excited and ready to go shopping for my sims new season wardrobe!
I also will use the consort dress code mod on many of the community lots in those vacation worlds so that all townies will typically look the part. Most of the time this won't be necassary as I have again already revamped those townies to fit the aethstic of the world.
I set these up on community lots like coffee houses, dive bars, shopping strips, movie theater, etc. It just gives me another way to see my townies in different outfits. You can also do this in Homeworld.
The only vacation worlds I won't have to do this are the snow worlds, christmas themed worlds, as townies will autonously change into their snow attire when outside anyway.
So, instead I make sure my townies are wearing winter themed outfits for the inside of community lots to make sure the whole aesthetic fits together.
Miscellanious Script OBJS & CC sets
Functional scripted objs that were recommended in this tutorial:
Fidget spinner
PJ Deodarant
PJ Bubble bath
PJ Card stands
PJ Painting supplies
PJ Pet Bowls
TS Spray tan
TS sunscreen
TS Yoga Mats
Olomaya's activity table
Olomaya's Coloring Book
Olomaya smoking mod
Olomaya Get pumped
Olomaya Family snacks
Passion mod condoms and strap-ons (On LL needs registration and I can't link it since I have hate watchers. Sorry!)
Flower Arranging Mod
Sewing (don't forget the patch)
Arsils custom phones and backpacks
arsil's lipstick
arsil's sunglasses
MD Vile Ventures (Can't link it, I have hate watchers, sorry!)
Ani's Tea mod
Tea Set without table
Lyrlei Journal
Zoeoe Scribbling pad fix
Petrol Station
Arsil's Gum
Arsil's Bag of chips and variations.
CC Sets that were recommended in this Tutorial:
cc Perfume
Moving Day boxes
ATS3 Custom Drinks
DD sandwhiches
DD Beer
ATS3 functional liqour bottles
ATS3 Tea sets
More Functional Toys
ATS3 Music Store set
Asian Themed Conveniene store set
ATS3 Produce Set
Functional cc gas stations for the Petrol Mod
ATS3 Towel Set
ATS3 Sports set
Punching Bag
ATS3 What's in my bag.
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morganacorp · 4 months
There's one scene I love with Lena and Brainy (actually, there's a few, but I just saw part of it and remembered this one in particular).
He's trying to reverse engineer the code Lex planted in the Obsidian lenses (project non cherry nonsense), and Lena comes back with Myriad after leaving Supergirl in the Fortress, preparing to fight Lex.
She asked Brainy how he's doing and he tells her that 'The way Lex was able to override free will with a few keystrokes is quite terrifying.' She looks at him, vulnerable and full of regret and says 'The code was my design.'
She sees the realization in his eyes, but she doesn't let the quiet linger, doesn't open an opportunity to be judged, so she just moves on to the next question she had. What she didn't know though, was that Brainy was full of guilt too, and he wasn't judging her.
He approached her and apologized for his role in the whole thing ('I had no idea that this was Lex's plan'), shared his own regret and was open and vulnerable with her like he'd been in the past. He shared how he didn't know how and when to stop him, that he had feared he was becoming the villain... That he thought he was helping save the world but lost sight of what Lex was really doing.
Her response wasn't judgement. Her response was 'You were willing to sacrifice everything to save your friends. On the other hand I was the hypocrite who believed that she had the answers to all the world's problems. It's the closest I've ever come to seeing things through Lex's eyes. Self pity and hubris should be the Luthor family motto... So if anyone's gonna win the culpability award, I've got you by a landslide.'
But that answer wasn't based on her self pity. It wasn't to minimize his pain, it was her saying 'we both fucked up, but you did it to protect your people and I did it because I was selfish'.
Their bond was so good because they're both geniuses who don't really know how to deal with emotions, and up to a certain degree have been discovering it together by opening up like this in the past.
'What do we do now?'
'Try and cope with the mistakes of the past and appreciate that we have friends who still believe in us.'
This was growth. This was good writing. This was characters going through complex emotions and trying to cope with them as best as they can, while working together to save the world. This is what the show should've offered more of instead of giant CGI cats and dragons.
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Nothing in the world belongs to me (but my love, mine, all mine)
This started off as a silly conversation I had with @yuzanrath on Discord and now it's a whole thing.
Part 2 might be a bit (a lot) nsfw
For now, there's angst.
From the day she learned that her son had locked Wei Wuxian out of his room after Jiang Fengmian had seemingly offered the new arrival more attention, Madam Yu decided Wei Wuxian was to move in to a room of his own. A favor, one might think, giving the orphan boy a place of his own in the Jiang family compound and, perhaps, even in the family itself.
However, that had been far from the truth. After all, Madam Yu had never shown true kindness to the young boy and it would have been too good of a dream to come true that she might have finally accepted him – or, heavens forbid, even grown affectionate of him – enough to care about his comfort. Rather, it was more of her way to slap her husband in the face, kicking out the son of his subordinate and rumored affair to a backroom somewhere he would not bother anybody, sharing a building with the rest of the servants as she believed he should.
And though Wei Wuxian was still little, barely above ten years old, he knew. He knew that Madam Yu did not want him around and thought lowly of him – not just because of her behavior, but because she told him to his face often how much of a burden he was. Uncle Jiang had taught him not to mind her, to let her words sweep him by as she was quick to anger and violence and did not mean what she said, but Wei Wuxian was still a child, a blank canvas for the adults in his life to leave their mark on.
And so, Madam Yu’s words and behavior did affect him, her obstinate refusal to even be polite with him stinging like salt on an open wound. He had often wondered what it was that he was missing, what he was doing wrong – and no matter how hard he studied, how diligently he trained, how much he tried to prove himself, she always found fault with him and belittled even the most valiant of his efforts.
So, to hear that she allowed him his own room filled Wei Wuxian with great hope, a budding thing, beautiful and fragile, that perhaps she had changed her mind about him – shattered as soon as he was led by the then Jiang head disciple (the replacement of his father, he sadly noted) into the servants’ quarters, up a short flight of stairs, into a small attic.
“You will temporarily live here.” The man had said, trying to make it sound less like the permanent place Wei Wuxian already knew he would occupy. “It’s not much, but you should have everything you need.”
And he did – there was a bed, a desk, a chair and a small wardrobe, as well as two small shelves. Granted, they looked rather old and worn, like they had been stored into the attic long before Wei Wuxian’s arrival. But he had never been one to complain about such things, infinitely grateful to even have a place to stay at all – so he bowed in thanks to the head disciple and began putting away the few things in the chest he had dragged from the room he shared with Jiang Cheng to his new one.
If there was anything good about that place though, it was the one window above the bed that allowed Wei Wuxian a breathtaking view of Lotus Lake and the markets of Yunmeng, flickering lights from stalls and fireflies mingling together like stars fallen off the night sky. He decided he was happy with that, overriding the dust and the smell of mildew of the attic with the beauty of the scenery outside.
Of course, there was much needed to be done to make Wei Wuxian’s makeshift room livable – the corners bore thick blankets of spider cobwebs and many spider eggs nestled into soft silk; a thick layer of dust enveloped the room, often making it difficult to breathe but far too easy to sneeze; and black dots covered spots in the ceiling like ink blots, black mold festering in the wood.
But what was worse than the spiders (and other critters that scurried around the floor away from candlelight and human presence), the dust and the mold was the dark hole in one of the room’s corners, a human-sized hole that the Jiang head disciple had explained away as necessary for building maintenance. It was covered by a makeshift lid when not in use, but Wei Wuxian knew it hadn’t been just his imagination when he felt like something lived in that space, like he was sharing the room with some kind of entity that others could not, for some reason, sense, despite being skilled cultivators.
The first night Wei Wuxian had to sleep in his new room, he could not stop feeling like he was being watched, like there was something unseen in the attic, peering at him through places not even candlelight could reach, observing him.
In the morning, the first thing he did after he had awoken from the fitful few hours of sleep he had managed to get, was to drag his two small shelves over the lid of that so-called maintenance hole, thinking, in his childish, fear-addled mind that whatever lived there would not be able to get out if the exit to its home was closed off.
Jiang Yanli helped him clean up secretly, doing away with the dust and the spider webs, and placing perfumed herbs around the room to scare off the insects dwelling there as well as freshen the air. She had one of her trusted servants wipe away at the stains on the ceiling and apply the same concoction used to ward off mold in the main family’s household, leaving the room much cleaner and homely than it had been before.
She promised that she would sew him a small curtain for his window and brought him a few of the decorative china figurines she had in her room, trying to make the lonely attic seem less like Wei Wuxian’s banishment house and more like his safe space.
It had worked, it seemed, because after all the work was finished and the day came to an end, Wei Wuxian slept peacefully, no longer feeling like something malevolent was trying to drive him away.
It still lived there, though, that much was obvious – but Wei Wuxian decided to let it be, as long as it was not hostile. After all, it had stayed there long before Wei Wuxian did, so it felt unfair to him to have uncle Jiang drive it away, especially as he sometimes heard it cry at night, when he drifted off in the plane between dreaming and being awake. This being, whatever it was, seemed to carry great sorrow, and Wei Wuxian felt pitiful of it in a way that he could not explain – perhaps because he too could understand loneliness and grief.
And so, Wei Wuxian had grown used to the strange presence in his attic-turned-bedchamber, sharing the space with whatever lived with him with less and less fear every day. Sometimes, it would ruffle the small, white curtain that Jiang Yanli hung at his window when there was no wind, or flick through discarded pieces of talisman paper and calligraphy notes at night, almost as if assessing Wei Wuxian’s work. It was not rare to find blots of ink scattered across corners of parchment paper as if trying to copy the writing there.
Though these instances had frightened Wei Wuxian at the start, he felt nothing malicious in any of these strange gestures, not even when he began finding rocks and strange plants by his bed or on his desk that he had not put there.
He smiled, jokingly praising the entity for attempting to pay rent, and even talked to it about his day when there was nobody else to listen – because, in truth, Madam Yu’s plan had worked, the new room isolating Wei Wuxian from Jiang Cheng and many of his other comrades. The building was tucked in a far corner of the Jiang family compound, the very last structure of the lavish estate before the territory stretched into endless towns and villages, and none of Wei Wuxian’s friends lived there. Madam Yu did not allow Jiang Cheng to visit often, and Wei Wuxian could spend time with him and the others for a short while before he had to adhere to curfew – the servants locked the building early at night for fear of robbers.
And som all the companionship Wei Wuxian was left with was the strange entity in his room that he sometimes even doubted actually existed. Surely, he had seen the signs of its presence often, but in his loneliest days, he wondered whether he had not imagined the thing to exist so he would bear the loneliness easier.
He became certain of its existence one day, the very first day he had found himself the receiving end of Madam Yu’s violence and her wrathful Zidian. She had not hit him with it until then, but something he had done (it didn’t even matter what it had been, how small and insignificant) set her off to the point that she dragged him to his room in the attic and whipped him until her anger dissipated into exhaustion.
There were two things Wei Wuxian understood that day: one, that Madam Yu would always resent him; the second, that she had no qualms hurting him about it now. And where there had only been harsh words and ridiculous punishments, she now added violence to its most direct form.
It was hard to say what hurt more, the welts throbbing on his back or this knowledge.
But as soft sobs echoed through the room, the darkness morphed into something soft, almost comforting, a phantom feeling of somebody trying to soothe him. It was faint, barely there as Wei Wuxian struggled between sleep and being awake – but it made a small smile appear on his face, a confirmation that there was at least somebody (or, rather, something) that cared for him.
So, it had not been just two things that Wei Wuxian learned that day, but three – the third, that he truly was not alone.
He would come to learn the fourth thing years later – that he was loved.
The next time Madam Yu dragged him off for a whipping (she never did it in public places, either because she did not want others to know how cruel she was to her sect’s head disciple or just to drive it home how little she thought of Wei Wuxian, punishing him in the servants’ house he lived in), something unusual happened, so unusual it frightened the woman into forgoing the punishment.
Zidian did not sparkle to life.
Try as she might, her spiritual powers did not materialize into the purple lightning whip she wielded so fiercely, the ring useless on her hand. It was as though something was blocking it off from manifesting, something as powerful as it was angry. She felt it, a strange presence that exuded so much anger that it made the hair on the back of her head raise – and for a brief moment, she feared for her life. Defenseless against something unseen, something that so obviously wanted her dead.
(Wei Wuxian had spoken into his empty-but-not-quite room about Madam Yu and her punishments – sometimes with frustration, indignant of her unfairness, other times sorrowful, nursing wounds. And so, the entity in his room knew who she was and the kind of treatment Wei Wuxian had to endure, growing resentful of her and protective of him.)
Madam Yu could feel it, the danger of the entity haunting the attic, and she realized she did not want to risk its wrathfaster than she had the time to wonder what it even was or why Wei Wuxian did not seem scared. So, she stormed out of the room, muttering curses, nervously fiddling with her unresponsive spiritual weapon.
In the attic, the atmosphere remained tense – not with fear, but with a strange sort of uncertainty. Wei Wuxian looked over the room, trying to spot any signs of the entity’s presence, and found the lid to the maintenance hole askew, as if the thing had burrowed there in shame after standing up to Madam Yu.
“Did you do that?” Wei Wuxian asked softly, crouching over the side of the dark hole, “Were you the one that stopped Madam Yu from whipping me?”
There was no answer, but Wei Wuxian couldn’t help a small, grateful smile from curling on his lips, speaking a soft, quiet “thank you” into the darkness of the hole as he fixed the lid over it with gentle hands. If the thing had revealed itself, Wei Wuxian thought, he would have hugged it.
Madam Yu attempted to punish him a second time after that incident, intent on using the discipline whip on him for some other minor slight she thought monumental. Wei Wuxian had grown used to her inclinations and did not bother to argue or defend himself, not only because he knew it useless, but also because he had his own pride as a man that didn’t allow him to grovel at her feet anymore.
He had grown tired of trying to do that anyway, after so many years and countless failed attempts to invoke her kindness.
Though Wei Wuxian knew that the scars of the discipline whip would never fade and he would bear the mark of Madam Yu’s cruelty for life, he did not find it in himself to be afraid, even knowing the searing pain that would follow. His expression gave away a quiet, tired resignation, as if what would be happening to him was the natural progression of Madam Yu’s hatred of him.
However, just as unexpected as last time, the pain never came, the skin on Wei Wuxian’s back unmarred despite Madam Yu’s attempts. But, unlike that time, it was not just a presence she could feel – rather, as her hand rose, building momentum for the strike, the lid covering the maintenance hole nearly flew off its hinges, a dark smoke rushing out of it and into the room, enveloping Madam Yu’s hand in translucent wisps. Though they appeared light and soft as feathers, she felt them as though lead had encased her bones, a painful, crushing pressure causing her fingers to uncoil from the discipline whip, the item falling helplessly from her hand.
She tried to scream, but no sound came out, and her struggling had not yielded fruit – but as amazed as Wei Wuxian was to finally lay eyes onto the entity that he had shared the past ten years with as a roommate, it became apparent to him that it was intending to kill Madam Yu, dark wisps curled around her neck like hungry vipers.
Terror could be read in her eyes, wide and tearful as air slowly became more and more of a luxury that the wrathful spirit would not allow her – and Wei Wuxian had to save her, despite her abuse and her violent nature, despite knowing that, on a karmic level, she deserved to die this way.
So, with a slight tremor to his hand, he reached for one of the wisps that curled onto the floor, ready to strike Madam Yu alongside the others, gently touching the formless creature as if to pet it. It startled, frozen in place, all the other wisps around Madam Yu stilling, as if shocked by the sudden contact – none as shocked as Madam Yu herself.
“You…are you doing this?!” She asked, anger sparking in her eyes among all the fear. “You monst-“
One of the wisps curled around her mouth, leaving her lips sealed.
Wei Wuxian felt immensely grateful for that, though he never said it. Instead, he leaned down and caressed the now rigid wisp of smoke, speaking to it softly: “That’s enough… you’ve done enough, let her go now…”
It shivered against his fingers, in protest, a low, gravely voice replying, in broken words, “…hurt…Wei Ying…”
“I’m not hurt, though.” He continued, reassuringly, patting the end of the wisp as if it was an unruly child.
“…protect…Wei Ying…”
“You’ve protected me, haven’t you? I’m not hurt at all. So, you’ve done what you said, you can let her go.”
The wisp curled around his hand, both protective and possessive. “Mine…”
Wei Wuxian startled at that, not knowing what to make of it or how to reply to that declaration, the intensity of it echoing into some untapped part of his heart. Had the creature become attached to him throughout the years? Had it mistakenly thought Wei Wuxian as some kind of…partner?
What would that mean for him now?
“Let her go, please. I don’t want her to die.” He decided to say, ignoring the entity’s previous statement.
It shivered around Wei Wuxian’s hand, unhappy to listen to him, but it yielded nevertheless, dropping Madam Yu to the floor. She had long become unconscious, with the fear and the lack of proper air, her arm bruised where the entity attacked her first.
“You didn’t need to do that.” He chided the creature, “How will I explain this away now?”
It coiled tighter around Wei Wuxian’s wrist, as the gravely voice from before replied in his ears. “…protect…”
The tiniest of smiles appeared on his lips, “I know. Thank you for that. But now I’m going to be in even more trouble…”
“…she will not speak…” the voice echoed into his head again. “…do not worry…”
And as unlikely as that seemed to him, Wei Wuxian believed it. Perhaps whatever this thing was, whatever it thought Wei Wuxian was to him, it really did only ever want to help him and it would protect him, no matter what. In fact, if he were to consider it, this creature had been his only friend in many senses of the word, and he had spoken to it more openly than he had to anyone.
Would it have been so unusual for it to have developed a sense of attachment to him? If Wei Wuxian were a ghost trapped in some kind of hole in a house, would he not also grow fond of the person that acknowledged him and treated him kindly?
“What is your name?”
The creature slithered up to him, formless and dark, coiling around his limbs like bracelets.
“…Lan…Lan Zhan…”
“Lan Zhan.” He repeated the name, the syllables soft on his tongue. “You’re living in that hole over there, aren’t you?”
Wei Wuxian huffs a surprisingly fond breath, “So then, all this time, it’s been you I’ve shared this room with…” He mindlessly pats at the wisps around his wrists as he speaks, “why are you here of all places, hm?”
The voice replies in his ears, “Home…”
Wei Wuxian’s gaze softened. “This was your home?”
The voice grew quieter, almost sorrowful, as it replied, “No… looking for home.”
“You found your home here then?” He asks again, soothing over the creature’s limbs. “Just like I did?”
There was a pause, the creature curling tighter around Wei Wuxian, seeking comfort. He continued caressing it, the formless smoke taking the vague shape of hands. “Why were you wandering, Lan Zhan?”
It did not reply for a long time and Wei Wuxian did not speak again until it did, its voice soft, almost vulnerable. “Lost…”
“You lost your home?”
The vaguely shaped hands squeezed tighter at Wei Wuxian’s fingers and he knew that had been the case. He did not want to ask for details, because he could tell it made the creature sorrowful to speak of it, so he muttered, gently, “You have a home now.”
“…You…” the voice echoed in his mind, and Wei Wuxian could not find it in himself to be afraid this time, strangely comforted with the creature’s presence and its words. It was not unexpected or unusual – this spirit clung onto him after it lost its home and found this attic to dwell in, with a companion to boot. Wei Wuxian had unknowingly become its family, just as it had become his.
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andradrawsstuff · 5 months
An in-depth character analysis of Skipper: pt 1
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This version of Skipper is probably the simplest since he was comic relief at first, but a bit of a hot take, might actually be my favourite (I prefer the show version of the other three tho). Going back to the movies after years of watching the show, I realised that this version of Skipper is surprisingly… chill? I guess I’ve been so used to his tv personality that my brain just decided to override his movie personality with tv Skipper.
Buckle your seatbelts, this is going to be a long one ☝️🤓
Movie Skipper is quite a nonchalant, carefree and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but calm character. He’s kinda just minding his own business doing his missions. He’s pretty serious when he’s leading his team and planning his missions, eg. the boat hijacking scene, but generally you’ll see him with a smile on his face. He’s always been a suave and charming little guy with a lot of sarcasm and sass, which he wouldn’t be Skipper without.
Generally he takes no bs, is straight to the point, and is pretty blunt, usually to Alex and his bunch. But this is also where his sass and sarcasm starts to show more. It’s funny. I think that Madagascar 2 really shows his charm and sass more out of the three main movies bc of all the chaos.
It’s pretty safe to say that the penguins are chaotic neutrals (apart from Private maybe) but they do it in such a way that makes it really funny. Not only do they trick the tourists and steal their car (ya know, grand theft auto) but also run over the grandma after seeing she’s still alive (ya know, attempted vehicular homicide). I could name every single crime they commit istg and it’s a long list 💀 But anyway, Skipper does all this with such a chill and carefree attitude and simply doesn’t give a shit. It’s what makes him so funny. It’s a big reason why I love this version of him, bc he doesn’t take everything too seriously and just goes about his day like nothing ever happened.
Obviously, he’s not evil and does still care about others, for example when they rescue Alex and his bunch in Madagascar 2 and 3, as well as stopping Dave in their spinoff. But I do think that he has something against humans (which is understandable) bc he seems to have a general disregard for them which is kinda funny.
In Madagascar 3, you start to see a bit of a shift in his personality and he becomes a little more aggressive. I’m guessing it’s because Tom was used to voicing Skipper more aggressively for the tv series and they also probably adopted a bit of tv Skipper into movie Skipper. But he is still generally pretty nonchalant nonetheless. He isn’t as suave as the other two movies either, but he does activate Kowalski’s nuclear reactor just for the funnies so I’ll give him that. The best thing about them here is their interactions with Dubois, the sheer trail of carnage they leave behind wherever they go, and the funny little quips here and there. Can’t forget bababooey.
The penguins spinoff movie brings back a little of Skipper’s charm and swagger, mostly with the “I do things my own way” attitude and him just being an asshole to Classified bc he doesn’t like him. This movie also makes Skipper more tame than the other movies which I don’t mind that much, but I wish he was a little more chaotic neutral rather than so hellbent on being heroic.
But the thing that really solidified Skipper as a complex character was his character development. This is the first time you get to see his vulnerable side and even from the start of the movie you see that he’s actually pretty sweet underneath all that chaos. When they “lose” Private is when you really start seeing Skipper’s full character, going from carefreeness to pure desperation trying to get his little brother back after he gets kidnapped, which I think was a great way to go because it shows how much he loves his family.
Later on he kinda “gives up” and follows the North Wind’s plan, which is one of the only moments you see him completely vulnerable and unmasked - no clever quip, no opposition, just acceptance. A perfect contrast to his usual “never give up, never back down” attitude. I think it adds a lot more realism to his character and shows that the one thing that can break him is losing one of his brothers. This is something that you don’t really see in the show (other than for a short period of time eg. Skorka) which I think would have been a great way to develop his character more.
When they get Private back at the end of the movie, you get to see Skipper’s sweet side again and his character development comes full circle - he learns to stop undermining Private. He realises he was wrong and tries to make it right. In a way, I guess he takes accountability. Which you don’t see all that often in the show, only episodes like Needle Point coming to mind when thinking about it.
I think that this is another big reason why I prefer movie Skipper over tv Skipper - yeah, he’s a bit flawed and a little simpler than tv Skip, but he makes an effort to change in the end which tv Skipper doesn’t do as much. Movie Skipper is nonchalant, sassy, suave and by the end, pretty sweet. I guess you could say he’s pretty well written and honestly I wish we got to see more of his softer side and less paranoid attitude at the end of the show.
That’s not to say I hate tv Skipper tho, when i was a kid I LOVED him a lot more than movie Skip and I still find him rlly funny, I mean Skipper is Skipper haha. I guess my opinion just changed bc I grew up and I started seeing characters differently and started valuing character development a lot more, but who knows, maybe in a year it’ll change again lmao.
I am so sorry this got so out of hand and turned into a mf essay 💀 I promise the other analysis will be shorter 🙏
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Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 2
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader; Word Count 3.4k
Warnings: Swearing, Sexism
A/N; Hi everyone! I am so glad you guys liked the first part! It was so much fun to write, and when someone asked for this to be multi-chapter, I just couldn't get it out of my mind. So here's another part! I have no clue how long this will be yet, but I do have a plot in mind. Please enjoy, have fun, much love , <3. - Mo
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Eli and you made a pact to not tell the family that you now BOTH were working for one of the most feared men in the city. Eli would’ve been berated for an hour or two at best, thrown out at worst. You? One could only imagine how many years you would be locked in your room. When your mother and father asked about your interview and your new boss, you gave the prettiest pieces.
He is quite successful papa. The bakery is very large, easily 100 men employed!
Yes mama, I get my own desk, and I get Rosh Hashanah off.
Yes papa he is Jewish. Yes very respectable. No I don’t know what Temple he attends.
Yes mama Eli never left my side. And I suppose he is handsome. No mama I don’t know if he is married.
Your mother bustled about, checked all of your dresses and stockings, making sure they were all in perfect condition for your new job. She checked your bag of supplies possibly 30 times by the end of the night, just to ensure that you had everything you could possibly need, even things you may not have needed. A mother could never be too careful.
The next morning as you began to walk out of the door, your mother and father kept fussing over you, straightening your hat and sweater.
“Now dear since Eli’s shift does not start till later you will have to walk yourself ok? Be careful, don’t talk to anyone, you go right to the office yes?” Your mother reminded you for the umpteenth time.
“Yes mama of course. Straight to work.”
“And be on the look out for those awful gangsters poppet. The Peaky Blinders have been seen milling about town, and you know that God forsaken Solomons has his disgusting paws on every corner of the city.” Your father grunted out still drinking his morning tea.
You felt the tips of your ears warming. You hated to lie. You were so bad at it. “Of course papa. I’ll be careful, I love you! I might be home late, I’ll send Eli to alert you.”
You kissed them both and made your way down the street. Excited for a new start, and for what the day may hold.
It’s interesting how Alfie insisted on being at the office at 8, yet still had not shown up by 8:20. Thankfully Ollie had given you a tour of the distillery, shown you your desk (situated right in front of Alfie’s door) and given you the times of the meetings today. You had taken the liberty of starting up some tea on the small stove by your desk, and clearing out some of the crumpled paper strewn out across the floor. ‘Honestly for such a tyrant he really keeps this office unruly.’
You hear your name bellowed from outside the office, and you run out quickly. There you see Alfie, smiling at you. “Shalom my little viper! So you weren’t bluffing were you? Glad to see you aren’t as cowardly as Eli.”
You crossed your arms and you felt your mouth firm, “Shalom Alfie. You are late this morning and I have to talk to you about todays schedule. Ollie had to show me around the distillery and he informed me that you have 5 meetings today, FIVE! One of them is set to start in 20 minutes, and -.”
“Now now treacle hold your tongue, be sweet to me yeah? My back. Let get to work yeah?”
It was only then that you noticed the cane he was clutching. You immediately felt your chest become heavy, and guilt override. “Oh..Alfie I’m so sorry I didn’t know I-“
“Hush now pet don’t even begin to fuss. It’s just my back yeah?”
“What are you taking for it?”
Alfred just scoffed and rolled his eyes walking away from you and into his office.
“Mr. Solomons what are you doing to help your back!?”
“Be quiet woman! You want the whole town to know that Solomons’ got a bad back? Hush damnit! Now what is on the calendar? Who am I meeting with?”
“Well you have a Mr. Abrams coming in at 8:40. A Mr. Clochester at 10. Rabbi Rubin at 12. And a Mr. Shelby at 4. But you’re not seeing anyone until you-“
“Till I what huh? Till I what? Are you my mother? No! Now hush! Ollie! Get this woman a notepad now! Treacle sit there on that coach and be quiet!”
You just stared at Alfie, and you couldn’t help but feel shame and embarrassment. And Alfie was faring no better. He could see hints of tears threatening to spill, but your chin set firm, fists clenched. Alfie wanted grab you in his arms and… tell you he was sorry, but…
“Aw fuck… treacle… no you’re right. Treacle come please. What do you think?”
“Think about what Mr. Solomons?”
“Nah fuck that I told you Alfie. Tell me what you think I should do about these meetings and my damn back.”
"No not at all Alfie. If you don't need anything for the pain in your back then you don't. I'm just a woman right?
"Well now you're acting like a fucking child."
"Of course Alfie. Whatever you say Alfie."
You closed your ears off to what he was barking at you. Fine. If he wanted to suffer, he could suffer. It was far too early to fight with such a stubborn...beast of a man. And besides, you had things to attend to.
Despite the tiff this morning, the day went by smoothly. As smoothly as it can be in the distillery you supposed. Mr. Abrams left the room with a black eye and tears, promising he would never lie to Alfie again. Mr Colchester left more bloody than he came in. Rabbi Rubin was a delight, complimenting the tea you made, and scolded Alfie for not coming to temple recently.
Throughout the day, you could slowly but steadily see the stiffness working it's way up Alfie's spine. Though it didn't quite deter him from inflicting pain and vengeance on those who came in, you kept your eye in careful study. The small twitches of his eye. The rougher grunts when he got up from his seat, and the heavier footsteps as he walked around. You also noticed that he hadn't eaten all day, and when you asked about it he merely mumbled, "mmnot hungry''. But based on the way he quickly avoided your gaze when you caught him staring and the loud grumbling you heard at 3, you figured his resolve would have to melt soon.
At 3:45 you were at your desk, drafting out some letters Alfie had requested. It was while you were in deep focus, chewing on the tip of your thumb when you heard a soft cough.
Your head snapped up, and you were met with the iciest eyes you had ever set your eyes on.
That's the only thing you could think as you looked at the man in front of your desk. Clean shaven. Well dressed. The smell of tobacco and soap and...something secretive radiating off of him. You internally shook yourself out of you consideration of the man to finally say, "Good Afternoon sir, how can I help you?"
He smiled, in a soft way though you felt a rush in your chest, "My name is Thomas Shelby, I have a meeting with Mr. Solomons."
Oh. This is Thomas Shelby. Leader of THE Shelbys. "Oh yes Mr. Shelby I've been expecting you. You are a bit early, so if you could please sit. Can I offer some tea?"
He nodded, turning to the soft couch across from your desk, "Tea would be lovely, thank you love."
After serving him tea, you went back to work at your desk till the clock struck 4. At least you tried to. You felt those eyes all over you. You felt as though every muscle movement was being scrutinized. "Since when did Alfie get a secretary?"
"Today is my first day, he hired me yesterday."
Thomas hummed in understanding, looking out the window to your left, admiring the soft rain. "If I may be so bold, could I ask your name? I don't like not knowing who gave me tea."
You gave your name, looking directly into his eyes. He repeated it back, as if he was feeling out every consonant on his lips. Even though it was an innocent enough question, you couldn't shake the feeling that you needed to be on the offensive. As if he wanted something. "Where did he find you? You're far too pretty to be working for someone like Alfie."
"I found him. And I can assure you Mr. Shelby that my face had nothing to do with my hiring."
"As you wish darling."
As soon as he said it, you heard your name being called from inside Alfie's office. You quickly got up to meet him, and felt those eyes all over you.
Alfie looked horrible. His hair was sticking up in all directions, his vest and shirt were both half done, and he was scribbling away on some paper, "Oi, is that bastard here yet?"
"Mr. Shelby? Yes, he is sitting down waiting for you. I've just given him tea."
His head rose from his hands, and his thick brows were furrowed together, "The fuck did you give him tea for? He doesn't need tea, no he doesn't deserve tea!"
"Alfie you can have tea too if you ask me."
"No no no already told you I don't want tea. I don't want lunch. I don't want your help beyond taking the notes. I am a grown man damnit! Now for fucks sake, bring that damn bastard in here, sit on the couch, take the notes, and hush your mouth!"
He was teetering. This wasn't just being a gangster. This was a child who was fighting to take a nap. He was going to snap soon. So you just smiled cheekily, "Of course Alfie. I'll be right back."
You nearly skipped to the door. Alfie was growing increasingly frustrated, "AND TAKE AWAY THAT FUCKING CUP. NO ONE GETS TEA."
You did take the tea cup away from Mr. Shelby , and ushered him in, settling yourself down on your seat with your pad and pencil.
As Mr. Shelby settled in, he smiled and looked at Alfie, who was looking more and more disgruntled, "Good Afternoon Alfie. You look well."
"Fuck off Tommy. What do you want?"
"Yes the weather is quite dreary, but I am doing well thank you. But yes let's get down to it. Alfie...are you familiar with gaming clubs?"
In your opinion, this meeting should have taken 30 minutes at most. But you were going on hour 3 at this point. 7 o'clock and you were growing tired. You know Eli had already gone home to tell your parents you were held up. This was becoming ridiculous.
The idea was interesting enough. Gaming clubs have been an up and coming social house for the high society. Men (and their women) would gather in clandestine areas, playing cards, placing bets, drinking, doing snow, all types of things. But the real trade was information. Yes their main products would be successful in such places, but the information that would be dripping from loose lips would bring more power than they could get now. More than they could get in decades.
The only thing they disagreed on was the split ownership. Alfie offered a 90/10 split. And when Tommy refused Alfie was quick to pull his gun. And maybe you should have been afraid, but frankly you were too irritated with Alfie to care, or to believe this petulant act he was putting up. Your pad was almost filled with doodles, crossed out numbers and terms when they finally shook on it, you would write up the agreement in the morning.
As Tommy stood to leave so did you, and when he took your hand to shake it, he raised your knuckles to his lips, pressing a kiss and giving a wink. Your eyes widened at his boldness. He smirked at your response, turning to Alfie again, "Love the new secretary Alfie. Definitely brightens up the place."
He turned back to you and tipped his hat to you, "See you soon darling."
Tommy sauntered out of the door, and Alfie stayed standing until the door closed and he heard his steps fade. It was then that Alfie nearly collapsed into his chair, hands rubbing his face, "Treacle come here."
You came and sat right back in the chair Tommy Shelby just occupied, "You want me to reread the agreement to you?"
"Nah I trust you got it. Just write it up tomorrow. But listen to me yeah? You do not go near Thomas Shelby. I know the young girls tend to fancy him but listen to me... that man is evil. He is not safe. And I don't want you caught up in his nonsense."
"He's evil yet you're doing business with him."
"I'm a bad man darling, but that doesn't mean you need to get wrapped up in it. Just say that you won't fratrenize with him alright? Or do you need to fight with me about this as well?"
You nodded, "I understand."
You just stared at him, waiting for him to dismiss you when you heard his stomach growl again, and his face twitch in pain, hand rushing to his back. "Are you ready to admit defeat Alfie?"
He scowled at you, "I don't know what you're talking about. Go home it's late, you don't need to stay."
You smiled, "If it's already late no difference is made at this point. But I'm not about to let my boss go home hungry and in pain... or go home without saying I was right."
He puffed out his lip, "There's nothing to eat here anyway."
"I brought you lunch. Beef, roasted veg, and bread."
He looked at you quizzicaly before you said, "Eli told me that Ollie told him that you haven't been eating recently. I just took upon myself to bring you something. There's also a muffin, but you will have to share."
You heard him say something about mutiny, but then told you to go fetch the lunch you brought him. You only brought enough for one lunch for him, but he ended up insisting you share with him, since, "You haven't eaten supper. It's not right."
Eventually, once his stomach was warm with a good meal, you got him to let you tend to his back. "What are you going to do hmm? Give me a strange draught your grandmother taught you that will make me vomit for three days?"
You laughed brightly, and he couldn't help but smile and stare at the way you threw your head back and laughed loudly. Deep in his chest he hoped that you would let him make you laugh like that forever.
"No you ridiculous man. My father was in the war, and he got shot in the shoulder. He lived thankfully, but he feels a deep pain like you do. The muscle tightens and he can't move. We get a hot rag, place it on his shoulder, and my mother needs to work out the pain."
Alfie felt a flush on his neck, "Well that would require me to take my shirt off darling."
You rolled your eyes, "For a gangster you act like a child. I won't tell if you won't Alfie. Now will you cooperate?"
In truth you hadn't thought that far into it. But it was pitiful to see him like this, and you can definitely be professional about this. Alfie shrugged and pulled off his vest and shirt, and you couldn't help but feel the heat rise, and not just from the hot rag in your hand.
You knew he was imposing, it was hard not to see him and hear him. But seeing the breadth of his shoulders, the width of his body and the hair on his chest made your cheeks heat up and your face freeze. Alfie caught your stare, smirking, "Now who's acting like a child?"
You rolled your eyes, and placed the rag on his lower back, hearing him hiss and try to relax into the heat. You began to work the knots out of his back when he asked, "Do your roommates know where you are?"
"My roommates are my parents, Eli, his parents, my little sister, my younger brother, and our grandparents. And they know that I am at work, helping my boss finish a business meeting. Eli told them."
Alfie nodded, "Do they... know where you work?"
You smiled, "They know that my boss is a respectable jewish man, who owns a large bakery that employs many many men, and that I get my own desk."
He snorted, "So you lied to them?"
"Not lie. Just...reframed it for them. Shall I tell my mother that I am the secretary of the fearsome Alfred Solomons? Or should I tell my father that I directly disobeyed his orders to stay away from Solomons boys, and went directly to the top?"
He laughed, "Alright now alright... so why this office? Educated girl like you can't work anywhere else? Unlikely, seems like you like being rebellious to me."
"Well... if you can believe it Mr. Solomons... my back talk does not do me many favors. Truthfully... Eli brought me here because you were my last chance at independence. It was either your office, or I would have to visit the matchmaker."
A silence washed over you, and you began to worry that you shared too much. "Well... I like that you speak your mind. Even if it drives me fucking nuts. Never give it up darling. You stay just the way you are alright?"
You smiled softly to yourself, "Yes Alfie."
A comfortable silence took its' place, and you eventually were able to work out all the knots from his back. You began to pack up your bag, and as Alfie redressed himself he asked, "Is Eli coming to pick you up?"
"No I don't think so. He is probably having to help with the tailoring, and he won't be able to step away. I'll be ok."
"Fuck no. You're a woman, you don't walk alone at this time at night, especially not here. I'm taking you home."
"You don't think women are capable of taking care of themselves?"
"No I know you could hold your own darling, but it is cold and I am not about to let you get hurt on my watch. Come we'll take the car."
The drive to your house was comfortable. You couldn't understand it. You had only met Alfie yesterday. And yet you felt as though you had known him for years. As if you never knew life without him. The whole ride you talked. From business for tomorrow, his childhood, his dog, your interests and what your opinions were on the business. You laughed and spoke the entire time, and it felt like no time passed. The car pulled up right to your door, and Alfie walked to your door to open it for you and help you out, "Alright watch your step treacle, still wet from the rain yeah? There you go darling."
You took his hand, and your breath hitched at the contact, his warm and rough hand covering yours. You looked up into his eyes, face partially obscured by his hat, "Thank you Alfie. You didn't have to."
"Of course I did. And it was no trouble. If you are kept in the office till dark, I drive you home yeah?"
You nodded with a smile, and he shook his head in affirmation, "It's a deal then. Now get inside you little viper, you'll catch a cold."
You began to walk to the door, turning around to say, "Goodnight Alfie."
He smiled, "Goodnight darling."
As you walked up the stairs to the home of your family, you couldn't help but run through the day in your head. Especially the end of it, smiling to yourself and feeling the rush in your stomach. You opened the door as quietly as you could, but heard you mother say, "Who was that in the car dear?"
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hiii, can you do svt meeting your parents for the first time?
Hiiiiiiiii!!!! My first request, I'm so excited 😁 I so can friend!!!
(To keep it inclusive, I am putting a bit for *if* there is any language barrier with your parents, but if there wouldn't be, then feel free to ignore that hehe 😌 enjoy queens, kings, all my little monarch butterflies 🥰🦋)
Seventeen Meeting Your Parents For the First Time (Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings: some slight language is all!
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♡ He's simultaneously nervous & excited, AKA get ready to see Seungcheol practically bursting at the seams before you walk into your house. You, for your part, remind him that he's a great guy anyone's parents would love & to think of all the fun you two already had in your hometown that day.
♡ He immediately introduces himself so politely, saying it's an honor to meet your parents and you smile, any vestigial worries you had fading away.
♡ If your he and parents don't speak the same language fluently, he may rely on you a little bit to help bridge the gaps, but he really wants to do his best, so he tries to say anything he can himself and make eye contact with your parents. Will absolutely try his darndest to compliment their house, what they feed him, everything!
♡ Seungcheol is so caring and used to managing lots of people, so he immediately jumps in with offers to help or even serve your parents. They thank him, but insist he sit down because he's a guest. Neither you nor your boyfriend miss the glance they shoot you, one that says seems like a keeper to me.
♡ My gosh, we all know he's a family man too, so when they ask him about what he wants in life, if he wants to get married or *hint hint* would you guys give them grandchildren, and he says yes, he'd love that, hopefully three sons and a daughter if he can get (y/n) on board, well shoot, they'll practically help him pick out rings then and there!
♡ He sighs in relief as you guys leave, a big smile on his face. "That went well!" You exclaim, taking his hands in excitement. "I told you!" "You're right, I knew to trust you~" "I think my parents will want to see a lot more of you," you joke. "I don't have a problem with that," Seungcheol responds. What a man!
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♡ Oh you already know this man is going to WIN YOUR PARENTS OVER. He's pretty ready TBH. Honestly, while his heart is beating faster, it makes him so happy to be meeting your parents, that almost overrides the nerves (almost). You're so sure they'll love him, it fills his heart, too.
♡ He comes with a gift for your parents, this generous guy! He brings flowers for your mom and a drink you tell him your dad will like, which they happily accept.
♡ If there's a language barrier, he does his best to convey how thankful he is to them to be visiting the home of your family and how well they raised you. If you have to say it for him, he greatly appreciates how flustered you look repeating his words, barely resisting the urge to pinch your cheeks in front of your mom and dad.
♡ He helps you set the table, meeting your eyes as you lay everything out with a deep gaze because this all feels so domestic and as a loving homebody, it's perfect. Where you guys are almost fades away in his mind until he hears your mother thank him, shooting back up and away from you to look at her once more.
♡ Goodness me this man is an intent listener. He truly enjoys hearing the stories your parents tell and has very clear answers to their questions. He knows what he likes to do and is mature enough to answer with confidence that he wants a committed relationship, a future with their child if you want that, too- which you of course agree you do. He also delights your parents by answering the grandkid question, getting a bit flustered but happily telling them if you were down, he loves the idea of becoming a father of two personally.
♡ They can see as you sit together how much love Jeonghan looks at you with. It just totally fills up his eyes and the way he turns to you. So much so that when you go over to where the dishes are being washed, your father having been chatting with the two of you, she tells you she's never seen someone so loving with you. When you tell your boyfriend how he touched your mom's heart, he almost tears up, but instead settles for just about yanking you into the house and cuddling the heck out of you. He also thanks you for the experience, it was very sweet even if there were awkward moments at first.
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♡ "Meeting the parents is always the hardest part!" Joshua exclaims, though his tone sounds half-joking, not despairing. You chuckle at him, leaning a bit closer. "Be for real, Joshua, have you ever had problems with people's parents?" "No," he admits, "they usually seem to like me." "Then don't be worried," you tease him.
♡ Joshua knows a little bit of a handful of languages, so while the chances of a big barrier are sort of small, if it's there he'll probably ask you how to say all the most basic and polite things so he can properly let your parents know he's grateful to them for opening their home to him.
♡ And that's exactly what he does, says thank you before introducing himself, and right away you see your dad is pleased you're in the hands of a polite young man. He says their house is pretty, too, which your mom never forgets ever.
♡ When it's time to eat, Joshua pulls out your chair for you, leading you to flash a victorious grin to your mother, who looks down and chuckles, giving an amused little head shake. You're so proud of this one.
♡ Eloquent and calm of a speaker as he is, Joshua doesn't seem nervous as he gives explanations to what his parents want to know and describes how he enjoys playing the guitar, some of his favorite experiences he's had with you, like the time he took you skating, and even his favorite parts of living in LA and how it compares to Seoul. The whole time, though, one of his hands has reached for yours under the table and is gently holding it like you're his little anchor.
♡ "Why couldn't you have done this the first time?" Your parents joke to you, a message you surreptitiously relay to Joshua. "Your streak remains intact," you tell him. "So I'm a keeper?" He asks, eyes shining at you like you were a trophy he'd won. "I knew that without them," you shoot back, leaning in to give him a peck on the lips, "but now my parents know it too."
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♡ Jun's nervous, but also finds meeting the parents super endearing, so he has some extra energy buzzing as you get ready. He can't wait to see if you look like your parents up close and personal and if their mannerisms are like yours. People have senses of how they are similar to their parents, yet they can never see it all. The way you guys move, the faces you make, all of those are things Jun can't wait to see.
♡ If he has any trouble communicating with your parents, he'll probably get inquisitive, like asking them what they call things or checking with you to make sure what he says is right. May accidentally slip up and call something by its Chinese name in a moment of confusion, but everyone has a good laugh, even Junhui itself.
♡ He tells your parents he can see where you got your good looks from :)))
♡ They ask him questions about his hobbies and work and stuff, so he ends up showing your parents some really impressive dance moves, getting shy when he sees the surprise on their faces, but it gives him some energy. Soon, he's doing impressions of other Seventeen members, giving a colorful picture of his bandmates that makes them laugh.
♡ Something they enjoy about Jun even more is the stories he tells about his little brother. They can tell he's caring and could be a family man: someone they could see themselves trusting with their child. He loves his mother, too, which is clear in the adoring way he talks about her. Definitely a few son-in-law points for Jun lol
♡ You can't help but tease him after you get back in the car. "Oh, you've done it now." Jun's face falls. "Did I make a mistake? Was someone upset?" "No, you love your mom so much my mom's really going to want you as her son now!" "O-oh." Jun blushes, but he can't stop smiling and showing you affection all night, whether it's holding your hand in the car or giving you a hug as you walk.
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♡ Mr. Kwon Soonyoung wants THE FULL CRASH COURSE. He'll want to know things your parents like, any pet peeves they have so he can avoid doing them, this man will be studying like it's final exam week! You laugh after a while at all the effort he's putting in considering how to bring up your dad's favorite sport or the movies you guys love to watch. "Don't worry, you're a total people person, Soonyoung. And don't try to pull the introvert card on me, that's different!"
♡ A language barrier would put a slight damper on everything just because all his little tips and pointers he gave himself would be that much harder to bring up, but his desire to connect with people and energy shine through and through no matter what! He probably finds an excuse to give your parents a dance show hehe
♡ He takes such good care of you, all but hovering over you which your parents think is cute. The whole meal you guys share, he's making sure you're getting enough and asking what your favorite is both to make sure you get it and to try a bit himself :)
♡ When talking, Soonyoung stutters a fair bit, but manages to slip in a few of the mentions he wanted, making a reference that lights your parents' faces up with joy and yours with pride. Points scored, tiger!
♡ After dinner you guys start playing a game at your boyfriend's suggestion; he wants to get some of his energy out, his leg having been bouncing all dinner. Plus, if your parents ask him a ton of questions he might pass out. Games are more fun! He suggests your favorite game because he knows how much you like it, giving you a knowing look that your parents catch and smile at.
♡ The game seemed to be a good call of an icebreaker, you and Soonyoung strolling out of your parents' in high spirits. You're holding onto the tall frame of your boyfriend, who's waving brightly and enthusiastically with that adorable grin you loved so much. "Looks like you had a good time." "Yeah, but did they?" "My mom texted me and called you cute, so I think you won some points." Soonyoung leaps in the air, then grabs you and kisses you joyously, giving a whoop. "Your studies paid off," you giggle.
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♡ Wonwoo is naturally a more reserved person, so he worries that it's hard to grab the spotlight in social situations, but you reassure him. "Are you kidding? Think of all the boisterous people parents meet when their kids are young. I'm sure my parents will be refreshed by you- you're smart, reasonable, kind..." "Yeah, that's true, I am huh?" You just laugh, head falling onto his shoulder.
♡ Just as you said, you have an intelligent boyfriend, so even if he isn't able to fluently speak to your parents, he did some research and can pick up things to say to them pretty quickly, especially if you do any on-the-go translations.
♡ Your parents ask him some questions, naturally, like what Wonwoo enjoys doing. Their eyebrows raise at first when he says he likes to play games, but when he starts talking about reading, they look pleased.
♡ Like duh they are, this guy actually takes care of himself and manage living on his own like an adult and has an international driver's license and can handle interacting with them almost like a peer??? King.
♡ He makes an offhand comment during dinner to reassure you about something and that's when he really sees your parents light up because this man knows and understands you deeply- it's a subtle thing about you that others haven't picked up on or worked with and there he was getting it like it was nothing.
♡ "I think they're happy with you," you commented when the evening was over. "You think so?" "Yeah, they cut the questions and got into deeper stuff pretty fast. I could tell they respected you. My guess is they call me tonight or tomorrow and tell me they're glad I chose you." "Well, I have to say I agree with them there, too," Wonwoo tells you with a smile and a quick hug.
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♡ "What if they don't like me?" Jihoon asks, shooting you a nervous glance. You just laugh. "Jihoon, everyone likes you. Have you seen any of your members lately?" "Yeah, I guess they do, but I'm not dating any of their kids. They don't even have-" Resting a hand on your shoulder, you give him one more firm reassurance. "Trust me, don't try or anything. Just be yourself and get to know them."
♡ If Jihoon and your parents speak different languages, he may rely on you a little bit, but the last way he wants to come across is too dependent on you, so he may push himself further out of his comfort zone than he usually would.
♡ He's extremely polite, almost to the point of being formal, so you take the reins of the conversation at first to loosen him up, telling him things about your parents that he can bond with them over or even straight-up hyping him up to them.
♡ Of course, you inevitably bring up music, enjoying the smile that breaks across Jihoon's face, shyly at first at the praise and spotlight, but soon he relaxes, passion flooding into him as he forgets himself just a little. Your parents have their own styles of music and favorite artists, so of course they want to know if your boyfriend ever listens to them. They're impressed to learn how many songs he really writes, that his group has a producer within it, not just singing whatever they're given. Your heart swells with pride as Jihoon gets more in his element.
♡ Your dad and him get chatting, just sort of going down a rabbit hole, but it makes you laugh because they sort of have similar temperaments??? They just sort of shoot the breeze after a while, you guys chilling after you ate with anything you wanted to drink, sitting on the couches.
♡ Jihoon still wasn't sure as you guys left what your parents were thinking. "You did fine," you told him, "they were relaxed, which is a good thing. They felt at ease." "You could tell?" "Oh, yeah, they weren't being fake at all. They stopped feeling weird when you did!" "Well, that was thanks to you." "And you! Believe in yourself, darn it!" Jihoon just laughed, shaking his head. "That's why I love you."
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♡ "I want them to love me! (y/n), how do I get them to love me?" Shaking your head, you smile. "Just be yourself, Seokmin, that's all you had to do to get me to love you."
♡ All Seokmin's nerves manifest in the form of giddiness and awkward humor, so you try to still him as he cracks semi-self-deprecating jokes in the car by holding his hand and telling him to trust you, that you wouldn't have taken him home if you thought it would go badly: heck, most people wouldn't even stay with their partner if they thought it would go so bad at home!
♡ With the possibility of your parents speaking a different language, he'll definitely be extra nervous, but try to say as much as possible. He tries to work in as many jokes as he can and be extra expressive in other ways to get his point across, which is pretty much how he is naturally anyway. No matter if your parents and him speak the same language or not, they'll be laughing a lot together!
♡ One thing you can tell your parents appreciate about Seokmin besides his natural joy and humor is that he's attentive to you; he serves you once your meal is ready, gets you your drink, and makes sure you're situated before lifting a finger for himself. Your parents are visibly pleased by the way he values you.
♡ A member of the 'hey, let's play a game :)' squad because what better way to lighten the mood and take pressure off of everyone talking and performing, right? Will absolutely let your parents pick what game, though, even if he's never played it. "What's parcheesi? ...I mean, yes, that sounds great!"
♡ He pretends to faint when you leave, and as you laugh and play along, "picking him back up", you ask him how he honestly felt. "I had a good time. Do you think they did, too?" "Well, they laughed a lot. I think your story about Hosh at the pizza place really got them hooked. I told you, remember? I was confident your lovable ways wouldn't fail." At that, your boyfriend blushes. "If it wasn't for you, I totally would have spilled your drink everywhere and probably wouldn't have shaken your dad's hand." "Yeah, but they didn't see either of those things, so you're good."
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♡ Get ready for charming guy! Mingyu isn't worried about meeting your parents. Well, there's a small, little teensy tiny part of him that worries he'll do something embarrassing, but he's confident in himself.
♡ If you didn't know your boyfriend so well, you'd be surprised at how boldly he just goes up to your parents and greets them, like wow, so... professional???
♡ Mingyu views a potential language barrier as a personal challenge, something he wants to put work in to overcome. That's probably one of the first things he'll say, in fact: that he wants to work on being able to speak well to your parents for everyone's sake.
♡ From that fear of embarrassment, the closest thing he does to anything like that is just a funny misspeak, and though he blushes everyone laughs so it's really not even all that!
♡ The thing he impresses your parents with besides being outgoing and respectful in his greetings is that Mingyu can cook! As you guys eat dinner, it's something he can bond with your parents over and gain an extra few points of mother's approval with because who doesn't want their kid to score a man who knows his way around a kitchen? Plus your mom mouths to you when he's not looking that he's handsome, lol.
♡ Mingyu gets a huge grin on his face the moment you leave. All you can do is smile and roll your eyes. "They liked me, didn't they?" "Well, if you could tell, of course I could! We both knew they would. You're the most outgoing and mature person I've ever brought home!" "And I cook, too~ What a keeper I am~" You smack his shoulder, but also kiss his cheek because what can you say, he's right? You wouldn't have brought Mingyu home otherwise.
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♡ Minghao doesn't usually care what people think, like he is who he is and he's secure in that, but hey, no one wants their partner's parents to hate them you know? 🤷🏻‍♀️ he doesn't make some grand plan or worry about establishing a pretense, but just hopes they can see how much he loves their child, too.
♡ If there's a language barrier between them, Minghao puts his all into listening and being intentional with how he interacts with your parents, but he also appreciates that you don't leave him alone with them forever if that's the case, keeping the line of communication open.
♡ He gets kind of shy and smiley because you start hyping him up, reminding your parents what an amazing artist and all around talented man he is, asking if he would show them pictures of things he's made.
♡ Hope your parents have pets, because this man will absolutely melt everyone's hearts with how sweetly he interacts with them, holding them so gently if they let him and giggling at anything adorable they do!
♡ Your boyfriend also has the sweetest view of the future, like the way he talks about his own parents and how their love story really inspires how he wants to live, and of course your own parents love that. He is able to come across as the kind, mature person he is, and no parents can be mad about that!
♡ He also manages to make them laugh with a few choice impressions of the other Seventeen members, and when you leave you congratulate him on how well he did, that you could see how your parents relaxed and enjoyed spending time with him. "I think they're really sure now I'm in good hands. But warning: they'll probably try inviting you around whenever they can!" "That's alright with me. I want to get close to the people who raised you into who you are." How did you get so lucky???
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♡ Seungkwan looks like he wants to throw up on the way to your parents' home. Volunteering to drive was clearly a good call. "Sweetheart, you're amazing with people, what are you so worried about?" You chuckle, grabbing one of the hands he has folded in his lap. "Well, I've heard stories about your mom, and-" "My mom didn't like my last boyfriend because he was a dick, ok? He barely would talk to her. You're going to be leagues better." "That's true, I still can't believe how he treated you," Seungkwan comments, gripping your hand now that he's successfully distracted, "If I ever saw him, I'd-" "Yeah, yeah, save that, my mom'll love that, she still hates him."
♡ If there's any language barriers with your parents, Seungkwan is an amazing boyfriend to have. Even though he's nervous, he immediately smiles and does his best to communicate with them. He'll try using any amount of your parents' language he knows and isn't afraid to repeat things they say to him to learn. He even makes jokes about his own mistakes or just starts talking in gibberish when he's confused, so that breaks tension and lightens the mood too!
♡ His usually affectionate ways stiffen and fade, though, at least at first, because he doesn't know how his parents will react if he touches you, even though he prefers innocent affection like holding your hands in his, putting his arm around you, or giving you a hug from behind. He just doesn't want them to beat his ass lol
♡ Just as you called, Seungkwan is such a naturally outgoing and funny person, he has your parents laughing with the way he tells stories and listens to them intently too, smiling and interjecting little things like "oh really?" and "wow!" so they know he's really giving listening his all.
♡ The moment you guys finish dinner, he starts cleaning up without any discussion, and though they make him sit back down, you and Seungkwan can both tell how much your parents appreciate it. He tries to still make things easier like collecting and stacking dishes he can reach from the table, which makes your mom especially smile.
♡ The one time you bring up your ex in talking about somewhere you went with him, Seungkwan manages to throw in a small shade, his expression contorting hilariously as he does it, which your mom does in fact love. They have a mini shade session and that's how you know Seungkwan is in. You make sure to tell him that when you guys leave. "See? I told you, you're amazing, my parents are open-minded anyway, there was no way it would go badly! They'll probably want to talk to you now whenever we call." "That's alright with me, your parents are fun to be around. I see where you get it from," he comments, wrapping his arm around your shoulders now that your parents can't see.
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♡ He's wide-eyed the whole drive, lowkey looking like he's on another astral plane. "You ok?" "Yeah, I just...can't believe this is happening. It's kinda crazy, I've heard stories about your parents, but now I'm going to really see them." "They'll like you," you tell him, a joking smile crossing your face as you elbow him, "they'll be happy I'm finally with someone chill."
♡ If your parents have pets, Vernon totally becomes immediate besties with them, which endears your parents to your boyfriend that much more. He's quiet and gentle with them, and showing a respect for life is a good sign in their eyes.
♡ He'll know already if there's any potential of a language barrier. It intimidates him, especially since he's already a pretty quiet person, so he may do a lot of talking through you, but everything he says is sincere. Probably tries to make a joke to make up for it.
♡ Vernon is one of the more inquisitive ones, asking your parents questions, too. Not interrogating them like they'll want to do to him lol, but he wants to know what they enjoy, how long they've lived where they lived, just little things like that to help him understand them. I mean hey, they're strangers too, you know?
♡ You're different around your parents. More relaxed. You lived with these people for how many years, after all? Vernon smiles, feeling like he's truly seeing you in your element now that you're home. You crack some super goofy running joke you have with your family that has him in stitches, and it finally helps him shake off some stiffness and formality. They may be your parents, but they're also people, you know?
♡ He gathers info about your parent's humor and interest, probably finding a meme or something he read that breaks the ice a little more so he can relate to them. They love it if he already knows anything about their interests. When you and Vernon finally take off, he tells your parents how nice it was to meet them and thanks them for having him. You tell him as you guys pull away that he did good. "You were so easy, they'll love you for that. No shmoozing or anything. I can tell they had fun." "Well," Vernon smiles, "I did too."
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♡ This man right here??? Is absolutely DETERMINED to make your parents love him, whatever that takes. You'll probably have to remind him that trying too hard and showing off will have the opposite effect. "Trust me, my first boyfriend was like that. It didn't work," you told him with a laugh.
♡ Chan wants to overcome any potential language barriers, so he'll probably keep things concise but as charming as possible, like interjecting small jokes and compliments when he can just to make your parents smile and show he's making an effort.
♡ When they start asking him about goals and passions, that's when he really lights up. In his mind, that's his time to shine. He tells them that he's still learning, but working to improve himself and grow every day, explaining that performing is his life, but he never wants that to come at the expense of neglecting their kid either! He wants to take care of you! If you have to translate this, my gosh he'll have you getting shy and blushing, trying to keep down his own satisfied smile at this because he doesn't want to seem cocky.
♡ He'll probably be another one to suggest playing a game with your parents to help break the ice, making everyone comfortable and releasing some of the interrogation pressure.
♡ This particular game you happen to beat his ass badly at, which honestly just gives your parents that much more to be proud of you for and laugh at so Chan can't even be mad, he just joins in! Your joy is infectious, negating his competitive side...for now. The next game, it's so on. He probably teams up with your mom to take down you and your dad, which they have a lot of fun with.
♡ "That was fun, right?" "Yes," Chan sighs, arms falling around you, "but I'm kind of glad it was over." "Uh oh." "What?" "I hope you won't be disappointed if they want to do this again. They're going to want to be close to you, you know." Chan puts his hand under his chin, pretending to think. "Well, if it lets your mom and I get revenge for that cheap move you pulled, then I'll do it!" "There's the Lee Chan I know," you grin.
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yeoblurbs · 1 year
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What Once Was
exes to lovers, angst with a happy ending
Pairing: Hansol Vernon Chwe x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: as you navigate a life filled with painful reminders of Hansol, you struggle to move on. then three months later, he shows up at your door. you can’t find it in your heart to turn him away.
WC: 2.9k
content/warnings: angst! vernon picks at his skin & there is a scene dedicated to it (no detail or mentions of blood, just wounds), a few curse words, mentions of drinking (wine), very soft-boy!vernon and doting reader. that's it I think (please let me know if I missed anything)
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as of late, you simply feel remnants of what was once so intense. a mere lingering attachment to something you have almost let go of entirely.
but at the same time, you yearn for a day where anger doesn’t override affection. where you feel melancholy rather than rage, or content in missing him rather than the unsettling emotion from such a brutal ending. you ache for days that you wake up feeling whole instead of unfulfilled, getting through life without Hansol as you avoid harsh reminders of what once was.
but you’ll heal; you have to.
that is what you tell yourself, anyway. lately, it feels as though you would never heal. the conflicting emotions that are attached to Hansol Chwe come with a gentle anamnesis yet are taken over by deep-rooted betrayal each time.
you truly hate how emotional he makes you.
you take a sip of the red wine in your hand, eyeing your reflection through the black screen of your TV. it’s 1:00AM on your birthday, and while once upon a time ago you would’ve spent the night with Hansol, you are now spending it alone.
you are having a celebratory dinner with friends tomorrow, but you find yourself missing Hansol when you think about this being your first birthday without him.
usually, he would stay up with you till 12:00AM and shower you with kisses as he murmured “Happy birthday, my love” between pecks, but now you feel the overwhelming emptiness as you sit on a couch that was not purchased for one person.
you wonder where it all went wrong; was it when you got busy with family problems, and couldn’t see him every week? was it when he began making new friends, specifically a girl who would often comment on his posts on Instagram leaving you to overthink on lonely nights? or was it on that cold Saturday evening, when everything came to a halt as you both spewed careless insults toward one another; he had spoken to you as if you were nothing more than a stranger, much less his best friend; his girlfriend.
your ending with Hansol has left you bitter; you often regret loving him in ways he could never reciprocate. how foolish of you to believe anyone would love you back in such a capacity; how foolish of you to believe he could.
a knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, head snapping to the sound. your heart drops, eyes glancing to your phone that reads 1:34AM as you go through a mental checklist of who could possibly be at your door at such a time.
you approach the door cautiously, grabbing a kitchen knife on your way as you peek through the hole, before the sight sends you a few steps back.
what the fuck?
you open the door slowly, eyes wide as Hansol stands before you.
your gaze focuses on his clothes, drenched as they cling to his skin, before you look up at his face.
Hansol has always been gorgeous, and that fact was no less true now. it’s been three months since you’ve seen him, and you find that despite the dark circles beneath his eyes and messy hair, he still looks absolutely breathtaking.
you stare at the drops of rain coating his lashes, hating the way your chest claws at you, begging you to hold him close and get him warm and comfortable.
his eyes lift, scanning your face unsure as his black hair sticks to his forehead, water dripping from a few strands. he scratches at his finger, a bad habit he had when he was nervous that you had helped him stop.
but as you stare at the wounds on his hand, you realize he may have reverted back to some of his old ways after your parting.
“Happy birthday, Y/n.”
he smiles crookedly, and the energy leaves your body completely.
you place the knife down on your table loudly, causing Hansol to flinch as you move to grab his arm, pulling him inside. you glance at your window, cursing quietly as you see lightning, and realize you can’t send Hansol away now; not that you would have had it been sunny outside either, but you like to think you’d be stronger than that.
Hansol stumbles inside as you move to cross your arms, “What the fuck are you doing here, Hansol?”
he shivers, smiling tight-lipped. he looks unfamiliar in your apartment, eyes staring at the differences you know he noticed. “I came to see you. And wish you a happy birthday?”
your lips part at his response as you scoff, “Well, I don’t want it. You’re pretty fucking weird for showing up when we haven’t spoken to each other in months,”
his face drops, regret coating his expression as you turn around and walk to your room. he slips his shoes off and follows you timidly.
“And in case you forgot, we aren’t on good terms, Hansol.” you rummage through your drawers, pulling out your largest sweatpants and shirt before handing them to him.
he grabs them with confused eyes as you walk towards your bathroom, opening the door and gesturing him to go in, “Go take a shower, Hansol. As much as I don’t want to see you, you’re dripping rainwater on my hardwood floors, and I know you get sick too easily.”
he pouts, and you realize you’ve barley allowed him to say a word since he arrived.
well, that was deserved you figured, as he had shown up much too late for any sort of kindness from you.
he clutches onto the fabric gently, looking at you with wide eyes before he turns around and enters the bathroom. once the door shuts, you turn around and head back to the living room.
you head straight for your abandoned wine glass and tip the rest of it down your throat, exhaling as you run a hand over your face.
seriously, what the fuck.
Hansol exits the bathroom about ten minutes later, causing steam to emerge as it fills up the hallway.
he holds his soaked clothes in his hands, and you grab a plastic bag before handing it to him.
he murmurs a “Thank you,” and you nod back.
you walk into the kitchen, trying your hardest to ignore the awkward silence as you finish preparing two ramen cups. you carry them to the couch, handing Hansol the one you made for him before taking a seat across from where he’s seated.
he seems jittery, “So… How have you been, Y/n?”
he smoothes his palms on his legs, and you ignore the way your heart soars at the sight of him in your clothes. you’ve missed seeing him in your place, in your clothes; with you by his side.
your face stays neutral, “Great; until you showed up. Cut the shit, Hansol. What are you doing here?”
he opens his mouth before you cut him off, “And don’t say for my birthday. We aren’t together anymore, and we’re certainly not friends. You have no reason to come here or wish me happy birthday.”
he’s silent for a moment, and you’re sure if he had puppy ears they would be laying flat on his head.
“I just… Listen, okay? I missed you.” his gaze stays on your face intently, “It’s been a while since everything happened, and I’d really like it if we could talk about it. There are a lot of things I regret, and I’ve been dying to apologize to you.”
you sigh at his confession, ignoring the way your heart began racing after he said he missed you. “You want to talk about our failed relationship and apologize to me at…” you check your phone, “2:00AM on my birthday?”
he grimaces, “Well when you put it that way I sound like an idiot.”
“You are one,” you huff out a small laugh, causing him to smile sheepishly.
you sigh, resigning to hearing him out. he was here, clean and dry, and a quick look outside would tell you that the storm hadn’t passed. he was stuck here whether you liked it or not, so you might as well hear him out; after all, the two of you deserved some form of closure. even if it was at an absolutely unreasonable time.
you lean your head on your hand,
“So, talk then.”
he looks startled as he clears his throat nervously. you figure he hadn’t expected you to respond this way, and you would be lying if you said you yourself weren’t surprised with your actions. but you’ve always been a little too forgiving, especially with those you loved; especially with Hansol.
“Okay, for starters, I’m sorry I showed up at such an inconvenient time.” he bites his lip, “I’ve regretted the way I spoke to you last time so much, it’s been eating at me every day.”
you listen with a straight face, even if his words cause your chest to tighten. you ignore it; you realize you’ve been ignoring how you feel for a while now.
Hansol runs a hand through his hair, “I won’t lie, I haven’t been doing so well since our breakup.”
he gazes at you intensely, “I think… somewhere along the way I felt lonely in our relationship, whether that was because I hardly had time to see you or because I felt like you got distant with me.”
you listen silently, arms crossed and mouth downturned. the realization that Hansol felt everything you did makes you want to burst into tears then and there. you're beginning to notice that while you have been selfish and wallowing in self-pity, Hansol has been hurting as well.
“That night…”
the two ramen cups are long forgotten as they sit on the coffee table in front of you; your arms wrap tighter around your torso as you remember the venomous words both he and you threw at one another that night.
“That night I was horrible.”
his head tilts down as he sniffles, picking at the skin around his fingernail as his eyes fill with tears. “I was so seriously fucking horrible and I’m so sorry for everything I said. Me being lonely didn’t give me a reason to take it out on you; I should have communicated, not lashed out at you when you were going through shit too.”
hearing him apologize so genuinely was heart-rendering as you know you’ve hurt him deeply as well.
you can’t help it, you rise from your seat and sit beside him. you grab the hand he was picking at, intertwining your fingers with his as your other moves to his jaw, lifting it gently as your thumb wipes a running tear.
“Don’t do that, don’t put all of the blame on you,” you say softly. your anger had quickly diminished at the beginning of his apology, and while you know you’re letting go of your rage so easily, you figure it was about time you truly healed.
bottling up anger had halted any sort of progression, leaving the wounds from your relationship with Hansol still fresh and painful. this conversation was helping, however, and the notion that Hansol was just as miserable as you, if not more than you, was a comforting thought.
at least you weren’t the only one who was lonely and hurting.
you tuck a piece of hair behind his ear, “I’m sorry too; I said a lot of fucked up things that night as well, so don’t take the full blame for it.”
Hansol sniffles quietly and your heart aches, your hand holding his now caressing the skin gently with your thumb.
“I was lonely too, and I didn’t communicate either. It’s not all on you, it’s on both of us.” you softly rub his cheek as you stare at him fondly.
“There’s no need to villainize yourself. We both made mistakes, and we’ll both learn from them.”
you’ve resigned to the fact that you have an inability to hold grudges when it comes to Hansol. it was simply impossible to stay angry with him, especially when he looked at you with sad wet eyes.
his face crumples as more tears stream down his cheeks, “But, I don’t wanna learn from my mistake and lose you.” he grabs your hand on his face, leaning into it as his eyes find yours.
“You’re it for me, Y/n. Three months without you and I spent every second of it wishing you were still mine. I can’t picture a life without you in it, I just can’t.” he looks devastated, and you understand now that he thinks this is the end.
you give him a watery smile, wanting nothing more than to kiss him silly, even if you knew logically that you shouldn’t jump into things so suddenly.
“You’re it for me too, Hansol. I don’t think I could ever quite love someone as much as I loved you.”
he looks at you with wide glassy eyes, “Loved?”
you bring his face closer to yours, placing a kiss on his forehead, “Love.”
he pulls you into him, arms wrapping around you firmly as he inhales and exhales. you breathe shakily as you hug him back, hands trembling as you wrap your arms around his back and re-familiarize yourself with him.
the two of you head to bed soon after, Hansol sleeping in your guest bedroom; the two of you decided to take it slower for now, and see how things go.
you smile into your pillow as you succumb to sleep; it seemed you no longer had to mourn what once was.
Hansol turns in your guest bed, staring at the wall as he snuggles the pillow beneath him. he couldn’t wait to love you for the rest of his life.
“Give me a sec, I’ll be right back.” you kiss Hansol’s temple quickly before standing up and leaving to the bathroom. he touches his temple in awe as he sits on your couch waiting obediently, staring in the direction you just left.
the night had gone better than he expected. when he told you he hadn’t been doing well, that was an understatement. after your breakup, he found it hard to get up on most days, he rarely went out anymore and he had lost joy in things he often loved doing with you.
Hansol had been thinking about your birthday for weeks, unsure how he would handle not spending the day with you. it was a special day to him; the day the love of his life was born, and the thought that you’d be spending it with several people but not him was torturing.
so that was how he found himself in front of your apartment, spontaneously deciding to show up and fully prepared to beg you to hear him out, if that’s what it took.
but you took the news better than he would’ve imagined; though he should have known, you were the sweetest to him, even when you were angry.
he’s broken out of his thoughts when you sit next to him on the couch again, a box in your hands as you lift the cover. he peers over curiously and tilts his head when he sees bandaids and ointment.
you look at him and sigh, grabbing his hand and bringing it to your eye level when he realizes what you brought the first-aid kit for.
his face flushes as you look at the reddened skin surrounding his fingernail. you open the ointment, carefully dipping a Q-tip in the cream before applying it on each of Hansol’s fingers. you finish by placing bandaids on them and smoothing down the sides delicately.
“Sorry… and thank you.” he whispers, still looking embarrassed as you stare at him with a serious expression.
you lift his hand to your face again, this time kissing each finger over the bandaid, keeping eye contact as his cheeks redden. he shrinks into himself when you finish as you break out into a laugh at his shy demeanor.
you leave to throw the bandaid wrappers away and place the box back when Hansol remembers what he’d brought with him.
he hurries over to his jacket, pulling out a small pink neatly wrapped box. he opens it, glancing at the rouge-colored rose quartz necklace. he hopes you’ll like it.
you yawn as you walk back to the living room, rubbing your eyes tiredly as the sun begins to rise. Hansol feels terrible about keeping you up so late, but he needed to do one last thing before you slept.
he grabs your hand as you look up to him in confusion.
“Happy birthday, Y/n,” he repeats, this time placing the gift in your hands gently as you pull back with parted lips.
you smile sleepily yet sweetly at him, “You shouldn’t have, really.”
he shakes his head, “I wanted to. Open it, please. I’m so nervous right now I could throw up.”
you giggle at his dramatic comment as you open the box, gasping when you spot the gorgeous pink stone, looking back at Hansol with sparkling eyes.
“Thank you so much! It’s gorgeous, I love it, I really do.” you glance back at the necklace, eyeing the way it glints prettily in the light.
you close the box before wrapping your arms around his neck as he hugs your waist, pulling you close and swaying side to side. he buries his face in your neck, kissing it gently, causing you to freeze before pushing him away with a nervous giggle. he smiles at your timid expression.
he was so glad to have you back.
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a/n: well.. another Vernon fic haha … sorry for any typos !
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unofficial tags: @scuzmunkie :>
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vajazzly · 8 months
ok i have been thinking a lot about how sirius ended up with grimmauld place, and im going to rant about it under the cut
so, the most likely (imo) (with jkr kind of in mind) theory is that yes, sirius was disowned officially, but he still has the last name black. since all his cousins are married into other families, when regulus died the house went to sirius automatically as the "last black" despite his being disowned, since there were no others with the last name living. sirius being the og heir probably strengthened that.
the second theory, which is also quite possible, is that the inheritance was going to go to either bellatrix (eldest) or narcissa (eldest with an heir), but sirius (probably with help from dumbledore/moody/possibly bill) managed to override it sometime during GOF. if that's the case, though, it seems odd that the house was seemingly abandoned before the order/sirius moves in.
my favorite theory though is that sirius was never disinherited at all. maybe he was bumped down behind regulus, maybe not, but he wasn't taken out of the will entirely at any rate. and okay, here we're getting into like - conjecture and headcanon territory, so yknow, fair warning.
we know that sirius was a lot of things that a pureblood family would value in an heir - charismatic, confident, talented in magic, intelligent. regulus on the other hand - well, we dont know much about him in terms of his talent for magic, though it can be assumed he was reasonably intelligent since he figured out the horcrux thing, but we do know he was a lot more predisposed to following rather than leading. where sirius was confident in his own beliefs, ready to make his own path, forward-thinking, etc., regulus was happy to idealize and follow voldemort.
obviously, this is why sirius split from his family - their beliefs did not align. but despite that, siriuss personality lends itself a lot better to being the head of a great house. reguluss loyalty to voldemort could have been a good thing for the black house, sure, but if voldemort failed it would be ruinous, and throwing all of one's weight behind one leader, one plan, the way regulus seemed to be doing isn't really the mark of a great leader.
this is 100% conjecture, but id argue that the blacks were in decline, both in money and power. despite an enormous amount of pride in their house and generally giving off an old money vibe, the black vault is never referenced as particularly grand, and they only have one house, and a townhouse in a muggle area at that - grand, but nowhere near somewhere like malfoy manor or the other country mansions pureblood families of status seem to favor.
it makes a lot more sense for orion, from an objective point of view, to leave everything to sirius. regulus was unlikely to make their house into anything great, more interested in worshipping someone else, but sirius had real potential, and if the blacks fortune and power was dwindling, it makes more sense to put the future in the hands of someone more adaptable, who might be able to turn things around instead of being stuck on one path. blindly following someone else doesnt really lend itself to greatness, or potential.
here i think its also notable that siriuss parents were never death eaters. they agreed with voldemort, sure, but they never threw their weight behind him. that, i think, is the old money pride talking - they thought of blacks as being akin to royalty, and royalty does not let someone else take the reigns, tell them what to do, etc. even if voldemort had succeeded, leaving the inheritance to regulus would make their family successful only as long as they remained attached to voldemort, comfortably under his thumb. leaving everything to sirius would be a risk, but the potential payoff would leave the blacks at least with their pride intact, independent. which, yknow, maybe a bit insane, but again - old money pride.
i also think that in general sirius being a golden child who went astray when he went to hogwarts is a lot more interesting (and plausible) than him being the family scapegoat from the jump. hes the heir! and again, hes all the things a family like the blacks would look for in an heir! i dont think their family was ever particularly, like, healthy, but the narrative that sirius was abused and hated from a young age doesnt make all that much sense to me. and in ootp we see glimpses of sirius having a complicated relationship with his family, especially his mother, which hints more at a bond gone sour than outright hatred.
all this to say that sirius was a much better heir than regulus, politics aside, and i think orion and walburga may have seen that, or at least been unwilling to let their wayward perfect heir go completely, and left him on the will in some capacity.
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Is Dan's shadow a succubus? Or more appropriately an incubus?
Homie, how would I know?! I'm watching the same show as you. If I knew what that shadow was, I wouldn't need to suffer through the last seven episodes. I was too busy being scared for my life the first seven episodes to truly think about what that shadow was, and now I have to sit through seven more just like alls the rest of ya to figure this puzzle out!
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But why are we gendering the shadow? Is the shadow male? To me, the shadow is just energy, possibly a physical manifestation of Dan's trauma; therefore, is it an extension of him. Like Peter Pan's shadow!
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@kenjiyabuki went full big-brain and noticed the painting in the background of Brother Anurak's office is Henry Fuseli's The Nightmare.
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Ain't no detective like a Tumblr detective.
And because of this, I immediately went to my favorite art historian (I go to departments often asking BL-related questions which is one perk of working in higher ed), and she immediately said, "It's about sex."
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More specifically, repression of desire.
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Not everyone subscribes to this interpretation, but . . .
There is a mirror and a vial of water in the left bottom corner on the table in the painting. Mirrors mean truth and serve as a bridge between the two worlds (truth/lie, life/death, conscious/subconscious), while water (describe as a mirror-like substance) also serves as a bridge between two worlds. We don't see the mirror fully, so we don't see the truth of the situation, but two worlds are colliding within the painting.
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We've seen a good amount of mirrors in the show.
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And water.
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The show doesn't have a crazy-looking horse in the background unless we are considering the makruk pieces, which are called "horses" and not "knights" like in chess, the horse in this scenario.
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That's a stretch even for me, but we still have the bare basics - a person with the weight of desire resting on him.
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A desire to be comforted when nobody holds him.
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A desire to be protected when he feels abandoned.
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A desire to feel normal.
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And Trin had the same desires.
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There is definitely some funky business happening at the school because Trin and Dan are linked through their desires and experiences, but the shadow was there long before Dan stepped onto the campus.
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Detour - In the third episode, the monk told Dan in order to change his karma, he needed to forgive when the time came after Dan saw his dad briefly playing makruk in his dream. At the end of that episode, Dan saw his father's ghost while he was acting the ghost scene from Hamlet, which is a play about revenge and forgiveness.
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The shadow led Dan through a tour of his family's happiest moments in episode four right before he encountered his father again.
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And his father asked for his forgiveness.
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To which Dan said "hell to the no"
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And this is why I think the shadow IS Dan. The monk told him to forgive to change his karma. The shadow led Dan to do just that, but Dan didn't; therefore, he didn't beat his karma and ghost-dad told Dan he was becoming everything he hated. Was this conversation all in Dan's head? Was he, through the shadow, guiding himself to be better than his father? And did he override his subconscious to seek revenge instead because that's what he truly desires?
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More interestingly is what shows up every time someone chooses revenge over forgiveness - Trin! Rather than the shadow lurking in the water after Dan's dad died, Trin was waiting for him.
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Trin was waiting for him in the bathroom to lead Dan into the funhouse when Nai decided to teach Anan a lesson.
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And Trin showed up right before Anan attacked Dan.
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Each time, the mirrors and water are present, so wouldn't that make Trin The Nightmare?
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Of course, I, a color demon must mention how I find the use of red fascinating mostly when thinking about it in correlation to the painting since red is behind the nightmare figure.
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And it spreads underneath the sleeping person in white as if that innocent person is being surrounded by this desire.
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All of this is to basically sum up that Trin has a face. The shadow doesn't. Trin is a person. The shadow isn't. Just like those headless figurines the locals use as stand-ins for them to appease the wild ghosts and protect them from harm, Dan's faceless shadow could be his way of protecting himself and hiding his desires from outside forces.
And Trin could be a way to expose all that's hidden, including those desires.
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brightgoat · 2 years
My thoughts on JJBA OVER HEAVEN
So first of all -
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it seems my JJBA binge is not over yet, I am still on the desert island and instead of their being water sources large enough to get waterboarded in like last time, I am instead finding small refreshing puddles.
This is copy pasted from my twitter so pardon if its formatted weirdly
I read the novel and- (spoilers under cut)
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although it might be dubiously canon, I like it a lot that I think it should be considered so, and in my mind overrides any inconsistencies that the anime/manga may bring up. The timeline seems fucked either way you look at it, fittingly for this story I guess
I liked how it showed the evolution of his idea of ‘heaven’ and how it slowly became what Pucci defined it as. I like how it gives depth without straying from Dio’s insane villainy. and the mommy issues were certainly something as well It actually made me appreciate part 1
I have realised this while I was still watching the anime, but the novel confirms it; all the villains either represent a part of Dio, the big bad
Kars - Dio’s desire to constantly transcend his current state, humanity and whatnot, keep moving up the power scale
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Kira - Dio’s idea that all humans live for ‘peace of mind’, as he puts it for himself- ‘preparedness’, knowing that the future will be fine
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Diavolo - Dio’s resolve to move only forward, only towards the future
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I do love how for the two Stand users, their Stands complement their motives, Kira creating time loops to ensure nothing bad happens to him, and Diavolo ‘skipping time’ to move into and foresee the future. Kira is more ‘stuck in the past’ and Diavolo is heading for the future
Dio is in the present, he merely stops time for a few seconds. It sets up the time manipulation premise in the simplest way and also gives him the further mindfuckery he needs to arrive at his conclusion
And then Pucci, the final villain, is Dio’s resolve to get to ‘heaven’, the culmination of the mindfuckery- their conclusion of it being that the definition of ‘heaven’ is obtaining peace by knowing all of the future and all of fate, and living it out in preparedness.
Their Stands are also opposite of one another, Dio stops time for a brief moment and Pucci accelerates it for all of eternity. Pucci is the kind of fucking guy to spoil the entire movie before watching it
I do love how they define fate as ‘gravity between people', and connect that to the theory of relativity (i’m always a sucker for this kind of shit) combining scientific theory with ideas of fate through a religious character is also just a cherry on top, I love it
THAT and how his Stand Whitesnake, whose powers are to extract ‘souls’ (or so to speak), is covered in the abbreviation of DNA compounds. Also fun fact whitesnake’s voice is based off of patrick star from spongebob
Overall, it was interesting to read how Dio became obsessed with the concept of fate, Ironically, were JJBA to be written with more foresight (preparedness even), then maybe Dio’s thoughts could’ve been more implemented into the story. Don’t get me wrong, he should still be his insane-cartoonishly-evil self at the same time, I love him for that. However, this novel was not written by the OG author, so who knows how canon it even is.
Another thing of note: Dio and Pucci seem to arrive at their idea of ‘heaven’ independently (you could argue Dio kind of began it by suggesting the idea of ‘gravity’ to him), but it was Pucci’s circumstances that ultimately led to it. Dio, at least for a few pages, believes that what one is born into decides everything. And they were born into vastly different situations. Dio talks a lot about his hate of nobles and ‘inheritors’ and hated both his biological and adoptive family.
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Pucci is from an influential wealthy family and loved them so. Dio’s sibling was a miscarriage and Pucci’s presumed-dead-twin was actually alive. But both lived circumstances that arrived to a shared idea of ‘heaven’. Dio knows at least the deaths in Pucci’s life, I wonder if he knows his background and if knowing it would challenge or confirm his idea of fate.
I can’t help but wonder how Pucci felt reading the diary through Jotaro’s memories. Also wonder if Pucci saw how Dio died through none other than Jotaro’s memories as well.
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Also i don’t know why, this is probably not what is implied cuz it wouldn’t fit characterwise(unless?) but……… did Pucci take Dio’s memory of showing him The World????? Why is it written this way and if so then adhsagdah??
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Anyways if you ask me if i’m team ‘ora-ora’ or team ‘muda-muda’ its the latter for me baby
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bechnokid · 11 months
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I rarely ever make characters from my dreams since I tend to forget them, but I'm glad this one is an exception, even if she looks a lot like Bondrewd from Made in Abyss lol. She was so cool and she was just so nice! I didn't want to forget her, so I had to draw her out.
Under the cut is what I remember from the dream.
In the dream, I was living in a cyberpunk-like world through the eyes of someone else, and this lady was a famous and highly respected scientist. Her research thankfully doesn't include human experimentation, aside from experimenting on herself. She managed to live for hundreds of years by overriding a willing donor's consciousness with her own.
Potential donors are interviewed, and while they don't have to have a scientific background, they have to be willing to give up everything: their memories, lives, families, etc.
I remember having an interview with her. Despite the fact that I couldn't see her face, she had a very friendly voice and was extremely kind to me. I'm normally very nervous during interviews, but she made me feel very comfortable and she laughed at several of my jokes. She also asked me several times if I was absolutely sure if I wanted to go through with the process (like in the bottom-right drawing).
After the interview, she immediately told me that I was qualified to be a candidate, and I would hear from her again in a few years. I was both ecstatic and nervous of the prospect of being her future vessel. Before I left, I asked her, "So, when you take over my body, will I ever see my family again?"
"I'm afraid not. You might have some chances to contact them. Otherwise, you'll never see them again."
I remember smiling at her and saying, "That's fine. I don't have anything else to live for, anyway."
Some time passed by, and I remember putting on her outfit and feeling relaly cool. She then gave me a replica of her mask, and I put it on. I felt myself fade away before waking up.
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thelazykiwi · 9 months
My Current Mods! 50+ 🥰
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Hello Kiwis! I made a video showcasing these lovely mods for you all! I hope you guys like it! ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
-CAS Mods:
1. CAS Background - New Leaf - Theplumbobfairy
2. Stand Still in CAS - MizoreYukii
4. More Columns in CAS - weerbesu
5. Tidy CAS - Yoru Queen of Night Sims
6. EA Eyelashes Remover - Kijiko
7. More Traits in CAS - thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
8. 100 Base Game Traits Pack - Vicky Sims
9. TODDLER Traits Pack - Vicky Sims
-Gameplay Mods:
1. MCCC - Deaderpool
2. UI Cheats Extension - weerbesu
3. Wonderful Whims - TURBODRIVER
4. Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul - Lumpinou
5. Have Some Personality Please! - PolarBearSims
6. Meaningful Stories - Roburky
7. Fanart Maps - Dershayan
8. SimDa Dating App - LitteMsSam
9. Know your Co-Workers and Classmates - Phaeriia
10. Pet Frogs & Insects - KawaiiStacie
11. The Mood Pack Mod - Lumpinou
12. First Impressions - Lumpinou
13. Pregnancy Cravings - Plumlace
14. Child Birth Mod - PandaSama
15. Foster Family - LittleMsSam
16. Immersive Social Bunny - Plumlace
17. Pets Everywhere - Kuttoe
18. No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Cats & Dogs - LittleMsSam
19. Grannies Cookbook - Littlebowbub
20. «Dawning dew» DRINKS DELIVERY - CubiertoDeFlores
21. Little Chef’s Toy Kitchen - Ravasheen
22. Toddler Creativity Pack - PandaSama
23. Open Love Life - Lumpinou
24. 'No Strings Attached' - Lumpinou
25. Better Romance - Simler90
26. The One With All The Romance - katie_mods
27. Bed Cuddle - thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
28. Live in Business - LittleMsSam
29. More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types - LittleMsSam
30. ISO Love Photos - Ravasheen
31. Photographic Memory - Ravasheen
-Build/Buy Mods:
1. Better BuildBuy - TwistedMexi
2. TOOL - TwistedMexi
3. OMSP Shelf - Picture Amoebae
4. Shiftable Mirrors - Picture Amoebae
-Visual Mods:
1. Simp's GraphicsRules Override - Simp4Sims
2. No Fade On Everything - MizoreYukii
3. NoGlo - Luumia
4. NoBlu - Luumia
5. Gshade
6. Storybook Preset - Ellcrze
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
If this post makes no sense to you, you probably haven’t watched my video lol, that’s okay, I’ll link it for you!
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Video Link: https://youtu.be/cNO9EN8Z2eo
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Please respect these creators and the rules that they have based around using their mods. Do not reupload or claim it as your own, they work very hard and deserve the recognition that they get!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Anyway that’s all guys, check out my channel and other platforms if you haven’t already, love ya! ~ https://linktr.ee/the.lazy.kiwi
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