#it's not about the TV show it's about the freaks that consume it which unfortunately is the majority of people including myself
skinnypaleangryperson · 10 months
I'm literally cackling like a hyena alone in my living room right now because I've genuinely almost committed unalive in the past 24 hours just because a sitcom came out with a casual joking episode that was so innocent initially that it could have been aired on PBS and 24 hours later the end result has been as someone with autism on the verge of unaliving (before judging, consider the fact that there has been a lot of events that have occurred since then in real life that would justify these intense emotions)
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It has been six excruciating days since I was plunged into the Bridgerton fandom against my will.
I was minding my own business, watching YouTube compilations of the best kisses in TV history, when I unwittingly clicked on a video about Colin and Penelope, and I was immediately down so bad for them.
Let me be clear: Bridgerton was not part of my life before I clicked on that video. I wanted nothing to do with it; I had no intention of ever watching or reading that smut. And then, without warning, it swept in and took me in the night, much like Colin Bridgerton in the back of a carriage.
To say I have been lost in the sauce these past six days would be a gross understatement. The carriage scene is literally ruining my life. I haven’t gone to sleep before 1 a.m. since Sunday, and I have been over an hour late to work every day. Why? Because I cannot stop consuming that godforsaken scene — watching gifs of it over and over, reading y’all’s hilarious takes and memes about it, watching it with the audio descriptions turned on (🥵), watching it with the music removed (🥵🥵), watching Luke and Nicola on their press tour, watching, watching, watching.
Have I started actually watching season 1 of the show? Of course. Did I check out the large-print version of the first book from the library since it was the only copy available? You bet. But I do not care about these other characters and storylines. I want it to be Colin and Penelope on the screen and the page in every sentence and every scene.
And either fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t even have to be looking at a screen to be distracted by them — my daydreaming has never been as maladaptive in my life as it has been this week. I can hardly think of one ten-minute stretch in the past six days in which some imaginary scenario has not been taking over my brain. I want to be part of their world so bad — not just Bridgerton, but Shondaland. As is the case for 90% of all of my daydreams, I want these actors to know I exist. I want them to look at me with just as much awe and love as I look at them. So I might be staring at my computer screen in my cubicle, but in my mind, I’m on a press tour of my own that intersects with theirs. (I’m never the desperate fan with no life in my dreams; my idols always see me as their equal). I might be driving my commute in my car, but in my mind, they’re congratulating me about my own novel being optioned by Netflix. I might be brushing my teeth in my bathroom, but in my mind, we’re laughing together on Graham Norton’s couch.
But Lord, here comes that freaking carriage scene once again, inserting itself into my mind (pun unavoidable). I cannot get over it. I’m so stuck there that I’ve found myself wearing shoes I don’t remember putting on, carrying coffee mugs I don’t remember putting in my bag, driving a speed limit I don’t remember agreeing to as acceptable. There is laundry that needs to be folded. Bills need to be paid. Emails need to be deleted en masse without reading. But I can’t find the door that will let me out of this damn carriage.
I had a conversation with myself two days ago about how we might be able to adapt to this new living situation. After a few temper tantrums, I finally said, “Girl, if you’re going to watch this scene 1,000 times, you have got to find a way to make it a constructive part of your life.” So I did what any rational adult would do: I started writing a scholarly paper about why it’s so powerful — not just for me but, according to the internet, for a lot of women. And I have every intention of writing an entire paper about this … if I can find the time. I’m just so busy right now with consuming this damn scene.
Was starting to write that article enough to satiate my obsession with this scene, with this show and these actors? Of course not. So this morning, I started writing a spicy scene of my own, featuring not Colin and Penelope but two other vaguely outlined characters who I’m sure I’ll give names and personalities to later. I was literally sitting in my cubicle, hunched over my planner, writing down snippets of sexiness in as small a print as possible in case someone walked up on me and looked over my shoulder without me noticing. And I’m not gonna lie: this shit’s good. I’ve never written smut before, because I’ve never had enough spice in my own life to feel like I’d be able to do it justice on paper. But that imagination of mine — she’s a freak. And my mind? My mind has moved way past the gutter. It is now in the outhouse. It’s in the slop with the pigs.
It should have come as no surprise, but as usual, the act of actually writing down the jumble of mess in my brain has had the effect of breaking some of the spell. I was also forced to focus on work because of looming deadlines, and I currently feel calmer than I have since Sunday. But I am truly living in fear of June 13. I cannot go through this again, and I know that I’m bound to, because I know that what’s been shown so far won’t hold a candle to what’s coming. And if I get down bad any further, I will be deep enough in the ground for this to become my final resting place. I’m not ready to be buried, but it feels inevitable.
But somehow, despite my own wants and fears, and despite the fact that we haven’t even been introduced yet to the bedroom where Colin and Penelope are sure to end up, I am somehow already lurking from behind the window curtains in the corner, peeking out at them doing the deed. I know what I hope I’ll see: based on the excerpt I’ve seen from the book, they will be in front of a mirror — expressly because Colin wants Penelope to see herself in full for the glorious goddess she is, and she will look at her sexy, bare self with just as much pride and love as we viewers behind the screen will (but probably with slightly less lust than Colin, who I pray will be very loud about how hot she is).
I am dreaming about this scene, but I dread it. Because if it’s as good as the carriage scene, I will immediately be re-enscripted and sent right back to the trenches where I spent the last six days. I’m excited, but I’m scared. And I’m afraid of getting lost in the woods again, because I know that if I do, I won’t want to be found.
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kooksbliss · 4 years
– finishing line || jjk
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→ pairing: racer!jungkook x reader
→ genre: strangers to lovers / smut (future) / fluff (future) / street racer au!
→ word count: 6.1k
→ summary: it was a normal, ordinary night out with your best friend, or so you thought. that was before she invited you to a street race, to which you caved into and went. there you met the oh so famous, jeon jungkook. 
→ warnings: hoseok makes an appearance / explicit language / mutual pinning / jungkook makes oc a hot, shy mess / pet names / teasing / this chapter is pretty sfw 
a/n: hi hi hi! hope everyone is having an amazing day <3 this will be more than one part but i don’t think this will be a very long series (i’m thinking around five chapters max) leave me suggestions or any ideas you would like me to write in my ask box! i’m down to do drabbles anytime, hope you all enjoy part one!!
— posted 04.15.2020
masterlist new masterlists | 01 | sneak peek of part 02 | 
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You were tired; no, you were drained. Working black friday was no easy task, especially when you work in retail. You stretched your arms as you exited the employee break room after a long awaited break. Once you got back to the sales floor you went up to the cash register to clock back in from your break that’s when you heard someone scoff beside you. 
“It’s about time.” Hyuna stated. 
Hyuna is a co-worker of yours that well, happens to hate you for no reason, no reason you're aware of. She had been working with the company a little over a year before you got employed over the summer and ironically was placed to be your supervisor, meaning you had to be nice to her if you wanted to keep your job. 
“Sorry, Jaehyun needed some help with the stock.” You said as you punched your employee number into the system.
Jaehyun was also a supervisor but for the men’s department, he has been a close friend of yours since you started working here and knows about how Hyuna tends to treat you, unfortunately there's not much any of the two of you can do about it. 
“Well next time come straight out, Jaehyun is a big boy he can take care of himself. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be going on my break.” She said as she walked past you making sure to hit your right shoulder in the process. You looked up at the clock, thirty more minutes just thirty more minutes, you had been working for who knows how long and your feet had been begging for a rest.
Luckily since it was five in the morning there weren't too many people left in the store, but one thing you did know was that your sleeping schedule is fucked after tonight. Suddenly the chime sound from the bell that hung above the door rang out, you looked away from the clock about to greet the person who walked in, well that was until you saw who it was - to which you responded with a roll of your eyes.
“Come on don’t give me that look, y/n! You know you love me~”
“Jennie left about an hour ago, Hoseok.” 
Jennie is your best friend, you two have been friends since middle school and once her family moved next door, there was no separating the two of you. When you both graduated high school you both thought that it would be good for the both of you to have a change of scenery from the small town you lived in, that’s when you made the comment of moving out into the city, which Jennie happily agreed to. 
Jennie is from a wealthier family compared to your own she could afford going to university straight out of high school you on the other hand, didn’t have the financial support so you got this job and plan to work for another year or two before deciding on whether or not you are financially well off to go to university. She decided to move into an on-campus dorm while you found a decently well priced house, that was near your workplace and not too far from everything else, it’s been a year since you two decided to move into the city and you have loved every second of it, life was good.
“Actually I’m here for you, Jennie felt bad not being able to take you home after your shift so she asked me if I could.” Hoseok said as he walked to the side opposite of you at the checkout table.
Hoseok is Jennie’s boyfriend, they’ve been together for about eight months now and met in one of her classes freshman year. You're so glad she met him, you've never seen her happier and you know he’s good for her. As for you not being able to drive, well - a month ago some dickhead rear ended you and you’ve been waiting to see how much his insurance will cover, so you’ve been taking the bus a lot and thankfully your friends - well Jennie, has been taking you to work which is really the only place you go to outside of your house. 
“Oh, okay. Thanks Hoseok, you didn’t have to.” You said feeling bad about him having to be up at five am to take you home.
“It’s no problem, y/n! You know I’m someone you can count on.” Hoseok said as he walked around the store. “You still have thirty mintues right?”
“Yeah, sorry for making you wait.” 
“Y/n. I already said it wasn't a problem. Anyways I wanted to start my Christmas shopping early.”
As you were about to respond a lady came to the cash register.
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Your shift was finally over, you clocked out and grabbed your coat from the back thankfully you didn't run into Hyuna, which is a win in your book. You caught up with Hoseok, who was waiting for you near the entrance. 
“You ready?” Hoseok asked as he looked up from his phone.
“Yep!” You exclaimed as you two left the store, looking down at his hands you noticed that he did in fact buy some things. 
Walking across the parking lot you held your coat closer to your body, the crisp November air was chilly especially in the morning. “Thank you again Hoseok.” 
“Of course, y/n. Do you want anything before we head back?”
You were hungry but, you were just too tired to put that before your sleep. “No, that’s okay I’m super tired from tonight.” Hoseok just nodded as you two reached his car, he clicked the door open and the two of you got in. It felt really nice to sit down, your legs were aching and you wanted nothing more than to lay in your bed and sleep the rest of the day away. 
The ride to your house was nice the two of you caught up and made small talk, soon you were arriving at your house. “Well, thanks for the ride! Be sure to have a safe drive back home.” 
“Of course y/n, I’ll be sure to text Jennie to tell her you made it back home safely and that I didn’t kill you.” He joked. You smiled back as you wished him a good night - well morning. Unlocking the door to your house you quickly took your shoes off and entered your bathroom where you took a quick shower, changing into your sweats and t-shirt entering your bedroom. Charging your phone you placed it on your bedside table as you laid down, sleep slowly consuming your thoughts. 
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Feeling the sunlight pour into your bedroom you slowly began to wake up. Sitting up you stretch your arms up into the air and reach over to check your phone as the time reads “3:00”. You moan and groan but finally got up to do something productive for the rest of the Friday you had left. You were looking forward to the relaxing weekend you had planned ahead since you got a bit of a break from work as you didn’t have to go until Monday. 
Doing your typical morning routine you went to the kitchen to make an omelet, grabbing your phone off the counter you put your music on shuffle and started making your dish while dancing and singing along to the song.
Once you were done cooking you gave yourself a pat-on-the-back for not burning the house down. Pouring yourself a glass of juice while sitting down on the barstool you started eating your meal while scrolling down your feed liking some memes.
You then got a message from Jennie.
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You did say you wanted to be productive but really, now all you wanted to do is binge watch your show and wait for your outing with jennie.
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Looking at your phone the time read “6:23” you finished the last few minutes of your show and turned off your tv and went to get ready. After you had dressed casually in booties, jeans, sweater, coat and your purse you topped your look off with light makeup. Opening the the bus app you see when the next bus would be coming and headed towards the stop near your house. 
The sun was already setting making you feel uneasy, you weren’t normally out at this time in the dark and definitely not alone. You sped up and felt your nerves calm once you reached the crowded area of the city. 
Waiting for the bus you sat on the bench and got your phone out of your pocket to check where the bus was, saying it was three minutes away.
Once the bus stopped, you got on, paid the amount and walked towards the back and sat down waiting for the stop that was closest to the restaurant. 
You arrived at the restaurant after walking about ten minutes from where the bus had left you at. You called Jennie to ask if she was already there since it was 7:15. She said that she got caught up in traffic and would be there soon and to go ahead and get a table. 
You went inside feeling your once cold cheeks warm up with the heat of the atmosphere, sounds filled your ears and the restaurant's signature dish scent reached your nose. It was busy as usual, you walked up to the main table to get a table for two, the hostess seated you in a booth towards the back. 
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“WHAT?” You shouted in the middle of the restaurant causing many bystanders to give you the side eye. “Shush! Lower your voice, y/n!” Jennie whispered loudly.
Jennie had arrived around thirty minutes ago and the two of you had been chatting it up and she suddenly dropped a huge bomb on you. 
“...Wait, so Hoseok is a-”
“A street racer, yeah.” She started, “I know it sounds totally crazy and I know how you steer away from those sorts of things but, you know he’s a good guy a-and it’s been killing me not telling you.”
You stayed silent, never did you ever think that Hoseok was a racer and your mind was still trying to comprehend everything your friend was telling you. 
“And the reason why I’m telling you is because - now y/n don’t freak out or close yourself out but,” biting her bottom lip she continued, “ I wanted you to go to one of the races with me. It’s been killing me having this secret from you, and that’s only if you want to go! I’m not trying to force you either...”
You were not expecting this at all. Your friend was dating a street racer… and now she’s inviting you to one of their very much illegal races. What should you say? You want to say no you really do, it’s not your scene, plus you really just wanted to relax this weekend. 
“When is it?” You finally spoke after a good minute of silence.
“Tomorrow night.” Jennie responded, “Y/n, I just wanted to tell you about Hoseok, and he told me I should ask you if you wanted to go with us. You don’t have to say yes, and there's many more races anyways if you do decide to want to come to one.” 
You thought about what she said, and were happy that they would even think to invite you. “I’ll - I’ll think about and let you know for tomorrow if that’s alright.” 
“Yes of course y/n! Take your time. Anyways did I tell you about what my chemistry professor said yesterday? He totally was like-”
You got lost into your thoughts as you thought about what she said, normally if someone were to ask you to go to a street race you would’ve said no on the spot but for some strange reason you did want to go but you know you shouldn’t.
“Like, that’s just so rude to say and I don’t even understand why he would bring that up in the first place!” Jennie sighed.
The two of you spent the rest of the night gossiping about each of your co-workers as well as the show you were watching, but in the back of your mind you kept thinking about what she said. 
Jennie took you back home and you two wished each other goodnight. 
Walking into your house you went to your bathroom and did your nighttime routine, changed into some pjs and you promised yourself you were just going to watch two more episodes of your show. Did that happen? No, of course not. What you did however is manage to fall asleep on the couch. 
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Waking up with an awful cramp in your neck you arose from the couch with a groan. “Gosh I really shouldn’t have slept on the couch.” You spoke to yourself. Today you weren’t feeling up to cook so you just had your favorite cereal and texted Jennie.
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Looking down at your phone you sighed. Should you go? A part of you really wants to know about the racing scene and to see. You needed some thrill in your life and maybe this is it, this is your chance. 
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You may have seemed cool, calm, and collected over text but in reality you were freaking out. You just agreed you were going to a street race in less than thirteen hours when your previous plans were to binge watch the show you’ve been watching for another season, a lot more tame for what you're now signing yourself onto. But for some reason you did want to go - it's been a long time since you've gone out anywhere else outside of your work. 
Your thoughts were racing, maybe it won't be as bad as you think it is, maybe the media just exaggerates what the reality is, maybe it’s actually super lame. You tried to make yourself feel better about your decision but you can’t help the anxious feeling inside your lower stomach.
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It’s 9:49 pm and you've been staring at your closet for the last two hours, at least that’s what it felt like - it was really more like ten minutes, but still! What were you supposed to wear to these kind of things? 
You supposed wearing black is the most common thing, at least you hoped. You digged into your closet and found a pair of high waisted black joggers with vertical lines on the sides of them, a black halter, some all white sneakers and a large oversized jean jacket.  You then went to your bathroom and tried to make yourself somewhat presentable, with some light makeup and styled your hair to your liking. 
You checked your phone for the time “10:42” you felt your heart accelerate, you were excited, nervous, and anxious all at once. 
One minute soon became two, then three, and soon it was already 11:00. Your nerves were on edge. Suddenly your phone rang and you flew up three feet in the air, with shaky hands you picked up your phone Jennie’s contact lit up the screen and you answered. 
“Hey Jennie!” You said trying to sound excited to hide your nerves.
“Hey! I’m outside! Oh, and make sure to bring your ID.” 
“O-okay sure thing!” You said as you began to awkwardly laugh. You grabbed your phone and your small wallet that you slipped into the front pocket of your joggers since you didn’t want to take a purse. 
Well here goes nothing. 
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After driving for what seemed like 20 minutes from your house you arrived in a secluded area where there was a pay toll like entrance and a huge line of cars wanting to go in.
“Uh, Jennie? How many people actually come to these things?” You said being genuinely surprised by how many people are lined up behind the entrance. 
“Hm. I don’t really know the exact numbers but it varies to who actually races, if they’re a fan favorite, a newbie, stuff like that.”
You supposed that made sense but still you didn’t think that there would be so many people, you’re assuming that Hoseok and his friends are fan favorite racers. 
It took 15 minutes from you two to make it to the pay toll.
“IDs?” A deep voice rang out. 
Jennie waited for you to get yours out of your wallet and then handed the man both IDs. He checked the two and looked back up at the both of you, then handed Jennie two white bands, as well as the IDs.
“Thank you.” Jennie said as the toll’s gate rose up and drove off, 
“This is so exciting! How are you feeling y/n?”
How are you feeling? You really didn’t know, it was a strange feeling that’s for sure.
“Good, just… nervous.” You softly chuckled as you looked down at your hands that you curled on your lap.
“That’s totally understandable, I was too when I came to see the first race. I wanted to be a supportive girlfriend but I actually ended up liking it.” Jennie said as the two of you arrived at a graveled parking lot, there were cars parked everywhere and you could hear the distant sound of people talking and the car's engines.
“Here you’ll need to put this on.” Jennie said as she put the white band on your wrist and you did the same for her. 
“Thanks.” You said as the two of you got out of the car.
The cold crisp air nipped at your cheeks as soon as you got out. You hugged the jacket closer to your body and met up with Jennie on the other side of the car.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Jennie said as she looped her arm around yours.
After walking for about four minutes you reached a huge crowd of people, once you two had successfully made it past the crowd you could now see the large narrow street that disappeared into the distance.
Jennie then started walking towards the left where there were a lot less people, and stood two large men in front of a pathway.
“Uh, Jennie?” You said as you cuddled closer to her - what is she doing?
“I’m with Hoseok.” Jennie ignored your questioning and spoke to the men.
“What’s the code?” Said the man on the right. Jennie then whispered what you assumed to be the code to one of the men, they both looked at each other and spread apart making room for the two of you to continue walking on the pathway. 
“Uh, what was that about? Where are we even going?” You asked Jennie once you two were a good distance from the men.
“Sorry if that freaked you out, but basically where we are going is like the VIP area for the racers and those are the bodyguards, the racers are the only ones that know the code but they can tell people too, which is why I know it because of Hoseok.” Jennie said as you two approahed two buildings, one was like an open pit stop area for the cars and the other was like a clubhouse - they really take this street racing seriously huh?
“Oh, I see. So do all the racers hang out over here?” You said as you started hearing the sounds of people getting louder and louder. 
“Yep! Hoseok is probably in his car now, getting ready for his race against Jungkook.” 
Jungkook? That name was unfamiliar to you. 
“Who’s Jungkook?” You said a bit confused.
“Oh! That’s right I forget that you don't know him, well you can meet him after the race,” She said pulling her phone out checking the time, “It’s already 12:27? The race starts in three minutes!” Jennie exclaimed and grabbed your arm taking you to the pit stop area. 
Entering the pit stop area there were a lot of people inside making the once quiet outdoors loud with excitement. You then noticed that each of the racers had their own separate rooms and the people inside were either the guests or the actual pit crew of the racer, well it’s good to know they actually have proper protection and safety. 
The racers had a gold plaque above the open room that they were in, Hoseok’s was the fourth room and you happened to notice that Jungkook’s was right next to Hoseok’s. 
“Come on y/n it’s about to start, I’m so excited!!��� Jennie pulled your arm onto a couch that was placed in Hoseok’s room. A loud engine sound rang out making you jump up in your seat, it sounded so close you didn’t realise how close you actually were to the street. 
The cars were not in your view of distance yet but you could hear just how close they were, then you saw two cars one red and one black stop right in front of the room you were in. 
Out of nowhere a very slim, tall girl dressed in basically swimwear and heels holding two flags stood in the middle of the two cars, just seeing what she was dressed in made you shiver. An abrupt voice from an intercom then broke the silence.
“Welcome, welcome ladies and gentlemen, hope everyone is doing well on this cool November night. Tonight’s race is a treat for all of you, we got two of our hottest, favorite racers but I’m sure the lot of you already know that. These two don’t need any sort of introduction, of course I’m talking about Jung Hoseok-” the crowd roared out, cheers and screams rang, you felt your eardrums were going to burst. “And Jeon Jungkook.” If possible you heard the crowd scream even louder. 
“Now, let’s get this race started shall we?” The intercomer’s voice faded out and the girl lifted the two flags, “three, two, one!” She said as she lowered the flags. 
The two cars then accelerated passed her, you got up from the couch and moved to the opening of the room and saw the two cars faintly in the distance.
“They go super fast don’t they? I think Hoseok said something about going 130 mph.” That actually scared you - the fast you’ve ever gone was like 90.
“Dang, and how long does it take for them to come back?” You said as you looked down at the black and white checkered finish line that was a couple feet away from you. 
“Hm, it depends really but it usually takes eight to ten minutes. But in the meantime I like getting some snacks while I wait.” She said turning around to go to the popcorn machine that was next to the couch.
You were still looking towards the distance when you happened to look over to Jungkook’s room, there were at least five girls inside, one of which made eye contact with you and flipped you off, you quickly looked away and met up with Jennie again on the couch.
“So uh, this Jungkook guy? He seems to be a ladies man.” You said while reaching over to steal some of her popcorn.
“Hey! Well yeah, he most definitely is. Why do you ask?” Jennie’s eyes suddenly lit up as she smirked, “Y/n are you trying to get laid? I mean I thought you would be one to wait but I mean Jungkook probably wouldn’t mind fucking a virg-”
“Woah, woah Jennie!” You say as your cheeks and ears start getting red. “N-no well I - well for one I’m not a virgin! And two I asked because when I happened to look over to his room there were a lot of girls but also this one girl gave me her middle finger!” You said in almost a pouty matter. 
“Wait, you’re not a virgin? Not that it’s a bad thing if you are but, you never told me that you lost your virginity.” Jennie said a bit surprised and honestly you don’t blame her. Anyone who knows you probably thinks you haven't got a freaky bone in your body. “But as far as the girl who flipped you off - that was probably Lisa for some reason she thinks that her and Jungkook are together when he himself has made it clear that he’s not into her in that way. She even got jealous of me before she found out I was with Hoseok and not Jungkook.” 
“Oh, then maybe that’s why she flipped me off, but I don’t even know him. A-and about that I uh, lost it the night of junior prom with my date.” You said looking anywhere but her, for some reason you always get shy talking about sexual things, also you didn’t see the hype around it your first time wasn’t as magical as you thought it would have been and people hyped sex up so much you just thought it would be different, you didn’t even climax!
“Oh well maybe you can tell me about it at a better time-” The sound cars’ engines could be heard again and Jennie jumped up. 
“Come on! Let’s see who’s in the lead!” Grabbing your arm the two of you stepped into the open area of the room to where you can see the cars in the distance but on the opposite of which they started. The black car seemed to be the one in the lead but not by much.
In a matter of seconds it seemed, the two cars then passed the finish line, but it was so close that neither you or Jennie could tell who won.
“Well, well, well ladies and gentlemen it seems that this race was indeed a close one, but winning by three seconds more, Jeon Jungkook won tonight’s race. Be sure to stick around to see your favorite racers, that’s all for tonight folks have a good night.” The intercomer wished his goodnights and what was left was the cheers from the crowd. 
The sound of the car door opening reverted your attention to the two racers, Hoseok was the first one to come out of the red one, that meant that Jungkook’s was the black one. You and Jennie waved over to Hoseok as he smiled and waved back.
You looked over to the black car once again only to see the girls you saw in the room along with Lisa were swarming him before he even got a chance to get out. Then you heard the car door opening and you felt the world stop.
Jungkook removed his helmet as he flashed a smile and one of the girls, the one you were told was Lisa then wrapped her arms around him. Then you felt your heart in your throat, he looked at you at least you think he looked at you, regardless you blushed and looked away from what seemed to be his stare directed towards you. 
Hoseok then came up to Jennie and kissed her, “Honey, that was a close good race, but you did good.” Jennie said with a smile.
“Thank you, baby.” He said as he leaned back down to plant another kiss on her lips. You felt so awkward, it was like you were third wheeling, you just looked at the ground trying not to make eye contact with your best friend’s makeout session.
“Okay, okay we get it lovebirds.” An unfamiliar voice said, causing you to look up.
And there he was. Jungkook was absolutely breathtaking, you never thought that someone could look this good close up. You were so mesmerized that you didn’t realize you were staring.
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you it was rude to stare, sweetheart?” Jungkook said to you to which you didn’t even reply until you felt Jennie’s and Hoseok’s eyes on you too.
“O-oh I’m sorry.” You said looking down, this is why you don’t go out, you just don’t fit in. You were jizzing your pants just looking at the man who doesn’t want anything to do with you, or even knows your name as a matter of fact. 
“Aw, sweetie that’s alright. No need to get all shy on me, I don’t bite unless-”  
“Jungkooookie!~” Lisa ran up to the group cutting off whatever Jungkook was going to say and hung onto him, “That was such a good race! I knew you would win, no offense Hoseok.” 
“Yeah, none take-” Hoseok started but Lisa, you supposed has a habit of cutting people off.
“So Jungkookie, do you want to go out for dinner with me? It can be a celebratory thing, I even have dessert for you whenever we get to your place.” She said as she sent a wink his way. You could only imagine what she meant making your face red with the thought.
“Actually I might have to cancel-” He answered, removing her arms around his torso. “I was thinking about going with Hoseok, Jennie and-” He paused looking to you. “What’s your name sweetheart, I’ve never seen you around here?” 
You felt your heart stuck in your throat anytime he would even breathe in your direction, the more seconds passed the more you felt yourself grow hot.
“I-it’s y/n.” You said as you mentally slapped yourself for stuttering. “And uh, it’s my first time to a race.”
Jungkook hummed. “Ah, I see. What a pretty name for such a pretty girl.” He said with such sincerity, looking straight into your eyes. You really thought you were going to faint, was he really saying this to you? 
“You're joking. Jungkook, there’s no way you would rather go with them, her, rather than going with me?” He didn’t answer but instead kept staring at you, while you just stared back with wide eyes. 
“Jungkook!” He finally tugged his eyes away from you as Lisa exclaimed and pulled onto his arm.
“Actually I think I would, and I will. Maybe another time hm?” Jungkook said as he looked over to Hoseok. “What do you say? Want to treat me to a celebratory dinner, loser.” He said in a joking matter directed to Hoseok.
“Since you won and I’m such a good friend, I’ll treat you for tonight.” Hoseok said.
“Great-” Jungkook started, “You’re coming right y/n?”
“O-oh I don’t - it’s late a-and-” 
“She’d love to, Jungkook.” Jennie jumped in, you gave her “the look” to which she ignored. “What? Come on, you were taking some of my popcorn earlier, surely you're hungry.”
She was right you were hungry but just thinking about being in a room with Jungkook made you already want to die in a hole from embarrassment, you don't even know the guy and he has such an impact on you. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll go too.” You said still looking at Jennie missing the way Jungkook’s eyes lit up. 
“Uh, what about me Jungkookie? I thoug-” Lisa started, 
“Actually Lisa, can we have a rain check? I want to spend some time with my friends.” 
“Ugh, whatever. You know where to find me when reality hits you.” Lisa said looking at you as she rolled her eyes and walked away with a huff.
“Sounds good, let’s all meet at the restaurant. Jungkook you drove here right?” Jennie asked.
“I did, I drove Hoseok here as well.” Jungkook answered. 
“Hm, well Hoseok can come with me and, y/n, why don’t you go with Jungkook?”
Your eyes almost just shot out of your eyes, was she serious? You’d rather go with them and feel like a third-wheel rather than go in a vehicle alone, with him. You could already see it, you making a fool of yourself.
You felt everyone’s eyes on you as they awaited your response. But you didn’t want to be rude and it’s just a 20 minute car ride, it won’t be that bad, at least you hoped. 
“Uh, yeah sure, if he doesn’t mind.” You said looking over to him only finding him already looking at you. You felt your heart rate increase, something about how he looks at you makes you feel strange, and you couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing.
“Of course I don’t mind babygirl.” He saids with a slight smirk walking towards you whereas you felt yourself heat up with the pet name. “Now, shall we?” 
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The walk to Jungkook’s car was short and quiet, maybe he came to the earth revolving revelation that you really weren’t that special and that he’s wasting his time. Being captivated in your thoughts you didn’t even notice that Jungkook, who was beside you, stopped walking.
“Woah, woah babygirl, are you already trying to escape?” Jungkook said with a chuckle. 
“Huh?” You turned around with a confused expression painted onto your face. You then noticed that he stopped at a parked car with keys in his hands. “W-well how was I supposed to know this was your car!” You said walk towards his car.
Jungkook put his hands up against his chest as a surrender, “Yes, you’re right, my fault.” Walking to the other side of the car you open the door still very nervous due to the fact that you’re about to be in a confined space with him.
Whipping around to put your seatbelt on, you felt your phone vibrate, causing you to accidentally drop it in the cup holder between the two of you. Reaching over to get your phone, Jungkook did the same thing causing the two of you to rub your hands against each other. “S-sorry.” You said as you pulled your hand away, still feeling his hand lingering next to yours, it’s almost scary how your body reacts towards him. Man you really needed to get laid again. 
“No worries it is your phone after all.” Jungkook said as he held your phone up, he didn’t mean to look down at your phone but he just happened to, “Hm, who’s Kyle?” Kyle… Kyle??! Why is he messaging you, you grabbed the phone out of his hand and looked down at the message. Just a simple “Hey” was displayed on your screen, why is he messaging you after all these years?
“Oh, he’s nobody just someone I went to high school prom with, I really don’t know why he’s messaging me.” You said as you looked down confused at your phone, but decided not to respond. 
“So do you know where we’re going?” Jungkook rang out, “Oh! Not yet but let me text Jennie.” You responded. As you waited for her response you felt this awkward tension as you looked at the plain grassy field in front of you. “So, uh Jungkook?” You said turning to look towards him, “What got you into racing?”
“Hm, we haven’t even gone out and you’re already asking for my life’s story?” You suddenly felt super invasive, “Sorry I didn’t mean to seem nosy.” You said as you look away, staring back towards the field. You felt cold fingertips graze the side of your right cheek as Jungkook turned you to look towards him. “You didn’t babygirl, I just- don’t really like to talk about it.” He said as he stares at you, you begin to blush, surely he could feel it as his hands are gripping your face. You felt electric, you never met someone that had such an effect on you and you didn’t really know why. You knew you really have, but you just couldn’t resist as your eyes moved down from his eyes and onto his lips, he must have seen this as he then began to move towards you.
“J-jungkook…” He stops moving and just stares into you, removing his hands away. Jungkook cleared his throat looking straight on as you stayed in the same position, shocked. You almost just kissed a man you didn’t even know, it’s strange - you don’t even know him yet it feels so right being with him. Maybe it was only you that felt this way but you could have sworn you could see a rosy hue on his cheeks. 
You felt your phone vibrate as you got another message, this time from Jennie.  
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You choked on your own spit as you read the message in your head, you were going to kill her.
“Woah, what’s wrong are you okay?” Jungkook said as he looked over to you, “Y-yeah uh, Jennie said that something came up so it’s just us two, y-you can just drop me off if you like. We don’t have to do anything-”
“Y/n. It’s fine, I don’t mind, really.” He said as he put the car in reverse, “Now, let’s go get something to eat babygirl.” 
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taglist: @krystle1990, @lurkerarmy​, @olivialovemason88​ @eclivpses @hinawariinoue97 @chimshoe95​ — (let me know if you would like to be added!)
© kooksbliss - all rights reserved
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soymimikyu · 4 years
Food in Netflix’s Series of Unfortunate Events: Season 3
It is over. I finally finished season 3 about 2 hours ago and needed the time to recover and process the ending. While I have only faint memories of the ending in the book, this ending seemed very different (and I want to say I liked it more? I just recall being let down by the way the books ended; however, I was quite young at the time...).
Here is the final set of food notes from the show. The final season was comparatively sparse, but there were some interesting culinary choices. I hope you enjoy!
(Also, since this is the final installment, if anyone enjoyed my rambling carefully curated notes on food in TV shows, I would happily take requests to do this for a different show in the future. It was fun and gave me much to think about in the kitchen.)
Today’s notes are brought to you by Glassworks - Opening played by Ólafsson (because that I what I’m listening to).
Food in The Slippery Slope
What Olaf drinks and discards while driving. It is flat. The bottle helps Violet and Klaus determine which fork to take.
Coffee and Tea
What pretentious people drink according to Olaf
A random beverage that popped into Olaf’s mind.
Made Brucie the Snow Scout Leader sick after eating too many.
I really want to make these! Gelatin is such a fun platform for cooking so many things! The real goal would be blooming marshmallow flowers with whiskied caramel hot chocolate!
What the circus freaks plan on growing on their farm.
Hot Dogs
What Olaf’s cooks with this troupe.
Brandy Sidecar or Coffee
What Esme wants with Breakfast.
A Brandy sidecar is a cocktail of cognac, cointreau (orange flavored liqueur), and lemon juice. Sounds pretty tasty -- I think (I know next to nothing about drinks...).
Frozen Orange Juice
Found by Sunny in trunk.
She uses this to make Sorbet.
Caught in the stricken stream by Hook-handed man and given to Sunny. She prepares Sashimi with this.
Hot Cider [X]
Quigley’s last meal with his mother. What saved him from the fire.
Canned Peaches
Quigley’s meal at Montgomery’s.
Montgomery had a lot of canned peaches (or just two cans) because the Hook handed man in season 1 is also eating canned peaches when posing as a detective. Nothing wrong with this -- canned peaches are delicious.
Poisonous Berries
Mr. Poe tries to help by finding Breakfast.
I often see poisonous berries as red in TV (I am thinking mostly of a specific seen in the Netflix Witcher series) and it made me curious if real poison berries are always red. Nope: nightshade (duh) is black, and several other harmful berries are also black/blue. Some are orange. Given the brightness of these berries I am going to guess they were Mezereon or Elderberry.
Granola Bar
Mr. Poe has these. Kit has some.
Poe always has granola bars.
Sunny’s idea for dinner
Lemony is saying something and thinks they are for everyone one.
Parsley Soda
What Sunny gets when she requests a fizzy drink.
Boysenberry Jam
The darkest Jam in the VFD fridge.
This really makes me want good jam or to try jamming. Roasted lamb and jam...not sure where I would easily source lamb right now and is likely to be a far greater headache than I care.
There were 5 green olives filled with pimento in the jar. It indicated the gathering was on Thursday.
All I wrote is the last safe place. I don’t recall the details -- but it was probably a clue.
Mustard is my favorite condiment. I can (and have) eat it plain.
False spring rolls
What was prepared for a meal for Olaf’s troupe by Sunny and Hook handed man.
How did they get wraps on a mountain...maybe you can repurpose a part of a fish to use as wraps. The skin or various internal linings? Seems less appetizing / food safe.
Rutabaga (again)
What Olaf’s troupe wants to grow.
Food in The Grim Grotto
Chewing Gum
Phil only cooks meals with chewing gum.
Chewy Casserole
Chewing gum casserole.
In my experience heating gum or gummy like things often goes very poorly. You can add them towards the end of the cooking process to create some sort of layer -- but definitely not from the start.
Potato and Cod Chowder
Non-gum based meal that Sunny and Phil prepared.
What Sunny thinks Olaf’s sonar symbol is.
I fully accept that the children are seriously smart, but where is Sunny learning all of this? Did the books have cooking books (I think so..)? I shall assume that Sunny demands to be read only cooking books as bed time stories.
Soft Pretzels
Olaf wants these. I do too -- I should make them!
In one of Esme’s evil laughs.
Olaf wants wine and gets lost in the octopus submarine looking for some. He pronounces it as Caber-NET.
Cure for the Medusoid Mycelium.
Taragon, Wasabi
Contents of kitchen cabinets while Sunny is sick.
The wasabi is what is used as a culinary substitute and cure. Interestingly, it is Mr. Bobby brand. Would anyone know if this has significance? Brand names in this universe are interesting.
Lemon Lime Soda, Gorgonzola Cheese, Birthday cake for Violet
Contents of the fridge while Klaus and Violet are looking for horse radish.
That is a damn impressive cake. Fondant is really well done. Can you make fondant from gum? Probably not, but Sunny is resourceful and likely found a suitable culinary substitute.
Sub Sandwich
Prepared by Hook-Handed man to delay Olaf form assisting in torturing the children.
Looks like a pretty standard sub on a softer baguette. It appeared to have sliced deli meat.
Chef Salad
Fernald’s analogy for people to emphasize that categorizing people as noble, good, bad, or evil is invalid.
Pig Eating Pork
Ok -- this one is not food, but I was amused by Olaf’s simile to describe his joy.
Food in The Penultimate Peril
The Picnic Basket
I absolutely lost my mind with this scene. We only briefly see the contents of the picnic basket as Violet removes the top layer to reveal the concierge disguises Kit prepared. I paused and replayed this seen maybe 10 times to examine what was in that top layer. I then needed to cross reference some incomplete descriptions with two large pastry books (thankfully they have an entrement section...). I feel reasonably successful:
Millefeuille [X]
This is napoleon. Adding a flavor to the custard is a great way to modernize this dessert.
Cream Puffs (Might be a profiterole) [X -- I’ve done eclairs]
Choux pastry is very forgiving and a good entry point into fancier pastries. It forms the basis of eclairs, cream puffs, and, if you are crazy, croquembouche.
3 Layer cake
Unclear what more to say. Since these are all french pastries, perhaps the sponge is genoise?
Mini Opera Cake
Opera cake is layers of Joconde sponge (almond sponge) flavored with coffee syrup, layered with italian butter cream, and then topped with chocolate ganache. It was something I planned on making before everything closed down (I can’t eat it myself X.x).
Madeleine or Beignet [X]
Since this was a picnic basket, I am leaning in favor of Madeleines. They fit the other set of deserts better than a Beignet.
Nut Entrement
I think is this another cake, but it is unclear. I can’t seem to source this one either. Maybe it is carrot cake! That often has nuts around the perimeter.
Sauvignon Blanc
Olaf’s wine of choice
Aqueous Martini
Jerome’s drink of choice.
Indian Food
Larry, in his last waiter position, poses in an Indian Restaurant. Poe orders a glass of milk.
The Barking Gin Distiller Dry Goods
Interesting brand on the bag belonging to a lady on the trolley during the sequence when Justice Strauss is searching for the Children.
In flash back with Kit and Esme. Kit likes her tea as bitter as worm wood and sharp as a double edged sword.
Crow meat and an analogy for learning the Law (you don’t want to know how the sausage is made, just like you don’t want to know how the law works).
Too much pepper and makes the court audience cough.
Food in The End
Root Beer Float [X]
Lemony has one. It is his thirteenth.
Partially consumed by the man following Lemony at the diner.
Mixed Nuts
All that is left to eat on the boat. Sunny offers some to Olaf, but he knocks it into the sea.
Since the islanders don’t have any spice, they eat raw fish.
I have never had this, but recall reading in a book about sushi how it was integrated by some sushi chefs in South America into more traditional Japanese cuisine.
Fermented Coconut Cordial
I have no idea how you could get anything resembling an opioid from fermenting coconut water. Unless Ish is adding something, this seems suspect. Fermenting something sweet and earthy also does not really sound appealing.
Wasabi and Wormwood
Sunny’s suggestions on how to treat the Medusoid Mycelium.
Wormwood and related foods appear often.
Modified by Bertrand and Beatrice to contain the sugars giving immunity to the Medusoid Mycelium.
Chocolate Cake [X]
SQUEEE this was adorable. Sunny makes a cake for Beatrice II’s first birthday.
Shared by Fiona and Fernald.
Root Beer Float
Shared between Lemony and Beatrice II as she tells him the remaining story.
I want to believe that this is his 14th root beer float.
Black Bean and Mango Salad
Sunny makes this during the Finnish Female Pirates incident as told by Beatrice II.
This sounds amazing! Slightly ripe mango with a citrusy black bean mixture would be delightful!
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
Best Carol/Melissa Episodes
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So I got bored in Quarantine and I was so moved by Look At The Flowers that I decided to make this list of the best episodes that either feature Carol/Melissa as a lead or she plays a large part in them. I haven’t seen S1-2 since like... 2014 as they’re my least favorite (i know i’m sorry but i did include honorable mentions) but I’m so freaking proud that I couldn’t not make this list. Here we go! Feel free to add to them! ** means they’re my favorite performances of Melissa! I do mention some scenes that are also with Norman/Daryl as he is a LARGE part of who Carol is. If you think it’s ‘’shippy’’ which it might be, don't read it. I worked on this for almost two hours. 
season 1
- for real, what woman keeps a grenade on hand? That was it. That was where I started paying attention to her. 
- also, the scene where she digs the pickaxe into Ed’s head? I think Daryl and I both fell for her then. 
season 2 
- the honorable mention!! the barn scene in which carol learns the fate of her daughter. I don’t remember most of s2, but this one I do. I think this might’ve been the first point in the show where I was like, “Hey Google, how to protect someone who isn’t real.’’
season 3
- walk with me: We get to see how Carol has changed during her time on the road after the farm and how much she’s learned. This is also, unfortunately, the last time we see her for a couple episodes until Daryl finds her in the cells below. 
- hounded: daryl finds carol. It’s sweet, it’s warm and soft and there’s alot of reunions and alot of mourning over T-Dog and Lori. 
season 4
- Carol has become a leader in her own right for this season. She teaches the kids how to defend themselves during the ruse of a story time and takes on Lizzie and Mika as her own after Ryan is bit. 
- indifference: After killing Karen and David to stop the spread out a virus, Rick takes it into his own hands to banish Carol. This one hurts too because it’s quite obvious why she did it. She did it to protect herself and the people she loves, but sometimes that’s just not enough. 
- the grove: emmy emmy emmy emmy material. Holy crap, I CANNOT stress this enough! This is the make or break episode for Carol as a character. There’s beauty and devastation and anguish all wrapped up into 45 minutes. This should’ve made Melissa well known. This should’ve won her multiple awards, and it didn’t. But we know. We know. 
season 5 
- sanctuary: this one goes down in history for multiple reasons, and most of us know them. 1.) Caryl reunions galore. Even if you don’t ship it, that moment is so, so sweet. 2.) If it weren’t for Carol, your fave would be dead. That’s literally it. 
- consumed: OOF. Really. 
- The back half of season 5 after the arrival at Alexandria is hilarious to me. Because these people are so sheltered from the darkness and the cruelty of the outside world that Carol takes on their own persona to blend in with them, to know the naivety of these people and to hide easily among them to get what she needs. This is also how she befriends Sam, who probably reminds her of Sophia which is why she’s so cruel to him. 
season 6 
- jss**: ‘’Miss Peletier, you are an honest to goodness hero.” No. Freaking. Way.  I remember watching this episode and rocking back and forth on my heels in anticipation because up until this point, I think this might’ve been one of the bloodiest moments in the show - and right in the center of it all is Carol - who is now of the mindset that, ‘’hey, we need to kill, we don’t have a choice.’’ and she portrays the internal struggle behind all of this so, so well. The scene with Melissa holding the body on the stairs was what won me over for this episode. It’s very much a merciless 45 minutes. 
- no way out: Carol is not a lead in this episode, but Melissa is very heavily influenced between this one and the previous because of her confrontation with Morgan. I remember how angry that made me, having to watch him bodyslam her (a former domestic abuse victim) against the floor. Outside of Carol, this episode is one of my favorites in the show. 
- not tomorrow yet/the same boat**: Carol moreso plays a bigger part in the latter as opposed to the former, but these two episodes really showcase two things: Her heart to protect her family (IE: A now pregnant Maggie) and her deteriorating mental state. Outside of The Grove, I think this is one of Melissa’s most powerful performances. it’s also the only female led ep in the show  
- east**: I cried the first time I watched this. Carol vs The Saviors, #2. This episode breaks between Morgan and Rick going out to look for her (HENCE ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE QUOTES ABOUT CAROL: “That woman, she’s a force of nature.) I don’t think I really understood the power behind the eyes in the midst of television until I saw this episode. I can’t find the gif, but I’m sure most of you who’re reading this know what I’m talking about. 
- last day on earth**: again this episode shifts between perspectives as TF is trying to get Maggie to Hilltop for her pregnancy complication, but Melissa is stellar here. Carol doesn’t want to love because if she loves, she has to kill, and she attempts to manipulate one of the survivors from the massacre into doing what she can’t: taking her own life. She just wants to go, and Morgan won’t let her. This one is a bit darker, and the episode as a whole is not my favorite, but it’s definitely up there in my favorite performances for Melissa. 
season 7 
- the well: if there was ever an episode that would show you that Melissa aces comedy, it was this one. This is meant to be an introductory to The Kingdom, but the hilarity behind the way Carol talks to Ezekiel is so entertaining. It’s kind of hard to believe she ends up marrying the man (we’re not going into shipper discourse here, friends) but this one also shows you something through Carol’s eyes: The differences between people and walkers and her desire not to kill. She wants to hide, and she does. 
- new best friends: Daryl lies to Carol about what happened in the clearing with Negan. This one is so so heartfelt. It’s deeply intimate. It showcases two people who’d move heaven and earth to ensure the safety of the other, both physical and mental and emotional. Norman and Melissa aced this. I can’t say it more simply then that. 
- bury me here**: I love love love love love this episode. The entire thing is a metaphor, but I love it anyway. If I remember right, this is also the one where Morgan tells Carol about Glenn and Abraham. Remember what I said about the power behind a look? This is another instance in which Melissa shows she is the master of this. 
- carol spends alot of the time at the kingdom for the rest of the season and i cannot really remember any more memorable performances for this garbage, as they took my fave and reduced her to a side character for this and most of s8.
season 8 
- the only performance i will give any credit to in this season is 8x04, which is Some Guy. I barely remember the rest of it. Minus the moment where she finally saves a kid - Henry - instead of losing one. And a heartbreaking moment between her and Morgan that I also barely remember. Case in point, S8 was and still is garbage. 
season 9 
- 9x01-9x05 all have Carol in them because whenever Angela Kang took over the show, she had the brilliant idea to actually use her lead women as leads. Season 9 feels like an eternity ago and I can’t remember if she took over before or after AL signed off, but my point remains. Between Carol’s loyalty to Ezekiel because of Henry, (who she has now taken as her son), and their marriage, and her short stint as the leader of the Sanctuary as Negan is in confinement, there’s something in Carol here we haven’t seen in years. It’s something akin to peace, or as close as she’s gonna get to it. 9x03 and 9x04 (particularly the conversation b/t Rick and Carol) are my favorite of this cluster for her. 
- I almost dropped off after 9x05. I thought that was it, I thought that was gonna be where I ended. Nope. This woman - AK- took this show and made it what it had been and I’ll never be able to thank her enough for it. 
- Who Are You Now: I only remember this one because of the scene where Carol and Henry are in the carriage - side note: I really need to go back and rewatch this season again - but one of the things that caught my attention about the after of the bridge was how the relationships b/t parent and child are approached as significant. They’re not the future. The adults are building for the future of the kids. Michonne/Judith, Ezekiel/Henry and Carol/Henry. It’s sweet. Very sweet. 
- Stradivarius: this is a very Caryl heavy episode, but we find out something here: Even with being married to Ezekiel, Carol has still gone out to see Daryl where he resides by the same river that took Rick. Henry sees the relationship between him and his mother. It’s as obvious as the nose on your face. This one is just adorable. I love it. 
- The Calm Before**: Ow. OW OW OW OW OW. You want more pain? Here you go! Carol faces the dark truth as she crests the hill that holds her worst nightmare: Henry has died. She’s lost another kid. You wanna restrain yourself from breaking through the TV to comfort Carol for the umpteenth time as she breaks? Cool. That’s what you get here. 
- The Storm**: Split apart by the death of Henry, Carol and Ezekiel no longer remain married. She gives up that fairytale - one of the happiest she’d ever had - and begins wallowing in her suffering over the loss of her son. Heartbreak and grief do not come easily to her. They never have. Can you imagine being suffocated by things you’ve never talked about? Can you imagine having to live every day with your grief? Well, look here... that’s exactly what Carol does, and you want to know who her guiding force is? 
It’s Daryl. 
season 10 
- I remember when Season 10 aired, I watched the first episode in Kenya and loved it. I’d heard something about how PTSD was a BIG factor in the progression of the story throughout this season, and as someone who wants to go into mental health counseling, I was so intrigued by this that every single episode kept my eyes glued to the TV. Carol is the lead female now besides Michonne, but I’m gonna tell you every single favorite episode of mine anyway. 
- Ghosts: Carol makes a mistake and fires at Alpha when they meet her at the border. She wears a mask that’s so composed it’s almost hard to see the heartbreak beneath it, and that’s the point. She’s not considering her life. She’s considering vengeance for the life that was taken. This is a constant circle for her. Alot of people are tired of this arc and I get it, I do. But the difference between this one and the three seasons previous is that we’re meant to get to a resolution now. This episode broke my heart. Especially the last scene in the gym. 
- Bonds: Another Caryl heavy episode. I love this one. It’s very lighthearted compared to the rest of the season. 
- Open Your Eyes**: This one is utterly terrifying and eerily reminiscent of the one in S2 where Daryl interrogates Randall. Carol, having just brought back a Whisperer from her escapade with Daryl, interrogates him to find out the location of Alpha’s horde without any real consideration for the people around her. She also uses Lydia for her own personal gain, and I’m not gonna lie - Even though this one is one of my favorites because of Avi Nash (WHO WAS SUCH A GOOD ADDITION TO THE SHOW I LOVED HIM AS SIDDIQ) This episode made me so angry because of Carol’s motives. 
-  The World Before**: And when I said I was angry, this episode turned it all into heartbreak. This one remains one of my favorite of the show and of Carol for one very specific reason: The scene in the woods between her and Daryl. 
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As someone who has never done grieving well, this scene hit me so. hard. She’s so set on this path of vengeance and blood that she’s neglecting a very real truth that she has never done well: talking about her burdens, talking about the pain and if she does that, if she acknowledges it, then she will hurt. 
- Squeeze: I don’t have to talk about this. I just have to show you. 
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Ow. Please, please let her heal. I’m so tired of seeing her hurt. 
- 10x11 and 10x12 don’t really have Carol, and neither does 10x13, but she’s there. We see her a couple of times, we have a conversation or two. Let me get to the penultimate moment. One we’ve waited for years to see and which next week will give us the rest of. 
- LOOK AT THE FLOWERS*****: You can be a Carol fan for five minutes or five years and still somehow managed to love her MORE after watching this one. There’s a couple reasons why this one is probably in my top 3 for both Melissa and Carol as a whole. 
1. I have waited years to see Negan meet Carol. JDM has made it very clear how he feels about MMB and I knew, I knew, that once this interaction happened I would not be disappointed. I should’ve realized she was the one who let Negan out, but I didn’t. That entire first scene is gold. 
2. This entire episode is just.. art. The fact that Carol’s darker side takes the form of the being of her hatred - Alpha - is fitting, and it’s also the first time we’ve really gotten an actual dialogue about multiple things that have formed her character for the last several seasons: The Grove, the loss of Sophia, Ed... It’s heartbreaking to see because she keeps telling herself pushing people away is better, it’s better to be alone because there’s no one to burden, and the darker side of her asks a very simple question: What do you want? 
Her answer is clear, at least to her. I want to be alone. But the fact that the darker part of her, the one that keeps calling out on Connie, doesn’t agree. No. There’s something deeper. Something she’s too afraid to acknowledge. 
3. That whole final scene. Wow. I’ve watched it like four times because Samantha Morton is just so good as Alpha, as Carol’s dark counterpart, trying to mock and taunt her into doing the one thing she never was able to do herself: Dying. This episode is dark because of this realization. “Look at the flowers’’ is akin to ‘’It’ll all be over soon.” but instead of choosing death, instead  of choosing the one thing that would let it be over, she chooses life. She essentially chooses to fight for herself which she has not done in YEARS. The minute she acknowledges that it’s never too late (FOR WHAT?? HM??) the demons disappear. I think that this point into 10x15 will give us two things that every Carol fan is desperate for: Healing for Carol (FINALLY!), and a resolution to this endless arc of suffering. 
Also... Why do we think that Daryl is the one who ends up welcoming her home? Why is he the one who opens the gate? 
Long story short: I love this character. I love Melissa McBride as she is one of the most down-to-earth, humble and compassionate actresses in Hollywood. It’s a shame she’s not gonna be recognized by The Academy because if ever there was an actor/actress on this show to win, it’d be her. 
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jiracheer · 4 years
salutations and greetings, 🍊 nonny here! i saw your request were open and in the spirit of spooky season 👉🏼👈🏼 may i request some fall date headcannons- haunted houses, cliche horror movie nights, pumpkin patch dates, or cold night cuddles for Kuroo, Tsuki, or the Miya twins? (but the horror movie could lead to lewdness if so desired, i am 18 turning 19 in November :) )
these ideas have been stuck in my head and it’s a need & a want 😭 obviously you can ignore if not too specific, or if you have too much already waiting to be wrote! Thank you anyway!! ❤️✨
✨ a/n: Hey babe 🥺!! Sorry this took me so long!!! I AM GRR AT MYSELF!!! I had so many ideas and i kept writing n rewriting. Unfortunately I only wrote for Tsukki and Osamu, I hope that’s okay!!
✨ warnings :: creampie, unprotected sex / nsfw under the cut
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- As soon as the leaves turned an array of oranges, yellows, and reds, and the air grew to be a bit more bitter, you had suggested the idea of going to one of the local farms out of Miyagi to go pumpkin picking to Tsukishima one evening.
- A week went by and one morning you were woken up by Tsukki. He shook your shoulders gently to get you awake, and when your eyes fluttered open and you looked at your boyfriend with such an intense expression of confusion, he really couldn’t help but laugh at your expression and the small line of drool that formed at the corner of your mouth.
- He told you to get ready and to dress appropriately for the weather outside, and you still were confused, but you just shrugged it off as you assumed he was taking you out for breakfast. 
- Once you were ready you two bid your bearded lizard farewell, simply watching as it licked its eye, and you just took it as him saying goodbye as well, and you two were off. 
- You sat in the front seat with his hand held in yours. You had the habit of running your fingers over his knuckles, and every so often you would kiss the back of his hand. It always made him look over at you with flushed cheeks, still not used to all the affection you gave him, but he would always squeeze your hand to let you know that he loves it and you.
- “Where are we going?”
- “You’ll see.”
- His answer was so cryptic you couldn’t help but nervous laugh
- “You’re not gonna like, kill me. Right?”
- Silence
- “RIGHT?”
- You’re silently freaking out and eventually he starts laughing. You let go of his hand to punch his arm, yelling at him for scaring you, and you go back to holding his hand. 
- You do end up falling asleep at some point since you were still pretty tired. Tsukki’s eyes would flick over to you every so often, smiling softly as it was now his turn to kiss the back of your hand and let his lips linger on your skin for a moment.
- You wake up before you arrive and you’re like a kid at a candy store when you see where you are; the pumpkin patch.
- The second your feet meet the ground, you’re already going feral. You’re holding onto his arm as you two walk with other people towards the tractor that would give you a hay ride out to the patch, and you’re practically shaking with excitement.. And from the cold.
 - Tsukki holds you close to his side with his hands rubbing your arms, pressing tender kisses to your temple every so often, but you don’t seem to notice as you seem to hyperfocus on the farm.
- “Tsukki...”
- “Mhm?”
- “I wanna live on a farm :(”
- He snorts at your words and you lean against him, letting your head fall on his shoulder as you look up at him with puppy eyes. “I’m not joking!! Do you know how much fun it would be if we lived on a farm?”
- The blond rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but think about it. A farm, huh...? He could already hear the rooster crow at the crack of dawn, and see a cow or two simply lazing around at the pasture. 
- He could picture you sitting on the porch with a warm cup of coffee, an open spot besides you for him to join you, and then out of nowhere.
- He sees a child.
- His face turns a bright red and he clears his throat, waving away his thoughts. Okay Tsukki, calm down-
- “Come on Kei!” You’re already taking his hand and leading him off the tractor, dragging him around the uneven patch.
- You both look at a multitude of pumpkins. You pick up a few and admire them, and you seem to take an interest in the white pumpkins, and he likes to enjoy the more classic orange ones.
- There’s a small white pumpkin that catches your eye and as you go to pick it up, you turn to show Tsukishima and your foot gets caught on a vine.
- You screech as you stumble forward and the pumpkin falls, breaking apart as soon as it hits the ground.
- “...”
- “...”
- You two ran so far away from that spot and went to check out another part of the patch.
- Eventually, you two settle with a big phat orange pumpkin that’s a bit deformed. Tsukki called it ugly, but you said, and I quote, “He is very gorgeous to me.”
- You decide to name him Eugene and you decide he knows how to do his taxes, unlike Bokuto, and Tsukki laughs.
- The two of you reach the main log house at the entrance and you enter, enjoying the warm air as you get drinks and a few snacks, and you two find yourself back outside.
- “You know..” Tsukishima looks down at his drink, almost too nervous to meet your eyes. He shuffles in his seat and sits closer to you, taking your open hand in his as his knees bump into yours.
- Tilting your head, you urge him to continue as you bite into your apple fritter.
- He rubs your ring finger and you almost choke. Your eyes widen and your heart begins to beat rapidly. Oh my God... Was he going to propose to you? You feel yourself begin to sweat as he slowly pulls back, hand going into his pocket-
- “Eugene is an ugly ass name.”
- “I cannot stand you sometimes.”
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- Osamu decided that on October 31ST that the both of you would be watching scary movies, whether you liked it or not.
- You never really took him to be the kind of guy to like horror movies. You assumed he was more into films like Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc.
- He really does like Fantastic Mr. Fox tho.
- When you arrive to his place you greet him happily and with snacks, opening a black bag to reveal candies and baked sweets you had taken the time to make that day.
- Osamu was so happy to see the treats. He gave you a small smile and thanked you with a kiss to your forehead. You blushed at the affection and eventually pulled him to his room to get started on watching the movies.
- You two built a pillow fort and made sure to be careful with his TV, once y’all were settled in you put in the first movie and get started.
- Osamu laid against his headboard with his hair brushing against the blanket above, legs stretched out and an arm around your waist. You laid your head on his chest with one leg thrown over his and resting in between his legs.
- Every so often you’d jump because of a jump scare, or even scream and hide your face, and Osamu would laugh softly at your reactions and rub your back with a kiss to the top of your head.
- You two would talk about what you’d do if you were in a horror movie, which was a poor choice, because Osamu was roasting your ass.
- “I would NOT die 20 minutes into the movie!!!”
- “Y/N.... You push ‘pull’ doors.”
- “.... OKAY BUT-“
- You pause the movie real quick to take an online quiz and as it turns out, you would die and Osamu would survive.
- “Okay Shaggy kin, you win this time.”
- “As I always do, Scooby Doo kin.”
- “STOP.”
- You’re a bit mad when the movie starts again, and you bitterly lay there as Osamu tries to hide his amusement at your pouting.
- He calls your name softly and you look up at him, brows furrowed and lip out. He chuckles and leans down to catch your lips in a kiss, and you feel like you’re walking on clouds.
- As the kiss progresses, you feel yourself losing yourself in it and you shift so that you’re sitting on his thigh now.
- His tongue is in your mouth and you can taste all the sweets he just had, and you moan is the next thing to be consumed as he holds the back of your head.
- You grind your hips against his thigh, starting to pant when your clit brushes against his flexing thigh. Pulling away you gasp, holding onto his shoulders as he peppers kisses down your jaw and neck.
- Osamu puts his hands on your ass, pulling at them to get you closer and to eventually put you on his lap.
- It seems like time flashed right before your eyes because suddenly you’re naked and bouncing on Osamu’a dick.
- Moans come out of your mouth as Osamu hides his face in your neck, leaving you love bites as you work yourself on him. You’re lightly scratching at his back, closing your eyes as you feel his fat cock brush against your cervix
- “That’s it, bunny. Shit- That’s it, babygirl.”
- He brings your left breast into his mouth, the other was slowly being teased with his fingernail tracing a circle around your nipple.
- You whine and beg for him to continue touching you, and thankfully, he does.
- He works at your breasts until finally he shifts so that he can gently pin you down below him, bringing your legs and hooking them over his arms, you arch your back as he hits places he’s never hit before.
- “Yes Osamu... R-Righ there- Oh. Oh right there please-“
- You’re almost driven to tears as he picks up the pace, pounding into you as you cry out his name as your orgasm comes crashing in.
- Osamu’s cold steely gaze comes to rest at where the two of you are connected, and he lets out a guttural moan at the sign of a white ring around his dick.
- With a few final and sloppy strokes, the grey-fading-to-black cook pushes himself forward to cum into you. He grunts as he buries his face into your neck once again, whispering how much he adores you as you cling to him.
- You both lay there up until a bloodcurdling scream comes from the TV, making you both jump and nearly break his dick with you abruptly sitting up.
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junkcas · 5 years
People like to pretend that it exists in a vacuum.
Artists don’t owe you anything, their art is their’s to create. You don’t have the right to police it. You don’t have the right to demand anything of it.
And that’s true. Art is about expression, and artists should be able to express themselves freely in their art. You don’t have to like it, or buy it, or hang it on your wall or whatever, but you can’t demand the artist change it, either.
But that’s not really what we’re talking about. Freedom of expression isn’t the issue here, the issue is that having an audience is a responsibility.
There are things in the world that are bad and affect a lot of people. Scary things and sad things and painful things. Art doesn’t have to focus on these things. It doesn’t even have to mention them. But when an artist creates something that does, they have a responsibility to handle it with care. Compassion is a responsibility every human has, and artists aren’t exempt. And when you make a space for yourself in the public eye, when you give yourself a platform and make yourself visible, you have a responsibility to handle that with care, too. No one is saying that every artist and every creator has to be a hero or an activist or a saint. But when you have access to large audiences of people, you’re in a unique position of influence and if you’re not willing to use it to try and make things better, you should give it to someone who is.
But it’s not just art that we’re talking about here, either. We’re talking specifically about TV shows.
And TV shows are unique because they build a relationship of expectation between the creator and the consumer. This isn’t a situation where the artist creates something and then offers it the world as-is, take it or leave it. The creator says “this is the story I’m going to tell you” and the consumer says “okay” and then “I’m going to invest not only time but also my emotional self and probably money into this story you’re telling” and the creator says “if you didn’t, I wouldn’t be telling it” because that is how TV works. The creator is dependent on the consumer’s expectations and they have to deliver on those expectations because otherwise, the consumer is going to feel alienated and cheated. This doesn’t mean specific plot points but rather, that a creator has to follow through on the type of story they’re writing. Especially when the creator has decided to write about sensitive subjects. Stories about sensitive subjects will attract audiences that resonate with those sensitive subjects, and the more deeply a consumer is affected by a story, the more trust they’re putting in the creator when they invest themselves in it. Important stories about important things become important to people.
And this is just my opinion, but when you write a story that amasses a deeply devoted fanbase, you should care about those fans.
So, to bring this down to scale, the pilot episode of Supernatural airs and introduces itself as an urban fantasy horror series about two brothers that fight the paranormal. It’s gritty and dark and American and Dean is macho and Sam is sensitive and their dad is on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days.
And the audience says, okay.
And the story progresses. Dean isn’t as macho as he wants people to think he is, and Sam is sensitive in ways he thinks he shouldn’t be, and both of them are scared shitless and aren’t willing to admit it, and John might not be as much of a hero as his sons are supposed to think he is. And so the first season has established the story: an urban fantasy horror series about two brothers that fight the paranormal. But also dysfunctional families and codependency and power dynamics and responsibilities and obligations and loyalty. And a character that hides his feelings because he doesn’t want to appear weak and he learned from his dad that strength is stoicism and he has to be strong because his dad needs him to be strong and being what his dad needs is the only way he knows how to be worth anything. And a character that’s scared of who he is and tired of being the freak so he pretends to be someone else and when that doesn’t work he tries to embrace his differences but that doesn’t work either because the thing inside him is evil and dirty and he can’t control it.
In other words, characters with self-worth issues and identity issues and guilt complexes and a fundamental inability to accept themselves.
And the audience says, okay. And they keep watching.
And Eric Kripke says, okay. And he keeps telling the story he’s told his audience to expect. He keeps the genre consistent, and the tone consistent, and the themes consistent, and the audience builds trust in him.
Now here’s the crucial part: the audience responds to the story, and the story responds to the audience.
There’s an entire character who acts as an avatar for the fans. Additionally, it was the fans’ response to Cas that made the writers change their minds and keep him beyond his original three-episode arc.
So, a precedent has been set here. The creators have given the consumers a certain amount of control over the story. Does this entitle the consumers to control every aspect of the story? No. What it does give them is the right to express when they feel the story isn’t staying true to itself. It also gives them the right to expect a response.
But what does this mean in regards to on-screen relationships or a character’s sexual orientation? A lot of things.
First, there’s the matter of queer representation as a whole. It’s not good out there, folks. It’s actually pretty bad. Do I think lives could possibly be saved if the situation was different? Maybe a few. Maybe a lot. Do I think it could cure homophobia? Unfortunately, probably not, but it certainly couldn’t hurt. Media influences people. Refer to what I said above about compassion.
But is the need for queer representation enough of a reason to expect a character that’s been established as straight to suddenly turn gay? No, but we’re not talking about a character that’s been established as straight, we’re talking about Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester has been established as a character that hides what he feels and lies about what he feels and denies himself the things he wants because he hates himself and thinks he doesn’t deserve good things and that he isn’t meant to be happy. For starters. He’s also established as a character that’s desperate to please his emotionally absent and neglectful-at-best father at the expense of his own wellbeing and sense of identity, all the while being forced into traditionally feminine roles. It’s all about the story that is being told, and, no matter which way you look at it, Dean Winchester’s story is not being told as a heteronormative one.
But, okay. Dean Winchester’s story could maybe be possibly interpreted as queer. Does that mean that the writers are obligated to bring it into focus? They aren’t obligated to respond to it, no. But they already have. In the 200th special, they mentioned destiel by name. They’ve made jokes about Dean being not-straight, they write scenes where Dean gets flustered by attractive men.
This is getting much longer than I intended, but here’s the score so far: the creators have set a precedent of letting the consumers influence the story. They make it clear that they are aware of the huge portion of the fanbase that interprets Dean as queer, and instead of letting them know definitively that that’s not the direction they’re ever going to go in, they continue to tease Dean’s queerness. Queerness is one of those things I was talking about earlier, the important things that have to be handled with caution because they have the potential to reach very personal places in people. Either way. The audience said “I feel like the story you’re telling is queer and that’s very important to me and very close to my heart” and the creators said “I hear you” and then kept telling the exact same story without changing a thing and then the audience said “I’m expecting the story you’re telling to resolve as a visibly queer one” and the creators said “okay” and they keep telling the exact same story without changing a thing. Are they obligated to change the story? Are they obligated to say it’s not going to happen? When they noticed the wincest ship, they wrote it into the story that sam and dean found it sick and disgusting. When they wrote destiel into the story, they didn’t have dean react to the ship itself, but rather the fact that it was in a high school play. And then get flustered when Sam teases him about it.
And that brings us to the next point: destiel. Because it’s all about the story that is being told, and Dean’s story may have queer subtext, but Dean and Castiel’s story follows a romantic structure. That’s all there is to it. Their story is being told as a romance. The audience has (in large part) recieved it as a romance and made it known that they’re expecting it to be resolved as a romance.
So, do the creators owe the audience a romantic destiel resolution? Yeah, they do. Because they’re telling a romantic story—and it is romantic, right now, as it is. But it isn’t visible. Do the creators owe the audience a visibly queer story? Even if they didn’t, the audience deserves one.
Telling a queer story at this point in history, or even telling a story that becomes important to queer people, comes with a responsibility to do queerness and your queer audience justice.
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kingofthenorth49 · 4 years
Can someone check the GFCI?
When a circuit breaker snaps, it’s because the circuit was beginning to heat beyond design capacity and it’s shutting down to prevent something worse from happening, like fire or damage to a sensitive circuit or device.
It’s a safety device, and we all know how much I love safety devices, but at the end of the day if you don’t take action when a safety device activates, generally the damage can be much worse than what the device was actually protecting.
Folks, our owners have decided that it’s going to be much easier to control the world if they only have to do it from one government, and if you still think this is a conspiracy theory, you need to turn off CNN and step outside your basement. Even the dimwit in Ottawa can no longer keep the secret of where those in lofty chambers have decided we are going, although I sincerely doubt he understands the repercussions, just like 98% of the population. It’s not their fault, they are wired in such a way they can’t see the truth, either by design or programming.
Doesn’t matter which it is (blue dress/brown dress), the damage to our population has started and we don’t have the collective will to stop it, because we’ve been conditioned to be victims. Correction. Most have been conditioned over the past two decades to be victims, to be at the mercy of big government and those who know better than you do.
I’ve a friend who explains it perfectly. He says that most people cannot see past the end of any given month. It’s not a derogatory thing, it’s just who they are. These are the people who live paycheck to paycheck, who don’t plan for the future because they are just trying to stay alive. They work hard to keep up, but are consumed by just trying to cope with what life throws at them. These are the majority of people on this planet. Not a bad thing, but these are the type of people easily controlled by fear.
The next group are the people who can see 6 to 12 months, and they understand cause and effect better than the first group. They understand that payday loans are bad and that you should control your destiny through planning. These are the type of people who run our governments and provide services. They see the benefits to organized approaches to problems and find safety in numbers of like minded people.
The last group, the smallest one are those who can see 3 to 5 years down the road. These are the visionaries, people like Edison and Orwell, Tesla and Rand. These are the Elon Musks and Bill Gates of the world. They drive humanity through aspiration and ambition.
Unfortunately they aren’t always right, for example I would consider Karl Marx to one of the latter.
So why am I talking about Karl Marx and circuit breakers you ask?
Well it’s because my tin foil hat is on too tight, or because I’m not quite right in the head I guess, or any other of the labels those who can’t see past the end of the month would paste to someone like me who likes to think a bit more long term than the end of the next season of the Kardasians.
Shutting down the world for a bad flu wasn’t a decision based in science. It’s not even a decision based in safety, and believe me I know a thing or two about that. The whole “nobody moves, nobody gets hurt” thing really doesn’t work for long. Sure, nobody gets hurt, but no body eats either. This is what your average person isn’t thinking about when they scream “stay the blazes home”.
Yes, you can stay the blazes home. Yes,  you can cower under your bed until the bad thing passes, but at the end of the day the Magic Pantry was just a kids TV show.
Dude’s gotta eat, right?
I’m currently living inside the “Atlantic Bubble”, or whatever is left of it after those anointed in oil decided to take their toys and go home, but in reality we’ve created an interesting paradigm here on the east coast of Canada that’s unlike anywhere else in the world.
We’ve created the perfect culture of fear.
Now for those living outside the bubble, we’ve shut the door, turned off the lights and posted a big “FUCK OFF” sign on the front lawn. We’ve turned our back to the virus like it’s a Trump supporter. This is our plan. We’ve posted guards, created intricate rules around who can go where and why, and basically made it impossible to move anywhere without government permission. All over a bad flu with a survivalbility rate of over 99.4%, with 70%+ of the mortality coming from those 70 years of age and older. You are more likely to die from an automobile accident today than COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, COVID is no cake walk, it’s a nasty disease, but it’s not Ebola. I’ve been battling this virus now for 11 months, I’ve seen how it works, it’s veracity is substantial, and if you have co-morbidities such as diabetes or heart disease, it can take a toll on you, and yes, more people are dying from it than the seasonal flu, but at the end of the day it’s not going to wipe out the human race. The majority of the people who test positive don’t even know they have it.
And don’t get me started on testing.
I can’t talk publicly about it but if you see me out and about, ask me why I think testing is a control and not a diagnostic element. Sorry, the hat’s tightening.
Let me throw one example out for you to chew on, let’s say vaccines. Now the vaccines are the panacea for the masses right? I mean we should be amazed we were able to concoct a vaccine that is 95% effective in eradicating this virus inside 8 to 10 months, hell, we should be ecstatic, right? I mean it took 30+ years to get a handle on AIDS and we beat COVID in just 240 days. We currently linbe up to get an annual flu shot to protect us from the last major Coronavirus (Remember the Spanish Flu?) that has been in development for the last 60 years and it’s still only 35-40% effective, and less than 50% of Canadians get it
We must be freaking geniuses now.
I’ll never understand the sheer amount of dumb optimism that’s out there, but I certainly appreciate it. Without that optimism we’d be more like Lemmings than we currently are.
But back to the “great reset”, shall we?
So dude’s gotta eat, right? I’m going to quote one of my modern day heros, Elon Musk when he says “If people wants stuff, they have to make it” or something along those lines. In other words, there’s no money tree. My parents very early on taught me that lesson, and that if I wanted anything in life I had to earn it or make it, that there was no such thing as a free meal. The problem is most people today have been conditioned to think there is. Trudeau has been giving away our money like a drunken sailor on shore leave to the tune of $400 BILLION dollars in 8 months. Let me put it another way, in the last 240 days Trudeau has spent $10,814.00 per Canadian citizen, or around $25K per taxpayer. That’s debt folks, that’s directly on the shoulders of every Canadian. But it’s ok they say because interest rates are so low we can afford the additional leverage.
Problem is folks is interest rates don’t stay low after a major crisis. Why? It’s called inflation. As money supply loosens, so does the value of a dollar, and when the value of a dollar decreases because there’s more supply of dollars then prices increase. When prices start increasing wages need to go up to keep pace with inflation, and when that happens there are two options. Control monetary supply, otr deal with runaway inflation.
How do you control inflation you ask? Great question. You raise interest rates to throttle spending.
How can anyone forget the late 1970’s? It was less than 50 years ago folks. Remember Trudeau’s 6 & 5? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? JUSTIN? For fuck sakes the kid was living at 22 Sussex drive when his father created the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime.
Wait, check that. Apparently the second wave will be worse than the first.
This great reset is gong to be tragic. Already they are estimating over 100 Million people in 3rd world countries will die next year due to disease and starvation because of the lock downs. In our own western countries the most disadvantages are already our most vunerable populations. Humans aren’t meant to be caged, nor can we afford to be. We need to be free, have purpose, and contribute to a vibrant society.
You can’t govern that. You can’t rule over a captive society for long. History has shown us that time and time again that King’s aren’t benevolent rulers and those who suffer the most are at the bottom the societal ladder.
If you aren’t seeing the end goal yet, I get it, but I do. You only need look as far as the ice cream eating elite who enjoy fine dining when your cupboard is near empty and jet off to Mexico while telling you can’t bury your spouse or child. They make you endure cruel mental anguish while they spend your tax dollars on jet setting and pontificating about a communist world that they rule.
All in the name of a better world, one free of climate change and racism.
Who knows, maybe they are right, maybe they are part of the component of society that sees the future more clearly than the rest of us.
I guess that’s why they get ice cream and can go spend Thanksgiving with their moms while you can’t bury yours.
I guess that’s just our lot in life, to be ruled, to understand it’s for thee, but not for me.
This what we want? This what we deserve? Am I wrong?
I don’t think I am, I just want to be. Can someone go downstairs and check the fuse?
Jim Out
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tdotsspot · 4 years
Wow, it’s been almost TWO years since I've posted anything on here. I’ve thought about it from time to time, but never sat to actually say anything. I just looked at my last two posts....so funny. This is why I'll probably always keep this....just to look back, see where I was, who I was.
But back to 2020 bc HONESTLY this year is the one to go. down. in the mother. fucking. books. 
2019 was literally the best year of my life. It was the year I did the most traveling, the year I made the most money...it was like, perfect until the end. I went to Puerto Rico and St Thomas....Atlanta, Boston of course, MARTHA’S VINEYARD FINALLY and even though I've been there 100 times, this was the absolute best. Of course having Dameo was a plus, getting to show him my childhood summers, but Unc let me use the Mercedes which I legit fell in love with, we met Danny Glover which was crazy, I got the brass ring on my first try lol, and we had a lot of good food. LA, was amazing, I miss it so much....NY.....I feel like I’m missing a city, oh yes, dc! That was a fun drunk night.
Late November for Britt’s bday we all went out and that was the first time I was ever real life drunk around his fam, but it was so much fun. The next week....nana passed. It was sad, weird....I hadn’t lost someone in a really long time, and I was there to see some of her last lucid moments. We definitely got closer over the last two years or so since I visited her a good amount, and it made me more sad than I thought. I’m glad I got to have those moments with her, it was cool to get a grandmother again. Made me miss nanny a lot though...
A few weeks later, we found out I was pregnant! It was planned, we were excited although tbh I was kind of freaking out. A baby??? Like a whole ass human? No more weed, liquor, or runny eggs??? HOW SWAY! I don’t think I was ready yet, and a few weeks after that, RIGHT before Christmas, RIGHT before we were going to tell the family, I had a miscarriage. Goodness, I really wasn’t ready for that, at all. Obviously it’s common, but I never thought I’d have one....I was healthy, in a healthy relationship....happy....how the hell did this happen? Unfortunately we already told our moms at that time, partially to help cheer ang, and I knew my mom would be hype as well. I knew it was early, but I told some close friends as well. The pain I felt from that, I just didn't really expect. It was, really sad....I delayed our trip to Boston twice because I really just couldn’t bring myself to leave the bed and sit on a train for 6 hours. I almost canceled altogether but KNOWING NOW THAT THE FUCKING WORLD WAS GOING TO SHUT DOWN, I'm really glad we still went. It was reassuring to get my hugs from my mom, cry it out with her, and see the fam. Except Kendall was such a douche that visit *rolls eyes*. I did get to go see the friends pop up which LEGIT made my whole holiday. As such a huge fan, it was AMAZING, simply, amazing, and I got to enjoy it with my two older cousins and of course, the Dame. 
So that brings us to the new year of 2020. 2020 the year I think EVERYONE thought was going to be amazing, and maybe it will be. Maybe everything that’s going on albeit sad, overwhelming, insane....is in fact the year we all really needed. The Amazon was on fire, forever and as someone who truly cares about global warming that was super stressful. We almost had WWIII thanks to good old Trump, but boy oh boy....that was just the tip of the iceberg. A few weeks later AGAIN, I call my dr telling them I still haven’t gotten my period, my boobs hurt, and wtf is going on? She tells me to take another pregnancy test, which I thought was a joke because I JUST had a miscarriage weeks before, and yes we had sex, but we were ‘careful’. COME TO FIND OUT, my ass is pregnant again. I was, very confused...a little upset because I was planning on waiting a bit before trying for real again. I mean we just dealt with so much loss between nana and the miscarriage, I hadn’t even fully processed what my body just went through. I remember angrily buying the test because, those shits aren’t cheap.....peeing with the door open with Dame downstairs, (not at ALL romantic like the first time I told him) and looking down like....wait. “WHAT THE FUCK” about 3 times was said, I explained to dame this indeed does say I’m pregnant, but how?? 
30 minutes later, the world finds out Kobe Bryant died. There were a lot of emotions that day for sure. Even though I wasn’t a die hard Kobe fan or anything, for some reason this one really made me sad. Maybe because I was currently listening to a book his personal coach wrote; relentless....which is REALLY fucking good.
A week later, I'm confirmed via bloodwork that I am indeed pregnant and it’s time for take two! I didn't get excited until I passed my first trimester, just in case...but now at almost 26 weeks, I’m really excited to meet her. My babygirl! It’s still wild to know I’m about to be a mom, but I’m really pumped for both of us and I know we’ll make great parents. 
Ah yes, the mid march, covid 19 hits America. I was supposed to go on a three city tour to the west coast which I was very much looking forward to, before the world stopped. In fact, it was that very weekend, right after we had our ultrasound, the first and only visit Dame was allowed to come in, that everything stopped. A week or so later, a mid level of depression kicked in for me, which lasted about a month. I couldn’t believe that after WEEKS of puking and being dead ass tired, I was finally ready to work again, but I was Essentially unemployed. The west coast gig was a cute check, I had multiple events coming up that got canceled....weddings that got postponed, and all I could think about was I’m about to have a kid with no money. I went almost two entire months without making ANY money....luckily unemployment kicked in and I got a couple of grants I applied for because I really don’t know what I would’ve done. My mom of course was in my corner, and Dame would start working from home, but still fully employed so at least we wouldn’t be homeless. I knew there were hundreds of thousands of people in my boat, if not worse but I couldn’t help but be consumed with not making any money, and my 2020 year essentially being wiped out. 
Again, this was supposed to be MY year. Be a parent, make a lot of money, and I felt like I just fell flat on my face, in mud, and was suffocating. 
America’s approach to covid was trash, more and more people died...I was worried about my mom and aunts as they're older and more susceptible. This is the longest I've gone without seeing my mom, but thanks to technology! We literally FaceTime every day. 
I almost forgot! Red literally almost died. He got attacked by a pit that lives up the street and it was one of the scariest things I ever dealt with. We just came back from a cute little drive, it was absolutely beautiful out, and I just remember parking, letting him out for a walk, looking at a dog running but I couldn’t tell if it was on a leash or not. I then realized nope, this bitch is not on a leash, crossing the street, and watching it whip its head at me and red and sprinting across the street to attack him. I was absolutely terrified. My baby red, is literally getting mangled by a fucking pit by the neck. I’m also pregnant and scared the pit is going to attack me, that my stress is going to cause another miscarriage, and that I’m probably going to watch red die in front of my eyes. I completely blacked out on the woman who was sloppily running to get her dog off of him. Had it been a minute more, max, he would’ve been dead. I still picture it sometimes and it legit makes me so sad, but luckily he pulled through after about a week of healing, and a huge bloody abscess that needed to be drained. 
THEN about a month ago now, George Floyd was killed on tape by a cop and it changed the world. Between Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Abery dying and being cooped up for months in the house, major cities went up in flames, literally. It was a revolution that Is still happening which has caused corporate America to shove ‘black lives matter’ down our throats like black people just popped up, shown privileged ass white people who refuse to try and understand, racist fucks that just hate us so much....and the list goes on.
That’s been our year so far! and it about to get shut down again because because aren't taking covid seriously. 
Pregnancy has been really interesting though....not at all like what they show on tv and the movies. I’ve been emotional as hell crying over my body  changing....constipated af to the point where I now celebrate any time I shit, hella uncomfortable....but I know when we see her face it will indeed all be worth it. Doing this back to back though like Dame envisions....I don’t know man lol. We shall see. She's due in about 3.5 months. Check in before then....
Tdot, out. 
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chicassht · 4 years
Last night my mister and I were FaceTiming with some friends and they asked for TV show recommendations. For those of you who know me (which let’s be honest, is all four of you), you know that there are very few things in life that make me light up more than the opportunity to talk about TV.  
I jumped into action straight away.
“So what do you want to watch? You want Drama? Something light? Dark? Dark light?”
They wanted light so I started rattling off my top picks. When I listed something they had watched already, our friend said, “Oh I’ve seen that, but you’re in exactly the right territory. That’s what we want.”
I smiled smugly. “Oh. I know.”
Adam observed and finally muttered, “You should charge for this shit.”
Which got me thinking. Obvs not to charge. That wouldn’t be chic. But, maybe this can be my corona contribution. The countless number of hours I have put into Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC… . it’s all been in preparation for this moment. To allow me to help you. If you’re stuck at home (which I know you are) and are wondering what to watch, let me be your guide. There’s SOO much good content out there, just waiting to be consumed. Amazing, quality stuff that can help get you through this new normal of nothing to do. No matter what you want to feel, TV can deliver.
And that brings me swiftly onto what I started racing through my brain next. How to categorize. There are obvious genres like Light Comedy, Dark Comedy, Dark Drama, but then what about the sub categories? Like, Things To Watch With Your Significant Other or Shows You Missed the First Time Around. But of course there could be a light comedy that you could watch with your significant other and that came out 10 years ago. Then I started to think about colour coding and excel charts and my head exploded. This was followed quickly by the realization that I am not Netflix. I don’t have algorithms or links or ways to mass personalize. So you’ll have to be happy with some good old fashioned lists. This first post is my list of light-hearted, not too dark and stressful, GET YOU THROUGH CORONA WITH A SMILE SERIES. I have eliminated the super obvious ones, but don’t think for second that I’ve somehow missed the blockbusters! Another post, for you more twisted at heart, will contain my more disturbing choices. And man are there some DOOZIES, but more on that in the coming weeks.
For now here are my top picks for light, but clever and well written shows that won’t disturb your sleep!
GLOW - Netflix 
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This is 30 minutes of sheer viewing pleasure. It depicts the making of a women’s wrestling show in the ‘80s, so you know the costumes, makeup, hair and music alone are enough to keep you well entertained. Then you add in the GENIUS script by Liz Flahive (think Homeland and Nurse Jackie) and the talent of Alison Brie (of Community and Mad Men fame) and an all star cast, and it’s a TOTAL KNOCK OUT!
Mozart in The Jungle - Amazon Prime
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Gael Garcia Bernal. Nuff said. But also, dreamy dynamic between Gael as the Maestro of The New York Philharmonic, and his musicians, dreams and patrons. It’s an ode to music, New York City and romance. Can’t watch an episode without smiling.
I Love Dick – Amazon Prime
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Unfortunately, there was only one season of this show (plus side it’s not a big commitment), but I absolutely loved it!  It’s based on the critically acclaimed book of the same name and stars Kevin Bacon and Kathryn Hahn. Such a dream to see Kathryn in a lead role. Her kind of neurotic-feminist-best-friend vibe (seen in movies/TV you know like Transparent and How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days), is perfect in this role as a filmmaker New Yorker spending a year in the elitist art community of Marfa Texas. The show is funny and always entertaining, but also makes you feel like you’re getting a bit of culture and sophistication in too. #Smug.
This Way Up – On Demand Channel 4 (in American not sure, but FIND IT)
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A friend recommended this show to me and I couldn’t be more grateful! Aisling Bea wrote it and stars in it (she’s my new OBESSION) as a twenty something Londoner trying to find her way back to normal life after a mental breakdown. It’s the perfect blend of laugh out loud funny with genuine heart-warming moments. A true British comedy, it also stars Sharon Horgan and falls in the same category as Catastrophe and Flea Bag. Meaning it has that distinct appeal of extreme dry wit mixed with self-deprecation and a dash of darkness that makes it gritty and real. If I was doing subcategories (which I’m not) this would definitely fall under Hidden Gems and MUST SEE.
Dead to Me - Netflix
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This was a real unexpected treat! I think it popped up in a suggested watches email from Netflix. I saw Christina Applegate was in it, decided to give it a shot and I’m so glad I did! Christina stars as a recently widowed mom who finds an unlikely friend in Linda Cardellini (of Freaks and Geeks greatness) at a grief counselling group. It’s very well written with lots of funny one liners mixed with surprising, punchy plot twists and dark moments. A great exploration of friendship, obsession, desperation and the human response to those motivations. Really loved it and can’t wait for the next season!
Working Moms – Netflix
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Canada! Who knew? This Canadian show about new working moms just GETS IT! It’s so well written, so funny, so cringey and relatable! It was definitely one of my fave shows to discover this year on Netflix and, jackpot, they’ve already uploaded three seasons!
Community – Amazon Prime
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Somehow I completely missed this show the first time around (2009-2015.) But what a treat to now have 6 season of pure delight to make my way through! Based in a community college, we follow a motley crew of friends whose funny daily exchanges are the epitome of no stress, keeping things light, perfect COVID19 tv viewing. It’s clever, it’s funny and you really fall in love with the characters, especially the bromance between Troy and Abed. Also, Alison Brie is in it and I just love me some Alison Brie (see Glow).
Sex Education – Netflix
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I pray that you guys have already discovered the two seasons of what I deem one of the best things on television at the moment! Gillian Anderson is SPECTUACULAR. Her acting obvi, but more importantly she is KILLING IT in her ‘70s vibe jumpsuits and Meryl Streep a la The Devil Wears Prada hair cut. The whole thing is beautifully shot and gives off a trendy-right-now mutli-decade vibe, sitting neatly between the 70s to 90s. The high school story lines are a treat and I especially love the girl power, feminist plotline it brought, particularly in season 2. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! I can’t EVEN!
Love – Netflix
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Judd Apatow wrote and produced this show, so that should be reason enough to give it a shot! It’s charming and funny and just a light-hearted relatable show about two twenty-somethings in LA who fall in love. It stars Gillian Jacobs (see Community), Paul Rust and Iris Apatow (Judd’s daughter), who is surprisingly great in it! A good one to watch with a significant other.
Call My Agent – Netlfix
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I’m not one to usually gravitate towards subtitles, but something drew me to this French comedy and I wound up sticking around for all three seasons. It’s very French, very funny and very chic with the premise all around a Parisian based celebrity agency. I got the impression it was full of French movie star cameos too, which made it very cool and inner circle. Highly recommend.
WELP. That’s all I can muster for now. Other top (most of them obvious) choices in this genre are...
The Good Place - Netflix
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Amazon Prime
Atypical - Netflix
The Politician = Netflix
Kominsky Method - Netflix
The Goop Lab - Netflix
Love Is Blind - Netflix
Cheer - Netflix
Casual - Amazon Prime
Stay tuned for the darkly diturbing list up next!
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Pills (Chapter 20)
(2878 😌)
GIR laughed, the little robot sat on the couch watching one of his favorite shows. The Angry Monkey Show of course! In his lap sat his popcorn kernels extra salty, just how he liked them. The little robot always did this when he had a lot of things on his mind. However, because of how scattered his mind was, it was hard to grasp onto a singular thought. So instead he'd rather distract himself with the TV.
One of those scattered thoughts was about his master. He had been gone for so long and yet for no known purpose that even GIR was concerned. The little robot could feel himself drift in out of reality, mentally of course. GIR's mind was a weird one, to say the least. If he wasn't careful his thoughts could consume him and all that was left was a sleepy GIR. One could say this was GIR's sleep mode, though he wasn't too sure. Then again, GIR wasn't too sure of most things. Like where did his food go after he ate? 
GIR shook his head turning his attention back to the TV. Suddenly GIR didn't feel like watching it anymore... GIR missed his master. He missed being yelled at for doing the things his master told him not to do. Like bringing stray animals in the house or making unnecessary noise. Now it was just him and the moose and that weird purple-headed human.
When was master going to come back?
It was at this time did GIR wished his inner clock was working properly. He never had a good grasp on time. It seemed useless to him and yet it meant so much to his master. Maybe he should have told his master about his mental clock?
What was he thinking about again?
Did he remove his memory chip again?
Suddenly, the doorbell rang along with several knocks at his door.
Now, what was it his master said about letting people in the base?
Before GIR could think about it, he was already at the door. Already in his dog costume, he opens the door.
"Heya GIR!"
That fun ginger kid, Keef stood in front of him.
"Meow," GIR responded with a smile, hugging the human.
"Yeah yeah, I missed you too Buddy." The ginger hugged him back while patting his head.
"So, have you seen Zim around. I heard he and Dib went somewhere and I was hoping he told you where."
Master never did tell him where he was going so GIR shook his head no.
"Aw, that stinks. I was hoping to find them it's been lonely at skool and I hate to say this about Dib but I have a bad feeling about his intentions."
Keef looks down for a bit but then turns his attention back to GIR.
"You don't think he plans on hurting Zim do you?"
GIR paused. No, he was certain that Dib wouldn't hurt him. Besides GIR was just now finding out that Dib was with his master. Yet, he knew the human wanted to capture his master. Maybe it was a trap set by his master or maybe for his master.
"GIR?" Keef snapped his fingers in front of his face causing the robot to shakes his head in surprise.
"You know maybe we should go looking for Zim. Ya know just to be sure." Keef allowed himself inside one hand on his chin.
"But where would they go GIR?"
He turned to GIR who just stared at him with a look of bewilderment. It was standard for SIR units to have trackers connected to their master's PAC and yet he couldn't think up anyway to get it to work. Maybe Keef could fix it?
Without saying a word the little robot took Keef's hand and took him to the desk elevator.
"Wow. What is this GIR?"
The little robot helped Keef into the lift. Which then sent the teen and GIR into one of the sub labs.
Understandably, Keef's eyes were the size of dinner plates.
"Wait, what is all this?" Keef stopped in his tracks while GIR continued to try to pull him.
Keef may have been dense sometimes but he wasn't downright stupid. This technology wasn't human it couldn't have been or maybe it was and Keef was just being stupid. But now that Keeef thought about it, it did seem plausible. Suddenly, Keef's mind went back to what Dib had been saying all these years.
'Zim's an alien!'
But that couldn't be true, could it? Zim seemed so real, just a weird kid with a skin condition. But slowly it did make a little more sense. Zim's weird mannerisms, his allergies to both water and meat, the fact that he and Dib had it out for each other since the very start.  
"Zim is an alien."
GIR stopped pulling him as if just now realizing that he had pulled the enemy into his masters base.
"Wow." Keef let go of the little robot and wandered around. His eyes were filled with so many shades of reds, purples, and magentas. Keef approached the computer and stared at the strange keyboard.
"GIR did you know about this?" Keef, not looking up, spoke.
"BARK." Came the robotic voice from somewhere behind him.
"It's so weird." Keef being the curious teen he was pressed a random button and by some miracle, the screen lit up. If Keef's eyes were any wider they'd fall right out of his head. The screen was filled with files all explaining Irken anatomy and brief descriptions of medicines Keef had never heard of, surprisingly all in English.
"What was Zim doing down here GIR?"
"Masta was tryin' ta recreate one of uh his pill thingies."
"Pills? So Zim... really was on drugs?" Keef couldn't believe it, to say the least, but he had to. All the evidence was against Zim and yet Keef could feel the denial creeping up his shoulders like insects.
Keef shook his head. He couldn't dwell on such things, he had a best friend to look out for.
"Alright GIR how are we going to find Zim?"
"You don't."
Keef spun on his heels with a shriek. Behind him, just ten feet away stood a girl with purple hair and gothic-like clothes.
"Hey wait, I know you, you're Dib's little sister!"
"Unfortunately for you, that's the case."
"What are you doing down here?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"I'm here so I can find my best friend. Right GIR?"
The small robot was currently standing on the wall and nodding his head vigorously.
"Well give up then. Zim and Dib are hiding right now."
"Hiding? Why?"
"Pssh. Like I'd tell you."
"Why not?" Keef was getting tired of this.
"Because what if someone follows you, you moron. What if you give away their position?" Gaz had her arms crossed above her chest and had a bored look on her face. 
"Yeah? Well, what if that insane brother of yours does something to Zim?!"
Gaz uncrossed her arms, hands curling into fists.
"Shut up Keef you don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh don't I?! How many times has Dib tried to hurt Zim huh? How many times has he tried to expose him to the world like some kind of freak?!"
"He wouldn't be too far off."
At that Keef snarled. How dare she insult Zim like that.
"You take that back! Zim is amazing and to even insinuate otherwise is proof of how much of a jealous. incompetent, loser you are!"
At that, Gaz raised a brow and smiled a bit before cracked up laughing. Keef couldn't believe this, all this time he'd never heard so much of a giggle from the girl and now she was laughing at him. Her laugh, dear god, her laugh was the most terrifying thing he had ever heard. He was like a crows caw mixed with a raccoon's screech and it made Keef's blood boil. 
With that in mind, Keef charged her whilst screaming hoping to end her horrible muse. However, as soon as Keef came within range he was socked, hard. He practically spun in the air before he finally hit the metal floor.
"What is it?!" The computer sounded as though it had just been woken up and wasn't too happy about it.
"Intruder alert cage him."
"I don't want to!" Came the defiant moody teenager voice.
Gaz rolled her eyes and pulled out a remote from her pocket. The remote only had one red button on it, labeled 'Restart!'.
With the push of the button, the computer's voice shrieked a bit before the light's started flickering before going back to normal.
"Yes, ma'am." The computerized voice seemed to lack all the emotion it once possessed and instead seemed to be nothing but an empty husk.
With that, robotic arms came out from the floor and ceiling, grabbing the now unconscious Keef and throwing him into a nearby cage.
GIR, now done with his nodding finally noticed Gaz and ran over. Grabbing her legs, and pulling her into a hug.
"Ugh. Computer, make sure Keef stays in that cage. We can't risk him escaping."
"Yes, ma'am."
Gaz smirked and turned around to head deeper into the base.
"Wait, why bother caging him at all? No one would believe him if he were to tell." The computer inquired.
"I know, but fuck that guy."
Minnimoose floated around the lower levels of the base, barking order after order to the computer to as she tried her best to install the new upgrades to the base's defenses. Carrying things had quickly become a challenge due to her nubby arms. So she could hold small things like wires, nuts, and bolts with her antlers. But that was just about it. 
"Mie meh ge mh yu me!" The moose barked.
"I'm tired!" The computer complained.
"Mes yu aw geh!"
"I know I'm a computer! But I don't want to do this anymore!"
Minnimoose was starting to regret giving Gaz that Restart Remote she needed it right now.
"WE GY MEH MAS!" The moose glared at the ceiling, knowing the computer was watching her.
"I know this is for Master! I don't care!" The computer raised its artificial voice.
Gaz came down the elevator, juice box in hand, and GIR in tow.
"Sup Moose. Robot giving you a hard time?"
The moose let out a squeak, which by now was a sigh.
GIR ran out of the elevator and up the wall to the ceiling there he knelt and screamed,
The computer let out an annoyed sigh.
Gaz stood beside Minnimoose.
"What are you trying to build?"
"Muu mo we."
"Huh sounds kinda cool." Gaz shrugs and presses the Restart button on the remote causing the computer to, like before, shriek, shut down, and power back on. 
"Yes, ma'am." 
With that, the computer went back to work on the upgrades.
Minnimoose let out a 'sigh' of relief.
"Mas we by saf."
"Yeah, with these upgrades. He better be."
"Uh, Doctor I have a few questions about this whole... plan of yours." Tallest Purple raised his hand.
The Tallest along with the Doctor and few other top-ranked Irkens were sat around a round table discussing the plan for getting Zim back on his pills. 
The said Doctor let out a sigh.
"Yes, my Tallest?" He tried his best not to lace every word with venom. The Doctor did not like being questioned.
"How do you plan on capturing Zim? You have read his file right? He's got more luck than any other being in the galaxy!"
"Yeah, we've tried to destroy him countless times and every time he always seems to evade the danger." Tallest Red added.
"That's simple. We'll set a trap for him. Zim's withdrawal should be going into full swing soon a few pills could be the perfect bait and if that doesn't work we'll just try something else."
"Something else? Like what?" Red asked.
"Oh I don't know, a personal item, a pet, a friend, a lover, etc, etc." The Doctor droned.
"Well there's always that big-headed child Zim is always fawning over," Red suggested.
"Yeah, just the other day Zim always talks about that big-headed kid. What did he call him?... Did or somethin'?"
"No no, Dib." Red corrected.
"Yeah, that's right, Dib."
The two now done with their mini conversation turned back to the Doctor. 
"Also how to plan to keep him locked up long enough to get him back on his medication."
"My Tallest, Zim may be able to escape your greasy fingers, sure. But he won't get passed mine." The Doctor's voice went deeper near the end of the sentence.
The Tallest looked at each other, then back to the good Doctor.
"Greasy?" Purple asked as if he didn't understand what the Doctor just said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tallest Red put his hands to his hips.
"Oh, nothing my amazing and all-knowing Tallest." The Doctor quickly bowed and motion for one of the foodservice drones to approach. He cupped his hands and gave his Tallest a little smile.
"Care for some confectionary?"
"Yes, please!" Tallest Purple immediately dove into the food.
"Heeeey If I didn't know any better I'd say you were just trying to distract us- oh they've got cupcakes." Tallest Red tried to but in before being drawn in by the sweet treats.
The Doctor continued to smile as his Tallest gorged themselves. He then turned to the rest of the group his smile a lot more sinister.
"Now then. Shall we begin?"
Zim sat up suddenly gasping for air he gripped his sleeping bag in a death grip as he starred forward. Beside him, Dib awoke, rubbing his eyes before sliding his glasses on.
"What is it, Zim? Another memory?"
"No Dib. A realization." Zim replied solemnly while sweat fell from his skin.
"Oh? What is it then." Dib sat up and turned to face the alien.
"I haven't contacted my Tallest in Days! They must be worried sick!" Zim gripped the sides of his head in panic.
"What?! Worried?! Zim, you do know they don't care about you right?"
That was the wrong thing to say because a second later Zim was on top of Zim with his claw gripping the front of his shirt.
"Don't you ever say such things about the almighty Tallest pathetic Dib worm!"
Dib eyes went wide before he glared back to the alien. He grabbed Zim's arms and forced him to let go and back off.
"Why are you defending them, after everything they've done to you?!"
"No those were only nightmares they aren't real." Zim put his hands to the side of his head and shuts his eyes tight as if the block out the noise.
"Wow, that Ventive really is strong."
Zim pauses and looks to Dib lowering his hands.
"What's... Ventive."
"It's one of the many ingredients that come in those little pills you care so much about Zim."
"What?! How do you know what's in my medication?!" Zim was shaking from both rage and fear.
"Tak's ship told me everything Zim. It also told me what each ingredient does to you. Ventive, for example, is what makes you so damn loyal to those deranged lunatics. It's a drug Zim, don't you ever wonder why the Tallest treat you so badly? It's because they know, no matter what horrible things they say or things they make you do, you'll always bounce back and be that good little Irken. They don't care about you Zim. I'm sorry... but they just don't."
Dib fell silent, he was prepared for Zim's backlash. He was prepared for Zim to scream about how wrong Dib was and how the Tallests love him ever so much. What he wasn't prepared for was Zim's quiet voice.
"Do you really think that's true?" Every word Zim spoke was laced with a false hope that maybe Dib was just telling a human joke but the longer he waited the more he realized.
Zim's lips we pulled into a thin line as his eyes drifted downward. He looked like he was going to cry.
"Uh, Zim are you ok?" Dib could feel the concern slashing onto his face like a bucket of paint.
Zim wiped his eyes into his face.
"Do they not care about Zim?" He sniffled.
Dib let out a sigh and told it to him straight, Zim deserved that much.
"No, they don't."
Zim nodded and wiped his eyes again. Dib could see the beginning of tears in the Irken's eyes.
"So they have been drugging me... and all those dreams did happen."
"I guess so." Dib took Zim's hand in his own.
"But, it's ok now Zim. You're not taking those pills anymore. You're getting better and soon you might even get your memories back." Dib smiled reassuringly at the alien hoping that Zim would at least feel a little bit better.
The Irken went silent for a bit.
"I... need some time to think, human." Zim stood and left the tent.
Dib couldn't explain why but for some reason the tent felt a lot colder after Zim left.
(Wasn't Enter the Florpus just great?!)
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artgirllullaby · 5 years
Murphy’s First Date
*Arrives late with a Starbucks frappucino* I won’t even ask because being late is now my thing so *shrugs and slurps from frappucino*
Well, after being forcefully transferred non-officially to my new position in my work, my time to write has been reduced (not to talk about the whole stress that consumes my energy to write) so when inspiration/motivation hits I literally have to go overdrive before it expires. Which is why I’m not joining many fandom events, sorry guys.
anyways, this is inspired on true fact events that happened this weekend at home which got me to think “what if was Starco” and it got me giggling so much to think that I have to write and share this. And since the shoe fits, why not join @starco-week Day 1 and try fill in again? :D
So let’s go!
Fun fact: The part that was inspired in true events it’s in the tags, but I recommend you to look only after reading the whole thing ;)
Murphy’s First Date
Marco let himself drop on Star's fluffy carpet. With the towel still on his head he tried to hide his face from her, frustrated on how the day went from awkward to a holy level of mess.
It was their first official date as a couple, but everything went down in the most awkward ways. First with both their parents wanting to tag along, it took them a run along the mall to lose them and get somewhere else, then they ran into Janna who was monitoring the date through one of the cameras in his hoodie. So while getting a new shirt and hood, they run into Ferguson and Alfonso, who decided to pay help Marco which was nice… until they left for their DND meeting and Marco realized they switched bags, leaving him with a elf costume he had to wear so Janna stop looking into his date.
So they finally get to tacos and made their order… And then Jackie and Tom arrived and sat by their table trying to find comfort and completely missing the fact it was a date by them (Marco couldn’t blame them when he’s wearing a freaking elf costume) because, one had a huge fight with her girlfriend and was afraid they would break up, and the other got stood up by his date. So instead of eating more tacos, Star and Marco ordered them to go and tried to calm down both the friends who were crying their hearts out and stuffing their faces on tacos.
That is, until Jackie girlfriend showed up and talked to her and they were making out right then and there (At this point he didn’t even know if he wanted to ask for them to take another table or just leave) and Tom's date (Janna?! Say what?!) Showed up eventually since she was late trying to fix her TV ("thanks, Marco." She had said and suddenly it got him that their date was spying on his somehow.)
It was almost night and things were a mess, but it was OK! Because he got Star, she was happily walking beside him holding his hand and they had some tacos to eat somewhere nice and finally things could be fine!
That was, until the thunder and sudden downpour went on them.
Holding her hand tightly and trying not to slip on the streets as everyone run for cover, Marco got in his house and search for his key… Which was on the hoodie he threw away with Janna embodied camera. He hitted his head on the door angrily as Star tried to call his parents by no results.
His parents got home ten minutes later finding them soaking to their bones as they waited by the door, trying to take cover in the little patio build there with no use (it almost could shelter one, two people was impossible). The Diaz opened the door to them, Star's parents walked in right after them carrying Mariposa under an umbrella.
He took a looked on the tacos in vain before throwing them in the trash for being soaked and ruined.
But the worst part, the worst of it all wasn’t the awkwardness, the shame or everything that went wrong. The worst was when he got her a towel and was about to tell her to take a shower to get warm and she began to sneeze.
Star got sick.
They stayed out in the rain for too long and she just had because a normal human, so it was only natural she as her body wasn’t used or weren’t prepared for such things as getting soaked in sudden cold rain, of course she would get cold!
And now here they were, sitting in Star’s fluffy carpet in the room she left ready for her visits in his house, as Star had her hair dried by her mother, curled under a blanket his mother gave and a hot drink (probably some mint tea by the smell of it) to try help her to avoid getting anything deeper than sneezing from cold.
Marco sighed frustrated as ever throwing the damp towel away as he finished drying his hair and left it a mess.
"Are you mad?" Star asked cautiously.
"Of course I am!" Hiding his face between his hands he confessed to her "I was right all along, I was a terrible boyfriend to Jackie and I a worst boyfriend to you!"
"Wait, what?!" Star put her mug with the tea down and took his hands away from his face "Marco, what are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about?! I am talking about this our first date as a couple being ruined!"
Star blinked at him "What?"
"Come on, everything that could be wrong today had gone wrong!" Marco pulled his pajama shirt up to hide his face "From our parents, to Janna, to Ferg and Al, to Jackie and Tom to the stupid rain and now you’re sick! I’m the worst boyfriend ever!"
Star smiled ever so lovingly at him, remembering how she fell for this dork. "Marco, you’re not the worst… You’re the best ever."
Gently, Star pulled his shirt down until it was down his neck and she could see his face again, but he avoided her eyes by looking to the other side.
"It’s not your fault… Actually I think it’s mine."
"What?" Marco asked confused looking at her.
"Well… I didn’t really think of this as our first real date or anything… I mean, dates are for couples to know each other and bond and we already have all that, we have for a long time… So when you told me we would go out, I thought it was, more casual hang out and stuff. So I told our parents and I might have let them think they were invited because wasn’t anything special… Like, you said ‘we’ as The Diaz and The Butterfly, not as Star and Marco."
"Sorry, I should have asked before talking to your mother and kinda letting her think the same thing."
"No, it’s ok…" He sat up thoughtful, "I think I also should have let more clear, I never mentioned about movie and dinner, now that I think about it make sound like hanging out… I wanted to make it kinda like a surprise, but I should have at least let you known I wanted to be just the two of us.” He smiled at her.
Star nodded and went on, "Then about Janna… I asked her to record it." Marco blinked at her several times too shocked to speak, so she went on "I… Once she said about the cameras, I thought would be nice to have some recordings for us, so I asked her to record… But when you found out you got so freaked out I couldn’t tell you! So… I just let on mine." She looked at her lace pin soaked and frowned "But I doubt something survived the rain."
Marco rested his hands in top on hers and caressed gently "I guess, I did freaked out more than I should have…"
"You guess?" Star chuckled
"Fine, I screamed like a little boy wetting his pants for finding monster under his bed." He sighed "Recordings are fine, but we can do that ourselves Star. We can take pictures, videos and whatever else you want. Even contract Janna, but let me know first, OK?"
Star nodded and held his hands, "Then… There’s Ferguson and Alfonso."
"How you have anything to do with us switching bags?"
"Cause I was trying to recover your hoodie and the camera without you noticing, so I dropped the bags, but both looked the same and were zipped, I didn’t have time to look cause they came and I had to guess, so I went with the lighter one because I thought his costume would be heavier!" Star facepalmed herself "When you checked and I realized the mistake they were already off. I had sent a text for them, but they were on the road until few minutes ago, Ferg said he will get your hoodie back to switch."
"I don’t care much about the hoodie, I just didn’t want to make you feel a idiot walking around with a guy dressed as a elf for no reason… But didn’t work much."
Star laughed "I guess it didn’t."
Marco smiled and sat closer to her passing his arm around her shoulders and giving her cheek a gentle kiss that made her giggle.
"Wait, you don’t have anything to do with Jackie and Chloe’s fight, do you?"
"No! No, no no no. That was just an unfortunate coincidence for real. Though Janna did get late because I had asked her to go get the camera you threw away" she smiled ashamed.
He smiled painfully back, "Yeah we gonna need to make it up to Tom somehow even if I ruined without knowing. He deserve better."
His girlfriend agreed and held him closer, "I thought you got angry because after you threw the hoodie away you lost your keys and got wet… And I know you hate wet socks. So I was afraid to speak and getting it worse… I’m sorry."
He smiled at her and rested his forehead on hers, "I was angry that the date went wrong and you were getting wet. I was never angry at you… Well, maybe a little bit now, but it’s already gone knowing you meant well."
Star smiled at her boyfriend leaning up and touching his lips with her own on a longing kiss before snuggling into his embrace wrapping them both in the blanket.
"You know, we don’t need anything else. This is good."
Marco hummed in agreement caressing her back, "Yeah, this is fine… As long as I have you it’s OK."
Star smiled "With or without dates, we belong together" she giggled.
"That was super clichê" Marco laughed.
"Shut up."
For a while they stayed like that. Getting warm in each other arms and being just comfortable in each other. And for that moment Marco realize he really was too stressed on what he wanted them to be instead of what they are and taking that into the natural way. Star was right, they had their relationship a long way already, some things did change now they were a couple, but they become a couple by who they were and that could not change; if so what would be the point?
Yes, they had flaws and things to solve as any other, but they were just in the beginning and sincerely? Marco couldn’t wait to see what was to be  in future.
They rearranged their position and he turned on his notebook in her room, choosing a movie to watch undercovers with her, and to be fair? This was as good as any date they could have. Maybe wasn’t fancy or epic, but they had each other and they were having fun watching some silly movie in the comfort of the home, and that was good enough for them. So what? They didn’t need anything else, opportunities for all the other stuff would happen eventually.
As he thought about all that, taking her shampoo essence and handing her tissues when she sneezed a few more times, he heard it. A squishy sound, so soft and low he almost missed if wasn’t for the silence in the room as he was selecting another movie.
"Star… Did you just fart?"
Suddenly looking like a red tomato, she looked down completely embarrassed "I-I guess that Taco didn’t get me so well… Sorry ha ha"
Marco laughed, "It’s ok, it’s very normal-" he was about to comfort her, when he stopped mid sentence and felt the smell looking at her horrified "I take it back, it’s not normal."
"Star, you’re rotten" Marco said getting out the blankets.
"Air! I need air!"
"It’s not that bad!" Star pouted getting more embarrassed.
"You can get worse than this one?!" He said surprised as he opened the door.
"Stop that!"
"Oh my God, Star!"
Star facepalmed herself, she was really being fart-shamed by her boyfriend? "Marco Diaz!”
"Marco!" Rafael called from the living room "What is this rotten smell?! Did you find the corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
Star wrapped herself under the blankets hiding embarrassed, as Marco replied "No, dad. Star just farted!"
She looked out the covers with a look that said betrayal to what Marco didn’t see as his back was to her.
"Oh my, that was a powerful one." Angie commented.
Marco suddenly took a moment to realize "Wait, corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
"Yeah, your hamster in Fourth grade stays for another time, Marco. Fix your girlfriend!" Rafael replied murmuring about turning the fans on and home essences.
Marco turned around and got attacked with a pillow by Star "I can’t believe you told them I farted!"
"What?!” He replied as he defended himself as he replied “They could smell!"
"Ugh! Marco Diaz, you’re the worst!"
Marco began to laugh as he knew she wasn’t serious just extremely frustrated on her embarrassment. Now this was more like them, switching from a sweet moment to awkward to laugh.
It would be a long and fun journey.
"We spiraled high on a gust of love!" Marco began singing as he got a pillow to defended himself of her pillow attack "And I knew right from the start, nothing could tear us apart… Until the day you farted hard-"
"Marco Ubaldo Diaz!" Star screamed at him angry. He began to fall down as if he was being dramatically defeated.
"-and now it’s too little too late!"
Oh oooooh
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nvrissa · 5 years
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hello laid ease and furries ( u know who u are )......hahaha....are u ready for this ? zimzalabim ! my name is xan ( she/her pronouns ) and my laptop has been broken for a good 3 years now i have to use an onscreen keyboard so if u see me typing for 20000 years on discord only to send u a single sentence u know whats up x JSDBJWBJW here is the intro....im really winging this no one call me out for that WOOO....tw: medication, mental health, body image ? perhaps just to be safe <3
ok ! so im not gonna talk too much abt family stuff bc yuno and i are doing the collab of the century here and art takes time people ! JSBDJBWDJW but so u get a good idea...i will write a little abt it lets get it 
so the kwons were two of the biggest faces in hollywood ( and tbh they are still considered icons / hollywood royalty no matter how old they get they stay #Relevant ) think bradgelina ! literally everyone knows who the kwons if u dont u probably live under a rock /: 
their parents are very into the fame thing...so when it came to their kids ( nari and wolfe ) they SUPER pushed the famous life onto them, really expecting both of them to be just as obsessed and enamored by the public. idk if u guys ever say that vid of gigi and bella hadid before they were huge were their mom was pressuring them both to get into modeling and to stay skinny and to be stars etc....it was kinda like that !
so narissa, being the first born, really just internalized that shit...like imagine being told ever since u were a baby that fame and status and ur last name are wildly important and not being able to remember a time when u werent being watched by cameras / a third party ( the public ) bc that was her life ! nari has....no experience as to what life is like without cameras and without having to create this image of herself that ppl are gonna be into 
obviously that’s NOT normal....and it had it’s toll on her /: as a kid she grew up so fast like u know those kids that seem so mature and wise for their age ? that was nari. she always had two versions of herself: inside nari vs outside nari. she was so good at being good just bc she knew what stuff to express and what stuff to keep inside ( spoiler alert: most of it was kept in x )  
she is still very much desperate to please her parents despite it all /: i feel like for a long time she kinda excepted and agreed that fame is everything ( hence why shes known for using her last name to get her places ) but shes starting to realize just how FUCKED it all is and just how much it’s messed her up so stay tuned for more fun !
ok so career stuff ! nari started off as a child model bc she was um super cute and super good at knowing what to do / not freaking out in front of cameras <3 but she was always obsessed with actors ! she used to sit in front of the tv for hours legit study and memorize ppls mannerisms and various movie lines.. she was literally always just quoting random lines / imitating various actors so often her parents were like ok word go act !    
she landed her first role at 12 and it was a pretty huge role as a lead chara in a mini television series that revolved around a cast of kids ( think stranger things but not plot wise just how some of the mains were kids ) with zero acting experience before hand ... so it was pretty clear to the media nari got the spot bc she was a kwon ! there was a bunch of controversy around the show before it came out but once it was released...there was no denying nari had talent
after that it was just a whirlwind of acting doors opening up for her. everyone wanted nari bc of her last name and all the attention that came from it, not to mention every director wanted to be The One that helped narissa kwon become one of the most famous actresses of the 21st century. most of the time she was getting cast for selfish reasons but nari never realized it /: she was just happy to be acting bc it really was like therapy for her to become different ppl
flash forward to age 15 when narissa was finally diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and was prescribed meds to help ! it was actually a director from a movie she was working on that suggested to her parents nari might be struggling after witnessing her have a panic attack on set. not wanting a scandal, her parents agreed it was best to get her “help” which included pills and weekly therapy ! 
so nari actually didnt mind it too much tbh she HAD been struggling for a while she just assumed her anxiety was normal and just like something all famous ppl were dealing with but that wasnt the case. she was hesitant to open up to her therapist just bc she was still obsessed with this idea of inside nari vs outside nari, and she was very scared to cross that line so it took....years of sessions to build up that trust
as she got older though and as she got more famous, everyone just assumed she was better. she was more famous and loved by the day, she had become a chanel ambassador ( thank u jennie x ), her interviews on youtube always brought in record views, she’d started in plenty of movies critics agreed would become cult classics, her social medias were nearing kardashian level in terms of followers: everything was on track....
....except nari had actually never been more unstable. she had become so dependent on her meds she couldnt go anywhere or talk to anyone without popping a few in. all the watching eyes were starting to make her paranoid, not to mention the pressure from her parents ( who couldn’t be happier with nari being so famous ) was at its all time high. she had been nominated for an oscar at 21 and everyone was expecting her to win...and then she didnt
narissa kwon famously fainted at the 2018 oscars after it was announced she had lost the award. her actual fainting wasnt caught on camera or televised, but it WAS witnessed by some of the most relevant names and faces in hollywood who were in that room. the scandal took the media by storm, the hashtag #getwellnarissa trending for over 42 hours until a statement was released she had fainted bc of dehydration and other undisclosed causes and that she was okay & currently taking it easy at home surrounded by family 
in reality it was the abuse of her medication as well as all the stress, but when your last name is kwon manipulating the press is as simple as making the right phone call. unfortunately for nari and her parents, the article about the brat pack came out a week later, and there was no manipulating that source /:
for narissa, it was all a wake up call. she decided to go off her anxiety meds altogether. after falling out with the brat pack she spent that year trying to figure out who she was separate from her fame and her last name. despite some offers from a few casting directors ( surprisingly some people still wanted her despite the scandals bc she was still a kwon, after all ) narissa rejected every role except one in a coming of age indie movie that explores womanhood and mental health as well as strained relationships with mothers. the movie is set to release sometime mid august hehe (~:
she agreed to come to milan to reunite with the brat pack bc she’s still searching for herself ! nari figures the people who quite literally grew up with her might give her some answers......not to mention there is still a part of her who is desperate to reclaim the image and status she had before everything fell apart </3    
narissa is....complicated to say the least. growing up in front of the cameras and in a family who prioritized fame and outside opinions of you as the most important thing, she is quite literally desperate for praise and approval. because she legit has no idea what parts of her are real and what parts of her she’s created for her public persona, she often looks for understanding in others!! shes very very good at analyzing people and understanding people in the hopes that its gonna make her better at analyzing herself, but to no avail. 
libra sun capricorn moon !! THIS is super accurate and telling if u wanna read but i kinda just summarized it in the last bullet
she is such a perfectionist with everything she does and a bit of a control freak in the sense that if she’s not the one doing something, she doesnt have faith whatever that is will be able to live up to her unrealistic standards. directors are often concerted with nari bc whenever she gets big roles.....she is so hard on herself, often asking for take after take bc she monitors every little thing abt her expression or her movements. she’s often left frustrated and disappointed with herself bc again, her standards are SUPER unrealistic ):
she’s relatively sweet!! growing up with the brat pack they probably knew her as the life of the party, very bubbly, confident, and very easy to have fun with as long as you’re being tolerable. however, she can get kind of opinionated at times so it’s very hard for you to gain her trust and respect back if you lose it. she’s also prone to random mood swings / periods of isolation, but whenever she returns its with a big smile and a soft voice assuring you everything is okay 
very good at lying and deceiving ppl but she hardly ever does it on purpose ( unless her publicists asks her too ). she’s carried this persona / public image of herself curated for consumption from others for so long, sometimes she has no idea when she’s being sincere or if she’s just convincing herself she’s being sincere. most of the time she only deceives other people about herself. she can come across as kind of elusive because of this ( think daisy from gatsby’s perspective ) but it’s not on purpose. she just legit has no true sense of self isnt that sexy?
speaking of sex. JWDBJWBDJWBD she also uses that as a coping mechanism / a weird affirmation that yes, she IS wanted by others and yes she IS seen as someone beautiful and that she IS something to be consumed by others ( like i said in my tags....male fantasies male fantasies ) but then at the same time she feels guilty abt this and so unsatisfied and disgusted at how she’s living her life as an object / manifestation of other people’s projections rather than as a normal person...rip </3 its a cycle
ever since her relationship with micah that was so hated by the public it actually ruined and ended their relationship, nari has been too scared to publicly have a relationship again. the media seems to love seeing her on casual dates with other stars, but not to see her tied down to one person, as that kind of “damages” this super accessible persona she’s put out ( think idols and why they cant date )  
she loves poetry, french music, all of marilyn monroe and audrey hepburn’s movies, nonfiction essays abt womanhood and identity, anything chanel, is particularly fond of silk dresses but is partial to velvet as well, wears lacy bralettes under everything bc it makes her a little more confident, actually prefers large parties to small ones because small gatherings are more personal therefore give her more anxiety, would only eat fruit and drink champagne if she could live like that, doesn’t know how to swim so she’s scared of the ocean as well as the dark, used to study ballet as a kid and misses it terribly, doesn’t know how to drive and isn’t planning to learn, can be materialistic at times, is probably an introvert masquerading as an extrovert for 22 years now, the only movies she cant stand are westerns, loves to travel but is scared of flying, doesn’t drink coffee, and is allergic to nuts. 
last but most important fact about narissa is that she loves her brother wolfe more than anything in this world so messing with him is the only way nari is bound to 100% hate you. she can bully him all she wants ( ex. starting very real rumors he IS in fact a furry ) but no one else is aloud to actually be mean to him or she will kill you
also very random but i had a hc that when she was 6 and her pet cat jinx died she caused enough fuss at home her parents actually made it a national holiday in about thirteen different states. the anniversary of this death is december 4th and yes . the brat pack better mourn jinx with nari every year......
pls spare plots im sorry this is so long.....JBDJBWJDBWJBWDJBJ i promise it will be worth it also im sensitive and very small ... how can u say no ? 
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zerochanges · 6 years
50 Years of Dororo - Mushi Pro’s Dororo 1969 vs Studio Mappa’s Dororo 2019
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2019 marks the 50th anniversary of Mushi Pro’s Dororo anime adaptation, the last anime to be made solely in black and white. The 1969 original Dororo anime is a cult classic, with high accolades from the diehard community and still holds up incredibly well to this day. Yet that didn't stop Studio Mappa from creating their own adaptation of the manga, which has finally released just this week. So the real question is, how do the two of them compare--well let’s get into it.
But first, a little background. The original Dororo manga, created by prolific manga creator Osamu Tezuka, ran in Weekly Shonen Sunday for about one year, from August 1967 to July 1968, where it then entered a hiatus for a brief period, before finally shifting to the Monthly Adventure King magazine in 1969 where it was serialized for about 6 months (May to October ‘69) and finally “concluded”. I say concluded but the manga mostly just abruptly stops before the characters accomplish any of their own goals, and things are more or less just left open in case Tezuka ever wanted to come back to the series (he didn't). Despite this Dororo has remained to be an incredibly beloved property by Tezuka and seen its fair share of retellings and adaptations from video games to live action films, and of course to anime.
So now let’s talk anime. The original 1969 adaptation of Dororo was created by Mushi Pro, Tezuka’s own animation studio that he started half a decade back in 1963, and as said above was the last anime to be created solely in black and white. By this point in time color TVs were finally becoming widespread in Japan, and most anime have already started to be created in color. This was not an easy process, and was more time consuming for the production, which is why the decision was made by Mushi Pro to stick to the work pipeline they had and produce Dororo in black and white, a decision that really went on to define the entire series. Mushi Pro's Dororo has a very crisp look, with some great animation for its era, but beyond that also manages some incredibly terrifying and equally breathtaking moments because of its beautiful artwork mixed with the black and white aesthetic. There’s just something about black and white, the atmosphere it creates is otherworldly, ask any movie buff and they’ll tell you the effects it has on the horror genre is undeniable. I think these late black and white 1960 era anime hold up so incredibly well, and may in fact be even creepier nowadays (the 1968 GeGeGe no Kitaro comes to mind). 
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Dororo (1969) episode 4: The Scroll of Bandai Part 2
Time marches on however, and after 50 years it’s time for another studio to take a swing at Dororo. Mappa is a small animation studio established in 2011, founded by Masao Maruyama, producer and co-founder of Madhouse, who left Madhouse to pursue his own passions and took some staff with him. Maruyama would later leave Mappa in 2016 unfortunately, but the studio to this day has still been producing hits since. The staff behind their current Dororo adaptation is helmed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi as director, Satoshi Iwataki as character designer, Yasuko Kobayashi in charge of scripts, and Yoshihiro Ike composing the music. Background animation is handled by Studio Pablo. Dororo is produced by Twin Engine, a production company with its main focus being the creators of the medium. Founded by Kouji Yamamoto, Twin Engine wishes to let young artist focus on creating anime, ignoring popular trends instead pursuing only the art of the medium; often commissioning work from studios to keep them financially afloat. Dororo, like a large majority of Twin Engine produced series, streams worldwide on Amazon Prime.
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My final aside before diving into some thoughts on how both adaptations compare is that when it comes to adapting Tezuka’s iconic designs to the form of animation there are often changes made. The more Disney-esque look of his drawings can be hard to pull off for action animation, and well, giant noses, and bushy mustaches are well and good, but when you’re trying to sell hideous monsters chomping people into bits, maybe they are not that fitting for this story. That’s why both the 1969 Mushi Pro and 2019 Mappa series have their own takes on the design of the characters. Mushi Pro sorta goes for making protagonist Hyakkimaru more buff, and adult looking, whereas Mappa makes their Hyakkimaru slim and more ikemen. I think both approaches work fine for the story at hand, and are interesting time capsules of themselves for their own eras.
So let’s compare the first episode of both series!
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Both episodes start in a similar fashion, with Feudal Lord Daigo Kagemitsu making a deal to 48 Demons and sacrificing his then unborn son in the process. However even this early on we can see differences between the two adaptations. 
In the 1969 Mushi Pro version Daigo willingly offers up his own son to the demons, and does so for power, asking them to grant him all of Japan under his rule, whereas in the 2019 Mappa version Daigo only offers the demons anything they want in return, never directly giving them his own son, and asks for the demons to give him the power and prestige he will need to rule over Japan. 
At first I felt that Mappa may have made Daigo a bit more sympathetic, him seemingly asking for his own province to be granted protection from disease, famine, and war is certainly something we haven’t seen out of the character, but were perks he does enjoy later in the story regardless. As I ruminated on it however, I realized it’s more of an attempt to round out his character and add some extra depth to him. Sure those may have been great things for a Feudal Lord to ask for, but Daigo really only cares about one thing, and that’s ruling Japan; this has yet to change. Daigo still has no qualms about his own son Hyakkimaru being born a hideous freak and still throws away the newborn baby to die in some river while yelling at his wife to make another one to replace it.
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One Buddhist monk starves to death while bemoaning the state of Japan while another is slain and bemoans the current state of affairs in Japan
Then there’s Daigo killing a Buddhist monk. This scene does not exist in the 1969 Mushi Pro version (but Daigo does murder the monk albeit under different circumstances in the manga) and I have quite a bit to say about that. Daigo’s conversation with this monk, again, shows him off to be a bit more well rounded. He’s still selling his soul to the devil, but we can see his own level of commitment to his ambition when talking to the monk. The monk also plays another role that mirrors Mushi Pro’s first episode. In Mushi Pro’s debut episode Dororo comes across a starving Buddhist monk that can do nothing but beg for food and pray, and eventually succumbs to his starvation and dies. Both monks remark about the horrors of the current sengoku era being like Hell on Earth, and are meant to communicate to the audience that this particular time in Japanese history is perhaps one of the cruelest. 
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1969 or 2019, Daigo is still a dirt-bag and makes his wife suffer.
Let’s talk about Hyakkimaru’s birth as I think it’s a pretty interesting contrast between these two adaptations. In the 1969 Mushi Pro version Daigo already knows his son should be born a monster so upon seeing the hideous freak that is his baby boy, he proudly declares “My end of the bargain is fulfilled!” The demons have accepted Daigo’s offer and he can’t be happier. In the 2019 Mappa version Daigo is not aware of what the demons will take until a bolt of lighting strikes the room his wife is giving birth in. Upon seeing the baby up close (something not seen in the 1969 version until the second episode) Daigo realizes what has happened and orders the baby killed. We then get a conversation about a Buddhist statue that happened to break in the same room. The wet nurse believes it sacrificed itself in order to save the baby, giving a sorta strange implication that perhaps the deal wasn't to take 48 body parts from Hyakkimaru but to take everything from him, including his life. In fact we never really even establish if there are 48 demons, or 48 body parts missing, so the number may vary, and the kind of curse could be different. If that is true, it is certainly a unique approach to the series.
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The image of baby Hyakkimaru from Mushi Pro's 1969 Dororo adaptation is taken from the second episode as it was not shown in the first episode.
Hyakkimaru’s birth between the two versions shows how both mirror each other--we have less subtle writing but more subtle animation in the 1969 Mushi Pro adaptation, and more subtle writing but super over-the-top animation in the 2019 Mappa adaptation. I find this maybe the best way to compare these two anime entirely so far. There is no huge lightning bolt smiting the room Daigo’s wife is giving birth in with the Mushi Pro version, instead you hear the mother scream in terror upon Hyakkimaru's birth as she breaks down and cries. Daigo and his wife's expressions of horror at the baby is the only clear indication of Hyakkimaru's hideousness instead of just showing the baby like Mappa did. But the Mappa version is trying to give some more depth to its characters, and maybe even to its own world with added bits such as the Buddhist statue maybe protecting Hyakkimaru. Both adaptations seems to have reverse on what they want to be subtle about and what they want to be over-the-top about.
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In the 1969 Mushi Pro version Daigo and his wife send Hyakkimaru down the river in a basket themselves, where as in the 2019 Mappa version Daigo orders the wet nurse to drown Hyakkimaru in the river, but she pities the baby and places him in an abandoned boat then pushes it down the stream. And then a demon shows up and murders her out of nowhere and is slain by the blind monk Zato (a character that didn't appear until Hyakkimaru narrates his past to Dororo a little later in the story). Yeah, that was a really weird addition to the story Mappa made. It’s certainly more over-the-top and gets a bit more action into an episode that amounts to basically all set-up, so there is that, I guess. Still really weird to see Zato show up like this.
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Both Zato and Jukai don't make their introduction until Hyakkimaru explains his past to Dororo in the second episode of the 1969 Mushi Pro Dororo.
Speaking of adding in characters earlier than before, Mappa included scenes that would interrupt the episode every now and again that focus on a doctor who gives prosthetics to dead maimed warriors so they can rest in peace. These scenes did not exist in the 1969 Mushi Pro version, which didn't show Jukai until episode 2 where it tells the story of how he saved a baby in the river he found, Hyakkimaru, and gave it prosthetics.
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The introduction to Dororo is pretty similar in both versions, but more drawn out in the 1969 Mushi Pro adaptation. As discussed above with Daigo and the Buddhist monk, there was a scene where a starving monk begs Dororo for food before succumbing to his own starvation and dying, this was not present in the 2019 Mappa adaptation. Dororo gets more time to just do some general hijinks and mess around in town in Mushi Pro's version as well, before finally stealing food from some lowlifes and getting the crap kicked out of him by the riverbank.
In the Mappa version instead of stealing food from lowlifes Dororo steals their cargo and tries to pawn it but is caught then beaten at the riverbank. I imagine Mappa was just trying to streamline Dororo's introduction here for time constraints so they did their best to get across that he’s a thief while also making sure he ends up at the riverbank right away. Either way both adaptations lead to this slime looking monster appearing out of a pile of garbage in the river and eating the lowlife. Mappa’s more over the top animation has the monster swinging around its arms wildly until eventually grabbing said lowlife and making a snack out of him, where Mushi Pro has it slowly slither on top of the lowlife and then melts him. Ouch, that’s kinda way more messed up.
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The lowlife gets melted by the monster in the manga too.
From this point on both adaptations are pretty much entirely the same, with just differences in animation quality being really all there is to comment on. The fight scene between Hyakkimaru and the slime in Mappa’s version is fantastic, with Hyakkimaru performing incredible acrobatics, jumping all around the bridge and slicing the whole thing up until it collapses on top of the slime killing it, where Mushi Pro … well they did their best, okay.
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The real big difference is that Dororo seems a lot more intelligent when approaching Hyakkimaru in the 2019 Mappa version. Dororo was very quick to notice that Hyakkimaru is blind, and that his body is made up of mostly prosthetics. The 1969 Mushi Pro Dororo ends up getting terrified in the very next episode upon the realization that Hyakkimaru’s eyes are fake (he admittedly popped his glass eyes out of his head though to scare Dororo away).
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The 2019 Mappa version has it that the riverbank monster was apparently one of the 48 demons Hyakkimaru needed to slay in order to regain his body parts, this one giving him back his skin. Hyakkimaru was actually born with his skin in the 1969 Mushi Pro version (as well as in the manga), and the monster was not the first demon he needed to kill but just a run-of-the-mil yokai that awarded him no regenerated body parts. Hyakkimaru actually worded it as "the dead", which have no true shape of their own and just latch onto anything, in this case the garbage in the river--thus making the slime monster we saw. Again I think Mappa was trying to kill two birds with one stone and get the audience acquainted with the series quicker since the general plot is essentially Hyakkimaru slays monster, Hyakkimaru grows back lost body part. This was a good way to streamline things, and it was with a body part that he wasn't missing before so it takes away nothing from later parts of the story.
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And this is the biggest difference right here at the end of the episode, Hyakkimaru has yet to talk. He may not be able to speak at all until he’s slain enough demons to get this ability back. The Mappa version has so far seemed to point to Hyakkimaru being mute, deaf and blind, and completely cut off from the world. The Mushi Pro version had Hyakkimaru lack his eyeballs, his mouth, and his ears, but he could still speak and hear (just like in the manga). I always assumed it was just his outer ear missing but he still had all his inner ear like his eardrums, and well, you can talk without lips, so there was that too. The Mappa version seems to fully commit to Hyakkimaru being born without all his senses, and if it’s true it will be a super interesting take on the character to be sure. It will also be hard to pull off considering how much he speaks in the original story; he's a very vocal character, so if it is true, until he regains his ability to speak Dororo has to be the one to carry the duo in conversations entirely now which will lead to major shake-ups in the plot.
What do you think of the newest anime adaptation of Dororo. Are you excited to see the classic come back for modern times? Do you wish it was more like the manga or are you enjoying all these attempts to create something more modern with the source material? Do you think Hyakkimaru will speak in the next episode or do you think he's actually going to start the show as a mute? Are you looking forward to keeping up with this new adaptation of Dororo?
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PS - Shout out to Mappa for putting a dog into their first episode that resembles Nota, the mascot character invented for the 1969 Mushi Pro series in a vain attempt to prevent the children that were watching it from being emotionally scarred (it probably didn't). 
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rkjeno · 5 years
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〈♫〉MGAS SEASON 5 → 01. callback performance. singing.                             ↳ lay me down by sam smith ( 00:04 - 1:53 )
it wasn’t constantly on his mind. if jeno claimed that he’d been obsessing over hearing back about where he stood on the mgas, he’d be lying. truthfully, the second he left that school he started doing everything that he could to move on from it. it was easy for him to flood his mind with other things given everything that he had on his plate. if he wanted to be stressed and anxious, he had around a hundred other things that would cause him to feel the exact same way, most of which were a lot more pressing matters. still, that didn’t mean that he was calm the second that he received an email and took notice of its sender. he didn’t even want to click on it because he was afraid of what it might say. not feeling capable of reading its contents, jeno quickly slammed his laptop shut and slid away from his desk.
now he was allowed to obsess. it was going to totally consume him until he worked up the strength to find out what it says. he has given his mind an unfair advantage since it now has the power to make up a hundred scenarios that are completely catastrophic and unlikely. the first thing he did was pull out his phone and text seoyoung that they sent him an email, though he didn’t disclose the fact that he has no idea what it says. hopefully that would push her to check her own email and figure out the reason they're being sent. he doubts that it matters, however. they surely sent them to those that moved on and the ones that didn't make it any further, right?
he waits an hour. after that, he can't bear it anymore. he'd been avoiding all forms of technology like the plague but he was pretty certain that he was beginning to lose his mind. returning to his desk, he shamefully opened his laptop once again and typed in his password. the screen was exactly the way he left it, gmail pulled open and that unread email staring right at him. he tried to be really fast about it— clicking without thinking, then his left hand flying up to the screen so fast to hide the words. he was going to take this slow, so he only revealed one line at a time to stop himself from having some sort of breakdown.
the result that he was met with made him feel super stupid for this entire situation. it was embarrassing that he panicked and waited an entire hour just to find out that he was one of the one-hundred people chosen to move on. but now, he had something else to freak out about. jeno kept rereading the email, trying to ensure that he wasn't missing any details. it would be just his luck to misread something or overlook a sentence that was necessary for his success. perhaps he read it a few too many times, but that was perfectly normal, right? lots of people are sure to have memorized the email in a way that they could recite it if their life depended on it... he was totally in the majority here.
he was supposed to prepare a performance that had a length of two minutes or less and the song he was doing needed to be submitted. that was doable. the only thing that worried him was that he wasn't going to be able to focus on anything else now that he knows this is a major thing that he needed to focus on. it was almost immediately that he started listening to albums saved in his phone's library, shuffling various categories on spotify, scrolling through performances on youtube... this was going to be bigger than his initial audition since he had a feeling the pressure would intensify given that he was definitely going to be on tv now, even if he wouldn't have been before. on these types of competitive shows, it was always dire to one up yourself every time that you get back on that stage.
this time, he wanted his voice to be the sole focus, so he wasn't going to need a guitar, keyboard, or anything like that. he wanted it to feel more personal and... intimate? if that's the word that he genuinely wanted to use. it was time for him to be more vulnerable than ever, just to see how his heart, mind, and body would take it. the entire point of this little experiment was to see how much of this spotlight he could handle. he didn't want to crack later on in the show after prancing by comfortably. it had to be all or nothing.
eventually, he settled on the song "lay me down" by sam smith. it was one of his favorite songs by one of his favorite artists, plus he thought it had a lot of potential and gave him some freedom to show everyone what he's truly capable of when it comes to his vocals. he may not be able to impressively dance like many of the other contestants, so this was pretty much what he was banking on. if his voice couldn't do it for him, he wasn't going to make it far either way. it just seemed like the smartest decision that he could make at the moment. it took him a few listens to figure out what part of the song he wanted to sing, as well as how he wanted to sing it so it wouldn't sound like a carbon copy of the original.
unfortunately, the closer it got to the date of the callback, the more anxious he felt. he considered multiple times just not showing up at all, however that made him feel guilty for the person whose spot he would have stolen for no reason. but still, performing in front of more than a hundred people? most of which probably hated him already simply because he was competition? it made his stomach turn. regardless, he couldn't allow this to stop him. if he was eliminated, that would be fair and all, but he couldn't do anything to ruin it himself. it had to be someone else's decision, not his. that was the only way that he could prove anything to himself. otherwise, he was just going to feel like a disappointment and a coward. that... didn't seem appealing at all.
the day of the performance finally ended up rolling around and jeno couldn't be more relieved and panicked all at the same time. it was nice that he wasn't going to need to constantly think about it anymore, but he still felt super jittery and moderately terrified. still, he was going to have his few friends there that would ease his nerves which did more to comfort him than he actually assumed it would have.
once he was at the venue and followed other people until he was confident that he was in the right place, he was made to find a seat of his liking. truthfully, he didn’t care where he sat as long as he had one person close to him that he was familiar with. whether that be seoyoung, jaemin, yuqi... it didn’t matter. he just might literally fall over dead if this was something that he had to experience all by himself. the very concept of that sort of amused him, given he was surrounded by loads of people. how could he possibly feel alone?
right as his heartbeat finally begins to resemble a normal pace and he no longer feels his fingers trembling against the hem of his shirt that he timidly messes with, he is hit right in the face with a new curve ball that knocks him back about fifty paces. suddenly, his heart is beating faster than it’d even been before since... the judges are actually the ceos of the big companies... wow... that’s... well, jeno was absolutely thrilled. except not... unless thrilled is just another word for “horrified”. still, he tried to convince himself that it didn’t change anything. sure, they were respected and powerful people, but what did that matter, right? ....... right?
it gets a little better again once everything starts happening and he has the opportunity to watch others perform. he feels fortunate to be here and to witness all of this talent. it made him feel proud that he obviously did well enough to be called back with all of those he was surrounded by. still, each time a ceo would call someone new to the stage, he felt his heart seemingly pause for just a split second. there was always a wave of relief that would wash over him once he would realize that he wasn’t the one who was meant to go next.
of course, eventually he didn’t get that same relief. it was bound to happen, even though he stupidly deluded himself into believing that maybe it wouldn’t. it was interesting to him that he’d been called to the stage by so jisub since he wasn’t the ceo of either of the companies that he was forced to mention on his application form. it felt a little awkward, but it wasn’t as if the ceos had any of that knowledge anyway, right?
truthfully, he was doing all of the thinking in an attempt to distract himself from his nervousness. most people seemed to be fairly nervous, though, so he tried not to feel too embarrassed by it. it seemed impossible for him to make his heart calm down and he already knew that his hands wouldn’t stop trembling no matter what he tried focusing on, but those things didn’t matter as much as his voice. as long as he could deliver his performance without screwing up too bad, nothing else would actually be important.
he tried to mentally transport himself to someplace else. once he was standing in front of the microphone, hands grasping the handle in an attempt to steady himself, his eyes softly closed and he waited for the track to begin so he could get this out of the way.
yes i do, i believe that one day i will be, where i was right there, right next to you and it's hard, the days just seem so dark the moon, and the stars, are nothing without you
luckily for jeno, the tone of the song made it perfectly acceptable to close his eyes as often as he found fitting. the main thing that he had to worry about was his facial features and allowing himself to feel the feelings that that came with the lyrics. if he could just manage to get his breathing, notes, and emotions right, he didn’t think that he would have an issue making a fairly good impression. although he had practiced for ages on this performance, it was still so much harder to do in front of so many people. occasionally while singing, he would reach up and place his hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat for just a couple of seconds, then return back to his previous position.
your touch, your skin, where do i begin? no words can explain, the way i'm missing you deny this emptiness, this hole that i'm inside these tears, they tell their own story
he was incredibly grateful that the song started out so slow. this gave him the chance to ease into it instead of trying to belt out high notes the second he steps foot on stage. given he was so out of his element, it was really important for him to work his way up to that point. if he tried to do too much at once, surely he wouldn’t have been able to pull any of this off.
you told me not to cry when you were gone but the feeling's overwhelming, it's much too strong
as he continued leading up to his more impressive and harder to achieve notes, he really tried to completely clear his mind of any insecurities and pessimism. right now, he needed to solely focus on his song and this performance. the people in the audience didn’t matter, not even the judges. the only thing that had to matter to him was connecting to this song and picturing himself being in a situation in which these lyrics would apply to him. if he could convince them that he was going through a situation like this himself, that is how he would succeed. his expressions and execution of this performance had to tell a story. especially given he was speaking in a language other than korean, meaning some of his fellow contestants may not even be able to full comprehend the song. that just made it so much more important for him to sing in a way that it would be understood either way.
can i lay by your side, next to you, you and make sure you're alright i'll take care of you
it was always a great feeling when he managed to hit the notes aloud the way that he could hear them in his head. it was one of the biggest reasons that taking all of those classes were so important to him. one thing that made him feel completely trapped was when he would have visions or ideas that he couldn’t bring to life. having the ability to make something real after it lives in your head for a while so, so satisfying.
i don't want to be here if i can't be with you tonight
the most satisfying thing, however, was nailing those last few notes which brought an end to his performance. he didn’t want to really focus on thinking about what other people thought of him, instead he just kept trying to remind himself that he did what he wanted to do. he was on stage in front of so many people and didn’t mess up... which is more than he thought he would have been able to say. although he was going to do his absolute best to keep negative thoughts from overwhelming him, he wasn’t sure that he would entirely succeed. either way, at least if he fought them off, they wouldn’t be too bad. he just had to constantly mentally tell himself that he made it this far when others didn’t, he showed some people what he was capable of, and more importantly, he showed himself what he was capable of. for now, that was enough.
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drbtinglecannon · 6 years
Preen to stay clean
So thanks to @blamedorange and @quirk-registration-office I'm super into HawksxFuyumi. There's too little content so don't mind me contributing haha. I got this idea from a discord I joined for fans of Hawks, him and a s/o preening but he's complaining no one does it right. I had a lot fun writing this, hope you enjoy! Also on Ao3.
Fuyumi tried to keep her eyes on the TV directly across from her, but they kept wandering to the side to stare at the house guest. Hawks came over unannounced, as he always does, and sat himself on the loveseat in the living room waiting for Endeavor.
She didn't understand why the winged hero wouldn't just go to her father’s agency whenever he had a whim to discuss something. Endeavor wasn't very tech savvy so that ruled out texting or emailing, but the younger hero could still try calling instead of dropping by Todoroki manor.
Fuyumi found Hawks insufferable at first, and while she's still not his biggest fan, he's a lot easier to deal with when in a quieter, more private setting. Sometimes. He still talked far too much and spoke arrogantly, but at least he was consistent and honest.
She fidgeted, trying to focus on whatever show was playing, but her eyes kept straying to the side. Hawks was sitting with his legs crossed propped up on the coffee table (Fuyumi has given up telling him to stop putting his feet on the furniture) while methodically running a brush through his wings. He was working small sections at a time, adjusting the dark red feathers to precise angles and picking tiny specs of dirt or dust out, dropping them in a small pile in his lap.
“Y’know, instead of staring you could just ask what I'm doing.” He didn't look up, focus still on his wings, but a smirk appeared on his face. “I know I'm handsome, but I thought you Todoroki kids were raised with better manners than this.”
Fuyumi would've rolled her eyes at his self-praise but was too startled from being caught staring and then called out on it. “My apologies, I didn't mean to stare.” She fixed her gaze on her feet right when he glanced up.
“Nah, I don't mind, especially when it's a lovely lady like yourself doing it.” He started chuckling as Fuyumi’s face flushed from the compliment. This time she did roll her eyes.
“Nevermind, I’m not sorry.”
He laughed louder. “Ooh, so cold! I didn't know your quirk could reach your words.” Hawks continued laughing, thoroughly enjoying making his unwilling host suffer.
“...You still haven't asked.” He reminded her in a low voice when his laughter finally ceased.
Fuyumi pursed her lips and examined her slippers as she weighed her opinions. If she engaged further, there would be no going back to quietly pretending to watch the news, however...she was very curious.
Silence settled between them, Fuyumi still pointedly staring down and Hawks still watching her waiting patiently. She heaved a long sigh. “Fine, what are you doing?”
Her eyes finally darted up and locked on him, regret sinking into her stomach as a shit eating grin broke on Hawks’ face. “Preening.”
Fuyumi blinked. He said it so casually as if to say what else could I be doing? “‘Preening’?”
“Yeah, like a bird.” He answered easily, turning his attention back to where he was previously working on his left wing. “Preen to stay clean!”
She gave him a flat look at his dumb joke, knowing full well he was acting as if he didn't notice while he brushed away. “I suppose that makes sense...” Fuyumi titled her head as she continued staring. “Is it difficult to preen? Your wings are rather large.”
Hawks shrugged slightly, running his fingers over the smooth feathers. “Not really, it's definitely time-consuming though. I have to preen at least three times a day, and it's only a pain if I got dirty while doing hero work.”
“One time I caught someone who fell from a construction site and got COVERED in paint. That was a pain in the ass to clean.” He grimaced slightly mentioning that story, personally Fuyumi would've paid money to see it.
Hawks moved to the larger feathers on the base of his wing, brushing long strokes through them. “At this point though I'm so used to the routine of preening I can do it while still waking up in the morning. It helps me relax and I feel energized afterwards.”
It wasn't a surprise the process felt relaxing, since it was relaxing just to watch. The way he was knowingly adjusting the feathers, gently brushing away any filth until they were fluffy and soft looking was almost hypnotic.
Fuyumi had a overwhelming desire for the hero to brush her hair.
Immediately after that thought popped up she turned her face away quickly, embarrassment washing over her as warmth crept up her cheeks. The sudden movement wouldn't go unnoticed, but Fuyumi prayed Hawks wouldn't comment.
“You ok?” He asked, confusion and slight concern evident in his voice.
Fuyumi cursed her luck, wishing he just feigned not to notice. “Nothing...I just…” She now cursed how awkward her voice sounded and cleared her throat before continuing. “Your wings look nice, you’re clearly very diligent about preening them.”
There was a small pause before he snorted. “You're such a liar.”
Fuyumi whipped her head back to glare at the winged hero, who merely grinned in response. “Excuse me?!”
“I said you're a liar. You might really think my wings look nice, but that isn't why you suddenly turned away blushing.” Hawks leaned forward slightly as he spoke, sharp eyes searching Fuyumi’s soft gray ones. She gulped, feeling very exposed all of a sudden.
He raised an unruly eyebrow as he murmured in a sultry tone. “Maybe perhaps it's because you were thinking…dirty thoughts?”
Fuyumi threw the closest decorative pillow she could grab at his face, unfortunately he caught it right in time even as he howled with laughter. She scowled and crossed her arms, trying not to think about how red her face must be or how stupid attractive his voice sounded just then.
“Ok, ok, I'm sorry, sorry!” He apologized in between laughs.
He pushed his blue tinted visor up to wipe at tears that formed, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. “But really, what made you freak out just now?”
The glint in his eyes told Fuyumi he wasn't going to drop it anytime soon. She would never hear the end of it if she confessed (even if she did get what she very briefly wanted), so she blurted out the best sounding lie she could think of.
“I wondered what it would be like to brush your wings. There, happy?” Her arms pulled a little tighter around herself as they stared at each other.
Hawks blinked once, twice, then quickly peered down at his neglected brush. “No.”
The silence that followed was awkward. Fuyumi watched wide-eyed as Hawks’ face flushed slightly and he pouted.
She snorted, quickly covering her mouth as he threw a glare her way. “Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so protective of your precise preening time.”
His eyes narrowed. “No one else can do it right.” The hero turned back to his wing and resumed brushing. “I hate when interviewers or fans ask if they can play with my wings and I have to chuckle and say 'Sure!’, because then I just get stuck fixing it later.”
His cheeks were tinged pink, and it was clear by his tone he intended to end the conversation there. Normally Fuyumi would be relieved when Hawks would finally shut up, but right now it left a sour taste in her mouth.
She toyed with her hair, a nervous habit of hers, before apologizing again. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Although…”
Fuyumi glanced at him and waited until he finally shifted his gaze back on her. “...if you're willing to explain how, I wouldn't mind trying to properly preen your wings.”
Hawks’ eyes widened at her request, clearly thrown by the forwardness. Fuyumi herself was surprised she offered to learn, but the idea people thoughtlessly make a mess of his wings on TV or in public for entertainment genuinely angered her.
He cleared his throat after a long pause. “...ok, sure. It’ll, uh, work best if I sat in a chair backwards. Or if you sat in between my legs but um...yeah I can get a chair---”
Fuyumi patted the coffee table directly in front of her. “You put your feet on it all the time as it is, what more is you sitting on it?” She chuckled under her breath as he pouted again. “Don’t worry, my father has stood on this table before, it's very sturdy.”
Hawks eyed the spot warily, before pushing himself up and gently floating over to sit cross-legged directly in front of Fuyumi facing her, the small pile of dust still in his lap. He silently held out of the brush for her, which she delicately accepted.
It was clearly a specialty brush, with long, strong, sharp bristles and a curved shaped to it. Fuyumi was equal parts irritated people either misused this nice brush or used a low quality one on his wings, and touched he trusted her enough to actually learn his process.
He spread his right wing out, and guided her hand to the top where it arched. “Brush in small downwards strokes, similar to how you would with hair, until the feathers look smoother and soft. Don't worry about dust or dirt, or adjusting the feathers individually, it uh, won’t really make sense the first time.”
“‘First time’?” She raised a neat eyebrow, and smirked slightly.
“Well...I suppose if you do well enough just brushing...I can let you preen them again some time.” He said quietly.
A small part of her hoped she lived up to his expectations.
She started brushing the striking colored feathers softly, not wanting to tug or damage them. It was a little awkward, especially with how tense Hawks was seated in front of her, but after a few minutes working down the length of his right wing, his posture visibly relaxed.
His eyes fluttered closed, and he rested his chin on his left hand. Aside from the occasional gentle instructions, his body language was so loose he could've easily been mistaken for being asleep. If he were a cat, Fuyumi is sure he'd be purring loudly.
Eventually Fuyumi finished brushing the feathers, and had to resist the urge to run her hands over the soft looking tendrils. Hawks slowly blinked his eyes open, glanced over her work, and gently fluttered his crimson wings until they poofed out a small amount.
It was adorable. Fuyumi tried to keep her expression neutral looking, but it was difficult after the little display.
“You actually did pretty well, considering you didn't even know what I was doing 15 minutes ago.” His voice was missing the snarky edge it usually carried, coming out more timid than he probably meant. “... thanks, that uh...it was nice.”
Fuyumi would never admit out loud she vaguely thought Hawks blushing or being awkward was cute, but she could admit it was refreshing to see the smug hero shelf his arrogance every once in a while.
“You're welcome, it was kind of fun. Perhaps I can learn more about your preening techniques next time.” Fuyumi said with a small smile.
“'Next time’, huh?” He leaned forward, too close that Fuyumi backed up further into the cushions behind her. “Now, Todoroki-san, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were flirting.”
His smirk was confident, but there was this delicate emotion in his eyes she couldn't quite decipher. Fuyumi’s heart was beating so loud she's sure he could hear from where he was leaning not even a foot away. “I…---”
The resounding noise of the front door opening and firmly closing in such a quintessential Endeavor way was enough to dispel any further teasing.
Hawks jumped so hard he used the momentum to hop off the coffee table and fly a few feet away onto his feet, barely collecting the small dust pile into his hands before it could spill. His face was as red as the ruffled feathers on his back however Fuyumi couldn't fault him. After all, if her father walked in on their little scene there she would be shocked if it didn't result in someone being set on fire.
Endeavor must've heard the small commotion because he was now in the doorway, scrutinizing eyes darting between his daughter and begrudged colleague. “What are you doing here?” His tone as harsh and fiery as always.
Hawks took a small breath, before suddenly tossing the dust in his hand at Endeavor's chest, right into one of the open patches of flames his costume produced. The dust immediately singed. “Just looking for the trash.”
Endeavor blinked at his chest, then looked up and blinked at Hawks. The winged hero wore his best sassy grin proudly on his face.
Fuyumi supposed she’d never be able to learn Hawks’ proper preening techniques, because if the face her father was pinning the younger hero with said anything, it was that he was going to be charred alive in a few moments.
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