#Mushi Pro
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COM (コム) / Mushi Pro (虫プロ) / Aug 1970 issue
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animenostalgia · 4 days
News - Kuni Fukai, the original art director of MushiPro's 70s arthouse classic Belladonna of Sadness, has started a crowdfund campaign in Japan for an art book of pieces he created specifically for the film. The book will contain art based on the film data for the film's recent 4K remastered version. If the crowdfunding campaign succeeds, Fukai plans to launch a second crowdfunding campaign for a second art book for the film. Currently, there doesn't seem to be plans for an English version. Check out the link above for more info on the campaign as well as a video about it!
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
There's also something Southern about it all. She's of Andal decent (pale) and from Oldtown (southernmost part of Westeros). Oldtowners like her should be covering up to protect themselves from the sun. It makes sense for modest dress and veils to be most prominent/popular there, out of the whole country.
yes yes yes this.
her modesty has so many layers in my mind, like
A) it's about her religion, it's about her faith and how she connects to and honors her gods.
B) it's about keeping some of herself, to herself, and those she trusts. it's about control. it's about feeling safe and clean and modest and safe from stares and touches and lust. it's about reclaiming even just a piece of herself for no one but her.
C) It's about holding onto a bit of her home, her mother, her house. it's about staying connected to Oldtown and the Vale and her people, her family. it's something she can give to her daughter, that her children can give to their children.
like it's layered and tragic and beautiful and it's so so her.
I think she loves going back to Oldtown, it's never as often as she would like, but she loves to go back and see all the women with veils and long skirts, out living their lives. she loves getting to go around and compliment other girls veils or intricate undergarments that covers their arms when it's too hot for long sleeves, it makes her feels young and home and safe again.
she finds an excuse to tour the market so she can bring home new veils, one's she picked, made by her people, the ones she wore when she was young.
its like a breath of fresh air.
she brings Helaena with her, and typically the boys and Criston join her, she places scarves and shawls over them, tickles them with the corners of silk scarves, lets them pick some for her.
even the men in Oldtown cover up more than those in Kings Landing do, so the boys ask to match with them, and they have a day spent out in the son like she had when she was young. she sees her daughter running in her long skirt, chasing after the boys, donned in high patterned socks and half rolled up sleeves, with some bug or another, veil flapping in the wind. she leans against Criston, who's making sure the wind doesn't blow her own veil away even though she's assured him time and time again she pins her veils very well. she watches her children live her childhood and its just so nice.
I just think she'd be so relieved to be able to take this little piece of her home back to the Keep.
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marc0-darlingg · 2 months
tw hypersexuality/hypersexual vent
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Its horrible I hate it, It affects me, my friends, my family, my lover, it tears me up until Im nothing more than just another thing to be used and discarded, and I end up doing that to other people, other people I call my friends, the people I love and care about even if platonic, Im hurting them all, Im the problem
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deepsixsquid · 15 days
Would you fuck with Splatoon the way that you do if you didn't have anyone to play/talk about the game with? No splat social media, forums, discord, or friends. Just you, Nocchan, and the solo queue
THAT is a really good question, had to think about this one for a long time For about as long as I can remember, I've been fine with enjoying a vast majority of things by myself, still kinda do even now. BUT, while I know that I would still enjoy Splatoon if I were completely solo, as I went into this series on my own in the first place, I would definitely NOT be as into it as I am now if I were on my own the whole time. A lot would be different if I didn't have places for clips/videos, talking with people, learning from people and, most importantly, if I didn't have my team. Honestly, without them, Nocchan probably wouldn't be here, I'd probably have an entirely different, and far less intense, squid being my main OC, and I definitely wouldn't be as confident, or as much of a fighter, if I didn't have all this.
I could ramble A LOT about this one, it got me thinkin about so many things But, to sum it up, nah, I wouldn't be as into it as I am without everything else, especially my friends It'd be more like "Man, this game's fun~" instead of "This series has gone on to have a profound impact on my life and changed me, as a a person, on a fundamental level"
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windmill-ghost · 3 months
Dear god people found my crawdad poll. And they're eating me.
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hylianengineer · 3 months
I ran into My Favorite PhD Student at work the other day and she said she misses me and we should have lunch sometimes and. Um. I didn't know she was fond of me too? I mean, to the extent that she'd want to go out of her way to spend time with me? That's sweet. I hope we see each other more now.
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revvywevvy · 2 years
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OKAY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS AU IS A GO- I'll write what i've got so far for this under the cut <3
Okay, so. Colette (Caelina pre-town-destruction) and Pyrrha both met when they were about 10 years old. Colette’s magic instability stages have begun at this point, and Sieglinde has been keeping her out of the public eye more to protect her from the witch-hunts. Sieglinde was able to keep her home without too many problems as many of the towns-folk assumed she was being hidden due to her ‘strange mannerisms’ as they’d call it. Other kids already didn’t like her, as many thought she was weird (some even going as far to say they and their parents think she’s possessed and needs to be locked up, kids are mean). She was partly okay with it since she was fine avoiding all those little monsters, but Colette was full of pent up energy, and being locked up didn’t help it much. Sieglinde tried to make things easier for her since she didn’t like keeping Colette holed up in the house in the first place, but as her magic got stronger her attempts stopped working.
Colette had begun a habit of sneaking out and practicing her magic in a secluded part of the woods, as she wanted to control it better so as to not burden her mother. (note: Sieglinde would never feel burdened by her, alas Colette has functioning ears and has heard a lot of the cruel things people say about her to her mother and has internalized it.) One day, those secluded woods happened to be, well, not so secluded anymore. Pyrrha was moving from one village to another, the last one completely outcasting and chasing her away due to the string of deaths following her every step. She was walking near the place Colette would always practice, and could hear her increasingly frustrated voice as she tried to do her own thing. Pyrrha approached the clearing, curiously peeking through bushes to see what was going on. Of course, seeing another girl levitating a rock with what seemed to be just her mind freaked Pyrrha out. Pyrrha yelped in surprise at what she’d seen, catching Colette’s attention. Colette, just as startled, accidentally chucked the rock into Pyrrha’s direction, the little thing clocking her right on the head. Colette started freaking out further when Pyrrha tumbled down on impact, Pyrrha immediately bursting into tears from the collision. Colette sprinted over to the other girl, crying as well. For a second there, she’d thought she killed her. Though, once she realized Pyrrha wasn’t dead, she began apologizing just as profusely and trying to make sure she was okay. Pyrrha was surprised at the other girl fretting over her, and didn’t even have time to get a word out before Colette started insisting she come with her. At first she was resistant and scared, but Colette just kept on at it. She promised she’d take her to her mom, and she’d fix the boo-boo, and that she was so sorry for hitting her. If anything, at that point surprise overtook everything. Colette ended up confused as well when Pyrrha let a ‘why’ tumble out.
Well, of course she wanted to help! Hitting people isn’t nice, and the bump looked like it hurt. She looked like she was alone, no adults with her. Mama was good at taking care of ouchies! After the awkward moment of silence following that, Pyrrha agreed to go with her. Colette instantly grabbed her hand, helping her up and pulling her along back towards her home. It was kind of quiet at first, but eventually they got to talking.
“U-Um… s-sorry if this is something you don’t wanna be asked, but, u-um. How were you making the rock do that?” “Huh?” “T-The rock, it looked like it was flying.” “…” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Ah..! I…” Colette’s poker face is garbage. She looked like she was going to cry again. “I-It’s okay! I won’t tell anyone about it, I-I promise!” Colette’s expression switched quickly at that. “Really?” “Mhm… I-I mean, it scared me for a second, b-but, um. That’s really cool, actually.” Colette looked back at Pyrrha, eyes sparkling at this point. “You really mean it?! Really really?!?” Pyrrha jumped a bit when Colette’s volume rose by a lot, nodding. “Oops, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you flinch…” “I-It’s okay…” A moment of silence passed. “Oh, um! Right, uh. I dunno what makes me do it. Mama says I can do magic, but I’m not supposed to tell anyone or let them see… s-she said people would hurt me if they knew, but I know what she meant.” “W-What do you mean?” “I think I’m a witch, b-but I didn’t ask to be one. The adults like to burn witches- a-and cut their heads off and stuff. If they find out they’ll kill mama and me.” Pyrrha went quiet. “Th-that’s not fair… I mean, y-you weren’t hurting anyone, right..?” “Yeah!! I mean- n-not on purpose. It’s so unfair, I’m not even trying to do anything wrong.” “…I-I promise I won’t tell anyone. Super duper promise! A-As big of a promise as I can do!!” Colette looked down at Pyrrha’s hand, letting go of it for a second and extending her pinky. “Pinky promise?” Pyrrha nodded, wrapping her own pinky around Colette’s. Another moment of silence passed as she took her hand and they continued walking. “Oh, right, I don’t even know your name!! Mine’s Colette, what about you?” “Oh- m-my name’s Pyrrha.” “Hm… hey Pyrrha, since you know my secret, does that make us friends?” “Wh- h-huh??” “…Sorry, was that a dumb question? I-I, uhm. I don’t have any friends. I dunno how this works.” “Oh, n-no, that wasn’t dumb!! I just, u-um. It’s okay, I don’t have any friends either. Do… Do you want to be friends?” “Oooh, yeah yeah!! Heehee, we’re friends now, it’s settled!” Colette let out some weird little noises, flapping her free hand happily. “I can’t believe it, my first friend!! This is great!!! Thanks for being my friend, Pyrrha, you’re so nice!!” As nice as the declaration was, unfortunately, Colette’s voice hit a high pitch that was… uncomfortable, to say the least. The headache caused by the rock was irritated, pulsing sharply at the shift. Pyrrha whined, tears forming in her eyes again. Colette’s eyes widened, and she immediately started tearing up once more. “Wahh-! I-I forgot about the boo-boo! C’mon, we gotta get back to mama fast!!” Colette whisper-yelled, breaking out into a small jog to get Pyrrha back faster. They got to her home quickly, and from there it was over.
Colette was absolutely attached to Pyrrha, and was beyond ecstatic to have a friend. Pyrrha was also happy someone was finally being nice to her after so long, but… all of the death that followed her… she was terrified it’d reach her new friend, too. However, even with her concerns voiced, Colette and Sieglinde were fine with Pyrrha staying with them. It didn’t scare them one bit.
That’s all of the cohesive story-esque bits I’ve got, the rest will just be generalized bullet-points :P
At one point, Tira decided it was her time to strike. She was going to swoop in and kill Colette and Sieglinde, as per her usual methods, but Colette’s unstable magic posed a problem. A big problem. When she attempted to kill them, Colette was awoken as she broke in. The fear of seeing an intruder caused her magic to explode, and Tira was essentially launched from the window of the house, sending her straight into the dirt outside.
The plan was basically in the shitter at that point because Colette immediately woke up both Sieglinde and Pyrrha, crying that someone broke in and they were gonna hurt her. Not just that, but the loud noises alerted the townsfolk. Sure, there was potential for her to get away with her attempt, but Tira is so… so obviously malfested. She could take out some stupid peasants easily, but a huge mob of them, not so much. A 1v100 would not end well, especially as a dog-pile. So, annoyingly enough for her, she had to retreat.
That’s all I've got on Tira’s end for now. Eventually she tries again but I can’t think of any details. I mean since its my au she’s destined to fail anyways and ig that’s all that matters LOL i’m too tired to think of anything else for now.... or anything period. but trust me thiS SHITS ON MY BRAIN SO HARD
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 8 months
déjà vu
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déjà vu : a french term that translates to "already seen." It is a phenomenon where an individual feels a strong sense of familiarity or recognition with a current situation.
bnha chap. 362 n 403 spoilers ! childhood friends to lovers can you tell i'm inlove with this trope oooorrr…, angsty?? bittersweet hurt/comfort ?? fem reader, reader's height isn't specified but is shorter than katsuki's, reader gets a bit insecure but katsuki fixes that up rq, reader is very mushy n inlove with katsuki, (but aren't we all) katsuki loves reader very much in return
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in his final moments, katsuki thinks of you.
he thinks about primary school. you’re both ten, double digits. foolishly believing you were all grown up. katsuki’s fingers are white and dry from cleaning up the chalkboard, since you guys were tasked for clean up duty today.
or at least, you were. but your classmate suddenly vanished without a word and katsuki, as nice and helpful as he was (to you, at least) decided to stay behind to help you, don’t ask him where your cleaning buddy went, he has absolutely no idea and has absolutely nothing to do with it. at all.
“ y’know—” he starts, soaking the soggy sponge into the water bucket next to him, then squeezing it out. “when we’re done with this stupid school stuff, i’ll go pro.” he states, slapping the sponge onto the board, creating a loud splat noise.
you, having heard this time and time before, simply look at him and smile, placing your classmates chairs on top of their desks row by row “mhm, i know !” you grin “ 'n you’ll be number one, right ?” you’re standing in between two desks, hands playing with your uniform skirt behind your back.
“hell yeah i will !” katsuki boasts, smirking. he scrubs at the board a little more vigorously.
“bad word !” you tease, giggling as you point at him “ 'm gonna tell miss you said a cuss word again !”
he huffs, turning around to scrunch his nose up and stick his tongue out at you, you stick yours out back playfully. “as if i care ! yer too much of a wuss to snitch on me anyways.”
“no I’m not, i’ll do it right now !” katsuki rolls his red eyes at you, returning to his task and wiping the board down in a zig zag motion. “ i don’t care” he reiterates.
you pout at his back and just then get an idea you’re sure will piss him off, a cat like grin pulls at your lips.
“okaaayy … then i’ll just tell your mom !” you sing, bursting into giggles when he swiftly turns around and waves the wet sponge in your direction. he’s too far to reach you but you dodge anyway, just to mess with him.
“no you won’t.”
“yeah, i will !” you counter, blowing a raspberry at him. you both break out into a fit of giggles when he aggressively dips the sponge into the water and flicks the droplets at you once more, before he decides to close the distance and chase you around your cramped little classroom growling and screaming, threatening you with the dirty sponge.
you’re squealing and giggling and laughing, trying to fend him off with a broom and even then, at ten. then when the concept of cherishing memories of the time you spend together wasn’t even an afterthought in his mind, katsuki remembers wishing he could stay with you like this forever.
when you’re both out of breath the classroom is just as messy—if not messier than it usually is. you give eachother a look then belly laugh some more.
you’re picking up chairs again and katsuki’s helping you, so it goes even faster. you don’t wanna go home because you won’t be seeing him anymore, but you have to admit your eager to finish and leave school.
katsuki’s back is to you on the second row and he can’t see you looking at him from the back row, he decides it’s time he says what he wanted to say before you got distracted. he clutches the legs of the chair he’s holding a little tighter.
“hey,” his voice comes suddenly in the quiet, it surprises you a little, you hum in response “ 'm really gonna go pro when we’re done with school, y’know.” he insisted.
you tilt your head wearily, looking at him with his back still turned to you. “yeah, i know.” you respond “you said that already.” you’re confused, he can’t hear the scrapping noise of the wooden chairs anymore, it’s annoyingly too quiet now.
“ you’re coming with me” he pauses, turning to you a little so you catch a peak of his quickly reddening face. it sounds like a statement but even then you know better. you don’t miss a beat, nodding furiously “uhuh, always !” his cheeks flare up more as he turns fully towards you. he walks over until the only thing separating you is the desk in between. he turns his back to you again to lean against the desk seperating you both.
“you’ll be with me, and we’ll be pro's together” he maintained. he feels his chest tighten when you offer him more of your pretty bright smiles and nods, you smile at him the way he knows you don’t with the other boys in class who are stupid enough to think they deserve even a second of your time and it makes him feel a little bit more confident as he speaks more clearly “a-and I’ll be number one, and you’ll be number two. but not behind me, with me, yknow ?” he feels stupid for having to explain himself but you don’t mind, as long as you can stay with katsuki you don’t mind which number you are. you move across the table so you can stand next to him. you nod and he let's out a little huff and a smile starts pulling at his mouth.
"a-and" he gulps " 'n then—i'll marry you."
it's quiet for just moment.
and then you register what he said and feel your entire body heat up.
"w-wha ?! " you sputter "marry me ?!" your wide eyes startle him as he glances at you but refuses to look over again. he's red to the tips of his ears, pulling at the bottom of his now longer tucked in shirt. despite the growing lump in his throat, he nods.
"mhm," he kicks at an eraser laying on the floor, the only noise heard coming from it hitting a wall a little further. you don't see where, you're still looking at him. " my ma says i can't do it now, since it's...illegal, or something." he scoffs dissaprovingly "b-but..when 'm older," he sucks in a breath, then suddenly turns to you causing you to sit up straighter in suprise, you feel your hands gripping the desk tighter and tighter as your face feels more and more on fire. "when i'm older—i'll do it. that way, none of those other losers will look at you."
he looks way more flustered than you but he's sitting up straight still, eyes determined and unwavering and it knocks the wind out of you, because for as long as you can remember katsuki's been the coolest.
there's absolutely no doubt in your mind he's embarrassed. if his face wasn't a dead give away, his posture and demeanor give it away just as much. you've known him for a long time now, since you were 6 years old and he had walked up to you. little newbie you, who had transferred in the middle of the school year and with nobody to play with. he was there, head held high with his friends in tow behind him, demanding to know what your quirk was and the rest was history.
katsuki persists even when he knows the odds are low, he perseveres and keeps kicking and punching and blowing up everything in his path where anyone else would've given up while they had the chance. like when he fought against those 4th graders while you were all still only in 2nd grade. his face was all messed up and he had a nosebleed, but he ended up winning. because he swore he would keep winning.
'cus that's what heroes do.'
katsuki fights and keeps fighting even if you think the odds are low, because he doesn't. to him, there's absolutely no doubt in his mind he'd win. even here, when he isn't fighting, instead confessing to you. he's red-faced, embarrassed out of his mind and nervous, but his shoulders are squared and there's no doubt in his eyes after he had just told you he would marry you. when he thought about being older, he thought about you being there with him.
and even after what you'd heard all you can think is that your katsuki is so cool.
so with a bright smile, bright eyes and the summer sun slowly setting in your empty little cramped classroom, you give him your response.
"mhm ! "
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katsuki thinks about his last year of middle school.
today's the last day of your middle school life before you go off to high school and katsuki couldn't be happier to leave this shitty school. he's 15 now. older, but besides his features, remained the same (to you, at least) .
it's your last day and you finish it off with cleaning duty, ironically, and he remembers that day back in elementary. then proceeds to shake it off, hoping to shake off the embarrassing memories. but it doesn't seem to work because it feels like the universe is seriously fucking with him.
you're the one tasked with cleaning duty again and with your cleaning buddy, yet again, being nowhere to be found. katsuki yet again staying behind to help you out. and again, katsuki has absolutely no idea where your buddy went and has absolutely nothing to do with it. at all.
it shouldn't be anything new, he stays and helps, albeit begrudingly, every time you have cleaning duty. but it feels different somehow. katsuki chalks it up to it being the end of the year.
the only difference from last time is you actually finish in record time. usually, that would've been great news, less time at school and even more free time katsuki can spend with you.
but you're quiet today.
you usually chat his ear off, and just because it's you, he chat's right back. wether you're messing around teasing each other or just talking about your day at school or who's house you're staying over at for the afternoon and which movie you're watching, you're always talking about something. it's comforting where he'd usually think it to be annoying with anyone else. but they aren't you.
and he doesn't like it.
when you finish you reach for your bag sitting neatly on top of your desk but katsuki stops you, grabbing your wrist. the feel of your soft skin has him involentarily flushing lightly, he ignores it in favor of squeezing your wrist when you don't immediately look back at him.
"what's up with you ?" he questioned gruffly. it comes out harsh, but that's not what you hear. you've known katsuki for a long time, after all. he's worried, you can tell. his words are rough around the edges but his eyes are soft, filled with care and the soft stroke of his thumb against you skin sends slight shivers down your spine when you turn to look at him shyly.
you open your mouth to deny him, but he can practically read your mind "don't give me that 'nothinngg' bullshit" your nose scrunches at the way his voice raises in pitch as he crudely mimicks you and a little smirk pulls at his face for only a moment before it falls again " don't go lyin' to me. know i hate that shit" he rasped.
you sigh, he's known you just as long as you'd known him after all.
you lean against your desk and he copies you, your shoulders brushing as he scoots himself a little closer to you. you jump up a little to sit on your desk, you're the same height as him like this. he scoots a little closer and turns to look at you, placing his hands on your desk to lean on it, fingers inches away from yours.
"i just—" you faltered "this our last day of school. when the day is over we'll be high schoolers." you stated. katsuki scoffs jokingly and leans a bit closer to you "what ? you tellin' me youre gonna miss this dump ? last i heard, you were the first one who wanted to leave so you wouldn't have to deal with mr. nakamura anymore." he jests, trying to lighten the mood as best he could, the worry in his eyes still shining bright. a smile pulls at the corner of his lips when you huff out a little giggle.
"yeah well, i won't be missing mr. nakamura. or his stupid tests" you pretend to shiver as you cringe "at all." katsuki let's out a cute chuckle. he's like a magnet, you feel yourself scooting closer to where he's leaning next to you, like you're being pulled closer to him, you don't mind. you never mind being close to katsuki.
"but..?" he coaxed, knowing that wasn't all you wanted to say.
"but.." you continue "but i'll miss this, yknow ? like—the school itself wasn't..the best" katsuki scoffs in response but doesn't interrupt "the teachers weren't either. but—i dunno—this. being here." you confess, you stare down at your shoes as you kicks your legs aimlessly into the air " we've spent such a long time here, and now we're leaving. we went from being the youngest—to the oldest, to going back to being the youngest again, and that in itself isn't the problem.."
"then what is ?" he raises a brow.
"we're gonna be in a completely different school, with completely different people—"
"but we'll be together." he interrupts "you said you wanted to go to ua too" you said you were gonna stay with me is what he wants to say, but it's childish and that wouldn't be fair to you.
"of course, i still do !" you reassure "but—there'll be tons of new, strong, cool people at ua.."
"maybe even stronger and cooler than me.." you trail off. you don't need to say more for katsuki to understand what you mean and it pissed him off.
"shut up." he growls.
"no. shut the fuck up." he's right in front of you before you can blink. you reflexively part your legs and he takes the opportunity to stand even closer to you, right in your space. you feel your cheeks warm at the proximity, you’re close enough to see it's apparently affecting him too, his cheeks turning a cute pink but as stubborn as your katsuki is he doesn't budge. as usual.
you don't exactly know what you and katsuki are. you know you like him, you know you have for a long time. and you'd like to believe he likes you too. he doesn't act the way he does with you the way he does with his other friends (or his lackeys as he calls them, you're the only one he openly calls his friend) but he doesn't really have anyone close to him besides you, so you don't know if he'd act this way with someone else.
the thought leaves a nasty taste in your mouth, so you decide to focus on something else. something else being katsuki, of course, he's all up in your space. his gaze not allowing you to look or even think about anything else but him.
"who i meet at ua doesn't fuckin' matter, they'll all be weaksauce compared to me anyway" he states smugly, causing you to huff out a laugh again " i don't care if theyre cool, or strong" his nose scrunches up in disgust as he quips venomously "i don't care about any of that—and i don't hang out with you because of that either—i fuckin' care about you because you're you."
your heart stutters.
" what, you think i hang out witcha because of superficial shit like that ? you mockin' me or something ?"
"no, no course not !" you insist, shaking your head.
" exactly, so don't..." he huffs, looking away from you towards the ground, there's a random eraser lying on the ground and he kicks it "don't go saying dumb shit like that."
"i don't waste my time with just anyone, 's why i'm wastin' it with your ass" he jokes, chuckling when you squeeze his nose in response. supressing a smile you whine at him when he leans forward to bite yours.
"katsuki, you're gross !" you giggle as you push at his face, he smiles lightly at the sound of your laughter, one of his favorite sounds. "ya started it." he disputes weakly, his smile turning into a smirk when you groan and then it falls again as he looks at you seriously.
" but seriously" he starts "i mean it, y'know. don't just say shit to say it"
"i know" you smile. he grunts in acknowledgement then continues.
"i don't care about how cool those future ua asshats are gonna be. you're different, you're not like that—i mean—that's not what i look at—what i see with you" he fumbles around for his words and groans, slamming his forehead against your shoulder. you're used to katsuki being physical, but that was usually when he was being annoying, pinching and prodding and biting at you. he's rarely ever this affectionate. it's different, but nice..really nice, so you savor it while you can. your fingers twitch a little closer to his and you decide to take a leap of faith, placing your hands ontop of his. he flinches and you're about to pull back when he grips your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours. you feel him huff into your uniform. his hair tickles as he shuffles his head deeper inside your shoulder.
"you're not like those other losers, y'not like anyone" he explains "you're—when you're around it's like you're glowing. you're bright and when you talk, everyone sorta—gets pulled towards you like you're some typa magnet" his hands get warmer against yours as he speaks. you're surprised that he sees you this way, when that's practically the same way you see him.
" you pull people in so easily, and it pisses me off that you don't realise it. you are strong, and cool and everything else but that's not all you are. s'not all i care about."
"you're annoying. and whiney. extremely annoying, actually" he chuckles, and you pull at his ear "but—" he continues "but you're..fun to be around or whatever, wouldn't be around you otherwise. you're too fuckin' nice and your taste in music isn't bad" katsuki grumbles.
he wants to say more, so much more. he wants to say he thinks the way you immerse yourself when you're watching a movie together is adorable. the way you hold yourself back from commenting during the movie so as not to be annoying, even thought he could listen to you naming street signs and never get bored. the way your eyes light up when you get your grade back for a test you had studied your ass off for, when you come to him showing off your hard work it makes him want to hold you and never let go. he wants to say the way you're not scared to banter and bicker with him, the way your nose scrunches up when you try to hold in your laughter when he passes you a crudely drawn picture of your homeroom teacher, the way you smile at him whenever you see him, whenever he shares his umbrella or your lunches even though you have your own and he has his, makes him want to kiss you silly.
he wants to say all this and more, but he knows the words won't come out right, they never do. but somehow you understand and it's another thing he admires—that he loves about you.
"i...didn't know you felt that way" is all you can quietly muster up. you're cute, he feels you squeezing his hands a little tighter " yeah you didn't, cus i didn't tell you" he ribbed. you huff out a 'dont be annoying" gruffly and he chuckles. the asshole.
your asshole, though, your heart decides.
you're both quiet, everything is quiet and you're happy, reassured. you'd be happy if this is where the conversation ended but katsuki never fails to surprise you today it seemed.
" 'sides" he squeezes your hands tighter "i promised you i'd marry you didn't i ? how can i do that if i'm not around you, hah ?"
you're heart skips approximately three beats at the memory of his promise and you lean back to look at his fully red cheeks and his fleeing eyes.
"you still remember that ?" you ask incredulously. he rolls his eyes but you can tell it's simply to save face as he responds " of course i do. wasn't that long ago."
"but—we were like—ten when that happened. "
"so ?" he responds simply "doesn't change nothin'. i told you, i don't say shit to just say it."
you're flustered and so utterly confused, but there's a happy feeling bubbling in your stomach at his words " but we're not even dating !"
"we're not ?" of course not , he knows he hadn't properly asked you to be his girlfriend. but he figured if he talked about the memory that seemed to refuse being pushed aside, he could casually sneak by what he was too embarrassed to ask. but of course, you never make it easy for him.
"no, we aren't" you pout, crossing your arms at him. he grumbles, reaching to pull your arms away from your chest but you're stubborn, he was right about you being extremely annoying. "cut that out," he hissed.
"mm-mm ! " you shake your head "you can't just decide we're together. i didn't even know you liked me like that.." you trail off shyly. katsuki looks utterly baffled "hah?! whaddya mean you didn't know ? you don't see me actin' like this with anyone else do you ?"
"that's cus you're mean to everyone else !" you choked out, puffing your cheeks out at him.
"well yeah ! but—that's the thing, i'm not mean to you !" he defends, faltering when you raise a brow at him "fuck off, m'not that mean ! i'm just messing with you !" he rebutted. you simply roll your eyes at him and after a moment he sighs.
"fine" he concedes "i should've told you i liked you, i don't just decide that i want you to be my girlfriend when it's convenient for me or something" he keeps quiet about how you could of also told him you liked him as well for now, for fear of you getting moody at him again.
you still look away from him and he groans "hey c'mon, look at me." he utters sincerely. after a minute, you offer him a glance and he takes his opportunity, turning your face towards him, holding back a grin when he feels how warm your cheeks are.
"do you...wanna be my girlfriend ?" he stammers, looking at you with his red cheeks and bashful red eyes, and yet his gaze doesn't falter.
so cool.
it's your last day of middle school, your last day before you go off to a different school with different people. but with your katsuki by your side, and that's all that matters to you.
and with a bright smile, bright eyes and the summer sun slowly setting in your empty classroom, you give him your response by pressing your lips to his softly.
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katsuki thinks about the night before today, when you'd knocked at his door in the dead of night.
usually, on any other day, he'd have scolded you for being up so late but would've ended up letting you in anyway. but lately, things hadn't been as they had been before..everything happened. and he could tell you were upset, so he simply let you in without a word.
you take the liberty of laying down in his bed like you used to back at his house and back at the dorms. he doesn't mind. it feels familiar, comforting.
he lies down next to you and you immediately latch onto him, seeking his warmth. with your head in his chest, you hold onto him tightly, like he'll dissapear if you don't. he clings to you just as tightly.
"what's up with you ?" he mumbles sleepily, softer than when he would've if he were more awake, but still focusing all of his attention onto you.
he feels you shake against his chest "jus' wanted to be wif you" he hears you mumbles. he presses his lips to the top of your head, pressing a sweet little kiss onto it as you breathe "you know that's bullshit." he reprimands, he feels you squeeze him tighter. he squeezes your waist twice, his warm hands running up and down your sides "c'mon, talk to me" he prodded
you look up at him and he looks down at you. your eyes are glossy, he can tell even in the dark and he's sure you were crying a little. his theory is confirmed when he hears you let out a little sniffle, his heart breaks at the sound. his heart breaks even more when you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping at the front of his shirt.
"baby," he pleads softly, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, mouth and cheeks when you whine. "tell me what's bothering you, yeah ?"
"m'just—you're gonna be fighting tomorrow, and we all are and i know you're strong but you'll be in the front lines against him" you blubbered, you hiccup as tears roll down your cheeks " and i know you're strong. but katsu, i can't—" you gasp. he shushes you softly, pressing kiss after kiss to your lips. he knows what you're gonna say, he knows you're worried. he's known you for so long after all.
he hated himself the day he woke up after the first war. when he woke up to you crying at his side, with you yourself still being injured. he hates how much he worried you that day and he knows that the fleeting glances you give him whenever you have a briefing with the pro's, the way you stare off at nothing whenever you catch a glimpse of his scars, are all out of worry for him. he did the same after he had found out you had also been heavily injured during the brawl, so he can't say he wouldn't do the same way.
"baby, babe—look at me" he intones softly, grabbing onto your tear stained cheeks to get you to look at him, he's close so he's sure you can see him despite the darkness. he can't help pressing another kiss to your lips " nothing's gonna happen, okay ?" he reassures, rubbing your cheek softly.
"i can't see you like that again, katsuki. i just can't" you whimper, leaning into his hand.
"you won't, promise you won't." he vows. he knows you're even more worried because you'll both be in different areas and he hates he won't be able to keep his eye on you. but you're strong and cool and everything else, so he trusts you'll be okay "i need you to trust me"
"i do" you sniffle, taking a deep breath "i do trust you, but i just—don't wanna see you get hurt, kacchan"
he sighs softly, staring at you lovingly as he pulls you towards his chest. you nuzzle against him and he presses his mouth to the side of your head. "i can't promise i won't be gettin' hurt, s'gonna happen on the job" he says carefully, rubbing your back "but i promise i'll always come back to you. no matter how fucked up i get, i'll win. for you." he declares, feeling you shove your head deeper against his shoulder.
you remember how despite getting extremely injured by shigaraki, he recovered in record time. it seemed nothing could stop your boyfriend from proving to the world he was the best. because katsuki fights and keeps fighting even if you think the odds are low, because he doesn't. because to him, there's absolutely no doubt in his mind he'll win.
and despite the worry and the fear gnawing at you, you can't help but think your katsuki is so fucking cool.
so you nod against his shoulder and he feels the collar of his shirt grow wet, but he doesn't mind as your grip on him loosens lightly until you can feel yourself falling asleep.
before you fall though, you hear katsuki speak.
"besides, i promised you i'd marry you didn't i ?"
he feels you smile into his neck, and you give him your response by happily nodding into his shoulder with a hum.
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in his final moments, katsuki thinks of you.
he thinks of the promises he's made. he thinks of the promise he made to his old hag to not cause you, such a sweet girl, too much trouble. he remembers the promise he made to his old man to stay safe while he went out on patrol and when he'd fight against shigaraki for the second time. he remembers the promise he made to himself to get his limited edition all might card signed one day. and he remembers the promise he'd made when he said he'd always, always come back to you.
and he remembers the promise he'd made to marry you. the promise that you both would be together and none of the other losers would look at you.
so when he awakens, katsuki doesn't bother to ask why or how.
he simply fights and keeps fighting, so he can win, no matter how fucked up he gets.
and always, always come back to you.
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Monthly Tezuka Magazine Leo (月刊てづかマガジンれお) / Mushi Pro (虫プロ) / Mar 1972 issue
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vanishingstarrs · 3 months
pancakes for dinner
katsuki bakugo x nurse reader, pro hero era, established relationship, just soft and pure vibes, down bad bakugo aka my boyfie fr, slight smut at the end, NSFW, minors DNI
( guysss i’ve been so sick and i’ve been suffering having to work still bc #hispanic we ain’t eva allowed to call out :(( i’ve been wanting to write please please please x bakugo but haven’t had the energy, meantime hope y’all enjoy this little ficlet <3 just wholesome mushy stuff for y’all but then it turned smutty at the end because why not lol also i’m pretty new to writing explicitly so pls lmk how it came out !! )
You were exhausted.
Mentally and physically.
Work had been a tad overwhelming lately, with extra things being piled onto your already heavy workload after a big merger between two of Japan’s biggest hospitals, which in turn caused a lot of people to be let go. Not only had it been stressful wondering whether you’d make the cut or not after a “re-interview”, but when you learned that you had been accepted you’d also been asked if you could take on a few extra duties.
You had never been one to back down from work, always taking initiative and being happy to help any one of your coworkers that might need it.
Lately though, it seemed every single person needed help. Your coworkers, your patients, and if it wasn’t those two then it was your boss asking if you could help her with management duties that had nothing to do with the extra work you’d been assigned to do on top of everything else.
You were sick and tired.
Your muscles cried out as you pushed your apartment door open and immediately kicked off your shoes, groaning as you bent down in order to place them onto the shoe stand. You were sure you heard your back crack as you stood straight once more to hang your purse and keys.
You didn’t bother unpacking the lunch you never got time to eat, leaving the bag you packed it in tied up and in the fridge before heading into your bedroom and immediately shedding your scrubs. You hated doing skincare, but thought about how dirty your face must be after dealing with so many patients and dragged yourself into the bathroom to get it over with.
By the time you were finished doing everything, your body was begging you to lay down for just a minute.
A little power nap never hurt, you told yourself as you fell onto your bed face first and sighed. You hugged your pillow to your aching body and allowed yourself to relax for just a little while.
Though “a minute” quickly turned into three hours as the sun went down and the night sky pulled you further into dreamland.
You didn’t hear the front door open or close, you didn’t stir when your boyfriend started removing his hero equipment, much less wake when those heavy gauntlets he somehow wore all day hit the floor or when his pounding footsteps carried across the hardwood as he made his way to your shared bedroom to check on you.
You missed the brief smirk on his face as he found you lying on his side of the bed, on your right side with a leg propped up for comfort.
Katsuki knew how hard you’d been working lately with the merger between the two hospitals and how stressed it made you. With him working as a hero, he encountered many people that wound up needing to go to the hospital. On top of that, you also had all the other sick people that hadn’t been involved in some villain attack. You likely dealt and saved more people in a single day than he did in a month, he knew this, he was proud of the fact, actually, and incredibly proud of you.
He was damn lucky to have you.
And for all these reasons, he was happy to see you rest for a bit.
He’d often come home late and find that you’d already done all the cleaning around the house, as well as meal prep for both you and him, and still found the time to bake desert on top of making him dinner. You went above and beyond in all aspects of your life, often even calling and checking up on his parents when he hadn’t done so in too long. He’d receive texts from his mother scolding him and making sure he was taking good care of you the way she knew you did him, he swore you were the favorite and he understood why you were.
Everyone loved you.
He adored you.
Except he hadn’t been doing his part as well as he should be lately.
And so, while you slept, he quietly changed into some loungewear before carefully shutting the bedroom door closed behind him.
He tried his hardest to be quiet as he went around cleaning up throughout the house, he swept, he steam mopped the floors (and prayed he didn’t miss a spot), he did your laundry, took your work shoes and scrubbed them clean for your next workday, he took your old lunch and tossed it out before setting to work on preparing you something delicious for tomorrow.
Being in the kitchen was actually soothing for him, he liked being able to experiment with recipes and different things for you to try. He hated that he hadn’t made the time to recently. He cooked enough dinner to pack lunch for both you and him, then last minutely decided that you’d definitely want something sweet when you woke up and pulled out the ingredients to make pancakes from scratch.
You liked it best when you had pancakes for dinner, not breakfast.
He was extremely pleased when they turned out light and fluffy just the way you liked them and he set out to cut up some fruit for you to put on top, making sure everything was ready before heading back to your shared room.
Katsuki was less quiet this time around, as he slid into bed next to you. He propped himself up on his elbow as he buried his fingers into your hair and gently scratched your scalp.
You were exhausted, and likely wouldn’t have woken up if not for him leaning over and placing kisses from your neck all the way up to your ear. You felt his hot breath as he whispered for you to please wake up, which made you groan softly.
You’d yet to open your eyes, but who else would it be? You asked,“Katsuki?”
“Made you food, baby, c’mon, I saw you didn’t eat your lunch, you gotta put somethin’ in your belly.” He explained as he removed his hand from your hair and lifted the material of your shirt to rub up and down your stomach, you felt him inch closer to your chest before stopping himself and tugging your tank top back down to your waist.
You turned toward him, quickly finding the divet in between his shoulder and neck to plant your face in. You were barely awake, not really comprehending what he was trying to say.
“Missed you.” You relaxed further into him.
“Missed you so much, sweets.” You felt him kiss your forehead,“Hate to pull you from bed, but you really gotta open your eyes for me.”
You did as he asked, smiling as his face came into view, lit up by the soft light streaming in from the hallway. “Hi, honey.” You managed to get out as he smushed your cheeks (cuteness aggression) and placed three kisses onto your nose.
You grinned as he said hi back and repeated that he’d cooked for you.
You beamed, you hadn’t had his cooking in a while, but didn’t exactly make a move to get up from bed. It wasn’t until he revealed that he’d made you pancakes, that had you up in seconds.
He chuckled as he followed you down the hall, lightly smacking your butt as you happily made your way through the apartment. You turned to him with surprise,“You cleaned too?”
“Course.” He scoffed as he tugged on your hand and sat you down at your small table that sat four people max. “I’d do it more if you didn’t always beat me to everything, I was thinking I should be doing a bit more around here anyway.”
“I can handle it.” You said, like always.
He rolled his eyes as he brought over the plate he’d prepared for you.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t, I’m just saying you don’t have to give a hundred percent every day, you know? You could give me thirty and I’d be more than happy to give the remaining seventy.” He began to explain,“I wanna take care of you too, and that starts by you not doing everything.”
You silently watched him cut up your pancakes before placing some fruit onto them and drizzling maple syrup all over, he gave you tea to drink and pulled his chair closer to you while you ate.
He ran his fingers through your hair again as you told him all about your day before asking about his and what time he’d gotten home. He let you feed him a couple bites of food and you snagged a few extra kisses each time you lied and told him he had syrup on his face.
When you finished, he asked if you’d like a bit of real food, claiming he wanted you nice and full. You agreed, happy to eat what he’d prepared.
You were less tired now, satisfied with your belly full and sitting with your lover as he recalled a story about retrieving someone’s lost kitten in a tree. You laughed at the classic save and felt your mental load becoming lighter the more the minutes went on.
After eating, the pampering continued.
Katsuki demanded you allow him to run you a bath, and he quickly made the bathroom up with a few candles. He set up a movie for you to watch on your laptop as he came into the room with you and offered to wash your hair. You requested he get in with you then, and he obliged quickly, taking his time when it came to massaging his hands through your hair and pressing kisses against your back at every opportunity. He held you against his chest as you relaxed into him.
You honestly started to get sleepy again.
And then it was ripped away from you once more as Katsuki led you to bed, not to sleep, but to have you spread out against the mattress for him to plaster his tongue against you and demand he get his dinner now.
“Wanna take care of you.” He’d said.
He quickly had you squirming and writhing underneath his touch and the feel of his fingers inside as he worked you until completion. He sung you praises about how hard you’d been working lately, telling you how you deserved this and more, as well as making sure you knew how good you always did for him.
“One more, baby.” He begged.
One more turned into two then three, and by the time he finally lined himself up to your entrance you were spent. He worshipped your body, kneading your breasts and holding one of your hands back so you couldn’t hide how flushed your face had become from not just his compliments, but from the way he fucked you.
“Katsuki,” You moaned,“Close.” Again.
“Cum with me, baby, please.”
The movement of his hips was starting to get sloppy, but neither of you noticed through the haze. He whined in your ear as you latched onto his back with your hands and wrapped your legs around his waist, your walls squeezed him and he moaned one last time as he got lost in euphoria. He didn’t make a move to remove himself as he pressed his sweaty forehead against your own and kissed your cheek and then your neck and then your collarbone, making a line all the way down to your bellybutton.
He occupied himself with making sure you stayed awake despite your eyes being closed as you attempted to catch your breath, he sucked hard enough to leave a few marks along your chest and before you knew it you started to feel him become hard inside of you again.
Your eyes snapped open as you gave him a look.
Katsuki smirked as he rubbed your hip and stole your mouth briefly,“Gotta make sure you’re nice and full, baby, one more time f’me, please?”
“You’re insatiable.” You told him.
And yet, how could you say no to him when he looked at you that way?
It was a good thing you’d taken that nap earlier, especially now that your body would soon be aching for a different reason.
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universitypenguin · 4 months
can you recommend any COD fics? I’ve become interested
Thank you so much for asking me this question!
It turns out that I have a lot of fic recs… I just kept adding and adding to the list. Putting this together took like two days because I just kept going and going 🤣
There are smut links below - I didn’t bother labeling them specifically, so preceded with caution. As usual, read all of the respective author’s warnings before reading their work!
Also, I tried not to tag anyone twice but I probably missed some doubles. If any links are broken, please let me know!
Alejandro Vargas
Pros & Cons - @homicidal-slvt
Best Friend’s Dad - @allemantheias
NSFW Alphabet - @ghostsvacuumcleaner
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Whiskers & Wishes - @sageyxbabey
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @gloomwitchwrites
Baby It’s Cold Inside - @kyletogaz
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts - @soapsgf
Better Not to Know (ch. 1) - @random-thot-generator
Simon “Ghost” Riley
I’m So In Love With You - @nomadstucky
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend- @/gloomwitchwrites
Please, Love Me - @/rowarn
Through Me (The Flood) - @/peachesofteal
Ex!Husband Simon - @oceantornadoo
Baby, It’s Cold Inside - @kyletogaz
Plane Crash - @ceilidho
Simon’s Girl - @audisive
Ghost & his tiny gf - @/ramagallery
Roommate!Simon - @schrodingerscougar
Snappy Reader - @lovelyghst
Ex-Husband!Simon - @cntloup
Simon Riley x Soap’s Sister - @seresinhangmanjake
Period Sex w/ Simon - @cntloup
New Year’s Fireworks - @i-am-hungry-24-7
Love Language - @yeahjadefinitelyfeel
Simon’s Love - @tojisun
John “Soap” MacTavish
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @/gloomwitchwrites
Enamored - @/rowarn
Soulmate AU - @all-purpose-dish-soap
Second Chance - @bookbrokelibrarian
Virgin x Soap - @/captainfern
Johnny Has Amnesia - @manticore-fangs
Safe Word - @lunarw0rks
An Interesting Errand - @mi-i-zori
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
Good Fences - @the-californicationist
The first chapter of the “Good Fences” Fluffubury series. I’ll list the next few chapters below. This is one of my favorite Captain Price stories, it’s so good! 🥰
Good Fences / ch. 2
Good Fences / ch. 3
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @/gloomwitchwrites
The Ocean - @peachesofteal
The Neighbor - @ivymarquis
Stay Away - @captainfern
Bear Shifter! Price (part 1) - @/ceilidho
Phillip Graves
You’re Being Detained - @writersdrug
The House Sitter - @shadowlali
Overstimulation w/ Graves - @/captainfern
My Favorite - @aphrodisiaxcunt
Experience - @rowarn
Bad Boyfriend - @lunarw0rks
All of the 141
Just Like Dad - @/gloomwitchwrites
Sex Pollen - @shotmrmiller
Self Esteem - @waiting-so-long
Showering With the 141 - @mushies-stories
Drunk Reader (Part 1) - @mushies-stories
Reader w/ Amnesia - @bookbrokelibrarian
Love Bites - @l0velylecter
Reactions to you flinching - @empresskylo
Controversially Younger GF - @sweet-as-an-angel
Author Recommendations
Author Recs - (courtesy of @/captainfern)
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p1utofairy · 1 year
PAC: “cause every little thing that we do, should be between me & you.” 🕯️💭✨
• what are your person’s dirty thoughts about you?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. thank y'all for 1K omg <3 y’all really fw with lil ol’ me?! ily ily ily. 🥹 here’s a lil sumn sumn to celebrate. 🥂 p.s. take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. enjoy!
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pile 1 ⭐️ —
“you don't need me, please believe me. this ain't easy, you know i've been feindin'. let me unleash my demons on you.”
“innocent” is what i’m hearing pile 1. your person will underestimate just how much of a hold you have on them lol initially they’ll think that you’re more of the submissive type, but oh are they in for a treat! you hold your cards close to your chest, so it’ll surprise them when this other side of you comes to the surface. i’m hearing “classy in the streets but a freak in the sheets” LOLLL. oh i’m also picking up that some of you may be inexperienced (or may not have as much sexual experience as them) but it won’t come off that way to them...they’ll just think that you’re playing coy and teasing them. your person will be eye-fucking you a lot, i can see them sitting across from you just looking you up and down…locking in on your legs — they’ll really love your legs. “you’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. you’d be like heaven to touch.” just started playing in my mind. awww your person is very sensual 😩 and as much as they want to have you…they’ll be patient. they want to make sure you feel comfortable. all i need by lloyd just came to mind, “get up on it. i’m so horny and i want it. so get up on this, get up on the dick.” LMFAOOOO ik i said they'll be patient but i’m ngl they'll be internally tussling with themselves because they’re used to just getting what they want and people falling for them at the drop of a dime, but you make them work hard for it. i can see you two having a heavy make-out session before they drop you off home and then you pull away and you're like BYE 😘👋☺️ and they'll just be sitting there with their mind racing a mile per minute like FUCK?????? lmfaooooooooooo my gosh you will rile them up so bad pile 1. i feel like there will be a height difference between you two or an age gap. they could be older than you! you give them butterflies <3 they think they’re making you soo nervous/giddy inside (and they are) but you hide it a little better than they do. after every interaction with them you’ll feel all mushy inside hehe and you’ll be able to tell that you make them nervous. they’re just blown away by how beautiful, hot and how well-put together you are. i can see you talking and they’re just watching your mouth move like 👁️👁️ LMFAOOO bye pile 1. they’re feenin’ for you.
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pile 2 🪡 —
“i just wanna live in a fantasy. i think we deserve it, right? top all the memories. i’ve ever made in my life.”
oouu this is my pile that doesn't take shit from nobody, okayyyy! hi pile 2 welcome to your reading <3 i can already tell that your person loves how you carry yourself. you do not allow many people to have access to you, and when you do, people can’t help but feel special inside because you have such a ✨big✨ presence. you may not take your person very serious at first. they have youthful/playful energy while you have a very disciplined and mature demeanor. that’s what will make them so attracted to you; how you're always on your shit…there's no cutting corners with you, you do not have time for the games and they will respect that. there's something about your lips that they love. you might have a defined cupid’s bow like rihanna or maybe they just like how cute and soft they are; especially after they just got done kissing you. i see them teasing you and slightly biting your bottom lip after they pull away from the kiss 🥵 ugh don’t count them out pile 2. they might have youthful energy but they're a pro when it comes to seduction lol you both are similar in a sense — you both want something serious and passionate with a hint of playfulness. they'll loveeeee watching you get ready! like i can see you standing in front of a mirror, in a rush to make yourself look presentable and they're just laying back on the bed…giving you the look. just ready to POUNCE. whew pile 2! this person’s love language might also be physical touch, cause they’ll be fighting the urge to squeeze your ass or constantly have their hand on your lower back. you’ll secretly love all their physical affection though hehe.
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pile 3 🔪 —
“out of breath, take it slow. i wanna feel it in my soul. yeah, i know you love it when i’m on top. gotta keep it going, baby. don’t stop.”
heyyyy pile 3 🤗 i’m immediately hearing that you have a way with words. you know exactly what buttons to push to get your person aroused mhm! your person knows your worth just as much as you do, they’ll put you on a pedestal and treat you with so much care and devotion. they may have a worship kink? i see a bedroom setting — lightly-dimmed, candles lit, red rose petals on the floor and they’re slowly taking your shoes off for you…their hands trailing up your bare legs slowly 🥵 OKAYYYY pile 3! the sexual attraction is strong in this one wow. that scene from the wolf of wall street where naomi (margot robbie) and jordan (leo dicaprio) are on a date and naomi is giving him the fuck me eyes while saying “aren’t you married?” is coming to mind. now i don’t feel like there’s any third parties/cheating involved…you two just might be into role-playing. like i can see them booking a spontaneous getaway trip for the two of you & y’all just slut each other out and explore each other’s wildest fantasies the whole time 🤭 you both know how and what will make the other person tick; i can see them teasing you a lot in public. a lot of dirty talk in your ear, hand on the back of your neck gently squeezing and kisses. they were never really like this in their previous relationship(s) but you bring out a whole different side of them. agora hills by doja cat just started playing, “kissing and hope they caught us, whether they like or not. i wanna show you off. i wanna show you off.” THEY REALLY DO, PILE 3. they can't believe they bagged you…every-time they look at you they’re in awe.
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
headcanons for dating The Spot / Jonathan Ohnn? He’s so dumb i can’t help but love him <3
Coming right up!
Jonathan Ohnn/The Spot X Reader Headcanons
Characters: Jonathan Ohnn/The Spot
Tags: Tooth rotting fluff, Ohnn being Ohnn, established relationship, reassurance, quality time, gift giving, quips/jokes, slight spoilers and cute moments.
Warning: None, just a small suggestive line. But all in all SFW.
A/N: I would date The Spot honestly! He seems like a big sweetie that just had bad luck.
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Before the Collider
Ohnn isn’t a super mushy/romantic person, but he cares for you so much.
If there’s one thing he lives for outside of you it’s your laughter.
Whether he does it intentionally or unintentionally, he’d kill to hear that pretty little voice.
His main love languages are quality time and gift giving.
Whenever you two are inching closer to an anniversary, he will give you so many gifts days leading to it.
And on the day of, he goes all out!
Intimate time in bed is nice, but if he had to choose between that and watching a movie, he’s taking that movie.
Some days all you two do is just watch some films inside while snuggled under a blanket together.
Or he would suggest you two play a board game or two.
Whether you like it or not, you play them for two reasons; When he is playing, he’s so cute thinking of his next move.
Aaaaand he’s so hilarious when he’s winning or losing, exaggerating both.
Big fan of random facts, so don’t expect to fall asleep without hearing at least three fun facts a day.
The only time he doesn’t hang out with you is at work and he keeps you far away from it for your safety.
But he always promises he’ll come home and be yours afterwards.
You’re his precious jewel. And he will tell you every day.
After the Collider
When he became The Spot, you became his entire universe.
Everyone left him in his crisis to fend for himself… But you didn’t.
And he is forever grateful for that and for you.
It takes him a very long time to ease into touching you again.
He’s just scared that he’ll hurt you or throw you into another universe.
But after some practice, he can’t help but touch your cheeks and your face as much as he can.
Forget about being his jewel, you’re his angel sent from Heaven.
Even without a sustainable job, he tries his best to always give you a gift at the end of the day.
It can be a small trinket he found in the streets or during a stroll.
Or it can be something huge and harder for you both to hide.
Regardless, you are very appreciative of his actions.
Whenever he has a hard day being The Spot, he looks for you to be his shoulder to cry on.
He usually sees his spots as a disadvantage, but loves how you always tell him the pros of having them.
When he masters his powers, expect your dates to be a trip through the Spider-Verse.
He still loves to hear you laugh and will even try some quips on you just to hear you chuckle.
Whenever you smile and laugh now, it’s like he’s been sent to Heaven itself.
At first he was stealing things and being a criminal for his personal gain.
But now he’s doing it for both of you.
He does it all for you.
Never forget that.
Spider-Verse Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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poppy-metal · 3 months
hmhmhmmm how do we feel about being patrick’s secret girlfriend-not-really-girlfriend? like, when you guys first start “dating”, he asks that you keep it private, and you’re fine with that— you aren’t exactly fond of having people all up in your business either. but eventually it starts to feel like he just…doesn’t want people to know the two of you are involved with each other at all. and at first you push all feelings of doubt down, tell yourself that it’s not that big of a deal, that you’re lucky to even have a chance with him in the first place. you aren’t okay with being a secret though. you want people to know that you’re taken, that he’s yours and you’re his. you want all the gross pda and mushy dates. it’s bad enough that you barely see him anymore with him having gone pro and whatnot. you’d never say that to his face though, never that. you’ll never make yourself look that desperate. until. until, until, until. until you see what can only best be described as a horde of googly-eyed girls surrounding your not-quite-boyfriend, a million questions thrown at him per second. he doesn’t see you. how could he in all this chaos? the topic of dating comes up.
“is it true? that you have a girlfriend, i mean.” you subconsciously pray that he says yes, that he shuts down any chances of any girl other than you getting to be with him. instead he hesitates, and only responds to say “nah. you interested?” with that stupidly charming smile. your heart breaks. there’s no way this could get any worse, you think. you shouldn’t stay for a second longer. it feels as though your entire lower body is paralyzed, though. you can’t leave despite how badly you want to. the same girl— you assume— speaks again, saying something along the lines of “what about that one girl you’re talking to? what’s her name again?” she rattles off one, two, three names similar to yours, but not quite right. she’s talking about you. “uh…she’s a sweet girl, don’t get me wrong— but i wouldn’t say we’re a thing.“ patrick responds with ease. he doesn’t even seem guilty. oh. oh oh oh. you want the world to open up and swallow you whole. you want to sink into quicksand. you can’t even get “a thing”? that’s like, the bare fucking minimum. now you seriously can’t bare to hear anymore. not without crying. if this is what a relationship is supposed to be, you’d rather not be in one at all.
just a silly thought!
cries it probably goes sm like this
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and then you block him again. its not the first time you've blocked him over a fight, but its the first time you've been committed to it. you dont unblock him, and you change your route the next day to avoid seeing him. you miss him though. its an ache in your chest. your friends will tell you you're better off, that he was just fucking around with you, but it wont make the hurt lessen. they dont know patrick like you do. they dont know that he bites his bottom lip when he finds something you said funny like he's holding in a giggle, they dont know how warm he is or how it feels to be held by him and rocked back and forth. they dont know how it feels to have his fingers tracing patterns on your back, tucking your hair back for you. they dont know how his voice softens and lowers when he's being gentle with you. they dont know how he has your favorite snacks memorized and your favorite order and he always speaks for you in the drive-thru because he knows what you want and he always hand feeds you his fries. they dont know how good it feels with his hands in your hair and his lips on your skin and his cock inside you - thick and stretching. they dont know the things he whispers in your ear when he'd close to coming, the way he grips you closer like he wants to melt inside you and stay there forever. they dont know he likes to lay his head on your lap and have his hair played with. they dont know you're in love with him and you dont know how to not be.
you end up seeing patrick a week later. he's on TV and he's holding the passenger side of his door open for a young woman. she's smiling shyly and he's grinning at her and you just think about how a month ago he fucked you in the backseat of that car - legs splayed as he gripped your ass and bounced you on and off his dick. how hot and steamy it got and how he'd licked the sweat from your throat and sucked your skin into his greedy mouth as he fucked you, how he groaned as you clamped around him like a vice and said "fuck, i think i love you -" right before he came.
obviously just something he'd said in the heat of the moment. obviously it meant nothing. you turn the TV off and debate unblocking him just to pour out all the hurt you feel. make him see how he's ruined you. but you know that'll do no good. he wont care.
you think you'll try your hand at moving on yourself. didn't he an art have an argument not too long ago? a falling out? wasn't art nursing his own broken heart from that tashi girl? maybe you could help eachother.
(what you dont know is that patrick does care. that he's spent everyday talking himself out of making a new number just to text you on, that he can barely get off when he's with other women because they dont feel like you do, they dont talk to him the way you do - he just feels sick after, like he cheated and hes the worst person in the world and he just wants to come crawling back to you and press his face into your stomach and tell you hes sorry. hes sorry tashi fucked him up so bad and he just doesn't want to trust again and hes sorry he's taking it out on you and hes sorry he thinks hes in love with you and he can't do anything with that love because his love isn't enough - it ruins people. it ruined art and it ruined tashi and he doesn't want it to ruin you. hes not built to be a boyfriend. all hes good at is hitting a ball with a racket)
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koreluvsspring · 5 months
A little Imagine about Love Is Blind (Japan) Pro Hero edition…
(If you speak english…no you don’t!)
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’d rather eat his hand and season it with salt than go on the show. But his sweet daughter convinces him to and he caves in, denies that he’ll take it seriously.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s last relationship was a fleeting fling with a women who ended pregnant despite all the safety precautions they took. Gave birth without his knowledge and delivered his angel to him, then vanished.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s the least favorite out of all the contestants for his rude demeanor, lack of socialization, and immediately leaving the room once he hears something he doesn’t like.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who everyone warns you about… “He’s so grouchy! He’s kind of a jerk! Girl trust, he’s not even worth your time.” But you were curious about the infamous man.
So you enter the pod and start with a simple Hello in your native language and Bakugou is suddenly all ears. Who leans forward at the sound of your jewelry rattling as you sat down. Who immediately asks what language that is because he’s a language nerd. When you respond with guess.
He takes up the challenge and goes through languages until you tell him the right answer. You say a few more words and he’s locked in. He’s speaking more than he ever did with the other ladies. He’s curious about your background and asks questions. You continue to talk but switching to Japanese, while teaching him a few words at his request. Without realizing it, you talk for hours until it’s late.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s sure you’re his match after your first encounter and doesn’t even try with anybody else. (Not that they were interested) Who gets jealous when he finds out you’re still exploring your options. Who gets upset hearing stories or comments about you from the other men. Why didn’t you tell him that for the first 14 years of your life your mother only bought jasmine scented products, to the point it was YOUR signature scent to this day??? He was jealous and it SHOWED.
Everybody is surprised on how quickly you melted his exterior. Especially the girls when you seemed to favor him! “You guys he’s actually pretty sweet i swear!” They don’t believe you.
Days go on and Katsuki can’t take it any longer.
“Call me Katsuki.”
“Okay then, Katsuki… what is it?” You poke because it sounded serious.
“I’m getting impatient.” He says while he grips the sides of the pillow. “I came on here thinking i’d never find the woman for me. That love couldn’t be blind and that it was all some sort of mushy gushy bull shit. I was so convinced that I was sort of meant to be alone. Yet here you come, all happy ‘nd shit, and jus’ talking to you makes me feel things. Imagining being alongside you as you travel, or being the person you come to have a ramble session with. It makes me pretty fucking happy. As i’m saying this, i’m on a single knee. Make me a happy man and marry me?”
He was already on his knee holding out a ring for you. Your eyes water and you immediately say yes. Katsuki can feel all his nerves disappear at the confirmation.
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