#it's not gonna be as bad as I think it is. I'm just an overthinker😔
dixidin · 1 year
Hey everyone, raise your hand if you're definitely not ready for Fontaine🤚
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erikahenningsen · 5 months
Regina takes up 2/3 of the bed but it works for them because Cady sleeps curled up in a little ball. Regina hates having to sleep without Cady because sometimes she has nightmares and she always feels guilty about calling Cady in the middle of the night.
Now, please do this 😔🙏, or if you could, elaborate more. I'm currently in the midst of brainrot.
#grad school universe / Angie's fic
Regina wakes up just as the bus is about to hit her, breathing hard.
For a moment, she's completely disoriented, before she realizes she's in her bed, her apartment dark and silent.
Regina presses a hand to her forehead and finds it tacky with sweat, and her throat is a bit tender. She wonders if she had been screaming in her sleep. That's happened before—and completely scared the shit out of Cady the first time.
Instinctively, Regina reaches to Cady's side of the bed, and finds it cold and empty. Right. Cady is at her apartment in New Haven. Regina is still getting used to spending more nights apart than together. She'd never tell Cady, but she thinks the nightmares have become more frequent as a result.
Regina wants to call Cady. She needs to hear her voice. It's the only thing that slows her heart, which is still pounding inside her chest with panic. But it's the middle of the night, and Cady has class in the morning.
Regina rolls over and tries to ignore it, to will herself back to sleep—or at least into a calmer state. But every time she closes her eyes, all she sees is Cady staring at her with horror as the bus plows into her body. Sometimes, in the dreams, the bus hits Cady instead. Those are the worst ones.
After a couple of minutes of trying to relax by sheer force of will, Regina tries deep breathing. She tries listening to some calming music. She even tries a free meditation video on YouTube, even though she thinks it's stupid. But she doesn't feel even a little bit better.
Before she can overthink it, she taps on Cady's contact and holds her breath as the phone rings.
Just as Regina thinks the call is going to time out, Cady picks up. The screen is dark, but Regina can make out part of Cady's face on the screen.
"Regina?" Cady mumbles sleepily. She squints against the light of her phone. "You okay?"
"Hi, baby," Regina whispers. She feels guilt flare in her stomach at Cady's sleepy face, but she already feels less like she's having a heart attack.
Cady runs a hand down her face. "Did you have a bad dream?" she asks.
Regina cringes a little at the wording—it makes it sound like she's four years old—but now is not the time.
"Yeah," Regina says. "I just needed to see you."
Cady makes a vague gesture that might be a wave. "Here I am."
"And so beautiful, as always," Regina says. She's always found it quite unfair how Cady looks gorgeous all the time, even in the middle of the night.
"I love you," Cady says, with so much affection that Regina physically aches to be with her. "I'm glad you're alive."
"Me, too," Regina says. "Most of the time."
Cady makes a displeased noise, and Regina knows if it weren't the middle of the night and they weren't in separate states Cady would insist on having A Conversation about the most of the time part.
For a few moments, Regina just looks at Cady's face. Well, more like half of her face. At a weird angle. But her breathing has returned almost to normal, and she isn't trembling anymore.
"I'm gonna fall asleep," Cady admits, eyelids drooping, "but I'll leave my phone on."
"Good night," Regina says. "I love you."
Cady kisses the tips of her fingers and taps them against the screen as her eyes close.
It'll have to do, for now.
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nogenderbee · 16 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕋𝕠𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕩𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @wabatle request: HELLO HELLO HERE I AM WITH ANOTHER OBEY ME REQUEST 😋😋😋🔥🔥🔥
anyways!! can I request Lucifer, Satan, Asmo, Belphie and Diavolo with a partner that has really bad social anxiety? like they have a hard time talking to people and freeze up when they have to talk to someone, and they tend to overthink things they say a lot (me overthinking while I write this 🤑🤑)
Yes you can!!! Also I dunno if this is considered short or no buuuuuut I feel like it kinda is so I'm very sorry for that but I don't really like forcing so I just wrote whatever popped into my head 😔
Either way! I hope you like it!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Lucifer would be rather patient with you...
✧ his 2nd younger brother is pretty social anxious too so he probably knows kinda what to do
✧ he'll try getting you out first with date ideas and so on, slowly getting you into going out more
✧ he'll do some talks but won't ever make you feel ignored, asking you about your opinion from time to time, even if it would be small nod
✧ he definitely likes taking pride in the fact that he's always the one who you ask to talk for you (even if you do it just because you have no other choice)
"Yes, we'll take two of these. Would that be correct, dearest? Or is there something more you'd like?"
✧ he's slowly getting you to talk more by gently pushing you to place your order by yourself and slowly goes onwards, trying to be patient with you
✧ if he won't see any results tho... he might get a bit pissed off, but he also knows it won't do anything...
✧ he might just need to think of something else... But how long will it take? Guess it only depends on you and how willing you'll be to cooperate!
@wabatle - come get your scary brother!
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✧ Satan most likely does slightly more research about it just to make sure he knows how to treat person struggling with that
✧ recognizing it in his brother, he'll probably also try asking him, but he doesn't get many information there in the end...
✧ he tries his best to help you but he's actually a bit forceful with pushing you towards talking more
✧ he's the type to not say a word when you finally come to counter at cafe, and when you look at him, he'll just look at you expectingly...
"C'mon. You can do it."
✧ even if you'd be stuttering, he's still gonna be proud of you!
✧ and don't worry if someone laughs or teases you about that... he'll most likely get pissed off for that quite easily and... you can figure out the rest...
✧ he'll sometimes ask you straightforward if you need any help from his side but he'll try not to spoil you by ALWAYS talking for you. You need to get some practice as well after all!
@miya-akane @wabatle - come get your pretty princess~
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✧ Asmo is literally like your opposite! Yet, you somehow landed in relationship together... How? Good question! But none of you really mind~
✧ though he does get a bit worried about you sometimes...
✧ he tried getting you out on many parties, trying to convince you it's gonna be fun and that he'll be by your side but... it ended differently...
✧ if you agreed, he definitely stayed with you but he also invited quite a large group to hangout with you as well...
✧ if you didn't, he's most likely to be a bit pouty for a little while... but he'll get over ut soon!
"C'mon, Y/N!! Just one party! I swear I won't even drink more than one glass, please! It'll be fun! We can even dance together there, hm~?"
✧ he usually just drags you with him wherever he goes hoping it'll work
✧ he's not really good with this, so you may want to be just honest with him and it'll certainly give him better understanding of how he should handle your anxiety!
✧ if you tell him what he was doing wrong, prepare for wave of apology kisses and even more promises he'll try better now that he knows more about your problem
@vodka-glrl @wabatle - come get your cat lover!
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✧ Belphie will support you but... don't expect him to push you towards going out more
✧ if anything, he may hold you back just because he's not done sleeping yet
✧ whenever you tell him you talked with someone on your own, he'll always praise you for that!
✧ though whenever you have little debate if you should go out or stay at home... he'll always tell you to stay at home and just take a nap with him which... doesn't really help your problem...
"Don't wanna go out? Yeah, me neither... Let's just take a nap."
✧ being with him would really require some motivation from you to overcome social anxiety...
✧ plus is he'll always leave the talking to you since he'll be too tired to do it himself, so whenever you drag him out, you'll get some practice in!
✧ if you're really too nervous tho... he'll drop few words every now and then to help you out
✧ and similar to Satan, don't worry about anyone laughing whenever you get nervous! He'll first drag you away but behind your back, he makes sure they learn their lesson...
@miya-akane @wabatle - come get your sleepyhead~
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✧ Diavolo is actually very understanding! But among all of that... he tends to spoil you by always doing the talking for you...
✧ if you ever feel like hopping in, he'll inmidietly shut up and let you speak tho!
✧ but don't expect him to slyly let you into a conversation... he'll be more than happy if you join on your own but he won't force you
✧ he'll also give you a little reward for every time you break your walls and open up to someone, even if you only said like one sentence
"Why of course! I want to treat you to cafe because of this very reason. I find it worthy to celebrate, don't you?"
✧ he probably will need you to tell him to push you sometime so you can break your walls more if you want him to get you to do that
✧ he'll still have a bit of trouble with forcing you but... he'll try his best! But he's teached to take first "no" so it may take a little while...
✧ either way, he'll shut up everyone who ever dares interrupt you. Not in a mean way... he's actually very polite but... he'll prioritize whatever you have to say over anyone else~
@wabatle - come get your childish ruler!
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ march 2023
words written: 13 235
projects worked on: technically i only wrote for Andromeda Rogue but i did rotate my other side wips rather violently in my head. like this is not a gentle rotisserie chicken rotating, this is a full-on centrifuge machine
proudest accomplishment: this is the month i've written the most all year ????? also i reached over 50K on AR draft 2!!!
books read: Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo; Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells; and i've also just started A Rival Most Vial by writeblr's very own @ashen-crest!
at what degree of sparse activity do i have to concede defeat call it a hiatus. i'm doing fine, i've just been really busy with work and haven't had time to devote to writeblr that much 😔
remember when i said i was gonna intro my Third, Secret WIP this month? yeah, that didn't happen. i'm trying to crack down on AR bc i have this goal of finishing this draft by my birthday in mid-May (although i don't think that's gonna happen at this rate...) so i don't think i'll be talking too much about my other wips here until then. but i'm definitely still playing with them every once in a while lol
uhh not much else to say as far as general writing comments go. have some reading comments: Hell Bent was good but felt a bit messier than the first book imo, 4 stars. Artificial condition absolutely fucked, 5 stars. and i'm not very far in A Rival Most Vial but i love love love it so far.
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
so yes this draft is coming along nicely.
right now i'm in the weird bit between the drama of the midpoint and the drama of the climax where things sort of slow down a bit... i'm trying to figure out if i need to add stuff to keep it from dragging but i'm stumped as to what.
i can't tell at what point i need to fix things now or leave things for Future Me. like i can't avoid my problems forever lmao i do have to become Future Me at some point...
there's also a few bits where i don't know if it's actually bad and needs to be fixed or if i'm just overthinking things lol. i've already bothered my rubber duckie (you know who you are <3) too many times for things that i thought were problems that in the end only needed the simplest of solutions... so maybe i need to just leave it be and see what my beta readers think?
speaking of betas... i'm a little *insert gif of me vibrating at the speed of sound* at the thought of people actually Reading My Writing... it feels like that might be happening soon... but i'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself 😅
i can never remember what i've posted for AR yet and what i haven't but i did change this scene a bit from the first draft. so without further ado, have some Azami being badass and standing up to a space pirate who had kidnapped her. warnings for weapons i guess, lmk if there's anything else i should warn for
With a smirk, Song let go of Azami’s wrist, and that was there he made the grave mistake of turning his back to her.
Petra caught Azami’s eyes flick down to his belt a split second before she pounced. Hands still tied, she gripped the handle of his plasma wand, yanked it out of its holster, and jabbed it at the back of Song’s head.
“Answer the question, asshole!” she shrieked.
Song stopped walking, but didn’t flinch. His smirk merely widened as he slowly turned around to face her. “Do you even know how to use that, sweetheart?”
Azami pointed the wand between his legs and squeezed a button. A flash of light filled the room as a blue laser shot out of the rusty handle. It flew just shy of Song’s crotch, singeing the fabric of his pants, before hitting the floor with a loud crack and a flurry of sparks. Petra yelped and jumped back. Song sucked in a sharp breath, finally dropping his cool demeanour.
“That was a warning. I’ll blast your balls clean off next time,” Azami promised, aiming the wand a bit higher.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepenss @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda rogue taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
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shai-manahan · 2 years
also i have a few theories about our MC if you don't mind-
1. so... as i played through the nightmare scene for the 9th time in a row to fully relish the horror and trauma, i realized that our dear (but unfortunate) MC must have gone through something MUCH MUCH worse than merely watching their father get oofed off by their mother 🤔🤔🤔 because i once read somewhere that if someone experiences like a really bad traumatic experience their brain will instinctively suppress their memories and lock them away to protect the person from getting anymore affected and also to give them a sense of normality? dunno about that our brains can be really mysterious sometimes, which brings me to my second theory
2. OK OK OK i know this may sound crazy and also scientifically inaccurate, but i think MC has some sort of Dissociative disorder? i mean- how do you explain their sudden black out from their home to their journey all the way to Bale's territory and the bar? or maybe im just overthinking it and perhaps its somehow related to the hallucinations and the syringes that have been emphasized over multiples times in the demo
3. why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 or maybe something happened before or after the incident with their father otherwise why would Alex act so sus, Vincent too, YALL TOO SUS
and so ends my theory spree as i have exhausted my remaining two brain cells to make SOME kind of sense and connection through this whole theory thing
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe? whatever the case Is, it still doesn't excuse bernard (or whatever his name is, he's a jerk) for acting like the lil piece of poop he is, to both us and finn cause oh boy imma bout to throw hands (you better sleep with one eye open you lil shit)
ALSO ALSO ALSO MORE WESLEY LORE YAY omg now i feel kinda conflicted rn like i still wanna sock that lil bastard for exposing us but i feel kinda pity for him too, also that wholesome moment between them was so cute if not for the current angsty situation, but i guess i'll them off with one good bish slap on the face for the whole expose before listening to their side of the story
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
Oh that is long, but don't be sorry! I love seeing long messages like this 😌And I’m so glad you love the story to this extent 😭
First of all, so there'll be no misunderstandings, I want to make it clear that what the MC is going through isn't exactly a dissociative disorder, although there is some degree of disassociation happening. I can't explain further because it's a very huge spoiler, but not everything they've been experiencing can be solely attributed to the level of trauma and other related occurrences that DID patients often went through before being diagnosed. It's a little... different.
This does not mean, however, that the MC has no repressed memories 😔 If you look carefully, there are actually some more hints spread throughout the demo, although some of them are hidden behind certain routes. A lot are in Chapter 2, though. Anyway, the revelations relating to it won’t be the focus of Book 1, but there will be a lot more clues in the future.
And yeah, I'm afraid Alex and Vincent will continue to be sus all the way.
ah but I wouldn’t have done my job right if they’re not sus :)))
why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔
Well, I suppose that depends on the perspective but Alonzo does believe the MC has wronged them haha which is tbh actually valid.
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe?
To be fair, I don't think arresting them counts as offing lmao but yeah there's a heavy corruption occurring within the police force and everybody knows it; it's just that most of the people in Gaile cannot do anything to stop it. And don't worry about Bertrand, he already sleeps with one eye open lmaoooo although he does have kind of a huge role (spoiler: he will always be an asshole).
Wesley's reuinion scene, though... if you all think the flashback scene is already conflicting you, well, the reunion might uh.... actually nevermind, I'm not gonna spoil it.
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
There are four types of mental health stats in the demo right now, but I'm arranging all the variables in a spreadsheet to see if I've missed anything. I kinda have a lot of them lmfao.
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loveydoveylex · 1 year
For the Cat theme self-ship:
Tabby + Black Cat!
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gonna put all of these into one post since they've all got black cat in them! I hope y'all are well, thank you so much for the asks!!
I answered tabby here!
Black Cat: Do either of you like haunted houses? Or does either of you get spooked? If so, how do you comfort your f/o / your f/o comfort you?
they don't do much for me, honestly, but I'd imagine ray thinks they can be fun every now and then! he loves a good scare. I am one of two things: either I'm terrified and fearing for my life, or I'm as indifferent and apathetic as can be, there is no in-between LOL. I never do well with horror movies for this reason; I ruin it by talking about how fake it looks all the time 😔
sometimes that stuff can hit hard for me on a bad day, though, and I get REALLY paranoid. ray is ofcourse there to reassure me that it's just for fun and nothing is actually going to hurt me, he'll hold my hand the entire time if I need it :)
Ginger: Who is the most intelligent? Who is the sensible one? Or do you share one braincell?
...honestly, I think we both share one braincell, LOL. we are dumbasses in love. there is no sensibility here. only chaos 😆 if I HAD to pick, though, I'd say I'm the more sensible one by a teeny tiny margin, purely because I have a tendency to overthink.
Calico: Do you consider yourself lucky that you met your f/o? Do they consider themselves lucky that they met you? Why?
YES. I ABSOLUTELY consider myself lucky that I met ray - or, well, rather, got introduced to him. he's done wonders for my mental health and he's helped me through so much... he's quite literally the light of my life. he got me through a depressive episode, for crying out loud - he means a lot to me! I don't know where I would be without him. <3
vice versa, I like to think he feels just as lucky to have met me - to have someone love and appreciate him as unconditionally as I do, even with his flaws. and no matter how often he might fall down, I will always be there to cheer him on and help him get back up again.
I'd normally say I don't believe in soulmates - much less with a fictional character - but... at this point, I don't give a damn how 'weird' it might seem to others. sometimes I do really think he's my soulmate. ^^' he's my everything. 💜
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sakurafairymage · 2 years
Hi friend 💕
I've been pondering the fact that you also struggle with overthinking, and assuming you just annoy everyone. I hope that's not really bad rn? I just want you to know that I personally find you very sweet and fun, and would like to get to know you better 💕 I see you as a blessing in my life. I know how it is, and you can't quite stop yourself from overthinking, but I hope this at least mellows that? Brings you peace of mind?
I might just be rambling now, but now that I think harder on this subject... Some personalities just don't click. And SOMEONE is always gonna clash with someone ELSE. But that's ok, right? There's so many people on this planet annnnd... We don't have to be the perfect ideal for everyone OR anyone for that matter. I encourage you to just be you, and be happy and proud to be you, and I will try to do the same!! Just know that you are loved. Idk by whom, I know I am one of the people 🙋🏼‍♀️ annnnd I'm sure there's A LOT more 💕💕
Sorry if that was weird and made no sense... I meant well lol.
I wish you happy thoughts 💕
Miss Chi Motosuwa 💕 *mwah*
Aww thank you so much!! I'm really happy you think of me like that ☺️. I honestly read this like five times 😭 and it does help!! That really is something I struggle with 😔 it comes from when I was younger my Grandpa would yell at me all the time. It wasn't always like that but it happened enough that it effected me a lot. Idk it wasn't just that but that's the biggest part of it. I consider you a blessing too ❤! You and all my friends I've made on here ❣️❣️❣️ ily *mwah*
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xoforeverr · 3 months
No one ever tells you how hard it is seeing the content girls your boyfriend followed before getting with you.
Even after going through his accounts together,
just seeing the types of girls he followed. I don't fit any of the boxes. I think it has made my confidence really struggle. which I hate because I was finally starting to get it back after so long. Going through his accounts together initially did make me feel better. I think it's just.. seeing what/who he is attracted to content wise.. especially the pretty OF/X girls. Just really made me realize what he likes. I swear, seeing the one chubby girl out of the hundreds we unfollowed kind of made my heart sink a bit 😅 I think if there were more, or literally any that had my body type or even remotely close I wouldnt be feeling so bad 😔
I've been doing so good after everything, trying to work on trusting you again, or I guess trusting you more. I'm scared. We are almost down to our last month. What happens when you go home? actually, I don't even want to know. I would give ANYTHING to go back to before. I know my trust issues are going to be really hard to handle when you're home, not only for me but also for you. I'm just really hoping that we can get through it & at least find some way to manage it a little. Cause as soon as you leave, I know the overthinking is gonna start cause you can literally do whatever you want, message whoever, add whoever, follow whoever, look at whoever. & I'll literally never know. I'll just be here oblivious to everything. Kind of like I was before when you unblocked River as soon as you got home.
I'm just really scared. & Now I'm starting to feel really insecure, so things are getting substantially worse.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😴
So are you wonder woman? Always wondering where you left something? Hahaha just kidding.
Good that you remembered about changing up the stuff in the carry on. Are you going to write when you're on vacation??
I'm surprisingly still awake. Lots of things going on in my head. You know, I hate overthinking and not being able to voice out my thoughts to people.
I'll give those a listen. Is crazy in love a cover? And you're already thinking of a new fic with Natasha? Any spoilers for that one? Ahahah just kidding.
For karaoke, my go to song would be she will be love by maroon 5 or if you're not the one by Daniel Beddingfield.
Name 3 songs that remind you of your happiest moments.
Hi corn-punn! Oh wow, u r still awake! Yaay!
Lol sadly, i am. Even though i'm not a fan of DC. 😅
I have bad memories, so i forget easy but what's weird sometimes i remember small details about certain stuff or people. I'm pretty good on remember people's voice despite my hearing problem 😅
I might write if i have the chance.. thats why i only bring my tablet not my laptop. Hopefully i can write in the whole flight. I remember the fic "The best Christmas" i started that fic in flight to texas from california. 😅 n i wrote pretty good amount. My first dark fic "I Love You Too Much" was also started when i was in flight but on the way back from texas to cali (different trip though).
Oh nooo..r u okay? Do u wanna talk about it?i'm her3 for u if u need someone to talk to. 😊
I totally understand how u feel. That's how i feel most of the time.. n thats never fun.😔
Yeah try to listen to those songs.. it was so good. Special the first one. I love that song so much. N guess what, it's in my Lost In Assistance series smut.😅 also yes, that crazy in love is a cover.
Well, yeah it's just an idea that i got when i listen to the song. I dont know when im gonna write though. But it will probably a short smut, simple one. It's like a soft slow smut with not many extreme kinks. Something passionate n strong desire R n Nat. With some details.😊 okay that's all spoiler u can get haha. I dont know if u get the feel like that when u listen to the song. Let me know what u think about the song.
Haha we sing one same song.. omg, that beddingfield song. I even still remember his voice. 😅
Hmm 3 songs that remind me of happiest moment
1. Annie's Song (wedding day)
2. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Celine Dion (Em was born)
3. Lucky by Jason Mraz (whn i started talking with my ex gf.)
What bout urs?
Next question?
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obeymycok · 2 years
Hii I've been reading your stories for a while now but just decided to make a request. It's not quite what you published so far and you can just dismiss it if you'd like, but may I ask for headcannons of which brother is the most likely to enjoy listening "Running up that hill" from Kate Bush? 🥴 Yeah I'm this obsessed with her since the release of stranger things and it got me musing on who would like her too and why. Thank you so much for sharing your great work with us 🌹
Kate Bush x Obey Me
Hello my lovely anon! Thank you so much for requesting this is actually my 3rd ever! Also thank you so much for your kind words, it really made my day since I get insecure about my writing sometimes (especially the fics which is why I have so many HCs). I'm gonna add the side characters, which I don’t normally do, because I feel like some of the bros are in the same position and I don’t wanna make this super short. Holy shit this got really dark ahaha! SO there is fluff and the beginnings are nice but beware of the last 2.
CW: self depreciating thoughts, self blaming, very angsty in Simeon and Beel’s part as well as Lucifer and Belphegor’s. 
Diavolo and Luke: I feel like Luke would like this song because he’d think making a deal with God was like making a deal with the Devil. After he grows out of this whole phase though, he’d feel bad for the people. The song still brings him comfort though when he needs it. I feel like Diavolo would just like the sound of it while he’s working. He’d probably show it to Lucifer as well (even if that’s not the best idea).
Satan, Barbatos and Solomon: Satan would see it as a love song that would fit some of the books he was reading. The melody would also bring him peace and allow him to get lost in his own world. Barbatos would simply listen to it because the Young Master does. Even though he prefers metal, he does admit it’s a nice song and even puts it on when he’s cleaning. Solomon is similar to Barbatos, enjoying the melody when he’s making potions.
Asmodeus and Mammon: Both of them would just vibe so hard to this song in the club. Asmo would listen to it more on his own, I feel like Mammon would be into more upbeat hype music. They would hype each other up so good at The Fall though you can’t convince me otherwise.
Leviathan: He just wouldn’t really be into it. If he even did get past the fact that it was normie music, the lyrics might get him in a bad mood if he wants to overthink something (he usually does). I could see him playing just the music in the background though to scratch his ADHD brain in just the right way.
Belphegor and Lucifer: Oh no, bad idea. Both of them feel so guilty about Lilith’s death, they probably couldn’t think of anything else while listening to it. The only reason they’re not last, is because I can see them listening to it to punish themselves and be a constant reminder. Yeah, they need some serious therapy😔
Simeon and Beelzebub: Good lord all I can think about are those Simeon edits. He still feels so bad about not sticking up for the brothers as much as he could’ve and listening to this song just hits him in the worst way. Will absolutely break down, same as Beelzebub. He desperately wishes he could’ve saved both Belphie and Lilith, giving his own life if he had to. Honestly can see the first 100 years of him being a demon praying to his Father for forgiveness; to just take him away and get their sister back.
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purplejan · 3 years
heyyy bestie! how about sun, saturn, and aries for the asks? <3
katie thank u bestie for sending these 💕
sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself?
i like that i've been told i give great hugs, i like my voice (not that is particularly special i just love singing and have learned to like my own voice), i love my cooking skills, i like that i'm not a judgy person and i really like my makeup skills too!
saturn ⇢ what are the things you consider you struggle the most?
without going into much detail, confidence and security are the main big issues i always struggle with. when i was younger it was confidence in the sense of feeling comfy in my body, thankfully i've worked a ton on that and it hasn't really been an issue in a long time, but like, in these times of adulting and such i really struggle trusting myself and having confidence in the decisions i make. i also tend to have a thing about having everything under control and just like needing to know everything's gonna work out, when in reality is impossible to do so?
aries ⇢ are you an impulsive person?
i very much am, truly the curse of being an aries me thinks😔 it's very weird cause i'm also a terrible overthinker?? so in a way the impulsiveness balances that out and helps me get out of my head, but i do recognize that being impulsive can make for some pretty bad decision making ocjwnekcjwn so i'm always conscious of that.
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staysuki · 3 years
i know red flags are waving at me 🚩🚩, trust me, but YOU'RE making him way too mysterious and it's thrilling and y'know... i love good adrenaline in my life.. for real, jumping from a plane? yes please ✅ jumping from a bridge? yessir ✅looking down from the top of the mountain? hell yeah ✅ going alone to the cinema to see horror movie? love that for me ✅ liking this shady felix figure? 😍yup count me in ✅ (asdfgsk i'm spending too much time on this site...) i'm not saying he's a good guy, or what he's doing good things, all i'm saying is that he's kinda hot 👀🤷‍♀️(c'mon don't we all love bad boys from time to time) thank you for putting jisung here, we all need a lovely squirrel in our lives 🐿💕 i'm trying to think of some cool theory to impress others here but i can't 😂 i was so busy with school that i didn't have any time to sit down and lose myself in overthinking again, but i'll do it soon, i promise 😂 once i was able to guess the ending of one ff, because i connected the clues correctly... i'll just re-read the whole thing and try to come up with smth cool 😂 sorry for just spamming your askbox and not putting out anything useful 🙈😂 have a great day/night love 🌸 -🦄
he is v v thrilling huh 😔 though i understand, some people fear the unknown, some people seek it. he is indeed a ✨hottie✨. i wonder when his exterior will be broken down, if people see a sneak peek of what he’s hiding, i wonder if people are gonna stop being so attracted to him 🤔🤔🤔 hmmm. but honestly i love mr. red flags too much as well 💓
indeed, we should all say tHaNk You jiSUng. we all need a friend like him honestly. what a big heart. really makes you think what he sees in hyunjin.
and dw about it 💀 i’m just glad to hear you’re all enjoying the fic. i don’t mind seeing a spam of asks of even just simping for slc felix because valid JSHWHSHS. i love seeing peoples’ guesses tho~
and it’s okay! i love receiving asks, makes my day a lot and it helps me unwind from so much writing so thank you for taking the time out of your day to send feedback, i appreciate it ✨💓 have a nice day as well.
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