#it's not like i can't do offline things together
shamera · 5 months
Internet went down this morning and I kinda luxuriated in that for a while before texting hubby to tell him I might be offline today as the internet was down, and he checked the network and told me to just restart the internet. I said fineeee in a little bit and it's back and suddenly I can feel the weight of stress again.
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sakurarisen · 3 days
⚡ : What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing? 💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for? 💕 : When it comes to shipping do you prefer to draw things out and let them develop slowly, or do you prefer to jump right into them and skip the developmental stage?
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Monday Malarkey!
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⚡ : What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing?
Just about anything, honestly? But for the vast majority of it, it's music and whatever game or book I'm into at the moment, three times as much if it's the source material for the verse I'm writing. It's rare that I can pick up Genshin or the Remake games and not walk away with some kind of inspiration or plot related thought by the end of my play session, and the light novels I'm reading now have sparked up a ton of it in regards to things like Sera's health and worldbuilding. Music often makes me sit and daydream out plots, too, so it brings its own form of inspiration - Heck, the Halcyon Era storyline/Sera's full backstory was inspired by a gorgeous mecha figure promoted in an email from one of the shops I buy Gundam model kits from, though I wasn't expecting the colorscheme and words 'Snow Phoenix' that inspired me to create to turn into the massive story it has!
Tl;dr? Never let me read or play games, I make things happen after. XD
💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for?
The asshole, in your face, stuck up, only here to be a jerk types. The ones whose personality is "I'm here to be a problem and have nothing else going for me". I love a good antagonist and I have a few more blunt, serious, will fight you for fun muses (Leandros, Kalistratos, and Kagota over on @thundertide being primary examples of this XD), but I really struggle when their entire personality is abrasive jerk and they don't ever act like anything but, or they're just the scheming type constantly trying to cause issues - Even just a straight antagonist who would cause problems and smirk and leave is difficult for me to grasp, regardless of if they have more to their character or not? Like I could never write Rufus Shinra even though he's a pretty well rounded character 'cause I just can't get my head around that character, and it'll never not impress me others can and write him and characters like him so well. <3
I'm also not very good with writing canon characters. I have a handful, both on @shinrarisen and Thundertide, but unless they're characters like Kunsel or Cissnei, who have more open to interpretation storylines and big gaps to fill in, I end up feeling suffocated and struggling to match what canon gives. Basically, I didn't create them, so trying to match what the creator made gets hard because I can't just step into their mind and know everything about the character, if that makes sense? It's why the canons I do have end up being at least somewhat divergent in their portrayals - Because I love them and click with them enough to write them, but I don't feel like I do a straight, fully canon compliant take any kind of justice. ...Or I just don't agree with part of their story, looking at you old Yu-Gi-Oh multimuse of mine-
💕 : When it comes to shipping do you prefer to draw things out and let them develop slowly, or do you prefer to jump right into them and skip the developmental stage?
Both, but I will say the later requires heavy trust in my partner, and isn't really exactly a 'we ship now' and go. I have maybe three incredibly close friends I trust to skip the developmental phases in a ship and the ship still work out, but we have years of friendship and rp'ing partnership behind us for that to happen; this is seen best in my Genshin multimuse, where new characters get added and already have a ship tag - But to be fair, too, it's not exactly an insta-ship, either. While Kasa ( @honorisen ) and I jump into them pretty quick, what people don't see is the behind the scenes discussion on it, deciding if the muses even get along, letting them meet in short, one off things off-dash, let the muses flirt, really talking out how things worked out... We're jumping right into it and avoiding writing out the buildup (which gets usually drabbled or even a flashback thread much later on - It's avoided at the start but ends up happening eventually anyway to flesh out the characters and their relationship(s)), but we're still in heavy talks beforehand to make sure what we're really eager to do for a ship will even work, first - And if we actually like it when it's more than just a thought, even though our muses generally always just... Click.
For the most part, thought, I LOVE developing a ship! I love the buildup, I love the working things out and getting on the same page, the seeing if the muses get along, the figuring out of "how do we navigate this" - It's a big part of why even with close friends I can just skip into the ship with, we eventually come back and develop an entire story with them and even rp or drabble out those developmental stages. Sera and Zack had years of buildup even though their blogs were launched with their ship already in place, both on dash and off, but over on Thundertide and @yoroiis, Childe and Kagota swandived into a ship, yet we've gone back and worked out not only the developmental stages, but have a couple of ideas from those stages waiting in the wings to rp out and are constantly learning more about their backstory together, both as a ship and as old, childhood best friends.
I can't just 'okay, we ship now' with most partners - I can't even do it with you, Knight, OR with Kasa, even though you're both two of the three previously mentioned friends. I can launch blogs with ships in place, I can skip the developmental stages and go right into a ship when the muses click as well as we have - But I can't just cast it aside completely. Even when a ship is decided, we're still discussing how they met, how the ship happened, how they got where they are. We still go back and rp that out, or write it up. The development may be skipped in one verse, but it's very much present in another, and mimics the first regardless. In my personal opinion, ships that don't have any development, even discussed, feel shallow to me? And I mean that as in my muses and my ships and my experiences - Everyone else's varies and it may not feel that way to someone else, and that's totally awesome! <3 I'm glad other people can pick up two characters, tell them to kiss, and it works! But me personally... I can't. I have to have something, somewhere, and I have the best partners in the world who do the same. <3
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helicoprinus · 9 months
i wish vacationing to another flight didn't come with a 1500g price tag. i'm partially considering switching flights but i don't want to go through the whole deal only to find out i don't like the new one and want to go back but have to wait 6 months And scrounge up *1500* gems on top
(tags of this post veer into a personal vent about my first time being a sheet attendant, just a head's up)
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writingbynova · 1 month
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Nanami Kento
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⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ⊹ : Husband!Nanami x wife fem!reader - explicit content; minors DNI - pwp (porn with plot) - kitchen sex - room sex - breeding kink - mating press position - doggy style - overstimulation - praising kink - [un]protected sex - multiple orgasms - pet names (darling, baby) - creampie - (let me know if I missed any tags)
Word count: ~2.5k
Notice: heyy, first of all id like to apologize for the extra long delay, I was extremely busy and my birthday came up. Sorry about that !! I'll try to upload something tomorrow to compensate but I might be a tad offline as I'm going on vacation. I'd also like to thank you all for the support on my previous posts, I am so grateful and I appreciate it very dearly.
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Nanami was the perfect husband. He catered to his wife's every need and request without any compromises. The beach house was isolated enough so you could scream and moan his name to your heart's content. And he made it his personal mission to answer all your demands, especially the ones that'd leave you a bred, fucked out, messy puddle.
He turned around, stretching out his arms to feel you, only to be met with the touch of...nothing. His brows furrowed as he opened his eyes to see you weren't in the room. He cursed lowly, before getting up still half asleep. Nanami had a lot of favorite things.  waking up next to you was one of them, he'd lay right beside you, watching you peacefully sleep, syncing with your heartbeat before, against his will but for a good reason, leaving the bed to make you breakfast. Needless to say, he was in total infatuation with you, his eyes never left you, his gaze was stuck on your figure, admiring you. He could never get enough, enough of kissing you, enough of cuddling you, enough of fucking you, he had you in the palm of his hand but still, he wanted more, he needed more.
He wandered around the house stumbling into different rooms, looking for you, in the bathroom, the balcony.
You dipped your hands in the dough, folding in the flour, once the dough was good enough you separated it into square shaped molds, and put the batch in the oven. You leaned on the counter, admiring the sunrise through the kitchen window. The view was beautiful. Kento had picked the resort. A beach house with a nice patio. The sound of the waves woke you up and rocked you to sleep. It was like a dream come true.
"Why'd you leave me?"
You removed your headphones and turned around to see Ken wrapping his hands around your waist then laying over your back.
"Hi Ken, I wanted to let you sleep"
"Can't sleep when you're not in my arms baby, what are you doing down so early?" He questioned, nuzzling you.
You turned around to hold him in your arms, he looked up to you. His eyes could make you melt. You read right through them. Arousal adorned his face.
Maybe this apron was doing something to him, he clung onto you for dear life.
"I didn't know you couldn't sleep without me darling, I'm making homemade bread, I thought you'd like some for breakfast. You can go back to bed if u want, I'll wake you up when breakfast is ready"
His head rested upon your shoulder
"Mhm no, for breakfast I want you, right here on the counter" he mumbled
You blinked in surprise, squeezing your thighs together.
"I thought you wouldn't be able to after last night..." you laughed.
Since you had gotten on your honeymoon you had sex all the time. All, The, Time. He loved sliding his face between your thighs, while you relaxed on the deck, the way your thighs tried going against his arms only to be spread further apart. He loved the way you'd stumble when walking right after. He loved carrying you to the room when you expected it the least just to absolutely defile you. He loved the way your pussy swallowed him whole. The sound of your voice pleading for release, over and over again. You had absolutely no idea if your body could take it, just the thought of it made your legs wobble but your pussy was hungry and wet.
"Seeing you, like this, in the kitchen so early, bothering yourself, for me. How peaceful you looked... I just' want you so bad"
Hungry. Hungry would be the best word to describe how his voice sounded. His hands roamed around your hips with lust, then slipped under the dress your apron covered to rub your panties. A wicked smile spread across his face "already wet for me ?" He asked, his thumb, sliding up and down the wet fabric. "Always am for you..." You answered, tracing circles on his shoulder.
"Oh yeah? well, let's see exactly how ready you are yeah ?" His fingers went around your panties, slowly rubbing around your dripping cunt. You tried concentrating on your breath, to forget how greedy your body was, how greedy you were whenever it came to him.
How greedy you were, slowly rolling your hips on his fingers. Of course it amused him "Let's take things further, shall we ?"
You moaned into your dress sleeve, tears slipping out of your puffy eyes. He was digging into you, his hands tightly gripping your hips.
The morning air barely had the time to set, your moans were already covering the bird's chirping. You held onto the counter for dear life, while he was giving you the meanest thrusts ever.
"Missed you so much...too much—"
He groaned. It was as if his entire body went in a trance as soon as you captured his cock, nothing else mattered, fucking you nice and dumb was his only goal.
On the other hand your body was addicted to him. He had you in all your states as soon as his eyes were laid on you. No matter the time the place, he'd barely touch you, yet. And you could already feel yourself throbbing, pulsating at the idea of his thick cock stretching you like his personal fuck doll. Oh that idea had you drooling. Since you got married those ideas were daily. Morning sex was pretty much mandatory, lunch was cock warming, afternoons were spent fooling around naked around the house, evenings were spent cuddling which is perhaps the only wholesome activity you had, and nights, well nights were dragged with filth. He made sure to pick a pretty isolated location so you could scream his name all you wanted. Just walking around the house had you reminiscing about the sex-session you had at those exact spots. And he always made sure you remembered. Always made it his mission to remind you how good you felt getting fucked under the shower. How well you swallowed his cum on the couch. How pretty the sunset was when he fucked you on the sliding glass window. You'd think you wouldn't be able to walk, well that wasn't too far from the truth but still, yes still your body could not go seconds without him, he animated all your thoughts. It'd be a lie to say you hadn't wished for him taking you over the counter like he currently was.
Your voice served as praising to him, he loved and thrived in listening to your broken voice, mewling out his name, repeatedly. He, more than anything else, absolutely adored the fact that he was the one provoking such reactions in you. Whatever you did got him hard, the tanning lines your bikini made on your body were his favourite, he nearly fucked the consciousness out of you that afternoon.
Today might not be a 'nearly', but rather a definitely. Seeing you in an apron ? Baking his favourite bread, for him ? Oh he went feral. And even that was an understatement.
"Always so tight for me, baby"
He groaned burying his cock, deep into your hole. It felt euphoric, each thrust made your mind slip away, each thrust nearly made him cum. Your body craved him, you craved him. And he knew just exactly how to satisfy your hunger.
His hips were bouncing you on the cold countertop, while you desperately languished for release "wouldn't be funny though if I didn't torture my favourite spot right ?" He whispered
You were perfectly fucked out of your mind, to the point where you didn't mind or have the strength to realize his hand pulling you up close to him, but enough so you were able to plead his name for release when his thumb went abusing your tired swollen bud. Sending butterflies right to your lower stomach.
His thrust might have slowed but the motions on your clit had just amplified, he used one of his arms to keep you close to him, wrapping it around your chest, keeping you in place. Your legs could barely keep you up on the floor, actually they couldn't you'd probably collapse if he wasn't holding you right now. "Make a mess baby I know you want to" he whispered into your ear, his voice guiding you as you came, frantically whining in hopes to release your high. " 'm not done with you sweetheart just relax, you're alright, just keep... creaming all around my cock... atta girl" he praised, his voice soothing you.
You shivered as his length retired from your pulsating hole, not for long though.
You were against the wall, as his cock teased your starved hole. How cruel he was..
"Please Ken...want more..need more of you"
He pressed his tip on you. "You need more ? I have vowed to satisfy all my wife's needs." His length slowly disappeared in you.  "I guess if you need it...I could be nice and give it to you."
He was obviously torturing you, slowly agonizingly you and you were slowly losing your mind.
"Ken...breed me. Please."
You had been meaning to express this wish to him for a while now. Now seemed like the right time or was it? Too bad screenshoting faces is impossible because his was absolutely immaculate. And so was the shock on your face when he rammed into you with what felt like all his strength. Your arms immediately wrapped around his shoulder for support, while your screams and moans, paired with the squelching sound your pussy was airing. Absolutely filth. "Want me...to plant my seed in you baby ? Oh your wishes are my orders" he laughed, using one arm to keep your leg up.
You were totally impaled on his cock, the tip of his dick nuzzling your cervix. "Come for me baby, come on. Cream my thick cock one more time and I'll make it my pleasure to breed that pretty pussy of yours." True. Your brain didn't register a single word he uttered, but your body knew, oh it knew exactly what it wanted. His words worked like a charm, you simply managed to cry out a faint squeal to warn him. The knot in your stomach snapped, your shivers synced with your throbbing, jolting while your pussy covered him. The white sticky substance running down your thigh. He groaned in the crook of your neck, his hand caressing your lower back.
"Atta girl"
The idea of breeding you aroused him to lengths, The way your breath would hitch with every kiss he dropped, working his way up your thighs to plant another one on your wetness. Collecting all your spilled filth on the way. "So soft" he muttered against your skin, his hot breath fanning against your sensitive bud.
"Don't tease Kento... please" you breathed, your eyes scanning his moves. His fingers digging in your thighs. His eyes locked on the slick covering your pussy. The precum leaking from his tip. "Mhm, am not teasing, just making sure this pussy's ready to take my cum...looks like she is, perfectly wet for me."
His arms pushed your thighs up, until they pressed against your chest. The mating press. giving him the perfect angle on your puffy pussy. Your body didn't even have the strength to move, you were all limp in his hold.
He looked like he'd go crazy any second from now. His tip pressed against your slit, he hadn't even started and you were already throbbing,  silently pleading to feel him.
He obviously, obliged, trusting his cock to let his tip meet your cervix. You felt overwhelmed all over, his mouth met yours, he was softly kissing you, contrasting with his ruthlessness down there. His tongue caught yours, muffling your screams. Somehow he was hitting all the right spots, you could burn over right now, it felt too good, entirely too good, the veins decorating his cock rubbed and messed with your walls, with each of his vigorous thrust. His tip directly kissed your insides like never before, his hand lightly pressed on your lower stomach, pushing and pushing you over and over again off the edge, like a game. His favorite one. Watching pleasure beat you so easily.
You throbbed around him for dear life, blabbering nonsense about how you "can't take more" and how he "mustn't stop" of course accompanied by your usual dose of "please"
His thrusts went with you, slowing down to let you breath as you recovered from your high then his pace slowly resumed. You pulled his hand back and forth, instructing him on the pace he should use. Until you couldn't anymore. You threw your head back, calling him, desperately, repeatedly. And he answered like he always did "I know baby, I'm here, I know"
"feels good huh?"
"You deserve all this pleasure darling, just, for, you"
"Just let me breed you, just like you need it"
Your moans were solely a soundtrack behind the filthy sound his skin slapping yours made. He lost his rhythm, frantically pounding you, his hips shuddered and he thrust one more time, grunting your name, again and again. Your shaky hands played with his hair. His hips stayed close to yours. His chest slowly rising up and down. But his eyes didn't leave your hole, he dragged himself out, a trail of white liquid leaking onto the bed.
Your chest hovered up and down, while you quietly squirmed at the feeling.
Almost immediately, his tip came back. Filling you. Once more.
Your knees clutched together, at this point you didn't even know if you could come anymore. Drained was how you felt, your brain didn't register any more information, just the overbearing pleasure that was messing with your ability to think, speak and act.
Exactly how he loved seeing you. Brainlessly hung up on his cock, drunk of his cum, fully submitted to him. He grew harder and harder each time you screamed his name with your whiny broken voice. He couldn't get enough, he needed more.
"Kento..K-Kento! Kento—?" you whined breathlessly.
"...Need to taste you...just some more—" he struggled to say. His breathe fanned against your neck, his hips didn't take a single break relentlessly fucking you brainless.
"I'm gonna breed— you darling, 'm gonna breed you all night everyday, am sure you'll love it" he purred in your ear.
You could feel him, feel every single inch of him. Each and every drop of cum he pumped into you had your brain swinging. His arms wrapped you nice and tight until he was done. Done breeding you. Finally satisfying the ravaging hunger that burned through you.
After that everything else was pretty much a blur. You passed out in his arms, woke up around noon, had brunch, slept again. When you, actually, woke up you were nuzzled up on his chest on the patio. The sun had already began setting, the shore was beautiful, so was he.
His gaze lingered on the beach
"You're awake ?"
You nodded at him, your throat was dry and hurting. "A-ahh how long did I sleep for ?" You were taken aback by your hoarse broken voice. He smiled softly, gently caressing your cheek. "you slept pretty much all afternoon, you must be starving though. I made dinner."
You sighed. Closing your eyes to let the coastal air run along your skin. You both stayed silent like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. "Kento?"
He hummed, his eyebrow perking up "yes darling?"
"You'll make a wonderful Dad."
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Thank you for reading!! Hope u enjoyed ♡♡
I'd like to add I'm currently writing a fanfiction which will be posted on my AO3 account, so uploads might take a while
And again sorry for the delay ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
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sicutpuella · 3 months
Twitter Incels | Simon “Ghost” Riley
That phase where you slowly start hating your girlfriend is insane.
That damned Twitter thread. It's been haunting her for a week now. She can't stop opening it, her heart sinking further with every new addition. She reads every disheartening tweet: “I’m waiting for her to catch me cheating so she can break up with me,” “I close my eyes when we kiss because she’s so fuckin’ ugly!” And the horrible comments just keep coming…
She’s somehow semi-grateful Simon doesn’t have Twitter or any social accounts—he thinks social media is stupid; but she can’t help but have that self-doubt of paranoia and overthinking—what if Simon had thought of the same thing?
Simon, on the other hand, had a day filled with boredom and frustration.
He doesn't know what his girlfriend has been going through; instead, he's been preoccupied with his own thoughts. He's been itching to spend some quality time together, but she's been unusually distant lately. It’s been almost two days since they last hung out, and the silence is weighing heavily on him.
He's tried reaching out through text, but her responses have been short and distant. This isn't like her at all. The more he thinks about it, the more irritated he feels. He's starting to wonder what's going through her head.
So… he invites himself back into her house and sees her watching something.
He joins her on the couch, making his presence known with a heavy sigh. Crossing his arms, he turns his attention to the screen.
"Hey," he says, trying to sound neutral. "What are you watching?"
Oh—just… Breaking Bad." She looked sad.
Simon notices the hint of sadness in her voice; it catches him off guard. He turns his gaze to her, studying her expression closely.
"You alright?" he asks, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity. He doesn’t understand why she seems so down.
He knew he did nothing wrong; he double-checked his calendar—he didn’t miss any birthday, any anniversary, or any other silly shenanigans she had for the week. So he wonders.
The more he sits there, the more confused and frustrated he becomes. He can't comprehend why she’s acting this way. He wracks his brain, trying to think of something he might have done or said to upset her. But he comes up empty, only increasing his irritation.
"You've been distant lately," he states bluntly, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice.
"It's like you've been avoiding me," he continues, his irritation growing with every word. He shifts on the couch, leaning closer to her, his eyes searching her face for any hint of what’s going on in her head.
"What's going on?" he presses, his tone firm but laced with a hint of concern. He can't shake the feeling that something is off, and the silence is only making him more agitated.
“Do you hate me? Do you feel like you’re starting to hate me?” Her tone was soft and vulnerable, he realized— she was overthinking again. 
As she spoke, each question hit him like a punch to the gut. He recoiled, taken aback by the insecurities spilling from her mouth.
He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, his expression softened. “No, never.” he said firmly. “I don’t hate you, I don’t make fun of you, and I definitely don’t think you’re annoying.”
He paused, his eyes locked onto hers. “And you’re goddamn beautiful, you know that.” 
She still had a bit of a pout. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her pout, his irritation completely replaced by affection. 
He shifted on the couch, moving even closer to her. He put his arm around her, pulling her against his side. “Seriously, where’s all this coming from?” he asked again, his tone gentle.
”This…” she shows him the infamous twitter thread— to which he has no knowledge of since he is chronically offline. He scans the Twitter thread, his expression growing more dumbfounded with each new addition. He couldn’t believe that was the reason she was feeling so insecure!
“Really?” he said after finishing reading it. “This is what made you doubt me? A bunch of idiotic tweets from strangers on a screen?”
He shakes his head, his expression a mix of disbelief and annoyance. “You know how stupid Twitter is, right? You can’t trust anything on there. It’s just people spewing nonsense, looking for attention and validation.”
He scrolls some more, “typical boy behavior…” he clicks his tongue with annoyance.
“Look at them… they keep tweeting about how much they hate their girlfriends!” She crosses her arms.
“Yeah, and most of them are probably made by sad and bitter assholes who can’t even find someone who’d put up with them for more than five minutes.” He rolls his eyes, scanning through the thread again, his irritation growing with each tweet.
“Besides…” he glances at her with a smirk, “do I look like one of those morons?”
“Exactly,” he said firmly, his gaze fixed on hers. “I'm not one of those dumb, shallow idiots.”
He gently placed his hand on her knee, giving it a comforting squeeze. “You don’t have to listen to any of this bullshit.” He gestured towards the Twitter thread. “None of that matters, not when you have me.”
He paused for a moment, his expression softening. “You’re beautiful, intelligent, and I can’t get enough of you. I’m with you because I want to be, not because some dumbass on Twitter says I should hate you.”
“But… but look at what they’re tweeting, babe!” Her voice pitches up.
“Sounds like a bunch of incels.” He chuckles to himself while scrolling.
He chuckled without humor. “And look at all the dumbass replies. People agreeing with this crap because they’re insecure idiots who can’t appreciate what they have.” He takes her hands in his, gently rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “But you know who you’re dating, right? A man who adores every part of you. A man who would shoot those basement incels in the face if they spoke about you like that in front of me.”
“Yeah, but they’re like—comparing their girlfriends to… to… their first loves…” she sighs, pulling her knees to her chest. She still felt insecure. He noticed her pulling away, the insecurity still evident in her body language. He pulled her closer to his side, wrapping his arm around her.
“Seriously?” he scoffed, his annoyance evident. “Comparing their girlfriends to first loves? That’s the most shallow and idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.” He let out a frustrated groan. “And who cares about first loves anyway? They’re called ‘first’ for a reason—because they usually end for a reason.”
He gently lifted her chin, making her look at him. “I’m not thinking about my first love— fuck don’t think I even had one… or comparing you to anyone else. I’m here with you, aren’t I?”
“You sure?” She pouts. “No taxi-cab theory or anything?”
He rolls his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Are you serious? Who even comes up with these shithole theories?” He pauses, trying to compose himself. “First of all, that’s another dumb thing people on the internet say to make themselves feel better. Second, why do you still watch those TikToks when they just make your insecurities flare up?”
She sighs, realizing he had a big point.
He noticed the sigh, realizing she understood what he was saying.
He softened his expression, his annoyance fading into a gentle concern. “Babe, you’ve got to stop listening to random crap on the internet. Especially when it’s making you doubt yourself and us.”
He wraps his arm tighter around her, pulling her closer still. “You’re amazing, you’re beautiful, and you’re the only one I want to be with. Don’t let some dumbass TikTokers and Twitter incels make you think otherwise, alright?”
He saw the corners of her mouth lifting into a small smile, and it brought a sense of relief to him. He knew he was getting through to her, making her see that she had nothing to worry about.
“There’s that smile I love,” he said softly, his thumb caressing her cheek.
She nodded, their eyes locked. She knew he was right; he had never once made her feel unloved. He held her gaze, seeing the realization dawn in her eyes, the understanding that she had nothing to worry about.
“Good,” he said, a small smile forming on his face. “Now, can you please delete that stupid TikTok app before you start questioning the very foundation of our relationship again?”
”It’s Twitter! TikTok and Twitter are different…” She cutely huffed.
He rolled his eyes, sarcasm evident in his voice. “Yeah, yeah, I know. One is full of annoying dances and teenagers, and the other is full of annoying people and their stupid opinions. Big difference.”
He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts, his struggle to express himself verbally apparent.
“But seriously,” he said earnestly, his hand gently squeezing hers, “You’re the most beautiful woman in my eyes. I love you, and I want to spend my life with you. There’s no one else for me, and I’ll always be here to remind you of that, even if I’m not the best at saying it.”
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michibap · 2 months
jschlatt and a chronically offline gf
-i do not give a Fuck about where u guys meet
-all i know is that you two are introduced when he fails to stop himself from Actually laughing out lout when he sees you whip out a cracked to shit iphone 5c
-and while it's a bit of a rocky start, bc youre like 'WHO is this hairy motherfucker and WHY is he laughing at me',
-you two find you actually have quite a bit of common ground
-the conversation flows fairly well, with the two of you sharing similarly dry senses of humor and a mutual appreciation for retro technology
-you listen to him ramble on about some game you've never heard of and he listens to you talk about a cool book you're reading that has a similar plot
-he notices you kinda just smile and nod when he makes some pop culture references that would usually get him some laughs, but he brushes it off
-maybe the two of you get separated at some point, with promises to pick up later
-but he doesn't see you again
-so he takes to the internet and tries to find your social media
-he kind of feels like a freak seeking you out like this, but something about you just drew him in
-what's the worst that could happen from him just looking up your name on a few social media platforms?
-and i'll tell you.
-coming up with fucking NOTHING
-and he feels fucking crazy because there's NO WAY that he can't find you any where
-he’s been making the internet his bitch since he learned to read
-if anyone should be able to find somebody on socials, it would be him
-but after tabbing through the search bar on five platforms, his goal shifts from finding your profile and shooting you a quick dm
-to proving that you exist
-and he’s not spiraling into schizophrenic mania
-he's checked instagram, twitter, snapchat, reddit, facebook, fucking myspace
-an hour later, he found himself scrolling through linked in and decided to put it to rest
-the only evidence that you're an actual human who exists is some article that you were in from when you were in high school, and you being in the profile picture of your mother's private facebook account
-and part of him feels a little bit like a creep after scouring the internet to find anything he can about the girl he talked to literally ONCE
-he decides to give up, resigning himself to the fact that if he was meant to find you, he would have by now
-so he lets it go, and goes about life as usual
-until around three days later, when he catches a vaguely familiar face in the crowd
-and he sees you see him too, looking a little confused, but nonetheless pleased to see him
-he forces himself to BUCK THE FUCK UP and ask for your number
-apologizes for seeming forward and sheepishly admits to not being able to find your socials
-gives you a confused look when you laugh,
“That tracks, I'm not into social media like that."
-you exchange phones to type in your respective numbers
-rolling your eyes when he makes fun of your home button
okay cutie headcanons NEOW
-your first date is obvi at an arcade
-and it smells like feet and there are offputting teenagers at every turn, but you two have a blast playing games together and trying to sabotage one another
-him choosing the stupidly huge stuffed gorilla off the prize wall and turning to you with a cheesy grin
"I don't know what you think this is, but I am not taking that fuckin' thing home."
-he shrugs, handing it off to you
-smile growing larger when you accept it with open arms despite your frown, struggling to hug it to your chest due to it's absurd size
"You hafta."
"Where am I supposed to put it?"
-another shrug,
"I dunno, 's why I'm giving it to you."
-him laughing and struggling to push the plush away as you shove it in his face, attempting to force him to take it back,
"No, I will NOT allow this creature to fuck with my feng shui."
-he finds out you carry a digital camera on you bc your phone will actually explode if you try to take a picture with it
-and he just KNOWS he's finally found someone to match his freak
-cutie disposable camera pics :(((
-u letting him go through your photo albums and he's cheesing, picking up the pictures with such care, not wanting to ruin them but wanting to get a closer look
-forcing him to get out of the house by noon and touch grass
-and he'll groan and grumble as you drag his ass out of bed
-but some of his favorite moments with you are in an ambient cafe or at the park, people watching, getting some work done, or just enjoying one another's presence
-reading to him 🤭 and him giving commentary on whatever you read
-"Have you heard about-"
"Probably not."
-him dragging you kicking and screaming back onto the internet (you don't actually mind)
-just bc the content is so good
-making you sit beside him while he scrolls through his reddit or tiktok submissions
-and when you're inevitably confused and a little disturbed he'll go on a tangent to explain why what he's showing you is funny
-multiple viral clips of him explaining internet lore to you
"This one goes all the way back to vine-"
"Oh, I remember vine!"
"Pause, you were on vine?"
-chat's only real access to you is through him, not even the sleuthiest internet stalkers are able to find you
-so ofc they're all vying for your attention on the occasion that you appear on stream
-you stop in to drop off a snack or water or sth and he's like
"Wait stay 🥺"
and you're like
-so the internet watches him wrangle you into a bean bag chair and just chill there for the rest of the stream
-sometimes you'll interact and give input, most of the time it's not too dissimilar from having one of the cats in the background
-with you just chilling doing your own thing in the background, often with one of the said cats curled in your lap
-the internet screaming and crying and shitting its pants because they KNOW there's untapped jambo and [redacted] content on your phone that they'll never get to see
-i feel like the disconnect between his work and his personal life (you) could kind of be a double edged sword
-bc on one end, when he's with you he gets to completely remove himself from anything work related and really unwind
-on the other, sometimes the two of you will struggle to relate to one another bc of how differently your work and social lives operate
-chatting on stream and he has to scramble to clap a hand over your mouth bc you still don't quite have the "influencer" rules down, like not providing any real names or locations or anything like that
-there being a certain subsection of viewers who are dedicated to finding out everything they can abt u which is kinda freaky
-but it makes casually dropping lore sososo fun
-him ranting about twitch/youtube beef or whatever and he's using people's usernames instead of real names out of habit
-there's a break in his tirade and he turns to where you're sitting at the counter, listening very intently and nodding
"Right, right... and these are people we're talking about?"
-traveling with him 😭
-he was completely prepared to be leading you around japan
-but you've been without iphone for so long that you still have the lost skill of rawdogging the world
-he gets the two of you lost by getting on the wrong train, because some app something or other was lagging
-the train dropping you off at some fuckass station in rural Japan and he's panicking but you BOSS that shit
-him being nervy about you meeting his friends because he KNOWS they might seem a little odd to any other traditionally adjusted adult
-nd you having to be like "I put up with your shit all the time."
-and of COURSE it goes well because why wouldn't it
- “who put this regular-ass cat in the zoo”
-he thinks it was a success
-until you call him a rizzler in the car on the way home
-him freezing and turning in his seat to stare at you for a beat
"... Who taught you that?"
"I've been sworn to secrecy."
-coming to your apartment the first time and being a little appalled at the fact that you still watch cable television
"I don't know how you fuckin' live with these ads every three seconds..."
"The TV is usually only on when you're here, my love."
-you have a really old pc set in your house for when you have to answer emails at home
-im talking like iMac G3
-he's figuring out how to stream on that shit, he doesn't care if it KILLS HIM
-i think chronically offline gf would be his PEACE
-no sigma, no rizz, no skibbidi toilet
-bringing in a sense of normalcy that grounds him in a way he didn't even know he needed
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winterfleursblog · 9 months
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
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☆ Pairing: Nanami x Fem!reader
☆ Genre: Fluff
☆ Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol, very slight swearing. Reader was a student of Jujutsu High.
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑵𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆, 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅
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Nanami as your Schoolmate
You two met in the 2nd year of Jujutsu high, and it was literally at a vending machine. That day, he was in a really bad mood, and so he was kicking the machine 'cause it won't drop his drink.
"Goddamn it! This shit isn't working" he exclaimed, and you witnessed all of these quietly. It might be weird, but you actually found him cute while sulking. Even though he looked like that one weird emo classmate you'd definitely avoid, you tapped his shoulder to give him a drink.
He was shocked when he felt your hand tap his shoulder, and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks out of embarrassment. All he could say was "thanks" before you left the scene.
Ever since that moment, you two met in the library, at the convenience store, and almost everywhere you go. It seemed weird how he is offline whenever your online game buddy is offline. You also caught him one time in the library playing your favorite game, but were too shy to approach him 'cause it seemed like he was hiding from the librarian.
One day, you saw each other in the library, and mustered up the courage to ask him, "Hey...are you user SilentAnhilator?"
This was probably the riskiest and most embarrassing thing you've ever done in your life—asking someone you're not close with and at the same time, outing yourself as a gamer.
You expected him to give you a sour look, however, you were met with a blushing teenage Nanami which you still find cute whenever you remember it.
You became friends after that incident.
The trio formed (you, Nanami, and Haibara) always went on missions together, where Nanami would remain silent. Of course, he isn't safe from your teasing and Haibara's jokes no matter where you go.
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Nanami as your boyfriend
He confessed to you after a year of being colleagues. He realized that the reason he gets awkward around you is not because you were former classmates, but because he liked you.
He decided to confess his feelings after seeing you in the infirmary, heavily injured from a mission.
"Are you okay? Do you need meds? Can you stand? Please, answer me."
That was the first time you ever saw Nanami cry. You asked him why he was so worked up to the point of shedding tears, it's just a stab and a few broken bones—nothing that Shoko can't fix.
"I'll tell you why when...the time is right." He brushed that question off, but your heart was beating fast, hoping that it was more than a friend's concern.
A week later when you were fully recovered, he asked you out for dinner. There, he formally confessed his feelings like a mature man would.
"Y/n, I hope you don't feel uncomfortable, it's just that I have something to confess."
That moment, you could hear your heart beating fast.
"I like you, romantically, as a lover. At first, I didn't know why I felt nervous around you and why... my knees get weak when I see you. I thought I just saw you as a dear friend and a valuable colleague but as time passed, I started seeing you in my dreams and I could tell that it already was beyond platonic..."
You remained silent, still taken aback by his words, face flushed in red.
"...I'm sorry if this is so sudden, but can I date you? I promise to properly court you, and I definitely take relationships seriously."
Seeing you flustered and speechless, he thought he was making you uncomfortable. But in fact, you were just taking time to process your 10-year crush's confession.
"I-I'm sorry, I made my dear friend uncomfortable. I understand if you don't feel the sam—"
"I like you too" was all you could say before hugging him tightly. Immediately, he reciprocated the action by hugging back.
Since that night, he started courting you by giving gifts, talking sweetly, and doing affectionate acts of service. Of course, he remained very respectful. In fact, your first kiss happened only after 3 months of dating.
He is very good in handling his alcohol, and so he always goes with you to office parties (which is always with Jujutsu High teachers).
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* f/n=your first name
(He knew that you still had a hangover from the way you typed. Right after getting on the car, he continued to tease you about drunk-flirting with him on your way to Jujutsu High.)
Nanami as your husband
Please read my previous fics to see how he proposed to you 🙏🏻
He is definitely a caring husband who wants nothing but to live a peaceful life with you.
When you two married, you immediately moved to your house in Kuantan, Malaysia. That house was planned for and built for 2 years (through mutual efforts)
Now both retired from being sorcerers, he works a simple job at a bakery down the street while you pursue your dream of being a lawyer.
Since you both decided to live a simple life, he used his savings for the past 10 years in funding your daily expenses (he still earns a constant sum from his humble job at the bakery).
One day, you got sick and he had just finished his shift at the bakery.
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Notes: I love him so much I'm so delusional but I don't think I could ever find a man like him.
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thefirstknife · 4 months
Incredibly urgent information found in post-campaign. This is the Lost Ghosts quest from Micah-10. This one is "Oracle" and happens on Nessus. The quest from Micah is about finding various Ghosts that got lost during missions on locations. For the one in Oracle, you had to run Insight Terminus strike to find data.
Running Insight Terminus here is confirmed as canon! Kargen we fight is apparently a clone! More importantly, this reveals a few pieces of information that I am completely and totally normal about.
First, Kargen's clone is once again looking for OXA and OXA is canonically confirmed to be similar, if not the same (!) to the Device of the Future War Cult.
Second, Otzot is the one who ordered this and the order is recent. Otzot is, with this, confirmed to be alive and active. She is also in a faction NOT loyal to the Witness. Otzot is also apparently interested in Sol Divisive's information on the Veil. I am thoroughly losing my mind about this. Ghost is also confused about how these things connect and I'm LOSING IT again because I talked about this well over a year ago in this post, and recently in this one. Prediction machines, Vex technology and the Veil have something going on together, I agree Ghost. I am obsessed with this.
And third, the interference is confirmed to be from Maya Sundaresh which also further confirms her involvement in the Echoes. It has to. I've already speculated on the Echoes image we can see in game as the mysterious figure being some form of Maya/Vex Maya/her simulation, but this confirms it. I've never been more normal than I am now.
Transcript of the video below:
Ghost: I've got Bean's signal. It looks like he's gone deeper into Nessus. It should be easy to follow him. As for what Kargen's clone was doing here, it looks like he was trying to access Vex data on OXA again. Micah-10: That's the Psion prediction machine, right? Sees the future in branching paths? Future War Cult had something similar. Ghost: Based on what I'm seeing here, I... I can't be sure they aren't the same thing. The same design. But I don't know how that's possible. Kargen was trying to access the Sol Divisive's research on the Veil as well. I don't understand how all these things are connected. But I can tell where the orders are coming from. A Psion named Otzot, and these orders are recent. I think there might be defector branches within the Shadow Legion... Ones not loyal to the Witness. Micah-10: And they're trying to pin down potential outcomes, make plans for what, the even of our success? Ghost: Maybe. But it looks like something's blocked them, but I... I don't know how that's possible. Micah-10: Why? What stopped Kargen? Ghost: If this log is correct... Maya Sundaresh did. Cayde-6: Maya, wha- why does that name sound so familiar? Micah-10: Why don't you and I talk about that offline, Cayde. Let the Guardian and Ghost track down Bean. Cayde-6: Yeah, yeah, that- that- that sounds good.
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
A breakdown of apps you can use to communicate with your alters as separate people and write down information about them online and offline with their pros, cons, and a personal rating because I really needed it when I was new to being a system:
Note: by "PC" I mean any computer/macbook/etc. By "all devices" I mean PC, mobile, tablet, iPad, etc.
I apologize for mistakes in advance.
1. Antar: An app created to chat with your "inner self," found in both Play Store and AppStore. One of the more popular ones among systems. It is an app where you get to create personas that would be chatting with each other in chats called "sessions." Those sessions can either be given a name or just left named after the date they were created on. Each persona is given a color that would become the color of their messages in sessions. Offline app.
Pros: Fiarly easy to use, no in-depth information needed to access it fully. Biometric lock; 4 languages (English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish) for the system, however any language can be used via text; no limit to the amount of personas added (as far as I'm aware). Messages sent by the wrong persona can be changed; the "quote" feature allows you to start a thread under a message; provides descriptions of each persona. You can also give your personas an avatar rather than just a color. Has a "replay" and "visualization" feature, though I'd say it's strictly just for funzies.
Cons: Not available on PC; has no backup, phone-related resets or deletion of the app results in all information lost. Session order constantly changes depending on which senssion you entered, which in my opinion (+OCD) is a nuisance; you can't delete the "me" character which I've been wanting to do for a while. Can't add hexcodes.
Personal rating: 6/10. If you need an app that you can lock from unwanted visitors, if you don't mind and even prefer something simple, and if you don't care that the conversations might disappear, this app is a good choice.
2. Discord's PluralKit: A more avdanced discord bot with tons of settings and commands that was created specifically for systems. Allows you to add almost any information about your system memebers, even such things as birthdays. The way it works is, it "proxies" your messages with a certain command somewhere in the "normal" message, sends a message identical to yours from a bot created with the name you chose, and deletes your original message. Basically replaces a message from your account with a message from a bot you created earlier. Proxies are small commands that give the both a green light to do that, and they can be whatever you want them to be. Online bot.
Pros: Feels like different people are talking; allows you to track your switches; available on all devices; one system can be linked to multiple accounts, although you can't create multiple systems under one account; allows you to group alters together; allows you to restrict access to certain information from all users; allows you to add as many alters as you want; has a number of ways you can access the information you put in which would all be sorted and organized for you; autoproxy allows you to not proxy every message you sent; since you can't delete messages of other people on servers that are not yours, and the bot messages are not, in fact, yours, PluralKit allows you to react to the message with an emoji that deletes the proxied message; while you can't use it in DMs, you can set up commands in DMs with the bot; every memeber has a unique code, and so does the system itself, and it records when the member was created; can be exported to SimplyPlural.
Cons: Commands are difficult and complex, and so is the dashboard; can only be used on servers; sometimes offline as all bots are, though rarely; you can't use it anywhere outside discord (a con for those who don't use discord); I had instances where I saw people use it for roleplay which is also allowed; proxies are a pain; you'd need a guide to tell you why certain things are needed in it; you cannot reply to messages with gifs when using a proxy; when being exported to SimplyPlural it exports everything, so if you had 10 members on SimplyPlural and 15 on PluralKit, it's best to add those 5 manually than delete 10 new exported alters (I did it with 100+ alters by accident and it was a pain).
Personal rating: 9/10. Complex, difficult to figure out, but once you get ahold of it and how it works, you'd be amazed. Also a pain that you can't use it in DMs, but it's to be expected from a bot. And you can always create a server with just you.
3. Discord's Tupperbox: A discord bot created mainly for roleplay, but actively used by systems who cannot get along with PluralKit. A simpler bot, easy to use and figure out, most things can be done via dashboard, doesn't have the opportunity to add a lot of inofrmation. Online bot.
Pros: Simple; allows grouping alters; allows different tags for different members and groups, sometimes individually; way simpler commands, and most things can be added via dashboard; looks and works almost the same as PluralKit when in a conversation; available on all devices.
Cons: Can't add avatars via dashboard, only using the commands; can't add two alters with the same name (which you can do with PluralKit); people reported it glitching out and deleting members; mainly used for roleplay; gives a weird list of members via commands that is unusable in my experience; doesn't work out of discord.
Personal rating: 7/10. Perfect for people who just want to talk and not write down information about them with the bot, but the threat of members being deleted, especially as a larger system, is concerning. We mainly use it for OSDD-1a subsystems. It was also not created for systems, as far as I'm aware. I see more cons than pros.
4. Simply Plural: Another more well-known tool used and created for systems. Simply Plural is an app that allows you to create profiles of your members and add any information you'd like about them via custom fields. It has a chat feature, allows you to track your front and switch history, add friends, and many more. Supports endogenic systems (which is being mentioned not for discorse purposes but as a fact. Whether you find it good or not is up to you) and allows singlets to create profiles as well, although I don't know a lot about that part. Both offline and online app.
Pros (and a bit about the app): Backup included; tracks your switches and front, allows you to change exact time for them, too (24-hour clock down to minutes included); the polls feature works like polls on same Tumblr and everywhere else but specifically for your system memebrs; analytics provide information about who fronts the most, during what time of day they usually front; you and your friends can see each other's profiles, which is why singlets can also create profiles, which allows you to acces info about each other's systems; "trusted people" feature allows you to pick whether you want everybody to see your alters or not, or if you want outsiders to see your profile at all; provides resources and guides to plurality (which I personally haven't checked, but still putting it in the pros, if somebody thinks I shouldn't, let me know); has an app reminders feature; you can add as much information as you want; front history shows up in a person's profile; alters can add notes; alter groups are available; available on all devices, however, only as a website on PC; colors of your alters can be used in the chat to highlight names; hexcodes are available; "custom front" is a status you set with fronting which can be hilarious sometimes; connects to PluralKit in a number of ways.
Cons: The chat feature is a bit difficult to use, and first time I did, I freaked out because I couldn't get out of it (the trick is to go to "channels" and press "navigation", there you'll see the dashboard); friends can't communicate with each other; copy-pasting is hard on both mobile and PC; something about the interface and navigation irks me and our visually impaired self; notes have same visibility as the profile itself, which is inconvenient if you want your profile to be seen but not your notes; avatars can't be added via website.
Personal rating: 6/10. I don't like how it looks and works (probably due to being visually impaired and other issues), but if you manage to get the information in it, it's pretty accessible and thoughtful of what systems might need. Could be used as a tool to start working with your system rather than do it long-term.
5. Twinote: An app that is your "personal Twitter." Pretty sure it was created for the purpose of having fun rather communicating with alters. Offline app.
Pros: Backup provided; allows "private accounts" that other "users" can't see; can create as many users as you want, as many posts as you want; can upload up to 4 images; works almost like Twitter; has a chat feature; comments, retweets, likes are present; "lists" feature allows you to group users and see only their messages which could be used for "things only protectors sent" and such; storage shows all pictures used in the app, so you won't lose anything; tagging and following people is still an option, and following private accounts give that user an opportunity to be the only one seeing their tweets.
Cons: Can't upload videos; can't do much with anything other than posts and profiles, so trends and other stuff there is off-limits (as far as I know); you have to constantly switch between profiles for the chat feature; share button only shares the contents of the message; very easy to accidentally press the wrong button and delete a tweet by dragging it left (which I almost did a few times).
Personal rating: 7,5/10. I know it's probably annoying that I didn't just type either 7 or 8, but the reaosn why is cause I have mixed feelings about it from a practical point of view. We use it strictly to communicate what we did during the day as a small journal and just joke with each other, and it's incredibly funny in itself, but it doesn't allow you to write down a lot of information about your alters and has a character limit in profiles. So it's strictly for communication.
6. Notion: An app created as a dashboard for literally everything you could ever dream of. You can personalize it however you want and use it for whatever you want. Those who saw the post we made a while ago probably know the reason I'm mentioning it is due to a template that I linked here. Online app.
Pros: Can be used for literally everything without limits; available on all devices; big and has enough storage for a lot of information, text, projects, etc; can be designed however you want; a lot of useful templates for all life instances (even taxes); can be shared with people who also use Notion in a variety of ways (either only comment, only see, etc); can add your own custom covers and icons via both gallery and links; looks neat and doesn't mess with visual impairment for us; can add a page in a page in a page which can be used for diaries; links to different pages on other pages are also available; endless possibilities, I could rant all day.
Cons: Glitches on the phone a lot; certain things are allowed on computer and not on mobile and vice versa; all templates available only on PC; you need to have an account in order to use it; glitches if it's offline; sometimes deletes a bunch of text because of glitches, usually the triggers for it are writing a lot in it directly or erasing previous text a bunch of times; can't invite someone in your space, it would take too much storage; some storage needs to be bought, although, I don't know the limit (but there's a lot. Like, a lot)
Personal rating: 9/10. With all its antics, I love this app dearly, it's incredibly useful, and you learn to deal with the cons. It's the best one I've used for communication and information storage so far.
7. Texting Stories app: As ridiculous as it sounds, it could be used as a tool to communicate with your alters, especially in secret. We are fighting for our safety here, so I ask you to take this suggestion seriously. Could be used when you don't want to let anyone know you're a system and have noisy family members/relatives/etc who like to snoop through you personal devices, by using it, you can say you've just been doing a story. Offline app.
Pros: I believe you can add as many people as you want; can add avatars; different stories can be different days of the week; easy to use; easy to brush off as "just making stories."
Cons: Can't change colors, you need to pay for most things.
Personal rating: 5/10. Can be used for emergencies and communication only, although we haven't used it much.
8. Notes: Just the same plain old notes app on your phone that everybody has installed as default. Offline app.
Pros: Easy to use; can be easily lost within your other notes for privacy; used for literally everything you desire, even drawing; automatic backup.
Cons: Doesn't give you the ability to really present as separate people; doesn't have as many options as Notion.
Personal rating: 5/10. used it at some point just for communication, was cool, somple, easy, but nothing too big.
I hope this helped to put these apps in perspective. I do apologize for it being a bit all over the place, but I did attempt to make it coherent enough (I am currently in a psychotic state, it's difficult for me to communicate). And remember, there are always options to use a written journal rather than a digital one. If anything, it's better to keep both in case one gets lost. Who knows, maybe our parents asking us what we would do if the internet disappeared is actually a warning. /j /nm
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science-lings · 4 months
More info on the options below the cut
1- My guy just lost his job and has to live out of his old office there's no way he can be allowed to adopt Trucy immediately, but if he had a rich husband who lives overseas and lets them technically commit fraud by moving into his old apartment during social worker visits... that would be much easier. Edgeworth isn't against being a little underhanded in his methods with the law and he has witnessed Phoenix with the Feys so if an infamous attorney were to adopt a child left behind by a tragic trial, he'd be so glad it was Phoenix. That guy has been reeking dad energy for years. It's also important to note that no one doubted the authenticity of their relationship since they went to go sign the papers because most people who have seen them already assumed that they were together. They don't have to try to convince anyone.
2- The things they call each other are so important to me, as kids they're Miles and Phoenix/Nick, in court they're Mr. Edgeworth and Mr. Wright, outside of court but still in a professional setting they're Edgeworth and Wright, when they're flirting they're back to Miles and Phoenix, but when they're insufferably flirting, Pheonix is 'Mr. Edgeworth' and Miles is 'Mr. Wright' They do this before they get married, both legally and actually.
3- They would be so funny on a reality tv show or some kind of game show, if their motive is doing something better than the other, they will put their whole pussies into whatever that thing is, even if it's like the great british baking show and Phoenix is the only one who can kind of bake. If they get to work together they're insane, put these assholes in an escape room and they will fuck that shit up. With Miles, who learned how to pick locks, and Phoenix, who got used to puzzles when working with Professor Layton, they would speedrun an escape room.
4- idk Pheonix just seems like he gets super affectionate with the people he loves, he kisses Trucys forehead/head so constantly it's habitual for him to pop off her hat to smooch her scalp and replace it right after. I also think it would be funny if he was so unprofessional about his love for Edgeworth except when they're in court but that's because they have to stand like twenty feet away from each other. Edgeworth turns red every time but he rarely protests, at least not seriously.
5- I just think they should be each other's 'oh shit' moment because that is funny to me. Phoenix didn't really realize he was attracted to men, at least in that capacity until that newspaper article and Miles had accepted that he was aro until he caught feelings he thought he was immune to. They both deal with it so well... /s
6- Connected to my hc that lawyers in the AA universe get kind of a celebrity status, but both Phoenix and Miles are so offline that they are completely unaware of it. Maya and Trucy and Kay especially are definitely not unaware and they think it's so funny. They contribute to the rumors. There are Edgeworth and Phoenix fancams made from court footage set to kpop. Apollo had a Phoenix Wright stan account and he used to fight the PW haters on twitter before he actually met the guy. He forgot the password so he can't delete it and it's only a matter of time before someone connects the dots. Anyway they trend on twitter every time they meet in court like when a new season of a show comes out and the fanbase goes bonkers.
7- obviously they call and message each other but they both think it's nostalgic to send letters, and Phoenix likes having a reason to send physical pictures from when they were kids since Miles wasn't allowed to keep any of that in the Von Karma household. Edgeworth usually sends sweets from whatever country he's in for Trucy.
8- I personally think that Phoenix has more of that kitten look but I was recently reminded of how often in the of trilogy when ppl have to tell him to put those things away. He can weaponize his big brown eyes and Miles pretends to be unaffected but he's weak to it just like everyone else. He has that kitty vibe, he asks for things by looking really pathetic and sad and it works in his favor every time.
9- Phoenix is the type of guy to fall asleep during most movies if he isn't judging it intently or particularly interested and when they were kids they tried to binge more than one samurai movie and Phoenix fell asleep before the first one ended. That official art just makes him look like such a sleepy guy. Again the kitty energy returns, he's a big napper.
10- these bitches are so good at arguing, but they both want to win so it takes forever to decide on things that actually don't matter that much. If they can't decide on a restaurant to go to for a date they won't finish arguing their case about their preferred place to go until after they close. They never yell at each other or get too emotionally invested in a lot of things but they will draw that shit out and take out evidence and witness testimony if it helps their case. Sometimes it gets so extensive that they have to pull out the whiteboard/ corkboard. Just as long as it's presented like a court case it will be so well communicated between them so they take advantage of that because or else they kinda suck at talking to each other about their problems.
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roseharpermaxwell · 9 months
RWRB FirstPrince Smut Favorite Recs
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I thought about sorting these further, but there's so much overlap. Click below for a compilation of favorites! Among other things, you'll find some praise, glasses, lingerie, competency, piercings, somnophilia...maybe a cheeky threesome or two.
Meet Me In The Middle by @clottedcreamfudge. M, 1k. Henry is sitting at the table, scribbling something in a familiar notebook with one hand, while he does a Rubik's Cube with the other.
He's. Doing a Rubik's Cube. With one hand. He's not even looking at it. Alex isn't prepared for this. He thinks he might have dropped his jacket, but he can't say for sure, because he can't feel his fucking hands.
As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine. by barthelme. E, 1k. Henry has a history of falling into what Alex affectionately calls a ‘dick coma’ when he’s getting fucked just right. His eyes roll back and his eyes close and his pleads for Alex to fuck him harder, right there, yes, etc. turn into guttural moans and maybe,maybe, once or twice he has drooled. Not a lot, but enough for Alex to give him shit about it and whatever, it’s not a big deal.
second finger to the right, and straight on til morning by @cheesecurdsgravyandfries. E, 1.2k. "Sweetheart, where's my prostate?"
or, 1286 words of irredeemable porn wherein Henry makes Alex come really hard. Twice.
Temperature's Up, 'Bout to Erupt by @sparklepocalypse. E, 1.2k. Alex’s senses spark with the taste of Henry’s tongue, the smell of leather and sweat, and the feeling of their bodies pressed together from knee to chest. Through Henry’s shirt, the small of his back is a hot, shuddering plane beneath Alex’s palm, and Alex wants.
Volume Control by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. E, 1.5k. Prompt Fulfillment: I need someone to write a FirstPrince fic where Henry overhears Alex saying "Henry is so annoying I can't stand him" so Henry says "kneel then" and it short circuits Alex's brain.
Modification to the map of you by colorfulmoniker. E, 1.6k. Henry comes back from a month-long trip with his ear pierced, and Alex has no idea.
only bought these shorts so you can take them off by buttercupblues. E, 1.6k. alex accidentally buys a pair of short shorts, but when he discovers he likes them, he buys more. henry's brain short circuits.
this night just can't end by ironwords. E, 1.6k. Henry, beautiful, wonderful Henry, instantly pulls Alex off his dick—by his hair, a move Alex finds just as arousing as whatever the fuck just happened—breathing out an apology before asking if he’s alright.
Alex takes stock of himself. His jaw kind of hurts, but that’s not anything out of the ordinary, and he’s panting, mouth full of drool he has to take a second to swallow, and– Oh. His underwear is sticky. His underwear is sticky. Hesitantly, he rolls his hips against the mattress and immediately hisses and stops as the sensitivity hits.
Did he just–
“Did you just come in your pants?” Henry asks.
kiss it better by lem0nademouth. E, 1.7k. Alex had a long day. Henry is fine with making it a long night.
has been rough (kinky!) by @lem0nademouth. E, 1.8k. Henry tries lingerie. Alex has...feelings.
the one in which everything is the same, but Alex has piercings and Henry has no idea by Poutini. E, 2k. Henry's brain goes momentarily offline when he clocks it - the hard, round metal of a barbell, positioned horizontally, piercing Alex’s tongue. He lets his tongue trace around each end, and he can feel the curve of Alex’s smile as he realizes what Henry has just discovered.
“Find something interesting, sweetheart?” he murmurs against Henry’s lips when they finally pull apart for air.
Give Me Your Confession by Mags (sparklepocalypse). E, 2k. He stares at the photo and makes an incoherent sound. He blinks. Blinks again. But the photo is still there, and in it, Henry, love of his life, man of his dreams, his heart’s greatest desire…
Henry is wearing a confident sneer and leather. Fucking. Pants.
in control of what i do (and i love the way you move) by countingto15. E, 2.2k. “You’ve been teasing me all night,” Henry says, one hand creeping down Alex’s side. “Dancing up against me.”
“That’s just how I move, corazón.” Henry’s hand reaches Alex’s hip, and Alex narrows his eyes mischievously. “It’s not all about you.”
Henry’s fingers tighten around Alex’s hip. “Don’t test me,” he whispers.
Biting his lip, Alex curls a strand of Henry’s hair around his finger.
“Hmm. Testing you’s kind of fun, though.”
warm from the inside out by @cricketnationrise. E, 2.2k. “Can I pull you away from what I’m sure is fascinating research for a bit of a break?”
“Mmm, depends on what kind of break,” Alex teases. “Tax law is pretty captivating.”
“I was thinking,” Henry begins slowly, smudging kisses from Alex’s shoulder and up his neck, “that the break could go something like this.”
Trick Rider by @orchidscript. T, 2.5k. Alex stepped up into Henry’s side, pressed the center of his hips to the rise of Henry’s denim-clad thigh. His light fingers trailed along the small of Henry’s back, chin perched on his shoulder as he watched the dance floor. “C’mon, baby. That could be us.”
“Love,” Henry whispered as he pressed back against his boyfriend. He wrapped an arm around Alex’s waist as he swiveled his hips, adding pressure. “That is us.”
a demonstrable fact, or Alex makes an assumption and Henry makes it all better by Poutini. E, 2.6k. Alex’s view becomes jumbled as Henry keeps his phone in one hand and leans far over, reaching to open his nightside table drawer. There’s a flash of David, curled up at the foot of the bed, a glimpse of a stack of books next to a lamp, fuzzy socks in the open drawer and -
an open box of condoms?
Alex feels ill.
oh, honey, pray to me between the sheets by captainegg. E, 2.8k. Henry comes home after being away for three weeks and Alex is very eager to welcome him home properly.
I love it when you call by clottedcreamfudge. E, 3k. "I'm really fucking angry that other people are looking at your collar bones," Alex admits. "Tween girls and very confused boys everywhere are looking at them and swooning over them, and I'm annoyed about it." Henry's quiet again for a moment, and when he speaks his tone is low and private; it's his bedroom voice, the absolute fucker, and Alex is weak all over again.
"Alex, have you been swooning over my collar bones?" If by 'swooning', Henry means 'getting well on the way to a raging hard-on', the answer is 'absolutely,’ but Alex would rather swallow his own tongue than admit that.
a quick study by @whimsymanaged. E, 3k. Alex is new to bisexuality, and he turns to a friend for some guidance.
attention by @jackwolfes. E, 3.1k. “Hello, darling,” he replied, “Making friends?”
“Always,” he said, “Pedro’s nice.”
“And touchy.”
Study Buddies by Jaistiel. E, 3.3k. "Take my cock in your mouth, Alex." The words were said breathlessly, as if Henry had never desired to say anything more and wasn't quite sure he was allowed. "But don't suck. Don't lick. Don't swallow. Just hold me on your tongue until I tell you otherwise."
You'll be Glowing, Chasing Shadows Away by Mags (sparklepocalypse). E, 3.3k. In the weeks leading up to Alex’s eighteenth birthday, he spends hours meticulously crafting a list of things that adults are legally permitted to do, and minors are not. It takes nearly twice as long to decide which items to sidebar, so he can narrow the list down to a manageable number. Finally, he’s left with four: 1. register to vote; 2. buy a lottery ticket; 3. get a tattoo; 4. go to the adult novelty shop.
(Or, five times Alex tries something he's seen on the internet, and one time he involves Henry.)
Rabbit Hole by TuppingLiberty. E, 3.6k. Some sort of non-famous au, don't worry, there's not really a plot.
Alex has been going down a research rabbit hole for hours and Henry comes to rescue him.
thank you for your service by Anonymous. E. 3.7k. “Yeah,” Alex said, “Yes-”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir,” he gasped, and Henry smiled, slow and laced with honey.
Alex has energy to burn. Henry knows how to help. Alex accepts it like a good boy should.
and i'll lay right down in my favorite place by mangotarts. E, 3.9k. “Speaking of your boyfriend, all you mentioned was that Alex was watching some show then made some off-hand comment but it wasn’t so off-hand if it’s what landed us here, was it?”
Henry clears his throat. “Um, yes, that’s right. He’s been obsessed with this one television series that’s set in seventeenth-century England. I watched a few episodes with him the other night and I will admit, the plot is rather captivating.” Henry glances at Bea and sees that he has all of her attention. He continues, nerves starting to settle into his body when he recalls what Alex said. “We were both immersed in an episode when he suddenly blurted out how good I’d look in the attire of that era.”
in which henry takes alex's supposed off-hand comment into consideration and alex is. well, alex is unprepared for the repercussions of his words.
Baby, You're Gonna Lose Your Own Game by @affectionatelyrs. E, 4k. Alex thinks he understands why people get stupid, impulsive tattoos like their ex’s name now if the sudden urge to etch the word darling onto his hip in permanent ink is anything to go by.
So, yeah, Alex supposes. Henry may still be maddening, but his mouth? His voice? Maybe it was always hot, actually, and the irritation he previously felt was just thinly veiled complete and utter attraction. That would check out. Hate has always been a multifaceted word, after all.
Or, Alex decides that he wants to fuck the British out of Henry while watching him speak at a gala
Body Count Baby! by orestespdf. E, 4.2k. “Okay,” Henry says eventually. “What do you want to know?”
Alex raises an eyebrow. A small smile plays on his lips. “Can I ask you anything?”
“Within reason, you hellion.”
Alex flops back down and grins, a new vigor running through him. He rubs his hands together, clearly thinking hard. When he finally looks back at Henry, his smile has turned mischievous. “Am I the best you’ve ever had? Like, has anyone been better than me?”
Henry and Alex talk about how many people they've been with.
that look in your blue eyes, it makes me lose my mind. by seafloor. E, 4.2k. Alex Claremont-Diaz, on discovering the wonder that is Henry Fox’s mouth. And what the man wants to do with it.
// an ode to Henry’s beautiful lips, basically.
Dirty Looks by clottedcreamfudge. E, 4.3k. "You… Alex. You're wearing glasses."
"That Oxford education hasn't failed you yet, Hen," Alex drawls, marking his place and closing the book so he can slide it onto the desk. He then has no choice but to look up from his chair, and what he sees when he does is -
Well. It's something.
Henry sees Alex in his glasses. He apparently has a few feelings about them.
Wrap Me Up, Unfold Me by @sparklepocalypse. E, 4.3k. After the Kensington confrontation, Henry gets on the plane with Alex.
(Or, Henry and Alex join the Mile High Club in filthy, spectacular fashion.)
sometimes we break so beautiful by Anonymous. E, 4.4k. It’s his own damn fault; Alex knows this.
It’s his fault for having everyone over for a small birthday party only to spend the evening whispering filthy things to Henry when no one was looking. (And when they were looking, because it’s his goddamn birthday and he can be as inappropriate with his boyfriend as he fucking wants to be.) It’s his fault for pushing Henry, for bratting off with antagonistic words like ‘what are you going to do about it—give me birthday spankings?’ and ‘do you actually think you could put me in my place? Because I’d like to see you try.’ It’s his fault for taunting Henry by suggestively licking the birthday candles, for doing anything he could possibly do to bring attention to his mouth, to his ass, to his fingers.
It's his fault that he’s now on their bed, lying on top of Henry, arms stretched out in front of him on either side of Henry's head and wrists tied to the headboard.
Talk About A Puppet Monarchy by largepeachicedtea. E, 4.5k. Alex has a proposition. Henry is all too happy to take it like a champ.
it's you (it's always been you) by @coffeecatsme. E, 4.7k. “You mean to tell me you named your vibrator after another man because you thought the pun would be funny?”
Alex names his vibrator after Han Solo and Henry gets jealous.
I just wanna tell you that you're really pretty (boy) by Anonymous. E, 4.8k. “I can’t believe you just called me weatherboy, oh my god-”
“And what would you prefer I called you?”
“Alex, ideally,” he muttered, and Henry laughed.
Henry discovers a new way to get under Alex’s skin, in the best possible way.
you paint dreamscapes on the wall by @littlemisskittentoes. E, 5.1k. “Fuck, H. What are you? A damn vampire?”
And Henry loved this too. The way the fire in Alex never quite went out, just smoldered down to embers. He didn’t think he’d ever quite get used to Alex’s wit, his sheer audacity to taunt and pick at him. But Henry was sure he never wanted to, anyway. He loved that that audacity snuck through the cracks of following orders, and waiting in positions. In between the begging, and Alex only ever finishing with permission dripping from Henry’s lips, it was still there. And Christ, if it wasn’t the single-most precious thing Henry had been gifted the honor of experiencing.
or, Alex is in his own head too much of the time. But Henry can always bring him back.
it doesn't make sense, but still by @smc-27. E, 5.2k. He’s not going to say that his desire to sleep with men exclusively in an anonymous capacity is because no man he’s ever slept with has lived up to the feeling he had with this one.
handprints & good grips. by seafloor. E, 5.7k. Henry and Alex have some fun on the way to a party.
a prince and a president by citydreaming. E, 5.8k. “Alex I’ve met your mum, lots of times in fact. You were there for most of them, remember?” Henry says, snapping Alex’s attention back to his phone.
Alex barks out a laugh at that because no, that’s not what happened at all.
“Baby that wasn’t my mom, that was the fucking President. And she met Prince Henry, not you, not my Henry.”
“Your Henry huh?”
“Yes, he has a dog with a stupid name, horrendous taste in pyjamas and the blandest collection of ties I’ve ever laid eyes on, but he’s aside from that he’s pretty fucking hot.”
OR: before the election is won, henry flies to texas to spend the week with alex.
Something New by AHistoricDistraction. E, 6.2k. After the first few times he bottoms for Henry, Alex has realized something new about himself. But before he's willing to bring it up to Henry, he needs to figure out what exactly it IS. So Alex does what he does best: research.
Gunpowder & Chocolate by Angelic_Disaster. E, 6.2k. Henry was used to spending his heats alone, he was more than content with his toys but then Alex (Alex, oh, Alex, always stupid, handsome Alex) had to come and ruin him.
Or, alternative summary: Henry is in heat, and Alex gets so horny through the phone that he gets on the first plane towards the U.K. to fuck Henry into oblivion.
Feels Like Home by @indomitable-love. E, 6.4k. 'Henry takes David out into the garden while Alex tidies up in the kitchen, putting away the dishes still on the drying rack from the morning. He’s not turned the main light on. He’s just carefully putting things away by the dim spotlight. He doesn’t need the light – it’s like muscle memory, so easy and natural he could do it blindfolded, and it’s all so domestic it makes Henry’s heart leap and turn in ways he didn’t know it could.'
making the headlines by @stardisnight, @athousandrooms, @villiageidiot. E, 6.5k. For no other reason than sheer boredom, Alex decides to set up a Google alert for the exact phrase "HRH Prince Henry." When Henry asks why, he quite literally cannot come up with a reason for the decision. He just… wants to.
Also: five times Alex overreacted to a Google alert (and one time Henry did)
it's a scene (and we're out here in plain sight) by @annnesbonny. E, 7.3k. "I don’t want us to be in the press for anything other than how good I am at polo, and how charming you look in that shirt.”
Henry just wants the Fifth Annual Okonjo Foundation Polo Match to run smoothly, but that's harder than it seems.
snakeskin. by seafloor. E, 7.3k. Henry Fox, on embracing his softness, overcoming familial abuse, and being unapologetically queer.
get fucked (or die trying) by @rmd-writes. E, 7.5k. Alex has a paper to write, but he's been procrastinating. When Henry leaves the house to give him space to actually write the damn thing – distraction free – Alex learns the true meaning of procrastination.
jump in with your heart first by @dumbpeachjuice. E, 7.5k. Pez sets it up. Some guy from work, he says. Gorgeous, too smart for his own good, a mouth that will get him into trouble.
Henry raises an eyebrow.
“Whatever you’re thinking,” Pez sings, wearing a smirk, “the answer is yes.”
The Key to My Body series by Mags (sparklepocalypse). E, 8.2k. 
It started with a Red, White & Royal Blue rimming fic, that expanded to a sex marathon... that expanded to include a second rimming fic... because Henry and Alex are never going to not be completely into one another and willing to do all the things sexually.
you handle it beautifully by @hypnostheory. E, 9.7k. “And I may have an idea for the libido problem too.”
Henry sighs. “I don’t think this has risen to the level of therapy just because I can’t get hard.”
“First off, nothing has to rise to the level of therapy, there’s no threshold for misery,” Alex says, parroting the words his therapist has told him about half a million times. “But no, I wasn’t thinking about therapy.” Henry raises a brow. “I was thinking we try party drugs.”
Alex, discovering Henry is having a hard time getting out of his head enough to enjoy sex, has a clear solution: recreational drug use! While on the road to self-discovery and self-actualization, Henry surprises Alex more than once.
(3 times Henry surprised Alex + 1 time Alex shocked him right back)
five times alex and henry tried something kinky (and one time they didn't) by @omgcmere. E, 10k. Alex knew Henry loved his stupid fucking dirty talk, but if he were pressed to admit it, he loved it too, especially knowing that they were doing something they very much weren't supposed to—and that even though it wouldn't be the same scandal it once was, it would still be a fucking shock to someone's delicate sensibilities and most likely get them in a lot of trouble.
What Alex loved most was that Henry got off on this shit as much as he did, too.
five times Alex and Henry tried something kinky, and one time they didn't
this type of love isn’t rational, it’s physical. by seafloor. E, 10k. Society collapsed in the early 1980s. The weather controls humanity, and the ruling class controls the people.
Amidst it all, two boys find time to meet up.
ocean waves. by seafloor. E, 10k. Henry Fox wakes up with a toothache one morning, and has a lot of feelings about certain things for days afterwards.
Wildest Dreams series by @myheartalivewrites. E, 13k. Once Alex has pulled out, Henry turns over to face him. He strokes the hair softly away from his face and Alex smiles at him.
“So… that happened again.”
Henry leans forward and kisses him on the forehead. “Indeed.”
There’s a sort of thoughtful pause, where Henry can see Alex working to pull together the right words. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you that… thirsty?”
“Oh, bugger off,” Henry says, but he’s laughing. It’s a fair description.
“No, but I mean it. You were like… urgent. It was hot.”
“It felt hot. I liked waking up like that. With you up against me, trying to have your way with me.”
Set in and around the Henry bonus chapter, this is a story about Henry and Alex’s hectic schedules, family appearances etc. pulling them apart, and about what starts to happen between them, in the quiet of night: their sleeping bodies turning to each other, finding their sweet spots and opening up. And Alex and Henry learning a lot about each other in the process
Twice the speed (of you and me) by myheartalive. E, 17k. “Hey. So, you know Pez?” Alex asks bluntly. No easy way into this, he’s decided.
Henry looks up from his phone, frowning. “My best mate?”
“Yeah, that one.”
Alex has an idea.
let him be soft (let him be mine) by @congee4lunch. E, 18k. “I’m always cute,” Alex kisses the mole on Henry’s cheekbone.
“Yeah? Does your work wife tell you that?” Henry grumbles.
“I don’t have a work wife,” Alex breathes out, smiling against his mouth. “Why need one when I got the real deal waiting at home for me,” He licks at the mole on Henry’s upper lip. “All pretty and mine for the taking?”
in which henry wants to be alex's wife, in so many words. alex wants all that and more. their relationship ebbs and flows.
the only thing on my mind series by HypnosTheory. E, 31k. Piercer!Alex teaches Henry about the inner workings of BDSM in mid-90s New York.
More Amour by surveycorpsjean. E, 45k. Alex discovers something in Henry's closet that changes everything.
I only tag an author once per post, but I'm still figuring out firstprince author handles. If you see one I may not know or find a broken link, please give me a heads up!
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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0mysteiarchives · 3 months
“One day, we'll have a place to call home.” Firefly x GN!Reader
"If we ever get out of this alive, we'll be together, right?" a/n: might post this on ao3! just because :3 enjoy!! <3
this fic contains: platonic or romantic firefly!! , reader stays gender neutral for this , mostly based off firefly's trailer with a few tweaks ^_^
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"The battle is over."
The forest went in flames, smoke could be seen in the air with flags mounted into the ground all ragged.
"Command, this is AR-26710, please respond."
"I don't think they'll respond" You replied despite not being the respondent. "I tried contacting them a while back but no response."
"What should we do? We're the only survivors around."  A robotic voice rang behind you, another mech pushing off a rock as they took a glance at the two of you.
You stay silent for a while, figuring out what to do while all comms are currently offline. It's not often all soldiers get a moment of fresh air like this.
However, in a quick moment, you had an idea.
"No matter what, we have to get in touch with the others-"  They watch as you transform out of your mech, confused. "Huh?"
"If that's the case.." You bring your arms behind your back. "It'll be faster this way, right?"
"Hey, you-" As they spoke up, another had also done the same thing as you.
"I understand." The young girl in front of you stares into the pond water. "Article 4 of Glammoth's Military Regulations: Leaving the cockpit is strictly prohibited."
This way, we'll be discovered very quickly! Even though we'll be punished.." You let out a sheepish laugh, scratching your cheek in embarrassment.
"That can't be helped." She turns to you with a warm smile.
Fireflies danced around the two of you, as you both watched them dance around the dark night, illuminating the sky. It felt relaxing to see scenery that are not brought to ruin by the ongoing war.
"How many times is this for you now?"
You snap out of a trance, turning to her with a confused expression.
"Leaving the cockpit like this.." She stretches her arm out, a firefly landing on her finger as she stares at it with fascination. Soon it flies away.
"Well-" Before you could answer, the ground shakes slightly with metal clanks are heard behind you.
A trail of fire came from behind a mech with red accents as they spoke in a deep voice. "Article 2 of Glammoth's Military Regulations: Remain on guard." They cross their arms and continue, "Article 4: Leaving the cockpit is strictly prohibited."
A long, disappointed sigh is heard, "Do you have a death wish?"
"A Fyrefly Type-V escort model..very nice." You comment with a soft sigh in return, as the third member of your team also leaves their cockpit.
"Hah, you're the odd one out now." The woman lets out a playful scoff as you let out a giggle.
"You can't connect to command either.." You trail off before giving an offer. "Why don't you..join us?"
"No thanks." Their answer was quick. "I'll just pretend I didn't see anything."
You only let out a sigh at your failed attempt, as the young girl beside you places her hand on your shoulder in reassurance.
You pull out the trinket you found earlier, inspecting it in silence as the girl from a while ago spoke up.
"What's this?" She points to the camera you currently held, staring at it with curiosity as you give her a smile.
"I picked it up on the battlefield.." You bring it up to your eye, staring into the lenses. "It seems to be a civilian device.."
"Even if it's no longer working, and the lens is scratched.." you zoom into the clear water. "If you look through the lens, it feels like looking into a whole different world!"
"Lens? No wonder you wear those weird goggles." You hear another speak as you pan the camera towards her, capturing her within frame.
You let out an embarrassed laugh "I have other reasons too!" Holding onto the rim of the goggles around your neck, you give a soft smile "If everyone looked the same, how would we tell each other apart?"
You soon move the camera to the young girl labelled "26710" on her neck. "Your hair is also very unique!"
It seems you've caught her off guard, a small blush forms on her cheeks and turns to you.
"Thank you, I've been growing it out.." She flashes you a warm smile, to which you reciprocate.
"The length is also proof of your experience!" You add as she lets out a hum and turns to the side, showing the length of her hair.
"But sometimes it gets in my eyes..i'm not sure if I should put it up.."
"I think you should keep it down! I think you look prettier that way." You immediately respond to her question, both of you stare at each other and erupt into gentle fits of laughter. Soon the three of you all laugh.
Finally you pan the camera towards the only one still in the cockpit, you could only see them stare at the lens.
"Your turn! Are you really not going to say anything?" You urge them to, at the very least, say something. It seems to work as they put their arms down to their side.
However the moment is interrupted by a noise. Everyone seems to notice that.
"Comms are back up." You bring your hand up to your earpiece, the lines are indeed back up and the order flashes in front of you on a digital screen.
"Article 8: Surviving knights should immediately return to their units."
"The moment was so short, but it felt so long." Your 3rd member transforms back into their mech, as you prepare to do the same. Yet at the very edge of your eye you catch the girl rip off the fabric from the ragged flag. She uses the water as a mirror and tries to tie it around a lock of her hair, to which you felt obliged to help.
You move closer and gently grab the fabric from her hand, tying it into a small ribbon.
"Looks nice. It really suits you."
She stares at you with her mouth agape, before letting out a content hum whilst you give her another smile. It seems you two had been staring at each other for a while as your 'leader' let out a cough, snapping both of you out of your trances.
The other already blasts far off before the rising sunset, to which the both of you take a moment to relish the sweet scenery before taking off as well.
"One day." Your thoughts fill the silence within the silent sky.
"When the war ends, we'll all have a place to call home."
might make a part 2 of this in a few days ngl
anywys this might be a bit different from how i write bc it's been so long and i got caught up with pgr and wuwa :sob:
as for requests it might take a biit longer than expected, especially after JUST recovering from a writing block :P
however other than that i'll see yall eventually when i proofread this when i wake up cus im tired asf ^_^ (will link to pt2 when i finish it :3)
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
I just can't wrap my head around why taehyung would do this 😭😭 like I love him soo much but these days I'm kinda seeing what ot2 jkkrs say about him. posting suddenly about his travel with jungkook long back right around the time of jikooks travel show with such lovey dovey captions..it's a little awkward? like I love taekook idk whether I can convince you of that as I myself am a jikooker lol. but him not even posting about jimins album, or even when leaving for military he only wished jk a safe trip ..it's not like Tae is an offline person he's definitely posting this for the fans to see as well right? so why is his love only reserved for jk (and wooga squad ) and never for his "soulmate" who's always out there promoting his albums as well.
And (bit of a stretch here) why is he doing all this when jk never returns this energy back to him. Like it feels a bit one sided.
I know it's just sm and they all love each other ...well ig I just needed to vent. Will be feeling guilty of all these thoughts tomorrow for sure 😅😅
He he heee... something has been up for a long time now. People are just in denial. Idk how many times he has to take away the attention from Jimin for People to finally see the fucking pattern here!
And like- yeah, alot of people are pissed about the Jimin hate but I'm not even thinking about that. Jimin will always get hate regardless. So my problem is with the freaking timing. Idc about him posting, idc about them hanging out, idc that JK went to see him (which btw I'd bet 100 pounds that caption was embelished) tkkrs are literally the last thing on my mind coz the dumbasses aren't gonna put 2 n 2 together seeing as that was the time period when Jimin was busy. Whatever.
My one and only issue is that V be doing Jimin dirty over and over and that's on period. And this is coming from a person who likes the dude. I genuinely think he doesn't like to see Jimin flourishing. Idk if that's the case, but that's what this post is giving.
He had a million chances to share this, right? Like maybe when it isn't about Jimin? Or maybe... maybe when his own stuff dropped not too long ago. Right? Right?
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getvalentined · 5 months
hi! i'm actually really interested in the "is cait sith reeve" debate and was fascinated by your post since you firmly believe cait sith is his own person.
i'm playing through dirge right now so i can't comment fully on what transpires there, but based on rebirth alone i'm having trouble believing cait sith isn't controlled by him. i know your post said rebirth excluded a scene that made it clear cait sith is his own person, but I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly. The only thing I can think of is the original game, where Cait Sith sacrifices himself and says not to forget him even if another Cait Sith comes along...which is a good point, though one could potentially argue that Reeve is just sentimental.
Anyway, what I want to know is: if Cait Sith has a personality separate from Reeve and can move independently while Reeve is busy, then why does Cait Sith repeatedly go offline in Rebirth while Reeve is busy? This is the main argument I see and one of my favorites, so I think answering that could help your own. The only arguments I can think up are either that the devs wanted to give players clear hints that Reeve controls Cait Sith, or that he wants to make sure he's monitoring Cait Sith when the cat interacts with the party. But besides that, Cait Sith really doesn't act like a different person. Sure, he has an accent and is silly, but he doesn't make any comment whatsoever (as far as I know) that indicates he isn't Reeve himself. In fact, the party treats Cait Sith and the Shinra employee controlling him as the same person, and Cait Sith doesn't attempt to rebuke it. (Outside of maybe lying that he's a mere amusement park attraction?)
i do admit, if dirge seriously contradicts this interpretation, it's weird for the devs to go against it...but as someone who once believed cait sith and reeve were separate and changed their mind after rebirth, I just don't think there's enough evidence based on rebirth alone to claim that cait sith is his own person.
on that note, you mentioned cait sith has his own likes and dislikes separate from reeve and i'm actually really curious about that! do you have an example of that? :D It sounds like fun trivia lol (i really like reeve and cait sith...)
anyway thank you for reading till the end! sorry if this is unwelcome
There's a scene in Dirge where Reeve and Cait walk out of the same room together, reacting to one another independently:
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Further, Cait Sith only goes into stasis twice in the entirety of Rebirth as far as I can recall? Once at the end of a board meeting that Reeve was active in, but seemingly not for the entirety of the board meeting, as Cait Sith appeared to be mid-conversation and trailed off when Reeve got bad news—this makes sense if he's connected to Cait Sith and has the capacity to control him directly as needed, but not if he had to do so actively 100% of the time. The other time is in Cosmo Canyon, because he's clearly not interested in their woo-woo metaphysical nonsense, and he cites it as taking time to recharge his batteries.
Reeve is still working as Director of Urban Planning during all of this, so I find it super hard to believe that he's spending 99.9999% his time at a computer or mentally controlling and speaking through a doll while also running the department that is trying to put Midgar back together after the plate drop—particularly not since we have official meta stating that he's an Inspire, which I cited in a reblog.
Beyond that, there's this bit in the OG, which Cait Sith says to himself, in an empty room:
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There is no explanation for this if Cait Sith is entirely remote controlled. There's no one else here to hear it, no reason for him to express these feelings—or even have feelings in the first place!
In Rebirth it's even more clear, because he expresses physical strain as he's literally holding the Temple up by keeping himself wedged under the platform. He's uncomfortable, he's physically taxed, he's in pain. Again, most of this occurs in an empty room, and would not happen if he was just a toy that Reeve had to control directly like a complex RC car or something.
The concept of likes and dislikes that are independent is less solidly shown in-canon, but they have distinctly different personalities, and Reeve is very clearly not interested in things like prophecies and the Promised Land and all that—he is a scientist at the end of the day, a civil and mechanical engineer—and yet Cait Sith's whole shtick is to tell fortunes! This is also something that he seems to enjoy doing quite a bit, even if he's not very good at it. (He gets better. Kinda.)
Cait Sith is obviously connected to Reeve, but it's equally obvious that he's not analogous. Presumably Cait Sith doesn't care when he's equated to Reeve because he is Reeve's eyes and ears in the field, even when he's not in direct control. The fact that he only really talks about himself as an individual when he's alone kind of implies that he'd rather the others not know, because he doesn't want them to be upset about what's going to happen to him; if he were nothing more than a glorified RC toy, this wouldn't be a concern, because he wouldn't have concerns at all.
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vivid-dreamscapes · 3 months
~♡~ Love’s captive duel ~♡~
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
7:00 PM. Wednesday night. Homework. At least, that’s what Katsuki Bakugou was stuck doing at this time.
In fucking fact, he had so much homework to get done tonight that he had decided for dinner he’d just have instant ramen. Which he was extremely pissy about, mumbling about how fuckin unhealthy this was.
At one point, when he was doing some of the online homework for Present Mic’s class, he got stuck on a problem. Which into made him MORE pissy. After a minute or two, he gave in and decided to text you. After all, you were the one who kept asking him homework questions. Time for him to cash in his reward.
Extra. Extra. EXTRA. Ffs, whatever you’re doing can’t be all that entertaining.
He waited, whistling slightly and staring up at the ceiling. Then he heard his phone buzz—he always kept it on silent in case Kirishima or that pink haired best friend of yours decided to go on one of they’re daily spamming sprees.
Busy, text someone else. Was your response. He rolled his eyes.
The hell are you so busy with?
Getting ready for a date.
Jealousy rose up in him, but he pushed it down. You? A date?
I CAN'T BELIEVE someone would even consider dating a dumbass like you.
Singular date, we’re not together.
Still, who in their right mind would want to go on a date with you?
This really cute guy named Kai.
What, like the guy who used Eri for bullets?
Shut up, of course not. He can burn in a ditch. Not even satan would let him into hell. This Kai is someone I’ve been talking to. Kinda like him.
Why do you like him? He's probably some scrawny loser that only wants things from you.
Psh, like what?
You do know how guys are, right?
Not all guys are the same.
I'm talking about teenage boys. We're all the same.
Fine I’ll bite. What do you think he wants?
The same thing every other teenage boy would want. Something perverted.
Not Kai.
Oh yeah? And how the hell do you know?
Cause he’s sweet. And nice and respectful. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a virgin cause he wanted to wait.
He's just playing you. Trust me, I know my own people.
So what, are you saying your perverted too?
…so you ARE perverted.
You rolled your eyes at his reply as you stared at your phone screen. You stood up before posing in front of the full mirror and snapping a pic. After that, you started texting him again.
I’m off for my date. Fit check?
You sent him off the photo without a second though, fixing the outfit a bit.
He rolled his eyes as his phone buzzed with a notification from you for the umpteenth time. He just wanted to focus on his homework for fucks sake.
He picked it up and raised an eyebrow. Clicking on the notification, the light hits his face as he sees the photo. “…fucker.” He mumbled, before texting a response that you had pretty much expected.
You look like a freak.
You rolled your eyes with a small smirk. This dumbass.
I AM hoping to get freaky tonight, to perfect! I’m off! <3
And with that, you had gone offline.
He stared at his phone with an annoyed expression as you texted him that. He couldn’t believe you were doing this and with some random boy.
He put his phone down and went back to his homework, but somehow he just couldn’t focus. Images of that picture you sent him kept popping up in his mind.
“Damn it..why the hell do you have to be so hot?” He mumbled.
The date had been last night. You hadn’t been at school all day today. At first Bakugou just thought you were sick.
But then Mina, your best friend, texted the class 1-A group chat, asking if anyone had seen you. According to her, you hadn’t been picking up your phone since around 9:00 last night.
Bakugou had watched as the chat got bombarded with people saying no. But the second Mina sent that text, he’d felt his heart drop.
“That doesn’t mean anything. There’s probably a logical explanation. Stop worrying so damn much.” He mumbled to himself and ran a hand through his hair. He stared at his phone. Waiting. Waiting for you to pop up in the chat saying you forgot to charge your phone or something.
One hour. Two hours. School was out and you hadn’t texted anybody. And he knew exactly who’s address he had to find.
As quickly as he could and as discreetly as he could manage, he was able to slip out of the school grounds and got to the front gates after 8:00. Which he was not happy about. Rip his sleep schedule. Making sure there was no one watching, he began running to the address he managed to dig up.
Thankfully, when he got there, it wasn’t that far. Standing in front of the place, he took a few breaths, not believing what he was about to do. He knocked on the door.
Barely even three seconds later, a teenaged boy with orange hair, grey eyes, and goat horns, ears, and a goat tail—his quirk—opened the door. Kai. The boy raised an eyebrow.
“Can I….help you?”
He paused. If Kai knew that this random blonde boy was looking for you, he surely wouldn’t let him in.
Bakugou put his hands in his pockets and tried to think of a believable excuse. It had to be a pretty goddamn good excuse if he wanted to get into the damn house.
Kai was eyeing him carefully, almost like he was assessing him.
“Uh…can I use your bathroom?”
God why was he so bad at this?
The goat boy just raised an eyebrow. The explosive boy noticed there was no cars in the driveway. Was Kai’s parents not home? That would make things kiiiinda easier.
Kai looked a little hesitant before eventually standing aside and letting him in. “Yea, it’s down the hall, first door on the right.” He pointed, and Bakugou mumbled a thanks, before beginning his search.
He looked around as subtlety as he could, making sure Kai didn’t notice. Where the hell was he supposed to start looking?
Start trying…closets? The basement? The attic? Kai’s bedroom? A possible guest bedroom?
The blonde boy walked down the hall and found the bathroom easily. He locked the door and waited a few minutes before flushing the toilet as if he actually used the bathroom.
He opened the bathroom door and peeked out to see if Kai was anywhere near. After making sure the coast was clear, he snuck down the hall.
He tried one of the doors. It was an office. The next one opened to a bedroom. Must be Kai’s parents.
He closed the door, tiptoed down the stairs, and turned to the basement door.
He opened the door and saw the dark staircase leading down into the basement. He slowly began walking down the steps. It creaked a little, but it wasn’t too loud. As he reached the bottom, he flicked on the light.
Suddenly light filled the room. As it revealed a whole game room. A pool table, couch, couple of chairs, and a big tv.
Bakugou began walking around the basement. That was when he heard it. Something that sent a shiver down his spine.
He had heard a thump, like someone kicking against something. But where? The basement didn’t seem to have a whole lotta hiding spaces, besides a few boxes, another small room, and a closet.
Another thump.
The blond’s eyes widened. That thump was definitely coming from the closet. He slowly began walking towards it.
He grabbed the handle and looked behind him to check if Kai was somehow watching. Once he was sure he was in the clear, he opened the door.
As the door opened, his eyes went wide as they fell on a sight he couldn’t believe.
There, sitting on the floor, with duct tape over your mouth and wrists tied in front of you, was …well, you. You had multiple bruises on your face.
Your outfit from the date was all tussled, along with your hair. Besides the cuts, bruises, and not so comforting mark wrapping around your neck, your eye had a black eye. Speaking of eyes, yours were closed. Not good.
Bakugou’s eyes widened at the sight. You looked like you’d been through hell and he’d been out here playing Sherlock Holmes.
He closed the door softly and rushed forward to kneel in front of you. He gently grabbed your chin, bringing your face up to look at him.
“Sssshit…” He quickly ripped the duct tape off your mouth. He took in your injuries and the mark on your neck, and then noticed the stab wound in your side. The red stains were bright against the clothing. The anger was bubbling up.
You weren’t waking up, but you weren’t dead. He could tell because he could see your chest moving, meaning you were breathing. Albeit in a shallow manner, but you were still breathing.
He quickly looked around through the closet, and noticed a few old sheets lying on the shelf above. “Damnit…why can’t the extra keep some damn first aid in a damn closet?”
He grabbed a few of the sheets and began tearing them into strips. Thank god for his sharp teeth or he’d be doing this forever. He gently grabbed your hand. “This might hurt a bit…but I’ll be quick.”
He quickly grabbed both of your wrists and, carefully, took out the pocket knife he had and cut through the rope. He grabbed your waist and began wrapping up the stab wound, careful not to touch it too much to avoid hurting you.
“God I’m gonna kill the damn extra that did this to you…” He gently touched your face and looked at your black eye and bruised lip. What had this monster done to you? Suddenly, he heard Kai’s voice from the top of the stairs.
“Everything okay down there?”
Bakugou quickly looked up after freezing. The maniac who had died this to you was probably starting to get suspicious.
Bakugou quickly draped his coat over you and shoved you behind a few larger boxes that were in the closet. “Uh…yeah! One of your damn boxes fell over and got me and my shoulder. Just cleaning up the mess.”
He prayed the excuse was believable.
“Okay…” There was a moment of silence before footsteps began descending the steps. Kai was coming into the basement. Damnit.
Bakugou stood up and closed the closet door. He hoped that leaving you behind a few boxes was enough for Kai to not notice. He leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets, acting as casual as he could manage.
“What the hell took you so long anyway?” The range haired boy asked as he came down the steps, walking into the area.
“The damn toilet was clogged.”
Kai chuckled and opened a random game cabinet before looking back at Bakugou. “I got a question for you.”
Bakugou tensed and internally groaned. This was definitely not gonna be a good question. “What?” He answered gruffly, trying really, really hard to keep his temper in check.
He wasn’t sure if the next few minutes determined wether he was about to fight this guy or not. But he didn’t let it show on his face.
”Why are you here?” Kai asked, tilting his head and looking over at the blonde with an eerie smile, taking something out of the cabinet and shoving it in his back pocket. Immediately, Bakugou narrowed his eyes.
“To use your damn bathroom.” He said simply as Kai walked over, hands in his pockets.
“Bullshit. The bathroom’s upstairs. Why you in my basement?”
“I was curious to see it.”
Kai reached Bakugou, standing in front of him. They were both the same height, both staring each other down, and both not backing down. The blonde furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes, the orange haired boy following.
“That’s a load of shit and you know it. You could have gone to the bathroom in any other house. Why here.”
“It was the closest and I didn’t wanna piss my pants. Do I gotta have another damn reason?”
“Why were you taking so long in the bathroom?”
“I hadd’a shit.” The blonde said, residing a taunting eyebrow with a smirk. “Ever thought of that?”
Kai narrowed his eyes. This fucker. He stepped closer and Bakugou’s smirk dropped. Did this goat boy suddenly seem…taller?
“Do you know the name Y/n L/n?”
“Never heard of it.”
“Funny.” Kai said, cocking his head with a small laugh. “Cause they mentioned you. Said they were in your class? You fucking class? Ain’t you a little liar.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened. Oh shit. This psychopath knew him. Meaning he probably had an idea of why he was here, and facades were going away.
Kai smirked and tilted his head, coming closer. Oh he was definitely subtly taller. “Oh, you scared? You nervous now little hero?”
“What do you want with them?” The blonde asked, hoping your captor wouldn’t realize that not only were you found, but unbound and hidden too.
“Some guy wanted to get his hands on ‘em. Some fuckin creep, all burned and crispy.” Kai said, tilting his head again. “You’d knkw who, right?”
“What are you implying bastard?” Bakugou asked, fists clenched in his pockets. Kai smirked and stepped closer, causing the blond to press himself up against the wall slightly.
“I’ll give you a hint. The guy who asked me to kidnap Y/n is the same fucking guy who helped kidnap you.”
Bakugou froze. That name alone made him feel his blood boil. Dabi. Someone he’d wanted to get his hands on for a loong time now. “Dabi….” He muttered the name angrily. His hands were shaking from how he held them in fists in his pockets.
Of all people? This had been him?? Why would he do this?
Bakugou took a deep breath, trying to control the anger bubbling inside him before he did something he might regret.
“How the hell does he know you? How do you know him?”
A question. A simple question. But he was demanding answers. Answers right now. He tried to stay calm, he really did.
Kai just laughed arrogantly and got closer, pressing the blonde further against the wall.
“Like I’d fucking tell you, little hero.”
That was it. That was the tipping point for Bakugou. Kai was right up in his face and this arrogant attitude of his was pissing him off. He’d heard enough.
“I. Said. How. The. Hell. Do. You. Know. Him.” He clenched his jaw, doing everything humanly possible to hold back from exploding.
“Your so fucking pathet-“ And that’s when the goat boy was met with a punch to the face.
All it took was one punch to send Kai stumbling backwards. Kai looked back up with a glare but before he could get up again, Bakugou was on him. He grabbed his shirt and pushed him against a wall.
He was fuming with anger but he tried to control himself as best as he could.
“You have 3 Goddamn seconds to tell me everything you know before I blow your face off.” He said through clenched teeth, a deep fury in his crimson eyes. The sparking hand in Kai’s face told him this guy wasn’t fucking around.
Kai let out a pained laugh, despite his growing nervousness. “What are you, Her knight in shining armor? Fuckin simp.”
Bakugou was not happy with that answer.
With one hand pinning the orange haired bastard, he threw a strong punch to the stomach, hard enough that it would take the breath away from this extra.
“Try again.” He said in a tone that was more than just a warning.
Kai coughed and looked back up to meet the blondes angry gaze. “I- cough - don’t know much. Honest.”
“Not good enough.” Bakugou punched him in the stomach again. This guy just wasn’t getting it through his head. “Try. Again.” He had a hard grip on the guys shirt, and it sure as hell wasn’t loosening any time soon.
Kai grimaced. This bastard in front of him was not messing around and he could tell. The orange haired boy had to tread careful here. “He just needed me to do him a favor…”
“What goddamn favor?” His grip on the guys shirt got tighter, his knuckles turning white. He needed to get answers and he needed them now.
“Fuck man, ease up and I’ll tell ya.”
Bakugou almost growled. He was getting frustrated. Kai just wasn’t giving in that easy.
“Stop beating around the damn bush. He asked you to do something and you did it. Now what did he ask?!” The blonde wasn’t gonna let this bastard go until he got an answer. He took a deep breath and leaned closer so their faces were nearly touching. “I swear to God, if you don’t tell me everything you know about Dabi in the next ten seconds, you will know the wrath of a furious hero.”
Kai looked at him, placing a hand on the arm holding him to the wall. “Future hero. If even.” The boy said, reaching into his back pocket. Whatever he had grabbed from the game cabinet earlier was in there. He just needed and escape route and he could get Dabi.
“Because pro heroes…” Kai said with a small smirk as he lifted up a gun towards your unconscious body. Bakugou’s eyes widened. Oh gods. He had noticed you, tucked behind the boxes, but not out of shooting range. “Don’t let people die.”
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mmimagine-40 · 19 days
The Love of a Father
I don't know why I am on such a kick for Stark!Reader but I am so enjoy!
Mainly: Dad!Tony Stark x Peter Parker x Stark!F!Reader
Other Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!F!Reader x Bucky Barnes, MJ x Peter Parker.
The atmosphere in the Avenger Campus was..tenses. To say lightly. Just taking one step on the campus and you can feel how everyone was on edge. All the Avengers seem off. Snappy almost. Worst of them was Tony , Steve and Bucky. It been like this for Weeks. Ever since losing contact with Y/n and Peter.
A few weeks back Y/n and Peter were sent on a quick and simple mission. There had been some strange Activity readings coming from an abounded building that was once know to be used by Hydra. It should have been a fast and easy mission. Just get in, get some readings and get back. At the most should have taken 3-4 days. But the mission went wrong fast. As drones came out attacking Y/n and Peter. The last thing that The Avengers had any communications with them, they saw Peter and Y/n complaining about their suit acting up. Then at one moment Y/n tries saying something about her suite not respawning to her. Then her communications and suit went offline. They all watched in horror as they can see Y/n falling out of the sky. Peter swings trying to get to her as he screams her name before his suite and communications also went offline. The Avengers lost all connection to them.
Tony , Steve and Bucky went crazy. Pinning the last known location of their suits and running off to the location. Trying to find them. But every lead they found was a dead end.
In those weeks it became so tense in the Avengers campus. Everyone on edge as they also worry about Peter and Y/n. They were also very worried about Steve , Bucky and Tony. Who all three were on a thin line from breaking. Tony was locked up in his lab all day and night. Never leaving. At times there can even be tools and other objects being thrown around the lab. Steve and Bucky weren't much better in the training rooms. Needing to blow off steam. Steve broke almost every single punching bag. And Bucky volunteered to spar and train the new recruits. All of which ended up in the infirmity with injuries.
It was another day of the three not sleeping and stressing. When alarms started going off in the building. Many of the avengers come together in communications room. "Whats going on here?" Tony asked rushing in. Nat looked back at him before looking back at the screens trying not to say anything about his dark eye bags. Normal she wouldn't hold back. But she knows Tony along with Steve and Bucky aren't holding it very well with Peter and y/n missing. "Someone hacked into the system and got one of the quin jets to take off". "Do we have any way to get control of it again or anything?" Steve asked as he and Bucky also walked in. Nat shook her head no. "Whoever it is they know what they are doing. They took full control we are completely locked out. Even Friday can't get into it". Tony nodded as he step forward watching the screen as it shows the flight path the jet was going on. "Okay lets keep an eye on it see where its going.".
Over the the next day they kept a close eye on the jet when they noted that the jet was heading back to the campus. The Avengers decided to suit up and wait for the jet. To get the element of surprise on whoever took the jet and is coming back.
Friday; Communications form Quinn Jet 2914 incoming.
Tony approved it as the avengers listen in to see who it was. "Y/n Stark, (Iron hero name), We are about 20 minutes from landing at avengers campus. I'm going to need a med unit as soon as we land.". Y/ns voice cracks through the coms. Everyone went silent as their breath catches into their throats. "Friday get the med units here now!" Tony said panicking as he pulled up the screens to see when the jet will land.
Those 20 minutes felt like years as they all waited. Seeing the jet come down and land. All on edge as they wait for the doors to come down. Standing back to not rush Y/n and Peter. After landing a few minutes later, Y/n and Peter coming hobbling out. They look very rough. Beaten and cut. Peter leaned on Y/n as his arm was around her shoulders as she basically carried him out. The medical Unit rushed forward with Tony , Steve and Bucky. Tony helping Y/n get Peter on a stretcher. Then get the medical team rushing Peter off as he was in a very bad condition. Y/n stepped back as she let the team take over. As she did Steve and Bucky stepped up to check her over. She sighed as she turned them. Falling tired into Steves arms. Steve pulls her close. Picking her up as he carries her to the medical unit as well.
Its now been days since the events. Tony , Steve and Bucky never leave their side. Making sure that Peter and Y/n were okay and getting the story of what happen. But as the days passed Steve and Bucky became worried. Y/n wasn't really talking. She was off. They tried to be patient and let her heal. But they were worried about her.
After Peter and Y/n healed and were doing a bit better the Avengers held a get together. Not a full party. Just sitting around drinking , eating and being around one another. Steve and Bucky were talking as they watched Y/n carefully.
"i'm worried about her. Shes....just not the same". Steve said to Bucky as they watched Y/n. "I am too. I know we need to give her time. But still. I'm afraid something else is wrong." Bucky replied. Steve nodded as they see Pepper as she was get a drink. They look at each other before walking over to Pepper. "Hey Pepper, Can we talk to you a bit.". Pepper smiled up at them. "Hi Steve, Bucky. Yeah what's up?". "Its Y/n. We are worried about her ... she seems off.". Bucky said. Pepper smiled softly as she nodded seeing what they are talking about. She gesture them to follow her. They do as she walks them over to one of the couches that was off to the side of the room. On the couch asleep was Tony laying flat on his back. tucked into one side was Y/n then other side Peter and laying on his chest was Morgan. As they all slept. Tony holding them all close to them.
"She just needs her fathers comfort.... I know its hard. But give her some time. She will be okay." Pepper says softly to them. Both Steve and Bucky nodded as they looked down at them. Y/ns face was more relaxed as she slept in the comfort of her father and her siblings.
A fathers love is what both siblings needed to heal.
This is not the best, I had this idea of needing a fathers comfort but wasn't sure how to write it. Please if you wish to use the idea please do and tag me. Enjoy -MM
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