#it's okay maxwell i think you're cool
m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Let it Be Close-watch
Paul, sweety, it's beautiful, but it's killing the vibe.
Ringo looks like a very old, very tired lab rat whose been put through the maze a few too many times
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Somehow the air-brown mostly eaten apple is very appropriate.
She looks far too sweet here to ever let John down. Yoko has very kind eyes.
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I love how it makes it seem like Paul and John are calling Maxwell “the corny one” but really we know from Get Back that they're talking about a particular arrangement they were trying out for Don't Let me Down.
I swear he's saying “John” there, not “Joan” and also he said “came down upon His head” so… Oh! And Max died in the end in this version? “Sure that Max was dead” Okay. So Paul kills John and then himself. Murder suicide story. Yeah, Paul, you're doing great mentally, we can all tell.
I love how George getting electrocuted was important enough to make the cut for both films. Poor baby. “If this boy dies you're gonna cop it” from the guy who was just singing about a serial killer.
They're so silly
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Yoko does not agree with me
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Paul: stealing your man, sweetheart. John: oh no I'm being stolen teehee!
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They're so silly
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Oh wait, were those bitchy looks at George??? Because there he is. Idk could easily be him or Yoko.
this poor autistic baby trying to use words (not his language) to explain music (his language)
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“Good MoOornin! Wooah!” I think I just … You know how Mike said people were booing Paul in the theater watching this? Yeah it's because they were pissed he didn't step out of the screen and onto their necks.
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Oh Michael put himself in his own movie too? Huh, cool.
They are always in my heart
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The way Paul says “get on the mic” to John??? I would've thrown something, that was so fucking bossy! Just his tone and his face and his angry pointing fingers. So mean. And John just goes “okaaay”. Oof.
Ringo covering his eyes like a little kid watching a scary movie during the orange sweater fight. Same, babe.
Sounds like the original lyric John's going for is something long “All I want is you. Nothing else is gonna do.” But that obviously didn't fit with the tune. I wonder if there was a particular conversation with Paul being controlling that made the “everything has got to be the way you want it to” line click in.
Oh my gosh! So George is showing I Me Mine to Ringo and Paul and he says the “I don't give a fuck it can go in musical” line before he even plays it. Not after John's making fun of him like he does in Get Back. Nagra reels experts: which one is correct??
George: it's a heavy waltz. Ringo:*claps hands angrily and punches the air to a ¾ beat. I love him, he's like the core of “Beatle humor” to me.
Woah there! Okay this is the John/Yoko pda Peter Jackson cut, I see. I wonder if there's a lot more footage of them swapping spit that might make the “oh John was just so in love” theory more reasonable.
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It's extremely impressive that George just wrote this whole thing last night. You know? John and Paul have brought in all fragments from what I can tell. He's the only one to come in with a basically finished product.
LMAO and we're just going to Apple now. No reason. Nothing happened. Nothing to see. Moving on.
Ringo is so so cute pretending to hide from the cameras. Really he should've been the cute one.
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Is it just me or does Paul drop the sillies and get sad when he sings “always be mine” at John? It's his regular voice, too, for a minute, if I'm not mistaken.
Silly cuties. But John's grin and little sexy tongue action happens the second time Paul sings always be mine, so…
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What friendly artistic collaboration looks like when it's not psychosexual
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Paul: have you played the dubs? George: yeah. Terrible. Paul: Great! Ringo: terrible. John: laughs Paul: (sarcastic) oh, so dreadful. …. John: where's my guitar? Paul: (still sarcastic) well we're just the greatest band ever. Idk I just like this dialogue. It's very them, you know?
This is adorable.
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But I also love how they're already communicating with eyebrows, you know? They just bonded so fast and I find that beautiful.
And then Heather ups their game from taking turns going “chchchchch” into the mic to meowing into the mic. She looks at Paul like “okay your turn” and he sets her down lol he's thinking ‘if I meow into the mic right now after John already had a sex dream last night about me, he might actually cream his pants and we can't have that on camera’
Lol Billy just magically appeared!
Paul you're literally so annoying. You started the goofing off and now you're like “alright lads, that's enough.” Mkay.
He is unbelievably sexy and talented though so you know he does have those little things going for him. Someone write me a Paul/Billy fic please!!
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Kinda crazy how they all four just slide straight from “Kansas City” to “Miss Ann” to “Lawdy Miss Claudy”. Makes me think of something they might've done in Hamburg.
I'm sorry but Paul finishes “please don't excite me baby. I'm down in misery.” And John's immediate answer is, “well you can get it if you want it, and if you want it you can get it!” And Paul ends up singing “I want it I want it I want it I want it”. Nice. Very subtle, boys. And that's before John gets kinky.
I love how Heather just forces a hug from George and then immediately runs away. What a cutie.
But really. How did anyone watching this get the idea that John hated Paul? Just confirmation bias I guess?
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All the cut off conversations kill me but especially the one where John's working though Paul's anxieties. They're just in the middle of it and then cut. “two of us Sunday driving…”
Someone should do a study of whistling in their songs. I feel like it's another one of their tip offs that “hey this one is about us” Anyway I love John's whistling here. He's so good at it. I can just imagine him as some farm boy picking apples, you know?
Imagine booing this poor stay puppy though, like. What? I mean, what if Johann Weiner was wrong and John wasn't crying at the sight of him and Paul playing triumphant together on the rooftop, but at Paul playing his little heart out about their doomed love. Idk it's probably both. Let's be real, John was bawling through the whole thing.
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What is George laughing at? Picture quality is garbage because evil corporations don't let you take screenshots of their content, but he looks like that one kid in your elementary school class that just dumped Cheetos all over his crushes desk and thinks he's a criminal mastermind.
Also I do appreciate all the attention given in the chosen shots to the musicianship. I bet they liked that at least if they had the heart to like anything about the movie at the time.
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I'm sorry but I love how in sync Mo and Paul are. With this ducking and later the shimmying. I know it's wrong to ship Ringo’s wife with one of the Beatles she didn't sleep with, but… idk I really want her to have bedded all four at one point, you know? She deserves it, being an og.
Okay but yeah I'd be having a public meltdown if I fumbled that too holy fucking shit
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Ringo feeling himself as he should
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George just looks like he smells nice. Unlike the others. You know?
John has such a beautiful smile. If somebody looked at me like that I'd put him up on a giant screen behind me on my world tour after he'd been dead for forty years too.
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That pleeeaaaheeeaaase though. Looking at Paul. How did he survive I'll never know.
The cut from screaming Paul to grouchy nap lady is extremely painful.
John was so cool in this concert. Like the epitome of cool.
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Kevin, my love, thank you for your service
I love Yoko leaning so far and craning her neck. She's like a mom at a school talent show. Like “I only came to see my baby.” Type vibe. Which is exactly what she's doing, unlike Mo, and honestly I find both of them extremely valid
You know in movies where the romantic leads are never looking at each other at the same time?
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I think I watched George and John switching back on their amps like fifty times because I just love it so much. And from this angle, you can see John's saying something to Paul about it. He looks serious and he's shaking his head. I wonder what he's saying.
Mal Evans I love you forever for this. Look at his hand on the rail, just blocking them off completely, so protective.
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Them turning to each other at the end always gets me. It's automatic, like second nature, and it's the last time ever. They deserved better.
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Oh Darling duet in the credits are you fucking kidding me??? Was that in the original? “Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh I do.” That's the second time that they gave away in this footage that they know they're talking to each other in their music.
Alright, that's it, I guess. And then MLH is haunted by this experience for forty years until he makes Two of Us to purge the demons.
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jpitha · 2 years
The K'laxi head of security flattened his ears in frustration and sighed.
"Okay. Go over it one more time."
"Right, so we were at the bar."
"Who was at the bar?"
"Me, Damien, Kenneth and N'ara"
"And all of you were drinking?"
"Well yes, it's a bar." The head of security flicks his ear, a raised eyebrow. "Sorry. Yes, N'ara was having vodka sodas, you know how K'laxi are with mixers - er, no offense."
"None taken."
"And Damien and Kenneth and I were having French 75s. You know, fancy, classic, tasty..."
"And easy to overindulge?"
He nodded, quickly, then winced at the headache. "Yeah, you understand! They sneak up on you. Anyway, we got to talking about Humans."
"But, you are Humans?"
"N'ara isn't. I think she was trying to hit on Kenneth. She was all - he at least had the good taste to not try and approximate a K'laxi accent - "tell me about yourselves! Earth sounds so interesting!" and so on and so on. Kenneth talked about how Humans have pretty decent reflexes and are decent at catching and throwing."
"Yes, I've seen you play - oh ancestors what was the name? - Ultimate Frisbee in the Commons."
"That game rules! You should come join the All Starbase League! It's a beer league, nothing too intense. We have lots of K'laxi on the team."
"Your reflexes?"
"Oh yeah yeah! Kenneth was like" Here, he lowers his voice. "I bet I have the best reflexes in the joint. I can catch anything you throw at me, go on and try!"
The head of security gestures for him to continue.
"So then Damien gets up and goes clear to the other side of the bar and shouts-" Here, his voice gets improbably high. "You think you're so good? Then catch THIS!" and whips his champagne flute right at him!"
The head of security makes a note "Which kicked off the bar fight."
"Yeah, he missed and just pelted some crewman from a Starjumper right upside the head. Anyway, it was pretty wild there for a few. I saw this human who looked like she was on a date with a K'laxi straight up catch a chair and put it down in one fluid motion!" He clearly was impressed.
He makes another note and puts the pad down. "It took 10 security personnel to break up the fight; the bartender says that fully two thirds of their glassware and half their chairs are broken. 3 people are in the infirmary. Everyone AND the security cameras say that you four started it, and you tell me that it was an accident because Kenneth was showing off to N'ara?"
He nods. "I mean, it sounds less cool in the morning and when you explain it."
He puts his head in his hands. Everyone starts bar fights when they get too drunk, but the Humans always wind up having...memorable ones.
"David, you were here two weeks ago for the...incident in Gene's Gym, weren't you?"
"Uh yeah, but that one wasn't alcohol related, I just thought that 4gees didn't sound that much and that Maxwell was just pretending how hard it was to show off." He rubbed his jaw. "Turns out he was really stacked."
"And last month, in the Commons? The Fountain?"
"I was sure it was a hologram."
The head of security stared at him hard for just a moment longer than was comfortable.
David dropped his eyes. "Sorry, Chief Y'meni"
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, David. You're on community service, two weeks. Every day - including the weekend - you're cleaning up the Commons for two hours and then you're volunteering to help at the bar, at the Gym and anywhere else people have requested assistance."
"Yes Chief."
"I mean it David. I'm going easy on you because you seem like a good guy, but you need to watch what you're doing. You're going to get hurt, or worse, hurt someone else."
"Yes Chief."
"Send in..." He looked at the pad. "Damien. I need to talk to him next."
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girlwholovesturtles · 9 months
Okay, a bit of a long pause- Oh, hi Tim, and Martin too. I missed you two. Not gonna lie, I'm vibing with Tim. I kinda agree with him. This is all kind of fucked up.
Yes, exactly! They didn't know anything about Michael because Jon never told them and very likely he still hasn't told them. It could have gotten them killed, hell, maybe it should have gotten them killed. It's kind of hard to say really. Jon needs to involve everyone at the Archive at this point because everyone is in danger.
Hm, okay, now I'm not totally siding with Tim. Yes, Jon should have talked with his team, he should have trusted them, but it most certainly isn't Jon's fault that they're stuck like this. And Sasha's death is even less his fault. I get that he's hurt and upset but Jon didn't know about any of this stuff. If they're gonna be mad at anyone, it should be Elias at this point.
"If you're that eager..." is Martin talking to the Eye or the Archive at this point? Like I agree but he could totally just turn the recorder off and go about his day, same as Tim.
Algernon Moss. That sure is a name.
This man really outbid someone out of spite. How much money did you just throw away just to mess with an old blind man?
"Pray the Sandman only brings you sleep." Yeah, that feels like a threat.
Hm, this dude's father is making him make more sense. Hurt people hurt people and tools tend to raise tools.
"Positively ghoulish..." How very posh of you to say.
Okay, is this Sandman the Distortion or the shadow god?
Wait, yeah, Maxwell Rayner does sound familiar. I think he's the dude who's been brought up a few times, buying and selling possibly magic wares. I wish I could remember more about him but I refuse to look him up any further then how to spell his name. I get spoiled on things every time I try to look up something I already know and I'm trying to avoid anything further.
Oh, is Melanie gonna be doing more of these records? Looking forward to that. The VA is very good, so it would be nice to hear more from her.
"Are you afraid of getting fired." Oh wow, she's right. Elias firing them may very well be the best out come, wouldn't it?
Melanie... watcha doin? Um... did you try to poison this man?
"I don't know everything. Do you know how exhausting that would be?" I'm sorry? Do you... do you have experience there, Elias? What is your deal, man?!
"You get used to it." What?! So the tapes start themselves now? And Elias is just cool with this. I don't think I would try to kill this man but I do think I would try to beat him up at this point because oh my god!
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch6 [8~14]
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are you fucking kidding me I apologize, students sorry……..
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oh gosh the possibility of Serge appearing is increasing ah, have Klaus and Serge already met? so he was that distraught? well it's not a bad guess
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does Al know Taffy too? it's not easy to not know about that bipedalism plush though by the way, is Al aware of that incident 6 years ago related to Klaus-Randy-Serge one student being petrified is an incident that could have a significant impact anyway…?
Anyway, his soft voice and the sound of his approaching footsteps were painfully loud for Liz in this state.
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oh I know this
On that day, mankind received a grim reminder.
But contrary to her fears, he gently scooped her up in his arms, informing her the potion had temporarily turned her into a cat.
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I told you, this guy is also kinda weird I recognized his bizarre taste from the time he said that Illusion Station was cool while everyone else said it was gloomy and dismal
So she leaped down from his arms for a big cat adventure. Just because her body became a cat, did her mental age also become a cat?
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snap out of it man you wanna eat feedstuff for the rest of your life?
As she was walking through the courtyard…
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Klaus and Cae spotted
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oh? what's this conversation has there been any progress in the investigation? but why are you guys the only ones who know let me know too
Just then, Cae stopped his departure.
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heh… so he also noticed those two nocturnal idiots won't notice nor care at all though
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And well she happened to sit on his lap.
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maybe this is her chance to hear his inner thoughts this time, she'll be able to eavesdrop without being discovered well it feels like you're digging into the person's inner thoughts without their consent though~…
ahem mah! everyone has their own burden! besides I think he started life in rather easy mode? his family is somewhat high-class, his economic situation is decent, his appearance is good, and his skills are excellent …is he bragging or something
At that time, Al's voice was heard calling Liz's name from afar.
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erm well I don't think Al's backstory will be dealt with in any depth right now… they'll just create a temporary unstable atmosphere and then move on as if nothing happened I guess?
Anyway, when Al was trying to pick up her from Klaus…
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wellll… has the effect disappeared? but then, was there really a need for an antidote
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hehe… thigh… zettai ryouiki… hehe…
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by the way, it's the bridal carry pose again just like in Ch3… but now that I think about it, that pose is kinda awkward? now her abdomen is in the upper but if she was sitting on his lap while being a cat, she would've been sitting like Maxwell cat
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like this
uh… or not perhaps it would've looked weird if she had turned into a human in that exact posture
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okay I got it it looks definitely weird
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so there was no need to take an antidote but well she turned back into a human before she could do anything worthy as a cat. it feels kinda deflated~… we couldn't hear his inner thoughts (this might just be because I bought a normal item though), and becoming a cat didn't make much progress in the story or was this chapter created as a rest session for the next chapter
Anyway, when Klaus asked for an explanation of the situation, Liz started explaining why she turned into a cat and why she ended up sitting on his lap.
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this is not entirely her fault, this fuss wouldn't have existed if that plush hadn't suddenly popped out the mighty emperor is giving a lecture again
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Al… that guy keeps nagging
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what what? what's this sudden outburst no way turn on the blinker ;; what are you doing
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huh,,,,,,, what's wrong with that guy his apology doesn't sound like an apology at all, there's not a single sincerity in it
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Al… you should let it slide you said you've known him for a long time, you already know his personality is quite… one that you don't want to get close to, yeah? you should let it slide…… I'm sorry I can only tell you this, but… there's nothing else I can do
-Ch6 End-
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he's not here ! ! ! this goes against our deal Solmare
nah don't give up yet perhaps in Ch7!
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OCs still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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MY MUSE IS: canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated. (headcanon heavy)
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (kinda?? people think he's annoying)
I try to stick to canon as much as I can, but my Ivar is also pretty headcanon driven at times because canon doesn't give us a ton to work with. He's just such an interesting character to me. Just as interesting as Jude, but even more so since they're like two sides of the same coin. I try to take his views on Jude into account but also try to focus on a bit more than that. Like... boy has a one track mind, but there's more to him than just being hyper focused on Milla or Jude. You know?
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
My lovely mutuals, I present to you one good boy chosen to be the handmaid of Milla Maxwell!
He's devoted, he's loyal, and he's willing to drop everything in the name of doing his duties. He is a beastcrafter, meaning he can communicate with animals! He dual wields daggers! He's funny!
He's also good with kids and animals. Could be a good babysitter (maybe). Also, he has cool sunglasses! What's not to like?
Also he's (maybe??) near unkillable to some degree? Boy lodged a piece of his own dagger into his head and survived.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
Okay so let's get this out of the way. Ivar is a dingus supreme. That willingness to drop everything to fulfill his duties? The downside to that is that if he thinks his duty to protect Milla is more important than say, protecting Nia Khera, he will drop the latter in favor of the former. Much to the annoyance of anyone involved.
Ivar can be pretty intense when it comes to how he decides who he doesn't like. Sorry, Jude, but you're the best example here. Boyo was going to try and kill Jude because how dare Milla have someone else that she puts a lot of trust in instead of him. Boyo got so focused on fighting Jude that he allowed Milla to start crawling away to get to her destination on her own.
So, yeah, he's got a short temper. That can lead to him doing dumb things, especially if he thinks it will lead to him one upping someone he doesn't like.
Also, don't let him anywhere near guns. The fact he accidentally fired one while trying to teach Ludger how to use one should be all you need to know.
I've always really liked Ivar as a character. As stated above, I love the fact that he and Jude basically are two sides of the same coin. The fandom thinks he's annoying and while I can at least see where they're coming from, I think there's a lot more to him than what the fandom sees. He's fascinating to me. I feel like he could have made an interesting addition to the party.
Mostly, though? I just wanted to give him some love. So I grabbed him as one of my many muses. Because he's my silly little guy.
Just thinking about this dingus is enough sometimes. But also like?? Plotting and chatting with my friends is also a big help. Just having other Tales writers to bounce off of, especially other Xillia muse enjoyers, is just the ticket.
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS? YES / NO / KINDA. (I really should write more headcanons!)
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES? YES / NO. (not for Ivar specifically, but that might change!)
YES ABSOLUTELY. As long as it's not just 'Lol, your Ivar sucks' and doing nothing to elaborate on how I could improve, then by all means throw your critique at me!
I mean, it depends on the headcanon. Like I headcanon Ivar is very distantly related to the Kresnik Clan based on tiny things I picked up on in my most recent playthrough of Xillia 2. Mostly just in relation to the Maxwell stuff. But I could see people seeing that headcanon and going 'Um?? No, that's dumb' and I would be fine with that. Different interpretations, it's all good.
Now if it was my headcanon that Ivar's got a forehead scar from the aforementioned dagger piece getting lodged in his head that people disagreed with, that would be something I'd like to hear about.
I mean, honestly? There's always going to be people that don't like how people write canon characters. If someone disagrees with how I write Ivar? That's all good. So I wouldn't be too bothered.
It only would become an issue if someone disagreed with my portrayal and then like... proceeded to be nasty about it. You know?
So far I've not come across anyone who actively hates Ivar, which is good. But I know the fandom is pretty quick to call him annoying which, honestly, I could see as people just jumping to hating him because of how he's presented. Especially in Xillia 1. So if you hate Ivar? That's cool, man. Just let me enjoy my funny little dingus.
YES. YES, PLEASE. That and spelling errors. I like to think I'm pretty thorough with checking my replies, but sometimes I'm not. Please feel free to point out errors. I'm not perfect.
I think so? For all I know, though, I could be wrong.
tagged by: Stolen from @mathcs tagging: Whoever wants to!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 😊 ¿como te va? ¿Sigues de viaje? I hope you're having a good time and drinking enough water or tea or both!!
I'm going the farm this weekend because apparently Cocoa is sick, I've been assure that is not serious but I still want to go and see my fluffy girl 😌
The One with the Seashell
I'll try to keep this one short so Tumblr doesn't go 🤯
Maxwell needs to take a chill pill but also I would be the same!! I WANT MY MAVID BACK!!
Nicolas remains grounded!! 😒
Numeri sounds cool but also fuck math 😒
My son has been trying to use warlock math to grow up... Nicolas you are ungrounded 😭😭😭
Yes, I am that easy, so what??
“Helping someone doesn’t mean you have to make yourself uncomfortable,” bapak said softly.
I needed this today 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Does Magnus have super smell?? He cannot possibly know that Max was practicing warlock math just by the smell of magic... or maybe my son's magic has a very particular smell 🤔
Answers I need answers!!!
“The wards are only for shadowhunters. It detects them by their runes. You don’t have runes, right? You’ll be okay. I promise.”
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Maybe Roman and Gigi shouldn't go to Devlin Corp!!! I don't think their plan is going to work!!
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Holy shit it worked!!
There was something about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it.
It was a circle with a red border and there were two smaller black circles, one on either side.
I have SO many questions!!!!
She fought the urge to set the whole damn place on fire.
Stop fighting and let it BURN!!!
Georgia looked at him. “Roman. We have to take it with us.”
TAKE IT!!! Take the seashell and RUN!!!
“It’s very rude to steal someone else’s property,” the boy told her.
First of all... OH FUCK!!! Second of all... that seashell is not yours so shut the fuck up!!!
The tiny device pulsed bluer and louder and harder than Gigi had seen before.
Oh no!! Oh no!!! I feel like this is going to backfire!!
What was that??? What fuck just happened???
“So, we’re not gonna tell him his brother died?”
I HATE THEM!!! I don't really care about the evil twins but that is shitty AF!!
“Stick to the plan. I want you to find Alec Lightwood.”
Dani no!! That was how my nightmare started 🥺🥺
“I will not let your delusional relationship ruin my legacy,” Marcus hissed.
But I am enjoying their fight, go ahead destroy each other!! Muahahaha
This bitch really thinks that Maxwell is going to forget about David... I need a stronger word than delusional!!
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You are both delusional you evil bitch!!!
Oh Max 😭😭😭 this entire scene is hard, I'm glad this is from Mallory's POV and not Max’s because I want scream and cry 😭😭😭 my poor angel!!
M for Mallory.
No! Is an M for Malvada which you are!!
Yay LEXI!!! My twins always make me feel better!!
“Marcus and Mallory?” Lexi asked. “Look, man, I seriously think we should just, you know, be done with it.”
I agree!!!
Ok Achilles has a point but...
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Achilles laughed at that. “I understand this must all be frustrating for you.”
Yes, it is very much!!!
“Too impulsive,” Mallory tutted. “And too arrogant.”
This bitch better not hurt my precious twin or else!!!!
The rings wrapped around Lexi’s ankles and locked her to the ground.
See!!! This why sometimes murder IS the answer!!!
“Daddy!” Lexi screamed and fell to the ground and clutched at her father. “Daddy, no!”
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Danielaaaaaa!!! Why? Why????
"Play time's over," Uncle Magnus said and then looked at the blonde man. "Jonathan, get off the ground. You are ruining a good shirt."
Oh yes!!! Our savior!!
But Mallory pulled the warlock closer by his shirt. “You fucking idiot.”
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“You dumb bitch,” she said. “Alec Lightwood is going to kill you with his bare hands.”
That he will!! And I will help him!!
Dani... this chapter!! OMG!!! The amount of times I screamed!!!! You are amazing!!!
I tried to keep this short and organized but once again I have failed 😬
Thank youuuu!!! I am love you most 💚💚💚💚
okay now thanks to you i am 11% curse and say terms of endearment in spanish hehe.
today's word: mi preciosa ;)
And oh no! I also have the fucking flu since Sunday and i hate being sick! I hope Cocoa is okay and you get to visit her soon x
also if tumblr fucks with us again, i will sue!!!
I am love you the mostest 💚💚
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einwish · 7 years
👀 + "Why are you so dismissive of me, the Amazing Maxwell, the greatest magician who ever graced this city?"
§ Maxwell who? § Never heard of you around here buddy
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§ There are thousands of human subjects from hundreds of different worlds residing in this city. The truth is that you simply don’t stand out enough when compared to the rest. §
Wrong age, wrong gender, wrong level of need—a poor investment for any Incubator, and a poor choice for Kyubey indeed if he actually took the man seriously.
§ If anything, I have a better memory of what Robin got from the menu during the last time we ate out. §
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§ What do you have to offer me, Maxwell? Nothing I can’t manage on my own. If that’s the case, why should I waste my time on you? §
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Perfect To Me [Maxwell Lord x Reader]
Author's note: This is so self indulgent. I've been having a bad night and this just, kinda happened. I have a really bad relationship with my body image n stuff and so writing this sorta helped me vent out my feelings. Maxwell is like my fave character and I love him so much so ofcourseeee I wrote it with him. Anyways I want you to know that your favourite character loves you so much even when you feel like you're not worth it or in the moments you don't love yourself. I mean it, they love you.
Warnings: body dysmorphia, disordered thinking of a self conscious reader. And also. A little self conscious Maxwell.
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: PG-13
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gif by @santigarcia
You hated it. You hated everything about it. You didn't understand, when you had tried it on in the store just a few hours ago, you loved it. It fit you beautifully. But now, it wasn't the same. It was like something had drastically changed but you couldn't place your finger on what exactly it was. 
"Honey we're going to be late!" you heard Maxwell call from downstairs. Anxiety filled your body knowing that you had to be at the gala in— you checked the time— twenty minutes. "The carpool is waiting!" he called again. You could hear the stress in his voice. He hated being late, especially for events.
"Just a minute!" you shouted back but the words left your lips as a croak, breaking at the end. You scrunched your nose up in disdain and hoped that Maxwell hadn't heard the change in your voice.
You couldn't do this; your blood running cold as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You wanted to rip the dress off, climb under the blankets of your enormous bed and cry. You looked disgusting, embarassing… you didn't look like someone who should be dating Maxwell Lord. Tears pricked your eyes as you imagined the way everyone would be looking at you if you attended the gala wearing that monstrosity. You believed that the dress would be beautiful on every single other person; just not you.
You didn't know what to do. Quickly, you ran to your walk in closet and angrily began to pull out all the dresses that had been neatly organised and hung up. They fell in messy pools on the floor. You wanted to scream in anger, desperately trying to find a dress you could quickly change into. The anxiety only got worse when you could hear Maxwell downstairs making small talk with his driver. You knew they were waiting for you in the lobby. You didn't have time.
You picked up a red number that you had wore last year at the Christmas office party. You tried to weigh up if it would be appropriate for tonight's events, holding it against your body. You threw it to one side, screaming in frustration when you decided it probably wouldn't fit you anymore. You couldn't go. You'd embarrass yourself, and you'd embarrass Maxwell, and his company. 
You clutched onto the edges of your dresser, knuckles turning white as you forced yourself to look at your appearance in the mirror. The kohl black eyeliner was smudged from your tears and your foundation had begun to separate from the anxious sweat you had broken into. He would just have to leave without you.
"I'll go check on her," you heard Maxwell tell the driver. "I'm sure she's just deciding on a pair of shoes." you thought his voice sounded apologetic. You imagined him marching into your shared bedroom, angry that you were taking so long. You imagined his face burning with red rage when he saw you sitting on the edge of his bed, a complete and utter mess. Maybe you deserved it. You heard his footsteps get louder and louder as he went up the stairs and you figured there wasn't anything you could do now. Thoughts raced your mind as you wondered how you could possibly explain this to him.
"Sweetheart, I know what you say about being fashionably late but—” Maxwell stopped and froze up when he entered the bedroom, his eyes blinking between you and the pile of your dresses on the floor. You watched him, feeling ashamed, as his appearance turned from confused to concerned.
He slowly walked further into the bedroom, looking around. He glanced over all your cosmetics and hair products that were scattered across the dresser and examined the mountain pile of clothes on the floor, trailing from the closet to where you were sitting. He moved the red dress you had considered from the bed and sat next to you in silence.
Maxwell turned to face you, but you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. He placed a finger under your chin and turned your head so he could get a good look of your face. He swiped his thumb under your eye, trying to clean up your messy eyeliner, and cupped your cheek. The familiar coolness of his rings pressed against your skin eased you slightly, but you still felt an anxiety. He eventually spoke.
"Darling… what happened?" his voice was gentle and cautious. You tried to swallow the lump that had formed in your throat and looked down at the carpeted floor. You didn't answer him. He waited a few moments, and then he said your name.
"I made a mess." you gulped, looking around the bedroom. His gaze followed your eyes and he sighed.
"I can see that," he shrugged. "But I mean… you've been crying?" You nodded, feeling your cheeks heat up in shame. "Why?" he asked.
You sniffed. You could think of a thousand excuses less embarrassing than the truth. But he was your boyfriend, and this was a big problem in your life. You figured that he should know what was really going on with you. It was still scary. He was Maxwell Lord— feared by everyone. And there was a reason for that. While he had shown you nothing but love and care during the course of the relationship, you imagined the worst. You imagined him laughing at you or belittling you. Something you've had to deal with from plenty of people before. You rubbed your sore and glossy eyes before taking a deep breath.
"I hate the way this dress looks on me." you said, and Maxwell frowned, crinkles forming in between your eyebrows.
"I don't understand." there was an air of bewilderment in his voice, like he couldn't comprehend what you were telling him. It was a simple fact to you, but your opinion seemed lost on him.
Feeling frustrated, you stood up and flattened the dress down, standing before him. His jaw dropped slightly and his eyes widened as he drunk in the sight of you. The dress fit your body perfectly. He could swear that it was made for you and only you.
"If I go to the gala dressed like this, I'll embarrass you," you sniffed, scrunching up your face in disgust and immediately feeling even more self conscious as you stood in front of your boyfriend. "People will state, and laugh. They will write about me in the tabloids and-"
"Write about how beautiful you look in that dress? Damn sure." Maxwell mumbled, reaching out and taking your hand. "You're wrong. You're so wrong." he pulled you close to him and settled his hands on your waist as he continued to admire you.
"Please don't touch me," you shook your head, pushing his hands away from you. "I feel disgusting. I look disgusting. I am disgusting. Max… you should know that this isn't just a one off thing. I feel like this often, and I don't know why."
"You were obsessed with the dress when you tried it on for me earlier." Maxwell raised an eyebrow, brushing his lower lip with his finger as he processed what was going on.
"I know. I loved it. But now? I hate it. I'm sorry, you probably think this is so stupid."
Maxwell stood up and shook his head quickly. "No! No. Don't apologise. Don't ever apologise, okay? You're not stupid. I understand. I understand completely." 
"No, you don't." you sighed, holding your face in your palms. Maxwell stiffened up and shuffled uncomfortably. You pulled your face away from your hands and pulled on his wrist, reading the time on his gold wristwatch. "Max, just go. This is your big event and you don't want to be late." 
"No." he told you, loosening his bowtie and shuffling out of his suit jacket. He threw it to the floor, amongst the pile of your dresses. He kicked off his Armani shoes and folded his arms over his chest.
"If this is you being stubborn because you're upset with me for not getting dressed…" you trailed off and Maxwell looked at you. He looked hurt that you had made such a suggestion.
"You really don't think I understand how you feel?" He quizzed, and you didn't reply. He was confident, he exuded charm and charisma. He was a television star, he had done speeches in the White House and spoken to the most influential people in the world. You looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He stuck a finger into his belly. "I hate this."
You gulped. "Your tummy?"
He nodded. "I never used to have a tummy… when I was younger, I mean," he revealed, although it meant nothing to you. "But in recent years, you know. I drink a little more, have more steak dinners and don't exercise. So…"
"You're in great shape," you spluttered in disbelief. "And I love your tummy."
"Wouldn't you rather I had an eight pack?" he asked and the thought made you burst into a fit of giggles. The smile he made when he saw that he had made you laugh was unmatched.
"No, not at all!" you chuckled, nudging him playfully.
"So, I do understand," he told you. "I say I hate my tummy, you say you love it. You say you hate the way that dress fits you, and I say it's the most beautiful thing I've seen you in. Although, I think you get more beautiful everyday," he blushed and you beamed at his kind words. It was rare Maxwell would tell you something like that. "I wish you could see yourself the way I saw you. But your feelings? I'm so glad you told me. We can get through it together. I promise." he reached back to hold your hand and gave you a comforting squeeze.
"I still don't want to go to the gala." you bit your lip and he nodded understandably.
Maxwell leaned over to the phone that was on his bedside table and called down to the lobby where his driver was waiting for you both. He cleared his throat. "Yes, it's Maxwell. Take the night off. Myself and Y/N have decided we will not be attending the gala tonight."
"But sir-" the driver began and Maxwell abruptly cut him off.
"Do I pay you to question me? Hurry along now." He said before putting the phone back down on the hook. He sighed before turning back to you and smiling.
"What- what do you mean you're not attending the gala? Max, it's your gala. You have to go." 
"You think I could stand schmoozing with those slimy CEOs without you by my side? I couldn't be productive knowing that my beautiful girlfriend was at home, alone, probably watching some sad movie when her boyfriend should be with her and comforting her."
Your eyes were bright and your lips curled into a grin at his sentiment. You swung your hands around him and cuddled him tight, taking in the scent of his luxury fragrance and resting your head into his soft shirt. "I love you Maxie." you whispered, and he slung an arm around you, pushing you further into his lap.
"I love you too darling," he confessed, pressing a kiss onto the top of your head. "Cmon, let's get you out of your dress and into some cozy pyjamas."
You smiled, tugging on the collar of his shirt and pulling him into another kiss, this time on the lips. It was soft and brisk yet passionate. He pulled away slowly and you took in his dark lust blown eyes. "I wanna wear your shirt," you whined, beginning to unbutton it.
"Okay." he replied simply, leaning back and letting you pull his white button up shirt from his body.
"I love your tummy." you reminded him and he smiled, crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes and a dimple in the left of his cheek.
"Dress off, shirt on." He told you and you nodded, getting up from the bed and getting changed. Maxwell unbuttoned his belt and pulled down his tailored pants, throwing them to the floor. He took off his socks and clambered under the bed sheets, his arms out, waiting for you to join him. "I love seeing you wear my shirt." he told you as you curled up into him.
You hummed in contentment as he played with your hair. He said your name, in an almost questioning tone.
"Yes?" you replied. 
"No matter what, you'll always be perfect to me."
Permanent taglist (let me know if you wish to be added!): @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal
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umccall71 · 4 years
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The Dinner Party
Characters: King Liam & Queen Sexy, Drake,Maxwell,Bertrand,and Hana
Rating:Mature, NSFW,profanity
Word Count:4314
Chapter Two
Disclaimer:All characters are property of Pixelberry. The use of these characters are for entertainment only and I am only borrowing them.
Summary:A simple dinner party among friends is always a welcome distraction until the friends become the distraction. Friends always share everything, hugs, support,love,honesty… Can friendship weather true honesty and the fallout from said ....honesty?
Warning: This series contains sexuality,profanity, a bit of adult content.This story is far from fluff,this is a walk amongst open relationships. Please be advised If you're reading this series you are acknowledging you are 18+
A/N : I know I have been horrible with posting. Life has been dealing me a tough hand lately with my health. I thank you for supporting me and my chaotic brain. I apologize for not being able to focus long enough to get o fictional characters from limbo. I hope you all enjoy 😉.
Moments after the door closed the three of them sat silent in the guest room. Sexy had made her way to the comfy chair nestled in the corner, Hana stood at the foot velour bed, and king liam stood grounded by the door. He could not believe he was a few feet away from Lady Hana and across the room from his Queen...contemplating taking a lover...even for one night.Liam never would have thought in a million years that he would be entertaining the thought of having his hands on another, let alone sharing intimacy...sharing such an intense act that had only been experienced with his Queen.. With his Sexy.Liam closed his eyes, turned the bottle of scotch up to attempt to wash away the large lump taking up occupancy in his throat above his very pronounced adam’s apple.
Liam barely spoke above a deep penetrating whisper, “Sexy, this doesn't have to happen...I love you, i want you, there is nothing i am lacking to have me need another to fulfill my desires.”
Sexy chimed in, voice steady not giving away an inkling of her inner thoughts, “ Liam, I know you love me as I do you, but I also know that you would walk through fire to give what I want. Why is it so hard to believe that I want to do the same for you?”, she cocked her head to the side, never looking away from his penetrating blue eyes.
She flashed a watery eyed smile that didn't meet her eyes, “we never made any formal Cordonian arrangement, but I will accept this of you for tonight.”
Hana stood waiting for the decision if they would move forward, the queen was right there and could change her mind in a split second. Her cocoa brown eyes danced between the king and queen awaiting guidance.She turned to Sexy, “we … we don't have to do anything. We can all move forward as if this never happened.”
“Nonsense Hana, we all know that you want this to transpire. Your lips can lie, but not your eyes. You need to feel Liam… I watched you undressing my king from across the room all night. At least showing me the decency to not belittle my intelligence while trying to convince me that you're not pissing me.” Sexy’s last words took on a bit of bite as she spoke.”Now you wanted to fuck my king… proceed.”
Hana removed her heels and traipsed over to Liam looking at him with her come fuck me eyes. She ran her tongue across her ruby red lips before she watched his lips questioning, “May I ?”
Liam looked away before subtly nodding an approval.He again sipped from the scotch bottle processing a feeling of disbelief that this was happening to him. He looked at Sexy trying to read her expression, her thoughts, if she was truly okay with what was going down, It was if she could sense the hesitation in her king, “i'm fine Liam.”
Hana started to move down his chest with deliberate precision. She unbuttoned his shirt slowly allowing her red manicure to glide against his skin in the path toward his slacks.She moved to his shoulder where she pushed the linen fabric from his shoulders ,down his toned arms ,and it bellowed to the floor. He let out a breath from the sudden feel of cool air drifting across his golden skin.Hana began kissing a slow ,sensual path from the curve in his neck, the hollows of his collar, dipping between his pronounced pecs and traveled go suckle his nipple between her lips, tongue, and pinch within her ivory teeth. He felt the slightest pressure as she gripped her teeth on his erect flesh and she licked and flicked back and forth. The moisture from her lips caused a sensation to rise on his neck.Liam moaned and instantly felt subconscious about betraying his queen...even with her consent.
Hana's eyes traveled the length of his chiseled abs and upward, “yes?” she seeked acknowledgement to be acceptable to continue what she had fantasized about for quite some time.She criss crossed her arms as she slid her dress over her head and dropped it to the floor.
Liam’s eyes quickly surveyed her body and a bead of sweat collected on his brow… from the heat or the alcohol he was unsure. Liam looked to Sexy and mouthed, “I love you.”
Hana dropped of her knees and quickly undid the buckle, button , and zipper of Liam's trousers. Liam’s body betrayed him as his erection was pronounced under the fabric. He never imagined becoming aroused for any woman except his wife….Sexy.Hana started breathing increasingly hard from her anticipated connection with Liam. She made short work of removing his incredibly well endowed member from his boxer briefs. “Oh wow”, she thought she whispered but everyone in the room heard her reaction.
Sexy nodded in appreciation, “ that was my reaction to my husband too the first time I met his… big friend “ She tried to alleviate the tension in the room , the awkward feeling of watching her man being handled by another.
Hana locked her lips hungrily as she slid her petite mouth slowly down the head and shaft of Liam’s manhood.She moved down his massive length a little at a time as his head fell back and he clinched his eyes and ass cheeks from the sensation.Liam but his lower lip fighting back audibly gasping. Liam’s reaction did not escape being noticed by his queen, “does it feel good my king?” She smiled but it never fully reached her eyes. “It’s okay if you like it and it feels good to you”
It was as if Hana hearing her words gave approval to take on his dick in a way she only imagined. She slurped and suctioned his length and then his balls in her eagerly waiting mouth. Liam felt the head of his length hit the back of her throat, but she still did not gag or relent from his size. Hana smiled as she continued working his dick with her hands and mouth She appreciated his perfectly erect libido jumping within her cheeks.Hana kept her gaze trained on Liam while his gaze watched his Sexy. She rubbed slowly circled on her growing baby bump watching Liam’s face and body contorted to hide the pleasure. He groaned her name, “Sexy… god I love you.” This was unexpected since it was Hana that was creating the fire in his body in that moment.
Hana sped up as her head bobbed up and down his shaft fierce trying to make him come undone to her skill. Liam pulled back flinching from the beginning sensation of releasing , “no Hana, that won’t be necessary.” She watched him attentively trying to deduce his sudden shift.
“Are you sure my king? I only want to please you.”She rose from her knees trying to make her way to his lips when she was stopped in her tracked by Liam grabbing her face. “This is not that type of party Hana, this is not that type of…” , he trailed off.
Liam’s hand moved down on breaching her soft underwear feeling Hana’s slick folds. The muscles in her belly tense at the sudden feel of his fingers. He asked, “is this okay?” She swallowed thickly fighting the urge to yell out from his touch. She could not hold back the moan as she felt him insert a single finger in between her folds as his thumb rubbed circles on her clit.
“Oh Liam”, she screamed as her nerves in her clit were ignited from the sensation. Hana had never felt anything like it … from another person. She had touched herself in the past, but never the feeling of someone’s pleasure . She was trained in the art of seduction, but she never acted upon it. She was thrilled Liam would make her body come alive for the first time… this was unbeknownst to him or anyone.
The sounds that escaped her called the others in the dining room to the door. All three men were inebriated and intrigued. It had been a long time since Drake had made sounds like that come from a woman...too long. Maxwell had been secretly thinking about Hana… he actually cared deeply for her… Bertrand would not allow himself to go any further than the doorway. He was with Savannah, but still able to appreciate other women in that manner.He was still human and able to see the beauty in other women.
Drake slowly twisted the knob of the bedroom door allowing him to view the event unfolding. He felt his chocolate orbs stretched as he saw Hana’s near naked body. He felt the denim fabric tighten as his whiskey induced friend awoke from a slumber. He was visibly aroused and his hand took on a mind of it's own.He started to adjust himself in his pants as he heard Hana’s moans growing louder. Before Drake knew it he was unzipping his pants to gain better access to his own member. “Aww shit...fuck”, he groaned, louder than he expected.Hana peeped through the opening and locked eyes with Drake. Her body arched as Liam slid a second digit into her wanting hole, she moaned louder, “yesss Liam.”
“Move over Walker, let someone else take a look”, Maxwell protester. He felt even more drawn to Hana hearing her sounds...wishing he were the one making those noises escape her mouth.He shoved Drake a little more than he intended. Drake did not blow up at Maxwell as he was too distracted.Maxwell was paralyzed from seeing Hana as she removed her own bra exposing her peeked nipples. She tried to guide Liam's mouth to her breast but he wouldn’t oblige. Liam watched Sexy as he worked Hana into a frenzy. He knew that in spite of him being there in the moment with Hana, he was fully focused on his Queen.
Hana pushes his trousers and underwear down his well defined thighs. He pulled his hand from between her lips and noticed how his fingers were coated with Hana’s essence. She was drenched from the little contact he had made . She instantly felt abandoned from the feeling of him no longer being inside of her.Hana laid back on her back and flashed a chestnut eyes at him inviting him to join her . Liam moves her wet undies down her legs at an agonizingly slow pace.He tossed them to the floor on the waiting growing pile of discarded clothes.Liam walked over to the night table and opened it to reveal a condom. He looked to his wife and then to Hana, “are you both sure about this?”
Sexy simply asked, “is this what you want my king?” Liam reflected briefly on her words before looking to Hana for confirmation that she did indeed wish to proceed .He carefully tore open the wrapper and sheathed his manhood in the latex , this was nothing like the experience he had with his wife. There was no doubt that he would exercise caution. He came down hovering above Hana as he lined himself up at her entrance and closed his eyes. He slowly began to push inside of her, he was greeted with a tightening feeling.
Hana reaches out to hold onto his forearms as she tried to adjust to the welcome intrusion. She wore a grimacing look as she accepted Liam inside of her. A single tear escaped her eye as she allowed his member to work further inside of her now broken barrier. Liam glanced down at her furrowed brow, are you sure your okay ?” She shook her head eagerly granting him permission to continue.
Liam turned to wat h Sexy as he continued a reluctant pace feeling a sudden gush from Hana.His eyes became slightly glossy from in shed tears of guilt. He never would have requested such an allowance from his Queen. Liam was so wrapped up in Sexy that he missed his other friends Drake and Maxwell make their way inside the room . Bertrand still stood at the door, watching intently. He prided himself on being a man of great restraint. Liam after a couple minutes picked up the pace but was far from focused on Hana. Hana’s eyes rolled back as she felt Liam fill her up. She reveled in seeing Drake and Maxwell getting off to her being … pleasured.
Sexy quietly observed Hana’s change in demeanor, “ you like being watched , don’t you Hana? Drake no longer hid his growing erection, he became hardened more by the minute. “Do you wish for Drake to join you?Or perhaps Maxwell?
Hana bit her lip growing enticingly turned on. She whimpered , “yes” Within moments Drake was removing his denim shirt and T-shirt. He leaned down and devoured Hana’s mouth, kissing her fiercely, something she wanted of Liam , but was not granted. Their tongues rolled against each other , he swallowed her breath as she became lost in the overwhelming feelings coursing through her. She enjoyed having Liam inside her and Drake kissing her and his rough calloused hands work her breast. He moved down, locking his full lips in her peak buds.
Liam pulled back apologizing, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this Hana. She reached out to catch him as he discarded the used condom. He grabbed his clothing and his wife to exit the room . “Sexy… I can’t do this with anyone else but you. I love you baby, I want to make love to you.”and led Sexy out the room down the hall to their master suite. He kissed her tenderly as salty tears escaped his blue eyes. Liam could stop kissing her and caressing her face and body. Liam strolled into the master bath and turned on the shower . He peeled away the clothing from his queens voluptuous body. He worshipped every inch of her as he slowly undressed her. Liam worked his way down starting from her neck and the sensitive spot behind her ear, he was mesmerized through the running water as he took her breast in his mouth and savored the taste of her skin mixed with the soothing warm flow, he moved down to her baby bump admiring her beauty and nature at work in her belly. “God you are so beautiful and I am a blessed man to have you. I want to spend every day showing you how much I want you and only you love. “ Liam rested his head on her belly appreciating the gift of life that he would be sharing with his Queen… his partner in a lifelong journey.
Liam lifted one of Sexys thighs over his shoulder as he tasted her sweet nectar as if it were the blood he needed to sustain life. He parted her slick folds with his tongue sliding from front to back. His lips sealed around her clit flicking and sucking for dear life. His warm breath mingled with her juices brought every into laser focus.He felt his dick twitch as it hardened eager to connect with his wife. “Sexy… I love the taste of you… promise that You will always be mine and only mine.”
She arched her back as she felt an undeniable sensation and heat overtaken her body. She was always rendered speechless when Liam worked her body so completely. She knew that Liam was hers in every way, but this solidified it in her mind to see him taking a chance with Hana, but not being able to bring himself to truly let go.
Liam stood and made short work washing over his body and Sexy’s. He wanted no reminder of what had transpired in the other bedroom . Normally Liam would take his time when he was given an opportunity to share a bath or shower with his beauty Sexy. What he wanted at this moment was to take her to their shared bed and take her … exploring her body in detail. He needed to hear her come undone screaming his name. Nothing made Liam come alive more than making love to the love of his life. He turned off the shower and didn’t bother toweling off, he took Sexy in his arms against his naked physique . He sucked in her neck marking her up and down neck.
Sexy bit her lip as her hazel eyes closed ever so softly,”that’s going to leave a mark”, she whispered.
“ I know and I simply do not care. Your mine and I don’t give a damn who knows it. It doesn’t .matter….we make love and this is one extreme happy king.” He laughed in a low tone as he peppered her wet skin with his kisses. “I need you Sexy and I will always need you.” Liam sat on the edge of the massive plush bed and pulled Sexy on his lap facing him . He parted her thighs coming down with his thumb rubbing rapid circles and applied a little pressure and her body shuttered at the feel of him. He slid her down as he slipped his manhood inside her slick folds. He filled her as his impressive girth stretched her and felt his member pulsating inside her. Liam gave Sexy’s body a moment to adjust before he guided her body up and down his length as he tensed as tightness from her wanting center milked him as he felt the urge to release. Liam’s pace increased and he thrust harder and deeper inside her quivering walls speaking to him without words.Each pounding thrust tapped her spot and started the sky fall into the depths of her pleasure as she felt the waves breached the perimeter of passion.
“ Liam…i am about to cum” Her breath burst out short and quick. He was driven further to explode and join his wife together to share that moment to go over the edge together. Liam drove harder and faster as he neared his peak hearing her screaming his name.” liaaaaaamm!!!! “ That was all he needed when he stroked several more times feeling her thighs shaking as she coated his member from top to bottom with her essence. His thrust became erratic as he too met his release beneath his queen. He wrapped her tightly against his chest and laid back on the bed cradling her nestled in his arms.
Meanwhile as Liam and Sexy were sharing an amazing experience, the bedroom down the hall became overtaken with moans and groans. Drake ran his hand down and began exploring her sex that was still very much wet from her brief encounter with Liam. He probed inside her with two large digits creating a mixture of delight and slickness as she was once again growing with desire.The sounds of the growing pool in her center.
“Drake… oh wow.” Hana grabbed his dick through his jeans and quickly yanked them down to expose his penis.Hanas head fell back as she popped him inside her warm mouth. Drake did not hold back as he was driven by being horny and the whiskey induced courage to drop his inhibitions. He started thrusting deep down hitting the back of her throat. Drake drove harder and deeper forgetting he was in her mouth. Hana did not retreat as she devoured his length, he was close in length to Liam, Liam was fuller in his girth.
“Fuck Hana… what the hell?! That feels fucking amazing”, he became vocal .
Maxwell approached the edge of the bed and dropped to his knees and began to push her legs apart and graced her center with his tongue. “ Oh Max”, she moaned through a muffled mouth filled with Drake.
He looked at her as she continued working up and down Drake’s length. “Is this okay Hana?”, he asked as he pushed her thighs further apart and each leg he flung across his shoulders. Maxwell took his time exploring her sucking, licking and flicking her tender folds as she released on his tongue and he lapped it up careful not to lose a drop.
Drake continued penetrating her lips as she could not get enough of taking in every inch of him. “Mmmmmm”, she moaned as her body responded to the pleasure being received from Maxwell. Hana lifted her ass off the bed to meet Maxwell’s lips as Drake pushed further down her throat.
Bertrand stood in the door now having undone his trousers and underwear to touch himself from the sight before him. He had a dalliance here and there back in his prime but he wanted to be a better man and father . His hand wrapped tightly around his shaft working up and down as he watched with bated breath as Hana took on both men at the same time.
Maxwell felt his moment to show Hana how it could be with him if she felt every ounce of love he had for her. He removed his pants and slid his boxers down his leg before he plunged into Hana’s hungry sex. She did not seem to want this to end. She wrapped his legs around his waist using the heels of her feet to drive him deeper inside of her.She screamed as her muffled cries of pleasure escaped her mouth barely . At one point he delivered a defining thrust over and over to her g spot as she became sexually stimulated beyond belief. She dug her manicured nails into Maxwell’s back as he made her cum undone . The sensation of her juices flowing down his shaft caused an eruption in him as he released coating her walls with his spurting Beaumont vintage essence. “Oh Hana… oh thank you! I … oh man you make a man want to dance!” Maxwell began randomly screaming things as Hana shouted from this overwhelming feeling that she had never shared .Maxwell wanted to kiss Hana but her mouth was still latched on to Drake. After Maxwell pulled away, Drake wasted no time filling the spot that was previously occupied by Maxwell and Liam. He flipped over lying on his back and pulled Hana’s limp body on top of him and she mounted him and Drake lined himself up and started working her down, his member thrusting . His hands gripped her breast that were bouncing as she met his thrust . Hana felt her nerve endings on fire and coming alive as Drake filled her and her sex wrapped tightly around him. The grunts and groans took over as Hana and Drake met a rhythmic pace building as the fires ignited within.
“Ooooh Drake… you're so deep! I’m about… about to come!” Her head fell back as she dug into his thighs as he pounded unapologetically as they both yelled as they fell over the edge in unison upon release.
There was also a smaller grunt in the corner as Bertrand too met his own release. Bertrand removed his handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his brow and cleaned himself off and fixed his clothing. “Well , I better make it home...good night .” He made his way out the room, down the hall and moments later the door to the royal quarters closed.
Hana sat on the side of bed grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around her sweaty body. Her makeup started to run down her face. She palmed her head as the reality set in of what had taken place over the last hours.She reflected on the conversation that led to her coming to be with Liam … and the others.Maxwell walked wept the bed and placed a chaise kiss on her cheek .
“Aah Hana , I had a good time tonight. Thanks again.” He turned on his heels and left in the dark of night.
Drake ran his fingers through his hair after slipping his T-shirt over his head and buttoned up his denim shirt. “ Well … Lee we can both agree that this night was not what we expected it to be. I’m going to get going … you take care.” Drake grabbed the remainder of the scotch Liam had left behind and finished the bottle.
Drake slipped out quietly and paused thinking how he had betrayed his feelings for Olivia. They had a good thing going and now he had this secret that would surely drive her already limited trust she had in few. “ Damn… what the hell have I done?”, he thought as he exited the palace , jumped in his pick up truck and drove in silence to his cabin.
Hana has envisioned this night ending differently. She imagined ending the night wrapped in Liam’s arms after a night of passion. Hana father her discarded clothing and slipped them beginning her walk of shame down the quiet hallway only stopping briefly to glance at the door of the master suite. She felt like her heart had been ripped out thinking that she would not be the one to spend countless hours entwined in passion with the king. She collected her purse from the dining room and retreated in the middle of the night.
Behind the doors of the master suite Liam and Sexy laid in a satisfying ending to an evening no one anticipated. They laid face to face caressing the others face, savoring the quiet before the storm. Liam smiles, “do you know that I need you? Sexy… never think I need to go outside of this..”, he gestured to the two of them . Sexy curled into him as he kissed her lips and forehead. “We have everything we need here … with the two, no three of us.” They both took a deep breath and closed their eyes, minds racing thinking about how they could have let this night go so far.
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
Jingle All the Way
Wacky Drabbles #20 / The prompt: Have you lost your mind?
Wacky Drabblers: @jessiembruno @brightpinkpeppercorn @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @burnsoslow @emceesynonymroll
(Catch up on all the Christmas in Valtoria happenings here.)
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Drake adjusted the belt on his Santa costume for what felt like the thousandth time. How does anyone wear this kind of thing comfortably? Why did I ever agree to do this?
“Come on Santa old Buddy, stop fussing and let's go already,” Maxwell laughed, clapping Drake on the shoulder before climbing up onto the sleigh.
Drake looked up at Maxwell and frowned at his overly cheerful attitude, “Elves are supposed to be seen and not heard you know?”
Maxwell shuffled over on the seat to make room for Drake, “I thought Santa was supposed to be jolly?”
Drake shook his head and jerked his thumb in the direction of the back of the sleigh, “Nah uh, I'm driving. You get in the next row and keep an eye on the presents in the back.”
Maxwell climbed over the seat and settled down in the next row, as Drake climbs into the driver's seat and picks up the reins.
“Just no fooling around back there okay? We have a lot of presents to hand out today to the children in the village, and I want to get through this without any disasters.”
“I promise to be the best helper. Don't worry! This is going to be so much fun!” Maxwell beamed, stomping his feet and shaking the jingle bells on the back of the sleigh.
Drake winces, grumbling as he gathers up the reins, “If you start singing Jingle Bells..”
“Ooh, what a great idea!” Maxwell claps his hands.
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Drake braced his feet against the front wall and gave the reins a shake, making a clicking sound with his mouth and whistling to the horses to set them in motion. The festive sound of the many jingling bells on the harness makes Drake smile in spite of himself.
Behind him Maxwell started singing as the sleigh picked up speed. “Dashing through the snow, in a on- ..three horse open sleigh! O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way..”
The sound of the jingling bells soon drowns him out, but Drake doesn't mind as he comfortably hums along without Maxwell knowing.
The air was crisp and cool and whistled by Drake's ears as they zipped along the road, the snow wasn't especially deep and the horses were eager to pull. Drake literally had his hands full, and although he hated to admit it, he was grateful for Maxwell's help. The horses and sleigh were on loan from the Valtorian Historical Society and he'd promised to return it all undamaged. He had taken two practice runs with the sleigh in the past week, but both times he'd had Frank Markel, an expert driver from the historical society, alongside to coach him through it. Today though he was on his own. Frank was going to collect the sleigh and horses after the brief parade through town was over and then drive it to a nearby farm for the night. The tradition of the Father Christmas parade in the village near the manor had been done away with by the former reclusive and eccentric Duchess of Valtoria. The parade had originally been a way for the Duke or Duchess to show their appreciation to their people for working hard all year at keeping the duchy a prosperous and thriving place to live. As the new Duke, Drake wanted to revive the happy tradition of the Christmas parade as a show of gratitude and faith in his hardworking citizens. He wanted to reconnect with them. This year Santa and his helper were visiting the children's hospital, a preschool, and a homeless shelter. But their first stop was to a local candy maker to pick up a case of candy canes to give out during the parade.
Halfway along the snow covered and tree lined route to the village, Drake noticed he could no longer hear Maxwell's singing.
Trying not to take his eyes off the road, he gives a shout to him over his shoulder, “Is everything alright back there?”
No response.
Slowing down the horses he looks back. Maxwell was gone and one of the bags had been knocked over and presents were scattered around the floor of the sleigh.
“Holy shit!” Drake croaked with surprise.
Frantically hauling back on the reins he woahs up the horses. Jumping down from the sleigh he fumbled for the phone in his pocket. Holding it up he realized there was no service. “Dammit!”
Thinking back along the route they had taken he was trying to figure out when Maxwell could have fallen off. There had been that sharp bend to the right about half a kilometer back…
Scooping up the loose presents and putting them back into the sack, Drake heaved the bag over his shoulder and started trudging back along the road to find Maxwell. After the noise of the sleigh, the woods were eerily quiet. All he could hear was the crunch of his boots in the snow and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.
Drake stopped to listen, and then he called out.
“Maxwell? Can you hear me?”
Up ahead on the road Drake can see a red and gold wrapped present, he felt a small sense of relief and rushed over to pick it up.
On the wind he can faintly here a voice. “Santa? Is that you?”
He cupped his hands to his mouth and called out again, “Maaaaaax!”
Listening again he can hear the sound of someone breathing hard and footsteps crunching quickly through the snow. Suddenly a disheveled Maxwell burst out of the trees and nearly collided with him, his arms full of presents. Drake drops the bag and catches him as his feet slide to a stop.
“My goodness Max! What happened?”
Gasping for breath, Maxwell tries to explain. “B..bend..in…th..the road. *pant* Win..wind blew off my hat. Ev..everything ..*gasp* s..slid to the side..p.presents fell over...."
Drake placed his hands on Maxwell's shoulders, "But are you Ok? When I looked back and saw that you were gone it scared me to death!"
Maxwell nodded his head. "I'm Ok, but..." his smile fades as he looks down at the crushed presents in his arms, "I was worried about the presents that had fallen off the sleigh so I jumped off and went after them."
"Have you lost your mind?" Drake shook him by the shoulders, "You could have broken your damn neck."
Maxwell stammered as he saw the genuine look of concern in Drake's eyes, "But..but I wanted to be the best elf helper I could be. I had to save the presents for the little kids."
Drake looked down at the torn wrapping paper and damp cardboard boxes, and then back up at Max's face, "Well ok then Elf helper, let's get these gifts back on the sleigh and make some kids happy."
Drake picked up the bag he'd dropped in the snow and then turned back toward the sleigh. His heart swelling with gratitude, he takes off his Santa hat and puts it on Maxwell's head. "Thanks Max, you're a damned fool to jump off a sleigh in mid flight, but I couldn't ask for a better helper."
Maxwell grins ear to ear as they walk back, "Hey what are buddies for?"
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larryssunflower · 5 years
TRR AU- The Non-Royal Romance, part five
 read past parts to catch up!
part one   part two    part three    part four
tagging usuals and new people! if you wish to be removed from the tag list, you can always message me and I will take you off the list :)
@simplyaiden-blog @butindeed @mfackenthal @confessionsofabrokegirl @american-duchess @drakelover78 @monosodiumglutamateme @crookedslimecreatorpasta @mrsdrakewalkerblog @traeumerinwitzhelden @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty  @agent-zephyrkah @liam-rhys-x-mc-x-constantine @snyggflicka @texaskitten30  @annekebbphotography  @addictedtodrakefanfic  @irishwhiskys-blog  @nomadics-stuff  @msjr0119 @catlady0911
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 Alana’s pov. 
Following the events of the beach party and boat race, we officially start the royal tour of Cordonia. Of course, the first stop is Lythikos, the harsh snow kingdom in the mountains. We arrive at the snowy landscape after a short drive. Maxwell and I are riding together, talking and laughing the whole time. “Are you ready to ski?” Maxwell asks, excitement evident in his voice. I grin, looking briefly out the window at the large mountains around us, a feeling of nostalgia washing over me. “I don't know, are you ready to get your ass kicked?” I ask cheekily, making him roll his eyes. “Keep talking princess, but we both know you're just going to embarrass yourself,” He says, making me scoff, punching his shoulder. He just laughs and we continue to joke around until we pull up at the lavish wooden manor. 
We thank and tip the Lythikos servants who take all our bags, allowing us to instantly go out skating on the large frozen over lake. It's just me and max on the ice for a bit. I take long strides on the ice, twirling around. I finally feel like I can breathe like I'm not being suffocated. Then I look up, watching as black cars pull up, suitors spilling out, headed straight to the ice rink. Great.  I glance over and see Drake standing by the lake, watching the suitors as they try their best at skating. He brings his hand up to his earpiece, pressing it and talking into it. I wonder who he is always talking to. 
I feel a hand on my elbow and I turn to see Liam smiling at me. “Would you like to skate with me, Your Majesty?” He asks, extending his hand graciously. “Of course Liam,” I say kindly, taking his hand. We skate slowly on the ice. “It's so beautiful here,” He comments, and I nod. “I feel like we never have any alone time,” Liam says softly in my ear, and my cheeks flush. “Well, I’m sure we’ll figure something out,” I laugh lightly, biting my lip. As usual, my eyes have a mind of their own, and they flash over to where Drake is standing, watching us. “I hope I’m not being to forward,” Liams says, furrowing his brows and slowing down. I shake my head as if doing that would rid the thoughts of DRake and look at Liam. “Of course not,” I grin and we continue to have a nice conversation as we make our way around the lake.
We are abruptly interrupted by a handsome suitor with red hair that is stark contrast with the pale surroundings. “Do you mind if I have a moment with the princess?” He asks Liam in a cool voice, who just nods, before kissing my cheek then taking his leave. “Princess Alana, we haven't really had a chance to talk before, I’m Oliver Nevrakis, the Duke of this chateau,” He says as he extends his elbow to me. I smile, looping my hand into it. “Oh, it's very nice to finally get alone time with you, Oliver. Your estate is beautiful, thank you so much for having us,” I say, and he smiles. “Thank you. I just hope I’m better company than that boring Valtorian,” He says, a bit of disgust laced in his voice. I’m taken aback for a moment. “Oh, I don't know if I can compare you two. From what I have seen, you both seem to be lovely men,” I say, making him smirk. “I won’t tell him I’m your favorite don't worry,” He winks, before skating away, leaving me dumbfounded.
That was definitely something. My eyes find Drake, again, who is staring at Oliver with a steely glare. His eyes then flick to me, looking at me for a moment before looking away, scanning the frozen lake. The other day at the beach he was being so different, almost vulnerable. He’s barely even showing emotion around me now. Did I make a mistake asking him to put on my sunscreen? Was that too forward?
Maxwell’s voice breaks my thoughts. “Ready to ski now?” He asks, a mischievous grin on his face. “Yes! please let's go,” I say with relief, following as he leaves the lake, hoping to rid my mind of my thoughts of Drake.
About ten minutes later, we’re at the top of the ski track, the suitors coming up to follow us. It's like I can't escape them. Maxwell and I line up, then yell “go!” and take off together, speeding down the side of the mountain. The thought of speeding away from all those royal men thrills me and I shriek with happiness, adrenaline pumping within me. I speed up rapidly, swerving between and around the slower skiers. Almost a lifetime of lessons has treated me well. I’m way ahead of Maxwell but I glance back anyway, trying to see him. He slows down and shouts at me. “Alana! Look out!” He screams, and I look forward and yelp at the incoming branch laying haphazardly in the middle of the ski trail. Without time to swerve, I crouch and leap over it, landing and slowing down, turning my skis to the left.
The momentum makes me tumble through the powdery snow, cringing as I roll, knowing I’m going to get bruises because of this. I finally stop, and lay down looking up at the sky, breathing heavily. I’m definitely at the bottom of the slope, as I'm flat on my back.  I hear shouts as Maxwell speeds down to me. It’s not his voice that I hear right above me when I open my eyes. “Are you out of your mind?” Drake asks angrily, glaring down at me. “W-What?” I say quietly, and he huffs, offering his hand to me. I take it and with his help, stand up, sliding in place momentarily in my skis. “You could have died. Or got seriously injured! What were you thinking?” He asks, his eyebrows drawn together. I’m taken aback for a minute, quietly clicking out of my skis. “Well I was just racing with Maxwell and-“ “- just don’t do it again. Use your brains for once Princess! How am I supposed to protect you if you are so careless?” He asks, genuinely angry.
I can't even find the words to respond, I just stand there, embarrassment bubbling up within me. “Hell Yeah! I had no idea you were so badass!” Maxwell shouts as he skis up to us. “Don't encourage her,” Drake snaps, making maxwell’s grin fade quickly. He brings his lips tightly together, trying not to laugh, as he looks away quickly. Drake rolls his eyes at this, turning back to me. “You’re expected inside,” He says, his gaze stone cold. I finally manage to find my voice. “Alright. I’ll be right there,” I say, and he nods, turning and heading to the large manor. 
When Drake is far enough away, Maxwell breaks into laughter. I whirl around to him. 
“What is so funny?”
--Later that night--
Maxwell and I are sitting by the fireplace downstairs, drinking hot chocolate and talking. Drake is standing near us silently. We’re still a bit tense after earlier. I clearly made him furious. It must be annoying when the person you are supposed to protect is being reckless. My limbs ache from the fall, but it could be worse.
Maxwell and I are interrupted when someone saunters into the room. “Well, if it isn't the lovely princess and her squires,” Oliver says cooly, leaning against the doorframe. “Excuse me?” I say, raising an eyebrow. “Well, I mean no offense, your highness, it's just that your friends here don't even measure up to you. I honestly don't know why you bother hanging out with them.” He says as he picks at his nails, his icy blue eyes darting up, hungry for my answer. 
“Well, Maxwell is my good friend and frankly I don't care what you think of him, because he is the kindest person I believe I have ever met. And Mr. Walker is my loyal bodyguard who has saved me multiple times. So yes, I do ‘bother’ to hang out with them and take great offense when you say they are beneath me,” I say sternly. Oliver just smirks, his eyes moving to Drake. “Mr. Walker huh? I don’t think I have ever heard someone call you that,” He says, cocking his head to the side, regarding him with a strange familiarity.
I look over at Drake, who is staring back at Oliver, his jaw clenched in anger. “Do you know each other...?” I ask slowly, and Oliver's smirk grows. “Why don't you answer her Drakie? I’m sure she dying to know,” He says, clearly enjoying this. Drake doesn't say anything, still glaring at Oliver. “Okay, I'll go then,” Oliver says, clearing his throat. “Well, about seven months ago, I met his darling younger sister. Mmm, I can still remember how eager she used to be. So excited to be dating the great Oliver Nevrakis,” He says slowly, watching us for our reaction. I glance over at Drake, a sick feeling in my stomach. He has a sister? And she dated Oliver?
I didn't know it was possible, but somehow Drake looks angrier than before. “Oh and don't even get me started on her petite, tight body-” “-Shut the hell up. You have no right to speak about her that way,” Drake cuts him off, somehow not shouting, his voice frighteningly calm yet forceful. 
Oliver is clearly pleased that he got Drake to react, and his smirk seems to grow, unfazed by Drake’s outburst. I look over at Drake worriedly. He glances over at me, his eyes softening as they meet mine. “You know what?” He says, turning to Oliver. “I remember that I have somewhere I have to be,” He says, glancing at the three of us briefly, “If you will excuse me,” Drake says, turning and heading for the door. “Aw Drake I was just getting started!” Oliver calls out, but I stand up, anger bubbling up within me. “Stop acting like a child Oliver! If you ever treat Drake like that again, I will slap that smirk right off your pathetic face.” I burst out angrily, taking Oliver aback. Drake hesitates at the door, glancing at me, before going out. The storm suddenly rumbles above us, the sky turning dark blue.
“I’m going after him,” I say, grabbing my coat and scarf from the side of the couch. “Are you sure that's a good idea?” Maxwell asks, and I shrug. “No. But I need to see him. I’ll be back,” I say, quickly heading towards the door. “Head back soon! It looks like a blizzard is coming!” Maxwell calls to me, and I nod absentmindedly, opening the door and rushing out into the snow, following Drake’s figure.
He stops in a clearing, looking up at the evening sky. “Drake?” I call out. His shoulders slump and he turns to me. “Of course you followed me out,” He says, almost amused at my lack for judgment. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. Oliver was being pretty rough back there,” I say, and Drake nods, sighing. “Yeah, well that's expected. He and I, we don't really get along,” Drake mutters and I nod, looking down. 
“Why come out here?” I ask, and he turns to me. “Do you trust me?” He asks, and I nod. “How could I not trust my bodyguard?” I say, and he then shoves me. I stumble and fall back onto the snow in surprise. “What the f- oh,” I say softly as I look up at the beautiful sky, meteors flying across the clear sky. Drake flops down beside me. “Yeah you can't miss something like this,” He says, a smile on his face. I look at him for a moment. His warm tan face mixed with red cheeks contrast beautifully with the powdery snow surrounding him. He must sense me looking and he turns his head. His dark eyes bore into mine, and my stomach does about 24 backflips. I look away quickly, clearing my throat. “so- uh you have a sister?” I ask, my heart suddenly quickening, so loud he must hear it. “Yeah. Savannah.” He says, his voice soft. 
“Is it rude to ask what happened to her?” I ask, and he sighs. “No, it's alright. I actually used to work as minimal security here when the Nevrakis family hosted events. Savannah was always in love with the courtly life and would beg me to let her go to the parties. Then one time, I actually let her go,” He says with a shaky breath, shaking his head at himself. “She got a pretty dress and was super excited. I watched as she danced happily with some of the noblemen...Then she met Oliver. She instantly liked him and was gushing about him for weeks. They started dating, no matter how much I objected. I knew he wasn't a good guy and it killed me that she decided to fall for that snake. About four months ago, at one of the largest parties of the season, she went off to talk to him. I have no idea what about, but I remember seeing her rush out, sobbing. She left without telling anyone where she was going. She didn’t even tell me,” Drake says, his tone vulnerable. “We haven’t seen her since and many people think she fled the country,” He says quietly, and my heart breaks for him. 
We sit there for a moment, the only sound being the rustle if the trees and occasional cricket. Drake doesn't speak, and I assume that he doesn't want to talk anymore. Which is understandable. “I'm so sorry Drake, that must be really hard. I wish I could have been there. To be a friend to her,” I say, and he nods silently, and I notice his Adam’s apple bob up and down. 
We sit there in comfortable silence, watching the meteor shower above us. I try to ignore that our hands are about an inch apart, so close yet so far. Soon, clouds start to move in, and I sigh. “I think we should go back before we get caught in the blizzard,” I say regretfully. “Yeah I’m sure if the princess was found frozen with her bodyguard it would be quite the scandal,” He says as he gets up, making me snort. He offers his hand to me to help me back up. “Thanks for following me Princess,” He says and I smile. “Of course,” I say, and we start back to the manor. We clearly miscalculated the timing of the storm, and it comes in much quicker than we thought. The wind is strong, snow whirling around us.  I blindly reach for Drakes' hand as we trudge through the storm. Drake looks over at me in surprise. “For uh- safety!” I shout, and he nods. “For safety, yeah!” He shouts back, and as he faces forward I swear I see a smile on his face. 
The next day, right before the ball :
I scrunch up my face as I look at my reflection, adjusting my slinky silver gown, It's beautiful, but hangs a bit strange on my hips. but hey, what can you do? I just shrug, wrapping my white faux fur around my elbows. The knock at my door makes me jump, and I turn around. “Come in,” I say, and the dark wood door opens, and Drake walks in, freezing when his eyes land on me. I feel self-conscious as his eyes glance over my outfit, his cheeks red. His warm brown eyes that I adore so much finally find mine and I smile sheepishly. “Do I look alright?” I ask, adjusting my dress nervously. He shakes his head slightly, “You look per-” He stops himself suddenly, clearing his throat and looking back at me with that distanced expression that I hate so much. “They are ready for you downstairs Princess,” He says. I nod, smiling lightly, disappointment washing over me. “Of course. Thank you, Drake,” I say, walking past him, out the door. I hear him closing and locking my door, then following me from a distance. “For safety reasons, I would prefer it if you were nearer to me tonight. I don't know if I trust Oliver,” I say, bitterness in my voice as I reference last night. 
Holding his hand was like an addict just getting a taste of their favorite drug again. Satisfies for the moment, but isn't enough to fully stop the craving. The need. After feeling his warm hands when he caught me on the boat, when he applied the lotion over my back, and last night when they were clutched to mine, I can't get enough. I want to feel all of him. To feel his lips on mine. To feel him hug me back, embrace me. but that will never happen. Drake follows my request, walking close by me. “thank you,” I murmur.  We reach the decadent doors of the ballroom, and stop in front of them, taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself. The herald announces my name, “And finally, The Princess Of Cordonia, Alana Rhys!” I put on my dazzling smile and the doors open. 
Tonight should be interesting. 
Yay! Okay back on this series due to some demand! Thank you again to all of you who have supported me recently and complimented my writing! It's crazy, it feels so crazy writing this again, it has been over a year, and I have definitely changed a lot but my love for this story has not! I’m glad that there are people who enjoy my writing and this little series I decided to make. I have always loved writing and I'm so glad I can share with you guys! Thank you all for inspiring me to keep on writing. I'll try my best to have the next chapter out soon! Love you all <3
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i-choose-liam · 5 years
Stress Buster - King Liam x MC
A/N: I apologise for the length of this post for those who want to scroll past. I wrote this on the fly and I'm posting it from mobile, so I couldn't add the "Keep reading" line. Sorry! 💙
Hello! This is my first time posting a fic in quite a few months. So any feedback is appreciated. It's sort of a continuation (with a major leap in between) of my TRR Chapter Tie-Ins series. You don't have to read the previous parts to make sense of this story. For those who haven't read the previous parts, my MC in this series is Riley Spencer, a law school dropout and twin sister to Dani Spencer, the MC from Lovehacks. So this is actually a The Royal Romance and LoveHacks crossover.
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This is for the anon who asked me to write a fanfic about Liam teasing a tired Riley. It's a bit different than what you asked for, but I hope you like it, anon! ☺️
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It was the end of a long, tiresome week. Liam was holding himself back from grabbing Riley and jumping into bed together. He took deep, calming breaths as he sat on the ottoman and took his shoes off, watching his Queen fire away some rapid texts on her phone. He wondered how it was possible that she grew more and more beautiful with each passing day. There she stood by their bed, holding her phone up at eye level.
"Constantly looking down at the phone causes neck and spine problems, babe", she had told him once.
A small smile curved the corner of his lips, as he took in the sight of her. Those silken locks in ombre, which he had curled around his fingers nearly every night since their wedding. The graceful bearing with which she carried herself, even as she stood still. And that face - the one which had illuminated his life, like the moon did to a clouded night.
"Are you texting Madeleine?", Liam teased.
Normally, that name was enough to make Riley roll her eyes or crack some joke about the Countess. But she kept typing away, filling in Liam about some event she had to attend on Monday and how important it was for the apple export. It didn't sit well with Liam to see his lovely wife in her Queen mode when they had done with their duties for the day and were now alone in their bedroom. He shed his coat and unbuttoned his collar as he walked to her. The fading smell of her shower gel and deodorant, with just a smidgen of that womanly musk, was what greeted him first. Liam placed his chin on Riley's shoulder from behind, letting his arms wrap themselves around her. He closed his eyes as he kissed her cheek, gently rocking her sideways in his snug embrace.
"Honey, not right now. This is important stuff", she said, without looking back at him.
Liam didn't get upset or angry. He smiled in defeat as he recognised what was happening. He let go of her, but couldn't help putting his hands on her shoulders. He said,
"Do you realise what's going on?"
Riley said, still looking at her phone screen,
"You're pulling a Riley"
That earned him a tired glare from over her shoulder. Liam grinned.
"I'm sorry but that's what this is. You have been doing so much these last few weeks. And unlike a normal person when overworked, you just jump deeper into the deep end"
She said, pouting a bit at her phone as she typed,
"This is not a "Riley". I'm just... just busy"
"Darling, you remember what happened the last time you got overburdened and wouldn't let anyone help you?", Liam reminded her, "You ended up eating all the cake at Maxwell's birthday, you called Drake a denim whore, then you wept while hugging both our corgis, and kept saying "It's a cool name, Mr. T! Mr. T's a cool name!*"
Riley's shoulders stiffened a bit under his hands. Liam smiled and massaged them.
"Do we want an encore of that?", he asked, trying to keep the smile out of his voice.
His wife was stubborn as she was beautiful. She said,
"There's not going to be an encore cause I'm not overworked. I've got everything under control. Totally"
She shrugged his hand off her shoulder and took her phone to the bathroom. Liam decided to let her have her privacy. But he was worried about her now. She had confided in him about her law school days, and how she had been put on "leave" by the school for reasons concerning her own mental and physical well being. That was when she had started working as a waitress and met him.
'Ah, fateful night', Liam thought.
How fearless and carefree she had seemed to him then. In a way, she was still all that. But her type A personality reared its head every now and then when the going got tough. If she kept throwing herself into work 24x7 like she had been doing lately, Liam was sure there would be repercussions for her health.
'If only there was someone who could...'
Liam smiled to himself. There was. There was someone who could pull Riley out of her workaholic spiral. The only person who could do it in fact.
Liam checked the time, and making sure it was still daytime in San Francisco, he called.
"Liamm, hii!", answered the voice from the other end.
Liam grinned at that enthusiastic tone and the thumping sound of music coming from somewhere behind his sister-in-law. He said,
"Hello, Dani"
Riley had back to back appearances scheduled before apple picking season. As a suitor for Liam's hand in marriage, she had hated the Cordonian obsession with apples. But as the Queen of her people, she had come to realise that the apples were a symbol of the Cordonian spirit. The Cordonian Ruby was one of their most valued exports and she knew its importance to the Cordonian morale and economy quite well.
"Riley, this is such a lovely dress. I didn't know you had something from Ana de Luca's summer '19 collection", Hana said.
Riley had to turn her head to look at Hana, who was sitting next to her in the car. At first glance, she saw a large apple in place of Hana's face.
Overworked for the last few days, she had to shake her head to clearly see the winsome face of Lady Hana Lee.
"I haven't even seen Ana's summer collection this year, let alone buy something. What are you talking about?", Riley said.
Hana showed her the webpage on her phone, the picture just taken that morning... of Liam and Riley leaving the Parliament.
Her mind was so bungled with apples and all the bullet points on her schedule for the day that she had to take a minute to think. Hana pointed out,
"This was taken a few hours ago. But you've been with me since morning"
Riley asked, clearly confused,
Hana looked concerned. She said,
"Riley, you were photographed with Liam outside the Parliament this morning. But that can't be you cause you have been with me all day. So who is this? And what happened to you? Are you okay?"
In a quick snatch, Riley had Hana's phone in her own hands. She speed-read through the article and slowly scrolled past the three pictures. Only her side profile was caught in the pictures, most of it hidden by a gigantic hat. Riley scowled, angered but not scared. She handed the phone back to Hana.
"That's my twin sister", Riley said, "And she and Liam have a lot to answer for when I get to them"
Come evening, Riley nearly stormed into the palace, followed by her assistant who frantically tried to keep in pace with her. She had confirmed with Liam's assistant that he was at home after the day's work. Dani she hadn't bothered calling because her head already felt like it would burst. If she had to argue with her reckless, impulsive sister for one...
"That's one big butt to carry on your neck, butthead"
Riley turned around at the call that had come from behind her. Dani stood laughing in the distance, in casual attire that made her stand out even more amidst the palace interior. She met Riley halfway, hugging her tight.
"Oh Riiless, it's been sooo long!"
Dani hugged her tight, shaking her a bit. Riley would have offered an even tighter hug which her family, the Spencers, were known for. But she remembered what had put her in a bad mood for the entirety of her day.
"The photos this morning", she said, without any emotion.
Dani drew back, still grinning,
"Your press secretary didn't tell you? I was on my way to surprise you here at the palace. She... what's her name... like that cookie Mom likes?"
"Yeah, that one. So she saw me and she was like, "Ah the twin sister". I tried to be polite and all but she didn't seem to have time for that. She asked me if I'd be okay to stand in as you for a few pictures for the paparazzi. I thought what the hell, and did it"
Riley folded her arms and asked, raising her eyebrows,
"Oh really? You just conveniently happened to run into Countess Madeleine and she asked you, even though I was just a phone call away, to take pictures with Liam? And for whom, the paparazzi? Dani, I know this is some stupid prank of yours but you've really lost your touch. That is so absurd I can't even..."
"I'm not kidding, seriously", Dani explained, with an earnest expression, "I told her that someone might notice the slight differences in our features. You know, twins being mirror images and all. She said that your face was plain enough to not warrant such close scrutiny. Yikes"
Riley bit her lip. She said,
"Fine. That does sound like something Madeleine would say but it doesn't make any sense why she would want me and Liam to be photographed together by some paparazzo"
Dani explained,
"Right? I asked her the same thing. She said it was because rumours have been going about your marriage losing its spark cause you two are barely seen together in public anymore"
It took Riley a moment to counter that. She tried,
"But... it's not... it's just because we've both been busy with our individual duties. There's nothing wrong with our marriage. We love each other"
"I'm sure you do, Riles. Don't listen to what the haters say. They have nothing better to do", Dani assured her.
Riley couldn't stop thinking about it though. Had it really been so long since she and Liam had been seen together in public? She couldn't recall the last time they had had a private moment together let alone one in front of other people. She had thrown herself into the role of the best Queen she could be and yet...
"You okay?", Dani said, "If I had known it would bother you so much, I wouldn't have done it. That Madeleine said she would let you know and you'd be okay with it"
What hurt her - more than the speculation about her marriage - was the fact that Liam had gone along with this scheme. He had let himself be photographed with Dani as a substitute to his lawfully wedded wife.
Riley had to ask,
"What did Liam say? He must have felt pretty uncomfortable pretending you were me"
"I don't think he noticed it was me and not you. We didn't say anything to each other. We just walked side by side, not even holding hands. And that was it", Dani shrugged.
'No way. Not in a m...'
Riley shook her head, giving a little laugh of disbelief.
"Now that's taking it too far. Liam would have immediately known it was not me. Or Madeleine must have told him it was you. Yeah. That's why he..."
Really? She thought to herself. Did Liam really not care or notice that the woman next to him wasn't his wife?
It hurt. But Riley endured. She put on a smiling face for her sister and saw her to the guest chambers.
Riley dropped the impassive act when she walked into her own bedroom that she shared with Liam. He was sitting on the settee, reading a book. Like a child in want of attention, Riley walked over and stood right in front of him. Liam looked up at her from his book then, asking,
"When did you get in, my love?"
Oh the nerve.
She folded her arms across her chest, trying her best not to let her cheeks swell in anger like they always did. And which was enough to make Liam not take her seriously as he kept trying to "puncture" her cheeks instead.
"Did you seriously pose with Dani this morning and not know it wasn't me?", she asked.
Liam closed the book, his perfect eyebrows furrowing just a bit. He asked sweetly,
"Dani? Your sister?"
"You posed for paparazzi bait shots with her this morning. Did you really not know it wasn't me?"
Liam stood up and peered down into her face. He said sincerely,
"Riley, I really didn't think for a moment that it wasn't you. And Dani... when did she arrive? And why was she the one posing with me?"
Riley recapped for him what Dani had told her. He sighed, scratching the side of his brow.
"That's too much, even for Madeleine. I'll talk to her"
"I'm not jealous or something that you posed for a picture with my sister. It's not that", Riley said in small voice.
"What is it then?"
She could feel her stupid cheeks inflate as she spoke.
"It's just that... you couldn't even tell that it wasn't me. I know Dani and I are identical twins but I thought...", she mumbled, "I thought you would always be able to tell"
That's it? Oh? That was what he had to say in his defence?
Liam said, a bit sheepish,
"Well, to be honest with you, we didn't talk during the photos. She was wearing a very... interesting hat that hid nearly half her face from me. I supposed that you were busy and didn't want to talk, that's all. I didn't want to annoy you"
This wasn't something she had expected to hear from her Liam. Riley gripped his arms with her hands, saying,
"You don't think I'd ever be so mean and want to avoid you? Not you, Liam. You're the only reason I'm even here. You know that, right?"
He took her in his arms. But cautiously, she noted.
"I know. I'm sorry", he said, "It's... you have been so busy lately. I know how hard you try to give your best to everything you are called upon to do as the Queen of Cordonia. I just didn't want to annoy you when you have been working yourself to the bone lately"
That sure did it. Riley could feel the tears murking her vision. She had been so occupied with being a good queen lately that she had forgotten who she was doing it all for. The man who was holding her in his arms like she were made of fire and would burn him any instant.
She didn't want to know the answer to it but she asked anyway.
"Yes, dear?"
"You're not scared of me, are you?"
He stroked her hair away from her forehead, smiling.
"Of course not, my love. I'm in awe of your strength and your courage every day. But you have never given me any reason to fear you"
Throwing herself into his embrace, Riley muffled her face against Liam's shirt. He seemed to panic.
"Hey. You okay? What's wrong?"
Riley mumbled,
"I pulled a Riley"
She could feel the laugh reverberating through Liam's chest. He kissed the top of her head, saying,
"There, there"
"I'm so sorry", she said, sniffing.
"Don't be. I appreciate how much effort you put into being a good ruler. You have no idea how grateful I am for that", Liam held her face so she was looking up at him, "But nothing's worth the anguish and damage to your health. You are the most important person in the world to me. And if anything were to happen to..."
Riley sniffed petulantly, interrupting him,
"Why am I like this?"
Liam kept reassuring her, kissing her tears away.
"There's nothing wrong with you, my love. I just wanted to remind you to take it easy"
She wiped another tear falling down her cheek. The exhaustion of the past few weeks was catching up with her. More than that, she was chiding herself for reverting back to her old workaholic ways. She didn't need all the stress when they were trying for a baby.
Liam looked at her like a sad, guilty puppy, which just added to her confusion. He suddenly pulled her closer.
"Oh my darling, I'm sorry. Don't cry. I'm so sorry", he said.
"Why?", she wondered.
"If I had known it would make you feel so bad, I never would have agreed to Dani's plan"
Hold up.
Riley looked up sharply through tearful eyes that were now blazing with a slow fury. She repeated,
"Dani's plan?"
Liam confessed,
"Yes. I asked her if she knew how I could stop you from overworking yourself to a burnout, and she said that she would fly to Cordonia and help. She didn't tell me much. She just said that I shouldn't speak a word to you or her today if we met in public, and that she would handle the rest. I knew it was not you with me this morning outside the Parliament, but since she had forbidden me from speaking to either of you, I didn't say anything"
Liam was startled when a woman's voice in an American accent called him "Tattle tits!". Both he and Riley turned to see Dani standing in the door to their bedroom, with her hands on her hips.
"For the record", Dani said to her sister, carefully taking a step backwards, "Lady Hana and Madeleine were in on this too. So you can't just punish me for the whole thing"
Riley gave her husband a sweet smile that spelled murder. She said,
"I'm going to deal with you tonight, right after I kill my sister"
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She could tell from Liam's eyes that he was up for whatever sexual punishment she had hinted at. He said softly, so only she could hear,
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me"
She shook her head at him in horror, saying,
"Oh my god. You only spent like half a day with her... Jesus Christ. Dani!"
Liam couldn't help but grin as he stood there watching. Dani dashed out of their rooms with a laugh, followed by the Queen of Cordonia and her shoe.
"Oww!", he heard Dani yelp from somewhere outside, "That hurt, you jerk!"
The loud bickering he - and the guards - could hear outside reminded him of similar occasions from his own childhood.
Not wanting to get in Riley's way when she was in an avenging mood, Liam took his phone and dialled a number.
"Leo?", he smiled on hearing the voice, "Hello to your filthy self, brother"
He sat down to catch up with his own sibling while Riley punished her imp of a twin outside.
*That line's from a Key & Peele sketch. God I miss that show.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 10
• We're BACK from our hiatus fam!
• It's been a while and I quite missed doing these, and I'm not sure I did a good job. Right now, I have a very serious disc prolapse going on, which means I'm in pain most of the time and not very good at writing in that state. But this chapter was amazing, and I really do want to do justice to it in my review. Here's to hoping I can.
• Last we checked, the Costume Ball was in full swing, we danced with our beloveds, hobnobbed with the rest of the nobles, and Neville and Drake had a scuffle that seems to result in an honor duel.
• Title: A Matter of Honor. Mostly referring to Drake in the duel, but also IMO to Olivia to some extent. After all, if you choose the option you get to back Olivia up, validate her very valid grief against the relative that so heartlessly abandoned her and then thinks she has the right to berate her as if she were family.
• Alternative title - well, I have a few.
Now We Know Why Liam Has An Outdoor Kink.
At This Rate Drake's Body Is Going To Fall Apart, Like Voldemort's in Deathly Hallows Part 2
PB Doesn't Pay Me Enough For Being Bertrand Beaumont's English Teacher
Hana Lee Should Teach Us All Cordonian Legends 101
• So now Drake and Neville will have a face-off in the courtyard with all the grace and subtlety of an Old Wild West shootout at high noon. The only thing missing was that theme tune from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 😂 But it's okay. We can make do with music from The Freshman.
• The MC has a choice of either losing her cool at him, mocking him, or telling him not to hurt Drake. I'm not sure anyone would bother much with option 3 because seriously...it's Drake. Against Tweedle Dum. Not a lot of competition there 😂
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Esther DuPont is nothing if not savage.
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I'm not surprised considering this is the dude who thought it was funny to joke about being poisoned with wine in RoE 4 (which was probably also a hint at how Liam's mother died).
• FINALLY REGINA GETS A COSTUME. It's black, which is one of the colours of the Krona duchy where she's from. It's got some nice silver detailing, and gold around the neckline. She's also the sole voice of reason compared to Constantine rn.
• Kiara, interestingly, is the only person outside of the MC's circle of friends and advisors who gets to show a reaction prior to the duel. Though it's limited really to a squeamish "how barbaric". She's also the only woman besides the MC (his close friend/fiancée) and Savannah (his sister) whose reaction to Drake's victory is shown immediately, and her reaction in the aftermath of the fight is definitely not shown if he's already engaged to the MC.
• The other LIs all get to show support to Drake in their own ways: Liam is encouraging, Hana is worried, Maxwell promises to film everything which is...well...typical Maxwell.
• Madeleine is shown in her only appearance this chapter to illustrate how we can spin this duel to ensure they win support for the royal family. If you're engaged to Drake, it's seen as personally useful to you as his fiancée. If not, it's seen as the victory of an ally to the King, which can still gain major support. Her "encouragement" is to glare at Drake and instruct him to "not let us down" with all the care you'd expect from someone like her. As I've said before, Madeleine has good PR skills maybe, but is horrible...horrible...with people.
• It's a pretty huge, heavy-looking sword.
• Neville lunges at Drake twice, and misses. Drake misses too, but the force of his attack was enough to back Neville towards the crowd.
• Neville complains about Drake's brute strength...which is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard in a duel? What were you expecting Neville? Dainty tea parties??
• Neville does manage to wound Drake pretty heavily from the side though. Following this, we see reactions from Hana and Olivia. Hana (whose education didn't exactly include self-defense lessons and warfare) is freaking out. Olivia (who likely educated herself) coolly retorts that Drake will survive it and be able to fight.
• Olivia: Father always used to say that if you can breathe, you can stand, and if you can stand, you can fight.
Olivia's dad may not be a Nevrakis by blood, but he most definitely seems to be a Nevrakis in the way he thinks. This mindset reminds me a lot of Luther, who would rather die fighting than live to his old age in a condition that wouldn't allow fighting. I would daresay that possibly in some ways her dad may have been a bit of a hero figure for little Olivia, and she's been doing her best to emulate him.
Funny enough, someone (I believe it was @mrswalkerwrites) pointed out that Justin says the exact same thing in the previous chapter at the hospital.
• So Neville grabs Drake's injured arm and the pain makes it tough for him to launch a full attack.
• This chapter makes good use of both the "Recovery Attack" and "Rousing Speech" tropes here. Have no fear if you don't know what they are, because I've checked out the TV Tropes website for you:
Recovery Attack (which Drake does to Neville when it almost looks like Neville will win):
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Rousing Speech (if the MC encourages him before he fights back. It's more potent and poignant when she is engaged to him):
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• Drake makes use of a punching technique called the haymaker, which Wikipedia tells me is a type of wild punch used in boxing that requires all the fighter's might to work, and it's a smart move because Neville doesn't expect it at this point where Drake seems at his weakest, and because it's probably a technique he would probably never "lower" himself to do. Drake has a small window of opportunity here that he can use, and he uses it well - catching hold of Neville's sword and pointing it to his throat. The narrative tells us that a single drop of blood drips from the swordpoint's pressure, and Neville immediately surrenders. Hypocritical wuss. 🙄
• Neville insists Drake cheated because "a gentleman never uses his fists in a fight". Err...maybe you didn't use your fists per second but I do recall you twisting his injured arm, Tweedledum 🤔
• Or perhaps you're right! You're not a gentleman!
• Certain scenes featuring an LI work better within the context of them being in a relationship with the MC. This is largely true of Liam himself, since the entire "wedding-as-unifier" plot works better when he is an LI than anyone else, but it also applies in certain cases to other LIs. Take this dueling scene for instance. If Drake is your LI, the duel increases in intensity and tension, and Neville gets to insult both him and the MC ("let this be a lesson to both you and the wench you're marrying"), thus dragging both their names through the mud. Drake isn't only proving himself to the court - he is also protecting his fiancée's honor. From a narrative standpoint, the dueling scene is good if he isn't your LI, but brilliant if he is.
• Neville's "I won't forget this" is typical of a sore loser, but could also be ominous. Rashad apologizes to Drake on Neville's behalf (I like him quite a bit this book), and Regina congratulates him personally (I'm not surprised. She's made it quite clear in Book 1 alone that she thinks quite highly of him).
• Not a single solitary fuck was given about Drake's injuries that day. Give the man some top-notch medical care you fools!!
• Olivia implies that Lythikos might be our next stop after the Gala. I was right! 😀
• Onto the Olivia diamond scene, which is our second solo-Olivia scene in the series so far. Both deal with her family, the tense relationship that exists between the Nevrakis family and the Crown, and the many ways Lucretia has failed her niece at a time when Olivia needed her the most.
• If you buy this scene, you get a taste of Lythikos Moscato from Lucretia. Usually Moscato is a sweet white wine - the Muscat grapes grown in the warmer Mediterranean climates of Italy - but here it's a deep purple, sweet and strong. There is no way a Moscato could get that kind of colour on its own. They must have used flowers to get it to look like that.
• Lemme get this straight. Lucretia Nevrakis thinks a five-year-old Olivia is "lucky" for having just servants around when her parents died. Expected a FIVE YEAR OLD that SHE left behind sans adequate support ("the Nevrakis heir shouldn't have needed me to hold her hand and wipe her little tears") to fend for herself. Now claims that Constantine was holding Olivia hostage. Wow, genius. Sure Constantine may have "held her hostage" but who was the one who gave him that opportunity???
• That said, this scene was brilliant. It told us a lot about Liam and Olivia's formative years and gives us a great insight into Olivia's family shortly before we make the trip to Lythikos. The hints are small, but incredibly important.
• Most of all, this scene makes me want to learn more about Constantine's reign. Lucretia speaks of him as a ruthless man who gained many enemies and who managed to thwart many plots conspired against him. I want to hear more about that. It's clearly key to why things are the way they are now.
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(First two screenshots from @callmetippytumbles and @i-dream-so-i-write also sent me a few, so thank you to you both xD)
These are the responses you get based on which background story you choose to hear:
1. Olivia: Cheerful, friendly and giving. By her own admission, Olivia was forced to grow up fast when her parents died and Lucretia abandoned her. No wonder she was called a "cactus" as a child. When your own family doesn't hesitate to abandon you, who can you trust? (besides Liam, who she saw as her own personal hero).
2. Liam: I find it very interesting that Liam was dubbed "free-spirited" as a child (by his mother no less) and by Lucretia's standards seems to have "grown up". That's interesting, because "free spirit" is what Liam uses to describe the MC, especially in Book 1. Furthermore, Liam - when we first meet him - is trapped within his role and cannot even contemplate coming out of it. It's not just an interesting detail...it's also an immensely sad one, and it reminds us of the kid of hardships Liam himself had to face.
3. Olivia's parents: So now we know for sure that Olivia inherited Lythikos from her mother. Olivia's mother, in fact, is one among the four women we know so far who own an estate passed down from their families - Adeleide, Emmaline, Madeleine (who likely got Fydelia when engaged to Leo) being the other three. Olivia's mother is seen as clever and independent, and her father as brash but brave.
• Lucretia's visit is focused on one important thing: planning an alliance for Olivia. If you engaged to Liam, obviously, it's a no-brainer that Olivia will need to look elsewhere. If you're not, Lucretia tries to sway Olivia by pointing out that if Liam really wanted to marry her he would have done something by now, but the field is left open so we can see Olivia having a future with him. The entire tone of the scene hinges on whether the MC is marrying Liam or not.
• We've known this for a long time now, but it's pretty clear that Olivia has a Diavolos-like role in the books in terms of gaining her trust. Most of the time, the options that give us relationship points with her are the ones where we surprise her by seeing good in her. In this scene, we get 3 relationship points with her if we choose options where the MC can openly support her in front of Lucretia, thus making Olivia view herself in a better light. The most obvious indication of this is the MC's response to Lucretia where she speaks of needing support not as a weakness, but as common sense. Olivia is surprised by this way of thinking...but it also makes her feel much better about her own vulnerability.
• Lucretia-Olivia have serious Luther-Diavolos parallels. Lucretia, like Luther, does not understand the needs of the child in her care and expects Olivia to understand the dangerous world she inhabits at such a young age, and grow up fast. Olivia, like Diavolos, protects herself with her 'cactus' persona, and is genuinely shocked when people reach out to her, or extend kindness and comfort.
• This scene also makes me want to learn more about Constantine's reign. He seemed to be at the height of his powers around Liam's childhood to teen years, and we've gotten a glimpse of what he was capable of when the MC was targeted and harmed in his manor. I know they won't show us everything...but I'd like some insight into his rule.
• I didn't buy the Bertrand scene because tbh, I'm not very invested in his relationship with Savannah. There was a time when Bertrand's life didn't revolve around her, and now...well, now that's all I ever get to hear from him. I do think it's important, however, to have this storyline, resolved at this point in the story. Remember how Maxwell's crisis point deals with struggling with his new responsibilities, and the fear that he might not live up to the family name? Part of his lack of confidence comes from Bertrand, who is clearly a perfectionist by nature. Bertrand is encouraged to do two things in his diamond scene:
1. Reveal the truth to Savannah that he loved her - still does - but didn't want to burden her with a House that had no money to support her.
2. Tell Maxwell he is proud of him. In whatever way possible. Maxwell needs validation most from his brother, and when Bertrand gives that to him, that's half the battle won in terms of resolving Maxwell's issues.
• These two suffer from a tendency to either talk over each other, or to not say anything at all. That's disastrous in terms of a relationship and I'm really not here to babysit to grown people or coach them on how to talk to each other. Sorry, BertVannah, you two are on your own here.
• I may not like the couple, or the diamond scene, but I do understand that it's important especially in terms of Maxwell's character development.
• Shortly after this, we have the mid-book 30-diamond scene (in previous books, these scenes - the Forgotten Falls and the Opera scenes - went to Liam because his love story progressed much faster than the others) which now involves the LI dancing with the MC in the palace courtyard before carrying her to bed. Suffice to say...I loved them all. This is the kind of effort I think most fans were hoping for in the LI scenes, not the copy-paste ones we ended up seeing in the bathtub scenes and - before they edited it - the spa scenes.
• A major reason this scene would cost 30 diamonds could also be because this is Maxwell's first sex scene. But the importance of it goes way, way beyond the sex.
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(Screenshots taken from the following: Vika Avey (Maxwell) and HIMEME's (Drake) YouTube channels and @kennaxval (Hana))
This scene depicts a resolution of issues for at least some of the LIs:
1. Drake's crisis involved doubting his ability to fit in in court, after years and years of openly rejecting it. For the sake of his fiancée, for the sake of his best friend, for the sake of his country. The duel, in a lot of ways, was an opportunity to prove his worth. To prove that commoners had plenty to give to the court, if they were given the opportunities and advantages that nobles were given. I recall seeing screencaps somewhere, where Drake speaks of doing this for every commoner trying to make it in court - and I doubt there was a better way to establish that than this. I mean, the dude is the first man to win an honour duel in a freaking century! For the most part, this duel was his breakthrough, and his crisis point was pretty much resolved.
2. Maxwell's crisis involved doubting his worth as a responsible nobleman, as someone who could uphold the Beaumont name while Bertrand worked on his relationship with Savannah. If you do buy the Bertrand scene, Maxwell does get to see how proud his brother really is of him, and that's huge because this man is someone Maxwell really, really looks up to. In his diamond scene, he gets to confess how overwhelming the whole experience has been...but for the first time in a long while, he gets to feel happier about how everything is working out for him, rather than stressed.
3. Hana's crisis involved belonging. Does she belong to this place? Can she find her place in Cordonia? Does she really have anything of value to contribute to this wounded nation? Hana's ancient Cordonian love ritual gives us the answer to this. The ritual involves throwing a copper (symbolizing friendship), silver (love) and gold (belonging) coin each into the fountain, thereby sealing her love with the MC for all eternity. This conversation then moves to a conversation on belonging. Post the attack, Hana realized that even though she'd spent most of her life learning the ways of the nobility - nothing prepared her for the level of political instability that Cordonia was experiencing. At this point, she is slowly moving towards the point where she can see herself as an asset to the country, but her journey is not entirely over yet. There is some resolution left, and I believe that resolution will involve her estranged family.
4. Liam's crisis is perhaps the hardest to resolve, because he hasn't reached the point where he can openly speak about it yet. Liam has an entire country's future on his shoulders. In this particular scene, he only hints at it, by pointing out the parts of the palace that haven't yet recovered from the previous attack. For the most part this is foreshadowing: it hints at the fact that this is only the beginning, and the palace will go through worse. But it also hints at Liam's own issues. Liam has been taught all his life to keep his issues to himself, but everything is soon going to come to a head for him, resulting in a tumultuous outburst. Like the palace that stood strong through decades of instability, Liam too will crumble.
• I've heard that all the scenes have been top-notch! Drake's is in the courtyard itself, Hana's is in a room with a piano, Maxwell's is in a room he selected after searching the palace for the perfect bedroom, and Liam's is in the royal chambers.
• NOW I know why Liam has an outdoor kink. How the fuck can you have sex in a bedroom surrounded by pictures of old dudes and not feel uncomfortable!?
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LIAM 😡 You saw Esther's lingerie in that sparring scene almost a month ago!!
• The sex for the Maxwell MC must have been so good that she forgot that she wasn't the narrator.
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(Screenshot from the Vika Avey YouTube channel)
• Oh hello, Leo 🙄
• How nice of you to come. No, you didn't miss much. Just your brother being forced to get engaged to your ex-fiancée, several attacks and two tours. How nice that you suddenly remember us only when there's a fancy ball going on.
• That said, I believe that plotwise Leo was brought into the story for a reason.
• Will Bastien do a cameo in Bloodbound now? 😂
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Whyyyy is Constantine giving us these super emotional speeches now? First the dedication in the opening speech to Regina, bequeathing a royal heirloom to the MC, then finally telling his sons what he should have been saying all along - that he loved them. I smell foreshadowing, folks.
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Oh no.
• What I see happening today: The manner in which Constantine addressed his wife, sons and the MC suggests closure to me. They sound to me like the words of a man who will die soon, and who needs to speak to his loved ones before he finally does. Ergo, the chances that Constantine will die in today's attack are pretty high.
1. Constantine has done a lot of wrong over his years as a father, a friend and a King, and in the last few chapters seemed to be trying to atone for his past behaviour. I'm pretty sure that someone's (v possibly Liam or one of the LIs', going by the precap) life is going to be in danger, and Constantine may either sacrifice his life or die in some other way.
2. No one in Cordonia knows about his illness. If he dies as a result of his attack, no one will need to know, and he will possibly be hailed as a hero. Only his family and Liam's friends would know that he was going to die regardless.
3. He would have possibly resolved most of his issues with his sons and friends, allowing him to die in peace.
4. Most importantly...I think seeing his father die in a terrorist attack like this one would push Liam into to his lowest possible emotional point. I have mentioned before, that Liam's crisis point begins where everyone else's may end - given how little he still opens up. A tragedy of a much larger scale is required for Liam to put aside his stoic demeanor and actually let his beloved/friend know how badly he's actually taking it.
• I could be wrong and Constantine and Regina may get out of this unscathed, but at this point I think now is the best time in terms of narrative for something that devastating to take place.
• I'm guessing Neville (or Lucretia, but I still have my doubts) disappeared from the Ball to do more than just lick his wounds.
• I think we will spend a few chapters (at least 1-2 more) in the capitol: saving lives, mourning the dead (I'm sure there will be some), recovering emotionally from this catastrophe and trying to make sense of what they're going through. Once things have returned to some semblance of normal, there is a chance we might still move forward to Lythikos. After all, I feel that a huge part of the drama will come to a head at Olivia's estate. Shortly after this, we might either see another estate or so before going to our own, or move to Valtoria straightaway. Where we will probably be given the chance to make changes to our own coat of arms.
• It's going to be a tough bunch of weeks for us all, fam.
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terrablaze514 · 7 years
Flu Aftermath + Writing Prompt - it's also "International Fanworks Day/Week"
Been sick all week... Shoutout to my new followers! Special surprise coming your way this afternoon/evening if you're a Gundam Wing lover!
Duo: Make it snappy!
Wufei: Yeah, hurry up! Your fever was gone yesterday and you still didn't write nor post ANYTHING!
Oh dear. I have important errands to run. I won't ruin this, either.
Duo: Are you writing it, yet?
Wufei: Why don't you tell them about your foster home idea?
Duo: No, Wuffers! Not yet. She needs to post another one-shot-type outtake from our still not-yet-posted Secret Magic AU.
Wufei: *rolls eyes* Look at yourself in the mirror more often. You ruin things too much. Besides, she still needs to send that part to a Beta first, but the flu threw her off.
Duo: Really?
Wufei: Baka.
Duo: I think it will be the smutty one-
Quatre: No it's not-
Duo: But I gave her all the smutty scenes already! She like, literally shared one on Discord! There's a few more to go.
Trowa: Did you... spy on people again? *squints eyes*
Duo: Wha- No! *waves hands* Why would I?
Wufei: *smacks head*
Duo: Ouch! Hey, that's not cool! Her entire fic should have at least 15 smut scenes.
Trowa: -_-'
Wufei: O.O
Quatre: Okay, this is awkward. Hey guys! TerraBlaze514 was sick with the flu all week. Missed work, couldn't sit up long enough to finish writing something, and didn't always rest well. She's such a busybody trying to keep up with the things she normally does.
Duo: Pfft. Like you know everything.
Quatre: *whispers* I'm her good luck charm. *aloud* Anyways, she came across a silly prompt and has decided to write it, starring us! It will be posted in a few hours.
Trowa: She needs to run her errands, now. You know, buy things, banking... you know how long bank lines are.
Quatre: Which is why she has Google Docs on her phone. See you shortly!
Duo: It better be the smut.
Trowa: I prefer something fuzzy, just this once.
Duo: But-
Trowa: Only to spite you, Maxwell.
Duo: Gah! If only I was successful last night...
Wufei: Kisama! *points accusatory finger* I knew it! You almost killed her in her sleep!
Trowa: Now THAT makes perfect sense. Where are my throwing knives?
Duo: *gulps* Um, BYE! *runs away*
Zechs: Stupid kids.
Heero: Now you know why I take my personal breaks.
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Thank you so much for accepting my request????? I've been rewatching loads of them and feeling all nostalgic and as the HSS gang are probably around my age they grew up on this stuff too so I could imagine them just being lame and nostalgic together ?? Idk just a dumb fantasy of mine haha. I'm doing great! How are you?! And yes I love your messy ass you're awesome. And server b*by.???? What.????? I'm so confused lmfao 😂😂😂 Also I just wrote out all of the LIs favourites debate with me [c]
Maria: Witch’s Ghost because of Hex Girls Monster of Mexico because of the traditions and stuff (she’s latinx or something, right? If not she just really finds the culture inspiring. The scene where all of the statutes come to life is the best part of the film okay) Michael: Zombie Island because he’s an edgy bastard and he was a fucked up child because he watched it every night Legend of the Vampire because, again, HEX GIRLS !!! He adores them and wishes they were a real band
Caleb: Cyber Chase! He can’t settle on one type of adventure, so Cyber Chase satisfies everything from space to dinosaurs Where’s My Mummy? because the giant scorpion was SO FUCKING COOL WTH Emma: Boo Brothers! Really old classic and she loves the riddles and stuff in it. She was really interested in them as a child She adored the live action ones, even the ones being released now!
Aaaaand Aiden: Alien Invaders because the Groovy song was his fucking jam. Also aliens are so cool. He also really loves the live action movies (Spooky Island and Monsters Unleashed - not the new shitty ones lol) Sorry these are so long and lame omfgkfkclkskd Debate with me.
these are not lame, i can’t contest to them not being long but they’re not lame and i asked for your opinion and im happy you delivered! let’s debate! *rap battle commences* or maxwell would dream it would happen lmao.
ahh forget it then, you are not whom i thought you were unless you’re pretending not to know to throw me which, if so great tactic and it worked if it worked okay im gonna stop speculating and sounding dumb lmfaoisfoifja thanks for supporting my messy ass a true genuine soul
Maria: i do believe it was confirmed she was Hispanic yes! the monster of mexcio was a great movie, deserved all it’s praised. i love that scene, when all the status came alive as a kid i had the toys and would reenact that scene with them lmfaooo. she would love the movie, it’s simply amazing and that’s the tea! and witch’s ghost has historical components i think she could appreciate alongside the Hex Girls lmfao.
Michael: oooh I could see his edgy thot ass loving Zombie Island, tis an epic movie, my brother used to get nightmares and i’d watch it 5 times in a row lmfaojfosjf oh YEAH the legend of the vampire,i forget about that one sometimes, definitely and the make up and killer bands featured in the episode Michael could get behind that. OR THE reluctant werewolf where shaggy had that blonde girlfriend and Scrappy was there and all the ghosts were real and they raced, I could see him enjoying that as well
Caleb: i tend to agree, Cyber Chase has everything he could want, the action and the fun of a scooby doo movie! and BASEEEEBALLLLLL spoiler alert if you never saw the movie lmfaooo, i feel like he’d love Aloha Scooby Doo (is that whatit’s called?) idk surfing volcano and action? i think he’d love it. i haven’t seen wheres my mummy in years, but i think i remember what you’re talking about and i AGREE.
Emma: oh poor emma, i’m sad to say i’m sure she’d enjoy the remake live with Hayley Kiyoko, scooby doo the mystery begins (and the lagoon monster bitch ass one idk what it’s called) was half decent i won’t lie, i enjoyed it and fred was really cute (my teenage self thought so) the second one however no. i hate when they force the velma/shaggy relationship it’s tragic. the boo brothers as emma’s fave makes so much sense actually, like it’s  right up her alley
Aiden: phew finally made it, that was a joke don’t take it as me not wanting to have this convo pls love you husband. tHE GROOVY SONG IS MY JAM, I LOVE THAT MOVIE IT HAs THE PERFECT BALANCE OF IRRESTIABLY FUN MUSIC AND ALIEN ACTION AND TWISTS, AIDEN LOVE IT! and the live action ones he’d appreciate the seond ones cinematography i’d asssume
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