#it's related to how megs met him
transingthoseformers · 11 months
I thought you shoukd know that i saw 1 singular panel of the bayverse comics of Starscream trying (failing) to protect a bunch of hatchlings and immediately decided hm yes I am going to need to read these comics for the decepticons looking after their swarm of children content
That is hilarious especially since I've had that exact thought process before with tf media
The bayverse comics are 100% on the list and the hatchlings fascinate me beyond belief
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 3 months
Thinking about when I was an Anakin Stan
I used to be a big Anakin stan as well as a huge prequels fan. I used to emulate him and was a bit of an edgelord. I would often act emotionally violent and immature as well as taking an imaginary lightsaber and slashing it all over. There were times I would advocate for a communist dictatorship while quoting him. But then I started to see how toxic that was and how nasty of a person he was. I don’t want to be like that kind of character after seeing what I was doing and I don’t want to relate to him. Looking back, he was basically every conservative white boy I met who would act friendly while spewing or supporting the most bigoted shit while getting defensive and crying “I’m just joking” or “you just cancel people you disagree with”. Seeing his stans on tumblr made me hate him more with many of them such as tragicfantasy-girl or Nerdychristianfanboy being right wing, Zionist, anti trans, trump supporters. Reading YouTube comments and seeing all the people who say they would do the same as him if their mother or wife was dying is pretty disgusting. While there are a few villain characters that I do love and sympathize with such as Princess Harumi, most of my faves are the opposite of Anakin. They’re all “chosen one” characters who are actually worthy of being called that. I’m not a Christian but Anakin doesn’t deserve to be called space Jesus after acting like a fascist, racist predatory douchebag for most of his life. Now, all my faves are characters who faced temptation, trauma and hardship but still chose to do good and keep seeing the good in people which include:
Ben Tennyson, Lloyd Garmadon, Steven Universe, Meg Murry (A Wrinkle in Time), Madoka Kaname, Luz Noceda, Ahiru/Duck (Princess Tutu), Usagi Tsukino
All these characters are far more worthy of being called Christ figures and are the kind of person I want to be. Plus they’re all teens and still chose better than Anakin who was a grown man. I have nothing against people who like villain characters and still like a few myself but emulating their beliefs/behaviors and justifying them is not okay. I have a whole other essay planned for why I like Harumi and hate Anakin despite their similarities. But I am a bit embarrassed of my phase where I acted like Anakin was the greatest thing since sliced bread especially as a person of color who’s met people like Anakin and the real nastiness of their beliefs.
Edit: while I’m not an Anakin fan, I’ve realized it’s a bit unhealthy to constantly hate a character. I don’t want to become intolerant or hateful of different perspectives as long as they aren’t villain apologism.
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usertimothee · 1 year
Hey, I haven’t read Little Women or any of the books related, the only adaptation I have seen is Greta Gerwig’s and I’ve recently rewatched it. And I have some thoughts are mostly ramblings and need to express to someone so I hope you don’t mind me popping in here. I don’t really know where people got that Jo was In love with Laurie? She loved him as a friend but romantically? I never got that really. And how I took that scene with Jo and Marmee was Jo admitting she was lonely and if Laurie asked her to marry him again she would say yes. That’s kinda unfair to herself and him when you think about it, marrying someone just because you’re lonely? Not because you are truly in love with him? How would you both be happy together? I’ve seen some discussion around them and I don’t really like people putting in the tropes “oh lovers who went wrong or right person wrong time” to Jo and Laurie. Because they weren’t lovers, they were friends. And I don’t understand where people get Jo being the “right” person for Laurie. I wish we could have gotten more of Jo and Friedrich. They were cute I think. And I wish we could have gotten more with Amy and Laurie. I think this summer I’m gonna find the books and read them. Anyways, there’s my thoughts and hope you are having a good day.❤️
hi anon! never be afraid to come into my inbox and ramble about little women bc talking about it is literally my fav thing.
especially when ur thoughts are so spot on, and i'm honestly so surprised and pleased u got this from greta's version. bc a lot of people think she made laurie and jo be that "right person wrong time" couple when they're not like that at all, in any adaptation, even greta's.
ur totally right, jo never loved laurie romantically. like, ever. and it's made obvious multiple times. ("i can't love you as you want me to...it would be a lie to say i do when i don't," in the proposal scene.) and it's especially made clear in the attic scene, with jo admitting she's just so lonely. but if you can't get it from: marmee: do you love [laurie]? jo: if he asked me again, i think i would say yes. do you think he'll ask me again? marmee: but do you love him? jo: i care more to be loved. i want to be loved. marmee: that is not the same as loving. jo: i know. like ur honestly dumb i'm sorry? or don't know how to read media at all. or ur just being willingly obtuse idk.
and i would go even further. i firmly believe that laurie never loved jo that way, either. that boy was lonely before he met the march family. maybe even lonelier than jo was after beth died. he was an orphan, lived with his tutor and his grandfather (who was kind of cold to laurie before he met the marches, as well.) he had no friends. jo was the first girl he loved at all, in any way. of course he thought he was in love with jo. he didn't know any other love except the love had for her. and laurie was a romantic, as well. of course he thought the two of them were meant to be.
but they weren't, ever, and that's made so clear from their conversation in the attic. laurie: jo, i have always loved you, but the love i feel for amy, it's different. and i think you were right about this, i think we would've killed each other...i think it was meant this way. like...do jolauries think laurie is lying to jo? what reason would he have to do that? it doesn't make any sense.
and jo looks so stunned (this is admittedly clearer in the book than it is in greta's version) because it's amy. not because she's jealous, or expected laurie to still love her, but because her best friend just came home married to her little sister. that would stun anyone. and she looks sad, again, because she's so lonely, and she basically looks at the rest of her family coupled up and in love (amy and laurie, meg and john, marmee and her father) and she aches, because she doesn't have that.
i really think greta's only mistake was including that stupid letter to laurie. it didn't make sense and wasn't true to jo's character at all.
and finally, once again, laurie doesn't love jo like that. not back then, and certainly not now. i mean, the journey from "i think you will marry, jo. i think you'll find someone, and love them, and live and die from them, because that's your way. and i'll watch," to "i never thought i'd prepare a carriage to help jo march chase a man, but i like it!" he's delighted in that scene, just like everyone else. bc the jo he saw with friedrich was so different that the jo that was around him. he can tell the difference because he knows the difference now, because that boy is so desperately in love with amy it's not funny.
and that's another thing jolauries disregard: laurie's love for amy. because he does love her. and amy loves him, and understands him in a way that jo never did. and laurie wants to be better for amy. because, let's face it, that boy was a mess when amy found him in europe. (and this is one other thing the movie leaves out: laurie realizes in the book that jo was right shortly after he leaves concord - the two of them would've never worked. and by the time he meets up with amy again, he isn't still mourning his relationship with jo, he's just insurmountably lonely again, just like he was before, and he doesn't see an end to it.) he heals bc he falls in love with amy. he wants to be worthy of her, because he admires her and respects her. there's a great first draft of the script which is floating around on the internet which includes this letter from laurie to amy: Dear Amy, I have gone to make something of myself, so you might not be ashamed to call me your friend. like...he just got his heart broken by her. but he doesn't get angry at her, like he got angry at jo, because he loves amy. and he wants to be around her and is desperate to have her in his life, even if it's just as a friend.
and, just to give more evidence that amy is the first and only person he's in love with (and because i just love it a lot), here's the original draft of their kiss scene: laurie: i love you. amy, i love you. amy: you do? laurie: more than anything or anyone in this world. you are first in everything. you do not have to accept me, but i love you, amy march. [amy cries even harder. he kisses her.] amy: i love you, laurie laurie: i love you, amy march. laurie literally has gently but ardently resigned himself to loving amy even if she doesn't love him back, which is such a change from when jo rejected him.
and ur totally right, jo and friedrich are so cute together (even though louis garrel is unfortunately an asshole). and more importantly, friedrich understands jo in a way laurie never did, and lover her for who she is instead of who he wants her to be. and come on, when friedrich says, "my hands are empty," and jo takes his hands in hers and says, "they're not empty," and then he kisses her in the rain. like that is peak romance idk what anyone says.
anyways. tl;dr jo never loved laurie, laurie never loved jo, laurie is in love with amy, jo is in love with friedrich.
anon, feel free to come into my inbox anytime! and let me know how u like the book! i think if u have these opinions, u will like it a lot :)
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mandoalorian · 11 months
Hey Rach my love, could I request something soft with Javi P and gender neutral reader please.
Something where they're just relaxing in bed in each others presence. And Javi thinking how unbelievably lucky he is.
Love you loads x
Peace [Javier Peña x gn!Reader]
Rating: Teen
Word count: 1000 approx.
Warnings: Narcos-related themes so soft mentions of drug-use, war and violence. Mild sexual themes.
Notes: Love you so much Meg, my number one supporter<3 This isn't appearing in tags so please reblog to help spread it around and support my work<3
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How did this happen? Javier adjusted himself, turning onto his side and watching you sleep next to him peacefully. With every breath, your chest would rise and fall, and tiny little snores escaped your lips, signifying you were in deep sleep.
Javier had been to war-- he'd killed people and watched his friends be killed. He'd seen first-hand how drugs took the lives of innocents, women and children. He'd chased and been chased. He'd thrown punches and been punched. He'd been through it all and yet he never imagined that, amidst this real-life nightmare, he'd have the privilege of meeting you.
He remembered the day so vividly. What was originally an office day had turned into a day of chasing a Cartel lead and had ended in a shanty bar east of the small village in South America where he'd been staying. He spotted you sitting underneath the cheap amber lights, nursing a whiskey, slumped alone on a bar stool, staring into the almost empty glass. It was a vision he'd never forget. You weren't local, but instead, visiting the area on an expedition for work.
Javier never usually had any trouble with approaching attractive individuals such as yourself, but with you, he hesitated. He didn't want to hit on you or plan on taking out any of his sexual frustrations with you. But he was a gentleman and he would offer to buy you a drink.
"Rough day?" Javi asked you, his smooth-as-silk voice breaking your stare with the whiskey glass.
"Rough day." you confirmed with a huff, offering the man a weak smile.
"Hm," Javier hummed. "Can I fill you up?"
You almost choked on your own tongue. "Excuse me?"
Javier barked out a laugh at your reaction, realising his words could have been easily misinterpreted considering the circumstances.
"Your glass," Javier laughed. "Can I buy you a drink?"
You never usually felt inclined to accept drink offers from strange men but Javier seemed different. You weren't the naive type either. You could trust your instinct therefore you could trust him. You accepted the Agent's offer and watched him as he turned away and headed to a free space void of crowds at the bar. He seemed like a natural, getting the bar maids attention immediately.
The day you met Javier he was wearing tight denim jeans and a pale yellow button-down. Clipped to his belt was an officer badge with the word 'DEA' engraved into it. You later accused Javier of wearing the emblem to impress you, but he still remained adamant that he'd simply forgotten to take it off.
You and the agent bonded quickly and hit it off so well. Javier had never connected with anyone the way he connected with you, not even his ex-fiancee, Lorraine. You were different.
You interrupted Javier out of his thoughts, calling out his name tiredly as you rubbed your sleepy eyes.
"Oh, hey honey," Javier said, placing a chaste kiss atop your forehead. His moustache tickled against your skin.
"What time is it?"
"Just past three," Javier replied, leaning over you to check the alarm clock on your bedside.
"Oh my God," you dramatically pulled your pillow out from under your head and put it over your face. "Why are you awake?"
"Was just thinking about how lucky I am to have met you," Javier answered truthfully. You let out a groan and Javi walked you playfully before pulling the pillow away from you so he could see your beautiful face once more.
"Yes, really," he imitated. "I love you so much."
You wanted to bite back with something snarky but you were simply too sweet on your boyfriend to do that. Sighing in defeat, you cuddled up next to him and buried your head into the warmth of his chest.
"I love you too."
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myoongiverse16 · 1 year
Crosshair x Jedi Reader One-shot
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Summary: Crosshair keeps mentioning how clones are expendable. You snap and the rest of the batch urges Crosshair to finally confess how he feels about you.
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Warnings: Kissing, Crosshair being a shebs' oglon😂, and a smidge of suggestiveness at the end, if you squint.
Key for Mando’a words: Di'kut: idiot, shebs' oglon: a**hole, dank farrik: dang it, meg te haran: what the hell.
With Crosshair back in the squad, things have been……peculiar between the two of you. He was quite the brute and rude sniper when he first met you, and after everything he’s been through, you didn’t know how he currently felt about you.
I mean, sure, you had feelings for the snarky sniper man. But those feelings had to be pushed away when he left, to focus more on protecting the rest of the crew. Not that you forgot about him for a second. With him back, you didn’t know how you felt. 
Normally, he was usually a decent human-being towards you. Sure, you weren’t the closest, but you had a few exchanges, and you swear you caught him staring at you curiously a few times before all this Empire stuff happened. 
But, these past few days were filled with overly snarky comments, even for him. They dealt with pretty touchy subjects in your life that you had never mentioned to the batch previously because they were about painful experiences. 
For example, the other day Crosshair mentioned how the Jedi never cared about clone troopers and that they were just expendable to them. 
This got on your nerves because you believed in the exact opposite. The clones were your dearest friends and you had tried your best to treat them all as individuals. But, Crosshair didn’t know that, so you kept your mouth shut and ignored him.
This went on for some time. Crosshair would say something and you tried your best to ignore him, so far it had worked out.
One day, you just snapped.
Hunter decided a break was greatly needed. The Batch had been on mission after mission with no rest in between. Though you wanted to continue with missions, your body simply couldn’t comply. You agreed with Hunter, and a few hours later Tech landed the Marauder on a nearby forest planet. 
Wrecker was playing with Omega and Gonky. Echo was taking a well deserved nap. Tech was on his data pad, as usual. And Hunter was sharpening his knife while watching Omega and Wrecker with a smile.
All seemed well.
Well, not really, because Crosshair decided he wanted to die today. He brought up how clones were expendable, again.
“We’re just a bunch of numbers to everyone!” Crosshair shouted, you scrunched your nose in frustration.
“No, you’re not! You were to the Empire, but not to the Jedi!” Crosshair scoffed.
“Oh, so you speak for the whole Jedi order, then? Huh?” You gulped.
“Well, no. But I never saw you that way!” Crosshair folded his arms.
“Why? What’s so special about you that made you feel so bad for us? Do you pity us?” Your eyes widened.
“Of course not! I-I” You sighed. “I just relate to you I guess..” You said quieter. 
“Relate to us? You don’t know us-“ 
“I get it, I don't know you! Okay! I get it! You don’t have to keep saying that!” You fumed then stalked out of the ship. You ran past a curious Tech, a groggy Echo who was obviously annoyed, a concerned Hunter and a confused Omega and Wrecker. 
You ran out to what looked like a grove of trees. You continued to run until you found a small opening that revealed a little stream. You sat down beside it and slumped. 
Stupid Crosshair, what does he know? You sighed. It’s not his fault, you thought. It’s not like I’ve told him anyway.
Back at the Marauder.
Crosshair looked down and frowned. Di'kut, he thought to himself. He ran a hand through his silver hair and sighed. 
Someone cleared their throat. Crosshair turned to see the rest of the batch in the hall. He pursed his lips. Hunter raised a brow. 
“You know you messed up, right?” Hunter commented. 
“Well, by analyzing his heavy sighing, brooding, and self loathing, yes, yes he does know.” Tech stated matter of factly as he pushed his goggles up his nose. Crosshair frowned. 
“What does loathing mean?” Omega asked. Hunter glared at Tech. Echo facepalmed. “And what’s up with Crosshair? Why does he argue with her so much?” Omega tilted her head curiously. Crosshair just rolled his eyes. Hunter huffed and turned to the others silently asking, care to answer? 
Wrecker shrugged, Echo gave a look that said don’t look at me. Tech sighed and pushed his goggles up his nose again. 
“It’s quite obvious. Crosshair likes her.” Crosshair’s eyes widened and he ran a hand down his face.
“Is it really that obvious?” He crossed his arms and raised a brow at the crew. Everyone nodded their heads. Except Omega, she just shrugged her shoulders. Crosshair breathed a laugh. 
“Well, what do you think I should do?” He asked almost teasingly. Wrecker’s hand immediately shot up. The rest of the batch rolled their eyes.
“Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Pick me!” He shouted jumping up and down. Crosshair sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“Yes, Wrecker?” He pointed to him tiredly. Wrecker beamed.
“You should confess to her!” Wrecker yelled cheerfully. Omega beamed finally understanding.
“Yes! You should Crosshair!” Omega agreed, jumping happily. Wrecker picked her up and spun her around. 
“See, she gets it!” Wrecker shouted happily. Omega giggled. He put her down and ruffled her hair. Hunter chuckled at their exchange then turned to Crosshair. 
“So,” he folded his arms and raised a brow playfully. “You gonna take their advice?” Crosshair looked at him. He sighed and huffed. He rolled his eyes and looked down. Should I? He cleared his throat. 
“Fine,” he stated. Then stood straight and walked past them. Tech looked up from his data pad. 
“Wait, he’s actually going to do it?” Hunter nodded his head surprised as they watched Crosshair leave the ship. 
“Well, it’s about time,” Echo stated. Omega and Wrecker shouted happily as they started to dance around the ship. The rest of the batch laughed.
Crosshair walked out of the ship mumbling to himself. Today of all days, he thought. He wanted to confess to you sometime when he didn’t act like a total shebs' oglon. He continued to walk and found the clearing.
He spotted you just standing there, staring into a stream. Crosshair didn’t move, he mentally sighed. Gosh, what am I doing? 
“You know, I love the clones,” you said all of a sudden. Crap, she knows I’m here. Crosshair then remembered. Oh, I forgot. She’s a Jedi, she can sense people. 
“Even after Order 66, I still do,” You continued. Crosshair listened intently.
“I’ve spent countless, countless nights lying awake during the Clone War. Crying, wishing I could’ve saved so many of them. I mourned for every soldier I fought with.” You laughed sadly. “That actually goes against the Jedi Code. No attachments. But I did it anyway.” Crosshair’s eyes widened.
“I made it a priority to know each member of my battalion individually. I never wanted to know their numbers, I wanted to know what they wanted to be called. I wanted to know their names, so that for once, they could feel like a person. Not a clone, not a soldier, a person.” You finally turned to Crosshair, tears in your eyes.
“I loved them. So, I don’t care how expendable you think you are,” you paused. “Because you were never, never expendable to me.” You pointed to yourself. Crosshair's face turned to sorrow. Gosh, I did this to her. 
“I-“ Crosshair choked on his words. You frowned and turned away.
“You know why I say I relate to the clones?” You turned back to Crosshair. He looked at you and silently nodded his head. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this-“ Crosshair walked up to you and gently grabbed your right hand with his left. 
“Please, I want to know. I want to know everything,” he looked down at your hand and softly rubbed his thumb along the back of it. You swallowed. 
“Okay.” Crosshair looked up at you and gave a small smile. You gave a grateful smile back.
“I never knew where I came from, I was just told I was found in a raided village. I was the only survivor,” You breathed. “The Jedi took me in, raised me….” You looked down with a frown. 
“I can’t help but think, if I wasn’t taken in by the Jedi, would I have still been one? What if a Sith found me, would I have become a Sith? Would I have been a bounty hunter? Or join the Senate? I never really had a choice. I was kind of born into it.” You looked up at Crosshair.
“That’s why I say I relate to you guys. Clones, I mean. You never had a choice, though you’re treated much harsher, I can’t help but connect with you.” Crosshair nodded his head. 
“That makes sense,” he used his right hand to grab your left. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry.” You looked at him and smiled gratefully.
“You don’t have to be. I just wanted you to know.”
Crosshair nodded his head and smiled a little. 
“I understand,” he swallowed then pulled away from you. He turned around and hugged himself.
“I just saw another Jedi trying to take pity on us clones, and I got angry at you, I lashed out on you and that wasn’t right,” Crosshair sighed then turned back to you, he looked down at the ground. 
“It’s just been hard. You know? Ever since the Empire stuff, I don’t really know who I am. Was it the chip? Was it me? Why did I feel obligated to serve the Empire even though they never gave me a reason to want to?” You nodded your head.
“I get it. But, I don’t think it was your fault. You’re a good man, Crosshair.” You placed a gentle hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. Crosshair blushed. You retracted your hand away awkwardly.
“Errr, sorry.” Crosshair shook his head.
“No, it’s fine.” You backed away. 
“I just feel the same. I devoted my whole life to being a Jedi. Now that the Jedi order is gone, I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know who I should be.” Crosshair took a step forward. 
“Who do you want to be?” You looked at him, then contemplated. You smiled a little. 
“I want to be….good. I want to help people. Helping people gives me a sense of joy. I want to give that same joy to other people.” Crosshair gave a faint smile. You grinned. 
“Who do you want to be?” Crosshair breathed a laugh. 
“I want to be…. a good brother. I want to make up for all the times I treated them like bantha crap.” You giggled. 
“I’m serious,” Crosshair said with a smirk. Here goes my lame attempt at flirting. Now or never. 
“I also want to be better to you too.” You looked down and blushed. What?! 
“You already are a good brother. A great brother even. I see the way you help them. They don’t say it very often but I know for a fact that they love you very much. They never forgot about you when you left. You never left their mind for a second.” Crosshair hummed to himself. 
“Not really Omega though.” You gasped.
“What? Definitely Omega, though she didn’t know you very well, she talked about you constantly and how she believed the real you was in there somewhere.” Crosshair smiled to himself.
“She thinks you’re an amazing brother.” Crosshair smirked. Let’s take it a little further shall we? 
“And what about you?” Crosshair walked forward until he stood right in front of you. “Do you think I’m a good brother?” You gulped and looked down.
“Well….” You tucked a hair behind your ear. Dank Farrik. Crosshair chuckled. “I don’t really see you as a brother..” Crosshair leaned his face closer to yours. 
“Oh really?” Crosshair lifted Y/N’s chin so that she would look at him. This is actually working out better than I thought it would. She’s so cute when she’s flustered. 
“What do you see me as then, hmmm?” You let out a shaky breath.
“I-I” Crosshair leaned even closer, his nose brushing against yours. Oh my gosh! What is he doing?!
“C’mon, say it. What am I to you? A friend?” You looked at Crosshair. Well, meg te haran. 
“No…..” you whispered. “I see you as more than that.” Crosshair smirked. 
“Right answer.” Crosshair leaned in and placed a firm kiss on you lips. You let out a small gasp, then kissed back. Crosshair groaned and leaned back, placing a softer kiss.
Wait, is this actually happening? You thought to yourself as you felt Crosshair’s lips on yours. Am I dreaming? 
You responded with a hum of contentment and slipped your hands over his chest. Crosshair smirked and deepened the kiss as he tilted his head.
Nope, definitely not dreaming. You thought as Crosshair placed his hands on the sides of her face. He held your face then moved his hands down to hold your neck gently. You hummed again and smiled.
Crosshair slowly moved his hands down to your shoulders, down your arms until he held your waist. You smiled as Crosshair continued to kiss you with passion. You moved your arms up to Crosshair’s neck and ran your hands through his short, silver hair.
What is this girl doing to me? He moaned and gripped your waist tighter. 
After a while, Crosshair leaned back to catch his breath. You took deep breaths. He smirked and held your cheek. He rubbed his thumb along it, you looked at him with half lidded eyes. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re going to make me want to do something I’ll regret.” You smirked and leaned forward. You whispered in his ear.
“I know I won’t regret it.” Crosshair chuckled darkly and leaned in again. 
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eisforeidolon · 5 days
"I think the one that still boggles me the most is Lucifer stans mad at the Winchesters for being SO MEEN to him."
Please tell me this is not actually a thing? Good grief. Lucifer is a great villain in early seasons, and transforms into little more than a giant bag of dicks as the show keep bringing him back past his expiration date. If anything, the Winchesters should have been MEANER to him. Guh!
So, on a slightly related but different note, I love that Sam is never nice to Crowley, and I see a lot of people crap on him for it because Crowley's fun abd charismatic and occasionally an ally. But, Crowley is a very very bad person, and he has done both petty and hideous things. He manipulated Dean into getting the MOC, for cripe's sake. Sam is wise to not trust him. Also, Dean is mean to him, too in Season 10, manipulating and lying to him. And I say, GOOD!
This doesn’t mean I don’t like Crowley the character, but when people hate on either brother for not trusting or being nice enough to the constantly or occasionally evil supernaturals in their lives, all I can do is roll my eyes.
No one on this show is entirely trustworthy all the time, and that includes both brothers, so people shouldn’t get too uptight about others criticizing characters from time to time. It’s just the harping on one brother constantly (Sam or Dean), and painting them as the bad guy, out to ruin the ither's love, that is ridiculous.
I wish I could tell you it wasn't a thing, but I definitely came across it when I was still going into the general tags. Blocked and never looked back. I'm not telling anyone what they can and can't get out of a tv show or any other media so long as they aren't being dicks to other people about it, but sometimes I Don't Get It and I Really Don't Want To.
Things with villains in the latter seasons of SPN just get ... weird. It's like they kinda tried to redeem all of them and make them the Winchesters' buddies? But in a really half-ass way most of the time? Like, I genuinely like some of those characters, but they did some evil shit. Meg got Jo and Ellen killed, attacked them several times, and was part of Bobby ending up in a wheelchair. We met Rowena torturing random hotel workers on a ceiling. Gabriel killed Dean a whole host of times and was an even bigger coward than we knew. Crowley held Bobby's soul hostage, killed several people they saved including Sarah Blake, talked Dean into the MoC, prevented Lucifer from going back into the Cage, etc. And don't even get me started on Eugenie's Thing about Lucifer and how they wanted Sam to be joking around with him (which apparently some people would have been into that, SMH). It was like they couldn't stand to just let evil characters be evil, or at least let the Winchesters consistently treat them as if they were as untrustworthy as they actually were.
So yeah, getting all up in arms about Sam being mean to Crowley is just ... do you not remember all the shit Crowley has done? Like, even when he was technically sort of on their side he was constantly being a self-serving manipulative dick! C'mon! He's a great character but the furthest thing from a trustworthy ally.
Some fans really do seem to get to a point where they don't want to even try to sympathize with or understand the characters that aren't their faves while excusing the characters they like from pretty much anything and everything.
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nerdyrevelries · 2 months
Meg March: The Nurturer
Every time I reread Little Women, I find Meg March more relatable. This isn't because I am a wife or have kids but because I think Meg represents issues all women face and her story has only gotten more relevant since the book was released. 
Meg gets three chapters focusing on her struggles: “Meg Goes to Vanity Fair” in Part I and “Domestic Experiences” and “On the Shelf” in Part II. “Meg Goes to Vanity Fair” appears in most adaptations and involves Meg going to visit rich friends for a fortnight and getting her head turned by luxuries the Marches can't afford. The other most commonly adapted scene is one from “Domestic Experiences” where Meg buys $50 of silk that she and her husband can't afford. 
Even in the novel, I’m not fond of this scene because it doesn't do anything to give us any new insights into Meg that we didn't already get in “Meg Goes to Vanity Fair.” Going off these two scenes, it seems like her main struggle is that she hates being poor, but I think a fuller picture starts to form when you look at all the Meg-focused chapters together. 
“Domestic Experiences” starts with the lines, “Like most other young matrons, Meg began her married life with the determination to be a model housekeeper. John should find home a paradise; he should always see a smiling face, should fare sumptuously every day, and never know the loss of a button.” It's clear that Meg has some decided ideas on what a proper wife should be, and those ideas leave very little wiggle room for the mistakes and accidents that are part of everyone's life. Meg even tells John he should feel free to bring a guest home for dinner without sending word home to her first! 
One day, Meg is trying to outfit her house with homemade preserves. Try as she might, the jelly won't jell. She and John have promised not to go home to ask advice for every small trouble, so Meg goes it alone until she is so frustrated that she sits right down on the kitchen floor and starts sobbing. 
To make matters worse, John forgets that today is the day Meg is working on the jelly and invites a friend over for dinner. He is not met, as usual, by a smiling wife but instead finds a house devoid of life until he finds Meg still crying in the kitchen. John is so worried that she has been seriously injured or received terrible news that when Meg tells him what really happened, he laughs with relief, tells her not to worry about the jelly, and that he and his friend don't need a fancy dinner, just some cold meat, bread, and cheese will do. 
Alas, in the 1860s, the charcuterie did not have the same air of sophistication it enjoys today! Meg is horrified at the idea of treating a guest in her home to a meal like that and hurt by how lightly John seems to be treating the matter. She lashes out, which leads to the couple’s first fight. Eventually they are able to reconcile and their marriage is made stronger in the mending. 
The scene from “On the Shelf” features some very similar circumstances, this time pertaining to motherhood. When Meg gives birth to twins Demi and Daisy, she becomes completely absorbed in motherhood, spending all her time with her children and thinking about little else. She even refuses to let John in the nursery and tries to do everything on her own. 
As a result, John begins to feel like an interloper in his own home and starts spending more time away from it. Meg is extremely worn out and feels neglected, imagining that the changes in her household are a result of her becoming unattractive and John losing interest in her. 
Fortunately, Meg gets some excellent advice from Marmee: Practice self-care, give the kids to a sitter sometimes so she and John can go on dates and have adult conversations and interests, and let John help out with the babies. The advice works and peace is once again restored.  
When viewed together, we see Meg’s trouble isn't so much a love of luxury as it is perfectionism and a tendency to put too much stock in the voices telling her what it means to be a good woman, a good wife, and a good mother. Now, isn't that relatable? What woman hasn't felt like they were simultaneously too much and not enough? Who hasn't compared the shiny pictures of our friends’ lives that we see on social media to the less than perfect parts of our life that don't get posted on Instagram? 
If Meg was alive today, I think she would get really into mommy blogs telling her that she needs to make her own baby food from scratch if she wants to give her children the best life possible. She would watch Marie Kondo videos on YouTube and cry because her living room often looks like a disaster zone after her two toddlers are done with it. 
This was what I tried to bring to the adulthood character role I based on Meg, the Nurturer. I didn't want a role that implied that becoming a homemaker is settling because I think that Meg legitimately loves her life and being a stay-at-home spouse or parent is just as valid a choice as becoming celebrated for a career. 
Instead, what I tried to do was take the cares and the joys of Meg March and turn them into something that would be fun and compelling to play. The main points I wanted to focus on were the amount of unsolicited advice that homemakers commonly get and the perfectionism and fear of failure that often lead to burnout. 
The positive conditions for the Nurturer involve receiving love and support from your family and being seen as a model for perfect home management. The negative conditions are about being completely worn out and being the subject of your neighbor’s criticisms. I'm very proud of the role I was able to create, and I think it's a good example of a type of character you can play that will feel very different from one you might make in Good Society. I hope that you will enjoy playing as the Nurturer, too.
This is part of a series on the literary inspirations behind game elements for my upcoming tabletop RPG based on the novels of Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery, Castles in the Air. To see a complete list of the posts I've written thus far, check out the master post. If you would like more information, visit the game's website!
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thebrawlerina · 1 month
HC REQUESTS YOU SAY???? any friendship headcannons for bea???
- @starrr-cringee
Yay, my first ask!
Here's my friendship headcannons for Bea!
Bea isn't the most extroverted or outgoing person, but she's never struggled with making friends. Shes got pretty positive relations with almost everyone, barring a few haters.
Making puns is an excellent way in piquing her interest. She likes having pun-offs with her friends. She doesn't always win, but she doesn't mind as long as she has fun!
Bea doesn't like being patronized, so brawlers who do that are a little lower on her like list. There doesn't seem to be a hate list yet.
Max was Bea's first friend in the park, having joined it together. Bea sometimes finds Max's energy exhausting, and Max doesn't get all her babble about bugs and stuff, and they both have terribly busy schedules, but they always try to say hi and catch up whenever they get the chance.
This friendship with Max is why she got tapped to act as a villain for the 'Max Force' series (In my headcannons, skin collections are like special stories and events made to drive up more hype and business for the Park and its properties.)
Bea was actually pretty intimidated by Rosa when they first met. Rosa was her superior in both the Biodome, the brawling scene, and just in everything physical. But once she discovered Rosa's silly and nerdy side, they immediately became close.
It really wasn't a surprise to anyone (except maybe the two of them) that they ended up as a couple.
She didn't think she'd get attached to Sprout so much when she and Rosa made it, but now they think of it as their son. It even calls them mother sometimes.
Bea adores Spike a lot. She's always happy when he comes around looking for Sprout and just finds him to be a nice lad.
Bea is less enthused about 8-BIT and Tick. They're both fine robots , but sometimes she can't help but worry that 8-BIT's temper and Tick's chaotic energy will rub off on Sprout. she really is a mother.
She likes Carl. Even though she knows very little about Geology, she doesn't mind sitting down and listening to him ramble about all the kinds of rocks before having a little punning contest.
Bea and Piper have a nice little trade deal going on where she supplies Piper with honey her bees make, and Piper gives her some of her baked goods. There is more to their friendship than just that, but sweets just make the world go round.
Speaking of honey, she has a deal with Nita to keep giving her honey so she and Leon don't break into the Biodome and mess their research up. This worked pretty well, though its been less effective since the Candyland area opened up.
Bea empathizes with Meg in being underestimated for their diminutive statures and in having more popular co-workers. She likes to cheer Meg up and remind Max to keep her younger teammate in mind. (Meg is a teen genius in my headcannons. But I'm not yet sure exactly how old she is yet)
Chester is one of the few people she doesn't like very much because he tried to pull a prank and nearly broke something in the dome.
Eve and Bea have a tentatively okay relationship. Eve is not over Bea capturing her in a jar (even though she apologized for it) and she will never let Bea near her babies. They can still work together for Brawls, though and Eve doesn't mind being around her in the safety of her own ship.
Bea and Angelo have a weird friendship. Originally, Bea just wanted to learn why and how Angelo turned into a mosquito, when Angelo suddenly started venting and gossiping with her. Shes not one for gossip, but it seems to make them happy and they sometimes tell her what its like to be a mosquito.
Because of her relationship with Angelo, Willow seems to be cool with her too.
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
Tumblr media
“This is so stupid. I’m just gonna go home.” Megumi states, feet coming to a complete stop on the pavement he’s walking along. His best friend Yuuji stops a little further ahead, turning around to face him with a wide snickering smile on his face.
He knew he’d get cold feet.
“Don’t be such a brat. It’ll be fine.”
“We look like idiots.” he responds, gesturing his outfit as Yuuji smiles even wider. “The Mario brothers? Seriously?”
“Trust me, Megs, girls like funny costumes over sexy.” Yuuji tells him. It’s so assuring it almost sounds promising.
“What girls? Maki? Mai? Did you forget we’re related because you got too excited?” Megumi rolls his eyes, continuing to walk towards his relatives house ever so slowly. “You always do this. Wait… please don’t fuck my aunts.”
“Dude, I didn’t forget. I won’t fuck ‘em… but, they’re hot. And hot girls have hot friends. Including the girl you’ve been checking out at work.” Yuuji smirks, squinting mischievously before tearing his eye contact from his friend and speeding up his pace. And sure enough, Megumi is chasing after him.
“How did you— She’s coming?”
Megumi and Yuuji have been virtually inseparable since the day they met. They attended the same high school. Took the same after school activities. Were constantly sleeping over each other’s houses. Enrolled into the same university. And even got the same part-time job at their local coffee shop.
How could Yuuji not notice the way his friend drooled over you when you walked in for your usual order with Maki and Mai? Even he couldn’t deny how attractive you are. Yuuji is better at flirting, and it’s something you definitely picked up on. Megumi, however, would rather not try for fear of rejection.
But Yuuji is a loyal, good friend. He could tell how much Megumi liked you. And tonight, he’s gonna help him get a shot.
“Yeah. She’s coming.” He answers, quickly scrolling through his phone to find Mai’s Instagram. “And look what she’s wearing.”
full fic on my patreon
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godlizzza · 8 months
prompt: could we see teen danberts first kiss on the lips? The first date ended in a cheek kiss from what I remember
Dan was still getting used to the idea of seeing guys as cute. Guys could be cool, inspiring, even attractive in ways both enviable and desirable, but looking at another boy and thinking he was cute still seemed foreign to him, like a subject he'd never studied. It wasn't that way with Herbert though. When Dan looked at him it was all too easy to lost in how cute he was. It was one of the things that had made Herbert catch his eye.
Meg had been appalled when he'd finally mustered up the courage to tell her about his crush. She was the first- and for quite a while- the only person who knew about his attraction to guys, and she'd taken the news surprisingly well. That was, until he told her about Herbert.
"Him?" she'd exclaimed, and Dan had seen her opinion of him instantly drop. "He's the meanest person I've ever met. And he looks like a feral rat."
Well. Dan had always liked rats.
It was thoughts like these that swarmed Dan's head as he sat with Herbert on the bleachers, eating lunch. They'd gone on their first date last night, and while Dan could've done without the whole breaking and entering thing, he thought it had mostly been a success. Herbert had left him with a swift kiss on the cheek before he scurried away, up the steep driveway to his house. Dan had sat in his car for several minutes, marveling at how close Herbert's mouth had been to his mouth.
And now he couldn't stop thinking about Herbert's mouth. And his mouth. Their mouths touching.
He wanted to kiss Herbert. Did Herbert want to kiss him? He'd dodged Dan's kiss last night during the drive-in movie but that was before the planetarium. They'd run from a security guard together. Surely, that changed things, right?
"You don't have to sit with me," Herbert said suddenly, startling Dan out of his kissing-related stupor.
"Huh?" Dan blinked at him. Herbert, sucking on a juice box, stared simply back at him, his hazel eyes hooded. "What do you mean?"
Herbert swallowed, and Dan's eyes flicked to watch his throat bob between the starch collar of his shirt. "Don't you have a group of friends who'll be missing your commentary on sports or something?"
"Maybe," Dan shrugged. He slid closer to Herbert along the bench until their thighs were touching. "But I don't want to be in there. I want to sit with you."
"Really?" Herbert said, his lips barely moving. He'd gone still at their contact, his juice box paused midway back to his mouth.
"Yeah," Dan laughed under his breath. "Really. Is that so crazy to believe?"
"Maybe," Herbert echoed. "All things considered."
"And what things are those?" Dan asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
He leaned forward, his hand inching along the bench until it bumped Herbert's. Herbert stiffened at his touch but didn't pull away. He seemed to be doing his best impression of a statue.
"You know," Herbert said, his eyes trained, unblinking, on Dan. "I'm me and you're-" He gestured to him with his juice, "...you."
This had Dan grinning. He was only a man. He couldn't hear the guy he was currently pursuing thinly allude to him being a smoke show and not feel his ego swell. He gripped Herbert's wrist and gently steered his arm and the juice box down.
"Well, have you considered," Dan began, pitching his voice low, "that I like you?"
He said this while winding his arm around Herbert's shoulders and pulling him close. Herbert stared at him, his eyes wide behind his glasses and breathing hard through his nose. He was cool where Dan touched him, making Dan want to rub at his arm until he was warm.
Herbert licked his lips, catching a few drops of apple juice on his tongue, before saying, "That has been made apparent."
He was so close. His pink mouth was right there, inches from Dan's. Dan had almost kissed him last night in the planetarium, only to be interrupted. He could just do it right now. There was no one around to see them, he wanted to, and Herbert was there so why not?
"Good," Dan whispered, then closed his eyes and leaned forward.
He was met with a strangled gasp and a hand mashing against his face, shoving him away. He fell back with a yelp, toppling off the bench and onto the grate step below. His eyes flashed open, and he saw Herbert on his feet, hands clenched into fists and panting.
All Dan could say was, "Dude. What?"
But Herbert pointed an accusing finger down at him. "You tried to kiss me!"
"Yeah?" Dan countered, his head spinning.
Herbert huffed out an irritated breath, like it was Dan who was being ridiculous. His face was red as a cherry, blushing to the tips of his ears. "You can't just- Just do that. Just spring that on me without any warning!"
"What did you think me getting all close to you and putting my arm around you was?" Dan groused, pushing himself to his feet. "Did you think I was trying to headbutt you or something?"
"I don't know," Herbert hissed. "Maybe you've kissed a hundred people on some whim before but I-"
He broke off and clamped his mouth shut, staring angrily at the floor. Dan took in Herbert's hunched shoulders, his shaking fists, and his furious blush, and felt the annoyance drain out of him. It was easy for him to forget that Herbert had never kissed anyone before. That for him, all of this was new. Dan may have been the first person to put an arm around him, to flirt with him. He supposed something that seemed so small to Dan- a simple kiss on the lips- was a big deal to Herbert.
"Hey," Dan said, stepping forward and taking Herbert's hand in his. Herbert ripped his hand free and Dan sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't trying to ambush you. I thought maybe you wanted to too."
"I didn't say I didn't," Herbert said tightly. He refused to look at Dan, choosing instead to gnaw on the inside of his cheek and stare at the toes of his scuffed loafers. "I just...need to prepare."
Dan didn't know what preparing for a kiss would look like. Was there such a thing as condoms for your mouth?
"Um, okay. How, uh, long do you think you'll need?" he asked tentatively.
Herbert glared up at him and Dan zipped his mouth shut. "I don't know. Do you need a specific timeframe? Three to five business days?" he shot out sarcastically.
Dan pinched his brow. He was beginning to realise just how much Herbert was. Were all gay couples like this or was this something singular to Herbert?
"Okay, how about this," Dan suggested, palms up. "I won't try to kiss you again. When- Er, if you decide you want to kiss me than you can do it."
Herbert finally looked up from his shoes. He frowned, like he was trying to puzzle out an equation.
"Me kiss you?"
"Yeah," Dan agreed. "Sound good?"
"Okay," Herbert said slowly, sitting down again. "Sounds good."
Once Dan had determined Herbert wasn't going to immediately shove him face-first into the ground, he took his seat beside him and reached for his sandwich. He spent the rest of that lunch period determined to stop thinking about Herbert's cute face and how much he wanted to kiss it.
He could try, anyway.
Herbert had a problem. Usually, this was okay. He enjoyed problems. Relished them, even. But this problem was not one he could solve by sitting and thinking, this was a problem he was ill-equipped to solve. The problem was this: he wanted to kiss Dan Cain and had no idea what to do about that.
The immediate answer appeared simple. Just kiss him, or ask him for a kiss. But how did a person do that? Just walk up to someone and tell them you were thinking of all the potential benefits that could arise from your lips and theirs being in contact with one another. Not only did that seem impossible, it also seemed incredibly embarrassing, something that Herbert was not interested in feeling.
But he still wanted to kiss Dan, thus the problem persisted.
So infuriating.
When Dan had first suggested that he wait until Herbert expressed interest in kissing for the two of them to do that, Herbert had found no flaws in the idea. It certainly removed the threat of Dan kissing him out of the blue from the equation. Only now, the reponsibility to take the lead and move things forward fell on Herbert. Herbert, who had no idea what he was doing when it came to this.
He watched Dan from his locker, peering around the door to squint at him across the hall. Dan looked carefree as ever at his locker, pulling books out of his bag and stacking them away. His shirt clung to his back, sticking to the shifting muscles beneath. His jeans flared around his sneakers and were belted at his waist, accentuating his long legs. He was objectively attractive, something Herbert couldn't help but resent him for. Maybe if he were uglier, he'd be easier to approach, easier to kiss.
This is stupid, Herbert thought, scowling.
The bell rang, signaling the start of class. People rushed off, their shoes squeaking on the linoleum floors. As Dan closed his locker Herbert suddenly decided that the best course of action was to get it all over with as quickly as possible. Then he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Before Dan could join the wave of retreating students, Herbert caught his arm and dragged him in the opposite direction.
"Woah," Dan gasped before turning and falling into step behind Herbert. "Uh, hey."
"Come with me," Herbert replied sharply.
"Why? What's happening? Where are we going?"
By answer, Herbert kicked open the door of the boy's restroom and pulled Dan inside.
"Um, I have gym," Dan piped up and Herbert rolled his eyes.
"You can miss a few minutes."
Only once the door was closed and Herbert checked that all the stalls were empty did he release Dan's hand. He stepped inside a stall and waved for Dan to follow him. Dan gave him a look like he worried for Herbert's sanity but nevertheless, went after him.
"What's all this about?" Dan asked as Herbert locked the stall door. "I don't know what impression I gave you, but I don't do drugs. Or smoke."
"Shut up," Herbert shot back. His heart was hammering in his chest as he tried to keep a straight face. He couldn't stop fidgeting, and the fact that Dan was openly staring at him in bewilderment wasn't helping. Herbert nodded at the closed toilet. "Sit down."
Dan's confused expression only deepened as he slowly sat down on the toilet lid. "Is something wrong?"
"No. Yes. Well, not really. I just-" Herbert let out a helpless breath. Why was this so hard? He closed his eyes and steeled himself before opening them again and looking at Dan. "Just let me do this, alright? Now, close your eyes."
Dan arched a quizzical eyebrow at him. "Why?"
"Because I can't do this if you're looking at me," Herbert replied honestly.
Something about his tone, or his frazzled demeanor must have tipped Dan off to what he was thinking. His eyes widened a fraction before snapping shut. Then he sat still, waiting patiently.
Herbert focused on Dan's mouth. That was the aim here, right? Right.
He leaned down, briefly fretting over what to do with his hands, before bracing them on Dan's shoulders. He paused to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Dan's mouth was so close, that Herbert could feel his breath against his lips. It made him shiver and he worried that Dan could feel it through his hands.
Dan was so warm. Heat seeped into Herbert's palms through the fabric of Dan's shirt. How was he so warm?
Herbert tipped his head to the side, trying to line his mouth up with Dan's in a way that wouldn't have their noses bumping. Then he closed his eyes and leaned forward the rest of the way until their lips met.
Dan's lips were surprisingly soft. Soft and chapped, like he'd been biting them. He was surrounded by Dan's scent, the smell of laundry detergent and his musky deodorant cloying up his nose. There was a hint of wetness where Herbert's lower lip brushed the seam of Dan's mouth, reminding him of the fact that Dan had a tongue and people sometimes kissed with tongues.
He pulled away after a few seconds, keeping his hands latched onto Dan and breathing against the erratic thrum of his heart. Dan opened his eyes and blinked up at Herbert owlishly. He ran his tongue over his lower lip, like he wanted to savour the taste of Herbert's mouth. That, combined with the hot look blazing in Dan's sweet brown eyes had Herbert fighting to keep himself upright.
"So?" Dan asked after a drawn-out moment of silence. "How was it?"
"Good," Herbert croaked. "Um, yes. Good."
"Good," Dan echoed, reaching up to grip Herbert's wrists. "So, now that you've kissed me, is it okay if I kiss you?"
Dan made it seem so easy. Like asking for a kiss was the most normal thing in the world. All Herbert could do was nod jerkily.
"Uh, yes. I'm okay with that."
"Good," Dan said again, rising to his feet.
He released one of Herbert's arms to cradle Herbert's cheek, the tip of his fingers brushing his glasses. Dan stepped close, bringing that masculine scent Herbert was quickly becoming addicted to with him. His eyes slipped shut once more and Herbert only had a moment to draw in a breath before Dan was kissing him.
Maybe it was the angle, maybe it was the fact that they were both standing, or maybe it was the fact that Herbert now had some kind of idea of what to expect, but this kiss felt different. Dan held him close as he kissed him, pressing their lips deeply against each other. His eyelashes brushed Herbert's cheek like the wings of butterflies. Dan was all around him, holding him up, pressing him down, impressing desire on him through his mouth alone.
He kissed him a few times in quick succession, his breath huffing out of him through his nose. Herbert's head was swimming, his thoughts flying out of his ears, banished by the sweetness of Dan's lips. He felt like he was drowning, like his was suffocating through kisses. All at once, he came back to himself and he wrenched his mouth away.
"Okay," he panted, finding his hand fisted in the collar of Dan's shirt. "Um. That's enough."
"Was that okay?" Dan asked, his nose at Herbert's temple.
Herbert had to clear his throat before responding. "Yes. It was okay."
"Sooo, you'd be open to doing more of that in the future?"
Herbert shot him a withering look but Dan just grinned and bounced his eyebrows at him. Herbert softly smacked his chest.
"Don't get any ideas," he sniped.
"The only ideas I've got are for our next date," Dan quipped back. "How does bowling sound."
"Tolerable," Herbert replied. "You can pick me up at seven. Now, let's get out of here. That drawing of a penis gets bigger every time I look at it."
Dan followed Herbert's gaze to the crudely drawn dick on the wall about the toilet and turned back to him with a laugh. "Hey, that's some of my best work." When Herbert smacked him again, he raised his arms in defense and laughed louder. "Kidding! Kidding!"
Herbert unlocked the stall and stalked from the bathroom. "I'm leaving now."
Dan quickly caught up to him in the hall, still grinning. Herbert wondered how long it would take for that smile to leave his face.
When Dan picked him up that evening, he was still smiling like he'd won the lottery.
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emmabirb8 · 2 years
Could Nandor have fallen first?
*This has nothing to do with the most recent ep and almost nothing to do with season 4 as a whole, just a quick fyi* 
Oh man, Idk why this just now occurred to me, but it's entirely possible that Nandor fell for Guillermo first.
I know that most Nandermo fans are probably inclined to believe that Guillermo fell in love first, but what if it was the other way around? Hear me out.
See, I'm under the impression that Guillermo did not fall in love with Nandor at first sight. Rather, he became infatuated with him because, well, Nandor is tall, attractive, and the first real life vampire Guillermo had ever met. Of course he quit Panera on the spot and jumped at the chance to become his familiar. And I think that infatuation probably lasted a few months. Maybe a year, but that's a bit of a stretch. 
It definitely would not have taken long for that infatuation to fade though, and for pure annoyance and frustration to take its place. I mean, c'mon. We all know how much of a whiny, ungrateful pain in the ass Nandor can be. The prospect of one day being turned was probably the only thing keeping Guillermo from quitting during those first few years.
But then, something changed. Idk when exactly (my best guess would be year 4 or 5 maybe??), but somewhere along the line, Guillermo began to actually like Nandor. He started to find his quirks and idiosyncrasies endearing and developed an honest crush that snowballed and snowballed until he had fallen in love without even really realizing it. And we all know how that love morphed into an unbreakable devotion and codependency that Guillermo has actually (somewhat guiltily) acknowledged on camera.
So, Guillermo's journey to falling in love was anything but instantaneous. It was a gradual development that took quite a long time to really blossom.
Nandor, on the other hand, was different, I think.
Despite how emotionally constipated and confused he often is, Nandor has been known to fall fast and hard for people. Take Gail, Meg, and Jan as examples. In all three of those cases, Nandor believed he was in love and wanted to spend eternity with whoever was in his sights at the time. Now of course, all those times, he was jumping into things way too soon and mistaking his surface-level affection for true love, but my point stands. No, he may not always be able to interpret them correctly, but Nandor feels his emotions very intensely. It's an important aspect of his character.
What does this mean in relation to Guillermo, you ask? Well, I'm not saying Nandor fell in love with Guillermo immediately. However, I do think Nandor's journey to falling in love, while similar to Guillermo's (minus the infatuation stage), happened at a much faster rate.
While Guillermo was still in the infatuation stage, Nandor was entering the annoyance stage. As helpful and efficient as Guillermo has always been at his job, I'm sure Nandor became irritated at his constant hovering and worrying, especially during the time Guillermo was most likely putting all his energy towards making a good impression in those first few months. But, Guillermo's constant and consistent presence and dutiful hard work stirred something in Nandor. For the first time in a long time, he felt safer and calmer. As Guillermo moved on to being mostly annoyed with his master, Nandor began to  (secretly) truly appreciate his service and enjoy his company every now and then.
By the time Guillermo was starting to fall in love, Nandor had already been there for a while without having even a tiny notion about his own feelings (because, as we all know, the poor guy has the emotional intelligence and maturity of a rock). Nandor's dark, lonely, bitter world had shifted into a much happier, protected, and comfortable place, but his brain didn't make the crucial connection to see that Guillermo was the reason for that change. 
Subconsciously, Nandor went from light fondness to completely head over heels faster than Guillermo could come to terms with having a serious crush. And the dumbass (affectionate) didn't recognize the shift in his own feelings as it was happening because I don't think he has ever felt such deep, genuine love for anyone before. Every other time he thought he had "found love," even during his human life, it was only ever surface-level. So really, can you blame the guy for being unable to pinpoint his feelings about Guillermo when it's such a new (and scary) emotional experience for him? 
Nandor's heart runs a million miles a minute, but his brain runs a couple years behind the present, so it takes him a while to process things. Luckily, season 4 has shown him to be more emotionally open than he's ever been, and even tho his brain has only caught up to thinking of Guillermo as his (best) friend and closest companion, it is definitely progress!
He will get there, friends. It's gonna take a little more introspection, but he will realize the extreme feelings he's been having SO MANY OF lately are, in fact, passionate, romantic love for Guillermo.  
But anyway, that's how I think Nandor could have potentially fallen in love with Guillermo before Guillermo fully fell in love with Nandor. (Tho Guillermo was obv the first to consciously acknowledge and accept his own feelings.)
Join me in part 2 of this wild tangent where I discuss Nandor's odd behavior towards Guillermo and the intricate rituals they both constructed to achieve appropriate levels of physical intimacy between a vampire and familiar to sate their mutual hunger for touch! 😁
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artsy-hobbitses · 10 months
TTB Opening themes by season
Because my head goblin got riled up from that last ask and I am but a mere flesh jaeger. Thought went into this, goddamn thought went into this. 
SEASON 1 (PRE-WAR) Opening: Link by L’arc en Ciel (FMA movie)
Do you remember? Ever since we were kids there was a door we couldn't reach Even on tiptoes Forgetting about time Exhausted with endless wandering This maze we walked Always seemed to be there I can't stop unconsciously Searching for your smile. Not a single thing has changed I would bet on that Even if we were separated by a thousand miles, These memories will connect us Even if we should be fooled by the cruel tricks of fate It won't break us I wish that someday I could see with my own two eyes Our world born again
- Chosen because the MegOP as childhood friends vibes were TOO STRONG look at those fucking lyrics holy shit. Also, it sounds a LOT like OP speaking/singing to Megs! And. very sadly attempting to reassure himself/Megs that yes, they can still be friends despite everything they’ve gone through. He wants to hold on to that hope. 
SEASON 2 Opening: I am just feeling alive by Umi Kuun (Young Blackjack)
I am just feeling alive! The tears… the scars… from that night, Change to new vows in this moment.
This simple heart has simply gone on making decisions, Thinking there’s no way justice could ever exist. But nonetheless, I’m searching for it somewhere in my heart, (Give me Give me One More Chance!)
We only really need one thing we can believe in, always Hey, don’t you think?
I am just feeling alive! It’s a patchwork destiny But I want to try betting on that future! I just want you to survive! In the space between a cruel world and hope, This dreaming heart flaps its wings!
- Chosen for the ‘alive’ theme since OP has basically returned from the dead last season with the Matrix giving him ‘new life’. Also OP still seeking for a better day despite the shit he’s gone through AGAIN, and shifting his priorities from Megs to the team he now has to lead, who he’s determined to keep alive. - Thematic support from Prowl, who’s also learning how to live as a free man for the first time and is likely realising the mountains he’s willing to move for Jazz (and his shifting mindset). 
SEASON 3 Opening:  Unlimited by Nanase Aikawa (Samurai 7)
To understand each other And to share your feelings with each other Those things are like bubbles
Hiding themselves in the grains of time So I have lost all hope Believing it would be impossible to grab them Until I met you
How long have you been carrying This pain inside you? How long have you been hiding That sadness in your eyes when you smile?
If we now embrace the miracle of our encounter And look into each other's eyes, we can become stronger If this is not what is called love Then what is love?
- Female vocals chosen as this season introduces Windblade, Chromia and Lightbright as the Camien Valkyries, as well as Sari. - Fourth and fifth stanzas relating to Ratchet with Drift (defects to Autobots this season), Sari with Isaac (introduced this season, both are part of the main arc) and Windblade with Starscream.
SEASON 4 Opening: Missing Link by Novels (Tiger & Bunny)
I could have reclaimed that torn page Now I don't remember where I dropped it Yet what bothers me most is that there's no beauty looking forward After all, I did have a dream as my spell
What can I hate? My past? Myself? I only wish it could be someone else
We imagine such a future But even if we lose it We'll still be the heroes of our story
And even if the future is bleak So long as we have the present We will write as many chapters of this dream as we need
- The talk of past and futures plays into the Time Travel/Functionist Universe episodes which features as this season’s main arc.  - First two stanzas relate to Megs coming to terms with who he’s become (and the torn page he dropped, ie. his old, hopeful miner self). Also concerns Sunstreaker, who leaves the Autobots after a massive crisis of self.  - Last stanza concerns Prowl/Functionist Universe Jazz, basically Prowl telling F!Jazz that as long as they have the present, there’s still hope even if the future looks bleak. 
SEASON 5 Opening: Rain by SID (FMA: Brotherhood)
The new morning we've finally found Is being hampered by the past What we chased after wasn't the future But the past so full of remorse
The ruthless memories won't stop playing They won't be forgiving us for a long time
It's now that a teardrop Begins to roll down my fatigued cheeks
Will this rain ever stop? I've been freezing for a long time Why does the rain continue to fixate on me? I wonder if it could embrace me
Today the rain falls again Endlessly it falls, knowing no end We nestle close to each other to share the warmth Under this umbrella you gently held out to me
- Chosen because EVERYONE is a little fucked up and tired by this point.  - First two stanzas concern the 12 Primes, the reveal of what Unicron is and how they tie into all the terrible things the the system has done finally coming home to roost in an apocalyptic manner, so to speak.  - 0:28 to 0:32 played similar but much more benevolently w/the 10 Primes choosing their avatar/champion for the final battle.  - 0:13 to 0:18 for massive cast shot which combines Autobots AND Decepticons loyal to Megs who are, once more as they had in the beginning, fighting side by side. 
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Heyy! I love your blog, and I wanted to ask - do you have any headcannons about the Aliens in MvA? For me Sta'abi seems like a Lesbian...
gaww I'm happy to hear! gosh headcanons are so hard for me, apologies in advance that this is all over the place!!
hmm since it's pride, for fun I'd say Susan & Link are bi, Doc is a transman & aromantic or gay, Bob is nonbinary & pan ace
Coverton is either gay or demi aroace, Sqweep is a nonbinary (trans?)girl & ace lesbian, Sta'abi is pan demisexual, although I'm never set on labeling them but that's my idea!
oh and Gallaxhar is ace, Derek is bi (probably closeted)
‌the monster agents have their own private island where they live work free, nicknamed "Monster Beach"
Susan, ‌Doc, Link, & Bob have separate living spaces, but they share the same (beach) house. There are 3 floors and 1 ground floor, which extends to Susan's area that is the majority of the entire building. There's a lab/garage for Doc's projects just off the main residence, but the real works are at Area 5X. ‌Butterfly sleeps in a cavern of the cove behind a waterfall curtain.
‌Link has a driving license, a piloting licence, and a fishing licence and soon a licence to kill yes he has a car it's his 2nd baby
Link deserves a stuffed animal collection I think, but of course, his no. 1 will always be the rabbit, and they're all grouped on his heating pad rock thing
‌Susan video calls her parents weekly, tries to visit at least once a month but its more of whenever she can
‌Doc & Megamind are buddies. Although when the agents first met Megs it was a monsters vs alien situation (or monsters vs megamind hehe)
‌Doc's cockroach research contributed to the development of adding longevity to the average human which explains why Monger can be 90 and look like that, a less mad science former partner of his is responsible for this
‌there's an international Antarctic base that holds alien tech from around the globe (or at least what isn't "important" in each country's respective secret governments), these are mostly big and useless other than for study, an alien junkyard really
‌not sure how this would happen but I like the idea of Derek occasionally covering live news of the agents at work so a running gag is him getting splashed, slimed, dusted, swarmed, and such
Derek must have majored in meteorology, so there has to be something there. it's a special interest in weather and environmental sciences, but he'd avoid ever being called a nerd so it isn't that well known. he also had a hobby in photography, then wanted to be in front of the camera instead
‌MVA takes place in the same universe as Megamind, The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon, Rise Of The Guardians, Home, and Abominable (Shrek is canonically fictional, so dreamworksception? implying live action Shrek actually)
‌Link's species, the "aquappe", are not directly related to homo sapiens, but one of the cousin's ancestors (homo erectus?). I like to think their species evolutionary process was very back and forth (like a whale), but eventually became modern day mermaids. Like apes and whales they sing, but Link's adjustment to speaking might have affected his vocal cords. He still likes to sing, just shy about it like in the karaoke music party.
‌Link's first language is sign, which he learnt from Monger and few others, he learned proper English from Doc & TV
‌Bob also learned from TV, and Monger talked to him a lot
Bob's consumption/absorption of any material helps him regulate his mass. He floats on saltwater but will eventually break down after a very long period of time.
‌Monger has back scars from asserting his dominance over Link, an accidental acid burn from feeding Bob, and a matching chemical burn with Doc after he showed off one of his inventions
before Area 5X, Monger hunted monsters under an alias, although he was unsuccessful because it turned into a monster romance on at least 2 separate occasions
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DanAshBert Headcanons: Beginnings
When Ash is first brought into Dan and Herbert's relationship, their relationship tends to take on a "V" shape where both taller men love Herbert but there is a rift between Ash and Dan.
It all starts when Dan is hit with a surprising spike of jealousy for the first time since dating Herbert.
He and Herbert have an open relationship so that Dan can have his more intimate needs met. He tends to need it more than Herbert has the patience for. The hard part was convincing Herbert not to lash out when he's jealous, which is a lot.
Dan has never been much of a jealous man. The feel of it hits him like a truck, startling him when he sees Herbert has another guy. And Herbert's just fine with this guy just kissing and flirting with him.
Herbert's not fine with anyone!
The guy unnerves Dan. He's a lot bigger than Herbert and seems a bit rough around the edges. He also has a guarded look in his eyes, like he's hiding things.
Yes, Dan and Herbert are hiding things too. But that's different! This guy would never understand the dozens of bodies that have gone missing from the hospital.
Dan also doesn't like the bruises he finds on Herbert after he's out with Ash. The bruises remind Dan of the ones they got from Meg's father but he tries not to think about that day...
On the flip side, Ash is the happiest he's been since the cabin. Life is going better. Yes, he still has nightmares and body aches and headaches and he can never return home but he has a good new life.
He moved to a different state (Massachusetts). Has a stable job at a brand new S-Mart. Minimal deadite run-ins. Has a comfortable trailer to hold what few belongings he has. And he has a new boyfriend, one he doesn't have to hide anything from. He feels... free.
Even helping Herbert clean up the mess after one of his fucked up little experiments is a kind of morbid and strangely therapeutic. Ash tries his best to protect Herbert but sometimes those zombies get their grabby hands on Herbert. It makes Ash's heart ache to see his love's pale skin bruise so easily.
Despite all this, trouble only starts when he meets Herbert's boyfriend. It doesn't bother Ash that his boyfriend has a partner, Ash has always been rather loose. It's just that this particular guy that pisses Ash off.
Ash has seen judgy, condemning looks directed at him all his life. He can practically hear the guy's complaints. He can see it all when they visit him at work and the guy takes in Ash's S-Mart work smock. What makes this asshole think he's so much better than Ash?
The guy just gets on Ash's last nerve. He especially hates how the guy gets a little rough with Herbert when angry. Nothing too intense, he'll just yell and shake Herbert a bit. Usually about anything relating to Herbert's work.
Herbert says to ignore him but Ash is losing his patience. Ash didn't learn many good things from his shitty old man but he did learn you never to lay your hands on your partner with angry intent. If Dan grabs Herbert one more time, Ash'll put him in his place. The hard way.
Herbert thinks they're both being ridiculous. He doesn't understand their feelings towards each other nor does he care to. He's getting his rare emotional needs met as well as help with his work.
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Meghan's revisionist love story makes them look even more ridiculous and who would have imagined this was possible! Creative writing? Sure, Megs.
How I met your mother v4.0: she lied about her "single status" to an admirer seeking to fulfill his fantastical sexual fetishes. She offered him a ruff ruff time as suggested by the 🐶 filter she sent to him while vacationing in Mexico with her co-habitating Canadian partner, Chef Cory.
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burstingsunrise · 10 months
If you managed to process it, I would love to hear a story about your experience at Luke's Fonda show🥰 No pressure though, only if you want😊
funny timing for this, i wrote up a little summary post a while ago and have been kind of working up to posting it.
it's hard, because how do you adequately summarize something that means so much to you? it feels like nothing i say will be enough, but i do want to share some things about it, because i think that will help it feel real. thank u for asking and providing the encouragement. <3 emo bullet points ahead! i tried to focus mainly on show-related things but this experience wasn't just important to me because of the shows, so some of the other stuff sneaks in.
that’s the first thing. it didn’t feel real, and it still kind of doesn’t. because i was only there for a few days, and i spent every morning getting coffee with meg and every night seeing luke perform my favorite album. like…that’s not real. that can’t be real. 
accidentally but unsurprisingly coordinating outfits with meg on night one. the scientology recruiter on the sidewalk recognizing us from the day before when we’d walked by.
stress buying armloads of merch from an incredibly patient and probably at least somewhat high guy who immediately forgot about me, but who i will probably forever remember fondly.
roy and the mustard having a chat in the balcony.
standing in the crowd waiting for the first show to start. all of the anticipation mixed with all these different emotions, and then finally luke appears on stage. sings the opening of a beautiful dream. the lights shine on him more brightly as it crescendos and we finally get a good look at him. i turn to meg and i say “he’s so sparkly.”
comedown on night one. hearing “let me see all the things that i was supposed to see” while i was there. seeing it.
being able to look over at meg meaningfully when certain things happened during the shows, including but not limited to luke’s gratuitous displays of ass. poetic, really.
leaving the venue night one, in a daze. one of the security guys saying “have a good night” on our way out the door. he had no idea. no fucking idea what we’d just been through. have a good night! now that your lives have been changed forever! sausages on the sidewalk.
collapsing in the hotel lobby, quietly reviewing photos and videos, actually being able to do it openly and to talk about it or not talk about it, and to finally start to have it sink in.
staying up way too late, and eventually falling asleep in my new luke shirt.
the woman with the intense boston accent who hopped on the elevator and immediately asked me if the hotel had a coffee shop with a level of desperation in her voice that spoke to me deeply.
finding sam and meghna in line for night two, and the strange euphoria of speaking openly about things I almost never can to people i just met, but also already knew. being annoying and posting the same palm trees. wishing it would have worked out for emie to be there too.
grabbing meg’s hand to pull her into the crowd on night two. the feeling of relief. somehow we did it. two nights, two shows, two opportunities for everything to go wrong, but actually everything (or at least the things that mattered most) went right.
every time luke gazed our direction, on night two, which felt like a lot, and how every time it was kind of unbearable in the best way. because it’s him and because he was singing songs that mean so much to me while it felt like he was staring into my soul, and because i could look over at meg and know she knew exactly what i was feeling.
the shows going by so fast. i tried so hard to be in the moment and appreciate every second, but it was such a strange, out of body experience. this was something i’d daydreamed about and pictured in my head, but i never thought it was a real possibility. and even in my daydreams, i couldn’t fathom being that close to luke and being there with meg while it happened. it felt surreal that these things were actually happening to me.
the way luke smiled during the breakdown in mum, but also looked like he was dying so beautifully during place in me. admiring his large mouth during slip away. (it really does some riveting things to hit those points of emphasis.)
all the times he ran his hands through his hair to push it back off his forehead. all the times it fell right back where it was. the way he started the shows with it styled, but by comedown it was already just a perfect mess.
his silver nails and his new necklaces and the way his eyes sparkled.
night two, when luke started singing the new bloodline verse. that moment of “what is this? i don’t know this?” it hits different when it’s a song you know so well it’s like it’s a part of you, and suddenly there’s something new to it. thinking about those new lyrics, where they came from, how long they’ve existed, when and why luke decided to add them in, but just for night two.
the talking breaks, ranging from “i’m fuckin’ terrified” early on night one to “can you see my nipples in this shirt” late on night two. octopuses hanging from the ceiling. he didn’t know if anyone would like the album. but he knows we like to scream. making the album was such a very him thing to do, and it’s friday, and he’s in love.
the confetti cannon going off during starting line on night two, being positioned so it rained confetti into my hair, into my purse, down my shirt. it was blue and white and silver because of course it was, because luke thinks about these things.
his smiles and waves and little bows at the end. the shuffle step off stage and the way i watched his back disappear into the darkness until i couldn’t see him at all.
spending both shows with my hands clasped over my heart. it wasn’t a conscious choice. it’s just where they landed.
being stuck in the crowd after the night two show ended, surrounded by groups of people taking pictures of each other’s mascara tears or lying facedown in the confetti. seeing myself in some of those photos a few days later on twitter. and not just those photos - photos from the stage too. the photo luke posted (and took down). and the photo where meg and i are looking up at him with lovestruck smiles.
walking down hollywood boulevard at night, almost silent. walking down the other side of hollywood boulevard the next night, dodging drunk people, talking about luke’s nipples.
making the most absurd pouty face and waving pathetically on the elevator as i left meg on the 9th floor for the last time, then trying not to sob stepping out onto the 16th.
the trip home. feeling physically awful from several days living on iced lattes, kind bars, and no sleep. emotionally drained, sad to be leaving luke and la and meg. sitting at the airport, wishing i could be with my friends at the beach instead.
getting home, unpacking, tucking away my confetti for safekeeping. so incredibly happy but also so devastated to know that it really is possible to have it all, but only for a few days. grateful i had the chance at all, and that it worked out as well as it did.
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