#it's sad to know that none of these characters have dedicated tags
sunsetthedragon · 8 months
Is it weird that the thing that makes me the most excited about Fear Street Prom Queen getting a movie is the chance of seeing Suki Thomas, Lisa Blume, and Gary Brandt in live action. They show up quite a bit in the books and are very interesting so I will lose my mind despite knowing that at best they will get a small bit role in the movie.
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afrenchwriter · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @andromeda4004, thank you dear 🥰 Always an interesting game to play, share, and reflect!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I launched my AO3 account with a Red Dead Redemption fanfic, and then I discovered Good Omens, and then... well, you know how it goes with this fandom ❤️ That being said, I also had fun exploring the seas during the golden age of piracy (Our Flag Means Death) and the lands of a Norse God (Loki).
Top five fics by kudos:
For His Eyes Only (GO - James Bond AU, M rated, 69K)
Getting Closer (GO - fluffy post-S1 fic, G rated, 3K)
To the End of the Ocean (OFMD - post-S1 fic, M rated, 71K)
Whatever Comes After (RDR - canon divergence AU, M rated, 84K)
Ties & Other Obsessions (Loki - 5+1 fic, T rated, 4K)
Do you respond to comments?
Always! I treasure each and every one of them ❤️ But I have to confess that these past few months have been a bit hard (not much energy, unfortunately), and I'm still trying to catch up on all the lovely comments I've received.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mmh, good question... I'm afraid I don't know how to do that 🙃 Even the last fic I wrote for the GO historical minisode event (Shadow & Light) was supposed to end on an angsty note, and at the last minute, I decided to add a happy epilogue! But if we're talking bittersweet ending, then it would be Sharp Endings & New Beginnings, a post-S2 Loki fic... If you've seen the show, then you know 🌳
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to say, considering my previous answer 😇 but all the long fics listed above have a very happy ending!
Do you get hate on fics?
I did, once, on my OFMD fic... It was a shock, but also an interesting experience: it pushed me to question my narrative choices (and, in the end, confirm them).
Do you write smut?
I do... And I have a second AO3 account dedicated to it 😎 (I wonder how many people will reach this part of the tag game and find this out, eheh)
Craziest crossover:
None for now... (For His Eyes Only cannot be considered a crossover since Crowley is basically James Bond 😎).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! @pavel-pedro has started to translate To the End of the Ocean in Russian... and whether it will be one day finished or not (I know how time-consuming such a work can be!), I'll forever be grateful for the gesture ❤️
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I'm currently co-writing a fic, actually, with my lovely friend @sabotage-on-mercury: a GO/Fleabag AU! We're taking our time for all sorts of reasons, but we want to make sure we deliver quality content, considering the source materials!
All time favorite ship?
The Ineffable Partners, of course. How can you beat a relationship between two beings who have known each other for millennia and have gone through all sorts of ups and downs, down here and out there?
Or, as Neil would say: why? Love ❤️
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
*insert awkward look monkey puppet meme* I don't know, man... I have too many WIPs piling up lately, and not enough energy to work seriously on any of them... I do hope I'll finish all of my GO WIPs someday. But the one WIP I doubt I'll ever come back to (although it makes me sad because the outline I have for this story is WILD) is the sequel of my long RDR fic, called What We Owe to Each Other.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told several times that I'm good at capturing a character's voice, and that makes me really happy. I'm a huge cinephile and good dialogues, "natural" dialogues, are so important - I'm glad to be able to consider this as one of my strengths! I would like to say developing a plot, too - I love writing long fics and exploring characters' arcs - but I think I'm still too close to the source material for now to consider it a real strength... Room to grow!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a slow writer; I need to develop my ability to use imagery and metaphors; and I need better organization when it comes to writing drafts and editing the whole thing!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Well... I'm French and I write my stories in English + I work as a translator, so... Yes to dialogues in other languages, always (then translated, of course)!
First fandom you wrote in?
I'm not exactly sure, but it must have been between those three: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and Artemis Fowl (ah, teenage years!).
Favorite fic you've written?
That's a hard one... Whatever Comes After will forever have a special place in my heart since it's the fic that 1/ brought me back to writing 2/ helped me prove to myself that I was able to complete a long story. Senses & Sensitivity was my first fic for the GO fandom, and 1/ it made me feel confident to write more for the Ineffable Partners 2/ I made some great connections thanks to it (hello @hasturswig! ❤️). I don't think I've ever had more fun than when I was writing For His Eyes Only (and the enthusiastic comments along the way really helped! ❤️). But, to finish, I'd like to mention When All Is Said and Done, a GO fanfic in the South Downs that just poured out of me after the S2 finale... It really made me experience the magic of writing again.
If you've reached the end, thank you for reading! Feel free to ask me anything... And to consider yourself tagged if you want to play this game, too! ❤️
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teaveetamer · 6 months
I really don't want to be rude and I'm sorry if it appears that way, but why are you still engaging in all FE discourse? It's clearly not making you happy.
There's many cool project to focus on for FE ( there's a Blue Lions fanzine coming up!! ), and even outside of FE, I'm sure there's many games that could be to your taste? Idk if you already played it, but Baldur's Gate 3 has nearly everything cool FE have while being a really good game!
Discourse make us all miserable and we often end up doing things we regret, if not just for the time wasted talking to asshole. I know how it is, I was there before.
Blocking people and tag then moving on sometimes is for the best ( even asshole like Raxis, he might have stalker-ish behavior but the best that can be done is ignoring him ). I was sad to see your profile bc of random discourse, I would love to find you the same way but this time for speaking of something you love.
Anon I’m going to take this in the best possible faith here, and no I’m not assuming you’re being rude
1) I do have a blog which is ENTIRELY dedicated to just talking about things I love. It’s called my main blog, which used to be linked to this one, but I had to remove that link after one of the more deranged members of the fandom chose to follow it and comment pro-genocide stuff on my fun polls about which PNG is the sexiest. I also still write fanfic, livestream, participate in niche-r discord severs, and run several side blogs and accounts for events and tournaments, none of which I advertise heavily here because, again, a subsection of extremely deranged fans of a particular character seem to take it as an invitation to be extremely deranged.
2) I made this side blog explicitly to quarantine fandom negativity from my more positive endeavors, and frankly I have been trying (key word trying) to wind down its usage for years now because, frankly, I have better things to do and I don’t have that much more to say about 3H itself anyway but…
3) I have blocked the losers who are engaging in this kind of behavior. The problem is that they do not respect that block and continue to stalk, harass, and repost the things I say anyway to various social platforms, which has led to death threats made against me (among other things) because they are unwell beyond anything a block button can fix.
And 4) since I am not the only one these people do this kind of thing to, I figure the least I can do is warn people of their deranged behavior by using what little platform I have here.
So anon if you want to see me do something I enjoy, chances are you’ve already seen me doing it even if you didn’t realize it was me. And if you would like to see this blog stop posting, I highly encourage you to call out dangerous fandom behavior such as stalking, death threats, false accusations of pedophilia, harassment, etc. when you see it.
And sorry this took me a few days. I spent most of the week with a nasty sinus infection and I spent all my energy Thursday on going to work and class
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 1: #C3 vs #C6
#C3: Old man turns into robot superhero
An old man is diagnosed with cancer with 3 months to live. He sits in a park depressed until an alien spaceship passing through collides with him and a nearby teenager. The aliens frantically rebuild the old man and teenager as cyborgs before leaving. The old man uses his newfound cyborg powers for good, while the teenager uses them for evil.
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#C6: Sports anime for people who prefer bildungsromans* to sports
Two childhood friends who play competitive after school ping pong find their friendship and dedication to the sport tested when their sense of their relative skill in the game is challenged. A character focused-exploration of why we pursue sports, and what we have to commit to succeed.
*a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood, in which character change is important.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#C3: Inuyashiki: Last Hero
This show is nowadays remembered for referencing One Piece and its obvious CGI, but it’s so much more than that. Inuyashiki is a beautiful, dark, dramatic exploration of humanity, showcasing the brightest good that humans are capable of and the most horrific evil. It seriously explores both extremes, and it forces the audience to solemnly watch every step of the way.
It also has an AMAZINGLY badass OP and a beautifully sad ED, perfectly encapsulating the duality of the show itself.
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty/Death, Flashing Lights, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Rape/Non-Con, Suicide
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#C6: Ping Pong the Animation
An experimental director (Masaaki Yuasa) adapting a work from a very stylized and emotionally-focused shonen mangaka (Taiyo Matsumoto). This is an anime that feels more like watching an indie arthouse movie than a shonen anime. Featuring characters and arcs that subvert standard anime tropes, it gives an incisive picture into youths on the verge of growing up and learning responsibility. If you want to watch a short anime (one 11-episode season!) which will include cool sports action (and that’s coming from someone who is not generally into sports animes) the matches given weight by the primary use of them in narrative being as checkpoint in the characters’ growths.
I tend to prefer shojo over shonen for being more introspective, with the emotional arcs developed slower and more subtly, but for me this shonen hits a sweet middle ground of having that more internal feel, while getting to do the shonen things of having cooler, action-focused animation and character relationships which are about friendship rather than romance, and character arcs that are about trying to strive hard to achieve a dream. The show is quite well critically regarded, but a lot of anime fans get turned off by the unusual art style, and there isn’t really a fandom for it, so I think it counts as underrated anyways! Anyways, I think it delivers a really impactful and complete story-arc in a short time, and it leaves you feeling like you’ve grown alongside the characters, no matter how old you are (no seriously, my 50-year-old mother walked away saying she didn’t know anime was such a profound genre when I made her watch this).
Trigger Warnings: None.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
even if the fanfic you say was written by lily was, that doesn't make her a predator. i wrote some horrible pairings between adults and minors when i was big into my artemis fowl phase and i've drawn characters in ways i shouldn't have before. lily having made mistakes in the past doesn't make her a bad person. ee all fuck up sometimes. it's not the important thing. the important thing is that she tries to keep attention off that kind of thing and limits sexual stuff to stuff we can all click off of. if i didn't want to see her stream or watch her videos or whatever, i could and can just hit the back button. yeah, i guess flashing is kinda cringe, but cishet dudes do it all the time and no one calls them predators. it's just a thing some people do. It's not great but it's not anywhere near as graphic as the stuff guys at my school do, joking about raping girls and who they wouldn't fuck even if they were too drunk to see straight etc.
it's maybe five seconds of boobs. that's NOTHING. and it's transphobic that people slam her for this but if guys at my school joke about wanting to facefuck me it's "boys will be boys lol". why should a trans woman get so much more anger for a sexual joke so much more minor? what has she done wrong that the cishet guys who i CANNOT escape with a simple click haven't? i've never seen her flash but if i did it's one click away from being out of my life. the old dude who stares at my boobs in the library is way worse than lily. if she wasn't trans no one would give a damn.
and for your information, she has messaged me after i sent her fanart - and we talked briefly about fanart and how to navigate the tags on a fanart website i use that she's unfamiliar with. that's it. there was nothing sexual, nothing inappropriate, no red flags. just a pretty normal conversation and then she moved on. she's not evil or predatory or whatever. she's just some woman on the internet. all she's guilty of is maybe having written some bad fics and showing a few inches of skin. i've been raped. i know what abuse is. "hey how do you exclude tags on this site anyway? i keep looking for ___ character and only getting art of them with ___" is not abuse.
...Oh my. Yall I'm gonna need some help here.
There are screenshots of Lily's old Tumblr where the first three were linked, Lily talked about it openly, she even used to have a NFSW blog dedicated to it despite the fact that its most notable plot point involved grooming and molesting children and a young teenager. There are also video clips of Lily herself admitting to writing it. She was writing the sequels long into her 20s, which is well beyond the age an adult should be writing about those ages.
The people at your school are just as disgusting and the fact that they aren't getting reprimanded immediately is a sad failure of the adults around you. The adults in your life should be taking that just as seriously as we're taking Lily's behavior. It is just as predatory and sick, and I'm truly sorry the adults in your life are failing at this. I grew up in a similar situation myself, and it was a huge reason I ended up getting involved with adults I shouldn't have been involved with. Much like you, it had become normalized in my head, and I justified the adults who were taking advantage of me. It didn't make it right. They were predators who knew what they were doing, and wanted to manipulate and use me.
Lily uses a lot of maliciously manipulative tactics to get her audience, notably people your age, to sympathize with her. It's a form of emotional manipulation. None of us are transohobic in any capacity, and at least three of the people who are or have called her out for this are trans themselves. Accusing us of transphobia is one of the many lies she tells her audience so she can pretend to be a victim, and manipulate her audience into immediately disregarding us. If she can get her audience to believe we're terrible bigots by playing into their emotions, they're less likely to want to look at the hard evidence and corroborating experiences many of us have had with her.
Anon, I can promise you Lily has been lying to you to keep you around for her own selfish purposes. None of us are right-leaning in any capacity. Many of us are trans or otherwise not cisgender. Many of us aren't straight. Many Natives have spoken out against her. Many black people have spoken out against her. Kinksters have spoken out against her. Just about every group she performatively fights for has called her out for horrendous misinformation, racial fetishization, promoting extreme violence, pathological lying, smear campaigning, sockpuppeting (that she still does to this day by sending herself fake anon asks on a regular basis), zoophilia, and pedophilia. The last two have more than enough hard evidence out of her own keyboard to back up.
I'm truly sorry for what you're going through IRL. What those boys around you are saying is still predatory, still disgusting, and should absolutely be addressed by the adults around you. The fact rhat they aren't doesn't mean what those boys are doing is normal or okay. And it certainly doesn't mean what Lily is doing is normal or okay. People like Lily prey on people in your situation, who unfortunately haven't been shown that this behavior is abusive and horrible. This is what she relies on, and why she refuses to set up a revenue stream on a more adult-oriented website. There are many popular sites where she could be openly sexual with other adults and get paid well for it, but she refuses to go to those sites. It's because she gets off on the audience she has now, which consists of a lot of minors in situations like yours. Her and I are the same age, and I can tell you what she is doing is not something someone our age should EVER be doing. Period. It is predatory, she knows full well it is predatory, yet she's doing it anyway and lying to people so she doesn't get caught.
Please be safe, anon. I know it gets heavy as all hell dealing with what you're dealing with. There are people out here that genuinely do want you safe and I hope you get out of your current environment soon.
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pri-the-writer · 2 years
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I posted 6,904 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
6,894 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 248 of my posts in 2022
#saved - 18 posts
#yes - 4 posts
#me - 3 posts
#mass effect - 3 posts
#honestly i respect it - 2 posts
#wait there’s an ad free option - 2 posts
#man wanted to be honest with us - 2 posts
#i mean - 2 posts
#mass effect rp - 2 posts
#discord - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the sad part is that realistically they’re just going to go to some other country that’ll put up with their bs and the cycle will continue
My Top Posts in 2022:
Mass Effect: Shepard Initiative
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In 2157, humanity discovered it was not alone in the universe.
Thirty years later, they found a peaceful place among dozens of galactic species. But this idyllic future was overshadowed by a dark past: Reapers, a sentient race of machines responsible for cleansing the galaxy of all organic life every 50,000 years. Paralyzed with indecision, the galaxy's leaders failed to act in time, and it was only the act of one woman and her allies that brought an end to the Reaper threat.
Now, in 2187, the galaxy is finally beginning to heal after the Reaper War. With almost every major government and military force brought close to ruin during the war, the galactic community knew no one species could recover together. A new initiative was created, built out of the ruins of dozens of worlds, colonies, and peoples. This organization- comprised of thousands of politicians, soldiers, doctors, scientists, engineers, and common workers alike- is dedicated to reviving the galactic community and rebuilding it into something better.
It was named after the woman who made it possible, who saved the galaxy they are rebuilding:
The Shepard Initiative
So, now that the dramatics are out of the way, let me answer some questions. First and foremost, this roleplay takes place one year after the Reaper War. The Shepard Initiative is an organization built by the survivors of the galaxy and aims to rebuild the galactic community. Our Shepard is played by myself; she had a mostly paragon run where Ashley died, the Council was saved, Anderson became a Councilor, she romanced Kaidan in 1, Garrus in 2 & 3, none of the crew or team died in the suicide mission, cured the Genophage after Mordin sacrificed himself, made peace between the Quarians and the Geth, and chose the synthesis ending. Except, Shepard managed to survive the synthesis. How? Who knows, but you can pry her out of my cold dead hands. Currently, she is in a coma, and thus will not be used in the roleplay for now.
There are opportunities to roleplay at any location in the galaxy but the main storyline will primarily take place in Shepard Initiative Station, a massive space station/ship that is a mobile vessel for the project. It houses people who work for the Shepard Initiative and the supplies they will need.
We are currently looking for OCs to fill the roles of the Initiative's leadership. Each species will have one representative each. So that means there is a representative for the Asari, Turians, Humans, Krogan, Salarians, Quarians, Drell, Hanar, Volus, Elcor, Batarians, and Geth. Along with OCs, we have almost every canon character available for claiming.
This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
9 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Mass Effect Andromeda RP
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In the year 2185, humanity lives in a golden era of interstellar travel. Our discovery of ancient alien ruins on Mars propelled our understanding of science and technology ahead by thousands of years. While many now enjoy the newfound freedom and challenges of exploration in the Milky Way, others looked to even more distant stars. For the hundred thousand adventurers embarking on this one-way voyage, the future began in Andromeda.
And when many awoke to chaos and death, they feared their daring dream had turned to an ill-thought-out nightmare. But then the Pathfinder came to them. Not the one who was intended for the role, but instead someone who fell into it. Despite their shaky beginning, they rose to the challenge: making a home out of ruined worlds and peace out of genocide.
Ryder made Heleus live through Meridan, but while they killed the Archon, the Kett threat still exists. The challenge now is to hold on to what they have, and make even more. While work continues in Heleus, eyes turn to other clusters. The secrets of the Jaardan, the missing Ark Keelah'Siyah, and the threat of the Kett are all out there, ready to be discovered. Will you stay in Heleus and help the Initiative thrive, or will you chase the unknown?
This roleplay is a mix of open-world exploration and writing and a main plot that is still in the works. Whatever idea you have for Heleus or beyond, we can make it happen here- within reason, of course. Do you want to interact with the Tempest crew? How about the Angara or the Kett in Heleus? Do you want to find the Ark Keelah'Siyah? Explore beyond Heleus to discover the secrets of Andromeda? Ask, and we shall make it so.
Ryder is currently available, though the standards for a Ryder OC are higher than normal OC applications. OCs are welcomed and all canon characters are available for claiming. This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
13 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Okay so about Lin being cast as Hermes
I like Lin, he’s a decent enough actor and his musicals are pretty good, but I just don’t feel like he fits Hermes.
Now Nathan Fillion, HE fit Hermes. I don’t know why- probably because I loved Castle as a kid- but he has always been my personal favorite actor for Hermes. I kind of wish they had used him instead.
But I’ll stay open-minded. If he sings though, I’m out.
14 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Betrayal of a Lover
Happy Holidays @gelatingem! I was your Secret Santa for the @d20exchange! So sorry for the late posting, my schedule has been hectic lately. I decided to write a ficlet featuring CalAmethar, from Calroy's POV during the Safe Harbor episode and the notorious rampart scene and For Candia Part Two, as well as an "after-credits" scene of sorts. I hope you enjoy it! <3 Calroy thought his plans were ruined after Amethar escaped Comida. But then a messenger bird arrived, reporting the arrival of the former royal family in Port Syrup. Things were back on track, but he needed to move quickly. Place the proper bait, alert the right people, and put on his best pants. And then, there he was. The former king of Candia. Amethar the Unfallen. His lover.
Amethar immediately lights up when he sees Calroy. He ignores how his heart flutters when their eyes meet. The candy rock man laughs as he says, Got some pants. Now, those are some pants.”
“Well, I've had to upgrade in the absence of Candia's greatest fighter.” Calroy says, choking up at the end of his words. He makes sure not to overdo it. Amethar was as dull as a hammer when it came to subterfuge, but the others- especially the new man who seems familiar in a haunting way- might be better at picking up on this. Amethar immediately moves into his space, placing a hand on Calroy’s shoulder and saying, “Oh Bulb, Cal, no.”
They embrace, and Calroy can practically feel Caramelinda’s eyes boring holes into the back of his skull. He never understood why Caramelinda hated his relationship with Amethar; she had Sir Amanda Maillard, after all. But, in this instance, her anger was justifiable. Once he pulls away from Amethar, Calroy begins the dance.
A joke here, advice there, silence in-between. It’s a dance he knows well, and tonight, it will crescendo. Caramelinda wants to speak with Amethar in private, so Calroy suggests that he and Cumulous- another hiccup in the plan, but not a major one- explore the castle and see if the monk can awaken any arcane fortifications. Calroy is careful to avoid the castle areas where his men are preparing.
After some time, Cumulous and Calroy part, and the swashbuckler heads to Amethar’s chambers. A familiar path, no matter where he is coming from. His mind drifts to the first night Amethar had invited him to his chambers. Well, invited wasn’t the right word. It was more like a heated tumble down the hall and into his bed. After that, Calroy saw much more of the king’s chambers, and the queen spent more and more time in her own. Speak of the Hungry One, Calroy passes by Caramelinda in the hall. She doesn’t even look at him. Entering the bedchamber, Calroy winces and asks, “Oooh. Bad time? Good time?”
“Anytime.” Amethar replies numbly. Calroy lets out a heavy sigh as he says, “Well, instead of being in the place where your wife will come back to go to sleep and maybe make you feel terrible some more, let's, I don't know, wanna go take a shit in a field? In all honesty, the ramparts of the castle need some tending to, and I think we should talk about what we do if Sir Maillard fails to hold them at the Cola River.”
Amethar agrees, and they head off to ramparts. The dance partners are lined up now. Calroy looks out at the tents amassed below as they walk across the ancient ramparts. He’s surprised Amethar doesn’t notice the Ceresian tents. Then again, he certainly wasn’t the sharpest rock in the family.
“Look at all those tents. Like 20 years of peace just flew by, huh?” Calroy remarks. Amethar chuckles and replies, almost wistfully, “I guess so. Right back to where we started.”
“I guess so.” Calroy says. He starts to go for the dagger, but Amethar speaks up again and asks gently, “Cal… are you mad at me too? Because of… Catherine?”
His hand moves away from his belt, and Calroy shifts to stand in front of Amethar as he asks, “Of course not. Why would I?”
Amethar answers, a bit surprised, “Because we love each other.”
Calroy smiles and leans up to press a kiss on Amethar’s lips, one hand on his chest and the other moving to hold his waist. Amethar returns the kiss passionately, his mouth conveying his longing for Calroy, just how much he had missed him, and how sorry he was for abandoning him. After a heated moment, Calroy parts with Amethar and says, “Oh Amethar… I don’t love you.”
With one swift movement, Calroy stabs Amethar in the back with his water steel dagger, pulling him closer as he did, just to ensure the paralysis kicked in. Feeling Amethar stiffen, Calroy removes the dagger and steps away as he says, “You know what I always hated about you, Amethar? You were so damned lucky. I mean, fifth in line for the throne, and the crown rests on your head. And each of your sisters better and more-” he stabs Amethar in the gut as he enunciates, - “clever than you. It really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy barony feel… a little underwhelming. And sure, I bedded my way to a position of power, but everyone in court sees me as the Royal Consort. How do you think that feels? I have so much talent, so many abilities, but you know what everyone first thinks when they see me? “Oh, there’s the king’s right-hand man. His paramour. His…””
Calroy stops himself, his teeth grinding in his jaw. So much anger, bottled away for so long. But he needed to remain composed. It would be unseemly to step on his partner’s toes. He took a moment to enjoy the look in Amethar’s eyes- he couldn’t precisely express himself beyond that- it was heartbreak and shock, plain and simple. Eventually, he finds his voice again and says, “Oh, I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky. The least lucky thing that ever happened to Rococoa was when she found out that I was selling weapons to the Ceresians. That, that had to be dealt with-” Amethar’s eyes were filled with rage now, as Calroy expected- “and I think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines! But that's war, and strange things happen all the time. Ceresians, I find, are very reasonable. Very reasonable. And you can see some of their tents out here in the field.”
He points to the field, and Amethar’s eyes dart towards it and widen as he sees the tents. It all begins to sink in, and the music speeds up. Calroy continues, “You know, I don't have luck, so I have to work. I have to work a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the Duchess Coldbottle, and I had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way up the Sucrosi Road to that little farmhouse, I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail there, could they? And they would be so suspicious walking up the road. And yet, you miraculously survived when you should have died! Amethar the Unfallen! You uncharacteristically leave a fight; you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot. And they call the tournament, even with all the work that me and Alfredi put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands! I… I thought I was going to fail.
And then… And then your friend Manta Ray Jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the Dairy Islands, and I thought, that's so interesting. Amethar loves me, doesn’t he? Why would he never tell me? And I got to thinking, Amethar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of Candia- present company excluded- so why didn't I hear about this girl? And I thought I'd better talk with Manta Ray Jack. He didn't want to talk, but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book, very useful your sister, very useful indeed, up until a young Belizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the street by Vegetanian knights. That hurt because she had always been very sweet to me.
Well, after Manta Ray, we saw an opportunity. You know, it hurts to have all of your plans fail, but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning, so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself, Amethar. I’ve worked hard, and I’ve sacrificed so much, it’s time for my dividends to pay up. All that’s left to do is clean up your mess.”
He moves Amethar- not an easy task, mind you- so his back is to the rampart, and he faces Calroy. As he looks at the face of his former lover, Calroy sees tears falling from his eyes, despite the rage held in them. Indulging his worst instincts, Calroy presses one last chaste kiss to Amethar’s lips, telling him, “Don’t take it personally, dear. It’s just politics.”
Reaching down to pull Amethar’s legs up and hoist him over the rampart, Calroy muses, “I wonder if they'll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this. Here's to a future you can't ruin.”
And with one big heave, the former King of Candia falls from his castle rampart. Calroy watches him for a moment- he should wait, make sure he dies, but part of him doesn’t want to watch that. Instead, he leaves to find Caramelinda and others loyal to the Rocks. The night was hardly over, but the dance had finished at last.
They weren’t winning this battle. Calroy knew this, and thankfully, he had prepared for this. His status and power were assured; he just needed to get out. But as he ran across the ramparts towards the secret exit that would lead to his escape, an obstacle places himself in his way. The monk, Cumulous, appears in front of Calroy, who turns to run. And suddenly, he sees him. Amethar, his armor covered in blood and gore, and a look of cold, steely rage on his face.
Gone was the soft look of love. Gone was the sadness, the despair of betrayal. With just one look, Calroy knew that whatever love Amethar might have kept for him died along with Jet. Quietly, in a reserved tone Calroy had rarely heard before, Amethar says- no, commands, “What's the last part of my title? Say it.”
“Amethar.” Calroy says, uncharacteristically struggling to find the words. Amethar asks again, “What's the last part of my title?”
“You-” Calroy starts to say but is cut off by the same command, “Say the last part of my title.”
Before he can speak, Cumulous kicks Calroy in the back of the knees, forcing him to bow. He takes a moment, then lifts his head to look Amethar in the eyes as he says, “Amethar… the Unfallen.”
And in an instance, Calroy draws his sword and leaps at Amethar, slashing him deeply across the chest. But a second too late, Calroy realizes he has made a grave error. He looks to his former lover one last time as the king raises Payment Day. Calroy sees the heartbreak in Amethar’s eyes, not just for the daughter he failed, but for the lover he lost to his greed and lust for power. Calroy whispers, “I’m sorry.”
And then Amethar brings Payment Day down, and the world goes black.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have a feeling we’re getting Billy back… but not in the way we wanted…
118 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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isan0rt · 2 years
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I posted 223 times in 2022
That's 106 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (13%)
194 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 220 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#kh - 85 posts
#khdr - 43 posts
#fe3h - 26 posts
#xehanort - 23 posts
#xehaqus - 18 posts
#hfw - 18 posts
#kingdom hearts - 17 posts
#akusai - 16 posts
#eraqus - 15 posts
#sora - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i don't even remember when i started using washboard but it was long enough ago i still have no idea if the app has tag blacklisting now
My Top Posts in 2022:
Is Disney Dreamlight Valley intended to be played as a Kingdom Hearts Animal Crossing starring the KHUX player character? No, definitely not.
Am I playing the game that way anyway? You bet your ass I am.
(My KHUX avatar in the closest outfit I could find in offline mode and my Dreamlight Valley Player avatar ft 'mashed Lauriam, Skuld, and Brain's vibes together for the outfit' for comparison purposes:)
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See the full post
15 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
AND ANOTHER THING!! (more MAJOR DARK ROAD SPOILERS BELOW because I keep thinking of things)
Xehanort's also not even Player! The friends he remembers were NEVER HIS FRIENDS. Even if he met them they wouldn't know him! He's put HIMSELF in a role of seeking a closure and resolution that was never his, that could never be anything but an alienating disappoinment, and Player knows and doesn't even fucking tell him this. Doesn't tell him he's tapping into Player's memories, doesn't tell him those friends and experiences aren't his, doesn't tell him that he would be a stranger to those people if he ever met them, and Xehanort ruins Ventus chasing friends who will never, ever reciprocate his level of attachment to them.
Idk it's just so tragic. NOTHING about Xehanort really belongs to him, except Eraqus. Only Eraqus is only his, is real and solid and actually Xehanort's and it's just so fucking sad how this man's ENTIRE life from the time he is a baby is dedicated to trying to live other people's lives. He never gets to live for him and that tragedy just ripples through the entire series, leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. Don't even get me started on the tragedy if Skuld really is subject X that there's not even a bond there to fall back on, that he will never be anything to this person he's sought all his life but a source of terror and loneliness and pain. Fucked up, man!!
Also, side note, real stressed for Sora in upcoming games by extension.
24 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Okay I'm not even done I need to get these feels out I'm just.
It's just. Xehanort wasn't even actually the chosen one. He wasn't even chosen!! The prophecy was about fucking Sora the whole time!! They misread the fucking book and ruined this kid's life raising him in isolation trying to make him fit a prophesy that wasn't even about him, that was NEVER about him!!! None of that needed to happen to him, except that it was inevitable as soon as he was taken from his mother and thrust into a role that was never meant for him!!
He was NEVER CHOSEN, but he thought he was, and he was manipulated when he was at his most vulnerable by an adult who saw him as _useful_ to fool, who twisted the best parts of Xehanort into the very thing that doomed him, just like it doomed Baldr, and it worked because Xehanort really believed that the prophecy meant him! People believing what they want to believe to justify their actions after the fact applies to him too. He spends his entire life trying to be Sora, and the only reason Sora is ever able to fulfill the prophecy is he's left alone to have a normal childhood, because he doesn't have the weight of a prophecy or a bloodline hanging over him since infancy, because there's no one left but Xehanort and Luxu to even think to look for him, and Xehanort looks at him and refuses to see what's right in front of him, because if Sora is the chosen one, then Xehanort was himself just a dull, ordinary boy from the beginning, and he ruined his life for absolutely nothing.
I just. Xehanort was the scapegoat, from the beginning, just the SHEER INJUSTICE of that twist, that he was never anything more than a normal boy who was ruined by being thrust into a role that never fit him and never would, just has me so fucked up for Xehanort! The writing was incredible and I'm feeling all the things they wanted me to feel which was this tragedy was so pointless and also so inevitable and I am DESTROYED in this Chili's tonight about Xehanort Kingdom Hearts.
38 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Back on my 'being sad about Xehanort' bullshit again while I should be going to sleep but thinking about how Eraqus in kh3 is able to succeed where Hoder failed (at coming back from the dead to talk Xehanort down) because it is the first time in Xehanort's actual entire life that he has ever been offered what he perceives to be unconditional love.
Like going back to 'my guess is nobody's ever loved you' like we the player as an objective third party now know that's not true and people did genuinely love him but like... Does Xehanort know that? His whole life is characterized by abandonment and the subtle implication that he will be rejected if he fails to live up to expectations.
Like. His very first chronological experience on screen is being given up by his mother. When he's only like five years old he asks if he can see her again if he can be strong enough at resisting darkness - even at that age, he feels that being able to meet HIS MOTHER!! is conditional on his performance. He describes the Dandelions as 'seeming like they all like each other' and asks if that's what having friends is like because he's not allowed to have friends, unless he's good and strong enough.
Player loves him but they love him for being Ephemer's blood. They put so much pressure on Xehanort about being the child of destiny, how can Xehanort interpret that in any way except that if he fails at that, he's not worthy of Player's love? Then Player dies too and it's not even clear how long Xehanort was TOTALLY ALONE on that island before Ansem sent him on his way, but what does that isolation do to him? No wonder he hates Destiny Islands so much??
And then in Scala he finally has friends but there's this undercurrent that any relationship in Scala is conditional on agreeing with the dogma about the light. Xehanort kind of tentatively floats the idea a few times that it's more complicated than that but he ALWAYS pulls it back when Eraqus has a serious negative reaction to the idea - and then he sees what happens to fucking Baldr, where Hoder rejects him right in front of Xehanort for falling to darkness, and he loses everyone but Eraqus, the one he cares about the most but also the one most likely to judge him and find him lacking. Of course he ends up feeling isolated, and like he can't confide in Eraqus?? Just like Baldr, he can't feel safe talking to his closest person about his feelings, because for him, love has always been conditional, and remains conditional throughout his entire life. Of course he gives up on it, and decides to just burn the whole place down, if that's the thing that's expected of him. The only thing that makes him worthwhile.
Until... The end of kh3. When Eraqus, who realized his mistake with Terra was also his mistake with Xehanort, extends the same grace to Xehanort that he learned to with Terra. When he says 'I know what you've done, but it doesn't change that I love you and want you to turn back.' It is the first time anyone has ever told Xehanort in literally his ENTIRE LIFE that they're not going to abandon him regardless of what he does.
Like not to have turned into a big ol Xehanort Apologist but it genuinely just makes me so sad. His life is so lonely. We have all dragged Woody because Xehanort had friends but Woody is right; no one has ever loved him at that point in his life in the way he needed. If they had, he probably would not have turned out Like That.
(Edit to clarify when it's not midnight: this is about Xehanort's perceptions of how the people in his life love him and not necessarily how his parents/parental figures actually felt. Yes Xehanort was an empath but not a mind reader and there was no way for him to know that the love he felt wouldn't be revoked if he didn't live up to the expectations on him, given his track record of repeatedly losing almost everyone who loved him.)
38 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I'm not actually sure if I was supposed to take "Master Odin changed his name to Yen Sid when he fucked off and retired" from Eraqus's line about Odin's intention to "leave Scala and settle down in some cozy little world" but it sure is what I took away from that line.
And lmao like if that's the intent, then that sure puts some new context to Yen Sid in kh2 being like 'I'll just leave out the true nature of Nobodies so Sora doesn't end up feeling sorry for them and deciding not to kill them like I need him to," doesn't it.
46 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i wasn't tagged in anything and will not tag anyone - partake if you want :)
(i saw @pastafossa 's post and just. removed the questions i didn't want to answer)
do you use sarcasm a lot? yes. more so irl i guess. am i sarcastic on here??
what's the first thing you notice about people? their teeth, skin/makeup and their hair
what's your eye colour? not-pools-of-honey-in-the-sunlight brown
scary movies or happy endings? i really like old horror movies because more modern ones are just. sad. and disgusting. like i'm not scared i just get sad for the people who die or whose lives get ruined.
and as for happy endings, depends on the movie - if it's a rom-com or a drama happy endings make me sad too, because. i am me
but i like them in corny comedies or animated ones. i don't know. sorry but this kind of a stupid question just ask for a favorite genre ( i don't have one)
also no one asked but what i hate the most in the horror genre is when a character gets zombified or gets controlled or literally reduced to slavery. like human centipede, tusk or something. probably why i hate what happens to jesse pinkman as much as i do. there is nothing more sad and nauseating and horrible than that
any special talents? my special talent is always finding a way to ruin my own life for myself for no reason
what are your hobbies? drawing, writing, sculpting, posting as an rp account of characters in one of my fav shows...
have any pets? i have had multiple cats in my life but currently no
what sports do you play/have played? let's not dwell on the past
how tall are you? what height am i giving. do i post like a tall person?
favourite subject in school?  french system so i guess french is the equivalent to when other people say "English". like literature. and PHILOSOPHY AAHHH. does theater count as a subject
dream job? none of these are realistic but actor, writer, film/tv writer, creating my own animated show...there's a lot of things i wish i could do.
but if i get realistic? i hope i can get away with being a lawyer maybe? but that obviously takes a lot of dedication and it's, from what i know, that kind of job that become your entire life. if that makes sense
honestly even a 9-5 job would be okay if i have enough free time to do something cooler on the side.
i have no idea where my life is going and yes, i am terrified
three ships: i've never shipped anyone i think
last song: heart attack (rock version) - demi lovato. this song is really cool and nostalgic but i just wish that it wasn't about having a normal crush and how you want to hold their hand. with this kind of drama and power in your vocals it would've been better if the subject was a little deeper
last movie: Scooby-Doo! And Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery (not kidding)
currently reading: my own tumblr posts to cringe at myself (i miss having the time and attention-span to actually read)
currently watching: better call saul (yk i'm on my brba - bcs rewatch. i talk about it too much)
currently consuming: not consuming just watching that unfinished cup of coffee from afar. i could grab it and finish but
currently craving: finishing my very-late assignments
0 notes
bokebelle · 3 years
𝐦𝐬𝐛𝐲 𝟒 + 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 —
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CHARACTERS: miya atsumu, bokuto koutaro, hinata shoyo, sakusa kiyoomi
TAGS: headcanons, fluff
a/n: been a minute since I’ve written for haikyuu, so please enjoy! My inbox is always open if you have comments, or just wanna fawn over the boys <3 also not me projecting on omi bye
Reblog if you wanna date the msby 4 <3
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miya atsumu
for atsumu, he dates for fun
this isn't to say he dates around, but if he likes you and you like him, and you two have a good time together, why shouldn't you date?
he dates to see who works and who doesn't
if your relationship works out, then great!
if it doesn't well...that's just how it goes ya know?
unless it was a bad breakup, atsumu doesn't hold any bad feelings towards his exes
if your relationship does last...atsumu is in it 100%
even when the fun and thrill of the relationship dies down, he's completely dedicated to making your relationship work
ngl it scared him when the butterflies mellowed down but he still found himself wanting you more and more
after talking about it with his brother and after he got smacked in the head for even thinking about breaking it off, atsumu realized that this is what love is
it's new territory for him and he's still testing the waters, but he's in it mind, body, and soul
there's no one else atsumu would rather have by his side to help him figure it out than you
bokuto koutaro
i firmly believe bokuto is highly emotionally intelligent, probably the most out of the four
with that being said, he acts on his feelings when he's 100% sure he likes you, and he has reason to believe you like him too
he's like atsumu in the sense that he pursues a relationship to try and see if there's something between you two
but the difference is, he has the intention of actually making something serious from your relationship
he doesn't really have crushes on people often, but when he does he feels them so hard
Bokuto knows what he wants and he keeps that in mind going into your relationship
if you don't reciprocate, he'd be a little sad but that's totally okay with him! He'll embrace his feelings and ride them out until they die down
even if you didn't feel the same way, Bokuto would still probably confess just to get it off his chest and so he could say he did all he could. He'd still want to be friends though and would do his best to respect his feelings while respecting yours too
but if you do accept his confession, he would be the happiest
He would be so eager to show you just how much he likes you and what you mean to him
Bokuto dates you because he's sure of you. He knows relationships aren't always easy but he knows he's sure about how he feels, especially about you. It would take a lot for him to change his mind.
like Bokuto, I believe Hinata is also very emotionally intelligent
Bokuto is in it with his whole heart, it's yours from the very beginning, and he's more than ready to take care of your heart as well
hinata shoyo
but unlike Bokuto, he has no problems not doing anything about his emotions
He also doesn't try and figure out his emotions or use logic, he just allows himself to feel
yes, he likes you but for Hinata that doesn't necessarily mean he should act on it
He enjoys your company, and you seem to be enjoying his, so he doesn't really see the need to change your dynamics
But when he feels his feelings for you grow stronger, he probably realizes he should do something about it
Like Bokuto, Hinata would probably confess because he wants to be honest with you.
Confessing for him is probably more for catharsis
If you don’t reciprocate, that’s totally okay! He just didn’t want to bury his feelings and he’d be more than happy to be your friend
If you like him back, he’d be ecstatic! If you ever need time before committing to a relationship, Shoyo is more than willing to give you as much time as you need
sakusa kiyoomi
Is he worried about you changing your mind, or you only accepting his confession so he wouldn’t feel bad? Maybe, but he pushes those thoughts away because he’s so so so sure of you
Hinata gives his all into everything he does, and you bet when you date him he’ll do everything he can to give you everything you could ever want
he's probably the most emotionally constipated out of the 4. he's also the least likely to date out of the boys
but when someone catches his eye? oh boy he's in for a RIDE
for sakusa, dating is all about time, and in many aspects too
he needs time to sort out his own feelings because he will try to repress them. nervousness when you're around? euw. blushing when you smile? gross. that ugly feeling when you greet atsumu first? atsumu's fault.
Sakusa is also the complete opposite of atsumu when it comes to dating, and he isn't the type to confess for honesty like Hinata or be so upfront about it like Bokuto. He just doesn't see the point.
For Sakusa, he dates with the future in mind. not because he thinks you'd work together, or just to get his feelings out there. No, sakusa dates with the intention of spending his life with you
He wants to be completely and totally sure of you before he even confesses. He wants to be sure you two want similar things in life, you have the same views on marriage and kids, views on your individual careers, relationships, etc.
He wants to see how you respect his germaphobe tendencies, or how you handle him and his career.
Volleyball has been a top priority for most of his life, and it's not like he'll put you second. He just needs a bit of time to do what he needs to do before giving you his full attention.
He'd be pretty straightforward when he confesses, telling you all this as well. he'd probably also only confess if he's sure you like him back. If you don't he's taking his feelings with him to the grave
when sakusa dates, he's in it for the long run. yes, he still wants to take things slow sometimes but that's because for him, he has the rest of his life to experience things with you.
all he asks is that you be a little patient with him and give him some time. He's not quite used to feeling this strongly about somebody else, let alone be in a relationship. He may need a little guidance to balance things and work things out, but he hopes you'll stick around because when he loves, Sakusa gives you a love that will last a lifetime
tagging: @tetsunormous @f4riytales @crapimahuman @st4rgirlsheh @toji-dabi-wife
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organic-hiraeth · 2 years
A Love That Transcends Blade | A Tenryou Soldier x Teppei Fanfic - CH. 1: The Priestess Did WHAT!?
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Relationship: Teppei x Tenryou Soldier [Original Character]
A/N: Hai!!! I ship Teppei x Hirano (my OC lulz), so I made a fanfic about them to quench the heat. Uhhhh there might be some suggestive (wink wink) content cause ma bois cannot resist butttttt no actual smex (Unlesssss... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...JK LOLZ) SO PLEASE ENJOY! Oh and uhhhh here's the description I guess x3 almost forgot. P.S. - I added the other tags so everyone could see ma fic, so sorry about that! Please don't be mad... The Teppei x Hirano [Hirano = My OC] community is not prolific enough to omit them ;-; But please read it anyways xD. I welcome everyone.
Summary: Teppei had utmost trust in Her Excellency. So why, pray tell, is Teppei being taken away at the order of none other than Sangonomiya Kokomi? Teppei doesn't know, try as he might, and that leads him to be far past complacent in his new predicament. Certain Her Excellency has made a fatal error, Teppei promises not only that he'll wrangle free from his captors, but also that he will return to Sangonomiya a stronger soldier than ever.
That was the plan until he met him, of course.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, romance, kissing, cursing, SMEXINESS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but no smut!
Once upon a time, there was a very dedicated Watatsumi resistance soldier. This is his story…
Hello, my name is Teppei. I have been a hard working soldier under Sangonomiya for quite some time now. Lately, I have noticed that the Priestess and General Gorou seem dissatisfied with my work, but I’ve tried to ignore it.
Pushing these terrible thoughts out of my head, I run downstairs and comb my hair while I hurry. Kokomi is at my door. I bow at a 45 degree angle to show my respect.
“Lady Kokomi! What brings you h-here?” I stutter.
“Unfortunately, your performance has been subpar as of recently. You will have to… compensate.” She sends a nervous look to the floor. “I am sorry for what we have had to do, but you must understand that it was for the betterment of Watatsumi Island.”
“Lady Kokomi, what do you mean? I’m sorry to disappoint you! I promise to train even ha-” Suddenly, I am grappled to the floor by my fellow comrades. They tie my hands and legs in a hogtie (A/N: KINKY!!!!) and shove me in a caravan. Lady Kokomi marches to me, a sorrowful look in her gaze.
“Teppei, you have been sold to the Tenryou Commission under an official contract from the Watatsumi Resistance. Please find it in your heart to forgive us.” Her boobs sag in sadness. I try to struggle out of my ropes in one last attempt. My eyes tear up as I see her turn. As the caravan begins to move, she fades into a tiny image… How will I survive?
I wake up in a foul-smelling room. Rising, I quickly realize that I am surrounded by Tenryou soldiers, equally ugly in nature. Seems like being a bootlicker has adverse effects on appearance… 
“Hey, pretty boy, you’re up. So, are you ready to be our army soyboy?”
“H-h-h-h-huh!? EEK!” I hop up and try to make a break for it, but a strong man snatches my ankles and drags me across chipped hardwood floors. He grasps my hair and tugs my face towards his. Our noses are centimeters apart. “What’s your name, Watatsumi Wimp?” The other men chuckle at that.
“T-T-T-Teppei, sir. It’s Teppei.” 
“Ha, Teppei, more like TOENAIL!” Everyone laughs but me. In fact, I start sobbing, curling into a ball to try and avoid these social terrorists (A/N: Me too, Teppei, me too ;-;). Before I can register what’s happening, sturdy hands lift me up from under my armpits and spin me around to face the perpetrator. 
“I’m Hirano. Sorry about them. I promise they’re not usually like this.” He shoots a glare at the men, as if to say their fun was over. They roll their eyes but abide, shuffling off. ‘Wow. He scattered all those big scary men so quickly. What an Alpha… Eugh! What am I saying? He’s the enemy…’ I blush, fidgeting underneath his searing look.
“I-I-It’s okay! Really… But I need to be let go! This must be some kind of mistake. Lady Kokomi would never do something like this. It’s probably a war crime.” His breath tickles the side of my neck. That’s how close he is.
“Don’t be deceived. I feel for you, and I feel bad, but you’re not going anywhere. This was an official arrangement - you’re a bargaining piece, basically.” Shock spreads throughout my spine. It seems like Hirano is the type with the shell… except, he can get really serious at just a simple whim.
“Bargaining piece or not, I will get out, Sir Hirano. Lady Kokomi is not the type of individual to send away her troopers like trash. That, I am sure of.” The strange rush of courage pumping through my heart lasts a single second. Then, the embarrassment overtakes it. Suddenly, Hirano kabedons me! 
“U-Uhm!? What the nani!?” I sputter.
“Get rid of those lofty ideals now, pretty boy. No prisoner’s escape Tenryou land. Not under the Shogun’s all-seeing gaze. Now be a good kohai and be quiet, ‘kay?” Hirano’s breath is addicting, and I feel like a breathalyzer as it fans across my blooming cheeks. ‘H-H-H-H-He’s too much… He’s seriously too much! Calling me pretty boy and all that is way too mean!’ Blood gushes out of my nose like it's Niagara Falls, successfully ruining the moment as the crimson propels onto Hirano’s cheekbones.
“Eugh, what the-! You little rascal, I just cleaned my uniform! How was that so projectile? That doesn’t even- Ugh, it’s fine. Let’s just get you to med,” Hirano swabs the blood off his skin with the cuffs of that tacky Tenryou outfit and puts an arm across my waist as he leads me to one of the doors. “I wouldn’t want you to pass out.” 
His manly digits coalescing across my bony waist is almost enough to make me gush from my nose again. ‘He’s such husbando material… NO! I can’t think like that… I must survive! I must get out of here and return to my Priestess!’ 
To be continued…
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Fools who dream #Writer Wednesday 07/28/21 Javier Peña x f!reader
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For #Writer Wednesday created by @autumnleaves1991-blog and tagging @clydesducktape that creates the masterlist every week. Thank you for the amazing work to both of you!!
Paring: Javier Peña xf!reader (addressed as you/she)
Summary: Long time ago, Javier met a girl full of dreams living a hard life. One day, driving around town he finds out that maybe, dreams do come true.
Warnings: smoking, swearing, +18 SMUT not very descriptive sex but it’s there, allutions to prostitution.
A/N: This is the lovechild of: me being angsty, listening to Lalaland’s soundtrack, and rereading a novella I wrote a long time ago about an escort girl that I was planning to rewrite (I thought that it could be an interesting Javi’s fic, but I don’t know). So to conclude: a mess, voilá! bear in mind, there’s mention of sexwork and we respect sexworkers in this house.
Sorry for any mistakes and bad grammar!!
Fools who dream
She turns and faces the camera, they make a dramatic zoom on her while the orquestra rises in a beautiful romantic crescendo. With pink parted lips she smiles at the protagonist, her eyes glow and shyly she lowers her gaze.
Back to the male lead he’s looking at her like there’s nobody else in the room, the camera blurs everything except his face and hers. Love, romance.
The movie was not really interesting until the moment she appeared. Same old story about a guy in search of that perfect girl, his life is miserable; making him fall into very comedic and not very surprising adventures and misfortunes on a very normal life up until she appears and then she shows him the meaning of life and live life to the fullest or some bullshit.
Javi didn’t pay a ticket for a good story, fuck he didn’t even read the plot before buying it. But he saw the sign while he was waiting at the traffic light, the local drive-in cinema and its yellow lights against the night presenting:
The right one (or something like that) starring some guy and then her name.
So he drove in and asked for a ticket, probably looking a bit weird being just a guy alone buying just one ticket to a romantic comedy surrounded by couples. It looks fucking sad, Peña he thought. But he has to see her, he has to see if it is true.
she says on the screen and it takes him away from his thoughts. Hearing that voice again after many years hits him so differently. To think that those sweet lips moaned and called his name pressed against his skin, so close that he can almost feel the heat of her body on him in his cold lonely car.
The guy smiles at her and makes a fool of himself gaining a sweet giggle from her. And it reminds him of the times she danced in his apartment or made fun of him for being such a grump.
Deja de fruncir el ceño, Javi, que se te va a quedar así (Stop frowning, Javi, or it’s gonna stay like that) she used to say, brushing her index finger over her nose giggling just like now in the movie.
She said something back, but he’s not listening. Javier just puts the words he remembers she said to him on her lips. A fantasy within a fantasy.
What is more real? those intimate moments years ago or him watching her on a movie alone in his car?
He has lost the plot, but who cares? She laughs and pushes the protagonist's hand to the empty streets of New York and the lights shine on them, and as the world perfectly bends to lovers in movies, it starts raining and she receives the drops with open arms and a wide grin. And they kiss, a perfect one, soft lips over the other. Nothing like the kisses they shared
Their kisses were hungry, knowing that they were borrowed and paid in time, rushed sometimes, others slowly and messy pouring all the heat and the pain and the adrenaline in which he lived in those years.
Now he wishes he could have kissed her once last time, just like that, softly, the world far away from them. Perfect just like a movie.
The audience claps rejoicing in this celebration of love, some young couples are celebrating love in some different kind of way, the movie merely an excuse to have some time alone under the stars.
And Javier is suddenly aware of his loneliness of the empty space by his side, he’s the antonym of what he’s seeing on screen, of having the luck of finding the one and being delighted in love.
He could’ve been in love, once. He certainly felt something growing and shattering the hard shield he had on his chest when they were together.
And now watching her mimic those feelings, those desires, he feels jealous, of what? he doesn’t know, it’s not like they had a chance...did they?
Colombia, 1984
“You’re going to laugh” you say the fan above your head blows waves of hot air that still smell of sex and the cigarette Javi’s smoking languidly over the window.
He has barely put his jeans on, the zip and top button undone. He looks tired, the dark circles under his eyes are way more visible today than ever. You can even see the weight on his shoulders, he’s hunching, his neck curved down as he smokes.
He doesn’t say but you know there’s something bothering him, he’s quieter than usual, rougher.
He called you late in the evening, paid a taxi to get you to his house and you barely made it to the door when he grabbed you by your hips and pressed his body against yours. The kiss was ardent, his tongue invading your mouth in a mix of coffee, whiskey and smoke and need. You tried to push him and talk, just maybe say hello how was your day but he whimpered, he’s dark eyes pleading while he caressed your cheeks. And you let him, you know what he needed so you said nothing when he impatiently fisted your skirt up your navel and pushed your panties to the side so he could bury himself in you.
Covered in the dim lights of the scarce traffic in the middle of the night, silent apart from the rhythmic thumps of your hips hitting the door and both of your whispers and moans, Javier performed his usual rite of expelling his demons away on you. Each thrust, each second he was in you, the world became nothing, just white noise, there was only you and the primal need of achieving pleasure skin against skin.
Your soft voice, those sweet lips gasping brushing against his ear, he thinks it’s the only time he likes to hear his name being called or actually being aware of himself. With you there’s no Javier running to and from monsters and there’s no brutality or violence.
There’s only your soft hands locked on his neck, fingers curled in his hair and when you smile at him, eyes up the sky, lost in pleasure, he feels good and the world seems a little bit better.
“I even didn’t offer some water before…” he said after he recovers his breath still inside you
“I’ve never had a warmer welcome in my life, Javi, it’s alright” you laugh with legs trembling
“Still” he kissed your wrists and held you close, walking slowly towards the bedroom.
You barely made some small talk before his eyes grew darker, lost in something that chokes him, and he quietly covers you with his big body
“I just need to make love to you...please” he said with his forehead on yours. And here you are, body exhausted and numb, cooling the sweat with the sweet waves of air from the fan.
“I won’t laugh at you” he answers resuming the conversation, you were lost in your thoughts but when you look at him, you see he watches you intently and you believe him
“I mean it’s so cliche how I ended up doing this...it’s ridiculous” you shake your head
None of your clients has ever asked you about how you ended up doing this. None of them are really interested in you anyway, they prefer a fantasy, a character. But not Javi, and that scares you. He sees right through you.
“I wanted to get out of my small town, I had big dreams, big plans” you smile “I came to the city and I tried and tried to succeed but...well, long story short, a friend proposed it once and the money was too tempting”
“What did you want to do in the first place?” Javi approaches the bed. His skin shines against the moonlight, his disheveled hair makes him looks younger
“Now you’re going to really laugh” you cover your face with one of his pillows
“C’mon tell me” he smirks squeezing your tight
“I wanted to be an actress, do novelas, films, everything” you shyly confess. For a moment, you don’t look at him, expecting him to chuckle at your stupid little dream, but seconds pass and he doesn’t
“ I think you could do it” Javi’s hands draw small circle over you hip bones
“You think?” you bite your lip
“I do” he shifts position, resting his back on the bed and you open your legs so he can rest his head over your belly “Would you send me a dedicated picture once you made it?” you brush his hair out of his face and you see he’s smiling
“Of course, To my very first fan, who always believed in me” you wave your hand over the imaginary paper “And a kiss just under it”
“Would frame it and put it in my office...nah” he shakes his head “I put it right here” he motions towards the nightstand “I don’t want my colleagues greasy hands over my picture”you laugh out loud at his comment
“Sure, so you can dream about me” you joke stealing his cigarette and smoking a long drag
Present day
You don’t know how many times he has dreamt about you.
How many times that stupid movie has played in his house late at night, he bought it, foolish at it may seem, he has rewatch every frame, stopping to admire you.
You look happy now, your sweet eyes shine more and he’s happy, really is, that you have made it, but deep down, he wonders, as much as it makes he’s heart ache, Do you think about him? surely you don’t.
Probably you left that part of your life buried somewhere in Colombia. You changed your name, your past, everything, how could you think about him?
You’re probably living your best life, full of glamour, opportunities opening just in front of your eyes. How could you remember him?
You don’t (surely) so he has to content himself with the fiction. He replays that scene where you turn to the camera, smiling
and just for a second, he thinks, he dreams, it’s for him.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: East Blue (Part One)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby  || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
so!! hey folks. as i’ve mentioned before, to mark the upcoming chapter 1000 (holy shit!!) as well as my blog’s first anniversary this december, i decided it would be a good time to go back and put together some highlight reel posts of my favorite panels/moments/scenes from each saga and some commentary about what i think the best parts of each arc and the series as a whole are and why, as a celebration of just how far one piece has come and how many fantastic moments we've had so far! 
this will be quite a series of rather long posts- they’ll all be tagged #the voyage so far, if you’d like to avoid this messy retrospective. i'll be posting one saga a day each day until chapter 1000's official release on january 3rd!
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honestly, i’m opening with this panel because it has a special place in my heart: i’m pretty sure it was the first time that one piece ever made me laugh. 
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the entire prologue does a really good job of setting up the tone for the entire rest of the story. i think i haven’t really written much about it before, but i really love romance dawn. it hits the exact mix of humorous and serious that’s practically one piece’s trademark tone, and introduces us to some of the main themes of the series: inherited will especially, and the theme of freedom, and the idea of betting your life for what you love. 
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technically this isn’t the first time we see luffy as an adult- he punches out the sea king before this- but it is his formal introduction, as well as (in the chapter title) the first time he’s referred to as strawhat luffy/mugiwara no luffy. 
i really like a lot of these very early panels of luffy, really. i’m a writing person, not an art person, so i can’t really explain why, but there’s something about how he’s drawn that i think is just delightful for some reason. i like the earlier one piece art a whole lot in general, even though it’s often much less intricate and more simple than the current artstyle (which is not by any means bad either!! it’s just different). i think it fits the atmosphere of the start of the story very well- a journey just starting out. 
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he’s going to be pirate king!!
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i’ve complained before about how zoro’s backstory doesn’t really hit the way a lot of the others do, mostly because it goes so fast, and kuina’s death is unfortunately the closest the series comes to fridging, but- that said, i do really like the core of it. i really like zoro being motivated by a promise to the one friend and rival he could never beat, and i love how this moment is what he cites later on while facing mihawk: a promise to a friend. 
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i love all the strawhats and their dynamics, and seeing the crew grow and develop and become a family over the course of hundreds of chapters is one of the great joys of one piece, but i think i’ll always have a soft spot for luffy and zoro’s relationship. there’s never really any conflict between them after their very first meeting; there’s loyalty and dedication and understanding there that starts from this moment and never really wavers.
it makes me grin to see the two of them, here at the start of it all. they don’t have a flag or a ship or a destination, yet, but this is the start of the strawhat pirates.
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this series will probably reveal that i have a great weakness for group shots, and i think oda is particularly good at them- especially in these earlier arcs, you can usually see every character’s personality and feelings coming through in how they’re placed and what they’re doing. 
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i had actually forgotten that usopp did this, and while i know kuro was egging him on on purpose, i feel like he doesn’t get enough credit for being a reckless idiot sometimes. there’s a reason he fits in as a strawhat, after all, even if he himself isn’t always aware of it. 
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this is a lovely panel just on its own, but i think it (and all the other appearances of sunrise and dawn in the story) hits different now, with all the 'coming dawn’ theming that’s been established in recent arcs. 
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oda often absolutely nails his use of negative space to emphasize heavy little moments like this, and i for one absolutely love it. this one in particular gets me in the heart. 
i like how you can reread some of these early arcs and see nami’s affection for the crew growing in little moments like these, and it’s very sweet, but there’s also a quiet kind of sadness in knowing she’s spending the whole time knowing she’s going to have to betray and leave them eventually. 
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i LOVE the new crewmate toasts. they all always look so happy.
also, in my opinion, this is the first time the strawhat pirates feel like a proper crew. they have a SHIP now! and just after this, they get their jolly roger to seal the deal. 
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it is my opinion that sanji has one of the best character introductions i’ve ever seen. in just a few chapters we know just about everything we need to know about him: he's not to be fucked with, he has extremely high respect for food and absolutely none for morons, and the first genuine smile we see from him is when he gives a free meal to a starving man. 
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i think about this moment a lot, really. luffy knows almost nothing about sanji at this point. he hasn’t tasted his food- he doesn’t even know his name. but he’s seen sanji give free food to gin for no other reason than that he’s hungry and it’s right, and that’s all it takes for luffy to decide that sanji is gonna be his cook. 
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baratie is mostly a serious arc (and leads into the even more serious arlong park), but it has some really good funny moments towards the start and this is one of them. you know they’re friends because they all just start roasting luffy without sympathy or hesitation. 
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i’ve mentioned before that the zoro and mihawk fight was one of the big things that hooked me on one piece (the other being sanji’s backstory), but the way it ends, especially, is one of my favorite moments in the whole series. i love,, strawhat loyalty moments. carve “any complaints, pirate king?” on my fucking grave. 
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sanji has a lot of really great action panels in this arc, but this is one of my favorites mostly because his combat abilities are being revealed to the audience at the same time they’re revealed to a lot of the characters watching. i can’t remember who pointed it out but sanji’s character design (especially pre-timeskip) just really looks like he’s designed for kicking- shiny black shoes, about 70% leg- and it really shows in panels like this. 
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sanji and zeff’s chronic inability to communicate is kind of the emotional core of baratie, and i think sanji calling the restaurant zeff’s treasure sums up the entire conflict between them very neatly. of course zeff values sanji way more than the restaurant, but zeff will never tell that to his face and sanji has negative zero self-worth so he’s never going to figure it out on his own. so they’re basically in a stalemate. 
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sanji’s backstory is absolutely brutal. we spend a truly agonizing amount of time literally just watching him slowly starve to death. it’s no secret that oda is really amazing at backstories, but i think sanji’s is probably one of the most effective at driving home exactly where his very specific mindset as an adult comes from. it’s hard to even read this section and not come away with at least a little more appreciation for food. 
(to be continued in east blue part two!)
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Venti and Barbara: Relationship HCs
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of course^^ I think Venti and Barbara are really cute together haha. To be fair, this could have gotten really sad but I’m trying really hard to stop making everyone suffer.
I did no research on this. I just used whatever knowledge I had stored in my brain but my brain has been turned into mush. But I hope you still like it anon!
Lads. I’m so tired. That Venti, Dvalin, and Andrius one took so much out of me. Tbh I don’t know if anyone would like it since it’s such a rare pairing but I hope you did because I wanna turn into spaghetti. Damn, trying to use paint to make headers doesn’t really work out haha. 
Alright, today’s appreciation post goes to toxic-luck. I really wish I could tag these people but tumblr absolutely craps itself whenever I do it [which I don’t understand why and it makes me really mad] but hopefully you see this haha. 
Istg you and a couple others [I’m gonna be dedicating the next couple appreciation posts for you all^^ ] are actually speed it’s kinda scary but tyty 💕💕💕 I’ve seen you pop up a lot and I just wanted to let you know that hey, I like you and you’re a lovely person. 
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler​ @childelover @dilucsz
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Venti and Barbara: Relationship HCs
Barbara refuses and still continues to refuse that Venti is actually Barbatos. The archon that she has prayed and dedicated her cause to CANNOT be a alcohol obsessed bard that goes around pulling pranks on everyone. Her mental state would not be able to handle it. No matter how many times Venti tells her otherwise she suddenly can’t hear him. The acoustic’s in here are terrible or the wind is too loud where Venti himself knows that, no there aren’t any winds. He’s the anemo archon. He can do that. Barbara ple-
Despite how they seem on the surface, Barbara and Venti really like each other’s voices and fully admit to it. They have different styles and Barbara has even tried to hint at Venti to teach her his melodies that she still has troubles with. Barbara was kind of nervous to be teased at when she first approached Venti, since that’s just his nature. But to her surprise he was incredibly sincere and brought her to the Windrise tree to practice. He would strum his lyre while giving pointers to Barbara and it would a nice bonding experience for them that later turned into small lunch dates. 
Meanwhile, Venti think’s it’s so cute and fascinating that Mondstadt has evolved to where music has went from bards singing in taverns to actual concerts. Venti isn’t interested in the idol lifestyle but he enjoys supporting Barbara and carrying her voice throughout the winds. If anyone asks the acoustics are just that good in Mondstadt. You can thank the anemo archon for that and you should definitely buy a green bard a glass of wine for good acoustic luck. 
When Venti makes his special “A Buoyant Breeze” for Barbara he always makes sure to include the heart which makes Barbara flush pink and ignores it. Which leads Venti to pout and whine like an overgrown spoiled cat, even though he’s allergic to them, until Barbara gives up on her man-child of a partner and says that it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten as if Barbatos himself blessed it. She has to get on her hands and knees begging and pleading that “Venti please stop, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it and I will never disgrace the time and effort you put into making this hear-why are you laughing you tone-deaf bard?!” 
Venti is a bit of a troublemaker and thought that since Barbara was his partner, that somehow gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted in the Church. It’s always amusing to others, like Jean, when she sees her sister scolding an archon that no, he cannot burst into service because he was bored. Really everyone knows that Venti just misses her and uses any excuse to see her. They were basically praying to him so it was fine right? 
Barbara and Venti made an unlikely couple and appeared more like siblings with Venti’s constant teasing and Barbara having none of it. But when it’s come to pray in the Church, Barbara puts her heart and soul into everything which both makes Venti happy and sad. He’s happy that Barbara was dedicated to the Archon of Freedom but sad that he wasn’t exactly within her expectations. 
But Barbara has been healing people and making sure everyone was okay, that no matter how much Venti grins or smiles she knows. So she goes to the statue of seven in windrise, right under the giant tree, and prays out loud to Barbatos that she has the best partner in the world who was hectic, made her life a complete mess, constantly played pranks on her, and might be the cause of too many headaches. But that he was also talented and showed her that she had the freedom to pursue anything she set her heart out to do. That she loved him and all his teasing ways. 
Whenever Barbara has her 10 second bouts of sadness, a feather always lands next to her and tickles her face until she starts laughing. Then Venti will suddenly and magically appear and drag her off to a lively tavern where they can both sing a duet. By the time the night is over, she had forgotten what made her upset in the first place. 
I should probably mention that character x character fics/hcs are going to be a bit shorter than my usual posts. Sorry did I say a bit shorter? Because I’m down to dedicate another fic to this. I love them both. 
But feel free to send any other character x character if you have them. Honestly these are just crack fics. 
I really wanna see someone make a Barbara and Venti clip of them singing to “Anything you can do, I can do better” I would donate my kidney for that. Has that been made? I know someone has but I don’t think it was Barbara and Venti. 
I got one more pairing to write and then it’s time to commit sleep. For a whole hour. I need to learn pacing because I’m gonna end up collapsing into myself before I finish everything. 
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alicanta77 · 4 years
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Chapter 3: Skewered Reality
Pairing: y/n x Jeno
Themes: mutant au, angst, fluff
Warnings: fighting, violence, death, character death, blood, descriptions of injury, swearing
Words: 10k
tag list: @hiqhkey @soondaengie @lebrookestore​
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Finale
You hadn’t slept. You had no idea how long you had been travelling for, but you guessed it was about an hour, and your eyes had never left the single spot on the ground that they were focused on. If you let your eyes wander, then you were afraid your thoughts would wander too. And if your thoughts began to wander you knew exactly where they would take you.
Back to the destroyed city. Back to Hyuck and Chenle. Back to their deaths.
You couldn’t see that again.
The truck suddenly lurched to the side in a stop, throwing you into the wall next to you. The six of you immediately jumped up, your instincts kicking in as you prepared for a fight. There were two bangs on the outside of the door that kept you inside the truck and it swung open. Your arms flew up to protect you, ready to stop anything that may be coming for you, until you were greeted with Jimin’s confused face.
‘Sorry... It was a bit of a shaky stop, but we’re here.’ He extended a hand to the closest person to him, which just happened to be you. ‘Let’s get you kids into the safe haven.’
Relief flooded your system at the sight of your ally and you felt all the previous tension in the truck dissolve. You reached out and accepted his outstretched hand. He squeezed it lightly for comfort and you sent him a thankful smile as you climbed out of the truck. Your feet hit the ground gently and you looked up to observe your surroundings.
What you saw took your breath away. 
In front of you lay a huge building. While it looked to be only around two floors tall, it was long, and you could see a few smaller buildings to the back left of it.
You heard small gasps escape the other boys as they saw what you were staring at. None of you could believe it, this place was so much more any of you had ever expected. It had obviously been damaged by the radiation, as there were small piles of rubble to your side, showing where smaller buildings had collapsed, and many of the windows were blown out, but it was still mesmerising.
‘It used to be something to marvel at. It’s slightly run down, but it still works perfectly.’ Jimin informed you, gesturing forwards for you to head inside.
You approached the door, two guards opening it for you and immediately attempting to usher you all inside. You felt a hand on your lower back, guiding you forwards and, despite your nerves, you entered the building.
Jimin led the group of you, walking in front of you all as he brought you into the main room. It seemed to be some sort of communal room as there were groups of people standing around chatting, and even a pool table in the corner. Your steps almost faltered, you were so taken aback.
You could tell from the gasps and whispers that came from the rest of the group that they were all feeling a similar way to you. Never in any of your wildest dreams, did you think you would ever make it to a place like this.
Jimin turned around, chuckling as he took in your awed expression.
‘It’s not much, but it's better than nothing. And I’m sure better than being locked up like animals in that facility too.’
He held both his arms out to the side, as everybody else began to gather around you.
‘Welcome to the Orb.’
With that, everybody burst into applause, making you jump slightly. They came forwards, clapping you on the shoulder and congratulating you for escaping. You couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped your lips, hearing the happy sounds coming from your friends as well, as you all enjoyed the unfamiliar feeling of being looked after and protected. The unfamiliar feeling of being someplace safe.
‘Excuse us for being excited to see you, we’ve been trying to get you out of that godforsaken place for longer than we remember!’ A woman to your right said as she rubbed your shoulder gently. You smiled up at her, comforted by her words and touch.
Jimin laughed, stepping back into your line of sight.
‘Everybody here has dedicated their lives to protecting you and breaking you out. And we will all continue to do this for as long as we can. But, the battle isn’t over. The facility is still out there, with details and research on you, and the only way to fully end that is to shut it down. So, that’s what we’re going to do!’
Cheers rose up again from the crowd at his words, and it was clear that every person here wanted the exact same thing as you, to end this nightmare. And they would be willing to do anything to help you do it.
After a welcome that left the six of you overwhelmed and a little emotional, Jimin had proceeded to give you a tour. He’d shown you the main office where he works, the dining hall, the kitchen, the multiple communal spaces and your rooms. Each of you had your own room, with a large bed, and various books and games lying around in it. You walked out after inspecting your room and just as you approached the group, you heard Jeno ask a question.
‘Is there a place where we can use our powers? Safely?’
Jimin nodded and began to walk, the rest of you getting used to following him. You recognised various doors and hallways as you passed, already trying to memorise what you could of the complicated layout. 
‘One important thing to know about this whole place, is that we have an open door policy. That means you are free to walk into any room and ask any question you want. Nothing is off limits for you here, and we want you to feel as at home as you can.’
‘Any room?’ Renjun questioned, all of you unable to believe the freedom you were given.
‘Any room at all!’
It was only then that you realised Jimin was leading you all out of the facility and taking you outside. You subconsciously moved closer to Jeno, his hand reaching out for yours and squeezing it comfortingly. You were led around to the back of the facility where there was a small building. Jimin brought you inside and you were faced with 8 doors.
‘Each door leads to a room personally tailored to your needs. We’ve spent years creating this space for you.’ Jimin explained and you all drifted towards your own doors.
Each door had a different word on the front of it, describing the ability it was designed for. You passed what you knew was Jeno’s room, reading the engraved “Atmokinesis” and came to yours. You stood in front of the white door, staring at the word “Telekinesis” that glared back at you. This power managed to somehow be everything you had, whilst also being the reason that you had nothing.
You turned your head to your right, noticing how none of you were standing by that door and your breath caught in your throat when you read the inscription.
That was meant to be Hyuck’s room...
You looked back towards the rest of the group, their eyes split between Hyuck’s door and the door next to Renjun that was labelled “Shapeshifting”. You felt tears begin to prick your eyes at the two who had died so young and in such brutal ways.
‘We had prepared for all eight of you.’ Jimin’s sad voice came from behind you. ‘We really hoped we’d be able to save you all.... and... I’m so sorry we couldn’t.’
You squeezed your eyes shut, a few tears escaping and you quickly wiped them away before turning around. You couldn’t be here right now, the memories of your friends were too painful for any of you to face.
You were all sitting in Mark’s room, a heavy silence over the six of you that were left. Jimin had brought you back to the main building, telling you that lunch wouldn’t be too long and that he'd asked everyone to give you space for the time being.
‘I’m supposed to be a healer.’ Mark spoke suddenly. You turned to look at him and it was only then that you noticed the tears silently falling down his face. His eyes never lifted from his hands but he kept speaking as the rest of you listened. ‘I’m the oldest, I’m the only one with two abilities, I’m the only one with a healing ability and so far all I’ve done is watch as two of our group have been murdered.’
You flinched at his words, the reality of them hitting you like a truck. You shook your head at the older boy.
‘Mark you can’t say that. It’s not your fault, none of this is. I could have pulled Hyuck and Chenle down behind a wall to protect them. All of us could have done something, but none of us did, and now... they’re dead. God, I wish this wasn’t real. I wish that I could wake up from this as if it was some kind of nightmare or simulation or illusion. Maybe it would have been best if we’d never found out about the lab...’
Your voice dropped to a mumble at your final sentence, but the boys still heard it, all of them immediately disagreeing with you.
‘Y/n, you don’t mean that.’ Jeno said his eyes wide with concern.
‘Come on! It’s not like we aren’t all thinking about it!’ You pointed out. ‘If we’d never found out about the truth, we would never have tried to escape.’
'But we did escape?’ Renjun brought up, as if trying to say that that made everything worth it.
‘Did we? Did we really? Think about it. Because I don’t think we did. I don’t think we’ve escaped anything at all. They’re still coming for us. And we know first hand what they can, and are willing to do. So far, all trying to escape has done, is kill Doyoung, Ten, Hyuck and Chenle. Four people. Four deaths and it hasn’t even been a week. And it’s not going to end at those four either. People are going to keep dying until the lab gets what they want. And what they want, is us. And let’s face it, they don’t have any more use for us, so they probably don’t care if they get us dead or alive. In fact, I’m willing to bet they’re more keen on us being dead because that way we can’t cause them anymore trouble. We are putting everyone here at risk. How do we think we’re going to survive this by ourselves?’ Your small speech rendered everyone speechless. As much as they wanted to, none of them could tell you that you were wrong.
‘Because you're not by yourselves.’ Jimin’s voice cut through the atmosphere. ‘I came to tell you that lunch was ready, and I heard what you said y/n.’ He walked further into the room, looking at all of you. ‘I know you’ve lost people, but we have too. You don’t know how many times we’ve tried to get you out of that place and how many lives it cost us. But we would do it over and over again, because it is worth it to be able to give you a chance at a life outside of that torture. Every soldier here knows the risk that they’re taking, and they are all happy to take it. We know that the lab is coming to kill you, but we are here to protect you. And we will do that, gladly, for as long as we need to.’
Jimin was looking straight at you when he said that, wanting you to know that you weren’t alone. And maybe that was what scared you. Because for the first time in your life, you had an army of people behind you, people willing to die for you. But you didn’t want anyone else to die, you just wanted to live.
The rest of the day passed by pretty silently. Barely a word was said over lunch, all of you finding your thoughts enough company. In the afternoon you and Jeno took the time to meet some of the people at the facility, to find out who you were working with.
The worst part was, everybody seemed nice. They all cared about you, wanted you to know they were here for you, and that they would fight for you. You asked one woman why everyone was so willing when they barely knew you and her answer was still echoing around in your head hours later.
‘Don’t take offence to this, but for me, it’s almost more about fighting against what happened to you. I don’t know if you know but three hundred thousand children were killed in this quest to create the eight of you. And I lost my younger brother. In fact, most people here, lost someone to the radiation that made you. So as much as we are fighting for you, we are also fighting for those that we, and so many others have lost. Fighting against the people who would do this again if it gave them the power they crave.’
You studied the marks on your ceiling, counting how many different spots and dents there were from the years this building had been used. Jimin had told you all to get an early night, and that you would spend the next few days getting used to the routine, learning the layout and meeting everyone. He didn’t want to rush you into anything while you were still mourning.
You lay on your left side in your bed, staring at the wall next to you and feeling more alone than you were expecting to. You’d always rolled over and seen Jeno there, in fact, you couldn’t remember a night where you hadn’t gone to sleep with him next to you. You rolled onto your right side, and found yourself staring at the door. When you were in the lab, this would have been the grey walls of your cell. You wondered if anyone else was awake and thinking like you were.
Your mind kept running, the relief of being here gradually turning into guilt as you thought of Chenle and Hyuck. You bit your lip, trying to stop the tears that were brimming your eyes. You eventually threw back your duvet, deciding that you couldn’t be alone tonight.
You left your room, softly padding down the hall until you reached the door you were looking for. You gently opened it, stepping in and looking at the figure who stared back at you.
Neither you nor Jeno said anything, the tears in your eyes and small ball he was curled up into saying enough. You wasted no time in silently moving towards his bed, pulling back his covers and climbing into his open arms. He pulled you into his chest as you buried your head into his neck, the tears finally escaping.
He lowered his head to yours, staying there for a few seconds, as if debating what he should do, before he placed a feather light kiss on your head. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could tell from the shakes of his chest that he was crying too.
The eight of you had grown up together. For years, all you had ever known was the lab, and all you had ever had by your side were the seven boys. And now two of them were dead. You had never felt this kind of heartache before, and you weren’t sure if it would ever go away.
It took you and Jeno a while to fall asleep, eventually being exhausted from the day and your heavy emotions.
You rolled your head from side to side, trying to stay conscious and fight the drugs that were being injected into your system.
‘No...’ You moaned out, your voice a lot quieter and less powerful than you had planned.
A doctor you didn’t recognise approached you holding another syringe. You tried to move away from him, but the restraints holding you down on the operating table prevented you from moving.
Your eyes wandered to the door, where you could see the rest of the boys watching, three guards holding Jeno to stop him from running to you. He was trying to push past them, clawing at the eye symbol on their arm. The boys all called out, trying to move forwards, pleading with the doctors to stop, to let you go. But they were ignored, the guards bringing out tasers threateningly and shouting at them to stand back.
Jeno pushed forwards again, bending over and letting out a strangled shout when the guard tased him in his stomach. You tried to reach out for him, but in your weakened state you could only stretch out a few fingers.
‘Remember y/n...’ The doctor said, pushing the needle into your neck as you winced in pain. ‘The eye sees all.’
You felt the empty syringe being withdrawn and couldn’t fight to keep your eyes open any longer, instead giving up, Jeno’s screams for you fading into the background as the darkness enveloped you.
You awoke with a start, a scream slipping out of your mouth as you sat bolt upright. Your sudden reaction quickly woke Jeno who was lying next to you. You had been here for a few days now, and still every night you and Jeno stayed in the same room, not quite ready to leave each other yet.
Jeno was the first out of all of you to get the nightmares. He awoke one night screaming so loudly all of the boys came running. They found Jeno shaking in your lap mumbling incoherently about the lab. The next night Jisung, Renjun and you all woke up. The night after that Mark and Jaemin had them. Tonight, it seemed to be your turn again.
You felt Jeno’s hand come up to your shoulder, rubbing it gently as he pulled you in for a hug. You heard another scream come from down the hall somewhere, one that you recognised as Renjun’s and it didn’t take long before the rest of the boys were entering your room. You had all come to a routine of going into the room of whoever had woken up and staying there for most of, if not the rest of the night. Sadly, you always found yourself able to tell who it was that was screaming, the years you spent listening to them in the lab had engraved the sounds of your friend’s pain in your memory.
The other four boys all climbed into your bed, forming a small pile of comfort as they asked about what happened in yours.
‘It was different this time...’ You said quietly. 
‘How?’ Mark inquired, tilting his head at you.
‘I don’t know, but last time felt like a flashback. As in, I remembered it happening in real life, but this time, I don’t remember it...’ You admitted. You recited your dream for the boys in as much detail as you could, especially making sure to mention the doctor you didn’t remember. ‘If it’s a real memory, I just don’t know why I’m suddenly remembering it now.’
‘Because we’re not in the lab anymore.’ Renjun spoke up suddenly. He looked around at the rest of you expectantly until Jisung asked what he meant. ‘In the lab, they gave us that serum every morning right? What if there was something in that that reinforced the memory block or something? That’s why we can only remember this now, because we’re not taking the serum anymore.’
You all shrugged, agreeing that was likely your best guess. As insane as it sounded, you wouldn’t put anything past the lab anymore. You could only wonder what other memories would come back to you over the next few days.
You stood in your practice room for the first time, staring at the space in front of you. There were narrow beams hanging from the ceiling, boxes of books and other small objects and other beams and platforms that got gradually narrower and less steady. However, even with all the different areas to practice different things, today you just wanted to start small by lifting and moving objects around.
You focused on the box in the corner, gently opening it and watching as the books flew out. You lifted your arms, bringing the books around you as they began to move in circles.
‘Not bad.’ Jimin’s voice made you jump, the books suddenly falling to the floor.
‘You know, you have a habit of creeping up on people.’ You said to him as Jimin laughed slightly.
‘I’ve been told I do that a lot, I’m sorry. It’s probably not what you want, to have someone appearing randomly, so I’ll try to knock more or let you know I’m here if you want?’
‘Thank you.’ You nodded, chuckling slightly. Jimin studied the books on the floor and then looked out at all the space and other opportunities you have to practice your abilities.
‘Starting small?’ He questioned, gesturing to the books on the floor. Your mouth opened to reply but you shut it again, not sure how to explain what you were feeling. ‘Or are you scared to try something bigger?’ Your eyes shot up to him and you swallowed as Jimin nodded sympathetically at you. He stepped forward reaching out an arm for your shoulders, stopping just before he touched you to ask, ‘May I?’
You nodded and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, guiding you to the comfortable bench by the door. He sat you down, sitting next to you and he took his arm away, looking out at your practice room.
‘I understand, you know? I mean, obviously I will never fully understand how you feel, but I do understand that you’re feeling it. You’ve been told you were monsters, abominations, and having to fight and hurt people to escape the lab isn’t going to have helped your view of yourself. But I want to make sure that you know we don’t see you that way. If we thought you were monsters we wouldn’t have fought so hard to free you. We think you’re amazing, you’re the solution, you are the proof that we can fight for the good in the world again. I’m not asking you to climb up on those beams yet, but I think I do have something that may help you.’ Jimin reached into his pocket and pulled out a bright green pill.
‘Oh that looks healthy.’ You said sarcastically as he placed it in your hand. ‘Wait, do you want me to take it?’
‘Only if you want to.’ Jimin reassured you. ‘It’s radiation.’
‘You found a way to put radiation into a pill? Is that even possible?’ You turned it over in your fingers, studying the small object.
‘Yes, it took our scientists years, and we had Ten sending us information from the lab. He had to break into the doctor’s office to find their files. We learnt that, since the radiation is what gave you your powers, consuming radiation in some form, can enhance them.’
You stared at Jimin incredulously. ‘So you know I’m afraid to use my powers and you give me something that will make me more powerful?’
‘No, I’m giving you the chance to see that you are so much more than what they made you for.’ Jimin closed your hand around the pill. ‘Do with it what you will, and if you take it right now, or choose to never take it at all, it’s still okay. It’s completely up to you.’
With that Jimin stood, heading back towards the door. He paused for a second to turn back to you and nod before leaving. You opened your hand and stared at the green pill laying on your palm. A thousand thoughts ran through your mind.
How long would the pill last? Were the effects permanent? How much would it increase your abilities?
You were starting to wish that Jimin had stayed so that you could ask him these questions.
You lifted the pill up to the light, staring it down before finally making a decision. You placed it in your mouth, took a quick sip of water and swallowed. You took a deep breath, sinking down into the chair as you waited to feel something. You still weren’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but you decided to take a risk. 
After a few minutes you still weren’t feeling anything and you started to wonder if the pill had no effect. Your eyes drifted back to the books that still lay discarded on the floor. You stood, walking back into the middle of them and raised your hands.The books began to gently lift, you closed your eyes and breathed out, focusing your mind before bringing your arms in small circles. The books swirled around you, never hitting each other and instead dancing around them.
You opened your eyes, seeing what you were doing and smiled gently. You raised your hands even more and the books shot towards the ceiling, drawing patterns in the air. You brought your hands together, pulling all the books into a circle in the middle, before suddenly jerking them to the sides, hearing that satisfying sound of paper ripping as the books tore to shreds.
The books turned into a mess of whole pages, each one still in perfect condition, just now separate from the book it used to belong to. They began to come back towards you, swirling around and gaining speed as if it were a whirlpool. You felt your clothes and hair begin to move upwards with the wind that was created and you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of freedom. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your chest.
And then suddenly, you stopped it, keeping the pages exactly where they were, but static, enclosing you in a world of words. You left them there and just took a second to breathe. Even after doing that, you weren’t out of breath, and weren't tired in the slightest. You wanted more, wanted to do more, feel more. And you would, but not yet.
You gently lowered the pages to the ground, them forming a perfect circle around you. You stepped out of them, thinking for a second before focusing your mind once more and imagining them all going back to the book they belonged to. Obviously you couldn’t fix the damage, but it was the best you could do. The pages floated back, falling into the empty covers in the correct order, and then the partially repaired books drifted back towards the box.
You walked towards the door, turning back to look at the practice room behind you and as much as you tried to fight it, you couldn’t stop the small smile that stretched across your face. Maybe there was a good use for your powers.
You wandered out of your room, closing the door behind you before facing the corridor. Jimin was stood against a wall waiting for you and he smiled once you left.
‘You and Jaemin are the final ones, I was just waiting for you both to come out.’
At that moment Jaemin’s door opened and he emerged. He looked up, noticing you standing there, and began to walk towards you.
‘Lunch is almost over, you guys may want to hurry.’ Jimin informed you and you both nodded before heading off.
By the time you had arrived at the dining hall, lunch was over, but one of the guys who worked in the kitchen offered to make you a sandwich each. The two of you were waiting outside for them to be finished and you were studying Jaemin silently.
On the way over you had tried to make conversation with him, but had gotten only short answers in response. This wasn’t like Jaemin to be this quiet and brush you off, and you were starting to get worried. 
‘Jaemin?’ You asked and he looked up at you. ‘Is everything okay?’
‘Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I’ve just had a couple of things on my mind.’
Normally you would let it go, but this time you pressed him a bit more.
‘Like what?’
Jaemin looked up at you again, this time slower. He bit his lip, clearing debating whether he should tell you or not.
‘There’s just some recent things that have happened that’s got me questioning some things.’ He explained vaguely, so you pushed him a bit more.
‘What kind of things are you questioning?’
‘Here.’ Jaemin’s answer wasn’t what shocked you. What shocked you was the certainty behind his words. Whatever doubts he had about this place, he must have had them for a while to have that confidence in them. You nodded at him, encouraging him to keep going. He opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the cook arrived, holding out two sandwiches and handing them to you with a friendly smile.
You smiled back, not failing to notice how Jaemin’s seemed a lot more forced than normal.
‘We can’t talk here, come on.’ With that, Jaemin nodded down the hall and led you back towards your rooms.
He walked fast, you jogging slightly to keep up with him, yet his pace never faltered. He led you into your room, checked to make sure the corridor was empty before firmly shutting the door behind him. He whirled around to face you and you prepared to ask him what the hell was going on, but he beat you to it.
‘How did they know Ten was dead?’ He asked you desperately and you stuttered, trying to take in what he was saying.
‘What- What do you mean?’
‘When we first met Jimin, he told us about Ten right?’ Jaemin asked, and you nodded remembering the moment clearly. ‘Exactly, and that was one of the main things that made us trust him. But then I started thinking, how could he possibly know he was dead? He had only been dead for a day by that point.’
‘Jaemin, they were probably expecting to hear from him and figured it out when he didn’t call.’ You tried to calm him down but Jaemin shook his head frantically.
‘No, see, I thought of that. But, remember when Ten and Doyoung were telling us about the initial escape plan, Jisung asked if we could contact the group and Ten said no. He said they know we’re on our way and what to look for, so it would be safer to limit conversations since they could be traced. The only way they could have found out that Ten was dead would be if they had contact with the lab. And let’s say they did, but it was with someone they put there. That’s safe right?’ You nodded again, and Jaemin continued, pulling at his hair slightly as he spoke. ‘But that doesn’t make sense because the only people on our side were Doyoung and Ten and they’re both dead. If someone else was on our side why wouldn’t Ten tell us about them? That means this place has had contact with the lab, and if they have, we aren’t safe here. Furthermore, Ten told us we would be moved on and there hasn’t been any mention of that. What if this is just a holding place for us to stay until the lab comes and gets us again?’
‘Ok, Jaemin, I need you to breathe right now.’ You approached him, placing your hands on his shoulders to try and calm your friend down. Jaemin had been talking fast, trying to say everything on his mind and now he was out of breath. ‘Look, yes, some of your points have made sense but I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for it. Plus, if this place was part of the lab, why wouldn’t they have come to get us already? We’ve been here for days, why wait that long when they could just arrive in the middle of the night and get us when sleeping?’ You kept your voice soft, feeling Jaemin gradually calm down. ‘Let’s not be hasty alright, let’s stay calm, but also, we’ll keep one eye open for anything strange, just in case.’
Jaemin took a deep breath, finally relaxing. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll be fine, I’m just finding it hard to feel safe anywhere and I... god we could use Hyuck right now.’
A sad silence fell over the two of you as you remembered the sunshine boy. Your eyes drifted, finally landing on a pack of playing cards lying on a shelf. You walked towards them, picked them up and waved them at Jaemin.
‘Come one, let’s distract ourselves.’ You proposed, Jaemin smiling at you as you began to deal the cards out between the two of you.
When you were back at the lab, you all used to have a small bookcase in your rooms, each of which holding a few books and a deck of cards to keep you entertained. Obviously, after a few years of reading the same books day after day they get a bit boring, so the cards were your main source of entertainment.
However, it didn’t take long for you to burn through all the games you knew, and, after a short while you found yourselves getting bored. You threw down your cards, letting out a sigh as you lost to Jaemin once again. He chuckled at your irritation as he finished the last bite of his sandwich.
‘There are some perks to having a mind reading power.’ He gloated, laughing again at your expression of disbelief.
‘You cheat!’ You gasped, groaning out in annoyance as Jaemin searched for something to do.
He rolled onto his stomach, looking under your bed and let out a small shout of excitement when he found something. He brought his arm out, his hand wrapped around what looked like another deck of cards.
‘Tarot cards apparently.’ Jaemin mumbled, flipping the pack over to look for instructions. ‘I have no idea how to do this, do you?’
‘Umm, unfortunately not... but we could just spread them out and pick one or something?’ You suggested, shrugging your shoulders. Jaemin nodded, as he unpacked the cards and spread them on the ground.
You looked at the line of cards in front of you, studying the backs of them and tracing your fingers over them. You eventually came to settle on one, pulling it from the pack and holding it to your chest so that you didn’t see what it was. Jaemin did the same, grinning at you and telling you to turn yours around first.
‘Ohhhh, “The Lovers”.’ Jaemin whistled at you, raising his eyebrows teasingly. You turned the card over studying the design, unable to stop the small smile on your face. ‘Thinking of anyone in particular y/n?’
Your eyes shot towards the boy in front of you who was clearly enjoying this.
‘No.’ You mumbled out, your face heating up as you both knew that wasn’t true.
‘Alright I’ll stop the teasing for now. What’s mine?’
Jaemin flipped his card over and your face fell, your brow furrowing as disbelief came over you. You blinked a couple of times, reading and rereading the card he held to make sure that you had gotten it right.
‘Y/n?’ Jaemin prompted, obviously confused as to what was taking you so long.
You swallowed, the archaically styled letters glaring back at you.
You let out a scream of frustration as the book you were holding in mid air not only tore apart, but literally burst into pieces. You could not have been more thankful for the radiation as the extra power was helping you release some pent up anger.
You stared at the carnage on the floor, shreds of paper surrounded you, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty at destroying so many books. However, this guilt just fuelled even more irritation and you grabbed the closest thing you could see, the giant box which the books came in, and obliterated it.
You leant over, resting your hands on your knees as you caught your breath. You were experimenting with new things every day, but it was tiring you out. However, you couldn’t help but think that Jimin had been right, the more you experiment, the less afraid you become of your powers.
You heard another door buzz, signalling that someone else had finished and decided to call it a day, jogging to your door to catch whoever it was who was leaving. You slipped out of your room, finding the corridor empty. You shrugged, and instead headed back up to your room for a shower.
You stepped out of the bathroom, using your towel to dry your hair as best you could and almost jumped out of your skin when you saw someone in your room.
‘Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.’ Jeno chuckled at your expression as you threw your towel at him.
‘It’s not really your fault, I guess I’ve been a little on edge today.’ You said, approaching him.
‘Are you okay?’ He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in worry.
‘Yeah, yeah I’m fine.’ You reassure him. ‘Just habit I guess.’
Jeno nodded, understanding the feeling perfectly. He closed the distance between the two of you, comfortingly wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
‘I know.’ He whispered into your hair. ‘It’s hard to settle down, but y/n we’re going to be okay. This place... it’s the first time in my life I’ve ever felt safe. And I don’t want you to be afraid of it. Nothing can reach us in here, I promise.’
‘Okay.’ You whispered back, choosing not to tell him about what you and Jaemin discussed. In fact, the whole conversation slipped from your mind the second Jeno hugged you. All you could focus on was his breathing and the way that his arms held you tightly, keeping you sheltered from any evil in this world.
He pulled away slightly, leaning back so that he could look into your eyes, his eyes somehow holding the entire universe in them.
‘No matter what happens, I’ll keep you safe.’ He promised and you found it impossible to take your eyes off him as you replied.
‘I know.’
His hands lightly traced their way down your body, moving from your shoulders to your waist and gently grabbing you there. Yours travelled up his chest, eventually winding around his neck as you both stood in each other’s embrace.
You thought you’d be nervous. You thought that ever being in this position with Jeno would make you embarrassed but you didn’t feel that way. Instead it just felt right, like somehow, this was exactly where you were supposed to be.
Jeno was the first to break eye contact, this gaze slipping from your eyes and onto your lips before moving back up again. You copied his movements, glancing down at his lips before looking back up at him through your eyelashes.
He leaned down gently, stopping quickly to let you push him away, but you nodded, instead moving up to meet him. Jeno saw you move towards him and reacted, closing the gap between the two of you and gently pressing his lips to yours.
He pulled away too soon, leaving you wanting more as he quietly asked:
‘Was that okay?’
Instead of saying yes, you leaned back into him, kissing him again. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer, kissing you back with more passion.
You pressed your body into his, as if you were trying to eliminate any space between the two of you, as you got lost in him. You eventually had to pull away, the need to breathe breaking you out of the daze you were in.
You and Jeno both kept your eyes closed, and he gently rested his forehead on yours as you both caught your breath. You eventually forced your eyes open, blinking a couple of times and found Jeno already staring at you, taking in every detail on your face.
‘You’re so beautiful.’ He breathed, bringing his hand up to your face to stroke your cheek.
You smiled up at him, leaning in for another soft kiss, sighing as your lips met.
If you’d thought that hugging Jeno felt right, then kissing him felt as though it had been designed by the heavens.
Jeno wrapped his arms back around your waist, lifting you just enough to be able to fall on the bed behind you. You let out a laugh as your back hit the mattress. Jeno’s arms came around your body, securely keeping you close to him as you both got comfortable.
Jeno was lying on his back, with you half on top of him as his arms wrapped around your shoulders and waist, and you placed your head in his neck. He tilted his head towards you, sighing into your hair before kissing you on the forehead.
You had no idea how long it took you to fall asleep, time having no importance to you while you were curled up on Jeno’s chest. You weren’t sure if it was the heat radiating off his body, the sound of his heart beat and rhythm of his soft breaths, or the way his hand was stroking your hair, but you soon drifted off. Jeno fell asleep after you, whispering a confession that you were just awake enough to hear, but too far gone to reply or properly register what he said.
‘I think I love you.’
You woke up to a constant banging on your door, pulling you harshly out of the comfortable hold that sleep had on you. You lifted your head up, too drowsy to open your eyes fully as you croaked towards the door, asking who it was.
Jisung’s voice echoed through your room, saying that you slept through the morning and to come and get lunch. Your eyes sprung open at that, confused as to how you had slept through the whole morning, and you tried to sit up, failing when the two arms that were wrapped around you refused to let you go.
Jeno let out a small groan, pulling you back into his chest and curling around you more.
‘Where are you going?’ He mumbled as you chuckled at his behaviour.
‘Turns out we slept through the whole morning, we need to get lunch and then head off to train.’ You answered, finding it incredibly difficult to tear yourself away from the boy next to you. ‘God, I can’t believe it... waking up at midday...’
‘And without that goddamn alarm.’ Jeno muttered, his voice slightly muffled but the annoyance was clear in his words. ‘I swear to god, I wanted to tear that thing off the wall and break it into pieces every time it woke us up in the morning.’
You laughed at that, memories of mornings in the lab clouding your mind. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but also felt like just yesterday at the same time. You supposed the latter was more accurate.
Eventually Jeno let go of you, and the two of you quickly got up and dressed, before hurrying down to the dining room for lunch. You grabbed your meals before heading to the table where the other four boys sat, already talking about their days.
Jisung was the one speaking when you both arrived.
‘I swear, I never thought that I would ever be able to lift and throw the things I am now with this radiation.’ He exclaimed excitedly and Renjun nodded in agreement.
‘I’m holding illusions that are so much more lifelike and for much longer times. The other day, I added moving beings into it, layering other aspects to make it more realistic.’
‘That’s insane Renjun!’ Jeno breathed as Renjun nodded rapidly at his friend. Mark soon joined in the conversation, speaking about how much his healing abilities had improved.
The four of them were quickly lost in their discussion, telling stories of their experiences in training, what they hoped to accomplish and how safe they felt here. While you were happy for them and excited for what you would experiment with today, you couldn’t help but remember the conversation you and Jaemin had had recently.
His doubts echoed around in your head, and one look at his uneasy face at the table told you everything you needed to know.
He wasn’t feeling safe.
You took a deep breath, calming your mind before you opened your eyes and stared at what was in front of you. You just had to do this once and then you were finished for the day.
You brought your hand up to your forehead, wiping away the small amount of sweat there, and planted your feet into the ground. You ignore how high up you were, instead focusing on the planks suspended from the ceiling that you were preparing to jump across.
You knew the radiation was on your side, and you took off. You began at a run, not wanting to stay on each beam for too long. You knew that they would swing and it would ruin your balance, so you planned on moving across them as quickly as possible.
You jumped off the edge, sailing easily towards the first beam, using your ability to keep it steady and you ran across. You reached the end, letting go of the beam and instead focusing your mind on your feet. You pushed yourself higher, clearing the second gap and landed softly, before running again.
You barely stopped moving, constantly leaping from one area to another, and keeping the beam steady until you jumped, when you gave yourself help and then focusing back on the beam to prepare for your landing.
You were approaching the final jump, the furthest one you would have to do. You narrowed your eyes, determination taking over and you picked up speed. You let go of the beam, jumping with all your might and pushed yourself up. The final platform sailed towards you and landed. You bent your knees, falling into a roll to redirect the leftover momentum.
You came to standing, staring back at what you had just accomplished and letting out a laugh. Pride flooded your system as you made your way down from the heights and out of your training room.
As you left, you saw Jaemin’s door open at the same time as yours. You almost ran towards him, ready to tell him about what you had done, but you never got the chance.
He immediately grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you away from the training rooms.
‘Jaemin? What’s wrong?’ You asked, but he didn’t reply.
Jaemin walked faster than he ever had before, only slowing down when you passed someone so he didn’t draw attention to the two of you. You almost stumbled multiple times, but still he dragged you straight into your room and slammed the door behind him.
You recognised his behaviour from the time he told you his fears about this place, so you knew what was coming.
‘I can’t read anyone’s mind.’ He spat, his expression a mixture of anger, confusion and fear.
‘What?’ You breathed. ‘How is that possible?’
‘I don’t know...’ Jaemin shook his head. ‘I’ve been trying to read their minds ever since that thought about Ten crossed my mind, and it’s not possible. But do you know the only other time I couldn’t read someone’s mind? Back in the lab. I never knew why I couldn’t read the guards minds, until one day one of them passed me with their helmet off and I heard everything. I think there’s something in their armour or helmet that disrupts the frequency and I can’t hear their thoughts.’
‘Ok... but Jaemin, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything about this place. The building is old and damaged, maybe something in it that disrupts the frequency.’ You offered. Even though what Jaemin was saying made you nervous, you didn’t want to freak out unless you needed to.
‘Ok, then answer me this: why can I still hear your thoughts? Why do I know about how you and Jeno have spent almost every night together since we arrived? Why do I know what you did in your training today?’ Jaemin challenged and you fell silent. ‘And let’s say it means nothing, just for the sake of it, what do you think these people have to hide? What can they not tell us? Aren’t you tired of constantly being kept in the dark? with this and Ten I don’t - I can’t-’ Jaemin paused for a second, taking a deep breath to calm himself. ‘Y/n, you know me. You know that I’m not someone who irrationally overthinks without reason. You know I would never be saying this if it wasn’t serious. And I’m telling you, something doesn’t feel right about this place.’
You breathed out, taking a step backwards and sitting down on your bed. Your legs felt as though they had turned to jelly. The same, however, could not be said for Jaemin who was pacing around your room, still listing things that were on his mind.
‘Also, there’s the similarities between our days here and at the lab. The training, the meals, the solidarity - it’s the same things, just in a bigger space so we don’t notice it.’ You furrowed your eyebrows at that, not entirely convinced by his point, but Jaemin noticed your expression and kept talking. ‘Think about it, have you ever been able to go into the dining room, or the training room when you weren’t told you could? And the training... it’s so similar to when we were at the lab. I did distance training today and I barely made it though, I kept having flashbacks to the lab. What did you do?’
‘Agility.’ You whispered, not wanting to admit to yourself that it was true, but deep down you knew it was.
This facility was just an extension of the lab.
Your body began to shake, the reality of the situation setting in and you thought back to your time here, and tried to find any moments that you should have questioned or thought twice about. Then it dawned on you.
‘The radiation...’ Jaemin eyes shot towards you, begging you to continue what you were saying. ‘There was something Jimin said to me the day he gave me the radiation pill. I thought nothing of it at the time but now- oh god. He said that Ten had to break into the doctor’s office to find the files, but why would Ten have to break in if Doyoung was there?’ 
‘Because Ten and Doyoung weren’t working for this place.’ Jaemin sighed as the mystery of how you ended up here began to fall into place.
‘Wait-’ You held up a hand. ‘But why would Ten tell us to come here then?’
For the first time since you had entered your room, Jaemin stopped moving, his feet coming to an abrupt stop underneath him. You both sat in silence for a few seconds, wondering if this had been the plan all along, if everything, you finding out about the lab, your escape, Doyoung’s death, Ten’s death, if it had all been some elaborate scheme. Then Jaemin’s jaw dropped and he whirled around to face you.
‘He never said here... Ten never specified where we were going, he just told us to go. He must have meant some place else, because this isn’t a safe haven at all. It’s just another place for us to train while they record some more data, this time with the effect of radiation.’
Your head was spinning, all these new revelations swimming around, making you dizzy.
‘The lab hasn’t come to bring us back...’
‘Because they didn’t need to. We never left.’ Jaemin finished your sentence.
A heavy silence fell over the two of you as your eyes were finally opened to the truth. Doyoung and Ten were on your side, they had done everything, given their lives so that the two of you could escape the lab. And you had unknowingly run straight back to it.
‘What can we do?’ Jaemin asked quietly and you looked up at him.
‘We have to tell the others. Whatever we do about this, we do it together.’ You stated and Jaemin nodded.
‘You’re right. So let’s go?’ You nodded at his question. It was not going to be an easy conversation but you both knew that you couldn’t keep the other boys in the dark.
You both stood and walked towards the door when it suddenly opened, and Jimin appeared. You both jumped out of your skin, staring at the man in front of you with the smile that he always wore staring you both down.
‘There you are Jaemin! Sorry I didn’t mean to make you jump, it looks like I’ve interrupted something, but we’ve got a busy day tomorrow. You’re going to head outside to practice your abilities without the restraints of those rooms, so you’re going to want to get a good night's sleep.’ You both nodded in response, neither of you trusting yourself to say a word, or to even move. ‘So, Jaemin, head back to your room.’
‘I-’ Jaemin swallowed. ‘I just need a few more minutes.’
‘No. Back to your room.’ Jimin said sharply, in a tone that reminded you painfully of the guards in the lab. It was only there for a second however, the tension soon melting off him and being replaced with that sickly sweet smile.
Jaemin turned to face you, a million questions in his eyes and you placed your hands on his shoulders.
‘Tomorrow then, together, we’ll do it in the morning. All of us.’ You told him, keeping it as vague as possible since Jimin was standing right there.
Jaemin nodded, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a hug. You were confused but complied, understanding what he was doing when he began to whisper into your ear.
‘I need you to promise me something. No matter what happens, remember I love you. No matter where we go, or what happens to any of us. I love you. Thank you for being my friend.’
Jaemin pulled away from you and was quickly guided out of your room by Jimin. He looked over his shoulder at you one last time and you nodded at him, not knowing why he wanted you to promise that, but something about the final look in his eyes unnerved you.
You walked back towards your bed, falling onto it and imagining the conversation you were going to have to have the next day. You stare at the door, waiting for Jeno to arrive, but he never did.
You guessed he had been told by Jimin to stay in his own room and, since he still trusted him and this place, Jeno would have no reason to say no. You had no idea how you were going to break the news to the other boys. They felt safe here, and, even though you knew they weren’t, and you knew that taking away the only safe place they had ever known would break them.
It was starting to feel like it had all been for nothing. It turns out you were right when you said you had never escaped the lab, but you hadn’t known just how right you had been. But you had to escape, you had to tell the boys the truth. You owed it to them, you owed it to Doyoung and Ten and you owed it to Chenle and Hyuck.
Yet that final look in Jaemin’s eyes as he looked back at you over his shoulder haunted you. For some reason, you had a terrible feeling that finding out about this place wouldn’t be the end to your journey, but instead the beginning of the next part of it.
It took you hours, but eventually you fell into a very uneasy sleep.
You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. Once you registered what that sound was, you stumbled out of bed and ran towards your door, yanking it open and expecting to see Jaemin on the other side.
Instead you were greeted by a member of the Orb who informed you of the day’s events.
‘We’re planning to leave just before lunch.’ He finished and you thanked him before closing the door again.
You wasted no time, getting dressed as quickly as you could and making your way down to Jaemin’s room. You knew you had to tell the other boys about it as soon as possible, they couldn’t go outside and show the lab the full extent of what they could do.
You knocked on Jaemin’s door, confused when you got no response. You turned the handle, opening it slightly and peering inside. However, he wasn’t there. You turned away from his room, trying to figure out where he would be. You checked the bathrooms, the kitchens, the dining room, the communal areas and even the other boys’ rooms, but there was still no sign of Jaemin.
You wandered the halls you had become increasingly familiar with, constantly turning your head to see if you could spot Jaemin anywhere. You were starting to get increasingly confused, unable to think of any room you hadn’t checked. You paused, leaning against a wall and resting your head back on it as you wracked your brain.
You were lost in thought, mentally mapping out the layout of the Orb in an attempt to find a room you may have missed when your eyes came into focus on a door. You remembered it from your initial tour, it was brushed off as nothing more than just a closet that’s rarely in use, but something in you was telling you to open it.
You stepped forwards, checking around you to make sure that you were alone, and your hand gripped the handle. You pushed down and rattled the door, letting out a small groan of frustration when it turned out to be locked. You took your hand off the knob, instead placing it over the keyhole, and gently twisting it to the left. You heard the lock open with a satisfying click and you pushed the door open and you looked inside.
You almost slammed the door shut again straight away. Your hand immediately shot up to cover your mouth and it took everything in you not to throw up at the sight in front of you. As horrific as the scene was, and as much as you wanted to look away, you couldn’t find a way to tear your eyes away from it. 
The room was small, dimly lit by the individual lightbulb hanging overhead, and inside it lay a single chair. But it was what was on the chair that caused your violent reaction. Sat there, on the chair, was a dead body. The blood that fell from their neck covered their clothes and it was clear that they had been in this position when they were killed. Their hands were brought behind them, tied behind the chair to prevent them from moving and their feet were similarly bound to the chair legs. When your gaze wandered upwards, past the fatally deep slash in their neck that you could tell cost them their life, to the dull, empty eyes of the victim, you couldn’t help the guttural scream that tore from your throat as you started into his lifeless face.
It was Jaemin.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Separated (Zuko x Reader)
Characters: Zuko, Iroh
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Tags Reader Insert, Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Spoilers about Zuko’s character and backstory
Word Count: 1,7k words
Summary: Y/N and Zuko are constantly arguing because of his stubbornness, and it isn’t until they are separated that they truly realize how much they need each other.
A/N: I’m not completely sure the timelines match, but I had this idea that explored Zuko’s character and I loved it, so here it is! I’m quite proud of this one! Hope you enjoy reading :D
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Zuko x Gender Neutral Reader
Iroh cheerfuly hummed as he served you tea. Both Zuko and you refused to look at each other. You had run out of patience, and so had he.
Perhaps his uncle was more benevolent and lenient, but you weren’t. Like Iroh, you had realized Zuko’s struggle, and you saw the good and kindness in him as well. Unlike his uncle, however, you were fed up with his demeanor. Zuko held on to so much anger and resentment, all aimed at the wrong person.
It wasn’t the Avatar that would bring his honor back, couldn’t he see? His father had showed his position quite clearly when he burned Zuko badly enough to leave him scarred for life. And not only because of the mark in his face.
“I’m tired of waiting” Zuko muttered, showing his impatience once more. 
“Patience is a virtue, dear nephew” Although Iroh was clearly taking to him, his kind eyes fell over you as well.
“Don’t bother, Iroh” You said nonetheless, unable to contain your bitterness in regards to the prince’s demeanor as of late. It had only gotten worse these last few days. 
Your comment earned you a bad look from him. You turned your face away. In reality, you were only trying to hide how much it pained you. How deeply it hurt you to see him deny the truth and go after someone who only wanted to help people.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Zuko barked back, dedicating you a challenging glare and demanding a reaction from you.
“It means you are being stupid and stubborn!” You said, slamming your cup on the ground. “Capturing the Avatar won’t-”
“If I bring him to my father, he will restore my honor!” He interrupted you, raising his volume much louder than you.
“No, he won’t!”
“Don’t talk about what you know nothing of, Y/N!”
“I do know! No offense, Zuko, but your father is a jerk”
“He is not!”
“Whatever you say…”
“Yes, I am the prince and-”
“You are a banished prince whose father doesn’t care for!”
“That’s enough!” He abruptly stood up, and his face contorted in the angriest grimace you had ever seen. “If you’re not going to help, leave right now!”
“I will!” You threw the cup of tea at his feet in an outburst of fury. “I don’t want to be around you anymore!”
Just when you had already turned your back on him, you realized what that implied. Just as your foot hovered in the air before you took the first step, you paused. Looking over your shoulder, you locked gazes with Iroh. It wasn’t fair to him either. His eyes were laced with sadness, almost begging you not to give up on Zuko. Without looking at the prince, you shook your head at his uncle. You didn’t have the strength to believe in him anymore, not when he continued to push you away like that.
Making your choice, you continued walking away from them. Away from him. Silence lingered for a bit longer until you were out of reach.
“Y/N called you Zuko...” Iroh whispered, still saddened as they both watched how you left without looking back. “Not Lee...”
“So what?” He replied with a shrug, even if his voice broke. Deep down, he knew what that meant. Even if his uncle didn’t give him an answer either.
To you, he wasn’t Lee anymore. He wasn’t that person you had grown so fond of, that you had met so long ago and had decided to help. That you had continued to address like that because that was the boy you knew and cared about. No, he was Zuko to you now. The angry prince from the evil Fire Nation, someone you could’t rely on anymore. You thought of him like everyone else did.
Facing his back to his uncle, Zuko frowned. He tried to hide how much that thought hurt him. Hide it even from himself.
Every time a sound came, his heart raced. Zuko looked for you in every shadow, in every face he came across, in every vaguely familiar voice he heard. You had been separated for what felt like months, even if only a week had gone by. Each minute that passed only filled him with more regret. 
As he returned to where Iroh was waiting for him, Zuko dragged his feet. His heart felt heavy, but he tried to straighten up and pretend like it didn’t.
“You’re back!” Iroh warmly smiled at his nephew, even if the gesture faded at the sight of a crestfallen Zuko. 
He had been patiently waiting for him to return from his search for you, and when he finally did it was alone. What was worse, Zuko didn’t seem to want to stay. Your argument heavily weighted on him, it was easy to tell. A part of him was glad that Zuko regretted what happened and was adamant on finding you. On making things right. The other part wished he would stay by his side, where he was safe and accompanied.
“I’m sorry, uncle, but I came only to speak to you” Zuko told him, hanging his head low. “I was hoping Y/N had returned and met with you, but...”
"I wish I could give you good news, prince Zuko” Iroh shook his head, confirming that he had not seen you at all.
“I need to find Y/N” The thought of something horrible happening to you was too awful to bear. It was all the more terrible when he remembered how your last moments together went. 
Zuko clenched his fists, hating that you had that perception of him. That you were tired of fighting to bring the good in him, that you truly thought he didn’t care about you. That you left him forever without knowing how important you were to him.
Only dedicating his uncle a last resigned glance before leaving again, Zuko sighed. His feet began mindlessly moving as his head wandered. 
Maybe you and Iroh were right. Maybe the firelord wasn’t worth all this trouble, maybe the Avatar wouldn’t restore his honor. Maybe, like you said, he was only a boy trying to help people. 
If only he could talk to you one more time... It was his only thought, repeating over and over again, as he continued moving. He didn’t even watch where he was going, he was just trying to leave that feeling behind.
“Lee?” Zuko halted at the sound of a familiar voice. However, and unlike many other times during that week, when he looked up he wasn’t dissapointed this once.
“Y/N” He uttered, watching you from a distance, almost thinking it was too good to be true. 
Something, however, stopped him from taking another step. He knew it wasn’t the shock of seeing you. It might have been his pride, or that eternal struggle within him, or the fear of being too vulnerable in front of you. It didn’t matter. All of these obstacles became insignificant when he realized something. You were hurt, there were bruises all over your face. Just then, your knees buckled and you fell to the floor.
“Y/N!” Without even thinking, Zuko ran to you and took you by the shoulders. “Are you okay?”
Despite your weak state, you managed a faint smile as you looked into his amber eyes. He frowned in concern, but you didn’t mind him.
“I found you” You muttered, feebly leaning against him.
“You’re injured” Frozen in place, he didn’t allow his arms to wrap around you quite yet, even as your forehead rested against his shoulder. “What happened?”
“I got in trouble, big one” You paused for a moment, exhausted. “I should have been more careful, but I couldn’t focus and-”
“This was all my fault” He interrupted you, urgently taking you in his arms now. “None of this would have happened if-”
“If I had been more patient” Breaking away just enough to look into his eyes, you were quick to cut his guilt. Your hand cupped his face, your thumb gently caressing his scar. “I haven’t given up on you, I never did... not really. I was just angry and frustrated and...”
“Forgive me” One of his hands moved to brush a knuckle against a nasty looking bruise in your cheek. “I know you only had my best interests at heart”
There was a pause in which he desperately squeezed you against him, trying to confirm that you were there with him again. That you were alive and well. You broke the silence, uncomfortable with the thoughts that undoubtedly plagued his mind. 
“Did your uncle nag you about this?” 
“He did”
“I owe him a hug then”
“I’m sorry, Y/N...” Zuko couldn’t bring himself to just accept your attempts and pretend like nothing had happened. The guilt still clutched on to his chest. “I let my anger separate us, but these days apart have really made me realize...”
“Enough of that...” You didn’t want him to dwell on it, so you tried to give him a smile again. “I’m tired”
“You’re so rude” You locked eyes with him, chuckling a little. “You didn’t even say hello, Lee”
“I told you my real name a long time ago...”
“Shut up and say it”
A glint in your eyes finally made him understand. You had forgiven him, you did soon after being separated. He had shown regret, he had shown that he cared, that he was at least willing to listen now. And if not, Iroh would help in nudging him in the right direction. Zuko relaxed, also loosening his subconscious tight grip on you, and nodded his head.
“Hello, Y/N” Not letting go of you, he helped you to your feet. “Welcome back” 
You sighed in relief and leaned your weight on him. Those days had been long and scary, but you were back. You were safe, with people who cared about you. With people who would protect you and nurse you back to health.
Zuko didn’t think twice to wrap an arm around your waist to support you. You needed him, and he wouldn’t let you down this time. 
“I hope Iroh has some tea ready” You groggily said as you two slowly walked back to him. “I could use some right now”
“I’m sure he does” Lee smiled. “He’ll be happy to see you”
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @lotsoffandomimagines​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @undercanonthots​ / @niphredil-14​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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infernalrevenge · 4 years
I’ll Cover You, My Love
Fandom: Choices - Foreign Affairs
Pairing: Ayna Seth x M!MC (Magnus Quezon)
Rating: T (for some self-deprecating stuff)
Summary: Ayna feels guilty about Magnus taking the brunt of the scandal, but he is having none of her negative talk.
Notes: Ayna betrayal plotline? Who's that? Never heard of her. That never happened. I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, here's a comfort fic for my favorite TA, because I will not take any Ayna slander, not even from Ayna herself. I would just like to say that before I locked in my scandal partner, I had such a hard time picking between Ayna and Blaine, but I went with the latter for maximum drama. Doesn’t mean I still can’t ship my current MC with Ayna though, because I can do what I want. I hope y’all enjoy!
Also hi, I know you asked to be tagged in this :P @robintora
Ayna leaned against her hand propped up on her desk, the words on the paper she was reading starting to blur as she tried her best to stay awake. Ever since she saw the front page cover of the stupid tabloid and Magnus had been the talk of the proverbial town, she hadn’t been able to get a good night's rest as she was wracked with anger and guilt.
Anger at the people who have passed judgement on him so quickly, who decided they knew exactly what kind of person he was based on one stupid picture and the speculations not just on the company he kept, but also on his character...
...and guilt for not being there to take the fall with him. A part of her kept wondering what might have happened if she didn’t get the chance to cover her face the way she did that night. Another part wondered what would have happened if she had just come forward earlier, but Magnus quickly shot the idea down. He explained to her that it was for the best, that he wanted to protect her from the scrutiny.
"You don't have an entire PR team that can spin the story around or make sure it gets buried. This won't just ruin your image -- if you lose your job because of this, it could ruin your life. Please don't say anything to anyone. Let me do this for you, I can handle it," he told her the last time they talked in person. She knew he was just trying to reassure her, but even she can see through the sadness and stress in his eyes, despite the smile he gave then.
At the moment, she simply was not in the best state of mind, and adding to the pile the other things she had going on in her life... she was damn near close to bursting. She was just about to take another sip of coffee, desperate to stay awake, when she heard a knock on her office door. "Come in."
In popped up a familiar head of fiery red hair, his eyes seeming to dart around cautiously before realizing she was alone. A bright smile shone on his face as he came in, waving off to someone from behind the door.
"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Ayna yelped in surprise, standing up.
"I came to see you," he said like it was the most obvious thing, slowly closing the door behind him to make minimal sound.
"What, w-what if someone saw you? Someone might've tailed you o-or people might get suspicious--"
"Hey, don't worry," Magnus stepped toward her, laying his hand on top of hers. "If anyone saw me, they might just think I needed to talk to you about something -- you're also my academic advisor, after all. Plus, Tatum checked and not many other people are out there. I told him to take a short walk so people won't suspect that I’m here for too long."
"Yeah, but we need to be more careful still, I don't want you to--"
"Ayna, I promise I've got it covered, okay?" He squeezed her hand in his, and laid the other one on top. "Just trust me."
She looked up at him, sighing wearily as she let her shoulders relax and sat back down. The young man offered a smile of reassurance, taking a seat from across her desk and carrying it over to the other side to sit next to her. “So, how’ve you been?”
“Honestly? Not great,” she replied, leaning back as she glanced at her laptop screen, multiple windows and tabs opened. “This manuscript isn’t exactly easy to write,” she added with a chuckle. Working on it had been her way of distracting herself from other problems recently, but it wasn’t entirely successful. Her mind had still been brewing with “what-ifs” -- it was much easier to be told not to worry than to actually do it. But she didn’t want to dwell on herself for too long.
“What about you, though? I know the last few weeks have been...” she trailed off, looking down as she was unsure.
“It hasn’t been all bad. I did get Joaquin, after all.” Ah yes, that lynx he got at the pet store during that live interview. Ayna had tuned into it then, and she remembered her fists clenching when the host brought up the scandal unprompted. She almost wished she could have told off that nosy woman to keep out of his personal life, but the way he was able to take back control of it was quite an admirable sight.
“You wanna see pictures?” He excitedly brought out his phone, leaning closer to show her the whole album he had dedicated to the small feline.
“You’ve had him for all of two weeks and you’ve already taken, what, a hundred pictures?” She couldn’t help the amused laugh that escaped her, listening to him coo at nearly every photo he swept through -- some of Joaquin jumping around, some playing with toys, and even some with Dionne in the frame. She had to admit, the combination of the adorable pictures and the equally adorable sight of him describing each one did help lift her spirits a little.
“I can’t help being a proud papa now,” he said, stopping on the picture of the one he took of Joaquin’s first day in the suite. “He’s been helpful in... distracting me, I guess. He somehow just knows what I’m feeling, coming in to comfort me at the right time. The break from reality is always welcome.”
Magnus looked at the woman, noting how her eyebrows furrowed and the frown she wore as he talked about his experience. “Sounds like you might need a break too.”
“This dissertation isn’t gonna finish itself.”
“You know that’s not what I mean, Ayna.”
Guess he managed to learn a thing or two from the lynx then.
“I know you said not to worry about it, that you’d handle it, but...” she sighed, shrinking into herself as she avoided his gaze. “I can’t help it when it’s about you. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, having thousands of eyes watching you, like they’re waiting for you to slip up.”
The Rutherlandian reached around and wrapped an arm on her shoulders, pulling her closer. “It’s not really anything I haven’t dealt with before. In a way, I’ve kinda gotten used to it.”
“But a scandal of this proportion? That... that has to be different,” she replied, trying to allow herself to lean into him, but not feeling like she deserved his comfort. “It’s not just people waiting for you to mess up now, because they already think you have and they want to watch the whole downward spiral.”
Magnus knew she had been feeling guilty over not getting to step forward and take part of the “blame” (if one could even call it that), but he had no idea how much this was eating at her.
“I can’t help but feel awful that you’ve become the target of such harassment. It wasn’t even your fault! And your mother shouldn’t blame you for everything either, you’re just living your life!”
“And here I am. I’m not the one being swarmed by paparazzi and having personal details of my life picked at, but I’m the one who’s stressed and anxious about it. God, how fucking selfish is it of me, feeling sorry for myself when you’re the one dealing with it all. It’s stupid of me to just--”
Ayna felt her face turned up, a gentle yet firm hand cupping her cheek as she met another pair of brown eyes. Anything else she might have wanted to say died off as they looked at each other, but she felt grounded by the way his thumb caressed her cheek.
“You don’t have to feel bad for worrying about me. I love that you care,” he said softly, a small smile playing on his lips. “But it’s not your fault either. What happened already happened, we can’t change that.”
I still wish I could.
The teacher’s assistant let out a shaky breath, leaning into his touch as she brought her hand up to cover his. “I... don’t deserve you, Magnus.”
“No, no, don’t say that. You are kind and beautiful, and you just have-- you have such pure intentions. I know you want to weather the storm with me on this, but I’m doing this for both our sakes. I want you to come out of this safe. Even if they did somehow know it was you, I’d still be keeping you out of it. You shouldn’t have to go through what I do.”
She shook her head, her eyes starting to look glassy as she took in his words. She wanted to believe what he was saying about her, but it was so hard. She didn’t know how he could see those things in her, especially now, vulnerable as she was. She could feel her throat start to choke up, but she spoke anyway. “I wish you didn’t have to... go through it alone. This... this isn’t worth it.” I’m not worth it.
“It is worth it, because you are absolutely worth going through this for.” He started to brush away the tears that rolled down her cheek, before digging into his pockets to find a handkerchief.
“And I’m not going through this alone. I still have you here with me,” he patted her face dry gently, wanting to let her absorb the meaning of his words. He wanted her to know that he meant every word -- that he was sincere in his feelings for her. “Even if you’re not out there with me, knowing that you have my back helps give me the strength to get through another day.”
His patient reassurance lightened the burden inside, if only a little. He knew it wouldn’t be so easy to get her to believe it all, but he would make her see it someday, no matter how long it took.
“I care about you so much, Ayna. You mean more to me than you know.”
Even though it didn’t fully relieve her of the heaviness, those words struck her in a way that helped pull her out of her head. For the first time since the day started, she smiled. A genuine, loving smile through her tears, from knowing that the person she adored so deeply felt the same way about her. If earlier her heart ached with sadness and guilt, now it ached with affection and love for him.
“I care about you too, Magnus,” she said with a sniffle, clearing her throat as it came out rather soft and high-pitched. “I care about you so, so much. I just kinda wish... I could, like, smack away every paparazzo trying to get near you right now.”
Magnus laughed at her exclamation. Sure, he expected that kind of outburst from his friend Blaine, but from Ayna? It was both amusing and endearing.
“Well when we become public, maybe you could. Tatum might even help you with that,” he replied, giving her the handkerchief.
A simple word gave her pause, making her look up at him again, a hopeful glint in her eyes. “When?”
“Well yeah. I... I really like you, Ayna. And I’m not just saying that, I really do. I was kinda hoping that, one day, when things are more, uh, quiet, we could actually be... you know, like, together together.” If his arm wasn’t around her then, he would have been wringing his hands together out of nerves. Was it too soon to bring up that kind of talk? Too soon for them? What if he just jumped into this? He hadn’t even considered if she wanted a relationship yet. Wait wait, he should backtrack--
Ayna pushed forward to kiss him, hands cupping his face as she kept him close. It didn’t take long for Magnus to fall into it, returning it just as eagerly. He could practically feel her smiling against him, a light and fluttering sensation filling his stomach. After a few moments in bliss, they slowly pulled apart, a wide smile on both their faces.
“I would love to be together together with you,” she teased, earning an exasperated sigh from the First Son.
“I get the feeling you’re not gonna let me live that down, huh?”
She only laughed in response, pecking him quickly on the lips again. “Thank you for everything so far, Magnus. I hope I didn’t seem ungrateful for your protection.”
“Not at all, don’t give me that talk.” He rested his forehead onto hers, his gaze turning soft. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
Her thumb gently caressed his cheek, smiling fondly at him. “Would you... let me meet Joaquin some time?”
Needless to say, he said yes.
(The next time Magnus visited her, he came in with an odd lump tucked in the front of his hoodie.
“You know, when I asked to meet Joaquin, I didn’t mean you had to sneak him into my office.”
“...do you want me to go then?”
“No, show me the kitten.”)
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