#it's so silly but i appreciate things like that
lowkeyren · 2 days
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in which — some jealousy headcanons / scenarios for our favourite luofu men!
featuring — dan heng, blade, jing yuan (separately) x gn!reader
wc: total 1.8k, from req: here!, they're so silly goodbye, march + fu xuan cameo ;) reblogs w comments are appreciated, please enjoy!!!
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look me in the eyes and tell me dan heng wouldn’t be the “i'm jealous, but i don’t wanna show it” (but it’s so PAINFULLY obvious that he’s jealous) type, you can’t.
definitely amusing to watch him play it cool, cus he has nothing else going on in his brain when you’re within 10 metre radius from him. 
honestly it would have to be quite specific situations if he ever gets jealous because he likes to keep you close by his side as often as possible. dating or not, he would have some sort of protective instinct —always making sure you’re secure and cared for. (and yes of course march teases him for it, he never admits it though.)
dan heng tries to focus on the book in his hands, but his mind refuses to make any sense of the words on the page —at least not when you’re standing so close to boothill. (too close for his liking anyway)
the cyborg sits at the opposite end of the couch where dan heng was, while you deftly adjust a compartment of his, engaging in small talk as he makes lighthearted jokes with you. dan heng hears your laughter ring out; the laughter that he adores so dearly, the laughter that never fails to warm his chest, and the laughter he wishes he was the reason for instead.
his eyes flicker up from the page to sneak a glance at you, the way your hands glide over boothill's body churns an ugly feeling, twisting in his chest. he shifts in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the unease remains.
his focus on you is suddenly shattered by a loud voice that belongs to no other than march, "dan heng, if you grip that book any harder, you might tear off a page." she stands in front of him, hands on her waist. 
“the way i am holding my book is perfectly fine, now if you will, i must get back to re—”
“oh c’mon! we all know your ass is not actually reading that book!” he raises an eyebrow, and march only rolls her eyes in response. “it’s literally upside-down.” she teases, unable to hold back a chuckle. 
dan heng glances down at the book in his hands, finally noticing the upside-down text, to which he quickly closes the book and puts it down. "maybe i was just testing your observational skills.”
march shakes her head, "yeah right… just admit you’re too busy staring at them!”
“no i’m n—” he begins to protest but is interrupted when you suddenly appear in front of him. “staring at who?” you tilt your head curiously, and he can only hope that you don’t hear the loud thumping of his heart. 
march giggles as she runs off to who-knows-where, he silently curses her for leaving him in this predicament. he manages to regain his composure, though his cheeks retain a faint pink hue. “ahem, anyway…” he trails off when you sit down next to him, your thighs brushing against each other.
alright you can’t keep doing this to him. he’s not a cyborg but it certainly seems like he’s malfunctioning at that moment. (though he doesn't mind if you have to “repair” him next; he considers it far preferable to having your hands on boothill anyway.)
this guy REEKS of jealousy. 
he gets jealous over anything —saying “good night!” to an acquaintance? well unfortunately, i don’t think they’re going to be having a very good night; a friendly smile from a passerby? the sudden chill in the air accompanied by his sharp glare is enough to make them rethink their life decisions. 
and the worst part? he knows it. he's aware of how irrational his jealousy can be, but that doesn't stop the surge of possessiveness that washes over him.
(deep down, he just wants to feel secure in your attention and affection, but it’s true that his jealousy sometimes gets the better of him.) 
blade’s “things to get rid of” list exponentially grows with each passing day, ranging from general items he sees no use of, to addresses of people who have wronged you in the past. 
but there’s one item on the list that stands out from the rest, the one item he can’t seem to bring himself to get rid of, no matter how hard he tries.
37. “blade plushie”
okay but what kind of website is “stellaron hunters fan merch for sell.com” anyway? since when do they have a fanbase, and why did you have to buy a plushie of him, of all things? 
he shoots daggers at the plushie sitting on your bed, on his side of your bed. while he can't always be by your side, surely there's no need for an inferior replacement?
blade sits down beside you, discreetly moving the plushie out of the way. just as you turn to reach for it, he wraps his arm around you and snuggles up to your side; you immediately pause at his affectionate gesture; his hair brushes against your neck as he buries his face into it.
“blade.. what are you doing?” you turn your attention to him, much to his delight. 
“why not spend more time with the real deal instead of… that.” he tightens his grip around you, at this point he isn’t even trying to hide his jealousy (over a plushie lmao) anymore. 
"you mean mr. edgelord...?" you barely manage to stifle your laughter as blade shoots up beside you. doesn’t hurt to tease him for a bit, right?
“what did you say… “edgelord”?” he scoffs, his face twisting into a scowl. he can’t believe you gave that thing a nickname, how ridiculous. he makes a mental note to get rid of it asap. 
“yeah, what about it? jealous that he’s better than you?” you smirk, leaning in close to his face. perhaps you’re enjoying his expression of pure bitterness a little too much, who knew such a handsome face could look so hilariously indignant? 
his eyes twinkle in amusement, before closing in the distance. “hah, never.” his tone tinged with a touch of possessiveness that he can't quite hide.
“really? you seem like you’re about to kill it.” you wrap your arms around his neck, his expression softens for just a split second, but you’re able to catch it anyway. “would you please spare mr. edgelord if i give you a kiss?”
he doesn’t respond with words; he presses his lips against yours, gently cradling the back of your head. (you quickly turn mr. edgelord to face the wall before blade pulls you away)
maybe he’ll spare “it” for another day or so, just don’t let him catch you hugging “it” in your sleep again, alas you want “it” to suffer the same fate as the others on his list.
hmm our beloved general… well he trusts you, and believes that you won’t do anything rash; but on the other hand there are just some things that neither of you can control, whether it’s letters sent in to ask for his hand in marriage or admires trying to sweep you off your feet (before he can). 
though not many people would approach you once your relationship goes public, given that he’s the general and all. but imagine him before the two of you became official, clinging to you to fend off your admirers, and the expression on their faces when you shake your head, denying that you’re dating at all. 
“as for the situation at cloudford— general, are you even listening?” fu xuan furrows her brows, and crosses her arms, clearly annoyed. “ah my apologies lady fu, please keep going.” jing yuan only flashes a half-hearted smile at her before glancing over to your direction again.
you feel a pair of eyes boring into your back, undoubtedly jing yuan’s; but you pay it no mind, choosing to focus on the discussion at hand. his grip on his teacup tightens when he sees the foxian talking to you leans closer to catch your words. fu xuan raises an eyebrow in concern, unaware but still sensing the rising tension; his eyes visibly twitch the moment their hand brushes against yours.
“lady fu, let’s reschedule our meeting for another time. i believe i have some… important matters to attend to.” jing yuan rises up from his seat before fu xuan can reply, swiftly making his way towards you.
you’re startled by the sudden feeling of jing yuan’s arms around you, his chest pressing against your back, as he places his chin against your head. “sorry to interrupt, what’re you two discussing about?” the foxian is taken aback by the general's sudden appearance, and especially by your current position with him. 
“n-nothing general!” the foxian seems to hesitate before continuing, “if it isn’t rude to ask, are the two of you…in a relationship?” jing yuan’s face lights up with his usual lazy smile, but this time it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
your eyes widen in surprise as he presses his lips against your nape, you shiver at his touch, a rush of warmth spreads across your cheeks. you should deny it, to say that you're not in a relationship at all, but you can't bring yourself to. instead, you divert your gaze from the foxian, hoping to spare yourself any further embarrassment.
“go on, tell them.” he whispers lowly so that only you can hear him. this bastard, you’re going to give him a stern talking to after this..! “sorry to cut this short, please excuse us.” you give a polite nod before pulling the general away.
two days later, as you’re walking along the streets of central starskiff haven, you come across a group of people gathered around a stall. curious, you head over to check out what’s happening. —you’re absolutely mortified to discover stacks of articles detailing recent events of you and jing yuan.
“breaking news! the general is secretly married?!” / “the truth behind general jing yuan’s relationship status” / “rumours confirmed: a detailed guide to the general of luofu’s relationship saga”
well at least the pictures of you and jing yuan got your good side… and your bad side, and your “i definitely did not sign up for this” side. and oh look, there’s one of you dragging jing yuan by his ponytail too, how wonderful, you’re definitely purchasing that one. 
but yeah no, you’re not beating the allegations after this. 
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I bet you could do a good Lando or Danny learning was scary dog privileges in America are, like a shit girls have it rough but also proud to be the scary dog for their girl
I went with Daniel for this because @vivwritesfics did a Lando one for somebody 😭
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I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe — Daniel Ricciardo x reader
Word count 864
Daniel wasn’t paying attention to what you and your friend were talking about. He was too busy paying attention to the UFC fight that was playing on the tv.
“…..For scary dog privileges right?” Daniel had heard you ask your friend over the phone.
“What did you say?” Daniel asked you. He was hoping you hadn’t caught him listening to your conversation.
You looked up from your phone smiling awkwardly, knowing you had forgotten that Daniel was in the room too. “Err… nothing!” you tried to wave off, but Daniel wouldn’t buy it.
Daniel paused the tv and turned his full attention to you. “No, tell me what you were just saying. “ Scary dog privileges…? “
You were taken aback by Daniel’s interest in the topic. You hesitated, wondering if you should explain it to him, ultimately you hung up the phone promising to call your friend back later.
Daniel studied your expression carefully as you thought about it, his own curiosity piqued.
Finally, you sighed and reluctantly began to explain. “Okay… so there’s this thing in the US…” you started.
Daniel leaned in closer, listening intently. “…called “scary dog privileges”.” You said slowly, watching Daniel’s reaction.
He raised an eyebrow, his curiosity growing. “Go on..” he said, his eyes fixed on you. You tried to downplay the entire thing, chuckling nervously. “It’s just a silly thing women in America do..” you chuckled. “But basically, it’s when people have a big, intimidating dog and use it as a way to feel safer.”
Daniel looked at you skeptically. “Feel safer from what?” he asked. You shrugged “just… being approached or something. “
Daniel narrowed his eyes, not quite understanding. “So people with scary dogs feel safer?” he asked.
You nodded “yeah... kinda.” you paused before continuing. “It’s like a subtle way to signal to strangers that you shouldn’t mess with them.”
Daniel thought about it for a few moments, still not quite getting it. “So… people with scary dogs get special privileges then?” he asked.
You chuckled and shook your head. “No, it’s not really like that… it’s just..” you paused and smiled. “It’s just a little thing a lot of us women do… especially when we’re walking alone. for safety”
Daniel’s eyes widened “So women use scary dogs to feel safe?” he asked, finally understanding.
You nodded “yeah.. something like that.”
Daniel looked a bit worried “Do you feel safe walking alone?” he asked, concerned in his voice.
You shrugged “ I mean.. sometimes..”
Daniel looked at you, clearly not satisfied with that answer. “What do you mean sometimes??” he asked, his protectiveness kicking in. You chuckled lightly, appreciating his concern. “Daniel, I’m fine.” you patted his leg reassuringly.
Daniel looked at you, still worried. “But aren’t there dangerous people out there? What do you do if someone tries something?” he asked, imagining all sorts of scenarios. “That’s it I’m getting you a dog for when I’m not home” Daniel says.
You laugh at his words, half expecting him to say something like that. “A dog?” you ask.
Daniel nods, his expression serious. “Yeah, a dog. A big, scary one.” You roll your eyes playfully “a big, scary one?” you repeat. “And why do I need a big, scary one?”
Daniel’s expression softened as he spoke. “I just want you to feel safe when I’m not around. And a dog might help with that.” You chuckle, touched by his concern. “You don’t think I can handle myself?”
Daniel looks slightly sheepish “I’m sure you can..” he trailed off before giving you a smirk. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have some extra protection I love you way too much to see you get hurt”
Daniel grins excitedly, already planning it out in his mind. “I’ll find one. Probably a German Shepherd or a Doberman or something like that. They’re supposed to be really protective dogs.”
You raise an eyebrow, both amused and a bit overwhelmed by his enthusiasm. “And I bet you’re going to name it something tough, like ‘Zeus’ or ‘Spartacus’ or something like that, right?” you joke.
Daniel laughs “Actually, I was thinking ‘Max’.”
You playfully swat his shoulder “The same name as your best friend and ex-teammate??”
“Hey, Max is a great name for a dog!” Daniel protested.
You roll your eyes again, still smiling. “Alright, alright. So you’re going to get me a big, scary dog named Max?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” Daniel says with a satisfied nod. “And it’ll be the best damn guard dog ever.”
You shake your head, chuckling. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“Yeah, but you love me for it.” Daniel grins, leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead. You sigh dramatically “ Unfortunately, I do..”
Daniel gives you a mock offended look “hey, I’m a great boyfriend!” “Oh, I know you are.” You pat his hand gently, humoring him. “ But you’re also kinda crazy.”
“But you love the crazy part, don’t you?” Daniel teased, pulling you closer. “Maybe a little..” you admit, snuggling into his side.
“A little?” Daniel laughs.
“Okay, a lot.” you chuckle. “But only because it’s you.” “Damn right it’s because it’s me.” Daniel grins, resting his chin on top of your head. “And you know I’d do anything to keep you safe.”
“ I know.” You say smiling.
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Tagged — @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @anedpev @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @biancathecool @barcelonaloverf1life @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @charlesf1leclerc @clowngirlsstuff @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @entr4p3 @embrosegraves @eugene-emt-roe @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @formulas-bitch @hangmandruigandmav @ironcowboycopnickel @jvpiterzs @jeffs77 @lightdragonrayne @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lollypop90907 @moss-on-tmblr @mrs-liebgott @danielshouseofwhores @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @starkwlkr @strugglingyetvibing @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @toasttt11 @the-ghost-lovwr @tallrock35 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
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skullvgirl · 2 days
Hiii can i request somethinggg
Reo, Chigiri, Isagi, Bachira, Ness and Hiori first time seeing reader in a fitted clothes
when they see you in fitted clothing
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incl. reo, chigiri, isagi, bachira, barou, shidou
warnings. fem reader, suggestive tones, possibly ooc
an's. hi anon :3 I actually don't write for ness or hiori because i still haven't read the manga and don't know if i plan to, i've replaced them with my favs
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he's honestly way more shy then you would think. he's without a doubt the one purchasing all of the clothing for you so he tells you too go crazy and pick anything you'd like.
he only slightly regrets it because soon enough your innocent sun dresses and playful skirts turn into short body con's and skin tight clothing.
he takes ALOT of pictures, tells you he wants to lock you up put you on display ( affectionate ) and people would have to pay millions just to get a peek at your beauty.
he never stopped taking pictures, you tell him put phone down so he at you can marvel right now and he feels like his face is on fire.
chigiri is a hypocrite. he told you a few weeks ago he never understood the appeal of it, just prefrence from a pretty boy himself. that was untill he saw you in stocking that made your legs look so..
"hm" you asked him, getting ready for long awaited date. you couldn't quite hear him from where is stood.
"come ere' will you please?" he asks like he was desperate, like he couldn't go another second without you.
"yes-MMPF" he's kissing you, and you're glad you didn't start your makeup yet ;; you smile into the kiss and appreciate the feeling of him sliding his hands a bit lower than they would on you hips and ass.
"so you like the oufit?"
"oh i love the outfit , why don't you dress like this more often"
you only laugh.
chigiri was no longer a hypocrite. may the appeal wasn't so bad.
isagi is so cute about it omg. he feels like you guys aren't even dating the way you look right now. a skin tight all f/c bodycon dress reaching all the way down to your ankles.
he asks you politely to spin for him and you twirl, but instead of making a full 360° like he thought you would you bend and snap slowly in his direction, practically smoothering yourself in his face! (you were a well distance away, hes deluded off love rn)
you snap right back up, unfortunately his boner did not.
he's cheeky about it, reaal cheeky.
he asks if he can touch you and your confused on why hes asking since he's always touching you but you nod your head yes and smile anyways
what you don't expect is for him immediately take his rather large palms and put them perfectly on your ass, his head in the crook of your neck and tenderly squeeze the plush of your butt, his face completely red as he's doing this.
you almost want to laugh, but you dont. instead you lightly flick his forehead while his hands are still on your ass and you practically have to rip him off to let you keep changing.
silly boy
your at the (big and pretty empty) mall, dressing room has a chair for him to sit and wait on while you change from outfit to outfit and he's not paying much attention at first really. he was only planning on being your wallet for today, you had other plans however.
not a minute too soon you come out dressed. shortest skirt he's ever damn seen, askimpy little top on along with tall 6inch heels, and thats it! not a single thing else on you.
"how about this one babe, think I should wear this too the party next week?"
he doesn't say anything at first, he can't find the words for what he feels right now. on onr hand, you look damn good. on the other hand, there isnt a single person other than himself he would want to see you right now.
"how about, you wear it, just for me?" his phone is completely put away by now.
you smile and walk over to him. "sure that works perfectly too."
got his attention now.
he hadn't realize he'd never seen you in fitted clothing before, because lets be honest. he's a slut, there's no way he wouldn't notice if you had a crazy hot body like the one he's looking at right now.
"where'd you get that from"
you look surprised too see him, you were playing dress up in your room by yourself. you didn't realize he'd came in, since he was rather loud when he usally did.
"a friend let me borrow it, just for tonight. ya' know for the party, just seeing how it fits"
"oh really..." he's glancing at you up and down, not failing to lock eyes with your clevage as he does so.
he rests his arm on the door frame and without another word raises his finger and twirls it slowly. you do as command and he can only imagine what he could make you do with more fingers.
"do me a favor please?"
"take your clothes off" you blink and burst out laughing, but quickly realize he's dead serious. oh so this is happening.
you do as comanded, and he follows suit.
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an's. omg guys im back. ( with another highly suggestive post unsurprisingly)
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lxvemaze · 1 day
txt bf! headcanons
pairing: ot5!txt x reader
tags: fluff !!
warnings: n/a
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a/n: if ya'll liked this, i'd appreciate a like and reblog!! i love you all!!
more under the cut!
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literally a romcom boyfriend. he does all the things you thought you'd only see in a romance movie; he opens doors for you, doesn't let you pay for dinner, gives you flowers, and walks you to your door at the end of a date. and he does it all with a smile on his face. BC HE LOVES TO DO IT!! he loves to make you feel loved! plus, your family loves him!! he's the type of boyfriend that any mom would want their kid to have! would 100% buy your mom flowers before meeting her for the first time and wins her over immediately! if you two end up living together, he'd looove to make dinner for you. even if he's not the greatest at cooking, he'd try his hardest to master all your favorite dishes. if you two ever fight, he will not want either of you to leave or go to bed until you get it resolved. he hates fighting with you :(( soobin is THE dream boyfriend.
he's the boy that your family would be wary of at first, but end up loving him as one of their own. even you think that he's too cool for you at first- but you find out pretty quickly that he's just a silly guy. loves to go shopping with you! we all know how much yeonjun loves fashion, so im convinced that this would be one of his favorite pastimes with you! if you're not super into fashion, he'd love to pick out outfits for you! and if you are into fashion, he'd love to experiment and share a wardrobe with you! i think he'd like to just lounge around the house with you! watching tv, laying in bed, showering together, whatever! he just likes to be near you :)
dating beomgyu, you'd literally be attached at the hip with him. he's like a puppy when he hears you grab your keys, he comes running over like, "where you going? what are you doing? can i come?" like, broski, you're just going to the store???? along with that, he'll just yap at you 24/7. he'll be talking to you, and if you need to pee or smth, you just stand up and go to the bathroom bc you know he'll just follow you in there and sit on the edge of the tub while you're peeing and he's still just talking about whatever. you love it, though. don't get me wrong! BIG cuddler. he likes to be little spoon :(
he likes to quietly admire you<3 you can just be taking your makeup off in your room and you'll see him in the mirror laying in the bed looking at you like ":))))" he just loves you so much! we all know taehyun is a very fit guy, so he'd probably like to go to the gym or hiking with you!! even if you're not a very active person yourself, he'd like to work out with you and act like a personal trainer of sorts. you'd be dying while doing the leg press, and he'd be like, "one more! you can do it!" after you got home from the gym, he'd be sure to massage your sore muscles after you took a shower<3
i think we can all agree that hueningkai is the biggest loser ever! and i mean that in a very loving way! when you guys first start dating, he's soooo nervous, so you just kind of end up leading the way in the relationship. but as the relationship progresses, he starts loving to take care of you! he likes to make dinner reservations, he likes buying gifts for you, etc. but he's still so nervous about it! he'll probably be like "i made reservations for dinner! do you like that restaurant? we can go to a different one if you don't like it!" or "do you like that necklace i bought you??? i can buy a different one if you don't :(((" like, no bby you love everything he does for you<333 even after the relationship has gone on for literal years, he still needs that reassurance<3
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thanks for reading!!
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jasmineoolongtea · 3 days
coffee jelly and parfait ― chapter 1: caramel pudding
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pairing: bodyguard!toji x baker!reader (f), toji is 38, reader is 22
summary: after working towards and succeding in accomplishing your lifelong dream working for one of the most famous bakeries in tokyo, you decide to go out for a night of celebratory drinking. however, the next morning, you wake up and find out that you're now married to a total stranger and an older one at that! but, turns out, this accidental marriage of yours might be more useful than you think.
contents: a sesame salt and pudding!au, age gap relationship (16 years - everyone is completely legal here!!!), marriage of convenience/accidental marriage, fluff, angst, slice of life, nicknames (toji is referred to as ossan by reader which is an informal way of referring to a middle-aged man in Japanese and this is taken directly from the manga inspo behind this)
warnings: drinking/alcohol, smoking (from toji)
word count: 3.9k words (much beefer than i was expecting ngl)
⤷ mood board/pinterest board
a/n: ahhh i'm so excited to finally be able to work on this series since it's been workshopping in the back of my mind for a while shdhahwj hope you guys enjoy this and hope you have an amazing day/night !!! sorry that this chapter is so exposition-heavy rip djasd, i promise later chapters will get better. as always, any likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated <333
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It's normal for weird things to happen after a night of heavy drinking, right?
You've heard all sorts of stories from your friends and family about the strange antics drunk people get up to once they get a certain amount of liquor running through their veins. It can range from small silly things like trying out a new skill in public due to a sudden burst of newfound confidence to more extreme ones like running away from an angry mob of people that you've accidentally incited somehow. Despite the difference in their severity, the common thread here remains: all are mostly harmless things and nothing that is possibly life-changing.
Much to your dismay, however, you seem to be the outlier in all those cases. Actually, it appears to be that you've managed to outdo almost everyone this time as this one definitely has to take the cake right here or whatever award they give out for things like this.
This morning, as you wake up and open your bedroom door, you suddenly find yourself face to face with a complete stranger, who very much appears to be an older guy, standing right outside in your apartment.
And to top off this already weird trajectory of events, as if things could not possibly get even stranger, it also turns out that you've apparently married said stranger last night.
To say that your memory of last night is hazy would be a massive understatement in all senses of the word. But what you do remember clearly is the reason why you went drinking in the first place, which was to congratulate yourself for finally achieving your lifelong dream up to this point.
After years of blood, sweat and tears spent at the Tsuji Culinary School where you fought with tooth, fist and nails against hundreds of other culinary hopefuls to win the highly coveted and only place available for the exchange programme to Le Cordon Bleu institute in France, your suffering was not all for nought as on your glorious return back to Japan, you've managed to land your dream job of working at one of Tokyo's most famous bakeries, Pierre Hermé.
If that was not a perfect reason to celebrate and drink the night away completely carefree then you don't know what was.
However, there was one tiny little snag in your plans for a joyous night out. The moment that you returned home to give your roommate the good news, still trying to come down from the high of hearing the good news, it seemed that she apparently also had a similar genius idea of her own and decided to inform you that she was leaving you to search for somewhere else to live closer to her job.
For most people, that wouldn't be a problem as they could just be able to leisurely search for a new roommate at their own pace. But for you, this was not the case as you were facing a different set of circumstances. For you, your move to Tokyo was entirely conditional on the fact that would stay with someone and this was explicitly set and outlined by your dad. Now roommate-less, you suddenly had a ticking expiry date placed on all your ambitions that you had barely scratched the surface of by this point.
This was probably the worst case of whiplash you've ever had, going from an extreme high to an extreme low all in the span of less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, it seemed that the odds were very much not in your favour. But how could you let that waver your resolve? If you had learned anything from your years of existing is that you weren't going to give up and relent that easily.
So, in actuality, it was somewhat a lie that you were only out drinking for one reason. In reality, it was for two reasons; one, to congratulate yourself on achieving your dreams and two, to try and forget your newfound problem through the power of alcohol. And this was how you found yourself complaining to a bunch of strangers at a local izakaya, surrounded by several empty pints of beer.
A loud drunken sob echoes through the small confines of the bar which is accompanied by the thud of an empty glass cup slamming against the wooden countertop of the bar.
"It isn't fair at all! Do you know how hard I've worked to get here? I've basically given up everything for this and now it's going to all disappear?" You bemoan out loud to whoever's around you, signalling to the barkeep to fill up another pint for you as you're clearly intent on accomplishing your plan of drinking away your problems.
There's a lady and her boyfriend, whose face you can't really remember or recall in any particular detail, sitting next to you on your right trying to comfort you with sympathetic coos and awkward back pats. While they're trying their best to comfort you, or as best as drunk people can, their efforts are seemingly in vain as you can only sigh in defeat at your current predicament.
Taking another swig of the freshly poured pint, you continue on your rant. "And you know, my dad is only letting me stay in Tokyo if I either have a roommate or if I'm married even if I'm happy here as is!"
The lady nods in an empathetic manner as if to say she's gone through the same thing as well, commenting, "My dad's the same way as well, he's kinda old-fashioned when it comes to stuff like this and it's awful."
"If only alcohol could cure problems like this," You muse. "My roommate and I used to come here all the time and everyone we met here is always so nice."
At your praise of the other bar patrons, there's a murmur of agreement and cheers from all around. The frothy foam of your drink has bubbled down by now but as you stare into the half-drunk glass, you're suddenly hit with an outrageous idea. "Hey, what if I get married to one of you guys tonight, right here right now?"
Boisterous laughter immediately erupts at your words. One dishevelled salary man from the other side of the bar jokingly remarks, "If you do that, you won't even be wanted back home!"
However, once the laughter dies down there's a genuine pause from everyone, including yourself, as if you all were genuinely considering carrying out this ridiculous and definitely impractical idea. Following the brief silence, the other patrons turn to their neighbours and begin to talk and discuss amongst themselves, their heads swivelling left and right in what seems to be an attempt to size up and judge the men at the bar as potential candidates.
"I'm already married to a wife I love dearly so I'm going to have to turn down that offer." Announces a middle-aged man from opposite you, with other similar comments and statements soon chiming in to eliminate themselves from the running based on a variety of different reasons.
Before the lady's boyfriend can even open his mouth to volunteer himself, she sends a withering look and an accusatory finger his way as she warns him, "Don't even think about it." At her stern warning, he quickly sinks back down into his seat.
An elderly man sighs wistfully to himself. "Ha, maybe if I was 20 years younger..." He then turns to his side, nudging the guy next to him with his elbow to get his attention before asking him. "Hey, what about you?"
You can't really see the other man's face since he's pretty much on the other side of the long table and your vision might have been slightly hazy on account of all the alcohol flowing through your system at this point, though you hear his gruff voice ring out as he shrugs his built shoulders and responds, "Me? 'M single I guess."
From all the other voices you've heard tonight, you don't recognise his, guessing that he might have been relatively silent throughout most of the conversation. Although you can't see much of him, you notice even sitting down, he's about two heads taller than those around him and his broad shoulders and well-built physique are accentuated by the tight-fitting black shirt he's wearing. God, it looks like he's basically vacuumed and sealed into that thing as the fabric shifts with every flex of his muscles.
Maybe it's the dim lighting of the izakaya but you're sure you catch a brilliant flash of green from across the table looking you up and down with vague curiosity and interest. You think to yourself, he doesn't look half bad.
Suddenly filled with a renewed sense of energy, or rather you're getting to the point on your drunkness scale where you feel comfortable enough to throw logic out of the window, you leap up from your seat and point at the man as you shout at the top of your lungs,
"Alright, you in the black shirt! Let's get married!"
After hearing your declaration, the lady starts to furiously flip the magazine in front of her until it lands on a certain page before picking it up and showing it to the others. "Hey, look! This magazine I bought has a marriage registration form at the back."
"What an amazing coincidence." Someone mutters from beside you with a few other voices soon relaying their own hums of agreement.
"We can all be witnesses! Come on and sign it!"
Chants of "Sign it." start to fill up the bar as the other patrons begin to cheer you two on like a crowd at a live stadium sports match from the sidelines of their seats. The moment your pen clatters against the floor, the crowd bursts out into celebratory shouts and cheers, with that being the extent of your memories of last night with whatever after it fading into black.
Now back in the present, you feel your face start to burn with a renewed sense of embarrassment as memories and small recollections of last night start to flood your mind. Any chance of even possibly denying the events of last night goes out the window as turns out, your drunk self decided that it was the perfect opportunity to apparently take a commemorative photo of the event with the marriage license at the dead of centre of it, your names unmistakably written on there in bold.
As you examine the form, still slightly gobsmacked, you spot his name next to yours. Fushiguro Toji, huh? You think quietly to yourself, his name sounds kind of nice. But before you can find yourself getting lost in thought, a husky voice snaps you back into reality.
"Now, do'ya remember?" The man, or Toji as that's what appears to be his name, quirks an inquisitive eyebrow at you.
"Yeah, but that doesn't explain how you ended up in my apartment." Eyeing him up and down, you pause for a second as you take in your equally dishevelled appearances, something suddenly clicking in your head as your overactive mind begins to draw its own conclusions about what happened after the events of the izakaya. "Oh no. Di-did we..?" You gesture frantically at the two of you, hoping that he understands what you're implying with your question.
Toji shakes his head, a slightly irritated or perhaps even amused sigh leaving his lips, you're not sure. "No. Yer insisted that you should take me home since I mentioned that I didn't really have a place to stay for the night."
A sigh of relief escapes you.
You take this time to now fully examine him since you didn't get much of a chance last night, or rather you had forgotten all about it. There's an unquestionably intimidating aura about him with his shaggy black hair, incredibly muscular physique and piercing emerald green eyes that look like they could kill a man where he stood with a single stare. His all-black clothing and what appears to be a vertical scar situated on the right corner of his lips do him no favours to make him look less like a gangster straight out of an action movie.
Although there aren't the typical tell-tale signs of ageing on him like obvious wrinkles or a head of grey hairs, there's a faint imprint of more permanent creases starting to form in the middle of his brows and if you look closely enough, you might even notice some small sprinkles of white starting to pop up amidst the rest of his raven locks. This all points to the fact that he's definitely older than you but you're unsure by how much from your initial assessment of him, probably at least ten years older than give or take.
Though, besides this outright menacing factor to him, you can't help but admit that he's also strikingly handsome in a rugged way. You realise that you might have been caught staring at him for too long when he clears his throat and gives you a pointed glance with those sharp green eyes. Just having his gaze on you is enough to send a tingling sensation down your spine.
Deciding to brush it off, he huffs to himself as he leans his weight against the white walls of your apartment. "It's probably too late to cancel it since we already signed and submitted it last night so the only option we have now is to divorce."
He fishes around in the pockets of his pants and produces an already half-empty and slightly crumpled cigarette box. Before taking one out, he turns towards you and silently asks for your permission with a tilt of his head. You nod at him, expecting him to crank open one of your windows to smoke but instead, he walks towards your kitchen and turns on your kitchen hood. Curiously, you follow behind him and see him use a dingy lighter to light up the cigarette, the pale glow of the flame illuminating the harsh lines of his features, as he takes a deep puff of it before blowing the smoke up the hood.
So he's a kitchen smoker, huh? Obviously, you want to know how he's developed this peculiar habit but you decide to bite your tongue for now as there are more pressing issues on hand such as the undeniable elephant in the room.
There's a brief moment of silence before Toji starts speaking again. "Y'know, I kinda feel bad for last night 'cause you're going to be a divorcee so young."
"Hey! I'm not that young you know, Ossan!" You protest in return, crossing your arms over your chest in a slightly childish display of annoyance. That earns you what sounds like a breathy laugh from him as one corner of his lips tilts upwards in a somewhat crooked manner.
"Oh yeah? Then how old are ya?" There's a teasing lilt to his voice, almost as if he's slightly amused by your antics.
You huff. "22. What about you?"
"You really can't remember much from last night huh? I'm 38." If he's 38 then that means there's a 16-year age difference between you two. Not the worst-case scenario that could happen when it comes to marrying a complete stranger by accident, you think to yourself.
It seems that your apparent lack of reaction, only giving out a half-hearted hmm, to finding out his age is surprising to him. If he was going to be honest, he wasn't ruling out that you might have started bolting out of your apartment at the mention of it and in that case, he wouldn't blame you.
You state, "Besides, you're not the only one to blame here. It's on me as well since we both signed it. So don't feel bad. We'll get it taken care of as soon as possible." You send a reassuring smile his way, waving off his concerns with an easy-going wave of your wrist. For some reason, he feels like he might even believe your assurance for a second.
Much to your public embarrassment your stomach starts to grumble loudly with what some might say is impeccable comedic timing. "Or well, as soon as I get some food." You comment bashfully, your previously carefree attitude fading away relatively quickly as a new priority has emerged.
As you make the move towards your fridge, you look over at him from your shoulder as you ask, "Oh right. Do you want something as well? I don't really cook meals that often so all I have in my kitchen is basically just baking ingredients."
Toji does a quick look around the kitchen, examining the clear state of mess and disarray that it's in and scoffs offhandedly to himself. "Didn't realise you could call this mess a kitchen."
"In my defence, my roommate used to do all the cooking and cleaning whilst I mainly covered the bills." You point back at him, a wooden spoon in hand as you wave at him warningly.
"What happened to them then?"
"Oh, you know, suddenly deciding to move closer to work even though your roommate has already paid the lease for the year for two people and stuff like that." There's an edge of annoyance to your tone, clearly, you're still annoyed at your roommate for putting you in this predicament, but Toji decides not to comment on it.
After watching you struggle to turn on your gas stove for what seems to be like the tenth time in the span of 2 minutes, a loud sigh of exasperation escapes him as he places his calloused hand on top of yours. stopping you in your tracks. "Come on, just let me do it." He states. As he moves closer to the kitchen counter, his body is positioned so close to your left side that you can feel the heat radiating off of him.
He starts to busy himself with various ingredients as it seems that he's now begrudgingly taken over cooking duties from you, no protests from your side by the way. Before you go to take your seat at the kitchen table, you hear him mumble under his breath. "Can't believe you have the time to go out and get drunk and not even to clean your place."
"Hey." You turn around to face him once again, your voice stern. "You don't know me, alright? I wanna stay in Tokyo because I just got my dream job and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon."
"...Yer job? What d'you do?"
"I'm a baker. Have you ever heard of the bakery, Pierre Hermé?"
He pauses, bringing a finger up to his chin as if deep in thought. "Think 've walked past it a few times. Why?"
There's a renewed sense of excitement to you, passion very much evident in both your words and expression as you launch into an animated spiel at his question. "It's one of the top bakeries in Tokyo and I've spent my whole life working towards being able to get a job there." You look out at the window, quietly contemplating and contrasting the crowded and bustling streets and skyline of Tokyo with the sleepy and relatively isolated atmosphere of your hometown.
"Back in my home town, there isn't really much opportunity to work somewhere like this, especially since it's a foreign bakery specialising in French pastries so this is basically my only chance to fulfil my dreams." You can't help but let a wistful sigh leave your lips, thinking about how hard you've fought to get to this point now. Unbeknownst to you, Toji suddenly sits up straighter, his back pressed against the cool ceramic countertops as he stares at you, seemingly studying you in a new light after your words. Before you can realise it though, he quickly adverts his gaze elsewhere, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"What about you?" You ask him, a sense of interest clearly present in your voice. For someone like him, you don't even know where to really begin when it comes to guessing what a guy like him could do for a living as it could range from semi-realistic to wildly fantastical like straight out of a TV show.
"...I'm a bodyguard for hire." Compared to you though, his tone is devoid of the same energy and passion present in yours with him even pausing slightly before answering, as if he was hesitant to reveal this aspect about himself.
"Wow, that's cool." There's a small sense of awe at his response. Being a bodyguard would definitely explain that muscular physique of his, you remark quietly to yourself.
A tsk sound escapes him at your comment, shrugging it off with his shoulders as he turns to the side. "All I care is that it pays well. Nothin' more."
You deflate a little at his words. To you, he sounds more begrudging than anything and you think that there's probably a story behind that as well, like many other things about him like that lip scar of his, but you choose to avoid prodding him even further as well in his defence, you've technically just met each other last night. All of a sudden, you're hit with an idea, a crazy idea just like last night, but this time now sober, and it might just be crazy enough to work or you two might just be desperate enough to make it work. You clear your throat before you call out to him.
"Hey, Ossan." Toji looks back at you, and clearly, you've managed to pique his curiosity by the amused expression present on his face. If you were a lesser person, you might have shrunk under the intensity of his gaze so intently trained on you but you don't, there's too much of your future dream riding on this now for you to back out before anything could have even begun. You look into his eyes, maintaining eye contact before you continue. "I have an idea, actually, it's more of a request. The next time I go back home to visit my parents, can you come with me as my husband? If I'm married to someone who lives in Tokyo, my dad can't tell me to move home anymore and he'll definitely believe that it's real once he sees your name on the official family register."
Before he can even say no or offer any protest of his own, you add, "Plus, this deal will be beneficial to you as well since you'll get a place to live until you get your own apartment. So, let's hold off on the divorce until then."
There's a hopeful look in your eyes with a look of determination painted on your features. Evidently, even without his input, it appears to be that you're dead set on this plan if it means you get the slightest chance of staying here. He contemplates a future where he says no, imagining another week of being forced to couch surf on his boss's stale office couch and living in a constant state of uncertainty for who knows how long. Sure, it's not like he's so sure about what going to happen now but at least if he agrees to this, he's not alone in dealing with whatever uncertainty is thrown his way.
He shakes his head, stubbing out the burnt end of his cigarette in the sink and takes your hand in his.
"Alright fine, yer got a deal."
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taglist: @catobsessedlady , @aluvrina , @thulhu , @sn1perz , @meowmeew , @hprnx , @r0ckst4rjk , @dianakisses , @lashaemorow , @cinnabooonn
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mayajadewrites · 1 day
but does he know?
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pairing: levi ackerman x fem!reader
rating: explicit, minors dni
summary: levi is your toxic ex boyfriend. you've been dating someone new, jean, who you've been having a great time with. but he's no levi ackerman, which leads to bad decisions.
warnings: toxic af, infidelity (don't try this at home pls), unprotected sex, oral (male & female receiving), slight phone sex
song to listen to while reading: moth to a flame; swedish house mafia with the weeknd
comments + reblogs are always appreciated, they make my entire day actually hehe
"Goodnight, Jean." You smile as your cheek leans against the glass of your touchscreen. You and your boyfriend, Jean, have been on the phone for 2 hours. You're laying down on your stomach on your bed, legs crossed above your ass.
"Goodnight my angel. See you tomorrow. Can't wait." Jean spoke with a yawn. You can tell he's tired from his long day of work, but he adores talking to you at the end of his day.
You press 'end' and begin to scroll through your photos. You're nowhere near tired - you are somewhat of an insomniac.
Your eyes glaze over the pictures you and Jean took together last weekend, his lips on your cheek as you smile ear to ear.
As you scroll a little farther, your eyes flicker to a photo of you and your ex boyfriend, Levi. You must've forgotten to delete it after you broke up. Your cheeks burned as you looked at the photo - it's one of the many you took when you were intimate with each other.
You're both sat in front of the mirror, you're sitting on his lap as his legs spread on the chair he's on.
Levi's eyes were glued onto your figure, his right hand gripping your thick, plush thigh, his left hand wrapped around the front of your neck. You're holding the phone to take the picture, you're wearing your favorite baby pink lingerie set, that just so happened to also be Levi's favorite.
You close your eyes when you remember how your ass felt against his hard cock against the fabric of his pants.
No, no, no. You can't miss him.
He's the most toxic man you've ever dealt with in your life. You gave 2 years of your life, of yourself to him and for what? For him to tell you he never wanted to get married, never wanted to have kids.
You couldn't hold onto what you wish he was. So, the relationship ended.
A deep sigh left your lips as you scrolled through your contacts, hoping you deleted Levi's number.
Of course you didn't. Because this isn't the first time you've wanted to call Levi late at night.
There he was.
No emoji next to his name like before, no silly nickname.
Simply, Levi.
Your thumb hovered over his name. You knew he was awake. He was always awake when you were.
Are you proud of what you've been doing? Talking behind your boyfriends back to your ex boyfriend? No.
But there's something about Levi that you could not let go of. Every time you spoke to him, you deleted it from your call log and any lingering texts.
1:22 AM.
Calling 📞 ... Levi.
1 ring was all it took.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Levi's voice purred at the other end of the phone.
"Couldn't sleep." You mumbled, sitting up on your bed. You crossed your legs as you spoke.
"You haven't even tried to sleep, have you baby?"
You ignored he pet name. "...Maybe."
"So what can I do to help you sleep, hm?" You heard Levi's chair move, presumably as he sat on it. "Over the phone, at least."
"I just wanted someone to talk to."
"Your boyfriend wasn't available?"
"He went to bed already. He had a long day."
"Poor thing." Sarcasm was leaking from his tone. "Having to have a job and deal with your ass."
"He deals with me just fine, thank you." You turn your head to the side. "If he was here, he would've taken care of me already."
"So why isn't he there? Is it a school night?"
"He's not that much younger than you, Levi."
"You didn't answer my question."
"We just didn't hang out tonight. That's all."
"You used to be at my place every night."
"That's because you and I had an unhealthy attachment to each other. Codependency on my end, at least."
"Your spot on the bed is still there. Sometimes I let my hand wander to that side and feel the contours of the shape your body left."
"L-Levi." You sit up on your bed, feeling a familiar heat rise through your body.
"Say my name again, princess." His voice was husky, you closed your eyes so you could picture his mouth moving. You could almost feel his touch through the phone.
"No. I can't." You bite down on your bottom lip, refusing to give in to the temptation. His voice was so familiar, so warm.
"Hasn't stopped you before, has it?"
You stay silent, squeezing your thighs together in attempt to silence your needy cunt.
"I know she misses me." You heard Levi shift in where he was sitting, presumably spreading his legs.
If your pussy could talk, she'd be screaming at you right about now.
"She misses the way I caress her, the way I devour every last drop, the way I-"
"Enough, Levi." You couldn't take it anymore. You had Jean in your head, he would be so disappointed if he knew you were doing this.
But it's Levi.
Your dainty hand palmed over the fabric of your teeny-tiny shorts, so sensitive you almost moaned at your own touch.
"Sounds like you don't want me to stop. I know you're touching yourself right now."
"Are you?" Your curiosity got the best of you.
"I am. I'm picturing your beautiful hand wrapped around my cock, your lips sucking on the tip the way you always do-" He pulled the phone away from his mouth, grunting as he pumped his own cock.
"L-levi." You pushed your hand inside your shorts, pushing one finger inside your soaked cunt. "I-I need you." You whine as you add another finger.
"I'm right here, baby."
"No. I need you here."
"Give me 10 minutes."
You brush your hair right after you hang up. You look at yourself in the mirror. Is this really you? Are you gonna do this to Jean?
The answer to your question walked through your door.
"You still have a key?" You walked out of your bathroom in your low cut tank top and barely there shorts.
"I made copies, and copies of copies." Your eyes ran up and down Levi's body, he's wearing a (freshly ironed?) black expensive looking sweatsuit, his hair a bit damp. He must've showered quick.
You moved to his half lidded steel grey eyes - which looked like they were drunk off of your figure. You're not skinny, you have meat on you which Levi always appreciated. You had thick thighs that lead to your plush ass, then your soft stomach and supple tits.
You both stared at each other for a few moments, not sure if this is real or not. You took a deep breath in, the scent of his eucalyptus shampoo filling your nostrils.
Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump.
Your heartbeat was pounding in your ear.
Levi slipped his hands into his pockets, letting you know that the ball is in your court.
Slowly, you take a step toward him and press your hands to his chest. You can feel his muscles through his hoodie, all too familiar to you.
Levi watched as you touched him, almost like it was your first time again. Your nails dragged along his chest to his biceps, to which you gave them a squeeze.
Your eyes met his and it was done.
You pushed yourself upwards towards his lips, claiming his lips as yours once again. Your hands cradled his face as you kissed him, your tongue slowly moving in and out of his mouth.
Levi's large hands finally left his pockets to make home on your hips, one hand wandering to your ass as he kissed you. Almost like his hand never left, he started kneading your asscheek.
The room filled with light moans and sounds of kisses before he trailed kisses down your jawline to your neck.
But you let him anyways.
He kissed your soft spot gently before taking the skin between his teeth, sucking on the spot to make his mark. Your nails dragged to his scalp, tilting your head to the side as he claimed you as his.
You let your hand wander to the elastic of his sweatpants, feeling the outline of his hard cock against the ironed fabric.
Levi moaned against your neck, freezing for a moment as you touched his clothed cock.
"He missed me, hm?" You purred, using your middle finger and thumb to massage his dick outside his pants.
For once, Levi had nothing smart to say.
You kneeled down onto the floor, pressing your knees to the cold wood. Your doe eyes found his half lidded ones, full of lust. He visibily gulped as your hands pressed against his lips, pulling his pants and underwear down.
His cock sprung free, and god, did you miss this sight. He's so girthy, almost too big for you.
"What were you saying on the phone, Ackerman?" You grabbed his cock with your right hand, letting your thumb graze over the veins on the underside. "You were thinking about my lips wrapped around the tip of your cock?" You moved yourself closer to the fat tip of his cock, pre-cum leaking from the slit.
Levi nodded, pressing his hand to the back of your head gently. His fingertips buried themselves in your wavy hair, massaging your scalp gently. He was always so caring, even when you were sucking the life out of his dick.
You kept your eyes on him as you wrapped your plush lips around his tip, sucking on it gently like a lollipop. A moan escaped his lips at your touch, feeling your tongue swirl around the head and the slit.
"Fuck, baby." He pushed your head gently, wanting you to take more of him. "No one does it like you."
"How many other bitches have you fucked since we broke up?" You flipped your hair to the side, waiting for his response as his dick began to disappear in your mouth. You took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the width of his cock.
"N-none. I haven't even looked at another woman since you." He threw his head back, being a bit more forceful with his hand as you bobbed your head.
"Really?" You moved your mouth to his heavy balls, sucking on them gently as you watched his eyes. His body twitched, he loves when you do that.
"Y-yes. You t-think I could m-move on j-just like that?"
You slid the entirety of his cock into your mouth, the head hitting the back of your throat. You bobbed your head as you sucked on his sensitive flesh. You gagged, which only made Levi want you more.
"I don't want to come on that pretty face." Levi pulled you by your hair to stand up. "Bed. Now."
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand as you led him to your room, which he's familiar with.
He laid down on his back, pulling his hoodie over his head as he moved. You followed his lead and slid your shorts off, revealing your soaking, aching cunt.
You crawled over to him, pressing your lips to his as you straddled his waist. His hand gripped the back of your neck as he kissed you, pushing you into him.
"Sit on my face." He broke the kiss, laying down on the soft fabric of your comforter.
"I'm sure I spoke clearly." He grabbed your thighs roughly, pulling you to his face. You grabbed your headboard with both of your hands as you felt the contours of his face.
"O-oh." You felt him blow air onto your clit, sending shivers down your spine. His mouth wrapped around the sensitive nub as his hands gripped the fat of your ass, sucking you dry.
You looked down at his inky hair, his lashes fluttering against your thighs as he devoured you like he hasn't eaten in a year. His mouth left your clit with w 'pop' as his tongue plunged into your pussy.
Lewd, wet noises filled your bedroom as he pushed your asscheeks toward his face, burying his face inside of you. Once he felt your walls twitching, he pressed the pad of his thumb to your clit to rub gently circles.
"You can't come yet though, princess. I want us to come together." He mumbled against your cunt.
You're about to lose your fucking mind. Your fingertips gripped the headboard as you began gently rocking your hips back and forth on his face, feeling his nose poke your aching clit.
Levi removed himself from your cunt, your arousal covering his lips. His rough hands flipped you both over so he was now on top, his lips trailing kisses on your chest before pulling your tank top off.
You felt his tip press against your heat, almost making you come then and there.
His eyes were locked on you in that moment. It felt like there was no one else in the world but you and him. You brought your hands to his red-flushed cheeks, kissing his lips gently. You whimper against him as he pushes himself inside of you, stretching your gummy walls.
Your moans intertwine as he thrusts in and out of you, his muscular arms holding onto you. His eyes looked... lonely. Like he missed you. It wasn't the non chalant facade that you normally hear when you call him.
He was aching for you. Not only for your touch, but for everything you are.
Your eyes were locked on his as his strokes were deep and slow, watching his mouth gape open just a bit.
"Baby," Levi grunted, quickening his pace.
"Yes, Levi?" You pressed your hands to his bare, muscular chest.
The sound of you saying his name sent him over the edge. He watched your lips move as you said his name, a glossy sheen on your lips from his cock. He buried his face in your neck as his pace quickened, his fat balls slapping against your skin.
"Oh, Levi." You moan as your cunt clenches around him. "I'm gonna come." Your toes girl as he thrusts faster and deeper. Quickly, he brought one hand to your clit and massaged circles once again. You slammed your eyes shut, feeling the euphoria overtake your body.
Your entire body twitched and let out moans as you came, your brain almost short circuiting. Levi removed his hand from you as he became sloppy with his pace - he's close.
Levi's eyes met yours again as he lost himself inside of you.
"I, I love you." He thrusted inside of you once more, letting his juices cover your walls, filling you up.
He unloaded inside of you out of habit, you both preferred it that way.
You cradled his head in your hands as he came down from his high, caressing his cheek. You watched his face when his eyes fluttered to yours, his lips pressing against your swollen ones.
Once he pulled out of you, you couldn't help but whine at the loss of him. He got a towel and cleaned your body for you, covering your skin with kisses.
"Levi, did you mean that?" You looked at him as he cleaned you, like the neat freak that he is.
"I don't say anything I don't mean." He didn't even look at you. He got up, threw the towel in your hamper, and found himself at your side again. "I'll never stop loving you, princess. Even when you're not with me, I'm eternally yours."
You pulled the covers over your bodies and tangled your legs with his, mending into his body.
He pressed one last kiss to your forehead before you dozed off together.
Safe to say this wasn't the last time you called him late at night.
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eevees-hobbies · 1 day
Look me in my face and tell me Togame isn’t so nonchalant that he won’t absolutely do things to you in public that will make more chalant people (Sakura AHAHAHA) blush. Talking bout feeling his tongue drag over the roof of your mouth in every kiss because he KNOWS it makes you shiver and weak in the knees. Lives for feeling you sway a lil before he tightens his grip on you. Such a show off in front of others :3
Nooooooooow, which one of you Togame enthusiasts is in my inbox, leaving thirsts like this?! Jk, I’m into it. Ok, anon, I’ll look you dead in your pixelated face and tell you that Togame gets off on not only kissing you in public but he likes an audience too.
So take a little thirst walk with me, ok? Be sure to hold my hand, too, because I’m into that.
Content Warning: Making out, making out in front of others who may or may not enjoy that kind of thing (perverts), saliva swapping, pinching, brief mention of groping. Minors Do Not Interact.
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Jo Togame has no shame–-I mean, he does usually, but when it comes to you, all bets are off. You began to notice his appreciation for making you blush in public when he would pull you in for a kiss and his tongue would slide into your mouth in full view of anyone that was around. Choji often gets a front-row seat to your make-out sessions, his eyes as wide as saucers as he goads his friend to keep going. 
Sakura tries his best to look away but can’t help taking a peak at the sight of Togame’s tongue infiltrating your open mouth. 
Even poor Sako commented under his breath that you two kiss like pornstars.
And trust me, Sako is not wrong. The kisses are feverish. They are lasting. They are messy.
Yes, Togame will drag his tongue along the ridges and creases along the roof of your mouth, and he’s well aware of the fact that it will always make you gasp, moan, and shiver against him, but that’s part of the fun. 
And Togame knows his girl, so of course, he’ll wrap his arms around you to keep your legs from giving out. Side note: Togame has learned that it’s best to pin you against the nearest wall, his elbows resting on either side of your head, his body pushed against yours to keep you in place.
And he’ll absolutely tease you for it. “Whats gotten into ya? It’s only a kiss, silly girl.”
But it’s not just his tongue that he so kindly shares with you. Togame doesn’t consider it a real kiss unless you have exchanged so much saliva that it collects at the corners of your mouth and leaves wet streaks against yours and his chin. As you finally come up for air, strings of saliva still connected between your lips until they break from tension, cheeks burning and chest heaving, he’ll lick his lips, savoring the taste of you.
And, god, the sounds? The louder the kiss, the better. Whether it’s the squelches your tongues make as they rub against one another or the squeak you emit when he grabs your chin with one hand and pinches your ass with the other—he’s full-on throbbing against you because fuck, why are you so damn cute? 
Just overload Togame’s senses with you, please, because that’s how he loves it.
And that’s only how it started. Now, it’s not just kissing; it’s the groping in front of Shishitoren members that really has you writhing against him because surely you’re not into that, right? Surely, you don’t want them to watch as Togame-
Sorry, that’s not what you asked, anon. You asked about kissing <3
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part-time-zombie · 2 days
I feel like I kinda wanna talk about what I want to think is a key part regarding logans character: his unicorn onesie.
I know it's a stretch, but hear me out: in a way, the onesie represents his comfort and sense of whimsy. It shows who he is when he isn't just "logic", it shows how he acts when he's happy.
When thomas summons him by surprise, he's taken aback by the unexpected interruption. Look at his face here: he doesn't just look startled, he almost looks scared. He doesn't want to be seen like this, when he's not in his serious, necktie-wearing role.
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"I can explain,"
He immediately tries to convince thomas that it's not what it looks like, acting like a child who's mom caught them doing something they weren't supposed to do.
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Thomas doesn't give him that chance, instead making him change back to his normal clothes. He does so quickly, and almost immediately returns to his more serious self.
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In the end card, however, when he's alone with patton he openly indulges in his appreciation for the onesie. He looks happy and relaxed, a stark opposite from his reaction to thomas seeing him like that just minutes prior.
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But the moment he lets himself get too silly and makes a dad joke, he clams back up. Patton caught him and now all he can do is beg him to not tell anyone, because if word got back to thomas that he's not serious or respectable, he'll never he listened to again.
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We don't see him wear or even mention the onesie at all until ATHD, where he says he stopped wearing it because it's "too childish". In fact, aside from crofters I can't really remember him doing anything fun or silly in many of the later videos, likely his attempt at being more serious to make up for the onesie slip-up.
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However, as the end card rolls, we see him snuggled up in the onesie again. He sneaks quietly onscreen, checking to make sure he's alone, before wrapping himself up in his comforting onesie and practically hugging himself as he apologizes to it.
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He apologizes to the onesie, an inanimate piece of cloth that he knows very well isn't sentient. Unless he's not just talking to the onesie. He may be somewhat consoling himself here too, feeling upset that he has to say his favorite things are too childish for him to openly enjoy anymore.
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He wants to be respected, but he feels like he has to be serious for that, and in doing so he neglects his own wants and interests in the name of fulfilling his expectations.
Now it seems he can only be himself in private...
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apomaro-mellow · 2 days
King and Prince 22
Part 21
They went outside in silence, Steve deciding not to talk anymore until Eddie revealed more. And Eddie was waiting for the right moment. They got horses from the stable, one for both of them and set off for the same forest as before. The one where Steve had seen his first demobeast. Eddie waited until they got to the treeline before speaking. He was honestly appreciative of the fact that Steve hadn’t asked too many questions on the way.
“I know you’ve been learning a lot about the creatures here. What do you remember?”
“They like the cold and hate the heat. That’s why they start hibernating in spring and don’t come back until the first frost usually”, Steve replied. “They’re carnivorous and will eat people too, but they don’t come near human settlements.”
All things he hadn’t known before coming here. He had been taught that those monsters always sought out human flesh and that they roamed uncontrollably all over these lands. That exterminating them was the right thing to do. 
“What about where they come from?”, Eddie asked.
“When their numbers get low, offspring will pop off a fully grown demogorgan.” It was odd to know of a creature that didn’t need to reproduce the traditional way.
“No, I mean where they all came from. Originally.” Eddie stopped and Steve did too. They had come to the same small clearing as before, the one with a cave where many of the beasts were waiting out the warm spring and hot summer. Eddie dismounted and tied his horse off to a tree. Steve stayed up, unsure of where he was going with this and Eddie understood.
“No one has told me that. I didn’t think anyone knew”, Steve said. Besides the fearful whispers that they came from the darkest of nightmares. 
“There’s more than one world”, Eddie started. “And they come from one different than ours. It looks like ours but it’s colder, darker, less forgiving. The kind of place they’d normally thrive in.”
“How’d they end up here?”, Steve asked.
“Long time ago, longer than anyone else remembers, a dark wizard came to this land”, Eddie leaned against a tree, keeping within eyesight of both Steve and the cave. “It probably seems silly now but he wanted to destroy everything. He wanted to make it like the world he came from.”
That clearly hadn’t happened. At least not in totality. “So you stopped him?”, Steve asked, finally dismounting.
Eddie smiled ruefully. “In short, yes.” He didn’t want to keep Steve out here too long with the whole, sad story. “The wizard was destroyed and the gates between our worlds closed. But that left a lot of his army still on this side. They’re neither good nor evil, they’re just beasts and I couldn’t bring myself to kill them all once their strings were cut from their master.”
Eddie sat down on the ground and Steve joined him. They didn’t touch, still a bit of distance between them. The only sounds in the forest were the rustling of trees in the wind and bird whistles up high. 
“I became their new master”, Eddie continued. “I meant for this place to just be for us. Humans… they took everything from me. I didn’t want to be around them if I didn’t want to. But eventually the land healed from the war. And with that, people came.”
A twig broke somewhere and Steve wondered what it was. He hadn’t thought of predators in these woods outside of the demobeasts. But surely there had to be something else that took their place on top when they slumbered.
Steve was never taught the history of this kingdom. Only that it was a stain on the map, a blemish to be cleaned. That the people here would be grateful to be absorbed under a new, fair ruler as opposed to an abomination. Now, he could see how untruthful that was. Eddie was beloved by his subjects. A coup would only destabilize the area. It had Steve thinking briefly about his heir situation. But he supposed a king that lived on for centuries had no need to procure a royal line.
He looked up right at the exact moment to meet Eddie’s eyes. Those same eyes had watched him with another man, almost transfixed.
“Why were you watching me?”, he asked.
“I wanted to know who had gotten your attention. I was…” Concerned? Drawn? Allured? ….Jealous? “Curious.”
“Well did you sate your curiosity?”, Steve asked, arms crossed.
“In one way.” But in others… “I shouldn’t’ve intruded on you and Jason. I told you that you were free to come and go. Stalking you was never my intention.”
“But you did. And you stayed, even when I noticed you. Why?”
“I couldn’t look away”, Eddie confessed. 
The moment felt frozen in time as Steve looked from his intense gaze to his lips, already so close. It wouldn’t take much to bridge-
Eddie pushed him down out of the way before Steve’s ears processed the thundering roar behind him. As he looked up from the ground, he saw Eddie’s hands pressed against the chest of a large bear, keeping it at bay. He only saw that sight for a split second because he blinked and suddenly Eddie was changing. He grew in size into a bear more massive than the one that attacked them, fur bristled like a dark cloud, and teeth revealed in a snarl as he pushed the other bear back.
The horses were whinnying in fear and Steve’s even ran off, untied and untethered. Steve back up and got to his feet, feeling helpless without a weapon to fight back with. Eddie let off a roar that shook the trees and the other bear sized him up for only a moment before backing off and disappearing back into the forest. Eddie fell forward, standing on his four paws now and looked to Steve. It had been so quick. Just a moment ago it felt like they were sharing something, well, something rather tender. 
Then like a shock of lightning, Eddie had shown a display of power that Steve had yet to see. Bears were nothing to sniff at, had Steve been alone and without a weapon, he would’ve been skewered on its claws. With a trembling hand, he reached out towards Eddie. Eddie stepped closer and let Steve feel the fur on his cheek. It was softer than he imagined. And it made him imagine that Eddie’s hair felt just as nice. Steve dropped his hand and Eddie turned back to his human form.
“Sometimes when they hibernate, another animal will come and try to disturb them”, Eddie said. “I can’t save them all, but I try and keep most of the predators away.”
“My horse…”, Steve said, looking to Eddie’s still tied to the tree.
“It would’ve gone back home to the stables”, Eddie said. Which meant they had to return before someone saw Steve’s steed return without him and went into a panic. Eddie was about to suggest he take a winged form so that Steve could take his horse when the prince spoke up.
“I’ll ride with you then.”
Eddie was too stunned to disagree, or to even think of why Steve shouldn’t ride with him. Wordlessly, he went back to the horse, calm now that the danger was gone and allowed Eddie to mount first. He reached a hand down and Steve took it, settling in behind him. Eddie felt arms wrap around his middle. Arms that felt more thick, more solid than he had initially thought. Steve felt broad and warm against his back.
At least in the back of his mind, while he was distracted by the need to steer the horse properly, he was jealous of anyone who was allowed to touch Steve without any sort of pretense.
Part 23 coming soon
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent  @snakeorsquid  @ignoremyworld  @theclichefortunecookie 
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barbieaemond · 3 days
Ok so, since this blog turns 1 year today allow me to be a little tooth-rotting for a moment.
I’ve started this thing because Aemond the Plague just wouldn’t leave me alone. Never would I have imagined forging real friendships with some people here, or even having a following for the stuff I do.
I know fandom can be disheartening and isolating at times, but I’ve learned it’s worth to stay for the good ones. It hasn’t been an easy year for me personally, some of you may know why; so I appreciate and cherish each one of you all the better. You are a lovely and warm and fun escape from the horrors.
Thank you to everyone who sends me asks, anonymously or not, who likes and reblogs my gifs and my fics, even the lurkers. I love you all!
Here’s to one year of delusional silly posts that, for whatever witchcraft, you seem to enjoy🥂💕
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azulcrescent · 17 hours
Hiiii, i am here again becoz i forgor to add something to my last question, i guess i have to pay more attention wuen i ask haha, sorry
The question is: i want to start uploading my paper drawings too, but i am a little scared, any tips to find the bravery to upload something? Or at least a little motivational word uwu
Oh and another silly little question, does it make you uncomfortable if i take a screenshot of your response to my last question i print it and i put it in my wall as my inspiration and to always be able to admire your response?? OwO
(oh my gosh every time i send a question i look more and more crazy)(i am sorry) (your comics got me trough some stuff so i genuinely adore you and your work) (sorryyyy)
Is ok. I have ADHD brain too so i understand.
As for uploading.... try to be aware of *why* you're uploading it. If you're uploading it to show this fanart of a character you like to the particular discord of that fanbase, etc, that can be a great way to just have fun showing the art you've done even as a beginner. because there's not that expectation to perform. It's just a fan showing their appreciation and love for the character among other fans. (if anyone flames you everyone will recognize that they're an asshat) Example, posting your lil sketches of the characters in Stardew valley on the stardew valley discord's art channel or owl house fanart in the discord etc.
But if you're trying to get a following, it can be quite difficult while you're honing your skills. Still, uploading your work to your page can be a very good thing just for the purposes of keeping track of your own progress, and the drawings you've done (because paper drawings get lost over time. but if you do wanna get a following, linking to your socials after you post your work is a good way to start.
I'm fine with that ^^ Anything that helps you is a good thing.
Is okie is fun to see your asks haha. And thank you o7
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transactinides · 1 day
Serious Discussion
I would like to address a pretty concerning trend I have seen in Ensemble Stars!! fandom for the last couple of days. I will do my best to stay calm, collected and professional for this post, but I am not sure how long will I last, given the severity of the situation.
So let's talk.
As many of you know, Scout! Sweetling Seekers had started on Global server of Ensemble Stars!! just two days ago, and already I was forced to encounter some truly appalling behavior from a lot of fans. Lacking any true appreciation, admiration, understanding and connection with Niki Shiina, they nonetheless pull on the scout banner, as if they are anything but ungrateful, clueless philistines, who do not deserve [Illusory Sweetling] Niki Shiina! They treat him like an extra addition to their overstuffed card collection, like just another cute illustration, some don't even particularly want to get Niki Shiina and try their luck at gacha because they have nothing better to scout for! I see all of your self-masturbatory smug post, the "OMG got him from my first 10-pull" and the "Only spent 7k dias teehee".
Do you even think about how would that affect us, true fans of Niki Shiina? Us, who have spent countless hours grinding, who have poured our hard-earned money into this game, just to see our hopes crushed by the ruthless unpredictability of RNG. Being lucky doesn't make you better. Being lucky doesn't mean you care about him more. Being lucky doesn't mean you deserved to be.
Did the fleeting thrill of seeing your screen light up in rainbow colors make you happy? Accomplished? Or will you just move on to the next shiny thing the second the new scout drops? With the way some of you treat Niki Shiina, I don't think I need to hear an answer to this question.
Niki Shiina is, perhaps, one of the most critically underrated and misunderstood characters in Ensemble Stars!!. People reduce his complex, nuanced personality and backstory to a couple of surface-level jokes, warp him until he's unrecognizable so he can better serve as supporting cast for their faves, flat out ignore most of the canon material about him. Again, you do not care about Niki Shiina, you do not understand him and you definitely do not deserve him.
For me, Niki Shiina is more than just a silly guy from an idol game. He is my favorite character, he is my idol and my inspiration in life, he brings me comfort and helps me love myself for the traits we share. Me and Niki Shiina are kindred souls, and most of you could never understand the connection we share. If there truly is any justice in this world, Niki Shiina will come home on my next pull, while the rest of you posers would get nothing but 3-star trash for the rest of your miserable gaming lives. Hopefully that would teach you an important lesson in staying in your lane.
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l3viat8an · 2 days
tumblr keeps giving me baby carrier ads and I'm like tumblr, I'm gonna hold your hand while I say this (I'm asexual) anyway- asmo is like the sweetest thing ever but he's ever sweeter when he's clingy hes always begging you for attention and always has an arm wrapped around yours always super happy when you cancel boring shit like sorceror's society meetings to hang with him instead (bonus: if poly reader then mc has no unoccupied arms, as mammon takes the left and asmo takes the right) - nat
Not the baby carriers 💀 tho honestly I would consider that an improvement cuz Tumblr keeps showing me ads for ball razors specifically like- why? I don’t have balls to shave lmfao Tumblr ads are just fuckin’ wild
Anyhow- Asmo’s Love language is physical touch and quality time of course he’s going to be clingy and wrapped around you every chance he gets!- hand in hand, an arm around your waist whenever he can do!!-
and Asmo is the clingiest boyfriend ever. Especially when you have plans that don’t involve him- like what do you mean you have to go to a meeting with Solomon? That sounds so boringggg you should stay home with him instead!!! Think of all the fun you can have together~
He won’t even try to hide how happy he is when you do cancel or change your plans and get to stay home with him~ that was the obvious choice sweetie! he has soooo many ideas and things he wants to do with you, he’s pretty much dragging you back to his room before the other notice you’re still home and try to ‘steal you from him’
It’s a little funny honestly- after he started dating you Asmo has a whole new appreciation for staying home and doing ‘nothing’ together with someone you love.
All he wants to do now is stay home cuddle in bed and pamper you maybeee take a nice long bath together or just watch some silly old romcoms on the TV! Suddenly that sounds even better then going out and partying, as long as he can do it with you!
(Poly!reader that has Mammon on the left ‘n Asmo on the right ‘n at least five other (very jealous) demons glaring at them trying to get a turn holding your hand. You’ll have to figure out a way for everyone to take turns or something like ten minutes of handholding each- then you need your hands back to do stuff ksjskjs)
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snowthedemonfox · 1 day
hey TADC artists, you might've had your art reposted to reddit without credit!
so i'm going to start this with a simple DO NOT HARASS THIS PERSON. i'm making this post because i know not everyone uses reddit, and this has been going on for a while so i can only imagine the amount of artists who have had their work reposted. this post is to make artists AWARE.
a while back, i noticed that this user had reposted my silly minecraft jax image to reddit. without credit. i didnt care too much, because that post was low effort, but still, mentioning my blog wouldve been appreciated.
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today, im finally going through this person's profile and realising how much art has actually been reposted without crediting the original artists. the thing is, this person has SHOWN they can credit artists! they just choose not to half the time.
they'll credit the artist if their art is the main image(s) in the post, but anything in the comments or replies? no artist names to be seen. THIS is where the majority of the reposted art comes from.
i understand that it's the internet, and that this should be expected, but i don't think we should be using that as an excuse to ignore when things like this happen.
if you're a TADC artist, i highly suggest you check this person's post history, and see if your art is there. if it is, try replying to the comment or messaging them. they've shown they're willing to delete reposted art, but ONLY if the artist themselves requests it. if you dont have reddit, maybe asking a friend who does could help. if you recognise any of the artists, maybe let them know!
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i'm sure this person has no ill intentions, but still, you can't just credit some artists and not everyone else.
to this reddit user: every single artist you've reposted from deserves the same level of respect. i understand that you may just want to share the amazing art youve seen, but you cant just go using our work like this without mentioning where you got it from.
and if this reddit user DOES see this tumblr post: im more than happy to forgive and forget, as long as you start crediting artists, even in your comments.
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harocat · 1 day
Perhaps this is inaccurate, but does it ever feel to you like general cdrama fandom takes the FL being a “mature” character as the end-all indicator of the show’s quality? Recently with legend of Shenli I see quite a few people start their praise along the lines of “unlike those other garbage xianxia with their annoying FLs”. And often it becomes clear they’re trashtalking Lbfad specifically
This is not just Cdrama fandom, it's fandom on the whole; the girlbossification of female characters.
I've generally always favored characters that get this treatment. Riza Hawkeye (badass) vs. Winry Rockbell (immature), Sango (badass) vs Kagome (immature). Sorry those examples are anime, but they're very well known so 🤷
These are also often healer characters, which is a trope that tends to be... sort of maligned. How dare a women be relegated to just being a healer! But IDK, I'd rather have a well written healer than a generic, flatly written warrior any day. XLH would definitely fall under the healer class.
(One good thing I've noticed is that while all the above mentioned girls got a lot of hate back in the day, as time has gone on, they've grown to become beloved characters. You rarely see hate for any of them nowadays. It's great.)
Keeping in mind fandom's general disinterest in women, so naturally the appreciation that does exist is often extremely shallow. Characters that tend to catch their attention because of this are ones that are 'badass' or that they want to 'step on them' or whatnot. A character that starts out more mature is more likable to them because they don't need to look beyond the surface to see how 'cool' she is.
This is not an implication that Shenli is a shallow character (I am only on ep twelve, so I'm not here to give any kind of overall impression), but just that she from the beginning has more traits that are easy for people to glom onto as a 'strong female character' Do these specific people (this is obviously not all fans of Shenli) who say 'finally a mature character' write meta about Shenli? Do they gush on her and share fanworks and create and all the like. Generally no, because in my experience people who like characters for 'girlboss' reasons don't really appreciate them beyond the surface.
These people will gripe about characters like XLH, sing the praises of 'strong female characters', then go back to only caring about male characters 90% of the time.
Xiao Lanhua takes too much work for these kinds of fans. Obviously we know she is strong, we know she is badass and brave, but the XLH we meet at the beginning is silly, immature, and boy crazy. To appreciate her character fully, you have to do more than just look for five seconds and go 'wow badass'. She's a layered, richly written character, but she doesn't start out as the kind of character that fits a girlboss reading.
On the other hand, almost because of this, you can find pages and pages of meta, fic, and fanworks about her, and almost any fan of hers can give you a plethora of reasons they love her that have actual depth.
On the subject of maturity, it's often a case of the kind of immaturity that's acceptable. Dongfang Qingcang is deeply immature at the start of the series. I don't need to explain why.
But his immaturity is appealing to fandom; cute, likable, and funny. It's good immature, cool immature. And I think this is because in addition to being a male character, we're also taught that being immature like Xiao Lanhua is--- is like... a horrible thing to be? But that's not the case at all. It's just normal! Again, back to girlboss feminism. Women and female characters are held to an impossibly high standard. Female characters that act in a way that might be seen as cringe (if they aren't also badass)? Yikes.
Yes, Xiao Lanhua starts out flighty and silly, but she's also a hard worker, and even from the beginning, she's courageous (despite her timidity when confronted with bullies). She's a good character, even at the beginning; she is lovable, charming, and so, so funny. People just refuse to see beyond their first impression.
The goal in writing a female character should be to make them well written, and in that sense, Xiao Lanhua is a great character. She just happens to also be extremely brave and badass, but some people are too shallow to see it. At this point in time I don't even argue with XLH haters. I'm just like 'well fine, I'd rather not have you here anyway.'
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Hey! I was wondering if you could do both fluff and some suggestive or more mature relationship headcanons with Sans?
tysm for requesting! all the suggestive/mature ones will be below the cut
Classic!Sans x reader (Fluff and Suggestive) headcanons.
Not that Sans would be extremely clingy per se, but he is very attached to you. I feel like he’d for sure like to just show up to your work quite often with a lunch or snack for you that he made, always packed with a silly joke written on your napkin inside. He kinda works various jobs and works around town since he’s not a big fan of the boring, same daily routine with his life, so whenever he’s off from work and he doesn’t have really anything to do since almost all his time goes to you, he’ll just show up to surprise you anyways. He likes to just spawn in behind you, sometimes he’ll tap your shoulder and give you a little kiss on your neck as he stands on his tiptoes to let you know he’s there, other times he’ll send you a photo of yourself to be silly. He likes the most though to just stand behind you and wait for you to turn around and notice he’s there, followed by a short scream from the Sans jumpscare. Is that weird? Probably. He doesn’t care.
“Sans! Where the fuck did you come from?”
‘whaaat? babe, it’s just me.’
He’s gotten into the habit recently of bringing you things every time he sees you. The gifts rotate out, and they range in extreme variation, but most of them are just silly things he saw when he was out and he bought it because he thought of you. Sans has found that he doesn’t like showing up empty-handed when he sees you anymore, he always has something to slip into your pocket or tuck in your hair. It’s one of his favorite ways of showing you how much he appreciates you. The gifts range anywhere from your favorite flowers, to a smooth rock he found that he drew a face on for you, and to a little ring he saw at the store that he saved up for and waited until he was able to bring it to you at a fancy dinner together. He just really likes bringing you little things to show that he loves you, and it makes him happy to see you wearing a bracelet he got for you or seeing the flowers he gifted you resting nicely in a vase on your coffee table. Even whenever you’ve been dating for years and you both have moved in together, you’ll wake up some mornings to him tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and slowly bringing up something he cooked for you to rest on your lap.
‘hey there, gorgeous. you want these waffles? made them just for you.’
Sans didn’t have much interest in dating before you and him became best friends, he was always a bit too lazy, a bit too tired, and a bit too occupied with other things. Those and the fact that nobody really suited him well enough for him to be interested romantically. It makes sense for him to be a virgin, sex is never really something he thought he’d be interested in ever trying with anyone at any point. Sure, the jokes are funny to make, and he hears from his coworkers about who got a piece of what last night, but the subject rang pretty deaf on him and he never had many thoughts of ever having sex with someone. It’s a good piece of effort for him too since he’s a skeleton and he’d have to use magic to conjure anything if that’s what his partner wanted. The topic never really was brought up whenever the two of you started dating, so he just pushed the idea aside.
Then when you were both cuddling on the couch like any other night, and your hand that was under his shirt mindlessly tracing along the vertebrae on his spine trailed a little bit too low, your skin felt just a little bit too soft, too nice. You saw his startled reaction, apologized, and pulled your hand away, but the feeling was still implanted in his mind.
He’s awkward to bring it up to you since he hasn’t talked about this with anyone before other than melee jokes and snickers, so whenever he awkwardly suggested that you both should get a bit more intimate, he wasn’t sure how to think on what was happening whenever you tugged him along to the bedroom. Needless to say, he doesn’t become as awkward on the subject or initiating anything around you, but you might have to be the one to tag him in for more a lot of the time since he still gets a bit too awkward to say or ask for anything.
He gets very vocal, which he wasn’t aware that some people don’t like that. It doesn’t make sense to him why you would want someone to be quiet with their noises, doesn’t that tell them what a good job they’re doing? He’s always mumbling something, always telling you how good he feels, how good you’re doing, how much he loves you. It’s a bit weird to see him so focused and into something, since he’s usually pretty nonchalant about 90% of things around him, but it’s definitely a nice sight to see.
‘fuck, sweetheart, i can't-‘
‘wait- do that again, like that, i like that.’
‘holy shit, i love you so much.’
The only time he ever really shuts up is whenever he’s passed out afterward, looking folded over himself in a weird position since he just tumbled onto the pillows in exhaustion before dragging you down to sink into the bed with him.
He always wants to have his hands on you, all the time. This ties in with just him being physically affectionate, but to just be with you like this, getting to admire you and listen to you as you’re over him, he can’t help but keep his hands on you the whole time. They are either wrapped snugly around your waist, running through your hair, or tracing up and down your sides. Sans just can’t help it, his full and loving attention is just on you.
I also just don’t feel like he’d be much into PDA or any exhibitionism. I know there are a lot of fanfics out there where he gets freaky in public with the reader, and this is no diss to them, but I just don’t feel like Sans would be one for that. That doesn’t mean he shuns you in public or anything because his arm is always wrapped around yours, and he’s always bumping into you and giving you little kisses on your knuckles whenever you’re around other people. He’s just not interested in making out or getting frisky in a public setting. He likes to be alone with you, somewhere nice and private where he feels safe just being able to relax, not masked in an alleyway or bathroom somewhere. Sans also just isn’t very open about his personal life or interests with people (other than you after a bit), so it doesn’t make logical sense for him to be so willing to have one of the most vulnerable sides of him able for show of being caught or seen.
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