#it's super rushed oops
kunfetti · 4 months
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31 on 3/1 - Happy Birthday Wonho!
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tikara · 5 months
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AGDQ happened again! Here's all the art I drew for it this week involving the GDQ mascots and company! You can the game names in the alt text for each image.
Bonus meme I did a week before the event happened lmao
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derunelegacy · 1 year
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Kit and Caitlyn vs being worried about their girlfriends partners
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heffrondriving · 2 years
random life update no one the fuck asked for, yet again: got extremely burnt-out from btr mostly bc of general messy/dead online fandom vibes and that stupid shady fumking app but aye whatever let's not go there *cough* and accidentally started stanning an entirely different defunct boyband instead, oops. anyway idc oscar enestad best boy and stream fo&o for self-care, love and peace <3
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linda-rose · 9 months
Rewatched "200" yesterday and I still can't stop thinking about this scene:
"What do we do now?"
"We call in reinforcements"
It's such a powerful moment like. He's just so matter of fact and knows immediately this is the best idea and Emily is SO ready to fly the fuck back even after all this time without skipping a single beat. IT'S SO GOOD!!!
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luveline · 1 month
Hi lovely!
I saw you’re looking for Hotch requests and I think I requested one before but I forgot what it is oops.
Could I please have one where Jack calls R mom for the first time and she feels super guilty about it but Hotch is super sweet.
ty for requesting 💞 fem (mom and stepmom!) reader, 1.4k
You’re obsessed with your little baby, but you’d loved Hotch’s son for a long time before you had your own, and you’ve continued to love Jack as your own regardless. If anything, having a baby only cemented that you love him. 
Though you’d never disrespect his mother or what she gave up for him, you’re a parent to Jack. When Hotch is home, Jack is home, and when he isn’t you have Jack four days out of the week anyways, splitting him lovingly with his Aunt Jess. You take care of him and you love to do it; being his stepmother is a gift. You love Jack. 
And he loves to cuddle. 
“Rub my hair,” he demands sleepily, crushed as far into your neck and chest as he can be without pushing his brother out of the way. 
“Say please,” you say, already bringing your hand up where it’s sandwiched behind him to stroke the hair from his eyes. “Like this?” 
“Thank you.” 
He’s pretty much always polite when he’s not tired. Which has little to do with you and everything to do with Haley and Hotch, you’re sure, he’d been a picture of a golden child the day you met him and besides the occasional tantrum or naughty spell, he’s a grateful child. He says thank you for things you want no thanks for, when you towel dry his hair at night for bed, or when you help him into his socks. He once said thank you for a kiss on the cheek, as if it wasn’t something you’d wanted to do. 
“You’re welcome,” you say softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from his brow. “Can I have a little kiss?” 
You kiss his brow when he smiles, letting your eyes flutter closed, nose still pressed to his skin. 
“I love you, mommy,” he says, wrapping his arm around your neck with a sleepy snuffle. 
You struggle to answer. The baby gurgles against your chest.
There has been a lot of mommy talk lately. Hotch is calling you mommy often now that the baby’s born, cutesy stuff like, There’s mommy! when you come back from a shower, or How’s your mom? when he’s home from work and he wants to hold the baby, but he wants to check on you at the same time.
He’s never called you Jack’s mom, but Jack’s six. He was bound to get confused, or to feel new feelings, though you weren’t expecting him to do it right now. 
Eventually, you figure you’ll do what’s best for Jack even if that best isn’t something you deserve. “I love you too, baby.” 
“Are you falling to sleep?” he asks. 
You have arms full of children and Hotch will be home any minute if what he said on the phone is true, so you won’t. “Maybe not yet, but you can sleep if you want to. I’m sure dad will wake you up when he gets home.” 
Jack settles in with the baby. Your promise gives him the solace he needs to sleep.
…What if Hotch is angry? 
You’ll tell him what happened, of course, because you don’t have secrets with each other, and even if you did this is something he’s owed, right? He’s been completely candid with you about everything, how he loved Haley, how he feels he failed her in more ways than her death, and how he loves her still. 
You don’t feel like you’re competing for his loyalty or affection, it’s simply clear that he respects Haley’s memory very strongly. What if you tell him what Jack said, and what you hadn’t said, and he’s furious? 
The door opens downstairs. Hotch calls hello, but with Jack and the baby both sleeping, you stay quiet in fear of waking them. You listen to him do a familiar dance, the click of the safe where he retires his firearms, the rushing water of the faucet as he makes himself a glass of water, and then a second you assume to be for you. 
You shuffle Jack from your chest gently, pulling the baby into the curve of your arm and depositing him with an overabundance of caution into the crib. 
You hurry to the door, finger on your lips, startling your husband on the last stair. 
“I need to talk to you about something,” you whisper. 
He gestures for you to walk back down with him. He’s unperturbed by your worry, two glasses in one hand so he can use the other to feel at your shoulder as you take the stairs in front of him. “What happened?” he whispers. 
“It’s–” You wince, descending the stairs with a distinct sense of nausea. “Can we sit down? I’ll make you something to eat.” 
“I’m fine,” he says, following you to the kitchen, where you sit in adjacent chairs at the dinner table. 
You brace your hands on a placemat. 
He laughs and takes them into his own. “Nothing you tell me is worth all this worrying.” 
“It’s about Jack.” 
His smile fades. “What about him, honey?” 
“We were upstairs… You know how he is, he climbed on top of me and we were cuddling because Noah finally fell asleep, and,” —it’s best to just tell, even if you feel clammy and guilty before you’ve admitted to it— “he called me mommy. I’d never tell him to, I promise.” 
Hotch brings his hands up slowly, yours raising with them where he’s holding your wrists. “What did he say?” 
“He said he loved me. ‘I love you, mommy.’” 
“What did you say?” 
Your grimace is apologetic, eyebrows pinched. “I said I loved him too.” 
“And you’re worried that’s not okay?” You nod. “It sounds to me that he was just telling you how he feels. When you wake him up in the mornings and you tuck him in at night, and you’re the person he goes to when he needs a bandaid, you must feel like his mother.” 
“But I’m not.” 
“No.” His dark eyes are relaxed, his brow only a shade of its usual downturn. “Haley is his mother, and she’d love how you treat him. He will always, always know who his mother is. But if he wants to call you mom, a woman who loves him and looks after him with the same tenderness as you do your own, then I think that’s okay, especially with Noah getting older… How do you feel about it?” 
“I love him.” 
He does that silly smile where he’s more happy than he’ll admit to, leaning forward, pressing your hands to his arm and then his lips. “He loves you,” he says. 
Hotch stands and offers a hug. When you take it, he sways you from side to side. “She really would’ve liked you, honey. It was me who let her down.” 
“But her baby calling me mom…”
“I know. It’s a conflicting feeling.” 
You let out a big sigh and slouch in his arms. You’re warm butter under his touch. He reacts accordingly, bending and cupping the back of your neck. 
“It felt awesome,” you confess. He might as well know. After the remorse, you were happy. Jack must really love you. 
“You’re very, very good to him. Just let him love you however he wants to, and I’ll make sure he doesn’t forget who his mother was, and how much she loved him.” 
You wouldn’t let Jack forget her either. 
Hotch leans away to dot a kiss to your cheek before he hugs you again. “How are they? The boys?” 
“Sleeping. Waiting for you to come home and wake them up. Maybe please don’t wake up Noah, he might sleep through the night tonight if we leave him alone.” 
“I won’t. I’ll see him in the morning.” His smile is audible. “I’m a little jealous, I think. Jack hardly ever says he loves me first.” 
“You clearly don’t cuddle enough.” 
“That,” he says, giving your hip a squeeze, “is a low blow. But I’ll allow it.” 
“You’ll allow it?” 
Another adoring sweep of his arms on your back. “You can say what you want,” he amends. “Thank you for taking care of things while I was gone.” 
He doesn’t need to say thank you, you’re a family, but you appreciate the gesture. “You’re welcome, handsome.” 
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petvles · 2 years
Boarded an empty train and felt like i accidentally stepped into a tma episode of the lonely and i was about to be whisked away into loneliness
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shower-phantom-ideas · 8 months
Bruh emotional support ghost kid? Well thats what they are calling him
Suicide cases in gothem are about to fucking plummet boiz cause this one weird blue eyes, black haired boy is now heading to your location.
How does he know where to be? Having a bad day and are all alone? No the fuck your not cause don’t turn around now but theres some shiny blue eyes coming at you from that dark ally. Oh shit hes here to drop some information about you and your lost loved ones that he should know. Oh god the closure. How could you have been afraid on this sweet, creepy, boy who just helped you find your way.
Meanwhile Danny is chillin in Gothem cause the GIW hate it there (none of they equipment actually functions in Gothem so it’s either super haunted or actually not haunted at all). Then all of a sudden he gets approached by a random ghost begging for his help because their sweet baby girl is about to do something horrible. Oops now all the ghosts are following their most loved ones around just to make sure they are there to rush to Danny for help when all else fails. Now hes getting to fulfil his protection obsession double time because one hes helping protect people from themselves and two hes protecting everyone in Gothem by stopping people from becoming villains for revenge. Plus he gets to see first hand how hes making a difference because all those people he saved are sending him some good vibes from all across Gothem.
Thank god he followed Jazz around so much to slightly absorb some of her phycology knowledge over the years. Plus it was actually pretty interesting so she gave him her old text books. Shes also helping him deal with the rare events where he can’t save someone. Just a moment too late or he stops them but they later succeeded in the hospital. Neither are his fault. Now only if he could convince his core of that.
Anyway why Gothem you ask? Amity Park would have been just as good tbh but imagine Batmans face when he finally gets to be face to face with the emotional support ghost boy. Why is he here? Bruce is fine. Batman is fine. Hes not gonna do anything crazy. It’s just a hard time of year. Around their death always gives him grief. But hes an adult and can manage it.
“You know they are so proud of you.” The boy states. As if it’s clear as day, even though it’s Gothem and never a clear day. Batman blinks at him, stunned for a moment. “What?” This boy can’t possibly know that. No one will ever know that, Bruce can only hope. “They see their home, full of such life. That big house that felt so empty, so cold, to them as well for years. Then you filled it with Family and Love like they had always wanted for you. They are so proud of what you have turned it into. Somewhere full of life and warmth.” A small smile graces his face as finally “you have made your parents so proud” and its all he can do to contain himself. Emotions are running high and sue him because he really did need to hear that ok. The boy suddenly looks to Bruces right with a confused face “aren’t all basements like that though?” Before Bruce can even get a word in hes gone. Just vanished before his eyes.
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bloompompom · 7 months
♡ content: ~1k word count. eren jaeger x fem!reader, free use, established relationship, oops just filth, PIV sex, mentions of aftercare, explicit language, explicit sexual content. reader discretion advised. 18+ only
I don't know about you, but I find free use super hot, and I can't help but think Eren would agree
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Like, there’s just something about it, perhaps the devotion aspect—about you, his baby, his one and only, being available, willing, and happy to satisfy him, any time he wished.
Your agreement is meant for nights like this: a Friday evening after what you know was a long week for Eren. He’s been coming home late every night, practically working two jobs while his boss scrambled to fill the newly empty role at the company. For whatever reason, the responsibility fell on Eren, leaving him exhausted, tense. The kind of tense that naps and shoulder rubs can't relieve. 
And that’s where said agreement comes into play. Whenever you wear this pajama set, specifically this one—skimpy, sheer, short—it’s code for ‘anything goes.’ Anything he wants. That’s the only rule. 
Phrasing it like that makes it sound as though he’s the only one to get pleasure out of it, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth. It’s almost like foreplay, really. This little secret you can't wait to reveal. All day, anticipation bubbled low in your stomach from the moment the idea popped into your head. ‘What would really cheer him up?’ You can already see the look on his face, imagine how desperately he’d take you right then, like he couldn’t bear another second without being inside you, however he wanted. 
You’ve been thinking about your husband so much that the creak of the front door opening and closing makes your thighs clench, like you’re no better than one of Pavlov’s trained dogs. 
Assuming he’d be late again, you haven’t gotten any further than spreading some ingredients along the counter before you hear him announce himself. But tonight, he’s right on time. Even better. 
Eren finds you in the kitchen, already starting his usual ‘work sucked’ rant, when the sight of you has him shutting up. He stops dead in his tracks, just like you’d hoped. He’d undone the first button of his collared shirt, tie loosened around his neck, and he wore this look on his face like you were a welcomed—very, very welcomed—surprise. 
Rush hour was a bitch; Eren was too busy white-knuckling the steering wheel to consider this as a possibility for tonight. But then you greet him with that soft smile of yours, the one that would appear innocent to anyone else, and he almost wants to laugh like he should have known better. But you’re like a magnet; he’s only capable of drawing in closer. 
He comes to hug you from behind, his hands smoothing down your sides as he holds you close. He nestles his face into the crook of your neck, warming and tickling your skin in a mixture of kisses and faint breaths through his nose. 
You’re already spilling giggly moans when you say, “Hi to you, too.”
It’s met with a drunken ‘Hi,’ murmured against your skin between open-mouthed kisses. His hands never slow, enjoying their way over every inch of your body. They slide beneath your tank top and up your front to cup your breasts, squeezing and massaging, rolling your nipples in his fingers until he can pinch and pull flimsy whines from you. With each one, you can feel another of his needy ruts, his cock incredibly stiff against your ass even through his slacks. It only takes a few of those before you’re biting your lip at the metallic rustling of him removing his belt. 
Once that’s out of the way, his pants now pooled on the kitchen tile, the only barrier remaining is your sleep shorts. Hardly a barrier, if you ask him; they’re shamefully thin, after all. Perfectly made for pushing aside for easy-access fucking, and you were even considerate enough to forget your panties.
Eren slips a hand between your legs, trailing the tips of his fingers through you. It ignites a shiver through you, has your hips wiggling for more. But Eren isn’t any better. When he discovers how wet you are already, how you probably spent the afternoon fantasizing about being used, it absolutely wrecks him. 
Eren licks his hand before returning it to your pussy, rubbing tight circles against your clit. Then, without warning, his fingers only leave you to grab your ass, spreading you for him. His other angles his cock against you before thrusting inside. 
“Fuck, I missed you,” he says as he bottoms out. The end of it’s nothing more than a hedonistic hiss, lost in the feeling of you squeezing him, trying to accommodate the sudden intrusion. 
Your mouth gapes on a hitched breath, eyes screwing shut as your palms press into the counter in a vain attempt to keep yourself upright. But it only takes another thirty seconds of snapping hips, the head of his cock reaching that ‘don’t fucking stop’ spot deep inside you, before your arms start to stutter. 
He pins you to the cold granite with a hand flattened against the middle of your back. It’s soon replaced by him—the weight of his body, the heat of it—against yours as you’re smushed and bent over the counter. 
Eren’s hand bullies its way between you and the counter to play with your clit again. He likes it best when you come together, if he can manage it. 
And he does tonight. The moment he feels your body twitch beneath him, hears the intoxicating tune of your depraved cries, the steady pounding of his hips falters. As you teeter the peak of your high, your pussy fluttering oh-so nicely around his cock, he comes, hard. You swear you can feel the pulsing of his cock as he fills you, fucking it deeper as he eases himself down. 
You’re both trying to catch your breath when you feel him rest his forehead against the sticky back of your neck. He leaves you with a kiss on the same spot before turning your limp body to face him. You’re so tired he thinks it’s cute.
Eren scoops you into his arms. You know the drill, so you loop your arms around his neck and hook your legs around his waist.
Still a bit delirious, that fuzzy, warm feeling still burning in your chest, you say, “I need to make dinner.”
“No, you don’t,” he says, walking you through the house. “We’re ordering in tonight, after I draw us a bath.”
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makanidotdot · 4 months
How I would have done Teldrassil
There was some Sylv discourse today on twitter, which I totally missed and Nobbel deleted whatever tweet he made so idek what it was about lol, BUT I read some "how it should have been" tweets and I wanted to write down how I would have done Teldrassil:
So, Azeroth just got stabbed and everyone is trying crazy experiments with the newly discovered Azerite. Kaldorei druids end up making some azerite infused super-life substance that has pretty great healing properties, but by accident, they discover it has the opposite effect on undead. It vaporizes undeath. Maybe someone had an undead battle pet out and it touched the goo and it died like a cartoon in roger rabbit.
Anyway, the worst thing to happen to Azeroth in recent history WAS undead and having a potential weapon against that is super good, but there's the whole political problem of ~oops~ we have something that can instantly vaporize a particular enemy race… a race that's not insanely well liked even by their allies... a race that can only keep 'living' by preying on the dead of everybody else, and makes anywhere they live spooky and rotting and gross to everyone but them… anyway we won't keep this secret forever, but, in the middle of this whole azerite-rush, we'll just wait until tensions are not QUITE so high, then bring this all to light in a peaceful and honest way and both factions will have control of supply and security etc., and use it only for the good healing properties, or against any new undead threats, and definitely not against Forsaken.
But ofc, Horde spies end up discovering the existence of this Undead-Away and tell the Warchief.
A good Warchief would handle this by demanding it all fully be turned over to both factions, they would acknowledge the benefit of having that kind of power, studying the tech, but also acknowledge the extreme danger to an integral part of the Horde, and take extra steps to ensure their safety and reiterate the Forsaken's value to the Horde.
Warchief Sylvanas, however, would need to ensure Undead-Away was destroyed, and kill anyone who knew how to make it, at any cost. That type of unique threat to the Forsaken could not be allowed to exist. She would claim the Night Elves had been creating a weapon unbeknownst even to their allies (technically true), and were therefore preparing to be aggressive (a lie). She would omit the fact this weapon only affects undead, maybe even orchestrate an incident that made it seem like it affected the living too, with the help of her alchemists. Even if it came to light that this weapon only really affected undead, the idea of deceitful Night Elf weaponry would still have been planted, that particular knowledge would come too late to really matter.
Teldrassil must be attacked and temporarily controlled in order to purge this substance too dangerous for either faction to control. "USE IT ON THE ALLIANCE" some more bloosthirsty members of the Horde would say. No, no, Sylvanas would say, that would be dishonorable :). For the good of Azeroth, such a weapon must be destroyed. Sylvanas has turned a new leaf after all, she's not blighting anymore, she's interested in stability as Warchief. Both factions should be kept in check.
So, the plan would be to surprise attack Teldrassil, occupy it, purge the city of all the Undead-Away, and then... leave. They would make their intentions clear to the Alliance (after they had started the attack, of course) and actually, pretty true to their word, they would let anyone who wanted to leave the tree go peacefully. Obvs any nobody-druid who knew how to recreate the weapon would wind up dead, and any too-important druid would have to risk escalating the conflict by calling out Sylvanas's lies. But for the most part, there would be no excessive death caused by the Horde forces, Sylvanas would even make a point of publicly punishing any Horde for unapproved violence.
Sylvanas wouldn't need or want a greater conflict than necessary, so there would be none, unless the Alliance wanted to return to all out war against the Horde over what would ultimately amount to just be humiliation.
Because a pre-BFA, pre-Jailer, pre-shit Sylvanas's end goal was this: Don't die. She tried dying before, and she went to Hell, so her goal now is Never Die Again. Never Dying would be achieved by ensuring the Forsaken are a strong race with a secure future. For that, she needs a balance of Forsaken power, but also healthy and happy living races that keep reproducing, so that they keep dying, so that Forsaken can keep reproducing.
But, at some point during the occupation, Teldrassil burns. And we don't know why. Maybe some Horde did it to be mean. Maybe it was an accident as some Night Elves fought back righteously against the occupying Horde. Maybe some kind of magic + Undead-Away is insanely flammable. We never learn the truth, and if we did, it doesn't matter. The Alliance blames the Horde, and the Horde blames the Alliance.
The leaders of the Alliance heroically and epically rescue most of the citizens still in the city, with Tyrande and Malfurion leading the effort. The Horde occupying the city are not quite as lucky, but they're soldiers. So a lot of them are tryhards and have gliders so they can just jump off the tree :). And some Alliance and Horde still die horribly in flames.
Night Elves lose their home, and Sylvanas prepares for the Alliance's retaliation. It wasn't her goal, but it's something she can work with. The Horde and the Forsaken will not fall, and the banger ass BFA trailer actually makes sense and isn't false advertising.
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men x driving
this is so dumb but it had to be said. I've been driving for a while so a lot of these are taken from irl experiences I've had myself or from friends. also I'm american so this is based on driving in the u.s. | modern au, humor, fluff, reckless driving
albedo ;; he has a habit of driving on the inner most lane of the highway but he doesn’t start switching to the exit lane until like 1 exit before. drove klee to the beach once 2 years ago and is still somehow finding sand in his car. all his turns are super wide
diluc ;; probably drives a very classic luxury car, like an aston martin or something. it’s sleek, it’s black, it’s giving batmobile because he drove with his high beams on for like 6 months and doesn’t get why it’s bad. it makes the road brighter he says as he blinds everyone going the other way. drives stick shift (manual), very hot when he reverses and puts his arm around the passenger seat
kaeya ;; he was the first person to get his license and everyone would ask him for rides, so now he drives a tiny sports car that doesn't fit anything. it’s also a luxury car but it’s flashier than diluc’s. follows driving laws to the T except for the fact that he never fully stops at stop signs
venti ;; an okay driver but it’s a terrible experience. you're amazed at how he hasn't run into any trouble yet. like at all. the kind of person who would try to run the yellow light except he’s doesn’t make it and is forced to brake really hard and just goes like "is everyone ok ehe.” you almost die and he says “oops”
xiao ;; pet peeve: slow drivers. absolutely cannot stand sitting in traffic so he rides a motorcycle. always weaving in between cars but does it significantly less if you’re riding with him. has yanfei on speed dial in case of an accident. doesn’t know he’s super hot when he takes off his helmet and shakes his hair
zhongli ;; a slow driver. goes under the speed limit on the highway and gets cut off like no tomorrow. he doesn't think he's the problem though, just complains about how everyone is going way too fast. safety king. fakes injury for insurance money when someone hits him; only feels kind of bad
ayato ;; has a driver that takes him everywhere because he does not drive, doesn't even have a license. passed his written exam with flying colors but failed on all three tries behind-the-wheel. his younger sister drives the car their parents bought for him. always likes tweets that are like “hot people don’t have their license”
gorou ;; family van kind of guy. very reliable and will drive you to the airport or help you move. doesn’t signal when switching lanes though which is kind of annoying. gets anxious driving in areas where there are a lot of one ways. always buys fruits from vendors selling it on the side of the road
heizou ;; drives with the top down, windows down and will make you feel like a coming of age movie protagonist. has the best driving playlist but will still hand you the aux if you ask. doesn’t pay for street parking though; parking meter? never heard of her
itto ;; car guy ™ who goes to car meets and mods his car. revs his engine when he sees his friends on the road but other than that he's actually a really good driver. takes very good care of his car— that’s his baby. he’s hot when he backs into parking spaces perfectly. blasts his music too loud at night though
kazuha ;; public transport icon. somehow never misses his bus/train/whatever and always manages to squeeze on even during rush hour. he tells people it's for the environment but that’s only half true. it's not that he can't drive, he just has the jankiest car; it's old as hell, has a dent on one side, and the passenger door doesn't even open from the inside
thoma ;; shining example of a perfect driver, the dmv wants him to do all their instructional videos. was only ever pulled over once before for swerving, but talked his way out of a ticket because he was trying to avoid hitting an animal. has those family stickers on his rear windshield except it's one man and like 3 dogs
al haitham ;; probably has an suv because he thinks it’s the most useful car and can get the most out of it. almost exclusively listens to audiobooks while driving. he had a great record until he accidentally rear ended a bus because he turned around to argue with kaveh in the backseat and now his car insurance is insanely high
cyno ;; super responsible driver, both hands on the wheel at 9 and 3 at all times. secretly really wants a retired police car because he thinks the idea of people suddenly slowing down when they see him on the road, thinking it’s a cop, is hilarious. names his car something stupid like attila the hyundai
kaveh ;; terrible at directions, his gps is constantly saying “rerouting” because he keeps missing turns and exits. cannot parallel park to save his life and will ask you to switch and park for him. generally a polite driver but if he's ever behind al haitham at a stop light, he beeps his horn at him 0.2 seconds after the light turns green
tighnari ;; his trunk is always full of plants and bags of soil, fertilizer, etc. has mild road rage; if he’s forced to brake hard because someone cut him off, especially while he has the right of way, he’s yelling in the car like “I should’ve hit you” because insurance would be on his side. carries snacks in his glove compartment, soccer mom energy
childe ;; exclusively uses the term 'my tesla' instead of 'my car.' he insists on having it self drive to you from the parking lot; it takes forever and more often than not, it'd be faster to just walk. doesn't matter how far away he is, he's gonna go for that yellow light, it's a race against time and he's gonna win. one hand on the wheel, one hand on your thigh
dainsleif ;; drives in silence, no music no radio— nothing; sometimes he'll listen to self help podcasts though. a lot of the times he zones out and doesn’t know how he got from point a to point b. sits in his car for like half an hour after arriving home. likes holding your hand while driving
dottore ;; mutters “this would be a good place to dump a body” whenever he drives past a ditch. got pulled over for driving in the carpool lane by himself and using a mannequin to fake a passenger. they also found a bunch of questionable things in his car that he swears is for science. no longer drives because his license got revoked
pantalone ;; his car is immaculately clean. charges you for gas and makes you wipe your shoes before stepping in. always wants to stop for coffee first before going anywhere. has a lot of money but doesn’t know shit about cars so he gets way overcharged at bodyshops
scaramouche ;; says things like “I will crash this car right now” if he’s arguing with someone. hates backseat drivers and will threaten to kick you out if you are one. sometimes speeds down an empty highway at night just to feel something but drives extra carefully when nahida’s around. parks in the far corner of a supermarket parking lot to cry
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tlouadditc · 11 months
Hiii, first of all I love all your content. Could you pls make a one shot or a story about y/n as a cheerleader or something else and ellie as a football player in college? <3
college football!ellie x cheerleader!reader.
a/n: tysm for this req!! i had fun writing this even though i have no idea what goes on in sports (oops). keep that in mind so if i got something wrong, forgive me!! also ellie has the farm!ellie haircut because thats my fav ellie. anyway, enjoy <33
warnings: smut with plot, 18+ (MDNI), lowercase intended, a lil bit of fluff at the beginning [if u squint!], dirty talk (a lot of it.), daddy kink [oops!!], mean ellie, teasing, short nipple play [literally one line], ruined orgasm, no aftercare [eek.] NOT PROOFREAD LOL.
it's late august, the mild heat hitting your back as you walk to your dorms. the season officially starts in a couple of days- meaning the first football game is also gonna happen in a couple days- and you're the most worked up you've ever been. the break was nice; being able to see your family consistently for a couple months was much needed. but as you opened the door to your dorm, you realized you can't reminisce about the break. get ready for the next week.
as you begin to unpack your bags, you hear the door slightly open behind you. you smile, knowing who's there already. a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling your hips back slightly. "she's baaaaack," ellie says quietly, kissing your neck gently as she rocks your hips side to side. you chuckle slightly, turning to look at your girlfriend. "missed you, babe," you say, fully embracing her in your arms. you feel her smile into your neck. pulling back, you give her a small peck on the cheek and admire her.
"new hair?" you question, noticing a small change; the length. she steps back, nodding. "you like it?" she says, still smiling. her auburn hair was cut right to her chin with a side part plastered into it. "i love it, actually," you declare, tucking some stray hairs back behind her pierced ears. "suits you."
she grins before sitting on your bed. "enough about my changes," she begins, "how was your break? you ready for another season of being my personal cheerleader?" you laugh, "babe, i have to cheer for everyone. but my break was good, i guess. was thinking of you the entire time."
"whaaaatever," she teases, rolling her eyes playfully. "i missed you more. almost went crazy without you." ellie was always super dramatic when it came to you; the entire break, she complained about how she was gonna die if she didn't see you in the next couple of hours. it's something you loved about her.
"oh, that reminds me," you suddenly utter, rushing to your closet to grab something. "we got new outfits!"
"oh, yeah?" ellie sat up on your bed, fully attentive to the outfit in question. "let me see it." you excitedly hold it up; a black mini pleated skirt with red glittery trim on the bottom. a matching cropped tank top came with it. it had your college's mascot plastered on the front with your last name on the back.
"wow," she clears her throat, eyes blown wide while eyeing it up and down. "i think you should t-try it on." you giggle and turn to go change.
after a couple minutes, you get it on. before you leave, you assess how it fits on you; your boobs are perfectly sitting inside the tank top, making your figure look sleek and classy. the skirt, however.. bend over and your ass is completely out. you stare at yourself, taking in everything. you snap out of your daze when you hear ellie knock on the door. "babe? you good in there?" she asks, a slight tone of concern being heard. without answering, you open the door to reveal yourself.
for a few seconds, she stands there, mouth open. no words. just admiring every part of you. she moves her hands to your sides, mouthing wow as her eyes travel up and down your body. "you like?" you ask, slightly smirking as you look into her eyes.
"god, i love it," she breathes, her eyes moving from your body up to your eyes. a hand goes to your skirt, lifting it up. "but this lil' skirt's gonna distract everyone, y'know that?"
before you can respond, someone bangs at the front door, causing you both to jump. "y/n!" they yelled, "practice is starting! hurry up!"
goddamnit, you think. you look at ellie with apologetic eyes, grabbing your stuff. almost as if she can read your mind, she goes to the door and yells, "i'll see you down there, babe. tell em' i'll be late!"
practice was boring. a lot of forced small-talk with your teammates about their break, the drills were actually ass, it was a bad start to the season. ellie, who was on the other side of the field you were practicing on, was eyeing you the entire time. the way your skirt went up and revealed your ass took away every ounce of attention that was meant for her sport.
you knew what you were doing. you felt her eyes on you the entire time. anytime you had a chance to tease her when nobody was looking, you'd flip your skirt up and play it off as you fixing your outfit.
after practice, you go back to your dorm and take a quick shower. as soon as you grab your towel, your phone vibrates.
ellie: open the door
you look at the text, confused. nonetheless, you walk to the door in your towel and look through the peephole. ellie's there, waiting impatiently. you unlock the door and twist the knob to open it.
as soon as you open it, ellie forces her way in. she pushes you onto your bed, turning back to close and lock the door. when she turns back to you, you see her dark expression. she's definitely frustrated, pissed even. before you can ask any questions, she simply states:
"you think you can tease me all day and get away with it?"
you're still confused, forgetting completely about practice. when it hits you, she has a slight smirk on her face. "yeah, you remember."
she gets on top of you, planting small, but passionate kisses from your cheeks down to your collarbone. "flipping up that small fucking skirt, thinking i wouldn't do anything to you," she mumbles, pulling down the top of your towel, exposing your breasts. she cups one in each hand, running her thumb over your nipple. "these pretty fuckin' tits," she continues, "bouncing every time you jump.. fuckin' driving me crazy, y'know?"
you whimper, getting wetter by the second. "oh, you want me to fuck you, huh?" she coos, moving down to your ear. "want me to fuck you dumb? make you cum all night?" all you can do is mumble small yes's, feeding into your submission. "oh, i know, baby."
she pulls the towel off of you, fully exposing your damp body. her hands roam from your sides down to your sopping wet cunt, earning a small gasp from you. "what? you want me to touch you here, doll?" she asks, slightly in a mocking tone. you nod feverishly, opening your legs a bit. the wetness coats your inner thighs, glistening in the light above you two.
"god, so wet just for me?" she asks, looking you in the eyes. her middle finger traces along your slit, collecting your slick on her finger. you whine, opening your legs wider so she can slip a finger in you.
"what do you want? hm?" she moves right in front of your face, keeping her middle finger at your entrance. "use your words, baby."
"p-please fuck me, ellie."
"that's not the name you use. you know that."
"fuck- please, i n-need it."
"what's my name?"
you hesitate before answering quietly, "daddy."
"that's right. good girl."
she slips her middle finger into you, earning a gasp from you as you clench around her finger. she moves it in and out as you try to gain any friction from her palm. you look so needly, so helpless in this state; it turns ellie on so much. she's just looking down at you, watching you get off like a fucking dog.
"fuck, you look so good like this baby," she whispers, teasing another finger at your entrance. you pathetically whimper and hold her arm with both hands. "you want another?"
the way she asks you is in a mocking way, making you feel dumb under her touch. but it feels to good to stop now. you nod, almost crying, chasing your orgasm.
"do you deserve it, baby?" she speaks, looking you directly in your eyes. "do you really? answer me."
she's slowing down. you beg and plead for her to keep going; all you can hear are your babbles, "pleasepleaseplease daddy, i need it, i'll be good i promise, im sorry"
"you should've thought about that before you teased me, slut."
she completely removes her fingers, making you whine in frustration. you're mad, but to be fair.. you brought it on yourself.
a/n: this took so long omg writers block is an ass. anyway. might make another part, i just need more ideas if i make another.
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earthtoharlow · 4 months
Teach Me: XOXO
series masterlist
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“What do you mean you don’t have a reservation under my name?” Jack asked sternly into the phone. Valentine’s Day was coming up which meant that this was going to be Ariel and his first time celebrating the holiday together. Wanting to make it special he made reservations for a fanciest restaurant in town, booking out the private room so they could have some privacy.
Jack listened as the guy stuttered nervously over the phone. “I’ve checked everywhere, sir. I apologize.” Frustration etched across his face and he ran a hand through his curls roughly. “Fine. So can I just book the private room for 7pm Wednesday please?”
The host cleared their throat nervously, “Well, Mr. Harlow the room is actually booked by another party. I’m so terribly sorry.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jack said, failing to keep his emotions in check.
“Again. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience—“ Not wanting to hear another word from him, Jack hung up the phone and threw it on the couch of the recording studio. Jack couldn’t shake the disappointment. Valentine’s Day was Ariel’s favorite holiday, all he wanted to do was make it special and now he felt like the day was ruined before it even got here.
Jack groaned loudly and placed his head in his hands, trying to figure out what he was going to do for Ariel’s favorite holiday now. Urban, who walked in during the tail end of the call, offered a suggestion. “Dude, why not just have a casual dinner at home? You two are more about the cozy and comfortable than the fancy and formal. Besides, you don’t even like being around people anymore. This would be perfect.”
So that’s what Jack did, as Valentine’s Day rolled around, he dropped Jayla off to spend the night with his parents, which she wasn’t very happy about. Jayla clung to his hand, getting emotional as Jack tried to leave.
“Daddy, can’t I just stay with you and Miss Ariel? I’ll be good, I promise!” Jayla asked, with a small sense of hope in her eyes.
Jack crouched down to her height, gently wiping the tears that were threatening to fall. “Sweetheart, Ariel and I need a little time for just the two of us, but we’ll make it up to you. How about a special day together tomorrow?”
Jayla nodded reluctantly “Okay, but it has to be super special. Candy for breakfast!” Jack could only smile, “Deal. We’ll make tomorrow just as amazing, I promise.” With a reassuring hug, he left Jayla in the care of his parents before rushing back home to get everything set up for tonight.
When he got home he immediately started working on dinner, determined to make it an unforgettable evening despite the restaurant hiccup. As the minutes ticked by, Jack found himself nervously pacing the living room floor awaiting for Ariel’s arrival. While he was nervous he was proud of himself for preparing a home cooked meal that looked edible, adorned with Valentine decorations and flickering candles.
Jack’s heart raced in his chest with each creak in the floorboards. Finally the doorbell rung, his nerves immediately turned to excitement as he welcomed Ariel inside.
“Wow, Jack, this looks amazing!” Ariel exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she took in the cozy atmosphere and the spread laid out before her. Relief washed over Jack as he watched her appreciate the effort he had put in.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said, a hint of nervousness still lingering in his voice. “I love it.” With a warm smile, Ariel leaned in to give him a tender kiss, expressing her thanks.
Jack reciprocated the affection, but as they pulled away, a playful grin spread across Ariel's face. “Oops, looks like I left a little something behind,” she chuckled, noticing a faint lipstick mark on Jack’s lips.
Jack’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment before he joined in her laughter. “Well, I guess I’ll wear it as a badge of honor,” he joked, gently wiping away the lipstick.
As they settled onto the coach after having dinner enjoying being in each other’s arms. “Everything tonight was perfect!” Ariel sighed happily snuggling closer to Jack. “This is exactly what I wanted – a quiet evening with you.” Jack smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead, happy that the night was going well.
“Remember last Valentine’s Day when we weren’t officially a couple?” Ariel grinned, her eyes sparkling with the memory.
Jack chuckled, “How could I forget? I was nervously trying to figure out how to express my feelings without sounding like a creep for liking my daughter's teacher.” They both laughed, recalling the playful banter and subtle hints.
Now, a year later, those memories were tinged with a profound warmth. “Who would’ve thought we’d be here now?” Jack mused, his gaze filled with affection. Ariel leaned in, a gentle smile on her face, “I had a good feeling about it. Look at us, celebrating Valentine’s Day as a couple, and I couldn’t be happier.”
They had agreed earlier that month not to exchange any gifts but they both couldn’t help themselves. With a sheepish smile, Jack reached inside the side table drawer and pulled out a cheesy card adored with hearts. “You’re the missing piece to my puzzle,” it read, with her favorite lollipop attached to it.
“I know we said no gifts, but I couldn’t resist. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Ariel laughed, equally guilty, “Funny, I got you something too.” She presented him a card that read “Our love is like these candies – sweet, irresistible, and a little nutty,” featuring Jack’s favorite chocolates.
They both couldn’t help but laugh at realizing the joy in breaking their own pact. “I guess we both failed at keeping it gift-free,” Jack teased, and Ariel grinned. “Well I’m not complaining one bit!” Ariel said as she ripped open her candy.
As the night continued Ariel couldn’t help but wish Jayla was there with them to celebrate. They had grown closer this past year and it felt weird not having Jayla with them.
She gently broached the subject with Jack, “Do you think we could pick up Jayla and spend the rest of the night as a family?”
Jack’s eyes softened as he realized the significance of the request. “Absolutely,” he replied, touched by her thoughtfulness. They made their way to his parents place, and the joy on the little girl’s face when she saw Ariel spoke volumes. The trio embraced the rest of the night with warmth, creating cherished memories that extended beyond the romantic, making it a truly special Valentine’s Day.
AN: surpriseeeee 💋
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likethe-month · 3 months
Revali x Reader Oneshot
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Reader has she/her pronouns
I love Revali sm so here's something from my super intense LoZ phase from last year
Your legs swung back and forth from your spot on the flight lading, as you watched the Rito champion swoop back and forth. You could watch Revali fly for hours on end and never get bored of his daring swoops and graceful spins. You had always been curious about what it was like up there, but your fear of heights kept you confined to the ground.
Suddenly, Revali flew back down to the landing, interrupting your daydreaming.
“As much as I enjoy you watching me in complete adoration, I think it’s time that you joined me up there,” Revali said, crossing his arms haughtily after landing.
You blushed at his words. “I can’t fly, Revali.”
“Well obviously,” the Rito scoffed. “Do you have the paraglider Princess Zelda gave you?” He asked, drawing closer to you.
“I, er, yes I do,” you said, checking that you still had it with you. You didn’t quite like where this was going.
“Good, you’ll use that, then.”
What?! The highest you had ever glided was from the top of a tree!
“But it’s so high up!” You said, not daring to peer over the landing.
“Don’t be foolish. I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I’m sure you’ll fare a better chance at success with Hyrule’s best flyer with you.”
Swallowing your nervousness, you nodded. “Alright, but stay with me the whole time, okay?”
Once you were sure Revali wasn’t trying to trick you for the purpose of watching a naive hylian gliding off into the Hebra frontier, you stood beside your friend on the landing.
“Make sure to hold on tight the entire time, and keep your body steady so you can steer the glider,” Revali said, making sure you were ready.
“Okay, I think I can do it,” you said, shivering from both fear and the chilly air. Taking in a deep breath, you focused your gaze on the horizon instead of the bottomless darkness below you, you stepped off of the landing while holding onto your paraglider for dear life.
After a few seconds, you realized that it was working and you suddenly didn’t feel as scared anymore. Almost immediately, Revali appeared right beside you, steadily riding the wind. “Very good!” He praised in the most genuine way you had ever heard from him.
Ignoring your stomach doing a back flip, you smiled giddily as you continued to glide, the wind blowing in your face pleasantly. This was much more fun than you had imagined.
“Let’s get you a bit higher!” The champion said, suddenly taking a dive towards the ground.
For a minute you lost sight of him and panic began to set in. Where was that stupid bird?
Then, the soaring form of Revali shot up into the sky in front of you, creating a gust of wind that carried you upwards. You laughed with amazement as he kept you up in the sky, and he was soaring alongside you once again.
Shifting his gaze from the horizon and onto you, Revali felt the smallest smile appear on his face. You were a natural. Not that he doubted your abilities, of course, but many hylians tended to prefer their feet on the ground. You, however, looked like you belonged in the sky.
Suddenly, your voice broke him out of his stupor. “Revali? How do I land?”
Oops. The rito champion had forgotten to tell you how to land.
The moment your legs hit the snowy ground, you went rolling into the snow.
Revali gasped and swooped in to land by your side. “(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you alright?” He asked, frantically brushing snow off of you.
You, however, were laughing happily, even though you were covered in snow and slightly sore from your tumble. “That was amazing! I never knew I could do that!”
Revali’s concern washed away only to be replaced with relief and maybe a twinge of annoyance. “You had me worried, you silly girl.”
Taking the wing he offered, you lifted yourself up, still grinning excitedly. “We have to do this again,” you insisted, your cheeks and the tips of your ears flushed red from the cold and the rush of excitement you felt.
“Eager, are we? I’m rather surprised at your persistence considering you just fell into about four feet of snow,” Revali said, rolling his eyes at your determination.
“Oh. Right,” you said, brushing the last of the snow off of yourself. “We should probably head back for the village.”
“Hmm, are you sure? If we wait long enough, you might turn a rather nice shade of blue,” the rito beside you said, observing your shivering form.
You gave him a mischievous smile. “Oh really? That sure would be unfortunate.”
A few of Revali’s royal blue feathers puffed up, and he made a move to take off. “Well, if that’s how you’re going to be…”
“Wait! C’mon, Revali, I was joking around. Take me back to the village!” You near-begged to your companion, who seemed to be considering your request.
“Fine. You win, little Hylian,” Revali said, slightly stooping so you could climb on his back.
It never failed to surprise you how the proud Rito had started to let you fly on his back. When you first met him, he would always make you walk back to wherever you came from, swooping away before anyone could protest. But after a while, he would offer you rides on his back. Just you.
Though no one would ever admit it, the rito villagers would always think of what a strange duo you two made. The princess’s diplomatic assistant and the rito champion. You had been making more visits to the village, unable to curb your fascination. Many of the villagers were quite fond of you due to how much more pleasant Revali acted in your presence.
You climbed on to the champion’s back, giving him a small “ready” when you were situated.
Your first time on his back, you had been so afraid of falling off you found some of Revali’s feathers in your hand whenever you had landed. That had earned you quite the scolding. But now, you had no fear of slipping off, and you had even gotten to the point where you could sit up straight. This had caused the Rito to mutter something about “not being your horse,” but you didn’t mind.
Still cold from your fall, you leaned down closer to your companion, as he was the closest source of heat. His soft feathers provided plenty of warmth and soon you were laying down completely on his back.
You didn’t notice it but Revali had to hold back a squawk of surprise. Your hum of contentment at being so close to him shot his heart rate up to a level that only the dangers of battle could replicate. For the remainder of the journey back to the village the rito made sure to soar as smoothly as possible, even making a few circles around the village, just to spend some more time with you. Not that he would ever admit that, though.
After your departure, Revali’s thoughts were clouded by the memory of your smile, laughter, and promise to return soon. The inn you were staying at in the closest village wasn’t very far, but his heart ached strangely when he watched you leave. To his annoyance and a bit of embarrassment, some other ritos asked about you teasingly, saying that they’d never seen Revali act so gently toward a Hylian. Revali would scoff and deny anything his fellow villagers try to insinuate, but when he lay in bed that night, trying to go to sleep, he still could not fight off the image of you in his head.
As he tossed and turned, Revali found himself submitting to this new, unfamiliar feeling. Eventually, the thing that got him to sleep was the memory of your warmth against him as the two of you soared through the cold winds of Hebra.
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kanmom51 · 9 months
JK Radio Stationhead 1 October 2023
And a little more as well...
cr./and huge thanks to the translation accounts I used in this post.
I think this was the most interesting Stationhead we've had so far with JK. JK was chatty, informative (well, to an extent), I would maybe even say combative? Maybe that's a little too strong a term to use, but I do think he came to show that he is unbothered by the shitstorm going on and clap back just a little bit. And he knows about that shitstorm, make no mistake.
I see Jikookers falling for this hateful campaign against JK. Not only are they perpetuating it, but they are also adding to it, embellishing it, and spreading it.
By now JK has had several girlfriends named, he's a baby daddy (she was pregnant in Feb, so...), he's going on double dates with his mate Tae, trucking (censorship issues had me change that - you know exactly what it's meant to be) her with the windows and curtains open for all to see (after telling us he's aware he's being followed around including home). All this he managed to get done before he sat down and did hours on end of JM dedicated lives, calling him his fan, flirting with him online while in bed for all of us to see, and going on a 4 day private trip with him.
A very wise blogger once said: (@ourwinterspring, hope you don't mind me quoting your wise words):
Rumors are created by haters accepted by fools and spread by idiots
That. Just that!!!
People that called themselves Jikook supporters (I'm not talking about shippers, they are in this for their own self gratification, while supporters are supposed to be looking out for JM and JK and supporting them both individually and their relationship, which btw is still considered tabooed in their own country), they are rushing to conclusions, and aiding in the spread of these lies.
K-army laughed them off.
Chinese army are fighting them off.
And I army are just spreading them like wildfire.
Why this long winded introduction?
Because Jikook are in an impossible position really. They are a closeted queer couple in a country and industry that would not accept their relationship if it would become publicly known. As long as the door is open for deniability they are ok. Taking that step through that door and out of the closet, that is one hell of a step with many consequences, to them and to those who surround them.
JK is about to release his 1st solo album, and he's in the midst of trying to infiltrate the American and Western music market. To do so they are selling a very certain image, and being queer is not part of it.
They are also both before enlistment to the military.
Them going: "hey bitches, the stories are untrue, we're in a long term loving relationship", is not a realistic expectation. And no matter what JK would say otherwise, the rumours they are just gonna keep coming, cause this train, this coordinated smear attack, it's not finished. And if and when that would be done, we'd be back to Yubi and Rose and Lisa (oh, oops, she's with Freddie), and Miju. Ehm, she's married. But wait, since when has that stopped anyone, eh? It didn't stop the Nicole stories, which, btw, are still rampant, including among some Jikookers (?) - what the actual truck is wrong with people???
So, no Jikook announcement.
A company one? Kind of feel that one won't come either. Again, JK 3D promotions and upcoming album in mind. Not to mention, and this my friends is me being super cynical right now, other than the harassment claims, the company doesn't have a problem with these rumours, given it solidifies his bad boy, truckboy, heterosexual image they are selling right now. There, I said it.
But Jikook, JM and JK, they aren't happy with this. They can't be happy with this. As much as this image is a price to pay, on the way JK is sending us constant hints that it ain't all that you see. That he's a complex being. That he might appear one way in 3D, but another in Seven and another in his CK and Vogue photoshoots (the latter with him being the artistic designer and bringing along some outfits and/or accessories that he wanted himself), not to mention someone else all together in his long lives with us. He tells us this is him. Who we see. But those that only see that image in 3D are just not looking at the full picture he's painting.
This is him:
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But also this:
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And this:
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And this:
And this:
And this:
They are all pieces of the puzzle that is one Mr. Jeon Jungkook. And I'm sure there are pieces we have yet to see.
It's funny that JK is singing 3D (basically having phone sex and wishing for more) but at the same time he's telling us "this is me in 3D". Not one dimensional. A complex grown up human being.
Btw, I kind of feel like I need to link this post again, seeing that so many are still thinking that having muscles, tattoos and piercings makes you heterosexual or at least bi. Cause, I mean, you must be sexually attracted to women if you are super masculine, and get tattoos or pierce your body, right?
Oh boy, this is a long one. I haven't even started with Stationhead, lol.
So, JK is trying to show us he's a complex human being. This is him. Not one MV or song he chose to sing. The full picture. The shoots he chooses, the concepts for his songs (do I have to remind of his Seven concept shoot?), his lives, what he shared with us (as in past tense cause Idk how much more he will with everything that's going on).
And in the midst of this, knowing you are in a committed relationship, having your integrity, your good name smeared, being with the person you love and knowing that the world not only doesn't see how dear you are to each other but also thinks you're being sexually intimate with multiple others. Not to mention, having to deal at this young age with the knowledge that there are people out there that hate you enough to want to hurt you on such a level, to ruin your good name, your career. It can be paralyzing. And they put on a brave face. JK says he knows people hate him and good for them, he'll continue to live his life. But it's hard, it's hurtful, and these two, they are the kindest sweetest people out there, they don't deserve this.
OMG, when will I finally get to the point?
I think about now would be a good time.
So, no speaking up. No announcement. But at the same time they don't want to just sit there and take it.
Phew, here we go?
JK came today, 1st October (or more so 1st Jimtober) to Stationhead after his 3D dance practice video landed (same day).
And by some strange coincidence (no coincidence at all), JM released his second #ThisisJimin dance clip to Dominic Fike's Phone Numbers with these lyrics, coincidentally:
Woah, Kenny! Why you not here with me? Can you break bread with me? Why you switch phone numbers like clothes? Why you can't answer me? (Yeah) 'Cause I got more coming
(Not a love song)
Using a prop. Wait for it...
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Oh, and the outfits that happen to be kind of similar and sticking to the black and white.
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I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but you know, sometimes you need to in order to hammer the message in.
And JK, well he also posted a selfie on Weverse (while on Stationhead).
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1st Jimtober with his fave Jack Skellington.
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So yeah. The little things. Those little codes that say "we are here, we are ok, all is well, this will definitely not break us."
Yes. I get all of that from those little things, lol.
But, it didn't end with that.
And here we are.
Finally at the precipice.
Well, not precipice per say. That's being a little dramatic. But I am finally going to get to JK on Stationhead, as in what we got from him during the show.
I guess with this long introduction I should start with the Jikook related, right?
Let's start with JK repeating the endearment JM used in his IG post for 3D.
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And then JK basically confirmed that he and JM were together when drawing the cloud whale drawing JM shared with us on IG telling us JK drew it.
Making sure we know that they drew the whale together.
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You don't have to understand Korean to hear the amusement in his voice. We don't know when this was taken (CT or perhaps more recently... although my initial thought was CT I'm kind of leaning to it being more recent, like very recent), but we know they were together. We thought so and now JK confirmed it.
Enjoyed confirming it.
He also brought up JM's birthday being this month. Yes, he could be reacting to comments, but we've discussed this multiple times in the past. You know. Choices. And in this case, his choice which ones to answer, right?
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Once again, it's all in the way it's all being said. The "I know something you don't" tone of voice. The "a-ha, yeah, Uhah" while supposedly looking up if he's doing something on the day. The "I'm going to be busy...I see I have a schedule..?" ending with a question mark? As in "do I really?" Lol.
The way he was talking, the man has something planned. I really don't want to have any expectations here. But man, he's making it hard for me not to have them. Lmao.
And another JM related comment he chooses to answer:
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This time you don't get the sassiness or teasing in his voice like we did with the JM birthday answer. Idk why they aren't doing each other's challenges. It's for them to know. We know JK was showing/teaching JM Seven moves. We know that JK knew SMF pt. 2 moves. I guess it's something they just decided between them. Or perhaps schedules didn't and aren't aligning. Who knows. And who knows, we might just get a surprise. Next phone song JM does could be 3D, lol.
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Ok, so he saw his parents. He goes on to also talk about his mother's cooking (oh, that man is so in trouble with his mom calling her cooking bland, lmao). Kind of gathering from it all that JK was in Busan for the holiday. Could that photo JM shared, you know, the one JK made sure we know they both drew the whale on, have been taken when they were both down in Busan for the holiday? I wonder...
This here is, I feel, JK clapping back a little at the haters. But also telling us, once again, that he's an adult and does adult things. Knows how to work hard when needed, and when to "play hard", as in relax and have a good time, when allowed.
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This one isn't about Jikook (well in a sense maybe it is, as it's about shooting down TKKs hopes and prayers, lol). JK clarifying Tae's story about him recording a song at JK's place and JK directing him.
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So, no pre-planning, JK's reply "and I was like "suddenly"? And also letting us know Tae didn't record the final at his place. Burn, lol. Also answers (again - like in the Inkigayo live) a question about karaoke with Tae. More or less same answer. More or less "that's a no"?
And this I already shared with you guys:
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This is basically JK. Again, when he says I'm showing you my true self. It's not the image of the hunky guy with the sexy expressions doing that sexy choreography with the female dancers hands on him. Well not only. It's the shy introvert that feels awkward when these women are touching him. And just to be clear here. This isn't me saying anything about his sexuality. But it's definitley me saying he is not this careless truckboy people are so badly wanting him to be. Being an adult and having sex (let's call it rex from now on), a lot of it, enjoying it, doesn't make it the core of who you are as a person, doesn't mean you are having rex with multiple people for the only pursual of physical gratification nor does it mean that the rex you are having is necessarily with a female even if you are singing a song saying girl in it, to which the lyrics were not written by yourself. JK also sang a song about having rex 7 days a week, but with that one person, in his words, wanting to be all the time with "the love of my life". See, that was a little slip of the tongue by him, lol. But very revealing. Thank you ever so much for that one JK.
Do you understand the difference here?
One being lyrics to a song he's performing, him being a singer. Lyrics he didn't write himself.
The other is his explanation, his take on the meaning of the song he is singing (also not written by him). Inserting that little very personal touch.
Do we get it? JK isn't the lyrics, the lyrics aren't JK.
Oh, and by the by, JK's lyrics aren't referencing multiple partners. If we are being all about "but he's singing it, so it must be who he is". The multiple partners, the truckboy image, that's Jack Harlow's bit. JK is still talking to one person.
But again, I stress, the song doesn't represent JK as a person or his character. And those that are making that leap are simply...
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Moving on.
JK's asked which he prefers more? 7 or 3D. Very diplomatically makes sure we know that at the time he liked Seven and now it's leaning more towards 3D. Well duh, this is him promoting it. Then he combines the two to 7D.
"What's your favourite part of 3D?" Him asking the listeners.
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JK talked about eating chicken, being busy practicing all the time (I am curious to know what for), finishing up and going home to workout, shower and sleep.
He also talked about GCF and his appreciation for Army.
Asked about music or variety show, and the answer is probably not, it's hard for him (this is where the shy introvert part of him wins, I guess). It's easier to be alone on a stage in front of thousands performing than have to interact one on one with people that you aren't as familiar or comfortable with. On stage you go after much practice. Small talk and interviews and socializing means having to be focused (neuro divergent prince here) and it's so so hard for a shy introvert to deal with. Key word ALONE.
Although he's asked about further plans he's adamant not to give spoilers (well, more so afraid he'll be told off by the company, lol).
He misses the old days I guess. Of Kakao Fancafe. The intimacy of it. The safety of it perhaps.
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He also wants to cook for army.
I feel like him telling us he is pulling back on the lives, allowing for the mystery, well he's also missing those lives. He needs that connection with his fans. Maybe even more so with this path he's going down, disconnecting from the idol and becoming the mega star. He needs that emotional connection with his fans. But at the same time, a more intimate setting, where he can really connect with them, is something he prefers.
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And again, the connection with Army.
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About the members:
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F u c k , this is getting way too long. I can't talk about it all. I will add a couple more things and leave it at that. My apologies.
So, this is another clap back from JK:
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Oh, and this was curious.
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Ooh, one last thing.
He finally tells us where he got the scar on his shoulder from. Well, not too glamorous, lol. He slipped and fell while running in the car park shooting the CK ad. Hurt his finger as well, but that has healed already by now.
JK ending with:
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Funny how the little things just added up. All very little perhaps inconsequential actions as of themselves, but add them together and you get a message.
One you will see if only you wish to.
Oh, and end comment. This is utterly disgusting and childish and I'm at a total loss for words here.
We have 2 more of these coming, if I'm not mistaken. Will be interesting to see what we get next.
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meowzfordayz · 5 months
Author’s Note: this was actually supposed to be a lil nsfw fanfic (Shy!Giyuu turned Needy!Giyuu 😏), but then world building (re: cafe setting) got ahead of me, so yeah. 😆☕️
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cafe meet-cute (ugly?)
Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~1,000
CW: explicit language
cafe meet-cute (cute!)
Shy!Giyuu as a regular at the cafe where you work part time to afford college. He always looks so tired, but manages the faintest of smiles whenever you greet him.
Shy!Giyuu who didn’t really notice when you started working at his favorite spot, but did notice when he found himself hoping you’d be there on his usual, dreary Monday morning, your absence duly noted when he’s met by a monotonous, “Hello sir, what can I get you?” instead of your usual cheery energy.
Shy!Giyuu who makes a point of reading your name tag the next time he sees you. You know his name, so it’s only fair that he finally put in the effort to learn yours. “Thanks, [y/n],” he murmurs, voice thick with sleep. “You’re welcome!” you chirp, and he swears he feels heat emanating from your cheeks. Or maybe he’s leaning in a little too close. Oops.
Shy!Giyuu who, even when he’s in a rush, no longer orders ahead, because then what excuse would he have to chat with you? And when the line is long? He absentmindedly—not absentminded at all—dallies on his phone, ignoring people as they hesitantly creep in front of him, itching for your full attention once the cafe empties out again.
Shy!Giyuu who asks about your area of study, your favorite color, where you got your sweater It looks comfortable, if you’re resting enough 😕 (that slipped out on an especially exhausting day, and he’d promptly turned so pink that you’d politely stammered about needing to check the fridge temperature Can’t let the milk spoil! 😃 as he dropped his tip in the jar and just stared at you).
Shy!Giyuu who asks so many questions you wouldn’t know he was shy. Truthfully, he’s glad his few acquaintances—dare he call them  friends—don’t frequent the cafe too often. He’s certain he’d hear a mouthful from them otherwise.
“You talk to people?!” 🧐 <— Tengen
“They know your order? By heart?! Try something new for once, jeez.” 🙄 <— Obanai
“Seems like someone’s earned special privileges from the pretty barista.” <— 👀 Shinobu, after following a reluctant Giyuu into the cafe and watching him receive a free muffin
Shy!Giyuu who makes things a tad awkward when you eventually write your number for him on his cup (hidden underneath the cup sleeve — he almost misses it 😬). Awkward because he immediately saves your number in his phone, and proceeds to not text you.
Shy!Giyuu who’s never really dated, let alone experienced a ~meet cute, and definitely hadn’t envisioned himself in a sort of cafe-romcom situation. Aka, he’s in a panic (and utterly clueless).
Shy!Giyuu who’s grateful for your professionalism when he comes in two weeks later (he may or may not have been avoiding you, and “you” = his feelings for you), disappointed by the lingering stiffness in your tone, knowing it’s entirely his doing. He still blushes though when you shove a free muffin his way, I’m sorry on the tip of his tongue, fleeing on foot before it can take flight.
Maybe he does like you?! You ponder his behavior that night, lamenting to Mitsuri that, “I gave him my number weeks ago! Do you think he has a partner?! 😳 He must. Fuuuck. 😭 He’s so handsome. 😖 But MITSURI, nobody’s paying him to get to know me???! 🤔”
“Either he’s super bored,” Mitsuri giggles, “Orrr he’s super shy and totally crushing on you!!!!!”
Shy!Giyuu who nervously sets a travel mug of coffee on the counter, gazing away from the confusion in your eyes.
“Giyuu, it’s… already full?”
Shit. You didn’t mean to sound so dumb. 🙃
“It’s for you,” he croaks, face your favorite shade of red, “You make me coffee, like, a lot. So I wanted to return the favor.”
Giyuu, I literally work in a cafe you nearly deadpan I have unlimited access to coffee caught off guard by his gesture.
Internally screaming, actually.
“And,” he’s melting inside. You can practically see the steam billowing from his ears. “I wanted to apologize.”
“For what?”
He’s so close, he can probably hear how fast your heart’s beating. Not good, not good, not good. He definitely has a partner!!!!! Oh fuck, and now he’s here to let me down easy.
“For not texting, telling, you sooner.”
He gulps. You lick your lips. The thought occurs to him that he’d very much like to kiss you.
“You have a partner!” you squeak, exhaling like a deflating balloon, “Of course! Why are you apologizing?! I crossed a line! My bad!”
You nudge the travel mug toward him, so focused on your own embarrassment that you miss his expression falling, taking a deep breath to collect yourself.
“Hi Giyuu!” you hope you’re doing the right thing, starting over, “What can I get you today?”
Shy!Giyuu who, admittedly, turns tail and runs. 💀
Shy!Giyuu who goes to class mortified yet… excited, recognizing the misunderstanding that occurred, cursing his lack of communication and deer-in-headlights reaction, eager to make amends. To make you see him.
He has to strongly resist the urge to bang his forehead into the desk.
Shy!Giyuu who recalls how his latte art gradually switched from intricate swans and tulips to hearts. Simple, but cute, and always capable of brightening his mornings.
Shy!Giyuu who realizes that, the first morning you ever created a heart for him was also the morning you gave him your number.
Shy!Giyuu who’s determined to clear the air, and take you on a date. 
Not a coffee date. 😅
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I'm 99% likely going to conclude this w/ pt 2 later today (or sometime this week). 😉💙 Update: cafe meet-cute (cute!) aka pt 2.
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