#it's the way greg says ''anything you want i'll make it happen''
hey-hey-j · 1 year
god SU Future HURTS but it hurts in such a good cathartic way
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bluesest · 20 days
Did you hear nortovirus is going around? Sure would be a shame if you went out for a big night and drank lots of alcohol and ate lots of greasy food only to get home with a turbulent tummy and spend the night massaging it while running back and forth from the loo
A Virus
Greg is a young college student who loves to party and lives with his 3 roommates: Jake a cheerful jock, Drake who is relaxed even in the most stressful situations and Otto a nerdy blonde with a good heart.
Like a typical American university, young university students are anything but "Adults", they loved parties, they used them to free themselves from the stress of the constant homework and exams that make them suffer so much, they are just looking for an excuse to have fun, and what better excuse than the end of a semester? 
The holidays are here, the survivors of the final exam are already celebrating, the popular soccer boy announces a big party in the huge home of his elderly parents and Greg feeling a great dopamine thanks to almost failing the semester decided that this is a great opportunity to release it.
A day before the big party, Greg was shaving his face, he didn't want to go looking like a tramp, he might even have a chance to get a partner, but his fantasy was destroyed when someone knocked on the door, it was Drake:
*Knock* *Knock*
Drake: "Greg, are you going to be done soon?"
Greg: "I'm just starting to shave, and it's going to take a while."
Drake: "I just need to use it, it's urgent"
Greg: "Well, there's nothing I haven't seen from you anyway."
Greg opens the bathroom door making way for a sweaty Drake who smiles at him in gratitude, Greg turned back to the sink mirror and went on with his business until a rumble scared him:
Greg turned his gaze and saw Drake naked sitting on the toilet.
Greg: "What the?!"
Drake: "I really wanted to shit, I think I ate something rotten or something"
Greg: "I mean why do you shit in front of me?"
Drake: "You told me I could use the bathroom..."
Greg: "But I thought you were just going to pee and not and destroy this bathroom."
Greg: "ughhh it really sucks, what did you eat?"
Drake: "It's not that big of a deal, calm down"
Greg: "Forget it, I'll leave you here alone with your pestilence."
Drake: "Before you go, could you pass me the toilet paper that's on the shelf? I wouldn't want to get out of the bathroom with my ass literally shit."
Greg: "As you wish..."
Greg opened the doors to the small wooden shelf above the mirror, inside were his classmates' brushes, combs, deodorants, and most importantly: three full rolls of toilet paper. With disgust and repulsion he extended his hand with the paper towards the already tired Drake who by a mistake his hand reached far from the target and touched Greg's fingers directly, he said nothing and fled from that place locking Drake only with his pestilences.
Greg went to the couch where Jake and Otto were watching TV.
Jake: "Wow what happened to your face dude? Do you try a new beard style or what?"
Greg: "I was waxing when Drake came in out of nowhere and had a bout of diarrhea in front of me"
Otto: "With diarrhea you're right, I think it's the 4th time Drake has had a bowel movement all day, but I'm not so sure if it's diarrhea or not, something doesn't add up..."
Jake: "Do you really count how many times someone goes to the bathroom in this apartment? You're disgusting..."
Otto: "Don't say that! I noticed it because my room is close to the bathroom and I hear them flushing the toilet, it's a noise that's hard to ignore."
Greg: "Anyway, I'm not going to let this ruin my day and tomorrow, I'm ready to go to the best party of the semester to date and the smells won't stop me from enjoying it."
Jake: "I'll go too, I hear there's going to be alcohol and wholesale food, and even a DJ"
Otto: "I... I'd rather stay and keep an eye on Drake."
Jake: "You're saying that because this week you're going to clean the bathroom and you don't want Drake to destroy it."
Greg: "Well it's decided, tomorrow from 7 p.m. until dawn."
The day flew by, in the next time seemed eternal, but when it came to dressing in his best clothes, time simply became an excellent sprinter. It was time for the party and both colleagues left the apartment and walked to the host's home, it was very close and it was only a 15-minute walk where they both shared jokes in bad taste that no one else would find funny except them.
Finally they arrived at the huge house where the university students were already celebrating, and some even drunk, opened the door and were greeted by a young woman who kindly greeted them and invited them to drink the alcohol that was on a large table next to the snacks.
Jake: "College parties are the best! I'm going to see if there's any pretty women around here and make good friends, you know what I mean."
Greg: "You've never conquered a woman, I don't have faith in you"
Jake: "Oh come on! What are you going to do?"
Greg: "I tend to enjoy the holidays better when I'm drunk, and maybe I'll try those treats, they're begging me to let them into my stomach."
Jake: "Ughh however you want, call me when you want to leave"
Greg: "I'll never want to leave!"
The two companions separated and went about their business, Greg started with a whiskey that apparently was branded: "Heavens, how much money do the owners of this place have... wait a minute! Are those super spicy chips?!" Greg rushed to the snacks, they were really delicious and the best thing was that there were large portions and to digest the food he kept drinking beer and wine this time.
2 hours passed and Greg was talking to his friends when he received a message on his phone, it was from Otto: "Greg! I have something important to tell you about Drake!" he was going to answer until a loud voice caught his attention, between shouts he saw a large crowd screaming and in the distance he saw the host and Jake holding a large bottle of beer. The girl who welcomed them advertised the contest of "To the Bottom" which needs no description.
At this point Jake was drunk, even more so than Greg and with a "A Drink" they started the competition where Jake was no match for the party soul that was the footballer who used to participate in this type of contest just to get attention and keep his position as a popular boy.
Jake fell to the ground and the crowd began to approach the winner in a careless and abrupt manner, so many pushes and elbows that Greg received caused a sharp pain in his stomach:
Greg put his hand on his stomach and began massaging it, a foolproof technique his brother taught him to control cramping, but it didn't work, it just soothed the pain and didn't stop it.
An hour passed and Jake pulled himself together and walked over to Greg.
Jake: "Hey! *hipp* are you enjoying the party as much as I do?"
Greg: "No, I'm dizzy and my stomach hurts..."
Jake: "HA! You're probably drunk! See if you want that pain to go away, just throw up in one of the bathrooms in this fucking *hipp* mansion."
Greg: "yes... Maybe... Hey, where are the bathrooms?"
Jake: "What do I know, I don't shit in someone else's house... HAHAHAHAH"
Greg: "You were always a bad drunk, whatever"
Greg ended the conversation and started looking for a bathroom to follow his friend's advice, he was quite embarrassed to ask anyone from that place, they were going to think he was going to shit and stink in the bathroom, although the idea of vomiting was no better.
"Maybe there's a bathroom up the stairs... oh this is going to hurt"
He slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor of the home, unlike on the ground floor there were not as many people, but they did show more overt affection towards their partners. After searching for 10 minutes he finally found a bathroom and before opening the door a tall man came out and said, "I really overdid food... It's all yours bro." Greg, being part of 4 college roommates, already knew what that phrase meant, but he didn't care in the slightest and went into the bathroom locking the door.
The smell of the bathroom was fresh and fresh out of the oven, you could feel the constipation of that guy, with disgust Greg knelt in front of the toilet waiting for the signal from his body to throw away everything that was wrong in his system, but... Something was wrong.
No matter what Greg tried, nothing worked, his body just wasn't going to vomit, he was about to give up when a sharp prick penetrated his stomach, it was painful enough to just ignore it and give up. Greg slowly began to insert a finger into his throat to force his body to vomit, but another pain stopped him from doing so and began to massage his stomach.
"oh what's wrong with me..."
"I think I'm going to..."
Out of nowhere and without warning his sphincter began to fill with foul-smelling magma, his anus sent a desperate warning signal for the body to allow him to expel what he has inside. This wasn't what Greg wanted to do, he wanted the bad stuff to come out of his mouth and not out of his anus in a violent way.
Quickly Greg started to undress from the hips down, his skinny jeans made this task really difficult, he did all this while begging that he didn't have an anal spill in his pants right at a big party.
"Come on, come on, come on"
Greg was able to take off his pants in time and with his big sweaty ass he sat on the warm porcelain of a fancy bathroom:
Involuntarily, Greg started with a loud fart to give way to a torrent of volcanic diarrhea, he tried to compress and close his anus to make as little noise as possible, but was cut short by another bad move of his stomach.
Compressed air came out of its sphincter as if it were a gas tank with a leak coming from a small hole in its structure, desperately releasing the gas to come out without having enough room for the air to exit in a calmer way. Greg tried unsuccessfully to hide his small moans of pain, but with each bout of diarrhea this task became impossible.
An anal turret invaded his nervous thoughts and embarrassed for doing something that he simply could not control, his anus and his entire digestive system got fed up and formed an anarchy against the authoritarian rule of the brain that with all its might tried to stop the rebellion and traffic in his rectum in order to preserve calm throughout his body and avoid more disasters.
After several wet farts Greg was finally able to regain some of his consciousness and digest everything that had happened: he had shit at a college party, and it wasn't just shit, he could swear it's the worst anal disaster he'd ever had in his entire life completely ruined.
Although his stomach was still rumbling, he decided to flee the scene of the crime and the party in general, even while sitting on the toilet he phoned Jake without any answer. Greg knew at that moment that he had to go get it, but without first cleaning his totally roasted butt, it was a difficult task because any pass of toilet paper he made felt like sandpaper was being sanded on his butt.
He started running from the second floor, down the stairs and desperately looked everywhere for his partner who was trying to claim a rematch against the host:
Greg: "Hey Jake, I'm really tired and I feel awful, let's get out of here."
Jake: "What? I was just having fun."
Greg: "You're already too drunk for this party, let's get away before you break something super expensive"
Jake: "ok hahahaha but you'll be the one driving this time" 
Greg: "We come on foot and we leave on foot"
They both left the party unnoticed, Greg gnawed inside at the fact that he had to run away from the best party in existence just because his tummy decided to feel bad just that day while Jake was laughing and complaining all the way to the apartment.
Greg: "oh no..."
Jake: "You're weird Greg, why are you massaging your stomach like that? Do you want to vomit again? Hahahahah you're weird"
Greg: "We've got to pick up the pace"
Jake: "Relax, just throw up on that tree, no one will notice, and maybe those nutrients will come in handy for that tree."
Greg: "I'm not going to shit in a public place idiot"
Jake: "What did you say? What are you shitting on? HAHAHAHAHA you're just funny and a shit, shit, shit in that tree then HAHAHAHAHAHA"
Greg: "No- I didn't say I wanted to shit, you're deaf drunk shit!"
Jake: "Let's check if I'm really *hipp* deaf"
Without warning Jake lunged at a distracted Greg, with his two strong athletic arms he squeezed Greg's stomach tightly and:
Greg: "What the hell is wrong with you!?"
Jake: "That makes you *hipp* for being a liar HAHAHAHA"
Greg: "It's not funny! *GRGRGRGRG* and you only made it worse... I need to find a bathroom soon."
Jake: "But if you're in the bathroom right now bro"
Greg: "I don't have time for this!"
He began to run desperately straight to his apartment as he heard Jake's incomprehensible screams in the distance, every step he took made it to make a wetter and wetter fart make it out of poor Greg's tight, sweaty bubble ass: "I'm only 5 minutes away from the bathroom, I can hold out."
Before he got to the door he was already taking out the keys to the apartment, he entered and kept running in the direction of the bathroom ignoring Otto's greeting in the process and slammed the door slamming his.
Otto went to open the door of the apartment and found a sweaty Jake about to faint:
Otto: "Did they try to rob them or because they're running?"
Jake: "None of that my adorable little nerd, Greg got and ran away from me to use the bathroom in the apartment."
Otto: "Hmmm that makes sense"
Jake: "I'll scold him so he knows he shouldn't abandon someone on the street at midnight hehehe"
Otto: "And then you say I spy on people when they're in the bathroom..."
Jake made his way to the bathroom door where he settled his ear and head.
And in an explosive way, Jake opened the bathroom door that unfortunately Greg out of desperation did not lock the door. Jake's scream as he walked in scared Greg so much that it inevitably caused his stomach to loosen even more:
Jake: "Wow you've got a waterfall in your anus!"
Greg: "Get out of here..."
Jake: "I won't, I drink a lot and I really have to pee, and I'm so scared I can't do it in the free bathroom that nature gives us."
Greg: "Why me?"
Jake: "Heavens, what did you eat? HAHAHAHA"
Jake: "I can't be here for a single minute, it's just that seriously ufffff the smell of shit here, it's disgusting, you're disgusting, I'll pee in the shower and I'm out of here"
Greg: "Rot."
Jake: "Look who's talking"
Jake started peeing in the shower, it was a big waterfall... but he couldn't overshadow the brown cascade coming out of Greg's battered anus.
Jake came out of the bathroom and 10 minutes later Greg did, he arrived tired and saw Otto sitting on the couch and Jake asleep between cushions:
Otto: "You look bad"
Greg: "I know, that walked into the bathroom with me and acted like nothing happened."
Otto: "So... Did you see my message?"
Greg: "Which one?"
Otto: "But- ugh, to sum it up for you, I did an exam on Drake and took samples of... you know what and I concluded that he has Norovirus."
Greg: "And does that mean?"
Otto: "It's a disease that is transmitted by having contact with feces or with infected people, and yesterday you said that Drake went in to shit in the bathroom while you were using it, so it means..."
Greg: "But I don't feel sick! I just ate a lot of fried foods and drank a lot at that party, that's it." 
Otto: "Whatever you say..."
After the conversation, Greg decided that he had had enough fun for today so he went to his small room where he stripped completely naked to sleep, he could still feel small gurgles, but he didn't give them any importance "It's just stuck farts that's all", lying up straight he raised one of his legs to let out a big and powerful fart:
The acidic air again burned the walls of his anus that screamed for help, his gurgling became louder as a sign of protest and massaging his stomach another fart came out without warning:
He was one smaller than the previous ones, his gurgling stopped for a few moments leaving his mind calm ready to have a good sleep session.
Suddenly he opened his eyes, his body flooded with sweat starting to ache as he was overcome by an unusual cold, he took his phone and saw the time: "Is it 4 AM, why did I wake up so early? I didn't even wake up at this time when I went to college... *GRGRGRGRRRRR* oh shit, I think I know why I woke up..."
With his eyes narrowed struggling to see in the deep darkness of the room he headed straight to the bathroom completely naked, it wasn't something to worry about, it was 4 AM, no one was awake at this time or at least it seemed that way.
"Okay, I'll release some gas to make you calm down a bit."
"Oh wow, I can feel it writhing in my gut, here it comes"
"Oh shit did I just shit? I think it's a couple of drops, but it doesn't make it any better, I have to find the bathroom, but I can't see anything... here it is!"
Greg opened the door and his eyes were completely struck and blinded by the bright light of the place, when he regained his sight he saw Otto kneeling in front of the toilet with gloves and some clinical apparatus.
They were both staring at each other without saying a word, until Greg began to speak.
Greg: "What the are you doing in the bathroom at 4 AM?!"
Otto: "I um... cleaning it! I always clean it up in the early morning."
Greg: "I know you asshole, don't tell me you're collecting my shit to do your weird exams!"
Otto: "If you notice that you're naked, you know?"
Greg freaked out and grabbed a towel hung on the bathroom door, again the awkward silence returned:
Otto: "Well yes, I've seen some of your feces stain the toilet and I collected it, I want to show you that if you have norovirus"
Greg: "And the best way to show that is to collect shit at 4 AM?"
Otto: "Well, if you say it like that, it sounds pretty bad..."
Greg: "But that's literally what's happening! *GRGRRGRRRR* ohhhh... Hey, I need you to get out of the bathroom right now."
Otto: "Okay"
With Otto blocking the way to the toilet Greg finally had a chance to free his bowels, he took off the towel covering him and sat down on the now cold china:
Greg: "Oh finally... [turns his head] what the fuck!? What are you still doing here, Otto?!"
Otto: "I came out of the bathroom"
Greg: "And what are you doing looking at me?!?"
Otto: "You didn't close the door"
Greg: "*PRPRPRPRPRPRPR* Then shut it down!"
Otto: "Come to think of it, you exhibit the same behavior and symptoms as Drake, but you can't be sure."
Greg: "Just go!"
Otto: "Okay with this... hey it really sucks, yuck"
Greg: "Why?!?!"
Otto: "I'd say you're worse off than Drake, I'll leave you alone"
The nerd closed the door of the small bathroom as he headed to his room to sleep, it was finally the moment in which Greg had achieved the privacy he deserves and without shame freed the gates of hell:
"oh finally... ughhhhh *GRGGRGRGR*"
"Oh shit"
"I think I'm done...*PFFFTT*"
Greg relaxed his mind and body, both tired from the great marathon of flowing diarrhea, took toilet paper, folded it and began to wipe the sweat from his forehead thinking about the atrocities that had happened in less than a day in a room as sacred as the bathroom.
He started to fold more paper and rubbed it on his ass rubbing it as slowly as possible but she still felt a lot of pain, which is normal after his anal lip expelled there literally washes for 10 minutes without stopping.
He got up from the throne, pulled the chain, and finally came out of the bombed-out bathroom. Before returning to his room he searched for signs of Otto around him without success, apparently stopped doing his strange things and went to sleep, something Greg would also do but not before farting a couple while trying to fall asleep.
Greg woke up again sweaty and looked at his alarm alarm annoyed, apparently he had forgotten the fact that he was on vacation.
"It's 7 AM *GRRRRRR* I'm hungry..."
He went down to the kitchen of the apartment, opened the refrigerator and the only thing there was for breakfast was a carton of milk: "Well, cereal without cereal it will be" and in one sip he drank the entire carton of milk, burped and began to feel his stomach.
"Haaaa, and it didn't work! Otto and Jake were wrong which is a relief, and speaking of which... Where are they? Hmm, wait a minute..."
"Nope, I was wrong"
Greg ran desperately from the kitchen to the bathroom, even on his way he took the opportunity to undress while running leaving the few clothes he was wearing on the floor, he arrived totally naked at the bathroom, opened the door and...
Drake: "Hey good morning Greg, is walking around the house naked the new fashion?"
Greg: "This must be a joke..."
Drake was in the bathroom shaving his legs with his trademark smile. Greg, hugging his stomach and bending his legs again and again, asked:
Greg: "Can you please get out of the bathroom?"
Drake: "Uh? I see, you have diarrhea, right?"
Greg: "I just need a few minutes alone"
Drake: "I would leave, but when I started shaving I felt something heavy in my stomach, and we both know what it is, I thought I could finish shaving before I sat on the toilet, but now I'm scared to stand up and have the poop come out of my ass automatically"
Greg: "aghhh, there's no time!"
Greg made his way into the cramped bathroom and reached the toilet and never mind that Drake was there, he just fully opened the shattered back doors:
Greg: "WOW I shouldn't have drunk milk, I shouldn't have defied the virus, and I shouldn't have defied fate"
Drake: "That explosion made me want to explode even more"
Greg: "Don't even try."
Drake: "As you say, I'll get up and try to go to the shower... Another cramp, I don't think I can move, I'll have to sit on the toilet."
Greg: "Aren't you hearing that I'm occupying it?"
Drake: "oh come on, it'll be like last time, you've seen my ass and I've seen yours, it won't be any different, plus I'm telling you I really can't move, the only thing I can do is ploop down into the toilet"
Greg: "Of course not! You'll stain my legs!"
Drake: "That's what we have a shower for"
And regardless of Greg's complaints, Drake dropped his bare butt on top of Greg's legs letting the demons fall inside:
Greg: "Aggghhhhh yuck!"
Drake: "Calm down, we both need to help each other because we both have this inside of us... damned... virus... AAAHHHGG"
Greg: "Well, you're right about that..."
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1-800-rh · 7 months
(Haven’t written in a few years so my writing skills have diminished over the years but promise to get back into it ! Also this is the first chapter to my book Insanity on wattpad . Enjoy <3 )
Rodrick Heffley X Fem!Reader
LIFE WASN'T PERFECT, Y/n definitely made it all feel better. Just a hug from her or a simple 'hello' was enough to make him flushed. He would deny it to anyone who asked but deep down he always did have a crush on Y/n . Their parents had lived next to one another since way before either teenager was born. It made the rough days easier for Rodrick as when he would argue with his parents, he'd climb Y/n's side of the house & up to her room.
"There's my Romeo." She would say . He would just roll his eyes & enter her room. She knew exactly what it meant when he'd climb through her window . Rodrick only did this when he didn't want the altercations to get physical. Tonight was a little more different. Y/n said her usual sentence as she pushed the window up, but this time Rodrick ignored her. She sucked on the inside of her cheek as she watched him throw himself on the purple bean bag directly from her bed.
"Was I interrupting anything?" She shook her head & eyed the open textbooks on her bed . "Nope. I was simply going over my notes, nothing important." He tapped his drumsticks against his thighs & let out an exasperated sigh. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
She chuckled & took her spot on the bed again. "No , i'm being serious. It wasn't anything too important." Y/n closed her books & set them to the side - the floor side of her bed. "What happened tonight?" She let the question linger for a couple of minutes before regretting it as it just roamed in the air. "It was just a stupid argument about my bandmate , Bill. I swear it's like they don't ever listen or care what I have to say."
"Maybe it's in their best intentions that they don't li-"
"You sound just like Greg." He said. Y/n sunk in her spot , arms crossed on her chest. "If it's not Manny or Greg saying something they don't care. It's whatever. The moment my band makes its big break , i'm skipping town." He rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he eyed the girl across from him.
Maybe it was his teenage mentality that he thought that everything was shit or that life sucked . Maybe he was right & his parents only put on this facade to display to the rest of the world that they were the perfect all america family . Maybe it was the pathway he took that made his parents so disappointed that they rarely mind him any attention. But no one knew the reality , unless it was the Heffley's.
Y/n brought her knees to her chest , resting her head against them. "I'm sorry to hear that . Truly I am. Um...on the topic of your band , have you decided what songs you're gonna perform for the rock festival this year ?" She said.
"Bill & Drew were thinking we should perform Projectile Diarrhea Diper but I dunno. I think it's too soft for the festival." He finally stood up to stretch his legs , Y/n lifting her head up to watch him. "I think you guys will be amazing no matter the song. I'll make a sign that says 'I Heart Löded Diper' & scream at the top of my lungs when you guys are up."
Rodrick chuckled & began fiddling with the bracelets he wore. "Oh god ." He said. Y/n gave him a sly smile & jumped out of bed . Though he swore to kill anyone who hugged him, he only allowed her to do so . She didn't know it but she was his safety net & he felt as if he could count on Y/n no matter what.
"Do you wanna spend the night ?"
"Can I ? Do your pa-"
"They're out of town . They've been out of town for the past three weeks . Beats being alone in the house to be honest." She said. Y/n bent over to open the lowest drawer on her dresser , revealing to Rodrick all the clothes she had neatly folded for him from every time he spent the night.
As she was distracted, Rodrick couldn't help but stare at her ass ; he turned a beet red when she caught him staring but refused to say anything as she thought he was staring at something else. " You can help yourself to the 'Rodrick' drawer I keep for you. "
"Stalker much?"
"Fine by me, I'll more than gladly toss all your clothes you've left in MY room . More room for my actual clothes ." She batted her eye lashes in an egotistic fashion. Rodrick threw his arms in defeat - giving an obvious eye-roll - before pulling out his plaid pajamas & a random black shirt that once may have been a band tee but the words were barely visible.
She watched him fix up a little bed area on the side of her bed , though they had shared the bed multiple times, he felt comfortable sleeping on the floor . It was Rodrick after all, he could sleep anywhere regardless of the situation. "You know you could always just share the bed with me." She said . He shrugged & laid himself on the padded flooring, regretting it instantaneously & jumping in bed with Y/n .
The clock read 3:25 A.M. Rodrick had laid in bed for the past five hours , unable to fall asleep. Y/n laid next to him, dozing away. He sighed & got out of bed . Normally he could fall asleep within the moment his head hit the pillow , but the continuous flashbacks of the argument kept him up.
He walked over to the window , cracking it open halfway & sparked up his blunt. He leaned over the window sill & looked out into the early morning darkness. Y/n stirred in her sleep before slowly moving around . At times he thought about running away in the early hours of the day , but the thought of Y/n kept him from doing so. He couldn't imagine his life without her not by his side .
"Rodrick , I have had just enough of this little 'my bands gonna make it.' talk. It's not gonna happen. I want you to get your shit together & use your head for something good." Rodrick scowled & stared at his destroyed drum sets. Frank pushed past him & walked down the stairs. "I have let this charade go on far too long."
Rodrick tightened his fist before pursuing after his father. "Get my shit together, really ? How about you get your shit together." He yelled.
"For over a year now , mom has been the only one providing for us. Day in & day out. What do you do ? You just sit on your ass all day playing with your stupid military toys."
Frank was face to face with his eldest son . Susan only watching from across the room. "Greg has started selling his video games in order to try to help out because we're barely scraping by ."
"Rodrick, sweetie , I think that's enough. Frank , come on honey , just sit down for dinner with us." Susan pleaded. The younger boys only sat watching their eldest sibling & father going back & forth.
Frank scowled. "Listen here , I am your father. You respect me as such. " Rodrick glared at Frank & scuffed. "Well you're doing a shitty job at it ."
Everything happened to fast . Susan watched in horror as Frank back handed Rodrick , causing him to stumble back . "Rodrick !" Greg jumped out of his chair .
"Take Manny & go upstairs please." Susan muttered to Greg as she stood up & walked towards the fighting boys. Rodrick grabbed his father by the collar . " I SAID ENOUGH." Susan shouted.
Only it was a little late, Frank had managed to push Susan off himself & Rodrick . The grown woman was now on the floor . Rodrick watched at the scene in front of him & could only glare at Frank as he disappeared towards the set of stairs.
He helped his mother off the floor. "I'm sorry , mom." She gently squeezed his hand & hugged him. "It's fine sweetheart. Just go check on-" Her sentence was interrupted due to the commotion that was coming from Rodrick's room. They both ran & to their horror found his room completely destroyed.
His band posters were all ripped into pieces. His drums that had been destroyed were now in pieces, damaged beyond repair. His drumsticks were snapped in half . His bed sheets were now sprawled all over the floor right alongside his bed. His dresser had been tipped over & a majority of his clothes had been torn to shreds.
"I bought you all of this . Since I'm doing such a terrible job at being a dad , buy yourself all over your shit from scratch." He crossed his arms & stood in the middle of the room. Susan had her hand over her mouth , too stunned to speak.
"Go to hell." Rodrick muttered to Frank as he ran down the stairs . His mother kept calling after him saying that everything could be resolved but he continued ignoring her & made his way out the front door.
"Rodrick ?" He spun around to find the girl climbing out of bed & making her way towards him. He chuckled at the sight of her messy hair. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." She shrugged & reached for the lit blunt.
Y/n took a hit & sighed , the smoke releasing as she did so. "Couldn't sleep ?" She said . He shook his head. "Not really. I just had been tossing & turning. So I thought it was the perfect timing for a smoke." He took back the joint & took a hit as well , burning it out before storing it away.
"Can I ask you something ?"
"Yeah of course Rodrick."
"Do you think that in a different universe we have better families ? As in we don't get shitty lives ?" She stayed quiet & began shutting the window.
"I think we do ." Y/n walked back to her bed , reprising her spot from earlier. "I hope we do . Sometimes I feel like i'm going insane from living like this." Rodrick sighed in relief. He knew that no one would understand him like she did .
Now high & sleepy , he headed back to bed . "Goodnight Y/n."
" 'Night Rodrick."
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satureja13 · 2 months
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After Ji Ho opened his Pandora's Box stuffed with all the feelings he'd hidden deep down inside to survive, they all got kicked out of the game. After Vlad and Kiyoshi, who hadn't been ingame, helped them up and checked if they were unscathed... Vlad: "Where is Ji Ho?!" They couldn't ask Tiny Can - the overload has blewn his circuits ö.ö Saiwa: "Gods - is Ji Ho stuck ingame? How are we supposed to get him out when Tiny Can's broken?" Jack was shaking: "It's all my fault. I wanted the investigations to continue."
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Before Vlad could take something - or someone - apart in his grief and anger, they heard an incoming call from the computer, which luckily hadn't been destroyed, like poor Tiny Can. It's Noxee! And Greg. Noxee: "Babies! Ji Ho is save! Don't worry, he'll be fine. We need you to leave Tomarang for a while. Pack your stuff together and take the train tomorrow. I'll send you the tickets."
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And - as always - before they could ask or say anything: Noxee: "Huh, already that late! We have to... prepare *winks*. Bye Babies! See you there!" Jack: "Argh! Can't they keep their hands to themselves! Turn that off! He stole my girl in this world and even ingame!" As if things weren't worse enough!
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So Ji Ho is safe. But Noxee said he will be fine. Means he isn't fine right now? Vlad was still raging. He wasn't even able to feel Ji Ho through their bond! But Noxee wouldn't lie to them. Ji Ho is safe. Even though Jack was at the verge of loosing it himself, he dragged Vlad (and Kiyoshi - as counsel ö.Ö) over to his houseboat, to watch a Star Wars movie. This always calms them down and distracts them - at least for a while. And Jack hopes Diety Kiyoshi has one of his 'here' days and could cast a little soothing aura on Vlad... or whatever he was able to do. Little Goat: "I wonder where we are going to go?" Kumo: "Who knows? The poor Boys." Little Goat: "Who could have forseen that, though..."
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When they entered the houseboat, Jack's TV was running? Jack: "Huh, I don't remember leaving it on. And I never watch the X Files..."
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Skully: "Hey, Buddy! Come join us!" Skully? How the hell did he make it out of the game! ö.ö And what is Malfoy doing here?
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Jack isn't able to deal with anything else today. So he just shoved in a bigger sofa and they watched the X Files together... Skully: "Everything's gonna be alright, you'll see."
'Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost Along the way, yeah In this great future, you can't forget your past So dry your tears, I say, yeah'
Bob Marley - No woman no cry
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Leaves Saiwa and Jeb, alone together for the first time since... uh it's been months! To make it less awkward - and because Jeb knows that it helps Sai to run when he's upset (usually Jack says/does something stupid so Sai runs after him ^^') - he urged Sai to accompany him. It's raining, but they didn't bother.
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Saiwa looked at Jeb and he was thankful he was acting somewhat 'normal'. They ran quietly for a while. Even though Jeb must hurt from their separation just as much as he does, and must be upset about the latest happenings - he's Ji Ho's best friend after all -, he's still solid like a rock and devoted to him and tries to help him where he can. And Sai remembered of one of their happier days, running together through the rain... How he wants those days back. Jeb: "Look forward or you'll trip ^^' We can't have another of us injured." Right, forward it goes...
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Sai couldn't stand going home yet - back to all the madness that awaits them there, so they went to the Night Market. Sai: "I'm going to ask Ms Coombes to replace me. I failed utterly as our leader. I'm too weak for this - even broke down." Jeb: "None of us could have avoided what happened. And no one else could have brought us this far. Look at all the things you've already achieved, hm? How well you did. And we already promised we'd carry the burden together with you. Just let us. We need you." He wanted to add 'I need you' but it's neither the right time nor the right place for this.
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Jeb: "Van... (It's not the right time and place to call Sai 'Vanië', Jeb's nickname for Sai, either) uhm, I don't want to upset you any further, but the monolithic figure on the platform Jihovere stood on and raised the storm - it was the same as in the cave Ji Ho's grandfather held him capture with his brother... I noticed it when I freed him." Sai: "What? No way he made it into the game, did he?" Jeb: "I hope not. We'll have to discuss this tomorrow with the elders from the Resistance. Even if it 'only' was a 'reminder' for us from Tiny Can to finally start to learn how to protect ourselves against the Siren's Spells. It's too severe to ingore it any longer." Sai: "I'm not sure if I can lead you through all this, Jeb." Jeb: "I know you will. Together with us, hm? Don't give up on us." He also meant Sai shouldn't give up on them - and their love. But he didn't say it out loud either.
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No one noticed yet, but Skully wasn't the only thing that made it out of the game. The sword Jihovere pulled out of her King's statue's heart was lying on Ji Ho's memorabilia rack ö.Ö'
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This is the last post from the 'Who killed Jack?' chapter! 🗡 I hope you enjoyed it! I had so much fun! (I already told you how much I love these Crime Games ^^') So following the Boys solving a case was the perfect combo for me :3
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Does this mean game over for the Therapy Game? ö.Ö' Who knows? If you want to learn how it all started with the Therapy Game: - the development of the Therapy Game (chapter 26) -> here - their therapy sessions (chapter 27) -> here - and the Murder Mystery (chapter 28) 'Who killed Jack? -> here
The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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oswalddclara · 3 months
Moments with you
(in the dimmed light)
Pairing: Penelope Fetherington x Colin Bridgerton
Summary: When Penelope Featherington accepted to be one of Francesca Bridgerton’s bridesmaids, the last thing she expected was for Colin Bridgerton to kiss her. Modern AU.
Chapter 2 is up now.
Word Count: 3002 (5566 total)
Read on Ao3 | Read From Beginning
Hyacinth and Gregory were already outside setting up fairy lights at the front of the house. Their mother wanted the whole estate to sparkle for Francesca and John, much to Francesca's dismay, who had hoped for something more understated.
Violet (and, by extension, Hyacinth) had compromised; a small ceremony with only family and close friends, and then a reception for the wider circle. Francesca and John were fully intending on leaving early.
When the youngest Bridgertons heard the car on the gravel, they turned their heads towards them and Hyacinth almost leaped to the car as it came to a halt.
“Penelope!” She exclaimed and enveloped her in a hug while Gregory waved still holding the fairy lights with one hand. “I'm so glad you're here. Finally someone with sense. Mum and I definitely needed reinforcements.
“I'm glad to see you too, Hyacinth.” Penelope smiled.
“Hyacinth, I think Penelope should be able to leave her things and settle in before you jump at her like,” Colin raised his eyebrows, and Hyacinth rolled hers in response.
“I'm just so excited- Greg!” She suddenly yelped. “The bottom is all wonky!” Then in a lower voice, she said to Penelope, “I'm working with amateurs; it's exhausting.”
“I'll help you in, Pen,” Colin smiled and opened the boot to retrieve her stuff. “I can still take you back to the train station if you want,” he whispered jokingly. “Save yourself.”
“Unfortunately, Francesca and Eloise might never forgive me if I abandon them.”
“I tried to save you,” he smirked complicitly, grabbing her suitcase and putting it gently on the ground.
And it was the intimacy of his gaze that caused Penelope to retreat. She didn’t smile back. Colin frowned.
“Are you well?”
“Yes, I’m fine. And don't worry, I can make my way in.”
Before he could do anything, she grabbed hold of her luggage and disappeared.
“What did you say to her?” Hyacinth accused from afar. Nothing went past her if she had interest.
“Nothing, I-” Colin was stuck in place, confused.
“Right…” Hyacinth eyed him suspiciously.
“Is anybody going to help me with these lights?” Gregory shouted.
Colin went inside and left her youngest siblings fighting over the spacing of the lights.
As he made his way through the hall, he heard Eloise's voice from the study. Colin found his sister writing table names in beautiful cursive on pastel pink paper. Penelope stood across from her, backpack over her shoulder and her left hand holding her small suitcase.
“So yeah, that happened,” Eloise said. She looked down at the paper with a frown before Penelope could react to whatever she said. “I don’t think I can write the seating plan yet again.”
“Complaining again, Eloise?” Colin folded his arms leaning against the frame of the door with a smirk.
Penelope seemed to tense when he spoke, grabbing her suitcase a little bit tighter.
“I’ve had to re-do two of the tables already,” his sister lamented. “She keeps changing her mind about where Ms Danbury should sit.” She narrowed her eyes at Colin, “How about you do it?”
“My writing is atrocious.”
“That’s not true,” Penelope remarked and Eloise gave her a cynical look. “I have seen your writing in birthday cards and stuff, it’s fine,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, ‘fine’,” Colin agreed with her with a small smile, happy that he had received praise from the person who was angry at him for unknown reasons. She was a smart and honest person, she didn't say things she didn't mean. “Definitely not as good as Eloise’s.”
“No one is as good as mine, apparently, so I’m stuck with this. Of all the skills I've learnt, which are not many, the most useless one stuck.”
“Not useless now, ” Penelope pointed out.
“Oh!” Colin exclaimed. “Very good point, Pen,” he smiled with mischief.
“You know what,” Eloise stood up unexpectedly, “I think I deserve a break now. Come on, Pen, I'll go with you to your room,” his sister gave him her best unimpressed stare as they left the room. Penelope looked ahead and didn't meet his eyes.
So Colin made his way back out to the garden where he had left his family before going to pick up her sister's best friend. They were all still on putting fairy lights on, which seemed to be a never-ending task, but his mum thought it was better if he got started putting together the tables in the marquee.
To fit the many guests coming after the ceremony, the marquee was large to hold the nine tables and a dance floor as well as a DJ booth and a couple of extra tables where coffee and tea would be served after the meal. He thought it was unconventional to have so many joining them after the main event but he understood Francesca wanted that moment of love to be intimate. Now, the space was eerily quiet with only the voices of his family coming in muffled through the plastic.
Colin looked around gauging the amount of work and the time it would take.
Once he got into the flow, it was surprisingly fast to fasten the legs. It was helpful to have something to do and blank his mind to concentrate on the manual work. Before he knew it, he was on the last table, and that's when he heard the rustling of the marquee’s plastic signalling someone coming in. He peered over the table he was working on and saw Penelope’s surprised expression when she realised he was there.
“Hey,” he greeted her with a wide smile, “coming to help?”
“Yeah.” She smiled tightly and pointed behind him. “Chairs.”
He turned around briefly, clocking the stacks of chairs a few feet behind.
“I’m almost done with the tables, so I can help you. Teamwork makes the dream work.” He joked.
Penelope barely smiled back and made her way towards chairs. Each stack had six chairs and was just about tall enough to be a challenge for her height.
As Penelope moved through the task, he stole glances at her, which distracted him from his own responsibility. He was so confused. They had shared a moment in the car, and now she was annoyed. No, angry even. What could he have possibly done in the space of ten minutes?
He noticed her struggling with a new pile. This one had eight chairs, which made it taller than the rest. Silently, Penelope attempted to shimmy the highest chair out of place with an unsteady grip. Colin moved quickly to stand
behind her and grab the chair before it could tumble down. But his hands were on top of hers, and he could feel her warmth.
Conscious of their position, he moved his hands away to have a better grip on the chair and set it down.
She turned around and looked at him surprised. He smiled shyly in return.
“I had it under control.”
He thought of making a witty remark, but all that came out was, “I thought I could help.”
“Thanks.” Her voice was small.
Her lips parted as if to say something more, causing him to focus his gaze on them. He waited but whatever she was going to say died before she uttered any words. The moment was broken and Penelope closed her mouth firmly and yanked the chair from him.
“Penelope,” he said, “are we okay?”
“We are fine,” she walked towards the next table.
“I haven't seen you or heard from you in months,” He said. “I always look forward to your messages, more than anybody else's. I missed you.”
“You missed me.” She smiled with a hint of mock in her eyes. “You miss me but you would never sleep with me.”
“I heard you.” She interrupted him. “At your last little leaving do. How you would never have sex with me.” Penelope spit out.
“You heard?”
Continue on Ao3 | Read From Beginning
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Favorite fictional ship, and reasons?
LMAOO I'm sure you already know but I'll answer anyway.
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Lars and Sadie, these two have literally shaved years off my lifespan, I'm convinced. The funny part is I wasn't even all that interested in them on my first watch of SU. Some time later on they spontaneously became a hyperfixation and I still have no clue why they infected my brain out of nowhere, but here we are. I've essentially been Steven every watch since during all 20 minutes of their screentime.
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As for my reasons for liking them, it's complicated. They're SUPER messy and I'm not gonna pretend they aren't. Even as a ride or die larsadie fan I don't necessarily hate the fact that they didn't end up together from a writing/realistic standpoint. They were too toxic in the beginning to be anything beyond FWBs at best despite their mutual feelings for each other.
Post-arcs I feel like they did have a lot of potential to still work out and be much healthier. But at that point I think Sadie had already moved on while Lars was in space, ironically on his way back to her, which may not have happened if Lars had just been honest about what he wanted with her. I of course love Shep as nonbinary representation and for the fact that they make Sadie happy, but I also think that ultimately Sugar's idea with Lars and Sadie was to contribute to the theme of the series as a whole. With life comes change, and learning to accept it whether we like it or not. Steven was sorta supposed to represent the viewers in a way with the introduction of Sadie's new love interest in Future, and his little meltdown over Lars and Sadie having drifted apart, his two friends that he was sure would get married someday. The silver lining being Lars' true love for Sadie in that, even though he's sad it wasn't him, he's glad that Sadie could be happy, showing his growth as a person too. He himself even found happiness in space with the Off Colors.
One could argue they were doomed since the end of Island Adventure though. If not for Sadie's TOTALLY NOT COOL actions, they might've been able to come out of that as a couple. Alternatively, maybe they weren't endgame the second Lars died on Homeworld. Sometimes immortal/mortal couples are a little too sad, which could've been the reason they "couldn't reconnect" as they told Steven. Or maybe Lars would've never kept Sadie for himself, as he genuinely thinks he doesn't deserve her.
Either way, I'll stop rambling and just say, gosh they're cute and check all the boxes for my favorite ships! I love them both so much and them being best friends secretly in love AND coworkers is just ugggghh. Even the angst/tragedy of them makes me love them even more. I'll always wish they worked out but I can get my kicks in fanon. What little we did get in a few episodes is more than a lot of people get with their favorite fictional couples, lmfao (my favorite one is Horror Club :))
BONUS!! to stay on topic w my blog rn I loooooove Greg/Rose. They are TOO precious just look at em!!!!!
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triphimi · 2 months
So the minigames in ITP are neat additions. But besides the ones from arcades, there are more that you need to find and like
One is about "To be beautiful" and we play as Eleanor giving Sarah new body parts. Eventually after switching all of Sarah's body we can take the necklace and Sara turns into a pile of trash.
Easy, that's pretty much exactly what happened in the story (just simplified).
To get to it you need to call mom while in the Freddy's pizzeria on final night (or at least that's how I got to it).
Second one is about Millie from "Count the ways". At first I thought it was Charlie bc of gray sprite and green eyes but it makes sense to be Millie since CTW is also in the first book. Anyways we collect 5 items from the next room 5 times. First we collect 5 drinks, then 5 cupcakes, then 5 snowflakes are what these things are I think? Then 5 hearts each pierced by an arrow, and then 5 cauldrons. When we enter the room for the 6th time there's some Bonnie looking thing, for me it definitely looks like Bonbon. Also I'm pretty sure that the items we collect are referencing ways to die Funtime Freddy presented to Millie (dehydration, starvation, freezing to death, getting impaled, boiling alive if I'm not mistaken)
Again oversimplified and we only get to the part where Millie's already getting her death sentence (and we don't see Funtime Freddy but she's technically in his stomach so fair enough) but with context it's definitely easily connectable to CTW
To get it you need to spam the candy machine A LOT of times and I think it has to be on the final night too (I did it like that).
But there's one more you can get by inserting a voucher into a prize machine at Freddy's. When you do it it takes you to a minigame where you play as some black haired dude? a kid? Idk hard to tell from the sprites.
Golden Freddy is laying on the floor in the staring room (can't interact with him and touching him doesn't do anything either). We're in a pizzeria judging by the party rooms and the office (I can't tell if it's the same layout as the itp one bc my spacial awareness is laughable so I'll have to wait till someone makes a map of it).
We need to collect balloons, there's a counter I'm the top left corner of how many we have, after collecting 6th the number changes from white to purple and we can go to the room that had been previously blocked. Inside there's a white dog (mechanical one maybe) and some white box saying "prize" if I remember correctly.
After getting into the room we put the balloons on the floor and our character runs out of the room however the dog catches us in the next room and mauls our character I guess??
After that there are letters "C U" appearing at the top of the screen, then the minigame ends.
So uh, what the fuck does any of that mean I have no idea. First I tried to connect it to "Fetch" bc dog but it doesn't make much sense? Why is the protagonist getting attacked by a dog when in "Fetch" only Greg's uncle got attacked (who didn't have black hair) and Kimberly who's a girl.
Also why is there Golden Freddy in the location??? Like these aren't events of "Fetch". And I honestly have no idea what to make of it as of now.
It doesn't have to be done on the final night either bc I did it in earlier night so idk if you need that one for the special ending (bc after getting these minigames done you get a different cutscene and dialogue at the end)
Additionally I want to talk about one arcade minigame which is the balloon boy collecting hats one but I'll make separate post about it I think
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aladaylessecondblog · 5 months
Red Mountain Waffle House, pt. 4 ("The Hand")
Sadara kept the corprus thing under wraps. She told Jiub--but no one else.
"Well if that doesn't suck shit I don't know what does," he said through the cigarette dangling from his lips, "You okay? Gonna need me to shank you before you go crazy? When did you get bitten, a couple days ago?"
"A few months, actually," she said, "That's the strange part, I haven't had any symptoms. Not a rash or a boil or anything."
There was a pause. He flicked the cigarette, opened the baggie before him, and set it on the table.
"You got the papers?"
"Do I have the papers..." Sadara scoffed. "With the week I've had I don't think I'll ever forget them again!"
She handed over the bag and Jiub set them out and started rolling their weed into joints.
"Makes me wonder why we ever decided to come here, y'know. We could be doing pretty good just killing cliffracers."
"Yeah, and sleeping outside and in all conditions...I don't want to do that again. Ever." Sadara sighed, and checked on the ash yam stew on the stove, giving it a few stirs before coming back. "Like it wasn't bad, and this time we were choosing to do it, but..."
"But you're sick of it and want a permanent roof over your head. Even if it's just this shithole."
"Exactly. See, you understand me so well."
It was a friendship that went back to when they were both young and hungry. Easier to be poor when you had someone to watch your back and help you out when you needed it. And though they'd parted a few times due to one thing or another, they usually ended up watching each other's back again. Sometimes people thought they were dating, and she'd asked him once, but Jiub didn't seem interested. Didn't like girls, but didn't seem to like guys, either...
He was always good to pretend he was her boyfriend to put off the creeps, though.
"Yeah, maybe I'm a bit tired of it too, I'll be honest...fighting and scraping and trying to heal up from all the fights with cliffracers...like...I can buy healing potions and all, but who's to say we don't get got by a pack of them at some point?"
"So we work at a restaurant where we only get shit from people on two legs."
It wasn't THAT bad, really. The corprus monsters left her alone now, and why that was she couldn't figure out. Maybe having it made them think of her as just another one of them?
There'd be time to debate over it. She'd just have to keep an eye on it, and pray it didn't get any worse than it already was.
"Hey, hey, Greg, how ya doing?" Jiub waved as the imperial walked through the door. "So you finally decided to join us in civilization?"
"Something like that," Greg laughed. He was a fairly jovial sort, and the one with a fairly large house (how he owned it inside the Ghostfence was a mystery to everyone) and thus the guy who held all the best house parties. To be friendly with him was always a good idea, even if they weren't entirely sure if he wasn't Sanguine's avatar or something. "You two gonna be free in two weeks? Say, Saturday?"
"What's happening saturday?"
"What d'you think's happening? We'll have ale and sujamma, but if you can bring a little green that'll be appreciated."
"Can't get ahold of any?" Sadara took his order for a waffle and some eggs and stayed at his table as Jiub went to work cooking. "Or you just want some to mellow out?"
"A little of both, it's been harder to get and Jiub's always had a way with the stuff. Oughta grow your own...or maybe you do already, in which case keep up the good work."
Sadara handed him the coffee and plate once Jiub was done cooking. "He's got a green thumb. Me...me, mine's pure black, inside and out. Except for that plant on the windowsill. The local cult leader seems to think I'm Nerevar returned because he was like that too."
"Is that so? Well, that guy's a bit isolated...he'll turn up to a party now and then, but mainly to--"
The door bell jingled and in walked a pair of ordinators. One of them same as Sadara had tossed out before, and she immediately tensed on sight of him.
"At least there's none of those things in here tonight," the mer said, "You'd probably welcome them with open arms."
She didn't respond.
Greg paid and left shortly afterwards, saying he'd give them specifics on when to turn up later. Sadara went over to the ordinators' table.
"And what will the two of you be having?"
The first one was muted, tired, and asked just for some sausage and eggs. The angry one glared up at her, "A Temple-fearing waitress would be a good thing to have, but obviously we're both out of luck now, aren't we?"
"To eat, sir." Her tone was icy, and she could see the temper broiling beneath the man's severe expression.
"Coffee, and eggs."
She took the order and walked back to her place. Shortly after, Ulen entered, and the ordinators tensed up.
"Ulen, it's good to see you again," Sadara said, "The sky looks like it's been threatening to rain all day, does that mean you expect to see..."
"Ah, not today, most likely," Ulen replied. "He has much to handle at home. Something has livened him up and we are all happier for it."
His gaze such as it was, turned to hers.
"YOU again," the ordinator snarled from the corner. When his food was ready a moment later, he was still seething. "I don't care if his money spends well, suppose the ordinators stopped coming here because you're obviously in with the Dagoths?"
"I'm not in with ANYONE," Sadara replied, "It's economics. They spend more than you anyway, it wouldn't be much of a loss."
"How DARE--"
"Can we not right now?" his partner said, "We're off duty, they're not violent, it's not worth the fight."
"The duty never ceases."
A groan.
Ulen didn't acknowledge them, and spoke instead to Sadara. "Your arm, it is healed?"
"Yes. Where did you--oh, right. He must've told you. Please tell me he doesn't have me watched."
"He DOES want to be sure his Nerevar doesn't come to harm."
"HIS Nerevar?" Sadara gave a laugh, and then not wanting to appear rude quickly added, "I'm sorry, it's just a ridiculous idea to me. Me, who's never been to Morrowind before the ship brought me here, and he thinks I'm the incarnate of Nerevar--"
"He thinks you're WHAT?"
The last sentence, spoken perhaps a bit too loud, had caught the ordinator's attention. He stood up so quickly his plate was turned over and clattered to the floor.
"The SHARMAT thinks you're Nerevar," the ordinator charged forward and grabbed her by the collar, "Now you've reached the point of outright heresy and that I CANNOT ignore."
"Get the fuck off me, you creep!" Sadara moved and kneed him in the crotch.
The ordinator let go, but slapped her with his right hand a moment later. "The Temple will know. And the Temple will do to you what they do to ALL those who think to call themselves Nerevarine!"
Sadara decked him then, and dragged him outside, hearing only a faint, "I tell him not to do this shit" from the ordinator's partner, who kept calmly drinking his coffee.
"I'm not Nerevar, but I'll damn sure kick your ass like I was!" She ducked a fireball from the ordinator and gave him another hit on the jaw. The fight that followed was confusing - she would recall afterwards getting cut by his blade, getting knocked in the head, sitting on his chest and punching his face bloody, but nothing more than that. What she did remember was going back inside to clean up.
Ulen came forward to heal the cut, and she thanked him. Gladly, the ordinator's partner left soon after, saying "he just gets like this" and both of them did not return to cause more trouble.
A few days later, Sadara's black eye had come in in full bloom, and she had to get a pair of shades to cover it up. The mail tracking app said the package was due to be delivered today, and she went out to the mailbox to check.
Except there wasn't one package, there was two. One was definitely the sunglasses marked "Tiber Mart", but the other was wrapped in postal paper, tied with twine, and marked only with "A Gift" in the most cursive, flourished, show-offy handwriting possible.
She brought them both inside, and after checking that the sunglasses covered up her black eye well enough she looked to the other box. A Gift. What in the hells?
Sadara pulled the end of the twine and tore off the paper. The box was neat and expensive looking, but the scent was horrendous, and for a minute she considered tossing it out. The ordinators might've sent her a stinkbomb, or something poisonous, maybe...
Against her better judgement she opened the lid.
And screamed.
There, within the box, was the bloody, rotten, bonemold gauntleted hand of an ordinator.
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dvasva · 5 months
I have a sincere question.
How will not voting for Biden help? Threatening not to hasn't worked to make him do anything to stop this monstrosity and I'm sure Trump will be (however slightly) worse.
I'm just wondering what you're proposing as a solution here? Are you just saying that it's selfish or something to care about how much worse things will get in the us while there's a genocide going on, or is there some alternative to voting for Biden that will actually help because I want to help whatever I can to stop the genocide.
I'm gonna be genuine and honest when I say this; at this point, if you don't already dislike Biden and feel the same way I do, I doubt anything I will say will convince you one way or another, and I can tell your question is coming from this fearmongering rhetoric that was born during the 2020 election of 'Vote Blue no matter who', that I didn't agree with back then and I definitely don't agree with now.
I'm gonna level with you right up top, answer your question first, tell you what I think about all of this, even though it's not the most cheery thing. I don't think there's anything that will make things better. I think we are living in a rotting corpse that is like at most 6 months away from exploding from the built up pressure of gasses. I honestly don't know why you even asked me of all people. I can only really support community outreach, community building and mutual aid to mitigate the inevitable harm this whole clusterfuck, either way, will cause to the most vulnerable people, and can only urge you to do the same. We cannot have any political action until people start building community outside of online spaces. That is the biggest flaw of modern leftist political praxis, the lack of community. This is why the college protests are fantastic, because it is a small scale general strike amongst students, with people organizing and providing mutual aid to make organizing easy for the most amount of people possible. That's my solution. Mutual aid.
And, despite how I feel about questions like this, (especially considering aside from a few replies in various posts, and a generally active reblog and tag life about Palestine and Biden, I haven't made any original posts about this and I'm like... a rando with like less than 200 followers, so it's weird that you're coming to me with this question) I will treat this like a genuine question.
That being said, I did vote for Biden in 2020, despite my reservations. So, anything that happened during his presidency puts blood on my hands as much as anything.
I'll kind of start with saying that I am a hispanic, mexican, nonbinary person with a uterus and disabilities from Texas. My current governor is Greg Abbot and a lot of the most heinous conservative bills and debates regarding immigration, police, free speech, lgbt issues, abortion, etc, have taken place in my state where I live, and I am distantly related to Linda Coffee, one of the Roe v. Wade lawyers.
So, I'm not like. Some cishet white guy from Wisconsin who has never seen or witnessed oppression and who doesn't have any stake in any of this, and thinks the edgiest thing I can do is not participate in the system.
I come at this issue from multiple angles, and these are not like... the official political opinions of everyone who has ever agreed with me, this is just mine.
To start with, 1. I'm still voting in local and state elections, and 2. I don't believe in rewarding bad behavior. You said 'Threatening to not vote for him hasn't done anything to change his behavior' and so I'm going to carry through with my threat. Consequences and all that. Not that it really matters what I vote in presidential elections anyways. I live in Texas, a winner take all state. As we have seen multiple times, the popular vote is meaningless, and the only thing that matters is the electoral college. Texas is gerrymandered to all hell, and it's districts are drawn in a way that will always favor republicans. Until our corrupt ass state can finally manage, by some fluke, to vote in a non-republican who is actually willing to redistrict the state and prevent gerrymandering (which they wont do cause they're all chickenshit), all of Texan electoral college votes will go to the Republican candidate. I know we're not supposed to say our vote doesn't matter cause 'every little bit helps' but my vote literally does not matter in a real, tangible, way.
I know a lot of people are scared of having their rights stripped away, sure, but none of you have listened to POC, especially to POC living in southern states. All of this stuff that Trump is threatening? The more police, the border stuff, anti-trans bills, abortion? It's already happening in this country. I don't have abortion rights, I don't have freedom of speech on college campuses, I don't have a right to form a new union, I don't have trans rights, and if the police wanted to, they could pull over anyone in my family and arrest and deport them simply because of the color of their skin, regardless if they're actually an immigrant or not. Cop Cities are popping up around the world, the police is militarized and think it's ok to violently arrest peaceful protesters on college campuses. Meanwhile, the rich keep getting richer. Rafah was invaded last night, tanks placed on the border preventing anyone from leaving into Egypt anymore, and all the while the richest fuckers in this entire country, many of whom have voiced open and intense support for Israel, all met up with their tickets that cost 75k to take pictures in their pretty outfits and ignore the ongoing genocide.
All of this stuff is already happening regardless of who's in charge, and the only difference between Trump and Biden, to be honest? Northern Liberals will actually care about what's happening if Trump is in office. If Trump did everything that Biden did, there would be mass outrage about Palestine from every single Vote Blue No Matter Who person who's around. It's easy to blame the people whose rights have already disappeared for the threat that your rights might disappear as well. This Vote Blue No Matter Who thing is a cry for comfort. It is the people who are not feeling the effects of the crumbling empire we live in crying out, screaming 'Let me feel the comfort for a little bit longer, I don't want to be subjected to the things that others are already subjected to! I just want to be comfortable for a little bit longer!' And I honestly am not interested in voting for white northern comfort just because the other guy is threatening to take that away too.
And you are right. I do think it's selfish to try to focus on your own comfort while ignoring the active genocide of Palestinians, the ethnic cleansing being done with American Money, the thing that puts blood on every taxpayers hands, a true example of Taxation without Representation. Palestine is not the sacrificial lamb that we are entitled to trample over to ensure that we are comfortable. To think so is so monstrously dehumanizing, to say 'I can't focus on that cause I have to worry about me' while actively funding it. That's the biggest catching point for me. We have a responsibility to oppose Biden, to not vote for him and to actively call for him to step down and allow a different person to run, if not dismantling the system entirely, because this blood is on our hands.
Other people have said a lot more clever things about this than me, but Palestinian oppression is directly linked to all oppression around the world. Police in the US train with IOF soldiers, use the same methods on american citizens as IOF use on Palestinian citizens. This is not a case of 'two random countries that have nothing to do with us duke it out'. Israel is acting with the direct and explicit blessing of Joe Biden and the United States Government. He is, even for the standards of Democrats who like to say pretty words while bombing brown people, a warmonger. Like, violently so. Biden is legitimately more dangerous than anyone is giving him credit for, and is actively and openly funding blatant and obvious war crimes. That should honestly get him arrested and tried in an international criminal court.
Anyhow, that's all that from an American perspective. If you wanna really figure out what to do to help, seek out voices who actually know what they're talking about instead.
I recommend Imani Barbarin:
Also, check out my pinned post for ways you can provide a bit of support or learn more about the active ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Especially check out Esims for Gaza. Aid has been inconsistent at best, but if you can't find anything else to do, send esims to help keep Palestine connected to the world.
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thelazyecrivain · 2 years
Fluffbruary - Day 10 (strong)
Tenth day of @fluffbruary, using the prompt "strong"
Read on AO3
French version
"He can't."
"Don't underestimate John, Lestrade."
"Never can he carry you, you're too big!" Greg insisted.
For the past five minutes, the two detectives have been debating John's strength. No one could remember how they got to this kind of topic, but when the doctor went to take a break to support his natural needs, the two men began to argue their point of view.
"There's only one way to find out." Said Sherlock mischievously.
Greg sighed with a tired smile. "I'd like to see John say yes to carrying you in front of my entire team." The image he creates for himself makes him want to laugh
"Who says I'm going to ask him?"
Greg wanted to contradict him when John walked back into the office. The latter stopped when silence fell in the room just after his entrance.
"Is everything okay?" John asks as he sees Greg's tired expression and Sherlock's grin. 
"Yes, yes. Sherlock still thinks he's right but I'm convinced he's wrong." Greg growled. John is sure that Sherlock will be the reason he retires. After several years of knowing him -supporting him-, he more than deserves his years of rest.
"Oh?" He said as he sat down. "On what."
"Nothing, it's forgotten." Says Greg, sending a look to Sherlock. Don't. The latter's smile widened. John frowned. He didn't like it.
But the rest of the hour went well. Sherlock complained, Greg grunted, John sighed. All normal after an hour of detailing every interview with the suspects in their ongoing investigation.
It was when they finally left the office, Greg accompanying them to the elevator, that the policeman realised what was going to happen. Sherlock stopped abruptly, John continued on his way, indifferent to his oddities. The detective smiled at Greg before launching himself at John.
"Catch!" He shouted, and Greg felt like he was in front of one of those magic shows where he feared for the assistant's life even if something like this were to happen, it would be removed from the final cut before it was broadcast.
John's reflexes take over and catch Sherlock as he throws himself on him like a kid trying to land on a mattress. He doesn't wobble, doesn't fall, and to everyone's surprise, John Watson, at five feet seven tall, holds a six-foot Sherlock Holmes perfectly without shaking under the weight of the dark-haired man. It looks so easy, like an adult carrying a newborn. 
Perched in John's arms, carried like a princess, Sherlock smiles proudly.
"Sherlock. Can you explain to me what you're playing at?" John asks, slightly annoyed with Sherlock.
"Graham was convinced that you couldn't carry me. I'm proving his assumption wrong."
Greg can't deny that he lost. It's been almost a minute and John hasn't moved. He promises himself never to underestimate his friend's strength.
"I'm not going to lie, I like it when you show your strength." Said Sherlock in a low voice so that only John could hear.
John smiled wryly. "I see. So if I keep you like this, you won't mind?" Sherlock winked at him. John turned to Greg. "Sorry Greg, but I think Sherlock is right for once."
"For once?" Said Sherlock, indignant. The two friends ignored him.
"Good thing I didn't bet anything." Laughed the policeman.
Everyone in the office and open space watches as the two lovers and their friend say goodbye and John continues to carry Sherlock to the elevator without looking tired. 
Once the doors are closed, he takes possession of John's mouth, Sherlock's arms around his shoulders holding him, even though the detective had no doubt of his doctor's strength. 
"I'll show you how strong I am once I get to Baker Street." John whispered between kisses.
"With pleasure, Captain Watson." 
During the next case, no one dared to insult Sherlock, at the risk of upsetting John.
(tell me if you wish to be tagged !) @topsyturvy-turtely @missdeliadili
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
For the Grab&Go AU, would Michael try to forcibly adopt Gregory? (Yes, this is in response to your post from earlier) Does Gregory run away from home in this AU? Does he meet Mike first, or Evan? (Answer whichever you want. This is more to nudge your brainstorming than actually looking for an answer)
I'd imagine he wouldn't go after Cassie, though, simply because her father also works for Freddy's, and Mike would probably already know him.
okay to answer this, first I'll say there's 2 Mikes in the au
Mike Smith -> this Mike killed Evan when ev was seven. This Mike grew up to work at Freddy's and accidentally got sent back in time, stopped the Bite from happening (grabbed Evan away when Ev was hiding from kid Mike on ev's birthday in 1983), and ended up kidnapping Ev when they were both put into the future (2001, maybe?)
Mike Afton -> this Mike was created after Mike Smith kidnapped Evan. To this Mike, his little brother Evan went missing when he was seven and was never found.
Mike Afton goes on to adopt Cassie and Gregory, after he gets a lot of therapy and grows as a person after thinking it's his fault that Evan went missing (this Mike believes Ev never would have ran away and got lost/kidnapped if he hadn't been so mean and tried dragging Evan to see Fredbear on his seventh birthday).
I'm still thinkin everything through ofc, but for now, current thoughts is that Michael Afton ends up adopting Cassie before Gregory. Cassie is either the result of a one-night stand Mike had, or Cassie is the daughter of one of Mike's masked bully friends who died/went to jail, and Mike ended up getting custody of her.
Gregory either had a bad home life or his parent(s) died and he was put in the foster care system. Either way, he ended up running away, where he met Cassie when no one showed up to her birthday party. Sometime after, Mike Afton adopted Gregory. So, Gregory meets Mike (Afton) before he meets Evan.
Evan runs away from Mike Smith when he's 15 or 16. Evan is living on the streets for a month or two, hiding from Mike Smith and trying to figure out what to do. One day, Evan gets caught shoplifting at a store that Gregory happens to be in. When Greg sees what's happening, Gregory causes a distraction and helps Evan get away. Once they're both safe, Greg laughs at Evan-- "that was such a rookie mistake you made! You really haven't been on the streets long, huh? Here, let me show you how it's really done!"
Greg introduces Evan to Cassie, and although the two of them encourage Ev to come with them bc their dad will be able to help Evan, Ev refuses. Greg and Cassie spend maybe a week or two bringing Evan food and clothes and hanging out with him, becoming friends. Finally, they bring Mike Afton to meet their new friend. Evan is terrified of this man that shares his abuser's face and name, but Evan quickly realizes this is NOT the same Mike who kidnapped him. He's still scared of Mike Afton nonetheless, but Evan stays around because Greg and Cassie are his friends. Ev doesn't want to abandon them-- especially not with a version of Mike that might be hurting them the same way Mike Smith hurt Evan.
So Evan stays, still trying to hide his identity from Mike Afton, and trying to make sure Greg and Cassie are safe with Mike Afton while also trying to use Mike to figure out his own complicated past, which Evan still doesn't remember very well.
As for whether Mike Smith would forcibly adopt Gregory,,
Im sorta debating whether Mike Smith would keep tabs on Mike Afton after realizing a whole other version of himself exists now that he fucked up the timeline. I think Smith would, but it might take Smith a while to realize Mike Afton even exists. Smith wouldn't trust this other version of himself at all, but he keeps his distance bc he doesn't want anything to do with Afton.
I can see a version of events where Smith doesn't trust Afton around kids when he learns that Afton adopted cassie and Greg and decides it'll be best to get Afton away from them, howeverrrr. That pretty heavily conflicts w the version of the au that I've been daydreaming about so far. Plus, Mike Smith knows that he himself is behaving really toxically and in ways that hurt Evan; he just has to keep raising Evan anyway, though, because no one else will be able to keep Evan's traumatic memories from surfacing like Smith thinks he can/has to, and Mike Smith has a lot of paranoia and trauma from other people hurting him that makes him afraid to let Evan out into the world. For Greg and Cassie, neither of these things are an issue; they're already out in the world and Smith might come to the conclusion that keeping them safe "isn't his problem" when he's already struggling to keep Evan cared for.
After Evan runs away, he ends up becoming a part of Mike Afton’s family. When Smith realizes where Evan is, I think Smith does try kidnapping Evan back-- only Mike Smith quickly realizes that he just... can't do this again. Evan isn't the only one with repressed memories; Smith himself also repressed just how bad things were when he first kidnapped a seven year old Evan who begged to be allowed to go back to his family and had to be locked in his room with his screams and beging and sobbing left ignored in the name of making sure Ev couldn't run away. Now, Smith sees the effects of being violently ripped away from that little slice of family and happiness that he found for himself crushing Evan, and Mike Smith just... can't. He doesn't have a plan, anyway. It was a miracle that seven year old Ev repressed away the kidnapping and his past, but Smith can already tell that this teenage Evan isn't going to do that. Smith knows he can't keep Evan locked up in his room and hope for another miracle solution like Evan repressing the kidnapping. So, he ends up letting Evan go at the realization that this is Evan’s only chance at happiness and safety.
Whether Mike Smith would have tried kidnapping not just Evan away from Mike Afton, but also kidnapping Cassie and Greg is an interesting question,, a version of events where Smith tries "saving" the three of them from Mike Afton while also letting Evan keep the siblings he found for himself could be really interesting.
It probably does bother Smith that he's leaving kids with Mike Afton when Mike Smith doesn't trust any version of himself with kids, but again, Mike knows he doesn't have the money or ability to try taking care of Evan, let alone two additional kids who also don't want to be with Smith and will try running away at any chance they get. Smith also doesn't have the guilt of, yk, killing Cassie or Greg in the original timeline like he does Ev, so Smith might justify it as "they're not my problem, not when I have Ev to take care of." Or at least, they're not his problem until he first figures out how to keep Evan safe (which he ultimately decides is letting Evan go).
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dustinslovehandles · 5 months
Story time with ya boy
You know, when I made this blog, I was shaking.
I've got a whole lot of issues, and I've spent my whole life afraid of people. IRL, I spend almost all of my time at home on my own and the only person I see regularly is my mother.
I used to be the same online. For years and years. Loving things, getting into things, and desperately wanting to share that love and excitement. But being too afraid. Too afraid of the judgement, the bullying, the harrassment. Too afraid of being told, one more time, that I was doing it wrong.
There used to be a stereotype about how tumblr is for teenagers when I was in my 20s. When I was a teenager, I saw my peers on here and always wanted to get involved. But I couldn't. Too strange, too many issues, too weird to be in public.
I was in my 20s when I first made a tumblr. I sat quietly and followed people and never said anything. I looked at the fandoms of the things I was into. I yearned. I tried stepping out, eventually. People were nice, but it was just... too much. I felt too old, too different, too unwanted. Rejected in the nicest way possible.
I didn't expect anything different with this blog. I expected to watch the fandom and not be a part of it. But that didn't happen at all. You brought me all in. You messaged me when I reblogged things. You made me feel welcome.
I was so scared the first conversation I got into with one of over DMs. I was so scared I'd mess it up, be found out and rejected as the weird little freak I always seem to be treated as. But you were kind, and you all showed me love. You made me feel, bit by bit, like I belonged here. Like I wasn't just watching the fandom, yearning, but I was involved. I finally took that step and you welcomed me in.
I can't tell you how much it meant to me, that first ask in my inbox. I never thought I'd make friends or that anybody would care. I never thought I'd be able to put myself out there in front of people again.
This whole blog is an experience I never thought possible for myself. And it's given me new hope as to what the ceilings are, what's possible for me. And I got all this from loving some absolute dork of a wrestler.
Like, he'll never see this and he'll never know, but thank you Dustin. Thank you for inspiring me to push past my fear.
I'm not going anywhere, by the way, so don't take this story time to wrong way. I just felt like getting it off my chest how much everything here means to me, and how heart broken I am for my best boy not being able to do his thing anymore. No more pictures to reblog. No more watching AEW, waiting for him to come on.
I love wrestling and I love it here and I'm never leaving those things. I'll carry on loving Greg and Jim just as much as I always have, and I'm sure my heart will heal and I'll be just as excited about new wrestling things in the future.
But yeah, even thought you will never see this, I just wanted to say thank you, Dustin. Thank you so much.
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mimisempai · 2 years
Always closer
Greg, waking up with Mycroft in his arms, watched his beloved and marvels at their closeness.
Mystrade Monday 3.0  #8 “Can we always be this close?”@mystradepromptsandscenarios
On AO3
Rating G - 525 words
Tumblr media
Greg awoke to the sensation of Mycroft's warm body between his arms. They had fallen asleep in the opposite position, Mycroft's arms wrapped around him, and Greg couldn't remember when they had switched positions in the night. But it did not matter to him, he liked as much to be in the arms of Mycroft as to have him in his arms. Both he had never enough, so he enjoyed this moment of respite gazing at his lover asleep against him.
Years after the beginning of their relationship, his heart still fluttered at the sight of the one he loved.
Although Mycroft was a little taller than he was, Greg loved the way their bodies fit together perfectly no matter how they were. Like two unique pieces of a puzzle that were made to fit together.
Contemplating his lover, he tried to be unbiased and not think like a man madly in love, but even so, he couldn't find anything not to love about his partner.
Even the fact that he drooled lightly on Greg's shirt while he slept with his mouth slightly ajar. Even the fact that every night he tidied up his things almost maniacally before going to bed. Even the fact that he always had his umbrella with him, at all times, even when it wasn't raining. Even the cryptic way he sometimes answered when he didn't feel like giving a direct reply. Because all these little quirks were part of the man he was irrevocably in love with.
As he watched Mycroft sleep, surrendered against him, Greg wanted nothing more than to lie there forever. 
He murmured softly, "I want us to stay as close as this forever."
Mycroft muttered against his chest, "Mm? What did you say?"
Greg kissed Mycroft's hair before answering gently, "I just wished we could be as close as we are now forever."
Mycroft's eyes were now wide open and he had pulled his head back so he could look at Greg.
He replied, his voice still sleepy, "It just so happens Gregory Lestrade that I don't wish for anything more, either."
Then in a rare move from him, he snuggled up to Greg, tightening his arms around him. Clearly, he was so tired that he intended to go back to sleep.
As he seemed to fall back asleep, Greg whispered, "You go back to sleep, I'll get up and make breakfast."
Mycroft's grip around Greg's chest tightened again. He buried his head deeper into the crook of Greg's neck and nuzzled against his skin, "I don't want you to go, it's just too comfy like this. Besides, today is Saturday. There's no rush." 
Even barely awake, Mycroft knew his lover's weaknesses perfectly well, so he bit him lightly, right at the junction between the neck and the shoulder, chuckling lightly as he felt the shiver run through his lover in reaction.
Grasping Mycroft's face in his hands, Greg breathed, "Mycroft, you're not being fair..."
He could resist and closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against his lover's in a tender kiss that went on and on. 
Breakfast could wait, their love could not.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
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my-personal-equations · 9 months
There come a day, Greg Plitt
You know there comes a day man,
everyone's gonna have this day.
There comes a day where being average, being mediocre, is just sick into you, it's just sick, it makes you want to throw up, because you've seen people with far less talent than you, as you're growing up with them, they're childwood buds or whatever else; they didn’t have what you had yet now they're to fucking become something that you haven't.
There come that day, it's either when you are young, you know, and it strikes you on the baseball field cause you're sick of striking out or it’s when you get fired from your fifth job you know, when your wife and kids are on your ass because you don't have support anymore.
There comes a fucking day where push comes to shove, where being mediocre, being like average and shit just fuckin burns and sucks so much you can’t deal in one more day and you get off your fucking ass, and you create something it's always been there, it’s always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it because it's too much fucking pain and commitment.
You are scared you're gonna fail, you're scared if you started you never finish it, you didn't want to tell anybody.
You knew it was there, but you never wanted to embark on it, until something fucking hits, you get fired or somebody else get success reminds you what you could have been and them a fucking spark is born.
And no matter what happens, I’m never gonna be in this boat again.
And you get up and you go even if you get knocked and you just keep going keep going you a wild man, and life has never been so sweet.
That can happen in early age, it can happen at later age, it's gonna happen to somebody every... , you know, no matter what's gonna happen to you, and when it does happen to you thank your lucky stars that finally you're alive. It's time to unwrap to the potential you can be, superior man, it's within you, it's within every single one of us, and the people that have risen to that level were no different than anyone of us, it’s just they believed it and they are willing to work their fucking ass off to get it.
It wasn’t about the potential, it wasn’t about the genetics, it was about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest fucking worker in the room. That's what got him there.
And it didn't happen overnight, they got knocked down more than ever and stood up but they kept going and kept going and kept going and kept going because what else are the alternative to be average again, that sucks man, and it really sucks.
When you've tasted success at one point in your life, when you, when you have sex with a woman and that's the best sex ever you want to have sex with her again, when you eat a fucking juicy steak man you want to have that again, when you go out and train hard to play baseball and you connect and you hit the winning homerun you want to feel that way again.
When you taste these fire things of life, all the pain, all the work, all this sacrifice to get them, is well worth it.
If anything it's a small down payment for the price in the reward you got, and that feeling I once felt... how do you ever turn your back on it.
Stop running from the potential of what you can be guys, it's inside of you, it has always been there.
Grab a buddy of yours, say "man, me and you we are gonna do this together and you are gonna be on my ass" and "I'll never accept mediocre again, I'm always gonna give my 110 fucking percent, that's the only thing I can ever say a solid day's work, that's all that we'll ever find peace in".
If you guys do not do that I promise you, your life will haunt you for the rest of your days, if there's potential inside of you which you know it's there but you're too scared to tell anyone else about it and you go on and on, you get over and over and over and over and the winner might reach at the close.
And you knew it could have been given birth to but you never did.
I promise it will haunt you.. it'll be more.. it's a living nightmare dude, that fact that you had the ability to do something and you're too weak to turn the key and star the engine on it, it's a greater disappointment and a greater burden to carry than any of this phisycal sweat equity we're paying in the gym or sacrifice, all that is just nothing compared to a life where you're burdened by regret guys.
I hope you guys get the fuck I'm saying.
I'm telling you what, once you get it, come over this side of the fence, you don't see fucking problems anymore man, you see situations, you see possibilities and you can't wait to get them started man.
You are like "why did I wait so long to engage".
It doesn't matter about the past, it's today, what we're doing today, what we're going to engage now and once we engage we commit. There's no half commitment, there's no core commitment, there's full commitment, once we engage it's every fucking day we engage because that's the better life.
And the people you sorround yourself are like-minded and a better friends and family for life man, they have your back, they're solid individuals doing solid tasks leaving a solid impact of legacy for other people.
That's a solide life man.
It's your option though.
What are you gonna do?
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Classroom Shippers - Lestrade x Reader
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Reader's Relations: None
Warnings: None
Other Notes: You're a primary teacher in this
"Miss (L/n), is he your boyfriend?"
I felt my face flare up at the question from the small girl. Maybe taking a load of 11-12 year olds on a school trip alone wasn't the best idea… I bent down away from the detective inspector to her level, "No… he's not. Now did you need something?"
"But you love him though, don't you?"
Again, my face went redder than I thought was possible as I responded, "Millie, my love life is none of your concert at the moment. Please just go and have fun while we're here."
"But there's like police guys everywhere! We can't do anything, that's what I came to tell you!"
I sighed, "Alright, can you go and get everyone to come back to the bus then? We'll go to the hotel for the afternoon then."
She nodded and ran off as I took a deep breath turning back to Greg, "I'm sorry about that, but this is what I get for taking them on a school trip all on my own."
"It's kind of cute to be honest. They're just looking out for you, you know, (Y/n). Want you to be happy and all."
I smiled, "I guess you're right, so… what happened here that you had to spoil our school trip?"
"Murder case. I just hope that Sherlock doesn't appear…" Greg responded, muttering the last statement, causing me to giggle, "You know Sherlock though, he will appear. I wish you luck for when he does. I should probably go and get those kids to the hotel," I replied, before saying my goodbyes and walking off outside where I saw the kids sitting on the bus, Millie waiting outside. I smiled and walked up, "Good job, Millie. Everyone here?"
She nodded, "Yep! So… are you sure that guy isn't your boyfriend?" I just shook my head and got on the bus, her following me as I talked to the driver about where the hotel was we were staying at.
The last day we were in the centre of London for for the trip, again, somehow we managed to bump into Greg again.
"We meet again, (Y/n)."
I giggled, "Yeah. I guess we do. Another case?"
He nodded, "Yes, and unfortunately, that psychopath is already here."
I giggled, "I think you mean 'High Functioning Sociopath', Greg. You should listen to him though."
"I know, but he just makes Scotland Yard look like a bunch of idiots."
I giggled at his complaining but before I could say anything else, "Miss (L/n)!! When are we going home? Oh Hello again, Mr! Are you sure you're not Miss (L/n)'s boyfriend? This is the third day in a row we've seen you and her talking." My face flushed red and I hid behind the clipboard I had with the schedule written on as I composed myself, "Alright, We're going home now actually," I replied, checking the schedule, "To the bus!" The three boys smiled and took off, but before I could follow them, I felt a hand grab my wrist. As I turned around, Greg grabbed my upper arms and kissed me. I blinked and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back.
"Are you sure he's not your boyfriend?"
I flinched back at Millie's voice and cleared my throat "Well, I gu-"
"I am," Greg interrupted me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, leaning his head on my shoulder, "Now I guess I should let your teacher take you back."
Millie smirked and ran off as I turned around so I was now facing Greg, "Thanks for that. Now she's going to tell the whole class and I'll never hear the end of it."
He chuckled and pecked my lips, "They deserve to know that their teacher isn't single anymore. Plus otherwise they'll just get mad at you when your name changes."
I rolled my eyes and giggled, "Is this your way of proposing even though we literally just got together?"
"Well, we're childhood friends, we've known each other for so long, (Y/n), but no, not yet. Maybe in a few years."
"Now, to conclude our final assembly of the school year, I'd like to pass over to our Year 7 teacher, Miss (L/n)."
I smiled and took a deep breath walking up to the small mic in the school hall as the headmistress patted me on the shoulder, "Good luck."
I nodded to her as a thanks before speaking into the microphone, "Hello to you all. Now those of you in year 9, might remember that school trip we had when you were in year 7, and how you kept asking me if the guy we kept running into was my boyfriend, well, when we come back in August, I won't be 'Miss (L/n)' to any of you anymore," this caused gasps and mutters of confusion to go around the hall, "as by that time that won't be my name. I am pleased to tell you all that I am getting married over the summer!"
There were many cheers throughout the school hall as I continued with one final point, "Oh, before I forget, Millie Williamson, please can you and your parents come and see me in my classroom after the assembly."
"What did you want to talk to me about, Miss (L/n)?" Millie asked.
I smiled and bent down to her level the best I could, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Millie, how would you like to be the flower girl at my wedding?"
Her eyes widened and filled with joy, "Really?! You want me as part of the ceremony?!"
I nodded and she looked up to her parents a pleading look on her face. Her mother sighed, "Miss (L/n), may I ask why you want Millie to be your flower girl?"
"Well, to be honest, if it wasn't for her, then I wouldn't be getting married at all. It's thanks to her constant pestering two years ago that gave me the courage to confess my feelings to Greg, my now fiancé and I want her to be there as a thank you."
"I see."
"Please, Mum, Dad? Please can I do it?!" Millie asked again, causing both her parents to sigh, "Very well, what date is the wedding, Miss (L/n)?" I smiled widely and told them the date as Millie gave me a hug.
I smiled, snuggling into Greg's side, the two of us sitting on the sofa in the house as I admired the shiny ring on my finger.
"How was today?"
My smile widened and I leaned up kissing him, "Absolutely perfect. I wouldn't have had it any other way."
"I love you, (Y/n). So much."
"I love you too, Greg. Both of you."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"I'm pregnant," I whispered in his ear before snuggling into his side and going to sleep.
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xrdxbmx · 2 years
Need to get something off my mind.
*enters Wendy's*
I've recently been struck with a bit of nostalgia for Steven Universe, which led me to a bit of online diving into posts and blogs from the heyday of the show. Oh boy.
Back during 2014-2016, before I even had any interest in shipping, when I was busy drawing my Gemsona and playing the ''Steven Universe RP ''Roblox game, the community was busy indulging itself in unprecedented levels of toxicity. This was during a time when artists would be bullied and sent death threats for drawing a character wrong (we all know what I'm talking about) and a time when cross-site wars were happening (4chan-Tumblr wars). Bullying, trolling, drama, you name it, it all used to be so much worse.
And don't even get me started on the shipping community at that time. Which what this post will focus on;
Long ago in a distant time, before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, before the continents resembled what they are today and before opposable thumbs, there existed a ship called ''Pewey.''
Pewey was one of the earliest controversial and likely the most undeservingly hated ship in the show's history. People are allowed to hate ships, any ships, for any reason. That does not make it okay to stigmatize the very real people who like and post those ships. I'm appalled by the treatment people who shipped Pewey received and I'm glad that sort of behavior died down as the show matured.
This got me thinking about the simple yet genius approach the Crewniverse have towards shipping. As everyone knows, shipping is an integral part of any fandom and people put ungodly amounts of effort into producing material relating to their favorite fictional couples, canon or not. Due to this, the creators and creative teams of fictional media have a huge burden to carry. You do not wanna piss off and cause division within your own fanbase. The way the Crewniverse approach this is that they have a policy of ''ship everything and ship as much as possible!''
Some of you may know exactly what I'm talking about but I'll go further into it anyway because I'm in the mood to write today for some reason;
Tumblr media
The scene above is the Crewniverse's animated response to shipping. It's the in-universe equivalent to what Rebecca Sugar and Ian JQ have been saying for years.
The best way to achieve peace and prevent shipping wars, is to give every ship fuel and regard every ship (except p3d0 ones of course) as valid and a net-positive for the community and its creative output.
Look deeper at the dialogue and the relationships between characters and you will notice how vague and complicated pretty much every relationship in the show is. This is by design. Every relationship is purposely suspended in this ''purgatory'' between friendship, platonicity and romantic potential. Barring couple dynamics necessary for the plot like Garnet, Connverse, Rose and Greg, Rose and Pearl etc, every relationship between characters that could be considered potentially ''shippable'' is just vague enough that it neither canonizes nor outright rejects shipping validity.
A recent example of this is in Bismuth Casual. Bismuth is shown having a crush on Pearl, much like Dewey did back in the day. Yet Bismuth herself states that, because Pearl is happy with whatever she has going on now, and because Bismuth wants Pearl to be happy, she won't (yet) approach Pearl with any romantic intent. This gives the ship between them (Bispearl) enough fuel to satisfy shippers, give a character (Bismuth) some sort of closure as a sendoff yet does not establish them as a canon couple, leaving other Pearl shippers satisfied and not feel left in the dust. Due to this, people can put their own spins on what happens next, if anything.
I really hope, that if by some miracle, or when the planets align and Steven Universe as an animated IP makes a comeback, in whatever capacity or form, that the Crewniverse continue on with this philosophy towards shipping. At least for the sake of our collective sanity.
If you've reached the end, thank you for reading through this and please, leave comments and opinions. We all miss this show so the least we can do is have discussions like these to keep the fans inside of us satisfied.
''Sir, this is a Wendy's.''
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