#its a new era sure. but like. im never shutting up ever and as long as we love this thing it will not die.
atyourperil · 1 year
kind of disheartening that the blaseball tag is a bunch of people going "before the fandom is dead...." like speak for yourself i am never going to shut the fuck up about this fucking splort
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ectonurites · 4 years
for the character headcannons ask game, jason and cass?
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT im putting this one under a cut because it got SUPER long bc i cant shut up ever
lets start w jason
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok using the ‘realistic’ category here loosely but GOD i love the idea of Damian & Jason having interacted while Jason was staying with the League before getting dunked in the Lazarus Pit. like. this obviously would need to be set more in preboot and following the Lost Days & Batman Annual 25 version of Jason’s resurrection, but god the idea of it just makes me scream in a good way. Like... these are things Jason likely doesn’t remember very clearly once he’s brought back to life more fully by the pit because he was uh pretty catatonic, but Damian being a little kid and knowing about the boy that his mother keeps around the base, that she’s trying to help bring back to health. Damian not even knowing that’s his big brother, just that he’s a presence that shares his mother’s attention. Jason again being unresponsive but like, ok god you know that part of lost days where Talia shows the others observing him that he only fights back at those he perceives as genuine threats trying to hurt him, 
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Because Jason can perceive that she’s safe, she’s not actually trying to hurt him, he trusts her because she saved him? thinking about lil child Damian who is ya know already being trained in fighting stuff and like the idea of him trying to provoke Jason just to see what happens but Jason not fighting back because on some level be it his connection to Talia or even little baby Damian visually reminding him of Bruce, he knows that Damian is safe too 🥺 
and then when Jason and Damian meet again in Gotham as Red Hood & Robin respectively, Jason not really remembering because there was so much going on back then for him, but Damian realizing that oh... that was Him
B (hilarious): 
alright so if we are looking at comics currently, in modern stuff jason is what, like 22? hes old enough to drink in the US but still definitely early 20s so around my around my age, thats what im using as a basis here. if we adjust timeline and still consider his death having happened when he was 15, that puts it around 2013. and then coming back to like interacting with people about three years later if we still kinda base things off of the preboot timeframe (since we never got a super solid retelling of the timeline of death -> resurrection -> training -> tries to get revenge aside from knowing he went to the all-caste instead of the lost days version of the story) making him reenter the regular world and stuff around age 18 in 2016. meaning a solid three years of pop culture that he was entirely missing, and like im sorry but he really doesn’t strike me as the type to bother looking into what he missed, he’s kinda busy focusing on other stuff. lets take a quick look at some major things from those years. 2013 gave us ‘what does the fox say’ and ‘the harlem shake’ . 2014 had that time U2 just put a fuckin album on everyone’s phones, The Fault In Our Stars movie came out. 2015 introduced the phrase ‘Netflix and Chill’ and the whole blue & black vs gold & white dress debate happened. imagine any of the other batkids (or even arguably roy during rhato stuff) bringing these things up and jason’s ensuing confusion. thank you for your time
C (heart-crushing): 
so. there are two specific instances from rebirth era Jason i want to bring up here and much like a lot of these it’s less a headcanon and more of an inference based on observations, but i wanna take a sec to discuss Jason’s relationship with other people’s death. early in rebirth, Tim ‘dies’ from that whole thing in detective comics. he didn’t actually die, we as readers know, but in-universe they all very much so thought he was dead. frustratingly a lot of the batfam wasn’t really shown mourning him aside from in the Detective Comics Rebirth title itself (which just. when a major character dies even if its temporary- that should have a ripple effect) BUT an exception to that is in RHATO 2016, where we get this offhanded comment in Jason’s internal monologuing
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similarly later when Roy, who like, had an incredibly close relationship w Jason that had just gotten mended before Heroes in Crisis, gets fuckin murdered in that whole thing... Jason doesn’t go to his funeral either. He leaves a dramatic voice mail and then visits the grave on his own later, choosing to instead keep working on the mission they’d started rather than going and taking the time to mourn properly.
Jason’s relationship with death is incredibly complicated, obviously. He has died, he has come back, and he now is willing to cross the line most other bats won’t and will kill people when he deems it necessary. I think thats something important though- he doesn’t just like... go around killing for fun (usually, some writers preboot made him a little murder happy but even then usually this still was vaguely followed) he kills people he thinks deserved it. Like, even looking back at the mess of Morrison’s Jason during Batman & Robin 2009, Jason was still trying to bring a sense of justice with who he was killing (”punishment that fits the crime”), it wasn’t killing for the sake of killing. He sees things in this kind of almost black and white ‘people who deserve it’ and ‘people who don’t’ way, and he has no problem dealing with death when it’s with the people he thinks deserve it. 
but when someone who doesn’t in his mind ‘deserve it’ gets killed? i think he just goes into total avoidance mode. throws himself into other things he’s doing, tries not to dwell on it too much no matter how much he still thinks about it (this is especially evident in him consistently telling people “i’m fine!” after what happened to Roy, despite bringing Roy up literally like every few issues for a WHILE after he died and very clearly still struggling with it, Artemis is the only one who gets through to him on it a little bit) 
but yeah, I just think that from Jason’s relatively unique situation of having been murdered, he knows what it’s like and he is perfectly fine wishing that on people he thinks are bad and deserve it, but it crushes him to imagine the people he loves and cares about having to experience something as painful as what he went through. not to mention the whole “I came back, why do I get a second chance at all this when they, who are a much better person than I am, probably won’t” mindset we get some implications of him having 
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
hello DC i am once again insisting a batfam member is bisexual
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok so we know cass likes ballet. thats canon. however i think we also should in general explore cass experiencing other types of dance/performance as well, be it herself as a performer or even just watching. like... god imagine her & like my brain just automatically for group activities puts her with tim steph and duke but also for this in particular I feel would be a Jason embraced activity, but like them going to see a broadway show or some other professional theatre or something, and her just being enthralled by the reading of body language of the performers! like again by any point in current stuff cass does have like, the ability to speak fine (reading still hard tho) but even so I think like. okay im a theatre kid if that’s not obvious from the Everything About Me but one thing I always do after seeing a show is ya know spend dinner afterwards discussing it with whoever i saw it with.
I just think that like, bringing those people i just mentioned to the table to discuss seeing a show after would be so FASCINATING because cass would bring this whole perspective of critiquing their acting on a whole different level- not based on how well they delivered lines out loud, but by what their body language was saying as they moved on stage. like im very amused by the idea of cass getting a totally different picture in her mind about what a character’s motivations were because she was paying way more attention to what their physicality was saying vs the words that were written and how they were delivered. i think the debates her and the others would have would be EPIC there. jason defending the text as it was written adamantly and cass being like ‘ok yeah sure but thats not what they did’
B (hilarious): 
cass having no concept of money because why would she bother? is SO funny to me. like it’s not that she couldn’t be reasonable if she wanted to, but like, she knows that the Waynes are well off so it’s not something she actually needs to be concerned about, so she just goes hog wild. takes steph out to fancy dinners and makes steph order for them since cass ya know doesn’t really read the menus, and steph’s like ‘jesus christ this costs-” “don’t worry about it” “but cass-” and she just holds up one of bruce’s credit cards and steph’s still like “but you don’t even know the range-” “it is fine”
bruce does not have the heart to tell her to stop
C (heart-crushing): 
i mean this is pretty much canon but especially now after death metal where she’s remembering, not just being told by a guy using weird alternate timeline technology, that she used to be an adopted member of the Wayne family... like that hurts so bad. To look at these people who have ya know been kind to her, Bruce has still been a father-like figure to her (i mean literally from the moment they met in New 52 canon during the flashback in Batman & Robin Eternal, where he’s telling her that she’s not a monster just because of what people forced her to do.... that she’s a hero... that hug.... dad behavior), and they do to some extent treat her as family... But to then really know, to feel and remember that she was actually adopted! She was a part of their family. To look at how she’s been calling herself Orphan while working with them this whole time... that’s so heartbreaking! I have cried about this idea so much! I want so badly a conversation between her and Bruce now where he offers to officially adopt her again, I need it so bad and if it doesn’t happen at some point in the next year or two I will be so distraught.
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
i want an in-depth exploration of cass’ relationship to her own gender. being raised without language and you know with so much of her life being independent (remember: CASS RAN AWAY AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT REALLY KNOWING ANY SPOKEN LANGUAGE) and outside of an organized society impressing too much of gender expectations on her, i feel like the way she experiences it would be very unique! like sure she’s so far been fine with being assigned ‘girl’ (ya know that comes with batgirl, and how people just automatically treated her based on how she looks) but in terms of gender expression and like her actual relationship with ‘traditional femininity’ etc like... because of how she was raised I just think she’d have a really different perspective on it that could be cool to explore, and I think she’d fall outside of the binary after she really thinks about how she identifies.
tldr on that: she/they nb cass is what i’m getting at here
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wongiemei · 5 years
iKON Relationship with New Girl Member
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Basically, her dad
Takes care of her the most dealing with her problems
He’s the oldest and he is used to dealing with the boys’ shit so he can handle hers too
But sometimes, it can be overwhelming
The girl member would listen to him like he would for her
Whenever she gets in trouble, he would always defend her (which annoys Bin a lot)
When she’s in that *cough* time *cough*, she would be the most comfortable with him
Jinhwan wouldn’t hesitate but go to the store 2 streets down and buy her chocolate, medicine, heating packs, chips, and tampons/pads
out of all the boys, she would trust him the most
if she needs something, she would go to him first
jinhwan loves to brag about that to the boys
he also loves the fact that someone is finally shorter than him
the boys still call him short but the girl defends him saying he’s taller than her
if anything, they should call her short
the first time it happened, jinhwan almost cried bc finally someone stood up for him
whenever he’s upset or hurt by what the others said, he hides it but she can usually tell 
the only one he speaks his problems to
she experiments with makeup on him since he’s the only one who lets her
ngl, she’s actually pretty good
‘i didn’t spend 2 all-nighters watching jeffree star and james charles for nothing’
but as long as he sees that bright smile, he’s happy
i think he would be the im-never-letting-you-go type with her because he sees her as the girl he saw for the very first time
shy and innocent
and he will be damned if someone corrupts her
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if Jinhwan is her dad, he’s her mom
makes sure she does laundry, gets up early, goes to bed on time, showers before the boys
will feed and cook for the girl even when he’s tired
thinks shes the cutest little thing
but he knows that if he finds chanwoo and her are talking amongst themselves, shes gone
gets pranked on the most
the boys would use the girl to take advantage of his kindness to her for a prank
then the girl would be guilty later on and secretly tell song what theyre planning
believe it or not, yunghyeong is pretty scary when he’s mad
so she rats the others out bc she knows he wont punish her and she could watch the boys suffer
its like killing 2 birds with one stone
but really, she appreciates him
without him, she would be stuck eating delivery and ramen every night
since she rooms with him, chanwoo, and hanbin, hes always cooking something
ikonics see her a lot in his vlives and YT channel
when he went to the jungle, she was very worried
‘hyung, you’re going to get sick there! who’s going to feed me when you’re gone? you know Bin can’t cook for shit!’
‘yah! do you only see me as your chef?!’
‘what do you mean i can’t cook?!’
he looks out for her a lot
during ikontv, she was the only one excited for the mungap trip
out of all the boys, she appreciates him the most
okay, maybe she appreciates him and jinhwan the most
but, he was the one who made her feel welcome and tried the most to help her fit in and make sure she was comfortable
will never forget when he left her a tray of food at her door when she refused to leave her new room
there was a post-it note with encouraging words and she still has it to this day
just a wholesome mother-daughter relationship that will never be broken
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oh, my baby
as i mentioned in the earlier post, he wasn’t very upset but he wasnt happy
but he wasnt upset enough to make her feel uncomfortable
bc jiwon is such a baby and so nice that he subtly helps her
over time, they build a cute relationship where he is like her older brother
steals her food all the time
‘no! song-hyung cooked that for me! Only for me!’
‘yah! it’s rude not to share with your elders!’
‘*mumbling* wdym elder. you’re practically a 5 year old’
jiwon has no mean bone in his body and you were practically an angel to him
well, when you’re not fooling around or goofing off
although he thought you wouldnt survive in iKON, he tries to help you as much as he can
even though bin is literally a big butt and gives you a hard time, jiwon helps you
like the time bin screamed at you because you couldnt get the dance right and you, being a strong woman who wouldnt let people push you around, screamed at him too
it resulted to you having a screaming match and the elders having to push you back because you were so close to punching him in the face and the youngers holding bin because he wouldnt hesitate to come at you
more on that in a sec
but you slammed the practice room shut and walked to the river to cool down
granted you were new to korea and didnt really know where you were going, you went to the place the guys took you to
bobby found you crying there and hes a very awkward little bean so it was hard for him to comfort you
since youre a girl and all
but you wrapped your arms around him and cried to his chest *cue confused and frozen bobby*
jiwon slowly wrapped his arms around you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear
since then, hes vowed to protect you bc youre basically the little sister hes wanted
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okay, lets get this bread
as i said in the beginning, he didnt like you
aT aLL
he wanted to give you a hard time bc he wanted to see how long you would last
these boys have been with him since their survival days and suddenly this girl comes in? no thanks bitch
but i think bin is just really frustrated bc he couldnt figure you out
the others, he knows like the back of his hands
but you? he doesnt know shit about you
*cue his bratty self*
we all know bin is actually a soft little puppy who needs to be protected by iKONICS and will sacrifice himself for his boys
and dont worry, he will soon come to love you too
when you locked yourself up in your room, jinhwan grabbed his ear and pulled him outside to scold him
but it resulted to bin and jinhwan arguing
‘if you dont get your shit together, we’re going to have some problems. you’re the leader arent you? then act like it’
every day you try to be nice to him but he just shrugs and sometimes even outright ignore you
but as time goes on, hanbin slowly figures you out
youre still scared of him and thinks hes a douche but you can see hes trying
he really is trying
he picks up your weird habits like unintentionally pout when you dont understand something or the tip of your nose sweating when youre nervous
before, he used to not ask for your input in any tracks but it has come to the point he would knock at your door in the ungodly time of 2 in the morning, asking if the draft is good
love scenario was your guys’ combined efforts
there will be an imagine with that^
since you came in bling bling era, he didnt really give you a lot of lines because he couldnt figure out your voice and your strengths
but now, he knows you very well too
‘yah, be careful. dont be eating a lot of that ice cream. you shouldnt even have any in the first place. youre lactose intolerant, remember?’
‘yes, bin. i think id remember if there was something wrong with me.’
there are petty little fights between you guys that used to be mean and hurtful but are now playful and downright cute
but that dreaded day of your biggest fight yet
in love scenario during bobby’s rap, there’s that fast move that even the others struggled in
but hanbin already got it nailed down bc hes a GOD
but you were struggling the most and hanbin tried to be patient and help you
it was just hard for you and you couldnt get it right
by the 100th time of him repeating it over and over again, he exploded
‘yah! how are you a dancer when you couldnt even get this right!’
you looked down ashamed while mumbling ‘sorry’
he yells again and you mess up 
he throws his hat down and gets up towards you
‘if you cant do it correctly, why bother with it? go home. you’re done’
jinhwan nervously puts a hand on his shoulder and goes in between them to try and difuse the situation
‘hanbin-ah. we’re having a hard time too. its not just her. the dance is just hard.’
‘i dont get we’ve done WAY harder choreo than this’
‘well, hanbin, remember. she wasnt here for that.’
‘maybe it was a mistake to put her here then. she isnt ready.’
you look up at him with flaring eyes
‘listen, you dont know anything that ive been through to get to where i am today so dont even say im not ready. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!’
everyone stayed silent, even the maknaes bc theyve never seen her lash out like that
hanbin scoffed.
‘maybe if you actually opened up yourself to us and not hide in your damn room all day’
she stomped to him and pushed him
‘no MAYBE if you pulled your head out of your ass and take the time to get to know me then maybe you would! but NO! you decide to be a little bitch and throw tantrums just bc a girl joined your group. was your ego hurt that yg sent a girl to you? that you would need someone to make sure that this group doesnt crumble to the ground? bc with the way youre acting, the guys arent here just because youre a good leader. YOURE A TYRANT! THATS ALL YOU WOULD EVER BE!’
Hanbin was FURIOUS
he pushed her back and the guys held on to them
you pushed them away and sent one last hateful glare before you made your way to the door
‘but dont worry, kim hanbin. because ill send my resignation letter to yang in the morning. im not putting up with your shit any longer’
there will be a whole ass imagine about that so it will contain when yall make up
but after that, yall are so cool
his sister loves you and he might start having a ‘thing’ 
more on that in a sec
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oof my baby sunshine
previously stated, he was the only one excited for your arrival
so obvs, yall are very tight
you, bob, and dong do vlives together a lot and ikonics look forward to it all the time
always cheers you up
remember that prank for ikon tv where dong literally started comforting the girl?
well, he does that to you
he knows when you start to get upset and he rubs your back
sometimes, just a hug from him makes it all better
did i mention that he gives out the warmest hugs?
ace dancers
both of you love to do covers as bonding time
whenever you can’t sleep, you just go to the other dorm and go under the covers while he sings to you
he sees you as his little sister and reminds him of his own little sister back home
btw, he loves to give you gifts
but so do you
when yall were filming ikon tv, he always picked up something that reminded him of you
like when he went shopping with bobby for their studio, he got you a little cute figurine that you still have to this day
or when you went to lotte mall for your day off and bought him a little necklace
fans get excited bc they always see matching yall have
the two of you wear the most fan gifts
like when someone gave hanbin a shirt, you snatch it and wear it
like how dong takes bobby’s clothing
yall are so cute together and fans wish they had a brother or a sister like yall
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this hoe
jk, but he really looks hot in this one
yes, he hated you in the beginning but once he found out similarities between you, he started tolerating you
also to him, i think he oesnt like the fact that him and the others worked so hard to get where they are and he doesnt really know what you went through to get there
junhoe has the personality that may seem very cold at first but he easily opens up to others and that causes them to open up to him
he knows the struggles you went through to be in ikon
you’re older than him by a few months and you treat him like your child
‘junhoe-ah! dont forget to take your makeup off!’
‘yah! clean your room! its like a pigsty!’
he gets annoyed with it but he knows you just look out for him
he calls you ‘noona’ with that cute ass smile if he wants something
how can you say no to that
yalls laughs are so loud and yall are just loud in general
one time, yall had a competition on who could sing louder and the guys almost banned you from the apartment complex
the neighbors weren’t happy
he always asks you for fashion advice even though you don’t have a good fashion taste
you have the habit of spoiling him of clothes and shoes
‘noona, you don’t need to do this. take them back’
‘wtf they’re from busan. i’m not about to take a train ride there to return those. keep them.’
his mom absolutely adores you
always tells you to look after him and junhoe blushing like a maniac
‘mom, i’m bigger than her. i think she’d need more protecting than me’
he turns red whenever you pinch his cheeks together 
ngl, he had a crush on you but it faded away when he saw another member having a crush on you too
hes scared of him so hed rather back off
but you love him a lot and comfort him bc hes a little baby that really needs to be looked after
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fuck, so cute
at first, chanwoo ignored you and made sure you were uncomfortable
even going as far as to disrespecting you
like being rude and being un-chanwoo
lets just say yunhyeong beat it out of him
as the youngest member, you baby him the most
‘oh, my little baby!’
initially, he was uncomfortable with it 
but now, he lives for it
pouts when you give another member too much attention
teases you about your short height all the time
helps you grocery shop mainly for him to carry the bags
‘dont worry, noona. im strong’
you find out that chanwoo actually joined the group last and had a hard time fitting in
you used this to your advantage to get closer to him with your similar situations
‘you know, being in an unfamiliar environment is hard. but having someone who understands your feelings makes it easier’
and he just looks up to you with those big brown eyes and you just melt
gamer buddies
love to go to pc cafes even though yall have your own respective computers at home
only goes for the food
always calls him when you’re stuck in one level
*cute Hanbin’s voice*
even though he might act like a bitch sometimes, hes actually so soft and cute
hes your little baby and will always be your little baby even though yall are like 80
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thefeckisthis · 4 years
being single and open relationship
hellooo lovely people. hope you are all well, sane and well fed. lately i did not write quite often, been reading a lot and gaming. life is not particularly interesting so there is not much going on.
even tho these are different times people still talk, chat and i’ve seen many guys making statuses how girls are not posting selfies now all the beauty salons are closed, making fun of them. well there are not many of you fuck boys around anymore either eh, hard to make some effort when you can’t ‘’score’’ and disappear? or you’re stuck with your girlfriends so its harder?
leave the girls alone, live your own life and mind your own business. even tho the number of fuck boys has drastically dropped, there are still people who make some effort and talk to other people. i’m not saying this only happened to me in the past few months, people keep asking me this all the time.
so why am i single?
im not super young anymore, im in that age where most of my generation is already married and are having their first or even second kid. not me tho, thank you but i’ll pass.
guys usually ask ‘’how can girl like you be single?’’... may i ask you, what kind of girl is that? i know they usually refer to the thing that im beautiful or good looking (in their words not mine) and i keep wondering what does someones looks have to do with someone being single or in relationship? does that mean everyone who is in relationships is beautiful or if youre beautiful you have to be in a relationship? someone please enlighten me. thank you.
on the other hand, some people think i still love some certain people and haven’t moved on emotionally and things like that and that is so not true. i dont have any ‘leftover’ feelings for anyone and i dont like anyone romantically at the moment (and on daily basis i dont like people in general, thats another story tho haha). someone being single for long time doesnt mean they cant get over someone from their past. i kind of pride myself on getting over people quicker than most people, that doesnt mean i cant develop feelings. i can, im just way more careful with that. also, that doesnt mean i never truly liked them (havent loved anyone in a very long time hahaha) its just i dont tend to dwell on it for long. that person is not in my life anymore, why would i spend more time thinking about them when it wont affect my present?
i close that chapter in my life and just move on. not meaning for it to sound as a sob story or trying to make people feel pity for me, every time i have had started to develop some feelings for someone it backfired. made me develop trust issues and i openly admit it. and every time it backfires at me it makes it slightly worse and worse and leaves scars and honestly makes me regret ever developing any feelings. it all developed in like a defense mechanism making me want to do it again less and less.
as ive said, this is not a sob story and im not looking for people to feel sad about me. that is definitely not the only reason why im single but it is a part of it.
i chose to be single. i love being single. i have grown to love myself so much that i dont require to be in a relationship to feel fulfilled or to feel ‘’whole’’. if you find someone you fall in love with that person should not be your second half because you are one whole on your own, that other person should be a beautiful addition to your life, not someone to fill in the gaps. and if you break up you should still be able to feel complete and happy. dont think i am in celibate or i dont meet people when im single. the amount of people thinking if youre single youre not having sex is ridiculous. like seriously people, it 2020, you dont have to get into relationship just to have sex. to think that in this era of fuckboys, internet dating and all that crap... cmon like
explanation is not my strong side so im sorry if i dont fully explain something. relationships and feelings for me are... good and bad. i like them and i dont like them. to me the concept of traditional relationship is like a cage. i dont have freedom (at least not the way i want) that i want, and all the ‘’obligations’’ (cant remember the term that would better explain it). sure, when you like/love someone you usually talk all the time, tell them what you do, where you go, but as an introvert sometimes i just want to shut the whole world out and be left alone for more than a day if that is how i feel. by nature im curious and love to explore, whether it is myself or the world around me and the traditional relationship ‘’wouldn’t allow’ that, its looked down on. why do you want to try something new if you already, lets put it this way, have someone by your side?
but like yes, surely that person can fulfill me both physically and emotionally, what if someone can add to it in a different way, why would i deny myself of that pleasure?
open relationship is something would be something that would be more of my liking. do i believe it is possible to love one person fully and still want to try something with other person? definitely yes.  it would start probably as exclusive until the mutual trust and understanding is achieved then we can add to it. and yes, its adding to what we already have, not replacing, not changing, not cheating - adding. that absolutely doesnt mean that the main partner is not enough, its just expanding the current experience. i was in a serious relationship where i loved the person so much and i did mention the possibility of open relationship and it wasnt accepted well and no judgement, it is not for everyone, we all dont seek for same things.
humans are creatures with needs and i believe that satisfaction can come from different people in different ways and that doesnt diminish the value of primary partner. rather than always feeling caged and limited,‘’scared’’  and suppressing your needs, you get the freedom to explore, to broaden your horizons. open relationship is not same as cheating  as long as both partners are aware of the nature of the relationship and mutually agree on that, at the end of the day you always end up with them.
dont get me wrong, im not out there actively looking for relationship, im just living in the moment. those kind of things happen on their own and should not be forced, and now days anything that is not according to some standard norms is looked down on. as well, i am perfectly happy on my own, i chose to be single and im loving it. im the main person for myself, i love myself and i am thriving. absolutely enjoying my life.
i dont feel sad or lonely or of any less value than your average person just because im single, not at all. this also made me selfish in a way, i want all the experiences for myself and my enjoyment and i dont want to limit them to make someone else happy or secure.
there are of course more reasons than these mentioned, if youre curious please do leave a question, dont be afraid! :D (my priorities in life are usually not focused on finding a partner)
 if youre not happy on your own and with yourself, how are you happy in relationship? so dont go asking people why are they single and think they are sad because of it and feel sorry for them, people do not have same needs and wants in life like you do. at the end of the day, the person who you should be most mindful of is you, your thoughts and your life. make sure you are happy with yourself because that is the person you have to live with 24/7. and once you are happy with the person you are, then you wont have the need to ‘worry’ about the others,
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innaandtheunicorn · 4 years
why am i single?
hellooo lovely people. hope you are all well, sane and well fed. lately i did not write quite often, been reading a lot and gaming. life is not particularly interesting so there is not much going on.
even tho these are different times people still talk, chat and i’ve seen many guys making statuses how girls are not posting selfies now all the beauty salons are closed, making fun of them. well there are not many of you fuck boys around anymore either eh, hard to make some effort when you can’t ‘’score’’ and disappear? or you’re stuck with your girlfriends so its harder?
leave the girls alone, live your own life and mind your own business. even tho the number of fuck boys has drastically dropped, there are still people who make some effort and talk to other people. i’m not saying this only happened to me in the past few months, people keep asking me this all the time.
so why am i single?
im not super young anymore, im in that age where most of my generation is already married and are having their first or even second kid. not me tho, thank you but i’ll pass.
guys usually ask ‘’how can girl like you be single?’’... may i ask you, what kind of girl is that? i know they usually refer to the thing that im beautiful or good looking (in their words not mine) and i keep wondering what does someones looks have to do with someone being single or in relationship? does that mean everyone who is in relationships is beautiful or if youre beautiful you have to be in a relationship? someone please enlighten me. thank you.
on the other hand, some people think i still love some certain people and haven’t moved on emotionally and things like that and that is so not true. i dont have any ‘leftover’ feelings for anyone and i dont like anyone romantically at the moment (and on daily basis i dont like people in general, thats another story tho haha). someone being single for long time doesnt mean they cant get over someone from their past. i kind of pride myself on getting over people quicker than most people, that doesnt mean i cant develop feelings. i can, im just way more careful with that. also, that doesnt mean i never truly liked them (havent loved anyone in a very long time hahaha) its just i dont tend to dwell on it for long. that person is not in my life anymore, why would i spend more time thinking about them when it wont affect my present?
i close that chapter in my life and just move on. not meaning for it to sound as a sob story or trying to make people feel pity for me, every time i have had started to develop some feelings for someone it backfired. made me develop trust issues and i openly admit it. and every time it backfires at me it makes it slightly worse and worse and leaves scars and honestly makes me regret ever developing any feelings. it all developed in like a defense mechanism making me want to do it again less and less.
as ive said, this is not a sob story and im not looking for people to feel sad about me. that is definitely not the only reason why im single but it is a part of it.
i chose to be single. i love being single. i have grown to love myself so much that i dont require to be in a relationship to feel fulfilled or to feel ‘’whole’’. if you find someone you fall in love with that person should not be your second half because you are one whole on your own, that other person should be a beautiful addition to your life, not someone to fill in the gaps. and if you break up you should still be able to feel complete and happy. dont think i am in celibate or i dont meet people when im single. the amount of people thinking if youre single youre not having sex is ridiculous. like seriously people, it 2020, you dont have to get into relationship just to have sex. to think that in this era of fuckboys, internet dating and all that crap... cmon like
explanation is not my strong side so im sorry if i dont fully explain something. relationships and feelings for me are... good and bad. i like them and i dont like them. to me the concept of traditional relationship is like a cage. i dont have freedom (at least not the way i want) that i want, and all the ‘’obligations’’ (cant remember the term that would better explain it). sure, when you like/love someone you usually talk all the time, tell them what you do, where you go, but as an introvert sometimes i just want to shut the whole world out and be left alone for more than a day if that is how i feel. by nature im curious and love to explore, whether it is myself or the world around me and the traditional relationship ‘’wouldn’t allow’ that, its looked down on. why do you want to try something new if you already, lets put it this way, have someone by your side?
but like yes, surely that person can fulfill me both physically and emotionally, what if someone can add to it in a different way, why would i deny myself of that pleasure? 
open relationship is something would be something that would be more of my liking. do i believe it is possible to love one person fully and still want to try something with other person? definitely yes.  it would start probably as exclusive until the mutual trust and understanding is achieved then we can add to it. and yes, its adding to what we already have, not replacing, not changing, not cheating - adding. that absolutely doesnt mean that the main partner is not enough, its just expanding the current experience. i was in a serious relationship where i loved the person so much and i did mention the possibility of open relationship and it wasnt accepted well and no judgement, it is not for everyone, we all dont seek for same things.
humans are creatures with needs and i believe that satisfaction can come from different people in different ways and that doesnt diminish the value of primary partner. rather than always feeling caged and limited,‘’scared’’  and suppressing your needs, you get the freedom to explore, to broaden your horizons. open relationship is not same as cheating  as long as both partners are aware of the nature of the relationship and mutually agree on that, at the end of the day you always end up with them.
dont get me wrong, im not out there actively looking for relationship, im just living in the moment. those kind of things happen on their own and should not be forced, and now days anything that is not according to some standard norms is looked down on. as well, i am perfectly happy on my own, i chose to be single and im loving it. im the main person for myself, i love myself and i am thriving. absolutely enjoying my life.
i dont feel sad or lonely or of any less value than your average person just because im single, not at all. this also made me selfish in a way, i want all the experiences for myself and my enjoyment and i dont want to limit them to make someone else happy or secure. if youre not happy on your own and with yourself, how are you happy in relationship? so dont go asking people why are they single and think they are sad because of it and feel sorry for them, people do not have same needs and wants in life like you do. at the end of the day, the person who you should be most mindful of is you, your thoughts and your life. make sure you are happy with yourself because that is the person you have to live with 24/7. and once you are happy with the person you are, then you wont have the need to ‘worry’ about the others,
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khaosgaming22 · 5 years
Blackout - A Destiny Story
“Eyes up Guardian!”
Chase flashed and hovered over his guardians bunk, attempting to wake up a half asleep Kenton. Or Ken, as he was called by his friends, a titan exo named CHAO-5 and awoken warlock named Draeko. However like Ken, he gave them nicknames because they felt they worked better in combat. Respectively, Chao and Drake.
“Wake up!”
Ken tossed a pillow at his ghost, but Chase was able to avoid the fluffy projectile. Defeated, Chase sighed and went to get Chao and Drake to have them try.
“Won’t get up eh?”, said Chao oiling his upper section of his arm. Last time he went into the crucible, he fell and hit it, ever since it’s locked up in missions. He found oiling it has helped but has refused to ask for a new arm. Usually these three stay in their ships but they were all tired and decided to crash in the bunks room at the tower. They were out running a strike on Io and it took them a while to get back to earth.
“No, I’ve been trying for 10 minutes, he’s determined.”, Chase blinked.
“Or Hungover”, lamented Chao.
“Sigh... he was drinking again?”
“Yes, I know we got some great loot last night but he needs to lay off.”, Chao replied.”
At this, Drake walked into the breakfast room, he grabbed a bagel and looked puzzled at it. “Curious, it appears to be a donut without a dough or glaze? What’s the point of eating an inferior version?”
“Good point, why would you eat it?”, Chao agreed.
“Because we wanted to eat healthily pre-traveler era.”, said Ken stumbling out.
“Look who’s up, sleeping beauty!”, Chase chided. “You need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages after every mission!”
“Shut up Alexa”
“That’s.. not my name... I don’t understand?”
“Never mind, I’m getting a waffle.”, Ken said trodding off toward the iron.
“So, what are we doing today?”, Drake said sitting down, uncomfortably on the bench attached to the table. Drake, as an awoken had been away from earths people for a while and was still adjusting to things.
“Well, i still have yet to do that quest Ada gave me, Servo, what’s my average LL?”
“You’re sitting around 597, she recommended 610”, Servo answered.
“But, we’re all at 590-600. If we all go we might be able to do it. I got the same task.”, interrupted Ken drowning his waffle in maple syrup.
Drake contemplated this, munching on his discount donut. He had the highest Light Level out of the three and though he still had to do the quest as well, he was worried at how tough it could be. Eventually he got up, stuffed the rest of the bagel in his mouth then started toward the elevator to the armory. Not that Ken or Chao noticed, they were too busy arguing about which exotic of theirs was better, Ace of Spades or Sleeper Simulant.
Drake pressed the button and the elevator door closed and whirred as it ascended. Eventually the elevator stopped and arrived at the armory, Drake stepped out and noticed someone moving crates of weapons around.
“Good morning.”, called the warlock.
“Ah, good morning, you’re here early. Pardon the dust just organizing some boxes of rifles!”
It was Shaxx, overseer of the crucible, awoken can get pretty tall, but even standing several feet apart, Drake seemed tiny compared to the boisterous titan.
“Just checking out my weapons.”, Drake explained.
“Going on another mission?”, Shaxx said putting down a crate.
“Depends, I want to check my gear to make sure I can carry my team if I need to.”, Drake replied. “My Well of Radiance can only do so much, I want to see what my new weapons have in the way of perks. Eve?”
“Yes?”, the ghost said blinking into existence.
“Can you check what the stats on these weapons are?”
“Certainly.”, the ghost replied.
“You have the primary Assault rifle, Breakneck, the Shotgun, Retold Tale and the Sniper Rifle,Whisper of the Worm. All in the 590-605 range.”, Eve counted.
“As for my Gear, I have some good stuff, it seems and the Sunbracers for gloves.”
“Seems like I should get ready and tell them.”, said Drake returning his ghost.
“All right, ready to go?, said Chao getting in his ship. Drake and Ken replied with a thumbs up from their cockpits and the sound of their engines filled the hangar.
After a while the three of them are on there way to the EDZ and start up a conversation about their favorite weapons. The three may be very different in origin and history but the one thing they have in common is their love of rare weapons and other personal items. Ken asks what Drake’s is “being a warlock”.
“What’s that supposed to mean Cowboy?”, says Drake alluding to the hunters choice of subclass Gunslinger.
“Nothin’ but we both agree that we have very different styles when it comes to fighting.”, the hunter replied with a smirk.
“I probably would go with Prometheus Lens, it goes well with my solar subclass and it’s great for add clearing.”
“Yeah”, interjected Ken, “It used to be even better, but it was such a problem the Vanguard had to tell Banshee to mod them so people couldn’t take advantage of it!”
“Oh yeah, Banshee had a lot of work to do that week!”
“What about you, Chao?, what’s your favorite exotic?”, asked Ken slowly moving his hand toward the throttle.
“That’s a tough one, I think if I had to pick one it would we my...”
“Yeah whatever, RACE YOU TO THE EDZ!!!”, Ken yelled into his com, shut it off then pulled on the throttle sending his ship into a nosedive.
“That little...”
The three ships raced toward the landing zone north of Trostland and the warlock, titan and hunter appeared on the surface transmatting from thin air.
“I totally beat all of you!”
No you didn’t, I clearly won that!”
“Let’s just get to the location on the map.”
“Well, here’s the spot.”
“A cave...at the edge of the EDZ...what’s the point here cause I’m sure missing it?”, Ken said shouldering his rocket launcher.
“What’s that in the center?”
“I think that’s what we’re here for, hey Ada?”
“HOW DID YOU GET ACCESS TO...oh it’s you 3..sorry, reflex. Ahem, that is a forge, your job now that you have that frame, is to forge the Machine Gun.”
“You need to collect charges and put them into the forge before time runs out, otherwise the forge won’t complete.”
“Sounds simple enough, just chuck some balls at the thing in the center and BAM! free loot!”, said an excited Ken racing toward the forge.
“WAIT!”, Ada shouted.
It was too late, the forge turned on and Cabal came charging through the caves for the 3 of them.
“YOU IDIOT!”, shouted the angry Awoken, “She was about to mention the danger!”
“You guys we’re taking too long we’ll be fi-
SMACK!, a gladiator Cabal smashed the frail hunter into an adjacent cave wall.
“Ugh what did he do now?”, lamented Chase reviving his dead guardian.
“He poked a hornets nest, he rushed in without a plan what do you think he did?!”
“-ne, what happened? Did we win?
“NO, you rushed in without a plan and died to a Space Turtle. Stop doing that!”
“You guys worry too much, I’m fine as long as I have Chase!”
“AND WHAT IF IM NOT?!”, yelled Chase at his guardian shotgunning a Cabal.
“What if I’m not able to revive you? What if im not there to? What then?!”
“I’ll be fine.”, Ken replied reloading his Handcannon.
“I always think of a way out of things-
“No...your friends do...I do.”, Chase said sulking away.
“I’ll be fine without him...”
“Good thing you have that Well of Radiance D! This is getting rough!”
“Im also 5 levels above you!”, the warlock responded taking a shot at the centurion.
“Hey, is...where’s Chase going?”, asked Drake.
“Chase! Wait!”
“Leave me alone...”, Chase called turning away.
“What’s wrong?”, Chao pryed shooting a psion.
“What’s wrong is my guardian is an incompetent buffoon who insists on getting himself killed and never thanking the person that revives him over and-“
“Guardian down!”, said Servo announcing his Titan’s death.
“Anyway, he clearly doesn’t need me, so I’m just gonna watch you two.”, Chase declared, if he had arms, they would be crossed.
“Jeez, that hurt, hey, my super’s almost ready!”, said Chao.
“I’ve got a while before mines ready, what about yours Ken?”, Drake asked over comms.
Ken was busy lining up shots with his hand cannon as its bullets made contact with the hard skulls of Cabal. Then he was struck with a blast from a Cabal gun and fell to the ground losing his grip on his revolver.
“Ken!”, said Chao rushing over to help.
Chao slammed the Centurion with a shoulder charge and rushed over to put up his barrier.
“Servo! Can you help him?”
“I just revived you, it’ll be a while before I can.”, replied his ghost.
“and Drake just got revived by Eve...”
The titan looked at the angry ghost in the corner of the cave.
“What?...No, NO! N-O, NO!”
“Come on Chase he’s your guardian!”
“Not until he apologizes, oh wait he can’t..HE’S DEAD!”
“Sigh...we need him for this man! You’re the only one who can do it!”
Chase looked at the cloak being stomped on by Cabal. Then his guardians cloak moved just enough to reveal his handcannon. He could see the engravings of crashing waves making up the texture of the grip on the weapon. He stopped and looked around then finally replied with, “You cover me while I bring him back.”
Soon the hunter was back, he looked at his ghost and started to apologize.
“Listen, I’m sorry for acting like an idiot... Sometimes I just get distracted or pissed off, but...thank you for bringing me back..”
“Alright, I’m sorry too... I know you can’t help it it’s in your nature to rush into things, always has been-
“Always will be, but I’ll try to not get myself killed as much from now on okay?”
“Thank you”
“Now let’s kick some Cabal a**!”
The three were on the final part of the forge and were having trouble killing the Warden, putting as many shells and rounds into it as they could but to no avail.
“I think this is why Ada told us to be at 610!”, Chao said putting up his barrier.
“Hey! Let’s pool our supers together and take this guy down, we got this!”, Ken replied.
“Sounds good to me, any objections?...no...okay!”
The Warlock summoned his Dawnblade engulfed in solar light hot as Sol itself as the Titan rushed over and put up his Ward of Dawn. The blade slammed into the cave floor, creating a spiraling Well of light as the purple tint of the Titans shield encased the two blocking shots from the Centurion. Finally the Hunter slid in front of the bubble and called his Golden Gun. After firing 6 shots from the Revolver encased in light empowered by the Well, the Warden was almost down. The three took out their power weapons and blasted what was left of the armor off the Cabal as it fell to the cavern floor.
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solecize · 6 years
REPLY 2009 ⠀ ⠀⠀.⠀⠀.⠀⠀.⠀(OR: 2009, YEAR OF US) — 002.
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now playing: club no. 1 by super junior
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summary: ten years ago, we found ourselves at a turning point in pop culture as the decade began to close. this was the year that brought the world obama, the death of michael jackson, and the highest grossing film of all time, avatar. however, in south korea, something big was brewing as well and it started off with infectious lyrics, colourful costumes, and sensational dance moves: kpop. the korean wave that started to build several years ago begins to find its footing in the international limelight in 2009. this was the golden era of kpop. this was the time of sorry, sorry. the debut of quite possibly the most different and groundbreaking girl group in korean entertainment, 2NE1. the rise of shinee, one of the most consistent boy bands of this era and beyond. the throne of bigbang would remain steady with their ventures into japan. and of course. . . snsd's gee that would solidify their place as the nation’s girl group and overtake their male counterparts. nothing can touch this legendary age.meanwhile, in the very city that milled and churned out these stars, eight teenagers were also coming to a certain close in 2009. youth was suddenly running out like grains of a darkened hourglass, as everything and everyone brought tension into their lives. where was the next step on their path? high school is nothing more than a cruel halfway point between childhood and adulthood, but this group of friends made the most out of it. after all, this is the youngest that they'll ever be. this age is the time where hopes rise higher than ever, where love burns the most passionately, and the desire for freedom expands the furthest. in 2009, we follow these teenagers' stories to the background music of the opening chapters of kpop's greatest legacies.but, ten years later at their high school reunion, where do we find them.”
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or: highschool!got7, dancecrew!got7, coming of age, school reunion angst, reader x ?
APRIL 2006 (3)
Slick, strawberry ice cream never tasted so fulfilling until that day’s relentless sun. Though it was only spring time, it must have been at least twenty degrees outside and when the air conditioning system broke in our classroom, I was left an absolute mess. The workload of being a first year high school student was made into an unfortunate underestimation and the weather only caused more stress to my body.
“Yours looks good, I should’ve just gotten the same thing as you,” Youngjae frowned, as he looked at his own vanilla scoops. He leaned in to take a taste of my cone, but I merely interrupted with a noise of disapproval.
“Nuh uh. Nice try, Choi Youngjae, this happens every single time.” I turned my back so that he couldn’t take any and hummed.
All it took to convince him to skip his after school vocal lessons was a distressed IM, claiming that I had an emergency. Sure, it was probably wrong to use my loyal best friend just to have a companion to get ice cream, but he’d done the same thing on several occasions. I’d missed so much time at Hagwon because of him. Great minds think alike and Youngjae wasn’t even mad when I met up with him outside of his school with a carefree attitude, clearly not having any emergencies to worry about.
“I should’ve known,” he said upon seeing my figure approach him at the front of my school.
“Oh, shut up.” I frowned and punched his shoulder in what was supposed to be a playful way, but he nevertheless yelped at the contact. “I never get to see you anyway with you stupid training anyway. Live a little and spend the afternoon with your best friend!” At that, Youngjae grinned and he couldn’t say no. Next thing we knew and we ended up at our favourite ice cream shop.
We continued walking along the sidewalk a busy street in the Guro district of the city. It was only five o’clock and people were rushing to get home to their families; cars flying by, people trying to beat the rush onto the subway lines, bicycle lanes filled up. It was busy as ever, as Seoul as ever. There weren’t that many people our age around, as most first year high school students like ourselves should be at after school lessons.
“Do you ever wonder what will be like when we’re like them?” Youngjae was eying some older college kids inside a random cafe that we were walking by, as I tried to keep my long hair out of the ice cream.
Two of them appeared to be a couple, while several other kids surrounded them at the same table. They were laughing, listening to music, and flipping through American magazines and I could feel jealousy running through my veins. Their parents weren’t frantically calling them when they were late by a minute or two returning from tutoring or yelling at them to grow up. They were grown.
I replied, “I wonder what we’ll be like when we’re like them.” Pointing at a pair of people trying to hail a taxi, a man and woman dressed in business casual attire, it seemed like they were making their way back to home. I wanted nothing more than to grow up and relish in unknown liberation.
Youngjae followed my gaze and thought about it for a moment. “You’ll be whatever it is what you want to be—” I rolled my eyes at that. It wasn’t a secret that I wasn’t exactly sure of what I wanted in a career, lacking passion for any field or hobby. My parents wanted Jinyoung and I to pursue lavish medical careers, but he was the only one with the endurance and intellectual capabilities to do so.
“—And you will be a successful singer.”
A light tint of pink spread across Youngjae’s cheeks, ever so bashful regarding his ambitions. However, there was no doubt that he was eventually going to be a star one day. I’d never seen such comparable talent to him.
I continued on, “Maybe we don’t have to wait so long! Didn’t you say that your company is looking to debut a new group next year?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he dismissed my statement, “it’s not a guarantee, though. And what if they don’t even pick me to be apart of the group?”
“You’ve been under their management since the seventh grade! They’d be crazy to cut you.” I was still able to recall the day of Youngjae’s first audition to the company, where I’d accompanied him on the weekend instead of studying at home with Jinyoung. Nerves were never one to affect Youngjae, but on that day, he couldn’t stop shaking no matter what he did. It was only when he was finally called that he was able to take a deep breathe. He got the acceptance call the following few weeks after. I’d march right down to the company office myself, they wouldn’t dare take away my gifted best friend for four years just to cut him out of their boy group.
Youngjae shrugged, then looked back to where we were observing the two adults. They were gone. “By our thirties, we’ll be happy for sure and that’s all I care about. Maybe you’ll finally grow out of Super Junior—hey, don’t give me that look!”
I quickly rid of the bitter expression on my face and laughed. Tugging his arm, I told Youngjae that we should go to an arcade instead of watch strangers like some creeps. I thought, maybe this part of being a teenager isn’t so bad. For now, I was willing to embrace this and so was he.
“Remember that time that Bambam knocked over an entire shelf?”
Letting his name slip past my lips felt so foreign, it seemed like forever since talking about my old friend. It wasn’t like recalling a one time anecdote, but a piece of life. Jinyoung emulated the odd sensation, not hiding the way he paused his walking for a split second at the sound of Bambam’s name. Then, after getting over the initial feeling, he burst out into laughter.
Shoulders shaking with each chuckle, Jinyoung replied, “My god, that was fucking hilarious. It was after we found out that we qualified for the NDCCs, right?”
“And Mr. Lee gave him a weeks’ detention for it!” I nodded vigorously. There was no way that my mind could forget that day, especially not the priceless looks of excitement on the boys' faces. The memory was fresh in my mind, as if it had occurred the afternoon prior.
The two of us were the lone people in that empty hallway after choosing to explore the second floor. Jinyoung claimed that he wanted to find his first year homeroom for old times sake. He’d walked straight past the library, probably because of all the last minute studying that he used to do in there that continued to haunt him, but I took a quick glance inside. The interiors were darkened, but I could make out the familiar layout of the room for the most part. I hadn’t exactly spent a lot of time in there unless I had to during my years, so Bambam was the first thought to come to mind.
“Hey, our old lockers are somewhere here!” My brother exclaimed, having made his way into another corridor.
I didn’t need to follow his voice, remembering exactly where the lockers were. It wasn’t quite Jinyoung’s locker, but he often used Jaebum’s instead of his own, as it was situated on the undesirable basement floor. Mine was just two away from their shared space and by the end of high school, the three of us claimed the entire block as our own.
Passing by the iconic music room, I found Jinyoung kneeling in front of a block of lockers. I had to stop myself from entering, as I figured that it would be best to do it later when he was here. Watching Jinyoung peered into each one, probably trying to jog his memory, it was odd to realize just how old we’d become. Spending countless of days in this hallway for three years, yet my brother couldn’t even remember which locker was Jaebum’s.
“Oh! This one’s mine!” I giggled, spotting the locker immediately, even from the distance I was at. Stepping forward, I pointed to the one that was three away from mine. “This is the one you’re looking for.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “How did you figure that out?”
Smirking, I gestured to the corner, where faint lettering was carved into the metal. There was no way I was going to leave Haerin without a trace, so as I ran my thumb over the imprint ‘SJ,’ I was more than pleased to see that it lasted for ten years. I nearly forgot that I did this, but it was probably one of the best decisions I made before graduating.
“What—holy shit.” Jinyoung looked at the ‘SJ’ carving and was silent for a moment, blank stare. Then, he burst out into hysterical laughter, to which I made a face at. “And you were even playing, what was it? Club No.1! You played it on the way here. Some things never change, huh?”
He was right. Some things never do change and I was content with that, knowing I still had a bit of that high schooler in me. It didn’t matter if it was Super Junior or that childlike innocence, or even my first loves that blossomed in these hallowed halls. The years pass, just as my branches grow rapidly, but returning to my roots reminded me of how much I longed for those days once again.
MARCH 2009 (5)
Lee Donghae's angelic voice continued to ring in my ears the whole train and bus ride home from the fan meeting. It was like a broken song stuck on replay on my MP3 and there was not a single thing I could do about it—not that I wanted to. I'd felt as though I was on cloud nine the entire time I was there, despite the fact that their thirteen members were just little dots from the seat I was in. Minyoung swore up and down that Siwon stared right at her for the majority of the event and we argued about it for the entire commute home, just before she got off at the bus stop ten minutes before I did.
Skipping school was practically unheard of, but it was a risk I was willing to take for Super Junior.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school!" she waved at me happily, as she strolled out of the bus with ease. I could never imagine having such nonchalance in my step after missing a full day of class to see an idol group, not with my hardass parents. However, Minyoung mentioned that her mother didn't care, too busy drinking her life away.
Unfortunately for myself, things were different. I paid Jinyoung almost my entire part time salary for him to do his imitation of our father's voice and call in sick for me with the school. Nobody seemed to suspect a thing when the two of us "left" for classes in the morning, as I wore my uniform and carried my backpack. In reality, I had to make a beeline for Minyoung's house, where I would change into some more fashionable clothing and eventually, the two of us left for the noon fan meeting. We made time for us to be able to hope on the bus back home. Needless to say, everything went smoothly, at least up to this point. Sneaking out was fine, but sneaking back in? A different story and certainly the nadir of the day.
It felt obligatory to repeat examples of excuses out loud over and over again as I made my way home.  "Sorry I'm late! I had a few questions to ask about my physics test. . .no, no, that sounds too forced . ."
Any car that passed by me on the street that even had the slightest of semblance to my mother's or any patrol vehicle that belonged to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency granted a near heart attack. However, nothing came of these scares, so I continued walking along the sidewalk towards my house. There were some crazy things that teenagers did for their idols.
The only way to about successfully sneaking back in was the secret path. It led to behind the house from a convenience store that Jinyoung and I used to play in when we were kids. Looking back, we were absolutely insane. It was the scariest alleyway that I could conjure in my imagination, for it barely fit two bodies and allowed very little light to seep through. If it wasn't in broad daylight, I wouldn't be crossing this way at all. At the very least, it wasn't long after squeezing through that I could barely make out the house in the distance.
However, as soon as I stepped out of the alleyway, a large figure came out from the sides.
Enduring the wind was knocked straight out of my chest, the other figure didn’t even seemed fazed at the sudden collision of bodies. I stumbled back a few steps, sputtering as I did so. There was a light chuckle and when I looked up, I saw Jaebum’s cheeky smile.
“And where do you think you’re coming from?” he raised an eyebrow at me and my heart stopped. I obviously did not think this far; Jinyoung’s friends were usually hanging around the house. I didn’t think that any of them would cause trouble, but then there was Jaebum, who would gladly give a side comment to my parents about my truancy just to see the look on my face.
I tried to play it off, pulling the best casual shrug that I was capable of. “School. I had to stay after school to ask Mr. Go some questions.”
“Last time I checked, you weren’t in class, especially without uniform on." Jaebum raised his eyebrows and reached out, touching my hair. "And you actually brushed your hair? You definitely went somewhere else."
There was no way. There was no way in hell that today was going to be one of the only days in the year when Im Jaebum, notorious class skipper, decided not to keep up with his hooky playing ways. However, looking at his semi pristine school uniform—I wasn’t going to count the buttons that he so cheekily left open on his dress shirt—I groaned. He had gone to class, which I didn’t count on.
Jaebum continued, "How come you haven't cut your hair? I think you'd look good with short hair." Giving unsolicited styling advice was his way of calling me boring.
“You. . .I can’t believe you actually showed up.” Last year, rumours flew around that Jaebum missed almost two weeks worth of classes in a row. In hindsight, saying two weeks doesn’t sound like lot to non Korean students, but there was no such shirking culture in any school in the country and especially not one as competitive as Haerin. Even the lazy students at least showed up and took a nap in the back of the classroom as opposed to outright not attending.
The said male grinned. “New year, new me.” Jaebum glanced at me, probably trying to figure out what exactly it was that I was up to. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Okay, fine. I skipped.” There was no reason for me to not admit it, Jaebum was going to force it out of me either way.
“SuperJuniorfanmeeting,” I mumbled, my string of words sounding more like a singular, incoherent mess.
Jaebum just chuckled at me, getting a real kick out of the situation. It wasn’t like I was the goody-two-shoes type, but I’d always used to berate him for shirking his school work. I didn’t actually care, but it was more on the basis that I figured that he and Jinyoung didn’t have to hang out and be so damn loud in the living room if they would just see each other at school.
“Say that one more time, please.”
Setting my jaw, the glare I sent his way could’ve killed. “Super Junior fan meeting.”
At that, he only let out a loud scoff. “You skipped for Super Junior? Are you for real?” His chiding was nothing new to me.
There was one time when Jaebum tried sneaking into our house late at night to hang out with Jinyoung, as if they were a fucking couple. Who the hell does that that? Unfortunately, my brother’s room did not have a window and the two politely asked me if Jaebum could go through my window, then sneak through. I said no. That was supposed to be that, but the twat ended up knocking at my bedroom window at two in the morning anyway.
If it weren’t for the fact that I was up late on Facebook, I would have probably strangled Jaebum. I had no choice but to let him in, though, and the first thing that he did was make fun of the amount of Super Junior merchandise that I had in my room. Posters, stacks of albums, stickers, mugs, you name it. That was how I discovered Jaebum’s hatred for idol groups and how he discovered his favourite thing to use in order to vex.
“I don’t want to hear it, asshat.” Grumbling, I tried to move past him, but he stayed put.
Jaebum said, “Nope. I’m not going anywhere.”
It was almost time for my mother to return home for work and I couldn’t believe that he was choosing to play around now out of all the time he had in the world. He folded his arms across his chest, as if waiting for me to do something. The light shone on his medium brown hair and illuminated his playful expression.
“I need to get home!”
“And I need to get to the studio, but your dumbass brother decided to take his time flirting with Ms. Jung after school, so now I have to wait for him.”
I rolled my eyes, how very Jinyoung of him to do. Despite being senior class treasurer and all around boy next door, I knew my brother well and he wouldn’t be related to me if he didn’t have his sly side. He used his role on student council and high rank in academics to stay behind to talk with teachers, often to schmooze or just to flirt like he did with Ms. Jung.
“Gross. Just go to the studio by yourself, then,��� I replied.
Jaebum chuckled. “No, because I’m a good friend who waits for his friends, especially when the said friend is getting details on beautiful Ahyeon." 
I had to snort at that. "You boys are disgusting. Just get going so I can." Hearing him talk about the Geometry teacher like that made me want to throw up without hesitation. High school boys, especially overly horny ones like Jaebum, always did in the hallways after any one of Ms. Jung's classes. She was young, pretty, and everyone raved about how she looked like some actress from Boys Over Flowers.
He was still in front of me. There seemed to be something we wanted to say, judging by the confusion playing in his eyes, but nothing came out. Tapping my foot, I raised my wrist to my line of sight and saw that I didn't have much time left.
"You should audition for the crew," Jaebum suddenly blurted out, though his tone stayed as nonchalant as ever.
That took me by surprise and for that, I looked at him like he was crazy. "Me? Yeah, right. Now stop wasting my time and—"
"—Jinyoung said you dance, you can't dance for us?" he cut me off. I was sure that he was joking, but judging by the sternness and what seemed like shame for asking me, I realized that Jaebum was indeed serious about his suggestion.
Obviously somebody had brought myself up as a suggestion for the crew member replacement. I wouldn’t know why Jinyoung would even do that, he was fully aware that I would repudiate such an idea. I couldn’t even imagine myself having to hang out with the boys or stand on a stage.
"Yeah, in middle school. Not anymore, I don't like dancing."  
If there was one thing that could wound Jaebum, it was speaking ill of dance. He cringed at my words, face scrunching up. I didn't have any passions in the way that he and my brother had dance, so I couldn't understand. The sentence allowed made him want to get out of my way, side stepping.
He said, "Well, if you change your mind, we're in the studio on Friday. Jinyoung and Mark have said good things about you, so I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask, but I guess I was wrong."
I shrugged and was on my way, thankful that he managed to give up on me. Picking up a speed walk, I dashed towards the back door of my house and made sure that the interiors were empty before doing so. As I closed the door, I couldn't help but look over at Jaebum and I saw that he was still in that spot. It was embarrassing that not only Jinyoung told the crew about me, but Mark as well. Thinking about it made my face go hot and with that, I shut it and hurried to change before after school tutoring. 
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flandesuka · 5 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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Im too lazy to look at the questions so DO ALL OF THEM. (if you dont wanna then go on a random number generator and get 5 random numbers)
ITS REALLY LONG BUT I DID IT KJSHADJS HERE GOES i love oversharing my lifealso im putting a read more line bc its hella long
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
ehhh depends on my mood. i’d say it’s (dark) chocolate most of the time (love that 70% dark chocolate mmMmMm)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!! except when it gets all over my face and hair o no
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
common report book comments included
- very active
- bright
- “the live wire of the class”
- usually distracted but still does well
- mischievous
- playful
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
bottles so that i can close it and save the rest for later and not have to chug it yeet
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
sportswear #sweatpantsalldayeveryday
7. earbuds or headphones?
def headphones but they’re inconvenient sometimes :/
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows!! (also, my adhd ass can’t get through a movie without zoning out oops)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i haven’t experienced /real/ summer (thank u singapore’s tropical climate) but i rly like the smell of rain :”)
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
making up excuses to skip pe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
belvitas before morning practice
croissant sandwich and chocolate milk after practice
if there’s no practice, then scrambled eggs from the dining hall lolol
if i’m too lazy to go to the dining hall, then cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
it’s literally called jams and the description is “a clusterfuck of stuff i’ve jammed to at some point”
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears/sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
death of a salesman - arthur miller
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with one foot up on the chair and the other leg sitting normally
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
a pair of asics sneakers
18. ideal weather?
15ºc/60ºf when its like cool but not too cold but also not ridiculously hot and also when theres no insane wind (a light breeze is fine)
19. sleeping position?
on my left side and hugging a pillow/bolster/soft toy
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
i like the feeling of pen and paper but im disorganized as hell so an apple pencil + ipad makes a good enough substitute
21. obsession from childhood?
frogs (i’ve loved them since i was 3 hehe)
22. role model?
a dude i used to train with for a while in 2014. he retired last year but he’s always looked out for me like an older brother since we trained together (he’s 8 years older than me lmao) and even thought i’m so far away rn he still checks in on me and stuff and idk he’s probably one of the swimmers i respect the most.
23. strange habits?
i cant fall asleep at night if im not hugging something.  like. it could be a pillow. or a soft toy. literally anything. once on a school trip i hugged a pair of sweatpants to sleep bc i legit cant fall asleep if im not hugging something.i have no problem falling asleep in class/on buses/cars/planes though.
24. favorite crystal?
idk i never really paid enough attention to crystals to actually have a favorite and know their names. they’re all rly pretty tho.
25. first song you remember hearing?
uhh h h i honestly can’t remember. probably some classical music bc i played the violin and that was my first experience of music that i was actually aware of????
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
switch on the aircon and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch. and swimming outdoors i guess.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
switch on the heater and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch.
do u see a pattern here
28. five songs to describe you?
jet lag - simple plan (bc time zones suck and i miss my fam & friends)
avalanche - bring me the horizon (pretty much sums up how tf my brain feels)
high hopes - p!atd
astronaut - simple plan
the reckless and the brave - all time low
29. best way to bond with you?
doing dumb shit with me
also Quality Time™️ like idk even if we’re chilling and doing our own shit i like just spending time with people im comfortable enough with
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
a hoodie and sweatpants
for no reason other than that’s what i wear 90% of the time
32. top five favorite vines?
this bitch empty. yeet.
im in my mom’s car VROOM VROOM
the one of that dad playing the saxophone (???) and the kid slamming the oven door open and shut
road works ahead “haha yea sure hope it does!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either lmao or lolol or LMFAO or yeet
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
gOD i had spotify ads stuck in my head all the time before i switched to premium and now i cant remember any of them (thank god)
35. average time you fall asleep?
i’d say 12:30-1ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
the tROLL FACE MEME LIKE those rage faces idk what they’re called but BASICALLY THOSE 2010-2012 era memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
suitcase!!! i like sitting on them and yeeting myself around on them or getting people to push me around and then falling off
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
ngl i havent had either of them before
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
so in jc2 (aka 12th grade), for some reason PEOPLE WERE PUTTING PRE-PACKAGED HARD BOILED EGGS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. like they were still in their wrappers and all but u could open ur schoolbag and find like 5 eggs in there. and no one knew where they came from. i think at one point there were even eggs hanging from the pull-up bars. all i know is that they were everywhere and people in my batch still remember it as the egg invasion of acjc.
41. last person you texted?
my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
def jacket!!! especially when they have zips hehe
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
idk man depends on my mood
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi bc im a fricken nerd
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
shirt and sweats
47. favorite type of cheese?
cheddarrr also i like mozzerrella sticks
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
a fineapple B)
lmao jk ummmm maybe a watermelon bc when u hit it it sounds hollow, just like how my skull would sound if someone hit it (h a)
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
here for a good time not for a long time
never give up without a fight
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
idk probably some dumb meme. i laugh at a lot of stuff like i laugh anything even mildly funny. some that i can think of off the top of my head are:
- i was tryna type ducky but typed fucky instead and sOmEOnE (could be the person who submitted this ask, idk tho) changed my facebook messenger nickname to fucky and the notification was like ”poopy butthole changed your nickname to fucky” and i think that’s still the funniest sentence i’ve read in my whole life
- one time we went to mcdonalds and a friend said mcfluffy instead of mcflurry and idk why but i laughed so hard at that
- once @doduo and i spent half a chinese lesson cutting out random faces from the chinese newspaper and sticking them randomly all over the classroom and idk. it was the funniest thing ever. until the teacher came over and confiscated my scissors rip.
51. current stresses?
- an essay draft (that i am procrastinating rn by doing this, oops)
- CANADIAN TRIALS (but thats a good kind of stress)
- submitting a proposal for a group project but none of my groupmates are freaking replying my texts ugh
52. favorite font?
avenir next!! i find san serif fonts way easier to read than serif lolol.i like helvetica neue too.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry af but also i just got my nails done so they pretty rn hehe
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i…havent had a real job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk i was never rly one for fairy tales even as a kid.
56. favorite tradition?
chinese new year when we get CASH and we spend 3 days just eating junk yEET im rly sad im gonna be missing it the next few years tho
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
hh h h hh hhh hh hh they’re pretty personal i don’t /really/ wanna put it out here but i can text you the answer to this if you want (i’m perfectly fine with that!!)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
- i think i’m pretty intuitive!!! i can guess anyone’s mbti if i’ve spent enough time with them/gotten a detailed enough description of them /winks/ and i can read people pretty well in general and i can draw links to themes/symbols in lit pretty well….???
- i’m somewhat decent at lettering…i think
- i’m good at pull-ups and also vertical jumps i’m secretly a froge
- i’m decent at photography…i guess….
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
pokemon !!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
/sweats/ i’m not very good at remembering lines from books/movies/shows WELP
62. seven characters you relate to?
rosa diaz - b99
linguine - ratatouille (he’s permanently confused and he let a ratto take over his job bc he had no idea what he was doing like damn what a big mood)
dory - finding nemo/finding dory (i relate to the forgetfulness)
percy jackson
kale bae /winks/
mitt (during bad phases) /winks again, but sadly/
63. five songs that would play in your club?
idek man i wouldnt even be at my own club i’d be at home taking a nap i’ll just ask someone else to handle my playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
club penguin !!!
65. any permanent scars?
yE one of them was from jumping onto a treadmill going at 13km/h 2 years ago bc i thought i was a good idea
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont have any
67. good luck charms?
i eat pancakes for breakfast on meet days!!!! altho i think this is more of a habit than a good luck charm tbh lmao.
also i guess pip???? he’s my emotional support narwhal :’)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
durian. i cant stand the stuff or anything flavored like it ugh.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
red food coloring is derived from beetles
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
overly-floral patterns i guessssss. also i hate wearing stripes.
72. worst subject?
besides that, math and physics
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i rly like vanilla ice cream and fries
also i would eat ketchup with nearly anything
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
i usually just suck it up and go to sleep when it comes to pain but i guess an 8??? idk. i usually take advil/ibuprofen only for fevers
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i got my first loose tooth on january 11 2005 and it fell out on january 18 2005 & it was a tuesday (pls don’t ask me how i remember this bc i dont know)
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
tater tots
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
cactus i guess. idk im not good at plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
grocery store sushi (it was pretty decent in singapore so yeeeee lmao also i ate a lot of that as a kid)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
its the same photo for both so yeAh
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
idk i always called them fireflies
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
drawing (more like doodlign for me bc i cant draw for shit)
84. podcasts or talk radio?
neither but if i rlllllly had to choose then podcasts i guessss s sss
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither LMAO i gave all my barbies haircuts when i was a kid bc i didnt know what to do with them
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology for sure!! i love greek mythology (may or may not be bc of percy jackson lolol)
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
losing those i love and care about (could be drifting or actual death it goes both ways)
88. your greatest wish?
rn, for my essay to write itself
for the short-term, to make the olympics (and WUGs…and worlds…and sea games…and asian games…and commonwealth games lmao)
for the long-term, uhhh idk. i just wanna live a life i’m satisfied with and to have a job i actually like and to be able to support my parents
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my mom
90. luckiest mistake?
i always say that i regret doing a year of college in singapore instead of coming here for freshman year but if i’d come in a year earlier like i was supposed to, i proba wouldn’t have made it past swim team tryouts and i made some pretty great friends in my first year of college soooo it all worked out i guessi cant think of any others rn
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights are rly pretty!!but i like natural light :”)
93. nicknames?
alpha childuhh h h i think thats about it??? i cant remember any others
94. favorite season?
spring’s pretty great rni like fall too (before it gets cOLd)
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
a photo of me looking rly cool at the starting blocks before a race B)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4 - mine (singapore & US), my mom’s and my dad’s
98. favorite historical era?
uhh h h idk the ice age seemed pretty cool haha sike it was actually coldmedieval times seemed pretty cool too like damn i want a suit of armorWHEW I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS but i had fun so yeet
also if you read all the way down here ily and you’re cool
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valtteri-77 · 6 years
(Small rant)
I really, really need to stop looking at instagram comments because im this [] close to exploding on the bunch of them;
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Like, can you all please shut the hell up. (I apologise for my language in a sec) but its fucking pissing me off with all the 'dog' comments or the 'wingman' ones. I hate 'Valtteri it's James' because its so bloody over-rated. Sure other teams never use team orders. We never ever see them or any comment or them. Kimi wins one race this year and suddenly the world goes nuts but everyone seems to forget this guy has Finlands most amount of wins in the turbo hybrid era. Yeah and poles. 3 to 1. 6 to 2. (No offense Kimi) Not only that but the move shown wasn't that impressive Daniel was on bloody new tyres, Valtteris were old. Its like sticking a grandmother next to an excited 4 year old, which has more energy and life. The 4 year old you would assume. So yeah. The thing is though that annoys me most is that they verbally go onto Valtteri's account and leave these hateful messages, and I've noticed it too. Before Hungary he would like alot more fan stuff on twitter, now its like 1 or 2 a month and it's probably because he can't see the blinking nice comments past these awful people who think its okay to bully (yeah, name calling is bullying -_-) these people and claim they are so much better. Go on, get in that Mercedes with Lewis Hamilton as your team-mate let's see how long you bloody last then.
(Rants over, that felt a bit better, I still have so much unresolved steam to blow off somehow)
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xxkagomexx · 7 years
Inukag Week Day 1
Theme: Team
Title: Study Buddy 
Words: 1445
AN: Hey this is my first year for inukag week and im super excited to participate in it. Not sure how many days ill be able to do but I’m going to try my best! I hope you guys like my fluffy one shot. 
Kagome never thought that the path of training to be a miko would be easy, but she also didn’t expect it to be this challenging. There were so many things to memorize that it was hard to keep track of it all in her head. First she had to differentiate between each plant and what their name was. She would sit on the floor of her small hut she shared with Inuyasha and spread all the little herbs across the wooden panels and stare at them until all she could see her green blobs in her vision. Then once she mastered telling them apart she had to learn which herb did what and how she could use them to treat certain ailments.
At least she would be able to learn the more difficult parts if she could memorize all these stupid little plants! Some were easy to distinguish from the rest due to unique characteristics but the majority of them looked practically identical.
Currently she was trying to get her herbs straight so that she could identify them quickly. Kaede was going to test her on them the next morning and she wanted to get a good grade. Or at least, tested, it’s not like if she received a failing grade she would have to take the course again. Still she wanted to do her best. The old woman was spending so much time taking her under her wing and she wanted to show her appreciation by understanding the material.
“Is this sage or clary sage? Oh no, I don’t remember which is which. I had them done pat yesterday. I’m never going to be able to do this…” Kagome mumbled miserably in defeat, dropping the plant on the table to bury her head in her hands. It was hopeless. There was no way in hell that she could memorize all the herbs in time. If she couldn’t even memorize all the different herbs how would she ever be able to use them to treat people’s illnesses?
“I don’t think I’m cut out to be a miko,” the black haired woman sighed into her hands. No sooner did the words leave her mouth, she felt a familiar hand resting on the top of her head.
“Oi, what’s this stupid talk about not being able to be a miko?” a gruff voice pulled her out of her thoughts, and tentatively she raised her head to meet the golden gaze of her hanyou, unshed tears of frustration shimmering in her stormy eyes.
“Inuyasha, I can’t remember all of these herbs. I learn a new one and I forget the one I learned right before,” she explained in exasperation, her teeth coming down to chew on her bottom lip. “Kaede taught me a few new ones yesterday but I forgot to write their names down so I have no idea what they are.”
“Is that all, wench?” Inuyasha rose a thick black brow at her, a smirk twitching at the corners of his lips. Removing his fingers from her raven locks, he sat back on his haunches, turning his head towards the pile of greenery that covered the table. “What ones did you not get the names of?” he asked her curiously.
Kagome sighed again, propping her chin up on her hand while using the other to limply pick up a long green stemmed plant with purple leaves. The hanyou turned his hands over so that his palms faced upwards so she dropped it in his hand. She watched as he picked up the herb between his thumb and index finger, bringing it up to his face. His nose twitched as he inhaled deeply, his eyes scrunching as he took in the scent. “Betony.”
The miko in training blinked, almost missing what he said. “What?”
“Betony. That’s what this is called,” Inuyasha dropped the plant back in its spot before sitting down cross legged on the floor, tucking his arms into his sleeves.
Kagome stared at him in amazement, shocked that he knew it. “How did you know that.”
She received a shrug in response. “I remember the smell of it.”
“Well do you know this one?”
Another sniff. “Hyssop.”
“Rue…sage…wait...clary sage”
This continued on, Kagome even having him smell ones she thought she knew to see if she was right, growing giddy every time she was right. “This is what you were so worried about, Kagome? You worry about the weirdest stuff,” Inuyasha snorted, helping her neatly put away the herbs into a large reed woven basket.
“It’s not weird to be worried about not being able to be a miko!” the woman at his side protested, giving him a half hearted glare as she took the basket from him to set aside to the corner of the room. Tucking it away safely, she stood up, dusting her hands on her red miko garments.
The silver haired man, watching her in amusement, chuckled softly. “Keh. You just started learning. It’s gonna take you a while to learn them all. You had only that weird shit in your time as medicine.”
“You mean pills?”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Weird shit.”
A giggle came from Kagome and she realized that her mood had gotten better the moment he came over to help her. He ended up being her study buddy, not that she’d ever say those terms aloud to him. If she did she was sure to get a confused look from him or another crass comment. “Thank you for helping me, Inuyasha,” she settled for instead, walking over to him and taking his hands in her owns. Tilting her head up she smiled brightly at him and she noticed the faintest blush on his cheeks.
“What are you thanking me for, I didn’t do much,” the hanyou tried to pass off, slightly embarrassed for some reason she didn’t know.
“You helped me study and encouraged me. That’s why silly,” Kagome shifted her weight to the balls of her feet to go on to her tip toes, wrapping her arms loosely around his shoulders to plant a firm kiss on his lips.
When they pulled away, Inuyasha was smirking down at her, his eyes lighting up. “If I had known smelling your plants would get me that I would have started a long time ago,” he couldn’t help but say cockily. Kagome laughed, feeling his hands slide lower on her back as he pulled her close to him.
“Well if you keep helping me there’s plenty more of where that came from,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and feeling him shiver under her touch.
Inuyasha snorted softly, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers. “I’d still help you. With or without my reward.”
A content hum came from Kagome, her eyes falling shut under his close touch. “I know you would.”
A blanket of silence enveloped over the both of them as they stood close together like that. Despite having returned to this era several weeks ago, the couple was still inseparable and could barely keep their paws off of each other. Only this time it wasn’t out of lust or desperation or making up for lost time. It was them enjoying the moment of having each other in their lives. The scene was calm, peaceful and filled with undying love.
“You’re going to be an amazing miko, Kagome,” Inuyasha surprisingly was the one to break the silence, his eyes remaining closed as he kept holding her flush against him.
Cracking a blue eye open, Kagome looked up at him from where her head rested against his chest. “How do you know that.”
“You’ve always been good at helping people.”
“So are you,” she pointed out, reminding him silently of all the people he helped along their journey of the shikon no tama.
“With my sword. You help people without even trying to,” he told her honestly, his thumb moving back and forth across her back slowly.
“I think you do too,” the girl from the future added, pulling away just enough to be able to properly look him in the eye. “But really, thank you for helping me. I feel much better than I did earlier.”
“Like I said, no need to thank me. We’re a team so if you wanna be a miko I’m gonna do my fucking best to make sure you are the best miko you can be.
Although his words were few and blunt, they warmed her down to her toes, making her feel lighter than air. “The best team there is.”
“You’re fucking right we are.”
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pilindiel · 7 years
JeanMarco Month Day 29: Generator Day 4 |AO3|
@jeanmarcomonth You read my mind.
Shout out to @nakiriknife for helping me start the fight scene.  You’re an angel.
For those of you who are unaware, I have a fic in the works called “Trick or Treat” which is a Modern Horror/Supernatural AU.  Where Marco is a werewolf.  And also Jean's bodyguard.  Jean is also a photographer as a hobby.  Guys.  This is legit scary.
Prompt:  Photographer!Jean and werewolf!Marco are young adults.  Jean is and Marco joins him
Rating: T
Word Count: 2675
I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up – the inside is just as shitty as the outside and as Marco sweeps his flashlight over the interior, my nose scrunches.
It smells musty and old as balls, like something curled up, died, and then disintegrated to a stain on the hardwood floor. The ground groans as we step and I swear I can hear field mice scurry under our feet beneath the boards. The wallpaper is old and peeling, but the design on them is intricate, delicate even. Like it must have cost a fortune when it first got put up.
Karanes is cold this time of year – the rush of the wind is harsher, bitter – and I wrap my arms around myself as we exit the car, brandishing my Letterman jacket against the evening wind. Marco, the fucking furnace, seems completely unfazed by the gusts but neither one of us can stop the fall of our expressions when we come upon the house.
I'm sure it must have been beautiful. You know; thirty years ago.
A pitched gray roof hangs over a shingled off-white exterior, and the shutters hang desperately off the edges of boarded up windows. The dormers of the second floor are the only ones still in tact, but the glass is cracked, splintered and spider-webbed like someone threw rocks at it from below. Ivy climbs up the outside walls, trying to drag the house back into the forest beyond its borders, and even with the moon out, bathing everything in a calm light, the house is gloomy, like it permeates darkness.
A black and red sign loudly proclaiming “No Trespassing” is nailed to the front door just below the brass knocker, and Marco gives me a dubious look before slipping his access key into the lock. The deadbolt creaks as it slips out of its slot, agonizing in the way the metal scraps against the wood, and with a mighty heave Marco shoves the door open.
I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up – the inside is just as shitty as the outside and as Marco sweeps his flashlight over the interior, my nose scrunches.
It smells musty and old as balls, like something curled up, died, and then disintegrated to a stain on the hardwood floor. The ground groans as we step and I swear I can hear field mice scurry under our feet beneath the boards.  The wallpaper is old and peeling, but the design on them is intricate, delicate even. Like it must have cost a fortune when it first got put up.
“Remnants of a bygone era,” I snort, and Marco hums in agreement, shutting the door behind us and bathing us in the dark.
Survey can't afford to keep these safe houses “safe”, I guess. It makes me realize just how fucked we really are, how desperate Survey is to get funding again. They can keep these safe houses, but they sure as hell can't maintain them.
To be fair, there's nothing that says we have to stay in a safe house – Marco and I both know basic symbols we can place on the doors and windows of any motel we stay in – but that's just the problem. They're basic, and lucky for me none of the things after my ass are basic ghosts or monsters.
There's something heavy about the air in here and even with my phone flashlight and Marco's torch, the inky black of the house feels oppressive. Graffiti is sprayed all over the walls, no doubt from kids from town who wandered out here for the thrill of defacing an empty house, and as we move into the pitch black living room, I'm surprised we find any furniture at all.
Marco brightens, just a little, and wanders over to what I assume was once a couch. It's huge and curved, and the upholstery is red with what look like faded gold embellishments, though that could be just the dust settled on it fiddling with the light of my phone.
The musty stench is unbearable in here, and I rub at my nose with my sleeve. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Marco and his crazy werewolf senses – I feel like I'm about to gag.
“Isn't this nice, Jean?” Marco says over his shoulder at me. His voice is strained, but he's giving me a smile so sweet it pulls at my heart and I shove my free hand into my pocket in defiance. “Now we don't have to sleep on the floor.”
Damn him for trying to make the best out of a shitty situation. Damn him and his smile and the way his broad chest looks in that flannel. Damn him and his stupid hair and his stupid dimples and the stupid things it does to my heart.
Still, I meet him at the edge of the light and bump him with my shoulder.
“Looks ancient,” I grouse, dropping the duffle bag at our feet. Marco smiles at me and shrugs – a small, helpless gesture – and I kneel down to pull my camera out.
It was a gift from Dad for my last birthday, arriving the day before Marco trampled into my life brandishing a flamethrower, but I'm no stranger to photography. The first camera I got was when I was eleven and Dad was so happy, so relieved I had found something to occupy my time, a hobby. He and Mom don't know why I wanted one, and they don't need to. They don't need to know I don't think I'll live long enough to leave a legacy behind.
That there won't be any evidence of my existence outside of these pictures and broken memories.
I can feel Marco's eyes on me, the way he's acutely becoming aware of how solemn I get when I take pictures of our surroundings, but so far he hasn't brought it up so I don't either. I just take the strap of my camera, mindful of the lens, and drape it over my neck, letting the metal and plastic rest over my heart like a medal.
The eeriness of the house is nothing new to me, but there's a charm to this skeleton that makes my fingers twitch. I need to have evidence of it existing, at least so someone out there knows there's still some beauty in these tattered old walls.
The spark of creativity is familiar, but the feeling never gets old. The strap is nestled around my neck, a sure grasp that binds me to my passion, but that connection breaks just as I'm reaching for it.
The way Marco's head swivels towards me is alarming, and I can see the way his nostrils flair, his dark eyes darting to the windows and corners of the room. There's something here.
Most safe houses have a enchantment etched on the door, keeping the interior of the house secured, but god knows the wear and tear must have scratched away at whatever old spells used to linger in the air.
A cold feeling coils up my leg around my jeans, something thin like paper but sharp as knives, and it chills my senses and renders me motionless. Though, maybe it just feels that way because I'm not as quick as Marco.
I can't keep up, my ears catching the bang of Marco's Smith and Wesson as he fires at the creature working its way up my body. My freedom is granted and I pivot, but my relief is short-lived. The shadow recoils with an angry hiss and it's like it descends on us from the perimeter of Marco's light, growing larger and looming its darkness over us.
I've been in enough danger to know when something is after me, and that ever familiar coldness pricks at the back of my neck.
I don't have a lot of time to linger on my fear though as the monster lunges towards Marco and the small beam of light beckoning it closer. On instinct I leap to Marco, but I'm a split second too late. His gun is steady in his right hand, but the other is weak and limp in comparison, and the flashlight flies through the air, clattering onto the floor and lighting up each corner of the room as it spins on the hardwood.
Marco isn't phased. His gun barrel gleams in the strobing light, aimed towards the shadow as it lunges at him.
My mind is racing, trying to sift through my knowledge of myths and legends and ghosts at rapid speed to make sure we don't get fucking butchered by something we can't fucking see.
And that's when it clicks.
“Marco,” I shout, “The flashlight!”
His eyes fly to it, (amber irises, I note with a clench to my heart), but he leaps away from the jab just in time, rolling closer to the light and flicking it off with a sharp snap.
Silence follows – a heavy, thick silence – and I swallow as my sight ineffectively tries to adjust to the unnatural gloom.
“Marco,” I call, cautiously stepping even though I know it won't do us any good, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” a voice says, distantly to my right, “Clue me in on what we're fighting here.”
“A wraith.” I chew the inside of my lip, pulling at the skin. “I think.”
I hear Marco slowly take a breath. “Okay,” he murmurs, but I can hear the calculation in his measured words, “Intelligence?”
“Not much,” I reply, shifting the knife from one hand to the other nervously, “But it only fights in the light. Uses the shadows to move and attack.”
I wait. Another breath. My chest tightens.
“Okay,” Marco says again, “And I'm guessing we can only kill it in the light, right?”
I nod, but then realize how stupid that is. “Yeah.”
Something thumps at my side, hand wrapping around my bicep, but my gasp dies when I feel Marco's warm fingers squeeze my arm reassuringly.
“So, what's the plan?” he whispers.
I've stopped questioning how he can find me in the most unlikely circumstances – he could probably smell me a mile away, or maybe he just hears the pounding of my heart in how deathly quiet it is. God knows I do. I can barely see the outline of his face in this oppressive darkness, but I try to force my gaze to where I think his eyes are and level with him.
“Well,” I begin, swallowing, “We both have lights, right?” I poke my camera against where I think his arm is and when I'm met with his squishy chest I can't stop my smirk. “Let's light 'im up.”
I know he disapproves but he's also impressed, and I can hear it in his chuckle. His laughter caresses my cheeks before he slips away to the other side of the room, giving my bicep one more squeeze before he leaves my side. I try no to linger on the loss of his warmth, try not to think about the heat that is burning up my neck, and square my shoulders.
One hand tight around my knife. The other on the camera, finger on the shutter. Feet apart. Knees bent.
“Now!” I shout.
The room is illuminated – my camera flash and Marco's light are blinding – and the first thing my vision catches is the whisper of a black cloak, disappearing to my right.
Marco jumps and dives, shooting into the dark and brandishing his torch like a weapon, swinging and firing it in the direction he thinks the wraith is heading.
My camera is unsteady and cumbersome – I can barely get the shutter off in time with how heavy it is in my non-dominant hand and I'm bobbing and weaving more than fighting. I'm not as fast as Marco and it shows; I may have been running my whole life, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I can outmaneuver something I can't see.
Thankfully, Marco's drawn its attention so far but that doesn't put me at ease.
Marco's not the target here.
I manage to get another camera flash off as I take a hard right to the other side of the small room, skidding on the rotting floor, and that's when I hear the whispering. It's like a hiss in my ear; this nasty, sickly voice and it repeats the same thing over and over, clawing at my insides and sticking in my gut.
“Let me have,” It wheezes, “I want, I want, I want.”
It brushes the back of my neck, fingers long and thin and bony, and I whip around too fast. I'm frantic, movements slow and stupid and the camera shutter is loud in my ears as it clicks.
Marco skids in front of me before I can catch up. The wraith's limb – frighteningly quick and sharp as needles – slams him hard in the shoulder.
My voice cracks on his name.
Marco goes flying.
My mind is a blur. My breath is in my chest. Distantly, I hear his body smack against something, hear him thud onto something soft – the couch? I can't see, everything is fucking black – and then silence.
His flashlight cracks against the floor and flickers once before going out.
My mind is blank. I'm bathed again in this darkness, this black that sinks into my gut and sucks out the air of my lungs and I can't stop how my mind flies to Dad, to the empty socket where his eye used to be and the blood gushing down his face and I can almost see it, can see it swirling to focus in the ink and the guilt coils around my throat and I –
And I hear Marco groan through my haze. Hear him curse under his breath and shift against the cushions.
The rush of air in my lungs is dizzying. I would take the time to relish in his safety, but...
I wet my lips quickly and rip the strap off my neck. The floorboards creak as I crouch and I pause, waiting between heartbeats.
There's something that happens when your body goes through so much trauma and stress where you become stupidly lucid, and thankfully I'm one of those lucky sons-of-bitches that it happens to when it counts.
Or maybe it's the practice; I'm well versed in trauma and stress.
Hastily, I shift my weight and aim the camera between my knees, pointed up at an angle.
I snap the shutter and simultaneously thrust my knife in front of me, sinking deep into the shadows. A pair of orange eyes meet mine, shining and empty like the smiles of jack-o-lanterns, and the wraith screams.
I use my position to duck and roll out of the way just as it stabs the empty air, keeping my camera under me. I clamber to my knees as soon as I skid to a stop, knife heavy in my hands as the wraith writhes and hisses and shrieks.
There's a gasp, a sound like air being sucked into a vacuum, then nothing.
The heavy atmosphere lifts and it's like a breeze blows through; cooling my heated, sweating skin and taking the musty smell along with it. It's easier to breathe and though I hate the cliché, the air feels lighter. Comforting.
Moonlight spills through the cracks in the wooden slates that cover the windows and it bathes the living room in a tranquil blue, but my eyes fly to the couch and to the young man sitting on that ugly-ass upholstery.
Marco smiles at me weakly, covered in dust and plaster, and I nearly slip on the ash from the wraith on the ground as I race over to him. My legs are shaking so bad I'm surprised I even make it to him in one piece.
His irises fade from amber to that warm, honey brown I'm notorious for getting lost in, and I breathe out a sigh.
“You okay?” we both say at the same time. Marco laughs quietly – a mirthful, gentle sound – and I can't stop the way my mouth splits into a grin.
“Wanna skip this place and go to a shitty motel instead?” I venture.
Marco rolls his eyes but stands, sending soot into the air as he does so. Marco scrunches his nose, freckles bunching, and he hangs his head.
“Only if you write the charm on the door,” he retorts.
I sling the duffle bag onto my shoulder and punch him lightly in the arm. “Don't I always?”
Marco nudges me back and we walk out into the night, leaving the safe house behind to the ivy and the wind.
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i know i only started on it yesterday and im drowning in deadlines but this is a fun thing im doing on my breaks so why not
Title: Running Pairing: Bismuth/Pearl // bispearl Summary: Pearl is known for making bad decisions, but she's pretty sure stealing Bismuth's bubble from the temple and dropping off the face of the Earth is one of the worst so far. (Bispearl gem egg hell, canon divergent as of Tiger Philanthropist.)
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10169399/chapters/22590626
Pearl should have known a private rendezvous in the forge after hours with Bismuth would be a mistake.
How could she have allowed such a thing to happen? She was always so careful during the rebellion, always making sure that there was no possibility of heat interfering with her emotions when she would lie with Rose, or Bismuth, or anyone else (not that there had been many; she had maintained until the end that her metaphysical heart belonged to Rose and that would not change). She was always so careful not to become a liability to the Crystal Gems, but now it seemed at the worst time, her gem was behaving strangely.
There was a near constant pounding, her body was constantly fluctuating in temperature, and she knew her scent was lingering. Amethyst had teased her about it just a day ago. (“Geez, Pearl, I know you're not getting any but seriously, take care of it already!” Much to her mortification, Amethyst was mistaking it for her heat cycle.) It was still a better alternative than the gems learning of the nature of her condition. She wasn't sure how Garnet would react, given how she had refused to speak about Bismuth's bubbling since it had happened. But Pearl knew eventually there would be no choice.
Earlier that day she had taken Steven and Connie to the Buddwick library, and returned with a collection of books. Hidden in between books on neuroscience and British history (which, when asked about by Steven, she had feigned an interest in picking apart their alternative views of history) was a singular book on human pregnancy. It was humiliating that she was having to resort to a book that only vaguely mirrored her own gestation period, but the few books on Era 1 reproduction that had been left behind on Earth after the rebellion were so badly damaged that they were falling apart in her hands, and the terminology was so archaic, even by her standards as the oldest Crystal Gem on Earth, that she couldn't understand a lot of what the ancient gem writings were talking about.
So here she was, casually sitting on Steven's couch, reading through a pregnancy book and trying hard to convince herself that she was overreacting. So maybe this overpowering scent really was her heat cycle! Maybe these hardened shapes she could feel moving around inside her weren't geodes at all, but some old food from centuries ago that she had never managed to digest? It would explain how nauseous she was feeling all of the time...
The more she thought about it, the more she trembled with the knowledge of her condition. How could she kid herself like this? She knew perfectly well what her and Bismuth had done, and she also knew that there was no hiding it from Garnet or Amethyst. Despite this, it seemed Steven was the only one who had noticed how sickly she had been in the past week or two. He spent a lot more time in the house than the other two, and surely he had seen Pearl running into his bathroom at one point or another to retch and gag and spit into his sink, only for nothing to come up.
“Pearl, are you feeling okay?” As if on cue, his voice rang out and whisked her away from this spiral of worry. He and Connie were stood expectantly in front of her and she quickly snapped the book shut, turning it blurb side up to hide the nature of the book from them.
“Oh! Steven, Connie! I didn't... were you trying to talk to me? I'm sorry, I was reading...”
“I was just, um, wishing you a good evening,” Connie said, worry and confusion evident on her face. “We called you at least four times. Is there something on your mind?”
“Not at all,” Pearl said quickly, jumping to her feet and clapping her hands together. “Not at all. I'm sorry about that, Connie. Are you leaving now?”
“Yeah, my mom's here to pick me up. Are you sure you're okay?”
“I'm fine, Connie,” Pearl said steadily, with an abundance of confidence she didn't currently possess. “Go on, now. And tell your mother we said hello.”
With a bow of her head, Connie turned to give Steven a hug and then made her way out the door. As soon as it shut, Steven turned to Pearl.
“What's really going on?” he asked with a frown. “You aren't just spacey, Pearl, I've seen you using the bathroom more, I've heard you throwing up in there. Are you sick? Can gems... even get sick?”
“Oh, Steven, it's really nothing!” Pearl assured him desperately. “I've just had a lot on my mind lately, what with all that's happened. But I assure you, I'm all right.”
“But you're sick, why won't you just tell me what's happening?” Steven pleaded. “We're family! We're supposed to tell each other this stuff!”
“I know,” Pearl sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I know we tell each other everything, Steven. I'm fine, really. I... can I just ask you not to tell Garnet and Amethyst about this? At least for now. I suppose you'll all have to know eventually but, there's something I need to do on my own first.”
“You're scaring me,” Steven admitted, watching her with big eyes, and she felt her throat tighten.
“I'm fine,” she said sharply, heading back towards the temple. “Please give me some space, Steven.”
Oh, she was absolutely not fine!
She knew that the changes to her light-composed form during this pregnancy would be drastic but she never anticipated feeling so restless. It took Pearl all her strength not to scream. She'd left the book between the couch cushions but she couldn't risk retrieving it without making Steven suspicious, so she had been attempting to meditate the discomfort away. But every light particle in her body was itching to go to her. To Bismuth's bubble.
Frantically, she reached into her gem and pulled out a bound collection of books and documents she had recently gathered, groaning with the strain it put on her gemstone. A book from Rose's armoury, an artefact believed to bring fertility from the sky spire, a document she had taken from the lunar sea spire long before its collapse and stashed in her own collection, among many others. The pieces were so few and far between that she couldn't build a full picture on what should happen to her, but stars knew she was going to try.
“Let's see here.” She picked up the statue and hurriedly read the ancient gem scripture carved into the base. “Two gems shall become one... one must bear the burden of gem incubation while the other protects... at any cost the gems must be born into the new world...”
Useless, almost a prophecy. Telling naughty gems just what would happen to them if they dared to step out of the strict guidelines of Era 1 reproduction. She placed it down atop her fountain once more, disappointed, before flicking through badly damaged pages of the book.
An expectant (dame) gem will soon know she is chosen. It is the job of her sire (the donor gem) to [illegible] in order for her to carry all young gems to full incubation. She will experience strong [illegible, scribbled out in some parts] due to the pull of her sire's presence. It will be [such an archaic term even Pearl couldn't understand] and will last for the duration of the incubation, although will lessen over time.
“It doesn't help,” she groaned desperately. She glanced in the direction of the bubble room, mouth dry. Garnet would notice. Garnet would know, oh, she would know the moment Pearl went for that bubble... she couldn't. She couldn't!
She shut her eyes tight.
“The Pearl I know never jumps into my arms!”
Pearl hugged herself tightly and took a deep breath, trying and failing to ground herself. Bismuth was unattainable right now. How she wished she had always greeted her like that, swept her up in her arms. A familiar presence she feared she would never feel again, only to have it cruelly ripped away... it hurt. And it hurt even more knowing that the gem she had once loved could be behind it all.
Once. My, she really had taken a step forward, hadn't she?
“Bismuth,” she moaned, lying down on her side, fighting off the urge to tear through the temple. “Bismuth.”
All she wanted was to be around her. Was that too much to ask? Could Garnet really keep her away? How could they call themselves Crystal Gems while one of their own was bubbled away for wanting to win the war? They had lost everyone and then she had come back. And now her and Pearl were more entwined than ever, bound by something so powerful her own judgement was becoming disoriented as a result.
She stood up.
“Pearl.” Bismuth barely managed to get out her name before Pearl kissed her with desperation, need after thousands of years without. After a beat, Bismuth reciprocated, and Pearl found herself being sat on Bismuth's work bench, their bodies crushed up against one another.
“You trust me, don't you?” Bismuth asked, almost pleadingly. At the time, Pearl didn't understand.
“Of course I do! With my life. I will never doubt you.”
She tried to stop herself, again, as she found herself in Amethyst's room, desperately searching for a puddle, not just any puddle, the puddle. She only hoped that Amethyst hadn't seen her looking. She held onto a protruding crystal in vain, and shakily tried to stop herself.
“All I want to do is be with you again,” Bismuth breathed between kisses. “I want to hold you in my arms again and be there. I don't want to be second best to Rose anymore.”
Again, Pearl still didn't understand. If she did, maybe they could have sorted things out sooner.
“Bismuth, she's gone. I, I've taken so long to get used to it, but right now all I want is to be with you too.”
“You wanna get down to bismuth?” Bismuth chuckled dryly at her own joke, before kissing Pearl again.
“I... Bismuth, that's a lot to ask.” Pearl stopped kissing and stared at her, heat rising in her cheeks. “I don't know what to say.”
The puddle, the puddle! She dove through it without even thinking of the bubbles she could potentially burst in the process. She fell straight through, hitting the ground with force, and lay there winded for a few moments, staring up at the colours all around. All of these gems were gems that could have been saved... if only Rose had told her...
“You don't have to,” Bismuth promised, cupping her cheeks. “I don't care if we don't mash it up, I just want to be with you a little longer. That's all, honest!”
“I believe you,” Pearl murmured, pressing a kiss to her nose. “I do. I, I was just surprised. I want all of you.”
Bismuth's face broke out into a smile that could have blinded even the diamonds. “You're something else, Pearl. I... I love you for that.”
“Pearl, what are you doing?!”
When Pearl came back to her senses, the door was closing behind her and Steven was sat up in bed, horrified.
“St-Steven. You're awake...”
“What are you doing, Pearl? That's, that's Bismuth's bubble!” he cried. She stared down shakily at her hands, holding onto the bubble containing Bismuth's gem. Seeing it there, knowing Bismuth had spent more time rusting in a bubble than she had out of it, and knowing this was the sire of the gems in her belly...
“I have to keep her,” she cried out, holding the bubble to her chest protectively. “Steven, I have to!”
“B-But we agreed to keep her bubbled,” he protested, jumping down onto the couch. The book Pearl had left earlier jolted, its corner poking out from beneath one of the cushions. “Pearl, Garnet said she needed time to cool off!”
“They've already forgotten her, but I haven't!” Pearl snarled, trembling violently. She could feel tears filling her eyes, stars, she just wanted to hold her again. “I'm not leaving her there any longer, Steven! She's coming with me!”
“But! But Pearl!” Steven's eyes darted around the room. “Garnet! Amethyst!”
“Don't!” Pearl cried. She stumbled onto the warp pad, amazed that her legs were carrying her at this point. “Just... you can't, Steven. I can't put her back.”
Steven opened his mouth to speak, and the warp activated.
Pearl was gone.
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Toronto’s Aaron Sanchez reignites inning restraint debate
David Lengel: Aaron Sanchez is the whiz of the Blue Jays gyration, at least for one or two more starts Lets start with the obvious: nothing not renowned surgeon Dr James Andrews , not agent Scott Boras , not Washington Nationals and New York Mets general managers Mike Rizzo and Sandy Alderson , not Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz knows the right path when it comes to protecting young arms. When young Nats hurler Stephen Strasburg was controversially shut down in September of 2012 and New York ace Matt Harvey blew through his innings restriction last-place season, both were coming off Tommy John elbow surgery: Aaron Sanchez, the Toronto Blue Jays 24 -year-old ace at the center of the latest innings debate has not, farther muddying the questions. Jays GM Ross Atkins, who along with their Ceo and President Mark Shapiro have been deliberating a decision to pulled the former reliever from the starting gyration possibly sooner rather than later, is smart enough to realize that he doesnt know whats right either. Theres not data either way, Ross told TSN radio in Toronto on Tuesday. With all the unknowns winging around Toronto, heres what we do know: Sanchez is the centerpiece of what is arguably the best starting rotation in the American League. Hes run 17 starts without a loss, a long time active unfold in MLB, while compiling a 2.71 ERA during a season in which hes become a legitimate Cy Young candidate. Sanchez is also efficient, averaging 14.9 lurches per inning, good enough for sixth in MLB. Why is Atkins preparing to remove Sanchez from the spin? At 139.1 innings thrown this season, Sanchez has already eclipsed his 2014 high marking of 133.1 innings, who the hell is thrown between the Blue Jays and their bush league affiliates. In a disagreement where home-grown pitching whizs are a scarcity, the Jays are highly motivated to keep Sanchez health for the long term. In addition to theoretically protecting Sanchezs prized right arm, the move too mounts up what could be a formidable 1-2-3 bullpen perforate together with set-up soldier Jason Grilli and closer Roberto Osuna. It could help a aid core that ranks 11 th in ERA, but that thought also presumes Sanchez has no editions moving back to relief work. Replacing Sanchez in the spin “wouldve been” inconsistent Francisco Liriano, acquired at the non-waiver trade deadline, with journeyman Scott Feldman waiting in the backstages if that didnt work out. We feel like transitioning him[ Sanchez] to a relief character would be the best act for us being in Play 7 of the World Series, said Atkins on a conference call following the deal for Liriano. Interesting thought, specially when you consider the dogfight Toronto are in to even reach the playoffs, let alone the World Series. When Strasburg left the spin in 2012 the Nats had a 6.5 tournament NL East lead in early September. Meanwhile, the fact that one is well aware right and wrong for Sanchezs health in the long run isnt continuing those working in Toronto and beyond from taking slopes. On Wednesday, Torontos SportsNet5 90 radios Andrew Walker said its crazed to throw him 240 innings![ that number would be reached only if Sanchez finished the season and the Jays experienced an extended playoff pas ]. Categorically insane! Smoltz, who sloped both as a starter and then in the bullpen, told Torontos The Fan radio on Wednesday that he doesnt like the space Toronto are handling the situation. Going to the bullpen and youre not the closer has a lot more of an effect on your forearm and organization than parties recall because you dont have a characterized capacity. Its not like they go in the seventh inning of every competition were gonna get him up and get him in. When youre a top-line starter, which I make[ Sanchez] is, you got to make sure that that becomes the DNA of this player. Jays starting catcher Russell Martin has discovered the majority of members of Sanchez innings up close. I dont like it, Martin said here on Sportsnets Tim& Sid show. You got a guy who is cruising, testifying no mansions of tirednes … How many stressful innings has he had? I dont think hes had too many, you know? His innings are pretty scavenge … if the guy is completely healthy and putting up character start after quality start, I dont even know why its a discussion right now. Thats merely my views. Im not the one attracting the fibres. Martin wants to win and apparently, so do his team-mates, so such a move could potentially stir the clubhouse negatively at exactly the incorrect time. Throw out all of the unknowns in the health question and youre left with a pure baseball decision. Removing a Cy Young candidate shapes little to no sense, and risks derailing all the momentum the rejuvenated franchise is hold. Canadas team are poised to break through the 3 million marker in attendance for the first time since 1993 and are among the favourites to reach the playoffs and potentially acquire their third World Series title. They should be all in for today , not tomorrow. Video of the week On Sunday, Cincinnati Reds hurler Homer Bailey accomplished his long wander back from Tommy John surgery, sloping well in his first major league tournament since April of 2015. But he was still rust-brown: with runners on the recess in the sixth, San Diegos Wil Myers took off for residence after Bailey turned his back following a stroll, spanning the plate easily to steal a operate. Bryan Price came out to discuss the play with the adjudicator, but “havent had” recourse after given to understand that his pitcher was sleeping at the rotation. Cue the lulluby … Quote of the Week Ken Rosenthal (@ Ken_Rosenthal) August 2, 2016 To those upset with first version of Puig story: Im with you. I take great pride in accuracy. It infuriates me that a key item was wrong. Thats Ken Rosenthal rationalizing for his Yasiel Puig story that said that the Dodgers outfielder had stormed off after learning he wouldnt be on the team airliner to Denver. When Rosenthal learned that Puig wasnt at the ballpark, and thus could not have stormed off “the authors ” evidenced genuine class in admitting the error, and also added that the information came from informants, but thats not an justify. Its my work to check everything thoroughly. Puig, who was replaced by the incoming Josh Reddick and sent down to the children by LA, was sympathetic. Yasiel Puig (@ YasielPuig) August 2, 2016 @ken_rosenthal don’t annoy bro, we all become blunders #puigyourfriend #seeyousoon Whos closer to victory: Donald Trump or the Cubs? Well, the New York Post produced some little-known photos of the Trumpsters wife Melania this week, and, depending on your disposition in life, that could be considered either a win or a loss. However, the flap with Humayun Khan must be a black mark species wherever youre standing. When you weigh it all up, Le Grande Orange has been playing from behind all week. Meanwhile, the Cubs experienced a walk-off win on Sunday against the Mariners thanks to pitcher Jon Lester, who cant throw to first base but can lay down one heck of a bunt. While in the very same recreation, pitcher Travis Wood made a fantastic catch up against the ivy in left field. And all that came before Chicago wiped the Marlins: Cubs get the edge this time around. How did the minors piss off Goose Gossage this week? By Miamis Derek Dietrich stripping off his uniform top after snapping an 0-20 slump with a pinch-hit walk-off triple to defeat the Cardinals on Sunday, thats how. Goose would go gonzo if he saw this. Meanwhile, Goose continued to stick to his AR-1 5s concerning the practice baseball is heading. While addressing young musicians in Maine over the weekend, Gossage told the girls: I said my agreement about at-bat moves and remaining video games in check. Nobodys overtaking the light to teach these boys how to play. They reach so much money, theyve got a bunch of coach-and-fours that have never been in the big league that exactly tiptoe around these people. I was taught how to deed. You act like health professionals. Ive said my armistice. The activity, in my views, is going to hell. Actually, based on Dietrichs physique, it looks like the game is going to the gym. Nine expects in order 1) Has there ever been a Subway Series with less sizzle than the 2016 publication of Mets v Yankees? One New York radio host said it best: this line is more like a wake. The Mets are sinking fast under the weight of incredible harm issues, and the Yankees are eventually in full rebuilding mode after coping Aroldis Chapman, Andrew Miller, Ivan Nova and Carlos Beltran. All the Yanks have now is bringing up the children and deciding whether or not the Yanks preserve Alex Rodriguez around long enough to thumped his 700 th home run or precisely release him, the latter of which is being reportedly being seriously considered. Meanwhile, the Mets, who are clinging to National League wild card hopes, acquired Jay Bruce from the Reds, in a move that also adjusts up what could be one of the most difficult outfield the defence of all-time: Yoenis Cespedes( now on the disabled list) in left field, Curtis Granderson in middle and Bruce in claim. If Braves fans to benefit from pray for rainfall after Spahn and Sain, Mets fans better better start praying for strikeouts and ground balls on every slope. Perhaps John McEnroe can help with that? Give that serviceman a contract! 2) Can the Colorado Rockies form the playoffs? Its not beyond reasonable suspense, even without Trevor Story, who may be lost for the season after sustaining ligament shattering in his left thumb. The Rox, who held on to their key element at the non-waiver trade deadline, are 14 -5 since the infringe. Most of this Rockies guide has come on the road where their pitching has been far superior. In Colorado, where the staff members almost always suffocates in Denvers thin air, theyre rock bottom in team ERA rankings with a 5.98 marker. Fantastically, along the road, the Rox have given up 98 fewer operates, posting an Period of 3.62: thats third in the NL, in front of the Chicago Cubs, Los Angeles Dodgers, St Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants. Tyler Chatwood is 6-0 with a 1.30 Era in nine away starts, and 4-6 with a 5.69 ERA in 10 home starts, which is ridiculous. Naturally, their greatest obstacle to contacting the season is their own stadium, where unfortunately they have 32 competitions continuing against 26 on the road. 3) Wednesday was D-Day for baseball and softball, in addition to providing athletics climbing, skateboarding, surfing and karate: all endeavors being considered for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. All five became the slouse, but dont reckon for a minute that MLB will halt their season to send actors: their brass are fully committed to constituting the World Baseball Classic the crown jewel of international play-act. Still, that doesnt mean it isnt good for the athletic or the players. John Blundell (@ JBMLBPR) August 3, 2016 Last time baseball was an Olympic sport( 08) these guys won bronze. Strasburg, Fowler, Cahill, Arrieta. #mlb #Wbsc pic.twitter.com/ ZLzpfQDGkU 4) Heres a downer kindnes of the official Instagram of Skeeter Duffy, Matt Duffys large-scale feline TAGEND Thanks for all your lovin’ San Francisco. We’re gonna miss ya. Onwards to Tampa! #furrevergiant #duffcat #duffmanforever #byeSF A photo posted by Skeeter Duffy (@ duffcat3 5) on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:17 pm PDT Duffy, who was sent to the Giant as part of a cope to for hurler Matt Moore, was the felines meow in San Francisco last season, playing the hot corner in place of the departed Pablo Sandoval. Duffy broke out, positing an unexpected. 762 OPS, but hasnt been able to match that Giant spark in 2016. Now he and Skeete, who has over 15,000 folloers on Instagram, are apparently patronizing for Iams and catnip after a long transcontinental flight to Tampa, a true-life blow to felines in the Bay Area. UPDATE: its too hot for Skeeter in Tampa, so hes staying with Duffys mothers. 5) Heres a record you require no part of: the Los Angeles Dodgers, currently in second place in the NL West while guiding the wild card race, have made 22 musicians on the disabled inventory this season, that after starting 2016 with 10 players on the DL. Only the 2015 New York Mets can pair these sort of harm numbers, and on the bright side for LAs love, many of whom are in a nasty feeling with Clayton Kershaw not eligible to pitch until late August, New York won the NL East. 6) Just periods after putting together one of the best, if not the good bullpen in baseball, the Indians rotation received a punch with Danny Salazar thumping the DL with elbow inflammation. Clevelands righty hurler abode his shortest start to the season while get pasted by the Twinneds on Monday and had what was supposed to be a precautionary MRI on Tuesday. Salazar had given up 21 moves over his last five starts after allowing merely 23 moves over his first 15 starts of the season. Cleveland are trying to acquire their first World Series entitle since 1948 and are four games up on the Beast in the AL West. 7) On the heels of the Tribe are the red hot Detroit Tigers, who have won eight straight recreations while going health at precisely the right time. With a payroll of roughly $200 m, the team werent prepared to attain meaningful adds-on at the busines deadline, but they are getting buttress in matters of the activations of Jordan Zimmerman and JD Martinez from the disabled schedule. After being left for dead by most experts picking the Royals to repeat as AL Central champs this season, the Tigers ought to have hang about thanks to a high-powered offense driven by Miguel Cabrera, Ian Kinsler and JD and Victor Martinez. Now their pitching staff are coming around with their second half ERA dropping by 1.33 to 3.14. With tough line against the Mets, Navigator, Red Sox and Rangers coming up, the next few weeks will show us how real Detroit are. 8) Joey Votto is having an interesting era with love lately. On Monday Joey Votto desegregated it up with a person in a Reds jersey while chasing a fouled ball into the stands. Cut4 (@ Cut4) August 3, 2016 It took some innings, but Joey Votto& a @Reds fan sorted everything out. Full Story: https :// t.co/ iCNjYJulXz pic.twitter.com/ bwznPWocJB Votto apologized, but the mea culpa comes just days after he chastened a young love who asked for his batting gloves in San Francisco. Melanie Nichols (@ kiasuchick) July 27, 2016 Kid asks for Joey’s batting gloves. Votto responds “You’re sitting in the figurehead row, you’re elite. This isn’t a ‘Make A Wish’ situation” … Im all for messing with followers as long as its kept flare, but the Make–AWish Foundation crack is totally unnecessary. 9) And ultimately, on Tuesday, umpire Bob Davidson encountered a devotee at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Philly Influencer (@ PHL_Influencer) August 3, 2016 A fan was ejected from video games by home plate umpire Bob Davidson pic.twitter.com/ k7gwhG9K2l Davidson has a reputation for confrontation, but it seems the veteran ump got it right this time, speaking to the fan about homophobic heckling before security questioned the offender to leave. People heartened me, said Davidson. which is unusual in this town for me Read more: www.theguardian.com http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/08/30/torontos-aaron-sanchez-reignites-inning-limit-debate/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Kelsey Grammer reflects on ‘The Last Tycoon’ and ‘Frasier’: ‘I need to work’
Kelsey Grammer has zero plans to slow down anytime soon.
The 62-year-old actor is starring in a new series on Amazon titled The Last Tycoon, a drama based on F. Scott Fitzgeralds final unfinished novel, as movie studio boss Pat Brady, who was modeled after real-life ruthless mogul Louis B. Mayer.
And while stepping back in time to the 1930s alongside co-stars Matt Bomer and Lily Collins should keep Grammar busy, hes also embarking on making his London stage debut later this year, performing at LA Opera early next year and launching his own brewery within two months. If thats not enough, the proud parent welcomed his seventh child in 2016.
In 1930’s Hollywood, the real story is behind the scenes. Stream #TheLastTycoon 7/28 on Prime Video.
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Jul 21, 2017 at 10:01am PDT
Fox News spoke with Grammer about The Last Tycoon, his lasting success, and whether fans can expect a “Frasier” reunion:
Fox News: What was it about The Last Tycoon and your character Pat Brady that drew you in as an actor? Kelsey Grammer: The first thing that always draws me in is when somebody offers me a job. Then, I take the time to actually read the script. Which, after upon reading it, I actually thought it was pretty good. I thought that Pat showed real potential in terms of where he might go.
I liked what seemed to be this guy whos struggling with who he is at his core and who he has to be in order to survive. Billy and I talked about where the character might be headed and the sort of thing that was going to be happening. And I thought this is something I can play. Something exactly I havent played before, which is always part of my criteria in choosing a role.
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Aug 4, 2017 at 9:58am PDT
Fox News: How was it working with Lily Collins? Grammer: Oh, shes great! I love Lily. Shes wonderful, available, shes got the chops. Shes a young woman with substance. I enjoyed working with her. And its fun for her to play my daughter.
Fox News: In one interview, you said that while the both of you were getting ready to shoot, her fathers [Phil Collins] music would suddenly play in your mind. Grammer: Yeah, I told her that about a couple of shows in. I said, You know, its funny. Whenever you sit down, I can hear one of your dads tunes. And they vary! His contributions to music is so substantial. So its hard not to think of something I fell in love with that I listened to in the last 20-30 years. Hes just fantastic.
Fox News: Youve had lasting success in television. How does it feel to embark on a new show? Grammer: Well, you know, Ive had some luck with a couple. Ive had less luck with others. Writers strikes, networks have their own ideas — that sort of thing has happened a few times. I just like working, you know? I like trying new stuff. Thats what keeps me going, really. I like to work. And I need to work. Ive got a big family. But other than that, its what I do. So it feels great.
Kelsey Grammer & @treveinhorn are all smiles on the set of #TheLastTycoon : @treveinhorn
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Mar 29, 2017 at 9:59am PDT
Fox News: Does it ever get tiring for you to still be recognized as Dr. Frasier Crane? Grammer: No, no. Listen, I would be a fool if I took umbrage with that. He was a wonderful character. Frasier Crane is a wonderful character. He was fun to play, brought me great success, brought me great financial reward, and honestly, an enormous amount of satisfaction in having helped so many people.
The number of people that come up to me are never aggressive or unhappy. Theyre always smiling and thankful and grateful for the work. And then of course, there are others who paid more attention to the show and had a little more understanding on some of the drama. So, its just a career. Ive been at it for a long time. And it would be indecorous of me to take issue with the fact that Im recognized for Frasier. Its a great character.
Fox News: Do you stay in touch with your former cast mates? Grammer: You know, I see them when I can. I see Jane [Leeves] and Peri [Gilpin] quite a bit. John and I havent been in touch lately, but you know, we try to connect as often as we can. And David [Hyde Pierce], of course, is in New York. If I get a chance, Ill go see him in Hello, Dolly! But we do stay in touch when we can.
Fox News: In this era of reboots, can we expect a Frasier reunion in the future? Grammer: No chance yet. But you never know!
Fox News: Youre also going to be making your London stage debut and then later join the Los Angeles Opera. What keeps you going as such a busy actor? Grammer: …I just love to try some new stuff. I mean, when people come and say, Would you like to go be on stage, be in the LA opera and maybe just make a quick trip to the moon? Im ready and available!
Fox News: With so many projects keeping you busy, how do you find that balance of being an on-the-go actor, all while being a hands-on father? Grammer: The kids come first. Thats all. I mean, with the job I have to make sure I fulfil my obligations, but whenever I have any kind of break whatsoever, Im with the kids. Thats just the way it is. They trump everything. I do have to work and theyre aware of that, but I try to keep them as involved as possible and with me wherever I go. Thats just the way it is. Thats my priority.
Fox News: Youre also launching your own brewery. Grammer: Yes! Thats really been a passion for me over the last 25 years up here in upstate New York, in the Catskills. Ive always wanted to see this land make a comeback and return to prosperity. I thought this was the best way to do it. Im not a dairy farmer I think I can manage a brewery. And thats what were working on. Were very excited about it and the beer is very wonderful. Im very happy.
Fox News: When did you originally come up with the idea? Grammer: Well, several years ago. Ive been sort of circling this property for a long time and I just wanted to make it useful again. We decided on the brewery and [working with] people who are as equally passionate about it and its a very cool thing. Were turning an old dairy farm into the brewery. We had a lot of hoops to go through but its worth the fight. Faith American Ale will be out in the next two months. So we got that coming. And its really good so were rooting for it.
Fox News: And just to be clear, no sherry, right? Grammer: No sherry. Thats very cute! “Sherry, Niles?”
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/kelsey-grammer-reflects-on-the-last-tycoon-and-frasier-i-need-to-work/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/170906153627
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allofbeercom · 7 years
Kelsey Grammer reflects on ‘The Last Tycoon’ and ‘Frasier’: ‘I need to work’
Kelsey Grammer has zero plans to slow down anytime soon.
The 62-year-old actor is starring in a new series on Amazon titled The Last Tycoon, a drama based on F. Scott Fitzgeralds final unfinished novel, as movie studio boss Pat Brady, who was modeled after real-life ruthless mogul Louis B. Mayer.
And while stepping back in time to the 1930s alongside co-stars Matt Bomer and Lily Collins should keep Grammar busy, hes also embarking on making his London stage debut later this year, performing at LA Opera early next year and launching his own brewery within two months. If thats not enough, the proud parent welcomed his seventh child in 2016.
In 1930’s Hollywood, the real story is behind the scenes. Stream #TheLastTycoon 7/28 on Prime Video.
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Jul 21, 2017 at 10:01am PDT
Fox News spoke with Grammer about The Last Tycoon, his lasting success, and whether fans can expect a “Frasier” reunion:
Fox News: What was it about The Last Tycoon and your character Pat Brady that drew you in as an actor? Kelsey Grammer: The first thing that always draws me in is when somebody offers me a job. Then, I take the time to actually read the script. Which, after upon reading it, I actually thought it was pretty good. I thought that Pat showed real potential in terms of where he might go.
I liked what seemed to be this guy whos struggling with who he is at his core and who he has to be in order to survive. Billy and I talked about where the character might be headed and the sort of thing that was going to be happening. And I thought this is something I can play. Something exactly I havent played before, which is always part of my criteria in choosing a role.
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Aug 4, 2017 at 9:58am PDT
Fox News: How was it working with Lily Collins? Grammer: Oh, shes great! I love Lily. Shes wonderful, available, shes got the chops. Shes a young woman with substance. I enjoyed working with her. And its fun for her to play my daughter.
Fox News: In one interview, you said that while the both of you were getting ready to shoot, her fathers [Phil Collins] music would suddenly play in your mind. Grammer: Yeah, I told her that about a couple of shows in. I said, You know, its funny. Whenever you sit down, I can hear one of your dads tunes. And they vary! His contributions to music is so substantial. So its hard not to think of something I fell in love with that I listened to in the last 20-30 years. Hes just fantastic.
Fox News: Youve had lasting success in television. How does it feel to embark on a new show? Grammer: Well, you know, Ive had some luck with a couple. Ive had less luck with others. Writers strikes, networks have their own ideas — that sort of thing has happened a few times. I just like working, you know? I like trying new stuff. Thats what keeps me going, really. I like to work. And I need to work. Ive got a big family. But other than that, its what I do. So it feels great.
Kelsey Grammer & @treveinhorn are all smiles on the set of #TheLastTycoon : @treveinhorn
A post shared by The Last Tycoon (@lasttycoontv) on Mar 29, 2017 at 9:59am PDT
Fox News: Does it ever get tiring for you to still be recognized as Dr. Frasier Crane? Grammer: No, no. Listen, I would be a fool if I took umbrage with that. He was a wonderful character. Frasier Crane is a wonderful character. He was fun to play, brought me great success, brought me great financial reward, and honestly, an enormous amount of satisfaction in having helped so many people.
The number of people that come up to me are never aggressive or unhappy. Theyre always smiling and thankful and grateful for the work. And then of course, there are others who paid more attention to the show and had a little more understanding on some of the drama. So, its just a career. Ive been at it for a long time. And it would be indecorous of me to take issue with the fact that Im recognized for Frasier. Its a great character.
Fox News: Do you stay in touch with your former cast mates? Grammer: You know, I see them when I can. I see Jane [Leeves] and Peri [Gilpin] quite a bit. John and I havent been in touch lately, but you know, we try to connect as often as we can. And David [Hyde Pierce], of course, is in New York. If I get a chance, Ill go see him in Hello, Dolly! But we do stay in touch when we can.
Fox News: In this era of reboots, can we expect a Frasier reunion in the future? Grammer: No chance yet. But you never know!
Fox News: Youre also going to be making your London stage debut and then later join the Los Angeles Opera. What keeps you going as such a busy actor? Grammer: …I just love to try some new stuff. I mean, when people come and say, Would you like to go be on stage, be in the LA opera and maybe just make a quick trip to the moon? Im ready and available!
Fox News: With so many projects keeping you busy, how do you find that balance of being an on-the-go actor, all while being a hands-on father? Grammer: The kids come first. Thats all. I mean, with the job I have to make sure I fulfil my obligations, but whenever I have any kind of break whatsoever, Im with the kids. Thats just the way it is. They trump everything. I do have to work and theyre aware of that, but I try to keep them as involved as possible and with me wherever I go. Thats just the way it is. Thats my priority.
Fox News: Youre also launching your own brewery. Grammer: Yes! Thats really been a passion for me over the last 25 years up here in upstate New York, in the Catskills. Ive always wanted to see this land make a comeback and return to prosperity. I thought this was the best way to do it. Im not a dairy farmer I think I can manage a brewery. And thats what were working on. Were very excited about it and the beer is very wonderful. Im very happy.
Fox News: When did you originally come up with the idea? Grammer: Well, several years ago. Ive been sort of circling this property for a long time and I just wanted to make it useful again. We decided on the brewery and [working with] people who are as equally passionate about it and its a very cool thing. Were turning an old dairy farm into the brewery. We had a lot of hoops to go through but its worth the fight. Faith American Ale will be out in the next two months. So we got that coming. And its really good so were rooting for it.
Fox News: And just to be clear, no sherry, right? Grammer: No sherry. Thats very cute! “Sherry, Niles?”
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