#its actually a huge guest list
thrill-seeker-vn · 1 year
potluck picnics are the best.... gonna go to a picnic this thursday with my best friends!!! im gonna bring some samosas and coke for everyone!!!!
the best feeling in the world is sitting out in the open sun having some good food with your friends! And having little tradition foods, like how my one friend usually brings brie, my other brings homemade jam, my other bring big loafs of fresh bread from nearby bakeries, and someone always brings a red velvet cake! nothing better than that feeling of knowing what others like and having them know what you like!!! im so excited!!
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cheesus-doodles · 1 year
So if it was Mikey that was getting married would the wedding be a lot smoother or is izana crashing the wedding too?
Link to relevant Wedding Ask 1 ; Ask 2
Been a while since I answer a ask and since this came in ;-; im sorry its been almost two years...
No doubt that anything related to Mikey would be absolute chaos, and doubly so if Izana is involved.
Considering just Mikey to begin with, the rest of the Toman founders already aren't very happy - not because you picked Mikey over them or anything of the such (with the exception of Kazutora of course, this baby boy is seething with envy). Okay maybe all of them are a bit jealous over the whole situation, seeing that the blond-haired airhead who was probably the least capable of caring for another person being the one you chose. But still, putting aside their jealousy, the other five just know that it'll be a huge, huge uphill struggle its going to be having to wrangle him into behaving himself so that you would have the time of your life that you deserved.
Getting Mikey to propose to you to start is a fight in itself, because this baby boy doesn't want to bother with anything, not even proposing, lest of all a full wedding - after all, why care when you were already as good as his? Just wants to move in immediately and start gate-keeping cuddles, forehead kisses and head pats. So right from the beginning, it is the other five Toman founders pulling the strings; okay maybe four, because Kazutora would stubbornly refuse to do anything but cling to you and cry for attention. He does not support this wedding one bit and will not hesitate to make it known (even tried asking you to marry him with an onion ring that he was in the midst of eating), though all he gets in return was reassuring pats and extra love.
Baji and Draken pull their weight for the proposal - the First Division Captain would secretly take your ring size while playing a game of chopsticks (don't ask how, he's an expert), while Draken and the brothel girls would pick out a ring. Your wedding dress has 100% been sorted out many years ago by Mitsuya, delicately designed and impeccably crafted to your exact taste and dimensions, and Mikey is getting side-eyed and threatened into being measured for a custom suit if it was the last thing the Second Division captain does. Pah bless his father's real estate company connections has a venue down pat, and Kazutora is brow-beaten in helping with the decorations on the threat of sending you off on a honeymoon with Mikey and without him.
Everyone and anyone would be threatened to tiptoe the line - your wedding will be nothing but perfection, and you would repay their efforts will lots of attention and affection of course.
The guest list is short and vetted over and over again. Immediate family only, no strangers, and absolutely no other men (absolutely not, especially if it wasn't someone the Toman founders knew). You having guests at your wedding was already something they compromised on because they knew you had several people you desperately wanted to invite.
Having to drag Mikey to the actual wedding is an entire issue altogether, and it required all four of them to stuff the stubborn and whiny boy into his suit and whisk his ass off to the wedding venue. Seeing how excited you were for your big day only made the other founders more determined to make sure it goes off without a hitch. The Toman President is tied to a chair and Draken even seats on him so that he doesn't go running off to find you and ruin the surprise of what your wedding dress looked like. Not like Mikey cared, no. He just couldn't wait for cuddles and those handmade taiyakis that his friends told them you had on hand (it was a lie).
But then, for some reason unknown to even god himself, if you somehow caught not only Mikey's but Izana's attention. Oh boy.
Izana is bound to overhear about all the preparations for a wedding and quickly puts together that you, the Tenjiku princess (not Toman's, definitely not, not in a hundred years), were getting ready to marry Mikey, and throws an absolute fit. Unacceptable, outrageous, and downright heresy. Would attempt to storm over to your place and demand an answer, had to be held back from doing so by the combined force of Kakucho, Rindo, Ran and Mochi, who rather not their president start a gang war this very moment.
But this tanned boy was not going to let this slide so easily, no way in hell - he knew what those Toman bastards were planning, and he wasn't going to let them get away with keeping you all to themselves, not when you're probably just going along with it so that you don't make your so-called friends feel bad. So of course Tenjiku starts devising their own plan. Kakucho outright kidnaps you from your school to go ring shopping, biting his tongue and lying that it was a friendship ring (Ran had to be stopped from bursting out laughing). Izana got huffy getting fitted for a suit, and Rindo awkwardly shuffling by the side didn't help much either.
At last when your wedding day rolled around, everything was ready.
And as you started walking down the aisle, Mikey waiting at the end, Tenjiku springs their plan into action. They gate crash your wedding right through the front door, Kakucho, Ran, Rindo and the other executives immediately jumping on the Toman founders while Izana rushes straight through. The white-haired boy barely even having to stop as he sweeps you up into his arms, makes a split turn, and then proceeds to rush back out with just an eep from you, with a mind to get you to his arranged priest/official and making you sign his own document of marriage. Mikey letting out an outraged shout as he gave chase, Mitsuya is shouting, cursing and telling Mikey to be careful with his suit and don't dirty or tear your white dress.
Ends up starting a gang war anyway at your wedding, with Izana expertly turning to intercept a flying kick from Mikey just in time while balancing you in his arms, while the audience (however limited, no one else is allowed to look at you after all, the Toman founders would never allow it) are left looking on in utter disbelief at the fight breaking out in front of their eyes. You probably having to end up calling off your wedding more bemusedly than not when the whole thing devolved into a screaming match with both Izana and Mikey pinching and pushing at each other while insisting you pick one of them right this instance.
Honestly, you thought that getting married to one of them would settle all of them down, since you would be "safe" and they would be able to continue to "protect" you. You didn't think that gang lines would still be drawn, but obviously you were mistaken. Definitely have thought about just picking a third neutral party to marry, but knowing your very fussy, very overprotective baby boys, that would just drag more people into the fight.
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Part 7
Heyooooooooooo. I'm back and there are no longer any parts backlogged - I'mma have to get to work on finishing this series lol
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Meeting new people, feels
Word Count: 1,900
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6]
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The sunset blazes through the kitchen window, bathing you and Bucky in soft golden light. The focus you had not even five minutes ago is a distant memory when faced with the view in front of you. Bucky looks so fine sitting across from you with the light shadowing one side of his face and illuminating his shorter hair. 
You still can’t get over the fact that Bucky actually cut it – you’d mentioned a haircut on more than one occasion, but he’d always brushed it off and said it wasn’t his style anymore. You disagreed then and you absolutely disagree now. His long hair was gorgeous in its own right, but nothing compares to the uninhibited view of his face now. His hair is mussed in spiky clumps where Bucky has run his fingers through it in frustration, but you can’t help but think how good it looks even like this.
You’re pretending to type something on your laptop, ensuring Bucky thinks that you’re actually working and not staring at him like the love-struck idiot you are. Every once in a while you’ll catch his eyes flickering up to meet yours, so all you can do is act like you’re thinking about something really hard and you’d just so happened to have blanked out on him. 
It’s been quiet between the two of you for the last 30 minutes – the vigor and excitement for planning ratcheting down once you got into the gritty details. That’s why you’re not expecting the thump, thump, thump that echoes down the hallway from the front door. Bucky’s head jerks up and he looks at you with a quirked eyebrow, asking silently if you knew someone was coming over. You shake your head and rise from the table. 
Stepping under the kitchen archway and into the living room, you pad across the carpet and into the entry hall. “Just a moment!” you yell out to the stranger behind the door. Without looking, you slide the dagger hidden inside the entryway table into your hand and approach the door. Rising slightly onto your tiptoes, you peer through the peephole in the door.
A couple stands on your front porch, the view fishbowling to where it appears their middles are huge but their heads and feet are the size of golfballs. You look over your shoulder at Bucky, who stands behind the living room wall with gun ready. You laugh silently and mouth the Greten’s at him. He puffs his cheeks out when he exhales and drops his gun, tucking it into the waistband at the small of his back. You slip your own knife up and into your sleeve.
Opening the door with a reserved but polite smile on your face, you greet the nextdoor neighbors. “Oh, hello! I wasn’t expecting company.”
The tall woman before you blushes slightly and dips her head. “Apologies. We were just wanting to stop by and introduce ourselves. We wanted to wait a day and allow you the time to settle in. I’m Tessa and this is my husband Christopher, we live right over there in the blue house.” Tessa points to the home directly beside yours with several windows boarded over and paint peeling off in some spots.
You smile brightly at the pair and introduce yourself before yelling behind you, “James, we have guests!” Turning back to the couple, you step aside and usher them in. “Come, come! It’s freezing out there.”
Christopher tries to decline, but you won’t hear of it. You and Bucky had already decided to meet and befriend this couple, so them showing up works out well. Their dossiers noted that they were a well-off family that knew everyone and everything going on within the community, but you can’t help but note the discrepancies you find between the surveillance photos taken a year ago and the people in front of you now. 
Christopher’s thinning hair and exposed scalp are covered by a thin toboggan that can’t be effective in this weather, and you see that Tessa’s dress is threadbare with nearly half a dozen patches when she takes off her overcoat. Regardless of the state of their clothing, Tessa offers you the small bowl she’d been holding in her hands.
“It’s my grandmother’s recipe. Everyone says it’s the best they’ve ever had!” She smiles proudly at this statement and you can’t help but grin back.
“Well, I’m excited to try them!”
Bucky walks into the living room, acting as if he hadn’t been behind the wall with a gun only moments ago. You escort Christopher and Tessa further inside and close the door behind them. Bucky walks up and shakes Christopher’s hand and introduces himself. 
“I am so sorry,” you begin, “but I haven’t started on dinner yet. I can whip something up real fast, though!”
“No, no, dear,” Tessa declines. “We didn’t mean to intrude – only wanted to introduce ourselves and then get out of your hair.”
“Nonsense,” you say. “The more the merrier.” You pat Bucky on the shoulder as you walk by him and into the kitchen. “Tessa and I will be in here. I’ll let you guys know when the food is ready.”
Bucky nods and holds his hand out to the couch, offering Christopher a seat. Bucky takes the armchair across from him (which has a loaded gun stuffed between the arm and seat cushion). With your hands full, you look at Tessa and nod your head towards the kitchen.
She starts to shuffle across the living room carpet towards you, her hands clasped in front of her. “We really didn’t mean to intrude on you and your husband. We just –”
You let out a hearty guffaw to mask your displeasure in correcting her and shake your head. “He’s my brother,” you explain to them. 
She stops where she’s at, standing behind the sofa next to Christopher. They share a look with each other before Christopher turns to Bucky. “Brother?” he asks.
You and Bucky look at each other with small grins. There’s no way you could ever pass for blood-relatives.
“He’s adopted,” you say.
“Oh, well in that case,” Tessa says as she continues her walk towards you and the kitchen, “I have a son about your age…”
Dinner was a simple affair, but the Greten’s seemed to enjoy it immensely. Barely any food remains on the shared plates in front of you, your guests having taken second and third helpings. You’re glad to see that they enjoyed the meal.
The conversations were very surface level ‘getting to know you’ topics, which is always the most tedious part of meeting new people. But laying the foundation for your life in order to establish your cover sometimes: like now, when you and Bucky can relax into an easy ‘sibling’ rivalry and rib on each other. It keeps everything lighthearted and doesn’t allow you think on how this would have played out differently as ‘husband and wife’.
The couple are in their 50s and have lived in this town their whole lives, so if there’s anything you and Bucky need to find out then they’re probably the ones to help with that. They have 5 children ranging in ages from 28 to 13, all living at home with the exception of the eldest son that Tessa is dying for you to meet.
You laugh merrily as you follow the Gretens back to the front door.
“You both must come,” Tessa is saying as she pulls on her coat. “Most everyone in town is going to be there and they need to meet you.”
Christopher slides the thin toboggan out of his pocket and places it on his head. “You both are going to be a hit: it’s been so long since anyone new has come around.”
Bucky stands next to you and puts his arm on your head, leaning on you as if you were short enough to be leaned on. You scrunch your face and slide out from under him, elbowing him in the side as you do it. “We wouldn’t miss it,” Bucky replies.
“Great!” Tessa claps her hand and ushers Christopher out the door. “Saturday at 9pm. Don’t forget!”
“We won’t,” you agree.
After a quick goodbye, you close and lock the door.
“They were nice…” you begin.
“But…?” Bucky continues.
“But…something isn’t adding up.”
Bucky hums his agreement. 
You both stand at the door, contemplating what could have happened to this sweet couple since the intel was gathered, but without the people in question there to ask (and it being much too rude to ask) there isn’t much point.
You walk away to begin cleaning the kitchen. Tessa offered to help, but you wouldn’t hear of it – after her stories of how hard she’s worked to take care of her family and this community, you couldn’t dream of accepting. Bucky follows you into the kitchen and removes the plates from the table. You work in silence, the camaraderie from dinner fading away into something else. Not uncomfortable, but nowhere near as companionable as the silence used to be in the beginning of the year.
You and Bucky used to lay in the quiet dark after sex. Clothes on the floor, sheets rumpled, hair messy. There wasn’t much that needed to be said that couldn’t wait until after you’d caught your breaths. But the peace that arrived after the frantic activities led to you falling asleep in his arms on more than one occasion.
But you were always alone come morning.
The clack of plates stacking on top of each other rouses you from your thoughts. You’d been mindlessly scrubbing dishes while Bucky dried, but you realize that your hands have been floating in the soapy water with nothing to do. You quickly pull the plug and watch the liquid form a tight spiral over the drain. The glug, glug, glug precedes Bucky as he clears his throat.
“You wanna…” You look up at him as he says this and see him nod his head in the direction of the living room. “Uh. Wanna watch a movie?” His arm scratches nervously at the back of his neck and you can tell he’s uncomfortable. Why would he ask?
“No,” you say. “No, I think I’m gonna go to bed. Tomorrow’s the first day at the facility, ya know?” You give him a brittle smile as you say this. Stepping forward, you make sure not to brush against Bucky as you slide past him and out towards your bedroom. You hear him release a heavy sigh behind you, probably glad that you didn’t take him up on the offer.
He may have only mentioned watching a movie together to be polite, but a couch and a dark room with Bucky hadn’t ended platonically the last several times it’s happened. The memories will probably prevent movie nights together for as long as you still have feelings for him.
Which will mostly likely be for the rest of your life.
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
Part 8
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The tragedy of Spring - Chapter 7
Summary: Settling into the new Spring Court, Feyre has a conversation with the High Lord of Spring.
Notes: I couldn't stop writing this so here is an early update. I hope you enjoy the Elucien cameo on this one!
Tag list: @foxcort @viktoriaashleyyx @ninthcircleofprythian
Read on ao3👇 or keep reading below the cut
“Mama?” Nyx’s little voice sounded from her arms, he had finally calmed down and his soft call had brought her back from her thoughts.
“Look baby” She half-heartedly pointed at some deer grazing contentedly in the distance and Nyx giggled. He was in a far better mood than he had been when they had first arrived here, and she was glad. They were standing in a big room with a huge arched window in the new Spring Court manor, if you could call the intricate villa created out of stone, connected by bridges and tunnels a “manor”. If Feyre had the mental capacity to enjoy the view she would, much like she could see Nyx was enjoying it from the huge window that separated them from the luscious Spring forest in all its glory. She would have never imagined what the forest could look like without those horrible foreign creatures stalking the lands, she had never seen the Spring Court during actual peace until now.
For a moment Feyre did lose herself as she stared at the landscape, the multiple levels of buildings intertwined with nature, coexisting with the enormous trees, with the crystalline waterfalls that cut the land, wildflowers and tended gardens mixing with each other, all alive and thriving with so many faeries of all types, working, living, laughing together. It was the most wonderful thing she had ever seen.
Her brief trance was cut short when she heard Tamlin’s voice give some more orders to his people. Her eyes traveled to his broad back facing her.
“Please, have a room ready for our guest” Tamlin said finally and the fae with green scales nodded before taking one last look at Feyre and exciting the room. Only then Feyre noticed the furniture. It was a drawing room.
She braced herself, tightening her grip on Nyx’s body, bracing his weight on her hip. When Tamlin hesitated before looking back at her she felt a cold sensation run to her stomach. Why did she think this was a good idea?
“I’m sorry, Tamlin” She blurted out as he finally turned to her. He paused.
His emerald eyes studied her for a second and she stiffened her posture.
“I will leave as soon as possible, I-I shouldn’t have come here.” She continued, her voice was rough from crying so much but she couldn’t stop the words. “This place- This place is beautiful, wonderful. It was a mistake coming here” She repeated.
Tamlin frowned slightly, then he walked slowly towards her, his hair still tied in a knot, messy. His clothes were slightly dirty and wrinkled. He had been doing hard labor when she arrived, she now realized.
He stopped just in front of her and Nyx, her eyes didn’t leave his even though they were so intense she had the unbearable urge to look elsewhere. Her face flushed as she imagined what he must be thinking.
Her, coming here, with his enemy’s son in her arms, crying for help, barefoot and looking half crazed. She almost laughed bitterly at the image.
Tamlin shook his head slightly. “There’s nowhere else I would rather you be than here” He startled her by saying, almost as a whisper.
Before she could say a word his green eyes dropped towards Nyx’s big blue eyes staring right back at him. The toddler smiled a small toothed smile at him and Tamlin’s features softened inadvertently. He smiled back.
His gaze lifted back up to hers then, and she felt her heart pound in her chest for an unknown reason.
“He has your eyes” He only said.
Feyre let go of a strained sob-laugh.
Tamlin only stared at her some more, concern painted all over his face and she couldn’t hold his gaze anymore, it felt too raw, she felt too pathetic. She looked out the floor-to-ceiling window, trying to hold herself together.
“Feyre” He tried. “Tell me what happened” He urged a bit too softly. She hated it. Hated the care in his words. She deserved this, all of what was happening to her, how couldn’t he see it, how didn’t he agree?
“I won’t bother you for long” She said, still not meeting his piercing eyes. He sighed.
“Can you sit down for me, at least?” He pointed at the couches surrounding the fireplace with his thumb. She bit the inside of her cheek as she nodded.
Her bare feet paddled through the wooden floor before feeling the soft rug on her achy soles. She was so tired.
She sat down on the couch as he took the loveseat right next to it. Nyx was already yawning when she cradled him on her lap. She tucked his wings and pushed his black hair back from his soft forehead as he drifted to sleep.
“I’ve already sent reinforcements to guard the borders. You’re safe here” He said softly and she nodded, not meeting his eyes. She knew she should tell him, she owed it to him to be clear about the actual risks of giving her refuge. But the words felt so heavy on her mouth, so foreign and unreal.
“You don’t have to tell me everything,” He said. “Just… enough to be prepared. Does he know you’re here?”
She finally reunited their eyes and somehow it was even more unbearable. Shame and guilt and embarrassment flooded her veins when looking at him. She took a steading breath.
“I don’t know” She said. “I don’t think he knows where I am yet. But I think he will figure it out soon” She wet her dry lips before looking at him again. “Tamlin, it’s worse than I thought, I honestly don’t- I’m scared he will come and destroy-“
“Don’t worry about that”
“But it is very likely, I have his heir-“
“You have your son.” He said matter-of-factly and she swallowed hard. “Trespassing would be considered an act of war, and I don’t think he’s in the position to start one” He said calmly. “Either way, we are prepared.” He rubbed his hands on his pants. “You should rest, let me take you to your room” He stood up and she simply nodded, picking herself up along with her baby as she let him winnow her just to appear right in front of a wooden door.
He grabbed the knob, his body closer to hers than he had been since she arrived, she could feel the heat emanating from him, his manly scent invading her senses which she ignored. He paused.
“Feyre, what did he do?” He said so low she felt it coursing through her body. His green eyes were digging themselves into hers so deeply, she couldn’t help herself anymore, he was looking at her like he needed to know, and she needed to have the truth out of her system.
She took a calming breath before she spoke. “I found out he made me seal a deal with him Under The Mountain when I was drunk on faerie wine” She said with a small voice. Tamlin’s body tensed instantly, every cell listening carefully as she spoke. She gulped and took a breath, holding Nyx closer as her extremities trembled. “He created our mating bond with a bargain” She said, the words so cold and nauseating that bile rose up to her throat. Tamlin straightened at her words, face unreadable, eyes moving quickly as he took the information, face turning from lost to shocked to outraged.
His mouth opened and closed, grabbing the door handle so hard it was a surprise it hadn’t broken yet.
“H-how” He managed. “Hybern… the king should have broken it along with the other one” He blinked.
“I don’t know… I think he may have thought he was breaking both when we only knew about the first one… still I don’t know the ways he managed it and why exactly he did it, other than…” She trailed off as she looked down at her son sleeping beautifully in her arms. Tamlin’s eyes only widened. She could see the battle going on inside his head, he looked like he wanted to crush something, someone, but he surprised her when he took a steading breath and gulped his anger down.
“I’m sorry” He said and she only stared at him. “We will talk about it more if you want, now, please rest.” He finally opened the door. “If you need me just ring the bell next to your bed” He stepped back as she stepped inside the spacious room.
“Thank you” She said. He bowed his head slightly and then he closed the door, leaving her and her baby alone
When Lucien Vanserra finally found the High Lord of the Spring Court in the depths of the forest, shirtless and half-ferally cutting tree trunks with an ax that had obviously lost all sharpness years ago, making the wood splinter instead of slicing through it, he knew for sure they had come to the right place.
“What did that oak ever do to you?” He asked as a way of greeting, but Tamlin didn’t even look at him as he continued on. There was a silent rage in him he had never seen before, and he honestly felt bad for those logs of wood.
“What are you doing Tamlin?” He tried again.
“I’m cutting wood” He mumbled, as he exploded another trunk almost as thick as his torso.
“In the middle of the night” He pointed out. Tamlin simply ignored him.
Lucien sighed. “Is she okay?” He asked and Tamlin finally paused for a second, before he delivered a final blow to the last remaining log, making splitters fly across the air, getting stuck in his hair.
“She’s resting” He said, breathing much less heavily than he should be for the amount of work he had put in. “Do you know everything?” His eyes didn’t meet Lucien’s as he began to load a cart with all the wood he had exploded.
“Elain was the one who saw it for her,” Lucien explained. The whole thing was still hard to process. Lucien had seen plenty of vile things during his long life, but a betrayal of this magnitude was something that would make Beron hesitate. When Elain had explained to him and Nesta what had happened, he knew they had to leave the Night Court immediately. He had winnowed them to Spring almost instantly, after trying to get Nesta to come with them. She had declined with a determination he had learned to never cross when it came with Archerons. Elain had known Feyre would be here even before arriving, while Lucien still struggled to believe it. He had spent hours looking for Tamlin as his mate tried to gather where exactly her sister was located, since no one was willing to tell her.
“How are you feeling?” He asked his friend as he helped him with the logs of wood. Judging by the haggard look on his face he wasn’t taking the events too well.
“I’m not the one you should be asking that” He replied.
“Quit diverting my questions. I can see right through you, and you look like shit”
“Then it was a stupid question to begin with” He replied and Lucien granted him that it was.
Tamlin sat down on the floor, back resting on the wooden cart, grabbing a used and abused handkerchief from his back pocket and cleaning his face with it. Lucien brushed his hands together, getting rid of the splinters, and sat down next to him.
“How didn’t I see it?” Tamlin said to himself, looking at a distance.
“Why would you? It looked like a real mating bond, even if it was a bit… odd”
He had always thought their bond seemed a bit unbalanced, to put it in some way, but he had assumed it was a natural occurrence to Rhysand’s overly controlling nature.
Tamlin sighed loudly. “She has nowhere to go” He continued. It was a truth Lucien had known for a long time, how Feyre’s deeds had isolated her from the rest of Prythian. Now he realized it probably hadn’t been pure coincidence.
“She has you” He said. The High Lord shook his head.
“I also failed her before”
“You can make up for it now. Will you let her stay?” He asked him, but he already knew the answer. Tamlin’s hands gripped the piece of cloth tightly.
“I would never turn her away”
“He’s going to come, one way or another” Lucien said as a matter of fact.
“Let him” He spoke eerily. Lucien knew that determined gleam in his green eyes, he had only ever seen him look like that when it came to Feyre and no one else. Lucien rested his head on the cart on his back as he took a breath.
“Elain told me he made her do that promise back when she was a human… back in Under the Mountain. Why?” Tamlin tensed instantly. It was confusing, the fact that Rhysand chose a mere powerless human to mate and bear his heirs, as if he somehow knew that she would be one of the most powerful beings in Prythian. He would have to discuss this with Elain later, try to figure out what else she can gather from this whole ordeal, what did Rhysand know beforehand?
“It makes no sense” Tamlin rubbed his eyes. “I should have fought harder for her back then” His voice was hoarse.
Lucien shook his head slightly. “How?” He knew he still faulted himself for everything that had happened to her back in that gods’ awful place. “You were overpowered, we all were”
Tamlin shook his head, lost in thought, probably reliving everything. “I should have sent her further away with her family, I should have-”
“Tam” Lucien cut him off but the male barely registered it. His green eyes were bloodshot, his body so tense it was almost trembling. “Listen to me” He said with a stern voice and his friend’s gaze finally met his. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this, not this” Lucien said, holding his eyes unflinchingly. Tamlin understood what he meant then, he could see he remembered all the times he had also looked Lucien in the eyes and told him those exact words whenever he felt like giving up after Jesminda, when the guilt had been too much to bear. He wouldn’t let him fall down that path too, not again.
“You fucked up, yes. You lost her trust once. Don’t make the same mistake” Lucien placed a hand on his shoulder. Then he stood up from the ground and offered his hand. “She’s here for a reason, Tamlin. She didn’t hesitate, she took her baby and winnowed here without a second thought”
His friend looked at him for a long moment before taking his hand as he helped him up to his feet again.
“Thank you” He said quietly but not weakly. Lucien only nodded.
“Now, quit moping and get some rest. Gotta be prepared to kick some bat’s ass if they dare present themselves” He half joked. “And knowing them, they won't take long”
Feyre was sitting in the bed while Elain combed her hair when the thought lit up inside her mind like a wildfire.
“Did he know?” She blurted out to her sister, who paused her movements to look at her.
“What?” She asked softly.
“That I would die and get the High Lord’s powers” She blurted. “D-did he know?”
“I don’t know” Elain said, dropping the comb on her lap.
Feyre’s mind had not stopped for one moment since she had arrived, piecing clues and conversations together as if she was finally seeing things for the first time. When Elain had finally found her she had discovered her sitting on her bed, wrapped under a towel, looking at the wall, lost in thought. This idea in particular had arrived to her like a stone falling on her head.
“He told Amarantha about me” Feyre said. “He had made Tamlin and Lucien beg on their knees for his silence, but then he told her anyway”
She looked at Elain’s face, her sister was looking at her with a mix of sadness and anger in her beautiful brown eyes.
“I can try to look.” She said. “But it may take me longer, since I can’t touch him” She said, and Feyre only nodded.
Things didn’t add up, and the fact that he had been the one to set things in motion for her to go save Tamlin made too much sense now. All of the things she had never questioned herself, had never questioned him, were now coming back to her in waves, as if she had woken up from a glamour he had placed upon her.
“Feyre” Her sister called her. “You need to rest, we will figure this out tomorrow” She caressed her hair. Feyre’s eyes landed on her sleeping child in his crib.
“Elain, I don’t think-” She swallowed hard. “I don’t see what’s the point of anything anymore”
“Don’t talk like that” Her older sister said, but Feyre couldn’t stop herself, couldn’t stop the words coming out of her mouth.
“It’s true, he destroyed everything I am, everything I was. I- I couldn’t even recognize myself anymore and I thought at least I had him, at least I had a mate and I had a family. I finally had a family and it was all fake” She couldn’t help but sob as she said the last words and Elain held her to her chest. Feyre hated crying, hated feeling weak, and that was all she felt for so long now, she didn’t know who she was, who she was supposed to be, what she was supposed to fight for. Did she even deserve to fight?
“Listen to me” Her sister held her tightly to her chest. “He didn’t destroy you” She said as she grabbed her with both hands and with surprising strength pushed her to look at her fawn-brown colored eyes. “He tried to own you, he tried to tame you and he couldn’t do it” She said, her face the definition of determination. “He will pay for what he’s done, and you-” She looked at her directly into her eyes. “You will thrive”
Feyre felt silent tears sliding down her face as her sister spoke to her in a way she had never done before.
“You have a family. You have Lucien, Nesta and me. You have him” She directed her gaze to the sleeping baby and Feyre felt the fire in her gut, the deep maternal need to protect him, to never let him go. “And you have Tamlin” Elain said more quietly, making Feyre’s eyes snap back to hers. “He will not let anything happen to you, or Nyx. I know it.”
“I don’t think I deserve it” She said with a small voice, speaking the darkest thoughts in her mind. “These people Elain, I’ve wronged them so horribly, I don’t deserve their help, their care. I don’t deserve you or Lucien or Nesta. I don’t deserve Tamlin and I certainly don’t deserve Nyx” She let the words spill from her and Elain only listened, her eyes wide and glossy.
“Then make yourself worthy again” Elain said calmly. “Look these people in the eyes and tell them you’re sorry. Help them as they help you.” Elain smiled at her softly. “Right the wrongs, find your power again. Do it for him” She nodded at her son again. “Do it for you”.
Feyre only nodded her head softly before Elain embraced her again and she let her, let herself cry and be comforted by her older sister in a way that she had never let herself before.
After a long time of crying and Elain telling her it would all be okay, Feyre finally managed to fall into a deep sleep, feeling like a child in her sister’s arms but knowing that when the day came, she would find the woman she had been before, the one who had found the strength to enter a cursed mountain and save the one she loved, the woman who had endured unimaginable things and persevered, the woman who had learned the truth and had taken a decision to leave, she would find her and she would pull her from the inside and she would not break.
Not anymore.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Politics makes the most sense to me because it’s an election year, she leaked plans for a disinformation infomercial, and she’s still trying to get in with the Democratic establishment. (I’ve noticed that she’s moved away from the White House - maybe her narc rage can’t handle the Bidens declining her self-invitation for a ride home on Air Force One after The Queen’s funeral and then leaking about it.)
Isn’t it more that the White House/the Bidens (and the Senate, the House, and the DNC lol) have moved away from Meghan? And who can blame them? The Clintons and Bezos with Lauren Sanchez were guests at the recent State Dinner for the Japanese PM and his wife, a big deal state affair. Just last year, Harry was waxing poetic about how he loved Japan and could see himself living there (when he and Nacho were there for Sentebale, I think?). In the not so distant past - and minus Megxit and its diplomatic fallout - the Sussexes might have been invited, too, but now? No way!
The DNC/Democrats have never been interested in Meghan. Not once. Not in her Suits days, not in her royal girlfriend days, not in her Duchess days, not in her Megxit days. All the stories of Meghan being connected to Democrats (aka the lovebombing) have come from her. 
Not a single politician or political operative anywhere in the American government has ever once returned her call. Michelle Obama only did the Vogue interview as a favor but when Meghan crashed her book reading at the O2 arena, that was it. Game Over. Then later, when Meghan and Harry kept saying that the Obamas were advising them during Megxit, Michelle came out with a hard “no, we’re not” and the DNC listened. 
Then even later, when Meghan was lobbying for paid parental leave, she called the personal cell phones of several Senators - a huge no-no and several of them actually spoke publicly on the record about how inappropriate it was for Meghan to have done that, and she’s been cut off / iced out ever since. That was Strike Three.
And as far as Harry lovebombing Japan when he was there with Nacho last year, that’s nothing more than him trying to get Japan to host an Invictus Games.
They were never on the invite list for the Japan state dinner. They’re not on anyone’s invite list for a formal state / diplomatic occasion. The only way they’d get invited to a White House state dinner while living in California is if it was a UK state dinner (POTUS hosting King Charles) and Megxit had gone 100% the other way.
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jeonghanspookie · 1 year
The Truck Schedule
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After the bird 'incident' that occurred yesterday, a team meeting had to be held.
All the team members in the building gathered around in a circle at the very center of the store. In the middle of the circle was Minghao.
As the HR rep, he had to be the one to call this very important meeting. (yay so fun)
Once everyone started to quiet down, Minghao took a deep breath.
"Okay" he sighed. "After an unfortunate incident that occurred yesterday," he paused, "Mingyu will be gone on a mental health leave for this week."
As the only people who knew what actually happened during the 'incident' the twelve pairs of eyes stole glances at each other.
The moment a pair would make eye contact their mouths would spread into a smile.
A few had to cover their mouths and Soonyoung had to fake a cough in order to hold in his chuckles.
Chan was on the brink of bursting out into laughter, but thankfully Seungkwan was their to nudge his side.
The rest of the team members present, outside of the thirteen friends, had no clue what went on yesterday. It was evident in their faces that they were concerned about Mingyu. (Although most of them were too tired to really care)
Hao carried on, "Since Mingyu is the one who runs the truck, we're gonna need to arrange for his absence."
The room filled with groans.
"I know it's very last minute, but the situation was so sudden" Hao explained, "I'll take any volunteers who can run the truck this week! I will leave a sign up sheet on the front desk in the office." he gave a big (fake) smile.
"Thank you for your time!"
"I cannot believe that Mingyu gets a whole week off just because a bird pooped on his shoulder!" Chan exclaimed.
Y/N thought back to the events of yesterday and smiled. "No yeah, if I was Gyu, I would be traumatized."
"So are any of you guys gonna run the truck?" Joshua asked.
Jeonghan was the first to speak up, "Well I would love to, really I would, but no one else can handle Guest Services. What a shame!" he pouted.
Joshua joined in, "Yeah and I'm only trained in the cafe so..."
The rest of the friends ignored the twos' fake sympathy.
Chan walked over to the list.
"Oh! It looks like Shownu already offered to take the truck for tomorrow and Thursday! And Johnny took Wednesday and Saturday."
Jun turned to Jihoon, "Do you want to throw the truck on Tuesday? I can help you too!" he suggested
Jihoon thought for a moment.
"Hmmm. I guess that'd be fine. But I'll probably need support in market afterwards."
Soonyoung's ears seemed to perk up to the mention of needing help in market.
"JI I CAN HELP YOU! PLEASE!" he desperately said.
Wonwoo looked at him puzzled.
"Why do you want to work in market so bad?"
Soonyoung stood up. It seemed like he was about to deliver a speech in front of a huge crowd.
"BECAUSE! I've only had shifts in drive up AND ITS TOO HOT TO BE OUTSIDE GIVING CUSTOMERS THEIR ORDERS! If i'm out in the sun for another day I will die of heatstroke!" he exclaimed.
Y/N gently pat his back affectionately.
"It's okay Soonie. I'll buy you ice cream after your shift today okay!"
After Soonyoung eventually calmed down after his little burst, the group continued to plan out the truck schedule.
"I'm in fulfillment this whole week. The batches don't even drop until the store opens so I'm sure me and Vernon can handle it! We can take a day for the truck!" Y/N cheered.
Y/N turned to Vernon.
"Vernon what day do you want to take?"
Vernon just shrugged, "I'm cool with whatever"
Minghao took a look at the list so far.
"Well we only have one day left to fill. Any takers?"
Chan quickly pointed to Seungkwan, who was literally minding his own business.
"I heard Seungkwan say he wants to volunteer!"
Seungkwan gave Chan the most bombastic side eye.
Chan ignored his pleas and just gave Seungkwan a tight lipped smile.
"All I'm hearing are excuses"
And so therefore an argument had erupted.
While Chan and Seungkwan were bickering the others turned to Y/N and Vernon.
Jihoon looked over at the two, "Can you guys really handle the truck on Friday?"
Y/N seemed to take offense to his comment.
She scoffed playfully, "Why? You think I can't because I'm a woman?"
"Nah Y/N I don't think we're concerned about you. It's Vernonie over here." Hao butted in. "I haven't seen him do much heaving lifting at work."
Joshua joined in too.
"Yeah to be honest, I don't think I see Vernon work at all. He usually does one batch and I swear he disappears for the rest of his shift!" he exclaimed.
This seemed to catch Cheol's attention. He made a mental note to check the cameras and see where Vernon would go off to.
Y/N shook her head. "Y'all are underestimating Kpoppapī. He's been working out."
Vernon nodded his head in agreement.
"Yeah. I gym."
Chan was quick to defend himself, "YOU KNOW ITS BACK TO SCHOOL SEASON! IM STRUGGLING IN THE SEASONAL DEPARTMENT! ALL I CAN SMELL ARE CRAYONS! CRAYONS!" he raised his hands like a mad man.
The rest of the group decided to focus back on the two arguing.
"Why doesn't Seokmin just take the last day?" Wonwoo suggested.
A loud gasp was heard from Y/N.
"NO! My little cupcake HATES running the truck" Y/N frowned, "I will not let that happen!"
(The favoritism is really showing)
Jihoon decided to speak up, "Well if I have to have Soonyoung help me in market, the least he should do is take a truck day."
"HOW DARE YOU!" Soonyoung said.
Hao seemed to agree, "Yeah that makes sense."
Soonyoung shook his head, "WHY DOESNT WONWOO TAKE A DAY!"
Soon more and more voices started to join in.
At this point there were 3 different arguments happening all at the same time.
While the whole group was busy arguing over who would take the last day, one person quietly made their way to a seat with the truck schedule in their hands.
Everyone else was too busy arguing to pay attention.
With a smile on his face, Jeonghan quickly wrote down a name on the very last spot.
Once he finished his task, he sat back and continued to watch his friends argue over the, now solved, issue.
He quietly snickered while rubbing his hands together like an evil villain waiting for his plan to be carried out.
On the schedule listed the following:
Mon - Shownu
Tues - Jihoon & Jun
Wed - Johnny
Thurs - Shownu
Fri - Y/N & Vernon
Sat - Johnny
Sun - Seungcheol
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panelshowsource · 1 year
If you had to pick a top three favorite episodes of any panel shows EVER, which would you choose? One of mine would have to be Terry Wogan guest hosting old NMTB, which I am dying to watch again in my lifetime. Your old-NMTB-posting reminded me just how amazing and formative those old episodes were for me. Anyway, it got me thinking… I would love to hear yours!
as long as i'm allowed to answer this totally subjectively...! because the objectively most iconic panel show episodes are probably quite different to the ones i gravitate to especially for rewatching — and especially in this difficult recent climate 🫥
this choice is almost bizarre knowing me, a huge huge huge sean lock fan, but this episode of cats does countdown — without sean! and not even golden era, probably, whatever that is in my mind — is so ridiculous and chaotic and stupid that i've watched it about 1000 times. there's something very specific about the dynamic between jimmy, jon, roisin, and joe without sean; those four have been in quite a few episodes without sean and they're like actual children without an adult in the room: jon is goofier and completely lets go of the game, jimmy throws even more to roisin (we do not talk enough about what a fucking kick jimmy gets out of her), roisin and joe's insane sibling dynamic becomes next level. anyways—this episode, which includes rly funny mascots, glory hole, the fucking hoop game and joe eating an onion and jon eating peppers???, THE UNICORN, its sheer childishness just cracks me up every time :') (if we're gonna mention the golden age, 2.02 is very iconic — from rhod killin it and always arguing with jimmy to claude to nick x susie hahaha but i have sooooo many catsdown episodes i love love love)
i really love the episode of 8 out of 10 cats following jimmy's tax scandal. it's not one of my favourite panel shows in general, but the circumstances of the news and the discussion epitomised what the show was meant to be: panel show meets reality tv meets a comedy central roast. watching that live, as the news was running it so heavily that even the prime minister mentioned it, as the press and twitter were reacting to it... wild times. it holds up incredibly well — it's hilarious watching them rip him to shreds, because he deserves every word and they're having a ball doing it to him, and i really appreciate jon grounding the conversation in just how tax avoidance hurts their country and some of its hardest workers — a really interesting, engaging mix of comedy and anger and wit and disappointment and political commentary that is not only funny but strikingly relevant no matter how much time passes. like so, so many people who were so, so disappointed in jimmy, this was the foundation of his carrying the responsibility, shame, reflection, and growth that people wanted to see — and that he truly needed to. since then he's talked a lot about not only righting the wrong (in paying back what he owed in avoidance) but just how the system is so broken — and taking the least complicated, most honest road forward since.
now i want to pick 1000 different things this is why i don't make lists or rank things!!!!! while my instinct is to pick a big fat quiz, i'm actually gonna go top-level nostalgia and say this episode of buzzcocks when stephen fry was a guest. what can i say — simon, stephen, it was two intellectual, mildly bitchy homosexuals on a stacked panel including josie long, dominic cooper, and yet another skinny white rock man for simon to pretend he's not trying to flirt with. stephen saying "there is a history, in pop music, of recto-veginal insertion" and denouncing god, like, in the first 5 minutes? stephen doing the intros round?? did i mention history boys-era dominic cooper??? such a throwback!!! (not to cheat but this ep with josh groban & martin freeman is my runner up)
i want to apologise to big fat quiz, taskmaster, wilty... THE WHOLE HISTORY OF PANEL SHOWS... I WISH I COULD CHOOSE YOU ALL
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justaghostingon · 1 year
Lan Qiren’s Funtime Adventure
Or, Lan Qiren’s mid-life crisis’ vacation
Based loosely off the headcanons of @robininthelabyrinth
After the sunshot campaign, Lan Qiren wakes up one day and realizes he hasn’t done a thing for himself since he was his nephews age.
He’s been father, sect leader, teacher, all things he’s had to become to fill the gap his brother left and to be there for his nephews. And sure, he loves teaching, but it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.
He wanted to become a traveling musician!
And now, the war is over, and lan xichen is sect leader. He doesn’t need his uncle anymore! He’s lead a war! Secured an alliance with both the jin and the nie!
He can handle himself while his Uncle takes a few months off.
So Lan Qiren bids his nephews goodbye, dons traveling clothes, and sets out with only a handful of instruments and a song in his heart.
Now life on the road isn’t as easy for a middle-aged man as it is for a young one. Lan Qiren has many aches and pains to prove it. So he starts staying at any place that will take in a wandering musician.
This means he’s no longer staying at high end inns, but local taverns as well.
And while those high end places might like the soothing and elegant classical music lan qiren is gifted at, those in the taverns want something a bit more…bouncy.
So lan qiren is forced to make new songs to appease the masses. And although he loves crafting music, he’s a bit at a loss on what to make thr lyrics.
That is until one drunken guest demands a love song about those fancy cultivators and lan Qiren is so outraged he freestyles an entire song about how bad his peers are at love
The song is an instant classic, and Lan Qiren realizes something huge: He can just rant about all the problems he kept inside and people will eat it up!!!!
And its not like he’s hurting anyone, no one knows who he is! He’s just got to make sure he doesn’t put any names in any of it!
He says like a middle-aged man who refuses to take off his lan forehead ribbion could be anyone but a lan
Thus his career as a radical singer/song writer begins
Highlights include:
“The Way of the Heart” (popular name “You All Suck at Love”) - his first and greatest hit, where he lists off the failings of the couples in his generation, from unfaithfulness (jin), wishy-washiness (jiang), lashing out in jealousy (madam yu), possessive behavior (his brother), and terrible choice in partners (Lao Nie).
“My Nephew has Terrible Taste in Friends” (popular name “The Cutsleeve’s Ballad”) - in which he rants about both his nephew’s friends from anger issues (nie mingjue), two faced (jin guangyao), and everything ever about wei wuxian.
“Beware Powerful Men” (popular name “The Many Bastards of Jin Guangshan”) - in which he warns young ladies of getting with a man who does not provide for his children, who does not keep his promises, and who will never marry you whatever he says. (Lan Qiren met second lady mo and her child and got really, really mad at how young she was)
“A Well Mannered Young Woman” (popular name “She’s not Flirting with You She’s Just Being Polite”) - Lan Qiren had to deal with jin zixuan’s behavior towards Jiang yanli in the cloud recesses, he heard about the soup incident from lan zhan, and about jin guangshan failing to reengage them. He’s not impressed with the rumors that say jiang yanli is hopelessly persuing jin zixuan, and he has things to say.
“The Many Faults of Wen Rouhan” (popular name “I Have so Many Problems with Wen Rouhan and Now I Can Finally Talk About Them!”) - in which lan qiren recounts all the times wen rouhan drove him nuts at sect conferences. Not the big things mind you, but the little things that lan qiren just had to swallow because he couldn’t risk insulting him as only an “acting” sect leader. The world will hear about how wen rouhan set the table wrong actually, that bowl was supposed to be a little more to the left and he Knew it!
Naturally songs insulting the leaders of the cultivation sects do not go over well in the main clans. “The Way of the Heart”/“You All Suck at Love” is banned from the Jin, the Nie, and the Jiang. The only reason its not banned from the lan is because it was Lan Qiren’s song, and lan Xichen knows it was Lan Qiren even if its technically “annoyamous”
Technically its banned in the lower sects as well, but they are absolutely all listening to it in secret and chuckling at all the spilled tea
The Cutsleeve’s ballad is not banned, but its not looked upon very positively, except to smirk and gossip about the lan’s “inclinations.” Jin guangyao wants it banned, as its implications against the sworn brothers are detrimental to him, but his father has it played whenever he wants to humiliate him.
Lan Xichen reassures Jin Guangyao that the song is just proof that Lan Qiren has excepted them, which is a good thing really!
“He’s given us his blessing,” lan xichen trails a hand down jin guangyao’s arm. “Shouldn’t we celelbrate it?” He winks at nie mingjue.
Lan Xichen is absolutely under the impression that this sworn brotherhood is more than a brotherhood and is using this “permission” from his uncle to make his move.
Meanwhile the jin are all up in arms when “Beware Powerful Men” comes out. It takes all of jin guangyao’s persuasiveness to convince jin guangshan not to go to war. Arguing that no one could prove it was him. If they make a move people with know its about him, see? Thus jin guangshan is unable to do anything except sit there and grit his teeth. Madam jin however, loves it.
Jin Zixuan does not pick up that “A Well Mannered Young Woman” is about him. He does grow to hate the song however, as both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng will sing it loudly anytime he tries to talk to jiang yanli. (The brothers absolutely know the song is about jiang yanli and are very proud of how praised she’s become)
Finally the many faults of Wen Rouhan is a hit all across the cultivation world, with sects big anf small singing it to themselves. It is quite possibly the only reason that Lan Qiren is not exiled from the cultivation world like his songs.
So Lan Qiren continues his traveling musician journey, completely ignoring all politics, and thus missing the wen going missing and wei ying defecting.
Until that is, he wanders into yiling, and encounters Wei ying with a-yuan and wen ning, selling radishes.
Lan Qiren is horrified at what wen ning has become, but even more horrified that there is a child in wei wuxian’s care of all people! How will little a-yuan live?
Being an uncle used to having to step up, he refuses to leave until he sees where a-yuan sleeps.
To which wei wuxian finds himself escorting lan Qiren up to the burial mounds, and introduces him to the wens
Lan Qiren is beyond horrified. A child! In the burial mounds?!!! With elderly farmers???? How could the sects allow this???
The sects are the reason we have to stay here,” wen qing explains. “Because we’re wens”
And Lan Qiren…lan Qiren has always been a rule follower. He hated the wen for taking his home and trampling on his beliefs. But…there were half a dozen rules, important ones! About allowing injustice and the treatment of civlians and prisoners.
But what’s more, Lan Qiren lost his entire life taking care of anothers burdens because he had to. It was filital, and his duty as a brother. But when he looks at wei ying, who hated the wen more than anything, who shares no blood with these people and yet is willing to throw his own future away anyways, and he sees himself.
No. Not himself, a better version. Someone he had always striven to be. And he got there without rules.
So Lan Qiren stays for a little bit, uses his money to help them get more supplies, but he can’t stay long, the burial mounds cant afford another mouth to feed
So lan Qiren goes to the inn, and he writes, and writes, and when he’s finished, he has a new ballad to spread around
“The Yiling Patriarch” - is a bit different from his usual songs. It has some pretty strong criticism of wei wuxian, like “a child needs structure u can’t just let him run around all day” and “what idiot tries to grow lotus on a mountain” but they are specifically chosen to make him seem far less scary, even relatable. For most of it, the yiling patrarch is portrayed as noble, someone giving up his own future and reputation to take on the burdens that the sects neglected.
The true criticism of the song goes to the great sects, for mistreating the weak, poor, and young. For punishing civilians for crimes they did not commit. And how exactly are they different from wen Rouhan?
The song when first heard is met with silence. The audience confused and not quite willing to accept it yet.
But lan Qiren doesn’t give up, singing it loudly where ever he can, using names for the first time ever, just to make it very clear where he stands.
And slowly, people start to listen. The civlians believe first, terrified that the great sects could turn on them like they turned on the wen.
Then those of lower clans, who fear the power and abuses the great sects might turn on them.
Finally lan Qiren goes before the sect conference itself, and angrily sings his song. Then stops and proceeds to lecture each and every one of them about exactly how they screwed up.
And here’s the thing. Lan Qiren had a lot of influence, far more than he realizes. He’s taught the majority of the younger generation, and three of the four sect leaders. They owe him feital piety.
So when he stands up, people listen.
Not all of them, jin guangshan never does, but enough do, and the rest see the way the tide is turning and don’t want to be left behind.
And both nie mingjue and jin guangyao have a new boyfriend and they really don’t want to disappoint their new in-law.
Thus Lan Qiren saves the wens and gets them put up in a nice valley near cloud recesses, saving the day with the power of disappointed teacher face, music, and vacations!
The end
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thefrenchydude · 1 year
Murderous lust
He may have been living the life he'd always dreamed of, Reader couldn't help but feel in peril. Every day, he felt threatened, as if eyes were watching him in the dark. An invisible danger. At night, Reader always have nightmares, seeing himself being held prisoner by two shadowy creatures.
And when nightmares weren’t about being held captive, it was about his past life. The one where he was forced to kill innocents to live. Where he had to survive by stabbing or strangling. Where he had to sleep in the cold and filth, his body covered in bruises, not knowing if he'd wake up to see the next day.
It was Lex who had pulled him through this poor life. Reader had met him when he was at his worst, years ago. Lex was charming, well-dressed, rich and influential in Auroria. He'd given Reader everything: a new chance in life, a huge house to sleep in, a comfortable bed, arms to fall into. Reader loved him, not for his looks or his money, no. But his husband had something all his own. An unfailing compassion and tenderness. The same one that got Reader out of his horrible life.
It was also thanks to Lex, that he had risen to the top of society. He had met the city's most influential people via his husband, and had made a place for himself among them. As a result, Reader was beginning to gain influence too. And he used it to the benefit of this city, fighting social inequality and poverty.
One evening, a party was organized in a manor to celebrate the city's greatness and its five-hundredth anniversary. And this year, the two demons, protector and founder of the city, were invited to the party. Reader didn't think they'd come. Never in five hundred years have they attended any kind of celebration, contenting themselves with protecting the city from threats.
But Reader was surprised to see he was wrong, because they came to the party. The two demons everyone talked about. The two warlords who, through the sacrifice of their love, had defeated the powerful demon that had destroyed the village on which Auroria had been built. Everyone knew their tragic story. It was a story to be admired, despite rumors that the demon had actually murdered the couple's husband, who was actually being held prisoner, and that in their revenge, the two monkeys had destroyed the town themselves in a fit of rage.
The one known as Liu'er mihou, or Macaque, was a tall, black simian with dark purple eyes. Despite his serious features, he seemed pensive, as if lost in his own thoughts.
Alongside him, his brother-in-arms and the more powerful of the two, Sun wukong. An orange simian, just like his eyes. He was cold with everyone, showing that he was here not for too long.
That fateful night, each of them was stunningly well-dressed. Both wore corsets in their respective pupil colors and stylish pants. Reader also noticed that their war paint had not left their faces.
Their descendants had also been invited. A whole tribe of them. Unlike their parents, they were seen way to often. Causing chaos everywhere and having fun tormenting, or even murdering, citizens. They were in Reader’s list of “criminals to kick out of the city”.
From the top of the stairs, Reader watched them cross the room with their serious faces. Seeing them, Reader couldn't help but feel an icy chill run through him. A strange sensation whose source he couldn't guess. His heart clenched when he heard the orange simian's voice. It was… familiar to him.
Later that evening, one of the guests stumbled and spilled his cup on one of the demon's daughters. A monkey named Da Xia. No one had the time to react, the blow went off and the man crashed into one of the tables further on.
Reader stepped in between them. Trying to calm things down. Faced with this pathetic act Da Xia sneered before raising her fist again. Threatening to strike Reader. Clearly annoyed by the situation, Macaque sighed before holding back his daughter's arm. She scowled at her father and left.
Reader turned to help the victim to stand up, the poor man could barely stand on his legs. He didn't seem to be seriously hurt, tho. This reassured Reader.
Macaque approached and apologized for his daughter's behavior. Then their eyes met.
That was when Reader sealed his fate, that very moment when Macaque gasped out of surprise. He recognized him, he had found their husband again, after five hundreds years.
- Your Lordship Liu'er mihou? Reader called out to him, not knowing why Macaque was looking at him so strangely.
The black monkey seemed to come to his senses and smiled tenderly. Tears welled up in his eyes as he returned to his companion. They talked for a while, and Wukong's face lit up as he jumped with joy. With a big, goofy grin, he then approached Reader, looking deliriously happy.
Just then, Lex arrived and took Reader in his arms, before kissing him. A kiss that Reader returned. And when they stopped kissing, Reader noticed that Wukong wasn't smiling at all. No. Reader even felt something he hadn't felt in such a long time. Fear. Because when Lex left, Reader could see that gleam in the eyes of the two demons. A murderous lust.
(A fanfic about @semisolidmind au)
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superfreaksdev · 20 days
Super Freaks at SAGE 2024
Well, I haven't been here in a hot minute! Let's see what Mr. Freaksdev and friends have been cooking up:
Super Freaks 1 Ultimate Edition 3.0
Super Freaks 1 Ultimate Edition is back with its big 3.0 update. In the new Uncle Swordsman Story, you and up to three other friends can zip around the screen with reckless abandon thanks to the new Warrior Aura that increases in size the more yorbs you grab. You can move double speed, but beware! You lose it all if you get hit.
There are also new bosses, like Kranion and Sticky's all powerful bumbling sitcom dad Marrow Prime!
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Look at this epic artwork by @engineerkappa @kappaengineer @kappa-artz that I totally didn't threaten with credit card fraud to do for me! It's so cool!
Super Freaks Presents: Strato Freaks 2
The surprise sequel to 2009's/2023's (long story) Strato-Scruffy has a public demo at SAGE. In this wild Fantasy Zone/NiGHTS like shmup, you and a friend can fly around endlessly looping levels trying to collect the Powerful Monkey Council and rack up huge combos by shooting enemies. Also, check those sick cartoon graphics!
Things aren't that simple, however. As your Hot Clock runs down, the level gradually gets harder, and more enemies will appear. Let it run down all the way, and that sinister skeleton Sticky will appear to harass you until he claims your last pink cartoon heart. and we wouldn't want that, would we?
Super Freaks Arcade
This Super Freaks game was first made for Freakjam 1 back in January and gradually expanded on ever since. It reinterprets the gameplay and levels of Super Freaks 1 Ultimate Edition into a 1980's arcade game, loosely based on both Mario Bros. and Pac-Man Championship Edition. You and a friend can collect yorbs to fil your quota and make the Skull Jar (your goal) appear! But enemies will continue to climb out of Kranion's portal. Rack up some crazy combos by running into a bunch of enemies in a row! Also, there's a four player battle mode that's pretty hectic!
Super Freaks Side Story: Scruffy Minus: Rise of the Anti Freaks
This one's actually not entirely a solo joint. I've had wonderful collaborators for the above games, but Scruffy Minus I've been largely hands off with; this game is more the mastermind of Riegel25, Jorjoe05, and NULL3D, and we've crafted a crazy, lore heavy adventure that explains what went down between the classic and modern eras of Super Freaks.
Mr. Shootem Breaks Out!
If I were to list every freaks cameo we'd be here all day, but this one's different enough to be my honorable mention. I'm part of the Shooteam working on Mr. Shootem Breaks Out, a wild breakout experience where you need to shoot the ball with your gun instead of using a paddle.
King Quincy is playable here, armed with a number of funny palette swaps (Gordan Freakman, anyone?), and the Go-Go Yo-Yo from Strato-Scruffy and Strato Freaks 2. Thanks to the power of epic licensing, my good friend defnotreal got Plok (yes really) and the Kid from I Wanna Be The Guy (also yes really, and there's a funny as hell story behind that one) as guest characters! Plok also has a Gambi skin, so I don't just get to cross over with Plok--I get to assimilate him! Thanks Pickfords!!!!!
Now, don't forget to find that Shootem Kickstarter and wishlist it! We got some amazing goals in mind you are not prepared for.
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smaptain-smerica · 1 year
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: {Y/n} Was at the top of her class at the Red Room Academy. Sought after for her expertise in the field by Dr. Zola, who purchased the widow for his Hydra Program. {y/n} Excelled quickly, and began teaching the new recruits using her previously taught skills. All was well until a James Barnes entered the program. His presence turned the entirety of the Hydra program on its head. Rules, hearts and trust broken time and time again.
Maturity: This book is rated mature for graphic descriptions of violence, foul language, and sexual content that may be sensitive to readers under the age of 18.
a/n: This story was originally posted on wattpad and will be updated there first. Follow there for quicker updates! https://www.wattpad.com/user/smaptin-smerica
Master List
Chapter 31
I didn't think my brain could absorb any more information after learning about everything I had missed in the world since I was 12. Sam and Bucky answered every single question that I had and even argued about the timeline of events at times.
It was now hour 19 into our journey back to New York and we were almost there. Once I finally ran out of questions, I let myself sink into the back seat to think. Bucky never took his eyes off me from the passenger seat. "You okay? I know that was a lot." He tried to reassure me.
"Holy shit." I grumbled, looking up from my lap and at Bucky's face. "I can't believe that you're in the Smithsonian."
Both men let out deep belly laughs. "We will start there whenever we get back to New York."
I gave Bucky a smile as he turned back around to give Sam instructions back to his apartment. I let my face drop. The world was so big, and I was free. Where would I go? I've only seen parts of Europe, I don't remember parts of America. Would I just follow Bucky wherever he went?
It was easy to spot New York as we approached from a distance. It wasn't until I looked up from my lap that I realized we had entered the city. My face dropped in shock and I scooted over to the window to try and get a glimpse of all the lights and buildings. Even with the setting sun the city looked alive. I thought I might actually see the buildings breath if I looked close enough.
The window I was staring out rolled down and I stuck my head out into the cool evening air. The wind whipped my hair in all different directions but I didn't care. I was too mesmerized by the colors of all the lights.
"Welcome to the city that never sleeps, y/n." I heard Sam say through the wind. I watched as I passed huge TV's hanging from buildings displaying advertisements and different things like that.
I finally brought my head back into the car. My hair was a mess from the wind and I locked eyes with Bucky. "It gets easier, but there's nothing like seeing it for the first time." He smiled at me, which I gratefully returned with an excited smile of my own.
Bucky's POV
Watching the way that y/n's face lit up as she took in the sights of New York lifted my heart. I was scared that she would be terrified. But she handled us catching her up and seeing the city surprisingly well. It gave me hope.
Sam pulled up to my apartment building and dropped us off. He explained that he had some family here that he was going to stay with. I was glad, honestly. My studio apartment was rather small for three people. Plus I didn't want him to know I still slept on the floor.
The modern day elevator was an interesting first experience with y/n. She jumped a little once it started moving, grabbing my arm for support. I laughed a little, though I don't blame her. This building was old and the elevators were sketchy at times.
I opened the door for her and let her in. I watched her walk around my small space and suddenly felt embarrassed. I wasn't expecting guests. There were pillows and blankets strung out on the floor in front of the tv. There were hardly any decorations on the walls. Luckily the bed was made, mostly because I hardly ever touched it.
"Um," I spoke to cut through the awkwardness I was feeling. "Do you want something to eat? Are you hungry?" I offered, silently praying I had left something edible in the fridge.
She just looked at me, her face displaying nothing but I could see the gears turning inside of her head. I stopped beside her, waiting for her answer.
"When's the next time I'm going to get to eat?" Her answer broke my heart a little. I know exactly where she was coming from. Although, I was overcome with joy that I was the one to get to tell her she didn't have to live like that anymore.
"Whenever you want." I put my hands on either side of her face as she looked up at me. How easily I could get lost in her eyes. "You're free to do whatever you want now."
A wide and bright smile spread across her lips as her eyes flipped back and forth between mine. "Then no, I'm not hungry. I will eat later."
I returned her smile with one of my own. "Atta girl." I praised jokingly as I let go of her face. She kept staring at me, the distance between us close. Dangerously close. I wanted to kiss her. A feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I didn't even know I still had these feelings for her until she was here. Standing in front of me was the lost love that haunted my dreams. I woke up wishing I could have seen her one last time. Now? I prayed to whoever was listening that I would never wake up from this dream.
"Do you sleep on the floor?" She asked, drawing me out of the depths of my mind. I grimaced at the question. To no fault of her own, I was just  still embarrassed by it.
"Yes, I can't seem to get to sleep in a bed."
She looked up at me with a sympathetic smile before immediately moving on to exploring my home. I didn't realize that it was something I missed about her, but she didn't push me further. Going to therapy and being swarmed with people constantly asking me questions was exhausting. Y/n never pushed for more, never asked me to explain beyond. She was content with what I told her, and that was a relief.
"Well, I'll get you a shirt to sleep in and you can take the bed." I suggested, walking into the space where my bed and closet were.
"And if it's too comfy you'll save me a spot on the floor?" She asked with a mischievous hint to her voice.
I let out a laugh while pulling out an old T-shirt of mine. "I'll save you a spot right next to me." I joked back.
I made sure she was settled. I gave her a toothbrush to let her brush her teeth, a hairbrush, and a cup of water to keep by her bed. She crawled under the covers, settling herself into the king bed. "I see what you mean about the beds." She commented as I walked back to where the light switch was.
"Well, the floors still open if you're too comfortable." I replied, leaning on the wall frame.
Y/n smiled once more at me, making my heart nearly flutter out of my chest. "I'll be okay, Buck. Let's get some sleep."
I smiled gently at her trying to reassure me. She knew I was worried. "I know you will. Goodnight," I paused before turning the light off. "Diamond." I slipped around the corner just in time to see a pillow roll on the floor at my feet.
"Goodnight, asshole." She snapped at me from the dark.
I chuckled, shaking my head as I also got myself ready for bed. I debated staying up to watch her, make sure she didn't have any nightmares, but sleep got the better of me.
A creak in the floorboards caused me to jolt awake. I listened with my ears first before sitting up and looking in the direction of the kitchen. The city lights cast a faint yellow glow through the window in the kitchen. I saw a silhouetted figure standing by the kitchen sink.
"Y/n?" I asked with no answer from the unmoving shadow. I looked at the time on the microwave. It was nearing 3 am.
"Did you need more water?" I asked, standing up to approach her. It was weird that she wasn't answering me. Maybe she was sleep walking?
I stopped in my tracks when I noticed a shining metal object clutched in her hand. I put my hands up in surrender. "Y/n, put the knife down." I instructed.
Finally, she turned around to walk my way. She walked around the kitchen island and was now fully facing me. She stepped into the light, the same dark look in her eyes as the first day she showed up.
"Shit." I hissed.
Y/n advanced, throwing herself and the knife in my direction. I dodged her swings quickly as she backed me towards the wall. I slipped around the corner and into my bedroom area. I used dodges and sometimes my metal arm to block her blows.
I needed to get that knife out of her hands. She was too lethal wielding it. "Come on y/n, we can talk about this."
She responded by lunging for me with an angered yell. I moved at the last second, the knife plunging into the wall. I took this opportunity to kick her in the chest and send her flying backwards. I must have used more force than I thought because she whacked her head on the floor pretty hard, knocking her out.
I took the knife out of the wall, grumbling to myself about it while I approached her slowly. Her body lay completely still on the floor, limbs sprawled out wildly. I knelt down at her side and looked at her chest. She was still breathing.
I reached my metal hand tenderly down and put it on her chest. I could feel her heart beating. "Y/n." I spoke gently, shaking her to try and wake her up.
When that didn't work I moved my hand to touch her face. When the metal made contact with the side of her cheek she jumped awake, frantically sitting up and scooting back.
"You're okay, you're okay!" I tried to calm her frantic state. Her eyes looked at me, panicked and confused.
"How... what happened?" She finally asked. I was afraid to tell her, I knew how it felt to come out of it and not remember what you did or who you hurt.
"It's nothing, you're okay now." I reached my hands out to her in a comforting manner and she took them. I slowly rose us to a standing position.
"How did I get out of bed, I don't remember..." she paused, looking around the room before finally laying eyes on me. "Did I attack you again?" She asked quietly.
I nodded in response. "It's okay. You're here now."
"Shit, Bucky I'm so sorry."
"This is why we're going to Wakanda tomorrow." I put my hands on either side of her face and forced her to look at me. I could see the desperation and sadness in her eyes. Tears lined the bottoms of them and I could tell she felt guilty. I brought her into my chest, wrapping her in a reassuring hug.
"Come on, let's go back to bed." I whispered encouragingly to her. She allowed me to guide her back to the bedroom where she laid down on the bed.
For the first time since I moved in, I crawled into the bed beside her. It felt like I was sinking into the mattress. But the look of relief on her face when she saw me get in bed was more than enough to make me want to stay.
"Was it like this for you?" Her soft voice asked in the dark room. I sighed, not knowing how to answer. Part of me didn't want to answer. As much as I avoided reliving my past as possible, she was a walking ghost of it. I could suffer though a few bad memories for the sake of comforting her.
"Sometimes, yes. I wouldn't remember in the moment what I was doing. I would come out of the trance not remember how I got there." I hesitated finishing that sentence. When I really started remembering again is when I'd have nightmares. I thought they were just dreams until I started to have them over and over again. I wanted her to be able to sleep, so I opted out of telling her that much.
"And you got better?" Y/n asked.
I nodded. "I got better."
This seemed to comfort her. Her body let out a large sigh and she closed her eyes. I watched her for a while. I watched her breathing as it slowly fell into a steady, rhythmic pattern. I didn't need to go back to sleep. I needed to make sure that I was there for her in case she needed me.
That's what I wished I had, and I know that she would have done it for me had she been able.
I don't know what happened to her or who did this to her, but I was going to find them. I would hunt them down for the rest of my days if I had to. My therapist wouldn't be happy, but for Y/n, I was going to throw rule number 2 out the window.
Next Chapter in Progress
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chimera-klown · 2 years
Little Nightmares and The Magnus Archives
A while ago, I came to the conclusion that the Little Nightmares series is the perfect horror game that embodies all 15 Fear Entities from The Magnus Archives.
I know this random, but ended up focusing on it and mentally cataloged the similarities.
So for fun and because I wanted to get it out of my head to prove I saw something, I made a list of how the worlds are connected.
I probably didn't get all of the details and I'm probably crazy for this, but I like crossovers.
The Eye
• The Eyes of the Maw
• The secret eye cameras hidden on the Maw
• The stone turning eye traps
• part of the Signal Tower's true form
• in general, the multiple drawings/depictions of eyes throughout the series (both 1/2)
The Spiral
• The hallways and doors puzzle of the Signal Tower
• The hallway/door that haunts Mono and later opens, releasing Thin Man
• The strange, warped architecture of the game's environment, especially 2 and the Signal Tower
• Six's monster form, and some of the other creatures of this realm
• generally a lot of doors
The Flesh
• The Maw's "restaurant"
• The Twin Chefs
• The Guests and their appetite/meals
• Six and her hunger progressing
• part of The Signal Tower's true form
The Hunt
• The Hunter, obviously
• actually, literally ever enemy is after you
• multiple chase sequences
The Stranger
• The Lady
• many, many masks
• The maniquens/Patients of the hospital level
• The Hunter's taxidermy
• The Doctor's creations
• The main character designs
The Corruption
• rot and decay permeate the air, certain ares can honestly make you sick
• leeches
• fly swarms festering, a droning buzz the makes you nauseous
The Lonely
• Mono's name along with his and Thin Man's abandonment/betrayal from Six
• The atmosphere and many empty places
• family and friends to not exist in the Little Nightmares universe, everyone for themself
• adults are NOT on your side
The Vast
• The main environments of the game + certain cutscences show how tiny you truly are
• VERY SMALL children in HUGE world that uses their size both against them and benefits them
• It's extremely easy to fall to your death
The Slaughter
• What happens to children if/when they get caught by the many enemies
• Mono fighting
• The music box
The Buried
• The many tight vents in the Maw, School, and Hospital
• Also the tunnels in the forest level (there is a little nightmare comic of a character that gets buried alived)
• The water level in the DLC
The Dark
• The shadow children "fight" in Lady's quarters in the DLC
• many other dark areas that require a lighter/flashlight to navigate
• The maniquens/Patients only move when it's dark, freezing in the light
The Desolation
• The Doctor's death/defeat (locking and burning him in a incinerator)
• Using an incinerator to burn toys to solve a puzzle
• comfort of any kind is not a thing in this universe
The Web
• The Signal Tower and its control over this world
• Everything is fated in a terrible, perfect way (especially in 2 because no matter what, Mono will become Thin Man)
• The Teacher's "strict" education regime
The End
• Death is EVERYWHERE and EVERYTHING. One wrong move means instant game over
The Extinction
• The TVs
Some of these are probably a bit of a stretch, and I definitely had to struggle to fit some of the Fears in, but in all this game's world is amazing and so is the podcast's.
This might not even everything, just the ones that stuck out to me, so if you can think of anything to add to this list, let me know.
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What proposal, wedding and Honeymoon headcanons might you have for a Erina x Hisako pairing?
Even after they've been together for years, every day Hisako wakes up and is stunned that Erina actually returns her romantic feelings. She feels lucky just to be in her presence and walk beside her in life, and thinks it would be presumptuous of her to propose marriage.
With all of that being said, Erina would definitely be the one to propose. She would plan to do it during the pre-open of her second restaurant, The Evening Star, which she designed to have a particularly romantic atmosphere.
The entire week before the soft opening, Hisako would be trying to help Erina prepare and organize her schedule (even though she's quite busy with her own work), but Erina would softly tell her that she could manage on her own.
On the night of the soft opening, she would have Hisako seated at a table on the upper level—where the moonlight could cast its glow on her—and have course after dazzling course of a personalized meal brought out to her. Each dish would tie back to a special moment in their long relationship, and as Hisako ate them, she'd be filled with nostalgia and love.
At the end of the night, Erina would come out in her chef's whites with a brilliant diamond engagement ring and ask Hisako to be her wife.
Erina and Hisako are both quite competitive by nature, so they would be united in the goal of topping Alice's wedding that took place the previous year.
They would divide and conquer the wedding planning, playing to both of their strengths. Erina would focus on the big picture of the wedding—the colors, the theme, the cohesion of the menu. Hisako would take care of the details—the vendors, the venue, the guest lists and seating charts. They've been working as a team for so long that the planning process is seamless and they get through it with minimal stress. The result would be a huge fairy tale wedding, with all of their friends and family in attendance.
Erina would wear a ballgown with lots of ornate embroidery on the bodice and skirt, and Hisako would wear a more understated sheath dress with lace sleeves.
They would write their own vows, even though the idea of sharing them in front of everyone would have both of them panicking a little.
Alice would give a toast that would royally embarrass them both, but they'd forgive her because it'd be hilarious.
I like to think they'd honeymoon in Florence for about two weeks.
They'd walk hand in hand along the river Arno, stopping in cafes and admiring the architecture.
They'd stroll through the Uffizi Gallery, taking in the gorgeous art, but each finding the other even more beautiful than the paintings.
They'd try new restaurants, Hisako carefully vetting each one to make sure it's up to the standards of Erina's palate, and talk about how they might improve on the recipes when they got home.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
I’m going to set a prompt for you. “Fireworks” for any of your works. Whichever you’re happiest to use.
It took me a while, but here it is... 💜
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Summary:Your brother’s annual Fourth of July picnic brings with it a surprise you never saw coming - and brings John Porter unexpected back into your life.
Prompt: Fireworks
Characters: John Porter x Fem!Reader  
Warnings: unprotected sex 
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,281
You stood in the doorway of your walk-in closet and frowned. Why was it when you actually had someplace to go, you never seemed to have anything to wear? The Murphy’s law of both fashion and being single, no doubt. 
 Although, why you really cared was a bit of a mystery. It was just your brother’s annual Fourth of July cookout and you already knew everyone on the guest list. But for some reason, you just wanted to look… good. 
Still, you didn't have all day to decide. The cookout started at two and you’d had to work, so it was already nearly seven now and if you waited any longer, there’d be no point in going at all.
That in mind, you finally settled on your old standby—jean shorts and a dark green tank top. Your hair almost behaved. Almost. So, up into a ponytail it went and not ten minutes later, you were easing your car to a stop behind your brother’s Ram 1500 pickup. There were a few cars parked in front of his house at the end of Maple Street, where the tall, leafy trees that gave the street its name showed the age of the neighborhood itself. During the day, shade splashed on both sides of the street and most of the cars parked along it took advantage of that shade. 
Music pumped from the backyard. Gabe was a big Beatles fan, and you recognized Sgt. Pepper and fought off a wince. As kids, he had this CD on loop and every morning, you woke up to the same refrain, you’d asked him to please, please, please play anything else and when he refused, you snuck into his room and stole the CD to bury in the backyard. 
But now, you didn't mind Sgt. Pepper so much as you lifted the latch to the gate and came around the corner, smiling and greeting the people you knew, the ones she saw at every one of Gabe’s gatherings.
“Hey, you made it!” 
Gabe was younger than you by almost four years and when you were kids, you couldn’t be in the same room for more than five minutes without trying to kill each other. But, you weren’t kids any more and you didn't mind him so much since he’d finally grown up. He pressed a Sam Adams Porch Rocker into your hand and said, “I’ll throw a burger on for you if you want.”
“Thanks, I’d appreciate it. No cheese, though.”
“No problem. Go and be friendly. It’ll be up win a few minutes.”
You looked around as he went back into the kitchen to get the burgers. Tiki torches flickered all around the yard’s perimeter and  Chairs were set up beneath towering maples and oaks and most of them were already occupied. Kids splashed in the in-ground pool, and you tried not to notice the bikinis around said pool. But, of course you did notice them and as you did, you vowed to work harder on your abs next gym session. A lie, of course. you hated doing abs, but as long as you made the promise, you felt better about the same. 
Before you could even make the attempt to go and be friendly, your sister-in-law Deena came up and wrapped you in a hug like she hadn’t seen you in years. “I’m glad you finally got here,” she said, her voice low, “now, don’t be mad at me, but…”
“But what?” You narrowed your eyes at her. “Deena, what’s going on?”
“John’s here.”
“I know, I know…Believe me, he heard about it, but” Deena held up both hands, palms out, “Gabe bumped into him and they got to talking and the next thing I know, he tells me he invited him.”
“Deena, are you kidding me?” You craned your neck to scan the huge backyard and it took you all of five seconds to find him, over near the clump of swamp maples to the left of the pool. There he was. 
John Porter.
It had been months since you’d last seen him, but as soon as your eyes alit on him, your entire body went hot. No one would ever blame me for that. After all, the man was hot. Tall, dark, handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a smile that promised all of the sinful delights the world had to offer and delivered so much more. He wasn't in your apartment more than ten minutes, there to pick you up for our first date, before you were naked on the sofa with him. You never even made it to the movie you’d planned to go see, which had been fine. He knew what he was doing and you’d take an orgasm over a stupid action movie any day of the week. And while you’d thought you’d never seen him again after that, you were wrong. In fact, you thought you were on the verge of something special, something that would last. 
You were falling in love.
You thought he was, as well. 
He worked for the British government and was only in the States temporarily. He’d gotten a call about a mission, couldn’t tell you what it was or where it would take him, only that he was leaving and he’d call you when he got back to the States.
That was last December. You were still waiting for that call.
“Oh, no,” Deena muttered. “Here he comes.”
“Wonderful.” You lifted the bottle to swallow half of it. A mistake, actually, as you hadn’t eaten and the beer went right to your head. 
“Hi there,” John said, his voice all casual, like you were work buddies or nothing more than casual acquaintances. “How’ve you been?”
“Good. And you?” You managed to sound at least a little friendly. Or so you hoped. But the truth was, the butterflies were going wild in your stomach and the Porch Rocker had your head spinning more than a little and truth be told, just looking at him, all you could think about was tackling him somewhere. You hadn’t realized just how much you’d missed him until then.
And really, what you should’ve been thinking was junk punching him. He’d deserve it. 
“I’m good. I—uh—I retired at the end of May.”
“Retired? Really?”
He nodded, lifting his own bottle of Shock Top to his lips for a pull. He took two swallows then lowered it. “Yeah, I’m here now, doing some work for your government now instead.”
“For how long?”
“Long enough that I bought a house.”
That was something you hadn’t expected him to say. “You-you bought a house. That’s nice.”
“Yeah, I did. It’s not huge and there’s more grass than I real care to mow, but I’m adjusting. The worst part is you all drive on the wrong side of the road.”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure that would be you.” 
He smiled, then glanced at Deena before looking back at you. “Look, can we talk?”
“Talk? What about?” You took another sip of your beer like you had no idea what he might want to talk to me about. Playing it cool. 
“I’m going to go see if Gabe needs any help.” Deena gestured toward the Coleman coolers up against the back of the house. “Beer’s in the red cooler, sodas and water are in the blue cooler.” 
Deena darted off, leaving you up on the deck with John, trying to remember why it was you didn't want to go off alone with him anywhere. Nothing good could come of it. It just couldn’t. 
He waited until Deena went back inside. “I owe you an apology.”
“An apology?”
A knowing look came to his face, accompanied by a slightly crooked grin that made your insides twist immediately. “You know what I’m talking about.”
“Oh, right. You were going to call me, weren’t you, when you were stateside again?”
“Yeah, I was, but I ended up in the Middle East for months and couldn’t call from there because I couldn't give my location away. When I finally got back to London, I decided I’d had enough. I’d worked with a few Americans over there and was offered a job that paid better, had less travel, so I put in for my retirement and when I came back to the States, I figured too much time had passed and you were probably fairly angry with me, and rightfully so and I know that’s lame, but it’s the truth.”
You really didn't want to believe him, but he sounded sincere enough. And maybe you were being a fool, but you still cared about him, still missed him, and—if you were completely honest with yourself—you will loved him. Not a day went by when you didn't think about him, or didn’t worry about him, even if you would have cheerfully strangled him yourself.
And now, you had the opportunity at a second chance with him. Maybe you were being a fool, but… how often did one get a second chance?
With that, you sighed. “Fair enough. Yes, we can talk.”
“Good.” He nodded toward the side of Gabe’s pale yellow ranch house. “Let’s take a walk. I don’t know anyone here anyway.”
“You know Gabe.”
“Yeah, and that’s it. And his wife keeps giving me the stink-eye.”
You smiled. “She’s one of my best friends, so you’re lucky the stink-eye is all she’s giving you.”
“Yeah, I suppose I am.” 
You knew better, but you let him lead you around to the front of the house. “So, how’ve you been?”
“Busy,” he said. “I’m still living out of boxes, more or less. Not much in the way of spare time since I got here.”
“But you had time for a cookout.”
“Who turns down free food?” He looked over at you and grinned.
That grin made your insides do a slow melt. Did he have any idea what he promised with only a smile? You remembered all too well what that smile did to you the first time. He’d leaned in and kissed you and that was it. The next thing you knew, you were tugging his cream-colored sweater over his head ad then wrestling with his belt while he had you naked in record time. And that was only the beginning. It only got better from there. 
Your nipples contracted on cue. Heat swept through you now and it had nothing to do with it being the middle of the summer. John Porter just oozed sex. Oozed sex, reeked of danger, and had a face that would make an angle commit any sin he asked. 
And sinning with him seemed mighty good right about now.
Wait? What?
No, you weren’t going there again. You knew you should go back to the house, and drown your sorrows in Porch Rockers, cheeseburgers, and chips, because standing there, with him, at the foot of Gabe’s driveway, was already wreaking havoc on your nerves. Your body remembered all too well what the man standing before could do, what he did do, and it was enough to make you already feel more than a little dampness between your legs. 
No man had ever had that power over you. But John did. And you had the feeling he knew it. Especially when you looked up and found him just watching you, his blue eyes glinting with something akin to promise.
He knew.
He shook his head. “Nothing. I’m just glad I decided to come.”
As he spoke, he stepped up closer to you. You instinctively stepped back, smack up against the side of your car. “John… don’t.”
“Don’t what?” He took another step toward you. “We were good together. We should give it another shot.”
“No,” you shook your head, “we definitely should not give it another shot. I learned the hard way about that.”
“I was a shit and I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”
“You’re nuts if you think I’m falling for this again.”
“I live right there,” he gestured with one hand over his right shoulder, “so why don’t we forget this cookout and make a few fireworks of our own and see if I can’t convince you how good we are together?”
“I don’t even like you.”
“That’s okay,” his grin widened, “you don’t have to like me. I like you enough for the both of us.”
“Oh, well, in that case.”
“Come on, admit it. You like me.”
“No. I really don’t.”
“Sure you do.” He stepped closer and you tried to ignore the way your heartbeat sped up. He towered over you, all broad shoulders and wide chest. “You’re still here, aren’t you?”
You relented then and sighed. “Okay, so you’re not the worst person I’ve ever met.”
“I knew it.” He bent to you and your heart quickened as his lips just barely brushed yours and he whispered, “I am sorry I didn't call you when I got back,” just before he claimed your lips in a soft kiss.
You sank back against your car as his mouth moved against yours, as his arm slid easily about your waist, as his body pressed up against you. His lips were warm and dry and soft, his tongue hot and silken as it eased between your lips to trace along yours. 
He came flush against you. You’d forgotten how solid he was, how muscled. He might not be in the military any longer, but he certainly didn't get lazy as a result. You melted against him, winding your arms about his neck. Your fingers crept up into his hair. It was short and bristly along his nape, but as they stretched higher, it grew softer. 
John shifted slightly, easing a thigh between yours and you couldn’t help but sigh into his mouth at the sensual friction it created. He pressed up into the apex of your thighs, sliding it along you as he did. Heat pooled where he met you, the cotton lining of your thong already damp. Damn it, he was one of those men who just knew how to touch you to get your motor humming, how to warm you up and make you almost drip with desire. Your core did a slow, teasing melt, the ache sweet and aggravating at the same time. 
But, you weren’t the only one whose body betrayed them. As he came completely flush against you, his cock pressed firmly against you, a rather large ridge in his jeans now and without thinking, you slid a hand down from his neck, shifted enough to sweep down along his chest, over his stomach, to that ridge, which you curved your hand about and gently squeezed.
He exhaled hard into your mouth and arched into your touch at the same time. The pressure against your hand was slow and steady, and you just wanted to unbuckle his belt, tug open the fly, and let your fingers roam over what you knew was thick, solid, utterly beautiful male flesh. 
You smiled as he shivered against you, as he thrust firmly against you and whispered, “We should go back to my place. It’s right across the street.”
“Since when?”
“Since I moved here. I just told you I bought a house.” He drew back, his blue eyes almost sapphire, heavy-lidded, and promising you it would be absolutely worth falling into bed with him again. “So?”
You smiled. “Do I look dumb enough to do that again?”
He leaned in, sweeping his lips up along the side of your neck, to your ear, where he caught the lobe in gentle teeth and whispered, “I promise you, I’m not disappearing any time soon.”
“No, I promise you,” he drew back and smiled, “I will. I’ll even call you first thing tomorrow. I mean, unless you’re still here tomorrow.”
Your stomach did a mighty flip at that. “Are you asking me to spend the night with you? We haven’t even left my brother’s yard yet.”
“I am and the key word is yet. I owe you.” He slid an arm about your waist to pull you up and away from the car. “We’ll get some takeaway and see what happens.”
“John, I’m not sleeping with you again.”
“Sure you are.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
He bent to kiss you and as he did, your resolve melted. Maybe you were an idiot for doing this, but you didn't care. So, you let him catch you by the hand and you followed him across the street to the sage green ranch across the street. 
Once you were inside, John pulled you into his arms and his mouth crashed into yours. And in that moment, you were a goner. You melted into him, tugging his damp tee shirt up to slip your hands beneath it. His back was damp as well. It was hot as anything outside and you were both on the sweaty side. The AC hummed softly in the background, but the afternoon sun had poured in through the front bow window and the room was hot despite that AC.
His tongue thrust between your lips, teasing as it glided along yours. He curved his rough palms against your cheeks, angling your head ever so slightly to the right to give him better access, to allow him to deepen his kiss. You savored every last second of that deep, soulful kiss as it fired your blood and warmed you from the inside out. You flattened your hands against his back, the muscle like slabs of stone beneath his hot, smooth skin. 
Your back arched of its own, your breasts pressing firmly into his chest, your nipples responding to the contact by tightening into achy little beads. His hands fell away from your face, to the hem of your tank and he broke the kiss as he whisked that tank top up, a soft laugh dusting your lips as you raised your arms so he could strip it free and let it fall to the floor behind you.
Little by little, you tugged at each other’s clothes until the piles at your feet grew higher. He caught you around the waist to lift you easily and as he did, you wrapped your legs about his hips, both sighing as one when your softness ground firmly against his hardness. 
He lifted you just enough to capture a beaded nipple between his lips, flaying it with the tip of his tongue as he flicked it over that achy nub. Your core began the slow melt that had you aching for him, the heat between your thighs enough to warm the room further. He turned to press you against the wall, your eyes closing as he continued his sensual assault on your nipple, swirling his tongue about it, pulling it deeper into his mouth, flicking it just enough to make you suck in a hard breath. 
Your body ached for him just as it always did, when all you could think about was moments like this, with him. His touch was the most powerful aphrodisiac you’d ever known and he had the gift of knowing just how to touch you, how to stroke and tease you, until you were slick and hot and desperate for him.
That hadn’t changed. Not one bit. He was still your weakness and probably always would be and all you wanted was to feel him inside you, to take him slow and deep until you both went mad with the need to come. 
He pulled away, his eyes smoked sapphires as they met yours. “I’ve missed you, love,” he growled, his voice low and husky.
“You knew where to find me,” you whispered back.
“I was a fucking coward.”
“Yeah, you were.”
He grinned. “But, you’re here now, so…”
With that, he reached between you and you felt him press up against you just hard enough to make tingles race through you.
“John!” His name burst from your lips as he then thrust and filled you with a long, silken stroke. You tightened about him instinctively, your fingernails biting into the back of his neck as he began thrusting. He moved with the slow assurance of a man who knew exactly how to make you melt, how to carefully bring you to that edge and hold you there, your body humming, your head spinning, your blood boiling as every fiber of your being tensed in anticipation of the fiery hot release of the perfect orgasm. 
This time was no different. Each thrust shoved you closer to that edge. You wrapped all around him, rocked your hips to meet those thrusts, a sense of triumph surging through you as he moaned low in the back of his throat and his eyes squeezed shut for a long moment.
“Oh…” Your name bubbled to his lips, almost strangled as he thrust faster now. Pleasure spiraled through you, gentle at first, but it quickly grew. Hot. Sweet. Your thighs gripped his sides as you slid along the wall, as he drove powerfully into you. Bright lights danced before your eyes. Your head spun wildly from the sensual bliss coursing through you. You tightened about him, your climax taking root deep in your core, tensing and twisting as it wound through you. 
“John… oh… please…” You couldn’t hold back your plaintive moan, the need to come almost choking you now. You squeezed him, ground against him, met each thrust as best you could and then—
He crushed you between his body and the wall and you surrendered, melting at the sweet fire of mutual climax that had you clinging to him, throbbing around him, whispering his name as you tightened your arms about his neck.
John staggered back, sinking into the armchair just inside the front door and as he did, he cradled you against him, trembling beneath you as he whispered, “I’ve missed you so much, you know. And I don’t want to miss you any more.”
You buried your face in his soft, dark hair, breathing in the clean eucalyptus scent of his shampoo, the soft scrape of his stubbled cheek against your all-too-sensitive skin. Your eyes closed, your heart slowed, your breath returned as you whispered, “What does that mean?”
“It means, I want another chance with you.” He drew back slightly, turning to meet your gaze. His eyes were heavy-lidded and seductive, soft and tender. “So, what do you say?”
“Why should I, John?”
“Because you miss me? Because you want to be with me? Because I make your eyes cross and will do it on a regular basis?”
“I wanted all of that once and you left. How do I know you won’t leave again?”
“Because I’m not stupid. I made a mistake when I left. The worst mistake I could’ve made. And I want to right that.”
You sat back carefully, mindful of the fact that your bodies were still joined, but wouldn’t be for much longer. And it would be messy, then. You carefully eased off him. “John, I—”
He pushed up from the chair, said, “Hold that thought,” and darted into the kitchen, coming back with a clean towel that he pressed into your hand. “Look, I know I fucked up. I won’t deny that. But, I’ve had a lot of time to think about us, love. And the more I thought, the more I realized what I want. And what I want is you.”
“For now.”
“Forever.” He came up to catch you by the wrist, pulling the towel from you. “I love you. And I have for a long time.”
You stared up at him, his features softened by the darkness creeping in as night fell. Soft pops sounded in the distance. Firecrackers, no doubt. It was, after all, the Fourth of July. 
“You have every reason to tell me to go to hell,” he said, drawing you into his arms once more. “But, I will prove myself to you somehow. I promise you, I will.”
You knew you should just get dressed and go back across the street, but the truth was, you’d missed him just as much. And you really did want to believe him.
But, what if…?
“John, what if you change your mind again?”
“I won’t,” he whispered, locking his fingers at the small of your back to hold you away from him. His eyes were honest, a slightly crooked grin played at his lips. “I promise you, I won’t. You’ll see.”
You sighed as the sky behind him lit up in flashes of purple and white and gold. You knew what your answer would be and perhaps it made you a fool, but you smiled just the same.
“I love you,” he added, drawing you close once more. “And I will prove it to you.”
“You better.” You reached up to brush a lock of spiky dark hair away from his forehead. “Because I love you back and I swear I will kick your ass if you’re just playing me, Sergeant Porter.”
He offered up a grin that would melt even the coldest of hearts. “Not sergeant, love. Just Mister. I’m a civilian now, and I promise you, I am not playing you. You’ll see.”
He tugged you back to him and as your lips met, and your eyes started to slip shut, more bursts of color erupted against the night sky as you melted against him once more. And as he tugged down onto the cool maple floor, those weren’t the only fireworks going off around you. 
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Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc 
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unholyverse · 1 year
dont know anything about waterparks, im just nosey but, what its the relation between this travis guy and waterparks?? Were they friends or something, i would be SO mad if my friend or ex friend was writing fanfiction about me
ok so to put it simply, travis is a longtime friend of awsten’s. unlike most of awsten’s friends tho, he’s not some influencer or musician, he is legit just some normal guy from awsten’s hometown that works a 9 to 5 government day job while perusing a side career of being a fantasy book author that sells through amazon books. and also being an active redditor on fantasy subreddits.
awsten met travis because he skipped prom and travis was performing in a rap group in a waffle house parking lot and throwing waffles at people. yes this is all real because travis was in a comedy rap group called dwhb (dem waffle houze boiz) and they used to throw stuff like counterfeit waffle house coupons at the audience at shows.
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yeah so stuff about travis:
he really likes final fantasy and considers them a big inspiration in his books
he is a huge nerd. if that wasn’t any obvious
there is a photo of tinashe and orville peck hung up in his bathroom. that says a lot i think
he is a nerd that keeps a blu ray collection of criterion collection films and others
he’s dating someone whose work i genuinely enjoy because they’re a queer nonbinary person who wrote a chapbook about the art of fangirling and gender expression/identity and also they do not interact with parxies because of this which i respect
anyways awsten considers travis to be his smartest friend, probably because he actually finished college and has a job that actively utilizes his degree.
anyways fast forward to 2018 when awsten and travis decide to start a waterparks fic reading podcast. with fics they find on fic sites without consulting the authors first on this early season😐 oh but don’t worry awsten wrote a fic of his own for this…about otto jacking off 🤨
not to mention there’s a milk fic parody in this season. yknow the fic originally written by someone on A SEX OFFENDER LIST.
clearly this podcast needed some vetting so they started only reading writer submitted fics for the next two seasons (minus some about their guests that are so terrible i won’t mention what they entail 🫥) and opening a patreon to show slightly extended video versions of each podcast episode.
now since they haven’t produced any other seasons since then, the patreon lives off of bonus episodes that are just discord calls between travis and awsten and maybe a guest or just travis recording himself attempting to be entertaining. and that’s how we have the nightmare fic he’s created. travis writing a deeply personal fic on so many levels about his friends and posting it on their patreon for fans to read while said friends in the fic are probably to preoccupied to know it’s being posted.
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excellentexecution · 1 year
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@brothersgrim asked: "Happy birthday." The Deadman says, taking a seat on the locker room bench beside Bret. There was an ease about his movement that most people never saw. He's learned how to let his guard down around the Hitman. Ironic, he knew. But the Federation wasn't a place of logic, nor was it a place of friendship - so he took whatever kindness he could get.
He's a simple man, and his present reflects that. Just the product of an afternoon or two spent at the forge. A small pendant in the shape of the Hart Foundation's crest, cast and hammered in iron and strung on a leather cord, wrapped in simple brown paper.
Happy Birthday, Bret!
Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream - still did the sweetness of his birthday cake linger on his tongue - the best birthday that Bret had the privilege to celebrate. Understated with only a handful of guests, a locker room wasn't the typical spot for such festivities, but it was better than nothing. Better than a lonely hotel room. Nicer than just himself and the glow of a small screened TV, infomercials with bold lettering and flashy effects. Bret was celebrated just as he always liked: in the company of decent folk and wonderful friends. There were balloons and streamers strung about the locker room space. Decorations that spanned the colors of the rainbow, confetti on the tiles and in strands of hair, a banner that read out the special occasion in huge print. A table in the corner that held the cake upon it - small presents but nothing too grand - lukewarm beers stolen from the bag of some other poor wrestler on the roster. A feud that ran deep enough as to cut into the Hitman's birthday get together, perhaps. A scheme that smelled of juvenile foolishness and petty revenge; several smirks admitted as much from behind buttercream covered lips.
But there was one guest on the list that Bret was happiest to see. Quiet upon his entrance into the party, but never able to hide himself from the Hitman, clothed in his best black striped suit and hat. Undertaker had actually come. Never forced to, for the man was always offered a choice by Bret, but wanted to be there out of his own will. A freedom that he didn't always have but this time took. Accepted it, for both himself and, maybe, for Bret, too, there was no hiding the happiness that his arrival brought. A wide smile nearly broke Bret's face in half. A blush upon his cheeks almost overpowered every other sense. Even when the soft murmurs of fellow partiers could be heard over the loudness of a boombox, soundtracks played to volume peak, there was none other that Bret paid more attention to. Especially once a wrapped gift found its way into his hands, rested upon his lap.
"Oh, my God, Taker." Bret said, breath completely taken away and heart turned to mush. "Did you make this for me?"
Necklace taken out and admired, only seconds passed before the leather cord slipped over the Hitman's head, the Hart Foundation crest laid against his chest. It was beautiful. Created just for he, it was the kindest present that could've been received. A statement - one that followed no rules except for Bret's and Undertaker's own - a literal token of friendship that none could take away. It would be kept safe forever.
Bret smiled, knowing that anything more would've invaded privacy, touch a boundary not to be crossed just yet between companions, but ever still wanted to offer a gesture in return, "thank you. This is the best gift I could've ever gotten tonight. I mean that. I don't wear jewelry much, y'know, but I'll sure as hell be wearing this every day from now on. It's amazing. Taker, I appreciate this very much. I appreciate you being here with me. Thank you. You've made my birthday even better, brother."
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