#its been a long time since ive had to say goodbye to a pet
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I lost one of my chickens today.
This was Poppy. I found her curled up in her nest, with no obvious signs of death. She was happy and healthy yesterday. I don't know what happened- old age, perhaps.
I will be mounting her next week. This will be my first time mounting an animal I knew, much less one that belonged to me. But I know I can do it.
Goodbye, Poppy. May you rest in peace.
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oldcoffeeart · 23 days
Chapter 6: Fist Fights & Broken Hearts
CW: Fighting, Homophobia, Underage drinking, Alcohol, Anorexia, Passing out
Savvy and Tom’s new relationship status was the only thing anyone wanted to talk about. Much to Sage’s irritation, why did those two feel the need to make it so public? It’s cringy and so clearly fake. It’s been three days since it happened and those two idiots have been all over each other since. Even now he had a near front row seat to the pair. He rolled his eyes, a small glare over taking his features as they kissed and said their goodbyes. Tom jogged to his side, tail wagging behind him. Sage looked over to him. “You two done with each other’s throats?” Tom rolled his eyes and patted him back. “Don’t be like that, you got your own girl to kiss.” Sage rolled a hand along his shoulder. “Yeah well, you don't have to be doing that before practice. I don't make out with Brook before a show.” Tom chucked. “Sure you aren't just jealous she’s a lead role?” Sage scoffed. “No, last time I was a lead it was hell. I pity her.” 
The boys ushered inside the locker room to change and begin practice. Sage got nudged by Nathan (a mutual friend of him and Tom) as he was leaving. “So you finally decided to show up as opposed to being all taken up by your girl or brooding?” Sage huffed, muttering. “I'm not brooding.” The other canine raised an eyebrow. “Dude. You look like a queer emo, I didn't know any better I'd think you’d have a crush on Tom.” Sage pursed his lips together. “I'm not and I don't.” Nathan laughed. “Then stop acting like it and get your head in the game.”
Practice is ruthless and his boy aches as he pushes himself. His body bent past its limits as he tackled and got tackled to the ground. Now, facing off against Tom it added such a strange add on. He was huge compared to Sage, a wall of pure muscle. He could feel it each time he crashed into the man. Tom spoke with a grin. “So how’s theater? Savvy’s been telling me…” Savvy, Savvy this, Savvy that, Savvy, Savvy, Savvy. He cursed the damned pet who made that word a thing. Damned that her name was ever spoken at this school. Damned that he ever heard it. “Will you stop talking about her?” He spat out, pure venom leaving his tongue. Tom paused for a moment and let out a stranded lighthearted chuckle. “Oh, sorry man. It’s just nice to be in a relationship after so long.” Sage growled quietly and rolled his shoulders. “It’s rude to be using the poor girl, you know.” Tom cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?” Sage gestured to him. “As a cover up. You know to hide that you’re gay.” Tom laughed a little and glanced around them, his ears pulled back. “I'm not…” Sage rolled his eyes. “Don't lie to me. Ive caught you looking at my ass, it’s fucking creepy.” Tom crossed his arms over his chest. “Sage what are you-” Sage snapped and continued loudly. “I mean the least you could do is look apologetic for openly being such-” Tom growled lowly. “Don't say it, Sage.” Sage gleaned at him definitely. “So then you know you're a homo.” Tom took in a deep breath and stared back. “Im bisexual.” Sage scoffed. “Then pick a damn side and stop using a poor girl to prove yourself.” 
Tom squeezed his eyes shut and began to walk away from the younger man. “Talk to me when you aren't being such an asshole.” Sage’s face scrunched up into a snarl. Nathen put a hand on his shoulder. “Dude, what's wrong with you today?” He smacked the other man’s hand away and stormed off. God how he wanted a fight. Something to let off this boiling energy in his chest. So he followed Tom into the locker room, fists clenched at his sides. Tom was shirtless, fur glinting with sweat. He turned to look at Sage and was met with a firm fist to his snout. He shouted and grabbed his nose, his eyebrows knit together as he was met with a kick to the side.
Tom grabbed Sage during his second attempt at an assault and shoved him against the lockers. Tom stared at him. “Sage, I don't want to fight you.” Sage spat in his face and was promptly thrown to the ground while Tom whipped his face off. Sage knew he didn't stand a chance and the second he made an attempt at a move he was grabbed and pinned back against the lockers, this time facing them. Tom breathed heavily, his ears pulled back. “Talk to me, asshole.” Tom spoke lowly, holding Sage’s arm in pace behind his back. Sage’s body withed and attempted to kick him as the smaller man growled. “Shut up and act like a fucking man.” Tom toom in a breath. “I am. You’re acting like a boy.” Sage grunted and squeezed his eyes shut. “I hate you.” Tom huffed a ghost of a laugh. “It’s the opposite, isn't it? That’s why you’re acting like this?” Sage growled loudly and with all his might pulled himself away from Tom. Tom watched with his arms crossed, his voice slow. “You’re projecting.” Sage tried to muster a comeback but all he could think died on his tongue so he only replied by swinging his arms and marching to his locker to change. 
Tom clasped a hand around Sage’s shoulder, his eye gentle. “Talk to me, please?” Sage squeezed his eyes shut, hot tears building in his eye as he pulled his head away. Tom rubbed the smaller man’s shoulder with his thumb and let out a sigh. “If you won't talk, then I'm leaving. You hurt me today Sage.” Sage shoved him away with a weak. “Just go away.” To his credit he did so and left Sage to slump into his locker, pain that refused to leave filling his body.
Brook got the call from Sage at maybe 3am. “Hey, I'm outside.” Brook rubbed her eyes with a groan and made her way downstairs. She opened the door to a disheveled, soken, and very drunk, Sage. Brook raised an eyebrow. “You look like shit.” Sage laughed, his words lisped. “I feel like shit.” Brook pulled him inside and slipped the bottle out of his hand. “Go sit down and warm up. You’re gonna get a cold.” Sage grumbled and did so, leaning on things so he wouldn't fall over. Brook tossed the empty bottle into the trash, began getting glasses of water, and warming up food. She called out. “So why are you looking like a dead racoon?” Sage answered slowly. “Feel like poo.” Brook popped the food out of the microwave and placed it in front of him. He swayed forward as he looked at it, ears lopsided on his head. Brook sat across from him. “Eat. You’ll hate yourself more if you don’t.” He nodded and began to do so, albeit slowly. “Why dont… ‘chu eat too?” Brook looked to the ground, hand drifting to her stomach. “I guess I should.” Sage pulled himself to his feet and handed her half of the sandwich he was nibbling on. “I can leave for a bit if it helps.” Brook laughed a little and took a small bite. “No, you'll get killed if you leave my sight.” Sage laughed and tumbled into his seat. “Yeah.” He continued shortly after. “Your mum home?” Brook shook her head. “No. She’s gone for… until I see her.” Sage hummed and looked at the floor. “We need help, don't we?” Brook stared down at the food in her hand, disgust rolling up her throat as she did. “Yeah.”
And he vomited. Brook groaned and stood to get a mop and a bucket. Thank god it wasn't on the carpet. 
Brook nudged Sage off the couch. “Hey there asshole, time for school.” Sage groaned and looked up at her. “Bitch.” Brook laughed at him and threw a change of clothes in his face. “How's the hangover treating you?” He pulled the fabric off him with an unimpressed grunt. “Awfully. Do I have to go to school?” Brook’s eyebrow shot up. “If you plan to go home. You aren't staying here to look miserable all day.” He sighed overdramatically and stood. “You do it.” Brook rolled her eyes. “I haven't since I joined the drama club and I'm not starting now.” Sage huffed and slowly stood. “Can I get a shower at least?” Brook laughed a little. “Please do, frankly you smell like cheap booze.” He laughed mockingly. “Yes, kick me while I'm already down.” Brook shrugged. “You knew the price when you showed up here and puked on the floor.” Sage relented and made his way to the bathroom. 
Brook spoke gently as she drove. “So what happened?” Sage groaned loudly and laid a hand on his forehead. “I got in a fight with Tom.” Brook hummed. “What kind of fight?” Sage explained what happened to her. Brook listened to him quietly and pulled up to get herself and him a coffee. Brook handed him the drink as he finished, her ears drooped over his face. “You’re in basically the same situation as I am.” Sage laughed a little. “Wow, thanks for the moral booster.” Brook rubbed his arm and pulled back into the road. “We’ll figure it out.” Sage hummed lowly and buried his face into his arms. “I hope so. I don't want to lose him.” 
The hell that is school went by as Brook expected it too. Cultivating insults against Savvy and her group of ‘friends’, dealing with the backlash, and maintaining her reputation. The only unknown variable was rehearsal. She watched from a distance as Savvy was led through everything. She makes an impression, that’s for sure. Her voice is strong, her stance confident, everything Brook thought her love could never be. Her ears pulled back as she watched and lessened. That was until Mrs Miller interrupted her thoughts. “Brook, Savvy, I want you two to rehearse together. You need to have chemistry on that stage.” Brook rolled her shoulders and motioned for the other women to follow her. “Yeah, you’re right. Come on Savvy.”
Savvy stared at the back of Brook’s head before speaking. “I'm surprised you’re fine with being the male role.” Brook responded. “What, just because I dress in pink means I have to be the pinnacle of femininity constantly?” Savvy let out a small chuckle. “I suppose not, but I don't expect to see you on a football field.” Brook scoffed and turned around, her hand closed towards her. “God no. I’ll leave that to your meatlug boyfriend.” Savvy’s lips pulled into a smile. “You’re no better with Sage.” Brook put a finger to the canine’s forehead. “At least mine is pretty.” Savvy rolled her eyes. “Then I have to make up for mine.” Brook’s hand slowly fell to the other woman’s cheek, her thumb cressing her fur. “You do.” Savvy’s skin felt like it was heating up as Brook slowly brought them close together. Her hands clasped around the dachshunds' clothing collar and looked her in the eyes. “You’re too good for him.” Savvy swallowed a lump in her throat. “And I'm just good enough for you then?” Brook let out a breath right against her lips, her ears pulling back. “No, you’re too good for me.” Savvy’s hand moved to lay over top of Brook’s hand as she continued. “You’re too good for anyone here.” Savvy let out a breath of her own. “Brook…?”
The world around the feline felt like it was spinning. Her eye’s refused to focus and her words left without thought. She was looking at Savvy one moment and the next, she was falling forward. She heard the canine shout, and felt herself get caught. Then… nothing.
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Pink Chains pt Five
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
W! Brief Violence
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Before you and Kyo could go to the zoo he had to drive everyone back to the beach so they could drive home. Yahaba was hiding in the back seat by the window , still red in the face. Oikawa was next to him and constantly teasing Yahaba over you , Iwaizumi was on the right by the window in the back, Mattsun was in the passenger seat and Kyotani was driving,,, with you on his lap.
“Its fine” he told you. I mean hes not gonna let one of his friends hold you so .. And besides, this was funner. You held onto his neck giggling while you peppered kisses on his neck the whole way to the beach. Mattsun was the last to leave Kyotanis car, he wanted to check on his red panda tattoo on you and you happily showed him it. The red was finally all healed up and the whole tattoo looked very nice to him. He pat your head and said goodbye to his friend as he exited the car closing the door. Kyotani took off and plugged the directions into his cars touch screen.
“Kyo? Should I move to the seat?” you asked him, wiggling on his lap as he drove.
“Your fine right here on me sweetie.” he told you, nuzzling his cheek into yours.
So you sat there the whole time, giggling each time someone did a double take as they passed. You told Kyo about your day and what the girls said to you too. It still pissed him off but it was taken care of now.
“Kyo?” you were rubbing at his chest.
“Are you okay after this morning?”
He thought on it for a few minutes, the only sound was the music coming from his car. He groaned heavily and placed a hand on your thigh pulling you closer to him. “Yeah, im okay sweetie”
“Promise” he gave you a gentle kiss as he pulled into the zoo's parking area.”before we go in i have to tell you one thing though”
“What is it?” you were about to open the door but he had stopped you, causing you to get all pouty and puffy in the face with him. Kyotani smiled and kissed your cheek laughing lightly.
“So i know one of the employees and i need to see if hes working today”
“Okay!!” you opened the door wiggling off Kyos lap getting out and Kyo was quick to follow you and pull you back to him locking his arms around your hips as he hip bumped his car door shut.
“Hm?” he kissed along your neck holding your wiggling body with a smile on his face.
“The pandas!!” you whined with a big smile on your face til you felt his fingers start to move over your tummy .” KYO!! Tickles!!!”
“Okay okay, but please stay close to me okay?”
You whipped around to grab his ring hand squeezing it tight. “You stay close!! Dont want anyone stealing you away”
He laughed walking you up to the entrance to pay and buy a ticket. “Ive already been stolen by the best person sweetie.im not goin anywhere”
Miyagi Zoo was a small zoo, basically a big circle with some attractions down separate walk ways that lead to birds, a petting zoo and the gift shop. But it all looped back around to the entrance.
The first animals were the lions; you were so excited but the display glass was occupied by some people and you could not see. Kyo pulled you close while he waited for the people to move, he could see them but that was because he was 5 ‘ 11, he did not want to wait too long since he still had to find his friend and see the rest of the zoo so he moved himself behind you , wrapped his arms around your hips and lifted you up into the air so you could see the lions who were asleep on the rocks enjoying the sun. you had grabbed onto Kyotanis shoulders to steady yourself and people looked back to see you and the look on Kyos face, they quickly moved and he smugly walked closer with you still in the air. The glass was cold against your hands when you touched it to steady yourself to look in. it was two males and three females all asleep enjoying the sun. Kyotani had never seen a lion before so he was equally as excited but seeing that excited grin on your face just made it 10x better. He set you down and you gave him a big kiss on the lips , you also grabbed his hand running off to the next animals.
The second animals were the timber wolves and that was .. an interesting experience; no one was looking at the animals so you and Kyo were free to get right up to the glass to look for them. They appeared to be hiding and you did not want to leave without seeing at least one so Kyo crouched down next to you to look into the enclosure. A pile of leaves was moving up and down and he could see a couple paws sticking out. “Sweetie, down here. ones asleep” he told you. You folded your dress behind you to crouch down next to him and you gasped a little loudly once you saw it. He was asleep, the sign said this enclosure had 6 timber wolves in it but they all must be asleep somewhere.
Kyotani liked wolves, they reminded him of his friends and they were very misunderstood creatures , like him. You leaned into his side placing your hand on his wolf sleeve and Kyo laid his head on yours as you both watched the wolf sleep. The other animals could wait a little longer to be seen.
After a few more minutes Kyo was about to get up with you when a grey wolf came out from under the leaves and right over to the glass. Kyotani expected you to latch on to him and be a little scared but instead he watched you wave and say hello to the wolf. He pulled you to him giving your cheek a kiss, you were perfect.. So so perfect.. The wolf stared at you both for a little while till new people started to come over and dashed off to hide. Kyotani helped you up and you both made your way to the petting zoo holding hands.
The little goats refused to interact with Kyotani.. It was kinda funny. They loved you and loved to eat at your dress while all they did with Kyo was scream at him. People were staring because you were giggling trying to feed the baby sheeps with a brown goat eating your dress and a black goat screaming its head off at Kyotani. A pig came over as well to use Kyo as a rubbing post for an itch and he was not very happy but what the hell, hes lucky hes a cute pig. The screaming was starting to get to him though and you had to get some food for Kyo to get on the goats good side. He held the food out and instantly the goat stopped his screaming to munch on the food. The quiet was a relief for everyone…
The last animals were the red pandas but Kyo was preventing you from getting close to the enclosure, he had his arm hooked around your waist and seemed to be looking around with his phone out.
“Kyo!!!! Im gonna tell Iwaizumi!!!”
“Pft oh yeah Sweetie?” he leaned down to nibble your neck. “Whats Iwaizumi gonna do?”
“Something!!!” you struggled against his grip but you were not getting free. You could see the big tree that was the main part of the exhibit and a bunch of tall glass with smaller trees and climbing toys spread out all around .. just a little.. Closer..!
“Mad Dog ! over here!”
“There he is. Okay sweetie this way” he led you to the side of the exhibit over to an employee who had a big smile on his face . his name tag said Takahiro on it.
Kyotani bumped his shoulder against the man and Taka did the same saying hello to his friend.”this her?” he asked, giving you a big smile.
“Yep, Sweetie this is my friend Takahiro, he was on the team too”
“Nice to meet you!!!” you beamed .
“Aww. shes adorable, you ready ?”
“ready? “ you turned to Kyo and he pulled you with him gently.”but Kyo the pandas…”
“Cmon sweetie.” he locked his arm around yours as Taka led you both past the Employees Only area next to the exhibit.
Taka opened a door and Kyo snuck you in with Taka closing the door behind him. “Okay,” Taka said. “15 minutes max Kyotani”
“Sure sure” he moved you closer to what looked like the inside of the exhibit. “Stand right here” he told you.
You hold his hand tight unsure of what was happening and heard Taka whistle a tune. Soon enough you realized and got the biggest smile on your face.
Four little red pandas ran over flopping all over each other and right into your legs to rub on them . “KYO!!!” you instantly crouched down to pet them and give each one a hug, you were also a crying mess.
Kyotani nudged his friend after snapping a picture of you with the pandas. “Thanks Takahiro”
“Mmm sure, i dont just let anyone back here ya know”
“Yeah yeah, trust me i appreciate it “ he looked over to see you holding a red panda and trying to pet each one at the same time.
“Hows the store? The guys?”
“All good, i made up with Yahaba too.”
“Really? Thats great Mad Dog, proud of you. You look like your doing good.”
“Im doing amazing now,” he gestured to you. “Never been better Takahiro”
Taka nudged his friend teasing him over how sappy he was being and you made sure you pet every panda at least 10 times before it was time to leave. You thanked Takahiro and he waved his hand saying it was not a problem.
After Taka escorted you both out Kyo took you to the Gift Shop where he bought you a red panda plush and a red panda bag that had a fake tail hanging off it. The gift shop also had a cheetah display that said they save a cheetah with each purchase. He bought 6 of them. It was time to leave after the gift shop and you were just so happy with your day, everything was perfect. Kyotani opening up to you, saving you from the girls at school, the surprise at the zoo. You were falling deeper and deeper for him.
It was a good day for him too, after a rocky morning everything turned out great. Making up with Yahaba helped a lot and he was happy to have his friend back. He took care of those dumb girls that were bothering you and got to take you too the zoo . seeing your smile all day was the icing on the cake for him. Things were going so good with you and he never wanted it to change, he never wanted to mess it up and wanted to hold onto you forever.
When you got to the car you asked Kyo if you could go for ice cream before heading home and he agreed, one was close by so you both could walk to it. It was dark now and Kyo wanted to invite you too sleep at his place tonight. You were almost at the ice cream shop now but something stopped you.
“Kyo? Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like a kitten?” he said looking around.
“I think over by the bench there, i gotta go see, it might by by itself..”
Kyotani was unsure about letting you go by yourself but he was close enough to the bench if you needed him. “Okay sweetie, come right back please.” he held your hand a little longer before letting go , he watched you hurry off and he leaned on the ice cream shop to wait, browsing his phone.
“Kyotani…?” it was a … familiar voice.
Kyo looked up and his heart nearly stopped.
“Kitty...kitty,,,” you crouched down looking under the bench to see a scared little kitten hiding under it. “Hey there.. Im not gonna hurt you.. Cmere baby” you held your arm out and the kitten sniffed it.
“It is you.” the voice got closer and Kyotani was frozen.”Bastard what was your deal back then huh?”
“...i..” he squeezed his phone trying to come up with words. No , no, this cant be happening now. Stay calm Mad Dog..
“Thats it.. Cmere..” you cooed the kitten out to you and picked it up hugging its shivering body. “There there.. Your safe now, ill take care of you, wait till you meet Kyo, hes a great-”
You looked up to see something… something you thought you would never see. Kyotani hit the brick wall hard . he wiped the blood from his chin and grabbed a spikey haired man punching him directly in the jaw.
“Did you hear me?? Fuck was your problem huh?” he stepped closer. Kyotani put his phone away and stepped away trying to focus on this guy and see where you were. “Can we do this another time?” he asked putting his hands up, he was shaking,
“I dont want any trouble” he told him.
“Oh you dont? But giving me a black eye that was swollen shut for two weeks is fine? “ he grabbed Kyotani by the shirt and Kyotani was slammed into the wall.
“Fuck you Kyotani if you thi-” he punched him, right in the jaw. “Get the FUCK off me Bokuto!!!” he grabbed Bokuto by the shirt slamming him to the ground.
“Kyo….?” you were frozen in place and your heart nearly jumped up your throat when you saw him punch Bokuto in the mouth.
@galagcica @kozushiki @zopzoop
@haikyuu-but-low-iq @milkbreadcat
@derpeedoo @squeaky-ducky
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali has a heart to heart with Chan, and the Dreamies experience Tali's child like personality when she is really happy.
Characters // Talia Flores + Bang Chan (ft. Dreamies expect Mark, Doyoung)
Era / Year // October 2017
Word Count //
Bold // English
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Breakdown
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"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be."
It was the middle of a survival show of the creation of Straykids, Minho not to long ago got eliminated. She went over to his house and brung him food to cheer him up and she promised him that when she had free time she would help him with singing plus rapping. Then just last night Felix got eliminated just because he couldn't speak Korean properly, deep down she felt guilty not teaching him Korean, but she was busy with schedules she couldn't. After Chan walked him to his home, she just finished practice and went to Felix's house to comfort him. He felt so guilty and her heart broke at her friend feeling guilty he couldn't speak a language.
Korean was hard to learn from an english speaker perspective. It was like the opposite of English. She striked a deal with him at least once a week she would help him with Korean, inperson or through a screen since she did have to go on tour.
After she left Felix's place after putting him to sleep. She went to the person who felt most guilty.
She went into JYP building heading towards the studio where Chan usually is. He always in there, either producing, or avoiding his problems and feelings. She heard music, it was Hellevator, she heard it replay over and over again. She knocked on the door, the music stopped and it revealed a tried Chan.
"Hey sweetie" Tali smiled at him sadly she came in and sat on one of the chairs. Chan sat down on his chair and just looked at her. Then he just started to breakdown.
"I- I- I failed the- them Tali." Chan choked up crouched down in Tali's stomach.
"No, no you didn't Chan you tried your be-"
"NO I DIDN'T, I LET THEM GET ELIMINATED TALI....its my fault, I failed them, I promised we would debut together Tali....I promised them." Chan sobbed. Promises to them meant a lot to them. So when Chan couldn't keep that promise it broke him.
"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be." Tali comforted Chan petting his hair trying to calm him down.
"They don't blame you, they don't hate you, as long as you keep trying and helping each other you guys will make it. Jyp was just nit picky. This is not your fault." Tali said cupping his face whipping the tears off his face.
"But-" "No buts Channie, come on, lets go out for a bit, and get your mind off things" Tali suggested
Chan agreed.
They packed up at went to a open store and got some food and snacks. They went to a near by play ground and stayed there for a bit talking.
"How do you handle it?"
"Handle what?"
"The hate?"
Tali stopped at the question. She looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean how do I handle the hate Channie?"
"Well, Ive been seeing some comments that, Im not a good leader or person and that im a f-"
"Shh hey hey, one that not true and two... I don't. Im not able to, but I don't show it. I usually distracted myself and not think about it. But they do get to me I am human."
"What about the staff?"
"Oh the staff are still asswholes to me and the Chinese line. I record whats she said about boys and me. Also that she left a member behind and got in the car instead. Honestly one more thing from her, she out." Chan laughed at her statement, but knowing she was serious. She hated when people get discriminated, she doesn't care if she does, only the people around her. So a staff member came she started acting like the boss and mistreating the chinese members which got Tali pissed.
Whether the boys or the staff know it she has a lot of power. Sm made her co-leader for a reason and that is to point out any staff mistreating members and setting them straight or firing them. They know she honest and knows how the entertainment system works. So they trust her who ever can't handle the idols or treat the idols properly and are reported by her. They will get fired so quick. So most staff that worked with her before know this and they know not to tell new staff because the staff themselves don't want a problems in the future because of another staff member.
"So one more strike huh?"Tali looked up at him.
"Yeah" she said quietly.
"How are you and Han?" Tali frozed at the boy's name.
"Fine" Chan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Fine? Really that all you gonna give me?"Tali sighed at the statement.
"Well, I don't know, its just. Its hard. He didn't believe me Chan. When he promised he would be there. He left me." Tali said quietly.
Chan was saddened that she still was unsure of her friendship with the boy. He made a promise he shouldn't have and didn't believe her words and left her, then expected when she forgive him everything would go back to normal. Which did, from the outside. People who did know Tali, would know it wasnt gonna go back to normal anytime soon.
When Tali talkes to people she cares about, her eyes have this light about them. But when she is unsure of the person a doubts them she has this sheild which would take a pretty long time to get down. It took Han since 2015 to atleast get Tali to talk to him again, 2 years. She was scared.
"You know he cares about you right? That he loves you like the rest of us?"Tali looked at Chan with doubt in her eyes.
"Does he really tho?"
"Tali.." Chan went infont of her and grabbed her hands.
"He really cares about you, do you think the guy will try to make you talk with him for around 2 years for him not to care about you?"
"I- Im just scared that he won't believe me.........that he'll leave."
"Tali if he does ever hurt you, you can always drop him, you are scarily good at that" Channie joked
Tali giggled
"I'm afraid."
"You're afraid of what?"
"I'm afraid my group is gonna do that to me....not believe me, break promises, and leave me."
"Hey they won't, as long as you trust them I believe that it won't happen." Tali was stuck in thought.
"....what if they ask about my family....what do I say?"
"...do you want them to know?" "....no"
"Then tell them your not comfortable talking about your family"
"But what if they feel hurt when they find out you guys know and not them?" Tali said filled with gulit.
Chan sighed for once not knowing how to reassure the girl. Because if he was in the group and found out that a completely different group is closer to their only female member. He would feel sad and bitter. So Chan just hugged the girl to reassure her to gonna be okay.
Tali basked in this moment knowing nothing last forever, then realized something.
"...wait a minute shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Shh no its fine" "No its not fine switch me"
"Tali its fine"
"I swear Talia we are not fighting about this again"
They started bickering about who comforts who then she got a phone call.
She flinched at the sound and cursed in her mind realizing what time it is and how she didnt tell ANYONE she left the house. She turned the phone and sees the ID number as Doyoung. She cursed out loud, she was really hoping it was Taeyong.
"Hey language" Chan joked, Tali just glared at him. She picked up the phone scared if there was gonna be either yelling or a scary calm Doyoung
"Im at the park, I was spending time with an old friend I lost track of time sorry." Tali said sheepishly.
"Its fine just come back home the dreamies were in panick when you didn't come back to the dorms so just go there and make sure your friend takes you there....wait is it a g-"
"Omg look at the time, its getting late thanks for calling me oppa im gonna go now bye!"
"Wai-" Tali cut him off and ended the call. She knew if she said it was a guy they will go all investigative mode and try to find out who the guy is.
Chan smacked the back of her head.
"Ow what was that for?!" Talia whinced while rubbing her head.
"For worrying your members and ending the call early, Talia you should know better." Chan said jokingly, shaking his head and pointing at her.
Tali smacked his finger and made are you serious face at him.
"You can't say anything, rememb-"
"Nope, this is not the time." Chan cut her off putting his hand over her mouth and dragging her off the park to the dreamies dorm.
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"We are here thanks for walking me." Tali turned and hugged Chan knowing she won't see him for awhile. Chan just gave her a warm smile.
"No problem anything for our Butterfly." Tali smiled at the nickname. Remembering all times they have been together.
"Thank you for everything Channie, I really appreciate you." Tali said still hugging him looking up at him with this light in her eyes like Chan first saw when he was able to get closer to her. He always cherished that moment because it showed that she trusted him. Her eyes just poured out her emotions, it took time to able to read them but it was all worth it, and he would do it all over again.
"Always, I will keep my promise to you, and to him." He said rubbing her head. Tali's eyes changed when she thought about him, not sad ones more like grateful. Tali let him go and she went inside and waved him goodbye.
She went up the elevator, reminiscing the old times, even though it came to an end she still had part of them left with her as she held her locket in her palm looking at a picture that she cherished so much closing it back again once she was on the floor of the dreamies apartment.
She was at the door preparing herself for either a scolding or affection, probably both.
She unlocked the door and Jaemin tackled her to the ground.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS WORRIED SICK SOMEONE HAD TAKEN YOU FROM US." Jaemin scolded her while he was squishing her. Then he picked her up and she went back on the ground by the 2 mankaes.
"Why didn't you at least text us" "Yeah I came in your room for cuddles and you weren't there." Chenle pouted while Jisung scolded. Tali giggled but she felt guilty for making them worried.
"Im sorry I didn't mean too. I was just visiting some friends I haven't seen in awhile." Tali said sheepishly.
"Wow so you left us for them wow." Haechan said with a betrayed face. Tali rolled her eyes at the boy running up to him and hugging him. He was surprised at the contact, Tali at the time wasn't big on skinship so she never really did it herself.
"Don't be a baby, I saw you all this morning and afternoon. I haven't seen them in a long time, how about this we can see a movie in my room for the night hm?" Tali pouted, she didn't want to get scolded.
The boys have never seen Tali act this cute and touchy before. They were loving it.
"Hm? How about we cook and then watch a movie?" Haechan inquired trying to see how long her cuteness will last. Her eyes brightened at the idea she let him go and clapped her hands.
"Yes pleaasee." Tali giggled. Tali was acting her age, which was the first time in forever, they didn't know how. But they were taking advantage of it.
"Lets start cooking, hm?" Jeno said while rubbing Tali's head. Tali looked him and gave him her famous smile that would literally make his hearts burst.
"Come on Tali, help me prepare~" Renjun said while grabbing Tali and gently leading her to the kitchen.
Everyone just stood in place for a couple seconds. Processing what they just witnessed.
"Hyung, what did we just witnessed?" Jisung asked
"I don't know, but I loved every single moment of that." Haechan said, Then Tali popped out with a cute apron on with Renjun behind her smiling at her fondly.
"You guys wanna help?" Tali said cutely, everyone gushed on how adorable was being. They didn't know but when ever she hangs out with Straykids she has this kid like persona come out of her and even afterwards, and thats what they are seeing, she just grew up with Nct and Straykids differently she acts an adult with Nct while Straykids she acts her age maybe a little younger. So when she left Chan she was in a happy mood and that continued to now.
They all looked at each other and then back at Tali.
"Of course Princess."
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In Memoriam Herschel (2005-2021)
           It was the late summer/early autumn of 2005. I was 16 years old. I went to a friend’s house for a get-together with other friends. She lived in a more rural area, so stray cats were not uncommon. One of these strays had recently birthed a litter of kittens. They were corralled into a blocked-off area in my friend’s den. Naturally, we all gravitated towards the kittens. We spent a good while petting them, playing with them, holding them, and watching them with their mother. A particular kitten was a gray and white tabby. This kitten had made its way towards me and tried to crawl up one of my jean legs. I was wearing bootcut jeans, so it actually managed it. I was immediately drawn to this kitten, the idea of asking my parents if we could keep it already forming.
While my friends and I were playing with them, we decided to give them all smartass, noncommittal names. None of us could sex kittens, so that was reflected in the names we chose. I named the gray and white tabby (of which there were two, but I zeroed in on the jean leg kitten) “Herschel.” Why? Well, when I was eight or nine, I used to play House with friends. I had heard the name “Herschel” on some sitcom, and I liked the sound of it. So, I often named my fake son “Herschel.” This became an inside joke between my best friend and me.
            Back at home, I asked my mom if we could adopt the kitten. She had veto power. She was kind of hesitant at first but eventually relented. A few weeks later my friend and her mom brought the kitten over to my house. By that point I was already seriously referring to it as “Herschel.” We all just kind of assumed it was male. The first thing Herschel did after getting out of the carrying case was hide behind one of our bookcases and stayed there.
            We took Herschel to the vet. Upon examination the vet tech proclaimed he was, in fact, she. Her exact words were “You have a little girl!” For better or for worse, I was committed to “Herschel” (much to my mom’s chagrin), so from then on, I had a girl cat with a boy name. This led to years of various people (mostly veterinary staff) getting her sex wrong. I don’t know that I ever bothered correcting them because, well, they were going to find out the truth soon enough.
            Between 2005 and 2010, Herschel grew from a kitten with what my mom described as “Yoda ears” into a gorgeous young lady. She had the most beautiful green eyes. People always had nice things to say about her looks. She had an adorable bow-legged gait from the beginning. She grew into an affectionate little cuddle-bug once she adjusted to us. She was wary of strangers, which was probably for the best. She did not like to go outside as much as our older cat, Simba (RIP)—especially after being treed once—but she was a very skilled huntress. She even managed to get two hummingbirds. Obviously, I’m not a fan of such “presents,” but I couldn’t help but be impressed by her prowess.
            In 2007, we adopted 2 labs named Olive and Penny (RIP x2). 2010, we adopted two fluffy black kittens from our vet’s office. We named them Buttercup and Licorice (RIP x2). Herschel respected Simba because of his seniority, but she absolutely despised the other pets. She would growl and hiss at them on sight. Because of this, the dogs had to stay downstairs while the cats had free rein upstairs. By 2012, Buttercup had gone missing, and we had adopted two more animals: a cat named Kid Twist (“Twist” for short) and a blue heeler named Bleu. Herschel did not care for them either. That same year my parents moved one state over, and I moved to a nearby city to stay with a family friend. The Menagerie went with my parents.
            One day in 2013 or 2014 my mom commented about how Herschel hid under a guest room bed much of the time. She would only come out to do her business or eat. Since the dogs had free rein over the entire house, this meant there was no real “safe space” for Herschel. Thus, her reclusiveness. Mom was worried about her well-being. I offered to take Herschel under my wing. Mom agreed. Now, my housemate already had a few cats, so it wasn’t perfect, but it was an improvement over a house with dogs. Herschel had been under my care since.
            In 2015 Herschel moved with me into the apartment I currently live in. Despite my apartment’s smallness, she was finally the one cat in a one-cat home. I had stopped letting her out because a) my apartment complex is positively labyrinthine b) the complex is next to a busy highway, and c) I wanted her to live longer and not harm any wildlife (although her hunting days were behind her). She didn’t seem to mind. For the next few years, she was my kitty comrade. Aside from some dental issues and a heart murmur, she always had a clean bill of health. I honestly thought she was going to live as long as Simba had (18, almost 19) because he was also a spry geriatric cat.
            In late 2020, Herschel was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. She had been growing thinner and vomiting before I found out. I had to start giving her medication twice per day, but there was otherwise no change. She was still the empress I knew and loved, if a little slower. I thought that was going to be it. Then, earlier this year, the vet ran some more tests. While I had managed to lower her thyroid levels, the vet found another problem: chronic kidney disease. My blood ran cold upon hearing this because one of our pet labs, Olive, had died from kidney failure a few years prior. The vet told me while there was no cure, CKD could be managed with diet changes and medication. He was right, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with Herschel. She quickly went from stage 3 to stage 4 (4 being the end stage). I still kick myself about this because I feel like I could’ve found out sooner. Anyway, the vet suggested I should have Herschel hospitalized for a couple of days with IV fluids. The idea was to basically rehydrate her and then start a regimen of a new diet, supplements, and medication.
            So, I waited outside for three hours until a hospital staff member came to collect Herschel. It would’ve been longer, but my very kind vet called ahead. A couple of days later my mom and I returned to the hospital to wait for Herschel. It was March 25th, my birthday. One of the vets called me and stated despite the diuresis, Herschel’s stats remained the same. She stated I had probably 2 weeks left with her. I knew she was right, but I was still determined to try. I gave her daily cocktails of medication. I learned how to give her subcutaneous injections to hydrate her. I got the prescription wet food. At first, she had more okay days than bad, but it eventually became clear she was circling the drain. Treatment transformed into hospice care. I was going to do everything possible to keep her comfortable. By the end she was incontinent and no longer eating or drinking. Then she stopped being able to walk. I knew I had to make the final appointment. After a long crying session, I did.
            My mom came to help yesterday. Herschel was mostly immobile and out of it. Not even her favorite prosciutto roused her. I swaddled her in a changing pad and a blanket and slept with her next to me for one more night. She was still alive this morning if barely. Before we were set to go to her final appointment, I played her Sugarloaf’s “Green-Eyed Lady” (which will always remind me of her) and Audrey Hepburn’s version of “Moon River.” As my mom and I went to prepare her for the appointment, we realized how still she was. She did not appear to be breathing, and she did not react to anything we did. I took a flashlight to her pupils and… she was gone. She had died peacefully on my couch, which was one of her favorite spots to lounge. Honestly, I was relieved because the thought of taking her to a strange place to be euthanized frankly distressed me. I cuddled her ragdoll body from then until we were sitting in the vet office’s parking lot. Mom got a chance to hold her, too. A vet tech came out, used her stethoscope, and confirmed what we already knew. After a few more minutes with her we said our last goodbyes. I filled out paperwork confirming I wanted her ashes returned to me with a clay pawprint.
            I want Herschel’s ashes buried on my parents’ property with the others. Maybe a little farther away since she did not like most of them. I’m also looking into urn jewelry so I can carry her with me. This cat saw me at some of my lowest points, including when I was furloughed from my job last year. This cat was sweet and affectionate but also a pesky little shit. This cat was the first living being I was fully responsible for. She somehow managed to be regal while shoving her butthole into your face. If she liked you, she came and sat with you. If she didn’t, she hid behind the washing machine. I’m convinced she was part slug because even at her largest she was able to fit into confined spaces. I will miss her trilling meows. She was beautiful to the end, and I will always love her and miss her. I don’t know if there is an afterlife or not, but if there is, I hope she has endless king crab and prosciutto to snack on.
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metaphoricallyroger · 6 years
With Love, From Me to You - iv of iv [R.T.]
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Summary: One-hundred ways to say ‘I love you’ over twenty-eight years.
Words: 3,265
Warnings: Implied smut. Language. Baby blues and pregnancy difficulties (at 77. 85.). Talk of illness and death (at 96. 98.).
Note: This follows both Bohemian Rhapsody’s and real-life events (generally for dates, minor plot etc.), picture whichever Roger you fancy! The title is taken from ‘From Me To You’ by The Beatles.
76. (1984):
“Can you believe he’s going to do this solo project? What a joke! Told me all I’d be is some dentist, too! As if I’d have ever done that.”
“Roger.” Heavily pregnant, listening to Roger screech about band problems, although extremely valid, isn’t at the top of your priorities at the moment.
“Four million dollars! I can’t believe it!”
“Roger,” you interrupt, louder now, “I’ve been having contractions since you left for the meeting. Could we please go to the hospital now?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were having contractions?”
“Because you were too busy yelling to listen properly!” You breathe in and out deeply to calm your heart rate.
“I’ll drive you to the hospital.” He bends at the waist to help you up, which you ignore. Just because you’re going into labour doesn’t mean you’ve suddenly become incapable of caring for yourself.
“Who else would I want to drive me?” Despite feeling nauseous and racked with pain, you smile at your husband as you walk out the door.
77. (1984):
“Are you okay?”
“What?” You snap out of the daze you have been in, staring blankly at the artwork above Robin’s cot.
“You’re crying, love.”
“I am? I didn’t- I didn’t realise that I was.” You wipe at your cheek and hot tears follow.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me, I’ll try to help,” he offers.
“She doesn’t want to breastfeed and my arms are getting so tired trying to hold her up, I can’t do this. It’s too hard this time around.” You whimper and more tears fall, landing on the baby’s head.
“Can I take her for a moment? I’ll be right back.”
You pass the four-day-old over and he disappears out of the room, returning with a pillow from your bed. He sits next to you and puts the pillow on your lap and transfers Robin back to you.
“Rest her on the pillow, and I’ll support her neck, okay?” You make a noise of agreement and move your arm for Roger’s which quickly replaces yours.
“There, she can take all the time she wants to feed, I’ve got her. Now, you get your udder out.” You know he’s trying to make you laugh, and it does with a sniffle.
78. (1984):
“Did you know it’s been ten years to the date that we first kissed?” Robin lies against your chest, having her morning feed, beginning to daze as she has her fill of milk.
“You remember when our first kiss was?” Roger looks up where he sits with the three-year-old Zoe on his lap, who he is letting poke her fingers anywhere she likes, including up his nose on accident.
“Of course, don’t you?”
“I could never forget you making the first move, love.” He shifts in bed, careful not to jostle the now dozing baby and steals the first kiss of the next decade of your lives.
79. (1985):
For the first time in years, Roger had returned from a meeting with Miami in a fit. He’d left happy this morning, but you presume something had gone amiss during the meeting with Brian and John.
“I can’t believe he’d be that much of a coward to set up a meeting through Miami.”
“He’s your family, Roger. Besides, weren’t you telling me you haven’t spoken to him nor would pending Armageddon?” You watch him pace back and forth like a trapped zoo animal, a lion if you’re being specific.
“What the hell do you think he wants?” He ignores your quip.
“Maybe he wants to be a part of the band again. Or maybe he just wants to talk, apologise.”
“That’d be bloody right. What, he finally got sick of Prenter and his club songs? Finally decided we’re worth something to him?” His voice seems to gain an octave with every syllable.
“Hey,” you call, “don’t get angry at me. I’m team Roger. Always.”
“I’m sorry,” he collapses on the settee in the corner of the room.
“You don’t have to accept his apology. But at least hear him out. Maybe you could be the bigger person?”
His hand comes up to pinch the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache forming.
“I hate that you’re always right.”
80. (1985):
“How was rehearsal?” You know it can’t have gone too well considering Roger went straight to the fridge for a beer without saying hello to any members of the household.
He bites his lip and his nostrils flare, making your eyebrows crease. His tone is solemn as he begins to speak.
“I really need to tell you something, but it’s about someone else and I got told I couldn’t tell anyone.”
You take Roger at his word and don’t require him to tell you. Something about this conversation has an overtone of loyalty, loyalty to whom, you aren’t sure. There is a small crease between his brows and he just looks sad.
“You don’t need to tell me. If it involves me, yes, I would prefer that you tell me, but if the person doesn’t want anything told, I won’t ask.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” His hands curve around your hips as he takes another sip of beer and you rest your head on his chest, listening to the percussive beating of his heart.
81. (1985):
The band have been working hard (harder than you’ve seen in recent years) in the days leading up to Live Aid. You know that the practise and days of only see Roger at bedtime are going to be worth it.
Roger crouches in front of Zoe after having put earmuffs on Robin who is testing her balance on your shoulders. The earmuffs go over her blonde waves and he holds them away from her ears so she can still hear him.
“These are so you don’t lose any hearing in your young age and your mother doesn’t divorce me.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Zoe giggles, not comprehending what Roger’s saying.
The size of the earmuffs on the four and one-year-old is almost comical.
“You’re an excellent dad.” You kiss his cheek tenderly.
You turn back to wave at him as you make your way to the side of the stage and can’t help the proud welling of your eyes as Queen takes to the stage.
82. (1986):
The rain that has tapped resoundingly against the windows and dampened the sound of the city has finally eased. Roger lifts his head to nibble at the crease between thigh and hip.
“Oh, look, the suns out again,” you say, sweaty and joyously. You rest your hand on your stomach and look down at the man between your legs.
You run your knuckles along Roger’s cheeks, your fingertips gliding over blonde brows.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Nope, you look good in that spot,” you return your hands back to the sheet whilst Roger’s head returns to its previous position.
83. (1986):
The party after Queen’s sold out Wembley shows is crowded with many people, most of whom you haven’t seen before, friends of friends of friends.
You sit in Roger’s lap, where he rattles the ice in the bottom of his now empty glass. You feel him shift under you as if to move you, but he yawns instead.
“Mhm. It’s been a long day,” he sighs into your shoulder, flexing his fingers around your waist.
“Let me get you a drink,” you take the glass from his hand and stand up.
84. (1986):
“All the numbers you could possibly need are on the fridge,” you remind Roger as you move through the house, bags in hand.
“Don’t you worry about us,” Roger places a calming hand to your bicep, “we’ll have a right good time, won’t we girls?” The two angels look innocently up at Roger and nod.
“They’ve never been without me before.”
“You don’t trust me to look after my own children?” You ache to sooth the downturned lips of Roger’s.
“No, I do, you’re the only person I trust with them more than me. I’m just anxious.”
“Try not to worry about us, okay? I’ve got this. Go sort everything out with your parents.” His calming tone aids you in alleviating some of the panic you were feeling about leaving your kids alone for the first time.
“Okay,” you sigh, “okay.”
“Say goodbye to Mama, kids.” They both give you a hug and a kiss that you don’t want to let go of, but you do, if only to move onto Roger and cling even harder.
85. (1987):
“Why isn’t this happening?” Your tears drench your face as you sit, fully clothed, in a scalding hot bath.
Roger had tried to get you to take off your clothes but you ignored him, wanting to feel the weight of sopping clothing, forcing yourself to stay upright in the bath so you don’t sink below the water. It would be easy to do, at least your hair would be clean.
“We’ll just have to give it time,” he whispers into your hair, pressing butterfly kisses over the crown of your head.
You want to have another child with Roger. Having Zoe and Robin was easy, you feel as if your luck has now run out, and you ache with a fire you’ve never felt before.  
86. (1987):
The restaurant Roger has booked a reservation at is fancy and bright, doing much to boost your mood after the past emotionally draining months you’ve experienced.
“After you,” Roger opens the door to the restaurant and guides you inside with a hand on your lower back.
87. (1988):
“How are you so calm?” You’re sitting on your hospital bed, going through the motions of contractions while watching your husband pace wall to wall in the private room.
“Done this twice before, remember?”
You clamber off the bed and pace with Roger, hands intertwined, as it helps you to feel like your labour is progressing rather than sitting, which feels like watching paint dry.
It’s Roger that cries this time when the midwife announces that the baby’s a boy, and it’s the sight of him holding his son, still sticky with newness, with such a look of awe that makes your own emotions bubble over.
88. (1988):
“Now, you have to be really quiet because he’s going to be asleep, okay?” Zoe puts her pointer finger to her lips and Robin follows, enjoying mimicking her sister.
Roger glances down at the girls and leads them to the living room where you sit with Henry in his baby capsule.
“Can I pet him?” Robin looks to you as she asks and you nod.
“Yes you can,” Roger laughs, “gentle, he’s still little.” He guides Robin’s hand, still too young to truly understand what Roger is saying. He helps her brush her hand across the soft skin of Henry’s forehead while Zoe waits her turn.
You sit back and watch the interactions with a soft smile.
89. (1988):
“Could you leave my shirt on?” You wonder, tilting your head back, trying to keep tears from spilling.
Roger sits up on his knees between your bent legs, looking over your face with concern.
“I don’t feel comfortable naked any- anymore. I don’t look l-like I did at twenty-five,” you stammer.
“Hey,” he whispers, “This body has been a home for three beautiful children. This body has done amazing things that continuously leaves me in awe. I didn’t fall for you because of your body, I fell for you because of your heart and your mind, which hasn’t changed. I feel like you were a gift, made for me.” At every pause, a kiss is placed over your body, your fluttering eyes, nervous fingers, soft earlobes.
Tears, this time of happiness slowly spill from your eyes as you allow him to remove your shirt.
90. (1989):
Roger didn’t imagine his fortieth birthday beginning with the shape of your head moving up and down underneath the bed covers to be interrupted. But life, as it would seem, always has other plans.
“Mum! Henry spilt juice all over the kitchen table!”
“Can’t you clean it up yourself?” Roger hollers to your eldest. You pull back when you hear a crash and a wail that interrupts the once tranquil space.
“Sorry, rain check?”
“We had three too many children,” he huffs and rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, you say that, but you enjoy it.”
“That I do.” The skin around his eyes crinkles when he grins, showing age but they have that same shine, looking just as young as when you first met.
91. (1989):
The obligatory first day of school photos was taken, except this time, Roger was home to be included in them. He made you take about a hundred of them with both girls, singly and in a group. Your favourite one of the day, which will be framed, is a picture of Roger holding both girls up, backpacks too large on and kissing his cheek. His grin is so wide you momentarily think it will split his face.
“Daddy, will you walk me to my class?”
“Of course, Bubs.” Roger changes his pace so that it is slower than Robin’s, and you don’t say anything. There’s still plenty of time to get to class after you dropped Zoe off to her own classroom.
“Daddy are you sad?” Robin’s blue eyes look up at Roger whose matching one’s look back at her.
“No, I’m not, darling.” Once you all make it to the classroom, Robin runs off without a glance back once she gives a hug and a kiss to both of you.
You make it back to the car, relatively in control of your own emotions, but Roger, you aren’t so sure. He keeps mumbling under his breath about
“Don’t go getting sappy on me now, Taylor.”
“She’s so cute in her little uniform though. Her shoes still aren’t bigger than my hand, how is she old enough for school?” You watch him push his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose to cover his watering eyes.
“Want a hug?”
“Yes please.”
92. (1989):
You hear the clatter of the hammer against the floor and many specific expletives which makes you grin, but you remain on the lounge, waiting for Roger to make his way to you.
“I just smashed my thumb and busted it,” Roger stomps into the room and heads towards the bathroom.
“Hold on, I’ll kiss it better.”
93. (1990):
“Do I need a tie?” Roger looks at you from where he’s stood in front of the cupboard, trying to decide, last minute, of course, what he should wear.
“Yes, you need a tie, you’re getting an award, Roger.”
“Which one?” He holds up two ties, a blue and a black.
“The black one,” you point, sitting with Henry on the floor who’s playing with blocks.
“Does this look good?” Roger turns around from the full-length mirror and your eyes grow wide.
You swallow roughly, squeezing down the ball of lust in your throat.
“Brings out your blue eyes, pretty boy.”
94. (1990):
“How’s Montreux?”
“It’s really beautiful here. I wish you could all be here too.” Despite the joy in Roger’s tone, you can tell there is a hidden sadness behind it.
“I wish we could too. But you know the kids have school otherwise I’d be there at the drop of a hat.”
“I miss you.” Your own heart clenches as you hear him take a shaky breath.
“I miss you.”
95. (1990):
Roger hasn’t picked you up in what feels like years, but he does today. Your legs wrap familiarly around his waist and your hand goes up to run through his hair. It’s tender and cozy, and he still smells the same, like home.
“I missed you,” you whisper against his mouth.
“I missed you more,” he breathes, connecting his lips with yours.
96. (1991):
The brightness of the albicant lighting from the bathroom wakes Roger despite the door being half-closed. He glances to the side, checking the clock, and noting the early hour and the still dark house. He pulls himself out of the warm bed and rubs his eyes.
“You okay?” He stumbles into the bathroom where you’re ridding Henry of his pyjamas after he’s been sick all over himself.
“Just let me get him cleaned up. Go back to bed. I’ll be there once I’ve changed his sheets and mopped the floor.”
You don’t want to bother Roger. You’ve never seen him so physically or emotionally drained and the fine lines that have appeared seem to have taken permanent residence on his face this year.
“No, no, I’ll do it for you,” Roger presses a kiss to his miserable, green looking son's forehead and then yours before exiting the room to find cleaning products.
97. (1991):
“Take a deep breath.”
The paparazzi and journalists have been camped out in front of Garden Lodge for what seems like forever, and have taken it upon themselves to slander every movement from those coming and going.
It aggravated everyone that had any contact with the people behind the garden walls and often sent Roger spiralling into a rage that ended with smashed glasses and broken cigarettes he no longer smoked.
“How the fuck is that going to calm me down?”
“It might. Just try it, Roger.” You both get out of the car and you grab onto his clammy hand, giving him a pointed, yet reassuring look.
Together you make your way through the swarm of locusts and keep your eyes trained to the floor, ignoring any allegations thrown at you. You both seem to release a sigh of relief once you make it behind the green door, it symbolising something akin to a boundary between worlds.
98. (1991):
You add the cards and the flowers to Roger’s surprise whilst your two oldest kids run around with their homemade presents, putting them into place. The pancakes border on barely cooked and burnt, which in turn makes them odd shaped, but you know Roger will appreciate it, especially because your babies helped make them. You also made your own batch of pancakes just in case which are cooked for everyone else to eat, but that is beside the point.
“What is going on in here?” Roger walks into the room, bleary-eyed and warm with sleep.
“Hey! Turn around, this is supposed to be a surprise!”
“Did you make this all for me?” He stares at the thoughtful display despite your warning.
“Happy Father’s Day. You always surprise me, but it’s your turn. You’re important in this family too.” You press a kiss to his cheek and pull out his chair for him.
99. (1991):
You aren’t used to having the weight of an awake Roger on your lap. You run your hand through his hair and gently tug every time you come to the blonde ends.
One of his hands grips yours tightly, resting against his hip with nails creating moon-like imprints on your knuckles. If your lashes weren’t already damp, the sharp feeling would have brought tears to your eyes.
“It’s okay to cry.”
Roger stubbornly shakes his head, eyes swollen and red, waiting for the break. The ticking of the clock in the living room creates a metronome that seems to count down to when he will allow himself one moment of respite.
“Yes it is, baby, it is completely okay to. You don’t have to be strong for anyone.”
With a whimper, he turns himself around and buries his face in your stomach, and icy heat spreads with the tears he finally releases.
100. (1992):
“I love you.” You whisper in Roger’s ear, standing side by side.
You get a squeeze on the hand in response so gentle you almost miss it.
A/N: So that’s it! I hope you all enjoyed? Thank you for taking the time to read these four parts and all of the likes, reblogs and comments, they’re very appreciated. If you ever want to request an imagine, feel free to send an ask or message me, I’d love to chat! See you all next time …
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sammmys-writing · 6 years
First Date
Pairing: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi (Barisi)
TW: None
Summary: Sonny finally gets the guts to ask Rafael out on a date and does so
Authors notes: ho- LEE FUCK THIS IS LONG (2,246 words uwu) also i wrote this at like 1AM and its not Beta-ed so please excuse any OOCness. 
Amanda and Sonny being best friends is true MlM WlW soldarity
This is also posted on AO3. Read it Here
"Carisi has a crush, Carisi has a crush~~" Rollins teased in a sing-song voice once the ruthless ADA, (and Sonny's aforementioned crush) Rafael Barba had left earshot.
"I don't have a crush!!" The other exclaimed defensively. Ok, maybe he had a tiny crush on the ADA, but who wouldn't?? Especially with those fierce forest green eyes and the way they twinkled on the rare occasion that he laughed, or his pretty little "I'm Winning" Smirk that only showed up in court, but that Sonny would pay to see.
"Yeah and you didn't just stare at and flirt with Barba for..." She checked her watch "Half an hour" She snorted, poking at Carisi's side.
"I wasn't staring I was... being an attentive listener" He stated, hoping that his excuse would get the other detective to leave him alone about this.
"Right, so you weren't staring straight at his lips the whole time" She said skeptically, raising one eyebrow up. He'd seen her use this tactic in interrogations, but it wouldn't work on him, not today at least.
"I wasn't staring at his lips!!"
Yes he was.
"And the flirting?" She inquired.
"He was flirting with me and i was being polite. How do you know that its he who's crushing on me and not the other way around? Check and Mate" He smirked, crossing his arms.
"What ever you say tough guy" Rollins snorted before going back to her work.
Unbeknownst to either detective, Rafael Barba was in fact crushing on Sonny Carisi. Somehow the lanky detective had wormed his way into his heart, with his absolutely kissable lips, bright blue eyes, and those god damn dimples that would certainly be the death of him. But, sadly, Rafael was pretty sure that Sonny was straight, as he'd always seen him flirting with women at NYPD parties that he was encouraged (forced) to attend.
Although this knowledge didn't prevent his heart from melting as a result of Carisi's laugh or the way he was constantly leaning over things, giving Barba a nice view of his ass. It also didn't stop him from being slightly jealous when he caught someone else eyeing those long perfect legs, connected to that perfect ass. Still, he acted professional, he kept his feelings under wraps, he willed himself to look away whenever Carisi leaned over something (Most of the time), like he did literally every time Barba visited the precinct, and he never actively sought him out unless it was pertinent to the current case. He was slightly afraid of his feelings for the detective getting the better of him. His train of thought was cut off as Carmen entered his office to say
"Mr Barba, Detective Carisi's here to see you"
Sonny walked in as Carmen was leaving and he flashed the ADA one of those award winning smiles that Rafael couldn't get enough of.
"Good evening Detective, what brings you here?" He asked, not looking up from the papers he was working on
"Well, I was wondering, Counselor, if..." He paused "You'd like to go to dinner, with me" the Detective added looking down, which made a few pieces of his hair fall to his forehead, free from the  grip of the hair gel he most likely used.
Barba for once was at a slight loss for words, he looked up from his papers and a slight smirk appeared on his lips, "Are you asking me out on a date, Detective?"
"Would you say yes if I was?" Replied the detective, looking up, his baby blues brighter then normal.
"Are you free tomorrow at 8?"
"Y-Yeah, I am"
"Meet me at DiAngelo's at 8"
Carisi smiled brightly and nodded, "I gotta go now or Picatso will get all weird when I get home. See ya tomorrow Counselor!" He said, waving his goodbyes before exiting Barba's office happily knowing he had a date with his crush.
Meanwhile Barba was rethinking all of his life choices that had led up to when he had fallen for a man who'd named his cat Picatso.
[Sonny  days] roLLINS
[Rollin' in the deep] i knew you had a crush on him carisi
[Sonny  days] yeah, yeah, yeah, alright you were right, but still
[Rollin' in the deep] with what? just let him slam it home
[Sonny  days] thats like
the exact opposite of helping
what do i do with the date, like how
how does someone do a date
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
[Sonny  days] stop or i block
[Rollin' in the deep] ;(
have you told him about Picatso yet?
[Sonny  days] yeah??
[Rollin' in the deep] and he didn't bail instantly? he must really like you
[Sonny  days] hey, Picatso is the perfect name for a cat
[Rollin' in the deep] that is not a cat
thats a demon from hell
[Sonny  days] he just doesnt like you because he can sense how much you hate him
animals are like that
anyway, back on topic, help please??
[Rollin' in the deep] Just, talk to him about mutual interest's or ask him about himself or smthn i dont knoW
I don't know man!! i havent been on a first date in so long
[Sonny boy] since you've been banging the lieu
[Rollin' in the deep] speaking of liv, Noah just fell asleep you know what that means
[Sonny  days] gross
[Rollin' in the deep] ;)
get some carisi!! now i gotta go its time for some designated lady time
[Sonny  days] have a good time rollins
and please never say designated lady time ever again
The next day at 8 o'clock, Sonny Carisi walked up to the DiAngelo's restaurant in a nice white pressed shirt and dress pants with a navy tie, not his work clothes, Barba was too good for him to wear his work clothes on a date with him, he saw Barba standing outside the restaurant, wearing a suit, like always. Sonny wondered what he looked like in home clothes or pyjamas, hopefully, if dinner went well he'd have a chance to see that.
"Hey counselor!" He called, waving to the hot ADA as he walked towards him.
Rafael smiled warmly at the tall blue-eyed detective, waving back.
"You're not late Carisi, I'm surprised" He joked lightly, giving the detective a quick look down, he dressed nice, better then what he wore to work at least.
Carisi smiled at the comment. "I try counselor." He chuckled, "Shall we go in?" he asked, offering his arm, internally panicking about this, he was trying to follow the WikiHow article he read on how to act on a first date, so far it was working.
Barba smiled again, "Call me Rafael" He said, taking his arm and the pair went inside, where they were seated quickly in a little booth in the corner. The date went rather well as far as first dates with your co-worker are concerned, they chatted and laughed, happy in their own little world.
Rafael was sure he'd just fallen even harder for the blue eyed detective sitting across from him. He talked with his hands lot, this was something he had never noticed before, when telling funny little stories of his childhood in Staten Island suburbia, he made grand gestures with his hands, whether he was explaining his sisters giant crush on his best friend, or how he fell off of the playground structure when he was 10 and had to be in a wheelchair for a month.
Carisi noticed how Rafael's eyes softened when he talked about his grandma or his mom, telling stories of his childhood, how he poured himself into his studies and go to college against the odds, go to Harvard, it was truly inspiring and Carisi was reminded of why he fell for the green eyed ADA. He was the most interesting man he'd ever met.
"My apartment isn't far from here, wanna come over, end the night with a few drinks?" Carisi asked as they exited the restaurant after dinner, looking down.
"Sure" Barba replied, after a few moments of hesitation. "Lead the way" He chuckled.
As they walked, they chatted some more, sharing thoughts about cases, the law, and ridiculous perp names that Sonny had encountered during his years as a detective, ("You arrested a guy called Dick Hertz?" "Crazy right?")
Carisi was happy to learn more about Rafael, see the softer side of him, which was just as hot as the snarky work version of him, (in Sonny's opinion at least). Meanwhile Rafael had learned that Sonny was just as loud outside of work as he was in work, which to be honest wasn't surprising and kinda endearing to say the least.
Once they entered Sonny's apartment, Picatso rubbed up against the pairs legs, seeking attention from his owner and this new person he'd brought into the house.
"Hey stinky man" Sonny greeted the eager cat, leaning down to give him a quick pet, before shutting the door behind them and putting up his coat, "Want anything to drink? I got wine, whiskey, tea, coffee, water" He stated, turning around to look at Rafael, smiling a bit. Hopefully his apartment was clean enough, he didn't have much of a chance to clean up beforehand but he thought it looked presentable.
"I'll have a whiskey" Barba replied, hanging up his coat and glancing down at the cat, it was rubbing up against his leg and trying to sniff him to make sure he wasn't an enemy. Rafael wasn't particularly fond of felines but Picatso (what'd the cat do to be named that) seemed reasonable, he leaned over, giving his hand to sniff before he gave the cat a hesitant pet on the head, Picatso purred quietly, liking the attention from the new human.
"He likes you" Carisi smiled, coming back with two glasses, one with whiskey and another with wine. "I think thats the fastest ive ever seen him warm up to someone" He chuckled, handing the glass of whiskey to Barba as he got up. Picatso protested the end of the attention with a quiet meow, he looked to his owner for more but he paid him no heed.
Rafael smiled softly, taking the glass.
"Come, let's sit" Sonny lead Rafael inside, sitting on the couch and motioning for Barba to sit next to him, which he did.
They sat in awkward silence for a moment, before Rafael spoke up.
"How long have you wanted to go out with me" He asked, Sonny looked slightly embarrassed.
"You don't have to be a  detective to notice that" he chuckled, sipping at his drink.
Sonny turned slightly pink, and sipped his wine
"Its fine,  it's kinda cute actually"
At this Sonny blushed harder, "A year  or so" he mumbled.
Rafael smiled a bit, but hid it  by taking a sip of his whiskey. "If it makes you feel any better I've probably been pining for you for longer" He chuckled.
Sonny laughed at this quietly, "Wanna bet?" he joked. "During the moustache or after?" he asked
"Oh god, please never again remind me of your awful moustache"
"I thought it looked good"
"It made you look like a cheap pornstar from the eighties"
"I bet teenage you would've jumped at the chance to sleep with a pornstar back then"
Barba just laughed, and Sonny laughed with him. Both men unconsciously leaned closer to each other. Sonny would never be sure if it was them being comfortable with eachother, or him being slightly more confident (due to the alcohol from dinner and  the drinks now), or a bit of both that made him do it but he closed that gap between them after a moment of  silence, by pressing his lips to Rafaels and kissing him,  softly and slowly.
Rafael kissed back after a moment of surprise. Sparks flew between them and Sonny was astonished that  the other would kiss back. Soon enough, the  drinks were abandoned and Sonny deepened the kiss, moving closer.
That endeavor, however, soon devolved into Sonny kinda straddling the ADA and them hardcore making out, Rafels hands in Sonny's hair, removing it from the hold that the detectives hair gel had it in, and Sonny's arms around Rafaels waist, keeping the pair close.
By Sonny's standards, this was probably the best make out session her ever had the pleasure of being involved in, and judging by the way it was going he was hopefully going to be experiencing it much more.
[Rollin' in the deep] carisi how was ur date
did you guys talk wistfully about everything and nothing while staring into each others eyes
[Sonny days] that is the cheesiest thing ive ever heard
and me and my sister once talked for an entire hour in just cheese puns
[Rollin' in the deep] pffft
[Sonny days] getting back on topic
it was fine
normal first date stuff
we kissed
[Rollin' in the deep] a kiss?
thats nothing
tell me when u fuck
[Sonny  days] haha
even though you'll probably be the first one i tell
[Rollin' in the deep] fuck yeaaaahhh
give me those relationship deets or i will die
i've watched you 2 pine for each other for too long, i need to know everything
[Sonny  days] yeah yeah, ill tell you more tomorrow its too fuckin late for this shit
night rollins
[Rollin' in the deep] night carisi
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
Fic: Three times Scully buzzed Mulder and one time he buzzed her
Based on the vibrator/blobfish blooper. How many times did Scully startle Mulder with that vibe? NSFW at the end. Tagging @today-in-fic
She swore the first time it was an accident. Mulder wasn’t supposed to be there. He’d dropped by with a housewarming gift – a peace lily – to surprise her. She really didn’t need another dead plant on her conscience but there he stood at the entry, smiling up into the security camera, with a glazed white pot in one hand and a bottle of zinfandel in the other and that ‘how could you turn me away grin’ on his face. How could you turn him away?
           His ass looked fine in those skinny jeans as he walked through the apartment nodding here and peering there, approving of the gadgets, pressing all the buttons on the keypads and picking up every remote. Finally, he settled into her chair by the fireplace. Adele was playing in the background. Pizza was on its way anyway. Why not just go with the flow?
She sipped the wine as he yammered on about how some Reddit thread about fauna he’d jumped on had turned feral and she half wondered if the houseplant was a sign she’d missed or some kind of new euphemism. She chanced a Google, punctuating his ever wilder story with the occasional nod and ‘oh’. Urban Dictionary listed nothing for peace lily, but calla lily seemed to suggest a soft woman who was hot in bed. She tried to hide her cough of surprise but it caught his attention.
           “Bones in the wine, Scully?” The smile that spread across his face showed her just how much she missed casual evenings on that couch in their shitty little house. Now, she sat opposite him, regretting her choice of the two single-seaters. Everything seemed so clinical, so isolated. There was nothing to connect them.
Mulder carried on his lurid tale and she looked at her phone to see the street definition of houseplant. An antisocial guy who ignores his girlfriend. She took a large sip of wine and hit the back button. A buzz. A yelp. And Mulder leapt up.
“What the fuck was that?”
Her phone clattered to the floor as she stood up too. The buzzing continued, muffled but insistent. He pulled up the cushions and she sucked in a horrified breath. Fuck. His long fingers wrapped around its pink girth and her cheeks flushed a complementary shade. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Oh my, Scully. One is the loneliest number,” he said, holding up the Je Joue.
If the office was a trusty old friend, motels were the two-faced bitch who’d draw you in for a hug then snap at you for being overly familiar. Adjoining rooms, sounds of Mulder murmuring. Was he on his cell, talking to real people or vocally admiring internet porn? She messaged him.
           Take out?
           Eat out?
           Don’t lol me Mulder.
           You wtf’d me, Scully. I can lol you if I want.
           You said you wanted to eat me out.
           “There’s no way I would be that crude, Scully.” His real voice was always a honeyed surprise. She shivered despite herself as he walked through the door.
           “Make yourself at home,” she said, as he lounged on her bed.
           “Besides, if I wanted to do that, I’d ask you properly.”
           “And, pray tell,” she said, sitting next to him and relishing the dip in the mattress that meant their thighs slid together. “What is the proper way to ask to eat someone out?”
           He took her cell from her hands and smiled that lazy, arrogant, sexy grin. Before he could answer, a buzz. A yelp. A guttural groan and he pushed his hand under his ass.
           “The fuck, Scully?” He whipped out the vibe. Her skin burned. He held it up to the light, inspecting it. Her breath left her body. “You love this thing, don’t you?”
           “You take it everywhere, it gets to sit on the couch with you, you take it to bed with you…”
           “You make it sound like a pet.”
           He shrugged. “I was going to say boyfriend, but whatever floats your boat, Scully.”
           There was a magic moment of silence, weighted, where she waited for his next jibe but it didn’t come. He simply slipped the vibe back under his legs and she heard his lips pop open. He picked up her cell. “What do I press, Scully?”
Her apartment was toast. Burnt out. The smell of smoke lasted longer than the sadness she felt at saying goodbye. The living had been Spartan, cool, short-term. Their house was more shabby than chic but she felt its warm welcome as she walked up the steps and pulled open the fly wire. Mulder had cleaned up. Kind of. There was less clutter on the shelves, only a small pile of magazines on the side tables, the fridge was newly stocked, the kitchen cupboards reasonably full. And there was always something comforting about the way Mulder used the staircase as a library. In fact, the smell of knowledge always left her feeling a little horny.
           He helped her with her bags, standing them on the landing between the main bedroom and the spare. There were more piles of books, pushed against the walls between the doors. She liked to think of it as a bridge of words, connecting their minds.
           “I think it’s too early,” she said, watching him deflate a little.
           He took the bags into the spare and stood in the doorway, arms folded. “Thank you for choosing chez Mulder,” he said.
           She indulged him with a genuine smile. “I’ve heard the hospitality is second to none.”
           “The spare room has a particular vibe…I’ll let you get settled in.”
           His hand was a familiar weight in her hand. “Help me unpack?”
           He folded, tucked, hung and layered without a word. There was one small bag left, a Maine holdall that reminded her of killer dolls and mass hysteria. Crazy times when inanimate objects took on a life of their own. She tipped it upside down on the bed, contents rolling out haphazardly. Mulder sat, sending the contents rolling side to side. Her phone sparked to life in her hip pocket and she fished it out, walking to the landing to answer. The connection was hinky and she paced to find the best spot.
           Bill took too much of her time with family stuff and preaching, and by the time she opened the door again, Mulder was lying across the bed, on his side, face covered in a silk slip she hadn’t worn since forever but couldn’t part with. She imagined the smell of that item to him was comparable to his books to her. Memories, skin, romantic nostalgia.
Climbing behind him, she draped an arm over his and he pulled her hand to his, tucking it between his legs. A buzz, a low growl and she felt him flinch and twitch.
           “I was hoping you’d do that,” he hissed as the vibration continued. “I swear, Scully, if you ever find out how to properly control this thing, it’ll be such a downer.”
It would be a cold day in hell when she’d eat sushi again. And as for blobfish? Never again. Mulder shook his head and grabbed her hand, hurrying them out of the restaurant.
           “We’re out of here,” he said, wrapping her jacket round her shoulders. The air was fresh. But the company was warm. Mulder was home. It didn’t matter where the physical location was, as long as he was there, it was a welcome place. It had taken her 25 years to realise it, but she had now and driving up the gravel path to their home, uneven roof, holey fly wires, splintered steps, Ikea furnishings, nothing else mattered other than his presence by her side.
           Her clothes might have hung in the wardrobe next door, but her heart hung over the bed in the main room. She luxuriated in the Egyptian cotton comfort while Mulder cleaned his teeth. The night was ink-dark and the soft golden pool of light from the bedside lamp spilled warmth over her side of the bed. His smile was as promising.
           “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
           “It’s a marvellous night for a moon dance,” she said, pulling back the sheets.
           “Is that a euphemism?”
           “Call it what you will, Mulder.” He was warm and pliant in her arms, kissing her with familiar passion.
           Divesting themselves of clothes took no time and skin-to-skin, she wrapped her leg over his hips and ground herself against him. They fitted together perfectly. Always had. It felt so good, sparking waves of pleasure from the inside out. He mumbled into her neck and her nipples stood on end.
           “There’s something I want to do for you, Scully.”
           She imagined his head between her legs, bristled chin chafing her thighs and a flush of liquid pooled at her centre. But instead, he reached over her and fumbled in the drawer.
           “I think we’re a little beyond needing protection, Mulder.”
           He chuckled and rolled her onto her back. “No barriers, Scully.”
           “What is it?”
           A buzz. A deep, resonant hum. And she couldn’t tell if it was the vibe or her. He pressed it to her and she parted her legs with a deep sigh. His breath poured over her, warming her chin, neck, chest, before his lips found a nipple and at once she purred, pulsated. His insistent massaging played in rhythm to his licking and sucking and she was about ready to implode.
           “Fuck, Mulder. This is unbearable.”
           “Tell me what you want, Scully.”
           She couldn’t put the words together as he pressed the vibe against her clit. No matter how many different ways she played with this thing, there was no beating the confident hand of the man she loved. She bucked up to meet it, heels digging into the mattress. Wet heat escaped her and his cock leaked against her thigh. “I want you to fuck me. Just you. In me. Now.”
           It was a whirlwind of skin and slickness and thrusting and bumping. He pounded and she pushed up, she groaned and he bit, he pulled her arms above her head, she shifted her feet to his shoulders, he knelt and she screamed. Stars burst behind her eyes. It took a long time to come down and when she finally did, she heard the buzz and the whirr and then the crash of deafening silence as the Je Joue fell to the floor.
           “I think we broke it,” Mulder said, half-laughing. “How will you survive without it?”
           She pushed his fingers against her still pulsating clit. “I think I’ll cope.”
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sagenivydragonfly · 6 years
🌌Wolf Child🌌
(scroll down for story)
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Not having a family is harder than you think. Having to watch other children receive presents and hugs from their parents. Its the little things, like watching families ice skate or seeing then get icecream and the laughing. Its the laughing that bothers me the most. I don't think I've really laughed in my entire life. I've tried before. What came out was a ghost of happiness, of real joy. Just an eery sound that brought a shiver to my shoulders and uneasiness to my mind. My hands clung to the cold rails of the ice rink. I couldn't afford to go in. I just watched no money. No anything. Just the clothes on my back. Id managed to swipe them from a donation bin. Tan skinny jeans and boots two sizes to small. The only thing I liked about my clothes was my coat. A blue denim jacket lined with fleece and little yellow buttons with matching yellow pockets. The boots dug into my toes almost telling me what everything told me, "You've been here too long, No one wants to here. Time to leave. I gazed at the families holding hands one last time and walked away. I don't know where I was going. Just away.I was adopted and for a short while I had a family. My parents dumped me when was 10. Id always had issues with anger. They decided it was a good reason to get rid of me. Parentless again. Ive been living on my own for a while stealing and begging for food and clothes. Im not old enough for a job being 12. So until then im here. I was knocked out of my daze by a sign. The town line. Id walked too far. Ahead of me was forest. I stood for a while trying to figure out where to go next. For some reason I walked forward. So dumb. I noticed the trees slowly getting darker their leaves were harder to make out individually. I keep walking. Suddenly I snap out of it and realize what Ive done. Nightfall. I can barely see my hand in front of me. I panic. I don't know the way back let alone where I am. I can hear my heart pounding I run. My breathing ragged. I need to get out. Faster faster! I push on. Miles and miles, the sheer force of adrenaline and will to live forcing my body on. I feel im about to pass out. Then out of no where Thump! I hit something! Wait something hit me! Im on the ground now. Looming over me is a form. I hear a growl and from above something wet and slimy drips onto my face. The gaping maw closes over my shoulder. I claw and scream hit and kick but im too exhausted to fight anyone "No! No! No..."I let it consume me I pass out.
I hear sounds but they sound faint and watery my head feels like its under water. I try to move. My head throbs. I groan. I force my eyes open. I look up. Trees are above me and I hear birbs chirping. Where am I? This isn't the city. I sit up dizzy and disoriented. Im in the spot I was last night. I jolt to attention. That thing...from last night what was it? Was it real was it a dream? I move my arm and yell out. My coat is on the ground next to me my shirt is torn. I move the fabric to expose a few scabbed over punctures in my left shoulder. It was defiantly real. I try to stand up. I wobble. "Ugh" I gather my coat and put it on. At least I still have this. I pick a direction and I begin walking. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten in 2 days. Maybe ill starve. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I stop. Leaves are crinkling. Its not me. Something runs near, only a few trees away. I can't see through the thickness of the forest. Fear. I dash off. My hunger overtakes me. Im not as fast as before. Im weak and tired. I have nothing left. I stop. Keeling over and wheezing. I almost choke my guts out breathing so hard. Finally it doesn't hurt to break I stand up. No. I look straight into the eyes of a Grey wolf. I freeze. No where to go now. Nowhere to hid. A deer in the open. Almost begging to be eaten. He doesn't move. I look panic in my eyes. He doesn't look angry but he doesn't look away. A menacing stare. Could melt ice with that gaze. I look away. He sits. I try to slowly back away. He growls. I stop. He stops growling. I sit. We look at eachother. Im confused on what to do and scared about being eaten alive. He yawns. I being and idiot scoot towards him. He cocks his head. He doesn't know what I am. I wonder what hes alone. Hes not the biggest wolf but hes not small. Hes dark grey with black guard hairs. Yellowy amber eyes cunning and sharp. But something about his eyes now are soft and inviting. I suddenly want to touch his fur. I reach my hand out. He looks at me and does nothing. I begin to lower my hand. He shoves his muzzle into my hand. Im shocked. Hes soft. I gently pet his muzzle. I look at his eyes again. He respects me it seems. Im still going to be careful. We spend the rest of the day walking and sitting infront of eachother. I wonder why he didn't eat me in the first place. Was he lonely? Im lonely. Wheres his family. Its dark again. Im scared. What is in this forest. I instinctively grab onto him. He makes a noise. A nonthretaning noise. I rest my hand on his back and let him lead. We come to a clearing. I think he sleeps here. There's a tree with a hole at the base. He leads me there and I follow him inside. The floor is dirt and smooth. He turns around 3 times and curls up in a corner I do the same and laugh. I cover my mouth. A real laugh. Im astonished. A wolf made me laugh. I giggle and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.
Morning. The birds are chirping again. I look for the wolf. Hes standing in the clearing. He needs a name. So do i. I sit next to him and study him. He sniffs some Wild Thyme. "Aha!" he looks up questioning me. I point at him "Thyme!" he sniffs the thyme again. My stomach growls. He runs off. I get worried. I wait 30 min. He comes back with a squirrel. He sets it down infront of me. I look at him. Im silent for a few min. I finally give in a start tearing of chunks of meat and stuffing it on my mouth. There's barely any taste. But food is food.
Over the next few days Thyme and i become good friends. He hunts and I spot his prey from up in a tree. Thyme gave me a wolf name it kinda sounds like "Aaaaaru!" I laugh all the time now.
Years have passed and I still live here. Ive outgrown everything except my coat an pants. Im 15 now old enough to work. Thyme showed me the way back to the city a along time ago. I never wanted to go back. I say goodbye and that ill come back.
I walk down the main street. Things have changed. Its been 3 years after all. I go to the donation box. I freeze. There in the pile is a fuzzy wolf hat with paw gloves attached. The same color as Thymes coat. I snatch it immediately. "Hey.Hey!you can't take from there!" I don't even see whose yelling. I ran before I could look i put it on my head. Im homeless anyways. I ran to the other side of town. Sliding down the wall onto the ground I sit. "Hey you." I turn around. "Youre fast" "me?" she nods. "Thanks?" I nervously reply. "You got the legs on ya that you could deliver my baked goods to the customers in the knick of time! Would ya like a job missy?" "uh...Oh! Yes yes definatly!" "Come on in then! Oh by the way what's your name?" Oh crap I don't have one. "Uh...uh...Aaru?" she nods. I take a deep breath and begin a normalish life.
It has been a year since I last saw Thyme. I went back a month later but he wasnt there. I walked the whole forest and he was gone. I screamed the name of my best friend and brother and only family as loud as I could. Nothing. Now I walk through that forest for the millionth time. I sit by the clearing and the tree with the hole. I rest my weary legs. I hold my arms out and cry pretending he was there. I felt him but it wasnt real. I cried into his fur and sobbed against his chest. I opened my eyes. I stared into the eyes of my old friend. He was missing a part of his front leg, he was covered in battle scars and he looked like he had been to hell and back. I didn't care. I had my family. But I hadnt even begun to realize what happened to him. Finding out may be to gruesome
For now we wait in eachother arms. Two wolves
A family
🌌A pack🌌
I really worked hard on this so if anyone reads it im so happy, but also surprised cause its suuuuuper long aaa 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌
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looselucy · 7 years
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I had never been good at goodbyes. The first goodbye I really remember, was when our pet dog Timmy died, and I forced my mum and dad to give him a funeral, and I probably cried for about a week. Another stand out goodbye in the list of many, was my brother moving to uni, and that was very reasonable for me to be a mess of tears and tantrums, because I hadn’t seen him since he left. One of my most recent goodbyes, was when I moved to university. I was only a few hours away from my parents and our new dog, Timmy-Two, but I absolutely had a breakdown when they dropped me off there. To be honest, they were no better, which was predictable behaviour from Phil and Lisa, always emotional, especially when it came to their darling daughter. The whole thing was atrocious when they left, watery eyes and inaudible sentences and desperate hugs and it was so pathetic I nearly vomit even thinking back to it. And then this one. This goodbye, was just as shit as the rest.
“I promise I’ll come visit!” Grace insisted. I sobbed as I hugged her, not wanting to look at that stupid pink suitcase she had packed behind her, wanting to kick it over or pull all her clothes out and throw them everywhere just to keep her with me a bit longer. “Or,” I sobbed uneasily. “You could just stay!” “Sorry, Pippa, but the uni life is just not for me.” I just kept sobbing, but sobbing this time seemed more plausible than when my parents left, because there was no guarantee she would come back. She promised me she would, but I knew that wasn’t enough. It’s strange, being at uni. Friendships develop so quickly it’s hard to even keep track of how close you all get. And with Grace being in the room next door to mine on our floor, from moving in on September 15th, to November 1st, it was safe to say she was my best friend. I was besotted with her, and I really didn’t want her to leave. She hated her course though, and she dropped out before it was too late, before she was too committed. Not even the end of the first term in our first year, and she was leaving. I was really going to miss her. “Alright, alright!” Zayn barked from beside me. “You’ve been hugging her for about ten minutes now, you’re being selfish, Pip! Let me have a go.” Tears kept rolling down my face as I gave her up for a moment, the rest of the gang moving in to give her a goodbye hug. There was me, Grace (before she selfishly decided to leave) Zayn, Mike, Tally, and Ringo. (I had still to learn Ringo’s real name, she was a quiet one, and a Beatles fan, I think.) Everyone was saying their goodbyes, but no one was quite as emotional as I was about her leaving. They all gave her their hugs and farewells. “You best stay in touch!” Tally instructed. “I will! I promise! God, you’re all so dramatic.” Everyone kind of laughed except me. I was not amused. Zayn moved and gave her a kiss on the head before I took over again, hugging her so tightly it was like I knew for a fact I would never see her ever again. Like I said, I’ve never been good at goodbyes. “You’re an emotional wreck.” She giggled once everyone else had rekindled back in the kitchen, giving us our space. “How many times do I need to promise?” “But I’ll miss living with you.” I tried to calm down. “I love you being here.” “I’ll be back before you know it.” “You better be!” “I’m gunna miss my train...” She groaned. “Fine.” I shot, pulling away from her and wiping away my tears. “Go. Leave me here alone to die.” She backed out of the door, grabbing her suitcase and looking at me whilst giggling. She did always say that she liked how I got emotional about little things, like songs and films and TV shows. But I had calmed a little, finally. I stood in the doorway giving her the weakest smile I could summon. “Gunna miss you, Girl.” She smiled. “You too. Get home safe, okay?” I sniffled. She nodded, and I knew she was emotional too, but she wasn’t the crying type like I was, so the goodbye was lacking tears on her part. I think I cried enough for the both of us. We said goodbye a final couple of times, and by the time she was in the elevator going down to the bottom floor I was relatively calm, wiping away my final few tears. I slumped past our bedrooms as I walked down the corridor, three doors on each side, making my way to the kitchen and living room area of our halls, where they all sat giving me sad head tilts, knowing how close we were, how much I would miss her. I stuck my middle finger up to the lot of them, making them laugh awkwardly, as Ringo quietly went back into her room. Defeated, I flopped down on the sofa and huffed out my sorrow as Zayn tucked me under his arm, kissing my forehead once before we nestled comfortably together. “I can’t believe she’s actually gone.” Mike sighed. “Just like... ‘cause she mentioned it on day one and then stuck around... I kinda thought she was all talk.” That’s what we had all been hoping, because Grace was one of those people who could walk in a room and make everyone’s day a little bit brighter; she could cheer up anyone just by smiling or telling a small joke. She was incredible. “You’re just gutted you didn’t get a chance to shag her.” Zayn chuckled. “Mate, I’m gutted with my sex life full stop! Not just when it comes to her! She was more wife material anyway, I’ll hunt her down in a few years.” I tried to laugh but I really wasn’t in the mood, I just kept staring at the tele as Zayn traced comforting circles on the top of my arm with two fingers, staring at the TV too. We had gotten lucky with our flat, we were in one of the better-quality student accommodations, so everything was modern and nice. The only downfall really was the communal shower rooms, which for some odd reason were placed past the living room and kitchen, so everyone got a good sight of you dashing through in a towel and dripping on the floor whilst they tried to watch TV. But our rooms were lovely, the whole thing was pretty lovely, so we knew it would only be a short amount of time before a student on a waiting list would take Graces now empty room. “How long you gunna be sad for, Pippa?” Tally asked me as she balanced her plate full of pasta on her knees, given we had no table. “Dunno. Could be years. Maybe I’ll never get over it.” “Well you’re gunna have to ‘cause we’re definitely going out tonight!” Mike tried. “I can’t.” I shrugged. “I’m in at nine.” “Pussy!” “Fuck off, Mike!” I giggled, throwing the nearest cushion at him. “Reyt!” He chirped, moving back to the hall. “It’s wank o’clock. See you all soon!” Zayn was in stitches as Mike strolled out of the area and into his room, Tally was trying her best not to laugh but I could see she was failing miserably. “I never knew living with lads would be such a cliché!” I groaned through a stifled laugh. “You lived with your brother, didn’t you?” Tally giggled. “Yeah, but he never announced when he was going for a wank, thankfully.” That just made Zayn laugh even more, he was absolutely creasing next to me, having to move his arm from around me and cover his face. I started to think how even without Grace, I would be fine, because that lot meant the world to me. I shook my head and stood myself up, walking over to my food cabinet and grabbing out a packet of crisps, standing and leaning rather than sitting back down with Zayn, who was still chuckling away to himself. “You sure you can’t come out tonight?” Tally sulked, looking over her shoulder to me. “I really shouldn’t.” I huffed. “You haven’t missed a lecture in like... three weeks.” “To be fair, that is really good.” And it was. The first year of uni seemed to be a complete write-off, and my brother had said exactly the same thing. You could pretty much take the piss in your first year, and still pass. He told me that second year was a little bit harder but you could still go out most days of the week and miss a fair few lectures. However, in his last year, he sounded like he was going to have a mental breakdown he was working so hard. So in my head, I still pretty much had two years of fun left. Missing one lecture, for the first time in almost a month, couldn’t be too bad. And I did need cheering up. Zayn stood himself up and moseyed over to me, hooking his arms around my waist and I put mine over his shoulders, both of us swaying in our hug. “C’mon, Pippa. We have to go out, the only way to deal with sadness is drinking.” “Sad, but true.” I agreed. “So,” He grinned, pulling away from me. “We going out?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but obviously I was smiling anyway, caving into the idea of going out and possibly missing a lecture. “Fine.” I breathed. “Let’s do it.” + + + We passed the shots I had bought down the line, Zayn banging his hand on the bar eagerly. It was me, Mike, Tally and Zayn. We had tried to convince Ringo to tag along with us, but she was having none of it, said she had too much work to do. We always tried with her though, and it’s not that we thought she didn’t like us, she was just so withdrawn. But there was nothing we could do other than try. The line of shots made their way down the group, each of us having three each; one red, one green, one purple. I had always been terrible at shots, so I had no idea why I bought them, especially three at a time. Seemed pretty stupid, but there we were. “Alright, on the count of three, we do red!” Zayn shouted, as though he was some kind of soldier ready for war. “We have five seconds before we move onto purple, and a maximum of ten seconds, before we go onto green. Are you with me?” “Shut up, Zayn.” Tally laughed. “I SAID ARE YOU WITH ME?” He shouted in her ear. If I had already taken my first shot I would have spat it out laughing, but thankfully I laughed without spitting the substance everywhere, having a minute to calm down before Zayn counted to three, and we did as we were instructed. I was doing alright until the third shot, whenn I felt like I was going to throw up all over the bar, but luckily, I didn’t. I counted to eight seconds out of my given ten before I finally did the last shot, feeling their affects so quickly, it almost felt like a waste of time that I wasn’t dancing. It took me a little bit longer than the rest to recover, they were already on their way to the centre of the dancefloor by the time I pushed away from the bar, stumbling a little as I did before regaining my balance and dancing over to them, a cheeky, somewhat tipsy, smile on my face. Another thing I loved about uni is that I had come across a group of people who were exactly the same as I was on a night out. None of us gave a shit, and our terrible team dancing was what made our nights so much fun. I’d say around half an hour of intense boogying passed before Zayn signalled that he wanted a cigarette, and he knew that it was likely I would join him after a drink, so I did. We wandered to the heated outside area, which was one of the good things about our favourite club, Thimble, though after many discussions we still couldn’t figure out why that was the name they had chosen for a club. Zayn handed me a roll-up, and placed one in his mouth, getting out a lighter and sparking mine for me before he sparked his own. Within seconds, out of nowhere, two arms grabbed Zayn from behind, right around his waist as the mystery man lifted him in the air, making a girly scream irrupt from him lips, which brought in a couple of eyes and a couple of laughs. As soon he was dropped, he turned around to find the culprit. “Fucking hell, Louis!” He gasped, slapping his palms against the boys cheeks. “I nearly shat me’self, you idiot!” “Alright, Lad!” The other one said as they started hugging. I think I had heard Zayn speak of this Louis before. He was on his art course with him, but what Zayn had apparently forgotten to tell me was that he was absolutely gorgeous. I stared at him as the two of them interacted, and I was a little entranced. He was all slicked back hair and black clothes, turtle neck, freshly shaved, striking eyes. He was beautiful. After a while Zayn turned back around to me, grinning like he didn’t see Louis every bloody day at his lectures. He was acting like he hadn’t seen him in years. Classic effect of alcohol. I gave Zayn a look, a look that said, if you don’t introduce me to this God of a man now I will kill you. “Oh shit.” He mumbled. “Umm, Pip this is Louis. Louis, this is Pippa.” He moved in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I already knew he was charming too, which was frustrating. I couldn’t cope when boys were attractive but charming too, it was always too much to take in. “Nice to meet you.” He said as he pulled away, looking me up and down. “You live with Zayn, yeah?” “Right across from him.” I nervously replied. “Are you the one who cries a lot?” He smirked. I sucked in air through my teeth, cringing that of all the things Zayn could have said, that was what he had decided to pass on. “Umm...” I let out a breathy laugh. “I get emotional about things.” “Every time I watch E.T. I cry like a baby, don’t worry about it.” “To be fair,” Zayn chirped. “I cry at Finding Nemo.” ”No, fair shout man!” Louis looked deadly serious. “At the beginning-” “When his wife dies!” Zayn gawped. “And Nemo is the only baby left!” “It’s absolutely heart breaking.” “Heart breaking.” Louis repeated. It struck me quite quickly how similar Louis and Zayn were, and I knew why my flatmate had raved about his friendship with the blue-eyed boy. I shook my head at them, taking a drag of the cigarette Zayn had rolled me, my head spinning slightly, half of me ready for bed and the other half ready to carry on my terrible dancing. Behind myself and Zayn we heard someone shout Louis’ name. ”Gotta run.” He smirked again. “Nice to meet you, Pippa.” “You too!” I cooed, blushing as though he had complimented me. ”Zayn.” The two slapped their hands together before clasping their hands tights together. “See you tomorrow, bro.” “Later, man.” Louis bounced off to the lad who had shouted his name, yelling and cheerful and 100% attractive in every way ever possible. Jesus wept, I was actually impressed by him, I just wanted to eat him up on the spot and leave nothing for anyone else. As soon as I knew he was out of earshot, I slapped Zayn hard on the arm, hitting that stupid tiger tattoo, his arms completely on show thanks to the fact he cut the sleeves off his t-shirt. “Ouch!” He laughed. “What was that for?” “Why the fuck does your stupidly attractive mate only know me for the fact I cry?” “I don’t know! I’ve told him other stuff.” “Right. Like what?” “Like... how you throw up on hangovers sometimes.” “Brilliant, Zayn. Thank you.” I couldn’t stop smiling even though I was shaking my head. His apology to me was him wrapping one arm around me and pulling me to him, giving me a kiss on the forehead, still chuckling away to himself. He moved out, extending his little finger, waiting for my finger to link up with his. “Alright.” He laughed. “I pinky-promise, I will say better things about you in the future. I’ll make him think you’re a goddess.” “How exactly?” I giggled. “Umm... I’ll tell him about how Finn said you’re really good at giving head.” “Y’know what, don’t say shit, Zayn. Let’s just let him forget I exist.” That probably made him laugh ever harder, grabbing me by the shoulders as I turned around, both of us throwing our cigarettes on the floor and making our way back inside, ready to find the rest of the troops. Zayn steered me off towards the bar before we joined the team again, where he purchased me two more drinks, that completely tipped me over the edge. + + + I awoke on the floor in my room, still in my dress from the night before, one side of my face dinted from the bumpy carpet beneath my skin. My eyes opened slowly, and I recognized the spot immediately, this not being the first time I had awoke on the floor, literally inches away from my bed. I had no idea why I did that, I swear to god it must have been a decision I made when I was drunk, though in the morning I could never recall why I would ever think it was a good idea. I groaned and cursed to myself as I moved. I first readjusted my arm, and in the process knocked over and entire can that I had open next to me, beer soaking into my already ruined carpet. I hurriedly stood the can back up, though a good 90% of it had already spilled so there was literally no point. My head was pounding, every joint in my body ached like fuck as I sat myself up, rubbing my eyes, not really caring about the fact I must have been rubbing my mascara all over my face. All I knew was that I needed water, or a cup of tea, or something that would help mend my broken body. “Holy. Shit.” I grumbled to myself. I stumbled to my feet, nearly falling forward and whacking my head against the desk that sat ahead of the window, which looked out to what seemed to be an endless line of student accommodation. The only thing that got me through that hangover was the thought that there had to be a student in one of those buildings who was feeling even worse than I was. There just had to be. Luckily, this was one of those hangovers where I didn’t feel like throwing up, I just needed drink and food and possibly a cuddle, even though my usual person to cuddle was Grace, and that option was out of the window. I found my phone on the desk, checking what time it was and seeing it was almost 12pm, only an hour until my lecture finished. “Fuck!” I don’t know how I thought that I was going to manage getting there at 9am after drinking so heavily. Basically, I knew I wasn’t going to go, but I still kicked myself for it, I still got so annoyed with myself for not making it. I pulled my dress down to cover my dignity, all that was left of it, before turning on the spot and heading towards the door, eager to get some fluid in my system that wasn’t alcoholic, scraping my hair to the side slightly and catching a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror on my door. Surprisingly, my makeup was relatively intact, but there was no denying I was an absolute state. I tugged on the handle to my door and opened it slightly, poking my head around the corner and looking to the left down the corridor. Judging by how quiet it was, everyone was still sleeping, or in a lecture. The kitchen was so quiet it suggested that anyway. I fell through my door and groaned to myself as I scurried down to the kitchen, screeching to myself as I made the short journey, feeling so painfully sorry for myself you would have never thought my pain was self-inflicted. As soon as I step foot in the kitchen, which was still stupidly quiet, my heart caught tight in my throat, stumbling backwards and shouting out my shock. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” The random boy that was stood in our kitchen whipped his head round to catch a glimpse of me, eyes going up and down my body as he chuckled under his breath, shaking his head as he looked back towards his drink, continually dipping a teabag into the mug of hot water in front of him. “Nice.” He huffed, grinning to himself. “Shit. Sorry. You’re very quiet.” “I am.” He turned to look at me. He was extremely striking. I think it was his sharp jawline, how tanned he seemed to be, which was near impossible given the UK’s climate, so that was noticeable right away. “Did Tally bring you back?” I asked, hesitantly moving towards my food cabinet. It wouldn’t be the first time Tally had brought home a ridiculously attractive boy, in fact, she did it often. She had a way about her, an aura, boys flew to her like flies on shit, and she lapped it up. This guy had to be her best effort though. His hair was short, messy and brown and curly. He was topless, just a pair of running shorts on. It revealed to me his perfectly toned body, which had one very noticeable tattoo. An enormous butterfly on his stomach. I caught glimpse of it and then decided not to stare, but I remember thinking that was odd. He didn’t have any other tattoos, just that one. “Who?” He baffled. That threw me, I couldn’t think of any other plausible reason he would be in our flat. I certainly hadn’t brought him back, I would remember him. And Ringo hadn’t even gone out. I then thought maybe he was Ringo’s secret boyfriend, and was silently congratulating her in my head. “Sorry, I thought you were one of Tally’s conquests.” “I live here.” He replied. My eyes went wide. That was the person who was going to replace Grace. That guy. Jesus wept, I had only just gotten used to bloody Zayn walking about the place, even Mike wasn’t all bad, and then that one? I swore that people had not been so insanely attractive at school, or college. I moved to uni and then suddenly there was just a gaggle of attractive men and I for one, was not good at coping with attractive people. I became a nervous wreck and found it hard to structure sentences. “Y-you live here?” I pointed to the floor. “Just moved in this morning.” “Oh.” I gawped. “You live here?” He leant against the kitchen top. “Umm, yeah. In the last room on the right. First room on the left. Umm…” “The room next to mine?” He smirked. “Yeah.” He probably knew the effect he had on girls, he was stupidly confident, not struggling in the same way I was. I suppose it was partly down to the hangover, I figured maybe I would be better later on, or the day after, or next week… I would learn to deal with it at some point. After a few moments of awkward silence, he breathed in through his teeth, making it even more awkward, and pushed away from the counter. “Better go unpack.” He coughed. “I imagine I’ll see you around.” “Probably.” “What’s your name?” “Pippa.” “Pippa?” “Pippa Payne.” “Pfft, seriously?” He scoffed. “You sound like a character from an Enid Blyton book.” I just lowered my eyebrows and looked at him in a complete state of shock as he walked away, laughing and shaking his head, removing himself from the kitchen and going back to his room. I stood there unable to think of something to say, how snotty he had been and how he just did not care that he made that comment about me. True, it wasn’t the worst thing he could have said, but it just amazed me that he burst that out to me during our first interaction. I hadn’t even had the chance to learn his name so I could make some snotty comment back. I got a pint glass out of my cupboard and filled it to the brim with water, before practically running and banging on Zayn’s door, loud and ignorant. “Bet a tenner that’s Pippa.” I heard him yell from inside. “How am I supposed to win this bet?” I yelled through the wood. “By not being Pippa.” “But I am Pippa.” “Well then you owe me a tenner.” I huffed, rolling my eyes and letting myself in. Zayn, like most people, had managed to get himself in bed even though he was stupidly drunk. His bed was to the right as I walked in, a mirrored version to mine since he was just across from me. I stared down to him with serious eyes after having slammed the door shut. He let out a confused laugh as he looked up to me. “What?” He gawped. “We have a new person.” I whispered. “What?” “A new person. A boy. And he’s just taken the piss out of my name.” He uneasily lifted himself so he was upright in his bed, taking in what I was telling him. I hurriedly moved and put my water on his desk, before sitting at the end of his bed, still looking at him with the most intense look on my face. He ran his hands over his eyes and through his hair. “Grace literally moved out less than twenty-four hours ago.” He groaned. “I know, and they’ve replaced her with a twat. A really attractive twat.” “What did he say?” “Something about a character, something... I dunno, but I didn’t like it!” “Give it a week and you’ll be his best mate.” Zayn huffed. But he was far from right. Because over the next few days, I was going to discover that my new flatmate and I were not going to be friends, not at all.
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malvoliowithin · 7 years
Yeah , I meant Richard III and Anne Neville! I'm trying to get around to read something about Richard II, but I can't find a novel that seems both historically accurate and romantic. Anyway! My prompt is 'the feeling you get when you see again the ex you are still in love with, but that you have hurt too much'. Thank you for the time you are dedicating at this prompts! I love read about them!
All right so! I had to AU for this one, because while Richard had relationships with other women prior to Anne we have no historical knowledge of who the heck said women were, and Anne was, obviously, married before she was married to Richard but her first husband got killed so this is where we do the AU thing. Quick AU description, and then I’ll put the fic itself under a cut.
Edward of Westminster survived Tewksbury. However, he was captured, and Anne was also taken as a prisoner. Their execution dates were set when George of Clarence (at the request of his wife, Isabel) asked for Anne’s pardon on grounds that she was married under her father’s consent rather than her own and had no certain ties to the Lancasters (the marriage was not consummated.)
Richard of Gloucester added his support for George’s request. Edward IV reluctantly agreed, and after that, it was up to Anne: she could divorce her husband and let him go to his death alone, or she could die with him. She divorced him. Edward then placed Anne under George’s control with strict orders not to let her out of his custody and to keep her closely guarded. 
However, before Edward of Westminster could be killed an uprising army gathered by Margaret of Anjou freed him and they fled, again, into hiding. The war continued. (Okay I lied about this being quick)
After that everything went more or less as it did historically in regards to Anne’s marriage, Richard married her for his share of the Warwick and Beauchamp fortunes, and eventually entrusted her as regent. However, the war throughout Edward’s reign has been much fiercer since the Lancasters have a direct heir to the throne (so, the war of two Edwards. However yeah I’m not gonna get into war stuff let’s just get on with the story shall we? Here we go: )
Richard was wearing the face he reserved for the darkest of times; deaths, betrayals, and eves of battle. While the men of his army celebrated around them, he stood silent, staring coldly at the fires that had been kindled outside for the victorious army to gather around. Ten thousand men had been killed that day, and now they’d won. Anne hadn’t seen that part, although she’d been there when her husband had staggered home and fallen the moment he’d gotten into a tent. For a moment she had thought he’d been wounded to death, or at the very least seriously injured, but he’d only stared up at her with a face like an iron mask and she’d braced herself for the worst.“Lancaster has been taken.” It was then Anne heard the screaming. Jubilant. Wild. Her heart leapt, but she only nodded solemnly and put her arms around her husband’s shoulders. Loyal.“You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” Richard asked. Anne nodded. She’d been preparing for this moment since her second wedding night. She knew in her heart that either Richard would return to her as a corpse or Edward would be killed. They could not both survive. “Good. I’m not going to request you come, because it will be ugly. I’ll warn you of that early.”“I know,” Anne said. She had hoped it would be a merciful death, but it was likely to be gruesome in its undertaking. She knew. She had seen Henry’s body displayed. He was her father in law, then. Her father, too, had been killed in battle. She was no stranger to violence. “I’ll come.”Richard regarded her for a moment before nodding. “Very well. If you like.” He got up, taking Anne’s hands briefly in his own. His face didn’t change - Richard was not a man to show affection in face or form or even words, but in deeds. Still, Anne knew him well enough to know what such actions meant. Three years of marriage hadn’t softened him, it had only given the two of them time to learn their own private language of caring. Brief touches, quiet moments. Frankness of speech. Absolute loyalty and trust. He had never said so, but Anne suspected Richard liked her better than he liked most of his men, and even many of his own family. 
They were interrupted by the entrance of a guard. Richard stood, looking formidable even at his slight stature, and Anne rose with him. “What is it?” he demanded.The guard bowed low before responding. “My lord. Lancaster has made a request.”“And he shall be refused,” Richard snarled.“My lord, it concerns… your wife. He wants an audience with the Duchess.”Dead silence.“What… would he with her?” Anne watched her husband carefully. His fury was guarded, but it was still present. The guard would be wise to watch his step.“I don’t know, my lord. That was the only request he made. He’s still in custody, and his chains have not been removed. Constant guard, like you ordered.”Richard nodded sharply and turned to Anne. There was no malice in his eyes regarding her. “Well. Will you meet with him?”Anne blinked. She had no desire to meet with Edward - nor had she, not since she’d taken Richard as a husband. She couldn’t face him, not after the day she’d been offered her life or her loyalty in front of all of England and had selfishly chosen her life. Still, she couldn’t deny the fact that underneath her convictions and her choices, she still cared for Edward. Loved him, even. She could not let him die without some closure. No.“I will go,” she said quietly, steeling herself for whatever was to come. Her husband nodded calmly. “Go, then. If he has any desire to bargain for his life and thinks he can persuade you because you are soft, teach him otherwise. And let him know that if he harms you or threatens you in any way, I shall increase the pain of his death a hundredfold.” Anne nodded, kissing him goodbye. “I’ll return soon. Wait for me.” To the guard she requested three men to escort her, only to wait out of earshot. She wanted privacy, but she knew that Richard would want her protected well. 
Edward of Lancaster was bound and chained to a post, guarded by five men at all times, about a half mile from where the encampment was set. They had taken no other prisoners of any importance and the rest had been dispatched with haste, but Lancaster was a prize to be reckoned with, and his death would be therefore more public.He looked up when he saw Anne approaching, and their eyes met. He looked only a very little older than when she’d been married to him. He looked a bit more drawn, weathered, but his face still held a touch of the softness of youth. His eyes were still the same shade of green-blue, and his hair was surely as golden as ever under the mats and dirt. He was lovely. Anne didn’t smile when she walked up to him, but he did, breaking into the same boyish grin he’d always worn when he saw her coming.Her heart sped up. God, but he was still the man she loved. “Lady Anne.”“Edward.”“You used to call me Ed.”She sighed, looking down. She had expected anger, solemnity at least, perhaps bitterness at being betrayed not once but twice, but no. There was only the same old Ed. “Yes, I did, but I don’t think I ought to call my enemy by a pet name.”“Are we enemies, Anne?” he looked hurt.“If it were just me, I would say no. However, I’m married to your enemy, and so we are.”“Right. I forgot that bloody boar managed to tie you down,” Edward scowled. “Tell me, has he hurt you any? Hit you? Locked you up?”“That ‘bloody boar’ is my husband, Edward. And no. He’s been nothing but kind. Now, you didn’t come here to insult my choice of marriage, unless this is your way of being spiteful.”“No spite,” Edward’s eyes were gentle. “No. I came to say goodbye. And to tell you that I loved you. I wanted to hear that you loved me too.”Anne’s breath caught in her throat. She was not dishonest. She would not be dishonest. Edward could do nothing, not chained up like this, not guarded - it couldn’t be a trick, could it? Still, to confess love for him while her husband waited for her a half mile off…“Come on, Anne. Gloucester hasn’t frozen your heart, has he? You can still love, I hope. Do you remember how you used to climb on my back so you could get a better look at the frescoes in the cathedral in Westminster? Or how we used to ride down along the Thames and watch the ships dock? Or how you used to kiss me good morning and good night? I would have done that every night, Anne, for the rest of your life.”She was silent.“Never mind,” he sighed. “You don’t have to lie to me. Does Gloucester treat you well? Kiss you? Hold you? Tell you how beautiful you are, how wonderful?”Her husband did none of those things. And Anne couldn’t deny that it would have felt heavenly if just once - just once he would. That she could thaw him. That she could have Edward back, and sleep by his side, as his queen, and have him wrap his arms about her and kiss her face one dozen, two dozen, three dozen times.But she also couldn’t explain to Edward how it felt when Richard spoke to her as his most trusted partner, or when he held her hand just a moment longer than he needed to, or when he saw her coming and his face softened, just slightly. Or how when the day was done and he came back from a long journey, remaining strong and indomitable in front of all his men and all the world, he would come to her and only when they were alone would he relax. Only then would he cease to be a tireless warrior and become a man, exhausted and seeking respite. “Edward,” she said finally. “I did care for you and I - I don’t want to see you die. But you’ve got to realize that I’m not the child that was wed to you by my father’s hand.”“No. You’re a Duchess.”She nodded. “That’s right. I am a Duchess. And Gloucester has earned my loyalty and my respect. I don’t regret him,” she knelt down then, and looked him in the face. “But I don’t regret you, either. I’m sorry it turned out like this. I’m - sorry I chose to abandon you back then, but I don’t regret it.”He looked at her gently. “No? Then let me go.”“No, Ed.”“Please. I’ll forge an army. Five times as many men, and better trained. I’ll bring them back here when I’m done with Edward and I’ll -”“Kill my husband?”“I’ll free you,” he was staring at her like she was something precious and rare. A diamond, perhaps, or a crown. “You can be my queen. You can have that.”“I’ll never be queen, Edward. I don’t want to be queen anymore.”“Please, Anne.”She shook her head, rising to her feet. “No. No. This is my life. I’m sorry, Ed,” she was. God above, but she wished she could let him go. Her throat tightened, and she dared not say more for fear of breaking down. “Goodbye.”“Anne,” he said as she turned away. “Anne, please. At least - at least kiss me once before you go. Just give me that. Give me that, please, sweetheart?”No. Anne made herself keep walking, hardening her heart, becoming steel and stone. Keep walking. Keep walking. If he thinks you’re soft, teach him otherwise.He was a dead man anyway.
Richard was awake when she returned. She’d never once known him to break a promise. He looked up, moved aside for her to sit beside him, which she did. “What did he want?”“Closure,” Anne said simply. He nodded. In the darkness his eyes were bright and almost soft. Almost. “Did you give it to him?”“Yes.”“My gentle Lady,” he remarked. Anne smiled. He didn’t question her further, because he knew she would do nothing to harm him. Perhaps it was an empty gesture. Perhaps he knew she had no power against him. But she knew Richard well enough to know that trust was not something he easily gave, in particular not to the daughter of his old enemy, to the ex wife of his current one. That kind of faith had to be earned, and yet, he’d given it. Perhaps trust was the closest thing he knew to love.She leaned against his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I love you,” she said. It was not a lie. They’d simply never needed the words.His response was a kiss on the top of her head. 
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Chapter 2
Shinso wandered to the restroom with heavy .. tired eyes. He undressed and got into the shower. Once he was done he was greeted by Koda, his cat. He smiled down at the cat once he was out of the shower. He was hungry , spoiled cat . Quickly Shinso dressed and pet Kyra on the head making her mew a bit and shuffle , he smiled watching for a minute before going to the kitchen.
Koda was meowing loud until his bowl was put down in front of him. Shinso smiled and flipped on the tv. A woman was talking about a rise in villany since the League of Villains was making themselves known. Shinso was not to worried , this city was full of pro heroes like him. He made his way to the couch from the kitchen and sat down sighing, he laid his head on the couch looking at the ceiling.
Kyra was slowly waking up, she shivered slightly reaching out her paws to not feel a body . Her eyes opened to see the empty space. She mewed looking at her paws. She made her claws slowly inch out as she stretched . Kyra sat up in bed looking around, a simple room it was. A cat bed for Koda, a desk with some books on it about heroes .
She slowly got out of bed stretching again, the smell of coffee tickling her nose. Kyra went to the restroom and showered after peaking in on Shinso who was watching the tv , but he was leaning forward . He usually laid back staring off into space.
The woman on tv urged everyone to take precautions if they were not at home , even in towns with a high pro hero count. Shinso looked down when he felt warmth on his legs , Koda was nuzzling him. He smiled and reached down to pet him.
In a run down building not to far off from the couple a meeting was taking place. The TV was on and it was the same woman talking about villains. A skinny hand reached out to the tv turning it off .
“ I wonder what she would look like cut up!!!” Smiled a happy girl.
The skinny hand was raised into the air . “ well aren't we popular!!! Kurogiri our plan is working!”
Kurogiri looked at the skinny blue haired man who had a smile on his face. “ i agree Tomura Shigarashi..”
“So what do we now?!? Can I cut someone up?!” Asked the girl excited.
“ not quite yet Toga. We have to complete the next level first…” Shigaraki added. “Dabi… why don't you be the adventurer and.. go find someone . “
The man looked up from his hand and over to the group, he had heavy eyes and an intimidating appearance . Well.. everyone in the room did.
Shigaraki had black clothes , and a hand over his face. Kurogiri was.. a warp sort of. Bright yellow eyes. Black and purple smoke like face. Toga… was blond with a sweater and skirt . She always had a knife with her. Dabi was tall, black hair and.. burns under his eyes and on his arms and neck along with stitches.
He closed his eyes for a second and opened them, before he could talk Kurogiri spoke up.
“ I thought we wanted the mind control boy, “ he asked
Shigaraki smiled . “ yes.. yes.. but we need a special item.. a hostage.. a ransom… then he will come and we give him to the master…Dabi.. find someone he .. cares for.”
Dabi got up from the bar and made his way to the door, he could hear Toga saying goodbye to him, he lifted his arm to say ‘ goodbye’ and shut the door behind him.
Shinso and Kyra were out on patrol, it was an easy shift for them. Mostly stopping robberies and helping out other pro heroes. Shinsos costume was similar to Aizawas , he had his capture tape around his neck along with a black voice changer and simple dark purple clothes. Kyra was wearing a skirt with special shorts underneath to help with easy climbing and running , her shirt was long , down to her stomach . She had special gripped gloves on that exposed her claws and protectors on her fangs and chest .
Nothing was really going on in the city right now and the two were relieved to say the least. It took a very long time for the people to accept Kyra as a hero as well.
They turned a corner onto the street they were assigned to and saw Bakugou making his way towards them .
Shinso raised his hand to say ‘ hello’
“ hey anything on your end?” Shinso asked.
“No” he said walking past them, bumping Kyra with his gauntlet. Kyra shrugged looking back at the angry hero , he just kept walking.
“ he still hates me…”
Shinso was quiet until he looked down to see Kyra shaking his arm , she whined but Shinso just rubbed her ear smiling.
“ don't worry about it Kitten” he stopped in front of her and kissed her forehead. Kyra growled and Shinso giggled smiling, Kyra smiled giggling to and hugging him.
They had no idea they were being watched from above, Dabi had been tailing them from the rooftops , he crouched watching the interaction with Bakugou and how Shinso grabbed Kyras arm in a protective way when she mentioned the blond. Now that he thought about it he remembered seeing her in the Sports Festival . He got a devilish grin on his face , Dabi took his cell phone out sending a quick message.
A warp appeared next to him and Kurogiri looked through . “Who am I looking for ?” He asked
Dabi was still smiling ,he pointed.
“Her. The girlfriend.”
Kurogiri watched the couple for a minute until he agreed, the warp fading. Dabi stood up and flicked some blue fire in their direction, hitting a parked car exploding it.
The two jumped rushing to the scene to see people in a panic , Kyra rushed off to grab civilians and pull them away from the fire. Shinso grouped with the other pro heroes looking for the culprit , Bakugou had shown up too .
Kyra was biting through a fallen sign to help a man get free , she pulled him to the side and looked around. She heard sirens so the fire should be contained soon..
Dabi noticed Shinso was making his way to Kyra , Bakugou was closer though , he shoved Kyra .
“ WAKE UP HAIRBALL!!!” He yelled
Kyra mewed jumping and falling to the ground , another shot of fire landed on her left onto another car . Kyra screamed getting up moving away and Bakugou grabbed her shirt shaking her once.
“ wake the hell up!!! Your so useless ! You can't just freeze up on the front lines !!!” He yelled grinding his teeth.
Another fire shot down at the two and Shinso had run up behind Kyra pushing her out of the way to safety . Bakugou managed to dodge the fire and traced its direction back to a nearby building . He saw Dabi standing there. Blue fire flowing from his hands.
Bakugou yelled allearting the other pros but it was too late . The warp was starting to come into view behind Kyra . Shinso was coughing and brushing the flames off himself when he heard Kyra scream. Both boys looked to see her being held by the neck by Dabi.
Shinso wanted to yell .. but maybe he could get this villain with his quirk. Or at least buy time … he looked at Bakugou but he was fixated on Dabi.
“ hey Ashtray!!! Ive been wanting to fight you! Come on !!! “ he taunted and Dabi just smiled , gripping the girls neck harder, Kyras neck started to feel hot when he did this …
“ AUGH.. !!!!IT HURTS ITS HOT!!” She cried out and Bakugou taunted more , his fingers shaking. “Dumbass!!! She's a useless cat!!! Fight me!!”
“Dabi what could you want with Saber?” Asked Shinso.
Answer … please answer.. Shinso thought to himself.
Just one word..
Kyra tried her best to fight Dabi’s grip on her but the more she struggled the hotter her neck got. She could see Shinso was in a panic. He felt useless , she knew it. ..
Dabi tilted his head raising his free arm and saying ‘goodbye’ with two fingers as they slipped into the warp.
“SHINSO!!!!! SHINSO!!!!!!” She yelled helplessly, her struggle resulting in nothing.
“KYRA !!!!” He sent his capture tape out quickly but he was a second too late , her paw had just missed it and they were gone.
Shinso was trying to process the empty scene in front of him till he was pushed on the ground hard by Bakugou.
“ you dumbass!!! What the HELL WERE YOU DOING! Did you really think that shitty plan would work?!?”
Shinso rubbed his chin looking up at the angry blond.
“ I bet it's you they want! Dumbass..” Bakugou threatened. He kicked dirt at Shinso and walked away.
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6969ville · 7 years
part one / part two / part three
Merle works at Home Depot and is the one keeping most of the plants alive
Magnus is a carpenter. He's got his own lil business going.
Taako works at the gas station and has seen A Lot.
They're all roommates and live together in [Town 1]
Magnus wants a dog but the landlord says no :(((
I feel like Taako still does a bunch of witchcraft-y stuff
At first, Merle does most of then cooking because Taako hates cooking for others but at one point he slowly starts getting back into it and then he's just the only one who cooks.
No one else is allowed in the kitchen. No one. Get out.
Taako used to work for a fancy restaurant but one day a bunch of people got rlly bad food poisoning and some people even died and he quit and he's been at the gas station ever since
However at one point when Merle and Magnus were watching tv, something about the restaurant came up, new evidence on the case, Sazed's arrest.
“Taako you should come see this”
“I hate the news fuck off?”
“Dude I think you'd actually be Very interested in this come here”
“Uuuggghhhhh- holy shhit my dudes that's my old manager- what the fuck. What the fuck?”
After that he gets back in the swing of cookin' for his friendos.
Merle has two kids and an ex wife
He sends money back to them often enough.
They were kept a secret from Taako and Magnus until one Christmas- i mean Candle Nights in which he got a letter from them and Magnus and Taako got ahold of it
It's fine no one is too ‘Holy shit what the fuck’
Prior to THB living together, Magnus lived with his wife, and his father-in-law & mentor, Steven.
They were killed by an explosion planted by the old mayor. Magnus was out of town at the time.
They were expecting a child
Merle and Taako were unaware of this part for a long while. They had to use context clues at first but that gave them the wrong answer and when they confronted Magnus about it, Magnus gave them the fuller story.
They were at Goodwill or something and Magnus got caught up looking at baby shoes.
Merle and Taako added that along with the few times they'd seen Magnus with small child and he got hella choked up and decided something like.
“He's probably just upset he'll never get to have kids y'know.”
“I mean he probably could.”
“He's way too devoted to his dead wife i dont think so pal”
“alright true. so hes sad he can't have kids and grow old with the lady he loves.”
They corner him in his room and talk about it. He's carving something and he mostly stays focused on that when talking until he gets way way way too choked up and has to put it down.
“We- we've talked about... Julia before, yeah?”
“Yyyep.” “Mhmm.”
“Well. Um. Be- before she, she died, we...” shaky hands strike the wood and maybe this isn't a good idea. “We were... expecting. A baby. She was pregnant, and,” he almost cuts his thumb so knife gets to go down now. “...yeah.” 
this is officially worse than what Taako and Merle thought.
It's not a great day.
They'll get better, though.
There's still bad days but they get more manageable.
Flash forward, Taako gets himself a boyfriend.
I need to find a way to work in “Hey thug whats your name” bc thats. how i physically need them to meet. idk how tho.
Anyways they go on their first date at the fuckin' Chug and Squeeze and at first Kravitz isn't entirely sure that it's a date and not just like ‘Two bros, chillin at the Chug&Squeeze, three feet apart cuz they're not gay!’ but it becomes abundantly clear that this is a date
Also followed up when they're walking home, Taako gets a call from Lup that literally just starts out 'hey slut whats up' 'im on a date why are you calling me'
“You're on a DATE? With who? Do I need to beat them up? HEY SKANK WHAT'S YOUR NAME TOUCH MY BABY BROTHER AND DIE“ “LUP WE'RE THE SAME AGE GOODBYE sorry about her anyways um walk me home?”
Kravitz, his face very red because Lup is a very loud girl and most of that conversation was in fact audible to him: ok
What is Merle's relationship? With anyone? It's assumed he's dating Davenport. He also is fond of Lucretia.
“Are you dating Davenport??“ Magnus asks, eyeing him suspiciously.
“I think so.” Merle shrugs.
“Ohh my god. Oh my god.” Taako says from the couch. “Incredible.”
Magnus is the third wheel of forever.
Not just in his friends romantic settings though sometimes Lup and Taako will go on lunch dates and 'hey wanna come' 'yeah sure' flash forward 'ohkay ive said about six words this entire hour'
He'll tag along with Carey and Killian from time to time
Killian isn't. Toooo entirely fond of this but its not often enough to be like 'nope this is too much'
He went with them (the second time) to visit Carey's new [niece/nephew] and got to hold them and he started crying
(Killian later told Taako and Merle about this and it was part of their Clues For Sad Magnus)
(In reality he was just super happy for them because look at this tiny beautiful baby!!! so healthy!!! you made this!!!!! he's a weeper)
(Magnus is a total weeper and you can take that from my dead gay hands)
Both Taako and Merle are allergic to cats
This does not keep Taako from petting street cats though.
Taako is allergic to peanuts and will avoid using them in his cooking if he can get away with it.
The only pets they have is Steven the Fish who lives in a giant tank with some guppies and a sucker fish.
Merle has a few of his plants named.
“This is Beth, Abigail, and Petersburg.” They're well loved.
Taako has a number of herbs and stuff which also have names.
“This is Shub-Niggurath, Yig, Cthylla, and Nyarlathotep.” They're also well loved, but mostly by me.
Taako and Lup sibling dates though.
They happen constantly too. They’ll go to other restaurants together and rant about boyfriends and friends and life.
Sometimes they’ll go shopping together and they’re definitely the most obnoxious customers in the store
THB have like two restaurants they’ll go to like at least once a month
They have an order to tell who’s paying 
One of the restaurants they go to has a gumball machine. Some of the gumballs have Nerds in them.
They’re very passionate about Nerds gumballs.
This is also where Leon works so every few weeks the boys come in and his happiness dies because they’re so loud and yell about the fucking gumballs 
[I wrote a thing about it here read it]
Magnus runs his own little carpentry shop with a few employees who frankly mostly just deliver the stuff and run the money and all that shit. Magnus is mostly the only guy workin’ the wood.
When the time came, he helped Carey propose to Killian. Actually it was a little bit of all three of them, but Magnus and Carey came up with the plan.
He also literally carved her a fucking engagement ring
He was her best man at the wedding.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Bunni talks about thier cute pets! Cos I’m on such a rune factory hype today I figured I may as well ramble about what monsters I captured, and maybe other stuff about how I personally chose to play the game. I love how there’s so many different ways to play and all different routes to making enough money and exp to progress the main story! Usually in these kinds of games I focus on dungeoncrawling (like i did in stardew valley) but I’m surprised how much I genuinely enjoyed the farming in this game even though it was A HUGE CHORE in stardew! This series is the pinnacle of farming type games in my opinion, it appeals even to non-fans like me!
ANYWAY UMM I LOVE MY MONSTERS I pretty much never take them with me to dungeons, the only time I use dungeon monsters is if I catch them in the current dungeon, then I just send them home and never want them to get hurt ever again. I really REALLY like that the game levels up your monsters with a percentage of your exp even if you dont fight with them! It means you dont lose buddy battle festivals just because you choose to use them for farming instead of fighting. i have like a bazillion monster barns all super maxed out size and i have all my monsters doing the majority of my farming work nowadays except if I need to try levelling up seeds or growing a large crop. I respect them a lot cos theyre doing all this hard work so I’m able to take time off and focus on dating people and saving the world, while still making good money and PP! They save me a lot of time juggling the two sides of the game ^_^ Also I started off wanting to try and catch one of every monster in the game, but it started to become impossible to afford the higher level upgrades to get big enough monster barns to hold them all, cos I was having 90% of my fields taken up by growing enough hay to feed them all. So i sadly had to give up on the idea! But by then i’d grown attatched to a lot of them so I was only able to release the last few newest ones I’d got, I still have like forty of them and only ten of them are actually doing anything :P BUT THEYRE TOO CUTE TO SAY GOODBYE!! Oh and now i am still trying to maybe collect all the ghost types, cos theyre sweetie boops! i really love the design of the spirit types with the flamey body and the jack o lantern face. (funny since theres an ACTUAL jack o lantern type ghost that just has a regular smile) Its a bit of a lazy design choice that all of them are flameballs just recoloured to match the elements tho, i mean why not have them be lil tornados or water droplets with faces? Anyway, my main one is a wind elemental named Gizmo after my rotom in pokemon. She was one of The Saviour Trio, whom I love! They were part of an unusual strategy that helped me powerlevel early on. I would run into a dungeon that was way too high level to be completed right now, and throw all my good cookery items at the first monster i see, hoping I could catch it. Then if I succeeded I would use that monster to beat up all the similarly levelled monsters while my low level self was dying in the background, carrying me thru the dungeon til I’d powered up enough to fight alongside it! ^_^ The initial two I started with were Fester the hammer giant and Atlas the beetle, but when I saw the adorable ghosties I had to catch one and call it gizmo! i actually saw that dungeon’s wind variant ghosties before i met the original fire ones in the actual dungeon I was supposed to go to. Another noteable trio were the first three monsters I caught, who’ve been managing my main farm field ever since. Virion the archer orc, Snap the chipsqueak and Florin the flower thingie! Also Iron the bull, who’s been perpetually useful with how he’s like the only damn way to get milk items, seriously :P Why is milk so sparse in this game :P (tho randomly i do like how this world’s equivelant of cows are like if cows and bulls were merged into one creature. genderfluid bovine! maybe theyre like clownfish) There’s also Silver and Kafka, the two mandatory pets that you get during the various sechs dungeons for some reason. I got particularly attatched to Kafka cos I headcanoned that the monsters trapped in that cage were human test subjects used to develop the rune stone technology that ethelberd uses to steal the dragons’s power. It just seemed like that would be the only reason that this fairy monster can talk when no other ones do. So i kinda treat Kafka like he’s my character’s child, even though he never talks again after you add him to your party I like to headcanon he’s still sentient and part of the family. Oh, and I headcanon he’s a boy cos I didnt know until seeing the monster profile after recruiting the character that the green fairies are meant to be female. None of the other monsters get described as only being one gender except the fairies, if I recall correctly? (and the guardian bosses, but thats understandable considering their origins) So yeah, i kinda made him into an oc and I can imagine him having a gijinka form like the guardians after theyre purified? but fairy type monsters already look pretty humanoid and if I made them any more so then they’d just look exactly like amber. So maybe if I draw him as an oc I’d change what kind of monster he is and try drawing a gijinka of that? Maybe merge some of my monsters together and do a gijinka of the wind ghosties or the dead tree thing? SPEAKING OF WHICH I LOVE MY NEWEST TEAM MEMBER russel the tree ghost boss character!! he is so huge and so powerful!!! I love him!! I was so pleasantly surpised to find out I could catch boss monsters!! I think he’s the best one ive got so far, cos the second bosses in each guardian dungeon were kinda ones that didnt have any plot or anything, so i feel more like i can make ocs of them. it was weird how they just came out of nowhere to have ane xcuse for the revisit quests to have a boss battle too. Extra weird cos you can still rematch the guardian bosses once per day anyway. anyway my oc thoughts for russel is that he is Large but very kind and gentle and shy and cries whenever he hurts the smaller peoples. He is a quiet gardener who likes to bake apple pies for people. (”This apple was grown from my flesh!” *sunny smile*) So he’s kinda like a more socially anxious Amber? I was thinking if he got to turn into a human with a tragic past like how the first four bosses did, he would be a big bara love interest guy cos he’s like the largest boss character model. And cos shy kind baras are some of my fave love interests! (I am SO excited to marry benny in Fe Fates whenever i finally get that game!) I was thinking maybe he could have dark skin and have some bright shoulder tattoos that look all flowery like the apples he had as a tree. And maybe he sprouts flowers from his shoulders when he blushes! Or maybe has a flower on the top of his head? But I like the idea of him having very big hair of some sort, to tangeantally resemble a tree. Maybe a handsome afro, or maybe very long very soft flowing rapunzel hair, or maybe very non-bishie scruffy hair that he can never tame? Or maybe he’s bald and has a long beard... Anyway he would be very cute and I think he’d be a fan favourite.
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twoguystrybbq-blog · 6 years
Woodyard Bar-B-Q
Ben got back from his Texas vacation (of course sending me mouth-watering pictures of Texas barbeque) and got a puppy!  Well, a year-old puppy.  Her name is Gracie and she is gorgeous.  A Greyhound mix, she is a chocolate brown with darker brown/black vertical stripes (I guess she wants to look taller?).  
Gracie being a new dog and me being a large bearded man, she didn’t take to me instantly.  When I came to the door, there were a few barks.  When I came in Ben’s apartment, she barked a couple more times and growled a bit.  While I was overcome with her cuteness, she was obviously a bit nervous.  I put out my hand for her to smell, which usually does the trick when I meet new dogs.  She smelled it nervously and then backed away.  I went to sit down and she kind of circled the apartment, coming near me and then darting away.  Ben gave me a couple treats and giving Gracie those helped her warm up to me. By the time we were ready to go, Gracie let me pet her a bit.   
Ben suggested that we go to Woodyard BBQ because they had a patio and we could bring Gracie.  “Did the website say you could bring dogs?” I asked a bit skeptically.  “No, but it’ll be fine,” said Ben.  “Okay,” I replied, but I still had my doubts about showing up to a restaurant with a dog.
So, Gracie, Ben, and I piled into Ben’s car and drove over to Kansas for some barbeque.  It was a little hot out, so we cruised over to Woodyard with the windows up and the A/C on.  You could tell that Gracie would’ve preferred the windows down, but she was a great car dog and lay down most of the trip.  
Woodyard isn’t off the beaten path (it is only a minute or two from the highway), but it’s location in a sparsely populated, foresty area makes it seem secluded.  As we drove up, it reminded me of roadside BBQ joints in Arkansas that my mom had taken me to as a kid when we drove down to Hot Springs, Arkansas to fill up on Mountain Valley Spring water (which is a whole other story).  So, I immediately had a very pleasant impression.  
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As we walked over to the patio, my nervousness came back about bringing a dog to a restaurant.  As luck would have it, a waitress was clearing some tables on the patio and she greeted Gracie with a smile.  “Oh, a lot of people have been bringing their dogs today,” she said.  And, with that, my nervousness was gone.  “Okay,” I said, “I’ll go in and order while you stay with Gracie and then you go in and order.  Sound good?”  “Sure thing,” said Ben.
So, I went in and the waitress from earlier took my order.  As I was ordering, what appeared to be her family came in and gave her hugs and said goodbye.  This scene added a sweet air of family to the restaurant, which reinforced the hospitality I’d felt since we were told that Gracie was a welcomed guest.  For lunch/dinner (it was about 3pm), I went with brisket, ribs, and a side of potato salad.  Oh, and a Pabst tall boy because it was a Saturday.  I went out and sat with Gracie while Ben ordered.  Gracie didn’t whine or anything when Ben left and she let me pet her (later, I’d give her a rib bone and that would seal our friendship).  While Ben was ordering, I looked around the patio.  It was an all-brick, open-air patio, which was nice because the pleasant smell of burning wood permeated the air.  The bricks had begun to shift, so the floor was a little uneven, but this just added to the character of the patio.  There was also a small stove towards the back, which made me wonder about the origins of this patio.  Had it once been a small house or kitchen back in the day and the roof bits had long since vanished, but the sturdy brick remained?  And the indoor dining area and the place I ordered looked newer.  Maybe we were sitting in the original barbeque restaurant and the rest had been added on over the years?
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As I sat musing and enjoying the day, Ben came back.  Moments later, our orders came out.  I was very pleased with the portions of brisket and ribs and the potato salad had big ol’ chunks of potato in it, letting me know that it had been handmade from scratch.  The food tasted good, too!  But the real winner of the day and why I would go back was the sauce.  It was a great blend of flavors and was a bit thicker (the way I prefer it).  Needless to say, after I’d tried the meat without the sauce and with the sauce, I covered the remainder in sauce.
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We finished up and headed back to the car.  On our way back, we talked about the things we liked and the kind, hospitable atmosphere was the thing we appreciated the most (with the sauce and the food, of course).  When we got back to Ben’s, he wanted to show me a movie called “The Room,” which you just have to see to know how it is.  While we watched the movie and had a couple of nice beers, Gracie laid between us, put her head on my lap and let me pet her.  I guess that rib bone really did the trick!
What a pleasant afternoon!  I hope that you are hungry and I hope that you go to Woodyard BBQ.  When you do, I hope you have just as great an afternoon as Ben and I did when we visited them.  You may have to get a puppy, too, of course, but everybody needs a puppy or two in their lives.  Happy barbequing!
The few days leading up to our visit to Woodyard BBQ was a bit of a whirlwind for me. Wednesday was the Fourth of July -- a holiday I properly celebrated in Texas with old friends. All-American beer was had; Bruce Springsteen was jammed to; Rocky IV was watched. On Thursday, I flew home to Kansas City and pretended to work in the evening. On Friday, I woke up early, actually did work, drove to an animal shelter, and adopted a new roommate.
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Meet Gracie. She enjoys sleeping on the couch, chasing squirrels, and hiding from loud trucks. Despite chewing on my “Dog Training for Dummies” book, Gracie is all around perfect.
However, as happy as I was to add Gracie to the Case de Ben, I realized her presence would throw a bit of a kink into our weekly scheduled barbecue plans. I had, after all, just bet her about 24 hours before we planned to get barbecue on Saturday, and I hadn’t yet left her alone for a minute, much less the solid 90 minutes we typically devote to our Saturday meat sweats. I told Leo I had adopted Gracie, sent him the obligatory cute dog picture, and invited him over to meet her before we headed out for barbecue.
As I waited for Leo, I did some recon on the Google machine -- I need a dog-friendly barbecue joint with a patio. After perusing photos for a few minutes, I settled on Woodyard BBQ. Woodyard appeared to have a massive outdoor seating area and plenty of stars after hundreds of reviews. Well that settles that.
Leo arrived; Gracie barked (large bearded men scare me, too), but quickly warmed up to him. Awesome, now that you’re all friends, let’s feast. Per custom, I had foregone a proper breakfast to ensure I was sufficiently hungry (hangry, really) by the time barbecue was in front of me. What’s more, I had already had some unexpected exercise that morning -- apparently dogs need walks.
The three of us piled into my car and we were off. Located in KCK, Woodyard is absolutely massive, but has the feel of a simple roadside barbecue joint. And, if I had to guess, I’d think that’s exactly how Woodyard started, because the actual restaurant structure is pretty small and traditional: just a few tables and a counter. But the patio(s) are huge, and I get the sense that Woodyard can and does get packed at peak times. In the days after we visited Woodyard, I’ve come to learn that it regularly hosts live, outdoor music. Barbecue, a few beers and a concert sounds about right for an ideal Saturday night. But, alas, we were here on a Saturday at 2 in the afternoon, so we had the run of the place.
I left Gracie on the patio with Leo as I ordered inside. Woodyard has your typical barbecue offerings, plus burnt end chili (something I’ll most certainly try when I return). I went with a two meat plate: burnt ends and pulled pork, with a side of beans.
My food would be brought out to our table, and I was given a table stand with a photo of a young Paul Newman. The guy at the counter told me: “He looks like the type of guy that would hook up with your girlfriend and just say, ‘Sorry, brah!’” Honestly, that looks exactly correct.
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Back to Leo and Gracie on Woodyard’s front patio, and our food arrived within minutes. Before my first bite, Woodyard was at an immediate plus -- the portions were legitimate. Consistent with its roadside barbecue feel, our food came on metal trays lined with paper, sides heaped into paper containers. Leo had ordered brisket, ribs, and potato salad, which I’ll let him talk about, but visually, his ribs looked fantastic.
My burnt ends were sauced and falling apart on my plate -- a good thing. I think a solid burnt end is like a solid rib; it should essentially “fall off the bone,” but with no bone, burnt ends should just melt into the plate. If I have one complaint, it’s that I wish there were more charred bits in Woodyard’s burnt ends, but at the same time, the taste made me want to sample the burnt end chili. Next time, I suppose.
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The star of my plate was the pulled pork -- something I’m relatively picky about. Woodyard gave me a heap of meat that wasn’t too dry, yet wasn’t too fat, and didn’t over-rely on seasoning or skin. This was a true meat pile, a mess of smoked pig, and you can’t go wrong with that. The pork pairs well with Woodyard’s original sauce, but unlike other places, the sauce doesn’t steal the show; it’s only a compliment to the meat.
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The beans were of the thick and sweet variety, which is what I’d consider traditional Kansas City style. Zero complaints there.
Woodyard left me pleasantly full, and Gracie, having eaten an entire bone from Leo, seemed equally sated. On our way out, we took note of Woodyard’s banner of TV appearances. This place has certainly done the circuit, so to speak. Woodyard has been visited by Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, Anthony Bourdain, and Andrew Zimmern. That amount of press is nothing to scoff at.
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Woodyard is a place you should go for that traditional roadside barbecue feel. Big portions served on paper and outdoor seating, what more could you ask for? And if you’re feeling in the mood, maybe stick around for a couple (or a dozen) beers, live music, and a second round of meat and/or beer sweats.
0 notes
portmack · 6 years
oh wow not again
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?- no
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?- no
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”- cat
4: what’s something you really want right now?- to figure out what im doing with my life
5: are you afraid of falling in love?- no
6: do you like the beach?- sure 
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?- no
8: what’s the background on your cell?- something from a game
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?- what does that mean
10: do you like your phone?- i upgraded a few months ago after like 3 or 4 years
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?- no
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?- one of my bosses last summer lmao 
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?- ive had 2 poodle mixes and they dont shed so probably poodle
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?- i guess physical because im used to the latter at this point
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?- a zoo if its a good zoo like animal protection wise etc
16: are you tired?- yeah
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?- if that means alphabetically ive known kany since augustish of 2011
18: are they a relative?- no
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?- i dont have exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?- no
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?- sure 
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?- no
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?- one
24: is there a certain quote you live by?- no
25: what’s on your mind?- ggggggggggg
26: do you have any tattoos?- no
27: what is your favorite color?- blue
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?- what kind of question is that
29: who are you texting?- no one
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?- no
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?- sure
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?- i guess
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?- not currently 
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?- yes
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?- thats not a question
36: were you single on valentines day?- sure
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?- this thing is so obsessed with kissing
38: what do your friends call you?- nic
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?- yes someone said they were getting me coffee and then didnt
40: have you ever cried over a text?- yes
41: where’s your last bruise located?- idk im not a bruiser 
42: what is it from?- idk
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?- my last roommate
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?- my mom probably
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?- no
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?- only in the winter
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?- no
48: do you make supper for your family?- i can make pasta
49: does your bedroom have a door?- yes
50: top 3 web-pages?- idk anymore 
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?- probably
52: does anything on your body hurt?- my back 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?- not when its happening but later sometimes
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?- water
55: how is your hair?- its the longest its been in like 6-7 years
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?- chekc my phone
57: do you think two people can last forever?- sure
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?- i was 11
59: green or purple grapes?- i dont eat grapes because the skin freaks me out
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?- im not a hugger
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?- sure
62: when will be the next time you text someone?- whenever kany texts me because shes literally the only person i text because shes the only person who will put up with me
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?- asleep
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.- sleeping
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?- yes it was terrible
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?- no
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?- no
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?- fuck its 7am
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?- all the time
70: how many windows are open on your computer?- 3 internet windows and you dont want to know how many tabs
71: how many fingers do you have?-...10?
72: what is your ringtone?- whatever the default iphone one is idk i never have the sound on
73: how old will you be in 5 months?- 22
74: where is your mum right now?- asleep
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?- idk but the first person i ever liked is a trump supporter now so idc
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?- no
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?- no
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?- didnt have crushes until 11th grade
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?- many
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?- no
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?- 0
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?- no
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?- no
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?- i would never a. be drunk and in public and b. do that
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?- ya
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?- last movie i saw in theaters was with kany 
87: who was your last received call from?- my mother probably
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?- nah
89: what is something you wish you had more of?-$
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?- yes and never again
91: do you sleep with your window open?- if its hot inside and cold outside
92: do you get along with girls?- sure
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?- sure
94: does sex mean love?- nah
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?- no
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?- no
97: did you sleep alone this week?- ya
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?- no
99: do you believe in love at first sight?- no
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?- no idea
1: If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?- pls dont do that to me
2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned?- im not too sentimental about clothes
3. What hobby would you pick up if time & money weren't an issue?- streaming maybe
4. What does your perfect room look like?- i dont care that much i just want to be comfortable
5. How often do you play sports?- not much anymore but i wish i did
6. What fictional place would you like to visit?- hoenn
7. What job would you be terrible at?- economist
8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?- probably in middle school
9. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for?- g
10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have?- being late
11. What job do you think you'd be really good at?- something sciency
12. What skill would you like to master?- color
13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?- im not too interested in adventures at this current time
14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like?- i dont need much as long as the wifi is good
15. What's your favorite drink?- iced coffee or grape propel
16. What state or country do you never want to go back to?- not a huge fan of ny 
17. What songs do you have completely memorized?- i could list a couple thousand probably
18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in?- pokemon i guess
19. What do you consider to be your best find?- wtf does that mean
20. Are you usually early or late?- im all over the place
21. What pets did you have when you were growing up?- dog cat dog 5 fish dog dog ratdog
22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with?- a lot of things
23. What takes up too much of your time?- being depressed
24. What do you wish you knew more about?- animals
25. What would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years?- wtf
26. What are some small things that make your day better?- 
27. Who's your go-to band or artist when you don't know who or what to listen to?- saintseneca
28. What's the best way to start the day?- pancakes
29. What TV shows do you like?- havent watched a tv show in a while
30. What TV channel doesn't exist but really should?- idk what channels there anymore are i dont watch much tv
31. Who has impressed you most with what they've accomplished?- some of my classmates from my department
32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently?- idc
33. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?- most of them
34. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?- relaxing
35. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don't think you could live without?- i guess my computer
36. What is your claim to fame?- dont have one
37. What is something you enjoy doing the old-fashioned way?- i dont use icloud
38. What's your favorite book or movie genre?- dont have a specific one
39. How often do you people-watch?- not much because i get paranoid
40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about?- nothing
41. What's the best day of the year?- idk
42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of?- idk
43. How do you relax after a long day of work?- sweatpants
44. What's the best book series or TV series you've ever read or watched?- gintama
45. Where is the farthest you've ever been from home- zurich airport
46. What's the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen?- idk
47. What is the most annoying question people ask you?- about my eating disorder
48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?- overwatch
49. If you were the dictator on a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do?- i wouldn’t
50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?- whatever
51. Would you rather go hand gliding or whitewater rafting?- not really interested in either
52. What's your dream car?- i cant drive
53. What's worth spending more on to get the best?- technology
54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don't get?- superhero movies
55. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?- anything
56. Where is the most interesting place you've been?- spain i guess
57. What's something you've been meaning to try but haven't gotten around to it?- nothing really
58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week?- not much
59. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind, only to experience it for the first time again?- gintama
60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have?- wish i knew
61. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see?- my 37 second rubiks cube record obviously
62. How different was your life 1 year ago?- not really sure its a blur
63. What quirks do you have?- lmao
64. What would you rate 10/10?- thats so vague
65. What fad or trend do you think should come back?- 
66. What is the most interesting piece of art you've seen?-im too tired idk
67. What kind of art do you enjoy most?- idk cool fanart of things i like i guess
68. What do you hope never changes? - idk
69. What city would you most like to live in?- wish i knew
70. What movie title best describes your life?- no idea dont you just love my answer sz z
71. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?- i need a job
72. What's the best way a person can spend their time?- doing what they want
73. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make?- i got woodshop student of the month in middle school bitch dont fucc with me
74. Where is the most relaxing place you've ever been?- idk
75. What's the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?- a few things i didnt deserve 
76. Where would you rather be from?- idc but saying youre from nj is embarassing
77. What are some things you've had to unlearn?- idk
78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months?- hopefully getting my life together
79. What website do you visit most often?- idk
80. What one thing do you really want but can't afford?- a lot of things
81. Where do you usually go when you have free time?-my room
82. Where would you spend all your time if you could?- asleep
83. What's special about the place you grew up?- it feels like an entirely different world here
84. What age do you want to live to?- idc
85. What are you most likely to become famous for?- idk
86. What are you absolutely determined to do?- idk anymore because i have a degree now in something i dont live anymore
87. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?- idk i more or less know how to do brain surgery on a rat i guess thats impressive 
88. What do you wish you knew more about?- everything
89. What question would you most like to know the answer to?- why
90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person?- why
91. When was the last time you changed your opinion or belief about something major?- i feel like ive been pretty fixed for a while
92. What's the best compliment you've ever received?- idk
93. As the only human left on earth, what would you do?- die
94. Who inspires you to be better?- my answer would be stupid
95. What do you want your epitaph to be?- dont want one
96. What haven't you grown out of?- idk
97. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place in?- im not good in a lot of situations
101. How do you hope you'll change as a person in the future?- hopefully not be depressed
102. What keeps you up at night?- a lot of things
103. What's the most surprising self-realization you've had?- ...
104. What is the most illegal thing you've ever done?- underage drinking im a madman
105. How do you get in the way of your own success?- i lose the ambition and give up on everything ive ever done
106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?- a lot
107. What is your biggest regret?- i fucked up my life long term a lot when i was 13
108. What do you look down on people for?- ignorance about science
109. What bridges do you not regret burning?- idk im not usually the burner
110. What lie do you tell most often?- lmao
112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older?- im losing control
118. What are you famous for among your friends & family?- im the most promising of my cousins but little do they know i have no ambition and cant get out of bed  
120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn't have?- im not explaining the answer to this question but i am in a bad situation
121. What are 3 things you want to accomplish before you die?- idc
122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self?- dont do it
124. What's the best thing about you?- you tell me
125. What blows your mind?- science
126. Have you ever saved someone's life?- yeah
127. What are you really good at but embarrassed to be good at?- nothing really
128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like?- backwards
129. What are 3 interesting facts about you?- i cant think of any im one dimensional
130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?- most are burn scars but above one of my eyes theres a scar because my dog popped a chicken pock when i was a baby
131. What's the title of the current chapter in your life?- wtf are you doing
132. What were some of the biggest turning points in your life?- age 7 age 13 age 18 age 19
133. What's the hardest lesson you've learned?- life sux
134. What do people think is weird about you?- a lot apparently
135. What mistake do you keep making?- everything
136. What have you created that you're most proud of?- idk
137. What do you doubt?- idk
138. What are some of your morals?- idk its not that hard to be a good person
139. What do you want to be remembered for?- nothing
140. What do you regret not doing in your childhood years?- i didnt really have much of a childhood grew up to fast
141. What is your favorite fragrance?- my nose doesnt work
142. What do you think your last words will be?- idk
143. Who or what do you take for granted?- idk
144. Why would you be annoying as a roommate?- idk i dont talk much 145. What is something you're insecure about?- a few thigns
146. What's the best & worst piece of advice you've received?- idk i feel like most of the advice ive received has been bad which has led me here
147. What irrational fears do you have?- bees
148. What makes a good life?- idk
149. What's the last adventure you went on?- college
150. What is the most memorable gift you've received?- not sure
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