#its been so long idr how i tag anything
usermoon · 1 year
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
check-in tag!
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1. why did you choose your url? — idr tbh. all i& remember is that. imaginarium& is our& innerworld's name.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and tell why you have them. — @imaginariumrpc my& rpc sideblog for stuff i want to reblog but not on my main, currently a mess & in the state of archiving & transferring posts onto this blog considering this blog is the one i& mainly use & its multipurpose. — @dominusornatum my& rp blog that hasnt been used but may revamp. — @brumoustoska Erica's& sideblog. May or may not add a nsft blog but idk yet.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? — uhhhh since 2016 i& think.
4. do you have a queue tag? — no but im& debating lmao
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? — this used to be a rp blog actually but i& repurposed it into a multipurpose blog bc. i& left the tumblr rpc for several reasons especially bc i& was dealing w/ my& system that i'd& recently discovered at the time & just. mental health issues.
6. why did you choose your icon? — bc khadija& is one of my& ocs & she's& cute.
7. why did you choose your header? — i love stars. like, i'm& obsessed.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? — one of my& old twdg edits iirc.
9. how many mutuals do you have? — many lmao but s/o to a, simy, emma, hal & leli.
10. how many followers do you have? — over 100.
11. how many people do you follow? — over 400.
12. have you ever made a shitpost? — aren't all my posts shitposts /j so many times.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? — a lot, i& don't keep track tho bc thats lame.
14. have you had a fight/argument with another blog? who won? — i&. don't like arguments or conflict or any kinda disk horse especially when it comes to fandom & shipping disk horse bc tbh i& have more important things in my& life to focus on & a lot of this is like chronically online shit, so i& avoid them the best i& can within reason. so. no.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? — usually i'm& happy to wave them goodbye as i& scroll past them bc of ocd hell, but when it comes to indigeneity or queer issues or anything of the sort its my& duty so.
16. do you like tag games? — yes !! please continue tag me& or any of us&!! ♡
17. do you like ask games? — yessss!!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? — tbh they all should be but uh. i& think audit especially in the plural & queer & disabled communities. hal bc they're so iconic in the plural community as a whole & they do so much for systems its great tbh. also emma bc she's a forever icon in the twdg fandom & abri ( idk what ur actual name is so lmao ) in the gangsta fandom bc uh. they're iconic asf. & although we're not moots persay bc marzi has a rp blog, but marzi's portrayal of mitch & just everything twdg related on @phantasmagcrical / @gciltyascharged has me& go like AGLJAGGALJGALGAJGAJLAGLJAGJL hennywayz ily marziiiii ♡
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? — no? /lh but i& appreciate all of my moots. ♡
20. tags? — @briala @dethqveen @aabblleeddnntt @abri-chan @tearfulangel @emmiewlw @dreamlandsystem & anyone else if you wanna do it !!
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absolutequeertrash · 2 years
ok so i would like to preface this by saying i have not watched the movie nor do i plan to so if there are slight inaccuracies i apologize. i have better things to do in my life than watch the trash that j*ff d*avis calls an amazing teen wolf movie.
this will also contain spoilers tho everyone and their mother has been publicly announcing said spoilers so you’ve probably already heard it but if you haven’t been spoiled and don’t want to be i suggest you stop reading here. this is going to be a long one.
i would bet my last fucking dollar that j*ff goes to sleep at night thinking he did something soooo deep with his derek eli parallel and really came full circle with derek’s arc but like my guy (derogatory) IT WAS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO PARALLEL/GO FULL CIRCLE WITH.
for those that don’t remember (which tbh is probably no one if you’re scrolling through any of these tags) when derek was 15/16, kate manipulated him and killed his family by setting fire to the house, leading to him then blaming himself for his entire family dying. so someone tell me why j*ff had derek die by burning to death in front of his own child.
there is quite literally no way in hell derek would willingly choose to inflict the same trauma and guilt onto his own child who, which from everything i’ve read and heard, he loves very much. it is such an incredibly out of character decision that, if i didn’t know how much j*ff hates both us and derek, i would question whether he and i were even talking about the same character.
when we meet derek all the way back in season 1 of the show, he had lived as an orphan for like 5ish or so years (idr how old he was but it was something like that) and you can tell he is traumatized. he literally had the whole “bad guy” persona going for him which is typically reserved for someone with immense trauma (tho i would like to note on a larger scale that it does not excuse anyone’s actions. if they do anything bad they should still be held accountable for it. trauma/mental health can be a reason but it is not an excuse). he knows what it’s like to be lonely and grieving—it’s not really something someone just randomly forgets. and its because of that knowledge that there is no way derek would subject his son to not only being an orphan, but being present at his own orphaning.
and that’s the other thing too. eli was right there when derek sacrificed himself. you can probably imagine the trauma of losing a loved parent/loved one, but now try to imagine the trauma them suffering and burning to death right in front of you would cause. add on the fact that derek literally did it to save eli and now you’ve got an orphaned kid with survivors guilt and depression who will very likely have problems being around fire for the rest of his life.
from a literal standpoint, sure, everything comes full circle. the derek we know formed because everyone he loved died in a fire he blamed himself for, and we ended with his child losing someone he loved in a fire he too likely now blames himself for. but it completely trashed his character arc.
it’s not too dissimilar from dean winchesters death at the end of supernatural (which hey, maybe there’ll be a spanish version of the teen wolf movie that ends differently). dean always believed he’d die in a hunt, alone, without a family or anyone that loves him. a good character arc would show him realizing that he deserves good things in his life and deserves someone that he can settle down with and finally stop hunting (*cough* castiel *cough*), which is decidedly not what we got but anyway back on topic.
derek had all of this guilt and trauma that caused him to push people away, not think he’s deserving of good things, and really think of himself as a shitty person for being the reason his family died. a good arc is not having him sacrifice himself and prove that he can only be considered a “good person” if he’s useful to other people. it would show him (similar to dean) realizing he is deserving of happiness and being selfish for once in his life. it would be deciding he doesn’t want to die and give his son trauma but rather he wants to live and see his son grow up where the hardest parts of his childhood are losing a lax game or getting a bad grade on a test.
this is getting really long ik but i have one more thing. derek’s death was completely unnecessary. granted i haven't actually watched the movie, but you're telling me the only way to stop the demon thingy (i have completely forgotten what it acc was) was to hold it and burn it to death? i have 2 problems with this. firstly, when has anything in the teen wolf series been as easy as just fucking burning something to death. like genuinly. it's the "big bad" of the entire movie. why would the answer be to just burn it to death. there had to have been another way to kill it off. i get that there's no stiles to do the research, but lydia is literally a fucking genius. she definitely could've found another way to kill it and spare eli the trauma of watching his dad unneccesarily burn to death to save him.
my second problem is that they couldn't tie it up any other way??? like cmon they're supernatural creatures. you're telling me that the only way to stop the thing from moving was to grab it and sacrifice yourself? you couldn't trap it? tie it up maybe? grabbing was seriously the only option?
it just makes no sense to me. i understand parents not wanting their kids to suffer, but when there's a possibility of another option that isn't just burn to death in front of them you'd think they'd want to take that one instead. cause yeah, while no parent should have to watch their child die, that doesn't mean that children should have to watch their parent die a gruesome death. and the fact that derek was like well it can't be scott cause scott's the alpha of the pack and that would cause some problems oh well guess it'll have to be me. i don't have time to get into that especially without really knowing all the information and dialogue, but like ???? wtf ????
tldr: actual derek would in no way consider inflicting the same trauma onto eli that was inflicted onto him especially when there had to be other ways to kill it.
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ladywind · 3 years
tagged by @suhaylahs thank u beloved💖💗
Playlist Tag Game:
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs (including music only stuff like OSTs as well as songs) and then choose 10 victims.
sunset lover - petite biscuit
real men - mitski
missed connection - the head and the heart
stole your car - charlotte lawrence
lovesick. - FINLAY
strange phenomena - kate bush
you and i - LEON
kiss you - moons of mars
suspended in gaffa - kate bush
good times - all time low
Get To Know Me
Why did you choose your url?
heehoo feng xin brainrot
Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
@yourfaveisphroggalicious but no one sends anything.. but also i dont promo it at all so SKDJNSJD i have other sbs but theyre mostly inactive n just url holders :p
How long have you been on tumblr?
oh man i made my first one when i was 12 and weve gone thru like 4 deactivations</3
Do you have a queue tag?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
bro idek
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
heehoo feng xin brainrot go brr
Why did you choose your header?
What’s your post with the most notes?
oh man theres this post from my old blog floatin around its at like. 60k? smth like that . the notifs were HELL
How many people do you follow?
111 and thats alr stressin me out</3
Have you ever made a shitpost?
man my atla meme blog days are over . but yeah
How often do you use tumblr?
terminally online moment/j
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
what if i said..............naur<3
Do you like tag games?
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
UHH man idk idr kausaurs got some famous muts which ig makes him famous OH SUHAYLAH SUHAYLAHS FAMOUS
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yea were kindating /J
Phone Photo Meme Game
rules: choose one picture from ur camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality and then tag 5 ppl
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this is my fave img ever. anyways
@ anyonee who would like to bc im lazy</3
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radical-rad1986 · 5 years
50 Questions for Fic Readers
Original here by braveten.
What fandom(s) do you read? Esca, TMNT, Firefly/Serenity, Criminal Minds, and NyxEtoile and OlivesAwl’s MCU.
If you could request more of a certain type of fic, which would it be? Type no. Pairing YES: MaMa, MaA, DxM!
What is your favorite all-time fic? Aerika S’ Eries fics. (They’re parts of the same story, so ha. :) )
Do you ever re-read fics? How about triple-read? If I favorite the fic that means that I want to read it again in the future. I’ve read Aerika’s fics more than three times.
Do you prefer angst or fluff? Both.
Do you prefer long fics or short fics? LONG. Some topics don’t work for long, but I definitely prefer long haul. 
Name some incomplete fics that you wish were completed. Dyce’s Firefly fic(s); they disappeared from the face of the Earth. :( I’m sure there’s a few Esca ones on ff.net that I wish were complete. 
Talk about the ships that you read. VH, duh. Astons x men. Just search my tags for my rambles. 
Do you read smut? Extremely rarely. 
What’s the most hard-core smut or kinky fic you’ve ever read (be honest)!
Do you read AUs? Depends on the type of AU. I’ll read some slight/major canon divergence but not a fan of ex: coffee shop or college AU. 
List a few of your favorite AUs. Fayrin’s Vis Arcana is the only one that I’m currently reading. F/E by Konstantya and Pethics. Thief of Hearts comes to mind. 
What type of AUs are your favorites? Give a general description. Slight/major canon divergence. 
What makes you give up on reading a fic? Bad grammar. Solid blocks of text without spaces. Summary doesn’t give the vaguest idea about the setting and isn’t anywhere near “canon setting/normal.”
What makes you pick up a fic, what makes it sound interesting? The summary has to have at least a few good sentences. “Lol its better than the summary” usually deters me, unless its an interesting concept. I totally understand that summaries are tough, but if you don’t even try then why should I read it? 
Name a fic that made you cry (or that made you come close). There have been a few but Idr them. 
Name a fic that made you laugh a lot. ---
Do you have a fic recommendation page or master list? AO3 bookmarks and my favorite list on ff.net. Something more narrow would be Aerika’s Eries fics, Dyce’s Firefly fics, and floatingkhoskekfloat’s Criminal Minds fics. 
How many fics do you think you’ve read before? Before now? 200+. 177 favorites on ff.net and 11 on AO3. Plus the who knows how many on Tumblr and dA.
What’s the weirdest fic you’ve ever read? Describe it. Idr it and I can’t find it but Van/Chid (12+yo) was weird. 
Do you read crack!fic? Not usually; not my cup of cocoa. If a fandom friend wrote it I’m more likely to read it.
Name a few of your favorite crack!fics. ---
Has fluff ever made you cry? What about angst? ---
What’s the longest fic you’ve ever read? Um... Probably Aerika’s trilogy?
What’s your opinion on reading dubious consent or no consent? Dub con is ok depending on the context but not no con.
Name a type of fic you’ll never ever read. Non slight/major canon AU.
Name a type of fic that you wish there was more of. Eh. I’m happy people add content to the fandom. 
Who are your favorite fanfiction author(s)? Aerika (moment of silence), Esca fandom peeps, Dyce (mos), floatingkhoshekfloats (mos). 
When you find an author you like, do you follow them? YES!!!!!!!
How often do you read fanfiction? Depends on life factors. Close to weekly.
Do people know that you read fanfiction? Online friends do, husband does, brother does, his girlfriend would probably guess yes; I don’t share my online life with real life people.
Do you leave reviews after reading fics? If so, what do they sound like? Not usually; I need to get better. I try to follow my personal three sentence rule. (Does NOT include “I hope you’re able to update soon.” I think I saw this rule online somewhere.)
When you read a good fic, do you go to the author’s page? YES!!!!!1
Name a common type of fic that you cannot stand. ---
Name all the Work in Progress fics that you are currently reading. Uh. That’s too much work.
Has a fic ever left you unable to fall asleep or think about anything else? A few. Idr them.
Are you good about keeping up when reading Work in Progresses? Yes! (Usually.)
Name some of your favorite fic recommendations pages. I don’t have any? I’ve never seen one. Unless you mean favorites like on ff.net or AO3.
Name a fanfiction author that you’re scared to talk to because they’re so amazing. ---
Have you ever written fanfiction or considered it? ... LLooolll
Name a fic that has a perfect ending. Um...
Name a fic that you wish was longer. All of them? XD
Do you read OT3 fics commonly? Have you ever? No.
Do you mainly read TV shows, movies, or books? TV shows. 
Do you read fanfiction about Anime? AHAHAHAHA.
If you could imagine the perfect fic, what would it be like? Mine, finished. Ha.
If you had to introduce someone to fanfiction with a few fics, which would you suggest? Depends on the fandom. 
Have you ever read a fic containing character death? A few. Ron and His Sakura wrote one that Millerna died. That comes to mind.
Do you have an AO3/Fanfiction.net/LiveJournal page? Link it. 
dw (almost nothing fic related there yet.)
Pifo (nothing fic related there yet.)
What sites do you typically use to read on? AO3, ff.net, Tumblr, dw, LJ.
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a-ffection · 5 years
1-99 🐸
BET YOU THOUGHT I WOULDNT DO IT SCRUB. I tagged this #long post if yall dont want to see it btw sorry
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
According to Spotify Me its 1. Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold 2. The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson 3. Holy Diver - Killswitch Engage 4. Sick Like Me - In This Moment 5. Girls in Black - Airbourne 6. Shrike - Hozier 
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ugh ”Now the bad news, im afraid, is that we won't be home for supper.”
4: What do you think about most?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“Maybe not” - from you
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Without8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are cute; Boys are cute but at what cost?
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
Idk last week11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Public bathrooms and men with neck or face tattoos
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
When i was younger i used to stick straws up my nose
13: What’s your religion?
Roman Catholic
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking the thot
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind, I don't trust most ppl to take pics of me
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Uhhh Avenged Sevenfold probably
17: What was the last lie you told?
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
It’s pretty self-explanatory 
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Procrastination; Loyalty 
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Currently Henry Cavill 
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Its on my to-do list
23: How do you vent your anger?
Chores lol
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Mushroom decor, books
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Happier yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Crowds; Nature
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
”what if i tried harder and passed this class the first time around?”
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
YES x2
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Cell phone; cookie
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Nothing really
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
West Coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
To impact the world and/or its inhabitants in a positive way. 
36: Define Art.
Art makes you feel some typaway
37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes, only because i have horrible luck
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes and yes
41: What was the last book you read?
Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Jaz, Jazzy, princess, noob (curtesy of my bro) 
44: What was the last film you saw?
Ready or Not
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Hairline fracture. Urban Air. Rock wall. Jumped off. Ouch.48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I like boys
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
lmao YES
50: Do you believe in magic?
I believe in portals to other dimensions does that count?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
Why do you want to know frog boy?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Dogs collar
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Be really nice and smiley to them but like in a low cut blouse66: What is your heritage?
Native North American. Mexican, Spaniard 
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog, my boss is a cunt anyway.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
Uhg a) Yes b) Things ive always wanted to do c) Probably 
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Love, since it comes with trust anyway
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Hail to the King
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Communication, trust, honesty, time, consideration, maturity, sexual attraction
77: How can I win your heart?
Have these traits: Beard, muscles, weeb, a sweetheart, sense of humor, be Catholic, have a decent career path, give me all the attention
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
9 in heels; 9.5 in shoes
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Something that will make goth kids take pictures on my grave
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
The Sacred Heart cause im catholic and hispanic
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
Bad words and insults
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Old Time Religion - Parker Millsap
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Teal, Green, Red, Black, and Pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
A pretty forest
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Id save it for a rainy day
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
”Have you ever watched hentai?”
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Put collars on them and teach them tricks
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Healing - people, the land, etc.
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Ive already did that according to the therapist i had
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Im saving myself for marriage 
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
Yes, when i was a kid
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yes, to Cali
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Your governments will always consider your freedom a burden
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phantomwarrior12 · 6 years
Snarky Reunions
Prompt: “How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over it’s dog.”
Summary: Reunions with the archangel are always fun, especially when he wants to play hooky on a hunt.
Words: 1,399
Warnings: Fluff, sass, low-key innuendo, maybe a swear word, idr
A/N: Hey folks!
This little fluff piece was the result of @67midnightwriter‘s one year old challenge! Congratulations on the milestone, hon! Here’s to many more! :)
Leave a like/comment and let me know what your thoughts!
~ Phantom
"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence after all this time."
"Hello, Dean."
"How's life treating you?"
Gabriel narrows his eyes at the elder Winchester, "Like I ran over its dog."
"You know how to drive?"
"No. That's why I ran over its dog, Dean." Gabriel snaps, leaning against the door frame of the rundown motel.
"What brings you back?" Sam queries, reclining in his chair.
"No particular reason beyond I need a break from the stupidity that is heaven and humanity." 
"You realize we're part of humanity...and Cas is from heaven?" Dean frowns, almost amused by the archangel.
"You know what, Dean-O--"
The archangel cuts himself short and abruptly stands to his full height when you enter the room.
"Y/N, how've you been?"
"Been better, how about you?" You pause beside Dean, handing off the duffle in your hand before offering a gentle smile Gabriel's way.
"He said he kicked life's dog," Dean supplies, rifling through the bag.
"I could smite you, Winchester."
"You most certainly can not." Castiel interjects pointedly.
"Can, little bro, not will."
You snort and touch his arm, "Easy, Chewie. They're no good to me dead."
"Star Wars references, really? Now?" Gabriel arches an eyebrow. He can hear Dean snickering at the table.
"There is no better time," you grin, collapsing onto the bed.
"What's with research central?"
"We're tracking something, but, none of us know what it is."
"Could you use an archangel's hand?" He's suddenly beside you, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
Both sets of eyes snap to the Winchester brothers and Castiel.
"Wow...rude." The Trickster rolls his eyes, pushing himself to his feet.
"Y/N, why don't you and Gabriel do the supply run while we continue to research?" Castiel suggests, noting the annoyed expression etched into Dean's features.
"Are we really going to the store?" Gabriel drums his fingers boredly against the door panel.
"We're all out of hunter's helper, so yeah." You return evenly, pulling away from an intersection.
The archangel slouches in his seat, "What if we went somewhere fun instead?"
"Gabe, we're on a job." You steal a glance his way, unamused by his suggestion.
"You realize I'm an archangel and whatever this thing is, I can just snap it away, right?"
"Well, you can do that when we find out what exactly it is."
Gabriel shrugs, glancing out the window, "It certainly is a quiet little town."
"It's always the peaceful ones with the creepiest monsters."
"Ah, you're a ray of sunshine on this gloomy day, Y/N."
You snort lightly but put into the parking lot, you wait until you're out of the car to question him, "You coming in with me? Or are you staying in the car?"
He snaps his fingers and he's beside you, "Let's spice this up a little bit, sweetheart."
"Come on, you'll enjoy it," he steps in front of you, head tilting, honey softening with a puppy dog look that could give Sam Winchester a run for his money.
You can feel the reluctance ebbing away and Gabriel grins when your shoulders slouch, "Fine. What's your idea?"
"There's a carnival in the next town over--"
"Gabriel, we're on a job--"
"I can snap us there and back before tweedledee and tweedledum notice we're gone. Come on, Y/N, when's the last time you had a little fun?"
"When we weren't having this conversation."
Gabriel slips his fingers around yours, a pleading smile gracing his lips, "Please, sugar?"
That damned nickname. It's the only weakness he knows about, the only one that shatters your resolve.
"All right, I surrender! No more!"
A grin breaks across his lips and the snap echoes in your ears. A blink of the eye and suddenly you're surrounded with the hum of a crowd, carnival music playing in the background, people bustling past.
Gabriel's features soften as a smile crawls across your lips.
"After you, sugar." He gestures you towards the nearest ride.
The day passes as a blur, the archangel tending to your every need, guiding you from ride to ride with a joy in his eyes neither of you will soon forget.
It isn't until darkness begins to descend that he begins to guide you out of the carnival.
"Did you have fun, sugar?" He swings your entwined hands and tucks you a little closer.
"I did," you rest your head on his shoulder as you walk, "Thank you, Gabriel."
"You're welcome," he stops, tugging you into his arms, "we should play hooky more often."
"Hmm, should we now?" Your smile turns mischievous and every nerve sings beneath your touch, every trace of his soul soars.
"We should, especially so I can do this."
He leans in, inches from your waiting lips when your phone rings.
"Don't answer it."
"It's Dean."
"All the more reason."
You snort but step back, tugging the phone out of your pocket, "What's up?"
"We got it!"
"On our way. Send us the address," You look to Gabriel, Ready to snap it away?"
"As long as that means we get to play hooky tomorrow."
"I'll think about it."
"Well, think fast because I need an answer before I snap anything away."
"Snap us back to the car so we can meet up with Sam and Dean."
"Snap us back or it's a definite no." Your smile is smug and Gabriel mentally curses before snapping you both back to your car.
"Good, feathers." She climbs in, engine roaring to life as the archangel slides in beside her.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started seeing me, grumpy wings."
He's silent, waiting until she jerks the car into park and climbs out.
"What do you got?"
"A vamp/werewolf tag team. That's why we couldn't figure it out." Sam checks his blade.
"Silver decapitation, sounds like a plan." You start towards your trunk.
"Or, you guys can stay clean and Sam can avoid anymore blows to that mane of his by letting my snap them away."
"I honestly thought he were joking about that," Dean returns, glancing between Sam and Castiel.
You barely cover the snort of amusement, avoiding Gabriel's accusing gaze. "Don't look at me, I didn’t say it."
"You better still be thinking about that suggestion, Y/N."
"Go smite them and we'll talk." You wave him off, closing your trunk again and leaning against it.
"Can't. Not without an answer."
"Answer?" Dean looks to you, confusion etched into every inch of his features
"Fine, we'll go again tomorrow. Now go," you shove him lightly, very aware of the three sets of eyes trained on you.
The arrogance returns and he disappears, leaving you alone with the Winchesters and a very confused angel.
"Are you two--" Dean gestures between you and the building behind him where Gabriel has gone.
"No, we're not." You answer hastily, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"Then what's the--"
"We made a quick pit stop, okay?"
"What kind of pit stop?"
"The spend-the-day-at-a-carnival type." You admit, more interested in your shoes than the brothers before you.
"You went to the carnival without us?!" Dean's jaw slackens in disbelief.
"Dean, is that really the main issue right now?" Sam questions, annoyance lacing every inch of his features, "what about leaving us to do all the research on our own?"
"You wanted Gabriel out of your hair," you shrug, looking up.
"You weren't supposed to have fun with him," Dean argues vehemently.
"You can go with us tomorrow?" You offer sheepishly.
"No, opportunity has passed. Sam, Cas and I are going separate since you two couldn't wait."
"You try refusing an archangel," you retort, leaning against your car with a glower, "oh wait."
"Y/N," Castiel reprimands with a stern glare.
"He started it," You return evenly, eyes darting to door as it swings open and Gabriel strolls out, smoothing down his hair.
"What took you so long?" Dean asks, "I thought it was a simple smite and go?"
"They were a little uncooperative, Dean." The archangel leans against the car beside you, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
"Whatever, let's go home." Dean pushes off Baby and moves around to the driver's side. "Hey, Y/N, did you at least pick up some beer before your little adventure to happytown?"
"...that's what we forgot."
Taglists are open! Send me an ask/message!
Gabe Squad: @thewhiterabbit42 @erisunderthemoon @stuckoutsideofthebox @nuvoleincielo @lyselkatz @high-church-of-the-holy-dick
Forevers: @heaven-hell-imagines @bofa-deans-nuts @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @currentlyfangirling99
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Survey #192
“i’d love to give you wings, but babe, you’ve got to grow them.”
Where have you lived throughout your life? The same general area in North Carolina. Do you find your job rewarding? N/A What kind of cake did you have for your last birthday? I'm sure it was red velvet. To you, which is better: English muffins or bagels? I enjoy both, but bagels. Do you paint your nails? No. What’s the last website you signed up for? Good question... maybe a feral dog RP forum I was considering making a character on? Do you check your email everyday? I'm getting into the habit. Have you created any pages on Facebook? Yeah. Is there a subject that you absolutely suck at? Social studies/history, math. What’s your favorite song by Dave Matthews Band? I have no idea who that is. Are there people you have absolutely nothing in common with, but still enjoy talking to? Maybe? Have you ever wandered around drunk with your friend? No. Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed? Nooo, not at all. Have you ever been so unfortunate to suffer from a hangover? No. Have you ever had a panic attack? Plenty. Are you deathly allergic to anything? No. Have you ever had a mouse in your house? Yeah. In our old one, anyway. Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have an ex? Not personally, I think. Is anyone you know really religious? Welcome to the South. Yes. Are your eyebrows naturally thick? I'd say they're average. Has speaking in front of people ever made you sick? No. I haven't spoken in front of an actual audience since my senior project, though. It was hard, but I think I did well. What was the last movie that made you teary-eyed? I'm not sure. Moana may have gotten me a bit teary? But if no, Coco absolutely did. Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? I think "hate" is a strong word for it. Has a laptop ever burned your legs? Yes. I legitimately had dark spots on my right leg for a long while. Do you know anyone who has a scar through their eyebrow? Juan. Who was the last person to flip you off? Idk, but I'm sure it was playfully. Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? Miiiine! And my friend Alyssa's. Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? Sure, in rare circumstances. Are you good at following directions? No. I have zer-O sense of direction. Do you have someone that you can just act a fool with and not care? Sara. From where you’re sitting, can you touch a wall? Yeah, behind me. When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap? Not unless I'm with my grandmother. She's extremely "proper" about things. Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? Electric. Are your biceps at all noticeable? No. Have you ever seen a walrus? Are there any at SeaWorld? Otherwise, no. When it comes to dropping food, do you believe in the 10 second rule? HELL NO. I'm a germaphobe with that stuff. If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? Sure? Do you believe that cellphones actually do cause cancer? I don't recall the science behind this theory, so idk. When people you know cry, does it make you feel like crying too? Oh yes, especially if it's someone I'm very close to. Particularly, I can't handle Mom, my sisters, or Sara crying. I've never seen Dad cry, but if he ever did, I know I would bawl. Do you tend to jump to conclusions? Was this written as a direct @me??????? Are you good at remembering your friends’ birthdays? NOPE. I only remember... Sara's, Connie's, Caleb's (just because it's on Halloween), Shaylee's, and that's literally it out of friends/acquaintances. Is there something you need to do, that you’re trying to avoid doing? Actually use WiiFit. I'm doing periodic exercises throughout the day, but I need to dedicate more and be able to see my center of balance. Ever pop someone else’s pimple? NONONONONO IT'S SO GROSS TO ME How long does it take you to fall asleep? No less than 15 minutes, I think usually more. Do you crack your neck often? I can't. Did you have a weird dream last night? OH MY GOD YES. I was awkwardly with one of my acquaintances at his house somehow????? and we both seemed very uncomfortable??????? and I think I was high or some shit???????????????? I don't even know this person well enough to like-like him?????????????? Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? My sisters and successful friends. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things. But I aim for both. In what way are you your own worst enemy? I criticize. The. Hell out of everything I do. What activities make you lose track of time? Video games. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?” Full offense, you're an absolute dick if you do that. Who do you tell your secrets to? Nobody really unless there's reason to, and only ever Sara, Mom, or my therapist. Who do you live with? Mom and the pets. When did/will you graduate? '14 for high school. Idk when I will for college, gotta get there first... When are you moving next? Probably when Sara and I are ready for our own place. When is the last time you took a vitamin? I have to twice a week now, so Thursday, because I have an incredible vitamin D deficiency, and that's probably what's causing my knee problems. Why are you stressed? The everlasting weight loss struggle. Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No. Where do you keep your birth certificate? It's in a safe. How many books are in your room? Uhhh like three? Then one coloring book. Have you ever been IN a wedding? I was the immensely triggered and ugly bridesmaid at my older sister's. Weddings were a very sensitive thing to me at the time, so while I was so happy for Ashley, I had a very difficult time and cried numerous times. What was the last thing you laughed out loud at? I think during a Mark video? Do you have a nickname? Why? "Britt" for obvious reasons, and Mom's called me "Twinkie" since I was a baby. She gave all her children sweets-based nicknames. Fuck out my face if you think that ain't the cutest damn thing. Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No. When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful/good-looking? Do people often tell you this? I think the last time was when Sara said I looked really pretty with eyeliner on and I just eeeeeeeeeek. I'm not often told it. Are you missing someone of the opposite sex atm? Not romantically. I'd like to see Girt as a bud; I'm gonna invite him to my birthday dinner to hang out. Hopefully he doesn't have work. Want someone back in your life? Yes. Are you currently sad about anything? Weight. Unbelievable difficulty getting my fucking transcript and inability to find my ACT score so I can go back to school. Are you wearing anything shiny? My lip ring has gems on it, and they shine a bit in the right light. How important is a sense of humor in a significant other? I need it. I don't think I could really enjoy a constantly serious person as a partner. How many followers do you have on Twitter? Idk, don't care to check. I only ever use it to be able to like Mark's shit lmao. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Open so Roman can go in and out. Have you ever been to the beach? Multiple times. Can you handle blood? Doesn't bother me a bit. Do you pay your bills or do your parents? My parents. I have no source of income to. What’s your best friend’s middle name? Jane. Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. Have you ever barely passed a grade/year in school? In college courses when my mental state was at its worst. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No. Have you ever tried to sell something overpriced to someone? No, I don't think so. Do you plan to become very wealthy some day? "Very" is unlikely, but I am dead serious about being at least perfectly financially stable one day. I refuse to live how I have my whole life so far, wondering if rent will be paid each month 'n things like that. Do you remember your first time going to the movies? No. Does eating breakfast make you sick? No. Are you dying to say something to someone right this minute? No. Well, not dying to, but after this whole revelation I had, I really want to apologize to Jason. I wasn't without evil in how I responded to and treated him after the breakup. Book series you enjoyed reading recently? I haven't read a series in years. Do you enjoy lying in the grass during the summer, and just existing? Nooo. Summer sucks and lying in grass is super uncomfortable. Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? No. Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? Not fading, but literally gone from the keyboard because this one is horrible, even after being "fixed" or replaced (idr). No joke, 21 are gone. Sooo I have to smash those buttons for the sensor or whatever to understand I'm pressing them, to the point my fingers, especially right pointer, are mildly callused. Do any of your close friends have children? No close ones, but one I'm hoping to reconnect more with it expecting. What do you plan on having for dinner? Probably a sandwich and nutrition shake to get enough calories to take my medicine and get the intended effect. Do you like Chinese food, or do you find it disgusting? The only things I enjoy now are fried rice and eggrolls, but I used to like sweet and sour chicken and bird on a stick or whatever its proper name is. Have the police ever come knocking on your door looking for someone? Once. Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? We're not like, "real" friends, but I know a good number of and get along great with the employees at the parlor I'm a regular customer at. I want to work there so badly. Small, environment I feel at home at, great people. Have you ever played flashlight tag? Don't even know what that is. Could you call yourself a movie buff? Not at all. Have you ever had a piercing get infected? A second hole in one of my earlobes, and the first time I got my tongue done, there was an abscess inside that indicated one was likely to form. Thank God that the rollercoaster of The Tongue Piercing Woes has ended. Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to? Mom does occasionally. Are you a shorts wearing kind of person? NOOOOO MY LEGS ARE NOT OKAY. Plus I chafe. Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy? Ohhhh I'm sure. I haven't been to her house since I was a kid, but I remember it being like, pristine. Her rooms at her son's is neat as hell too. About how much can you bench press? I have no clue. Have you ever had your phone die on you in the middle of a conversation? Yeah. Is anybody in your family a carpenter? Not to my knowledge. Are you avoiding someone? No. Do you call your boyfriend “Monkey”? I have a gf, and I have never in the least understood how that's a term of endearment. What’s your favorite primary color? Red. What were you for Halloween? Nothing, ugh. I haaave to dress up this year. Do you have any clothes from Walmart? Yeah. When did you get a Facebook? I have no clue. What color are your eyes? Grayish-greenish blue. What motivates you? How far I've already come, wanting a better future than I have now, encouragement from friends, family, my therapist, and psychiatrist, the drive to thoroughly enjoy my one mortal existence. Can you walk in heels? Not well. When was the last time someone asked you your age? Ummm, last time I got something done at the parlor, I think? Do you keep a journal? No. Have you ever tried a weird flavor of vodka? No. Do you wear a ring on your finger? One, my friendship ring with Sara. What are you doing? This, listening to Asking Alexandria's "Closer" NIN cover (no shame), and waiting for Girt to reply on Facebook. What’s the last kind of soup you ate? A bit of vegetable. Do you currently have a sunburn? No. Who did you last text? Mom. Who’d you last call? About what? My old college to find out why I couldn't get my fucking transcript after weeks upon weeks of being directed to different people about it. I regret going there immensely. Complete waste of time and money. Are you currently frustrated with someone? I'm really frustrated at myself. Do you drink water or soda more often? I'm actually not sure... Do you straighten your hair? No. When did you last talk to your brother or sister? One, not since Christmas, and the younger, a few days ago. All my half-siblings have been forever, and one I've never spoken to. What is your least favorite vegetable? Probably asparagus. Or beans. Outside of family, name 3 people that make you smile/laugh often. Sara, Mark, Shane Dawson. In school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in? English or art, idr. Was there a subject that you enjoyed, but weren’t too good at? No. When was the last time something didn’t go to plan? What happened? Being into what's called "vulture culture" now (at least to a certain degree), I searched for quite a while for the bones of the very first opossum I photographed (I have a photography "series" focused on exposing the horror of roadkill to hopefully influence people to be more careful and vigilant), but despite thorough searching, I couldn't find it. Gruesome, but Mom speculated the remains were destroyed by whoever mows the grass there. Do you have any children? If not, at what age do you think you’ll feel ready to be a parent? No, and never. When was the last time you bought a new item of clothing? Describe it. Uhhh. I seriously have no clue. Maybe some underwear months ago. Was your last Facebook friend request from a male or female? Idk who the last person was. Do you have an item of clothing that makes you feel especially beautiful? Describe it. No. Think of the last person that betrayed you. If they said they were sorry, would you forgive them? I can literally almost guarantee Colleen shared our whole goddamn conversation and shit on Facebook after our last talk, as she did the first time too. Too many times our business became everyone's. I'd forgive her, but I refuse to ever be friends again. Nastiest thing you've ever done? I hate talking about this, but okay. When I was deep into my suicidal depression phase, I had a hard time brushing my teeth as needed. Like... I wouldn't for days. I avoided brushing my hair as long as I could too. Anyone who doesn't believe in how deeply depression is capable of chaining you down and making vital things almost impossible, go get fucking educated. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No. What color is your shower? White. Where do you order your pizza from? Ideally Domino's, but sometimes Little Caesar's. When is the last time you had a serious talk with someone? Yesterday. Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? Oh yes. I rarely try something new. What color is your bike? N/A What word can you not stand to hear people say? The “n” word. What room of your house are you in? My bedroom. What is the temperature in your city right now? Apparently 38 F. When did you last use a post-it-note? No idea. Would you ever want to own your own restaurant? No. Do you have a fan in your bedroom? I have three lmao. My room is unbearable in the summer. Who is the last person that you took a picture with? Sara. When is the last time you were stuck in a fairly long traffic jam? A couple months or so back when there was an accident. Do you have certain friends that you hug every time you see them? All my friends. When was your most recent trip to an aquarium? 2016 visit to the beach. We went to the aquarium there and it absolutely sucked. What do you like in your salads and what dressing do you prefer? Just lettuce (but I can also handle cucumbers) and the Olive Garden dressing. If it has one, do you ever use the notepad function in your phone? Occasionally. Rn I have tattoo ideas written in it. Surprised? How good would you say your memory is? Absolutely horrible, lately worse than ever. I worry about it quite a bit. About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? Once or twice. Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? Not currently on or anything. What’s one thing you’re glad you’ve done recently? Improved on picking up the phone when I don't know the number. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? Well, I've talked about flirting with my friend's bf as a pre-teen, and it wasn't always innocent, if you count that as "sexual." I regret the hell out of it. Do you like to sit in the sun and tan when it’s hot out? NO. Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? Yes, Tyler. I wasn't like, terrified, but preeeetty uncomfortable. Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it? I can, but I'm not that great, and I absolutely hate it. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? Yes. Do you like french fries? Hell yeah. Have you ever eaten so much you puked? No. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? People whose opinions I care about. Would you rather go to Greece or France? Probably Greece.
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coolspacequips · 6 years
sorry to bother you, but I was wondering about a thing..., so I’m interested in rp-ing but I have absolutely zero idea how to get into it on tumblr? Like, I’ve done it before with one of my irl friends, but idrk how it works here. How do you find people to do it with? How do you let people know you’re interested? Do you have a separate blog for it? is it through dms or? Again sorry for all the questions but I’m v curious and want to get into it but I don’t know how :(
hey anon, ur not bothering me at all!
im worried that i wont have a very good answer, though... a lot of the time, i just kinda stumble into it thru blogging and chatting w other ppl in fandom/shipping/writing tags (like w this shiro). at this point i basically just have a handful of ppl i write with who go thru multiple plots w me, with a promising newcomer every once in a while, and most of my chats are rly hit or miss. ive just been blogging and rping for a long time so ive garnered a little interest along the way :’)
i have never rly successfully rpd on tumblr, i also dont know much about it, but i think if u are committed and try to reach out there are a lot of indie rp blogs out there that might try a prompt or scene w you! that seems to be the main way that ppl find partners on here? i have a few rp blogs that follow me, and ive glanced curiously thru to see that they tend to just be writing scenes w other indie rpers by reblogging from each other and adding on
ive seen a lot of rp groups and games in the different rp and rp advertisement tags, but these tend to be more oc focused, and tbh ive joined a couple and its hard to get that many ppl to commit to writing long term, so they tend to peter out quickly. if youre looking to write voltron characters, specifically, sometimes i see discords floating around, but ive only ever joined one, and it was a voltron rp group that was p much dead and died off not long after
i usually write offsite, there are assorted forums i used to check every once in a while, but again forums tend to be more oc focused. most forums have a one on one section where ppl post adverts saying what sort of things they want to write, though, and ppl express their fandom/shipping preferences there! unfortunately thats all i know afojewafjw idr know what the forum scene is like these days
i know that ppl use instant anonymous/chat based sites, but idk much about them, either. theres gen chat sites w rp communities, some actual rp sites, and a homestuck one, but theres more than hs on there now, so it might be worth a look! these chats tend to be v short form and filled w people looking to cyber, so go w caution if u dont want that, and check that ur partner is 18+ if u do want that, but it can be hard to find anon partners looking for ur same fandom, from what i hear. unless its the hs site and ur looking for hs
for the most part, rping online is a lot of hunting and pecking around for partners w varying degrees of success, its rly just a patience game, and learning where and how to advertise urself, but it seems like i can never rly find any rp hot spots these days. forums have always been slow-moving, and are increasingly less popular w platforms like tumblr around, but its hard to find the rp communities here
i get occasional asks abt rps, and i rly think that there should just be a tag or something like #vldrp so we can all tag and find each other!! maybe a blog or a discord? idk anything about running these things, but maybe ill look into it someday. it seems like there rly are a LOT of ppl that want to rp, but everyone is spread out w no idea of where to look!!
i hope any of that was helpful anon apfjewaepweif 
i know its not much to go off of, but finding a good rp online rly can be like finding a needle in a haystack. on tumblr especially things can seem a little cliquey, but from what i can tell everyone is starving for rp partners so new writers would be more than welcome!
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lutari · 5 years
helloooo lere! its tmi tuesday :D how long have u been on the tag? how long have u been on neo? what neopet species do you like to draw? which species is easy for you to draw? do you collect anything on neo? what time is it where you live? how is the weather over there? in which neopian land would you like to live?
YAY omg i’ve not gotten a tmi tuesday in ages this brightened my day thank u moose!!
how long i’ve been on the tag
this blog itself is “only” 5 years old but i had an older neoblog in 2012ish… so about 7 years now wow!!!
how long i’ve been on neo
my current main was made in 2006 so since then!! idr if i had an account before then, but if i did i’ve lost all memory of it hahaha
species i like to draw
this question made me realize how much i don’t draw quad neopets LOL peophins are unexpectedly fun for me and easiest is probably koi n___n
do i collect anything on neo
i don’t collect specific items but i have an egg gallery and a pink/purple aesthetics gallery! both are kinda on hold tho, trying to save up more ;;
what time is it
this post made by est gang B)
the weather
is sunny without being hot!! the ideal spring weather. but i think it’s supposed to rain in an hour or two
which neopian land would i live in
tough one, but shenkuu.. it seems like it has the prettiest scenery + proximity to nature which i like, the climate probably isn’t too bad either (terror mountain for ex. is a no-go, i do not thrive in cold) i’m fake tho cause my neohome is in maraqua
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owowookies · 6 years
50 questions tag ✨
I was tagged by @dreams-and-cookies some time last year i think sakjdghl anyWAY
1. what takes up too much of your time? freecell
2. what makes you day better? super junior
3. what’s the best thing that happened to you today? hmmmm nothing happened but the weather was nice? :p
4. what fictional place would you like to go? final fantasy 8
5. are you good at giving advice? it depends sometimes im ok sometimes im horrible
6. do you have any mental illness? no
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? dont think so
8. what musician inspired you the most? Ryeowook 
9. have you ever fallen in love? yes with ryeowook
10. what’s your dream date? cup noodles at home
11. what do others notice about you? complexion? iguess
12. what is the annoying habit you have? hmm i think interrupting people talking when i get excited ahdgfakjh
13. do you still talk to you first love? if u mean school crush then yes
14. how many ex’s do you have? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
15. how many songs are on your playlist? idk my phone randomly deleted almost all my music so now i just stream off youtube
16. what instruments can you play? none ._.
17. who do you have the most pictures of? @seaweedbraens but they don’t count as pictures they’re disgusting just like her <3
18. where would you like to go before you die? Switzerland
19. what is your zodiac? leo
20. do you relate to it? idek anymore tbh all those thingies about sun and moon and.. rising? whats a rising ): i have no idea i don’t look up anything related to it anymore ):
21. what is happiness to you? a productive day filled with suju and sleep!!
22. are you going through anything right now? mild career crisis but that’s a constant
23. what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? way too many sorry ):
24. what’s your favourite store? daiso in singapore, i wanna go back ):
25. what’s your opinion on abortion? it cool
26. do you keep a bucket list? nope
27. do you have a favourite album at the moment? I wanna say Drunk on Love but.. Onew’s Blue has been on repeat for so long
28. what do you want for your birthday? to go to a suju concert ...
29. what are most peoples first impression of you? i dunno i usually dont stick around to find out B) 
30. what age do you seem according to most people? everyone asks me which school i go to so :v
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? my charger doesnt reach til under the pillow so it just lays somewhere on the bed near my legs
32. what word do you say the most? what
33. what’s the oldest age you would date? a couple years older i guess i dunno
34. what’s the youngest age you would date? a year younger... maybe
35. what job/career do most people say would suit you? i think i surprised everyone a while ago with my career choices so no one says anything anymore? but earlier i think it was something to do w software?
36. what’s your favourite music genre? i love ballads is that a genre
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? somewhere i can go out in a skirt and not be treated like walking meat
38. what is your current favourite song? Ryeowook’s The 2nd Story
39. how long have you had this blog for? idr i remade a lot :/
40. what are you excited for? rn its bestie coming home!!!
41. are you a better talker or listener? depends
42. what is the last productive thing you did? exercise counts right
43. what do you want for christmas? don’t celebrate it so maybe suju can tour in india? :DDDDDDDDDDDD
44. what class do you get the best grades in? its been so long since i went to class (and paid attention to the grades) i have no clue
45. on a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 6?
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? i wanna be a singer but im not doing anything to get there akdhgkshk hopefully my brand takes off
47. when did you get your first heartbreak? 171218
48. at what age do you want to get married? i do not
49. what career did you want to have as a child? architect
50. what do you crave right now? its not really a craving but im gonna go drink milk
wow that was huge thanks cookiezzy <3
I shall tag @xiupastry  @scarletsehun @jeonghanurl  @xiuxiuflake  @erufu-elda  if you’d like to do this! you don’t have to so feel free to skip (: i wasn’;t sure who i could tag so if u see this and want to do it please tag me ):
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toxururira · 7 years
alphabet tag game
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @gs0uls​ fdkfjdf thank u for tagging me i lov talking abt myself
im just gonna tag @versacejins @1dalgom @yichor @seoub   thats all i can think of rn sorry, u dont have to do it + sorry if i tagged u and u already did it LMAOO 
A: age | 20
B: birthplace | ohio, usa
C: current time | 9 pm
D: drink you had last | water rip
E: easiest person to talk to | hayami and logan
F: favorite song | uhhh rn its a-cha by suju
G: grossest memory |  my grandpa owns a few houses along a canal and u can go fishing right off the edge of it, and my Baby Child ass (i was like 7) was running along the canal barefoot as fuck and i stepped on fish bones and they went into my foot ksdfjksdf and when i STARTED SCREAMING IN PAIN my mom and step dad didnt even come get me like i was on the ground SOBBING and they made me get up n stumble to them like bitch i got fish bones in my foot!!! anyways, my step dad had to get them out and it was The grossest thing that has ever happened to me to this day.
H: hogwarts house | slytherin bitch Hehe
I: in love? | yes w yesung duh
J: jealous of people? | not really? i dont have a reason to be lmao
K: killed someone | no what the fuck
L: love at first sight or should I walk by again? | do u know how long it took me to understand this
M: middle name | nikole
N: number of siblings | 4, a half brother from my mom and 3 half sisters from my dad
O: one wish | to stop being so Fuuuucking unstable like im Tired!! also i want everyone to fall in love with me .  thats two wishes but if i had to choose one ill go for the second
P: person you called last | my grandma 
R: reasons to smile | yesung     idk
S: song you sang last | likey by twice dont @ me 
T: time you woke up |  like 5 am even though i didnt fall asleep until like 2 am but then i came home and napped from 3 pm until like.  2 hours ago
U: underwear color | grey lol
V: vacation destination | i really wanna go to germany, nyc, california  anywhere in california LMAO, and china preferably like   Shenzhen
W: worst habit | toUCHING MY FACE
X: x-rays | i had to get an xray on my chest/ribs once   idr why 
Y: your favorite food | anything chicken bc its that one food that u LITERALLY cant fuck up like its always good
Z: zodiac sign | scorpio 😔✊
Ultimate bias: yesung kangin and kyungwon.  and chanyeol but i havent been as into exo lately so i havent been giving him much attention :( 
Favorite kpop song: Rn Its Still A-cha by Suju    Sorry
First kpop song:  stop it by bap skfjkdsf
Favorite kpop album: exodus 
Hard or soft fan: mostly hard but i get Ultra Soft for kangin 
Favorite kpop company: idk i dont rly care abt companies .  ill just say sm since 2/3 of my ult groups are from sm LMAOO
Backstory of how I got into kpop: i was dating this guy named tj and he was a FAT kpop stan (which i ?? oddly didnt find out until like 3 months into our relationship) and he Loved BAP and was obsessed with yongguk (which is weird because he was/still is friends with yongguk’s sister but anyways) he made me listen to bap and i really liked them n then he made me listen to bts too then i just     got sucked in I Guess oddly enough i dont stan Any of the groups Now that i stanned back then  like i dropped literally all of them i m just a   fat Exol Elf HIgh  . 
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notafeeling · 7 years
A/N Based off of @art-blog-of-faceless‘ Anxiety art here. “The shadows” speech is in bold where Anx’s thoughts are in italics.
Pairing: neutral/hint of analogical (Anxiety/Logic)
Genre: angst
Word Count: 950
Warnings: death implication, self-deprecation
Anxiety has a fight with Logan and the shadows take advantage of this.
Usually, Logan was there to help him. He’d meet Anxiety’s existential questions with calm and reasoned logic. But not this time. This time, Anxiety wouldn’t bother him with his problems. Logan deserved a break from constantly being his protector. Logan deserved… better.
Anxiety wished he had controlled himself the last time he saw Logic. He wished that he wasn’t so clingy. He wished he didn’t feel the need to snap and hurt those around him. But he did. He always did. That was what he was designed to do. That was the only thing he knew how to do.
Becoming closer with Logan was probably the best (and worst) decision of his life. The times when they could just lie next to each other, gaze up at the stars and talk about life’s big mysteries gave Anxiety something other than his failures to focus on. It gave him a sense of serenity. His moments with Logic were the only times he could feel at peace and dare he say, content.
He was content with feel of Logan’s shirt as he rested his head against the material. Content with the way the stars reflected on his glasses oh so beautifully. Content with their conversations, their fingers brushing together, their inside jokes that slowly formed and… them. Anxiety had grown used to being content around him.
But nothing lasted. Nothing ever lasted. Not when it came to Anxiety. Not when it came to the shadows.
The shadows were a whole other subset of problems that Anxiety had and caused. They were the source of nightmares. They were poison. There was no denying that. If they touched you, they’d hold tight, almost impossible to get rid of. They’d plague your mind with horrible thoughts and sap any happy feeling out of you until there was simply nothing left.
Anxiety didn’t notice at first when the lights in his room dimmed, nor when a black mass seeped from the ceiling and crawled down the wall behind him. He couldn’t tell the shadows’ whisperings from his own miserable thoughts.
I always mess up. I drove the one good thing in my life away. I argued with Logan and I was purposefully cruel. I told him that he was an idiot if he thought I was his personal fix-it-up project. Why did I say that? Why? He was only trying to help.
Stay away from him.
I should do that. I should remove myself from his life. He was doing just fine before I inserted myself into it and fucked it up. But… he said to come to him if I was feeling like this. Maybe I should. What else do I have to lose? Cognitive distortions are a nightmare. Maybe this is just one of them?
Don’t bother him with this.
By now, the shadows had risen from the walls and floor and were snaking their way up Anxiety’s hoodie, nestled into the folds. The boy still didn’t notice, too engaged in his own self-loathing. If he didn’t know that there was a battle to win, then how could he possibly attempt to ward the shadows off?
Who am I kidding? He wouldn’t care. He doesn’t need to know about my problems. He doesn’t need to know how much I hate myself. He doesn’t care. He never cared. It was just my own delusions fuelling my dumb, misplaced hope. Logic probably thinks I’m a waste of his time. Because isn’t that all I’ve done – waste his time? But I still want to see him. I want him to tell me it’ll be alright. Maybe-
Stop causing him pain.
The black mass creeped its way across Anxiety’s skin, encircling it and holding on. Now it completely surrounded him, making him unable to see anything else. Of course, he realised what was happening now. He just… couldn’t bring himself to care.
I should. I should stop bothering him entirely. My problems aren’t his. The only reason he’s kept me around this long is because he pities me. He pities my miserable existence and knows that I’m lonely. I am designed to cause pain. No wonder he hates me. I drive people away.
You always do.
Isn’t that the truth? All I do is force them all to hate me. I am negativity in its purest form. No wonder they can’t stand me. No wonder they want me gone.
Surrender to me.
I… I should. No one would notice if I was gone. No one would care. It’d be better if I let the shadows overtake me. It’s not like I’m doing anything good as myself, anyway.
The darkness was so thick now that he couldn’t possibly hear the panicked shouts from outside his bubble of shadow. He missed Logan summoning Prince and Morality, and the three of them desperately trying to fight their way through to Anxiety.
Let go.
I… but Logan. And Roman and Patton. I don’t want to leave them.
They don’t care. Especially Logic. He hates you. He told me.
He… he did? But he said-
He was lying. Now stop fighting me. You’re weak, you can’t possibly fight off the inevitable. Why try?
Because I- I don’t know… I… Tell them I’m sorry.
And just like that, the shadows fell away completely, draining into the crevices of the room, revealing Prince holding his sword and the others surrounding the place where the shadows once were. The night had been a long one, but it seemed morning had come just in time, for the rays burned the remaining black goop.
Now that that was over, Anxiety was safe.
“Where is he?!” Logan yelled.
Instead of the side, there was a black hoodie on the ground, empty as can be.
Tag List:
@@imin-loveanon @art3misisblogging @black-flower-crowns @otpislife2002 @prinxiety-logality-sanders-sides @meginoi @killerfangirl3 @tahneetalks @sanderscribbles @princeyandanxiety @321angst @andy-the-anon @taki-random @gravitygallifreyfalls @idk-and-idc-and-idr @obviouslyelementary @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @justaweirdowithspooks @mira-jadeamethyst @cosmic-melodies @i-am-me-i-am-sam
(reblog/reply this post if you want to be tagged (link on italics))
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weed-hotel · 7 years
welp i got tagged by apollo slimeman @sunshinegoths and I Love Oversharing (even tho i dont even have an abt page lmao)
nicknames: i dont rly have any..... apollo calls me srinivasan bc i like to go by my last name bc Names Suck. my family calls me like silvertunes or silverbells
gender: nah
star sign: virgo not that anyone couldnt tell
height: like 5′7
time: 10:55 according to my laptop but thats wrong its actually 10:48. around when im finishing this its like 11:07
birthday: september 20 i just turned 17
favorite bands: idk like. pvris and fob probably i have rly garbage music taste
favorite solo artists: hozier... i cant remember any more. also porter robinson.
song stuck in my head: i dont have a song stuck in my head rn but. not to sound like A Kpop. all of yesterday i had pretty boy stuck in my head bc of apollo but i dont actually know the song so i just had the “PRETTY BOY” part running thru my head for like. hours. screw u apollo
last movie i watched: i started carol? but i was high and didnt have the attention span for it. last full movie was probably... it (2017)? maybe
last show i watched: master chef. or unhhhh depending on whether one counts Internet Shows.
when did i create my blog: i created it like 2013 or some shit but i didnt use it until like late 2015 maybe 2016
what do i post about: garbage?? idk man lesbian stuff/aesthetic/foxhole court/literally whatever i want this Is My Kingdom
last thing i googled: ...air quality + the ca fires tbh but also ronald reagan bc i wanted to see when he died and if it was painful
do i have any other blogs: nah i barely know how this website works tbh. i think at one point i was gonna make an aes sideblog but then i just stopped caring abt what goes on my main
do i get asks: nah. yall can feel free to but i just. dont very often
why i chose my url: its a quote from jean cocteau’s la belle et la bête (1946). its part of the commands one (belle, in the scene) uses to control la bêtes magic horse. his name is la magnifique.
following: 36
followers: 45
average hours of sleep: honestly like 8-11 and yet im still completely exhausted and low energy all the time so thats cool
favorite number: dont rly have one. maybe 9. its divisible and shit also i think my brother hated that number when he was younger so like. thats a bonus
instruments: used to play cello and that was awesome but i quit idr why. i also sing but i have kind of a shit range so i cant really do anything
what am i wearing: black jeans black tank top and a sweatshirt i stole from my moms boyfriend steve
dream job: i dont really know but tbh i was born white + upper middle class in america to educated parents so i mostly just want to use all that lottery of birth shit to help people. gonna do poli sci in college and hopefully will go to law school
dream trip: ive been vaguely planning (who knows if it will happen) a europe trip for a while. i rly want to start in eastern europe and do kind of a wwii based tour type thing but like. thats expensive as hell and my mom wont let me travel alone. not to be That Guy but my mom and her friend own a house in france + it looks like we might go next summer so that would be cool. also then i could drag apollo and we could Travel Europe like its the damn 1920s and we’re displaced ex pat writers and debutantes struggling to reconcile the atrocity of war with the infinite opportunity of youth
favorite food: ??? no idea it changes all the damn time. i lw really love low quality instant mac and cheese tho. like kraft or some shit
nationality: american. im p much the whitest person on earth too
favorite song right now: idk. i keep listening to we all float down here by four year strong and bodybag by hit the lights but i dont actually like/listen to those bands. also arsonists lullaby by hozier + shelter and years of war by porter robinson. oh i forgot him earlier im gonna add him to the solo artists question. also also whats it gonna be by shura
fuck me this got long. i dont really have anyone to tag but like. if we’re mutuals and u want to Overshare as well feel free to say i tagged u.
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syua · 7 years
92 qs tag + 30 qs tag!
tagged by @soonsyoung and @y0ungmins for each of these !!!! thank u
/first game/
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (its?? not?? 92 questions??? lol)
drink: bai peach juice
phone call: idr probably my mom?
text message: i’m about to leave home & have dinner with ryan downtown
song you listened to: uhhhh ive been listening to youtube videos all day but maybe vibrato by stellar
time you cried: uhh i think i cried out of pain when i came home from getting my wisdom teeth out friday or if not i def cried cos my sunburn hurt so much like a week ago
date someone twice: no
kissed someone and regretted it: ehhhgfhghhhh 
been cheated on: i mean not that i’m aware of but that’s not always something ur made aware of u know.
lost someone special: lost like died? no but if like lost contact then yes lol
been depressed: yes son
gotten drunk and thrown up: no ive never thrown up from alcohol hhhaha 
12. yellow
13. pink
14. black
15. made friends: ummmm closeish lasting irl friends? no…
16. fallen out of love: thats uh
17. laughed until you cried: i can’t remember a particular time but probs lol??
18. found out someone was talking about you: not that i can think of? no one knows me they wouldn’t have anything to say lol
19. met someone who changed you: guess nottt
20. found out who your friends are: ?? not to repeat myself but i don’t have any
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: i don’t haaave one
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: again lol don’t have one
23. do you have any pets: a dog (ginny) & a cat (phoebe)
24. do you want to change your name: yeah i never liked my name i always wanted to be named austin???
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm took a final moved out of my dorm and bought myself chinese takeout
26. what time did you wake up: 1pm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was just laying in bed watching buzzfeed unsolved over and over
28. name something you can’t wait for: when my mouth doesn’t HURT 24/7 and i can chew anything
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 3 hours ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i didn’t give up art after high school & i actually tried to get into art schools?
31. what are you listening to right now: still youtube in the background
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uhmmm i think
33. something that is getting on your nerves: everything really
34. most visited website: tumblr or youtube
35-37. well these questions dont exist apparently
38. hair color: blonde
39. long or short hair: longg i wish my hair was longer rn
40. do you have a crush on someone: i guesss
41. what do you like about yourself: ?
42. piercings: just one in each ear but i want more
43. blood type: noo idea
44. nickname: none
45. relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: taurus
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones BUT i haven’t watched the start of s7 yet so shhh
49. tattoos: none but im trying to get one if i can get my shit together before school
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: wisdom teeth just friday like i mentioned;;
52. piercing: u already asssked
53. sport: none man
54. vacation: ?last vacation favorite vacation??? i just went to st augustine florida w my family but my best trip ever was suzhou/shanghai/beijing at the beginning of the summer
55. pair of trainers: what about them??? i never wear sneakers
56. eating: nothinnn the last thing i had was ice cream since that’s 50% of my diet in the last week (the other 50% is mac n cheese)
57. drinking: water
58. I’m about to: maybe sleep lol
59. waiting for: once again just until im not in pain
60. want to: literally nothing just lay in bed
61. get married: probabbbly
62. career: ?? art director or maybe something like front of house manager in a theatre or something in film production or ui eng
63. hugs or kisses: hugs
64. lips or eyes: eyes
65. shorter or taller: tall but most ppl are taller than me lol
66. older or younger: uhhh i guess either as long as it’s within a couple years of me, tho since im 18 right now i guess not younger. i guess for guys it would always be older but i. dont think i want to date guys
67. nice arms or nice stomach: well for ME i have neither and i would prefer to magically gain a nice stomach so
68. hook up or relationship: relationship
69. troublemaker or hesitant: ??? i don’t like loud annoying people so hesitant
70. kissed a stranger: no
71. drank hard liquor: yes
72. lost glasses/contact lenses: no ive never had them lol
73. turned someone down: yes
74. sex on the first date: excuse u im 12
75. broken someone’s hear: i don’t think so ive never been the one doing the breaking up so
76. had your heart broken: i dunno that’s a strong phrase
77. been arrested: nope
78. cried when someone died: not that i remember
79. fallen for a friend: yes
80. yourself: ehhhhhhghfhhhhh
81. miracles: no
82. love at first sight: it’s a strong no from me
83. santa claus: i wysh
84. kiss on the first date: sure
85. angels: no
86-89. there were no questions asked…
90. current best friend’s name: current What
91. eye color: blue green
92. favorite movie: the fall or only god forgives
/neeeext game/
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nicknames: noneee
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: taurus
4. Height: 5'1″ / 157cm
5. Time: 7:37pm
6. Birthday: may 4
7. Favorite Bands/Groups: uhhm for kpop it’s svt, omg, loona, wjsn, etc... english it’s brand new, bad suns, stop light observations
8. Favorite solo artists: suran, heize, dean, childish gambino, hyuna, bruno mars
9. Song stuck in my head: vibrato by stellar 
10. Last movie watched: uhhhh i think i watched like half of the grand budapest hotel lol
11. Last show watched: game of thrones (tho once again not the 7th season yet lol)
12. When did i create my blog: this acct is just about to be a year old but my first one was from probably summer 2012 or 11
13. What do I post: nothin exciting, kpop + whatever pictures i like
14. Last thing googled: “red velvet red flavor” idr what i was looking for tho lol??
15. Do you have other blogs?:  too manyyy orz
16. Do you get asks?: yahuhh some
17. Why did u choose your url?: i just wanted smth short like i was surprised this wasn’t taken less than a year ago hhhu
18. Following: ~120
19. Followers: an amount;;
20. Favorite colors: yelloooow, pink, black, plus lately i like red more
21. Average hours of sleep: in the summer like 12-14 a day ha
22. Lucky number: 27
23. Instruments: nooone
24. What am I wearing: tshirt and boxers the only thing i ever wear
25. How many blankets I sleep with: just 1 comforter (+ the fan on tho)
26. Dream job: answered in the other game^^
27. Dream trip: baaack to suzhou
28. Favorite food(s): steak, shrimp, mac n cheese, red velvet cake, smoothies
29. Nationality:  american
30. Favorite song now: uhhh i’ve been listening to 1+1=0 by suran and that’s what i like by bruno mars a lot. all time favs r wishing well by blink 182, jude law and a semester abroad by brand new, and shark attack by grouplove
okiee that’s more than u ever wanted to know about me!!! tagging anyone who read this far cause this was really far so u yes u i tag u
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perfectkimjongin · 7 years
20 Questions
Shout out @biaswreckers-inc for tagging me~
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag some followers
Nicknames: My family calls me Nic or Nicky but pls no one else call me that lmao
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 5′7
Orientation: I am attracted to men
Nationality: American, but my father is Polish and my mother is Italian
Favorite Fruit: Oranges
Favorite Season: Summer and Fall
Favorite Book: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Favorite Flower: Tulips
Favorite Scent: Gasoline lol
Favorite Animal: Sharks
Favorite Color: Red, black, gray, white
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?: COFFEE
Average Sleep Hours: 8+
Cat or Dog: Dogs make me nervous but on my good days I like to play with them, regardless of my feelings there is no doubt that dogs are the superior pet
Favorite Fictional Character: Light Yagami, Cristina Yang, Dexter Morgan, Frank Underwood
# of Blankets: Um..like, how many blankets I sleep with at night? 4
Dream Trip: Specifically, London and Paris. More broad, I love art history and would love to travel around Europe to see some of arts greatest. It would be nice to go to the vatican and see paintings like School of Athens and The Creation of Adam.
Blog Created: I think like June 3rd of this year?
Favorite song at the moment: Blem by Drake
Number of followers: 33, I’m a new blog pls cut me some slack
favourite bands: Dance Gavin Dance, Beartooth, Exo (besides kpop I listen to a lot of post-hardcore/metalcore bands)
favourite solo artists: Logic, Drake, Vinnie Paz, RA the Rugged Man (more than anything I listen to rap/hip hop, and I especially love underground rap)
song stuck in my head: Blem by Drake lmao
last movie i watched: I haven’t watched a movie in mad long tbh
last tv show i watched: Orange is the New Black
what stuff do you post: This is my kpop blog, I also have another blog where I post about fashion and luxury.
when did you blog reach its peak: Years ago I used to blog about the post-hardcore bands, I would make edits and it was pretty much my life lol
do you have any other blogs: Fashion/luxury @88nycx lmao peep that Jongin reference in my url
do you get asks regularly: Nah
why did you choose your url: Because Kim Jongin is perfect 
following: 191, but tbh I constantly follow people so that number is ever growing. If you blog about my boys I will follow you pretty much.
posts: 931
hogwarts house: I’ve never taken that long ass quiz that tells you your house but I’ve always identified with Ravenclaw lol
pokemon team: Idr the team I joined tbh I was the red one I think
lucky numbers: I dead ass don’t know what this means so I’m just going to say 88
what are you wearing right now: Pajamas because I’ve literally been babysitting my niece all day and have not left the house
dream job: Producer, rapper (lol), Lawyer, Homicide detective, Surgeon
I’m tagging @xiuminscheeks and @achenlove have fun yall peace love and kim jongin bye
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