#its been... 20000 years.....
gay-for-stanford · 7 months
was thinking about Nemo and Aronnax today
(that’s it thats the whole post)
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lokigodofaces · 2 years
being an american on here is wild because i keep seeing posts from other americans that describe things they've experienced and say that it is universal among americans and it'll be stuff i've either never heard of or know for a fact isn't true. maybe it's pretty common in your state or the states surrounding you, but there's so much stuff i see that i can not relate to whatsoever, and i've never left the states.
#liv won't shut up#i saw something about insurance today#said that optometry is never covered by health insurance#& i'm sitting here like dude the insurance my dad gets from work benefits (so it's not the best in a lot of ways) has covered our optometry#costs for 3 people for years. & actually idk the specifics but it seems like its not that bad of a plan. we usually buy more than a years#supply of contacts for me (only like a month more) and our insurance covers pretty much all the costs. i have to choose contacts or glasses#every year but my prescription has been very stable so i only have to get new glasses if they're damaged beyond repair#again it's not my insurance i'm covered by my parents & they dont tell me all the details so idk how much theyre paying for it. might be a#lot & we're doing it bc it's one of my dads benefits. but any way the point is that so many americans will say things like every single#person living in america understands & 90% of the time i have no frickin clue what they're on about or i have experienced the exact opposit#it's just interesting that this happens. & it happens all the time. 'all american schools require learning another language' no the frick#they do not. lots do (and this may be a state requirement thing wouldnt be surprised) but not all. wasnt required for me it was just highly#encouraged & i got a different type of diploma for my world lang classes (my hs had a few types of diplomas based on different classes/#grades/etc idk if thats a common thing or not). another good example are train posts actually. i can tell theres a divide between beliefs#on trains based on state & thats bc public transportation is not as feasible in some states. i've spent a good portion of my life living in#small towns or visiting small towns (family) & yeah public transportation in middle of nowhere wyoming and middle of nowhere idaho is a lot#less feasible than the east coast. those are places of vast nothingness other than a few towns every once in a while never exceeding 20000#(ID) or 500 (WY). & even in larger towns it seems like a lot of western states are more spread out. so a subway or other train isnt very#helpful (unless you want to do long distance trains then those could maybe work the issue is that costs money & idk if itd be used enough#to make it worth it for a gov/actually work well) & this is more of a rural/urban issue but that aligns with states as well in a lot of way#oh another one is about facs classes. so in a lot of places facs is being defunded or removed from curriculum. same with arts classes. &#this is becoming a problem in many places! but when ppl are like 'these classes are being taken away everywhere in america' i just sit#there thinking about my state requiring facs in middlie & high school (i believe but things could have changed) plus i had to take like 3#semesters of art (idk if thats state or school or district required) & thereve been talks of raising that requirement. & they add more opt#every year. i was helping my younger brother with his schedule & theres all sorts of stuff that wasnt there before. he has way more options#to fulfill that requirement than i did. & i'm not saying that this isnt a problem it is a problem most places but every state has different#legislation on this so for now at least lots of schools are required to have these classes. & i've probably lost my point by now but it is#odd that i see this so often. that most of posts about america i see are different from what i've experienced. idk maybe the states i've#lived in are weird but youd think that this wouldnt happen to me a lot would you? like sometimes yeah but this happens a lot.#my guess is that a lot of these things are very true if you talk about a specific region or state. but then ppl assume its an american
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our-lady-of-mcr · 26 days
jesus fucking christ yet again when will i learn my lesson to stop asking reddit for advice
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ayr0b0t · 3 months
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googiekitsch · 6 months
i saw someone in a post i made about wdw parks history lamenting the 20000 leagues under the sea ride that closed down and i have GREAT news i have been WAITING for a chance to talk about this
i would love 2 take this chance to bring to the wider public's attention TOKYO DISNEYSEA, aka the best disney park objectively- at this park, they actually have a modern incarnation of 20k leagues but updated with a lot of very clever engineering tricks and a gorgeous steampunk-adjacent aesthetic but one with a lot more whimsy. its aesthetically a lot like the tommorrowland at disneyland paris, actually
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they even have the kraken still in there! updated to seem a lot more visually menacing. i believe the eye on it even moves!
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and hey you know how 20k leagues in its original incarnation had a lot of issues with people finding the design of the subs claustrophobic since the seating was so cramped? that's been updated too! you can clearly see that this ride vehicle was designed with the comfort of larger groups in mind, while also still feeling like its a rusty old submarine.
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ok this is cool right. like surely thats cool on its own-
yeah no this ride is also connected to a journey to the center of the earth ride. and not a dark ride either this thing is almost comparable to a roller coaster combined with a dark ride. its a really unique ride system.
also the ride itself is built into a volcano structure with a beautiful waterfront in front of it (beautiful waterfronts are disneyseas whole thing actually)
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ALSO the ride is really notable for having this GIANT CREATURE ANIMATRONIC in there thats REALLY reminiscent of the alien encounter animatronic! (or at least the documented records of it)
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and the coolest thing is the entire park is brimming with this amount of creativity. you see, disney doesnt actually own the tokyo resort. they dont have complete control that they do over, say, the orlando resort. the oriental land company owns it because they own the land it was built on. so instead of disney mandating them to put certain things in, they license their properties to them. i assume that because disneys grip is a lot more loose on this park, the designers are able to take a lot more creative liberties and experiment with this sort of stuff (not entirely sure on that, but given just how different this park feels from anything else disneys ever made i can only assume that'd be the case. if anyone knows any other details on how this park turned out like it did aside from this, lmk!)
like, even the areas that are licensed have very creative things going on with them - look at this little mermaid area thats designed to resemble the architecture of the castle from the film
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and even the area for the toy story ride is gorgeous, its designed to resemble coney island era carnival boardwalks!
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this whole park is so fascinating to me because its very evident that the designers for this park repurposed a lot of the concepts they never got to make. even the parks name is a reference to a cancelled west gate to disneyland called disneysea, which is, like the one in tokyo, a sea/maritime themed park. and even outside of that, if youre at all familiar with disney history you can clearly tell which cancelled projects the designer of this park were inspired by!
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this is concept work of the og disneyland disneysea^
i dunno, this whole park has captivated me a lot when i was younger because its like a bunch of these crazy passion projects the engineers were rooting for for years that only existed within concept art finally brought to life after years, maybe decades. ive always found it really beautiful that the creative team behind these parks found a way to make their ideas truly work in a park. i think its a shame that more disney park history enthusiasts straight up do not know that this park exists just because it's not one of the US resorts since those always get all of the attention in discussions of wdw history. hopefully this post can change that!
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astroids you should check out in Solar Return chart part 2
Loves, ik it's been FOREVER since i last wrote a SR asteroids post. Truth is, i find not many asteroids have got a meaning which fits the specific of SR charts. My apologies😭😭
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💸Asteroid Erben (40106) - "to inherit" (its meaning comes from German)
Having asteroid Erben (40106) prominent in SR chart indicates a year when you're gonna inherit money. Whether it's from one of your parents, your spouse or somebody else, only the chart will tell (but of course, for additional info always compare it to your Natal chart!)
If it conjuncts your personal planets in 4th/10th house, you're going to inherit money from either your mom or dad. Erben in 4th house conjuncting one of your planets also talks about inheriting a living property, like a house or an apartament
If it conjuncts your personal planets in 7th house, you're going to inherit money from your spouse. Unless Pluto, the 8th house or prominent death asteroids are also involved (will talk more abt them later), the money is highly likely going to come from a divorce
If it conjuncts Mars/planets in 3rd house, you're going to inherit a car, while if it conjuncts Uranus/planets in 11th house, you're going to inherit a plane (please let me play with it) or tech gadgets
If it conjuncts Jupiter/planets in 2nd house, expect a red warning of heavy cash rain☔💵
(For additional information check: death asteroids - Anubis (1912), Atropos (273), Grieve (4451), Rip (7711); name asteroids of the important people in your life; asteroid Split(12512) in case of divorce)
🏆Asteroid Nobel (6032) - named after Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, businessman and philanthropist
Having asteroid Nobel (6032) prominent in SR chart indicates a year when you're going to receive an important distinction, award, or maybe even the Nobel itself!
The domain you might receive this award correlates with the planets, North Node and the houses they're in
If it conjuncts Venus, you might be awarded in the fashion industry/beauty industry or in the arts field
If it conjuncts Mars, you might be awarded in sports (especially at violent and competitive sports like karate, box, weightlifting or cars racing) or in the military field
(This is for my STEM peeps) If asteroid Nobel is located in your SR 11th house and is ruled by Virgo, you might win an award/Nobel in physics! In this case, the planet (or even NN) that is conjuncting asteroid Nobel isn't as important as the house and its ruler
Albert Einstein had Nobel conjuncting his North Node in 11th house in 1922 when he received his physics Nobel. And guess what its ruler was...u guessed it♍
(For additional information check: fame asteroids - Fama (408), Varuna (20000), Zdislava (4275); asteroid Einstein (2001) if you've got a passion for physics)
⚔️ Asteroid Hedda (207) - "war/battle" (girl name of Germanic origin)
Having asteroid Hedda (207) prominent in SR chart indicates a year when you're going to be in frequent conflicts with various people and entities, depending on the planet it conjuncts. Your relationship with parents, siblings, friends, lover/spouse, co-workers, public institutions (universities, government etc.), mentors/teachers is at risk if this asteroid is involved
If it conjuncts Moon in 7th house, you're going to be in constant conflict with your mother regarding your romantic relationship. She might not approve of your partner, even though you two love each other💔
If it conjuncts Saturn in 9th house, you're going to be in constant conflict either with your father regarding college (you might want to study literature, but he wants you to become a doctor) or with an university's teacher (he might grade you poorly for no reason when you know you studied all the material)
(For additional information check: victory asteroids (in case you're gonna win these conflicts) - Champion (8732), TRIUMF (14959), Victoria (12); name asteroids of the important people in your life; abuse asteroids (if you got these, i'd suggest you to walk away from that relationship completely) - Adrastaeia (239), Astraea (5), Dejanira (157), Nemesis (128), Nessus (7066))
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Take it easy today, don't forget to take some time for yourself and do something you love! Hope you enjoyed!🤍
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txttletale · 2 months
What are your thoughts (lorewise) on Warhammer fantasy so far and what's your favorite faction
i love skaven. ive been a skaven fan for like 20000 years ever since i briefly played actual tabletop. they're just funny little guys :)
when warhammer is good it's because it's embracing its original 80s gonzo spirit of 'just throw any old pop cultuire shit in there and figure it out later' -- i love how the skaven are, like, cartoon mad scientists with nuclear power and genetic engineering and also stupid rats who love scheming and betrayal anbd they waltz around with giant fucking flesh monsters and gatling guns and Combat Hamster Wheels. ther'es other stuff in this vein that's good too: orcs being english football hooligans is never going to stop delighting me, the tomb kings are a really cool concept, the vampire pirates (as far as i'm aware a CA invention?) are so fucking goofy and they rule so so hard.
overall though there's al ot of really really uncomfortable undertones to the world of warhammer fantasy. first of all there is the straight up racist shit, i love the lizardmen (i am currently deep into a mazdamundi campaign) and some of their lore is really interesting and in some ways avoids some of the common pitfalls of 'fantasy indigenous peoples'--it's made very clear they are an advanced society, technologically and socially complex, with a rich culture and history. but the lazy aping and blending of half-remembered maya/aztec aesthetics and the '''''funny''''' joke names they have and the fact that they are ancient and mystical and Not Of This Age just adds up to them being a really racist caricature of mesoamerican societies.
also WHF leans really really really hard into the biological determinism stuff. i love the skaven but the fact that they're a rapidly breeding menace that secretly infiltrates your cities and kidnaps people and gorge themselves on resources and have an Evil Religion and are As A Race predisposed to treachery and viciousness and are depicted as literal vermin brings to mind yknow the place all these tropes hold in the racist and antisemitic cultural imaginary and it definitely makes me kind of uncomfortable. i think the same can be said of the (also straight-up racist) depiction of beastmen as Tribes and Hordes that are very literally More Animal Than Human. like, there's so much of That Shit, of X Race are Biologically Fundamentally Like This, and the Like This often happens to coincide with a constellation of tropes used to demonize and justify the extermination of real people, and i really hate That Shit.
i also find the (also quite typical of fantasy) Order (Good) and Chaos (Evil) moral distinction to be pretty ideologically repugnant
so overall, yknow. mixed feelings innit. that said i'm having an absolute blast with TWWH2 this shit rules im driving my big dinosaur around and eating mother fuckers
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zonnemaagd · 4 months
Phei of the Wind | Draft 3 Complete
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Hiya all~ It's been a while, but today I've finished the third draft of my fantasy novel Phei of the Wind. As many of you know I've been working on this novel for more than twelve years now, and this is the most definitive version I've ever made. It's still going to be revised and worked upon, of course, but most story beats have now been completed. It's composed of 29 chapters with a hefty 109000 words. I'm writing my thesis this semester, and I realised that I was so close to finishing that I couldn't think about anything else. So I went burn-out mode and wrote some 20000 words these two weeks, and now while I'm sitting in my eco-literature class (which is very interesting but my brain is too obsessed to stop writing), I've typed up the last few words.
So for those who have somehow missed me talking about this, it's a story about Phei, a halfling-harpy who lives in a world above the clouds. She is a priestess of sorts, and she notices that the world is slowly growing pale and empty. When she learns of a possible cause she runs away to the world below the clouds, the world where her people exiled themselves from. There she travels across the lands, figuring out not just what's happening to the world, but what happened to her people as well while meeting a cast of eccentric characters.
As in regards to the third draft, the biggest change is the endpoint. The previous draft ended at a point that made sense for a single novel, but would require another novel to tell the whole story. This new draft doesn't stop there. I shuffled around a lot of things and added some 40k words after that point. I wanted Phei's story to be composed of one big book. It doesn't mean that don't want to tell other stories in this world, but Phei's story is done when this book is done.
So what's next? I'm going to go through the entire book once, since I have a pile of notes that I thought of when writing this draft. And then I want to send the book out to a handful of beta readers. I'll send a post out for that tonight or tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested in that!
And lastly I'd like to thank you all for your nice comments and support! Every time someone commented something nice about the story it kept me going, so I think it may have taken a lot longer without all of you. <3
I'll leave you with a snippet (picking something that has no spoilers was haaaard), and hope you will all have a wonderful day!
The wind causes Phei to lose her grip on time. Hours blow past as Phei glides, effortless. She knows of birds being able to sleep in the sky, and wonders if her people used to glide in their sleep too. Her dream quickly fades when she dashes to the right again, a sliver of upwards current catching her attention. Agile, yet absent-minded, she crosses past the forests until she can see the sands of Iekin edge towards the mountains, there where the narrow peaks and pillars of Sunde come into view. Without the stormy clouds Phei is able to take in the mountain in its entirety. It is a lonely mountain, imprisoned by the hundreds of spikes surrounding it. The evening sun shines over it, making the golden chains draping down all around the mountain glitter in sinful light. Glistering like that, Phei imagines the mountain as almost peaceful. It shows no sign of the great horrors that have been committed at its feet. It is like a passive observer, nothing more, nothing less.
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beesmygod · 8 months
oh, so. there's this story thats semi-local to my hometown that ive been keeping up on via the reno subreddit. ive been gawking at it from afar in wonder bc i didnt know people could make this many bad decisions on purpose.
joey gilbert was a boxer who was forced to retire bc he's a cheating bitch who was roiding up and doing meth before fights. the list of drugs in his system would scatter an average human's atoms like dust.
as a shining example of the kind of education i paid for: joey gilbert graduated from my alma mater, UNR, with an english degree and then passed the nevada bar using a law degree gained from a diploma mill that is no longer accredited. so now gilbert practices law. this is the advertisement that greets you when you get off the plane at reno/tahoe airport.
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every time i see this i want to laugh my ass off. the vague use of meme formatting even though he doesn't understand the conventions of an impact font meme. he has the dead doll eyes described by clint in jaws. he looks like if lowtax attended his own funeral. there's no phone number or website. google me bitch.
anyway, that's not the point. gilbert evidently fried what was left of his tenderized boxer brain with speed and has tried to fashion himself as the VIP in douglas county/vegas conservative circles. i guess he fits right in because they willingly embraced him. he was at the jan 6 riot and will loudly espouse basically any belief as long as hes getting paid. he tried to run for gov and lost the primary by over 20k votes. somehow he claims this is election fraud. he has yet to explain the mechanisms that would explain how douglas county and its republican chapter manufactured over 20000 votes for a republican primary without anyone noticing during a time when election fraud is a hot button topic, all because they feared that the guy they test research chemicals on was a legitimate threat.
hold up my bad. actually gilbert says HE won by over 50000 and the city of las vegas is suppressing the results. his case was thrown out and he was fined 88k for wasting everyone's time.
okay now: in july of 2023 (insane link btw lol. they keep saying shit like "yeah i did that. problem, bitch?",) the conservative douglas county board of trustees had a bitch fit over their lawyer, who has been in the position for over 20 years, for refusing to enforce a transgender sports ban. in an act of retaliation he was fired by a narrow vote and replaced with........
pros of this exchange:
cons of this exchange: he costs more, has no formal law education, the ACLU is going to rip them a new hole, its now october and he has charged the school district an eye-watering 100k in two months. the previous firm charged 18k a month.
in response, the board of trustees is convening in order to fire......the superintendent who has been in the position for 30 years bc he was against gilbert from the start.
nevada is so dedicated to being number 50 in the nation. its honestly heartwarming to think that even the dumbest, toothless hick can make it there by simply lying nonstop. thats the american way, baby!
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brightlotusmoon · 7 months
(9) Question
Cannabis is probably the least toxic therapeutically active substance known to man. Its Therapeutic Ratio (TR) is so high as to be virtually impossible to calculate but is believed to be between 1:20000 and 1:40000. Thus if 100mg of cannabis would produce an effect, between two to four kilos (taken at once) would be fatal. This amount is, of course, impossible to consume.
Therapeutic Ratio (TR) is the ratio of effective dose for 50% of users (ED50) to lethal dose for 50% of users (LD50). The TR of alcohol is 1:20. TR of heroin is 1:5.
Also, cannabis works on our body because it modulates the endocannabinoid system which consists of a network of CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body and endocannabinoids which are the body’s natural chemicals equivalent to the chemicals in the cannabis plant. The CB1 receptor is now believed to be the most prevalent receptor in the brain but does not exist in the brain stem which controls the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. This is why, unlike opiates, alcohol or other drugs, cannabis cannot depress basic life functions to the point of death.
Many doctors are unaware of the endcocannabinoid system because it was only discovered in 1988 and so has only recently been documented in medical education. It is now believed to be the most important physiological system in our body, regulating the central nervous system, immune, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems. This is why mankind has found cannabis such a safe and effective medicine for at least 5,000 years for such a wide variety of conditions.
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mjfsupremacy · 6 months
TW: This post talks about the current conflict in Palestine and mentions loss of life. Please look after yourself and proceed with caution. 🧡
MJF's silence in regards to the genocide has been bothering me for the last few weeks and I'm growing more and more concerned that he may be in support of the removal of Palestine and its people.
He has been unapologetically vocal about his Jewish beliefs and heritage for years but recently it's felt like it's been more frequent and I wonder if this is his way of showing his support to Israel or if he maybe hasn't considered the optics of doing all this, standing beside an Israeli flag to recieve rightfully deserved honours, but saying nothing about what that flag actually represents (the murder of nearly 20000 people and the oppression of millions just in the last 2 months.)
He's an amazing advocate for the Jewish community, and he deserves all this recognition, and I'm sure people much smarter than me have spoken about how fair it is to expect rules on how Jewish people navigate their faith online, but does anyone else think the timing is a bit strange? I don't know about anyone else, but I will never be able to separate the art from the artist and I can't support someone who thinks what is happening to Palestinians is or ever has been okay. I really hope I'm just reading all this wrong.
Maybe I've missed something and this isn't the red flag my gut is telling me it is, if I have please feel free to educate me and I will update this post with any and all relevant information.
Please consider boycotting Starbucks, McDonald's, Zara, and Disney. Please consider calling your representatives to demand and end to arms sales, a permanent ceasefire, and a return of all hostages, and if it is safe to do so, please get to the next rally in your local area. Our voices matter,and we can make a difference. We just have to try. 🍉
EDIT: I would like to add, though I am not American that there has been a 300% rise in antisemitic hate crimes since Oct 7 and this could very well be a reason Max has chosen not to speak on the genocide. As always, hate of any kind is not welcome on this page, especially antisemitism. We can be critical and discuss this issue without resulting to hate speech!
EDIT #2: it's okay to feel confused and scared and conflicted about this issue. Jewish people and Muslim people deserve our love and support right now. If you would like to talk or would like further information to better educate yourself on the Nekba, on the original Israeli solution, and how the UN and America and the UK came to create it, and what's happening now, please feel free to reach out anytime.
EDIT #3: I want to reiterate that I am not accusing Max of anything, I am airing my concerns and my confusions and feelings. Again, I understand that this is a complicated issue but we all have a responsibility to do the best we can and stand up for humanity whenever we can.
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deancasbigbang · 9 months
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Title: Then Till Now
Author: silver_penny
Artist: spiffyflypie
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, Dean & Sam, Dean & Charlie, Cas & Anna, Cas & Claire
Length: 20000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: 17776 AU, human/nonhuman relationship, alien invasion, happy ending, dialogue-heavy, rocketry
Posting Date: November 1, 2023
Summary: It's the year 17776, and Dean Winchester is used to the peace. Humanity has stabilized the climate, vanquished world hunger, and achieved equitable global co-operation. Nanobots swoop down to heal every little paper cut, and if no one is born anymore, well, no one dies either. When the Cassini-Huygens space probe crashes into his life – newly conscious, bluntly sarcastic, and deeply skeptical of humanity's late triumph – it's the most interesting thing to have happened to Dean in millennia. But out in deep space, something truly interesting is stirring...
Excerpt: Bobby’s wrong about the house – it’s not too big, not for Sioux Falls and especially not for their family – but when he opens the door and the creak echoes out into a cavernous empty space, it kind of feels that way. Dean ends up in the Deancave, curling up in the best seat and summoning up something old and a little mindless to watch. Hello.  It’s the first thing he’s heard in hours, and for a moment Dean doesn’t even recognize it as another person. But it lingers, the way real environmental sounds do. Dean mutes the TV. “Hello?”  Yes.  Dean bites his lip. “Hello, yeah. You okay?”  I’m not sure.  “Alright. What’s up? Can I help?”  I am unsure if that is something you are capable of doing.  Dean blinks. “Okay. You just soliciting or something? Sorry, man, not interested.”  I am not...soliciting.  “Okay?”  I have no interest in solicitation.  “So any reason you decided to barge into my evening, then? If you don’t need anything, you don’t want anything...”  I am talking to you on the advice of my brother.  “Who’s your brother?”  Pioneer G.  Dean blinks again and then slowly sets his remote control back down. “The – the space probe? Pioneer G?”  He likes to be called Gabriel.  Of course he does. “You’re talking to me from space?” There’s a very long pause. Yes. “Huh.”  I don’t know where else I would be talking from.  “Yeah,” Dean says, “of course not.”  You are also talking to me from space.  “From Earth,” Dean says absently. “Not quite the same thing.” There had been, of course, probes on the news. How humanity built something that, millennia later, could wake up like that, for lack of a better term...that was still a mystery. The scientists were all over it, of course, but maybe a little less urgently than they might have been, once upon a time. And now there was a spacecraft interrupting his show. Dean clears his throat. “So, um, any reason your brother thought I would be the best person for this conversation?”  He didn’t.  Now Dean squints at the ceiling. “You know, you’re not doing a great job answering my questions.” There’s a beat. Two beats.  My apologies. Gabriel requested that I “go find one of those humans to chat with if you want to talk so much.” You were in an optimal position.  “I am, huh?”  Yes.  “You mean, like...spatially? Cosmically?”  Your position on Earth is optimal for transmission at the current moment. Also I can see your television. Huh. “So who are you, then?” Dean asks. He kicks up his feet a bit and studies the ceiling, imagining the moon and stars that might show behind it, once the sun goes down. He racks his brains, but even back when the space program was at its height, it didn’t make top thousand on the Winchester priority list. “Hubble? Sputnik?” Sam would know more.  Cassini-Huygens. Dean catches his breath.
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
alright people. it's time for another edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats. this time, we're talking in-world campaign settings.
there have been a fair few that we've cycled through in the dome; some that we've come back to, and some that we haven't.
d20 campaign settings
in chronological order:
the world of teen adventurers; a combination of classic dnd cosmology and dungeon-delving with modern technology equivalents and a school system
seasons: fantasy high, fantasy high sophomore year, pirates of leviathan, the seven, fantasy high junior year
Lord of the Rings parody world, where evil reigns over the lands of gorgar
seasons: escape from the bloodkeep
Magic NYC/The Unsleeping City:
it's on the can--the magical side of New York, pretty parallel to our Earth
seasons: the unsleeping city, the unsleeping city chapter ii
Thimble Lane:
a normal neighborhood to the naked eye, but if you look a little closer, a world of tiny inhabitants blooms to life
seasons: tiny heist
a food-based medieval society with multiple nations, complex societal and religious dynamics, and a lot of magic, both free and forbidden
seasons: a crown of candy, the ravening war
Tufting Meadows:
an all animal community, whose local lord resides in loam hall. in the countryside of england
seasons: mice & murder
a british magic school that's recently opened its doors to a few american students
seasons: misfits & magic, misfits & magic holiday special
Bram University:
a university founded by bram stoker and dracula, where humans and monsters/cryptids coexist
seasons: shriek week
it's only ever called the galaxy, but it's home to the starstruck comics, play, and now a starstruck odyssey
seasons: a starstruck odyssey
set in the late 19th century, this is transylvania as ruled by the great count dracula
seasons: coffin run
Fey Realm:
a fantastical plane of magic and whimsy, home to many courts, including the court of wonder, the seelie and unseelie courts, the court of craft, the goblin court, the lords of the wing, and many others. connected to the material plane via portals.
seasons: a court of fey and flowers
a land of stories where people live their lives by the ink and pen of godlike authors, and archetypes rise amidst the tales
seasons: neverafter
Kelvorda & the Underworld:
a classic dnd world with exploration of the underworld and the after life
seasons: dungeons & drag queens
a city of noir archetypes and mysteries in the mind of elias hodge, a junior researcher at gobstopper industries
seasons: mentopolis
The Blue Forest:
a forest of nuclear fallout radiation, that's home to some 20000 magical, sapient stoats
seasons: burrow's end
now that we've gone through all of the d20 campaign settings, let's consider how tey could plausibly be connected. there's the one dimension theory by porkchopsensei on reddit from a few years ago, among with a few others that i've seen, but i'd take a slightly different approach to it.
that being, instead of a singular world/dimension in which these stories take place, there are parent worlds and offshoots. offshoots can involve different places, or even different timelines.
parent world #1: the world of spyre. the individual world we've spent the most time in so far, with 5 seasons to date. spyre has a lot to offer between the classic adventure and the high school drama.
elna: if you recall my previous comments about connecting spyre and elna, there's several reasons, one of which is that the elves could be the same, and that fallinel and the celestine sea separate what's shown on the map of spyre and what's shown on the map of elna.
calorum: in the world of spyre, the timeline would be very condensed. the funny theory is that calorum exists inside gilear's minifridge.
parent world #2: the unsleeping city, or TUC-Earth. as the modern with magic representative, this parent world has a lot of room to encompass other campaign settings.
thimble lane: notably in the heartland of america. while there's the obvious connection of gladiator, there's also a straight up mafia of tiny people. where have we seen that before? it's got connections to the fey, and to a bunch of magic that tracks with what's happening in the unsleeping city.
gowpenny: another notably modern with magic setting, but it's funny to me that the british are the way they are about magic in this setting. when evan says 'that's some american magic, bitch!' he means it.
fey realm: there's consistent references to the material plane and the fact that they have their own magic there; the streets of gritty los angeles, wannessa, chirp's family, binx's warlocks and court. also very funny to imagine rowan berry showing up to the next bloom after her court has been established. we don't really see much of the seelie court beyond the oberon scene and lady sylmenar, so i think the events of tuc chapter 1 plausibly could have happened before the bloom.
and for a timeline offshoot: the Blue Forest. instead of the unsleeping city hiding, the presence of magic comes with a bunch of super radioactive stoats
parent world #3: anarchera (the starstruck galaxy). it's already plenty full with comics and plays and lots of chaos, but hey! why not add some more!
mentopolis: elias hodge works for gobstopper industries in a 'retrofuturistic world'. given the breadth of the galaxy, who's to say that elias hodge isn't from a much earlier cycle? also knowing that psychics exist, mentopolis is a very funny concept. he created an artificial cerebroslug.
parent world #4: dracula's transylvania. this isn't an offshoot of the unsleeping city because it's anachronistic 19th century with vampires and other creatures.
bram university: in my mind, after the fang gang gets the castle dracula back they have a good few years of running along, before a bram stoker comes along with a novel about dracula's exploits. this prompts a deal that resulted in bram university.
individual worlds:
neverafter: as a multiverse of stories, the neverafter kind of exists on its own. if you get really theoretical about it, every single story could be encompassed there, but it doesn't really connect meaningfully with other worlds that d20 has used.
tufting meadows: while i'd love to group tufting meadows with some of d20's other period settings, it is fully a bacchanal of animals who are living the story of sherlock holmes sylvester cross. there are no humans.
kelvorda/the underworld: dungeons & drag queens takes place in a very classic dnd campaign setting. one could make the argument that nekronomikron of spyre could plausibly connect to thanara's underworld, what with there being a similar gauntlet to pass through, but i think this adventure stands better as its own story in its own world.
anyway, that's all for this time! check out the spreadsheet to see this analysis in chart form.
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A girl and her deity
The mask holds the essence of her deity
She cannot take the mask off herself. Someone else has to
Her deity uses her body as its vessel, so it'll attack anyone who attempts to remove the mask
The deity is an evil fox creature
Claire and Casper will be stalked by her in Zel's palace
Her name is Mimirii (Mimi for short)
The deity and Kurayami were friends once (if that's okay with you)
Oh sick! One thing, Kurayami was once human and has been in total isolation since their death over 20000 years ago, trapped with their conscious spread across a whole species of flower (that flower being a peace Lily) so with that in mind I don’t think that they would have any friends in general lmao. But other than that this looks great! ^^
The thing with Kurayami is they have absolutely zero memories other than the lead up to their death, they don’t remember their name, they don’t remember why they were killed and left in a field to die, they only know that it happened unjustly
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ghostcrows · 1 year
That being said I do wanna talk about something here because I feel like people here might get it more than other places
I'm really sort of grappling with I guess actually accepting that I heavily exhibit BPD symptoms and have for years, like to the point that regardless of my feelings toward that diagnosis and who gives it out and their reasons for it - and despite my reservations toward any type of official diagnosis -AND despite feeling like I prematurely diagnosed myself as a teen and then avoiding the label altogether - I just want to treat the symptoms so that things can get better.
It's very isolating. I feel things incredibly intensely. It doesn't just go away it rattles my whole body physically for days or weeks. When I get attached to people it becomes unbearable for me and eventually, almost inevitably, for that person too
I struggle with what I think must be splitting, where...I think it's not quite as black and white as splitting is presented as where I absolutely hate someone or I absolutely love someone, but it's very close. Usually it's this conflicting mess of both at the same time, this very ugly place where resentment (founded or unfounded) meets complete idolization. It's not a position anybody deserves to be put in and I try to keep it to myself but, it's hard to hide intense feelings. People can usually tell when you're acting moody and weird even if you think you've got a good handle on it. And its incredibly overwhelming
And of course I've got abandonment issues lol...kind of the root of the whole thing right...and of course it becomes self fulfilling prophecy you know how that is...very annoying. Very unfair
And...I can be meaner than I like to think I'm capable of...it's usually a subtle thing but that's probably honestly worse. It's the kind of mean where I can even convince myself I'm not really being mean..but I am. Like. I'm certainly not being nice...and it comes from honestly usually just not knowing how to communicate that I'm in some weird fucking mood. When you tell people you're in a mood a lot of the time they're like oh whats up what's wrong and sometimes yeah you can talk about it to feel better but sometimes there's just nothing. You're just in some damn ass mood. It has not much to do with anything. And when you're in those moods it's hard to be around people and not be irritable and nasty. But it's also hard to be alone with it. And if you isolate you start to feel like a monster who needs to be locked up so that you don't hurt anybody. It's difficult to constantly be in some weird headspace that alienates you from other people.
And im impulsive in like...not quite as extreme ways as severe BPD but I have been there before where I was doing some of those things. It's more things like sending people 20000 texts a second or just like Reacting without stepping away and then having things immediately escalate. Getting to where I'm angry enough that I break things and i hurt myself. Not being able to sit with an unpleasant feeling. Not being able to handle criticism or rejection well
All of that to say... that it is a struggle and it's something I'm looking for good resources on. I'm trying out some self help DBT workbooks to see if that does anything for me. I don't know if I want to try CBT again I don't know how much it helped before but I know most therapists do CBT now ... I keep hearing about EMDR as some magical fuckin miracle treatment but I still barely know what it is. I'm not currently interested in being on medications but I'm not 100 percent against it either. Im at a crossroads with the very idea of therapy where I do think I need it but I also don't know how much it can realistically do for me or if I can find somethijg or someone that works for me. And also I can't afford it rn lol.
So um, if you struggle with this sort of stuff too just like feel free to DM me because I'd really like to talk about it with people who get it. And if you have anything that has helped you with these types of symptoms please feel free to share it. I will look into it
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tedtalkcity · 1 year
i dont understand why people feel like they NEED to make immortal characters already like 20000 years old especially when theyre paired with a character who is. normal. like do u guys understand u can literally just not do that. theodore is 38 and thats not like dog years shit he has been alive for 38 years. its not that hard
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