#its called its not the path but the destination that matters
plusbeam · 8 months
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theres this unfinished fic i reread sometimes where tajima cant tie the buttons of his shirt and hanai offers but he refuses and like, no i need that scene actually
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misctf · 1 month
Hunting for City Boys
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“Ah reckon they went this way!”
Scott could hear the heavy footsteps and thick southern drawl of his pursuers. His back was pressed against a tree and he did his best to control his breathing. How the fuck did it get this out of hand? It started with the damn car. Of all the places for their car to break down, it had to be in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere. No internet signal, no GPS, nothing. Prior to leaving, Scott asked Will to make sure the car was ready to go. And Will reassured him that his father’s fancy BMW was more than ready to handle the drive across the state. Of course, Will insisted they take a shortcut to make better time.  And for what? To get to the cabin before the rest of their frat bros? In hindsight, it wasn’t worth it.
“Oh, Ah see ’im! There he is!”
Scott felt his heart sink. Did they really see him? No... not him. Will. Scott heard Will cry out in pain, followed by a thud.
“Nice shot, Clay. Y’all wanna keep lookin’ fer the other fella?”
“Ah reckon we ought to git this one back to the house. The other fella won’t git too far.” Clay said, “Besides, we don’t want ’im wakin’ up before we get home.”
Scott could hear the engines of their four-wheelers rev up. And soon enough, they peeled away through the thick forest and back to wherever they came from. When Scott peered around the tree, he realized he was alone.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Scott cursed, “This can’t be happening.”
He checked his phone again. No signal. He ran a hand through his matted light brown hair. The chase had left him worse for wear. His jeans were torn from running through the forest, while dirt and small cuts covered his hands. Even his white sweater was stained with mud. He quickly removed it, revealing a tight-fitting t-shirt that hugged his lean body nicely. He sighed. It would only be a matter of time before they started searching for him again. Those two fuckers. They came out of nowhere, driving on their stupid four wheeler. At first, Scott thought they were going to help them. It would’ve been clear to anyone that the two privileged, preppy frat guys had no idea what they were doing with the car. And despite Will being a straight As engineering major, his knowledge on car maintenance was lacking. As was Scott’s. Wasn’t like they ever really needed to learn anyway. But it was too late to worry about that now. Scott needed to figure how to get out of this mess.
“If they have a house,” Scott thought, “They might have a phone, or a car, or some way to get out of here.” He took a deep breath. He could follow the tracks of the four-wheeler back. But what happened if he got there and there were more of them? He sighed. He’d take the risk.
Scott wasn’t sure how long he walked until he arrived at his destination. He spent some time hiding behind trees and bushes as his pursuers resumed their search for him. But somehow, he made it to the house undetected. Unlike the mansion his family occupied, this house (if Scott could even call it that) wasn’t much to look at. The home sits on a gravel path that winds through overgrown weeds and brambles, leading to a weathered structure that looks like it's been standing for decades. Its wooden siding is chipped and peeling, with patches of faded paint barely clinging to the surface. Scattered furniture and empty beer bottles littered the overgrown grass of the front yard.
“In and out. Find Will, find a phone, and bounce.” Scott whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. To the best of his knowledge, those fuckers were still patrolling the forest.
With a rush of adrenaline, Scott stealthily approached the front door. When he got inside, he gagged. The living room is a cluttered space with a mix of mismatched, well-worn furniture. An old plaid sofa, sagging in the middle, sits opposite a heavy wooden coffee table covered in a layer of grime and strewn with empty beer cans and fast-food wrappers. The walls are adorned with faded hunting trophies and old, family photos, framed in crooked, mismatched frames. A faint, smoky odor permeates the air, hinting at years of cigarettes smoked indoors, mingling with the pervasive smell of old wood and dust.
“Fucking pig sty.” Scott mumbled, maneuvering through the old home, “Come on, there has to be a phone or something.” But his search wasn’t all too successful, “Y’all can’t be serious, what kinda folks don’t got a phone?” Scott froze at the sound of the drawl leaving his lips “What the fuck?” He whispered, his voice returning to normal, “Shit, I’m losing it. Focus Scott.”
But there was no phone. Or car keys. Or even a radio. He took a deep breath, gagging more as the stale air filled his lungs.
“Alright, so I ain’t gonna be able to reach nobody. But where on Earth is Will?” This time, Scott barely registered the southern drawl that infected his words. Instead, he found himself focused on the basement stairwell. He gulped, “Maybe Will’s down there.” He whispered.
Scott started down the stairs. The smell that permeated his nose was more intense than the one upstairs. It caused the young man’s eyes to water and he felt like he needed to turn around to get fresh air. But Scott knew he needed to be quick. Find Will, get out of there. Head back the way they came until the got cell service. But his train of thought was shattered when he made it to the bottom of the stairwell.
“Will?” Scott asked, gazing at the figure restrained to the chair, “Oh god, Will?”
“Scott, that you?” The man said in a thick country accent, “Scott, come on now, you really gotta help me out here. Please, I’m beggin’ ya!”  
The man in the chair had very few similarities to Will. Or at least to the Will that Scott knew. Where Will’s toned abdominals once were, a small beer belly was jutting out. His stubble had darkened, while his dark locks had been shaved away and covered with a ball cap. His body hair was more obvious now, leaving him lightly dusted from head to toe.
“Will, good Lord, what in the world did they do to ya?” Scott’s mind raced when he realized he was once again speaking in a southern accent, “I cain't, for the life of me, stop talkin' like this! What in tarnation’s goin' on?” Scott’s hand shot to cover his mouth, but when he made contact with his newly grown stubble, he jumped.
“It’s happenin’ to you too, ain’t it? I reckon it is.” Will mused, “It’s the smell, I tell ya. Gets in your head and messes with ya a bit.”
Scott’s eyes widened in terror. And for the first time, he started to really understand his situation. As he looked down at his own body, he could see his stomach starting to push out into a small gut. Simultaneously, small hairs started to poke out from under his collar.
“No, that just ain’t possible.” Scott whispered in disbelief, “Will, we gotta get outta here, and right quick.” He ran over to his friend and began undoing the binds around his hands. All the while, Scott tried to ignore the itchiness of his new beard.
“I tried to put up a fight too, Scott. I reckon I did. But after spendin’ some time down here, I just went on and accepted it.” Will continued. Scott watched as his friend’s eyes dulled, “Ain’t no need for fancy degrees or gettin’ all dressed up. Just a good ol' nice, simple life."
“Will, listen here, you need to focus now.” Scott said, undoing the final bind, “There’s gotta be a way to fix this.” But Will shook his head and without a second thought, tackled Scott to the ground. Scott looked up at his friend in terror, trying to wriggle out from beneath his firm grasp, “Will! Lemme go, gosh darnit!”
“Well what do we have here?” Scott’s heart sank as he heard the voice of their pursuers flood the room, “Billy! What’re you doin’ strattlin’... Scott?” Clay shook his head, “Naw Scott ain’t a good name for a good ol’ southern boy, ain’t it?” He grinned, “We’ll think of somethin’ but go on now and finish the job, Billy!”
Scott’s eyes widened in terror as Billy nodded. And before Scott could stop it, he found his face in Billy’s rank armpit. The bush of moist pit hair tickled Scott’s nose, and the intensity of Billy’s country B.O. filled his nostrils. He wanted to yell out and beg them to stop, but when he opened his mouth, he only breathed in more of Billy’s stench. For poor Scott, it soon became unbearable. And as the laughter of his captors filled the air, Scott’s world went black.
“We ain’t got all day, Billy!” Scott shouted from the driver’s side, “Git in the darn truck already.”
“Aww Cletus, I’m sure sorry. I went back for the gin.” Billy said, jumping into the passenger seat, “We got a long ride ahead of us.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Scott- now Cletus groaned, “Just don’t be tellin’ me about no new shortcuts. I ain’t too keen on goin’ through anything like this again.” He looked over at Billy, who was chugging the bottle of gin. He sighed, “I can’t stay mad at you though.” Sure, his upper class life was gone. And he could barely string together an intelligent sentence. His vocabulary was oversimplified and any education past the eighth grade was absent from his mind. Certainly, folks from his prior social circles wouldn’t tolerate his cigarette smoking, beer chugging, and crude jokes. Cletus sighed. His life as Scott was over, “Well, Billy, you ready?” His hand slowly wrapped around Billy’s cock and he gave it a few tugs. Billy moaned and bucked his hips, only for Cletus to stop, “I knew that’d get your attention. Besides, you got plenty more of that comin’, y’know. Especially if we go along with what Clay’s sayin’.”
Billy nodded, lifting his arm and taking a deep whiff, “Y’all think they’ll recognize us?” Cletus shook his head. There was no way their former frat bros would recognize them.
“Soon enough, they won’t even recognize their ownselves.” Cletus replied, taking a whiff of his own pits, “Now c’mon. We got a long drive ahead of us.”
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calware · 3 months
JOHN: that's kind of a weird question, but sure, i'll answer, haha.
JOHN: it's kind of funny, when i was a kid it really confused me when dirk would talk about "ante diulivan terminology" and all that. that stuff seemed so important to me when i was younger, like if someone was gay or what ever, but it really doesn't matter after all this time has passed. being a god for hundreds of years really puts stuff into perspective, i guess. JOHN: but my identity has definitely changed since i was that age. JOHN: back then, manhood always felt like an inevitability. i was going to become a man, like my dad, like every other boy does. and i was okay with that, in the same way we're all okay with breathing. like, what else is there to do? we don't question it. JOHN: so it took me a REALLY long time to really get that it wasn't that way, and that there were no inevitabilities. like my whole life i'm on this path walking toward a destination, but after walking it for a hundred years, it starts dawning on you that there is no destination on that path. JOHN: just the journey. JOHN: you can't see it but i am making a very wise expression right now. JOHN: not to be confused with harry anderson, a very different wise guy who has stood the test of time. JOHN: just wanted you to know that. JOHN: any way, after that, i started to understand that i could do things on my own terms. i'm not bound to masculinity, or anything at all really. JOHN: i don't know if it has something to do with my classpect, but i like to imagine it's like the breeze. it just does its own thing, traveling regardless of any path. it's freeing. JOHN: so i don't care what you call me, really. JOHN: for gender stuff, i mean. i'm still not attracted to guys. JOHN: but i don't care if you call me straight or a lesbian? so i guess i don't really care about that either. JOHN: it's more complicated than that, but i'm not going to get into it when none of it is really accurate to me anyway. JOHN: like i said, it doesn't feel important anymore.
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archived-daydreams · 1 year
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— First love, late spring.
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Summary: what does it feel like, to fall in love with them?
Characters: Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Gepard, Kafka, Bronya, Serval, Asta x gender neutral reader.
Word count: 1.2 k.
Tags: fluff.
Author’s note: my debut writing for Honkai Star Rail ! I know Jing Yuan hasn’t been released yet, so his part is just personal interpretation; all in all, these are just some sort of little headcanons I wanted to try imagining and writing down, I hope you enjoy <3
Reblog to support your favorite authors ! It helps more than likes.
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Falling in love with the Cloud Knight general feels like returning to a home you still hadn’t realized how much you’d longed for.
His calm presence draws you in, a melodious and crackling hearth beckoning you forward in shades of gold and skies at sundown. To stand beside him could be compared to entering a secret forest, where the moon rises as she kisses the dipping sun on the cheek as they meet at dusk. Birds chirp happily, as if revealing the songs your heart likes to play when you are with Jing Yuan, the heat in your cheeks, a manifestation of the firework embers lighting up the starry twilight. The general puts his arm around your shoulders, bringing your form closer to his, fluffy argent hair tickling the side of your neck.
You lean into him, the sunset looks a little brighter when your lover’s lips graze your temple.
And when his big calloused hand intertwines its fingers with yours, you know with him, anywhere is paradise.
Scarlet maple forests feel more magical underneath the stars.
In the same way, pieces of every story and memory that constitute the wielder of Cloud-Piercer take form before your eyes as you make your way starwards.
Not one for many words or idle conversation, Dan Heng shows you the emotions he conceals to the public in small actions, starlit fragments only the one who dares to rummage between the layers of crimson leaves will uncover. Shielding you from unexpected enemies, helping you up and down the platform of the express, throwing a blanket over your shoulders when you inevitably pass out on the couch after running around with March… And when, still halfway into your realm of dreams, you call his name, a keen eye may spot on the express gurad’s cheeks some of the carmine usually adrift in the breeze in the autumn months.
Then again, if could be just your sleepy imagination…
Perhaps. is the lingering “what if” echoing on your mind.
The steady rock amidst a tumultuous ocean, relentless waves colliding against its silvery surface, time and time again.
Yet the rock does not yield.
Much in the same way the captain of the Silvermane Guards is your white-hot anchor in the blizzard.
No matter how hurt you are, Gepard stays.
No matter how drained and wasted your last breakup left you, his strong arms embrace you, the biting gales futile against his hold.
And maybe, taking notice of your own (and his) feelings might take you a while.
But Gepard Landau’s heart only knows loyalty.
So he waits.
For you to realize, for the sun to finally shine, and mark the path from you to him.
Because argent tends to reflect the skies, and only when the morning star deigns to shine, can the cobblestones tying you together gleam.
You take a step, and you know Gepard Landau is your only destination.
Exhilarating and with “danger” spelled in boldened capitals, that is how romance with the Stellaron’s Hunter feels.
The rational part of you warned you this was a bad idea, yet, as they say, sometimes, the heart wants what it wants.
Freedom prevailed that night, and your lips met the Interastral Peace Corporation’s most wanted’s.
It could have been the drinks you had, against your better judgment, the sweet intoxication of the alcohol in your system and of the temptation of her, a ticking bomb combination.
But caution is thrown to the wind the moment Kafka wraps her priced coat around your shoulders, her lips sensually whispering in your ear, promises of a million idyllic tomorrows together already tangling in the messy yarn ball of your mind.
But who are you to refuse? Or how could anyone, for that matter? When her painted lips envelop yours under the infinity of the firmament?
Dignified, smart, and the picture perfect image of what a heir should be like.
However, what is hidden beyond that icy facade of flawless poise?
Your sweet lover, a girl who enjoys the sound of tranquil nights and hurried steps by morning, someone who lets herself daydream to the faint music coming from Golden Theater.
A beautiful and enchanting contradiction, a storm of opposites you can’t help but get lost in, from the pretty curls of her lucent hair, to her determined gunmetal gaze.
Who would have thought, you think with a tender smile, as your hands run through her steel moonlit tresses, that you’d get to win the heart of the Heir to the Supreme Guardian of Belebog?
Leaving a soft kiss to the crown of her head, you lay down beside her in bed. With a last look out the window at the slate sky, you close your eyes.
The lyrics to a ballad swirl in your mind, probably coming from Golden Theater.
In the dim light, you find your girlfriend’s hand.
That night, Bronya Rand would be the actress in your oneiric plane, her heart, yours alone.
Electrifying and magnetizing, akin to a violet horizon right before a storm. The thunder in the distance makes your every hair stand on end, yet you can’t help longing for something more.
Afternoons helping Serval out at Neverwinter Workshop always end with you sitting before her, wide smile aglow on your features as she picks up her electric guitar. You always loved the way her sapphire eyes sparkled when she talked about this or that new song she was composing, but actually getting to see her perform for you alone… that’s enough to get you giddy.
Her painted nails strum the cords with ease, each of them bending at the workshop owner’s will, as lightning seems to take command of your heart, its thundering pace and the melody she plays seamlessly dancing to the beat of a fervent tango.
As the sky throws its indigo shawl over the lovers, the blonde gazes at you, a pretty (and unusual) rosy tone on her cheeks, a silent inquire for your thoughts about her new piece.
After all, you’re always the first one to hear every new song she comes up with.
The girl who used to dream of naming stars after herself finally found a star that will always orbit around the fiery sun she is.
Her crystalline eyes look up from the papers she was sorting out until moments ago, her lips curving up in a crescent not unlike the one she used to observe, when she spots you.
Two cups of coffee in hand, you sit beside her, your head leaning on her shoulder. Your hand catches hers over the table, prompting her to stop the frantic scribbling of her pen.
And the instant her opalescent gaze meets yours, she is breathless, a nebula the color of her hair spreading through her cheeks. Her pen falls out of her grasp, the words she never seems at a loss for, failing her.
As they do every time when it comes to you.
But who could blame her? When she’d trade every galaxy and celestial body in this universe and the next for a millisecond next to you?
The lead researcher of Herta Space Station closes her notepad.
For now, work can wait.
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reality-detective · 13 days
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Breaking News: Trump to Initiate Military Tribunals Against His Enemies! The Fight for America’s Future Begins Now
Trump’s bold plan to restore order is about to shake the very foundations of the deep state. Military tribunals are on the horizon, and this is the moment true patriots have been waiting for. The traitors have had their time, but now it's time for swift, undeniable justice.
The deep state has infiltrated every corner of America, controlling the media, silencing dissent, and pushing a globalist agenda. But Trump isn’t sitting idle. He sees the danger, and military tribunals are the only path forward. This isn't about revenge; this is about saving America from collapse.
The United States stands on the edge of destruction, with deep state operatives pulling the strings. But Trump is ready to act. He’s calling on every patriot to stand firm as he prepares to bring down the very people who’ve betrayed our Republic. With military tribunals, the traitors hiding in plain sight, from government agencies to media conglomerates, will finally meet their reckoning.
For years, Trump has sounded the alarm on the deep state’s treachery. Now, it’s more than just words—it’s a call to action. These tribunals will bypass the corrupted legal system, finally bringing true justice to those who’ve hidden behind bureaucracy and power.
Why Military Tribunals Matter
Military tribunals aren’t just another form of justice—they are the ONLY form of justice in times like these. With courts compromised and traitors manipulating the system, traditional justice is no longer an option. These tribunals will bypass the broken systems, cutting through the red tape, and holding enemies accountable in a way no other method can.
The deep state has had its time. From Russia hoaxes to the impeachment sham, these criminals have waged war on Trump and the American people. But their time is running out. They will face military justice.
GITMO Awaits
For those who thought they were untouchable, there is only one place left for them: GITMO. The notorious military prison, reserved for the worst enemies of America, is the final destination for deep state traitors. Military tribunals will be held at GITMO, ensuring that these criminals finally face the full consequences of their betrayal. There will be no escape.
This is Trump’s call to action. This is the moment that will decide the fate of our Republic. Patriots, it’s time to stand with Trump as he takes the fight to the traitors who seek to destroy us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's about to get real.
The Storm IS Coming 🤔
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acaaai-t · 5 months
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thinking about…
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stranger! xiao whom you encountered through a unexpected bank robbery one sunny afternoon. It definitely was love at first sight for you, especially after he had tackled you— a mere stranger to him at the moment— down to shield you from the stray bullets being fired. It was chaos amidst the environment, but all you could think about was how close he was to you… archons he’s pretty.
stranger! xiao whom you practically had to chase after after the entire ordeal just to get his contact information. He had first denied your approach, but you just seemed far too determined to give up so easily. “Sir please,” you begged. “You quite literally saved my life back there, the least I can do is repay you with something.” … “Fine.”
— ༉‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ༉‧₊˚. . 。!
companion! xiao who has a grumpy face on at all times no matter the situation. You had invited him out for lunch as a way to thank him for his heroic act couple days ago, and this would be your chance to properly introduce yourself to him. The weather was near perfect today with the temperature hanging around in the low 70’s (20°C) and the skies cleared of clouds. His intimidating expression was also enough to make you nervous, but you pushed through. “Hi! My name is [name], what’s yours?” … “… Xiao.”
companion! xiao who you took out on a little amusement park hangout on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon. You hadn’t been to one in forever, and considering the fact that both of you had nothing better to do today, you dragged Xiao out with you.
companion! xiao who went near deaf after agreeing to go on a rollercoaster with you— which was a poor choice. The ride was exhilarating, but if you hadn’t been screaming bloody murder throughout the entire ride, it might’ve been a better experience. “I’m sorry!” you exclaimed, hands clasped together in a praying motion. Xiao didn’t say anything. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. As an add-on to your apology, you treated him to a plate of almond tofu. Yeah no, he forgives you.
companion! xiao who gets an unwanted feeling of annoyance when he sees you occupied with someone else other than him. A stranger had stopped you to ask for direction to the nearest bathroom, and being the kind hearted soul you are, pointed to the map and gave the path to his destination. Too close, he thought. What? Why was he feeling like this? Is this what people called jealousy?
— ༉‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ༉‧₊˚. . 。!!
Xiao is in denial. He’s only known you for a month or two now, and feelings are beginning to worm its way into his heart. Unwarranted feelings that he wants no part of— yet it’s constantly in the back of his mind. You’re always on his mind. He can’t get you out, no matter what.
Your smile, your laugh, your mesmerizing beauty…
Archons, what is he meant to do now?
— ༉‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ༉‧₊˚. . 。!!!
lover! xiao who wrestled with his feelings for weeks on end before finally caving in to it. You were blabbering on about some drama unfolding at your workplace at a cafe he’d invited you out to when all of a sudden he stopped you. He couldn’t even pay attention to your words, for all he could do was stare at your lips moving. “Is there something wrong with my face?” you asked, fingers dragging across your cheeks. Xiao was quick to answer, giving a hasty ‘no’.
lover! xiao who kept stuttering his words when confessing his feelings to you. The sun had begun to set, and you had brought him to a secluded area of the woods, where there was a near perfect view of the sunset. Your heart was pounding so heavily against your chest— it felt like it could burst out at any moment. Although Xiao looked more of a hot mess than you did; his face crimson red.
“I.. I like— archons. Oh fuck it [name] I like you. Not as in just friends if you understand, you know what I mean right? No, it’s totally okay if you don’t like me back like—”
lover! xiao who you had to shut up with a kiss to his lips, arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer to you. He seemed to had to take a moment to register what had just happened, and when it did finally process, he kissed back— hard. Is he dreaming?
just lover! xiao being the epitome of you fell first but he fell harder.
— ༉‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ༉‧₊˚. . 。!!!!
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✩ ·┆ masterlist
— more xiao content coming soon
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© acaaai-t — do not plagiarize, repost, or translate
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fire-lizard-ro · 9 months
I am furiously chewing and gnawing on the idea of an arranged marriage with sunday hlep
Thank you for the ask, anon! And yesssss thank you so, so much for sending in a Sunday request!!! My boy!!! I am also brainrotting over this man at all times he lives rent free in my mind and I love him-
Hope you're doing well and enjoy what I wrote.
But also- This is not my expertise, so I'm going to say my piece and then direct you to my friendo @pix3lplays - This is like. Her thing. So I'm sure you'll get a more interesting response please go follow her hehehehe- <333
Writing under the cut (it’s all SFW):
Sunday is the picture of gentlemanly grace. Perhaps it is by the order of the family that he is to wed you for the good of the family and Penacony. Perhaps it is to strengthen their relations with the IPC as you are an important member. Or perhaps it is for other reasons that will help secure the safety or wellbeing of Penacony and its members. And of course, Sunday is a man who wishes only the best for his beloved home and he will do what he can to follow the path the Aeon of Harmony has laid out for their followers. So he takes it in stride, setting up an appointment to meet you. He would like to get to know his future spouse before the wedding no matter how willing he is to do this for his family.
The first time you meet, you immediately find yourself encapsulated by the gorgeous man who has come to meet you- At a place of your choosing, no less. He extended this favor in hopes of putting the right foot forward with you. Sunday wants things to go smoothly and for the marriage to go through to achieve whatever goal it is the family had in setting this up. He may be a busy man, but he can make time for important matters such as this.
He himself is surprised at you. You're far more than he was expecting, having been ready to deal with anything. But you're actually quite wonderful and he finds your appearance more than appealing. A pleasant surprise. He is sure to pull your seat out, hold the door for you, ask you before doing things- He even gives you a kiss to the back of your hand in greeting after asking politely if he could.
Sunday enjoys his time with you and so discusses more times in which the two of you can get to know each other. When you both are done with your little date of sorts, he gives you another kiss to the back of your hand and makes sure you have a safe way to get back home or to wherever you are staying. As he watches you leave first to make sure you get to your mode of transport safely, he asks gently that you let him know when you make it to your destination and raises a hand in farewell.
Each subsequent date brings the two of you closer and closer. One time, he brings flowers. Another, he brings you a snack from Penacony which could be considered a staple for them.
I, personally, think that Sunday would be someone who is easy to love and even easier to like. So by the time you both are walking down the isle, you're smitten with him. I'm sure he would also have a fondness for you. The both of you had already discussed the matter as Sunday is a thorough an who plans things out. You two had already talked and you both want to be amicable with one another and make this marriage work for the both of you. At the very least, the two of you would be companions and friends. But the two of you have also admitted that it would be nice if there was more beyond just that in your marriage.
Sunday is a man who always does right by you because you are now his spouse. But also because he likes you as a person. Days in which he brings back snacks and nicknacks he thinks you'd like. Calling you when he think he may be late at work. Picking up groceries on the way home when he can, calling to ask if you need or want anything. Making sure your favorites are always stocked even if you don't ask.
I imagine that for the two of you, after marriage the time you spend together most often is in the evening at dinner and then the time leading up to bedtime. He does lead a people and is always in high demand for his services, expertise, and leadership. But of course, he's very sweet on you during this time as a result. Nights of being laid up in bed, his back against the pillows placed against the headboard whilst he reads and you lean into his side, doing your own thing. Sunday will wrap an arm around you and occasionally rub your side or arm.
Slowly, over time, I think you both could become a real couple.
Yayyyy~ Sunday~ I love this man so much. <333
I might write an NSFW part to this. But as of right now, I'm happy with just this. If you want one, you can always send in another ask and I'll be sure to get right on it!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
I request a Reader who helps Kinger stay sane for a few moments before he goes back to being insane. Basically Reader would be Kinger's anchor in the circus's reality
I see "anchor" and I raise you: a Reader who's also a chess piece like him--except they're a small Pawn (since pawns are the first line of defense)
"Kinger? Why don't you come on out of there?"
"H-Huh...?" Nervously peeking out from behind the safety of his pillow fort, Kinger gazed up at your extended hand. Already he was feeling stressed out, wondering what your intentions were. "Why? Is Caine calling us? Did Pomni talk about an exit again?? Is somebody abstracting???"
He took a deep breath, before staring at you intensely, eyeballs trembling. "Are YOU abstracting???"
"No, no, no, and..definitely no." You calmly answered him. "I was just thinking we could get some fresh air outside."
"..l-like out into the grounds?"
"Perhaps by the digital lake. It's quiet and away from all of this...mess. I think it'll be good for both of us."
".....are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I'll keep you safe, Your Majesty."
"Y-Your Majesty?" Kinger repeated, blinking a few times. "Oh my, haven't heard that one in a long time.....but yes, we can certainly go [y/n]. It would be good for us to get out."
You smiled, noticing how there was a lot less edge to his voice now, a sign he had regained some lucidity and calmness--two things he has lacked in recent years.
As you helped him out of the fortress, you realized his hands weren't even shaking anymore. And that was a huge sigh of relief.
"Thank you again for shooing away Jax, by the way. T-Today is...definitely not a good day for him to prank me. I wasn't in the mood."
"Of course." You nodded in understanding. "A pawn's gotta protect their king."
There were rare times where Kinger was calm and composed--and those times became even rarer ever since Queener abstracted. You were a small yet loyal protector of the duo, but when you failed to keep his wife from going insane...you made an oath to ensure your king didn't fall down the same path.
Because if he ever abstracted, too, you didn't know what you were going to do with yourself..
You may as well ask Caine to throw you down into the cellar.
Even so, this momentous task didn't come without its challenges: Pomni's unexpected arrival, Kaufmo's abstraction, and the entire Gloink situation genuinely left him feeling stressed out for a while, making him more paranoid over abandoning his "sanctuary".
Fortunately, you were able to snap him out of that mindset, as you two were currently on your way to the Grounds--specifically where the waterpark was.
But you weren't planning on riding the twisty and colorful slides. Not today, at least.
Rather, you sought out a quiet place to sit and gaze up at the cloudy sky, not caring whether it was day or night out (although you're glad it's currently the daytime, as you'd rather not hear the Moon gush about her crush on Caine).
Eventually, you found a spot and sat together in the grass. "This is nice." You hummed.
"It sure is." Nodding, Kinger allowed himself to relax, gloved fingers gently stroking the thin strands of green that surrounded him. "You know..it's funny how you chose this particular spot."
"How so, my king?" You looked to him, curious.
"..I remember she..and I...well....she took me to this exact same place when I needed to get away from everybody." He recounted. "I know we were on opposite sides of the board, but..we never let that stop us from being together, of course." A soft chuckle left him, and he sighed longingly. "It did feel like it was us against the world, [y/n].."
"Mhm." You nodded, remaining quiet and admiring the low-poly count seagulls that flew by.
"She believed our fates were "intertwined"..and as cheesy as it sounded, I wanted to believe that. Perhaps we did meet outside of this world...and have simply fallen in love a the second time."
"That may be possible. It's like you're both..destined to be together no matter what or where you are."
"...maybe that's why she abstracted."
"..what?" Looking to Kinger, you noticed he was now grabbing onto fistfuls of grass, and you began to realize something was wrong.
"I have not told you the whole story, but Queener was....desperate to know of our connection outside of this place. Her and I wanted to know what we lost....were we ever married? Engaged? Neither of us could recall, and...i-it kept us up all night." His voice began to waver with growing anxiety.
"She wanted to remember so badly and began looking for exits, e-even though I warned her that Caine wouldn't like that. She didn't care. She was a tough cookie, never liked being told what to do. But god...I should have done more to stop her."
"Now she's in that dark cellar with Kaufmo, cold and alone...oh no.." He put his hands to his head. "She'll never see such beautiful sights such as this again! Only darkness and-!"
"Kinger!" You firmly spoke up, stopping his ramblings as he stared back at you with bloodshot eyes. "Listen, nothing she did was your fault. I know it's easy to blame yourself, but-"
All of the sudden, he screamed in fear, which caused you to flinch away. But then he blinked a few times, recognizing your face.
"O-Oh goodness..it's you, [y/n].." Putting a hand to his chest, he exhaled a shaky breath, before abruptly standing up. "I'm sorry, I've said too much. I...I-I don't think I want to be here anymore.." He anxiously brushed the dirt particles off his robe.
You stood as well, realizing that his brief moment of lucidity had passed. Although short-lived, you were grateful for the time it did allow you to spend together, enabling him to reminisce.
Yet deep down you felt a little guilty for bringing him to the digital lake. It wasn't your intention to remind him of what him and Queener could no longer share.
But perhaps...you shouldn't take him out here anymore. For his sanity's sake.
"That's okay, my lord. We'll...head back to the tent and you can rest up."
Kinger nodded in agreement with your suggestion, allowing you to lead him back into the tent, returning him to the safety of his fortress.
While he huddled away inside like a bear going into hibernation, blocking the entrance with a pillow, you stood on-guard with a foam sword.
At some point, Jax passed by, asking you if Kinger was still mad at him for earlier. But you just sent him a cold glare and threatened to cut his ear off if he dared step any closer.
The rabbit just rolled his eyes, knowing you couldn't actually harm anyone with that weapon even if you tried, although he left you alone.
'Hmph, good riddance.'
If he was smart, he'd know better than to disturb your king.
It's your sworn duty to protect him, after all.
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After your hippogriff injures his wing, you send a letter to your old friend Newt Scamander, asking for help. Will it spark up old feelings?
Newt Scamander x F!Reader
My first fic with him, so I apologize if it’s bad but for the release of Hogwart’s Legacy, I felt the need to try💖
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He hasn’t seen or heard from you in years. Ever since you guys left Hogwarts, contact with each other kind of faded. You’ve been busy with magical beasts, like him, going to remote locations to do so, even discovering a new one. As a Ravenclaw, he knows that your studies matter before all else, but Newt hoped that you guys would keep some sort of contact.
Of course, he could’ve sent you something, but he was too nervous.
Newt had a crush on you back when you guys were fifth years. You seem to care for creatures just like he did. He’s always wanted to say something, but he was too shy. Then you guys grew up and Newt became busy with his own work. Right now, he was back in America after his brother pulled some tough strings to allow him to travel internationally again.
“What’ll it be this time Newt?” Jacob asked his friend from behind the counter. The magizoologist was in the bakery, leaning against the counter with his case by his feet. Deep in thought, he jumped a bit at the voice.
“O-Oh...just the usual, Jacob.” Newt said while also bending down to clip shut one of the locks on his case, which flipped open for a second,
“Oh come on. But that’s so boring.” The man before him tried to push Newt to get something else, anything that he has put more time into, but the wizard wouldn’t have it.
“My usual, please.” Newt said while flashing a tiny smile. Jacob just sighed before grabbing him a blueberry muffin. He grabbed the baked good and began to unwrap when the sudden sound of something hitting the window startled both him, Jacob, and every other customer in the building. Turning around, Newt recognized your owl sliding down the glass. 
He quickly rushed outside, where your owl had come to its senses. The bird fluffed its feathers a bit as Newt offered his arm as a perch. The owl flew up there and landed, and that’s when the wizard realized there was a note tied to its leg. 
With shaky hands, he undid and read the letter...
“Newt! Where are you going?” Jacob voiced when the wizard rushed back into the bakery and grabbed his suitcase before rushing out again. Your owl has since vanished.
“I need to get to Scotland.” Newt replied, not stopping his gait. As he left the store, Jacob continued to follow, mumbling “Scotland” under his breath with a confused face. However, as he was wondering about that, Newt was already far ahead of him.
“Wait! Newt! Aren’t you gonna pay-” Jacob called out, but Newt had pulled out his wand and apparated.
“...Never mind.” He then mumbled before walking back into his bakery, trying to calm the public down while also generating loud excuses as for what just happened...
Newt landed in a forest. Based on the smell and surrounding vegetation, he would say that he reached his destination. Your letter said that you would be in this area, so he began walking. It didn’t state much besides that you had an injured creature on your hands. He didn’t know what he would be walking into, but at least his case would have everything that he might need. A small chirp in his pocket made him look down to see a dazed and confused Pickett.
“Sorry about that Pickett. Nearly there I believe.” Newt said to the bowtruckle, looking down. 
Around a half hour or so, Newt left the cover of the trees and found himself on a dirt path. Upon following it for a bit, he was led to a grassy clearing that had a broken-down wooden cabin and barn. But that wasn’t what caught his attention and stole his breath away.
An onyx-colored hippogriff was laying in front of the barn with you by its side, gently stroking its feathers.
“H-Hello Y/N...” Newt said nervously, catching your attention. You looked over at him and it stole his breath away. You were still just as beautiful as all those years ago if not more so.
“It’s good to see you again Newt.” You said softly, smiling a bit. The hippogriff next to you lifted its head, noticing the wizard. Newt set his case down and lowered his body slightly in a bow, but the hippogriff didn’t seem to care as it got to its feet and hissed at him.
“Oswald! Stop!” You shouted at the beast as he clawed at the ground. Newt bowed even more in hopes it would appease the hippogriff and keep it from attacking, remaining calm as he did so. 
But as the hippogriff spread open his wings to show dominance, he squawked in pain before falling back to his feet, where you began to pet him again.
“What happened to him?” Newt asked, concern for your beast overtaking any nervousness he has around you. Upon further inspection, he realized that the hippogriff’s left wing was bent awkwardly. You scootched a bit so he could crouch down next to you.
Close to you.
“He likes to fly, but I can’t always be with him. One time when he went out, he didn’t return for a while. Finally came back, but on foot. I noticed the wing and how his behavior changed each time I touched it.” You explained to him, keeping Oswald calm as Newt examined it. Your hippogriff seemed to calm down, sensing now that you trust this man to help him.
“I’m not to good with injured beasts, especially wings, I thought that you would know what to do...and I knew it would be nice to see you again.” You said with a smile, petting Oswald’s flank as the hippogriff shut his eyes. Newt nearly stopped breathing at your words but managed to compose himself for the sake of the injured creature in front of him.
“Yes, me too, I also am...I mean, I do know how to help him.” Newt struggled with his words, causing you to giggle a bit and his face to flush red.
A bit of prodding and beak-snapping later, Newt managed to secure and set your hippogriff’s wing. Give him around a month or more, and he’ll be back up in the skies in no time. A broken wing was indeed the culprit.
“Oswald...is he yours?” Newt asked as he watched the hippogriff sniff and bite at the work that was done on his wing. You were shoving his head away each time but nodded to answer the question.
“I saved his life and in turn...he saved mine.” It was all that you told him, and Newt didn’t pry. He knows that look in your eyes because he’s had it himself. Oswald was taken by poachers, probably like some other hippogriffs that weren’t so lucky. Newt didn’t even want to imagine what he looked like before you saved him.
Perhaps you could tell him the full story some other time.
“Anyway, what’s been up with you?” Your tone changed from one of sad to one of joy, and the smile was back on your face. Newt has been waiting for a chance to catch up with you, and here it was. He told you all about his travels, America, and so forth. All the creatures he discovered, Pickett popping out to say hello at this point, making you giggle. In turn, you’ve told him how busy you’ve been exploring and studying creatures. He was eager to hear about the new creature you discovered. Tanukisunes (created by yours truly), name meaning something along the lines of “tricksters”, which resembled foxes with multiple tails while having beautiful navy blue fur. Apparently, they like to trick travelers and steal their belongings, guiding them off the path until they are utterly lost. But they aren’t cruel, guiding the lost traveler back to their path after they’ve had their fun-granted, with some items missing.
“Sounds like they’d get along well with my niffler.” Newt said and you laughed, nodding. The two of you then watched Oswald, who has now gotten on his feet, eyeing the both of you, but Newt in particular, this stranger who you seemed to trust.
You guys watched as the hippogriff took a couple steps forward. Ready to intervene, you stood up, Newt mimicking your actions. However, Oswald did something you weren’t expecting.
He bowed.
“It seems Oswald has taken a liking to you after all. Trusts you as much as I do.” You said softly to Newt, causing the wizard to smile to himself at your words. He seemed to shift on his weight as your hippogriff got to his feet. Newt was nervous about something he was going to ask.
“I-I’m happy to hear that about Oswald because...” He hesitated a bit, swallowing nervously.
“Yes?” You urged him gently. Oswald walked over and nudged his shoulder, encouraging the wizard slightly. Pickett poked his head out and began to chatter incoherently, trying to persuade Newt to speak up. He was grateful for the creatures, feeling comfort from their actions.
“Because it’s not safe out here, and...I think it would be best for me to keep an eye on Oswald...j-just until his wing heals so...maybe you could come with me? There’s room.” Newt offered before gesturing towards his case. He was expecting you to hesitate before saying you were too busy, but you just smiled.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
The smile that spread across his face was enough to make any woman’s heart soar. Pickett chattered in delight, causing you to give him an odd look with a smile. Newt covered up the bowtruckle and gently shoved him back in his pocket. Oswald nuzzled you and you pet his beak in response. 
“You’re very sweet, you know that?” You told him with a blush on your face.
“It’s because of you Y/N...always.” Newt told you, smiling softly. Oswald gave you guys looks before swishing his tail a bit, wanting to get on his merry way with you guys. So, Newt opened his case, and the hippogriff took a running leap into it, disappearing inside the larger space hidden within. Relief went in you to know he was safe now.
“After you.” He said politely.
“Such a gentleman.” You teased lightly before going into the case. However, before you disappeared entirely, you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you so much.” You whispered lovingly, and then you went in, the case clicking shut behind you. 
Newt was glad you vanished because you missed the lovestruck smile that he couldn’t wipe off his face. And knowing that you might care for him back made him a bit giddy. However, he was mostly relieved to know that you and your hippogriff were safe and sound with him. It was creatures that introduced you guys to each other, and now it was creatures that brought you together again. In the end, maybe creatures will bring you guys together for good.
But for now, Newt knows he has to return to America, with you in tow this time.
He still has to pay Jacob for that muffin.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
All these buffet for the C stans, can us W lovers get some crumbs as well ??? Personally I'm mostly invested in how they were with the mc when they were kids ,, childhood flashbacks is my one true weakness
providence, rhode island / summer of ‘13
the summers in rhode island were always soft, the kind of soft that smelled like fresh grass and saltwater, and made the world seem so big yet so small, all at once.
your mother’s house sat at the edge of an endless horizon, the backwoods a labyrinth of hidden paths only you and W seemed to know. every summer, you’d roam that wilderness like two mini explorers, carving out a world for yourselves in the dense foliage and the thick, humid air that clung to you like a second skin.
W had always been different from the other children. not in a way that made them completely stand out, but in a way that made them blend in so perfectly that people forgot they were there. they were quiet, with tired eyes that saw more than they let on, and a smile that was as fleeting as the summer itself.
you had always been drawn to them, attached to the hip since you were both in diapers, your mother and their aunt swearing that you had been inseparable even then, even when the world was no bigger than the patchwork quilt you’d been laying side by side on.
there was something about the way the light filtered through the old oak trees that made W’s face look almost golden, as if they were something other than a mere child of seven, something pulled from the pages of a half-forgotten fairy tale you’d force your parents to read to you before bed.
at this age, W was taller than you by half a head, their limbs long and gangly, as if they were growing too fast for their body to keep up. their hair was the color of sun-bleached sand, their skin slightly tanned from the hours you’d spent under the providence sun so far. but it was their eyes that you remembered the most—their gentle, sapphire blue eyes, like the sky on a cloudless day. they didn’t talk much to other kids, not with words anyway. their silences were also a part of their language, and you had learned to speak it fluently over the summers you’d spent together.
today, you and W had found your way to the stream, your usual destination when the sun was at its peak, and the adults’ voices carried too far across the suburbs. it was your haunt, a place where the world seemed to slow down, where time didn’t matter and you could just be. you sat on the bank, knees drawn to your chest, your toes digging into the cool, damp earth. W was standing in the stream, balancing on one leg like some kind of bird, their arms stretched out to their sides as if they were reenacting a scene from the titanic with the breeze as their prop.
“elmo,” you called them by the nickname only you could utter, your voice barely above a whisper.
they turned their head to look at you, their balance never wavering. “hm?”
“i heard mama talking to mrs. renshaw,” you began, your voice taking on that conspiratorial tone that always made W listen more closely. “she said that if you close your eyes and wish really hard, you can see fairies.”
W raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing at the corners of their lips. “fairies?”
you nodded, leaning forward, your eyes wide with the importance of what you were saying. “but you have to really believe. like, really believe.”
they stepped out of the stream, their feet squelching in the mud as plopped down beside you on the bank. “and do you?”
“do i what?”
“really believe.”
you thought about it for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip as you did. you wanted to believe, you really did. but believing in something so impossible was hard when the world around you was so solid, so real. but this was W, and with them, the impossible always felt just a little bit closer to your reach.
“i think i do,” you said finally, your voice soft, uncertain.
they reached out and took your hand in theirs, their fingers cool and wet from the stream. “then close your eyes.”
you did as they said, squeezing your eyes shut until all you could see was darkness. you could hear the stream babbling beside you, the rustle of the leaves overhead, and the soft, steady rhythm of W’s breathing. you could feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, the coolness of the earth beneath you, and the firm grip of W’s hand in yours.
“do you see them?” W’s voice came, so quiet it was almost lost in the sounds of the woods around you. you shook your head dejectedly.
“try harder,” they urged, their voice filled with that quiet assurance that always made you believe them, even when you didn’t want to. “they’re there, i know they are.”
you squeezed your eyes tighter, willing yourself to see something, anything. you wanted so badly to be the kind of person who could see fairies, the kind of person who could believe in things that didn’t make sense to other people. you wanted to be like W, who seemed to exist in a world where anything was possible, where magic was real and just waiting to be found.
“i see them,” you said at last, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
“where?” W asked, their voice filled with that same curiosity that made them chase after every strange sound and shadows they observed in the woods.
“everywhere,” you breathed, your voice full of wonder you didn’t quite bring yourself to feel. “they’re everywhere.”
you weren’t lying, not really. in that moment, with your eyes closed and W’s hand in yours, it felt like anything could be true. maybe there were fairies in the woods, tiny, winged creatures flitting between the trees. maybe the stream was enchanted, its waters carrying secrets that only you and W could hear. maybe, just maybe, the world was more magical than what the adults who scoff at your stories would believe.
when you finally opened your eyes, the world looked the same as it always had. the trees were still tall and green, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. the stream still wound its way through the woods, its waters crystal clear. W was still sitting beside you, their hand still holding yours, their eyes still that soft, sapphire blue.
but something had changed, something small but important. the world felt a little bigger, a little more magical, a little more full of possibilities. and you knew that as long as W was by your side, you would keep searching for those possibilities, keep believing in the impossible, keep seeing the magic that was hidden just beneath the veil of reality.
“did you really see them?” W asked after a long moment, their voice soft, almost hesitant.
you turned to look at them, a smile tugging at your lips. “i think i did.”
they smiled back, a real gap-toothed grin this time, the kind that lit up their whole face and made your heart feel like it was happily soaring in a way that no fairy tale could ever do.
“me too,” they said simply, and for the first time, you thought that maybe you really had seen something after all.
“come on,” they said as the sun started to set, their voice gentle. “we should get back before it gets dark.”
you took the hand they’d extended, and together you made your way back through the woods, the magic of the clearing lingering like a dream you didn’t want to wake up from. the path back seemed shorter, the woods less confusing now with the way W’s warm hand fit perfectly in yours.
“elmo,” you said quietly, not sure what you were going to say until the words were already out. “do you think we’ll always be friends?”
they looked at you, their blue eyes serious, and for a moment, you thought they might laugh or make a joke, but they didn’t. instead, they made a sign of the cross across their left chest.
“always,” they promised, and you knew they meant it. “cross my heart.”
you grinned at them, imitating the action. “me too! i cross my heart too!”
you both promptly burst into a fit of childish giggles, a turn from the solemn mood that your question had brought forth.
the fireflies in the woods had begun to wake and flicker around you two, their tiny lights a gentle reminder of the real magic of the world that not even the most hardened cynic could ignore. they circle you as if bounding you both in a golden thread of promise. to be remembered. to never being forgotten. forever.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 11 months
The Wolf & the Stray Girl. Chapter #1 The Grieving.
PAIRING: Werewolf!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader [Little Red Riding Hood AU]
WORDS: 1942.
SUMMARY: Nestled in the outskirts of a desolate village, it was known that the woods were a dark, fearsome place not to be ventured. Yet something enchanting lived amongst its shadows, you were certain. And some may call it your bold willingness or others, your naive curiosity, would ultimately uncover the truth.
WARNINGS: mentions of stalker tendencies, mentions of murder/intrusion.
A/N - apologies for the long wait, I took some time away from writing. I sometimes feel my place in this fandom is non-existent. I realise now, that it does not matter. I came here to write for characters I love... that is what I intend to do. thank you for your patience, to those that continue to support me x
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The long, treacherous road that laid ahead of you, the further you would venture into the dark, enchanted woods was not one to be taken lightly. Although, far from harm's way so long as you remained stagnant in your pathway: not befallen to whatever temptations lurked in the shadows beyond the winding, cobblestoned thoroughfare. Your final destination was intended to be a quick visit to your beloved grandmother, with the hopeful, pleasant exchange of goods. Her cinnamon cookies were divine, especially when and almost always freshly baked.
Despite having travelled this familiar road many times before, both with the thorough guidance of your father and your now presumed late elder sister, it never ceased to feel eerie. A nauseating sensation in the deepest pit of your stomach would always churn and writhe with suspicions that curious, watchful eyes lingered over your every move, your every trail. A terrible suspicion that some of these eyes intended to harm you.
The harrowing, cold tone of your father’s stern words had been etched into your malleable mind, like a carving in stone.
“Stay on that path, girl… Or we have lost you already.”
Your father had grown much old and weary of late, since your elder sister had been declared missing. He scouted relentlessly day and night himself, into the woods. Only to return empty handed, with proof of his exhausting endeavours saturated across his seldom face. His eyes once so lively that gleamed bright with joy: a man that could once smile with his eyes, now only distraught with the strained look of grief and despair.
It took you countless attempts to persuade him otherwise, to allow you to venture the journey yourself, until he finally agreed, although with great reluctance. He knew you were much more diligent and obedient than your elder, always adhering to orders without the temptation to cross a boundary. Your father trusted you, however he did not trust whatever creatures laid abed in the lush dark green canopy of the woods.
“Stay on the path, Y/N, my dearest… Or else I cannot bear to live a life where I lose you too.”
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The luminescent indigo pigment of the petals had immediately caught your attention. Your active eyes would wander with marvel, fleeting from the defined path that laid ahead, to beyond the stretch of woods.
"Ocean tears" You breathlessly whisper, your eyelids widening with intrigue as you lust over the rare sight. Ocean Tears were a sacred commodity to come by so naturally: used for medicinal and curative remedies, your mind immediately soared to the sickly, malnourished state of your father. The toll of his insomnia, poor appetite and overall dejected state had been taxing to his health, since the disappearance of your sister. He was not the once formidable, strong man he had once been in the previous years...
The treasure itself was only a few short paces off the pathway itself. Your mind began to scatter, trying to outweigh the risks against the pros. Despite wearingly trying to convince yourself to stay on path, desperate to strain every brain fibre to obligate your body to adhere to your father's wishes, you unconsciously felt your body pacing forward, reaching the very edge of the elevated path. Your eyes darted from each side of the vast forest vicinity: delicately scanning every inch, crevice and shadow of the engulfing green and wooden shrubbery [with the Ocean Tears being the only source of colour in the portrait].
"Forgive me, Father," You utter beneath your breath, before taking a careful leap forwards. Now both feet firmly planted on the soft, soiled grown, the earth beneath felt somewhat alleviating. Having spent a few solid hours, with nothing but the rigid, uneven rocky stones beneath your feet, walking uphill and down, this mundane sensation was a relief like no other.
Only a few seconds had need passing, as you slowly began to regain your instinctual senses, realising the daunting extremity of your decision. Without wanting to spare precious seconds more, you hastily pace forward towards the vibrant flower, basking in the alluring scent, as you push aside the straightened flaps of your crimson red hooded cape. Delicately you begin to pluck at the petals, one fallen strand landing into the base of your woven, wooden basket.
Disciplined in your actions, your once whole and lively senses had once again melt away, unaware of a figure creeping up from the shadows.
"It seems someone has lost their way from the path..."
The unthreatening tone was low and husky, and yet its sudden volume shattering the vast, swallowing silence was frightful: dire enough to freeze your entire being in time.
Your fearful eyes met the immediate, still gaze of the strange man: a handsome, ethereal looking one, nonetheless. With moonlight tinged hair, short, silver strands almost blinding in the radiating beams of sunlight, his unfaltering lilac orbs were encapsulating. Conflicted to stare, yet unable to maintain constant contact. Although there was some distance between you both, you could tell he was a few, solid inches taller than yourself, his physicality sturdy, and robust appearing. There was no doubt, if he caught you in his midst, it would be meaningless to fight agains him. He practically oozed might. Although his facial features softened, almost angelic like, the healed yet evident scars slashed across his pale skin, made him look rugged: proof that he was no stranger to brute savagery.
He took a cautious, slow step forward, almost hesitant to, yet determined. In rhythm, you took a step back instinctually, causing him to take no further step closer.
"I wish not to harm you, I only wish to speak to you."
Although the nerves rattled you, his tempting words had somewhat puzzled you.
Who was this stranger? Had he been watching you from afar this entire time? Why the desire to speak?
"And why would I do that? Do you think of me as some naive prey? You are nothing but a stranger to me, what makes you think I will take your word?"
His endearing glare remained fixated on you this entirety, although you struggled to reciprocate, its enticing nature was captivating. His stout chest heaving generously, before exhaling a defeated sigh.
"You have no reason to trust me, Y/N... Although I have been watching you from the distance, since the moment you departed. I know where you sleep, I know where you seek solace... If you think you can wave me off, just know, I will be lingering. Your scent-"
Once more, he takes a solid pace forward, although this time with a dark, menacing tinge in his eyes, as he looms his head down to your eye level. Another pace further, as you try to maintain the distance between, taking a step back, as you firmly grip your basket's carved handle.
"W-What are you? W-Who are you?" You shamelessly stutter, your skin growing cold, sensing a drop in temperature in your body.
"I could smell you from miles away: that intoxicating scent. First hit me, when you first ventured these woods, that year ago. No matter how hard I tried, and I had tried to fight against it, yet I could not bear to ignore it any longer. From the countless sleepless nights, and long days, I had no choice... And seeing you now... You did not disappoint."
"G-Get away from me!" You recklessly shout: your yells could either result in aid working in your favour or against, drawing more unwarranted attention from dark figures. Your head paced backwards and forwards, from where the man stood ahead of you, inching in closer and closer, as you desperately tried to move yourself back to the footpath.
"I am no ordinary man, Y/N. I am Aegon. And you... You have no ordinary fate."
"Do not speak of my name again, fiend! Leave me alone!"
As you hastily turned your back, taking a risky lunge forward, planting your unsteady foot on top the solid ground of the pathway. You had only turned momentarily, and yet as you resumed your stance once more, you were faced with only the empty, glooming green of the forest, and its chilling silence. A few solid minutes had passed, your attention spanning across the shrubbery, inspecting every inch, for an ounce of proof that this Aegon, remained close by.
Although your body felt rigid and tense, sensing the hot blood coursing through your vessels. Your dense breathing felt heavy and restricting across your chest, as you tried to regain control.
Without a second to spare, you resumed your stroll, although with greater speed. Your mind fled to the echoing, harrowing voice of your father's words, and the guilt began to stir. You rebelled against his advice and the repercussions were close to fatal.
As your mind pondered over Aegon's words, your body carrying itself with each heavy step: your only intent was to make it in one piece...
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The sight was unlike anything you had ever seen... The dark, dried traces of blood smeared across the walls and homily furniture, the broken pieces of wood and stained glass scattered messily across the floor, each careful step, an audible crunch beneath your weight. All details pointed to an intrusion, you had conceded. Your broken voice hopelessly calling out for your grandmother, as you slowly paced across the hallway, eyes peering across the vicinity for a remote sign of her. And yet, only silence had responded.
The hot tears swelling in your eyes had blurred your vision, as you took in each inch and crevice of the household. The day had been a harrowing one indeed, and to be met with this tragic fate, did no justice to ease your mind. As you crept towards the end of the hall, the familiar door to your grandmother's cosy chamber slightly remained unlock, only the disappearing sunlight lurking through. As you steadily pushed over the door, creaking in its hinges as though the house had not been vacant and unkept for years, you were met with a horrifying sight indeed. A pungent, horrid smell wafted through your nostrils, as you captured a glimpse of her unmoving, blood curdling body across the flood board. Suddenly, your vision had darkened into an abyss, the sight disappeared.
"Y/N-" The call of your name was unforeseen, yet its voice sounded eerily familiar. The hand that was stationed over covering your eyes, was sudden yet brought some relief, sparing you the gruesome sight. Your hand clutched at your heart, above your tender breast, as you felt your body being handled, gently guided to turn towards the direction of the voice.
"A-Aegon-" Eyes widening in disbelief as the hand released its clutch over your eyesight: you felt numb towards his presence as the over-looming sense of grief drowned you, otherwise. Your father had suffered enough anguish thus far, you could not bear to bring him the burden of more sorrowful news.
What has become of your family's fate? Had some curse plagued your family? Had some ill-minded person wished nothing more than to bestow such affliction unto you all?
"Y/N, dearest- You need to come with me, right now-"
With no caution to his actions, his warm hands, its raw texture rough felt against your soft palms, as he held your cold peripherals tightly. Reassurance oozed from him, as his large hand further reached over, tenderly brushing aside a fallen, misplaced strand of hair from your face, before his thumb caressed the fallen tear away.
You knew better than to show an ounce of trust towards Aegon, and yet, you felt somewhat protected in his presence.
"Y/N, please-"
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taglist [for this series] - @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @heavenly1927 @snowprincesa1 @trifoliumviridi @fulltacoparadise @qyburnsghost
general taglist - @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @aegonslawyer
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe @jawline-of-steel
credit for divider - @/firefly-graphics
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viktor-howl · 4 months
Valentine's gift
... I can write Onceler x y/n fanfiction… And I will.
I am cringe AND I AM FREE.
(Also I'm still really really new here so very sorry if there's any mistakes here and there, let me know what yall think )
You found yourself walking through a path you never saw before, it felt as if the very carpet you stepped on was exclusive, only allowed to very few people. Yet here you are, listening to your footsteps, the sound muffled by the texture of the velvet carpet.
The closer you get to your destination, the more silent it starts to become. The air feels tense, and you catch a glimpse of a woman surrounded by papers glaring at you, having an annoyed look just from knowing of your presence.
At the end of the hallway, no one is guarding the pair of tall doors. You gathered courage to knock on the door, but the cushiony texture of it blocked any efforts you made. There was no other choice, you had to step in, he called you, after all.
Pushing the doors open, you finally step inside the large office. So much space, yet so little of it being actually used, it felt pointless, and made it all more echoey, which didn't make for a very welcoming environment.
You went silent for a moment, trying to ignore the fact that your boss was sitting at his desk, on a large chair, as if it wasn't enough for his impressive height. Knowing very well that you had to be the one to start the conversation, or at least get closer, you approach the desk. The tall man had seen you enter, although he was pretending otherwise. Of course, the best option was to pretend as if he didn't see you come in, as if he was busy, as if he wasn't counting the minutes until you would walk through that door to finally meet him… Of course not.
Finally, you reach the front of his desk, standing awkwardly as he finished his little act and actually acknowledged you.
“Ah, there you are!”
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Those were his first words, yet he didn't even face your direction. It was obvious just from his body language, this man was nervous beyond belief. Was this the scary boss everyone hissed about in the break room? The towering figure, the one that was supposed to scold employees when they made simple mistakes? And yet, his wobbly voice made its way through your ears again.
“I called you here, since… Uhh…"
Was he stuttering? What was the meaning of this? Not only were you called in the middle of your break, but you had to walk through the whole building to find his office, and he couldn't even finish his sentence. A part of you wished that this was just a simple matter that had to be handled, nothing more. Having a little voice in your head telling you that you were probably getting fired for no reason at all was enough to keep you stressed through the whole walk…
“Well, it's… you know,”
The moment you look up and snap out of your thoughts, the taller man is fidgeting with his hands before leaning a bit forward onto the desk. One of his hands went downwards, you guessed he was starting to fidget with the cushion of the seat, while the other tried to keep the pace of his speech, signaling nothing at all, since he couldn't even finish a sentence properly.
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“Around this time of the year, uhm…”
And he was stalling. And it was becoming unbearable. You kept your straight facade, staying still, even if you wanted to relax and sway from one foot to another. You had to keep up the perfect employee act, at least for a while longer until your boss decided to speak clearly.
“we gift something to special-”
‘gift’? If you thought you had any idea of what was coming when he called you here in the first place, it completely went out the window the moment he stuttered that word. As quickly as the taller man let out that shaky sentence, you felt your shoulders relax, the knot in your throat easing, leaving you in a better state than when you got here.
Onceler's eyes wandered to your figure for a moment, he definitely noticed… that little change in behavior gave him a spark of hope, maybe he wasn't coming off as a creep —which was what he convinced himself he did when he saw the stiff demeanor you had since arriving— but rather a thoughtful boss, who took care of his employees.
You, specifically.
For no reason at all, of course. Just professional behavior.
“W-we gift something to all of our employees”
He corrected himself yet again, and before you could muster a single word, he raised his previously hidden arm, pulling out a pink bag with a rather excessive ribbon for a simple gift, especially since ‘all of the employees’ were getting this kind of treatment. It amazed you, it left you with a weird feeling, but it wasn't completely impossible. After all, this man was rich enough to have the whole factory in the palm of his hand, among other expensive buildings and a mansion he barely used. At this point, everything was possible, and you figured your first impressions of the ‘evil greedy mean boss’ were wrong all along.
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You gazed at the shiny bag in front of you, standing still on the desk as he left it there gently, watching as he pushed it forward, prompting you to simply take it and leave. His hands were left neatly folded on top of the desk for a few seconds, before you realized that he was trembling. The taller man tried to hide the fact by simply fidgeting, interlocking his own fingers, eyes fixated on your expression, on every little change your face could show after he left the gift for you. He was practically analyzing you.
Feeling watched, you gazed at him instead of the gift, unable to say anything just yet, and there it was. Your boss, eyes widened when you both locked eyes, visible even through those sparkly sunglasses. His brows raised, and the second he realized you were at a perfect angle to see through the shades, he tilted his face away. An unknown yet tingly warmth stirred inside you. You could see it as clear as day, the man before you was embarrassed, his cheeks tinted red. It was faint, but it was there.
“Happy Valentine's”
He mumbled under his breath, avoiding your eyes at all costs, as well as your general direction. You couldn't really tell from the new angle, but you figured he was watching every move you made from the corner of his eyes. Letting out a contained sigh, you got closer, and you could almost feel the way he flinched when you did. Taking the present, you let go of the formalities for a moment, only to thank him as a person and not as an employee.
As those words left your lips, you could see a clearly giddy smile form on his lips. He almost seemed childish from the way he was beaming after you thanked him, even if he was trying to tone it down.
“Hey, don't even mention it. And… Try to avoid showing it to other employees. Or asking what they got as a present —which they definitely got, you know, all of our employees— maybe just keep it to yourself, ahem…”
And that was your signal to go off and leave the office, which you did, of course, you didn't want the man having a heart attack just from your presence, and the walk was going to be just as long as the beginning, there was no time to waste.
Finally, you close the door and walk away, hiding the gift the best you could. You would open it to find some of your favorite items once you got home, but for now, it was a mystery.
About three minutes passed since you left the office, and Onceler couldn't contain himself anymore. Once he was completely sure you were away, his body relaxed, only for it to shiver in excitement. Bringing his hands to his face, he giggled like a schoolgirl, spinning from side to side on his chair, a dumb smile decorating his face as he patted himself in the back for being able to interact with you without making it seem weird, mumbling how proud he was of himself after your small exchange.
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
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blade x trailblazer!fem!reader ⿸ xianzhou spoilers. nsfw themes (violence, etc). read at your own risk. angst. kinda possessive? ish? feels. :3c english isn't my first language, so please don't mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
⪩ when our beloved trailblazer confronts kafka at xianzhou during the awakening of the ambrosian tree, they are stopped by blade. but something is...different about the situation.
TERM DIRECTORY ◖y/n: your name ◖e/c: eye color ◖h/c: hair color
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the blossoming of the ambrosian tree was a beautiful, welcoming scene of chaos. the flutters of golden petals that flew and chased each other about, along with the anxious murmurs of the civilians that witnessed the very growth of mother nature.
despite the beauty of it all, it was a gateway to a distant battle ahead. a distant battle with a followed path that only welcomed a series of mystery, loss and war. and all of it was planned.
planned for you, our starring guest, at the very least.
but... how long had it been since he saw you?
amnesia was a bitch. he was fully aware of your inability to remember anything about yourself or your past but kafka's and silver wolf's appearance, and your awakening. how you were recruited by the express team, how you were practically destined to figure this out on your own...how you are on the path to save multiple worlds but at a cost of many. you were doing this without being able to remember anything, only to depend on those that you could call 'friends'. but...could you remember him? the time you spent together with him before you lost everything? the love you two shared? old promises that could possibly be broken today?
...it doesn't matter. focus on the mission. focus on getting kafka the fuck out, and―
no, he couldn't.
not when he finally saw you.
when you ran after kafka when she made her escape, his signature weapon was unsheathed, pointed directly at you, forcing you to stop in your tracks.
"wait―!" you called out to kafka, but you felt something tug at your heartstrings. both fear, sorrow and happiness stirred inside of you...but you didn't know why.
although you were quite fixated on kafka's escape, it was like you were greeted with something more... more important than the mission itself. more than everything else in this world. that's what you felt, at least. maybe your friends didn't seem to think so, but... you certainly did.
"...huh?" you froze, and so did the world around you. your heartstrings continued to pull, and your heart began to race. you felt tears coming up, burning through your eyes as you fixated on the mere appearance of blade. you were confused...why were you feeling like this? why did you have a sudden urge to embrace this stranger that you never once met before? you felt your body move on its own, but you were stubborn.
you did not budge. not one bit.
but you were struggling. and he could see that.
...but he was struggling too. the man did not want to move, but he was in desperate need to grab you, to take you into his arms, to love on you like the old days,.
he lowered his sword, his eyes softening from the mere sight of you. you haven't changed one bit. you were always so beautiful, always so clever and always yourself. but now, things were different. you were still you, in a way, but you weren't there. you were no longer by his side. you were now living and fighting alongside with the express team.
something about this man, something about him... you tried to remember. but you can't. why can't you remember? you were able to remember some vivid images of his face in your mind but...it wasn't enough. just what is he? why can't you remember him? just―
"...who are you?" a soft whisper protrudes from your lips as you quietly took a step closer, knowing you were stepping into enemy territory. at this rate, he could stab you. he could lop that head of yours and call it a day. that's how dangerously close you both were from each other.
the man did not say anything in response, but the dull emotion visible through is golden oculars told a thousand stories.
...but he couldn't just let this go. he can't let you go. nobody else can have you. if your memories are erased? so be it. he can make new ones with you.
not when this was probably the only time he could see you like this. in person.
at least you were safe and sound. at least the express crew did something right he could agree with. they were keeping you safe, fed, clothed and they were taking care of you. something that he couldn't do.
taking a step closer, blade took you by your arm gently, tossing away the sword as a metallic clang echoed as it collided against the floor.
"ah―" his hands traveled to your waist and your shoulders, reeling you into a fiery, passionate kiss. he was hungry. to your confusion, you reciprocated this affection, as though you were accustomed to it. familiar to it. even so, you fought back due to your amnesia. your unfamiliarity to it all. "w-wait―"
you were unable to stop him or yourself, allowing your body to speak for you. that was when a hitched breath escaped you, your countenance flaring with warm, a flash of redness washing over your features as his lips came crashing onto the side of your neck. there were important matters to attend to, but you are his world. everything else didn't matter.
just you, and him.
"ah... w-wait...! wh―" you mewled, shuddering at this lips and teeth nibbling into the soft skin of your neck. he didn't listen, and neither did your body. you wanted this. you wanted him. you felt incited from all of this. heated, even. but even all good things come to an end.
he gently pushed you away, golden opticals eyeing at the mark he left you on your bare skin. a sweet little bruise accompanied by the markings of his teeth. a few drops of blood here and there, but it didn't quite matter. that mark on your neck was to show who you belonged to. he knew that a certain vidyadhara had a crush on you, so giving you a mark on your neck would ruin everything for him. you belonged to blade, after all. and nobody could touch another man's treasure.
you breathed, your chest rising and falling from heated breaths. your cheeks were red, your eyes were a bit wide. what had happened? you were trying to process your thoughts.
licking his lips with a faint smirk, blade bent down to retrieve his sword, taking a step back.
"y/n." he finally decided to speak, taking another step back. "you don't remember anything. your amnesia your backbone. yet, your body remembers it all."
a grin. a malicious grin.
"even if you cannot remember me, my name, or the promises we made back then, i will say this," another step back, "no matter where you go, y/n, you rightfully belong to me, my love. you do not have a place by anyone's side but mine. we will see each other again," he turned his back towards you, "and once we do...it will be different."
you reached your hand out to stop blade, but it was too late, he had already made his escape as well. leaping off the platform, he gracefully exited the premises with his comrade, leaving you starstruck and confused by the situation.
...despite your confusion, you were excited for the next encounter. you lifted a hand, placing it atop of the bruise that he left behind on that sweet neck of yours.
you were his.
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zestialmorde · 4 months
After a few too many drinks, Zestial is ready to tell the story of how him and Carmilla's friendship blossomed
tagging: @carmilla15 @ep1c-m0ai
445 words Zestial pov fluff
An: I know this is a little weird for a roleplay blog but it also felt too long to just answer the ask? That's why its kinda set up like a fanfic even though it is Zestials pov still. It's also not green bc I didnt want everyone to hate me lmao
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I met Carmilla many years ago. Our paths had crossed several times before we ever exchanged words, though whether she noticed me lurking in the shadows is another matter. From the moment she entered the scene, she had me captivated with her power and grace. She moved through the aftermath of the exterminators' visits with such elegance, looking more like an angel than the angels who had just departed. Her presence was magnetic, drawing all eyes and leaving an indelible impression on everyone she encountered.
Our first proper meeting was at an overlords' assembly. Keep in mind, I was in charge of the roster back then, so naturally, I ensured her inclusion as soon as her soul count was sufficient. For a newcomer to the overlords' meeting, she was a firecracker! Unlike Velvette, who is all flash and fury, Carmilla was calm and collected, wielding facts and statistics with a precision I had never seen before. Her demeanor commanded respect and attention. I was overjoyed when she accepted my invitation for tea afterward. Beautiful and intelligent, we had so much in common that it seemed almost as if we were destined to work together.
During that first tea, we talked for hours, discussing everything from the intricacies of our respective domains to our thoughts on the shifting power dynamics within the underworld. Her insights were sharp, her wit even sharper, and I found myself drawn to her in a way I had not anticipated. Her laughter was like a melody, and her gaze held a depth that promised endless discoveries. It was clear that beneath her composed exterior lay a fiercely passionate being with a vision for the future that resonated with my own.
After that, I may have made an effort to... bump into her a bit more frequently. I like to think I was subtle in my attempts, though I’m almost certain she noticed—not that she ever complained. We began to collaborate on various projects, our combined efforts yielding results that neither of us could have achieved alone. Our partnership flourished, built on mutual respect and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Many years have passed, and in that time, nearly every other overlord has either chosen to step down or has been forcibly removed from their position. Yet, through all the turmoil and upheaval, Carmilla has remained steadfastly by my side. Her loyalty is unwavering, her counsel invaluable. Truly, she is an angel among swine, and I am fortunate to call her my ally and friend. Our bond has only grown stronger over the years, a testament to the unique connection we share in this chaotic realm.
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jorenilee · 1 year
I made a mile long twt thread about okuyasu that I'll just paste here too because I have many thoughts about him <333 anyways heres my messy rambles about this specific line because AUUGH
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do u ever think about this one line and how perfectly it encapsulates his entire character and how it fits into diu. Like first Okuyasu is NOT a traditionally kind person, he's no saint, he's quick to violence and anger and frustration, he's close-minded and is very clear about his lack of regard for others.
But coupling that with this line from Keicho (sometimes it's translated as "only when I hit him does he listen to me) and its like damn. Their entire lives have been shaped by violence, the only way they've made ANY progress is through death and hurt.
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Keicho's power in the family comes from discipline, violence over his father and violence caused by the arrow. The one thing standing between him and a "normal" life is the literal death of his father. It doesn't matter how many lives he ruins in the process, all that matters is getting that second chance. His life has been on an uncontrollable downward spiral, but with the arrow and his own family at his heel, he has power. He can make decisions. He can unshackle himself from the past 10 years and finally start his life.
And of course Okuyasu would absorb all this, because Keicho was all he had, and his own father always responded to that violence. And if you follow the interpretation that the brothers gained their stands from the arrow, that's another instance of them gaining power through suffering. Becoming "better".
And it's so interesting that keicho treats his father and Okuyasu as deadweights "holding him back" when in reality, it was Keicho that was sinking down into tar, refusing to get out because a happier life could be just on the other side.
Okuyasu wanted to save his father the moment that possibility was established, but Keicho held onto the arrow, his sinking fate, his suffering, until the very end. He believed he crossed his moral event horizon and he was destined on this set path. No matter how much power he could scrounge for himself, death ruled his entire life, whether that of his father or the lives of the arrow's victims.
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And all this makes Okuyasu's relationships with Josuke and Koichi so much better because. Okuyasu did NOT care for their safety. He was, at least on the surface, on board with Koichi or even Josuke dying. Maybe not all that passionate, but he's seen death, probably participated in it, and believes that it's the Number 1 Nijimura Way. So then Josuke healing him is completely antithetical to his entire damn life.
He was ready to die, ready to "learn his lesson", ready to be discarded because he failed, just like how all those people died to the arrow because they failed to handle a stand. But Josuke's very lukewarm "i jus dont want ppl dying??" belief is so groundbreaking because death was so necessary for any and all progress.
Okuyasu's own stand is inherently destructive and erases things permanently. Maybe a deep-seated desire to actually make lasting impacts on his surroundings erupting as a power beyond death. To cause total oblivion. I know we all love to think that Keicho didn't want to force Okuyasu to kill his own father, but Keicho wanted a normal death. Because at least a normal death can happen to a normal family. And completely erasing someone's atoms isn't a mortal death.
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Then here comes Josuke's healing schtick which WORKS, and Josuke is fully prepared to sacrifice an arm and leg just to save Koichi. In like 15 minutes, one guy completely overwrote the past 15 years of Okuyasus life. He helps Josuke heal koichi (extra layer of fucked because all those arrow victims never HAD to die), gets called a great guy, and starts his character arc of. Making decisions in the absence of violence. Choosing to heal and rebuild instead of destroying and moving onto the next victim. Of continuing the cycle of beating life lessons into people's heads.
And Koichi, dude he choked out with a gate, becomes his close friend too. Koichi who gets repeatedly harassed thru diu but still has it in him to forgive and befriend others. He's far from naive, gets fed up with shit, but he's another opposite to Okuyasu. His stand evolves through pain, maybe, but it's from a desire to protect himself or others. There's a chance Koichi was never supposed to survive, but he did (part 4's theme about fate is a different story oooboy) and his active ability to see the best in people compliments Josuke's more aloof demeanor and Okuyasu's short temper. Koichi is like. The embodiment of growth in that way.
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and ik its eoh dialogue but this interaction was always neat to me because of how it highlighted Okuyasu's disinterest in improvement, at least when it comes to character. For him, as long as someone "gets" the lesson at a surface level or is good enough at it, there's no reason to dive deeper. To fully wrap your head around it and Feel it. Its the same utility-first philosophy Keicho held, the same idea that all that matters is the end goal, not the means or the people along the way. + how Okuyasu still bickered and talked back to Keicho, but understood well enough that Keicho was the one in control.
"bare minimum" is how okuyasu lived his entire life; his house, how keicho treated him, his response to Josuke and Koichi's kindness, his entire relationship with his father.
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He desperately wants, yeah, but its for more material things. Money and power, things either robbed from him or held over his head. And YEAH he's supposed to be hypocritical here, but like. Why does he lose his morals and sense ESPECIALLY when those two things are involved. Why does he "regress" in character growth back to tunnel-visioned violence and discipline about them.
And rahhhhhh is it lackluster writing or is it interesting that Okuyasu's pretty stagnant for the entirety of diu. It's like he's passively absorbing things about befriending former enemies through kindness, inspiring loyalty through passion not pain.
He calls Mikitaka weird and dismisses him (remnants of Keicho's utility stuff?), gets ghost tricked, acts like a big brother a few times. But it's when he meets Keicho face-to-face that it all crashes down around him. The same way Nijimura father had shackled him, Keicho had also been weighing on Okuyasu.
Its like. Keichos death made Okuyasu rebound onto Josuke and get consumed by vengeance against Otoishi, and Okuyasu didn't know how to properly grieve Shigechi either. His entire life, when someone died, violence was the answer. Hide the body, kill the father, don't ever think about what you've done.
But its Keicho, the one that spearheaded the power-and-suffering-over-all thing, who steps in and requests that Okuyasu thinks it over. The Keicho that said he stopped regarding oku as his brother, was willing to kill him to prove a point, who quite possibly shot the arrow at him. Who taught him that only violence yields the answer. Self-inflicted or not.
He says to just think about it. And Okuyasu thinks long enough for Josuke and Hayato to lose their damn minds and for him to actually understand it, fully wrap his mind around it. The fact that he has a "second" life, the life Keicho pursued for so long and died for. And he has it because of the love and compassion from his friends, how they see past the failures and transgressions of others.
How they just dont want people to die. And Okuyasu doesnt have to either. He doesnt have to stay sinking for his brother, doesnt have to lose everything for a mistake, doesnt have to destroy to make a difference. and so he chooses to live. Really, fully live. For himself.
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And he comes back, now able to recognize and separate himself from Keicho's teachings. THERES A REASON STRAY HAS BEEN MY PFP FOR FOREVER BECAUSE Okuyasu comes back and saves Stray. The little creature that literally EXPLODED him.
And it means so much that it wasn't a "this creature is good and I will rescue it" moment, because Okuyasu was never a saviour hero-type. He didn't even mean to "save" the cat. He just removed Stray from Kira's grasp, and THEN realized oh I think it's just a little guy. Alright cool I guess the fucker stays with me.
He's growing his own way, beginning his new life by first and foremost helping others. He brings stray home BEFORE it takes a liking to his father. It's just. The first independent, weighted decision he makes is giving a stressed, unfortunate cat a second chance at life. It was struck by an arrow, revived due to forces outside it's comprehension, and was fuelled by instincts to lash out and attack. And because it was destructive and able to follow orders, it was weaponized. Before finally being removed from the situation and calmed down. Sound familiar?
And now Okuyasu has a semblance of a domestic family. The Nijimura family is all about growth from death and it's so interesting. Nijimura father becoming cruelest after his wife's death, him mutating after DIO's death, Keicho believing his life begins after his father's death, Okuyasu's life actually beginning after Keicho's demise, Stray being reborn as a plant (symbol of growth), and Okuyasu reviving too (also due to Keicho's death).
+ shit about nijimura father unable to die and Okuyasu constantly being pulled from death by Josuke ADDING MORE FUNNY LAYERS TO LOOK AT + the name nijimura literally meaning rainbow village. Both the physical irl place and the idea that rainbows = rebirth and hope and new beginnings + stray being reincarnated under one + Okuyasu reviving after the rain passed. Death doesn't rule them, but is also inescapable??? Idk anyways
ALL THIS IS WHAT I MEAN BY okuyasu is a flawed character surrounded by violence and bad decisions, he's not a pure soul and does fucked shit and is NOT a 2014 tumblr era cinnamon roll PLEASE. He can be an ass and it makes the hopeful buds of his new life that more beautiful cuz like. Morioh is the best place for him to settle and grow, reteach himself everything because it's a community of equally if not more dubious weirdos.
Oku's far far from perfect, he's still got a lot of anger and shortsightedness but he's with people that love him, willing to help him when he makes mistakes, doesn't hold him back. His relationships with Josuke and Koichi and others aren't like. Super poetic or cosmic or "I will find you in every universe"esque and it suits him. He's just a teen guy who went thru everything and missed out on everything. He's suffered, caused suffering, but he's leaving that cycle.
Judging by the book (semi-canon), it's going as messy as expected, but he loves his friends so so much. He's still putting himself in harm's way and being reckless and an asshole, but he has something more to fight for. And he cares a lot. Is willing to go beyond for it, maybe even improve. And that's enough for him (in the best way).
Idk how to end the thread anyways he's my son my baby perfect angel also he sucks bad BUT HE'S PERFECT ‼️‼️ this is how I feel about him every given day it just depends on the celestial alignment of the planets and stars
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mako-neexu · 5 months
its so unfair. its honestly just so unfair... i cant believe the solution for the Avenger ordeal call is to taste vengeance- to stoke those potential flames in your heart, to experience first hand why such a Class is not accepted into panhuman history as a means to let go, saying goodbye to such flames that has been with them since the beginning.....you must see for yourself why someone as dazzling as you do not have the heart to become flame itself. you who holds onto love and hope no matter how great your despair, no matter how much you are faced with the temptation to kill for your satisfaction. Avengers are weapons that would demand of retribution at the cost of pan human history as defined by the system that governs their world. and guda's misusage is because they've turned them into Servants who are simply more than flames that would wreak havoc and destruction for the sake of their revenge that is hardwired into their very existence.
guda wielded their flames not for the sake of killing, but borrowed their power to forge a path ahead instead of setting the road ablaze. and with such beings who understand the best what you had to go through, as beings who know of pain the most, who are intimate with love the most, you must let go of these flames as their purpose greatly contradicts that irreversible wish in your heart. hellfire is what defines this class made of bloody teeth and howls. and you cannot use such a thing if you are to make your way to your final destination, the world in which only 7 seats are accepted into protecting the human order. so let go if you wish to pass. let go of these flames that you have come to cherish and love, bearing encompassing warmth only for you but would scorch the world in a heartbeat if you were to bring those that embody hatred, revenge, and grudges to the very place which has irreversibly changed them into monsters recorded in the Throne.
its just so unfair...
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