#its fucking hot in here and i pulled something in my neck and im all damp from the humidity and from getting fucking SPLASHED
romanromulus · 2 years
i think “I cried a lot last night” should be a perfectly acceptable excuse to stay home from work
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junovrsmp4 · 2 months
three is not a crowd
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5 times Chris walks in on you and Matt fucking + 1 time he gets to join in on the fun
pairing: established!matt x reader, chris x reader, matt x reader x chris
summary: what it says on the tin basically
warnings: THREESOME, PURE FILTH, dick riding, oral (female & male receiving), teasing, edging, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, p in v, slight degradation/praising, slight angst, happy ending yay
word count: 6.9K
author’s note: im a whore for both of them. that is all. (also this has plot, and is mostly beta read but i havent slept in hrs so if some mistakes did slip thru my bad
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“Hey Matt, have you seen my-” Chris begins to ask as he pushes Matt’s bedroom door open, expecting his brother to either be lazing around in bed or be at his desk, gaming.
What he doesn't expect is the sight he is instead greeted by, of you, Matt’s girlfriend of the last year and a half, astride Matt’s lap, riding his dick while he leans against his headboard, head thrown back and hands grabbing your hips, guiding you, slowly.
Chris is shocked, understandably, and he should just turn around and book it. Instead, he stands frozen, watching the way your head is nestled into the crook of Matt’s neck, your shoulders shaking. If Chris ignores the sound of his own pounding heart, he can almost hear the soft whimpers you’re letting out at each downward thrust of your hips.
At the sound of a soft, deep groan, Chris’ attention shifts to Matt, who has his eyes shut, and his bottom lip pinched between his teeth. There’s something surreal about this scene, seeing Matt, who looks nothing like Chris, but also looks the most like him, fucking this beautiful girl who’s been on his mind for months now.
“Matt…,” he hears you whine loudly against his brother’s neck, and Chris has to grit his teeth, fight against the urge to shove his hands into his pants and fist his growing erection. This shouldn't turn him on so much, hell, he shouldn't even be here right now. He should have run in the opposite direction as soon as he realized what he’d walked in on, but he’s mesmerized by the way you move, your back arching as your hips move back and forth. The slow, sensual, almost hypnotic, movements of your body as you ride Matt’s dick has him clenching his fists, nails digging into his palms and it’s easy to imagine him in Matt’s place as he gets this view of what it might look like to fuck you. Your moans grow louder, and Chris thinks it might be because you’re getting close, and god, he feels so hot underneath his skin.
“Shh baby, didn't you say we needed to be quiet?” Matt whispers against the side of your head. “Can’t have Chris hearing us, can we?”
At the sound of his name, Chris’ heart hammers faster, and he looks up at Matt’s face, only to see that his brother’s gaze was already on him, watching him with a slight smirk before thrusting his hips up, presumably driving his cock deeper into you, making you moan even louder than you already were.
Breaking out of his stupor, Chris stumbles backwards before hightailing it to his room, slamming the door behind him. It takes all of five seconds for him to get his cock out of his sweatpants, furiously jerking off as he leans against his door, biting into the hem of his t-shirt that he’d pulled up over his chest, and only another five seconds before he shoots his cum all over himself.
Chris knows its wrong, wanting his brother's girl. This was never a problem before, because any time he found out Matt liked someone, Chris immediately lost interest. It was the brothers’ code; they never fought over girls, and besides, they always just liked different ones.
You, though…it was hard not to like you, even after he found out Matt had his eyes on you.
Chris remembers the first time he met you, how nice you’d been to him and his brothers, how easily you’d fit into their lives. He’s not going to lie and say he’d wanted you right from the start. It was a gradual thing, slowly creeping up on him before he realized what had gotten him.
You just made him feel so comfortable, and surprisingly, the two of you had a lot in common. But then again, you had a lot in common with Matt, and Nick. And yet, you were so different. You were smart, playful, and so, so kind. You were just the right amount of goofy and serious, and you just, fit well into the dynamic Chris and his brothers shared.
It shouldn't have surprised him when Matt eventually told him and Nick that he was into you and planned to ask you out. It all happened so quickly after that. You and Matt had gotten together and, now you weren't just the new friend that Chris and his brothers were always hanging out with, but his brother's (his brother who was also his best friend, really) girlfriend.
Which is why Chris knows it’s fucked up. Wanting you. And he knows it’s even more fucked up that he wishes he could have a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago when he accidentally walked in on you and Matt. The amount of times he’s jacked off to that memory alone the past few nights is insane, his mind supplying images to create his own version of events where he doesn't run away.
Especially fucked up is the fact that Matt had seen him, had looked cocky that he’d caught Chris watching them, and even that fact hadn’t deterred Chris from chasing orgasm after orgasm to the thought of fucking you, imagining how tight and wet your pussy might be, what it might taste like.
Speaking of the fucker who seemed totally unfazed by recent events, Matt sat across Chris, scrolling through his phone, while Nick sat beside him, editing their latest video. Chris was trying his hardest not to flip the fuck out, but his whole nervous system seemed like it was fried. Nick had already yelled at him twice to stop moving so much because he was apparently jostling the table too much, and Matt had just let out a bemused chuckle without lifting his eyes from his phone the entire time.
Just as Chris was about to get up and retreat to him room, the doorbell rings, before Matt gets a series of texts.
“Oh, she’s here-” Matt says, before shooting out of his chair and rushing to great you at the front door.
“Hey, hey, hey!” your cheery voice rings through the hallway, as you and Matt make your way into the kitchen, and Chris almost chokes on the sip of Pepsi he’d just taken because holy fuck-
You were wearing a short, tight black dress that hugged the lines and curves of your body just right, the square neckline barely covering your chest. His eyes slipped further down to the way the fabric of the dress cinched at your waist, and to the slit at the side of the dress that came up to mid-thigh. That and the combination of tall strappy heels you had on made your legs look…really good. So good that Chris wishes he was between those legs, licking a path up your calf to your inner thighs, leaving bruising kisses to mar the smooth, unblemished skin of your legs, before finally, finally-
Nick hoots just then, exclaiming about how hot your fit looks, pulling Chris out of his daze. He watches as you bask in the compliments being showered onto you by both Nick and Matt now, and can't help but smile at the way you try to hide your blushing face.
So, it’s completely out of left field when he sees you again later that night, sitting on the couch with your hands covering your face but this time it’s to hide the loud moans that threaten to slip from your mouth as you watch Matt kneel in front of you, his mouth pressing kisses into your inner thighs…just like Chris had imagined doing earlier.
It’s ridiculous really, how Chris had been feeling slightly normal after dinner with you and his brothers, because as awkward as he may have been feeling about you and Matt, being around you and his brothers, having good food and just laughing about random shit made him feel really fucking good. Like everything was normal and he wasn't fantasizing about fucking his brother’s girlfriend. Like he hadn't accidentally walked in on them fucking.
Of course it’s just his fucking luck that as soon he’s feeling just that slightest bit of normalcy, he’d decided to go to the kitchen and grab a Pepsi from the fridge at 3 AM, only to find his brother about to eat you out on the couch.
“Matt-” you whine, as your back arches off the couch, one of your hands moving to grab Matt’s hair, the other trying and failing to hold back your moans. “Matt, please- nnggh- stop teasing.”
Chris feels all his blood rush down south and it leaves him lightheaded. The low lighting in the room accentuates the shadows of your body and he can see the muscles in your legs flex as your thighs clench around Matt’s head, trying to get him to move his mouth closer to where you want him. You’re not in the tight black dress he’d seen you in earlier, but in a blue baby tee and black lace-trimmed hipster briefs. There’s an almost imperceptible quiver that wracks through your entire body in anticipation for what’s to come.
Matt doesn't keep you waiting for long. Chris' breathing grows even more jagged as he watches Matt’s fingers push your panties to the side before he runs his tongue flat up your pussy. Chris can't see as much as he’d like to, but his overactive imagination does the job for him, imagining how wet you must be.
Chris feels like such a sick perv for still standing there, watching with wide eyes as Matt (his literal brother) enthusiastically licks and kisses your pussy, and he almost wonders how neither of you haven't noticed him yet. Then again, you and Matt seem so lost in each other, and now there’s another ugly thought circling Chris’ brain, one that makes his chest hurt a little.
He forgoes his Pepsi for the night and quietly returns back to his room, cock half-hard, and his heart just the slightest bit heavy.
“Alright, what’s going on with you?” Nick asks him, while his eyes are still fixed on his phone.
He and Chris were sitting on the couch (Chris had been avoiding the section that you and Matt had used during your late night rendezvous), and Chris was idly flipping through his Netflix watch list.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Chris says with a heavy sigh, slumping further into the couch.
It’s quiet, and the silence makes Chris look up at Nick, who was already looking at him with a curious frown.
“Seriously, what the fuck is up with you?” Nick asks, and he actually looks concerned, which throws Chris off a bit. “You’re usually bouncing off the walls and annoying the shit out of everyone in your nearest vicinity, but lately you've just been, I don't know- I’m like actually worried, did something happen? Is everything okay?”
Chris swallows around the lump that had formed in his throat and takes a minute. To do what, he doesn't know. It’s not like he’s going to prepare himself to tell Nick what he’d witnessed, twice, and how he was feeling about it. Really, how does one go about telling their triplet brother that they’d accidentally witnessed their other brother in an intimate situation with said brother’s partner, not once, but twice, and had enjoyed it, to the point of having nightly fantasies about it?
There were more complicated feelings lurking just under the surface, more than just Chris wanting to fuck you, but he did not have the mental bandwidth to unpack all that, so that was that. It’s not like he had honest to god feelings-
“See, at this point, you would’ve been yapping away-” Nick says, interrupting his train of thought, “-but instead, you’re just sitting there, looking all sad and miserable.”
“Okay, I don't look sad and miserable,” Chris says with a roll of his eyes. At least, he hopes he doesn't. “I’m just tired dude. Haven't been sleeping well lately.”
“What? It’s the truth.”
“Didn't say you were lying,” Nick says, matter-of-factually, in that signature Nick tone that lets everyone know when he isn't buying their bullshit.
“I’m fine,” Chris says slowly, waiting for Nick to stop looking at him so intensely.
“Sure,” Nick drawls out. “You’re also a shitty liar.”
“Fuck you,” Chris grumbles, chucking the TV remote at Nick, who flails to try and dodge it, letting out an indignant squawk when it bounces off his shoulder and falls to the ground.
This, of course, results in Nick throwing whatever was closest to him at Chris, which happens to be an empty water bottle, and eventually they're just chucking it back and forth, cursing at each other in between laughter.
It’s the most relaxed Chris has felt in weeks.
Too bad you had to walk in at that exact moment.
“Hey guys!” you say cheerily, plopping down on the couch, next to Chris. You’d stayed over for a couple of nights now, as you usually do, and Chris should be extremely used to your presence, except he feels his skin prickle as soon as your close to him, close enough for him to feel the warmth radiating off of your skin.
“God, how are you so chipper every morning?” Nick asks, shaking his head with a poorly hidden smile.
You twirl a strand of your hair around your finger, and bit the corner of your bottom lip. “It helps that I wake up to one of the hottest guys ever, and then get to hang out with his hot as fuck brothers,” you say with a smirk, waggling your eyebrows at Nick.
Chris wishes you hadn't just said that because now his mind wanders (more like sprints) to the memory of this morning, when he’d walked past Matt’s open bedroom. He’d heard the telltale sounds of skin slapping against skin, and your voice, whining Matt’s name over and over, which had him stopping right before Matt’s door, eyes wide, mouth agape. This couldn't be happening right? There was no way he’d walked into this situation for a third time.
Chris debates on whether he should just turn back around, go downstairs, out the front door, and bash his head against a tree, or if he should soldier on and just walk past to get to his room.
The sounds were getting to him. His cock strained against his grey sweatpants, creating a very obvious tent. His clothes suddenly felt a size too small, the air around him too thick, and he felt sweat break out on his forehead. He should leave, run far, far away from his house probably, but a sick part of him wants more than anything to see what’s got you moaning this time.
He rounds the corner and is met with a sight that almost has him falling to his knees.
It’s unfair, how incredibly gorgeous you look straddling Matt’s thighs, bouncing on his dick rhythmically, your head thrown back. You’re leaning back on your hands, supported on Matt’s knees, and Chris watches the way your body undulates as you swivel your hips, ribs flaring as your chest heaves. Every gasp you let out is a punch to Chris’ gut, leaving him feeling winded.
You’re so lost in the throes of pleasure that you don't hear when Chris groans out loud, but he knows exactly when Matt hears him, because his head rolls lazily towards him, his hands that had been grabbing your hips tightening, and there’s little to no warning before Matt’s flipping you over and thrusting into you with vigor.
“Does that feel good baby?” Chris hears Matt ask, his voice rough and low. “Tell me how good my dick makes you feel.”
“Fuck, so good, Matt- please, please, please-” your moans turning into whimpers as Matt’s thrust pick up in pace. Chris can tell exactly when Matt hits the bundle of nerves inside you that has you seeing stars because your back arches off his bed, hands scrambling to find purchase. Your fingers clench into the pillow above your head, as you beg Matt to go harder, faster.
Chris’ eyes bounce back to Matt, who’s watching you in awe, and he’s seen that look on his face numerous times before, like Matt can't get enough of you. Chris’ breath hitches, because he wishes it was him, in Matt’s place. Him, worshiping you, making you feel good. He wishes he was the one that was ripping those sounds out of you.
He catches Matt’s eyes just then, and Chris has never wanted to punch him in the face more than he does in that moment, because it almost feels like he’s mocking Chris.
See what I have, what you so desperately want…
Chris holds up a middle finger, directed at Matt and whatever god was up there who’d clearly forsaken him. He had half the mind to just yell but the last thing he wanted to do was embarrass you. So with a scathing look at Matt, and a mouthed fuck you, he walks to his room, the sound of Matt’s laughter the last thing he hears before Chris angrily slams the door and sheds his clothes, pumping his cock to the memory of your voice.
It’s the hardest he’s cum all week.
Chris walks in on Matt pounding you against the wall leading to the garage. At this point, it had to be on purpose. The two of you had to be planning this, because how was it always Chris that ended up walking in on them, and not Nick? Knowing his brother, Nick would’ve gone around voicing his disgust at having caught you and Matt fucking, any chance he got.
So, it had to be on purpose.
Matt’s whispering dirty things in your ear, loud enough for Chris to hear every word.
“You’re so fucking pretty baby-”
“I want to ruin you, want you to feel me for days-”
“You’re such a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” and that has you letting out a particularly loud whine. The next bit Matt whispers into your ear is too inaudible for Chris to comprehend but he can tell how much it affects you, because you absolutely lose it just then.
Fuck this. Fuck all of this.
“Can y’all stick to fucking in Matt’s bed?”
At the sound of Chris’ voice, you look up at him, startled, and it’s electrifying, your stare. Chris sees your eyebrows furrow, your lips, plump from being bitten (by yourself, or Matt, who cares at this point), fall open. Matt’s shoulders stiffen for a second, so Chris knows he’s aware that Chris is right behind them, but the asshole just keeps fucking going. And you, you’re still staring.
“Chris-” you gasp, your nails digging into Matt’s shoulder. Chris thinks you’re going to push him away, scramble to pull yourself together.
You surprise him by pushing back down onto Matt’s cock with even more fervor, your hands moving up Matt’s neck to grab onto his hair, pulling hard.
Chris watches you cum on Matt’s cock for the first time that night, all while your eyes were locked on his.
Chris doesn't like being angry. He very rarely is. And usually, he gets over it really quick.
Which is why it’s shocking to everyone when he gets cold and hostile towards Matt seemingly out of nowhere, and the anger doesn't subside.
It gets in the way of their work. Filming becomes exhausting, and it leaves all three brothers feeling frustrated and annoyed at each other.
It’s in the middle of filming a new car video when it all goes to head. Nick and Matt had attempted to film a video, but Chris couldn’t hold back the jabs at Matt, interrupting him every time he spoke, insulting him for no reason whatsoever, which only made Matt retaliate just as hard.
“That’s it-” Nick yells, his hands pushing his hair out of his face in frustration. “I’ve fucking had it with you two. I’m getting the fuck out of this car and the two of you are going to stay in here and talk. Don’t even bother coming back in until you sort out whatever-” he gestures wildly between Matt and Chris, “-is going on with you two!”
And with that, Nick storms back into their house.
Chris stares out of the window with his arms crossed, seething. He can tell Matt is looking at him, can see part of his reflection on the window, but Chris isn’t going to give him the satisfaction of breaking first.
Matt, much to Chris’ annoyance, was completely calm and collected.
“Chris-” Matt begins to say, but Chris just chucks his empty Pepsi can at him without looking. He hears it clatter against something (the steering wheel, he thinks), before dropping down onto the car floor with a dull thud.
Matt sighs, and Chris wants to yell, because Chris is the one that should be huffing and sighing, he’s the one that’s tired of all this bullshit.
“Are you trying to prove something?” Chris asks, because he never could stay quiet for too long. “Is that it? What the actual fuck Matt?”
Chris had fully turned to face Matt, who at least had the decency to look somewhat abashed now. His face was tinged pinked, and he was fiddling with his rings.
Chris continues. “I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but if you’re just trying to get me to see she’s your girl, I fucking get it, okay? You’ve made that really fucking clear. Did I say or do something to warrant this shit, because if you think I’m out to get her, I’m not, okay? Jesus- do you know how fucking insane-”
“She wants you bro.”
Chris blinks. He opens his mouth, and then shuts it.
“I used to catch her staring at you sometimes, and there were times she’d just keep scrolling through pictures of the two of us together- you and me, I mean- and…I don’t know, she’d have this look on her face.” Matt trails off. He looks at Chris, trying to gauge his reaction so far, but truth be told, Chris was still trying to process what Matt had initially said.
“Look, the two of us are happy together. I love her, she loves me, but I think she…” Matt coughs out, and it’s the first time since this whole thing has started that Chris has seen Matt this awkward. “She’s into you too. She never really told me, but it got pretty obvious after a while. And eventually, I- I started bringing you up, when we- um, yeah. She wants us both.”
Chris starts laughing. Because he doesn’t know what else to do.
“Alright, good prank dude- I’m still so fucking mad at you but-”
“I’m not kidding, Chris.”
Right. Because why would Matt joke about something like this?
And that’s how Chris finds himself back in Matt’s room. You and Matt were sitting on his bed, albeit a little far apart, meanwhile Chris had taken a seat in Matt’s gaming chair. Chris almost wants to call the two of you out on the pure torture you’d put him through the past few weeks, but one look at your face has him abandoning that train of thought.
You look so…remorseful. You’re slightly curled in on yourself, like you’re bracing for some sort of attack, and Chris’ heart melts. The last thing he wants is for you to feel upset, so he tries to lighten the mood.
“So, do you just wanna see which one of us has the better dick or-?”
He smiles as you sputter, eyes wide as you finally look up at him.
“There we go,” Chris whispers. “You’re finally looking at me.”
“Chris…I’m so sorry,” you whisper, lips trembling. “God, this is so stupid, why did we decide to tell him-”
“Hey, hey-” Chris chides. “I think I’ve been kept in the dark long enough, actually. I just wish y’all hadn’t used such a weird ass fucking way to tell me.”
“Well, to be fair, she didn’t even know you’d seen us that first couple of times,”
“Oh, god-”
“-And, we kinda assumed you’d take the fucking hint or something.”
“Yeah, I thought the hint was ‘I know you wanna fuck my girl, so I’m gonna make sure you catch us fucking every chance we get so you stay the fuck away’,” Chris says with a raised brow, staring deadpan at Matt.
“Wait, what-” you start, but you’re interrupted by Matt.
“Yeah, he’s wanted to fuck you for a while too.”
And that's how Chris finds himself with a front row view of Matt fucking you, up close and personal. Matt has you on all fours, facing Chris, while he pounds into you from behind, hard and deep. Each thrust punches a high-pitched moan out of you, and Chris watches, enraptured by the way you take it.
Chris watches to his heart's content that night, no longer worried about getting caught, no longer stressed about wanting to fuck you.
Chris watches you fall apart in Matt's hands over and over, and all he can think about is when he can finally have his turn.
+ 1
They’d had to wait for the perfect moment, a night they could be sure none of them would be interrupted.
They'd been planning for this night for a few days now, and it was finally here.
Chris and Matt stand side-by-side in front of Matt’s bed, arms crossed over their chest as they watch you squirm in his bed, their combined attention making you nervous. They’re both barely dressed, Chris in a black tank top and grey sweatpants, the front of which were already tented from his hard dick, while Matt was just in his black boxers. The low lighting of the room made Matt’s rings glisten as he rubbed at the stubble that he’d slowly allowed to grow on his face.
“How are we feeling, baby?” Matt asks you, smirking at the way you visibly gulp. “You ready for us?”
You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, looking up at Chris through your lashes before nodding.
That’s all the cue he needs.
Chris stalks over to you, slowly, climbing over the bed and crawling over you, his hands landing on either side of your head as he holds himself above you. You lay back, your hair fanning around your head on the pillow, your eyes wide as you wait for Chris’ next move.
“Can I kiss you?” Chris asks, wetting his lips, and he doesn’t have to wait long for his answer. Your fingers thread through his hair, pulling at the strands close to his nape, bringing his lips onto yours. The kiss is heady, a wild mess of tongue and teeth, because you’d both been waiting for this, dying for it, and here it was, finally happening.
“Chris-” you gasp, open mouth sliding over the hot skin of his cheek as he lowers his head to the crook of your neck, biting harsh kisses into the skin there, before tracing his tongue across your jaw.
“Fuck, fuck- you smell so good, I need you so bad ma-” Chris blabbers, his brain-to-mouth filter long gone. He vaguely registers Matt settling onto the bed, leaning against the headboard, as Chris kisses a path down your body, laving every inch of skin he can access with nips and kisses. You arch your back as Chris circles one of your nipples with his tongue, sucking on it as he flicks the other. He alternates between kissing and nipping your nipples, all the while, you have an almost painful grip on his hair, pushing your chest harder into his face.
Matt watches your face intently, seeing the way your features scrunch up in pleasure, mouth wide open as you gasp and whine. There’s a small part of him that knows he shouldn’t be so okay with his own brother having his way with his girlfriend, but it’s almost like he gets a 4K view of what it might usually look like when Matt’s the one doing these things to you.
Chris continues his path downwards, fingers hooking into the sides of your panties and slowly, agonizingly slowly, pulling them off of you. Your legs instinctively squeeze shut when the cold air hits your wet core, but Chris’s hands gently pry them open, staring at you in wonder.
“You’re so fucking wet, fuck-” Chris groans, before licking a stripe up the seam where your thigh meets your crotch, so close to where you actually want his tongue.
“Please, please-” you whimper, pushing your hips up closer to his lips, feeling his hot breath fan over you pussy. You hear both him and Matt chuckle, before Chris has his mouth on you, licking the wetness gathered in your folds. All you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears and the obscene sounds of Chris’s mouth as he eats you out like a man starving.
It’s almost too much, the way he’s sucking on your clit, before pushing his tongue into you, his face pushed deep, you’re sure he can’t breath. The pleasure builds, heat pooling low in your stomach. You feel Matt’s fingers brush against your forehead, pushing the hair that was starting to stick to it from all the sweat.
“You feel good baby?” Matt asks, tone soft, but his eyes glint dangerously. “One of us wasn’t enough for you, was it? You’re such a dirty girl, wanting me and my brother.”
You whine, head pushing against his thigh closest to your head. Chris laughs, pulling his head back to chime in.
“Greedy little slut, that’s what she is,” he says, cheeks rosy and face glistening from the nose down, his chin absolutely soaking wet. “You gonna cum soon ma?”
You don’t even know what you respond with, just that Chris goes back to eating you out, this time, bringing his fingers to your entrance, sliding one finger, then two, into your sopping wet cunt as he licks random paths across your folds, occasionally circling your clit and sucking on it harshly, all while thrusting his fingers in and out of you, causing you to buck your hips up wildly. Your orgasm, only the first one of the night, is fast approaching, and your thighs clench around Chris’ head. The only warning he gets is a sudden yell of his name before you gush all over his face.
“Did you just- did she just squirt?” Chris asks, eyes wide as he takes in the mess that you’d made. His face and neck were now fully wet, and there was a perfectly round wet spot right underneath you. His fingers flutter over your now slightly puffy pussy, watching your folds quiver.
“Fuck, it’s too much- Chris, wait,” you whine, hands moving to grab Chris’ wrist. He doesn’t stop with his ministrations though, fingers pumping in and out of you, prodding at the bundle of nerves inside you that caused your vision to white out. It was fast, intense, and Chris manages to pull a second orgasm out of you before you’d even managed to catch your breath from the first one.
Chris sits up on his knees, reaching his arms behind him and pulling his tank top off, throwing it behind him. He hooks his arms around your thighs before pulling you down the bed, closer to him, allowing Matt to slot himself behind you.
“Can you turn over for me ma?” Chris asks with a gentle pat against your hip. It takes some effort, your limbs feel loose and languid, but you manage to flip onto your stomach. Hands grab your face, tipping your head up, and you see your boyfriend looking at you with a smirk, tongue peeking out to run across his teeth.
“Enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” he asks, voice like dripping honey with a hint of something razor-sharp. “This everything you imagined?”
“Yes- oh god, Matt- I need you, please-”
“You have me baby,” he coos. “You have me and Chris. That’s what you wanted, right? ‘Cause one dick was never enough to keep you satisfied.”
“Ngghh- please, please, I-” you whimper, mouthing at Matt’s dick through his boxers, startled when you feel a sudden smack against your ass, pain blossoming across your skin.
“If she’s already this cock dumb, I wonder how she’s gonna get when we actually get our dicks in her,” Chris wonders out loud with an amused huff, palming at your ass cheeks as he rubs his clothed dick against it.
You continue begging, your pussy soaking wet and clenching around nothing in anticipation for what’s to come, hips arching off the bed while your back dips low, shoulders tucked between Matt’s spread thighs as you lick him through the only piece of fabric that is keeping you from tasting him, from having his cock fill your mouth.
Chris smooths his palm down your back, making you arch your back even further, before he spreads your cheeks, seeing the way you twitch at being put on display.
“I think she’s waited long enough, hasn’t she?” Matt asks Chris, nodding his head slightly as if to tell Chris to get on with it. Chris doesn’t waste any time pushing his sweats down his thighs, freeing his cock. You turn your head back to try and peek at it from over your shoulder, but Matt has a firm hand on your head pushing you towards his crotch while he pulls his dick out of his boxers. With one hand holding the back of your head, and the other around his dick, Matt slaps it against your cheek, amused at the way you so desperately try and get him to guide his cock into your mouth instead.
Simultaneously, Chris is behind you, rubbing the tip of his dick through your folds, gathering the wetness there. Above you, you feel Matt lean towards his dresser, before rifling through the top drawer and chucking something at Chris. There’s a sound of a bottle cap clicking open, and lube being squeezed out, before you hear the squelch of it as Chris spreads it over his dick.
Later, you’ll think they must have planned this head of time, but both Matt and Chris decide to push their dicks into you at the same time, Matt feeding you his cock, pushing past your lips, applying gentle pressure to the back of your head, while Chris spreads your folds apart and drives his dick into you, the tip catching inside you for a moment, before he thrusts his hips and pushes his dick deeper into you.
“Look at that,” Chris says, smacking the palms of both his hands onto your cheeks at the same time, before kneading at them. “She takes dick really fucking well.”
“It’s like she’s made for it, isn’t she?”
Chris fucks you like he has all the time in the world, savoring the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, fascinated by the sight of his dick disappearing in you at every thrust. You stretch around him so beautifully, and you’re so fucking tight, he wonders how he managed to fit it all in you in one go.
At the other end, Matt watches you with soft affection as you suck on his cock, tears streaming down your face from the exertion on your body and minimal air supply. At every thrust of Chris’ hips, you would get pushed closer to Matt, which would push his dick deeper into your mouth, making you almost gag on it.
You have no concept of time anymore, or where your body starts and Chris’ and Matt’s end. You feel like one big mess of limbs, moving fluidly, with the common purpose of chasing your orgasm. You hear Matt’s groans getting louder above you, and you know he’s getting close. You’re not far behind yourself, but Chris still seems like he’s nowhere close to being done.
Pulling your mouth off of Matt’s cock, you circle your hand around the base of it, before stroking your hand up and down, twisting it around the head. You swipe your thumb across the slit at the top while you tongue at the underside of the head, all while looking up at Matt through hooded eyes.
“Cum on my face, Matt, please-” you beg, mouth slightly open, a line of spit connecting your tongue to his dick. Chris' thrusts are picking up, but you keep your elbows planted firmly on the bed below to keep yourself steady for Matt. There’s a tingle building low in your spine, but you focus on Matt, the way he looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed, bottom lip pulled between his teeth. His hair is a mess, and his body is flushed. The hand he has on your head grips your hair tight, and the other joins your hand in pumping his dick. It only takes a few more seconds of that before Matt lets out a loud groan of your name, spurts of thick, hot cum landing across your face, and you close your eyes as it drips down your face, some of it landing on your tongue.
Matt leans back heavily against the headboard, and before you can register anything, you’re being flipped onto your back, face still covered in Matt’s cum. Your shoulders hit Matt’s chest as Chris crowds against you on the bed, his hands now on the back of your knees, pushing your legs back against your chest, before thrusting his dick back into you.
The sudden shift has you blinking back stars, and this new angle has Chris’ dick brushing against your sweet spot on every thrust, and all you can do is sob at the immense pleasure you feel. Matt circles his arms around you, one hand playing with one of your nipples, while the other moves down your stomach and edges closer to your clit. The tingling sensation grows, and grows, your hands scrambling to find purchase on Chris’ shoulders as he thrusts particularly deep into you before you finally snap, screaming as your third orgasm is ripped from you, the force of it pushing Chris’ cock out of you as you squirt all over him, yourself, and the bed, legs shaking uncontrollably.
You’re fully gasping and sobbing now, the intensity of your orgasm wracking through your whole body. You watch through hooded, teary eyes, as Chris leans over you, furiously stroking his cock as he soaks in the view of you, hot and messy, ruined because of him, before he too eventually reaches his orgasm, cum pulsing out of him and landing high on your chest, across your nipples, one spurt even hitting your chin.
The three of you are a heaping mess of limbs after, all basking in the afterglow of a night well spent, tired, but satiated. Matt and Chris lay on either side of you, stroking whatever part of your skin they can reach, occasionally batting each other’s hands away and pulling you closer to either side, like you’re not all squished together already.
“We should do that again sometime,” you say after a long beat of silence. Matt snorts, eyes closed, but the corners of his lips are quirked up in a small smile.
“Y’all are crazy if you think I’m never fucking you again after I just got a taste,” Chris states. “Besides, I think there’s a lot of lost time I need to make up for, hm?”
After that night, Chris gets to have his turn with you, over and over. Sometimes, Matt is present, and the brothers somehow always turn things into a competition of who can make you cum the quickest, who can make you cum multiple times, who can make you absolutely incoherent by the end of the night.
Now Chris had his own reason for always being so chipper in the morning. It helps that he finally gets to fuck the hottest girl he’s seen, who just happens to also be fucking his brother.
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author’s note: i put too much fucking effort into an idea that essentially started as a joke, its gonna be so funny if this flops because i literally stayed up till 4 am twice in a row to write this lmao- anyways, let me know what you think! my inbox is open and waiting for your thoughts (: likes, comments and reblogs r much appreciated <3
taglist 🩵 (comment on my pinned post to be added or removed):
@luverboychris @bigbeefybitch @liz-stxrn @slut4chriss @sturniolosgirl @coochiedestroyer1 @kvtie444 @vschrissturn @hercigaretteblush @fwskullz @m4rriii @anabanana28 @sturniolosange1 @webbersturn @odeezier @johnniesrealwife @freshsturns @marlenafortuna @carolineheartsmatthew @incndescentglow @starniolosposts @urfavgirllyyyyy @mattsturniolosworld @lilyloveschris @sturniozo @lookingformyromeo @heartss4matthewq @lanasturniolo @ezziewinchester @s-s-842 @sturnlova @55sturn @chrisopeningabag
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dearlyjun · 4 months
5% tint ☆ c. yeonjun
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☆ PAIRING: sugardaddy!yeonjun x collegestudent!reader (f)
☆ GENRE: smut (18+ readers only! dont make me block you)
☆ SUMMARY: you didn't think that doing well on an exam would mean that you would be fucked in the front seat of a porsche; good thing your sugar daddy has 5% tint.
☆ WARNINGS: gendered terms are used (girl), semi public sex, unprotected sex, daddy kink, lots of praise from yeonjun, yeonjun drives a porsche (I think its a valid warning), yeonjun is wearing rings, making out, creampie kink perhaps?, dirty talk, obviously car sex!! lmk if i forgot anything its almost 1am and im an old lady.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: so heres part of the concept that I literally could not stop yapping about if I tried. combining my interests here: a hot man taking care of me and a porsche of my dreams. I am actually considering making this a series, with a backstory and everythingg so lmk your thots :)
a big thank you to @silvergyus @nightlyawnzz @hearts4huening for being my beta readers for this, and I may use your services in the future.
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walking to the front of your lecture hall, you collected the results from your latest exam. After finding your name in the pile of papers, you could barely contain your excitement when you saw the boldly printed 100% on the front.
Yeonjun would be so happy.
You quickly walked back to collect your things, before pulling out your phone to text him since he was picking you up from class.
you: going to be walking out in a few. I have good results!!
yeonjun: ahh my smart girl. I'm waiting for you out front.
Soon after you walked out through the double doors of the building that you were in, spotting Yeonjun’s gray Porsche parked up front.
Yeonjun had a pretty dark window tint, so you couldn’t see inside that well. You opened the door, and slid into the passenger seat; Yeonjun beaming.
“There’s my girl.” He had the biggest smile on his face. “Look at you, dressed all cute.” He was referencing your plaid skirt and big crewneck sweatshirt that was actually his.
“Did you just come from the office or something?” You asked him, leaning in to kiss him. “You look so nice.” You smoothed your hand over his button down dress shirt, making him smirk.
“Now let me see this test, huh?”
“Okay.” You quickly dug the scantron out of your folder that you had. Handing it over to Yeonjun, leaning over his center console as he examined it.
He was smirking.
“Yeah, one hundred percent.” You spoke with a huge smile on your face.
“Ah, see I knew you’d do well.” Yeonjun put his hand onto your jaw to kiss you.
You hummed against his mouth, pulling him closer by his shirt. “I missed you last night, daddy.” You kissed him again.
Yeonjun smirked against your lips before pulling away slightly. “Yeah? You know I want you to focus on your school too.”
“I know, but sometimes it’s easier to study when I’m sitting on your lap. You know?” You reached down to feel Yeonjun’s cock, which to your surprise was half erect.
“With my cock inside of you? Princess, you know you can’t focus.”
You remembered the time you swore that you would sit still and study on Yeonjun’s lap while he worked. You didn’t last five minutes before you were fucking yourself on his cock.
You pouted as Yeonjun moved to kiss you towards your neck. “But I’m such a good girl for you, Daddy.”
Yeonjun practically choked back a moan; if his cock wasn’t hard before, it definitely was now. “And I always reward you, don’t I?”
He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, then went to unbuckle his belt to lower his pants. You let out an audible noise when he finally lowered his underwear, leaky, pretty cock out on full display.
“Go ahead and sit on it, pretty girl.” Yeonjun spoke, shuddering slightly when he swiped the tip with his thumb.
You felt a sudden tinge of shyness when you took off your shoes. Yeonjun could practically read your mind.
“The tints are too dark; no one can see you.”
“Okay, help me.” You answered, slightly laughing at the fact that you were going to climb over the console of a car that cost as much as your parents' house.
“I got you.” Yeonjun held onto you. Before you sat down on him, he pulled the fabric of your underwear out of the way.
“Oh my- fuck, you’re so wet.” Yeonjun gasped. “I’ll slip right fucking in.”
You lowered yourself onto him, and it was painfully slow; making you feel every inch of his cock.
Yeonjun was seconds away from ruining his leather with his fingernails with the way that he was gripping onto the passenger seat.
“Daddy…your cock. Fuck.” You sighed, dropping your head into his neck; taking a breath of his sweet cologne. He was fully inside of you, nuzzled up into that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Yeah, baby I know.” His hands were roaming your thighs and ass. Your underwear was cutting into you, but you couldn’t care less.
You slowly started to grind onto him, trying to find a rhythm in the limited space that you had. Yeonjun looked ahead, subtly watching if anyone walked by his car.
“You look so pretty, you know.” He spoke into your ear. “My dick inside of you in the front seat of my Porsche.” He suddenly gripped onto your hips, fucking you onto his cock.
“You’re my good girl, you know that?”
You couldn’t even answer, just let out a whimper of a moan.
“Repeat it back to me, baby.” His grip was so tight you thought his rings were going to make marks in your skin.
“I’m your…good girl.” You nearly choked on your words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Yeonjun could already tell by the way that you were clenching around him, and he probably wasn’t going to last much longer himself.
Yeonjun turned your face to look at him in one quick movement. “Yeah? I’m so fucking deep in you aren’t I?” His voice was low; you knew what he was doing.
The sounds of your cunt were obscene; Yeonjun loved every second of it. He studied your face as he angled your hips differently, cockhead hitting so deep that your jaw fell slack.
You’ve never looked so pretty to him. Honors student studying biology. Probably going to end up being a doctor. He knew you’d be decorated in cords at your graduation. But now, he was hitting so deep you couldn’t form a coherent sentence if you tried.
Letting out a rather loud whine when your orgasm finally hit you, Yeonjun kissed you, shushing you. After all, his car only had a tint; not soundproofing.
“Cum in me. Please, daddy.” You were nearly delirious, whimpering expletives. Yeonjun knew you were actually being serious, because you always begged him to. “That’s my reward, right?”
And how could he say no? Not when you were whining, begging as you pulled on his necklace to kiss him.
“You can take it all?” He asked. Stupid question. You always could, even if he had to fuck it back into you.
You eagerly nodded, lips jutting out to a pout before you kissed him again.
“God you drive me fucking insane.” Yeonjun’s last words before letting go of his orgasm that he was trying to hang onto. “You feel so fucking good.”
The fact that he was probably making a mess out of his seat was sent to the back of his mind. He’d deal with that later, because the moan that you let out made it all worth it.
“Fuck.” He was panting. “You have to be quiet.” Grinding his hips with yours; his cock was still inside of you making you slightly wince at how messy everything felt.
“Shit.” You muttered, looking down at where the two of your bodies connected.
“Yeah, I made a fuckin mess.” Yeonjun jokes, his hands roaming your thighs. “We should probably go back to my place….” His voice trailed off like it was a question.
“Hmm?” You were confused. “I thought you texted me earlier that you wanted to go to the Prada store, no?”
“Yes…” Yeonjun bit down on his bottom lip, smirking. “But I don’t think I'm finished with you yet.”
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☆ TAGS: @mhasimp666 @yunsbby @sikkkko
(strike through indicates I am unable to tag, please make sure your tagging feature is turned on!)
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kokon0is · 1 year
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wherein nagi promised to only fuck his tip into you but failed to resist himself.
tags: big dick nagi, all consensual, breeding, raw sex (pls use condoms yall or any contraceptives :p ) written in all lowercase, kinda long. barely proofread….
2.1k words
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you’re in a good relationship with nagi, by means, good….. he wanted to know your boundaries and vice versa. sure the sexual talks comes around sometime and settled on taking things slow. make out session happens, dry humping, but it never crosses the line.
but now laying on a bed, with his elbow supporting his weight as you’re laid down to the soft pillows, he kissed you side ways with his other hand gripping slightly at the hair just above you nape, the make out session right now with nagi is something, its more hot and hungry, desperate like lips kissing around your neck and lips. “hmmhm….wanna fuck you sei…” you mewl.
“are you sure?” nagi asked as his head perked up, almost breathless from the make out session that you guys just had. “isn’t it kinda fast if we fuck right now?” he look up to your face to search for some answer through your expressions.
god…the way your brows are curling upwards, you mouth slightly open and your desperate eyes looking back at him. fuck. he cant hide the fact that he also just wanna fuck you.
“i want more of you sei…” nagi swear that those glassy eyes of yours can make everything possible. “we…— we shouldn’t…. i’ll finger you is that fine?” nagi is highly hesitant, he doesn’t wanna admit that yes, he would fuck you right here right now but he no— both of you promised to take things slow for now as both of you are hoping for a healthy relationship. “plus i don’t have any condoms with me right now….i didn’t know we would do it this fast”
you whined at his words “you can give me more sei, i swear it’s gonna be fine— just pull out?” you stay persistent, as you try to convince the snow white haired boy.
“[name] i don’t know baby…. this is not what we agreed on” he stoke your strands with his left hand as he told, looking at you softly. nagi felt a pressure of pang in his chest, he must resist the urge, this is for the both of you. he look at you softly as he waited for your response “alright sei…. i respect that but— incase you have a change of heart im all yours sei….i’ll let you do whatever you want” your words came out almost like a whisper with a hint of suggestiveness as you smirked.
“what if i told you im just lazy to rut my hips forward and backwards” nagi said in his usual tone with a sly grin on his face, his hands are making their way close to your core as they play on your waistband.
“then i’ll ride you….” you snicker, nagi shook his head playfully with a lopsided grin as his eyes are now fixed on your clothed core. “m’ just kidding y’know….im a man of my words” that’s what he said. “— and i’ll make you feel good….” he added as his hands are now under your underwear, middle finger slipping through the slit to feel your wetness.
“fuck— you’re so wet” he grunt as he continued to slide his finger through your slit. he’s not even doing much but you’re already moaning and getting even more wetter with just that. he smirked.
his ring finger and middle are now working together circling around your clit, he took away his gaze from his hands plays under those shorts, he turned to look at your face, your eyes are closed shut, brows slightly forming a frown with your mouth slightly parted letting all those pretty noise out. this is exactly how he wanted you to look like, how he wanted to see your face. his dick twitched by just looking at your face, “hmmng fuck….” he grunt to the painful throb in his pants.
“aaahh sei….” chants on his name came out of your mouth with your moans, he stopped circling on your clit and played with your entrance, with all this wetness his middle finger slides in easily, pumping it a few times. “f-fuck….” a breathy moan came out of you due to the feeling on his fingers inside you, curling just in the right spot.
his ring finger shortly followed as both of his fingers are now resting inside you. “hahh..fuck ‘ts just my fingers— you’re so tight…..how are you even gonna take my dick” nagi is in awe as your walls hug and squeeze around his fingers, despite the tightness he finally moved and fucked his fingers into you.
“mmfngggh sei—seishiro please i can take moree—ahh” he continued to hit that sweet spot in you, wanting to hear more and more of your cries.
“fuck- let me just— take this off” he stop for a second, pulling his fingers out of you and tug your short along with your underwear all the way down and threw it somewhere across the room. “let me see that pretty pussy” he switch his position to your front, standing in his knees, both of his hands holds on your knees as he spread it open. your slit slowly opening up for him, and your hole squeezing at nothing. fuck. fuck. fuck. he might just cum on the spot to this view, and your face, lewd expressions are over them while you hide it behind the back of your hands.
“s-sei….’ts embarrassing….” you whined, but deep down you’re liking his, and hoping he would just fuck you as you wish. “‘m’ sorry angel….i think im gonna have to break a promise with you” your expression lit up with his words, as his eyes are still fixed at your needy cunt.
“yes sei—yes please—” you reach your hand to your pussy lips and spread it open for him. nagi could have died when you did that. he bit his lip to resist all the sinful urge he has in mind.
“just the tip…..okay? and then that’s it” he mutter, already rethinking his decisions. “i’ll take what you offer sei….” you assured. it’s enough for nagi to disregard his clothes. he look back at you only to see your slightly horrified face. “what’s wrong angel?” he asked in concern.
“nothing….i didn’t expect your size….” you mutter, he chuckled at your comment. “still wanna do it?” he asked.
“less talk sei, please” you pulled him closer until the base of his shaft rest on your slit. the slight sensation made nagi grunt. he must resist.
“that’s dangerous” he warned, as you only giggled in response. he position the girth of his cock in your entrance, trying to get it in you “loosen up f’ me baby……that’s right…good—good girl” he cooes as his girth finally made it inside you.
“haahh~ sei….” you mewl to the stretch, but you wanted more. it hurts soo good. you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him more.
“[name] stop that or else im going to pull out” he removed your legs around his waist, as he pinned your hips down to stop you from moving too much. “hnngn but seeeii” you whined.
you let him thrust just his tip, you swear that it feels good but you need him to go deeper, “f-fuck sei…..i want more i want more” you chant, but nagi ignored your cries and continue to fuck just his tip in you “shit feels so good— fuck” he grunt.
nagi is trying is best, his really best to not push another inch in you. he shut his eyes as he grunt through every thrust. his dick feels like numbing, its too damn good, how your pussy swallow his girth, he knows he’s not gonna last long.
his thumb rub circles on your clit, driving you more into your orgasm, “g’nna cum angel— fuuuckk” he threw his head back as a breathy moan came out of his mouth.
as he felt his orgasm nearing he pulled just in time, his cum oozes on you pussy lips as he stroke his length through last drop of his cum— smearing on your pussy.
“i know…” he cuts you off, he knows that you’re gonna say you didn’t finish. his eyes are lock on your cum covered pussy. gosh….he find it so hot.
he found himself smearing the cum more on your pussy lips with the tip of his middle and ring finger. he knows that this is dangerous, if he don’t resist this can be bad.
he couldn’t. he pushed digits inside you as he’s pushing his cum into you. this is bad, he thought but he is not planning on stopping.
“yes….keep going sei….give it to me” you threw your head back in pleasure as you knew what exactly he is doing, you’re right after all, your sweet boy nagi couldn’t resist you.
“tell me….how you really want it” he said in low voice, those demanding eyes now looking at you “i want you so bad sei….please…i want all of you inside me let me feel it baby….please” nagi swears that it’s enough for him to give in.
his third finger enters you, stretching that pussy out for the better. your juices and his cum altogether made your pussy so wet that his fingers just slides easily. this is perfect, he thought.
he took out his fingers from your aching pussy and repositioned his heavy dick on your entrance, he thrust in one go, all of it.
“ahhh fuck—sei nngh” you mewl at the sudden stretch, you feel so full but it feel so fucking good. nagi let out a groan as your wet, warm, spongy walls hugs his length.
“ahh fuck—you’re so— hhgn” he couldn’t even hold back his own noise. he didn’t waste any second to ram inside you, he made sure to bottom out every thrust to reach the spot where you wanted it to hit the most
“seeeeei—aahh fuck—ing slow d—hhaah” the impact of his hips ramming against your skin made it impossible for you to form any words.
“less talk—haaah— just moan f’me angel….you asked for it remember?” there’s full of smugness in his voice that you could only cry in response, he hold one ofyour thighs and hooked in on his shoulders.
“aahh…fuckk—ahh” he groans as his eyes are now fixed on your messy wet cunt swallowing him whole as your cream crowns around his shaft, it turns him even more to the thought of your pussy won’t be the same anymore after this, the shape of his dick is carved in this pussy, your cunt will only remember the way his dick stretching you out, that no guy will ever top this experience from you.
the wild thoughts are not really helping as he is only getting closer to his high.
he rubs circles on your clit with his thumb, applying just enough pressure to help you cum with him.
“hah—sei—seishiro….” you squeezed your eyes shut as you’re nearing to your orgasm “m’ gonna cum—sei…”
“me too—haah—close” he leaned down, pressing your knees to your chest as his thrust went a bit faster, his lower stomach stimulating your clit with every harsh contact. you reached down to rub circles on your clit but you didn’t really last long, you came hard, gushing around nagi’s dick.
nagi didn’t stop thrusting his hips as he filled you up with his cum, he let out a loud moan, almost like a whimper.
“aaaah fuck— [name]” he flops himself above you, breathing heavy against your neck as you feel his skin sticky from the sweat.
“s-sei—can’t breathe get off” you protest as you tried to shove him off. “how rude m’tired i made you feel good c’mon and baby me” he pout as he lift his weight a bit to give you some air.
nagi smiled down to your fucked out face, mind you, his now soft dick is still inside you but seeing you all fucked out, hair strands sticking from the sweat of your forehead, half lidded eyes looking back at him and breathing heavily, man’s bricked up again “stupid sei….did you just got hard again?” you slapped his face playfully, nagi could only respond to this with a chuckle.
“what a pain….your face turn me on now this is bad” he responded with his usual lazy tone. he pushed his hips forward with a playful smile on his face, “seishiro” you warned. “this is exactly why i didn’t wanna go all the way y’know….im gonna get addicted now, i will be fucking you to the kitchen, to the bathroom, in the living room, on the balcony—”
“sei!” you slapped his side arms with a laugh to his exaggeration, he chuckled along you and finally decided to pull out from your cunt.
only to get hard once again, as he watches his cum oozed out of your pussy.
“uh oh” you mutter as you watch his dick stand straight up against his stomach again.
“angel….can you go for another around?”
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lovesphases · 2 months
rafe x bitch!reader pt.2
MDNI 18+ | pt. 1 here warnings: spanking, orgasm denial, unprotected p in v, creampie, semi public sex, that's it i think let me know if i missed any
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with the knowledge of how mad you left rafe, you can't stop the smile that slowly creeps onto your face. however, your victory doesn't last long. a large hand roughly grabs the back of your neck, yanking you back until you collide into a hard surface. not even needing to look up you already know who it is.
"you think you're reallll funny huh?"
"shut up. you're gonna listen to what i gotta say or shit is only gonna get worse for you, understand?" you attempt to pull out of his hold, his grip only tightening with your lack of response.
"rafe let me go!"
"nah, think you can pull that kinda shit? disrespecting me in front of everybody. i think you need to be taught some respect." the implication of his words cause goosebumps to coat your skin. dragging you to his truck, he opens the door to the backseat. "get in. don't make me force you."
you open your mouth, a protest ready to escape. before you get the chance he lifts you up, practically throwing you into the truck. the fear of what's to come causes heat to pool in your lower stomach. rafe climbs in behind you, slamming the door.
in a blink of a eye your bent over his lap, a harsh slap landing on your ass. rafe kisses his teeth, "thinkin' you can talk to me like that, must've lost your damn mind."
an influx of salty tears begin gathering at your waterline, each smack to your ass harder than the last. you jolt forward, causing your clit to rub against his thigh. a laugh escapes rafe when he hears the small whimper that forces its way out of you.
"should've known a greedy slut like you would get off on this. you're probably soaked."
"rafe please! ill be good, i promise. just stop!" tears have started to cascade down your cheeks, leaving streaks of mascara in its wake.
"shoulda thought about that before. 10 more, you can do it baby." rafe places one last harsh slap, sobs now racking your body. he softly runs his hands over the now red and broken skin. "see, knew you could do it." laying you face down on the seat, he rips the shorts of your body.
"rafe not here! people might see!"
"didn't care about that when you were running that big fucking mouth of yours. now its my turn not to care." you recognize the sound of rafe pulling his pants down, and without warning he slams his length into you. "fuck. so tight, this pussy was made for me i swear."
as the pain from the stretch subsides, you let out a loud cry, his tip hitting your cervix with each thrust. "not so much to say now, huh?"
with the way his cock is hammering into your weeping cunt you can't find it in you to respond. you harshly grip onto the door, needing something- anything to ground you. he pushes your head further into the seat, allowing him to hit your g spot continuously. all you can do is let out pornographic moans, the pleasure so overwhelming you don't know what to do with yourself. your head is foggy with lust and you're beyond cock drunk. rafe begins to thrust into you impossibly harder, jaw clenched so hard he feared it might break. he snakes a hand around your front, rubbing harsh circles against your clit. his thrusts become sloppy he nears his release.
your cunt clenches against him as your orgasm threatens to explode out of you. before you can cum his hips still, his hot seed filling you, the mixture of your arousal running down your thighs. a loud whine leaves your throat at your orgasm being ripped away from you.
rafe lets out a laugh from behind you. "oh im sorry, did you think i was gonna let you cum? disrespectful sluts don't get to cum. be grateful i gave you dick at all." he pulls out of you, pulling his shorts back up. "get dressed." he hands your shorts to you before getting out of the car and hopping into the drivers seat.
after getting dressed you slide into the passenger seat, your makeup now ruined from tear stains. he takes you back to tanneyhill, your punishment far from over.
tag list: @niyahwhoreworld @sadgrl99 @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
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seichv · 3 months
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clean up after yourself when you make a mess. 2.3k words.
contents: nsfw content (mdni), f!reader, daddy kink (mentioned like once), oral (both receiving), p in v, creampie, squirting, toji calls you: brat, sweetheart, slut, baby, etc.
note: i have risen from the dead friends ;D seriously though, its been a while since ive written... life's been wild of late and i was lacking motivation but im back on my zoom now hehe (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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you might have fucked up.
down spills the coffee that you chucked at toji, the brawny man standing motionless with a look of amusement as the hot liquid poured down his body, the sound of the cup tumbling onto the ground echoing in the kitchen. what exactly led to that? you may ask. quite frankly, you don’t even remember. it was likely another one of those days where you had a stick up your ass just because; with your bratty attitude leading you to get all pissy about every little thing.
and here you are, your pupils dilating as you freeze in place while watching toji’s expression. it remains indifferent for the most part, as you would expect from someone like him. that’s until his eyes trail back up to meet your face, and there’s something about his gaze that just shifts in a way. you’re gulping, your body stiffening in alarm. there’s a faint chuckle that escapes his lips before he speaks up with that gravelly voice of his. 
“c’mere.” he tells you. you know better than to disregard him, so you start stepping closer to him. though just because you’re listening to him doesn't mean you’ll do away with the bitter expression you got going on, as it's still very prominently plastered onto your face. and these steps youre taking, they’re slow as fuck. you’re definitely mistaken if you think that he’s got the patience for that shit right now.
because of that, in a blink of an eye you’ve got your throat seized by one of his meaty hands, yanking you closer and forcing you to maintain eye contact. his figure looms over yours, and you can almost see some veins seeping through his neck. “you just had to pull that shit on me, huh?” you could practically just say that he’s spitting venom with the way he's speaking. you narrowed your eyes, sucking in a sharp breath before speaking. “well, had you not been a total jackass—” 
“yeah?” toji cuts you off, his face lowering some more as his head tilts to the side, giving your throat a little squeeze. you've got some real nerve with the back-talk, and he really isn't in the mood for tolerating that shit anymore. he looks down at his drenched, coffee-stained shirt, his tongue poking out to lick the scar at the corner of his mouth before he lets out a deep, exasperated sigh.
“clean up the motherfucking mess you made,” he says. now, that would initially give you the thought of wiping the ground with a towel or mop, and maybe doing him the favor of throwing his shirt in the laundry, right? 
“with your mouth.”
… wait, what?
your eyes go wide, and you're glaring up at the man like he’s got 10 heads. he doesn't look like he's joking, really. and that’s because he’s not. it takes you a hot minute before you could get words out of your mouth. “... huh? the fuck is wrong with you? clean the damn floor with my mouth?! what’s that supposed to mean, you gross bastard—”
“to hell with the fucking floor.” he interrupts. “i didn’t say nothin’ bout the floor, dumb brat.” toji adds, his fingers trailing up toward your jaw, taking your face in his hand as he turned it side to side as he spoke, as if he were trying to get your attention. i mean, there's only one other mess other than the one on the floor. the mess on him. before you could open your mouth to muster up a response, toji speaks again. “tch, yeah. keep staring at me like a dumb little girl,” your body temperature begins to soar with his words. “take off my shirt.”
you honestly cannot believe this man. you blink rapidly with furrowed eyebrows, stuttering like a broken record. “toji, what are you even going on about right now—” 
“nah, sweetheart. don’t give me that crap.” what is this, the 1000th fucking time this man has interrupted you? goddamnit. “take. off. the. shirt.” toji repeats himself, putting emphasis on each word like he’s talking to a complete moron. you started chuckling to yourself in disbelief, shaking your head with a look on your face that read, ‘he’s got to be kidding.’
“yeah, no. toji, give me a fucking break.” you responded, snickering between your words, and ooh toji was just itching to bend you over the damn counter and fuck you till you’re screaming… to get those vocal cords to rupture. there will never be a single day where he’d hesitate to get you to straighten the fuck up.
before you know it, both of toji’s hands grab your wrists, almost painfully. he then starts walking, backing you up to the kitchen counter. once he’s got you pushed up against it, he pulls your hands onto his abdomen, staring dangerously into your eyes.
though you wouldn't want to admit it, you can’t help but feel a growing ache between your legs at the feeling of those shredded abs of his. his body is something different. toji’s eyes flicker up and down from your hands and back to your eyes, a smug grin laying across his face at how small your hands are on his big, muscular body. you take your bottom lip between your teeth, your tough and bratty facade slowly diminishing as you leisurely began lifting toji’s shirt, a satisfied hum escaping his lips at your compliance; though it took rather longer than he wanted.
you now have got quite the nice look at his abs, and there goes the throbbing sensation again in your cunt. fuck… he’s hot. “yeahh, now you got that mouth shut, huh? drooling and gawking over my body. hah, go on then.” toji boasts, his teeth showing through that damn smirk. you’re unable to hold it in any longer, your hands dragging toji’s shirt up as he pulls his head out, letting the fabric drop to the ground with your stomach churning at the sight of his bare upper body. you quickly kneeled, your composure flying right out the window. 
your mouth latches onto his lower stomach, your tongue roaming along his skin. if your eyes peered a bit lower, you’d be able to get a peek at the growing bulge in toji’s sweats. you can hear slightly muted curses coming from under his breath, and you were being sloppy with it, your lashes batting as you looked up at him. your tongue started traveling upward, just barely reaching his chest until a grunt-like huff is let out from toji.
he now pulls you off by the hair, coaxing a small gasp for your lips. “fuck .. you’re putting that slutty mouth on my cock now.” he mutters, reaching for his pants before you take care of them for him, eagerly dragging them down along with his boxers, his girthy length springing right out.
without another second to waste, your tongue lolls out, one of your hands wrapped around the base of his dick while you slapped the tip on your wet muscle, drawing a throaty grunt from him. he loved it when you put on a show for him like that. you then take him all the way in, a nasty moan slipping from your throat at the way his big cock had given you a whole mouthful. saliva drips down from your lips, and you begin bobbing your head up and down, the lewd noises blaring in your ears. 
“shiiit… look at you. fuckin’ pacified by this dick, huh?” his voice is gruff yet slightly shaky, and god… you’re obsessed with hearing his noises, how you make him feel. “one minute she’s yappin’ like a bitchy little brat, next minute she’s mmf— taking this dick down her throat like a dirty slut... tch.” his words had your pussy leaking, you can feel your panties beginning to soak. your eyebrows curled inward as you kept your eyes on him, tears threatening to prickle at the corners of your eyes from how full he was stuffing your mouth, hitting your uvula.
in the middle of sucking him off, you pulled up your shirt with one hand, just enough for your tits to show out. now both your hands begin to fondle with your tits as you continue to suck him off, and this draws a long ass moan from toji, watching you slobber on him with no hands had him fucked. you can see how his lower abdomen was caving in with each breath he took, and that's when he takes a hold of your jaw, pulling you off of him, your lips sliding off with a pop. you had him on the brink of cumming, and he didn't want to just yet. he needed your pretty pussy.
you lick your lips with a smile, standing up on your feet as toji hoists you up by the waist, propping you up onto the counter. he hauls your shorts down in an instant, a string of your slick following your panties and toji sneers at the sight. “pretty pussy’s all wet f’me, hm?” you nod eagerly, and he slides a thumb down your clit, causing your hips to jerk, which has him chuckling to himself yet again. “mhmm… relax yourself, needy girl.” 
toji hikes your legs up, your hands hooking beneath your knees so you could hold them up for him. he gets between your legs, blowing on your clit and prompting you to clench around nothing. “tojiii…” you drag his name out in a whine, before toji kisses on your pussy.
“didn’t i tell you to relax? don’t fuckin’ ‘tojiii~’ me.” he mocks, finally diving in to your heat, his tongue delving right between your folds. your head immediately falls back, your lips parting open while lewd little mewls flee from your lips. he’s a messy eater, a mixture of your arousal and his saliva smearing all over your pussy lips and drizzling down his chin. it’s slurp after slurp, your body twitching with no stop, your eyes rolled back to your skull with your toes curling. “ohh, fuuck… toji–!” you croak out, your thighs shaking as you start to fail to hold your legs up, his mouth had you stupid already. as he notices this, he holds them for you with force, but throws him over his shoulders.
 because now he's standing again, spitting on your cunt one last time before he does so. “keep those eyes on me when i fuck this pussy, you hear me?” toji says, and you quickly nod in abidance. 
he’s so fucking girthy, his thick length stretching you like elastic. his veined hands grasp at your waist, his hips starting to snap into yours at a steady pace. he’s reaching deep, hitting all the right spots inside you that triggered the sluttiest moans from you, your back arching as your walls clamp down on him. “only now you wanna get your shit together, hmm? only when i stuff you full of this dick?” he grunts, the sounds of your skin slapping blasting all throughout the place. “mngh–! y-yeah… feels so g-good…!” you blabber, the tears you had poking through your eyes were now starting to blur your vision. his cock was just made to fuck you, he felt so damn good.
“h-hah… that’s what i thought.” he grumbles, the pace of his thrusts immediately escalating. now the next thing he does drives you fucking mad. he grabs your arms, pulling them up so that they’re around your neck. he then snakes his hands beneath your legs and now has them over his forearms, letting your feet dangle. he’s got you off the counter, and starts fucking you standing, picked up in his arms. a squeal breaks loose from your mouth, your arms clinging around his neck for dear life. “oh m’god, yes–! ‘m cumming, d-daddy!” you cry out, your body going limp like a ragdoll, like a toy just for toji to fuck relentlessly. 
you can feel that coil in your lower stomach that's just mere seconds away from snapping. and he does this thing when he’s close, his jaw clenches and you can see how the veins in his neck contract. that gives you the sign to clench around him even harder, a loud groan breaking out his throat.
“fuckin’ milking my shit when you s-squeeze me like that… holy fuckkk, baby—” toji’s breathing is uneven, coming out in raspy huffs. and it's only a matter of time before you let out your final moan, a real salacious one at that. you shook violently, gasping for air as you squirted all over him, your orgasm hitting you like a damn bus.
toji’s jaw goes slack, his head falling back as he chases his own high, still ramming into you despite you being fucking gone. tears start to spill from your eyes from the overstimulation, your eyes barely even able to stay open properly. 
his load finally spills into your cunt, coming in thick, hot spurts. he twitches inside you, before placing you back down onto the counter and pulling out slowly, his cum oozing from your hole. he steps forward and cups your face, pressing a kiss on your nose before letting his forehead rest atop yours. “you alright, pretty?” he murmurs, and you look up into his eyes, nodding slowly with a soft smile. he grins, wiping the tears that stained your supple cheeks with his thumb.
“you did real good f’me, baby.” he murmurs, his words going straight to your core, fluttering in your stomach. he then catches your eyes wandering away, staying on the ground. he then turns to look as well, and his eyes fall upon the absolute mess made of the floor. it was the coffee you had threw at him, now mixed with your squirt. oh, fucking hell.
“... well, good luck with that, sweetheart.” toji says, laughing to himself as you land a smack to his arm.
“oh, fuck you toji!”
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wintersera · 22 days
Can you make a fic about vampire!karina? Her fangs in supernova mv got me dizzy😵‍💫
not so much of a fic but maybe a short little imagine/drabble thingy? cause yk yuh eslayyy
tw: blood 😰
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anyways she looks like a little brat here it’s actually driving me a little insane CAUSE HOW DOES SHE LOOK SO CUTE WHEN SHES WREAKING HAVOC IN THE STREETS (and in the sheets ifykwim)😭
the typa vampire girlie to be so desperate to feed on reader bc shes so pretty and shes so so hungry ;;
lets say one day you woke up in the middle of the damn night, had a singular thought- the thought being explore the forest, at what? 2am. what a great idea 😭
so you prepared essentials in a backpack; some food, water bottle, a torch, lighter, batteries and thats about it.
you weren’t too big of a believer in the supernatural, you thought the concept of it was cool yk, warewolves and vampires- all that interesting stuff that you’d see in movies and books. obviously all that stuff was fake, so really, coming across a vampire wasn’t on your list of ‘what to do and encounter at a forest’. and now you’re aimlessly wondering around in the butt fuck of nowhere ignoring the obvious signs as to why your ass should NAWT be in the fucksss forest at this ungodly hour. you could’ve chosen any other time but naaurrr,,,
anyways, as you were strolling around without a care in the world, you heard the snap of a twig and something rustling around in the bushes. it could be a bear, or a man… the idea of that was worse by tenfold.
was the right option run back home and go back to sleep, yes! did you do it? NO, you know what you did? move towards the bushes… any reasoning? “what if its a cat? the cat distribution system could be in my favour today” :]
out from the bushes came a pretty tall girl. she bared her teeth at you, a clear warning so you could back up before anything bad happened. yet you stood there observing her instead. ngl you were pretty terrified none the less, pretty girl with sharp fangs that could rip through your skin. you were convinced she wasn’t real, maybe she was a hallucination??? idk bro maybe you were on shrooms or something.
“what are you doing here all alone in the woods pretty girl?”
tbh you were pretty shocked to the point of not being able to talk, so you stood there.
“aww too scared to speak? that’s okay, come with me” she grabbed your hand, grip pretty tight since she didn’t know how strong she really was. now all of a sudden you’re in an empty cabin log “dont be alarmed but… im hungry- can i get a bite? just a little. i promise i’ll only drink a little” you thought this was a big ass lie but let her bite you :( she’s so hungry.
her sharp fangs pierce into your neck, moaning at how good you taste. she couldn’t help but to embrace you as she was savouring your blood. the pain only lasted for a mere second before your body was engulfed in warmth, you thought that maybe you were gonna pass out but you were fine. i guess she figured out how nervous you were, your body tense and everything?!?2)2! she pulled back “i’m sorry did it hurt too much? it’s okay i can make it feel better” kissing your neck and whispering how happy you made her “i’ll return the favour” trailing bloody kisses from your neck down, to your collarbone and further down. ngl you thought it was pretty hot at how messy and how inexperienced she was at this. her hands would be all over you at first, on your tits mostly playing with them through you clothes “feel any good…? c-can i still taste you?” you nod hesitantly, but it did feel good though!
maybe because you were her first victim, she didn’t know what in the hells she was doing :,( obviously as a new vampire spawn she was trying her very best to make you feel good after she fed off of you. ripping your clothes off with ease, she wasted no time :] she made sure that every inch or your body felt good— leaving bloody stains wherver she kissed you, yes shes a messy eater 😭 the blood is all over her mouth leave her be-
after a long time of being kissed and having your boobs played with, she finally takes off your panties- soaked ofc! and blushes at you, looking up with her darkened puppy eyes,, awww how cute ;; you give her a slow nod and she just goes for it. so desperate and needy to make you feel good, she wouldn’t be lying if biting you made her so turned on. she fr eats you out like you were her last ever meal on earth 😊 like she gets so pussy drunk, lapping up all your juices, sucking and licking your clit so harshly earning a whimper from you.
she just thinks you taste so good,, your blood, your pussy? her heads spinning from your scent,, ouh girl she’s feeling dizzy, but that only drives her more insane. gripping onto your thighs, digging her nails into them. she wants more- moaning loudly as she continues to eat you out vigorously, her tongue circling around your clit so fast that it brings you to tears- are you sure she’s inexperienced bc this feels way too good “mmmhf is.. is this good? does your pussy feel good pretty girl?” that sentence alone brings you towards your climax- thighs squeezing together, essentially trapping her inbetween your legs 🫣🫣
so know if you’re ever feeling bored, you’d know where to go to find a certain specific desperate vampire waiting for you in the log cabins at 3am 🤩
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honeipie · 1 month
FLAG GIRL w/ izuku n katsuki
(fem!bodied reader)
CW: catcalling, suggestive language, cursing, illegal street racing
SYNOPSIS: losing the race (and the bet) landed you the job of being izuku and katsuki’s flag girl, and they’re racing for your attention
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“awe c’mon y/n! thought you said you were a good racer” kirishima’s voice moved over the sound of other screaming about his victory. you waved him off without another thought.
“hm, maybe tonight’s just not the night for me”
“you know what that means” he whistled two girls over. Their hips swayed walking over to you “my girls’ll take good care of ya”
he winked making them giggle like school children. they moved you past the crowd. before you had raced you and kirishima had made a bet.
“it’s not fun if you don’t bet something on your race!” he begged as the two of you made your way to the cars. rolling your eyes you leaned against the hood.
“fine, if I win, you have to smash in one of your windows”
he looked as if you’d asked him to kick a puppy.
“fine! and if I win, you have to..” his eyes scanned around before landing on someone walking up to the front “you have to be a flag girl”
so here you were, attempting to slide into a dark red, leather skirt in the back of a pickup.
“jeez, you’d think they’d have some more room for you guys, but I guess this isn’t an official thing”
“i got you” one of the girls slid her hands down the back to tug them all the way “you learn after a while”
thanking her, you noticed the other girl handing you a top. a matching red top with subtle patterns on the side. as quickly as you could, you wiggled into the top.
“you look hot as hell” one of the girls got you out spinning you around.
“don’t say that. I might quit racing and start doing this” the two of you laughed.
“just remember love. it’s all about confidence. walk out there like you’ve done it before” she handed you a silk red cloth before leading you towards the crowd.
they had started to set up for the next race. from what you could see the next two were leaning against their cars sharing a cigarette.
whistles followed you walking out onto the street in your new clothing. kirishima could be seen putting his arms around both of the women. he pulled them both close, probably whispering about how they did a good job.
the headlights from the cars made your eyes squint. from what you could make out the men had stopped their conversation to stare at you.
their gaze made you nervous. more nervous than all the noise, which usually didn’t sound this loud.
hand reaching to rub your arm your eyes found the girls in the crowd. they yelled out to you over the noise.
“tell them the rules! and have confidence! you’re sexy as fuck!”
a tiny smile made its way to your face. with newfound confidence you made your way over to the two men. the smell of nicotine burning your nose.
“gentlemen,” they both nodded towards you indicating they were listening “the both of you look like you’ve raced before. just not here I’m assuming”
“you’re right” the man with the dark green hair spoke. he had freckles dotted across his face and neck. tattoos along his arm and one on his neck “decided to switch it up a bit n’ I’m seeing it was a good idea”
the blonde scoffed, smoke tumbling out his mouth.
“let’s just get on with it yeah?” his eyes raked over your body quickly, but just long enough for you to notice.
“don’t mind my friend here. he likes to act out when pretty people are around” the freckled man gave you a smile “im izuku, and this is katsuki. we’re ready to race if you’re ready with the rules?”
“oh! yeah! um, so the basics obviously. no killing, and we go by the first or worst rule here” you ducked a little bit to look at both of their cars. they were sleek and fucking expensive “the last thing is just have an escape plan. the cops are on our asses and we don’t need any trouble around here”
katsuki dropped his cigarette to the ground. his foot stepped over it making sure to put it out completely.
“don’t worry princess. we’ve got this under control” the two of them watched you walk away.
“i think we should make a friendly bet”
“what now?”
“whoever wins this race” izuku lifted up his pointer finger decorated with a single silver ring, at you “gets to ask them out”
katsuki’s eyes stayed glued to you as you turned around. the fabric of that dress really wasn’t getting any looser.
“fine with me, but don’t forget” he opened his car door with the cockiest smirk “you’ve always been a fuckin’ loser”
“we’ll see about that shithead”
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
midnight ideas | eddie munson smut
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warnings: sex, unprotected, oral (f receiving), friends to lovers, minimal plot
AN: im so down bad, but its my birthday so happy day to us all
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It was midnight when you knocked on the trailer door, but you knew Wayne wasn't home, and you'd never felt bad about waking Eddie up before. He probably wasn't even sleeping. Lights flicked on and off in the windows before Eddie swung the door open, clad only in sweatpants and leaning on the door, looking a little too hot for a best friends' comfort.
But that didn't matter.
You were here to be a freak.
Here to ask something weird from your best friend, that probably crossed a line or two.
"I need a favour," you asked before any greetings were exchange. You'd biked from your house, which was far enough that you thought you looked a bit like a mess, but from Eddie's perspective you were hot as fuck. Your clothes were all unaligned, and your hair was a mess, like you knew he fantasized about threading his hair through it. "I need you to leave hickeys on my chest."
Eddie looked at you, as if waiting for you to say more. "Okay, well come in. But I'm gunna need a little more context."
"You know that guy I was seeing who just stopped calling and stopped coming by, well he's moved on already, it's been like a minute..."
"A month."
"A minute." You waved Eddie off, sitting on his couch casually like you weren't just asking your best friend to put his mouth all over you. "And I didn't even really like him but then he was like 'sure you do' when I said I have a date tonight." You scoffed and crossed your arms, rolling your eyes at the audacity of the man you had lied to.
"Did you have a date tonight?"
"Not the point."
Eddie laughed. "And you need, what? Proof?"
"Something like that."
Out of nowhere you pulled your shirt over your head, exposing yourself to him. You still had a bra on, purple and flattering, but Eddie was stunned into silence. He tried to speak, but all the words got caught in his throat, leaving him to just stare wide eyed at the presentation before him.
"Anyway, I don't want them on my neck because I don't need to broadcast this to everyone but..." you looked at Eddie who was staring at your boobs, not moving a muscle. Both of his hands placed neatly on his lap. "Oh c'mon, don't be a baby."
"I-I'm not, I just..." Eddie's eyes flashed up to your face, meeting you where you were looking at him. "You're beautiful."
You smiled. "Thanks Eds."
When he didn't move again, you swatted his hands off his lap, and you spun around to sit on his lap facing him. Your hands were on his shoulders, holding yourself steady on him. Eddie's voice was lost again, and his hands hovered in the air behind you, unsure of where to touch. Beneath you, Eddie was already rock hard, his wildest fantasies were literally falling right into his lap, but you didn't feel it yet.
"Obviously you don't have to," you said, back arching slightly into him, your bodies kept apart by only your bra. Everywhere skin connected to Eddie made your skin burn. He was warmth. He was comfort and warmth and home, and you were waiting for him to sink his teeth into you.
The threat of losing this closeness to you made him put his hands on your hips, the roughness of his skin was delicious against the softness of yours. Even touching you made his cock twitch in his sweatpants, but he was hidden behind the band.
"Just give me a second to process this baby," he said, he'd never called you that before and it made you clench, but it also made your heart flutter.
The tension of waiting for him made a knot in your abdomen build, and you felt yourself getting wet over the situation you'd put yourself in. You'd never thought about, but looking at Eddie like this, and thinking about him like this, was really making you horny. If he tried, you'd probably let him do more than kiss you.
Eddie's thumbs ran soothingly across your rib cages, looking up at you, his beautiful eyes looking at you like this made things feel different. You weren't thinking about some loser who didn't call you, you were thinking about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He was taking over your senses. And then he did it. He reached forward and kissed a small section of your collarbone, before gently bringing it into his mouth, sucking a sinful little kiss into this skin.
Eddie hands trailed up your back slowly, shivers replaced his heat on your body. His lips were still attached to you, sucking slowly and sweetly on your collarbone. His hands around you kept you close, preventing you from shying away, but you wanted to be close anyway. You want him to keep kissing you like this. You wanted him to kiss you everywhere.
You moved your hands to his hair, practically coddling him and keeping him close to you, tugging at fistfulls everytime he switched to a new location to kiss. You shimmied in his lap, making him bite you lightly, and grip you tighter in his hands. It may have been a warning, but you ignored it and moved again, this time moaning quietly.
"If you don't stop that you're gunna start something you can't finish," he mumbled, hands moved again, gripping your hips just tight enough to hold you still.
"You know what would really piss that guy off?" you mumbled, and Eddie flinched at the words. He didn't really want to be thinking of the other man on your mind right now. "Was if he thought you and I really did it."
"How so?" Eddie replied, but reattached himself to the soft felsh peaking out of your bra. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity.
"I don't know," you mused, but you did. "Maybe I can wear that short little skirt to school, and maybe you can leave hickeys... I don't know, on my thigh?"
Eddie froze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, looking up at you.
Your judgement was so clouded with lust for your best friend, it was pathetic.
"Please," you begged, pouting in a way you knew would make him fold.
But you didn't really need to, Eddie nodded softly and quickly, swallowing his nerves. you got off him, unbuttoning your pants and pushing them down your legs. Eddie kept staring, he discovered your lack of panties without warning, and couldn't look away from the prettiest sight he'd ever scene. You unclipped your bra saying, "Guess we might as well take this off too."
"Come here," he said, holding out his hand and gesturing you back over by curling his two middle fingers towards himself. "On the couch."
You laid down, head on the armrest, suddenly a little shy at the prospect of having Eddie kissing you between the legs.
You mean... on the legs...
Eddie was on his knees, in-between your spread legs, leaning on the back of the couch so he could lean over you a little bit. One of your legs was draped over his, and he ran his hand up it, staring at the beautiful sight until it burned into a memory he won't forget.
"Are you really sure?" he asked, "this is intimate."
"You don't have to," you said, embarassed.
"Oh, I want to." His hand stopped trailing on your hip. "But I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me later."
His voice was laced with hints of vulnerability, you could hear it. You could see the way his head hung a little lower when he said that. You leaned up, placing your lips on his for a very soft, tender kiss.
"Eddie, I always feel the most comfortable when I'm with you."
And he couldn't even process the compliment. He kissed you again, casual, as if this wasn't his first and second kiss with his best friend that he's been crushing on forever.
He scooched his knees back so he could lay down a little, lowering his head to fall between your legs. He put a hand under your knee, lifting your leg ever so gently towards his mouth, looking at you like he expected you to pull away. But you said nothing.
He kissed the soft kiss on the inside of your thigh, above your knee. You watched him, the sight of him so close to your heat was unforgettable.
Eddie sucked a little spot, the purple mark left was small and shallow. He wasn't leaving them to be seen anybody else, and you could tell. But it felt so good and you didn't care, you kinda, didn't want to share. Eddie kissed a little higher, and did the same thing. And then moved... one kiss higher. And right when you were about to ask him to kiss you, really kiss you, he switched sides, repeating them same, slow, tantalizing kisses.
Meanwhile, Eddie was going fucking insane. Your leg was in his fucking mouth. Things would never be platonic again. He had to pretend he couldn't smell how aroused, and wet you were. Had to pretend he wasn't trying to rub his dick on the couch cushions just to get an iota of relief. It was his big performance.
"Eddie..." you said, and when he looked up at your big pleading eyes, the lust coming off you in waves, he knew.
This time, he didn't stop going higher, he trailed kissed all the way up your thigh, bit your hip unexpectedly to make you gasp, and then dove into your pussy, kissing where your pussy met your mound. Eddie was kissing you like this and looking up at you with those eyes. Those fucking eyes. You moaned, the anticipation alone making you writhe.
He licked up and down your folds, letting himself taste and explore every inch. You were so wet.
He snuck his hand under his chin, teasing your hole with one proding digit. It slipped in, your walls wet, and warm, and tight, and the sensation around his finger nearly made him blow his load.
His tongue slid perfectly over your clit and you jerked, moaning sharply and bucking your hips into his face, the pleasure of it sending sparks down your thighs. He repeated the same move, using one hand to spread your lips open and take note of where he was touching. He was memorizing you. Memorizing each and every move that made you moan. He wanted to make you cum so bad. Wanted you to cum for him.
"Feels so good, Eddie."
Groaning at the sound of his name, he slipped in another finger, making you moan again. The slight stretching of learning someone knew was always your least favourite part, but turns out, you just needed Eddie. He made you feel good because he wanted to, he was happy to have his head between your legs, eating you out like he was starving, and with no promise of sex.
But you were pretty sure you were going to fuck him. If he wanted you, he could take you.
He sucked your clit again, and your walls tightened. He curled one of the fingers inside you gently, experimenting, and when you gasped, he continued on that spot, hitting it again and again and again while you got impossibly tight around his fingers, moaning and writhing like a fucking pornstar. He was so in love.
"I want to cum," you moaned, "can I? Please?"
You were asking him to cum. Eddie was dizzy. All the sensations, being squeezed, smelling you, tasting you, the delicious pain of you gripping his hair like you were going to fall... it was all too much. Too sweet. Too hot. Eddie bucked his own hips into the couch, desperate to be touched.
He pulled away just enough to growl, "you better cum on my face," and then dive back into his clitoral assault, kissing and licking it like it was the answer to his prayers.
Which really, it was.
And you came, loudly, moaning loud enough for the whole damn park to know what Eddie just did to you. Through every wave of pleaser, you and Eddie had your eyes locked on each other. This was what you really wanted. You didn't care about some prick, you cared about Eddie. It's always been Eddie.
You kept moaning as Eddie continued to massage and suck you through your orgasm, stopping only when you tried tugging him up to you. He held himself above you, letting you pull his face down to kiss him. All tongue and teeth, more desperate than anything. Eddie could love you after he fucked you. The way you looked at him, blissed out and still squirming your hips, he knew it wasn't over.
He thanked god it wasn't over yet.
"Go to my room," he said, kissing you again, taste of your sweet still on his lips. And evidence of your orgasm remained unwiped, glistening on the skin all around his mouth. You did what he said obediently, almost running to the room with him on your tail.
You started crawling onto the bed, putting your knees on the edge, but before you could climb on, a large hand pushed you into between your shoulder blades, making you land doggy style and exposing your ass and pussy to Eddie. He had taken his pants off, but really couldn't wait one more second. The bed dipped behind you, and you felt him pushing the tip of his cock against your unsuspecting cunt. You gasped, waiting patiently for him to do. The suspense of his dick slowly trailing up your folds without penetrating you was going to drive you crazy.
"Can I do it, baby?" he asked, running the tip up and down your sopping wet folds. He felt how tight you were against two fingers, he was going to be fighting not to finish fast, he knew that. "Please, beautiful, let me do it."
His dick hit the divet of your hole, and he groaned, stopping himself to wait for your answer.
"Eddie," you moaned, the feeling of him pressed against your core wasn't enough. You looked over your shoulder, glassy eyes begging for more relief. He could've blown at the sight of your cock-drunk eyes. And he hadn't even fucked you yet. "Please, fuck me."
Not wasting another second he pushed himself in, fighting playfully against the tightness of your walls. You moaned, shocked at how thick he was, but loving every second. You welcomed him in, pussy so tight and wet and fucking warm that he had to take a few deep breaths before he could fully push himself in.
He pulled entirely out, to slowly push entirely in a few times, taking his time to stretch you before doing anything harder. He said another prayer right then, a prayer that this wasn't the only time. He needed you, and you needed him. And you were already a moaning mess in his arms.
Once you were comfortable, he started really thrusting, keeping the pace steady. He had to close his eyes and take deep breaths again. Just looking at you while he hit it from behind? Too much.
Eddie slapped your ass once. And then finally looked down to see what it looks like. He loved watching your ass jiggle as he fucked you, your cheeks slamming against his abdomen.
"M-Maybe he'll see how-"
"Enough!" Eddie couldn't hear you bring up that fucking idiot one more time. "I'm gunna fuck that guy right out of your mind," Eddie grabbed one of your arms making your chest fall into the bed. He grabbed the other and held them both captive in one of his hands, and used his other hands to slap you on the ass, hard. He did it three more times, your moaning egging him on. But when you started moaning his name, repeating it over and over, he knew he had to get you there. He wouldn't last much longer, not with you intentionally squeezing your walls around him. He spanked you twice more more rough than the rest, followed by a smaller gentler tap. A small, good girl, without words.
Eddie squeezed your reddened ass cheek, as he hammered into you, but released to use his hand to grip a fistful of your hair, pushing you down deeper into the mattress. Your ass was up in the air, while Eddie fucked your pussy relentlessly. He was so deep, hitting parts of you that no one had ever touched. You wanted to praise him. You wanted to thank him for fucking you so good, and tell him how good you felt. You wanted to shower him with praises for fucking you better than anyone ever had, but the only thing that came out was a string of moan and unintelligible syllables of unfinished words.
But you didn't need to say it anyway, Eddie knew.
He could tell by the way your cunt squeezed him greedily, or everytime you caught his eye over your shoulder, glossy and pleasured, how he'd like to see you more often.
It was starting to ache how deeply he pounded you, when he suddenly let go of your hair so he could wrap an arm under you, and get his fingers on your clit. His body was pushed against yours even more, his dick staying deeper and repeatedly hitting a spot that was making you stupid. Eddie saw drool puddling at the corner of your mouth at the mattress, and your pussy dripped down both of your legs. He licked his lips at the sight. You unable to speak, drooling, moaning, and letting him have his fucking way with you.
"You're gunna cum," he said, a fact not a question. "All over this cock, fuck baby, you're so hot," Eddie was trying to keep it together but failing. He'd wanted this forever, and now that he had it, he wasn't going to last. "Are you gunna cum, baby?"
You nodded in his grip, but he held your hair tighter. He wanted to hear you. A strangled, "please," was what you managed.
"Good fucking girl, oh my god," Eddie praised, his fingers on your clit were softer in contrast to the deep pounding. The circles the rubbed over it were sensual, and hot, and going to make you explode. "Cum on my cock babe, do it." Eddie let go of your arms, and immediately they fell beside you, hands grabbing at the sheets pathetically. He grabbed one, and brought your own hand to your own clit. "And when you do," Eddie picked his pace up, gripping your hips in both hands now. "you're fucking mine."
It shouldn't have made you orgasm harder than you ever have in your life, but it did. The concept of Eddie owning your pussy all the time made you come all over him like he wanted, squeezing him so tightly that he couldn't help but bury it as deep as possible and coat your walls, holding your hips unwaveringly tight and pushing himself into you impossibly far to coax himself through his climax.
"Oh my fucking god," he mumbled, eyes closed and cock still buried deep inside you, twitching with sensitivity.
When he pulled out, you both moaned. You flipped over slowly, sitting upright on the bed.
"Eddie," you whispered, suddenly overthinking everything you just did. You couldn't lose Eddie, he was too important.
But he knew you. So he sat beside you, cooing and patting your hair. He kissed you on the cheek.
"Hey, listen," he said, scooping up a hand to hold and looking you in the eyes. His eyes were glassy from cumming so hard in you, but also filled with adoration and love. His gooey eyes could calm you from any state. Eddie encouraged you to stand, walking with you to the bathroom, hands locked tightly together. "I say we take a shower, make a snack, throw a movie on, and fall asleep. Hmm? How's that sound, petal?"
"Pretty right?" He said, turning the shower on. "I figured I want something pretty, but not overdone. Babe is classic, but overdone."
"To call me?"
"To call my girlfriend," he said, you blushed but said nothing. He smiled. "Look, if you really came over here just to make some douche jealous that's fine, but... if you want me to love you, well, you already have that."
"I love you too, Eddie."
"Sorry it wasn't like, nicer." Eddie smiled at you, content to just be here with you. "For our first time, I mean."
You laughed, "no, it was perfect."
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Pls do more Clarisse!!!! I love the way you write her!! Maybe something with reader being a child of Aphrodite. Here are some ideas you’re free to choose from! Or none at all
• Reader is told that she’s “not pretty enough to be a child of Aphrodite” and Clarisse finds her crying softly and she comforts her
•Reader tells Clarisse how much she likes to bake and Clarisse makes her bake stuff with her
•Clarisse gets her hair and nails and stuff done bye reader
Thank you!
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- colors of your eyes -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Daughter of Aphrodite! Reader
An - I loved these prompts sm UGH 😭😭 so I decided to use them all but I’m twisted some to make more sense
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“Stop im serious!” You laughed as clarisse flicked some flour at you. It was your one year anniversary, so the entire day clarisse had been letting you plan out multiple dates for one another thus explaining why her hair was braided back some with flowers in it and her makeup done.
Currently you had made arrangements with Chiron to use the kitchen to bake for a few hours. — Clarisse smiled as you started to playfully wrestle with her having a small flour fight. “Ok ok truce” She chuckled dusting some of the powder off of her. Decided to have the final say however you stood close to clarisse under the assumption that you were going to kiss her. Before your lips connected you placed your thumb on clarisses nose dragging the flour down.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at your actions. “Really? No now you owe me a kiss”
“I don’t owe you anything actually” you laughed trying to playfully fight again clarisse as she tried to kiss you. After a few moments though you gave in letting her have what she wanted.
Placing your arms around her neck you leaned back some letting her have more control over the kiss. Giggling you started to speak teasing remarks against the girls lips “mm, who knew clarisse was such a hopeless romantic”
Clarisse jokingly pushed you away. “Gods your such a pain in my ass”
“Awww your so cute when your mad” you continued to tease her. The timer for the cookies went off, peeling away from clarisse you went to the oven pulling out the chocolate chip cookies.
Taking them off the tray you set them aside onto a cup. Clarisse walked towards you hugging you from behind. Leaning back into your girlfriend you smiled just enjoying the peace of it all.
Being a demigod you were never allowed to have a normal life let alone have a normal relationship. Finding clarisse you believe was the best thing to happen to you. But being a demigod especially a daughter of Aphrodite didn’t come without its own set of critiques.
“What’s wrong” clarisse questioned squeezing your waist softly. Being brought back to reality you turned around to face her, softly smiling at clarisse you leaned kissing her cheek. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it” clarisse looked suspicious but eventually let it go just trusting you.
The bondfire continued to be your favorite time of night day after day. Finishing a sing along you kissed clarisses cheek before getting up— heading towards the dining hall for a drink.
Once there you spoke into the goblet saying you wanted your favorite soda, taking a sip you over heard a few girls near by talking.
“I know she’s such a fucking bitch”
“Honestly, like why does clarisse date her, there’s no way that she isn’t desperate, she probably just using her to get to silena”
“Honestly and if I was Aphrodite I would of never claimed such an ugly girl, she doesn’t even deserve to be her daughter”
Your grip on the cup tightened. ForWeeks now you’ve heard the same group of girls talking shit about you. Normally what other people said didn’t matter but them saying you shouldn’t of been claimed by Aphrodite…. That broke the final straw.
Hot tears fell down your face. Holding your head down you silently prayed to stop crying. The emptiness of the dining hall felt even more alone than normal. Maybe they were right. Maybe Aphrodite shouldn’t of claimed you, maybe clarisse really was desperate maybe everything everyone had said really had been true.
“Damn there you are, common the Apollo kids started arguing with the Athena cabin” Clarisse laughed as she walked over. Her hands finding themselves around your waist while she grabbed you from behind.
After a moment she felt your broken yet silent cries. Almost immediately she turned you around, looking down at you with a critical look. “Who.”
“No one, just forget it please” you sniffed. Clarisse however shook her head. “No who made you cry “
You knew she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted but in reality all you wanted right now was for her to comfort you. “Please.. just drop it” practically begging her you leaned into Clarisses warm presence.
Without a second thought clarisse Held you close to her. Gently running a hand up and down your back, she squeezed you ever so slightly. “Common, let’s go to my cabin” she muttered.
Laying in clarisses bed you silently faced her. Playing with one of her curls you had a soft smile while clarisse Held you close.
Kissing your forehead she pulled back some. “Can you tell me what happened at least.” She asked.
You stayed quiet. You wanted to be honest with her but what if she agreed with what they all said. “Look whatever it is it won’t change a thing about us.. ok” she lifted your head slowly while giving you a gentle look.
“Some girls. They’ve been saying this for weeks but I over heard them talking about how I’m a bitch or something dumb, they said that you were only dating me because you were desperate and wanting to get closer to silena and.. that I should of never been claimed as Aphrodites daughter”
Clarisse Just leaned down placing a kiss on your lips with a soft giggle. “What’s so funny” you muttered against the girl. Pulling away she continued to laugh. “Nothing nothing it’s just.. that? That’s what they decided to run with”
Confused you shrugged your shoulders. The curly haired girl looked over with a sarcastic smile. “Ok first of all, your not a bitch if anything you to nice, then I had to practically beg silena to help me actually start talking to you, then lastly their just mad that one of the most stunning girls in the camp who is also the daughter of Love is dating me and is in a happy relationship. Everything they said just sounds like bullshit” she continued to laugh.
“Your a jerk” you chuckled gently hitting her. “Yeah but your the one dating me so what does that really say about you” she grinned. Moving to sit on her waist playfully wrestling with the girl. You leaned down giving her a soft kiss. Once it broke you heard clarisse start talking. “Don’t let people like those girls ruin nights for you… you have me, and that’s all that should matter not what they have to say.”
Giving you another kiss clarisse patted your thigh. “All right get lost I’m sick of you”
“I hate you”
“No you don’t”
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haroldthehuckleberry · 2 months
Step-Son MPreg
CW- mpreg, sex, language, Step-Son X Step-Dad storyline
I always fancied my step-dad since i met him i thought he was hot, hes a classic himbo, hes tall, muscly, blonde and stupid as can be.
I never knew if he was purposefully flirting with me of was just too stupid to understand it was wrong, but it being wrong made me so horny, id often wank off after he’d compare our hand sizes, snuggle up to me or even bend over to empty the dishwasher, anything and everything he did turned me on so hard! he always wore clothes that left nothing to the imagination, short-shorts, crop-tops or no tops! My actual dad loved this about him and it made me so jealous seeing them cuddle and kiss and then one day… my dad went on a business trip. it was now or never.
i came downstairs in my dressing-gown and boxers showing off my abs and mediocre pecs i walked into the living room to my step-dad half asleep on the couch only in his briefs and white running socks, sweating and scratching his perfect body when he saw me he woke up a little and pushed a finger into his underwear suggestively “oh… hey man” he said in a gruff half awake voice “h-hey” i stammered taken aback by how horny he already seemed my cock visibly swelled in my already tight boxers. he glanced down to it quickly and blushed “come here pal i have something to show you” he said gesturing for me to walk over- i follow his orders and sit next to him, he places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me in for a deep long kiss. i rest my hand on his groin and feel his cock twitch and harden through his pants i then slowly kiss his neck, then his chest, then his abs until his beautiful totem-pole of a cock is in-front of my face. i confidently slip it all into my throat in one go and he lets out a little moan.
i suck him off for what feels like an hour before he pulls me up by my armpits and spins me around, he lifts my dressing gown up and squeezes my ass before bending me over the couch as he teases my underwear down making my cock twitch due to the prolonged friction, he then rubs the head of his penis along the outside of my un-used hole while i beg for his cock i then moan loudly as he slides it all in at once. he grabs the hair on the back of my head and holds my cock in the other one of his massive veiny hands his expert technique instantly turns me into a worthless hole only purpose is to please him, after a few hours of fucking and cumming we fall asleep on the couch naked together.
after a few more days of constant fucking, sucking and cumming my real dad comes home and we have to start being discrete, doing it in one of our cars or while hes away or even just quietly under the kitchen table, the closer he is, the hotter we find it.
after months of this i notice a small ball in the centre of my stomach while getting dressed i think nothing of it and carry on and on until its too obvious to hide under baggy clothes, i tell people im just bulking cause i want to build mass, i wanted to believe it but me and my step dad knew it was more.
his cum must be super-human i quickly became the biggest pregnant person id ever seen i stuck to my story but less and less people believed it that was when my dad confronted me “hey buddy!” he said putting his head around my door into my room as i lay weighted down by my planet-belly, “ive noticed that your clearly pregnant” i try to sit up and defend myself but it takes me far to long to even start bending my mid-section “you dont need to deny it i know what it looks like-you where one hell of a baby! anyway i was just wondering who the daddy was and if hes in the picture” i knew he was asking because my other dad was never in the picture “well erm he kind of is” i finally admit rubbing my tight taught skin “its m-my step dad” i say defeated. “no fucking way!” my dad says more surprised than angry he finally steps fully in my room without a shirt on revealing his own pretty-large pregnant belly…
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 5 months
hey, i just wonder if you'll be able to write something like "enhas reactions when their chubby gf is insecure about her body" cause im that gf and i feel terrible today? sorry if its too much ❤️ love your works
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idk if you wanted this to be nsfw or fluff so i just made it nsfw for heeseung and sunghoon<3 ty for the ask annonie!! hope you feel better soon♥︎
ot7!enhypen when their gf is insecure about her body.
warnings : smut in heeseungs, sunghoons is suggestive, mentions of pregnancy, the rest is just really fluffy and cute.
words : 762
heeseung : is the sweetest bf ever. showers you with kisses and love the whole day when he hears you talk badly about yourself. "baby, you're the most perfect girl to exist. i love you and that's all that matters, yeah? just look at how pretty you look. gonna look so fucking hot with a pregnant belly when i knock you up. " he tilts your head towards the mirror where you whimper at his hips snapping against yours at a fast pace. aftercare with him is even sweeter, you feel loved and appreciated just by his words.
jay : buys you so many gifts and cuddles with you all day. he hates seeing you upset about something that's not a problem in any way so he cancels all of his plans and never leaves your side until you start to feel better. he kisses every inch and curve of your body with sweet pecks to show how much he loves you. "my beautiful beautiful girl, please don't let your insecurities get into your head sweetheart. there's no such thing as a perfect figure. its all just said to made people feel bad about themselves. i love you so much and im here to protect you from feeling that way, remember that. "
jake : his eyes widen from confusion when you ask him if he still finds you attractive, hence you gaining weight since the first time you met eachother. he immediately says yes and cups your face to passionately kiss you. "i have never stopped finding you attractive, and i never will. even when we're old and crusty, you're forever my beautiful girl and that'll never change. get those nasty thoughts out of your hear , yeah pretty? i love you."
sunghoon : the moment you pout at yourself in the mirror and say you're starting to gain weight, calling yourself ugly he doesn't hesitate to slam you against the wall and kiss you roughly. his fingers quickly unbutton your blouse and run up and down your torso. "don't say that shit again. " he presses a sloppy kiss to your chest and gropes your boobs. you whine in response at his passive aggressiveness but lean your head back at his hands sliding your skirt down. sunghoon gets down on his knees and looks up at you with a possessive glint in his eyes. "let me make you feel better, hm?"
sunoo : you furrow your eyebrows at the pillow thats been thrown at your face and your boyfriend sunoo rushing over to you. "what do you mean you think you look ugly? y/n you're the prettiest girl ive ever seen. " he pouts and pats his thighs, signalling you to sit on his lap. sunoo sighs and pulls you into a hug with a kiss on the neck. "i get how you feel. but i need you to know no matter what changes in your appearance my feelings will never change. keep those ugly words out of that pretty mouth."  he grips you tighter and already helps you feel better. the two of you spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed together.
jungwon : he doesn't even react verbally, just kisses you softly. there's no need for words to be exchanged when you look into his eyes and see the glint of love in his stare. when tears start to fall from your eyes, he hugs you tightly. "it's okay princess, let it out. " he lets you cry on his shoulder and fall asleep since you're already in bed. as much as he hates to see you cry, he's aware that letting our your emotions will probably help you. don't worry. after a cuddle session, he takes you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant and buys you plushies.
niki : you two were hanging out with your friends when suddenly one of them made a joking comment about your weight. you didn't laugh, neither did niki. you're both aware of the fact you've been pretty insecure these past few days which is why he makes the friend repeat themselves when he suddenly throws a punch at their face. you gasp and stand up in shock. its pretty obvious niki didn't find it funny or amusing when he grips your wrist and takes you away from the hangout spot. he takes you to a secluded area and kisses you softly. "why'd you punch him niki..?" you whisper and he scoffs. "you know why. " he kisses you again before walking you home and playing video games with you until late at night to distract you from todays earlier events.
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thelurchinghound · 6 months
hiii i dunno if id be first request or if u even take them im so sorry if u dont !!! but i was wondering maybe something yandere non con smut? x human male reader !! kink wise maybe somnophilia, knife play, blood? thank u for reading this, have a nice day/night <33
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[Request info] - [Navigation] - [Elias' Pinterest]
Gender: Male reader
Kinks/Warning(s): Non-con, somnophilia, knifeplay, blood, drugging.
A/N: Grrrr I love somnophilia. Didn't know if you wanted a monster yandere so I just made it with my yandere slasher oc who has monster traits but its not really mentioned in this fic. This is a really old request that I got 70% done but then forgot about it.
Oc(s) used: Elias (Killer/Slasher) | Words: 701 | Proofread? No | NSFW |
By hitting 'keep reading' you are accepting that you're 18+ and are fine with reading dark/sensitive content (Don't like? Don't read.)
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Elias had been observing you for a while now. He was always watching but never acting on his impulses, and fuck did he have a lot of them. How badly Elias desires to see you gagging on his cock, your tears staining your cheeks, his name carved into your thigh. He had even gifted you a stuffed plush of your favorite animal, a camera in its eye to watch over you. 
He had kept his patience for so long, but then you took that fucking stupid punk home. It drove him up the wall. Literally, Elias climbed up your house and into your room through your window. How stupid were you, doll, to leave your window unlocked? Oh well, it just makes it more uncomplicated for him. It was almost like you wanted this. You took that spiked drink without any thought. He thinks to himself.
Elias quietly slinks through your room, mindful not to knock anything over. His cock was already bulging in his pants, just as enthusiastic as he was. Stalking up to you with a broad grin, his gloved hand skimming your cheek. "Hey there, doll." He whispers to you, his slender body shifting to straddle your own. Fuck, he wanted to tear off all your clothes right then and there but no. He had to be patient. "You're so fucking stunning when you sleep," Elias mutters softly, his gloved hands gingerly working down your unconscious form. Black gooey tendrils slither from under his shirt, reaching out towards you. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."
He used his knife to cut through your shirt to expose your bare chest. The blade cuts your skin a little. Elias trails his lips down from the nape of your neck to the hem of your pants, lapping at any driblets of blood that well up from the thin cuts. His hot tongue rubs up against your perky nipple, his tongue piercing a stark difference to it. He could feel his cock getting more erect at the thought of you under him now. So pure, so innocent, unknowing of what was happening to you. 
Elias wastes no time pulling down your pants. I've waited long enough. He thinks to himself, his hands trembling while pulling down your underwear. Those tendrils of his wrapping around your legs, spreading them out for him. God, you look so beautiful. 
He takes his time prepping you. The killer wasn't that stupid. It's not like he wanted to hurt you too much. He just wanted to make you his own. His gloved hands ran over your body once he got done prepping you, wiping off the lube he used on his pants. Elias fumbled around his pants pocket to grab a condom he had brought. 
He unzips his jeans, pulls his cock out, and slips the protection on him. Once he gets himself situated, he starts to push into your tight ass. Soft groans leave him with each inch he forces into you. "Fuck, there we go. Just let me in, doll."
The black drooping tendrils slither up your thighs more, tightening around like snake coils. The tendrils hold your legs up higher for Elias as he starts thrusting harshly in you. Soft grumbles leave the killer. Elias was finally getting his prize. He had killed so much competition to get here. Many other guys think they could steal you away from him. No. You were his from the start, from the second his eyes laid on you.
His thrust starts to get harder and deeper, balls slapping against you with each movement he makes. Gloved hands gripping your hips, squeezing the supple skin there, the grip would surely leave bruises afterward. Elias starts to get sloppy, leaving small kisses along your neck and collarbone. But just marking you with his mouth wasn't enough. He wanted something more permanent. 
After finally finishing inside you, filling up the condom with his cum he grabs his knife. His tendrils helped move you around so he could carve his name into your flesh. The cold metal of the blade slices your skin in harsh swipes. "Don't worry, baby. I won't let anyone else harm you. Only me."
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pathetic-tboy · 4 months
erotica‼️ cnc scene
im running through the woods away from the woman chasing me. i got a head start but i can hear her every now and then shouting something akin to "youre not gonna get far, puppy." im hardly wearing anything, just a collar and a pair of panties she let me keep just so she could emasculate me a little. i got myself out of the binds easily this evening. of course now its dark and i dont know how long ive been here for, or how i got here. beyond that, i dont know how far away from the rest of the world i am. the amount of time ive spent running tells me im pretty far.
im trying to stay quiet, but eventually i trip on the root of a tree, and yelp as i tumble. i hear her then. she found me. by the time i try to get up again she pushes me back to the ground.
"aw, we're not even that far yet." she teases me as she grabs my collar and yanks me so that im sitting down, looking up at her with wet eyes. "dumb little cuntboy isnt that fast, huh?" she coos at me while pulling my face so that my nose is pressed up against her hot bulge in her jeans. i turn away from it.
"ugh, please!" i cry out, failing to notice that shes fishing her cock out with her free hand. "let me g-" im interrupted by her warm meat in my mouth, pushing past my lips and down my throat. i choke around it while she fucks my face rough, as if she doesnt care if i can breathe. im whimpering but it just sounds like moaning from how fast shes fucking my mouth.
"aw, dumb little puppy, what was it you were saying?" she teases as she pulls my head down all the way onto her dick. i cant breathe anymore. i try to back up and push away, but shes much stronger than me. she holds me there for far too long. im getting a little dizzy.
"if you really wanted to get away, youd be fighting back harder." she finally releases me, i cough on the floor of the woods, gasping for air. "or are you just sooo weak that you just CANT get away?"
"ugh- please-" i whine as she covers my mouth with her hand, her other one breaching the waistband of my underwear. i gasp as she pushes a finger into my pussy, wet from the struggle.
"fuuuck, youre so wet, puppy, you must really want this." she takes her hand off my mouth and to my collar, and before i can argue, pulls me into a sloppy kiss. she pushes her tongue into my mouth while she expertly fucks my pussy with her fingers. i moan into her lips as i try to push her away, but i cant. im not strong enough.
eventually, she releases me, but only to yank down my panties, and grab my waist. she pulls my hips up flush against hers, and places my ankles on her shoulders. i cant even move away as i freeze up like a prey animal, only making obscene noises as she rubs her cockhead on my tdick. she notices.
"aw, wheres that fight? i love it when you fight, you dumb little puppy." she chuckles, spreading my wetness from my pussy to my dick.
"ugh, no!" i cry out, trying to move away, but she pins me down anyway. "im not a dumb puppy....."
"oh, youre SUCH a dumb puppy. so wet when im about to breed you." shes not even fucking me yet and i could cum. i freeze again at her words. i feel my tcock twitch against my will at the thought of carrying my attacker's baby.
"no, dont!" i buck my hips, trying to move away. "i cant get pregnant! not right now! testosterone isnt birth control please-" but i trail off into a moan as she pushes her cockhead inside my wet pussy.
"well thats the point of breeding, you dumb fucking puppyboy." all i can do is gasp loudly as she pushes inside me, filling me up. "fuck, youre so wet." she plants her hands beside my neck and begins pounding me. i moan as my pussy makes obscene noises around her cock violating me. using me. breeding me.
i push against her shoulders with all my might but she doesnt even move an inch. she just laughs at me. "fuuuck, youre so weak." and i feel her fuck me even harder. "i love it when you try to resist me."
"uhhhm, no!" i can hardly even voice a protest anymore as i moan. it feels too good. shes right, i realize. she was right all along. i do want it.
i grip her shoulders, dragging my nails down her back as i buck up my hips to meet hers. "f-f-fuck-" i stammer out between moans.
"what was that, puppy?" she doesnt stop fucking me like she owns my pussy, and she does. i know she does.
"feels- good-" i gasp out. i feel her pound into me even harder after i say that.
"fuuuuck," she moans out breathily, "yes, it does."
i grip onto her upper arms hard as my first orgasm washes over me. "im cumming! im cumming!" i cry out as my pussy spasms around her cock, trying to milk it for everything it has. but shes not ready yet. she keeps pounding into me, and i feel an even more intense orgasm rushing to take its place. "fuck- its too much!" i whine as i try again to push her away.
"aw, but you wanted it so bad before." she didnt stop. she keeps fucking me until i feel tears in my eyes. i cum again, crying out.
"fuck, youre cumming AGAIN?" she acts appalled as if she wasnt the one forcing me to. my pussy keeps making disgusting wet sounds around her invading prick. "fuck, i might just cum, puppy."
i gasp as i remember her threats to put a baby in me. "no! not inside!" i cry out between moans, but i scream as my third orgasm comes, even more powerful than the first 2.
"fuck, gonna cum, puppy." and i cant even voice another protest as i lay limply, pliant for her to pump her semen into.
she lays on top of me for a while, her cock still twitching inside me, making me moan quietly as i lay completely limp, still gasping for air and coming down from the powerful orgasms she made me have.
eventually, she pulls out, standing up and putting her soft dick away. she leans down, brushing a wet strand of hair from my face.
"aw, baby, was that fun?" she coos, rubbing my cheek with her thumb.
"mhm.... wuff." i mumble. she giggles.
"aw, ok, baby." she bends down and scoops me up into her arms. "lets go get you cleaned up, ok?"
"mmmm" i mumble tiredly, shutting my eyes and snuggling into her chest.
"aw, ok." she kisses my sweaty forehead and walks us home.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
timi im sobbing like a bitch while rewatching corazón and law's story (PLUS IM ON MY PERIOD SO BYE)
COULD U PLEASE PLEAAAASE write something about cora??🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🤧🤧🤧🥲🥲🥲🥲🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🥲🥲🤧🤧🥲🥲 anything- i just need him to hug me and kiss me and fuck me and love me etc etc etc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (dying)
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“𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚍”
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𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Hand holding, Pet names, Soft!Dom Cora, Aftercare, (?) Soft Smut, Size kink(?), Oral, Body Worship, Cora has a tongue piercing
☹️❣️I hope this helps
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“You don’t…” a shaky breath left your lips, “Have to…”
“Yes I do…lay down and let me take care of you.”
Damn it.
His breath in your ear made your eyes roll back, you fell weak against his touch.
His long slender fingers unbuttoning the front of your bra while his cold lips hit your hot neck. His kisses were so gentle.
That was his mantra after all. He was your big gentle giant.
Usually you always took charge, laying him down and he was at your disposal but tonight Cora seen the sadness you been carrying behind your smile, he wasn’t too great with his words, more clumsy with verbally as he is physically. So he decided tonight was going to be about you.
“This…” Cora’s heavy breathing against your freed nipple made you mewl, “This…body…is all mine…and I wanna take care of what’s mine.”
His kisses were peppered over the mounds of your breast, he knew how sensitive you were so he smirked at your flinches, kitten licking the top before sucking it into his mouth, his tongue didnt rest, it was wrapping and swirling all over while his other free hand fondled the other.
“Rosi…” You whine, you felt so small, his large nude frame over your half clothed one, his body grinding against you, you felt a wet mess on your thigh already, you giggle weakly, “…I’m fine..”
“If you’re fine, then let me make you feel better than that.”
He closed his large hand with yours now looking into your eyes while his lips slips off your breast, leaving a shiny spit line disconnecting you both down to your panty line, he bit into the thin fabric and pulled it down with his teeth, not breaking away from your gaze.
He kissed both of your inner thighs, the small graze from his lips on your clit made you clench,
“I love this pussy…so much…”
His vulgar words in such a soft tone made you bite your lip, until a hum cane out of you, his long snake like tongue pushing its way inside your cunt, you immediately clench down at the cold metal that was accompanied with it.
“Thats it..” His voice muffled before diving in, feeling your hand squeeze down onto his, “Feel good for me baby, focus on this tongue.”
Cora’s head moved back and fourth, tongue fucking your hole before swirling it back on your clit, your voice was bouncing off the walls of how well he could use it.
There wasn’t an area on your pussy he didn’t lap up, his eyes rolling back at your taste and smell, just overflowing in his mind, “Fuck!” You heard him groan time to time.
Now, here you are a panting undone mess, cumming only in minutes from him being in between your thighs.
The kiss was messy, he needed you to taste yourself.
Drool pooled between both of you, barely being able to breath you both were so needy for each others touch, you didn’t mind feeling him slide his cock half way inside you.
“Th-this..is new…” You stutter, you and him knew how big he was, so missionary wasn’t something you both had in mind to do but for tonight he will make sure to keep you noting less of pleasure in this position.
The bed shook the ground, Cora’s hips nearly snapping aginst yours, he couldn’t bottom out, only half way in in fear he may hurt you he kept his pace steady and it was perfect.
“I love you..” Your boyfriend whined in your ear now grabbing both of your hands as you rocked your hips together, “I love you so much, babe. Please don’t leave me.”
His voice was cracking and you heard a few sniffs in your ear as he kissed it turning his head to find your lips again. You both were so overwhelmed by this new closeness you felt yourself cumming again.
“I love you, Rosi!” You moaned, letting go of one hand to hold the back of his nape, “I love you, I won’t ever leave you..”
It was emotional for you both, but the pleasure of the orgasm you shared together that night made it all the more better.
It left you shaking, one of your legs wrapped around his hip, he grabbed it keeping it up there as he rode out both of your highs, not once letting go from your kisses or hand.
When he pulled out, there was a sticky pool beneath you both, Neither of you cared you just wanted to be held.
and that he did.
“I meant what i said, Cora…’m never leaving you”
“I know..” He pulled you into his neck, tracing shapes on your lower back, he smiled, “I know..”
He lifted your chin, brushed back the wet fly away hairs on your forehead to kiss you so passionately, it got messy and then came in some tongue sucking and moaning, it riled you both up again.
That night was filled with back to back love making and hand holding, mixed with constant praise of “i love yous” and other sweet mothings, it was done not just for you but to confirm with your big man that you’d never leave.
and you never did.
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kafnixc · 2 months
hello i just read your hamel fic and my god you write so good. can I request for sub!langley x gp chief!reader?
Sub Langley mentioned!! I'll be happy to serve right away🤭 Who wouldn't want to see this woman on her knees just for you?
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Pairing: sub!Langley x GP Chief!reader
Warnings: Crying during sex, Fingering, Overstimulation, Creampie, Squirting, Semi public(maybe?), Almost getting caught, Gagging, Brat taming, Slapping
Author's note: I love women that wear black latex gloves😈
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You were in your office, signing paperwork as usual.. I mean, you are the chief of mbcc after all it's expected that you'd have a lot of work pile. But your handwriting was.. quite off, totally not because you have a certain sinner, Langley underneath you giving you a head.
A light creak to your door caught your attention, It was nightingale. You tried to compose yourself and force a small smile to your lips as she spoke "Chief, I came here to report about..." As nightingale continued to speak, you snucked one of your hands under your desk and grabbed a handful of Langley's hair as she sucked on your cock faster, taking the whole length onto her mouth eliciting a small inaudible whine from you
Your brows furrowed and you leaned your head back as you guided her faster, but you quickly snapped out of your world when nightingale spoke; "Chief.. are you feeling alright? You seem quite red and you're sweating." When she tried to step closer, you raised your hand and indicated her to stop "I-Im fine..! It's just.. hot in here that's all" you replied with a shrug, while nightingale stood there silently for a few minutes before replying
"mm.. if you say so, chief. I'll be taking my leave." You gave her a nod, as you watched her turn her back and silently leave your office. You let out a sigh of relief before grunting as you felt yourself twitch inside Langley's mouth "fuck.. ah— Langley.. m'gonna cum.." you whimpered out, as soon as you felt yourself drawing closer you pushed her head down, before spurting your cum inside her mouth down to her throat as you watch her gag on your cock
Langley pulled away before licking her lips and smirking as she jerks on your softening cock, making it hard again "Chief.. is that all you can give me? That's quite disappointing.." She taunted with that grin on her face.. oh how you wished to wipe that smug grin of hers.
Langley parted her lips to speak once more, but was surprised as your hand makes contact with her cheek "..what a needy bitch you are, so desperate for my cock.." you say through gritted teeth before dragging her out from where she is and placing her on your desk and parted her legs and gods.. she was soaked.
"Is this all for me? You got this wet from sucking my cock?" You hissed before landing a slap to her pussy which makes her jolt "Ah- chief.. you're being aggressive today.. did my taunting get to you?" She teased, but her teasing was cut short and was replaced with a scream as you surge your cock forward, forcing its way in her folds. Hands scrambling to find something to grip on but eventually she placed her hands on your back, clawing your clothed back
You hissed at the slight burning sensation on your back caused by her nails, your hips moving at a steady pace while you leaned down to press kisses on her neck "So good for me.." you whispered praises into her ear before suddenly fastening your pace, practically pistoning into her "Ah—! Chief— Oh!—" Langley wraps her legs around your hips, pulling you down "Gods.. chief!— don't stop.. don't..m'close.." Your eyes widened at the sight of her tears, and gosh.. it turned you on even more
Langley felt you slowly pulling out until only the tip of your cock remained inside her "Chief—" She choked out a sob at the sudden empty feeling but then you surged your hips forward, thrusting your whole length back and hitting that spot inside her. Your hands moved to her waist resting them there as you started pistoning into her
You knew her orgasm was approaching by the way she was clamping down on your cock practically making it difficult to move. It made you groan and more determined to make her cum as you also felt yourself drawing closer to your own orgasm, you leaned down to her neck leaving another batch of kisses and hickeys.
After a few thrusts, you bit down on her neck sinking your teeth into her soft flesh as you painted her insides white. Her eyes rolling into the back of her head while she comes around your cock.. you pulled out after catching your breath. You glanced at Langley's face to see her make up ruined, gods.. that made you so proud wiping that smug grin of her face and replace it with ruined make up and tears running down her face.
"Don't pass out on me now, we're not done" You thrusted two fingers into her folds, not giving her enough time to recover from her recent high which elicited a small whine from the Sinner.. "chief— can't.." you heard the Sinner murmur, which made you grin "Can't..? Don't give me that, I know you can baby.. give me one more" you cooed before moving your fingers in a painfully slow pace.
You watch as she squirmed in her position, watching how she whined and eventually starts to fuck herself on her fingers.. you found it amusing and.. pathetic. So like the good person you are, you fastened your pace curling your fingers on that spongy spot inside her causing her to throw her head back and squirted around your fingers, you instinctively secured the back of her head with your palm to avoid her head from hitting the desk
It was cute to watch her legs uncontrollably trembling, slick dripping from her pussy down to your now ruined desk. You pulled your fingers out before placing them in your mouth.. she tasted so heavenly, you took your cock and jerked it off until it was hard again. You pressed the tip on the Sinner's dripping entrance
"Y-You're still going?" Langley panted, clearly amused by your stamina "I can go till morning." You said with pure confidence before thrusting your whole length inside surprising the Sinner once more from the sudden stretch "We're still going whether you like it or not, I have enough stamina to go till morning, after all.." you lifted her legs up pinning them beside her head "This is supposed to be a punishment."
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