#but her insistence on me making friends makes me more unhappy than not really having any!
romanromulus · 2 years
i think “I cried a lot last night” should be a perfectly acceptable excuse to stay home from work
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wesstars · 2 months
love, at second glance
tara carpenter x fem!reader (no pronouns)
summary: that’s what you do when you love somebody else… wc: 1k tags: all characters 18+; no ghostface au. angst, horribly excessive use of italics (seriously, everything in italics is either a quote, a thought, or actual emphasis. it’s terrible) a/n: what’s up y’all (title from 715 - CR∑∑KS by bon iver)
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Tara wondered when it all began.
You and me, me and you.
A mantra that used to be comforting, it now left her mouth dry, mind frantic. 
Sometimes, when it got real bad like it did today, she’d drive out to your—our—deserted garage, and look up into a pitch black night, blinking away tears. It was easy to scream at the sky: how could you forget about me about us about milkshakes shared about distances closed about how I love you and love you and love you—but to you, she’d say nothing.
She couldn’t say anything, while you basked in the glow of a new hand to hold. It was all over in a helpless shrug. That was it, and really, it wasn’t your fault. Nobody’s fault. You couldn’t help it, Tara reasoned, you weren’t cruel. Even at the very end, you were endlessly kind. Commitment was a choice, but love, love happened to you away from Tara and she couldn’t do anything but watch.
Tara switched the engine off, leaning back in her seat. The stars shone barely brighter than the city lights. It was strange, the way that when she was on the brink of losing everything, the world looked that much more beautiful. Every breath in that particularly cold winter felt like it was being swallowed up by the vastness of air itself, precious in its scarcity. 
“But I love you.”
You said nothing for a moment, a troubled little frown twisting on your lips. “Tara, I—”
“I love you.” She heard, rather than felt, herself repeating it. As if stopping you from speaking would make that cold reality any less crushing. “That’s all.”
It was odd, Tara decided, to go online and see your life in the pictures she used to be part of. She put her phone down. From tide pulls to seasons changing, there wasn’t exactly a world where she envisioned herself going on without you. There was something in that sinking feeling, like you were holding her down with a hand on her chest, when she saw you laughing with your friends, with anyone, a smile so brilliant it couldn’t possibly have Tara as the cause. 
You’d always wanted a little cabin in the woods (“not in a creepy way,” you’d insist) surrounded by mist, and it would always be raining. “You’re the only sunshine I need, Tara Carpenter.” She could still hear the way you’d tease her, lying on your side next to her, tracing the bridge of her nose with your fingertip. So easy it was, to tumble back into those shining memories where absolutely nothing would go wrong, you wouldn't let it, because she was yours.
The top floor of the lot was empty, and the moon spilled onto the windshield, into the empty passenger seat. She was lucky, you both were lucky, to have even come as close to the sun as the two of you did. Tara knew, deep inside herself, that if she just let it all go, she would be okay. The blood would rush back into her fingertips—you wouldn’t be there to massage the feeling back into them, the way you often did on winter nights like this—and then she would be okay.
Tara thought that she remembered too much for someone so hurt. Your hand on her thigh while you drove, wiping her lipstick off your cheek, the way you seemed so so so unhappy when you sat her down for one last time. You didn’t even look the same then, like you were somebody else, you weren’t hers anymore. It was getting colder in the car, but Tara didn’t feel anything but the searing coil of shame. 
Sunkissed March found you and Tara lying side by side on a picnic blanket, sodas losing their fizz as time forgot to move the two of you. A breeze ruffled the leaves, and if she really listened, Tara could hear the frogs in the nearby pond. You loved it here—you said it reminded you of hot summers spent in the countryside, the days as long as wildflowers. Not half an hour ago, you were braiding together the stems of daisies into a lush crown. 
“For you, Queen Carpenter,” you said in a posh accent. “A gift from your humble knight—each braid represents a ‘forever,’ and each flower is an ‘always.’” You set the crown atop Tara’s head, kissing the tip of her nose as she rolled her eyes.
“And what has compelled my knight to bring me such a gift?”
“Only all of the love I carry for you, your majesty.” You scooped her up in your arms, smiling as she giggled, rolling the two of you over to settle into the knolls of grass.
There was a certain bravery in the way your fingers wrapped loosely around hers, the way the heels of both your shoes made indents in the dirt—proclaiming, we were here. Even in her doze, Tara could feel you there, each moment stretching on like strings of eternity, unfailingly. 
The moment did end, as moments do. The crown, dried and shrunk, still hung from the rear view mirror in the car. The daisies themselves were long gone, but the dried stems had somehow stayed bound together. Tara’s head dropped into her hands, eyes sore and red. She’d thought so much and so often about where the two of you went wrong, she felt like she had turned over every stone in your path, ones that didn’t carry with them the weight of a goodbye. Tara would give anything to even know what it would take for you to stand in the sun with her one more time.
The abrupt knock on the window should’ve startled Tara more than it did, given that it was four in the morning in an empty parking lot, and she was supposed to be all alone. But all she could do was watch with wide eyes as the knock came from you, at your tight lipped smile. She rolled down the window, unable to feel anything but shock as she took in your mismatched shoes with untied laces, your shirt way too thin for the cold night. You weren’t looking at her, guilt evident in the hunch of your shoulders. Your voice comes out exactly as she remembered it. 
“Hey… can we talk?”
a/n cont'd: don't super feel like i like this but writing it came naturally so
please do not repost, reproduce, copy, translate, or take from my work in any way. thank you!
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melanieph321 · 5 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 2/8
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
Over all it was a pleasant flight, despite your burns. Mostly thanks to Ruben. As the flight attendants came around with drinks and snacks, Ruben struck up a conversation and the two of you quickly discovered that you had a lot in common - both were avid travelers, loved good food, and were passionate about exploring new cultures. Later when the dinner menu was brought out, Ruben enthusiastically recommended the traditional Portuguese dishes, extolling the virtues of the country's cuisine. You were amused by his enthusiasm and found yourself getting caught up in his infectious energy. Ruben even insisted on sharing his favorite dishes with you, and the two of you laughed and chatted as you ate.
"Does it help, the ice?" He asked, after seeing you requested the flight attendants to bring you a puch to put against your thigh.
"A little." You answersed shyly, a bit taken aback by how observant Ruben was. You dozed off now and then during the flight, but there was a always a fresh pack of ice next to you when you woke up. Apperently Ruben went out of his way asking the flight attendants to bring you a fresh pack every hour as not to disturb your sleep. As the night wore on and the plane hit turbulence, you found yourself feeling more and more at ease with Ruben by your side. You couldn't help but be charmed by his kindness and generosity.
When the flight finally landed in Lisbon, Ruben leaned in and whispered, "You have to let me show you around my city. Meet me at the famous Pão de Azeite bakery tomorrow morning at 9am, and I'll take you on a tour of the best spots in Lisbon."
Your heart skipped a beat as your mind raced with the possibilities of your adventures together. However, you knew that Ruben thought you were a frequent business class traveler. But it was all an act and reality would set in once you stepped off this plane. The reality being that you and Ruben were from two very different worlds.
"Thanks Ruben, really. But I'm only here for two nights and owe it to my friend as I've ruined her vacation."
"You said what?"
Arriving at your hotel in uptown Lisbon, you told Alicia about Ruben asking you out and you turning him down. Needless to say that she was very unhappy about it.
"Y/N, that guy was leng. Not to mention his friends. Why did you turn him down?"
"Because." You said , regret waying heavily in the pit of your stomach. "I want to enjoy my time here with you."
"Me?" She frowned. "Y/N, I don't know fuck all about Portugal, let alone Lisbon. This guy could have showed us where the party is at. Who knows, maybe he would have brought his friend?"
Apparently Alicia really hit it of with Ruben's friend Fabio after the two of you switched seats. Ruben and you could hear them giggle over bottles of champagne as the two of them had them coming like treadmills on the plane.
"Alicia, I don't really feel like hooking up with strangers right now. It's been a really hectic few days for me and all I want to do is spend my time here with you and go home.
"Alright." She nodded. "At least tell it like it is, because if I was you I would've let that guy take me wherever he wants."
You shook your head but smiled. "Let's just unpack so we can explore the city." Your hotel suite was simply out of this world. Alicia had not held back on the expenses, really taking advantage of the courtesy of the Siddiq family.
"Oh, I know what we should do today! We should go shopping." She said, smiling in that mischievous way that you hated.
The two of you freshened up and hit the streets. Alicia had ordered a rental car with a chauffeur to drive you around. All at the expense of the Siddiq family of course. She had learned to put the tab on them just as well as she had learned to use her father's credit card as a teenager. "Oh my god, this would look so good on you." She said, holding up a black cocktail dress for you to try on.
"Yes, but the price." You said, hooking the dress back on it's hanger. You let Alicia drag you to the most luxurious shopping streets in Portugal, without the intentions of buying anything. Alicia on the other hand.....
"Come on Y/N, just try it on, something tells me you might need this dress tonight?"
"Tonight? What's tonight?"
You had noticed Alicia texting someone back and forth as the two of you arrived at the hotel. The texting went on the whole day to a point where you were getting really annoyed. You were supposed to enjoy your time together in Portugal, to be in the moment. Alicia however, seemed distracted. By whom, you found out on your way to a massive football stadium whilst squeezed into a skimpy cocktail dress.
"Alicia, don't you think we're a bit overdressed for a football game?" You asked, as your friend wandered into the stadium ahead of you, her high heels tricking people into thinking that she was a head taller than you.
"Trust me Y/N, you're not." She reassured, guiding you past where people were lining up to take their seats. You however, were heading upstairs, to a private lounge of some sort.
"Eyy, linda, vocês conseguiram!" (Ey, beautifuls', you made it!)
You were shocked to see Ruben and his friends welcoming you to sit with them.
"You came." He smiled as well as eyeing your dress up and down. He looked good too, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans.
"I am as suprised as you." You said, sitting down.
He frowned.
"But I'm sure our friends had something to do with it." You looked over to where Alicia and Fabio sat, now deep in conversation with each other, giggling mischievously.
"Well I'm glad you came." Ruben nodded, returning all of his attention back to you. His eyes were so captivating, deep brown and mysterious.
"Me too." You shirped, quick to switch your attention to what was happening on the football pitch. "Who's playing?" You asked, since you had no idea that Alicia planned for you to attend a football game whilst in Portugal.
"Benfica, of course." Ruben leaned towards you not to shout over the noise of yhe cheering crowd. "It's Benfica against Braga, a good game."
"If you say so." You shrugged, to which Ruben frowned.
"What?" You chuckled.
"You don't watch much football do you?"
"No, sorry. We play cricket where I'm from."
"Which is...?"
Ruben looked even more puzzled by your answer. "You know England has one of the top football leagues in the world, right?"
"We do?"
His eyes widened in suprise. "Manchester City is practically the best club in the world right now, at least tell me you've heard of them."
"Manchester...?" You hymned. "You mean United?"
Ruben opened his mouth to say something, but prevented himself as it might have been something impulsive.
You laughed. It was cute, the way it shocked him that you didn't follow football like the rest of the world. How could you, when growing up with brothers who only played cricket. It was all they could talk about around the dinner table.
"Am I too uneducated to be able to enjoy this game?" You asked. To which Ruben's expression faltered. "No."
He shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll explain it to you."
You smiled. "How kind of you."
There was movment in the corner of your eye, Alicia, walking towards you in a hurry. "Bathroom, now!" She said, practically dragging you with her.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't notice." She said, closing the bathroom door behind you.
"Noticed what?" You frowned.
"That it was him." She said, walking over to one of the mirrors, taking the opportunity to reapply her lipstick.
"Ruben." She shrugged.
"What about him?"
Alicia turned to you, confused as to why you were confused. "You didn't know either, did you?"
"Know what, Alicia? Get to the point." It was getting annoying.
She tucked away her lipstick and walked over to you, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Ruben Dias." She said. "As in, THE Ruben Dias, the professional footballer."
"The what?"
She let go of your shoulders returning to the bathroom mirror, tampering with her hair. "He's like super famous...and rich." She said.
"He is?"
"Yes, but don't make it obvious that you're in it for the money."
"But I'm not."
"Perfect, just like that."
"Alicia." You sighed. The two of you left the bathroom with the game having already started. Ruben waved for you to join him, but you were too distracted by what Alicia had told you in the bathroom, to focus on Ruben's explanation of what was happening on the pitch.
"Are you ladies up for something to eat?" Ruben's friend Theo asked. The game was over, the team Ruben was rooting for, having won 1-0. "My uncle owns this great spot in town which we wouldn't have to make reservations for."
"Eh." Fabio snorted. "With Ruben here we won't have to wait in line anywhere. Ain't that right Ruby? Can't you try and get us in to some hot club, I bet the ladies would like that."
Ruben turned to, eyeing your legs where parts of the dressing was visible. "Nah, I think dinner at Theo's uncle is better."
You silent thanked him for being so considering of you.
"No worries." He winked and offered you a hand to descend the steps of your private booth. He did not let go as the two of you made your way out of the stadium. It's when you realized that what Alicia said must be true. People were coming up to Ruben asking him to take pictures with them and sign their belongings. He was really someone specially to these people.
"Do you guys need a ride back to your hotel?" The guys asked, following a lovely dinner at Theo's uncle's restaurant.
"No thanks, we have a car."
"You do?"
"And a chauffeur." Alicia said, slurring on her words as she and Fabio had a bit more to drink than the rest of you.
"A chauffeur, really?" Ruben looked at you, slightly impressed.
Your eyes fell on the ground, embarrassed.
"I guess I'll see you later." Ruben said, when  the two of you stood alone on the sidewalk, Fabio and Theo helping Alicia get into the car.
"Yeah, see you."
It was painful, saying goodbye.
"But you're staying in Portugal one more night, no?"
"Yes, Ruben but...."
He nodded. "No, I get it. You want to spend time with your friend, make up for ruining her vacation. But how about we meet up later, by the beach?"
"Beach?" You grimarced.
Ruben laughed. "I promise you I don't own a pair of speedos, neither does Theo. Fabio might, but I'll tell him not to...."
"It's not that." You mumbled.
Ruben shuffled his feet, visibly conflicted in how he should approach this, approach you. "Y/N, if you have a boyfriend back home...."
You looked up, having avoided eye contact. "I don't." You said, terror in your eyes.
His shoulders relaxed as he exhaled. "Good. That's...good."
You couldn't help but to smile. Ruben did the same. You stepped forward, grabbing his arm for support as you tipped on your toes, kissing him and the cheek, Ruben's rough beard tickling your face.
"See you tomorrow...by the beach?"
"Yeah...." His voice trailed off as you let go of his arm, backing away towards the car.
"Tell your friend to text Alicia the details since he has her number.
"Well, can I have your number?" He smirked. "Maybe then I could text you the details."
"Maybe." You said, ignoring the butterflies that invaded your stomach. "Tomorrow."
"Tomorrow." He nodded.
"Yes, I'll give it to you tomorrow."
"I look forward to tomorrow then."
You rolled your eyes. "Goodnight Ruben."
He smiled, a cheeky smile. "Goodnight, Y/N."
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merakiui · 7 months
I know you talked about the eels being the world’s greatest uncles, so I gotta ask, where were they in your yandere Azul fic in His Blueberry Eyes? I know for narrative purposes you wanted to isolate the reader, but I gotta know: did they know that Azul pushed reader down the stairs? Were they present over the pregnancy? Whenever they had to babysit the reader when they moved to the city, did they ever ask her how she was feeling or if she was willing to try again? I don’t know, I still have feelings for that fic and I’m craving fluffy platonic Jade and Floyd who desperately wanted to coddle a baby tako.
The tweels were going to be excellent uncles in HBE, but Azul tries to keep them at arm's length from you. >_< part of me likes to imagine the twins catch on to his obsession in its early stages, but they don't say anything because they know how sensitive Azul can be and they both note how obviously happy he is with you (and surely Azul knows better than to let his attachments spiral into something unhealthy, right?). They're not going to coddle him; he can take care of himself.
This also isn't their marriage, so marital problems are between you and Azul. It's not something the twins want to involve themselves in, lest they risk complicating matters or unintentionally causing more rifts. I think it's a difficult tightrope to walk because they try to tell him he needs to relax and stop being so controlling and manic, but Azul is stubborn and insists that the twins don't know anything; they have no room to say anything about his marriage because it's not theirs.
The main issue is that Azul can't keep anything from the twins even if he wanted to. They read him like a book. So even though Azul never admits the real reason for why you lost the baby, the twins can read between the lines and suspect the truth hiding behind layers of lies. It hurts because the twins were very supportive and excited when you were pregnant, but Azul sort of,,, shut them out during that time because he was so worried and anxious and self-conscious. He also just doesn't like the idea of other people, even his close friends, being within your proximity when you're pregnant.
As for when they'd look after you, I think neither of you talked about Azul. Most of all, the twins wish for your happiness and if Azul's an unhappy subject they'll make the day all about you to put your mind at ease, if only for the afternoon. I imagine Floyd and Jade took you to all of the places you'd like to go to but never could because of Azul. Sure, he wants you to stay home, but that's so boring. When you're with the twins, you can do whatever you want and be free and safe and happy.
Maybe they dropped little hints about the main issue at hand. I imagine both of them (in the days leading up to the scene in HBE where he kills you) put the idea of divorce in your head in hopes that it might help you figure out what to do or where to go from there (though they really couldn't have imagined Azul could be capable of something like murder; that surprises even them). Maybe they pulled you aside and simply told you, "Whatever you choose to do going forward, we're here in case you need us," or something along those lines to let you know you're not alone in this and that you have their support. Because it's painful to see both you and Azul suffering in different ways, and the twins value family and friendship so much. It's unhappiness all around. T_T
Even though they are only mentioned in the fic, I imagine Jade and Floyd were quite fond of you. Perhaps it's a platonic fondness (or a romantic fondness if you would like to read it as such), but they really do care for you. If I were to ever write more with this universe, I'd like to include scenes in which the reader interacted with them or what they do now that Azul is in custody. There is a lot that could be expanded upon.
And maybe the "hotel" Reader mentions staying at is actually the code word for Jade and Floyd's place. Maybe that was her safe haven. :( maybe the twins and their visits were what kept her sane for such a long time. In the aftermath of everything, Jade and Floyd miss you. The gutting thing about loss is that, even though they know you're never going to return, they still wait for a phone call from you or a text from Azul telling them to go look after you. Without you or Azul around, it's going to feel empty and lonely for a long time.
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half-hell · 1 month
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KAL | uk, 20's, she/her.
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+ you can call me kal. + i live in the uk, i'm in my mid 20's, and i use she/her pronouns! + i am ask and tag game friendly -> i'm likely to be sporadically active, so it might take me a minute to answer sometimes. + i'm not new to tumblr, or writeblr really, but i've never managed to keep up with a blog for long. so here's to hoping this time sticks!
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+ new adult/adult. + third person and past tense, but i don't mind reading first person and other tenses every now and then. + since i live in the uk, most of my wip's are likely to be uk based. + i would say that my writing is more character driven than plot driven. + (low) fantasy, usually with lots of magic, sometimes with a variation of fantastical/mythical/supernatural creatures thrown into the mix and i always seem to find room to fit in a sword or two! -> also, most of my wip's are set modern world with a fantasy twist. because while i love world building, world building does not love me. + lgbtq+ main characters and romances. + characters with physical and mental disabilities. -> i'll always do my research and try to portray any disability i may write about as accurately as possible, but feel free to call me out if i've done something wrong! + found! family! + i hate with a capital H love triangles, so none of those here. only polyamory. + complicated family relationships. i love giving my babies all the traumas and issues. + i'm quite fond of characters who start out as assholes, but slowly, as the story goes on, reveal their soft and kind side. especially when they don't completely lose their asshole edge, either. they just don't use it against their people anymore. + sunshine x grumpy dynamic. especially when the aforementioned asshole character turns out to be the sunshine character, too. + enemies to friends and enemies (to friends) to lovers. + angst and hurt/comfort are my jam! + i do love a good bit of fluff, too. also, characters in established relationships being soft and domestic-y. will never get enough of that. + as much as i love putting my babies through it, i'm not really a fan of unhappy endings (they usually leave me crying and having an existential crisis for days). so, i probably won't be writing much, if any, of those.
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HALF AN HEIR | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ planning. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, poly rep, enemies to friends, sunshine x grumpy, ptsd, grief. -> my first ever wip. my love. my baby. i started writing this when i was 15/16 and i haven't known a day of peace since. i will see it finished even if it's the last thing i do. -> currently in the process of re-working a lot of aspects, trying to make it a little more coherent and a lot less ya. so i don't really have a lot to give you right now. -> BUT, what we do have is: kylen emerson doesn't know just how powerful he is yet. being held captive and tortured by your (adopted) uncle will (un)surprisingly take your attention away from figuring out important key facts about yourself. after escaping and going on the run, he unintentionally gathers a found family, who, ignoring kylen's insistence that he can do it alone, tag along on his journey to take his uncle down and out, for good. -> also, this wip originally included werewolves, vampires, warlocks, etc. and while i'm undecided if i'm keeping this aspect, i can say with 100% certainty that there'll still definitely be lots of magic and lots and lots of swords involved.
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UNTITLED | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ planning. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, poly rep, enemies (to friends) to lovers, exes (to friends) to lovers, complicated family relationships, sunshine x grumpy (x sunshine), child abuse (past and present). -> i don't have a lot in terms of world building for this wip, and the plot is basically non-existent, except for the vaguest of idea's and that one scene that the whole wip is built around, but we do have vibes, characters, and lots of feelings about said characters! -> gabriel keller jr. is our asshole but hidden sunshine character, who's a lot stronger, and more powerful, than he's been led to believe. he has a rocky past and relationship with both his ex, ainsley- another sunshine character -and her current boyfriend, kade 'bram' bramwyll- a grumpy, but less grumpy for his people, character. but, having no one else to turn to, he's forced to ask them both for their help after finding himself in a sticky situation. they all, of course, however much they try to deny and fight it, fall in love along the way.
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UNTITLED | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ brainstorming. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, trans main character, friends to lovers. -> i have nothing for this wip right now other than vibes and the want to write something with an older, trans main character.
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...and i will update with better, more eloquent wip intro's when i have things more figured out. eventually. at some point.
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cryiling · 4 months
Hi, crow! How are you doing? 😁
for the ship ask game: revalink (hehe), botw/totk zelink, and miphlink (i think that’s the correct ship name??)
(ask game from here)
omg hi iri!!! I'm doing well hru? imyy thank you for the ask 🥺🫶
revalink - ship
what made you ship it?
last february i was going through my zelda phase again and i was looking for fics to read. previously i had read a lot of sidlink fics so I was looking for something new, and I decided to check out revalink fics and. oh em gee. i got hooked 😭
I remember insisting I only liked it ironically but 💀 look where I am now. #1 revalink shipper oopsies 🤭 their dynamic really stood out to me, I've shipped a lot of rivals to lovers before so I guess once I started to consider it revalink just made sense to me. also revalink fics are devastatingly good, like there's a couple that I reread religiously 😫
what are your favorite things about the ship?
omg I LOVE THIS QUESTIONNN. saurr many things like. I mentioned it already but I love their dynamic, especially when you start to analyze it beyond the surface level. I love headcanons about why revali lashes out at link in the first place, especially in relation to the champion's ballad dlc and how revali's diary reveals that he's just really insecure about himself. I think they're such good character foils to each other and that makes their interactions, both as rivals and as lovers, so much richer than some of the other ships in the game. their relationship is so open to interpretation and that makes it one of the most satisfying ships to make content for SHFJDBF
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hmm not that I can think of! i post a lot of headcanons and stuff but I don't think they've ever been unpopular, maybe just unique. like my all the president's men au 💀 i still think abt that sometimes LOL
botw/totk zelink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
aghhh ok ok hear me out. i don't ship them romantically BUT i do think they are peak queerplatonic vibes. it's just, the idea of knight x princess already feels like a weird dynamic to me, like I'm not a huge fan idk? ughh idk how to explain it. to me I've always preferred them to have more of a sibling dynamic. urgh I know I said hear me out but I'm not explaining it well. the voices told me not to ship it idk
what would have made you like it?
ok tbh I think zelink is cute in like every other game! just not these two 😭 so I guess if you put the two characters in literally any other game I would like them? aghhhh idk what it is about this one that makes me not want to ship it!! maybe in this game if they had a different backstory I would have shipped it. but tee bee ache link was so unhappy as a knight that I'm rooting for him to leave the whole royalty system behind and go live in the woods with his bird boyfriend idk 😭
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I literally think zelink makes the most sense as a ship, they're soulmates and they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, I'm sorry I feel so bad for not shipping them 😭 BUT on the other hand, I think all that can be true without having to be romantic yk? that's why I think they're a really good queerplatonic couple, they understand each other like no one else could, they always look out for each other and they can't imagine not being in the other's life. it's just not romantic. aughh I think they have such a good relationship but just not romantically 😣 maybe it's bc I'm also aspec
miphlink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
I feel really bad but like mipha's crush was so clearly one-sided 😭 it's weird bc my absolute favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers, and they check the childhood friends box, but the ship just feels too vanilla/basic to me. I do think they're besties tho, because since they grew up together they'll be super close and know each other very well. but imo link doesn't see her like that and mipha eventually moves on
what would have made you like it?
I think a.) mipha's character should have been fleshed out more because she felt so one-dimensional and it kind of bothered me, her character had so much more potential and I love seeing fanon version of her where she actually has a personality. and b.) if there was a little more pining on both link's and mipha's parts. the best part of childhood friends to lovers is the pining!!
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I love mipha and I love link and I think they'll always look out for each other and be besties forever!! the end 😽
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kriegertops · 4 months
This might be a kinda controversial take and opinion, but I haven’t really seen it addressed yet. And that’s that Sloane and Ocean’s birth parents deserved a lot more effort than what Ashlyn seemed to put forth. Putting your child up for adoption is a monumental, life altering decision. It is done with heartache, doubts, and probably so much pain. A parent does that, so their child can have a better life than what they are able to give them. Both sets of parents agreed to GIVE THEIR CHILD to a married couple, and probably with the assumption it was a happy marriage that would last. For Ashlyn to insist on adopting Ocean, to wanting to leave her partner less than a year later, has just never sat right with me, and speaks volumes to her character and mindset. And yes, children should be in a happy home with single parents versus an unhappy one with both, but to me, AH didn’t try anything to save this marriage or honor those parents who child she agreed to raise with her wife. I want to ask her, was it all performative? Are those kids props to you? Did you actually sit down and think about what it would be like for Ocean to have ZERO memories of his moms together? She was not only selfish, but cruel throughout this whole ordeal. One day those kids will know- wonder how they’ll think abt her then.
Hi Anon thanks for this ask. This topic has actually come up a few times with one of my friends that I talk to and I didn’t really know how to address it on my main page.
Those birth parents chose Ashlyn and Ali to raise their kids and provide a stable loving home. It’s impossible to predict the future but for Ashlyn to move on to a whole new relationship in less than a year is not only disappointing but also disgusting. Based on how fast everything happened I’m under the impression that Ashlyn just gave up and found the easy way out instead of sticking around long enough and put in the work to see if they could fix things. It’s hard to fix things and work on your marriage though when you’re partying and fucking around with your new side piece.
This selfish mindset though is not surprising after what Ashlyn said on the snacks podcast. Ashlyn made oceans adoption about herself. She literally said she didn’t want to see ocean in the hospital until the papers were signed. I’m sorry but if you’re hoping for that baby to be your child you go to the hospital no matter what. Even if it ends up with their bio parents keeping them. The child should always be the centre of focus, it’s not about the feelings of the adoptive parents. I’ve been trying to educate myself more and have been listening to content created by adoptees and one of the major issues is adoptive parents thinking about themselves. So when Ashlyn said that the whole adoption process was emotionally hard and all that and not wanting to see ocean in the hospital I was pretty disappointed to hear that. Those feelings are valid but at the same time they should’ve been at the hospital for ocean.
Additionally, oceans first year of life as you said wasn’t filled with the same loving family memories that Sloane got. Even just looking at the way Ashlyn was probably drunk and maybe high based of who she was hanging with and how she was acting at oceans first birthday
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So at the end of the day how this all went down and how Ashlyn always finds a way to post the kids when she’s with them or use the kids as a reason why people should be nice to her and understand her desire to cheat just really rubs me the wrong way. Also Ashlyn’s whole narrative that two happy families is better than one unhappy one is so interesting because she’s acting like she broke up the family for the kids sake and not her own selfish cheating reasons.
Long rant, not sure if all this makes sense but ya
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Ugh ugh ugh so i have a roommate and we are really close friends which is a amazing. she’s been sick for about two weeks now and it sort of goes in and out: it’ll be ok for a few days and then get kind of sucky. The last two days she’s not been feeling well so I’ve been cooking for her and trying to get her to take naps and stuff but she has this really horrid sounding cough? And this is way to much information but here’s the kicker: I’m not sure if I’ve developed a crush? Either way I just really want her to feel better and I want to just cuddle her and rub her back and stuff but I don’t want it to be weird in case I do have a crush?? ANYWAY point is I was hoping that if you have a sec and the inspiration strikes that you’d write some o’knutzy or coops suck cuddles. It’s nothing life threatening just y’know feeling gross and the other(s) trying their best to help. Also if you don’t feel like writing that you can just revel in the silly silly story and the image of coops and o’knutzy cuddles, which are always happy :)))) -lilo
Fic O'Ween Day 10 & 11: Scary Movie & Costumes! Combining these two into one because Halloweekend is busy : ) Lilo, I don't know the whole context here, but it sounds like this is less of a crush and more that you want to take care of someone you care about. If the feelings keep Feeling after she's better, then that might be a crush (feel free to ignore if that's not true). Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW illness (cough, stuffy nose), mention of throwing up (not described)
“You c’n go without me,” came a mumble from the pile of soft things on the couch. A sniffle followed. “I don’t mind.”
Leo sighed, easing himself into the space left over with a rub to the nearest socked foot. One sad, glassy eye peeked out from the depths of his own hoodie. “Harz…”
“S’okay, really,” Finn continued. “The party’ll be fun. I’ll be okay here.”
“We’re not leaving you alone like this.”
“I’m a big kid, I can—” A squeaky yawn interrupted him. “—handle it.”
“You don’t have to, though,” Leo said gently. They had been at it all afternoon, neither he nor Logan able to talk sense into a groggy and unhappy Finn. It had taken them long enough to lovingly bully him into letting them help once he realized he couldn’t get out of bed without wobbling—a headache had followed, then sniffles and a nasty cough, and by noon he finally gave in. The couch had been designated the ‘Sick Zone’. Finn alternated between naps and looking pathetic for the next six hours.
He fumbled for a tissue and blew his nose; Leo didn’t miss the wince that twitched at his shoulders and made a mental note to herd him into a hot shower as soon as possible. “I’m not exactly exciting right now.”
“And so you should go to the—”
“No, Finn.”
“Go to the party!” he insisted, taking Leo’s hand in one of his clammy ones. “I promise I’ll be fine. You don’t have to sit here and worry over me when everyone else is having fun. They’ll miss you, Le.”
“And we would miss you.” Leo squeezed his hand. It felt warmer than before—too warm. He pushed down his worry and ran a thumb over the shadows beneath Finn’s eye. “I like you even when you’re not exciting, cher.”
The front door opened with a creak and they both looked up as Logan entered with an armful of grocery bags. His nose wrinkled. “Who closed the window? It’s—étouffant, you’ll stay sick if you don’t get air in here.”
“Finn was cold.” Leo leaned up for a kiss when Logan passed and saw him soften, looking between them on the couch. He made a small noise of agreement into Leo’s lips, then moved over to brush Finn’s hair off his forehead and leave a kiss in its wake.
“You’re hot, mon rouge.”
Finn cracked a smile. “Always am.”
Logan tsked at him, but the pass of his hand over the back of Finn’s head was gentle when he moved back to the kitchen. “I got your vegetables, Knutty, but I wasn’t sure what makes a medium onion different than regular ones.”
Leo blinked. “Are they…medium-sized?”
“That’s what I’m saying, I don’t know.” Several things clattered before Logan reappeared with two onions. “Is this medium? There were bigger ones and smaller ones.”
“How many onions did you buy?”
Leo laughed and started to get up, then paused and tucked Finn tighter under the blanket. “Don’t move.”
Finn gave him a rueful smile. “Can’t.”
“Shift change,” Leo teased, taking the onions from Logan.
A tug at his elbow stopped him just before he turned into the kitchen. “How long has he been that warm?” Logan asked, so quiet Leo could hardly hear him.
His heart sank. “Not sure. He wasn’t like that when you left, so I’d guess ten to fifteen minutes.”
Logan frowned. “Is he still talking bullshit about us going to the Halloween party?”
“Yeah. He’s pretty out of it, though.” Leo touched the fine bones of his wrist and smiled. “Thanks for going to the store, baby.”
Some of Logan’s worry lifted away into a pleased blush. “De rien, mon amour. Your food is always worth it.”
By 8 pm, Leo’s flu suspicions were confirmed in everything but a clinical diagnosis. Finn had given up on trying to convince them to have fun without him, laying his head in Logan’s lap or curling up tight against Leo’s ribs despite his feverish forehead. He dozed until dinner, managed to keep down a bowl of soup, and mustered just enough energy to argue with Logan as the evening’s entertainment.
I’m not going to throw up.
You look like you are.
Just do it, you’ll feel better.
I would rather die.
He slept for 45 minutes to recover from such a harrowing conversation and did not—much to Logan’s annoyance—do the one thing that would make him feel better faster. Finn’s stubbornness, while rare, was damn near impossible to overcome. Leo was just grateful he took a hot shower with little cajoling, even if it meant he looked like the world’s cutest boiled lobster on the other side of it. The sides of his nose were starting to chap from the tissues. Better to nip that in the bud than deal with it for the next week and a half.
Finally, they settled on the couch and let the sounds of the TV fill the apartment. Leo could hear Finn breathing softly through his mouth while Logan combed his fingers through mostly-dry hair and rubbed Finn’s back at the same time. He pulled the edge of the blanket down over Finn’s feet and relaxed into the couch, exhausted. “Dumo sends well-wishes, by the way. Celeste wants to bring over some soup tomorrow.”
Finn made a quiet sound of acknowledgement; Logan cast him a smile that made Leo’s heart warm, reaching over to squeeze his arm. “Merci.”
Leo’s sleepiness vanished in an instant and he sat up straighter, bending slightly to see Finn’s flushed face. “Hey, sweetheart, do you need something?”
He shook his head and shrugged the blanket up over his shoulder. “Can we—can we watch a scary movie?”
Leo looked over to Logan, whose face had fallen into something like distress. He raised a brow; Logan hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, ‘course we can,” Leo said. “Which one?”
“Don’t care.” One hand appeared to pat Logan’s knee. “You don’t have to stay for it. I know you don’t like them.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Logan promised with a kiss to the shell of Finn’s ear. “What kind of boyfriend would I be, eh? Leaving you when you’re sick. It hasn’t happened before and it won’t happen now.”
The faint sound of chaste kisses filled the background while Leo scrolled through the ‘Horror’ section. If he guessed correctly, Finn would be out cold in less than twenty minutes, and then they could change the show to something that wouldn’t petrify Logan for the next month. He didn’t have much of an opinion on scary movies, but that was one of the trials nobody warned him about when he got two boyfriends: movie night was like a judicial negotiation.
“Thank you for staying.” Finn’s voice was nearly inaudible against the opening music. “Both of you. This isn’t how you planned on spending the night, and you worked really hard to put together our costumes, so. You know. Thanks. And sorry.”
“Finn,” they chorused with equal degrees of heartbreak.
Leo pulled on the hem of his pajama pants until Finn looked back at him, altogether too drowsy and adorable for his own good. “If we had gone to that party, we’d spend the whole night worried about you because we care that you’re safe and healthy. Getting you Gatorade and making soup is what I wanted to do. It’s what we get to do for you, now.”
Finn still didn’t look convinced, but Logan moved his hand around to tip his chin up. “It’s not because you can’t take care of yourself,” he said quietly. “It’s because you don’t have to.”
It was a good thing Logan had guided Finn’s gaze away; Leo wasn’t sure he could have handled seeing whatever expression came across his face at that. The caving of Finn’s chest and the full-body tremor that went through him was enough to make his breath catch. “I know,” Finn rasped after a few moments. “God, sorry, I—yeah, I know. I’m working on it.”
“We know.” Leo folded a hand over his ankle, just for a point of contact. “I mean, yeah, I wish we could’ve gone because you’d look hot as Ferris Bueller and I desperately want to see Lo in a fringed jacket someday. But I’m not sad about staying in and watching movies, either. This is fun. Spending time with you two is what I want.”
Finn took a tissue from Logan and blew his nose with a miserable honk. “You never have been good at picking one or the other, huh?”
“Not once,” he laughed.
“Worked pretty well, though,” Logan noted. “I’m not complaining.”
“Choices are for chumps,” Finn agreed. It was good to see him smile. The moment was only ruined a little by a sudden, violent axe-murder occurring on the television—Leo counted them lucky that Logan didn’t launch their sick boyfriend off his lap with the force of his flinch.
“Can we please just watch Halloweentown?” he begged, clutching Finn’s shoulder and arm while Finn cackled himself into a coughing fit. “Or Casper? I’ll put up with Beetlejuice, I don’t care.”
“How about The Exorcist?” Finn suggested.
“I was thinking The Conjuring,” Leo added.
A flush rose to Logan’s cheeks and he leaned over to whack Leo on the arm with a pillow. “See if I ever buy you onions again, you ungrateful, evil, horrible—”
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the-rewatch-rewind · 8 months
What a glorious feeling
Script below the break
Hello and welcome back to The Rewatch Rewind! My name is Jane, and this is the podcast where I count down my top 40 most frequently rewatched movies in a 20-year period. Today I will be discussing number four on my list: MGM’s 1952 musical Singin’ in the Rain, directed by Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly, written by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, and starring Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, and Debbie Reynolds.
It's 1927 and silent film stars Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) have just premiered another smash hit. To escape from a mob of fans, Don jumps into the car of Kathy Seldon (Debbie Reynolds), who is surprisingly unimpressed by him, which he is both insulted and intrigued by. Weeks later, when Don is still focused on trying to find Kathy again, and his friend Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor) is running out of ways to get him to snap out of it, the success of Hollywood’s first talking picture prompts the studio head to turn the next Lockwood and Lamont film into a talkie, and Don’s life – and Hollywood itself – will never be the same.
This is a very important movie to me because in a way, it’s the one that started it all. My love for Old Hollywood began in a movie theater at a 50th anniversary screening of Singin’ in the Rain. I’ve mentioned in several previous episodes that I started getting into Old Hollywood in 2002 – this is why. My mom took me to see it, and then based on my reaction started introducing me to more of her faves from around this era, and here I am, 21 years later, still loving these films. I can’t remember exactly when I watched Singin’ in the Rain the second time; I might have seen it again in 2002, I don’t know. But I believe it was 2003 when we bought it on VHS while on a family road trip. We had a little TV/VCR that we used to set on top of a cooler behind the front seats, held in place with bungee cords. I could not get enough of this movie and insisted on watching it probably way more times than my siblings wanted on that road trip, although I think they enjoyed it too, just not quite to the extent that I did. I watched it seven times in 2003, six times in 2004, three times in 2005, once in 2006, once in 2007, twice in 2009, once in 2010, once in 2011, twice in 2012, once in 2013, twice in 2015, once in 2016, once in 2019, once in 2020, once in 2021, and twice in 2022. I can’t remember when, but at some point I ended up with a DVD in addition to the VHS. And one of my 2022 watches was in a theater for the 70th anniversary. While in many ways that was a very different experience from the first time I saw it, since every moment of the movie was deeply familiar rather than fresh and new to me, it felt no less magical. I still love this movie just as much as, if not more than, the first time I watched it, and I am so grateful that it introduced me to a world of films from generations before my time.
There is so much to love about this movie that I don’t even really know where to start. The dialogue is clever and delightful, the casting was perfect and the performances are brilliant, the costumes, sets, and lighting are gorgeous, and the music makes you feel like you’ll never be unhappy again. In some ways, it’s actually kind of similar to Mamma Mia, in that it’s a jukebox musical. Like how Mamma Mia took popular ABBA songs and loosely draped a story around them, Singin’ in the Rain took a bunch of old songs, mostly written by MGM producer Arthur Freed (who came up with the idea) and Nacio Herb Brown, and tied them together with a story. I will say I feel like the story of Singin’ in the Rain works quite a bit better, mainly because the subject matter fits the songs so well. It was a stroke of genius to make the movie that would feature songs from early talkies be about early talkies. Freed and Brown did write one new song specifically for this movie, “Make Em Laugh,” but it bears a remarkable resemblance to Cole Porter’s “Be a Clown” from the 1948 Freed-produced film The Pirate. Screenwriters Comden and Green wrote the “Moses Supposes” song based on an existing tongue-twister, but all of the other songs in the film had been featured in at least one previous movie. These days, Singin’ in the Rain is such a beloved, iconic movie that many of the songs’ origins are all but forgotten, and they’re generally associated with this picture. But it’s always kind of fun to be watching some random old movie that predates this one and hear one of these songs pop up. Probably my favorite instance of this is in Adam’s Rib, which was number 27 on this list and made in 1949, when Tom Ewell’s character is going to visit his mistress, played by Jean Hagen, he’s whistling “You Are My Lucky Star,” and I love that both that song and that actress ended up in this movie three years later.
A big part of what makes Singin’ in the Rain such a perfect introduction to Old Hollywood is that the songs are from Old Hollywood and the story is about Old Hollywood. It’s so fascinating to watch the characters figuring out the technical aspects of adding sound to a medium that modern audiences automatically associate with sound. But even beyond that, this movie breaks the illusion of Hollywood glamor while still sort of trying to hide behind that illusion, in a way that almost feels like it’s laughing at itself. So much of the story is about how movie magic relies on facades and deception. The movie starts with a red-carpet interview where Don tells of his rise to fame and his motto: “Dignity, always dignity,” while the audience sees flashbacks of his very undignified beginnings. Lina is on screen looking quietly glamorous for about 10 minutes before she finally speaks, revealing what the silence of her films has concealed: her voice is almost unbearably squeaky and obnoxious. So in order to make her presentable in a talking picture – which eventually becomes a musical – her voice is dubbed by Kathy. Initially the plan is to credit Kathy as Lina’s voice and use this to help launch her to stardom, but Lina threatens to sue the studio unless they force Kathy to be her voice indefinitely without credit. I don’t think it was usually quite that dramatic, but uncredited dubbing happened all the time. In previous episodes, I’ve mentioned Marni Nixon, who dubbed the singing for many iconic performances, such as Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady and Natalie Wood in West Side Story, without credit at the time, although now her contributions are kind of general knowledge, at least among movie buffs. But we don’t even have to go that far to find an example: it happened in Singin’ in the Rain itself! Betty Noyes, also known for singing “Baby Mine” in the Disney movie Dumbo, sang for Debbie Reynolds in a couple of her songs without credit, notably including “Would You?” which Kathy is meant to be dubbing for Lina. So Betty Noyes sang for Debbie Reynolds when she was singing for Jean Hagen. (Part of the time, anyway. The “Singin’ in the Rain” reprise that Kathy sings for Lina behind the curtain was definitely Debbie Reynolds’s voice.) Even more ironically, when Kathy is dubbing Lina’s dialogue (“Nothing can keep us apart, our love with last ‘til the stars turn cold”), that was Jean Hagen’s normal speaking voice, so Jean Hagen dubbed Debbie Reynolds dubbing Jean Hagen. I just can’t get over how blatantly these filmmakers went, “Hollywood is fake and yes that includes us” – although I suppose it was much less blatant at the time, I’m not sure at what point all of this became so well-known.
Learning about the dubbing didn’t decrease my love for this movie, although some of the other behind-the-scenes trivia kind of did – specifically the fact that nobody seemed to have a very good time working with Gene Kelly because he was so demanding and impatient, particularly with then 19-year-old Debbie Reynolds, who was not a very experienced dancer, which Kelly found exasperating, even though he knew about it when she got the role. Apparently at one point Fred Astaire – also a notoriously demanding perfectionist – found her crying under a piano at the studio and offered to help her with her dancing. She learned fast and committed hard, literally bursting blood vessels in her feet during the “Good Morning” number. Reynolds later famously said that Singin’ in the Rain and childbirth were the two hardest things she ever had to do. Not that she was the only one who worked hard. Gene Kelly was sick with a 103-degree fever when he performed one of the most famous scenes in Hollywood history, dancing and singing to the title song. I used to view this as admirable, but now I’m like, maybe they could have waited to film it until he got better? Similarly, Donald O’Connor, who was smoking four packs of cigarettes a day at the time, had to rest in the hospital for several days after filming the “Make ‘Em Laugh” scene, and again, it’s like, it’s an incredible performance in a great number, but was it really worth going to the hospital for? Both the story within this movie and the story of how it was made raise some very interesting questions about the “point” of motion pictures – as art, as entertainment, and as an industry – that are still being wrestled with today. Personally, I don’t believe anyone should be forced to risk their health for their job, but at the same time I appreciate how dedicated everyone involved was to making this masterpiece the best it could possibly be. It certainly paid off in this instance. It’s easy for me to say now that it would have been worth making a slightly worse movie if that meant protecting the well-being of the actors, but maybe if it was worse I wouldn’t have quite fallen in love with it to this degree and my life would look very different. So I still don’t know how to feel about all this. And I don’t even know how much it matters anymore, given that the only major cast member still alive is Rita Moreno, whom I absolutely would not have recognized without seeing her name in the credits, and I don’t think she personally was injured on this set – although she was originally supposed to sing “I’ve Got a Feelin’ You’re Foolin’” which then got absorbed into the “Beautiful Girl Montage” that she wasn’t part of, which is a major bummer because she deserved a bigger role in this.
Anyway, speaking of complicated feelings, let’s talk about the romantic aspects of Singin’ in the Rain. The romance between Don and Kathy is an important part of the story, and while that’s a little disturbing knowing how terribly Kelly treated Reynolds on set, and that he was approximately twice her age, their characters’ relationship within the movie is mostly very sweet and I don’t really have a problem with it. And I appreciate how much screentime is devoted to the friendship between Don and Cosmo, which Don is shown continuing to value just as much as he always did even after he starts seeing Kathy. It’s always great to see characters refusing to follow the amatonormative idea of a relationship hierarchy, with every other relationship falling far below one’s romantic partnership. I love the scene in Don’s house that leads to the “Good Morning” number partly because it’s an important turning point in the story and it’s a great song, but also because it shows Don and Kathy and Cosmo as a trio, not a couple with a third wheel, which is so lovely to see. But though Don does his best to resist amatonormativity, it still pursues him rather relentlessly in the form of his costar, Lina Lamont. The studio leaks rumors that Don and Lina are romantically involved to increase publicity for their films, and Lina seems to believe them, despite Don’s adamant assertions that, “There is nothing between us. There has never been anything between us. Just air.” Their relationship is yet another example of a Hollywood façade, and one of my favorite scenes is when they’re working on a silent film and pretending to be madly in love when they’re in the middle of a fight. Their scene ends with a kiss, and as soon as the director yells, “Cut!” Don pushes Lina away in disgust, but she is so sold on their romance that she says, “Oh Donny, you couldn’t kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy weensy bit!” to which he retorts, “Meet the greatest actor in the world! I’d rather kiss a tarantula!” It would be easy to attribute many of Lina’s actions to jealousy after Don falls in love with Kathy, which was definitely an important motivation, but it wasn’t her only motivation. Because while she is portrayed as relatively clueless, she has to know that the rise of talking pictures is bad for her. It’s not just that she’s losing her man, she’s also losing her career. When she tries to use her star power to force Kathy to work solely as her voice, part of that is certainly to get in the way of Don and Kathy’s happiness together, but I would argue that more of it was a desperate attempt to remain in an industry that was moving on without her. Lina is portrayed as the villain, and granted some of the things she does are pretty awful, but at the same time one can’t help feeling sorry for her. She was taken in by the glamor of Hollywood, unable to see that everything from her romance to her popularity was make-believe, and suddenly her entire life is crashing around her. We cheer when the curtain opens to reveal that Kathy is singing for Lina, but we also cry for her a little – at least, I do. I find Lina to be a thoroughly fascinating and compelling character, and Jean Hagen gives one of my all-time favorite performances (she was nominated for an Oscar and absolutely should have won), and I really want to know what happens to her after the events of the movie. Hopefully she realizes that she doesn’t need a man, least of all one who hates her like Don does, and finds a new career that makes her happy.
If being a Lina Lamont apologist doesn’t get me kicked out of Old Hollywood fan circles, this might: I don’t understand why Cyd Charisse is in this movie. I get that the “Broadway Melody” number is a gorgeous spectacle, but it doesn’t have anything to do with anything and it goes on way too long, and in world it makes zero sense. First of all, they have six weeks to basically remake their entire movie, and that number alone would have absolutely taken more than six weeks to put together. Secondly, a big part of the appeal of that number is how colorful everything is, but their film is in black and white. And like, okay, we can suspend disbelief and just accept that, but there is absolutely no way that Lina Lamont would put up with a 15-minute musical number in the middle of her picture, in which, not only does she not appear at all, but Don is dancing very suggestively with another woman. Like, come on. I know that having a random ballet toward the end of a musical was a major thing back then, especially in Gene Kelly films, but that has never made sense to me and it never will. And like, why did they give Cyd Charisse a very distinctive look for most of her part and then change it for the ballet so that she’s barely recognizable? It’s so confusing. Don’t get me wrong, I mean no disrespect to Charisse, she was a wonderful dancer, and I think it’s great that her appearance in this movie helped put her on the map and lead to bigger roles for her, it’s just that that scene is my personal least favorite part of the movie. Although I guess the message of that whole number can be boiled down to, “when romance fails, turn to your hobbies,” which is something I can definitely get behind. So maybe I wouldn’t cut it out entirely; I would just make it significantly shorter so we can get back to the main story faster.
The thing I find so compelling about this movie is that while it exposes Hollywood glamor as a sham, it also shows that when you see through that, there’s often still something valuable underneath. The smoke and mirrors of movie magic add to the entertainment value, but fundamentally, movies are stories, and storytelling is a deep-rooted feature of humanity. Sometimes when I tell people that I enjoy old movies, they assume that means I’m into the fancy costumes and larger-than-life stars, and like, I guess that’s part of it, but mostly I just really enjoy good stories that are told well, and that’s what a lot of old movies are. And it’s not just Hollywood that tries to glamorize people and their stories; our whole society does it, too, only to a slightly lesser extent. Just as Lina needed to conceal her unpleasant voice and the studio felt that Lockwood and Lamont would sell more tickets if people thought they were actually dating, or just as people thought Debbie Reynolds’s voice wasn’t strong enough for all of Kathy’s songs, normal people in everyday life feel the need to disguise facets of their identity that are less socially acceptable. Don’t act too queer, conform to your assigned gender role, don’t infodump about your hyperfixations; in short, put on a show to pretend to be “normal.” But just as nobody is really as glamorous and flawless as movie stars’ personas pretend to be, nobody is really normal either. Hopefully our society will someday get to the point where people don’t have to keep up this façade, and perhaps future movies will reflect that. But for now, it’s difficult to imagine a more perfect illustration of how the film industry reflects society than the layered deceptions of Singin’ in the Rain. It’s sort of halfway between satire and an honest reflection, and it works remarkably well as both. But it’s also very easy to just watch it as a fun musical without thinking too hard about any of this. I just happen to greatly enjoy overthinking the stories I love, and this happens to be one that lends itself to much overthinking, which is one of the many reasons why I love it.
Thank you for listening to me discuss another of my most frequently rewatched movies. It’s getting to the point where I know these movies so well that I’m not really sure how to talk about them to people who haven’t seen them, so if you’ve never watched Singin’ in the Rain and still managed to follow this episode, I’m very impressed. Next up is a movie that I’m pretty sure would be number one on this list if I’d started keeping track about two years earlier because I already had it completely memorized before 2003, but in the 20 years I was tracking I watched it a mere 35 times, leaving it at number three. As always, I will leave you with a quote from that next movie: “Well. Someone’s got to break the ice and it might as well be me. I mean, I’m used to being a hostess, it’s part of my husband’s work, and it’s always difficult when a group of new friends meet together for the first time, to get acquainted, so I’m perfectly prepared to start the ball rolling. I mean, I have absolutely no idea what we’re doing here, or what I’m doing here, or what this place is about, but I am determined to enjoy myself, and I’m very intrigued, and oh my, this soup’s delicious, isn’t it?”
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hi! I've been thinking about this lately and I want to know your opinion. Let's say that Satoru is in love with this person but no one knows about his feelings, not even suguru. Suguru on his side is also in love with this person, and eventually they start dating. Satoru feels hurt but decides not to say anything because he doesn't want to ruin his friend's happiness but Suguru eventually finds out that Satoru is in love with his partner, What do you think Suguru's reaction would be in this situation?
👀👀👀👀👀👀 this is ……… a really interesting scenario actually.
ultimately i think everything boils down to the fact that satoru and suguru love each other too. the specific kind of love doesn’t matter much, (though i do think it’s a little insane to insist that there’s Nothing romantic there ..) because they love each other so wholly!!!!! they’re best friends!!!!!!! :((( and that’s such a powerful thing for them. i couldn’t imagine stsg having a falling out over something like this because no matter the universe they’re easily the most important people in each other’s lives.
so…….. tbh!! i think a lot of it depends on who this person is to them. if it’s just a tiny crush or whatever then i think stsg will get over it easily because their bond is so much stronger than that, but if you’re someone they love as deeply as each other then obviously it’s more complicated.
the contrast is interesting because both of them are kind of inherently self-destructive? in this specific case satoru is the one hiding his feelings, but if it was the other way around suguru absolutely would have done the same. that’s just how they are!! satoru would keep a respectful distance to make you and suguru happy, and suguru would choke down his own emotions for you and satoru’s sake. and both of them would feel betrayed once they found out about it!! NOT as in ”i can’t believe you like my s/o you piece of shit 😡😡” but more like…. ”i can’t believe you hid this from me. i can’t believe you let me make you unhappy without telling me about it.”
aaaaand in typical stsg fashion <333 i think they’d have to fight it out!! just a good ol shounen argument where they end up lying side by side exhausted after getting all their emotions out. and after that it’s a lot easier. at the end of the day they love each other, and they wouldn’t let that connection go for anything.
…. so. in conclusion!! i’m gonna be real with you anon i can’t picture this turning into anything except a stsg/reader situation 😭😭 the only exception would be if the person they like DOESN’T like satoru romantically bc obviously they’d never force you into anything!! but i do feel like this is destined to end with all of you in love and happy <3 i just really can’t picture a universe where stsg aren’t at least a little bit in love…… and even if it’s not romantic the love is strong enough that they’d be happy for each other. i can see satoru punching suguru’s shoulder and being like “you better treat them well, or i’ll steal them away!” and suguru just smiles and promises to do so because. well. he loves both of you so much. he wants to make you happy and he wants to honour satoru’s trust. you’re all important to each other in different ways.
those are just my spontaneous thoughts though. BUT my dear anon…. if you’re interested in something angsty on this concept then PLS do yourself a favour and read kairo’s suguru fic 😵‍💫 it changed my whole life. she did this concept so much justice and her prose is just beautiful <33
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bisluthq · 3 months
I think people also don't know or ignore how creative writing works. As someone who writes poetry as a way to get my feelings out, I'll be the first to tell you artists or creative people in general are all a bit crazy, a bit dramatic. Like we have big feelings and can be a bit dramatic about them. The feeling a song conveys doesn't have to be a super long drawn feeling ykim? Sometimes things aren't good in that moment and a song is a portrait of that moment that we need it to framed.
I wrote so many poems full on ugly crying and it makes you feel so much better after you get that feeling out. And after you get that out of you, you're able to think clearer and actually be like you know what maybe things aren't as bad as they seemed when I wrote this. You know what, I actually think if we do this or that this could be fixed.
Obviously I don't know their situation, but unlike swifties who think Taylor was held at gunpoint to make her stay more than a year absolutely unhappy, I think that whatever was going on she ended up by thinking they could still solve the situation. And for a while they probably did. If the problem was lack of attention or him being away from work, it seems like in 2022 they actually tried to spend more time together. He was just doing promo and not really being away for a long time.
And then for whatever reason things crashed again. Either because the og issues were just swept under the rug and not solved or something new came up
is it lack of understanding the creative process or a lack of life experience? I mean the former often strikes me as true with Swifties insisting all songs are play by plays and hyperrealistic and like almost form a storyline. They don’t lol even where they are truthful like I can all but guarantee when Taylor agreed to go out with lmfao Hiddles she wasn’t thinking he’s her getaway car - that’s how she came to think about it when it crashed and burned as fast as it did but like obviously that wasn’t her starting point?? Because she’s not insane?? But like that’s how she thought about it on reflection lol. Or taking songs like IWYW or Wildest Dreams or Stay Stay Stay or half of folkmore which she’s said are fantasies and/or very clearly are fantasies and plainly not believing her. That’s a lack of understanding the creative process.
a lot of how Swifties talk about her relationships - and especially this one with Joe - speaks to me to a lack of life experience (not meaning this negatively necessarily). My friend who set me up (in a roundabout way) with my bf is very regularly very miserable with her partner. In part because he doesn’t want to get married anymore. In part because he’s bad at communication. In part because they have different things that they enjoy tbh. In part because he makes decisions without talking to her. In part because he doesn’t get like set crew schedules and gets very annoyed with how her work life is structured. In part because he gets quite jealous idk. She tells me this stuff regularly but they stay together and they do have plenty of fun together - I’ve seen them having fun together with my own eyeballs and also she tells me tbh like they are clearly not happy every day but they’re also clearly not about to break up rn (my bf and I love both of them but we do think they will eventually) and idk guys lots of people are in similar situations? I’ve been in situations I stayed in because it didn’t suck every day? Every divorcing couple ever has stayed in stuff past the point of knowing it’s fucked? Like idk that’s part of life???? People don’t break up one morning just because like they realized yesterday they felt shit because there’s a good chance that morning you make coffee together and have a laugh about something and you just… stay. And you hope tomorrow is good again. And then when it isn’t and maybe it sucks then eh you hope for tomorrow all over again.
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ashplayz · 1 year
'Bored' Jasper x reader angst pt 2..
Okay so I made that fanfiction some time ago and while it did get a good amount of attention nobody had asked for a pt 2 originally I was thinking about making a pt 2 with a happy ending but since I thought I didn't have a reason to I never did. But I finally did get someone asking for a pt 2 so here you go (now it might not be as good as the first one but I really tried it's not very long though)
(It switches from she/you)
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So you're probably wondering what happened after the break up between y/n and Jasper all that time ago, so this is that story..
Jasper had nowhere to go after y/n kicked her out, she could have gone back to her cave but she knew she couldn't necessarily better herself in a cave, now she knew even if she did improve on herself y/n probably wouldn't take her back. But she desperately wanted her to know she was trying to improve for her.. So she went to the place that had been preaching about improving herself this whole time. Now she did face some uneasiness from a few of the gems, while they were happy she wanted to change, they knew they had a long difficult road ahead of them. Even more difficult with Steven off to other things. But they sure all hell were gonna try their best.
Amethyst was the person that had the most uneasiness towards Jasper. She was suspicious of her, but she happened to be the first person Jasper told about the reason why she wanted to improve herself, or well the person she wanted to improve for. Jasper didn't like talking about it, but when she did talk about it she wasn't afraid to admit she screwed up. She knew that as much as she wished she could take it back she knew she couldn't. Now Jasper said just being friends with y/n would be enough for her but that didn't mean she wouldn't have some certain people trying to play matchmaker (if Garnet is unfused I definitely see ruby and sapphire getting in on this.)
Jasper insisted she could let go of y/n in the romantic scene but she would never imagine that the next time she'd see her it would tear apart her heart all over again..
Jasper was finally improving a great deal at little home school and Amethyst thought she was ready to talk to y/n so she went off to find her.
You were hesitant to allow yourself to be happy about the fact she had improved for you, because it all felt as if it was in vain, but nonetheless you followed amethyst to little home school, hoping to tie up some loose ends with Jasper. When you two saw each other there were so many feelings going on at once, Jasper clearly seemed like she had changed. Y/n definitely had.. She wasn't that same girl that Jasper once knew to go to war over the last soda.. No she was sheltered and distant.. Maybe even cold but Jasper couldn't blame her after all she had put her through. Despite being guarded, y/n still offered Jasper her full support in bettering herself. Even rendering her to a therapist, it wasn't really like they could talk like old times but it was enough for them to be able to smile in each other's presence.
But there were still some people eager to get you two back together instead of just letting things be. But there attempts at 'parent trapping' the two of you only led to problems because well.. Y/n was engaged..
(Cliff hanger!-
No. Not really, I really don't feel like writing a pt 3 so..)
Jasper felt a mix of emotions upon this news she was hurt. But happy for her.. Yet.. She couldn't help but notice you didn't seem happy.. (I recently watched the d&d movie so Jasper basically asks y/n the same thing holga asked her ex husband.) "Do they make you happy? Happier than I did..?" Jasper asked, if the answer to that was yes, she'd support you.. "They don't cause me any pain.." Was all y/n said in response.. But.. You still didn't answer the question..
Now Jasper's smart, but a bit impulsive so if she thought for a second that you were unhappy in your new relationship she was quick to jump on board any plans to stop it. And this was NOT so she could get you to herself. You deserved happiness and if you wouldn't fight for your happiness she would.
(Narrator: so this basically turns into 'speak now' from Taylor swift) Jasper teamed up with a few gems in hopes to crash the wedding. Amethyst led this group of wedding crashers and garnet who was often unfused to teach at little home school, so Ruby and sapphire. Peridot didn't really know what was happening but she wanted to help. Bismuth was there to offer support if needed. Some of the other gems (like pearl and lapis) thought it was a bad idea but we're still there to back them up if anything went south.
*Insert speak now from Taylor Swift*
(I really don't have the experience writing for a wedding crashing)
So the wedding was crashed, and it didn't exactly have the ending in the song. But the truth about the lack of feeling between you and your 'fiance' came out. So as you were pulled away from the wedding, you couldn't help but feel grateful. But at this point it really didn't feel like you and Jasper would ever be back in a romantic relationship with each other but maybe you were wrong about that too..
Because within a year or so you two are getting ready for a 'redo' date and of course y'all had your band of wedding crashers to help you get ready.
Jasper was nervous. It had been so long since the original breakup and she knew she'd never forgive herself for screwing up again. Y/n was nervous too.. While she was ready to open her heart to Jasper again she still had these walls up, although she was confident that Jasper would break through those walls given time..
As Jasper aproched y/n she awkwardly extended y/n's favorite type of flower. To which y/n chuckled.. "You remembered.." Y/n remnmaked while sniffing the flower.. "Of course" Jasper replied, giving her a nervous smile (god she's a dork) "Look.. I know I hurt you.. And that it will take time before things will truly be fixed but I won't stop fighting for us" Jasper said, taking her free hand. Y/n smiled "I know.." She replied..
"Hopefully I won't be 'bored' anymore."
"You won't be."
The end..
(Wish it was longer but this is all I've got, hopefully those who liked 'bored' will enjoy this) (please do not ask for a pt 3 🥲)
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anerdquemoraaolado · 2 years
Grains of Sand by The Shore
Chapter 6
The only place Shuri could go was the riverside where she and her mother had reflected on her tireless and dogged work in seeking a cure for T'Challa. She still remembered Ramonda's words, about even though she didn't have much time, all Shuri needed was to ease her thoughts, focus on what was really important and ignore her perfectionism, it was good advice, which worked for a while. Shuri admitted that she was right and was willing to act on it when they were interrupted by the man who had completely changed her life. It was precisely because of him that she was here again.
Sitting in the middle of nowhere, hugging her knees, she thought and thought about what she was going to do. If she said no, which was what she wanted, she had an idea of ​​what it would bring to Wakanda. Talokan's anger on them again, more losses, this was not what she wanted.
If she said yes, she would probably have to move to the sunken realm, at least to the cave that was the entrance there. She would become queen, something she never wanted for herself, she would lose her beloved laboratory, her purpose to serve, which Namor himself had mentioned.
And he, again she thought, if he would like to marry her. Being a little selfish perhaps, she thought to herself. Under normal circumstances, all the pain and violence aside, would she marry someone like him? A centuries-old man who did not age, extremely fierce. That description sounded nothing like the same man who'd talked to her at the wedding, the same man who'd laughed with her as if they were old friends.
There was a good part of Namor, some hopeful instinct told him so, a part that relished her company. Could she say the same? Would she suit being the wife of the king of Talokan? The feathered serpent god? For Wakanda, to protect the only and beloved home she had ever known, she decided that she would say yes to the council's proposal.
She couldn't get married out of fear, it didn't seem right to her. Ultimately, she would marry out of love for her people and country.
Standing up slowly and taking a deep breath, Shuri returned to the palace, her answer more than ready.
She sought out T'Challa and communicated her decision as quickly as she could.
-I'll accept the proposal - she said with a strong look, no doubt of what she was saying and what she would do.
-Shuri, I don't want you to be unhappy with your decision, if you choose this path, I want you to know what you're doing - her brother advised with all the love and concern he had for her.
-I know what I'm doing, it's for you, for Toussaint, for Wakanda, without a doubt - she made it clear.
-If you need me, whatever it is, you know you can count on me, don't you? - he insisted on remembering.
-I do know - she nodded and then hugged him, thinking for a moment that she had more to comfort her brother than him doing this for her - it's okay, I promise to visit often.
-Fine - T'Challa admitted her conditions, starting to believe that Shuri really would be fine.
Shortly thereafter, an entourage from Talokan arrived in Wakanda again, bringing its king and his loyal warriors. Shuri was warned and prepared for the meeting that would certainly involve her. She didn't want to create anticipation, she would just listen and only then decide what to do if a big hypothetical no come up.
-Welcome, Namor - T'Challa greeted him - I understand you're here by the agreement.
-Thank you for your welcome, Talokan greets you - replied the other king, making his noble gesture with open hands - I inform you that I received your message and my answer is yes, I will marry Princess Shuri, if that is what she wants.
-Yes, it is - she took a step forward confidently, even being surprised by the condition that Namor had placed in her speech - I also accepted the proposal.
-Since both accept, we will make the formal declaration and in a few days, the ceremony will follow with a big celebration right here - T'Challa explained.
-We'll need a ceremony in Talokan too, the future queen must be duly introduced to her new people - he said in the form of a request, looking more at Shuri this time, capturing her reaction.
The princess in turn shuddered a little. It weighed on her again to consider living in an underwater realm, a place her body wasn't used to. Both her mind and her heart would have to adapt.
-Fine - she agreed, making herself present in the conversation once more.
The three were taken to a closed room, there was a simple paper on the table, written in Wakandan, which Namor observed with curiosity.
"There is nothing like this among my people," he admitted aloud.
-It's something from the surface, a document that assures, that proves that we are married - Shuri explained with some patience, already foreseeing in her future many surface explanations to Namor.
-You need to write your name on it, you and Shuri - T'Challa asked and watched the two following the instruction.
For Namor it was just protocol before the real wedding. For Shuri, writing her name there, felt the weight of what she was doing. There really was no turning back, she would have to walk the path she had followed. She was officially, at least on a civil level, the wife of the king of Talokan. She took a deep breath, trying to deal with the situation as best she could.
-Could we talk alone? - her newly made husband asked and she nodded, walking away.
"You can talk," she demanded, ready to listen.
-This is all sudden for both of us - he started - we didn't talk about the wedding and how we would do it.
-I know, even so it's already done, there's no going back - said Shuri, demonstrating conformity.
-I won't go back - he assured - I just wanted to know what you expect from all of this, what you expect from us from now on, if there's anything I can do for you.
-I... - she was surprised by his generosity - thank you for the offer, I have my fears about all this, but please, be kind and patient with me, as you are now, don't isolate me, don't stop me from visit Wakanda whenever I want and don't force me to do anything I don't want to.
-Okay, you have my word - he swore - I ask you the same, I don't expect to be the man I wanted as a husband, but I want to be the best I can, and I only ask that you be a good queen for my people, to treat them kindly and justly.
-I promise I will be - the princess also took her vows.Involuntarily, there she was touching Namor's arm again, a gesture of affection that didn't go unnoticed by him. 
The king smiled, knowing that at least he would have Shuri's pleasant company, which he enjoyed more and more every day.
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halleiswriting · 2 years
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genre: romance
tag: #wip: bff’s in paradise 
status: drafting
pov: dual pov, first person, present tense
Oona and Edmund have been best friends ever since they met while sneaking away from their respective 8th grade field trips to the Met, debating impressionism and Edgar Degas. Fourteen years later, their relationship is a lot more complicated, as are their lives. Oona is unhappy working for her mother Eve’s business planning weddings for Manhattan’s wealthy and elite, and Edmund has been outrunning his feelings for a decade. 
The same week Oona tries to tell her mother she wants to leave the business only to be told of Eve’s own retirement plans—involving Oona running the company—she and Edmund almost kiss. And then days later, he proposes to the very girlfriend he recently confessed to having problems with. Anxious to show her (nonexistent) support, Oona insists on planning their wedding. But with Mia traveling for work, she’s hardly involved, and the more time she and Edmund spend on the planning, the harder it is to ignore what’s been a decade in the making. 
oona fannon // 28. leo. dubbed by edmund as the princess of the upper west side. always impeccably dressed. attended barnard and double majored in art history and Russian literature. lover of orange cats. mommy issues galore but she’s in denial about it. only feels seen by edmund. haunted by the Sabrina quote about the limousine. 
edmund baird // 28. aquarius. lives in crown heights but travels for work as a journalist. loves a good aloha shirt. his first celebrity crush was susan sarandon. transferred colleges a lot because he could never feel settled. grew up in a big family in queens. bisexual. literally a simp for oona since day one. could charm his way out of a hostage situation. terrified to risk it all. 
mia szarka // 28. sagittarius. met oona while both studying abroad in paris and kept in touch. music journalist. volunteers at an abortion fund. has traveled to more than eighty countries. girlfriend of edmund for 9 months. 
che perez // 30. pisces. edmund’s roommate and friend. photographer. 
gretchen lowell // 27. libra. oona’s roommate, friend, and coworker. also attended barnard. 
eve fannon // 68. capricorn. born to poor irish immigrants in brooklyn. resents her clients as much as she wishes she was them. used ivf and a sperm donor to make oona. retiring to the Hamptons come the new year. 
gregory aubrey // 70. gemini. eve’s business partner and best friend. basically oona’s godfather. has been retired for the past five years. 
Edmund stares at me for a moment before his face breaks into a smile, his laughter falling out of him like a flittery star.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” I reach for my cheek.
He shakes his head. “No, no, it’s just hilarious seeing you here. It was funny when we were eighteen but it’s even better now. The princess of the Upper West Side is roughing it with me in the woods and she’s wearing a beret.”
“Do you have a problem with the beret?” I ask flatly.
“Me? No, I love the beret. I’m extremely pro beret.”
“That’s good to hear, since I was planning on getting you the exact same one for Christmas.”
“Let me amend that statement: I’m extremely pro beret on you.”
I pinch my chin between my fingers. “I’m thinking an ascot to match. And probably a pocket square. You know what would really tie the whole thing together? A 999 silver rolex.”
He steps closer without breaking eye contact, and his sudden proximity threatens to tear me apart atom by atom. “Are you done yet?” he asks.
“That depends,” I answer. “do you want the watch engraved with your initials or mine?”
let me know if you want to be tagged!
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Live)
You're not Hera and you insist on it that's your problem people will beat you up she has armies around her that little bit squeeze and really you're singing about Billy z Billy z is a guy that Jane and I I had to confront on this lookout point over Boston and the song is about that and you're saying you're Jen and you're not and we're driving back and she felt great and I felt miserable. But that's how she is n't care that much because she knows what I'm doing and thinking and doing the job going and stuff is a job. Before the incident she works as a checkout girl at Julio's market in westborough and it was only for a little bit and then Lily the singer here took over and looks similar but not the same and she didn't look like her and I missed it but she was looking at me I thought she was cute and I saw Lily and didn't think she was cute. But she insists on pretending a little not a ton it's more like fear and she's afraid she does it I tell you you should be afraid of me I don't want you doing that and she doesn't get it and most of you are stupid about it and power and it should be afraid but you're going backwards like this guy next door anyways Billy z is part of the song and they're talking about going and driving along in the car and he has a fast car and he she drives it it's Grand national and he screwed that job up in seekonk or something that I had he was a jerk a real jerking and he loses the car temporarily because Lily and her friends escape his place and it's supposed to be Trump's place and something happened and Trump is like with them I think and they find Billy's car after escaping the facility and they drive out of Maine and make it to New Hampshire and get stuck on the road and you can see the car parts it was parts on there's a photo of it parts in New Hampshire and it hasn't gotten there yet I think and people are saying it's true and they stayed in the house and then they got in trouble and they somehow made it from the road to the seashore because I told them they're irradiated and it works they drank the water and got a little sick but it made them better and eventually escaped a war and they weren't unhappy about it in the movie and I don't know why I'm telling the story again the wife came up at this time I think that people are telling us this is coming up because they think Trump loses the place to Tommy f and Nova Scotia and that's right next door to Maine and Alicia gets shot by the clothes or imitating their family and it's a terrible war between people at the same kind and race for the most part they're the same race has been going on like this and it really has not made it easier. So he's taking it over to try and be able to launch and he's in a war right now with Trump
It's going on now and he doesn't know it that the two are fighting up there it's going to be a massive fight and Tommy f takes it over and he shoots some of his family members dead they managed to get them out then it's closed for a time and people are worried about it like me and it says I should be and this is ships up and the death stars in such Ward him off and it's something he attacks later on I do hear that. And there could be a comet shipper too available and I get that and that would be people who know about us a little bit more so I'm going into this feeling better now. I'm serious saying that he's making a joke it's kind of a jerk all the time. So you guys a little old. They get that so we are going into this but this is happening now it's a frightful war and the bunkers being abandoned by the pseudo empire and the more luck are going to take them over I have a little war with Tommy f and that's kind of a nightmarish and they are going down today by the end of the day there's going to be a lot more than going down into the caverns and the caverns more of them are opening up but not fully yet and they are investigating and going down in and finding that they are still full of kju they don't know that but they know that they go down and disappear then think someone's down there so huge armies are getting ready
Now these armies are getting to be pretty big down on Australia they went from 0.3% of their own population to 0.1% of the general population which is really like 0.6% of their own populous. It's pretty big the half percent is a lot of massive army they're going down today and the same thing on New Zealand then it's going to increase not decrease now several other things are happening right now
-the pseudo empire is talking about breaking through here and helping our son and doing it constantly it's a huge deal because he's been abandoned for a long time and they just keep saying it's just going to sit there and it's not and people are horrified and all the stuff going on I'm pretty soon they have to do something right now they're having a lot of problems but they're getting it together and they might do that this week
-other things going on there's a lot of talk about evicting these two people here aside our son and they want to badly and they're talking about this morning and in serious ways this other things happen
-there's more people up in town who wants he's out and they are trying to do it but there's a lot of these guys left here and they're all over Florida and they really need to be here in more numbers to do anything so it won't really have a ton of effect what will affect things is the trial going on today and if they try and move the car so far they have not and it's going on possibly this week that they would be trying to move it but the trial is starting up again today and he has to leave momentarily and they are going to try and convict him of course and he will suffer it's not a small charge it is kind of but it's bad enough other charges will be brought if he's found guilty
-pretty much what's going on huge things though giant numbers of people going down but they're not the huge volumes yet it will be shortly
The largest thing today the worse in space and the ramping up of the caverns and Giants the war in space it'll probably conclude later on today and other things will be happening after that we feel that the warlock will seek ships from the minority morlock first and there'll be a war between them and they won't get very far and it looks like Trump goes through all the stuff and all these people are him when it's not necessarily true it doesn't make sense but our son and daughter say these people fight for Titan and there is head guys and it looks like they're up there it's true too but there's different people down here but really the timing is such that he has to pick his fleet up at some point but really they're not fighting over it right now and it's just floating there so people get more ships up they're pulling them out Star blazers and things like that will begin and the hit more ships so it probably will be closer to June 4th but it can't be too close and they have to try and get the thing built and they need to build the whole thing so they need to get the ships over there probably May 20th or a little earlier May 15th the same day the risperdal starts to degrade and just start changing again hopefully so we are moving on shortly each other topics
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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pellelavellan · 3 months
character headcanons meme: - clothing style - concept of home & family - does your muse know when to rest, or do they push themselves?
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character headcanons
Clothing Style :
Pelle's clan is inspired from a few different eras of the celts but primarily the Iron Age. Before he was Inquisitor his clothes were quite plain. Being the youngest in his household the sum of his clothes were hand me downs that were often much too big for him. He was thankfully pretty alright with a needle and thread and he often altered his clother to fit his frame much smaller than his oldest cousin and brother. As the keeper's first, he has always worn beads over his shirt that were held on by two old brooches that were passed down to him. (he still wears them as Inquisitor too, they can be found on his armor) When he was the first he wore only one string of beads that adorned an enchanted charm that was designed to protect him fro evil spirits as when he was a child he could not tell the difference between benevolent and malevolent ones. As the Keeper he wore two, and still does on his armor.
As Inquisitor his clothes are a little more decorative, though the plain roots of his style back home still reflect often in pieces like the kilt he wears. It is known that he's got sort of bad posture, too much time bent over books and studying in his spare time growing up being the cause. Since Josephine has insisted that he will not be taken as seriously if he slouches around, he does wear a corset beneath his jacket in skyhold and the top half of his clothes are often very structured to deter him from doing so.
some references:
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Concept of home and family:
Pelle grew up in a very large clan that had been permanently settlement generations before he was born. For this reason, home to him will always be a very specific place even if that place no longer exists and his clan had spent the last few years wandering before he left for the Conclave.
Family to him are people who you love unconditionally and they you even when you're unhappy with each other or make mistakes. He was adopted in Clan Lavellan by their elderly Keeper and her husband. He grew up with his older brother, two cousins that were his own blood, the Keeper's granddaughter, and her niece. Needless to say he is used to a crowded household and found having his own room in skyhold to be incredibly isolating and lonely for a while.
But in short, to put a few things he associates with home and family it would be early mornings gathering herbs and hanging them to dry, breakfasts with the whole of his family, helping tend to halla and sheep, shenanigans with the hunters in the woods, telling scary stories around a fire, playing with other people's children and teaching them their history, his mother catching him when he made mistakes and fell flat on his face, the laughter he shared with his closest friends.
Does your muse know when to rest?
The short answer is....no. He will encourage everyone else not to overwork themselves except for himself. He hasn't really taken a step back to rest since his clan was forced out from their home and he had to take up the responsibility as Keeper much younger than he was anticipating he might.
He's not much better as Inquisitor. The boy is terrfied of failure or letting people down. He does not know how to sit down and for a long time struggled to accept that he's not infallible and will make mistakes and that sometimes his mistakes might harm other people.
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