#its getting aggrivating
brosif40 · 6 months
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Me when i once again (the 200th time these past few months) have hip pain
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luck-of-the-drawings · 3 months
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"And soda; runs off into the street..." "...and soda... is totally okay!"
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#cw blood#something something cracking open a boy w the cold ones#IF THERE ARE ANY MISTAKES I MISSED I SWWWEAR TO JEBEDIAH. IF I STARE AT THIS ANYMORE IM GONNA DIE IT NEEDS TO BE DONE#ALSO RRRAAAHAHHHGHGH CAN I JUST TAKEA SECOND TO SCREEAAMM ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE SODA AND EMIZEL.. LIKE THERYE SO CUTE....#THEY ARE HOMIES THAT KISS EACHOTHR GOODNIGHT. THEY CARE SO MUCH FOR EACHOTHER. SODA LOVES SODA AND SODA LOVES YOU#do u guys remember how willing he was to share blood w his vampire bestie. like cmon. remember when emizel memorized sodas Soda Schedule.#LIKE CMON.... they just have eachothers backs so much. ouhhh my god... ANYWAY SO THE ART HUH. I FEEL LIKE I SCRAMBLED W IT FOR A WHILE#DRAWIN IS HARD..... i think i did well in the end tho.. i like the lil heart beat effects. and i hope i made soda look Suffieciently Scared#i ALSO had fun w the teeth. i however did not have fun w the walls. if i had more drugs i mightve done every brick in more detail#but i didnt WANNA!!!! this will suffice.I HOPE IT FLOWS WELL&THAT ITS CLEAR... IVE STARED AT IT SO LONG IT IS NOW VISUAL SOUP. HELP!!!#i want my comics to have more Pauses and Space and Thought and Momence. i feel like normally they go so fast. but THIS time#i think i did good.... huuoouhhhh.... comics are HARD art is HARD but i am HARDER. or something. OH YEAH I HAVE MORE ART THINGS#soda was RLY HARD FOR ME TO DRAW FOR A MINUTE..but i like where his design is now. i wanted his hair to be curly swirly.like soda fizz#i THINK thats all my thoughts for now. if u have thoughts u should spill them in the tags i looooove reading tttaaggsss#have a goodnight i gotta go to work soon. maybe. unless the casinos power goes out AGAIN. OR SEOMTHING... UUGHHH MY SCHEDULE IS IN SHAMBLES#I THOUGHT I WAS WORKIN 3 DAYS INA ROW SO I RENTED A WHOLE DAMN HOTEL BC THE JOB PLACE IS FAR AWAY.. I HAD TO CANCEL THE WHOLE RESERVATOn#annd im MMMMAD ABOUT IT!!! like ill get over it ofc BUT IM PEEVED!!!! IM INCONVIENIENCED AND GENTLY AGGRIVATED. BUT OVERALL FINE.#hope yalls weekend goes well. sleep well. if u get the chance to.
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thenarrativefoil · 1 year
i hate this fucking city my joints hurt my throat is swollen my eyes are weepy and now i gotta pay $900 to fix my fucking car bc i tried to do the responsible thing and take it to get road trip checked but they DIDNT PUT THE OIL LID BACK ON??? AND IT FUCKED UP EVERYTHING
today im mad abt all the same shit like my shit family that made me disabled and abused and how that compounds as time goes on and the price of groceries and the lack of public transport and the lack of covid precautions and just! everything! thanking my past self who said nay, take the corporate job with benefits bc if I hadn't I'd be EVEN WORSE OFF.
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irrigos · 7 months
am i crazy or does the art for this years christmas story look like it was ai generated
i am 100% certain it WASNT, because that would be pretty out of character for fbg, but something about it looks so.... off!!!
maybe its just the big glassy mouse eyes that are putting into the uncanny valley for me. who knows!
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tomboyyyaoi · 1 year
there is an alternate timeline where fan translations got to trigun first and had the higher ground so we all call meryl 'meriru'
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xdarkabyssx · 10 months
My aro ass being frustrated that I'm not miraculously not aro now that I'm dating someone 🙃
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wizardryig · 4 months
its so funny when something very niche or small pisses me off/ruins my mood and everyone acts like im deranged instead of just autistic
like yeah the food is okay but mostly im losing my grip on reality rn bc theres no ice and the lack of being able to chew ice really irks me after a while
chat is this relatable
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parapsychoiogy · 9 months
i LOVE being a hater when it comes to paranormal "research" its so important to me that people who try to pass this stuff off as real with faked evidence and lying papers get into so much shit over it do you know how many parapsychology textbooks ive read how many papers and how many of them just are so blatantly lying OR OR OR better yet are very actively appropriating real beliefs and religions (not catholicism) to make their wild claims seem to have an edge of authenticity but they go on to fully misrepresent the actual religions and warp them to fit their own agendas (selling classes that teach you how to become psychic) (selling books about how to become psychic) (selling fake degrees in paranormal research and parapsychology from fake online colleges)
theres also the matter of how very similar to true crime media a Lot of these people seem to have no problem with using real and sometimes Very recent tragedy to "prove" their points its gross and disrespectful and almost always very easy to debunk. if youre going to make fake ghost edits at least have the decency to make up a fake name and murder too maybe try to keep real victims out of your lame attempt of a viral ghost video
like if you believe ! good for you ! but you Need to understand like just how much of this content from the academic to the entertainment is just falsified and malicious with the intention of bleeding money from people
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skxllz · 4 months
“ ya’ know — alastor is a real commendable fella. ”
you brought your head out of the clouds with a twist of your neck towards rosie, only to see her sipping on her freshly poured tea that she had soured down with warm, tangy blood that was drained out of the gut of a demon not long ago.
beings as though you weren't one of the cannibals, but accepted it from being friends with the overlord, you tried your best not to cringe at the thought. it was hell after all. instead, you rose a brow at her, “ what do you mean? ”
she gave you one of her famous, cheshire smiles upon setting down the fine china onto a beautifully decorated saucer. “ I've seen the way you've been looking at ‘im, honey. it's as if ya’ mad — and knowing alastor, that sly demon, he probably did somethin’ to rustle ya’ feathers. ”
all you needed to do was look away to confirm her suspicions.
sighing, the cannabalist leaned forward and placed a hand among your shoulder, giving it a gentle pat. “ well... listen, dear. whatever he did, it's in due time that he makes up for it. you see, alastor is... he's rather difficult. ” seeing her deadpan made you crack a smile.
“ but - one thing I've learned, is that he can care for people, believe it or not. ” the look you sent her told her you weren't believing a word, but rosie smiled, holding up a finger, telling you to let her finish.
“ the guy's like’a brain teaser, ya’ hear. you got few cards you're dealt which are the very obvious traits of our dear friend — demon, overlord, scary, packs a pocket full of mannerisms. the rest is for you to figure out; cause, it's like the sayin’ goes, you can't always judge a book by its cover. ”
the words sunk into your brain like a long overdue lotion massage. the pricking of tingles that rosie's wisdom sent throughout your body was quite horrifying, but... perhaps an eye opener.
yes, alastor was terrifying. yes, alastor could be quite the blood-thirsty, aggrivating demon in his own way. but, you never really came to think, what if something else was hidden under all of the seemingly polite greetings? or the way he'd get angry, and scare the wits out of others within the hotel, but not necessarily take the stab of harming them?
he's had plenty of chances to stream broadcast after broadcast of demons throughout pentagram city over his infamous microphone, to where he could catch the mauling attention he enjoys grabbing. and yet, nothing.
it made you wonder, deep down, did he have an ounce of kindness within that bitter shell of a soul of his? even just a drop?
as you lift your head now to peer over at him, speaking with charlie, that permanent grin of his only stretching wider in reply to whatever they were discussing, your thoughts only wanderer further; why would rosie tell you this? you, of all people?
this was going to go somewhere with alastor and then I said fuck it, let's just have a small talk with rosie. she's so mother <3
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Love, I Just Need to See | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: In which Tommy needs glasses and (Y/N) has an opinion about every type of frame that's offered.
Warnings: language, smoking
Word Count: 2281
A/N: this was just a fun request to write...I think it’s one of my favorite stories of mine. Oh to be doing domestic things with Tommy Shelby *sigh*. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories that are similar to this one!
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(Y/N) was able to hear the sounds of frustrated mumbling coming from inside Tommy's office as she walked past its slightly ajar door. "Tom?" she questioned as she peered her head in. Squinting her eyes to try to get them to adjust to the dim lighting of the room, she was able to make out that he was sitting at his desk.
"Yes?" he asked as he looked up from his papers, surprise clear on his face. He wasn't expecting her to be at his door.
"Everything ok?" she asked, taking his response as her ok to enter the room. If he hadn't wanted her in there, he would have told her to leave.
"Yes. I, uh..." he paused, his eyes glancing around his desk as he tried to find what he was looking for, "I'm just having a hard time balancing the logs is all," he admitted to her.
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows as she walked even further into the room. Once at his desk, she extended her hand and waved her fingers at him, her nonverbal way of asking him for what he was working on. He understood and neatly compiled the papers before handing them over to her. "Doctor said that you shouldn't be overworking yourself like this," she commented as she looked over the work he'd done so far.
"Yeah? Well fuck what the doctor says," Tommy grumbled, focusing himself on lighting a cigarette before he looked at her once more. (Y/N) sighed at his response, knowing that she should've expected something along those lines. But she tried anyway, wanting the best for her husband and his health.
"I think I know what your problem is," she announced after a few minutes had passed.
"What's that?" he inquired, his eyebrows raised.
"Your numbers are wrong," she told him, glancing up in time to see his face fill with confusion.
"That's impossible," Tommy shook his head, not wanting to believe that something like that would be the cause of the error.
"It's what's wrong," (Y/N) insisted as she moved around the desk so that she could be standing right next to his chair. "See, lookit...you've got 119 pounds listed here on the intake and then, for the same day's totals, you've written 109 pounds. You're never going to get the correct numbers if you don't have them consistent everywhere," she explained, glancing over at him before she trained her eyes on the books once more. "Do you have the initial papers you've copied this off of?" she asked then. Tommy nodded his head. "Can I see them?" was her next request. Silently, he grabbed them from his pile and handed them to her. It only took her a few moments to find yet another problem: "these aren't even the correct numbers, Tommy."
"What do you mean?" he questioned, his brows deeply furrowed as he took the paper back from her and then looked between it and the log on his desk.
"What day are you doing the totals for?" she asked him.
"And what day does that say on the paper?" was her next question.
"Thursday," he responded with confidence, but (Y/N) shook her head.
"That says Tuesday, love," she corrected him before pointing to the paper in his hands, "see? T-U-E-S..."
"I know how to fuckin' spell, alright?" he cut her off with aggrivation in his tone.
"Then why don't you have the days right?" she asked him, not realizing how accusatory her question sounded until she said it.
Tommy inhaled deeply and then exhaled his breath in a long sigh. "It's because the words are blurry," he answered, his voice coming out in a low mumble.
"What's that?" she asked for him to repeat what he'd said.
"I can't tell what's what because the words on the fucking paper are blurry, ok?" he repeated himself, his words stressed and his agitation evident.
"Ok," she nodded, agreeing with him in a soft voice. She wanted to say that she was shocked by his admission, but honestly, she was expecting something like this to happen. He did just come back from his extended hospital stay, where he suffered a cracked skull and internal bleeding around his brain, among other injuries. The fact that he didn’t have many lingering effects or problems from it surprised her greatly.
Tommy sighed again and dropped the paper onto the desk before he ran his hands through his hair. He then dropped his face into his hands as his elbows rested on the desktop. "What am I supposed to do now, eh?" he finally questioned after a few moments of silence had passed. He then looked up at (Y/N) with an expression on his face that gripped at her heart. She'd only seen Tommy Shelby's desperation a handful of times, and a similar reaction was elicited from each.
"Well..." she trailed off as she sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, "I suppose we should take a trip to an optometrist," she suggested.
Tommy nodded silently as he took in what she had to say. It was pretty obvious to him that he needed to seek help with his vision problem. It was impeding on his ability, which in turn made him extremely frustrated. "Ok," he agreed with her, nodding once more, "I know someone who probably has a person he goes to. I can ask him who he'd recommend for me," he then laid out his plan for getting this problem fixed.
"Good. I suggest that you get it done as soon as possible," (Y/N) was happy to hear that he was willing to get some help with this issue.
"I will," he assured her, "but for now, can you help me with these logs so that I can get them finished for tonight?"
She agreed to his request within seconds. "Of course, Tom. I'd be happy to help," she answered with a smile before she managed to drag one of the empty chairs over to his desk so that she could sit and help him finish his work.
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"I've got that appointment today," Tommy mentioned as he entered the sitting room (Y/N) was occupying.
"For your eyes?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer.
"Yes," he nodded, chuckling slightly at her obvious intrigue.
"Oh, that's great," (Y/N) said with a smile before an idea came to mind. "Say, can I come with you, Tommy?"
"For what?" he was confused. In his mind, a trip to a doctor's office seemed like a bore.
“Because I want to be there when you pick out your glasses,” a smile formed on her face as she spoke.
“And you’re so sure that I’ll need glasses?” Tommy shot back.
She sent him an ‘are you serious?’ look as an initial response to his question. “I think that was made pretty obvious the other day,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Tommy shook his head as he tried to stop the smile from forming on his face. “Can I, Tommy...please?” she asked him again, putting on her best ‘puppy dog pout’.
“Fine,” he agreed to her ask after taking less than a minute to contemplate it. What bad could come out of his wife attending his appointment with him?
(Y/N) jumped off of the couch with a newfound excitement, and she quickly ran into the foyer to ask Mary to grab her coat and purse. Soon enough, she was ready to go, and Tommy had met her outside in the car that he brought around.
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Tommy quickly realized that something bad could come from his wife attending his appointment.
“What about these frames, Mrs. Shelby?” the doctor asked as he came in with yet another option to look at. After about the fourth time, he stopped asking Tommy and decided to begin appeasing the woman in the room.
(Y/N) pursed her lips as she examined the thicker-framed glasses that held an oval-shaped lens in the middle. She then held them up to Tommy, who wordlessly tried them on without having to be asked to. She then tapped her chin as she stared at him for a few moments. “I don’t like these either. They’re too bulky,” she finally gave her opinion, her words simultaneously making Tommy sigh and the doctor nod profusely.
“That’s just what I was thinking...I couldn’t see such a stately man wearing lenses like these. I’ll go see what else I have in stock,” the doctor was quick to agree with the woman, and Tommy silently cursed him for egging her on. He then quickly hurried out of the room to get another pair. Soon enough, he was back with more options. This time he held two in his hands. “I brought both sizes of these. Let’s see what you think,” he said as he sat them down on the desk.
(Y/N) grabbed the first pair and looked them over. The frame was thin and gold and it once again held ovalic lenses. “Try these on,” she told Tommy before handing them over to him. Tommy nodded and went through the motions of placing the glasses on his face. Once again, (Y/N) pursed her lips as she took in his appearance. “No...I think they make you look like Scrooge from that one Christmas book,” she gave her opinion on it, her words making Tommy sigh.
“I don’t care about what they look like on me, love, I just need to see,” he finally voiced his exasperation, effectively showing her that his patience was running thin.
“I’m the one who’s gotta look at you though, so I’d at least like to find something that suits you well,” she challenged his statement, her words making him exhale a sigh. He knew that this would be a losing battle for him, so he just kept his mouth shut. “Try these on,” she told him then, raising a pair that looked almost identical to the last up for him to look at. The only thing that had been changed was that the lenses were smaller and circular.
“How are they, Mrs. Shelby?” the doctor then asked after it’d been quiet for a few moments. He was eagerly awaiting her opinion on the frames.
“I like these,” she said, nodding her head slightly before she doubled down on her statement: “yes. These are the ones you should get, Tommy.”
“Finally,” Tommy let out a breath of relief at the fact that the trying-on portion of the appointment was over before he turned to the doctor, “I’ll take these.”
“Very good choice, Mr. Shelby. I’ll have those made in the proper specifications as soon as possible for you,” the doctor nodded his head, a pleased smile on his face. “You’re free to go now,” he then told the couple before he stood from his chair and shook both of their hands.
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The rest of the day passed by without further talk of the glasses that Tommy would now be using. It wasn’t until he entered their bedroom for the night that (Y/N) decided to bring them up once more.
“Are you excited about your new glasses?” she asked him from behind her book as he got himself changed into what he’d be wearing to bed.
“What kind of question is that?” he responded with a question of his own, his words holding no malice or condescending tone, “of course I’m excited to be able to read properly again,” he blatantly stated, his vocal tone making (Y/N) giggle.
“No, I mean are you excited about how they look?” she specified her question once her giggles had subsided.
“I honestly don’t care what they look like, love,” he gave her his honest response as he got into his side of the bed, “I just needed to be able to see.”
(Y/N) frowned slightly at the absence of desire he had to talk about the topic. She leaned over and set her book down on the nightstand before looking back at him again. “I think you looked really good with the glasses on,” she stated in a matter-of-fact tone as a grin formed on her lips. “I didn’t think that anyone would be able to make frames like that look attractive, but you certainly did.”
“Yeah?” he asked, certainly amused by her sudden statements.
“Oh yes,” she answered, then rolling onto her side so that she’d be closer to him. “You made all of those frames look attractive, but this pair....this pair is special.”
“Well I’m glad that you think that,” he grinned at her as his arm wrapped around her from underneath, making her move even closer to his chest.
“And just when I thought that you couldn’t get any more perfect...” she trailed off, placing her hand flat against his chest so that she could sit up slightly. Her grin widened as she leaned down so that her face was closer to his, “I can’t wait until you get them delivered so that I get to see them on your handsome face again,” she whispered against his lips before she closed the gap and kissed them.
Tommy only exuded a chuckle in between the kisses she was giving him. He had a quick-witted, cheeky comeback prepared to give her, but it got lost in the feeling of her lips dancing across the skin of his jawline. So he decided to let her keep going, already knowing that her affection towards him would be increasing tenfold the moment that he was wearing those glasses again.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicallovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75
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hustlerose · 1 year
finally finished FILTH by irvine welsh. i stand by what i said abt it before. this book would put 99% of puritanical twitter geeks in the fucking hospital
if the middle third (or even the middle half) of it was removed or reduced, this might be my new favorite novel. as it stands, there's so little plot in there, it really drags. until the ending, of course, which is the best thing i've read in a long time
i can see the argument that the lack of plot is a positive, though. filth is a study of bruce robertson as a character. the murder mystery plot is secondary. and the directionlessness serves to donstrate that bruce's life fucking sucks. this is the life you get when you act like robbo: hollow, dull, aggrivating, gross, full of petty bullshit, and slowly getting worse.
if he actually did his job, or had deep relationships with other people, this would be a normal detective novel. instead, it's an experimental scottish acid trip. it's a slow drop down a bottomless pit
and i love this character. he really is good enough to make you keep reading, plot or no plot, just to see him do stuff. he starts already depraved, and only gets worse. he is disgusting in very ordinary, human ways, even while everything ramps up to absurdity. every aspect of him is horribly plausible. i saw myself in him sometimes, and felt sick
thats whats so compelling abt characters like humbert humbert or patrick bateman. you hate him, obviously, but we've all been that guy once or twice, just a little bit
no spoilers, but the ending is amazing. it reminded me of lolita in a lot of ways. its the same sudden gut punch, where we see what other ppl really think of the main character. he thought he was soooo smart, so in control, the master manipulator. he thought everyone would see him as the most masculine, powerful, interesting guy in the world. what a fuckin joke
btw someone on the disco elysium team was definitely a big fan of this book. the fascism, the loser cop archetype, the divorce, the focus on character over plot, the dreamlike introspective stuff. the mix of comedy and tragedy, condemnation and empathy. it all fits so well. it would be pretty easy to make a hdb who's basically an alternate universe robbocop
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redhatmeg · 7 months
I really like the journalist subplot with Yuri, because of couple of things.
Of course, this is the first chapter where Yuri is not reduced to being just a guy obsessed with his sister. This story expands on his work in SSS and shows more of him as an officer.
At the same time, for a story involving secret police invigilating a "traitor", you might think that said traitor will be treated as more or less a heroic figure - someone who fights with this terrible, oppressive regime and that's why SSS sees him as a public enemy. And maybe this is how Franklin Perkin was at some point in his life, but the man we see during Yuri's investigation is a pathetic man, who trades journalistic integrity for cheap sensationalism (which the scene where he throws a toy into a dumpster to photograph children diving into it, shows).
Obviously Perkin's actions make Yuri angry, but later we have a scene when Yuri listens to his target talking with his father, and it seems like it makes Yor's brother think more deeply about what he just heard. He even writes down on his report that Perkin might be motivated not by greed but by concern for his family.
Finally when Yuri finally comes to arrest Franklin Perkin, he makes sure to do it in a way that Perkin's father won't see it. He even says: "Your family doesn't need to see you in such a pathetic moment." and he assures his prisoner that his father will get some financial aid.
It really is a story that shows Yuri Briar in a more sympathetic light - as someone who is capable of compassion, even though he works in Ostanian equivalent of KGB (or Stasi, since Ostania and Westalis are based on Cold War Germany).
Which also is an interesting take on this secret organization, the third one introduced in Spy x Family, after WISE and Garden. Notice that the latter two are presented as more heroic that do what they do to assure peace. And while WISE is unambiguously heroic, remember that Garden is an assassin's guild, but they kill only scumbangs, so they're good.
Meanwhile SSS is introduced when Yor hears that an unmarried woman was arrested by them under suspicion of espinoge (which prompts Yor to find a partner to seem less suspicious). It is only when we are with Yuri that we see that maybe SSS are onto something with all those spies and traitors. Yuri's first on-screen victim is an adulterer who was selling his country's secrets for his lavish lifestyle and mistresses and in one of the latest chapters he gives a long speech to a small criminal-turned-activist.
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Yuri's assessment is treated as harsh and also probably as him lashing out after the defeat at Twilight's hands, but Bobby Buckle seems to be a criminal who committed couple of misdemeanors and then made up a whole ideology to justify it. Yuri sees him as a parasite that blames others for his own misfortune. What I particularly find interesting is the line about "all of society's solutions for you just aggrivate your persecution complex". Because it indicates that there are some social programs in Ostania that at least try to reform criminals, help the unemployed etc.
I can see Yuri getting jaded that way. He can have compassion for people like Franklin Perkin who is down on his luck and commits crimes to support his family; but not for Bobby Buckle who is a petty criminal pretending to be an activist for higher cause but not doing anything meaningful with his life.
But also at the end of journalist story Yuri comes to Forgers' household to see his sister and we get a scene when Anya senses that something is wrong and she pats her uncle on the hand to comfort him. I think it's here to showcase that a job in SSS takes its toll on Yuri. He sees it as his true calling and tries to be positive about it, but at the same time situations like the one with Perkin might shake him to his core. So he goes to Yor for comfort.
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karasexual · 3 months
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suddenly feeling super embaressed about making a superjail OC and not wanting to partake in the superjail server im in..... like brugh..... why did i join if not to do this
(ill take this chance to spew)
Anyways i call this fool Rusty, and he is in for grand larceny and aggrivated assault. He's a southern man who tried very hard to uphold his beliefs, but hes kinda bad at it. He likes the warden romantically, but its not reciprocated. regardless hes holding out. think like how scout is with miss pauling. (he is kinda disgusted with himself for liking a man, but thats due to a religious upbringing) (rusty, not scout) he lived on a ranch with his folks and took a liking to chickens (he's a huge fan of double silver laced barnevelders due to the females pretty lacing)
also not tagging cause i still am just barely embarresed enough to hope this gets lost and buried
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Home
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So ya'll ever watch a movie you know for a fact, just by looking at it, is made for babies and very small children? Yeah, that's what Home is, in like, almost every way. It is a dumb movie made for dumb children. I didn't like it. Let's get into why.
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The Boov are (super quirky omgzz) alien race that take over the planet Earth as their new home, relocating humans, all except for Tip, a no-nonsense girl who's determined to find her missing mother. She teams up with Oh, perhaps the most fucking annoying Boov of all to the point that he's hated even by his fellow aliens, as they travel across the Earth to find Tip's mom.
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Simple premise, simple movie. And yet despite that, it still manages to have really weird and fucky pacing? Like moments that should be spent on actually developing the characters and their relationships with each other are just... glossed over through montages or very brief scenes? It's really, really weirdly paced, I don't even know how to properly explain it. It felt like the movie was speed running itself (fine with me, the sooner it ended, the better.)
So if the movie isn't focusing on that, what is it focusing on? Well some pretty unexciting action scenes for one, but then there's the real thing this movie is about: humor. Really shitty, bad, immature, lame potty humor and "omgz so random!" kind of humor that was running rampant in the 2010s. Like I said, this is a baby movie, for babies. So all of the jokes are very simple and dumbed down and not a single one of them got even a smile out of me. This entire movie was a flaccid, joyless experience.
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When it isn't smacking you in the face with fart and piss jokes, its trying so damn hard to hit you in the feels. But in that reguard, it takes a swing and misses completely because I felt nothing for these characters in the slightest. Oh might just be one of the most annoying Dreamworks protagonists yet, with this really aggrivating way of talking that all the Boov have where they skip words or just say things wrongly and I get it, that's the joke, but fuck if it doesn't become grating almost immediately. Tip is only a little better, but she's largely an inconsistant character, hating Oh at one point and then being besties with him the next that I barely even knew what her characterization was even supposed to be.
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What else, what else? Uh.... There was a villain? The leader of the Boov? I don't remember anything significant about him? Oh and uhhh the uhhh (checks Wikipedia page bc this movie made such a nothing impact on me i can barely remember it only ten minutes after viewing it) the Gorg, which is also a nothing threat, just there to be "oooh scary" until the end where it's revealed it isn't actually scary at all and just wanted its babies back (fucking Chicken Little did this first and better, you know your movie sucks if I'm saying goddamn Chicken Little is better).
The animation is very basic, very unimpressive character designs in a very average looking world. It's not what you'd expect from Dreamworks, that's for sure; I'd say its more along the lines of Illumination's normal quality. The soundtrack was all done by Rihanna, who voices Tip, and uhhh I'm not a big Rihanna fan, just gonna admit that up front. Her songs also just feel ill-placed throughout this very silly, zany romp, it just felt so weird at times to hear these soulful ballads when I had to fucking look at Oh's stupid face like what were they thinking with this???
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So yeah, bad movie for babies. Sucks because I know Dreamworks can do better, they have so many times before. Unfortunately, sometimes, I think they just go for whatever they think will sell. And well, I'm sure they thought Oh would turn into a million marketable plushies (he probably did idk). But anyway, Home can go the fuck home so I never have to look at it again.
Overall Rating: 3/10
Verdict: Get assassinated with the Shush wand or whatever the fuck it was called idk i stopped paying attention halfway through this dumbass movie to play on my Switch
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transfemlogan · 11 days
You are so right about that post you made about sanders sides, the show has lost so much enjoyability and this fandom is so fucking annoying when people voice their criticisms. Being a fan of tss is so miserable
it sure is. why are we still here. theres nothing here 4 us. we are complaining abt the series & fans & were still... here. why are you still here, anon. why are we both still here.
can u guys tell i have been thinking about leaving this fandom for a 2nd time
i know that sounds like a . happy fun time but really i mainly feel pushed out. im blocked by a majority of fans, both here and instagram apparently (and twitter b4 i left), which makes it hard to interact w/ content (not that i am like... WAHH WAHH UNBLOCK ME RIGHT NOW!!!) but. i dont even want to interact w/ content. none of it intrigues me.
i left the 1st time bcuz i had 2 watch my black mutuals get called the n word & have white fans argue w/ me in my inbox.
and now im still seeing that racism. i had my mutual & close friend, chance sankiisides, get a callout post & be pushed out of the fandom because of racist ass fans who dont know shit.
this fandom not only is the most annoying and aggrivating fandom ever, you guys refuse to make anyone who isnt a white queer feel safe.
im still here because, despite all its issues, i adore sanders sides. i still am thinking abt this series constantly. i am still analysing it. despite its newer, terrible writing & mischaracterisation of the characters, i am still watching. despite thomas being the most annoying creator ive ever had 2 witness, i still watch his content. because i still like him and what he makes. because i cant ignore how genuinely happy i get when i watcb his videos. i hate this fucking fandom but i am still here because when i see fans make dumbass theories & new fans come up w/ the same analyses we had as older fans, i am Happy. i think its genuinely such a beautiful thing 2 c how ppl analyse this series.
but like. why am i still Here. why do i have this blog.
i am being attacked for being a ""violent"" person by yt remus fans, while i watch my white mutuals and friends say the same things i do. i am watching my mutuals & friends be friends with the ppl who have said these things about me. i cant interact w/ half of this fandoms content. i am still seeing rampant racism and transphobia and queerphobia within this fandom. i have so many "popular" mutuals & friends who agree w/ my takes & opinions but dont express it because they feel like they cant.
obviously a lot of this is bcuz i have been super mentally ill & suicidal for the past (checks watch) 5 months. which is not a fandom thing, its an irl thing. i moved out of my parents house secretly 2 get away from the abuse i was experiencing. i have to share a room & (help) take care of a child every other week. i go to work as a cashier, a job i did not want but was moved 2, every week & i still dont have fucking money. i am so overwhelmed & stressed out of my goddamn mind.
and i cant even come on here 2 analyse abt sasi, something i love 2 do, w/o being told i am too violent. that i should just leave the fandom bcuz no1 wants me here. & whatever else fuck nonsense i have heard & seen abt myself. obviously people can disagree w/ me but like that is the point of me being here. this isnt a safe place, bcuz you guys do not make it a safe place & i dont think you guys ever Will make it a safe place. bcuz you are all yt queers.
sorry 4 the rlly long ramble i woke up at like 3 am. ill delete this later
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impunkster-syndrome · 3 months
Idk if you really care or not but re: that post where you mentioned people assuming your autistic and not being sure why (unless I misread), a lot of schizospectrum(I think that's the word) conditions are often confused for autism, to the point one is often misdiagnosed for the other and autism was considered a schizospectrum condition before it was discovered to be its own separate thing! Hope that helps, feel free to just ignore this if not lol
Yeah, I know. It just gets extremely aggrivating when people assume I'm autistic because I've had professionals refuse to listen to me with BPD and say it's "just autism" because I'm not a "stereotypical borderline" when that was a factor that pushed me to cutting. It comes up with my STPD when to me everything is very clearly not autism and many people dismiss it as such. I've taken the autism screenings repeatedly and every time I am proven right. My mom has tried to push me into believing I'm an "aspie." Everyone talks about "Autism can be confused for x" but never the infantilization of the other way around and how people use the ableism against autism against you to deny you the actual treatment you need.
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