#its going to take 2 hours. im perishing
playboysaleen · 2 months
Metanoia (or not?...)
Metanoia:(n) meta·​noia - a transformative change of heart...especially : a spiritual conversion
Parings: Wednesday x Dracula!Reader (GN)
Part 1. - Part 2. - Part 3. - Part 4. - Part 5. - Part 6. - Part 7.
(Chapter 7)
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Warnings: they are a little older(19, lets say nevermore is a college), Blood, swearing, fighting, death...angst... thats all i am gon say.
slight mention of she/her kinda vibe...just putting it out there in the best way i can explain.
WordCount: 4.9k
{{All im gonna say is I am sorry in advance. I wrote most of this in this last 2 hours since i havent touched this fic in a hot minute and my imagination was at its best right now so enjoy while i go on another hibernation. }}
Also, Stay safe out there and tell your mothers you love them. I miss mine more and more everyday.
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It poured like the gods were shedding tears of a lost one. Maybe Marija felt your pain and now you were sitting on the roof letting the droplets cling onto you. So many questions raced through your mind but you couldn’t pinpoint one to start. Sighing, you ran your fingers through your hair looking at the sky when a presence was felt next to you. 
“I can’t do it.” You whispered now letting the droplets mask your tears. 
“And we are not forcing you too.” Bora spoke, placing a hand onto your shoulder. Shaking your head, you looked up at the sky hoping you could find some answers. 
“But if you do not turn her then we will all perish. Not only us, but your family, friends…” Bora whispered looking towards the window to see Wednesday making her way towards you two, “and her.” she finished giving you a reassuring squeeze. She stood to her feet walking back to the window but not without sending Wednesday a nod. Once Bora was no longer in sight, Wednesday took a seat next to you watching the campus. 
“I am sorry.” Wednesday's eyes moved to your slouched state taking in your pain. She knew you were at war in your head. She read about turning a human and it was not pretty. Even if it meant death then a start of eternal life seemed beautifully insane, but the pain the other feels for a few hours is excruciating. You knew what you would have to go through but the thought of keeping her by your side for the rest of your immortal life as you watched her family fade away did not seem like the right way. Her mind drifted along with yours.
“What I feel for you, is a feeling I cannot describe in words. I want to see the world through your eyes as yours mine. A void was felt in my soul once I entered my late teenage years and it is not the void I enjoyed getting lost in. The moment I found you…everything felt clear- as if you were the clue to solve a murder no one else could find. You are the death I will chase to the end of time to feel all over again. If it means taking my mortal life to spend eternity with you….” She stopped cupping your face for you to look at her. She could see the veins pulsating under your eyes from the adrenaline that coursed through you. 
“Then take my life for yours to own.” 
Your eyes search for any hesitance but all you saw was acceptance. You knew of the Addams growing up and safe to say the least, Wednesday's father would rather it be you than that barista boy. You nodded softly, leaning in, placing your lips against hers.
You and Wednesday were back in the house changing when a knock was heard from your door. Throwing on a shirt, you glanced at the bathroom door to hear the water still running. Turning the knob, you opened the door that revealed Marija. She sent you a small smile rocking on her heels. 
“How are you feeling?” Marija asked, taking a step back. You walked out the room shutting the bedroom door behind you, slightly nodding. 
“Feeling a little lightheaded with everything going on.” You answered by adjusting your bracelet. The girl in front of you hummed, taking a few steps towards the staircase. You followed behind her heading down to the dinning table to meet the rest of the OB. Raina looked up, sending you a small smile while the rest of the group sorted out the blood bags in front of them. 
“I see you all are going to feast pretty good tonight huh,” You attempted to joke when D snorted, bumping her shoulder into Alek. The man chuckled shaking his head, 
“Oh this isn’t for us.” He snickered. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked at Bora for an answer when all she did was smile. You counted the bags then sent them a look- 
“It's for Wednesday.” 
Your eyes widen looking at the countless bags that from just a rough guess was maybe twenty bags. You huffed leaning forward onto the dining table going over the stories your parents told you about this ceremony. 
“So there are two ceremonies right?” You spoke as the OB sent you a nod, Raina placed her chin on her palms sending you a smirk. Bora leaned back fixing her necklace, 
“Yes, there is the ceremony in the books about the venom retrieval from the soulless. we transfer the venom to the mortal/mate and we wait for them to go through the turning then-” “Woah woah, so I have to watch her…” You interrupted but the lump in your throat stopped you. Bora nodded. You don't think you could sit there and watch the woman you grew to feel for die. Bora continued as you ran your fingers through your hair. 
“Once the venom runs its course we will have to place her under seclusion supervision until she is ready to feed.” Bora finished. You knew why she needed to be placed alone. She will be feral and not only that…she is going to kill you. Raina sighed, shaking her head. 
“Or you can do the other ceremony.” Raina suggested, a groan slipped your mouth as Alek snickered. “It’s less painful…She wont know she passed due to the state she is in.” Raina finished. You knew what she meant but were you even that far with her to even try that? “Then during the process you both can exchange.” 
“Exchange?” You shot her a look when D places a kiss against Raina's temple, D sent you a fanged smile. 
“A blood exchange. It actually makes you both stronger. More connected too.” D mentioned, your eyes widen once more at the new information you now encountered. You scoffed, “How come this is not mentioned in the books?” You asked about placing your weight on one leg when you heard the water coming to a halt upstairs. Bora hummed leaning forward, 
“Every book that has been written has been read and passed by The Council. They let you know what they want.” Bora spoke, visions flashed throughout your eyes when you heard the shower door open. Oh god, you cannot be thinking about her like that right now. 
“Maybe you girls can talk to Wednesday about this while we take Drac here on the hunt with us.” D suggested when Alek quickly stood up sending a tight lip smile to the girls. You looked between Raina and Bora when they both nodded but Bora stood extending her hand to the med-room. 
“We can, but I need to run your venom levels to make sure you are good enough to at least keep up.” You nodded at her request sending everyone a nod following Bora into the Med-room. Before you entered, Wednesday was walking down the stairs towards Raina who called out for her. She grabbed your bicep staring into your eyes. 
“How are you feeling?” She whispered, you smiled, sending a glance towards the room. “I am about to find out so I can go hunt with Alek and D.” Her hand ran down your arm giving you a reassuring squeeze and a nod. You kept your gaze into her eyes when a familiar feeling engulfed the pit of your stomach. You cleared your throat when you heard Raina's voice in your head along with a very childish remark from Alek. 
If you are trying to get to business please take it to the room! -Raina 
That's if they can make it to the room… -Alek 
Moving your eyes from Wednesday, she let go and proceeded to make her way to the dining area with everyone greeting her with a lot of positive smiles. Poor Wednesday. You walked into the Med-Room taking a seat letting Bora start her work. 
“I am assuming you are the medic.” You spoke, she nodded, inserting the needle into your pure vein. She kept her eyes glued to the screen answering- “Had no choice, most of the OBs were injured when I found them. Plus, I was the doctor's daughter in our tribe.” You hummed, you haven't felt any real pain in a while. You thought back to when you had fought James before your suspension, and your ascension, and all this ‘the council is coming.’ Bora snorted softly at the visions that danced in your brain, 
“You left that poor boy bleeding.” She chuckled, slightly yanking out the needle disposing it into the bin. You hummed letting a smile paint your face, “I mean, I had every right. He used to pick on me when my brother passed.” She nodded, handing you a jacket which you placed on.
“Everything seems fine, Raina and Marija will make you a cocktail while you are out. In the meantime, let off some steam.” Bora spoke as you walked behind her out into the dinning room. Alek and D came from out the kitchen handing you a rope which you sent them a nod. 
“We should get going; the sun is setting.” D spoke, placing a kiss against Raina's forehead. You glanced at Alek who was staring behind you. Turning, you saw Marija sending you a small smile, 
“I just wanted to wish you luck on the hunt. Normally when D and Alek go…” Marija’s voice faded into the back of your mind when a burning feeling fell into the pit of your stomach. It felt…uncomfortable. It was as if the world slowed, you turned your head to see Wednesday giving you the deepest glare. “...but I know you are gonna do great.” Marjia’s voice boomed back when you blinked to see her in front of you again. You nodded, sending her a smile. 
“Thank you Marija,”  You mumbled walking to the dining table standing next to Wednesday. “I guess we better get going.” You spoke aloud as everyone who was staying bid their goodbyes. You began your way out the room when a hand wrapped around your wrist yanking you back. Spinning on your heels, lips clashed against yours. A hint of vanilla that engulfed your buds automatically sending your hand to her waist. You pulled away placing your forehead against hers, 
“Don’t be gone for too long. We need to talk when you get back.” Wednesday mumbled, stealing a chaste kiss and walking back to her seat. You stood there frozen at the sudden PDA the girl exposed to the team. Wednesday talked to Raina as if she didn’t just claim what was hers seconds ago. 
“Alright lovestruck, let's get going.” D sang out grabbing a fist full of your shirt yanking you out the dining area. Alek fell into a pit of giggles at the bottom of the patio, you sent him the finger vaulting over the railing landing in front of him. 
“What's the rope for again?” You asked Alek when he grabbed the item from your hand, tying it around your waist and tossing it to D who did the same. D snickered, tossing it towards him as he tied a knot, sending you a fanged smile.
“To make sure we don’t leave you in the dust.” He spoke taking a few hops in his place then sent a nod to D when a gust of wind almost swept you off your feet. The two took off as you tried your best to keep up. Now that was what the rope was for.  
After what seemed like a few minutes, the three of you stood at the top of the mountain eyeing the lake beneath you. D undid the rope around your waist patting your back.
“Since there are more heads now, we can't aim for deer. We need something bigger.” Alek spoke, taking a few steps towards the ledge inhaling deeply. D leaned against the tree playing with the straps on their backpack. You hummed inhaling when a huge wave of scents engulfed your nose. 
“You smell it huh, the blood rushing through their veins.” D whispered, now standing next to you. You nodded with your eyes shut trying your best to pinpoint a smell to follow. Your eyes burst open as your feet acted upon themselves sending you to grip the tree climbing. Alek and D exchanged looks following your suit. You scanned the area when the smell of death hit your nose. You jumped down dusting off your jeans. 
“Wounded animal down by the lake,” You thought out loud as the two nodded. Alek looked back over the edge taking another whiff when he leaned back huffing, “Yeah. It’s wounded. Probably hunted about a few hours ago.” He confirmed. D hummed, chiming in, “So if it's wounded, there are predators around meaning-” D looked your way to see the veins under your eyes visible. 
“We got dinner.” You spoke taking a leap off the edge. Alek blurred to the edge growling softly. “There is no way they just-” D patted his back taking a few steps back. “They did.” and with that D blurred forward jumping off the edge following you. Alek groaned, joining the two of you. 
You stopped in the woods crouching behind the log looking over to see the wounded animal. D appeared next to you, 
“That is a very big elk.” You nodded at D’s comment, taking a step towards the animal when a noise caught your attention. 
“Damn bear spray doesn't do us no justice out here.” 
“Perry, could we just dump the body and go? This place is giving me the creeps.” 
Your eyes snapped to the path that displayed two men with their hands full with what you presumed was a body. You glanced at D who was now tapping Alek. They nodded, taking a few steps forward, covering behind another tree. 
“There was more you smelled besides the elk.” - D. 
“We need to get out of here.” - Alek. 
You shook your head when your fangs slashed out and the hunger you didn't feel before clawed its way to your throat. The need to drain the two men dry was damn near uncontrollable but the sound of running sent you blurring to the pair. Alek and D were quick to chase after you, but the roar caused everything to go black. Screaming, crying, growling and crunching was heard but you couldn't bring yourself to snap back. A groan slipped your lips when you blinked away the darkness to find yourself under a big pile of what seemed to be fur. Your name was being called but the weight above you was hard to respond. 
“Drac!... Damit Drac, are you okay?” Alek hissed out, you groaned a little louder which caused the weight to lift off you. Coughing, you rolled over spitting out the blood that pooled your mouth. Alek and D stood over you with childish smiles, 
“You just had to go and show off on your first hunt huh?” D jokes, pulling you onto your feet dusting off the dirt on your clothes. Alek said something childish planting a tube into the now dead bear. 
“Man, We’re gonna have a good feast tonight. Great job Newbie.” Alek said watching the tube flow with blood transfering into the concealed bag. It looked like a huge blood bag. Some would assume it's a huge pitcher people put lemonade in but in your circumstances…
“Alek! Don't waste any!” D hissed slapping his arm. Alek chucked pulling the tub out the bag drinking a bit. A satisfied hum slipped his mouth handing the tube to D to drink. You watched them drink from the animal as you felt your mouth pool with saliva. D handed you the tube which you quickly shoved the tube into your mouth drinking away. A moan slipped your mouth in which Alek patted D’s shoulder causing them to snicker, 
“Alright, save some for the OB.” Alek spoke, you pulled the tube out your mouth looking around- “where are the hunters?” asking the pair, they shook their heads pointing into the woods. 
“While you were giving the bear a challenge, We blurred me to safety. I used my gift to leave them a bit under the influence.” D spoke digging their hand into the bear's mouth yanking out a tooth tossing it your way. 
“A souvenir” You nodded their way accepting the ‘gift’. A sound of a bee zoomed past your ear when you turned to look at D. 
“Did you hear that?” Alek tackled you into the ground shielding his body over yours. D grabbed the bag blurring off. The man above you grunted, interlocking his arm around yours zooming across the forest. After a few minutes of running for dear life, Alek let go of your arm but didn’t stop. A loud crash rang through the backyard when you lifted your head from the pile of leftover construction material. 
“Are you serious right now? A warning would have been nice.” You sarcastically hummed out dusting off the concrete powder that now painted your clothes. D appeared next to you inspecting your body rather roughly. You grabbed their hands sending a look, 
“I’m okay! D, I’m good.” D took a step releasing a breath leaning forward. You patted their shoulder turning to see Alek marching into the house. The door slammed open hitting the side of the fridge as he dropped the bag onto the dining table. 
“We were attacked. Hunters.” He grumbled dropping into a free seat, eyes boring into Boras. The woman huffed standing to her feet looking for you. On que, D walked into the house with you trailing behind. Wednesday sped off her seat ramming into you. Wrapping her into your embrace, your eyes landed on Bora handing you a cup. 
“Drink. We need to decide now. Not only are The council after you; hunters caught wind too.” Bora spoke. You placed the cups to your lips letting the blood pool in your mouth. A sigh slipped your lips as your hold on Wednesday tightened. You shook your head leaning back locking eyes with Wednesday. 
“They have communicated with me about the ceremony. Shall we talk upstairs?” She whispered and you nodded, placing the cup down following Wednesday, leaving the OB to figure out what is going to happen. 
Once you were in the room, you shut the door behind you, locking it. You watched Wednesday's movements when she took a seat on the windowpane. Her heartbeat drummed in your ears. The rhythm reminded you about the movies you and Jaime used to watch that would fill your bodies with excitement on what would happen next. 
“However you wish to proceed with the ceremony, I am in.” She started. You nodded leaning against the wall, “but you and I both know that to speed up this process we will need to-” You lifted your hand stopping her. “I know, it’s just I-” You stopped when your throat felt dry, a cough dashed out your mouth causing you to hunch over. Wednesday stood from her position taking a step towards you. 
“What is wrong?” She whispered, pain rushed from your side as you released a grunt. 
“Somethings not right.” You whispered scanning the room but everything slowed when an object pierced your shoulder sending you into the ground. Glass broke from the window but the black spots that clouded your vision did you no good when arms were wrapped Wednesday. A loud bang rang throughout the room when a blurred shadow was quick to grab the masked intruder before they blurred out the window. Your body was lifted from the ground but everything was silent when you saw the look on Boras face.
Bora's hands were over her mouth, Raina's eyes filled with tears, D vaulted over the balcony railing towards Alek who was already in the field and Marija’s gasp caused you to struggle against her hold. The rain stopped. The wind stopped. Your dead heart…stopped. You wiggled out of Marijas hold blurring to the field to see the woman you grew to- oh…you loved her. 
“Wednesday?” You whispered to her but you heard nothing. You didn’t hear her heart in your ears. Her breathing used to be your sound to remind yourself that you were alive. Alive with a purpose on this planet even if you knew you were dead. Your hand went under her head bringing her close to your chest whispering, 
“Wednesday, wake up.” Pleading, you placed your nose into her hair inhaling her vanilla scent to distract you from releasing the sob that clawed at your throat. Warmth was felt near your side when you moved your gaze to see a dagger pierced into her side. Red began to seep through her clothes onto yours. The smell of the blood did not faze you, the pain you felt now overpowered the hunger but the anger that now bubbled in the pit of your stomach caused the animals in the forest to cry. The birds began to swarm the sky when the clouds grew dark. The horrid sound of the elks cries when the trees begin to aggressively sway. Your fangs slashed out your gums as you leaned into her neck whispering, 
“I’m sorry.” 
Piercing your fangs into her vein, you began to drink. Her blood pooled your mouth; still warm. Your arms pulled her closer when the tears you shed dropped against her. Her blood was sweet. Her blood was water in the desert and you couldn't bring yourself to stop but the ache in your bones caused you to pull back placing a kiss onto her forehead. You placed another onto her cheek, then the other, then leaned back taking one last look at the girl beneath you. Latching back into her neck you released your venom into her vein. 
D took a step back clutching their shirt; eyes turning white, grabbing Alek’s attention. Alek took a step towards them but a cough made its way out his mouth. Fire shot out his mouth at an unstoppable speed erupting the construction material next to him in flames. Boras' gaze turned to the two, noticing the uncontrollable grasp they had on their gift. All the OBs were now on the field with uncomfortable feelings in their chest. Marija huffed losing her footing, 
“They are absorbing all of our gifts at once… this can’t be right.” Bora whispered when her hand twitched. Her body ached, screaming at the bones in her body confused on what to shift into. She could ignore the pain, but seeing tears fall from Sophie's eyes; she knew you had to be stopped before it was too late. You were going to kill yourself. 
“I can feel the blood boiling in my veins.” Raina leaned towards Bora's ear whispering. Bora nodded, taking a step forward but once you laid Wednesday back onto the ground, everything stopped. 
Your fingers wrapped around the dagger, yanking it out of her abdomen. Standing to your feet, everyone could not only feel your pain, but they feared the way they could also feel the anger that radiated off your skin. Tilting your head back, the sky grew dark. You twirled the tip of the dagger on your index finger turning to the OB. Your eyes were black as night. The veins could be seen under your eyes and your fangs were exposed. You took a deep inhale through your nose letting a sinister smile paint your face. 
“Come out, I can smell the guilt in your blood!” You shouted, taking a few steps back. The OB was now standing side by side watching this new side of you. Alucard was now watching from the rooftop with a smirk playing on his lips as Rein blurred next to Bora. 
“I do not think it is safe for us to stop Dracula.” Rein spoke to the woman who had her eyes glued on you. She nodded, “I think we will engage when the time is right.” She responded. 
A shadow appeared in the trees becoming clearer and clearer till Rein gasped at the shadow that was now sending you a fanged smile. Rein took a few steps back then blurred away. The entire OB was now standing there wide-eyed with the new information you were replaying in your head. 
“Oh trust me, this isn’t guilt.”
Your fangs were bare. Venom dripped. You were beyond angry. You were livid. 
“I am going to rip you to fucking shreds Xavier.” You growled out blurring towards him. He held a fanged smile opening his arms wide letting you take him down into the trees. You placed your hands around his neck but the look on his face only made you see red. He was smiling. 
“Killing me won’t change the fact that you can’t save her,” he laughed out. You yelled, tossing him back onto the field. He laid motionless but still had that smile on his face. You were walking towards the boy, the loud voices of the OB were screaming in your head to stop but one stood out. 
“To be feared is better to be than to be loved.”
Flicking your hand that was to your side caused a ball of fire to appear in your palm. Alek shook his head taking a step but Bora's hand on his chest stopped him. Using your free hand, you grabbed a dagger that was being held by your belt loop. Xavier manically laughed shaking his head, 
“You don’t have it in you to kill your best friend.” You shook your head tossing the dagger to the side watching Xavier stand to his feet but a choked sob slipped his mouth when your hand went to the side of his neck. 
“You aren’t my best friend…” You whispered. Xaviers head tilted to the side but when your head turned towards the other side of the field there stood Rein with Xavier by his side; his eyes widened. 
“You. Are. The. Council-” With every word you said, your fingers sank deeper and deeper into his neck. The boy fell to his knees with his eyes boring into yours. Your fingers could feel the bone of the man's neck but he was still alive..you just needed one more thing. 
“And I am going to kill every last one of them.” You gritted out, his mouth fell agape once your fingers wrapped around his bone shoving the ball of fire down his throat, watching the pit of fire run down into abdomen. A sinister smile painted your face when you yanked your hand back letting his blood splatter across your face. A gruesome thud echoed through the tall trees while you watched the man burn away but not without transforming back to his original form. 
Taking a few steps back, you sent a look towards Sophie as she sent you a slow nod. She blurred to Wednesday, placing her in her arms, blurring into the house. You looked back at Rein mouthing a ‘go’ which without a thought, he grabbed Xavier and blurred away to Nevermore. 
“The Councils here.” You spoke, the OBs nodded, getting ready but a person with a red hooded robe appeared walking out the forest. They stopped a few meters away, you kept your eyes glued on the lower half of their face since it was the only thing you could see due to the hood over their head. 
“I have a message for the Ascendant.” He spoke out, you kept your eyes peeled but from the looks of it… he was alone. You sent him a nod watching him grab a pouch from inside his robe tossing it your way. You caught the small bag, cautiously opening it letting the objects inside fall onto the ground. The entire OB gasped. They rings each council member. The rings of Thee. 
“The Council is dead.” The hooded figure spoke aloud, you huffed shaking your head. No…they can’t be. How? 
“I was sent to let the Ascendant know…to surrender to the new Lord of Thee.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at the man. Bora looked at the others to see the same expression on each of their faces. Shocked. 
“And what will happen if I don’t surrender?” You asked with your head tilted to the side. If it meant killing this new Lord? So be it. The man grabbed the sides of his hood, lifting it off his head. His eyes glowed letting you shield your own with your arm but the bright light blinded everyone around but the man that watched above. Alucard blurred to your postion grabbing a fist full of your shirt but a grunt fell out his mouth. He looked down at his side to see a dart with white liquid entering him. You yelped, leaning all of your body weight on to him when another dart of the same exact liquid pierced into the side of your neck. Your eyes were wide in fear when all he could do was hold you in his arms as you both crumbled to the ground. 
Bora was the first to see what was happening, she blurred a few meters but a dart hit her leg. She was quick to yank it out but the red liquid that entered her was enough to drop her limp. Each OB was hit with a dart causing all to fall into an unconscious state. You laid there with your gaze towards the cloudy sky hoping this was your last. You were ready to be with Wednesday again till a shadow blocked the beautiful sky. Everything around him went dark when your eyes locked onto his. You could feel the liquid making its course through your body but you could feel the shiver that ran down your spine. 
“Hello, sister.” 
told y'all...
MY BAD YALL, I just seen it all fucked up at the end. It was 4AM and I was ready to take my ass to sleep! I FIXED IT!
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ash-stacy · 3 months
Ash Stacy Nerd Hour!
Issue #01-Super Metroid
Welcome to The Ash Stacy Video Game Hour, something new that I'll be trying out.! So what is this even? Well to no ones suprise i am a huge nerd. And this little collum which i will also post on my website once i make it will be me talking about... whatever! As long as its nerd stuff! Could be a movie i watched, a video game i beat or any topic that interests me. Sometimes multiple per issue!
On tonights episode we'll start off small talking about a video game i beat 5 minutes ago as of writing this paragraph!
Super Metroid is a game that most of you have probably already heard a bit about. Possibly due to the announcement of prime 4 or due to its massive fanbase and speedrunning community. It's the third mainline game in the Metroid saga and stars Samus Aran after the events of Metroid 2, or Metroid Samus Returns, they both ckcer the same events so take your pick. After giving the baby metroid to the space fedaration it is kidnapped by Ridley! Samus must track it down and find it. That's all i'll say about the story for now. If you haven't played the game, go play it and then come back. Or don't. I'm not a cop.
"But Ash! What did YOU think of the game" Well im getting to it be patient. I found the game to be a delight, although i had to use a walkthrough for the end game it was a great experience, sprite work was beautiful and the gameplay was fun yada yada we all know this game is great. 9 john metroids out of 10.
Anyways time for the hate because it is fresh.
Mother Brain is the worst boss fight in history*
*exaggerated for comical effect, I played the orignal Megaman i've fought worse.
The boss starts the moment you enter a hallway and get attacked by yellow... circles... Hey i knew that megaman refrence was relevant! But you can destroy the circles so not that bad right? Wrong. Most thing you can destroy in this game drop hp or missiles. Not theese things. No. That would be kind. And Nintendo R&D1 is not kind. Theese balls drop nothing, spawn constantly and prevent you from breaking the barriers which require missiles to destroy. If you run out of missiles in that room then too bad. Perish. And then after you get pass that you get to Mother brain, who's glass can only be hurt by missiles.
After doing that tedious process of being kicked into lava and trying to not miss you go to phase 2 were she can be hurt by charge beams, because you will most likely be out of missiles. Then you have a actually fun time dodging the boss and retaliating until the rainbow beam. If you have 299 hp left you will not win the boss fight. You will automatically die. Of course this clever game desing the more energy tanks you collected the easier the boss is so i wont harp on it to much but i died so many times to that so i get to be comically angry. And then Big Boy Metroid saves you and Samus keeps up the record of blowing up every planet she steps foot on. You also save some cute animals.
Aside from that great game, the physics were a bit wonky and i have no idea how to time the space jump and i hsed a walkthrough for the latter half but great game will replay it one day!
See you... next time i think something up!
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ok so. Got my controller. Gave it another shot.
Perished in the first half an hour on like 2 stages because the camera movements were making me sooooo sick.
I trucked through until Knuckles' first playable section looking for the emerald shards and then gave up because my head was KILLING ME. Old game, makes sense, also makes no sense because i never get motion sick. Ever. Not fun.
I continued on the next day and tried some different settings, made the screen smaller n all that, stopped fussing over xyz (i am a completionist at heart but the game seems to be more about finishing fast than collecting everything? so im trying to just see how i go putting the collection aspect in the backseat and just focusing on playing well). Major improvement! No sickness, just played to my hearts content and it was great.
Tail's va is adorable!! I LOVED his section in the Tornado going to find Sonic it was so simple but so entertaining. Eggman is hilariously pathetic - Rouge and Knuckles arguing over the emerald and he just gets grumbly and totters off. Amy is. Pining. Does she just not have her hammer in this game?? Im not that far in but im gonna be so sad if she just stands there fawning over Sonic and does nothing the whole time :( Shadow makes me laugh every time he's on screen he's an idiot I love him <333 Eggman's telling him that the Island is about to explode and his jaw is wide open. For like 40 seconds. Its the goofiest expression ever and I cackled at it. ALSO HIS EARS I CANNOT GET OVER THEM THEY ARE SO ROUND!!! I CANT TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY!!!!
Just a little frustrated over both the dizzyness i intially had and some of the game just. Not getting explained to me. The Chao garden for example is so cute but i have no idea how it works... so i just decided that my first playthrough would be me just dragging myself to the finish line, and then if i want to I'll try the whole thing again with a bit more knowledge on it!! Overall still super fun - we're just here to ball after all!!!
0 notes
keefwho · 2 years
November 24 - 2022
8:53 AM
I gotta find a way to tell my parents I don’t want ANY of their food for thanksgiving. What will probably happen is mom will make me a plate and I’ll take it to eat in my room but I’ll just throw it out. I know the status of their food/kitchen, its GROSS. REALLY gross, this isn’t me being a clean freak. Their kitchen is filthy by normal people standards. And their idea of food safety is fucked too. I don’t want to eat from a kitchen with 5 dogs in it, rotten food on the counters, most things past their use by date, perishables that have been left out for hours before being put back in the fridge, and BUGS everywhere. Fuck man. Mom’s saying she’ll give me a whole miniature hen and a pie and asking if I’ll eat with them for Thanksgiving. As much as I’d like to in theory, I won’t be. 
With literally anyone else, I’d just tell the truth. I’d just say I don’t want to eat your food for “X” reason. But I know my parents won’t understand and will jump to some wild conclusion and suggest I see therapy or some shit. Nah, ya’ll are just FILTHY by anyone’s standards. THEY need therapy, for real. Its such a dysfunctional household. 
10:54 AM
I hate when I get lonely but also don’t want to talk to anyone. There’s maybe 2 people I can think of that I’d actually want to spend time with today but they are both busy. So its gonna be a melancholic day unless I end up feeling like socializing with strangers or something. Its totally my fault for being picky. 
12:24 PM
My plan is to push through my mental anguish until I get work done, and then I can start doing something to counter how I feel. Maybe I’ll force myself to be social, or dedicate myself to some project like my VR furry world or trying to learn guitar again. 
I don’t know why it feels impossible for me to make friends. I’ve clearly already made some. But strangers seem like unreachable people. And I don’t really want to make new friends, I like the ones I have. I just wanna spend time with them. Having to talk to strangers because no one is around feels like I’m just meeting my body’s needs which is kind of like using them for my own gain. I know it’s probably a mutual exchange but I still don’t like it. I should get over it and accept myself as a social creature like everyone else is. I gotta do what I gotta do. 
1:18 PM
I think the idea of eating breakfast before 10am, then having 10am - 6pm be busy hours is a good idea. It makes me not feel so rushed with comms because I never operate so late but now I have the ability to without thinking I’m doing too much. 
2:07 PM
My whole day is off. Its sad boy hours and I’m late to finishing things. Im gonna shower and try to finish up with commissions. 
4:03 PM
I wanted to eat my little Turkey pot pie today but I’m not strong enough for it right now. It would be a little mental exercise because I have this aversion to eating things out of the bottom of my freezer even though I’ve confirmed it’s functioning properly. It’s not a very big challenge but today my mental strength is at 0. I’d rather eat something familiar and cozy especially since my appetite today has been poor. 
I hope my parents don’t expect anything out of me today. They tend to take holidays very seriously. Like it’ll be a deep personal offense if I don’t go over there and eat with them. At least thats how it used to be. I can’t remember doing anything with them for Thanksgiving last year but I think that’s because they went to a friend’s house or something. 
11:48 PM 
Sometimes I get really tired of my own art. Probably because I have to look at it constantly. But it sucks because I can’t really get a grasp on the actual quality of anything I make until a lot of time has passed. 
I wish I could just do something differently but its never that simple. I don’t even know what I’d want to do different. Anything I choose to change about how I draw has to be slow and gradual for me to know if I really like it or not. Or how practical it is. Maybe I need some more time to play around. I often stop myself from experimenting because I’m always working on things that I don’t want to take risks on. 
The solution to all my art problems is usually getting some new info into the system. Something I haven’t done in a long long time is copying art that inspires me. Watching tutorials can also help. 
My night was SAVED with some bestie time. I don’t think it’s healthy that I tend to rely so heavily on time with my friends but how do I/ should I fix that? Maybe it’s normal to feel lonely when the only people you want to hang out with are unavailable. Am I supposed to emotionally leave them behind temporarily for other people? I think I’d rather be a little sad for awhile and wait for them. I can take care of myself in the meantime. 
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agirldying · 2 years
what are you in school for again, i have never heard of chapbooks before what is that? that sounds like a lot of stress, being a student is rough and so difficult while the semester is coming to an end. is this your last year?
i’m sorry your living situation has been tough. if you want to talk about it we are here, im here and care so much. it’s good you are looking ahead to your future living situation rather then be fixated on how it is now. this will pass hun. im glad you are doing a bit better, do you want to talk about the mental breakdown? if so, and you don’t feel comfy posting about it i can message you.
hope this isn’t too many questions
Hi anon!
Never too many questions, I like feeling cared about lmao
I'm majoring in creative writing and minoring in art. According to my professor, a chapbook is typically 48 pages or fewer, often 20-35 pages in length. They can be really any genre but are mostly short nonfiction or poetry collections. They're basically formal zines. The class that requires a chapbook at the end of the semester is my poetry capstone. My chapbook must contain at least 10 new poems (new as in written this semester). I'm honestly not confident with a few of them but my professor has talked me into sparing them. But because I'm not really confident in it, the chapbook will likely not be anything I'm going to publish or sell, but it will be a good start to making a chapbook I am happy with.
I have two more semesters.
Below the cut is an extremely long rant about my living situation
Honestly the breakdown was basically an overload of both work and social stress surrounding my living situation. For multiple reasons I just... only live in my room and not the rest of the house due to the state its in. My room isn't the cleanest and my laundry is in a huge pile against my wall but at least I refrigerate or dispose of perishable food items and wrappers and such. I feel like the only tenant that cleans up after themselves immediately after using anything. There are dirty dishes on the counter that I have to put in the sink for them since they apparently are too busy to clean up after themselves. Anytime I complain about it I get insulted. When I ask for us to have a meeting to sit and talk they take it like a joke. I don't deny that we all have our problems but it's no excuse to leave the common areas like a mess. Some housemates treat the house like only they live here. I've been putting up with this for two semesters and I cannot wait to move out the second I'm done with finals. I'm just so utterly frustrated because I tried to confront them about the mess, I offered for us to have an open discussion, and they've given up so I have too. I'm done trying to make things work with them. I'm still trying to be nice whenever they speak to me just to avoid further conflict but I'm standing on my last leg.
Just... so much has happened. Recently one of my housemate's cats apparently snuck into my room and was subsequently trapped inside it while I was away, so it peed on my dish chair. I tried lathering it in dish soap, letting it sit for an hour, taking it out back and hosing it down, letting it dry overnight outside, but it still smelled so I covered it in baking soda and let it sit for a half hour but it STILL stunk so I gave up and left it outside, trying to think of how to dispose of it. My mom offered to cover the cost of a new chair, which I just ordered today, and the cat's owner offered to pay half of the cost, so I'm not that mad about it anymore but I still just was like... this is why I always have to keep my door closed. We have 2 cats and a puppy being actively potty trained so it's a fucking zoo. Yet another reason why I feel confined to my room.
And I honestly never really socialize with the other housemates, which I feel like has to do with me being autistic, depressed, and borderline. So none of them know me at all despite living with me for a year, and I'm honestly okay with that because there's only one housemate I feel like I could even remotely get along with, and even still I have issues trusting her because everyone seems to talk to each other about anything I say. I never signed up to live in a sorority but here I am.
I wouldn't be so pressed about my living situation if we all had better communication. Because even if they confessed that they're struggling to clean up after themselves due to whatever the fuck, mental health or work or whatever it is, I'd feel less infuriated because at least I'd know why. But without any kind of justification I walk out of my room and immediately see dirty dishes, pans with grease lying out on the stove, food sitting out for days at a time, wrappers and empty containers with ample space in the garbage, it just puts me on edge and I don't understand how they don't get that. It's disrespectful to me and everyone else who lives here. Fuck.
But yeah my mental breakdown was mostly due to all the above. On the day that it happened I had gone to a class where some white cishet male was popping off about how much he hates cancel culture because he was allegedly cancelled for an "unpopular opinion" which really tempted me to ask what the opinion was because like,,, cancel culture comes from a place of accountability for saying stupid, discriminatory shit so I'd love to fuckin know what it was that you said. But I kept my mouth shut because I imagined myself being antagonized for interrogating. So that already put me in a really tense state. So then I come home and, for context I use the side door of my house because it's closest to my bedroom, but I have to enter a mudroom before I enter the house. And when I walked up to the door I noticed that a fucking litter box (one that had a lid as well) was like, in-between the outside and inside doors to the mudroom. And that just set me off even more because I felt forgotten, like hello I use this door so don't block the entryway thanks very fucking much. So in a fit of frustration I forced the door open and then took the litter box and threw it to the other side of the mudroom. Mind you I currently am wearing acrylics, I pulled my nail in the process, which made me EVEN MORE upset. So I finally come into the house, enter my room, slam the door behind me, and start hyperventilating. You know what happens next.
At this point I'm just trying to look ahead and keep reminding myself that we only have a couple weeks left of the semester and then I'm in my dreaded hometown for a few months before I move into the apartment of my dreams with the boyfriend of my dreams. I've just been trying to dissociate my way through it and trying to look at it optimistically, like "only 5 classes left per class, that's such a small number it'll go by quick" etc.
If you read this far, thank you for listening. It helped just to write it out. I'm goin through it
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iamtheempress · 4 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 4) ¤ ¤ ¤
Calamatta managed to roll out of bed and redress herself. Pulling on the suit and grabbing a spare to bring with her on her trip to To-Rot. Leaving her room she met with Nappa. "There she is!" He chugged a caffeinated hot beverage down like it was nothing, Raditz stood beside him counting his wad of cash and stuffing it in his armor. 
"Pay looks nice." She yawns and stretches making her cute tail curl and back arch abit. "37,000. Not bad but could be better. Vegeta got the most of it." Nappa nods and pushes the yawning female saiyan a mug of the hot beverage. "Thanks...gonna need it." "Damn right you are! Vegeta is still sleeping. Weird he said he was gonna get up before us.. eh whatever. Lets get your pod and stuff ready then well worry bout him." Nappa said as Calamatta shined off the mug and pushed it away.
Upon going to the pod, her coordinates were set and everything was packed into there Raditz, who was standing besides her piped up, leaning against the pod with his massive arms crossed. "Dont take this the wrong way Calamatta but… why are you so…" he moves his hands in an hour glass shape and tilts his head. Calamatta went wide eyed and fixed her suit where her ass is. 
"If thats how you flirt with women that was a strike out, good lord! And I have know idea why! Its just my body shape idiot…" she comments hearing Nappa wheeze as he fixes some wires within the pod, followed by him clanging his head leaving. "Im not! I d-dont flirt its just that… well… shes got… n-nice legs and … a great fa-" Calamatta thwipped her tail like a nervous cat. The bay door slid open and Raditz's poor excuse for flirtation was stopped DEAD in its tracks. "Stop harassing Calamatta on her body type Raditz, Saiyan women were given bodys to kill, shes built like a fine tuned weapon whether you see it or not." Vegeta points up at Raditz who scowled with a full face of blush. "Oh so you look at her too Vegeta?" Calamatta slaps her forehead and raises her voice flicking Raditz in the forehead for his really stupid comment. "Can yall stop talking about me like im not fuckin here??" She snapped annoyed and heard Nappa close up the oxygen port.
 "Ready boss?" She asked Vegeta, who nodded and got into his respective pod and punched in the coordinates manually. "Later guys!" She got in and Raditz and Nappa left the pod evac room. 
Vegeta's voice sparked to life on her scouter. "Theres a hidden base by the most recent Frieza Force there.. we should make it there in an hour so that will be our base of operation. No breaches from outside forces." She nods and for the 2nd time in her life the pod flew straight out of the mothership into the cold vacuum of space. 
She crossed her arms and watched Vegetas whiz right past her hurtling with effort and ease to the planet that only seemed to become larger.. if that wasnt already more possible.
 She marveled at it… it was amazing. It was a shame she was there for a job to do. 
It was under 50 minutes where there pods broke entry to the planets atmosphere, careening and becoming hot to the touch, cold metal heating up faster, and faster becoming scorching red hot. Then the mountain range came into view, with the ship in sight the two pods crashed right into a large cave system. 
Welding their pods into the hard rock walls to jut through with 0 damage just enough room for the pods to open on the opposite side of the mountain. Calamatta and Vegeta pushed the button to open the pod bay doors, they took one solid whif of the atmosphere and Cala sighed. "To-Rot huh.. so wheres the base ship?" Cala steps her boots onto the alien planets surface. "5 miles that way. Stay within the tree line, follow my lead." The prince cracks his neck and blasts away leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him.
 "Say no more.." she stated following close behind Vegeta. Vegetas eyes were trained ahead. Toa ship that was covered in dirt and over growth. He tapped his scouter to be sure. "Perfect.. no signs of power levels. Excellent!" He smirked, the prince and Calamatta landed outside of the ship. Vegeta punched in a code and they were both let in. "Good.. now.. lets have a look around. The recent failed mission logs should have data from their logs. Have a look around for food and whatever else when i find the log ill call for you"  Vegeta announced as the hangar door shut behind them locking followed by a robotic voice. 
'Systems Armed'
Calamatta turned on her heels and scampered to the back of the ship. Vegeta watched the eager Saiyan trot away, with a sigh and a roll of his eye he headed towards the command deck of the ship. 
Collected with dust and opened up first aid kits, Vegeta scanned the surrounding area cautiously. 3 lone scouters covered in blood sat on the front of the deck. An ominous reminder of the past couple of grunts who died here. 
He snagged the three up and turned to call for Calamatta "Found them! Get up here!"
Calamatta dropped this box of rations she found and walked quickly to the front to see him plugging in the scouters logs. An unfamiliar voice chimed to life. 
"F-Force log number 1, we have arrived at To-Rot, this area is to be our base of operation since the inhabitants cannot scale plateaus or fly. We will commence terraformation and return in a week." Vegeta clicked the 2nd video, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 
"F-Force Log number 2… uhm.. Que, Roa, and Gil went missing yesterday. We have been here for 3 days now and i have seen hide nor tail of them... ill send a distress warning to the mother ship but i will go and find my crew." 
He pressed the last one and the room suddenly became much heavier. "F-Force number 3… i found my crew.. w-whats left of them…" he held up baren bones and armor. "This planets fucked up… if you know whats good for you send the Saiyans.. theyll do a better job.. i couldnt save my crew! This is Nutte signing off… i'm going to look for Roa.”
"Thats… not good.." Vegeta groaned and plugged in the next scouter, A new crew came up on the screen, a crew of ten. The crew was looking around, brows raised and sweat on their brow. “So we are the 4th crew to come to this planet alone, from what were aware these uh… the main population of this race is highly hostile and we need to utilize lethal force...Well update as we go along.” After that log there was no update, no commanders log. He stepped away and swiped a hand through his hair. “Last log…”  He clicked on it which was 7 full days ago. 
A Log List of all the times this one computer has been logged into popped up. It was far more then 4.
10 Crew lists came through. Crews of upwards of 5 being the smallest to 30 being the most. All vanished within days of arrival. All of them mentioning, to send someone stronger, someone more capable. The Saiyans, they begged for the Saiyans help and they were all sent on suicide missions back to back to back to back.
Vegeta slammed his hands down on the console making it glitch the screen. “Of course theyd call for us…dammit!” He barked and kept his back turned away from her. “So they sent them on suicide missions because… they didn’t want to send us?” She questioned, furrowing her brows trying to wrap her head around the situation. “Frieza didnt want to send me and the other two… He sent US on a suicide mission.” Vegeta turned quickly and stared daggers into Calamatta, the overwhelming feeling of concern rain heavy within her head, and sat uncomfortably in her stomach like something she shouldnt have eaten.
Vegeta crossed the room and pointed his finger right into her chest a deep growl emanating from behind his bared teeth. “He went and sent ME with YOU so we can both perish!” “Hey hey what the hell! Calm down abit, well make it out of here ill follow orders.” Vegeta’s vein popped out on his forehead, eyes narrowed furious.
 “Thats not my point. Your optimism is the closest thing we have to any cocky behavior! It doesnt surprise me why Frieza sent me to a month long mission..” She put up her hands and once again her heart sunk; she went wide eyed staring into the princes heartlessly infuriated black eyes.
Friezas words rattled in her skull ‘your life is as forfeit to me as it is Vegeta…’
“I dont get why he would send both of us to die.” He turned back around and walked to a table with a map on it. “You stood at Frieza’s side for as long as you have been able to speak, you wanted freedom from him, now you might as well see the harsh reality, he never had any good intentions for you Calamatta. He wants you dead, so much so hell send the both of us to a lethal planet to terraform on our own…” He said flatly, Calamatta remained silent her tail loosely hanging from her waist. Her dignity and pride feeling like it was oozing out of her very pores. “Now get over here and lets get an idea of the land… this moon has two moons and we have to plan accordingly.” The map is very detailed of the entirety of the planet from the red deserts to the lush green forests and then to the grayed out city scapes. All of them giant hot beds of activity, teaming with life as they knew it. 
His orders were direct and bland. Calamatta dragged her feet, depressed. Feeling less and less like a Saiyan by the moment, it wasnt so much Vegeta.. it was how quickly she was starting to realize Frieza was right, and goddamn did it grate her nerves to know that... The idea of freedom is going to be lightyears more heavier then she could imagine, shes not even close and this is what she has to deal with. Calamatta tightened her tail back up around her waist and listened to her Princes expertise plan of attack.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith ​ @jimbobslurpnchug @dragonballcollector @nikabriefs @lilhemmo @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing ​ @chickiedinner @anti-jaina @lizardhipsdontlie @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit ​ @solidsock​
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sleepychai-fics · 6 years
Virgil x Shy!Witch!Reader - Part 2
I am so sorry this is so late. this was like requested months ago and i never got around to doing it. I’m so sorry.
@companionjones here you go, you deserve it and once again i apologise for not posting it when i promised to. im so bad. 
here’s part 1
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Words: 1360 
The paper planes flap their small wings, circling around the two of us. They follow each other in single file, dancing in wave-like motions.
I glance at Thomas who ‘awe’s in amazement, a smile spread across his face.
I reach into my small pouch and pull out a small pinch of pink dust. I sprinkle it in a horizontal line between me and Thomas.
I look back up to the cranes watching as they slow their speed and spiral down to where the dust is, sliding to a stop in single file and returning to their inanimate pose.
“Wow.” Thomas awe’s and smiles in amazement. “That was amazing! And you practice these sorts of spells?”
“I practice what I can. Most of the spells I know takes several hours to make so I use this spell to occupy myself.” I say, tying up the pouch tightly. “But this particular spell itself takes a full week to make so I always have this being prepared at my house.”
Thomas stares at me with interest. “Wow. So how big is your house? Must be big to fit all your cauldrons.”
“It’s not as big as I’d like it to be but I manage.” I reply.
“It should be smaller.” I gasp and look up behind Thomas, finding the threatening glare of Roman. “You don’t deserve that big of a house anyway.”
“Roman.” Thomas turns to glare at Roman. “Be nice.”
“You don’t deserve to have your own space. You’re a disgrace to humanity. A terror that deserves to perish.”
“Roman!” Thomas stand up, putting himself directly in front of Roman. “Stop this right now. She doesn’t need your torment. She doesn’t deserve it.”
“Oh don’t be foolish Thomas.” Roman disregards Thomas, instead directing his glare at you. “Who’s to say she hasn’t brainwashed you already?”
“Roman that’s enough.”
“Such a pitiful creature.”
His words are like swords plunging through me, each one more painful then the last.
Tears begin to line my eyelids, threatening to spill over. My breathing starts to become irregular and rigid, I can feel my limbs begin to shake and stiffen at the same time.
“A waste of space here. No one needs you.”
“Shut the Fuck Up!” Virgil roars as he appears, harshly shoving Roman away.
I look up at Virgil, but all I see is the back of his head. I can feel his anger as it radiates off his body, overpowering Roman’s shock and Thomas’ fear.
I bring my knees up to my chest, wanting to disappear from the scene and cry alone and afraid.
“I’m only saying the truth Virgil! Open you eyes and look at her!”
“How about you open your own eyes! She’s just living her life! She doesn’t need your constant torment! So why not take that giant stick out of your ass and stop being an asshole to her!” Virgil seethes through his teeth, spitting and glaring at Roman.
Thomas gives up his attempt to stop the fight. Instead he takes the initiative to sit beside me, rubbing a warm and comforting hand up and down my back.
I lean into him, hugging my knees closer to my chest.
More harsh full words are thrown around. Some aimed towards me, some at Virgil and some at Roman. I don’t pay attention to them. I can’t. It’s too much for me to focus on.
“Stop fighting. Please.” I barely hear or even register myself saying these words.
I begin gasping for breath, my lungs constricting painfully, not allowing me to gain a full gulp of air. I close my eyes in pain.
More words slip out of my mouth, louder and probably the same words as before, but I’m not completely sure.
I feel a blunt pressure on my knees as I grip them tightly with my hands, trying to regain composure and some sort of balance within the room.
Thomas’ hand slip away and I begin to freak out before it returns, this time slightly different in the grip.
A wave of nausea hits me, almost making me vomit, but it disappears as quick as it comes.
Familiar warmth envelops me along with a sense of consolation and relief.
Tears rush down my face as I struggle to regain my lost oxygen.
Words of encouragement begin to reach my ears through the ringing, the voice distinct and familiar.
“It’s ok. You’re okay. Breathe with me, come on. You can do it.”
The voice bring a new anchor to me. Something that helps me keep me on the ground, something to hold me down from the rising anxiety.
I stagger my breaths, eventually regaining some control over my breathing.
“That’s it, breathe. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. You can do it. I believe in you.
I slowly grasp back proper control of my breathing, syncing into a rhythm of a heartbeat that pulses comfortingly in my ear.
I blink my eyes open, noticing the sleeve of a familiar, purple-checkered jacket.
I close my eyes peacefully, Virgil’s arm tightening slightly. I snuggle into his chest, my body rested in his lap
His free hand makes its’ home by threading its’ fingers through my hair.
I let out a final sigh, releasing all my previous tension and fully leaning my weight on Virgil, who only hugs me tighter to him.
A few seconds of silence pass by, nothing but our quiet breaths filling the room.
I open my eyes, the final droplets of tears dripping down my face. I stare blankly into the room, keeping my heartbeat and breathing in control.
I instinctively flinch upon feeling the gentle stroking of a thumb wiping away my tears. I trace the thumb up an arm before converting my gaze to Virgil’s.
His eyes are full of concern and slightly anxious, which is expected from him. He stares at me, his eyes piercing into mine.
He doesn’t speak it verbally, but his eyes clearly express the question for him, whether it’s intended or not.
“I’m fine.” I answer the unspoken question. “Thank you Virgil. I really appreciate it.” I hesitantly wrap my arms around Virgil’s waist. I feel him tense up slightly before reluctantly relaxing.
“No problems.” Virgil replies. “There’s no need to thank me, you needed help.”
Silence ensues the room once again, this time more peaceful than before.
A question peaks at my mind as I delve in the comfort of Virgil’s embrace. I ponder of the question, nervous to even consider it. Virgil seems to notice my spike of anxiety as he asks:
“Are you okay? Is something bothering you?”
My face flushes a bright red. I gulp down my nerves and coyly look up at him.
“Is...Am I?...C-Can I...st-stay h-here?...T-Tonight?” I manage to stutter out.
I watch in anticipation as Virgil’s face flushed with a pale red. His lips slowly upturn into a small smile.
I smile up at him, nuzzling into his chest.
Virgil slowly unwraps his arm from my chest and grabs the blankets. He then leans back and guides me to lay in the middle of the bed. I shuffle away from him slightly, letting him raise the blankets and pull them up to my shoulders, tucking it in behind me.
I immediately snuggle back into his chest as he opens his arms in invitation.
We nestle into each other’s comfort and warmth.
A rush of exhaustion slams into me like a brick wall. I let out big yawn, covering it with Virgil’s chest. I hear Virgil chuckle lightly, his chest bouncing with each breath. He returns his hand to my hair, brushing through the strands of hair with his fingers.
“Goodnight.” Virgil whispers as he nuzzles his nose into my hair.
I smile contently. “Goodnight.”
Roman’s previous comment suddenly arises back into my head and before I can process my thoughts, I blurt them out with no hesitation.
“I love you.”
I feel Virgil’s anxiety spike up in a split second before falling back into a euphoric state. I can feel Virgil’s smile widen as I fall asleep.
“I love you too.”
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barelylivinblog · 6 years
We Went to Canada to See A Lot of Water
After driving through what seemed an endless route to the north pole, my boyfriend and I were crossing Lake Erie and heading across the border into Canada towards Niagara Falls. 
Traveling there wasn’t as bad as I’m letting it off to be, but being in a car for six hours definitely put a toll on my childlike soul. I spent almost an hour of the ride harassing my boyfriend by wearing his sunglasses and being ridiculous, which I now realize was a lot funnier in person than written out. 
If there’s anything I can tell you about taking a road trip, it’s very simple: Pack Snacks. 
Had my boyfriend’s mother not supplied us with a sandwich bag crammed with two breakfast bars, a nutty butty, and two bags of popcorn, I would have perished. We made the mistake not to stop when we saw food, and when I say food, I mean the shady gas stations along side the highway to nowhere. This was the best option because after so far along when we were actually hungry there was NO WHERE to eat until we got into Buffalo. At that point it made no sense to travel into buffalo when we could just wait until we got into Canada. 
Starving, we hurried along to our hotel and then quickly settled to eat at the Apple Bee’s right down the street from our hotel. Had we not been so hungry, I’m sure we wouldn’t have settled for the most American option. However, as my boyfriend said, it was easier knowing we were going to a place where we knew we would enjoy the food.
To my horror upon looking at the menu: Canada’s Apple Bee’s DOES NOT SERVE BONELESS WINGS. I am an expert when it comes to American Apple Bee’s because if there was one close to my house I would eat there every day. The menu at the Canadian one was, to my surprise, much smaller. They didn’t even offer two for $25. 
Another thing I picked up on quickly was how expensive everything was. Even with the conversion I ended up spending double my anticipated amount just from eating and sightseeing. The only free part of the trip was seeing the Falls themselves. My boyfriend even had to pay to park his car for the weekend. 
Anyways, after paying what seemed like a million dollars for a meal at the facade that they called Apple Bee’s, we headed down to the Falls for the first time in the dark. In order to get there you had to walk down this steep hill (which continuously killed me when we hiked back up it) and walk under this bridge that still had been decorated for Christmas. The whole city was still decorated for Christmas which was nice considering our trip was a “Christmas” trip. 
Once you got so far down the hill there was a picture view of what I believed to be the only Falls. You see, there are two waterfalls in this area: The American side and the Canadian side. In my head the two falls were facing their claimed countries, but it turns out they were both facing the Canadian side. 
So I was staring at the American side, lit up by colorful lights, and thinking that this was the big sight to see. To be honest, I hadn’t even realized what I was looking at until my boyfriend said that the Falls were straight ahead. They, especially in the night, looked like projections of water. It was unreal. 
And then I saw the Canadian side, or the Horseshoe Falls. Which, again, looked like a large projections. My eyes could almost not adjust to what I was seeing because it was so unbelievable. 
After the magic of the falls and being showered in positive ions, my boyfriend and I headed back to our hotel. Below is a list of things we discovered about our hotel:
1. You cannot use bath bombs in the hotel tub or else they will charge you $350.00
2. Channel 4 is the fireplace channel
3. The vending machines only take dollar coins, HOWEVER, the dollar coins they have set out for you are a three dollar charge. 
4. The pillows were garbage. 
5. Hotel IHop was delicious but I paid 13.00 dollars for a meal I get at Denny’s for 4 dollars. 
6. The curtains that would make sense to be able to move DO NOT move.
7. The elevator will smell like weed.
8. The hotel gift shops snacks are very pricey. We lucked out after I spotted a general store directly across from our hotel and got snacks for a little bit cheaper. It was a good business, still selling stuff obnoxiously priced but not as pricey as the hotel. 
Our second day we went behind the waterfalls, and climbed over to Clifton Hill in search for something to do. We ended up at a glow in the dark indoor mini-golf course. It was a good way to waste some time and I think was worth the admission price. I was worried it was going to be crowded but everyone was good about waiting their turn which made it a cool experience.
That night, however, my boyfriend took me to the casino.The casino was really dazzling to the eye, but once you looked past the fancy decor and colorful flooring, it was scary how hypnotized some people were. I watched people who looked like their lives had been sucked out of them from hitting a button and betting away a lot more money than one should to a computerized slot machine. I had never been to a casino because in America I’m not old enough, but here all I had to do was show two forms of I.D. and I was stamped and sent on my way.
I ended up not gambling because it was a weird concept to me, but my boyfriend did. He was laughing and carrying on and all the older people were giving us dirty looks. It was fun to watch him, but now I fear he’s hooked (not really, I just like to give him a hard time).
The best part of the casino was the buffet. It was beautiful inside, the food was all very good, and it was one of the cheaper meals we had. We ended up eating there twice because of this, so I strongly recommend that if you are in a touristy area where food is expensive, look for that casino buffet. 
On Sunday, we explored a wax museum. It was the worst idea I’ve ever had. Like, I’m ashamed to admit that I was the one that suggested it. The museum was about the size of a house, but laid out in a way that made it seem larger. In order to appear this way, each room was sectioned off by doors rather than archways. At one point I felt overwhelmingly claustrophobic because we were in a small room with about five different figures. The figures themselves looked to be completely real or like creepy dolls -- there was no in-between. I thought this uneasy feeling of being scared that one of them was going to come to life was just me and my overactive imagination, but once leaving I found out that my boyfriend was also pretty spooked about the whole experience.
So to calm down we went and sampled beers. The servers never carded us or looked at us strangely, which made me uneasy as well but also reassured that I wasn’t being illegal. My boyfriend and I argued for which beer was best, but to be honest I don’t really care for beer at all. 
Speaking of servers and overall employees, they will never be paid enough to deal with rude tourists. I watched numerous encounters where tourists were being unreasonably rude to staff members and if there’s any advice I can give you about traveling: be nice to the workers and they will usually give you a nice experience. It’s the famous “treat others the way you would like to be treated.”
When Monday morning came, we headed back to the States and I took a well needed nap while my boyfriend played Smash Brothers to make up for his lost gaming time.
Overall, Niagara Falls was beautiful. I assumed that because of winter there wouldn’t be as many people, but it was pretty crowded over the weekend. However, we never ate a bad meal or experienced anything negative (other than the spooky wax museum but we have erased that from our memory). My only regret is that we didn’t explore as much as we should have. It was very easy to do things that we were familiar with instead of taking risks. My prime example of this was the Apple Bee’s, and although the buffet was amazing, next time I would enjoy to explore what Canada’s menu has to offer, food and experience wise. The most exploring we did was nearby, and we typically stayed close to what was familiar to us. The farthest we went was to a Hershey Chocolate World only to discover that it didn’t have the Hershey Factory Tour ride that our beloved Hershey Park has. In the long run however, we did a substantial amount of walking around and had a very relaxing trip.
To summarize: pack snacks, have a lot of spending money, and enjoy the view because it was the best part. 
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spitblaze · 6 years
Between Mambo No. 5, Despacito, and All Star, which song does each Danganaut like the most?
uuuuuuuuh im just goin with the sdn2 crew bc dn1 could easily just be ‘what do the canon campers like’ and we...still dont have names for the entire dnv3 crew yet and also i feel lazy and sick soooooooo here we go
Alexei: Would probably roll his eyes if you asked but thinks Mambo No. 5 unironically goes hard as hell (hes right)
Lu Chu: has definitely kicked open the door to her room/cabin/bathroom while shouting “someBODY”
Ember: Has bad taste, likes All Star, has a poster of Shrek 2 in her room. Sophia asked her to take it down and she was offended.
Sophia: thinks despacito is more ‘sophisticated’ even though it really isnt, she just doesnt understand spanish
Olympia: Mambo No. 5 is probably on her workout playlist
Vachel: “All Star is a nice song, it’s so positive, why are you laughing?”
Rory: Innocent soul, still has a soft spot for the shrek movies, likes All Star
Lucrezia: Thinks she can sing but she cant, dont be there when she tries to sing her favorite hit song, Despacito
Maxim: none of the above his soul forever belongs to My Chemical Romance
Jackie: if she HAD to choose she’d probably say Despacito is the least annoying one
Millicent: are they the originals? were they covered as gregorian chants? no??? perish.
Leo: Mambo No 5., no question.
Kenchirou: Despacito is the easiest one to make AMVs out of
Alumit: Alumit doesnt get Spanish either so they can put it on and lie in bed with the lights off and pretend its sad
Estelo: Is the only native Spanish speaker of the entire group, only thinks Despacito is okay. Prefers All Star.
Tori: Mambo No. 5 is a JAM
Darius: Has seen Beibs perform Despacito live in concert and none of his friends ever let him live that down
Casimir: “Well, Despacito certainly sounds the nicest, but I’ve found that All Star stirs up the most hope.”
Mallory: Despacito, completely unironically
Leta/Tworipe/Impy: Mambo No. 5 is a fun song! Their rabbits like it! / Despacito is the only one of the three he can listen to while writing. It’s fine background music. / all star, purely ironically
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 29 - High Tension Situations
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> 🎵  Rogue Encampment / Diablo 2 OST
Cracking open the entrance again as they were taught by Ezra, the group all head down into the cave system remembering the codes and the traps, Keva taking point. They eventually make their way back through the underground, reaching the large dark humid cove again.
Peering about as they come down they see a lot of boats on the waters strangely, as well as lights peeking through windows scattered about the buildings in the dark. Heading into the area proper there looks to be plenty of hustle and bustle down here as well strangely enough. Cloaked and shadowed individuals and groups are walking about quickly and some places look even more boarded up, or are in the process of becoming so. This is probably the loudest they’ve ever heard the place, sounds of hushed muttering and arguments being heard echoing around all the buildings and carved roads.
Finn and Han take their time peering around, it seems as if the people here are emptying out or holing up inside places as quickly as they can. Listening in as they walk by they get whispers from people gossiping about the business upstairs with the lockdown, every now and again hearing words about corpses. They also hear some whispering about disguised royal guards being spotted down in the area earlier. The rest of the party doesn't seem to take as much notice however, simply noting the place looks busy.
Han: "seems like that lockdown is affecting here too... and there could be guard around" Plum: im not worried about no cops Rokka: rokka huddles a little closer to whoever is next to him
Psalm: jesus
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Finn: psalm be like sorry im granblueing rn Plum: he has his phone out Psalm: OH FUCK I MISSED STRIKE TIME AGAIN
Rokka waltzes around in his Chris RokksworthTM disguise while Finn keeps his heavy daytime garb on in the cove, the others dont bother too much with disguising themselves aside from pulling up their hoods. 
The party decide to head over to Renny’s, noting it as the last place they saw Cole and Ezra. They all walk down and around to the centre area of the cove, making their way back to the same dingy looking building and cramped alleyway. They manage to find the right road before getting too lost, recognising the familiar heavy wood door indicating the front of Renny’s inn.
As they enter the area they note that it doesn't look too busy around here, on the way notice a couple heated conversations and busy buildings, but nothing sticks out in particular. 
Sidling up the door, the group give it a good knock, it takes a minute or so before they hear any sound behind it indicating that anyone’s even around. After some shuffling the thin slit in the door slides open and a familiar pair of eyes peer back at the party. It roves over the group for a moment, Han bending over and waving in response. It soon slides back shut and the party stand around listening to a series of unlocking sounds.
Finally the door swings open and there they see Renny, once again holding a pipe in one hand, as she moves to lean against the door frame.
Renny: “ol’ friends of ezra’s in need somewhere to hide out again? seems like you’ve got someone new with you though” she breathes out a wisp of smoke as she levels a long stare at finn Rokka: "Hello again!" Renny: "....hello again darlin" Han: "we're looking for him. you happen to know where he went?" Keva: "a direction would be good" Finn: he stares back, unsure what to say to this lady or if its even important for her to know who he is. Renny: "I haven’t seen the guy since he left the place with that tiefling girl after the other one, if I didn’t know him id worry he was skipping out on his tab” she snorts, but keeps staring at finn expectantly
Cimmorro: slaps finn's back like "pst introduce yourself" Plum: im going to swat finn and tell him to say covertly Rokka: nudges finn Finn: he feels more than uncomfortable. he doesn't need to make it known the barvottes crawl around places like this. switching a few times between looking at cimmorro and rokka before looking at renny. "i am called finnian." he then looks away and pulls his hat down more. Keva: cowboy tilt your hat finn Finn: vargonia culture Renny: she turns as u respond "nice to meet you there finnian, names renny, bit of common courtesy's appreciated" Finn: he nods back, acknowledging the acknowledgement before peeking at renny from underneath the snufkin hat. "my apologies" Renny: she smirks at you Finn: this milf... her aura is overwhelming, finn looks at cimm if he did it right. Cimmorro: cimm looks at u with a nod of acknowledgement Finn: i feel like turning to cimm for social advice is awful Cimmorro: OIJGIAOPJGWOPIAJGIAJIWG I HATE YOUG
Keva: she mumbles "why did...." then louder as she watches the others nudge at finn "...do you know which direction they were headed?" Han: "and did they say anything as they left?" Psalm: "I think we should just cut to the chase about why we're looking for them no? We have good enough reason to believe that they're in danger." Rokka: "and we came to save them!" Renny: "danger huh.... seems to be the trend around here. not really, think he went after that other friend of yours you popped in with. i’m no one to pry into what my patrons get up unless it’s going to disturb others or myself, understand me?” she takes another puff of her pipe and turns her head at you rokka "nice of you" Keva: "other friend?" Renny: “white haired fellow”
Chip: [han nat 1 insight check] renny would never lie to you.... perish the thought Han: tru milfs wont lie to me they love me Chip: so true
Getting a sense the conversation isnt really going anywhere, Cimmorro takes a step back to cast sending to cole while the others continue chatting along with renny, though renny gives him a curious glance.
Keva: "did you notice anything weird with the other guy when he left?" Han: [nods at keva’s q] Renny: "hmm...seemed tired, like he was in a daze. didn't ask"
Cimmorro: "it's cimmorro. do you have any clue where you are right now? any clue at all. keep it brief, this spell cant hold." Cole: after a second or two you hear a response in coles voice in your head "ahuh- is that you cimm?? whoa where are you....were underground uh...some huge group jumped us. um uh...in the bone somewhere higher up-" before it cuts off Cimmorro: just face palms at cole's rambling before getting everyone's attention "hate to break the chat but it seems like they're 'in the bone somewhere higher up,' cole said" Han: "...so like..." han points upwards to shorewater Rokka: "please don't tell me its the cult again ugh..." Psalm: [to renny] "If you don't mind, do you have any idea what 'higher up' would mean for down here?" Renny: "could mean one of the taller buildings or scaffoldings that crawls up the cove walls. or could just mean up north, theres a bit of a slant that lets you see over the rest of the cove from back there" she shrugs "doesn't really narrow down your search radius though i think, could ask around, more foot traffic lately"
Han, Psalm and Finn both think to themselves if they know of any particular big groups that may have targeted the two down here. Psalm and Finn come up with nothing, the latter having gotten most of his information from his uncle. Han thinks a bit longer but nothing immediately pops into her head outside trading groups ferrie told her about. Cole could be talking about a big gang but she gets the feeling there's plenty of those down here and she doesn't know any of them by name.
The group think amongst themselves, deciding they should split up to search, one group prowling the rooftops of the rickety buildings while others search and ask around on foot. 
Han: she goes "well, thanks for your time" and gives renny another 5 gold Renny: she raises a brow and takes it "well thank you, if ya spot him down the line let me know. finding myself a little curious now" Han: "will do ma'am" ^_^ Renny: she waves and shuts the door behind her as you all chatter amongst yourselves, you hear the door lock four times behind her
Finn: "psalm you may not be going to the roof but ill give you my grimnir raid id while youre still here, its my strike time you see...” Psalm: "Yeah no problem I can mvp" Finn: "It's '00568E33, thank you psalm. your fire is invaluable to my raids." Rokka: BAN GBF Chip:
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Rokka: he fidgets at the thought of leaving ground team alone "I'll...go with the ground..."  Han: ;LK;LKHSDALKHFKWELKRD 🥺
The groups split into two teams [ Han, Finn and Keva ] to explore the roofs and [ Psalm, Cimmorro, Plum and Rokka ] to ask around on foot. They decide to all meet back up again in about an hour’s time at Renny’s to share their findings.
The ground group decide to make their way to Nickel to see if they can get any useful information out of him. In the meanwhile the rooftop group sidle up to the nearest looking short building. Han offers to help the two up but Keva quickly climbs up and ahead of the other two on her own.
Han: "yes, i give boost, no problem" Plum: forgot han sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW1Nff6jgjo
Finn: "ive no need for any such thing. a vampire can scale any surface." Han: "so can i, am i vampire now" Finn: "no you cannot! i can climb anything! you cannot." he crosses his arms. Han: "... yes i can" Finn: finn furrows his brows. "you are so foolish that it truly escapes me how you've made it this far." Han: han crosses her arms at finn "what? why?" Finn: finn is exasperated. "insufferable." he scoffs before turning his back to han. Han: "what, you think i cant? ill prove it" Finn: "prove it then." he says in a snotty tone
Han casts spiderclimb on herself before immediately running up the side of the wall like naruto, laughing in victory from the rooftop. Though once she reaches the top she realises she does not have darkvision and cant really scope the place out at all. She can see many small lights peppered around the cove, but on the roofs? there are no lights on the roofs. its going to be easy to trip up here. In the meantime Keva attempts to peer out for anything suspicious, though she comes up empty, slightly distracted by the two behind her’s antics.
Han: “....balls” Finn: he stares for a good moment. but then he shakes his head and tsks, despite han not being able to hear. foolish goliath. she had to cast a spell to do it! how foolish! [he then climbs up effortlessly after her] Keva: she just, pulls her hood down lower and goes toward the higher nearby building mumbling "i'm not dealing with this"
The group make an effort to stealth themselves once they get up, Keva doing so well that Han loses track of where she went as the former climbs higher up on the building next to them.
Han: han is like "you take ages" Finn: "perhaps you ought to take your time too, might draw fewer eyes to you." finn checks out his gloved nails you know how. its about the vibes it gives off 💅 Han: han is like >:/ MAYBE SO.................
In the meantime the other group make their way over to the location of nickel’s familiar storefront, Han having quickly shouted them directions from the last time she was down here. As the group approach they see a good number of boats near the shoreline and the building, it appears a group of people in similar uniforms as Nickel are hauling crates and barrels onto them.
They walk over to the tented side of the building to find nickel where they last spoke to him, though as they make to dip their heads inside a hand comes up in front of their faces shooing you back out, on the other side of it they hear nickels familiar drawl 
Nickel: “sorry pal, closing up for the moment, trying to shift out our stock around like everyone else so-“ he sticks his head out from the flap at the tail end of his spiel “oh you lot again? surprised you’re down here again after all the chatter I’ve been hearing flow through” he gives your group a lazy smirk. Psalm: "Eh... that got sorted out, but we're not here to shop." Plum: "yo, you wouldnt happen to know about any big gangs in the area would you" Han: SUCH AS YOURS, O FAIR NICKEL? Cimmorro: "what's the hullabaloo about actually?"  Nickel: "wow fun question, whyre ya asking" he gives an awww at the no shopping comment before turning to cimmorro "hmm? figured you'd have heard about the big bad royal guards skulking around down here, among other things"
Plum: “...” i'm gonna turn to cimm and psalm and be like "is it a good idea to tell him why" Psalm: "I don't see how we can avoid that if we want to get the most information out of him if he knows something but... we can try?" Plum: "that's what i think, and it's not like he's the most trustworthy person ever, well okay” Psalm: "As far as I know the Dark Blues are a merchant group and not in the business of kidnapping people, so i want to say i doubt he’d be involved”
Plum: "fine, well, some friends of ours got kidnapped" Cimmorro: cimm just gives a "ah, just curious if there'd be more to it than that" also just nodding to psalm and plum rn Nickel: "everyone here’s a little paranoid yknow? well myself included, so you can imagine anyone who’s drifting through is leaving and everybody else is boarding up their doors and digging their holes” he puts a hand to his chin “ ahhh the city feels a little scary these days don’t it valued customers?” he says while theatrically scrunching up his face in woe before turning to you plum "sad story there friend, not uncommon a thing to hear round here" Plum: "sure, sure, but have you heard of any group like that is what i'm asking, like lets say its not just some random thugs" Nickel: "oh plenty down here, but you'll want to narrow down the list unless you want to stand here and listen to me drone on for an hour" he folds his arms and smiles "and its not very in my nature to give things away for free" Plum: plum puts their fingers to their head in annoyance and says "i'd rather listen to you drone on than be doing this right now" Nickel: he goes ^__^
The group relay to him what Cole told them, about being higher up somewhere within the bone, specifying she probably meant somewhere in the northern area rather than above their heads. They also state they’re looking for Ezra, remembering Nickel encountered him the first time they met the drow so he may recognise him, they also bring up rickert’s name additionally.
Cimmorro: "oh hum... does rickert sound familiar to you?"  Nickel: "hmmm...somewhat, pauldrun...?" Psalm: "Elf, short hair, missing his right eye. Scar on his face. Has probably never smiled in his life. Ringing any bells?” Nickel: he nods his head and shakes his hand "ah yes yes i know of him, hes fond of grinning i hear actually" Cimmorro: "the one with us was the opposite of that yeah" Rokka: "wonder why he doesn't grin with us 🤔 " Psalm: "Well hearsay and reality tend to be two very different experiences 😇" Nickel: he laughs at that Psalm: score Han: ARE YOU IN A DAITNG SIM A;LKDSFHRLKW3EFDS
Cimmorro: "SO.... if you two are done flirting... any clue of their possible whereabouts or no" Nickel: he smirks at you cimm and continues "him and his motley crew? i know where they like to hang around the most at least" Cimmorro: 😳 ".... and i assume you want compensation for that information?" cimm exhales  Nickel: "well since you're not buying anything..." he smiles
Psalm: "I wouldn't put it past them to kidnap people... 🤔" Cimmorro: "yeah especially if it's ezra lol" Psalm: "That aside, remember what they were up to when we first ran into them." Plum: "unfortunately, it's not too farfetched that it could be them" Cimmorro: "they sure like their ropes!" Rokka: "Makes sense"
Cimmorro: looks at nickel unamused "what's your offer then?" Nickel: "hmmm lets say 70 gold" Rokka: Psalm quick eldritch blast Psalm: i want to be able to shop here later...
Cimmorro: i huddle towards the others "not particularly skilled in haggling so if one of you wants to try... either way, we can also pool for it" Plum: "i'm also not skilled at haggling" Rokka: ok rokka pulls out 70g and dumps it on nickels hand "that good sir?" Nickel: "oho thank you kindly sir"  he pockets into one of his pouches with a smile while giving you a knowing glance
Nickel: he turns to address you all now "if you want to find rickert i suggest you look for a bar called the Cracked Skull, its where him and his gang like to idle around when they're down here. if they aren't on a job in any case, they’re probably busy with people leaving or piling in so you’re bound ta’ find someone whos seen him recently" another smile Psalm: "What are the directions from here?" Nickel: "head around the east dive, its where most of the livelier bars are, place has a big skull drawn on the front of it, hard to miss"
Plum: "oh last thing, when are you reopening your shop after all the, uh-" gestures to people moving around Nickel: he looks down at you "hmmm well right now were relocating our storage and whatnot so..." he thinks for a beat "if nobody comes snooping for us specifically we'll probably be open our doors again within the week, eager to see you then of course" Plum: "right" and then in a more deadpan voice plum says "see you then" Rokka: "thank you good bye!" Psalm: "Thank you kindly." Cimmorro: cimm just leaves fr Nickel: he gives you all a cheery wave "see you again soon"
Plum: theres no way rickert's gotten to level 5 within  a week lets beat his ass Cimmorro: little did u know he fought a dragon and got to lv 20
Cimmorro: once we're out the store i'm gonna nudge rokka "i'll pay a part of that gold later. i have no change on me right now" Rokka: rokka looks at cimm "huh? what? no! no, it's fine don't worry about it!! thank you though..." Cimmorro: :/ "it's a group effort right now and i'd like to do my part. nothing more nothing less" Rokka: "i mean...if you insiiiisstttt...." rokka nods and looks around for a bit before looking back at cimm "no rush though!"
The belowground group make their way over towards the Cracked Skull. Back with the rooftop group both Keva and Finn attempt to peer out into the cove for anything of note nearby but both ultimately come up with nothing. Finn finds himself distracted by Han nearly tripping over the roof in the dark while Keva stares back down at the two from her higher vantage point, throwing a small rock at Han’s leg to get the twos attention.
Finn: "looks like you cannot climb anything, the way i do. time to admit it, no?" Han: "i just proved i can climb it easily, what the fuck are you on about" Finn: "tripping over yourself like the oaf you are, ha. you are not just foolish, but also amusing." Han: "i cant see in the da-(VERY MUFFLED SQUEAK OF SURPRISE)" [tracks where the stone came from] then punts finn and goes "whatever, come on" Finn: finn holds a hand over his mouth in fake shock and rolls his eyes. "sure."
The group set out to start snooping around the taller buildings near Renny’s as opposed to just looking out over the streets. Keva manages to keep quiet and not alert people inside as she peers through cracks, she sees quite a few shady dealings occurring but nothing that seems to be related to Cole or Ezra. Finn ends up much the same as Keva, thinking to himself ���wild that people live here’ as he stares at some guy randomly sleeping on the floor. 
Han has less luck than the other two, coming across heavily boarded windows, and even when she can peer through the cracks its too dark inside for her to notice anything. As she stomps about the outside she also gets an ugly glare from one window from an occupant inside. She quickly gives a peace sign and slides down the wall back to the ground while the eyes glare at her all the while.
The three regroup a little dejected, han pouts.
Keva: "maybe we're thinking about this the wrong way" Han:  han looks at keva like go on Finn: "i am not sure myself. i wonder if the other team is making any more progress than we are." Keva: "i don't know, there's like uptown and downtown in cities right? maybe there's different part of the withered bone" Han: "renny said it could be north where theres a scaffolding... north should be that way (points), we could try heading there" Finn: cant I fact check on that being north [it is] "let us do that then. I do not see any other leads that we could possibly follow instead."
They decide to make their way over to the northern side of the cove, hopping over the roofs in the dark as they go (han with slightly less reckless abandon). Once arriving in the northern area they split and once again get to searching around the outside of the buildings from the roofs. 
Finn comes up empty, these people really like to board their windows shut...it was annoying before but it is also annoying now. Han and Keva have slightly more success, managing to look into a few more rooms, but nothing obvious. Han gets a few more eyes glaring at her every time she passes by some windows, at one point even feeling a knife chucked into the boards at one point in her direction as a response to her unstealthily snooping.
The three regroup with a huff as they discuss their findings, staring about the area. They take note the western side of the cavern wall that they’re now near. It appears to have these spidering scaffoldings heading up to smaller buildings built higher into the walls, but they cant really tell how to get there.
Han: "should we...attempt to go there?" han points to the cavern wall scaffoldings Keva: "do we got time?" Han: han is like ehhhhhhh Keva: "okay well, i'll go back to meet up with the others then to tell them where you are, since we're almost out of time" Finn: "think we'll be fast enough?" finn raises an eyebrow @ han Han: han looks uncertain for a sec but then is like "ye, course" Keva: "right well don't be idiots on the way" and keva's gonna head off Finn: "hmph." finn shakes his head briefly. "let us waste no time."
Keva makes her way quickly back to Renny’s inn and waits outside on the roof, keeping an eye out for the others. The other two begin looking for a way up the scaffolds. Surprisingly in the dark Han finds the leisurely pace she's able to take with the spiderclimb works in her favour, she gets in some reconnaissance. Lower on the ground she sees a few figures in black hoods with gold trim siting at the entrance to the scaffolds keeping watch near a lantern, letting people pass up occasionally every now and again. 
Finn slightly less successful simply peers up at the scaffolds, he guesses he could climb up there....its probably fine.... Before he can try anything Han stops him and points at the entrance, indicating if they wanted to climb up they should start further down and away from the guards at the entrance. She leads the two of them out of earshot and the two begin climbing, han switching to her climbers kit halfway through.
They seem successful for a time, though as the two get close to the scaffolding they hear a loud whistle suddenly in their ears. Peering up at the scaffolding they see someone in a similar hood to those at the entrance holding a crossbow staring down at them. Their face shadowed, they aim the crossbow at the two of them and wave it downwards, motioning for them to go back the way they came as a warning.
Han: han whispers "could u keep climbing quietly" Finn: finn looks at her briefly but nods, and keeps climbing up. Guard: the guard looks at you finn and shoots an arrow into the wall above your head
> 🎵  Pyrates Beware / Assassin's Creed IV OST
Soon after the guard shoots their crossbow Han pulls her piston gear out and goes into freefall, pulling out her own bow and taking two shots at them. One hits, striking the guard in the shoulder before she plummets, the guard grunts out a cry of pain before whipping their glare in finn's directions seeing her now drop.
Psalm: somehow this is still less risky than us sending rokka to go talk to henrick while rickert is there Han: JHFGJTFHDRETRKYGLHUK
Quickly the guard brings a hand up to their mouth again and lets out a longer loud whistle, along the wall suddenly Han and Finn both see lanterns lighting up one by one as she falls. Han quickly cats feather fall on herself before she hits the ground allowing her to land on her feet.
Across the cove Keva in the distance looks out towards the western cavern wall in the dark, there she can see one by one lanterns quickly lighting up across the scaffolds strangely. She quickly jumps to her feet running over the roofs as fast as she can.
Han: everyone playing with me 
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Soon after she hits the ground Finn stops in place out of fear, seeing the lanterns light up he drops right after her. She ends up catching him in her arms easily enough.
Han: curses under her breathe in a language u dont understand and then says "time to runnnn" Finn: finn glares at you han. "i should have known better than to count on you for a plan! imbecile!" he also curses in a language you dont understand and hops out of your arms to run himself Han: "i SAID could you get UP THERE qUIETLY and YOU! said YES!!!!!!!!" Finn: "you reassured me youd distract him! ugh! i wouldve expected you to take that lowly guard out swiftly, but no! you are nothing but an oaf!" he grunts
Han skids to halt and attempts to deck finn for the insult but he quickly dodges out of the way as they run.
Finn: finn gasps, offended by your attempt. "you...!! ive no words! baseborn scum!" he cusses at her quite unrestrained and bolts again. Han: "YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL, SHIT FOR BRAINS TWIG MAN" Finn: "SUCH A BLOATED BODY BUT NO SPACE FOR THE MOST VITAL ORGAN!"
The two continue bickering until Han spots an alleyway while they're running, tackling Finn into it with her successfully. She grapples him in her hands, whapping a hand over his mouth and casts pass without a trace. He begins shouting grumpily but she quickly tells him to quiet down so the two can stay hidden from the now approaching guards. He reluctantly settles down in her grasp fighting the urge to bite her hand.
The two go deathly quiet, listening in they hear yelling and chatter near the scaffolding begin to ramp up, after a minute or so they hear footsteps run past the alleyway, noting the familiar hoods it appears that they haven’t noticed their hiding spot. After a moment Han releases her hand from Finn’s mouth and makes a shooshing motion, though she still keeps a grip on him as they wait for the guards to disperse.
Han: finn feels hans heart pounding kya Finn: KYA finn just goes wow havent felt one of those in forever
After a time it seems the guards roaming around on the ground have moved on from their area, though the scaffolding is still lit up, seems they're still alerted up higher. Keva also quickly arrives in the area, looking around she sees people in hoods holding lanterns hunting around, though not much else.
Han: han lets u go completely after the noise dies down and says " dont stray too far from me." and starts going making way to rennys Finn: finn tsks at you once again, but is no longer in the mood to start arguments, for once. he follows you.
Keva stares at the group roaming about trying to discern anything about them but they seem pretty covert, she can tell for sure that they're guarding the upper scaffolds down here, and that there seem to be a good number of them. Seeing nothing to do she sighs and heads back over to Renny’s the same time Finn and Han do.
In the meanwhile the other group make their way over to the east dive from nickel's storefront, its easy enough for them to find their way as they remember heading to the area to check out Sammy's abode. As they look around they find what seems to be a populated area of sorts and a few crowded buildings.
Nearby they spot a rickety wooden building with a white skull painted across its front, in front of if a few figures huddled on the front stoop, sounds of chatter and laughter coming from inside. It appears they’ve found the place.
The figures huddled near the door don’t really move as the group approach so they find themselves having to step over and around them to get into the building.
> 🎵  Bridge to London / Vampyr OST
Entering the busy bar they see a number of seedy looking individuals peppered about, hooded figures and the more overt looking cutthroats and mercs, as well as any other wayward traveller nursing a drink looking for somewhere to lay low. Looking about they don’t recognise most of them, noting a stocky looking bartender behind the bar and a few hired guards standing at the doors, though in the corner of the room they see a smaller group huddled around a table.
Staring closer they recognise them as Rickert and part of his gang, four people sitting around with what looks like nothing better to do, including Henrick. from this distance they can see Rickert angrily arguing with one of the goonies while holding them in a headlock, Henrick looks on wearily taking a sip of a drink while him and the other one try and play cards.
Nervous about talking to Rickert out of disguise, the group all nominate Rokka to head over and get Henrick’s attention so they can talk to him instead while Rickert’s not around. He nervously walks over in his disguised form whistling as the others watch from across the room.
Cimmorro: everyone watches rokka miserably Psalm: miserably is right we owe him the 70 gold after this
Rickert: as you approach you see rickert's head turn up in your direction and squint along with the goon in the headlock. the other two at the table also peer in your direction "...what do ya want?" Rokka: his whistling dies down like those cartoon sounds of a falling missile "uh.......... i uh........... " he looks between rickert and henrick "i saw my old bud henrick!!!!!!! hey!!!!!! henrick!!!!!!!!!"
Psalm: oh yknow i have invisibility we could've gone about this a completely different way how did that slip my mind Plum: I WILL KILL YOU Cimmorro: AOIGJAIWJGAJGADG Plum: you could've whispered surreptitiously in henrick's ear and changed the whole genre of this encounter Psalm: suddenly the rating goes up
Rickert: he glares at you before whipping his head in henricks direction Henrick: he stares at you utterly confused before his eyes widen a fraction, but then he looks confused again "uh..?" Rokka: nervously laughs "HAHA....long time no see buddy!!!" rokka moves to give him a big unintentionally tight hug and whispers in his ear "im psalms friend pleaase come with me emergency" he laughs again when releasing him "MIND IF I BORROW THIS RASCAL FOR A DRINK?" Henrick: he grunts with surprise at the crushing hug, trying to hold onto the cards in his hands "uh-!" he listens to you whisper in his ear and whispers back a "...w-who...?" Rickert: across he lets out a cackle "wow didnt know you actually had friends henrick" Rokka: nervously laughs again and slings his arm around henricks shoulder and gives tight squeeze "YEAH!!! he and i go WAYYY back! thought i would never see him again!!" he begins to pulls henrick away "ANYWAYS!! I'LL BRING THIS GUY BACK TO YA ASAP!! ILL EVEN BUY U A ROUND OF DRINKS!!! LATER!!" moving => henrick Henrick: he lets you drag him away confused "uh- guess ill fold for this round guys" and lets you drag him away from the table, you see rickert look at his hand after he places it on the table and he lets out another cackle
Rokka: quickly says everything in one breath bc hes scared rickert will call him back "remember that tall red tiefling with the group w the lupin and goliath? im the lupin we need ur help please just come im so sorry" and quickens our pace to the grounders Henrick: he nods at you confused as you drag him along "....sure but why are y-" then he turns as hes presented before you all "oh...hello..?" Rokka: heaves a sigh of relief once reaching the group and lets go of henrick "i........brought him.........." Plum: 'yeah, somehow that mess actually worked! good one" Cimmorro: raises a hand like a weak greeting
Rokka: mumbling like "i need a drink" Psalm: "We can do that after, right now maybe we should step outside for a bit?” Rokka: sighs again and slings his arm over henricks shoulder and moves him towards the exit Psalm: "Cheer up Rokka, once we're done with all this you can get me that drink you owe me." Rokka: "aww man i thought you forgot about that!!" blows raspberry Psalm: “you wish” 
Henrick: he tilts his head and looks back at rickert scratching his neck “sure though i dont know why…seeing you guys a lot lately huh” his eyes back towards psalm “you just here to hire us again for something?” he yelps as rokka pushes him towards the exist and goes Plum:  "hell no" Psalm: "You free for hire? Although my friend's right, not really here for that right now. Kind of on an urgent mission right now actually." Henrick: he tilts his head "ah yeah rickerts always doing whatever pays, i figured you'd know because of your friend here" and he points at cimmorro Plum: "cimm, the fuck does that mean?" Cimmorro: cimm just looks like this O_O???? "excuse me???" Henrick: he squints in confusion “the other day at the pier, you uhh” and he points at cimmorro “hired us to move some crates round the caves, didn’t really know if was you though till we got paid at the end of it though” he gives cimmorro a curious look “was kinda funny to see the boss’ reaction… are bounty hunters fond of hiring people they’re out to grab for odd jobs like that or is he not on the radar anymore…that’d be nice for a number of reasons…..” and he kind of looks away scratching his neck Psalm: Psalm just looks at Cimmorro wide eyed like HUH? Cimmorro: cimm JUST LOOKS AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE "DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I WAS WITH YOU GUYS THIS WHOLE TIME???"
Plum: "the other day? do you remember how many days ago or so?" Psalm: "Wait you're saying he hired you? *points at Cimm * You're absolutely sure you got a good look?" Cimmorro: "loathe as i am to remember the fact that i've done nothing but hang out with you all but by the goddess" Psalm: "Ok that bits just unnecessary although I get it."
Henrick: he stares at cimmorro and psalm's confused reactions "uh...same day i saw you again actually, kinda strange?" he gives cimm a good stare at your request then turns back to psalm "uhh...yep not many people look like him frankly" Cimmorro: cimm just pinching the bridge of his nose rn Psalm: just pinches his eyes like i have a fuckin headache rn "Mind telling me where you moved the crates?" Henrick: he taps his fingers nervously on his arms "im getting the feeling.... somethings weird here huh" he turns to you psalm "it was somewhere in the caverns, looked pretty nondescript but then so are all drop off points...?" Psalm: "Yeah just a little weird. I'm guessing you don't know what was in them?" Henrick: he shakes his head "nah they were nailed shut, clients can tell easy if you mess around so we didn't bother, though i was curious" Cimmorro: "where were these drop points?" Henrick: he scratches his head nervously "uhh i dont really remember, like i said in the caverns, its a popular place for smugglers to make deals so i dont think much of it" he looks more anxious as the conversation goes on Psalm: “Maybe we should head back inside and see if boss man will know? Amazing, this isn't even what we wanted to find out and yet here we are."
Han: gg henrick u were an unknowing assistant in the plot to turn the whole city to zombieland Psalm: imagine being that guy Plum: moe through helplessness
Attempting to move on from the revelation from Henrick about Cimmorro’s doppelganger, the group then get about to asking what they dragged him over for in the first place.
Cimmorro: "guess i can just waltz in there for a chat later huh.... in any case we're looking for an elf man, pretty large scar on the face? any clue?" Psalm: "Missing a right eye also, was with a blue tiefling before they went missing." Henrick: he tilts his head and thinks "i know a few guys who match that description honestly" as you keep talking his face kinda goes still “….uh….” he starts nervously tapping his hand on his leg “right that guy from the other day….i didn’t get much of a look at him when our base got busted but I guess he’s with you, makes sense…” Cimmorro: "so have u seen him recently... down here?"  Henrick: he looks away to stare at the street "uh...dunno, you'd be better off asking rickert..." Cimmorro: STARTS SLOUCHING AS I HEAD TOWARD THE BAR Psalm:* picks you up and throws you into the ring * Henrick: he watches you go nervously and puts a hand to his face with a woeful expression, following after
The group all stroll their way back into the bar as a group and head over to rickert's table, as they do he turns his head in cimmorro’s direction
Rickert: “aha would ya look at that, this ones come slinking round again” eyeballing cimmorro “need us again big boy? the hell d’yall need to transport round caves anyway” as he speaks he takes a sip of his drink Cimmorro: BIG BOY HE SAID Psalm: i hate rickert more than anything
Cimmorro: "haha yeah it's nice to see you too... listen, i'm looking for someone. you remember that elf with a face scar from your base's basement? have you seen him recently down here?" cimm trying to not look as strained as he is rn Rickert: at that his face seems to light up with a wicked glee “the other bounty hunter who chucked that vial of acid right into my beautiful face? hah! yeah i’ve seen the bastard recently actually, though I dunno if I wanna tell ya why or where” and he leans back on his hands whistling “whats in it for me?” Plum: just say i'll make it worth your while Han: do a blowjob motion at rickert Psalm: hhuhuGHURJAF Finn: what happened to cimm usually being so easy going huh, just do the blowjob motion coward
Cimmorro: "aha of course, you son of a gun. you know little ol' me. i'll make it worth your while" Rickert: he hmms to himself before scratching his chin “so charitable of ya, you know i know just the thing, beat me in a game of cards and I’ll tell ya everything you’d ever want to know free of charge, thieves’ honour” he gives you all a smirk as he leans across the table “you lose then you pay me, considering how important this information seems to alla’ you …..lets say 350 gold?” he spits the terms out while smiling Cimmorro: "does it have to be me? i... don't really have to time for cards right now" Rickert: he leans back into the booth lazily "doesn't have to be you, can be any one of your friends, two of you, well go best of three playing kings gambit, you against me and one of my boys. if you're too busy then i guess ya can buzz off and quit wasting my time" he leans forward with a grimace Cimmorro: i look at the rest of you like "well... anyone wanna play cards? guess i'll play if we have no other choice" Psalm: "I'll play as well."
The group however quickly tell Rickert to wait a moment before shuffling over to another end of the bar to figure out how theyre going to cheat, leaving Rokka alone with the gang again. Rickert snorts into his drink with disinterest watching them shuffle off. Rokka quickly looks for an excuse so he can shuffle off as well briefly.
Rokka: yeah honestly rokkkas like hahha...........time to fetch those ales!!!!!!! ahahha crying at his wallet
Cimmorro: [casting guidance] Psalm: "Ok, obviously losing 350 on this guy is a waste, so we're gonna need your help to cheat." Plum: "right i think i can guess what you have in mind' Psalm: "Great, saves having to explain." Plum: "just tell them i went to go report back to some friends wed be late returning to our meet up point or something, if they asked where i went i suppose" Psalm: "Wow you read my mind. As for how to cheat.. well I'm sure you can think of something." Plum: "er... i'll try Psalm: "I guess we can come up with a system for you to check their dice for me." Plum: "maybe i can just draw the number on your palm or something" Psalm: "Fine with me."
Psalm: "Ghester you want to help me cheat here?" Plum: "what the fuck is a ghester" Cimmorro: plum and cimm looking at psalm like elaborate... Now Ghester: you hear ghester laugh in your head psalm "i could only focus on one of them but perhaps if they aren't too quick with their hands" after a minute you hear a voice in your head cimmorro and plum out of nowhere "hello again" Plum: "did one of you just say something?" Cimmorro: "ohhh!!! it's you!!" Ghester: you hear the voice continue cimmorro "yes me" Psalm: "Great, so out game plan can be Ghester you focus on whoever's playing that isn't Rickert, Plum you can take Rickert and maybe write the number in Cimmorro's hand instead of mine. Ghester can just tell me the other guys numbers if.. he can. We can just figure it out like that." Plum: "ghester is that voice i heard just now?" Psalm: "I'll explain after we finish this. But yes." Cimmorro: "you have a lot of explaining to do after this but sure that sounds dope"
The three continue to discuss their means of leverage while Rokka attempts to buy a round of drinks for Rickert’s gang, the chatter and boisterous activity of the bar booming around them. ---
🐺 Rokka handed 70g to 👛Nickel
The Western Scaffolds are on alert... 🔎
「 King Gambit 👑 」 Rules
King’s Gambit has a buy in bet of 5 gold, though in this game with Rickert you'll be using chips. 
Each card player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. This continues when all bets are equal.
Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They then all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all together.
The person with the highest total dice number wins the round and takes all the chips. by the end of the three rounds the person who has won the highest amount of chips is the ultimate winner
0 notes
10hour11minute · 4 years
Lin’s Word Dump Masterpost
basically a compilation of all the crap I say (#lin says stuff) so I have less posts on this blog LOL
If you don't want to see... ...my random text posts, blacklist #lin says stuff ...my negative/possibly triggering/rant posts, blacklist #;negative
180611: Do you think ghost cheetahs ever try to race cars on the highway
180924: the recipe for the best 'dessert' I can make:
take a cup out of ur cupboard that’s not super tiny
crumble up a brownie to fill 2/3-1/2 cup (I like using brownies 1-2 days old bc it isn’t super soft or crusty; a nice mix between soft and cronchy)
Microwave the brownies for about 15 seconds (your preference) You can switch steps 2-3 if your brownie is too hard to crumble
Make sure your brownies are nice and crumbled (if they’re still too hard... just stab that thing with a fork)
Scoop out as much ice cream as you want into the cup (u can use any flavour but vanilla is noice)
Don’t mix the ice cream and brownies- just turn the ice cream around in the cup so the brownie covers the outside of ur scoop
BOOM ice cream brownies
181104: so I kinda just. yawned which transitioned into a whispered “banana bread”
181118: My mom just dropped me off at our apartment and said “bye, good luck!” as if I now had to battle ferocious monsters and complete various sidequests to get home-
181126: movies always have the characters own a top locker, but like I want a movie where the main character and another character walk to their locker and the other character opens their own locker and starts talking and it cuts to a shot of the mc squatting down to open their bottom locker
190223: Y’all ya girl finally gets to play in a parade today!!!
190224: This isn’t going to make sense to any of you but I think Bryan could pull of singing Drive By by Train (just dc things...but day6 brian too)
So there are these guys I KEEP USING THIS AS A SENTENCE STARTER AKSB that are all kind of friends (they all are friends with my gay friend)
I kind of walked in on the 4 of them fooling around like "So how are my tall asian boys?" honestly me @ seventeen
So now I'm thinking of them in a band/kgroup-
we s t a n (I want to make a comic/promo art akajhs)
#also one of them was like "ahem did u just assume my gender" and like beNT DOWN TO REACH MY HEIGHT SO WAS LIKE BISH EXCUSE ME- #i'll probs make them a kpop group so i don't use their real names lmao
190318: I just choked on cereal and lost a piece of my soul
190407: just burned my tongue with cream cheese reminds me of that time i burnt my thumb with cheese and also that time i burnt my fingerprint off with hot glue
190415: y’all it’s been almost a year since I’ve touched a saxophone and i am d e p r e s s o and am having literal nightmares (im not kidding, i’m dreaming of band still) that I will never play one again asdfjklh im laughing but im crying
sometime before 190126:
Since I was little, I always kind of had this headcanon that everyone has a soulmate and a ‘soulfriend’ except if you find your 2 people you won’t know which is which
And like your soulmate’s soulfriend might not be your soulfriend
Then it kind of just turned into a story where a person finds their 2 soulbuds but falls in love with the wrong person
And like how hard would that be for the actual soulmate?? Like “do I have 2 soulfriends orrr”
190516: could someone buy me a spiderman hoodie thanks
#bonus points if its a jacket that zips up all the way past my face so i can hide from my problems
190619: So in the past hour I have:
failed to boil and egg
gotten sad about failing to boil an egg
eaten bread because I was sad about failing to boil an egg
190719: I’d like to drop all my aspirations and become a pirate
190804: Ya bro just drew tiny alchemy symbols on her forearms with metallic nailpolish and it looks cool!!
190818: My life is an anime and I don’t like the genre
190819: SOMEONE JUST SAID THE “id die for you” “THEN PERISH” meme out loud in the real life and i was NOT PREPARED
Dunno if i should be flattered or concerned my friend in my geo class is texting me during geo class while im stuck at home on doctor’s orders being sick amd depressed
I just ate a fortune cookie with
“Judge one not by his charms, but by his actions.”
And now he’s sending me videos of what the teacher’s saying
Thanku panda express I’ll trust u this once
He’s sending me pictures of his notes im aksjdh
Me: Thanku youre a very valid smol child
190830: I remember that 1 post abt how tears of different emotions look different under a microscope, like hecc yeah they sure taste different too
191009: methinks it’s very bde of me to eat a whole mango slice like a banana (it’s more like the consistency of an apple when frozen or kinda like a watermelon when it gets to room temp but anyway)
191017: We just watched I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone and I want to cry hdjajjd It’s so sweet and the way the short film is shot does a gr8 job at telling the story
191212: Random but i iust remembered theres a guy in my health class that thinks/thought I’m a junior/older than him, but ironically he’s like 3 months older than me lmfao
200409: ik “do you think in Canadian” is a sentence that shouldn’t make sense but I 100% think in Canadian smh (this is abt humor vs humour)
0 notes
changji · 5 years
There’s a limit for when you’re in school but in summer I can do whatever I want bc it’s a Free Country 🤪 u miss are not allowed to get sick u hear me or else I will personally fly to cali & nurse you 😤 A STARBUCKS DRINK FOR $4.85 EYE- THAT’S SO GOOD WTFF I DON’T THINK I’VE PAID LESS THAN $5 FOR A DRINK THERE. You’re really out here like that
Ah I forgot to say how often I climb but I usually try for 3+ times a month bc the gym is pretty far away (by far i mean 2 different buses & an hour of crying). When I first started I was being taught how to tie a figure 8 knot (which is the most important one you need so you don’t die) and i couldn’t fucking get it right so the instructor had to go over it 193837 times & was getting annoyed @ me. LOL I couldn’t look him in the eye at all and my face had never been redder that day lmfao
At least ur teachers like you. I’m like that one student that never says anything and just sits there with an rbf so idk what my teachers think of me LOL. Half the time they don’t know I’m there. I got marked absent a couple times before but i was there in class 😤😤 ohh that’s cool. Band season runs the entire year for my school but that’s probably bc it’s a credit course. Newborn babies kinda are, it’s when they reach a couple months old they become cute
LOL how do you pronounce breakfast? I say salmon with the L & I get hated on by everyone. Taeyomi was great but changji is even better. Like changbin + jisung? Genius. Legends Only. Jkhsdiweiihfew I’m glad my url has an impact on ur daily life 🥵🥵 languages are so hard, I’m literally illiterate in every single one ik. Ikr? Our names are so easy like how do u mispronounce arella? One time  someone spelt my name as Adly and I wanted to Perish
The chance the skip 2 math levels? Once again ur a genius legend. I could never esp w math holy moly. Okay dark ones it is!! I was thinking either the 1st or 2nd ones? Which do u like more? Ah new friends. The first weeks are always so awkward bc you don’t really know them well so you don’t know how much of urself you wanna expose (or it’s just me. I’m too much of a crackhead apparently). Wait a moment. Do you have multiple buildings at ur school like a uni campus??
Make out spots at my school is this one sketchy stairwell where all the scary ppl are. The whole school just smells like weed bc 90% of the school are potheads. Alright that’s the deal if we die we die together 😤 I have never heard of bathroom portables before,, those sounds so Extra. Are they like a porta potty? Omg speaking of older grades a bunch of girls who graduated last year came to my work & I was like “oh shit lol ik u all this is awkward” 
Oof I’m the older sister so like. Favouritism never works in my favour. My sister will literally start a fight w me but I’m the only one who gets lectured in the end. Like. Bitch u started this 😤 I’m on the older side out of my cousins so I’m just Ignored 😪 I’m placing my bet on 2k words right now for our convos 
ah makes sense, i thought there was a time for summer too but it might just be here or i’m dumb 😔 I CANT AFFORD TO GET SICK MISSING ONE DAY OF SCHOOL WILL NOT HELP ME AT ALL ! but thank u for ur concern miss, u should just fly to cali anyway 😪 myb i’ll go to u can i hitchike from here ?? IT IS SO GOOD ITS AMAZING IT WAS SO CHEAP but the drink was super sweet 🤢 i have converted back to normal lattes with no syrup. peet’s is usually 5.20 for my drink and it’s so strong i don’t need extra shots ☺️ 
3 times,, a month,, i go to the mall like 3 times a week, look @ u being so athletic! tbh i sound lame but i’ve never taken a bus (other than a school bus for field trips) before like. buses here are lowkey sketch but it’s mostly college students. i rely on my parents and uber 🤧 sometimes i walk but. i don’t like to but if i have to i will oop. it takes an hour to get there and an hour back then right? i can’t imagine bro omg i’d just die. i know how to knot my shoelaces and never being able to untangle them so i now wear slip ons 🤪 poor ada, were like the same person but that was me when i took a knitting class for some reason and couldn’t do any of it 😪
okay idk if i told u yet but my ap euro teacher asked who’s been to italy so i raised my hand, he asked how it was and i said “the gelato is rly good” and his face was just. utter disappointment. turns out he was asking abt the art but he didnt clarify it and we weren’t even talking abt art so now i’m known as That Girl 😔 it’s hard to miss me oop, if it’s quiet then i’m sleeping & all my teachers last year knew this 😪 how do u get marked absent?? i wish band was a credit course but it’s only extra curricular 😔 are ur teachers snakes i will Step on them. newborns look fake but yeah they get cute when they’re like half a year old. 
like. brek-fust by my friends says brek-fist like it’s more of a u sound than an i but go off u idiots. salmon with the L,, ada,, no,, if u say carmel instead of caramel i’m gonna riot. ugh thanks bro i was lucky someone gave me this url, but nohyuckclub? aka the author of the most legendary mark lee social media au? A Whole Legend, but treerachas? my absolutely fave 🥺 languages are dumb i don’t know english i don’t know spanish my vocab consists of sksk and i oop, and that’s it. HOW DO U MISPRONOUNCE ADA LIKE. when i saw ur name i was like ay-da not ah-da, ppl need to learn bro it’s just said how it’s spelled. AND PERISH LOL I LOVE THE WORDS U USE
i’m actually dumb tho i just hate math oops, i’m more of a lunch kind of person if u know what i mean 😉 JK IM GROSS STOP ME and i like the 2nd one (the red one right? idk it’s all pretty u choose) i don’t wanna expose myself but it happens bc i’m just naturally a crackhead oops. but yeah we have multiple buildings! my campus is pretty small tbh? compared to other schools we’re really small, there’s like 2k kids here and i wanna die. it’s so crowded in the halls like get away from me u smelly thot. we have 3 buildings connected by 3 hallways, and a few other ones like the science buildings, music room, portables, 2 gyms and classrooms. in total i think there are 10 buildings? how’s ur campus like?
do you have one big building or smth? in my middle school had stairs and. stairs aren’t fun i hate them. if people kissed on the stairs everybody would hate them bc they’re blocking the halls LOL. we have our legendary D wing bathrooms where people smoke its so funny how often i got offered a roll,,, people straight up vape in class its so funny. but yeah a porta party. disgusting 🤢 in my head that’s what i call it LOL, a portable bathroom… i hate when i see people from school or just. ppl in general, did they recognize u?
U SPELL FAVORITISM WITH A U THATS SO WEIRD FUCKING AMERICA but im lowkey spoiled (highkey) but i. don’t pick fights, its my brother who does that LOL, he gets lectured tho so,,, not my problem oops i have a lot of cousins but we split it when we were younger so its wrong but teens (now adults but still called teens), kids (now teens but still called kids), and the adult adult cousins (which is the only correct one LOL) but i fit into the kid category so,,,, also we have almost 20k im literally SCREAMING, including this we’re at 20,712 words im-
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lightandsaltdesigns · 6 years
Growth Takes Time
There was a pastor who had a couple of unbelieving children who bristled at every attempt their father made to minister to them. He would try to catch them in a free moment and talk about his sermon or minister to them with a certain scripture and eventually they were driven away. Instead of continuing to try to rush along their spiritual development, the pastor resolved to pray fervently, arms raised, every morning, for his unbelieving children. His son would come over for Sunday football and they would watch the game together and then go their separate ways. His daughter would read with him in the sitting room and not talk about much aside from the weather. But then God started to stir the daughter’s heart, and one day, as they were sitting in the same room reading, the Pastor felt the Holy Spirit urging him that this was the time to talk. His daughter started to share some things with him and he asked if he could share some scripture with her. She had ears to hear and welcomed it. He was rejoicing at the open door and at how the Lord clearly was working in her life. He had to lay down his urge to prod her along in order to see this blossom of belief form. He had to lay down his worry and his control and his time-line and he had to trust the God in whom salvation alone rests to do the work only he can do to draw a daughter or son to himself.
This story is from Pastor Bigney and it struck a deep cord in my heart. First of all, I want to be someone who prays like that. Secondly, if this incredibly gifted pastor has no power to save his children or to hurry along their growth, and if he even had more growing to do through this season, then why do I expect anything different in my life? God is the God of the long-game.
Have you ever heard the term “hurry up, and wait”? I feel like it has perfect application for those situations where you have a big event and everyone is scurrying around preparing and getting ready, only to realize they are hours ahead of the game so then they (im)patiently wait for the event to start, twiddling their thumbs.
Does hurrying make you relaxed? Does rushing around just make your soul feel perfectly at rest and at peace?
That’s a resounding “NO”.
The word “hurry” is an action, and frequently a command. Most often (except in the case of mothers toward children, ha) being hurried is an unverbalized assumption upon oneself or others.  Our minds frequently react with the impulse to hurry. “I’m going to be late, better hurry”... “I wish I could just hurry up and get over these feelings”....”These kids have been driving me nuts all day, my husband better hurry home and give me relief”....”I’ve been praying about this for weeks, God better hurry up and answer”....”I’ve been so hard working lately, my boss better hurry up and give me that raise.”
Writing that out and reading it makes it pretty clear that hurrying ourselves or others isn’t the most ideal place to be.
That’s not to say that there isn’t a time and place to kick it into high gear to get something done. That’s also not to say that we should swing the opposite way and be lazy, or luke-warm, or not ask for help when we need it, or not be expectant for God to work, or not hope for good things. The bible is clear about the pitfalls of laziness, complacency, autonomy, and poor stewardship. But, the bible is also clear that God is perfectly patient, loving, steadfast, slow to anger, and all-knowing, and that we are to rest in Him and trust his timing.
“But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 1 Peter 3:8-9
Sometimes I need to remind myself that my perception of God’s slowness comes from me looking though my cloudy human-eye lense of time. We are created by a God who is outside of space and time. We are little children given an average of 72 years to get to know and be sanctified by Jesus, and this is not a “hurry up and wait” situation, it’s much more a “expectantly lay down your life and your will and watch as God slowly grows you as you walk in obedience” situation. How sad would it be if the most exciting part of our Christian life was the moment we gave our lives to Christ? That sentence might sound off-putting at first, but hear me out. God wants so much more for us than a momentary conversion. The initial salvation is the seed just beginning to grow, and while a seedling is still something to rejoice about, how much more do we sit in awe before a mighty redwood tree having been grown and sustained for decades? A redwood tree took years of beatings from the wind, years of drought, and years of rain, and thousands of hours of sunlight, to gain every inch of it’s growth. A redwood seedling + rain//sun//air + time= a majestic wonder to behold. Your life, my life, our children’s or friend’s or families lives, they need time too. That time is a gift from God. Doesn’t God, more than anyone, know how fickle our emotions are, how deeply the roots of sin go into our hearts, how callous we become from years of not processing our hurts, how stubborn we are, how prone to lying to others and ourselves. It takes time for the shocking grace of Jesus and the truth of our desperate need and His perfect provision to infiltrate our hearts and start to make changes. In Changes that Heal by Henry Cloud, he says that God uses the perfect balance of Grace + truth + time to equal change in our hearts. It seems to me that God isn’t in a hurry, and so we shouldn’t be either.
Growth takes time...God designed it that way for a reason. Quick fixes don’t last, and God is in the business of Eternity. What God lacks in speed (according to our limited perception), he gains in intentionality. When you’re tempted to hurry yourself or God along, be reminded that at that very moment he is “working all things for the good of those who love him”. Even and maybe especially in our waiting, God is working with the utmost precision. He is for you, and you can trust him. He gave you Jesus as the perfect intercessor; you get to talk to the God of the universe and cast your cares on him. What are you waiting for? Hurry up, and pray. :)
Psalm 103
[1] Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
[2] Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
[3] who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
[4] who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
[5] who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
[6] The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all who are oppressed.
[7] He made known his ways to Moses,
his acts to the people of Israel.
[8] The LORD is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
[9] He will not always chide,
nor will he keep his anger forever.
[10] He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities.
[11] For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
[12] as far as the east is from the west,
so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
[13] As a father shows compassion to his children,
so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.
[14] For he knows our frame;
he remembers that we are dust.
[15] As for man, his days are like grass;
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
[16] for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more.
[17] But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him,
and his righteousness to children's children,
[18] to those who keep his covenant
and remember to do his commandments.
[19] The LORD has established his throne in the heavens,
and his kingdom rules over all.
[20] Bless the LORD, O you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his word,
obeying the voice of his word!
[21] Bless the LORD, all his hosts,
his ministers, who do his will!
[22] Bless the LORD, all his works,
in all places of his dominion.
Bless the LORD, O my soul!
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miss-velveteen · 6 years
1. It only takes me three days to get over things usually so if I can just distract myself for the next 72 hours I’ll be fine.
2. In a Remeron induced stupor I believe I purchased like 6 catholic effigies with my Etsy credit last night so I have that to look forward to.
3. If I snuggle with my step mom all day I will be spiting my mother and making myself feel better so it’s a win win really.
4. If I want to go to this movie later I have to wash my face and put on clothes which is not ideal.
5. Very eager to read Chronology of Water.
6. Very eager to slip on the ice and break my neck.
7. I can’t understand why people like Timotheè Chalamet so much when he only plays assholes.
8. Will still be watching Hot Summer Nights for the third day in a row though.
9. If I compartmentalize my hours well enough then I won’t even notice that I’m absolutely perishing until I’m not anymore.
10. Thinking about my dog and panicking is the mood today.
11. The only thing that could possibly make me feel better is going to an antique store and buying an absolute set of china and then Calvin Klein fires Raf Simmons AGAIN and then someone calls me sugar like my mom used to and then the Fiorucci T-shirt ends up in my mailbox and then I break all of the fucking china I just bought as a performance piece and Gloria Steinem tells me to go fuck myself.
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truthsword · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 26, 39, 45, 47, 51, 59, 60, 99 and 100
2. Favourite Protagonist? id die for both makoto and shuichi. fuck you
3. Favourite antagonistic character? does mukuro count??? idk which characters would count but both junko and tsumugi can perish so im gonna say mukuro counts. tho aesthetic wise junko is fucking rocking it but that goes without saying
4. Favourite character? MNGHHHHHHHHHGHHGHG
5. Best girl? FUCK i cant pick so im going one from each game and you cant stop me. dr1: kyoko. dr2: chiaki (wow who could have seen that one coming huh). drv3: tenko
6. Best boy? once again one from each, dr1: makoto. dr2: fuck. nagito but gundham is a close second. drv3: FUCK. threeway tie between kaito kiibo and gonta
9. Least favourite class trial? assuming were talking just abt trials and not executions... gontas fucking SUCKED and i HATED IT spike chunsoft can PERISH for making that happen
15. Your absolute OTP? GHGHHGHG I CANT JUST PICK ONE. komahina is EXTREMELY good but im just yknow. slightly biased on that. sakura/hina is also blessed as fuck and i also secretly love chihiro/chiaki. and ofc toko/komaru is also very good. i also really like peko/ibuki and nekomaru/akane (my one straight ship in like, the entire series lmao) and id fucking die for tenko/himiko and kaito/shuichi. also dont @ me for homestuck on sideblog but kaito maki and shuichi kaede are canon and theres nothing anyone can do about it. i have other ships but this is already long enough as is so those are my faves. yeet
26. Favourite execution? can i say junkos? if not hers tho then uhhhh probably celestes just bc it was aesthetic as fuck. also kirumis made me feel a LOT of things and cry a lot but goddamn if it wasnt well put together
39. Smartest murder plan? man there were, a fucking LOT of really smart ones idk if i can just pick one. i guess im probably gonna go with kaito and kokichis? since im p sure that was the only one where monokuma himself didnt even know who the culprit was
45. Unpopular opinion? chihiro trans girl and spike chunsoft handled that whole thing in literally the worst possible way ESPECIALLY her being forcibly outed after her fucking death (IDC IF IT WAS NECESSARY TO FIND THE KILLER) and also the whole thing with monokuma being ‘ah yes i knew the whole time!!! thats why i gave [her] a guys handbook and the room without the locked bathroom door etc etc etc’ 
47. A headcanon you have about a character? me with my many autistic headcanons scrolling through the list of characters trying to pick just one (1) to list for this ask:
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end? HONESTLY??? OUMA. also byakuya to a lesser degree
59. Favourite moment? HGHGHHGHGHGHH PERISH FOR MAKIN G ME CHOOSE. okay. okay i love the like, moment in dr1 and 2 where u have to like. build up hope and then shoot everyone with it its legitimately GREAT and makes me super emotional. i also loved in despair girls when they gave komaru a whole line JUST so she could say ‘NO THATS WRONG’ and also when her and toko fuckin. attacked together and LITERALLY said they found hope to go on in each other
60. Saddest moment? can i uhhhhhh count dr3 in this bc if so, hoo boy howdy do i sure have one that made me cry for like an hour, take one guess what that was,
99. Your absolute NOTP? mmmmmm toko/byakuya. 1. its terrible and unhealthy on both sides 2. theyre gay/lesbian solidarity. you fools. you utter imbeciles
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists! 
-makoto: baby boy. baby. would die for without hesitation. 
-hajime: thats me!
-kaede: would die for her too and i wish shed gotten more screentime but i guess it really do be like that sometimes. at least she had her free time events in salmon mode
-shuichi: also would die for, needs to have more confidence in himself and his abilities
-counting komaru in this bc i love her: i love her. fucking superb you funky little lesbian
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
TLC:’ I will never forget the day we were millionaires for five minutes’
On the comeback trail, the 90 s megastars reflect on bankruptcy, diverting down Britney and what Lisa Left Eye Lopes would be like on Twitter
TLC are in the back of an Uber XL in the middle of Londons Oxford Circus, sunshine streaming through the windows, with a hottie standing in full view at the crossing. Jesus! Did you look at this guy? Lord have mercy. Why didnt you get his ass on camera? He is byoo-tee-full . Traffic and exchange is gridlocked; Chilli craves her bandmate T-Boz, their cameraman, makeup artist, press officer, the operator and me to acknowledge the drop-dead sumptuous specimen, beefy in muscle and hyper-groomed of look, outside the window.
Look, hey, I desire somewhat guys, but come near now, you are able to grant it up. Tell the truth.
I shrug, ambivalent, and “re just telling me” hes not my category. T-Boz, who has spent the last few minutes scratching her knuckles reminiscing about the fights she used to get into, constricts her attentions. What ?! she says. What is your character? Why dont you tell us what your category is? Even if hes not your kind, you have to say hes cute. Hes not my category, either, but I can see hes good examining. The whole parcel was working for him: the “hairs-breadth”, the muscles What is your category?
The brightness change and the two laughter, a conspiratorial chuckle that follows often of their converse over the next 24 hours. TLC making a respectable comeback in 2017 is, its fair to say, sudden. Despite insisting that theyve been working solidly behind the scenes the whole time touring internationally, writing movie dialogues, setting up a fitness blog the group vanished from public consciousness sometime in the early 00 s.
Watch the video for Way Back.
Collectively though, the three twentysomething dames from Atlanta, Georgia Tionne T-Boz Watkins, Rozonda Chilli Thomas and Lisa Left Eye Lopes owned the 90 s: their brand of sultry R& B, silky enough to woo the masses but glitchy enough to keep them interesting, has constructed them the most successful US girl group of all time. Their two biggest books, CrazySexyCool( 1994) and Fanmail( 1999 ), sold more than 20 m mimics between them, with other singles and albums helping to rack up a total sales pull of around 65 m worldwide.
Thats a behemothic rank of success that was felled first by the bands bankruptcy in 1995, then by the tragic deaths among Lopes, at 30, in 2002.
I slept a lot, says Thomas of that time. When youre depressed and you sleep a lot I did that and stayed in my area. I didnt watch Tv and I certainly didnt listen to radio or used to go because everywhere wed disappear, someone would have something to say.
And theyd be smiling, more, microchips in Watkins, and then be like, Oh, Im so sorry, and then immediately, Can I have your autograph?
The two seemed hounded by the press, the public and their description. People are ghouls, says Watkins. I went words at my home 2 day after Lisa croaked, like, What are you going to do? and, Heres my demo, take a listen. But Lopes, who perished in road accidents on holiday in Honduras that April, was irreplaceable. TLC was ever a vehicle for a producer or a managers brand-new sound opening a revolving door for a new third member like, say, Destinys Child or the Sugababes was not an option.
They are much clearer than anybody else on what is and isnt TLC, their description boss, LA Reid, told Rolling Stone in 1995. They make it clearly articulated to the writers and creators on their projects what they will and will not sing. And because of that, theyll ever be a little onward. The radical turned away major songs, including Hit Me Baby One More Time( Its a great hymn but not every hit is for you. I couldnt hear us on that enter, says Thomas, diplomatically ).
We already did baby babe newborn, says Watkins, caressing her teeth.
Sister ordinance … ( left to right) Tionne T-Boz Watkins, Lisa Left-Eye Lopes and Rozonda Chilli Thomas in the Netherlands in 1992. Photo: Michel Linssen/ Redferns
TLCs distinct din stands written about and referenced by music blogs. And it still influences modern dad( accompany 2017 s biggest-selling single in the UK, Ed Sheerans Shape of You ). The radical characterized themselves by their three distinct identities: crazy, sex, refrigerate. Seven months after Lopes died, their fourth and least successful book, 3D, was secreted. We were upset, that was the label, says Watkins, of the book coming out. I guess their mourning stagecoach for us was a week, we werent recalling straight-from-the-shoulder or in a right frame of mind to be making decisions.
That first couple of years you think you were all right or at least better, and then you have a dreaming or something and youre messed up all over again, lends Thomas. It just really took is high time to heal.
Fifteen times on and in their late 40 s, the pair didnt think that they would be playing their first ever London gig. Mays lonely time at Koko in Camden Town sold out in a daytime, to an horde of followers singing and sweating on its sticky floorboards. We havent had bad concerts where weve been booed, but that was hard to believe, says Watkins, when we gratifies the next night in a salmon pink hotel suite. To come here and have beings singing TLC. It manufactures the adrenaline flow. Were always nervous before we go on stage, says Thomas, but I was exceptionally apprehensive this time. It didnt settle till I started doing it.
That the evidence was a triumph only follows TLCs made-for-TV-movie trajectory. Backing dancers in amber lame outfits, a truth choir, and thumped after reached opening with Diggin On Youand purposing with No Scrubs heightened it beyond the hurry of pop nostalgia. That said, new single Way Back, which boasts a Snoop Dogg verse where Lopes might have been, is pure 90 s street feeling throwback, but the pair affirm that theyre not attaches great importance to continuing trend, because, says Watkins, our music will always be relevant.
Hit girlfriends … TLC in Hollywood, 1999. Photo: Ron Davis/ Getty Images
What do you signify by throwback? questions Thomas.
Its inarguable that the two have worked hard to retain the essence of what reached them so massive in the first place: from the live creation down to Thomass still terrifyingly well-maintained washboard belly, they appear and sound as if theyve escaped a season capsule.
Some beings may say, Oh. you have the same haircut, says Watkins her angled blond bob gash as aggressively as she is. But first of all, second of all, and third of all: when you get the various kinds of iconic haircut that beings emulate, “youre calling” me. Its signature. Its true-blue: alongside The Rachel, Watkinss was the more popular haircut for gobby schoolgirls in the 90s. A slew of faux-bickering and tutting between the two follows as they debate the flaws of contemporary creators who, according to TLC, have no appreciation of performance, showmanship or style.
Celebrity changed, but what stays out to me is the altered in media, says Thomas. If Twitter was around when we were were out, Lisa would have “the worlds largest” adherents for sure. And maybe been in the most disturb, more? Oh my God, she would have been closed down multiple times.
Same with Instagram, says Watkins. If Instagram was taken away tomorrow there would be a lot of parties jobless right now cos theres a lot of public figure now made up of Instagram frameworks. She is unimpressed by influencers monetising their lifestyles online, but tries to hold back. Im not gonna knock your hubbub. Hustle on, girlfriend. “Its time” that hos are triumphing. An affirmative block-caps YEAH! comes from Thomas. But if you gonna be a ho, at the least sounds like a good ho and have to pay, Watkins continues. Ho-ism is working for people. Worst situation is to be a ho, spread your trash far and near and get nothing from it.
No scrubbing please, were TLC … Chilli ( left) and T-Boz. Image: Linda Nylind/ The Guide
Watkins wont be drawn on who she might be alluding to, but its still a surprise to hear her or Thomas claim a moral high ground over other women. TLC endorse female sexuality in their hymns and styling, and were early advocates of safe-sex campaigns( Lopes would even wear a condom on the left see of her glass ). Hitherto, says Watkins, she was offered $50,000 to stay a male fan and his wife at home So they could just stare at me amply clothed for five minutes , nothing else and she refused.
Chilli is scandalized. Fifty thousand! To bring kindnes and gaiety into that relationship, whats wrong with that ?! My husband at that time didnt crave me travelling, declares Watkins. He didnt have to know! squeal Thomas.
Both are single right now. Thomas has a son with TLCs ex-producer Dallas Austin, and Watkins is divorced with a son and teenage daughter. I wouldnt want to meet anyone right now, says Watkins. I do not want a mortal. If God slaps me in the are dealing with a good one, fine, but right now, I dont want to listen to your daytime, I dont want to care about your problems. I wouldnt be a good girlfriend right now; I dont want to have sex with nobody.
Oh, you poverty-stricken girlfriend! You good good girlfriend, says Thomas, cooing at Watkinss vagina.
Shell be all right, says Watkins, side-eyeing Thomas with a cat-like grin.
The pair live in different metropolitans now; Watkins is in Los Angeles, having precisely moved out of the neighbourhood the Kardashians live in, and Thomas has stayed in Atlanta, but they still finish each others sentences and slip into shorthand. You start off with so many friends, shows Watkins, but as you get older, you only need one or two. Im not open to just letting people into my life, I involve an asset not a liability.
Class behave … TLC announce a $25,000 Aids education scholarship in recall of Lisa Lopes at the 2002 MTV Awards. Picture: Kevin Kane/ WireImage
To their ascribe, the two ought to have categorically burned by the industry. To go bankrupt at the top of their honour and success still stings. I will never forget the day we were millionaires for literally five minutes, says Watkins. Because the cheque was written to us and we had to sign it over, back to[ Pebbles, their former administrator ]. But we wont get into that since were still in a lawsuit.
If I could go back, I are certainly change a couple of things business-wise, says Thomas. I have learned the hard way: signal your own cheques, make sure your taxes are in shape and whatever your firm is, its always good to get wise examined. If you dont have anything to hide, its not a worry.
Its not personal, contributes Watkins, hard as nails, its business. Everyone in this industry has only one plan. Auditors, lawyers, beings you think you know will keep running up the greenback. You have to watch your back on every corner.
Worse than the money was, of course, the loss of Lopes , that are actually dissolved that first, fantastical operate. The three had weathered everything together the backstabbing, the bankruptcy, the tabloid awarenes of Lopes igniting down the mansion of her then-football star boyfriend. Lisa was a starter. I dont start substance, I dont believes in disagreeing with people I dont know, says Watkins. I have a hard exterior, Im scary.
She was more intrepid, says Thomas. Im a friendly party but if I find out youre not cool, I get real cold.And, chortles Watkins, with Lisa, it depended on the working day. She was a Gemini, so she was about seven different beings. Neither Watkins or Thomas booze( Weve done this industry sober; were real clear about exactly what we doing ), though Lopes did and the three, tight because they are, were known to scrap often publicly. Gazing back, would they have done anything differently? Coulda, woulda, shoulda, says Watkins, her expression at its most slow and sleepy-eyed. It became us who we are, so at the end of the day, I just recollect Lisa as person or persons, a human being. I miss everything.
TLC by TLC is out on 30 June
The post TLC:’ I will never forget the day we were millionaires for five minutes’ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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