#its gonna be on kickstarter soon so keep an eye out
ladysantos · 27 days
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witch gf shows u the rest of her tattoos 🧙‍♀️
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holymusicalmothman · 4 days
spencer make my brain go numb like i wanna lazily makeout with him :(
Smosh Masterlist
Aight my lil guys. I’ve been ✨inspired✨. It gonna be short tho
Mkay but I feel like it’s just tender af. Ya know? Like all the time in the world kinda lazy kissing but it’s still absolutely breathtaking. Like. Y’all are just doing nothing on a Sunday afternoon, just watching a movie or smth and like ten minutes later you’re just seated on his lap and oof.
Also. I can’t remember whether or not I know what Spence’s cats names are. I know Damien’s, but I don’t think I know Spencers 🤔 Let a girl know lol
Could be included in my Ian’s Sister AU. This lil fic took me on a journey.
Word count: 500-600???
TW: Kissing!!! Nothing expletive. Established relationship.
Lazy Sunday Confessions
What had started as a planned movie date with your boyfriend had slowly turned into a lazy make out session on his couch.
Not that you were complaining. The movie had been quiet and rather slow, so you had found an entertaining pastime in each other that fit the vibe given by the slow Sunday afternoon.
His lips moved slowly but purposefuly with yours, one hand against the back of your neck and the other rubbing circles into your hip through your shirt.
Spencer’s apartment was silent apart from the gentle lul of the tv and soft, breathy sighs. His cats were no where in sight, napping in another room for sure. It was just the two of you.
You could lose yourself in the moment forever, everything outside of your boyfriend was long forgotten. Nothing existed save for the feeling of his lips moving against your own as his stubble lightly tickled your face. Your hands moved from his shoulders upwards to tangle your finders into messy dark curls.
Spencer did something nice with his jaw as he continued to kiss you and you sighed happily, your heart fluttering in its contentment.
You finally pulled away for a moment, and he trailed slow, gentle kisses across your cheek and to your jaw, only stopping when your forehead came to rest against his neck.
How could kissing be so…tiring? You thought to yourself. There was so much more that went into it than you had once thought. But you didn’t want to stop.
“It’s getting late, pretty girl. Gonna be dark soon.” He mumbled into your hair, his hand moving from the back of your neck to brush through your hair.
“‘m t’red,” you mumbled back and you felt him shake in silent laughter.
“If you’d like, you could stay here tonight.” There was a waver in his voice and it betrayed his nervousness. “Just to sleep, baby. No funny business until you say you’re ready.”
You smiled. You really did have the best boyfriend. “It’ll stay.”
You felt him tense in excitement. “Really?”
“Mhm. I finally picked up all the clothes I keep leaving at ‘Manda’s on wine night. I’ve got some sweats I can wear,” you began sitting up. “Just gotta run out to my car.”
“You could leave some of those clothes here, too.” He said.
Your eyes met his dark blue ones.
“I may have already made some space for you in my drawer.” He confessed. “You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable.”
You had your hands on either side of his face and you were pulling him back into your orbit before he had even finished taking.
He tasted of Kickstart and something so distinctly Spencer that you weren’t sure if it existed anywhere else. The smell of cologne and what was either body wash or shampoo wrapped back around you as the world once more shrunk down to just the two of you.
“I love you.” Slipped past your lips and across his skin and you froze, thinking the confession had been shoved deeper into your subconscious.
But the grin that broke across Spencer’s face could have powered the sun and erased any anxiety you had. It reached all the way to his eyes which had suddenly teared up.
“Really? I’ve been waiting so long to hear that, pretty girl. I love you, too.”
I ran out of steam towards the end there. But I’m not someone who writes anything super intimate, so this was a well accepted and well welcomed challenge.
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baxteravenue · 9 months
pt ii.
summary: when jack and yours management team come together to create a perfect pr relationship you and jack must do your best to keep it as professional as possible... but when you have to spend a year together the lines between real and fake can become a little blurry.
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STAGE ONE: Planting The Seed
You could feel the goosebumps rise against your skin as you sat in the cold conference room watching as your manager spoke with a shorter woman, before pointing back at you. You looked away scrolling back on your phone. You knew why you were here, you didn’t really agree to it but he was on a roll in his career right now and he didn’t need anything stopping it soon which is where you came in. 
You were an up and coming singer, you were happy with your fans. You weren't the biggest but you had no complaints. You understood why they wanted this for you, why your label was going out of its way to make you the next Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande. You just didn’t understand why it had to be this way.
“Y/N…” Your manager taps at you making you lift up your head, next to her stands Jack Harlow. “This is Jack, I’m gonna leave you two here to get to know each other and stuff while me and Neelam discuss some stuff.”
You nod, giving her a small smile as she walks out. The room feels warm now, and you can sense the sweat building at the bottom of your back.
“Hi.” Jack says from across the table, he decides to make the first move. 
“Hi.” You respond.
It doesn’t last long because it’s quiet again and awkward, very awkward. 
“Look, I think we should talk and like discuss some things… we are gonna be dating I guess.” Jack rubs at the back of his neck and for the first time you can tell that he is nervous as well. 
“Okay, what do you want to talk about?” You ask.
He leans over, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well first of all are you okay with all of this? I don’t want to do this if you’re not okay with it.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, “This was your idea?”
“What? No.” He shakes his head, “But I’m not against it. I want a Grammy Y/N and there's… Look, let's just say that some people don’t want me to have one. I’m sure you want one too.” 
You did. It was one of your biggest dreams but in order for that to happen you had to do something about it, and the industry was cut throat. 
“Fine?” Jack smiled.
“Yes, fine.”
He nodded, “I like your music by the way.”
You laughed. “Yours isn't too bad either.”
Your manager came back into the room as the two of you were in conversation, coming up with things you wanted to do and didn’t.
“Ready to do this?”
You and Jack looked at each other, before nodding. 
Within the next week the four of you had multiple upon multiple meetings coming up with terms and conditions that both you and Jack would be fine with. 
“And one last thing, no one can know. Only the four of us,” Your manager starts looking over at Neelam who continues.
“Not even Urban Jack, no one. To everyone else outside this room the two of you are a real couple and you must act that way.” 
You and Jack sign for a year, enough time to get some exposure on his new album that revolves around love rather than his usual fuck boy persona, and so that the audience can put a face to the alluded person and so that you can kickstart a long and accomplishing career. 
You spend the first few weeks slowly getting used to each other. He follows you on Instagram and you follow back maybe two people notice but you don’t get a huge reaction besides a random account getting excited that two of her favorite artists follow each other.
The two of you are steady with texting about random things, wanting to at least become friends before things get more serious for the public eye. Within a month you’re flying out to Louisville to stay with him for a bit. 
“How do you like it so far?” Jack asks as the two of you eat ice cream in his apartment. 
You take the spoon that was full of chocolate ice cream out of your mouth, “Louisville or this situation?” You blubber through the coldness.
“I don’t think we’ve gotten far enough for me to really feel a certain way, but I haven’t been called any degrading names on the internet so I think it’s fine?” You shrug, “And I haven’t seen much of Atlanta besides your guest room and the Whole Foods down the block.” 
“Let’s do something then?” Jack looked over at you.
“Can we?”
“I don’t see why not? It’s already been a month, a little sighting wouldn’t be too bad.” Jack sits up, “Plus there's a place I really want to show you.”
The place Jack wanted to show you was only just a five minute walk around his apartment complex. A park right under a highway that overlooked a river. The moon twinkled over the water, it was really pretty. 
You looked up at Jack, “Do you come here a lot?”
Jack adjusted his hoodie, shrugging. “Not really. Not these days at least.”
“It’s pretty, and close. I think I'd be here a lot.”
Jack looked at you, “I’m headlining a festival they have here in a few months.”
“Really? That’s so fucking cool!” You smile at him.
“It’s pretty nuts, I remember sneaking into it and then when I first got my slot to perform at the smallest stage with a small crowd of mostly people that knew me from high school– Feels unreal still.”
You nod, “I can’t wait to experience that… Don’t get me wrong I love my little fan base so much and I love playing intimate shows where I can really connect with my audience but I also want to experience a crowd so big I can’t even see where it ends.” You nod.
Jack puts his arm around you, bringing you in closer to him and your heart jumps a little surprisingly, “If this goes as planned I'm sure you will.” 
“Oh my god, Jack Harlow!”
And suddenly him wrapping his arm around you makes sense.
JACKHARLOWUPDATES: Jack is currently back home in Louisville!
JACKHARLOWFAN: he looks so cutie in that picture
STACYGREENE5: hey! that’s me, he was so sweet even if i was acting a bit crazy lol!
GAZEBOSTAN: why was he by himself at the waterfront?!
STACYGREENE5: he wasn’t! he was with a girl… i’m pretty sure they’re dating bc he had his arm around her!
JACKHARLOWUPDATED: Jack and Y/N in Louisville tonight!
USERNAME1: This is so random
JACKMANTWTAS: Y/N is credited as a writer on multiple albums, including Mac Miller, so I’m sure they’re working on something together.
USERNAME: if it’s true, i’m sure this will be his best album bc she helped mac with swimming when she was only 17
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tricitymonsters · 10 months
progress report w/e 7/29
Getting back on track again with the UI, made good progress getting the main menu 99% hooked up and also building the upcoming CG gallery (where you'll be able to view cg's you've unlocked)
Atlas has completed the splash screen, patrons got a sneak peek earlier this week
moving from kickstarter brain to game developer brain has been kind of a challenge but I think i'm mostly over the wall, things have been going much easier as I progress
Its gonna be mostly game dev updates and kickstarter fulfillment over the next several months
Still need to sit down and write up my marketing thoughts post-kickstarter for other devs to utilize
as far as KS stuff goes, an update will be going out either tomorrow or saturday detailing survey distribution, pinup artists, and wallpaper packs so if you're on the project keep an eye out for that.
its so goddamned hot outside you guys i'm grateful i replaced my ac last year because wow at least the new system isn't struggling in these awful temps.
Thats about it from me, no screencaps cause everythings kind of in half finished limbo but I hope to be able to share some more visual materials with yall soon!
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jazzyjesse · 1 year
i wanna hear about amy rose
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OH BOY!!! okay okay okay so im gonna preface this w a LOT of this is my own shit and not her official whatever but oh goodness okay!!!!!
oh where to BEGIN amy rose my beloved she's sonic first friend and he is hers! she's mega strong due to what may or may not be a natural excess of chaos energy that makes her the closest natural being to shadow to exist, she's 12 (according to sega that is. i mess around w the ages a lil bit so shes usually closer to 14 in my stuff but), she has a giant hammer, she loves fighting, she's in love with love, she has tarot cards, she grew up alone, she has a temper
literally what can't i say about amy? she's aromantic and Wants to be in love w sonic bc thats what she thinks she shld do but it never feels right and she can't tell the difference between loving him as her first friend and loving him like a partner and she's absolutely Terrified that she's broken somehow. so she tries to convince herself she's in love with him bc thats how this works right? they'll get married one day and have hoglets and she can’t word why the idea freaks her out so much
those bracelets she wears are inhibitor rings actually she told me herself! she doesn't actually know what they Do she got them as a child after her first meeting with sonic
before she got the rings she was a mess she couldn't control her strength and she broke everything she touched. no one in her village spoke to her and they were all terrified of her the only friend she had was her deck of tarot cards she found in the trash. then she became pen pals with sonic and they met and she was ecstatic but when she came back from that adventure the exposure to the chaos emeralds and just that Much chaos energy sorta kickstarted her powers further
so when she went back to her village to gather her things before adventuring her strength was far more than she could handle. one of the adults told her she was sick and she believed them. he gave her two bracelets and told her to always keep them on. that it would keep the evil at bay. and she believed him.
amy doesnt even know she has inhibitor rings she thinks its some sort of magic cure for her curse. it isnt until she meets shadow that she sees.. something in him. looking at shadow is like looking into a foggy mirror to her. she can see Something familiar but can't put her finger on it. and then one day during some random battle one of her bracelets breaks and just that one breaking is enough to overwhelm her with power she hasnt felt since she was a kid. she's absolutely terrified, but when she looks up from her hands to her friends expecting to see horror and disgust, she locks eyes with shadow. he looks at her not in fear or disgust but in awe and recognition. he runs over to her, taking one of his rings off. she yells at him to be careful but he doesnt listen to her. he puts it around her wrist and sure it's a little different than her own. it's more elegant and too artificial to feel right, but it works. as soon as the ring clicks in place around her wrist she feels more in control. the terrifying spiral of power dims to what she's used to.
amy looks up at shadow and the fog on the glass is wiped away. she's like him. she's not cursed she just has a high amount of chaos energy. they all go back to tails's workshop where the fox is immediately working on making even more inhibitor rings and asking amy if he can do some tests on her chaos energy and shadow is at her side the whole time. amy rose is no longer alone
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tripleaxeldiaz · 3 years
never fallen from quite this high
read on ao3
There’s a knock at the door, but Eddie doesn’t hear it, focused instead on the pinks and oranges of the sunset coming through the window and trying to stop his mind from reeling like it’s been for the past week.
Because a week ago, when he broke up with Ana, she looked him in the eye and said, “I hope he makes you happy,” and he didn’t have to ask who she was talking about.
He knew. And that scared him more than any war zone or tsunami or lungful of mud ever could.
Another knock, one Eddie registers, but he still doesn’t move. Now he’s replaying the last conversation he had with the person on the other side of the door — when Buck had innocently, nonchalantly asked why he had broken up with “his perfect teacher” and his response, without a minute to let himself think, was “because of you”. The room became a vacuum, completely airless as they stared at each other, Buck slack-jawed and Eddie wide-eyed. He could have done a thousand things — explained himself, laughed it off, denied denied denied, anything.
Instead, he ran away, peeling out of the parking lot to put as much distance between Buck and his dumb ass as possible, drowning in the shame he brought on himself.
He should’ve known Buck would follow him anyway.
A third knock, a little louder and more deliberate, and Eddie’s fingers twitch, itching to let Buck in like his heart has been begging for for days — probably years, actually — only to be beaten into submission by his thoughts and reminders that Buck is good and he is not. That no matter how deep his feelings for Buck may be (which, as it turns out, are deep enough to brand themselves on bone), he refuses to taint him, will not spread whatever bad energy even his parents can see, not after watching Buck rebuild himself brick by beautiful brick until he loved himself half as much as Eddie does.
There’s scraping and jingling as the door is unlocked, and Eddie braces himself for whatever conversation is about to unfold. Buck walks into the room, curls loose from his post-shift shower, expression unreadable in a way that Eddie hasn’t seen in a while, not since he’d memorized every tick and twitch Buck makes. The last remaining rays of sunshine light him up as he comes to a stop in front of Eddie, wrapping him in an ethereal glow, soft and almost angelic, even with his arms crossed and his walls clearly up.
It’s a little unfair, Eddie thinks, that Buck looks this gorgeous, this inviting, when he can’t even appreciate it fully.
They stare at each other, a silent game of chicken while they each wait for the other to crack. Eddie won’t break, he can’t, because if Buck walks out of his life right now because he couldn’t keep his feelings in check, he knows there’s no way he’ll be able to put himself back together. Luckily, Buck moves first, sighing through his nose and sitting down on the coffee table across from Eddie.
“So,” he starts, “because of me, huh?”
The bluntness is enough to kickstart Eddie’s self-preservation instincts. “Let’s just forget it, Buck.”
“No, no way.” Buck scoots forward, pressing his knees to Eddie’s, preventing any kind of escape. “I don’t want to forget it or ignore it or pretend it never happened. But I would like an explanation.” 
The words get stuck in Eddie’s throat, undecided on whether they’re going to come out or retreat back in and hide themselves away again. He looks away and Buck follows, staying in his line of vision, looking smaller and sadder as the silence drags out.
He breaks it, finally, along with Eddie’s heart. “Was it something I did?”
Eddie sighs. “No, it’s not—”
“Because I did like her. She made you happy, so of course I liked her—”
“And I didn’t mean to keep blowing off hanging out with you guys, it’s just— you and me and her— I was worried about it being weird and I know I shouldn’t have been but—”                                               
“Buck.” Eddie grabs his hands where they’re hanging between his legs, tries not to think about how Buck squeezes back even tighter instead of pulling away. “You didn’t do anything.”
“But you said—”
“I know.” He hadn’t even noticed threading their fingers together, but they’re here now and neither of them are moving, so he just squeezes again and takes a deep breath. “Ana was great, and I liked her a lot, but she didn’t...fit.” Because the hole Eddie thought he needed her to fill was already taken up, he just hadn’t let himself realize it. And he liked Ana — she was nice, pretty, safe, the epitome of the girl he should want, but she didn’t set his skin on fire with a brush of her fingers, didn’t flip his heart with an easy smile, didn’t make him ache for her.
She was perfect, but she wasn’t Buck.
“She didn’t fit, but someone else does?” Buck asks, like he hasn’t figured it out already, like Eddie hadn’t made it so blatantly obvious you could see it from space.
He nods anyway, confirming it. For Buck and for himself. “Yeah. You do. You fit.”
Buck’s eyes widen just a little, his face still unreadable but edging towards something like joy, only to crumble again as he searches Eddie’s face. “But that’s...bad? You don’t want me to fit.”
“No, Buck, I—” I need you to fit so bad I can’t breathe. “I want you to be happy.” More than I want myself to be happy. “I just don’t know if I can make you as happy as you deserve to be.”
Buck’s reaction is instant, without hesitation, like he knew what Eddie was going to say and already had an answer. He disentangles their hands and instead of leaving, like Eddie feared, he brings them up to either side of Eddie’s neck, thumbs resting on his jaw and holds him still so he can’t look anywhere but at Buck. 
He doesn’t want to look anywhere else. It should be scary, but it’s not. It’s liberating.
“I don’t know if you know this,” Buck starts, voice low and just for Eddie, keeping secrets from the shadows that have crept into the room, “but I’m an expert at leaving when the going gets tough. Every relationship I’ve ever been in — even Abby — had me fighting some part of myself that wanted to run away as soon as things got a little hard.” He takes a breath and his eyes blaze brighter, full of conviction and absolutely mesmerizing. “I never had to fight myself for you. You and Chris fit for me too, and I am happy, happier than I ever thought I would be, because of you.” 
Eddie swallows, lost in the determined, deep blue that is so uniquely Buck, and feels his walls start to fall apart.
“I’m not gonna be good at this,” he whispers — confesses — in the stillness of dusk.
“Neither will I. We’ll learn together.”
“What if I stop making you happy?”
“You won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do.”
Eddie opens his mouth to argue again, to keep up the facade of the fortress he built around himself that he knows Buck has broken through, but something stops him. Some part of him that’s long been buried, something he thought he lost in the sands of Afghanistan, emerges from its hiding place and whispers Take it. Take him. He loves you. Let yourself be loved.
And it’s easier, then, to lean in instead of fight against. His hands frame Buck’s face, mirroring each other, and he hardly has to pull before they’re meeting in the middle. Buck’s lips are perfect, softer than he imagined but still firm and getting everything he wants, and he tastes like mint and sunshine and home. Eddie’s already trying to figure out how he can make sure he kisses Buck like this every day for the rest of his life.
Judging by the enthusiastic reciprocation and small, happy sounds he keeps drinking up, Buck’s on the same page.
They only break apart because they have to breathe, but they don’t go far, foreheads resting together, noses brushing. And as happy as he is, Eddie’s still a little scared — scared that this is all temporary, that it won’t work out, that he’ll lose one of the most important people in his life when he inevitably makes the wrong decision or does the wrong thing.
But then he hears it again, the long forgotten voice, saying He loves you. He won’t let you go and he won’t let you forget. 
The last reservations Eddie has break away, and they fall back in, slotting together like puzzle pieces, drenched in moonlight and peace and hope.
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red handed; colby brock
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request:  im not sure if you do requests or even any imagines for colby brock anymore but i was wondering if you cold make a exception, so basically the plot is that the reader met colby through kat and since then they hit it off, now their in a secretive relationship the only person who knows is kat but she only knows the reader has a crush on colby. one day everyones hanging out in the same room room and colby is sexting the reader, sams curious to whos hes texting and they find out their dating.
dedication: @whydontweanons​
genre: fluff, subtle smut?
pairing: colby brock x gn!reader
characters: colby brock, sam golbach, katrina stuart, corey scherer, jake webber, kevin langue, brennen taylor, devyn lundy, tara yummy
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, what would probably be underage drinking, NSFW (barely), sexting (duh), mentions of COVID-19, quarantine
a/n: of course i’ll still write for sam and colby!! it’s just that, since i’m not as active of a follower of them as i used to be, my goal is to write for fandoms that i’m more invested in at the moment. but, honestly, i don’t think i could ever really stop writing for them. i love those boys so much. also this plot made me laugh so hard when i saw it in the best way possible. getting this request honestly made my day, so thank you for that!! anyways, i’m a little rusty, but here we go.
important links: masterlist
find more fics at my new blog @trapboysbunny
You and Colby had known each other for a long time - pretty much since he’d moved to LA with Sam - and you had been involved romantically just as long. You had met him and Sam through Kat on a boring Saturday night when all their friends flaked on coming to a little kickback they were hosting. Trying to be a good friend and cheer the boys up, Katrina had invited you to hopefully kickstart some emotional momentum. Your eyes met Colby’s for the first time and you clicked. Something in your gut had told you that the two of you would end up being close, and it was right. You had hit it off immediately, not taking very long to start laughing at one another’s corny jokes and telling stories over Smirnoff Ice while some random late night show played in the background. From that night on, it was history.
Since then, you two had been practically attached at the hip. If you weren’t sitting on the same room or facetiming, you were definitely texting one another. It became a running joke in your friend group that you two had evolved into a pair of siamese twins, or that being without you gave Colby separation anxiety. The two of you found it even more amusing when you actually began dating, not long after that fateful first night. It amazed the both of you that you were able to hide your relationship so well. No one had a clue. The two of you laughed about it quite often, actually, over late night phone calls and tipsy afternoons spent only with each other. No one knew, and nobody needed to know.
Colby, due to the internet and his fanbase being the way it is, preferred to keep his personal (and especially romantic) relationships more on the private side. His intent wasn’t necessarily to hide his feelings and relationship with you from his friends, but that particular topic of conversation never really came up in your friend group. Everyone had just kind of figured that everyone single would simply date someone when they were ready and tell everybody about it when they felt the time was appropriate. It wasn’t that Colby didn’t want to tell them, he just didn’t see the point in going out of his way to tell all of his friends hey after God knows how long I finally have a partner. He just didn’t want to make a big deal out of your relationship. Knowing his friends, they would definitely make it into some type of big thing, not to mention that Jake would dub the occasion as “cause for celebration” (which was really just an excuse to drink more). So Colby preferred to keep things on the quieter side for you two; neither of you wanted to make your relationship into an object for speculation.
Kat was the only person out of all of your friends to have any knowledge of your feelings for Colby. And thank God for her; if you didn’t have her to gush about Colby to, you probably would have either exploded or died. Or both. And she was there for every single second of it. She loved hearing about your movie nights, your urban exploring adventures, the sweet yet mundane things he would do to make you happy, literally anything. She ate that shit up like a man starved, and you did the same for her and Sam (regardless of the fact that their relationship was public already). You hadn’t told her explicitly about the nature of your relationship with Colby, really just gushed about your ever-growing love for the boy. Unbeknownst to you, she firmly believed that you only had feelings for Colby, clueless to the fact that the two of you had actually been dating for quite a while now. With her “go get ‘em, tiger” comments, along with similar remarks, you assumed that she had some sort of idea about your relationship with Cole, hence why you had never explicitly told her about your secret boyfriend. Kat, being the good friend that she was, never spilled your “secret” feelings to anyone else. Not even her boyfriend.
Eventually, quarantine started up amidst the international COVID-19 pandemic and you had begun practically living with the trap boys. A day without you in the house was enough to prompt concern for the boys, minus Colby who always knew the real reason why you weren’t coming over. This soon became the new normal, you taking a “day off” every few weeks to get tested just in case. At this point, it was almost comical that no one had figured out you two were dating yet.
One particular weekend afternoon, everyone in your friend group was hanging out at the house. You and Colby were sitting on opposite sides of the room, you next to Kat and Colby seated beside Sam. It was particularly warm today seeing as this Saturday landed smack in the middle of the infamous August heat wave, so you had thrown on a tank top and some shorts, nothing to flashy. Colby had dressed similarly, wearing only a muscle tee and a pair of trunks.
You were sat beside Kat, the both of you trying to listen to the story Devyn was telling. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t ignore the way your boyfriend was staring at you from across the room. You looked away from Dev for just a second to shoot him a glare when you realize exactly why he’s looking at you. The speed at which the blood rushes to your face is dizzying, and you drop your head to stare at your lap. Motherfucker- You sigh as you pull your phone out of your pocket. “Quit it with the blowjob eyes asshole,” you type before pressing the blue send button.
You feel his gaze break as his phone vibrates. Trying to ignore him, you refuse to meet his gaze again, putting all of your effort into focusing on Devyn’s story. Seconds later your phone vibrates in your pocket. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the screen reads, and you shake your head.
“Uh huh sure ok.” You pressed send again.
Another few seconds passed and your phone vibrated again. “That shirt looks really good on you.” 
You blushed as you read the message, flustered by the comment. Brows knitting together in confusion, you looked up to find him staring back at you with a dopey grin. You hunched over your phone and sent a message back. “You really think so?”
“Yeah, of course,” Colby replied, a gray typing bubble sitting under the message. “But you know how it would look cuter?”
You cocked your head to the side and typed out your response. “How?”
“On my bedroom floor.” You almost snorted at that, clamping a hand over your mouth to prevent any noise from escaping. Typical. Thankfully no one had been paying enough attention to you to notice that you were distracted.
Colby, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. “Give me this, dude,” Sam said, snatching the phone out of Colby’s hand and effectively bringing the conversation on their side of the room to a halt. “You haven’t been listening for like the past 20 minutes, dude. Now let’s see what’s got you so distracted.”
“You don’t need to look at that, Sam, it’s not that important-” The tall brunette sounded slightly panicky as he reached and grappled with Sam for his phone. Sam played around for a little bit before finally reading the screen, eyes widening in amusement.
Upon finishing his reading, Sam lowered the phone and Colby relaxed, already knowing that he was caught. “So who’s ‘angelcakes,’ huh Colbert?” Sam prodded teasingly.
Colby blushed ever so slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “They’re just a friend-”
“Which friend, huh?” Sam continued his teasing, growing louder and louder with every response until all eyes were on the two boys.
Colby shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but looking more stressed than ever in actuality. “Just a friend.”
“What do you say we call this friend, huh boys?” Sam suggested.
Kevin nodded, agreeing. “I think we definitely should.” Brennen also nodded when Sam looked to him for approval, essentially finalizing the decision.
“Okay then, let’s do this thing!” Sam yelled, earning cheers from all the other curious folks in the room. The blonde boy pressed call and Colby simply held his face in his hands.
You jumped when your phone rang, honestly having forgotten that oh shit, I’m angelcakes. Everyone turned to look at you curiously, Colby even peeking through his fingers. You didn’t even pick up the device, already knowing whose name would be lighting up the screen. “You gonna pick that up or something?” Corey asked awkwardly.
You shook your head, leaving your phone face down in its spot beside your thigh. “No, it’s probably not important anyways.”
A beat of heavy silence passed before Tara spoke. “Gee, they sure aren’t giving up. Maybe you should answer it.”
“Nah, I’m sure it’s just-”
“Yeah, you should answer the phone, Y/N,” Jake agreed, the pieces seeming to click in his head.
You sighed, burning bright red to the tips of your ears. “Okay okay, fine.” You stood and clicked the answer button. “Hello?”
And there it was, your voice echoing from Colby’s phone. The room erupted in cheers of disbelief, the boys pouncing on Colby and the girls slapping you in playful excitement. “I knew there was something going on between you two!! There’s no way there couldn’t have been -- I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Kat squealed, smushing you in a hug.
The rest of the girls echoed the sentiment, a chorus of ‘same’s and ‘I can’t believe you’s. It took a while for everyone to calm down but, once everyone settled, you and Cole managed to get some alone time. The two of you escaped out back, the less than mediocre breeze cooling the sweat that slicked your skin. You held each other, almost as though you were about to start slow dancing. “Damn, caught red handed, huh?”
You laughed breathily, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “It was only a matter of time, ya know?”
“I know,” he agreed, cheek pressing against your hair. “I’m glad we don’t have to be weird around them anymore.”
“Me too,” you hummed.
Colby pulled away a little bit, just enough for him to look you in the eyes, your arms still around his neck. “Hey.”
You giggled, confused. “Hey.”
“I love you.”
You smiled your confirmation, eyes twinkling under the cheap backyard lights. “I love you.”
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slafkovskys · 3 years
somewhere along the lines / t. zegras
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my masterlist!
title from it ain’t me by kygo ft selena gomez
you had missed bedford, that was not something that you could lie about. it was your hometown, where you’d grown up, had met almost every person that you knew. it would never be anaheim and that was a fact.
another thing about bedford, despite everyone saying that it was quiet and safe and cozy, there were almost no secrets. shortly after you had arrived back in town, word seemed to spread like wildfire when you’d come home just barely three months after you had fled to california, following after trevor.
now, five days later, your son was tucked away with your mother in your childhood home and your car was pulling into a spot beside trevor’s that he had decided to keep at his parent's house when he left for the season. you could see him inside, his back to you at a table in the corner with his head down, hat covering his likely unruly hair.
you almost pull away, hand reaching to shift your car from park to reverse, but you stop yourself. he deserved an explanation just as much as you deserved closure.
you grab your bag from the passenger seat and open the car door, planting your sneaker-clad feet on the ground. you cross your arms over your chest, the new york chill wrapping around you as you quickly make your way towards the entrance.
walking into the cafe, the man behind the counter smiles at you. you walk up with the same grin and order the same thing you used to when you were in high school. you pay and nod when he tells you that it would take a few minutes, grabbing the number he hands you. you turn and find trevor already staring.
you tuck your bottom lip under your teeth and take a deep breath before walking over. you sit your bag in the chair beside you and stick your number in the holder before sitting down, “hi trevor.”
“why did you do it?” his scratchy voice asks, immediately jumping to the point, “why did you leave me?”
it was earth-shattering. heart-stopping. enough to send a round of cold chills down your body.
you were staring at the test with an emotionless face while the single word was staring right back at you, pregnant. you were barely seventeen then, still so young and planning on starting college applications soon. there was so much that you didn’t know and you were much too young to be responsible for someone else, you thought.
you didn’t cry. you wanted to, but the tears just wouldn’t come. instead, you put the test back into its box and shove it back into the bag before walking out of the drug store and to your car. you could feel the eyes of the cashier following you. she was the same one who used to place your animal crackers in front of you when you were four and now, thirteen years later, she was watching the aftermath of the pregnancy test that she had just sold you.
it was still early, the sky was dark and the atmosphere was glum. as you drove yourself to school. you stopped for some breakfast, so you wouldn’t have been telling your mother a complete lie as to why you had to leave so early, before parking in the same spot that you had been since you first got your license.
the brown paper bag that held your food was almost taunting. fifteen minutes ago you would have killed for what was inside, but now your stomach was so twisted that you didn’t even want to look at it. you sat in your car taking sips of your water before you grab your backpack and the brown bag and trudge inside.
you were six weeks into your senior year at that point and things were great. everything was great, your grades, your friends, your life. nothing had needed changing right then.
you walked into your first class of four that you had every day. your usual spot was open and angela, your designated partner, already occupied the seat beside it. she smiles when she sees you and holds up a hand, signaling that she had something to tell you, “first, you would not believe what happened last night. and second, what’s in the bag?”
“it’s got bacon and egg on it, so you wouldn’t like it,” you shake your head as you pull out your chair. you set the bag alongside your backpack on the tabletop before dropping down in the seat. “what happened last night?”
“so-” she’s interrupted by a loud noise.
you both look towards the door and watch as griffin strolls through, a big smile on his face. he heads directly for you and gestures to the bag. you wave your hand, “you can have it.”
“sweet!” he says, taking the bag off your table and placing it on his which was directly beside your own. he had wasted no time in devouring the sandwich, eating so fast you weren’t even sure he had time to taste it. he looks back at you after reaching for his water, “do you have a pencil i can borrow? i’ll give it back.”
“no you won’t,” you shake your head and hand him your backpack, not feeling like rooting through for a pencil you knew you weren’t going to need because you were supposed to be doing essays today. you focus your attention back on angela, “i’m sorry. what were you saying?”
to you, the matter wasn’t that interesting. angela had been talking to some guy who went to syracuse and had said that he could get you into some party that weekend, but, to be honest, getting into a college party was dead last on your list of pressing matters.
the morning seemed to drag on forever and when it finally reached noon, you were rushing towards the doors so that you could make a phone call to your doctor’s office to schedule an appointment to confirm that you were indeed pregnant.
you were walking down the hallway when a call of your name stops you in your tracks. you turn and find griffin jogging towards you and he throws an arm around your shoulder, walking you towards the door, “what’s-”
“i, um, i saw the box in your bag when i grabbed a pencil this morning,” he says, lowering his voice so that no one would hear him. you stop in your tracks, but he keeps you moving, “no, don’t look weird. i’m not mad or anything. it’s really none of my business, but have you, like, confirmed it or whatever.”
“i’m going to when i leave here,” is all you can say. your heart was pounding so loudly you could hear it and you were almost positive that griffin could as well.
“ok. come over for dinner and we can talk about it. mom’s gonna make your favorite,” he stops in front of the door, the look on his face telling you that he would not be taking no for an answer. you swallow before nodding, “okay?”
you knew within a couple of hours after leaving griffin in the hallway that the test was correct, you were due to have a child soon. even as you stared at the paper with the test results, you still couldn’t find it in you to cry.
after dinner, spaghetti with homemade meatballs, griffin quickly rushed you to his bedroom, warding off ava who was trying to wrangle you into her bedroom to watch some movie that no one else wanted to watch. you take refuge on his bed, grabbing a pillow and shielding your stomach with it. griffin takes notice and he sighs, collapsing beside you, “so, we’re having a baby.”
“we are not. i’m having a baby,” you mumble in hopes that no one would hear the two of you, “i think. i don’t fucking know. i’ve got to tell the dad at some point-”
“you don’t have to act like i don’t know, y/n,” he looks up at the ceiling. you gulp and he grins, “i’m not oblivious. i know that you and trevor hooked up over the summer. is it his?”
your silence gives him his answer. it’s quiet for a few minutes before you speak up, “i didn’t mean to get pregnant. i swear.”
“i believe you, y/n. i’m not mad at you about hooking up with my brother or being pregnant. it’s weird, sure, but i’m not mad,” he assures and you nod, pulling at the sleeves of your shirt. “are you going to tell him?”
“i don’t even know if i’m going to-” you trail off and he nods in understanding. “i just- i want time to figure things out. that’s all i want right now. please don’t tell him or anyone. besides my doctor and the woman at the drug store, you’re the only person who knows.”
“this is not my secret to share.”
you honestly tried to tell him. you typed out the four short words that should have kickstarted the rest of your life: we need to talk, but you could never follow through with sending them. you would see his snapchat stories and instagram posts every now and then, having fun and living life in massachusetts while you were back in new york, pregnant with his child that he knew nothing about.
he was doing all right without you and you were getting along just fine without him.
as wrong as it was, it was easy to hide from him. he didn’t come home often and you had no reason to be in boston, so when he was around, you just made sure that you weren’t. your son was born in february while trevor was still at college. when he unexpectedly came home in march, it was even easier to keep it from him because you weren’t supposed to be going anywhere.
griffin had done well in keeping his promise. he only slipped and told one person, his mother, and you really couldn’t blame him. one simply did not keep a secret from julie zegras.
she wasn’t mad, just disappointed that you were trying to keep it a secret which you understood, and fell into the role of being a grandmother quite easily. after you had given birth with your mother by your side, she had come to meet her grandson. her finger rubbed over his cheek as she sat across from you.
“he looks just like him,” she muttered, “he’s going to know, y/n.”
and he did.
as much as you wanted to, there was absolutely no denying that landon was trevor’s son. griffin had thought the same thing when he saw him for the first time and gave you a look that told you as much, to which you responded with a whispered “please don’t.”
as the months continued to pass and summer quickly arrived in bedford, you still hadn’t uttered a word to trevor. he didn’t reach out to you and you worked overtime to avoid him. the more that landon grew, the easier it was beginning to be for those who didn’t already know to start to piece two and two together, which only increased the likelihood of trevor finding out significantly.
you had barely had time to put your car in park before julie was rushing out of the front door. she opens the door to the backseat and makes a pleased noise, “good. he’s awake.”
you open your door and watch as she gets the car seat out. you grab your bag and follow her inside, “he wanted to see his favorite person.”
“who? me?” griffin rounds the corner and walks into the kitchen just as julie sits the car seat on top of the counter. griffin waves his fingers at the baby, “hi buddy. did you miss me?”
landon makes a noise like he’s about to cry and you and julie share a look before bursting into laughter. julie undoes the clips and pulls him out, resting him on her hip as she fixes the little hair that he had atop his head, “don’t take it personally, griffin.”
“he cries every time he sees me. it’s a little hard not to,” he scoffs before looking at you, “guess what?”
“what? has using my child finally gotten you a date?” you tease, taking a seat at the island and crossing your arms over your chest.
“no. he’s got the potential to be an excellent wingman, but for some strange reason, seventeen-year-old girls don’t really like babies. you don’t count. you’re eighteen now and he’s your son. you have to like him,” he points an accusatory finger at you when you open your mouth to speak. you raise your hands in surrender, letting your eyes wander over to where julie was showing landon the magnets on the fridge. “anyway, we got landon a pool. minor issue though, louie kind of thinks that it’s for him because that’s what we had to tell trevor.”
“like a kiddie pool?” you ask and griffin clicks his tongue. you raise an eyebrow, sparing a glance towards your son when he squeals, “you know he’s not even five months old yet, right?”
“he can sit in it and splash around though. he loves doing that. i’ve bathed him before and it’s got to be his top three favorite activities along with eating and screaming at me,” griffin rolls his eyes and you smirk.
“i mean, he doesn’t have any of those swim diaper things-”
“and that’s exactly why we bought him some. don’t even try to argue with me right now, y/n. he is getting into the damn pool,” griffin argues and julie reaches over to smack him on the back of the head. “sorry, but you get my point.”
“i guess i do,” you stretch your arms before standing up. “let me go and change him.”
“i hid the diapers in the back of my closet,” you send griffin a questioning look. he shrugs, “i’m running out of places to hide baby things okay.”
you swallow thickly as a quietness takes over the room. you knew that you were asking a lot of them to keep such a big secret from their son and brother and that weighed heavily on you.
the silence is broken by landon who sputters and you grin as you take him from julie. you tickle his side and he giggles, “are you blowing bubbles, buddy? you’re so cool.”
he rests his head on your shoulder as you walk towards griffin’s room. his fingers curl in your shirt as he takes a deep breath. you find the diapers exactly where griffin had said they would be (along with what you were sure was going to be your birthday present and a few other questionable items) and lay landon down on griffin’s bed.
louie had slipped in behind you and had easily jumped on griffin’s bed as well, planting himself beside the four-month-old. his wet nose touches landon’s temple and he squeals in response. you push louie back gently, “careful, lou. i know he’s your person but you can’t be smelling him like that. it freaks him out.”
louie huffs but lays his head down regardless, watching you carefully. you take him out of his outfit and change his diaper for one of the swim ones. you blow a raspberry on his stomach and he grabs at your hair, “are you so excited to get in your pool?”
you heard some conversation coming from the kitchen and some footsteps heading towards where you were. you pick landon up, assuming that it was ava or griffin, and pat at louie’s head when he walks up to you. the door opens and you don’t turn around as you speak, “honestly griffin, if it’s any consolation, i think he dislikes louie as much as he dislikes you.”
when there’s no response, you turn around to find that it wasn’t griffin who was standing at the door. trevor’s eyes are almost blazing as he looks between you and landon, connecting the dots. you wrap your arm tighter around your son, “he’s not yours.”
“bullshit,” trevor booms and you look away. “if it’s not mine, whose is it then?”
“i-” you can’t even formulate a sentence and he scoffs.
“that’s what i thought,” he shakes his head and scoffs. you avoid his eyes, “when?”
“if we’re going to talk about this, can we please not do it in front of him,” you pull your son’s head into your shoulder, trying to shield him from the view of his father who was rightfully angry with you. “griffin was going to put him in the pool. let me take him out there and then you can go off on me.”
silently, he steps aside to let you walk back into the kitchen. julie and griffin are sharing the same nervous look as you round the corner. ava makes the unfortunate decision to come down the stairs at that point. “what’s going- uh-oh.”
“my god, is there anyone in this house that didn’t know besides me?” everyone’s silence gives him the answer to his question. “great, okay. the fucking dog knew before i did.”
“trevor-” julie starts and you shake your head.
you hand landon off to griffin who has a bottle of baby sunscreen in front of him. you rub at landon’s soft cheek as he looks at you curiously, knowing that your mood was off. you don’t look at griffin as you speak, “take pictures for me, yeah? he loves water.”
“of course,” griffin says before getting everyone to follow him outside. ava sends you a look and julie mouths an apology before the doors close and you’re left alone with trevor for — what you come to realize — is the first time in a year.
still not speaking to you, he starts up the stairs to his bedroom and you follow behind, shutting the door behind you. you stand there awkwardly, playing with your fingers as you look around. it hadn’t changed since the last time you had been in it, which was the night that you were almost certain you got pregnant.
he turns and looks at you, gesturing to his bed, “you can sit down. you’re not a stranger here.”
you know that it wasn’t meant to be a reference to what you two used to do, but your cheeks still burn as you sit on the edge of his bed. you look at him then, only to find him already staring at you. you shrug your shoulders, “what do you want to know?”
“it’s mine?” he asks again and you nod.
“he’s a boy, so please stop saying ‘it.’ call him landon if you want.”
“you always wanted a boy,” trevor mumbles and you couldn’t help but grin because it was true. ever since you were little you had said time and time again that you wanted at least one boy and even though he came earlier in your life than you had planned, you were grateful that he had. “when were you gonna tell me about him?”
“honestly, trev, never,” you say and he lets out a long breath. he takes a seat at his desk chair and rubs his hands over his face, “i thought that it was for the best-”
“keeping my son from me was what you thought was best?” he looks at you incredulously. “are you serious?”
“if you’re going to shout at me, i’m leaving. i understand that you’re upset and you have every right to be, but i’m not going to sit here and be yelled at,” you announce and he mumbles an apology under his breath. “be honest with me, trevor. are you ready to be a father right now? with everything going on in your life, are you ready for that responsibility at nineteen?”
he seems to think about it, “not really.”
“okay then. our problem is solved,” you shrug.
“y/n, i want my son to know me. he needs his dad.”
“you just said that you weren’t ready to be his dad, trevor. what’s the truth? because i’m not going to have you be in and out of his life whenever you pick and choose. that’s not good or stable for him. he’s four months old, what he needs is stability,” you never thought that at eighteen years old, you would be having a conversation about what was in the best interest of your child, but here you were.
“were you ready to be a mother at eighteen? no, but you got ready to be one. i can do it too if you’ll just let me,” he rolls his chair over in front of you and reaches for your hand. his hand was warm and so were his eyes as you looked into them, searching for any hint of untruthfulness.
you had known trevor and griffin since you were all babies, you in the middle age-wise given that trevor was a year older than you and griffin almost a year younger. you had grown up neighbors and while you had moved a few miles away, your friendship remained. you had grown closer with griffin rather than trevor because as he had gotten older and his talent showed more and more, he was gone more.
“do you want to meet him?” is your rebuttal and trevor wastes no time in nodding his head. he pushes himself away from you which allows you to stand and walk towards his door. “just be aware he doesn’t really care for strangers. he’s still warming up to griffin.”
he follows you down the stairs and out onto the back porch. julie and griffin are there along with louie who is staring curiously at landon. griffin looks at you and smirks, “he doesn’t understand why he’s having to share the pool.”
“he’s greedy,” you shake your head before squatting down beside your son. you grin at him as he splashed his hand in the water, “hi bubba. there’s someone i want you to meet.”
he makes a shrill noise as you pick him up. you accept a towel from julie to dry him off as you walk over to where trevor had taken a seat on the bench. you sit beside him, adjusting landon’s hat on his head, “landon, this is trevor. trevor, this is landon.”
“hi,” trevor says, the biggest grin that you had ever seen taking over his face. landon looks between you and trevor before flailing his arm around. trevor looks at you uncertainly, “could i hold him?”
“of course,” you grin. you carefully hand landon over, holding your breath for his reaction. trevor stands him up on his legs, bouncing him just slightly. landon starts to pout and you frown, “he’s-”
“hey landon,” trevor says quietly and landon tilts his head. his hand squeezes the bracelet on trevor’s wrist. he starts to move his legs and trevor looks at you confused.
“he likes you, i think. strangers don’t usually make it this far,” you shrug your shoulders.
“that’s good then,” he smiles. landon lurches forward and he’s quick to steady him. “he looks just like me.”
“you are his dad, trev,” you look at trevor to gauge his reaction. you can hear julie when she takes a deep breath griffin laugh, but you focus on trevor.
“yeah, i am,” trevor laughs. to your surprise, landon lays his head on trevor’s shoulder and trevor looks at you again, “i think he likes me.”
griffin doesn’t miss a beat before chiming in, “well that’s just not fucking fair. i’ve known him longer than you!”
the anaheim conversation wasn’t one that you could avoid. it’s not that you were trying to, of course, it’s just that in the two weeks since trevor had known about his son, he had been solely focused on learning him and letting landon get acclimated to him being around, which the five-month-old had done quickly.
“so,” trevor asks one day as landon lays on his chest, knocked out for his afternoon nap. you had warned trevor about letting landon fall asleep on him, but trevor didn’t seem to mind being glued to one place for a couple of hours. “what about college? where are you going?”
“nowhere yet,” you sigh, turning your attention away from the movie that was playing, “i’m taking some time off so that i can raise him. i know that if i started now, i wouldn’t be able to focus and give him the attention that he needs.”
“that’s responsible,” he makes a face.
“i had to grow up fast, trevor. it’s not just me that my decisions affect now. i have to make the decisions that i think are best for him in the long run,” you stare at your son curled on his father’s chest. his fingers gripped the fabric of trevor’s t-shirt as a pacifier bobbed between his lips.
“well, i’ve been thinking and i want to get your opinion on something,” he was nervous, you could tell. his hand rubs up landon’s back as he looks towards you, “i- well, i know that two weeks ago i didn’t even know that he existed, but now i can’t imagine not being with him.”
“well he’s your son trevor,” you curl your toes into his thigh under the blanket you were sharing, “that’s normal.”
“i know that, but i don’t want to be away from him. what i’m asking is, would you be willing to come to anaheim with me when i go? whenever that may be,” he chuckles as landon twitches in his sleep.
“you want him to go with you? trevor i can’t-”
“no, no,” trevor shakes his head, “i want him to come with me of course, but i want you to come, too. i want you both with me. we can be together, a family.”
“a family?” you repeat and he grins, confirming with a nod. “are you sure?”
“i’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, y/n. i want to have a life with you,” the hand that rested on landon’s back moves and reaches out towards you. you grab onto his hand and he squeezes, “what do you think?”
“i think that sounds amazing.”
and for a while it did.
both your mother and trevor’s were hesitant given how young you both were, but they slowly came to terms when they figured out neither of you were changing your minds.
you made it to anaheim a few weeks after trevor had and began to settle into the apartment he had gotten for the two of you. it was in a safe place and it had paths to take landon on walks which were at the top of the list that you had given him.
landon loved going down to the beach and letting the sand fall through his fingers. your heart swelled every time he would pick some up and look at you like it was the most amazing thing in the world, which to him it probably was.
your time was mostly spent with landon alone which you couldn’t be upset about because a major part of trevor’s job was to travel, but when he started spending his nights elsewhere when he wasn’t gone on a road trip, that’s when things started falling apart.
you didn’t want to be the partner who asked him where he going every time that he left out of the front door, but when you had to watch him get ready for the third night in a row, that’s when you spoke up, “where are you going?”
“out,” was his response. he pulls out a jacket from the closet and turned to look at you, “why?”
“because you’ve been home for four days and you’ve gone out every night, trevor,” you lean against the doorway as he slips on his shoes. “i shouldn’t have to ask you to stay home and see your son.”
“he’s asleep, y/n. he’s not even going to notice that i’m gone,” he shakes his head and you let him leave the bedroom before following him down the hall. “it’s not that big of a deal.”
“it is when you don’t come back until the morning and you leave before he wakes up. then you come back during his nap and only see him for a few hours before you’re gone again,” your eyes follow his fingers as they grab his keys from the hook. he pulls open the door and you utter the words that make your stomach twist, “i promise you, if you walk out of that door, i’m not going to be here when you get back.”
he gives you his attention then and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he was thinking about it, whether you were serious or not, but not a moment later does he shake his head and let the door close behind him, letting you know his decision.
you could hear his car door slam before he starts the engine, pulling out of the driveway to wherever the hell he would rather spend his time. you stand there frozen as your world crumbles around you. you feel the tears well up in your eyes and you wipe them away.
he wasn’t worth it.
you grab your phone, dialing your mother’s number and leaning against the couch for stability. she answers almost immediately and you feel bad because you still had not adjusted to the time difference between the east and west coasts, “can i come home for a little bit?”
“what happened?” you hear her rustling in the background.
“i’m just- i’m tired mom. i don’t want to be here anymore and i’m sure he doesn’t want us here either,” you leave out the major details, knowing what it would do to her. you really were not in the mood to hear her tell you that she was right.
“let me catch a flight out there and i’ll drive back with you, okay?”
“i need to leave now, mom. i don’t want to be here when he gets back,” you explain, and after much back and forth and though apprehensively, she agrees not to book a flight.
you don’t feel anything as you pack your bag, careful not to mess with trevor’s things. it’s when you walk into landon’s room and find him sleeping so peacefully, so unaware of what was happening in his little world that you let the tears fall down your face. you pack your car before you get him out of his crib, making sure to grab his favorite stuffed animal and blanket before closing the door behind you. you walk through the kitchen making sure that you had what you needed before walking out of the front door for the last time.
you didn’t leave a note, your key and a pacifier on the kitchen counter was the only goodbye that he would get from you.
you were thankful that landon was a heavy sleeper. he barely stirred as you buckled him into his car seat or shut the door. you put in your mother’s home address before putting your car in reverse.
you were almost to colorado when your phone started ringing, his name popping up at the top of your screen. you couldn’t block him until you stopped for breakfast, not reading any of the texts he had sent or listening to any of the voicemails he left.
landon laughs as you feed him a bite of pancake, throwing a crayon on the ground. you set your phone down and look at him with a smile, wondering how something so sweet could just make you forget everything wrong in your life.
you swallow, “why do you think that i left, trevor?”
“i don’t know, y/n. i’ve been asking myself that question for a week now and i can’t come up with an answer that makes sense. we were fine and then you were gone,” he looks confused and hurt, emotions that you had grown to know all too well. emotions that he himself had caused.
“you can’t be serious,” you shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. “how long did you think i’d let it go on? or are you just that full of yourself that you didn’t even see what you were doing to us? what you were doing to your son?”
“i don’t understand-”
“when you found out about landon, you made a promise to me that you would be a father, that it would take some time, and i believed you. i left everything to follow you to anaheim when you asked me to so that we could be together as a family, but it was the worst mistake that i have ever made,” you go quiet as your coffee is sat in front of you. you don’t touch the sandwich. “you genuinely can’t think that i was going to stay with the way that you were behaving.
“you have a child, trevor. you can’t just come and go as you please. every decision that you make, it affects him even when it doesn’t seem like it. that was something that i had to learn quickly.
“i was eighteen when he was born. i missed out on my entire senior year and going to college with my friends to raise him and i didn’t complain, not once. you got to have a senior year. you got to go to college without having to worry about someone else. you were one-track-minded on playing hockey, but that should’ve changed the moment that you found out about landon. instead, you decide to fuck off with your friends to new hampshire instead of going to your son’s doctor’s appointment and you didn’t even tell me. i had to find out from your mom when you wouldn’t answer my phone calls, trevor,” you scoff, looking at the wall behind him, “i should’ve backed out then.”
“i’m twenty years old, y/n,” he looks at you like he was shocked at your admission. “i want to go out and have fun.”
“and you think that i don’t? you aren’t understanding, trevor. we have a child. he depends on us. we can’t just run around and be kids anymore, we have a gigantic responsibility. you don’t get to stop being a parent just because going out with your teammates is more fun. believe me, i would love to go out with my friends whenever i wanted to, but i can’t.”
“i have to establish myself-”
“was it worth losing your family?” you ask and he freezes. you raise an eyebrow, “was going out for drinks and to play video games with your teammates worth losing your family, trevor? i want to know.”
“what do you mean ‘losing my family’?”
“did you think that i was going to come back and pretend like nothing happened? that we could just go on with our lives?” he gives you a ‘duh’ look. “i know you. if i did come back, you would keep doing the same shit and we would keep fighting. it’s a vicious fucking cycle and that’s not the environment that i want my son to grow up in and you shouldn’t want that for him either.
“i promise that i’m not going to keep him from you, i would never do that. i know that you love him and he loves you too, but i think that it’s in his best interest that we don’t play pretend because that’s going to mess him up in the long run.”
“so that’s it then?” he asks.
“the only thing changing is that i’m not going to be there when you get home-”
he interrupts you with an annoyed look, “or that we’re together.”
“were we ever together? or were we just fuck buddies who put on a show for everyone?” you ask and he avoids your eyes. “deep down, you have to know that we’re no good for each other and this is for the best. i’m not trying to hurt you, but you’re not ready for this and that’s obvious.”
he watches you as you push your chair back and grab your things, “what do you want me to do then? if you’re staying here.”
you spare him a final glance as you shrug your shoulder, “trevor, what i want is for you to figure your shit out, but i’m just tired of waiting for you to do it. you wanted your freedom and i’m giving it to you. have fun, trev. be twenty. that’s what you’ve always wanted to do anyway and now you don’t have us to worry about anymore.”
though you weren’t even sure that he ever did.
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spnsmile · 4 years
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“It’s okay Sammy, I’m here…”
Dean stammers through chattering teeth, body numb in pain while he sits on the hard floor, staring blankly up the ceiling to the crack of doom on the ground they have fallen into where the sky is now dark. Apparently, falling in a cave is now also a thing.
Dirt and moist tingle his skin, earth and musty smell like rotten eggs from stagnant water fill his nose, and he is freezing from cold sweat but all he could think about is getting Sammy out and kick him back to safety, as any sane older brother would. But he soon lost track of the hours keeping an eye in the darkness wrapped about him. His eyelids begin to feel heavy and there’s a scream in his head he really wants to go away.
Then there’s light. Burst of it. He hears Sam calling him, shaking him and telling him something about “people”. Great. Many people to remind him how he got his brother in danger. Sighing and ignoring the brutal pain brought by his consciousness returning, he sucks air in his chest only to end grunting.
There’s someone speaking to him. No, not Sammy. Someone with rich deep voice, thick and velvety almost reassuring and calming. Someone obviously not there to scold him for being an irresponsible adult. He opens his eyes, it’s blurry at first then—
Dean gets the shockwaves of his life as he stares at a pair of pristine blue eyes almost a blink close and breathing on his face. White lights shower behind him and Dean can’t help gaping.
He must be one of those handsome fairies tasked to kidnap him or put him out of his misery. The kind blessed with hardened features, frowny face, high-profiled cheekbones that could cut, but which Dean totally digs as hot.
He hears him ask questions about “second round”, “fingers” and “tying you” like some bad foreplay. He is saying more, the movements of his pink lush lips too distracting to ignore. But he is not speaking to Dean, no. He is speaking to his radio while saying soothing words of comfort about rescue teams. Dean snaps in attention and sees reality of flashing lights, shadows of people from the crack up the ceiling.
And then this man in helmet and safety gear kneeling in front of him with grave look eyeing him clinically as he runs expert hands on Dean’s thigh where his erect boner lies long and solid.
Dean panics. Sparks shoot up his spine in pain and Dean both blushes and tries to squirm away.
“Stay still, you’re okay,” blue eyes hold Dean’s gaze for a moment it eases all the pain away like a drug.
“ I am from the Cave and Vertical rescue team. I got you, Dean."  He speaks to his shoulder radio again. “…one broken leg, no other external injury… may need surgery… bring the litter down here,” he reaches one hand and probably cup-a-feel the back of Dean’s head the way he tenders touches, running calloused fingers on points of Dean’s nape, all the while keeping steady blue eyes on Dean’s own.
Dean forgets what breathing feels like. He might actually be drowning in those ocean blues.
Warm palms cup his cheeks neck and tilt it up and down but Dean doesn’t dare look away. Blue-eyed seems not to wanna lose his attention, being distracting and all.
“S-Sammy…” his instinct remembers. Blue-eyed fairy blinks and smiled a little.
“He’s okay, only grazes, smart kid he told us what you did… Sam will be fine and so are you.” God, his voice rumbles and echoes in Dean’s ear, “We’ll get you out soon. It’s a good thing you didn’t land on any stalagmites, they also grow up from the floor. It’d be too bad for nature.”
Dean blinks but the smile is warm and playful. This guy is really distracting whether he means to or not.
“Consider yourself lucky you landed in a soft boulder and safest part of the cave. I am sure you are familiar with stalactites. They are icicle-shaped form up the cave ceiling, we don’t want them dropping on you. Same with those twisty helictites that also grow on the ceiling, wall, and floor and is not good for any landing body. Saying so, this cave has its hidden beauty. There’s a network of passages like an underground plumbing system down there, naturally formed with untouched green pool… so beautiful.”
Dean’s heart kickstarts at the piercing blue eyes seemingly wanting to know the depth of his soul.
“You romance your rescuee  with your rock stories?”
"Only if they jump after their brother without regard to their own safety, thus breaking a leg or two.”
Dean lowers his eyes to his leg where the rescuer's gentle hand lay above the first aid cast protectively still.
“How many did I break?”
“Same question about hearts.” The man smiles gummily and when he wraps Dean in his arms after securing him in the built haul systems to get him up the vertical pit, he stays right next to him.  “How many have you broken?” he queries.
“You’re not good for my heart yourself…” Dean breathes out, but he is smiling wide and feeling all funny and happy despite the rough hours he spent hurting. It all seemed to magically go away under his handsome blue-eyed rescuer. And they said angels only found in heaven. Obviously, they go here in the pit too, just for him.
His rescuer begins talking in his radio again with lips unhelpfully getting Dean excited. He doesn’t remember being so thirsty until then. More ropes fall and more ropes wrapped around his stretcher, then gorgeous blue secures the harness and smiles down at him.
“I’m raising you from perdition.”
His eyes are so serious and full of confidence that Dean’s heart swells. The rigging team begins hauling and Dean knows he is safe. He sees Sam wrapped in a thick blanket and he’s sure he can finally be at peace with the warm hand on his shoulder not leaving him until they reach an ambulance where Dean gets strapped in a rolling stretcher securely.
And he is still there inside the vehicle too, like a true guardian angel watching over him.
“You need sunflower next to you, ask for it when your partner comes around, you will light up with it in the room.” Says his rescuer, still stationed beside him
“You gonna give it to me?” Dean is already drowsy, but he can keep up. Rescuer guy hesitates, but he stares at him, hopeful.
“I’m not sure it’s my privilege…there could be others…” he presses his lips. Dean should really ask for his name.
“There isn’t,” Dean says quickly, blinking sleepiness away but failing, “I love sunflowers… all sunshine... will look good yeah—"
“I’ll bring it. Wait for me to come.”  The resolute tone in his voice is mesmerizing.
They share a look and this guy’s dorky way of flirting is way overrated by his heart but his mouth is so dry and he wants the safety of this man’s hold. 
“What’s your name?” Dean blurts out and gets blinded by heavenly smile because next time he goes caving, this guy will be with him.
The next time they meet is in the hospital where the handsome idiot knocks on the door and comes in wearing a suit inside a tan trench coat. In his arms, he is holding a bouquet of sunflowers.  Dean instantly remembers the feeling of falling in love and he’s sure Castiel sees it in his green eyes with his beaming smile a dead giveaway.
“Hello, Dean.
Ao3: Caving
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poptod · 4 years
Brought To Your Knees (Kenny x Reader)
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Description: 7-Elevens are a lot more versatile than one might originally think. AKA, sometimes you can get locked in them with your long-time crush and, following that, things can happen.
Notes: Freshman means you’re around 14-15 years old, Sophomore is 15-16 I think, Junior is 16-17, Senior is 17-18. Idk the American schooling system too well. Completely male reader.
Warning: Smut :) not sure why its there but hey everyone needs a gratuitous blow job every now and then
Word Count: 6.1k
You were expecting rain. You even brought an umbrella along, tucked away in the side pocket of your backpack, but an umbrella clearly wouldn’t work very well. Snow fell harsh upon the earth, cold and freezing near instantly, making a very thick layer of snow trap you inside the 7-Eleven, the doors frozen shut despite the fact that the heating was still on.
How exactly one gets trapped inside a 7-Eleven with the only person they’ve ever really loved probably needs some explaining, so let’s go back to the beginning; seven years ago. Seven years ago you transferred schools due to an unfortunate accident with a classmate, at least that’s what’s on your record. Half of you is grateful no one knows what really happened, but the other half wishes people knew you punched someone in the face hard enough to dislocate their nose. Though, looking at you, most people probably wouldn’t believe you, considering you haven’t got the strongest body structure. Your (at the time) new school was better than the last one in several ways, but the most important to you was the fact that it was a public school. There were horror stories about public schools, of unruly students and horrible teachers, and by god did you want to experience that - private school was far too clean, far too organized for your mind, and you were going slowly insane.
If there’s a term to describe you, it’d probably be ‘thrill seeker,’ if asshole can’t be said out loud. For the first couple of years you were a nuisance to classrooms, the well known class clown and always up for distracting the teacher (the history teachers were the easiest to distract, math teachers the hardest), and always ready to fight back for what you believed was right. Then came your first year of high school and you found the greatest thrill of all - boys.
Previously you hadn’t taken much of a romantic interest in either gender, and most people said it’d kickstart sometime in high school, which was about right - freshman year you had a crush on a boy named Everett. It wasn’t a particularly strong crush, not compared to your more recent crushes, but it was your first, and you knew exactly what you wanted to do. You wanted him to fall in love with you, hopelessly and endlessly, you wanted him to hang on your every word and dream of your affections... but you didn’t want to be in a relationship with him. No, you just wanted his adoration, and nothing more - only to lead him on and drop his heart to break it. When this didn’t happen and he didn’t fall in love with you, you realized that most boys are not attracted to other boys, and you became deathly silent when it came to crushes.
Several other boys (and maybe a girl) caught your fancy in the remainder of freshman year, but there was one boy you hadn’t yet met that would become the greatest thrill of all. Junior year you had a class with him, and on the first day of school when you walked into English class your bag fell from your hands, clattering to the floor with a loud thump.
He is perfect, in every conceivable way he’s everything you’ve ever imagined, shy and kind, sincere and genuinely interesting - just the sight of him from that day on and your heart speeds up tenfold. You’re a horror story that teachers talk about, so Mr. Davis is clearly flabbergasted at your silence, and for the most part he leaves you alone even though you’re barely paying attention to the blackboard at the front of the classroom. Instead your attention is focused on the boy sitting two seats in front of you and a row to the right. It’s almost surprising he hasn’t noticed your staring, but clearly Mr. Davis notices because about two months into the school year he pulls you aside to talk about it.
“I wanted to talk to you about your attention,” he says quietly, sitting behind his desk as you stand at the other side. You’re playing absentmindedly with your fingers, barely listening to him, only staying where you are to avoid another hour of detention today. “I know you’re usually very loud in class, word gets around easily here, but you’re staring at your classmate a lot.”
“And?” You ask, not really seeing the point. In your mind, he should be thankful you’re not a disruption.
“Is… is there anything you want to tell me? About Kenny?”
“Who’s Kenny?”
“… that’s the boy you keep staring at,” he says slowly, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Ah, you think to yourself. That’s his name.
“Listen, (Y/N), I want you to know you’re always welcome in my classroom. This is a safe space for you, okay?” His voice goes to a whisper as he says, “I have a boyfriend, so we aren’t so different after all.”
“I’m not gay,” you spit out quickly, the venomous tone of your voice not deterring him.
“I know it can be hard to admit at first, and at your age I understand the confusion within yourself. Just know you can talk to me, okay? And try to pay more attention in class? I know you’ve got it in you.”
Without word you pick your backpack up from the floor, slinging it onto your shoulders and leaving. Just as you exit the main doors, noting the dark clouds low in the sky, you’re called back by one of the vice principals, ordering you to your detention.
“C’mon, it’s Friday,” you groan, walking backwards to stare at the teacher as you walk away.
“I’ll call your parents!” She threatens, whipping her flip phone out of her pocket.
“Oh yeah? What are they gonna do? Fuck off,” you laugh, throwing double middle-fingers at her, which lands you in three hours of detention.
At five thirty you’re released, an absolutely sour look on your face as you walk down the pavement. There’s a seedy part of the city that has a 7-Eleven you’ve been to so often you know the workers’ shifts. All of them are pretty nice, though all very tired of life and if you had to hazard a guess, mildly suicidal. At least that’s the look in their eyes, and you don’t blame them - customer service is one of the most horrid jobs in history. Friday evenings Alan has shift, and he’s rather nice, but upon opening the freezing door to the inside, you don’t see him. The door shuts behind you and you wander the aisles for a little while - you don’t have much change, you note as your fingers fiddle with the coins and bills in your coat pocket.
Several minutes later your attention is brought to the weather - it’s snowing, bad, and you groan internally at the wind force practically blowing down the stop sign out front. The few trees that survive in the city are barely hanging on now, flimsy limbs and branches ripping away from the main trunk. Again you groan, a grimace on your face when you think about having to go home in that. With a calming sigh you turn back to the hotdogs, spinning slow and peaceful in the warm light.
Heaven is one big 7-Eleven, you think to yourself. One of the very few things that calms you down is rotating hot dogs that probably aren’t real meat.
From the corner of your eye you can see someone else enter, but the wind blasting through the doors is enough for you to turn your head.
It’s Kenny.  
Of course it’s him.
Gulping you turn back to the hot dogs, hoping beyond belief that Alan will get back soon. Kenny is the only person that’s ever rendered you speechless, the only one that’s ever made your cheeks blush without a word. Even in fluorescent light he seems to glow, peaceful and careful as his fingers drag a feather touch across a row of snacks. He hasn’t noticed you, not yet, so you have time to plan out how to hide from him. Instantly you turn to the cash register, wondering if you’d get kicked out of Alan found you hiding behind the counter.
Too late - you can feel his eyes turn to you, burning into the back of your neck as you hold a viselike grip on the edge of the plastic red counter.
“Um, do you, uh, work here?” He asks, now standing directly behind you. Trying to smile, you turn to face him, feeling your heart burn with the speed it beats at.
“No, I - I just know the guys who work here, I don’t know where they are now, though,” you say, oversharing a little bit and praying he doesn’t notice. He’s right in front of you, half confused as his lips part just barely, brows furrowing above grey eyes. You can practically feel your legs giving out beneath you, but he turns to the door before you fall in front of him. Practically gasping for air as he leaves your personal space, you watch as he goes to open the door.
“Is... is this supposed to be locked?” He asks.
“No, it shouldn’t be,” you breathe out, making your way over to the door to try and open it. It’s stuck, hard - you even back up to kick it and it doesn’t budge.
“Wait, you’re… you’re (Y/N), aren’t you?”
“You know me?” You ask incredulously, even though it’s not that farfetched that he would know your name.
“Of course I do, you’re like a legend at school,” he says, getting quieter as his sentence ends. As he fiddles with his fingers, awkwardly trying to look somewhere else, you can’t help but stare as you nearly always do.
“I’m flattered,” is what you manage to say, just as choked and embarrassed as him.
“I’ll stay out of your way, just - just don’t beat me up?” He requests, holding his hands up defensively as he backs away towards the corner of the small store.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I don’t do that,” you say, taken aback by his words. You know your reputation isn’t great, but you didn’t think it was that awful - you’d never beat up an innocent person and you didn’t plan on starting. “What are you doing here anyway? I haven’t seen you here before.”
“Um, my friend… he told me to meet him at the library, but the weather got bad and I needed to get inside,” he explains, still not meeting your eye.
God you’re perfect, you think to yourself in reaction to nothing in particular - he’s just so beautiful, so supple you can’t help but wonder what he’d feel like with his bare skin against yours. More than anything you want to belong to him, which you realize is strange for you; generally you enjoy others belonging to you, but… Kenny is different for no reason, but he’s so incredibly special you can’t understand your infatuation beyond the fact that it’s insurmountable and achingly enduring.
“I might be able to make a flamethrower,” you say, trying to think of ways to not be suffocated by nearness to the object of your unending affections.
“Wait, a flamethrower? What -“ he follows you frantically as you begin to search for flammable sprays - “what for!?”
“The door is frozen shut, we might be able to get out if I melt the ice away,” you say quickly, but he’s pulling at your arms to stop you from digging through the shelves. At the force you whirl around, face to face with him as your chest practically touches his, and in an instant you can’t breathe for fear of losing the moment. You both pause, frozen into shock before he steps back like you’re poison.
“I don’t think that’s, uh, necessary,” he says slowly, and just as slow you agree, nodding as you put the lighter away.
“Sure. You have a phone?”
“No, you?”
“I keep mine at home,” you mumble, untensing as the adrenaline of the moment fades away.
“Well this sucks,” he huffs, crossing his arms and turning awkwardly to the shelves as though he didn’t want you to see his face. “At least it could be worse.”
“No, don’t say that, the power’s gonna go -“
Darkness falls over the store and the heating system goes quiet, the dull background hum going out. A loud sigh comes out of you, letting your eyes accustom to the dark before thinking of what to do next.
“I think we might be stuck here till morning,” you grumble, the dim light of streetlamps casting a gold glow over the various rows and, of course, putting Kenny in a perfectly beautiful light. You can practically feel the blood rushing into your cheeks, and you quickly look away with crossed arms.
“I’m… sorry,” he says rather suddenly, just barely making his way closer to you.
“It’s not your fault,” you sigh. “A beautiful coincidence.”
“… beautiful?” He asks, confused by your wording - it can’t possibly be a good thing to him.
“Yeah, I -“ you look over at him, fiddling anxiously with his fingers as he looks up at you - “Never mind. You tired?”
“No, don’t think i will be for a while,” he says, sitting with his back against the refrigerated drinks, the back of his head clunking against the cold glass.
“I’ll get a flashlight and a boardgame,” you tell him, the only idea in your head that didn’t sound stupid; the entire time you’re looking through the back for games, you’re kicking the thought of cuddling him out of your mind. The situation is perfect, far too perfect for it to work out well. Besides, these types of things generally don’t work out for you - as previously said, you’re a bit of an asshole, and that trait has a tendency to screw you over.
He just sits and waits, and when you come back a good five or ten minutes later, he’s still sitting in the same position. It strikes you as odd how he hasn’t even fidgeted considering how much he was doing it earlier, but you just shine the light in his face and cackle when he winces away from the brightness.
“All they had is chess. I guess Marie took back her game, which is fair,” you add as you sit yourself down across from him, putting the box in the middle of you two. “She got fired a while back and didn’t get her game when she left. I helped get her a key for the backroom,” you recall, chuckling, but Kenny looks partially terrified, so you stop.
“You know how to play?” He asks, rubbing his hands together as he starts setting it up.
“A bit. My brother tried to teach me when we were little, I never caught on much though,” you say, thinking distantly of how your brother was doing in university. “He’s a big math guy, loves strategy games like this.”
“So you don’t like strategy…?” He asks slowly, as though worried he’d offend you - you just shrug.
“It’s not that. I’m… just more of a romantic guy.”
For a good three seconds he doesn’t breathe, but when you raise your eyebrows questioningly, he picks up again with an absent nod. Once the last pieces are set into place, he does a quick run-through of the rules, and by the end of it you’re fully aware you’re going to lose at least the first few rounds. Neither of you have a grasp on time as you go through the first round, then the second, and onto the third - you lose very fast, that’s all you’re aware of. He’s sweet about it, for which you’re confused if not thankful. If you were to play chess with some of the people you hang with, they’d be mean about winning and they’d cheat on you, which is fair; you’d do the same to them. Now you’re being nice, trying to actually understand the game, and he’s being a complete sweetheart about teaching you the rules.
It isn’t something you’re used to, but it’s something you could be used to, and something you want to be used to - this sort of kindness. Despite all the thoughts running rampant in your head you manage to stay concentrated on the game - well, him more so than the game - and it almost feels like he might like you. That’s an improvement, you think to yourself, recalling his initial fear of you.
“Could I ask you something? If you don’t mind,” he requests after you both come down from a laughing high, and you agree easily. It’s only far too easy to be open with him. “There’s lots of stories that go around about you - there’s this one, this one’s my favorite, mostly because I don’t think it really happened, but it is really funny.”
“Really? Well, rumors are half right sometimes. What horrid thing did I do this time?” You ask, using the bottle opener on your swiss knife to pop open a beer bottle.
“It’s mostly just… inappropriate, not that it was a particularly ‘bad’ thing. I heard you… slept with Isla and Gianna like, at the same time, like every high school boys’ dream. The guy I heard tell it said you snuck into a sleepover or something?” He says slept like it’s disgusting, so that paired with absolutely everything else about him you assume he’s very unexperienced.
“That’s an interesting story, which I - I don’t usually tell the truth about,” you confess, waiting for him to make his next move in the game, but the moment never comes. He’s far too engrossed in your conversation, and as wonderful as it feels to be having a real conversation with your crush, you can’t help but hate the subject.
“Will you tell the truth this time?” He asks, quiet and sincere in a way that you don’t fully expect. It pushes you to trust him just a little bit more, and it’s all you need for the truth to come out for the first time about that story.
“I went to sell them some weed because they called me up n’ said they’d pay the price for bothering me so late at night, so y’know, I said ‘fuck it,’ you only live once right? I climbed into Gianna’s window for this too, and then they offered for me to share it with them. To be fair to myself I wasn’t feeling… too great about myself,” you grow quiet, “so I said yes. And then they started bringing up sex, and they kept trying to get me to make a move on them, but I wasn’t really feeling it. I didn’t want to do it, but it.. sort of happened anyway?”
He’s quiet, sort of nodding his head but he’s too far in thought to commit to the motion fully.
“Why haven’t you told anyone the truth before?” Is what he asks at first, and you breathe out a sigh of relief when you realize it’s one of the easier questions.
“Didn’t want to seem like a pussy, that’s why,” you scoff, taking a smooth swig from your bottle. “It’s not a big deal anyway.”
“Kind of sounds like it,” he murmurs.
“Yeah, that’s because you’re a virgin,” you say, that asshole part of yourself that you were so worried about earlier rearing it’s ugly head. Right on time too, right when you could’ve opened your heart.
“There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. You know what they say,” he says defensively, leaning back against he glass.
“Oh? What’s that?”
“The safest sex is no sex at all.”
“Yeah, and abstinence won’t get you pregnant 99.99% of the time,” you laugh. When he just looks confused, you explain, “Virgin Mary, dude.”
He opens his mouth to let out a tiny ‘oh,’ and at last the game is resumed. Throughout the next several rounds he asks more questions, but those times he doesn’t ever lose track of the game turns. By the end of the night, when you’re both finally yawning with dewey eyes, you’ve only won one round, which you’re very proud of.
“At least I beat you once,” you remark as you help him look for blankets to stay warm with. “I won a round against Mr. Chess Master.”
“And I won fourteen rounds against Mr. Sex,” he says, his eyes bulging out of his head as his hand slaps over his mouth once he realizes exactly what he’s said. You turn to him, shocked yet pleasantly surprised to find him so flustered. Dreadful is how you’d describe him, dreading your full reaction.
“Those aren’t the rounds that matter if I’m Mr. Sex,” you respond, trying to remain as smooth and deep as possible when you wink to punctuate your sentence. His mouth falls open when his hand drops back to his side, and you walk out of the storage room with a small smile.
You heave a massive sigh, gathering yourself back together once the door shuts behind you. It only takes a few seconds before he’s following you, but it’s all that’s necessary for you to gain your chill again.
“It’ll probably be easier to sleep back here,” you say, gesturing vaguely to the entirety of the backroom - it’s a tad warmer and carpeted, which is a plus for comfort. The one office chair is cheap and heavily scratched by god knows what, so you roll it into the corner and lay out a blanket on the floor. It’s not an especially nice blanket, which is what you expected. The only real source of warmth you have access to is the leftover coats from employees who didn’t care to take theirs home.
As you lay down on the blanket, covering yourself in a too-large trench coat, you wonder of the different ways the evening could progress. In fact it’s all you can think about, all your brain can stress about when Kenny lies down right beside you. He has his coat as a pillow, and without word you offer your coat to help cover him - he declines, mumbling something about how he’s already warm.
I could kiss him right now, you think, the thought sending shivers of anxious excitement and fear through your veins. He’s staring at the ceiling, and though your body is facing the same direction you’re looking at him, watching the slow movement of his chest and the tired blinking of his eyes. Or we could leave and never talk again.
You don’t know what you’re doing, hardly aware of your own movements as the back of your fingers caress the side of his face, pushing unruly hair away from his eyes. His breath catches in his chest for a moment before he turns to you, eyes wide but curious despite the obvious fear.
“You’re really handsome,” he barely gets out, a whisper that he stumbles over. Judging by his uncertainty in himself you’re confident in saying he’s being sincere - that and the fact that nothing about him insinuates he’d lead you on like that. There’s so many silent words shared between you, a bond that one hold tights while the other wonders how it’s possible.
One wrong move, you think, one wrong move and I fuck this up, just like everything else. The urge to hold him close, to grab his hands and keep them intertwined in your own runs strong through your cold fingertips, but you wait. You wait for him to make the first move, but he doesn’t even blink; he’s far too enraptured in the way your lips part just slightly, the way your eyelashes flutter when you glance nervously up and down.
“I really like you,” you say, though the words don’t fully come from your conscious self. Something grabs you, ties away your thoughts and says what you mean - exactly what you mean, something you hardly ever do. He reaches up towards your hand lying dormant beside his cheek, trailing over your skin till he tangles his fingers in yours, holding your hand tight in his as he presses a kiss to your knuckles. The entire time you stare, watching his eyes flit downwards as a blush you can barely see in the dark crawls up into his face.
In a swift movement the old coat is off of you, crumpled in some corner as you rest your forearms on either side of his head, supporting your body held above him. His breathing picks up and at last he finally looks into your eyes again, careful to watch for any sign of what comes next, but even you aren’t sure as to what you’re doing. Still you move down, inching closer till your lips press against his.
He’s clearly startled, even though he immediately moves against you, kissing up into you even if his hands don’t know where to go. In your position you can do very little, but you manage to thread your hand into his hair, tugging on it lightly as you move deeper, pulling a tiny, broken hum from him. When his hands wrap around your wrists it’s painfully obvious he’s never done this before, so you break away, letting the both of you breathe and smile when it’s finally, fully, consciously realized what just happened. It’s so starkly different than any other romantic encounter you’ve had, so openly loving and yielding you wonder if you’ll ever be able to kiss anyone but him again.
“I’ve waited so long to do that,” you murmur, letting your head fall into the crook of his neck. He almost laughs, breathy and unsure as he runs his fingers down your spine.
“You could’ve done it sooner,” he tells you, whispering the words into your ear, his lips tickling the edge of it as he speaks. “I’ve had a crush on you for months.”
“Really?” You ask, pulling away to look at him fully. He stammers when you rest your weight on his hips, the heat of your thrill burning through the layers of clothes to intoxicate him. “I haven’t ever seen you look at me once in class.”
“We have class together?”
“I sit behind you, Kenny. English class,” you chuckle, watching his lips purse together in embarrassment.
“I mostly watch you during lunch. I - I never said anything because… well, you know why,” he mumbles, once more unsure of where his hands are supposed to go, so he crosses them on his chest.
“I know,” you say, quiet as you think over your words. “You still could’ve come up to me, but… this works too.”
He breaks into a grin, giggling when you join him till you’re both coming down from a high - as the wide grins dissolve into contented smiles, you kiss again, moving slow and soft, softer than the girls you’d been with, sweeter and more innocent than any love you’ve known.
“It’s strange you know,” you mumble against his lips, interrupting yourself by kissing him again. “I usually go for degenerates, you know, people like me?” You kiss him again, deep and needy - “but God, I’ve never adored someone as much as I adore you.”
“Really?” He manages to get out amidst your attack, trying to get ahold of a rhythm you could kiss him to but you’re chaotic, switching from his lips to his jawline and pressing kisses up his neck.
“Yeah,” you rasp out, the beginnings of a hickey blooming red on his neck.
“Oh, I - oh, don’t leave a mark,” he says, but by the way he tugs at your hair and pulls you closer, you’re sure he really wants you to.
“Let me guess, strict parents?” You ask, pulling away to look at your work. He nods as though it’s something to be ashamed of, but you just sigh and smile, tracing his jawline with your fingers. “This is probably the only time we’ll be able to make lots of noise, though.”
“You mean this’ll happen more times?”
“If you want it to. I want it to,” you say, watching as he nods furiously.
“Yes, please,” he practically whimpers, pulling you in for another searing kiss, his new ferocity biting at your lips and making you moan. You’re grinding on him, hardly realizing your actions before you’re both far too worked up from the friction.
“Fuck, I need you,” you say, your hands going up his shirt to scratch at the soft skin there.
“I haven’t ever done this before,” he tells you, almost glaring at you when you mumble, ‘I knew it,’ but the glare is quickly cut short when you palm at him through his jeans.
“Do you want this? We don’t have to, you deserve better,” you stop for a moment, letting your hand grip at his hip while the other strokes soothingly through his hair.
“Better than a quick fuck in the back room of a 7-Eleven? Probably,” he says, a smile breaking across your face at his humorous tone. There’s a delight that runs through you when you hear him swear, but you try not to think about it. “But I don’t think either of us are gonna be able to sleep well with… this.”
“Fair enough,” you say with a shrug, pulling him back into a kiss.
With fumbling hands he works at your pants, managing to unbutton the ragged material and push them partially down your hips. You do the same for him before pulling his shirt off, kissing down what you find to be a surprisingly toned chest. For as much as he’s bullied he’s incredibly attractive and rather fit, and for a second you wonder why he’s bullied so much, before remembering a lot of people are pretty racist, and the whole ‘being gay’ thing was pretty obvious to everyone.
A long, saccharine moan is pulled from his lips, forcing you to think only of him. At the sound you practically gape, a sudden virility going straight to your cock, which is now straining painfully against your boxers. You can’t remember what it was you did that made him moan like that, so you do everything you think could work - it proves a lot for him to handle. Tiny gasps leave him as you trace your fingernails over his chest, biting tiny love marks into his ribs as your own chest occasionally rubs against his crotch.
“(Y/N), please, just friggin’ touch me,” he whines, his head thrown back and staring blankly at the ceiling, too focused on the sensations to care. You almost laugh at his desperation, but when he grabs your hair and practically grinds his dick into your face, you don’t. As demanding as it is you can’t help but acquiesce. You mouth at him through the fabric, and by the time he’s begging you again there’s a prominent wet spot on his underwear from where you sucked. When at last you begin to pull them down he looks at you, watching intently with flushed cheeks as he’s fully exposed to you.
Standing, you undress yourself, making a little show of it when you notice him staring. The moment you finish you’re back on him, just as needy as he is when your bare cock brushes up against his; his shoulders shake at the contact, and he falls back onto the floor, his eyes shut tight. To soothe the ache you kiss him, as tender as it was when you first kissed, and he finally lets out an anxious breath when you part.
“Tell me what you want,” you murmur, running your hand slowly down his chest till you reach his waist, your fingers just barely curling around him and pumping slower than what he deems should be possible.
“I just need you, anything, please,” he replies, breathy and still as wanting as ever.
“God, you really like begging for me, don’t you?” You tease, smirking when he just whines as you speed up your pace. With a kiss to his neck you whisper in his ear, “I love hearing you moan, though.”
“Then make me moan,” he says thoughtlessly, regretting his words when you smirk and move down his body. Regret is the last thing on his mind however, once you wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, sucking and practically drooling as you pump him.
“You taste wonderful,” you hum, attempting to take him deeper.
As experienced as you are it’s chiefly with girls (even if you aren’t as attracted to them, it’s just easier to pretend like you are), and this would technically be the first time you’ve sucked dick. It’s a lot harder than girls make it seem, you note to yourself, but try to take him deeper anyway. A long whine tumbles from his lips when you both realize you don’t have a very strong gag reflex and take him to the hilt, sucking and still roaming the expanse of his thin waist with your hands. He’s close, you can feel him twitch in your mouth, paired with the precum dripping off him and into you, but he yanks you away by your hair and pulls you up for another passionate kiss.
“What about you?” He asks, panting, and you almost laugh again - it’s so odd for someone to ask about you first.
“The sight of you like this is enough for me,” you assure him, laying wet kisses that have his eyes fluttering into the back of his head down his neck and onto his shoulder.
As you continue pumping him, focusing the majority of your energy on sucking a hickey into his skin, you hardly notice yourself grinding against him. In fact you only realize you’re doing it when his legs wrap around your hips, pulling you in till your cocks are slotted next to each other, both achingly hard. The intensity of it has both of you coming soon after, the imprint of your nails a semi-permanent fixture on Kenny’s hips, paired well with the blossoming hickey on his clavicle. He’s not the only one marked up by the end, though - angry red streaks line your back from his scratching, and you only notice when you collapse on your back beside him.
“Would you happen to have a rag?” He asks, both of you breaking into giggles soon after.
“I’ll go get paper towels,” you offer, reaching for your underwear before realizing you need to clean up before putting on clothes. Instead you peck his forehead, leaving him smiling as you leave the room.
Eventually you’re both cleaned up, clothes on, and the trench coat is covering the both of you, cuddled tight in the back room of 7-Eleven. When the story gets out, as all stories do at some point, there’s a lot of varying accounts on what happened in the night. The most popular, and probably your least favorite, was that you terrorized him the entire night, and though most people don’t believe it considering how close you and Kenny act, it’s still the most popular. Another theory was that you introduced him to drinking and you stayed up with him all night, drunk out of your minds; you don’t mind that story as much, but he does, so you try to tell people that isn’t what happened.
He does ask at one point if he’s allowed to talk about your relationship, and your answer is an ardent yes, which surprises him. You adore every part of him, and you find no shame in that, even if he thinks you should. Sure, you do get bullied a lot more, but it’s nothing brass knuckles don’t sort out quickly.
It’s an odd pairing, you acknowledge that. Punk doesn’t usually go well with sweetheart nerd, but it works surprisingly well, and for that you’re endlessly grateful. In-between classes you run by his locker even though you’re on separate sides of the school, always kissing him before each class. Your little expeditions leave you late to every class but English, and by the end of the year all your teachers hate you as usual with the exception of Mr. Davis.
“You concentrate a lot better these days. Did my talk help you out any?” He asks after class one summer day. Kenny is waiting outside the class, so you try to find a quick answer.
“Well… a little. I talked to Kenny at least,” you answer with a smile, bidding him a kinder good-bye than you usually give your teachers, saluting him as you close the door.
“Everything alright?” Kenny asks, walking shoulder to shoulder with you down the empty halls of the school.
“Everything’s perfect, sugar,” you answer, your arm hanging around his shoulders.
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howlsentiment · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Another Day
*buzz buzz*
“Wake up buddy, it’s time for a new day” a dark sullen voice said.
*buzz buzz*
“We have business to take care of”
*buzz buzz click*
“I just need 15 more minutes, after fifteen more minutes exactly i’m sure I’ll wake up reinvigorated with the energy to start my day” the boy thought to himself. His world was now fading into a dark cloud as he started to doze off.
*buzz buzz*
“Breakfast is ready sweetie come and get some!” This time it was a much softer, kinder voice that greeted him. “If you don’t come down soon it’ll get cold!....or I’ll eat it all”
“Mmkaaay I’l be daown in won minet” the boy replied sleepily. He wasn’t going to be down in one minute. The boy wasn’t a spry one, but he wasn’t particularly lazy either. He just always had a hard time convincing himself that his bed isn’t where he should always be. He lay in his dark room which wasn’t of much note either. A computer and a few books is all that could really be seen around and a messy desk where rarely any time was spent because he much preferred the bed. He was a college loner, not because he was particularly awkward or because he was particularly ugly, but instead by choice. He was actually particularly liked by most people, especially it would seem so by the man sitting in his room with him.
“Get good sleep sleepyhead?” The boy nodded
“Alright good, you have another long hard day of work today, these spirits aren’t gonna pass on themselves”. This man was no man, he was death incarnate, some would say a grim reaper. It would seem this boy had a gift, ever since he was in middle school he started noticing that he could see the dead, and all at once he started noticing the strange man too. He didn’t know really what he could do with his power other than get picked on at school for being scared all the time. This made him become distant with his fellow classmates and thusly he started attending school alot less just to avoid interaction and found peace within himself...and this man
“You haven’t found me many ghosts recently i’ve noticed, have you been getting lazy ? If you get lazy you know I’d get angry, and you know what happens when I’m angry right”
The message was coming across loud and clear, his tight grip on the twined scythe and sunken eyes would strike fear to anybody in the world and fear that this day was his last, but to him, it was a wednesday.
After a good 5 or ten minutes he heard the voice come from downstairs again,
“I made chicken porridge!”
This time he did not hesitate. He hastily rolled out of bed, put on one of his 3 outfits that he cycles through and ran down the stairs. But as he approached the stairs he noticed he might’ve seemed too excited so as to not show how happy he was, he slowed down his speed as he descended the stairs.
“Good morning mom.”
“Good morning Sol, how come you couldn’t greet me with the same enthusiasm i heard when i told you i had chicken porridge for you?”
His mom was a kind soul, with nothing but love and warmth in her heart. Even though they wouldn’t always get along, she would always prioritized her son's happiness and safety in every situation. He’s always relied on her whenever he felt down, and even though there were times where he felt that he was taking advantage of her and maybe he hurt her feelings, she would never take it out on him, she would always just smile and tell him that everything was alright.
“Sorry” he smiled with the might of his 8am energy and repeated himself with a chuckle “Good morning mom, I hope you didn’t wake up too early to prepare this”
“Don’t worry about me sweetie, I never get sleep anyways” she smiled and snickered over the sink continuing to wash the dishes. “I’ve been noticing that you were feeling down so I wanted to surprise you with something nice this morning, you know, to kickstart your day a bit!””
He knew that was exactly what she was doing, and without a secondary motive to been seen from miles away. He knew by the way she prepared the meal. Rice slow cooked in the broth from the chicken in a boil with alot of nice chopped garlic with eggs salted perfectly finished with green onions. Everything he loved and nothing he didn’t. She didn’t even mention the lil sausages she prepared on the side to pair with the meal.
“You didn’t have to mom, I’m feeling alright. It’s just...you wouldn’t understand.”.....
Sol’s mom continued to stare at him as if she was waiting for something to emerge out of this awkward pause. Her kind eyes piercing through him as if they were daggers.
“...thank you mom”
“You’re welcome honey, and yes I wouldn’t understand what you’re going through, but I can still try to cheer you up” Her smile glowed even warmer as if otherworldly. “How’s school been for you hun?”
“Oh you know, math and books, and writing and pencils, oh and im drinking ALOT, like a WHOLE TON, and I’ve been partyiiiiing and oh yeah a whole bunch of drugs too”
“Ooooh no im sooooo scared, I would say that if I wasn’t happy that if this were true, you’d at least finally have friends to be doing the drinking and the drugging with”
“Well I have-”
“She doesn’t count” She said sternly, ending with a smile. Sol has had only one friend his entire life. Her name was Madison and they met at both of their lonely spots they would have throughout the school. At first they would just eat lunch silently distant from eachother, but one day when Sol noticed Madison didnt bring lunch, he offered part of his food because his mother would always overpack his lunches. And just like magic, a friendship was born.
“You have to get new friends, its not healthy to only have one friend, and you’re such a sweet person, I’m sure if you had the chance to talk to anyone they would become close to you immediately.”
“Oh sure here let me just get new friends, easy done, all I have to do is get over my crippling social anxiety and I’ll just BAM super popular kid COMING THROUGH” He said this a bit harsher than he intended mostly fueled by the anger he felt from feeling like such an inept person and as he looked over at his mom, he noticed her weakened disheveled look.
“I’m sorry mom, I promise I’ll try harder okay?”
“That’s my boy” She smiled and continued her work
Sol finished his and went over to put the food bowl away and help his mom.
“What are your plans today mom?”
“Oh the usual, clean, watch some TV, go on a walk, maybe spook a few neighbors along the way oooOOOoOOoooo”
Sol chuckled, “Don’t spook them too much, they’d want you to keep ‘haunting’ them instead of me” A big grin spread across his moms face and she just said
“You know I’d never leave you, you’re my precious child”
“I know mom, I know”
After they finished washing the dishes he went upstairs to pick up his backpack and the man was still there waiting patiently.
“Did you save me anything?”
“Fuck off”
“Woah woah woah language mister. I don’t know how you think you’ll help all these spirits pass peacefully with a mouth like that. Tut tut, did your mom teach you those words?” The man said.
“Yes actually she did” The boy continued the get together his things to get ready for school. “I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“Why do you insist on helping these people? They’ve never helped you”
“I’m not Helping anyone, it’s just easier not to deal with people’s sad emotions...and ghosts are annoying”
He finished packing up his bags and ran back downstairs.
“Goodbye mom ! Don’t spook the neighbors too much!” He said hurriedly running through the door.
“Sol you forgot this !” His mom runs out to the half indoor sol and hands him his lunch.
“Mom I’m an adult, you don’t have to pack me lunch all the time I can just buy it” He looked embarrassed at the school lunch with a big heart drawn on top of it.
“Once you have friends to get lunch with we can talk.” She said with another one of her smiles. She leaned over to give him a kiss on his forehead but as she went for the kiss,
She passed through him.
“Oh right, I forgot that I can’t do that anymore” She looked as if all her strength was sapped out of her, and joy leaked out of every crevasse in her body leaving just an empty husk.
“Yeah, if you keep doing that you’re gonna undo all the dak-juk did” sol said light heartedly to lift the mood. This did not work.
“Sorry” She looked sadder than ever, that bright beautiful smile was not replaced with a grey and muted one as if she was seeing her whole life work collapse infront of her. Seeing how upset she was, Sol kissed two of his fingers, and placed it on his forehead. This did seem to work and some of her glow was restored in her eyes.
“See you mom” He said with a grin, “Spook the fuck out of our neighbors for me”
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part sixxty two/
Word Count: 9.5k
A/N: Hope every one enjoys! Feedback is always appreciated
Warnings: language,drug use, booze, van and nikki trying to flirt, semi angsty
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless,  @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland,  @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy, @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @malibubarbievince, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @cranberribread, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe, @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe @sleepyjunhong @lovemythsworld @meetthesixxter @sparxx27@gingerspicetalks @unknownoblivion @siliwanoel @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @xpoisonousrosesx, @love-struck-aries, @oskea93, @idumpyourgrass​, @minxtruck​ @i-want-to-shoot-myself​, @xsixxx​, @cruesixxlover1991​, @arianareirg​, @fentitrbl​, @awesomealmostdopestudent​, @dogmom2014​
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“Hey Vanity, its been a few days so I thought I’d call you. I’m sorry if I was a little too pushy at the coffee shop. I didn’t mean to make you cry, guess I’m good at that huh? Anyways, just give me a call back and we can talk about me and Arianna. I’m really excited to meet her.”
Message deleted
I rolled my eyes as I played the next message, “What’s up Van? I just watched two homeless people duke out it out over a newspaper. Cops came and arrested both of them. As you can tell my boredom is-“
Message deleted
“Are you just gonna delete every one of his voicemails?” Clementine asked me as she was wrapped up in Tommy’s arms on my couch. It’s been a few days since I dropped the baby bombshell on Nikki and today he’s left a few messages on the answering machine.
“Vanity, I’m really trying, Y’know? Can you just call me? Either, I’m calling when you’re not home or you’re just deleting my messages.” I laughed as I pressed the erase button.
“That’s cold Van.” Tommy berated as I rolled my eyes, “He’s trying.”
I scoffed, “I will call him tomorrow.” I reassured but he shook his head and turned his attention to the TV.
I grabbed my purse and jacket, “I’ll be back later Arianna will be at her babysitters until about eight in the morning. Jenny will drop her off. Love you both.” I told them as they waved me off before I left my apartment.
I opted on walking to the strip club. It was only a few blocks away and it was a nice night. When I arrived a line to get in was wrapped around the building. It was Thursday so that meant it was happy hour from eleven to two in the morning. All drinks were half priced and private dances were given at a discount sometimes free if you new the right person.
I walked around to the back entry as I saw Jason standing by the wall smoking a cigarette, “I already had to break up three fights tonight. The nicer weather brings out the assholes, I swear.” He chuckled as I walked ho to him, taking his cigarette as I brought it to my lips.
His arms engulfed my waist as he pulled me to him, “There’s some pot in that.” He whispered into my ear before placing his lips on the side of my neck.
“Missed you, haven’t seen you in a few days. Where’ve you been hiding?”
Oh you know, my ex popped up, told him about his kid and I’ve turned into a hermit in my own home where I feel safe.
“Just been busy, I missed you too.” I mumbled right before he gave me a kiss. He deepened it by pulling me closer to him, his hand wandering over my body as it rested on my ass.
He pulled away as he traced my lip with the tip of his thumb. He looked down at his watch, “You have some time before you need to get to work. Let’s use that wisely.” He whispered in a husky tone as he lead me inside and to the back storage room.
After fifteen minutes of being bent over a cardboard box filled of booze in a dusty and dark room, I pulled my dress back down and slipped on my heels. I watched as Jason stuffed himself back into his jeans as he threw his shirt over his head.
“Here.” He handed over a tiny bag of coke as I grabbed him by his jaw and gave him a kiss.
“I’ll see you later.” He smirked before giving me a light slap on the ass before I left first. I quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door. I poured out some of the powder and cut a line with my nail as I snorted it. I breathed out a sigh of relief.
I fixed my hair shortly after and touched up my mascara too. My eyes wandered down to my neck as I saw red and purple bruise forming from Jason’s teeth and lips. I adjusted my hair so it would some what be covered before I left the bathroom.
One of the strippers, Kandy passed me on the way to the bar, “Hi Van!”
Yes, I am. And by the unsober gaze you have, I’m sure it was those little yellow pills you like.
I smiled at her, “Oh! You have a friend here! He’s been waiting for like an hour or so! We’ve all tried giving him a dance but he doesn’t want one, well he said he doesn’t want one unless it’s coming from you.” She giggled a bit before she went into the bathroom.
I walked down the hallway before gasping, “Fuck.” I leaned against the wall as Nikki was sitting at the bar. I shoved the baggie into my bra as I walked over.
I saw him perk up out of the corner of my eye, “Van...” I ignored him and went to another customer.
“Hey baby doll, can I get a beer?” He waved around a ten as I took it and gave him a bottle of Budlight. He left before I could give him his change.
“Vanity.” I heard him say my name again as I rolled my eyes and went to the next customer.
“Hey hot stuff, I didn’t want a drink. But I want to know why you aren’t up on stage dancing for me. You’re too pretty to be back here.” I ignored him too before going to a group of women.
“Oh Vanity! Thank god! We have been waiting for you! Can we get three of your strawberry kiwi margaritas.” June asked as I smiled at her. June was a regular here along with her friends, Janet and Hilary.
“My treat ladies.” I watched as Nikki moved seats and sat next to them. He handed over a hundred as I stared at him.
“Well thank you sugar. Wow, you work out? I wished my husband worked out.” June said as she felt Nikki’s arms.
Oh for fucks sake.
I snatched the money out of his hand before throwing his change down on the bar in front of him.
“Yeah, I try to keep up my appearance.” I rolled my eyes as I started making their drinks, “It gets all the girls.” I could hear the smirk go across his lips.
Am I in hell right now?
I groaned out loud when Girls, Girls, Girls started playing, “Oh! Actually this is one of my songs!”
I heard the girls squeal, “I told you that was Tommy Lee!” I snickered to myself as the girls talked among themselves.
“No, I’m Nikki Sixx.” I turned around and watched as the girls stared at him, almost clueless.
“Wait, I thought he died?” June said as I covered my mouth to keep my laugh in. Nikki shot me a glare as I smirked at him.
“No, I mean, well yeah I did. But they brought me back.”
I could hear the swoon of the girls as they looked at him with a dreamy gaze, “That’s so hot.” Hilary said as I handed her a napkin, “Here, to wipe the drool from your bottom lip.”
The group of girls started laughing as Nikki smiled at me. The smile soon faded and turned into a scowl as his eyes narrowed towards me, “Seems like you’ve already had fun tonight.” He pointed to my neck as I turned red before paling.
“Gosh, I wish my husband still left hickeys on me. Now he just screws me and doesn’t even make me cum.” Janet spoke out as June smacked her arm.
“Drink up ladies.” I chuckled before handing them their glasses.
Nikki stares as he looked shocked, “Where’s mine?” He asked, motioning to their drinks. I smirked, “Didn’t know you wanted one too, Nik. That will be another ten dollars.”
I watched as he shook his head before handing over a ten. I went to grab it but he didn’t let go, “Make it with love, princess.” He chuckled before letting it go.
Make it with love, princess. I mocked him inside my head. After everything was blended I handed him the glass. He flicked the little umbrella at me as I bent down and picked it up, “Don’t be a dick.” I warned him as he smiled and took a sip.
“Maybe I wouldn’t be one if you answered my calls.” He fired back as the ladies looked back and forth between us.
“I’ve been busy, Nikki.” I said as I grabbed a glass and poured some beer into it before taking a sip.
“Oh yeah with what? Your new pastime?” He questioned, holding a nostril shut as he pretended to snort.
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Arianna had a doctors appointment, I had a doctors appointment plus a therapy session. I had to bake cookies for her classes end of the school year party. Sorry I’m not waiting around for you to call.”
He tilted his head to the side, “Therapy? You’re going to therapy? Why?”
I took another sip, “It’s private.”
What I should’ve said was ‘Oh, you actually really fucked me up Nikki. Congratulations!’
There was something quite amusing about watching Nikki sip a margarita through a bendy and swirly straw, “Do you like it?”
He shrugged, “I’ve never been a huge fan of margaritas anyways, but it’s good.” I thanked him with a smile as Daisy came over to me.
“I have a group of guys that need a round of shots.” She said in my ear over the blaring music as she pointed to a corner booth, “Girls have been dealing with their shit for the last few hours. But I know you got it! Thanks sweetheart!”
I got their shots ready as I walked over to them, trying to avoid getting bumped into. I smiled at them as they all turned to look at me. All of them were wearing dress shirts that were unbuttoned a bit and the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, “Here’s your shots gentleman.” I passed them all the glasses as I started walking away from their table before one grabbed me by my wrist.
“Now tell me something babe....” I tried to downplay my eye roll as I looked at him. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes, they were low and droopy from all the alcohol he’s probably consumed tonight, “How much is it gonna cost to get you back to my place tonight?”
I smirked and tugged my wrist free, “By the cheap alcohol you just bought, I already know you couldn’t afford me.”
I walked through the crowd again to get back to the bar. I saw that Nikki wasn’t sitting there anymore, “Where’d he go?” I asked the ladies as they all looked at one another.
June spoke up, “He said you would ask that.” My lips parted to say something until I saw her raise an eyebrow, “He also said you wouldn’t know what to say to that.”
I rolled my eyes and turned my back to them. I poured myself a glass of beer and sipped on it. My eyes searched around the club for him but I didn’t see Nikki anywhere. I looked at June again, as she had a cigarette hanging from her lip, “Where did he go?”
She smiled, blowing smoke in my direction, “He stepped outside to take a phone call. He didn’t seem too happy with the person on the other side of the phone.”
I told one of my coworkers I was going to take a smoke break. I went out back to see a lot of people hanging out around the fire pit. Off by the back entrance was Jason and the other bouncers talking amongst themselves and checking IDs when someone tried coming through.
I saw Nikki sitting on top of a picnic bench yelling at someone on the phone. He seemed stressed and frustrated as he blew smoke out while shaking his head. Jason noticed me, waving for me to come over to him but my feet moved me in the other direction. I climbed up on top of the table and sat next to Nikki as he hung up the phone, “Do you have a lighter?”
He dug one out and handed it to me as I lit my cigarette, “Thanks.” I mumbled to him as he nodded. He looked straight ahead at the other people dancing and having fun. I looked up at him his jaw clenched tight. He side eyed me as I looked away from him quickly.
“Are you okay?” I softly asked as I flicked the ash from my cigarette. He shook his head, telling me no as he stubbed out the cigarette and lit another one.
I wonder what the phone call was about. His whole body was tense and by the way he was gnawing on his bottom lip whatever that person said really got him going.
“Arianna fell today.” I muttered as he looked over at me, “She was running through the house and tripped over her own feet and smacked her face on the floor...she’s okay though, just a little rug burn on her chin. She didn’t even cry though.” I explained as I exhaled another drag.
“I’ve learned that if I don’t freak out when she falls or her hurts herself, she won’t freak out. She looked at me and I asked if she was okay. She said yes and then continued to play.”
“You’ve been ignoring my calls.” His voice was full of anger, but I know it wasn’t really meant for me.
I nodded, “I know, I just...I don’t know what to say to you. I’m not ready.”
He rolled his eyes and got off the bench and stood in front of me, “Well it’s not about you anymore Vanity! It’s about Arianna!”
I sighed and looked at him, “I know.”
“I’m-I’m not gonna be tossed around and you’re not gonna hang her over my head! She’s my daughter and I know I don’t know her yet but I love her already. I know we have issues to work out with one another, but I also know we can figure it out and we can do the co-parenting thing or whatever the fuck it is! If you’re scared of me not being a good father then fuck you Van, I know I’ll be a good dad to her!”
I smiled and blew out my cigarette smoke as I watched him pace around in front of me, “I’ll be a great dad! I’ll be such a fucking awesome dad! I’d spoil her...with in reason! And fuck, look at me. I’m Nikki fucking Sixx, I’d be the coolest dad in the universe!”
I stubbed out my cigarette and flicked it off to the side, “Are you finished yet?”
He took a deep breath in and exhaled, “Yeah...thanks for that.”
I nodded as he came back and sat next to me, “Brandi called. Asked when I’m coming home. I told her I wasn’t and to get her shit out of my house. I can’t fucking stand her. I need to call my lawyer in the morning so he can get the divorce papers started.” Nikki explained as he let out a hot breath of air.
“Can I ask what she did?” I questioned as he nodded before rubbing his face.
“We we’re trying to have a kid, start a family and she fucking lied about it. She was still taking her birth control after all these months of trying-“
“How do you know it wasn’t you?” I asked as he smirked and lowered his head a tad bit closer to my face.
His voice was almost a growl, “You and I both know it’s not me.” I saw his eyes glance down at either my lips or my chest, or maybe both.
“...Plus, I found the package of them and it was a new prescription or whatever, only a few were missing.” He sighed deeply, “I thought we were in love with one another.”
I chewed on my bottom lip, “I gotta get back to work.” I said before getting off the bench, his heavy boots following behind me, “When are you off? Do you want to get something to-“ He was cut off when Jason put his hand on his chest to stop him from entering the bar with me.
“Need your ID man.” Jason told him as Nikki rolled his eyes, and pushed his hand away from him.
“I’ve already been checked and paid to get in.” Nikki said, showing off the stamp on his hand.
“Well I don’t care, ID or you can get the fuck out.” Jason spoke roughly, “You can go inside babe.” He turned towards me, giving me a soft smile.
“Jase, he’s fine. He already paid to get in. Just leave him alone.”
“I said go inside! Now, Vanity!” He shouted as I scoffed.
“Uh, no? You don’t tell me what to do.” I grabbed Nikki’s wrist and pulled him towards the door with me until Jason grabbed his arm and pushed Nikki against the concrete wall.
Nikki smirked in Jason’s face, “Go ahead, hit me. Is the coke causing you to rage right now?” Nikki laughed as Jason had a handful of his shirt.
“Get the fuck out of my club.” Jason growled before shoving Nikki, “No, I think I’m going to stay. I like the views here.” Nik sent me a wink as I rolled my eyes.
“Jason, this is unnecessary. There is no reason for you to be acting like this. He’s a paying customer, he can come in....he was just going to get a dance from uh Coral.” I expressed as Jason looked over at me, “Yeah, he already paid but Coral wasn’t ready yet so he came outside to wait. I was just letting him know the room was ready for him.”
Jason let go of Nikki’s shirt as he took a step back from him, “Fine, get out of my face. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the night.” He warned Nikki.
Nikki followed behind me as we walked inside. I walked up to Coral, she was a skinny blonde with green eyes and a cute smile, “Coral, give my friend a dance would you?” I asked as I nudged Nikki too her.
“Van, I don’t want-“ “Come with me baby.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the back of the club and through the red curtain to the private dance rooms.
I quickly went over to the bathroom, closing the door as I leaned against it. I closed my eyes, trying to take a few deep breaths in. I felt like my heart was going to explode from how overwhelming Jason just was with Nikki. I don’t understand why he was acting that way, and for him to yell at me too? No thanks.
I shook off my thoughts before digging into my bra and pulling out the bag of drugs Jason had given me earlier. I dipped my nail into the bag and snorted residue up. I pinched the bridge of my nose, walking over to the sink and putting some shaped into a line on the porcelain. I railed the lines back to back before there was a knock on the door.
“I’ll be out in a minute!” I yelled to the person knocking and snorted another line. The knocking continued as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I wiped the residue away before putting the bag into my bra.
I swung the door open, “What! Oh, Daisy. Sorry, I thought you were-“
“And I thought you were at the bar? Jason said you were outside chit chatting and now you’re in here. Wipe your fucking nose Vanity.” Daisy snapped around me as I quickly wiped my face.
“Sorry, I’ll get back to the bar.” I mumbled and tried stepping past her while she blocked my way.
“Not when you’re fucked up. Jesus, what’s the matter with you? Take the rest of the night off.” I scoffed at her demands.
“As if the girls don’t stick shit up their nose on a nightly basis. I’m fine to work.” I fought back as she shook her head.
“I don’t care about the girls! You are off for the rest of the night! I don’t care if you stay and drink but you are to not step foot behind that bar, you understand me?” Her voice was stern as I looked away and nodded, “Answer me, now.”
“I got it! I won’t go behind the bar.” I retorted as I shoved past her and went back out into the crowd.
As if I’m the only bartender that’s high right now. I’m perfectly fine to mix fucking alcohol together, this is ridiculous. I rolled my eyes as I pulled myself up on a chair at the bar before ordering a jack and coke.
I saw Jason out of the corner of my eye and sit next to me. He reached for a water bottle and took a sip, “Where’s your friend?” I rolled my eyes as he laughed. I heard him sigh before he placed his hand on my back, slowly stoking up and down.
“Don’t you have a fight to go break up?” I muttered as he lowered his head and kissed my shoulder. I shrugged him off and shifted away from him.
“What? Some rockstar comes to town and suddenly you’re better than me?” He questioned as I rolled my eyes, thanking  Alison, the other bartender for my drink.
“Has nothing to do with that Jase. You were acting like a dick to him for no reason.” I expressed my feelings as I heard him groan in frustration.
“Aw come on. It was just playful banter. Meant no harm by it, I’m sure he understands that too.” I shook my head and took a sip, “Plus, I wouldn’t of hit him. He’d go crying like a pussy ass bitch to his lawyers.”
I chuckled, “You think so?”
He nodded and chewed on his lip, “Oh! Fuck yeah, he’d be crying over his little glass jaw.” He shook his head and chuckled to himself.
“I think Nikki would’ve hit you be back. Nikki’s a lot of things but he ain’t a pussy.” I explained as Jason became stoic and stared at me.
“Then you should’ve let me hit him.” I glanced up at him, “I think, if you really wanted to hit him…you would’ve done it regardless of what I said. I think you were just trying to intimidate him and I also don’t think it worked.”
Jason laughed and lowered his face directly in front of mine, “How do you know that baby girl?” He questioned giving me a gentle peck on the lips.
“Cause Nikki Sixx has been on the edge of death and looked god and Satan in the face and laughed.”
Jason studied my face before taking a sip of water, “Well I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
I exhaled and took a drink, “Nikki isn’t looking at me, I promise you that. And even if he was, oh well. I’m here with you.” I smiled while running my hand over his head.
His rough hand grabbed mine quickly, “And it better stay like that. Understood?” He gave my hand a light squeeze while his threat was empty.
I smiled, “Of course.”
Jason gave me a stern look followed by a quick kiss before leaving me at the bar. I rolled my eyes before shifting in my seat to watch the girls dance. Serenity, a raven haired woman of color was dancing to Warrants ‘Cherry Pie’. Never did like Warrant all that much.
My mind wandered back to Jason. His jealousy or possessiveness if that’s what it’s called, was a tad bit to much and extremely annoying. His assertiveness didn’t strike a cord in me or anything. It didn’t scare me and it for sure didn’t intimidate me. It was a good front to put up and very good poker face to wear in a heat of the moment. It was nothing like Nikki’s. Nikki use to be able to look at me with one simple gaze and I would stop in an instant. Other times I would challenge him because A, I didn’t want to lay down so easily, and B, it was fun to argue sometimes.
Nikki sauntered back over to the bar, a arrogant smirk on his face and red lipstick on his neck. Clearly, the ‘no touching the dancers’ rule didn’t apply to him.
“Jack and Coke please.” He ordered while glancing over at me, more then likely trying to gauge my reaction.
“Have fun?” His lips tugged up a little bit higher as he took off his jacket and placed it on the chair.
“Maybe a little. Told her you’d pay for it.” He laughed as he sat down next to me. I rolled my eyes, “Of course.”
“You want another one?” He questioned, pointing to my half empty glass as I chugged the rest of it.
“Only if you’re buying.” I retorted as he nodded and placed a twenty down on the counter.
“Why aren’t you back there working?” I looked over at him as he lit a cigarette.
“Daisy was told I was bullshitting outside and then found me snorting blow in the bathroom.” I shook my head, “It’s whatever though. Wasn’t in the mood to be working.”
“Then what are you in the mood to be doing?” Nikki looked at me with as he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Not you, that’s what.” I chuckled and grabbed the glass once it was put in front of me.
“I wasn’t even going in that direction, but I’m glad you still think of me that way. It gives me hope.”
I let out a huff of hair before taking a long drink, “Shut up.”
He laughed, resting his elbow against the bar and leaned his head into the palm of his hand, “You haven’t changed. You still get all flustered and red in the face when I say stuff like that.”
“It’s the blow.”
He licked his lips, “Maybe you’re right.” Nikki took a sip of his drip as he continued to stare at me.
“Stop looking at me.” “I’m not looking.”
I rolled my eyes, “My boyfriends jealous of you.” He let out an amused grunt before glancing over to Jason who was at the door watching us and not the people coming in.
“As if I couldn’t tell. You could do much better, V. Shit, Slash would be better than that fuckhead.”
I choked on my drink, “Oh shut up, you don’t even mean that. You hate him.”
He grinned, “You wanna know something? When you left, Slash was one of the first people I called to ask if he’s seen you.”
I frowned, “You think I would’ve ran to him?” Nikki shrugged, “No, but I knew you were hurt. I was just waiting for you to get back at me. To get even or whatever…”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Nikki, I didn’t want to get even with you. I wanted to get away from you. Far, far away from you and her and everyone. Hurt is not the word to be using in our predicament.”
He sighed, “Vanity, I am sorry.”
I rolled my eyes and took another long sip, “No. Not now…not while we’re drinking.” I knew that upset him by the way he looked away from me and down into his glass as he slid it across the counter back and forth.
“When can I come see Arianna? I went out and bought a whole bunch of toys for her.” Nikki asked as I nodded.
“She finishes school this week and then we have all summer for you to meet her and talk to her.” His eyes widened as he smiled, “She can talk?”
I chuckled, “Of course she can talk. It’s broken up sentences and phrases really. But if you try you can have a full blown conversation with her. Mainly about the drama between all her stuffed animals but she’ll talk to you.”
“Why does she talk to her stuffed animals? Doesn’t she have friends?” He said rather curiously, or concerned. I couldn’t tell.
“I don’t know, she’s only five and has a huge imagination. She’s constantly jumping on the furniture and yelling about how the floor is lava. And of course she has friends. There’s Angie, Melanie, Ava, Garrett and Peter.”
“Boys?” I chuckled, “She has friends that are boys?” I nodded, “No. Hell no.”
“Nikki, she can have guy friends.” He furrowed his eyebrows, “They’re kids Nikki. We will worry about it when she’s a teenager.”
“We?” He smirked, “There’s a ‘We’?”
For some reason, I was having Deja Vu.
“There isn’t a ‘We’. I mean, you and me as her parents make a ‘We’. But, me and you don’t make a ‘We’.”
He chuckled and took a sip, “That makes no god damn sense.”
I scoffed, “Sure it does! There isn’t a ‘We’ and there’s never gonna be a ‘We’ again.”
He smirked, “You don’t know that.” I studied his face, trying to figure out what the hell he was thinking and what I was going to say.
“Shit princess, I’ve done this back and forth with you for a long time now. I know how it works. You say something, I say something. You ignore me, I get mad when you ignore me, then that makes you mad. Then we have one long and deep emotional conversation and then we’re fine. Currently we’re at the ignoring stage.”
I smiled and took a sip, “Is that so?” He nodded, “And when did you become a therapist?”
“It isn’t reverse psychology or whatever bullshit they call it. It’s just facts. I know you Vanity.”
I shook my head, “You know the old me.”
Nikki finished off his drink before ordering another, “Then let me get to know the new one.”
My smile left as I watched him fumble with his rings before he looked at me again, “You aren’t gonna just say a few sweet words and everything is gonna be okay. That doesn’t work anymore.”
“It seems to be cause You’re still talking to me. I was expecting more of a chase ya know? Our relationship started with a game of chase, why not end it now?”
I brought the glass to my lips, “The games already over Nikki and we both loss. Just accept defeat and move on.”
He shook his head, “So god damn fucking stubborn.” He muttered before taking a long sip. I stood up and laughed, “You’re such a pain in the ass, you know that Van?”
A gruff voice spoke up, “More like a nice ass.” I was caught off guard by a stiff slap to my ass. I turned around and saw some drunk guy, “…And a nice pair of lips to have wrapped around my cock.” The drunk spoke as he grabbed me by my waist and roughly pulled me against his chest.
I heard Nikki grumble as he grabbed the guys arm and pulled him away from me, “Back the fuck up and go get a dance.” Nikki’s shoved him away as he stepped in front of me.
The dude laughed as he completely ignored Nikki, “Baby, I’ll make you feel real good and-“ He didn’t even let him finish talking before Nikki grabbed him by his jaw, hollowing out his cheeks and forcing his face into the bar. My eyes widened as I watched fear flash across that guys face, “He-hey man! it was just a joke! I didn’t know she was your girl! I-I’ll go!”
By this time everyone in the bar was looking at us as the music stopped and Jason and the other security guards came over, “You’re out, now. Get the fuck out!”
Nikki laughed, “Should’ve just walked away, man. I warned you.” He let go of his jaw as the guy quickly stumbled to his feet.
“Yeah I was talking about you.” Jason and another guard grabbed Nikki by his arms and dragged him through the club.
“Jase! Jason just stop! It was the other guys fault!” I yelled after them while grabbing my stuff and Nikki’s jacket.
“Oh, couldn’t do it on your own so you needed help from your friends? Wow, what a tough guy.” Nikki laughed as they continued to drag him out until we were outside.
“Baby just stop! It was the other guy.” I argued as he completely ignored me.
“You’re banned from coming back. If I see you again you’re getting arrested.” He threatened Nikki as he smirked at Jason.
“Dude, I was just sticking up for Vanity. That’s all it was. He was talking like a sleazeball and grabbing her ass.” Nikki defended himself as Jason laughed.
“Well, when she’s acting like a fucking slut that’s what she gets.” Jason retorted as Nikki lunged for him this time but the other bouncers kept him back.
“Get the fuck off my property.” Jason spat out, glaring at Nikki and pointing to the street, “Go!”
Nikki gave me a look before he muttered something under his breath and turning his back towards us as he began walking out.
I shoved Jason’s shoulder, “Fuck you.” He stared down at me as I shoved him again repeatedly, “I’m not some fucking slut. You can go fuck yourself.”
I turned my back to him but he grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him, “Baby, I didn’t mean it. I just…I got pissed.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, well I fucking mean it.” I yanked my arm away from him before sticking my middle finger in his face. I started walking down the sidewalk as I muttered angrily to myself.
“Fucking stupid jerk. I can’t believe him.” I shook my head as I dug out a cigarette and lit it, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
I heard a whistle and looked to my left, “Princess, you look like you’re in need of a knight in shining armor.” I heard his laugh as he pressed on the gas pedal to rev the engine.
“Fuck off, Sixx.” I snapped as he chuckled, “Aw, is someone a little angry? Do you need something to break?” I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the street.
“Oh, I see….the silent treatment. I know it well. You pouting, Princess? How about a few hundreds to damp your tears off?” I flipped him off as he revved up his engine.
“Don’t tempt me with a good time Van. You want to ride me? I mean, you want a ride home?” I heard his boyish giggle.
“I’d rather get hit by a car.”
“Ouch! That hurt! But come on, it’s late. I’m serious, let me give you a ride home.”
I shook my head, “Just go away Nikki. I’m fine. I don’t live far.”
I heard country music playing from his car, “I actually fucking like this song!” He turned it up louder, “…You use to sing it in the shower! I hated it at first but you made it sound so god damn good.”
’…Cause I’ve got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I’ll be okay…’
Nikki sang very loudly, and very off key, “Would you shut up!?”
‘…Well, I guess I was wrong
I just don’t belong
But then, I’ve been there before
Everything’s all right
I’ll just say goodnight…’
I tuned him out and started walking faster, my heels clicking against the sidewalk. I side eyed Nikki’s car as the static from his radio was loud and obnoxious, “Oh! Do you know this one? Has your music taste changed?!” Nikki shouted, still continuing to drive parallel next to me as he swerved back and forth.
‘…And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I
Would like to say to you but I don’t know how…’
I shook my head and started walking faster. I could see the apartment building from here, maybe another block and a half.”
‘…Cause maybe
You’re gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you’re my wonderwall…’
“I like Rap now.” I told Nikki as he turned down the radio, “Rap?” I heard him laugh, “Doll, that shit ain’t real music. You and Tommy, I swear. I don’t see the hype around it.”
“Rap is as real as your precious Rock n Roll, Sixx.” I threw up the devil horns, “Ever listen to Tupac, or Dr. Dre? Tommy showed me this uh group I guess that’s what they’re called, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. I really like them. You should listen to them.”
“Do you still like Rock music?” I glanced over at him, “Of course. I’m really into the Red Hot Chili Peppers and have you heard of Green Day yet? I like them too.”
I soon realized I was already at the front doors of my apartment complex, “Do you still like Motley? I saw that interview you did. You said you didn’t like us anymore.” Nikki questioned as I turned around to see he was parking his car and getting out, “We did a cover of ‘Anarchy’…did you like it? I know you’re a Sex Pistols fan…”
I sighed and looked up at him, “I liked that and ‘Primal Scream’.” Nikki smiled as he stepped a bit closer to me.
“Good, I’m glad you liked it. I had a feeling you would have.” Nikki licked his lips before tilting his head up and looking at the building behind me, “You live here?”
I nodded, “Yep, the whole time.” I saw him shake his head before looking down at the ground, “So, goodnight. Thanks for the drinks and uh….following me home. Classic stalker ex-boyfriend behavior.”
“Fiancé.” He corrected me and I rolled my eyes,
“Whatever, Goodnight.” I turned my back to him, but I heard footsteps following me through the glass doors.
“Nikki, what are you doing?” I turned around to look at him but he shrugged.
“Nik, she isn’t home. She’s at her babysitters house.” I explained as he nodded, “Oh…well we can hang out, right?”
I furrowed my eyebrows, “What? No? I’m going to bed.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Is that an invite? I usually don’t fuck the first time I meet a chick.”
I started laughing as his smile grew, “Oh yeah, right! You just fucked Coral back at the strip club!” I said, pointing to the lipstick on the side of his neck.
Confusion riddled his face, “What? No I didn’t. She was very adamant about it but I told her no. I kept my dick in my pants.” He smiled proudly as I rolled my eyes.
“Oh, I see…” Nikki muttered as I ignored him and started walking to the elevator. I glared at him when he stepped inside with me.
“You thought I fucked her?” Nikki questioned as I ignored him and pressed the button for my floor, “Would you say you were uh what’s the word-“ Nikki pretended to think hard as he snapped his fingers, “Oh, right! Jealous?” His smirk was arrogant and I wanted nothing more then to slap it right off of him.
I side eyed him as he licked his teeth and arched an eyebrow. I huffed and held my purse closer to me. I felt like the elevator ride was taking longer then usual. Nikki started whistling ‘Friends in Low Places’ as I shook my head. The elevator dinged and I quickly got off.
“You know, I could call the cops and tell them you’re harassing me.” I smirked, feeling him glare at the back of my head as he walked behind me.
“And I could tell them you’re refusing to let me see my child for no reason.” Nikki quickly fired back. I ignored that comment and dug my keys out of my purse.
“Could you like back up?” I questioned him, seeing he was standing right behind me as he nodded and took a step back. I opened the door onto to hear Tommy’s laughter.
“Have friends over?” Nikki questioned as I nodded.
“Something like that. Can you wait right here?” I asked him, not waiting for his answer as I slipped inside and quickly shut the door in his face. I rested against the door seeing Tommy and Clementine sitting on the couch watching some movie and passing a bottle of wine back and forth.
“Oh hey Van! You’re home early?” Clem questioned as I nodded. I stepped over to the table and put my stuff down.
“So Nikki’s outside my door.” I spoke, hearing Tommy choke on his sip of wine before putting the bottle in Clementines hand.
“The Sixxter is here!?” Tommy was full of glee as the smile he wore was contagious. I nodded as he walked past me and opened up the door.
Tommy wrapped Nikki up in a huge hug, his black boots almost leaving the floor, “Oh man! I’ve missed you!” Tommy put him down as Nikki smiled at him.
“…Missed you too bud. You didn’t mention you’d be in the city-“ Nikki was cut off when Tommy pulled both me and him into a tight squeeze against his chest.
“The family’s back together now!” Tommy chimed as I grunted and pushed away from his forced embrace.
“Something like that.” Nikki muttered looking around my house as his eyes landed on Clem.
“Nice to see you again satan- I mean Nikki.”
Nikki’s eyes found mine as he silently waited for an explanation, probably remembering I told him I didn’t know her.
“Wow, you two know each other? What a small world.” I chuckled as I kicked off my shoes, “Nikki, meet my best friend, Clementine.”
Nikki muttered something under his breath before shaking his head and forcing a smile at Clementine. I wonder the story behind that and why he doesn’t like her?
“How come you’re back so early?” Tommy questioned as he grabbed a few beers from the fridge, handing one to each me and Nikki.
“Well uh-“ I cracked it open and took a sip, “My boss didn’t want me working behind the counter high on coke and well my boyfriend is an asshole.” I grumbled, shaking my head as I put the beer on my kitchen counter, “And Nikki is a bit of a stalker and followed me home.”
“Nice man.” Tommy gave him a pat on the shoulder as Nikki sipped on his beer and watched me.
“You gonna show me around? You know, you’re a real rude hostess.” Nikki joked as I rolled my eyes.
“That’s the kitchen, dining room, living room the bathroom is the your first door on the the left down the hallway and then it’s Arianna’s room and then my master bedroom.” I explained pointing to all areas of the flat.
“Shots!” I looked over at Tommy who had my bottle of Tequila in his hand. I sighed and shook my head.
“I’m going to bed.”
Tommy looked at me like I had committed a sin, “What?! Since when do you turn down shots!?” He shook a his head before grabbing shot glasses from the cupboard.
“It’s been a long night-“
“When did Vanity Blackwood become such a pussy?” Nikki questioned, raising an eyebrow as he looked at me and then Tommy.
“I think you’re right Sixx. Who knew Vanity would ever turn down tequila shots with her favorite terror twins?” Tommy ganged up with him as they both stood side by side, arms crossed against their chest.
Clementine joined in on the fun as she came into the kitchen to throw away her empty bottle of wine, “From the stories I’ve heard, she seemed real wild. But maybe she’s gone soft..”
Tommy smirked, testing me as he spoke, “Bet you couldn’t chug the rest of this.” I licked my bottom lip, shaking my head as I looked over at the bottle. I would say maybe a couple of shots were left in the bottle.
“Bets a bet doll.” Nikki continued to challenge me as I glared at him.
I snatched the bottle from Tommy’s hand, “Fuck all of you. This is peer pressure.” Tommy and Nikki giggled like devious little school boys as Clementine patted my shoulder before grabbing another bottle of wine and going back to the living room.
I twisted off the cap, flicking it at Tommy as I tapped the rim of the bottle against his beer and brought it to my lips and started chugging. I almost started choking when Tommy pushed the bottle further up.
“You dick!” I chuckled, handing him the empty glass bottle as he handed it off to Nikki. I grabbed my beer and took a long sip to wash the tequila down.
Tommy smacked Nikki’s chest, “How about a drinking game?”
Nikki smirked, “What do you have in mind T-bone?” I silently excused myself as I went to my bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable. I opted for shorts and a sweater while putting my hair up in a bun.
“Vanity!!” Tommy yelled as I rolled my eyes, sighing as I walked back out to the kitchen. Tommy, Nikki and Clementine, who was nose deep in some book as she held a glass of wine were now sitting at the dining table.
“What?” I asked him, grabbing my drink and sitting down across from Nikki.
“Truth or Dare?”
I laughed and shook my head, “No, pick a different game. I’m not playing this stupid shit.”
He whined, “Come on Van! Just pick one! I promise I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.” Tommy explained, “Clem, babe, help me out here.”
Clementine sighed and looked at Tommy and then me, “Vanity stop being a party pooper and have some fun that doesn’t involve shoving things up your nostrils.”
My lips parted in shock as I stared at her, feeling Nikki’s eyes glaring at me, “Clem.” I let out a laugh as she started smiling.
I looked back over at Tommy, “Fine! But nothing weird or gross or fucked up.”
“Don’t know you know who I am?” Tommy teased before going to the fridge, grabbing my bottle of Jack and putting it in the middle of the table.
“If you don’t wanna answer or do the dare you take a sip.” Tommy explained, “Clem’s just supervising, she doesn’t want to play.”
I pouted, “But I don’t want to play either.”
“Tough fucking shit, Truth or Dare Van.” Tommy said as I groaned, “Dare.”
Tommy giggled, “I dare you to smell my fingers.” All of us started laughing as Tommy wiggled his hand out for me.
I leaned over and took a whiff of his hand, “You think I’m scared of smelling wet pussy?”
Tommy smirked as I glanced over at Clementine who was hiding her face in the book, “You’re lucky. I just washed my hands too. You’re turn Sixx.”
I glanced over at him, seeing his smile as we looked at one another. Oh no. Don’t make me do anything stupid.
“Tommy, truth or dare.” Thank god!
Tommy let out a scoff as he motioned towards me, “Whatever, Uh….truth.”
“Boo!” Clementine teased as I chuckled a bit.
“Did you really have chlamydia back in the day?”
I put my hand over my mouth to keep my laughter in, “And that’s why we got kicked out of that strip club on the strip for a little while?”
“She gave me chlamydia!!” Tommy defended himself, “Babe, I swear I’m clean! I took meds for it!” Clementine only sighed as she took a long sip of her wine and turned the next page in her book.
“Go V.” I looked back and forth between the guys as Tommy was pointing towards Nikki. I looked at him, seeing the smug smile across his lips, “Truth or Dare, Sixx.”
He chewed on his bottom lip, “Dare.”
I raised an eyebrow as I saw his smile falter for split second, “Dare you to kiss Tommy.” He laughed, “On the lips.”
“I’m okay with it if you want to Nikki, I give you my consent.” Tommy said, batting his eyelashes at him and suggestively running his hand across his arm.
“Told you they are practically married.” I whispered to Clementine as she smiled at me before glancing at the boys.
“Get your hand off me or I swear to god you ain’t gonna be drumming for a while.” Nikki warned as he snatched the bottle and took a long sip.
“Whose the pussy now?” I teased as Nikki shook his head and glared at me.
“Vanity! Truth or Dare!” Tommy shouted, “Truth.”
“Who has the biggest dick? Me, Nikki or Slash?”
I instantly reached for the bottle and took a long sip as all three of them watched me, “You should’ve asked who is the biggest dick, then I would’ve said Nikki.” I retorted, wiping my lips with my sleeve as I smiled at him.
I waited for a him to say something back, feeling Tommy and Clem on the side of us, watching.
“Thanks for that princess…Truth or Dare.” He said, looking right at me, “Dare.”
“Dare you to snort some of that blow right in front of me.” The shit eating grin I had left my face as his became cold and serious. There wouldn’t be a knife thick enough to cut the tension in the room, “Or are you gonna tell me you don’t have any?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t be playing this…” Tommy mumbled.
I scooted the chair back, the loud screeching echoing through my house. I walked to my room, grabbing the small bag from earlier and bringing it back out to the dining table. I threw it down on the wood in front of them.
“Vanity, you said you haven’t done any in a few weeks…” Clementine spoke softly as I glanced back at her before shaking my head.
I reached for my wallet, pulling out a credit card and a bill to roll up. I sat back down and dumped the rest of it on the table. I glared at Nikki as he had his arms crossed over his chest. I evened out four lines and snorted them all quickly. I leaned back in the chair, rubbing my nose as I looked at him through tearful vision.
I grabbed the bottle anyways and took a sip.
“Tommy, Truth or dare?” I asked him, mine and Nikki’s eyes staying locked on one another. It was a matter of time before this-
“Can you tell me why your bassist is such a god damn asshole?”
Tommy reached for the bottle and took a sip of it before placing it between Nikki and myself. He shook his head and looked away from me. I watched as Clementine grabbed the bottle and took it away from us.
“I dare everyone to quit the game. Everyone had their fun.” Clementine expressed her eyes meeting mine. I could tell by the look she was giving me to go to my room and calm down.
I rolled my eyes, standing up as I pushed the chair back into the table. I saw Tommy mutter something as him and Nikki looked at one another. I left them sitting at the dining table as I went to my bedroom and loudly slammed the door.
*Nikki’s POV*
I watched Vanity run away to her bedroom. I shook my head, “Sorry.” I muttered to Tommy as I stood up and put my jacket back on, “I’ll call you later, man. She doesn’t want me here.”
Tommy shook his head, “Oh just let her relax! She gets like this all the time now. Sit down and drink with me.” Tommy smiled as Clementine gave him the bottle of whiskey before giving him a kiss and going back to the living room to watch TV.
“Congrats on being a dad, Nik!” Tommy chimed as he gave me playful jab to the shoulder, “Arianna is fuckin cool as hell!”
I smiled, “Yeah? I’m excited to meet her. You think she’ll like me?”
Tommy took the bottle and took a long sip, “I think she’ll love you. I don’t think you’ll have to worry too much.”
*Next morning, Vanity’s POV*
“Van! The door!!”
Clementine yelled for me as I shoved off my blankets. I rubbed my face as I heard knocking, “Huh, maybe get it your damn self.” I mumbled, seeing her wrapped up in a blanket and holding a cup of coffee as Tommy slept soundly on the pull out bed of the couch.
“Nice panties, Princess.” I turned around when Nikki stepped out of the bathroom as the smirk grew across his lips.
I glared and tugged my shirt down to cover up what I could, “Why the hell are you still here?” I grumbled as I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Jenny, Arianna’s other babysitter as she was holding Arianna’s hand.
“Hi baby.” I smiled as Ari came in and I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“She was an angel for me. We enjoyed her princess cartoons and I painted her toes.” Jenny spoke as Arianna wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head against my shoulder.
“She’s a little grumpy this morning.” I smiled at her words and rubbed Ari’s back.
“Thank you for watching her. Same time next Week?” I questioned as Jenny nodded, “Of course, I’ll see you later Ari.” She waved at her as Arianna waved back.
I shut the door and put Arianna’s backpack on the table. I met Nikki’s gaze as he stood ever so awkwardly in the living room.
“Whose that?” She whispered into my ear while pointing at Nikki. I attempted to put her down on the floor but she held onto me tighter.
“Arianna, this is Nikki. He’s a really important friend of ours. That’s uncle T-bones brother.” I explained to her as she giggled.
“That’s a girls name.” I heard Clementine laugh as Nikki shot her a glare.
I motioned for Nikki to come over to me. He took hesitant steps to us as his eyes were glued to her, “He-hey Arianna.” He stumbled over his words nervously as she perked up and looked at him.
“You have a whole bunch of drawings like TeeTee.” She said, pointing to his arms as Nikki smiled.
“Mine are way cooler.” He retorted as I heard Tommy scoff, “Are not.”
Arianna squirmed out of my arms as she finally wanted to be put down. She stared up at Nikki with her big brown eyes as I witnessed him become a complete puddle of goo for her, “I saw you on the TV before.”
Nikki cleared his throat, “Ye-Yeah, I uh…I um I make music with Tommy. I um, I play the guitar…do you know what that is?”
She giggled, “Yes! My music teacher plays one too! And my Barbie has a guitar!” She cheered as she ran over to her toy bin and pulled out one of her many dolls and showed it to him.
“Uh…that’s really cool, Ari!.” Nikki forced himself to sound cheerful
“Her boyfriend is the singer.” She explained as Nikki glanced over to me and I smiled. She went and grabbed her Ken doll that was holding a microphone and showed him that too.
“The singer? Her boyfriend should be the bass player. They’re way better.” Nikki sent me a smoldering look as I shook my head.
“Every girls dream is to date the singer, baby.” I said, ruffling Arianna’s hair as I stepped over to get a cup of coffee.
I watched as Arianna grabbed Nikki’s hand and dragged him over to all of her toys. He looked at me with an unsure look as I motioned to play with her. He sat down on the floor next to her as she started getting out all of her toys.
“This is Mrs Sugarpop.” Arianna told Nikki as she held up a stuffed pink giraffe, “Say hi to her.” She demanded as Nikki’s face turned a slight red shade as he became embarrassed.
“Hello…” He muttered quietly as Clementine and Tommy snickered as they watched the two communicate.
She continued blabbing on and on about all her toys and who was married to who, and all the hot gossip between all of the toys inside her little world of make believe. Nikki’s face had a permanent smile etched onto it as he watched Arianna play in front of him. His gaze met mine as he smiled before mouthing a ‘thank you’ to.
I felt my heart swell a little bit, seeing the two interact. It was all I ever wanted. For her, for Nikki and for me. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it would be. Yeah he was angry about not knowing her, but I think we both knew the moment he met her it would no longer exist as the anger and bad feelings would be replaced with warmth and love again.
But, I think we both knew we were lying to ourselves.
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k-p-p-d · 4 years
What Dating Jisoo Would Be Like: Cute Pink Edition (F)
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Once upon a time, two weirdos met & fell in love.
The end.
No, but really, that’s the story of how you met.
She was out and about doing some shopping with an adorably sleepy Jennie in tow and happened to pop into a cute little kitschy shop.
Surprise, surprise! She immediately loved everything she saw.
And I do mean everything.
She made the weirdest yet cutest little squeaks, squeals, and “squee’s” at all the little chackis and cards and things.
Jennie was used to it and, like a good friend (unlike a certain somebody, but we’ll get to that), actually encouraged her to keep cooing by pointing out things to her.
You were an aisle over, making the same exact noises.
Your friend, who loves you dearly but hated shopping with you because you make these noises EVERY. SINGLE. TIME, elbowed you because she thought you were being too loud.
Of course, that made you yelp in surprise and you jerked back away from your clearly psychotic friend as you clutched your side but oH NO—
You accidentally collided bumped into someone behind you.
You spun around, ten thousand exclamations of “I AM SO SORRY!!!!!” ready to fly out of your mouth when your eyes landed on her.
What’s that?
You don’t know her.
Never knew that, never experienced that—
All you knew was she was easily the C U T E S T thing you had EVER seen!!!!
And wouldn’t you know it...
She felt the exact same way.
Her doe eyes blinked once, twice, thrice as her brain slowly began to function again and then her heart-shaped lips stretched wide into a dazzling grin.
And then, the angel spoke to you—
“You’re really cute!”
[[intense gay panic]]
REALLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully, your friend still had fully functional braincells and had the brilliant idea to elbow you AYE-GAIN.
This time, though, it was softer (it still hurt tho) and it kickstarted your own brain cells into working.
You meant to stammer out a “thank you,” you really did.
But that’s not what came out of your lips.
Oh, no.
“Not as cute you,” you boldly returned.
Color you, your friend, Jennie, and Jisoo SHOOK!!!
But shout out to you and that strange bolt of confidence because it landed you an invitation to join her shopping for the rest of the day.
Of course you accepted.
And by the way Jennie and your friend were making eyes at each other, you knew it was gonna be a lovely day.
And it absolutely was.
So lovely in fact that y’all explored every. single. stall. in the marketplace.
By the end of it, you had a pretty decent dent in your account (oops) but her number and the promise to go out again soon.
Really soon.
Like the next afternoon.
And the morning after that.
And the night after that.
And the entire day following that.
And so on and so forth until you were even granted an ID badge that allowed you entry to YG.
The first ever of its kind and all because dear sweet, precious, quirky, all-around adorable Kim Jisoo raised 17 hells day in & day out until the CEO caved just to get her to cease her well-structured & highly thorough powerpoint presentations about the boosting of talent morale if they were allowed more time to see their loved ones and how the company’s financial margins would thus increase since happy talent means more productive talent and what company didn’t want more money, hmmm??????????
An intellectual, truly.
Which was one of the many reasons you loved her so much.
Said list includes:
The way her eyes curve when she smiles
The way she huffs in frustration
The way her hair looks like the most luxurious birds nest when she first wakes up
The way she pouts when Rosé won’t share her snacks
The fact she hid a banana in a shirt on live broadcast
The one time she laughed so hard that some of her smoothie squirted out of her nose
The fact she laughed even harder at that
The way she always seems to know exactly what’s going on with everyone in her life even when she barely has time to focus on herself
The way she never ever takes herself too seriously despite the stresses of her life
The dedication and commitment she has to seeing you EVERY. SINGLE. DAY, whether in person or over face time or through snapchat (most days, it’s a combo of all three)
She’s just such a sweetheart and to think you were blessed enough to be the person she decided to give her heart to
So you better cherish her as dearly as she does you, cuz if not....
Well...let’s just say, the girls have many connections, none of which they are afraid to use....and they’ll make your life a living a hell....
But you shouldn’t worry!
Cuz they adore you as much as they do Jisoo because they see just how perfectly matched you two are~
And they would never wanna use said connections cuz it’d mean that true love is actually dead
But you know something?
They don’t even have to worry cuz as long as there are stars in the sky, your heart will only beat for Kim Jisoo
And she feels the exact same way about you.
With the very valid exception of her precious son Dalgom
But you two tie for first in her heart so the statement still kinda stands
Now please
Stop ignoring your girlfriend so she can stop shushing me so y’all can finish watching the latest installment of that hella obscure show on Netflix that is so terrible, it’s amazing
Her death glare is INTENSE okay so yes i’mma little scared rn, I mean look at her!!!
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—Admin Lily
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1dfangirls35 · 4 years
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Voir Dire- N.H
A fake dating AU about contracts, soulmates and risking it all for love.
Masterlist // Tell Me What You Think!
Kelsey felt her heart racing. She was on edge, stuck in a loop of scanning the room every five minutes for someone that didn't belong. She knew she shouldn't be. She could be here by coincidence. In 40 Love, the bar owned by Niall's best friend, having nothing to do with the fact that it was also the location of the unofficial after party of Niall's album release event. 
Kelsey jumped as Becca set a hand on her shoulder, handing her a much needed glass of vodka cran to calm her nerves.
"You're fine," Becca said, seemingly reading Kelsey's thoughts. Kelsey nodded, trying to convince herself that it was indeed fine.
Niall and Kelsey had made the decision that, on the contrary to what Niall's label believed, they would continue dating. However, their dating nowadays consisted much of what it did when they first started seeing each other: time at Niall's house with no exposure to the outside world. It wasn't ideal, but Kelsey knew that it was the only way they could be together without facing the repercussions of Niall's management. And being with Niall was more than enough for now. Plus, with Niall's promotion of the new album and Kelsey's LSAT test date just two weeks away, there hadn't been much free time to spend together anyway.
But Kelsey had wanted to be at the album release. She had wanted to support him on this momentous occasion, and to congratulate him on the hard work he'd put in. They'd come to the decision that no one would be the wiser if she showed up at 40 Love with Becca for the afterparty. Krystal would be there with Niall, and Kelsey and Niall would have no contact. But she would be there, at least physically present, to show her support for the man that loved her.
The man who loved her. Even thinking about those words still sent butterflies through Kelsey's stomach.
It had happened one lazy night. Kelsey had her nose buried deep in her LSAT study books, her test date fast approaching. Her legs were strung on top of Niall's on the sofa, and he was absentmindedly  rubbing her feet after her long shift at the bar. She could feel that he was staring at her, and so she brought her face out of her book momentarily, shoving her yellow highlighter back into her book.
"What?" she giggled, raising an eyebrow. Niall's cheeks grew slightly redder at the being caught in the act.
"You're so cute when you've got your nose stuck in that book," he leaned over, tapping his finger on the tip of her nose.
Kelsey rolled her eyes. She looked anything but cute at the moment, with her hair in a knot at the top of her head and her face bare minus a few smudges of leftover mascara near the corner of her eyelashes.
Niall scooted over next to her on the couch, wrapping his arms around her chest and nuzzling his head into her hair. "I love you," Niall mumbled, his words barely audible.
Kelsey felt her world freeze. Kelsey wanted to say the words back. She felt them in her bones. A part of her did love Niall. But no matter how strong the feelings were in her heart, the thoughts in her brain were stronger. Every time she'd said those three words before she'd been burned. So she thought maybe this time, if she kept those words to herself, she'd get to be loved a little while longer before her heart was broken.
So instead of saying those three little words back, Kelsey turned around and brought her lips to Niall's. Because, for now, her actions would have to take the place of the words she couldn't bring herself to say. 
Kelsey caught a glimpse of Niall from across the bar, bringing her back to reality. He hadn't stopped glowing since he'd arrived nearly an hour ago. His custom-made Paul Smith navy blue suit fitting him in all the right places, a few more buttons at the top beginning to come undone to reveal some tufts of chest hair. His laugh echoed through the bar, making Kelsey's heart flutter. She wasn't sure she'd ever seen Niall as happy as he was right now. Although she wished she could be standing next to him, arms intertwined at his side, there was something about the sense of forbidden love that made it all so much more exciting. The stolen glances they shared from across the crowded bar. The way Niall's hand lingered on the small of Kelsey's back as he squeezed by her on his way to his next conversation. The tension was building, and Kelsey couldn't wait to celebrate with him when they got home later this evening.
While she was focused on Niall, Kelsey seemed to lose track of Krystal, who had been putting on quite the show this evening. Kelsey wasn't sure if it was because Krystal knew Kelsey was here or if it was simply the norm of this fake relationship, but Krystal had barely kept her hands off of Niall. Kelsey was trying her best to ignore it, reminding herself that this is what had to go on if she wanted to be with Niall. Reminding herself that in a few short months the tour would be announced and Niall and Krystal would have a dramatic, heart-wrenching break-up that would kickstart Krystal's career and leave Niall all to Kelsey. It was only a few more months, and then she wouldn't have to see that head of perfectly curled blonde hair ever again.
That head of perfectly curled blonde hair had now slid into place next to Kelsey at the bar. Raising her hand to get the bartenders attention and ordering two glasses of champagne. Kelsey could guess who the second glass was for.
Kelsey tried to keep her gaze elsewhere. She didn't want to have a conversation with Krystal, not after the way she'd been hanging all over Niall for most of the night. But it appeared Krystal had other plans.
"I'm surprised you came," Krystal said smugly, her red lips forming a sort of insincere grin.
Kelsey turned to look to face Krystal, her eyes narrowing. "The album's a big deal, I wanted to be here for him," Kelsey took a sip of her drink. She tried to turn to continue her conversation with Becca, desperate from a way out of this more than uncomfortable conversation, but Becca was nowhere to be found.
"I figured he wouldn't let you go," Krystal shrugged. "But I guess I thought maybe you had a little have sense to you. You know he could lose everything from this don't you?" Kelsey followed Krystal's eyes as they fall upon Niall, who is currently taking a selfie with Lewis Capaldi. "Can't imagine how heartbroken he would be without his music."
Kelsey's not sure what kind of point Krystal was trying to make. And something about the way that Krystal was acting like if this was all Kelsey's fault set her on her defense. "You don't know our relationship Krystal. And quite honestly it's not any of your business," Kelsey snapped.
Niall's caught the two of them speaking now, and even from a distance Kelsey can see the concern in his eyes. So she smiles, giving him a soft nod before turning her gaze back to Krystal.
"I'm not..." Krystal began, but she must have read the stern look on Kelsey's face because she stopped what she is saying. "He's just the most genuine guy in this industry. I know he'd risk everything for you Kelsey. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Now I better go deliver this champagne to the man of the hour," Krystal raised her eyebrows and headed off towards Niall.
Kelsey watched as she handed him the glass, leaning over to kiss Niall on the cheek, as if she was just taunting Kelsey. Kelsey rolled her eyes.
"What did she want?" Becca said, conveniently reappearing just now.
"To tell me off for being here," Kelsey said, her voice agitated.
Becca's jaw dropped.
"Well, not in those exact words but I think that is what she was implying. Doesn't she already know that I know how risky this is?"
"She's just trying to be difficult," Becca assured. "She feels threatened when you're here because he can't keep his eyes off of you." Becca gestured to where Niall and Krystal stood a few yards away. Sure enough, Niall's eyes met Kelsey's.
Kelsey breathed a slight sigh of relief. She had vowed that she would stop letting the details of Niall's PR relationship shake her confidence. She had to be confident in her relationship in Niall if she wanted this to work, especially with everything that they were putting on the line now. "Shall we go dance?" Kelsey suggested, gesturing to the area where the DJ was playing some of Niall's new album, along with classic party anthems. Becca nodded her head and agreement, grabbing Kelsey's hand and dragging her towards the dance floor.
Even though she was having a good time for the most part, Kelsey was thankful when the night wrapped up and she got a text from Niall telling her to meet him at his place. When she arrived, he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and whispered "You looked beautiful tonight", before leading her up to his bedroom.
"Uggh I'm exhausted," Niall groaned, unbuttoning his shirt before placing it neatly into the laundry hamper. Kelsey slipped out of her dress for the night, pulling on one of Niall's t-shirts, which had become her new favorite thing to sleep in.
She climbed into his bed, pulling the covers over her legs and burrowing down. Niall soon followed, wrapping his arms around her from behind and burying his face into her hair. He inhaled deeply.
"Just got a text from Mike, guess the albums number one in 42 countries and it hasn't even been released in America yet. Thought it was gonna flop to be honest," he said it so casually, like it was an ordinary thing for your album to top the charts within hours of its release. But even though Niall was trying to play it cool, but that didn't stop the excitement from sneaking through his voice.
Kelsey flipped over in bed, her nose now touching the tip of Niall's. "It was never going to flop," Kelsey smiled. "You deserve it Niall. The album's amazing. I'm so proud of you."
She was proud of him. More proud than words could express. He'd been through hell and back this promotion season. He'd been put in a position that he didn't agree with, and yet he'd come out stronger from it. She knew he'd had his doubts about the album, about it living up to his expectations. About it living up to his first one. But here he was.
"Thank you Kels, I'm glad you were there tonight. It wouldn't have been the same without you," Niall pushed a piece of Kelsey's hair to the side, staring into her eyes as if he was under a spell. "I love you," he said, planting a kiss on her forehead.
Niall doesn't expect a response. He knew that those words weren't something that Kelsey took lightly, especially after what she had been through recently. He'd come to terms with the fact that it may be months before he hears those words back, but that that didn't mean that Kelsey wasn't showing him how much she loved him each and every day. 
"Love you too," Kelsey replied softly, the words slipping out before she could stop them. But instead of feeling scared of letting her feelings be known, she felt utterly at peace. Maybe being in love wasn't so scary when it was with someone who loved you back unconditionally. Maybe this time, love wouldn't break her heart.
Tag List: @awomanindeniall​ @ihearthemcallingforyou @niall-is-my-dream​ @stylishmuser​ @thicksniall
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I Could Never
A/N: This is so late, my brain hasn’t been my best friend lately. But, surprisingly, as I’d mentioned, school seems to have kickstarted my creativity. So here I am with a belated birthday gift for my space girlfriend @stanclub! I’ve already told you and keep saying it but I’m so happy to have you in my life! (at least I’m posting this while we’re still in Leo season! lol) 💕 Warning: um...cursing? no smut in that one. bit of angst. rpf Word count: 1.9k
Main Masterlist  | Drabbles Masterlist 
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You had come home once to a fully decorated house, speechless before the immensity of work that was put into it. You hadn’t been able to spend Christmas at home, and Chris wanted to make sure you’d get a taste of it. After swearing that the band-aids on his fingers didn’t cover his struggle with the Christmas tree needles, you had settled down with hot cocoa in front of the fire and played board games until the wee hours of the morning.
On your birthday the year prior, a twelve person table was filled with family and friends who sat around a hearty brunch; his mom - who had grown to love you like her own daughter - joked about the pots of failed hollandaise sauce her son had expertly burned. His final result was amazing though. 
Needless to say that Chris had settled a high level of expectation for surprises; that you soon found out was taken for granted. Flowers, amongst other things, were usually delivered to your house on special occasions, no exception. But only fresh-cut grass is being blown onto the rain stained pavement as you stare at an empty porch, and the sudden chill has you rushing back inside after one last quick glance around.
With your head well rested on the cold ceramic of your stand-alone shower, you let the warm water travel down your body, flushing away the sting of disappointment. Disappointment that, you’ve convinced yourself, holds a lot more meaning than simply being left giftless on your birthday. Salty tears are washed away; gut shivers have seized their attack on your poor nerves. Once the handle of the shower deprives you of warmer water, you settle to give him the rest of the day, while absentmindedly patting yourself dry and heading out to the patio for some fresh air.
The faint buzz of your phone on the wooden chair startles you out of a daydream.
“Hey, kid! How’s it going?” A familiar voice echoes through the speaker with a spark of joy.
“Seen better. How about you, Mackie?” You know he can tell exactly how bad you feel, but he’s learned not to bother people with too many questions. Mostly you.
“T’sall good,” he adds, still bashful. “Hey, do you think you can do me a solid?”
A small sigh escapes your lips. It’s faint enough so he doesn’t feel guilty for asking, but quite effective to relieve a bit of tension in your heart.
“Sure. Seems like I have the day to myself anyway...” You know he can deal with your sarcasm - being a fluent speaker himself.
An hour later and a bottle of milk down, you’re sitting on the couch with his youngest in arm, watching that one scene in Moana on repeat. The floor has become the most hazardous place to walk, but the smell of fresh cookies, and the sweet snoring of the toddler seem to have cheered you up after the frustrating morning. The location of his house on a hill makes for the most beautiful sunset view. The rays bounce on the pool outside and heat up the room wonderfully. Soon the moon would take its place and begin another day, and the thought of having spent it alone brings back a small headache.
You’re setting the baby in his bed when a knock at the door startles you. You tiptoe through the dark house out of habit, which comes in handy for the situation. Not bothered to look out the small window by the door, you spring it open in one swift movement, and your knees practically give in when your eyes meet his baby blues. Before you can put a word in, a series of giggles comes from somewhere on his left; not only indicating that he has company, but that this company is female and apparently trying too hard to impress him. He’s wearing a black shirt, neatly tucked into some clean jeans; just the way you had recently suggested he tried. Hair slicked back and glimmer in his eyes. Dreamy, as usual. Clearly he wasn’t here to help babysit Mackie’s kids.
Another minute goes on before their laughter dims down and Chris seems to acknowledge your existence. 
“Um, listen,” he begins through choked laughs. “I’m gonna need you to put this on.”
You look down at the black strip of fabric in his hand.
“Why should I?” The young girl hisses at your answer and bro-punches him on the arm.
“You said she was feisty. But man, she got you there.” You assume that your eyes dart through her soul because her sparkly smile immediately disappears. She glances quickly at Chris, and waves her hands in front of her before proceeding. “Oh, god. Look, I’m...” Her eyes shut close as she realises what you might have been insinuating. “Jesus, I’m sorry. I’m just here to take your place. I’m Anthony’s usual babysitter. Chris called me because he wants to ta-”
Her story is punctuated with Chris’ hand on her mouth. His brows rise up as a warning, and the poor girl snakes around you and into the house, taking the hint.
“I don’t know what you want, Chris but I’ve had a long day and I just-”
“Hold on, hold on!” His hand circles your wrist when you try to walk past him. “Y/N, okay look. I don’t want to break the surprise but please, put the blindfolds on and come with me.”
A small laugh comes out in a sigh, and your head shamefully drops down. So there is a surprise.
His finger carefully tips your chin up so he can look at you again.
“You thought I had forgotten?” His accusation is nothing but a friendly remark. Shivers run up your spine at the grin he offers next. “I could never,” he whispers a bit too close to your cheek. The last cloud dissipates and the stars begin to shine brighter. All of a sudden the air is a lot easier to breathe, although your heart seems to run faster.
His hands stretch the fabric in front of you, and you comply to the invitation. With your back towards him so he can secure it properly over your eyes, careful not to tangle your hair into it, you feel like a little kid waiting to unwrap their presents - albeit you’re the one being wrapped up. You curse yourself for doubting him. The ‘I could never’ replays in your mind, oddly pulling new sensations out of you - added to the fact that his breath tickles your neck with his proximity.
The ride is quite short and only makes his intentions much more mysterious. The only option to be ticked off the hypothetical list is him taking you out downtown, which would have taken twice the time. And you’re relieved to have a more casual night, considering the not-so-glamorous sundress covering your body. One thing Chris hadn’t thought of was to keep you from hearing your surroundings. As you stepped out of the car, the splashing of water gave up the first clue. 
“Chris, if you want to throw me down the river this wasn’t-”
“Oh, just shhh.” 
You walk down a small path, small branches snap under your feet, a faint cackling waits in the distance. The humming of the city seems to fade with each stomp, allowing you to relax for the first time today. Once you’re a few more minutes away, the grip on your shoulders tightens, bringing you to a stop. You hear him take a deep breath.
“Alright,” he adds in a soft tone. He steps behind you, and after a little warning takes the blindfold off.
It takes a few blinks before your mind catches onto the scene before you. 
An off-white drape dangles from a few trees, looping around poles and creating an inviting tent - the ones so popular in fancy home renovation magazines. A picnic cloth sits underneath it, and everything is beautifully lit with a generous amount of fairy lights, tiki lamps and a slow burning campfire along the water line. The sight is mesmerizing, something out of a children’s book, and it has you wanting to shout “I do believe in fairies!” 
The moonlight dances on the lake and glistens back into your watery eyes. With your hands over your mouth you turn around to him. His bottom lip is tucked between his teeth and his look is to die for. He’s soft and proud and his eyes are full of something new. Something you can’t quite figure out yet.
“This is just…” Your eyes dart back to the secluded area. Something he bothered his siblings with, you’re sure of, until they agreed to lend a hand after their mom insisted Chris’ intentions were founded. But you know he came up with the idea himself. Had it not been for his money, you think, this would’ve been a home-made fort in his living room, and you wouldn’t have complained - although the extra attention does make you feel warm and loved.
Loved. There’s the feeling.
In a rush, you tiptoe towards him, anchoring your arms around his neck and in a heap of passion, your lips come to his. Surprise suddenly takes him victim, until he responds and starts moving his lips, then tongue, against yours. You part with a huff, looking for your breath - which seems to be the theme for the night. His mouth rests on your forehead as he keeps your bodies connected. Hands roam the other in search for meaning. Answers. It’s with drips on your cheeks and a childish giggle that you dip your head back.
“Was about time,” he teases. You puffs in fake annoyance before stealing a couple more pecks. 
“I didn’t see you make the first move...”
“I threw you all sorts of hints! Why did it have to be me?” You laugh at his remark.
“Alright, touché. But still. Thought you were old-school about this kind of stuff,” you clarify.
“I’m old-school as in I like to make sure that she’s the one, you know. All those years I planned things and bought some random stuff and you never asked for more. I could shit in a cup and you’d be hap-”
“Christopher! Fucking mood killer!” You pat him on the chest with your comical accusation, earning a deep laugh - minus the boob grab because he wasn’t about to take his hands from you.
“You get what I mean. You never made a big deal out of this,” he adds as he waves behind you. “You never made a big deal out of me. You let me buy things without always making me feel guilty for having this luxury. And then when I want to watch football with beer, wings and ribs stuck in my teeth you join in with a huge smile of excitement. I love the contrast...”
He closes his eyes for a second, trailing the last words in a shy whisper. Your hand comes to his cheek and your heart melts when he leans into it, water now overflowing under his long lashes.
“And I think I love you,” you say. His sparkly baby blues shot open, volleying between yours and analysing your expression. Looking for a hint of doubt, maybe. But then again, wasn’t this what he had always hoped for?
“I think I fucking love you too,” he answers. He kisses you, as if to seal a deal. 
Best birthday ever.
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padalickingood · 5 years
Hi everyone! This one’s gonna be a long one but I hope I can implore you all to take a quick minute of your time to read this and hopefully share it with others TvT. I’ve really been taking my time procrastinating from writing this because I never liked talking much about my own personal situation and dumping that on people, but I’ve unfortunately reached a point where I'm a bit desperate for any kind of help If I am going to try and make this happen.  
Recently I’ve started a serious goal of saving up enough money in order to move out by early next summer. I have attempted to make plans to move from my family home many times in the past couple of years and unfortunately have never managed to get anywhere near to achieving that goal due to my financial situation. Things have gotten increasingly stressful and emotionally exhausting in my current situation and I’ve officially hit that point where I’m willing to ask for assistance online.  
As a freelance artist, even with my Etsy, Patreon, ko-fi, and commission work combined I barely manage to make enough for basic living essentials which doesn’t include any sort of insurance or homeowner/apt owner expenses. Currently I do my very best to pay for as much as I can on my own and even so I still require support from my parents by them allowing me to live with them and them providing internet etc. What I pay for out of pocket is limited to things I need personally such as food, clothes, basic living supplies, art/store supplies etc. I’ve also recently limited myself from buying anything that is not completely necessary for essential living like eating out, movies, buying gifts over a certain price limit for friends, as well as canceling any travel plans from here on out. 
At this point I feel like It’s important for me to explain why I am a freelance artist as opposed to having any other type of job that could potentially be easier and pay better. This may be a bit of a tl;dr but I feel like it should at least be mentioned because the impact it’s had. Several years ago (I wanna say 2013 ish?) I dropped out of my community college because of essentially having a breakdown. The entire experience had left such a negative impact on me that my mood had very noticeably 180’d from high school to 2nd year of college. It was probably the closest I've come to being any level of depressed, which is not a word I throw around lightly as it’s something I don’t think I've felt anywhere near the level of those who struggle with it. Overall those years were so incredibly demoralizing and difficult for me that I made the tough decision of leaving school, something I had never even considered doing in my past (I never even skipped class in high school up until last day of senior year lol). Deciding to leave when I did though was probably the right decision because to this day, I still feel the lasting negative effects those years had on me. After I left school, I picked up a retail job and worked there for about a year and half. It wasn’t something I was really eager to do but was necessary as I wasn’t going to school anymore. With no degree though a minimum wage job was my only real option. Unfortunately, my experiences working weren’t all that positive either (as something I'm sure many of you also experience). I struggled to maintain motivation and continued to feel incredibly negative. It got so bad that it effected my relationships with family and friends as it kept me in a very antisocial mood. I ended up quitting that job shortly after and decided to try and go full freelance. Ever Since then I've worked on building up my store, commissions and anything else I could to try and make money from my art. To this day I still struggle with building up my online presence to the point where I can make a living off of it, but one thing that drastically changed for the better was my mood. My mental health has always been an absolute priority for me and I make a conscious effort to never force myself into anything that I know will have a negative impact on my health, which is why I dropped out of college and quit that job. I knew that if I stayed there it would have absolutely gotten so bad that It would have left much deeper scars than it has. And Although working in Freelance is no easy task and comes with its own degrees of stress, I find it far more rewarding and worth managing that stress. 
But as a result of those years I’ve been afraid of going back to either school or a minimum wage job. I know if I return to a job like that it will pull me back into a mental space that I'm just not willing to sacrifice myself to, and as far as College goes, I simply can’t afford it. However, with deciding to become a freelance artist I've dedicated my time to trying to build myself back up with my art and create a presence online where I can simultaneously do what I know makes me happy while also earning a living off of it. My progress has been slow and over the years I've felt like I've hit a standstill which brings me to my overall goal of wanting to move out. As I mentioned before I had been making attempts to move since around the time I worked in retail. Things haven’t panned out since then as I am still struggling to try and build up my store/Patreon/overall customer basis online. Unfortunately, also within these past few years tensions have been at a pretty constant high in my household because of it. There’s an added weight of still being so reliant on my parents after all these years and it being used against me, that the stress I’ve accumulated from it has kept me from being as productive as I would like. Recently with some current events I’ve just about hit a breaking point and am willing to do anything I can in order to save up so I can officially move out. I’m incredibly tired emotionally from still being here and I’ve started to take serious steps to making this move happen. Luckily I’ve been able to find a friend I can move out with so I won’t be paying rent on my own and I’ve calculated how much I could potentially make a month if I stick to a packed workload schedule. It’s not ideal but I’ve committed to this freelance work and I’m willing to work as hard as I can to reach my goal, and if all goes well then by this time next year i’ll be able to move out.
In writing this I hope that I can ask for support in helping me raise enough so I can try and move out of an unhealthy situation into hopefully something better.  
And to be clear I'm not doing a kickstarter or gofund me. That’s just simply not something this warrants. I know have options and I know that all I need to do is to work much much harder than someone with a 9to5 in order to earn what I need. The only reason I decided to write this out is to share WHY your support is so incredibly important to me and why sharing my work to anyone you can is very essential to my livelihood. Right now, I am very far away from earning nearly enough on a monthly basis in order to move out within a year, but I'm hoping that can change for the better. I simply ask for those who support my work to continue to do so and for those who haven’t and are absolutely financially able to consider supporting my work and share it with anyone you know. Whether it’s commissions, store merch, Patreon rewards, ko-fi etc. Every tiny bit helps me so much!  
Here are the ways you can support me!
✪ Patreon: With the cheapest tier being 2$ a month you guys can get early access to all of my artwork a month in advance as well as other bonus content at the 2$ and above tier that is exclusive to patrons only. I have details about my rewards and goals on my Patreon that you don’t have to pay to view! Simply visit my homepage and browse through the rewards and bio to see if it interests you! 
✪ Ko-fi: I recently added a moving goal fund there which will show its progress with each kofi donation! The goal is ambitions and I don’t really expect to reach it but I wanted to just aim high and try and earn as much as I can. Also, I do sketch commissions there occasionally and may do other types of small commissions. So, if you’d like to support me while also getting something for yourself keep an eye out for my announcements on my twitter! 
✪ Commissions/adoptables: I’m going to officially be opening up my commissions soon but before that I wanted to try my hand at selling some adoptables! I’ll have more information about them after I finish up my current batch of commissions but I'm going to try and stick to those for now with some small YCH commissions sprinkled in between. After those though I’ll be opening up regular commissions again ^^ 
✪ Etsy:  I’m actually not sure If I'm going to keep my store up for much longer since I get charged a fee on each listing but before it closes you could help support me by buying merch from my store! 
And lastly, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read through this and for those who follow me/support me in any way that you can. Even your reblogs/retweets on my work mean so much to me and help me so much I could never fully express how much I’m thankful to have such an amazing and lovely following of people <3 Thank you for your time
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