#its gonna happen inevitably i dont know why he keeps wanting my opinion on what house to get
ei-mugi · 1 year
school is ridiculous. they give you so much holiday homework in highschool that you effectively have 0 break for 6 years straight and then its immediately into fucking uni. that 1 or 2 month gap after highschool and before uni was the only break ive gotten since i was 12. only time my periods werent painful. i dont give a shit if break week in the middle of the semester is meant to be for "catching up and getting ahead" im not doing that. im taking a fucking break
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ganondoodle · 1 year
there are multiple posts about there being made a deal with .. illumination ... to make a ....zelda movie..... over on twitter and i tweeted about me not being happy about it and hoping its not a thing (given how successful the mario one was ..... well, its gained alot more probabillity) and that yes i am 100% sure it will be bad and it WILL impact how i feel about the franchise bc i do care about it and dont want it to be bad-
it blew up over night and people got extremely upset about my opinion that i posted on my account so much so they either started insulting me over it, calling the zelda fandom toxic and insane (bc apparently i am the CEO of zelda fandom on twitter and am also toxic and insane) or start 20+ reply threads arguing with people while not untagging me on any of them
idk why it keeps happening that my random opinion posts blow up over there but maybe i finally reached a following size where i am in immediate danger of my harmless personal opinions to get passed around like i have some sort of authority over reality and i need to be rectified for it, but man its getting exhausting
so, hey tumblr!! thanks for not treating me like that for the most part! here goes my actually unfiltered opinion twitter would not be able to handle
i absolutely HATE the idea of a zelda movie, and i think it CANNOT be good unless you somehow get hayao miyazaki to do what he wants with it but we all know that aint happening and i also hate the thought of having to wade through and endless amount of screenshots of it bc it will make me see it, yes this time i actually do have a seething hatred for it, can you imagine crisp rat link????? i took psychic damage just wrtiting that and no its not even worth to have it just to make fun of it bc this isnt a funney ye olden times CDI crap but a modern billion dollar movie thats inevitably gonna be seen by millions of people and i will have to live with the knowledge most people will think of that first when i dare even mention liking zelda, i cannot express the shame i would feel i wish i actually had authority over reality to stop it from happening aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i was thinking abt how ayano and shintaro r the only two characters who ever die by suicide (shintaro is only in some routes but STILL.) and like how that's a way of showing that they had the potential to understand each other (bc in my opinion they r actually very similar) but not until either of them were dead. idk does this make sense? i just thought of this today so this thought isnt very refined yet i need to think abt it more
they ARE similar!!!!! i totally agree. shintaro and ayano are totally similar people. they're both Justice Seekers but are so depressed and have such horrible self worth they can't actually be proactive about things. but then they are :3
i wish we got ayano pov from hs and why she liked shintaro. I've always thought ayano's crush on him is...cute!!! because she's literally going thru the horrors, her mom died, her dad is being Strange, and she has to take care of the house and her siblings all alone PLUS later learning of all the horrible stuff about the daze and clearing. and yet. she's also a normal hs girl who has a silly crush on her classmate. not that we ever saw it but i definitely think ayano got to see at least once the shintaro we see who fights for good and doesn't let fear get to him like when he yells at the fucking terrorists or acts all cool when they face clearing in the novels. i think ayano got to see shintaro being Heroic or whatever and she was like THIS is the kind of guy we need to be recruiting in the mekakushi dan🔥🔥🔥 like seriously im delusional abt this but i think there should be a shinaya backstory abt this.
man i wish we saw more hs shinaya😭😭😭😭😭 im so mad that they only ever show shintaro being a fucking asshole lord in hs like im not rooting for you bitch FAST FORWARD NOW but the fact ayano knows shintaro likes music and shoujo manga etcetc its clear ayano and shintaro had normal ass conversations all the time. SHOW THEM TO MEEEEEE whatever. i dont even care <- cares
anyways i just wanted to say i think ayano does Kind of understand shintaro. i also wish we saw ayano think of shintaro in the entire conjecture with clearing eyes killing haruka and takane and her sacrificing herself for them and the mekatrio. Go listen to full disclosure from steven universe and you will understand my ayano vision for this. sorry that was weird. i think ayano wanted to keep shintaro as uninvolved as possible, haruka and takane were inevitably already in it. she just wanted to make sure to take them Out of it but shintaro.. i think ayano always had the feeling shintaro would get involved. i think ayano gravitates towards shintaro because she needed help and she needed a hero and deep down she knew this was him. but she never manages to properly reach out or even understand it i guess. but i think ayano did understand shintaro maybe even more he understood himself. on the other hand shintaro DID NOT understand ayano AT ALL but like you said, he could have. who knows how things had gone if shintaro had walked in when he saw ayano crying in the classroom!!! imagine ayano managing to pour her heart out and tell him what's gonna happen to their friends and her family. he would've helped. shintaro would've done something. but ayano wouldn't want him to bc he would get hurt but at the same time she WOULD want him to because she's so scared and alone and desperate for help *holds head *
also i always make myself insane abt shintaro and ayano being depressed legends who wanna die. while haruka and takane struggle with health problems and want to Live So Badly. sorry for bringing up harutaka Hi its me tumblr user yuukei yikes vinnie i will ALWAYS make it about harutaka. i just wanted to say that. shinaya who wanna die and tragedy arises from never meeting in the middle and not being able to understand each other vs harutaka who wanna live more than anything and tragedy arises from being forcibly separated.
ayano's words to takane when she's projecting so hard. there are times you want to tell someone something but you wind up being too late. ayano was never gonna say anything to shintaro because she didnt Want to. she knew what she was going to the roof for. while takane immediately makes a run for it to say something to haruka, she is just too late and has no control over her fate. whatever im normal!
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probably-haven · 3 years
Spoilers Galor ...... it is time.... for me to do what ive been considering for quite some time
this is my arguement... on why, whether romantically or platonically, i think you should ship or bro-ship,...... Childe.... and Albedo
please just consider skimming it possibly- 
so for the first section of my argument, i will cover why this is a largely feasible possibility, so let’s set the stage
- Childe is from Snezhnaya, and he is shown to have a large amount of ties to his home, including but not limited to; his family, ice fishing, and just a large number of nostalgic references in his voice lines. 
- Because of this it’s a pretty common occurrence that he finds himself feeling homesick, as with many of the other Fatui.
- This is why he, like many of the other Fatui, so frequently visit and camp within Dragonspine, where the cold snowy atmosphere serves to remind them of home and the things they left behind.
- also in his birthday letter, it says he canonically visits Dragonspine, but explaining it this way gives it feeling 
- so considering that he would be in Dragonspine relatively often, and given the large number of Fatui camps in there regardless, it’s pretty clear he’d have heard of Albedo. So onto Albedo (unfortunately i wasnt there for his event so i dont have as much fuel, but it is what it is)
- there’s a few things that need to be asked first- It’s pretty clear that Albedo must have some interaction with the Fatui given the sheer number of them that camp in Dragonspine. Evidentially, he’s still alive so the question is why? and there’s a few possible explanations for this.
     - He just sneaks around a lot or avoids them (this i think is unlikely, as it would limit his actions while conducting experiments as well as the places where he’d be able to conduct them, which isn’t a big deal, but when there are other options I don’t think this is the one he’d pick)      - He just pulls a traveler and kills them (i don’t think he would do this except for as a last resort, he’s rather disconnected from any sense of empathy yes, but his time is better spent elsewhere. If it comes to that, it comes to that and he will, but he wouldn’t do it as his first option) (also i dont use geo characters much so idk how good he’d be at breaking their shields in this case)      - The Fatui don’t bother or attack him out of their own choice
- i think the third is the most likely, which sounds dumb but hear me out. 
- something that is stressed time and time again during the mondstadt archon quest is the fact that nobody wants to increase the always present strain on diplomatic relations between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya.      - Sure the Fatui do not care very much about this and have many ways to get around this. Signora attacking Venti (technically not a diplomat, and by disappearing she had plausible deniability; traveler’s words against her own, and really both traveler and Venti weren’t supposed to survive that, hence “leave no trace”), or the Fatui constantly attacking the traveler, (who’s canonically travelling alone with only Paimon, always on the move and encountering many unfamiliar dangers, not hard to clear up)      - However despite this, I still believe that Albedo’s safety(and by extent that of Sucrose and Timeus) on Dragonspine is maintained by a mixture of political agreement, situational convenience, and Albedo’s own actions
- its difficult for this to work but i believe it’s the most likely answer, combining all three possibilities that i mentioned above.  - Albedo is an official Knight of Favonius, so his death would cause a pretty dramatic commotion, and since he’s been in Dragonspine for as long as he has, if he was found dead outside of his lab- or suddenly disappeared, the first person to blame would be the Fatui.
- “But Flurp! what about the stuff you mentioned earlier, with Senora’s attack and the Fatui always going after the traveler?”
- context is key. The traveler is a traveler, and Venti was a necessity to achieve their goal. The traveler is also a huge threat to what they are trying to do, since the Fatui have probably heard of their accomplishments. Them attacking Venti was inevitable, no matter the strain it would cause. The fact that the traveler was there as well was merely coincidence in my opinion
- again “leave no trace” means the intent was that both the Traveller and Venti weren’t meant to survive. This is important because if the traveler disappeared, they would have vanished shortly after finishing what they had to do in mondstadt and thered be no reason to suspect anything had happened to them, just that they had moved onto Liyue. 
- Venti would pose risk, but again, the pros outweighed any risk it could have posed to their relations.
- with the Fatui regularly attacking the Traveler, again, that’s easy to clear up and would be difficult to pin on the Fatui, assuming how long it would take to realize they were gone (because despite helping so many people, its still natural to assume they’ve just travelled elsewhere)
- Albedo on the other hand, is technically a legal official, because of his high rank in the knights. He is also only ever really found in Dragonspine and Mondstadt the city. And he is well familiar with the dangers of Dragonspine, so if he were to die there it would be assumed to be either at the hands of the Fatui, or one of his own experiments.
- Thus attacking him is very high risk(unlike the traveler), and since he has nothing to do with their plans, low reward(unlike Venti). 
- So most likely he doesn’t needlessly interact with the Fatui, but should an experiment need to expand into the space of one of their camps, it’s likely he would need some kind of documentation to do so. At the same time, Albedo himself would also not be able to harm the Fatui who frequent the mountain. I TOOK WAY TO LONG TO EXPLAIN THAT UGGGGHHHHHHH anyways
- So set the stage, Childe is visiting Dragonspine, right? And he hears from whichever Fatui Camp he happens to stop in about the one Knight of Favonius that they keep seeing around Dragonspine, the one who just last week came to them with a stack of documents saying they would have to move their camp, it’s annoying but they have orders not to attack him. 
- and then there’s Childe, who’s been living in Liyue, surrounded by people who basically fear Dragonspine as if its some kind of deadzone, and he just assumed that for anyone not from Snezhnaya, thats exactly what it was. He assumed nobody but the Fatui would dare even visit there, let alone be there as frequently as whoever this person was. 
- And he’s got to be pretty important for there to be orders not to attack him, right?       - cue Childe’s unique brand of curiosity, so he asks more, apparently the fellow has a geo vision, and had been spotted taking down or even just lurking by a number of Dragonspine’s dangers as though it was merely routine       - cue flashback to when he first met the traveler, instantly hesitant, hostile, and potentially even afraid towards him as soon as he realized he was Fatui, even before revealing himself as a harbinger.
- so what was it about this guy that made him so convinced he could walk into a Fatui camp alone, order them around, and still walk out alive. Even Childe could admit how underhanded the Fatui were at times, their true orders could have been anything
- He’s not just going to leave now, no. So he asks more questions and figures out that they did at one point scout out his lab while the Knight was out, and give him the location. He’s a harbinger, what are they gonna say “sorry sir, can’t tell ya” no, these bitches see him with the same amount of fear they’d have for Dotorre or Scaramouche or La Signora or any of the others- you don’t just tell a harbinger “no”
- So anyways Childe decides to check it out 
- in the case that Albedo’s mid experiment in his lab when this happens, he’ll probably assume it’s a Knight, since the Fatui haven’t tried anything in quite some time and would just send off a quick “I am in the middle of an experiment right now, I would prefer not to be disturbed”      - and Childe would laugh at his voice because let’s be honest, he thinks of himself as a Chad and it just sounds “weak” to him, and then the scenario leads into what would happen even if he wasnt mid-experiment
and now a look into Albedo’s perspective
- let’s assume that the Knights heard about the Traveler’s role in what happened in Liyue, since it’s kind of common knowledge that Childe was the one who did it, and the traveler doesn’t exactly try to hide that he fought Childe. So considering how often the knights and the Fatui clash, and what happened with Signora, they would likely ask the traveler about it, in order to be better prepared, and for that same reason i feel like the traveler would tell them some of it. 
- so in this situation, it’s likely that Albedo would recognize him and likely know an amount of his combat abilities, and the thing with the fake seals of permission/Osial, but I don’t think the Traveler would have given told any more than that
- so here’s Albedo, surrounded by Fatui camps, knowing that he knows more about this Harbinger than the other thinks he does and assuming that Childe knows more about him himself, but just how much does he know.
- it’s the first time one of the Fatui has come to his lab in- he doesn’t know how long (other than the occasional instance of a wounded member risking the encounter in a moment of desperation. He’s observed that those who wield hydro have never been present in any of these instances, and are most likely designated as healers, but he isn’t in the best position to find out.)      - and the fact that the first Fatui to come to his camp(out of anything other than necessity) is a Harbinger, is certainly very off putting, as he knows that Childe most certainly has the ability to change the orders of the Fatui around him whose cooperation with him is something that he recognizes as very fragile
- and he knows it’s unlikely, in the back of his mind he keeps recalling that this specific Harbinger is the one who resurrected a dead god for the purpose of destroying a city (flashback to the famous “if I destroy Mondstadt” line) but he reminds himself that it’s highly improbable and thus illogical to jump to that conclusion, but he is nonetheless very on edge with Childe’s presence
- However, as with the rest of the Fatui, his hands are legally tied, and unless Childe moves to attack him, any move he makes would only serve to reflect on the rest of the knights
- As such neither would attack the other in this scenario, though Childe would very much want to, and Albedo would very much be prepared to.      - and both of these people are very observant (Albedo in the general sense and Childe in the ‘reading body language for combat’ sense) so both of them are completely aware of that, though Albedo would probably acknowledge that it may just be a result of his own paranoia
- However, unless Childe has orders otherwise, he tends to approach interactions with a more amiable attitude, extending his hand and introducing himself as “Childe,” less flamboyant than normal, because yes he’s extra, but not an idiot, he’s not gonna say “hey girlie, hold still” when the guy obviously has his hand tensed like that, “discretely” ready to reach for whats assumed to be a weapon, a melee one based on the position, sword or polearm probably
- Albedo, isn’t really one for pleasantries though, he has a number of things he still needs to do, and he does not want this Harbinger in or nearby his camp. “I’m aware” he says, giving his full attention, so as not to be caught off guard, and to get this over as quickly as possible. “I assume you have some purpose behind this visit. I am rather busy at the moment, so i would prefer that we keep this interaction brief.”
- and Childe is a little shit who still doesn’t know how to associate violence and hostility with any kind of bad vibes so he just laughs and holds up his hands “relax relax, I’m not here on business, no need to be on edge, right?”
- But Childe has a tendency while speaking to, knowingly or unknowingly, give his words a rather ominous tone. That and the fact that Albedo is in his lab, one of few places in Dragonspine where any misfortune that might befall him could be pinned on his own experiments keeps him from letting down his guard just yet. 
HOWEVER i cant do dialogue... and this isn’t technically a fanfiction so i can summarize-
- Childe is basically all like “so why the shit are you in dragonspine comrade? i thought yall hated it”
- and albedo is all “experiments and this is where my lab is, is ” but like- not key details cuz he isnt going to reveal stuff to the fatui
-and Childe basically be like “ why up here, isnt there other places,” cuz he legit doesn’t get it. He gets that his mindset isn’t the norm, so he’d assume Albedo would want to do anything to avoid Dragonspine and its dangers like what seems to be the norm for what most people hes interacted with have generally agreed
- and Albedo says some flowery words for like oh “In the pursuit of knowledge if one allows themselves to be dissuaded by potential dangers, then they will find it quite difficult to progress beyond that which is already known”
- which, is important cuz it reflects Childe’s mindset on getting stronger, so he’s like yeah, checks out, and being the extroverted shit he is, he has the guts to ask “aren’t you gonna ask why im in dragonspine?” or something because honestly he likes talking about himself, and thats a topic that doesnt have to do with the fatui so it’s an easy way to make conversation.
- and Albedo, who has by now slightly relaxed just enough to resume preparing the experiment he was preparing before Childe came in. and all passive aggressively is like “The same as the rest of the Fatui, most likely. Now if you don’t mind I do have a number of experiments to conduct and I’m afraid it can get rather dangerous, so it would be best that you take your leave now”
- and Childe gets the message that he’s essentially being told to fuck off but he’s also cheeky as shit and absolutely loves to test his luck so he’d be all “I thought you said not to be dissuaded by potential dangers” sounding all proud of himself for using the other’s words against him 
- and Albedo doesn’t have time for this so he just turns back towards Childe, same tone and same face as before, and repeats “it would best that you take your leave”
- Now Childe doesn’t see this as a challenge persay, but he sees how easily it can turn into one, and speaks the two cliche words “make me”
- but Albedo is also a little shit and just turns to resume his experiment, letting out a sigh “Stay if you’d like. I didn’t consider this possibility but I may have to request my lab be made off limits to the Fatui. A shame, I didn’t plan to return to Mondstadt for quite some time”
- and Childe, he’s decently smart- and he knows a number of things, 1 the other harbingers are gonna be pissed if they find out he caused more work for them again, 2 this individual is interesting and he very much wants the opportunity to fight them in the future, and 3 he’s not involved in politics and should Albedo follow through, the Harbingers wouldn’t give 2 shits if he asked them to try and get the change reversed.
- and so he leaves, but he’ll be back
- Albedo’s threat may have given him the upper hand for now, but it also served as a challenge he wouldn’t forget.       - of course it’s not really that big a deal though, just if he’s ever in Dragonspine again and there’s nothing nearby to kill, he’d keep it in mind, and hey, best case scenario he can get more information to contribute to the Fatui
- so now that Childe is gone and Albedo is able to reflect on the interaction, at first he’s just relieved nothing bad happened
- within the following day he reflects once again, deciding that the Harbinger most likely wasn’t lying about his intentions, he truly did seem seem to merely have been curious as he had claimed
- in hindsight he also realizes that conversing with him may also allow him to confirm or deny a number of the theories he had on the Fatui, or perhaps raise more questions for him to look into that he had not yet considered... or at least it could as long as he was careful about how he asked.
- AND THUS there a few more meetings, many are purely conversational, each trying to get knowledge from the other while being fully aware that the other is trying to do the same      - not the type of battle Childe is used to, and it does get boring at times, but it’s all part of the game so he persists
- and eventually, as Albedo recognizes this as a regular thing, he begins enlisting Childe’s help in a number of experiments. Just figuring that since he’s doing an experiment and Childe is there regardless, it’s the most efficient option. That and it keeps the more dangerous questions to a minimum, often redirecting the questions towards alchemy, a much safer topic that he does not need to step so carefully around in order to discuss.
- There comes a point where Childe decides to point out the fact that Albedo most often has him help out with combat-requiring aspects of his experiments, and questions why
- Albedo, figuring it was obvious, reminds him of the conversation a few visits ago, where Childe mentioned his drive to get stronger, and(to requote) said that if he didn’t feel these opponents were sufficient to increase Childe’s strength, he could always bring in a couple Oceanids to fight. He then points out afterwards that ruin guards are a bit easier to fight with a bow
- Mixed responses from Childe including but not limited to      - quickly refusing in the language of hydro vision panic, followed quickly by      - oh, so he’s been trying to help this whole time, to-      - how the fuck would he bring Oceanids to Dragonspine, is that even possible?      - followed by curiosity
- and so he brings up the point that he’s never seen Albedo fight, which is a shame. “If you can’t take them down on your own just say so, no need to make excuses.” because heck yeah he’s going to taunt him, I mean this is Childe
- which of course Albedo returns with “If you want to see me in combat, follow your own advice” because of course, by now he knows about Childe’s combat obsession, like you don’t need to know him that long to figure it out, its kind of obvious. 
- but he recognizes the intention, so he finishes what he’s doing checking what he needs for his future plans before exiting the lab, Childe following behind him, eager to see his future opponent in action
- so albedo goes to a ruin guard/grader/hunter(one of those), because otherwise it’s hilichurls or abyss mages and he knows enough to be able to tell that’s not exactly the kind of opponent Childe meant, and he would prefer not to have the topic brought up again, if he knew how to avoid it.
- so Childe stands back and Albedo, who is well accustomed to having to defeat the enemies in Dragonspine in order to get components for his alchemy knows exactly how to kill this bitch cuz honestly, the number of these guys he’s probably killed for research purposes is astronomical, so it’s done rather quickly and methodically, as if just another part of routine, exactly the way that it had been described when Childe was first asking the Fatui at that one camp about the alchemist.
- And that interest/intrigue that had started in the side of Childe’s mind and grew over time into one of the reasons(tho not the main reason) that he would often go to Dragonspine... it multiplied exponentially
- cue a few more visits and a new turning point occurs
- Childe comes to visit, and upon arriving at the lab he sees a child
- cue Childe approaching again, amiable grin on is face “and who’s this young lady”       - because it’s literally canon that he’s good with kids
- but Klee isn’t any kid
- and Klee was there for the briefing so she has just as much information on Childe as any of the other higher ranking knights      - and only that much information
- a short time later they’re cleaning up the scattered remains of what was Albedo’s last experiment, lucky that the explosion was set off near the entrance so the damage wasn’t too extensive
- “Please don’t tell Master Jean, Dodocco said he was sorry”
- Cue Childe’s “I’m not a bad guy... okay I’m kind of a bad guy” quote       - “but I mean no harm, I’m a friend of Albedo’s”
- and Albedo’s standing there like when I agree to that but he wants to see how this plays out
- and I’m really unfamiliar with Klee’s characterization, but you get the point Childe is canonically god at kids, he’s gonna learn that Klee’s basically Albedo’s little sister, Klee’s gonna get attached to him and remind him of his siblings back home, Childe’s interaction with Klee is basically what gets Albedo to start actually somewhat trusting Childe as opposed to just using him from a metaphorical distance and subtly helping in ways that wouldnt really negatively impact the knights
- and now that hes no longer actively distrustful his mind is more open to actually becoming attached, as he now begin to recognize that that which he initially believed to be mere manipulation tactics was actually just... Childe being genuine, or as genuine as a person can be in their situation
- so theres the obvious things i already mentioned, like their mutual extreme drive to improve in their respective fields that separates them from others, even within their own respective groups/organizations which already(to an extent) separate their members from most others
now lets talk about this point specifically
- both Childe and Albedo are capable of helping each other grow in their respective fields.
- two things that have the potential to cause Childe trouble and lessen his combat ability and the problems with his delusion and his foul legacy transformation
- these two things are things likely unlike anything that Albedo has been able to study before (tho delusions he might have some experience with- but it’s unlikely) and it would likely be able to expand his knowledge, were he given the opportunity to experiment them, while simultaneously helping childe improve his strength
- both of them know just how fragile the relationship(whatever it is) between them is, how quickly tensions can shift and orders can change, so in order to protect both the other and themselves they both understand that actually going through with this wouldn’t truly be safe and both sides could get in trouble for it
- because no matter what they do there will always be a constantly present risk hanging over their heads, but ill come back to that
- Dragonspine      - in a lot of Albedo ships, the other character has to go through the effort of going to Dragonspine, which tends to serve as an obstacle for the relationship to be overcome (exception of sucrose and... idk do people ship him with Timeus? just in case, recognizing them both as potential exceptions)       - However, in the case of Childe, who legitimately enjoys coming to Dragonspine, he wouldn’t hesitate to visit Albedo      - with most it becomes “wow, i haven’t seen Albedo in a while, gee, i wish he’d come down the mountain, nonetheless i am a good lover so i shall make the harsh trek to see my beloved”      - with this bitch Childe tho it’s more like “oops, feelin’ homesick, Imma see how Albedo’s doing, hope he’s made progress, wonder if Klee will be there” or “Wow I haven’t seen Albedo in awhile. Finna finish up these fatui duties real quick and head over, if i say im checking on the Fatui stationed there, I dont even have to ask to go on leave” (he gets in trouble for not officially asking for a day off anyways)
-anywho, Childe is largely used to interacting with the Harbingers, who always seem to have some other secret second layered plan of sorts that he’s not always informed about (ex: him being intended to fail when he summoned Osial, but being kept in the dark about it), which conflicts with Childe’s relatively straight forward nature      - Albedo also possesses the potential to be similar, however he doesn’t often see the need for such things, preferring to be frank about his goals and expectations, so unlike with his fellow harbingers, Childe knows that when Albedo tells him something or asks something of him, what he’s being told is usually exactly what actually is true/intended. And if it’s not, Albedo is the kind of person to explain that it’s something he can’t tell him, which he understands, since he has his own share of things he cant share because of his Fatui alignment.
- there is going to be an interaction where at some point Childe is rambling about his family back home, and Albedo questions him about what they look like, a few days later handing him a surprisingly accurate drawing of his siblings      - “I did have to try to check appearance with the traveler but unfortunately they weren’t in Mondstadt, do I do hope there aren’t too many inaccuracies”      - Homeboy doesn’t cry(probably) but he gets really fucking close      - cue socially isolated Alchemist boy misunderstanding and trying to apologize, which Childe responds to by just hugging him- because both of these boys are touch starved and honestly they fucking need it. 
- and now that Childe knows Albedo doesn’t actually have a significant boundary on physical affection, as with most Childe ships... it happens a lot
- headcanon that Childe tends to just lean/rest his head on things like a dog.  - additional headcanon that Albedo tends to have a need to keep his hands busy at all times     - so just cue the scene where Albedo is working on experiments as usual, Childe watching from behind with his head rested on his shoulder and Albedo just absentmindedly playing with his hair with one hand while the other continues with his work
- also talking with Albedo gives Childe a a lot of harmless fun facts and he loves rubbing it in they’re faces when he gets to correct one of the other harbingers on something because of this
- Albedo does also have a tendency to overthink things though, and Childe’s more straight forward mindset gives a new perspective that helps him work around issues more often than he would have expected
- Also Albedo’s love language is totally words of affirmation (i will die on this hill, he doesn’t even realize he does it probably). So he wouldn’t hesitate to sincerely thank or praise Childe whenever he helps or does something good. And Childe is a Fatui, most of the praise he gets is from the subordinates who admire him yes, but also lowkey highkey fear him, and especially after all of Liyue knows he summoned Osial basically, he is pretty damn starved for affirmation and praise and wouldn’t even notice just how much until Albedo gave that to him.      - like Childe is over here melting into a puddle of fluff and Albedo probably wouldn’t even realize what he’s doing, he’s just stating his observations out loud
- Childe and Albedo making a pinkie promise, Childe does the little Snezhnayan chant, and Albedo’s gaze just shifts slowly towards the nearby frozen lake in intense concern
- They go ice fishing with Klee who introduces Childe to fish blasting and it’s a whole new world of possibilities now. Albedo has many regrets.
- the harbingers have all basically figured it out by now and are concerned about security but mostly they just mock him for it      - the Fatui stationed in Dragonspine however, probably know because 1 they’ve seen Childe with Albedo almost every time he visits, and Childe brags about it regularly           - at this point a majority of them ship it and needless to say Albedo’s risk of death via Fatui has gone down significantly, and it’s had a surprisingly positive benefit on relations between the knights and Fatui overall
- the Knights took a bit longer to catch on, since Albedo isn’t exactly in Mondstadt all that often, but it’s the city of freedom, what are they gonna do? say no? again, they are concerned about security risks, but trust Albedo to recognize what should be withheld.
- also its canon that Childe enjoys cooking, and Albedo has a line about like... let me look it up rq- It’s his “Least Favorite Food” line which talks about how he doesn’t eat at restaurants cuz he has a small appetite and doesn’t want to waste food, which is unfortunate cuz then he has to spend time making his own food      - idk its kind of small but i just saw it and thought it was kind of a cute detail
- Childe is a chaotic bean and we love him for it      - on the other hand Albedo is more calm and patient, able to put up with this, and realistically, he has enough experience with Klee to not accidentally put him out or down or otherwise dampen his natural personality...... it’s just when the two of them get together that Albedo experiences true fear.
- Albedo: I have an idea for an experiment but the Jean has suggested that the risk is- - Childe: you should do it! - Albedo: -that the risk is too great and has disallowed me from continuing it - Childe: Oh? well she can’t tell me not to it, now can she?  - Both: *mutual gremlin noises*
anyway... im probs gonna add more to this later.... I’m just really bad at coming up with ship dynamics- so my main point in this is to get people to realize that it possible and that it could work- because there is... nearly 0 material on it- and i just think it has the potential to be so wonderful but I do not have the potential to make it that way. Like it has the potential for so many different dynamics and iconic moments and theres so many reasonable ways they could meet and just so many possibilities and im just really hoping to show the ship to more people because, y’know, it’s rare and i want them to suffer from the lack of content too, because I’m just a kind person like that.
i would have put it under a cut if i could, but i have no idea how to do that so... apologies...
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hello-yue-here · 4 years
if anyone else saw the post saying that katara was gonna be 16 and sokka was gonna be 14 in the live action here is my take:
im pissed ab this.
and no, it’s not because its most likely being done so they can make zutara a couple. i dont care about that. i have nothing against zutara. i may not ship it myself but if you ship it good for you. ive seen cute fanart and cute fanfics for zutara that ive really enjoyed. i like zutara. not my favorites but i dont dislike them. just wanted to make that clear. that isnt what im mad about here.
im pissed because its gonna ruin katara and sokka’s characters.
by making katara older there is not a doubt in my mind that they will make her more “motherly” seeing as she will likely be responsible for taking care of sokka and aang. there has already been way too many issues in this fandom with stereotypes of katara being reduced to “just the mom friend” and nothing else. in my opinion many of the mom friend stereotypes that have been pushed onto katara in fanon has led to a lot of sexism towards katara and this will inevitably end up forcing the mother role onto her even more and thats just a no no for me. katara literally fights sexism in the NWT, plz dont force her to be a 16 year old girl forced to care for her brother and the avatar because she is older than them. katara deserves more than being forced into a motherly role for aang and sokka. again this is just my take on what i think will happen if katara is made to be the older sibling. i could be wrong. but i would really hate to see this happen because i know itll result in more sexism towards katara and i would really hate to see that.
and now sokka. a major part of sokkas character comes from the fact that he is an extremely protective older brother. because he is the OLDER brother he feels the need to be the man if the tribe. he is very responsible and very serious. this all stems from the fact that he is OLDER. he even says that he is the leader because of it. sokka pretty much IS the leader because he keeps these younger kids on track as an older brother. his insecurities largely stem from the fact that his little sister is a prodigy bender and he is not. there was literally a whole episode about it. and being an older brother w a prodigy sibling mirrors zuko and azula PERFECTLY and that parrallel is one of the most compelling things about atla!!! that will all be flushed down the drain. sure you can still have sexist sokka getting his butt whooped by suki without him being the older brother, sure sokka would likely still be insecure of his status as a nonbender without being the older brother, but in my opinion it would be much less compelling that way seeing as it stems from his status as. an. older. brother. his status as the older brother is also part of the reason why his relationship with hakoda is so interesting as well. his father left him behind to be the man of the tribe because he was older. he wants to make his father proud by proving that he can be a man. his healthyrelationship woth hakoda also DIRECTLY parrallels to zukos horrible relationship with ozai. WHICH IS ALSO AN EXTREMELY COMPELLING PART OF ATLA. sokka just wants to make his father proud by proving that he CAN protect katara. without this, his protectiveness is gone, leaving his protectiveness over Yue in the northern tribe and his protectiveness of suki at serpents pass and his protectiveness of toph on the airship rooted in nothing. sokka is protective BECAUSE he is the older brother. sokka as the younger sibling will reduce him to nothing more than comedic relief and strip him of much of the traits that make him an amazing three dimensional character.
all in all you dont have to agree with me. im not one of the writers. i cant confirm that mom friend katara and comedic relief sokka are what will result in the live action show due to the age swap. but i am very very very very VERY confident that that is what the characters we know and love will be reduced to should this occur. just my thoughts. just my opinion. (if you disagree thats okay but plz be respectful i tried v hard to be respectful when writing this as well)
tl;dr while it may seem inconsequential to change the ages of sokka and katara their roles and older brother and younger sister help shape their characters and changing that just to make zutara canon (even tho i have nothing against zutara. zutara stans please do not attack me ur ship is cute i swear.) it will also change the dynamic of the show we know and love and i am too attached to their original character arcs to be happy with this change.
have a lovely day everyone. go drink some tea and read a fluffy fic and distract urself from another live action atla disaster.
EDIT: keep in mind the age swap isnt like totally confirmed yet so this could all end up being for nothing but yk still wanted to put my thoughts out there🥰 now if you will excuse me im going to write a college essay and then some fanfic cuz why not
EDIT TWO: pretty sure its fake. im sorry for how long this is. false alarm everyone! i think! i hope!
EDIT THREE: i ship zutara now lol. i still stand by this post tho. not happy ab the character age swaps.
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soft4gguk · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about your last answers about tbah and ira and jk if he really loves oc and of course that i can’t stop overanalyzing so here’s a piece of my mind that nobody asked for but yeah :’)
i don’t think jungkook is still in love with ira but of course that she still affects him and that’s why maybe "glimpse of us" could relate to this story, not because he’s using oc as a rebound but because ira was someone important for him and you can’t avoid the impact that people left in your life and you can keep suffering for someone's betray while you're with someone else (not ideal but it happens).
i believe his feelings for oc are there, they exist they’re real but everything is so recent that i feel he needs to take a break. ofc that u’re gonna do whatever u want with your story and i’m gonna love what u decide because u make everything pretty and real and angsty lmao....... but now that we don’t know what’s gonna happen i'm gonna say what i think would be best heh ( in my opinion ofc i'm NOT telling u what u have to write please i would never lol i cant even write what i dream this is just me rambling),i feel like a break or time away from oc, (be it because he asked her for a time apart or because they have a fight :( cause of jk’s parents or his insecurities starts to get the best of him or… ira comes back) would be genuinely good for him. to fully grieve for ira and finally let her go and to have the space to think if he wants to fight for oc and become a family or if he’s just not ready. not only because doing this is gonna give him peace but because oc doesn’t deserve being given empty promises or get hurt in what I think is jungkook responsibilities that are his feelings. 
i feel like she’s helping him heal and that’s beautiful but she doesn't want to be just a healer she wants to stay with them. and jungkook loves her too but i feel like he’s not sure if he loves her because of the relief that she brought in the worst moment of his life or if he truly loves her forever. and that doesn’t make him a bad person that makes him human.
i feel like she’s helping him heal and that’s beautiful but she doesn't want to be just a healer she wants to stay with them, for good. and jungkook loves her too but i feel like he’s not sure if he loves her because of the relief that she brought in the worst moment of his life or if he truly loves her forever. and that doesn’t make him a bad person that makes him human, he just needs to figure it out and its gonna take time and its ok. but i think that he should be the one that decides to step aside for a minute bc oc deserves his respect and she deserves him being considerate enough with her to save her from the hurt that's inevitably gonna happen but he can lessen that by being honest with her.
i’m saying allll this being a number one fan of happy endings lmao its not like i dont want them to end up together i just want them to be a happy couple forever and ever for the right reasons :)
am i to invest and deep in this story? yeah i am. love u tessa. i was gonna send this off anon but i’m scared because maybe u hate this ask and i dont want u to hate me this all comes from a good place and an overthinker reader
im gonna start from the end and say: I love you. I could never, ever hate u, please. matter of fact, lets be friends. I mean it. this ask was so amazing to read, I loved it so much. i know I'm the author of this story, but trust me when I say, people like you give it life. and that means so so much to me. so THANK YOU.
now, getting into the piece of mind you just shared with me... I'm going to try to answer this as tessa, the person, and not tessa, the writer, because I feel like anything I say as the writer could come off as a spoiler and we dont want that. I agree with you. with every single word that you say, I agree with it wholeheartedly. I love the way you said that as much as she's helping him heal, thats not all she wants in the long run. and with that being said, I dont think she's been honest about that either, not in a malicious way... just coming from a place of blissful ignorance over not knowing all the things that actually went into it and resulted in jungkook being in the state he was in when they first met. god!! and I say this so often... she doesn't know!! she has an idea but she doesn't know and I feel like thats really keeping a lot of things in the air right now.
as for jungkook, yeah. you're also right. I also believe he needs to grieve ira, hell, I believe he needs to even come to terms with his own feelings about this whole thing before he opens fully to another person, especially someone he genuinely cares about. because he does - very much so, and its that same reason why he stalled and didn't say I love you back.
the thing I take with the most from this ask is what you said about honesty. and sometimes honesty hurts but... I also think it mends in the long run, so...
my fingers will always be crossed for this couple, but I do admit that life is playing them a tricky card right now. and decisions will have to be made.
thank u so much for this, once again. I love u. thank u.
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notnctu · 4 years
just a star love appreciation
doie…doie… i cry hard reading just a star, im not kidding my eyes hurt and im all puffy, had to stop reading bcs damn too much for my sensitive persona. i felt the same way that when i watch disney animated movies or shorts jajajaja from the begginig to the end i cry and its funny bcs we know the end, we know what is going to happen but still it hits hard 
i really hate (in a good way) reading this kind of stories they made me realize how ephemeral life is, we all have a death line like its says in one part “death is inevitable” the diference with the main character is that she knows when. wouldnt be crazy to know when u are gonna die?. this stories makes me think if im living my fullest and made me be more greatful so yeah thanks jajajaj 
i really like the dynamics btw jaemin and the main character and in my opinion u did a story where most of the cliche things are not in here so im glad about that it was something new. and of course the other guys, really enjoy it! the bracelets part was really nice and haechan so vital when he was like “why are u crying instead of being with her” like yes, while i was reading it i was like damn she is going to tell him and he will be mad and dont speak for days and then “omg i regret not spending your last days with you” BUT DIDNT HAPPEN AND I LOVE THAT bcs even tho we cant compare the situations jaemin did the same? but that is life we all have secrets jajajaja 
LOVE the description of the haechan, renjun and jeno and really like what u did with the hug part (she hugs them and wonders about jaemin and then she does hug him when he is in a vunerable place akshdghsajd)
i really enjoy those funny comments that the characters made, they decompress the sadness of the story a little 
and the description of the kiss is beautiful. such a short and sweet description very nice
i also like that her family was not envolved 👏👏👏
honourable mention to some phrases that broke my heart (pun not intended)
“he is going to make sure he’s out of his wheelchair by the time the night comes. And while he’d be out of the hospital by the time his own prom happens, he wants you to be the first person he dances with when he’s regained mobility” it broke my heart everytime jaemin thought about a future with here like, she dies okey done but he? he is going to keep living and doing that with the weight of a death of someone you love specially in a young age is horrible :(((((((((((((((( bcs he maybe be alright from the outside but the inside broke jajaja also now im thinking their prom would be such a trigger to them KJAHSDJASD NO :( 
“While you’ve already said your goodbyes to the stars, an awfully tearful moment, you had to save Jaemin’s for last”
also you own me a pack of tissues i will dm u my banck acc
submitted by @infnteen
OMG CAMILA this was so fun to read, its super sad and im sorry i made you cry but hearing what you thought about it is what was so precious !! you’re right, we know what happens in the end, yet we let ourselves still love these characters despite it all and it resembles the same thing for y/n. 
IKR IMAGINE IF I DID THAT HAHAHAA no ofc not i hate when that happens too, where there is a missed chance and theyre regretting bc all it takes is for someone to tell you its selfish, you know? put aside the differences and love them until they’re gone and i felt like haechan was the perfect star to do that LOL i loved writing their dynamics the most hahah 
i hope that y/n is remembered as a happy memory and jaemin fulfilled his own promise within himself to dance with them!! i think my personal favorite part was jaemin’s physical therapy session and i think that was the first time they break one of the no’s, “no chances at vulnerability” 
again thank you for reading (ik that one was a long one) and omg i gasped when i read your submission as it was incredibly thoughtful <3 what would i do without you ): and yes shipping tissues your way HAHAHAH 
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x13 Opinion
Lebanon The 300th Episode
I am so proud of this episode and so blown away by how awesome these last 4 episodes have been! Might be an unpopular opinion guys but I really like this season! Sure its had some duds like Optimism and The Scar (Though The Scar had a great broment) but I thought we’d be getting Leader!Sam this season but we have emotionally wrecked!Sam instead, and Im here for that! Needless to say I LOVED this episode, I was so pleased with pretty much everything and I have no big complaints, so lets have at it! I enjoyed the lightness of the beginning, and getting a look at the town. Im so pleased they FINALLY noted that Lebanon KS is the geographical center of the country! So the boys can get anywhere in the country within a day and a half. Its kinda weird though that Lebanon seems to have 3 different post offices. The one from Something About Mary, the one from The Spear, and now this one. LOL thats no big deal so lets move along. 
It was funny that the dude in the pawn shop committed suicide by Winchester, which of course is trying to, or successfully killing one gets you killed by the other, and Dean acknowledges that they all talk too much LOL.
The kids talking about the rumors about the boys was fun but I really wasnt impressed by “cool chick” Max. I liked the boy in the hat though, he was great. Stealing Baby is also suicide by Winchester but Sam and Dean dont go around killing teenagers so, they got lucky. 
I was amuzed by the ghost of John Wayne Gacey clown, and Dean being all “You love serial killers but hate clowns!” and Sam being like “I get it Dean” but Im really glad they didnt make Sam act like he was scared like the other times before. It just wouldnt have fit well into this episode I dont think. Saving Dean is more urgent than a clown fear right? 
Moving on to the meat, and this was as meaty as an episode can get! Dad comes because Dean makes a wish. It seems Dean’s desire to have his family together is more of a desire than getting ole Mike out of his head, and thats really pretty sweet. Dad recognizes the boys right away, which is cool especially since Sam looks NOTHING like he did back in 05, let alone 03 but John says “What happened to you?” I reckon they aged 15+ yrs Pops!
The boys give Dad the nutshell version of their lives over shots of whiskey, because, how else could you do it? But man, John’s face when he hears Mary’s voice was amazing! And I dont even like Mary but, good lord if she didnt nail these scenes!  My hear crumbled, their reunion kiss was completely believable even though we never saw them kiss on the show before. I saw some of you whine that John didnt ask permission first... really? I could see if they were gonna have sex, but when does anyone on TV ever ask to kiss someone?? Not very often. It was by far the most romantic thing Ive ever seen on this show, 
Like typical Winchesters, Dean is sucked into whats right before him and Sam is worried about the big picture. But Sam doesnt lean too hard on Dean about it, lets all have the nice family dinner we’ve never had. 
While compiling a shopping list with Mom, Dean leaves Sam alone with Dad. This scene was .... WOW... so well written and brilliantly acted. I had been wondering how Sam and John would hash things out and this was so much better than I invisioned. Its so in character for the Sam we have watched grow over the last 14 years to get over the bad and focus on the good, because those you love can be taken away in a heartbeat and being left with hard feelings is the worst. All he can think of is seeing Dad dead on the floor and he never got to say goodbye. and he never got to smooth things over. Sams emotions were raw and real! Jared really let Sam feel it, all the regret and anger and loneliness, melts away and turns into “but you loved us.... and thats enough” It was so refreshing to get so much emotional POV from Sam. Something we;ve gotten more of this season than we ever have. It hurts like a mother... but its worth it. 
After the heart shattering talk, Sam composes himself and tells Dean hes right. This was a good thing even if its jut temporary. He asks Dean if he wants company for shopping, and this is like Sam wanting to hold on to his rock (Dean). This is precious.
The boys leave Mom and Dad alone, and go shopping. Now we discover that the timeline has shifted and they have alternate selves. Dean is a wanted criminal and Sam, omg lol Sam is flaming TED talking douchebag that wears turtlenecks, loves Kale, doesnt drink coffee, and doesnt see the need for hobbies or family. But, I gotta say hes lovely in glasses 😎
This inevitably means that not only will Mom disappear, but the boys wont have the relationship they do, and we know, thats a fate worse than the universe exploding. Meanwhile we get a guest appearance by Zachariah and Cas, and Cas is back to S4-ish Cas and possibly even more of a dick. Sam and Dean find them as theyre about to kill the teenagers from earlier and save them. Cas of course doesnt know them from Adam but Zach does. A fight ensues and I just have to state very clearly that Dean went after cas with the angel blade with no second thoughts. Zach attacks Sam and tries to kill him, but Sam kills him instead. Now thats poetic to have been killed by both Winchesters at different times! 
Now Cas is trying to kil Sam, which as we know, never goes over well with Dean, but Cas really nails Sam HARD in the face and Sam spews blood all over! That was pretty graphic and dramatic! Well full strength douchebag angel or not, Dean doesnt let you beat on Sam. so heattacks Cas, and Cas is about to kill Dean. There is no “Cas its me!! Fight this!! I love you!!” like all the hellers wanted and predicted LMAO instead Sam writes a sigil with his blood and zaps Cas away.
Back at home, yet another highly emotional scene as Sam tells Mom why they have to let Dad go... she would just fade away and they would become their “other” selves. Mary cries real tears. and Sam overflows again. God my heart!! Dean talks to Dad and Dad is more than willing to lay his life down for Mom. They all sit solomly at the dinner table. Oddly enough Sam is the only one eating, and Im sure theres meta in there somewhere.... all I can think of at the moment is that hes distracting himself from the painful slence, and hes the only one who never really had Winchester Surprise. John decides to lighten the mood and be grateful for this time, and they all follow suit. And it was glorious!! My boys laughing and eating and enjoying themselves with mom and dad, I just dont know what words to give this scene! 
Afterwards, Sam and Dean are washing dishes together #husbros and they briefly discuss keeping it the way it is. I mean really.... Mom may disappear and they wont be insanely co-dependent, but Michael wont be in Dean’s head anymore, because nothing leading up to it would have ever happened. Dean says hes good with who he is, and hes good with who Sam is, and hes just too old to want to change it. 
The farewell scene was nothing less than earth shattering painful. Dean was surprisingly calm and stoic, though he had many tears. It was as if on purpose, he let Sam and Mom have all the emotions. John hugs his sons one last time. and tells them he’s so proud of them, Poor Sam is gutted. He cant even pretend he isnt crying. Dad tells them he loves them. Dean says he loves him too. Sam cant get words out so he wipes his face and nods. In a beautiful paralell from the old days when John told Dean “Take care of Sammy” and Dean answers “I always do” John says “Take care of each other” and Sam answers “We always do”😭😭😭😭😭😭John takes Mary’s hand and Sam in obvious pain crushes the pearl and Dad fades away. He wakes up in Baby back in 2003 believing he had a good dream. 
Now we have to wait a freakin month for the next episode. But Ill be ok. I think I need a break from all the emotions of the last several episodes because the next couple will probably be less dramatic. This is ok, if every episode was this emotional, even that would get old fast. We only have 7 episodes left and I dont want to rush to the end of the season for a freakin 6 month hiatus!! AGGGHHHHH!! 
Overall I am in love with this episode. It may have moved itself into first place but it has at least tied. This episode definitely met and exceeded my expectations, and last week I thought it wouldnt be able to beat that one. Im so proud of SPN, the writers, and the cast of this episode Ill give them all a standing ovation 👏👏👏👏👍💖 I think its abundantly clear now that Dabb DOES care about the brother bond and doesnt give a rats ass about dean/cas in fact it looks as if the next few episodes might be Dean lite... but we never really know till we watch the episodes.
In conclusion. on a scale from Bloodlines to Who We Are, Lebanon is a 10. Well done show.... well done! Now onward to the 400th episode!!
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grigio-bone · 6 years
personal lupat thoughts
under the cut
i think that one of the reasons that people are getting frustrated with it isnt necessarily that the story is bad, its that the setup and outcomes of the show have this kind of... slight disconnect? or rather, not a disconnect- its as if the show itself can’t figure out if its going to be lighthearted or serious til the end, when its too late to give a satisfying conclusion either way.
its absolutely fine if lupat is a show with light plot. shows like that have been some of my favorites. but i feel as if frustration is inevitable and understandable when the show keeps hinting that things are happening and either never follows up or follows up far too late to allow for a nuanced exploration. for example, noel not being human was hinted at as early as ep 28, when tsukasa wonders why noel wouldn’t use the vs vehicle that he he made himself, and seemed intent on making the other rangers use it. but by the time the big reveal rolls around, who remembers this? mysteries are fine, but if theyre dragged out for so long that viewers have started to forget there was a mystery in the first place that... kinda makes me sad. if lupats going to be a show with a light plot!!! thats perfectly fine, just make sure to resolve the plot points at the core of your story and stop teasing things that wont get resolved for like more than a dozen episodes?
on that note, theres also this... hm. the worldbuilding in lupat is incredibly weak. theres very little sense that this is an actual world that has people living in it and ive got a zillion questions about everything. why is france hq in france?? what about the lupin collection black market trade that canonically exists? whats public opinion like on literally every aspect of the conflict thats happening? actually i could seriously go on for like hours about this so ill cut it short: basically, i think  that the fact that there are hardly any reoccurring or tertiary cast members and the fact that hilltop + jim carter + kogure are vastly underutilized puts all of the focus on the rangers themselves, which is nice but also leaves them stranded in a world not quite real
one last thing. i think that lupat tends to take the cheap way out of things. not in terms of effects or whatever, just that it seems intent on distracting viewers from the fact that it didn’t offer us a solidly emotional conclusion to some arcs? ok this is gonna be controversial so im going to add another disclaimer here that i did think that it was cool that the lupins loved ones became thieves in turn to rescue them, etc, it was a really sweet reunion, they look fantastic in those outfits, i did cry a little bit. however. lets take the finale piece by piece
1) patoranger side. their big speech in the final episode was about how they had to protect the world from a bloodthirsty monster like dogranio, because he made people suffer (people that the patos had failed to protect). ultimately, at the end keiichiro is offered a choice: he can kill dogranio at the cost of knowing that he would be killing 3 people that he knows and loves. we dont get to see what happened to dogranio right away, but the show lets us think for like 5 min that keiichiro too the shot. which... why? almost everything we’ve seen of keiichiro up to this point indicates that he would never do something like that, and if he would consider putting anyone in danger in order to do better, then tsukasa will punch him because that means hes seriously lost sight of things. its not as if hes been struggling more with the notion that he might not be able to save everyone as the series goes on- which isnt a downside at all, lupats characters are its strongest point and keiichiros solid lawful goodness is a core part of his character- but ultimately, we’re left at a point where there is no way that keiichiro would shoot dogranio and kill the lupins. there was never a chance. and with this being the case, the patos last big hurrah is ultimately a failure: they cant get the lupins out, but they also cant get rid of the threat of dogranio for good.
2) lets talk about the loved ones becoming thieves. honestly. i loved it. but its not as strong a reunion as it could have been. the problem with the lupins loved ones becoming thieves is that it raises like a hundred questions in the last 10 min of a show, and we don’t have a good understanding of what the loved ones are like as people without the lens of the lupins’ perspectives to look through. and again, all the meaty episodes with reminiscences about the loved ones were in the first half of the series? i dont feel that the lupin magnum ep bc that vibes more like a i am the shadow the true self type deal, but it does show that the lupins are bringing their loved ones back for at least partially selfish reasons: its not about what they would have thought about it, its about what the lupins want. but with this in mind... we don’t know enough about the loved ones to know many of the nuances of what theyre like, either as people or as thieves? were they worried? angry? would they blame the patos for failing to rescue the thieves? (also theres this whole thing about how if theyre acting as phantom thieves then the gspo should know about them but theres no time to get into that, i suppose) im not saying it was bad! outfits were super cute and kairi and his bros reunion was super touching but im sitting here in complete conviction that their appearance as thieves ultimately raises more questions than it does answers, and this close to the ending (like 10 min!!!!!), hinders a satisfying conclusion
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awed-frog · 6 years
hi there! i dont tend to trust sdcc interviews but i figure i'd ask this so i could get your opinion! a big thing they were talking about was the aftermath of michael on dean.. if they do this right it could be SO good and SO interesting for his character.. so i was gonna ask what you think this means for his character? after he is done being possessed by michael?
Hi! I haven’t heard the spoilers, and to be honest my enthusiasm about the show is pretty much in free fall - under a cut and sort of bitter, okay?
So, the obvious parallels that come to mind are Dean coming back from Hell and Dean being freed from the Mark, and I think the time and energy the show spent of those aftermaths is very telling of what the narrative priorities are. 
If you look at the post-Hell period - was intense. I haven’t rewatched that season in a while, but I seem to remember they spent a lot of time on how broken and not himself Dean was? And the whole thing, of course, was revealed to be even more tragic than what fans expected when Dean decided to tell Sam about how he’d chosen to torture others. Ouch. That was some truly powerful stuff, especially because in the pre-Hell period Dean had mostly pretended to be carefree - scarfing down burgers for breakfast, having threesomes, and generally trying to convince himself (and others) that since he never had much of a lifespan anyway, this death made complete sense. All of that, of course, was masterfully contrasted with how Dean actually died - he never got the hero death I’m sure many were expecting, the beautiful and sexy death main characters and pretty people are mostly gifted (or burdened) with. Instead, it was terrifying, base, humiliating affair - Dean was literally torn apart by dogs as his baby brother watched (not to mention he regretted his righteous decision as soon as he landed in Hell, and found himself calling for Sam like a frightened child instead of suffering his fate in manly silence). Jesus Sycamore Christ. That was beyond sobering, as was the whole post-Hell period - and especially how Dean wasn’t, in the end, all that happy to be alive again. Again: ouch.
What happened in S11 was rather different. On the whole, I enjoyed that season a lot, but while there were some tense and emotional moments for Dean (like his conversation with God), I found it very odd - and somewhat disappointing - that nobody ever mentioned the Mark again. After all, it was implied (or stated outright? I honestly don’t remember) that the Mark didn’t exactly change Dean; its power was preying on people, and taking their worst instincts to horrifying extremes. For instance, Dean kept hunting, but where he would normally give people a second chance, or find a solution that didn’t involve a full-out massacre, MoC!Dean never cared about that at all. However necessary it was for Dean to choose this burden (and even that is debatable), it led very directly to the death of a bunch of innocent people - Charlie, of course, but also the NoHomo hunter, knockoff Draco Malfoy and Rowena’s godchild (you’d think she’d mention him again at some point, or that Sam and Cas would bring him up in a kind of ‘Hey, remember when we slaughtered an innocent teen on the off chance his beating and bloodied heart could cure Dean? Good times’, but nope). To make matters worse, those four deaths happened in the space of a couple of days? And I get that Dean had other things on his mind soon after he was cured, but I still found it bizarre that they never came up at all. I mean - sure, there were subtextual clues and all that - when are there not, amirite - but to me, it was too weak. Honestly, it looked like Dean (and Sam, and Cas) just didn’t give a damn about the trail of destruction they’d left behind. Because this is what’s never acknowledged in S11: that those deaths were on them. Whoever got killed when Dean had the Mark: on them. And, more directly and unequivocally, all those people Amara killed: on them. That’s some powerful stuff, and yet it’s never explored at all, because it’s not what the current showrunner is interested in.
All this to say: in theory, post-Michael!Dean should be huge. The fact Dean took the decision so quickly was already a narrative blunder, considering how he’d been in exactly the same situation (and worse) in earlier seasons but had decided to say no to Michael. I mean - Dean’s free will and how it clashes with his need to help others - that’s the core of the character, and yet it took one line of dialogue to erase it into nothingness. Now, heading into S14 it looks pretty likely that Dean will rid himself of Michael very early - we’re talking two or three episodes, max, and apparently that’s our fault or something (don’t even get me started), which means this Very Meaningful and Earth-Shattering thing is already losing importance in favour of - I don’t know.
(More KFC demons? Lucifer’s cousin Throckmorton? Bobby and Mary’s budding romance and how that is finally the thing that turns Mary into a Tupperware wife and removes her from the boys’ lives in a believable way? I guess we’ll see.)
Will it have an effect on Dean? Obviously I can’t say for sure, but I doubt it. 
Like, for one, Michael has no beef with Dean, and vice versa. These two characters are not connected in any emotional way. To Michael, Dean is just a random and contemptible human; to Dean, Michael is just another over-ambitious freak in need of a good beheading. As for archangel possession - that’s tricky. Some guys are left empty shells; Sam wasn’t, and Cas wasn’t (and Dean is another main character, so he can’t be hurt too badly). Sam suffered a lot, but that’s because Lucifer hated him and had a personal vendetta against him. As a comparison, when Lucifer possessed Cas, he basically gave Cas a nice TV and never bothered him again, and I think that’s a more accurate description of the connection between AU!Michael and Dean. Neither of them cares enough for this thing to escalate. So whatever happens between them (Michael dies; Michael is kicked back to the AU!world; Michael finds another suitable vessel; Michael is forced into an unsuitable vessel), I don’t think there’ll be a lot of focus on how that changes Dean.
On the plus side, there are solid narrative reasons for that lack of focus to make sense. For instance, Dean’s never been the emotionally stunted troll fanon keeps pretending he is, but over the last two seasons he’s really made an effort to make his feelings crystal clear, and he’s been berated and ignored every single time. So if I were him, I don’t think I’d be very eager to confide in Sam ‘What about MY feelings?’ Winchester, Mary ‘Ew, I don’t want to be your mom’ Winchester or Cas ‘You humans make everything so needlessly complicated’ Winchester (he’s a brother now, right? even if for some reason we’re seeing him less than Jack). No, Dean is likely to keep his feelings private - despite the fact this experience should, logically, be a turning point for him. We know Dean has big issues when it comes to giving up control, and possession is - inevitably - also a metaphor for rape, which is - canonically? - a part of Dean’s past (look at Alastair’s unnecessary queering, for God’s sake). So a post!Michael Dean - he could have less confidence in himself, especially if his decision ends up doing more harm than good for some reason, or he could develop PTSD and decide to retire because he’s got nothing left to give (narratively sound, but not a place the show can afford to go to) or he could become nihilistic and even more determined to get his blaze of glory ending, and sooner rather than later (after all, we know he gets suicidal when he feels he needs to atone, so).
From a RL perspective, I don’t know how much of that we’ll see. Considering how little they used post-MoC!Dean, I think maybe we can expect some new crisis which will keep the focus off Dean’s feelings and opinions. On the other hand, S13 was basically a ‘best of’ of the Kripke era, so it’s possible that S14 will revisit the post-Hell!Dean theme in some way. I don’t know. Lately, the show seems determined to prove our heroes are Good People Who’ve Done Nothing Wrong Ever, so from that perspective Dean saying yes to Michael should turned out to be a Big Mistake, because Dean saying no to Michael is basically half of what saved the world the first time around. Then again, I’m not seeing a lot of coherence on that front (I’m on team ‘Why was the AU!world even about Mary’, sorry about that), so, really - everything is anyone’s guess. At this point, the one thing we can predict about Supernatural is that if you’re interested in the characters’ inner lives and in them actually evolving in some healthy way, you’re better off with fanfiction.
I apologize. I know that was depressing and bitter. Here is a baby owl.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2019 // the car crash
-"stop acting offended" oh god sis 😰🥶
-"lucy knew hudson family secrets in the past, tiffany knew hudson family secrets in the present. both of them are dead." and you ARE a hudson family secret, hes trying like a pretty little liar to keep it 😭
-"you suspect everyone of everything, you always have since you were little" 🤔 *professor voice* "the ad hominem is a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.
An ad hominem is more than just an insult. It’s an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. Verbally attacking people proves nothing about the truth or falsity of their claims" https://thebestschools.org/magazine/15-logical-fallacies-know/#adhominem
-"if you keep suspecting the people closest to you of horrific crimes you're gonna end up alone" this quote becomes fascinating in the context of our future knowledge of nancys parentage foreshadowing "i've been alone my whole life" threatening nancy with solitude comes off weird. the price of being too perfect i suppose.* wonder about ryan's take on this as a parent. strangely i think she honestly wouldn't mind being alone (on some level anyway)
-wonder what exactly makes captain tom a "legend". he was featured so prominently in the press that a serial killer engaged w him and made him out to be a hero.
-"didnt want his mom to see" where was aces mom this ep and w the poisoner? wonder why they only chose to reveal her s2. maybe to give captain tom more of a feature?
-"he was letting us down" ...or just you?
-"you two are that kinda close" its been like 2 months since they met sis i guess that is 'close' to you
-"how are you and your family?" laura says that to ace in the recording --> s2 ironyyyyy
-love how mcginnis forces the nurse to update these random strangers at the hospital lmaooo
-i love how nancy kinda thinks shes the only one doing supernatural things like shes always surprised to find people who think its legit, even hannah gruen who takes it so straight faced and seriously, nancy always respects her but gives off a little "you might be taking this a bit too seriously" vibe imo
-bess w that unintentional save on the phone to nick lmaoooo
-rawley side eyes the fuck out of nancy as she literally breezes past him to get to mcginnis 😂
-wonder how mcginnis owes tom exactly
-mcginnis looks just as reluctant to admit he cares about ace as nancy does lmfaoo
-damn she knows him really well, all he communicates to her are fucking facial expressions (and her back lmao)
-"theyre not my friends" vs "i'd try anything to save my friend" - is ace the first one she calls a friend? like, the actual f word? 👀😳
-in sharp contrast to nick, george is ironically good at mysteries bc shes always suspicious of everyone
-"okay. dead lucy-" *everyone groans* 😂
-*breezes past carson in his own house* what a mood lmao
-wonder if adam beach supported this feature or if he thought it was disrespectful/cringe
-"there are many things you and i need to discuss" 👀😳🙈👗👑🤰😰🥺🤱😔
-so do we think ted has been corrupted by simon when bess opens that door orrrr was that just ted doing 8 year old things
-love this nick/bess bonding tho
-so carson-wolf, nancy-whale, george-turtle and ace-bear. wonder if those specific animal choices have any particulr meaning. 🐢"a turtle, cool" 😂
-carson definitely has his white "do not understand but dont wanna offend" face on 😭🙈
-when i first watched this ep i could not stop saying "nifty!" the whole time 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
-carson's like "okay ive had enough of indulging this make believe crap dont tell me somethings wrong w my very clearly wrong kid"
-"this is serious" lmfaooooo at this point nancy only appeases mcginnis' beliefs bc shes desperate for answers at any cost (ie "i can just ask tiffany what happened")
-wonder how long carson has worked on this cover story for when nancy inevitably asked (the fact that he got the most curious child in the world is so fucking painful yet funny)
-nancy like 😌👉🏻👈🏻"hey mom, my friend accidentally wandered into your world for a minute, could u help find her?" lmaoo
-"are we even dating?" its been a week baby chill lmaooooo
-lisbeth + hairstroking 💙
-okay bess nails her with this clothing/fashion analysis but everyone dismisses fashion so readily as frivolous that bess gets underestimated on sight
-15 years ago + "i made you that promise when you were six" = ace is 21
-"the moment he thought his father was going to die" i'll take carson - irony for 1200 alex
-wonder who tom was chasing before his crash
-"these boots dont belong" god damn george's big sister instinct activated on sight 😭
-wait how tf did she get that bear in her hand
-"you made a difference, right?" whens the last time someone told you that
-nick and bess are the weakest fucking links w mysteries lmfaoooo
-UNPOPULAR OPINION : "you're a cop!" nancy + cops - mcginnis and rawley fuck her over/view her sexually/as competition and let her down along with karen- but she likes lisbeth who is the opposite, suspected her from the beginning due to the previous people "betraying" her (she and the chief start this show in an odd place with zero trust bc she thinks she can do it better) but lisbeth passes the test; lisbeth is willing to bargain with them and doesnt question where they got the hudsons info. now nancy does not hesitate to call lisbeth for the murder of owen (ie the hand prints) and going after josh on the roof, even tells her the blunt truth about calling the agleaca (lisbeth is NOT woke to the supernatural btw) "use me" she does want to work with police, which she is infamous for not doing previously, because of her connection to bess? because they were men? karen didnt have enough power, or didnt take her seriously? what makes lisbeth so trustworthy? or is it only nancys desire to avenge owen? but she just didnt trust the other cops to get the job done- maybe she still doesnt, but at least she trusts lisbeth for the time as an authority figure when all others have failed. all cops (karen, chief and rawley) in nancy's trust lose her respect/secrets out but Lisbeth has to prove her worth to get in. maybe its something about engaging w women. i mean women can still fail her of course (lucy kind of, kate+reveal, karen) but in terms of feminist themes, the show capitalizes on these exchanges between women for the living and the dead: ghosts/demons who are male (ie simon) are pure evil (think "mr roper" at the asylum being in particular focus when it was the whole family who died) but something like the agleaca (of human origin) is made to be a sympathetic case/highlighting how women have suffered historically and are take revenge as ghosts, able to find power in death that they did not have in life, and circling back to nancy trying to give them previously denied justice through working with other women.
-"let me do it" 👀👀could it be? empathy? a sacrifice on behalf of someone you still wont call a friend?
-"killer boots." *struts like a badass with 'im a bitch, im a boss' playing in the background*
-okay lbr. how on earth did lucys dress come off her body in the ocean? like. is that legit??
-"it's just so not how i would handle things" SIS THIS SHIT COULD ALMOST PROVE YOU TWO ARE DNA RELATED FOR HOW YOU FUCKING HANDLE THINGS like nancy? are u on crack? lmfaooo carson absolutely came for u and he absolutely should have
-"i understand that impulse, it runs in the family" make it a true daily double, alex🙃
-"you stole evidence and sent it out of state because you believed it was the right thing to do" no, you just think you know better than everybody else tbh
-wowwwwwww i cant believe lisbeth really decked her but another half of me can i fucking love lisbeth
and lastly
-oh ted. 💔🥺
0 notes
harryff · 7 years
Chapter 2 Aria Part 1.
Trigger warning: Sexual assault, domestic abuse. Please call the 1−800−799−7233 if you have suffered from any abuse.
In the next upcoming months Aria and Harry reconnected. Her album was to be released soon but she longed to go back to the days she sang background for the band.
Laying in bed she remembered the day Liam and Harry got into a fight over whose part she will sing along with and somehow she managed to appease them both. It was the first time Harry truly noticed her as he tells it to people.
It was currently 10pm in New York  which meant it was 3am in Manchester where Harry was working on his album. Aria was supposed to be asleep instead her mind raced filled with anxiety she couldn’t relax instead her thoughts took her to the worst possible outcomes for performance the next day. To help pass time she texted him
Aria: I miss you big head lol😚😙😋
Aria: I can’t sleep😣😣😓😓☹
Aria: I wish I could call you but you’re sleeping beauty and you definitely need 6 hours of sleep at least or youll be evil lol 😴😴😴
Aria: Remember the time i made you stay up for 24 hours and you were grumpy the whole day and I had to make it up 😉😂
Aria: I have to perform tomorrow. I don’t want to. I’d  much rather go back to the good old days where no one knew I existed
Aria: I still laugh at the memories of you falling on stage…. clumsy prince
Aria: I’m gonna have diarrhea tomorrow theres no  way I’m gonna survive
Aria: Sorry TMI 🙊
Aria: Since I cant bug you you’ll wake up to like 20 texts. 😜
Aria: she sent picture of her sleeping with the teddy bear he got her 2 years ago
Aria: Me and Mr. H miss you
Aria: I had to give him surgery awhile back. Roxy the little shit ripped his eye out. I almost cried 😢😢😢
Aria: Imagine me a grown woman crying over a stuffed animal. 😂😭😭😭
Aria: I went into panic mode!! That was not a contingency I planned for she just bit his eye and yanked it out! Then she starts running with it! In her mouth! Chewing it!  I never truly knew what panic was till that moment!😲😲😲
Aria: Damn dog😒😒😒
Aria: Arent you supposed to be up running? It’s 3
Aria: I miss you again
Aria: I don’t want to perform Harry
Aria: Will you be disappointed in me if I quit?
Aria: Will you call when you wake up?
When Harry woke up at 5am his time he read the texts laughing she was definitely panicking her nerves were getting to her because she was a chatter box.
He called her via Skype
Her computer facing her she raised up hearing the call she clicked the mouse before falling back in bed.
“Aria” he said watching her move around
“I see Roxy is around Mr.H” he said noticing the dog by her side  
“Yes she was on 1 month probation after she did that”
He chuckled
“It’s not funny” she said sitting up
“Yeh ok?”
“No” she said looking down  
“Yeh’ll do good!”
“I don’t like performing in front of people”
“Yeh did when we went on tour”
“Yes but no one knew it was me”
He sighed
“I have to perform for the executives at 9. Practiced my ranges”
“Don’t strain your voice”
“I know… what are you doing today besides calming my nerves”
“Just tha'nd recording”
“You’re working on your 3rd album?”
She smiled “you have great bed head”
He laughed “are yeh not sleepy?”
“I am I keep jerking in my sleep”
“Just relax poppet”
“I’m trying”
“I have to go for my run”
“Ok i’ll call you when I get done”
“Ok” he said blowing a kiss
She caught it.
Harry: How’d it go? He asked when she didn’t call by the end of the day he wondered how things went
Aria: 😭😭😭😭😭😖😓
Harry called her
Harry: Pick up poppet
Aria: No 😭😢
Harry: howd it go
Aria: ‘need more practice’
Aria: Tommy said ‘on a scale of 1-10. 1 being pretty bad  and 10 being the worst performance ever that was a 7.’ 😭😭😭 I can’t do this
Harry:😒😒 drop him he’s a shitty manager
Harry: Pick up poppet please
She took a deep breath before answering his call
“Hey” she said
“Where are you?”
“At home”  her voice broke
“Aww pet”
“I can’t do this Harry”
“I think yeh need another manager”
She sniffed “I wish you were here”
“I’ll be there soon pet”
She remained silent
“Wanna tell me what happened?”
“My voice  shook the whole time….sang off key sounded like shit”
“It’s alright Aria”
“It’s not,” her voice was soft. “I’m not made for this.”
“Aria yeh are” he stressed
She sighed “how was your day”
“It was wonderful recorded 3 songs”
“My album is done will you listen to it?”
He paused “i don’ kno’ if i should.” He was hesitant. In the past she depended so much on his opinion he got frustrated with the search of approval from him.
“Ok fair enough i’ll have Mr. H listen to it”
He remained silent
“Maybe i can do like a Sia thing but cover my whole body be in dungeon somewhere”
He was still quiet
“Ok Harry good night.” She said ending the call. She knew him too well he was asleep.
As she sat aimlessly looking at the ceiling she contemplated all the different things she could do to put an end to her contract. Get sick with a virus, purposely damage her larynx, car accident etc. When Harry awoke at 3am his time he called her she stared at the phone contemplating whether she would swipe right or left. The screen went dark she thanked the gods for not making her make that decision.
At 10 in the morning she found herself in the studio listening to Thomas or Tommy berate her
“ARIA! Im talking to you!” he said snapping her out of her thoughts
“Sorry” she cowered away
“WHY” he paused “why didn’t you perform like you did in this video? you were so good then what is it now?” he was showing her a video of her singing at a local jazz bar. There were only 10 people, people she would never meet this was different this was executives and produces people who had the power to build or destroy her career with one move.
“I dont know im just nervous”
“EVERYTHING!” She argued back before looking at her phone Harry had called her 5 times already.
Harry: Aria are you ok ive called you multiple times
She recorded Tommy
She spoke softly “Im sorry I can’t Tommy”
She sat silently and hit the send button
Harry: get up and walk away. He texted feeling his anger rise if he was there his fist would be connecting with Tommy’s jaw
Aria: I cant
Harry: Aria get up and walk away
Aria: he’s blocking the door.
She remained quiet waiting for the vent session to be over.
“You have a show tomorrow Chicago Bulls so get ready. Ya ass aint making a fool out of me again” She nodded leaving the studio. She ignored Harry for the rest of the day working on her vocals. She sat at home working on her ranges.
“You sound good Ria” her grandmother said cooking
“Thanks Grandma”
“Whats wrong?” she noticed her behavior
“Tommy screamed at me… told me lots of things i was an embarrassment to him… grandma i don’t know if i can do this”
“Youre too good dont let him ruin you!”
“I know”
Her phone lit up it was Harry texting her.
Harry: can you call me please
She stood up and went to her room to call him
“Aria” he said looking at her on the camera
“Hey” she said getting comfortable on the bed. Her eyes were puffy her nose was red. “How was your day?”
“Good.. are yeh ok?”
“I’m ok” she sighed
“Wha’ happened with Tommy”
“Have to perform tomorrow”
He tilted his head in confusion
“Don’ wan yeh to be sad pet”
“I’m ok Harry. Me and Mr. H will be tough” she joked
He chuckled “I’ll be there soon so save some luvin for me yea?” “No you dont get any”
“Wha’? Why?” he smiled
“Well see me and Mr. H have a bond even you can’t break. I have been there with him through thick and thin” her eyes welled up “and he wont” her voice started to break “and he wont let me down and i won’t do the same to him… sorry i dont mean to cry”
“Aria dont cry pet”
She chuckled wiping her tears “I don’t even know why im crying Harry thats the problem. With Mr. H i know i cant let him down"
“You never let me down" he spoke softly 
“I have, i know that, but im trying not to.”
He sighed not knowing what to say. She was always too hard on herself. Her worst critic never letting up on her imperfections. “ ‘M gonna go to bed” he mumbled
“K good night” she said before ending the call
The next day she walked onto the court her hands shaking getting ready to sing the national anthem. Tommy had softened his tone but his words were still harsh. She found herself panicking 30 minutes prior, hunched over with a paper bag to her mouth. The cameras flashed she brought the microphone to her mouth. She closed her eyes imagined she was at home. When the song was done people jumped to their feet cheering her on. She thanked them and rushed off court. It was one of her best performances.
“WHOO!“ Tommy cheered “THAT WAS IT! THAT’S WHAT YOU DO!… You sounded so good. Thats what you do in front of the execs don’t worry about them you got this Aria!”
She smiled taking a deep breath in she wanted to leave there was no celebration for her this only meant the inevitable an album release and a music career.
“Thanks Tommy can i go home now?”
“Nah lets go party!” “I really dont want to”
“Look its for your image just one drink” he begged
“Ok” she sighed as they made their way to club she texted Harry
Aria: I think i did ok everyone is happy
Aria: Going to the club with Tommy
Aria: Text you when i get home
It was supposed to be the club but they pulled up to his house, there was a party going on
“Tommy i thought you said club” she said giving him a look
“I know but house parties are fun!”
She shook her head this was her first time in his house “I’m not”
“Please just one drink you promised”
“Fine one drink and i’m done”
An hour passed one drink turned to two and two turned to three she thought. Her head was spinning, Tommy was being too friendly, he was groping her in places he shouldn’t have. When she tried to leave his grip on her wrist tightened when she fought back he put her arm behind her making her face the crowd as he dry humped her from behind. When he dragged her to the bathroom she used the opportunity to escape.
“Come on!” he stressed in a playful tone licking her neck forcing her against the wall
“No stop”  she said weak from the concoction she was never a light weight so this was not the norm for her He hit her thigh “I said come on!” his thigh wedged between hers his tone changed he was being forceful
“Stop Tommy” she tried to fight him off
He held her hands above her with one hand while the other groped her body “You know you want this dick, Harry can’t do you like me”
“Please” she begun to cry she was too weak
Abruptly the door swung open. The man looked at Aria’s face “Yooo chill!”
“I’m not doing nothing” he said stepping away from her with his hands up
She quickly maneuvered from him he reached out for her but her arms were too quick on her way out she fell to the floor. Only managing to stand up and rush up the steps she found a room and locked herself in it. Quickly she dialed Harry’s number forgetting he wasn’t in the US, when she remembered she called her grandmother
“Aria do you know what time it is? im asleep!”
“Grandma please come get me” she sobbed on the phone
“Whats wrong?” she sensed the urgency
“He almost raped me i dont know whats wrong with me”
“You stay there i’m calling the cops”
“NO! please”
“Where are you?”
“Tommy’s house on 3rd bellavue house with all the cars”
“Stay where you are I’m coming!”
It felt like eternity waiting for her grandmother. She was finding herself waking up from an unconscious ous state every 5 minutes. She was fighting to stay awake. Her phone rang 4 times before she awoke
“Hello? Hello? Aria!?”
“Where are you? You tell me now or i’m coming in with my shot gun!”
“I’m coming don’t” she said weak
Slowly she stood up her legs felt like jello, she opened the door and walked to the staircase  held onto the railing with a death grip the party was dying down. She saw him at the corner of her eye he was mingling slowly she walked down the steps trying her best to  not draw any attention to herself.  When she got to the bottom of the stairwell. The door seemed so far away there were so many people in the way she tried to quickly move around them
“Aria? Is that you?” she heard his voice
“ARIA! I’m calling you!” fear took over she was pushing people out of the way, when she reached the door she opened it and collapsed her grandmother already standing outside her car ran towards her
“Aria” he spoke in her ear as pulled her up. She winced away
“YOU GET AWAY FROM HER!” her grandmother threatened
“I’m just trying to help her out”
“Aria are you ok?” she spoke to her helping her up
She limped to the car her ankle sprained
When they got to the house it took her grandmother 10 minutes to wake her up
“Oh thank God! Aria what did you drink?”
“I don’t know” she said turning her head away from her
“Let’s get you in the house”
She slumped on the couch her grandmother close by the whole night.
The next morning she woke up with a splitting migraine confused about what happened
She groaned her memory was hazy, she remembered drinking a blue motorcycle and Tommy being aggressive she remembered him walking her to the bathroom his smile on his face his eyes telling her something else
“Oh mi nieta you’re awake!”
Her voice raspy “Grandma what happened?”
“Thomas tried to rape you!”
She thought “No… what?”
“Aria you called me you couldn’t even stand! you need to call the cops i think you were drugged”
“He what?” she sat up needing to piece things together
She picked up her phone there were texts from Tommy
Tommy: i hope you had fun i had too much to drink
Tommy: im sorry about what i did I love you😗 Aria i would never hurt you i was just fucked up Tommy: shit you were too,
Tommy: grinding on me i miss read the signals, you know that right? You know how i get when im fucked up
Tommy: tell your g ma to chill i was fucked up too shit you were too
Tommy: call me when you get this
Miranda: 😁😀YAY bestfriend you did good!
Her mind tried to remember what happened but it couldn’t dnt her wrist was bruised, she rubbed it to sooth the pain.
“Aria you need to call the cops!”
She shook her head “I don’t”
“Well freshen up clear your head”
“How’d i get home?” she looked around
“I came to get you! that rapist was trying to pull you back in”
She stood up and fell to the ground
“Ahh!”  She grimaced  grabbing her swollen ankle
“I think you sprained it” her grandmother picked up her foot “here put it up let me get some ice”
In the bathroom she undressed she noticed bruises on her neck, her thighs and knees when the skirt fell she covered herself with her hands, she had no underwear, she could not remember what happened to it. In shower she tried the best she could to remember she couldn’t. But she also knew something wasn’t right. she scrubbed hard feeling dirty. She felt a sick feeling from the pit of her stomach she hunched over unable to stop it. She vomited.  
In her sleep it came to her in a flash
She saw herself drinking her drink.That nauseous feeling intensified
“I gotta go I don’t feel good.” she steadied herself by holding his shoulders
“No stay” he rubbed her sides
She shook her head “I’m leaving”
“I said stay” he insisted pulling her back, her back to him he breathed on her neck. She moved her neck  away “Mmmm you have a nice ass” he said before smacking it
She shot up in cold sweats her head pounding was it true? Did he really do that?
She looked at her phone there were texts from Harry. He sent her a screenshot from the tabloid the caption “Looks like you and Thomas had fun, you did great! I watched it! what a way to celebrate😂😋” the picture her hair on her face with one arm behind it looked like they were in the middle of a dance. Her wrist ached as if it had a memory of the pain that was inflicted upon it. Harry was oblivious to the dark truth. feeling nauseous she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Rising slowly she cried looking at herself in the mirror.She blamed herself she should have known better. She should have been more careful.
Picking up her phone there was another message from Harry
Miranda: Bitch call me you look lit😂😜
Miranda: Umm that picture doesnt look right call me 🙁😕😞
Harry: call me when you wake up pet I miss your voice😗.
She snatched her laptop from the floor quickly she searched flights to Manchester leaving the next day. She was willing to pay any price once she got the confirmation email she hopped off the bed and three clothes into her suitcase
Her grandmother walked into her room “Where you going you can’t leave!”
“Are you going to tell him
“I can’t even remember what happened! if it happened will he believe me?”
“Aria he can’t get away with what he did! now I don’t know how the music industry works but that man cant walk away from what he did to you!”
“I know mimi”
“So call the cops”
“I..” she looked to the bathroom
Her grandmother stressed her point “tell him.. Harry will know what to do…. have you talked to him?”
She shook her head
“I’m not going to let this go”
“I know”
“How’s your head?”
“Well relax I will finish packing for you”
The next day she found herself in Chicago O’hare limping around she hadn’t told Harry about her plan to stop by.
Tommy: You haven’t called are you ok
Tommy: just call me or send a text to tell me your ok
She felt sick looking at the texts holding onto Mr.H she walked around till her flight departure time. When she landed at 2pm she made a beeline for his condo.
She knocked in the door she quickly wiped away her tears
“Yea yea!”  she heard his voice through the door
He stood confused for a second before his face  lit up
“Poppet! Wha’re yeh doing here?“ he asked lifting her into a tight embrace
“I missed you” she confessed
“Yeh  should have told me!”
“I just did!” she said forcing a smile
He leaned down to kiss her she could only manage a few kisses it was killing her.
“What do I owe this delightful surprise?” she shrugged walking in
“Hey” she greeted his band
She smiled
“Yeh should have told me really” he said pulling her down on his lap. “ ‘M flying to London tomorrow family time”
“Oh” she said looking down
“Yeh’ll come with me?”
She nodded
“Wha’ happened to your foot?” Weezer asked  
“I fell... heels”
“All that partying yeh ‘nd Thomas did” Harry commented “yeh never texted by the way”
She swallowed hard smiling at him “sorry forgot”
He raised his eyebrow
“So what are you up to today?” she asked
“Last recording session are yeh ok?” he noted her pale complexion
“Yea, just cold”
“Yea we gotta go mate” Stevie said noticing the time
“Oh shit! Yeh want to come?” he said standing up
She shook her head
“Jet lag?”
She nodded
He leaned down placing his forehead on heres “Ok well yeh kno’ where the food is. Don' eat all my bananas. I’ll be back ok?”
She forced a smile fighting the tears “yes”
“Are yeh sure you’re ok?”
She hated that he could read her like  an open book
“Yes” she said kissing him
“One more” he said biting his lip
She wrapped her arm around his neck. It took all the energy she had to put passion into the kiss
“Oi!  we gotta go.” Stevie said
As the  day turned to night she sat crying on the couch. She checked her emails wanting to tell her grandmother she was safe. Her heart dropped seeing Tommy’s name on the list she hesitated to open it. When she did it was a picture of her in the airport the title read Aria party girl rushed to Manchester to see Harry. The caption read Rumor is he called her screaming mad about the picture of her and manager Tommy G. His email: Im fucking calling you and you in UK? We got sessions you better be back by Tuesday. She felt sick to her stomach they couldn’t be more wrong. Sleep finally seeped in after hours of laying awake. Her memory flashed through her dreams
“Come on” he says grabbing her hand he had a goofy smile on his face  pulling her towards the dance floor
“No Tommy” she tries to resist
He pulled harder making her collapse into him “damn baby! I didn’t know you wanted it  like that?” he chuckled
“Stop” she pushes away from him
His hands grab her ass he is holding her in place as he rubs his nose on her neck “you gonna feel so good on my dick”
She sat up immediately tears flooded out of her eyes this couldn’t be happening she thought. She got off the couch and went to  lay in bed. A migraine already thumping through her brain she lay in bed when she heard the door open she turned on  her side pretending to be asleep.
Harry quietly took of his clothes and retreated to the bathroom. She could hear him humming behind the water. When he got in bed he cradled behind her kissing her cheek before falling asleep. As she begun to get sleepy she prayed she wouldn’t wake up from a nightmare. In  the morning her prayers were answered she softly  got out of bed and got ready. Harry woke up an hour later.
“Wha’ do yeh want for breakfast pet?”
“Nothing this is fine”
“ ‘Re yeh sure? you’ve been pushing around the cereal for 5 minutes”  she was in a daze she didn’t notice
She shook her head “it’s fine I promise” she lied
He grabbed her hand “Ok are yeh sure? cuz i’ll get yeh anything yeh want”
“I promise” she said forcing the spoon in her mouth.
When they got to his mother’s house she was greeted with love
“Aria come in we have missed yeh oh I always knew yeh two would get back together!” Anne hugged her
She smiled
“Aria!” Gemma greeted her “finally someone we like… no love”
“When are yeh goin to marry her Harry?”Anne asked
“Oh muuum” he fussed
“ ‘M just saying she took yeh back it’s a sign”  
Gemma chimed in “Yea no one wants yeh but her so yeh need to be in your knees”
“These’re strangers not my family I don’ kno’ wha’ alien planet they come from” he joked causing them to laugh
Gemma grabbed her hand dragging her away from Harry “We have to catch up that dress at the wedding to die for where did you get it?”
“Michael Castello designed it”
There was a lot of catching up to do which Aria gladly agreed to do anything to take her mind off that night
At dinner she sat once again pushing her food
“Do yeh want something else?” Harry whispered
“No!” she got scared “this is fine!” she put a mouthful in her mouth
He gave a look she was definitely being strange. She had no appetite there was a raging migraine  she was trying to calm down. After yawns went around the room after dinner every one retreated to their rooms
“Ok off it pet what’s  the problem?” He asked while they lay in bed. He was trying to find out what was wrong with her
She spoke softly “Nothing”
“No there’s something big show comin’ up?”
“No just thinking”
She shook her head and smiled
“Yeh don’ wan’ to talk ‘bout it?”
She shook her head
“Ok” he looked down at her holding Mr.H  “You’ve been holding him awfully tight can’ yeh hold me like tha’ too?” He joked
“No you might break” she teased
“You might break” she held back her smile
“Are yeh saying I’m weak?” He asked towering her
“Yeh wanna test tha’ theory?” he asked before  kissing her deeply his kisses made her forget momentarily but when he started grabbing  her thighs and kissing her neck is when her mind refused to let it go. She froze eyes shut tight. He noticed the tension in her body he raised up to look at her
“Aria wha’s wrong?”
“You’re stiff as a board look at me” she opened  her eyes “wha’s wrong?”
She sighed “I can’t…. not tonight”
He huffed “ok” he gave her sweet kisses
“Don’ be luv is just sex…  I can take care of  myself” he said winking
She giggled “Perv”
“Hey only for yeh”
“I guess I should feel special”
At night her prayers were not answered. Her mind took her back to that night
She looks around people are dancing she doesn’t know where she’s going but Tommy is pulling her towards it.The bathroom door is kicked open and he pushes her inside
“Stop it Tommy” she says trying to walk passed him. He closes the door with his foot. He charges  towards her stuffing his tongue in her mouth. She pushes him away and slaps him. His hand is immediately around her neck his eyes cold and dark he pushes her against the wall. “bitch ill kill you matter of fact” his other hand loosens his belt
“please” she begs clawing at his arm he pulls out his penis, "you know you want this dick" he jams his knee into her thighs forcing them open. “shut up.” He reaches up her skirt to rip off her underwear. He pulls hard making her body jerk forward before the fabric gives way. "Harry cant do you like me" He gets closer kissing her neck she tries pushing him off he places both arms above her head holding them by the hands he reaches between her thighs she’s crying “please” she begs. He stops and looks at her he licks his hand before he palms her vagina. He moans “you wet already, just how i like it”
She shot up from her sleep in a cold sweat immediately she ran to the toilet a violent vomiting spree was to begin.
Harry groaned “Aria?” he turned to his side to confirm she wasn’t there
“Aria” he called sitting up hearing the vile noise. Slowly he got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. He knelt down beside her rubbing her back
“Something yeh ate?” he offers explanation
She nods in agreement
When she’s done her hands are shaking she can barely wash her face. She was pale as if she saw a ghost
“Wha’s wrong?” he asked noticing  her expression
She turned around with tears in her eyes if he only knew
“Shhh it was just a dream” he sooths her hugging her tight.
But it wasn’t was it? Tommy really did those things. The reality was setting in.
In the morning she continues to rub Harry’s arm unable to fall asleep she lay awake against his chest
During breakfast she checked her phone
Tommy: Where the fuck are you at
Tommy: you think it’s funny you fucking with my career
Aria: I need more time please
Miranda: so you really gonna ignore me your bff?
Mimi(grandmother): Aria have you told him
Aria: Not yet I will soon I promise
As Gemma and Aria shopped around she tried her best to act natural.
“Are yeh ok?” Gemma asked during lunch Aria even though trying her best was very distant
“Yea!” she said putting on a happy face
“Sure? yeh look pale”
She smiled “Yea lack of sun” she joked
“Tell Harry he owes you a vacation”
She smiled Gemma her biggest advocate always made Harry go out of his way for her “Only if you come too!”
“You know it!”  
As the day wound down she hopped the night would be gentle on her she couldn’t wake up from another nightmare.
“Did you see this?” Harry laughed showing her a picture of her crawling up the stairs. Who would possibly take that picture and furthermore insinuate she was going to have sex with Tommy?
She smiled
“Yeh were having fun weren’t yeh?”
She remained silent
“But ’m glad yeh ‘nd Tommy handled your differences” he said falling asleep
She melted into his chest not wanting to remember anything
The next day she Aria, Anne, and Gemma decided to clean up then treat themselves to dinner. She got multiple texts during the day. People were asking her about the picture.
Miranda: uh you need to call me NOW! i know your ass didnt fuck tommy
Miranda: you disappeared to Manchester whats up☹
Miranda: ARIA what did Tommy do to you? Why did Mimi call me crying???😭😭
Aria: i can’t talk about it Miranda, not now
Mimi: have you told him
Aria: not yet Mimi
Mimi: im not playing do it or  I will
Aria: ok ok
~With Harry~
“Whoa Harry have you seen this?” Weezer asked
“Look” he looked at the heading Tommy G accused of sexual assault 2 victims have come forward the caption: ‘Both victims claim it happened in his house we will keep you posted’
He frowned “he didn't” he paused to think  remembering the dirty glances he gave women
“I gotta find out more” Weezer said scrolling through his phone
As the day went on he couldn’t help but think about it. It gnawed at him this was her manager, someone who was close to her.
“Oh shit! Now they are saying one of the girls was assaulted the night he partied with Aria”
Harry tried to shake it off. “no he couln’ have”
Stevie rushed to him“Harry have you seen?”
“Yea” not wanting to be bothered by it
“No look!” Stevie said shoving the phone at him 
Harry looked at him before grabbing the phone he read the words ‘A witness has stepped forward caught him in the act.’ As he read the details his heart rate picked up ‘…. walked in  on him with his female artist.’ Tommy only managed Aria and another female artist who was absent that night
“Have yeh talked to Aria maybe its someone else” they tried to reason
“Did she tell you anything?” Gigi asked
He looked at them “no she would tell me”
When the day ended even Gemma got notifications on social media people were tagging her on the posts. Aria’s phone was buzzing nonstop.
Miranda: Aria
Miranda: dont ignore me im your best friend,…. thunder buddies for life
Miranda: Aria
Miranda: did it happen?
“Aria wha’s this?” Gemma asked showing her the article.  Her heart sank reading the article Tommy was getting charged with sexual assault. Two victims identified one had yet to come forward.  She was the remaining piece.
She shook her head “its nothing”
“They’re saying you’re the other woman is it true?”
“Other woman for what?” Anne asked taking the phone from Gemma’s hand
As Harry rushed to his mother’s house he thought to himself those pictures that were taken, she did look uncomfortable in Tommy’s embrace. The bruised wrist she explained away seemed to be the one he was holding behind her back. She also never got that drunk in public so it was strange that she got that drunk, even when she got drunk she was never that sloppy, falling all over the place hair in her face.
As Aria tried to convince Gemma and Anne that wasn’t her her phone lit up
Miranda: Shit is hitting the fan I hope you told him
Tommy: you bitch
Mimi: hope you told him  
Aria felt her breathing hitch
“Aria this sounds like yeh!” Gemma said reading more articles
“It’s not” she whispered
Harry rushed through the kitchen door he walked in “Aria” he called
She smiled at him but stopped soon after his face was one she couldnt read ”….yes” she answered warily
“Yeh promise to tell me the truth?” it was supposed to be a statement but came out as a question
“Yes anything” she half smiled
“Wha’s wrong Harold?” his mother asked noticing his expression
He paused before speaking standing across from her. His eyes burrowing into her soul. “Wha’ happened that night at Tommy’s house?”
She looked down. Her nightmare was coming to life. It seemed forever when she heard her name being called.
“Aria” Harry called his eyes were becoming more bewildered by the second, her silence was confirming his gut instincts. She looked up at him before looking down. Pulling at her sleeves occupying her hands. She was losing the battle on holding back her tears. It wasn’t long before he called again.
“Aria… I asked yeh a question” his voice assertive he walked closer to her searching for her eyes. His breathing uneven. He needed her to tell him nothing happened. Everyone was looking at her waiting for an answer.
“ARIA!” he screamed in frustration. He startled them.
“Oi! Wha’s going on in here?” His dad asked walking in
The tears won they poured out of her eyes
“Aria tell me wha’ happened!” anger spewed in his voice
“Harold!” his mother scolded in a whisper
“Oh my god!” Gemma said in shock
The whole room came to the realization something dark happened that night. Her behavior made sense now the lack of appetite,the pale look on her face, the vomiting, the insomnia, the night mares.  
“Aria” he whispered she had yet to speak. He needed her to say it was a joke. That there was no way it happened.
She looked up at him with tears rolling down her face, her hands were shaking pulling on her sleeve  “please don’t make me go back to that night” she spoke softly
“Oh!” Anne grabbed her chest “yeh poor thing” Anne immediately rushed to her side and held her in a tight embrace.
“Harry he didn’…. did he?” Gemma looked at him hoping he could offer up a reason
He squatted down. Holding his head. There were no longer butterflies in his stomach from fear of the truth. Fear was replaced with anger which started from his chest and radiated out  “ ’M GONNA KILL HIM!” He said standing up
“Oi! Stop that!”
“Dad not right now!” He paced the floor “…. That BASTARD put his hands on yeh? im going to kill him!
“CALM DOWN HAROLD!” His father said grabbing his shoulders
Aria sobbed in the background. He should have known something was wrong. Her eyes told him something was wrong they were filled with sorrow. He pushed passed his father going outside.
“Oi! come back’ere!” His father chased after him
Gemma knelt down next to her crying and hugging her “Im so sorry Aria”
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
((Terrible and Saness discuss the recent trouble she’s been having with her guardian and possible solutions to those problems. There are a few trigger warnings for this chat, including head stuff, manipulation, mind control, amnesia, suicide (sorta), and death in general.))
flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 11:23 AM FO: chirp? Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 11:24 AM SP: Sorry, I was distracted by a musical interlude. SP: I was gonna ask "what do you want to know" but you'd probably have a hard time forming specific questions without something to base it on. SP: So, uh, you wanted to know why that strategy was the strategy I've got going. I'm not actually set on it because I don't like it as a plan, but I will probe my options before taking action y'know? Even the ones that suck. SP: Anyway, Anista is a golem or something. SP: And it sucks. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 11:30 AM FO: totally, checking out your options is the smart thing even if some of the options are horrible bullshit.  you wont know exactly how bad an idea they are if you dont check FO: i usually bring up the worst idea first when im tryin to solve my own problems, just so i can cross it off the list... FO: that does suck.  i could tell there was something going on in her, but ive got no idea whats in there. FO: was she always a golem? Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 11:34 AM SP: I think so. I'm guessing a little bit on that part. Context says probably, because I did a thing and almost got wiped so she got replaced with a Brand New Anista Golem that functioned like she used to, meaning that she's acting like a full person again instead of a zombie. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 11:53 AM FO: uh, yikes FO: you okay there? FO: and who or what replaced her? Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 11:55 AM SP: I'm... uh, yeah. SP: It's just a thing. SP: As for the who/what in charge of replacing her, I'm not quite sure. They're a lot bigger than me, but I'm not willing to say "horrorterror" without evidence. I'm not experienced enough to tell. So, for now, it remains a mystery. SP: If you meant "what is she now" then the answer is "a seemingly normal troll who is constantly keeping tabs on me and probably ready to dropkick my pan at the slightest provocation." flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:01 PM FO: misc eldritch thing #1 it is FO: yikes, thats p shitty FO: if i ever catch you acting different, do you want to give preemptive permission for me to sneak over and try to return you to this state? FO: or like, to come check and make sure any changes are Legit Things You Wanted And Are Fine With Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 12:03 PM SP: That would be pretty great, if you don't mind. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:04 PM FO: fuckin anytime, dude, ill set myself a timer to peek at your blog once a week.  make sure to delete the logs of this convo in case she peeks at your computer FO: okay so, something happened, and she wound down enough that she stopped working.  but then something else happened, and now shes back. FO: is she winding down again, or is she going to stay at full capacity? FO: did the thing that put her together like this get distracted and wander off forever, or did it wander off and then come back? Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 12:10 PM SP: There is no evidence suggesting that she is in a state of decline, presently. She was fine and seemingly normal for the entirety of three sweeps before she turned into the zombie fake-o person. My current hypothesis is that she... wears out? Like a timer, or an old battery or something. SP: The thing that did this obviously isn't hanging out 24/7 or I probably wouldn't be me already. I think Anista-Golem is like a watchdog or something for whatever-the-fuck eldritch doodad the first. SP: A lot of that is gonna be speculation; I don't know much about the big guy. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:14 PM FO: yeeahh...(edited) FO: yeah you need out of there dude FO: and you need out of there in a way that they wont notice FO: so i can see why the death thing is a thing FO: i wish id known about this while you were still seery, then i coulda asked some questions an gotten pokey about a lotta fuckin FO: theres a lotta unknowns here and a lotta things that Could branch how this goes If they are true FO: ... shit is p whack, friend.  anythin i can do to help i will Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 12:18 PM SP: Thanks, Terrible. I really do appreciate it. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:22 PM FO: this one time my life sucked total ass, and someone was nice to me at exactly the right time.  and i decided that maybe being nice to people wasnt stupid, and that it was nice that there were people like that around.  so i decided to be someone like that. FO: this shit is exactly why. Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 12:23 PM SP: It's a good attitude, in my opinion. I prefer to help people when I can. SP: Before I go on about my plan to get out of here, there's a bit more to this yet, of the things I know. SP: One of the reasons I trust my death-note-suggestion from the future-past is because, like I said, I almost got wiped. SP: If I hadn't been all godly when it happened, it might've worked. Probably would have. SP: Anyway SP: I was getting erased, or blocked, or something (gross and weird) because I was messing with a mind wall (maybe?) and I got caught. SP: So maybe I need to disconnect from whatever I'm tethered to. SP: It's what I'm guessing, anyway. I'd prefer not to do the dying thing, obviously. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:24 PM FO: B( FO: yeah, obvs. FO: im guessin you respawned once, but also dont remember parts of the anon? FO: is there other stuff that feels not solid? FO: the healer chick would need a small piece a you but hair or blood would probably do it, and she could rez you from a distance on command after that.  shed just need to know when Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 12:41 PM SP: Most of the not-solid is from my memories. I don't remember a lot of stuff, it seems. Other stuff has to do with Anista and the generator. SP: Oh wait. SP: The generator. That's an okay idea. In tandem, not separately. SP: I'd need to put Anista out of commission for a bit though. Hm. SP: Can you tell me a little about the healer lady? I trust you, but I've never spoken to her I don't think. Is she a God Tier as well? flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 12:43 PM FO: yeah.  shes a meenah, Meenah Peixes FO: long story short she lives in sparks's universe, and she's kinda low key and staying out of the spotlight.  does a lotta bakin, some healin for pay. FO: shes kinda mercenary but i think she cares about dudes once they catch her interest, which most dont FO: the universe shes in has legal limes, crimsons, and wings, and no caste system, so theres no problems on the mutant front FO: i could vouch to be there and supervise 100% of the rez process if you trust me enough for that an itd help any Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 1:00 PM SP: I don't know if that will help any, but I appreciate the offer and I'll keep it in mind. SP: I considered whether or not, as a Prince of Mind, you'd be able to bust shit up so I could skip the not-being-alive part, but that seems less likely to work and more likely to get you smooshed by the eldritch fucko. SP: Besides this stuff, I'm trying to convince a pal of mine to go off-world with me before they fuck up and start a sgrub session. SP: None of my timeframes are defined, so it all feels kinda like it has to be done immediately. Am I gonna get wiped? Is my friend gonna blow up this Alternia? I don't know what's happening first. SP: I think I'm rambling now, sorry. SP: More useful thing, practical type. Do you know the charging rates on resurrection? SP: Which is a funny sentence, by the way. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 1:04 PM FO: fightin an eldritch fucko would be a heck of a fight, but its one id give a go.  ive done it before, ive pulled that kinda shit outta dudes heads.  theres a big variance on how big an individual eldritch fucko happens to be though, so its a thing to take super fuckin seriously before blunderin straight into FO: if anybody could cut a mind connection, id probably be able to though FO: ramblin makes sense, and bein in a hurry makes sense too.  why is your friend on the verge of startin a sgrub session?  do they like, know not to? -- flippinOptimist began sending file : meenahsfliersarefuckinweird.pdf --  (( a 2-page document, where the first is a classy menu for baked goods with a catering section at the bottom, and the second is a matching menu for healing by injury type with a 'special requests on case by case basis' section at the bottom.  It lists reviving as a special request. )) FO: i think she bases it partly on what a dude can scrape together, but idk FO: theres a chance sparks might be willin to help (or meddle) for free, but hes got an M!A rn thats fuckin up his ability to do things Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 1:17 PM [ sanessPsuede downloaded meenahsfliersarefuckinweird.pdf ] SP: Oh hey, great, thanks. SP: I don't know how close she is to starting one, because she's not answering any of my messages. SP: I'll probably have to hunt her down in person. I figure she can't start a game if I get her out of the zone for a bit. SP: Maybe delay the inevitable. SP: Fex is a cool dude. You and he have some stuff in common there. SP: I haven't been able to tell my friend not to yet, obviously. I don't think she took it seriously when I told her about it before. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 1:23 PM FO: good luck delayin it, an talkin your friend outta it FO: sgrub is somethin you can make the best outta, f you get stuck in it, but uh FO: a lot of it sucks real bad Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 1:27 PM SP: It's probably more efficient SP: to see if dying works SP: rather than engaging in a risky conflict unprepared SP: Side note! SP: Thoughts on how to break a mental connection to a thing that is not a person? SP: Like the Anista puppet or a wall. SP: If there's not a mind, can there even be a link? flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 1:41 PM FO: efficient isnt really a good word when somebodys life is on the line, and id still risk it.  its more about whats most likely to work i think. FO: i think worrying about whether or not something is a person is more of a soul / heart thing FO: if it has a mind, thats close enough FO: theres plenty of bugs that are too simple for me to be able to get a read on FO: and a couple a computer programs that are almost something enough, that i cant quite reach FO: but i peeked at her and saw that she existed and that there was stuff, if i was careful enough i might be able to unplug somethin FO: i think info processing and the ability to choose between outcomes is the big thing.  ideally in some kind of.. complex..ish way, naut just a simple if statement Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 2:07 PM SP: What about a literal wall? Something completely mindless. Could something eldritch-y make a connection to it? flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 2:11 PM FO: never seen one!  one way to find out though B) Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 2:22 PM SP: :D SP: Okay, I'm gonna see about getting in touch with Meenah. No point waiting around. SP: It's efficient, and probably more effective. SP: I'm not inclined to gamble with more than my own neck if I can avoid it. SP: Risk to result ratio says dying is the way to live SP: while causing the least amount of harm, probably flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 2:25 PM FO: if youre sure dude FO: for what its worth, if you go into a death knowin its comin and bein okay w knowin youre (probably) comin out the other side, its naut as aaaaaaaaAAAAa as it is when its a surprise and also a big upsetting disruption FO: its still kinda A Fuckin Thing, but FO: its possible to get over it, more n most ways of death comin by Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 2:29 PM SP: Okay, I'm not really sure, but the alternative worries me a lot and putting other people at risk jangles my moral compass pretty hard flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 2:30 PM FO: man, if you ever godtier, you're definitely gonna run into problems w the heroic thing Saness (sanesspsuede) - Today at 2:35 PM SP: Just means I'd be a normal dude with super powers. One life, one death. Seems fair. SP: And sucky. SP: No thank you, Sgrub. flippinOptimist[WIR] - Today at 2:43 PM FO: yeah, p much.
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a-memoir-of-me-blog · 7 years
more systemic things! YAY!
This was about the reaction to cutting PP (but there is more on this somewhere and opinion did shift a little)
-x: thanks for being educated!!
-Me: like bro….reversing roe v wade...cant just be me thinking this???
-x: yeah. Youre right about that. Honestly going to be a crazy 4 years
-Me: srsly. Smfh
-x: hope for the best (do the best!!) but expect the worse (and always have a plan!! And backup!!!) nothing we can really do about it (yes we can…) but just live in this era. Everyday in our lives cant be sunny (yes it can…)
-Me: sadly
-x: mishaps like trump has happened and its something we have to live with
-Me: idk. We will see what happens
-x: wouldnt be surprised if war occurred (we’ve been at war for all history of US….lol. And the cold war with russia is happening). The vast majority can just play the waiting game now. Like us (lol not me…)
-Me: and lol we fund private prisons but dont even care about the future. We dont care about prevention and we have to deal with the issues that arise because we are cheap in avoiding things and spend like mad trying to defend emptiness. Like i hate how america thinks so short term. Like yeah..short profits in this time...but do we not realize the damage we will need to spend in the future that is greater than the money we got in profit…..like yo. If we become even more populated becasue of this and people who wanna get an education instead of being stuck with a child and having to go into work and not go to school….(but honestly….with school and prevention and all that on the rise...educated people=smaller growth pop rate…) and their kid will never see their parent bc they are working all the time to just get means of survival (anbd again, they are very vulnerable to the corruption and dont know what is good or bad) and then on top of that, they will also still struggle bc taxes will be thru the roof for yet again, more useless and not beneficial short term stuff and the minimum wage cant even get them thru and then that will also cause the child to act out and the cycle repeats...and if they do make abortion illegal (which they cant) then babysitting and daycare services should be more available and not pricey (even free) while their parent(s) get a better education for themselves and therefore their family.
-x: selfishness and greed plays a big part in our society. Within the past three years ive seen the “real world” and its truly sad. We live in a world where capitalism plays a big role. But as humans i guess we will always have a sort of hierarchical system in place. Lets take for example electric company like conedison or national grid (lol what…)
-Me: its like the powerful, the privileges, the elite. They all need someone to be at the bottom to help keep the cycle going (its not a pyramid...its a cycle….in nature...in everything….). This pyramid is so outdated and immoral. And honestly, all we do is follow business cycles. Like the nature of things are all in circular motion and keep going, ups and downs and sides and all that, and it translates into human thought, human behavior, and therefore the world we live in with all the material there (made by us..a cycle…). Up for a little. We crash. And thru it all, distract the vulnerable and the underprivileged, and then use them as a profit while we leave them suffering even more. And then we will want to innovate because we see the consequences of our wrong doings. Then watch the “system” crack on itself because the people who make the system run stopped it all. We stop the system, the system doesnt stop us...only if we let it. Then, because we are the system, then the system breaks here and there, and the whole chain reaction happens and it keeps happening because majority dont realize it. That they are letting themselves be used, instead of using the system to their advantage.   Its always happening. But the woke...the ones with the force….of good will and good intent and love...they are the ones going against it and spreading it and waking everyone up.
-x: electricity is as free as free can be yet we pay for things like that (because its an incentive...it has “power” and “motivates” us, also some are also paid for bc we need to pay for the costs of labor, time, environment, etc…). I have a dishwasher who is a great man but also an ex felon. On our break he helped a homeless man set up an outlet on the streets using a lamp pole. I didnt think it was possible, but that was an eye opener.
-me: the powerful hates those who rise from the ashes that were caused by the powerful burning them down
-x: there are certainly “simple fixes” but to have a world where every single person will agree on the same idea will be inevitable
-me: i wrote stuff about this in english this term. I loved it lol
-x: it’ll be too late and the world would probably end before that happens (no it wont (:)
-me: its what made me so interested in it. Also prisons need to be reformed
-x: lol. Thats good! Its things we should be thinking about. And yeah prisons (culture in general and society) should be reformed. The amount of money put into prisons are ridiculous
-me: children should learn how to negotiate and argue on facts. Thats why education is so important. I cant stress it any more
-x: i had a discussion about school tuition and how much it takes to keep a prison open. Lol. i know what my parents feel now. Newer generations are just being baby fed everything (good or bad! And we just take it all! Like we are literally allowing them to fuck us over). More and more people dont really know what “hard work” is. But parents are to blame for that too. Since they started from 0 and want the best for their child (yeah and when we are being given all those things and they are getting older, then we need to be giving them things, bc they are going to reach 0 again too….death. And its not like its bad for us, because we are still gonna be able to live and get that back….but it is also the older ppl who are also very greedy and just want and want and dont even thank. As if they were entitled for it just bc they gave….like no…..i give because i want to….not because u deserve it…)
-me: our corrections system sucks too. Our military and police system sucks too. Our education sucks too (well...our own fault  because we let it go to waste). Thats why the RIGHT education is the solution.
-x: lol. I can agree with that. Honestly in this era you dont even need to go to school. You can take the easy route which would be finish hs or just a GED, take a course for a certain certificate and move up in that particular company. As you move up, work experience will beat any degree (right...but if you can do that...and school...and extracurricular….NO ONE can beat you. You did that for yourself and it will reward you. Just know what youre beating yourself up for.)
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