#its had a rough life
awkwardlyaaron · 7 months
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I finally fixed my towel that's been slowly ripping in half for the past year! Granted i used a sewing machine I'm still stoked about how it turned out
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rugwurm · 1 month
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in which dima visits the beletskys apartment
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
ayo guys guess what time it is again :)) 💜💜
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 41-46
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hehe finally scrambled brain enough to be able to catch up and cultivate makes me go 🥰🥰😌🤗😊😊
cultivate of course by @neonghostcat beloved
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cd-spoida · 9 months
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I offer you a glitchy world Sun and DjPumpkinMan to start this spooky month off
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Below is just two other version of the sun drawing- I couldn't pick which version I liked more so might well just throw all of em here
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daily-grian · 1 year
Talk about space...
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0rchidm4ntis · 11 months
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abtheb · 1 year
April 28, 2023
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Despite everything, it's still you.
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nyanfish · 4 months
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its still cold enough for wintery stuff right? right..?
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daily-lightbulbii · 2 days
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(//i don't normally do text but cw in the tags erm. i went a little off track)
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artiststarme · 1 year
The Up and Downs in the Life of Eddie Munson
The other one didn't seem angsty enough and I am in a mood. Grab your tissues, my friends!
Eddie knew he was never going to amount to anything, Munsons never did. For him especially though, it wasn’t written in the stars that his life would be for naught. The universe and fate were against him from the get-go. His life was on a downward slope since the day he was born. 
On that one freezing night in December, Mary Munson was rushed to the emergency room to deliver a premature baby boy. After four hours of excruciating labor, a C-section was performed and baby Edward Munson was born (he would later joke that he’d never been in a vagina a single moment of his life). He had to stay in the NICU for weeks until his preemie lungs were strong enough to handle the cold of the Indiananian winter. Less than a month old and Eddie was already the biggest burden to his parents. Old Richie Munson had to find extra work to pay off the extensive medical bills and he took it out on his wife. 
Poor Mary struggled on her own to take care of Eddie. He was a colicky baby so when he did go home from the hospital, he kept his mom up all day and night with wailing cries. She had no choice but to turn to drugs to escape the torments of being a young mother with a raucous baby and an absent husband. He was only seven years old when he found her body in the kitchen. She’d done heroin that was laced with fentanyl and her abused heart never stood a chance. 
When he was eleven, his dad got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and armed burglary. He’d been trying to put food on the table for Eddie after losing his job and had gotten too sloppy through desperation. When the nasally and overworked social worker dragged him away from his dad in the visitation room, he thought he was going to be placed in foster care. Instead, his bald-headed and knobby-kneed self was plopped onto the trailer porch of his dad’s estranged brother. 
The man introduced himself as Uncle Wayne and he might have been the best thing to happen to Eddie. He didn’t hit him when he got frustrated like Eddie’s dad did. He didn’t turn to drugs and alcohol when he threw a tantrum like his mom had. Instead, Uncle Wayne was patient. He didn’t get mad at him when Eddie flinched away at physical touch or when he didn’t talk for the first six months of moving to Hawkins. No, Wayne earned his trust and looked out for him from the very first moment he laid eyes on him. He was a good guy and an even better uncle. 
That’s why it hurt so much to leave a dead girl in his trailer for him to find when he got off shift. Over Spring Break, his potential that was steadily declining rapidly accelerated. He went from being the weird, gay, metalhead teenage loser that no one liked to the serial killer of three fellow high school students that couldn’t graduate and led a cult in his free time. He ran away from the murder of a girl that had been nice to him and started getting hunted by the Hawkins townsfolk in a ridiculously uncoordinated witch hunt. He almost certainly wasn’t going to graduate this year, not from the inside of a prison cell because that’s where he was headed. 
And all of that doesn’t even mention the demon from another dimension that chose to paint Eddie as a scapegoat. ‘86 really wasn’t his year. 
Nothing has ever gone right for Eddie in his life and he knew it never would. So when he saw an opportunity to save his young friend and the rest of the world, he jumped on it. He couldn’t protect Henderson from inside the trailer with the bats prying themselves through the vents. He had to go out and fight them. Eddie knew as soon as he saw the swarm that that was how his life would end. If Steve Harrington, god among men, couldn’t hold his own against them, what chance did he have? Like an answer to his own prediction, the bats attacked. They tore through his chest and ripped his skin as if it were paper. The blood that gushed from his wounds bathed Eddie in warmth quickly followed by an empty numbness. When all of the bats fell from the sky, Eddie had the brief thought that just like all of his other suffering, his death would be for nothing too. 
The next moments passed in a haze, his body was going into shock. Dustin cried and begged him to get up. Harrington pulled him into his arms and sprinted for the gate. The girls yelled in the background of it all. And Eddie slipped away from the world that had only ever looked down on him.
He awoke in a drab white hospital room. His body felt heavy but he could move and he could feel his heart beating, his lungs breathing. Eddie was confused as all hell but he was alive. When he looked to his right, he saw Steve Harrington lounging in the uncomfortable hospital chair, head tilted unnaturally with drool dripping from one side of his mouth. For the first time in Eddie’s entire life, things started to look up.
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes
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crocodelics · 11 months
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Coming to terms with it
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wafflesinthesky · 11 months
did i cry from the bear fx season 2 episode 7 Forks (richie's episode)? maybe.
"2-seconds-post-watching" analysis under the cut
just the way that Richie finally felt loved and wanted working in the restaurant, like we've seen since the beginning of the season that he feels like he's at a stage of his life where everything and anything is too late for him, the people he loves are dead (mikey) or getting engaged to other people (tiff (ALSO SORRY THE GILLIAN CAMEO? I GASPED) and even tho he loves carmy he can tell he's getting on his nerves so right now the only person he has who needs him is eva and even she's gonna have a new father now so he starts off at this kind of rock bottom of "i have no one and no one wants/needs/cares for me" and at first this is cemented by the fact that he's 45 shining forks and no one knows his name or cares and theres this tug of war between the potential he feels he has and the way that people see him
BUT THEN the episode goes on and we see how much of a people person he is and the childlike giddiness he feels getting to serve customers and make their day because he feels like he matters, he feels like he's making a difference, he's affecting them all for the better, he has a PURPOSE
AND THEN we see him jamming to taylor swift by himself - he doesn't even need eva - because he's beginning to find himself again and see his own value as an individual, not just as a father or as an ex or as a "cousin" or even as a fork-shiner but as a person interacting with people whether directly or indirectly but making people's days better (this is not my best explanation but my brain is working a mile a minute so bear with me here)
AND FINALLY he talks to chef terry (IM SORRY OLIVIA FREAKING COLEMAN??? ALRIGHT SURE) and its all cemented. everything he's been learning from this place is cemented when she tells him the story of how she created the restaurant - it's never too late to start anew, to start fresh, to try again - and this sense of hope just cements itself into him of "i can and will go up, it's not over until i say it's over"
purpose man, purpose
SIDE NOTE: seeing this post from s1 is so perfect like episode 7s are about richie. he tries so desperately hard to prove to everyone that hes worth someone that hes not a loser that he has purpose and MY GOODNESS THIS SEASON IS SO GOOD IT'S WOVEN BEAUTIFULLY AND I LOVE IT
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
hi again i ranked every parent i could think of in rezero based on parenting skills + how much they give a shit
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#i forgot to add the dude thats now married to garf's mom but he would go in 'seems alright'!!#ALSO LIKE GARFS MOM... THE POOR WOMAN.... SHES LIVED SUCH A ROUGH LIFE LAJSLDFJ I HOPE SHE'LL BE OKAY... but also yeah um. rip fred and gar#bc their mom dipped. like to find garfs dad yeah but like. girl :((( but also the implications of How she had fred is. :((( honestly. maybe#for the best that that woman lost her memories.#fribal (theresias uncle) is only ranked that high bc he at least shows REGRET for his actions.... he apologizes to theresia as he dies..#the juukuliuses all seem like they were alright. rip daisy and klein though they died in that flood when julius was a kid ;-;;;#alviero is only present for like one scene in a side story but like. he seems alright. he def cares given he and his wife took in julius#after julius's parents died. and also alviero and maria have been taking care of joshua and julius... so they DO care but i dont think#alviero was perfect just judging off of. you know. how julius and joshua have turned out lajdslfjs. alviero is so gaslight gatekeep girlbos#and like overly concerned with how he comes off to others that you can see where joshua and julius got that shit from HAH.#heinkel is only up that high on the list bc felix's parents and roswaal exist. like its very hard to beat that LMAO T^T#and yeah rem and rams parents did not give a shit about either of them ngl.#rezero#WAIT I FORGOT TO COUNT RYUZU. SHOULD I HAVE COUNTED RYUZU?? PROBABLY RIGHT???
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anamelessfool · 1 month
Random cute asks: 🦋&🍿
Cute Asks (thank you!) link here
🍿Last Movie:
Dune 2 holy hell it was gorgeous...just....wow. wish I could see it for the first time again
🦋Guilty Pleasure Music:
It's a Genre for me-- Yacht Rock. I fucking love that shit. Player, Gordon Lightfoot, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald, Harry Nilsson..... Damn I specifically love this fucking song but oh my god Benny Mardones that first line.....you are a goddam creep bro I'm calling the cops after this
This says a whole fucking lot about me and my taste in men i guess
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seventh-fantasy · 4 months
remembering tonight "变得不适应因为它们原本来自江河大海 世上本不应该有池塘" (said by a monk character) and thinking about the sea being repeatedly suggested to be the place with the last traces of lxy - and llh - in this world
#rough tl: 'they found themselves out of place bc they came from the rivers and sea. there ought not to be ponds in the world to begin with'#(it's just going home)#lz 1994 is not a perfect film to me but it's got some banger lines that GET IT.#once again this is not anything new i'm saying about lhl/llh but everyday i ruminate and think. oh they understand OKAY.#they know what they're doing. it's all in the narrative and the motifs#mainstream cnet reading of lhl/llh has always taken a buddhist lens. and thinking about that one cfan who specifically said chan/zen:#the journey of liberating yourself is. smth you can attain in ordinary mortal life but it's also smth that warrants continuous reiteration#it rings so true to lxy's life. you think you've shed pretensions of your old life and indeed you have gained new perspective and clarity#until it stops serving you and you realise it's not enough and it's time to move again#if the idea of llh is built on the denial of the idea of lxy#then towards the end of the show lxy realises this distinction is one-sided and imagined#if what 'llh' had offered to him is the taste of liberation and freedom then clearly it had run its course. face it. it's time to move#he experiments with his identities like he experiments with his cooking. the last one's alr good enough. why stick to it#anw there's no coherence in this post. just tacking thoughts all to this like a board so that i'll eventually write a proper post. maybe#lhlmeta#lhl#my posts#GOOD NIGHT IT'S 2AM jfc not again
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weenhands · 8 months
thinking about how good i would be doing in school had it not been for my poor mental health. i genuinely love learning so much and even considered going back for another degree sometime in the future, but i can't manage mental health and school so that passion to learn never shows. i didn't even get into the program i wanted because my grades in highschool suffered under poor mental health but watevs lol
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