#its killing me im actually vibrating
tfshouldidohere · 11 months
sick? ill? in need of medication? who? not me.
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carcarrot · 7 months
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'Spark-ling Russ Writes To You': A collection of writings from Russell Mael's weekly column in Mirabelle magazine, 1974, pt. 1 (pt. 2)
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impala-dreamer · 1 month
Temptation & Consequences
A Short Story
~Jensen has been busy all weekend at the convention, leaving little time for fun with his girl. Luckily, Y/N knows how to get his attention... and more...~
Jensen Ackles x F!Reader
2,176 Words
Warnings: NSFW, Dom!Jensen, sub!Bratty!Reader, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Kinda rough(ish) sex, Delicious.
A/N: Another block off my @jacklesversebingo board. The prompt was "temptation". Also written for Kym who wanted some hair pulling. Hope you all enjoy!
JacklesBingo Masterlist
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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His phone buzzed.
He couldn’t hear it, but he felt it vibrating in the front left pocket of his tight jeans.
Ignoring the alert, Jensen stepped up to the mic stand and reached for it, tipping it up slightly so that it was aimed at his lips. He smiled and the crowd swooned. That was all it took- just a flash of a grin and a sweep of green eyes and the whole room fell to its knees. It was too much power, and inevitably fleeting, but he loved it just the same.
Another alert shook against his thigh and Jensen’s attention was pulled away from the purple-haired teen who was timidly inching closer to asking her actual question. He knew who was texting and it was all he could do not to sneak a peek at his screen.
“...And yeah, so I just wanted to say thank you. My mom and I really love Supernatural.”
Jensen smiled and nodded in thanks. “Your mom?”
The girl blushed. “Yeah. She made me watch.”
The cell buzzed again.
Jensen pursed his lips and narrowed his gaze at the girl. “Your mom,” he said again, making the front row snigger. He raised a brow and acted offended. “How old are you?”
He sighed heavily and rubbed a hand across his forehead. “I am so old…”
The crowd laughed and the girl hid her face.
“I’m sorry!”
Jensen shook his head. “Fourteen,” he echoed. “Sheesh. Who’s your favorite Winchester?”
The girl chewed her lip and bashfully leaned into the microphone.
“Well?” Jensen grew comically annoyed.
She cleared her throat. “Sam.”
With great flare, Jensen tossed his hands up into the air and spun away.
As the audience enjoyed the theatrics, Jensen’s pocket vibrated twice and he gave in, dragging it free from his jeans. While the room was distracted, he checked the messages and his pulse raced.
‘You look so fucking hot today, J.’
‘that shirt is killing me. The buttons… your huge arms…’
Jensen looked up at the crowd, his cheeks beginning to burn.
‘Need your big cock in my mouth’
‘Or right here…’
He scrolled down to the last message and was met with a close up of Y/N’s bare tits. Her nipples were hard, her skin creamy and begging to be touched.
With a thick swallow, Jensen closed the messages and stuffed the phone back into his pocket.
“This is why I don’t do panels alone!” he joked, swinging back toward the mic.
Fans came and went, questions flew around his head. There was nothing that he hadn’t been asked before and he was able to phone it in well, all the while thinking about his own phone. Two more texts came through but he refused to look at them, knowing Y/N was just upping the ante by teasing him some more.
“Who would win in a fight, Soldier Boy or Dean?”
Jensen laughed at the question as if he’d never heard it before. He had.
Another buzz.
He scratched a hand down his cheek and grabbed his phone, looking quickly before jamming it into his back pocket.
‘Hurry. Im starting without you’
A photo of her fingers against her thighs, tips poised and ready to dip into the sweet honey between.
He hissed a breath in and then let it out slowly, pretending to ponder the question. Finally:
“Well, obviously Soldier Boy is a supe, so he’s stronger…”
The crowd was divided, half cheering, half booing. Jensen held up his hands and called for patience.
“That being said,” he growled into the mic, “Dean is a genius and he’s always got a plan. I think he could kick a little ass before goin’ down, don’t you?”
Half a smile from his plump lips pulled the audience back together and everyone, no matter which character they favored, cheered and had Jensen’s back.
He always won them over.
The final message came through and he glanced at the screen while the audience carried on. A photo of her wet fingers pulling at her juicy bottom lip greeted him. Her pink tongue was curled and ready to steal a taste and Jensen could all but hear her intoxicating moan.
He clenched his jaw, shoved the phone back in his pocket and slyly adjusted himself.
She was gonna get it.
He’d make sure of it.
Y/N was backstage when he stepped through the curtain. Phone in hand, she leaned against the wall, eyes heavily painted and staring as if he were the only thing she could see. She was dressed up for the convention, skirt short and boots tall.
Green eyes traipsed down her body, making her pulse quicken.
Jensen shook a few hands, chatted quickly with his assigned volunteer handler, and fake-smiled at everyone around him. He kept one eye on Y/N, glaring his disapproval and offering a stern warning.
She could run if she wanted to, but he knew she wouldn’t.
Pleasantries done, he pushed through the crowd and slowly walked towards her. She stood up straight as if pulled by puppet strings and bit her lip, scared but aglow with anticipation.
He dipped his chin and pointed at her with a solo finger, shooting an invisible bullet at the center of her. She shivered and he motioned quickly to the hallway.
Defiant, she stood frozen on the spot until his thick fingers curled around her upper arm and yanked.
Not a word was spoken.
Not until the door slammed behind him.
“You think you’re funny?” he asked, flicking on the light and illuminating the empty conference room. A long, highly polished table sat in the middle of the room, its chairs stacked against the blank back wall.
Jensen took a step toward her and Y/N countered, falling back a pace.
She swallowed hard and smiled. “I mean… I wasn’t trying to be funny.”
He sucked his teeth. “And what, exactly, were you trying to do?”
A tingle of fear soaked arousal ran down her spine and Y/N took another step backwards.
“Um… Just trying to… uh…”
“Get yourself in trouble?” he grit.
She shook her head teasingly slowly. “No…”
He loomed above her. “Get me hard on stage in front of everyone?”
She bit back a grin. “No?”
He lunged forward, grabbing a giant fistful of hair and tugging her around. She spun on the spot, guided by his firm grip, and held in a gasping cry.
“You wanted my blood to boil, didn’t you, little girl?”
She held her breath.
He pulled harder and her back arched.
“You wanted to get me so worked up that I’d have no choice but to take out all my frustrations on you.”
Jensen turned his wrist and wound her hair around his hand. Her neck lengthened and curved backward. He dipped his lips to her ear, growling deeply.
“Was that your plan?” He tugged again and she moaned. “Answer me.”
His breath on her ear sparked goosebumps along her throat. His voice made her tremble. The surge of pain he invoked traveled down to her cunt and she could feel herself drip.
She exhaled her reply. “Yes…”
A tiny smirk played upon his plump lips.
“Did you think you’d get away with it?” he teased, pulling her back to fall against his chest. The hand in her hair dropped to her throat and his fingers curled around the front. He didn’t squeeze, just kept his hand in place, letting her know that he could.
She knew it all too well.
“Did you think I wouldn’t punish you for all that teasing?”
She swallowed against his palm. “I… I knew you would.”
Jensen snaked his left hand around her waist and up to grab her breast. She whimpered, let her head fall back against him.
“Wanted you to,” she confessed.
He pinched her nipple and snapped his teeth by her ear. She shivered.
“You’re a bad girl, Y/N…”
Helplessly, she nodded. “I am.”
His fingers tightened gently around her pulse points and Y/N’s eyes fluttered. Her heart raced, her head became fuzzy.
“Such a fucking brat,” he hissed. His left hand slid down her front, tucked into the warmth between her thighs. He hummed darkly when his fingers slipped against bare flesh. “No panties, either?” He tapped on her slit. “You are asking for it.”
He teased her pussy, dragging his middle finger back and forth over the sensitive outer lips but never pushing inside. Y/N rolled her hips back and felt his cock, hard and trapped in his jeans.
She chewed her lip and wiggled her ass against him. “You gonna give it to me or do I have to go find someone else to help out?”
His voice deepened. His fingers squeezed a bit more. “Excuse me?”
Y/N laughed teasingly. “I don’t know, Rob’s looking pretty hot today… got that sexy beard going-”
With a shove from behind, the table came up to greet her and Y/N found herself face down on the polished top.
“You think so?” Jensen yanked her skirt up, exposing her ass and wet cunt.
“I always think Rob is hot,” she answered, pressing her luck.
Jensen opened his belt, ripped his zipper down.
“Especially with that stupid little hat…”
He’d had enough.
He clenched his teeth, kicked her feet apart, and grabbed her hips.
“Shut up,” he warned.
Y/N smiled into the cold wood. “The things I would let him do to me…”
“I said, shut up.”
Y/N opened her mouth to expand upon her lustful feelings for his friend, but Jensen forced a choked cry out of her instead.
In one unceremonious thrust, he was buried deep in her slick hole. Her pussy gripped him tight and Jensen inhaled hard and loud, his eyes snapping shut as lust and relief washed over him.
Y/N’s eyes rolled as he crushed into her from behind; the warm, solid mass of him pinning her to the table. She managed to push her palms up against her chest and lift her head, but his thrusts were quick and powerful, each forcing her back down onto the table.
“God, Jay-” Her voice crackled. Her breath stuttered.
His nails dug into her sides and Y/N moaned.
“Needed this so fucking bad,” she whimpered.
Jensen clawed at her ass and then slapped her left cheek hard.
She gasped but couldn’t move away. Moaned but couldn’t reach for more. She was desperately captive.
Another crack and she melted. Gentle pain spread like warm honey through her system and she relaxed, falling into his rapid rhythm.
His hips jerked faster, cock jabbed in deeper. She clenched around him, her body pulsing with edging pleasure.
Jensen growled wordlessly, lost in the moment. He bent his knees, dipped down and slowly stroked upwards.
Y/N hissed and clawed helplessly at the table. With nothing to hold onto, nothing to scratch, her nails slid across the smooth top and she shuddered. “Fuck! Please!”
Once more, he grabbed her hair; his palm pushing hard at the base of her skull. He twisted his wrist, yanking up a ponytail into his fist.
“Yeah? You want all this?”
He pulled and her back arched, lifting her chest from the table.
Her voice was shaking. “Y-yes!”
The web of pain mixed with his swift thrusts and Y/N came, her body squeezing him hard. Jensen let out a tight-lipped cry and slammed into her again and again, quickly following along.
“Fucking, fuck!”
When his hand relaxed, Y/N fell back down to the table and struggled to slow her breath. She could feel him stuffed inside, hesitant to back away.
“So good, baby,” she cooed.
Gently, he let himself fall over her and lean close to kiss her cheek. “Was, wasn’t it?” He grinned, toothy and punch drunk.
“Remind me to text you more,” she laughed as he moved away, releasing her from captivity.
He shook his head, tucked himself away. “Don’t even think about it.”
Green eyes were stern, but she knew he’d enjoyed himself too.
Spinning around, Y/N pressed up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. She licked into his mouth while sneaking a hand around to dig in his back pocket. Quickly, she withdrew his ever-present bandana. His cum was beginning to drip down her thigh and she needed to wipe it away before heading back out into the real world.
She took a step back with the kerchief and Jensen grabbed her wrist.
“I don’t think so,” he grunted, ripping the bandana from her hand.
Y/N startled and gaped up at him. “But- I gotta clean up-”
His teeth dug into his lip. He shook his head. “No. Leave it.”
Turning away from her, he shoved the handkerchief back into his pocket and headed to the door.
She gasped as his hand hit the knob. “Jensen! Someone might notice!”
Looking back over his shoulder, he cocked an eyebrow and shrugged. “Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it? Maybe next time, you’ll consider the consequences.”
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!) @alwaystiredandconfused @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @impalaspixie @jackles010378 @kazsrm67 @k-slla @leigh70 @lunaroserites @lyarr24 @nancymcl @nix-rose @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @sexyvixen7 @suckitands33 @the-wounded-healer05  
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as-i-watch · 3 months
Hey I know you’re busy and is very possible you don’t want to take time for this,
But would you consider ranking your favorite duos of the straw hats?
And im gonna make it a Top 10 just bc i can
Brase yourselves
10. Zoro + Sanji
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I dont even ship them but there's a reason why they are such a popular ship. They are very entertaining and you know when they go solo shits gonna happen
9. Brook + Zoro
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They dont have that many moments just the two of them but oh god they are good. They are opposites in the swordman spectrum
8. Luffy + Robin
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Problem and Problem Enabler. He has no braincell, she has them all. He is full of bad ideas and cero preservation insticts and she wants to fuck around and find out.
7. Franky + Robin
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6. Sanji + Usopp
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I dont ship it but i respect Sanuso shippers so much. Usopp being totally able to handle himself but chosing not to when Sanji is around just bc Sanji will always play into his knight in shinning armour ideal if given the chance. Usopp not being afraid to be the damsel in distress vs Sanji's frail masculinity, its so funny to me
5. Zoro + Nami
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Actual siblings. They will never tell eachother they love them, they fight like crazy but would kill and die for eachother without question. Himbo brother and Big Sister
4. Chopper + Zoro
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Zoro met Chopper and lit become the meme 'I've only had him for 24hs but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone in this room and then myself'. And Chopper? Chopper is the only reason Zoro's dumb ass is still alive today
3. Usopp + Luffy
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When they get together all their cells in their bodies vibrate in the same frequency. Nothing is serious, they will follow everysingle idiot impulse in their bodies just for fun.
2. Usopp + Nami
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They most BFF to ever BFF. They have the best time and support eachother throught the monster trio bullshit. Allies, siblings, partners in crime, fellow bitches.
1. These two meatheads
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There's absolute no other way around it. They cannot be left alone. They could set fire to the kitchen trying to open a can of food or overthrow a goverment in the same amount of time. Everything and anything can happen. There's no braincells ever, there's never been.
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deerlottie · 2 months
OKAY, SO, I DON'T THINK ANYONE HAS ASKED THIS BUT- HCS of proposing to the yjs? Like, would they propose or would reader propose. Also, how they would do it dhhshdhan
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lottie: FOR SUREEEE she would be the one proposing. i think she'd try sooo hard to be subtle, but you know in an instant because she's so fucking nervous 😭 also didn't hide the ring that well...it'd be on a trip to greece - idk the first thing that came to mind was a little sunset picnic by the beach near ur hotel, little makeout session which turns into her getting emotional and pulling out the ring. she'd go on a monologue for like 10 minutes about how lucky she is to have met you and be with you and wake up every day to kiss you :( I feel like she'd just love a quaint little wedding with all your guys' friends and some family. doesn't have to be huge but if that's something you want, shes more than happy to oblige.
jackie: YOU WOULD! her ass would be dropping hints that she's ready for marriage and would get SO excited when you make up the worst lie when you're going with shauna to go ring shopping LMFAO. you have to wait until she forgets about it because she's on edge Every Day. i think she'd LOVE the attention if you do it in public... telling her you wanna go on a simple walk and she starts to realize you're taking her to where you guys went on your first date :( proposing to her at the exact table you sat at too 😭😭 ohh she'd be a mess. it'd take her like 5 mins to stop crying and say yes.
shauna: she would!!!!! this is probably cliche and corny as hell but i can't stop thinking about her saying she bought you a book because it reminds her of you and when you open it, inside is a poem she wrote about how she feels about you :( she includes lines from her favorite books and at the end of poem is "please say yes." you're confused but she tells you to flip to the last page and there's a ring. she's holding her breath for what seems like forever until you say yes and shes so happy :(( tbh i can see her just wanting to get married secretly and the girls finding out about it when they see that huge ass ring she got you.
nat: you'd propose. but i could also see her being kind of upset she can't afford an actual ring for you so she gets you like a ring from one of those quarter machines or some shit 😖😭 but its soo sweeet. she actually pours her little heart out and maybe cries a little...(she'll kill u if u mention this to anyone) but as for you, a simple dinner proposal is just fine. doesn't even have to be fancy - it could be a pizza shop you two frequent a lot and she'd be content. you'd do it in such a cheesy (no pun intended) way tho 😭 "accidentally" dropping your fork and asking her to pick it up for you and when she's bent down, that's where you place the ring on her plate. she scoffs but she's so enamored >__< will also flaunt that ring like there's no tomorrow!!!!
taissa: she would :P she told you very early on in ur relationship that you shouldn't even THINK about proposing because she's gonna be the one to do it. im such a sucker for halloween/christmas themed proposals so im imagining her doing it with christmas lights and ur too busy staring at how pretty she looks to notice the letters spelling out something when you help her put them up. thinking of the word "you" not lighting up properly so it just spells out "will marry me?" and you're like HUH!!!!! but ofc you say yes, and she gets you the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous ring ever that matches with a necklace she bought for herself :(
van: they would!!!! im obsessed with the idea of them doing it in a movie theater 😭 using their connections to have it display "y/n, will you marry me?" during the end credits of a movie you went to go see. and you HATE staying for the credits, so it takes a Lot of begging from van to get you to sit ur ass back down. the lights turning into a warm red color and van's VIBRATING beside you with a huge grin on their face as their message pops up. Trust that the ring box would be themed to fit your guys' favorite movie like the little nerd they are.
misty: oh, she would...if it was acceptable, she would've proposed one week into your relationship. caligula would 100% be involved. when you arrive at misty's house, caligula is carrying a note in her beak telling you to meet misty at the park. you walk around with her for a while and feed the ducks with her until she takes you by this totally not suspicious guy who's playing romantic songs on his guitar, which definitely sounds like ur favorite song....she gets down on her knees dramatically before proposing 😭
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writingjourney · 1 year
Papa(i cant decide what number 1-4) : angry at his lover, because she avoids him..
Reader in her bedroom: p-please love...kill me i have a fever
(sorry for the link im too shy to send this ask as me, but i think its kinda funny)
ghosting | papa x gn!reader
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I could not decide on a Papa either, so I kept it as neutral as possible and (I hope) you can all imagine the Papa of your choice :) and anon, you need not be shy, I am so grateful for your ask <3
summary: your papa thinks you're avoiding him but once he finally finds you, he realises that he got it all wrong.
content: 2.5k words, sick care, some suggestive remarks, fluff mostly
masterlist – Ao3 link
✦ ✧ ✦ 
Papa scoffs into his afternoon coffee, nearly spilling the hot liquid all over his papal robes. Still nothing. He’s staring at his phone, the screen cracked from when it slipped out of his pocket while he fucked you on his desk two days ago. And yet he can clearly make out the two blue hooks indicating that you’ve read his message from this morning.
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What he also sees is that there is still no reply. Your silence, your absence, the uncertainty – it drives him mad. He is so used to having your undivided attention, seeing your name pop up on his screen with a frequency that keeps him from getting any work done as of late. Not your name, though, no. He saved you under “amore mio” a long time ago. Not that you’re aware of it just yet, but his feelings for you have long since surpassed mere lust and friendliness.
His mind constantly wanders to you. Knowing your schedule by heart, it is easy to imagine what you’re doing, what may have you so distracted. Right now, you should be helping in the gardens, sweaty and panting from the exertions in the warm afternoon sun. He knows how pretty you look like that, even more so when you’re sprawled out underneath him as he gets lost in the soft curves of your body. He yearns to lick the salty sweat off your heaving chest, to hear your whimpers as his lips leave not a single inch of your skin untouched.
Alas, he is stuck in his office, brooding over paperwork.
He’s trying hard to concentrate on the words in front of him, not to stare at his screen all day like a depraved, starving man. Impatient, he even set the phone to vibrate but despite knowing he’d get a notification if you texted him, he taps the screen every two minutes to check. Just to make sure he doesn’t miss it. 
Oh how he’s longing for even the most delicate touch, a simple kiss on his cheek as you tell him to take it easy today, your hand squeezing his across the table. You used to do that, visit him in his office at least two times a day. Not always innocent. Actually, very rarely innocent. He can almost hear the echo of you screaming his name for half the abbey to hear. And yet, you have not been anywhere near these four desecrated walls in almost two days. Not since the last time you were intimate with him.
Why won’t you reply? A flash of doubt and a pang of anger. Could you be getting tired of him? Did he come on too strong? If that were the case, you should tell him. He’s a busy man, you of all people know that, and yet here you are practically ghosting him, as the younger Siblings call it. By now it’s almost dinner time, you must have had a chance to at least type in a yes or no. Papa knows if he can’t see you tonight he is going to lose his mind. He needs the confirmation or he’ll be nervous and distracted for the rest of his day.
Generous as he is, Papa gives you another hour, finishing up the dreadful paperwork before he has a quick dinner of reheated pasta from the day prior. It tastes like nothing to him and the emptiness of his quarters only adds to his foul mood. His eyes are still trained on his phone, the battery still half full, unused with the lack of texting. The only time his screen lights up this evening it’s to remind him that his screen time has gone up by eighty percent over the past week. It seems like that’s an issue you’re solving for him right now.
Papa knows he cannot go another night without seeing you. He needs to confront you, ask if you really lost interest or if you just need more space. Whatever it is, having clarity will be easier to bear than silence.
Entering the dorms is always risky business. People gossip, someone is going to see where he’s knocking, and while everyone knows the two of you are… something, he’s not keen on everyone speculating about why you’re suddenly on cooldown.
But when he knocks, nothing happens. He repeats the motion, rapping his knuckles against the wood three times, louder now. Nothing. He hears music, some sort of electronic beats, the tunes wafting over from another dorm room. A party, surely. Yours however remains eerily quiet. In a last attempt to find out if you’re even home, he tries the door.
It is unlocked, so you must be home. For a moment he considers leaving again but then a painful thought hits him: If you’re home, not opening up… it means you’re avoiding him. Clearly. 
What crime did he commit to deserve your ignorance? His anger propels him to enter, despite knowing he’s invading your privacy. But he cannot go back to his quarters without confronting you, not when he’s already in such pain. He’s feeling the anticipatory grief over losing you and it’s all because he let his guard down way too fast, leaning into your kindness, your loving nature. He always had a feeling that this was too good to be true, that despite thinking this time would be different, he’d end up in pain. Everyone just wants the sex, the fun, not the commitment that being with a Papa, maybe even loving a Papa, meant.
Fiddling with the doorknob, he feels awful for even thinking these things. You never gave him reason to doubt you, but it is just so easy to slip back into his old insecurities. Certain that he’s just seeing ghosts, Papa pushes the door open silently.
Upon entering the small antechamber that leads to your bedroom, he hears you moaning. He hears the rustling of sheets, the mattress creaking. A loud fuck.
Papa stops dead in his tracks, nearly toppling over as a wave of nausea hits him. For a second, his worst fears and his deepest insecurities melt into one big gooey ball of panic. He wants to be sure that what you have is special, but you never openly decided to be exclusive, that you wouldn’t see other people. He’s been meaning to ask, to tell you how he feels… too late, it seems.
But no. He soldiers on. If anyone else dares to touch you, they will receive all of his demonic, unholy wrath. He has a whole company of ghouls who would love to get a taste of human flesh again, if need be. Papa opens the door to your bedroom, anxious but driven, ready to face whatever lies behind. And he does find you in bed like he expected, only… you’re alone.
You don’t even look up. Are you sleeping? The room is stuffy, curtains closed and all he hears is your whimpering.
“Hello?” he asks quietly, his heart hammering in his chest.
Your voice is barely audible. His anger turns into concern as he hurries to your side, sitting down at the edge of the bed. Immediately you reach for his hand in an attempt to squeeze, but it seems like you’re too weak to clench your muscles.
“Kill me, Papa. Release me from this torment,” you whine. “Please.”
“Tesoro, what is going on?”
You groan in reply, a sound only made more horrifying by the soreness of your throat. You sound like a dying animal and if he’s honest, you kind of smell like one too. He wonders how long you’ve been in this position.
“I am dying,” you whisper.
“What happened? Are you injured?”
He’s scanning your body but most of it is covered. Before he can pull away the duvet, you try to squeeze his hand yet again, this time with more vigor.
“S-sick,” you choke out. “The flu.”
“The flu?”
Papa ignores the bad conscience that’s settling in his mind and gives into his worry. He jumps up, opening the curtains and the window to let in some fresh air. You hiss like you’ve been burned, despite the sun already setting. Disregarding your complaints, Papa finds a thermometer and pain killers on your bedside table.
“We need to check if you have a fever, tesorino, can you open your pretty mouth for me?”
You giggle at his words. “I’m too sick for that, Papa.”
“You clearly have a fever if you think I’m going to laugh about this right now,” he states, removing his gloves and throwing them aside. His scowl is not in earnest, he’s not annoyed, of course, but he needs you to know your health is paramount.
“You’re so dramatic,” you whisper but you let him slot the thermometer between your lips anyway.
“I am dramatic? Who’s been locked inside their room like they have the plague without replying to my texts?” 
Papa presses the backs of his hands to your hot cheeks, acting like a mom who doesn’t trust the thermometer. You’re burning up, worrying him even more. Your skin is ashen, hair tousled, and he can see you shaking slightly.
At his words, your brow furrows. “I texted back,” you say, words muffled by the device in your mouth.
“You did not, amore. I have been wondering what I did to upset you so,” Papa admits. “I thought you were avoiding me. Ghosting me, as they say.”
Your eyebrows shoot up and as soon as Papa pulls out the thermometer, forehead scrunching up as he reads the 38.9°C, you start babbling.
“I was not, Papa. I would never. I was so sad I could not see you.” You swallow, groaning as the pain in your scratchy throat hits you. “Can you check my phone? I dropped it.”
Papa finds it under your bed. He lets you unlock it and you’re right, you did reply, only you never hit sent. I am sick in bed, Papa. I miss you too, but I would not want you to catch the flu. ♥︎
“I would never avoid you on you purpose,” you whisper, looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
He bends down to kiss your feverish forehead, feeling the heat against his lips. “I know that now, amore, don’t worry about it. I’m sorry I ever thought such a thing.”
“Amore?” you ask, grinning through a thick layer of haze. “That’s new, Papa.”
He can practically feel his cheeks turning rosy under his paint. “You know I like you, gioia mia, that is not new.”
“But amore is not just liking, right? It’s–”
“You have a fever, dolce. I need you to take the ibuprofen. Where do you keep your glasses?”
You pout at his interruption and with one last look at your puckered lips, he jumps up, avoiding not only your question but also the intense urge to kiss you. You’re in no condition to have a deep conversation right now. He searches the cupboards in your tiny kitchenette until he finds a glass he can fill with water. By the looks of it, you have not eaten all day, it’s far too clean.
“I don’t know if I can swallow,” you whine upon his return.
“We both know you’re very good at swallowing, amore. Open up.”
You frown without any real intensity and it’s an adorable sight, even in your messy, unkempt state. “I thought we weren’t joking about this.”
“It is allowed when I do it,” Papa says, practically shoving the pill into your mouth. “Drink, amore. You need liquids.”
You manage to swallow and the water feels like honey but only for a moment before the pain returns and your throat protests wildly. Even so, your mind still clings to his words.
“Papa,” you whine, reaching for his hand as soon as he’s set down the glass.
His mismatched eyes flicker to yours, still worried. “Yes?”
“You never answered.”
“We should talk about this tomorrow, sì? When you feel better.” At your sad expression he gives your hand a comforting squeeze. “I will go find some soup for you now, some other medication.”
“But I don’t want you to leave.”
“I will come back, dolce, you don’t make that pretty head worry too much, eh?” 
You whimper dramatically. “But what if I am dead by then?”
Papa sighs but it’s followed by deep chuckle as he playfully rolls his eyes at you. “You win, amore, I will text one of the ghouls.”
As soon as the text is sent, Papa closes the window again and starts to undress. From your position on the bed you’re watching him like a hawk, pulling a fuzzy blanket over your mouth to hide your grin. He can’t help but find it endearing and suddenly he feels even worse for assuming the worst today. Once he’s in his briefs and undershirt, he crawls into bed behind you, pulling you close. You’re a little sweaty, not exactly smelling fresh, but he doesn’t mind. Feeling your warmth, having you tucked against him, it’s all he really needs. 
And as his heart does a flip, racing thanks to your proximity, he gently cups your cheek. “Do you think you can give me a kiss, amore?”
“But you’ll get sick,” you whisper, the protest dying as soon as he tilts your chin up.
His lips graze yours, softly pressing in more and more until you melt against him. Even your lips are warmer than usual and he keeps it chaste, breaking away to look into your eyes again.
“Papas don’t get sick, eh?” He gives a tender kiss to your forehead, gently running his fingers through your hair before they settle on your back. “Now, you wanted an answer.”
Your look is pleading and it’s like your shining eyes are trying to lure the words right out of him. He wonders how he ever worried you may not feel the same when it’s written all over your face. His nerves start showing then, fidgety fingers drawing tiny patterns on your back, and he can feel your hands pressing into his chest, gripping at the fabric of his shirt.
“I love you,” he finally says. “You are my amore, my love. Tieni il mio cuore in mano. Please, I want to ask you to be mine.”
“I love you, too.” A big grin spreads out on your face. You lean in to kiss him again, softly moving your lips against his, and you stay impossibly close as you whisper. “And I am yours, forever, if you are mine.”
Papa smiles against your mouth and for a moment he forgets that you’re sick and kisses you harder. When he breaks away, you’re breathless, coughing softly, but he can tell by the happy look on your face that it was worth it.
“I am yours, amore,” he says. “I am yours forever, if Satan allows me.”
You settle against his solid chest, warm cheek pressed to the skin just above the neckline of his shirt. After today, your Papa vows to take better care of you, to trust you fully and cast any doubts aside as soon as they arise. And so he wraps his arms around you even tighter, whispering soft praises  into your hair until you’re finally asleep again, the only sound in the room your soft and even breathing.
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non vedo l’ora di baciarti – I can’t wait to kiss you
tieni il mio cuore in mano – you hold my heart in your hand
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yourbpdgf · 11 months
im starved for ayato kirishima content i genuinely do not care what the scenario or anything is just if you get any sort of inspiration involving ayato im begging olease
warnings? gore ig, sadism, choking (duh), spanking, fingering, face fucking, making out, hickies, mating press, rough sex, etc ?
it's no secret ayato kirishima is a sadistic man, actually it's a well known fact.
most could tell by how he carries himself and if they couldn't just by that they can definitely tell by the way he eats.
he doesn't kill the human first, oh no never, he plucks out each of its organs one by one and eats them infront of the victim as they scream and cry.
as for his explanation as to why he does?
"does it matter? they'll be eaten eventually anyway. it makes me smile seeing people in pain." ayato, nonchalantly, states.
unfortunately for you, or fortunately depending on what youre into, his sadism leaks down to his sex life as well.
which takes him to where he is now,
ayato has you facedown, bent over his lap. one of his hands around your throat and the other striking your ass as you struggled to count the amount of blows you recieved through choked breaths.
"ayaaa-" you choked out, "please stop! m'sorry baby, wont do it again!"
ayato laughed at your pathetic display as he graced you with an answer, "shouldve thought about the consequences before getting touchy with eyepatch, huh? i think you need a little more discipline."
"but i dont like ken, i like yo-"
"youre on first name basis?"
ayato seethed at your answer. so to add to the fact you were getting extreme touchy and flirting with eyepatch at the last aogiri meeting, youve also been getting to know eyepatch behind his back?
ayato made you interrupted yourself with a loud moan by inserting his two middle fingers into you, immediately building a fast pace. he made sure to stimulate your clit with his thumb, too.
ayato knows how to make you writhe and scream, and now hes gonna show you nobody can do it like he can.
"m'gonna cum! please dont stop!"
he pulls his fingers out right as you said that.
"why would you do that?!"
"fuck up." he pushed you off him, and stood up, pulling down his sweats just under his balls, "on your knees."
his tone was serious and commanding, it made you want to listen to him, and so you did. quickly, you got on your knees and opened up your mouth.
ayato smiled at your obedience, maybe youre finally learning a lesson.
he grips your hair tight as he slams you all the way down his cock. he started bucking his hips and shove you down on his dick at the same time, making you moan, the vibrations only added to his pleasure.
after a while of the same, ayato starts letting out little, airy moans. he started to buck his hips harder, throwing his head back and finally you felt an abundance of his thick, warm cum shoot down your throat. you swallowed.
by your hair, ayato lifted you to your feet. he kisses you roughly, passionately. he lets his tongue into your mouth and you beginnto suck, force of habit.
ayato pulls away in favor of leaving a trail of hickies down your jawline to your tits, pushing you onto the bed when he was satisfied with his artistry.
he grabs your ankles, holding them over your headas he lines himself up with your entrance. he bottoms out slowly, grunting at the feel of your velvety walls clench around his dick. he built a fast pace, free hand rubbing circles on your clit.
moans erupted from your mouth, whines fell from your lips, screams rang off your vocal cords. you couldnt take much more of this.
"need to cum, pleasee!!"
"fine. go ahead, fucking slut."
his degrade only made you cum harder, which in turn made him cum.
he'll let you enjoy yourself for a second, lull you into a false sense of security, before going for round 2.
i dont know why youd ever think this was over.
everything ?
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pinkcannibal · 11 months
Can you pls give us a small (or long, I won’t complain) list of small things you think reader finds attractive/sexy about Marilyn, and vice versa. Specific things like, the way reader doesn‘t kill spiders but instead tries to release them into the outdoors. Or the way she licks her lips whenever she’s trying to focus on an assignment. You get my drift? Also sidenote sorry, but which day do you think your new chap of your fic will be released? No pressure, just want to set a mental reminder for myself :)
oh this is actually so soft hi 😭 of course i can im vibrating at a frequency only dogs can hear at this ask do u know what you've done to my brain with this. (and new chapter will be out today! probably around 6pm EST. like im finishing it and editing it now as we speak but wont be able to upload til later in the day <3)
- reader loves when marilyn rolls her sleeves up while teaching. like it's such a simple, attractive quirk but she swoons watching marilyn gesture with her hands when she gets really into a topic during class
- same w her glasses fixing quirk. reader finds it so cute and charming <33 esp when she's gardening and they fall down her nose and she has to use her wrist to push them up bc of her gloves
- she adores that marilyn genuinely says goodmorning to her plants. and means it. like this milf waters them in the morning and not as a joke greets them like friends 😭
- finds it so hot when marilyn strap packs. like sorry i haven't added that to my fic yet but trust reader is indeed a slut for it to insane degrees
- reader loves how gentle marilyn is w like. everything. yes she's very dominant and controlling! but also she greets every stray cat on the street and says "oooh big stretch" and reader is like. heart eyes at it. and marilyn genuinely cares for her students and their education and gets so upset if a student of hers is failing or finding the workload hard (esppppp w readers education ofc like its so important to her) and that trait of marilyns is so attractive to reader
- reader lovessss marilyns laugh lines and hands. she is OBSESSED w marilyns hands like she finds them so pretty and attractive how veiny they are, and marilyn used to be self concious abt it but ever since reader first sighed wistfully "i love ur hands sm" marilyns learnt to love them more <3
- if reader thinks abt marilyns muscles for more than 3 seconds she'll fall to her knees. like girl get up!!! but she loves biting them softly during sex and feeling marilyns biceps flex while holding her. who knew this short plant teacher was so jacked. (reader didn't and she's so weak for it now)
- like u said in ur ask its real to me marilyn will literally get so distracted in class if reader bites her lip in concentration while working. sometimes nibbling on the tip of her pen and frowning adorably. marilyn lovessss it
- reader is so attentive and eager to learn abt what plants/potions marilyn makes even if its just them in her dorm. like reader takes notes Seriously as marilyn explains what she's doing and her genuine interest has this woman extremely heart eyes
- reader in a skirt does in fact make marilyn thornhill.exe stop working and I'll die on this hill
- loves that reader can't go to bed or fall asleep without saying "goodnight, I love you" like one time she forgot and woke marilyn up at 3am panicked like "oh god i didn't say i love you" and marilyns just like omg ur so cute.....
- reader does in fact pick up marilyns quirk of saying goodmorning to her plants and the first time she hears reader do it she feels her knees weaken <33
- marilyn loves how easy it is to make reader blush. and adores it when reader will tuck her hair behind her ear bashfully. it's so cute and endearing and such a small quirk but marilyns weak for it
- im trying to make this ask sfw but sorry i failed. marilyn loves that when they're having sex reader always has to be fisting marilyns hair or touching it. like it's canon in my fic reader loves her hair and how silky it is but to marilyn there's something so attractive to her that even when being fucked reader has to touch it <33
- ur so right for the bug thing 😭 reader always gently removes them from marilyns indoor plants and puts them outside. probably names them too. marilyns like "god i love u i'd kill for you. ask me to kill for you <333"
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poppy-metal · 23 days
this post is dedicated to u actually i just think u would like this patrick and also u put me onto nasty gross patrick and now i need him😛
im goinf to kill myself i feel myself vibrating i need to be smothered by him the innate urge to be bullied by patrick and subjected to his stink i could roll in it like its a field of flowers just put his balls on my forehead and rub my face against them need his sweaty muscles pinning me in place and wrestling me into submission and and and
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bigassmoth · 7 months
Dazai Osamu does not have a breeding kink with a longterm s/o. Hes got other ones though
R18 below
He doesnt have a breeding kink. Osamu doesnt have any interest in having kids, reminding him of it during sex would probably a turn off. Kids are annoying and fragile and he would fuck them up too quick.
To Osamu theres nothing sexy about the image of you pregnant, that just means you are now creating new life (barf) and your body is expending energy and resources to do so.
While Osamu is very possessive, he doesnt view pregnancy and children as a way to have access to you. Theres no "youre mine" aspect in it for osamu just because you carried his progeny- he would actually think that the relationship was even more precarious because of course the child will come first.
He practicess his obsession with you in other ways. Bites and hickies on your neck and chest, vibrators held under the hood of your clit or to the slit of your dick, coaxing orgasm after orgasm from you until you are lax against his body.
"You are so sweet like this. I could keep you here forever- I should keep you here forever." His words are honey and sin. This is typical roleplay- him having you cuffed and displayed for his use over hours. But when he says things like that he means it. "If someone else tried to do this to you I would kill them", "if you can make yourself cum by riding on my thigh then i will let you outside again", "im going to borrow your lipgloss, youre not allowed to wipe it off no matter how ticklish you feel. I want you to feel tingly and sticky all day, knowing that i will lick it off when you get home."
He purposefully teases and annoys you so you scorn him in public-anything to get his name on your tongue. When you do sometimes snap at him with an even-toned "Osamu..." as a warning to stfu, he is smug and puffed like a pigeon. For you he can play the part of an obedient guard dog
You arent the only one accessorized with leather, dazai loves a leash and collar on himself. Maybe even more than when its on you. Pull his leash, run your finger between the leather collar and his skin, fidget with the gaurish bright pink [Y/N]'s heart shaped id tag. He always melts under your praise and attention but this creates a specific kind of fire in his gut. If he is your beloved pet then its his job to protect you, right? No one else gets to see you vulnerable, no one else gets you obey your commands. Not that he always obeys you anyway- you scold him and put a hand on his shoulder to push him off your body. You flex the leash away from you, not hurting him but making clear your demands. He doesnt budge, continues to pull apart your outfit and plant slobbery kisses on your skin. "Please, pleeeaassee~? I have been lonely all day without you. Havent I been a good boy? Dont i deserve a reward?" "A reward for what? You havent done anything." "Hrm, boo. I watched you all night you know."
He jokes about being praised for his dedication. Dazai doesnt actually expect any favors from you just because he brought you pastries for breakfast. He will complain and dramatize as per usual but knowing he was the one who filled your belly or made you smile is enough reward. You shower him with affection anyway, he soaks it up like a sponge.
Maybe you decide to indulge him, he will have plenty of ideas. "I have always wanted to see if I could get you to cum just by playing with your nipples. Ah- it will take a while though, lets see how hard I can get them." "Suck me, just the tip. I want you to be between my legs licking my cock for as long as your jaw can stand it." "No clothes today, I dont want any obstructions when I touch you."
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Terraria has got to be the most funniest and chaotic game i have played (also spolier warning ig!!!), you start the game, make a character, create a world and then you're just plopped in there. No tutorial, nothing. You see some dude with brown (i think) hair and just press right-click, see a dialogue option labelled 'help' and think "oh! this gotta be how to go to the tutorial!" and NOPE! Think again fucker 'cause you better chop some wood and build a house because the night is dangerous (OoOoOoOh very spooky). So, you look up "Terraria Beginner Guide" (or something along the lines of that) and y'know you just get going, build houses, explore the underground, maybe built a hellevator, and you even built an arena (im so proud)! Then suddenly the text "You feel an evil Presence watching you" pops up and you know that you better get to your arena 'cause its very spooky big eyeball time (hooray).
So after you beat the very big Eye of Cthulu you get some loot, fast forward to The Wall of Flesh. This is it. The final challenge in Pre-Hardmode. The Gate to see if you have what it takes to go to Hardmode. And now, it begins. After you throw the doll of the person who pranked you out of a Tutorial into the lava below, you hear a roar, before a wall made out of flesh with two huge Eyeballs and a gaping wide Mouth comes at you. It was a great battle, with you seemingly being at equal with the giant fleshy wall. You threw everything you got at it: Bullets, Fire, Ice, even that Imp you found on the street. Ater a long Battle with many Hardships, you won. But only now....
The Fun really begins.
Oh, you thought that you could go out at night? Think again fucker, mf-ing Werewolves. You thought that Molten Armor/ Meteorite Armor was gonna protect you? Dont make me laugh. "Atleast I have my NPCs?" Wrong! You feel vibrations from deep below. Hardmode is the game's most challenging part imo, because not only is everything new, but also beefier, stronger, and more annoying to deal with. Oh, there's also a new Biome where, you guessed it! Everything kills you! It isnt as bad if you're more experienced and prepared alot of stuff, but unfortunately, most newer Players dont do that, and I've even seen some leave permanently because dying constantly wasnt fun anymore. But we dont quit, do we? No. Because our Mamas didnt raise us to be quitters! Uhh motivational quote, yadda yadda yadda etc. So. you actually persist, get better gear, and even kill a mechanical boss! So you get better weapons and gear, kill another Mechanical Boss and the last one is now dead. So you get clorophyte (No i will not look up how it's spelt and i really couldnt care less), get better-er gear and fight Plantera. This pink plant bitch is probably one of the best bosses in the game, and i am sad that it has some of the worst loot in the game imo. anyways, you unlock the temple, kill golem (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude) get better-er-er gear and fight the lunatic cultist. Kill him, get the only drop (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude's loot) and fight the celestial pillars. cool, you can now make weapons from SpAaAaAaaAAaace. Each of which correspond to a class (Solar=Melee, Vortex=Ranged,Nebula=Mage,Stardust=Summoner). but suddenly, the screen gets darker and more wonky, the music is gone and then,
The Moon Lord has Awoken!
Out of bloody nowhere, the final boss is here. The Final Challenge. The Wall between you and the End. After having improved so much and died so much, like, WOW those are alot of deaths, you are at the final blockade. And after a battle you will remember forever, you come out on top, victorious. You are at the top of the 2d Mountain. You have beaten everything. You have beaten
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Can I get E, F, I, and W for the slenderman fluff alphabet, please? Your take on my favorite pasta cryptid of all time is so nice and interesting. Adds a certain depth I don't typically see.
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman but it's these letters!
side thing but guys go listen to redoin by jerryterry its so fucking good im listening to it on loop while im writing this and its making my vibrate
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stone cold exterior, warm squishy interior. still hung up on the "slenderman longs for companionship just like everyone else but rarely gets that need met due to his nature and way of existence"
in other words he can be a passionate sap in regards to you, behind closed doors. he can wrapped up easily in things, so sometimes his passion can be mischaracterized as rage or annoyance but rest assured he's not angry with your existence
right in the middle of the "heart on the sleeve" and "cold and distant" thing, he feels he needs to keep up his image of powerful monster but he doesn't let you think at any moment that you're not important to him
i don't think he would want kids, and thats assuming he even can. in my au he was created by zalgo with the sole purpose to cause problems for people, i dont think zalgo was thinking about whether or not slenderman can reproduce when he making him
of course adoption is always an option, and who knows, maybe if you guys find some stray kid in the woods he might just take them in
this is where my take on slenderman strays a lot from the original since i personally think slenderman just. kicks kids out of the woods (which leads to them talking about him, which leads to slenderman being a known cryptid in universe) but thats mostly just me not wanting to dwell on child death + giving the dude some level of morals that at least somewhat align with the self loathing that comes with his "i dont want to eat people but i have to in order to survive" thing
but hey i think thats because i love those comics where people draw predator and prey animals where both sides are sympathetic
love shit like that
slenderman is only one part of this huge web that we call nature, simply existing because that's just how things are
whips and nae naes
rest assured that he will tear the world apart should someone or something ever send harm your way. god forbid you are mortally wounded or even killed
he knows some basic first aid stuff thanks to watching people for so so so long, but he's a kriller not a healer, he doesnt know what to do if youre losing a bunch of that red liquid that fuels your insides
oddly calm about it, though, though with the way he holds you you can feel his rage seething under his skin
he himself /can/ get injured but its rarely something to fret about unless its like, from some real powerful person or some human who knows how to take down a specific man eating forest demon; i've actually never really thought about what conditions would need to be met to outright krill slenderman but
when he's the one hurt he insists you not to worry, it's going to take a LOT to keep him down
if you're injured and its something he can treat he will make sure you take it easy but hes not going to baby you about it
okay so im writing this segment first because i can write a whole essay and really i dont know if theres going to be anything stopping me from doing just that. curse you jerryterry, the bops are so good. anyways onto the topic; a lot of my interpretation of slenderman is admittedly based around the early fandom characterization of him + a very specific fic that will remain nameless (though im more than happy to spill the link in dms, said fic also has some influence over my entire au/hc thing but thats not todays topic)
despite what many may think, i feel like, at least with my hyper specific take on slenderman, i feel like he wouldnt want you to fight along side him or be a proxy. only time i can see him date a proxy or fellow kriller is if you were already one prior to the relationship. in my au, slenderman resents his own existence for being what he is, and if he could he WOULD choose to be something else; however he cant rewrite the laws of this universe or fight against his biological functions
like i can go on an entire tangent, but my au is still so scrambled around that im not entirely sure where to start or how im going to make it make sense, but i feel like he would much rather keep you by him and safe (and even then i feel like thats pushing it, sure hes more than capable of protecting you but what if something stronger than him comes and fucks shit up? not all the creepypasta characters are buddy buddy)
but perhaps i will write a collection of loosely connected one shots one day detailing the world building and dynamics
i make no promises
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shaunamilfman · 4 months
i need spring break to come already i’m so serious. i need a break 😭 but today i’m thinking of jackie being a stay at home princess (jobless) while you’re in college. she rides the bus with you to class because you both can’t drive LMAO. she’s sitting by the window seat when riding back like she’s in a music video because she misses you already 😭
but mainly thinking of her clinging to you while you do ur homework/study ☹️ sitting on ur lap and hugging you while you rant about how awful class was while you write down notes for an exam. she’s trying to actually listen to you and be a good girlfriend but your voice reverberating on her chest is making her feel so fuzzy and so sleepy she can’t help itttt :( carrying her back to bed too UGHHHH I NEED HER
no fr im (im)patiently counting the days down till spring break atp its killing me i swear
jackie got her head leaning against the window and is so annoyed by the vibrations because this is NOT like the movies at all. can't even dramatically stare out a window anymore
jackie would so just come to your lecture hall classes and like pretend she's taking notes next to you but really shes holding your free hand under the desk and has a magazine hidden in her notebook. she gets asked a question once and she looks like a deer in the headlights. "maybe the curtains were just green" looking bitch im afraid. no media literacy. love her though.
thinking about explaining your course work to jackie and her like confusedly nodding along and pretending she understands what your saying. she's all like "well obviously 🙄" but lost track of what you were talking about like ten minutes ago. she's got the most adorably confused expression on her face that makes you keep talking.
keeping up with like gossip in your classes just for jackie's sake. you're like "omg guess what jennifer did" and she's practically vibrating with excitement as you talk.
jackie falling asleep in your lap while your doing homework would actually be so motivating?? she's like a cat you gotta just sit there till she wakes up naturally. she had a hard day waiting around for you to come home and not doing anything, you gotta let her rest. just doing homework all day till she wakes up and does a little stretch. just pushing your homework away because shes "so tired" and wants to go to bed now lmaooo
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vibrates with excitement HERE THEY ARE
I present to you, the current design of my self-insert and his ability, Nebulas
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please please zoom in and look at the details
i had fun with the rendering for both of these!! even tried painting over the lines in the first one, you can kinda see it in his hair. and that green necklace piece has a bell inside it, it's inspired by a green bell ball i actually have, it sounds very pretty!!
Also, i mentioned this in a textpost the other day, but Nebulas wouldn't actually stand up straight like that, he's the more hunched-over-creature type.
a lot of ramblings about Nebulas below the cut. mentions of blood too. you are under zero obligation to read it, its not the main point of the post.
OKAY SO. im not gonna say much (this was a lie) because it'd be an essay's worth of poorly pieced together information BUT. i'll do my best. apologies in advance.
i mainly wanna talk about Nebulas, because he's been my pride and joy of creations. he's a sentient ability and very much over-powered. he can do a lot, and his main job currently is to keep his host (my self-insert) alive. that means they can get very injured and be a-okay. why? because all of my self-inserts to ever exist have to be able to be covered in copious amounts of their own blood and survive. not sure what this says about me.
pictured above is when Nebulas has full control over his host's body (ie. the eyes only change when he's in full control. the host's turned arms and Nebulas's arms that come out of their back can be present whenever, but that means the host has to forfeit some amount of control regardless). The nosebleeds occur when Nebulas uses more than just his standard power, lending his arms to his host. The more over-exertion, the more blood, etc etc. When Nebulas is in full control, there will be blood.
The black liquid you see is Nebulas' blood! Or, what's considered his blood from a human standpoint. The host's blood can turn black when Nebulas uses it as his own. His blood and his host's blood are basically one in the same.
Because Nebulas is over-powered, he is nerfed by being in a very weak body. Meaning, my self-insert cannot use Nebulas' power. Nebulas has to grant them his power. So it's kinda consent based. (I'll go into why my self-insert is weak by ability standards some other day when I reveal more about them.) Having a very weak-souled host also means Nebulas cannot use as much of his power as he used to. Since most of his power is used for keeping them alive (for reasons i also won't get into rn), there isn't much he can do without causing harm to his host's body, which is why the nosebleeds occur. They can get very heavy. The wide scar on their back that his extra arms extrude from will bleed on these occasions too, but with black blood.
Now, something that I couldn't portray in a singular drawing is that his arms are pitch black when viewed initially, but the more you look at them, the more stuff you see, like little specks of stars and then colorful dust clouds. It's supposed to look kind of trippy to some people. Sometimes it makes people feel nauseous if they look at it for too long.
He also does have a physical manifestation like Golden Demon, Elise, etc but that is almost completely off the table because of how much power that requires. (also because i havent really designed that. and even once i do it will take AGES to draw because of all the details. since he's universe-themed.)
Him and my self-insert are almost complete opposites, but mainly because of a trait Nebulas acquired from his many previous hosts. That trait is bloodlust. It's foreign to Nebulas, as he used to only kill within reason. However, after being used by humans for a lot of bloodshed for self-serving purposes, he became tainted with what he calls "the cruelty of humanity". It's because of this that he retired from bonding with human souls two centuries ago and developed a distain for humans. He views humans as ants who act recklessly and selfishly. Obviously, he does bond with a human soul again, and is once again prone to sudden violence, but because of how kind-hearted his current host is, it's only really a danger when Nebulas is in (or fighting for) full control, with an exception of when his host is angry enough to lash out. Having genuinely violent thoughts that they mean is dangerous for my self-insert, as this works as a gateway for Nebulas' bloodlust, but this is very rare.
Some general trivia after that long essay, great job getting this far.
Nebulas gives his hosts enhanced senses, which makes my self-insert more prone to sensory-overload. At least it means they can't really get snuck up on.
Because of the taint, Nebulas is often pictured like the image above, with a crazed expression. However, he is actually rather stoic when not over-exerting. He is stern with my self-insert, but also considerate and cares about their well-being. He's like some unwilling parental figure.
He usually minds his own business, but sometimes he'll hang out in the back of my self-insert's mind, being nosy about what's going on around them.
In case it's confusing, his name is pronounced like the word "nebulous".
He likes raw pork cutlets. Sometimes, he can be bribed into being more agreeable.
He's often grumpy. He's also very stubborn, and will give his host the silent treatment.
Something he and my self-insert have in common is their like for cats! Nebulas likes their behavior.
If you have any questions, please ask!! I'd love to answer them, because im insane about my ocs and want to talk about them. There is stuff im leaving a mystery for the time being, though.
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spacexseven · 1 year
I’m sorry, but I am not over this whole part while I'm re-reading: “it wasn't the next time, but after a few more dead bodies and many more warnings about your work are played on the news, you meet nikolai again. nikolai gogol is no easy prey, but you're not one to be bested twice. this time, you don't let him run. you're finally on top of him, blood pooling out of where your knife was stuck in his thigh, his coat ripped off him and abandoned somewhere else. it would be so easy to kill him now, so easy to watch him bleed out and claim his ability as yours, but for the first time, you hesitated on delivering the killing blow.” I Am So, So, Normal about this. It’s a description that’s so vivid and consumes all my thoughts. The dynamic between SK Reader and Nikolai is still making me reel. Idk, but something about him just watching SK Reader hunt and kill ability users, regardless of their affiliation or history, is so eerie. The news reporting on SK Murders [something that's haunting me, and I’m sorry about the other rambling questions I sent you earlier]. I couldn’t help but imagine Nikolai or SK Reader walking by an electronic store or maybe near a TV, and just watching, In their “everyday” life, and simply knowing about every single life they took. It’s sentences like these from your writing that send me images and flooding ideas from simple things. I love it. SK Reader hesitating is both a great and awful thing, they love someone, and not something. Niokolai’s ability is great, but it’s Nikolai that’s captured SK Reader’s attention and want. The Last Sentence is like a death toll? Like the sinking realization that SK Reader can no longer turn back like their life used to be because now they know that “this time, it's not the ability you're after, is it?” [I Really can’t express how much I love that last line.] Thank you again for sharing this wonderful Work, and have a fantastic Day Tuna! - 🦄
oh man i am wiping away my tears. not one but Two very lovely asks from you this must be my lucky day! quickly before i address your other words
nikolai goes out of his way to find newspaper articles about sk reader and drops it somewhere in their place so they can wake up and see pages and pages and photos of all their victims and the crime scenes and the ridiculous theories some people have
the time he watched them steal oguri's ability, he insisted on walking w them back to the train station because "haven't you heard? there's a serial killer targeting ability users right now. you shouldn't be walking around alone."
also pls dont apologize about the questions i was so excited to see them that i was. literally vibrating in my seat and jumping off the walls ^-^ wanted to elaborate on everything tho so its still in the drafts right now ^^ im actually very very excited about this au too so im sooo happy to see al your questions i have thought so much about sk reader that its probably? a bit concerning? and ive even planned out how id like to go about a collection of writing for this au...
also. giggling and rolling around omg im so flustered to see lines from my own writing hherhrrhfjffj thank you for all your very sweet comments i will cry over this all day and night
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cartooncreature · 7 months
OKay but. but what if I wrote a holiday themed bugbo story???
it's just a little nice happy feel good story, right? just a cute little happy sweet holiday story with friendship and nice stuff and Im feeling real seasonal depression-y rn and i need some cozy fanfiction and im hyperfixating HARD on this stupid bug thing and here are my ideas here here here here here here heheehehehhehe
okay so my idea would surround thomas because im very normal about him
hes like "bleh holidays bleh im so grumpy bleh bleh im actually very lonely but i would never admit it blehhhhhh"
and bugbo comes up and says "holidays yay forgiveness come celebrate with us"
and thomas agrees after some manipulation convincing
and thomas eventually has a good time and shit and they all have a nice time together
and gerbo knits everyone presents because i said so
and thomas gets one too and hes like what omgggg
they all sit around by a camp fire together and thomas forgets that hes supposed to hate bugbo and that he tried to kill him and stuff
then theres this wholesome scene at the end that makes bugbo less dickish and more empathetic (no matter how out of charcater that is)
bugbo is literally just extreamly fucking autistic
and everyone has a nice time and its all wholesome and sweet and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
im vibrating violently while writing this rn
it wouldn't be called any specific holiday, though most of the traditions would likely be more christmas adjacent since that what I know most about
but it would be subtle, no santa or capitalism of micheal buble or anything
I may make up a holiday and little bug holiday traditions
mosly gift giving and maybe a tree, more focused on the winter aspect of the holidays and stuff
mostly feel good comfy warm nice cozy friendship and stuff
(no shipping bc it doesn't fit the vibe im going for)
i have no clue whatsoever what it would be called
im just infodumping at this point
im gonna write it one way or another,
but i may post it here if anybody is interested :>
and that friends is what happens when I write with no plan and just ramble about something im excited about for a big ass bulleted list
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