#its kinky but not horny. am i making sense
sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
idk how to explain it but dungeon meshi is simultaneously extremely kinky but also incredibly aroace. not just talking about the characters it’s in the writing itself
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nexus-my-beloved · 5 months
elaborate on midam mirror sex, it always facinates me the different takes people have on midam sex (which sounds v weird lmao)
WOO BOY OKAY (sorry it took me a minute, decided that I needed my laptop out for this one) First off: Micheal absolutely always wants to see every inch of Adam and likely has no concept of how humiliating it could be in a sense, but that is probably just part of the appeal to Adam, okay. A mirror would mean that every part of Adam is visible to Micheal, and I just KNOW Micheal would make sure Adam stares at himself, so that's a thing of its own. I know it would make Adam nervous and I KNOW he'd realize just how much Micheal enjoys it if he felt any of Micheal's grace intensify (because let's face it - there is no way on this earth that Micheal doesn't just touch Adam with his grace sometimes and give him pure bliss. it happens.) Second: Whether they're in the same body or not, a mirror gives them the ability to always look at each other. If they're in separate bodies, sure - Adam can see Micheal looking at him in the mirror over his shoulder. But if they're in the SAME body - Micheal would be making severe eye contact in the mirror and it would be all of Adam's expressions, all of Adam's reactions, all to what Micheal is doing with what used to be just Adam's hands. Adam could see Micheal staring at him without the need for a projection. And Adam could watch every slow movement of Micheal touching, grazing his fingertips over skin or teasing in torturous ways that he knows Adam would love (because let's also be honest with ourselves - there is no way Micheal and Adam aren't doing this frequently. Adam was just a teenager before. There is no way he isn't still sort of in that horny phase where you're consistently needy, he would be insatiable. Micheal would be happy to please. Micheal might also be a tad needy. Rabbits.). Third: Something about watching your hands do things to you that you aren't in control of, that are shocking you with every touch, that are getting you off without you knowing what they'll do next, is probably a big thing to Adam. A turn on, sure. A kinky experience. But it's also an act of trust - that Micheal is allowed to take control, to share control of his body that he'd willingly let him into. It's an act of trust in the sense that Micheal could fully take over and do as he pleased, but he chose to co-exist with Adam, and not only that, but to do something as intimate as this when he's an angel, an archangel at that, who before likely had no concept of lust or love to a man when it was against god (Micheal could explain a million times how angels don't have genders, how they're wavelengths of celestial intent, but he was masculine presenting, and to any Christian that was considered homosexual, a sin for him to be with Adam. And yet he was.). It's the biggest act of trust for Adam to allow Micheal to do as he sees fit, using his own hands to make himself feel good in a way he can't expect, couldn't do on his own, because something about Micheal doing it makes it special - and sure, yeah, it's just really damn hot to watch Micheal's stare as he touches somewhere else and teases Adam within an inch of his life. I am also just a sucker for mirror sex with a lot of relationships, but midam especially gives me a certain kind of brainrot i cannot for the life of me explain to the fullest extent which it so deserves. (tysm for asking me :)))) )
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rylivers · 3 months
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
honestly one thing that shocked me a lot when i first got into the tumblr fandom was how many people disliked/hated josh. and honestly, i feel like a lot of people dislike him bc of homophobic reasons lol. like why do you find him so damn annoying? give me a valid reason and *maybe* i'll listen lol
yes there are a couple things he did on the show that annoyed me, but none of it makes me hate him. i like him enough. he's funny sometimes, he's a good friend to maddie, and he's pretty damn good at his job (disregarding how he treated may with the whole claudette thing & how he talked to eddie that one time but that was hilarious to me so i give it a pass).
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
hmm. honestly i am trying to figure out how to word it. i'm all for people headcanoning their faves as whatever they want, but that doesn't mean that that headcanon isn't stupid as fuck to me. like sometimes that goes so far that it's almost as if you didn't watch the same show that i did.
before you come for me, i am literally ace/demisexual myself.
i can understand the demisexual eddie headcanon, but ace eddie just does not make much sense to me at all bc he's shown in the show to be somebody who has enjoyed sex and even sought it out (with shannon) and with ana he defo had a sexual relationship with her at one point. i'm not saying that ace people can't have had sex or can't have sex in general, i am just saying that eddie canonically isn't asexual, and the way some people have written him in fanfics just feels so damn sanitised to me, like they make eddie so damn soft that it's almost unbearable, like he's not the same person at all.
and don't even get me started on fics where buck is the victim and everyone else is mean to him and everybody in the 118 are written way out of character and like they maliciously hurt buck or some shit like that. i hate it. so much.
it's gotten to the point where i haven't touched fanfiction in this fandom in months, if not almost a whole year, with, like, maybe one or two exceptions.
i feel like the fanfiction in this fandom is the worst case of fanon i've ever experienced. i feel like a lot of this fandom is obsessed with purity or whatever, like, even a lot of the smut feels genuinely sanitized to me. where's the actual horniness, where's the desire, why are they acting in a way they never would on the show like. why are they either fucking like wild animalistic rabbits or having such tender sex where they're both crying and its like reading a telenovela version of them like.
also where are the actual fandom freaks? oh right most of them don't bother with this fandom bc they'd just be run off by all the prudes. the most kink this fandom can handle is maybe a teeny tiny bit of choking. if you dare write anything even remotely dark or kinky people turn on you so fast lmao
these are just a few examples i can think of but there's more stuff that bothers me lmao.
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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Now that you've finished both, what do you think are the difference between WangXian or HuaLian? Which mc and ml do you love more between both series? Which couple do you love more?
P.s Do you plan to read SVSSS? I think the best for fanfics inspiration from 3 MXTX works are SVSSS.....
This answer got way longer than I meant for it to 😅
I am all about Hualian 10000%. It's just a matter of preference, and I'll explain why I like one better than the other, but I'm not crapping on Wangxian shippers at all. Something for everyone haha!
Here's the thing. I like a lot about Wangxian. They've got a very Kirk/Spock thing a lot of the time that is eternally entertaining. But I just don't like the way they have sex. I dislike the way they have sex so much that it kind of retroactively made me less interested in the pairing as a whole. More specifically, I don't like how Lan Wangji does sex. People had warned me about it and I was like, "Eh, but I'm fine with CNC, all I need is that first C, so it's fiiiine." But. Nope. Thankfully this isn't a personal trigger for me, just a very firm preference, but I just...to quote myself in a previous post, "while the book did a good job convincing me that Wei Wuxian is into everything Lan Wangji does to him, it didn't do a good job convincing me that Lan Wangji knows that for sure, or is in control of himself, or would stop if Wei Wuxian didn't like something." That just isn't to my taste.
On the other hand, Hualian are also implied to be having rough and kinky sex, but there's much more of a feeling that they're communicating about it. I'm not expecting them to like, have a formal safeword or anything, but even just:
"Sorry, I went overboard last night," Hua Cheng apologized. It took a moment for Xie Lian to realize what he meant, and he quickly waved his hands. "Wh-what are you saying? That's not it at all--everything's fine!" Hua Cheng arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? If everything is fine even after that, does that mean I didn't go overboard last night? Does that mean I can...?"
"Is gege not coming up to join me?" But if he went up there, when would Xie Lian have a a chance to come back down? At that point, they could forget about doing anything else for a while. "Nah." Xie Lian declined politely. "My San Lang has overworked himself." "Nah," Hua Cheng laughed. "How could San Lang ever be afraid of hard work when it comes to working gege hard?"
Like. They're goofy about it and Hua Cheng loves to tease Xie Lian but they are actually talking about sex when they're not having sex. There's a degree to which they're communicating outside of the heat of the moment. And even in the amnesia extra (which makes me feel so bad for Hua Cheng omg he's being surprisingly chill but I need to write some meta about how miserable he must be during that) Xie Lian's fuzzy memories of what he at first assumes was a rape are full of the sense of being gentled and cherished and of their fingers and red strings tangling even as he's held down and roughed up.
Also the chapter opening with,
Laughing, Xie Lian pushed Hua Cheng off him -- his crushing weight was making it hard to breathe. The heat and passion had yet to subside when something suddenly occurred to him. "Oh yeah, San Lang," he began offhandedly.
That's so stinking cute I can't. They are so comfortable. Nothing in their relationship overall or in the hints of their sex life we see implies in the slightest that Hua Cheng isn't in control of himself in the most important ways (I do tend to think of him being a shaking crying coming-too-soon mess the first few times, but that's a very different kind of out of control lol). He worships Xie Lian, literally. Lan Wangji has this underlying layer of horny anger born in a repressed childhood; Hua Cheng's horny is all built on reverence. THAT IS MY JAM.
As for SVSSS, I think I will probably read it if only to try to figure out what on earth its fandom is talking about. It's...like an isekai I think? Which is not usually my thing, but at this point I feel like I gotta round out the trio haha!
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aidansplaguewind · 27 days
curious why you don’t like bdsm? i want to change my mind
First, this is going to be long.
That's kind of an odd question because the way you ask it is as though it's something literally everyone is into. Like saying, "I'm curious why you don't like sex."
It just doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't turn me on. It doesn't make horny. And, I try not to kink shame here so keep in mind you DID ask why I don't like it. As in ME, personally. And when someone asks, I tell the truth and the whole truth.
It's always seemed a little ridiculous and silly to me. I mean, I do like to draw out orgasms as long as possible/orgasm denial to a point, which is one particular thing that can sometimes be considered BDSM but I don't know why because to me that DOES seem like something everyone should do. The longer the delay, the more powerful it is. I don't like quick orgams. I mean, I don't DISLIKE them, they're ok, but good God are they nowhere close to what they can be if you delay them. I don't know why anyone would wanna settle for that when they could have so much MORE! It's one of the reasons I prefer my own fingers or non vibrating toys to vibrating toys. Because they make you cum too fast and it's not as strong.
I don't get why people DO like BDSM. For one, I have a big issue with being tied up and shit. I was abused as a kid and I've yet to meet anyone I trust enough to let them have that control over me. Cuz who knows what they'd do, right? And I wouldn't be able to stop them. And if you reverse it to where I was in charge....nah. I'm cool with my guy being on the bottom and letting me lead in that sense of submissiveness but I'm just not terribly turned on by completely dominating a man. It's just not my thing.
And just the terminology, Dom and sub...just no. I know cringe is a fading word now but that shit legitimately makes me cringe. It sounds so fucking corny.
I have no desire to engage in a kind of sex where a possible handbook or contract may be needed. Where guidelines have to be set, where there is a list of rules. It feels so unsexy, unromantic and unreal. Not spontaneous at all.
I'm sure you've figured out by now that I am NOT a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey. And, while I'm sure not everyone who engages in BDSM signs a contract, if you're doing it safely to protect both parties then there are usually always rules. Because people can actually get hurt engaging in bdsm.
And that's another thing, I don’t get any satisfaction out of causing people pain. Nor do I get any from pain. My life has been painful enough on its own. I want my sex to be fucking pure pleasure. Mind blowing pleasure.
And to be honest with you, there is nothing you or anyone can say to convince me that a Dom male can be trusted and is someone who doesn't enjoy harming others. NOTHING you can say. Met too many men in my life. I don’t want a man like that. Men that like having that much control are gross. Period. They can't be trusted. Controlling men are a huge turn off for me. Fucking HUGE turn off.
Personally, I feel like anyone who NEEDS that much control, male or female, has some much deeper issues at play.
For people out there that think sex is always boring without BDSM, then you haven’t had good sex yet my friend. Sex can still be plenty kinky, nasty, and all that without bdsm.
But the simplest answer to your question is that nothing about BDSM makes me wet, so why WOULD I like it?
What I'd like to know, is out of all the people on Tumblr who say they're into it, how many have actually participated in it outside of reading fanfic about it? And the reason I ask this is that, something in fan fic might get you hot but the reality can be SO much different.
There are things I've read about Petyr doing in fanfic that have turned me on but if he tried doing that shit to me in reality it would scare the shit out of me. One thing in particular that I know many women get hot for but I won't say the word on here because I didn’t put a trigger warning.
So, if you haven’t ever actually done it, think about what I just said.
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dragongirlcloaca · 11 months
Whew, I sure am glad to have dug up, edited, and extended/finished this! This is a story I got a few chapters into ages ago, but I felt it lacked a real sense of direction. I really like how this revival of it turned out! It definitely draws from a lot of more personal feelings, on a few levels. Plus, it's cute and kinky, and you get to see more Bunny content. Enjoy!
I make myself comfortable on Violet's couch as she works in the kitchen. I'm in the perfect headspace for the occasion; content, happy, and just slightly horny.
Violet returns from the kitchen with the fresh tray of cookies. She places the tray on the coffee table, and then slides a red box towards me.
"For you!" She says, smiling.
I open the box to find a collar made of soft supple, bright red leather. The fittings are brushed nickle, and three equally-spaced D-rings adorn the outside.
"This collar is very special! When you wear it, it means that I am in control of you. You can refer to me as Violet, Mistress, Master, Madame, or whatever you want, but ultimately, you will be in a place of submission to me."
I nod, my paws fidgeting in my lap.
"When you are wearing the collar, I will never violate your boundaries, but per your wishes and mine, you will certainly be humiliated! You are not to touch yourself, nor orgasm, without my permission, and on occasion, you will be bound and incapable of doing so regardless. Are you ready to begin?"
I nod once more, and she slips the collar around my neck, clicking it into place. The soft leather is snug against my fur, not too tight.
"Today, we're going to get into some basics of what it will be like wearing the collar. Come sit over here, beside me."
My ears perk up, and I rise and cross over to the opposite couch. Once I'm seated, Violet continues.
"Take off your underwear," she commands.
I reach under my skirt, hook my claws under my panties, and pull them forwards before kicking them off of my legs.
Violet gestures to her lap, and I reposition myself on top of her.
"Close your eyes and lean back, bunny."
I oblige and rest my head against her shoulder as I close my eyes. The feeling of her breathing beneath me is soothing. At first I tense in anticipation, but I slowly relax, melting into her body. I could have fallen asleep like that, but after a few moments, I finally feel her brush against my inner thigh, about halfway up. I breathe in sharply, feeling my tip involuntarily poke out of my sheath as warmth begins seeping through my core.
"Are you horny, bunny?"
I nod.
"Good, good."
She continues to slowly massage my inner thigh, and then stops. I feel her remove her hand from my skirt, and a second later, I feel both of her hands at my waist. She slides her hands underneath my shirt, and runs them through the soft fur of my underbelly until she reaches my first pair of nipples. She gently pinches them, and I lose a little more of myself to lust. "You have such a beautiful body, bunny...and it is mine to use."
She moved upwards until she reaches my bra, and slides her fingers under it. Her cold fingers grasp at my breasts greedily, claiming my body as her own. Satisfied, she continues to caress my chest with one hand as the other slides down my back, towards the spot at the base of my tail where-
My head explodes, sending sparks of colour through the darkness behind my eyelids. As I arch my back and moan out loud, I barely feel my penis emerge further from its sheath, precum staining a dark circle against my skirt. Nor do I feel her fingers dance lower, until they're already skirting across the entrance of my hole.
"Poor bunny..."
She gently leans me on my side, so that my head rests against a pillow on the couch. Soft fingers unbutton my skirt, leaving me bottomless on Violet's lap. My breathing grows heavy as she gently swipes a finger against the leaking tip of my penis, and I hear the wet sounds of her licking her finger clean.
"You taste wonderful, bunny"
I'm a horny mess. My back arches again, eyes shut tight, begging for her to keep touching me. Thankfully, she obliges, and her fingers wrap around the base of my penis, coaxing the remaining length from my sheath. I hump into her hand as she toys with me, spines raking softly against her skin.
I hear the quiet whoosh of her using her magic. A second later, she presses a finger against my hole, cold and wet with lube. She pushes into me and I feel myself clench around her, moaning louder still. She works her magic, coaxing drawn-out noises from me as my paws dig into the couch. She pushes in and out, toying with me, her finger worming around my insides until it finally presses against the spot she has been searching for. My mind goes numb as I explode into her hand, my body shaking in her lap. Violet presses a finger against my lips, wetting them with my own salty-sweet cum. I lap at her finger, licking it clean until she withdraws it. I lay on the couch, tired and content, barely noticing her scoot out from under my body. My mind is foggy, but it feels so...good. I try to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy, and part of me just wants to lie here and rest. I give in, and I must have fallen asleep shortly after.
When I wake up, about an hour later, I’m dressed once again, and the beautiful collar is resting on the coffee table. Violet, sitting opposite me, notices me waking up.
“Good evening, sleepyhead,” she teases lightly. “You seemed like you needed the rest, so I didn’t want to wake you. Tea?”
I nod drowsily and she gets up to go to the kitchen. I rub my eyes and yawn, sitting up slowly. I stretch, thankfully not too sore from my impromptu nap. The fog of sleep wears off quickly, and despite having just been fucked hard enough to pass out, my head feels clearer than it has in a while. Violet returns with the tea—chamomile mint—and I take it, blowing on it to cool it down slightly. She sits back down on the opposite couch, smiling wistfully.
“So, how was that? Feel free to say whatever you want, this is just about you as much as it is about me.”
“It was...really freeing,” I say, finding my voice again. “It was strange at first, but once we got into it it was just...so relaxing.”
“Do you think that was because of the scenario, the submission aspect, or both?” Violet asked.
I pause to sip my tea and think.
“Both,” I say, feeling more confident. “I think the submissiveness is really something that clicks with me—I don’t know how to explain it, but it just scratches an itch I didn’t know I had.”
Violet nods. “I think I felt the same way about being on the other side of it the first time I tried. It really does satisfy a unique desire.”
She picks the collar up off of the table, studying it.
“That being said, I take it you’re ready for the next level? It won’t always be as easy or painless as today.”
“I’m ready.”
Violet smiles, and sets the collar down. I finish my tea, get up, and carry the empty cup to the kitchen. I make my way to the door and grab my purse. Violet gets up and comes to the door to see me out.
“Thank you, Bunny.”
“Thank you too!”
Violet leans in and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I blush.
“See you soon!” She says with a smile.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Hi! First off, I hope you are doing well ^u^
Thank you for the Kings Crossing sequel, it was well written as always and got me thinking about these two’s dynamic a bit more. Specifically considering the scene where they discussed the “what ifs” (I’m leaving it ambiguous so people have to read your amazing work).
In addition to that pondering, I understand you have another version of these two where they are in love and have a son.
So, if you don’t mind me asking, I am curious how you would approach this dynamic from an alpha/beta/omega perspective.
How would an alpha Tord and omega Tom work in your eyes? (I’m assuming Tord is an alpha because of his possessive nature and the fact you always write him as a top)
Thank you for your time and I’m highly intrigued in your response. Regardless of what you do, have a good day and keep up the great work!
Ooooh, abo, hmmm yeah I'm familiar with this fanfic trope. Though back then it was just called mpreg. Tbh, I dunno where this trope came from actually, it just started popping up?? Hmmm.
I'll be talking about this trope below the line, so avert your eyes if you do not like this for any reason, AND since this trope deals with some more sexual subjects, just to be safe, I'm begging that minors do not read below the line please. Thanks!
First off! Hey thank you anon! ^^ I'm really glad you like the sequel to KC! I'm actually thinking about expanding on that universe a bit more, as the way I present the world and how I write about it is actually somewhat experimental! KC's writing style is wildly different from my usual forms! So I'm happy to know that it's liked!
Now on to the ABOtopic!
Okay so, personally, I actually find this trope a bit curious, and somewhat interesting?? I'm aware that this trope sort of caters to a more animalistic type of horny writing (haha) which I can somewhat understand! I'm a pretty vanilla guy when it comes to sexuality, but being a repressed catholic, I can get why people are into some wild and hard kinky sex.
(especially considering my status as an asexual- although sex-favorable- man. Wanna know a secret?? I have SO MUCH TROUBLE writing smut. KC is something of a hard labor, as it deals with Tom and Tord's relationship with each other in a lot of ways especially in the sexual sense where most inhibitions are down, and passion is present in its purest form. Which I honestly, honestly, struggle to portray as my interest in sex is so so LOW, BUT I understand the feelings behind the physical act at least.)
ABO as I understand it, and from what I've seen personally, is a bit more geared towards porn for porn's sake, and caters to specific kinks like soul-bonding, animalistic sex and tendencies, breeding, and pregnancy. I also understand that it's somewhat fetish-y (?) but I won't talk about that for now.
Considering what I said above (with my perspective as an ace dude), I may approach this trope differently, as from where I stand, this trope feels like it could be very very intense when it comes to feelings and passion, which I tend to enjoy a lot when I engage with literature, sexual or otherwise. As well as the added soul-bond aspect, or rather, 'fated mate'/'perfect mate' part as who doesn't love soulmates?? Hahaha, coupled with some really cute animalistic behaviors.
So lets see, if I made use of this trope, first off, I think in a world like this, majority of people would be intersex, not like how intersex works in our world at least where one part is more developed than the other, but both are working I guess? To me that makes sense at least, considering the biologies present.
So, I suppose the one thing that would divide the secondary genders is just which parts are more virile/fertile. So Alphas are more virile, Betas are a perfect and balanced combo of both, and Omegas are more fertile.
Personally, I would have tagged Tom as a Beta while Tord is an Alpha but! Since you asked how I'd write Tom as an Omega I'll go with that!
If you've seen my writings with the two, my most favourable interpretations of them actually reside in the Stay AU, so I'll go off those characteristics as a base!
Omega Tom I think would be very coy, he's aware of how he attracts Alphas and Betas, even fellow Omegas. He'd be the type to bat his eyes and let his touches linger, but it's mostly a ruse to get something he wants. In reality, he doesn't have a lot of interest in romantic relationships in general.
Alpha Tord, I would still characterise him as this idiot with a lot of puffed up machismo. He'd be throwing his second gender around, always trying to be top dog and such. He reeks of typical Alpha aggressiveness and domination, and would snarl and snap at anybody who he feels might be competition. Which leads to him butting heads with Edd a lot I guess, since they both wanna be pack head, lmao.
When he meets Tom though, LETS GO LOSER BEHAVIOR!!!
He'll do that thing most battling males do, be aggressive, secure territory, give their desired mate "presents", and fight off competitors. None of it impresses Tom though, and would only make him turn his head and roll his eyes, since Tord is acting so typically Alpha.
This might cow Tord a bit, and maybe frustrate him too (sadly triggering more outside aggression), as none of his courting is impressing his desired mate, which could lead to a bad aggression fight with Edd.
Tom and Matt would manage to pull them apart, which of course would lead to Tom reaming into Tord for being so STUPID and bullheaded and what the fuck were you thinking starting an Alpha fight?!
Tord would of course be ashamed, for one doing this to Edd who was his friend and packmate, and two probably afraid that his desired mate would outright reject him now. So he just, wilts I guess, full on sad and remorseful, puppy dog eyes, nonexistent tail between his legs while Tom shouts at him.
Turns out, he should just stop trying to be macho and Tom will happily start reciprocating his courting.
So I guess, in this dynamic, I would sort of beat Tord down a little bit before Tom starts responding to his courting?? HAHAHA IDK??
As for the sexual parts, sure I can write Tom more submissive, but Tord has to earn his submission, Tom has to trust that he wont take advantage of him when he hands over his control. And of course, sex wise, I think he'd like him to be rough, takes the edge of y'know??
For child rearing, I'm not so sure Tom would be interested in carrying a kid?? I never really pegged him as somebody who's really interested in having kids I guess?? He's perfectly capable of carrying but idk?? If anything, they'll just end up adopting AK again.
Though it could be cute if AK was their biological son too?? Eeee babie, lil puppy AK <3
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
thank u for the advice! and the lengthy stories <3 i always love hearing em :) it all boils down to communication doesnt it? i guess i was just scared of making things awkward with friends, and i think its great u mentioned that they have the right to refuse if they want to :0 the opportunity is always there, i just have to jump over the multiple kinkshamey walls and just go for it! ...or even not to go for it, since only i can decide if im ready for some intimacy lmao
as always thanks again for responding and making a space for all of us (horny, kinky, shy) anons 🤝
- (i think u can tell that this is the anon that keeps calling u mr s, i cant help it lol)
related to this
Of course! I'm glad to at least sort of help, lol.
Communication, yeah. It's what everything boils down to, I guess. And that makes sense, yeah, friends are precious. No one wants to ruin friendships.
Yeah! Go for it, or don't. Whatever you decide. Talking about that specifically with your friend(s), if you trust them enough, could be great. They might be the best people to figure out if you want that kind of intimacy or not since you have a pre-established relationship, y’know?
Good luck jumping those walls! It's hard, growing up in such a puritanical society.
I am so glad to provide people with such a space <3
(Haha, I love that. Keep it up for as long as you like 😏)
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adhdvane · 1 year
Aight what r some of ur favorite kinks and which characters do u assign them to
this is all going under the cut for the sake of ppl who don't want to see it not having to see it lol
Personally, I don't mind talking about some kinks because idgf, but lol there is some kink stuff I keep of my main and unassociated with it. Idk if you really meant it as personally as you worded it though. Because I do like giving characters kinks that I do not personally have and I'm not going to disclose which are which on a public tumblr account xD aside from the ones idgf about, like fictional men suffering, pegging, dubcon, and mosterfucking. I also have some nonsexual kink stuff idgf about sharing. For those of you that might be nonsexual kink???? It's things that give you that warm 💞💖💗❤️️💘💖💘❤️️💗❤️️💖💞💞💖💘💗💗❤️️💖💖💘💖💖💘💗❤️️❤️️❤️️💗💗💗💘💖 feeling with no arousal, if that makes sense. Warm fuzzies in a way thats non-normative enough to be kink without the horniness. I am this way about guro and gore lol
For hc kinks on characters tho… since gbf if what I mention and 90% of my brain:
Seofon is a verbal masochist, into being tied down and pegged, though the light bondage and even being the bottom doesn't work with Seox lol (I ship them in an open relationship tho). Seox does provide him with a lot of the verbal berating though <3 + a secret third kink ;)
Seox isn't really kinky but touch starved + socially awkward/anxious. Seofon (and Tien) know that one spot that makes him embarrassingly melt (its just those behind the ear scritches rip).
I'm sorry but Feower is such fucking siscon. I mean it's always been the two of them being extremely protective of each other, but god after the recent annv event. Where he was basically like, I wouldn't want to go to school but if that is what you really want I'd go with you. Tien is a brocon but tbh not as much as Feower is a siscon.
I ship Percy/Vane in a D/s relationship where Vane is a total SAM (percy is way too easy to piss off and its funny and hot).
I'll leave it with that and not go on forever bc you asked so generally and gbf has a large cast lol, these are the ones that mostly occupy my mind though.
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plumpstuck · 2 years
here you guys go <3 hope this lets you guys get a better picture of what I'm more inclined to roleplay
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Alright— let me elaborate...
(TW, there's a brief fatphobia mention, and also some discussion of unhealthy dynamics used in fiction that might be discomforting for some)
I LOVE force feeding and fat bondage and fat bulging out of tight places and rough and mean feeders (I would however like to also mention that I think that mean and dominating feedees are also underrated). Stuffing, breaking out of clothes, popping buttons, all that sort of thing is just heavenly~ <3
A lot of these jars speak for themselves but I'll go further in detail for the ones that I think need it:
I like burping, eructo is a high one on my list, but eprocto is more tricky and conditional for me. I think it's alright in more extreme slobby or dumb scenarios because it sort of fits there, but otherwise I feel like it sort of messes the mood for me when it's done in other situations. long story short, not my thing but i think burps are 😳😳😳
squashing is something that i didnt really understand the meaning of? wrestling isn't something I'm too interested in, but I do really like... like getting crushed under the weight of someone else and also just like being pinned by your own weight... AUGH thats beautiful
i dont really care for inflation or clothes padding. LIQUID BLOATING ON THE OTHER HAND... that shit's incredible. being full of soda or other beverage is just adorable
public stuff is also way too hot for me to ignore.
fat shaming <33 teasing, all stuff on that note... it's just so good I love it. real life fat shaming and fatphobia is stupid... horny fat shaming on the other hand? 🤤
preg also isnt my thing. vore is weird because most of the time i dont care too much about it, but sometimes...? it just hits different. i think that monster vore is pretty neat but if it's just 2 regular human people then it makes a bit less sense to me. i am kind of obsessed with nagas though and i think that they are allowed to eat humans if they so please <3
oh my GOD male tits <3. me when they fit into a bra hjkHGKFDSJKL.
funnel feeding !!! okay so i LOVE funnel feeding when its with like soda or milkshakes or melted icecream or other drinks, but I don't like it if it's just like blended food. there's some exceptions (like if it makes sense to be blended, like ice cream and chocolate and brownies and other food items like that, ones that sort of belong in a milk shake if that makes sense) but i dont like just like. Savoury dinner food blended. that definitely isnt my thing
dumb/bimbo for me is nice, but what really gets me is other psychological kinky factors. i like conditioning/pavlov sort of kinky logic: the thought of someone associating food with sex and vice versa or getting addicted to someone from associations with positive treatment? that stuff REALLY gets me. mind break and other things... captivity... lord those are some fantasies that i am more than happy to dwell on
i really like feeders that are like saccharine-levels of sweet and doting and caring that take care of all of their feedees needs before they can even lift a finger
on the other hand i ALSO really like feeders that are really cruel and mean and rough and YEAH.
basically just attention, good or bad. possessiveness and singling someone out with their attention. it gets me feeling a certain kind of way <3
note!! i definitely don't care if you're into some things here that I'm not, just because I'm not into something doesn't mean I hold any hatred for it. Just means that's probably not something I'm going to write for <3 please dont harass me for a difference in tastes, that's not something I can nor want to control
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simpurnatural · 2 years
Hey there, Can you write for Andrew ! Peter Parker x reader smut?
Peter and y/n have vanilla and sweet sex.... Reader talks her best friend that she wants more kinky stuff, praising her by tell good girl etc., with Peter....
Peter accidentally hears the conversation and grins , plans for the big night and have kinky sex with the reader
You like it?
Note from Nat: ”Do I like it? I love it!”
Pairing(s): TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Warning(s): Swearing, Smut,
Peter knew that he shouldn’t have eavesdropped but with his heightened sense of hearing, he couldn’t help himself. Especially when he heard the words-
“I want him to fuck me until I see stars,” you sighed, looking to your best friend through the face-time call. “You know? Like I wanna be looking at the whole solar system,”
“Honey, I do know,” they sigh as they watched you roam around your kitchen. “Maybe you should tell him,” they suggested with a shrug.
“And possibly make him think like he isn’t doing enough?” you gasp, “I would never. Peter is great during sex but I want something more. I shouldn’t push it though,” you explain.
“Your loss babe, healthy relationships call for communication,” they remind as your boyfriend listened quietly. “Unless you’re hella kinky-”
“-I am not!” you defend, washing the dishes.
“That’s what a hella kinky person would say,” they joked, “What’s stopping you from telling him? How bad is it?” they ask.
“Well...” you pondered at looked at the kitchen cingle for a good second, “I want him to tell me how I make him feel-you know-and maybe let me wear his hand like a necklace. Get a little rough,” you say.
“That’s not bad. You got me thinking that you had some intricate BDSM kink or something,” they laughed.
Fancy sit-down restaurants weren’t really your’s and Peter’s ideal date. So he suggested that you snuck pizza into the movie theater don’t ask why or how, just know that it worked. He wasn’t telling you what movie you were going to watch and that you’d have to figure it out yourselves.
“Tickets?” the employee asked and Peter held out his phone with the bar-code on it. “Fifty Shades of Grey. Theater three on your left. Enjoy the movie!” they nodded awkwardly.
“I didn’t know that you wanted to see fifty shades,” you oohed quietly as he wrapped an arm around your frame.
“Didn’t know you’d be so excited to watch it,” he points out, making you blush in embarrassment.
As the movie played, Peter smirked at how you shifted slightly in your seat whenever the main characters got a little freaky. Or the way you bit your lip when something suggestive was mentioned.
He noticed the way your breathing hitched when they kissed. The way your hand gripped the arm rest. Peter knew damn well that you were horny as hell.
After heading back to the apartment and kicking off your shoes, you turned to look at your boyfriend in the doorway. You weren’t sure as to why he was so quiet after the movie and or why he was acting somewhat odd.
“I saw how eager you were to touch yourself,” he says, pushing himself off the wall. “So flustered. You didn’t know what to do, huh?” he asked as he approached you.
“Peter what-“ you were at a loss of words, “What’re you talking about?”. you played clueless and took Peter’s hands in yours.
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” he remarks a bit quieter, then his hands began trailing up your arms, to your shoulder, until they rested on your collarbone. “You have five seconds to tell me what you want. Or I’m going to leave you with your pretty little legs, soaking wet.” he warns.
As Peter held up a third finger, you gulped before saying, “I want you to fuck me,”
His hand then found its place, around your neck as the other swiftly lifted you off the ground. Slamming you against the wall, you gasped before feeling his lips attach to yours.
Peter was usually slow pace and sensual but he got you out of your clothes and didn’t waste a second. A moan slipped from your mouth once your eyes caught eye of his massive erection. Biting your lip, you gasped at the feeling of him teasingly rub the tip against your folds.
“Babe please,” you begged and felt your eyes rollback at the feeling of him filling your hole effortlessly. “Fuck-“ you say, trying to muffle your moans with the back of your hand.
“No, I want to hear all your pretty noises,” Peter smirked and moved your hand away. “God, you’re such a good girl,” he groaned as you called out his name.
With his cock hammering into your g-spot, you were already catching glimpses of the stars. He hit that spot repeatedly, seeing how your tight cunt squeezed around him.
The way your tits bounced with every thrust made him go crazy. Taking one into his hand, his fingers gently pinched your nipple. You let a pornographic moans once his lips began sucking on them.
Running through his hair, your eyes shut at the knot forming in your stomach. “Peter I wan-“ you began to whine but his grip grew tighter.
“Say it louder,” he ordered, “I’m not gonna let you cum until you do,” he threatens, stopping his thrusts completely.
“Peter I want to cum!” You pleaded but he still didn’t budge. “Please let me cum-PETER!” you shouted as he pulled out before slamming back in.
“Open your eyes,” he says as they shut. “Now,” you choked out another moan as your climax approached. “That’s it,” he chuckled once your legs began to tremble.
You were coming fast and hard. The feeling of Peter’s seed mixing your juices only made you moan louder. Resting his head against yours, your boyfriend came up with an idea.
“Wanna do that again?” he asks.
Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
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What would be the hottest spots for getting kinky with the hashira?
I'm going to assume you mean location wise. If not i'm sorry but that's what i'm doing
Let's begin with, the bedroom. It's a very safe option, the option that many of our hashira prefer. But i'll get creative for story sake.
Tengen, this man did not build a large ass hot spring in your back yard, slaving away under the hot sun, sweating his pecs off with his shirt discarded (under your bed) just so you could not use it for sex, like?!?! That is 100% the reason why you have a hot spring. Tengen enjoys feeling his muscles relax under the hot water of course, he enjoys a long soak after a grueling battle. But he also loves coming into the springs unannounced ogling his beautiful partners and getting handsy under the heat. I hope you know how to swim because, you'll be getting some laps in.
Obanai. You ever had sex in a tree? i'm kidding. He actually really enjoys sex in the wisteria houses, its a home away from home for him, and they always treat you so nice. They give you these gorgeous kimonos and the soft bedding, how could he not instantly harden at the sight of you being pampered like you should be?
Sanemi, my guy. Anywhere on earth. He is willing to fuck anywhere at anytime. Sometimes you fear he can smell or sense when you even get the slightest bit horny, because he suddenly is as well. You could be at the butterfly estate and he's pulling you into a empty room and asking the girls to fuck off so you can 'heal him' (tame him. This man is feral)
Gyomei, Your house is surrounded by so much natural land, untouched and so open. He is very open to 'enjoying' the natural landscape you have around. Taking things outside, even at the top of the waterfall. I hope your not afraid of heights, because Gyomei isn't the only thing you'll be climbing.
Kyojuro. MY mans enjoys a nice romp in the middle of fucking nowhere. Like literally no where. He will be pulling you through the woods, ignoring all questions until he finds a spot he deems good and then, game time. After the first time he does this you learn to start bringing at least a blanket next time he gets the urge. (R.I.P your knees)
Giyu. Sweetheart. Baby boy. He's so pretty, and so bad at choosing. He just doesn't know where he likes having you best. At first he thought it was that one hotel in Tokyo with the really nice view, up against the window. He could cum just thinking about the way you looked, whimpering as you looked down at the busy streets below you. But then there was the cabin you stayed in closer to Urokodaki's house, just a little south. You were so cold and he figured he could warm you up besides the fire, with his cock. What could go wrong? absolutely nothing. But then, theirs your home. One where he first had a taste of you, the one he'll never forget. But is it his favorite? he's still deciding, let him try a few more before he makes a final decision.
Shinobu is a glutton for punishment, so don't let anyone know her favorite spot or its the end for both of you. But the masters house is one of her favorite spots to get jiggy with it. Now before you go accusing me of being inappropriate look at the culprit in question and ask yourself how we got here?! She was the one to get handsy before a meeting, she was the one who asked you to the bathroom only to drag you into a vacant room that was definitely not the bathroom and proceed to drop it like its hot, so none of this is my fault. I am the writer here, its her fault. Not mine.
Mitsuri, my #1 pillow princess. She is another, anywhere, anytime. As long as she remains comfortable and continues to be your beloved pillow princess who you pamper and please to your hearts content. Get her real comfortable and she might even pamper you for a while ;)
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a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
R u an ichiruki? I’m still salty about the ending lmao I can’t believe it. Do you know any IR blogs and any archive/library (fics) blog?
Also, recommendations of IR for horny jail pls
Hello fellow ichiruki anon!
Yup, big sloppy slut for ichiruki indeed, ill honestly go down with this ship despite that shipwreck of an ending. I'll admit i didnt follow the anime/manga entire as it dragged on with filler arcs and life got busy etc, but when i heard about the ending i thought i was having a fucking stroke, i still cannot make sense of it to this day (nor do i want to because my brain actively works to delete this kind of dumbfuckery from my memory). While its such a shame how it ended and spiritually i wanna be outside kubo's house like
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...but then I take a deep breath and just tell myself titty kubo had a brain aneurysm and just leave it at that.
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ANYWAY to your ask- full disclaimer when i was primetime ichiruki slut i was just a lurker, and this was YEARS ago but ill do my best to help ya out. I do follow some ichiruki peeps from back then but they more or less have moved to other ships/interests, but the ones below seem more active IR blogs from what i can tell:
@dangerousbride IR fanart/comics. Love her artstyle and always will @jellyribbons IR artist, gorgeous gorgeous art @hashtagartistlife IR artist/writer. Big slut for her work
@ichiruki good IR treats, very active @ichirukilover good IR treats, very active
Now im actually not aware of any IR archive library blog, but if there is one i would also be curious to know! @ ichiruki fandom, can anyone help us out???
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And to the last part of your ask re: IR horny jail fic recs, there are 2 things you should know:
1. I am so out of date when it comes to the latest fics, and i mean by YEARS. So any i recommend will be old but obviously TASTY AF
2. At the time a lot of smut fics were "post-686" "fix-it" naturally, but a lot dealt with blatant adultery/infidelity. Now anyone who knows me i have a mutual respect kink. Not just to how my OTPs have towards each other, but for ppl they care about. While the smut was amazingly written/angst-ridden and im a total angst slut too, part of me had a hard time really investing myself in those fics as I personally cant condone cheating ever, because i know from experience how utterly it can destroy a person. So in general, my fic recs will be AU/canon divergent. AUGH i lament how kubo didnt make the ending open-ended, it would have been so much better :( Also in my headcanon i like to think despite IR being soulmates, they have utmost integrity to not hurt ppl they care about despite their immense love for each other, and that folks is some sweet sweet angst/doomed romance. Actually if anyone knows any fics like that pls share!!!
Unveiled by@hashtagartistlife God tier IR smut. Like seriously, this one is BEAN-FLICKIN good yaknowwhatimsayin Winter Warmth by@gunnerpalace Starts fluffy but then HOTHOTHOT The Two-Body Problem also by@gunnerpalace I remember how well-written the sexual tension building between IR was, i FELT their anticipation and anxiousness around each other. I think the smut chapter is actually on their blog and not on Ao3 for some reason! Nurse Rukia by Aquari Lynnel (MazokuSempai) Premise is a little silly/kinky but has all the good stuff :D The Red String That Binds by DeathMeetsLife Actually this one isnt really smutty but i HAVE to rec due to the sweet sweet angst scenario i just went on about because this is an angst FIESTA. BUT no cheating as Kazuo and Ichika are actually IR baby twins but are separated from birth...i wont spoil just READ its so good The Parting Glass by Darksknight LOL ok this isnt even primarily IR more Orihime x Ulquiorra, and actually is post 686/fix it BUT i had to rec because a) Orihime is given some fuckin agency her character deserved and i really like the authors take on her/POV b) the author is fuckin hilarious and on point with all the characterizations c) this fic is a fuckin gem, seriously just read it you wont have any regrets trust me
fuck me this post was long and i am sooooo behind on shit i needa do gotta end it here, hopefully this helps anon!!! xoxo
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marsandsaturn · 3 years
being with eren - headcanons
| based on the headcanons that live rent free in my head. also this is me trying to get my friend sal to love eren again. you horny eren stans are ruining his character so stop it😤
• modern!eren ; fluff ; gn!reader (as always)
• if they are typos im sorry, it is too long to look over and im lazy, sorry :/ edit: proofread now so hopefully its better 😛
; before dating eren ;
• okay so everyone makes out this angry boi to be a player. like he only likes to fucking around.
• but i headcanon that this man has only had sex like 3 times. like if were talking modern!eren then like he lost his virginity in his freshman of college. so he had sex in his freshman year (1) in his sophomore year (2) and in his junior year (3)
• now he’s a junior and you’re a freshman in college. okay keep that in mind for this part of the headcanon
• he meet you through levi, because somehow you and levi are like childhood best friends. but anyhow.
• he “stopped fucking around” (pls he’s not a fuck boy, stop making him out as one) when he met you.
• you were just so beautiful in his eyes, that he didn’t want to sleep with anyone.
• he wanted a whole life with you, and if he’s able to sleep with you, thats a plus.
• (he wants grow old with you,,plss thats so cute)
• this man is dense (whether that is canonverse or modern!au) so he doesn’t know how to approach you. like does he do it the cliche way that he’s seen in movies? or the romantic way, which he learned from his english lit class?
• he decides on the former but luckily mikasa stops him and tells him that he should approach you slowly instead on plainly asking you out.
• yup mhm even armin tells him (heck the whole squad tells him) to take it slow. none of that kissing booth crap. none of that. (its an okay movie, but its not my cup of tea)
• also fyi he knows levi because levi is the captain of the soccer team, which eren, jean, and connie are apart of. (don’t argue with me i headcanon that he is either on the soccer team or or the baseball team)
• so boom, he walks up to you and says if you want to hang out. ya’know all casual and what not.
•except for he might have stuttered a bit because you turned around confused but when you saw that it was him you showed him your beautiful smile. (he’s already in love but he’s denying it)
• so now you guys are “hanging out” (little does he know you kinda consider this a date)
• btw the “hang out” was at an arcade because he found out you love games.
• eventually you went on more dates and then when your freshman year of college and his junior year of college ends, the two of you date.
; dating eren ;
•im a sorry (no i am not) to all the eren stans who think the only thing he will do is rail you.
•i mean sure but not so early on into the relationship (probably when the two of you are close to a year of dating, will get more physical)
• at first he’s pretty much a sweetheart. after class (he’s now a senior, you are a sophomore) he’ll bring you some sort of food, or he’ll buy you like a bracelet or something because he felt like it ( his family is rich because his father is a doctor. like it kinda makes sense, butttt he doesn’t like that rich life get to his head, he keeps it humble😌)
• but then you know the urges that comes with being with someone comes the horniness (is that a word??) he’ll want to slowly ease into sleeping with you.
• he doesn’t want to immediately degrade you, and do all that kinky stuff. sure he’ll have some dirty talk but he’s wants it vanilla at first because remember he wants to grow old with you, he wants a life with you. (how sweet🥰)
• this man loves to tease you. light teasing because that is just the man he is.
• he sees you as his other half, so whenever his anger gets the best of him, he needs to find you immediately. you calm him down.
• he’ll call you his angel, his dearest, his pretty girl/boy, his other half, his miracle. he’ll call you whatever
• he loves cuddling with you, and he hopes you love cuddling as well. if he could he’d rather stay in bed in cuddle with you for the rest of his life, then go to class or work.
• he loves taking showers/baths with you. and no not because he wants to have sex in there, i mean every once in a while is okay. but he likes it when you wash his hair, or whenever you play with the bubbles, or listen to music while washing each other.
• he wants you to meet his parents. ESPECIALLY HIS MOM. (he is such a momma’s boy i swear)
•if his mom doesn’t approve of you, he doesn’t know what he would do. (he would probably try everything in his power to convince her but lets admit it, if you make eren happy, she approves)
• he loves morning kisses with you. like the both of you are sleepy, his eyes and your eyes are slightly closed and then you kiss. (ahhhh😫🥰) then he smiles. (that smile makes you sqeual because its so cute)
• he likes to talk to you about kids. it scares him but it also excites him to have a family with you. he loves seeing the way his dad looks at his mom, so he wants that.
• if you two can’t have kids because of your anatomy, or because or some other reason, he is happy to adopt. if you don’t want kids, that is okay because he wants to be with you for life.
• he is humble and is greatful for you, and thanks the heavens or whoever let you come into his life.
ahhhhh im surprised i actually finished a post instead of leaving it in my drafts
i love eren so much. also im gonna a levi one similar to this. also of jean, connie, armin, erwin, wtc.
my request are open but plesse don’t request match ups. those take a lot of time.
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chanluster · 4 years
stray kids — who’s most likely to fuck in public
requested : yes! @hyuckworld ily horny loser
genre : smut
word count : 930
author’s note : hey loves! this is my first ever mtl, so please do let me know how it was ! if y’all enjoyed, i’d love to make some more 🥺🖤
back to masterlist
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— most likely
Jisung — oh my god this man is crazy. he literally has no shame and no sense of privacy like this goon would do it anywhere. you name it : in the studio at late night, recording your moans while you cockwarm him, he whispering dirty shit in your ear as he’s sliding inside you in a secluded park bench in the evening, even a rough quickie in the mall bathrooms — this guy literally doesn’t care. he’s willing to stain your cum on any surface if you’re down too.
Hyunjin — very much like jisung, hyunjin is a horny mf who wouldn’t want to wait till y’all get home to release that frustration. if he sees any opportunity, even down to a picnic table free he will hoist you upon the surface and make that table shake. he’s also a massive prick so he’ll tease you so much if he knows you’re horny — “my baby’s already so worked up when we’ve just left? now i’ve got to find us somewhere empty to shut you up.”
Seungmin — i feel like seungmin is quite up there too cause have you seen the lack of fucks he gives??? this man would 100% do it anywhere, especially since i think he really likes quick fucks — it’s nice and easy, and he literally savours your rushed whimpering — could not care less if others can hear you, he’s a man who knows what he wants. the only reason he’s below hyunsung is because he’d probably prefer to have longer sessions somewhere private — not because he’s embarrassed or anything, simply because he knows he’ll be interrupted.
Jeongin — now here me out!!!1!1!1!1! i will always stand by the fact that this boy is a KINKY mf and as the youngest i feel like his lack of experience will have pros and cons — pros are he’s willing to pin you against the jyp building hallways at any time and have you screaming for release — cons are he’s almost always caught. since he doesn’t have his elder member’s stealth, he will always manage to get caught with his dick all snug inside you when he’s really supposed to be practicing. of course, you tease him for it all the time but we all know how that’s gonna end when the members leave y’all to yourselves again...
Changbin — this is where there would be more hesitation; changbin would be okay with it, but he’d want to keep those intimate moments more to himself — of course, if you show him that you need to be railed, this man would hands down fuck you in a dark alleyway. even then, he’d want to be a little hidden, but if you start being loud, he will not be able to help himself — this man would fucking pound you so hard you’d probably make the outsiders suspicious. it’s all about how long he can reign in his control for — with you, his patience is thin.
Felix — noooooo he would genuinely think that you deserve better than to be fucked in a random public area 🥺🥺 if he senses you really turned on (you know, from his impassive gazes, his dancing out in the public courtyards) he would melt — like, his hands would be on you instantly, but he’d always ask — “baby, are you sure? right here, right now?” and you’d be so fucked up that he knows he has to make you feel even better. still, i think he’d more likely go all out when y’all get home — he believes he can only make you special in the comforts of his bedroom, where only the two of you can relish in each other’s desire. yes i’m a felix soft dom! enthusiast what about it.
Chan — now see, i believe chan wouldn’t want to do anything sexual outside — i am 100% down for the idea of non-sexual dominance in public, but the real deal definitely happens in the bedroom. highkey lowkey this man is possessive so a chance that others can see you all fucked out pisses him off — he believes only he deserves to see you at your most vulnerable, because he’s the reason you’re screaming into the pillow the way he wants. if you’re really really horny out in public he’ll simply raise a groomed brow, brush his fingers upon your back, and that’ll be the only contact he’ll offer. it’ll be so aggravating, but worth it when he finally takes you home.
Minho — oh boy. minho is a sadistic motherfucker, but a private motherfucker. this man will not ever let you find sweet release in public. very much like chan, he believes seeing you at your weakest is a treasure only offered to him, so if he catches you trying to pull a face akin to pleasure...phew. sometimes, if you’ve been a brat, he would thrust a vibrator up your cunt and have you go through it the entire day y’all are out, and god forbid if you made a sound reacting to its rhythmic vibrating. oh my god, he’s such a prick, because all the while you’re trying your hardest not to squirm, this fucking heathen would have his fingers lingering, mouth upon your ear and whispering all these warnings of punishment if you dared try to moan. however, once y’all are at home, it’s a one way trip to hell. this man would reward you so well for being a “a good little doll” for him.
— least likely
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beebubb · 3 years
Jeff as a dad
When he first found out you were pregnant, even though he doesn't admit it, he was scared. Cause, how was he gonna raise a child? Would he even know how to care for it? He was so used to being alone with you that he never thought about being a dad.
It took a lot or reassurance from you that it would be ok and that he would be a good dad.
Whenever you had nausea and spent the morning throwing up, at first he literally didn't know what to do or say, he probably was just like "umm.... Do you want some water?" but he got used to it eventually and would sit next to you and hold back your hair
He has a huge fucking libido, but was scared to have sex sense he thought he was gonna hurt you (also cause he's a kinky and rough mf). But once he saw how horny you would get, no way he can say no! Also he wouldn't last long without sex because, 9 months is too much to wait.
Is a huge boob man, so when he saw how big your breasts were getting, no way he could just stand by and not get his hands on them.
Would fondle you a lot while having sex
He was always scared to touch your belly in any way sense he thought he would be too rough but once you convinced him to feel the baby kick, he wouldn't stay away
Would lay down on the couch and have conversations with the baby and would explain how to become a great killer like him or tell it stories of his coolest kills
Jeff: then i slit open his fucking throat and shit ton of blood gushed out! It got all over me but damn it was worth it!! Isn't your dad just the coolest?! *proud smile*
S/O: *baby kicks showing a small little bump on her belly*
Jeff: !!! *gasps* see babe?!? They think I'm cool too!!
When the day came for you to give birth, he was excited but nervous too. He was excited to finally see his baby for the first time but knew that you were gonna go through a lot of pain
He has strong hands so if you wanna squeeze his hand, go right ahead
When the baby was finally born, he won't admit it but, he almost cried that day. He was so happy to see his kid and felt relieved that you were ok and that the pain you were going through was finally over.
Didn't want to hold the baby at first but you convinced him
Jeff: oh uh..it's fine babe! You carry them!
S/O: jeff... I did not carry the baby for 9 months and go through excruciating pain for you to not carry them, so carry them, or i'll get up this bed and kick your ass
Raising the kid
Whenever he had to take care of the baby, he would put the baby in a baby carrier and work out just to show off.
Jeff: *finished doing 50 pushups* you see how great i am? 50 push ups! No break! You're so lucky to have a dad like me. Bet i can do 100!
Baby: *literally just watching while sucking on its pacifier*
Jeff: ha! You'll see i can do 100!
He has no trouble feeding the baby or taking it places. But complains when it comes to changing its diaper
Would probably be the type of dad to copy the baby when it cries untill it actually stops crying
Lets liu take care of them whenever he's busy too but gets jealous when he sees that liu can make the baby laugh
Once the baby grows up and i around 3-4 years old. He starts to show them how to kill and be like him.
Jeff: *using a dummy* see! You grab them like this, put the knife here, and then you stab them! Got it?
Kid: got it!
Jeff: great! Now you try!
Kid: *does the same as him*
Jeff: hell yeah! Perfect!!
Once the kid starts going to school, he'll teach them "don't take shit from other killers"
An asshole kid bullies jeff's kid? Well jeff will hate that kid too and every time there are parent-teacher conferences, he'll make sure to make that kid's life a living hell
The type of dad to brag about his kid with other parents whenever there are PTA meetings
Another killer parent: MY kid is succeeding at almost every class! They have almost mastered the use of weapons at only 4 years old!
Jeff: oh really? Well, MY kid ALREADY masters several weapons and know to properly stab someone!
Killer parent: well MY kid already killed their first victim!
S/O: jeff come on! This is a PTA meeting! Not a contest!
Jeff: I'm not letting this asshole think he's better than our kid!! *turns to the parent* well MY kid has already been to their first killing spree! And at only 3 years old!!
And that's a normal PTA meeting with jeff, so get used to it
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