#its lemon boy by cavetown btw
kiukiu1270 · 7 months
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Fully finished 15 Nikolai AU Character sheet + Headcannons!!!
Nikolai is a Piano player and I will not accept him playing any other instrument other than that. His cannon design even looks like a Piano how much more piano-y can a character get?? He is those self-taught pianist. The type that only knows chords and those weird numbered sheets music you get in those church songs lol (Fyodor taught him to read sheet music later on ;3)
Also pianist of 10 years writing over here, The tenor clef page is based on personal experiences.
It took me so long to figure out his sexuality, It was between Gay, Pan, Achillean but I settled with Omnisexual
“Omnisexual refers to someone who is romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted to persons of all genders and orientations”Basically, All is good. But of course he does have some (a lot) of Internalised Homophobia and Religious Trauma (Haven’t fully figured it out yet in my head but I’m working on it)
Figure skating ehhhhhhh (for personal reasons) Realistically it is near impossible to do a Hydroblade self taught and pretty much figure skating isn’t a hobby that you can just buy a pair of skates (1000usd per pair) (he stole those with his ability ofc) but you can’t just teach yourself through YouTube videos (based on…. Experience….) (you Will Hurt yourself) but I meannnn He has an magical portal opening ability, he got plot armour. (And I like figure skating)
Random Trivia
Cavetown coded, Star coded, Neurodivergent, Enfp, likes cardistry (like magicians you get it), has the biggest crush on Fyodor (if it wasn’t obviously enough lol), likes Pigeons (yk street rats) (I love pigeons, they deserve more love), (Personally I think cannon adult Nikolai is more white Dove coded tho), Loves theatre and the stage (based on irl Mykola), Irl Mykola was queer, Loves Tchaikovsky (me too) (Tchaikovsky was also queer btw (he was very gay)), likes Mykola Lysenko (carol of the bells original composer) (ayy father of Ukrainian classical music and him share the same name!!) (I love researching about Ukrainian culture while making this)(Ukraine is so beautiful, I wish we could’ve had the chance to visit it in its beautiful light and glory before yk…) (Making this was very emotional) (Don’t forget to support Support Ukraine guys) 🌻🇺🇦🫶
Btw here are some songs that I listened to while drawing him!!!
(Definitely listens to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture to fw Fyodor lol)
(Btw go watch my 15 Fyolai Astronomy mini Animatic on my page)
(This is Home will always have a special place in my heart)
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goeffel · 6 years
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Lemon Boy and me started to get along together .... [x]
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bearambles · 5 years
enough (tyrus)
“alexa,play lemon boy by cavetown”
TJ’s eyes fluttered closed as his face hit his pillow. His mind drifted back to earlier, when Cyrus had left him upon seeing him with Kira.
“I’m happy for you.”
TJ screamed into the fabric. He hadn’t seemed happy. For the second time in his life, TJ had seen Cyrus unhappy. And for the second time, it was his fault.
TJ flipped himself around, staring at the ceiling. His eyes were glossy. He hadn’t meant to make him feel like that. He really hadn’t. Stupid Kira, TJ thought, making Cyrus feel like less then he is.
Lately Kira had been driving him up a wall. She always wanted to be with him, and it was becoming an issue. Every game had to be with Kira. Every meal had to be with Kira. TJ wouldn’t be surprised if she started trying to use the bathroom with him too. He buried his face in his hands. He had to see Cyrus. He had to explain. He had tried to, tried to explain that weren’t together. But Cyrus had look so hurt. TJ rolled to his side and picked up his phone from the bedside table. He sat up, and called Cyrus’s number. It rang. And rang.
Hi! This is Cyrus! TJ spoke excitedly, “Hey underdo-“
I can’t get to the phone right now but leave me a message and i’ll try to reply as soon as i get the chance! Thanks!
There was a beep and TJ inhaled tightly,
“Hey Cy. It’s,um, TJ. I just wanted to call to see if you were okay and um, see if i could talk to you anytime soon. Anyway. Uh, call me back if you can. Thanks.” 
TJ was in english the next day when Cyrus replied. He raced out, without any explanation, and ran to the bathroom. He locked himself in a stall, and opened his phone up to the text.
Hey TJ. I can meet after school.
TJ inhaled. Did Cyrus hate him? Was it even worth meeting up if he thought TJ liked Kira? Maybe he was overthinking. He took a deep breath and texted back.
Hey Chocolate Chip Muffin! I can meet you at our spot after school. I have to tell you something.
TJ exhaled and rested his head against the restroom wall. Was he gonna tell him? It was risky. Very risky. What if Cyrus didn’t return the feelings? Or maybe even worse, what if he did.
TJ found Cyrus sitting sadly on a swing at their normal meeting spot. He was wearing a plaid shirt of two different shades of red, and khakis. His eyes were pointed at the ground as he swung gloomily, just barely kicking his feet. He looked miserable. Much more unhappy then his texts had seemed. TJ sat next on the remaining seat and turned to face him. Cyrus let his shoes scrape the ground to stop himself, so he was looking at TJ directly.
“Hi.” he spoke
There was a long pause as TJ thought of what to say next. There was so much to say. He started with the already stated.
“I wanted to tell you that um, me and Kira aren’t together, like, at all. And I-“
“I know, TJ.” Cyrus interrupted
TJ frowned, “I just wanted to explain because I-“
“I understand. And it’s okay if you do get together, I don’t care.”
TJ got off the swing, “No, you don’t understand.I don’t like Kira.”
Cyrus got up too, and took a step towards TJ, “Then why are you always with her?”
TJ knit his eyebrows, “I’m not always with her.”
Cyrus responded,, “Well you spend every hour playing basketball with her,”
TJ interjected, “I don-“
Cyrus rose his voice, “-or talking to her,”
TJ stepped closer, “I don’t alwa-“
“-or swinging with her,” Cyrus said, his voice breaking while still being raised. He looked at the ground.
TJ was almost eye to eye with him now. “I-“
Then it hit him: TJ flashed back to the previous day, when he had been with Kira at the park. Their park.
TJ opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. What could he say that would be enough?
Finally he spoke, “That meant nothing. Cy, Kira means nothing.”
Cyrus’s voice dropped to a sharp, broken whisper,
“Then why did you choose her over me?”
His words stuck there for a while, lingering in the air like strong perfume.
The boys were only a few inches apart then. They could feel each other’s breath.TJ studied Cyrus’s face for a long time, every feature taking moments to really be processed. Then he kissed him. He grasped he cheeks with both hands, and kissed him. He didn’t think of Kira, or the people who could be watching, just Cyrus, and all he meant to him.
Cyrus pulled away after a moment, and TJ let his hands drop. Cyrus stared at him. His eyes were wide.
“Why’s you do that?”
TJ laughed nervously, “Because, its not Kira I like Cy.. Iv’e been trying to explain, ”
Cyrus gave him his adorable smile, “Teej!” he laughed as he jumped into TJ’s arms, almost sending him toppling him over.
“I like you too.” he whispered
And that was enough.
Hey! this is my first ever attempt at fanfic, and i wrote it at 3 am (oops) but hopefully you can still enjoy. they seem a bit out of character but whatever. btw this is supposed to take place after 3x15. ily! byeeeee
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Question number one please? Your writing its great btw❤️
Aww bless you 💜
1. Six songs you listen to most?
1. IKEA date by SWMRS
2. Sunflower vol 6 by Harry Styles
3. Going to California by Led Zeppelin
4. Waterloo by ABBA
5. Lemon Boy by Cavetown
6. Too Much Too Soon by Green Day
Personal asks!
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what are your top 10 favorite songs? and favorite scents? ik it sounds weird lmao
oh god I have a lot of songs I like but in no particular order (btw usually I link the songs but im a bit lazy rn lmao)
- wilson (expensive mistakes) by fob, fob is probably my favorite band ever and Wilson’s my favorite song by them, I love everything about it, the lyrics especially, it’s all amazing
- die happy by DREAMERS k I linked this one cause DREAMERS super super super underrated but they’re amazing and this song was the only thing I was playing for a while its awesome
- king for a day by pierce the veil uh funny story about this haha someTIMES only somETIMES cause im not that mean I think, if I know someone pretty well and ik their ears arent sensitive and all that lmao, im like hey I have a cool song I wanna recommend to you >:D and I play this song and turn the volume up when their earbuds are on and its hilarious seeing their face tbh when the singer starts screaming btw did I mention the intros super quiet and the singer just screamS out of nowhere? (to be fair, they tried doing this to me too) 🙃🙃
- hole in my tooth by dodie cause awh its just a cool wholesome song and honestly I love all dodie songs, I literally bonded w/ some random person on instagram cause they posted fan art of dodie
- ooOH if im being honest and not what I meant by dodie I really like dodie ;’)
- THE 1975 SONGS I really like em, uh to name a few girls, chocolate, its not living (if its not with you,) sincerity is scary, change of heart there’s so many, the 1975 is great 
- this is turning into me just listing artists I like but CAVETOWN cavetowns amazing I used to listen to the acoustic version of hug all ur friends all the time and I was genuinely obsessed with boys will be bugs and I got chills listening to devil town lmao
-  prom dress by mxmtoon, good song, I really like, it was on repeat for a long while 👍👍
- im gonna remember a billion songs that I like right after I post this
- I l o v e d broken by lovelytheband, I still do, its such a lovely song, lovelytheband’s just amazing, I like most of their songs, dont worry you will, pity party, alone time, I really like em
- WATERPARKS OH MY GOD HOW COULD I FORGET THEM TURBULENT IS AMAZING IM LINKING THAT ONE TOO I used to listen to we need to talk all the time, I think it was my most listened to song of 2018 
- 18 by arnabor is amazing as well, they’re great, cant help it is super nice
- the judge by twenty one pilots, chlorine ofc, who doesnt like chlorine
-  CRUSH CULTURE AND GENERATION WHY by Conan gray I LOVE THEM those are amazing songs 
holy shit I just realized how much I typed I need to stop sorry y’all ill tag this as a long post cause w o w I looked through my main playlist for this and I kept finding artists that I really liked and I was like I NEED TO ADD THEM IN THIS LIST
as for favorite scents 
I like those familiar, softer, scents, just kinda the nice ones idk tbh, that definitely isnt what I smell like lmao someone used to keep telling me I smell like baby wipes and lemon but tbh I mean thats alright 
kinda weird kinda funny anecdote you decide lmao but in math class this guy sitting in front of me out of nowhere just whips out his old spice deodorant in the middle of class and sprays it e v e r y w h e r e before using it on himself and it smells nice but not when it makes you diE COUGHING lmao hes a cool guy though, also why does this make me laugh so much, just the idea of someone whipping out deodorant in the middle of class
I wrote way too much 
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human-portalz · 5 years
21 questions game
Answer and tag 21 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @maizonikkoku so here:
Nickname(s): Miki or **** aka I'm not telling you what I go by irl, sorry
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5... something. Idk tbh
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!
Last thing I googled: Kirishima Ejirou (it was for refrences)
Favorite musicians: Lauren Aquiline, Dodie, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Cavetown, and MCR (if it counts since their not a band anymore)
Song stuck in my head: Lemon Boy, by cavetown
Following: 272
Followers: 70!! (Thank you all so much btw!!)
Do you ever get asks: umm no not really
Amount of sleep: ...2-7ish hours. This week I've gotten 2-4 each night tho.. I really need sleep.
Lucky number: 2?
What are you wearing: toy story alien leggings, black skirt, and a real shirt that matches my leggings. (Which are super cute btw)
Dream job: Animator! Ik it's a lot of work but it would be so much fun :)
Dream trip: Hawaii.
Instruments: guitar!
Languages: English, and the smallest bots of Hebrew, Chinese, and Spanish
Fav song: King by Lauren Aquiline! Its rly good!!
Random fact: I love French fries and baked potatoes, but I HATE mashed potatoes.
Aesthetic: anxiety, cute stuff, and softer neutral colors like light greys. (Although I don't apear like it, this is what i honestly like best)
Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic!!
I gotta tag some ppl now:
@dandelionsonafield @piperemerald @generic-account-here @ice-cream-cat @agent-up @agent-cheshire @curlyq-art
I know that's only a third of 21 but hey, I dont know so many people, and i would love to know more about these amazing folks!
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