#its literally 2am
mysweetestobsessions · 6 months
alr chat i think thats enough tumblr for today
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ceroro · 4 months
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welcome to the hellzone
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aterfish · 2 years
Being ace is an opposite of fuck around and find out:
Fuck nobody and never know for sure
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mitskikissme · 2 months
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My very rushed love letter to @rowdyknives fanfic what it means to love her. hes such a talented writer no jokeee
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jupitersmoon167 · 4 days
This is such a self indulgent idea, but humor me:
CoD x PJO crossover where John Price had a kid with one of the Greek goddesses during his early military days, and as hard as he tried to raise his kid, they were always put second over his job.
While he’s out on deployment, he gets a call. He learns that his home was seemingly broken into and his kid is missing. He uses all his resources and connections to try and find his kid, thinking that it was enemies of his that kidnapped his kid as a way to get back at him. But after months of searching, he comes up with nothing. No calls, no leads, nothing. After a year of searching, he gives up hope and mourns the loss of his kid, wishing he had been a better father to them.
It isn’t until a few years later when he’s Captain of TF141 that he finds out his kid is alive and learns why they left all those years ago and the truth of the other half of their parentage and that he and his child might be more alike in ways John wished weren’t true.
Edit: More thoughts on this here
Please come to my ask box with questions or ideas about this I need to rant about this idea with someone anyone please I beg
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tapeworrmart · 1 year
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Marked 💋🔪
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firstsecret · 9 months
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12 DAYS OF RINA day 1 ★ gina day (insp.)
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squisheyfishey · 7 months
found my old tumblr so my first post is gonna be some docm fanart
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boysareouttonight · 1 year
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my barbie
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
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smaeemo · 2 months
5x23-5x24 House MD
So ok, my understanding was that everything after House walking into Cuddy's office the first time while trying to tell her he's quitting was just a vicodin induced dream. Amber never really left, Cuddy never slept with him and helped him detox, Cameron never told Chase about the sperm.
Kutner shows up because again their case was in tandem with everyone else's personal lives and their case was about identity and given that House's subconscious most likely made up this whole episode it showed us that his own misgivings with his understanding of his own "split" brain. And then all of this topped off by how the lipstick was a metaphor and so was Cuddy for his love for vicodin, well not his love but rather his addiction.
And then topping all of it off, just as a side note, the parralell of Cameron and Chase's wedding being side by side parraelled with House walking away and into a new life away from Wilson, and away from his own obsession. While Chase and Cameron walk into their new life aswell but similarly to House and Wilson one of them is still holding onto a memory/obsession/addiction of their past, while their counter part is hoping that they will eventually let that go.
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apradonite · 2 years
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read @borrelia's transfem metal sonic fic and thought it'd pair greatly with another transfem legend
(misc doodles under the cut)
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kavlion · 1 year
Yandere Kaveh (GN!Reader)
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CW: Obsessive behavior, manipulative behavior, drinking, crying/begging, stalking
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It all would start a simple, innocent crush to him. He sees you, and he immediately becomes smitten. It wasn't in an obsessive way... at first.
You'd grow a friendship pretty quickly. He'd initiate the first conversation and you'd both take it from there.
He felt guilty often venting to you about his stress-- ranging from financial problems, his past, to his stupid roommate-- but you actually listened. No one listened to his problems the way you did. You seemed to actually care.
In turn, he listened to you. At first, it was nothing but sympathy from him, but then he started to love it when you vented your emotions to him, that you relied on him just as much as he relied on you.
That's when the obsession would truly start.
He would tell himself that it was normal for him to feel this way, in fact, it should be normal. You're so amazing, how could anyone not feel this way? He's completely justified!
After a while, he'd become very clingy. He was asking to spend time with you every chance he got, and eventually he’d get to the point of pretending to be going through something awful just to make you feel bad for him. 
Would also get drunk at Lambad’s for the sole purpose of you finding him and bringing him back home. He would be extra flirty and sometimes borderline creepy, but you’d chalk it up to the copious amounts of alcohol he’s had.
When you start to avoid him more, he’d grow very emotional. He’d become more clingy and overbearing, but also very passive aggressive, but never fully aggressive. He just couldn’t find it in his heart to be truly angry at you, or at least to act on that anger.
If you continue avoiding him, he’d show up on your doorstep having a drunken breakdown. He’d confess his love, clinging onto you and crying into your shoulder at how, “I need you, I can’t live without you, why are you doing this to me?! Are you trying to break me!? Do you not care about me at all?!”
This could go one of two ways.
A. You bring him inside and comfort him. He’d have the gall to ask to move in with you, and if you say yes, he’d act like his regular self until he’s financially stable again.
When that would happen, he’d start keeping you captive within your own home. He’d make you stop working, now having the money to support the both of you, even promising to build you both a mansion one of these days! Isn’t that so sweet?
On the other hand... B. you slam the door on his face and for a while, you’d hear nothing from him. When you think that he’s finally left you alone... months, maybe even a year or two later... you’d find yourself kidnapped from your house, waking up in an unfamiliar place.
He spent that time growing financial freedom stalking you, perhaps sending you letters and gifts from a “secret admirer” on your time spent apart, if for longer than half a year. 
When the blindfold would come off, he’d smile.
“Did you miss me, dear?”
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
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"It’s a very weird creature,” Dr. Davranoglou said, adding that it’s able to leap three or four feet in the air to escape predators. “We were quite awestruck, really.”
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locallygrowndaikon · 9 months
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crustyfloor · 3 months
Till has no sleep schedule and Ivan has a worriedly...good? sleep schedule? what a match made in no sleeping apps
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