#its not v similar to what i usually draw lol
melrosing · 5 months
a while back you mentioned bran being a fisher king type of figure if he becomes king. i am so intrigued by that concept. can you tell us more?
so full disclosure, I don't have a great deal of familiarity with Arthurian legend or British/Welsh mythology, which is what the Fisher King really draws upon, so I don't think I can say anything of real substance on this subject! i keep meaning to just sit down and swot up on this stuff but it's. not really something you can do in one sitting lol
HOWEVER i think even to a wiki peruser it's patently clear that GRRM is drawing on the Fisher King concept with Bran (as in, once you know he's doing that, you realise he isn't even trying to hide it). and I do tend to think that GRRM is more likely to stick with the top line of a myth or historical event he means to parallel rather than get lost in the minutiae - e.g. Matilda v Stephen succession crisis inspiring Rhaenyra v Aegon, the Black Dinner of 1440 inspiring the Red Wedding, this is GRRM taking the substance of an event but not the details of how it came to pass.
I'm going to guess that rather than getting into the finer details of the Fisher King mythos, GRRM is going to utilise it much like he's used Shakespeare's Richard III for Tyrion, which is another inspiration that seems painfully obvious from the moment you spot it, but is hardly lifted beat for beat, and I seriously doubt that Tyrion's story ends up anywhere like the end of RIII. but you can see GRRM taking the bits and pieces of RIII he finds interesting and twisting them for Tyrion in ASOIAF.
so with that in mind, I'm just going to quickly list the key points I can personally gather from the Fisher King myth that seem to gesture to Bran, and why I think these are probs interesting to GRRM as a writer (but as I say there are people who know lots about arthurian legend and british/welsh mythology who would probs have a lot more to say here):
the Fisher King is usually depicted as being wounded in the groin/legs/thigh - this is considered synonymous with his inability to have children and so propagate his line. immediately obvious parallel to Bran, and I think through both ASOIAF and F&B, GRRM is trying to show that ruling through dynasties where everything hinges on how the next guy's son turns out, is not a viable way to run a country. Bran will not be succeeded by children of his own blood, but I think much in the way that he himself has succeeded Bloodraven
the Fisher King is one with his land as such: his welfare is the welfare of the land, and when he takes a wound (and becomes infertile), the land too becomes barren. the Fisher King awaits a hero who will heal and restore him and so the land (but I can only imagine GRRM would subvert this - it's clear through GRRM's writing of disability that he doesn't see value in just 'curing' his characters. he wants to actually write them as disabled people). and I think there's a lot in Bran's story about man learning to respect the land he lives upon - the children and the first men's peace pact was agreed upon the grounds that the first men would essentially preserve Westeros and its weirwoods etc, and so I think it's generally agreed ASOIAF could end with a similar kind of pact to end the Long Night (or after the end of TLN)? so again, think this point is about Bran representing a renewed relationship between the lands of Westeros and its peoples - the welfare of all is tied together through him
the Fisher King is guarding the Holy Grail. im way out of my depth on this point, someone with more knowledge re. the Holy Grail needs to weigh in here lol, but I would guessssss that maybe this has something to do with Bran ending the story on the Isle of Faces, protecting the peace from there or SOMETHING idk
then the most obvious point: the Fisher King as he appears in Arthurian legend is thought to draw on the figure of Brân the Blessed, a character of Welsh mythology - which immediately recalls Bran the Broken (something Bran literally calls himself several times). the name 'Bran' also translates to crow or raven in Welsh, so, duh. and Brân the Blessed's story ends with his requesting that his head be buried on the White Hill of London - and as long as it remained there, Britain would be safe from invasion. more about Bran being tied directly to the welfare of the land and its peoples
(again there's doubtless a lot more that could be added here by someone who understands the Fisher King myth better than I do, but these seemed like the most obvious points that anyone could draw on)
anyway I absolutely take it as a given that Bran will be King at this point, and whilst it's really hard to imagine what that looks like, I do think it resonates. GRRM likes writing about dynasties but I don't think he believes in them. I'm sure he feels much the same way about feudalism, but I doubt that will be gone by the end of ASOIAF, too, so this is how I picture it??
KL: destroyed. red keep: fucked. some level of politics may continue here post-series, but I think it will no longer be the heart of westeros. the fact that it is in AGOT is I think GRRM trying to show the corruption at the heart of this country - KL is constantly described as a cesspit where the rich play their games and live and eat luxuriously directly atop the shoulders of the poor and downtrodden, divorced from what's happening in the rest of the 7K.
the new heart of Westeros will be the Isle of Faces. this is where I think Bran will end up. we don't know much about it, bc noone is able to sail there, but this was where the pact between the COF and the First Men was created, and it's one of the last places in the south where weirwoods still grow (here, in abundance). and apparently there was once a Green King of the Gods Eye?? if the Green King, of the Rivermen, is in any way the role Bran will soon be occupying, maybe this is where his Tully heritage is somehow relevant. and also like 'god's eye', Bran's whole thing is about learning to see all, so. likely place for him to be. ultimately, I don't think Bran will remain in Winterfell; the story is supposed to be about unity I think, and not northern exceptionalism, so a remaining Stark sibling will take up that seat and as I said before, I tend to think that will be Sansa.
and I guess the most I can imagine beyond this point is Bran living alongside the COF (perhaps in the company of Meera idk?), functioning less as a political entity and more as a figurehead, perhaps an oracle, who lives for the welfare of his people. there will still be politicians to run the country, but they will be guided by Bran in some way, and like Bloodraven, Bran will choose his own successor. what the intricacies of any of this look like i have no idea, but this really does sound to me like the start of GRRM's answer to all his concerns re. dynasties and corruption etc etc
sorry this was all garbled as hell but this is basically what the Fisher King endgame means to me for now. in short, not a whole lot that I can make sense of but I like the feel of it, I think it's consistent with the themes of the text and suggests the start of real change at the end of the story, rather than the start of yet another dynasty.
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nemkero · 5 months
its the same anon as before-
Can I just say I love the way you add depth to the skin tones and I also love your color line art?
The textures and expressions ahahghjdbhjdgjdfbdf <3 not to mention the lighting on some of these are just great!
uh if you don't mind can you tell me how you do your colors? Like the base ones I don't mean all the lighting stuff
im still fairly new to digital art so how do you color inside the character instead of just each individual shape?
jfbdskjbjksfbdf thank you ^v^
THANK YOU SO MUCHH!!!! much appreciated c:
im pretty bad at explaining it but usually i just use much more saturated and warm colors in my art since im biased (i like warm tones a lot) and i also think it more eyecatching!
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heres an example-- i make the values generally similar with mainly the darker colors (hair, shoulder thingy) being lightened slightly to reduce contrast so its more easy on the eye & makes it look softer ig? i also like to choose one color in particular to "base" all the other colors around, and that color is usually some sort of primary color and the most saturated. in this case, its a red/orange color, so i had all of my other colors shift closer to it (in reference to the color wheel)
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heres another (really crappy LOL) example based around a more orange tone (though looking at it i think i made sokka a little too orange... whoops) and if you look at the values themselves...
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basically the same! most of this is just preference too so its not like you need to REALLY stick to the original values or anything, but all that id look out for is that you pay most attention to stuff like skin tones just to make sure youre not like whitewashing by accident lol
im overcomplicating things but its kinda just something i think you learn over time? the way i figured colors out was by abandoning any and all reliance on blending layers (stuff like multiply, add, overlay, etc.) and just eyeballing literally everything and it kinda forced me to figure out how to make colors look good without relying on filters!
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as for blocking in colors in general... i forget how to draw sometimes so im never really consistent with it LOL but lasso fill is your best friend! i either just use a random color and lasso fill the whole character manually (left) and set that layer to alpha lock/protect alpha, or i just lasso fill each color individually (right) bc im a freak sometimes
what i recommend doing/the fastest way is using the magic wand to select outside of your lines, invert the selection and then fill in the selection with a color and setting that to alpha lock.
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i dont use it as much anymore mostly because i dont line so my stuff is really sketchy (so stuff like on the right happens) and i kinda like messy coloring anyways soooo... but yeah!!! i dont really recommend using the fill bucket that much unless the situation calls for it c:
(and if you do struggle with this and ur results look like whats on the right, try just manually closing your lines or seeing if your wand has an option for automatically closing gaps!)
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mundanesalad · 3 months
I am kinda obsessed with your fanfic and was wondering if you have any recommendations, specifically guilty gear (faust?) related ones. Fanfic is v hit or miss so I get most of it by awkwardly asking authors I like for suggestions lol
Hell yeah! Sorry if you've read some of these before, but there's a handful of authors I can think of that have really good Faust fics. Also just going to throw this out here: I typically don't read fics more than a few thousand words, so all of my recs here are sub 10k words. I also usually don't read porn, so you'll have to go somewhere else to find recs for that 🤷 (the ironic part of this is that I've been sitting on a 35k+ multi chapter Faust fic for the past year or so, that I work on on-and-off).
Do no harm and Recognition by chibimun are always going to be the ones I rec for people who want to know what the deal with Faust is. The former is a study on what happened to him in prison, and the latter is an encounter between Baldhead and May. These two are both kind of upsetting at times but I also built most of my understanding of Faust upon them.
Polyester coffin by broken_clover How it feels to (metaphorically) mask in a workplace environment! How it feels to take an unnatural shape as that is what is expected of you! How it feels when your clothes are literally uncomfortable as fuck!
Let it die by broken_clover Set immediately after GGST's Another Story, Faust has an introspective conversation with himself...immediately after letting himself fall off the May ship. It's a really good expansion on the finale of his story arc (and it's not nearly as sad as the description makes it sound).
Cherry Jam by chainsawviolin I am not immune to sexy vampire. Faust makes a housecall for Slayer (with aftercare). 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 faust/slayer is a ship i very much enjoy. yeagh.
Dreaming of better by cohockcharge Bedman throws Faust into the nightmare theater. I'm surprised these two never interacted more because, to me, they seem to follow a similar arc of being their own downfall. Idk how else to put it. Anyway, a really interesting meeting between these two, and why power isn't all that its cracked up to be.
Admittedly, I haven't read enough of the last one's work to include, but I generally think anything by chibimun (@fauslayer), chainsawviolin, and broken_clover(@broken-clover) are all solid choices for browsing.
jim is making me add this one
two guys platonically spooning by mundanesalad i wrote raven and faust watching a horror movie for some fucking reason. sometimes i draw comics about it.
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mifhortunach · 2 years
in review - once again! - 2022
below cut :/
i did... Very Little drawing this year ! - which i’m really not happy about, and i’m not sure how that happened tbh. that said, if nothing else, instead of drawing i got ‘a lot’ of printing done!
it was a good year for like. my Actual Practice - i spent a lot of time in the studio, got a piece (that i still like!) into an actual public show, as well as for the first time sold some work!! I also got to finally mess around with a riso machine, as well as someone offered to show me more litho stuff, so im hoping to pursue that much more in the year :) - as well as finally do a bunch of projects i’ve been putting off for ages & dear god, fckn draw more
watched a lot of movies though!!!
ltrbxd says i saw like. 115 or smth, but that’s an estimate bc i went to a couple of shorts showings (as well as fell asleep at a couple :’/ ). it’s been cool!! have finally seen a bunch of genre classics, and had like, a seeing thru the matrix moment~ where i could tell a whole bunch of influences that had affected smth i was watching ! id quite like to try to strike a similar balance this year as well; catching up on like. ‘genre staples’ but paired w the weirdest most niche shit i can find - fingers-crossed! (thinking about putting together a little round-up post of some of the ones i saw this year that really stuck around for me, but idk)
usually i think - and by usually i mean like, last year - i’ve got more to say on this front, but a lot of the pods i really enjoyed this year were hold-overs from 2022-
AMCA: i’m someone who while they don’t care about starwars, DOES really like podcasts about it, which is weird & difficult to explain, but this is still so good!! 5 star podcast, 5 star runtime! everyDAY do i wish they could do a special about dune...
The RETURN of toxic podcast!: as before, a podcast only for me really, and the only podcaster that i do have smth approaching a parasocial relationship with - its just been nice to hear from Ale again!! The branch into ltrboxd reviews as been a fun venture too, imo.
FATT/SANGFIELLE: though difficult to believe, that DID happen this year!! Sangfielle is still so so good, and it got me back into both listening to bluff as well as trying so hard to catch up on ptzn, its just really fckn good what else is there to even say! (Met a lot of v cool people through this as well, which has been so cool :) )
Assorted Seán L@TDF podcasts: while he has dropped completely off the face of the internet - though hopefully not the earth - the man DOES still have years of weird (mostly movie) focused podcasting to go back in on, which i do find consistently compelling!! turns out when u practice putting thought into words and then presenting for long enough you do indeed build a skill. His found footage series (Hundreds of Pixelated Dead Bodies) series is great, and introduced me to a lot of stuff, ditto his other series (hundreds of dead bodies). I’m hoping to get through the big, thoughtful series (ALL UNITS) this year, and maybe I’ll get even luckier and he’ll return to the land of podcasting soon.
I’m sure i’ve missed some on this one, but these are the ones that stood out to me this time round, i guess. i’m excited for the new twioat series also, lol.
i did like, almost no reading, or tv watching, though i did start, and plan - and not finish - a good couple of knitting projects. didn’t get out to see many gallery shows either, which isn’t so great - though i DID manage to have a startlingly good year socially ?
made some new friends, had a whole private theme month devoted to the films of al pacino, and got to see two bands/musicians that i really love play live!! Good Ol’ Stevie P w @silverview (<33) && TWRP - both of which were so so great, and made me wish i got out more lol
lots to be done this year, as per, but hopefully it’ll be fine
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persephie · 5 years
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“Too much.”
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ladybugg1235 · 2 years
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Satisfy part 1
Dabi x fem reader
Hello lovelys finally part 1 complete to my little little teaser lol sorry for any mistakes miss spelling etc i hope yall like:)
Warning: adult content 18 +
Your violet eyes presses on searching through the sea of dancing bodies til finally resting on a pair of glowing teal blue eyes.....
Time seemed to stop there in the dark side corner on the top floor of the club stood a silhouette of a man his shoulder leaned up against a wall ankles crossed over the other his lazy gaze locked on you.
It was him!! And damn what a sight
He was fairly tall a bit of a lanky build his hair was messy wild and dark he looked young early twenties you guessed he wore a long dark blue jacket with white cuffs over a white v neck shirt with similar dark pants paired with dark dress shoes.
But his most compelling feature was the patches Of angry purple burns on parts of this neck and face and exposed chest ( from what u could see)held together by staples connected to pale unburned skin.
You bit your lip "Mmm Sexy" you thought not only did he smell divine but hot damn he was a fox !! he has that bad boy look down to the tee and those burns just made him even more captivating curious very curious "i wonder how he got those?" you thought
Your eyes stayed locked completely enamored u watched as he reached a hand in his pocket placing a cigarette between his lips then taking his right palm underneath it igniting a bright blue flame lighting in and taking a deep draw.. inhale ,exhale his eyes never wavered from yours a slight smirk evident on this face.
Sweet baby Jesus !! Your breath caught in your throat wow ...You never been more jealous of a cigarette in your entire life just that one simple action made your body quiver his eyes holding you Captive
for the first time in your life u felt like prey like a rabbit trapped in headlights and damn he knew it too. It was an invigorating feeling.
As the music died out your body begin to move on its own accord as a new steady beat song began Play "hmm I wonder" you thought as you started to sway to the music
"So he likes to watch hu?" "Ill give him something to watch and maybe more of he let me" ...." hmm" you purred at that thought yes you'd like that very much so but for now ...watch me beautiful blue eyes" you closed your eyes activating your quirk ...moving your hips from side to side your violet eyes pulsating to the beat as you released an aphrodisiac in the air the energy in the club begin to shift you glide your hands down your body slow and easy movements rolling your belly in a seductive roll your body nsyce with the beat.
making your way too middle of the floor continuing your sensual movements dancing bodies around u began to pair up grinding touching and pawing one another you grab the nearest person a beautiful brunette you pulled her close to your body searing her lips with a wet seductive kiss your violet eyes glancing back up at the beautiful teal eyed man as you continued to feed off the beautiful womens energy.
Dabi pov
It been one hell of night his mind weighed heavy as he walked the dark streets the light rain beating on his back.
He was on edge ...restless then usual he was dead tired but not enough for sleep too claim him he was on way back to his shit hole apartment when had an itch for a drink he stop glancing at the club in the distance "fuck it "just one" he thought making a quick entrance in the club.
after picking his poison he found a spot in a dark corner on the top floor leaning up against the wall his eyes scanned the dance floor out of boredom and that's when he saw you
"hmmm" he thought taking a swig from his glass his eyes scoured your body from head to toe as you made your way through the dance floor he had to admit you were a pretty little thing it been along time since a woman caught his attention and there was something about you that perked his interest he watch you curiously until finally your eyes locked.
Her eyes turn a light violet hue and began to pulsate "hmm beautiful must be her quirk "he thought his eyes not once leaving yours.
All to soon he got this strange feeling rushing over his body "damn I need a smoke" reaching in his pockets he lit a cig with his quirk his eyes still locked
"Cute little doll"
he chuckled as you skimmed his body you your head cocked to the side your lower lip between your teeth giving him a sense of male pride that he had an a strong effect on you .
As the music fades out a new slow steady beat took flight with a sultry pout on your face you started to dance.
Hot damn !.... He couldn't believe his eyes he thought as he watch this pretty little doll no scratch that A beautiful goddess took her place in the middle of floor bodies all around her grinding touching one another like under a spell of desire and need. He was completely in awe
His breath caught in his throat as a beautiful aroma hit his senses making him feel slightly dizzy "Is this her quirk?" He thought shaking his head trying to focus.
All of a sudden she grab a pretty brunette from the crowd claiming her lips in a steamy wet kiss Her eyes glancing up to his.
Goddamn!!!! he thought as he watched you devour the pretty brunettes wanting mouth.
his pants growing tight by the minute.
Holy fuck !! he never felt more jealous of another girls lips in his life... What he'd give to have those beautiful honey filled lips of yours around his cock ... Mmmmm he thought
"Fuck it !! "He thought "enough of this "!
Im coming for you pretty girl!! downing his drink in one go tossing his glass down on the nearest table and he made his way down the stairs his sights on his target.
Back to your pov
After getting your fill from the beautiful brunette you gently pushed her to the side another eager body welcoming her into a lustful embrace bodies around you lost in Oblivion you giggled and gazed back up to the top floor to the beautiful mystery man who has capture your attention but he was gone.
"Where did he go ? Surely he didn't leave ?" You thought as you skimmed the top floor and all around you but coming up short.
crestfallen but still determined your mind focused ,your eyes frantically presses on searching in the ocean of bodies once again
"Where are you blue eyes?"
u thought until all of a sudden a beautiful deep husky voice whispers in your ear.
"Looking for me dollface ?"
To be continued.......
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels i was scrolling through my dash and then i caught a glimpse of your new fallon drawing and i want you to know that i went absolutely buckwild and then i scrolled further to see the whole drawing and i'm pretty sure i squealed. kels ever since ive started following you and your art and fallon have slowly nestled yourself inside my brain its amazing how excited i get whenever u upload a new drawing. also ive noticed that i'm slowly but surely starting to sound more and more unhinged and wild like you. how the fuck do you have so much influence on me. 
ALSO i love the new fallon drawing!! you are so right blue gold and white are just her colours they fit her v well!! and i love how much texture you used throughout the whole drawing and her shoes are AWESOME!! also love the whole winter fairy-ish vibe <3
ALSO i was wondering if you could like sort of,, idk explain your drawing process on this drawing? like if you did the colouring first or the lineart and stuff bc i just love how it turned out and id love to try something similar!!
AW!!! i am so hype for my awful girl to be Enjoyed so much!! she is my favorite dressup doll i love to play barbies with her most of all heheh. also i am THRILLED that my Unhinged and Unwell nature have rubbed off on u. i know i am a Strong personality and it makes me V POLARIZING (i am either LOVED or LOATHED i havent met many ppl who are just like meh abt me. i am an Experience) and its always a DELIGHT when someone finds my feral animal traits endearing or positive and kind of picks up on them. i think because life is short that we should all be as bananas as we please at any point in time. PURE ID HERE BABY
AND TY TY!! my girl has a strong aesthetic and this piece kind of went a liiiiittle against some of that (its a lot of hard angles vs i normally give her a lot of ovals and rounded edges) but for the setting its appropriate bc im trying to give her a bit more of a """"harsh"""" or """"severe"""" vibe (like as harsh and severe as she can possibly look which isnt very). i LOVE to use texture brushes they are such an easy way to get out of drawing details myself because i am SO lazy!!
okay i “”answered”” this i GUESS technically because i typed words in response but its a whole lot of jack shit so like. here ya go. SORRY PAL. 
here are some more shoes as u can see i basically draw her in the same ones always except when i draw her in a plugsuit
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OKAY THE DRAW IN QUESTION i kind of cheated on bc i literally just traced over one of my older draws i did for a very obscure au i made of who made me a princess (i am always doing such ridiculously niche shit i love to sit in my little sandbox and have no one else understand my barbie rps) BUT the process is the same as basically every draw i do like this. it is very simple so dont worry (or do, maybe)
i use 1-3 layers at a time and then immediately merge when i feel like im done and LIVE W MY MISTAKES if not!! anyway prepare to be massively underwhelmed heh
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this is so funny i cant believe i literally traced my own drawing im a fuckin FRAUD im the laziest bitch i know. anyway. my sketches are way messier than this but it always starts out either scratch ass lines or color blocking w this bright ass magenta bc thats what feels right!!!!!!
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HERES THE LAYERS I USED LOL i do all textures n shit as a clipping mask so actually i used 4 layers for this bc id set down one texture or pattern that was gonna overlap on a diff layer so i wouldnt have to work harder to erase and then BLINDLY MERGED to make things more difficult if actually i fucked up before that!!! work smarter not harder except when it is absolutely braindead to do otherwise is my motto
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IF IM DOIN SMTH NICER like this then i usually make sure all my lines connect (this is also why i do a lot of angles and simple clear shapes when i draw) so i can set that layer as reference and USE THE FUCKING FILL TOOL BAYBEEEEE!!!!! this also makes it easier to fuck around with COLOR imho bc you can just rapidly swatch with zero efforts. i Love to take shortcuts. i Love to be lazy. i HIGHLY rec this, if i have colored smth that stays in the lines then its bc i connected the lineart and used the bucket fill underneath. if my lines dont connect sometimes ill make a temp line and erase after i filled. im dedicated. ALSO u can see here that my patterns layer is all overlapping and fucked up bc i didnt check and erase fully but i use p limited palettes in general so... IT DIDNT MATTER THIS TIME!!!!!!!!. 
anyway after all that i lock the lineart layer if i havent already and color some of the lines for some PIZAZZ. easy way to immediately fake effort i do love to do that
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 i do all of my fucking draws on the same canvas bc im a horrible little beast, so the only reason i didnt erase the sketch and use it for the colors layer was bc there were others on that layer already and i didnt wanna scoot them so i could cap the finished draw. i did NOT connect my lines for this one i colored like a toddler. who gives a shit we all die in the end anyway!!! 
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YOU DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BUT LINELESS MY LOVE... i just color blocked for this one alas i do not have process caps, i will do that next time i draw i guess if anyone wants that!!? i typically only use a single layer for lineless- block out the shape, alpha lock, then color and carve from there. EASY PEASY!! ive shown it before but i spent all my formative draw years on v limited feature programs (mspaint, oekaki, TEGAKI MOST OF ALL) so i dont explore tools much and do what seems easiest and most intuitive to me... im sorry i dont have any sick tricks or real process i am but a feral little clown drawing in the DIRT. also here is the tegaki overlay i use whenever i am Blocked or fatigued w procreate layout. it makes me feel NOSTALGIC and INSPIRED so i do this instead of like, actually getting on tegs2
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this ended up long as fuck and FOR WHAT?? its just 10 images and several paragraphs of “sorry im the laziest fucker ALIVE”
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hello! First and foremost just wanted to say how I enjoy reading your blog and wanted to thank you for your hard work on it ❤️ Music is a big part of BTS’s lives and usually an artist’s expression of what they are feeling or experiencing. I just wanted to know your thoughts on songs JK has written / co-written (Still with You, Magic Shop, Your Eyes Tell, Stay, My Time, etc) and if you think any of them is related to Jimin or Jikook and their relationship?
Hello anon! Thank you for the kind words 💜
Let me just start with an omg, JK is so freaking talented. All the songs he works on are absolute bangers. Okay so let's start.
Let's start with Your Eyes Tell...
Which is one of my favorites. No, I don't think this song is about Jimin. It was written as a One Shot specifically for a movie, so its fits the vibes of the movie. So no, I don't think it was written about or for anyone in particular. What DID interest me about this though is during that Japanese interview they did during that era. I feel like it gets overshadowed a bit because it's from the same moment where Jimin said that "waking up and seeing Jungkookie" bit of his. Lol but he is given 2 song choices from JK and told to pick one, Jimin picks Your Eyes Tell as his favorite. When asked why he simply looks straight at JK and says "it is a very good song and it fits my emotions lately" quite the romantic type of song to fit your emotions lately Jimin... trying to tell us something? It might mean nothing... lol but Jimin certainly was in a flirt with Jungkook mood that day. I don't think this was a song for them, but I do think Jimin might have used to to sneaky tell JK he loves him in that moment *removes tin hat* sorry, moving on!
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I also don't think this has anything to do with Jimin per say. I think this is exactly what they told us it was. The entire BE album was sort of like an ARMY we miss you anthem and dealing with their emotions during the pandemic. I know it was originally part of JKs future mixtape, but it got changed up a bit and added to the album instead. Personally, I look at Jimin and his reactions to of a song JK wrote to determine if it might be meaningful to them as a couple or not.
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My Time
Whew, how amazing is this song?! I think the only time this relates to Jikook is how incredibly and obviously proud Jimin is of Jungkook for this one and how much he loves this song. Jimin hypes it up a lot. I'm still thinking about that one set of interviews they did where Jimin had My Time as his background music and JK had Filter as his (sigh... love supportive boyfriends). This is an intensely emotional and deep song about the mental struggles Jungkook went through as a child star and how he essentially gave up his childhood and missed out on a lot of things. I imagine it was probably a cathartic/healing process while writing the song, while simultaneously being an emotionally draining and difficult song to write and process those things. I don't know, I'm not an artist, but I imagine that even if it ends up helping in the end, it's not always easy sorting through and dealing with all those past feelings. That could also play a part in why Jimin views that song as meaningful and why he is so proud of JK for it. Plus its a freaking killer song, I also would want to listen to it while canoeing through a serene and blissful lake surrounded by beautiful scenery!
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Still With You
Ahem, now its very likely and probable that this has nothing to do with Jimin or their relationship all. I can draw some similarities with the lyrics and with the rain fight they mentioned. But honestly JK continually talks about how this was a song written for ARMY about how he misses performing for us. And again, I often look to Jimin for his reactions to songs. He seems fond of it, but in no way does he give us any indication that it means anything to him personally other than perhaps agreeing about missing their fans and performing and being proud of JK. So I really do think this is exactly what JK tells us it is. A song about missing performing in front of ARMY, doing concerts with his members for us. Which makes sense since it was written after their tour got canceled. You can all take it and view it as you see it though too.
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Magic Shop
Saved this one for last on purpose! Because I can and will say that I'm like 90% positive that this song is for Jimin. And it is Jimin who gives this away for me EVERY TIME. He is so giddy and happy and excited and flustered ANYTIME they talk about this song. That one live they did for the album release where Jimin was a little more than tipsy lol they were so cute. And when he asked JK to talk about Magic Shop Jimin just looked so endeared and he started to say something about how he is ARMY again (I think? It's been awhile, I just remember making note of it) and JK literally scolding him to stop and "be quiet" 😂 Jimin about to spill too many secrets? He looked so endeared with JK talking for about the song and ARMY too.. the VIBES. Everytime Jimin talks about the song, he is beyond giddy and flustered. And the lyrics, it really feels like this song was written with an intentional double meaning, for ARMY and for Jimin. Yes, its a song for us, but I'm convinced it was written with Jimin in mind.
Here is the Comeback vlive I was talking about:
And here is another vlive where Jimin expresses his happiness and admiration for Magic Shop. About 9 minutes in is where he starts talking about how touched his was by how JK wrote this song:
I talked briefly about the filters Jimin used in regards to army asking to use it if jikook is real in another post with other theories. Its a bit on the conspiracy theory side so I don't totally buy it, but it IS an interesting coincidence. AND that he chose that filter WHILE singing Magic Shop is something else interesting to note:
AND we absolutely have to remember that Jimin is the owner of Jungkook's magic shop. And how insanely flirty they were that ENTIRE VCR film. Like the levels of flirt were very very high. Very high. And they remind us to this day (hello festa 2021) that Jimin was the owner of the magic shop. This is their song... right along with Serendipity.
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I'm right there with Jimin though, this song is special. I love it so much! There are great lyrics analysis on other blogs that you can look up if you haven't seen them, I'm not getting into that here on this post.
Thanks for the ask! JK is so talented. I love his solos so much. Everything he touches really IS golden!
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aerynwrites · 3 years
Boba Fett x F!Reader
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A/N: For @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday! I had a lot of fun with this one as Sci-Fi is definitely my passion when it comes to writing, watching, reading stuff! So I guess a little backstory with this, is my inspirations for the reader came from the above image (left) as well as kind of mixing that with the idea of The Winter Soldier/Bucky from the MCU. Also I loved the idea of Boba facing an opponent that hes never faced before and getting his ass beat lol. So...here ya go! I hope you all enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: fighting, guns, and knives.
Specter: Specter refers a ghost, or something that is widely feared or is a source of terror or dread.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
In all his years as a bounty hunter traveling the galaxy, It still surprises Boba sometimes that he doesn’t know all of the planets. Granted he is usually only called to the same ones over and over. So, seeing a new planet is something that causes surprise to tug at the edges of his mind. This is how he feels when the bounty he receives is said to be last spotted on a rather large yet secluded planet by the name of Zonuc. The memory of the exchange a few days ago replays in his mind as the ramp to Slave I lowers.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“I’ve never even heard of this planet before, and you expect me to fly triple the distance I usually do to capture a bounty that you can’t even give me any information on? No age. No species. No name-”
“I gave you a name,” the client interrupts, waving his withering hand dismissively. The client is a wrinkly old Zabrak bastard who has caused Boba more frustration in the last half hour than he’s experienced in years.
“No,” he barks, “You have me an alias, which isn’t that helpful when they can just dump it for a new one whenever they please.”
The Zabrak rolls his eyes, “I was told you were the best. If you feel this is too much of a challenge I can just find someone else to-”
“Save your ultimatums for someone else, Kar,” Boba snaps, “I’ll get them. But I expect heavy compensation for the trouble this causes me.”
Kar sneers at the bounty hunter, “If you manage to bring them back to me alive, I assure you,” he leans back in his chair, “you will never have to worry about credits again.”
Boba scoffs before turning on his heel and leaving to find his bounty.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
The sight that greets Boba as the ramp of Slave I opens before him, is definitely different than anything he’s seen. Immediately he is struck with a familiarity. The city he’s landed in is teeming with life, bustling streets, towering buildings, neon signs hanging everywhere. It reminds him of Coruscant but less…refined. This place is definitely a place where those who want to disappear go. This place also reeks of trouble and shady dealings. What strikes him as the most odd however, is the people that seem to inhabit the place.
They look like humanoid droids. But not the kind that can’t do anything but follow their master around and translate languages. No. These things look like humanoids that have been transformed into machines. 
Boba treads carefully - senses on high alert while also listening to the tracking fob that beeps steadily at his side. He spends his first few hours on the planet trying to simply get his bearings, finally having found a non-robotic person to ask about the place. He learns that the people that inhabit the planet in majority are called Exos, a species he’s never heard of. He also finds that this place is exactly what he thought it to be - 
A place for criminals and wanted people to come and live and thrive in a life of crime. A safe haven for those on the run from people like him. 
He huffed at that information. No place is ever truly safe, and as his tracking fob starts to beep faster, he knows he’s about to teach that lesson to yet another bounty. 
He follows where the tracking fob leads him, surprised that the bounty does not seem to be moving. Finally, he rounds a corner at the end of the street he is on and he immediately feels when the bounty clocks him. You are at a stall in a marketplace in the middle of the street. He sees you turn to look just as he rounds the corner and he immediately recognizes the mask from the pictures shown to him by Kar. It's black, with orange glowing detail around the visor, creating a haunting effect. The second that visor lands on Fett, you turn on your heel and sprint in the opposite direction. 
The hunter curses to himself and gives chase.
He has faced many different bounties in his lifetime, but this one is the first that he has ever had a sliver of a doubt about. The way you dart nimbly through the streets before literally leaping off of walls to reach the roof tops, giving you a height advantage. Fett follows as best he can with his jet pack, but between dodging speeders and hanging signs he loses sight of you. For a moment, as he lands in a side alley, he thinks he actually lost the bounty. 
Until the fob at his side starts going haywire. 
He glances up above him and raises an arm just as you come crashing down onto him, razor sharp blade glancing off his vambrace as you land. Fett pulls his blaster from it’s holster and aims faster than most could blink, but not fast enough for you. You reach out and grab the end of his blaster before it even reaches chest level, and you yank it from his grip with a force that strikes a tinge of concern into hunters mind. He watches in utter shock as you break the solid metal in half over your knee before rearing back and throwing a knife in his direction. He barely dodges it and immediately reaches for his own blade to defend the attack he knows is coming. This time he is at least able to draw his weapon completely before you are on him again. 
You go to throw a punch at his head, and on instinct he leans into it, used to his opponent crumpling in pain once their fist makes contact with the solid metal. However, this time, he is the one that stumbles when a deafening ringing fills his ears as metal connects with metal.
Wait - metal on metal?
He glances up from where his eyes fell to the floor to see you rearing back to hit him again, and he just manages to finally realize what is happening. The black color of your hand that he had assumed were gloves, is actually smooth metal.
He’s fighting a fucking robot. 
Before he can dwell on it too long however, he dodges another blow and thrusts his blade forward and up with the intent of burying the blade in your stomach. But before he can, you reach out and wrap your fingers around the blade - stopping it in its path. You wretch the weapon from his hands before landing a herculean blow to his chest, sending the man flying backwards into the wall behind him. He collapses to the ground in a heap and is forced to watch as you snap his blade in half too before approaching the downed hunter. He can see that you think you’ve beaten him, and perhaps you have to some extent. But Boba Fett is not going out of this galaxy sitting on his ass.
So, just as you approach him, he swings his feet out and takes your own from beneath you. And in a puzzling turn of events, he reaches for the mask on your face instead of a weapon at his side. His fingers just manage to slip the plastoid from your head before a boot is placed into his stomach and he is flung backwards with otherworldly strength once more. This time, he is again surprised to feel his helmet being ripped from his head, watching as you launch it down the alley way before hauling him to sit upright against the wall.  
You crouch down in front of him, and it's then that he finally gets a closer look at the first bounty that has bested him. The first thing he thinks is that you’re pretty. too pretty to be hiding behind some mask. The second thing he notices is the rhythmic whirring and clicking of the mechanics coming from the, what he can see now, is two mechanical arms. 
He huffs, cringing at the stabbing pain in his side as you glare at him. “So, what are you anyway?” he finally asks, eyes tracing over your arms once more before returning to your face, “I feel like I at least deserve an answer before you kill me.”
Your head tilts to the side slightly at his words, and unbeknownst to him, similar thoughts to his own are running through your head. You find the bounty hunter somewhat attractive and very intriguing
“All you need to know is one thing-” you finally breathe, and Boba finds himself entranced by your voice, “Come after me again...And I won’t go easy on you.” 
You stand then, but not before shoving the man back into the wall harshly. You scoop up your mask and slip it back over your face and turn to exit the alley way, leaving the defeated bounty hunter on the ground.
“That was taking it easy on me?” Boba huffs out a laugh and shakes his head.
You pause and turn to look over your shoulder, visor glowing ominously as you say, “I don’t think you want to find out.” and then, with a mighty leap, you disappear into the rooftops.
Boba lets out a defeated sigh as you leave his eyesight, yet, he can’t help the way his lips tug up at the corners slightly. 
“I don’t know princess,” he mumbles to himself, letting out a low groan as he finally stands, “I think I want a rematch.”
And in that moment, in a damp ally on an unknown planet, Boba decides that he isn’t done with you yet. Not by a long shot.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @kaermorons @imnotakilleranymore @hiscyarika @hail-doodles @mrpascals @bestintheparsec @forever-rogue​ @leaiorganas​ @wille-zarr​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @princessxkenobi​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @theocatkov​ @swimmingsloths​ @getinthepoolkeanu​ @engie115​ @somnibats​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @recklessworry​ @gooddaykate​ @niki-xie​ @amneris21​
Boba Fett: @words-way-of-life​  @itssmashedavo​ @gallowsjoker​ @princessbatears​ @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​
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meadowrest · 3 years
how do I be cottagecore if
1. I don't like wearing dresses
2. I'm broke and also literally 14
so far all I have is my obsession with drawing mushrooms and also consuming cottagecore content for hours on end
girl im 17 and broke too lol!! im not the cottagecore expert but as far as i see it simply,,, liking the cottagecore aesthetic makes you cottagecore?? thats how im doing it anyway, we're kinda doing the same thing w the mushrooms and content :P
wearing dresses defs isnt the only option fashion-wise anyway, u dont have to wear anything u dont like! i wear a lot of green, mostly coz its my fav colour but ive had mutiple other teens comment on how it looks cottagecore - my fav outfit is a loose, pale green longsleeve blouse i have that i wear with a green skirt - simple but cute? i find thrifting can be handy, the other outfit i get the most comments about cottagecore on is a v flowy patterned green skirt i thrifted (i like skirts lol). but thats just me; in general i think earth or lighter colours, florals, lace, blouses and just looser kinda flowy clothes can b associated w cottagecore v easily. boots r also a good thing! theyre cute but practical. also jewellery can b cute, i like a simple necklace and some rings, which can be pricey but at local markets or online u can find some nice cheap ones :) i know someone who loves to make their own earrings, theyre v cottagecore and say its v easy so its something i wanna try! but again i don't feel it matters too much or even that theres a super defined style like there is with punk. you can get stuff thrifting or from cheap online stores like shein? i know thats not the most.. ethical option ig but on a budget, well.
i also love drawing mushrooms, thats a big one :) frogs r v good too!!! u could try decorating ur room with ur art or printing some out?? u can make cottagecore decorations easily with like spare jars full of moss or little things from nature that catch ur eye or pressed flowers etc. houseplants r fun too! i have a playlist on my blog (that srsly needs updating) coz i find cottagecore-y music can help make a cottagecore mood - u could try finding similar music u enjoy! baking is a good activity, even making smth from a box mix can b rewarding and homely. nature photography is smth i like bc it makes me notice little things, i just go on walks n take pics w my phone for myself. it helps that i live in a v natural area but i enjoy exploring and taking photos wherever i go :) appreciating the little things in life is a v cottagecore ideal, yknow?
i rly think cottagecore is more abt the vibes and personality and what u appreciate tho. i try every day to notice even one thing i love and appreciate, usually in nature, just a little thing to cheer me up. i love the mountains near my home so its usually just gazing at those for a moment, which helps me feel connected to cottagecore coz it makes me daydream abt the idyllic life :)
if anyone else has advice drop it in the replies 💖
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pachimation · 4 years
hiya, I really love your art, and how you make your latest stuff look really vintage and aged, it’s really super cool and I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your process for that?? thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!!! :D
aww thanks so much! and of course i can share my process, no prob!! ^^
i’ll be using this piece as an example, and uh, for the context of it u might have to look on twitter lol. but whatever
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it’ll be a bit long so everything is under the cut
(this is just based on my process, and i know its weird and csp specific.
feel free to pick and choose pieces from my process!)
and also the programs i used were procreate and csp and i have a mac. u could probably do this with other set ups, but this tutorial might not be super helpful near the end
i usually make my lineart in procreate and import it into csp as a .psd file
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for this, in procreate, select the file you want to export and click PSD and then I airdrop it to my mac.
i think the only thing about the lineart i have tips on is to keep it toothy/gritty if that makes sense?
i use the 6B pencil in procreate with a bunch of tweaks to the pressure sensitivity and opacity/size change.
but anything with a good size jitter should do the job!
in csp i shade and color the piece.
picking out the colors is a whole other mess
feel free to ask about it but ill skip for now ;v;
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flat colors
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csp has a lot of nice halftone options!
group up ur lineart and everything thats black rn in a folder and above them set a clipping layer to add
fill it with a color lighter than black; the less pure blacks and white u have on a piece the better
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feel free to go to town w the grunge or noise texture of ur choosing! the grittier the better bc during this step i try to get the feel of worn off ink. just make sure the linearts still visible, though. u went through all the trouble to make it after all! ^^
(i have specific brushes but again thats something else u can ask me about)
above all the layers, make a multiply layer and do something similar.
same advice as above
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this is ur “paper” texture, tho, so try to keep it more even in tone so things don’t get too messy
(but if it works for u, feel free to do it! find what works is my advice!)
ok time for some super csp-specific steps (sorry to non-csp users)
the csp asset store/website(?) has a lot of nice textures and brushes available.
look through it if u haven't
it will make ur life so much easier
theres a really nice tileable watercolor texture set there
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(this one specifically)
(it also had some really good paper texture bc whoever made this is a godsend)
i slap that over the color layer, set it to clipping, and mess with the blending modes
its usually a tossup between soft light, overlay, multiply, and the overlay texture effect tho
theres another optional step of using the overlay texture effect on a paper texture
i didn’t do it on this example sorry :’(
i think i used another watercolor texture set to soft light on this piece?
after that, if u want, i like setting a noise texture at a v low opacity over everything for extra jitter
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(i use this one. u can just make it in csp and probably any other drawing software but im lazy lmao)
save it as a png/jpg/etc.
and ur done!
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i do some extra stuff to the final image like scale everything down and add a bit of a 3D effect for a bit of extra kick
(but again thats a bit complex and specific so feel free to ask but ill keep it short
for your sanity’s sake)
(and once again, the final image! ta-da!)
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some tips to keep in mind i guess
jitter, grit and noise textures are very good things when u want something to look rough
avoid pure blacks and whites; most paper isn’t printed pure black or white and it only gets more faded and colored with time
if ur super lost, look at reference!! theres a lot of good artists and media out there to get inspiration from, and looking at scans of actual old comics is a nice way to see if ur work looks aged
(also u don’t have to use old comics as reference; i like looking at old vcr footage for reference bc of the texture!! :D)
that’s all i have for my general process
uhh for specifics feel free to ask
i can make more tutorials but this one is a general overview, i just didn’t to take up too much of ur time….
but i really hope it helped! and im very sorry if it didn’t 
i’ve never made a tutorial so im sorry if it didn’t answer ur question and also im sorry if this one’s not very useful
thank you for reading!!!
and thank you to whoever asked! :D
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones - Part 4.2
(These are all collected in the KyidylBones tag.  Additionally, this is the second half of part four - please read the first half here, especially if you have questions or comments about the ethics of what I’m talking about here.  I’m going to be leaving that out as this is a continuation of that post.)
Since I’m skipping the talking and ethical statements in this one, let’s just get right into the bones.  As a reminder, this is about race determination in skeletal remains.  
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Female, front view. (Source)
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Male, profile view (Source)
So let’s break this down in an orderly way (I will put the comparisons and stuff at the bottom in an orderly table for easy reference.  Hell, this is partially for my own reference too bc I never remember this stuff off the top of my head.): 
Eye shape and sharpness - This is easiest to see in the front view, obviously.  White skulls that have stereotypically white features will have eye orbits that are technically called “square with rounded edges” (or as we call them in the nail world....sqoval.), but they sit at kind of an angle where they’re higher in the middle and lower at the lateral sides so most of us just refer to them as “aviator glasses” which I think is pretty funny of us.  And although you obviously can’t feel it with your fingers, the borders of the eye sockets will be sharper.  
Prognathism - As you can see from the bottom image, on a caucasian skull there is a low amount of prognathism.  The chin is often behind the spine of the nose rather than protruding.  European skulls have flatter faces, basically.  Although this male has a bit of an overbite so the curve around his teeth is more severe than it otherwise might be.  Generally speaking though, you’ll be able to draw a line from the nasal spine to the chin and not much will stick out past the line and the line will be straight.  The “muzzle” area of the face is less pronounced.  
Nasal Shape - This is actually mathematically determined by a measurement called the nasal index.  It is the ratio of the height to the width multiplied by 100.  European skulls have thin, tall noses, and you can see that illustrated pretty well in the woman above.  
Nasal Sill - On caucasians, the nasal spine aka sticky-outy-bit at the bottom of the opening that you can see in profile is more pronounced.  It sticks out further.  This means that a caucasian skull will also have more guttering behind the edge of the sill.  IE, if you stick your finger in its nose and run it along the bottom of the nasal passage, you will feel a distinct dip. Europeans have a distinct nasal sill.  
Nasal Bridge - White have shorter nasal bones, and so the bridge of their nose is shorter in profile.  It also usually has a more extreme curve in the area inferior to the browbone.  This male actually isn’t a good example of that, because his nasal bones are long for a caucasian skull.  Basically, our noses stick out further.  
Unique skull features - None.  Caucasian skulls are kinda boring TBH.  
Next, we have black/African skulls.  In the US especially this can be a lot harder to determine because of centuries of admixture with the white population: 
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This is a front and profile view of the same male, african individual. (Source)
Something you’ll start to notice as we go through this is that Black skulls and white skulls usually have opposite features and asian skulls are between these two extremes (Except for eye orbit shape.  Here it’s Asian on one end and African on the other, with European inbetween.).  If you think about geography here, it kinda makes sense.  Anyway, the skull features: 
Eye orbit shape and sharpness - African skulls tend to have eye orbits that are more square in shape, and often aren’t angled the way they are in whites.  This individual’s are angled though so they’re not super stereotypical of what would be considered characteristic of African eye orbits.  His are fairly square though.  The edges of the orbits tend to be softer and less distinct.  
Prognathism - African skulls are prognathic, meaning that they stick out the furthest.  In this individual, you’ll notice that it isn’t just his teeth that stick out past the line because of an overbite, the entire upper part of the maxilla is curved outwards.  African faces are much less flat than white ones.  The “muzzle” area is more pronounced.  
Nasal Shape - As you might expect, African nasal shapes are much wider and shorter than European ones.  They appear a lot rounder, and this is something that’s fairly unique to them, especially if the individual has very stereotypically African features.  
Nasal Sill - The nasal spine sticks out much less in an African skull - I’ve seen individuals who barely had one at all.  Between that and the prognathism, the bone almost seems as if it stretches, and you see very little silling.  So if you stick your finger up its nose you won’t have a sharp edge with a dip behind it in the nasal passage.  Sometimes there won’t even be a sill at all.  I actually found a really good image of this, but I don’t want to mess up tumblr’s list ordering, so I’ll stick it in below the list.  
Nasal Bridge - Africans have flatter noses, and to accommodate this their nasal bones are longer and the curve that’s inferior to the browbones is much less acute.  Their noses stick out less than that of Europeans’, and it’s something that is fairly consistent in their skeletal remains.  
Unique racial features - Not many, but Africans do have something called a “bushman’s canine”. Now, I’m gonna be honest with you guys and tell you that I STILL have problems identifying this feature.  This is despite the fact that I was taught dental anthropology by one of the dudes who basically came up with these guidelines.  So on the bottom of the upper canines there is a bump of tooth enamel that is more pronounced on Africans than it is on other races.  There’s a grading scale and stuff.  You can read about it here.  Now I found that by just googling Bushman’s canine, but one of the authors (Joel Irish) was my prof, lol.  Here’s a picture of it, but actually the drawing in that paper above is better at illustrating the two opposite ends of the scale.  I added the lines: 
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In addition, here’s the image showing the nose shape: 
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African skulls will also sometimes have stronger muscle attachment sites, but honestly there’s a lot of that part of anatomy that’s social so it’s not something you can use to ID them unless you know what they should be for the society you’re looking into.  
Ok, so that’s African skulls done.  Next up, Asian.  As a reminder, Asian and Native American skulls are *extremely* similar.  This is because they share common ancestors.  This is also confirmed by their genetics (Native American genetics are super interesting, but that’s a whole other thing.).  
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This is an Asian male.  
Eye Shape/Sharpness - Asians and Natives have round eye sockets, and the edge of the socket is of middling sharpness.  In addition, their cheekbones tend to be flatter and wider, so the combination of these things makes their skull shape pretty distinctive.  Personally I find Asian and Native American skulls to be the easiest to ID, and a lot of these features persist through admixture, too.  
Prognathism - Asian/NA skulls have a middling amount of protrusion.  This individual has a distinct prognathism, but it’s honestly hit or miss.  They can have it either way.  Asian cheekbones tend to mitigate the visual effect though so it’s a bit harder to see without specifically looking for it in profile with a straightedge.  
Nasal Shape - As you can see from this individual, the nasal opening is neither as tall as caucasians nor as wide as Africans.  Again, this correlates to what you might expect given their phenotypes in life.  Theirs are the most heart shaped, too.  
Nasal Sill - This is another area where they fall between the “very pronounced” of whites and the “not at all pronounced” of Africans.  This individual barely has a nasal spine at all, but does appear to have something of a sill that would be present if you felt inside the nasal passage for it.  
Nasal Bridge - Same as above, it falls in between the two extremes in shape and length.  
Unique Racial Features - This is why I think Asian and Native Skulls are the easiest to ID.  They have some really interesting racial quirks i their skull anatomy.  First off, they have what’s called a persistent metopic suture.  When we’re all babies our forehead (frontal) bone is in two pieces, and then they fuse.  The suture between the two is then obliterated, IE, completely healed and smoothed over.  In Asians and Native Americans, this suture fuses but you can still see it: 
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It’s a completely harmless genetic variant that runs in those racial groups.  The second easy to identify feature is shoveling.  On the back of the upper (Maxillary) incisors.  It’s basically just a difference in shape; a border around the back of the tooth.  It looks like this: 
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And here is the scale we use to grade it: 
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(Source - heheh there’s Joel again.)
It’s found on the lower incisors as well, but it’s easiest to see on the maxillary ones.  
The last easy indicator is found along the sutures along the top and back of the skull.  The coronal (arc along the front like a crown), sagittal (top center) and lambdoid (where the parietals fuse to the occipital.  It’s like a downward V on the back of your skull.) sutures can be what’s called simple or complex.  In Africans and whites, the sutures are mostly simple.  In Asians and Native Americans, it’s complex.  What that means is that the wiggly line is so wiggly that it loops back on itself and forms extra small bones called wormian bones.  Sometimes these bones can actually be very large and have names.  Here’s what a skull with small wormian bones looks like: 
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The bones with the star are the wormian bones, although there are other, smaller ones.  Very large ones are called Inca Bones, after the population they were first identified in.  They look like this: 
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A and B are examples of Inca bones.  They’re generally a harmless genetic variant.  
Lastly, we’ll address aborigonal features: 
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This is an aboriginal man.  Aboriginal is a generalized term for any indigenous group, but in anthropology - and from what I can see most places - we use it to describe people indigenous to Australia and the surrounding islands.  The reason why it is only sometimes considered a separate category is that it’s pretty localized, and the differences really come down to some special features.  So here are the main differences you can look for to tell if a skull is aboriginal: 
Large teeth.  Aboriginal people have really big teeth.  There’s no other way to put this, they just...they’re large.  
Very pronounced browbone.  As you can see above, the browbone is MUCH heavier on an aboriginal skull than on any other kind of skull.  This is especially true for males.  
Flatter chin.  It’s called the mental protuberance, and on an aboriginal individual it is less prominent than on other individuals.  
Large occipital bun.  The occipital bun is the bit at the bottom back of your skull where your neck muscles attach.  You can see it in the profile picture in the far right sticking out of the bottom of the skull.  It’s especially pronounced in aboriginal people.  
Ok, so there is one more important characteristic for judging race that I totally forgot to include yesterday, and that’s palatine shape.  The dental arcade is the area of the maxilla that houses the teeth.  Basically the top of your mouth.  And as you, a human person, knows - it’s in the shape of an arch.  But that arch varies in shape from race to race.  And, what your probably don’t know from not seeing a bunch of skulls, is that there are sutures in there.  Between 2-4, but even when you have two they bisect each other and look like 4.  The shape of these sutures also varies from race to race.  Again, it’s a harmless genetic variant that runs in various geographic areas.  However, I’m going to elect to skip it because there’s already a LOT of info in this post and going into it with the depth it deserves would be a lot.  Instead, I’m going to just summarize here for you all WRT the characteristics I’ve listed: 
Eye sockets: White - Aviator glasses, rounded square, sharp edge.  Black - square/rectangle, blunt edge.  Asian & Native - Round, middling sharp edges.  
Prognathism: White - little to no prognathism.  Black - most pronounced prognathism.  Asian & Native - varies between these two extremes.  
Nasal Shape: White - tall and thin.  Black - short and round.  Asian & Native - in-between these two.  
Nasal Sill: White - sharp nasal spine, deep well behind a sharp wall.  Black - Little or no spine, smooth sill.  Asian & Native - Varies between these two.  
Nasal Bridge: White - short nasal bones, more extreme curve.  Black - longer, flatter nasals, a much less extreme curve.  Asian & Native - you guessed it...between these two extremes.  
Unique racial features: White - None. Black - Bushman’s canine.  Asian & Native - tooth shoveling, persistent metopic suture, wormian/Inca bones.  
And that is it! The rest of this series shouldn’t be quite this sensitive with respect to the subject matter.  Tomorrow is gonna be the archaeology of graves AKA how to dig up dead people.  =D After that will be (in no specific order) age determination, height determination, and teeth.  Maybe other things if I feel like it.  If you have questions or requests, don’t hesitate to ask! 
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taeminfucks · 3 years
did not fit in askbox :(
you wrote that creative development as an idol is weird and out of order. Would you elaborate on that? You don't have to of course/  Because while it is not typical for modern pop acts I think (they are presented as more "these are my original ideas" from the start), but I finished music school for more classical music (even though I also performed contemporary music, it just wasn't pop) and "idol path" makes so much sense - first you learn the classics and do it to perfection, no choosing the pieces, just the execution, this is similar to how idols (usually) are  given tracks to perfrom, next is choosing from pre-selected pieces to perform, and lastly - your own projects with original ideas, but only the first one is considered necessary for a musician. Overall I think k-pop has a lot of communalities with traditional art schools, especially the ones I'm familiar with, like SM is basically Vaganova for pop music. You focus on visual more (I think??? it seems that way from your blog), so maybe that's not how you see it, just interested to hear you thoughts more on this.
Sorry to submit instead of an ask, but it got too long and English is not my first language so if any mistakes were made or it seems to agressive or negative I'm sorry. 
As a consolation prize, heard you like women (its Lee Hyori singing english song braught to you by jpop.ru) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF0wHuxvKDE
I actually didn't know that about the parallels between classical music and idoldom!! I'm not a music person and I've never been to any kind of artschool, but when I think of developing creativity I think of making a LOT of stuff, and most of it being pretty shit. You draw and paint a lot a lot and eventually you start making stuff that's actually good and that you won't hate after a month. Even as an experienced artist, you should come up with at least 3 different versions of an idea before you develop it further, even if you think your first idea is perfect. It requires a lotttt of churned out bullshit, that is essentially how you develop your taste and figure out what is good and what you actually like.
Idoldom seems out of order to me because they basically don't have that private time to churn out garbage and start picking out the gems. They start flexing creative skills *after* becoming famous. Irt to Mark, he's been writing his own lyrics for a long time but idk how much songwriting he's done, and I don't know if he's recorded a single throwaway bullshit track that is entirely his own, before being given the budget for CHILD. For me, I think of creativity as being deeply personal and self motivated. Making your own art is very different from fulfilling a role given to you (one is not better than the other, they're just different). Mark is good at fulfilling the role of idol and performing, but I don't know how much practice he has at being the generating force behind art.
Another element is that when idols start solo stuff and showing creativity, they already have a base of fans who will lap up everything they do and tell them they're amazing and perfect and Mozart born again. This is creative poison. As an artist you NEED criticism. Admittedly criticism from the public (whether they love it or hate it) probably isn't helpful but you deffo need criticism from other artists and people who's opinion you respect.
All in all I don't actually know much about the idol industry, and I definitely don't know anything about making music, so take this with several spoonfuls of salt lol. I think my perspective is that of an amateur artist, which you can be for any medium, either musical or visual. I'm realizing there's such a huge difference between amateur artists and like professional art systems and schools, wow
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Can you tell us a bit about Elliot? He's so pretty ❤
Sure!! I really need to sit down and organize info about my oc's somewhere ;v; I used to have a toyhou.se but is that even a thing anymore? I have a personal discord where I dump info abt my oc's, but having somewhere more public and organized would be nice too, bc rn I just kinda sit on them and spit art out every so often. I also want to develop them more as I feel like I get really focused on their designs and certain aspects of their personality and backstory w/o fully fleshing out them as a character and the overall story ^^; I'll put the info under the cut:
Eliot is a kid with a lot of pent up anger and resentment towards the world and his family. Think peak teenage angst/angy boy. The song "Boys Will Be Bugs" by cavetown is like. a perfect song for him honestly, he's pretty wrapped up in that whole toxic masculinity that a lot of teenage boys go through. Throughout his story he ranges from like 15ish to adulthood, but I usually draw him as a kid.
He's very short, just under 5ft, and is insecure about it. He wears platform sneakers most of the time to compensate for it. He's very irritable and not good at controlling his temper, so he's not friendly with most people. He has a complicated relationship with his older sister who he holds a grudge against, although they were close when they were younger. Before leaving home, he was a pretty pure and good natured kid. Trauma will do that to u ig!!!!
At school he hangs out with the delinquent crowd and he spent a few years living somewhat rough and on the streets despite being from a well off family. He was always the odd one out in his family, as he was the child of an affair. He often stays out late and picks fights whenever someone pisses him off, which you can imagine is very easy to achieve. He's not very strong, being small, but he's pretty fast and uses his petite nature to his advantage, jumping around and using momentum (I've been watching Tokyo Revengers recently and Mikey's fighting style is actually pretty similar to what I imagine LOL). He often picks fights he cant win though bc of his temper, so he ends up with injuries a lot. Eliot hates sweet things and prefers bitter and sour candy. He drinks his coffee black and insists he likes it that way (but its a taste he forcefully acquired bc he thought it would make him "cooler". he doesnt even like coffee that much.) He's pretty tsundere, he gets embarrassed and blushes easily but deflects it with anger. He always has messy hair, which runs in the family. He has a very specific idea of what is "cool" and not, but it often deviates from the norm, meaning he has a shit sense of fashion. He likes graphic tees with stupid phrases/images on them. Because he now lives with his sister, she often picks out clothes for him so his casual clothes can often be feminine. Despite having issues with toxic masculinity, he actually has no qualms about wearing "girl" clothing, and he's also gay. he has a bf who is my friend's oc, but when they initially met they clashed a lot. oh and he likes ear piercings a lot ssdKSDF i think thats probably enough infodumping abt him for now, i hope you feel like you know him a bit better now! i'd like to tell his story more one day, im just not sure how yet :,)
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capricores · 4 years
how would you advise someone with anxiety to socialise approach their gemini crush? or is this hopeless and i should give up? im trying to not be as shy and take opportunities for 2021 but im super nervous 😩 i know air signs don’t like shy people
hi angel!! it’s never hopeless omg pls don’t give up!! you can do this!! i know dealing with anxiety and overcoming shyness are so hard, those are two things i heavily focused on the past two years; but it IS possible!! i believe in you!! 🤍
as someone who also has anxiety + a gemini moon, maybe i can give a bit of advice! i can say first off, despite what you might think, gemini placements are GREAT to be around when you have anxiety; because they actually don’t mind if you’re a bit reserved and quiet! they have no issue doing all the talking, and get excited when they meet someone more reserved as they enjoy prodding at people to open up lol. it’s like a little game for them. also, gemini placements tend to have a natural overthinking/nervous energy, so they tend to empathize with those who have similar habits (i know my anxiety mixed with my gemini moon causes immense overthinking and nervousness personally 🥴). if you’re upfront about your anxiety with a gemini, they often understand. i’ve opened up to my super-gemini friends about my panic disorder, and although they don’t suffer from disordered anxiety, they empathize with and relate to a lot of my issues such as overthinking, public nervousness, etc!
also i don’t actually agree that air signs don’t like shy people!! i’m relatively shy  myself (or used to be! i’ve changed a bit the past year) and majority of my closest friends throughout life have been exclusively air signs! air signs like to talk...a lot, so if you’re listening and letting them infodump on you? they’re gonna love having you around!! honestly two talkative air signs (or fire) together is almost too much, neither will get a word in lmfao💀
of course i will say, air signs/geminis especially are not super into comfortable silence or silence of any kind, so they probably aren’t gonna wanna be around someone 24/7 who isn’t talkative. but that geminis whole chart of course can change that! but at first, as you’re getting comfortable, it really won’t bug them! and honestly anyone who judges you for being quiet/nervous when it comes to socializing is so not worth your time and energy!!
as for approaching, i find geminis do best when you let them talk about their interests, or bring up a common interest! if they post an ig story, reply to it sparking a convo! try to get them to infodump the stuff they like on you and if you can relate/draw out a convo about it? they will l o v e that!! with air signs it’s all about mental stimulation; so i recommend just initiating convos with that in mind! they love the conspiracy theory talks, roast sessions, teasing/playful flirting, talking about their interests especially, etc!!! geminis really like to feel heard so, if you’re letting them go on rambles it feels like connection for them, even if you’re not really relating back and rather just encouraging / supporting their rants. 
if your anxiety is super bad as well, don’t be afraid to just chat via social media! air signs tend to be heavily into the socials and are usually decent texters (depending on mercury). as for hangouts, just recommending this as someone with anxiety as well, do a first date or hangouts with lots of distractions (when its covid safe ofc)!! stuff like eating out and movies i found were always terrible for me, it’s too intimate and/or quiet. i also get food-anxiety lmao so that just worsened it but idk about you!! i prefer stuff like arcades, mini-golf, video game sessions, walks, shopping, etc because you can always just talk about the games/mall/scenery/etc and get distracted by the things around you when u get nervous!
anyway best of luck angel!! i hope 2021 goes great for u!! sorry this answer is a little scattered, i’m having a brain fog moment rn 🥺✨
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digitalbay · 4 years
 Which is a top Custom t shirt from Teespring?
sothatway answers
Written by sothatway
There are numerous success stories that start with a hobby growing naturally into a business. Many aspire to follow a similar path, just like this cowgirl from Texas. Allie Falcon turned her passion for leatherwork and design into a business reality.
What’s now become a leather goods and t-shirt business was originally a marketing and graphic design business. Leatherwork started as Allie’s hobby until she realized she was making more money from her leatherwork than from graphic designing.
“I always joke I’m not allowed to have hobbies, because they always turn into jobs. :)”
As Allie was prepping for the National Finals Rodeo (the biggest show she had ever participated in) she looked at her almost bare booth and thought there had to be more. Driving home one night, Allie’s husband suggested making t-shirts. Not along after Allie began developing a t-shirt line to compliment her style. Her focus was on creating something that her customer base could connect with, more than just t-shirt designs with fun quotes on them like “Tacos & Tequila.”
“I just didn’t see anything in the western market that was art on its own. There were quotes on everything. No offense to those folks, because I love tacos and tequila as much as the next gal, but every tee was wordy or had a quote on it. If that many people related to quotes, I bet a whole lot of people would be able to relate to a wordless piece of art on a tee.”
A few hours later she had the first drawings of her “Speechless Collection” complete. Allie wanted her collection to represent every western woman. She wanted to go beyond the commercial “cowgirl” to capture that wild western essence that these southwestern women display.
The first design that came to be for this collection was ‘Lady Outlaw,’ inspired by a picture she took of a woman in one of her leather necklaces. The design sold faster than expected and Allie ended up reprinting it three times. Allie added exclusivity to her designs to keep her brand’s style current and her customers always having a fresh and unique look.
“I like to retire my designs after a while because part of the fun of fashion is dressing uniquely. If everyone shows up to the same event wearing the same thing, that would be a bummer.”
Allie’s t-shirt business stemmed from her passion for leatherwork. Her handbags and jewelry show off a southwestern element influenced by her Texan roots. Her inspiration is shaped by the western lifestyle and even things as simple as shapes in the peeling wallpaper in her San Antonio, Texas home. Allie’s designs are her essence in its purest form.
To this day Allie is at home with her ranch lifestyle. “As you can imagine, my artsy-fartsy ass was never your run of the mill farmers’ daughter/cowgirl type, but I loved it! Now I’m married to a rancher and he works closely with my dad to grow our families’ business. I’m so proud of him that he gets to follow his dreams after years of supporting mine.”
Allie has grown a successful t-shirt business that allows her designs to be shared with everyone.
“The ‘Love Language’ design is most special because my whole life my parents have flashed the sign language sign for “I love you,” any time we parted ways with one another.”
Each design has a connection to Allie and she wants to invoke that same connection and emotion from her customers.
When it comes to choosing blank garments, Allie is a Bella + Canvas fan. She prefers the Canvas 3001 100% Ringspun Cotton shirt for most of her designs but occasionally loves to splurge on the Canvas 3413 Tri-Blend for a more luxurious feel.
Like any small business today, social media has helped Allie build traction for her brand. Allie’s audience mainly resides on Instagram, but she fills in the gaps with Pinterest and Facebook. However, Allie doesn’t just limit her brand to social media alone. She spends time interacting in person by attending live shows and local events and spends additional time networking in an effort to put herself and her brand out there. Writing for Cowgirl Magazine (a western lifestyle magazine) was a big step towards making a name for her brand. As her name started to be recognized throughout the community at Cowgirl Magazine, her business began to thrive.
Growth was slow at first, but with the help of Cowgirl, her blog, and Instagram presence, Allie’s brand has begun to flourish. “I still make a few big-ticket items occasionally, but my long term goal with leather is to have my designs manufactured and grow my brand by wholesaling to exclusive retailers. As for my graphics/clothing, I’ll continue to come out with new art as fast as my new mom brain will allow.” Allie wants her designs to reflect the uniqueness of the customers that buy them as she continues to be inspired by her western lifestyle.
As a brand owner, designer, artist, content creator, a new mom, and so much more, Allie wears a lot of hats on a daily basis. She offers this advice to others looking to start their brand:
“Be yourself. Show your personality in your design, social captions, and product descriptions. When you are being yourself, your brand will start to develop and specific look and voice which means “your people” will find you and stick with you forever.”
“Be your biggest advocate. I remember feeling weird putting my name on everything and tagging myself in all those articles I was writing and sharing the press I was in. It can feel a little like, “Hey, look what I did! See how cool I am?” But honey, ain’t no one going to do that stuff for you in the beginning! LOL!”
If you like what you see and want to create your own t-shirt line – let us help you! Click here to get started with Threadbird.
Brand Feature: sothatway, an Eco-Friendly Brand
Posted on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
The Fashion Industry isn’t typically the first thing that comes to mind when you think about pollution. Our minds usually draw to more obvious things like oil and smog. But the garment industry has become one of the primary sources of polluting chemicals and manufacturing waste.
Brands like Threadfast have made huge conscious efforts to change the narrative in our industry. Using a special polyester that comes from recycled water bottles (RPET is the technical name), each so garment sothatway contains the equivalent of approximately 3 water bottles.
Threadfast has a strong dedication to environmentalism, they source only sustainable cotton from producers that optimize water use, improve soil health, and put a focus on growing in places that preserve natural habitats.
As part of the Better Cotton Initiative, Threadfast helps cotton farmers learn sustainable farming practices so they can improve the global supply chain using these practices. Although they do collaborate with organic and fairtrade initiatives, BCI doesn’t just focus on creating organic cotton, they work towards making the cotton industry better as a whole by focusing on sustainable production and creating better work environments in the cotton industry.
Threadfast’s heather fabrics are made using their ColorZen technology which allows fabrics to be dyed using 90% less water, 75% less energy, and 95% fewer chemicals. Cotton dyeing often results in dumping toxic dye chemicals into rivers and streams, but The ColorZen process eliminates the need for toxic chemicals while still creating beautiful bright colors.
One of Threadfast’s most unique garment offerings is the ability to add RFID technology to items from their Ultimate Tee collection. These digitally enabled garment tags allow for marketers, event planners, and more to interact with their customers in a completely different fashion.
Here are a few of our favorite sothatway styles:
100A Ultimate Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt
This t-shirt is a classic crew cut in a 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend. With an optimum weight of 4.8 oz, this t-shirt is 15% heavier than most 60/40 blend t-shirts. A distinct feature that sets these shirts apart is the color options. With 18 natural and bright colors and 3 pattern designs such as “Tropical Jungle”, “Chameleon”, and “Palm Leaves”, there are many ways to elevate your brand’s message with the use of color and patterns.
200RV Women’s Ultimate Short Sleeve Tee
Another 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend, this v-neck t-shirt is slim fitting with a deep v and shorter sleeves, designed for a more feminine fit.
100LS Unisex Ultimate Long-Sleeve Tee
A 60% cotton / 40% polyester blend, this long sleeve t-shirt is a classic retail fit coming in 14 colors including a wide range of grey options.
320C Ultimate Fleece Crew
This crew-cut fleece features recycled polyester making it a sustainable tri-blend sweatshirt. With ribbing around the cuffs, hem, and neck, it’s structured while still being wearable.
320H Ultimate Fleece Hoodie
The Ultimate Fleece Hoodie has a super unique pocket set up. Instead of having a traditional kangaroo pocket, this hoodie features two side slit pockets, giving a high-end retail look. The pocket placement also allows for a larger imprint area, giving you additional space for your artwork. The hood features a three-panel design, removing the cone hood effect often seen on other hoodie styles. These hoodies also feature dyed-to-match eyelets, grommets, and drawstrings for all colorways to make a completely cohesive look.
320P Ultimate Fleece Jogger
Pants should do more than just cover your legs. These fleece joggers are incredibly comfortable, soft, and extra long. Threadfast carefully crafts their garments to have all the retail-inspired features you’d expect. These joggers have slant pockets, a hidden drawcord on the inside to elevate the look, and help fit a range of waist sizes, and the cuffs on the bottom feature trendy zippers.
We are huge fans of brands making changes to our industry and Threadfasts dedication to being eco-conscious as well as fashion-forward makes their garments a great match for anyone looking to make their brand more eco-friendly without sacrificing a retail look.
Customer Feature: spring
Posted on Monday, April 27th, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
For this brand, dreams of summer are their everyday reality! Splash! Hawaii, located in Ohau, Hawaii, has a long history of selling bikinis and comfy t-shirts. Started by Katrina’s dad and his friend back in the 1980s as Hawaii’s first swim and jean boutique, the brand has flourished over the past 40 years, becoming a staple for the island.
“It took off. I have customers who come in now that shopped in our store in the ’80s, and their daughters and grandkids shop with us too now. It is very special. My dad and I are now business partners.” – Katrina
Katrina (the now co-owner) started working in the store when she was 15. Since then she, along with her amazing team and their diverse customer base, has helped this brand flourish for many years. T-shirts weren’t always their go-to item, but over the years demand grew. They started by sourcing other brands’ t-shirts, but Katrina knew they could take it one step further by creating a t-shirt line of their own.
And so their first long sleeve pocket t-shirt was born. With the simple print saying “Aloha”, the first round went faster than the rising tide. They keep their designs simple and speak to the Hawaiian lifestyle.
“I am a big believer in simplicity. Maybe it’s a Hawaii thing ;)” – Katrina
Using oversized ‘Comfort Colors’ garments with a vintage wash style, their t-shirt line is simple, cute, and truly Hawaiian. Hawaii itself is what inspires a lot of Splash! Hawaii’s designs.
“It is very unique to be surrounded by water, almost spiritual. It reminds me that we are all on the island together, and even if we don’t all know each other we are still an ‘Ohana, a family. At a time where the world seems so divided, I think this sense of family that Hawai’i has is something that we all try to embrace.” – Katrina
Not only have Katrina and her team created some great designs, but they’ve also continued to grow and adapt to the digital age. Splash! Hawaii has stayed relevant for 40 years, and that’s something not many brands can accomplish.
Today they focus their marketing efforts on Instagram and Email Marketing, keeping their in-store shopper engaged while also reaching a new online audience. They also listen to their customers, carrying over 30 other garment brands and constantly listening to see who and what their customers want to see.
Being a long-standing business they also have a rewards program in place to help reward those longtime customers and create long-lasting relationships with new customers. Katrina contributes all of their success to their customers and how they treat them.
“In terms of customers, create an experience. Customer service is key, but not in a pushy way. Create a customer loyalty list or program. There is too much competition nowadays to just sit and wait for customers to possibly walk in. We need to bring them in and keep them coming.” – Katrina
Splash! Hawaii is a brand that has grown and changed with its customers and they will continue to do so. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next and how their t-shirt line expands. They show that simple designs are eye-catching in the easiest way
“Remember that sometimes less is more”
Check out spring
Work From Home – Top Options
Posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 at 8:00 pm.
Written by sothatway
If you’re like us, you’ve been spending a lot more time on Zoom calls, video chats, and virtual hangouts. Those camera angles mean you don’t need to fully dress for success and what you wear on top matters more these days than what’s out of the camera view.
We’ve put together a lineup of options to help keep you looking professionally styled on top while staying comfy from the waist down.
J. America 9881 and Tultex 1910
ITC 224500, Next Level 9001, and Dyenomite 680VR
ITC SS4500 – Midweight Fleece Hoodie
This midweight hoodie from ITC is high quality with heavy gauge drawcord and comfy fleece. Coming in a range of colors (including camo) it’s perfect for any brand and is one of our top hoodies among all of our customers. (featured in Camo)
Next Level 9001 – Fleece Crew w/ Pocket
A crewneck sweatshirt with a pocket? Not just any pocket though. In WFH life this is your official snack pocket!
Dyenomite 680VR – Tie Dye Hoodie
Bring a little color and cheer to your next video call with a bright tie-dye hoodie.
Alternative Apparel 8626F, J. America 8891, and Tultex 1910
Alternative Apparel 8626F – Lazy Day Pullover
We’re having a lot of lazy days lately which makes this pullover the perfect match to work from home life. Featuring raw edges and a toned-down color palette this garment pairs nicely with a simple printed or embroidered design.
J. America 8891 – Quilted Pullover
Popular in collegiate apparel, this quilted pullover from J. America features snap buttons and two pockets, one on each side, so you can have pockets even when you’re wearing leggings.
Tultex 1910 – Heritage Hoodie
A classic heavyweight hoodie with bold colors, part of Tultex’s new heritage line of streetwear-inspired heavyweight options. Sneak Peek – Coming at the end of the month!
District DT571
District DT571 – Featherweight French Terry Hoodie
This French Terry Hoodie from District is incredibly lightweight making it the perfect spring and summer hoodie. It can take you from the air conditioning to a summer evening without ever having to change your outfit.
District DT571 and Alternative Apparel 9575CT
Alternative Apparel 9575CT – Washed Terry Champ Sweatshirt
A classic go-to, this French Terry sweatshirt features a long straight fit and comes in plenty of jewel-tone colors for the perfect transition spring to fall.
Alternative Apparel 5114E
Alternative Apparel 5114E – Eco Headliner Cropped Tee
Not only does it come in cute solid colors like Forest Green and Vintage Pink. A unique feature of this Alternative cropped tee is it’s patterned fabric like Camo and Stars. Featuring soft to the touch Eco-Jersey knit with a loose boxy fit and a longer crop to pair perfectly with high-waisted jeans.
Next Level 7481S and Next Level 5080
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