#its obviously a different kind of tragedy in the show but yeah idk it hit harder in the book i feel like
stevethehairington · 9 months
okay im 6 episodes into fellow travelers and damn this really is a WHOLE different thing than the book. like they kept a FEW of the same characters and like some of the very most basic foundations of it but d a m n they changed SO much
#im honestly kinda disappointed?#like i wish it were closer to the book#also theres not nearly enough mary in this smh#but yeah they like. did not get the dynamic between hawk and tim right.#its weird in the show. it feels like they got it backwards#like in the book tim is very much the one that is obsessed for lack of better word with hawk#and hawk is very blase about it and tries to play it cool and not show his emotions/feelings about their relationship#but in the show it feels like hawk is the one thats obsessed with tim#also lucy has a WAY bigger way EARLIER role in the show than in the book and im not a fan tbh#i thought she seemed sort of sweet in the book and like understanding in a way. but show lucy is very much neither of those things lol#also the whole aids storyline..... that.... Does Not exist in the book#like they actually make it a point to say that tim DIDNT have aids#so like to add that into the show and to make it a BIG storyline in it too.... also not a fan#plus the way they have hawk like visiting and heping tim when in the book he literally Does Not see tim again before he dies#i feel like that just kinda takes away some of the tragicness of the books ending!!#its obviously a different kind of tragedy in the show but yeah idk it hit harder in the book i feel like#also i am enjoying this b plot of the writer dude and the drag queen but that was defs not in the book#also tim NEVER met hawks children ever so it feels very weird to see him like. spending time with hawks son??#fellow travelers#mack reacts
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
i love you guys, just putting that out there 💕
We stan a supportive dad who hates the miya twins 💅 @lovelyvillainess idk it won’t let me tag you :(
I figured at least one of them should have an ounce of common sense lmao
Holy shit! The Miya twins meet the parents was soooooo good. I've just finished reading it and come here to gush and now I will go re-read it because wow. The tension. The feeling of dread that sinks in when you realize what reader might be in for tomorrow or the next day. But the dad is my hero!! It makes me wonder what Kita and the crew would say because they certainly saw the Miyas bullying their soulmate. We are not worthy of your genius
🥺 dfghgfhkl thank you!! But also yeah, it’s a temporary victory at best and you’re definitely gonna pay for it the next day 👀
🥺🥺🥺 go dad for having our back i feel like its rare for parents to actively support u in yan!fics so like...heart is warmed
so who wants to see daddy dearest go ham on the Miya twins and beat their asses??? 
omg ive never sent a message before but the meet the parents with the twins when her dad protected her i 🥺🥺❤️❤️
He is the only valid parent just sayin (still won’t make a difference in the long run, but at least he tried?)
I'm reading your newest drabble and came across the line, "it’s the pity he’ll give you. He thinks he ruined your life when he left (he didn’t)" I love this reader's energy lmao
Definitely not me projecting one particular ex of mine onto this fic, nope, not at all. But seriously those ex’s are the fucking worst 😒
Hi! Just popped in to say i love ur meet the parents drabble. One of my fave things about ur writing in general is how well you write dynamics between characters and that recent drabble was some good food brah. Thanks!! ❤️
ahh thank you so much, bby! 
Just passing by to say you are an absolute queen and that I love you and your writing very very much !! 💞💗❤️💖💓💘
Hi anon, i’d die for you i just wanted you to know that! 💕
Reread NFWMB again. Idk if you have watched or if your familiar with Bungoy Stray Dogs, Rhi but reading it again made me think of OdaSaku 😅 Idk, it's probably the opening line about kids. So I kind of had this screnaio in my head where Iwa's higher ups and contractors are surprised that he finally agreed to kids but what they don't know is that instead of killing them, he is taking them to the reader.
I have not watched BSD but I’ve heard about it?? it is on my ‘might fuck around one day and actually watch’ list, if i can ever stop re-watching my other faves. I did write Iwa as much more of a morally ambiguous character - he’s not gonna push an old lady in the street but he also probably wouldn’t stop somebody if he saw they were getting mugged kinda guy - obviously with the reader being the exception to that. But I do like the idea of Iwa just bringing home some kid he was supposed to kill and being like ‘this is now our child, we’re a family and i will straight up murder anyone who tries to take either of you from me’
but then i also like the idea of him seeing her be good with kids and just suddenly *breeding kink* ya know?
Okay unironicly??? Nice guy yandere Bokuto is my kink and that last piece hit the nail right on the head. Everyone is cooing that you guys are adorable together, so why does it feel so awful every time he puts his hands on you~ you cant find it in yourself to say no, but you want to get away from him as soon as possible~
Yandere Bokuto makes my heart horny and it is a straight up tragedy that I don’t have more written for him (soon, bby, dw) because he’s all soft and cuddly and needy and incessant, but the moment you start pulling too far away - oop. Now you get to play with an upset Bo 👀
For all the hard work you do, someone should write for you. Depending if you're into the really disturbed, angst, smutty kind where there are no such things as regrets. That's me. I write that stuff all the time. Keep up the great writing beautiful. What's next on your upcoming lists of fanfiction you're going to post? 💋💞😍🤗👀 Love ya! @doloresdaizhamorgan
Ahh thank you, bby! You always send the sweetest asks (and btw I hoped you liked vamp Touya!!) Next up is slasher Bokuto, Akaashi & Kuroo which I am v excited about 🔪
Hi! I was wondering how you think the yandere soulmate pairings would react to the reader favouring one over the other? Would they get jealous of the other—leading to the reader's possible escape route? Also just wanted to say I love your writing so so so much—it genuinely gives me chills in all the best ways :)
I think it would be difficult for the reader to prefer one to the other as they’re all bad in different ways. However as it’s kind of implied that both Oikawa & Iwa and Ushijima and Tendou are also each others soulmates as well, I think they’d find a way to manage it without too much drama between each of them - probably exposure therapy. Say you start to cling a little more to Ushi because Tendou’s being sadistic mean, he’ll leave the two of you to spend some ‘quality time’ together - surely you’ll be feeling better by the time he gets back (you aren’t). Or if you start showing more favouritism to Iwa because he doesn’t go as hard with his punishments, the two of them will agree that next time it’s all up to Iwa, and he’s gonna make it hurt while Oikawa will be there to take care of you afterwards.
It’s all about balance.
If its with the twins, good fucking luck. They’re already bickering over the small stuff - they’ll just take it as an excuse to lord it over the other one - which ill inevitably prompt the ‘loser’ to remind you of exactly why you should really reconsider, especially with how good he’s gonna make ya feel. Basically - it’s a tug of war with you caught in the middle. Have fun tho!
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xomiri · 4 years
Another Chapter? No Way!
Chapter 3, Baby. Decided to upload the whole thing this time idk.
A/N: Heyo! I'm super sorry for how long it took for this chapter to come out. I sometimes have motivational issues when it comes to doing things, and it impacts even the things I really enjoy doing. Nonetheless, Within time, I finally finished it, and it motivated me to keep going. So don't worry! hopefully the next chapters won't be as slow as this, but if they are, please bear with me! I don't want to give you sloppy writing, so I do so when I feel my best. Love you, and thank you for reading :)
"So finally, at the end of the interview, I tell him - Guess what I tell 'em?" Nick asked, snickering throughout the explanation of his joke.
The duo made their way down the hall, Judy trying not to murder the fox in cold blood. She entertained Nick as she scrambled her book-bag for her apartment keys.
"What'd you tell 'em Nick?"
she asked, almost, no, exactly like she'd been talking to a fourth grader.
"I told the guy that he didn't have the right Koala-fications! Eh? Eh?"
"Heheh.." She let out slowly, still rummaging through her book-bag.
Nick poked at her sides.
"Ah!" she flinched, swatting away at his paws.
"Yeah, yeah, it would've been funnier had this not be the fortieth time you've told me!"
They stopped at the end of the hall. Judy still shuffled through her bag, begging and pleading that she could find her keys, so she'd no longer have to tolerate his wisecracks.
"You wouldn't know comedy if it killed you."
He leaned against the doorway, and began to pick his claws.
"If it's your kind of humor, I hope it does." Judy mumbled, letting the jingle of her apartment keys mask the jab that she threw his way.
"I heard that." Nick nudged Judy's ear with his free elbow.
The creaking of the recently departed door welcomed them into the familiar darkness. Nick took Judy's bag, and turned to pick up his own. Judy walked into her safe haven, wiping the day off of her face. She looked around, not really knowing what she'd been looking for. It'd been a long day, so there'd be no surprise if she was daydreaming.
Her apartment had its own charm, convincing you to drop a memory each time you entered and exited. Some of her fondest memories were made here, even fonder ones to come.
Lights on.
Her home oddly contradicted her personality. You could see the months slowly engraving themselves into the bleak dark walls. The lavender undertones that emanated from her body, pervaded this new, cold air, making it as pungent as it's ever been before. It was intoxicating. This, along with a noticeable clean smell in the air. The way this cutesy rabbit made her bright, pastel mark upon the bleak, light grey space around her always made Nick smile. You truly couldn't miss it. Instances of magenta's and pastel blues, light pink's, yellows. Whether it be a notebook, a pillow or a shirt, it stood out, just like Judy; A blatant, yet unexpected aberrance. It was rewarding how much he could garner from something as simple as a color in her living room.
With a groan, Judy dragged herself to her room, unbuckling her utility belt.
Nick took the entirety of the home in. Although he'd been there before, these feelings could never escape him. She closed the door and left the rest of the space to Nick. The fact that she trusted him enough to leave her whole home to him for even a couple of seconds, made him feel warm inside. Someone finally looked at him for what he actually had been, rather than the species he'd been stuck with. The light ringing in his ears took over his thoughts, recovering him from his daze. Silence without Judy was silence he couldn't stand. He walked in and dropped the bags to his right, keeping eyes on the city-scape that made itself known through the wall-wide window on the far side of the room. As he inched forward, the notch of soft carpet that collided with his toes broke his concentration once more. His eyes flickered to the carpet, and back up to the window. Bedroom door, Kitchen, then the TV.
"Can't hurt."
He snatched the remote from the wood stained coffee table that sat close to him. He switched the TV on, allowing the incessant rambling of the news anchors on screen to fill the emptiness. Placing the remote on the arm of the couch, he let his head fall back and took a deep breath.
A door opening. His ears moved with the creak.
The bunny moved from the shadows of the room, entering the living room with her eyes closed, attempting to adjust to the abundance of light.
"Oh! Uh.."
Nick raced towards the light switch. He pressed it, and watched as the green dot danced up and down, as the lights began to dim.
The bunny did nothing but nod.
She made her way to the couch, light bouncing off of the folds of her flowy nightgown. She plopped down and slid her upper half sideways until her head eventually came in contact with the cushions of the couch. She let out a long sigh, that would soon be abruptly cut off by the sound of her remote hitting the ground.
The gong of the plastic remote resonated within the apartment walls, accompanied by yet another groan from the fluffy, agitated mass.
"I'll get it, my damsel in distress." Nick japed, before preening the kitchen of it's snacks and drinks.
Judy and Nick had the next day off. When they'd first become partners, Judy thought their friendship could blossom more than it had, in turn making their workflow easier to deal with. They'd been friends, even before Judy asked Nick to become her partner, so evidently, Judy wanted to do "friend things." Whatever that meant. This list included all the regular "friend things" that "friends" did. Walking in the park, visiting famous city monuments, going out to get food on select days of the week, and having movie nights. However, as time went on, and work became tougher to manage, some of these time consuming, albeit fun, activities came more and more scarce. Today had been one of those days. Usually, when both of them had the day off, they'd arrange a movie night. Scary movies, Comedies, Rom-Coms, Tragedies, you name it. Nick would come over, they'd laugh and joke, watch a couple of stupid movies, and he'd leave in the morning. Nothing more, nothing less. But this time was different. For the first time in a really long time, Nick felt...awkward. He didn't know if it'd genuinely been a long time since he'd been over, or if time just passed painfully slowly when he was alone. Time flew with Judy after all, there'd never be a dull moment.
"Nick. Please. Hurry.
She groaned, the gravel in her voice becoming more prominent.
"ZNN is on, and I can't stand to listen to this moose talk any longer."
"Whoa there, hot stuff, what's wrong with the news?"
He set two cups onto the counter, and turned to look into the fridge for a smoothie. Judy always made the same kind. It lasted from the beginning from the week until the weekend, and when the time came, she'd make another. With both hands, he slid the large glass container out of the fridge and onto the table. He held the container with one hand, the glass in the other, and leaned it just enough to where the smoothie came out ever so slightly..
"There's some pretty interesting stuff sometimes."
Judy rolled onto her back and shot her arm up.
"Riiight, 'cause who doesn't love listening to news anchors rub other people's tragedies in their face? Who doesn't love having the idea that someone is in danger right now shoved into conscience? I could be out there doing whatever I can to help the people in need, but my stupid brain wants to give me problems. God, I shouldn't have told Clawhauser my head hurt. Aah, That snitch!"
She clasped at the air before letting her arm drop onto her chest. Her eyes fell shut, hoping the sigh that she'd let out would drown out the voices that bombarded her ears, forever. Nick noticed the genuine distress in her voice. He looked up, with a furrow in his brow.
"Nick, we're police officers. That's what we do. We save people, not watch them get worse. If I can't do something to fix it, I don't wanna know about it."
She shuffled, turning to lay back onto her side.
A cold sensation reaching his fingers.
The cup is overflowing.
He quickly pulled the container away, and set it down. After drying his hands, he sidled over to the couch, picking up the remote on the way there.
Silence filled the air. An animated moose flung his arms around, detailing all sorts of presumably important things.
Nick sat down on his knees in front of her, Wishing he'd pay more heed to the headache medicine on the coffee table. Confused on how he didn't notice it beforehand, he gave the topic little thought. He dug his elbow into the space that she left over and let his head rest in his hand, while he let his other hand rest on her forehead.
"You're gonna get another headache." He rubbed his thumb back and forth on her temple.
Her eyes tightened. Nick stared at her, brows still furrowed. It was moments like these that confused him on how much she trusted him. He wanted to do as much as he could to make sure that she was comfortable. He wanted to do as much as she can so she can live her life as content as it possible could be. Being a police officer obviously didn't make it easy, but if he could make her smile even once, it showed promise for the future. A lot of mammals like to say to take things with a grain of rice, but Nick took every mannerism to heart. He couldn't help it. He really couldn't help it.
He kissed her on the forehead.
Judy's eyes fluttered open. She stared into Nick's eyes, shaking him down for everything he knew.
"You're so selfish, y'know that?"
"Nick, I-"
"You're right. We are police officers. But… He paused.
"But it's dumb to think you can save everyone." His words took the air out of her chest. Her eyes widened and her lips parted.
Nick moved Judy's ears in front of her eyes. Her eye contact made him nervous.
The hand he once had on her forehead, gravitated towards his lap.
"If you were expected to save everyone you come across, you'd be the only one on the job... I know how hard you work, God, everyone knows how hard you work. It's almost selfish to think that there aren't other people that work as hard as you do… It's okay to not…"
He paused. Would she understand what he was saying? He didn't want to make it seem like he was belittling her or downplaying her emotions, but he didn't want her to dwell on something that she couldn't fix. It didn't make any sense. Judy's overwhelming selflessness annoyed him. He wanted her to not care about things, like he did. Otherwise she'd be aching every day of her waking life. Even though he had everything laid out for her, It'd still been hard for him to tell her these things. What if she did understand? What if she understood a little too well, and decided to change completely? He wanted to convey the right message, without trying to force an entirely different mindset onto her.
His brow furrowed.
Judy sat up, bringing Nick back to attention. She grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him on the forehead.
She pulled away, looking at him with worry.
"You're gonna get another headache." Judy mocked him.
His ears drooped, but not out of sadness.
I get what you mean, it's just a little upsetting, is all. I promise I'm not freaking out over things I don't need to be."
He smiled.
She understood exactly what he meant. Deep down, he knew that she'd understand what he was saying. He knew that she was going to take everything he wanted to say the way he wanted her to. Although he knew she understood him better than anyone else did, there'd still always be this inkling of doubt. When it came to almost everything, there was always an inkling of doubt. Sometimes he reprimanded himself for not being as open with Judy as she had been with him.
How can you call her selfish, when you're more selfish than she is?
His newfound thoughts rattled his brain, but he decided to push them away. For another time...always for another time.
Their smiles shone. Judy booped his nose, but couldn't shake the tinge of worry from her face.
Once more in this scenario. Eye to eye, nose to nose. But this time, it was more comfortable. No sand brushing against the side of their ankles, no wind attempting to drown out the sounds of their hearts. It was an ever growing and shrinking silence. A silence that spoke softly and nonchalantly. A silence that seeped from the walls and echoed throughout the rooms. A silence that made its way through all the creases and crevices of the floors.
"Thank you for your work today, Nick."
She met her forehead with his.
"You know me. Always here for ya." He spoke with a smoky tone.
Judy broke contact and pushed him, knocking him backwards.
"Aah!" He caught himself with his elbows.
"My favorite."
Judy scoffed, stepping around him and making her way to the kitchen.
Nick couldn't help but stare, the way her hips swayed ever so slightly when she walked. He could feel his heart begin to beat throughout his entire body. Her hourglass figure, made prominent by the kitchen light that bathed her. He thought of her every feature. The curves, the dips, the arches. But most evident, her eyes. He fell in love with those faux apathetic eyes. Although her half lidded eyes had usually been to mock Nick, sometimes she used them to her own volition. He couldn't stand it. Those eyes, attached to a mind that he couldn't read. Residing within a body he couldn't explore.
Nick stood and brushed himself off, attempting not to lose himself in thought. He shook his head, and made his way to the bar.
"You aren't very slick, Slick."
She began to clean the smoothie spill.
"Who's to say?"
She couldn't help but giggle at the finger guns he shot at her. She folded the towel she used over the handle of the oven, and began to rummage through her fridge, no longer letting hunger get the best of her. The squeak of the bar-stool Nick sat in, prompted her to turn back around, to which he whisked his head in a random direction, until he found a focal point. He began filing through a cookbook her mother gave her before she moved to the city. As expected, nothing but carrot recipes.
"Staring again?."
"Gasp! Me? No way! Whatever could you mean?"
He let the book cover his face, and after a a millisecond, slowly moved the book down to see if she'd still been facing him. Once his eyes met hers, he shot the book back up in front of his face.
Judy shook her head, a sly grin on her face.
"What's for dinner, Slick?" She asked, leaning onto the counter and pulling down on the book. The movement of the book moving Nick away from the nothingness he'd been staring at for the past minute.
He thought out loud.
"Well...We've been picking up lots of fast food on breaks, so how 'bout something healthy?"
"My, My! Look at you wanting to be healthy! Good for you, Nick!"
Judy gestured for a high five, but when the fox went for it, she swiped her hand away, turning to get to work on the food. A turn of a knob here, and the filling of a pot there. She'd been so tired, but within seconds, it seemed as if it all went away. Maybe the meds were finally kicking in. Nick watched her cover up her struggle with a hum, dancing atop a step stool as she set the carrots into a pot with water. She was so quick to assume responsibility when it came to just about anything. It just goes to show that she'll never really learn, even after that semi-serious conversation that they'd had a couple minutes ago.
Nick hopped off of the stool he'd been swiveling back and forth in, and made his way to the kitchen. He stood behind Judy, and lifted her to where she could place the carrots into the pot with ease.
"Oh! Thanks!"
"Nothin' to it. Just… hurry up, I ain't got all night."
"Way to ruin the moment." Judy scoffed.
"Hey, it's what I do best."
After a tedious couple minutes of swapping between holding her up and grabbing seasonings that might not have been supposed to be there, he set her down and grabbed the carrot she'd been holding, out of her hand.
"I'll take it from here. All that "headaching" you've been going through all day must have you begging for some rest, huh?"
Judy hopped off of the stool, and made her way back to the couch, She sat, and began to flip through the channels, separating interest and disinterest in mere seconds. Time passed. Not too fast, but not too slow. Nick didn't want to take too much time making food. To be completely honest, he wasn't hungry, but that wasn't going to stop him from making sure she was comfortable. The tapering scrape of cooking utensils, along with the short lived syllables of different voices that shot out of the TV, made for an oddly peaceful environment as it fought the tranquil silence that previously filled the room. After what she deemed too much flipping, Judy decided to switch to a pre-recorded soap opera that she'd reminded herself to watch earlier.
"Oh boy, pawgliacci? Nick muttered.
"What? It's good!"
"That's what they all say, until you get about forty-five minutes in.."
The food, prepared, and the mammals hungry,
Nick dished out the food as quickly as he could, speaking in an obnoxious French accent.
He imitated,
"Ahh yes, cahrraht noodles weeth speecy zai peanut sauce fahr ze
beauteeful bunny!
Giggling, she took the bowl. There wasn't anything better than hearing her giggle. Hearing her laugh made his heart flutter, he wouldn't even begin to explain what her smile did to him.
He flashed her a smile, and a little giggle of his own. He turned back to the kitchen and announced as he walked.
"Eef you dahn't like eet, mahney bahck! Guarahntee!"
Through snickers and chuckles, they'd finally been together on the couch, attempting to watch the soap opera that'd been on for about twenty minutes already. It hadn't necessarily mattered, considering how they'd been chatting the whole time, paying little to no mind to the TV.
"What were you saying about the history of your farm, was it farm or family? Something like that."
"What are you even- Oh! I don't even remember, how'd you pick up on that?
"Well I was curious, so I kept it in the back of my mind. Nothing this big brain can't handle.."
He rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't nervous, but quite the opposite. He'd been way more comfortable that he was in a long time. A tick, maybe?
"Well, I appreciate it, but it'd take way too long to go into detail about."
"That's just fine, I like long stories anyway." He gazed at the invisible watch on his wrist.
"I've got just about…. All night."
He smirked before setting his bowl down on the small table to his left.
Leaning into the couch, He tucked one leg underneath him, and laid his head into his fist. He wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.
Judy smiled, but the smile faded slowly. Not because of his smug attitude, but because of how much he cared for her and the things she cared about. She loved and hated how he'd be satisfied just being around her. Why couldn't he be a lowlife, apathetic narcissist through and through? It was only once you got to know him that you found out he was so much more than that. It was only then did you find out that he actually is more than some dumb fox. He had character…substance. He cared about things.
Although, deep down, she wanted much more than to watch this movie, she knew that that'd probably been what he was there for. Nothing more, nothing less.
She continued,
"You said you didn't have all night when we were in the kitchen. What happened now?"
"Eh, my arms were tired. a life of hustlin' cute fuzzy-wuzzy bunnies takes a lot out of y- Ow!" Another strike, landing clean on his arm.
Judy cleared her throat.
She trailed off about the history of her family and the farm she grew up on. The different types of crops and botanical "this's" and "that's", her family tree, and surprisingly, the names of every single one of her siblings. All...275 of them… Big brain for a little bunny.
Judy stretched her arms, letting out the sigh she'd been holding in for who knows how long. She grabbed both bowls and made her way to the kitchen.
Nick's eyes followed her until she'd been out of his peripheral. His eyes then meandered until they came across the carrot charm she'd recently added to her phone case. He fiddled with the charm, then spoke up.
"With a nickname like Carrots, I would've expected you to eat more than two bites."
"Hey, Hey! Keep your eyes on your own food! I can eat this later, Okay? I like to savour my food. Not wolf it down like some savage beast." She mocked him.
"Woah, woah! Be careful, this savage beast is still hungry, and rabbit would be delicious right about now!"
"Then come and get it." She teased. Setting the plates down into the sink. She walked to the edge of the counter and leaned onto it with one hand, sinking into her hip. She dropped her head slightly, letting her eyes fixate on him. Letting him know that she was nothing short of serious.
Nick chuckled. She gave him permission. Nothing more, nothing less. He wasn't sure what she'd been hinting at, but he wasn't going to give up this opportunity, not just yet. He strolled over to her.
"Hehe, y'know you surprise me sometimes Carrots. I never seem to know what's going on in your head. One second you're all tired and brazen, and the next, you're…"
He swooped her up in his arms before speaking, but the bunny cut him off.
"I can be as brazen as I want."
She pulled on his collar, her breath flirting with the fur on his neck and ears.
"Scratch tired of the list, then?
He whispered in her ear.
"Hm, my arms were just tired."
A contagious smile grew between the both of them. The passing of time fell short and unnoticeable. They once again slipped into the same void of space, filled with a calm, pleasing silence, neither of them daring to interrupt. Until they did.
Seemingly at the same time, their lips imitated magnets, and slowly but surely, they met.
ff account :) 
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quidfree · 4 years
hi! hope you're well and that you're having a good day:) I absolutely adore LMV - I genuinely think it's the best fic I've ever read. anyway, the point of this ask was that I was wondering whether you had any thoughts about sirius as a godfather? like, was he suited for the job, did he actually do a good job... idk, maybe you've answered that question before, in that case, sorry! and ofc don't stress abt answering:))
this is so nice of you ty!!!
ive never talked about dogfather sirius, actually!! what an interesting pair of questions.... i would have to say a qualified yes to both?
was sirius suited for the job: personality-wise, maybe not entirely (raising a child alone in the event of jily deaths would have been Rough, and he’s not exactly a stable parental unit, not to mention he would have spoiled harry rotten), BUT he has the most important prerequisite, which is undying love and loyalty for the potters and for harry, and that means he would have done everything in his power to be a good parent figure to him, which is what really matters, so. not to mention that jily realistically weren’t contemplating he would have to be godfather alone for the majority of harry’s life- with jily around he could have been just The Coolest Godfather Ever instead of harry’s first living parental figure who didn’t treat him like shit.
did he actually do a good job? i would say a resounding yes. bearing in mind he was stuck in azkaban for twelve years (let’s not get into that), we only actively see him godparent harry for three years (plus when he was a baby). obviously baby harry was spoilt v much by his dogfather; what we see of sirius + teen harry also speaks favourably of him, i think. ok, little bit of a rough start what with the unhinged prisoner vibe, but the FIRST thing sirius does when free is go check up on harry- and he keeps tabs via crookshanks etc once at school, knows his interests well enough to send him the firebolt, and he values harry’s opinions enough to not murder peter on the spot despite his thirteen year revenge vendetta. obviously, the fact harry is the spitting image of someone sirius hasnt seen except for in his nightmares for over a decade doesn’t hurt, but he’s just so awkwardly sweet to harry afterwards- when he offers harry to come live with him, expecting him to refuse and completely understanding of it, it’s so endearing (and it always broke my heart how excited they both were about it- i bet sirius was thinking about another time a potter asked to live together). and from the start sirius ALWAYS speaks to harry like a whole person, not a child to be kept in the dark (which, if everyone else had done, looking at you dumbledore...)- the speech he gives him before he escapes is so important for harry to hear, especially from someone who knew his parents. sirius is always so careful to tell harry things about james and lily. now, it’s not that sirius treating harry like an adult would be ideal on its own, and i do think in part the issue is that he skipped his entire childhood and harry looks so much like james, but i also don’t think sirius actually treats harry too much like a grown man, apart from slipups- just like a grown teen. he advises him against threats, tells him the edgy backstories harry SHOULD know (and no other adult ever wants to tell him), looks after him as best he can (HE LIVES IN A CAVE EATING BONES TO LOOK OUT FOR HIM), listens to his teen melodrama. even when he’s fucking up by encouraging harry’s risk-taking i don’t think he’s treating him like an adult- he’s treating him like a *marauder*, because at that age, that’s what he or james would have done; being able to make informed choices is what sirius would have wanted at his age. i don’t think molly or sirius necessarily have the better argument- both make good points; sirius gets what harry wants and molly gets what harry might need even if he doesn’t want it, but that makes perfect sense- molly is an older woman who’s raised seven children, and sirius is in his early thirties and lived with kids for (1) year. james and sirius were order members by age /eighteen/ and sirius was in azkaban at /twenty-one/- he was basically a kid HIMSELF before he got put in the torture prison. i always found it so unfair that literally none of the other adults ever mention the debilitating mental issues he must be suffering from- remember the lifelong PTSD hagrid got from a MONTH there???- and that’s without even mentioning dumbledore’s purposeful exacerbating of them. not to say that mental health excuses poor parenting, but sirius both /isn’t a parent/ and really does very well at filling that role anyways, on the whole, so i think he can be cut some slack for once in his life. harry loves sirius SO MUCH and sirius loves him right back- and sirius teaches him some of the most important lessons in the whole series, even if he himself never managed to learn them- lessons that i really think shape the adult harry becomes, and the kind of lessons his parents might have taught him. so overall i’d give him kudos- and considering the absolute bullshit he’s living through, with james and lily dead, azkaban sucking the light out of him for over a decade, peter running free, and dumbledore QUARANTINING HIM IN THE HOUSE WHERE HIS ABUSIVE DEAD MOTHER IS (?!?!), i would say he does a stellar fucking job.
anyways harry & sirius’ relationship is so important to the series- even the GP was upset when sirius dies in OOTP, largely because everyone could see how bad it hit harry. that scene in dumbledore’s office? oof. they just care about each other so v much and we were robbed of a lifetime of sirius as harry’s absolute fav adult. if sirius had held onto harry that day- if dumbledore hadn’t decided to place him with abusive bigots for a plan which would only pay off by OOTP- i honestly think sirius would have outlived the series. because with harry he’d have been less unhinged by grief, able to testify properly, gotten support from other order members, not gone to azkaban- and with harry he would have had a reason to live. thirteen years of raising harry would have made harry the snarky little fucker he is at his core by age eleven, confident and happy and very good at quidditch indeed; thirteen years would have made sirius as whole as he can get. they would have patched things up with remus. there’d be no OOTP tragedy of errors. sirius would have punched dumbledore at some point. harry would have sent a pic of him and his new friends over week 1 of hogwarts and sirius would have punched through a wall and then calmly strolled over to hogwarts and taken ron’s pet rat over to minerva mcgonnagal, where unspeakable things happened to it. he would have gently butted heads with hermione (but won her over via crookshanks if nothing else) and gotten on very well with ron; snape would barely have been able to be such a dick to him because sirius would have gleefully sent him howlers for every minute of his day until he cracked. lucius on the school board terrorizing the other parents? not on sirius “billionaire heir to the toujours pur line” black’s watch- he’d happily invest even more obnoxious wealth into the school fund to get first call, not to mention lucius’ imperius excuse would not get very far with sirius around. “who’s nicholas flamel? we can’t ask adults- we’d get in trouble with the teachers and our parents are either muggles or wouldn’t know- oh wait nevermind, sirius, who’s nicholas flamel?” no more expelliarmus-ing for four years; harry Trained Duellist By Age 11 more like. dobby the house-elf? oi dobby sirius is family too- now spit it all out, won’t you? chamber of secrets? yeah, sirius knows what that is. parseltongue? yeah, sirius is familiar, and fuck those other kids for being weird to harry about it, does he want to come home for the holidays? weird creepy diary? oh, sirius’ family will have Magicke Moste Evile around somewhere. book 3 is just Harry’s Holiday: The Book because there’s no sirius subplot. you think snape would have dared treat remus the way he does with sirius hovering around paying half his checks? i think the fuck not. you bet your ass they had box seats for the whole of gryffindor house at the Quidditch World Cup. barty crouch? yeah, sirius knows THAT asshole- and remembers his son. catch harry whizzing through all the challenges minus the nerves ahead of time while sirius and remus do half the investigating for him. yule ball? no sweat, just go with ron; that’s what james and sirius would have done. if the maze went the way it goes in the books, “moody” wouldn’t even have been able to drag harry off without sirius intervening. and sirius “ptsd” black would have been The One Person who Got harry’s feelings in OOTP- not to mention sirius Skilled Legilimens black could have coopted that shit from snape and gotten harry up to scratch. sirius-raised-harry would have given umbridge twice as much shit. no kreacher lying here- and harry has sirius’ mirror anyways. so no massive drama in the ministry, and no suicidal recklessness / desperate first taste of freedom on sirius’ part means no veil incident even if they got there. hence book six through seven going Quite Differently. sirius shows up book six to be DADA teacher, why not. him and remus think it’d be funny, and besides he’s petty enough to steal the job from snape. move over firenze, new hot teacher in town. half the books are avoidable.
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on FUCKING kissing. and other shit
i’m still just. as bowled over as i knew i’d be about getting to have the triumphant nice gay kiss of resolution. like, i dont think i’ve seen that in any movies ive watched. not that many of them like, have a gay mc in the first place. usually you maybe have a couple peripheral side cast gays w a lil subplot and they get to say “i love you” or something. idk. or for some reason whats up with dramas where like, the initial Gay Encounter w kissing is often also a sexual encounter which is fine but the point is its like “oh, wow drama” right. and then the bit where they maybe manage to actually come together is like, too solemn for kissing? its also fine to have other moments of physical intimacy besides kissing, thats fantastic tbh. and i can’t say “wow what a trend in Major Releases W Gay Love Stories At The Core” because there’s not enough fuckin data for any real trends. but anyways maybe the ol Finally They Kiss thing is more seen as a like, ~romance genre~ thing rather than serious movies. idk. anyways getting sidetracked
my point is i think thats the first movie Gay Kiss Of Resolution that i can remember seeing. and it gets me, man. it hits me hard. i’m like. electric. not just because its like “wow this is a new one for me” obvs but because i’m gay and i like things that are very gay and very sweet and cute and that was all of that. so much in that film was ferociously endearing. like, thank god for gay love getting to be charming and nice and lighthearted and even exuberant. yeah babye
and for the past couple months ive been thinking on twitter threads about ppl who were Gay Teens Coming Out years and years ago who went to see the film w a parent or other sort of relation and it prompted a discussion where the parent is like. when you came out, was it bad? was i very bad about it? and they said how the answer was well, kinda, yeah. and getting to have this whole talk about a decade or so after the fact, because the movie shows such earnest support, and the recognition of the failing of anything less than the fullest kind of support.
like honestly i liked a lot that like, the issue wasn’t that simon was particularly worried about rejection, or some terrible kind of abuse or violence like gay kids who had to keep it a secret because their parents might even have pulled shit like kicking out a gay kid, like implying they’d even kill them if they’re gay. and he wasn’t exactly worried about like, hate crimes or anything either. because its not like the Awful kind of homophobic reaction isnt a concern anymore, but it isnt to everyone, and it wasnt always to everyone. its not even accurate to say that noncishet people prior to like the late 20th century always were rejected, always were closeted, always were miserable. there’s all kinds of stories and it’s nice to hear all kinds of them. like, the Gay Tragedy was as we know the only way to get a gay story of any kind past the rigid catholic moral guide for Film back in the day, and not so shocking that thats the kind of gay story that tends to be most palatable to the heterosexuals. and they have, what, like atonement and shit or something? and yet also i’m not saying that tragic gay stories should be off limits, or dramas, or anything. just that of course movies are limited to Bury Your Gays, Kill The Trans Kid, Show The Tragedy Of Not Being Cishet Coz That’s What’s Gritty And Real And I’m Okay With Them If They Die. we deserve every genre and plot structure. it would improve all of them.
anyhow like i was sort of getting to. i really appreciate how simon like, isn’t ashamed of being gay, isn’t in denial about it, isn’t afraid of his parents or friends or community finding out, doesnt feel particularly endangered re the idea, but still feels like he can’t. i really liked the bit where he upsets his sister cuz he’s so fuckin stressed about having just been outed and his privacy invaded in front of his whole damn school but he’s like super conflicted about like, why would i be upset at being out, why would i be ashamed just because i didnt come out before, etc etc. and i liked that he felt his coming out to his parents went badly just b/c it was a bit awkward. because the small issues are just as big a deal, people wanna act like the defining part of being gay is a certain level of agony. and so you get ppl questioning if love, simon is “necessary,” like a gay protag has to be justified for the technical benefits it might afford, like if its not about suicide or self loathing or ostracization or violence or being disowned or etc etc, its not REALLY about being gay, and it can’t possibly help gay kids because its just unrealistic. because even if you have worse problems, seeing an overall happy gay love story where he gets the guy and has all the support of family and friends and community put out there will just be meaningless to you. and obviously its just as pointless to argue that this is the be all and end all of gay films, like we only needing ONE gay romcomdrom type film, we only need ONE gay y.a. movie, this is THE gay film for those categories now people, it’s over. like jesus we’re owed so many. give us the nondystopian y.a. movies back, and make em gay!!! GAY
anyways what is the point? i like that it was shown its difficult to come out even if you only expect “small” bad issues, because even having to have the smallest fear that the people in your life will think less of you, or love you less, or see you as any bit of a disappointment or flawed, is really fucked up and difficult. like i said, it was way too real when simon was just a bit uncomfortable when his dad made just a bit uncomfortable gay jokes. i like that he felt fucked up over being outed even though he wasn’t necessarily ashamed of being gay. and i mean i know part of it was that he was afraid that the other guy was gonna get scared off since that was being exposed too, but i liked that element also, because of the tension between the joy of getting to like...Be Gay with a guy you like and enjoy it, but also know that the whole thing is tenuous and uncertain and you’re both a bit afraid and the whole thing might crumble at any moment because it’s not easy to take “privately being gay” into it being everyones business and public knowledge. because even the little shit you have to deal with is a concern, and even in the most “it’s probably totally okay” situations, you don’t KNOW that its okay, because homophobia is still the default even amongst like. the libs who think they’re totally not homophobic.
and plus yknow the whole thinking you’ll be treated different thing. like coming out is going to HAVE to be some Big Deal and you’ll have to be imposing something on everyone who knows you when really you’re just being the fuck yourself. and the idea that suddenly everyone’s gonna be uncomfortable with you or think you’re someone else or just look at you different because they were cool with you when they thought you were straight. and anyways
also i seriously forget the dude’s real name but i love that it was the first guy simon thought might be blue. damn i know they said it like fifty times in that one scene lol...but anyways yknow i’m like “hmm walking in on him maybe messing around with a girl could just be Gay Crisis shit yknow” and it was and thats kinda fun lol. like, i’ve read some fics in my day!! that is not a nail in the coffin!!
anyways what i want to say is getting a sweet triumphant gay kiss scene is just. so fucking beautiful for the soul. i’m fuckin reveling in it. now that ive been writing about it for half an hour i should go ahead and try to get my rewatch in, right. yeah
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donghyxns · 7 years
death note! au | donghyun
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also this will be a bit all over the place im high on some fucking medicine #thathighlife
donghyun was always kind of an outcast in school
no matter what he did or what he said
he was always the weird kid that looked like he was going to shoot up the school at any second
obviously... he had no friends and spent most of his time alone in his room doing other peoples homework
one eventful day he was just casually sitting outside looking at all of the cheerleaders practicing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
he picked it up and shoved it into his backpack and he was going to return it to the owner once he found out who it was
the rain starts pelting down on him at a rapid pace so he decideds to peace the fuck out and go inside
he doesnt want to get sick
he was about to pass by the gym doors but a body flies through them
he was about to speak up™ but suddenly you were pushing seongwoo off of the poor kid
“jesus christ, seongwoo! why cant you be nice????” seongwoo scoffs at you because his frail masculinity was insulted
so he pushes you down making you plop on the ground
o no :(
donghyun was shooketh™™™™ bUT HE WASNT GOING TO STAND FOR THAT
“hey! dont push them!” donghyun puts on his bravest big boy pants and finally stands up
but seongwoo just scoffs
“why is a school shooter fcking talking to me?” he goes to punch donghyun but donghyun blocks it bc he is secretly a ninja turtle
he does block it tho
“you know, arent you like 22 years old?” donghyun hears you laugh from behind him
achivement unlocked: a girl laughed with him not @ him for once in his life
good job donghyun
heck yeAH
“if you punch me that could technacially be called CHILD ABUSE SO DONT FRICKIN HIT ME-”
he got hit
he blacked out bOI
the next moment he remembers is him in the principals office with an ice pack on his eyes
“dONGHYUN?! You have like 20 different papers here that is for other people???? this is cheating. detention son”
he got detention the hECK
at detention he was going to go to sleep but the teacher was like “wake the frick up mAN”
so he had to stay awake
the teacher left for some reason???? idk prob to get coffee or something she looked stressed
so donghyun was like, “well i dont have to do youngmin calculus homework anymore,,,, what should i do?????”
oH YES that book someone dropped
he digs in his backpack and pulls it out
“death note”
radical my brother
he opens it anD THE HEAVENS OPENED UP PT.2 
“what the heck?” the wind starts whipping his beautiful hair and he is shook™
but oh well he continues to read
“rule number 1: anyones name written in this book will die... but you have to have the face of the person in your mind”
he could end it all right now
..... *writes down donald trump* 
no but he is like “????” ok weird
he literally fucking screams when he sees ryuk behind him
i think anyone would
its a scary sight my man
“whAt ThE fUCk aRe yOU?????????????”
“im the shadow of death, my mAN” oh yes gud
once donghyun assess the situation at hand he calms down
donghyun is already a bit out of it so this fits in perfectly
“so, does this thing really seriously work???”
ryuk laughs, “i dont know,, why dont you try it out?” ryuk points to the window so donghyun follows
he doesnt want to get stabbed by one of his thorns
he pulls back the curtain and sees seongwoo tormenting a really nice girl named somi
“you know, you could end all of the bullying right here with just one pen”
sounds good
donghyun rummages through his bag and finds a black ink pen
he writes down “ong seongwoo” with a smile
ummmm crazy boi????
ryuk laughs, “lets get a little bit creative with it.... write down how he dies”
donghyun writes down decapitation
it all happened so fucking fast
a lady spilled her apples, making a boy drop his basketball into the street which made him run out into the street to grab the ball, which made a lady in a brown car swerve to miss him, which made a utility man wreck his car into a van 
then boom
a ladder went straight through seongwoos fuCKING HEAD
donghyun screams, falling back on his butt
ryuk just laughs, “so, now you see how real it actually is”
then poof hes gone
the next day you come up to him unexpectedly
“you hear about our good friend seongwoo?”
donghyun nods, putting on a face of remorse, “yeah it- it was terrible-”
“no it wasnt... seongwoo was a fucking crazy bully who tormented everybody around him and just because he died doesnt make it a tragedy”
nice logic dude
“you wanna hear something crazy?” donghyun leans over to you
he had a smol crush on you thats probably why
“i’m the one that killed him.... look at this” he pulls out the death note and shows you the last entrance
you look over the entrance a couple of times, shock on your face
“no fucking way”
you look up at him with a wicked smile lingering on your lips
he liked it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you 2 were both crazy hecK yea
“we could change the world with this”
hell yeAH- wait, what?
im so high on cough medicine and pain pills im sorry if this was shit
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