#its okay. cereal already told me to go to sleep so i'm on it
shapeshyft · 8 months
turning into movie monsters is cool, and all, but when baby blue gets that power upgrade they've been teasing for ages now and starts shifting into the concept of entropy, or the light feeling of sorrow you get right as the sun sets on the twilight horizon, what then?
What defences will you and yours have when a violent cloud of 'FOMO' descends upon ye and unshackles a storm of inscrutable yearning in your airspace?
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guttabutta00 · 1 year
First Contact
Download Interactivefics to replace (Y/N)
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in! Bye!" You said while waving and blowing kisses into your Webcam. 
After shutting off your camera and slapping a piece of tape over it, you take off your mask and start sanitizing the toys that were being used and storing them away. You take off your clothes tossing them to into the hamper, and hop in the shower. 
After your shower, you moisturize and throw on your undergarments. You put on your robe and slippers and left your room. 
You walk down your hallway just a couple of feet, slowly opening the door. you walk over to the bed and kiss the sleeping person on the forehead. "Sweet dreams Zeus, my little ball off thunder." Whispering into your son's ear. Shutting the door quietly, walking back to your room, and drift off to sleep.
You're 22 with a four-year-old boy named Zeus. You're currently in nursing school during the day and a Webcam girl during the night.
 You know it's not the best thing to do but, the money is rolling through, and you don't have the time to work long shifts for a stressful amount of money, especially with being a single mother with NO help.
 Your child's father is gone. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he. He was taken away from both your and your child's lives due to gun violence. No, he wasn't in the streets. He was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
It sometimes hurts because you're alone and have to raise your son on your own. You push your feeling aside and keep your head straight and focus because you can't afford to slack.
6:00 AM
Jumping up from the sound of your alarm, "Damn,"  Today's the first day off school for Zeus. Getting up, yawning, and stretching, you make your way to Zeus' room.
"Good morning Zeus, time to get up, its the first day of school."
still nothing
  "I'm going to give you till the count of three. 1....2.........3" you yank the blanket off of him and starts to tickle him.
 "bwahahaha" he screamed out of his sleep. 
"Hahaha, I told you it's time for school love, go brush your teeth and wash your face." You helped him out of bed and gave him a little nudge towards the bathroom. 
While he's doing that, you make him a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table. Zeus came just in time.
 "Let me smell" he blew his breath in your face. "Good job, babe, sit and eat your cereal. mommy's going to go get dressed, okay?" he nodded his head. " Okay, thank you, mommy."
You get dressed in a pair of your scrubs and comb your 30in lace front into a ponytail in the back. You went to Zeus' room and got his uniform ready.
 "Done, mommy." 
You got Zeus dressed and ready. finally done, you take a step back and admire your beautiful creation. "Oooh boy, you handsome. Let mommy take a picture of your cute Lil self." Pulled your phone out and took a few flicks, and drove to his school.
You grabbed his hand and walked to his school. "It's so big, mommy,"  he said, gasping. You chuckled. "It sure is. Let's head to your classroom."  
Since you came to orientation already, you know where he'll learning at. The only thing you haven't got to do was meet his teacher that day, but you'll meet them today.
Walking in his class, you see a lot of smiling faces from the parents down to kids. All except for one, Your son. Who's hiding behind your legs.
 "What do we have here?"
 You see someone squatting down to Zeus. "Hey, buddy, what's wrong." 
Zeus turns to face the kind stranger just a little bit. "Don't want mommy to leave." The stranger looks up at you, slowly look you in the eyes, and smiled a little.
"Hey, buddy, what's your name?" Zeus looks up to him. "My name is Zeus." 
The stranger then smiles a Zeus showing his pearly whites.
 "Hello Zeus, My name is Mr. Yeagar."
 He reaches a hand out to shake. Zeus slowly reached his hand out and shook Mr. Yeagar's hand.
"Hey Zeus, you know I can really use your help in class. You can, my little helper. Do you think you can do that, bud?" Zeus walks from behind you nodding his head, smiling. " Yes, I love helping. Just like mommy!"
 Mr. Jeagar looks up to you again, smiling. "Is that right?" 
You smile back, squatting down to their level, and look at Zeus. "Give mommy a hug, baby" He gives you a big hug, and you mouthed, "Thank you so much," to Mr. Jeagar. 
He nods and gives you that breathtaking smile again. You pull away from his hug, standing up along with his teacher. "Zeus, you can go find your name on one of the cubbies and hang up your coat and find a seat anywhere you like, ok." 
Zeus smiles and waves goodbye while you blew kisses towards him. Then turn to Mr. Yeagar, extending your hand out.
 "Thank you so much, Mr. Yeagar. He's super shy. It normally takes a little longer to get him to warm up. It looks like you have the magic touch." He shakes your hand, laughing a little "Any time, Ms. ?" 
"Oh, sorry, my name is Y/N. Y/N L/N" his other hand grabs the same that is already being held. " It's my pleasure, Ms. Y/N L/N." 
Smiling while rubbing circles on your hand, "I'll do my very best to keep a smile on Zeus' face. You have my word. I hope you have a beautiful day." 
Letting your hand go slowly while looking at what feels like your soul. You stand breathless for a second. While coming down from your daze, you smile back politely back at him. "Thank you, Mr. Jeagar. I hope you have a good one as well."
You turn to walk out of the class, looking back at Zeus and Mr. Yeagar. You shoot another smile and make your way to school.
You make your way to class sitting in your seat. 
"Heyy, Y/n, why are you smiling so hard?" You look up at your crazy friend Sasha eating a breakfast burrito. You chuckle at her shaking your head. "It's nothing really. Zeus was looking so damn adorable for his first day."  she puckers out her lips. "OH MY GOD, I TOTALLY FORGOT ALL AOUT MY ZEUSY POO FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!"  
You pulled your phone out, showing her a picture of your baby's first day. "Y/N, my heart is deadass melting right now. He's so damn cuteee. Ahhh"
you chuckled at her silliness, shaking your head. " Girl, you gotta chill." You see your instructor rushing into class. "Sorry I'm late guys, traffic was something else today." Everybody shrug their shoulders "no sweat, Ms. Hange." 
During class, you thought about what kind of show your gonna put on tonight. You make sure to hop on four days a week. Mommy gotta stay paid. You also wanted to go to the gym tonight. You pulled your phone out to send a quick text.
Y/N: Hey Levi!
Levi: What is it, brat?
Y/N: lol, sir, you're not that older than me. Relax. , but can you please watch Zeus so I can go to the gym tonight?
Levi: You're my brat, so I can stuff like that, but of course, you know you don't have to ask. Mine Or Your Place?
Y/N: My place he'll be in bed already. since I'm gonna go a little late.
Levi: I'll be there at 8
Y/N: thank you, love you 
You shove your phone back in your pocket and finish listening to your lecture.
gonna be a mini series, already posted on a03 and wattpad
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straybreeze · 3 years
Day 1: “Hero Signal”
We’re kicking things off with everyone’s favorite hero Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday! Show the fluffy boi some love!
Yay, this is my very first time participating in a Tumblr event! Thank you @gxmonth for making this, I'm so excited!
I tried my best to include my OC as well, I hope it won't be too cringe lol.
Also, I would like to remark here, that I'm not a native English speaker, so if I made any grammatical errors or other mistakes, please let me know!
Word count: 2475
Pairing: implied spiritshipping
Warnings: slight angst
Happy, happy birthday Judai.
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The sun was already high on the endless blue sky, showering the small apartment room in golden light when a big, orange and round thing pushed the door open with its head. The cat made his way through the mess and straight to the bed, where his owner was still sleeping. Confuting his own respectable weight, he jumped easily into the bed and snuggled up to the sleeping boy’s side, purring loudly. The quiet snoring suddenly stopped as the boy slowly opened his deep brown eyes, his hand automatically searching for the cat’s fluffy head.
“Let me sleep, Pharaoh! Just five more minutes!” Judai pleaded and covered his eyes with his free hand.
But it had been proven to be an unacceptable answer to Pharaoh. If he was hungry, nothing was an excuse for being late for breakfast. And in fact, it was almost lunchtime.
However, Judai still didn’t seem willing to move, so he had to try harder.
“Ouch! Pharaoh, I know you are hungry, but I’m not your food! Don’t eat me!” Judai moaned as he sat up reluctantly. He squinted in the vivid lights, reaching the phone on the nightstand. The screen was showing 11 AM and the date below: 31th August.
31st August. The last day of summer. And his birthday.
Judai almost forgot about his nineteenth birthday. But to be honest, this day is going to be just like any other of the past week. He had nothing to do besides sitting at home and feeding Pharaoh occasionally. There was no real difference from what he did ever since he arrived from his last journey.
In fact, he was stuck in Domino City and had to stay there until he would eventually get a phone call from Chancellor Samejima. In the past one year of his life, an incoming call from his ex-headmaster meant one thing: a new job is on the sight. Not that Judai minded that. He loved travelling around the world and solving intriguing cases with his dueling skills. He didn’t continue his studies in a college, nor joined the Pro Leagues like his other friends. No, he just did the same as in his Academia years: slacking and occasionally saving the day. That is the duty of the heroes after all.
…And at least he could be useful in something as well.
Judai spent the last two weeks in this apartment, which he and Johan were renting together. In the first days, it wasn’t so hard to stay put, but Johan went on a holiday to his family in Sweden more than a week ago. He promised that he will get home before the end of summer, yet he messaged his roommate that he had to stay for a few more days. So in the end, Judai was left alone for his birthday.
Okay, not completely alone. At least Pharaoh was there for him, he thought as he strolled out to the kitchen to find some breakfast for his hungry cat. And for himself.
One year had already passed since they graduated from Duel Academia. A lot of things happened to everyone and it appeared that nobody had the time to greet Judai on his birthday. At least none of his friends told him that they would like to see him today. No missed calls, no unread messages yet.
Have they already forgotten him?
No, that was nonsense. They might be just… busy.
Sho and Manjoume have joined the Pro Leagues right after their graduation, so they were already living their restless life just like his other pro friends, Edo and Kaiser. Well, in his Academia years Judai already got used to that Edo is as much unavailable as the Emperor of Japan himself, but it appeared that Kaiser is that kind of celebrity too. Since he more or less recovered from his heart condition, he started a Cyber Pro League along with Sho and they both attended various events actively in the country and lately overseas too. Of course, Kaiser was told that he must not overstrain himself and stress too much in general, but Judai would bet that he disregarded all of those rules anyway. Especially because he hadn’t talked to him in months, so he must be busy as hell as always.
On the other hand, as far as Judai knew the Tenjoin siblings still lived in North America – Asuka was still studying in Duel College for sure while her brother, Fubuki-san was… doing something too, he assumed? Judai hadn’t heard much of them lately, but he knew that Fubuki-san followed his younger sister to chase his dreams and become an idol abroad. Judai didn’t know much about the school system of America, so Asuka might have classes at this very moment, maybe that’s why she hasn’t called him yet.
For his younger friends, Kenzan graduated from Duel Academia this summer, while Rei is going to start her last year in October. Maybe they are both on a vacation right now, enjoying themselves on a beach or something. It was still summer anyway, Judai couldn’t blame them for that.
And oh, there was Aurora, too. She was the roommate of Edo (and maybe his stepsister as well? Or something more? Who knows. She was a mystery anyway), who befriended him less than a year ago. Judai supposed she doesn’t even know that this day is his birthday.
After he gave some salmon flavored cat food and fresh water to Pharaoh, he decided to grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast and lunch at once.
As much he wanted to act like his birthday was nothing, if it was just like any other day, it made him hurt deep inside that nobody, even his closest friends haven’t paid attention to him on his day. He already got used to that his parents don’t care about him, but he thought he found a new family in his friends.
Maybe he was wrong.
But hey, it was him who abandoned them in the first place, Judai reminded himself. He was the one who left the Academia without saying goodbye and ran away from them straight to another country. He shouldn’t feel sad, because he knew that their friends would be estranged from him sooner or later. And he was the only one to blame.
Judai was so lost deep in his thoughts that he didn’t even realize that the milk was long overflowed the bowl and it was already spilling down the table. Pharaoh didn’t waste a single second: he leapt to the white liquid dripping from the edge of the table and licked it with such joy as if he had never tasted it before in his entire life.
“Dammit!” Judai moaned, then hastily wiped the milk off from the table and the parquet.
Oh well. He hadn’t been awake for ten whole minutes yet, but he already knew, birthday or no birthday, this was not going to be his day.
As the day continued, Judai climbed back to the bed and chose to do nothing today besides watching silly TV shows. He could have gone out at least for a walk, that’s true. He lived in Domino City after all, the city he loved the most. If you are a duelist, this is the best place for you in the entire world, especially if you live in downtown. The coast was not too far, Kaiba Land and other fun places were within easy reach too. But nothing was entertaining enough if you had no friends around.
“I feel like you’ve forgotten something,” Judai heard a familiar voice from all of a sudden. Slowly, the television screen became blurry as he was still staring at it, and a demonic shadow appeared at the end of his bed.
“Yubel,” he spoke their name aloud as he closed his eyes. “What did I forget?”
“Me,” came the obvious answer. “Why do you feel so lonely?”
“I’m not lonely. I’m just…” Judai began but then realized that the sentence had no continuation. “No, Yubel, everything’s good.”
“You sure?”
“Uh, yeah! I’m glad you’re here. It is enough for me.”
“You are a bad liar, Judai. You know that?”
“Hey, I mean it! I’m glad you are here, Yubel.”
“… I know.” Yubel smiled, gentler than it was imaginable from them. As they took a short break, their heterochromatic eyes curiously scanned the boy who was bound to them for an eternity. “But I still don’t understand, what is the matter with you?”
Judai didn’t answer their question. At least with words. He thought it was enough for an answer that he checked his phone every five minutes if someone messaged him already. But sadly, nobody had searched him so far.
It was already late afternoon when he finally heard the standard ringtone of his phone. He almost fell asleep again, and the vibrating sound made his heart pound in excitement. He immediately grabbed his phone, but when he checked the screen, he had mixed feelings.
The caller was Aurora, Edo’s roommate. And the last one who Judai thought would call him on his birthday.
“Hello, Rory! What up?” he greeted her, a soft smile unintentionally crossed his lips. But it had soon vanished when Aurora didn’t answer immediately. “Rory? Is something wrong?”
“Judai,” she spoke finally. Her usual melodic voice was trembling somewhat as if she was nervous. “I’m glad I could reach you!”
“Yeah, I mean, you could have totally called me all day! I had nothing to do, you know.” Maybe he shouldn’t have hinted things like these, but still.
“I see. Sorry, Judai, but may I ask you something?” Aurora’s voice still didn’t sound too firm.
“Sure, anytime!” Judai’s eyes sparkled at thought of the adventure. “But you’re fine, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah. I just… need to talk with someone. With you.”
“Really? Well, I’d gladly chat with you, but if you wanna talk about some… girlish thing, you know I’m not your man.”
“You will be completely fine. I wanna talk about something else, not girlish things.”
“Something happened with Edo maybe?” Judai guessed.
“Not at all! Ahw Judai, stop asking questions! I will tell you everything if I see you in person. So get ready and come!”
“Come where?”
“I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance of Kaiba Land in fifteen minutes.”
“Why there? You’re not even a duelist—„
“See you later, Judai!”
Before Judai could remark that he may not be there in fifteen minutes, Aurora had already hung up the phone. Surely, she became weirder and weirder. Maybe it was Edo who was a bad influence on her.
When Judai arrived at the said place, he was nearly jumping out of his skin. He was curious about what Aurora wanted to talk to him about, and at the same time, he was glad that he finally had a reason to leave the apartment.
Though it was still a bit unexpected that he would spend his birthday with Aurora, but why not? They were friends after all. He should have thought about her sooner.
“Judai!” Aurora shouted and waved him from the distance.
As he came closer, Aurora silently turned around and headed into the Park. It was almost sunset, the monstrous structures of Kaiba Land were glowing in orange.
“Okay, would you tell me now what are we doing here?” Judai asked while he barely could keep up with her.
“You will see, I promise!”
“Come on, Rory!”
“No worries, we are almost there!”
And that was all she told him, no matter how hard he tried to get more information. But the sparkle of hope ignited in his heart, that something bigger was standing behind this weird invitation.
Kaiba Land was slowly emptied out as the closing hour was coming, so they didn’t meet too many people. Especially as they got deeper and deeper into the amusement park.
They were nearby the rollercoaster when they finally stopped.
“Judai,” Aurora turned to him. “I know that this whole thing came from all of a sudden, and I’m so happy that you followed me without a question anyway.”
“Well, actually—”
“I hope you know that it means a lot to me. Not just me. To all of us.”
“What do you mean?”
“Judai, you have amazing friends. And you are the best among the best for all of them.”
“Rory, I’m not sure I understa—„
Shouts were coming from everywhere, and suddenly a shadow of a whole crowd appeared in the dim lights of the setting sun. Before Judai could have the time to react, a short figure stood out from them and started running towards him.
“Happy birthday, Aniki!” Sho shrieked as he bumped into Judai and embraced him closely. Shortly after, he found himself surrounded by people. Surrounded by his friends.
“Happy birthday, Judai!”
“Judai-sama! I wish the bestest birthday in the world to you!”
“Nice to see you, loser! Where the hell have you been for this long?”
“Yeah, Judai, we were all waiting for you!”
“Happy birthday, Aniki-don!”
“Damn, I missed you so much!”
Everyone was there. Asuka and Rei. Manjoume, Fubuki-san and Kenzan. Sho was still holding onto him, almost crying.
“Hehe, surprise! I came back from Sweden today just because of your big day!”
Even Johan was there. He came home finally! Judai couldn’t help, but sudden warmth flowed through his body as Johan hugged him along with everyone else. Even Manjoume was in the crew.
“Hey guys, you flatter me…”
“See, Edo? We almost missed the group hug because of you.” Another familiar voice came from the distance, and when Judai glanced up, he saw Kaiser Ryo and Edo Phoenix’s silhouettes were approaching them.
“Don’t blame me because Kaiba Seto himself wanted to talk with me. But I assume you can still join the group hug if you’re really that desperate.”
When the pros reached the crew, they greeted Judai in unison.
“Happy birthday, Judai!”
“You two…”
“In fact, these two were the masterminds for this plan,” Aurora joined the celebration too. “Happiest birthday for you!”
With suppressed tears in his eyes, Judai looked around his friends. Yeah, Aurora had right. He had the best friends in the world and now he felt terrible guilt that he had ever questioned them. Yubel were right after all, for not understanding what was his problem. Now he didn’t understand too.
“Okay, who wants some cake?”
“WAIT, we have cake?” Judai asked in shock. How the hell did they bring it to here?
“Of course! I mean you have it, Judai,” Asuka corrected him.
Before Judai could shout in happiness, his phone started ringing again. To his surprise, Chancellor Samejima called him.
“Happy birthday, Judai! Are you ready for your next adventure?”
Judai couldn’t help but smile again.
“Ready as I’ll ever be!”
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beomgyushighlights · 3 years
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Circus {H.K}
Day 4 (IX)
"all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus"
in which the first words Nari's soulmate says to her are "free britney"
in which two idols find their soulmates in each other after thirteen days of little comments without knowing who the other was
-a short story soulmate au-
©beomgyushighlights 2021
do not translate or repost without permission
(can also be found on wattpad and ao3 under the same username)
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The next day, something seems off about Nari. She's dancing fine and her singing is fine but every once in a while she'll wince as though she's in pain, alarming her fellow band mates. At first, it wasn't obvious but as they practice more and more the sounds become more and more frequent. "Nari? Are you okay?" Osamu asks. "I'm fine." She replies, continuing to practice despite the fact that everyone stopped for a break.
"Nari is your foot hurting again? You told me you'd stop dancing on it when it hurt." Yejun asks, reminding Nari of the promise she made to them. "I'm fine, I don't know why you guys keep asking." She replies, continuing to run through the dance. After Yejun brought up her ankle, Hyejin started paying more attention to her footwork.
   Due to Nari being made a trainee for the band while Osamu and Yejun were serving their time, Hyejin and Eun were the ones who watched her practice on her foot when it was at its worst. "Nari, stop before you make it worse." Hyejin tells her. "I'm fine!" She exclaims, her foot giving out as she finishes.
Osamu quickly catches her to ease her fall. "Have you not been wearing your brace after practice?" Eun asks. Nari is silent, her hands covering her face. "I'm taking her to the dorm, you guys order lunch for yourselves, we'll eat at the dorm and i'll be back in like fifteen to twenty five minutes." Osamu says, picking Nari up so she doesn't put weight on her ankle.
   "Hyunggggg!!!!!" Someone yells down the hall. "What!?" Someone else yells back. "We're resuming practice!" The first person yells back. Nari looks but she doesn't see anybody in the halls to give away her soulmate.
"No walking, your crutches are still in your closet so I'll grab them. I want you to keep weight off of it until tomorrow because management isn't going to be happy if they get word that you haven't been taking care of yourself like you promised you would when you joined, they've already given you a warning once." Osamu tells her.
She just nods, trying not to focus on the pain. "From now until we finish preparing for the release I want your brace on all day unless you're showering or sleeping and I want you off it as much as possible, no practicing through water breaks, no walking around the dorm because you're bored, none of that. If it gets worse, tell management and go to a doctor." He says. Nari nods again, committing all the rules to memory.
   Osamu makes her a sandwich and brings her her crutches and brace before he makes a sandwich for himself, saying bye and eating it while he's on his way out. Nari puts on music and just stares at the ceiling. A knock on the door gets her attention. She makes her way to the door, looking outside she sees a few familiar faces. She sighs, turning the lock and moving back.
"It's open." She says. The door opens and the boys walk in, greeting her and going to the living room. Jimin is the last to enter and he locks the door behind him. "I'm guessing Yejun sent you guys?" Nari asks, sitting on the couch and moving her crutches out of the way.
"Yeah, they didn't trust you to actually stay off your foot so they sent me over and when the maknae line heard they wanted to come with and Hobi came because he adores you and then Joon and Jin didn't want to be left alone so everyone came." Yoongi says. "Fun." She says. Airplane comes on and everyone vibes while Hobi sings along.
"What playlist is this?" Jungkook asks after the song finishes. "My liked songs, it's really long and I was planning on sitting there for a while." She says, the boys replying with nods, knowing about her hatred for silence. "Let's play some games!" Taehyung says, walking to the shelf in the living room.
"Why is there a Felix photo card up here?" He asks. "Thats where Hyejin put it! For easter we hid photo cards like they were easter eggs and I couldn't find Felix, thanks for that." Nari says. "Easter was months ago." Jimin says. "Yes, and we're still finding some, mostly ones that Eun hid because she couldn't remember where they were." She replies.
"Hobi, can you please get my photo card collection, it's the blue binder on the top shelf of the first bookcase, the left corner. The spine is labeled it says 'back off bitches' so it should be easy to find." She says. He nods and brings it back to her. She looks through it for the IN LIFE section. After a while of flipping she notices something.
"Uhh, Hobi can you bring me all the binders on the top two shelves and the black marker next to them?" She asks. Confused, Hobi nods and walks off, coming back with many binders. "I have to start labeling these..." Nari mumbles. On the blue ones she writes twice edition, continuing to label each binder with the proper band until she gets to Stray Kids.
She labels it and then flips to find where Felix belongs. "Okay, pass the Felix." She says. Taehyung hands her the Felix card and she places it back in its proper place. "Do you know how many more there still are left around?" Jin asks.
"Yes, we only used my photo cards because I have the most and I made everyone write who they took and which album it was from." Nari says, flipping to the back of the Stray Kids binder to find the paper.
   "All the butter Namjoons, Dark and Wild Jimin, IN LIFE Hyunjin, Twicetagram Momo, all of my Taehyung, Bang chan, Sana, and Jake, and BE Hobi and Yoongi." She answers. "How many does that total out to?" Jungkook asks.
"Too many, wanna have a scavenger hunt? Whoever finds the most photo cards gets a free hug?" She suggests, knowing that everyone loves her hugs but she rarely hugs people. The boys agree and she sends them off, asking that they refrain from the bedrooms as they've all been searched extremely well. Jin brings back peaches and cream Joon after five minutes. "Where was he?" She asks. "The cereal cabinet behind the chex." He answers, going off to find more.
She writes a one next to Jin's name. When the other members come home, the BTS boys are still searching for photo cards. "What is going on?" Yejun asks. "They're finding all my photo cards that we couldn't find." Nari says. "How many are left?" Osamu asks.
"Peaches and cream Taehyung, Dark and Wild Taehyung, Twicetagram Sana, NOEASY Bang Chan, IN LIFE Hyunjin, and BE yoongi." She answers. "Oh wow so they found a lot." Hyejin says. "Mhm, who hid one behind the chex in the cereal cabinet?" Nari asks. "Me..." Eun answers. "How did this even happen?" Yejun asks.
"Taehyung wanted to play a game but instead he found IN LIFE Felix on the top game shelf and he asked me why there was a Felix photo card up there and then I brought up how many where missing and so they went to find them and whoever finds the most by dinner gets a free hug." She says. "Well, how long has this been going on?" Osamu asks.
"Since about fifteen minutes after you left." She replies. Osamu left three and a half hours ago. "They've been doing this four three hours and fifteen minutes?" He asks. "Yeah, but they're having fun and they like to tease each other when they find a card." She says. "HA! I found the last Sana!" Jungkook brags, presenting the card in a very extra way to Nari.
"Thank you very much." She smiles. He smiles back and goes back to trying to find more. "Five more minutes then I'm ordering dinner for everyone!" Hyejin yells. "You guys can check my room if you want to, I couldn't see on top the shelves where my old song books are!" Eun says.
"Feel free the check mine too because I'm short and couldn't find any in my room so there's probably at least one in there." Nari adds. Immediately Hobi and Yoongi go into the two rooms. When the food gets back there's only one missing photo card left.
"Who's missing? I cant eat knowing there's only one left." Jungkook asks. "IN LIFE Hyunjin." She says. He nods and immediately goes to the fridge. He climbs onto the counter and looks on top of the fridge. "Is his sleeve holo?" Jungkook asks. "No, mine are always in plain sleeves." Nari replies. "Well someone's got a Hyunjin pc up here in a holo sleeve." He says.
"Okay, mine are plain, Yejun has stickers on his, Eun uses colored sleeves, Osamu and Hyejin, who has holo?" Nari asks. "Mine." Hyejin says. "How did it end up there?" She asks. Jungkook hands it to her before he continues looking for the missing Hyunjin card. After Jimin finishes he goes to help Jungkook.
"FOUND IT!" Jungkook yells. "Thank you!" Nari replies. He brings it to her on the couch where she hasn't moved. She puts him in his place in the IN LIFE section of the SKZ binder. She adds the number to Jungkook and counts them up. "Jungkook wins by one photo card." She says. He does a happy dance and claims his free hug. "Free hugs for all Bangtan boys because they found all my missing photo cards." Nari says, giving each boy a hug before giving Jungkook a second one.
"You won so you get two." She says. After Jungkook eats, the Bangtan boys go home. Nari showers and then lays down on her bed, feeling content knowing her photo cards are safe in their respective places.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Jungle 2 Jungle"
Hey, bonehead, moron!
Keep your pencil to yourself!
Get out of my way.
You call that a hunch?
I call that an opportunity.
You're not still leaving, after what you did in there?
You give me that same patronizing little speech every time you play one of your stupid hunches.
I am outrageously pleased to meet with you.
He who knows what a woman wants, knows everything, but not even God knows that.
You look different.
I have a boat waiting.
I don't want any money.
Hey, stop! You can't leave me here!
What you're doing is very unprofessional!
Come back here!
I'm gonna need all these clothes back, right where they came from, all right?
Bring on the bachelors.
There's something that you don't know.
I figured you'd be happier that way.
You thought this would make me happy?
How long before you noticed I was gone?
Why didn't you talk to me?
Excuse me. The real world calls.
Look, I was right. I was right!
Coffee has gone crazy.
I realized that I had lost you somehow.
God, it's good to be good!
This is nuts. This is nuts.
This is unbelievable.
This is unforgivable!
It's a territorial thing.
No! Don't touch that!
You wouldn't happen to have a place where I could stick that, would you?
Talk about your wind instruments.
I gotta admit, this isn't easy for me.
I don't have any regrets.
Well, I have regrets.
Maybe I can teach him about commodities.
Baboon! Baboon!
Cut, infection, death !
So, you understood everything I said last night.
These shoes cost me $500.
Scared of snake?
I do not eat snake.
I have a whole 'nother life where I live.
I'm a trader. That's what I do, okay?
Don't move! There's a giant spider on you!
I don't want to hurt you, but I will.
I will crush you like---a bug!
This place is a nightmare!
The hair on your chest reminds them of a monkey.
Here, if you make a promise, you keep it.
Get on. It's just a moving sidewalk.
You do have a reason, right?
Oh, God, I'm dead !
Where are all the animals?
Just wait it out. Something will happen.
You can't always depend on a natural disaster.
We can hope for an assassination.
Behave yourselves here!
Something better happen fast, or I'm gonna throw your butts out the window!
What do you hotshots think about when you make these deals?
I'll shout, I'll yell, I'll scream as much as I want.
Look up! It's an alien circle with Mickey Rourke's picture in it.
Catch the damn spider, will you, please?
Wow! Nice shot!
I missed you. You never called me.
Just act natural.
So, did you miss me, darling?
There's a Fashion Channel?
So, what did you bring me?
You brought back a child.
This is my female.
Is there anything special you like to eat?
Great earrings.
Before you pee, you lift the seat. After you pee, you put the seat back down.
I'm gonna die up here.
Don't you ever, ever, ever do that to me again!
When I tell you to do something, I mean it. Do you understand me?
I was just worried about you out there. I really was. All right?
When I saw the shoulders on this gown, I plotzed.
A little champagne?
What is taking so long with the food?
I don't eat meat, I don't eat dairy or nightshade vegetables, and, of course, I don't touch preservatives.
We eat cat.
We are not going to eat the cat.
You had no right to change the rules.
Are you saying that I knew that I had a child?
Well, if I had a child, I certainly would have known.
So now you're saying that you having a child is my fault?
This is cereal. It's just corn, brown sugar, yellow #5 and zinc oxide? They've added a sunblock to it.
I'd like to be around you, but, but I'm obligated to go.
You won't shoot any more animals?
You're probably in the bathroom, making yourself look beautiful.
You can never have enough pictures of your kids.
On top of everything else, didn't I tell you to wait in the apartment?
I've got a life here. I can't change everything just because you showed up.
Get out of the street! Come on!
This is a dangerous jungle.
No, you're not a man.
You are an adolescent.
You are free to do whatever you want.
There are no guarantees.
This is speculation.
When can we expect payment?
Now we're laundering money for the Russian Mafia?
You cannot walk away on this, please.
Tastes like lizard guts.
I haven't danced like that since I was a little kid.
I've been in this bathroom for hours!
Stay away from the door!
I'm gonna put it in the wastebasket.
It's still moving.
Put the thing back in its box.
It's as big as an ox!
A cat is a pet!
How do you know it hasn't already laid eggs in the apartment?
What if they miss one and it crawls into my ear while I'm sleeping and lays its eggs in my brain?
This is serious! We have to move!
You're blowing this out of proportion.
Look, if something dramatic has happened, it should be on film.
I look at something and see what it can be and who can wear it.
She doesn't like me.
It's not you at all. It's me.
Well, when you pick one to love, it's very different.
lt's a poecilia latipinna. They're from the Amazon.
You're walking around New York City with a million dollars in a suitcase?
Don't tell me. You're leaving.
You are the most important thing in the world to me, except for this other thing I gotta do now.
This better be an emergency.
Try everything once, I always say.
We'll manage to survive this, okay?
Beluga. Best caviar in whole world.
Believe me, shrewdness is not in the picture.
I told you. Time heals everything.
And this is supposed to be a bribe?
Now where is this champagne?
You're so feisty today.
What do you say we take the champagne and drink it in the bedroom?
I think what we have here is an intercultural misunderstanding.
You just downed $10,000 worth of sushi.
You started a wildfire in my yard.
Maybe you're overreacting?
I still don't understand the problem.
You have nothing to be upset about.
That's a pain that's here to stay.
Screaming's no way to deal with a child.
I'm a parent, therefore, I'm an idiot.
Anybody can land on their feet.
Don't make me lose temper.
Don't move! The spider could kill you.
Oh, that's gotta hurt.
I'm starting to really like that spider.
I have many enemies but none like that spider.
What do you say you and I get the hell outta here?
You know my back affects my work.
Money is honey.
Boys, we're gonna clean up.
Now that's a very big bug.
You're a professional.
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Meeting You In The Hallway Part 2
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a/n: HII lovely people! I hope you are all doing well today! This is part 2 of Meeting you in the Hallway. A lot happens in this chapter, y/n and H gonna get real close. 
What it is: You move into the apartment across the hall from Harry and you begin a friendship which you both want more from but can’t communicate that want.
Word Count: 5.7k
Warning: fluff, some cursing, sexual tensionnn, & lil bit of smut.
Pls reblog if you like it 😊 I literally have so much homework to do now because I wrote this instead LOL. 
You woke up at 4:00 pm. 2 hours before your shift started. You had only one more week on the night shift. Then you’d have a regular schedule. You took one hour to get ready. You basically just showered, did your hair, and put some mascara on. You put your scrubs on and compression socks that had little sunflowers on them. They were your favorites. Around 6:00 you poured yourself a bowl of cereal and packed your dinner Tupperware in your bag. You made it the night before so you could have it ready for today. As you were eating your cereal you heard 3 slow knocks on your door. You got up and checked the peephole just in case. Low and behold it was Harry. You opened the door and were greeted by a very cheesy smile.
“Hi” you looked at him a little confused.
“Hi. I’m really sorry to bother you but um.. Do you have an egg?”
“An egg?”
“Yeah. Just the one” he said with a small smile on his lips.
You shook your head playfully. “Come inside”
You walked further into your apartment towards your kitchen.
Harry watched you as you walked away. He watched as your scrubs hugged your ass and hips. How your scrub top was tighter around your waist. He noticed your sunflower socks and smiled a little.
You reached inside your fridge and grabbed 2 eggs. “Here, just in case one breaks on the way back over”
“Are you calling me clumsy y/n?” He smirked at you.
“No, just think it’s better to be safe than sorry” you shrugged.
“Are you a nurse?”
“Yeah. I’m leaving in a few minutes” you told him.
“Leaving? It’s like 6:15 at night”
“Yeah. Night shift.”
“Oh” he said a little sad you had to go soon.
“Yeah. I’m going to day shift soon though. Thank God” you sighed.
“Don’t like night shift?”
“I don’t like being awake when people are asleep and being asleep when people are awake. It sucks”
He nodded his head in understanding.
“Well, I’m making cookies. Hence the eggs. Do you want some? I can drop them off tomorrow.” He offered.
You smiled and nodded. It was sweet how he thought of you.
“Okay. Well I’m gonna let you go then. Thanks for the eggsss” he said as he playfully put an emphasis on the S at the end.
“No problem,” you laughed. “Hey I’m actually leaving right now anyway. We can walk out together” you grabbed your bag and washed your cereal bowl. He watched you the whole time, noticing how you your scrub top lifted a little bit when you reached for your reusable Starbucks cup to fill with water.
“Okay I’m all done” you breathed out and looked at him. You caught him staring for a small second before he got up quickly and waited for you to walk out. You put your crocs on before you opened your door and you heard a small laugh behind you.
“Nothing it’s just the little cartoons on your shoes are adorable” he smiled so that you could see his dimples in your small hallway.
“They’re called jibbitz and I just got them for the kids. Child friendly you know?” You explained. You both looked down staring at your feet. Your right foot was filled with the faces of all the Disney princess’ and your left foot was filled with all the superheroes you could fit. You could hear his low chuckle and you two both looked up at the same time. At this point your faces were just a few inches apart. You could’ve sworn you heard him suck in a breath. You turned around and unlocked your door and took a deep breath of the hallway air. Harry followed you out and you locked your door and tucked your keys in your pockets.
“Have a good night.. at work”
“Thanks. Have fun baking”
You never look at him for too long. Scared you’ll be caught staring the same way you caught him. But just before you left you noticed he’s always wearing long sleeves. At least that you’ve seen.
“Try not to overheat. Baking can get pretty warm” you said pointing to his long sleeves.
“Oh yeah. I always keep the temp in my place at like 60°. I get cold so I just put a long sleeve shirt on.”
“Why not just put the temperature up?”
“What’s the fun and coziness in that?” He smiled down at you.
You laughed and shook your head, “Right. Well goodnight harry”
“Goodnight y/n”
7 am rolls around faster than you thought. You say bye to your friends from work and grab your bag before leaving. You walk home because the sidewalks aren't as busy as they will be in an hour. Exhausted, you say hi to Pat and go inside. You catch your curly headed neighbor with his hair up in a small pony and a tank top with shorts. For the first time you see how many tattoos he has. You pop up next to him as you both now wait for the elevator. 
"You're up early"
"Oh hey. How was work?" he looks down at you.
"it was… exhausting" you decide to not tell him the sad gory details of your night. Your patient threw up on you because of their chemo treatment and you needed to change your scrubs at the very beginning of your shift. "Were you walking?"
"Running. Jogging. Helps me clear my mind" he says as he waits for you to go in the elevator first.
You walk in and when you turn around you can see he has even more tattoos on his legs. You find them kind of hot. Wanting to know more and see more. He stands next to you as you wait for the elevator to land on the 17th floor.
"Do you work again tonight?"
"Yeah. Why?" you looked up at him. He was staring straight ahead.
"Nothing. Was just gonna invite you to my gig." he looks down at you and there seems to be disappointment in his eyes.
"Oh sorry. Maybe another night." you say quietly. "What do you do? Poetry? Sing? Can't be comedy." you say with a small smirk.
"Actually, I'm a very funny person y/n," he faces you. "But I-" he pauses as someone walks in.
Soon we land on the 17th floor and our elevator conversation seems to have ended by the time we make it to our doors.
"So… do you just go to sleep now?" he asked as he opened his door.
"Yeah basically. I mean I shower and eat something before I fall asleep." you answer as you open your door and turn around.
"Oh okay. I was gonna make breakfast, if you wanted some."
"Depends. What's on the menu?" you kicked your shoes off and leaned on your doorframe.
He watched you and said, "Today? I'm thinking…waffles?"
"Mmm, I'll be over in 30." just as you were about to shut your door he said, "No um I'll come and bring them over. With the cookies."
He left and you both closed your doors. It was nice to have a new friend. A friend that looked like a Greek god but still, a friend.
You walked into your bedroom and dug through the last few boxes you had left. You grab a clean towel and clean pajamas as you walk into your bathroom. You set the water to be warm because it was already way too hot today. You thought back to Harry. He seemed to love cooking and baking. You've only known him a few days but you already felt friendly enough. You remembered his tattoos. You wanted to ask if there was a story behind his heart tattoo.  
Pouring some peach scented shampoo onto your hands, you began rubbing your hair and massaging it in. You remember how large his hands looked when he grabbed the two eggs yesterday. They looked miniature in his hands. Your thoughts began to escape you as you relaxed under the warm water and you wondered what it felt like to have his hands on your body. Remembering he was probably waiting on you to eat, you shook your thoughts out of your head and shut the water off.
"Its just a stupid crush" you mumbled to yourself as you put your pjs on.
As Harry was mixing the batter for waffles he began to think about you. He wanted to know more about your night and why you looked so exhausted. He wanted to hear you talk for hours. He couldn't explain for the life of him why he wanted to be around you every chance he got. He rushed to make at least 5 waffles for you. He cut up some strawberries and packed some berries. He packed everything in some Tupperware and grabbed the chocolate drizzle and whipped cream. Before he left his place he grabbed his phone and thought of how to subtly get your number.
He knocked on your door three times and you opened pretty quickly. 
"Hey" you smiled at him. 
He noticed how you had no more makeup on your eyes and you looked even more beautiful. "H-hey" he cleared his throat. 
You noticed all the Tupperware in his hands and you grabbed a few as he walked in. "You're eating some of these waffles right? Five is too much for me." 
"Oh yeah sure." He put all the bowls down. 
"You weren't planning on watching me eat were you?" you said as you got two cups from your cupboard. He looked at your silk button up and matching shorts. They were a light pink. Your skin looked so soft. 
"No." Yes. "I was just making yours first so you could go to sleep faster. You said you were exhausted"
"Oh, well thanks. I appreciate that." you tried to hide your blush so you looked down at your plate. "Do you like to cook?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Yeah actually. It's just a hobby. I like to mix new things and try them out."
You watched his hands, noticing the chipped nail polish on them for the first time.
"Well, if you had a restaurant," you say as you take a bite of the waffle with whipped cream and strawberry, "I'd give you 5 stars." You smile cheeks full.
He gave you a dimply smile before mumbling a "thank you" and looking down. You planned on only eating two waffles but they were so good you guys split the fifth one.
"You never told me what you do at your gigs" you mentioned before stuffing your mouth again.
"Oh um I sing. Play some guitar too" he said as he focused on cutting his waffle.
"That’s so cool, is that what you do for a living?" you looked up at him.
With a throaty chuckle he shook his head no. "My job is a secret" he said right before taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Oh okay," you nodded, "So you can know what I do, but I can't know what you do. Mysterious man."
"Exactly!" he laughed.
You just shook your head and picked up your plate and cup and brought it to the dishwasher. Eventually Harry brought his too. Eating just the leftover strawberries now, you gave yourself time to stare at him a little. He was preoccupied with something on his phone. You noticed a small earring in his ear. You could tell he had more tattoos that covered his chest. A little bit of stubble had grown on him since the first time you met. You also noticed how he rushed to make you breakfast that he hadn’t showered after his run. When he finished with whatever he was preoccupied with a yawn escaped you.
"Well, I'm glad you liked breakfast. I hope you enjoy the cookies. Get some rest yeah?" he got up from his seat at your small table and walked over to where you were standing. You were leaning against doorway that led to your small hallway.
"Yeah thank you, again" You were eye level with the swallows on his chest that were peeking out from under his shirt.
 "No problem. Have a good night tonight." he looked anywhere but you as he said.
"Yeah you too, good luck!"
 "Thanks" he left and closed your door behind him.
Biting your lip you walked off to your bedroom to dream about the curly headed man across the hall.
As the door shut behind Harry, he silently cursed to himself. He had forgotten to get your number.
One Month Later
 You’ve been on the day shift a few weeks now. You had settled into a new routine. Wake up at 5:00 am, be out of your house by 6:00, meet Harry in the hallway before he went for his jog and he'd give you a smoothie before you left for work, be at work for report by 7, work until 7:00 pm. Get home around 7:30, shower, eat dinner with Harry, then sleep to do it all over again if you had to work the next day.
 Your friendship with Harry had progressed. You two basically took care of one another. He'd feed you every day and you'd do his laundry as a way to repay him. You’d say you two got to a level of comfortability around each other but you still oddly enough had never been to his place, knew what he did for a living, or been to one of his gigs. He'd say he didn’t have any performances coming up but some nights he would leave after dinner a little earlier than usual. You knew all the stories behind his tattoos. One day when you were doing laundry he asked you to toss in the shirt he was wearing and when he took it off you saw the tattoos you had been missing. That day he gave you the rundown on all of them.
 You could tell he was getting more comfortable around you because he didn’t seem so nervous to say the wrong thing anymore and every time he saw you, sweaty or not he'd give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He explained its what they did in France when two people were friends. When I mentioned he wasn’t even French he waved me off.
 You were currently on your couch on your day off waiting for Harry to come back from the kitchen with your popcorn and white wine. You had gotten him into watching The Vampire Diaries and as much as he would criticize the show, some scenes just grasped all his attention.
 "Har?" you called for him. Your new nickname for him that he said he didn’t mind.
 "I'm coming I'm coming" he said as he walked in with two wine glasses between his fingers, a wine bottle in one hand, and the popcorn in his other.
 "You know, you kind of look like Stefan. Similar noses, same um cupid's bow" you said pointing to yours. "You guys both also do the same thing with your eyebrows when you're serious.
 "You’ve been looking at my cupid's bow?" he grinned at you while pouring you a glass.
 "Oh don't start" you rolled your eyes taking a sip.
 You began watching season 2 episode 9. You knew what was going to happen but Harry had no clue. He absolutely loved Damon and thought Stefan was pathetic. You somewhat disagreed with him but still allowed him his opinion. It slowly got to the scene where Damon confesses his love for Elena. You mouth every single word and even a tear slips out when Damon's falls but you wipe it quickly.  You watched Harry as he watched the screen, his mouth slightly opened.
 "Okay but why in the bloody hell would he compel her to forget! Ugh this show frustrates me" He sighed laying back against in the couch.
 "He couldn’t be selfish… have you ever wanted to say something to someone but you knew it would be selfish if you did?" you looked over at him.
 Suddenly his facial features hardened and he swallowed before answering, "yes, actually. I guess I do understand Damon."
 "Well, yeah" you played the next episode and drank your wine. You felt your eyes get heavy the more you drank it.
 Next thing you knew you felt something hard against your cheek and puffs of air on your forehead. You were moving. You opened your eyes slowly and realized Harry was carrying you into your room. You closed your eyes again and you let him place you on your soft mattress and you felt him tuck you in under the blanket. Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you looked up at him. He gave you a small smile and moved your hair out of your face.
 "Go to back to sleep, love" He bent down and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "I'll lock up"
 You gave him a slow nod and drifted back to sleep. As Harry closed your door behind him, he mumbled to himself, "I can't be selfish".
One Week Later
 You were currently getting ready for the day. Your body was used to waking up early for work so it was around 7 am. You wanted to catch Harry on his way back from his run. You were able to hear the elevator ding from your apartment because it was still so quiet on your floor. You ran to your door and opened it just enough to see if it was Harry. Once you were able to see his bright pink sneakers you hid just a little more so that right when he was about to open his door you jumped out and yelled “HI”.
 He jumped and turned around, “Fuck me y/n” he placed his hand over his heart and breathed heavily.
 You giggled and leaned against your door frame. “Is that really what you want?” You grinned up at him.
 He shook his head at you with a small smile. “I was just trying to open my door in peace”
 “So, do that. Open it.” You pushed on. You wanted to know why you still were never invited over.
 Harry sighed and played with his keys. “I have something to tell you”
 “I knew it, your hiding like a huge sex doll in there or something right?”
 “You know,” he approached you and put his hand over your head leaning on your doorframe too, “you can be a little annoying sometimes”.
 “That’s rude,” he smelled like sweat and musk mixed, “but I know. Okay what’s up?”
 He looked away from you as he spoke. “Alright, first off. My apartments always a mess and it’s not what you think. You know me as some guy who comes to your place and cooks and I run… but you don’t know this big part of my life.”
 “To be fair you haven’t let me,” You look up at him. His body is inches away from yours and you want to touch him in some way to make him more comfortable but you don’t know how.  
 “I know. It’s not like you’re judgmental I just don’t want you to see me differently.” 
 “Har, as long as you’re not some creepy dude that watches some weird shit, like illegal shit, I really don’t care. You’re my friend, I’ll support you in whatever.” You poked him where his butterfly lay under his shirt.
 “If you say so,” he turned around and opened his apartment, “come in” he opened the door open for you.
 You walked in and it was a short hallway like yours. When you walked in you could see the mess he was talking about but it wasn’t horrible. Papers on the floor in his living room but his kitchen was spotless. He spent the rest of the morning making breakfast for you two while you just watched. You told him about your last few patients and how one was officially cancer free. He always loved hearing you talk about them, especially the success stories. He was there for you for the unsuccessful ones but you both didn't like to talk about them too much.
It was now 5 pm, you could see the door that led to his room. You weren’t going to push it and ask to see though. You saw a few bedazzled jackets on his couch. You ran your fingers over one.
 “I have a gig tonight.”
 “You do?!” You jumped excitedly, “Har, I don’t see why you were so nervous.” You look around. “I don’t see a sex doll”
 “So annoying.” he walked into his room. You followed but stopped at the doorway. “Come in y/n”
 You walked in slowly and looked around. A few more papers crumpled up on the floor.
 “The outfits I wear are a little…” he looked into his closet. Your eyes followed his and you could see why he was nervous. There were skirts, bedazzled coats, pants, and all of different colors.
 “You little shit.. You had a closet like this and didn’t share?” You pushed him out of the way and began looking at all the clothes individually.
 Harry smiled behind you, happy with your reaction. He looked at the way your eyes lit up over feeling certain fabrics. “Do you uh, wanna help me pick an outfit for tonight?”
 You turned around quickly and looked up at him. “Yes,” You tried to contain your excitement. “Go shower, I’ll put some outfits together.”
 He turned on his heel and listened to you. You began setting outfits on his bed. You settled on setting down 4 outfits. One was a black dress shirt and white pants that flared outward. The second was a pink suit that had roses on its jacket on each side. The third was a red suit with black embroidered roses on it. The last one was a pink dress shirt with white high waisted pants and pink overalls. The last outfit was your favorite but you weren’t t going to mention it.
 You heard the shower cut off so you sat on his bed.
 He came out in just a towel wrapped around his waist. You focused on the detailing of the embroidered black roses on his red suit jacket. Or at least tried to focus on that.
 "Um I picked four options, I hope you like them." He came and sat next to you on the bed, his towel opening a bit between his legs.
 "I think I want to be comfortable tonight," he ran his fingers over all four options, "Might go with the black shirt and white pants."
"Okay cool," you were trying your best to look anywhere but at him.
 "I have a box at the bottom of my closet, a bunch of jewelry in there, could you pick some rings out? I'm just gonna keep my small earrings tonight and I don't really want a necklace. It'll be too hot"
 "I'm like your stylist"
 "Yeh, who knows, maybe if I make it big you will be" he sends a wink your way.
 "Don't think I'd have the heart to leave my patients." You grab the box. As you open it you look inside and see a bunch of rings and pearls. "Hey are your nails done?"
 "Eh a little chipped"
 "We'll fix that" you grab his H and S rings and set them next to you. Having your back towards him you could hear him putting his clothes on. "You know I have a gel kit, could help with the chipping problem."
"Oh really? Could you do them for me?"
"Yeah of course." you take out his rose ring and settle them down next to his initial rings. "Are you done?"
"Yeah I'm not putting the shirt on till later though, too hot."
You nodded, turned around, and grabbed his hand. You opened his hand up and dropped his rings inside.
"Thanks, grab me one more."
Confused, you looked inside the box and looked for one you liked. You decided on one that looked like it had a red gem. "Here" you gave it to him.
"Thanks, here take this one and wear it," he gave you back his S ring.
"So people know you're my other half"
You felt butterflies in your stomach but you suppressed them. He just saw you as friend, nothing more. You mumbled a thanks and slid it on your finger.
"Lets go back to my place, so I can do your nails. I know you like color but I was thinking white? Match your pants but it'll stand out against your black shirt"
"Yeah okay im alright with that."
You went back to your place and you got yourselves settled into your kitchen with the UV machine on. He concentrated on you as you painted the foundation clear polish on his nails.
"Har, is your job still a secret?"
"Eh, I guess I know you wont be a loud mouth about it anymore,"
You looked up and he was grinning, teasing you. You rolled your eyes and went back to painting his nails.
"I'm a writer. Author of a few books. Poetry."
"Liar, I've never heard of you." Although it did make sense with all of the paper crumbled over his floor.
"Pseudonym, love"
"Really?" You placed his soft hand under the light.
"Mhm. No one knows it. I like it that way. No one knows what I'm thinking sometimes."
"Not even your mother?"
"Not even her. She's read my work but only the ones I want her to read."
"Interesting" you say as you place his other hand under the light.
He nods and continues watching you. Soon you finish up and he stares at them amazed. "Wait so I don’t have to wait for them to dry?"
"Nope, I'm gonna get changed. It's almost 7"
"Okay" he stays staring back at his nails.
You played with his ring while looking back at your closet. Should I wear black too? Or white? Maybe we shouldn't match. But why not? You settled on black and white striped pants with a red bralette and some red heels. His gig was at a sit-down bar anyway. When you came back out and ready to go, he looked you up and down and you could see him clench his fist at his sides.
"Nice pants," he swallowed hard.
"Thanks, let's go?"
"Yeah okay"
You grabbed a taxi and shared it to his gig. It was a little more downtown. By the time you got there with traffic it was almost 9. he started around 9:15. You settled on one of the stools at the bar and he went backstage. He said he needed to rush and tune the guitar they had for him so you just wished him luck and grabbed yourself a drink.
People cheered for him when they saw him come on stage. Must not be his first time here you assumed.
"Good evening everyone! Tonight will consist of a few covers and maybe an original. I'll see if you guys deserve it" he winked at the crowd.
You swiveled your chair around as you heard the familiar chords of 'Girl Crush' began. You'd never heard Harry sing and once he started you didn’t want him to stop. He had the voice of an angel. He hit high notes so effortlessly sometimes and other times you could see the veins in his neck bulging. The next song he played was 'Space Cowboy' which he did so well. You cheered extra loud each time.
"Alright alright, I'm going to play an original now. I wrote this one just a week ago or so. I hope you like it.
Meet me in the hallway
Meet me in the hallway
I just left your bedroom
Give me some morphine
Is there any more to do?
 You swiveled on your seat to the beat. His voice was getting a little raspier now. Like he needed water.
I walked the streets all day
Running with the thieves
'Cause you left me in the hallway
Give me some more
Just take the pain away
You started to think about what the song was about. Was Harry secretly hooking up with someone? The song finished and you ordered a shot of tequila. You needed alcohol to distract you from asking him what the song was about and the pit in your stomach. "It wasn't about you y/n," you said to yourself. He's never been inside your roo- well for like one second when he brought you to bed but that was nothing. It's still not about you. Harry's set was over and you were over the night too. You’d put on a fake smile for Harry. You saw him approach the bar, more buttons from his shirt undone.
"So, how'd you like it?"
"It was so good! Congrats!" you put your arm around his neck and brought him in for a hug. You kissed his cheek as you both pulled away.
"Thanks. I'm happy you liked it."
"Mhm" you nodded, finishing your drink. "Why don't we go somewhere and celebrate?"
"You're not tired?"
Feeling a bit angry with the thoughts of Harry hooking up with someone and not telling you about it, you shook your head and paid the bartender.
"Nope. I'm full of energy right now."
You both decided on a club that was near your building. It was so that when you guys got tired you didn't have a log way home. You both decided to take a round of shots to celebrate properly. Before you know it harry has his hands on your waist to keep you steady and you find any excuse to touch him.
"I have to pee!" you yell in his ear.
He felt his ear on fire after your lips had brushed against it. Your nose was red from all the shots and your lips were a little more pink from all the lime. For his peace of mind he walked you to the bathroom and watched you go in. You did your business quickly and walked back out to him.
"Hey do you wanna grab some fresh air?" He asked as you approached him.
 You looped your fingers around two of his belt loops and looked up at him and shook your head. "Im good" 
His eyes looked darker than usual and he stared at your lips.
"y/n, what are you doing?"
"Nothing," you moved closer to him as a few girls tried get to the bathroom, you could hear him grunt as you pressed yourself against his lower half. "I just moved out of the way for them"
He kept his eyes on your lips as you licked them. It made him ache watching you. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but not when you couldn't remember it the next day. 
"Har, what was that song about?" you looked down. With furrowed brows he lifted his hand to your cheek softly and made you look up at him.  
"What do you think it was about?" He wanted to run his thumb over your lips. He had felt them so many other times on his cheek but each of those times it happened too quick.
"I don't know, I don’t even know if I care about what it's about. I wanna know who its about" you leaned into his palm.
People came back out of the bathroom and the rush of people going back and forth made you feel dizzy. That's the thing about tequila, you could drink and drink it but all the effects hit you all at once. Harry's grip tightened around your waist.
"C'mon lets go home." He walked you through the bar and got you outside. The fresh air overwhelming you, even made you nauseous. You tried your best to walk straight home. In your head you were able to hold yourself up. You didn’t need Harry's help. But in reality, he was holding you up and laughing lowly to himself watching you wobble. He was only tipsy, never really been a lightweight. Once he was able to get you to your apartment, he helped you take your shoes off and tuck you in, once again. You were snoring instantly. He looked at you for few minutes and kissed you on your forehead before leaving to his own place. Exhausted, he undressed himself, completely nude, and went to bed.
"Fuck Har," you moaned as you pulled his hair from in between his legs. He groaned and only dug his tongue deeper into you. "I'm close"
You felt his cold rings digging into you around your thighs. Right as you felt your release coming on, a loud honking of the horn woke you up outside your window.
"Oh for gods sake." you smacked yourself on the forehead then instantly regretted it feeling your headache.
"Fuck y/n, I'm gonna cum" Harry grunted as he bucked his hips up hitting the back of your throat. You moaned and reached up to cup his balls. "Fuck I'm cu-"
A loud honking noise woke him up and he looked around him confused. He was sweating. He looked under his covers and remembered he was wearing absolutely nothing. His breathing was heavy as he got up to use the bathroom. He hopped into a cold shower before starting his day.
Harry: You up?
Y/n: Sadly. Wtf happened last night?
Harry: We drank too much. Can I come over for breakfast? I’ve run out of food.
Y/n: Yeah, door’s open. Pls don’t be loud.
A few mins later he walked in and opened your fridge. He saw you on the couch sitting down with your head back. He saw watermelon and decided to put some cubes in a bowl for himself. He sat next to you on the couch and you both said hi lowly. You had a banana in your lap and began eating it. Harry looked over at you in the exact moment you put it in your mouth. Looking away he stuffed his mouth with watermelon. You could hear the slurping sounds that sounded a lot like… you know.
"Do you have to slurp when you eat that?" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you have to take such big bites of the banana? It's not like I'm going to steal it." He said rolling his eyes.
Today's going to be such a long day…
Part 3 is now up!
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xeunoais · 5 years
Better Half
(A/N: i seriously missed writing connor blurbs more than i can even explain!! oh and this is told from connor’s pov btw! anyways i hope you enjoy this lol)
Summary: You tried cooking Connor breakfast like he always does for you, even though you don’t cook whatsoever. Well it ends up turning into a big mess but he saves the day. I mean, you are each other’s better halves.
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A groan left my throat as I waved my arm around the sheets, searching for something that apparently wasn't there.
I lifted my head up and cracked one eye open in the bright morning sun to see that she wasn't anywhere to be found.
My eyes found the bathroom that was open and empty as well. I pulled myself to the edge of the bed to see if she fell off while she was sleeping again and grunted when she wasn't there.
"Y/n?" I whispered.
No response. I fell back onto the bed and rubbed my eyes, blinking slowly as to adjust to the day before finally getting up. I looked down at my bare chest and sweatpants and decided that putting on a shirt wasn't worth the effort right now, got up and walked to the door of our room.
Once I opened the door and walked out a few feet, I heard some noises coming from our kitchen downstairs.
Maybe she's getting some cereal? I heard a few clanking sounds of pots or pans. Maybe it's a hungry burglar?
I listened a little closer as I walked down the stairs and could hear some angry mumbling that I definitely recognized as my Y/n's. Is she actually cooking for me? She never cooks.
My heart melted at the thought and I quickly, but quietly, made my way down the rest of the stairs so I could watch around the corner.
"Okay, now that its all mixed together I need to spray the pan and then I can cook it. Right?" She asked herself, looking at her phone that she had propped up against a stack of cooking books.
I laughed quietly to myself as I pictured her trying to use a cooking book before giving up and finding a video on YouTube.
"Okay so now I poor in the egg stuff," she trailed off as she carried a large mixing bowl to the stove.
I held my breath for a moment seeing as she had the flame as high as it would go and she was already struggling with the nearly full bowl of omelette mixings.
Please don't spill them. Please don't spill them. Please don't spill them.
I jumped down from the stairs when she lost grip of the bowl and all of the contents spilled over the counter, most luckily avoiding the stove.
Y/n quickly grabbed a dish towel from in front of the stove to try to clean up the mess that was continuing to spill onto the stove and screamed when the rag caught on fire.
"Baby, watch out," I spoke quickly taking the rag from her hand and tossing it into the sink that had been full of dishwater before turning off the stove.
I grabbed some paper towels and made a barrier between the stove and countertop to stop the mess from spreading too much before turning to look at Y/n.
I tried to look stern but I forgot almost immediately when I saw her standing there, tears in her eyes, and her left hand gripping her right wrist.
"I'm so sorry, Con. I just wanted to make you breakfast like you do for me and then I nearly caught the whole house on fucking fire and-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, stop." I stepped in front of her and put both of my hands on her cheeks, making her look at me.
"Don't beat yourself up, I think that you are an amazing cook and do you want to know why?" She didn't answer, just blinked and sniffled a little. "Because you keep trying," I pushed a strand of hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "And about the whole setting the house on fire," I pulled her in towards me in a hug, tucking her head beneath my chin.
"Nothing bad will ever happen as long as you let me be there to help you. Just like how I need you there to help me so that I don't do something dumb like build a skate ramp in our backyard and some other stupid shit that i blame Brian for making me want to do." I felt her let out a small laugh, her breath warming my still bare chest.
I kissed the top of her head before leaning back and sliding my hands down her arms to take a hold of her hands. I quickly let go when she let out a hiss at me touching her wrists.
"What? What's wrong? What did I do?" I could hear the panic in my own voice but I was too nervous that I had hurt her to care.
"No, no. It wasn't you," she sighed, lifting her right arm to show me the red burn that covered her hand around her thumb. It wasn't too horrible a burn but it was definitely going to blister.
"I think it happened when the rag caught on fire." Her cheeks were bright red, thin shiny tracks running down them from some of her tears spilling over from her eyes.
"Come here," I whispered, pulling her towards the kitchen island that hadn't been spilled on and I lifted her to sit on the counter. I went to our bathroom to grab our first aide kit and stood in between her legs.
After a few minutes of her giving me instructions on dressing her wound, she was all wrapped up and nearly done sniffling. I looked up from her wrist, into her eyes.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Mhmm," she hummed in response, leaning back. "I'm just sad. I wanted so bad to make you a breakfast and I couldn't even do a simple omelette without starting a fire. What fiancé can't even do a simple omelette?"
"I mean, one day we might have kids and they're going to need food and all I can do is cereal! I'm going to be a useless mother and wife. God I'm already a useless fiancé." Tears were streaming down her face at this point and my heart felt like it could break.
"Don't say that." My voice came out deep and gruff, anger very clear in my tone. Her eyes widened in surprise before I continued.
"I will not allow a single person on this planet, including you, talk about the love of my life like that. You have so many great qualities that make you a fantastic fiancé and will make you an even more fantastic wife and mother."
She laughed, still not even remotely close to understanding how wonderful she is in my eyes.
"You are so patient and creative. Our kids won't have a second of boredom if you have anything to do about it. You are so caring and will be the best nurse whenever the fall and scrape their hand or knees. No matter what our kids go through you'll find a way to make them feel better. Do you even remember how we met?" A wobbly smile overtook her lips.
"You were riding your bike by my friend's and you crashed into a fence across the street from her house." she laughed at the memory.
"And then what happened?" I urged her on.
"And then I invited you to my house next door to her’s, helped you get all bandaged up." she rolled her eyes, her smile actually real now.
"That's right," I smiled, leaning in to give her a kiss. I sighed as her lips touched mine, that has always given me “butterflies” as she calls it, that I didn't know was possible before I met her.
"Thanks for breakfast by the way," I spoke.
"What are you talking about? I didn't even make anything edible! Plus, the whole kitchen is a mess!" Y/n laughed, letting me know that she wasn't upset anymore, just slightly annoyed with how things had turned out.
"Ah, but baby, it’s the thought that counts, is it not?" She laughed again and I quickly turned around to the fridge, pulling out a box of toaster strudels and handed them to her.
"I'll clean up if you cook?" I asked as she smiled.
"Deal," she said, hopping off the counter. We worked quickly, and soon Y/n and I had wiped off the counter and stove top and tossed everything else in the sink by the time that our breakfast was popping out of the toaster. We sat down at the island, our fingers interlocked as we took our first bites.
"Con," she said softly, making me turn to her. "Thank you for being my better half."
"And thank you for being mine." I kissed her temple and we finished our toaster strudels in comfortable silence.
This girl truly was my bestfriend. She has been ever since we were 13 and I crashed my bike into that fence and she doctored me up. She was and always will be the better half of me.
The End
(A/N: i hope you enjoyed this little connor blurb and remember feedback is highly appreciated!!)
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miniidreamer · 5 years
Chapter 2-Heartbeat
I woke up this morning with a huge headache, and immediately took some pills for it. After eating some cereal and doing my daily morning routine, I searched for some jobs on the internet, but no job struck my interest.
Sigh. Guess it's back to being jobless. Now I have to go into town to look for jobs.
I got my keys and locked the door behind me before jumping in the car, and headed straight to town.
~Unknowns pov
"Sir, the Blood Moon palace invited you to their annual ball in two months' time. Do you want to accept their invite?"
"What does that mean? Do they want something from us?"
"Sir, in my opinion, I think they want to find our weak spots."
"Why? They are always causing trouble..."
"Sir, if the Red Raven palace has a queen, then that will mean that you are responsible enough to rule this palace, and they won't try anything, if not, then they will surely try to take over this palace when we won't see it coming. They are our neighbouring palace, after all."
"Is it because Jin should have been king and not me? They already know the reason why Jin can't be crowned king. They should leave it be. We do not have a queen yet, so what must I do?"
"I do not know, sir."
I should seriously give more attention about this situation. I should find the next queen.
"Maybe I should stop searching for my soulmate, and just pick a wife already."
At least that sweet smell is gone so I can focus more clearly. The previous night I couldn't sleep at all, the smell was too strong. It's an addictive smell that I couldn't get enough of.
The whole day I was busy working. I'm trying to get all my work done in the palace so that I can make time to find the new queen. I hate this so much. Everyone has a right to choose the one they want to marry, soul-mate or not.
It's 7 o'clock now, and her smell is back again. Great, now I can't focus on my work again. I might just as well stop for today.
I switch my computer off, and walk out my study, looking for my cousins. I walk through the mansion, walking through passages until I find them in Jin's bedroom. They all turn around and stare at me for a few seconds, and then they all came crashing into me. Oh how I miss them sometimes.
"Yoongi! You're back! We missed you so much!" Jungkook, the youngest said. I smiled at him and messed his hair up.
"How is the work going?" Jin said. He is older than me, which means that he should've been crowned king, but there was an accident, and he couldn't become king, which meant that I am next in line for the crown because I am the second oldest of the seven royal blood relatives.
Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon hugged me too. Me, Jin and Namjoon sat on the bed while Jimin and Taehyung sat on the two couches next to the bed, and Jungkook and Hoseok sat on the gaming chairs, competing against each other in a game I don't know anything about.
I told them about my decision to get a wife instead of waiting for my soulmate, because reality is, I don't even know if I will ever find her. This is the best feeling in the world for me. To have my cousins around and talk to them. It relaxes me.
But tonight I couldn't relax. That sweet smell is back. It feels like its calling me, singing a lullaby to me. The smell is so alluring...
"Yoongi..? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked me. He can always see through me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that since yesterday morning, I could smell this sweet smell, almost like roses, and no one else can smell it. It's driving me insane. It's like the smell is calling me to follow it."
"Maybe you should follow it. See where it leads you." Jimin said with a smug on his face.
"I was thinking of going tonight. It's very strange, because it leads to this girl that is living in that old house a couple miles from the palace."
"A girl? Hey, maybe it's your brain telling you that you need blood." Jungkook said, still looking at the big gaming screen.
"Yeah, maybe. Last time I drank blood was two weeks ago."
"Yoongi. You should have blood once every week. You can't skip. You should be healthy." Jin scolded.
"I know, I was just too busy with the palace. I'll drink some blood tonight."
There was a moment of silence when Jin spoke up,
"About the whole wife thing...I don't think you should stop searching for your soulmate. Maybe she is closer than you think."
"okay, thanks Jin."
Tonight is the night I hunt, and she will be my next victim.
~Her pov
No job. Great.
I need a walk to clear my head.
I quickly stood up from the couch, grabbed my walking shoes, and closed the door after me, walking the same path as yesterday.
I looked around me, noticing new things that I didn't see last time.
Next thing I knew, it was dark out. I didn't mind though. I walked some more, until I heard some leaves rustling. That didn't sound like it was the wind that blew it.
I stopped in my tracks, looking around me. Searching for the sound again. All I could hear was the wind lightly blowing, giving me chills. I heard a cricket far in the distance. Suddenly I heard something move behind me. My heart started beating quicker. I turned in circles, trying to find the source of movement, but nothing was there.
Then I felt a cold breath next to my neck, and quickly turned around, but still there is nothing. What is going on?
I didn't know that my heartbeat could be any quicker, but it was. Then I felt it again. The breath, but this time, I felt something right behind me. I felt the blood draining from my body. I was trembling, but didn't do anything. Just stood there. I couldn't move because I was too afraid of doing so. The person behind me put their hands on my hips, and then I felt something penetrate my skin on my neck. I felt the warmth leaving my body, and got very dizzy. My knees buckled under me, making me fall, but the hands holding my hips held me up.
I felt the pressure on my neck being relieved, and the person just stood behind me, still holding me up, doing nothing.
"...are you..my..."
I then felt him smelling me. What the hell is going on, I can't even see who this person is that is smelling me! Who does that!
I then felt drowsy and heavy, and closed my eyes. Tired. Sleep.
But before I went into a deep sleep, I heard the person whispering something to himself that made me very confused. After he said this word, everything was going dark, and I just let him carry me.
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Thank you for reading! I publish this book on wattpad as well, and there are more chapters published there! Don't worry, I will update on tumblr as well. I will update every thursday and saterday💜💜💜
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alittledizzy · 8 years
why do you like the confession roulette thing??! its awful imo and v angsty. and I'm not one to believe in 2012 angst fics, but this video really makes me wonder. they're so awkward with each other and yeah
(link to confession roulette)
What makes it angst to you, anon? To me it looks like one of the only realistic looks we got at them and how they functioned as people and not just onscreen personalities during that time period. I mean, awkward? Absolutely. They were being asked to be honest with each other and issues between them to an audience. Who wouldn’t feel awkward not knowing what they were going to have to talk about in a situation like that where the whole point is honesty and not sugar coating things? They were outside of their comfort zone.
But I don’t see it as angst between Dan and Phil at all. It just shows me that they were working to figure each other out still, and what kind of concerns they had. We learned so much about them from that - but everything they discussed are normal issues that two adults in a relationship would have, would talk about, would bicker about, would work through. (Or work around, or just learn to adapt to.) To me that’s such an immensely satisfying thing that I can’t fathom not appreciating it. 
- Dan complaining about Phil eating his cereal with his hands and Dan emphasizing that what bothers him is that Phil lies about it. - Dan’s sleep issues. Dan’s defensive about it but Phil keeps pressing it, and flat out says that it bothers him. This reads very, very clearly as an argument that they’ve had plenty of times before. Phil doesn’t understand why Dan can’t sleep, and Dan doesn’t want to be told there’s anything wrong with his behavior. There’s more concern than anything in Phil’s voice though. He wants to understand. - Phil admitting to losing Dan’s Mario Kart 3DS game not telling him. Phil coped with this by not telling Dan he’d lost it, but buying Dan a new game for seemingly no reason and letting Dan play over Phil’s own ‘crappy save.’ This seems to almost relate back to the cereal thing to me, in that Phil knows what bothers Dan is being lied to for little reasons but Phil would rather lie and avoid confrontation anyway while making some gesture to make himself feel less bad.- Dan cracking the kitchen tile. “You mean the one you said you didn’t do?” Phil’s tone indicates to me he definitely already knew Dan broke it, but Dan tries to get around on a technicality because he doesn’t remember breaking it but knows there was a situation in which he might have and didn’t notice. Dan is trying to avoid lying and avoid admitting guilt.- Dan leaving the straighteners on while they were gone for the weekend. Phil is safety conscious, Dan is absent minded. Phil saying that Dan has left straighteners on and sitting on his bed is the most interesting part of this to me. - The only story that doesn’t involve Dan and Phil - Phil going on a holiday with his friends and then raving about it to his friend who couldn’t afford to go. “But for some reason I kept going on about it and I didn’t think about his feelings.” and years later he still feels guilty about that. It’s like the awareness of his own privilege seeping into Phil’s consciousness.- This is actually the most fascinating part of the whole video to me. When the topic is ‘what I need to work on’ Phil seems to immediately know what Dan is going to say, and agrees: being stubborn, thinking his way is the right way, struggles taking criticism. Dan agrees. His voice when he says ‘it’s funny, usually’ is surprisingly fond. D: You have a problem admitting guilt sometimes. You get very, very easily offended.P: I get quite defensive about it.D: It’s funny, usually.
- Dan being late. Also obviously a conversation they’ve had many, many times before. (And based on Dan’s blinding himself video, still do.) D: Being late. You hate that. Okay, so I’m never actually late for anything-P: Yes, you are. 
D: I plan - I’m very confident in my own abilities to get ready five minutes before we leave. And your problem is, you, umm, you freak out a lot. [...] Maybe I can get ready earlier, just so you don’t freak out. 
Then Phil immediately uses the example of that exact day when Dan was still in pajamas when the taxi arrived to take them to the BBC. 
I don’t think either of them said anything in this video that related to issues between them that they hadn’t hashed out privately. Perhaps not to a point of resolution, but things like insomnia and stubbornness aren’t exactly easily resolved - or resolved at all, usually. The straighteners and the Mario Kart game might have been new information but decidedly more situational in the examples themselves, and things that they’d be annoyed/frustrated by but ultimately laugh at later on. 
So yeah, repeating myself but - I love it because it’s just satisfying to me to see them navigating a relationship (even if you don’t think they’re together, just insert whatever word you’re comfortable with) as adults without the gloss of making things perfect for the camera. 
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