#its probably in my top 5 DreamWorks movies
fellowfights · 1 year
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he's all three
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Animation Face-Offs
I find it amusing that the first real major animated movie box office show-off is occurring some 35 years after the one that arguably started it all...
November 18, 1988... Walt Disney Feature Animation's celebrity-loaded modern musical OLIVER & COMPANY from first-time director George Scribner, and Universal's release of the Steven Spielberg/George Lucas-produced ex-Disney director Don Bluth adventure THE LAND BEFORE TIME...
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This wasn't the first time two animated pictures opened next to each other.
In fall 1982, Hanna-Barbera's HEIDI'S SONG opened opposite a Looney Tunes clipshow anthology movie called 1001 RABBIT TALES. Combined, they made $5m at the domestic box office... Not great times to open an animated feature that wasn't Disney, and not that their distributors probably even cared at the time anyways.
Sometimes, there are around two animated features a month. It's not uncommon for two studios to share. Off the top of my head, you had - in November 2010 - MEGAMIND at the beginning of the month, and TANGLED before Thanksgiving. In the early summer of 2013, MONSTERS UNIVERSITY only opened about a few weeks before DESPICABLE ME 2. TROLLS and MOANA shared November 2016. Again, just random examples off the top of my head.
But usually, they're spaced out... TROLLS BAND TOGETHER and WISH are five days apart...
TROLLS 3 is projected to take in around $20-25m this weekend, which is significantly less than what TROLLS took in back in 2016, but still alright for this kind of movie. WISH is set to out-open it, with over $50m for the 5-day Thanksgiving weekend stretch. For a $200m-costing movie, it's going to need all the legs in the world to get by. TROLLS 3 will need to pull some good weight too to more than double its much more modest $95m budget. (Wild to think that $95m seems *low*... There was a time when a DreamWorks/PDI movie cost $75m... And for a good while, roughly $135m!)
I'm curious to see how each film affects one another. Families aren't made of money, and there's gotta be a kind of adult pull to really make big bucks, and I'm not sure if either of these films have that. Plus you have stuff like WONKA right around the corner... Thankfully no Marvel, Star Wars, or Avatar movie to counter with. Although, PUSS IN BOOTS Dos last year, woooooow. That cat held his own against the blue cat aliens.
But yeah, if you think about it... This is a rare head-to-head race.
One could argue we saw this in late winter of 2021 when Warner Bros. released their live-action TOM & JERRY, and then Disney Animation had RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON out a week later. But that was before vaccines got out for all age groups (they were distributed to the elderly first, I - who was 28 at the time - couldn't get my first shot until April.), and the films had simultaneous streaming debuts, so I don't really count that. Plus, Cinemark theaters refused to show RAYA over a disagreement on who got most of the earnings. (That would've been my return trip to the movies after a year-long hiatus, my return ended up being A QUIET PLACE: PART II two months later.)
It's funny how TROLLS 3 is Universal and WISH is Disney... Just like how LAND BEFORE TIME was Universal, and OLIVER was Disney.
The Disney-Universal race was successful for both. OLIVER took home $53m domestically (the $71m figure you often see comes from the film's 1996 re-release), LAND BEFORE TIME took home $48m. Worldwide is up the air, because Disney never released OLIVER's numbers, Universal reported that LAND made around $84m. Winner is unknown, but it was always assumed to be LAND. Maybe because dinosaurs are more Universal than a modern-day New York comedy? Who knows!
Perhaps greatly inspired by that double-whammy of animated hits, MGM/United Artists wanted to try that for themselves. Don Bluth split with Spielberg and Lucas due to creative disagreements during production of both LAND BEFORE TIME and his other Spielberg collab AN AMERICAN TAIL, and set up ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN with the lion. MGM/UA released ALL DOGS the same day as THE LITTLE MERMAID...
Bluth's movie got left to sink by the Ron Clements and John Musker-directed musical sleeper hit... It wasn't even close. $27m domestic vs. $84m domestic, and in addition that, MERMAID's worldwide figures put it at roughly $183m. (Again, in 1989-90, without the 1997 re-release counted.) ALL DOG's worldwide total is unknown.
This didn't entirely scare distributors away from trying again.
The fall of 1990 was originally set to see another Bluth vs. Disney face-off. If plans had held, MGM-Pathe would've released Bluth's ROCK-A-DOODLE on the same day as Disney's sequel THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER. MGM-Pathe ran into financial and legal problems, putting Bluth's film in limbo for a bit...
Instead, Warner Bros. went toe to toe with Disney, releasing an animated feature that wasn't a Looney Tunes clipshow: THE NUTCRACKER PRINCE... Suffice to say, it barely scrounged up $1m domestically, and Disney's sequel had troubles of its own, stalling at $29m domestically, $47m worldwide.
Two films fled from the autumn of 1991, as BEAUTY AND THE BEAST looked to not be a repeat of RESCUERS DOWN UNDER, but a repeat of LITTLE MERMAID and OLIVER's successes... 20th Century Fox - who had FERNGULLY: THE LAST RAINFOREST - and The Samuel Goldwyn Company - who picked up ROCK-A-DOODLE - chickened, literally in the latter's case...
Only Universal had the guts to take on the beast... By releasing AN AMERICAN TAIL: FIEVEL GOES WEST the same day. The Don Bluth-less sequel made only $22m domestically, while BEAUTY AND THE BEAST made... $145m in North America alone, and blew up with $331m around the world...
After FERNGULLY and ROCK-A-DOODLE wisely fled from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, they duked it out in April 1992. DOODLE opened the first weekend of the month, with FERNGULLY following. FERNGULLY won with $24m domestically, DOODLE struggled with $11m. (It's worth noting that DOODLE first came out in the UK in August of 1991.)
Universal initially thought they'd have WE'RE BACK! A DINOSAUR'S STORY ready to compete with ALADDIN, but they likely realized that that was not a great idea... WE'RE BACK! opened over a full year after ALADDIN and still flopped hard. It opened nearby BATMAN: MASK OF THE PHANTASM, which also made a paltry amount.
From there on out, things were typically spaced out. Sometimes the smaller efforts opened close to each other.
And now here we are, Thanksgiving week of 2023... We have trolls vs. wishing stars. Universal vs. Disney. It'll be fun to watch, but I hope the two film crews of both get to put food on their tables once more.
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imthatpowerful · 5 days
i know nobody cares but i’m gonna list all my fav movies from my childhood bc i’m bored and feel the need to share unnecessary information
starting from disney fairies cuz that’s what came to mind first
my fav one was the lost treasure one the plot and everything was PERFECT and even tho that story that that one fairy told used to scare me i still loved the movie
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next is disney princess movies since we’re on the topic:
ENCHANTED. OH MY GOD ok so when i was REALLY young i had an obsession w beauty and the beast and then the little mermaid but when i watched enchanted it became my all time fav! this movie is sooo underrated the sequel kind of disappointed me also patrick dempsey>>>>> 🤭
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and for barbie movies:
my fav one was FOR SURE mermaid tale AND pink shoes. it’s a tie. nothing will top those. i always wanted to join dancing bc of pink shoes and i dreamed of being a mermaid bc of mermaid tale. (honorable mention to diamond castle)
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next up is monster high:
tbh i don’t remember monster high THAT much but i really liked freaky fusion and 13 wishes 😍😍😍 there was another one about a famous vampire actress but i can’t remember its name
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next up is js yk disney movies in general:
hmm. i don’t think i have favorites bc they’re all good tbh but if had to pick one it would be wreck it ralph that movie was PEAK 2010s and i LOVED it and also probably peter pan part 2 which is really random but it was so underrated and for some reason i REALLY loved it
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and for dreamworks it was flushed away FOR SURE i had the biggest crush on the main character and i wanted to be the girl so bad
i can’t add anymore gifs but i’ll finish the list
other ones that i would include in this list is EVERY SINGLE home alone movie. i watched every single one multiple times and had the biggest crush on kevin 😭 and also NARNIA i always wanted a wardrobe that took me to another world (now i have shifting 🤫) and i can’t think of anymore bc it’s almost 5 AM (i gotta stop doing this fr 😭)
alright guys BYE 😋😋😋
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
Tag Thingie
I was tagged by @remysims and @cupcakegnome - thank you, Possums!
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
1. Dogs or Cats? Cats. I love both but cats by a whisker, heheheh.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I’m sorry but in my reality there are no such creatures as ‘Youtube celebrities.’ So normal celebrities by default. (see also Question 8 lolol)
3. If you could live in anywhere were would that be? I am a very proud (and totally unbiased!) Australian. We have our flaws, but overall our lifestyle, multiculturalism, geography, and healthcare make this the best country in the world to live in.
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Neither.
5. Favorite childhood TV show? The Goodies
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?  Portrait of a Lady on Fire.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? The North Water by Ian McGuire.
8. Marvel or DC? I will say DC only because Gal Gadot hits me so hard in my gay feels that I just.....gah. Excuse me while I go and have a lie down.  
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?  Wonder Woman duh.
10. Night or Day? Night. I usually get more peace at night.
11. Favorite Pokémon? The oldest and most morally corrupt one probably. 
12. Top 5 bands: Tones and I.  Tones and I.  Tones and I.  Tones and I.  Tones and I.
13. Top 10 books:  A Boy’s Own Story- Edmund White. First book that ever made me cry. I still slavishly read everything by Edmund White I can get my hands on.
The Catcher in the Rye- J. D Salinger. This book to me is like the literary equivalent of my oldest, dearest friend.
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald I’ve never seen any of the film versions of this book for fear its perfection would be ruined for me.
Madame Bovary- Gustave Flaubert. I read this book in about two days when I was thirteen or fourteen. It was a revelation. I had no idea ‘serious’ literature could be so consuming, racy, or addictive. (I’ve said before that quite a lot of Anita was inspired by Madame Bovary :P)
Enduring Love- Ian McEwan I love the growing sense of unease that permeates Ian McEwan’s best writing, and the idea that love can be something so unnerving and sinister. He is a master of his craft.
The Lieutenant- Kate Grenville. Our best Australian author.
One Hundred Years of Solitude-Gabriel García Márquez. Just magical in every sense.
Birdsong- Sebastian Faulks Another beautiful writer with the ability to make me cry.
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh This book seduced me, ravished me and then abandoned me like a fickle, feckless lover. I was never to be the same.
The Road- Cormac McCarthy. I was quite shattered by the story, the spare, beautiful writing and the relationship between father and son. He received the Pulitzer Prize for this book. It haunts me to this day.
14. Top 4 movies: 1) Little Fish  2) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off  3)  A Streetcar Named Desire 4) Fargo
15. America or Europe? Europe no question.
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr. I don’t know how you could tell a story on Twitter, lmbooo.
17. Pro choice or Pro life? Pro choice.
18. Favourite YouTuber:😒  
19. Favourite author? A toss up between Kate Grenville, Ian McEwan, Joyce Carol Oates and Helen Garner.
20. Tea or coffee? Coffee. 
21. OTP? Miraj. 
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? I always have to answer ‘the skin flute’ for @gaiahypothesims‘ benefit. It’s a meme-thingey rule. 
I will tag @wannabecatwriter @shhhushhh @streetlightaurora @luvluvmeh @mspoodle1 @igglemouse @marvelann @skyburned @dreamsascend @gaiahypothesims and @enchandycorn! cheers, dears!
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gaiahypothesims · 5 years
Tag thinger
I was tagged by the always dirty @treason-and-plot​ 
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better    (** 11?? WTF.)
1. Dogs or Cats? I like that dogs are like children, but I like that cats are like adults. Also, I dislike cleaning up after both of them.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I don’t know any YouTube celebrities so... normal?
3. If you could live in anywhere were would that be? I’m pretty with cool living in Canada. BUT I’d love to be able to live here in the summer/spring 6 months, and then move almost anywhere hot for the rest of it. Winter can suck it. 
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Yes. 
5. Favorite childhood TV show? Little little- She-ra and My little ponies.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? I don’t know. I’m not too up to date with movies. 
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? None. I read a lot of trash, and very little with substance this year. I bought a couple books that should be an interesting read, but those will be more like 2020 books. 
8. Marvel or DC? I liked ‘DC’ when they were doing the Christian Bale batman. But I guess I’d have to say that Marvel has been better lately. I was entertained by Guardians of the Galaxy quite a bit. Aquaman was SO bad.. I turned it off within the first 30 minutes. And I love Jason Momoa.. I couldn’t do it. Not even for him.  
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?  I like Gambit, don’t ask me why. Its a childhood crush. 
10. Night or Day? Night. I am NOT a morning person. 
11. Favorite Pokémon? Yes. 
12. Top 5 bands: I don’t know. 
13. Top 10 books: Oryx and Crake- Margaret Atwood
All the Robin Hobb books in the “Assassins Apprentice” world
Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte
Moll Flanders- Daniel Dafoe
I’m blanking right now and don’t want to go look at my bookcase. 
14. Top 4 movies: I don’t know. I’m not very helpful. 
15. America or Europe? Like... are we talking North and South America? That’s pretty vast. If by “America” they mean the US, then 100000x Europe. Hands down.
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr. I can only do so many social media things and Twitter has never been one of them.
17. Pro choice or Pro life? Heavily Pro Choice. Get the hell out of here with wanting to tamper with someone elses bodily autonomy.
18. Favourite YouTuber: No one.
19. Favourite author? Probably Robin Hobb... because I’ve read a million of her books which is by far more than any other author I’ve read. 
20. Tea or coffee? Coffee always. 
21. OTP? Me and every male creation I’ve ever made, and most of the female ones as well. Fine.. Its gotta be Jonah and Evelyn. Of all my pairs they’ve been around the longest in the most interesting ways. 
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? I like to sing. I’m painfully bad at instruments and reading music. Despite taking lessons for at least 5 years in piano. 
I’ll tag (please ignore if you like) @lifeandpixels​ @enchandycorn​ @parystrange​ @simsmidgen​ @andantezen​ @anneliesembsims​ @jepensedoncjesims​
I feel like that’s good enough. 
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What are some WIPs you’re all looking forward to updates for?
In addition to the in-progress ones from this list we did previously (some are completed now, but still good!), here’s some new ones we look forward to:
A Friend Indeed - CGotAnAccount @illunelurks
ongoing, 4/? chapters, 9k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content. Background ships: friends with benefits Matt/Keith
There are a few things Matthew Holt has learned over the past few years of being launched into space, kidnapped, thrust into an intergalactic war, and hailed as a hero of the universe.
Firstly, space is as huge and beautiful as he always knew it was – just twice as terrifying as he could ever have imagined.
Second, his little sister is in fact the smartest human that will ever exist and nothing will ever convince him otherwise.
And lastly, Shiro and Keith will never, ever get their shit together.
Beam me up, Hottie - lasersheith @lasersheith​
ongoing, 7/? chapters, 34k. (Teen)
Shiro’s life is kind of a mess. His job sucks and his best friends are moving across the country back to their hometown. All he really has is Star Trek until the Big Bang pairs him with an artist that just might change everything.
“Do you remember that event I told you about?” His voice came out barely above a whisper.
Laughing again, Matt sat his sandwich down. “You mean your totally-not-porn writing competition?”
Shiro groaned. “It’s not porn,” he hissed out quietly, “and it’s not a competition, it’s just an event.” He said, looking up into Matt’s judgmental eyes. “Look, you own 6 replica anime swords. It’s literally illegal for you to judge me for anything, ” he pointed an accusing finger at Matt’s chest.
Matt held up his hands in mock surrender. “Ok, ok. So what about your event thing?”
Shiro looked back down at his phone with an awed smile. “I got paired with my favorite artist…” He answered wistfully.
don’t call me baby (unless you mean it) - akaiiko @akaiikowrites​
ongoing, 3/? chapters, 36k. (Explicit) Contains: PTSD
Getting with Shiro is worth anything. Anything. So Keith is going to fake being the cliche with daddy issues - complete with stuffed animals, booty shorts, and an utter loss of dignity - until he makes it. Hopefully along the way he’ll figure out why it feels like being Shiro’s baby boy might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
Keith has a moment where he wonders, somewhat blankly, how he bought this perfectly serviceable shirt and then promptly forgot its existence. Then he looks down. And remembers in a series of post traumatic flashbacks exactly why he’d blocked the shirt from his consciousness.
Namely, three words, in a font that isn’t comic sans but comes insultingly close to it, garnished with red glitter: Daddy’s Little Boy.
“Keith?” Very slowly, he turns to look at the closed door to his bedroom. “Keith, are you okay? I heard…” Probably some kind of vaguely strangled noise. But Shiro’s too nice to articulate that kind of thing. “Keith? If you don’t answer, I’m coming in.”
For All the Stars in the Sky - allyoop_1 @isabelladeltigre​, Wolfy_P_Smith
ongoing, 4/? chapters, 34k. (Mature)
“They’re good kids.”
They both take a moment to look over at said kids. Pidge has her elbows on the table, butt in the air as she finger smashes on her DS and Matt is picking at a tear in the booth and eating what comes out.
“Well,” Keith says, turning back to Lance. “They’re…kids. Probably human.”
Matt licks at the tear in the seam and Lance grins. “Debatable.”
Or: Keith has two jobs, two kids, and a million problems. Shiro’s not the solution to all of them, but he sure does help.
Make Believe - LittleWhiteTie @littlewhitetie​
ongoing, 5/7 chapters, 18k. (Teen) Contains: PTSD
In which, in order to form an alliance, Keith and Shiro need to fake a relationship and endure a series of related trials.
This was a terrible idea. An excruciating, tantalizing car crash of an idea. Keith should never have agreed to this. It was everything he’d ever wanted and more. He was never going to be able to come back from this.
Careful metal fingertips traced his jaw, tipping his face up to meet gentle, storm grey eyes. He was close, so close. “Everything okay?” Shiro asked, quietly.
“Of course,” Keith said. “Everything is fine.”
It was a bald-faced lie; everything was not fine. It was wonderful and devastating and nowhere in between.
my doorbell, when you gonna ring it? - spectrespecs @exitlude​
ongoing, 2/3 chapters, 35k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content
Shiro, a chronic apartment renter, feels like it’s time for him to settle down and buy a house. He thinks so, at least. Keith, one of the finest real estate agents in the city, is the one tasked with finding Shiro a home. They both find a little more than intended.
a slow, dumb show - redluxite (wordstruck)
ongoing, 6/8 chapters, 19k. (Teen)
Shiro shrugs. “No.” His lips quirk in a little half-smile. “Are you going to ask me?”
Keith’s mouth curls, just a little. His eyes flick over to Shiro again.
“Why not?”
Shiro comically stumbles to a halt. “Sorry?”
There’s that amusement tucked in the corner of Keith’s mouth again, as he reaches out a hand to steady the pizzas in Shiro’s arms. They’re quite close together now.
“Do you want to go out with me?”
All Eyes On Us - Green_Destiny @green-destiny
ongoing, 4/? chapters, 32k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content
K_Red and BlackLion are camboys for the same website. Unrivaled in their power but rivals to each other, a chance meeting at an official event pulls them inevitably towards each other, as much as Keith would like to resist, gravity is always, always stronger.
the peace-weaver - magisterpavus
ongoing, 18/20 chapters, 203k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content, trans Keith, sexual violence
You will be the peace-weaver, his mother told him, smiling though her dark eyes welled with unshed grief. The one who brings two bitter enemies together and ends the bloodshed and death between us, once and for all.
But men will always crave war. The Galra, most of all.
every breath you take - arahir @arahir​
ongoing, 5/7 chapters, 32k. (Explicit) Contains: nsfw content
Keith takes a swim, gains a secret admirer, and finds something to live for.
There’s a cut on his bottom lip, a row of tiny lacerations that smart when he pulls at them to get a better look.
He doesn’t notice the bruise on his upper arm until the next day. He catches the edge of it at the corner of his eye when he’s pulling on a fresh shirt: blue lines, like stripes, but when he turns and twists to see how they ring his arm, he realizes what they look like.
The lines are like fingers. It’s a handprint.
sweet sun, send me the moon - arahir @arahir​
ongoing, 2/? chapters, 8k. (General) Contains: graphic depictions of violence, temporary amnesia
Shiro still has one battle left to fight.
Keith’s body in his arms doesn’t twitch and his eyes don’t flicker. They’re open a little, Shiro realizes; dull, sightless slits of white. Not dead, though. He’s not dead. Damaged, yes, but they can fix this.
The Alien at Camp Marmora - flukeloops
ongoing, 6/10 chapters, 19k. (Mature)
Shiro and Keith are back at Camp Arus and madly in love. Alfor has to take a week off to tend to personal matters and has left his friend Kolivan in charge. Kolivan presents the staff and campers with Camp Marmora: a grueling 5-day challenge that tests their bodies and maybe even their minds. Will Shiro and Keith’s fairy tale romance stand through it all? What will the challenge reveal about both of them?On top of it all, the longer Shiro stays in human form, the worse his legs hurt. He’s afraid that he and Keith’s worlds will drift too far apart if he has to live in the water.[SEQUEL to The Mermaid of Lake Altea]
Sweet Cherry Pie - keiti221 @starlightshirogane
ongoing, 8/? chapters, 18k. (Mature) Contains: nsfw content, abuse, stalking, implied/referenced rape/non-con, kidnapping, murder, threats of violence, threats of rape/non-con, death threats
After Keith shows up to perform at an event that didn’t actually want a male stripper, he spends the evening sipping wine coolers with the hottest detective he’s ever gotten his hands on. Unfortunately, neither of them have been particularly good at relationships - Shiro is always busy with work and Keith keeps attracting weirdos - but both want to make this one work. So what could possibly go wrong?
Shiro the Hero and the Happily Ever - Saasan @decidedlysarah
ongoing, 2/11 chapters, 8k. (Mature) Contains: nsfw content, a/b/o dynamics, mpreg
Shiro never thought he’d be able to find a mate, let alone have a family. As blessings keep piling up in his life, he thinks back on the road it took to get there. Keith had always feared mating, but being with Shiro is bliss–if only he’d be just a *little* less weepy-with-joy. Meanwhile, Lance and Pidge discover they will be having a family much sooner than expected. This story will follow the four of them on their path to parenthood and, because the author isn’t a dick (unlike DreamWorks), everyone gets a happily ever after.
See You In Court - arcadenemesis
ongoing, 2/5 chapters, 15k. (Mature)
If Shiro’s life were a movie, this would be the part where the music would swell and everything would slow down.
He’s not sure how long he stands there, just watching, but it’s not until another hotel patron brushes past him that Shiro comes back down to Earth. Thank God Keith hasn’t seen him yet. Meeting eyes from across the room seems romantic in theory, but Shiro’s pretty sure his open staring would be anything but in reality. Better going for a smooth introduction, he decides, steeling himself and walking over with confidence he doesn’t feel.
"Hey there, Wild Card.”
Takashi Shirogane is the best in the world at tennis, and the absolute worst at love.
(Or, Wild Card through Shiro’s eyes.)
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cantseemtohide · 5 years
Just Another Tag Game
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
Thank you for the tag @toffeetip @dragonflydaydreamer and @myverycoolnickname 😊
1. Dogs or Cats? Never had any pets and don’t really have a preference
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Why do the big youtube lot all pull that face? It gives me the creeps. I’m just glad that stuff wasn’t around when I was a kid, don’t bear thinking about.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? My criteria are pretty much decided by disability and my strong dislike of hot weather. So maybe a town or city slightly to the north of where I am. Not a very exciting answer!
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Got no interest in either tbh
5. Favorite childhood TV show? The only ones I can remember making a point of watching were Art Attack (lot of pva glue and poster paints) and the Simpsons.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? Don’t know what’s out then.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? I have been really bad with reading this year (and the couple before that too), I think I managed to get through 3 books but I can’t remember what 2 of them were so I’ll have to say the last one I read which was The Left Case Against the EU by Costas Lapavitsas. It was very good, and useful for getting back into political discussion which I’d been out of for a while at that point. His perspective is particularly interesting having been through the experience of Syriza in Greece.
8. Marvel or DC? When I went to the cinema in 2002 to see Spiderman little did I know the 20 year flood of superhero films that was on its way. I didn’t think much of that film but I do remember that Macy Gray featured in it, she was very of that time wasn’t she.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?  Nope
10. Night or Day? Day I suppose.
11. Favorite Pokémon? I remember when Pokemon came out it was a massive craze. I had the Pokemon Blue game on my Gameboy and I collected some of the cards but my family didn’t have much money and the cards were an expensive hobby so I never had many. Maybe that’s why I was tempted to trade my favourite card (dunno what pokemon it was but it was a shiny one) for a bunch of not so good ones. Quantity over quality! A terrible mistake. Anyway, in conclusion I don’t have a favourite pokemon anymore.
12. Top 5 bands: I don’t listen to so many bands these days, but: The Mekons, The Delines, The Small Faces, Chain & The Gang, Rachel’s
13. Top 10 books: oh gosh that’s difficult... I will stick to fiction otherwise people will probably be annoyed by my answers 😁 so: A Disaffection by James Kelman, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas, Foreign Parts by Janice Galloway, American Genius, a Comedy by Lynne Tillman, Mr. Lynch’s Holiday by Catherine O’Flynn, Spin Cycle by Zoe Strachan, How Late It Was, How Late by James Kelman, In a Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
14. Top 4 movies: Celine and Julie Go Boating, Black Narcissus, The Conformist, A New Leaf
15. America or Europe? I don’t know, they’re big places with millions of people.
16. Tumblr or Twitter? I don’t use twitter
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life? I support abortion rights.
18. Favorite YouTuber: N/A
19. Favorite author? I don’t know if I have a favourite, but my favourite novel is A Disaffection by James Kelman, so I suppose I will go with him.
20. Tea or coffee? Tea, I’m not much of a coffee drinker. Although it’s hard to find a decent cup of tea when you’re out anywhere.
21. OTP? I don’t know what that means and I can’t be arsed to look it up 😁
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Nah
OK I’ll tag @violetpixels @sheepiling @flethro @charliemclimm @fleurgrimm @medusito @whyeverr @lavenderm00nlight @alittledaylight @atomicgnomes @copperpawsims @hellopugeroni @zandeliongames @seraphicsimblr @burnedparadisesimblr @mdianasims @biffybobs @thewalkingplumbob 
As always feel free to ignore if you already did this/prefer not to! 😊
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alun-ura · 5 years
Get to Know Me!
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1. Dogs or Cats?
Both? Dogs are adorable but I’m personally a cat person
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
N-Neither? Youtube ones I think cause the br ones are gr8, most of them
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
This is a hard one cause despite the usual shit president and stuff here where I live, I know I’d miss a lot from this place, especially the food sobs. But I’d go to somewhere with a cool beach. Or somewhere I could smash my face in snow, that’d be nice. And a place with fwiends.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  
Dreamworks, cause 1) it has my favorite movies and 2) as much as I like some Disney stuff, it’s eh. EH.
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
oof. Tokyo Mew Mew and Sakura Card Captors were my favorite, along with lol Winx Club.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020
Oh man, idk. There’s the birbs of prey that I was curious to watch, and Sonic tbh cause I’m glad they listened to change that abomination??? And uhh Venom 2 for all the monster fucker needs.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
Ehhhh I didn’t read much this year tbh, save for some Lovecraft juices so I’ll go with that, since I got the Complete fiction I’m all !!!! about it
8. Marvel or DC?
Mmmmmarvel, though I’m not heavily into comic books I really don’t like DC heroes *wheeze* I’d go with DC for villains though eee
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
Oh man. I think I’d go with Quicksilver for this one, my boy my lad. And DC is a bit wonky cause I really don’t like DC heroes but I’ll go with Flash on this one, ironically. all the quickie lads
10. Night or Day?
Night time cause its when I function bettER
11. Favourite Pokemon?  
Boi that’s a hard one, but think of the goblin-looking ones, or the overly-cute ones, just weird trash babies, gremlins, all my faves. If I had to pick one though I’d go with Mawile, she my baby I always need one when I play
12. Top 5 bands:
Of Monsters and Men
half • alive
Jack Stauber
Mother Mother
Wanted to slap down Fever Ray too but oh well, and also - mostly - a insane amount of covers cause yeah
13. Top 10 books.
well hell
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld
Goliath by Scott Westerfeld
Prince Lestat by Anne Rice
Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti by Genevieve Valentine
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
Emperor of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction (cause i cant pick one)
These are either books that I really liked (meaning why i slapped some whole trilogies) and books that really helped me with my engwish tbh, I really wanted to finish reading the Kingkiller chronicles but it was around the time books got insanely expensive where I live so I just stopped reading stuff. aa
14. Top 4 movies
Spirited Away
Big Fish & Begonia
Train to Busan
Your Name
yes i’m a slut for movies that can make me cry
15. America or Europe?
both cause most of my friends are in uggo america but europe man
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Both? I like twitter a lot but I prefer tumblr for posting stuff.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
Always pro-choice.
18. Favorite YouTuber?
I don’t really watch/follow any YouTuber recently? But the brazilian ones are always so fucking great, I love em.
19. Favorite author ?
Man, that’s hmmmmm. I think I’d go with the ones that were the most chill for me to read, so I’m going with Scott Westerfeld and Lovecraft bby.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Tea, always tea.
21. OTP?
Man I don’t think I’m very FERVENT for ships in any fandom tbh, my favorite relationships are usually platonic ones but if I had to pick one I’d probably go with 2B/9S. Though my heart yearns for all the androids to be shipped with happiness only.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
HA, no. I can only hum but sometimes I sing when swearing or panicking
Tagged by: @pearlescent-scales​ (Thank you!) Tagging: @altanidataq​ @avwalya​ @eruru-ffxiv​​ @lizard-grandma​ @lareine-kira​ @omnihealer​ @rifted-vitale​ @yokasaris​ @holyja​ @loslorien​ @a-friendly-spooky-doot​ @thegildenheart​ @avocado-bruhvado​ @cookiecinnamon​ @vysaldhe​ @impracticalhorns​ @claihn​ @voidsentprinces​  @liott-monar​  @draenei-tales​  @weaveroftruth​ @othard​ @lordofcrowns​ @mischiefandmystics​  (I know this is a OOC one so feel free to ignore it if you don’t feel comfortable in sharing these! Also sorry if you did this already whoops)
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manawalls · 5 years
get to know me?
rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better. tagged by @pearlescent-scales​  ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) thank you! tagging HMM i don’t know who is comfortable with giving ooc information
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1. Dogs or Cats?       dogs, other peoples cats are fun but i will scream DOG! before i mention seeing a cat
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?       normal? i guess?? i probably wouldn’t recognize either of them on the street anyway lol
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?       a haunted house in the middle of nowhere preferably but i’ll take any place with weather
4. Disney or DreamWorks?       HMM i can’t really choose between them, they’ve both come out with movies that let me relive my childhood and forget about being an adult
5. Favourite childhood TV show?       oh, let’s see, off the top of my head is the old X-Men series, Gargoyles, Sailor Moon, and the old My Little Pony don’t ask me to pick just one
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?       honestly nothing comes to mind? like i know there are movies that i’ll want to see but nothing jumps out as a Must See at the moment
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?       not applicable, haven’t ready anything except for Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered
8. Marvel or DC?       both? neither?
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?       i enjoy both but i don’t know enough about any of them to pick a favorite from either side
10. Night or Day?       absolutely night, my favorite people are awake at that time :D
11. Favourite Pokemon?       oh. oh no. why would you ask this??? vulpix, ninetails, rapidash, arcanine, eevee and all of its evolutions, lapras, miss me with anything after 151
12. Top 5 bands       that’s... a terrible thing to make me choose. Lacuna Coil, Halestorm, Maroon 5, Panic! At the Disco, and Shinedown - in no particular order of course
13. Top 10 books       ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14. Top 4 movies       another tough one, but my number one is always The Nightmare Before Christmas, after that /think uuhh Nightmare Before Christmas x4
15. America or Europe?       i don’t know? lets all just migrate to Planet Nine, i’m sure it’ll be fine
16. Tumblr or Twitter?       despite all of its flaws i prefer tumblr for its format and i find it easier to keep up with, granted i would kill for twitter’s blocking/muting features
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?       choice
18. Favorite YouTuber?       the only one i actually ever paid any attention to was Jenna Marbles so??? i guess??
19. Favorite author?       ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  v2.0
20. Tea or Coffee?       let me first say that i am actually very picky about my tea, there’s maybe two i can think of that i will drink. with that said.. COFFEE
21. OTP?       my real One True Pairing for as long as i can remember has always been Yuffie/Vincent, no i will not be taking criticism at this point thanks but i’m pretty sure it’s because i am, in fact, also Annoying and in love with anybody that is Tall, Dark, and Possessed  ٩( ᐛ )و
22. Do you play an instrument/sing?       i actually do like to sing but nobody gets to hear it c: because when it comes to singing around people i get more goofy instead of actually singing and i have too much stage fright to do it seriously
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sleepykittypaws · 5 years
Animated Special Advent Calendar
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Updated: December 23, 2019
Every year since my oldest first became interested in TV watching, we’ve watched classic Christmas specials annually. What started as a happy accident with an enamored three-year-old wanting a nightly dose of cartoon Christmas goodness, became a family tradition, and we now try and watch a different special every night between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, with family members rotating picks, youngest to oldest. 
After mentioning this several times online, a few folks expressed interest in what we watch, so I’ll try to keep this page updated with daily entries, though I admit we’re not tyrants about doing this (it’s supposed to be fun!), so if we miss a night, we just try to watch two (or more) another time to catch up. The daily picks mean our line-up changes every season (variety is good!), though there are definitely a handful of annual must-watch specials on every family member’s mental lists, and we always finish on Christmas Eve with the 1966 classic, Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
We’ve got a huge collection of DVDs and digital specials we own, but I’ll try and note where our picks are available to watch, if possible. And, if you’re looking for ideas to fill up your own Christmas Special advent calendar, you can check out my Top 25 Animated Holiday Special list, or the results of our Holiday Special Showdown, where 64 animated classics went head-to-head for viewer’s votes in 2017.
Nov. 28: We kicked things off on Thanksgiving with Phineas and Ferb’s Christmas Vacation, a music-filled Disney Channel original now available on Disney+ (Season 2, episode 21). It’s an annual must-see for us.  
Nov. 29: Night two was British imports Robbie the Reindeer: Hooves of Fire and Robbie the Reindeer in Legend of the Lost Tribe. The first of these Aardman Animation originals is better than the sequel, but both still air annually on CBS. There’s also a third, UK-only entry, Close Encounters of the Herd Kind, that never made it to the US. Fun Fact: 100% of all 3 specials’ profits go to charity, as they were produced by Comic Relief.
Nov. 30: A Chipmunk Christmas. Though it had several DVD releases, they’re all of out print currently and this 1981 classic, a staple of my childhood, has become distressingly hard to find, even though we, personally, have multiple DVD copies.
Dec. 1: Our first special of December was��The Happy Elf. This 2005 Harry Connick-voiced special got little love on its release, but is a family favorite. Rare to find on TV, it’s still widely available via digital or DVD, and worth checking out.
Dec. 2: With Frozen fever rampant, we revisited a lesser known entry in the franchise, 2016′s LEGO Frozen Northern Lights. This clever send-up isn’t specifically Christmas, but it’s snowy and so much fun. And it’s now available, though oddly broken into segments, on Disney+. (The Disney Channel is also showing it in one 30 min package all this month.)
Dec. 3: On this busy school night we needed something short, so I picked Pluto’s Christmas Tree, now on Disney+. Kids had never seen this 1952 animated short, and we all really enjoyed it.
Dec. 4: One of those days we wandered off the beaten path and tried the Opus-led A Wish for Wings that Work from 1991, based on the book and comic strip by Berkeley Breathed. A bit long for littles, but the ending landed, and it was a nice change of pace. Not streaming, but available very cheaply on DVD.
Dec. 5: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire was my son’s pick. This pilot episode for the 30-year-old series works as the stand alone holiday special it was first conceived as, and can be found on Disney+.
Dec. 6: Ducktales: Last Christmas! This fun, 2018 special can be found on Disney+ (season 2, episode 6 of the rebooted series). We watched it several times last year, and it’s just good as I remember. Timey-wimey fun.
Dec. 7: This 2006 direct-to-DVD release isn’t the classic Looney Tunes of the 1930s-40s, but Looney Tunes: Bah, Humduck (available digitally or DVD) is still a fun Christmas Carol take with Daffy as Scrooge and a fairly faithful adaptation of Dickens’ tale.
Dec. 8: Time for a classic: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, playing this year on Freeform, as well as CBS, and also available in an infinite variety of DVD collections and via iTunes.
Dec. 9: Did you know that Hallmark Channel used to make original animated specials? They did, and they were good, too! 2011′s Hoops and Yoyo Ruin Christmas was our pick last night and it’s smart, and cute, and fun. I miss that Hallmark Channel. Released on DVD, it’s out of print, but copies can still be found, and Amazon offers it for digital purchase.
Dec. 10: As a kid the anticipation of this special’s debut was almost too much to bear for my then, 7-year-old self. 1982′s The Smurf’s Christmas Special was my pick last night, and I vividly recalled how it was a such huge event for me at the time that I danced around the basement during the commercials, too full of excitement to sit. It isn’t streaming, but can be found on the still-available 2011 DVD The Smurf’s Holiday Celebration.
Dec. 11 and 12: Busy evenings the past few, so missed the 11th, but still managed to watch Merry Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda Holiday last night—and I almost managed to stay awake, too. (Both are on Netflix.)
Dec. 13: Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special, this charming, under-rated 2016 Disney Channel original is, oddly, NOT available on Disney+, though it can be purchased digitally or watched this month via Disney Channel On Demand. A family favorite since its debut.
Dec. 14: Last night, instead of a traditional animated offering, we had our annual viewing of (mostly) animated British Christmas adverts, which are a very big deal in the UK and, frankly, often more awesome than any 30 minute special. I’ve tweeted a lot about my love for these often tear-jerking mini-movies, but here are what I think are my top 5…5) From Sainsbury’s, 2018′s The Big Night builds to an awesome ending. 4) Sainsbury’s The Greatest Gift (2016) has an original song that’s become a Christmas favorite in our house. 3) John Lewis is the master purveyor of this emotionally manipulative—in the best way—three-minute extravaganzas. Lots to choose from, but 2014′s Monty the Penguin is probably my fave. 2) In 2015, Sainsbury’s delivered the perfect mix of comedy and heart with Mog’s Christmas Calamity. 1) And my fave—a bit of cheat since it’s Canadian—is Cineplex’s Lily and the Snowman. Seen it probably 100 times now, and cried every one. There’s plenty more to explore, from the UK and beyond, and falling down a rabbit hole of these ads on YouTube is an utterly delightful way to spend an evening. To get you started, here’s a compilation of what one YouTube reviewer calls the top 10 Christmas ads of 2019.
Dec. 15: Returned to a classic with 1969′s Frosty the Snowman, which still airs annually on CBS. Happy Birthday! 
Dec. 16: Finally watched NBC’s new How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming, available on Hulu.
Dec. 17: My pick, and I chose a Rankin-Bass we hadn’t seen in a while, 1970′s Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. Unfortunately, forgot how long and slow this one was. My kids were kind of bored.
Dec. 18: Shrek the Halls, which really is laugh-out-loud family fun. For some reason, this is the only Dreamworks special not on Netflix, but does still air annually on ABC.
Dec. 19: I have no clue how Olive the Other Reindeer, this super-charming, Drew Barrymore-voiced special about a dog who mishears a radio bulletin and thinks Santa needs her, didn’t become a classic. It’s not streaming, but is available very inexpensively on DVD and well worth a watch.
Dec. 20: How Murray Saved Christmas, another overlooked gem, this 2014 rhyming special first appeared on NBC, and is airing this season as part of AMC’s Best Christmas Ever. (It’s also available on DVD and digital.)
Dec. 21: As we realize we’re quickly running out of days till Christmas, time to make sure we pack in some classics, like, A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Dec. 22: Santa, Baby! This 2001special featuring Eartha Kitt is the last of the Rankin-Bass originals and it’s…fine. Lots of music and a magical partridge. Not something you see everyday. (Was available on DVD, now out of print, and can sometimes be found on YouTube.)
Dec. 23: Saving the best for (almost) last, the whole family got up this morning and watched Prep & Landing, and its sequel, Prep & Landing: Naughty vs Nice, in our jammies, to kick off Christmas vacation.
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve is always the 1966 version of Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas to remind us all that Christmas doesn't come from a store. Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more.
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monster-of-master · 5 years
Get To Know Me.
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
1. Dogs or Cats?
Cats all the way but I still do love a good doggo. I will never turn down a good boy.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Hollywood. Too many good memories of back in the day iconic actors and actresses.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
I have no idea whatsoever. I don’t really think I’ve ever given this much thought. Uh, maybe somewhere cold? Yeah, that’ll do it. I hate the heat.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Probably Disney, but DreamWorks got its moments.
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Pokemon, Beast Wars, Batman, Invader Zim .. I’m probably leaving out a few.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Modern movies have been letting me down for quite a good while now so I can’t really say that there’s much I’m looking forward to. I might come back to this and edit it, once I give it some thought.
7. Favourite book you read in 2019?
I didn’t read books this year. Yes. I’m a huge piece of garbage.
8. Marvel or DC?
9. If you choose Marvel favourite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
Gambit or Nightcrawler, probably! Wolverine is a good pick, too.
10. Night or Day?
Either or. Don’t have any preference.
11. Favourite Pokemon?
Fuckin’ Charizan.. mostly because I stopped playing at Red/Blue. I haven’t played a single Pokemon game beyond the original two. I also managed to pull a holographic of that dumb fire lizard back in the day, so.
12. Top 5 bands:
Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Coheed and Cambria, Deftones, Voltaire.
13. Top 10 books.
God I.. don’t even know how to answer this.
Anything by Brent Weeks is a favorite of mine, and LoTR stuff. Of all the other stuff I’ve read, these are really the only series that really stick out to me. Nothing ever quite made its mark but then again, I haven’t read too many of the “classics”.
14. Top 4 movies
Equilibrium, Nightcrawler, Silence of the Lambs, Goodfellas, Casino, The Big Lebowski .. uhh .. well we’ll stop there.
15. America or Europe?
I am an American, so there’s that.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr it is, as I haven’t touched Twitter since my TSW days when I had a hilariously inappropriate one for my RP character there.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Probably Maximillian Dood.
19. Favourite author ?
Brent Weeks. Again. That one is probably obvious!
20. Tea or Coffee?
Being really honest here, I don’t enjoy either. I haven’t had a cup of coffee in about thirteen or so years and tea, probably even longer.
21. OTP ?
Myself and my pillow. There is nothing else.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
I played trumpet back when I was a wee lad but to say that I was horrible at it would be putting it mildly, and an insult to the horrors that poor instrument endured at my hands (and lips).
tagged by @nocturnedreaming, fank yew fren <3
tagging @prolificpoisons @sin-emberstalker @rodanthemargrave @manaheart @aredhelvaltieri @monishadangelo @ladystillheart @dardillien-ward @unabashedrebel @celestare @belore-invictus @doeseyha
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simmancy · 5 years
“get to know me better” tag
I’ve been tagged in this by @niympha​ & @samssims​ and its been a while since I’ve done one of these! So! Hi! Thank you both for tagging me!
rules: always post the rules. tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
I am tagging: anyone that wants to do this, because I’m doing this SO LATE and skjkasghaksga
1. dogs or cats? both, preferably, but I guess cats win right now since I have a Cat but don’t have a Dog
2. youtube celebrities or normal celebrities? Normal celebrities....... I don’t follow enough youtubers to care about youtube celebrities
3. if you could live anywhere where would that be? Somewhere with free healthcare!!!! And that’s my only real requirement LMAO
4. disney or dreamworks? Disney, for sure, but I do like a lot of Dreamworks films.
5. favourite childhood tv show? Blues Clues
6. the movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? No idea!
7. favourite book you read in 2019? Oh gosh, I don’t know if I read anything new this year... I fell very, very behind on reading this year. I reread A Darker Shade of Magic recently.
8. marvel or dc? Marvel, for sure.
9. if you chose marvel - favourite member of the x-men? if you chose DC - favourite justice league member? Jubilee. Yeah, she’s not like.... that cool, but I had an X-Men Picture Book or something that we got from... Chick-Fil-A? I think? With a kid’s meal???? Anyway, she was the main character, and my first “X-men” and idk I’ve just always really liked Jubilee. 
10. night or day? Night, but I’m old now so no time is good. Only sleep time.
11. favourite pokémon? oh fuck right off with this, hhhhh. Eevee (and all evolutions but probs Sylveon for my ult); Sandshrew; Mareep; GOOMY; Lilligant; Luxray; Piplup!!!!!!!!!!....... my Sword team is Intelleon, Ninetails, Nickit, Corviknight, Boltund and Hatterene and I really love all of them but especially my Hatterene? She’s so slow but she tries so hard.
12. top 5 bands: just bands???? Fall Out Boy, (G)I-DLE, Bastille, PVRIS, BTS
13. top 10 books: Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix, Mistborn, A Great and Terrible Beauty, One Thousand Years of Solitude, A Storm of Swords, The Mists of Avalon, A Darker Shade of Magic, Six of Crows, American Gods. I clearly really really love fantasy, in all forms.
14. top 4 movies: Thor Ragnarok is my go-to happy film.  Monty Python & The Holy Grail; Star Wars; Battle Royale? Sure those sound good. It’s harder to name 4 movies than it is to name 10 books....
15. america or europe? well, sadly, I live in America
16. tumblr or twitter? tumblr is for sims, twitter is for screaming into the void. though sometimes I do that here too, so,
17. pro-choice or pro-life? pro-choice
18. favourite youtuber: we watch a lot of Good Mythical Morning, Outside Xbox (oxbox!!) and Bon Apetit videos lately... And Hot Ones, a lot. We don’t have cable so those are our “dinner” shows....
19. favourite author? GRRM, I guess? VE Schwab too
20. tea or coffee? Both. I’m trying, and failing, to cut back on my coffee intake but here we are.
21. otp? Space Parents Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla.... Ron & Hermione. For my own characters, Veriling are on a level of their own.
22. do you play an instrument/sing? I played the flute when I was younger but I don’t anymore. All singing I do now is for myself and probably AWFUL! 
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eileen-crys · 5 years
Tag! Get to know me!
Got tagged by the lovely @i-live-for-queen 💜💜💜 I'm making a new post so it's not too long to scroll down hahah
1. Dogs or Cats? BOTH!!! I'm more a cat person but I love both
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Idk honestly...
3. If you could choose to live anywhere, where would it be? I'd say England but I'm not sure if with all of these Brexit stuff I could actuallh live there? :/ so I'm not sure-
4. Disney or Dreamworks? WHY??? 😭😭😭 I love both as well!!!
5. Favorite Childhood TV show? Pokémon, Total Drama, Dexter's Lab and Phineas & Ferb! Also lots of random anime lmao
6. The movie you are most looking forward to in 2020? Probably Black Widow 'cause I love the MCU!
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? "Queen Unseen" by Peter Hince
8. Marvel or DC? Marvel all the way ✌🏻
9. If you choose Marvel, favorite member of the X-man? STORM 😍
10. Night or Day? Night ☆
11. Favorite Pokemon? ABSOL 💜💜💜 Wobbuffet and Arcanine are close 2nd, but Absol and its mega owns my heart.
12. Top 5 Bands/Artists: Queen, Lady Gaga, Bon Jovi, Spandau Ballet, Imagine Dragons
13. Top 10 Books? His Dark Materials saga and the Harry Potter saga, that makes 10 books hahahah (jokes aside, I read more comics and artbooks than normal books, so idk sorry-)
14, Top Four Movies? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, School of Rock, Young Frankenstein, The Blues Brothers.
15. US or Europe? Europe I guess
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr, I don't even have twitter
17. Favorite Vacation Destination? London, Prague and Wien, I love visiting cities in general! I'd love to visit Egypt tho
18. Favorite Youtuber? RealBreakingNate (he's a Pokemon youtuber) and Jonathan Young
19. Favorite Author? Philip Pullman and E. A. Poe
20. Tea or Coffee? Coffee!
21. OTP? Strange x Clea and Johnica! I like other ships but I live for these two!
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? I used to play the classical guitar when I was little
Thanks again for the tag! I tag @deakysgurl @john-deacon-fucks @painandpleasure86 @warriorteam1924 and @masterstarpikachu
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emmysimmy · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag Thing
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
Tagged By: @abysims and @luckiselki Tagging: (if you already did this ignore me, I went 7 pages back in all your blogs to check, but I may have missed it) @whyhellosims, @spooky-day, @witchysims17
dude its really late here i dont know 11 people... ummm if you want to be tagged this counts as me taggin you. goodnight zzzzzzzz
(oh boy get ready for this yall are about to find out i’m THE WORST)
1. Dogs or Cats?
Cats, but you wouldn’t know that because I have two great danes and babysit 3 yorkies 5 days a week. But cats are so much easier to vibe with than dogs. 
I also have a secret talent for being able to just pick up stray cats off the street and take them home 
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
I’m lowkey over the whole celeb thing. no thanks yall 
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Okay, within viewing distance of the grand canyon in Arizona. I literally have real estate alerts for the area. 
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
I highkey do not engage with disney stuff, i worked with the company for 5 years and I’m not about giving them any money. Dreamworks is okay. but they’re on thin fucking ice. 
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Courage the Cowardly Dog (does it show?) and Sailor Moon
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Ok, probably Wonder Woman 1984, but I just saw the synopsis for Free Guy, so I’m gonna say that.  
7. Favourite book you read in 2019?
lol nerd i cant read. JK. I’m gonmna plug my friend’s book, Revalations by Kay Sanders. I haven’t finished it yet but uh, it’s literally just porn so if you’re under 18 dont read it 
8. Marvel or DC?
Pfffffffffttt. Dark Horse, fools. 
9. If you choose Marvel favourite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
Hellboy. Ron Perlman as Hellboy. I have a huge crush on ron perlman 
10. Night or Day?
I guess night if it’s hot and day if its cold, i live in florida i hate the sun  
11. Favourite Pokemon?
12. Top 5 bands:
This is bands, no solo artists: Honne, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, OK Go, and Aly & Aj 
13. Top 10 books.
A series of Unfortunate Events, end of list. 
14. Top 4 movies
Ratatouille (i’m a hypocrite but i also only watch it on a pirated dvd soooo), Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, and Uptown Girls  
15. America or Europe?
Europe I guess.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
tumblr, but they’re on thin fucking ice
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
Pro-Choice, duh. 
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Jenna Marbles and Simplynaillogical and whispersRedASMR
19. Favourite author ?
Uh... me??
20. Tea or Coffee?
21. OTP ?
Ok, Level with me here, I’m about to reveal some deep personal information. 
My two OTPS are Bulma/Vegeeta from DragonBall and Usagi/Mamoru from Sailor Moon.  
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
this is where you’re gonna hate me
I play the banjo, ukulele, guitar, and I just started learning piano and I started voice training.... so... I also used to play violin but uh... my teacher was the worst. 
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lal-ffxiv · 5 years
Get to Know Me
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Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better. 
1. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs are chaotic good. Cats are a neutral evil. Both are great pets. I am a fish pet person.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
I would get way more excited about meeting some Youtubers than I would about most celebrities.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Alaska. Too cold for bugs, sun never sets, but also night never ends.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Uhhh, probably a PBS TV show that I can’t remember anymore. 
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020
Wonder Woman 1984
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
The Beetle by Richard Marsh. I had to read it for my Victorian Lit class. It is period typical problematic, but also really good if you get past that.
8. Marvel or DC?
DC. I love Batman and his adopted children and his actual child.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
Not counting the Trinity or Mera or Jessica Cruz Green Lantern, I would say Barry Allen The Flash.
10. Night or Day?
11. Favourite Pokemon?  
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12. Top 5 bands:
I listen to lots of music without regard of who its by so on the top of my head.
Fox Academy
Of Men and Monsters
Backpack Party
Vitamin String Quartet
13. Top 10 books.
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, which is three books, Messenger by Lois Lowry, I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak, Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Two Boys Kissing & Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
14. Top 4 movies
Star Trek Beyond
Speed Racer
15. America or Europe?
I always want to go to Europe for backpacking, but at the same time an America road trip sounds fun.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr. It is the only social media I have.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
People who can have babies should be offered enough support and resources for their choices.
18. Favorite YouTuber?
Jamie Jo. She is so positive, funny, and sweet. All her videos are chill and amazing.
19. Favorite author ?
Maggie Steifvater. I aspire to achieve in writing what her writing has made me feel.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Hot bean juice or hot leaf juice, how can I really make a choice?
21. OTP ?
The love story and tragedy that is Mikototsu.
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22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
I use to sing when I was little and I played piano for one week, but I think that works out to, No on both accounts.  
 @seina-kurokiba​ and @esme-selah​, thanks for the tag!!
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levelofdepth · 5 years
Tag! Get to know me!
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @opalxempress
Tagging (with no pressure to do it): @haospart, @hoiist, @toomanyoperatives, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, and @lanabenikoisagodess. Sorry if any of you were already tagged.
1. Dogs or Cats?
It doesn’t matter to me as long as I can cuddle it and it will cuddle me back.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
I enjoy the curated content on Youtube, but I think @opalxempress put it quite nicely: “Don’t put people on pedestals, they will inevitably fall off and crush you if you’re standing too close.”
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
By my girlfriend’s side.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
I like to mouth off about the conglomerate mouse
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
The Last Airbender as well as its successor, The Legend of Korra. However, there are a lot of shows I enjoyed when I was younger. Funny, since I don’t really watch any shows anymore.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Like shows, I don’t watch many movies. I’m going to cheat a little and say The Rise of Skywalker, because it’s practically 2020. It’s also the only movie I’m probably going to go out and watch for the next year.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. I’m a leader in my school’s club for “social justice” (for lack of a better way to describe it), so this book has been incredibly helpful and enlightening in educating myself and others on how to talk about racism with white people.
8. Marvel or DC?
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Rogue, Jean, or Storm. I also kind of like Professor X, Magneto, and Mystique. 
I watched the X-Men movies a lot when I was younger with my dad, and the themes of these young adults/teens struggling with their identities in the face of societal oppression (essentially) hit close to home for me. I haven’t watched any of the movies in awhile, and I never finished the Wolverine series, but I still get that warm feeling one experiences when they wax nostalgic.
10. Night or Day?
Any hours outside of school hours are friends of mine. Except the entire day of Sunday. 
Sundays give me anxiety.
11. Favorite Pokemon?
I never really got into Pokemon. Walking around and suddenly getting stopped to fight really pissed me off. I liked riding the bike around in Diamond and Pearl though.
Anyways Snorlax.
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
I have a niche music taste, but...
Bring Me The Horizon
The top three I listen to religiously. The rest just happen to be bands I listen to consistently; most of the music I enjoy is just a song I liked and saved to my library or added to a playlist of similar songs.
13. Top 10 books.
I’m gonna be honest, I read more fanfiction than I do books, however some books/series that I enjoyed were
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The How to Train Your Dragon series by Cressida Cowell (read these concurrently with my father when I was younger, those were fun days)
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Things Fall Apart/The African Trilogy Chinua Achebe
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
1984 by George Orwell
The Terrorists Son by Zak Ebrahim
14. Top 4 movies
In no particular order
Rogue One
The Hobbit
The LotR Series (all of them yes)
Toy Story 1-3 (I have not seen 4)
and because im a sucker for melodrama i liked revenge of the sith
15. US or Europe?
Ask me again after 2020.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Don’t even have a Twitter.
17. Favorite vacation destination?
My family is big on Disney World.
18. Favorite YouTuber?
Lindsay Ellis. She makes very engaging video essays on media, particularly movies and shows. I’m not a film lit student, and yet she manages to bring me back for all of her videos, and then some! 
19. Favorite author ?
I look at authors like I do music; I like books, and if I happen to click with a particular author, they’re an outlier. However, Cressida Cowell paved the road for my reading habits to take off on for many years as a child, and I love how much I bonded with my father over her books.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee all the way.
21. OTP?
Not counting ships with OCs (sorry SWTOR), and the order is intentional
Rizzles - I believe there might be some controversy with this ship, but I never actually watched the show. A long time ago, I stumbled across a fanfic author named colormetheworld who captured my little, lesbian mind with her rendition of this ship, so it’s a bit personal, to be terse.
Clexa - Again, I never watched the show. There wasn’t really a single author that got me interested in this ship, but Lightning Only Strikes Once 
Whiterose - I’m just a fan of the opposites attract trope.
Wayhaught - It’s nice to have positive representation (knock on wood).
22. Do you play an instrument/sing?
I can play the guitar, piano, drums, though I’m incredibly rusty at the latter two, and unfortunately I had a run in with the recorder back in middle school.
Also “unfortunate run in” would be a good descriptor for my singing voice, because that would be an accident. Or just a straight up disaster.
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