#its so funny to me chess is like one of the few things that im not like. very think-y about. i just listen to the music and Feel Emotions.
differentpostrebel · 12 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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This gif cause Zoro looked ready for war
Chapter 30: The Palace Siege 
A/N: Another Chapter in the books! Still one of favs writing it. So much is at stake as Y/N will now be facing Doflamingo in a stipulation. Im not gonna lie Y/N is going to be put through the ringer, and secrets will be revealed. Thank you guys for everything, liking, commenting, following!. I cant wait for you guys to see what else is in store. But without further a do let the adventure begin! We will be getting some Sanji POV’s as he is just about arriving to Zou.. and we have the first set of surprises coming also (heheh) 
Word count: 5.5K
Sanji X Reader, OP x Reader, Sanji x Y/N
A few minutes passed since I made that stipulation with Doflamingo. I knew I wasn't going to win—that was certain—and I knew he would never release Law. Doflamingo is a man who cheats and manipulates to get his way. It's his game, and I was just a chess piece. Now, I found myself staring at my reflection as Baby 5 had escorted me to Doflamingo's quarters. I was still in chains, but the strings binding me were gone, which was at least a small mercy.
I looked down at my legs, where marks were starting to form from the restraints. Slowly, my gaze returned to the bruises forming on my neck, remnants of Doflamingo’s cruel grip. “Now for Phase 3,” I thought, trying to stay focused. "Cause enough damage to the palace so that once Luffy is inside, he’ll know exactly where to go."
As I continued to contemplate the next move, Baby 5 walked in with some materials in hand. "What's that?" I asked, not bothering to look away from the mirror.
"The young master requested a few changes," she replied, her tone dripping with annoyance. It was clear she wasn’t happy with me being here. "And I didn’t forget that you’re the harlot who stole my Law from me," she added with a cigarette between her lips.
A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth, my eyes still focused on the mirror. "Harlot, huh? Funny. That’s the same thing Monet called me before I killed her." My gaze locked onto hers through the mirror, challenging her. "I suggest you find a new word or else."
Baby 5 faltered for a moment, her bravado cracking ever so slightly as she laid out the materials on the bed. The room was luxurious, with silk satin sheets adorning the king-sized bed. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a short red corset dress, its bodice sparkling with gemstones and intricate embroidery. Alongside it sat makeup, hair ties, and something that made my stomach twist—a tiara. It was silver, with a large red ruby glinting at the front.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes in disgust. “Let me guess. He wants me to look like a doll, right?”
“Something like that,” Baby 5 replied, her voice dripping with amusement. “Young Master said you need to look your best... for when the game begins.” She picked up the dress, holding it out for me to inspect. The gems glistened under the soft light of the room, but all I saw was a prison.
I stepped forward, glaring at the outfit and then at her. "And this too?" I said, pointing at the tiara. "The bastard wants me to wear a tiara?"
Baby 5’s eyes flicked to the tiara before meeting mine, her smirk widening. "It suits you, doesn't it? A pretty little ruby to match his 'precious' princess."
my eyes narrowed. "He really thinks this will break me? Dressing me up like some sort of twisted prize?"
"Why fight it?" Baby 5 said, raising an eyebrow. "You’re already in chains. He’s already won."
I leaned in closer, my voice low and dangerous. "He hasn’t won yet. This game is far from over."
Baby 5’s smirk wavered, just for a moment, and I knew my words had struck a nerve. I turned back to the mirror, my reflection staring back at me, bruised but not broken. The tiara sat there like a crown of mockery. Minutes passed, and Baby 5 had already changed my outfit, tying the strings in the back with a roughness that hurt my ribs.
“I need to figure something out, in the meantime,” I thought. “I need my blades to create a stronger impact.” Baby 5’s harshness in tying the strings caused me to wince. “Easy!” I protested.
“Oops, sorry,” Baby 5 said, smirking as she continued her task. She finished with my makeup and styled my hair into a high bun, carefully placing the tiara on my head and securing it so it wouldn’t move. “There! Don’t you look regal?” she said, laughing.
All I could see in the reflection was the hatred I had for Doflamingo. Suddenly, an idea struck me. “Baby 5 did all this because Doflamingo needed her to,” I realized. “What if...”
“Baby 5,” I said, turning to her.
“What do you want?” she sneered.
“I need you to do me a favor,” I said, watching her closely. Baby 5’s eyes widened in surprise. “You... need me?” she stammered.
“Bingo,” I thought, feeling a glimmer of hope. “Yes, Baby 5. I need you to tell me where the—” I almost spat the words, “—young master has hidden my blades. We’re playing a game of ‘find the prize,’ and the prize happens to be my blades. If the young master gets to them first, I lose. And I don’t want that. So, I need you to tell me where they are. Do you think you can do that for me?”
Baby 5, still caught up in the idea that someone needed her help, moved to one of the cabinets in Doflamingo’s room. “They are right here!” she said, opening the cabinet to reveal my blades and thigh halter, all tied together with one of Doflamingo’s strings.
“So that’s how he got them,” I thought. I reached for my blades and yanked the string off, feeling a sudden surge of power as they returned to me. Although I was still in chains, the rush of energy from my blades was unmistakable. I quickly grabbed my thigh halter and attached it to my left thigh, hiding the blades once more.
I turned to Baby 5 and said, “Thank you, Baby 5. You’ve been a real help.” I smiled, and she still looked dazed, mumbling to herself, “Someone needed me, and I helped,” clearly pleased that someone had relied on her.
Just then, the transponder snail rang. Baby 5 picked it up. “Is the princess ready for me?” Doflamingo’s voice caused my anger to flare.
“Yeah, she’s ready, young master,” Baby 5 said, her voice tight with renewed focus.
“Good. Bring her to me,” Doflamingo said before hanging up the transponder snail.
Baby 5’s demeanor changed abruptly. She grabbed my left arm with a firmness that snapped me back to reality. I couldn’t help but smirk as Phase 3 was about to commence.
Zoro POv…
“So wait! You’re a princess! Just like Y/N?!” Luffy exclaimed, smacking me across the head.
“Would you keep it down!” I hissed, rubbing the spot where Luffy hit me.
“Wait, are you implying that you are Dressrosa royalty?” Kinemon asked, his eyes wide with surprise.
“I used to be,” Violet said, placing her hand on a hidden stone. “I’m no longer part of the royal family, but I was once.”
“Wait! If Rebecca is the king’s granddaughter, that makes you...” Luffy’s eyes widened in realization.
“Rebecca is my niece,” Violet confirmed, as she found and revealed a secret passage leading to the palace. “She’s the daughter of my late sister, Scarlet.”
“A hidden door?! Are you a ninja?! A princess and a ninja, how remarkable!” Kinemon exclaimed, clearly amazed.
“Now… I’ve seen everything,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief.
As the hidden passage came to light we made our way down the dusty stairs. We’ll remain hidden and avoid detection by using this passage. It belongs to the Riku family. Not even Doflamingo knows about it.” said Violet. 
“Hmmm, it looks like this passage leads to the top,” I said, examining the narrow corridor that seemed to rise toward the palace.
“Hey Luffy, why don’t you take this boulder and shoot yourself up?” I suggested, gesturing to a large boulder nearby.
Luffy grinned. “Got it! Alright, here I go!” He stretched his arms around the boulder and began to elongate, lifting himself and the boulder up toward the top.
“Make it snappy, Luffy! Y/N needs us!” I shouted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the urgency.
“Please, climb up quickly!” Madame Ninja—Violet—pleaded, her concern evident.
“No way! What?!” Violet exclaimed, shocked at our unorthodox plan to reach the top quickly.
Sabo POV… 
I did my final stretch as the competition neared its start. A laugh escaped me, and I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement. With my metal pipe in hand, I made my way to the arena. "Well, let's go, Marine Colosseum!" I called out, turning to the guy next to me.
"What did you say?" he asked, clearly confused.
"It’s Bartolomeo," he corrected.
As I stepped out, the crowd erupted in cheers. I raised my right hand to the sky, whispering, "I hope you are watching over me, Ace!" My mind then flickered to Y/N. "Y/N, wherever you are, I hope you're safe," I muttered, determination and concern intertwining as I headed toward the dome.
As the other four contenders entered the arena, I noticed Rebecca’s gaze lingering on me. There was a flicker of doubt in her eyes, as if she might be questioning whether I was really Lucy.
The announcer’s voice boomed through the Colosseum, introducing Diamante to the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers, and I adjusted my sunglasses, locking eyes with Diamante. He had a confident smirk, and his presence demanded attention.
Diamante began speaking to the crowd, his voice carrying over the noise. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves! In the waters below, we have some special guests—the fighting fish!" His tone was dramatic, clearly enjoying the crowd's excitement. "One of these fighting fish carries a treasure chest on its back, and within that chest is none other than the Flame-Flame Fruit!"
The announcement was met with an uproar of cheers and gasps from the audience. Diamante continued, outlining the rules with a flourish. "The rules are simple: stay in the ring and retrieve the chest with the Flame-Flame Fruit to claim victory. No matter what, the chest must be secured."
With that, the bell rang, signaling the start of the match. The arena filled with a mix of tension and anticipation as the competitors readied themselves for the challenge ahead. My mind was focused, determined to navigate through the chaos and claim the prize.
As the bell rang and the match commenced, Burgess lunged at me with a powerful strike. I quickly dodged, slipping to the side with practiced ease. I could feel the intensity of the battle heating up as I circled the ring, my eyes scanning the water for the first sign of the fighting fish.
The crowd's cheers echoed around me, but I focused solely on the task at hand. I kept moving, staying light on my feet and watching for any disturbance in the water. The fish were fast and erratic, making it hard to pinpoint which one was carrying the treasure chest.
I continued to dodge sporadic attacks from my opponents, using the movements to draw out the fish. I needed to be patient, waiting for the right moment to strike. The key was to avoid getting caught in the crossfire while I searched for the prize.
My heart raced as I kept my focus on the water, hoping that the right fish would reveal itself soon. Each second felt like an eternity as I danced around the ring, ready for whatever came next.
"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up," Doflamingo said, his voice dripping with mockery as he sauntered towards me. "Baby 5, thank you for getting the princess ready for me. You may leave."
Baby 5 nodded and quickly exited, her footsteps fading away. Doflamingo moved into my line of sight, blocking my view of the video transponder snail. I couldn't see if Luffy had made any progress, which made my anxiety spike.
Doflamingo approached, his hand trailing suggestively across the ornate corset dress I was forced to wear. His touch was both unsettling and humiliating. He grasped my chin roughly, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I must admit, you look quite the part, princess," he said with a smirk. "But let’s see how long you can maintain this charade."
As he leaned in closer, I discreetly activated the hidden mechanism in my bracelet, loosening the chains that bound me. I kept my movements subtle, hiding my growing resolve behind a veneer of defiance and fear.
Doflamingo’s laughter was dark and taunting. "What’s the matter? Stunned into silence? Or are you plotting your escape? I must say, watching you struggle adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this whole affair."
His fingers brushed lightly over the tiara on my head, mocking the regal costume he’d forced upon me. "And this little crown," he continued, "just adds to your humiliation. It’s a sight to behold."
The chains on my wrists were somewhat secured in front of me, but with the hidden mechanism activated in my bracelet, they were now loose enough to be manageable. I met Doflamingo’s gaze with steely determination. “Are you going to talk, or are we going to compete?” I demanded, defiance clear in my tone. Stepping closer to him, I added, “Like I said before, Doffy, I will never be your toy, and I intend to win this chase.” I glanced over to where Law lay unconscious but still breathing.
Before Doflamingo could respond, an alarm blared. “This is the front entrance to the rampart tower, emergency! Strawhat Luffy has broken in!” the transponder snail announced.
"Luffy’s here!" I thought, a wave of relief washing over me. Doflamingo, visibly annoyed, turned his attention to the video transponder snail to view the fight. I managed to catch a glimpse of the screen and my eyes widened. “Wait a minute… is that…” I thought, unable to contain my surprise.
“Huh?” Doflamingo said, his confusion evident. “What the hell is going on here!” He continued to stare at the screen, his frustration mounting.
I broke away from the screen’s gaze and looked at King Riku, sending him a subtle wink and mouthing “don’t worry.” I then returned my attention to the screen to see the man before me. “So, this was your plan all along, Sabo…” I thought, feeling a surge of pride. Despite the lies and the hidden identity, seeing him in action reminded me of why I wanted to know him more. He was an excellent fighter.
“Damn Sabo, I’m supposed to be focusing on my plan and you’re out here distracting me like this.” I thought, a smirk tugging at my lips. Doflamingo’s eyes snapped back to me. “What do you know about this?!” he demanded.
“What’s wrong, Doffy? You’re not afraid, are you?” I taunted. “Besides, we have our own match to play, and it looks like you’re scared.”
Doflamingo gritted his teeth, tightening his hold on me. “Remember, princess, what’s at stake.”
“I know,” I said, smirking. “And I’m not afraid to go head-to-head.”
Just then, another voice cut through the chaos. “I can confirm it’s Strawhat Luffy! And he’s with Pirate Hunter Zoro! And wait, Lady Violet and another swordsman!”
“They made it!” I thought, excitement building. “Now to do my part.”
With renewed determination, I broke free from the chains and lifted my right leg, landing a swift tremor kick to Doflamingo’s chest. He was sent crashing into the wall, debris scattering around him. I looked at King Riku and whispered, “I’ll come back for you as well.”
“Hey Doffy!” I called out, clenching my left hand to activate its power. Doflamingo slowly began to rise. “Catch me if you can.” I smirked and, with that, I broke through the door, speeding away from Doflamingo. As I began to activate Phase 3 of the plan, I felt the weight of the moment and the urgency to ensure everything went as planned.
Zoro POV… 
With Luffy demolishing the door, we didn’t have much of a choice but to barge into the palace. An alarm blared throughout the building, and I yelled, “Luffy!”
Luffy, undeterred, continued to pummel the guards with relentless attacks. “The alarm? You don’t think that’s…” I started to say, but was cut off by a loud bang from upstairs.
Luffy laughed and shouted, “Yup, that’s Y/N!”
“Y/N,” I whispered, a sense of relief flooding over me at the sound of your name. “Fire! Don’t let them escape!” a guard ordered, blasting bullets at us. I drew my swords and swiftly took them down. After a few more punches, the guards fell.
“Kinemon, take care of the little one, okay?” I said.
“But Sir Zoro, I must find my friend Kanjuro. I need to get to the toy house!” Kinemon protested.
“That’s where Operation SOP is happening with the other Tontata,” said the little one.
“Then we must head over there at once!” Kinemon insisted. “Sir Zoro, I will be heading to the Toy Factory!”
“Fine by me. I need to find a reckless princess,” I smirked, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement.
Just then, another loud bang echoed from upstairs. “Let’s go!” I commanded. Luffy, Violet, and I raced up the stairs. “Which way?” Luffy asked.
“Left!” I replied. As we ran, we heard Luffy shout, “I’m coming, Mingo! The coast is clear!” His voice echoed with his usual bravado.
“Guess security can’t keep up!” I said, as we continued sprinting through the halls. Suddenly, a loud noise accompanied the extinguishing of all the candles. “Uh, that’s weird,” Luffy said, looking around.
The wall began to shift, revealing a giant face. “A face!” I exclaimed, looking up. “It’s huge!”
“It’s Pika!” Violet identified. “He’s a top executive!”
“Great, now we’ve got to deal with him,” I muttered.
“He ate the Stone-Stone Fruit,” Violet added. “He can manipulate stone.”
“He looks like a bunch of bricks, if you ask me,” Luffy commented, eyeing the massive stone figure.
Pika launched an attack, nearly hitting us. “We gotta try something. He’s blocking our path!” Luffy said.
Luffy then unleashed his Gomu Gomu Jet Gatling, smashing through Pika’s stone form. “That was easy! Come on!” Luffy cheered.
As we continued running, Pika morphed once more. “Damn it!” I muttered, watching the walls start to close in on us. “The palace itself is our own enemy!”
“Great,” I said, as the walls squeezed tighter. “We’ve got to find another way out.”
“The walls!” Luffy shouted, pointing out the impending danger. “They’re closing in on us fast!”
We pushed forward, fighting against the shifting walls and the chaos that seemed to be closing in around us,
Sabo POV… 
As I continued to fight and dodge, I spotted the fish carrying the treasure chest. “There you are!” I called out, leaping into the air and landing on the fish’s back, evading the other attackers. Just as the fish was about to move towards Rebecca, I grabbed its fin. “Nice, I got you now!”
“Not so fast!” Diamante shouted, rushing towards me with his sword. I laughed and swung my metal pipe, shattering his sword into pieces. “Don’t forget about me!” Burgess roared, preparing to strike.
I held my ground, ready for him. “Eat this! Dragon Claw!” I shouted, launching my attack at Burgess. His assault faltered, and I smashed through his armor, shattering it into fragments.
“Don’t want to give me the fruit? That’s what you get!” I declared, defiance ringing in my voice. “I won’t give up!”
With the fish still under my control and the treasure chest within reach, I remained focused on my goal, determined to secure the Flame-Flame Fruit and turn the tide of the battle.
As I dashed down the stairs, the echo of Doflamingo's voice followed me like a dark shadow. I could hear the amusement in his tone, and it only spurred me on, despite the exhaustion seeping into my muscles.
“Oh, Y/N,” Doflamingo called out, his voice rich with a blend of amusement and desire. “I must admit, watching you run like this is quite entertaining. The more you try to escape, the more I want to catch you. It’s almost a game for me.”
I glanced back briefly, catching sight of his smirk. “This is no game, Doflamingo. I’m not going to let you win.”
He chuckled darkly, his laughter echoing off the walls. “Is that so? But it’s exactly that defiance of yours that makes this all the more exciting. Every step you take, every breath you draw, it only intensifies my desire to catch you. You’re like a wild bird trying to escape from a cage, and I’m eager to see how long you can keep it up.”
I pushed myself harder, my heels pounding against the marble stairs. “You won’t catch me, Doflamingo. Not today.”
“Such fire,” he taunted, his voice growing closer. “But that only makes me want you more. The struggle, the chase, it’s all part of the thrill. And once I have you, oh, you’ll understand just how much I enjoy this little game we’re playing.”
My eyes darted around, searching for another way to outmaneuver him. “Keep dreaming. I’m not falling for your games.”
Doflamingo’s voice was a dark purr, filled with promise. “We’ll see about that. I plan to savor every moment of this chase. And when I finally catch you, I’ll make sure you remember this game for a long time.”
I gritted my teeth, determined to keep moving and make every moment count. His words were a constant reminder of the stakes, but they also fueled my resolve to stay one step ahead.
A string bullet whizzed past, grazing my shoulder and causing me to tumble. I barely managed to roll back onto my feet as Doflamingo's menacing figure closed in, his expression a mix of amusement and desire.
“You’re getting closer,” he said, his voice dripping with anticipation. “Just a few more steps, and I’ll have you right where I want you. You can’t escape, no matter how fast you run.”
With a desperate burst of energy, I clenched my right hand and connected it with my left palm, activating the electrical charge, hoping to buy myself some time. The crackling power illuminated the hallway, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
“What’s this?” Doflamingo sneered, his eyes widening with a mix of interest and frustration. “Trying to make things interesting? I must admit, you’ve got some fire in you. But that’s just what makes this all the more exciting.”
He advanced, his strings flickering like deadly whips. “I’ve been waiting for a challenge like this. The way you defy me—it’s almost endearing. Almost.”
Doflamingo’s gaze was fixated on me, his desire for victory palpable. “I want to see you struggle,” he continued, his voice filled with a sadistic thrill. “The more you resist, the sweeter your defeat will be. Come on, Y/N. Give me everything you’ve got. I’m savoring every moment.”
His words stung, but they also fueled my resolve. “You’ll get nothing but my defiance,” I shot back. “I’ll never give you the satisfaction of my surrender.”
I clenched my left hand and activated its power, feeling another familiar surge of energy. Stepping with my left leg, I appeared behind him in a blur. I released the electrical charge from my right hand, sending a powerful jolt through Doflamingo’s body.
“Ugh!” Doflamingo gasped, his eyes widening in shock as the electricity coursed through him. “What the—”
“This isn’t a game for me, Doflamingo,” I said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline. “I won’t be your toy, and I won’t let you win.”
The electrical shock gave me the moment I needed. I sprinted away from him, putting as much distance between us as I could. Doflamingo’s furious shouts followed me, his frustration palpable. “You won’t get away! I’ll make you regret this, Y/N! Just wait until I catch you again!”
But I didn’t stop. I focused on my escape, knowing that every second I could delay him brought Luffy and the others one step closer. 
Zoro POV…
“Damn it!” I cursed as Pika continued to lift the entire palace floor, causing the ground to shift beneath us. The stones we’d destroyed always reformed, making it feel like a never-ending fight. “This guy’s a real pain in the ass!”
Luffy, equally frustrated, shouted, “What the hell is this?!”
“None of our attacks seem to be hitting! Luffy, we gotta think fast or we’ll be stuck here forever!” I gritted my teeth, frustrated at the situation. “108 Caliber Phoenix!” I shouted, unleashing my attack and shattering more stones. But Pika just kept coming back, his stone form regenerating with each blow. The massive stone walls surrounded us again, blocking any chance of escape.
Luffy was about to launch another attack when I stopped him. “Luffy, listen! You need to take Violet and go on ahead. Leave this stone bastard to me. You go and kick Doflamingo’s ass twice as hard for me, and get to Y/N—fast!”
The weight of my words hung in the air. I gripped my sword tighter, feeling the urgency pounding in my veins. Y/N was somewhere in this palace, and I wasn’t going to let some stone giant stop us from getting to her.
Luffy hesitated for a moment, but then he gave a determined nod. “Right, got it, Zoro! I’m counting on you!”
Without another word, he grabbed Violet and dashed off, leaving me to face Pika alone. The ground shifted underfoot again as Pika towered over me
I clenched the handle of my sword tighter, my jaw set with determination. “Hold on, Y/N. We’re almost there,” I muttered under my breath as I prepared for my next strike. 
Y/N Pov… 
I continued to run, leaving bloodied handprints on the walls as markers for Luffy and the others. My right hand was throbbing, bleeding from the strain I had put on it. I came to a stop, leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. "I think... I lost him," I whispered, trying to catch my breath. But I knew better than to believe Doflamingo would give up so easily.
I glanced down at my left thigh where my swords were still secured, untouched. "Not yet," I thought, biting my lip in frustration. As much as I wanted to use them, I couldn’t—those blades were my trump card, my last resort. "This isn't the time… I need to hold out just a bit longer."
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” I muttered under my breath, my legs threatening to give out beneath me. My breathing was labored, my heart pounding in my chest like it was trying to escape. "Luffy, Zoro, Kinemon... where the hell are you guys?" I whispered, feeling a pang of desperation. "Please... hurry."
I made a sharp left and found an empty room. Without thinking twice, I rushed in, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it. My chest heaved as I tried to regain some composure, the adrenaline still coursing through me. I pressed my back against the door, sliding down until I was seated on the floor, my head leaning back as I tried to calm my breathing.
After a few moments, I forced myself to stand, pushing off the door as I slowly walked deeper into the room. The eerie silence settled around me, amplifying every step I took.
"Okay, just breathe... just think," I murmured to myself, glancing around the dimly lit room. "I need to figure out the next move."
I clenched my fists, ignoring the sharp sting in my right hand. "I can’t let him catch me, not now. Not when we’re this close."
I made my way closer to the desk, my footsteps echoing in the silence. Papers were scattered haphazardly across its surface. Curiosity getting the better of me, I began sifting through them, spreading them out further. My eyes scanned the pages, my mind racing to make sense of what I was seeing.
“What the…” I muttered under my breath, confusion turning into disbelief as I looked closer. There, laid out before me, were all of our wanted posters—Luffy, Zoro, and even mine. They were pinned down, as if meticulously studied. But next to them, something else caught my eye.
Documents. Detailed records. And at the top of one of the pages, bold letters spelled out the truth behind Dressrosa. My breath hitched in my throat as I quickly skimmed through the papers, piecing it all together.
My hands froze, my heart skipping a beat as my eyes locked onto the final few lines of text.
“No… this can’t be right,” I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief. “This whole time… this is what he's been hiding?”
I clenched the papers tightly, anger rising within me. “The citizens... everything that’s happened—it’s all been a lie.” I stood there, stunned, the weight of the truth crashing down on me like a tidal wave.
I swallowed hard, my voice barely above a whisper. “Doflamingo… you bastard."
I made my way toward the door, desperate to leave before Doflamingo could catch up. My breath still shallow, my hand hovering over the handle—when suddenly, his voice cut through the air like a blade.
"I’ve got to hand it to you, princess," Doflamingo’s voice dripped with menace, "you’re exactly what they make you out to be."
The lights flickered on, illuminating the room in a harsh, cold glow. My heart sank as I realized the truth. I had run straight into a trap. My body tensed, my mind racing to think of a way out, but the walls felt like they were closing in.
Doflamingo’s smirk deepened as he approached, his steps slow, deliberate. “But, it looks like I caught you, which means you’re mine now.”
My eyes widened in panic. His fingers moved with precision, strings shooting out from them and wrapping around my wrists and body before I could react. I struggled, but it was no use. His strings tightened, immobilizing me completely. He yanked me back effortlessly, pulling me toward him with a sadistic grin plastered across his face.
"Let's get you back where you belong," he whispered, his tone low and dangerous.
I was dragged through the hallways, my body unable to fight the pull of his Devil Fruit power. By the time we reached the familiar room where Law and I had been held before, my wrists and body were bound tightly in the same chair. I could see Law now, fully awake, his face contorted in anger and desperation.
Y/N!” Law shouted, straining against his sea prism stone handcuffs. “Damn it! Let her go!”
His voice was filled with urgency, but the situation seemed hopeless. The room was crowded with three guards, Baby 5, and Buffalo, all of them poised to act if either of us tried anything.
I forced a strained laugh, despite the pain. “Wow, Doffy, you really had to bring backup this time? Scared I’m gonna kick your ass again?”
Buffalo chuckled, but Doflamingo’s eyes were cold as ice. “Oh, Princess,” Doflamingo said, his voice dripping with mockery, “it’s not fear. It’s about ensuring you stay exactly where I want you. I’m here to make sure you don’t cause any more trouble.”
I nodded toward the wall where I’d left a dent. “I mean, if you come to think of it, that hole in the wall over there,” I said, pointing with my head, “is a pretty solid reminder of what happens when you underestimate me.”
Doflamingo’s expression darkened, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “Careful, Princess,” he warned, his tone edged with menace. “Your defiance is only going to make things worse for you. The more you provoke me, the more pleasure I’ll take in breaking you.”
He tightened his grip on the strings binding me, causing a fresh wave of pain to shoot through me. I winced but kept my gaze steady. “I’ll never give you the satisfaction,” I spat out.
Doflamingo’s lips curled into a sadistic smile. “You’re quite the little warrior, aren’t you? But bravery won’t save you here. In my domain, strength means nothing. All that matters is how well you endure.” He glanced over at Law, who was still fighting his restraints with desperate energy. “And as for Law here, his pleas are nothing but background noise. He’s powerless to help you now.”
His fingers lingered on the strings, tightening their grip with deliberate cruelty. “I have no intention of letting you go. You’re mine now, Princess, and I plan to savor every moment of your suffering.”
The room was heavy with tension as Doflamingo’s words and actions continued to taunt and torment. The guards, Baby 5, and Buffalo remained vigilant, their eyes fixed on the scene as the situation grew ever more dire.
As I continued to struggle against the tight, painful bindings, my mind was focused on one thing: Luffy. I couldn’t help but think, "Luffy, where are you?"
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Warning: incoherent rant incoming, BUT i finally watched the undiscovered country ep a few hours ago and oh my fucking god. It definitely could be worse but also if u remove the entire concept from your typical law and order svu dramatiques its just. So so so funny. The Barba baby euthanasia episode is real and it can hurt me . Utterly ridiculous. His dad died fifteen years ago but he also died seven years ago. Six seasons. He was here for six seasons and during those seasons we were told one (1) thing about this mans backstory and they rewrote it. Just like that. Because fuck continuity ig. I can count the amount of times we ve gotten to see barba outside of a work setting, the places we ve seen him go to during those six seasons on my fingers, easyyyy no problem. and one of those times, one of those places is a hospital room. A hospital room where he pulls the plug! He pulls the plug of a babys life support!!! For a woman he barely knows??? Im??? Speechless???! If i could be any animal, any animal of my choice, i would want to be a fly in the law and order special victims unit's writing room, a fly on their wall, during this beautiful, beautiful meeting during which the "barba kills a brain dead baby and quits his job forever" plotline was proposed. Because its genuinely such a baffling idea. And i get it. I really do. They had to write him off somehow, Raúl wanted to go back to Broadway, he had to play the role of a bisexual chess player. Good for him . But they could have written literally anything else. Anything. Something that didn't involve dead babies or dramatic hospital visits. The only thing that can save me now, the only thing that can keep me sane after this mess is getting really really really into chess the musical, just to remind myself the why and that it was all worth it in the end. Also despite my initial intentions, i kept watching s19 after barbas dramatic departure and oh my god. These people are a mess. they have no idea what they are doing. Barba left and everything went to complete and utter shit. Carisi is breaking down and instructing his niece to commit perjury. Cassidy got accused of murder. Benson is hiding a fugitive in her apartment. Its hilarious. These people are hopeless. Its 4 am.
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cyeayt · 7 months
whats ur tim headcanons :)
oooh i have so many i can sort them into appearance, character arc, and sillies, a lot of these are lifted from fics i like fyi,,, ty so much for the ask, this is very rambly lol
i tend to think of Tim as Malay mostly because of Head in the Lion's Mouth and renwhit's other works with the stoker bros which rewrote my brain although in my mind he has short hair instead of long like he has in those series. i also have fallen to the fanon of him wearing colorful button ups but i don't really like him in aloha shirts just cause i think he has better taste than that, i also think he has his ears pierced and i am not immune to the idea that he wears a shark tooth necklace he got from Danny. I do also think that he had his hair shorter and dyed purple on the ends in season 1 that he then stopped taking care of in season 2 so it was washed out green and all messy by season 3, by which time i also think his fashion had deteriorated and to me he was at the unknowing in the rattiest hoodie imaginable and jeans he had been wearing for at least 4 days. he can have a graphic tee as a treat but he was def greasy.
in terms of his character i have a lot of stuff that i think are headcanons that are actually just canon (like that he knew something was up with sasha before not-sasha was revealed or that he felt comfortable in research before getting drawn back into the horror) because i have a really shitty memory but heres some stuff im pretty sure isn't plain stated in the text: he and Jon bonded in research and were very close before Jon became the archivist, and part of how they bonded was that they were both overworking themselves looking for their answers and also they're really good at breaking into places together. i am also a sucker for the idea that jon and him were involved or dancing around something but had to break it off when jon got promoted. speaking of hcs with high angst potential, i also think a lot about subtle rituals of intimacy between him and sasha and the small ways in which he would have noticed that there was something off with her. i also see him as being estranged from his parents/ them suspecting him of having something to do with Danny's death, which is not helped by the box of photos n such i think he keeps hidden in his closet/under his bed. in terms of his mentality Tim is really relatable to me i think he really struggles to be trusted in meaningful ways and that Jon suspecting him of murdering Gertrude brought back a lot of bad memories of police and his parents thinking he killed Danny. he gets stuck into patterns of though and mindsets esp when hes depressed and has trouble thinking of things in different terms in s3. also he did nothing wrong but thats neither here nor there
sillies! hcs that have little support but i think are funny, shipping stuff, and like whatever.
It's not really supported by canon unless you think he was playing 4d chess with Basira in s2 but in my mind Daisy and Basira were the ones investigating Danny's disappearance and they have a bad history. i like to put this one in my aus/ give him and daisy and basira a weird antagonistic relationship whenever i can because i think its funny when people are bitter with each other.
while i do agree that Tim would enjoy outdoorsy stuff like rockclimbing or kayaking, i don't think he's that good at it. i def see him as like the nerdier brother and think that he got into stuff that he and Danny did together, but it would be like Danny trying to convince him to go on the black diamond while Tim zigzags his way down a blue square. idk what the rock climbing equivalent of that is but i do know that tim cannot do bouldering.
i also see tim as being aro-spec like demi-romantic bisexual or somewhere in there idk im aflux aroflux its all soup to me but he and sasha are queerplatonic to me. also don't @ me i think he at the very least flirted with elias a few times either pre-archives for funzies or at some point in s2-3 when he stopped giving a shit.
hcs are so fun bc they're like little outfits you can put your character in like not every fic i write will have all of these and some of my more minute ones contradic each other but they're like ships to me anywayyy
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
watching mha S4 and my thoughts while watching ep1-14
their interveiwing 1A? this'll be funny.
nezu, it makes total sense to allow someone you dont know, who could be a villan onto school grounds, sure buddy (i will bully nezu about everything now) also i dont trust the interviwer, his name is tanayo i think
bakugo is so real for getting mad when a guy is photographing him eating breakfast love how tokoyami uses dark shadow to get food instead of waiting in line himself
why are their chess tiles flat, thats not chess bro
time to find out who overhaul is
okay, so a guy just exploded
shigaraki: "now i get it" well i dont, please explain okay so, i still have no clue whats going but i think its like: twice brings overhaul to base. they talk, shigaraki gets mad. they fight. some guy blows up, overhauls friends come, someone else died at some point and the guys arm gets cut off, overhaul and co. tell leage of villans to think about it, and leave
present mic calling almight emo is SO FUNNY wonder what happened with him and nighteye
nighteye, what in the actual fuck. he literally trapped a girl to a laughing machine, he's insane, like why, what is wrong with him.
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"oh no, hes not funny"
alright nighteye has an even worse almight obsession then deku
okay, so deku isn't failing
betting something happens with nighteye and almight in this season
Tokoyami is going to work study with a guy called hawks. I think hawks is goanna be cool
Deku and mirio found a kid. She was in the intro I think so she's important
so her name is ari. She's cute.
Is it coincidence that ari and shigarako have te same hair?
Crack ship: grand torino/recovery girl
I love Tomiki. He's my favourite.
random but, i'm gonna say that ectoplasm (the guy who makes clones) is the traitor. cause the leuge of villans has a clone guy (mimic) and ectoplasm is a clone guy. so same guy.
red riot is a pretty sick name ngl
kirashima tragic backstory unlocked? (had to check his name with google)
tomiki is allergic to postitvity its so funny i love him
okay, i need explanation, why is everyone here okay got it, this is boring, waiting for the actual rescue misson
nighteye: I cant! (regarding him not using his quirk right then) Aizawa: most jujdmental sideye ever (why does he have the funniest expressions)
loving aizwa right now, with him saying that to deku, like hes so.. also that little chest punch, then also the "i'll be your man" "no"
also ari is so cute and i love her (i barely know her)
ida is so silly, like why
TAMAKI-CENTRIC EPISODE, LETS GO, right after i decided he's my favourite too lol (4 ep8) also just realised his name is tamaki not tomiki
i love miriyo, hes so nice and just generally a good person
tiny plauge doctor becomong big :( he was kinda cute when he was little
tamaki's hero name is sun-eater?
we gonna talk about how miriyo is "sun" and tamaki is "sun eater" i need the backstory of tamaki's hero name okay, not what i expected, i still think theres more we can read into with sun/sun eater (yes im shipping it, sue me)
what if tamaki just starts eating random stuff, imagine if he eats paper and becomes his own notepad
tamaki is not okay (he got hurt and collapsed after a fight)
how come fat's skinny now. like why. i despise skinny fatgum
"a few pounds" you are literally less than half the size you were before
i love how evryones usually obsessing over almight, but we also have kirashima with crimson riot, and i think thats neat
okay, so i think ari's quirk is destroying someones quirk forever? give my kid a break, shes like, 5
also, on one hand, i think overhaul is a really cool and interesting power. on the other, child experimentation is not ok
alright, i'm betting someone gets shot, dunno who yet, but someone will get shot by those permanent quirk destroying bullets
how many personas does twice have?
someone has a truth quirk, also taking back the ectoplasm=twice thing cause they know who twice really is, and who ectoplasm is too, probably
the upside down drunk guy is so funny to me "what are you, drunk" "no, that would be you" (what if this became a ship)
ari is missing a horn, she has one, but its not centered, therefore she's meant to have 2, cause these things are supposed to be symetrical
i would die for ari, and also kill overhaul for her (MD i see why you hate him now)
going to say this now, capes are dumb, especially for million, cause his clothes are made of his hair, so you'd expect for there to not be much fabric, but he has a cape.
nimoto/chisaki new ship
(minimum requirements for ship is that they breathed the same air for at least a scene, and possible are loyal to eachother, but we dont need that)
what if miryo become the first quirkless hero?
miriyo, stop getting hurt
deku came and saved the day (and so did evryone else, probably)
i like locklock
chisaki killed nimoto, like dude, he was, like, the one guy who genuinely liked and supported you.
what if shigaraki and ari are related, i'm pretty sure they are.
ari is also favourite, i love her and would die for her
everytime someone screams "chisaki" i feel like their gonna say "Chisaki smash" and idk why
ari's quirk is to rewind
this scene (deku and ari right after quirk reveal) is going to break me
what if almight and nighteye became "messed up stomach due to villan" buddies
i like dabi, i think he's neat
shigaraki, u good bro? probably not but still
okay, nighteyes dead
i hope we get to see more of ari later on
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qoldenskies · 4 days
Taking a break from homework to ask 11, 12, and 30 from that ask game you reblogged (I’m super super interested in the way other people go about writing their fics lolol 🙏)
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
truthfully it kind of depends! whenever i write i tend to have The Scene in mind and if i get impatient i'll usually write it, but i try to avoid doing it because i notice it messes with flow (but flow and pacing is something im just very conscious of, even though i observe that because im writing it my brain is reading it faster/skimming so its partially a me problem LOL)
in caged lungs im skipping around only because im trying to go with a draft format instead of editing as i go, since its so long itll help when i see everything connected, and there's a few scenes i plan on changing/rewriting completely when i get it all out. technically everything ive posted up to this point is a first draft, and its a habit i hope to break !!
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
i doooo yes, its mostly just a list of things/interactions i know i want. for cvd i have plans for up to chapter 9/10 or so, and just a bunch of scripts/concepts for later. with canary continuity i have a description for each scene on the google doc and i just add the content in as i go, with my actual notepad (thing i discovered i had on my laptop and have been using liberally) i mostly have quotes and passages i want to put in the story
and also for cc in particular im keeping really close track of the motifs and how i want to work them back around. already thinking about the healing part of the arc and implanting scenes/chekhovs guns that are going to loop back around WAY down the line is very funny... i actually do some of this for cvd too, i love to write intentionally like that.... i am weirdly pretentious and earnest about my turtle fanfiction. people have no idea what im going to do with that lamp and i bide my time. also the clocks. and the laundry room. and the ocean (actually that one's fine its just a parallel). and the rooftop. and the cameras oh my god the cameras. i plan on committing so many horrors
really just things i know i WANT to be consistent with is the biggest thing i keep track of (although sometimes things will just pop up AS i'm writing and i roll with the punches, like the security system being a metaphor in coming undone, and also all of the very intentional trust fall parallels and the way it conveniently worked with the chapter names. fun fact for metaphors, i REALLY planned to expand on the chess thing between leo and donnie but it messed with the pacing so im keeping it for cvd.... ive got some ideas)
OH EXCEPT FOR THAT SEP AU IVE VAGUELY TALKED ABOUT. i have EVERY SINGLE chapter plotted out, its 52 chapters long. i am NOT GOING TO WORRY ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW its a far in the future thing. but its also the only au i have that isnt like,,, specifically canon divergent, so i wanted to pay close attention to how i set things up. 4 later (currently the working name for it is where we went wrong, after the song by the hush sound, and honestly im tempted to keep it because it makes the acronym wwww which is beautifully ironic because they take NOTHING BUT LS ITS JUST ONE AFTER ANOTHER OH MY GOD)
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
OH I KIND OF ALREADY ANSWERED THIS ABOVE OOPS. im trying to break out of the habit but i mostly just grammar correct through google docs and then throw out the first draft haphazardly, and it can kinda come off polished anyway because i tend to edit as i go. sometimes it means i'll fix mistakes in fics like a month after releasing them, impatience is my Weakness
wow i yap a lot LMFAO the yapperrrr
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letterturner · 1 year
this post is just me going on a long tangent for an aesthetic im nostalgic for and a bunch of examples of it so click keep reading at your own discretion cause long post ahead
so what im talking is this sort of mid 2000s to like around 2011 neo-victorian aesthetic that also utilized a sort of gothic-circus meets cabaret style. the essence of the 2000s is there even if its not initially visible from the surface because its important to this aesthetic. i think some motifs for this are typical gothic elements like graves and crosses but also things like stripes, butterflies, ragdolls, playing cards, checker patterns, hearts (both whole and broken), chess, circus imagery, roses and rabbits. aesthetics like emo, gothic lolita, circus, goth, mall goth and even steampunk to a small degree are kinda like the cousins to this.
some artists that i think visualized this are mizna wada,
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and gekidan inu curry
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plus a whole bunch of others like hanamushi and dollcreep
i'd say the music genres associated with this style would be dark cabaret and baroque pop. the most popular examples would probably be panic! at the disco's first and third albums
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but you also have other acts like emilie autumn
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the dresden dolls,
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and there were quite a few vocaloid song/mvs that also fit like dark wood circus, trick and treat and the riddle solver who can't solve riddles. plus i feel like a large amount of songs by kikou also match this sort of vibe
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clothing wise i feel like thick stripes were really popular, especially as striped stockings. other things like victorian boots, fingerless gloves and corsets as well. i cant name just one specific clothing style but i def feel like gothic lolita and the neo victorian look really embodies this.
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video games also were kinda influenced by this aesthetic but i dont think it was nearly as prominent. i think the path and alice: madness returns are probably the closest to what im talking abt
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but interestly enough i think the kind of games that utilized this style the most were flash point and click games like gretel & hansel
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and speaking of alice: madness returns it really does seem alice in wonderland and alice in wonderland inspired themes with a darker more gothic-y look became really popular (which think i also plays into the popularity of the neo victorian influence). this is why i think things associated with alice in wonderland like roses, rabbits and playing cards became such popular imagery with this aesthetic. i find it kinda funny when people say the 2010 version of alice in wonderland wasnt good because the color palette was "too dark/gloomy/whatever" cause it really was appealing to the aesthetics of the time which is why it did so well when it came out
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for movies of this aesthetic i know tim burton is probably gonna be the most associated with this which is fair but i credit a lot of it to the costume designer for most of his movies, colleen atwood (who fittingly designed the costumes for 2010 alice in wonderland)
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and even toy wise this aesthetic was visible with dolls like bleeding edge goth
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living dead dolls too (and once again the alice in wonderland theme is present)
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and while the style of pullip dolls is generally lighter they also produced a few dolls like this (*cough* alice in wonderland inspired yet agaain *cough*)
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and last but not least,,VAMPLETS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH; i wish the original vamplets site was still up but i digress.
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there are plenty of more examples like ruby gloom, black butler, the music video for fashion monster, trinity blood, shiki and monster high
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elytrafemme · 2 years
you've talked about switching a lot recently but i've only just now been able to sit down and give my own little account 👍 yippie 🎉
however tbh if you're like "i'm donee talking about this tehehe" throw this ask out the window. shatter the glass for fun either way
anyways!! switching is so freaking funky, especially recently for us because it's been a lot of blurry and stressful switches.. probably due to midterms season? not too sure but also it's october so the mind is becoming full bonkers mode ya know
anyways, for us switches can either be super obvious or just go completely under the radar. there's no i between, and the easier the switch is, the less likely we are to like register that one happened.
well, specifically me because i have a tendency to stay around in co con a lot. when someone switches into co con with me it's usually pretty smooth, and fast, being brought about by very like random things. a song or an image or maybe how someone worded something! ya know
anyways, longer and more difficult switches which can get really rough. i think it's just, we have a really hard time with someone going from not in or near front just coming in full swing. that and also just needing to get someone out and they don't want to be.
but longer switches usually cause us to get really tired and dizzy (and usually an assortment of varying kinds of dissociative) and there's a weird like mental sensation almost like being dragged under into a swamp or being buried in pillows? it's like brain fog turned up an extreme amount
but there's on occasional full switch without all of that, but those are few and far i between. usually these are like zoning out but like for 10 minutes. like a shut down and reboot bust someone else hit the power on button ig.
actually tbh we see a lot of your system things in a very like computer sorta since?? we have a memory/trauma holder who like will create like "firewalls" to block information and sometimes even like shut down a chess to leave/get into front. it's kinda funny now that i'm thinking about it, the whole computer theming
anyways it's also important to note that we have an awful time of realizing who's in front until there's something very distinctly that alter that gets thought/done. that could be due to the heavy mental ick for a past bit, but it also might be a general thing. in fairness we haven't been tracking too long so it's hard to say.
however all around it's like... we struggle finding the queues as to who's in front, especially cuz i am usually there co con and conducting what like i think is best sorta thing. but hm yea i'm loosing the point i'm trying to say to sleepy soupy brain. anyways
i hope you are doing well! and if not that you are able to find contentment soon! i hope today will be a good day, because you deserve it!
HEY ITS BEEN A BIT SINCE U SENT THIS SRRY im having another lunarbloom nightmare switch moments so this is relevant once more and in fact probably will always be relevant bc this is lik daily fdshk
okay i had never thought about it like that as like. the easier the switch the less likely its noticeable. because im thinking now like there have been a lot of times where i abruptly start acting different but dont remember switching but maybe i did? but its just seamless. hm
handshake u and me being hosts that frequent co conning
OH INTERESTING !! despite being a pretty brain foggy individual i dont notice a tonnn of brain fog when i swtich so that is really interesting to note :o plus the synonyms u use those r so interesting
haunted by the metaphors and symbolism <- assigned computer at system
sorry if this is like all over the place as a response but overall this is so so interesting ty for sharing :O always interesting to see how ppl switch since it varies sm!
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Jane Crocker, Jake English
Act 6, page 4208-4217
gutsyGumshoe [GG] began bothering golgothasTerror [GT] at 11:40
GG: J, how goes the bunnyquest?
GT: Ive barely even begun!
GG: Tell me about it.
GT: Youre off to a sluggish start then too i gather?
GG: Dad has the whole house in full fatherly lockdown mode. Talk about blowing a few measly "assassination attempts" way out of proportion!
GG: So I'm currently mulling over my next move.
GG: What is it that has you hamstrung? Did you ever track down the slippery Mr. Strider?
GT: Not exactly.
GT: His stupid doppelglasses have set me on a wild goose chase to go pry his dumb robots chest open and swipe its uranium.
GG: Sounds dangerous!
GT: No shit.
GT: I think id rather deal with the monsters.
GG: Why is it that our two best friends in the world always seem to place themselves at the source of all our problems, while simultaneously presenting their only solutions?
GT: I know right???
GG: I'm debating whether or not to enlist his help in the matter of my current imprisonment. But I'd rather keep it as a plan of last resort.
GT: Dont do it jane its a trap!!!
GG: We'll see.
GG: So I take it you're out and about now?
GT: Hell no. I spent so much time haggling with those confounded shades im only leaving my room just now.
GG: Right. Well, not to keep you too long, since we both still have our missions ahead of us, but I wanted to tell you about that dream I had.
GT: Oh yeah!
GT: I was curious about that. Tell me everything and make it snappy!
GT: *Whips up bucket of freshly popped corn.*
GG: Hoo. :B
GG: Ok, but, I should say that the nature of the dream was a bit worrisome.
GG: And I'm concerned it may have implications for the game we're about to play.
GG: So it's probably best that I tell you about it before you leave.
GT: Well shoot.
GT: Ok then lay it on me jane.
GG: I woke up on the planet which we have been told about by our mutual acquaintance.
GG: The one covered in golden cities. Prospit, remember?
GT: Oh. Wouldnt it be prospits moon?
GG: Yes, you're right. It was the moon, actually. I could see the planet on the dark horizon.
GG: I was dressed in a golden dress, like a sort of nightgown, and I could fly. I left my bedroom, which was at the top of a tall tower. Surrounding me were the gold cities, just as described.
GG: Behind the skyline was darkness. But just above was a bright blue sky and puffy white clouds.
GT: That was skaia!
GG: Yes, probably.
GG: Are you sure you haven't woken up there before?
GT: Haha i WISH.
GT: I have received reports from jade about this as well. She liked to talk about her dreams on prospits moon a lot.
GG: I see. The impression I have developed is that this is supposed to be a real place, and all who dream there have shared experiences.
GG: Did Jade ever mention seeing us there?
GT: No but why would she? This was long before we were born! She was dreaming there like a hundred years ago or something.
GG: Hrmm. Anyway...
GG: I explored the moon, and began to notice people gathering in the streets.
GG: But they weren't human. They were funny looking, perfectly white creatures.
GT: Yeah those are prospitians.
GT: They have these hard carapace shells and also have something to do with chess i think?
GG: Well, I don't know if they had much to do with chess here.
GG: The more closely I observed, the more they appeared somewhat despondent.
GT: Like...
GT: Sad?
GG: Yes.
GG: I determined they were in mourning, actually.
GT: Hey.
GT: Jane you said i was in this dream. Where do i come in?
GG: Shoosh! I'm getting there.
GG: More and more Prospitians were filing out of the buildings every moment.
GG: They all began to form a single, major procession.
GG: When I got closer, I could see that some were in tears.
GG: I realized this was a funeral.
GG: I heard whispers, but couldn't make out what they were saying, so I got closer.
GG: They were all saying the same thing, over and over.
GG: "The Page is dead."
GG: "Our hope is lost."
GT: The page?
GT: Whos that?
GG: Jake.
GG: The Page was you.
GT: Oh.
GT: Drat.
GT: Are you sure?
GG: Yes, I saw your body lying in a sort of coffin, on a bed of flowers. You were dead as a doornail.
GG: Everyone was so distraught!
GG: Including me. :(
GG: But before I could get too horribly upset, let alone make sense of any of it, I woke up.
GG: I of course immediately wanted to tell you all about, but it was still well before sunrise for you, and you were surely still asleep.
GG: Then as the day went on I guess I became distracted by other things. You know how it is.
GG: I hope I'm not too late to "warn" you, though to be frank I don't have the foggiest clue what it is I'm warning you about.
GG: "Dear Jake, oh please do try not to... have already... died in my dream? Likely while you were sleeping, perhaps peacefully?"
GT: Haha yeah. I see your point.
GG: Still, I think you'll agree that it's to be viewed as a troubling omen.
GG: I care very much for you, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you both in my dreams, and here in this world.
GG: So for whatever good it does, just please be extra careful out there today!
GT: Roger that janey!
GT: And um same goes for you about being careful what with these various rogues accosting you with foul play lately and whatnot...
GT: Because well i sure do care a lot about you too you know that.
GG: Hooray! Will do. ;B
GG: Now let's get this silly old adventure off to the races before the coat of dust it's growing gets any thicker.
GT: Booyeah!
GT: Ok good luck jane and keep me posted! C ya.
golgothasTerror [GT] ceased bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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seaquestions · 2 years
ok i will have to say actually that last drawing was from me thinking about what chess pieces the characters in chess the musical would actually be. bcos ik the typical imagery associated w/ anatoly, freddie, florence, svetlana is the two kings and the two queens but the truth is that… none of them actually have very much power over their lives or relationships or even chess itself. just like. in general ya know..
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gobstoppr · 2 years
hey gamers so i was listening to this song (midnight moonlight, remix of triple deluxe final boss themes) and had some ideas for a comic / fic? about kirby and dedede going to visit taranza .
heres my disorganized rambles from the notes app .
== taranza visit ==
-id like to think that like. every few months kirby and ddd go to visit taranza . -its that time of the month again . look kirbys got his mess of a calender right here . its got a silly flower doodle on the date -wake up wake up wake up we gotta go cmon wake up -ddd is barely awake . hes annoyed . huh . what . what is it why are u bothering me at 7 in the morning -kirby enthusiasitically pointing at the dreamstalk out the window . sigh . oh boy time to fucking climb huh -no matter how sleep deprived and grumpy you are , u cant let down a promise to kirby . hell drag u along regardless . -bandee's also coming . yeah -ok so now were starting the climb up the dreamstalk . kirbys flying a bit ahead. hes using beetle because better flight . ddd's behind em carrying a bunch of stuff for a picnic later . hes like climbing climbing . strong . bandee is helping -hey are you sure ur alright carrying all that . well yeah ofcourse im fine lol. im the strongest guy ever ive got this . <-- is exhausted -kirby enthusiastically greeting everyone they pass . oh hey its one of floralias funny flower fairy guys . hi ! hi there !! how are u !! hes like an energetic puppy . he sees literally anyone and is overjoyed . -maybe the people of the sky still hold ddd extremely highly right . like yeah were well aware it was initially a misunderstanding that u were the hero of dreamland but ur still our hero . they personally helped/watched ddd when he was doing that section with the cannon,, and probably witnessed him helping to free kirby so he could finish the final blow on sectonia . -but yea i think it would be entertaining if hes like . a super big deal to them . tries to act all cool like yea i know im the best haha . he is a selfconscious mess and this is how he disguises being flattered -ok so eventually we meet up with taranza all the way up near the castle in royal road . -taranzas happy to see them . hes constantly trying to tidy up in little ways like fixing his hair and straightening out his scarf and such . even tho hes sorta close with them hes a bit of a perfectionist and wants to be seen as well put together . -we do silly fun things . have a picnic in the garden . taranza teaching the others about plants . bandee is fascinated by his rambles . in the past taranzas been shown to think of himself as very cool and clever sometimes so maybe . he plays chess with ddd some . you know snickering to himself when he thinks hes about to make a really smart move. ddd playfully teases him over it -maybe at one point taranza gets a bit gloomy . maybe hes staring longingly at a dreamstalk blossom and feelin sad over sectonia again . ddd could try to reassure him a lil . give em a pat on the back -kirby suddenly remembers somethin . runs over to his bag and pulls out some flowers local in dreamland that he had brought for taranza bc he knows he likes that sorta thing . taranza cheers up a lil bit . somethin somethin thematic about learning to cope and move on some . accepting the love of the people around you now while still retaining part of their memory . -they hang out until sunset . idk maybe they spend the night or somethin its a long way back
thats all ive got for now yea
i might try to draw a few of these ideas later . just . thinkin about the guys ykno im replaying triple deluxe again and MAN. that game. is so fucking good .
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soggypotatoes · 2 years
ok ok im leaving hospital on monday but now im. now im very very anxious about leaving
like. not only do i have access to all sorts of unhealthy coping mechanisms at home. i dont have anyone giving my meds to me at set times??? also im gonna have no sleeping meds bc the only ones that work rn are hella addictive and he said hes only gonna let me have like 4 after i leave???? so im gonna end up not sleeping, losing my whole routine, fighting off dastardly urges all day and night, having to cook and clean and walk dog and pack and PACK and make DECISIONS ..........
i mean yes i will have good shower. and friends. and dolg. and mum visiting most days. ill have help.
i have a lot of people with me here, i have plenty of beautiful friends offering to help, my mums gonna help too... im just scared. mostly about the sleep thing, i knowwww im gonna stop sleeping and this schedule ive managed to cultivate for the first time in ever will be fucked. like, ive been sleeping at midnight, getting up at 8:30, it’s insane!!! i do nap a  bit after cause my brain is so stressed and overwhelmed and tiiiired but it’s something!! i really want to try to hold onto this i really hope i have the strength. please, please have the strength to get up, please, even if you literally want to die. and take your meds every night and get off your phone even if it’s so so scary and you don’t know what to do without it. PLEEEEEEEEASE MAKE THIS WORKKKKK
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A Match Set
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Pairing: Benny Watts x Reader
Summary: After meeting one night in New York, you and Benny Watts are drawn to each other. As you go through different experiences with one another, you grow closer until it finally gets to be too much for Benny.
Word Count: 1890
Warnings: none
Notes: aye this is my first fic because there is a serious lack of benny watts fics and i had to change that for myself. this will probably be multiple chapters that can be read separately.
It was your first art gallery, and you were both anxious and overjoyed to see people surveying your work. You had put so many hours into each piece and all kinds of people had poured in to look. It was a well known gallery, but the variety still surprised you. You looked around and saw some interesting characters, but your interest was piqued when your eyes fell upon a particular cowboy.
He was inspecting one of your favorite paintings which had chess pieces as the subject. The pieces merely served as part of a metaphor in your art, as the game and all its complexities had never really been your thing. As you looked closer at the man you realized that, not only had his outfit sparked your interest, but he seemed familiar too. Out of curiosity, you walked over and stood next to him.
“What are your thoughts?” You asked, motioning towards the painting.
His initial expression showed surprise that you were talking to him, but he recovered quickly, saying, “It’s good. I think the artist has talent.” You felt a bit of pride hearing that. You opened your mouth to say thanks, but you decided not to reveal yourself. You wanted him to give his honest opinion without fear of offending you.
“So do you like chess?” He nodded to the painting. Hearing this you made the connection as to why you remembered seeing him before. Your father owned a little bookshop back home and you were looking into chess for the same painting you were discussing right now. You had seen this cowboy on the back of one of those books, but you hadn’t given it another thought, never actually expecting to meet him. You decided not to reveal this information either and continued with the conversation.
“I can play a modest game. You?”
“I can play a modest game.” He had a small smile as he shrugged.
“Your first lie.” You said smirking back.
He looked confused but curious, so you explained about your research, your fathers bookshop, the whole story. He puffed up a bit after hearing that, looking impressed that you knew who he was.
“What’s your name?” He asked, still curious.
“Y/n” you replied.
“Nice name. I’m Benny, but you already seem to know who I am. On the other hand I don’t know anything about you.” He reached out his hand to shake yours.
“You walk in here with a black trench coat but you make me out to be the mysterious one,” you smirked as you took his hand. He chuckled a bit, and after your introduction, you asked why he was here.
“My friend knows the artist actually. She told us we had to see her work before going out.” You hummed as you thought about what to say, but he interjected.
“I don’t usually do this, and I’m not sure why I’m doing this now, but maybe you’d consider coffee with me. I won’t tell anymore lies” he joked.
You laughed a little, mildly shocked. “you’re not sure why? That’s flattering” you teased.
“Not what I meant-“ but before you could come to a conclusion on his sudden offer, you heard an excited french accent.
“Y/n! Im so proud! You finally got to show off all that talent!” Your friend Cleo ran up to you and wrapped her arms around you. You hadn’t seen her since you lived in France for a few months and you had missed her. You left for France after you realized you weren’t really needed at home, so you dedicated yourself to trying to soak up some culture. She looked gorgeous like you remembered, fitting for a model. You continued your reunion embrace for a moment before she waved her arms to the men and woman behind her. She introduced the friends she had brought to your show as Arthur, Hilton, and Annette, who all smiled at you. Cleo paused to turn to the cowboy saying, “I see you’ve already met Benny.”
“Yeah we met,” he said, “but I didn’t know this was your work. I would’ve told you how impressed I am.” Your cheeks turned a light pink at the praise.
“Look at Benny, impressed with someone besides himself for once.”Cleo poked fun and the group let out a laugh.
“Hey I’m not a narcissist or anything, don’t listen to Cleo,” Benny made excuses to you, only mildly offended.
“Sure you aren’t. I have nothing against narcissists,” you jokingly assured him. This answer didn’t comfort the man who had essentially just asked you on a date.
You and Cleo continued to catch up and you talked more with her friends as well. Benny just stood next to you, and you caught him glancing at you once or twice, but you just ignored it. Eventually you agreed to go out for drinks with the group, walking with them to a bar a couple blocks down called Hal’s.
You all squeezed into a booth while Arthur went off to get drinks. You sat on the outside, watching the people out on the floor next to you giggling and dancing. Having a couple of drinks beforehand must’ve contributed to the large amount of people out there, you thought. Arthur eventually announced his return by laying a tray of drinks in the middle of the table.
You were all conversing and sipping on your drinks when Annette decided she wanted to dance. Cleo agreed enthusiastically, but the rest of us refused. She suggested we all take shots to make it easier, but once again we tried to turn her down. she pleaded, “come on guys, it’s a Saturday night, and you can’t possible lose something from it. Have a little bit of fun with me!”
We relented, having a feeling that she wasn’t going to give up any time soon. She gave a little clap and handed out the shots. You knocked yours back with everyone else and grimaced at the bitter taste. Shaking it off, you slid out of the booth so the others could get out. You moved back into your spot after they all made their way to the throng of people. You decided you would join them later, but you liked to observe first. You looked over and the only two left were you and Benny. You slid over to him, not wanting to sit awkwardly on the other end like he wasn’t there.
“I bet you five bucks that lady is bored out of her mind.” He pointed to a blonde on a date across the bar, “Either she’s an alcoholic or she’s trying to tune out baldie.” You looked at the woman and saw she was surrounded by empty glasses while the man in front of her seemed like he was boasting endlessly. You both started making observations about the various people in the bar. Most of them were snarky comments that you whispered into each other’s ears, giggling, but you also created imaginary lives for them, guessing who they were and how they got here. After sharing a couple laughs, you sighed and reached a comfortable lull before Benny brought up what you knew was coming.
“So have you thought about my earlier question?” He eyed you seriously all of a sudden, but you didn’t feel any pressure. He seemed the type of confident where he thought you would say yes, but he could recover if you said no.
You weighed in your impression of him. He was cute, with fluffy hair and nice eyes that were a kind of chocolate color. He was funny and you he seemed intelligent (I mean he had to be, he played competitive chess). Albeit his trench coat and hat were a bit eccentric, but that wasn’t a bad thing, in fact you found it attractive.
“So have you?” He asked again, leaning his head in.
“Oh uh” you hadn’t realized while you were thinking that you had zoned out looking at him. Clearing your throat you said, “I’m free for coffee.” You stopped, “But you have to wear the hat.”
“Wouldn’t leave home without it” he winked.
Suddenly you were shoved against him as your tipsy friends barreled back into the booth.
“We should probably join them” you said as you moved off him, pushing one of the leftover drinks towards him. He nodded and you both drank some more just to get on the same level as your friends.
“You two haven’t even danced! I saw you whispering. Too busy flirting?” Annette smiled as she slurred a few of her words. You just looked down, cheeks pink, leaving Benny to respond.
“How were you watching us when you were dancing with that guy, the one who looks like he’s only ever kissed his mother.”
“No, I’m sure he’s kissed other people! I mean he did seem young but...” Annette looked over to the guy she dragged to dance with her earlier. He stood sheepishly in the corner, looking like he hadn’t outgrown his baby fat yet, and was definitely not a city type. “He’s just shy!” She defended, but me and Benny just looked at each other, falling into giggles. You figured out that night that Annette was one of those drunks who got a little childish, but she was sweet.
You would’ve been content to keep hanging out with Benny, if it hadn’t been for Cleo who grabbed your hand and pulled you out to the dance floor. You looked back at Benny, but gave in and allowed her to twirl you into the crowd. You were having a good time with Cleo, Hilton and Arthur dancing on either side of her. You were soon out of breath, but didn’t mind, enjoying it all.
You had moved to the city a couple months ago, but hadn’t had time to make friends, focusing on your work and setting up your apartment. You missed having company, people who were fun and interesting.
You continued to move to the beat of the song until you bumped into someone. You looked back to see Benny smiling next to you. You smiled back and let him in to the little circle you and your friends had created. You felt a little warm, not from the dancing, but from being close to him.
After fifteen minutes you were all tired and made your way to the booth to gather all your things up and pay the bill. You walked out of the bar and into the chilly night air, grateful for the residual body heat that came from all the dancing. You hugged Cleo and your new friends goodbye as took turns getting into taxis and headed towards their homes. Hilton offered to wave you down a taxi too, but you declined, explaining that your home wasn’t a far walk. He shrugged and gave you another hug before climbing into the yellow car. Once again it was just you and Benny.
“Just the two of us again huh?” He spoke, and he definitely didn’t sound turned off by the idea.
“Fate I guess.”
“Sure” he said casually.
“Do you not believe in fate?” You asked. You weren’t a firm believer in the idea but something in his tone made you curious.
“I’ve had this debate before I think. I’m not sure, but I’d like to figure it out. How about you?” He said. You imagined him having a lot of debates. You had just met him, but he seemed to fall into the intellectual category. They always kept things interesting, and frequently offered new perspectives.
“I mean everything’s gotta mean something, there has to be a purpose. I just don’t know if we make our own purpose or if we’re given a purpose; fate.” You mused, not meaning to get existential. He didn’t seem to mind.
“You seem like the type to want to figure things out too.” He said ‘too’. So you and him both liked to do that. You added that to the growing list of things you liked about him.
“I guess I am.” He had a pleased look on his face and you just shrugged as you started to say goodbye.
“Wait” he grabbed your arm, “I heard you say you didn’t live far, I could walk you.” Before you could protest he told you, “it wouldn’t be a big deal, I heard you tell Hilton where you lived, we’re in the same direction.”
You agreed, finding yourself wanting to talk to him more. He offered you his arm casually and you laughed to yourself a little at the gesture, taking it anyway. You walked down the sidewalk, talking and laughing. You felt comfortable as you felt like you leveled with him. It seemed like too short of a walk as you suddenly found yourself at the door of your apartment building.
“Guess this is goodnight.” Benny said as you both stood on the sidewalk.
“What about coffee?” You asked.
“Glad you remembered. I’ll pick you up at twelve tomorrow, we can make it lunch. I’ll pick you up.” He said it decidedly, like it was just a fact. Something you noticed he did often.
“Ok then. Lunch. Tomorrow. Am I forgetting anything?” You said as you stepped halfway into the doorway.
“If you are we can figure that out later. I’ll see you.” He waved with a slight smile.
You waved back and smiled in return, watching him walk away before closing the door. You sped up to your apartment, letting yourself finally feel the excitement and anticipation of going out. You stripped off your clothing as soon as you got in and flopped on your bed, feeling sort of giddy. You felt like you and Benny were connected, though you had barely met him. As you laid down you smiled to yourself, looking forward to tomorrow.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
(Decided to finish my letter ‹3)
TF2, Heavy/Mikhail, Romantic, Second Letter.
* A Black Queen Chess piece was sent with the letter *
Dearest, Mikhail.
Hello again, Darlin! Made this follow up letter over here just to say that my work's almost done and that I'll see you soon.
I cant wait to meet up with you again! Meet up with the boys for a bit or your family too. How has it been without me so far, love? Missed you lots, really looking forward to hugging you again. ‹3
Also, you are very much welcome for the book I sent you! I do hope you liked it. I had to pick them up by their recommendation and my decent understanding of Russian words/letters/alphabet,,,, and common sense to make up sentences with just a few words!
Nonetheless, I do hope you love the book and its story!
Hush about my baking! Ill try to make some more Russian pastries! Im trying my best to learn how to make Russian foods actually. Maybe you could help/teach me?
Remember that time someone in the base lost that Black Queen Chesspiece in the base's chess game? Yeah I bought a brand new one! So you guys (and me) could play chess better again! It didnt feel right. The chessboard missing a black Queen, so out of hand.. I planned to get a new set but apparently they ran out in this town.
I gave Jay your pat. He loved it. Pretty sure he misses you though! Cleaned his shell last night actually, cute when he dances.
Jewel appreciates your thanks/greeting. Shes been keeping my anxiety and anger issues in check. I do hope I dont over react soon, always regret that. So far, I have not had a single panic attack! Which is the first..
That reaches the end of my letter. I will see you very soon, Honey!
Love, 🍬🍬🍬
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those you Hold Dear is a special event I'm holding from December 9th - whenever I feel like closing it! The absolute deadline is December 21st. Find guidelines here so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3]
Привет моя любовь,
Thank you for the chess piece. You remind me time and time again that you are the only queen of my heart. But more practically, yes we needed that - thank you. Ludwig can stop pestering everyone about it. I am more than pleased to hear that your work is almost over, and soon we will be together again.
We did more decorating and Pyro wished to show us their baking skills. They enjoyed frosting the cookies more than actually making them, but Dell and Tavish kept us on track. It has still been very slow here. I have been letting the days pass, doing small things around the base and being useful where I can be. Miss Pauling has more than enough on her plate, so I come around when I can to lend her a hand. We talk about science sometimes, and she wonders how you are doing. I tell her you are doing well. Hearing her attempt Russian is funny.
I loved the book you sent me. The story was captivating an informational. I ended up learning about different welding techniques and what it takes to be an Equestrian. Different breeds of horses, gear, etc. It was all very fascinating to me. I am proud and thankful for you!
I am sure my mother, sisters and I would love to teach you. My mother taught my sisters, and she already adores you - it makes sense you learn from the best! You mean the absolute world to me, and with the holidays growing closer, I yearn for you even more. Once again, give your small friends little pats for me and give them a part of my love, as most of it goes to you. I am proud of you for keeping your emotions in check, and I will be there for you should you feel you need me. I hope to see you soon.
При всей моей любви,
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fanficwritinggirl · 3 years
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This is due to the fact that when i was 14 years old i met Bill Weasley. And when i mean i met him i mean we were only introduced to each other. I was spending the summer at the Weasleys which i did every summer since i started Hogwarts. And this was the one time that Bill Weasley decided that he was going to come and spend a few days with his family and this was when i first met him.
I must admit that seeing him for the first time was like something out of a romance movie or novel. Like time litrally stopped. I remember looking at him and thinking that he was the most beautiful man that i had ever seen. He gave his family a cheerful good morning and kissed his mother on the cheek and then sat down opposite to me. I remember our eyes meeting and he smiled at me and offered his hand to me. "Bill Weasley nice to meet you. You must be Y/N L/N" he introduced. And he said it in the most sweetest way that it made me swoon. I gave him a small smile and a nod and he left it at that. I sat there listening to him talk about his work. And the passion that was in his voice when he spoke of it made me fall for him. I know that it is cleche but that is the only way that i can describe it. I had never met someone as amazing as Bill Weasley and i never shall as i declare that he is the most amazing person that i have ever met. And that might just be my dumb teenage mind but he is in all honsetly as passionate, beautiful individual.
2 years after the battle of Hogwarts i was now 19 years old and you could say that a lot of things had changed since then. Well for a start Ron and Hermione are together. Harry and Ginny are together. And our poor Fred was sadly killed in the battle to sum it up. The dynamic that had taken place in the Weasley house was never the same after the death of Fred. And i wouldnt expect anything less. I miss what the twins had. The pranks that they pulled. I feel as though the light had gone out. That the magic that once filled the home will never be whole again. And that broke my heart. But i am 19 now. An adult and i have to face the fact that life isnt full of happiness and that this was one of the many hard things that i was going to have to face.
Me and Ron sat  in the sitting room of the weasley home playing an intense game of Wizards Chess. And once again i was losing. Ron was still the best chess player that i knew even 8 years later. I groan as Ron beats me once again. "Seriously Ron you have to at least give me a chance to win" i whine. He laughs. "Well maybe if you would practice more you might stand a chance of beating me" he boasts and i gasp. "Ronald Weasley dont be such a cocky git" i say as i hit him in the arm and he laughs at me as i sulk.
"What are you doing now Ron" Hermione asks as she walks in. Ron giggles. "She is sulking because i beat her again at Wizards Chess" he tells her. Hermione shakes her head and kisses his forehead. "Im sorry to tell you this Y/N but i dont think that you are ever going to beat him. Trust me i dont like to increase his ego but he is the best chess player and we both know that" she says sympathetically and i groan again and stand up. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We know" i joke and we all laugh.
"Its lovely to see some laughing in here" a voice says and we turn and see Bill Weasley standing at the edge of the sitting room. I freeze not expecting Bill to be here. "Bill what are you doing here" Ron says happily as he stands up and goes to hug his brother. "Decided that i would stay a few days and grace you all with my presence" he states as he hugs Ron. I look at Bill and can see the bags that are under his eyes. Which honestly he looks better then what i expected to look like after everything that he had been through.
Not long after the battle of Hogwarts. Bill and his wife Fleaur divorced. I guess you could say that with the PTSD and the loss of Fred took a toll on their marriage and it inevetable ended in Fleaur leaving on morning and never coming back and a few weeks later divorce papers showed up at shell cottage and then Bill knew that his marriage was over. After signing the divorce papers he moved back in with the weasleys for a few months getting affairs in order and deciding what was the next move which for him was buying an apartment in the city so that he was closer to work and from what i had been told by the rest of the Weasleys his life had been work ever since. It was heartbreaking to see a man that was once so passionate about his work loose that spark because of a broken heart. I had seen him briefly a few months back when i was at diagon alley at the bank and i must admit he looked better now than he did then.
Bill pulls back from Ron and smiles at me and Hermione. "Its nice seeing you two again. Im sorry i havent been around much work and all" he apoligies and me and hermione shake our heads. "Bill dont worry about it. Works work. Your here now" Hermione says kindly. He grins at us. "Thank you that is really nice of you. I just wanted to come and see you all before i go and see Mum. You know her she is going to keep me stuck in converstation all night at this point" he jokes and we all laugh at that. Very well knowing what Molly Weasley was like. "Go on Bill go and see her now if you want to get to bed at a decent hour" Ron says giving him a pat on the back. Bill shakes his head with a grin on his face and heads off upstairs towards. My mind was racing now. Because all i could think about was the fact that the feelings that i had bedded deep down about Bill Weasley were now coming to the surface.
Which a few days later made me completely and utterly scrood. It started with just little things between me and Bill. One morning Molly asked us to wash the dishes and it was just our hands touching that i could feel the sparks that people talk about. All of us playing a game of ball and him moving the hair from the side of my face and staring into my eyes. Him opening the door for me with a smile. It was things like this that made me relise that i was hopelessly in love with Bill Weasley and i could be. He was one of my best friends brothers and that meant that it was a big no no in the eyes of my friendship with Ron which meant that i was going to have to keep my distance.
I was standing at the sink as i was washing the dishes which was something that i offered to always do as a way of helping Molly out which i didnt mind. I loved the view that the kitchen gave me. Right out onto the garden were Ron, George and Bill were currently messing around in the garden together. Casting funny spells on each other and the laughs that was coming from them was bittersweet as there was one Weasley that would have been there. And yes im talking about Fred. And obviously Percy is another weasley sibling which i must admit that after the battle he has tried more with the family but he is still the outsider in a way. I dont know much about Percy and i dont really want to know him all to well.
But back to the view. I loved looking at Bill mess around with his brothers. There was a look of happiness the old Bill in his eyes which i know that we have all missed. The Bill that i remember falling for when i was 14. But this Bill there was so much more to him and that made me more intregued.
"So which one of my brothers are you looking at and please tell me it is not Ron" a voice asks from behind me. I come out of my daze and turn and see Ginny standing behind me. I look at her shocked before shaking my head. "Why would i be staring at Ron Ginny" i ask her confused. She sighs. "Good that is the answer that i wanted now that means that there are only 2 of my brothers that you could have been staring at. Now is it my brother George who is a hilarious guy even though he isnt much anymore but still can be. And can make any girl fall with his jokes. Or is it my eldest brother Bill. Who is passionate, determined and someone who you have been in love with since you were 14. Now let me see ene meany miney..." she says but i cut her off.
"Ginny! Stop okay i know that you know" i burst and she smirks at me. "Of course i know. I know everything. And just to let you know i think you should go for it" she expalins to me with a smirk. I just looks at her and groan. "Ginny he was barley been divorced a year yet alone ready for anew relationship and anyway what about the age difference" i try to excuse so that she would stop talking about it. She shakes me head and me. "No no no. Dont start trying to feed me all of this age difference bs. Come on like 10 years isnt that bad. Like i mean there are people who get married to others who are like 40 years older than them. Which makes you and Bill normal" she trys to persuade me. I sigh and shake my head. "Like i said Ginny he and Fleaur have barely been split up a year. And anyway he probarbly doesnt look at me like that" i doubt and go back to washing the dishes.
"Look Y/N. I know how you feel i thought Harry thought the same thing about me but hey look at us now. We might think one way about something but you know we may be wrong. And i can see the way that you and Bill are together. The way that you two move around each other its like a dance. Its like you two are meant to move together. That you are meant to be together. And i believe in soulmates and i know that you two are. I never got any of this off of Bill and Fleaur. The connection but i do now. And im telling you to go for it. Trust me" she explains. I look at her shocked. Trying to take everything in. She gives me a smile knowing that i am going to think about it. Once she leaves a bend myself over the sink with both elbows on either side of it and put my head in my hands and sigh. This is just making things harder.
Later that night i lie in bed not being able to sleep. What Ginny had said to me had got me fucked up in the way that now i cant decide what to do. I get out of bed after trying for way to long to get to sleep and head down to the kitchen to get myself some milk to help me go to sleep. I walk down there and grab some milk from the fridge and pour some in a pot to put over the stove.
"Y/N" a voice asks and i turn around and see Bill standing there looking at me with sleepy eyes. "Sorry if i woke you"i apoligise. He shakes his head and walks further into the kitchen. "You didnt i was up doing some work" he informs me and i enternally groan. He needs to stop working so much. "Well anyway then. Sorry for disturbing you. Can i offer you a mug of warm milk i heard that it helps on feel more relaxed. Or at least it did when i was a child" i say and he laughs and nods his head. "Yes please but i have a little bit of a request on how to make it better" he says as he walks to the pantree and i pour some milk into some mugs. He comes back out and has some cinnamon in his hand and sprinkles it on the top of the milk. "Mum used to do this when we are little. It just made the drink feel more at home" he says. He turns his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. And once again there it was. The spark. The connection that i felt was there. To my dissapointment he pulls back and looks at me with intent smile.
"Why dont you try it" he says to me referring to the milk. I break out of the trance that i was in and take a sip of the milk. And he was right. The drink tasted more of home. And now all i could think about when i thought of the milk was him. I see him take a drink of his milk before our eyes meet again. He moves the milk away from his lips and puts it on the counter. He moves closer to me and before i know what is happening his lips are on mine. And a zoo erupts in my stomach. I put my own milk down and wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens it. Devoruing my lips and feeling every part of my body. He moves his hands down to my ass and grabs it pulling me up into his arms before setting me down on the counter.
My breathes are heavy. It is so hard to breathe when i am so intoxicated with him. The feeling of him of my skin. The burning that i feel in my core. This man was a drug. He pulls aways and looks at me. He smirks when he sees me so out of breathe. He moves a part of my C/H out of my face and looks deep in my eyes.
"I have wanted to do that for some long you dont understand. From the first time that i saw you the other day. I knew that you were something else. Something about you was causing me to feel something that i have never felt before and i know now that is because you are my drug Y/N. Your my drug and i hope that i am yours" he asks me. All i can do is nod my head. "Your my drug Bill. And i want all of you" i tell him and once again i am being devoured by him. He lifts me up once again and lifts me upstairs to his room and you can fill in the rest.
The next morning i wake up with Bill lying naked next to me on his back with him slightly snorning next to me. I giggle and turn and stroke his cheek and also planting a kiss. His hands moves up and holds mine and he smiles. "Morning" he says and i smile. "Morning" i say as he kisses me. I sigh. He is my drug. He pulls me closer and groans. "We are going to have to tell them arent we" he asks. I nod as i curl into him. "Yeah we are but i have a feeling that they already know" i inform him and he looks at me confused. "And how would they know" he asks me cheekely. "Well i have a feeling that we may have not been that quiet last night" i say mischeviously. He smirks and leans closer. "I believe that you are correct on that but i would say that it was mostly you calling my name that they heard" he whispers in my ear and i moan. He flips us over and pins my hands over my head. "And i think that for you being a naughty girl and not being quiet last night i might need to punish you" he purrs. The feeling of my core heats up once again. "And how might you do that William" i ask him. I slowly feel him slide his hand down to my pussy and put a finger in and i groan. "I have a few ideas" he says before taking me.
You could say that we were correct. When we walked down the stairs everyone was looking at us. Molly and Arthur looked a little unconfertable. Which i dont blame them. I dont think they preferably wanted to hear their son having sex. Hermione, Ron, Harry and George looked completely shocked and Ginny of course was sitting there with a smug look on her face. Bill sighs. "Ok i know that most of you are shocked right now and i understand that completely. And im sorry that you had to hear that last night. But i just want to let you know that i love Y/N. I love her and some of you might think that it is a bit early after the divorce and all but i know its now. I know that what we feel for each other is stronger than anything that i have ever felt and that will never change. So all i ask is for you please just be happy for us" Bill exclaims. They all just blink at us before Ron is the first to speak.
"Can i just asks. From how hard your bed was going against the wall im surprised that you are even walking Y/N" he jokes. Molly wacks him around the head. "Ronald Weasley" she exclaims and we all laugh. We know that they accept us and Bill kisses my head before we head to the table. We recive some awkward hugs and pats on the back which was expected but at the end of the day i have Bill and Bill has me.
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foryouthegays · 4 years
also if anyone wants me to transcribe a clip pls send an ask :) or find something :)
good laugh times: 00:40:10, 00:44:44, 00:54:30, 00:55:47 00:58:37
sellout timer: 00:30:40, 01:26:00
other things: (00:10:00 biiiiiig stretch!!!) (00:39:55 that was the most ‘skeppy tried to troll me but i trolled him first’ scream ive heard in a while a;lskdjfadl) (01:23:00 TECHNOSNEEZE TECHNOSNEEZE)
Technoblade starts the stream and finds an infinity room (a room covered in white item frames and backed with glowstone or sea lanterns, making it look like there is just Void and no end) covering his house. he removes the grief and continues his intro. While waiting for Tommy to join his VC, he finds a Zombie villager, cures it, and reads donations.
Techno and Tommy go to New L’manburg and fix one of Technos propaganda posters. They find Fundy and Ranboo and tell them that if Techno gets his sword back, he’ll help them fight the wither he’s going to spawn. He spawns the wither and runs around while Ranboo and Fundy try to kill it. He doesn’t get his sword back until a few minutes into the battle. Ranboo gives him both his sword and his axe after the Wither is killed by Punz and Fundy.
Fundy gets the Wither Star, and Techno decides that it’s rightfully owned by him. Tommy and Techno start torturing Fundy into giving them the Star. After Techno gets the star back, Tommy starts trying to get his disks back. Techno tells Tommy he’s going too far, and Fundy starts crying, and eventually dies.
Tommy and Techno start to move back to their house, and Tommy gets distracted with the idea of blowing up the community house. Techno convinces him otherwise, and eventually comes clean with his intentions and goals to destroy L’manburg. He asks Tommy to join him, and Tommy accepts.
They go to the wolf army and breed the dogs. While underground, they’re almost caught, but they run away before anyone can catch them.
Techno and Tommy talk about an eventual SBI meetup, make a beacon, and then end the stream.
loud startin the stream today!!!!! :D!!!!!! 10 sec in
oh hes actually loud today this is great his voice gets so nice when hes louder
00:00:30 ‘i’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement” s;ladjfkald
aa;lskdfjasd someone mADE AN INFINITY ROOM A;LSDKFJASDF WHO????
00:03:00 i love how even minecraft g o d s cant remember fence gate/fence crafting recipes akdjhfald
00:04:45 ‘gUYS DON’T STAY IN SCHOOL!!!’ ‘n- no you should stay in school’ yeah, sure techno ‘collage dropout’ blade
00:05:17 ‘tommy, is this your credit card? let me read the numbers aloud, tommy’ -technos impression of tommys mom
zombie villager pog!
00:07:35 why does,,,why does techno say disorientating instead of disorienting??? he says disorientating and i just,,,,,techno,,,,techno thats not the American way of saying it. also i didnt capitalize american bc of Being A Country i did it bc of Emphasis a;lksdfal
he stretch!!!!!! ten mins in
techno ate breakfast pog!!!! 00:10:30
13:00 a;lksdjfal
STOP MAKING TECHNO GOOD AT CHESS IN GAME HES SAID SEVERAL TIMES THAT HE IS NOT I AM GOING TO SCREAM more proof: 00:14:40 also he calls the chess board ‘the map’ and im akjsdfhkljasd
00:15:40 “i don’t think that dumb people become Minecraft youtubers, I think it’s that being a Minecraft youtuber makes you dumber.”
00:15:50 ‘i was a smart child, I was doing well in school--I mean I wasn’t doing my homework or anything but I was doing well on the tests,” a;lsdkfja
“it do be doing that” -technoblade 2021
WHY DOES HE JUST RANDOMLY KNOW CHESS OPENING NAMES IM SICK OF HIM WHY IS HE LIKE THIS  I HATE IT HERE AALSDKFJASF 00:17:45 its so funny he just reads wikipedia for fun and also same
‘YOURE TALKING SOUNDS’ -tommyinnit, 19:40
00:20:05 ‘tommy, tommy, you’re speaking words, but the only universal language is sounds.’
00:23:24 “we’re going to go threaten....some certain government agents...in minecraft, since I know the FBI is listenin in on my phone right now [techno gets further from his mic and some thuds can be heard] let me just toss that over there...there we go, now they can only listen through my laptop”
00:32:17 mmmm technoyell
fundy n ranboo!!!! 00:33:50
god could u imagine knowing that technos doin a plot stream nd he joins ur call w tommy and they just???? start talking abt the canonical status of ants and new york????? such is the life of ranboo nd fundy a;lksdfjals
00:39:55 how does he make that sound im crying
HE LAUGH!!!!!!
a;lkdsfjasd ranboo bullying time 00:44:00
god could u imagine being a fan of the dream smp, joining and ur surrounded by all these people uve looked up too, and then they start bulling you?? such is the life of ranboo
torture time!!! 00:46:15, its to get back the star :D
00:50:45 its lowkey terrifying how techno calls torturing fundy to tears ‘the good times’ and laughs while tommy interrogates him. i love it, but also im scared of him. still an apologist. he needs his stuff back!
also like,,,,,techno telling tommy he went too far? terrifying. if techno says you went too far, thats saying something
my favorite part of techno tommy interactions is how technoll say like, a metaphor or smthin nd tommy just,,,,,,,, ‘yeAHHH BITCH’ its so funny. a good example is 00:56:00:
techno: if you want to make an omlette, you’ve gotta break a few eggs
tommy: yeaaahhhh!! break eggs and bitch!
techno: ....what?
its so funny to me ak;dfjlasjf
and like, their rambles are COMPLETELY different. techno does most of his hopping around in his head and talks about it once he’s figured out what he should do, and tommy just says things out loud without thinking its hilarious
and like, in game, techno is a LOT more calculated than people think. when tommy tries to get techno to blow up the community house, techno has to rein him back in because ‘i’m all for violence, but we need a plan.’ and ‘how would blowing up the community house get your discs back??’ he’s a lot more organized than most of his teammates nd i love it
but like,,,sometimes techno just Says things and its great.  00:57:20 ‘the only dirt we have on dream is his dirt shack, amirite? [claps] gottem. he’s homeless!! eyyyy. lmao.’
00:58:20 is good. also skyblock is canon now.
also ‘i dont know about smiling, but’ a;ldkfjadls;fjasf
i love tommy nd techno just kinda vibing
01:16:30 ‘mmmm audience retention rate....mmmm ants’ aldkfja this stream is so dumb i love it
he sounds V tired rn a;lsdkfjkasdf
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hwiyoungslesbiangf · 3 years
I was tagged by @braceletofteeth. tysm for tagging me <333
Rules: Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better!
Favorite color: Purple !!!
Currently reading: I'm reading the Queen's Gambit !! I watched the show on Netflix months ago and decided to buy the book. Honestly? I really love it lol. I've read through it pretty quickly, although I'm not quite done yet. I like the writing style and the narration just moves so well. I never thought chess could be so interesting.
I must say though, I've been speed-reading it so that I could read Don Quixote lol. I love reading a lot but I don't find the time so often because I have soooo many other hobbies, but when I start reading a book and really like it, I'm glued to it.
I haven't read any fanfics in awhile just bc I haven't felt the urge to read them. I go through periods where fanfiction is just uninteresting to me. Mostly its because the one thing I want to read fanfiction for doesn't have anymore for me to read!! curse sf9s permanent nugu status.
Also started reading this Chinese bl novel? it reads a little weird because its a translation but I suppose it isn't too bad. not exactly interesting but just something to pass the time.
Last song: I believe it was Rush Hour by Monsta X. I love that song lol. Tbh I only really listen to Kpop, not much else. Thats just the kind of person I am tho!! Once I get into something I stick with it until I can't take it anymore. Last non-Kpop song I remember listening to is rises the moon by Liana Flores. It's very calming and I really adore her voice.
Last series: I've been watching adventure time lately. I enjoy kids cartoons a lot but the motivation to watch adventure time was bc of the lesbians lol <3 they're cute.
Last Kdrama I watched was probably a rewatch of SFH but I just started this ballet one on Netflix that I can't remember the name of. OH I also recently watched Tinted With You but I didn't finish it because I found it to be a little boring.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: SPICY!! I love spicy food sm. I'd have to put sweet and savory on equal levels bc I like them both!!
Currently working on: Hmmm. A few things! Some long term things I'm working on:
1. Finishing high school! I have one semester left and its kicking my ass.
2.My mental health! I have very severe depression and anxiety and I recently started going to therapy! I also started using anti-depressants and they've helped!!
3. My Kpop collections. I spend a ridiculous amount of money on Kpop merch because I'm collecting a lot of different groups!
My current photo card collections: OT9 SF9, 3 members of NCT, 1 member of Monsta X (and some ot5/6/7 sets bc they're cute), a few enhypen pcs, and 1 member from Seventeen!
Short term things:
1. Writing Fanfics. I'm working on one of the requests I was given and I'm having a lot of fun! I'm excited to do the other one as well! I'm also writing an sf9 fanfic bc im sooooo emo about the lack of sf9 fics on ao3.
2.Selling a bunch of extra Kpop stuff I've hoarded for like 2 years.
Post the first GIF when searching your name:
Tumblr media
dfgsjdhfkdsgfdskhfh my bf <3
Favorite season: So. This is a little funny. I'm originally from Hawaii!! Which is of course pretty hot year round. However, my favorite season is actually winter! I have a hard time handling the heat. I get really bad migraines and I constantly get sick when I overheat and it just sucks. I now live in the southern US which is either HOT or mildly cold. We had a 30 degree day and the next day it was 75 out and humid as hell. I like winter bc its just waaaay more comfortable.
9 people to do this challenge: @bonbonpich @chhagiya @micahrose-mountainnose @srabaskerville @loveforseo @moonjosteeth
uhhhh I ran out of people to tag LOL I don't interact with that many people here T^T
These are some people that regularly like my posts! I know you are all just strangers on the internet, but in my little monkey brain you are all my friends bc you think I am funny sometimes <3
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