#its so weird to be proud of someone who knows nothing of me
anonymous-and-alive · 10 months
Sister's comfort.
Even if I say that she didn't want to play with me, that doesn't mean that she didn't care about me.
When we were younger our parents fought a lot more than they did now. At least that I remember. I hate seeing loved ones fight, and the loudness they tend to sport. So the story I'm going to tell you about talks about comfort in tearful nights.
When a fight would break between my parents me and my sister did two things; hide ourselves in our bedroom with the door closed shut, and hug so tightly one would wonder how we didn't break our fragile ribs.
Back then, we still shared a room so each one had their own bed. But in those nights we'd curl up together on one of our beds - usually mine.
When she finally got headphones she'd put them over my ears and play my favorite music as loud as she could, just so I didn't hear the screaming in the backround. Then she'd hug me tightly and let me cry on her shoulder until I calmed down.
I vividly remember how her comforting hand that rubbed my back felt so warm and heavy and like home, felt like it beat the 'love' of the sun.
Usually we'd fall asleep like that, but in the cases we didn't once the fight was over we'd hear the front door open and close, meaning our father was out for a walk to calm down.
I fear the day she isn't there to rub my back and shut the world out with music.
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funlovinzara · 2 months
Monster trio rejecting you Pt.3
Warnings: Fluff, arguing in Zoros part
You and Luffy both talked and had a deeper understanding of eachother, you were in love but Luffy never experienced that nor did he know that was what he was feeling.
He truly did love you in the end, he never even knew he broke your heart in the first place.
“Y/nnnn come on come on come onnn. We have to go!!! You aren’t still talking to Ace are you?”
“No no im not, im coming give me a minute!”
You were still changing to head off on the ship, Luffy being as impatient as he was couldn’t wait. He busted into your room and snatched you out while you were still fixing your hair
“Lets go!! We…I cant go anywhere without you!!”
You both got off the ship and you see Luffy run off into the forest and quickly return with a weird looking flower in his hand.
“For you!!”
He places it in your hair and giggles, “you aren’t ever leaving me!!”
Sanji decided to take the time to speak to you and apologize, Hes just now realizing that what he said didn’t respect a lady at all, he didnt know how to win your heart back.
Especially with brook being your new best friend, it rages him to see how more comfortable you are with brook than him.
“Huh? Yeah?” You turn around to see sanji standing a few feet behind you.
“I need to talk to you…im sorry about what i said. I think i do really like you. I cant see you talking to other men even a skeleton for goodness sake.”
There was silence as you both stared at eachother
All this time you’ve spent trying to get over him all shattered into pieces. Not that he isnt attractive to you anymore its just what he said was a red flag, but since hes apologizing its better than nothing.
You think its better to build up a better friendship before you get with him.
“We can try. But it wont be so easy for you.”
“Really y/n..? You’re sure right? What i said, i didn’t expect you to…”
You gave him a hug, it relieved so much tension. Now you both were on good terms and no one can get through the bond you two were going to build. As for brook, obviously your still going to talk to him! Hes your bestie!!
However he was a around the corner watching the whole situation, he gave Sanji a lecture beforehand. He didn’t think he would actually take action though. He is proud, and hoping things go well.
Hes furious at the sight, not that he cares but he does??
The man turns his head slightly and he sees that its..Trafalgar D. Law????
Hes even more ticked. He didnt think Law was a dangerous person but he didn’t want YOU to be around him.
He said loud enough for you and Law to hear, you both turn your heads.
“Ah Roronoa Zoro.”
“C’mon, were leaving.”
“What? No why?”
“Theres no point of us being here, we have to go back to the crew.”
“I…huh? I don’t understand.”
“What do you understand?” He says snapping back.
“You live up to your reputation, Zoro.”
“Shut it mushroom hat, lets go.” He forcefully grabs your hand and you try to wiggle free. “Zoro let me go!! What the heck are you doing-!”
You haven’t even gotten to exchange contacts with Law, luckily while you weren’t looking he snuck it in your pocket.
You both exit the auction house and you violently snatch your arm away from Zoros grip. “ZORO!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
All you get is silence from him.
“I cant be happy just for once, you rejected me and yet you’re pulling me away from my only chance of ever getting someone who will like me here!! What the heck is your problem??!”
“Y/n i cant let you do that because i love you. I look like a jerk i KNOW already. But i need you.”
This situation got even more weird. You haven’t completely gotten over him to be honest, but this was so unexpected.
“We can talk about this later. We have a crew remember.”
He walks up to you and looks into your eyes for a second before landing a peck on your forehead.
“I cant let anyone have you. Now, are you gonna take that number out your pocket or what?”
IF YALL ASK FOR A PART 4 IM GONNA CRY.😭 this is the last part periodd
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pythoria · 1 year
feeling some feelings about gale tonight *cracks knuckles*; he was a child prodigy, he was in tune with the weave, and inevitably mystra, since he was just a little kid. imagine being so in tune with magic, feeling so comfortable and safe within its bounds, falling in love with something so beautiful as a child. it becomes your whole world. imagine being filled with such childish idealism, such hope, that your only desire becomes getting closer to this thing, this goddess, finding that love and safety and giving it form.
imagine growing up, finally getting the attention of your goddess, how starry eyed you must be, how proud of yourself. this is your whole world, the reason you're alive, your purpose in life. mystra is everything to you, the magic in your veins, the giddy feeling in your heart, the proud ego in your chest. and then she finally *sees* you for the first time, you end up sharing her bed, touching her, talking to her, earning her approval, and, you think, her love. magic is your job, your lover, the motherly embrace of childhood. of course you would try to ascend to be with mystra forever. of course you would want power, so she sees you as an equal. of course you want to impress her, she's all you've ever known.
and then when you fail, when a ticking bomb gets stuck in your chest, you get none of that love and care. she doesn't protect you, she doesn't even talk to you anymore. so you've lost everything you've ever held dear in one fell swoop, the basket you put all your eggs in shattered, and you're left with nothing. you're now a middle aged man, your whole life spent in service of your goddess, who abandoned you at the first sign of free will you've shown. you feel like a failure. you don't have any friends, nor lovers, and you fall from being an archmage to nearly becoming an ilithid thrall. and maybe you realise that were it not for the astral prism, you'd have become a mindflayer and mystra wouldn't have saved you.
maybe you realise she's completely written you off when elminster shows up and tells you she wants you to sacrifice yourself. maybe you think "is this what my life's work is worth? a lifetime of devotion? a second hand missive asking me to die?". but no matter how ridiculous the request, you're in too deep now. nobody would care if you died, mystra made sure you were always focused on her, never making meaningful connnections with other mortals, having no friends, foes, or lovers. if mystra forsakes you, you might as well not exist. so death to serve her might be the best ending you could've hoped for, really.
except along comes someone, and they also have a worm in their head, and you team up, and soon enough there's a bunch of you strutting around faerun, and suddenly someone *cares*. for the first time in years, you actually have... friends? and they're telling you mystra is insane, that you've been manipulated, they tell you that what mystra is asking is too much, that they want you to live. and you're defensive, of course. you still love mystra, and you can't get away from her either, because you feel her presence every time you cast as much as a firebolt, magic running through your veins like ambrosia, nectar and poison all at once. you conjure her face to gaze at, and when you start falling for tav, you show them the weave, because that's the only way you know how to love. eventually you accept that you might have to defy mystra to stay alive and suddenly you have a choice again. but in the process, everything you knew and loved turned to dust, and you had to build yourself back up from the ashes, all while smiling and laughing and trying fruitlessly to fit in with your companions, who find you stuck up and weird after so much isolation.
gale is such a tragic character, if you think about it.
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mourningsbane · 1 month
Perhaps silly questions, but I'm growing more and more curious of your blog with each new entry/question answered. Love the story slowly unfolding here, cannot wait for the next part and following moons <3
Does Palekit have any further deformations? Or rather that question but in past tense. His tail looks almost fin-like, but I'm not sure if what we are seeing is a) a stylistic "drooping goo" effect, b) a very weird tuft of fur, or c) some malformation of the tail tip, resulting in its split structure.
What's the clan's relationship with Sweetkit, considering so many of its members', em... involvement in the perishing of Honeyspring and her kits. Mostly wondering if Flaildrizzle, Tanglefern and Rootstar feel anything (guilt, sadness, etc.) at all when they see this only kit in clan after a whole litter dies in such horrible circumstances before Sweetkit's arrival? I mean, surely such a tragedy leaves an impact. A followup question-
How much time has passed since Honeyspring's death and Sweetkit's arrival? Do any of LutumClan's cats consider Sweetkit to be like "a second chance" for the clan after losing their only queen and her litter?
A bit of an alternate outcome question! Let's assume Nothing Bad Ever Happened©️ to Honeyspring's kits. What would their warrior names be? What would their basic personalities be? Would any of them pursue high ranks within LutumClan?
Also sending fictional love to Honeyspring, stay goopy queen 💅
There's no such thing as a silly question! Besides, I like answering questions, even if it takes me a while to get to them! <3
My answers are a tad long, so I'll put them under the cut!
1.) Palekit did not have any further deformations! His face was slightly crooked, and his tongue sometimes hung out, but that was about it. He also had severe issues with vomiting; he just couldn't keep anything down and tended to bleed.
2.) Rootstar, Flaildrizzle, and Tanglefern all feel very guilty and upset by what happened to Honeyspring's kits! Still, they, and the rest of LutumClan, saw Sweetkit's arrival as a sign of hope. However, LutumClan as a whole tends to be a tad overprotective of the only kit in the clan.
3.) About 3-ish months have passed since Honeyspring's death! Sweetkit is definitely considered LutumClan's "second chance" of sorts, but a few cats (namely Rootstar and a few others) REALLY wish Sweetkit was in the care of someone who ISN'T Bearface. They're worried that Bearface, being a former outsider who barely respects the clan code as is, will be a bad influence on her.
4.) As for the alternate outcome, let me think! I'll give you my best guesses, but destiny is mutable, so these could've easily changed!
Smallkit would grow into Smallcloud, and would become an apprentice to Tanglefern! She would be on the smaller side, but she'd be a fierce creature for sure! She'd be smart and cautious, but never a push-over.
Flailkit would grow into Flailwhisker, and would likely go on the path of becoming a queen or mediator! She'd likely be about average height and a bit on the chunkier side. I imagine her to be quiet and shy, much like Flaildrizzle, and easy to talk over. Still, she cares greatly about her clanmates, even if she's easily overwhelmed. Smallcloud would've been very protective over her in their youth.
Palekit would grow into Paleclaw, and would most certainly follow the path of a warrior! He'd idolized his aunt, Rootstar, and wanted to become a leader just like her. He's prideful and a little boastful for sure, but not intentionally. He's just very proud of his aunt being the leader, and his mom (Flaildrizzle) being the deputy, and wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Had Honeyspring's kits lived, Sweetkit's role would have also changed, but I can't say it due to spoilers!
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House Tour (not the house we wanted, but the house we have)
Fandom: Poppy Playtime.
Synopsis: Angel (referred here as "you") introduces their house to the toys after the events of the game.
"It's not much", you hurriedly tell the group. "And it's not very big, we'll have to get a bigger house as soon as possible, can't forget to immediately look for what's on sale around here".
You stop on your tracks to face the door to your house, hearing the others stop just behind you. Searching for the right key, you add:
"Also please don't mind the fact everything's a big mess, I'm more organized than that but last time I was there it was a week or so ago and I left in a rush".
"Don't apologize, Angel", Poppy replies back, as gentle as ever. "I'm sure it's not even that bad! And, look, even Kissy agrees with me! Right, Kissy?"
The taller girl mutters a quiet "hm-hm" sound.
"Nothing will ever be as bad as the factory, Angel", Dogday adds. You turn around to see Huggy still holding into the dog's poorly-adapted wheelchair, smiling in return. "Besides! You're here with us now! That alone makes things a lot better".
"You guys give me too much credit", oh, finally, you found the key! "I'm just doing what I have to. Anyone else would do the same".
"Li-ar", Mommy Long Leg's voice echoes. "No one never ever took care of Mommy when she was hurt".
"I was the one who tore your arm off, I kind of had to help".
You sigh, finally opening the door and stepping inside: "C'mon, everyone, it's pretty small but it should do the work for now".
You counted the toys one by one as they entered: Bunzo, PJ, Poppy and Kissy, Dogday and Huggy, a very bubbly Miss Delight guiding Catnap inside, all the mini huggies, all the mini critters, all the other mini toys, then Mommy Long Legs. More than 80 in total.
Thankfully the money you got from that case was enough to cover a house and finances and medical expenses for at least an year for every single one of you. You still didn't know how the court case against the remains of Playtime would go, but with all the evidence against them, it should be enough money for a lifetime, right? You would never be able to pay for everyone's treatment with your current job...
"Angel, dear?", Miss Delight calls. You smile, give one last look outside, and close the door. "What an interesting house you have!"
"Oh, it's nothing much", you put the keys in a small counter, taking off your jacket and throwing your bag in a corner. "Huggy, can you help put Dogday in the sofa?"
"Angel, I'm very sure I can-"
"You need to wait two weeks before you can do any big moves, don't you even think about moving yourself only using your arms again unless you want another emergency surgery, big dog", you immediately cut him off. Dogday sighed, Huggy happily offered his hands to help the big puppy. The mini critters mischievously laughed. "Same thing for every single one of you. Medical orders".
The house's clock pointed at 8:44 PM. It wasn't late, thankfully.
The toys all gathered around the living room, curiously staring and exploring its corners. Someone - Bunzo, maybe? - had entered the kitchen, probably just wanting to take a good look at this new weird place. You decided to let them be, turning the TV on and trying to pick up a channel:
"So, uhm", you mutter. "This is the TV. Didn't change much since '95 except for maybe image quality. We now use CDs and DVDs instead of just cassette tapes, but I'll show that to you guys later. You can grab anything from the kitchen, I don't mind".
You blinked, hearing the sound of your Windows XP computer turning on. Somehow, PJ Pug-a-Pillar had figured out how to use it. You would be proud if not a bit worried:
"You found the computer", you announce to the group. "Okay. Don't mess up too much with that thing, I need it to work. I'll show you guys how to use the internet later, I think you would like it".
Long Legs decided to sit next to the TV, stretching her neck so she could watch it better. The mini critters seemed to really like her, as they still haven't let go of her arm.
"Angel, do you think the news are all still about us?", the spider doll asks.
You sit on the floor so Dogday can see the TV from the sofa. Bunzo immediately jumps to your lap, making himself comfortable. You pet him as images of the abandoned factory covered with cops and investigators appear, headline written as "PLAYTIME CO. INVESTIGATION STILL UNGOING".
You sigh. Bunzo seems to look up at you, confused.
"Is that a good or a bad thing?", his ears move. You stop petting him.
"It's not good nor bad. If the news aren't screaming how the investigation found out how you guys were made, then we can assume the Prototype is doing a good job".
"He always did".
Everyone, including you, turns to stare at Catnap. He decided to sit next to the sofa, lying his back against the wall. The ceiling was too low for him to be comfortable like that...
"Mommy cannot agree with you", Long Legs groans. "Would you want to know hy?"
The feline simply stares uncomfortably at the pink toy. She rolls her eyes, muttering something about him denying the evidence before turning her attention back at the tv. You're glad these two didn't get into a fight again, but you still don't feel comfortable. Most of the bigger toys are sitting on the floor, with the smaller ones either using Kissy, Miss Delight and Dogday or the sofa as a sitting spot.
The images in the TV then cut to you, eye bags and all, staring at the camera and politely answering a question.
"Look!", Bunzo points. "It's mom!"
"I'm not your... Nevermind", you put some of your hair behind your ear. The you in the TV keeps talking:
"No, I didn't see any guards or cops when I came in there", you shake your head, tired.
"No security at all?"
"I mean, the factory is full of weird machines you need to use a thing called a 'grabpack' to make them work, but there wasn't anyone who stopped me from grabbing one and going inside. I bet even a child could have gotten themself trapped in there from how lonely things were outside..."
"Do you think one of the monsters escaped the factory before?"
"The toys, is that what you mean?"
Your eyes finally showed some light as you bit back at the word choice. You lifted your head, now more determined than before:
"If any of them escaped, they are either dead or locked away somewhere by whoever knew about what Playtime was doing. Or do you really think these kids wanted to stay inside that prison? They were fighting each other over what to eat, for God's sake!"
"Angel...", Poppy muttered. "You didn't tell anyone about the..."
"Cannibalism? Hel- heck no. You guys will be regarded as monsters by a lot of people if i do that. Until things calm down, no one outside the investigators of our case will know".
You decide to get up from your spot, much to Bunzo's dismay. You pet his head before stretching yourself, hearing some bones pop:
"The kitchen is right there. Bathroom is there, and my room is there. I don't think there's any clothes good enough for you guys, but we'll see. You must be hungry, right?"
You step into the kitchen, followed by some of the toys and Long Leg's head stretching head. Miss Delight excitedly walks close to you as you look for what you have.
"Well...", you mutter. "I have some snacks and food, but not enough for all of us. Maybe we should get some pizza today, and tomorrow I'll rush to the grocery store".
"... Pizza?", Bunzo asks in the big toy pile that formed at the kitchen's entrance, his head between the smaller huggies. "What's that?"
"It's an italian dish made from bread dough and topped with plenty of ingredients!", Miss Delight answers in her cheerful tone before turning to face you: "But... You have pizza, Angel?"
"No, but I can just ask someone to deliver to us. I have the money", you grab the kitchen's telephone, searching in the drawers for the number of that one very good pizza place your friend worked at. "Since no one here ever ate a pizza I'll just ask for five of each flavor. Might do the job, seeing how many of us are in there..."
You turn, lying against the kitchen's corner, only to realize that everyone was staring at you. Even Catnap had gotten out of his spot, curiously watching, and you could see Dogday's head as he was trying to take a good look at what was going on.
"You guys can explore the house, y'know. It's our house now, not mine", you tell the group, going back to the living room, telephone in hand so the poor giant puppy could be included. Another door was opened, and the mini critters and huggies were now conquering your bedroom. Good for them.
You sat on the floor again. Bunzo proclaimed your lap, and Poppy decided to also sit next to you.
"I don't have to eat, Angel", the doll told you, watching TV. "Prioritize the others, alright?"
"Neither do I!", Dogday replied. "I ate at the hospital, don't worry about me".
You roll your eyes and pet Poppy's head. "I know you don't have to eat, doll, but you, young sir, have to eat. A freaking lot, actually! Didn't I tell you guys food isn't a limited supply anymore?"
A mini critter screamed and something was knocked over. Long Legs immediately got out of her spot, coming out of your room with a mini craftycorn trying to chew on a blanket.
Dogday, however, was whimpering. He lowered his head and fidgeted with his hands: "Are you sure? You did so much for us, Angel..."
"And I'll do even more. I'll be your legal guardian if everything goes well, remember?"
Catnap then "accidentally" bumped his tail against Dogday's face. The pup's eyes widened, and you laughed at how offended he looked. The feline pretended to watch television as Dogday stared at him.
"I didn't do anything this time".
Now the pup was looking at you for answers. Poppy was laughing as well, all the while Catnap's tail kept bumping into Dogday.
"Listen to what the Angel has to say", he simply told him. "And eat".
You were smiling. Never in a thousand years did you think your life would become this weird, but you were glad it was like this nonetheless.
Then you realized something, and crossed your arms:
"Catnap, you do realize you'll also have to eat a lot instead of giving your food to the mini critters, right?"
The feline's tail stopped moving.
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verstappenf1lecccc · 6 days
would you write a Nando x reader like a longish one where she’s a fan at the British Grand Prix like that’s her home country and all.. and Nando is all annoyed and everything because of the British weather but they fall in love after Nando has to apologise to the reader.. however Nando wants to leave the uk as its weather depresses him carries on all season racing then realises he misses the reader and comes back for her and is like home is where you are blah blah .. I want angst and lots of fluff and comfort.. I never see enough Fernando I need more please 🙏
I am so sorry for how late this is being uploaded!! I really hope you like it :) once again i am so sorry for not posting this sooner.
Let me know if you guys like it and or want a part two :)
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British weather, you’ve heard of beach weather or even sweater weather but what you might have not heard off was British weather. Bipolar, Unpredictable and frankly a nuisance.
If there was one thing Fernando Alonso would openly hate and criticize it would be the British weather, something about the cold and gloomy weather never sat right with his Spanish blood, it wasn’t that he wanted it to rain and be cold it was just the way the weather would pull a sad cast over the country pissed Fernando off.
He thrived in the salty Spanish atmosphere always groaning and making up excuses for when Lawrence needed him to come to the UK especially with the production of the new factory. He despised it and once almost semi threatened the older stroll into leaving if he had to visit the UK more than twice a year. That included the British Grand Prix. Let’s just say senior stroll was not pleased with his antics but hey who was he to judge.
Fate was a twisted thing when you come to think of it.
Fernando would never believe you if you would have come up to him months ago and say that he willingly took more than two flights a year to the UK, all for what you may be asking. He was doing it all for love.
The way they met was nothing short of a love story.
It was the British Grand Prix, and she was there eyes trying to capture everything the atmosphere had to offer, she’d work her butt off to finally afford paddock passes. It was her dream come true. A little fun fact about her was that she was painfully patriotic, she was the type of person to cry annually on the queens passing day, she was the type of person who wouldn’t mind giving her two cents whenever someone would dare complain about her country infront if her. She was also the type of person who considered one direction a national treasure and cried when Zayn left the band. she loved her nation and was proud to be British. It wasn’t a surprise that her favorite driver was Sir Lewis Hamilton, it was rather fitting but what was surprising was that her second favorite rather then being George was Fernando. Her friends found that bit rather ironic but alas.
Fernando had spotted her way before her sense even registered that she was far too deep into the paddock way beyond what her day pass allowed her to be, the Spaniards assistant was about to knock some sense into the girl but was stopped by a quick grunt from his boss.
Something captivated Fernando about her, it was almost like she had brought sunshine and brightness in her that she sort off over shadowed the gloomy weather. He liked that about her, Fernando was never shy especially when it came to getting girls number or talking with them but with her he almost was shy, a rather weird feeling for him. He wanted to get her name or her number before she could blend in with the hundreds of fans present. Fate had other plans. Before he would approach her security came to drag her away from the area and also ended up dragging Fernando away from his chance to get to know the girl. He ended up having a faint laugh over his luck.
The race ended up with Lewis winning followed by both Fernando and lance on the podium. It was one of the greatest moments for the team something Fernando would never forget. A double podium would be any teams dream but for a team like Aston Martin it was a miracle. Fernando doesn’t know why he said yes to staying longer in the UK with the team to celebrate the victory the logical part of him thought that it was due to the love he had for his team but a part deep inside of him knew otherwise.
Fernando knew someone was looking out for him when he ended up bumping his Aston Martin into a rather tipsy passerby, who might that passerby be you might be wondering? Well it was none other then the pretty girl Fernando had set his eyes on in the paddock. Fate really had a twisted way of bringing people together. But hey Fernando wasn’t going to complain especially if it brought him to her.
The first thing that registered in her mind was that the fabcy car she was ogling at had in fact hit her. She didn’t mind the part where the handsome Spanish driver came out and started apologizing rather quickly for her drunk mind to comprehend. She thought his lips were pretty and had accidentally said it out loud which only resulted in the Spaniard laughing.
Fernando knew she was drunk and he did his best to try and get a friends name or number to get the girl he now knew as yn home.
Alas she was not budging only saying that she lived just down the street and that she could walk. Long story short she could not. Not only that she ended up throwing up in his car and then going on a rather long rant about how perfect Britain is and when Fernando mentioned the weather she quickly shut him up by throwing up again. ladies and gentlemen at this exact moment Fernando knew that she was the one for him minus the throw up.
He had ended up flagging a cab down and had found out her number and address and made sure she got home safe. He made sure that she had a little something to eat prior to getting into a cab and that resulted in a still rather tipsy but more sober yn giving him her number.
It was exactly a week later when they went out on their first date and the rest is history.
2 years down the line and the only issue in their rather perfect relationship was the weather. To anyone’s SUPRISE Fernando had ended up traveling to the UK 24 times in each year that they have been together. Both of them knew this wasn’t an environmental or logical solution to their issues.
It was a no brainer to Fernando, when he had proposed the idea of asking her to move in with him in Spain. He knew how much he missed the Spanish sun and the salty air, funny enough he really missed his homeland. Fernando was one proud man his nationality being one of the many things he was proud about. He hates being away from her and hates the UK weather even more so when he suggests moving to Spain he really thought it would work.
Alas when the idea was brought up she simply said no, it left Fernando rather perplexed and confused as to why she wouldn’t want to live with him. He had taken it the wrong way, of course she wanted to live with him she bloody loved the bloke and didn’t was to be away from him but she didn’t want to leave the UK.
It was a weird situation neither of the patriots wanted to leave their country and settle somewhere else. Unfortunately this debate carried on for way too long and ended up in a rather tense argument which lead to Fernando saying “A la mierda, claramente amas este país y este clima miserable más de lo que me amas a mí. no puedo soportarlo más”
* fuck this you clearly love this country and this miserable weather more than you love me. i can't take it anymore*
and with that he had packed up his bags for the dreaded triple header, neither of them being mature enough to find a solution and sort things out before he left for the month. the way his words churned in her head made her eyes tear up and tore her heart into two. She didn’t mean to make him upset and make him feel like she didn’t want to live with him. She simply just didn’t want to leave the country it was all she ever knew.
On the other hand Fernando was miserable, a triple header was never easy especially when you had just argued with your girlfriend prior to leaving. He regretted his words and his tone, he hated how entitled he sounded. He didn’t want to hurt her but he genuinely just wanted to move to Spain with the love of his life, the other reason he wanted to get her to Spain was so that he could propose to her in the heart of his city. He had it all planned. He really didn’t know if she would even say yes after this fight.
It was 3 days into the argument when they first made contact. It was the first time they had gone so long without talking and it genuinely killed both of them.
Fernando being the older and wiser fox had called her in the hopes of her temper subsiding and to simply hear her voice. He had sent flowers to her apartment as a token of his remorse and in hopes of her texting him.
She didn’t pick up his call. That had left his head pounding with worry and his heart hurting, was she truly going to leave him.
She couldn’t take it anymore all she wanted was to jump into his arms and have him hold her close while whispering apologies in his native tongue.
So she did what every rational person would do, she booked a plane ticket to the next race. Surprisingly enough it ended up being Spain, she knew he would be smug about it after they had made up. It was a red eye flight and was well over 12 hours with the layovers. She didn’t mean to end up ignoring his call and had not even seen the message.
It was well into the second practice session when she showed up in the paddock and was simply directed to Fernando’s drivers room where she sat for the remainder of the session. She knew she should have given Fernando context over shutting down his idea. She wanted to apologize but it seemed like fate wanted to add a little drama into their lives and made Fernando crash his Aston Martin into the barriers jusy as the session was coming to a end. The red flag and seeing her man in the crumpled car were all she needed to end up bursting into tears. She knew that he was okay but as he aged she knew that although the accident looked rather simple it could have a higher impact on his body.
It was a quick stop at the medical center for Fernando before he made his way into his drivers room just to check if his love had called him back. What he wasn’t expecting was to be attacked by a crying mess.
He held her close as she sobbed into his chest, fear and anxiety making her a crying mess. But in Fernando’s eyes she was nothing but an angel. He held her close letting her rant about how stupid it was of him to have a crash and how she never wants to see that ever again. He let her ramble until she slowly calmed down.
He then peppered her with kisses and held her whilst he apologized for everything. For the way he spoke to her for the way he marched out and for simply crashing. He rambled on saying something along the lines of never leaving her especially after arguing and that he didn’t care about the miserable weather anymore and he just wanted to be close to her no matter what country it ended up being in.
His apology resulted in a fresh wave of tears escaping from her eyes and she quickly apologized for shutting him down and ended her ramble with saying that she just wanted to live with him.
Their quick turnaround and apologies continued for a rather long time which was followed by some rather interesting activities which displayed the passion they shared for eachother.
At the end of the day they held eachother close and the silk sheets covered them and came with the conclusion after much discussion with George and Carmen who were in a similar situation that they would end up partly in Spain and partly in the UK.
To be honest Fernando could care less where he ended up as long as he was with her.
Over the next week they explored the Spanish countryside and where Fernando grew up before he got down on one knee and proposed to her.
She obviously said yes :) But that is a story for another time
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On Gale and patriarchy/toxic masculinity
I really want to do a reading and analysis of Gale's character as upholding patriarchal values and expectations of toxic masculinity because this stuck out to me as I listened to the CF audiobook before bed last night. From chapter 1 of CF:
I think of Gale, who is only really alive in the woods, with its fresh air and sunlight and clean, flowing water. I don't know how he stands it. Well ... yes, I do. He stands it because it's the way to feed his mother and two younger brothers and sister. And here I am with buckets of money, far more than enough to feed both our families now, and he won't take a single coin. It's even hard for him to let me bring in meat, although he'd surely have kept my mother and Prim supplied if I'd been killed in the Games. I tell him he's doing me a favor, that it drives me nuts to sit around all day. Even so, I never drop off the game while he's at home. Which is easy since he works twelve hours a day. 
Highlighted the part that really made my ears perk up. There's something to be said about Gale's stubbornness and his pride, which is very similar to Katniss's but he always takes it another step. Whereas Katniss learns to accept others' help, to forge these connections, Gale doesn't. It's giving "I'm the man and this is my job." For someone who wants nothing more than to help keep his family alive, it's weird that he refuses any help.
At first I thought maybe he doesn't want her money because it's from the Capitol and he despises it that much but she says it's hard for him to even have her bring meat in from hunting. Which points to his pride. He wants to be the provider. The one taking care of her. And it leaves Katniss in a kinda tricky place. It's like she's walking on eggshells around him here - purposely not dropping off game at his house when he's there.
Compare that with Peeta (which as a reader, like Katniss, you end up doing when either of these two guys come up) and it's so different. We know Peeta is strong and smart etc. He's not a hunter but he's also still a provider (of bread). And he has his own pride too. But going through the Games, Peeta and Katniss have a balanced push and pull. She helps him, he helps her. She takes care of him, he takes care of her. When he's hurt, he lets Katniss help him. He's not too proud to try and do it himself. Same with Katniss. She lets him take care of her when she needs it. And this is something they learn from the Games, particularly Katniss; how to accept help from others. And we see her development in this over the course of the trilogy.
Gale is interesting in that I really think he is one of the characters in the books who really doesn't grow as such. In my mind, he's rooted in place in many ways. From his ideals, to his thoughts, to his strategies, to his actions, he doesn't really develop much. He has moments - but a lot of those moments are tied to wanting to apologise to or be better for Katniss (and still he comes up short). I'm thinking of the moment where he makes her feel bad for defending her prep team in 13 and then later tries to smooth things over in the canteen by being kind. I believe that's something he did only for Katniss. She's his motivation to be different (but turns out that's not enough still.)
I'll maybe build on this another time but this passage made me think of what he says when he sees Katniss after Prim's death. "Does it matter? You'll always be thinking about it... That was the one thing I had going for me. Taking care of your family." Instead of apologising for helping to create such bombs, instead of asking for forgiveness, instead of crying with her, instead of expressing his sorrow and regret at what's happened, this is all he's able to say. Which is odd to me. To not even try to comfort your supposed closest friend at such a time. To say that's all you had going for you? It's this relationship of transaction. 'I take care of your family and hunt with you so you should end up marring me.' I really don't think that's far from what Gale expected.
I think there's even more to say about Gale as a patriarchal character but I've rambled on enough at this point. But his attitude and perspective throughout the book, while aligned with that of a traumatised young adult in the midst of oppression, also aligns heavily with patriarchal constructs. The way he thinks of war and people and human relationships, the way he thinks of fighting and death, and the way he thinks of doing whatever you have to do to achieve your end, no matter what happens or who gets hurt in pursuit of it. If anyone has any reading on Gale in these areas I'd be so interested in it!
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grcetxt · 6 months
Fuck it we ball fanfic time. Gn reader x lars pinfield WOO
Okay WOO lmk if this is shit or ooc or anything, but im pretty happy with how this went :D its a little rushed, might redo it in the future idk. Also i made Y/N bit too much like me (northern) so watch out for that american readers SORRYYY. anwyays enjoy!
I am smart.
No don't laugh, I am, genuinely I am.
Maybe not in the way that others deem important, maybe not in the traditional sense, but I am bright.
Pinfield doesn't think so, the prick.
Every day I come into work, all smiling and welcoming, and what do I get in return? A roll of the eyes if I'm lucky.
But I don't let him get to me, I love my job. My boss is chill, I love hanging out with Lucky, and the Spenglers seem nice! It's a good gig, really.
I'm the "PR guy" for Ghost Corps. Every time they fuck up and destroy a building or whatever I'm the one who covers it up. I'm a real smooth talker, 'gift of the gab' my mum used to call it.
The team needs me, I know that, they know that. Im crucial to the whole operation, the sole reason why that whiny mayor dude hasnt shut them down.
I'm the one who goes to press interviews, who goes on the radio or on TV. I'm the social media manager, I make videos, and post tweets, fuck I've even started a Ghostbusters youtube account! I deserve a raise honestly. #justiceforY/NthePRguy
I get on with everyone at work except for Pinfield, and I genuinely dont know why.
I've tried getting him to feature in videos, or explain the science of stuff to me so I can actually seem like I know what I'm talking about- but he just brushes me off.
Gary tries to reassure me about this on a daily basis. "Its nothing to do with you Y/N" he smiled one day, putting a hand on my shoulder and guiding me away from the busy scientist. "He doesnt really talk to anyone, he gets really passionate about his work"
"I get that, but there's no need for him to be a dick to me, he's got me thinking all kinds of shit honestly!" I replied, exhasperated "I've never done nowt to him"
Suddenly, Pinfield raised his head from his work, scrunching his eyebrows together. "thats a double negative" he commented, looking at me as if I was stupid. Great, It's the most he's ever spoken to me and its a fucking insult- atleast I think it is.
"you what?" I ask, making my way over to him despite Garys protests. I fold my arms, looking as menacing as i can (which ive been told isn't very menacing at all)
"I said its a double negative, if you've never done nothing then you must've done something" before I can reply, he adds onto the end "which you haven't, by the way. I dont know why you think that. I treat you the same as anyone else"
I can't explain why his answer bothers me so much, but it does. Why does he view me in the same way he views the others? That's hardly fair. I'm always welcoming to him, I make time out of my day to include him in things. I hate to admit it, but I genuinely admire him aswell. His love for all things paranormal, the way he gets so excited and proud when he gets to explain the science of ghost-catching to someone. It's oddly endearing.
I tell him as much (excpet for the stuff about him being endearing, he doenst need his ego inflated any more than it already is)
He looks confused, I've never seen him look like that- its weird. Arrogant? sure. Annoyed? when is he not bffr. Happy? Once or twice. But confused? Weird. This is the guy with all the answers, the smart one.
He thinks for a moment, before seemingly making a desision. He stands up with a small huff of exhasperation, and walks off.
As he goes past me, he grabs my arm, more gently than I thought he was capable of. Okay, i guess im coming too. Fun, roadtrip time.
He takes me out of the lab and down the corridor, into a relatively well lit small room.
"Well this is-" before i can speak properly, he cuts me off. Told you he was a prick.
"I dont understand you Y/N" he blurts out, looking at me, as if I'm some sort of specimin hes studying in the lab.
"Well good." I joke. I dont like the serious tone he's taking. Dont like how aware I am of his gaze. HATE the fact I can feel my cheeks burning. Gross. Pinfield is a dick, we've established this. Why the fuck am I BLUSHING because he's LOOKING at me? Bit embarassing, pull it together Y/LN.
He doenst like this though. He shakes his head, pacing around.
"No Y/N you dont get it. I understand everyone, sort of anyways. I've observed them, I can predict their reactions to things. I know what they're all like- but you're... I just dont understand! You're so happy and nice all the time, but you also get angry at stupid stuff, but never really properly angry? I cant make sense of it, genuinely. You've not done anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong. Thats frustrating too. It's like you're this perfect, beautiful person, and I've been trying to see flaws but I cant-" He rambles, speaking like hes just letting out one stream of constant thoughts. He seems stressed, poor guy.
I interupt him, grabbing his arm. "Hey, c'mon Pinfi- I- Lars. C'mon Lars. I'm not worth the stress mate" I try and reassure him, but that just agitates him more.
"See! That's just it! I've been horrible to you, I admit it. But you've kept trying with me! When I hurt my hand you were the one who bandaged it and put it in a sling"
(i had found him almost blacked out from the pain on the lab floor, even the memory of it sent a shiver down my spine)
"you were the only one that looked for me after we all nearly died fighting Garraka"
("Pinfield? Pinfield!? Oh my god, there you are! Thank fuck you're alright!" Okay maybe this tiny non-crush had been going on longer than i thought... christ)
"I dont like the thought of you hurt..." i muttered, embarrased. this definitely wasnt how i was expecting this conversation to go, fuck my life I was crushing on a nerdy scientist who defintely didn't like me back.
He stopped his pacing and walked over to me until the gap between us was non existant. He slowly, hesitantly, lifted his hand until he cupped my cheek.
"I don't like the thought of you upset because of me" he muttered, his voice low.
My heart completely stopped, my breath caught in my throat, was this happening? how was this happening? i swear this guy was like my mortal enemy not even 5 minutes ago. so many revelations were bieng made today...
I decided to be bold, why not? fuck it, i've got nothing to loose at this point.
I leaned in so our noses just grazed eachother, looking at him, really genuinely looking at him. his soft blue eyes that seemed to peer into my soul. Not pierce through it, like some weird blue eyed fuckers i knew, but looked. gently, tenderly, as if he was looking at everything i ever had been, or would be. like i was something beautiful, something to be treaured.
It made me want to sob at the thought. god, how disgustingly sweet.
"make up for it then" i whispered, the tension so thick i could cut it with a knife.
I'd planned on being the one to make the forst move, but apparently, that was all that Lars needed.
He kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine, sotfly, tenderly, tentatively.
I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him, so i quickly reciprocated. More eagerly than i owuldve liked- but oh well.
I could feel his hand resting on my waist, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. It all felt so tender, so raw, not at all how i thought it would be.
I felt like a teenager again, and couldnt resist letting out a small giggle, making Lars pull away. He looked confused again, making me laugh once again.
"What?" he aksed, a sort of amused smile on his face.
"Nothing- sorry. Nothing at all. Just thinking of how fuming mums gonna be when i tell her ive got a posho for a boyfriend"
"I am NOT posh!"
"you are a littleee"
"I AM NO- wait- boyfriend?"
"oh shit didnt mean to say that bi-"
he cut me off with another kiss, this one much more confident.
It felt like a million fireworks were going off in my head, oh I could definetly get used to this feeling. This war, sweet, happy feeling. My senses were flooded with everything Lars. His taste, his smell, his touch.
I felt like I was learning to live again.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Vickie had been invited to Steve’s house by Robin, and she was completely nervous. It was a pool party which meant swimsuits. Should she go sexy or conservative? Fuck it, she's wearing a bikini. Over the bikini, she wore a pair of jeans shorts and a floral tank top. Vickie stared at her reflection in the mirror. She ruffled up her hair and pouted, and then she scowled.
"Why I am so pale?!" Vickie exclaimed.
"Once again, dear, I apologize for passing on my genes to you," her father said as he leaned against her doorway. "I like you, so should Robin. Although not in the same way."
"Dad! You have to like me," Vickie rolled her eyes.
"Everything's going to work out," Matthew said and grabbed his daughter by the shoulders shaking her. "You just have to believe in yourself the way that I do."
"I'm starting to regret telling you," Vickie rolled her eyes.
"You know that I'm proud of you, right?" He asked. "And if your mother were still here with us, she'd proud of you too."
"Thanks, Daddy," Vickie said softly. "I just wish I got to tell her."
"Oh, pumpkin, I think she always knew," Matthew told her.
"How do you know that?" She asked.
"She's your mother. Nothing ever got past her," he said. "Now, do we need to do something breathing exercises?"
"Okay, now what do we tell our anxiety first?"
"To go to hell!"
"Damn straight or in your case not so straight!"
Vickie stood in front of the large house and was immediately intimated by its size.
"It's weirdly huge, right?" A voice, and she looked to find Eddie Munson standing next to her. "I always feel like it's going to eat me. You must be Vickie."
"And you must be Eddie Munson," Vickie said in amusement.
"Nah. I'm the guy that ate him," Eddie said sarcastically, and Vickie laughed.
"You're weird," she said. "My dad would like you."
"You should know now, Vickie, that my heart is pining away for someone else. . .just so you don't get your hopes up," Eddie said.
"So is mine," she replied.
"Good, now that that's settled," Eddie told her. "What's got you so nervous?"
"The idea of taking off my clothes," Vickie scoffed.
"Yeah, same here. I've got some nasty scars recently, and they're not quite done healing. Almost. They're ugly as hell," Eddie sighed.
"I've got a scar on my stomach from a car accident when I was little, but I decided to say "fuck it" and wear a bikini anyway," Vickie said.
"That's my kind of spirit. Fuck it," Eddie grinned. "Ready to head inside, my lady?"
"I am now," Vickie said.
The party was in full swing. All of Steve and Robin's friends were here. They were Eddie's friends now, too. Jonathan Byers, some guy named Argyle who Vickie immediately liked, and Nancy Wheeler. Vickie wasn't at all curious that Steve was friends with his ex, as she was still very much friends with hers. Robin seemed to be friends with her, too. There was this bond there that connected all of them, and she wasn't sure what it was, but she was glad they had it. There was this warm feeling of family amongst all of them. The one thing she hated, though, was the fear behind their eyes and the way they all jumped sometimes. Something told her that the bond they formed didn't start from a very good place. It wasn't her story to tell, though, so she wasn't going to pry.
"Whatcha thinking about, Lady Fisher?" Eddie asked as he plopped down in the lawn chair next to hers.
Vickie had gotten tired out from swimming and had decided to sprawl out into one of the lawn chairs. She had started thinking about the way Robin's eyes landed on hers when she started taking off her clothes, and the way remained steadfast on her face as though they were trying not to look anywhere else. It had made Vickie blush and somehow her thoughts had drifted.
"Life," Vickie told Eddie.
"Ah, yes, that bitch," Eddie said and Vickie giggled.
Her eyes landed on Robin and Steve talking animatedly with one another as they stuck their feet in the pool. She could have sworn she saw Robin say her name, and it made Vickie blush. She didn't realize that Eddie was talking to her until Eddie was snapping his fingers in front of her face.
"Hmm?" She asked.
"Is the person you like Steve?" Eddie scowled.
"What?!" Vickie exclaimed. "No."
Eddie turned his head at the same time hers did. His eyes landed on Argyle nearby.
"Argyle?" He asked.
"Well, no, I mean, a little, but I think everyone likes Argyle just a bit. I mean. . .," Vickie trailed off.
"Except for Robin," they said at the same time.
They gasped and slapped their hands on their mouths at the same time. Vickie did not mean to say that, although it didn't necessarily imply that Robin is a lesbian. Still. Wait. . .Vickie removed her hand at the same time that he did.
"You know?!" They hissed.
"How do you know?!"
"She told me!"
"Stop that!"
They stayed quiet for a while. Eddie looked at her thoughtfully.
"If it's not Argyle, then . . . "
Vickie sighed and grabbed his head. She pointed him at Robin. He gasped and then looked at her in annoyance.
"I was getting there," he said defensively.
"Sure, you were," Vickie laughed and released his head.
"Just so you know, I call dibs on Steve," Eddie said.
"You can't call dibs on a person," she said.
"Sure you can. I just did," he said with a grin and rubbed his stomach, wincing.
"Your scars hurting you?" Vickie asked.
"The pain comes and goes," Eddie shrugged. "You're not curious about how I got them?"
"I am, but I'm not going to question it if you don't want me to know," Vickie said. "Besides, I just met you."
"Yes, but I have this feeling that we're like Steve and Robin. Platonic soulmates and what not," Eddie said. "I mean, how do you think they got there?"
"Well, they were in Starcourt together," Vickie said.
"Ooh, so, you think shared trauma? See, I knew about Starcourt," Eddie frowned. "I don't think we have any shared trauma. I mean, I was once in a car accident, too."
"Really?" Vickie asked gently.
"Yeah, my mom died in that accident. I was in the car with her. She threw her body on top of mine," Eddie said, his voice catching. "We were coming back from Indie when this drunk driver came out of nowhere. It caused a pretty bad pileup."
"Was it on the road with the really creepy scarecrow that no one ever does anything about?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah. I guess you heard about it like everyone else?" Eddie asked.
"Eddie. . .I think we have shared trauma," Vickie said, tears in her eyes. "Me and my mom were in that accident. My mom also died that day."
"Shit," Eddie said and moved quickly to hug her.
They were interrupted by Robin and Steve coming over to check on them.
"Is everything okay?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," Vickie said, her face wet with tears. "We were talking about our moms."
"Oh," Robin and Steve said in unison, a look of understanding in their eyes.
"Vickie, do you want to talk more inside?" Eddie asked softly and she nodded.
Eddie put his arm around her as they walked inside. They ended up on the floor of the nearest bathroom, unknowingly recreating Steve and Robin's own special moment. They talked for a while until their bathing suits were very nearly dry. They talked about how wonderful their moms were. Vickie told him how her mom used to read to her at bedtime and how she used to make her dance on her feet when they were dancing in the kitchen. Eddie told her all about how he got his love of his music from his mother even though she never could carry a tune, but she could tell a story like no one else. They talked about how they wished they were still here, how they could tell their moms about themselves.
"My mom would love Robin," Vickie said.
"My mom would love Steve, and she would love the fact that Steve would probably be the one to teach her how to cook. She always hated that she didn't know how to do that," Eddie grinned.
They went on to talk about how they hated the fact that they had to share this trauma, but there was also some relief in knowing that they didn't have to go through it alone. Eddie stood up and clapped his hands.
"Alright, enough of this sad shit," Eddie said and jumped up. "I think we're officially soulmates now."
He put his hand and helped her up, hugging her tightly.
"Definitely platonic," Vickie giggled. "You remind me too much of my dad."
They left the bathroom and found that everyone had gone home.
"How long were we in there for?" Eddie asked.
They headed to the kitchen where Robin and Steve were cleaning up.
"Party's over?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, everyone got tired really quickly. It was weird how quickly they got so tired," Robin said, and Steve nudged her in the side.
Vickie grinned and pulled Eddie off to the side.
"I just got a great idea," Vickie said.
"And what, pray tell, is cooking in that head of yours, Fisher?" Eddie asked.
"We should ask them out together right now!" Vickie said excitedly.
"Are you crazy?" Eddie asked.
"Come on, we both know that life is short, and we could kick it at any time. They're worth risking it all, yeah," Vickie said. "Besides, they can't reject us if we're coming at them from both sides."
"Hmm, I am not seeing a single flaw in your logic," Eddie said thoughtfully and grinned. "Let's do it!"
They moved back over to Robin and Steve.
"What the hell was that all about?" Steve asked.
"That was our first official platonic soulmate huddle," Eddie said.
"Oh, so, you guys are platonic soulmates now?" Steve asked.
"That's cute," Robin said, smiling. "I mean, you know as in, you know . . . You know what I mean."
"Wait, how are we going to do this?" Eddie asked.
"Well, I figured you would look at Steve, and then I would look at Robin," Vickie said. "Then we ask them."
Eddie shot her finger guns and then leaned against the island across from them. Vickie leaned against the island, looking at Robin.
"We want to know - " Eddie nudged Vickie as he continued to gaze into Steve’s eyes.
"If you guys would like to - " Vickie said, nudging him back.
"Go out with us!" They finished together.
"Well, that was fucking cute," Steve said.
"But I think we're going to have to have a huddle of our own," Robin said, winking at Vickie.
They couldn't move very far away, but they talked quietly for a moment before squealing and then jumping up and down. They calmed down and straightened up while wiping imaginary lint off of their clothes. They walked back over, looking serious.
"We accept!" Steve and Robin exclaimed.
"But you should know that you guys didn't have to become platonic soulmates just to ask us out," Steve said.
"I know. It kind of just happened," Vickie shrugged and grinned at Eddie.
Eddie took her by the shoulders and moved Vickie directly in front of Robin.
"I am handing you my platonic soulmate. Be careful with her," Eddie said.
"And the same to you," Robin said as she pushed Steve towards Eddie.
"Why does this feel like a drug deal?" Steve asked.
"Maybe it's because you're the best kind of drug, baby," Eddie said, kissing his cheek.
"That was a good one," Vickie said.
Steve blushed and squeezed Eddie's shoulder, causing him to wince. That's when he noticed that Eddie was slightly pink.
"Eddie! You're sunburned! I told you to use sunscreen," Steve said.
"I'm a rebel, baby," Eddie winked at him.
"Oh, so you want to get skin cancer?!" Steve exclaimed.
"I smoke too! Do you want to tell me about getting lung cancer?" Eddie scoffed.
"Yes! I only ever had the occasional smoke, and I quit," Steve rolled his eyes.
"Is this how it's going to be? You worrying about me?" Eddie asked with a grin.
"Yes!" Steve said, and Eddie wrapped his arms around him, kissing his cheek. "Plus, I'd rather you not have to use an oxygen tank in between makeout sessions."
"Fair point," Eddie laughed.
Vickie and Robin giggled before sharing a look.
"Dinguses!" They exclaimed.
"Our platonic dinguses," Vickie said, and Robin kissed her cheek, causing her to blush.
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anundyingfidelity · 1 year
CATCH FEELS — Adam Warlock x goddess!reader
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Summary: You're very happy seeing Thor again after your ways parted. Adam is not sure he's liking the god of thunder's visit.
Pairing: Adam x asgardian goddess!reader.
Word count: 1.5k.
Notes: reader is the goddess of joy and peace, some descriptions of reader wearing dresses, reader is as around the same age as Thor, female pronouns use.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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A sigh escaped from Adam's lips... by the tenth time in the day.
He watched you in silence from afar. How happy you looked, how your laughter got louder and your smile grew wide, all meanwhile you spent some time with Thor, the god of thunder himself.
Less than a couple of hours before, Adam came back from a lonely mission and he was atonished to find out you were not alone. In fact, you had a visit. He certainly did not like your visit immediately. Something inside him grew up, like a rejection toward the asgardian god.
When you met a few months ago, Adam remembered you telling him the story of Asgard and its people, and how you ended up with the guardians after Thor left the team to look for Sif. Suddenly, as time passed and you became very close friends, a weird feeling flourished inside of him. Adam then realized he loved you, but he was too scared to confess.
Tired of just being a viewer on your little chat with Thor, he started to walk to meet you and the god, who was now occupied having a small talk with a kid.
"Adam!" you beamed once he was near, you ran to him and hugged him tightly. "You're back! I'm so glad you're here, I missed you."
The golden boy embraced you with a smile on his lips. "I've missed you too."
"Hey, I want you to meet someone. He's very important to me, I know you're gonna have a great time with us-" taking his hand and not stopping your talk, you brought Adam closer to Thor, who just finished his chat with the kid. Unaware of what you did with your small action, Adam felt his heartbeat increased, and his face started to burn at your touch.
"So this is the new addition? The golden man?" Thor beamed once Adam was literally in front of him, with you presenting him like a proud mother.
Thor patted him playfuly in the shoulder with such joy and embraced the golden man with his strong arms. Adam realized asgardians did give good, big hugs, but Thor's hug was nothing like yours.
"Let's have a special dinner today!" you stepped in, happy that your best friend finally met Adam. "People around here have been missing you, Adam, and you'll like Thor, I'm sure."
You took his hand again, a beautiful smile that crinkled your eyes on your face. How could he say no to you? Of course, you were the goddess of joy and peace, and there was always something bright you saw and this was the perfect opportunity to introduce Adam to Asgard and your culture.
Adam nodded with a grin. "I'd love that."
A long week was waiting for him.
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Adam got lost in the story that Thor was telling. One of Thor's hundreds of times he saved the universe or a planet that he really didn't pay too much attention to. He was focused in one thing: you, sitting in the middle of both, the asgardian god and him.
You smiled and chuckled through the epic story telling Thor was giving to the guardians during the dinner, he was certainly getting all the attention that night. You were enjoying yourself, unlike Adam, who was just pretending to listen to the asgardian god, instead he was focusing on your reactions and how beautiful you looked with that shiny, golden dress on you.
Adam was totally hypnotized on your figure that he didn't expect Thor to smash his empty cup to the ground.
"Another!" The god yelled, making you laugh and the Guardians celebrating him around the table. Even Nebula curved her lips a little, and that was a lot to say.
"Mead?" you asked Adam, offering him a little of the asgardian liqueur you prepared. The guardians giving all the attention back to Thor, as Drax loud voice boomed the dining room while they chatted.
"That would be great," the golden man nodded. "And the food is delicious, thank you."
You filled his cup one more time for the night and smiled wide. "You're welcome, I'm truly happy to have you here."
"Y/N!" Thor loud voice called you, immediately you were forgetting about Adam and totally inmersed in Thor's conversation about an old battle that Drax was requesting to hear.
So he was long ignored, prepared for the rest of the night to be the same, but he couldn't leave the dinner because you prepared it for him and the guardians to have a good time, however, he wasn't having it.
Running was a hard decision right now.
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Knowhere looked better and the people were happier, you were a lot of help for that. The citizens loved you and Adam couldn't blame them. Each day that passed by, his love for you grew up inside of him, but also the strange sensation of having Thor around was getting stronger.
Two days have passed since Thor arrived, and he was supposed to leave soon, however, his visit felt eternal for the Sovereign. He couldn't help but feel bitterness each time you left to follow the blonde, tall muscular god and do the tasks you'd normally do with Adam instead, such as fixing things around for the citizens or teaching the new kids and their families about Knowhere, its culture, and the different planets and galaxies around.
Standing and helping Drax while fixing a metalic huge door, Adam didn't measure his strenght over the pipe of the balcony in his hand as it folded like it was a simple piece of clay in a matter of seconds. The cause? Thor hugging you tightly in front of his eyes.
"Hey, golden man! Be careful!" Drax warned, but he noticed what was Adam looking at.
You and Thor. Of course it had to be.
The muscle man began to stand up and came closer to Adam, who was ashamed of what just happened.
"Just tell her."
Drax rolled his eyes and sighed exaggeratedly. "You liek Y/n, she doesn't know and that's certain, so tell her."
But Adam wasn't certain that you liked him back, so he just nodded, dismissing his words. "Let's keep working on this."
Adam didn't even notice he did what he did because of you. And it wasn't fair for him. As the week went by, he started to break things accidentally every time you were seen with the god of thunder. Adam got called out often, but he couldn't stop himself. It was this weird feeling someone taught him so long ago taking over him as time passed by, but Adam did not remember its name.
Soon your mood changed once you knew Thor was leaving the next day, and it looked like the gods or the universe were again with Adam, as you were the only ones left in the dinning room that night.
"Adam," softly you called his name. "I'm sorry..."
The golden man was confused. "What for?"
"I just feel like I've been away from you these past few days, so I want to apologize for that," you were not as cheerful as normally and it hurted him.
"It's okay," it wasn't. "I know Thor is important to you... but I would prefer to be with you instead."
He did not mean to voice the last sentence.
"Well, you are with me now," you stepped closer to take his hand, a smile curved on your lips. "And I won't be leaving, Thor will. So you will have me here for a long time."
Adam nodded in silence, squeezing your warm hand. He tried to speak, but nothing came. He wanted to let you know how much he loved you, but he thought it wasn't the time.
"Is there anything you would like to say?" you asked, as if you were reading his mind.
"No, not at all. Everything's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"I love you."
"Adam, I love you," you repeated. "I'm sorry if it's not prompt, I promised Thor I would say it to you once you were back."
His heart fluttered at your words and his cheeks burned, your hands never stopped touching the whole time. You felt the same too. And that was also why you were spending so much time with Thor.
"I- I love you too," he stuttered. "And I never found the time to tell you, so now I'm sorry for being shy about it."
After that, you stealed a kiss from him. A quick, innocent, short kiss tasting his soft lips.
"I hope you were not mad or jealous of Thor," you joked.
Jelousy. That was the word he was looking. That's what he felt. But he would never admit.
"I wasn't jealous, I was being absolutely reasonable... in my head."
You chuckled and kissed his lips one more time.
"Sure, golden man. We will have our own time together from now on."
There was no reason to be jealous anymore.
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Concept: Christopher only realizes how serious of a trauma the tsunami was when he's already almost finishing high school.
I know in the show he's got nightmares about the tsunami but I couldn't help notice how the nightmares are more about Shannon dying in the tsunami than the tsunami itself, which is understandable given that his mom's death was sudden and probably unexplained to him beyond 'there was an accident'. So his brain was probably struggling to process that she's not coming back ever again, like she did when he asked for her to be back on Christmas.
The nightmares aren't about him or even about Buck. Kids' brains can be weird about trauma.
(Skippable context: When I was seven, my dad and I had a car accident. The car behind us skidded on black ice when we were on a river bridge, hit us and we hit another car that swiveled down the hill into the river and then we also hit the balustrade hard enough the front of our car was dangling out. The people in front of us died in the water. We were moved back onto the road by the firefighters after about half an hour, with my dad staring at that river the whole time.
I didn't remember it like that at all, only learned the above from the firefighter who had checked me out on the scene and remembered me years later when my dad set the hedge on fire and the same station answered the call, literally said 'I didn't cut you out of that car so you could set the whole village on fire' to my dad. I only remembered my dad telling me if I wait patiently in the car, he's going to get me McDonald's tomorrow and asking me what I'd written in the letter to Santa (which 6yo me refused to say because it was a list for Santa only) and the firefighter teddy bear Stefan I got from the mentioned firefighter. I literally went on with my life like nothing happened. Like, my dad's leg had stitches but he said it was alright because 'scars are cool', and I literally begged my mum so she'd let me go to school the next day so I wouldn't miss the clay day and then in the evening called out my dad for not taking me for my promised Happy Meal. No nightmares, no fears of bridges, cars or rivers. I didn't even connect that the new car wasn't there because my dad got bored of the last one like he said, but because the old one was totaled.)
So what if Chris only realized how serious the tsunami was years and years later when, idk, they were writing personal statements for college applications and 'the day that changed your life' question comes up and everyone has some either traumatizing or motivational examples but he doesn't know how to answer. And one of his friends says, "Weren't you caught in the tsunami with your dad?" (which, by that point Buck and Eddie are married and he calls Buck pops). And his automatic, absent-minded answer is, "Yeah, but that wasn't a big deal."
And everyone just stares. Because he said surviving a tsunami wasn't a big deal.
Chris knows where they're coming from because if someone told him they survived a tsunami, he wouldn't dismiss them and tell them it's not a big deal.
And obviously, he vaguely remembers asking Buck where all the water went and he remembers that the run Buck did with him in his arms after that was kind of funny and then the water hit.
But he doesn't remember the water hitting him or destroying stuff on its way, just remembers Buck telling him to keep swimming and that he's got him. And the next thing he remembers, they're on the fire truck and Buck is helping people and Chris felt so proud for helping by watching the ropes (which, now he knows was a distraction, duh) and then he remembers Buck just telling him to wait patiently and then playing I Spy and it was kind of fun again and Buck was hugging him and just, it was nice, a bit unusual, but kinda felt like they were just sitting on abuela's back porch, but wet.
Even when he fell into the water again, he wasn't that scared because he heard Buck jumping after him and he was sure he'd get to him in a minute or so. And then the water retrieved and some nice lady helped him and he was still kind of fine because he knew Buck would find him and then they could go to the aquarium like Buck promised early in the day. In fact, the process of looking for Buck was the only time he remembers feeling scared - because he was thinking, what if Buck doesn't find him before Dad comes back after work to pick him up? Dad is going to be mad at Buck if they aren't there.
He just never clocked in how close to dying he was, or how close to dying Buck was.
And that day he comes back from school and asks Eddie if he can tell him what happened during the tsunami because he remembers it differently than he probably should. Eddie gets really quiet and tells him, "I don't know. I never asked Buck for details. All that mattered to me was that the two of you were in one piece."
In the time it takes for Buck to get back home, he rationalizes that maybe it wasn't a big deal to Buck either, he was a firefighter, he probably dealt with enough of that stuff to not really be that affected, and maybe it was just different for both of them.
But then he asks Buck if he can tell him about the tsunami and Buck gets really quiet and pale and finally says, "It was the worst day of my life."
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genericpuff · 1 year
no but listen, rachel has truly embodied herself as persephone because she's constantly trying to "distance herself" from her past as a medical fetish artist but then keeps the name that's affiliated with her medical fetish art-
Like, I can't believe I never noticed it before tbh, but that was the thought that hit me while I was explaining to someone on reddit what the name "used bandaid" meant and why it was weird that Rachel is STILL using it on her print cover books, even now when she just recently set up a new Facebook account with her REAL NAME and not the used_bandaid penname (I feel like this is an attempt to "legitimize" herself in the industry but idk).
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But that leads me into talking about how she keeps lying about LO being her first webcomic project and that really pisses me off. And yes, this is related to the used_bandaid thing, just bear with me here.
A lot of my contempt for this is for reasons that go beyond her, I just hate the notion that people should succeed on their "first try" and that's an idea that's often sold by people like Rachel who spin these grandiose stories of how they were just "trying it out" and suddenly wham! Fame and fortune! You can achieve all this and more if you just xyz!
Literally, in every interview I've found over the past couple years, she always heavily implies that LO was her "first attempt", that she had never used Webtoons prior to LO, and that she was just "dipping her toes" into the medium. None of this is true, she's literally been drawing webcomics since the early 2000's (possibly earlier but the earliest documentation we can find is of The Doctor Pepper Show), LO wasn't even her first webcomic on the Webtoons platform (that goes to The Doctor Foxglove Show which she ended up dumping a chapter in to work on LO almost immediately after starting it on Tumblr) and as much as she'll claim she "couldn't pay anyone to look at her work", she had landed a number of gigs that got her work out there, had been printed in anthology collections, and IIRC she had even won some small local NZ awards for her comics prior to LO. Shit, there was a local beer brand that had her art on its labelling.
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But it really feels like she's trying her damn hardest to hide all that, never mentioning or implying that she did anything prior to LO, that she was just a "struggling graphic artist working in retail" until LO happened.
So why keep the penname that's directly affiliated with that past identity ??
It boggles my mind, honestly, especially considering she had gone by MULTIPLE usernames back then, some of which were actually pretty sane that she could have used instead (such as Rach Alex, which she uses in her FB groups, and Rachel Royale).
I wouldn't blame her if she was trying to hide her old medical fetish stuff, whether she didn't want it affiliated with her new LO branding or if she's just embarrassed by it, I can totally empathize with that because god knows I wouldn't be all that proud to show off the cringy shit I got up to during my early days on the Internet. But if she IS embarrassed by it, you'd think the last thing she'd want to keep is the name that's directly affiliated with the thing she's embarrassed by. Almost like a certain pink protagonist who goes by the name she earned after doing the thing she doesn't want to talk about.
But if she ISN'T embarrassed by it, then why lie?
Why paint this picture that LO was a one hit wonder, that she lived on "struggle street" until she found fame and fortune on Webtoons?
Oh right. Because it's a better story.
Because it's way more romantic to be some struggling indie darling who "came from nothing" and achieved fame through one big idea. Because it looks good for the platform who's trying to attract people to their app and website on the promise that you, too, can be a success story simply because you followed the exact same perceived steps that you saw another person follow and advertise.
If you can't tell from my tone, I really fucking hate this kind of disingenuous wish fulfillment advertising. It's manipulative, it's cruel, and it sets people up with expectations far beyond their scope of reaching, both due to the luck and "being in the right place at the right time" involved at best (which is a HUGE factor in stories like these that people never talk about), or through joy-killing comparison at worst when you don't achieve worldwide fame on your first try and wonder why everyone else did (spoiler: they didn't, they just want you to think that because it makes for better headlines and it gets you using whatever product they're affiliated with.)
If Rachel doesn't want to be tied down to her past, that's fine. But it's incredibly irresponsible and flat out cruel to lie about that past existing at all because it sets a horrible precedent to those who look up to her and want what she has.
And I say all that because I've seen what happens to the people starting out who admire these creators who painted the picture that they were just successful right off the bat. It's not a fun headspace to be in, it's robbed many creators like myself and others of their joy in creating, and it's really all just a ploy to get you to spend time and money and energy on a stupid corporate phone app that profits off your emotional investment and labor. Don't fall for it. Pretending like the Act of Wrath didn't happen doesn't remove it from history.
Anyways, I was gonna leave it at that, but then I ended up doing another rabbithole deep dive through her Wayback Machine and found album art she had illustrated for NZ band PorcelainToy. Enjoy this piece of her "dark era" art that still exists without needing to use the Wayback Machine.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
After careful consideration and a lot of angry tags, I think I have pinpointed for me where Ted Lasso, especially season three, fails to succeed all the way at the themes it explores.
The narrative uses the deconstruction of toxic masculinity to paint their characters as being stronger for having let go of their preconceived notions of acceptable behavior - but the narrative also never lets their characters be weak or fragile without having toxic masculinity to blame. And there are a lot of situations in this show where you would expect someone to go ‘hey man, are you okay? Are you doing alright? because that was a shit thing that happened. it’s okay if you’re not okay.’
And it never does.
There’s an undercurrent in how scenes play out that suggests that the male characters should be strong enough to deal with hand they’ve been dealt. The narrative suggests that they’re the ones who need corrected. They can act better, but they can not be treated better themselves as a result. The male characters are allowed to express themselves, but they are not allowed to ask for anything back from the situation.
Which is why you can have a fight with your assistant coach, but when he comes back to apologize you don’t articulate how it made you feel. You don’t tell your friend how he hurt your feelings. You just accept it and move on.
The Diamond Dogs give advice on how to handle external problems with  emotional roots. They never discuss how they feel internally on its own merit.
The closest we got to a male character just having a bad one and expressing it without a clear source of external conflict? Jamie in the boot room. And that was played for laughs.
Which is why you could be in a deep depression over losing your career of twenty years and part of your mobility, I guess. But also maybe that’s a problem of you not being able to let go, and maybe you should apologize for not moving on sooner? We should pity Roy for getting so stuck in his own shit all the time. Not because the man has lived an incredibly stressful and emotionally isolated life in a high pressure environment for so long he doesn’t have the tools to deal with it, but because the narrative would like us to know if he just stopped getting in his own way all the time, this wouldn’t be a problem.
Is your ex-wife seeing someone else, who happens to also be the person who was your marriage counselor? I don’t know man, relationships are hard. Don’t worry about how hard that must have shaken your trust in a profession that already made you feel skittish. Maybe you should stop obsessing over her and move on.
Your girlfriend can tell all your friends and coworkers how you’re too smothering. Yes, this is the ‘learn how to communicate better’ show, but that was on you, really. Good on you for apologizing for smothering her.
The women may have worrying relationships with people who love bomb them or turn out to be controlling, but Jane and Beard are just a bit weird. Don’t worry about it, Higgins.
You can take accountability for your actions, but if it was your email who was hacked - who cares? You apologized, and everyone is very proud of you. We won’t ever bring up how incredibly mortifying that must have been for you to realize, because something more mortifying happened to someone else.
You can show your emotions, but not the angry ones, not the bad ones - those you should get a hold on, no matter how warranted they are. The stronger you are, the more divorced from toxic masculinity you are, the less those things should matter.
Struggling with your abusive dad and how his relationship with you has literally scared you so badly that you keep looking over your shoulder, afraid he’ll be there? That is clearly the anger talking. This is definitely not a situation that calls for your pseudo-father figure to put his hand on your shoulder, look you in the eye, and say, “i’m really sorry to hear that, son, but you know we got your back. Ain’t nothing bad gonna happen to you while we’re here.” 
No no, this is a you problem and you can correct it by forgiving that man who hurt you. In fact, you thank him for motivating you. It was the anger that got you this far. It wasn’t getting up at 4am every morning for extra training. It wasn’t your mentor, the one invested all his time in helping you. It wasn’t the coach who gave you a second chance when you blew your whole life up to get away from that man. It wasn’t your own drive and passion and love for the sport that pushed you towards succeeding in a career you only had a one-in-a-million chance of ever getting. No, it was the anger that carried you. You should let that go. And hey - what if hypothetically speaking, he might try to be better too one day? You can’t hold it against him. You should let that go too.
Breakdowns and displays of crying are fine, but expecting people to care or show concern afterwards? The narrative doesn’t know her. The narrative will not validate that. We don’t see what happened after Wembley. We don’t see what happened when Isaac came back to the locker room after blowing up. What the show will validate, however, is moving on. Just be a goldfish, or forgive and forget. 
And finally-
Embrace your feelings, but not too hard - you can’t be trusted with them, actually.
Can you imagine that we actually got a scene of Roy telling Jamie that he was worried if either of them pursued Keeley it might ruin their friendship? Can you imagine? From the beginning they have butted heads. From the beginning, Roy has struggled to actually articulate his feelings, especially to the people they involve. And here is Roy doing exactly what the narrative has been teaching him to do - he voiced a feeling that was bothering him to the person who was involved in the problem. Unprompted. He did that on his own. After three seasons of being told that is what he should do when he has a problem, that should have been the moment of narrative reward. That would have been the audience’s release of tension: they’re still at odds, they’re still the same bull-headed people they’ve always been, but they’ve learned to talk about it. No matter what happens next, at least, they’ve gotten this far.
Instead the narrative rewarded him, and us, by having them fight it out in a back alley. Because they’re idiots, and they can’t be trusted to handle their feelings without someone else in the narrative (Keeley) setting them straight.
Yes, people backslide in real life all the time. But when the narrative backslides at the very end of the story - that’s just nihilism. That’s what this felt like - all that progress and promise that you can be better, and two of the people who struggled the most tripped at the finish line. The audience don’t even get to see them pick back up. I mean they’re fine now, I guess. They went for kebabs. I have to assume it worked out. I guess after that they found a way to be happy, but I would have preferred to see them find a way to be happy by way of their own actions. Not in a fanfic. Not by way of imagining how it went afterwards. Not by what’s implied in a montage. By the story actually showing me they could get there on their own.
And the worst part about all of this is that when the show gets it right? It fucking sings. The team coming together to repair Ola’s? That sings. Ted’s ‘ain’t nobody in this room alone’ speech? Wonderful. Trent telling Colin that ‘some people need time to adjust; it’s not fair, but they do’? So delicately wielded, so painful. Beard’s speech to Nate about stealing a loaf of meth? Chef’s kiss. Ted forgiving Rebecca when he learns why she brought him to coach Richmond? The tears in his eyes when he tells her ‘divorce is hard’?
The hug at Wembley.
That’s what I wanted, from start to finale. When the show knew how to wield its empathy, it wielded it like a knife, cutting into the deepest parts of your heart.
Which is why when it does mess up, it hurts so much worse. Because by season three, the show has sunk so far into the deconstruction of things that it’s forgotten that what it fixed were not the only problems those characters ever faced. The show zoomed in too close on the themes. It forgot that at its roots, the its biggest strength has been its empathy. And that to me is where the show failed.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
And I also wanted to see of Maxima being a con (in the same universe as Ophelia btw if you remember!)
I’ll probably request more, but like usual ill request just two per open request
Almost forgot about writing that one for the summaries!
Here it is now!
Hope you enjoy!
Maxima turns into a Con
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Maxima had been quiet for the past few days.
Ever since her brief encounter with Megatron and Ophelia…
She knew she needed to come up with an answer or some sort of plan.
Maxima knew what would happen if she betrayed the Autobots.
If she betrayed Optimus…
But who then was going to save Opehlia?
Megatron was going to terminate her the next battle if she didn’t join his ranks.
All she needed to do was shoot someone and that would guarantee Ophelia’ safety.
The decision needed to be made fast, the others were starting to notice the change.
Miko going up to Maxima: “Hey you wanna go dune bashing?” Maxima looks down at Miko: “Not today Miko.” Miko pats her pede: “You okay Maxima? You’ve been acting a bit weird lately. You sick? Wait can you guys get sick?” Jack: “Who’s sick?” Raf: “Someone’s sick?” Maxima: “No one is sick. Its just… I have a lot of things going up in the old helm. We can go dune bashing another day, okay?” Miko and the others seem satisfied with the answer and leave her alone. Maxima sighs and goes to return to her habsuite, but a servo stops her. It was Optimus. Optimus: “Maxima, is everything all right?” Maxima gives him a tired smile: “Not so much, but I’m handling it.” Optimus: “If you need help Maxima, do not be afraid to ask for assistance from me or the others.” Maxima stomps down the little cry in her throat: “Understood… and thank you.” Maxima slips through the Prime’s servos and quietly enters her room. Optimus stays in the same place for a bit before Ratchet walks over. Ratchet: “Something’s going on with her Optimus.” Optimus: “Agreed old friend.” Ratchet: “Did she tell you anything?” Optimus: " Nothing that would serve of use. But I am sure she will come to us if the problem does prove to be much.” Ratchet mumbles a bit: “Let’s hope so.” Optimus nods to this as well.
Finally, the day came.
Maxima took an extra hour before the mission to make sure her fail safe plans in the base had been set up.
Hopefully someone would snoop around and see the recordings.
She said her goodbyes to the children and gave a quick hug to Ratchet and ran into the groundbridge.
As expected, the ‘ambush’ was there waiting for them.
Maxima stayed on the defense until Megatron arrived.
She stopped her movements and stared at the warlord from across the field.
Maxima activated her blasters, shakingly.
Tears began pooling around her optics.
She knew who was behind her.
She knew what this would do to the team.
She knew what this would do to her.
… But who knows what Megatron would do to Ophelia if she didn’t do it.
Without taking her teary gaze from Megatron, Maxima fires one blast.
… straight into Optimus Prime’s chassis.
The entire battlefield went quiet seeing the mighty Prime fall from the blast. Maxima can’t hear anything other than the white noise in her audials. She can’t hear her teammates calling to her. She barely felt Megatron dragging her to the groundbridge. Before she knew it, the colors of the Nemesis filled her vision. Megatron clamps her shoulders wearing a proud smile. Something she hadn’t seen since she was a sparkling. Megatron: “My fellow Decepticons! What you have just witnessed was the death of an Autobot and the rise of a Decepticon. Maxima is now one of us.” Maxima feels the waterworks slowly coming. Megatron guides Maxima to a room. Maxima: “Where are we?” Megatron: “Your new shared quarters.” He opens the door. Megatron: “As promised, no harm done.” Ophelia gasps seeing Maxima at the doorframe. Megatron gives her another pat on the shoulder: “For future reference, I am the only one who can kill Optimus Prime… welcome to your new home my child.” SLAM! The door closes as Maxima falls to her knees. Ophelia runs over to her. Ophelia: “What are you doing here!? What did—” Maxima pulls her close and starts sobbing: “Y-you’re alive! Oh t-thank the Prime’s you’re- you’re okay!” Ophelia starts crying too and hugs back. Ophelia: “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” Maxima just hugs tighter as a new wave of tears arrives. Only time would tell what would happen to the two now. But at least they were safe… for the time being at least…
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celestialspritz · 8 months
this is just a lil bit of a follow up to that one post @sicksadsim made which really hit the nail on the head for me about the community
i notice SO MUCH of the time that people will make artwork / cc / sims story etc that they put so much time into and really outdid themselves, and it'll get practically zero engagement because 'not everybody else is reblogging it/it's not popular, why should i?'.
mind you it is just simblr and it's probably not that big of a deal but how can we be a sims community if we're not uniting together and uplifting each other? why is it reblog the big blogs and sit on the smaller blogs? the answer to that is the community is just a big high school cafeteria and you have to walk on eggshells to sit at their lunch table.
i hate the fact that nowadays people will create things JUST for notes. i miss seeing people posting their stuff they're so proud of and super passionate about. people being frightened to post their cc preview because it's not as good as others or they used the same font as somebody, or the same editing program as another user. a similar sim style. "oh she used true mm hairs/colourful hairs she's defo copying this person" get a grip!!! who cares, why does a community for the sims of all things have to be so cliquey/gatekeeping all of a sudden?
(for the record i dont care about notes lol, i just care about making sure people, esp the lesser known blogs, know that others appreciate their contributions to the community. i know im rambling here and nothing makes sense LOL but what im trying to say is that this whole climbing the popularity ladder in sims comm is ridic. ive literally seen ppl be friends with randos just so their blog can attract more ppl. its so weird like this is NOT a business yk)
there's ppl i know who have been around probably longer than i've been alive and their stuff doesn't get much praise, and the newer, and in my experience gen z members of the community refer to them as "hags", think their style is ugly and dated, laugh at them and constantly trash them; it's hilarious considering at the same time they'll use sims veterans creations as bases for their own. it's the older simmers around us today that have kept the game/its community alive for all this time, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have younger fans like myself today.
all in all i just think that there is a creepy weird hierarchy in this community. it's great to uplift our favourites/most popular in the community, but don't forget the ones that started way back in 04 and the ones who are just starting out today.
we all have one thing in common and that's (hopefully) the love and joy we have out of creating our stuff. if you're feeling threatened by someone's work and you're going to be spiteful about it, then it's defo a you problem. stop the gatekeeping, the hierarchy, the cliques. it's so unnecessary and makes you look so fucking ridiculous
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heongiu · 1 year
Kim Goo x Reader
"More than a secret friend ♥︎"
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Warnings: NSFW, sexual content, anything else that isn't meant to be said out loud ;)
(A/N: first of all thankyou for the Goo requests! Second, It's my first time actually writing a whole ass smut fic so if there's some parts that might need to be corrected please do tell me 😭 I know fs this fic is shit- anyways hope you like it... 🥹)
“Hey!! So we meet again Y/N!!~” Goo spoke to you, waving at you whilst he sat down a chair. “ah hello" you spoke, you sounded down, well since you were tired from all these errands your voice would automatically sound gloomy.
“Oh cmon! Why are you all down?~" Goo taunted
"Ah it's.. Nothing" you replied, eyes examining the area around the blonde.
Looking around the place, for a second this made you remember the first time you had met him.
Which obviously, didn't go as planned.
“Jeez.. I’m glad I walked away from that maniac..” You stood at the top floor of the 4th affiliate’s building, you walked around to find Samuel’s room where you had to meet someone, and search for something important of course.
“Why is it so dark here? Is the power out?” You looked around for a while. “Phew this is gonna take me a while" you wanted to get out of the room but suddenly an object tripped you, and you fell into a chair. Well it felt weird,
and.. it was a man.
“AHH WHO IS IT?!” You got up immediately. The power returned and the lights were on, finally you could see his face, he had a smug grin on his face, blonde hair, he had a blue Gucci suit on, with a yellow tie, all which seemed to compliment his complexion. You would've thought he was some celebrity if he didn't act like an idiot quite literally.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t see you sitting on the chair-“ you apologised to the man
“Oh oh~ well, I’ll forgive you for that I suppose” he laughed though from his expression he did seem to have enjoyed that. “I suppose you are a VVIP as well?” He further questioned. “Yeah.. I just got here to see how the 4th affiliate is working but, it seemed something had happened a day or two ago”
“Whats your name? I never heard about you from anyone” he asked
“its y/n l/n" You replied “well you’ve got a pretty name huh?~” he remarked to which you simply smiled
“My name is Kim Jongoo, Perhaps you’ve heard of me before?” He asked,
intrigued by you “Yes, I know of you sir” “sir?! Don’t call me that honey, you can just call me Goo~” something about his honeyed words was so mysterious, he just seemed like there was so much more to him.
Slowly you were getting tired from standing too long, you wanted to sit down but to your demise there was no other chair around. “You looking for something to sit on?” He asked
"well here it is” he teased you signalling to his lap. the blonde seemed proud of his joke, you felt more embarassed and guilty than ever “I suppose I’ve found what I was looking for, I’ll leave soon-“
"Oh? well I thought I had some company but it seems you’re busy as well” Goo said with a noticeable frown on his face.
“Well then, bye, see you agai-" you spoke, hurrying out of the room. “wait!!!” The blonde gave you his business card.
“since we’re friends now, call me anytime you feel like you’d want to sit on me~ haha!”
he laughed at his lame joke again, you murmured a few curses under your breath, walking away from the place. You could still hear him yell from the background “dont forget me honey!!” He yelled at you.
“What a strange man.."
Well to be honest after the incident you had only met him 3 times but not really at the 4th affiliate, he just seemed to be everywhere you were.
"Y/N?!! ARE YOU LISTENING?" He yelled at your face as you immediately unfocused your gaze, you realized you had zoned out for a long period.
"Sorry.. I zoned out a bit" you rubbed the back of your neck, as you stood there uncomfortable and in an awkward pose.
"You sure do look uncomfortable, something wrong?" He asked, slightly tilting his shades to have a better look at you. "Aah not really, why do you care?"
He laughed "why shouldn't I? You're my secret friend~"
"when did I agree to-"
"Anyway so I was telling you-"
And you tripped again on him. But he was quick enough to catch you.
"Hey, you seem to have quite a thing for my lap or some?" He cackled.
You did get a lot of second hand embarassment from this
But.. Why won't he let you go?
"Um.. Are you gonna let me go?" You asked, face red from embarassment.
"Do you want to be?" He asked, this time it was a joke or anything, his tone was kind of, serious.
Your voice won't come out.
"Fuck fuck!! Whats happening to me?!? Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT YOU ARE JUST HERE ON AN ERRAND, ahhh I'm getting distracted.. Fuck"
You thought to yourself. You thought for a second, his features from up close were indeed beautiful, this man was a heavenly creation of God himself, but God did miss out on his brains.
"Ah ah, caught you staring~"
"Ah n-no I wasn't-"
He brought his face close to you, examining your already embarassed expression and now your face had just turned 50 shades of red.
"You sure look cute when you blush" he laughed, flicking off some locks that laid in front of your face.
Words wouldn't come out your mouth.
"Shh you don't need to speak" He grabbed your body to shift you even more closer to him, he kissed you, his light fingers traveling up and down your body. Your hands rested upon his chest.
Oh how his kiss was just as sweet as his words. You wished he didn't pull away so soon.
"Whaa~ You want me to kiss you more?~" he teased, but from your expression the answer was so evident.
"You sure do seem to enjoy it huh?~"
Yes, yes you did, and a lot. And honestly, who wouldn't? Definitely not you
You had come here to get some work done, but now that things have turned out this way, you really don't regret it. This is much fun isn't it?
He stared into your irises, examining ever feature you've got to show, slowly his hands began to undress you, piece by piece, inch by inch.
"Doesn't this feel exciting?~"
He asked you, once again. You responded with a soft 'yes' as he rewarded you with humble kisses on your neck, fingers fondling with your breasts gently.
His hands grabbed and massaged every part he could possibly see, which was, well untouched by him. He kept undressing you until you were entirely bare.
"Oh look at you princess, you look like you were made for me~"
You were indeed made for him, melting into his soft and firm touches like a lit candle's wax. The way he caressed every part of you like you were a sculpture. He was really into it.
He kept kissing you passionately, your tongues colliding with eachother. His hand slowly but smoothly slipped under your skirt, into your panties, and to your slick, throbbing cunt. He was sure to very slowly massage your clit with one of his fingers. His member rubbed against your bare ass, making you whimper.
Goo was a flirty man, the way he touched your body like it was his last day, but he took his sweet time enjoying you. He really fucking loved it
His slow, but teasing movements made you let out all your suppressed slutty moans. All which you wish nobody else would hear.
"Since you're being such a good girl, let's reward you mhm~?
He took off his pants, revealing his hard cock.
He picked you up and laid you down on the table nearby, your legs wrapped around his torso as he slid inside you without giving you a second to adjust, making you moan out loud.
"F-fuck.. Ngh it's too big.." You felt weak, so weak in front of his cock. It could undoubtedly obliterate your insides. And just the thought of it made you throb even harder than before.
"Shhh I know you can take it"
He caressed your forehead gently, slowly thrusting into your pussy. Now you could really make out he was a very experienced man.
You held an intense eye contact with the blonde. he started to thrust into you faster, you struggled to take him in at this point, but to him your struggle was quite an entertainment.
"Aww~ Can't take me?"
Fuck you didn't want to admit it, but you were downright and completely dominated by him. You were a woman who naturally didn't like submitting to a man, being under his rule, giving in into their control. You hated it, but the fact that you were letting a man you only met for a few days fuck the daylights out of you was improbable.
Goo grinned at you, your poor attempt to take him in. This sight of you might had just become his favourite.
"Fuck..fuck you look so goddam pretty when you're struggling like that"
He placed your legs on his shoulder, adjusting himself even deeper inside of you, he brought himself even closer to you, hitting your sweet spot even harder, grinding himself deep inside of you.
"Fuck do you like that? Yeah?"
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back at the speed of his gruesome thrusts. Your brain was completely lost in the pleasure of this building orgasm.
"Ah..f..fuck b-bouta cum" you whimpered, he kissed your collarbone, gently sucking on your breasts, your supple nipples, his tongue moving around in circular motions, you felt so dizzy and so sensitive.
"Aha? Yeah? cum on my cock princess, come on you can do it"
His hips moved even faster than before, the table started making a creaking sound, added to this was the sound of your skin slapping and the wet noises your pussy made. The room ringed with such lewd noises, but this all never really mattered, you wanted to cum.
"So close hah.."
Fuck, the fact he moaned pretty, his moans were like music, not all men moan like this.
And then you came, legs trembling in the extreme pleasure. You tried to muffle your moans with your hands but still they were loud enough for everyone to hear.
And it didn't take him long to cum too, hot thick cum filling your insides to the brim, he held you in his arms, kissing you, your neck, your ears, Everything.
So it was all over... Or was it?-
"Ah Ah Princess, I'm not done with you yet~"
(OMG I was so nervous writing this I hope you guys enjoyed it even though it's half baked, reblogs and likes are appreciated, thankyou so much <33 ~ Kira)
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