#its very unsaturated
sleepis4theweak · 7 months
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He nom
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wall-e-gorl · 11 months
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decided to try to do a limited color palette challenge with my ocs using palettes generated here using my name and url!
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nerdranttheories · 10 months
Okay I’m going to geek out about Toshinori’s costume designs because I’m an English major and analyzing tiny details in text is what we do and also I love??? The designs! And each one tells us so much about All Might and his focus during each costume.
Costume 1 (Young Might):
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So first off, despite young All Might’s longtime dream of being a hero, his suit is mostly black. A stark difference from comics books and his later self which tend to be bright primary colors. The few dashes of primary colors he has are desaturated, even in the second instance where we see this costume. This would have likely been the only costume Toshinori designed himself, as David became his designer in college.
Obviously, others have pointed out the similarities to Nana’s suit, just like how Izuku copied AM’s, so I don’t think it will be necessary for me to point that out. But this suit is also very practical. Something the flashy All Might isn’t really known for, but let me point the details out. He has boots, gauntlets, as well as what appears to be protection for his upper torso, and even for his neck. A decent balance between more protection and more weight, which would slow a hero down. Also, unlike Nana’s suit, his extends completely down the arms. The only skin surface available is that of his hands, something that stays the same through all of his costumes and as such, must be something he personally insists on. In media, gloves often represent someone with secrets, or a guarded personality. All Might not wearing gloves shows how open he is, not just with his friends but strangers too. And it’s humble, too. It’s not an unfeeling, covered hand extending to you when you’re in danger, it’s the bare-handed reach of a friend, and I fully believe that’s why Toshi goes without gloves. Also it’s possibly a sensory thing for him as well, which goes with my canon-supported theory that this man has ADHD, but that’s a nerd rant for another time.
The colors are important because while obviously they mimic Nana, you can practically see through the color choice that Toshinori is not in his right mindset here. While later the oversaturation of colors serves to show how his own heroism has made him into something Else, and outside of his own head, leaving the man inside to shrivel away, these muted colors show that Toshinori has not yet blossomed. Also in the brief scenes we see of him when he is younger, Toshinori is very solemn. The one scene we get of him smiling when he’s young is when Izuku is comparing them at the same age, and even then, it’s more of a smirk as opposed to the signature All Might grin we all know and love. Black also is just a reasonable color for something like crime-fighting. Black shows the least grime/dirt, so he could reasonably spend more hours out in this costume without having to come home and wash it/trade it out. (Which is something that I love that this series includes, by the way!)
Costume 2-ish:
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Toshinori adds some shoulder pads for the fight with AFO, probably expecting to stand side-by-side with his mentor. I could give a more full-body image but this is really the only difference I could pick out.
Costume 3 (College Might):
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This is the first costume of All Might’s that is designed by David Shield.
First off, props to David. He’s an awesome designer. He not only made a new design, but incorporated several choices from AM’s previous suit, and definitely conferred a lot with Toshi on how he wanted his suit to look while still ensuring its functionality.
Black is traded for a dark, unsaturated blue, giving AM a more peaceful look, as navy blue is considered to be a calming color. (Even Endeavor wears it! But maybe copying AM and not wearing it for the same purposes?) All Might’s cape is also changed from red to blue, taking away the dark look and making it the color of the sky, again adding to that Symbol of Peace idea that is Toshinori’s dream. The gauntlets and boots remain, but the chest-piece has been removed, offering up more mobility. The yellow of his belt has been brightened, and added in place of the blues on his gauntlets and boots, giving him an overall more friendly look as opposed to the more subdued one he had before with the blue accents. The red has been removed as well, and by moving it to his body, it gives the impression of veins and the blood that is pumping away through the heart of this hero, which is fantastic for someone who cares as much as Toshinori does. White was also added vertically on the sides of the suit, thinning out the very intimidating form of Toshi and making him more approachable, while adding a more pure look to his overall form. This appears to be in part, a stylistic choice on David’s end that follows through to the other suits, though it’s hard to know if it remains on the Bronze Age Suit as well.
Overall the brighter colors telegraph that Toshinori is doing much better mentally at this point. He now has A Friend, and for the time being, is safer from the troubles at home, until he has to return.
Costume 4 (Bronze Age):
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We don’t even get a full look at this suit, indicating that its time in use was likely short-lived. As I’ve seen others suggest, it seems very likely that when All Might returned to Japan, he went straight down to business and began doing vigilante work as he tried to track down AFO. However, possibly due to a combination of not finding him and All Might’s rising popularity, he seems to abandon this track and move on to a different form of heroism, which his suit symbolizes. I’ll briefly point out that Toshinori returns to the primarily black suit he had as a teenager, as well as the shadows of his face that add to the idea that as soon as he got back to Japan, he reverted to the mindset he had when he left.
Costume 5 (Silver Age):
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This suit indicates to me that this period was All Might’s prime, despite his later suit being considered the Golden Age of All Might. (And even though it’s my least-favorite design.) He has the typical cape of a hero, and the bright colors are now fully of typical comic book style. The circular design on his chest indicates a target, but with being cast in white and surrounded in red, gives the impression that he himself is not the target, but the villainy around him is. Or at least, that is likely the thought process for this design. Other than the dashes of white here and there, the colors are very solid, possibly indicating a more stable, but single-minded train of thought, something AM is notorious for. No offense to Dr. Shield, but I would have mixed the colors better in here, and the cape connection is too bulky for someone who’s as jacked in the shoulders as Toshinori is. Alas, I am not the designer. We shall move on.
Costume 6 (Golden Age):
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I love this suit. Plenty of analysis has been done on it already, but I think it’s a fantastic representation of how Toshinori’s been crushed under the very image he had originally wanted to create. His shadows are darkest and most severe here, reminiscent of how body-builders dehydrate themselves to get the best appearance of their musculature. His posing is also more inward, as opposed to the silver age, with the angles of his elbows being less directly out and more in, and instead of appearing confident, it’s more of how a cat puffs out its hair to make itself appear larger when it’s scared. I had a long bit to go with this but it was eaten by the Tumblr gremlins. Basically I believe this suit was made post AFO-battle. All Might is declaring he’s not finished yet, all while knowing his time is running out. This suit has several callbacks to the original suit David designed for him, with the navy, though more saturated base and the red lines running throughout the form, though the gauntlets and boots from before have been integrated into the suit itself. This could reflect David’s mindset as well, as he reminisces about the days when Toshinori was healthy and happy, when now Toshinori’s health is rapidly fading.
Anyway, here’s my costume analysis! I think it adds a little more insight to Toshinori’s mental state and situations in the years outside of the show as well as in them, and I hope you enjoyed this read! I’d love to hear other ideas too, if anyone has them!
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wiltkingart · 1 year
Forgive me if this has been said before, but I really love the way you mix saturated and unsaturated colors and tones in your work. It's something I noticed ages ago, that theres something about your work with colors that feels very unique, and unusual in a good way. I think that's what it is. I like using bright colors, but you manipulate them in such fascinating ways. It's very fun to watch, and very you. I'm tired out of my fking mind right now, otherwise id go into detail, but i love ur work
hey thank you! i really appreciate it! i always feel like i'm just winging it with colors, always experimenting and going through phases. i go with feeling more than theory, but i do find it fascinating the unique feeling of depth you can get by putting saturated and desaturated colors next to each other. its like oil and water the way they push against each other. its neat!! and i'm glad to hear you like it :]
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octo-blobs · 2 years
yo what procreate brush do you use for lineart it looks really cool :o
hi there -- i use a variety of brushes depending on the mood, so i'll make a nice lil compilation of my brushes to cover whichever one you're curious about!! thanks for ur interest 🥰
first off, the very recent BIC pen mimic i got from here:
and it looks like this:
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it benefits from a lighter colour (can be used with grey/unsaturated colours), it's worth trying out a few for fun. its grain blend mode (brush -> brush studio -> grain) is set to multiply, so i think that's where it gets its light-to-dark gradient from.
then, there's this one:
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which is an edited version of the default Tamar brush. i added jitter settings, which are the reason for its wiggles, and pen sensitivity. i love to use this one to give more simple drawings some extra flare.
and its sibling:
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this one is basically the same, but with NO jitter and added stabilisation. :-)
the last one on this list:
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i call her 'derwent highpressure 2 2 2', aka this is the culmination of me repeatedly editing & refining the default Derwent brush. the pressure sensitivity is super high because i wanted to get a range of pen thickness without affecting my sore hand too much. it's got a small amount of texture & jitter to it, and i'll be honest, i don't remember what the original one looks like.
to absolutely Anyone: i really encourage playing around with procreate brush settings because, although they're a bit difficult to comprehend at first, they're pretty open in terms of how you can mould them. plus, you can employ personally made textures & shapes (or free ones) to add subtle effects. it's fun! i have a whole dock of speech bubbles, decals, a watermark brush, body hair & feathers, etc. :-)
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sygol · 1 year
a big aspect of antisocial personality disorders (cluster B, and schizotypal/schizoid) that doesnt get talked about much is the prevelance of sleep disregulation and how it significantly exasperates many of the negative symptoms, more people with these pds would greatly benifit from sleeping pills/supplements and or dietary adjustment, improving sleep behavior
i have written some in-depth information about these things below the cut:
dietary adjustment such as increasing sources of
magnesium — nuts, seeds, avacado, black beans, leafy greens
tryptophan — lean proteins, such as chicken, turkey, fish, cheese
serotonin — complex carbs like whole grain pasta, bread, cereal, oats. unsaturated fats: peanut butter, nuts
melatonin — this one is more specific: tart cherry juice, goji berries, eggs, milk, salmon/tuna
supplement info
melatonin - many bottles contain 5 even 10 mg of melatonin per serving, you should not dose more than 1mg of melatonin as this will actually be detrimental to your sleep, break those pills into pieces, its better to get less than 1mg than more
magnesium - do not get "magnesium oxide", this one can be good for your gut health but will not improve your sleep, most all others that are commonly sold can help and magnesium complexes that include multiple kinds are the best
may help: theanine (400mg+) before bed, apigenin (chamomile), ashwagandha, mugwort, blue lotus, etc also omega3 fatty acids
sleep health
an hour or two before bed: eliminate lights, especially artificial lighting, and especially overhead or directly in front of your face (screens). even if the light is "orange" rather than "blue", most LED lights and screens still contain blue light that is imperceptible to the eye but to the body sees like sun light, some devices are better about reducing this youll have to do your own research but assume that most devices and lights have no incentive or knowledge that the ultra violet registers heavily mediates the regulation of melatonin and circadian rhythm, also this isnt just about light getting into your eyes, your skin can detect light too and this is part of the system, if you must be using screens late at night your orange light screen filter still probably helps but not very well, even better turn the brightness of these screens down as low as you can, i also like to use a greyscale filter, and using candle light can actually be much better than electric lights when going to bed. theres a lot more about sleep i could say but this light regulation is one of the biggest issues the modern era faces wrt sleep health, do your own research too
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alters-in-a-box · 3 days
name: (🎲, aka up to you)
prns: any, it its, et ets, any other neos you think would fit
gender: 🎲
cisids: sh, dpdr, alterhuman (ghost/angel), obsessive, traumatised, harmed, speech impediment, delusional
transids: permadissociated, severity, harmed, dead/corpse, vessel, hypersexual
roles: 🎲
appearance: ghostly, long ish hair, neu-fem leaning, low contrast and pale unsaturated colours. cold/frosty colours
- @wallsrclosingin , ty in advance , let us know if this gets denied /gen
Hello! This was very fun to do! I hope you like it!
Names: Ice, Frost, Winter, Lumi, Ayaz, Nevada
Pronouns: it/its, et/ets, ve/ven, ve/vex, drop/drops, ex/exs
Gender: lumilexic, frostgender, demigirl
Age: 27
IDs: cissh, cisdpdr, cisalterhuman, cisobsessive, cistraumatized, cisharmed, cisspeechimpediment, cisdelusional, cistypingquirk, transpermadissociated, transseverity, transharmed, transdead, transvessel, transhypersexual, transvoice
Role(s): caretaker, guardian
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racketballz · 1 year
From google: “Seasonal color analysis is a system that takes our skin tone, natural eye tone, and hair color and formulates the best color palette for us based on those factors”
Its one of those Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter thing. I thought you might know about it since you put your ppg/rrb in outfits that fits with their respective undertones pretty well
Oh! I know what you’re talking about Then yeah kinda! I don’t do it based on the that seasonal thingy but it’s very similar to a color theory test (they’re basically the same thing probably) like how you would formulate a wardrobe based on you’re undertone I do that with all of them!
Like I don’t put bubbles in dark colors often because pastels makes her look brighter and buttercup Wears a lot of dark colors or neutrals but she usually has one pop of color in there (it is usually red or green) and blossom is kinda like….wears a lot of pinks(ofc) reds and yellows! Sometimes if I’m feeling frisky I’ll put like a light purple.
The boys are interesting because I think I have to work harder for them almost the girls are a little more intuitive.
like boomer I don’t know if I have a full grasp on him yet I do end up shoving him in royal blues but any blue is okay! but he would look good with like olives and BRIGHT yellows like he to me is a very saturated fella
Butch on the other hand is like SUPER DARK PALLET BLACK HE wears alot of BLACK and unsaturated greens I don’t think I would put him in anything that’s not black, white(which is a stretch because I didn’t think I’ll even do that) green or gray…red/yellow is okay as long as it’s faded. He is not allowed to wear a bright or neon green either that is reserved for buttercup 😊🫵
Brick is the most …….monotonous…I think similar to blossom he wears red and then….more red and then maybe brown that’s orange or red cast the occasional blue tinted brown for slight contrast. It’s all like this very underwhelming red too I think because he has such piercing eyes and he’s extremely orange it’s not necessary I want him to look like he’s trying to be a Normal human being in disguise a little but he’s not doing a good job
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firewolf-pyro · 6 months
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Scene: we enter the large open first floor of the sciences center with the soft sound of cheery Christmas music sounding. People are absolutely everywhere dressed in ugly Christmas or holiday sweaters. There are Christmas trees or decorated alien plants set up around the walls and some holiday themed rugs are set up under them with some small piles of press ants under each. At the center of the large open area there are tables set up with themed snacks and pastries. As the camera pans over the cloud of people we see the head scientist Anis talking with her second, Lesly. Anis is wearing a traditional cat nun outfit while Lesly is wearing a gaudy ugly green Christmas tree themed sweater. We pan past them when Lesly points past the wall of people towards the lift entrance. At this point the music begins to distort and turn sad as the camera turns to stare into the dark lift where we see standing within it is Henry. He is not dressed in anything more than some medical garb with a loose fitting jacket around his shoulders. He looks to be hanging back staying at the lift’s side out of the way.
Scene: As the music distorts Henry lifts his hand and carefully presses it into his eyes. A grimace will pull its way across his face as the scene changes to an unsaturated blurry memory. We open up into a small apartment living room, mostly empty besides a few very modern looking pieces of furniture. On the windowsill there sits some holiday themed lights but otherwise the room is devoid of any holiday cheer. Henry enters from behind the camera and sits calmly down in the plain room besides the window. We can hear behind him Kendra’s voice.
Kendra: “You’re always invited to my place if you’ve got nowhere else to go this holiday.”
Scene: A soft clink can be heard on the window and we see Henry push open the window. Though it is not actively snowing outside, the dark winter night beyond seems to be very frigid and cold. Henry inches closer to the window’s edge on his knees and peers out over the edge. Behind him we hear Investigator Jones voice.
Jones: “Come over to my family’s holiday festivity’s Henry my boy. I know your relationship with your own is a little rough. Don’t worry about it at all.”
Scene: Henry stands up from where he is kneeling and looks to be edging closer and closer to the open window. He stops only when the sound of a door clicks open behind him. Much more clearly we can hear Kendra’s voice.
Kendra: “HENRY!”
Actions: she shrieks in an urgent tone before rushing over to him past the camera and yanks him backwards away from the window. They both clatter to the ground, Henry visibly crying as Kendra clings to him with both of her hands as she holds him in a tight hug.
Scene: as Kendra soothes him the memory shivers away back to the overly cheery scene from before. Henry blinks away some tears as the lift behind him dings and opens. A blue Dalek casing rolls out and turns to look up at Henry who is trying to hide that he has been crying as he looks away from the Dalek. Behind Blue Olesia steps out from the lift. She is wearing a red sweater with some holiday design on the front. The Dalek is wearing a scarf and in its manipulator arm it is carrying a second sweater along with a holiday cap.
Olesia: “Oh there you are! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! I admit I was starting to get a little worried.”
Actions: she grins and quickly takes the two items from Blueton and brings them over to Henry. She pauses in her step only a moment as she notices Henry’s puffy red eyes.
Blueton: “You… are in emotional distress?”
Actions: they move away from the lift’s entrance and around to Henry’s side. The trio now is facing the rest of the crowd in the room though Olesia is fussing with the fabric in her own arms uncomfortably.
Olesia: “Okay… no, now I am worried.”
Actions: she offers Henry the goofy sweater. Henry glances down at it then goes to take it. He hesitates before taking it from Olesia’s grasp and begins to shed the jacket to put the sweater on.
Henry: “Thanks… I’m just- this is my least favorite holiday.”
Actions: he sniffs as he pulls the holiday sweater on. There is a reindeer with a red nose on the front of it.
Blueton: “Explain?”
Actions: the Dalek lifts his eyestalk to look at Henry for a moment before turning it to continue watching the people in the room around them.
Henry: “I’d prefer not to.”
Actions: He admitted as he ran his hands up and down his upper arms as he gave himself a self hug.
Olesia: “It’s alright Henry.”
Actions: she would sigh before looking to Blueton. With a saddened smile she waved a finger at him asking him to follow her.
Olesia: “we’ll be right back, Henry. I’m going to get you a drink.”
Actions: she explains and Henry stands up from the wall finally.
Henry: “wait, Blue- could you stay? I… do need to talk to you about something.”
Actions: he steps in front of the Dalek between it and Olesia. The Dalek glances from Henry back to Olesia while Olesia smiles and nods to Henry.
Olesia: “okay, just don’t make a scene-…”
Actions : She purposefully jolts her head towards the crowd where we can see Rose and The Doctor interacting with some of the other’s in the room. She gives a soft chuckle before turning and vanishing into the crowd leaving the two where they were against the wall.
Scene: the blue casing returns to the side of Henry’s. They both look to be leaning against the wall and watching the crowd in front of them in a quiet manner. The camera pans from the left to show them watching people then to the right so we can get a good look at both people’s/ actors.
Blueton: “what did you wish to discuss with me?”
Actions- the Dalek pipes up finally after a moment of silence. They look to Henry for just a moment before continuing to watch the crowd in front of them.
Henry: “I… lied I don’t want to talk to you about anything… I just didn’t want to be left alone again- and no offense but you couldn’t carry much of anything let alone some drinks for us…”
Actions- he stammers and coughs at the very end before moving a bit closer to the Dalek Casing. The eyestalk quickly looks back at Henry as their sides contact each other.
Blueton: “Okay…”
Actions: they look at Henry up and down before continuing.
Blueton: “what is the point of this holiday? I do not understand…”
Actions: they look back towards the trees and decorations. The camera pans over each decorated item in the room before going back to the pair of them.
Henry: “There is no point to any holiday, honestly.”
Actions: he sighs in an irritated way before relaxing against the Dalek casing.
Henry: “the only point seems to be making you spend incredulous amounts of money, feel left out when others can’t or won’t spend on you and feel forgotten when you aren’t invited to a family event.”
Actions: he grumbles as he watched the people continue their idle chatter. The music changes to something more rock’n roll modern as someone calls for peoples attention at the back of the room/ front of the room.
Blueton: “I do not understand- why celebrate it if it is so negative?”
Actions: he looks up at Henry for a good long while as Henry shifts around uncomfortably bedsides him. He eventually busies himself with playing with the scarf tied around the Dalek’s casing.
Henry: “because it’s meant to be a celebration of life and such. Like- for some it’s the birth of a god, for others it’s continuation of the year.”
Actions: he grumbles before stopping his fussing with the fabric. His gaze turns to stare into the crowd that is now all facing away from them.
Blueton: “what changed it for you?”
Actions: their eyestalk lingers on Henry for a long moment before turning back to watch the crowd. It seems someone in the front of the room is addressing the crowd but we barely hear it in the back of the room over the pair’s conversation and music.
Henry: “I guess.. everything. I grew up. I grew distant.”
Actions: he looked back to Blueton for a brief moment before continuing.
Henry: “I just… I can’t stand the feeling of being forgotten. The intense loneliness over the holidays.”
Actions: he brings his hand back up to his face to wipe at his eyes.
Blueton: “I… understand the emotional response. I understand the logical reaction to being forgotten. It is a betrayal of your hive, of your empire… your… family.”
Actions: he turns to look away again before turning his casing into Henry to jostle him.
Blueton: “Olesia is taking her time, we should go find her.”
Actions: he begins to move away from the wall giving Henry enough time to stand up from it. Henry hesitates to follow Blue for a moment before jogging up to his side to follow him into the crowd of people.
Scene: the blue casing cuts through the crowd, people moving away from it like it had the plague. Behind it Henry tried to stay right on Blueton’s tail as they made their way through the crowd towards the front. We can hear Olesia’s laugh from the distance and we the people part in front of the camera to reveal her standing at a table with different punches, wines and other drinks set out on it. She is talking with a blue humanoid, Bastion. They both seem to be enjoying their conversations- Bastion holding one glass of clear sparkling liquid while Oleisa is holding two glasses of what might be red whine.
Olesia: “I know! And the possibilities of using that replication process in other species could mean great things for bio-technologies!”
Actions: she grins then glanced towards the splitting crowd as Blueton and Henry emerge from it. Her demeanor seems to straighten up somewhat as she sees them.
Bastion: “Ah… ahem.. we should continue this discussion later.”
Actions: he eyes the Dalek with a cautious gaze, stepping back to make room for the blue casing. Henry scrambled up besides him- only giving Bastion a quick glance.
Henry: “You were taking too long so we went looking for you.”
Actions: he smiles over to her before looking at what she was holding. He holds a hand out expectantly but she just kind of looks at him lost for a second before handing the second drink to him.
Olesia: “Hah- sorry, Bastion-“
Actions- she’s interrupted by Bastion,
Bastion: “Doctor- Bastion.”
Actions: he corrects sharply. Olesia gives him a look before continuing.
Olesia: “Bastion and I got to talking about the replication processes of viruses.”
Actions: she chuckled then looked to Blueton with a wide contented look.
Olesia: “I’m pretty sure you would be able to school these scientists on their studies here, Blue- but they’ve asked me not to tell you about much of what they’re studying down here.”
Actions: she sighs and takes a sip from her glass. She then looks from her glass to the Dalek’s manipulator arm.
Blueton: “Why?”
Actions- he looks to Olesia in a confused manner before Bastion again pipes up beside him.
Bastion: “Let’s not talk about this here during the holiday’s. I can explain our reasoning later on.”
Actions: he stated in a hurried sort of way. He sips carefully at his drink which makes his whiskers dance about the glass a bit.
Olesia: “Blue, tilt your arm like this-“
Actions: Olesia take hold of Blueton’s manipulator atm and tilts it up a bit then guides the suction cup end to be tilted up like a cup. She looks to her own glass of red wine before curiously pouring a bit of her drink into the manipulator arm’s cup.
Blueton: “Olesia what-“
Actions- the whole casing give a startled shutter as the liquid touches the cup’s surface. The liquid is drained almost as soon as it is placed into the cup.
Henry: “Olesia- what the hell are you doing?! You don’t know if they can even process alcohol-“
Actions- he steps around Blue’s casing and pushes Olesia’s glass away from the manipulator arm. Olesia lifts it up and away to prevent any from spilling as Henry steps between her and the Dalek.
Bastion: “Come off it, these things suck the flesh from the bones of the people they’ve slaughtered- a bit of red wine’s not going to hurt it.”
Actions: he snorts in an amused sort of way as he stares into the Dalek’s eyestalk. The pupil in shrunken into a fine point as the Dalek begins to taste just what was introduced into their external stomach.
Blueton: “DISGUSTING- how can you DRINK this fluid with a straight face???”
Actions- they wince as their eyestalk lifts and turns to stare Olesia right in the face. She smirks and takes another sip of her wine.
Blueton: “Some more would not be refused- if you do not mind.”
Actions- in a much quieter tone they reach their manipulator arm past Henry towards Olesia again. Henry, looking baffled steps between them again.
Henry: “No, no! You will not be needing any more than that. Blue we should dump your system- it could be poison to you!”
Actions- he insists and carefully tries to lower the Dalek’s manipulator arm. The pupil in the eyestalk is wide now, showing the contentment in this situation.
Blueton: “I will not, though I will oblige with your concerns and refuse the next offered drink.”
Actions- they lower the manipulator arm and turn so that both Olesia and Henry are at its side. Bastion makes another snorting noise of amusement.
Henry: “But… okay but I will be watching you for signs of lethargy-“
Actions: he looked through the neck vents as he pulls the scarf down a bit to peer into the casing.
Blueton: “you are not a medical specialist, Henry.”
Actions: Blueton insisted, turning his eyestalk towards where he was peering into the casing from. Olesia let out a cackle of amusement.
Olesia: “Okay the two of you. There’s going to be holiday dance and I’d like to escape this hall before then. Just- let’s get going.”
Actions: she downs the rest of her drink and waves goodbye to Bastion. Bastion bows his head to her as she takes hood of Blueton’s scarf and uses it to guide him away from the table.
Henry: “Yeah- I don’t know anyone here well enough to want to get to talking with them let alone dance.”
Actions: he gives a dry chuckle before following behind Blueton yet again back through the crowd. Soon the trio vanished into the crowd of people leaving Bastion standing alone by the drinks.
Scene: the trio are all sitting facing each other in the quiet hospital wing. Olesia and Henry are sat in the bed facing Blueton, the curtains are drawn and there are some sparkly garlands around the edge of the track they are set into. Henry has a pleasant smile on his face and there is a glass of drink in both Olesia’s and Henry’s hands. A bottle of some kind of alcohol is sitting on the bedside table.
Blueton: “So explain to me again the point of this holiday?”
Actions: he insists as both Olesia and Henry take a swig of their drinks. I’m n the distance we can hear the soft sound of holiday music.
Henry: “To feel lonely amongst your friends and family.”
Action’s: he takes another swig before Olesia shoots in with her own idea of the holiday.
Olesia: “just to celebrate and be merry!”
Actions: she giggled and poked Henry on the side with her pointer finger. He glared at her for a moment before returning to a soft smile.
Henry: “She’s had a better experience with the holiday than I have. Only recently has things been well again family wise… well- I include Olesia, Jones and Kendra under that title…”
Actions: he sighs taking another long drink from his glass. Once empty he goes to refill the glass.
Olesia: “I’m sorry, Henry… I’m hoping things will get better for you- for us again.”
Actions: she looks to Blueton, an expectant gaze to her. She clearly wants confirmation for this expectation.
Blueton: “I… will attempt to make your lives improve if you remain loyal to my cause.”
Actions: Blueton insists after looking between Henry and Olesia. Both look visibly disappointed in this.
Olesia- “That… that is a reason we have issues trusting you.”
Actions: Olesia leans over to rest her shoulder against Henry’s. He smiles a bit at the physical gesture.
Blueton- “Explain?”
Actions- he continues to look back and forth between the two.
Henry- “we get that your cause is important in the long term- but… people should also matter, individuals should also be important to you.”
Actions- he gestures to himself then over to Olesia. She smiles a bit.
Olesia- “It’s okay to fall for us, for individual peoples. We won’t betray you- if you start to let us in a little.”
Actions- she smirks a bit trying to make the situation more playful than serious. The Dalek looks away from the both of them.
Blueton- “I… can attempt … to allow you both in but no more inferior species.”
Actions- he admits before going quiet again. Both Henry and Olesia sit up in their spots, a hopeful look on their faces.
Henry- “That’s all we want, Blue. Honestly…”
Actions- he glanced towards the hall for a moment before standing. Olesia sits where she is, just staring over Blueton’s form.
Henry- “Just try and trust us.”
Actions- he wraps his arms around the casing and peers into the neck vents.
Blueton- “I simply do not want to lose my other’s again.”
Actions- they state in a quiet tone. Olesia leans over to watch them both.
Henry- “Then let us in, help us prepare ourselves to stay out of danger.”
Actions- stands up to peer into the eyestalk of the Dalek. There is no response from the Dalek.
Scene- the trio are stood or sat in the hospital wing. The camera begins to pan out as softer holiday music begins to play. We see the decorated space before fading to the first floor full of people. We see the Doctor and Rose Tyler both enjoying their holiday drinks. Bastion and Lesly are talking by the drink stand while Anis is standing amongst her peers in the crowd. We pan to a brilliantly decorated tree then the background begins to fade to black while the tree stays into view while the credits begin to roll.
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flipping-the-coin · 9 months
[Inquisitorial Report: Subject - Megatron of Kaon]
[Authorization Level: Alpha (Elite Guard Selective)]
[Listed Authorizations: Head Elite Guardsman Smokescreen]
[Assigned Inquisitor: Hush]
[15 Vorns after Cybertron's Restoration - Six Stellar-cycles into assignment]
This is Hush reporting in... again. I guess I don't' need to be as formal anymore since its just you seeing my report Sir. I suppose I should start with what I have seen so far since I last reported in. I apologize again for my unsettling behavior unfitting of my station. I was rattled by the Steward's condition, but I am back in action and ready to serve!
Now regarding my report for this stellar cycle. Thus far absolutely nothing of interest has happened, at least by the standards of the parameters for potential corruption I was trained with. Megatron got a virus, a very minor one according to what his scans said, and Orion Pax promptly took a few days off work to care for him. Let it be said that Megatron is rather clingy when ill. He worked every cycle of his condition for what it was worth, gaining as much affection as possible from his Conjunx. His condition wasn't contagious or even enough to warrant a cycle off work, but Pax was insistent on tending to him. My Caretaker never took a cycle off for me when I was infected with virus's, nor did the guard care much. We have a duty... still it was nice to see Pax and Megatron being domestic without all the sap, well at least the normal amount.
Pax made Megatron some purified energon slices with unsaturated drizzle on top to help him fight off the virus, and by Primus, it looked delightful. Megatron had to be shooed out of the kitchen numerous times so that Pax could finish the meal, and quite honestly I do not blame Megatron for attempting to sneak a taste. Megatron did manage to sneak a small dip into the drizzle pot and snag a taste, even though it earned him a light prod from Pax in response. The face Megatron made had me even more curious and interested in the dish. I am not saying that merely as flattery, no it looked delectable from my cameras. When I snuck down to the kitchen after Pax and Megatron retired to their berth, I took a little taste from the pot he used and I was right. It was delicious.
The dish tasted nothing like the nutrient cubes given to us during training or the energon my Caretaker gave me during my development. It wasn't exactly like the fine dining the council members engage in, but it was... forgive the cliche, Megatron is wearing off on me... It was filled with love? I suppose that is the only way to describe it. The dish felt like it was made with the intent to soothe wounds. I took was little I could scrape out of the pot and shared it with Carnage. My feline seemed to like it as much as I did. Carnage has been a relief I must say. Without Carnage I would be far more bored in my hiding place. My feline is very patient and will sit on my lap for groons at a time, and I have even seen Carnage catching the micro-mice messing with the garden outside. I plan to try and begin tending to that garden now that the inside is reasonable.
But that is off topic. Don't worry, I cleaned the dishes. I saw no point in being too subtle. Somehow for all his observational capability, Pax has yet to notice my presence and assumes everything is Megatron. The former warlord doesn't seem at all guilty about taking MY work and claiming it as his own. However I am LIVING in his walls and messing with his things, so I can't really be upset. Besides, Pax always seems very happy when he notices the cleaning that I do. After what happend with the Steward... I don't mind him thinking it was Megatron who did the work. He needs happiness after all that. Yeah... after the Steward's next visit I think I will work on the garden for Pax, to try and give him somewhere nice to visit. I heard he likes crystal gardens.
I also looked up the recipe he used to make the energon and I am near certain it is Kaoni in origin. I couldn't find it in the Iaconian database and since the other city state databases are incomplete, I did a little digging and I can only conclude its Kaoni considering Pax's attachment to the culture. I believe I will try to learn the recipe when I have time, it was too good to NOT learn it. When I find a Conjunx of my own I fully intend to make them that dish. If Megatron liked it, that means it is worthy of being shared.
Right, back on track. Orion Pax took a few cycles off work as I said, and I believe I stated that Megatron was very clingy. Well he wasn't clingy in the normal sense really. He wasn't the whiny cling seen amongst sparklings, no it was more mature but just as ridiculous for one unused to Megatron and Orion's antics. Due to the virus, Megatron was extra lethargic so he cuddled with Pax for most of the cycle, using him as some sort of living stuffed turbo fox. It was arguably rather sweet, if a huge waste of time that could have been used for productive things. At some point Pax did slip away though to do some pick up and he DID IN FACT leave Megatron a stuffed turbo fox to cuddle instead. I didn't even know Orion HAD one. I thought I knew everything in this hab, but it seems he either just bought it or has been hiding it in his berthroom somewhere, since that is the only place I refuse to explore too deeply.
It was really quite... adorable? Maybe that's the wrong word, fascinating seems more apt. It was fascinating to watch Megatron hold the stuffed mech-animal for a while before grumbling and going to retrieve Pax to cuddle him again. I almost swiped the stuffed creature, but I did not. Pax would have noticed. However seeing it gave me inspiration so I've been collecting scraps recently to try and attempt some sewing of my own. I liked the little thing when Megatron held it, so I have been trying my best to replicate the stuffed toy. Carnage has helped in that regard. I have a few of my first attempts in here with me, they make good helm cushioning so now I don't need to recharge on totally hard vent floor paneling. I don't believe my first attempts have been very good... especially since one accidently got caught in my plating when I left the vents and fell by Megatron's berth. I forgot it was there so when he woke up he startled quite badly before slowly grumbling and putting my botched creation back in the vent for me.
He really does know I am here. Its not really a problem though so long as Pax remains unaware. I don't think he would take kindly to me, no matter how badly I want to tell him his datapad organization is an absolute plasma pool. Anyway, as I was saying before I got off track, Megatron was highly clingy. The only other notable thing about his illness was that he seemed to develop a momentary obsession with one particular channel on the holoscreen. It was some sort of documented case that went down not long ago. Apparently mecha have been trying to explore the tunnels and have all vanished for the most part. It was ridiculous, especially since the show depicted all the 'haunted' locations on Cybertron as if it weren't merely war time ruins. It was all a bunch of scrap and it seemed Megatron agreed with me. He spent some time laughing at and correcting the show even as 'experts' explained the spiritual significance and ghostly presences in areas.
It was interesting, but thankfully Megatron got better within a few cycles and Orion was back off the work. It was more dull without the entertainment, but there was much to clean after the whole incident. Megatron certainly didn't clean scrap while ill and Orion was rather occupied playing the role of living doll. My organization efforts were also upheaved with Orion doing the energon preparation. I have spent at least three deca-cycles just reorganizing the storage room and the living room. For whatever Primes forsaken reason, Megatron moved the rug while he was sick so now the wonderful artwork is CLASHING with the furniture. I think he wanted something soft beneath his pedes, but he RUINED the organization of the whole space! Once my sewing skills are less... debatable, I intend to sew up a proper rug and decorative set of pillows for the couch to make the room work again.
Apologies for the ramble Sir. Not much has really been going on. But, thank you for listening to me, and for... helping me deal with what I saw last report. I will get back to work and keep you updated. It would be nice if I could have some funds though to use for my own purposes. Its getting hard to sneak out all the time for supplies, especially since Carnage needs energon too.
[Report Received: Visibility Status - Seen]
[Note from Head Elite Guardsman Smokescreen:
Your report has brightened my cycle significantly, Hush. Keep up the good work and watch dutifully. Still be careful to not have Megatron spot you directly if you can. Its simply best he does not know too much about you even if he is aware you are there.
I will always be here to listen Hush. If you struggle with what you are are seeing, reach out to me and I will give you a replacement for a bit while you come back to yourself. No need to suffer without reason, and since you have done so well, I will grant your request for some funds. Take care of your feline and please be sure to not startle Orion Pax if you can. He is rather sensitive to guardsmen.]
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truffoire · 2 years
Truffoire Reviews - Are You Giving Your Skin Benefits of the Most Expensive Product - Truffle?
White truffles are famously expensive and uncommon and maybe most popular as a subtlety used to lift a pasta dish at an expensive café. Yet, did you have any idea that truffles are additionally nature's best skin care products?
Beneath, gain proficiency with the main advantages of truffles and why you might need to incorporate these luxury mushrooms into the skincare schedule today! To know the best for your skin, read Night-Time Skincare Routine With Truffoire.
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Truffle-mixed skincare is plentiful in antioxidants that assist with diminishing the presence of barely recognizable wrinkles and differences. White truffles are fundi and are stacked with fundamental unsaturated fats that assist your skin in withholding its normal moisture levels. This relaxes wrinkles and softens lines for a smoother, more energetic skin tone.
White truffles additionally contain hostile B vitamins and anti-maturing peptides, which assist with fixing the skin and help the skin's normal restoration process. Also, vitamin B is ideal for further developing the moisture level of your skin as dry skin overstates scarcely discernible wrinkles and fine lines, which is the reason it has become very famous in the enemy of maturing skincare recipes. Also read, Truffoire Reviews The importance of Taking Care of the Skin Near the Eyes. 
Truffles are particularly rich in Vitamin C, which assists with blurring discoloration and dull spots for an all the more even general appearance. This lighting-up support is improved further by unsaturated fats likewise abundant in white truffles which normally fix the skin's hindrance while lessening inflammation and redness. 
On the off chance that you're somebody who battles with hyperpigmentation and skin break, you'll need to pay special attention to skincare items with white or black truffles. You can likewise look at Truffoire’s total manual for blurring both quickly to a greater degree toward the best organic fixings and truffle item proposals.
Plentiful in amino acids and vitamins, white truffle sustains skin with moisture and lifts dampness levels for gentler, smoother skin. It additionally coordinates well with normally hydrating fixings such as squalene, known for its profoundly saturating and restoring properties. Along with squalene, truffle sparkles in conveying extraordinary anti-aging and hydration benefits to all skin types.
Delicate skin types will be amazed to hear that truffles are loaded with ceramides, utilized in skin care products to assist with reestablishing moisture levels and limit aggravation. They work to safeguard the skin against natural stressors like pollution and UV rays and might assist with dealing with conditions like rosacea and dermatitis.
As a result of its powerful calming properties, a truffle is likewise utilized in skincare recipes to target irritation. It can assist with reducing noticeable indications of aggravation like irritation and redness, and quiet the more subtle, lower-grade irritation that causes the skin to seem drained or dull.
The key to truffle's astonishing skin fix capacities is an extraordinary catalyst Superoxide Dismutase (otherwise known as SOD). The grouping of SOD in truffles helps switch harm done by ecological aggressors and free radicals and keeps further from any more skin damage. 
White truffles are valued as an enemy of maturing skincare for their capacity to target dull spots and hyperpigmentation fixing harmed skin. Loaded with antioxidants, nutrients, and minerals, these enchanted mushrooms leave your skin looking hydrated, more enlightened, and healthy.
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panukkie · 9 months
would you be willing to do a tutorial on your shading? Your art is so pretty
yeah! tho ill be honest most of the time when i paint i dont follow a "process" i mostly do what i think feels/looks right,, but i can break down a bit what i did in my recent drawing :D (i do NOT guarantee that this will be coherent or helpful)
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i always start with a flat base colour and build off it, the original base was orange (same orange in the boba drinks) ,, i do this so i can lock the layer and not worry about colouring out of my lineart (also having a warm base helps me choose a more cohesive colour palette)
these are the colour ranges i used for this,, mostly warm tones with a few blue tones to compliment :D
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since the light source is behind, i didnt add a lot of contrast in terms of lighting (besides on sigmas shirt where the light is shining directly on it) ,, instead of using value shifts in the shadowed areas to show depth i changed the hue and saturation, for example on dazais shirt the places where u might normally add a shadow i used bluer tones ,, and on her coat i used warmer/saturated areas closer to the light source instead of a colour with a lighter value (also it depends on the material you are colouring)
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so on sigmas pants, the material is darker so it wont be as bright when light is applied,, so instead of lightening i made them warmer and more saturated,, unlike on her shirt which is a very light colour so it brightens significantly in the light,, ,,As you go down the arm you get further from the light source so the highlight slowly fades a bit ,, its nice to make the transition colour between highlight and shadow warm and a little saturated :D (though i say saturated i dont mean SUPER saturated,, its relative to the base colours and it shouldnt be a drastic shift between tones)
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their faces arent directly in the light so there should not be much contrast,, i just like to add little blushes on all my characters faces no matter what so slight hue and saturation shifts are all thats needed to do that (it also helps to add a little bit of dimension to the face ),, less "exposed" areas of the face have a more unsaturated shade ,, i used lots of pink tones in the hair ,, pink for the shadows in sigmas white areas and pink as highlights in dazais hair,, this was just to make the colours harmonize a little better (instead of having orange highlights for dazai and blue shadows on sigma)
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closing thoughts: value-wise, in shadowed areas i dont have a lot of contrast, and the depth is shown in hue and saturation shifts ,,, being mindful of how materials reflect light, if you need to make them brighter/warmer/etc depending on the colour/texture,,, and i stick to a restricted colour palette and have a few complimentary colours
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hikari-ni-naritai · 1 year
@vivi266 CRUELLY REFUSED to tag me in this but she said anyone could do it if they wanted to so im going to.
Name? emily. you can call me hikari too unless youre two very specific people for a very specific reason.
Pronouns and gender? she/her girl<3
Sexuality? lesbian
Country? usa u_u
Top 5 fandoms? ffxiv, otherside picnic, pmmm, arknights, limbus company despite not playing it
What is your Most forbidden snack? what cruel mistress is forbidding snacks....? spoon of peanut butter.
Would you pet a bug? depends on the bug.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. uhh. heres a weird fact, ive only ever had dreams about sex twice, and neither time was with a person id ever consider fucking in real life.
What does the color blue taste like? unsaturated. you could put more flavor into it but you didnt and i appreciate it.
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? ive seen a lot of beautiful things but i think possibly the most beautiful was the sunset over the pacific ocean when my family took me to hawaii in high school.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? uhhh. damn what would it be. ive done a lot of stupid shit in my life. staying with my college girlfriend for so long, maybe?
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? i could not even begin to rank that. yesterday i stopped a job to take my lunch and marked clearly where to pick up, and the girl who picked it up from me couldnt figure out where id left off and ended up working from about 7 pages before i stopped, leaving a bright pink pickup point 5 pages later. absolutely nothing was accomplished.
Hyperfixation song? if you mean what song am i hyperfixating on right now, its the whole album 'still a Sigure virgin?' by ling tosite sigure. but if i had to deem one song a "hyperfixation song", it would be 'Between Two Worlds' by Mili, which is the song i listened to nonstop for 7 days straight, causing the entire plot and world of a dnd campaign to spawn in my brain like a fungus.
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? 'hikari ni naritai' is a personal creed i have. i need to become better and brighter and warmer. there is no goal, only continually surpassing my current self. my icon is my final fantasy 14 character of the same name.
Dream career as a child? ice cream man. in middle school through part of high school i wanted to design a robot you could control with your brain like in a book series i really liked at the time about a boy who was born on mars and became paraplegic after they gave him Control Robots With Your Brain surgery.
Dream career as an adult? would love to work on visual novels. studioelan if youre hiring hmu the only thing i can reliably do is proofreading/quality checking.
Thoughts on cilantro? put it in my salsa please.
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? uhh i dont think so.
What is your cursed food combination? idk how cursed it is but the #1 thing you can put on a hot dog is crushed doritos. not even a fuckin contest. however the most cursed food combination ive ever tried was a chicken nugget with chocolate sauce in it. the flavors refused to combine in any way and it was like i was eating a chicken nugget and also chocolate sauce separately not at the same time. it was a weird experience.
Trans rights? we're on the trans rights website. im different tho i support trans wrongs too
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madam-kumo · 6 months
Fashion Style Banners/Moodboards
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Rococo fashion was worn most commonly in 1700's Europe and continues to be a widely used and praised fashion because of its beautiful themes, clothing, and paintings. A more modern take on this fashion is coquette which became popular from artists like Melanie Martinez and Lana Del Ray respectively. Rococo is most famous for being used in architecture like La Palace de Versailles who housed Marie Antoinette and her husband, King Louis XVI- two other famous figures most known for wearing Rococo clothing and creating the trend in the 1700's.
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Dark Academia
This style began in 2015 tumblr and became incredibly popular during the Covid-19 pandemic through social media. Dark Academia takes many inspirations from Victorian and 1910's-40's clothing and the color schemes consist of mostly browns, whites, blacks, and occasional unsaturated colors like green, red, or blue. The style almost looks like one just walked out of a library in an old college. The style is also very common in architecture, which takes many elements from gothic architecture and various historical sights like old churches, libraries, and schools. One of the most famous pieces of media that is used as inspiration in this fashion is Harry Potter- from the uniforms to even the school itself. This fashion is very popular with more realistically artistic people as well as bookworms- obviously.
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This extremely bright and noticeable fashion began in the 2000's from emo fashion and is now one of the most popular alternative styles. This style consists of brightly colored hair that usually covers the forehead or an eye and this style also involves t-shirts with bands or popular media logos on them. Kandi bracelets, poofy skirts or short denim shorts, large belts, and leg warmer are also very popular in this style. Scene music is what began this fashion and the term "Scene Queen" used be a derogatory for attractive, popular women who only like Scene for the aesthetic (also known as "posers") but this term has now become a widely used nickname for anyone in the Scene circle. Scene fell from popular, like Y2k, before becoming more popular in the 2020's through artists like 6arelyhuman and Black Veil Brides.
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Trad-Goth was one of the earliest known versions of goth that is known today as being called "goth". This style was created in the 70's-80's and is most known for it's unique link to music. This style got popular from various goth artists in the 80-90's and has been slowly making a large comeback in the 2020's from it's music. The style itself can be made of almost anything involving black, grey, and white with dramatic and sharp makeup. Most commonly, Trad-Goths wear large belts/corsets, platformed shoes, and Victorian/Punk inspired clothing. Characters in media take many inspirations from this fashion such as Elvira, Morticia Addams, and Dracula (all very loved by the goth community). Many artists have become famous for being involved in this fashion such as Bauhaus, The Sisters of Mercy, and The Cure.
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Y2K became popular in the 2000's and is most noticeable by it's dramatic makeup, iconic hairstyles, and unique fashion. Y2K consists of concealed or nude lipsticks, blotchy mascara, and thin eyebrows (and the infamous orange foundation).Sparkly tops with rhinestones or sequins, low-rise shorts or jeans, and halter tops. This style was most iconic because of Paris Hilton, Forever-21, and the Bratz doll line by Carter Bryant. Tanning was a very popular part of this fashion because of it's orange undertones and it's supposed "Highlighting of muscles". Bump it hairstyles and highlights/extensions began it's popularity during the 2000's as well. Wearing skirts over jeans and double layer t shirts if not just a tank top was also common. Hoop earrings, large belts, and Ugg's have begun to make a comeback with this fashion in the 2020's, especially 2023.
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Building blocks for RNA-based life abound at center of our galaxy Nitriles, a class of organic molecules with a cyano group, that is, a carbon atom bound with a triple unsaturated bond to a nitrogen atom, are typically toxic. But paradoxically, they are also a key precursor for molecules essential for life, such as ribonucleotides, composed of the nucleobases or 'letters' A, U, C, and G joined to a ribose and phosphate group, which together make up RNA. Now, a team of researchers from Spain, Japan, Chile, Italy, and the US show that a wide range of nitriles occurs in interstellar space within the molecular cloud G+0.693-0.027, near the center of the Milky Way. Dr Víctor M. Rivilla, a researcher at the Center for Astrobiology of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) in Madrid, Spain, and first author of the new study, said: "Here we show that the chemistry that takes place in the interstellar medium is able to efficiently form multiple nitriles, which are key molecular precursors of the 'RNA World' scenario." Possible 'RNA-only' world According to this scenario, life on Earth was originally based on RNA only, and DNA and protein enzymes evolved later. RNA can fulfill both their functions: storing and copying information like DNA, and catalyzing reactions like enzymes. According to the 'RNA World' theory, nitriles and other building blocks for life needn't necessarily all have arisen on Earth itself: they might also have originated in space and 'hitchhiked' to the young Earth inside meteorites and comets during the 'Late Heavy Bombardment' period, between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago. In support, nitriles and other precursor molecules for nucleotides, lipids, and amino acids have been found inside contemporary comets and meteors. But where in space could these molecules have come from? Prime candidates are molecular clouds, which are dense and cold regions of the interstellar medium, and are suitable for the formation of complex molecules. For example, the molecular cloud G+0.693-0.027 has a temperature of around 100 K and is approximately three light years across, with a mass approximately one thousand times that of our Sun. There's no evidence that stars are currently forming inside G+0.693-0.027, although scientists suspect that it might evolve to become a stellar nursery in the future. "The chemical content of G+0.693-0.027 is similar to those of other star-forming regions in our galaxy, and also to that of solar system objects like comets. This means that its study can give us important insights about the chemical ingredients that were available in the nebula that give rise to our planetary system," explained Rivilla. Electromagnetic spectra studied Rivilla and colleagues used two telescopes in Spain to study the electromagnetic spectra emitted by G+0.693-0.027: the 30-meter-wide IRAM telescope Granada, and the 40-meter-wide Yebes telescope in Guadalajara. They detected the nitriles cyanoallene (CH2CCHCN), propargyl cyanide (HCCCH2CN), and cyanopropyne, which hadn't yet been found in G+0.693-0.027, although they had been reported in 2019 in the TMC-1 dark cloud in the constellations Taurus and Auriga, a molecular cloud with very different conditions than G+0.693-0.027. Rivilla et al. also found possible evidence for the occurence in G+0.693-0.027 of cyanoformaldehyde (HCOCN) and glycolonitrile (HOCH2CN). Cyanoformaldehyde was detected for the first time in the molecular clouds TMC-1 and Sgr B2 in the constellation Sagittarius, and glycolonitrile in the Sun-like protostar IRAS16293-2422 B in the constellation Ophiuchus. Other recent studies have also reported other RNA precursors inside G+0.693-0.027 such as glycolaldehyde (HCOCH2OH), urea (NH2CONH2), hydroxylamine (NH2OH), and 1,2-ethenediol (C2H4O2), confirming that the interstellar chemistry is able to provide the most basic ingredients for the 'RNA World'. Nitriles among most abundant chemical families in space Final author Dr Miguel A Requena-Torres, a lecturer at Towson University in Maryland, US, concluded: "Thanks to our observations over the past few years, including the present results, we now know that nitriles are among the most abundant chemical families in the universe. We have found them in molecular clouds in the center of our galaxy, protostars of different masses, meteorites and comets, and also in the atmosphere of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn." Second author Dr Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, likewise a researcher at CSIC and INTA, looked ahead: "We have detected so far several simple precursors of ribonucleotides, the building blocks of RNA. But there are still key missing molecules that are hard to detect. For example, we know that the origin of life on Earth probably also required other molecules such as lipids, responsible for the formation of the first cells. Therefore we should also focus on understanding how lipids could be formed from simpler precursors available in the interstellar medium."
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toasttbutt · 2 years
Tagged by @infriga !! :D
Rules: Tag 10 people you'd like to get to know better! (or however many people you’re comfortable with)
Fav Color:
Sea Foam Green (I'm getting a new desk and I'm themeing everything around that color I'm so excited)! Though I do love just soft unsaturated colors in general.
I'd second and third in line is muted rose colors and pastel yellows <33
Currently Reading:
-Words of Radiance (just finished the Way of Kings, it was SO GOOD)
- The Ryria Chronicals (also a damn good series)
- The Audio book for The Giver while I work.
I tend to read multiple books at once lol. I've been on such a medieval fantasy themed books binge and I'm loving it. Brandon Sanderson is a fantastic writer!
Last Song I listened to:
Baby Hotline by Jack Stauber. Literally only bc I heard it on TikTok a million times and was like "what on earth is this song". It kinda fits this week's vibes though bc I've got some heavy burnout rip.
Though another song I've been listening to alot is Revelator Eyes by The Paper Kites. Its a pretty good jam and gives me a content floaty feeling.
Last series I watched:
The Mandolorian. Just doing a soft watch of my favorite episodes <3
Last movie I watched:
King Arthur Legend of the sword. The story was a bit all over the place BUT, the fight scenes were pretty damn cool. Made me want to watch The Green Knight again, that was a weird but great movie.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet or Savory, thought what hits the spot is when you have both together. I love sweet things like fruit and Juice omg I love juice, and savory food is just so so good. HOWEVER, when you get a combo of both??? Hell yeah. My favorite is this stew my mom makes called Red Stew. It's tomato based with meat, onions, potatoes, and what other veggies ur feeling, but brown sugar and a little bit of tapioca pudding added to the mix. It's the perfect balance of tomato savory but sweet.
Currently working on: Some DnD comics that someday I'll finish. However a majority of my time is taken up by my new job's project, which I cannot say what or who I work for yet but it's VERY exciting 👀.
Tagging: @eggscargot @cedarsmokesrandoms @grasstheninja idk whomst ever lays thine eyes on this post, yee may participate 👀
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