itsy-cutesy-spidey · 2 years
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Tattoo design for @peter-purrker
A lil Spidey-Man Spidey waving hello to you! :3
Thank you so much for entrusting me with this! I really can´t wait to see the final product!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 3 years
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Peter and Jack heart-butt <3
Had a lot of fun creating this piece! 
Commission for @peter-purrker Thank you for commissioning me!
Anyone else ships these two? :3
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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… Friend?
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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Huevemeber 2019 - Day 11
Woo! Took me 2 days to finish this girl up, and it’s finally done!
Reference here
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 4 years
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Shiro is practicing social distancing by staying home!
Ok, she doesn´t really need to, she´s a spidey, but she sees her owner do it so she “stays at home” which is this beautiful scented candle that has pretty stones and flowers in it.
I took a picture of this candle I had at my desk, and really wanted to try realistic illustration again. I´m happy with how it got!
Be safe everyone!
P.S. “Shiro” is this little spidey´s name! I realized I´ve never called her by her name! Even though I already had it since long ago!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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If I fits, I sit
Commission for @leeshpatreesh
A cute pet portrait! This spidey was missing a leg and a pedipalp! 
Thank you so much for commissioning me!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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I’m so sorry for being gone for so long. I’m adjusting to some life changes right now but I’m slowly re-integrating myself into drawing spideys again. 
I made this lil’ notebook at work to motivate me! I love how it ended up looking <3 (Expect a pic of my first page drawings soon!)
Thank you so much for your support!!! I welcome the new followers to my account!!!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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Em Hates her Waterdish
This is my first time knowing of a tarantula that is not obsessed with their waterdish! 
But no problem! these couple of signs (which literally mean “No tipping the dish”) will help this cute tarantula named Em, to not cover it with dirt anymore!
Commission for @waterwindow​
Thank you for this commission! Your tarantula is so cute!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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I missed the date for my blog’s anniversary (JAN 11), but like idud3 says “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!”
Happy 2 years to this spidey blog!! It’s been very fun these last two years with lost of changes! Hopefully more fun things will come!!!!
Thank you everyone for your constant support!!! I send you spidey hugs!!!
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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“Oh, I feel happy now, so I don´t need to go to therapy”
The storm may have passed now, but later there will be another one, and the same pattern will repeat again. 
Therapy gives you tools to know how to handle those situations. 
October is Mental Health Month, I´ve been planning to make some posts to bring awareness to the benefits of therapy. These are gonna be pretty subjective posts, as I´m making them based on what I would have loved to have said to myself when I was struggling with my own depression and whether or not I should go to therapy. 
Suggestions for what I should post for this topic are very well received. 
tw: arachnophobia, spiders
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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Huevember 2019 - Day 7
@thesketchmo A waterdrop hat!
I actually already drew this one before you asked for it xD I swear
Reference here
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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There is no “Talking yourself out of it”. 
You don´t have to be “strong”, you don´t have to “fight it” alone. 
It´s okay to rely on others. But be careful. Be with people who care and make you feel better, and not people who make you feel worse.
tw: arachnophobia
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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Someone requested an Acespidey!
Based on the spidey they suggested: Grey/Silver morph Phidippus Regius
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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There´s a lot more emotions that we feel beyond the basic ones such as sadness, happiness, anger, fear or disgust.
Sometimes, we even feel a certain way we cannot describe. That is because we don´t know what that emotion it´s called.
In therapy, you will be able to put a name to those strange feelings, and learn new names for emotions that will allow you to understand yourself better.
October is Mental Health Month, I´ve been planning to make some posts to bring awareness to the benefits of therapy. These are gonna be pretty subjective posts, as I´m making them based on what I would have loved to have said to myself when I was struggling with my own depression and whether or not I should go to therapy. 
Suggestions for what I should post for this topic are very well received. 
tw: arachnophobia, spiders
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itsy-cutesy-spidey · 5 years
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Huevember 2019 - Day 17
Another realistic potrait of a handsome zebra boi!
Reference here
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