#iv.   verse.   —   free.
ravenmoodle · 1 month
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So. Cult of the Lamb blorbo AU???
listen it's rEALLY REALLY fitting fort hem you have no idea. Anyway- the Cursed King is a jersey devil because i've had em on the mind and it's perfectly fitting.
Bonus unlucky Child 13
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mercless · 19 days
🗡 dozing off writing replies but im curious how others go about writing out stuff/the order you write particular parts, and if you have a different way of writing depending on if it's a reply, ask, or a drabble 🤔 in most cases I find I write out any spoken words first, then the tones or actions done while talking, and then depending on the writing purpose add trains of thought, other actions or specific actions that convey emotions. stuff I looove getting lost in writing include describing scenes, settings, environments, food or the time of day! for drabbles I usually start with these descriptive elements to get into the mood of it.
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nymusings · 11 months
Have I told you I love you yet? No? I suppose I got too distracted, by saying it in as many ways as the dictionary allowed yet perpetually missing the mark.
we writers -- we're strange in that way where we make simple things complex using odd verbiage, tricky tenors and shaky vehicles, mindbending the reader trying to make sense of it before they snap and say the nonsensical was intentional, bargaining with ostranenie, pointing out details that don't matter -- that never did -- but that mattered to us enough to write about them, not caring how we may overwhelm.
We write whole poems and paragraphs and love songs about that one insignificant detail. It's our way of saying that we see you.
But often, we stare at the crook in someone's smile for too long. They won't think you're admiring the genuineness, the unabashedness, the softness of their sunset lips curled upwards too much one way making your own unique smile feel much less insecure and together you share happiness. That is the detail you love; the solar eclipse smile that you write poems about. But they will think you are staring at their teeth. Maybe there's food stuck between them, or maybe you want to kiss but are too afraid to say it. And as the awkwardness stirs, you think, 'Maybe I should show you my poetry. 'Maybe I should explain that 'I am thinking of the best way to say 'that your smile is like the Sun 'and I am your Icarus.' But all you do is stare, and you look dumb.
Maybe you should just get it over with and say: 'I love you. It's as simple as that. And I'm not going to write a poem about it.'
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gammija · 3 months
some more 'Zavelverzen' localisations, for fun
Sid Wright - Sid de Wit
High Katabasian Mason - Hoogkatabasein Mulder
Glottage - Voldrecht
The Wither Tide - De Schraalvloed
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creatediana · 1 year
Miley Cyrus is thirty, and I used to think that sounded old but now it just sounds thirty. Hannah Montana was my first pop icon—or obsession. I remember my shoes, my shirts with her teenage face printed on with that flimsy wig—I wanted one just like it, or of my own. Just wanted to be someone different and older. And I'm twenty-four now and I still haven't dyed my hair blonde. Still a redhead, I'm afraid, but that made my dead grandmother very proud. I remember that 3D concert movie in third grade premiering in theaters. You know I wore my favorite shoes to it. I had to. How could I go out to the live Hannah Montana experience without those dirty white sneakers with a cheap gold paint? My prized possessions. And she sang the first song she ever wrote, "I Miss You," for her grandfather, and I just thought: Wow, what a big girl, who can do so much, make her own music, sing it in front of millions, and who has experienced so much. Now it seems like not all that much to me. When Meet Miley Cyrus came out as a double-album with Hannah Montana 2, you know I was blasting it in my bedroom, singing and dancing to those songs like I wrote 'em. Like they were mine. I suppose they still are, and so were Bangerz and Dead Petz for me in high school, and Younger Now when I was eighteen, a legal adult but a little baby, but supposedly not "stuck in East Northumberland High for the rest of my life"— I guess people do change. But did I really? And did Miley really? Surely she did, she has, over and over again. Changed genres, sounds, and looks. Supposedly so have I. I wear bras now, at least when I go out in public, but Miley also taught me what nipple pasties are. You see? She's an icon, a legend and an educator, a role model but never wanted to be one, was never old enough to be one when she was forced to be. Miley Cyrus is thirty, and I'm twenty-four. Now she says we used to be young. Can't deny that that's true. The years go by, though, and we're still in our same skins, with new cells, with changed voices, but still singing.
"Miley Cyrus is Thirty" - an ekphrastic free verse of "Used to be Young" (2023) by Miley Cyrus, written 8/26/2023
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I am watching the sunlight as it filters through your eyelashes
Streaking across your face like golden honey
I don't know how to tell you you're beautiful. It never seems enough.
But I'll try anyway, and say: I love you. I love you. I love you.
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rejectshumanity · 5 months
" lord DIO, might i get permission to boop ... once? 🥺 "
unprompted asks | ALWAYS ACCEPTING
and  so  this  booping  nonsense  continues,  to  DIO's  ever-increasing  chagrin.  he  thought  it  mildly  amusing  once,  before  finding  himself  on  the  receiving  end  of  one  too  many  boops,  from  servants  who  really  ought  to  know  better  than  to  disturb  their  lord  at  his  leisure.  a  few  have  paid  the  ultimate  price  upon  catching  him  in  an  uncharitable  mood;  but  dolly,  at  least,  has  the  wisdom  and  the  decency  to  ask  politely.  in  this  instance,  it’s  her  saving  grace.
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❝  how  nice  of  you  to  ask.  ❞     his  sarcasm  is  unmistakable.     ❝  how  could  i  possibly  deny  you?  ❞
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britneyshakespeare · 9 months
Oh my God. People are reblogging a poem I wrote and posted when I was 15 years old lol.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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TEMPLATE I by @unholymilf | TEMPLATE II | ICON
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glacialswordsman-a · 3 months
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Making his rounds on the city for the day, Kaeya hummed lightly to himself as his steps took him up towards the Cathedral. Something about today felt…strange. As though there’s tension, something charged in the air, waiting to crackle and explode. As far as he could tell, the people of Mondstadt were going about their day just fine.
However, Vile was not.
The moment she caught sight of Kaeya, she immediately rushed to meet him. She tried not to run, but her steps were hurried, and that alone already began to concern him. Something happened yesterday.
“Kaeya—there’s a lot of things going on right now, and it’s involving the Fatui and Master Diluc,” she muttered to him after pulling him somewhere slightly more discreet. That alone immediately blared cacophonous alarms in his head as his easy-going persona accidentally slipped into something more primal: fear. However, it was only there for a moment before it shifted into urgency.
“What happened, Vile?”
“Yesterday, a Fatui delegate approached your brother. I managed to somewhat catch sight of it, but I heard their conversation most. One of them knows who Master Diluc is, Kaeya—and while she didn’t do a thing to him, it wasn’t long for unrest to stir amongst the Fatui. She didn’t tell anyone directly, not that I’m aware of, but just as I was there to listen, so was someone else.”
This was…quite literally everything that Kaeya had been hoping, praying to someone, to avoid. The stress radiating off of him was palpable, and his teeth grit as his brows furrowed. There’s really not much that he can do himself about this situation, as it seems too many people within the Snezhnayan organization based in Mondstadt knows now. However, if they know, then they’ve surely sent out letters up the chain.
Whether those letters would be taken seriously or not was up in the air, but the fact that there is knowledge of Diluc residing here is enough for Kaeya to begin acting a little irrationally. Because if they know he's here, then eventually someone outside of Mondstadt will know too. In the chance that Diluc leaves the Nation of Freedom at any point, even if not to Snezhnaya, he can be in a lot more danger than he was before.
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“Thank you, Vile,” he stated, curt, before shifting to head back down the stairs and towards the town square. His stride was full of purpose, and his expression no longer holding that cheery smile, but instead held a very grave expression. He knows he probably shouldn’t do anything, nor even make an announcement, without the approval of Jean. However, he knew she’d understand.
She had to.
As her second-in-command, he was willing to bet money on it. If not, then he’ll handle whatever disciplinary action she doles out to him later. For now, he was a man on a mission.
Taking his place before the fountain, facing the Goth Grand Hotel, Kaeya grit his teeth and narrowed his gaze towards the building before settling on some of the organization’s members that were already standing outside.
“If I may have the attention of all delegates and diplomats, as well as our citizens, I would like to make something very clear so there is no room for misunderstandings,” Kaeya began, his voice projecting loudly, resounding through the city’s paths.
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“This is a formal reminder that none of the Fatui stationed in our city have any jurisdiction to enact any sort of protocol, make any arrests, or even dare to harm a hair on this Nation’s inhabitants. Should I, and for that matter any of the Knights, come to the knowledge that any foreign entity decided to take legal matters into their own hands, or act in vigilantism for any reason, they will be immediately expelled from Mondstadt without hesitation.
The Fatui must remember their place as they remain here if they intend on keeping relations between our Nations and commonwealth peaceful. There are no second chances when it comes to the safety of our people, and if you find issue with that, then I highly encourage you to leave the city proper, for good.
As mentioned, this is my formal reminder towards the Fatui as Mond’s Cavalry Captain, as well as your first and only warning that you will ever get.”
All while making his declaration, Fatui members began to peek out of their windows as well as flood out of the Hotel in order to hear the Ordo’s Quartermaster. He saw many expressions; irritation, anger, concern, disinterest, apathy, indignance and petulance. That’s fine. That’s exactly what he expected.
With his brows furrowed and a scowl upon his face, Kaeya made one final statement, “Prepare for the consequences should I ever catch wind of any of you harming, or even threatening, our citizens. That is all.”
With one last glower towards the Fatui delegates as the people of Mond began whispering and muttering to themselves, their expressions clearly nervous (whether regarding the announcement or towards the Fatui), Kaeya turned heel and began to make his way out of the city. He knew that there will probably be an assembly or meeting later over his insubordination, for stirring more tension and anxiety within the citizens of Mondstadt too, but right now he had his priorities and will deal with that later.
He needs to find Diluc.
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nightsky-edits · 4 months
if you dont mind me asking , what do you use to edits pq sprites? :3
A mix of Firealpaca and Krita. I use both for different things though. Fire alpaca has a super useful brush stabilizer (which I've never been able to make Krita do correctly) that makes my edits look alot cleaner. But Firealpaca sucks for alot of the more soft shading that I do more often so when I do end up wanting to do softer shading I usually export the file and reopen it in Krita if I can. I'm sure there's a program that can mix the two aspects and not have the worst UI known to man but I haven't found a free program that works as good.
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andromerot · 1 year
i dont really post most of my poetry here because i lean heavily into it irl and wouldnt like to translate it to english anyway but i think ive found my first poetic device thats all my own and inspired by no one specific i remember and im so happy about it
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universestreasures · 7 months
Extension / Spinoff Of This Thread With @shacchou
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The vibration from his pager in his pocket was sudden and out of nowhere, but he reacts to it as effortlessly as he did anything. Tasuku, along with Jack who was back in his card form, both move away from the other members of the Buddy Police that had gathered to arrest the criminal they both apprehended. His face shifts to one of concern as he presses the button in the center, immediately connecting the human to the youngest of the two Kaiba Brothers.
"Mokuba, are you okay?! Are you hurt at all?! What's your status?!"
"Tasuku...I'm...I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything. I just...didn't want to contact you through...normal means."
"Oh..." He can feel his heart rate slow with that confirmation, but he still remains on edge. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt. Didn't expect you to use the pager for a non-emergency, but that's no matter. It's clear you called me for a reason through these means. So, please. Say what you want to say. You...don't sound like yourself."
"Y-Yeah...I...I kinda have a big favor to ask of you."
"I see... Well, all you need to do is ask me, Mokuba. I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can. I promised you that the day we met, and that offer still stands now."
"Thanks, Tasuku."
The officer can hear Mokuba taking in a deep breath next. It was clear as day something was up. The way he was speaking now reminded him of how he was during the period his older brother was in a coma, when he was in agony over his brother's condition despite what Seto Kaiba had done to him. He was a caring and loving soul, Tasuku knew that much to be true.
"I...I wanted to ask if I could...stay with you for a while? I...I need some time away from my house, away from...away from..."
"You don't need to say it. I already can understand what probably happened. In any case, you're more than welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. It's no trouble at all."
"A-Are you sure? I wouldn't...be burdening you at all? I know how busy you are with your work."
"Of course not. Friends and family are never burdens." He makes sure to emphasize that for him before continuing. "And while I'm an important part of the Buddy Police, I'm not the only officer on duty. Besides, Mr.Takihara was going to have me go on forced vacation for a few weeks now that the Rare Hunter situation is handled anyway. So, it really is no trouble at all."
Ruby hues widen once the sounds of sobbing reach his ears. The sounds of crying where among his least favorite noises, but not because he found it irritating. Crying often was a signal someone was in pain. Pain was a form of suffering, and as someone who wanted to rid the world, especially children, of suffering, hearing it made his heart ache and his ranger towards his assumed source of it grow.
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"How...How dare he..."
The thoughts echo in his mind as he clenches his free hand, it shaking in his righteous anger. Seto Kaiba was already someone he didn't exactly like for several reasons, but to think he'd do something again to hurt his brother after the stunt he pulled at Death-T? Did he really learn nothing after almost losing everything?
Whenever he runs into that bastard again, he's going to give him a personal taste of Tasuku's own brand of justice. No one, no matter who you are or what the circumstances, should treat the only family they cherish in such a horrible way. He didn't even need to know the full details to know just how bad the situation was. Mokuba's tears he can hear through the speaker spoke volumes.
"It's going to be alright, Mokuba. I'm going to help you get through whatever it is that's troubling you. Just stay strong until I see you, okay? Know you're not alone."
"...T-Thank...T-Thank you...C-Can we meet at...the park?"
"Sure, no problem. Jack and I will meet you there. He can carry you back to my place. You did say you always wanted to fly on a dragon, right?" Jack normally wouldn't be too comfortable carrying someone on his back, but considering the circumstances, even Tasuku knows his Buddy wouldn't turn this down. The dragon cared for the young boy just as he did, after all.
"Mhmm. S-See you soon."
"See you soon. Be careful."
The transmission ends and his hand falls to his side. His teeth gritt in frustration, his breaths almost sounding like a dragon's growl. Despite his politeness and warm smile he tried to maintain as a part of his professionalism, he was still a rather emotional person. He felt thing so intensely, so deeply, that they threatened to consume his actions. And his emotions right now were screaming at him to go down to the Kaiba Mansion and personally give Seto Kaiba a piece of his mind.
It's at that moment when he feels a warmth and sees a glow coming from his chest. Tasuku knows right away it was his Buddy calling out to him, no doubt sensing his emotions. He puts his hand over the pocket where Jack's card was stored, closing his eyes as he moves to communicate with him telepathically.
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"Tasuku... I understand your feelings toward the situation. You are not wrong to feel how you do. Your righteous heart of justice always cries out at the suffering of others, especially those you are close to. However, if you wish to truly help your friend with the emotional troubles he is facing, then you must calm yourself first. If you are consumed by your anger, then you won't be able to help anyone. Your friend is counting on you right now. Do you understand what I am saying?"
In situations like this, Jack really acted like his own consciousness. Everything he was saying was absolutely correct. Getting upset now would not help the situation. It would probably make it worse than anything. Mokuba was his priority right now, not his brother. All his focus should be put into making sure the younger Kaiba was safe and taken care of. In a way, he's to assume the role of an older brother for the time being, the role at this very moment Tasuku thought Seto Kaiba didn't deserve at this moment. And it's a role he will not fail at for the sake of his friend who reached out to him desperately, a friend who needed him and wanted his aid.
He would not fail.
"I...I understand, Jack. I know what must be done." He takes a deep breath then, trying to steel himself before he makes his next move. Tasuku reaches into his pocket to remove his Buddy's cards, holding it up into the air as he prepares for their departure. "Let's go to work."
With that, Jack's card glows, the dragon manifesting in his mini-form before the human. Tasuku grabs his deckcase, the Star Pulsar, from his pocket and shows it to the other. The red gem in the yellow case's center resonates with a golden glow of Jack's eyes, the deckcase eventually transforming into its true form, that of a yellow drone with four points sticking out of it.
The technological voice from his device is soon followed by a light burst of wind as Jack's Buddy Skill makes itself known. Two green rings appear at the boy's heels, their power causing him to start floating in the air. Once airborne, he wastes no time flying straight into the clouds towards his destination, with Jack soaring at his side.
It is during this flight that he informs his legal guardian of the situation. Mr.Takihara, being the kind of person he was, had a soft spot for children. So, of course he was okay with the idea. Tasuku had his own apartment joined with his, anyway. It was up to him how he managed the one-bedroom space. He gave the boy that kind of trust as if he were an adult.
Within minutes, the pair made it to the park. They sit on a nearby bench as they wait for the younger Kaiba to appear, Tasuku getting anxious as the minutes pass. Would he get there safely? Should he have just gotten him? What if he got mugged on the way here? All these thoughts rushed through his mind, and he was debating about going, until he hears footsteps approach and Mokuba comes into view at long last.
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"Hey, Mokuba. Glad you got here safe."
He offers the young boy a warm smile he hopes will offer him some comfort and relief. Ruby hues observe the other's response, Mokuba providing only a small nod. The bag he was carrying with him was quickly noticed as well. Seems he brought things with him. Good. It be difficult to be away from home without some of your personal items, after all.
"Got everything you-"
Mokuba then approaches the Buddy Police Boy Wonder, Tasuku remaining still as he watches on. It is then that Mokuba slowly moves up his hands until they find themselves wrapped around the older boy's waist, the other's head resting on his shoulder pad. Before he can make a response, he freezes in place at the all too painful sound of crying reaching his ears for the second time tonight.
Tasuku responds soon enough, wrapping his own arms around the boy and providing gentle pats on his back. This is not his first go around comforting a crying child. It was something he, unfortunately, had plenty of experience with, considering his line of work. Children were often targets of game-related crimes, but that was part of why he did what he did, to protect those who could not protect themselves. It was his life's mission and one he continues to get stronger for.
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"Mokuba...Don't worry. It's all going to be alright. Have faith in me, Jack, and your friends to help you. We'll be right there by your side to help you through this. I promise."
His grip on the boy tightens slightly then, a physical confirmation of his promise. He was going to care for Mokuba as if he were his brother, just as he would do for Gao or any of his friends should they need it. The selfless boy who was too desperate to become an adult would always shoulder the burden of those around him, being their rock when they needed it most...even at the cost of himself.
"Now, let's get going. You must be exhausted after everything." The Buddy Police officer speaks up once he hears the sound of the sobbing decrease, gently letting go of Mokuba and directing him towards Jack who was now in his true form. He lowers his body to the ground, allowing Mokuba to climb on his back safely. Tasuku will be sure to thank Jack for allowing this to happen, considering he was not a fan of being ridden.
Once secured, the three then soar into the air and into the clouds, leaving the town of Domino behind for the neighboring city of Cho-Tokyo, a place where Seto Kaiba had no power in. Hopefully, this change of scenery would help his friend recover from the emotional wounds inflicted on him, wounds that he should have never been inflicted on one so young, so innocent...like Mokuba Kaiba.
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creatediana · 1 year
There’s a lot on my head— namely, a head, like Marie Antoinette used to have— and King Charles (the First)— (the new one—whatever)— (I think he still has one, but it’s not in great shape).
But what of the mind? Never mind— but the body, it burns. And I lie in my bed looking at Joan of Arc in a BBC feature— condemned with a baby (or, bastard)— oh, Joan, or Jeanne, la Pucelle— a poor little maid that a poor little Bard suited up—in fine armor to slutshame. Oh well.
Oh well, well well well I’m not feeling these days but for movies and books that I gaze on. Praise God for recurring malaise and disease— I’ve been struck with for fifteen years now... quite a chunk of my life
when I’m just 24, and my grandmother’s baby— (my grandmother’s dead)— (but she wasn’t, before).
No, all four of my grandparents saw me grow up—as this wretch— little nine-year-old girl full of needles, I am— I continue to be in my hospital bed glued to the TV.
What integrity I must inspire in my elders— their wise niece and daughter a weakling, for now— (no, not now, but forever)— I take the remote and flip to cartoons.
I wrote poetry once— (I still do—in my head) (that thing I still have... despite) and I wrote it for years and I’m writing it now in force— in rebellion against the skin and the bones and the muscles, not moving without consequence—
but the mind— and the body!— being idle... I hate it. Even more than the pain, or the punishment I submit to— to claim Me my own over this, my fatigue— my war from some film like a period piece—
so. I fight for some king? Or for God? Heaven knows— but I’m stylishly dressed, eloquent, my last words and woes of my tragedy— (how nice that’d be)— find heroic catharsis for the audience to see...
but for Me? What of Me? Oh, that’s Sunday. Or not. Wait, it’s Friday?—They all look the same in my house. My garden’s no calendar, my dog’s not my boss, but my job is to live... but loss... all of this— losing years once again of my bright little life.
Nana’s sore little girl, I submit, put my pen down again.
“Chorus—pretend Me I’m buried.” - a free verse poem written 7/07/2023
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[ open starter — Ruth DeWitt ]
Open to: all! Mutual and non-mutual, all genders (please be 18+ to interact!)
Connection: any you see fit! Fwb, dating, one night stand etc
Plot: based loosely around this and this vibe — general obsession on her part, being overwhelmed with emotions and not knowing how to deal with it. Maybe your muse has been busy or ignoring her on purpose, your call!
Why on Earth were they not answering? It had been way too long without hearing from them — and just today alone Ruth had been blowing up their phone with calls and messages for hours on end. She needed to see them. Now, not later. Or the consequences may be unpleasant for all parties involved.
Ruth had been lucky enough to find the right people to guide her when she needed it; she learned from early on that sex is what kept her in order most of the time. If she wanted to maintain feeling well it was that or feeding off of souls — she'd rather not do the latter. However, this was exactly why she couldn't go without her share of physical attention for too long. She needed it in order to not spiral completely. It was necessary.
Yet, here the demon sat. On the side of her bed, one leg anxiously bouncing and a phone in her hand. The nails of her other were digging into her palm painfully; elongated and inhumanly tough. Her eyes pooled with red.
[ text ]: answer me
[ text ]: please i need you to take this seriously
[ text ]: i need you
[ text ]: come over
Letting out a frustrated grunt, Ruth tossed her phone to the ground. Her chest heaved, crossing her arms around her figure and folding down the middle as if she had a bad stomach ache. It was much worse than that. She rocked back and forth hopelessly in an effort to ease the rising urges; the demon needed to be satisfied somehow. And she didn't know how long she had before it would overtake her.
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divinesorciere · 1 year
@viikingwitch | continued from here.
              That's a thought Davina's been avoiding. Their loved ones, while the list is relatively small for them both ( as well as she knows ), do have a few overlaps. It's what she has always hated about fighting Mikaelsons. Until she broke that damned sireline, the lives of most of the people she loved were connected to that of her enemy.
              Even after it was broken, she was presented with a new problem. Kol's plans for Klaus had never once been to put him down permanently, not like how Davina always wanted to. For better or worse, no matter how much he used him and abandoned him when he was done, Klaus was Kol's brother, and he did love him. Even Marcel loved him. They all did, and she never understood why.
              She faces a similar dilemma, even now. What if she had wanted another fight? One to end things once and for all? With such a close circle of loved ones, lines would have to be drawn in the sand, and she was only truly confident about one person being on her side.
              And she never, ever wanted to force them to face Freya. As much as Davina isn't afraid ( will never admit to being afraid ) of them anymore, a part of her holds a healthy wariness around them all. They are old and powerful and cruel in a way that she probably isn't hopes she isn't.
              If she has to put down old grudges to keep herself, and her people safe, she will. From the surety with which Freya declared herself a protector, she would have to.
              There is still one thing that bothers her. “I don't get you. Why are you so willing to throw away your life, and everyone else's, to protect them?” Even still, there's a more personal question at the forefront of her mind, and has been for a while. “Are you gonna give up your magic to be a vampire and protect them for the rest of your life?”
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