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Just my two freaks enjoying some „us–time“ after the last show for the day~
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ancientdeadlight · 4 years
Smash or Pass - Ivané
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Meet Spacepolka the Donkey Clown🌈💫🦄
This is the result of the prompts from my story my followers voted for:
A thicc, Non-binary clown with purple skin, long blue curly hair wearing a dress with a sci-if/steampunk theme.
Spacepolka pretends to be a human in Make-up who works at the same carnival were Frank has his Freakshow.
But they don’t works at the freakshow but are a mascot of the spacethemed ride we’re they entertain the kids waiting in line.
Also their little gun shoots bubbles.
They are actually a creature who pretends to be a human in Make-up (even from their boss (they literally came in costume to the job interview and got hired before they said anything because they were the only one looking sober))
They in theory could join the freakshow and they considered it, but it’s not their cup of tea.
At the moment my favorite song is Levan polka (dancing donkey remix) wich kinda inspired me to do those adorkable bugteeth!X3
I must admit that I kinda failed on the steampunk aspect on purpose because the „/„ I can decide if to chose or mix themes.
At first I considered an overly yellow colourscheme for their outfit, but I found those beautiful lime green shades instead and then I got adventurous.
(Thank you for those beautiful watercolourpencils @der_fuerst_1473 ^3^)
Personally I think it’s one of my best (maybe even the best) works in terms of design and colourscheme.
Though I think in terms of proportions and pose it’s more average if you ask me.
I‘m still somewhat of an amateur so feedback is welcome. ^w^
Thanks again for everyone who took part in the challenge!^w^
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If you need context, just tap or click on this word!
And now on with the show:
Characterdynamics between my OC (Wyrm) and the main cast of SflV
Gothetta/Gruftine: Since the kids are now in their worst teen years (between 14 and 16) Gruftine is now ofc in her experimental phase and also where she’s looking for more female role models than whatever Kryptina is for her.
So once she spots the mysterious young Tatzelwoman, who gives out drinks and uses small amounts of magic in a creepy cave, while wearing a nieche mix of erololita and steampunk with a carnival touch, she’s of course intrigued. And since Ivané isn’t that far past from puberty yet and can recall her own feelings during that time pretty well, she manages to relate to Gruftine pretty well and give her advice (especially with her romantic interests), help out (like having her back when Gruftine knows she fucked up), goes on adventures with her and overall becoming an unconventional older–sister character to her.
Overall their relationship in my head is pretty wholesome.
Oskar: Oh, Boy! If you found this account via my little comics, you know exactly how the poor guy learned about Ivané!XD
At first he’s traumatized by her and his uncles relationship, but eventually he accepts her and her shenanigans and warms up to her, but not as close as Grusfine is with her.
He still takes her advice from time to time and sometimes she has to be a mediator between him and his uncle, when they got beef again.
And they share a similar taste for music, so she sometimes takes him and whoever else is coming to a party or rave that’s not too age restricted. So she’s at some point more of a step–in–Guardian than a surrogate parent.
Klot: To clarify: Ivané is NOT good with really young children! Infact, she’s pure shit at babysitting and she knows it. So good for Klot that he’s already between 11 and 13 in this AU!
They met because the count just one day spawned at her place, dropped him off and their conversation went somewhat like this:
„Hold this for a sec, gurl, I‘m busy rn!“
„But I–„
„I know, you’re abysmal dogshit at this but I believe in you!“ *Drops Klot, turns into a fruitbat and despawns*
And after staring at each other for minutes, she resumes to work at the bar, playing some cardgames with him, when conveniently nobody is around, with a sign at the entrance that read „Please only come in when: badly injured, hiding from armed pursuers or threats or looking for an non +18 conversations! I was randomly forced to babysit!“
Most of their conversations where Klot asking questions about her experiences like „What does it feel like to die“ and then she either answers it or takes off into storytelling about one of her adventures, manifesting as a flashback to the viewer.
She also does her best to hold back her vulgar language around him, but she does slip up sometimes and he picks up on it quickly!XD
So yeah, she‘s more of an awkward guardian around him.
Leechy: Wyrm might be using technology and can build or fix simpler mechanisms when she needs to, but she’s really got more of the art–autism while Leechy (at least according to many headcannons) is more of the science–autistic.
The only thing they really connect over is their shared social struggles (her teaching him social skills while he helps her with fixing a more complex machine) he’s also more interested of her stories about times where she worked at more sci–fi esque settings or the one time she flew to space.
Otherwise she just drops him off with her more sciency friends or is his guardian when no one else is in the mood to go with him to nerdy places like a museum or a science fair.
Fletscher/Stoker: Most of the time she despises him and his bullying of Oskar and kicks his arse from now and then (and the count lets it slide since he caught on to the mistreatment of his nephew by now and that’s the only way he can punish him without looking like a jerk himself) he despises her too and tries to provoke her (especially infront of Oxblood).
They do have sincere but short conversations from time to time where they have to begrudgingly admit that they are both eccentric little gremlins to different degrees who‘re both really bad at math.
So their relationship isn’t so beneath the belt like with Oxblood but more rooted in her sense for justice and him being somewhat put in his place when she’s around.
Okay, that‘s it for now
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We (I) need the characters dynamics between your oc and the sflv characters!!
Your wish is my order (but also my wish!)
Count Alarich: This one might seem obvious, but it’s kinda deep, I promise! I already hinted on the fact that they have a mutually sexual relationship, wich is kinda obvious since she calls him „Al“ and he is the only one who even knows her real name.
They feel drawn to each other because he enjoys her rather casual, spontaneous, „peasant“, unhinged and „free spirited“ lifestyle in contrast to his more stuck up surroundings, while she enjoys him being more of a stable, reliable, rational personality. Although the main foundation– and reason for their friendship is the ability to trust each other.
Since He’s the first person she met after being stranded in the Grotto (I think in vampire years he’s cannonly 42 and she’s in her early 20‘s in Wyrm–years) They started out by him just talking about his life as the headmaster of a boardingschool full of angsty teens and she enjoyed hearing about life outside and vampire culture since the Grotto is boring af, let’s be real!
Part of their conversations is also her learning their local tongue since she’s a german, but does speak Russian (bc her bff is a Russian griffin (who I really neglect, lol)) and since the show plays in Transylvania (I think) and my headcannon is that the count speaks enough Russian to talk about basic things with her and already has a job that requires at least some teaching skills, so it kinda comes naturally. And she (accidentally) taught him some vulgar language (wich is the reason why my version of him curses in every post) at first he tried to rid her of that habbit, but she actually passed it onto him and then he gave up.
Later on, when her business is booming enough for her to obtain the resources to turn humanoid and escape the spell, he even took her outside and showed her around (mainly to teach her practical use of their language, but you could also call it dates) and sometimes to assist him with some chores, once he was convinced that she could handle it. Later on he introduced her to the adults of the maincast as an acquaintance, whenever they needed her help and later on the kids as well.
Their lust towards each other stems from him having something similar to a midlife crisis and her just being horny af 24/7. Though she did tell him early on that she is in an official relationship and that she‘d disclose it to her partner, if they engaged into intercourse.
Lenny: Of the adult cast, Lenny is probably her second best friend and at first even developed a crush on her, wich she turned of as soon as possible, friendzoning him for being „too innocent“ and her being „a flousy“, therefore not wanting him to get tangled up in her messy affairs.
Non the less they are there for each other and developed more of a sibling–bond instead. Especially later, when Ivané introduces him to her kitties and friends from her old life.
Lady Kryptina: At first she found Wyrm pretty sus, since she sensed the tension between her and the count, wich got even worse once she found out what Wyrm actually is and that she had been called „the sweetwater siren“ in the past (wich is also the reason Wyrm disguised herself as an older member of her species at first)
Eventually the whole thing turned into a cat–fight rivalry, wich the count and everyone else caught on to, wich prompted them to give them „some involuntary alone time“, wich started with silent tension, continued with them fighting, mellowed out with them talking and ended with Kryptina finding out that Wyrm might not just be a seductress of men, but can cause gay panic wich manifested in the orgasm of her life and Lenny being the first one to find out. (Bro just wanted to bring them something to drink :,)
They still have a weird, not very close but friendly relationship now and even worked out a little system where Ivané sleeps with someone and then they grade them on their personality and performance, to see if Kryptina is good to make a move. And they gossip… A LOT! But they never cause drama. It’s just them exchanging information on a dual level.
Oxblood: He calls her a Jezebel, she calls him a prude. He started out on the same sus–level as Kryptina, seeing just a young, unmodestly dressed woman, with ill habits (cursing like a sailor), a sleepy personality (her disguises and business instincts) and a rocky, undisclosed, unreal sounding past, paired with the fact that she seduced the count in his eyes to gain either really hot sex, a trophy–fuck or to gain access to his wealth.
It manifests in backhanded comments from him,openly insulting comments from her, sometimes physical fights that have to be interrupted by others and all in all them being petty towards each other. It‘s on hiatus everytime they find a common enemy but generally it’s just a side–rivalry, since Ivané is trying not hurt the counts institution by getting rid of the main teacher and Oxblood tries not to anger the count by getting into drastic measures against her, since he’s smart enough to notice their mutuality.
That’s it for now, folks!
I gotta make a seperate one for the kids (now teens) because this one is already too long!
So stay tuned for part two, I guess!XD
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Can you tell us more about your oc?
*blissfully crying because someone asked*
Of course~💖
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Let‘s start with a bit of history on the Charcter ~
This is my self insert character (so she’s basically me, but fictional and pathetic) and her first conceptions started in 2015 when I was around 12 or 13.
So obviously my girl has a really long and complicated backstory and history, but for the sake of your and my time I‘ll just focus on her in the context of her insertion into „die Schule der kleinen Vampire“ wich is basically just something I‘m doing for fun.
I actually had the idea to revisit the franchise in 2022 for the lol’s, wich is where I drew first concept art of her in a style that’s a mix of the shows artstyle and my own.
Two versions of her haircolour exist in her own cannon and originally I drew her with her natural, dirt–blonde haircolour for this one, but then I started to dye my hair irl again, wich caused me to feel like her purple hair just fits better to me, her and the universe, colourscheme and her depiction and personality in general.
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The Sflv comics I‘m drawing play in a future–AU where the main cast has hit their teenage years (around 14–16 vampire years, except Klot, he’s maybe like 11–13) and the whole show turned from a cute children’s show into a coming of age cartoon that contains adult humor and themes and swearing, as well as some minor gore and violence.
Most of it stemming from her presence.
Her name is Ivané aus dem Finstermoor, but she introduces herself as Wyrm to all characters, except friends and people who know her from the past and the Count, who‘s basically the first character she actually encounters and befriends in this. He still calls her Wyrm infront of others out of respecting her wish to not having everyone knowing her name.
She herself is a traveler/Vagabond, who‘s constantly on the run from people who hunt her or have a fuse with her. In terms of species she’s a mix of Tatzelwurm and Harpy (but primarily Tatzelwurm) she also has a symbiotic relationship with an alien parasite that lives in her spine and causes her to sprout tentacles from time to time and has no ovaries, just a hole with a clit. She’s also a semi–shapeshifter. (Wich means she has a limited amount of appearances to shapeshift into) If she’s cut in half at her waste she’ll grow a seven meter long snake tail and if she’s cut in half again, she’ll grow a tail and legs. The Harpy side in her also causes her the ability to turn into an owl by reflex and sport a pair of black feathered wings (but that happens rarely). But most of the time she tries to blend in by drinking a potion that gives her a humanoid appearance.
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Also She has three pet Cats
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In the AU (wich doesn’t just include classic horror, but now even more modern and lovecraftian cryptits like skincrawlers, mothman, Cthulhu and Lizardpeople) a door just suddenly appears in the forest and whoever enters it, finds themselves in a grotto with a lake and hole to the surface above it, where she resides, as a result of someone having trapped her there through a curse. So every time she tries to leave, a wall of flesh blocks her way. In the beginning she just lounged there on a rock in the middle of the lake, pretending to be an old hag–lamia (bc she knows that people will quickly judge a young, pretty woman) who just wants some essentials like food and drink in return for things like sewing ripped clothing or minerals in the cave.
Later on a few people catch on that there’s a creature living in that grotto and start sacrificing people in worship of her, wich is an opportunity she takes and soon enough she‘s exchanging their bodyparts and blood for food and material to build a little bar/store on that lake.
Except for their heart… those she needs to turn into her humanoid form and escape that spell for roughly a day.
Count Alarich basically stumbled across that door one night and enters it, finding Ivané in her disguise as an old hag, starting to chat and over time become friends. One other day she dared to leave the grotto and enters the village from the show and starts looking around, making acquaintances and joining a gothic metal rave in the evening.
When she walks home at night, the count, not knowing who she actually is, spots her and ofc plans to bite her, so dude uses hypnosis to lure her in. But Muschy (the grey Sphymxcat) notices that and jumps out of her backpack, causing his Werewolf to chase after the kitty, wich results in the count being dragged away, holding the leash. Ivané is conscious again and Muschy gave the Wolf a punch to the snout, she escapes and just keeps her human identity a secret from Alarich, while befriending him more and more as the hag at the bar.
Eventually she slowly drops the disguise with every time he visits her and soon, he catches on on who she is and they become mutual fuckbuddies.
The end
(For now)
If you wanna know more about her dynamic with all the other characters, just ask~
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Funfact: Ivané has cats! (This is them as clowncats)
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All of these are available as stickers and more on my redbubble
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I brought back Ivan and this time he meets Ivané
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I originally took this photo as a reference for a still live for jobschool…
I just couldn’t stop myself doing my thing and adding my characters~
This photo contains some clowndolls from my little collection, one of my little ceramic kitties and a cassette from my dads band… and now Ivané is eating cake from it! XD
It’s also the first time I drew Franks kitties Peter and Dyna~
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This is my first Headcannon post, so constructive feedback is welcome!^^
First things first: The musical cannonly plays in the 1950´s or 60´s (If I remember correctly and my brain didn’t complete melt at the sight of Tim Curry’s ass in latex) so Ivané is basically yeeted into a mostly stick stuck up in the ass society… So she was out on the street at first, looking for a job, then got snatched up by some religious group, trying to convert her to obedience and shit or cure her autism.
(Since Tim Curry also played the priest in the beginning, in my head that’s Franknfurther leading a second life) So one Sunday she packs her backpack and plans to sneak off after church. She does so and according to her cartoony logic, they‘d never suspect her on the roof of the priests car! And that’s how she got a really bad sunburn and to Franks Castle. Next she basically asked for a job and got it because she accidentally revealed that she’s an immortal aquatic Lizzardperson, who’s genetic material might be helpful for Franks surch for the source of life (Yes, this is before the musical) and because in her spine lives a parasite from space that on her order manipulates her genetic matter to form black, slithery tendrils that vary in length and width, therefore creating a really long and hard kinky Schlong.
She at first asked to be hired as stuff like a maid or the girl for everything, but essentially got undressed, then tied to a medical chair, opened her up and Frank examined her insides while the rest watched. The he actually cut her open and looked at her organs and took samples of her tissues and bodily fluids. When they realized that that didn’t kill her, she got promoted to „captive“. Then she turned back into a Lakemonster.
When Riff Raff and Magenta found out that she started cleaning her cell out of boredom with spit and whatever else she could find, they got her to clean for them when Frank wasn’t around in exchange of using an actual bathroom (in the Headcannon she gets chained to the wall in a cold dark cell in the cellar) foodscraps, sheets, a pillow and hidden corner in the boilerroom to sleep and humanhearts, so they can spend the time plotting against Frank and preparing their weird outfits. After some time Frank finds her scrubbing the floor and asks her who she is, since he kind of forgot that she has a humanoid form. She starts messing with him by pulling the „But am I really here or am I a figment of your imagination?“–number on him. It worked since she was kinda hot.
Over time he– and everyone else around started to just accept her as part of the castle, started calling her by the nickname „stray“, „fishy“ or „leechy“ and asked her to do the things nobody really wanted to do (like cleaning an oven or fixing broken machinery) One day Frank even called her over to help him with science or came down the cellar to bang her. That’s how she became kind of a handyman and Franks personal assistant when he did science stuff. Went pretty well for her taste.
In terms of relationships she went pretty asscrawly with this cast:
Magenta and Riff Raff are friendly with her, since she gets them weed on times and is kind of in their dept. Otherwise they view her as a cog in the machine. She doesn‘t plan to stay anyways, but she enjoys their company.
With Columbia she could be pretty good friends with and she tried, but it became awkward once she realized that magenta found her sus and was a tad jealous, since she didn’t forget that she might be the key to Franks success. So the best interactions are basically a dry greeting when they walk by each other and the worst is when Columbia strangles Ivané in her sleep.
With Frank she has a weird cat and mouse dynamic in wich Frank will either treat her like something beneath him or try to arouse her, wich she is either in the mood for or handles it by hiding in places he can’t reach or straight up uses her tentacles to get him „immobile“. To both it’s kind of a game and sometimes she even uses her unsettling good skills to genderswap to conquer him an sleep in his bed during times when the cellar is uninhabitable.
Others: During big parties she usually stays in the cellar and reads or draws etc… unless she’s needed. She also sometimes comes up when someone orders her to murder someone.
After the events of the musical, she just notices the castle flying, comes up clueless, sees basically everything is like „Yo, what did I miss?“, motives that Magenta and RiffRaff went apeshit, then she goes into full asscrawler–mode and is like „We still good, right.“
And that’s how she also went to space
Feel free to ask questions
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Here we have Ivané, Dimitry and Dénisel (Who I never get to draw together) walking Fluffy and Hairy~ I originally wanted to incoporade the #gayflag , the #transflag and the #panflag into their outfits, but for some reason that seemed kinda like Overkill to me personaly, because those three vibing without flags seemed more natural to me. For the record (from left to right): Dimitry is gay, Dénisel is a transwoman and Ivané is pansexual. #devilfeature #originalcharacter #oc #ocdrawing #ocs #ocart #ivané #ivane_van_darkmore #dimitry #dénisel #traditionalart #transwoman #transpride #happypridemonth #happypride #pridemonth2022 #pridemonthart #gaypride #gay #gayman #pansexualpride #pansexual #pansexualgirl #altfashion #prettygirls #prettyman #crossdressing https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0h3txok6F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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💕💫Wanted to try something new💖🌛
My dear darling Ivané in an Outfit she'd wear on a date~♡
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I thought it was time to show Grinseys connection to that moon
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Guess wich movie I watched yesterday!^^
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Aaaand here we have a full page of H3 doodles!
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A human Ivané sucking out an icegrem-Clowns brain & Bierce as Waitress, with Betty Boops skirt... welcome summer!
(In the part of germany where I live, summervacation starts right after this Friday)
My first Dark Deception fanart & I draw THIS!XD
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