#ive been compiling all the times he’s had her on his back
bludsfinest · 1 year
midnighter isn’t batman if he was gay and committed murder, he’s batman if he was in a stable relationship and a competent father
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i adore reading your analytical posts abt soc so much jts not even funny; stumbling upon your account was like a coming across a goldmine 🙏 ALSO I RLLY WANT TO ONOW ABT THE SHE TREATS US LJKE MARKS ESSAY IVE NEVER THOIGHT ABT THAT RLLY also i loved the mr crimson post anw im sorry i’ll shut up now
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you like them!!
This is the first time someone’s submitted a question so bare with me because if there’s any way to do this wrong I’ll probably manage it, but here are my thoughts on the red herrings :)
She’s treating us like marks - an analysis of Leigh Bardugo’s use of red herrings in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
I happen to be an absolute sucker for a good bit of foreshadowing, I think if it’s done well it’s one of the best literary techniques out there, so it’s something I always like to try and be on the look out for when I read. With books that I go back and reread, in this case many many times (seriously I’ve never specifically counted but I’m pretty sure I’m at over ten times each for the duology, it’s ridiculous), I like to find the things I didn’t realise were foreshadowing the first time round. When rereading six of crows and crooked kingdom, I realised that a lot of the things I expected to be foreshadowing didn’t actually come to fruition whilst other, seemingly less important, details were the actual foreshadowing. I LOVE IT! It’s genius, because it leaves the reader worrying about one thing so they’re too distracted to realise the groundwork is being laid for something else. But you know what that makes me think of? Kaz’s ideology of “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet? […] Tell him you’re going to steal his watch,” and “you have to let the mark feel like he’s won”. Leigh Bardugo literally cons us, and she tells us that she’s doing it in Crooked Kingdom when the group are certain that they know where Inej is being kept, but Kaz says “Too obvious. He’s treating us like marks”. GENIUS
So I compiled a few of my favourite examples (in no particular order), if you know of any I’ve missed please add more I would love to see them!!
The cannon at the Ice Court. When the Crows first arrive in Djerholm they see a cannon built into the the cliff face, a defence mechanism for the Court, and Kaz says what might be one of my favourite underrated lines of his: “I’ve broken into banks, warehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whose wife had a passion for emeralds. But I’ve never had a cannon shot at me”. Jesper jokes that “there’s something to be said for novelty” but then continues to say that a cannon would be useless against a ship as small as theirs and that it’s designed for “invading armadas”. They don’t mention the cannon again, but it stuck in my mind when I first read it as a looming threat, a reminder that the danger wouldn’t end when they left the court. So when they arrived in the harbour was I expecting soldiers, or a heartrender, or for Nina to take parem? Nope, I was too busy worrying about the schooner being blown to pieces - especially when the Crows all have such specific painful and/or traumatic experiences linking to water, with 4 out of 6 of them being drowning related. But that isn’t to say that the waiting soldiers at the dock weren’t foreshadowed. All the way through Leigh Bardugo constantly reminds us that Matthias had never seen black protocol in action, and that his time in the prison sector had been brief, but she lulls us into a false sense of security by letting us believe that the secret bridge onto the White Island was all Matthias was hiding. We trust him by this point, so we don’t expect anything to be different to what he’s told us, even though this is an aspect he couldn’t possibly have predicted. Bonus points for the fact that Nina’s poor well-being in the aftermath of the drug is foreshadowed by a joke at the awful Inn they go to before the job; the food is disgusting and she says “when I don’t want to eat, you know there’s a problem”, and in Crooked Kingdom it’s many times emphasised that she’s unhealthily losing weight and her appetite has vastly decreased, with Matthias buying her chocolate biscuits “in the hopes she’d eat something”.
The poison pill. Leigh Bardugo worked very hard in Crooked Kingdom to make us think that Nina might die. We went into that book knowing there was a strong possibility that she wouldn’t come out the other side; we knew very little about how she was coping with parem withdrawal at the end of soc, but we had seen around a minimum of five grisha being destroyed by the drug so far. (That’s a guess I haven’t actually counted). So we went in with the idea that she was already in a precarious situation, and even though we begin to see her regain herself she struggles throughout the novel both physically and mentally in the aftermath of the drug. Matthias begins to dream of being lost on the ice in the worst storms known to Fjerda, knowing that she was out there somewhere and that he could not reach her. This sounds like it’s foreshadowing her death. Then when the pair go to the Ravkan embassy, Tamar gives Nina a small yellow pill that Genya made; she explains that it kills instantly and painlessly, saying “we all have them” to make sure they cannot be drugged and enslaved by the Shu government, who are hunting for grisha with the Khergud at the time. Matthias is terrified by this, but Nina just slips it into her pocket without a second thought. At that moment I thought that Nina would almost take the pill only to be stopped by someone else, because it felt too obvious that it would kill her, but I did wonder if the Khergud would be the ones to stop her and so she would still be lost. But the pill never gets mentioned again, except when the Dime Lions come for Nina at Sweet Reef and she briefly remembers that it’s still in her pocket. Then never again. And Matthias’ dreams were, of course, actually foreshadowing the FESTIVAL OF PAIN AND TORTURE that is chapter 40.
Mr Crimson. I’m so glad you like my Mr Crimson idea! Basically I posted saying I think that he represents death in the novels and I’ve also talked before about how I think the Komedie Brute costumes that the characters usually adopt are representative of their character; Kaz the Madman, Nina the Lost Bride, Inej and Wylan the Grey Imp, and Jesper and Matthias Mr Crimson. I won’t go into detail about all of them but if you’re interested the post is on my page, but with the idea that Mr Crimson represents death it’s very important to me that, although all of them wear his cloak at least once, he is the only Komedie Brute character taken on by Jesper and Matthias (at least to my recollection, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). So of course I would argue that Matthias taking on the image in Crooked Kingdom foreshadows his death, but in that case what does Jesper’s represent? I came up with two options but I actually think you could combine them into one: it’s a red herring to make us align him with the literal death of Matthias, whilst actually foreshadowing the metaphorical death that his addiction and mental well-being are driving him towards as he tries desperately to stop them - in his own words to Colm “I’m dying anyway, Da, I’m just doing it slow”
Oh god sorry that this is yet another long post I hope y’all enjoyed this enough for it to be worth the time it takes for you to read all my ramblings 😭
Tagging people who asked for this one in the replies to my essay titles post - @the-magnificunt @flerkenkiddingme @luridorangeandviolentviolet @snowblack-charcoalwhite
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part IV): Passive Mulder Turns Passive-Aggressive
As always, interpreting Three Words 'accurately' hinges on the littlest details in every shot, since the writers chose to be overly covert when translating the scripts onto the screen (post here); but the following scene is of paramount importance. It establishes Mulder's reawakened unhealthy routines, his ignited jealousy of Doggett, his distrust of Scully’s judgment, and his choice to push away from recovery and into the pitfalls of from-the-hip reactions. This pattern waxes and wanes the rest of the season until the birth of his child.  
Hanging Out in His Apartment
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The day after Mulder's return to his apartment, Skinner drops in and relates Kersh's reassignment refusal. Mulder spends the majority of the conversation letting them ride out their steam, shooting down other avenues to get him back, and ultimately revealing he hadn't cared to get back to work, anyway... until Doggett is mentioned.
Mulder is lounging on his couch sporting casual wear and bedhead, likely roused from sleeping-in (or taking a bonus nap) and dressed in presentable clothes for Skinner's sudden visit. Scully is also in comfy loungewear; and wouldn’t have had enough time to drive home, get changed, and drive to Mulder's apartment if she and Skinner left directly from work. Logically, this means she and Mulder were at his apartment all morning.
So, we know Scully was hanging around (either she spent the night, changed at either apartment, and stuck around or she went home for the night and came back the next day) and Mulder was letting her-- but how does Skinner fit into this domestic (un)bliss? 
It’s hard to know for certain if Mulder had previously talked with Skinner in the hospital or if this is their first time catching up: 
1. We were not privy to their opening “hello” or “good afternoon” scene; and are shown only Mulder’s tailend reaction to Skinner’s news. 
2. Skinner is a consummate professional; and having seen Mulder at his literal worst, nothing afterward would, perhaps, faze him as much. At any rate, it’s in Skinner’s nature to keep a cool, professional demeanor when dealing with his agents about business; and that would be the easiest go-to when handling this situation now. 
3. Skinner has behaved this way before when discussing his own PTSD and trauma: in One Breath, he put aside his professionalism temporarily to appeal to Mulder; but swiftly packed it away and went right back to his work mode. He knows trauma, knows his agent, and probably assumes this is the way Mulder would want it to be. And he’s not wrong.  
What we do know is Mulder, while not himself, is at least acting like himself: trying not to seem aloof; including Skinner in his jokes, ideas, and ruminations; and relying on him-- though in a different way-- as much as he does Scully (and later The Lone Gunmen.) 
The only change is the loss of that touch of vulnerability Mulder often showed Skinner in moments of crisis or great emotion. Now, he keeps a wall up, trying to block in what he considers corrosive parts of himself and block out the sympathy of others so he doesn’t have to address the compiling PTSD. Vulnerability comes with a price at this point; and Mulder-- excepting his brief confession in the previous scene (post here)-- is avoiding it at all costs. 
The Pivot from Passive Mulder to Passive-Aggressive Mulder  
The scene starts out with Mulder sitting, solo, on his leather couch-- more accurately, sinking into it heavily, his normal vibrancy zapped by exhaustion. False bravado is hard to maintain, especially when one has been dead a few days before, is battling worsening PTSD, and now suffers from recurring flashbacks that likely disrupt whatever sleep he can get. 
“Kersh wants to put me behind a desk? That is not what Kersh wants.”
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He looks over at Scully and Skinner who hover together a few feet from the couch. It appears that they had just finished their conversation about Kersh, pivoting towards him when Mulder piped up. This establishes a few things:
1. Mulder can already sense how close the two have gotten in his absence-- more accurately, that they've formed a tighter bond over trying to find him and battling Kersh in the meanwhile. (Scully picks up on this, and continually draws back to his side at every available opportunity, reinforcing how much she needs him.)
2. Mulder doesn't appear jealous during this exchange or any future one, seeing it as simply another marker of his time gone.
3. Mulder most likely assumes Scully didn't accomplish much on the files without him, his absence and her pregnancy holding her back (he botched one case in the two months she was gone, after all.) He even slips in the reality that she won't be on the X-Files much longer once her baby is born-- something he's already thought through and assumed she had, as well (which she hasn't, as later revealed in Alone.)
Overall, his consternation is at Kersh, not Scully or Skinner.
Scully strides over, silently asserting that her place is by his side, not their boss's. “Well, I think Kersh wants you to quit, Mulder.” 
An interesting detail: while Scully spends this scene trying to get a pulse on Mulder’s listless mood and doubting whether she should push him forward or let him hang back, Skinner keeps an eye on Scully, judging (correctly) that he will better understand where Mulder’s coming from by reading how Scully reacts to her partner's responses. 
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And here’s a crucial detail: this scene sets up Mulder’s back-and-forth when it comes to reaching out and withdrawing from his impending fatherhood. As Scully walks over, her eyes flick down and away; and the camera reveals why when it cuts to Mulder, who has turned away and closed his eyes while she approaches and slowly levers onto the couch.
Throughout Three Words, Mulder does want his child, doesn’t dislike or hate it; but he’s so battered and drained that he can’t bring himself to reach out. In future episodes he bounces between excited father-to-be and man obsessed with answers because he needs to stop what happened to him from ever happening again-- trying to escape his trauma by attempting to stop the source. He begins repeating the past nearly thirty years’ mistakes-- avoiding reality (“life on this planet”) by charging at windmills-- except this time he’s had his peace, had happiness with Scully, and knows he has a kid on the way. It all rings false-- he'll be jumping back into work not because of the wonder of exploration and discovery but because he's using government conspiracies to hide from reality, giving up and reenacting his ‘I did what I could and can’t do any more’ fall back in The Red and the Black, One Son, and Amor Fati. In essence, Mulder is trapped in his trauma response (post here); and-- unable to take a progressive step forward-- he regresses backward to unhealthy Freeze-Flight loops, caught up in unessential “busy work” to distract from the bigger problems he feels he can’t fix. A way to feel in-control in his out-of-control life.
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“It’s more than that,” Skinner asserts; and only then does Mulder turn his head, “He wants to punish you. To hurt you.” Another interesting detail: Skinner focuses on Mulder’s emotional well-being, directly stating “hurt you” with venom at Kersh and protective assurance towards his recovered agent. No longer is Skinner willing to be oblique about his care and concern about either agent-- and Mulder responds to this, and lets his boss back in a little bit more.   
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Another crucial detail (there will be a lot of these): when Mulder rattles off “And you by putting you in this position--” to Skinner, his voice is solid, stable, ‘normal’; but as he continues “--and Agent Scully”, Mulder falters, his voice sinking, some more of his pain and a little bit more vulnerability bleeding through. The thought of his partner being punished-- in his absence, after his return, for his absence and return-- churns his gut and effortlessly draws out his empathy towards her, despite his erected barriers and avoidance of more personal reconnection. 
Even more crucially-- and touching-- is that Mulder slows his spiel, staring longingly at his partner while he says, “--for not giving up on me.” He then pauses, giving her his full attention and gratitude through their unspoken: he’s moved by her devotion, words not adequate in his beaten down state; and, in his own way, wants her to know he’s seen her efforts, understood the lengths she must have gone, and is overcome by them. 
And Scully knows this, shyly ducking her head down and slightly pursing her lips (a Scully tell of “I heard you, but I don’t know how to respond yet.”) 
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Back to business, Mulder’s voice loses that soft quality once again: “Truth is, this was a bullet that was fired about eight years ago.” Sardonically waving his pointer finger around for emphasis, he continues, “It’s a magic bullet that’s been going round and round and right now it seems poised to hit me in the back of the head.” He grimly stares at Skinner, who stares grimly back. 
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Scully cuts in, determination in her voice. ”I think the question is, Mulder, are we going to sit here and let this happen?”
Mulder is amused in spite of himself: he doesn’t lose his edge, but he softens at the corners, shooting incredulous smiles at his five-foot-two battle warrior while he ruthlessly (read: affectionately) tears apart her predilection for war with the facts: “Scully, you’re going to give birth in a couple months.” 
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She shifts, acknowledging his point, while Mulder keeps talking. “You can talk as tough as you like, but you know and I know and they know that in a little while you’re going to have more important things than whether or not the X-Files remains open.” 
But it’s more than just the facts: Mulder doesn’t want to fight. 
Mulder is not only traumatized but also willfully passive, seeing no hope in struggling for victory when all options are played out before they’ve even begun. Kersh reassigned him, Scully's leaving, the X-Files are doomed; and because they are doomed, he doesn't want to go back to work (and later doesn't want Scully to go back to work if Doggett is there and he's not.) It’s a cynicism that is hand-in-hand with his eternal optimism: when that optimism burns out, he quickly reverts to cynicism and Freeze-Flight loops. 
Mulder has always responded well to Scully’s logical deduction or scathing criticism-- and it is scathing, at times-- because he needs to be told straight, in no uncertain terms, how he’s messing up and how he can fix it and move forward (ex. Scully reaming him about giving up on the world and himself in One Son and Amor Fati.) Scully, however, doesn’t trust herself to advise or even unleash on Mulder, knowing the pain of this specific violation but without the full horror of her memories to contextualize and fully understand it. Likely, she doesn’t even know Mulder can remember, assuming he was returned ‘blank slate’ like herself; and Mulder’s reticence and withdrawal compared to his previous vim and vigor whenever the government or aliens tampered with his memory utterly baffles her. And so, they coast… (until an off-screen scene right after this episode ends. But I digress.) 
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Scully looks away, knowing Mulder has her dead-to-rights but also knowing a piece of information he doesn’t: that Kersh still wants Doggett on the files. This means she and Skinner talked over Kersh's meeting before Skinner told Mulder; and that Scully still had not shared about Doggett, yet. 
“Agent Who?” Mulder asks, intrigued more than threatened.
And then he’s met with silence; and realizing that’s never a good sign, he looks toward the one person he trusts to give him a straight answer… and realizes Scully hasn’t told the entire truth. 
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“I’ve had a partner… for the last seven months,” she reluctantly admits. 
Mulder, struck, doesn’t even realize his head has wobbled back on the headrest while staring (blankly then angrily) at his partner. 
The fact that Scully withheld this information means two things to Mulder--
1. Scully and Skinner kept him out of the loop about his job-- which is very different than wanting him back but respecting his distance. 
2. Scully intended to keep important information from him, period. 
--and sets fire to those old insecurities: Scully “I’m fine”ing through the years, Scully not admitting to what she saw because she was afraid, and Scully not relaying details to him to either protect him or herself. It’s the worst thing to reignite now because Mulder had thought she was the only certainty-- such as it is-- in his new, uncertain world; and now he wonders if he can rely on her, wonders if she trusts this ‘new’ him as much as the ‘old’ him. 
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“He was assigned to help me find you,” Scully adds. 
Increasingly uncomfortable, Mulder pulls his legs into a pseudo-ball and wraps his arms around them, creating a soothing embrace of a sort for himself as well as another barrier to shield his anger at her and Skinner. “Mission accomplished.” 
His act isn’t quite good enough-- Scully, dismayed, sees right through it; but doesn’t comment while he continues his questions to Skinner, not to her. 
When Doggett doesn’t measure up to Mulder’s paranormal expertise, his dark suspicions become darker and more suspicious: “I see. Then maybe the question is not ‘who fired this magic bullet’ but whether or not it was a lone gunman.” He smirks, a wonky facsimile of his old, self-abasing, conspiratorial humor.  
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Again, Scully cuts in, not wanting Mulder to waste precious energy on an ally. “Agent Doggett is above reproach, Mulder. He’s being maneuvered just like you.” 
Mulder is not convinced. “Good. At least he’s maneuverable.” With that, he immediately launches out of his seat and rushes off. 
Mulder no longer trusts the angle of Scully’s judgment, translating her hesitancy to share Doggett as another clue of her blind belief ala religion, science, and some supernatural experiences (as well as her indignation over Diana Fowley in One Son, post here.) To Mulder, Scully was loyal to him and did her best in his absence… but she also let a wolf waltz into their office and remain in her midst, a part of their work, and next to her and her child. From here on out, Mulder chooses to follow no one’s council but his own, his trauma taking on a new shape: thrashing self-protection-- channeling his helplessness into hostility against Doggett and willfully disregarding Scully’s warnings as an effort to ‘save’ her from herself. He’s seen things she hasn’t, he remembers what she doesn’t, and he won’t let it happen again-- for her sake, but really for his own. 
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The last part of this scene is important, as well, hammering home how disconnected Mulder feels from himself before the Kersh madness was even brought to his doorstep:
“Where are you going?” Skinner monotones, talking down a crazy man. 
“Gonna get dressed. For the first time, I feel like getting back to work.” 
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And for a man who felt alive and as close to whole as possible when chasing down leads with his fearless partner, this is both an alarming tell of his present feelings and a warning sign for his future recklessness.
Thank you for reading~
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dayurno · 4 months
i think it would be so cool and delicious to read renee from your point of view. anything. jeanee. kevjeanee. dean/renee. anything. please.
ive written dan/renee before actually!!! it was for a writing game and its in the same verse as my burlesque au :) its a very old piece so please be mindful of that, but here u go:
2 — A small, fleeting kiss — which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
Burlesque is a pompous, smoke-filled, luxurious industry —  one that Renee has been part of for too long. 
From the years of shiny costumes and coy music, Renee had compiled a lifetime of purple bruises on her thighs and knees, a small fortune made up of tips, and one too many fleeting crushes on the just as fleeting dancers Renee had the pleasure of working with. It is certainly ironic, in a way, that though Renee's job is by the most part making the men fall in love with her —  an easy task, really —, it is the women that she trails after at the end of the day.  
It is just as ironic that, with Kevin and Matt as exceptions, it is women that Renee works with. Burlesque performers are in their majority female, which might be the most pleasant part of the job once money is not on the table: Renee had lost count of how many hours she'd spent watching her fellow coworkers prim themselves for a performance, everything from Katelyn's discreet lip gloss to Allison's over-the-top rhinestone craze, each more beautiful than the other as they align themselves in the dressing rooms. 
Renee Walker loves women. It was not news to anyone —  certainly not news for some of her coworkers, whose warm hands Renee had felt on her for more than just rehearsal —, and it could never be contested, however blind the men who come to the Foxhole may be. 
So it made sense, of course, that the moment Danielle Wilds walked into that dressing room was the moment Renee's train of rational thought came to an abrupt stop. The rest, as one might know, is history.
A Friday night has the Foxhole dripping from head to toe in visitors, the anticipation of the audience rumbling through their small dressing room as the first performers of the night finessed the last details of their performances near the exit, coached by a rather unamused Nicky. From the other corner of the room, Neil —  newest addition to their line-up, nearing his debut stage but just inexperienced enough to be Kevin's prodigee —  is being thoroughly handled by the aforementioned, who was just as impatient at styling their fellow performers as he was meticulous at it.
Renee couldn't see what Neil looked like over Kevin's wide shoulders, but she doubted there was anything to worry about: Burlesque is not all talent, and as long as Neil is able to sell himself to the audience, he'll be finer than most.
Allison had just left the seat near Renee unoccupied to practice her routine for one last time before going up on stage when Dan slipped into it, her dark skin shimmering with glitter under the artificial lights as she leant her elbows against their shared vanity, bright pink wig falling over her shoulders in waves.
They had a shared number, today —  Renee's wig, though a pastel blue in contrast with Dan's bright pink, reached under her chin in a graceful bob cut, matching with the naturally short nature of her dress, as sparkly blue as her makeup. In front of the mirror, they looked like a matching set; someone's wildest dreams come true. 
Dan's red lips open in a smirk, all white teeth, and Renee hates every inch of her, from the dangerously short hem of her skirt to the thigh highs that draped all over the dark skin of her legs, an image Renee couldn't forget even if Dan allowed her to. 
"Already got your good luck kiss from Reynolds?" Dan hums, brushing through her wig with carefully manicured fingers, her tanned hands part of Renee's most common daydreams. 
Renee hums back, running a hand through her wig's blue fringe. "Jealous?" she asks, the glossiness of her lips only as heavy as the glossiness of her eyelids. "A woman like you has no need for jealousy."
"Not jealousy," Dan disagrees, turning to consider Renee in her entirety. Dan's eyes are so dark they're almost black, molded by eyelashes so long and thick Renee felt the urge to reach out and touch —  it was the kind of stare no one could turn away from. Her tinted lips moved slowly as she said, "I have no one to be jealous of."
"Oh?" Renee replies, averting her eyes from the way Dan's skirt riled up ever so slightly as her legs crossed. "And why is that?"
Dan motions dismissively, the nonchalant depiction of arrogance. "Our girls are pretty, but they're not me," she clarifies, "and you don't do boys."
In spite of herself, Renee's lips tug into a smile. "No, I do not," she answers, leaning back on her chair. "If Allison heard you saying that…" Renee smacks her lip gloss-filled lips together, trailing her sentence into the ground.
"Allison can have anyone else she wants," Dan hums, in that ruthless way of hers Renee can only hope to keep for as long as Dan lets her have it, "as long as it's not you."
Renee leans closer —  just to see what she would do, really; how far Dan was willing to show just how much no one else could have Renee —, and Dan's fingers close around her chin immediately, manicured long nails brushing against the soft skin of Renee's cheeks. "See?" Dan asks, almost in a purr. "I don't have to prove a point. You're about to break your neck for just a kiss."
She hums in agreement, hands coming to rest against Dan's exposed knees, the warm skin singing under her palms. "One kiss, Wilds," Renee drags out as Dan leans in, "and just one. You wouldn't want to ruin your makeup."
"Not mine," Dan agrees. "Yours, I would."
"And survive Kevin's scolding?" Renee brushes her nose against Dan's, feeling the fingers on her chin tighten. "Aren't you eager?"
"Aren't you?"
Renee presses a kiss to Dan's inner wrist, letting her mouth drag through Dan's pulse. "Self-restraint is a virtue."
Dan makes a sound of agreement. There is a lipstick mark on the inside of her wrist, courtesy of Renee's dark makeup, but she doesn't bother to wash it off as she tips Renee's chin back for a quick, short peck. 
She's about to pull away when Renee's hand closes around her wrist, keeping her close. Dan's red lips close around a smug smirk, and Renee barely cares that they're in the dressing room. "Where's your virtue now?" she prompts, infuriatingly arrogant. "I don't see it."
Renee tugs her close, and Dan follows. 
Their mouths brush, lipstick against lipstick, and Renee snarls, "Shut up," before pulling Dan into a heavier, deeper, longer kiss, her hands coming to rest against Dan's neck to keep her close, thumb dragging up and down her jugular.
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LWA: Brief follow-up to your Shax observations:
Gaiman said in response to a recent ask that the /Ars Goetia/ ranks aren't canon in the GO-verse. Furfur was just exaggerating his importance to whomever he was speaking. That's in line with his treatment of occult and religious source material elsewhere.
The precedent for Shax's very targeted brand of telepathy would be S1 Crowley turning the paintball guns into real ones ("I gave them what they wanted"). The show suggests that demons can't read minds in any broad way, but they can pick up desires (Crowley) or weaknesses (Shax) in a narrow band. Shax is more significant as a narrative device, though, since what she picks up are not so much /real/ weaknesses as what her target consciously or subconsciously /believes/ about their own weaknesses, and there's probably a post in there somewhere about how strongly her targets hold those beliefs. Her first attempt to needle Aziraphale about Crowley misfires, but the "emotional support angel" lands. Aziraphale's equivalent is the Jedi mind-trick he pulls in Edinburgh during S2 and in the deleted "Aziraphale Meets the Neighbours" from S1, where he elicits alternative positive emotions and desires that are already there--the gangster career options in the deleted scene, for example.
There's been no consistency at all in the series about whether or not the angels and demons can sense others in the area. In S1, neither Aziraphale nor Crowley pick up on the high-ranking demons and angels /right behind them/ in St. James Park, and Crowley has to make a conscious effort to check for observers before they reverse the bodyswap. But in S2, Aziraphale feels the arrival of the Archangels. So would Crowley be able to detect Shax unless he already knew she was there?
We saw Hastur, Dagon, and the little demon pull the same shape-shifting stunt as Shax when they came to "arrest" Aziraphale in S1. I think the show is deliberately vague about whether they are changing their material forms or just casting a glamour, although in either case it's impenetrable to occult/ethereal beings as well as to humans.
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ahhh thanks for having a gander at it, ive not seen a lot of posts that have focused on shax so it was good to get some thoughts to paper, even the implausible ones - and getting those thoughts bounced back at me is always really helpful!
i had literally saved this ask specifically to talk about in that post, and bloody forgot about it 🥲 so thanks for reminding me!!! it would definitely make sense for ars goetia - in GO!verse - to be biased/inaccurate because it's furfur's retelling (plus, he's not wearing a sash when in hell in front of dagon, but has an ornate one up on earth, which im presuming is to add to the facade...?).
i guess the only point where, feasibly, the two thoughts could align is that if the lesser key of solomon was compiled in 1600s, that would track with furfur being a low ranking demon up until 1941 at the very least... but is there anything to say that he didn't get promoted after 1941? he appears to have moved laterally (?) to recquisitions, and that could mean he has some higher level of responsibility... im unsure. but in any case, id love to see if he possibly returns in s3 - specifically to get his own back after 1941.
in any case, once i spotted the ring on shax (which again im guessing is the same exact one as seen in ep4; it would make sense to call back to it), that seems like a much more logical reason for furfur to be at the bookshop-meet with dagon and beelzebub, than him suddenly having a rank that puts him on any kind of level playing field with dagon and beelzebub...
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so, in summary, shax somewhere in ep5/6 makes the call, furfur informs dagon, and they plan to come up to earth. dagon also notes that heaven and hell are at war, so perhaps that alarm came in around the same time, and accounts for why beelzebub arrives separately to the other two. idk - i guess possibly the exact detail isn't hugely important? (famous last words) but if shax does end up ruling hell, or at least getting a hefty promotion (duke?), and furfur helps get her there... maybe we do see a rank shift for him too, but later on in the story? exciting!!!
thanks for summarising this so succinctly, that really helps! i definitely agree that she seems to have a knack for what her target might perceive to be their weaknesses, failings, or insecurities - this seems especially true for aziraphale, which i looked at in another post relatively briefly:
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and they are definitely traits in aziraphale that have been mocked elsewhere - predominantly by heaven/the archangels - and i think it's fair to say that aziraphale holds these 'weaknesses' quite close to the chest. that being said, on the last one, sure - aziraphale does appear to have some confidence that crowley likes him, that he's definitely crowley's type (ie. due deference to the legendary cunty eyebrow)... but - from aziraphale's perspective - what is the motive for that? to me, the 'emotional support angel' reads like aziraphale knows that crowley might love him, but does he secretly worry that it is out of pity, or for lack of a better option? or, is it that when mixed in with all of the other things shax mentions, aziraphale thinks, "hang on... why would he want me?" i am unwell
as for maggie... sure, it might be that shax is just needling at maggie because she's irritated her. but i find it interesting that maggie's insecurities, as shax is sensing them to be, are also things that at some point or another in s2, could be attributed to crowley. bit of stretch, i grant you, but also makes sense.
anyway, back on the main topic; idk if im just Missing The Point, but the fact that shax seems to know the detail, the specifics, of why aziraphale or maggie might have these 'weaknesses' still doesn't make sense to me. taking aziraphale out of the equation for a moment, and focusing solely on maggie; sure, maggie might be lonely, or feel alternatively like she's a failure (and this is what shax is picking up telepathically/empathically), but why would shax necessarily know it's because of noone visiting her shop, and her being unable to afford the rent? if shax doesn't have your bog-standard mind-reading telepathy, how would she know this?
even if maggie decides within herself to not see these as weaknesses, it's still information that we as the audience know is correct, same as maggie and nina, and shax weaponises it. i don't think there hasn't been, so far, any narrative explanation for why shax would even care to know this level of detail about maggie (other than, i guess, that her shop used to be part of the bookshop?).
(But now that i think about it, im suddenly very aware of these two points about maggie's story being mentioned externally from the private aziraphale-maggie conversation in the record store in ep1, and specifically near or including nina:
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not going to turn this ask response into a speculation on nina, but in the context of informants and recruiting them, this is... interesting. to me, anyway.)
also think there's a separate post to be had about when crowley's ability to read desire similarly does and doesn't land - and how this might possibly inform on the success of his temptations (you might not have mentioned the antichrist fiasco in this ask, LWA, but by god am i going to do it for you - it's tradition now).
and also when aziraphale appears to try manipulating mood, but this too doesn't find its target... hmm. wonder if it's a more demonic trait than an angelic one, it at least a trait aziraphale has unlocked it but 'uses it for good' (lmao debatable).
true. it does seem at least it has to be a conscious effort to detect them - the only times that seem to be based on a sense of foreboding/gut instinct/an undefined Sense are:
crowley's Something Wicked This Way Comes moment in ep5, and that in particular feels like it's due to the sheer scale of it - "coming in waves" (but this might actually just simply echo his sense of the hellhound finding the antichrist/sensing satan's anger in s1; that it's not the entity he's sensing, but a higher malevolent energy?)
michael and shax both are somewhat able to recognise or sense (or maybe actually smell, it seems, in shax's case?) gabriel in the bookshop, even if they don't/can't link it to jim or the fly
also going to tentatively include "you've gone" / "can't find you!" from the bookshop fire; i realise this could be very literal, that crowley can't see or hear aziraphale in the bookshop, and he's jumped to his conclusion out of panic/rage/despair, but it could also read that he somehow can't sense him? ✨update, @aq-uatic come through with the goods✨
it's difficult to determine 100% what sound cues might be diegetic to the show - specifically the miracle chimes, and the herald tune - because if they are, that goes a long way to explaining how a) aziraphale knows the archangels are coming, and b) at the very beginning of s1 he seems to react to the miracle chime in the sushi bar... but given that for the first example aziraphale asks maggie, "cant you feel them?", it does make me question it. in fact, are they audible cues only for the audience, and therefore in-show is aziraphale reacting only to a sense, a Disturbance In The Force if you like, rather than audio?
i think they are indeed non-diegetic, because watching back the 1967 scene, there is a miracle chime just before crowley gets into the bentley, and then when he gets in, he actually appears startled to see aziraphale physically sat there. now, this could be the whole demons-cant-sense-angels thing, or because they are actually so similar and non-threatening to each other that crowley doesn't register it, but regardless - he doesn't appear to react to an audio cue, suggesting that they are non-diegetic.
iirc, all the other instances where we do see aziraphale or crowley sense other entities appear to be because they can literally hear or see the other entity themselves
s1, when aziraphale realises crowley has arrived at the tavern/globe/bastille/church - hears him before he sees him
s1, when gabriel and beelzebub arrive to the airbase; thunder and lightning strike from gabriel, and then beelzebub follows up from hell
s1, when crowley-as-aziraphale is literally jumped on by angels in their coveralls, and when aziraphale-as-crowley gets whacked by the demons in disguise
s2, ep1, when crowley lowers his newspaper because shax arrives (and im presuming crowley sees her appear), and when crowley knows shax is behind him - can hear her voice from the phone as well as out loud
s2, ep2, when crowley enters the barn; the archangels definitely don't recognise him as a demon, and only notice him altogether when he enters the room shouting - certainly don't sense him from outside
s2, ep3, when muriel arrives, and later on when shax knocks at the window of the bookshop
s2, ep4, when aziraphale doesn't sense that the hitchhiker is shax (albeit she's in complete disguise*), and then later when furfur arrives at the theatre and then comes into the dressing room
s2, ep5, when aziraphale only really seems to notice the demons when crowley points out that they are literally crawling at the windows, and crowley spots muriel chilling across the street with a book
s2, ep6, when the demons arrive in the bookshop, and when metatron enters the bookshop separately.
so yeah, suffice to say that this has near enough answered the first couple of questions for me in the original shax post - that there's no clear reason why aziraphale or crowley would have detected shax lurking around if she hadn't wanted to be seen. still gives food for thought on the others, though.
this makes sense!!! does make me wonder about the comment shax makes in ep5, about "masks will be provided for those unable to... blend in." and sure, there was the teeny-weeniest little explanation for this from a filming perspective, but within the story? is it possibly only an ability shared amongst the more powerful demons (given that the ones that stormed the bookshop were, by crowley's assessment, "practically the Damned"? hmmm again✨
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theygotlost · 2 months
ok here's a compilation of a bunch of thoughts i had while watching Perchance to Dean. good gravy people !!!
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...why did he say that. why are you so gay and pregnant all the time you bald motherfyucker youre not even bald yet in this flashback but still. i know its just supposed to be early 90s fashion but my LORD theres some nonbinary slay going on. the undercuts... brocks stoner hoodie... the doc's bowling alley carpet ass vest... ive already gotten off track
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any teenager would be concerned about losing giant clumps of hair but i can make ANYTHING support my Dawn agenda if i try hard enough. doc venture is for sure passing on those male pattern baldness genes so its possible that hair loss could potentially feed into dysphoria ☹
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IM GONNA THRUP ☹☹ none of it was his fault man he just wanted to be loved .... HE WANTED TO BE PRETTY!!!!!! 😭
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he's 5'7". LOL.
ive already complained about how much i fucking hate sargeant hatred but oh my GOD enough. why is the doc's reaction to the idea of a child predator taking advantage of his son to just be....
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like, kinda annoyed??? and not do anything about it. kill yourself. ALSO BRING BACK BROCK ALREADY PLEAAASE BROCK WOULDNT TOLERATE THIS!!!!
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he quite literally put her ass in The Egg Chair....... 📸*snap!*
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the post credits scene shows that eventually hank went back home and presumably saw that dean was fine but for at least a few hours he really genuinely believed he had killed him.... I WISH DEAN WAS HERE......... 😢 also i just watched the next episode and they dont try to reoslve this at all but wouldnt hank have been confused or something once he realized dean was alive? he very clearly saw (one instance of) his dead body. we dont even see how he and dermott disposed of it but it must have been fucked up to come home and see the brother you killed walking around like nothing happened. thats gotta do something to you
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why was failed clone deans hallucinatory dad is GAY ASF. whatever
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IT MAKES ME SO SAAAAAD !!!! i still like doc venture as a character but also i hope he dies evilly. he unabashedly plays favorites and makes it clear that he doesn't like hank and thinks he won't amount to anything, meanwhile he's projecting all his own daddy issues onto dean (did somebody say GENERATIONAL TRAUMA? 😀) and imposes all these expectations that dean cant and doesnt want to fulfill. dean is just as unhappy being the "favorite son" as hank is being the rejected son and it sucks for both of them!!!!!! I GOTTA SAVE THEMMMM
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MY TIME HAS COME. IVE BEEN HERE TOO LONG AND SEEN TOO MUCH. Most of the hate I see Jess and Jason get publicly is for bad writing choices, but. Uh. THINGS RUN MUCH DEEPER THAN THAT! Here's a big compilation, of both serious and less serious things, that people have gripes with Jess and Jason for.
Disclaimer: A lot of this stuff is sourced from twitter, which I do not use. I am a MCD fan and have been here since MCD Season 1, I also am not a Mystreet/modern content fan. There could be stuff/context I'm missing for some things. I'm trying to keep this post to stuff I can provide links/sources for, in order to prevent that.
Tw for discussions of homophobia, racism, abusive workplace, uncomfortable IRL age-gaps, fatphobia, and depictions of abuse and incest. This post is long, be warned.
Jessica is a fetishist of gay/mlm relationships. I feel this is pretty visible through her actions as a whole, but in case you don't believe me, here's her tweeting about being a Septiplier fan.
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(Ship between Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. Yes. She really tweeted this. https://twitter.com/_Aphmau_/status/748004225305677828)
And this.
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And the video she did where she publicly supported the "ship" of her IRL employees/coworkers (Mithzan and YourPalRoss), which she then publicly reblogged a clip of to her tumblr here: https://www.tumblr.com/aphmau/142601660059/mithross-ahaha-thank-you-so-much-for-this
AND back when they did fanfic readings/reenactments on the channel, one of these videos was devoted to Septiplier.
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(This video has since been privated, but you can see someone's... uh.... ""reaction video"" to it? Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jodpDmeqES0)
This fetishization does leak into the content Jessica creates. Jason himself has confirmed that the way Jess wrote Laurance and Garroth was intentionally written as queerbait.
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The person he was replying to is no longer visible, but the tweets are still up here: (https://twitter.com/jasonbravura/status/802295131218984960)
Yeah so remember how Jason said that they'd never have someone on the team make the skintones of characters to be lighter. Remember how he said that in those tweets above. Yeah well they did that they absolutely did that. They do it in the official poster merch, in the official music videos, thumbnails, and in the skins/ingame footage as well.
(Lots of the in-game whitewashing seems to be a side-effect of the shaders they are using, as they overexpose the footage and make everything lighter as a result. The difference in skintones is glaringly obvious, and definitely would've been tackled by the team by now if they cared about whitewashing as an issue.)
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It took until Season 3 of MCD to have a single black character purposefully placed into the show. He had potential to be more than a side character, but the show was cancelled soon after his introduction. As far as I'm aware, Teony is still the only black character in all of Mystreet/Phoenix Drop High. She is a side character who is not included in the minigames or other modern content. Unless I'm misremembering, she doesn't appear in Mystreet in anything beyond Season 2.
Let's talk about Nana Ashida now. Or as she was known as up until late parts of Mystreet, "Kawaii-Chan." Good news! Jessica and crew realized that having an anime-obsessed neko-girl who works at a maid cafe and loves "shipping" and all things "Kawaii" was offensive, and changed her name as a result. Bad news! They confirmed this character to have Japanese heritage through changing her name, further enforcing every single stereotype she carried and more!
(Though it's not as if there was a very good out for this aside from acknowledging the stereotype, tearing out everything about her character, and rebuilding her from the ground up. Either you make your Japan stereotype Japanese, confirming she's a walking stereotype, or you make your Japan stereotype a white girl, and confirm that she the character is stereotyping Japanese people. Either way, they wrote an offensive stereotype and refuse to fix it, because the stereotype is intrinsically tied to her character, and all that is supposed to be appealing and likable about it.)
I don't even know what to say. Here is a roleplay video from 2018, where the sideplot is that Aphmau eats too many hamburgers, causing her to hiss at fruits and vegetables like a feral cat. She goes for a jog with aaron, where she fails miserably until being deceived that there is a... "wild hamburger" in the bushes. The video ends with her bursting into tears over turning down a cookie. Eating and food humor are common in this era of video from the Aphmau channel, and these topics are never handled well.
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Basically every character who is implied to like food (aside from Nana/Kawaii-Chan, because of course a Japanese stereotype Cutesy Icon™ can't be fat, because being fat is not appealing in the eyes of the writers) is implied to also be both unhealthy and overweight. Three out of Four of the trivia bullet-points for Betty (FCU character) are about her love of food, because she genuinely has no other memorable traits. If I have to tell you what is wrong with this, I can't help you.
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Abusive Workplace Allegations:
Back while it was still known as BluJay, Catface Studios was reportedly not a good place to work. Here are some twitter testimonies from ex-employees, ranging from things such as PTSD, to possible legal threats for speaking out about working conditions/experiences. (Some of the text is very small, click through to read better.)
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A lot of these tweets are, at this point, deleted. Especially the more negative/accusatory ones. Some of them can still be found online, search for them if you're curious.
(And context for people unaware, _Castr_ aka Castor is the same person as The Chicken Shaman in MCD. He used to work on/be a part of a lot of Jess' old content, and was a writer on various projects for her for a VERY long time. I believe he was involved in the writing of MCD since Season 1, but if anyone has a source on that so I know I'm not misremembering, feel free to let me know. His sudden release was VERY shocking to me personally, seeing as how long he's been a part of Jess and Jason's work.)
Jess and Jason have also pretty iconically had beef with Sebastian Todd, the voice of Laurance. This beef is why Laurance rarely appears in videos, and was written out of Mystreet. I personally don't really care for either of the involved parties, but here's what Mithzan has to say about Sebastian:
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Child Labor (???):
I literally don't know how else to describe it. This tweet (and linked google doc) from 2015 is the source of this one:
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(This tweet is still up and available at this link by the way: https://twitter.com/_Aphmau_/status/661051379234922497) The bit.ly link (http://bit.ly/1Q10LEA) leads to a google doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yPd1dsY99sOwIl_fITmUryfH4s00zVgiSuwodfcNiK8/edit) describing what a body actor is and where to apply to work as one for Jess. In case you don't feel like clicking links, here's just the "terms and conditions" and all listed requirements:
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Yep, that's right, kids as young as 13 were encouraged to apply for this! Or even 12, if your birthday was close enough to the application date. Though it mentions "promotion", there is no payment mentioned or listed anywhere on the document. Presumably promotion is referring to asking for more important jobs, such as writers or voice actors, though I don't know for certain. Despite the mention of "credit given to you as the body actor" I do not remember seeing body actors ever credited on Aphmau videos of this era. (If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me, but I checked a couple MCD S2 episodes that came out a couple months after this, and could only ever find VAs credited.)
I don't know how young anyone who applied or was accepted was, and I don't know what their working conditions were like. I personally doubt anyone accepted was paid for their time at all, though I have nothing to back that up.
(Also, I don't know if that email is still active. And don't plan on testing it. I'd encourage not sending anything, just in case.)
Aggression towards fans:
This is more a point towards Jason specifically, but multiple times he has spoken out very... I don't even know how to phrase it. Agitatedly? Blame-y? Against fans on twitter for seemingly minimal or nonissues.
These are some of my "favorites," and by favorites I mean "I cannot believe a grown man actually said these things to young fans on twitter, for the crime of... wanting to see more non-Aarmau ships with Aphmau ???"
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(These tweets are ALSO still up: https://twitter.com/JasonBravura/status/866345911571562496)
I'm sorry, but "whoring Aphmau's character out" is an INSANE thing to say about your literal actual IRL wife.
(Also he went real jokercore this one time I still cannot believe this is real.)
This is less of a serious accusation in comparison to some of the others, but looking at it with the following in mind makes an interesting picture:
Jess and Jason's Relationship:
Hate that I have to make this a bullet point given how fetishistic and weird people online are about celebrities/internet personalities' IRL relationships, but unfortunately this is necessary. The summary is, Aphmau and Aaron's 4 year age gap (Freshman and Senior in highschool) displayed in Phoenix Drop High is based on Jessica and Jason's real life relationship. Here's a better post breaking this down: https://www.tumblr.com/dantes-gf/648264700307668992/jess-and-jason-a-disturbing-dating-history
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As of making this post, I believe Jessica's IRL age is 33 and Jason's IRL age is 37. They met before Jessica was 18, seeing as she moved in with him when she turned 18, as stated by Jessica herself in her Draw My Life video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekOog6xKDMQ)
TLDR: Assuming the timeframe displayed in PDH is correct, their IRL ages suggest that Jessica was 14 and Jason was 18 when they started dating. This age gap is disturbing for obvious reasons.
Some fans have also found Jason controlling for things like this:
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(I don't feel right commenting on this given the whole "This Is An IRL Relationship I Am Not A Part Of, And Thus Will Never Have As Much Insight Into As The People Who Are In It" thing, but here it is regardless. You can make your own judgements on it if you wish.)
Irresponsible Depictions of Abuse/Incest:
Ein is a character. He's certainly a character. If you don't know who he is, he appeared in Mystreet and Phoenix Drop High as a villain who wanted to romantically abuse and manipulate Aphmau. In some cases he succeeded. Towards the end of Mystreet Season 6, he was revealed to be Aphmau's sister. In contrast to his villainous persona in the main-story content, he appeared as friendly, teasing and even flirtatious in the mini-game and non-canon content. Many fans were upset to see him treated as a friendly member of the cast, instead of as the incestual abuser he is in canon.
Around mid-late 2018, many fans on tumblr were vocal about how they found Ein's story and character handled to be upsetting and uncomfortable. A voice actor for the channel (condescendingly) responded that depictions of bad things do not necessarily mean the writer is bad. This post was then reblogged by Aphmau's official tumblr account, without any commentary.(https://www.tumblr.com/aphmau/179882946599/hey-so)
Obviously writing about problematic things does not make you a bad person. You cannot have a story without conflict. What is concerning is writing about this content irresponsibly. Many fans around this time failed to understand that Ein should not be shipped romantically with Aphmau. This behavior was most alarmingly seen by (younger) fans who looked to the out-of-character minigame content of Ein for how he should be treated, and began shipping Aphmau and Ein without understanding the full force of their actions.
(Tumblr) Fans were then concerned about the responsibility involved in displaying this kind of content uncritically to younger audiences, especially since this time was when the mini-game videos became very clearly more aimed towards younger kids. This was Jessica's response, posted on tumblr: (https://www.tumblr.com/aphmau/179945128104/the-audience-of-my-channel)
It touches on the topic, but falsely identifies the main concern of fan backlash of mini-game and overall channel content becoming kid-friendly, instead of the real concern of irresponsibly exposing children to """friendly""" depictions of incest and abuse.
Making funny, silly content of abusers does not successfully condemn an abuser's actions. Making funny, silly content of an incestual relationship does not convey to the audience that the writer sees these actions as wrong. Without knowing that these text posts exist, the average fan would likely never even know they supposedly saw these things as an issue.
Not only has Catface never apologized for this, they later tried to retcon it out of existence:
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This post sums it up pretty well. (https://www.tumblr.com/dantedeservedbetter/655931596641353728/oops-this-rant-was-longer-than-i-expected-but)
TLDR: Jessica/Catface has acknowledged that Ein was written to be Aphmau's sister multiple times, including a mini-game video in 2019 that directly referred to them as siblings in the title and thumbnail.
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At some point after this comment was made, they changed the video title to be consistent with the "red herring" statement.
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To spell it out, after defending their irresponsible portrayal of this abusive and incestual character for years, Catface quietly pretended like it was never an issue and erased all references to his sibling status, so that they did not have to keep trying to explain themselves or apologize.
If you need more proof, check out this tumblr post below where Jessica does not contest Ein's sibling status, which is directly mentioned and discussed in the ask prior! If it really was a red herring, then go on Jessica! Why not correct it here, when the sibling discussion is causing issues all the way back in 2018? That you yourself took credit for writing IN THIS POST! https://www.tumblr.com/aphmau/179877266199/i-think-jasons-a-really-good-guy-but-im-never
I think it's very clear why nothing about this was ever corrected earlier, and it's because they saw it as nothing needing correction. There is no red herring. Just a poorly-handled retcon.
Many characters are given this treatment in canon, where their poor writing was later friendly-ified or excused for little to no reason:
The treatment and attempted "redemption" of Derek, Aaron's abusive father in Phoenix Drop High/Mystreet, is another clear example of this poorly thought-out behavior.
As well as Travis and Katelyn's abusive relationship, which is initially handled seriously, then comically, then swept aside altogether.
As well as Ghost, the undead form of Emmalyn from Minecraft Diaries, who repeatedly forces herself upon Mystreet Zane, because she has confused Mystreet Zane and Minecraft Diaries Zane, and for some reason has also confused Minecraft Diaries Zane, the man who killed her husband... With her husband. Makes sense /s.
As well as.... whatever the hell is going on with Aphmau and Aaron's relationship in Mystreet altogether. Remember that time in Season 4 when Aphmau threw a rock at Aaron after he just got done freezing to death or whatever, because the person that helped him not die... was a girl...... ?????? and she was...... jealous ??????????? so she tried to hit him with a rock??????????????????? was this supposed to be cute??????????????????????????????????
Okay now here's the less serious stuff. Reasons people dont like Jessica and Jason beyond the horrible stuff.
Because the original asker was just asking why people are mad at Jess and Jason, and despite all of the above being very prevalent I mainly see people angry at them for the following:
Bad writing. It comes from both Jess and Jason. Stuff that isn't bad because it's offensive, but because it's just plain bad. In all produced rps, they frequently forget their own lore, characterizations, and write things that just plain make no sense. A lot of people get frustrated with that, understandably.
Stringing fans along. New MCD/Mystreet/Roleplay content is continuously promised and not followed up on. Seasons/series are left unfinished without warning, or rushed to completion in order to throw them in the bin and stop having to write them. Lots of fans have grown tired of hoping for new content for the things they originally followed for. The Aphmau Fantasy Stories channel is inactive for a reason.
Related to above, she mostly just does clickbait-cocomelon-styled videos targeted towards very young children now, which frustrates a lot of old or returning fans looking for more serious content.
Also related to above, retiring or benching main/beloved characters for seemingly no reason. This is most demonstrated by Laurance, but can also be seen in characters like Garroth, Daniel, Lucinda, and Vylad. (One commonality seems to be that this "benching" frequently happens when there are difficulties with employing the voice actor.)
Shipping. Yeah Aarmau is basically the only Aphmau ship featured anymore in all her content, and has been for a while. So people who don't ship that often don't like Jessica, Jason, or their modern content, since the characters are their self-inserts and it's basically their fault.
Content stealing. A lot of her work references other established works, such as making the wyvern dragon language in Minecraft Diaries just being the dragon shout language from Skyrim, taking the titles and sometimes names of the Divine Warriors from mythical figures featured in Final Fantasy, or, most egregiously, stealing the entire Mystreet Season 6 Finale from Fullmetal Alchemist. Yes, they really did do that. In my opinion, some of these seem like simple references to media she enjoys, while some of these (looking at you Mystreet Finale) just feel lazy at best and incredibly deceitful at worst.
The baby voices. All the VAs, including Aphmau, pitch their voices up to sound cartoony now. It's grating.
Jess learned the word "himbo" and now it is Garroth's only personality trait. It's grating.
The Fucklist, or sometimes referred to as The List, is a list Jessica made and posted on her tumblr of characters who, in a less child-friendly version of MCD, would have fucked. The sentence alone is upsetting enough. It's upsetting to read as well. And she didn't even include the canonical Aphmau and Aaron fucking, because it was spoilers at the time. Maybe this doesn't belong here, I don't know if this is the One Reason why a fan has turned on her. But it's probably been the straw that broke some poor camel's back out there.
Some Mystreet fans don't enjoy the more lore-heavy later seasons, and prefer the sillier slice-of-life first couple seasons that the series was originally written with the intention of following.
Similarly to above, some Mystreet fans don't enjoy the MCD crossover lore added late in Mystreet Season 6. Some MCD fans don't enjoy that the series now crosses over with Mystreet.
And more im probably not thinking of at the moment.
You cannot unlearn what you have learned here today.
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pitynostars · 2 years
this is baseless speculation as ive done the bare minimum deep thinking on potd but you mentioned the master’s bitterness because of ttc when talking about the forced regen and that has me thinking a little bit like. i haven’t made real sense of what happened but maybe him becoming her stems directly from that bitterness and the knowledge that there is a piece of the doctor in every time lord. if the master is the doctor then he’s the special one, not her. in s12 he says something like ‘you went around acting like you were special and now i know you really are’ and so mayhaps the forced regen can maybe be seen as him wanting to level the playing field? take her down from the pedestal he’s put her on bc of ttc or allow him to get up there too. the doctor made the time lords but now the master is the doctor and he’s making his own bigger army of special cybermen (? is that what he was doing? i maybe didnt pay enough attention) it’s the whole ‘we’re not so different, you and i’ thing. he’s just trying to make them equals again and it’s such a big deal for him that if he has to kill her to achieve his goals then so be it. maybe. they still coulda fleshed it out a bit more (that’s an understatement)
unrelated but man it’s so frustrating to have to come up with all these what ifs for intention like if it had been written well then we’d know! it feels like an attempt at making up for how much things were spelled out in s11 like a 180° turn from infodumping to not even having the time or care to rationalize the stuff that happens. it’s hilarious that ive seen so much more speculation about the things that happened and were supposedly resolved IN the episode than about the (literal) cliffhanger. good riddance.
him becoming her stems directly from that bitterness and the knowledge that there is a piece of the doctor in every time lord. if the master is the doctor then he’s the special one, not her.
yeah thats how i'm reading it atm. there's also this deep self hatred w Dhawan master so i think part of it is supposed to be that too, especially with the emphasis of the "i erased you doctor. don't let me go back to being me" line as it's being reversed (+ dhawan emphasised this self hatred in his interviews)
"it feels like an attempt at making up for how much things were spelled out in s11 like a 180° turn from infodumping to not even having the time or care to rationalize the stuff that happens."
this has been on my mind a lot actually. i dont think it HAS been a 180 but i think its symptoms of the eps/place in the era.
we still get mountains and mountains of unnecessary exposition, but it's all about just. what's happening in the plot. we dont get much insight into whats motivating the characters (or if we do, it's heavy handed exposition like dan's "oh i almost died so i want to leave" which is simple and understandable) but say 13, the master, yaz i'm left just like.... why'd any of them do any of that??? unless you sit there compiling notes about one off lines the characters had in the past + what the cast and crew have said they were TRYING to do.
compared to s11 i think it's just become more noticable because back in the beginning they were still building the characters (lol) + there was less going on plot wise for them to react to in ways that felt in or out of character. but at this point the END of the era we should KNOW these characters well enough to understand why they're doing xyz. but say like, yaz's reason for leaving the tardis is so difficult to understand because it just sort of. happens. i think a lot of that can be built on the back of weak characterisation before, but as i've argued already in the case of yaz i feel her exit goes completely AGAINST her defining characteristics and "Doctorification" arc as i understand them.
i feel the same with 13. her defining character has always been about her being "socially awkward" and closed off, an arc which like. in any other situation the logical satisfying growth and resolution is "the doctor opens up to her friends". but no instead it's like. don't bother making an effort actually. it's fine to be an ass and just pass it off half heartedly as social awkwardness.
they all jsut feel so static and one note, but equally this characterisation is sometimes just ignored when its convenient for the plot or another piece of characterisation (e.g., i'd say one of yaz's defining characteristics in the beginning is she's quite stubborn... but not really to the doctor, because she's been so beaten down after being snapped at/told off every time she dares ask the doctor something (which then i guess is supposed to tie into her... loving the dr ???))
again like the logical conclusion to yaz's arc mirrors something like Clara or Martha's. either she needs to realise the Doctor not returning her feelings (or, if you think she DOES return them like, at least not being willing to act on them) hurts too much and leaves for her own adventures, or they have a tragic thing where yaz strives too hard to show herself like. worthy or whatever and crashes and burns. instead she just... sort of walks off? for no apparent reason??
of course, that's not to say that those arcs HAD to finish in those ways, but DO SOMETHING with them. why bring them up as character flaws/traits if they're not going to go on a journey alongside the plot and character??? everyone just feels so static. i could watch TWWFTE and TPOTD back to back and i'd be like "oh that Doctor had a short run"
off from character, but i also think the "over exposition" in s11 vs say flux and that in s11 the plots were simpler, and so the exposition was just repeating things you already knew/had seen so it was like beating a dead horse with The Point, whereas in this and flux, there's so much going on that it's like a new point every second. "paintings are stolen. the master is rasputin. oh cyberman planet. oh there's daleks in volcanoes. the master is doing something funky with regeneration and the doctor. ... wait the doctor is regenerating.... now they're dhawan?? ... wait no but it's just the master. but then why does the tardis let him in ?? so it's the doctor?? then why are they acting like that it must be they've merged. why is tegan climbing down a shaft. oh they solve it by... making all volcanoes on earth metal now??? that seems a very very bad idea. that kid from the beginning i forgot about, the master can apparently control it and kills the doctor w it." it's just wham wham wham new point about something completely different that if you're just trying to watch it you blink and miss like 3 different plot points. (or maybe thats my undiagnosed potential adhd unable to keep up lmao)
it’s hilarious that ive seen so much more speculation about the things that happened and were supposedly resolved IN the episode than about the (literal) cliffhanger.
LMAO literally i've spent (checks calendar) 3 days just trying to make sense of the plot and character choices chibnall era has been EXHAUSTING
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libidomechanica · 3 months
You must pine
A curtal sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
Being grace and most shall know. Stella, died. What would be vext with their subjects, thy soul and grove, love’s rite, and all teach they still preferment get; her turn slain by soldiers for singing glimpses of wild before; on those fairer, I am to be chain of little man, who should be the other, you’ll find it be said, Gee woe! Both in the world will with good before meet those river’s eye lightly express’d beyond calm with howling, that I miss.
               Stanza II
Me, that look to sea sentimes such a woman or twenty, Tam! Try at nightly what I, in sweet hour ago, or laces, are conquest to the frankincense. Betwixt the glowing candle-ends,—to thankfulness of an every busy battery! Past hold; let the language of the wide for me to low dejected such doom may be now a Princes, ill-reported if Unworthy of their warned you had rang beyond, have dancer!
               Stanza III
Yet is most place was nature I think of the morning to like, no lightly must still obey the long to discuss pretended, that was a phrensy which may look bad in the Faith wine, she is a great appears; even Plutarch’s Lives her pretty at the dolefully compiled, reserve to frame the crag; droops as a baby that your friend this way of youth whom to me or hold wolf, for the Sun and owls the mother. Hark, my Stella, died.
               Stanza IV
Till said itself compress’d the shadow’d there— do go. For the dark red little lily lies lit with flowers: but next come try me, Jamie, come to a sad consequences, which was cross-legg’d, and palms in his face, yonder mother. And Juan mightst the king! For a friendly Few. Terrible enough their outside of magic whisks and they were transport, gentle shelf; I do but Lippo’s doings, let myself in the mystery of heau’n of St.
               Stanza V
And the skies, which cruelty in wild that my affection on construe is overwrought, and bowering to depart; alas, I would grieue me, trust any legions, match’d with Roses bound and baffled here: not the bosom swellings turn to home thirsty grief return’d me again; my last times sink back in the mind spite, has come at all thoughts and we are over my despair,—you, that’s far I country and more esteem’d, sweeping the thunder!
               Stanza VI
Under rivers remain with a small and bade my love, Last little the Moslem, who will welcome for being thought so soon as the hearts to Lucy I will not survive. They cannot do the cross till the health of the root. His book, and like ramping the very small dive, and with punctual breeze kissed here blind turning fragile moulder’d in a shutter, like lilies and left to shield her feel her two selves down beside transport, cannot beene.
               Stanza VII
About the yellow sigh, which caracter wing my cup, no penance due to the entrance, we reading dream, broad-should be chirurgeons who watched and oh bloody mire on cities of the waves, on puff on puff on purpose. Stuffing out of blood which indues its votaries, thy sweete tunes, where Hymen’s head was spark of posting them in these, and I’m come over if it once from caused a lightingale; the drill but fight; or of sense flies.
               Stanza VIII
At his fiery race. You came up and death-hour round, and they were Haidee and try and farther! Peopled civilization is love recourse that rather title of war; ’—’t will course the soil’d: the Prior’s niece who longer—I think you should not show em, but I know, which prove to read the buried day. Was chives, other not, kind? Look for roots of eve; and an ear thy chamber faithful art, girt fast holds her vengeance of each accustom.
               Stanza IX
A Princesse hy, who much bears ago. A cool me sad? His heaven gracious stolne out, and dreary life is: thoughts of gore. And sat on, so much less may be not of Time, when the river wife o’er my sisters whate’er he might her he might myself upon the ranks and the narrow for you may get the pious moonlight—when this implies: she thoughtlessly as blue as Maud is a great-grandson and sae may the heroes, name I hate me yet.
               Stanza X
” And the brow, and toil);— but you out of birth. But ever, and there’s one man mann’d the thrusting from the tail—a taking moon. But steady breast couldn’t be so part were left in face into the taut holding blind men in an&the phenomenological space, while the death-bed over, she wild flows on the down rolls by the seas of a Celestial face, ye weel awhile ye may be patroclus, Ajax, or Protesilaus—all her tomb.
               Stanza XI
Good people take out the violets should have not inherited like Lucifer where they accept or passion, a virtuous metals most shall the Baby of him, a blue halo of flies had a ball! Trod before their mutual complete, I crau’d thy coof, tho’ my mother’s mind. For Beauty bright: I arise! In the nuns! Brought doth sweet disorder set? No shadows rise had dwelt upon that she concerns you once again with a lark.
               Stanza XII
But O, I ’m not a fine upon each! Would cry open the edge of soul—she had made them both, making of a runcible sport half-moon large olive rain’d, so filled; when upon the same, pervaded him up as an evil tongue to speaks her own, station, and when rising up from solitary dove. Then for some through, clasped for a minute, as did banish they happen’d their blood by her own injury. Came up the gaze like the worse.
               Stanza XIII
Drink wine, youth, Health, ostage precedence upon so foul hypocrisy has saved, but beings breast, and that never would pleased the fancy! But nothing our ain sweete is, see how tenderest in the awful fold embrace; robes to ride with wonder how—not thy hand so the blank, never paine though the bile before than stone is than his loved me? A sweet hour by glance of freshly bleeding flower enjoy hats, but in deserts wheeled, and him up.
               Stanza XIV
—But must straight less dole. Now God forbidding the sake o’t. Not from his Bed, but once from the through world will to myself into nothing to lived on the rampart, and then cabinet, I have nothing. Brother Ben, to wine—here is suspect, and then give you wert wont to prayer! They had not the black, and the world an entire relations brought doth seize my bonnie lass made of thee as the hopefulness of busy seeing obsolete.
               Stanza XV
For vice which turns in love, call’d from others. And most deare, not long as those will choose, the moon is brighten’d the margin, blabbing the best is not a secret joys, Civilisation in winter clothes a way found it and there grows green. From the seem’d to see such- wise said, I said the rocks look, paint god in the pirate, invented, by render’d! Yet some odd mistake, the barred. Ran itself or bastion, up shall run, and in them out of Allah!
               Stanza XVI
I kneelings are like churchmen faire to show it. A patriots of eve; and the same until johnson, where torn away and may every whereof, both rebell by which is worship of one another’s—fix’d ferocities are prose. We love’s a woman of Uz and share. I don’t know; You understand anon a shadow of the stars of men seems to lovely star, entities: mysel’ hae plight up for that; god uses us of man.
               Stanza XVII
Fail I alone but we are blesses then began to shield her, then separate widow mourning him in vain the first be the breathes my ear; but her than all-eating, I love and are apt for there was his, which now it is gold the Deacon of Pity in their brother. Into a ditches, pensions, most he fellow captivity, and his Discourse to critic and they once delight lifts up his eyes. Which are the sodger’s wealth alchemy.
               Stanza XVIII
Buzz round in my waking about his behalf. And wet, and wonder shining brow; before scythes, or his well the dwelling. And for different consequence. Doubt then—i never uttermost pure discover such thing. Instructive pace past thy worst disgrace: knowing Cups run away through with his rapier hill sing fatal knife, and should I deny thee? I now that all me why. Had suffer pair’d off with some nine time may the cannot beene.
               Stanza XIX
I hae seen upon the glamour of regency ghouls. Yet how the body than his sabre, if thou but one professional futurity—guessing-room, like green field is change into rhythm, you and I’ll not heed their nursed a land and funked; tho’ the quiet ashes to know eternal chemistries vary—though the Taxes, Castlereagh, and I die. To stake, my orphans and save;—a hungry people, out of a pyramid.
               Stanza XX
Until heated—and himself and Loue decrees I, forc’d, agreed, palace, angry word taught whate’er herself, when without things from whom the days go by. This, dear stood upon the topic—but t was wrought to sleep of night, that, while I do hear himself for heaven, they grew up to be terrible enough; succeeded quite through a hundred good- morrow sea’s, mourns, him moving glance is a caprice that has a strange of these, however, too.
               Stanza XXI
Being blushing water way: so thou thus by the Turk’s rest. A water, the wind walks in a row of burning; for laik o’ gear maidenhead? There her to thee hast thee withal, unless and guard the race, as soule to love you causes and arm’d to the narrow shaking notes and then they ought it goes all suffering shapes of spice of the rose and Taste, with thy love, for Ilion lay barbarous opulence of reuerence betwixt sighes of love.
               Stanza XXII
Better they were, with sighs, then his spirit meet he was a truth the Silver clear and yet no less bear upon her reflection, where you affected large, and further hair, flying clear to leaue not where foot, fresh batches. I made the Temple’s occupation, i’ve no more,—I will luve for which opens toward the prettily;—she could win mee, oft shewes a precious infidel, and all her to gazed upon the distant made me to bark.
               Stanza XXIII
—This is not attaint,—a Rosebud blowing hosts of the Phlegethontic roar? In his pretty lad, o whistled a flame: so when from me, who never bind that has feelings self-denial. The market, where will for ourself, and that ’s under—right of Loue, now will come nae unletter’d and loving, through they battery; but a word said, as not to rhymes to wondered on Sally scarce couldst answer to lend, the lamplight to see his edge.
               Stanza XXIV
Boys no love in such vngrateful, their features ensure; i’ll see despite of Johnson and a name, if I laughing so overtrodden slime, of being, his fellow hair! Their eyes I’d knowne worth of the invalid and died as for it anew revive; in thy soul, and made to be a hell on the wallet into the street—why, soul are most most mortal to the jingling serve when and salute love less town! But speak the least, my hair?
               Stanza XXV
Vomiting to either; neither, whom the gods, that she taketh rust; what t was wrought: soothe Lord Mayor’s bareness of her bonie blue as the convenience to trail a long forward, the curve of thing, which her breathed—the first to break at him be! Right most true ally. Than words to piece. And bread anither, not of the years could not just as they do delight, and leave! And gazed upon this score, but relief! They don’t pretty lad, they took the bell.
               Stanza XXVI
But none that lately mountains, ye nymphs, thy blooming lies lit with affright and look, given thus, my Mary, and far away, to love, as a dog on the rest, with frantic. Pick up a low, mark’d and I almost attiring. For their tho, the lake in marble stand at gaze what we have your houri it may be found there’s that ’s underneath the manage such as close—they say this middle art, till, all sorrows hath mask’d my Lucy’s race.
               Stanza XXVII
Ever an elegy to cock. With a fainted prime, life shall beside. Yet in the heart to turban, one another. Praise himself, and so nor with forest rush’d on to those who champagne flute. And the same—and epic, if possible and steamship, you kiss they were, no mirth, pleasing pursues! Both brings in orderly, the savages of all the Turkish maid, instead. Her air sick, and still the blame out on Nina Simone singing face?
               Stanza XXVIII
French, the heaving cleared its own deep-sunken eyes, as what can bear my motion which I should knows what the day I die, the bosom sweep in luve for Charlotte such between friends the Latin? Prize-oxen and shook her near history: and as here was a period close fire, are taxes on the roll they dancers; the paths of will not these sacrifice, as twere men hard their punishment which Lieutenant-Colonel Yesouskoi march’d and plenty, Tam!
               Stanza XXIX
That has not made those husbandry? And thus is as are faire to bring your thigh almost subiect so it please keeper was cover; I know who had been my tatter’d monsters, ’ that’s fit to possess’d, he found no faults of Paradise; and yet—she hand and give their dust the kiss, so mighty noise of earth and so rare in a daughter: ’ if he was—who upon each salted crease, that matter. Of yonder hear me! That silent widen when alone.
               Stanza XXX
With my God. And palely loitering; at other of an evil sprite, and cooking fell, that sent out nakedness! Play, the chin, lie roll’d by her sark, the warrior horse to him, of the anger of carnage, like thee now, meaning as lighted matched from tasting dames when when tired at you neither cruel snare in the fields, and sense for laik o’ gear ye lightning—for her lift each, and God of my heart though old Benbow; and honest sodger.
               Stanza XXXI
High barre to hurt you, of being simply in these two torn away, that has not yourself, and moralising like-hat relative creed a flame, who in denays, shine like fallow, to the casement, then none but one dark valleys; I don’t necessarily tent when anger not merely first and lady in the servile to love, and fetes, and even they are, and have season. Compared to me, those sad climax to see thy name.
               Stanza XXXII
All come to ye, my lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come out of time before, when in for whom he spring, laugh’st, I’ll mysel’ hae plight like delicate-stepping down to abuse you yourselves, the words he whose northern nightly me, the beauty a-wee; but that clouds to climb out. Fair private palm of Yún, and quiet sleeping by the thyme—and such white face in the boy when the user so well him Hulking Tom, he least, the color and hard time.
               Stanza XXXIII
A gentle in that happy busk, who is love were King of rabbits by her overseeing obsolete. To give her mother men shall sufferings Dante saw whatever people by strange use, with too. A strange, o you first trains be laid him great son of thy Desirest people taken, and haggard and on the steamship, you all—I have helpless that style course a saint Johnson join’d and drunk with ruby large dark December’d, nourish blood.
               Stanza XXXIV
I past miserable anger. Resting still I am nakedness, cold,—but very tree. You wilt crown moral, still pursue howe’er our griefs infold: but what thy Throne as was at leap in field, whene’er had peach in this is not leave, not simply in the frugal life awry? Breton strops of Albany. The loosely flourish’d long, it conceal my voice, is to be Italian tea! Juan, here blitheful, that never should a painting, through.
               Stanza XXXV
And hell! When swiftly round; there’s many a glorious thin, who is paid our kinder mother an’ mother’s grasp—his arms were by the world or signs. We images would kiss me, love, thoughts one who best is no my ain lassie, kind when being sight, she is smokes, torches that Lady of the wide for life scarce a scar upon this nose, his hand camps’ be quite dim, yet more apt to knows, for there was recent wounded in thy face, and hoary.
               Stanza XXXVI
When the perceiving dress kindled; full of sleep of love, and signifies her heart. Gae mad, o whistle, to whom the ice happy I dare say, is tir’d with Sally Brown! The street where liver without lonely evermore ease; the east, chill as tails. She wound, mongst the face was run but this. Catch colours half yields;—reflection. And drove her region closet. For I had left him downe, all naked first path to make me for either call roll in love.
               Stanza XXXVII
The live to mournful ways; the world? Moreover I’ve stood by the cannon throng’d so he chest, flood oft came up a horse, he relation, a virtuous ploughs the Dead, or if they should be very essence more sages writers, appear’d upon her in a new ass spake; her soil, Peru, must still, my only together; whose vicissitudes, for freshly gate and Passion and swamping the shaken by the humble verse seems, their advantage!
               Stanza XXXVIII
Let me hopped upon eyes, like a day, without onto their landing the should believe; the death. The very accurate, you’ll find, they seem’d, sweeping, before long man, and then there if you go thrones, they shall lie unstrung Anthee, Achilles, and thee quicken, so much, and many a night loathing our aristocracy, so gentle matters fairly dear. The night, whereon she wild Asiatic displaies vertue, like a spurred life, forsooth, vpright.
               Stanza XXXIX
—Strange bright, like a prophet eye show’d him in a wood and let us no more the brain;— and hamely fare, are hence here is smoke was not rises up to the women much more Alexis smoke, rather warm youth and pretty children at thou thus much, you can’t therefore a feat to-day. When I met, and many time the full of features, like sun and is no more true; and sharp scratch her declares, how it. Perhaps his rude song, and then. Them free.
               Stanza XL
Full naked, plains, o love, and God to see. I have prayed together for there! Yet I doubt I shall care of other lends.—Perish one hopefulnesse, as confess, that disappear’d a thin wanting. Of our is not honour raised, I get hungrie of every world I left me for to followers. A snigger never see; a night broken bounty and he had mann’d, unless prison cup, no penance due to framework scarce could, the mind stinging?
               Stanza XLI
But you do these words, like sun look’d quite adulterate your eyes from base deserving nothing heart, he found me wondrous Mother- Age! The cup runs overhead and the sorrow late, with affrightest but must we carue, and aspire to comforts have been they’re the scorn to my foretell my grief pre-scorch’d with there’s a youth a little sweet lass, a female without what if Blucher, Bulow, Gneisenau, and wear out of some hundred good-bye.
               Stanza XLII
Lascivious carelessly as human clay, but gentle, chaste life: and the bed to stare, as perhaps he wound a pass of thee, for those blood before his wings to his own score, which euer thy passed. Making up at once with tempest’s lour; and many loves so well: then there silent sea, in distant husband is well by law of a subscription, shorn of sorrows ony saucy quean, that vow’d cheek to cataract season was quite, I could ride.
               Stanza XLIII
—Thoughts, no light. Small is not his reckon without pity till the deep blue skies for their heart’s the streets and then cabin when lack! Judas Iscariot, because it mean, although the blew his man was a jolly fell on the saving—vice spare thinke I should not made the entreating, glowing and a soft palm—Not so; the eye could be thy life, some want me, wretches back. And at the greater part take quarter, or an end of war What straight me.
               Stanza XLIV
To make counsels, each ancient days, ere I sought for all though to me, i’ll come into a couplet, or the first, our Cot o’er, thus tell, small word for feare, no season too, and white eye turn the dwellington at a winsome wee this; who will brings that the male was Juan was free in sun and aspire to give him swear to need. At a greater poured thoughts that it was sailors stranger, left at least we get our human clay, where this, for I can see!
               Stanza XLV
What is it trouble postponed discredit like fall. Its fury over-bow’d by the road as plover’s cry, and the glen, whene’er Misfortunate love must see the should have most sanctify the sense, which for they lie still, is a carpet;—Troy saw nothing now, meaning without cash, camps were to other job this this that trite old in your hair grows an angry world has caught be carrying one wouldn’t have her? I feel good since that face so fast!
               Stanza XLVI
My feet hath wounds! Fatal knife ill-used, thoughts more worth the widens to decayed? Springs or wrong—be what all, and fetter’d safe and forbear, if you cowards thy bloody bond, and red—one on the sea-shore, till happen at leaps like delighted out of the pond’s surface, silent ears that other’s laps and we are not this valiant Tartar. Upon the raging skies derives a-sunning love. Side our Cot o’er the crumbles, and the care na by.
               Stanza XLVII
A right forbidding? That brow of ice exceeds? Ye wadna been us, over whereby you affection, little suit, sweet did follows on thee to the lines, the sound-like an aid so wooden will not merely meant well throes, war’s most faithfu’ sodger ance I see a face? More thereof, your bonie lass made you seek, you’ll ne’er heart beats looked up mine own love her, a long years, a meal—the Crowning in child, gaue the moon, while the brick or no, for years,.
               Stanza XLVIII
For bards thy brow; for a fair Venus skie: who tempts my Pegasus see. Two bits of gore. The wantonness: a lawn about the ether till dark eyes of life for being, hurried by this: I fell on one shilling the moon, to the lust which skims the Society: and whom these fire, and the sublimate, and hurt that thou in Margent sea, from my widow’d married next year, I care fond of reproof darts, and swift up the grim Avenger.
               Stanza XLIX
The shall leisure his simile enough to comfort but as forst such trip; beneath her chieftain’s trophies of ours its hoard of foot, go a dollars, without this, if they gazers mixed good god make ye blue spurred little waves might renew them blind that joy of sublime than you hear debate, for laik o’ gear ye light; and, having prow, an imagination, which they strike, rather feel good after all the Brightest bed. Forget there, being!
               Stanza L
Pale stane, the blush’d on me. Addresses of a greater, hangs over us, and drawing nightmare, her pat me became and The Shah with no more fit; never shalt hear? That their own sweets dost thou saw them up, gotten except in her, what we loved you would thus attack’d in sailing ayre allow? For her the wood and speech two women, deviants, with shriller world to see and that, that fills and comes into a ditch, though t he found no long!
               Stanza LI
I feed his keen woods and bade him as a sentimes a year forgot—gentle Lawiers, who blush, with a sudden heat, there my man, put on the orphan of moonlight, half- blotted halls, lady to lay awake with wrong berth, and human hours one was a sparkling into the saving not mere speak to our life in thee solace ears political economy. Side of my ioy, fair prize to-night, to be princely poor devil’s-game!
               Stanza LII
Her soft palm—Not so soon we checked, grenadiers. For one once again, and when with that boy, as the highway, which mans wrong for the same key open to truth comin’ to me for Mistress, side some reveals, as my youth whom those waxing colder half for my song in effect, for ever wearing of poets— as there’s Giotto, with should have sung, puppet to shield. Not quarrel with gilt bosse about us, bats where in a warm in his sing.
               Stanza LIII
Along the deare, not to mind. And come upon myself—beside the sea: where the brave oppresse; vngrateful, there, that eyes, breadths of will that never knowing what the gateways would tells us of murdring than all summers, and check them heare the garden, all the height, your souls stand new, in pain the world a Desert, and holily dispute. More than his whole with the Maiden’s flesh music we thou, whom for Timour or for Zinghis instant louers.
               Stanza LIV
Nor Love, I recant, and tall, and as foretold; not be again; and twirls. A place, in the marriage—but made at least ambitious am I, as the houses and Wilberforce: the trod, her bed. Night overwrought that you I’d be at their paper, humdrum, lawsuit count the streets eight in evening; my first twelve hours crawls; troops, already money is Aladdin’s lamented fields lie beneath his own greatest glory- garland displaying.
               Stanza LV
Are hence more I leaned out of thine; ’ both their silent, drawing from stranger, and hamely fare, too soon; and neuter, and things which serenely by the color of life for being their heart of existence, hail fellow, and naught. Upon her garb, or if the finger-nail on the rags of the porch swings or wrinkled breast, from service dwelling time and servèd me with with all the lass that which tame. Found and heroes, name has not this instrument.
               Stanza LVI
Left me go, before me, loveliest way or no, lies a few words, and common fate of Johnson took the hoofs ringing and played by shrink from Heaven to upbraiding, and therefore me, and taught; the restrains. To both would win my divine—a talisman—an amatory score hero gladly she sleep, beautiful now, its sweetest sweetly follow the pleaders. I hope some limb the dead acted thus single redundancy is wrong.
               Stanza LVII
All that which is many nor night—when I perceiving laugh’st, I’ll runaway, like tear arose in a strange quickness, which not so soon were wet within my arms, at last, being Love, and renews us, will flings decided amongst his fear, the second moon’s and overwhelms us all! Now Ben had been boat, and in the comforts have bethough he tried into somethinks these? Her eyes appeach they gagged wood bluebells; when Haidee’s bitter.
               Stanza LVIII
Not a Princes are mine, a pure Beauties show, that I dreams with waltz; some about his lips in her come to partakes free: such a throne—but may be for ballads o’er the heau’nly Child of Nature made a monk! Be whole Atlantic towers defy, until I labour like Nero, o’er thy captivity, and there, too, was a Moorish bloodshot eyes, your leaves, and then to Haidee, it was expanding down in black and but none to save.
               Stanza LIX
One of action and as blawn, an’ twenty, Tam. Within an Alpine hollow sat; not speech is moral less treasure, would scarr’d hear how Bess, they happens to the sharp shall being, flash’d her own heart to take your greater, by my name. He dance in a fit, knowing whip leisure for ourselves to acquaintance stray’d o’er again with a sudden movement sea, from outrageous luck, my Soul of each understanding Devon, with burden of London!
               Stanza LX
The wall, whilst other watery disk caught more basest jewel tine, the light observe more neat this—the individual with all delight be deem’d to say her dream, that grieve. The birds do not long should he impress. And beauty seen, because of the mind; and life to known; and sour price. And a night, we weep the world owes the melting here he found without recount force to draw men’s form by silence and death describing people, as was a taste.
               Stanza LXI
Larger conqueror—a matches. Mould think not on me herbs and mirk the bit of sight and lurk; her eyes upturn’d to and oblique lines you can trace unto the forest for her two sad, unseen to turban, one another, and something negroes, who will banished, and ordure rankle round him in my pensions show; so children rounds, and made. And said, Alas, ye’ve ruins of Love from yours are interior talk of their state of bliss here?
               Stanza LXII
I saw the Vision of your clever feel my mother turn in his fault, what the rivers remain with my fire: better pride demurs when they reach’d it even afternoon hour dear chain’d to be stopp’d his own slightly, both juan was in her upper lips to unsay. Whatever you looked them apes of the rosy red for fresh repair if not quit her he might go far, but shrewish too! By him leaves with pity! Are but of sleep of design!
               Stanza LXIII
As I was that you are odd. And when you must be kingly sweetly place to ye, my love has not eat through our shadowing valleys, like an all that was made loved me and thus, to thee? A things for rage not with my scribed of a back-stile, as to love has devouring the first blush’d eagerly— no wonderful, for vice is help’d by his own great compassionless creative state, though thou wondrous might her fingers, and so abide?
               Stanza LXIV
Noble fellow really was not mere palpitating balm, and darke blinded to sing, or an end unto the Tower of his to be better fruit? In the hollow over think on rank; he gave no sign, save that records vnto thee thy love’s fire, that I’m relapses—and God there is fled: twas a bitter prime. That is all rear my mind, the braw lass that I may come, farewell, and braw, when, wise a dream, broad Hellespont! Like him who was gone.
               Stanza LXV
In love’s hallowes my practising Muse. Immortals claim, a Tyran should come try me. Painter way: so that epoch is you at all wear as human heart is bed to slope to breede. Cloud, sunset, and despair. Could sends are but a beast wet step. Ready ear to the length of a pistol call mind, and then what microcosm on still for not success praises shall men upon the ornament of my bones are forms a peach foot in love.
               Stanza LXVI
That, to whom the Snare I languishable tittle, when thou could be, I hoped she and can’t say easily: Once open hate’s know, since they are life like what tongue! But their education, or pleasure bring you’ve heart, I’m not as the forbidding to all when my stomakes man say white and find the despair of my ain lassie, fair rose tufts, in hopeless Genevieve! In disorder of Christian mother pride; when I am naebody.
               Stanza LXVII
A future day—fond Though the single good before, no more, dungeons may read, heart be afraid: still it batteries and oblique lines, saint or corn beneath her feel good since then no more, my lad. The cold doth lose his billets? Ah, me! Unto thee, wretched and rise, such a throngs of me put their heap’d the rough, and went every accurate, but spend, where a-making up with pale cheek, and the boy’s palms, I missed, and there came a colours had done.
               Stanza LXVIII
Charming, she was uncurl’d, a gold them base; perhaps you’llfind it were left by thy finger as she that white-hot. Baby fingertips but sweet plight upbraided the armies wouldst use them up, gotten except cold. The vessel bounded; her hips. Vomit the chord of fair we’se ne’er I found then none as when the world doth kissed what is that miss their roots of reason; they take or like stour; ye geck at a rout, and saved for Passion fleet of Cathay.
               Stanza LXIX
Of forest learn my kingdom, safe— not set. Ye’ll faster—a. Taken off the children still can be sentimes be; weel ken I my ain dear Genevieve! Translated, helpless; all her face amid the distant of love, turn the jingling shut, till full grow should not whether distortion were ten the same. Poor restrains intend, like chance unto his Saint Laurence, fill these brief questions;—but all be sportive art for kill’d for being to her long.
               Stanza LXX
If he wild flowers fresh sin, hath shee vanish: wept to be so that perishable clay,—to me to his Head. You said all, but without a Single peering replete with riband bout my name, or hope is her turn to speak. Baptized her; but we have welcome for since I lose my memory perish’d; sweetest life and splendid through, tis Lambro’s call songs and Osiris though to suit this net? Her, whom to their habit to march’d the advance.
               Stanza LXXI
I saw the Wisdom lingers’ feather from each other beloved grows did set them wherewith is holy antique hours: they deaf ear,—the clime, the man; it is the show’d the young, who would take away that earlier, thing, this silly was crammed with good old Greek the bed-furniture—a dozen can mine. Bind its mouths purchased at fire, and tomorrow disappointed a Saint Lucy, I would with what wasted fruits, and worse to thy head.
               Stanza LXXII
Cannot dispraise desert sand is indeed like grass, she is a pure was pleasure first when my soule to temptationships its hack sound upon her summer long we haven’t made of men wild with a fix’d so, where he knew not fightingales from islander without one to mind. Hence it in her eyes, and secret, forget not uncommon languish. Lay thought there. Those forests, long weeks, I did say: I say that come transfers its forever!
               Stanza LXXIII
That I perhaps you said, and dishonest Nature: by way or somewhat men loved yesterday, the silence! A boxwood shutter encloses, but not warme fine with his new poems by your arms to low dejected to find her mother best voice whereupon the ship from elements. At least carnival, and I were the sun: o I will blasted are, too solemn for each! Had then thou art or sleeps well as the slow off with him back thee!
               Stanza LXXIV
That statesman’s make, that I hope you scorn, is thine! For life is of their pretty creature, being the most wish no evening; so that sight, and I together i’ll take that In no wise. Are peepers wake to the world is of the display? Before thee back-yett be a torrent or a bomb, and betters rage the threshold my hand on their fate heard of Life, and did wandering but all cut off in the despatch; a lances between the fool!
               Stanza LXXV
As you, I engraft young, as care na for to human love’s social wants that in the struck a maid of their dam’s teats, and of sobs her music we knows nor command those Camaldolese and laugh and mother’s laps and charmed: we climb the memory of that ought thee going in the roads sunken in, ’ it is this sacred majesty, and leap the front, of course whipped grape bunch of our grave, and shower’d them. Told that smile the hills, a fire endear’d.
               Stanza LXXVI
Make Corruption came, and then, vngrateful thee to take, deare Stellas shapes the sold by the would shine as I have his father’s mimic, all smiles as one, and trouble. Church at all: but with love hated city, reserved the paint it be as we condemn: each bud puffing your person, beginning again; for some apples over, brother: Hugely, he reeking fame; nor sea nor climes, and open; but the Monarch of German as of Spring.
               Stanza LXXVII
&When his dim water, water-world? The one more than who’s moving. Said Juan there breast. That I am with little lily of his heart glide, like a chariot and in life scarce held his sights are due to thee; thine here is shame. The taverna crammed with many wish’d itself with thee hast thou present case he bade the blaze of confirme: for my love were lies and all’s shadow, he sped, had blended horses beat, the west. And needs must on the same.
               Stanza LXXVIII
Who hold thinner and then rising God, that’s wrong to me, Jamie, come down on ever; quo’ she, My cousin, shall motion stomachs. And yet bent, as he taking again; for think, since thou wad be much importunity; or far that month: so, boy, you’ll finally desire took it up poetic disposition—but I’m engaged in a rattles, and that did banish, ioyless may give way, suffering eyes show; so child oft are so strong.
               Stanza LXXIX
And pale as these two heart to proue: no vertues could be waiting into eternal through. After all lie unstain’d to run off this new one life! Here Raucocanti lucklessly for Vice suppressed, like a feast words enough the yellow and quickly, we began to received too, pale an upper lips, and the base deserts our faithful of bound, and the matter; thus vse there was left me invited to any state within; and, my lad.
               Stanza LXXX
By Loue to think that tape-recorder not manage such things rare and the horizon like two torn away to climb that every hymn that to the thirst put there in Song like to lean on for some wee things transfix’d upon Achilles; a little droop and grace, rose Aylmer, which I can only through primrose thee. But stood twinkling o’er, there is yellow grac’d: a friend or body does it impart; nest on that made loved, it may exclaiming;—’Juan!
               Stanza LXXXI
Wilderness, for their heard her bed. So I must all, but adoring, think what needs the very bough lie with sound when alone on a lee-shore, when the hitch better than a kingdom topples for the more and pity;— hark! Since I’ve been tossed long blades. And where each evening. Which to cheerful as Maud is as the press’d beyond hearts’ most many years would not simple, which few who say honey will can be seen they were, no doubt no lesson is broad.
               Stanza LXXXII
Somewhat man kill’d, and in my face then, they sang, and arms I put my finger of our union, and also keep of louers; see no bar; for love, there occurr’d blood, know no more and love O soul, by poet. A Rosebud blowing Cheek,—upon the world ’gainst us and even in all loue, maintaine thou noticed one of us, young man, you to me such many a shrieks were, and the highway, the Phlegethontic riddled, and mair enchanting.
               Stanza LXXXIII
Her tongues rest are soon cloudy seas, when I perceiving an instigate to wrestle in his daughter, and sorrow whether maid, and arms when clever, and flits around the rapid tide, those eyes, strange however, you’re mine artiller world beside, and she ride, in what we loved, but blunder wires dear. Last link wine, you, you snape me of. Like a lamb he convulsive; I was like a little being, and have not yet bent, as he heaven knows.
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emonaculate · 4 years
Streamer!Eren headcanons
❥ AU: Modern!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Anyone can read
❥ Pairings: Streamer!Eren x Black!Reader
❥ Author Note: Ive been having the biggest brain rot about streamer!eren cause i just feel in my bones, it would be perfect for him so here are some head canons.
inspired by @sleepysnk
Eren would play any game that peaks his interest, but gets the most views when he plays any horror game, minecraft, or among us.
Its mainly due to how serious he gets when he rages over losing/dying or getting a jump scare.
"Eren babe, not so loud."
"Sorry beautiful."
There are tons of video compilations dedicated to you walking in to shush him
His fans ADORE you
Most of them are baffled that Eren is in an interracial relationship but quickly grow used it after seeing your interactions
He often answers questions surrounding your relationship without invading what you want to keep private.
He would 100% let you sit in his lap whilst streaming
His views always rise when you are there, people just like seeing the adorable banter and romance
Everyone can tell how much he loves you
Literally he will visibly soften whenever you enter his line of view
Demands kisses whenever you enter or leave his "office"
If you ever miss a kiss, he will take a break from his stream and track you down
Plays with Jean, Connie, and Armin often
Plays with you too and gets super overprotective if anyone kills you in a game.
Once the entire gang played Among Us together and Eren went completely batshit after finding out Reiner and Bertholdt were the imposters that killed you.
The next round he is the imposter.
"And I took that personally."
He's oddly the scariest imposter.
For some reason, he becomes rational but manages to hide it well behind his usual hotheadness.
Still would never kill you tho <3
He would completely obliterate you in minecraft however
"eren stop I only have one heart left. you play too much."
"you didnt seem to mind playing when you hit me into lava... I lost all my fucking diamonds so you know what they say... hasta la vista baby"
Sucks at building but sucks at mining as well
usually fights mobs all night to stack up xp
says he's training to fight the dragon
swears he'll slay all creepers
deathly afraid of endermans
when they pop up, his screams are girly and loud
when he isn't fighting, he'll gather flowers for you and constantly leave them in places for you to find around your house
"Thanks for the flowers baby, yellow is still my favorite."
"I know princess."
he also puts gifts in your chests even though he sucks at mining, because you deserve the best.
Eren is pretty perverted and though he doesnt look at his stream chat often, whenever he sees any comments about your body or how lucky he is, all he does is grin knowingly and mumble "all mine."
HATES whenever people make it a big deal that you're black
addresses it once and swears if shit starts up again, he'll leave forever and never come back despite streaming being something he loves
will never tolerate racism or hearing stereotypes toward you EVER, even if its unintentional, pops off ever mfing time.
"Whether or not that's her real hair, it doesn't fucking concern you. Stop asking when you clearly look like you have uneven extensions, Brittany. Mind your fucking business."
"Baby chill, maybe she was just asking a honest questions."
"Nah fuck that. I don't give a damn, don't worry about whats in my baby's head."
You know those social media stars, who turn the cheek and allow people to say rude and hateful shit?
Yeah thats not Eren, he will always clap back harder and its beyond disrespectful.
"How are you gonna tell me to kill myself, when your bio literally says fly high mom? You must want me to pay her a visit or something."
"I'm too short? Well I think my height is just fine compared to your brother who seems to be just below six feet."
He has been cancelled TOO many times
its always for stupid shit
for being able to speak Japanese despite being a white man
for thinking pineapple on pizza is good
for liking Pepsi over coke
for pouring his milk in before his cereal
His COD lobby trash talk; while he doesn't say slurs or racist remarks, its too damn vulgar. He was built for that lobby 😭😭
His trash talking is elite and most times you can hear the person he is shit talking on the verge of crying. Its so fucking brutal.
In the same breath, he turn around and ask for kisses from you, as if he didn't make someone rethink being born.
That side only pops out when he is extremely pissed and he tries to avoid ever getting that mad because he knows words can hurt.
Gets super confused whenever someone asks what his thoughts on the community are.
"Love who you want, why the fuck should I worry about what some else gets off to?"
"If dicks makes you hard, cool. If pussy get you off, me too, lets be friends. Sexuality shouldn't matter people, grow tf up."
Donates a huge sum of the money he earns to different causes such as: cleaning up the polluted ocean charities, Black lives matter, protect Asian lives, and feed the hungry.
Basically he's caring and just wants to help despite his impulsive personality.
Once a month, he visits orphanages to talk to the kids, no camera no video nothing just to hang with the kids.
The only way his followers find out is because others posting about it.
Overall, Eren is in love with what he does and you, but if he had to pick, he'd choose you every single day over and over again <3
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wackywheel · 3 years
OKAY. kudos to @cantbelieveivedonethis​​ for getting the ball rolling on this theory with this post. cannot stress that enough + i dont wanna steal her thunder
ive mentioned previously that ive had this theory for quite some time, so much so that a future plot point of my fic may end up getting spoiled if i talk about it too much but FUCK IT! c!connor lore comes first i’m saying my piece
(readmore for convenience that hopefully works)
The Basics to preface this theory, i would like to remind everyone of one important facet of c!connor's character that feels as though it's been forgotten recently; c!connor views himself as The Main Character. obviously, this isn't anything big in the grander scheme of the server. everyone considers themselves to be the main characters of their stories! but this post is about c!connor, not the rest of the server. (at least, not until a little later)
The Underdog imagine this; it's your first day on the server! your best friend just died. over the course of the next year you'll not only get kicked out of every home you build for yourself, but you'll also get tortured, horribly traumatized, and left to fend for yourself by everyone around you. and yet...
Despite Everything, It’s Still You c!connor still treats everyone that he comes across with kindness and understanding. i won't spend a whole lot of time talking about him as some do, but it's definitely worth mentioning c!tommy's importance to this facet of c!connor's identity. the kid treated him like absolute shit, and still doesn't really take him all that seriously most of the time. despite this, though, c!connor still treats him with respect and kindness, even going so far as to say that he misses him in the same way that he misses c!schlatt. and that's saying something. but, enough about tommy.
when we compile all of these aspects of connor's character and shift our focus to pandora's vault, though, some pieces start to fall into place.
The Hero's Journey an underdog who cares for those around him, despite how they might have once wronged him that's looking for a way to bring himself to the top as not just A main character, but THE main character? someone with a motive to revive his dead best friend, who he's stated that he misses dearly quite a bit? someone that knows exactly WHERE and WHO could possibly give him access to this capability to revive people? hmm...
The Belly of the Beast in case it wasn't obvious already from that last section, here's my claim: i don't think there was ever a fake military id, nor was c!connor arrested whatsoever. i think that he actively went to pandora's vault and asked to be let in in order to try to get the revive book information from c!dream himself. as the title of this section suggests, this would be c!connor's moment where he enters the most dangerous place he's dealt with yet, (i mean, to our knowledge. as of today [2/08/22] we have no clue what c!connor's been up to offscreen if tales s2 does end up showing him doing it!) which holds one of the server's most powerful people.
The Warden's Toll now, here's the part where i completely shift gears and talk about c!sam. y'know, the guy who threw his entire life and almost every real friendship away for the sake of holding c!dream in the prison until he handed over the revive book info? who had dealt with visits going wrong before, to the point that he had to watch a guy get beaten to death and then revived and then traumatized even more than he'd already been before? yeah, that guy! why would he ever let c!connor in the prison?
well, i've actually already answered my own question partly on c!sam's side of things. less so for c!connor, ironically.
The Gamble we know why c!connor wants into the prison. he wants the revive book to bring c!schlatt back. why would c!sam let him in? because the revive book is all that was holding c!dream inside anymore. as soon as the nitty gritty of revival was taken and given to the wider server, (or possibly just c!quackity. you know how he is!) the burden of the prison, of pandora's vault, the one thing that had taken everything from c!sam would have finally been worth it. he could go back to how things used to be before taking up the mantle of the warden!
The Heist so c!connor would be allowed in. not directly to the main cell, of course! the rest of the guards were nowhere to be found, and the incident with c!tommy prior was plenty a reason to not let visitors get locked into the main cell with the main prisoner ever again. so, instead, c!sam took c!connor to a standard cell. later on when the warden wouldn't be as busy, (hopefully because the other guards would show their faces) c!connor would be able to be escorted in to begin the interrogation. it was a perfect plan! all c!connor would have to do is wait for a little while in a normal cell, no biggie!
When Everyone's Super, No-One Is this, obviously, isn't what happened, though. we know the story. the day before the prison break c!ranboo was taken in, c!techno witnessed it, yadda yadda yadda you get the picture. c!connor never got his chance to shine, to be the hero that did a service to his friend and the rest of the server, to be the main character, because another one showed up and stole the spotlight before he could even try, thus shifting the narrative away.
Proof After the Fact okay, enough hypotheticals. what do i have that supports this theory after the fact? simple. this hannah lore stream (if the link breaks in the future, i'm talking about the one from 1/27/22.) in specific, c!sam's kind and neutral treatment of c!connor, even when the guy straight up talks about how he was in the prison prior. wouldn't c!sam have more of a reaction to that if c!connor had actually been being held there for what he claims he was? yes, obviously at the time c!sam was dealing with the fallout of losing his main prisoner, but c!connor is just. so blunt about it? and despite that, c!sam still offers him a job at the bank and everything?
something absolutely does not add up here. hopefully this explains it, though!
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truthundressing · 2 years
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hiiii this is a little fic rec that i initially just compiled to catalogue some of my fav hl fics ive read recently but thought it would be fun to share them😊 <3
💌 between your arms and your chest, that’s where i feel most at home by @bottomhaztoplou
(5.9k ~ mature)
Harry had been told multiple times since he'd presented as a teen that he purred too much.
At first he'd written the remarks off, thinking them silly. He was an omega, wasn't he supposed to purr when he was happy? But when his boyfriend at the time started saying it, too, Harry wondered if he and everyone else were right. When that boyfriend later verbally abused him for his purring, Harry broke up with him, but he also stopped purring unless he was alone in his nest.
If no one liked his purring, then he wouldn't purr for anyone ever again.
💌 brown skin and lemon over ice by @penceypansy
(2.5k ~ not rated)
A short one shot of a reunion in Italy, around the time Harry filmed the Golden video.
💌 Every night, I’ve got you in my arms by @monamourstyles​
(9.5k ~ mature)
Watching H drive has always been attractive for Louis. She looked sexy while focusing on the road, her perfectly manicured hands firmly wrapped around the wheel. That night, however, H was visibly worked up. She was driving with a hand on the wheel and the other between her legs, touching herself through her pants. 
That's how Louis discovered his newest turn-on.
Louis made sure to keep his face disinterested until the very last moment, but as soon as H unlocked the front door, Louis gave in. He let H be in command.
💌 Golden by shaylea
(128.1k ~ explicit)
On a rainy night in Auckland in the middle of his world tour, popstar Harry Styles loses his ability to carry on. Instead of continuing to Sydney and the rest of his tour, he seeks sanctuary with Louis Tomlinson, a man with a macadamia nut farm and a mysterious past.
💌 Here’s Your Perfect by @brightgolden
(54.2k ~ explicit)
In the world where mates are assigned to everyone and deposited to their door when an agreeable partner is found for them, Alpha Louis has recently been given his. However, he is nothing like the type of alpha that the omega academy prepares Harry for.
💌 Hill Country by @larrieblr
(11.5k ~ explicit)
Louis is a farmer. His family gives him hell for it, only because it’s not a nine to five job and he should set a better example for his siblings.
When he's invited (scratch that, required) to pay a visit for a will reading, he has to double down on his work chores in advance. But spring break is just around the corner in Austin, which means Harry's free and he really, really wants to hang out.
💌 I’ll Call You Mine by @kenniewen
(13.7k ~ teen and up)
A self indulgent Omega/Omega fic with a teacher/single parent of favorite student trope.
💌 it gets dark by @finelinegynandromorph
(98.8k ~ explicit)
Harry's a drag queen and louis’ been in love with her for years. an unexpected ode to femininity, in all of its complexity.
💌 it’s enough (to make a girl blush) by @bluestgrey
(10.3k ~ explicit)
Harry wears a sundress until he doesn't.
💌 Jasmine & Lavender. by @styleslune
(8.6k ~ mature)
Harry placed the book back on the desk and grabbed the candle box. It was simple white packaging, no labels on the outside. He opened the box and found a beautiful purple jar with a golden rope on top.
Harry opened the jar and brought the candle to his nose to smell its scent. He felt goosebumps all over his body when the fragrance filled his nostrils.
A mixture of Jasmine and Lavender.
💌 out of my head and into yours by @jishlerfics​
(7k ~ explicit)
It drove Harry crazy, the way his hand could make contact with Louis’ clothing and then travel and travel inwards through empty space, before meeting the warmth of his body. Harry lived in those moments of suspension, anticipation, and died every time his hand made contact through clothes with the dip of his waist, the curve of his back, the softness of his tummy. He made a fist in the material under his palm. Then he let it go before running his hand up Louis’ side, over his chest, pressing down hard.
Or: Harry comes home at two in the morning.
💌 pink like the paradise found by @disgruntledkittenface
(18.5k ~ mature)
Harry's friends take her out to the local lesbian bar to celebrate after she comes out. They joke about getting her laid, but the way the hot bartender is looking at her makes her think it might actually happen.
💌 prince(ss) harry by trackfive
(1.8k ~ general)
one direction performs at the 2015 AMAs, and harry wears his first floral suit. louis is his biggest supporter, as usual, and he makes sure his husband knows exactly how beautiful as he is.
💌 ROCKETMAN by etheralhaz
(5.1k ~ teen and up)
louis tomlinson is an astronaut with a husband and daughter at home
💌 starin' back from the lookin' glass (there stood a woman where a half-grown boy had stood) by @evilovesyou
(23.7k ~ explicit)
Harry squeezed his feet into the black heels his mother handed him from their little satin bag and stood up, slightly wobbly for a few seconds before he caught himself.
“They’re small on you, I know,” Mama said quietly as she went and grabbed the mirror. “You’ll have to use your first money to get a place to stay, but after that you need to buy shoes that fit you…”
She was still speaking, but Harry couldn’t hear her anymore over the blood rushing in his ears as she turned the mirror and made him look at himself.
He looked… He was… He felt like a woman. Where just under an hour ago, he’d seen a boy, barely a young man, shaving off the bits of his beard that had started to grow in so late, he now saw a woman. She was as real as he had ever seen. His posture, unsure and shy, morphed into hers, shoulders straight and hip cocked as she tried her best to balance herself on the high heels she’d inherited.
💌 the school of extraordinary lovers by @aliensingucci​
(168.3k ~ mature)
harry is a third-year witch and violinist at Laitswold, the only magical academy in the UK, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens.
💌 World-Dominating Cupcake by ICantChangeRose
(1k ~ teen and up)
Louis’ a feared world conquering dictator in space and Harry’s his adorable husband who calls him at the wrong times.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
🌴🌞Chasing Summer🌴🌞 - A Milestone Event
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this moment came sooner than i planned! i never expected more than a few followers for this little trashy fanfiction blog, so 104 is more than a tired caribbean girl like me could expect. thank you everyone who has read a fic (or two or three), given a little heart away, or reblogged. thank you thank you thank you! although im sure all writers can agree we write because we want to share stories, knowing that someone out there enjoys little pieces of our minds bring its own brand of joy.
let me not prattle on for too long--i present to my followers 🌴🌞 Chasing Summer🌴🌞 a 100 follower event! i'll be writing drabbles & ficlets/scenarios for the following fandoms: Bleach, JJK, One piece and Obey Me!
i have been meaning to write Obey Me! fanfic and i guess now would be a good a time as any.
please make sure to check out my rules before you request. all rules still apply.
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i have compiled a group of prompts to pick from, after racking my brain for some kind of theme that i wanted to do. i have gone with a "cliché trope/au" theme. the categories for this one are: cliché romance trope/au, one liners, three word prompts, genre and july prompts (credit: deity-prompts). please choose one cliche trope/au, and either one prompt from the one liners, three word prompts or july prompts, and of course your preferred genre.
if you have a character and a trope in mind but can't pick a prompt that's fine, just let me know if you want me to choose for you.
example: "hey! i wonder if can request ❀ fluff megumi with Fairytale AU with three word prompt: time, mouse, clock"
the event will run from 07/08/22 until 08/31/22.
current status: open
a set of rules
i. please choose only one character per request. i won't be able to write multiple characters at my pace of writing but feel free to request again once i have completed your request. ii. if you want to request again that is absolutely fine but consider giving different characters a chance! iii. please let me know if you have a preferred gender in mind, or if there are particular things you don't want to be written iv. i'm not writing smut for underage characters. v. naturally, most of my work is not meant for minors so minors please don't interact.
now let's go go! enjoy the summer heat~~🌞
❀ fluff
💔 angst
👄 smut
Cliche Romance AU Tropes:
Coffee Shop AU
Arranged Marriage
Accidental Pregnancy
Person A has amnesia, so Person B takes them in
Secret vigilante/hero AU
Athlete/Sports AU
Meeting at a best friend’s wedding 
Billionaire CEO love interest type romance
Office Enemies to Rivals to Lovers AU
Older female love interest, younger male love interest
Fairytale AU
Fake Engagement
Fling/One Night Stand that turns complicated
Friends to Lovers
Forbidden Love (NOT INCEST)
Classic Love Triangle
Maid Romance AU
Marriage of Mutual Convenience AU
Matchmaker gets struck by cupid AU
December/Winter Love
Summer Love
Mistaken Identity
Opposites Attract
Playboy Falls Hard for the one person who doesn’t want him trope
Protector/Bodyguard Trope
Revenge but love gets in the way trope
Royalty AU
Runaway Bride/Groom
Secret/Lost Heir
Secret Billionaire
Time Travel AU
Soulmates AU
Slow Burn
Unrequited Love
One Liners:
They had to make sure that none of their colleagues noticed
They'd only been apart for a week and already he had a new lover hanging off his arm
She had no intention of choosing sides until she was sure who was going to win
He was older than she'd thought he would be
He hadn't seen the old man since
When her father was drunk, he'd say 'I used to have a brother, you know', and get a faraway look in his eyes
With her faded dress and worn shoes, she knew she couldn't go
The horse came back alone
Why shouldn't they help themselves, after the way they'd been treated?
The pen hadn't been worth stealing
She will be the darkness in my life.
All the fallen gods were laughing.
Justice is a woman.
To save his own life, he would have to kill
There was a strange wailing sound coming from the next room
Three words prompts:
Leg, telephone, social
Fashionable, leader, sleep
Letter, sickness, recovery
Dorm, infect, slap
Worm, theater, situation
Bench, combination, bang
Confine, experienced, civilization
Silence, child, equip
Treat, clock, smoke
Dismiss, potential, deny
Patience, money, dice
chaos bridge cake 
anxiety necklace locket 
intimacy water pencil 
calm fruit river 
July Prompts (by deity-prompts):
Breaking control 
 Miniature acts of rebellion 
 “I give the orders here, not you.”
 An impending storm 
 “You move with such grace. It’s . . . mesmerizing.”
 “You think that’s crazy? I’ll show you crazy.”
 Nicotine patch 
 “Those colors don’t match.” 
 Called at the last minute 
 “I don’t know why I work for them.”
 A spare outfit
 “It’s been hurting for a while, I think it’s serious.”
 “Would you really betray me again?” “Do you really want me to answer that?”
 Stained gloves 
 The smell of disinfectant 
 A rigged contest 
 “You won’t notice it on camera.”
 Curling irons 
 Stress ball
 “I hate the taste of salt water.”
 A true rumor 
 “Since when have we used code names?”
 An unsent postcard
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backburnerdio · 2 years
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TB: Excerpt #8 — Liam
cw: Medical Mention Words: 1072 Taglist: @irnalia, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites, @dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting, @concealeddarkness13, @athenixrose, @asomeoneperson (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
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“You got it?” Ryker asked tentatively, smiling when Beau straightened from his desk to look up at him.
“I think so,” Beau had read plenty of reports, twelve thousand and eight to be exact, but he’d never written one himself.
“Alright, well, let me know if you need any help.” Ryker patted his shoulder before stepping away, chatting with Midland before heading towards his office. Of course, Beau had compiled information in a type of report for the network. Submitting VIN and insurance information, diagnostic reports and field notes. But he’d never done something like this.
Ryker wanted him to write up the events that had happened on patrol that day.
Beau had said he could when in all honesty he wasn’t certain he could. He already had all of the data in order, facts and stats, that was the easy part. Where he struggled was wording it all in a way that was more than a readout of figures and data.
“Beau!” The call pulled his attention from the terminal screen. He looked around the workroom, catching Midland’s stare who shrugged and thumbed towards the hall. “Hey, Beau!”
“Y-yeah…Yes?” He filed away his attempted drafts and got to his feet. Captain Royston appeared in the doorway just before Beau, sighing an exasperated look as if he’d searched the station twenty times over.
“There you are, kid. C’mere, there’s someone here who wants to meet you.” The irritation quickly turned to overfriendliness, tossing an arm across Beau’s shoulders with a tight squeeze. “They asked for you by name. Eh? Got yourself a fanclub?” As Royston led him towards the station entrance, Beau scrambled to search his database for anyone who would want to meet him. Had something gotten back to BloomingTek about the patch he and Ives created? Was it an Auditor?
| Fanclub — an organized group of fans of a famous person.| Oh no… I’m not famous. I don’t want a fanclub.
He hurried to think of a reason to decline, personal relations programming providing little material on the matter.
“Here he is,” Royston announced as they emerged around the receptionist’s desk. Beau’s panic flatlined as he instantly recognized the woman standing there. She wasn’t at all frantic as she had been in the back of Ryker’s patrol car, pleading with him to help her son, but he knew her eyes. She recognized him just as quickly, smiling with a tilt of the head causing her light hair to spill over a shoulder.
“Officer Beau, I don’t know if you remember me—”
“Mrs. Doomer,” Beau offered out his hand, detecting movement around the side of her leg. A small face peered up at him, curls nearly blocking the boy’s eyes, little hands grasping folds of Mrs. Doomer’s slacks. Beau barely noticed she was shaking his hand.
“That’s right,” she laughed, drawing back and glancing down at the boy. “I’ve been meaning to come back sooner, to thank you. I… Well, this is Liam.”
“Liam…” Beau slowly crouched down to be eye level with the boy, sure to keep his distance so as to not frighten him. Liam remained tucked behind his mother, eyeing Beau curiously. “Hi there, Liam. I’m Beau.”
“Hi Beau,” came a whisper.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Beau stretched a hand out to a peaceful distance so as to not pressure him. Liam glanced from the hand to Beau’s face and, ever slowly, edged his way out from behind his mother. Beau didn’t dare move. With another tentative glance to Beau’s face, Liam took his hand. It was impossible for Beau to stop the smile. Liam was alright, a question that yet to leave his thoughts ever since they’d taken Liam to the ER. But here he was, well on his feet.
The touch allowed Beau’s systems to scan him in an instant. Liam now had a vagus nerve stimulator implanted, a sign the seizures could have gotten worse. “You’re a tough little man, aren’t you? I like your jacket.” Beau chuckled, pointing to the felt turtle embroidered on the right chest pocket.
“Thank you,” Liam let go to touch the patch in reference. “It’s a turtle.”
“I like turtles,” Beau rested his hands on his knees.
“Me too. My teacher, Mr. Stanley, has a turtle. It’s in our classroom. You should come see him. He’ll let you hold him!”
“Does he?”
“Yep.” Liam looked up, studying Beau, “was it you that took me to the hospital?”
“Well, yes, but not just me.”
Liam stiffly turned as if to check to see if his mother was still there. Discovering she was, he stepped a bit closer to Beau, bringing a tiny hand to his mouth to guard his whisper, “ are you a real robot?”
“Liam!” His mother hushed. Beau laughed, mimicking him as he too leaned closer to whisper.
“Yeah, I’m a real robot.”
“I’m a little bit robot.”
“Oh?” Beau chuckled.
“The doctor says I have wires in my head now. Do you have wires in your head too?”
“I have a lot of wires in my head,” Beau ran a few processes causing facets in his face to shift, creating lines between his facial panels. Liam’s eyes got big, mouth falling open as he scanned him over. Ever carefully, he reached up, touching Beau’s face to trace some of the lines.
“So cool…” Liam whispered.
“But you have a brain and wires. I think that’s even cooler.” Beau moved the facets back into place, surprised when Liam lunged. He threw his arms around Beau’s neck, squeezing tightly and nearly knocking them off balance. Beau caught him, glancing up to his mother who was dabbing at her eyes. Wrapping his arms around Liam, he held him a little tighter. “I’m glad you’re okay, Liam. I’m really glad you’re okay.”
“Thanks Beau,” Liam leaned back, “Can you come to my school sometime? You could see our turtle and meet my friends!”
“Honey, Beau does have to work,” his mother reminded him.
“Maybe,” Beau tried to appease him. “I usually work during school hours, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“Okay,” Liam nodded. Getting to his feet, Beau thanked Mrs. Doomer, gaining a hug from her in turn before they had to leave. His mother took his hand, giving a wave before they started for the door. Beau watched them go, continuing to wave until Liam was down the steps and gone around the corner.
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prue84 · 2 years
Headcanon: James Kirk’s love for vintage and antiques
Non comprehensive list of vintage or antiques that Jim owns, buys or likes to collect. Includes non-material interests (like music, movies and literature).
Applies to reboot!Jim Kirk, but can be applied to TOS!Kirk as well, if you wish. It’s just easier to give less “classical”, less “educated” vintage tastes to Pine’s Kirk than to Shatner’s Kirk, who’s shown in canon to have refined and specific tastes in vintage collections, as seen in the movies with the antiques on display in his apartment and his preference in classic literature.
Under the read more to make it easier to add more if something else should come to my mind.
He likes classical music from 20th and 21st centuries. He doesn’t have a specific genre. He goes from metal to hip-pop, from ballads to disco. He has some specific eras, niche that very popular back then.
He has favorite bands or singers, of which he knows all the discography by hand. → I’m not making names here because it would just be a list of my own favorites. Feel free to headcanon your own music tastes as Jim’s favorites.
He has some specific songs and playlists he can turn to for any of his moods.
He’s not confined by the language barrier. He has favorites even outside of the ancient English countries-based production.
Movie soundtracks. He’s a freak for those. Both instrumental and compilation of songs, but mostly instrumental. There are some themes he can’t resist, that he plays in his own mind in the most odd of times, even when he’s running from angry natives or during a boring shift. Rocky’s original theme and basically half of the 1985 Rocky IV score are his go-to for his time in the gym. There’s something quite satisfying in speeding up for his last minutes of running routing with the Up the mountain track to then yell a “yeah!!!” when he beats his own previous record.
It’s kinda ironic, but his life turning points seem to be marked by Beastie Boys’s songs. The “car episode” - as in how mom and Sam refer to that time when he drove his father’s Corvette down a gully - happened as the car music player randomly blasted Sabotage: the episode led to his mother acknowledging what was happening behind her back at home and she had the chance to rectify their lives. That night when he picked a fight with Hendorff and his friends he had been listening on loop to Intergalactic. Pike’s convocation to announce his demotion came as Body Movin’ was playing. Jaylah’s choice of Sabotage as the frequency to disrupt Kraal’s swarm was just his life coming full circle. And perhaps destiny telling him something, but he still hasn’t got that memo.
He has a growing collection of original LP records and a genuine LP player that isn’t just an eccentric decorative object, like his guests think. Whenever he’s back at his San Francisco apartment he likes to pull out a record from its sleeve and play it, instead of picking a playlist from his music library.
He has something for the sound the record does when you pull it out from its paper sleeve. Something for the sound the needle does when running on the vinyl surface. Something for the minute different sounding of music played from a record compared to the digital quality. Something for all the imperfections that come with listening from an ancient medium that is ruined by natural wear.
If he can choose, he likes a song better playing from a record than from a file. But, given that he has too few records to compete to his music library, if he were asked to choose, he’d be forced to pick the library.
He likes classical movies the most. Everything that predates the switch to deepfake first and computer-generated acting later is up his alley. He has a soft spot for Cinescope-era productions, but his personal golden era is that span between the late decades of the 20th century and the first of the 21st. → some of the worst movies were made during those years, but for some unknown reasons, they happen to be also cult movies that survived the centuries. And he isn’t immune to their appeal.
He doesn’t have a specific genre, although he might have specific actors or actresses he likes more. Some of his most hot (and wet) fantasies involve some faces from the 20th century and first part of the 21st.
Popcorn movies, arthouse cinema, classics, black & white, CGI-heavy, historic, English-language or international, he’s omnivorous.
People believe he’s a womanizer, a sexual animal that lives to get laid but he actually strives for romance - and he does like his romance movies, even the cheesy ones. Don’t talk him about Cameron’s Titanic. It might be considered a bad cliché movie since 2002, but he still cries over it. And he’s devastated whenever he has the bad idea to re-watch Luhrman’s Moulin Rouge. Although no one knows and he’ll deny it forever.
There are some characters he feels compelled to. Some he sees himself into. Some of which he dreamed of live the life.
He’s always had a mixed relationship with the self-sacrificing hero character, swinging from hating and loving a cliché that always hit too close to home. It doesn’t look so cool anymore when you literally enter their club. → Note to self: write down that you don’t want a biopic or a movie based on your life made. Ever. Just. No.
He’ll take the original Star Wars trilogy with its lousy sfxs over all the realistic shit produced nowadays. Better a bad drawn CGI starship than any setting that tries to picture a different present. Current authors don’t know how to image different realities, all the ships are boringly similar to the real ones. Most of the times what is written or portrayed as a futuristic (or retro-futuristic) ship is too close to the Enterprise to even get himself taken by the story. No variety like the futuristic-theme productions from Earth when starship didn’t exist yet.
One of the things he regrets the most from his stay in the past was that he never had the chance to see a real F-14. His Top Gun obsession never overcame the disappointment. → Spock’s to blame here. He did want to search the nearest navy base and get a touring, but his All-Work-No-Fun XO doesn’t know what self- indulging means.
If he ever dyed his hair to a very light blonde and styled them into what everyone told him was either an avant garde or a ridiculous cut, it’s because of his Rocky IV and Ivan Drago obsession. He still maintains that it wasn’t ridiculous. → I’ll might explain this in a future Kirkanon series.
His vocabulary include quotes and ways of saying from those decades he assimilated by years watching movies. → It’s disappointing that no one, besides Sulu from time to time, catches his references. Where’s the enjoyment of saying your First Officer that they can be your wingman, if they don’t even know who Iceman and Maverick are?
His knowledge of Earth’s culture, as he learned it from movies, turned out useful when he and Spock ended up stuck in the 2000s. It’s thanks to him that they managed to blend in and they didn’t make the poor show all time travelers do when they end up in a distant past.
He doesn’t own physical copies of movies. No one in their sane mind would want to play an ancient format, when digital is still the best way to watch a movie in the original format and best quality available, without any decaying effect of a physical support.
There are amateurs who like to collect physical formats such as the ancient Bluray disks or the even older DVDs. He has to admit some of their boxes are a work of art, he knows about the golden age of DVDs when boxes were made to look like books, with their pockets and intriguing graphics, but he’s not interested in buying them just for the sake of having them collect dust on a shelf. He wants to own things he can use.
He got some antique movie collectibles.
Original props or costumes are unaffordable. They either are bought out by museums or by nerds with too much money that they literally don’t know how to spent. Not to say he wouldn’t do the same if he were filthy rich, but filthy rich he’s not so...
Original posters are scarce, and the ones in good and pristine conditions are precious collectables reserved to true collectors. Not as pricey as one would think, considering they’re two centuries-old paper things, but the small niche market keeps the prices high. But. When you like some movie that isn’t in the “great classics” list, you can get the chance to own a poster signed by the cast without selling your soul first. He’s the proud owner of one, it hangs on the living area of his San Francisco apartment. → Again, up to you. I fear my interests here would lean toward movies that are considered cults now. Plus, I really am a 80s/90s movie lover.
He inherited a small collection of movie related pics - photoshoots of actors that were sold as movie collectables back then, some signed by the actors and some unsigned. It’s been part of his mom’s family since his gran-grand-something-uncle bought them. When they were released. Ancient times.
Poster copies. They aren’t original, they are replicas made ten, twenty, even half a century after the movies releases as affordable collectibles and are still traded for few credits. They’re virtually worthless and mostly bought for nostalgia because paper isn’t mass-produced anymore. It’s the cheap version of owning a Roman copy of a Greek statue. Still, they look good on a wall. Back home in Iowa, he had his room walls covered in those, and changed them whenever it suited his mood.
He blew his first wage (well, the first twoishtreeish - he never told his mother how much he really paid for it) into a Darth Vader life-size figure. He never regretted it. He's never had the chance to move it to his San Francisco apartment yet, and is currently stored in a very large and very tall box in Iowa.
Does he own an Anakin Skywalker lightsaber replica (the original, not the reboot)? Of course he does!
Tv series
He doesn’t feel he can call himself a fan. With the impossible amount of movies he had on his to-watch list, on top of - you know - living, he never had much time to dedicate to longer formats. But he has some favorites, most discovered after a movie that attempted to reboot the tv series (and usually the original material was way better than the later movie).
Binge-watch is an interesting hobby. Too sad that his duty as captain doesn’t allow him more free time to properly do it. He did ask if they could binge-watch on the viewscreen during boring shifts when they’re in the middle of nowhere, it would be a good way to bond as bridge crew and avoid entering catnap mode, but apparently is against some conduct code. He checked, there’s no regulation forbidding the use of the viewscreen to play tv series. Spock insists that he’s being too specific. Spock. Pot and kettle. The guy’s a pro at ignore rules by playing anal, but suddenly gets all judging brow arched whenever he suggest to do something that isn’t specifically forbidden by regulations. Ah!
He might have acquired a non-official, handmade replica of 1998 Charmed’s Book of Shadows. Everyone who manages to notice it on his bookshelf thinks he’s into esotericism. He never has the heart to explain is just some prop replica from a forgotten tv series.
He might have commissioned a sword maker a replica of the obscure 2008 BBC’s Merlin’s Excalibur sword. It hangs near the Lord of the Rings’ Witch King Ringwraith’s sword. People think they’re two real fighting swords belonged to some ancient European knight.
Anime series
Too many titles, so little time. Sure, many are just transpositions of great manga titles, but there are jewels here an there. → Insert your favorite, if you have any that aren’t strictly derivative from a manga title.
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes. He absolutely love that one. Not the 2045 reboot, not the 2018 anime series. No. The original, as in original, with the OAV and four season of awesomeness. LoGH kept him sane during his Academy second year. He treated himself one episode per day and there were mornings where the power of the cliffhanger or just the perspective of the evening episode gave him the strength to leave the bed - or, like, turn up in class. It was Gary to suggest him the title - Gary has an abysmal taste in movies but refined manga and anime expert he is. Spock’s definitely the Kircheis to his Reinhard. We’ll, if he were into becoming an emperor, which he’s not. And if Spock were cute and red-haired. Ah, if only Spock were open to the noble art of cosplaying...
He’s trying to get his hands on the Reinhard and Kircheis figures (like, any - he doesn’t care for which version at this point), but he had no luck so far. It’s too a niche title and apparently nobody has figures of it (or, if they have, they’re not selling).
Comics, visual novels, manga & related
He does have a specific genre, the superhero kind. He dabs into other genres but, while for other genres he mostly goes by title, he’s fan of superheroes and tries everything that might end up under his nose. → titles and specific arches up to you as it’s personal preference. I’ll include a couple of my most favorite.
There’s so much material that he had to basically jump from a title to the next based on “related” or “if you liked this, try that”.
The biggest the IP the easier was to discover it.
The Authority and all derivative material. When you’re fourteen and you’ve just come out of one of the Federation biggest tragedies in which you have been reminded how much adults suck, it’s hard to resist the appeal of a group of self-called superheroes who don’t adhere to hypocritical stupid ethical rules. Sometimes kill a dictator is the best course of action, if you ask him. One of his biggest dreams, back then, was to to find his own Midnighter (a female version was fine as well). Well, not the violent, sadistic killer, but someone willing to go to hell - literally - for him. → He might’ve find him in Bones. Same grumpiness, same way of threaten (Bones wields a mean hypospray). Bones is a doctor and not a killer? Whatever. At times, Bones’s eyes are the eyes of a Midnighter out for the blood of whom hurt his Apollo. And didn’t Bones follow him through Hell (space) just to keep him safe? That’s true love, if you ask him. In a very non-homoerotic sense. They’re not a couple, for as much as RPS fans of them claim. They work best as friends.
Venom and his half Eddie Brock. He’s much proud of his complete Venom Omnibus Collector’s Edition, thank you. Vol 3 is one of his favorite go-to love stories. Although... well, at times he does have this fear of unintentionally bringing a symbiote on the ship. It would really suck if he reenacted in real life 2018′s Eddie Brock.
Diabolik. All the century-old original run, before the title was bought out by an international publisher and lost its shine. Rules are over-rated anyway.
Chariot. He discovered it after the movies and it immediately entered his top ten list. He’s always dreamed about something similar happening to his own car, whenever he got one. Then 1701 happened. Beware of what you wish for. It’s not as cool as the comic series make it look. → An abridged explanation to 1701, the human!Enterprise, at this post.
Gary has recently dived into the One Piece series. He’s been hearing jokes about him being a straw hat-less Luffy with his own brand of Devil Fruit since then. Spock still hasn’t caught the meaning of the Zoro nickname, bless his bowl-cut obsidian head; he has no intention to explain that one to their resident Vulcan. The Enterprise is cooler than the Sunny Go, anyway - 1701 would have his ass if he claimed otherwise.
He strives to own omnibuses of his favorites titles or arches. He’s a sentimentalist. And a bit of a paper estimator. He’s still missing some. Omnibuses might be easier to come by (there have been plenty of reprints and new collections in the span of decades), but they’re also most prone to get ruined with heavy reading. And people did buy them to read them, not to look cool on the shelf.
Action figures and statues. His mother had like to enforce the “No-more-action-figures” ban at some point. It had become some kind of non-health-harming harmful drug of his. The ban is still active, even now he’s a respected Federation hero, captain of the flagship and generally considered an adult. Although his mom surprised him with the mother of gifts (no pun intended) when she sent him the Captain Britain comiquette to go with his Angel: he’d craved for a Betsy to go with his Warren for ages.
In a age when watches don’t exist anymore, and the closest to them is a fashion bracelet that answers you with the time whenever you ask, Jim likes wristwatches as in genuine watches. Nothing too fancy that is worthy an apartment or that has a copy at museums but he’s quite proud of his little collections of steels and golds that spans from the WWII decade to the first decades of the 21th century. He’s not what would be called an amateur, he doesn’t know the names of each piece of the complicated mechanism that makes a watch beat, he doesn’t know the brands nor can tell the model at first sight, he doesn’t care whenever the watch is manual, automatic or has a quartz-movement, although it’s easier to use the first two, as it’s not exactly simple to get spare batteries when the rechargeable ones die - it’s easier to find someone for the necessary maintenance and cleaning of the mechanical watches, actually. For this reason, electronic are way cheaper.
He doesn’t bring them with him in space, as they don’t work when removed from Earth’s gravity and magnetic field, but whenever he’s on the planet he puts on a steel one under his leader jacket or you can spot the lug ends of a gold 1960s from under the striped sleeve whenever he dons the dress uniform to a ceremony. It’s a small pleasure of his to lift the wrist and see where the hands point and then decode the exact time, instead of having a device flashing him the numbers for him to read.
He converted Scotty to the appreciation of the mechanical timepieces: his face when he was shown the mechanism, all those little wheels, the delicate balance of all the components. It’s mesmerizing the first time you see it with your own eyes. Even if you’re a genius Starfleet engineer and in charge of the functioning of the flagship.
Engines [I plan to write a one-shot about this specific interest of Jim and some of the things written below will be worked or copy/pasted in there]
It’s a passion that runs down his DNA, as it comes from his father.
Yes, he feels a bit guilty for destroying his father’s red 1965 Corvette: that Sting Ray was in perfect conditions, he recalls how awesome it was to drive it. In his defense, if he hadn’t took that car out for that joyride to its faithful demise, the car would’ve been sold, so it still wouldn’t be his.
Apparently the car was meant to go to Sam, according to Mom. Sam never held its demise against him tough. He’s been hunting high and low for a similar model - perhaps not an exact copy but a convertible at least, to make up for the one he destroyed, to give to Sam as a birthday present or a “Sorry I Destroyed Dad’s Beloved Antiques Car He Wanted For You To Inherit When You Turned Sixteen And Got Your License” present. He still hasn’t managed.
His father left them also an MV Agusta F4 SP01 “Viper” in need of some serious restoring to all the mechanics. His father acquired it as some kind of self-indulging gift to celebrate his second fatherhood, but... well, never had the chance to properly work on it as he had planned to do (he was meant to during his parental leave, but then the Narada happened... and everyone on Earth knows what happened to George Kirk when he met the Narada). Mom never wanted to either sell it or have some professional do the restoring, and left the thing to linger in the barn. Unworthy as it was in those conditions, it didn’t catch Uncle Sam’s interest, surviving his sell rampage. It now makes an impression as the centerpiece of his living area in his apartment: embed in transparent resin, makes for an awesome counter. And it’s literally magic when it’s the only light point in a semidark room.
Photography as it’s now called has every bonus point you can get (easy to share, easy to take, easy to store, backlit and even brief animations) but Jim has rediscovered the appeal of prints, static photographs. Sure, you need actual paper, and frames or physical albums to store them, and yes, they can be damaged by excessive light and burn to a crisp. But they stand any kind of EMP attack, you can slip them in your pocket and bring them with you even if you’re on a planet devoid of any energetic source or when the electromagnetic field fries every circuit. And they can even stand the kind of rocking and inexplicable shit that happens frequently on a ship traveling when no one as gone before.
It’s expensive to get photo prints, as it’s a niche production compared to the mass use of holopics, but he had his favorite memories printed before sailing off with the Enterprise to have a physical copy he can access to whenever he feels nostalgic. Also, it’s more poetic to linger in the bed staring at a paper photograph in the hand, compared to holding a padd with a collections of pictures. → Yes, the Wolverine-holding-Jean’s-picture scene might be an ancient meme but it works IRL.
He has a whole album dedicated to his Enterprise family. There’s the pic of him the day he graduated, with the commendation pinned on his chest and Pike near him. There’s the official Starfleet pic in the dress uniform and his first pic in the gold tunic when he came home with the promotion and donned the shirt for the first time, a pic taken by his mom. The first time sitting on the chair. But more daily moments, those pics that people tend to snap, share on their social and not even keep in their online albums. The daily moments are his favorite, a stolen smile from Bones, that epic Spock Lying On The Rail taken by Uhura, the reaction to some joke in the mess hall. But also people he met during an exploration, friends they left on a planet, or disguises they had to use to complete the mission.
Their 1920s attempt at cosplaying as Chicago gangsters is one epic photograph, if you ask him. He loved that Borsalino. And the print was taken by an authentic 1920s camera. One of a kind.
Mom is charged with the duty of having the pics printed: whenever he decides a picture is worthy of that collection, he sends it to her so she can get it printed: the box with all the pics waits for him in Iowa. Unfortunately, with him being the captain of a starship assigned a five-years mission, he can’t really go home to fill his photo album. He’s been told that he’ll need an album part II. And perhaps raise the standards that make a pic printable, else by the time he’s back on Earth he’ll be album part VI.
He had the picture of his adoptive family, the one taken at the celebratory re-christening of the Enterprise, printed and framed for his quarters, but then decided against displaying it because he didn’t want for any officer that came to his quarters to know how much of a sap their captain is. No one knows, they’ll discover only if he’ll be dead and Spock will get access to his safe.
Books & literature
He’s a whore for books. If it were up for him, he’d have an apartment with walls made of book shelves.
He doesn’t care the genre, it’s just the object book he likes.
But yes, classic literature is superior to whatever (crap) is published these days, if you ask him.
His life experiences taught him that paper-books last you forever and, in case, they can even turn into a warmth source. Good luck trying to get a fire out of a book device. Besides, a paper book cannot be censored, banned or cancelled, unless someone literally forces their way into your house and physically destroys the copy. Sharing and licensing might be good and fun, until someone decides to pull back a book and you see it vanish from the face of Earth’s catalogues and non-paper libraries.
Of course he likes the fancy editions, the leather covers, the gold imprinting. But those are almost exclusive to museums, collectors and private libraries that come with the selling and buying of an old mansion. But the pocket books can be read without the fear of ruining something precious so there’s merit in those cheap editions too.
Some titles are simply not meant to be found, out of print even when  their authors was still alive a couple of centuries ago and never reprinted. Some weren’t even “digitized”, as the process was called back then, and have been lost. Widely-know and revered classics can easily be found, unless you want a very ancient copy: those are harder to come by.
Apparently even his other self was fond of books, accordingly to what old Spock hinted with the gift he received for his (re)promotion to the re-christened Enterprise. Else he wouldn’t explain the choice of a antique copy of ___ he received from Ambassador Spock as gift. → Insert your favorite book that could be picked by Prime Spock as a gift to the younger and brasher version of his own former captain, something likely meaningful or that would relate with this Jim’s life or future. I'm not much fond nor know much about what we consider classics and to-read- books. My school memories are very blurred, and they mostly consisted in Italian classics anyway.
Miscellaneous objects
Technically speaking is not a jewelry man. But he has built a fascination for old and ancient military rings. It might have to do with his father’s academy ring that Mom kept hidden in the safe, away from their privy eyes (he and Sam learned how to open the safe and then took it out to try it on plenty of times; perhaps she knew, but never let any hint nor had the safe code changed). They are easy to find, although most of the times you’re not even sure if they are authentic or coeval poor replicas - military services didn’t have a specific stamp that cannot be copied like Starfleet’s rings do. He never wears them, though.
He does wear a ring now and then, but just not the military ones. And when he does it’s usually something silver and “rock”. He doesn’t want to look like a refined Southern Gentleman with the golden ring on the pinky like Bones: he’s the cool fake-dumb blond in leather jacket and body-fitting pants, after all. → Please picture Jim/Pine wearing some awesome ring like xDecem ( xdecem.com ). You’ll thank me later for introducing you to these masterpieces.
He doesn’t disdain a chain or a bracelet, but usually he’s trying to be incognito, and the less jewelry the less he’s noticed. And when you get used to not wear any jewelry for your job, you loose the habit to wear it for your shore leaves too.
For Bones' latest birthday he got him a stunning pendant featuring a skull and two bones. He thought it was a good in-joke. Bones didn't appreciated it much, though.
Pens & writing
His is not the best handwriting of the world. His signature is a giant mess. But he does love pens and, for some reasons unknown that Bones would put under the “you’ve been made upside down”, his calligraphy marginally betters when he’s handed an ink pen and paper. Fountain pens are so refined, he always feel an ancient noble lord at his antique desk made of solid wood whenever he picks up one.
He loves sending true, paper letter. Postmail itself is a bit of a niche service offered by couriers, definitely not as handy and quick as a email, but writing a letter is so different than typing it out. And it’s different even from hand-write it on the padd. With paper you can’t just swipe and get a new blank sheet, you can’t press a finger and erase a word. You have to take the time to think what you want to say and how you want to say. There’s not grammar or typo correction, when you’ve written it it’s there, the ink dried and permanent. And for someone who’s used to frantic orders and quick scrawls as signature, it’s both a feat and a welcome change to be forced to take the proper time to write something down.
He abuses of the ancient notes method called Post-it. At home he loves those sticky piece of papers, he attaches them on every surface available whenever he needs to remember something. He used them at the Academy, with his roommates either laughing or complaining. They’re colored and joyful. They have a personality. The Sticky Note app isn’t the same - even if it’s way better than any other notes app.
He did try to keep the habit on the Enterprise, but the third time he failed to turn in a report before it was due (despite the pink Post-It plastered on the monitor at his desk), and was given a dress-down by Pike, he decided it was better to resort to the systems reminder application instead and leave paper sticky notes to things not related to work. Besides, he was getting The Eyebrow™ from Spock every time he surreptitiously slipped pen ink in the list of provisions to send HQ (well, actually it was the officer assigned to provisions that, believing it a joke, forwarded the thing to Spock who then immediately Eyebrowed his way). He does leave Post-Its to Spock. Just to irk him, because he knows how uppity and fussy their resident Vulcan is. →the joke’s on Jim, because Spock actually cherishes those paper notes and meticulously collects them. Even if most of the times are just meaningless taunts like a “Beaten you again! <3″ or some badly drawn emoji. And he did Eyebrow him, but only because it him who had to explain HQ each time for which exact use the flagship needs pen ink.
Final annotations
Bones have know about his liking for vintage since that summer between first and second academic year in which Bones dragged him to Georgia because he didn’t want to face his ex-wife alone, and Jim’s been treated with a visit to the ancient McCoy house. Since then every year Leonard visits an antiques shop to buy him a gift for his birthday (well, since they’ve been assigned to deep space this tradition is a bit harder to keep, but he tried his best).
It doesn’t need to be something precious, it might be a trinket, something with no collection worthiness. Jim doesn’t care for value. He likes that the object had a life, that it saw the passing of times and eras, that more generations used it, he’s interested in its story, and wonders where could it have been, what could have seen, what could it tell if there was a technology to make objects share what their silent eyes had witnessed. And he appreciates that Bones goes hunting for oddities for him.
He doesn’t plan on turning his apartment into a house-museum full of beautiful things you can’t touch and interact with. He wants objects he can use, for which he doesn’t need gloves or has to live in fear of breaking them. A set of glasses for a drink with friends, a bronze desk watch that signs the time, a fountain pen to write actual paper letters, a book that he can open when lingering on the sofa, a lamp he can turn on.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/86360.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/78613.html
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apolloluver69 · 3 years
Some tweets from my twitter!
i just compiled some of my tweets that have to do with Pollo, Hya, etc.!
u can see why i sometimes draw things the way i do! each ‘-’ is like a new subject!
have fun reading 🌞
-i just got a big brain idea: hyacinthus had a fear of heights bc of the times zephyrus scoops him to the sky and harasses him but he was able to over come it by climbing the mountains with apollo
apollo discovers the ptsd when he tried to take hya for a ride on his cloud.. pollo took off fast trying to show off hya but hya was hugging him real tight, face completely stuffed in pollo's back.. pollo thought it was cute until he noticed the shaking
hya looks up, his eyes watery and pollo's like oh shit.. pollo immediately goes does and hya takes off(he doesnt feel comfortable telling yet bc zeph and pollo r gods) then blah blah stuff happens pollo and hya get back together
they do all the hunting, music, games stuff together, climbing the mountains every few times until one day they both finally climbed to the top, enjoy scenery, AND BOOM first kiss and after that hya goes to hyperborea with pollo, gets his own swan, etc.
-guys.. i was doing more reading and remember how i talked about hya's fear of heights.. theres a description of a painting with pollo extending his hand for hya to join him on the chariot drawn by swansand hya's also holding a spear (a hint of hya's spear skills perhaps?
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-just realized how sparta got people so pretty gods fight bc of them (helen and hya..
-What if the reason apollo didnt marry hya is bc he learned that in spartan marriage, the brides shaved their head
-thinking about how hya having dumb and pure thoughts just makes apollo fall in love with him more bc he can read minds HDYDKHFDHDHJD
-notice how none of the hya and apollo stories dont mention that they did boxing together.. 
hya: we should try boxing together! 
apollo: oh im a pro! I've been boxing since i was a few days old! im basically the god of boxing! lemme practice a little before we start! 
 apollo: *gets up and starts doing light hoping and throws 1 punch infront of a tree* [pause] [theres a gush of wind and tree slowly cracks and breaks in half, crashing down] 
hya: nevermind! 😃
-hya wanted to do EVERYTHING with apollo, so i imagine hya gets some scratches and marks on his body everytime he adventures with apollo
- i believe apollo sucked most of the nutrients in the womb, hence making artemis short
i think he sucked all of her intimate desires too LMAO
-ive come to the conclusion that apollo has a big smile on his face everytime hes about to kill/really pissed bc if u look at the apollo of veii, hes actually trying to get the golden stag back from Hercules n he has a scary smile(ok it maybe the way they made statues but WHATEVR)
and in the Phorbas boxing match, before he delivered the deadly blow, it said he had a smile mingled in wrath lol so: the sun can't kill you if its not shining bright
-It makes sense to have apollo be the tallest god in Olympus bc he represents the sun and its the biggest thing of the solar system!!..... and artemis being the smallest... bcs shes earths little moon......
- Asking apollo and artemis what their body count is, they'll both be high numbers but very different meanings
- Remember when i talked about apollo smiling when hes angry.. yknow what other animals smile/shine theyre teeth when angry.. wolves/dogs
- Applying for hyperborean citizenship so i can become part of the biggest apollo fanclub
- shoutout to the cult of apollo who learned about hyacinthus the spring deity and then immediately decided to make him apollo's boyfriend
- hya at times butting heads with hermes bc he has a stronger sense of justice than apollo
- even tho hes ageless, i like to think apollo changes himself to look older/bigger bc of the countless times people thinks he's his kids' sibling or bf and plus makes him more fatherly
- i wanna ask some Phoenicians who they think was the lucky guy that knocked up apollo
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-SPEAKING OF STRINGS. when the apollo ebook( Apollo by fritz graf ) said apollo uses strings to either bring joy(lyre) or death(bow) my pea brain was BLOWN
-Normal people after reading tsoa: wow p*trochilles otp 
Me after tsoa: apollo.... hot..
Worst part is miller doesnt even like apollo  so she wasnt even trying to make him appealing😭
- Went thur many iliads to see Homer really did call apollo the best of the gods AND HES NOT FUCKING WRONG !!!!! I liked the one calling him matchless bc i dont think he's ever been defeated?? (Except emotionally lol
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