#ive been converted through the process
linnaealyn · 1 year
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sillies are so much fun to draw okay, enough of that for now, back to zeboim with me
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notsogoodphotographer · 5 months
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Hi i want to talk about my all time favorite camera 📸
pls ignore all my grammar mistakes, i’m not professional reviewer 😂 i just wanna talk about this camera.
This is the Sony RX1Rii, this is the third and “most recent” version of this camera. i put “most recent” in quotes because this camera is almost 10 years old. don’t like the old age fool you because this camera can keep up with the newest cameras in its niche.
This little point and shoot sports a 42mp full frame sensor. YES, F U L L F R A M E!! This tiny camera is actually smaller than all the x100 series (minus the lens on it). The camera has an incredibly sharp Zeiss Sonnar 35mm f2 glued to. This camera has 399 af points, with eye AF. The camera is incredibly fast and accurate!! the camera is pretty much a tiny packaged Sony A7Rii!
One of my favorite features of this camera is the pop-up EVF! This is a feature that was added to only this version of the camera and it’s a feature that i wish sony continued to incorporate into some of their other smaller cameras like the A7c or a6k series!
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The camera does shoot video up to 1080 120fps, but does not have picture profiles such has S-log or HLG. This was a camera made strictly for photos, which is probably for the best because the battery life on this camera is terrible, any kind of prolong video shooting would absolutely burn through these batteries in minutes.
That brings me to my next point, my cons. There’s not many but i figured i’d point them out anyways for those who are interested in this camera. these aren’t make it or break it cons, these are just issues that hinder it from being the greatest camera ever released (IMO)
1) battery life, i believe it’s rated for like 220 shots. Ive definitely gotten it to last twice than that. That tiny body processing all that data on some of the tiniest batteries makes sense why it’s so bad. Luckily batteries are cheap and like i said they’re tiny, so they’re pretty easy to carry around!
2) no picture profiles in video. i know i touched on it briefly up above and this camera is mainly a photo camera AAAAAND hybrid cameras were just beginning to grow in popularity around the time this camera came out but it would’ve been amazing to have s-log in this camera for little snippets here and there. i know at the time IG and other photo sharing apps were mainly photo sharing apps, and a camera that was built strictly for photo has no business having usable picture profiles in video.
3) no crop mode in RAW. this one is weird to me because i know the A7Rii has an APS-C mode where you can shoot RAW photos with an inbody crop and there’s times that i’d love to shoot something at 50mm (35mm + sony’s 1.5x aps-c crop). there is a digital zoom option but that’s for jpg only.
4) PRICE!!!! why the fuck is this camera still being sold for $3200??!! this is a 10 year old camera with outdated tech. i bought mine used for $1900 (which is about the price of the fuji x100V at the time of purchase) and i still think that’s a little too much.
that’s really about it aside from minor complaints of not having tele/ wide converters. i’m also sure all of those cons stem from the small battery. I’d love to see all of these corrected in a Mk3 one day, but as of a couple weeks ago sony just discontinued the Rx1rii’s production. I’m being a little hopeful but maybe that means we’re getting a successor, i doubt it but a boy can dream.
I don’t really do reviews or anything but this camera has had my heart for the past 9 months so i had to show it off/ talk about it. this to me in the perfect everyday camera. it never leaves my side and comes with me to any and every trip! Im always blown away by the photos i create with this little camera and i know whenever a mk3 comes out im going to hop on the chance to buy on immediately!
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skunkes · 3 months
if i may ask, how do you go about coloring your lines both in sketches and colored art? + what brushes do you use to line? im sure youve probably been asked this before but i cant find anything that isnt a few years old ^^ if you have then my apologies!
Post on brush here, is tagged with #brushes which will lead you to my brushes tag where ive discussed many over the years, and here's a post on coloring which is tagged with #process, a tag filled with posts that might answer more of ur questions ^_^ if u meant anything else after perusing those id be happy to answer
I'll see about posting up to date ones soon but I pretty much use the same ones all the time LOL i just rotate em if they dont get phased out completely
Edit: apparently following the tags from these posts will take u to the general tumblr tag for brushes and process -_- either way these 2 tags exist on my blog. Find your way to them through the TAG and not the SEARCH and all my posts are there (not said in an mean way, id even link these tags myself but tumblr mobile always converts the /tagged/brushes into the Search for the term brushes and not the Tag fsr. So u gotta get there urself unfortunately...)
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aibouart · 3 months
can. can i request a red infodump perhaps? :3c ive seen them around a bit before but i have uh no idea what their lore/story is at all and im v curious!!!
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i'm gonna gon on abt his species first cuz ........
i half jokingly refer to red as a "walking content warning" cuz he has a SUPER BAD home life. i made him to cope over 10 years ago, now, so he has a looong history of being used to get through my childhood and as such, his backstory is insane.
all you'd need to really know abt his backstory is like...
His father is a super shit person, his mother is basically missing but she was also not good in her own weird way, he has a sister he rarely speaks to because he's stuck at home and doesn't know how to leave, and he has a brother (red is the youngest) who is stuck in a baby's body and is usually being cared for by his sister (lore below explains why he's like that).
red lives primarily alone as his father is usually not home anymore, and he hates being a vampire or hurting people, and gets suuuper awkward around any pop culture vampire talk which is think is funny.
so red's vampiric species is very simple compared to human made vampiric lore and a lot of things are considered misconceptions, or things that could be attributed to *other* vampiric species that were blanketly attached to the concept of "vampire" by humans who are largely uneducated on them (and tbf most vampiric species aren't super knowledgeable abt each other either in my verse).
their primary biological traits aaare:
they are cold like normal vampire lore, and have fangs (retractable but doesn't need to be extended usually), and will often have very light coloured eyes. they can easily die due to illnesses that normally don't kill humans because of their lower body temp, to blood loss, and can only really be called immortal due to not dying of old age.
they also have a "starvation mode" where if they've been without food for too long, will become animalistic in nature and hunt humans. Red's hair turns near-black and his eyes become red when he is in this mode. they gain incredible strength and even heat vision to hunt down humans so they don't perish. after eating a meal (usually they do it with little care for the person's well-being while like this) they will revert back to their normal selves and have little memory of what happened during this state. although the state itself can store basic memories to help hunt later (such as if certain places are dangerous last time they went there, or if they got attacked for one reason or another). this separation of memories isn't meant to be an allegory for systems btw so i hope no one is thinking that i'm doing that!! ;__;;b!
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these vampires start off looking and eating like normal humans, but eventually something within them hits a timer and they turn vampiric naturally (they can convert humans if humans drink their blood though). the process can be seen coming as their appetite lowers and they become a bit sluggish and lower body temp before the process kicks in full swing and they painfully turn to a vampire. after that, their body stops aging.
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this specific species of vampires are meant to co-exist with humans and live along side them. humans provide a source of food, and the vampires can help provide protection and even mingle well socially. the vampire species can breed with humans and human-vampire babies on average will usually turn vampiric later in adulthood, but vampire-vampire children (especially vampires with little human lineage) tend to turn too quickly.
his vampiric species was doing well within small human communities and living how they're supposed to, before humans from far away locations came, saw the vampires and how they fed off of humans, and drove them away. plenty of vampires lost their lives to this invasion, and the other humans were too easily switched over to an aggressive mob mentality towards them, so they were forced to live isolated and prey on humans in the dark. it's def possible not all of them turned against vampires, but it was too dangerous for them to stay.
Red was born around the time this happened (he's abt 2000 yo usually)........
during the time humans and vampires slowly started to be reintroduced to each other, vampiric based pop culture started to become popular in human societies so the vampires weren't too keen on the whole, slay vampires thing media was doing a lot of. because of the focus on vampires as a pop culture thing, humans started applying a lot of concepts to them on a broad scale (unable to be in the sun, garlic allergy, etc). red typically only went into human cities or villages out of curiosity, but was terrified of saying anything to them in case he was found out (esp seeing as the whole.. kill vampire thing was a popular thing in media.......)
a lot of these ideas were applied due to sightings or findings of vampiric persons by humans, but were individualistic traits that were then applied to all vampires (my fav is like, the garlic thing straight up just being one guy's allergy). (the bat turning thing is not possible for red's species of vampires, but it is possible for a fey vampire combo species that dwell in the forest. they are shapeshifters that shift between an animal/furry form and a human form).
red's species, originally being a pretty small group in a small area, has a long history of vampires taking leadership positions and even being strict about their culture and stances on interaction between them and humans (especially after the drive to exterminate them, they developed a lot of strict rules to protect their kind and youth). red's father is part of these leaders, and red was supposed to be the heir as he's the only one who turned late enough to be an actual adult, but because of his pacifist nature and generally meek demeanour he was already on his father's bad side growing up.
the day of his turning was to be held with the other leader dudes, but when provided a person to have as his first meal, he refused to hurt them and was quickly labelled a disgrace and no longer allowed to be the heir.
red's father, and plenty of the other old guys appointed leader of the species, typically regard humans as nothing more than food things and to not be considered with compassion and especially not to be mingled with. red has made a number of human friends over the centuries but learned pretty fast to make sure his dad never. ever. finds out he has them.
despite the seemingly strict ruling on their vampiric society, a lot of young vampires (and especially those from turned humans) have a large disconnect from them and usually just know they exist and have these rules, but it's not like they can do anything about their spread out community doing what they want.
my favourite part of the modern age for them is that they have a vampiric social media and the only way to be able to sign up is to be vetted by a confirmed vampire of their species. they have their own memes and whatnot, and my fav one is "the vlad". the lovingly chosen name for the human stereotype of a vampire. a lot of them use it mockingly, but there's a tonne of them who also genuinely love the vlad and make groups for being fans of it. count chocula gets posted every halloween, ofc.
red isn't super active on vampiric facebook but he is signed up. he's not good at the whole technology thing in general, but he is aware of the vlad and will often mutter "a vlad..." when he sees one, mystified.
one time a guy who was signed up was found out not to be an actual vampire and it sent the community into a frenzy cuz how tf did they get on the site when it's so strict. it instantly became a classic meme for them, the one time a vampire kinnie joined somehow (obviously im not mocking kins, i am also a kinnie). they only found out cuz the guy actually confessed and was quickly banned. no one knows who vetted them, either.
i think im done w this dump for noooow even tho im sure it's not everything just cuz my net went down like 3 times while typing this GOD
if u wanna know more abt red himself tho i could rant abt his friends and their polycule tho hee hee hoo hoo
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mackmp3 · 9 months
mack!!! ik its been a while since you posted your photography portfolio but recently ive found myself going back to it and taking some inspiration from it. i was curious what kind of techniques you used and what processes you kinda went through while making some of the pieces?
OMG REALLY?????? not just being modest but i genuinely think some of it is pretty mediocre, so i'm happy you like it! idk which ones you mean in paticular but some of the more *experimental* ones -
these ones (ignore the bad image quality lol)
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are photograms!! my school has a darkroom which is pretty cool and was wonderful to be able to use!! the main objects in these are actually locks of my hair (i kept if after i got it cut), and after i exposed that onto the paper, instead of just submerging it into the developer i painted it in with a big brush to get the sort of splashed effects (photograms are kind of a thing you need a darkroom for, but you can get paper you can expose with just the sun.)
the bottom left ones are a picture of a picture frame printed out onto transparent plastic, top left are just developer onto the paper with no objects.
i scanned them all and put them into photoshop & upped the contrast, flipped the colours of one furthest - the pinkish bits i did in photoshop, they're kind of pixel-ey which i thought was cool
the one with the key and the ribbon - the ribbon was another photo which i photoshopped around badly on purpose so it was super grainy with lots of leftover pixels around the edge, which i then overlaid on the scan of the photogram with the key (below right is close up of the computery texture i managed to get while fiddling around with curves (idk what exactly curves is but it was like... adjusting contrast & colours at the same time)
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these ones (again sorry blurry picture) are a light shining through cd cases from the back, which i then edited to make look grainier and found-film-ier
most of the other photos are just standard pictures i think - the kind of blurry ones of the hair in the middle of panel two were converted to black and white but with the colour levels in the original image changed?? which made them look cooler but i don't really know how to explain it lol. they were done with a macro lens i think.
also here are slightly better quality pictures of the whole thing lol my original post was pretty los res
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anaquariusfox · 2 years
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No shade towards this user! But I would actually love to address this statement or thought process.
(And its actually £37 for you!)
But nonetheless, there are many things to consider when you’re criticizing an artist for the price of their works and here are a few!
How much time goes into the process of a piece(s)!
For example, I made not only one zine, but two in the span of 7 months. While working a 40+ hour a week active job. So all my free time was consumed with this zine. You may think $43 is a lot for a zine, but I am just one person make a whole NSFW zine. I wasn’t one of 20+ artists and fic writers putting one piece into a whole zine. And I won’t undervalue myself and my time! Also, most of my commissions, for one custom piece, cost more than not only my nsfw zine, but both my zines combined.
How much time goes into the technically side of the piece(s) (I.e. creating the actual zine with printing companies and sizing and resizing, and shipping and handling artists usually handle themselves)
For myself, it was hours and hours of file converting and resizing and in the end it still didn’t look good in zine previews, that’s why I decided to go digital.
The exclusivity of the artwork(s)
You’ll find a lot of things of this nature are either limited time products or exclusive to the product itself! For example, all my pieces in my NSFW zine, are for the zine supporters only, as well as my SFW being half favorite pieces and half new, zine exclusive pieces!
The content of said artwork(s)
My zine for example, is a “taboo” type of artwork, it’s basically a book full of porn. Not a lot of artist draw porn and even less nsfw artist, share it on social media! But here I am, sharing a whole exclusive zine of porn for two lovable characters! Oh, and as trans characters haha. They’re t4t in my zine because I draw the representation I want through my favorite characters!
* And in the end really! *
You’ve got to understand, as artists, we are putting out so much free content on social media. Whether it’s every day, every other day, once a week or once a month. You, as a consumer of our work, get free content (both old and new), all for free! Is that not wild?! For example, people pay $10 a month to see all the porn I’ve ever drawn on Patreon on then get to see the latest porn and sfw stuff I post! Ive been told by so many friends that I should charge more even! But that’s not the point of this post.
Artists could never share again, or put their craft and skills behind a massive paywall, but we love sharing and putting art into the world, cause fuck, a world without art would kill me. I literally love scrolling through my social media and seeing all my mutuals and artists I follow share their work and interests through art. I love seeing their minds work and what they felt so proud of to share it with the world.
And on top of that, if you think something is a bit too high in price, just remember all the free content the artist puts out, remember what art piece you love the most from them and why you followed them in the first place maybe! And by purchasing an item(s) from them, is a way of showing them support for all the joy their art has brought you 🫶😊 and just supporting artists in general vs large corporations who usually underpay their artists or just straight up steal art.
**In the end, I won’t undervalue my time and skill for a quick sale cause I’ve had people happily support me at the prices they are and I’m so grateful te for them.**
*** No artist should undervalue their work! We have a skill and took time to create this skill and study our skill to become better and better 🫶***
I do hope that anyone with the same mind set as this user, might have a new POV on the artists side/ BTS side of an artist and content creator when judging their prices.
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im in the process of trying to convert and i have a question i havent been able to find an answer to (mostly just people starting arguments over the "right answer" rather than actually telling me). if someone converts, do they become ashkenazi? i just picked ashkenazi as an example, but if a person converted through an ashkenazi shul, would they become it? or would they be stuck in some sort of limbo where youre not a gentile but youre also not ashkenazi or sephardi etc etc... i know that converts obviously adopt the culture but are they actually allowed to call themselves anything? im curious because ive seen people say converting makes you fully jewish, ethnically and all, but i havent seen many ppl elaborate further
While "Ashkenazi", "Sephardi", etc, are used to refer to genetic populations in the realm of biology and medicine (there are various diseases associated with certain populations, for example), your DNA really only matters if you're concerned about inherited conditions and genetic counseling. These labels really refer to your community's tradition and rite, and are less about actual genetics and ancestry. My dad's Jewish side of the family is primarily of Sephardi descent, but because he wasn't raised Jewish and his family assimilated, and because we go by my mom's traditions and those of my parents' various Rabbis, my family's tradition would be Chassidic Ashkenazi, even though we have Sephardi ancestry.
So, if a Jew converts through an Ashkenazi community, they'd be Ashkenazi if they want to call themself that. Converting makes you fully Jewish, and whatever Jewish community you convert through becomes your community.
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tablestoastandtime · 4 months
One-Way Ticket Through the Backstage Door
I wanted to write Cal fighting Grievous, so I did that. Mostly an exercise with combat and outsider POVs, but also just a lot of fun to work on. Title bc I listened to Juke Box Hero on repeat while writing it.
Feel free to think this fight would go down differently. This version's for me :p
The holo itself was of middling quality. The edges of the image were hazy and the colours muted, mostly overridden by the primary blue of the tech. The audio was tinny, like the receptors had been reaching outside of their normal range to pick up what they could. Even the file itself ran poorly, like it had been converted from something else to run on this particular console.
None of that was what really mattered about the recording.
No, the most prominent feature was the unknown man's blazing bright amber saber.
There was no Jedi in the Order of his description, none outside of undercover Shadows who would even dress like a worn-out spacer. The scant armour and blaster on his thigh were at odds with the casual ease of his movements as he cut swathes through the squads of droids that tried to pen him into a corner of the Separatist hanger.
And for all their talent at subterfuge, even several years into the Clone Wars few Shadows had the open battle experience to chain together Force abilities and violence like breathing. Plenty of Knights and Masters had built that skillset as the galactic conflict escalated, but if this man had been one of them, then someone would have recognized him. That being said, there was nothing else he could be as the more esoteric Force sects of the galaxy didn’t use lightsabers in the same ways and the evidence of Forms I and IV were unmistakable in his opening footwork. It was possible someone would recognize him, if they got a chance to test his Force Signature, but as it was all the Council had was the holo.
Well, not quite.
All they had was the holo and the remains of a Separatist base and general pulled apart at the seams.
In the recording, a panicked B1 called for reinforcements as the unknown Jedi reduced a contingent of B2s to heaps of sparking slag, deflecting bolts with every flicker of his saber and blitzing from droid to droid in bursts of Force that left the machines reeling. Droidekas auto-deployed from a storage unit on the far wall, but before they could even come to a stop, the insectoid droids froze mid-roll at a blurry twitch of the man's fingers. They shook and shuddered in place, and the Jedi spun his sabre out in a throw that sheared through the metal like flimsiplast. That maneuver left him without a weapon and a bold B1 tried to capitalize on the vulnerability, stepping in close and swinging its blaster at the back of his head -
Only to drop a second later with a hissing hole in the center of its processing unit.
The Jedi fired another four shots from his blaster as he ducked and wove around bolts before his saber returned to his other hand, zigzagging through another half dozen droids. Each bolt found a home in another chassis and then the blaster was away and the other end of the man's saber ignited instead.
He dove into the crowd of durasteel in a whirlwind of push, pull, and shining amber light. Droids flipped into the air, the walls, each other, meeting their ends on a beam of plasma or crashing into the floor with more force than the station's gravity could produce. His sabre danced around his hands, his hips, blades snapping in and out of the hilt on a whim, batting bolts out of the air, splitting some down the middle in a show of frankly concerning efficiency.
It was less a fight and more a salvage operation. A scrapper decommissioning old tech to be reused elsewhere. Thorough, procedural, smooth.
In one gesture, the Jedi yanked half of the remaining droids in tight and cut them down in a superheated spiral and then stopped entirely.
There were more droids yet, another trio of droidekas surrounded by B1s and 2s, but they all stood frozen, juddering. The Jedi surveyed the crowd and twirled his saber, rolling it through the shadow of forms before settling with one blade lit and burning into the durasteel floor. He turned slightly and looked directly at the recorder.
"Come on out Grievous," he called, what was discernible of his tone almost friendly if it weren't for the tension in his shoulders and the careful balance of his weight. "I could keep taking down your troops, but I think we both know this is a waste of time. We're going to do this today, so either you come down here and we talk in this big open room where your long arms might mean something, or I come find whatever closet you're hiding in and deal with you like a baby bane back in a jar."
Behind him, the droids began picking up speed.
The Jedi seemed oblivious, attention drifting somewhere overhead, tracking something through the floors of the complex and spinning his sabre like a reflex. “Yeah, there you are. Let’s have a conversation.”
Another beat, and blasters rose a little higher.
Searing orange-stained blue went round and round, the Jedi bouncing slightly in place. He rolled his shoulders, and the audiceptors caught some kind of clattering noise. It came through garbled and grating, but it sounded vaguely like metal striking metal.
By the looks of it, the primary access elevator for the hangar was back behind the droids and to the left. Instead of paying it any mind, the Jedi stared directly at an otherwise unremarkable section of durasteel plating.
The stasis hold on the droids slackened in increments and the feed shook as if something jostled the recorder. How they managed that with the device lodged firmly along the edge of the ceiling several shiplengths above the hangar floor was-
Suddenly very obvious. With no other warning Grievous dropped from a vent in the roof, hitting the floor in a crouch, two sabers drawn, and diving straight at what should have been the man’s back. Instead stolen blue and green met the previously unlit end of the Jedi’s saber in a two handed strike at his neck.
A parry, pushing the two blades down towards the ground opening Grievous to a Force push that only managed to move him back a few metres, and the Jedi sprang after him in a lunge. Grievous countered the first strike at his chest, the second at his head, and the third that narrowly missed severing his left hand before lashing out in a kick that sent the Jedi flying into a flip, pressing the advantage and slicing to split open his gut and bisect his head before he could land and recover.
At the same time, the droids finally regained full motion and began firing.
Except the Jedi didn’t even try to touch down, twisting mid-air like a lothcat and tearing forward through the maze of burning red, back to a single blade that wove right past Grievous’ guard to score across the plating of his torso. Grievous snarled, one of his secondary limbs snapping out in a backhand blow that caught the Jedi across one scarred cheek, followed closely by a green saber slash that was ducked as the Jedi followed the downward momentum, juking sideways into a half-crouch and then up, using Grievous’ thigh as a springboard to launch himself back into the air and then meteor down in a Force-assisted modification to a traditional Djem-So strike.
Grievous met the blow in a crossed guard, clawed feet digging into the durasteel floor for traction. His secondary arms swept up, now armed and aiming to slice the Jedi in half while his blade was occupied.
Again, the second half of the Jedi’s saber ignited as he disengaged, a spinning block that also served to return several blaster bolts to their senders. This time, Grievous didn’t immediately close the gap. Instead they circled each other, the Jedi still blocking what would in most other combat scenarios classify as suppressing fire with the comfortable ease of a Knight working through katas.
“You know,” the Jedi started, no trace of the earlier levity only plasmacutter focus. “This doesn’t have to be your legacy.”
A rattling scoff. “Your death will be nothing but a footnote in my conquest. I have brought down regimes since I could walk, and your Republic will only be the latest in a long line of victories, Jedi.”
“There is no victory in this war,” the Jedi disagreed with a flourish that dropped the last of the B1s. The droidekas kept firing at the unrelenting shell of the Jedi’s defence. “Only death, including yours. The Confederacy is a sham and there is no place for you in the Empire the Sith seek to build.”
Grievous hissed, air catching in his vocoder in a wave of hollow static. “Fearful lies will not save you or your people. The stars will ring with their screams as I burn your Temple.”
The Jedi’s steps didn’t falter but they did shift, sliding out of the agile balance of Form III into the pointed calculation of Makashi. His wrist curled and one thumb ran along the glinting metal of his hilt.
The circle tightened.
“My people,” his voice was almost too soft for the audiceptors now, but the volume did nothing to hide the danger in his words. “Do what they can in the face of an ungrateful galaxy. They must face many hard truths to have a future, but they will do so alive.”
And then the Jedi flicked his saber in another flourish that would have been standard fare except at the apex of the movement he twisted his hands and the hilt came apart. The first blade swung up and over his head in a wind up straight into a throw, arcing high and devastatingly quick as he raised the other, hand half open to grip a section of the hangar wall, tearing dozens of rivets out in one motion and pistoning several hundred pounds of reinforced duranium at Grievous from the other side.
One arm deflected the blade, sending it careening off towards the remaining B2s, another two carving a hole through the plating and allowing Grievous to sidestep the imminent collision.
Unfortunately, that left him with only one arm free to defend himself as the Jedi closed in, blurring across the space in a second with his remaining blade in an underhanded swing that forced Grievous onto the back foot followed by a jab that seared a hole through a shoulder servo. The backswing neatly parried the immediate retaliation looking to sever the Jedi’s cervical spine, and then the blaster was back in hand in a quickdraw as he fired one, two, three shots into Grievous’ neck before letting it hit the deck to catch the soaring return of his second blade. A flurry of blows centred to the left side where half of Grievous’ arms no longer reacted with the lightning sensitivity needed to match a Jedi waist deep in the Force.
Grievous lost a finger, a palm, an elbow joint, before tipping backwards to catch half of his weight on his remaining hands and using one foot to lever a chunk of molten metal straight at the Jedi’s head. The Force caught the body of the slag, but the Jedi recoiled from the splatter of molten alloy all the same, one breath of pure reflex that left him open to a slash of Grievous’ mutilated hand that tore open the flesh of his exposed forearm.
An audible cry, a stumble, and a bolt finally catching him in the thigh but the blood and burning seemed to give the Jedi back his focus and his grip remained sure as he blocked the much more dangerous follow ups with a saber, high, low, midbody, high again, and then he brought his hilts together, clicking them back into one and using the extra length to buy back some space.
Once more the Jedi disengaged, dripping blood and breath coming visibly controlled.
Bolts still flew through the space and lip curling, the Jedi raised an open hand. The remaining B2s sailed into the air and the droidekas twirled in place like children's’ toys. His fist clenched. Military grade armour and tech crumpled, dropping to the ground with a definitive clang.
“Let’s be honest with ourselves, Grievous.” The Jedi stalked closer, weaving in and around the remains of the hangar wall. There was nothing defensive left in his posture, only tooth-sharp intent. “What do you think happens next if the Separatists win the war?”
If Grievous tried to answer, it was lost to rasping, wet coughs. His three remaining sabres stayed in a typical low guard, but the bottom half of his chest plating hung out of place and his left shoulder sparked where the connections had melted away.
Still, there was no disguising the naked hate in his eyes.
“They won’t keep you,” the Jedi said, cold and confident and sliding his hands into a low grip. Two fins at the mouth of his saber’s emitter collapsed down and ignited, the single sizzling blade stretched out behind him well past what a lightsaber ought to be capable of. Its brightness exceeded the recorder’s capabilities, turning the weapon into a long line of searing and colourless blue. “You’re a rabid nexu and say what you will about the Banking Clans, but they know a thing or two about divesting themselves when the time is right. Personally, my money is on an orbital strike if you make that far.”
Grievous screamed back at him, all wrath and ruin and long dried blood, a sound that hurt even through the recording’s poor quality.
Still, Grievous was no fool and had never been above fleeing a fight he was losing. The first step back was an admission of weakness, the second a dead giveaway.
Any window for ending this fight definitively was closing. Rapidly.
The Jedi’s pace stayed a steady prowl. His sabre traced a white-hot path into the smoking floor. “You could surrender now, but we both know you’d never make it to court.”
Grievous pivoted his weight backwards, primed for a leap. The question was, where was he planning to go?
It didn’t matter.
In the same breath Grievous began to uncoil, the Jedi flicked a hand and the Separatist General’s legs began to vibrate beneath him. “No. We’re not quite done here.”
That great saber swung up overhead in motion that belied a massive and illogical weight and left monstrously distorted afterimages across the holo. Trapped as Grievous seemed to be, the Jedi was still far too far away for anything except a dashing strike under normal circumstances.
There was very little normal about these circumstances.
The saber came down. Half of the recording disappeared into a wall of blinded blue, photoreceptors failing as the sound of sabers colliding resumed.
A shout, ragged and furious, threatening death, mutilation, despair.
Another, indignant. Frightened.
There were no sounds of combat then, just a warped noise like industrial welding.
One more cry. Pained. A blaster shot. The hum of active lightsabers went quiet.
For a long stretch, there was nothing but quiet footsteps. Boots on metal. Shifting. Then the noise of the hangar doors and a ship’s engine starting. A takeoff sequence.
The hangar doors had still been open when the Republic forces arrived to investigate the unexpected ping on what was supposed to be an Order-specific comm freq.
According to the timestamps, the holo continued for another fifteen minutes, but there was little more the damaged recorder could discern about the events that followed. Other parts of the facility’s security system provided a little more context, but beyond some slightly clearer images of the unknown Jedi’s face and his systematic destruction of every active droid he could find on site, they had nothing.
There was no sign of where he’d come from beyond the vent he dropped out of in the earliest stamped security holo they could find. He hadn’t left any indication of where he was going. Even the Force impressions he had left behind had been odd, like a child standing in the centre of an antiques store after having been pointedly told not to touch anything. Full of wonder and longing and an absolute certainty they did not belong there.
The Senate was going to have a field day.
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ruiniel · 10 months
First Snow
Fandom: Castlevania Series (2017-2021)
Rating: G
Relationship: Alucard/Greta of Danesti
Characters: Alucard, Greta of Danesti
Count: 2.1k
Also on AO3
Additional Tags: First Kiss, Snowball Fight, Winter, Inspired by Castlevania, Post-Castlevania Season IV, Fluff without Plot, Pining, Greta POV
Summary: Published in 2021, from a time with winter #gretacard feels.
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Wallachia, winter of 1476
Early December saw their first sweep of abundant snow as a sudden, restless winter took over the lands, but work and commotion never ceased. Greta walked among the people bundled in their fleece caps and winter coats, heading to and fro, milling about paths battered by frequent use. Thick smoke billowed in the air from newly built chimneys, and there were small fires started here and there, where spicy mulled wine frothed in dark cauldrons for all to share.
The winter holidays would soon be upon them, and the headwoman of Belmont looked gladly on their efforts, which yielded an already habitable location months after moving here and starting their lives anew. The fresh snow fallen in the night now clung like soft fluff to her leather boots, and her breath came misted white in the cold. She walked bundled in her own beige fleece coat, her hair braided back from her face and a green woollen cap pulled over her ears for added protection.
She sought left and right, searching for him — as she often did lately, it seemed. But, as with many other occasions, Alucard was the one who knew the details needed to help them move forward with another current predicament, namely designating which extra chambers they could convert to house some families whose dwellings were still unfinished. He repeatedly said his home was theirs, but she always asked. No one had ever given them so much, freely, without expecting a manner of recompense. It had always been so, from the monster hunters her people were forced to hire in times past to the communal authorities that never gave a damn about Danesti, a wide spot in the road to them where wandering people settled like driftwood.
Besides, Greta didn’t grudge the extra time spent in his presence, even for necessity’s sake. Some time had passed, and like those frightful bloodied nights spent reaching his castle, she’d seen Alucard change with the last, painful visions of his parents, the return of his friends, the deepening of their relationship. They were everything to him, and he had no blood relatives left to speak of. It was a particularity Greta shared, and one that made her see beyond his calm demeanor that grey, lingering sadness. It was in his smile, his eyes. She doubted it would fade for a while yet, but, as had been her thought at the beginning, Alucard did get used to them all being here. He thrived among them with every new spark in his eyes whenever a problem to solve presented itself, and Greta had learned he liked to be of use to others, to share, to create. It burned through his melancholy like embers through spider silk as they built fresh memories together, whether it was baby Simon hugging him and nibbling at his hair or the children asking to be flown around, or learning to make good polenta from the elder women. Greta smiled, and wondered again how much time had passed since her words to him that neither had ever acted upon.
I think I might like you.
She shook free of that admission, his wavering smile, the feel of his warm fingers on her skin. It was easy to brush it off as ephemeral attraction and craving spanning from a loneliness that had clambered over her heart and dug itself beneath her breast bones, and would not budge. Alucard had seen enough emotional turmoil that she wouldn’t, couldn’t, push for her own possibly one-sided needs and risk hurting him — and herself — in the process.
A sharp wind roiled across the skies, disturbing the clinging snow from the branches. It fell in ice sprinkles over her cap, dusted her shoulders. Her smile returned. It had been long since they had a peaceful winter.
It was a crisp day, and a pale sun was setting early beyond the frost-laced forest bordering the village, through limbs of bare oaks and heavy dark evergreens, setting the sky a cool blaze of blue, purple, and orange. Plunging her mittened hands into her pockets, Greta hurried to keep warm, and soon the unmistakable bubble of children’s laughter reached her.
She found them all at the base of a risen mound, watching as others barrelled downward from the hilltop on wooden sleighs. And there was Alucard.
He stood tall, arms crossed at his chest, a smile warming his pallid face. He was wrapped in his long black coat, his head uncovered, appearing completely unbothered by the chill. Greta raised an eyebrow at that — how he didn’t freeze to death was beyond her. The cool red sun shimmered on his golden hair, and he seemed a youthful ghost against the gleaming mass of white surrounding them.
That same yearning reared its needy head, and she smothered it down, instead relishing the way Alucard’s smile grew as the children’s laughter soared to the heavens. She then remembered he’d promised to build them all sleighs to ride out when the snows hit. And apparently, he kept his word. Now the woman understood the spark of glee in his eyes. Anda and Raul rushed off their new, polished wooden sleighs after they bound down the hill, giving Alucard a quick hug before rushing back to their games with the others. Soon they forgot all about the adult in their midst, busy with their own winter competition.
Alucard slowly turned on his heel, still smiling and shaking his head at their yelps and joyful cries and words of gratitude, a gloved hand waving the group goodbye. He looked so fresh, as fresh as the damn snow and something, something impish and sneaky brimmed at the back of her mind.
It must be the season, she thought; the relief, the throwback to similar times from the lanes of her own memories.
Whatever the reason…
Who cares?
Alucard hadn’t seen her yet, though he was striding back towards the same path, and Greta took the chance to hide behind the nearest tree. She knelt, slowly, and rolled a generous snowball in her hands. She straightened, hiding as Alucard neared, whistling — whistling! that was new — some old drinking song one elder taught him two nights before. She waited, and waited, until he was closer… closer still…
Alucard walked past the tree, and Greta rounded the trunk, snowball firmly in hand. Nearly there.
She aimed. Smiled; and struck.
Swiftly she hid behind her tree again, peering ahead and nearly bursting in laughter at the utterly confused and aghast look on his face as Alucard looked left and right, one hand still in his hair, clearing away the snow caught in his rich unbound strands.
If anything, she still had good aim, and as expected, Alucard turned, gazing suspiciously around the area. 
Giggling heartily now, Greta crouched down and rolled another ball of snow between her hands, faster now, about to rise and deploy another projectile—
“I see someone’s… busy.”
Greta stood and turned so fast her head spun, and before she could think, hurled her snowball, hitting Alucard straight in that perfect face.
She was still cackling for some reason, of course he would have sensed another presence with his damn abilities and of course he’d beamed right behind her, like the smart aleck that he was.
Greta jumped back, laughing openly at his rapid blinking, at the frown slowly creasing his forehead. She was hyperventilating, and before she knew it, her legs were struggling away from him and she was grabbing another handful of snow, which ended up as a white splatter over his chest. 
He’d still not moved, and Greta stopped some distance away, panting and smiling, watching the corners of his lips quirk upward; watching him lean down, his wolf-like gaze following her movements as he gathered snow and piled it between his gloved hands.
The first snowball missed her, and she yelped in shocked triumph. Greta stumbled back, turned and fled as another ball struck a tree to her left, dotting her cheek with icy sprinkles.
She ran again, and he was thankfully not using his powers, but good God his legs were longer than hers and soon a grip was on her arm, a hefty amount of snow in his other hand “Hah!” came an exultant hiss. “Got you—“
“Not a chanc— “ She stumbled on a rock hidden in the snow just as they were reaching the downward slope of a hill, and then she was crying out, and somehow they were both rolling down as the world turned and snow entered her mouth, her eyes, gushed beneath the collar of her coat. The downhill tumble was fast and confusing, and Greta moaned faintly, shaking her head as finally, everything stilled. 
She was splayed over something hard, warm and tense. 
Hair was in her mouth, and she raised her head, shaking the snow out of her vision. She sought leverage and rose, supporting herself on her arms.
Greta met his eyes. Those aureate beams that melted her knees, exposed her, sought through every nook and cranny of her soul. She concluded it was a good thing she was seated (in a manner of speaking). Her cap lay somewhere ahead of them, buried in snow.
Alucard was silent, his chest heaving up and down, watching her curiously as a deep red flush tinted his cheeks. Tiny snowflakes caught in his long, black lashes. He was trapped beneath her, his warm breath melting the ice on her lips. 
She should move.
Shouldn’t she?
“Are you all right?”
His voice, usually soft and deep as an endless night, was hoarse, cautious.
“Yes,” Greta rasped. Well, she hadn’t expected this.
Her thighs were grasping either side of his hips as she straddled him, and it took an effort to soften her body, making to move; a gloved hand was on her hip, pressing down. Greta blinked, her eyes trailing to the uneasy quiver of his lips, regretting it promptly the moment she caught his gaze. Her chest seized.
He knew.
“What is supposed to happen now?” Alucard asked, his words barely above a whisper. Like he was asking her; actually asking her.
“Nothing,” Greta said, though the word felt like grinding sand in her mouth. She didn’t know what came over her, should never have started this. “Nothing happens now. I was searching for you, I had a question on…” she paused. “Let’s get back.”  Get back… to what? To secretive glances when she thought no one was watching? To short, awkward moments of silence, where neither seemed to find the words or the will? Greta made to rise when his other hand pressed down on her other side, effectively keeping her pinned atop him.
“No,” she shook her head, though the longer they sat like that, the more her body was melting against him like snow on warm skin. “No, we don’t have to… you...” His hand was on her shoulder, flowing to cup the back of her head, hedging her lower, down to him. “I didn’t mean for this... I…”
She didn’t resist, but she should try. Maybe he actually didn’t know what he was doing, and less so what he was doing to her. “We shouldn’t,” Greta mumbled, eyes closing as their foreheads touched. Warm. She shuddered.
Or was that him?
She dared not move as silence fell again.
“Is that your wish?” Alucard asked, very slowly. His eyes were mere slits of gold, the fall of his hair a halo around him in the snow. “Or you think it mine?”
He felt so good beneath her, his other arm bound around her waist, holding her closer still. She felt the press of his fingers keenly even through her layers, and he smelled so good up close, he felt… oh God.
Oh God.
“I don’t know what to think anymore,” Greta shivered as his fingers stroked circles at her nape. Well, all cards were on the table, as it were. She rose a little to see him properly.
What she saw left her raw on the inside, burning on the outside. She plunged her hands into his hair, brought her face closer, impossibly closer to his. Their noses bumped together — his was cold, so cold, and Greta could only smile, swallowing once before tilting her head just so... 
She gave in. Gave more, gave everything, all the loneliness and entire months’ worth of pent-up want, gasping when Alucard met her just as recklessly, and she couldn’t move, he wouldn’t let go, deepening everything she offered, hungrily, messily and with abandon.
His lips were hot and soft, his mouth so welcoming, then seeking hers, so tender she wanted to weep. Her last coherent thought before the world melted away was how well his body fit hers, like…
Like she belonged. Like home.
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More of my work is on AO3 [many stories not on tumblr]
BLOG MASTERPOST (all you need to know)
Likes/comments/reblogs always and forever appreciated
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hindahoney · 2 years
Hey, looking into converting, where do i start? Ive been reading up on a lot of sources, trying to get my hands on a Torah, and read up on the Mitzvot. I cant go to a synagogue yet as my family is Christian and would probably just give me even worse treatment then i already go through in my home. Help?? Thanks in advance
There's a lot more to Judaism than Torah and mitzvot, and conversion is not possible if you can't go to a synagogue. I sympathize with you having a difficult family, however keeping peace in the home is important, and you're unlikely to find a rabbi willing to convert you if you will face poor treatment at home. I can almost guarantee they would tell you that because conversion is not necessary (as we don't believe that you have to be Jewish in order to gain salvation, as other religions would) you could just be a pious gentile that follows the 7 Noahide laws.
My suggestion is to wait until you can be out of the house and on your own before beginning to convert. Conversion is a very long and difficult process if done properly, and once you convert it's not as if you can just decide one day to deconvert and stop being Jewish. It's a lifelong commitment, and not a decision to be made so young. It's only in specific circumstances that a rabbi would be willing to convert a minor, and it's certainly not when they have antisemitic parents. Judaism will still be here when you move out in a few years, so it won't hurt to wait.
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
20, 22, 29, 40, 56, and 75-77 for ODIETLG specifically
Picking your brain is one of my favourite Tumblr hobbies
20. have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? UMMMM call me the forgetter the way i forget..... there are definitely words/expressions that show up a lot definitely. im sure if i looked hard enough id be able to see them GHFDJGSDFKG aaaaaannnnd as for themes i noticed ive been writing a lot on trauma and some of the uglier side effects of it ESPECIALLY when put in a situation that does not encourage healing or anything like that other than that I AM REALLY BLANKING THERE ARE DEFINITELY SO MANY MORE COMPARISONS TO BE DRAWN LMFAOOOO
22. are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc) hmmmmm i do a LOT of genfics and im not that much of a purely romantic type of guy yknow..... i dont see myself doing anything like that in the future i reckon! unless its a gift or something :). in the same vein i dont think ill be posting smut on my main ao3 either just bc i feel like itd really come out of left field ghfjkdgshdjkfgh.
29. what’s your revision or editing process like? i stare at it. hope google docs caught any spelling errors. convert it into ao3. hope ao3 caught any spelling errors. send it out. wake up the next morning and grimace so hard
40. if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? IF ANYBODY MAKES FANART OF MY WORK I CRY IMMEDIATELY YOU HAVE NO IDEAAA HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME SERIOUSLY. ohhhh there are a lot of big scenes in fics ooooo............. if youre looking for a dramatic piece of fanart then the miu+kokichi confrontation in lgowab is a good one. the sonia+akane conversation in opddmh could be cute........... like them on the floor looking up yknow. like a little comic. i can see it in my brain. and oooo a lot of interactions from that second last chapter of odietlg when the whole place is falling apart ................................
56. what’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? BWAH uhm the characterisation :) i try to keep them in character but also make them feel a little more real if that makes senseee
75. what scene in odietlg took the longest to write? what was difficult about it?  ooo its been a while hm. odietlg was during a time i had a LOTT of time on my hands so i was whipping through chapters so fast it was crazy. um. maybe the finale???? just because it was a lot longer than most chapters and i kept going back to flip a few things around and all of that :))
76. did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of odietlg?  I DONT HAVE A DISCORD CHANNEL FOR THIS ONE SO THERE ISNT A LOT OF EVIDENCCEEEEEE let me think let me think. because this story was more interactive there were a few scenes that didnt make the cut solely because it wasnt voted for!!!!! i know there were MULTIPLE executions that were avoided during that miu gonta trial. there were a few more scenes including a tsumugi conversation that got cut in favour of the tenko/himiko chat in the bunker. ummmmmm unrelated to any sort of poll im really unsure!!! odietlg had a lot less planning which means a lot of initial ideas made the final cut!! i think tenko nearly started hearing other "voices" other than angie but i decided against that just bc it was never supposed to be supernatural or anything
77. do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from odietlg story/chapter?  OOOO THERE ARE A FEW SCENES I ENJOYED WRITING i think one of my favorites has to be the final 3am encounter with shuichi and tenko. it really just felt like all of those conversations were building up to this last one and i loved writing the setting and loved writing their interaction bc it just felt like a great culmination of their character development up until that point but ESPECIALLY tenkos :)
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
i just wanna say thank you. ive been scrolling through your blog today and i saw your posts supporting converts and it meant a lot. i really want to begin the conversion process once i move out but with everything happening right now it feels like it might just be better to not do it ever. blogs like yours make me feel like i really might actually be able to live as a jew in the future (if any of this was offensive or insensitive im sorry, i really appreciate your blog and hope you have a great day)
i’m so glad! best of luck with your journey ❤️
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
What drove you to convert to islam?
well, thats a long story now
i was born and raised orthodox - ive always had a complicated relationship with religion, because on the one hand there is a lot of beauty, peace, and wisdom i found in it, on the other hand theres plenty of shit that either just didnt make sense to me, theologically speaking, and also a bunch of mostly sexist shit which really pissed off me since i was a kid. i do have a lot of religious trauma - mostly from my fathers side of the family who is much more orthodox, conservative, traditional, and who very much shoved religion (and a bunch of sexist shit) down my throath, got the idea of being inherently sinful in my head as a kid, whole bunch of shit. my father is also.... psychotic and he is what we call a habotnic, a religious extremist who, well, has bordderrrline essentially more or less joined a cult-like section of the orthodox church made up mostly of men whod been kicked out of the church (many who also happen to be pedos lmao rip) and i grew up with religion being used to justify a whole bunch of horrible shit - shit he did to me, how he treats and abuses his wife, etc
so, when i got older, 11-12 ish, i very much had a backlash against it. nevermind being an atheist, nevermind an edgy atheist faze, i outright hated it and found it to be wholly dangerous. and i did indeed have valid complaints mostly abt sexism, homophobia, hypocrisy, etc. at the same time, i had a fascination with dissecting religion and trying to understand it and studying it, something i had even before then. this went on for some years, and i continued to have an interest in theology; eventually, when i was idk 14ish, i started to have some softer and more malluable views on religion and orthodoxy - also coincided w understanding that religion wasnt what made my father an insane piece of shit, it was simply a tool he used to justify things and a path he went down on - but he could have gone insane down whatever other line
so, for a time i tried to get back into orthodoxy. this was partially from a spiritual perspective, but tbh moreso bc i was trying to keep onto something which reminded me of home in this damn empty and cold country. this is when i started to veil too, before i had anything at all to do w islam, i started praying, i started keeping onto certain traditions more. also when i got into traditional romanian magic moreso. still, i may have been trying to take the best of orthodoxy, but i felt like it never really... fit. there is a lot of beauty i still find in it to this day, and occasionally i still go to a monestary or church, i still hold onto certain traditions but no matter how hard i tried i never quite... felt it? .... and either way, after you have gone through a certain amount of horror in life, it tends to get harder to believe in things like the divinity of everything or that theres any possible sense at all to all the horrid cruelty on this planet etc etc.... i do still struggle w this to this day lol. but. also, i knew christianity so well, had already turned it on every which side, i found that even if i tried, i still had a long series of theological issues with it (many of which i dont remember after all these years, but i do remember that the trinity was one of them)
anyhow, i did keep trying for awhile. and in this whole process, i kept coming across things abt islam. this was also the years when islam was always in the news, usually in a negative light or something abt terrorism, so, it was quite frequently part of mainstream discussions. and i was curious, bc of that, bc i was curious abt theology in general, and bc partially growing up in dobrogea, i knew a very gentle and soft, beautiful islam which was the one of the turks and tatars, who were our neighbors w good food and good music and gentle, soft spoken voices like honey who were always nice to me. and i knew of islam from story books and such, one of my favourite childhood books to this day is a beautifully drawn romanian version of one thousand and one nights. so, idk, i kept coming across things, and i was curious so i looked into it
and... hm. i dont remember quite what first got me. but i did find it interesting, and i found that it solved some of the theological issues and gaps that i had with christianity, answered quesions to which the orthodox seemed to have no answer, made things click into place here and there, annuled some of the illogical loops and hypocricy which bothered me.. i found the analysis and discussion around it fascinating, so much more lively than ones i had seen in orthodoxy. i found the way hadith and quran functioned together to be fascinating, and the entire system behind it - even if today i hold different views of hadith.... i found sharia to be fascinating - and how things would fit into place and work together, shifting parts of a whole legal system and way of life intertwined. sharia always carries such a scary connotation to so many people, and yet, i dont think its a system bound neither to failure neither to opression - the question here is moreso whose sharia interpreted by who and implemented by who. i didnt have any plan to convert to it lol, and yet, it intrigued me enough that i felt a drive to keep digging and digging into it, to keep turning over in my head this and that about it, like some string or force was pulling me
most of all i think i found the qur'an itself to be.. captivating, once curiousity got to me and i started reading it. like sharia, it clearly had to be understood as a whole, and reading it for the first time and seeings its progression and how it builds upon itself was an experience in and of itself. i genuinely enjoyed spending hours reading and listening abt what this means what that meant etc. and it is so direct and personal, moreso than many other religious texts. i did find many parts of it stricking, moving, piercing. its prose and flow are beautiful. it feels alive, as if it is speaking to you, looking back into your eyes and right through your soul. i fell in love with it. and yet, it also feels like this capsule in time - while i no longer hold the commonly held idea that the qur'an is unchanged and there is only one, it can be said that as far as studies can tell from the oldest quranic manuscripts found, it is indeed remarkably well preserved - as if reading the pages you can hear and see them echo throughout time, back to when the words were first spoken..... quran recitation is very beatiful too, and i found there to be something... very meditative, tranquil, calm, soothing in it. something else that felt like it echoed through time. it also reminded me of the way orthodox priests give sermons, which i always found very beautiful and entrancing as well
i appreciated its call for reason, that i do remember particularly drew me in. that it would repetedly, repetedly call for one to question and think and it would give examples of the existence of divinity and explanations and even ask one to try to disprove things- it felt less like blind faith, more like this book was holding an active dialogue with you, and i really liked that. many of them are so beatiful too, many of them call upon nature and its wonders, and i supoose, even when my belief in a god was on very shaky ground, in nature i always saw divinity anyhow. i did find it interesting too how many of the verses did show an understanding of natural phenomenon, could be interpreted in a way which was less science-breaking than the bible, and called upon these phenomenon as signs of divinity.... and i appreciated its call to justice as well, its striving for a just system, society, and way of life. i appreciated its call to struggle for the sake of allah - jihad, which doesnt only mean wartime fighting (which is supoosed to be a very last resort).... its call for the end of opression, and the responsability of each person to do something about ending said opression and injustice
i found its understanding of god to be beautiful, and to make sense - my understanding of this developed more later when i came across sufism, and when i started doing shrooms too lol, but. i always felt the heart of it. which is the oneness of god, pure monotheism; because god is one, and god is indeed all that exists; indeed, everything is one. this is the same thing psychedelics teach you - ego death as its often called - and what many religious rituals of plenty of religions around this world seek to understand, achieve, feel, live by. it could be said that since there are high chances human conciousness developed along w psychedelic use, and since our african ancestors certainly did psychedelics, we are indeed genetially and biologically programmed as a part of our evolution and history to experience and understand ego death - to see and feel and become the connection and thread which runs through everything, the oneness of everything, the singularity of everything, unbound by time. this is what islam seeks as well.... hm. i liked that islam understood allah, unlike in christianity in which god is reffered to almost exclusively as a father sort of figure, to be not like any other thing, and most certainly not male. unbound, unconstrained, never fully knowable to us as humans..the 99 names of allah are beatiful, and i was drawn in by how many times the qur'an proclaimed allah to be all merciful, all forgiving, all loving, etc
.... there was something about it all, the more i looked into it, which brought me a sense of peace, calmness, ease... i found the way of life it promoted to be one of peace - i liked that you were supposed to pray five times a day, i liked that there were certain ways of doing things, i liked that muslims lived like the older romanian people did, always mentioning the name of allah and always aware of divinity. the idea of freedom not being getting to do whatever you may please, but rather living by a series of constraints, to make much sense - and i was drawn to it a lot more than this modern western do what you want individual freedom reigns supreme mindset... i liked that sharia was concerned with the common good and community before it was concerned with the individual.. i liked that islam promoted a middle path, i liked that it called for moderation and reason (things which my father never had), and showed a way of life which was almost monk-like, without leading to monastic seclusion.... i had always wanted to be a nun, you see, and parts of islam drew me in because of that. there were certainly many muslims, mainly sisters, who impressed me in their faith and way of life, the energy and aura that would clearly radiate off of them - women who lead by example, and by only doing so, would make one curious as to how they have come to be this way
i had an interest in other religions as well. i knew some of my ancestors were jewish, and yet judaism is a hard religion to convert to, and harder to be accepted into - and while i have read the old testament several times, i never quite felt a strong connection to it. i was fond of other christian denominations like the quakers for example, i found some of the theological points of protestants to be intriguing, but i still had many of the same issues with it. i find hinduism, buddhism, and sikhism to be beautiful religions with much wisdom - and to an extent being fond of certain kinds of sufism is to adopt a hindu or south east asian influence or to reach similar understandings at least; they are sister religions - but while i look into them, they never really felt like something id follow; not on their own
islam brought me a sense of home, it all did. so much of it simply made sense to me and clicked into place, it felt like learning something i had already known, discovering something that had always been within myself - i supoose, this is why we use the word revert rather than covert, because it feels more like coming back into the fold of islam..... and hm. both arab and turkish cultures felt... very much like home to me, never like something foreign. they made sense, i instantly understood them, both the good and bad parts - so many things were so similar to our own, and to me, they felt, and still do feel, like a second home. later after some years of converting when id go to masjids and eid and such, i again very much found that among the arabs i felt so much more at home than i ever did among the americans. and islam itself, there are many things which i saw which were so similar to orthodoxy, and this brought me a sense of comfort and home as well. and i always associated islam too with the turks and tatars in dobrogea, and so, islam never felt like a foreign thing to me - as converting to another religion may have - rather the religion and culture of our neighbors whom we had so much in common with
.... it just.. it really felt like there was some force pulling me, i had a unending thirst and drive to understand more. id get lost in spending hours reading the quran, id get lost in spending hours trying to understand it. id spend the nights awake reading and contemplating..... i dont know if it makes sense, but i dont mean this in a meme way - it very much felt like islam chose me, not like i chose it. it very much felt like i had become muslim before i had made any such decision, my soul had already made it for me, and i was the one who later realized and accepted it. islam, the word, comes from the word submission, sometimes said to mean peace in submission. i had already felt it in my bones, the submission to its truth and allah, the onesess of everything, before i realized it. it simply was - looking back, it was a very similar feeling to the one you get on psychedelics. you simply.. understand.... i knew my family would likely forsake me. i knew my country outside of dobrogea would forsaken me. i knew many muslims would forsake me for being gay.... but even if i had wished to go back, it was too late, for i had already seen, and felt, and understood, and there was no denial left. alhamdulilah, i do thank allah for guiding me, for it certainly felt like being guided
i have never known as much peace as i knew in those first, hm, months and years, despite the fact that things were hard back then, especially with my family, and my parents were at the peak of being abusive. i never felt such a connection to god and everything, such a suredness, groundedness, and strengh of faith...... it is something i miss, and i regret that these days i do not often pray the five daily prayers, and do not keep fast as often as i did, and do not live with allah in my heart as much. inshallah, i will get back on the path. i did used to be a lot more orthodox back then, islamically orthodox. and as the years passed my relationship with islam and allah changed, and when i came across sufism for the first time, i realized that it was the heart and soul of the religion which i knew, had felt myself, and had been searching for
i believe there is truth in all religions, they are different paths to take, different understandings which seek the same goal. i do not believe in sects, nor do i believe in devision between religions much... we all have our paths; my understandings of islam may have changed over the years, and i may have had, and still have, my struggles, but this will always be the home and refuge of my soul, and the path i walk
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homenecromancer · 2 years
i did finally get to start the actual rip-CD process, but time is still not my friend bc after that i still gotta: transfer files to my backup drive; transfer files off of backup to my main computer; convert files (they are being ripped as a less-lossy format but im gonna make em mp3s so they’re easier to throw into whatever program); throw em into a zip file and find somewhere to host it
i said i was gonna do this “on Monday” and by god i am trying lmao
also while this has been a huge time investment (90 minutes and counting), ive also been multitasking almost the entire time, so it’s basically been me just doing something on my other laptop with half an eye on the CD-drive laptop as i wait for it to finish a task
current status: one laptop in lap as i play roller coaster tycoon; one laptop balanced on shins while it creaks its way through this CD; posting from phone, living in the future, (i guess)
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techtired · 9 days
IV Hydration Therapy: Is It the Best Cure for Hangovers?
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We've all been there. The pounding headache, the queasy stomach, the overwhelming fatigue – the dreaded hangover. For centuries, people have searched for the perfect remedy to combat the aftermath of a night of overindulgence. From greasy breakfasts to the hair of the dog, everyone seems to have their go-to cure. But a new contender has entered the ring in recent years: IV hydration therapy. This trendy treatment has been making waves in cities across the country, including right here in Baltimore. But is it the miracle cure it's cracked up to be? Let's dive in and explore the world of IV therapy and its potential as a hangover remedy. The Science Behind Hangovers Before we can understand how IV hydration therapy might help, we need to know what's happening in our bodies when we're hungover. Contrary to popular belief, a hangover isn't just dehydration – although that's certainly part of it. When we drink alcohol, our bodies go through a complex series of reactions. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes us urinate more frequently, leading to dehydration. It also interferes with our sleep patterns, disrupts gut bacteria, and causes inflammation. But perhaps the biggest culprit in hangover symptoms is a toxic compound called acetaldehyde. When our livers break down alcohol, acetaldehyde is produced as a byproduct. This substance is more toxic than alcohol itself and is responsible for many of the unpleasant symptoms we associate with hangovers. Our bodies eventually convert acetaldehyde into harmless acetate, but this process takes time – hence the prolonged misery of a hangover. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial when considering potential remedies. Any effective hangover cure needs to address dehydration, sleep disruption, inflammation, and the buildup of toxins in the system. What is IV Hydration Therapy? So, what exactly is IV hydration therapy? It delivers fluids, vitamins, and other nutrients directly into your bloodstream via an intravenous drip. This technique bypasses your digestive system, allowing for rapid absorption of the nutrients. The idea is that by quickly replenishing fluids and essential vitamins, you can alleviate hangover symptoms faster than you would through oral intake alone. IV therapy isn't new in the medical world – it's been used in hospitals for decades to treat dehydration, malnutrition, and other conditions. What is new is its application as an elective treatment for hangovers and other non-emergency situations. Clinics offering IV therapy have popped up in cities nationwide, often marketing themselves as quick fixes for everything from jet lag to flu symptoms. In Baltimore, several clinics offer IV hydration therapy, including some specializing in hangover relief. These treatments typically take 30-45 minutes and can be customized with different "cocktails" of vitamins and minerals, depending on your needs. The Potential Benefits of IV Therapy for Hangovers Proponents of IV therapy for hangovers argue that it offers several key benefits. First and foremost is rapid rehydration. When you're hungover, drinking water or sports drinks can help, but it takes time for your body to absorb the fluids through your digestive system. With IV therapy, hydration is almost immediate. Secondly, IV treatments can quickly replenish essential vitamins and minerals that may have been depleted by alcohol consumption. Many IV cocktails include B vitamins, crucial in metabolism and brain function, and vitamin C and other antioxidants to combat inflammation. Some IV treatments also include anti-nausea medications and pain relievers, which can provide quick relief from some of the most uncomfortable hangover symptoms. And because the nutrients are delivered directly to your bloodstream, you don't have to worry about upsetting an already queasy stomach by swallowing pills. Anecdotally, many people who've tried IV therapy for hangovers report feeling better within hours, if not minutes, of receiving treatment. They describe feeling more energized, less nauseous, and more able to face the day ahead. The Skeptics' Perspective However, not everyone is convinced that IV hydration therapy is the hangover cure we've all been waiting for. Some medical professionals argue that while IV therapy can certainly help with rehydration, its other benefits may be overstated. For one thing, there's limited scientific research specifically on IV therapy for hangovers. Most of the evidence for its effectiveness is anecdotal. Critics argue that the perceived benefits could be mainly due to the placebo effect – if you believe a treatment will work, you're more likely to feel better after receiving it. There's also the question of necessity. For most healthy individuals, oral hydration and over-the-counter pain relievers are usually sufficient to treat a hangover. Some doctors worry that the widespread use of IV therapy for non-emergency situations could lead to unnecessary medical interventions and potential complications. Finally, there's the cost to consider. IV hydration treatments can be expensive, costing upwards of $100 per session. This might seem like a steep price for hangover relief for many people. The Middle Ground: A Balanced Approach So, where does the truth lie? As with many things in medicine, the answer isn't black and white. IV hydration therapy can certainly be effective for rapidly rehydrating the body and replacing lost nutrients. It might be a worthwhile option for severe hangovers or situations where quick recovery is essential. However, it's important to remember that IV therapy is not a magic bullet. It can't undo the damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption, and it's not a substitute for responsible drinking habits. The best cure for a hangover is still prevention – drinking in moderation, staying hydrated while consuming alcohol, and getting plenty of rest. For those who do choose to try IV therapy, it's crucial to seek treatment from reputable providers. For instance, at Green Relief Health in Baltimore, licensed medical professionals carefully supervise all IV treatments. This ensures the treatment's effectiveness and the patient's safety. The Importance of Professional Administration If you're considering IV hydration therapy for hangover relief or any other reason, it's essential to choose a reputable provider. While generally safe when administered correctly, IV therapy carries some risks. These can include infection at the injection site, vein irritation, and, in rare cases, more severe complications. That's why seeking treatment from licensed medical professionals with IV administration experience is crucial. Dr. Lauren Nawrocki, a respected physician in the field, emphasizes the importance of proper technique and sterile conditions. "IV therapy can be a useful tool," she notes, "but it's not something to be taken lightly. It's a medical procedure that requires skill and expertise to perform safely." When choosing a provider, don't be afraid to ask questions about their qualifications, experience, and safety protocols. A reputable clinic should be happy to provide this information and address any concerns you might have. The Bigger Picture: Alcohol and Health While we're on the topic of hangovers and their remedies, it's worth taking a moment to consider the bigger picture of alcohol consumption and health. Hangovers, after all, are our bodies' way of telling us we've had too much to drink. Regular heavy drinking can lead to a host of health problems, including liver disease, heart problems, and an increased risk of certain cancers. It can also contribute to mental health issues and affect personal relationships. No amount of IV therapy can undo these long-term effects. If you find yourself frequently seeking hangover cures, it might be worth examining your drinking habits. Are there healthier ways to socialize or de-stress? Could you benefit from cutting back on alcohol consumption? These are essential questions to consider for your overall health and well-being. The Future of Hangover Treatment As our understanding of the physiological mechanisms behind hangovers continues to grow, so does the potential for more targeted treatments. Researchers are exploring various approaches, from medications that speed up the breakdown of acetaldehyde to supplements that support liver function. IV therapy itself is likely to evolve as well. More personalized treatments may be based on individual nutritional needs and specific hangover symptoms. There's also potential for combining IV therapy with other treatments, such as oxygen therapy or even stem cell treatments, though these applications are still in the early stages of research. However, it's important to remember that no matter how advanced our hangover cures become, they're no substitute for responsible drinking habits. The best way to avoid a hangover will always be to drink in moderation – or not at all. Conclusion: A Tool, Not a Solution So, is IV hydration therapy the best cure for hangovers? As with many things in medicine, "it depends." For some people, in some situations, IV therapy can provide quick relief from hangover symptoms and help them get back on their feet faster. It's a tool that can be part of an effective hangover recovery strategy when used appropriately and administered by professionals. However, it's not a magic solution, and it's certainly not a free pass to drink irresponsibly. The best approach to hangovers is still prevention – drinking in moderation, staying hydrated, and giving your body time to rest and recover. If you do find yourself with a hangover and are considering IV therapy, weigh the potential benefits against the cost and any possible risks. And most importantly, listen to your body. If your hangovers are severe or frequent, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol. Remember, health is about more than just treating symptoms – it's about making choices that support your overall well-being in the long term. Whether that involves IV therapy, traditional hangover remedies, or simply cutting back on alcohol, the best choice is the one that works for you and supports your health goals. Cheers to that! Read the full article
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webotixae · 2 months
Is Gluta Drip the Detox Powerhouse You’ve Been Waiting For?
In today's matrix of fleeting health crazes, one detox method is making a lasting impression: the Gluta Drip. Forget your run-of-the-mill detox teas; this powerhouse cleanse is what your body needs. Get ready to learn why your liver will be over the moon with gratitude!
What on Earth is a Gluta Drip?
First things first – what exactly is a Gluta Drip? Imagine a superhero serum for your cells, and you're not far off. The term "Gluta Drip" stands for “ glutathione injection “, an intravenous therapy that administers glutathione, a potent antioxidant your body naturally produces. Glutathione is often dubbed "the master antioxidant" because it turbocharges your body's ability to detoxify itself.
Think of it like a car wash for your insides—a full-service affair where every nook and cranny gets a thorough clean. But instead of soapy water and high-pressure jets, you’re getting a shot of health-boosting antioxidants straight into your bloodstream. Now, that’s what I call an inside job!
The Science Behind the Super Serum
You didn’t think we’d just rave about the Glutathione Drip without some cold, hard facts, did you? Here’s the lowdown on how it works.
When administered intravenously, glutathione goes straight to your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This direct route ensures maximum absorption. Sorry, spinach, but pills and powders just can't compete with a straight IV line to vitality.
Once it’s in your bloodstream, glutathione does what it does best – neutralizes free radicals, enhances liver function, and supports cellular health. Your liver, the body’s primary detox organ, gets a much-needed boost to flush out toxins more effectively. Imagine your liver transforming from a tired office worker to a caffeinated superhero. Yes, that’s what’s happening inside you!
How This IV Therapy Cleanses Your Body
The wellness world is abuzz with the benefits of the Whitening IV Drip, and for good reason. This intravenous (IV) therapy is touted as one of the most effective methods for detoxification. But how exactly does it work? Let's peel back the layers and uncover the science and process behind this body-cleansing marvel.
The Core Component: Glutathione
1. The "Master Antioxidant"
Glutathione, the star player in the Gluta Drip, is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by your cells. It's composed of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. This trifecta works together to neutralize free radicals, thus protecting and repairing cells from oxidative stress and damage.
Direct Delivery System
2. Intravenous Administration
Administering glutathione intravenously allows for direct entry into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system entirely. This method ensures that nearly 100% of the glutathione is absorbed and utilized by your body. No middlemen, no dilution—just pure, unadulterated detox power.
Detoxification Process
3. Boosting Liver Function
The liver is your body’s primary detox organ, responsible for filtering toxins and waste products from the blood. When glutathione enters your bloodstream, it heads straight to the liver, where it acts as a coenzyme. This supercharges the liver’s ability to break down and excrete harmful substances, ranging from pollutants to heavy metals and metabolic waste.
4. Neutralizing Toxins
Once inside the liver, glutathione converts fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble forms. These water-soluble toxins are easier for the body to excrete through urine or bile. Essentially, glutathione acts like a molecular broom, sweeping out unwanted substances efficiently.
Cellular Rejuvenation
5. Antioxidant Action at the Cellular Level
Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause oxidative damage to cells, accelerating the aging process and contributing to various diseases. Glutathione is highly effective at neutralizing these free radicals. By donating an electron, it stabilizes them, preventing further cellular damage. This action is crucial for maintaining cellular health and supporting the body's natural repair processes.
6. Supporting Mitochondrial Function
Mitochondria, often referred to as the "powerhouses" of cells, are vital for energy production. Glutathione ensures that mitochondria function optimally, producing energy efficiently and reducing the production of harmful by-products. This leads to improved energy levels and overall vitality.
Immune System Enhancement
7. Immune Support
Glutathione plays a significant role in maintaining a robust immune system. It enhances the activity of white blood cells, which are essential for immune response. By bolstering the body's defenses, whitening injection helps protect against infections and illnesses, making you feel healthier and more resilient.
Skin and Aesthetic Benefits
8. Skin Whitening and Brightening
One of the more popular reasons people turn to skin whitening injections is for its skin benefits. Glutathione helps to lighten and brighten the skin by inhibiting melanin production. This can lead to a more even skin tone and a radiant complexion over time.
The Procedure
1. Consultation
Before embarking on Gluta Drip therapy, it’s essential to have a consultation with a healthcare provider to determine if it's suitable for you. They'll assess your health status, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan.
2. IV Administration
The actual process is relatively straightforward. During a session, which can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, a healthcare professional will insert an IV line into your arm. The glutathione solution is then slowly dripped into your bloodstream. You can relax, read a book, or even snooze during the procedure.
3. Post-Treatment Care
After the session, most people can resume their normal activities immediately. Some might feel a slight uptick in energy levels or notice a gradual improvement in skin texture and overall wellness over subsequent days.
Safety and Considerations
1. Safety
Gluta Drip therapy is generally regarded as safe when administered by trained professionals. Nevertheless, always consult a healthcare provider to ensure it’s the right fit for you, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant.
2. Side Effects
Side effects are rare but can include mild bruising at the injection site or temporary vein discomfort. It's crucial to have the treatment performed in a reputable clinic to minimize any risk.
Drip Your Way to Wellness
The Gluta Drip isn't just a trendy wellness fad; it's a scientifically backed method for enhancing your body's natural detoxification processes, supporting cellular health, and promoting overall well-being. Whether you're looking to clear out toxins, brighten your skin, or simply give your immune system a boost, this powerful therapy  
Is the Glutathione IV Therapy for Everyone? 
Whoa there, cowboy. As with any health trend, it's important to consider if this therapy aligns with your individual needs. Consulting with a healthcare professional is non-negotiable. While generally considered safe, those with certain health conditions or pregnant women, for instance, should tread carefully.
To Drip or Not to Drip?
If you’re looking for a reliable way to support your detox pathways, enhance your general well-being, and perhaps look a bit younger while you're at it, then a Gluta Drip might be your new best friend.
The world of wellness is yours to explore, and whether you're looking to clear your skin, ramp up your energy, or just give your liver a well-deserved break, the Gluta Drip could be worth considering.
Just remember – the best detox plan in the world can't replace a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good ol’ sleep. But as an exciting addition to a health-conscious lifestyle, Gluta Drip therapy could be the missing piece of your wellness puzzle.
So, go ahead. Make a splash with the Gluta Drip and give your body the detoxifying power-up it’s been screaming for. After all, who doesn’t want to be the hero of their own health story?
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