#ive been doing it a lot more lmaooooo!
motherforthefamicom · 2 months
been considering changing my url for a little while now… this ones so good but ive had it for too long
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Fun Fact I just gathered: Before he got popular, Majima conceptually was just gonna be a fun psychotic rival for Kiryu and nothing beyond that, however they still wanted to keep him grounded. Then he became popular, so the writers had him be in almost all the games, even if he was never gonna be at his peak. However for the movie, they went back to that original concept for Majima and just amped up that energy to a cartoonish degree, just had the actor do what he had to do with the character (like move the eyepatch to the right so he can see better) and the end result is Majima's second best appearance in any Yakuza media. Then we get to Kiwami and we basically get the best of both worlds. In short, any adaptation of Yakuza 1 is Majima at his best. Makes me wonder how this kind of rehauling and remastering would've benefited characters like Aoki, Mine, or Ryuji
honestly the best way to summarize this ask is that majima got the vegeta treatment: he was supposed to be a one-off/non-overly-interesting antagonist, yet due to popularity he was essentially brought back/revamped
i feel like rgg tried to do something like that with ryuji and dead souls, but ultimately stopped themselves before they could bring him into any major mainline titles
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queenofbaws · 2 years
i’m not usually a thanksgiving person for a whole host of reasons, but this year’s got me feeling a certain kind of way, so if i haven’t said it recently, i’m so, so thankful for all you out there - my buddies who live in the computer. even when i’m feeling down and out, all y’all out there in internetland always find a way to make me smile. idk what life would be like without you guys, and i don’t want to find out! <3
if you celebrate, i hope you had a good one, and if you don’t, i hope you had a good one too <333 gobble gobble or whatever ;P
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thewonderousjaysky · 1 year
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A peaceful rainy day
Made as a birthday gift for my friend of her oc. I'm actually really proud of this!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Headcanons of a romantic brush between kakyoin and y/n who happens to be jotaro's cousin one year younger and clearly also joseph's granddaughter? I would like to know the reaction of all the crusaders to this situation, I feel that Polareff would be the most annoying, don't you think? XDD
omg this idea is so funny!! i hope i did well at writing it! it's kinda short and just goofy fanfic, so i hope you enjoy anon!!! <3
Secret - Noriaki Kakyoin
Pairing - Kakyoin x f!reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 540
Notes - thanks for the request and sorry this took so long anon, ive been trying to get through a lot of requests lmaooooo. hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy!!! <333
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You smiled and ran up to Kakyoin, pressing a kiss on his cheek. You and Kakyoin had been secretly dating since you landed in Singapore and to hide it, you have both woken up early to take a walk around the hotel before everyone else gets up.
You had to admit it felt silly to be hiding something like this, but also a little fun. Plus, if your cousin, Jotaro, found out, he would be on your ass about staying on task and not worrying about stupid stuff like relationships. And your grandpa, Joseph, found out, you would never be able to have a moment alone with Kakyoin.
You didn't want to seem off task or like you didn't care about the actual mission at hand, so you and Kakyoin just spent your time together early in the morning and late at night before doing actual work throughout the day.
“Did you sleep well last night?” You asked Kakyoin, watching the warm sun rise.
“I did,” he smiled and placed a small kiss on your cheek. “How about you?”
“Pretty good. There was a loud train outside though, but other than that, it was pretty nice.”
“Well, at least you got some sleep.” Kakyoin sat down on a bench, patting the open spot next to him for you to sit down.
You gladly sat down and rested in his arms watching the sun on the ocean. Waking up now was actually a nice thing, not only because you got to see Kakyoin and spend some alone time with him, but you also got to see the sun rise in tons of different countries, which a lot of people can't say they’ve seen.
You snuggled into Kakyoin’s arms, feeling yourself drift off to sleep again, when you heard a very familiar laugh.
“Don't get me laughing like that, Polnareff, gonna make my knees go out!” Joseph wiped a tear from laughing so hard and you panicked. There wasn't enough time to get out of Kakyoin’s arms, and even before you thought of that, Jotaro made eye contact with you, following right behind his grandfather.
Your eyes went wide and you turned to Kakyoin, trying to figure out a cover up. But everyone saw you at this point and knew what you were up to. Joseph ran over and said, “How long have you two been snuggling?!?!”
You shrugged and went to say something when Jotaro grabbed the tip of his hat and shook his head with his iconic “yare yare daze”.
Kakyoin just giggled and made the situation worse and your face more red by placing a huge kiss on your cheek.
Polnareff ran up with tears nearly in his eyes. “Oh my goodness!! You two are so cute together!!!” He sniffled back some tears and grabbed Kakyoin’s hands. “You better treat her well, alright? You better take her on the most lovely dates! I know a great place in France.”
Everyone began bombarding the two of you and you couldn't help but giggle and apologize for hiding this from everyone.
Jotaro wasn't too amused though and just told everyone to pack their bags and go while Polnareff was crying in Avdol’s arms about how cute the two of you were.
jjba masterlist (2) --- pinned post
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sburbian-sage · 2 months
Hey there!
So ive been fuckin around with artifact grist items and i gotta say this shits fun as hell
Its like deep fried shitposts come to life, earlier i made a bitcrushed scooter that just does endless flips while some shitty text box pops up and announces things like "fliptsatic combob x894"
Also made a projector that shitifies whatever it projects on
Some other cool things ive made so far:
>a physical manifestation of a style meter that keeps track of worthless shit like taking steps and how many pieces of cereal on a spoon
>a cube thats actually 2d
>a 4d tesseract thats actually 3d (this ones so fucking funny, if i bring it near our space player she hisses like a fucking cat lmaooooo) (also hurts to look at if you stare for to long)
>a coin that only lands on its side and announces with a text box "teh chnaces!"
>a modus that seemingly just shitifies any items you put in it (the possibilities!!!!!!!!)
>a baseball that screams a hyper compressed wii sports baseball homerun sound whenever thrown thats so loud that its actually a weapon
>a shitty 8 ball that only ever says "kill me"
>a spy tf2 plush that constantly plays the decloak sound every like .1 of a second (i launched that bitch into the furthest ring, it was that loud)
>a sword made from a shitified copy of the avengers that dissolves anything it kills into jpeg artifacts (genuinely disturbing, they scream something awful, also completely useless since all enemies killed drop solely artifact grist which i already have way more than enough of)
My space player basically completely avoids my house at this point lmao, any other recommendations? Ive got a lot of downtime atm so ive been kinda bored
A video game console is a really good one. It mostly crashes any time you try to load anything, and if you insert an actual non-Artifact game disc you'll hear a grotesque crunching sound and will never get that thing back (make copies!), but if it ever actually properly loads a """"game"""", it'll be amazing. Most bad games nowadays are bad because they're unplaytested asset flips, but have no fear, because all assets are original, and they're worse than unplaytested. What you get is a spectrum between Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing on a normal day, and Ride to Hell: Retribution on a really good one, but they're doing that to a game that's supposed to be good. Vaguely recognizable but utterly bastardized storylines, voice acting recorded on a potato in some guy's closet from the hinterlands, and gameplay that exists in that sweet liminal space where you genuinely can't tell if you're playing the game as intended but you're making progress anyway.
The console matters by the way. Basically anything on a cartridge won't work, and Xboxes seem oddly tolerant, so that's your best chance for getting a working game going. And don't even try an emulator, you will not survive the computer booting up. As for games, I'd recommend anything with a story worth remembering, with bonus points the more involved/"serious"/heartfelt the story is, so it becomes more recognizably a farce. Anything made by David Cage is guaranteed to produce gold. Imagine Ethan Mars Is Gay, but playable.
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mangoposts · 9 months
i literally love you so much😭🤍 it feels a lot better finally getting that off my chest. idk you give such a comforting, nonjudgmental vibe and it just made me feel safe telling you especially since im anonymous. but your advice helps a lot, deep down i know a man who really loves me won't care how inexperienced i am or what's been done to me in the past. but the fear of being judged by a man is just constantly in the back of my mind so every little thing scares me LMFAO. i think my current problem is that now that i've gotten over what happened and im ready, im READY. i mean impatient as fuck and want to jump the first attractive man i see like a feral animal LMAOOOOO because bitch ive been putting up w my own hands for YEARS NOW my 1 1/2 inch fingers arent cutting it no more. i need a MAN up in there ykwim😭 (preferably matt/chris' long veiny hands🤭)
but i also dont wanna hook up w anyone, im not that type of person (clearly since im 20 and haven't even seen a dick in person) i definitely wanna wait until im at LEAST a month or two into a good healthy relationship to have sex w them. but then part of me is like bitch you need dick this has gone on for too long just fuck somebody😔😔😔 IDKKKK maybe i just need to buy a dildo to A) prepare myself for when i actually do have sex and B) fill this void of wanting to be dicked down but not wanting to hookup with a random.
- 🌙
Girl literally just buy a dildo or any sex toy i promise you ITS THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING and some aren’t that expensive i’ll literally like link toy websites rn Lmfaooaooooo they work better than men
I love u so much too and i’m glad it made you feel better 🤍 Yall can tell me anythinngggggggg
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royalwilmon · 5 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
thank you so so much for tagging me @skibasyndrome <3333333
do you make your bed?
almost never. like, when i wash my sheets, and then never again. cant be bothered!!!
what's your favourite number?
i dont really have one but ive been saying 36 for yearssss. from the glee days. iykyk
what is your job?
im a software tester!!
if you could go back to school, would you?
you couldn't pay me to
can you parallel park?
i mean. technically. i avoid it at all costs and if there is someone behind me witnessing me parallel park i will Fully Panic. but i can do it. mostly.
a job you had that would surprise people?
i worked at dunkin' donuts for three years. which isn't surprising, i live in new england. what does surprise people is when i talk about how much i genuinely loved that job and miss it Every Day
do you think aliens are real?
i guess i definitely think there are other life forms out there. hard to say what they'd be like, though
can you drive a manual car?
nah, i've never tried. don't have much of a reason to!
what's your guilty pleasure?
lmaooooo gut instinct is to say jimmy buffett. my spotify wrapped this year is going to be WILD
not yet! once i find an artist i trust, I'm going to get the comet chandelier
favorite color?
blue! i describe the shade as the darkest shade of blue the sky gets
favorite type of music?
my taste of music is absolutely all over the place, this is nearly an impossible question for me to answer. i have a lot of specific pockets of interest. i love anything that came out of laurel canyon -- really, a lot of 70s music i picked up from my dad. obviously i fuck with showtunes big time. and then lately i have a handful of artists im obsessed with that float somewhere in the indie/pop/jazz/folk world. like, so vague, i just cant say any sorta word that would sum it up. oh, also, omar?? seriously, i'm all over the place
do you like puzzles?
yeah! my sister loves them more than i do so i mostly only do them when I'm hanging out with her
any phobias?
birds!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate them!!!!!!!! im so afraid!!!!!!!!!!! so so so scared!!!!!
favorite childhood sport?
i played softball and basketball as a kid, but like. ehhhhhhhh.
do you talk to yourself?
oh, always. look, i work from home most of the time, and my roommates have very different schedules from mine so im home alone a LOT. i like to keep myself company. i am alwayssss chattering to myself. 100% of the time, just nonsense babble
what movies do you adore?
ohhhhh tricky question. i'll pretend im doing one of those letterboxd interviews and I'll give you my top four. fried green tomatoes (1991), camelot (1967), dirty dancing (1987), and everything everywhere all at once (2022)
coffee or tea?
coffee! like i said, i worked at dunks for three years. I'm one of those maniacs that drinks black coffee. i wish i liked tea, i really do, i just. dont
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
HAHA i don't know if it was the first but the story my mom always tells is how i wanted to be a cake decorator at Walmart. specifically walmart. she would encourage me to aim higher, like. 'why don't you be a cake decorator at the white house or something', but no. walmart. i was probably, like. five.
Onward tagging: idk!!!!!!!! im always late to these!!!!!! @goldenwilmon if you haven't done it yet??
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damn-stark · 1 year
It’s the way I’ve been waiting for this for a year and it still doesn’t even feel real to me lmaooooo.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS CHAPTER. The different explorations of emotions with Cherry’s traumas and grief, all still fresh, and continuously to being piled on is heart wrenching but you describe it so well.
Seeing Eren and Cherry literally verbalize their sibling ship to each other, and it being some of their last words hurt like no other. ON TOP OF HER LITERALLY HAVING TO FACE EVERYONE IN PRESENT TIMEAS IF NOTHING HAPPENED. Her image of Eren being restored, while everyone though it’s not with joy, aren’t in the best spot with him. And she knows now that what he’s doing isn’t something he takes pride in, let alone want to do at all.
Yet she can’t tell anyone, having to walk past her cousin who’s grieving the thought of having to get rid of him. When she knows Mikasa of all people is struggling the most with this situation of dealing with Eren. Our poor Cherry girl in a way has to bare this cross until the time comes, which is a lot of pressure, and that’s not including her trauma, her grieving, her thoughts of her future etc.
And I don’t even want to touch upon Hange, that wound is too fresh😭😭😭 having to read this after watching it was like ripping a scab and then putting salt and alcohol on it.
The Reiner moment was a moment. He knows she holds that bitterness against him, but he was so quick to grab onto Cherry. No hesitations. Though their relationship will be far from the same, it definitely adds to the fact that he so clearly still cares deeply for her, even if she doesn’t reciprocate even 1% of that. Which is kind of sweet.
THE LIL HUNGER GAME REFERENCE WITH LEVI AND CHERRY I WANTED TK EXPLODE. It was so perfect. But I also can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to see on his own, not just from the words of everyone else, how bad Cherry’s trauma and PTSD is. And him knowing better than anyone else that there isn’t anything you can do about it, other than let it pass, and live with it as it slowly stops creeping up on you every waking moment.
Which must only make it harder considering it’s Cherry, surely him experiencing it on his own, he knows he has to storm it on his own. But to not be able to take away that consistent drop in your gut, the fear, away from her? I can’t even imagine how frustrating that must’ve been and will be.
That’s not even including his comfort towards Cherry talking about her uncertainty about really truly wanting a future with Jean. And how he didn’t judge her for it for a second😭🫶🏽🫶🏽. Love that man from infinity to infinity.
And JEANNNN. Oh how I’ve missed him and his fine assss😔 He even without knowing it really knows how to do right by Cherry. Just by being himself, without trying, he knows and does what she needs in the moment. Boyfriend of the year I’m afraid🥱
But that leads me to question, when Cherry was talking of he uncertainty with seeing Jean in her future. Which I’m sure you’ll elaborate in the next chapter.
Would you say that, that purely comes from the trauma she’s working through? And maybe even fear that if she really pictures a future with him, and loses him, she will be let down. And is saying she isn’t certain to avoid the heartache and disappointment? Because she’s well aware that they aren’t invincible and anything can happen, even if she were to do her best protecting him.
Or is it because after what she faced in Marley, she just is genuinely not sure if it is what she wants anymore?
I’m sorry for how long this is, but ITS BEEN A YEAR SO I JUST HAD TO. Thank you again author, I’m glad to be back. And can’t wait for more. Take care!!<33
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Eren really is like i know you’re dealing with shit but here’s something more to pile on you!!
And the Reiner moment ☺️👉🏼👈🏼 I’m glad you liked that part
The jean part and her not knowing comes from fear of losing what she holds so dear, that peace she might find AND also Marley really changed her, part of her died there in Marley.
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mostlymalena · 7 months
February 26th 2024 11:05pm
Just cut clark's hair!! looks much better - I cut all the dead blonde out.
Just finished uploading all my digital journals that I have been writing in my notes app since oct or nov. I decided against transferring my physical journal onto my blog but might later on in the year. I started my new corporate job today an let me tell you I hate it. It's really just not for me. I'm planning on quitting after two weeks bc I do want to give it a shot.
I guess here is a rundown update:
I started my soccer coaching and its wonderful
Going to Italy in May with Jo and also going to Argentina in April with O.
I guess thats it hahaha
I'm glad I'm journalling. It settles my thoughts and my heart.
OH!! oh my fucking god almost forgot. So my family and I have been talking about how I can get myself out there and not just keep doing things im comfortable with. So like going to new bars and taking some classes (signed up for a stained glass class btw). Well last saturday I do go to a new bar with my friends called ponysauras and it's so cool and fun in there! Well a bouncer slash employee is coming up to our table a lot and making convo and he is really cute but clearly older. As I am leaving he asks me on a date!! I ask how old he is and he tells me he is 45! 20 years older than me eek! SO we exchange numbers and I go about my merry way. We are texting a little and I straight up ask him "sorry for being so candid, but why are you the age you’re at and not married?" THIS MOTHER FUCKER SENDs THIS:
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LMAOOOOO so yeah my first time trying to give an older guy a chance did not go well at all.
I should sign off and write more tommorww bc I need to do a load of laundry and dishes (ew kms kms kms) before I tuck in for the night. I already fucking read my book I got from the library yesterday so im shit out of luck for that. Anyways glad ive finally caught up and so happy im writing again ugh love this.
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mbabol · 1 year
hwwow knight 2
yerm. still getting lost
ITS SO YUCKY i dont love how it throbs. i know its a gameplay mechanic to level up the easy zone to slightly harder and more rewarding mobs but i am fascinated by how this answers my question of how come the dreamers said the infection is respreading when it looks like its already out and about. well. now i know what it Really looks like when theres shit about
is the infection going to keep spreading...? i found a moss knight that died from infection.......
firstable it shouldnt have been that hard when all its moves were so predictable. i think the hardest thing was the orange thingies movement i had to learn how they moved
secondable wuhwoh. story implications. love how it looked like me to really hammer it home. this is what vessels are.....they hold the infection (?) and if they Break the infection breaks loose and also takes their will ? whats up with that. i know its like coreopsis but its also More. what is the end goal? coreopsis end goal is reproduction of itself. is this supposed to be similar? but then why make them aggro. doesnt serve a purpose. maybe itll get explained maybe it wont but its something i ponder...
so were supposed to compare broken vessel to ourselves. and wonder if were another vessel thats coming down. but why? are we really? if we were thatd be good but the other benevolent chars are suspicious of us. every char we meet is essentially projecting different goals to us (funny, bc we the players are also using ghost that way - *hammer hits me over the head*) and its obscuring the real goal ghost has.
i think ghost has to be good. theyre too likeable and kind to random strangers. but also not necessarily free of culpability! i still dont know.
im in deepnest btw. scarymode. im sick of scarymodes. i want more greenpath zones >:( enough variations of zombiebug
um what else has happened. uh lots of inchresting mobs. ive been reading some of the beast entries and one of the early deepnest mobs has a strange entry? its super passive and easy to beat but the entry says it unnerves the hunter and it doesnt
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xelsjournal · 2 years
oop its 4:20 am ikdr 🌬🤪 dec 15 2022
first blog post on the new blog whoop whoop. im not gonna rlly censor myself over here or put too much thought into the audience for this one. who knows, maybe the posts will be private. prolly not tho cuz that defeats the purpose. if this writerly exploratory period in my life. i know im out of galance rn and its cuz im in transition but i crave balance and internal piece. but its up to me to secure them for myself, so im like aware of this looming spiritual journey for me coming up but tbh i have no fucking clue what its gonna look like lmaooooo. i thought i had a spiritual practice and some understanding at one point but frankly while thats what j needed at the time and brought me here, that was blatant ego and pride talking cuz i kinda didnt know shit. i still dint know shit, but i thought i knew SOME things. and i did and i do. but while i know a lot, i dont know more, and because im shifting realities, what i once knew is no longer what is true so i also need to confront everything i think i know about spirit, the universe, my ancestors, my spirit team, my self, my path, my community, my home, my perception, my reality, my energy (i can keep going too) *deep breath*… i just have a lot of something awaiting me. a lot of discovery and newness and to be honest im a little daunted. not in a “i dont wannt go” way but in a “im going ziplining for the first time” way. like it looks kinda fun kinda horrifying, def exhilarating, def incomparable to anything ive experienced yet and i know i need to prepare myself and have all my qs and ps about me so i can have the experience im supposed to experience but i know itll be life changing for the best so im not too worried about it but i do have butterflies all up and in my gut type of anticipation. i have no reference point for what im boutta experience but i know that ill provide the something thats been feeling off rn, like itll scratch the itch i been feeling. its what ive been waiting for for like 3 years now and im pretty excited. but whew i do not actually know what to expect. im certainly not gonna rush it lmaoooo but ig yall can read about it in real time here if u want 😂 grateful to be here and to have space to speak and share my thoughts. im grateful to have my words resonate in the minds of people all over the globe. im grateful for the power of the voice, the pen, im grateful for my power in wielding them, and im grateful for every opportunity to share my mind, my heart, my toils, my euphoria with the world of my own volition. im grateful for those who inevitably will see them and share in or bare witness to my thoughts.
anyway chile im going to sleep sksks gn
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warmthpdf · 3 years
if i don’t write down all my thoughts about surviving this summer sometime soon i think i will explode !
#'surviving' to begin with feels like such a strong word to apply to this summer but survival is SO intensely woven into how i've been living#how ive been living these past few months has been based around just surviving the next hour the next day the next week#and not being sure if i was able to do that or if doing that was worth it#for the first time in years i didnt wanna wake up. but for the first time in years i also wanted to live authentically and unabashedly#theres a lot i want to say about that? probably not all of it on tumblr. i feel like im already sharing way too much#but my point is that despite nothing life altering or world shattering or something that could be 'big trauma' this was something i survived#and i want to feel a little proud of that#and i think to be proud of that i have to put that into words and really really look at it as if this was someone else#to feel validated in my own survival i have to ?? view it as if its someone else. bc i think im the one exception to deserving to heal ig#but it helps to put things in perspective#im rly holding back a lot of feelings rn i think and i need an outlettttt#gonna journal tomorrow night i think#sleepover on monday. a lot of feelings about that :') first day back at college on wednesday. seeing the big group of friends on friday#things are happening and im trying to hold my life in my hands again and say its enough to keep living for#diary#thats all ! its 4am nini#sorry my tags are so. like this lmaooooo i forget other people might actually SEE what i post#im not a writer by any means but ppl on my uquiz have said my writing is very nice :') so thats been encouraging me to ramble more i think#okay GOODNIGHTGOODNIGHT
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So Iv been on vacation and won’t see my boyfriend till aug. 3 or something cause he’s leaving the day I return so I’m not gonna see him for 2 weeks. Yeah and mads (me of course) got drunk with my cousins last night and basically texted and FaceTimed him that I wanna fuck him among other things and goddamn I get bold when intoxicated fuck bro now he know knows what iv been thinking to myself for a couple weeks 😳
Okay but also like 😏😏😏
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panlyv · 3 years
Hey Dawn! Idk where else to ask this but do you have any Classic Chanonpom Fics to rec me? Idk where to start 😔
hi anon!!! i hope you are well! and sorry for taking a while to answer, i wanted to reply to u right away but uni and work have been enslaving me 😖
ANYWAYS!!!!! ah yes *disney villain laugh* yes i do have them hehehehe
a warning: this ask will probably be a little long bc i have no restraint when it comes to talking about my favourite fanfics, especially when they are the gifted related, so im very sorry beforehand lmao but let’s get into it!!!!!!
ok let’s start with probably one of my ultimate favourite chanonpom fics written by the one and only love of my life alexa @scrubbfantine 💞🥺 the fanfic was based on these very extensive tags i wrote on one of alexa’s web weaving posts and when they really wrote it i deadass started crying lmaooooo but the fic in question is ‘is this too much to expect’ and.... i re-read it basically every month, it makes me so stupidly happy and warm 🥺🥺🥺 im so So lucky to have an amazing friend like alexa who writes SO WELL and made this little something for me 🥺 please read this fic anon, it has the gifted kids being just kids, it has domestic chanonpom, chanon being a flirt and pom being so happy he doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s just. perfection
moving on to ‘small things are spectacular sights’ written by the supreme chanonpom clown king himself rahul @petekaos !!!! this is one of the most wholesome things ive ever read and it fills me with joy just thinking about it 🥰🥺 the dynamics between the kids and pom are EVERYTHING and rahul is able to do this thing where you can Feel how much chanon and pom love each other by the way he writes them. it’s magic!!!!!!!! this fic helped me get through the end of tgg and tbh rahul would make every gmmtv scriptwriter unemployed if he wanted to, those people really need to read rahul’s work and start taking some notes smh chanonpom had so much potential to be So Good but ... u know how it went down. there’ll be more of rahul’s work in this ask but let it be known that he basically invented fix-it fanfics with what he writes for chanonpom
ok nowwwww it’s ‘a privilege to know and forget’ also written by alexa, and GOD. alexa can write the BEST background fics(???) like take a scene from the actual show and they make it BETTER. and that’s what a privilege to know and forget is, a look into what could’ve happened the day pang and wave face pom in the warehouse and force him to remember all the things that tormented him still but that he couldn’t name. it’s angsty and i LOVE me some angst. this fic is chef’s kiss
anon are you ready to cry but also die of happiness??? then ‘my weary heart has come to rest in yours’ is for you!!!!!!!!!!!! another one of rahul’s great masterpieces, this is set when chanon and pom were at ritdha and it’s lowkey an enemies to lovers au (tho as rahul stated in the tags of the fic, pom doesn’t really hate chanon, he just wants to believe he does). it’s a very enjoyable read and it will make you smile like a dumbass sometimes, but hey. it’s chanonpom. no one can help it
next we have ‘out of the blue’, which is one of the many interpretations of how chanon and pom reconnected after pom regained his memories (because we pretend s2 canon doesn’t exist ❤️). written by a legend (alexa) as the secret santa gift for another legend (rahul). the dialogue here is just ........ idk man. makes me feel a Lot. and it’s the Only way for them to reunite that would actually make sense, because chanon would NEVER do what he did. NEVER. wtf was that ooc clownery ❤️ but we don’t need to worry about that bc alexa’s got our back
.........ok *deep breath* im sobbing just thinking about this one. since we started this off with one of my absolute faves, let’s end it with The Number One chanonpom fic in my heart: ‘even if the world changes (can you promise we won't change?)’ aka the aftermath fic
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this fic is Very Long. but it's totally completely 100% worth it. rahul..... idk he channelled all the hurt, the longing, the pain, the fear, the hesitation that both chanon and pom feel after the way they crossed paths again in tgg
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it's absolute brilliance anon. i SWEAR. ive never read anything that made me feel as much as this fic did. again, as i said before, rahul just. writes chanonpom in the rawest way, he makes you understand and feel all the unspoken feelings between them, their love that is so repressed because they are scared but also so unbearably loud it almost drives you insane.
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the aftermath fic is the BEST fix-it you could ever ask for ever in your life. it gives chanonpom the ending they deserved, which wasn't easy, but that they fought for. it begins with the balcony scene from ep12 of tgg and the way that exchange should've been, and what should've come after it.
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i need to stop myself before writing a whole love letter about this fanfic, but it's just so incredibly good, anon, that i could talk about it all day. in fact i did, and still do lmaoooo all of these pics are memes i made after i read it because rahul deserves the hype and i need every single soul on earth to read it idc if you haven't seen the gifted just. READ IT.
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seriously anon please Please do yourself a favour and read the aftermath fic. it has hurt/comfort, an amazing character development, food as a metaphor for love, chanon and pom slowly learning how to let the other in and how to forgive each other and themselves for all that happened, and of course, it has the gifted kids being basically chanonpom's actual children. which reminds me.... as if all this wasn't enough, it also has the most wholesome epilogue of all times
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OK. OK ok im done. i just can't help it when it comes to the aftermath fic. but
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i wish i could add all the memes i made for the aftermath fic but tumblr is homophobic and limits me at 10 images smh......
anyways!!! i hope you can enjoy these fics anon and please let me know your thoughts if you do end up reading them!!!!!
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carryonmylovelies · 4 years
😎 fic writer interview 😎
thank u for tagging me @carryonsimoncarryonbaz and @bazypitchandsimonsnow and @fight-surrender 🥺🥺 ily guys thank u so so much 💘💘💘
Name: raegan!! some cute bitches on here call me rae which i also like. im thinking about going by casey at some point too so any are sexy and work for me 🐸
Fandoms: omg carry on is my main one have u guys heard of it???? its literally amazing 🤩 i also am majorly slutty for captive prince and the raven cycle 💕💕 but um currently i am tiddies deep in the haikyu!! fandom its kind of crazy 🤡 i watched it at the beginning of quarantine and it took over my entire life. i probably wrote over 30-40k words of random haikyu fics over the summer but i didn't post anything so they just live in a 90 page google document on my laptop 🤪 i also wrote a bit for hunter x hunter and demon slayer. carry on anime stans PLEASE interact 😩😩 i also read a shit ton of webcomics and manhwas so 👀 @milo-fanarts this bitch knows
Where you post: ao3, that sexy drop dead gorgeous love of my life fanfic site 🥵🥵 i also throw my shit on ffn for absolutely no reason except clout. i haven't read anything on there in a Century
Most popular one-shot: uhhhhh Baz's Willpower Vs. Black Leggings has that spot in the bag. it was very fun to write and takes place while they're still at watford for extra flavor. im glad its my most popular one-shot hehe
Most popular multi-chapter: literally the fic i wrote most recently 🤪 you're coming down, i'm warming up. its definitely the fic im most proud of AND it has TWO super sexy pieces of fanart for it i literally scream and pass out every time i look at them. (@lotus-of-light @wunder-kin) two chapters are t and function as a whole fic and then the third chapter is e and is bonus material pretty much 💋
Fic you were nervous to post: uhhhhh probably the last chapter of that one ^^^ bc it was my first time posting smut lmaooooo. but my darling smut beta @milo-fanarts helped me knock that shit out 😎 plus the comments ive gotten on that chapter have all been sooo nice and positive so i think it worked out 😎
How do you choose your titles: my clown brain. occasionally some songs. or i go bother @bazypitchandsimonsnow and @lifeasafail
Do you outline: sorta!! sometimes ill scribble shit in a notebook or my notes app
Do you take prompts: i used to!!!! but um college drains me of my energy and life force like a BITCH so i haven't written anything since before school started :/ not very cash money at all. i am however taking a slutty gap year and getting a full time job since im finishing my associates degree this year so i want to write LOTS on my year off 😈 will probably open prompts up again
Complete: everything on my ao3!!!
In progress: well ive probably got like 3 or 4 LONG fics that i started and never finished rotting in my google docs rn so im hoping to get to those....at some point. im more excited abt the au ive screamed to @milo-fanarts too much abt 👀👀 there are also some longer anime fics i wanna write too so i guess we'll just have to see 😩😩
a big sexy shoutout to @lifeasafail bc she's not only read and helped me edit like all of my snowbaz writing but is also like the one person who has read almost of ALL of the anime shit i churned out over the summer. girl we need some help that shit was crazy.
idk who's been tagged yet im a mentally ill ghost these days akebjwshd ummm @lifeasafail @makedonsgriva @lotus-of-light @theflyingpeach @adamarks @maddy-does @satsukii and of COURSE anyone whose eyeballs read this. tag me tag me tag me i want 2 see 👁👁
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