#ive been loving everyone elses ideas and wanted to throw some of mine out there
arthurcantsleep · 2 years
My college Scooby Doo pitch
Daphne is a soft butch lesbian that is pursuing a career in dance. Her best friend, Fred has been her dance partner her whole life and they chose the same college so they could continue dancing together.
Fred is an engineering major who has a million and one stupid ideas for useless little contraptions that always end up hurting his roommate, Shaggy. Thankfully they are very forgiving.
Shaggy is a trust fund baby that wants to just chill the FUCK out with their weird Great Dane mix they got off of Craigslist. Their parents have them pursuing law, and they are top of all their classes despite spending none of their free time studying. They meets Velma while petitioning for more vegetarian options at the cafeteria. They date for a month and realize they are both gay. They are still close friends and smoke buddies
Velma is a hijabi lesbian who is pursuing a double major in fine arts and gender studies. She has a love of fine arts, and goes to every dance performance the school puts on. She is a little bit obsessed with one of the dancers.
Scooby is a Great Dane mutt that Shaggy got off of Craigslist and he not great at most dog things, but he loves Shaggy and is very sociable. He can talk and it is never acknowledged why or how.
The mystery starts when Velma learns part of the arts building is being shut down due to a strange haunting. She asks Shaggy and Scoob for help and of course he brings his roommate, who brings his best friend, who happens to be Velma's crush.
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rawbertchase · 1 year
house post nobody asked for: house md characters if they had a minecraft smp. i wanted to give them gamertags but im not smart enough so if anyone has ideas please add them i will love u forever ❤️❤️ if u want to add later season characters or minor characters pls also feel welcome
btw i was not writing this with the idea that they are a youtube smp just a friend smp
lisa cuddy: server admin. not actually a huge minecraft fan she prefers games where you kill monsters a lot and build skill trees etc but likes the smp community aspect with her gaming friends. built her base in the nether. usually trades with people for supplies she needs instead of going out to mine for them.
greg house: Ass Hole. the reason explosions are now disabled. usually not online at the same time as anyone else and if he is it's to bother wilson into giving him his best gear (only to go throw it into lava). actually really good at building when he bothers to make anything tho. occasionally gives really heartfelt gifts to other server members too.
james wilson: LOVES going mining. awful at building bases. paid house to build him a base. with real life money. refuses to disclose the amount. he also has a huge animal farm. probably really bad at combat tho despite having really good gear. one of the highest death counts on the server.
robert chase: always doing something that looks cool followed by smth idiotic a second later. Slays a zombie epically then falls down massive hole. lol. only person on the server to have every advancement. mid builder. has like a little corner in everyone's home.
allison cameron: loves making intricate and epic builds. wilson gifted her a pair of feather falling iv boots cause he was sick of seeing her die of fall damage all the time cause she's always building high up with no cares in the world!!! she's just here to build and sometimes tame some animals!!!!
eric foreman: only person on the server smart enough to use redstone. not even like.. that complex of redstone he just uses it a little bit and everyone is like Oh my god ur a geniusss. he plays pretty averagely besides that. he does refuse to build his own enchanting table tho, he just steals wilson's whenever he needs to use one. also a big fan of trading with villagers.
lawrence kutner: Why is this man wearing a leather chestplate and diamond boots. good god. and is that.... a Gold sword???? this man always has something strange going on but his base is gorgeous and luxurious. Huh.
remy hadley: built the nether travel hub bc she was so irritated when she joined the server and nothing was optimized. also knows how to use redstone but hasn't shown it off bc she's amused by the way everyone treats foreman. someday she'll build some fancy resource farms with it and shock them all with her modern minecrafter skills. for now she's content with her beachfront base.
chris taub: not really sure how he ended up playing minecraft. kind of a noob. watched a bunch of videos but still doesn't understand what he's doing. tags along whenever people are doing stuff. house built him a base out of sheer pity and taub has just been vaguely building more on the back of it. it's .... interesting, to say the least.
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Ive been wondering lately if I really do have bipolar with psychotic features or if I have schizoaffective. Idk why the idea of bipolar though is so offensive to me lol. I think its because I never really feel grandiose and thats just an unfair part of the bargain.
The main difference I found is psychosis symptoms outside of mood episodes. Ive been trying to figure that out, but as my moods are really long, Im not sure. I was thinking maybe that is true because this year I seem to launch into paranoia in a single afternoon instead of over months. But thats associated with a stressed mood, not anything neutral? Idk. My paranoia is generally after Ive become fully stressed, but honestly, it is possible I have delusions constantly. How do you even know? I know I have OCD but I am so fixated on death that it might be more delusional than just OCD - like I do have rituals but its mainly just stressful thoughts that Im being haunted and the proof was a dead bug.
But the past week I noticed I shifted into a different phase. Im suddenly energetic or agitated. Like laughing hysterically, talking a lot, becoming really upset or angry, sad, overwhelmed, and constantly unreasonably scared. Everything is a threat. I seem to be really focused on fires happening for some reason. I am sleeping way more than normal, actually my sleep is suddenly really stressful. I dont go to sleep unless I take meds but thats normal for me, but now I cant get up. Ill wake up and its like Im magnetised to the bed and am stuck for awhile until I actually wake up. I sleep 12-14 hours but when I look at my Fitbit data its somehow only 5-6 hours in that time Im asleep. I know it, too. Its like Im not asleep and am in my room but dreaming in it. I didnt even realize I was so upset about this until I saw a post by someone talking about training their service dog to wake them up properly and asking how to do it and I could cry with the relief if I could figure out something mine could do to help me with it.
I generally always get told Im too self aware to have any psychosis issues and I think Im good at sounding self aware but Im actually not at all. I have no idea what Im thinking or feeling, Im guessing based on any knee jerk things that may have come out. Like last year I was in the psych ward for paranoia, but I hadnt even noticed or was able to communicate, but can see it now, that I was actually in danger of attacking people because I believed they were going to kill me first, and that had been my motivation to go in. And it wasnt even the person I said I was paranoid of.
I cant even figure out if my hand hurts or not. I have no idea what Im thinking or feeling. I know Im jumpy and on level 100 of agitation. I just suddenly start crying, Im overwhelmed with proofs of life and death. If someone tells me a joke I literally cry laughing. My words are mixing up and I feel like I cant say anything. I read things Ive written and even Im like what?? What does that even say. I know I am having PTSD symptoms - thats a given with me. I know for months Ive been hyperfocused on it, its been a source of anger outbursts.
Like for some reason the thought of romance or sex or any relationship sends me into a flying rage. My dog licking my other dog disturbs me so deeply I immediately lose it and have to run outside or throw something. People talking about love and needing people makes me feel so revolted. Ive been half dating someone and they mentioned kissing and Im ready to set myself and everyone else on fire. I cant stand the thought of desire and needing someone and craving them it is disturbing and I want to be sick thinking about it. But Im not normally like this at all. Not at all.
I am asexual and aromantic and my friend keeps making sex jokes and referencing my being asexual and I swear to god Im going to throw up on him or hit him with a wooden spoon. Havent decided yet.
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insanityconflict · 3 years
Ok so no one else will talk about this and ur the only one I've seen that hasn't just paired Hank off with 2b just bc dei n San are already together in their hcs- (I love me some 2bhank don't get me wrong, but I feel like that's wasting so much potential for this characters, ESPECIALLY 2b who I only ever see in content bc it's 2bhank content, and is rarely explored outside of that. And like- they never do Hank learning how to care for others either- dhsjs-) BUT I saw ur 2bford post and Ive been thinking, bc for ur thing to happen dei has to- well- die, and they're comforting eachother because there's literally NO other person that's an option for human comfort, so their kinda pushed into that otherwise they'll spiral, but then I realized that even when the others are alive 2b will kinda instinctively turn to San for comfort anyways, (much like dei does-) Deimos death or no. I find it that dei will want to TRY to comfort 2b, but generally is used to using humor to ease situations, and humor doesn't feel like it'd help the type of person that 2b is, so I feel like sans mom friend personality will spark up him comforting 2b during a night where 2b refuses to sleep or something. (Which this time, UNLIKE dei who I feel like would be the one to go to Sanford first, for like hugs n shit.) I just love ur post bc it opened my eyes to the potential of these characters outside of just throwing two together and not regarding canon, slapping a sugar coating on their trust and personalities that makes em softer. I love LOVE those fics and their great, but there isn't enough where people actually explore the canon personalities, and try to make it work and make sense anyways, even with all the setbacks. Anyways ily have a great day <3
blinks. holy shit. NBMASNGBASG??? THANK YOU?? im glad im able to open up a lot of people's minds to a more canon approach to their relationships. yeah, i love me some 2bhank too, but in all honesty i just dont see it working out at all. sure, there can be attempts, but hank's never going to be the relationship kind of person. at least not long-term. im a person that has the idea of them being together at some point, but splitting up because their differences and own personal problems got in the way of everything. because of this, they're still on edge with each other, and i want to make that apparent.
but i also dont want hank to be a mindless asshole, yknow? he actually goes through serious character development throughout the series, and it shows!! he may start out like a machine built just for murder, but if you look at hank from, say, a project nexus standpoint and then compare it to the time he saves sanford's ass in mc10? he's gone from being able to kill his own teammates to get what he wants to realizing that he's actually formed an attachment, and that having someoen by his side can make things so much easier in the long run. sure, he's still a bastard, but that doesn't mean he refuses to show a softer side to himself.
what i like about madness combat as a whole is that there's so much character in each individual frame alone for us to pick apart and analyze. you can tell that when sanford sees deimos' dead body for the first time that he's actually upset, but he doesn't have the time to grieve or mourn because hey, something is actively trying to kill him too. it makes you think about what would have happened if he DID have that time. or what happens after things slow down, if they ever do.
even with doc's short screen time, you can tell he's a cranky individual. but if you were to look into mpn2's arena mode storyline (yes, im bringing this up because it's actually interesting), he has SO much more personality. he's crazy fucking smart, and he doesn't take any bullshit. hell he runs a bunch of vampires over with a car and brushes it off like it was nothing. he's a badass and no one would be able to tell unless they looked to madcom's other medias, at least until the next episode drops.
my point is that it's worth doing the character studies. yeah, you can craft your own world where things are completely different and everyone's happy with each other, and that's completely fine!! i just like a more realistic approach to canon, and i do my research to make sure i'm getting things right. it's worth it in the long run because i have so much to work with, and a lot of personality i can develop in the characters themselves. it makes for a great story if you know what to do with it.
this was long, sorry, but i enjoy talking about these things. i LOVE seeing other people's headcannons and aus, especially where things get better, but then i look at mine and get so sad because things are just so fucked up there JHBSAMGDABMASDG but hey!! madness in general is fucked up if you know where to look. i'm a kind of person that loves crafting theories so the more deep and disturbing lore really gets the old rusty gears turning ;)
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santigarcia · 4 years
we’ll meet again
a ww2 au santiago ‘pope’ garcia x reader x frankie ‘catfish’ morales fic~
rating: m for smut; threesomes, some war violence
word count: 3.5k
summary: You’re in a relationship w/ Santi and Frankie and they both are drafted for the war; you anxiously await their return home.
a/n: ive been wanting to do a santi x reader x frankie fic for a while now, but i wanted to do something different w/ mine! just wasn’t sure how! until i got this ww2 idea~ so i hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated
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thank you @huliabitch​ for this aesthetic!!!!!
We’ll Meet Again
Santiago Garcia whistles a tune while he checks the mail. He’s on his lunch break from work and he decided to come home to see you. The mail is downstairs in the lobby of your apartment building. He fishes his keys out of his pocket still whistling the tune.
Frankie Morales is right behind him; he had the same idea to come see you at lunch during his break.
“You wanna get mine out too?” Frankie asks, Santi nods not turning his head. He knows Frankie’s voice.
He knows a lot more about Frankie than the average person should. These two men are in a relationship with you. The three of you share an apartment.
You’re up there waiting for them to come home right now, and both men have a spring in their step. Until Santi pulls out two identical envelopes from the mailbox. He doesn’t have to open it to know what it is. He hands Frankie his letter. Santi stands still, while Frankie tears open the letter, his eyes scanning the document, all the color leaving his face.
“We can’t tell her,” Santi holds his hand up, he’s calm as he tries to process this.
“She sure as fuck is going to notice that we’re gone! How are we going to keep this a secret?”
“No man, I mean we don’t tell her we got drafted yeah? We tell her we volunteered.”
“How is that better? That we chose to leave her?”
“Fuck I don’t know,” Santi sighs and brushes his hand over his face.
The light clack of heels on the floor turns their heads, and they are greeted with your smiling face. Your hair perfectly curled and red lipstick swept across your lips. Normally their tongues would wag at the sight of you, but there’s too much fear and uncertainty running through their minds.
“Hi boys,” you greet them with a smile, unaware of what news they hold in their hands and is just waiting on the tips of their tongues.
“Hey honey,” Santi greets you with a kiss to your cheek. He’s better at acting than Frankie.
When you turn to Frankie, you see the worried look on his brow, and the letter in his hand.
“What’s that?” you ask him, your voice catching in your throat. You know what it is, but you don’t want it to be true.
“Baby,” Santi brings the attention back to him. He takes a deep breath about to tell you when Frankie cuts him off.
“We volunteered.”
Santi gives him a look of surprise that he said it, but you don’t see it. You feel sick to your stomach.
“Both of you?” you reach for Santi to steady yourself; you feel dizzy. Frankie reaches for you to keep you upright. “When? When do you leave?”
“Next week.”
Tears begin to fall down your cheeks. You aren’t angry, you’re scared. The loves of your life are leaving for war. There’s a high chance they won’t come home.
You try to soak up as much of them as you can in the next week, but there’s an ever-present darkness over your lives. The next few days fly by, even amidst the fear and anxiety that fills your little apartment. Before you know it, you’re at the station saying goodbye to your boys.
Soldiers in uniform are everywhere, and many others like you are saying goodbye to their sweethearts, their sons, or their fathers. There’s a bitter feeling in the air, tears are on many faces.
“At least the last image I see of you boys is how handsome you both look in your uniforms,” you sniffle, trying to make light of this situation. You smooth your hand over Santi’s broad shoulders and straighten Frankie’s crooked tie.
The train whistle blows it’s the last call to board. They have to go.
“Santi,” you reach for him. His gorgeous eyes are sad, but his eyebrows lift when you call his name. Your hand rests on his chest over his heart. “Don’t be too reckless. Keep an eye on Frankie.” Your other hand cups his face, stubble already growing in from his shave this morning. You move your hand up to touch at his hair just above his ear, his uniform hat hiding his greying curls from you. “You’re so smart and brave, use that to your advantage. But stay out of trouble.” You kiss his cheek, then he kisses your forehead when he sees the tears in your eyes.
“Frankie,” you turn to him, your hand still on Santi’s chest. “Be brave. It’s ok to be scared. Don’t let Santi be stupid.” His lips quirk up in a smile, and you feel Santi’s chest when he chuckles. You touch Frankie’s face and kiss his cheek too. “Don’t shave off that mustache. Let your kindness shine through during this. You’re so much stronger than you know.” You let out a sob and he wraps you up tight in a hug. “I don’t want you to go,” you tell him.
Santi’s hand comes to rest on your back, and he gently pulls you from Frankie to hug you one last time.
When you look at their faces you smile through your tears seeing you left a lipstick stain on each of their cheeks. You reach in your purse for your handkerchief, but Santi grabs your wrist, “leave it.” He says with a soft wink.
They each give you one more kiss then they turn and board the train.
That first night is one of the worst. For so long you’ve had not one, but two men in your bed keeping you safe, keeping you company. Now this bed feels so empty and cold.
It isn’t easy for them either. It’s not until they sit down on the train that the gravity of the situation hits them both. It’s here where they meet with two brothers, Will and Benny. All these men here are in the same situation, leaving home behind to go to war.
Basic training is up first for the boys, and Frankie struggles. He throws up on the first day, Santi claps him on the back telling him it’ll be alright – and he doesn’t just mean his stomach.
Santi intends to keep his promise to look out for Frankie, he’s family.
The boys write to you as much as they can, even when they’re shipped out overseas. Their letters serve as a comfort for all three of you. For you it’s knowing they’re alive, for them it’s a chance to think about something else, something better – you.
Santi is formal in his letters, precise. His handwriting is neat. His words are comforting, romantic, and full of sexual things he’d like to do with you when he gets home. He tells you about what’s going on as much as he can and tells you funny stories about Frankie, he hopes will make you laugh. He tells you about how he and Frankie have nicknames now. How he’s Pope and Frankie is Catfish. He tells you that he looks at the photo you gave him often, wishing to hold you again.
You like to imagine what Santi looks like when he writes. Maybe he’s in a tank top, arms dirty from the mud. A cigarette hanging loose between his lips. It’s much better to think of the alternative, which in reality Santi is in the mud, but he’s cold. Writing to you from a dim flashlight, hearing the sounds of shells exploding in the distance.
Frankie writes the way he talks, it’s simple and sweet and direct. His handwriting is messy, and his letters bring you a different kind of comfort. He tells you that he’s got his eye on Santi. That he too looks at the picture you gave him. How much he misses your warmth, your laugh. How he wants to take you out dancing when he gets home. You can tell by the way he writes that he’s sad. But there’s a change in him too that brings you comfort; he’s finding his courage.
What he doesn’t tell you is the ridicule they’ve gotten for “fuckin’ the same broad.” When everyone was showing off photos of their girls, someone snatched your picture out of Frankie’s hand. In Frankie’s photo, you’re smiling bright – a smile just for him. In Santi’s photo, you’re blowing a kiss to him.
Frankie almost punched the guy for talking about how sweet your pussy must be for two men to want it. Santi had to bite his tongue as he pulled Frankie back.
When you write to the boys, you tell them what you’ve been up to. How holidays and birthdays are terrible without them home. How you are helping out with the cause in whatever way you can.
What you don’t tell them is the nightmares that plague your mind. Graphic depictions of their deaths. It’s hard enough to imagine one, but often times both of them die in your dreams.
The nightmares only seem to worsen when the letters become less and less frequent. You resort to other things to keep their memory alive while they’re gone.
The scent of Santi’s aftershave becomes a comfort. You hug Frankie’s pillow at night, so you don’t feel so lonely.
Your boys have no such comfort other than a small fading photograph and your letters sprayed with your perfume. Their lives are a living nightmare, and it continues to grow more hellish.
The worst of their nights at war is when boys reach a small German village, the enemy hiding in the homes of innocent villagers. It’s dark, all the lights in the town are out. The moon overhead, and the lights the soldiers have with them are the only way they can see.
Santi volunteers to take first watch.
During his walk of the perimeter, he peers around a corner and a grenade explodes. He wasn’t close enough for major shrapnel to hit him, but the force of the explosion sends his body hurling backwards. He slams into a brick wall like a ragdoll, his knees hit first. He falls to the ground hard, and it is chaos now around him, but he can barely hear it because his ears are ringing.
Frankie searches frantically for Santi, and his commanding officer Redfly, orders Frankie to stay at his position. But he doesn’t listen, he made a promise to you.
“Why don’t you just leave him eh Frankie?” he hears one of the other soldiers tease him. “The competition’s been wiped out!”
Frankie keeps looking, and finally in the early dawn he finds Santi in a heap in the mud and blood.
“The hell are you doing?” Santi groans when Frankie gets to him. Gunfire and explosions light up the morning sky around them. “Leave me man. My legs are shot.”
“I won’t leave you here,” Frankie shakes his head and leans down to pick up Santi.
“Fuck!” is all Santi can say as Frankie moves his body. “Wait, just wait. I can’t walk.”
“No shit,” Frankie almost laughs.
“I promised to keep you safe, now get out of here.”
“And I promised her I’d keep you from being stupid.”
“How’s that workin’ out for you?” Santi laughs and splutters up some blood.
Frankie leans down again and hurls Santi’s body over his shoulder. Fear and adrenaline are his only explanations for how he managed to do this.
The next thing Santi remembers is waking up in a medical tent. Both of his legs are bandaged and elevated, and he feels miserable. His ears still have a dull ringing in them. He has an awful headache, but at least his legs don’t hurt, and he can in fact feel his toes. He misses you. He wants you here. Fuck. He wants to hold your hand. For you to comb your fingers through his hair to help him calm down.
He takes in his surroundings. Men are in beds everywhere. Nurses are walking all about, checking on everyone. His best guess is he’s in the recovering area, but he can still hear muffled screams in a nearby tent of extreme trauma cases.
He feels sick to his stomach, images of war coming back to him. It’s then he sees Frankie is sitting next to him, his arm in a sling.
“What happened to you?” Santi rasps, his voice gone from not using it in a few days.
“I carried some idiot off the battlefield over my shoulder. Tore it to shit.”
“She’s not gonna be happy about this,” Santi laughs. He can only imagine your reaction, but he would love for you to fuss over him.
“We’re fuckin’ alive man. She’ll take us however we are.”
And Frankie’s exactly right. He stays with Santi until he heals. And soon after that – the war is over.
They get to come home.
You cry when you hear the news on the radio. So many lives lost, you mourn with those around you who won’t have their soldier coming home.
You’d gotten one letter from Frankie in the last few months, and one only one came you feared the worst. But in his letter, he details how Santi was hurt and doing well in recovery. You felt sick reading this letter, to be so far from those who you love when they are hurting is a pain you never experienced to this degree.
And you can’t even begin to imagine what they went through. It tugs at your heart.
The entire time they were gone, every time your phone rang – it filled you with dread. That this would be the phone call alerting you of one or both of their deaths. You never got that phone call.
But today, you’d get to hear their voices on the other end of your phone.
“Hello?” you answer, and you hear both of their voices pouring in through the phone. From what you can hear over their excited babble and your crying, they are in New York. They’re boarding a train and will be home to you tonight.
Santi’s holding the mouthpiece while he and Frankie talk into it. You wish you could see them.
“We love you, honey. We’ll be home before you know it!”
They don’t talk long because they have to board and the lines for the phones are packed full of people trying to get in contact with their families.
You hold your own phone mouthpiece to your chest after they hang up. You’re setting it on the hook to hang up when you hear a knock at your door.
Confused, you move towards it to answer.
When you open the door, there they stand. Frankie and Santi. Shoulder to shoulder in their uniforms. Their bags at their feet. Santi slowly takes off his hat when he sees you, Frankie’s chest tightens. Your hand flies to your mouth and tears fall from your eyes as you leap into their arms. Your arms wrap around their necks and you cry there in the hallway, not caring who can hear you.
They both lean in to press kisses to your cheeks. Then Santi goes for your neck while Frankie whispers affections of love in your ear. You kiss both of them on the lips, smearing your lipstick all over their faces.
Even when they set you down and you pull them into your apartment by their ties, you still have tears falling down your cheeks.
In the soft light of the apartment, you take a good look at them. It’s the first time you’ve seen their faces in four years.
They look older. There’s a look in their eyes that makes you sad, it’s hidden but you know it’s what they’ve seen that haunts them. An unspeakable weight they carry. Santi’s hair has more grey than black. Frankie still has the mustache, and he stands taller.
“I wish I had known you sneaky boys were going to be home so fast! I would have made your favorites!”
“Baby, you’re our favorite,” Santi winks as he takes a seat at the kitchen table, shrugging his bag onto the floor.
Frankie quietly walks over to the record player and puts on a slow song. He takes off his hat and smooths down his hair, only to put it back on again. He reaches for your hand and the two of you start to sway to the music.
Santi has a soft smile on his face. Just happy to see you again. Happy to be home. It’s strange to be there all together again. How are you supposed to go on now? Do you all just pick up where you left off? There’s so much that’s been seen, pain that’s been felt.
All that you know right now is how good it feels to lean your head on Frankie’s chest. Frankie guides you over to Santi, and you reach out to weave your fingers into his hair.
“You going to dance Santi?” you lean down to kiss him.
“In a minute, he deserves this one.”
You look up at Frankie as you continue to sway.
“What does he mean by that?” you ask.
“Did he not tell you?” Santi lights a cigarette and places it between his lips, pocketing the lighter. “He saved my life. Threw me over his shoulder when I couldn’t walk.”
He sugarcoats the story, it’s still to raw to talk about.
“Why didn’t you tell me in your letter?”
“I was just keeping a promise,” Frankie smiles and leans down to kiss you.
“I’ll dance with you baby, but back in that bedroom.”
“Then what are we waiting for hmm?” you reach for Santi and tug Frankie back towards your shared bedroom.
There’s heat in their eyes, and an ache you’ve all been needing to fulfill. You take your time to undress each one. You want to touch him just to make sure he’s real.
While you undress Santi, his hooded eyes are full of delight. He’s been waiting for this for four years. There’s a smirk playing on his lips as you fumble with buttons out of excitement. You slap his hand away when he tries to help, only coaxing a chuckle from his lips.
You strip him down until he’s naked, only thing on him are his dog togs dangling around his neck. He goes to lay down on the bed while you work on Frankie.
His eyes are you on, but there’s a different kind of heat in his eyes. He shudders when your hand touches the skin on his chest. He groans into your lips when you pull him in for a kiss.
“Lay down, sweetheart,” Frankie rasps. You do as he tells you and you lay next to Santi.
Parting your legs, Frankie dives in to mouth at your heat, his mustache tickling your sensitive flesh. Santi takes this opportunity to angle himself so he can mouth at your breasts and neck and your lips. His hand on your forehead groaning into your lips and on your chest.
Frankie moves his tongue over your lazily, even after you’ve reached your high, he still works his tongue over you, enjoying the taste he’s been starved of.
When he’s through, Santi rolls back over and you crawl into his lap. You’re slick and ready for him, so you sink down on him. You both shudder to feel this, the warmth you’ve both been missing. Frankie stands near you, and you reach for him – grasping his hard length in your hand you stroke him lazily while Santi thrusts up in you. Frankie slides his hand down to rub at your sex.
Feeling both of them after going without for so long has you coming hard on Santi. You shake and Santi steadies you with his hands on your hips.
Your hand is still on Frankie, and he lets go before he meant to. He wanted to be inside you, but feeling you was too much for him and he’s coming all over your side.
A couple more thrusts from Santi and he’s tossing his head back coming hard in you. You lean forward to kiss his chin and capture his groan. Then you sit back up and lean up to kiss Frankie’s lips, his hand coming to cradle your jaw.
You clench once around Santi while he softens up, and he groans again. You giggle to tease him so, and he whispers, “that’s my girl.”
You spend the rest of the night like that. Naked and laying in between your two lovers. You kiss them as deeply as you can. Listening to them tell stories, and they listen to yours. Catching up on the four years missed, it feels like a lifetime ago.
It’s strange to feel whole now that they are home, but there’s something missing too. They are not the same men as before, but you’re not the same woman. The one thing that hasn’t changed after all this time – through war and sorrow is your love for each other.
tagging: @agentpike​, @bisexual-space-slut​, @blancatobarxoxo​, @cosmicmando​, @damndamer0n​, @darksideofclarke​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @ghosttofcalum​, @goldhoran​, @himbopoes​, @huliabitch​, @ironman-iam​, @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​, @itspdameronthings, @ivars-heathen, @javihoney​, @knittingqueen13​, @limenlimon​, @literatureandqueen​, @maciiiofficial​, @magicsuperheroes​, @mandoplease​, @marvel-dameron​, @melanietrancy​, @mitchi-c​, @mylifeliterally​, @pajamasecrets​, @pascalplease​, @pascalz, @perropascal​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @poesflygirl​, @poeticandors​, @punkpascal​, @rewritingstars​, @savagethewhale​, @saved-fanfiction​, @sgtbookybarnes​, @shadow-assassin-blix​, @stanningtoomanypeopleatonce​, @stardust-galaxies​, @the-bird-suit​, @thehippiequilter​, @thepjofanqueen​, @this-cat-is-dea​, @tintinwrites​, @triggerhappyflygirl​, @waatermelon-sugaar​, @wakalas​, @xremember-me-notx​, @xxidontwikeitxx​
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Caged Bird | Prince!Oikawa Tooru x Reader
a/n: if you know anything about fairytales then you might realize that the reader has the flute of the pied piper, though modified for the story. been watching a lot of once upon a time and got the idea from the neverland arc. hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
genre: fantasy, romance
trigger warnings: reader gets hurt a bit but nothing graphic
summary: oikawa has always lived a lonesome life in the cage that is his castle. one day he sneaks out and a beautiful melody leads him to you, a traveling musician. oikawa is about to find out that his luck is going to change for the better.
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oikawa gazed out over the town from his balcony
he let out a long sigh as he grew bored from his studies
“why the long face trashykawa?”
his bestfriend and knight walked up next to him and leaned against the railing
“oh you know, just bored of being in this castle. theres a whole town of people out there and im stuck in here. gets tiring after a while”
iwaizumi listened to his friend and nodded along to what he was saying
“then sneak out for a day”
oikawas eyes widened
“youd help me sneak out?”
“only if you come back by sundown”
so oikawa grabbed his cloak and thanks to iwas help got out of the castle
despite being born and raised in this town oikawa had no idea where he was
and after about ten minutes he was completely and utterly lost
until he heard the faint sound of a flute
he followed the sound until he ended up in the mostly cleared out town square where he saw you playing a small wooden flute for those who were present, though you had no audience
everyone walked past you as if you were invisible like you werent playing such a beautiful song
he approached you slowly and listened until you finished your performance
“that was really good”
you looked up at him and smiled
“always a pleasure to play for those who need it”
the bright smile on your face felt warm and inviting
like he was meant to be here
“would you like to take a seat next to me?”
you gestured to the spot next to you and he gladly took it
“so...whats your story”
hes hesitant to answer your question
“ill tell you mine if you tell me yours”
you set your flute down in your bag next to you
“well first of all my names y/n and my life is nothing too interesting. im a traveling performer and play my flute as a way to pass time and help those who need it. always come across the most interesting people this way”
traveling. thats something oikawa could only dream of
“so cmon now tell me about you”
he peaked at you through his hood
“ok but dont make a big commotion..im oikawa tooru”
you laughed a bit
“thats funny you share the same name as the prince”
you stopped laughing when you saw the serious look in his eyes
“oh..oh! im so sorry for being so rude!”
you started to scramble around when he grabbed your wrists to stop your movements
“shh yes im the prince but stop flailing people are starting to look”
once you had calmed down he went on
“ive been confined to my castle my whole life and stuck to certain rules i have to follow. it seems like even if i catch a break something else comes along. i have to stay this perfect image because im the prince and it just gets so lonely. its as if im a bird trapped in a cage and theres no way out”
ah so there it is
the reason he could hear your flute
you picked a flower that was growing next to you and placed it in his hair as you spoke
“im sorry your lifes been like that but oikawa, if i may be so bold, even a caged bird will become wise enough to break free. the dream of flying is too great to resist”
Once you had properly placed the flower you smiled at him before standing up from your spot and grabbing your bag
you then held your hand out to him
but he couldnt gather his thoughts
you were so bright it was almost blinding
“now cmon! lets go have some fun!”
he looked at the hand held out to him
and with a leap of faith, he took it
he was going to get out of this cage, this perpetual cycle
and finally add some meaning to his life
day after day you two spent your time together
oikawas days that were once filled with hollow words and empty actions were now filled with happiness
filled with you
and everyday slowly but surely he was falling for you
passing glances turned into prolonged gazes
his heart could no longer stay still around you
you became the key to his happiness
but for now...he had to be content with just being next to you
it would be too selfish otherwise
to ask you to stay with him here in the kingdom...he could never trap you like that
“so what are we doing today y/n?”
you were strolling through the town on a quiet sunday afternoon like you had the last few sundays
“how about we go to the bakery? theyre usually busy but since its sunday i bet its not as packed and then i want to take you somewhere”
he was curious as to what you had in store but decided against asking questions
so you two got some baked goods and headed out towards the woods
“cmon we’re almost there”
you pushed some branches and shrubs out of the way
and one eventually hit him in the face
“watch it y/n! i keep getting wacked by you”
you just chuckled a bit which oikawa had found adorable in itself
it made his heart slow just hearing it
“just come on!”
eventually you two made it to a clearing over a beautiful lake
he didnt know that there was something like this so close by
he was absolutely amazed by it
“take a seat oikawa! we can rest and eat here!”
this moment was just too perfect to him
with you here he felt as if nothing bad could happen
that if he only could see your smile everything would be alright
being content with just being at your side...was no longer and option
he knew that if he wanted this he needed to take his chance
your eyes were full of life and he couldnt help but feel so happy next to you
and before he knew it he was closing the gap between the two of you with a hand gently cradling your cheek
but right before you two could kiss you were ripped away from him
“dont you dare touch the prince commoner!”
oikawa frantically looked around as many of his guards came out of the brush
“get your hands off of them!”
you were pressed to the ground and the sight almost broke his heart
“sorry your highness but we’re under strict orders to bring you back and throw whoever was seducing you to leave the castle into the dungeon”
the guard that had been on you lifted you up like you were a sack and bound you by rope
you gave oikawa a final smile before you were taken away even though you were so banged up that it made him want to puke
he was speechless
this is what he was talking about
being so controlled and monitored made him feel so small and helpless
and he absolutely abhorred it
“your highness your mother is waiting for you in the throne room”
oikawa was beyond upset
this isnt how he wants to live
“mother how could you throw the only good thing in my life away!”
his mother sneered at his words
“only good thing? what need to you have for that filthy peasant! and how dare you cast me aside as if i hadnt given you everything you own, everything you are is because of me! i will not allow for any of this nonsense! now go wash up. and dont you dare ever leave the castle again and i forbid you from seeing that nasty peasant again. wasting your time with such a person...”
he gritted his teeth and was about turn to leave
his emotions were running too high
he wasnt himself and he knew it
but even so...he wont allow it to end like this
he was going to end it on his terms
“what did you say?”
he stood his ground
“i said no mother. im going to live the way i want and with who i want. ill gladly give up my title because frankly, i never wanted it in the first place. and dont you ever call y/n filthy or nasty again. their so incredibly kind and full of joy and laughter. i can only hope to be like that one day. so ive decided that im leaving. with y/n.”
as soon as the doors shut behind him he let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding
but it also felt as if there was a giant weight off of him now
“im coming y/n dont you worry”
it had been a couple hours since you were brought to your cell
you didnt have any major injuries, just a few cuts and scratches from when you were body slammed to the ground
“do you mind if i play?”
you pulled out your flute and the guard nodded
“thank you!”
you started playing and filled the cell you were in with a relaxing tune
“why do you play if it doesnt make noise?”
you stopped and looked at the spiky haired man who stood outside your cell
“it takes a certain person to appreciate its music”
he just looked at you as if you were crazy
but you continued anyways
until you heard frantic running coming from down the hall
“iwa you gotta let them out”
oikawa was panting trying to catch his breath
“dude no offense but your mom would kill me and you if i just let them out”
oikawa grabbed the key from iwaizumis waist before he even realized what had happened
“dont worry about it iwa. and dont worry about me. today i start my new life. it was good knowing you buddy”
they gripped hands the way they always had. A solemn but knowing look was shared between them
“if i had known me letting you leave the castle one time would lead to this...i would have done it a lot sooner. good luck out there bud”
oikawa quickly turned to you and helped you off of the ground
“you ready to run?”
he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over one of the small cuts
hed be sure to treat that later
you nodded and leaned into his hand
“are you sure this is what you want?”
you were happy to leave with him
its more than you could ever ask for
“y/n youre the only person thats made me feel free. and by doing this i will be.”
you two finally got to share the kiss you had been deprived of and not only was it full of love but also full of hope for your future
“then lets go”
and you two sprinted off to your next adventure together
the flute you possessed was one he could no longer hear the sound of after that day
for it was enchanted, only to be be heard by those who were lost and lonely
with you he was neither anymore
and he couldnt be any happier than living out the rest of his days with you as a free man, a bird outside of its cage
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 4 years
Contending the Flame IV
Author’s Note: Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! Not much else to say here as we start to delve deeper into Ivar and the Nuns new relationship and the two different worlds they come from. Thanks as always for being so awesome!
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word Count: 2217
Warnings: Language, Master/Servant dynamic 
His brothers had kept a close eye on Ivar since acquiring his new thrall. He still played at the leader of their army, but he had refrained from shutting them out of power entirely. Any chance they had at lending a commanding voice they took. Hvitserk's strategy of giving their little brother a distraction was paying off.
The changes in Ivar's behavior were minuscule. Only Ubbe and Hvitserk took notice. It was the same when they were children when someone would give a new gift to Ivar. It would be a stretch to say he was happy, but his vengeance had quelled. For the moment it was enough, and they could focus on securing lands for their people while Ivar was preoccupied.
It was strange for a thrall not to be seen waiting over their master's every whim, but it seemed Ivar wouldn't permit you to leave his quarters. The other slaves they had acquired tended to him during meals, and when he walked the streets with his guards, you were always absent. Ubbe walked alongside Hvitserk contemplating this.
"What do you think he has her do for him?" Ubbe wondered aloud.
Hvitserk's brows puckered in thought. "Don't know. I can't imagine they have much to talk about, and I know the one thing they aren't doing."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon, think about it," Hvitserk jested with a smirk. "I suppose that must make him a good fit for her. She'll remain a virgin after all."
Ubbe latched onto Hvitserk's arm, pulling him to a stop as he gave him a harsh look. "Those are dangerous words, brother. Remember Sigurd. I don't want to see another brother dead because of Ivar's fragile grasp of his anger. He has poor sensibilities when it comes to that matter. It's unfair, but it's not his fault."
Hvitserk shook off Ubbe's grasp and rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. "Right, that was stupid. I do pity him, though I don't think he'd want it. Who knows how he'll be when we start having families of our own."
Ubbe grunted. "He'll probably resent us, more than he does already. I think I understand why he keeps her away from everyone. Besides our mother, no one has ever taken to Ivar's company outside of obligation or familial bond. He's lonely."
"And it's not as if she can refuse," said Hvitserk. "But she's a Christian. That's got to account for some strife between them."
They continued on their way towards the center of the city. Food was beginning to run scarce, and it seemed the Saxons were holding steadfast on starving them out. While Ivar was willing to take their army to its limits to play Aethelwulf's game, Ubbe and Hvitserk were devising their own plan to negotiate land. They just needed a little more time. Many things rested in the hands of the nun, as unaware as you were.
"I just hope he hasn't harmed her," Ubbe said while they passed through the market.
Hvitserk looked grim, a heaviness settling on him that had replaced his usual cheer. "Ivar did always break toys. We have to hope that Christian isn't as weak as she looks."
You were growing accustomed to your new station. As a woman, it was your lot in life to suffer, and you took your new situation as a test from God. The heathen, Ivar, he had made no bid to harm you. That wasn't to say he was good company to keep. He had taken to trying to instruct you in a handful of words and phrases of his language. Some of the words were difficult to form with your accent, and when you mispronounced things, he would grow irritated and throw things at you. Uttering dark curses in his tongue, you were certain he had insulted you as well, but it was better than a flogging. 
At night you continued to pray, your back to your master, and the words spoken only in your head. You were sure they reached God, even without a rosary in your grasp or the piety to kneel. In your heart, you struggled to keep hope alive. If this test was to be your final judgment from God, its purpose remained clouded to you.
It was late when Ivar returned, and you had remained awake for his arrival. You now slept when he did, short and inconsistent hours of the night, only to be woken before the dawn. He did not rest well. Be it from his duties or pain you could not say, but he never faltered from exhaustion. This pattern must have been his usual routine, life at war.
Ivar's eyes sought you out the moment he came through the door, and you returned the stare. He had only just started walking in his new contraptions, a set of iron braces that he had created from pride. His determination to walk was admirable. You had never witnessed such a fighting spirit before, and you were certain it was a blessing from God.
"Something you wish to say?" Ivar interrupted your thought, a scowl on his face from your lingering gaze on his legs.
"It is a good thing," You said while rising from your corner of the floor. "I believe God has blessed you."
Ivar snorted, blue eyes rolling at your absurdity to insinuate such a thing. He took a slow seat on his pallet of furs and started to remove the braces. "Really, and why would that be?"
"You are not the first cripple I have met, but you are the most assiduous."
You could see him test out the word for himself, a lack of understanding passing over his face. "I'm not sure what that means, but I like how it sounds."
"You have an unrelenting heart. Strong-willed and resolute in your goals. I find you impressive."
He halted what he was doing, and took a long, considering look at you. "I've been this way for as long as I can remember. It is the way if I am to be seen as a true Viking to my people."
"So there are others like you?" You asked as you approached him with careful steps.
"There are not many cripples among my people, no. A child born with a deformity such as mine is left to die. I would have been if not for my mother. She was softhearted, and couldn't bear my loss."
You didn't want to have any strong sort of feelings towards your captor, but to learn that he had been left to die as a helpless babe engulfed you in sorrow. "It isn't wrong for a mother to feel pity for her child," You murmured, showing how distraught you were by such a story. "You don't sound grateful for her mercy."
Ivar's face hardened at your sentiment. "Mercy is for Christians. I would have done the same as my father. I loved my mother, but there are days I resent her for her choice. Her gifts failed to foretell the agony I would endure at the hands of compassion."
"What gifts?"
"She was a Vülva, a woman seeress of our people who has visions of the future."
You frowned at such a concept. "That sounds like sorcery to me."
"I forgot your people fear magic and witchcraft," Ivar said in a teasing tone. "My mother would have hated you. She was too steeped in the beliefs of our own people to have care about your sensitive notions of God. My father would have liked you though."
You blushed at the idea of such a great man holding you in favor. Though you didn't hail from Wessex you had heard the stories of the Viking King who fought for Mercia and befriended King Ecbert. "King Ragnar? Why do you think that?"
"He was often amused and curious about your God. Maybe you would have reminded him of Æthelstan, his Christian monk." Ivar resumed the task of taking off his braces, wincing in pain whenever a particular part pinched or pulled at his legs. "Here, come help me with this."
Startled by such a request, you moved with haste and uncertainty. Ivar showed you which parts to unclasp, and you would mimic his actions with a gentler touch, stopping entirely when he would let out any sound of discomfort. You were certainly slower at the task than if he completed it himself, but he seemed to enjoy watching you work over him, and you were grateful for the distraction. 
"What about your family? Where are your mother and father?" Ivar asked while leaning back on the strength of his arms.
"They're both dead," You said, pausing only a moment to collect yourself before continuing on his braces. "I was born in Rendlesham, in East Angles. My mother was a whore, and I never knew who my father was as a result of that. When she died, I was orphaned to the streets until the church took me in. Being of such low birth standing, I turned to the church as my ray of hope."
You could feel Ivar frowning at you, but you did not waver. "Did you not want to be something more than a nun?"
You breathed a laugh. "Such as what? Saxon women are not allowed to be warriors."
"Yes, but isn't there a way you could have improved your situation?"
"No," You said bluntly. "Blood is everything. Those who are of Royal standing will always be in power, and through marriage, their line continues. The best I could have hoped for was a marriage to a farmer, and he would have to have been a poor one. I would have raised his children, and likely died young from childbirth."
"I see now why you're a nun," said Ivar. When you chanced a look up at him, he appeared troubled by your story. "Those Saxons in power are greedy. They keep all for themselves and give nothing back. What chance is there of an honorable death for those forced to live a life of poverty?"
"If you die without sin, you go to Heaven. We have no need for honor."
"A life without sin," Ivar hummed. "As if any man is capable of such purity."
"A Priest is," You argued back. "It takes a nobleman to obtain such a pious position in the church."
"Is it noble for these men to keep silver and gold in their churches while children run through the streets, no better than dogs?" Ivar had sat forward, his eyes emboldened with the wrath of a demon. "I have seen your noblemen of the cloth, and they died screaming the same as any sinning heathen of mine."
You lost your balance, falling flat on your bottom as you gazed up at Ivar in terror. "What did you do to them?"
"The things I've done to your priests," Ivar paused, a calm washing over him. "It would make Loki grin."
The suffering of your people seemed to fall down on you like a star collapsing from the night sky. When he spoke, you could almost forget that Ivar was your enemy, but he had now made it clearer than ever where the line in the sand was drawn. You were just a slave, a Christian slave, and how soon would it be before he tired of you? You did not wish the same fate to befall you as it had for the priests, whatever it had been.
"I have not dismissed you," Ivar tutted when you began to walk away to your corner, unaware yourself that you had begun to do so. You craved distance from him, even if it was only a few feet away. 
At first, he tried to manage his composure, calling you back with his voice deliberately even. When it became clear that no amount of coaxing on his part would work, he started yelling in his language. That word came up again, 'Ólaug'. It had been peppered into a number of your one-sided conversations. If he had tried to brand you with a new name, you would refuse. He would not take who you were. 
Your fight ended with him throwing one of his crutches at you. It landed just before you, and you were able to contain your flinch. Ivar scoffed at your non-reaction and threw himself back onto the furs. He had finished disrobing and gave you the courtesy of his back, which appeared to be covered in a new etched design each time you saw him. Matched against your own untainted skin, it was a reminder of how different the worlds you came from were.
When you were sure Ivar had fallen asleep, you moved to get under your own thin pile of wool blankets. They were scratchy and held none of the warmth of the furs, but it was not the worst sleeping conditions you had ever weathered. That night you prayed for the lost Priests, and for God to take away your suffering. You didn't see a way out of your situation, but if God acted through you, you were certain to find your answer. Content to keep faith in your heart, Sister Mary Catharine slept, ignorant to the matter that Ivar was awake and watching you.
@pomegranates-and-blood ​
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Hey! Do you think you could write an avaxmc fic that’s today’s chapter (81) of mtfl but from mack’s pov? Like a rewrite, with more gayness and no boys? Maybe have mack see them at some point, or find them sleeping together the morning after? Idk it’s just an idea and ofc it’s ok if u don’t wanna do it, just thought i’d ask
i loved this idea anon, idk if its super gay but I tried writing it from what i think Mack would be like, i hope you enjoy tho ❤️❤️
(also ive been so busy this week, i hope to do some writing for star crossed lovers next week as well as some more requests💖) 
taglist: @cloud9in @midnitesteph @kamilahsayeet2063 @dopeyouth @avalawrencefl @alleycat97 (i added people from my other ava fic and people who might like the fic) 
The tales of the sister 
Now playing as Mack
I know something has been going on between Emma and Ava since we’ve come back from Jenning’s lodge but I don’t know exactly what. I scrutinise Emma as she fluffs the pillows for the 100th time tonight before taking out her phone to check her makeup...again.
“Chill Emma, it’s only Ava” I add a tiny dose of teasing to my voice, while Emma’s cheeks begin dusting with a tiny bit of red on them before she pointedly looks away. 
“Everything just has to be perfect,” her eyes scan the living before she moves the tv remote an inch to the left before placing her hands on her hips, satisfied. 
“Why?” I raise an eyebrow at her, trying to get any crumb of information since Emma and Ava used to always leave me out of the big girl gossip. 
Emma freezes for a split second before her eyebrows furrowed together in contemplation, “I don’t know, it just has to be.” 
I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders and sit on the couch before grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it into my mouth. Emma swats at my arm, “Mack! Don’t make a mess!” 
“Whuh- iuts pouhpcourn” I retort, my mouth still filled with popcorn as Emma begins stress cleaning around me until the doorbell suddenly rings and she stands up straight so quickly before plastering a wide smile on her face. Just before she opens the door, she throws a warning look at me over her shoulder. 
“Ava!” Ava squeals and tackles Emma into a huge bear hug while Emma just giggles like a schoolgirl, yuck. 
“Hey, hey, let me say hi to Ava.” I see Emma shooting daggers at me in my peripheral vision but I ignore her as I give Ava a quick hello hug before settling back into my seat on the couch. “So” I take another handful of popcorn but before I can throw it all into my mouth, Emma glares at me, her eyes wide and full of warning, so I roll my eyes at her and plop a couple into my mouth before giving her a melodramatic smile. “What’s on the agenda for girl’s night?” 
Ava and Emma share a weird look before Ava speaks up, “how about 2 truths and a lie?” 
“Yes, I’ll finally get to learn your secrets.” I conspicuously rub my hands together, excitement running through my body. 
“Yeah, now that we can trust you not to be a total blabbermouth,” Emma taunts. 
“Hey I wasn’t that bad,” I throw my hands up defensively as Ava laughs. 
“Yes you were.” Ava gestures over to Emma,” remember when Emma and I were freshmans and you came with your dad to pick Emma up from school and you literally screamed out that I had a crush on the science teacher.” 
“Wait what was his name again?” Emma and Ava go silent as they try and remember before Ava slaps her thigh before shouting, “Mr Durrant!” 
“Oh my god yeahhhhh,” Emma shakes her head as she and Ava laugh together but when they catch each other’s gaze, their laughter slowly fades and is replaced with an intense stare. Ava deftly glances at Emma’s lips before I awkwardly cough gaining the attention of the two girls again.
“So, 2 truths and a lie? I’ll go first. I’ve been arrested. I used to have an imaginary friend and I have a belly piercing.” 
Ava and Emma share a conspirutual look before simultaneously saying, “belly piercing.” 
“Come on Mack, you really think I forgot about your imaginary friend Lily? You used to always talk to her and have tea parties with her.” 
I grumble and cross my arms together, “whatever someone else go next.” 
“I’ll go.” Ava calls out. She presses her lips together in a thin line deep in thought before making an, “ah-ha” sound. “I’ve never broken a bone, i’ve been in a car crash and I have a secret cinder account.” 
I reflect on Ava’s answers for a few moments before coming to a conclusion. “Definitely the broken bones. Did you think I wouldn’t remember the nasty fall you took in cheer your freshman year?” 
Emma still in deep contemplation, quietly gazes at Ava. Her eyes roam her facial features before she squeaks out, “cinder account.” 
“Ding, ding, ding.” Ava lifts her forefinger, tapping it on her nose, “we have a winner. To be honest I thought about making one but I chickened out at the last minute.” 
“What? Why would you even consider making an account, you’re gorgeous. I would’ve thought you would have girls lining up around the block? 
“Well even though we didn’t work out, I’m still grateful for the time I had with Bayla. She made me feel like I wasn’t alone because for a long time I felt like I was.” She flickers her gaze at Emma, her eyes softening, “And thanks to her she helped me realise that I have my eye on someone else.” 
Emma gives Ava a small smile, hmmm so maybe something did happen between them and they haven’t told me before they keep giving each other flirty looks all night. Just to mess with them a little I break the moment between them by throwing a piece of popcorn at Emma, “I guess it’s your turn.” 
“Okay fine. I’ve seen two boys from our school topless, I’ve dyed my hair blue and” she looks over at Ava, her eyes full of longing. “I kissed a girl.” 
I play off Emma’s statement cooly with a blank expression on my face, trying to hide my happiness for them both. I subtly look over at Ava who is so trying not to blush right now but is attempting (and failing) to suppress a smile. Cute. 
“Emma I live with you, I know you haven’t dyed your hair blue!” 
“You got me.” 
“Now that you mention it you would look good with blue hair.” 
After a lot of convincing, we finally managed to get Emma to agree to dye her hair blue. 
“I have a box of dye under my bed. I'm going to go grab it.” I leave the two girls and begin inspecting the contents under my bed, looking for the dye. I triumphantly cheer to myself, like a loser, when I find the box and as I’m about to enter the bathroom, I see Ava leaning down and whispering into Emma’s ear. I can’t hear what she’s saying but I can see Emma’s reflection in the bathroom mirror, her eyes glistening with desire? Excitement? I don’t know but I can tell Emma’s slightly nervous because she’s chewing on the inside of her cheek. 
Emma’s about to respond to Ava before her eyes catch mine in the mirror, “Mack!” her voice startled, “we didn’t see you there.” 
“Yeah I figured.” Emma looks away abashed while Ava awkwardly coughs before reaching out and plucking the dye from her hands. 
We begin mixing the dye together with the bleach and then Ava begins parting Emma’s hair, her fingers slowly tangling in Emma’s hair, before giving it a playful tug. Yuck they’re indirectly not so indirectly flirting in front of me. Right in front of my metaphorical salad! 
“Do you guys think I’ll look different after I dye my hair?” Emma asks as Ava begins painting on the dye with her fingers. 
“How do you want to look?” She raises an eyebrow at Emma. 
Ava snorts, “please, like you need a boost in that department.” 
“Hey everyone could use a little hotness, well everyone except you because you’re practically a goddess.” 
Ava’s grin widens and she takes in Emma’s admission. “It’s true. I guess it’s a cheer captain thing.” I clamp my mouth shut, trying so hard not to say anything to ruin this moment, hoping that they’ll forget about my existence. And maybe it works a little too well because Emma and Ava flirt the rest of the time we’re dying her hair and it takes everything in me not to scream and tell them to stop being so weird. 
“Wow you look sexy,” Ava beams at Emma as she brushes through her now blue hair, stars practically glistening in her eyes. 
“Thanks, I guess I’m catching up to you in the hotness department.” 
Ava growls, (weird), her voice a whisper, “mmm. I think you’ve definitely surpassed me.” 
I think I barfed a little in my mouth when I finally have had enough and I throw my hands up in the air, “I’m going to bed!” I turn back and teasingly wiggle my eyebrows at the girls, “make sure to behave yourselves.” 
I crash into my bed but an hour later I hear Emma’s bedroom door shut and a flurry of giggles coming from her room. I guess they’re now making out? Gross. Right where I can hear them. I fold my pillow over my ear, trying to drown the sound of the laughs, and sound of kissing and sucking? I don’t know and I sure as hell don’t want to find out. Eventually I doze off and when I wake up the next morning I creep up to Emma’s room to see if she’s awake and can make me breakfast. But when I open the door, I see her  half naked body, tangled up with a half-naked Ava as they peacefully sleep in each other’s embrace. I quickly but quietly close the door and flop back into my bed, glad that my older sister is getting some but sad because I don’t know when I’m going to get my pancakes now. 
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duketectivecomics · 4 years
What's your opinion on fans writing Duke with his cousin Jay as his guardian instead of Bruce? I've seen some people talk about not wanting to separate him from his family and preferring to have him raised by his cousin, but it also feels like some people might use that as an excuse to leave him out of the batfam
this got slightly long & esp ranty at the end for my tastes so tl;dr - ive talked guardianship before & stand by that fans can Do What they Want. but fans who exclude Duke from the main batfam can die by my sword </3
so yeah, I’ve talked abt Duke’s guardianship before and I’ll reiterate: while Cousin Jay most recently has custody of Duke, that doesn’t negate the fact that Duke WAS under Bruce’s care for a time. So whether fans choose to follow what’s most recently given by canon or opt to leave him in Wayne Manor, I will not begrudge either of those decisions. DC themselves hasn’t elaborated recently on what the case is (although I wouldn’t be surprised if they soft-retconned Cousin Jay’s role out, by virtue of [whatever current writer] simply forgetting what’s been established), so fandom Can and Will Do What They Want in that regard.
Duke is shown at the end of Batman & the Signal to be regularly visiting his parents. I love the idea of Duke keeping up with his former family members & with the batfam in equal parts & of fics exploring how he balances time btwn all of them. Family has always been a BIG thing for duke!!! And having that family expanded just makes it all the more important now! That’s what I’d LOVE to see from fic authors!
However, if Duke being in Jay’s custody IS being used as a (piss-poor) excuse to leave him out of the batfam-proper or relegate him to an auxiliary role, especially when modern comics place him as ANYWHERE but that. That’s where I’m gonna start throwing hands, lmao
Duke is a Main batfam member at this point. Don’t erase the fact that he HAS been directly taken under Bruce’s (proverbial) wing!!! Don’t erase the fact that the other batkids consider him a sibling!!! If a fan is leaving Duke out of their batfam content at this point, but including every OTHER batkid, its a BAD look and tbh I want nothing to do with them!!!
Tim’s dad was alive for most of his Robin run! Was he ever excluded from the narrative because of that? Babs’ dad is Much more famously alive, and, OH YEAH, she ends up getting included with damn near as much frequency as the Usual Four Boys. Steph wasn’t ever even directly adopted by Bruce, and yet we all agree that she’s DEFINITELY a main batkid now. So there’s no way anyone will ever convince me that Duke isn’t a Main Batkid unless they’re willing to start excluding all of these guys too. (but then again, some ppl just Do Exactly That Anyways bc they only care abt The Four BatBoys™ so...)
Whether its fic or art or WHAT have you, at this point there just... doesn’t feel like there’s much excuse. Duke’s been a legal part of this family since 2016. The greater part of the fandom is at least Casually Aware of him. Theres more and more blogs like mine trying to raise awareness for him and to give yall resources about him where we can. Use them!!! ask questions!!! explore these blogs and these tags!!! and for gods sake INCLUDE DUKE IN YOUR BATFAM CONTENT.
and if you’re afraid of fucking him up like, licherally just read about him fjdlkas; he’s one of the QUICKEST batkids to read for!!!!! and i should know!!!! I’m also actively trying to read for everyone else too!!! (not to toot my own horn but i’m about to start my 90s batfam reading actually so *TOOT TOOT MOTHERFUCKERS*)
like god, i don’t think its asking MUCH asking COMICS fans to READ COMICS lmao. like rco is a resource! overdrive is a resource! trades exist bc buying individual issues CAN get expensive! hell ive been reading mostly using the DCU app bc it HAS been more cost effective than trying to outright buy trades & its easier to navigate than rco! (& i dont have to worry abt pop-ups too!!! which is really nice!)
there’s LOTS of ways to get to know a character and the excuses at this point are either due to laziness &/or racism and either way its a Bad Look. Make An Effort @ batfamdom. he’s one extra boy to read for and he’s one of the FASTER & EASIER ones that you can get into! BECAUSE he’s so new! god just give him a SHOT least holy shit!!!!!!
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sun-summoning · 4 years
"Nine Months” Summary: Zuko’s having a baby. A baby dragon, that is. Note: Shameless Zutara. Ignores all finale kisses. 
Zuko isn’t at all tipsy when he sneaks into the room his coronation gifts are stored and begins trifling through everything. And why should he be sneaking, he wonders, not at all drunkenly stumbling into the chest of sacred scrolls someone had given him. He groans as he bends forward to rub his knee. Then he loses his balance and nearly falls flat on his face. 
Fortunately, Katara is there to stop him, catching his shoulders and helping him stand straight. “You okay there, Fire Lord?”
He tries to focus on her but mostly goes cross-eyed. As the three Katara’s wave their hands in his face, he thinks he might throw up. If he threw up on her, she’d probably be furious. Especially because that would mean he ruined her dress. Perhaps she could bend it away? Was vomit-bending a thing?
“I’m fine,” Zuko replies. “I’m the Fire Lord.”
“Oh, I heard. Today was your coronation, after all.” 
His coronation! Zuko perks up, now remembering why he asked Katara to play ninja with him again and sneak into the room the servants brought all the gifts into. Sokka didn’t look all that impressed with the term “play ninja”, but since Sokka was the one challenging him into a drinking contest, he wasn’t really in a position to fight. He was so far gone that Suki had to bring him back to his room. 
“Why did we need to sneak in here?” Katara asks. “You’re the Fire Lord. Can’t we just waltz in?”
“But I don’t want to waltz.”
“That’s not what I--”
“Oh, swords!” 
Zuko runs to the set of broad swords Master Piandao gifted him like Sokka on a shopping spree. He draws out both blades and Katara is quick to grab his hands and make him put them back down.
“You said we were here for an egg?”
Zuko puts the swords back on their decorative stand with only a small pout. When he remembers the reason he came here, he rummages around the piles of presents. He finds a few more weapons that peace time will only allow him to admire and not use. He finds scrolls that will bore him and scrolls that might actually interest him. He even finds some pieces of jewelry that he assumes are supposed to go to the future Fire Lady but that he’ll offer to Katara instead. Not that he assumes she’ll be the Fire Lady, of course--
“I think I found it!”
Zuko rushes over to her side, nearly knocking her over in the process. Katara has to balance both of them as Zuko leans over the box she opened and marvels at the dragon egg. He reaches in to pick it up, but Katara grabs his wrist.
“Are you sure you want to pick that up right now?” Katara asks. “You’re a little, well, inebriated.”
“I was literally just playing with the swords.”
“Yes, but if you stab yourself, I can heal you. Whereas if you drop the priceless fossilized dragon egg, that’s it.”
Zuko decides that he’s heard her warning, respects it, and isn’t going to listen. He plucks the egg out of its box and holds it delicately enough. The shell is surprisingly smooth for the scales that line it. Like virtually everything in the Fire Nation, they’re a deep red, but at certain angles the scales flash gold. Zuko turns it slowly, amazed that something barely bigger than his head could grow into the majestic beasts he met with Aang months ago. He lowers his hands to put the egg back into its case, but pauses when he feels a beat.
Zuko frowns. He brings the egg closer to face, looking for something but unsure of what. The egg pulses in his hands, as if burning with life. Zuko’s hands begin to shake, so he places the egg back in the chest it came in.
“I don’t think that dragon egg is a fossil.”
Zuko tracks down the gift giver, an eccentric old merchant that was old friends with his uncle. He explains that the egg truly had been a fossil for dozens of years, sitting in one of his smaller warehouses as a lump of black rock that he held onto for sentiment’s sake. However, that warehouse caught fire during the day Zuko returned to the Fire Nation to claim his rightful place, and among the ashes, he found the egg restored, ready to hatch after nine months. Considering it an auspicious sign, he simply knew the dragon egg would need to be given to the new Fire Lord.
The next day, Zuko announces his impending fatherhood to the rest of his friends. 
Sokka is quick to pick up the knife he’d been using on his breakfast before Katara explains that Zuko is having a dragon baby, not a human one. 
“Oh.” Sokka sits back down. “Wait. What? A dragon?”
“A dragon,” Zuko confirms.
Aang looks ecstatic. “That’s so cool, Zuko! When your dragon gets big, you guys can race me and Appa!”
Toph punches Aang’s shoulder. “No way! The first thing that dragon is doing is taking me on my life-changing field trip.” She scowls at Zuko’s general direction. “I’m still waiting, you know.”
“I think Zuko needs to focus on, you know, reforming the Fire Nation, Toph,” Katara points out.
Toph sighs dramatically. “You’ve really changed, Sparky. How dare you.”
Later at dinner, Sokka tells them that he spent the day in the library. That isn’t much of a surprise to anyone because Sokka absolutely loves the palace library and often only leaves when he’s told it’s time to eat.
“I was reading about dragons today,” he explains. “Did you know you have tons of books about dragons?”
Zuko did not. “Of course I did.”
“Well, okay, so where’s the egg?”
“Still with the other gifts?”
Sokka stands with a small shriek. He takes off running. The rest of them resume eating until a few minutes later, Sokka returns with the egg and a long length of cloth that may or may not have been a banner.
“Sokka!” Katara yells. “Don’t run with the egg! What if you dropped it?!”
Sokka ignores his sister and deposits the egg in Toph’s lap. “Here, hold it.”
“Yeah, that sounds safe,” she grumbles.
“I’ll hold it!” Aang says.
“No!” Toph folds over where the egg sits. “It’s mine!”
“No fair!” Aang pouts as he turns to Katara. “Katara, Toph isn’t sharing!”
Katara sighs and tells them to take turns.
Meanwhile, Sokka succeeds in making Zuko stand with his arms outstretched. As he works, he explains that the books all said that the egg needed to stay warm at almost all times, meaning Zuko would need to use his natural body heat to take care of his future dragon. Sokka proceeds to wrap the cloth around his middle and shoulders, leaving a small pocket on Zuko’s chest. As Toph finally agrees to let Aang have a turn holding the dragon egg, Sokka plucks it away and tucks it against Zuko.
“Behold, the Dragon Daddy...Carrier...Thing.” Sokka holds his arms out as he shows Zuko’s new look off to their friends. Everyone regards Zuko in his formal attire with a dragon egg strapped against his chest. “Super manly, am I right?”
Katara crosses her arms, utterly unimpressed. “There’s nothing manly about it.”
Sokka glares at her and Zuko looks positively offended.
She rolls her eyes. “What I mean is that women have been doing that for centuries, Sokka. You’re hardly a genius.”
“But I’m still manly right?” Zuko asks.
They resume dinner and Sokka regales them with all that he’s learned about dragons. When they’re done, Aang reminds everyone that he still didn’t get a chance to hold the dragon egg. 
Zuko says he can have his turn after dessert.
On rare occasions, Zuko is told that he cannot bring his egg into particular meetings. His advisors are generally accepting of this minor eccentricity, but he knows when to pick his battles, and relents. After all, some other attendees might not take him seriously with a sling strapped across his abdomen. During those moments, Zuko entrusts his egg with Katara. 
Katara looks significantly less weird with the egg held against her body. She’s still too young to be a mother, but she certainly looks like one like that. And it doesn’t help that she’s flanked by Aang and Toph who are both touching the egg and commenting on how the scales feel.
When he’s done for the day, he heads their way. Toph notices him first, turning her head in his general direction. Aang and Katara see him next, the former waving excitedly while the latter smiles in that way that makes Zuko’s heart skip a beat.
“Thanks,” Zuko says when he’s in front of them, “for, um, watching my egg.”
“That sounded weird.” Katara makes a face. “I hated that entire sentence.”
“Well how else am I supposed to say it, Katara?”
Her lips twitch in amusement and Zuko can’t help but smile back. He wracks his brain for something clever or maybe even flirtatious. Naturally, he comes up short.
Aang breaks the silence and eye contact though by tugging Zuko’s sleeve. “Hey Zuko, next time you need to look like a super serious Fire Lord--”
“I am a super serious Fire Lord.”
“--can I eggsit? I’ll be super responsible, I promise! And I can actually firebend, so I can be warm for the egg too!”
Zuko considers Aang’s hopeful grin while also considering that he and Toph thought it’d be a great idea to airbend a pair of ostrich-horses onto the roof for a race. There was nothing responsible about that. Toph couldn’t even see! Aang could be trusted with restoring balance and taking bending away from bad people, sure, but eggsitting Zuko’s future dragon? No way.
“Aang, yesterday you made a mini cyclone in the garden.”
“Yeah, but that’s because Sokka wanted to see what it’d look like on a smaller scale than the ocean.”
“That...no. No, you don’t get to eggsit.”
“Boo!” Aang crosses his arms and pouts. “Fine. I guess only Katara gets to hold your egg.”
Zuko frowns. “Yeah, I hated that entire sentence.”
Every few weeks, Toph confirms that the dragon is indeed a healthy thing. With the egg on the ground and her hands holding it in place, she tells Zuko that it has a regular, steady heartbeat. Of course, she doesn’t really know how a dragon’s heart should beat. For all she knew, it wasn’t actually beating at the proper rate and the dragon was doomed.
“Nah,” Sokka says. He begins tapping the floor. “It should be like this.”
Katara raises an eyebrow. “How would you even know that?”
“I read about it.”
“You read about dragon heartbeats?” Katara frowns. “I don’t think that’s a thing.”
“It’s absolutely a thing!”
Zuko drowns them out as he picks the egg up from where it sits before Toph and carefully tucks it back into his sling. His hands rest upon it while Aang leans in close to marvel at it too. 
“Man, this is so awesome, Zuko!” he exclaims.
“A dragon. For the new Fire Lord.”
“And--” Aang pauses. He rises to get a better look at Zuko’s face. “Are you...crying?”
“Of course not!” Zuko bites out. “There’s just something in my eyes!”
Toph snorts. “Yeah, alright.” 
She makes a joke about how Zuko does this every time she checks the heartbeat, while Aang suggests maybe using waterbending to see if it’ll be a boy dragon or a girl dragon. Toph laughs and says Zuko won’t be able to hide his crying if that happens. Zuko carefully blinks back tears before he snaps back at them for being right.
Zuko joins his uncle for tea in the afternoon. His uncle has been busy with the efforts to reestablish peace, and they certainly still have more work ahead of them, but Zuko is happy to have him home again.
“I’ve heard rumours, nephew, that you have...secured your legacy.”
Zuko nods. He will never share the legacy of the Fire Lords before him, conquerors and tyrants alike. No, Zuko will be the bringer of peace and its champion too. He will teach kindness and compassion. He will restore culture, reform education, and continue to reinvent to match his people’s needs.
“Yes, uncle.”
“That’s good to hear.” Iroh pauses. “However, you are not married.”
“I...am not, uncle.”
“There you are!” 
Zuko looks up to find Katara entering the room. In her arms is the dragon egg that he’d dropped off to her that morning because of some commitments. 
“Hey,” Zuko says, letting Katara’s settle the egg in his lap.
Katara then ignores him and decorum by rushing over to his uncle’s side. 
“Iroh!” she greets. “It’s so good to see you!”
“It is good to see you as well, Master Katara.” When she draws away, Iroh examines her up and down and then frowns. He quickly covers that up with a smile though. “Please, won’t you join us for tea?”
“I’d love to, but I promised I’d help Aang with some stuff. Are you free tomorrow morning?”
“For you, Master Katara, I will be.”
Katara laughs and sets a time before making her way out again. When she’s gone, Iroh looks at Zuko and stays silent.
“What?” Zuko asks. 
“It’s nothing.”
“Clearly it’s something.”
Iroh purses his lips, as if unsure if he should say what’s on his mind.
Zuko doesn’t understand why he suddenly seemed so disappointed. Zuko had just confirmed that he would no longer carry on their family’s legacy of destruction. Shouldn’t that make his uncle happy? But instead he saw Katara and looked sad. This was obviously Katara’s fault then. Katara’s fault for being--
Zuko stills. He looks down at his tea and then back up at his uncle’s solemn face. He exhales and finds angry steam coming out of his nostrils.
“Uncle,” he begins slowly, because he is a kind Fire Lord and kind Fire Lords don’t lose their temper with people, even gossiping uncles. “Were you under the impression that I...and Katara...” Zuko’s features contort into a scowl. He refuses to even say the words. “Uncle!”
“Now, now. You must forgive an old man for chatting with old friends over pai sho, nephew.”
“About my love life?!”
“But of course.” Iroh grins. “It is a very popular topic all over the world.”
“Uncle, please!”
As an ambassador for the Southern Water Tribe, Katara’s stays in the Fire Nation are long, but not permanent. She spends her last evening there with Zuko and the dragon egg.
“Based on everything we’ve read, the egg shouldn’t hatch for another three months.”
“That’s right.”
“I’ll only be gone for two months.”
“I’m going to be back on time for the birth.”
“I know you will.”
“I’m going to be so upset if I miss it...”
“Don’t worry,” Zuko reassures. “Druk will wait for you.”
Katara grins. She likes the name he picked. She knows he spent a lot of time poring over a list of names of the dragons that used to be partnered with members of the royal family. The original Druk belonged to a Fire Lord from centuries ago whose reign was one of peace and prosperity. He was a huge patron of the arts and Love amongst the Dragons was written in his time. 
“Take care of yourself while I’m gone, okay?”
“Make sure you eat three meals a day.”
“I already do that!”
“Because I make you!”
“I missed a meal one time--”
“Yeah, per day!” She pokes his shoulder. “And make sure you sleep.”
“I will.”
“I mean it. I’ll know if you don’t.”
“Yeah? How will you manage that, waterbender?” 
The question comes out more coyly than he ever would have intended. And calling her anything other than her name has always seemed more flirtatious than intended. Granted, maybe he did intend it. Zuko smirks for effect, hoping he seems as cool to her as he wants to be. 
Katara narrows her eyes, lifting her chin a fraction and crossing her arms and--
Agni, it was happening. 
They were officially flirting. 
Zuko willed his beating heart to be still.
“I have my ways,” she drawls with a little grin of her own. But that soon fades into sadness. “I’m going to miss you, Zuko.”
Zuko nods. He’s going to miss her too. Katara has been around since he defeated Azula. He got used to her presence when they were still fighting in the war and he became at home with it during their stay in the Fire Nation. 
Katara leans forward and Zuko’s heart begins to race. Actually, it was already racing. Now it’s just beating ridiculously fast. This might actually be a health hazard, Zuko realizes. Perhaps Katara wasn’t good for him after all if she was going to make his heart go crazy and make his stomach hurt in that weird, stupid fluttering way all the time. Her lips twitch, puling into a pucker, and Zuko knows this is it. 
This is it. 
He closes his eyes, ready as if he hasn’t been ready for months now, and then--
He blinks, confused, and catches the back of Katara’s head as she stands back up and grins sheepishly. She pats the dragon egg strapped to his chest.
“I had to give Druk a kiss goodbye,” she explains.
“Right,” Zuko mumbles. “Druk.”
He tries not to pout. Really, he does. But apparently he doesn’t try hard enough because soon Katara is giggling. She reaches up, one hand cupping his cheek as her thumb brushes his skin.
“I’m going to miss you,” she tells him.
“I’m going to miss you too.”
Her gaze flickers to his lips and he watches the way she swallows nervously. Deciding it’s now or never, Zuko leans in, and is pleased when Katara meets his lips half way. It’s a bit of an awkward lean considering the dragon egg between them, but Zuko wouldn’t change a thing. He kisses her softly, unwilling to rush what he knows is going to be a good thing. 
Eventually they draw apart and Katara smiles shyly. “Will you see me off in the morning? Well, Ninja Zuko, not Fire Lord Zuko.”
Zuko nods, still a bit breathless. “Of course.”
Fire Lord Zuko’s less than standard choice of outfit is expected at this point. Gone is the initial sash Sokka made when they first realized the egg needed to be held at all times. He has new ones in a variety of colours. Some have even been gifted to him by other dignitaries on their visits, so Zuko has half a dozen shades of green. Today he wears the yellow one that Aang so eagerly gave him the other month. 
He looks ridiculous, therefore he stands out. And because he stands out, it makes an attempt on his life that much easier.
Of course, Zuko has the best guards in the entire world, and his attackers are dealt with swiftly.
Panicking, Zuko unwraps the yellow silk and carefully inspects the dragon egg. He frets until he finishes. 
“He’s okay,” Zuko breathes in relief.
“Good,” Suki says, “because I don’t think you were the target.”
“What do you mean?”
Suki nods to the egg. “They were aiming for that.”
“Great.” Mai sighs as she looks up at the ceiling. “He already named it.”
“Of course I did!”
“I think Druk is a great name, Zuko!” Ty Lee says. 
Suki continues searching the room with her two new recruits. “Why would someone want to assassinate a dragon?” 
“Why wouldn’t they?” Mai turns to Zuko and finds him rewrapping the yellow silk around his body to cradle his dragon egg close. “A new Fire Lord supported not only by the Avatar, but by a dragon. No propaganda can beat that in the Fire Nation, especially when you started walking around with the real thing. They probably think you’ve been chosen by the spirits.”
“But dragons are extinct, Mai,” Ty Lee points out.
“So, what, that’s a toucan puffin then?”
“If someone wants Zuko out of the way,” Suki muses, “they know they need to get rid of that dragon before it’s born.”
Zuko rises, scowling in his Fire Lord regalia and the sling wrapped around him. Fire shoots out out of Zuko’s clenched fists. He might look absurd, but his expression is fearsome as he all but growls, “They can try.” 
Katara returns a few days earlier than expected. Maybe the tides had been kind to her ship. Maybe there was a master waterbender on board. Who knew. Fire Lord Zuko requests the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador join him for dinner, which she arrives to after a long day of napping. 
Zuko feels a weight lifted off his shoulders when he sees her again. She’s safe, she’s healthy, and if that smile is anything to go by, she’s happy too.
She tells him all about how much they’ve done to restore things to how they were back when she was a girl, along with all the other innovations Sokka’s bringing about. She talks about her grandmother’s cooking, her father’s leadership, and her brother’s antics. Tomorrow will include more official topics about the Tribe’s needs, but tonight is for catching up.
“I guess you enjoyed your stay,” Zuko mumbles, happy for her.
“Definitely. But if I’m being honest, towards the end I...” She meets his eyes for a moment, something akin to longing in her gaze, before she looks down at her plate. She shrugs. “I started to miss it here towards the end.”
“Yeah. I really like swimming. And surfing. And...stuff.”
Zuko clears his throat. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want, you know. Permanently, even!”
“That’s not really how ambassadors work, Zuko.”
“Yeah. I know. Maybe in, um, a different capacity?”
“What do you mean?”
A voice that sounds suspiciously like his uncle’s says Fire Lady, but Zuko will never ever say that to her face. Yeah, he’s probably in love with her. Oh, how he’s in love with her. And he’s vaguely positive Katara has feelings for him too. And they kissed before! But Zuko could never ask that of her right now. 
“I don’t know,” he says to save himself. He doesn’t do a good job, but Katara doesn’t push the topic.
“There’s still a lot of work to do,” Katara eventually replies.
Zuko manages not to groan at the understatement.  
“Here in the Fire Nation, but around the world too. These past few years have taught me that the world is wide and that I’m in a unique position to be helpful. If I don’t use what I’ve learned to help people in need...that just seems irresponsible.” She grins. “But I’ll come back. I’m always going to come back.”
“Wouldn’t you want to go...home?”
“Of course I’ll visit the South Pole, but...” She shrugs. “Home is very spread out now,” she explains with a small laugh. “Aang and Toph are going back to the Earth Kingdom after Druk is born, Sokka is already back with the Tribe, Suki is going back to Kyoshi when she’s done here, and, well, you’re here, Zuko.”
Katara blinks, taken aback. “Did you think you weren’t?”
Zuko doesn’t say anything, too rattled by the admission, too overwhelmed by its meaning. Katara considered him home. Katara held him at the same esteem as people as precious to her as her family. Katara wanted to come back to him. Katara considered him someone worth coming back to.
“And now home is this guy too.” She rests her palm upon the dragon egg, dangerously close to his pounding heart.
Zuko’s hand rises on its own, settling gently over Katara’s. She looks up at him, startled, and he takes a breath.
“Katara, this is my home. It kind of has to be. But it’s, um, better when you’re here.”
Katara’s hand shakes. Or maybe it’s his hand shaking and he’s affecting her too. It doesn’t matter though, because Katara turns hers over and laces her fingers through his. She holds his hand and she smiles. 
Agni, he loved her smile. Agni, he loved her.
His hand begins to grow sweaty. “Uh,” he self-consciously coughs. “Do you want to hold Druk?” Zuko pulls his hand away and rubs the back of his neck. “It’s been a while for you.”
Katara opens her arms to him and his dragon baby. “I’d love to.”
The first crack comes some time after midnight when Zuko is reading a report from the ever-growing stack in his office, with the egg nestled in his crossed legs. Zuko looks down, but doesn’t really see anything strange, so he keeps reading. But a moment later, the egg begins to shake. Eyes wide, Zuko finds himself frozen.
The egg wobbles as the single fracture on the side begins to grow like a web.
“Katara!” he hisses. “Katara!”
In this moment, he’s grateful she deigned to linger in his office and read those trashy romance scrolls Ty Lee shared with her. 
“What is it--oh!” Katara sucks in a sharp breath when she notices the way the egg moves. She rushes to his side and kneels down. “Is it--”
“It is!” Zuko, unable to move with the leg in his lag, grabs her hand. “What am I supposed to do?”
“I--I don’t know! I’ve only delivered babies!”
“This is a baby!”
“A dragon baby, Zuko!”
They both yelp when a clawed, red appendage breaks through the cracks.
“It’s...” Zuko reaches out for Katara’s hand, squeezing it as the little dragon inside continues to push his way out. “That’s it, buddy,” Zuko encourages. “You’re doing great.” He feels Katara place her free hand on his shoulder. She tells him to breath because at some point he stopped. He doesn’t do a good job listening though, so she begins to loudly inhale and exhale so that he can follow.
Soon another arm comes through, and one moment later, a little head pops through the top of the egg. 
Zuko makes a noise that might be a sob and lets go of Katara to help peel away the bits of shell stuck of the little dragon’s head. He blinks at Zuko with dazed golden eyes before his mouth opens into something that can only be deemed a yawn.
“Hi Druk,” Zuko whispers, holding his hand out to the little dragon.
Druk slithers out of what’s left of his shell and sniffs Zuko’s hand. He’s just a bit bigger than a newborn turtle duck, so it’s not a problem when he settles on Zuko’s awaiting palm.
Amazed, Zuko turns to Katara with the widest smile she’s ever seen on his face. “He likes me!” He begins to laugh as Druk crawls up his arm and over his head to the other shoulder. He presses his head against Zuko’s cheek and nuzzles him.
Katara rolls her eyes fondly. “Of course he does. I’m sure he recognizes that you’re the one who kept his egg warm for nine--”
She yelps when Druk takes advantage of Katara’s hand still on Zuko’s back, using that arm as a bridge to climb on her shoulder. His claws are tugging at her hair, albeit only lightly, and soon he’s rubbing his little head against her chin. 
“He likes you too!” 
Reminded of Zuko, Druk’s golden eyes snap back open and he leaps off of Katara and into Zuko’s lap. Fortunately, he’d had the sense to push the empty shell away when Druk was climbing around. Druk circles the space of his lap before finally curling up and settling down.
Utterly amazed, Zuko gathers his resting son into his arms and stands. He’ll need to prepare a place for Druk, but Katara says she’ll take care of that for now.
“Spend time with your newborn, Fire Lord.” 
At the window, Zuko considers showing Druk all that the light touches, but realizes it’s night and so he should wait until tomorrow. He laughs, still utterly astonished by this turn of events, and silently thanks the man who gifted him with the egg at his coronation. Druk twitches and resettles in his arms. He yawns and then he huffs with a little burst of fire escaping his mouth. 
Zuko looks down at Druk with adoration and excitement in his eyes. 
“I have a dragon.”
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bartramcat · 4 years
Desert Palm
I was cleaning out my Docs and came across this. It's from over a year ago and was my impetuous hypothesis about post Dead Doll reactions to the revelation that was GSR. It's mostly dialogue, so an easy read. It probably contains a lot of Canon and character violations, but, since they never let us know how the team felt, I went with my gut. It's been an interminable week, so perhaps it will amuse someone.
Exterior Desert Palm Hospital. Catherine and Warrick are sitting on a bench in conversation.
W: You really had no idea?
C: No. I always knew she was special to him, but I thought it was more of a teacher-student thing. When she first came here, I thought they'd had a bad breakup in San Francisco, but then it wouldn't have made sense for him to ask her to come here.
W: Maybe it was student-teacher then.
C: I don't know. He saw something in her. I remember him saying she was someone he trusted. Boy she was young.
W: Do you think Ecklie will fire them?
C: I don't know. He's a fool if he does. God knows Gil's never been his favorite person. I never thought he would ever do anything that would put his job at risk. Not playing politics is one thing but violating a policy.
W: Are you upset with him? For not telling you? You've known each other a long time.
C: I was more shocked than angry at first. But after seeing how desperate he was out in the desert...It's so strange to say this about Gil, but I think he really loves her. I thought he was incapable of those kinds of feelings. 
W: What kinds?
C: Normal, I guess. The way a man loves a woman. That's why I thought the only kind of woman who'd interest him would be someone like Lady Heather. Oh..
W: What?
C: I went on and on to Sara about how I thought Heather was the only woman Gil was ever really interested in. I knew she looked uncomfortable, but I thought it was because she didn't want to think about her boss that way.
W: You didn't know.
C: No. Damn it. I wish he had trusted me.
W: You are hurt…
C: I'm okay. (Smiles) It's not like I found out he was a murderer. 
W: No. You found out he loves someone.
C: That sounds so strange. To be honest, I thought being a murderer more likely than Gil falling in love.
W: Yeah. Any idea how long they've been together? Did he say anything out there?
C: (Shaking her head) No idea. He didn't say much, but I could feel his panic. All he wanted was to find her.
W: So they may have been together for years.
C: I don't think she would have been dating that EMT a few years ago if they were together then.
W: Damn. I forgot about him. Gris didn't like him at all.
C: (Short laugh) No he didn't.
In unison--
C/W: He was jealous.
C: It feels good to laugh after the last day or so.
W: Yeah.
C: You know, they're a lot alike. They're both nerds. They probably understand each other on some strange socially awkward level.
W: (Laughs) When you put it like that, you're probably right.
Interior. ICU waiting room. Greg, Nick and Sofia are sitting. Nick and Sofia next to each other. Greg apart.
S: How on earth did we not know?
N: (Shrugs) We know Grissom. I didn't know for sure if he was even interested in women. (At their looks) Or men. Work and bugs.
S: (Laughs) Tell me about it.
N: You had a thing for him?
S: I was intrigued. I had never met anyone quite like him before. He asked me to dinner once when I got demoted by Ecklie.
N: Oh Yeah. He wanted you to find Grissom negligent in that old case.
S: He wasn't. I thought he might be interested in me afterwards. Turns out all he wanted to do was extol the virtues of being a CSI and not let Ecklie influence my judgment.
N: That's Grissom. 
G: Maybe he was already with Sara.
S: I don't think we'll ever know.
G: What do you think Ecklie will do?
S: He could fire them. I know from personal experience he has a vindictive streak.
G: So a psycho almost kills Sara, and he fires her? Doesn't seem right.
N: You know that isn't the reason.
G: In other labs, they could be married and still work together.
S: This isn't other labs.
They're quiet for a few moments.
N: They should have leveled with us.
S: You almost sound angry. Look I don't work with them as closely as you do--
N: He almost got her killed because some psycho figured out he was sleeping with her. (Softly) He shouldn't have been sleeping with her.
S: You are mad.
N: I don't know what I feel.
S: I think you love both of them separately, and you don't yet know how to think of them as a couple.
N: Yeah. Maybe. It's as if I never really knew either one of them.
G: They're still the same people.
N: You're all right with them being together?
G: I'm not going to judge them if that's what you mean.
N: You think that's what I'm doing?
G: Maybe. 
N: Do you think Grissom really loves her?
G: Yeah. 
N: What about Sara?
S: She's been in love with him for a while.
N: What makes you say that.
S: Let's just say that as a woman I picked up on certain vibes.
N: Not on his side?
S: No. I thought the same as you. That the man had no interest in a relationship with anyone. But I'm sure he loves Sara.
N: What makes you so sure?
S: I saw his face when the paramedics couldn't get a pulse. He was terrified.
N: So was I…
S: We all were. But--I can't explain it. It was as if the life was draining out of him.
Greg stands up and walks over to the glass, looks in.
G: She's still asleep.
N: Grissom still with her?
Greg nods.
N: So let me get this straight. You two are okay with the two of them being together?
S: I don't think they should lose their jobs if that's what you mean. 
G: You know how I feel.
N: (Throwing his hands up) All right. I guess I just have to get used to this.
Exterior. Catherine is pacing.
C:  Where the hell is Ecklie anyway?
W: How much do you think he knows?
C: I don't know. But Gil isn't making any effort to hide how he feels about her now. God I hope she's going to be okay. For his sake as well as hers. What was it he said? The only person he'd ever loved. Hard to believe a man can get to be 50 years old without ever falling in love. (Beat) Maybe he had no idea how to handle everything.
They're quiet for a few moments.
W: You said she was conscious when they brought her in.
C: Yeah. And Gil wanted to stay with her in the ER.
W: Is that what that nurse was telling you?
C: I'm glad Brass showed up and took him for a walk.
A car pulls up; Ecklie gets out.
E: I hear Sidle's been found alive. Is she going to make it?
C: We think so. They're still trying to get her stabilized. Nick and Sofia found her just in time.
E: Grissom rode the Medi-Vac with her?
C: So?
E: That's against regulations. I haven't seen all of the reports, but I heard that Natalie kidnapped Sidle to get back at Grissom for the death of her foster father?
C: That seems to be the consensus.
E: I heard Grissom almost lost it in interrogation.
C: I probably would have lost it too.
E: Are you covering for him?
C; Look, Ecklie, if you want to ask me something, just ask.
E: Where's Grissom now?
C: We don't know. Last I saw Brass was taking him for coffee.
E: Stokes and Sanders? 
C: In the waiting room. Sofia too.
Brass appears, sees Ecklie, hesitates, then approaches.
C: Any news?
B: She's out of the ER, but they're keeping her in ICU for the next 24 hours.
E: Where's Grissom?
B: With Sara.
E: In ICU? I thought only family..
B: She doesn't have anyone else. 
E: All right. Let's stop pussyfooting around here. I want you all to tell me how long Grissom and Sidle have been dating.
C: We have no idea.
E: You're covering for them.
B: No. She's not. I know for a fact no one of the team knew anything before this whole mess started.
E: What about you? 
B: I had my suspicions for a while. I only found out for sure about a few months or so ago.
E: And you didn't tell anyone?
B: Not my secret to tell.
E: It's a violation of lab policy.
B: Your lab, not mine.
E: How did you find out? They weren't messing around on the job, I hope.
B: (Glares at him) No. They're 100% professional on the job. I found out by accident away from work. That's all I'm going to say.
C: Do you know how long they've been together, Jim?
B: No idea. But I think it's been a while. You're going to hear it anyway, so I may as well tell you they're living together.
E: Well that's just great. Who told you that?
B: He did. When the ICU nurse told him he couldn't go in with her because he wasn't family, he told her they lived together, so he was her family.
E: They're not secretly married or anything like that?
B: I don't think so. If they were I think he would have said so. His emotions are pretty raw.
E: Good old fashioned shacking up.
W: Hey Ecklie. You don't have to be so crude.
Pause. Everyone seems to regroup.
E: So you're telling me no one else knew about them?
C: I swear I had no idea.
W: Me neither.
E: Don't tell me they've been together since he brought her here.
C: I don't think so, but you'll have to ask him.
E: I'm going to do just that. 
Ecklie starts toward the doors. Brass steps in front of him.
B: Not now.
E: He's broken so many rules. He needs to explain himself.
C: It's not the right time. He hasn't slept for 2 days. We were out in the desert all day looking for her. He's still worried sick about her. We all are. 
B: Forget the rules for once. You should care more about the people. Sara came within an inch of losing her life, and all you care about is lab policy?
Brass continues to block his path.
E: All right. Let's just go in and see how she's doing.
Interior. ICU waiting room. Nick and Sofia are still sitting together, talking quietly. Greg is still staring in through the glass. We see what he's looking at: a woman is lying in the bed with IVs in her; her left arm is in a soft cast. We see it is Sara. She appears to be asleep. There is a man in a chair sitting next to the bed, holding her right hand. It is Grissom. He appears to be talking to her, but we can't hear what he's saying. 
Ecklie, Catherine, Brass and Warrick enter the waiting room. Greg turns around and stiffens at the sight of Ecklie. Nick and Sofia look up at him, uneasily.
E: (Smiles sheepishly, as if realizing he's unwelcome) How's she doing?
S: They think she'll be fine in a few days. She's on fluids and pain meds. But she'll probably need surgery on her arm.
E: I understand you and Nick found her. How did she get out from under the car?
N: We don't know. But she was smart enough to take the mirror with her. I saw the reflection...otherwise…
E: You might have been too late.
S: She was starting to shut down.
During the conversation, Brass, Catherine and Warrick have moved towards the glass.
C: Looks like she's asleep. She is conscious?
S: Yes. She's conscious. They want her to sleep.
E: (Looking around) Where's Grissom?
Catherine nods towards the glass.
E: Still with her?
C: I don't think he's leaving anytime soon.
E: Look, why don't you all go home and get some sleep. It looks as if you're going to be a little short for a while.
N: (Blurts out) You're not going to fire them, because if you do, that would be so wrong.
E: I don't believe you people. They've been deceiving you, and you all act like I'm the bad guy here. There are rules people.
G: Stupid rules.
E: Didn't you used to have a crush on her? I think you'd be the last person to approve of her sleeping with her boss--and yours.
G: She's my friend. I'm for whatever makes her happy.
W: You keep trying to make it sound dirty.
E: I have one of my supervisors carrying on with one of his team for who knows how long. What would you call it?
S: We don't choose who we fall in love with.
E: You all sound like a bunch of hopeless romantics.
C: We don't have the happiest of jobs. Maybe it's nice to be talking about 2 people who love each other instead of people killing each other for a change.
N: Yeah, and we wouldn't even be talking about them if Natalie hadn't tried to kill Sara.
W: Look, Ecklie, we care about both of them. If they have found something with each other, we're fine with it. They both needed to find something. So we're good. You should be too.
E: I don't even want to think about all the cases they've compromised.
C: It's a lab policy, not a law. Other labs even have married couples working together. They've never compromised anything. If they had, don't you think one of us would have noticed?
E: You never noticed they were living together.
Greg, Nick and Sofia look surprised by this.
C: We look at the evidence in a crime. We weren't looking for a love affair. Their work has always been above reproach.
E: You all feel the same way?
He receives a chorus of Yeses and affirmative nods. Ecklie walks over to the glass and looks in. Grissom is still holding her hand. Ecklie turns back to them.
E: (Sighs) Well. I guess I'll figure out what to do about all of this later.
B: Good decision.
E: I still think you all should go home and get some sleep. Oh, good job everyone. Finding Sara I mean.
With that Ecklie leaves. They all watch him go.
C: He has a point. About sleep I mean.
W: Someone needs to pry Gris out of there. He needs food and sleep.
C: And a shower. Look, why don't you guys take off. I'll see if I can get him to go home after you leave.
Doc Robbins and Super Dave arrive.
R: How is she?
B: They think she'll be fine.
R: How's Gil?
C: You're not going to tell us you knew about them?
R: No. But I'm not surprised. 
C: You're the only one.
R: It's always been pretty clear they have a connection, but I didn't know. Now everyone does. The Lab grapevine is working overtime.
C: I'll bet.
Interior of Sara's room. She opens her eyes; Grissom smiles at her. She looks confused.
G: You're in the hospital. 
S: You stayed with me?
G: Yeah.
S: (Her eyes focusing; she sees the figures behind the glass) Is that the team?
G: They're worried about you. (Seeing her confusion, gently) It's okay. Everyone knows.
S: About us?
G: (Nods) I only want you to worry about getting well.
S: Aren't you worried what they think?
G: I don't care what they think. (Puts both his hands around hers, and squeezes her hand) All I care about is you.
Interior. Sara's room. Sometime later. She is asleep. Grissom is still sitting next to her in the chair; he is barely awake. The door opens, and Catherine enters. She has obviously been home. She is wearing fresh clothes.
C: Come on Gil. You need to go home and get a shower.
G: I don't think I should leave her.
C: You can barely stay awake. You don't smell great either. She'll be fine. Sleep is the best medicine.
He stands up and stretches a little; he looks at Sara.
C: The nurse said she'll call you if anything changes, but she's probably out of the woods. 
G: Okay. (Leaning down) I'll be back soon.
C: Go ahead and kiss her. I know you want to. (He shoots her a look then leans over and kisses her forehead.) Oh, Gil, my friend, you've got it bad.
G: (Confused) Got what bad?
C: (Laughs) You're such a dork.
Interior. Grissom's condo. The sound of the doorbell. Grissom appears. He is in clean clothes and is freshly shaven. He opens the door. It's Catherine.
C: You look a lot better.
G: I slept. I don't think I've ever been so tired.
C: Fear is exhausting. (He smiles slightly.) Gil, in all the time I've known you I think the past couple days were the first time I've ever seen you really scared.
G: I don't know what to say to you. In many ways, you've been about as close to me…
C: But you've never been in love with me.
G: No.
C: Well I've never been in love with you either. (She looks around, taking note of the plants and the pictures on the walls.) A woman lives here.
G: How?
C: It's decorated. Your idea of decorating is bookshelves and dead bugs. I was in your old place a number of times, remember? (Sensing his discomfort) Are you planning to marry her?
G: We've never talked about it.
C: A woman living with a man who doesn't bring up marriage?
G: I'm a lot older than she is.
C: I doubt she cares. 
G: Wouldn't you?
C: Not if I loved him. (She looks at him for a moment) Gil, if you're worried about your age difference, take it from me, there are much bigger considerations. If you can live under the same roof that's half the battle.
G: Battle?
C: (Smiles) You are so innocent sometimes. You have to fight sometimes.
G: (Contemplating) She was upset when I took my sabbatical and…(almost accusatory) what did you tell her about me and Heather? 
C: If you'd been honest with me about your relationship, I wouldn't have told her anything.
G: Whatever you think about my relationship with Heather, you're wrong. I've never been in love with her. I've never slept with her either.
C: I find that hard to believe.
G: Everything isn't about sex.
C: You can't deny your fascination.
G: I'm fascinated by a lot of things. We have a connection, yes, but so do you and I. She sees things other people don't.
C: What things?
G: She reads people in ways I wish I could.
C: She reads you?
G: She knew how I felt in 2 minutes.
C: About Sara?
G: (He's said too much.) Yeah.
C: I wish I had.
Catherine looks around the condo again. There are so many little feminine touches. Sara really does live here. Feeling contrite--
C: Is Sara still upset? About what I said?
G: No. (He seems someplace else for a moment) I want to get back to the hospital. Have you seen Ecklie?
C: Don't worry about Ecklie. 
G: I have to worry about Ecklie. He's been looking for a reason for a long time. He has one now.
C: You worry about Sara. We'll handle Ecklie.
G: I don't understand. I thought you were mad, you know--
C: Gil, I'll probably never understand you and Sara, but I don't think you should lose your job for loving someone. Come on. Let's get you back to the hospital.
Catherine walks out. Gil stares after his friend for a moment, smiles, and follows her out.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hey ! I would like to request a headcanon please !! ✨💕💕 how would Nobunaga, Shingen, Masamune (and if you want kenshin) react when they know that MC is worried about whether she will be able to marry or even be in a relationship with them because she is a foreigner and perhaps his people want someone of the same nationality (since in Sengoku period people in japan were even more traditional and try to preserve the lineage) thank you !! 💖❤️💕✨
Heheh thanx so much for this request, dear! Sidenote i was too lazy to do research cause ive been playing Mitsuhide’s route lol, so if some pieces seem off thats probs why! I hope you enjoy it! In my mind these boys would marry MC regardless of what the people think and would basically tell anyone who has a problem with you to go to hell. But thats just my opinion anyway! ^0^ Much like this whole HC is lol. Hope ya enjoy it <3
HC: Nobunaga, Shingen, Masamune and Kenshin react to Marrying Foreign MC
The two of you had been friends for a loooooong time now, and both of you were harboring feelings for the other
One day you finally built up the courage to confess, it was during your game of go
“Hey Nobunaga if I win this game of go, I’m going to claim and conquer your heart.”
He looked up and smirked at you “Alright then fireball but if I win then you are to be my girlfriend”
You had never taken the game so seriously in your life before, you put your all into winning that game
And believe it or not you WON, you had to rub your eyes as you stared at the board in disbelief
You were so happy you ran outside and shouted at the top of your lungs “I have defeated Nobunaga and he is now mine”. Mind you whispered that last part
The start to your relationship was tough, the Oda clan members were not happy about their lord taking a foreigner as a lover
They would especially send disapproving glances your way during banquets, lucky the warlords loved you to bits and 100% supported your relationship
One day in particular, some daimyos daughter was throwing so much shade at you for being a foreigner. Saying that you don’t belong here and that she should be with Nobu instead of you blah blah blah.
And if things couldn’t get any worse most of the Oda clan members were in attendance backing the prissy high lady
Nobunaga lost his shit at that moment; he had fought so long and hard to be head of the clan. He had killed his own brother for crying out loud, and even his own mother wanted to kill him. 
He was not going to let anyone tell him what he can or can’t do, especially not from the people who wouldn’t hesitate to backstab him at the first opening to rise in station and come into power
He stood up and in his most commanding voice proclaimed that you were the love of his life and that you were the only woman he would ever love. This whole speech ended off with him walking up to you and asking your hand in marriage
The Clan members and some allies of his were not happy, that is when Mitsuhide stated that he should let the people of  Azuchi decide who is to be the next woman worthy of being their queen and standing beside their beloved ruler Nobunaga. 
Nobunaga was a bit reluctant but agreed to it either way.
Needless to say, Mitsuhide always had his ears on the ground, and he knew the towns and farm people absolutely adored you. And after gathering the people in the courtyard, the dispute was settled and the true queen of Azuchi, was chosen. 
Nobunaga couldn’t be happier, he was practically jumping for joy
You couldn’t help but cry from happiness at the warm welcoming and approval you receive from the townspeople of Azuchi. Never again was your position questioned among the rest of the clan members.
This playboy would spend each night in the arms of a new woman
That is until he fell in love with you
His people thought it was just a simple fling like all the woman that had come before you
But soon the realized Shingen was starting to get serious about you
They really tried to hate you for being a foreigner, cause they wanted to preserve the lineage 
But they couldn’t bring it over themselves, especially considering Yuki also loved you so much
Yuki had told everyone what you had done for them and for Shingen.
It was thanks to you that their beloved leader was healed of his illness
And it was thanks to you that they were able to go back to their homeland peacefully
Plus, you were such a warm, friendly person and everyone that spoke to you couldn’t help but love you
Sit down Yuki this isn’t witchcraft it’s just your charming personality 
If anything, they had more of a problem with you being an Oda princess rather than a foreigner
But like I said regardless they all saw you as an angel or a goddess, pure and radiant, and definitely someone who would have their best interests at heart.
TBH his clan members were all too happy the Tiger was thinking about setting down cause these guys have been pestering him for an heir and Shingen ain’t getting any younger 
You worked hard to earn their respect and trust
When Shingen publicly asked you to marry him in front of all his people you were a little stressed that someone would have a problem with you. Shingen could see the reluctance in your eyes, so he looked around and said:
“Who here has a problem or concern with me marrying my dearest Goddess over here”. Absolute silence fell. You couldn’t help but smile and accept his proposal.
That night you realized just how loved you were by his people as every second person had hugged a welcomed you to the family.
You and Masamune had been together for a while now, and the boy was starting to get serious
He really loved you and couldn’t picture anyone else who could stand by his side and rule the date clan with him quite like you 
He made the two of you a yummo dinner and proposed. You loved this one eye dragon so much, so you instantly accepted
That night before you fell asleep you tuned around in Masamune’s arms to stare up at him
Your mind was being overactive with what-if scenarios, you really loved Masamune, but you knew his clan and people would not be pleased by the news of him marrying a foreigner
Not just that but you had seen him receive many marriage requests over the years, and there was one in particular that his clan was pushing him to accept
Masamune could see all the questions swirling in your eyes, he simply bent down and kissed your nose, forehead and then pulled you closer to him
He told you that he didn’t care what anyone else thought and that the two of you would take it one day at a time
Needless to say, Masamune’s people loved you, you had visited Masamune’s home many times and spent lots of time getting to know everyone. You were one of those genuinely friendly people who cared about people
It’s one of the traits that attracted Masamune to you, you didn’t care if someone was rich or poor you treated them equality
No no, the problem came with the higher-ups, they didn’t trust you, and they didn’t deem you worthy. After all, what did you know about history or tradition, you were just some random foreigner. 
When Masamune announced that you were his fiancé; they just said No, like they completely rejected the whole idea. Not only that, but they brought some other random princess out and told him that she would be better suited for him.
Luckily Masamune is a stubborn man, so he just ignored their “suggestions.” But like I said, the clan members and a few smaller date clan allies were not having it.
You went back home alone to Azuchi after the meeting with the date clan, leaving Masamune there to deal with them. You were honestly so upset, what was supposed to be a happy announcement turned into the worst day of your life.
Little did they know you and Nobunaga were very good friends, like you would pop into his room for tea at random times friend. The cry on his shoulder about the backlash of Masamune announcing his intention to marry you, kind of friends. 
And it just so happened that Nobunaga was one of their biggest allies along with Ieyasu, and let be real attending all the banquets got you in good with both of their clan members and if anything they were trying to convince you to marry those two idiots instead of Masamune. So, to say you were backed by two other powerful clans would be an understatement.
Nobunaga listened as you cried about everything that had been said, then he gave you a big wide smile and said: “Come fireball, let’s go scare the shit out of them to make you feel better.”
You Nobunaga and Ieyasu rode to Masamune’s home the next day, they burst into the council room doors, and saw that Masamune was still arguing with everyone over your marriage.
All heads were turned to Nobunaga as he stood by the door with Ieyasu and swiftly proclaimed that you were not just some foreigner but a princess of the Oda forces and if they have a problem with Masamune wanting to wed his sister then he would end the alliance right there and invade.
Ieyasu nodded in agreement 
Hehe you definitely had a smug look on your face, both Ieyasu and Nobunaga had claimed you as their dearest sister, not just that but Nobunaga had pulled out a letter from Kenshin and Shingen in which both also gave you their backing.
Kenshin’s letter obviously being very threatening and saying he would have no probs with allying with Nobunaga and going to war with them for refusing you lol.
Looks like you have some friends in powerful places
Lol those clan boys never questioned you or threatened you again. If anything, they blessed your marriage and stayed faaaaar away from you. They definitely didn’t want to get on your bad side
Kenshin had found his Goddess, of war, his soulmate, the and only woman who would ever hold his heart and soul
It was well known that you were the only woman that Kenshin looked at, the feared woman-hating Kenshin disliked all women but one.
And that would be you
If anything when Kenshin announced that he was going to marry you people were more surprised than anything else
Everyone honestly loved you, mostly they loved that fact that you were the only one who calmed Kenshin the hell down
His clan was overjoyed that he had finally found a life partner
They were honestly just starting to accept the fact that Kenshin would have no heirs
One night while cuddling with Kenshin, you voiced your concerns about not being accepted by his people because you were a foreigner
Kenshin legit looked you in the eyes and said if anyone dares oppose your marriage to him, or utter one bad thing about you he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them
Like he was pulled away from someone he loved in the past, but now it was different, now he had power. He would kill anyone that dare stood in his way! He will not lose the love of his life to anyone
Kenshin nuzzled into your neck and reassured you and then proceeded to pepper you with kisses, he loved you so much
And as if overhearing the whole conversation all of a sudden, the whole bunny army came into the room and joined in on the cuddles
Kenshin couldn’t help but laugh at the silly creatures “And love, you forget you command a whole vicious army of your own. I am sure the bunnies would not hesitate to stand up to anyone who tries to hurt their goddess”. As if agreeing with Kenshin the bunnies started nuzzling the two of you.
All your worries and anxiety were short-lived as when Kenshin made the official announcement, everyone was overjoyed. No one really cared that you were a foreigner, plus no one felt like having their head detached from their shoulders
And if that wasn’t enough, at the banquet celebrating your engagement, the bunnies all attended in celebration with the people, some of the bun buns would sit on your lap staring down anyone who might have worn the slightest frown towards you. These bunnies would not hesitate to attack anyone who made would make you sad just like their master. 
Hehehe this is probs not my best work but here it is anyways! <3
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E2 LiveThoughts
And now, for episode 2; same deal as last time, spoilers for this weeks episode. 
RT getting a wee bit too real with the “curfew in effect” sign on the side of that building in the opening. Least here its a visible noticeable threat and not Corona. Still.
Oh, heh. “Hope has no place here.” Always did love that line. But that might just be the grimdark fan in me.
Overall Im not a huge fan of this seasons opening, it doesnt sound as melodic as the last couple ones. More...chaotic. I think thats intentionally but Im still not a fan.
Dude, Qrow, thats unsanitary. Seriously, clean that shit off. You’re gonna get like, tetnus or something.
And Robyn complaining to Qrow. I mean shes not WRONG but at the same time SHE was the one who decided to pass out during the crash. Dont go throwing blame around Hill, you were just as useless and dumb as everyone but Tyrian in that whole section of last season.
Correction, shes talking to Jasque Scnee who is SOMEHOW in the same prison as they are. Additional; hardlight cells with no visible emitters, no toilet or other commodities. This must be a holding cell of some kind. Unless the bed they all have is ALSO a toilet. Ew.
Yeah you sure about that Schnee? Indirect murder is still murder.
Whh...WATTS IS IN HERE TOO?! WHAT THE FUCK IRONWOOD. You dont have a maximum security like, ICEBOX lock up? Dude this is just ASKING for trouble.
Watt’s black eye is still there. Maybe there is something to him not having his aura fully unlocked. Or...something else. Im really confused about that.
Odd cell structure. Impromptu? Or is this whole room just modular. Cause its WAY too big to house just this many prisoners. Im getting the feeling this is impromtu, yeah.
Schnee thinks hes getting out, sucker. 
Mad props to the Atlas soldier for the brutality. NOW HIT HIM AGAIN.  Robyns smirk gives me life.
And Qrow suggests Operation Valkyrie. Im down. Ironwoods proven useless at this point, maybe his replacement will be more tactically viable.
Alright, Atlas has pulled all military forces out of Mantle. Guess that means Ash and CAMO would be out too. Officially anyway. Making note for future threads...
Cute about the news guy, but I LOVE the fact you can hear the former masculinity in May’s voice here, like she isnt fully finished transitioning. If its intentional, bravo. If not, still cool.
Ah and there’s the hoverbikes from the teasers. I really dont get why they’re so goddamn big. Surely you can miniatruize hovertech...right?
They’re big enough to have weapons installed IMO. They should have.
Ah okay here’s the rest of the trailer
Hey look more lesbians. Boy that one on the left is MAD.
I cannot believe these Grimm are dumb enough to not go AROUND the dropwall (and Im going to call it that until I get something else, its literally the equipment from Halo Infinite’s release trailer). I get Grimm are dumb but damn bro.
Ah okay, THATS the split. All the faunus live in the slums down in the crater. Mantle proper is the mid-level, and then Atlas is humans for the most part. As far as I can tell anyway. Literal stratification. 
Ugh, that whole conversation was so expositiony. Jesus fucking christ.
Holy shit this crews moving slow. Like, good fucking lord.
Personaly headcanon; that tiny fox toy Oscar rides past on his bike is later retreived by Ash. That is actually his bootprint on it too oddly enough.
Unity in this situation, Ozpin? Not likely. What you need is miltiary intervention and firepower.
Still not sure why there’s smokestacks in Mantle if everything on Remnant runs on Dust. Maybe its steam vents for the heating system.
So the Crater is literally a divide. Like a circular diamond mine or one of those “rabbit hole” gold ones. Literal wall holding its outside. 
Snowshoe Shipping. New company. Full autonomous workforce from the looks of it. SDC related of course. And its still running despite everything. The drones here are literally AKs. Motherfucker, I think I know where the idea for them came from. SDC literally just weaponized its fucking worker robots. 
And apperently Dust is refined in the Crater. Okay that makes sense. Does it come from outside or are they still mining it there I wonder.
Oh pnumatic elevator. STEALING THAT
What the fuck happened to Penny? Did becoming the Maiden make her emo?
Lol yeah people are gonna die, its WAR Penny, eat shit and get over it. Fucking weaklings...
Your the maiden. Get over it. Go kill some people, you’ll feel better. Relish in power.
And Weiss is now dead from either pressure shock, thermobaric style lung implosion, forceful impact, or just being crushed flat. Oh, and asphyxiation.  Seriously that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. REALLY NORA.
Oh hey, a banjo in the crater. It really is hicksville.
Fire dust crystals right into a metal container to keep it  going. Holy shit it only took us 8 seasons to see Dust used physically again...
Sheep nom map. Nom nom. 
Wonder who this Crimson she mentioned is.
Lil hops. Oh no shes too cute.  Also it seems Mantle is divided into sectors. Useful information. Wonder what designates them.
Hahahah Fiona’s uncles a mole XD
And good to know “crap” is a swearword on Remnant.
Sounds like Crimson is a person with the Huntress’s. With his accent Im going to personally imagine his a grizzled former veteran, like Sergeant Stacker from Halo.
Note; the map says “Mantle City”. Interesting. Wonder what the other option is. Crater?
Ohhh and a spudmasher. Wait...no thats not a grenade. Some kind of gravitational surge thing. Again. Okay seriously RT is it so hard to just make a FUCKING WEAPON? Nothing fancy, no special features, just something that kills the fucking enemy. 
Okay...what the hell. Those Grimm cleared out like they got a retreat signal...
Ohho whats this now...this thing looks a LOT more interesting. And SAVAGE. Damn, its beating the SHIT out of Oscar! I think I like this one.
It transforms. Like the Zeta Gundam. FASCINATING. So it must have a rapid transport/assault form of the original dog one then changes to this new one for close in? Or carrying I guess, its stealing Oscar. This must be the thing that Salem sent.
Yeah kinda looks like a werewolf.
Soooo why were they just standing there watching this thing beat up on him? It was open for a couple of seconds. Surely it cant be they were worried about Oscar, the best thign to do if an enemy is grappling your friend is to get in and take advantage of it. 
Its smart too, used Oscar as a meatshield. Apperently just long enough to distract Yang and then yeet her. 
Its got ONE HAND with Oscar in it you idiots, hit it all at once! Go for the legs and the other arm, knock it down, blow its head off. COME ON, its OBVIOUS.
Oh hey it talked. Good. That means it can probably feel pain.
There is no way those legs should work like that. They’re too small and its torsos the wrong shape. This things breaking physics. 
The arms are also way too long.
Also why are you just standing there watching it grow wings? Kill the fucking thing already.  Gotta admit the movement and screaming makes me think it feels pain. Interesting. Good to know.  That or its just body horror/squick.
And thats the episode. I like how Fiona calls them “kids” though shes probably about their age. 
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itskateak · 4 years
(Preface: this is a really long post as I typed it as I was watching the movie so this is unedited, pure thoughts as I was watching this movie.)
I just started watching the new Cats movie and I’m already having issues with what’s going on
Why did Munk spider man his way down a wall
What’s wrong with Misto
Why don’t they just crawl on their knees Jesus Christ if they weren’t on their toes it would be better
“Are you mean like a minx” that’s not in pitch
The choreography is going good though- I knew it would. I’ve worked with that choreographer before.
I have so many questions
Music is too fast. Tempos are everywhere.
Singing isn’t too bad. I can understand the words better.
Munk is a little too feminine for my taste at the moment but I like his design.
Macavity speaking and singing his own song is disgusting
Why is everyone bullying Misto
Munk there’s a rhythm to the Naming of Cats. You can’t go off it whole everyone else is on it.
You guys can’t keep a tempo can you
HIS name. HIS.
Munk that’s a little sexual. NO YOU ARE WITH DEMETER STOP
stop cutting the scene up. Just let them dance.
Misto is on brand except he’s not Misto yet storytellers
Also I’m liking the idea that Victoria is new to everything and the plot is they’re introducing her to the wild and the whole heaviside layer thing
they have human eyebrows too what
Munk that note is too high for you
Is Jenny twerking excuse me
that’s also not the melody
The human mice are going to cause nightmares
Wait is Jenny lusting after Munk
Why does he actually look interested
Munk do you have an English accent or American. Please decide.
Jenny that’s not the right notes
no one needed that undershot of cockroach crotches
Mm meow
huh what Tugger what was that
Okay Derulo is not bad at all
I’m missing the Tugoffolees banter though
This Tugger is a little gayer than the original
Tugger is reminding me of Dr. Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Why does he have an English accent though
VictoriaaaaAAAAA? (The TOES)
Jenny’s humor is eh. Don’t see the reason of putting that in.
The ending is pure Tugger though
Not a bad rendition
Grizz isn’t as rough as I imagined her looking
Oh her VOICE
Who is this cat singing about Grizz (the first) her voice was nice
Munk why did you grab that queen’s head
Edward Hyde is that you?
Jenny stop trying to be the comedy relief you’re too awful at it
Bustopher please STOP singing your own song
I wish they spent more time dancing since that’s really the point of the show and the draw to it.
Bustopher wearing heels? I’m for it. Gay legend.
“Thanks Tugger” stop this whole sequence please
Bustopher is supposed to be a very prim and proper cat. What happened to him
Still can’t get over Idris Elba being in this
Oh. Hey that’s pretty neat choreo though
“I bought that for her myself” “hey” “what?”
My brain is rebelling because it’s not right at all in anything I remember
Did Misto just pull a whole femur from his hat
is he wearing eyeliner
I don’t actually know his song so this is new to me
Jenny and Bustopher being comedic relief hurts because they’re not funny
Munk “where have you been?!” Is there a love triangle happening. What happened to Demeter
Also his voice in Deuteronomy is actually really nice
“Sits in the suuun” that was beautiful oh god
Deut looks more like how I imagined Grizz would look
I bet she regrets ever saying yes after this.
What cat is randomly wearing a crow skull around their neck. Is that a witch’s cat
Why are you singing Munk’s line
Oh the Jellicle ball is next let’s go Andy show me that awesome choreo
Asparagus are you okay
Tempo doesn’t exist in this movie does it
Neither does rhythm or time keeping
Twirly boy Munk
Munk really just wants to be topped doesn’t he
Andy I love you man but the traditional and classic choreo would’ve worked just as fine
Skimble and Munk being gay
what happened to Plato and why is there something going on with Misto
Ah okay I understand why that happened. No mating dance or slumber party
Cats wearing shoes disgusts me more than the toes
honestly? Jellicle ball is disappointing. They just cut the ten minutes of amazing dancing down to like four.
I don’t like the heavy breathing. That’s not something that was ever necessary.
Okay, the end worked okay with the big synchronized dances.
I’m ready for this Memory rendition. Already getting chills.
Those are very human hands
Oh keep with the rhythm I beg of you
Ooh altered verse
Wait that’s jennifer Hudson???
Oh we just removed a whole verse, bridge, and chorus didn’t we.
Sweet moment? See I like Vic reaching for Grizz
Vic gets a song??? Ooh intrigued
I like her voice
I’m going to cry this song is sad and I’m glad she gets a story
Though it’s kind of “you think your life is hard? Mine’s worse” feeling after Memory
Awww I’m gonna cry what a sweetheart what a lovely dear protect her
Ugh meaning of happiness. I hate this song no matter who sings it.
Wait what happened to Rumpus Cat song :( the battle of the pekes and the pollicles
What do you mean you’re about to make the choice
We still have Gus’s song, Misto’s song, and Skimble’s song.
They got Ian McKellen to do this?? How much was he paid
“Cross paws” no stop
Why is Gus singing his own song please don’t
Munk’s face bugs me for some reason
His song always makes me cry for some reason but this is kind of goofy and cute and I love it
Misto in the background is just strange for me
Is he forgetting the words sometimes and mumbling to fill in because goodness
Misto’s so eager to please what a bottom
“Macavityyy” I hate it
Munk starting Skimble’s song has the same energy as Tugger doing Misto’s songs
I’m glad they’ve kept this song the same as it was
Skimble is SO gay oh my god what a classic twink
Oooh I like this addition of the train getting started via tap
I’m actually really liking this rendition and the tap dancing on the the rails
Though the tap continuing when no one is tapping or the rhythm being wrong is uh not good
Such an iconic song and I love the changes in scene
Oh skimble that note was not good
Oh hi Taylor Swift
Use more breath. Stop doing the pop voice thing. Stop it.
Is Bombi a drug dealer
I can say though that what they’ve done to the song is exactly the vibes it needed. Sultry and pushing the boundaries.
Sad there’s not a Demeter.
I actually rewinded to see what happened there with the martini glass
“Green house glass is broken” was changed and that makes me sad
This was a good song for Taylor to show off her vocal prowess but she just didn’t
Why is Macavity naked
Why is he singing his own damn song
Munk you’re still tweaking out a little
Oh here’s the sleeping orgy
What’s with this drama now with the choice thing
We don’t have Munk’s fight with Macavity. Robbed
If there are no 23 spins, I’ll throw my phone
Munk that’s gay and I’m here for it. Encourage your twink Misto
“Please don’t make me do this” has phantom vibes
Munk that was a lusty look
Where’s the “ooh ahs”
This is weird without Tugger singing it and being an ego for Misto
Tugger come on. Please save this number.
Victoria I swear to god I will beat you
Why do they have one person on the melody in this. And Derulo going through the stratosphere
That trombone is playing absolutely nothing in the music at all
oh here’s the fight music
oh they used the fight music for the escaping of cats
How much longer is there
Oh there’s the daylight reprise thing
I want to die
To the sun, Vic. To the sun.
Munk, Tugger, be respectful. That’s your mother.
Wait that doesn’t work in this universe because Deut is female.
Oh they gave the Asian cat patterns that resemble tiger stripes hmmmm
Why couldn’t they have just filmed an actual stage version and turned that out
Oh that “smile at the old days” was god awful
How much longer oh god
I’m tired man. I wasted 6 bucks on this
Victoria just stealing Jemima’s parts
“Like a flowER as the dawn is breaking”
Okay here it is
Okay so there are some cats wearing clothes and others not. What are the rules for this universe. Are they naked or are they not.
I have not shed a single tear. Usually I have by now from this show. Not a single tear.
Deut X Grizz is still my favorite ship
Is that the intro to Til I Hear You Sing that I hear. Those F to Gm chords Lloyd Webber loves.
Judi Dench stop trying to sing for the love of god.
Ah yes show off that beautiful ballet dancer that plays Vic
Aww Munk bowing to Grizz
Oh so it’s a chandelier this time and not a tire
Where’d Macavity and Bombi go
Oh there he is. What a child. Hate that.
Deut being a proud mother to Munk is cute with the hands on the shoulder
Why are we reprising the first song
Also Air balloon.
why are they all staring so intently at her too wait
Munk looks like someone is touching him inappropriately this whole scene.
Munk and Misto looking at each other
The choreography doesn’t even match the beat of the song. Huh???
Misto you’re gay stop
Munk and Misto looking at each other and the shy glances away
So Grizz gets hot air balloned to death is that what I’m seeing
Oh it’s over okay
I want to cry.
It’s not as bad as I heard. Once you got used to the way things looked and just let things happen and say it might as well happen, it became a bit more enjoyable.
It’s still god awful though and let’s pray the furries never get ahold of it.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p. 1)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
More Jolex on your timeline because y’all seemed to love what I posted before! Also I’ve posted this whole piece on AO3 as well so it might look familiar.  
this idea came to me in a fever dream and i am not sorry that y'all have to deal with it. 99% of this fic will be in "texting" format, so be prepared for that. 
Jo is regular Alex is italics
Saturday 11:04 PM
heeeeey is thiss doctor evil?
I gotta say ur phone sex namee needs sum weerk
u soud like a comic book village 
Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? 
i’m just a girl at thee bar!!!! 
Joe’s Bar?
i’m at enerlad city bar
You didn’t answer my question. 
u asked a quesitoon?
whata was it?
i’m goos at takifjg tests 
How’d you get my number?
it qas in the bathrooom!!!
it said “for a good tiem txt dr evil spawne” 
so I did
I am ready to havee fun
You’re drunk, obviously, and I’m going to have to kill Cristina for putting my number up. 
ooooooh is thatt ur girleifnd?
Wow you’re really gone. And hell no, she’s my roommate. One of them. 
ooooh how many do u hav
roomees not girlfriends 
Three. Two girls and a dude. 
well it’s tome for fireball shoots
steph is yeeling at me 4 txting too much
goodbey doctor eviel apawn!!
Oh lord. Tell Steph you need water. Or an IV. 
I’ve got her. she’s throwing up on her shoes. thanks doctor. - steph
  Sunday 10:11 AM
You know you’re pretty funny, Bar Girl. 
jesus christ what fucking time is it?! 
10 AM
I’m assuming you have a massive hangover. 
hold on I can’t hear you over the sound of me vomiting
TMI as the kids say these days. 
what’re you a grandpa or something?? 
No I just don’t know how to use text lingo. Except WTF. I know that one very well. 
quick question
who the fuck are you?
Dr. Evil Spawn. You found my name graffitied in the bathroom of Emerald City Bar. 
holy shit
I thought I dreamed that... WHAT THE FUCK
Nope. I’m real. 
holy shit i’m so sorry
my texts were so annoying
Who hurt you? I mean you were shitfaced, I’m assuming someone broke your heart into tiny pieces. 
the opposite actually, I was at a bachelorette party
not mine, i’m so single it hurts
Ahhh that makes sense. So you got shitfaced in solidarity? 
exactly you get it
you seem like you’d be the DD at a bachelorette party
Well seeing as I’m a dude I don’t do Bachelorette parties. 
Well I did go to one, but that’s a different story.  
hmmm you seem like a very interesting man doctor evil spawn 
going to bachelorette parties, living with women who aren’t your girlfriend 
George? No absolutely not. And before you ask, my other girl roommate is gay. 
so you’re single?
i’m only asking so when you murder me the police have as much information as possible
Haha very funny. I would be a terrible murderer. 
you didn’t answer my question
Fine. Yes I’m single. 
i’ll note that in the “serial killer file” i’m building 
gotta go, I have to do work :/
Have fun, don’t die. 
  Sunday 8:38 PM
Arizona is trying to set me up on a blind date. 
who’s arizona?
My gay roommate. She wants me to meet this “bubbly blonde” she knows from her pilates class. 
ahhhh. why don’t you go?
Bubbly blonde is not my type. Sounds like she’ll spend the whole date talking about how much she loves dogs or her knitting hobby. 
Plus she does pilates, that tells me more than enough. 
you’re making some good points. I don’t pity you. 
You better not. How was work?
the longest day of my life
it was just paperwork, I don’t actually work on the weekends
What do you do?
hmmmm that’s exactly what a serial killer would say
i’m an elementary school teacher
Oh so you sing and dance and paint pictures all day?
what school did you go to?
were working on multiplication tables and basic photosynthesis tomorrow
Wow that sounds like a lot.
it’s may, ive got three weeks of school left so I have to cram all the crap we didn’t cover into these last few weeks 
Ahhh that sounds more accurate.
and what do you do? 
besides text strangers that you don’t know
I’m a pediatrician. 
oh so you make kids cry and wipe snotty noses all day? two can play at that game
Well we both have to deal with snotty noses sooo...
I GET IT!! Doctor Evil Spawn!! 
why evil spawn though? 
I wasn’t this nice when I started med school. My personality is an acquired taste. 
ha! that’s a funny joke. 
so if you’re a fancy schmancy doctor why do you live with three other people?
I’m only a resident, not making the big bucks yet. Everyone else is a doctor too. 
are they all pediatricians?
No. Arizona is too but Cristina is a cardiologist and George is a trauma specialist. 
interesting!! I too live with my coworkers. it’s not fun. 
the table is always covered in craft supplies. 
Well I can never read the grocery list on the fridge. Stupid doctors script...
oh that’s a classic. you’re pretty funny Dr. Evil Spawn
Thanks Bar Girl. 
I gotta go. monday tomorrow and you know how fourth graders can be. night!! 
Night . 
  Monday 9:47 AM
there’s not enough coffee in the world for monday mornings. 
  Monday 10:52 AM 
Sorry I was yelling at the interns. We have a decent coffee cart here. Keeps me alive. Are you texting in class?
no it was recess
now they’re at spanish class
i’m not totally irresponsible 
Oh good to know the future of America is in good hands. Teacher Princess is “not totally irresponsible”
teacher princess?
Well, Cinderella lost her shoe, you puked on yours. Same thing. 
that was so uncalled for...
I thought it was funny. Gotta go set a broken arm. 
broken arm vs. adverbs... can we switch? have fun lol
  Monday 3:26 PM
I don’t even think I know what an adverb is. 
how did you become a doctor??
Don’t need to know adverbs to fix a couple broken bones and snuffy noses. 
oh darn I should’ve gone to school for seven more years then
Haha. How were the adverbs?
better than expected, grading papers while I wait for my roomies to be done
we carpool, saving the environment and shit
Okay Eco Warrior.
you text like a 60 year old man
you’re not a 60 year old man are you?
No I’m a 28 year old man though
28 a doctor and you’re single? your personality must be worse than you described 
I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to settle down. And I have no desire to. 
yet you have time to text a complete stranger? 
hmmmm interesting...
Ouch, that one hurt Princess. 
steph is making me socialize with the other teachers
if I don’t respond, they killed me or dragged me to an essential oil party
  Monday 5:18 PM
Did you get roped into a pyramid scheme?
nooo but therew as wine
I should sotp drunk texting you so often 
It makes your presence that much more entertaining. And bearable. 
woah woah dude
i’m a gem 
I can tell. Elementary school teacher with a heart of gold. 
awwww your too sweet tome
It’s a Monday. Who the hell gets drunk on a Monday?
we deserve it
You’re a teacher and you’re single and still going to Bachelorette parties. You’re what, 23? 
i’m 25 and i’m doing greta thanks you very nuch 
cnat believe that i’m supplying my perosnal info to a serial killer
What makes you so sure that I’m a mass murderer? 
ur weird nickname and ur intimate knowledge of the himan body
Mmm yes well a good amount of women do find themselves screaming around me often. Or under me. On top of me...
omg are you sending me dirty jokes
you’re crazy 
What can I say. 
Gotta go, I’m on call tonight. Get to bed safe, Bar Princess. 
mmmkay thanks Doc
  Wednesday 11:29 AM
What do you think is worse: School lunch or hospital food?
hospital food, no doubt
thursday is mac and cheese day here... I could bathe in that stuff
We have Spaghetti Wednesday but that’s the only good thing here. 
mmm how depressing
the teachers do a pot luck once a month and that’s always good
the art teacher next door to me makes the BEST blueberry muffins. 
Lucky. All I get here is vending machine cookies. Anything interesting happening in the elementary world? 
a first grader got lice last week so naturally we all have it now
I had to chop off six inches of my hair
Holy crap. Lice can be vicious, be thankful you didn’t have to shave your head. 
it feels like I did, my hair hasn’t been above my shoulders since the backstreet boys were still touring
Wow. I’m glad to know you’re well cultured. 
of course I am
gotta go, kids are back from music class
Don’t be too hard on them, they deserve a break every once in awhile. 
  Thursday 3:06 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jenna you forgot your lunch pail. Have a good day!”
“Hi Mrs. Peters. I didn’t grade Henry’s test yet, I’ll have it tomorrow. Thanks bye!”
“Steph I gotta grab my things, I’ll be there in a seco- oh shit. Hello?”
“Bar Princess?”
“Doctor Evil Spawn? I must’ve butt dialed you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I... I don’t mind the interruption. Are you leaving work?”
“Just about, we’re wrapping up the solar system and I have to bring home the diorama.”
“I was never good at the models, I prefer working with the real thing.”
“Oh ho, a man that works with his hands. I can appreciate that.”
“You know now we’re officially talking and we still don’t know each other’s names.”
“Well around here I’m Miss Wilson, but you can call me Jo.”
“Jo. Hmm I like chicks with dudes names. I’m Dr. Karev but you can call me Alex.”
“Well nice to kinda meet you Alex. I’ll talk to you soon, I gotta get out of here.”
“Talk to you later.”  
  Thursday 4:34 PM
I wouldn’t mind if you were my teacher.
how did I know you’d send me something along those lines
I’m predictable. I’m still calling you Bar Princess. 
as you wish doctor evil spawn
I get to assist on a surgery today. Tonsillectomy. 
like removing tonsils? that’s awesome
for you, not for the kid
Oh she’ll be fine, she gets ice cream and jello for a week.  
okay yeah I might be jealous of her now
id love to be off work for a week and have you waiting on me hand and foot
the ice cream is a nice bonus
You think that’s my job?
well you said you aren’t making the big bucks yet so.... yeah 
Keep dreaming. I’ll talk to you later, gotta scrub in. 
have fun!!!!
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mrvdocks · 4 years
Just Ask IV
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“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing at, but you stay away from her,” Billy warns.
Fiona cocks her head. “Oh Billy, as soon as I saw you with her, I knew what you were doing. “RUN”? I can’t wait to read how this all ends.”
Billy’s head drops. “This is different. I lik- I love her. I want to be with her.” 
Fiona pouts. “She’s just a phase. This is a huge deal for her, you know? She’s a lovesick puppy but once you get her out of your system, she’ll be fucked.”
You didn’t realize you were still sleeping when you felt the sun beat down on your face, warming you and highlighting both yours and Billy’s bodies. Your eyes fluttered open, suddenly aware of your surroundings. You shot Billy a side glance, stretching and yawning. He was still asleep, looking peaceful as ever. You smiled to yourself, your fingers dance upon his delicate skin, ginger stubble shining in the sunlight. It’d been 17 years since you’d been able to be in this same position and you missed it dearly. You missed having the butterflies in the pit of your stomach go crazy when he would look at you with those beautiful eyes of his. To feel his skin against yours, the intimacy you two shared when it wasn’t sexual was to die for. Eventually, your fingers traced figures into his skin until you landed on his wrist. Out of curiosity, you’d lifted his watch to see the time. 10:28 AM. 
“Fuck!” You yelled, waking him up instantly.
Half asleep and groggy, he raced against the clock to gather his things and tried to walk behind you, trying to meet your panicked and frantic state. You threw your things into the first cab that would take you two and pulled him in as soon as you were done. 
He laid on your shoulder as best he could, eyes still droopy. “Last night….was -” 
“Great.” Your cheeks flared. Did you really have to have this conversation in front of somebody else? You felt like you were having the sex talk with your mom.  
“Yeah, great.” He said, quickly sitting up. “I mean I - I can do better.” 
Your brows raised. “Oh?”
“I mean you kind of caught me off guard there.” 
You scrunch your face, amused. “I mean I’d like to think I gave you plenty of chances to do something else.” You nudge his arm. 
“No I mean, I just don’t remember it being….”
You felt the blood come rushing to your cheeks again. “Yeah, I picked up a few things. You know, after we broke up.” 
His sleepy eyes widened suddenly, “That explains a lot.” 
“Oh god, not like that. I - um - fecking hell.” He stammered. It was kind of funny to you to see him squirm like this. You hadn’t gotten him this nervous since he’d seen you. 
“Can we hurry this up?” He said to the driver. You chuckled to yourself. 
You took in the last sight of the city before thinking back to what was waiting for you at home. 
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"You okay?” Billy’s voice brought you out of your trance. You narrowed your eyes onto the fields of green outside your roomette window. How nice it must feel, to be so free and without worries. You don’t remember what that’s like.
You hum in response. “Peachy.”
You feel your phone buzz from your back pocket and tense up. Billy’s face follows yours, eyes searching your face for any sign of worry. “You gonna get that?” He asks.
You shake your head. You don’t tell him you’re afraid of what it might say. Or who’s behind the text. You bite your lip, feeling the unshakeable fear of the unknown eat at you. The phone buzzes again and this time you jolt up. He scampers for his phone, “It’s mine. Sorry.” 
You sigh in some relief and focus on the outside again. “Everything okay?” It’s your turn to be concerned. You make a move to turn to see what he’s doing but he stops you first, pinning you down onto the cramped roomette bed and kissing you deeply. When you both come up for air he’s the first to speak. “I’m a complete dick, right?” 
“Well,” you say as a matter of factly. 
He sighs. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
“You can say sorry again in other ways.” You smile. He chuckles to himself. 
He lifts one of your legs up onto his torso, diving back in for another kiss. Your hand comes up to grab tufts of hair, the other caressing his face. Your pelvis pushes up against the front of his jeans, feeling him becoming hard almost immediately. You bite at his lower lip, earning a groan from him. His tongue darted to yours then your lips, you reveled in the thought of him working his tongue on you. If he said he could do better, maybe he should.
Frustrated, you guide his hand down and into your jeans, your breathing becoming heavier when his fingers ghost over your very sensitive area. He breaks the kiss to look at you, almost hungrily. He makes his way down, kissing down your body until he reaches your abdomen. Before he can pry the buttons off, the phone buzzes again. You mentally curse at yourself for not turning your phone off, but he reveals it’s his. 
“Who’s even texting you at this time?” Your breathless voice hints annoyed and now you sit up on the bed watching him. He looks at the phone and then you. 
You shrug and turn away. “Maybe whoever’s texting you can give you a good handy or something.” 
He tsks. You ignore it and leave the roomette, letting him have time with whoever he apparently deemed worthier of his time. 
“Are you following me?” A voice came from behind you, and it doesn’t even register that you’re walking about the aisles of the train. 
“Alice?” You don’t mean to sound so surprised but it comes out so shrill. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh just, going to meet someone I met on eHarmony.”
“Oh…oh.” You wince. She laughs dismissing the thought. 
“Hey, while you’re here, you wanna get a cup of coffee or something? My treat.” 
You nod.
After getting the worst cups of coffee in the world, you two sit and contemplate.
“Can I be very honest with you?” She asks.
You nod. “I think this whole thing you’re doing, is amazing. You chose yourself over everyone else! It’s not always you get to be a little selfish and put your needs first.”
You scowl. “If I did the right thing, then why do I feel so bad?”
“Don’t let people make you think that. Don’t let it rule your head.” 
You nod.
“Do you have any plans after the train?” 
You fiddle with your earring in thought. “I don’t know yet. Anything outside of Billy just seems empty. It’s so weird, I have no idea what he’s thinking.”
“You think he’s a good man?” She asks, carefully studying you.
You shrug and look away, now fiddling with the frayed ends of your sweater. “I think he tries to be. Isn’t that the point? Everyone’s just trying to make do with what they’ve got?” 
She smiles understandingly, “So what’s the old ball and chain up to now?” 
You chuckle to yourself. “It’s so weird, he has this like a huge bag of money. I’m not sure if maybe that’s what we’re using to get around.”
“What?” Alice asked almost in disbelief. 
“Yeah! Weird, right?”
“What is he, a drug dealer?”
You snort. “I don’t know, a guy like him? He probably needs it to get away from his fans or something.”
Alice narrows her eyes at this. “Stalker maybe? What a weirdo.” 
You laugh in unison, feeling an awkward pause come in. “I should probably go find him. See what he’s up to.”
Alice nods, and bids you farewell. 
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Meanwhile, Billy was about to just have a fecking heart attack. Every buzz from his phone only added more to his anxiety and he didn’t like feeling like that around you. His neuroticism would say otherwise. 
Fiona’s last text had sent him into a spiral and now he felt like he was about to shit himself. If she was here, she couldn’t get to you. No way in fecking hell. 
You weren’t sure if seeing the red missed calls were supposed to make you feel shittier about your situation, but they sure weren’t helping your case. Sighing and closing your eyes, you pressed the red letters and abandoned all hope. When you were met with dial tones, you huffed and walked back to the aisles, seeing Billy already there. 
“Hey.” He said, trying to push the bag over to where you were going to sit. 
“Hey.” You said, not sure how to feel towards him right now.
“You feeling better?” He asked, stuffing the bag into your side as you sat down. 
You cock your head to the side. “What are you doing with all this money?” 
His brows raised in confusion. “It’s just for safekeeping.” 
“From Jackie and the hoard?”
“Something like that.”
“Alice said something about that, maybe you have stalkers.” 
Oh, you had no idea. 
“Who’s Alice?” 
“My friend from Chicago.”
“Look at you! Making friends.” 
You roll your eyes. “Okay, she helped me steal some of the things for that night but point is, she’s here! On the train!”
While you were completely oblivious, he was shitting bricks. 
“What does she look like?”
“Short, really pretty, dark hair.”
He nods, smile fading.
“What? Oh, shit do you think maybe she’s your stalker?”
He stands, hands reaching for the duffel when you hear Alice’s voice greet you both.
“So you’re the infamous Billy Johnson. Heard a lot about you.” Fiona’s eyes burn holes into Billy, and you’re just around the bend. You do notice the shake in his voice as he looks up at her and tries to greet her without fault in his demeanor. 
“Is this weird? I didn’t mean to make it awkward.” She laughs, but Billy knows a fake semi detrimental laugh when he hears it.
“No!” You protest.
“She’s just worried you’re a stalker or something of mine.”
“Billy.” You throw a look at him. 
“Oh no! We just keep bumping into each other, what a coincidence, right?” 
Billy glares at Fiona, but you don’t notice yet.
“What are you doing on this train, Alice?”
“Just headed to California.”
“Yeah, she’s meeting a lumberjack.” You finish for her.
Fiona’s eyes bounce from you to him. “He’s taking me to Disneyland. You ever been? It’s lovely, you should take your so-some friends or family someday.” 
Fiona saves herself from possibly revealing your son, oblivious that he knows.  
You chuckle nervously, side glancing Billy. “Or you two should go together! Can’t imagine this one would want to wait in lines, must have lots of people come up to him.” 
Your phone buzzes, you take a peek being met with a photo of your son. In the hospital. 
What the fuck.
Your eyes meet Billy’s, tears brimming in your eyes. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.” 
His hand grabs onto yours for a second, he squeezes it in reassurance before letting you go.
You rush into your roomette, whispering curses under your breath. The line ringing only makes you wanna vomit. 
“Hello?” Your mother’s voice springs you to life.
“What happened?” 
“Look who wants to know, Parent of the Year.”
“Mom,” your voice is shaky. “Please.”
She sighs. “He just had a little fever. He was up all night, and he couldn’t breathe but I just got out of the ER and they’re saying he should be fine. They want to keep him for observation.” 
You run a hand through your hair, sighing in relief.
“Listen, he needs you. He needs his mother, not his grandmother. He’s right on the cusp of that age where he’s going to be attached at the hip of whoever’s giving him attention.”
“I know.” You hang your head in shame, wiping away at the tears. 
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“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing at, but you stay away from her,” Billy warns.
Fiona cocks her head. “Oh Billy, as soon as I saw you with her, I knew what you were doing. “RUN”? I can’t wait to read how this all ends.”
Billy’s head drops. “This is different. I lik- I love her. I want to be with her.” 
Fiona pouts. “She’s just a phase. This is a huge deal for her, you know? She’s a lovesick puppy but once you get her out of your system, she’ll be fucked.”
Billy shakes his head vigorously. “I won’t. That’s not happening.”
“Does she know?”
“Stop fucking with my head. I’m not coming back, I don’t care about you.”
She smirks. 
“Oh...she doesn’t.” She taunts. “What do you think she’d say about this little video?”
Fiona pulls out her phone, a pre-recorded Billy talks about his ‘RUN’ plan. Billy feels sick to his stomach.
“Let’s watch it again, shall we?”
“Turn it off.” He warns.
“No I think we should see it.” 
“Turn. It. Off.” He lunges forward trying to get the phone until the ticket lady interrupts him.
He sinks back into his seat. Fiona stands with the higher ground and smiles at him. She walks off into the roomette direction and he has to take deep breaths to calm down. 
You find Alice after the call, slightly relieved to see her. 
“Everything okay?”
“Um, I hope so. Do you think I’m a bad person?”
“You’re asking the shoplifter if you’re a bad person?” She muses.
“I just feel so overwhelmed by everything right now.”
“Well, go back home then.”
You frown. “I can’t just leave Billy.”
“How come?”
“He...needs me.”
“Do you even know him? In and out? After all these years? Me and Billy have been working together for years.”
“What?” Your eyes searched her for any signs of a lie.
“You’re just too trusting. It's sad, really.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Give me the money.”
“See, if you deny me that money, I don’t think you’d like this being sent out to Child Services now would you?” She brings her phone out and plays a voice memo. Your eyes widen as you recognize the moans and Billy’s voice. 
“Stop!” You reach for the phone but she’s quicker. 
“I was in your hotel last night, and now that I know about your kid, mmm you can do the math.”
This bitch. “You were my friend!”
“Listen if it’s any consolation, you were a joy to hang around with. Now, the money.”
You hesitate but reach behind you to grab the bag. You pass it to her as she unzips it to make sure everything is there. “Billy won’t ever be honest with you. Don’t forget it.” 
With that, she walks off. Billy reaches you moments later. 
“I was wrong.” You stand. “About everything.” 
“I need to tell you something.”
"I know."
“Fiona, Alice whatever the feck she’s going by, she’s following me and she used to work for me, and she’s pissed I ended the tour.”
“I know.” 
"Oh." He said.
“Is that all?”
“No...before I walked off, I called everybody a bunch of cunts and everybody turned on me and now I’m being branded a murderer.”
“I think I have you beat, I might’ve given her the money.”
“Why would you do that?!”
“We’re getting that bag back! Let’s go.” 
You drag him out and you two run between cars trying to find her. After accidentally tripping an elderly person, you silently pray you don’t go to hell for that and take hold of Billy’s wrist to have him catch up with your fast legs. 
You two finally find her at the end of the train car, but before you two can even form coherent sentences in her direction, she flips you off and jumps. You scream in shock and turn, Billy taking you into his arms and shushing you to calm you down. 
Once you calm down, the idea pops into your head.
“We have to jump.” You whisper.
“Are you fecking crazy?” His eyes are wild. 
“You want the money right?” You grab hold of his hand, and with a squeeze you look at him. 
“I’m not jumping off of a moving train.” He shakes his head.
“We don’t have another option.” 
You both take a deep breath, stealing glances at each other, and hand in hand, you both jump.
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