#ivy mike
catgirl-kaiju · 7 months
the first ever hydrogen bomb detonated (Operation Ivy: Shot Mike) completely vaporized the island it was detonated on, leaving a giant undersea crater in its place. there was an island there, and now it's just fucking gone.
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The island was Elugelab in the Enewetak Atoll
Before the Ivy Mike test:
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After the Ivy Mike test:
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the thing about the Ivy Mike test, though, is that the bomb was too big, impractical, and heavy to carry in an airplane, afix to a rocket, or fire from a canon. still, the blast had a yield of 10.4 megatons, rivaled only by the infamous Castle Bravo test (US 15 megatons), the B-41/ Mk-41 Bomb ( US 25 megatons), and the Tsar Bomba test (USSR 50 megatons).
The rest of these bombs can be dropped from airplanes. The Tsar Bomba design was, however, never put into production as a practical weapon and was simply intended to be a one-off exercise with the goal of creating the largest yeild atomic weapon in history. (it succeeded)
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nuklearis-sutotok · 3 months
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Forget-me-not Teller Ede / Edward Teller
I would like to thank God for putting this man in my life, the ability to draw, and an insane amount of hyperfocus.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“Nuclear war is seven minutes away, and might be over in an afternoon. How far away is nuclear disarmament? We are waiting. And the weapons are waiting.
What is the only provocation that could bring about the use of nuclear weapons? Nuclear weapons. What is the priority target for nuclear weapons? Nuclear weapons. What is the only established defense against nuclear weapons? Nuclear weapons. How do we prevent the use of nuclear weapons? By threatening to use nuclear weapons. And we can't get rid of nuclear weapons, because of nuclear weapons. The intransigence, it seems, is a function of the weapons themselves. Nuclear weapons can kill a human being a dozen times over in a dozen different ways; and, before death - like certain spiders, like the headlights of cars - they seem to paralyze.
Indeed they are remarkable artifacts. They derive their power from an equation: when a pound of uranium-235 is fissioned, the liberated mass within its 1,132,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms is multiplied by the speed of light squared - with the explosive force, that is to say, of 186,000 miles per second times 186,000 miles per second. Their size, their power, has no theoretical limit. They are biblical in their anger. They are clearly the worst thing that has ever happened to the planet, and they are mass-produced, and inexpensive. In a way, their most extraordinary single characteristic is that they are manmade. They distort all life and subvert all freedoms. Somehow, they give us no choice. Not a soul on earth wants them, but here they all are.
I am sick of them - I am sick of nuclear weapons. And so is everybody else. When, in my dealings with this strange subject, I have read too much or thought too long I experience nausea, clinical nausea. In every conceivable sense (and then, synergistically, in more senses than that) nuclear weapons make you sick. What toxicity, what power, what range. They are there and I am here - they are inert, I am alive - yet still they make me want to throw up, they make me feel sick to my stomach; they make me feel as if a child of mine has been out too long, much too long, and already it is getting dark. This is appropriate, and good practice. Because I will be doing a lot of that, I will be doing a lot of throwing up, if the weapons fall and I live.
Every morning, six days a week, I leave the house and drive a mile to the flat where I work. For seven or eight hours I am alone. Each time I hear a sudden whining in the air, or hear one of the more atrocious impacts of city life, or play host to a certain kind of unwelcome thought, I can't help wondering how it might be. Suppose I survive. Suppose my eyes aren't pouring down my face, suppose I am untouched by the hurricane of secondary missiles that all mortar, metal, and glass has abruptly become: suppose all this. I shall be obliged (and it's the last thing I'll feel like doing) to retrace that long mile home, through the fire-storm, the remains of the thousand-mile-an-hour winds, the warped atoms, the groveling dead. Then - God willing, if I still have the strength, and, of course, if they are still alive - I must find my wife and children and I must kill them.
What am I to do with thoughts like these? What is anyone to do with thoughts like these?” (pages 2 - 4)
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“The process of nuclear inversion is complete when one realizes that the correct attitude to nuclear war is one of suicidal defeatism. Let no one think that it is thinkable. Dispel any interest in surviving, in lasting. Have no part of it. Be ready to turn in your hand. For myself and my loved ones, I want the heat, which comes at the speed of light. I don't want to have to hang about for the blast, which idles along at the speed of sound. There is only one defence against nuclear attack, and that is a cyanide pill.” (pages 16, 17)
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“Meanwhile they squat on our spiritual lives. There may be a nuclear "priesthood," but we are the supplicants, and we have no faith. The warheads are our godheads. Nuclear weapons could bring about the Book of Revelation in a matter of hours; they could do it today. Of course, no dead will rise; nothing will be revealed (nothing meaning two things, the absence of everything and a thing called nothing). Events that we call "acts of God" - floods, earthquakes, eruptions - are flesh wounds compared to the human act of nuclear war: a million Hiroshimas. Like God, nuclear weapons are free creations of the human mind. Unlike God, nuclear weapons are real. And they are here.” (page 27)
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“The A-bomb is a Z-bomb, and the arms race is a race between nuclear weapons and ourselves. It is them or us. What do nukes do? What are they for? Since when did we all want to kill each other? Nuclear weapons deter a nuclear holocaust by threatening a nuclear holocaust, and if things go wrong then that is what you get: a nuclear holocaust. If things don't go wrong, and continue not going wrong for the next millennium of millennia (the boasted forty years being no more than forty winks in cosmic time), you get . . . What do you get? What are we getting?” (page 28)
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northerngrail · 2 years
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Day 3. This place gives me the willies
He has to know, right? Is he pretending not to just to see how you’ll react? Or is he really so self absorbed that he doesn’t notice the things staring at the two of you, making your skin crawl every second you’re on this street. 
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
What does Pet Grem thinks of pet Ivy mike?
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pastelprince18 · 2 years
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Hi guys
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How does Pet Ivy act around Sam?
Greetings Anon
Oh Ivy is, Fed would say he is literally obsessed with the rabbit whenever he has the chance, usually when Giordano is visiting Fed and taking Sam with him, the cat tries to get to Sam.
However the rabbit has absolutely no interest being around or interacting with the cat, trying to get away from him, which of course Ivy does not notice or ignores on purpose.
This has lead to scenes were Giordano has picked up Sam so that Ivy wouldn't get near him, or Sam having kicked the cat at least once.
Yours sincerely
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reegis · 1 year
Ahhhhh I just found your account and I just have to say I adore your designs for all the mechs! All the details you’re able to put even into the sketches just scratches the mechs itch in my brain in the best way possible!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! have some more of my sillygoofy jon(ny) swap au thing
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meanwhile Jonny has finally managed to ditch those magnus nerds & made some new pals to do some really good violence with
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curtvilescomic · 2 months
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Poison Ivy by Mike Krome
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lammy-art · 1 month
Draw all the characters in Flower Color Gram
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I drew this on Magma
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Hehe :3
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Sorry Adonis, I don't have enough space to draw you 🥺
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browsethestacks · 10 months
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The Comic Art Of Mike McKone
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SuperBatober 20 Sprout By mikemaihack
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harlivylove · 1 year
Camping 🏕️
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Harley x Ivy - Artist Mikemaihack
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flower-color-gram · 2 months
The prisoner....
You will see them soon...
Starting 20/7/24
We will post every week, prepare..
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Get ready!
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 months
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Poison Ivy/Swamp Thing: Feral Trees by G. Willow Wilson and Mike Perkins. Variant covers by (1) Clayton Crain and (2) Ashley Wood. Out in October.
"There is something wrong with the trees. A presence screaming out in pain — tearing, gnashing, and gnawing through the very fabric of the Green — calling out for blood. In its wake, a trail of viscera and carnage is left — leading to a mystery that the Parliament of Trees has conscripted Poison Ivy and Swamp Thing to solve. Can the Verdant Villainess and the Avatar of the Green make their way into the heart of this homicidal wilderness and discover the source of this horror, or will they find themselves the next victims of these feral trees? This story, brought to violent life by G. Willow Wilson and Mike Perkins, will answer these questions. But beware, this terrifying tale is not for the weak of heart."
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
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With all the Espeons I have named after RKZ cats, I figured I would draw them as Espeons! On the left, it’s Ivy, Blaise, Grizz, and Irwin Erwin, and on the right, it’s Peng Li (who got to be an alpha espeon)!
Blaise belongs to @bowlerhatwearer
Peng belongs to @northerngrail
The rest belong to @/ghostys-originals
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