#izzy snapshot
agueforts · 7 months
i realize now that the sound here is likely just aabria trying not to choke as she puts her mug down. however, in the moment, i had fully accepted the reality of there being an audible sound effect for brennan's brain dropping out of his head
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stedebonnit · 2 years
Listen. Hear me out.
We talk a lot about Stede FINDING Ed, sometimes months later, as if Ed is fully gone by the time Stede rolls up in his little dinghey. And, to be fair, its definitely been a BIT of time since the Revenge sailed off without the crew, and given the snapshots we get of Ed it is heavily implied that Stede doesnt roll up for at least a day.
BUT, by the gay muppet magic dinghey logic i will ask you this anyway: what if its really only been a couple of minutes (because really, would it take Buttons THAT long to attempt cannibalism, hes been waiting to do it) and the moment Stede pulls up on the island he looks and sees the Revenge just a little ways away.
And he just...screams at it.
And we see this man
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Just casually turn around, seeing this little dinghey filled with the people he just marooned, like, an hour ago piled into a boat with Stede, the man who broke his heart no more than two days ago, literally screaming at him from the helm as the dinghey fails to catch up with the ship.
He looks at Izzy, Izzy grits his teeth
"Dont even think about it, Bla-"
But Ed has already thrown himself off the side of the ship to swim to Stede.
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asoulwithadream · 7 months
I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about not liking OFMD s2. I mean, for an entire year I made it my entire personality. I wrote theories about scenes, trailers, snapshots, sneak peaks, music choices. I was an avid fix-it fan-fiction reader. I drew the characters, I lived the characters. I watched the first season over 15 times.
But right now it feels like all the love and whimsical interest I had has faded. And I'm somewhat grateful, because I don't think I could survive with a hyper-fixation in more than 3 shows at the time, and this allowed for Loki to slip into my holy trifecta.
I think the guilt stems from me usually not caring about the plot. Or, I guess I do, but I'm not nit-picky. I'm extremely content with the characters just charactering without any movement forward in the plot whatsoever. I just want the characters to stay characters.
However, for OFMD's second season, it kind of feels as if it was written by someone else, like everyone's characterisation was suddenly completely and utterly changed. Some was welcome, like Izzy's redemption arc, but Stede in particular?
Everyone interesting about Stede was essentially erased, and I just don't like that. They made him this sometimes relevant sexy douche who is quite literally ye olde Ken. Look, I loved the show, really loved the second season, but it doesn't hit just as hard. It could have hit harder. I wanted it to hit harder.
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margareturtle · 5 months
Ngl I think TWP would be hilarious as simply a social media au—kinda SOBH Style
Somethings it would include:
- Kit tweeting publicly about his angsty feelings for Ty (convinced he’s safe bc Ty would never be on twitter)
- Dru and Kit have a snap streak through which we see snapshots of there povs
- Dru teaches Ty about Tumblr where he has a blog about the cases he’s investigating (he uses fake names—but shadowhunters would never see it so he’s safe) and Ty gets a ton of ppl following his blog for updates
- Dru has an insta where she does outfit of the day and has a run down of the day (but she has a pic from the beginning and end of the day—sometimes it’s the same but sometimes it’s rly messed up from demon fights or messy and people are invested in her stories in the comments)
For ex: Dru somehow has service in faerie; beginning of the day: fishnets and horror t under corderoy overall shorts. End of the Day: a full whimsical faerie dress (today was a long day guys)
The only person Dru follows is Isabelle Lightwood (who she bonds with over fashion and teaches millenial Izzy about insta)
- Blackthorn Family Gc (there’s a lot of convos between Helen+Aline, Dru+Emma, Dru+Tavvy (he has a mini ipad) etc that Julian’s like “does this have to be in the main family gc?!” “YES”)
- Herongraystairs Family Gc (it’s just Jem, Tessa, + Kit—it’s mainly Jessa: hey kit, do you think you’ll be coming home soon, no worries if not, just let us know— then Kit: responds with a vine or meme Tessa: *confused at first till she reads up on them and starts replying in memes*)
- Kit’s youtube channel— Kit interviews “my 150 yr old parents* about historical events they’ve lived through asking the *important questions* ppl just think they’re phd historians with SUPER niche interests
- Thais loves photography and takes cool pictures of a lot of shadowhunter things and nature for her insta and for Dru’s as well ofc
- thais and jaime rivalry on twitter— no matter what the other says they will disagree (kinda jace simon dynamic)
- Ash is a gamer (he’s done all the games in thule lmao) and he does streams—ppl think his commitment to faerie cosplay is cute
- Anush helps Ty with his blog, but he’s also on Snapchat where he has Dru and so we get insight to the scholomance and Ty in the background of a lot or snaps
- sidenote: Izzy is also obsessed with making pinterest boards for her and simons wedding (I like to think that sizzy has a hybrid themed-jewish-shadowhunter wedding bc they can make it however they want)
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scary-flag · 1 year
Underrated OFMD fics!
So I've thought of compiling a list of good but unpopular OFMD fics. There are many recommendation posts going around, but they mostly feature the same 10 authors (who are great, do not get me wrong!) - I have thought, however, that less popular writers need some exposure too!
I have tried to keep the selection varied, with different ratings, fic lengths and ships. Feel free to reblog to increase the exposure of these creative people! :)
The Recommendations:
Snubs and Explanations by MzDany - T, 1,7k words, Ed/Stede. A funny little fic in which a Dutch merchant is offended by the Revenge not attacking his ship and goes there to investigate..
Le Bel Homme sans Merci by GeorgieBlossom - G, 296 words, Ed/Stede. A poem based on John Keats' La Belle Dame Sans Merci.
The Winning Prize by Birdie_Lo_Green - M, 24k words, unfinished yet, Ed/CJ, Ed/Izzy (unrequited). A multichapter story set when Ed, Izzy and Calico Jack are young and stupid.
Sunkissed by Spineless_Lobster - G, 709 words, Ed/Stede. A short ficlet full of tooth-rotting fluff!
Scylla's arms, Charybdis' mouth by Wrizard - T, 1136 words, no ships, Trans Izzy. A fic in which the Kraken is an actual deep sea creature and young Izzy Hands is a sacrifice for him.
Windward Passage by Consultingcrybaby - E, 4.7k words, Ed/Stede. To quote the author: "In which Stede is astonished by the existence of buttfucking, and Ed really needs a cup of tea."
WHERE'S THE LOOT?! A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game by glitterpig. T, Ed/Stede. It is literally a game!
A Demon Lived in My Brow by Bazzle. E, CW: some non-con, 8.7k words, Ed/CJ, Ed/OC, Ed/Izzy, Ed/Stede. Snapshots of Ed's relationships - and sexual experiences - before he met Stede.
Leather by Chocolatepot. G, 100 words drabble with Ed and Stede, taking place in episode 04.
To Make Pan-puddings by Whatthefoucault. T, 2.5k words, Ed/Stede. In which Stede find an old recipe and wants to cook it for Ed. Fluff!
They Haven't Made the Color Yet That'll Paint Over Every Part of Your Past by Parsnips (trifles). G, 1.4k words, Mary/Doug. A lovely fic about Doug and his love for Mary.
Orange You Glad by Lesspale. Not rated but imho G. 3.3k words, mostly Roach. A wholesome fic about the origins of the 50 orange cake!
Just Let Go, My Party Piece by red-sky-in-mourning. M, 4.3 words, Stede/Ed, some Lucius/Pete and Jim/Oluwande. A ficlet inspired by the well-known s2 bts photo of a possibly special necklace.
Two pints of Guinness, a packet of crisps (and a bag of cans) by Buoymehome (Lilibel) - T, 3.4k words, Modern AU, found family. Wee John and Stede go for a pint for St Stephen Day and Stede strikes conversation with the handsome looking fiddle player.
Lucius Returns by Scaredycattales - T, 367 words. Lucius, Ed. Screenplay format! Criminally underrated.
Learning Curve by Lwwyrd - M, 13k words, Izzy-centered. Young Edward Teach and Israel Hands meet, and the rest is in the hands of Fate. Written for the Fate & Fortune challenge.
The Night That Has No End by FrazzledWriter - M, 1.2k words, horror. Frenchie POV. Everyone on the Revenge is being driven into madness by a mysterious fog, and only a few are still sane. Ambiguous ending.
The Other First Mate by Dorie22 - G, 1.5k words. After episode 05. Ed is confused about his feelings and Stede, and Buttons turns out to be an unexpectingly good listener.
Room People by Moonandsunlight - G, 1.1k words. A short fic exploring the queerplatonic relationship between Wee John and Frenchie.
Much Ado About Something by Winter_of_our_Discontent - T, 528 words, Ed/Stede. Shakespearean AU. Super hilarious.
A Lighthouse To Each Other; or, Cracking Up On The Rocks by Zmayhem - T, 12k words, Mary/Stede. A fic exploring the relations between Mary and Stede after their 10 years of marriage.
What Makes The Man by Unovis - T, 12k words, unfinished yet. A fantastic character study of Stede and the conversations he has with his barber.
Wee John Feeney's Excellent Day by Activevirtues - T, 2.7k words. A criminally underrated fic about a fantastic day that Wee John has and the joy it gives him. Super wholesome!
The Saint of Never Getting It Right by Goldblooded - G, 3k words. Ed's POV. Interesting choice of formatting, adding to the story. A short fic about Ed and his emotional issues.
Skeleton Crew Drabbles by Tipsy_Kitty - mostly T, a collection of short drabbles written for a Halloween event. It has canon ones, and AU ones. Some hilarious, some a bit more emotional.
One Thousand Sea Creatures: a Buttons OFMD SMAU by Idiotatsea, Loopydangerfrom and Otsanda - T, 23k words. A Scollection of posts from Buttons' twitter account, his Moon Journal and other media. He does try to list 1000 sea creatures, and it is hilarious.
Nostalgia by HopelessScribe - G, 1.6k words. A BEAUTIFUL pre-canon fic about Roach's childhood memories and his North African background. Criminally underrated so give the writer your kudo!
More recommendations to follow next week!
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Omni — Souvenir (Sub Pop)
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Photo by Gem Hale
Omni, now four albums in, arches an eyebrow at post-punk. It makes its songs out of an erector set of sharp, shiny guitar parts but leaves the bolts loose, poised to collapse into a clanging pile. Yet lush melodies drape over this rickety architecture, florid sung lines, viscous patters of bass, unexpectedly lyrical swoons of guitar. Brittle cleverness dips unpredictably into unreconstructed romanticism, sarcasm gives way to boy-misses-girl sentiment. The trio—as always Philip Frobos on vox and bass, Frankie Broyles on guitar and Chris Yonker on antic drums—hasn’t exactly softened their edges, just laid a bit of velvet on them.
As a result, there’s something very pop about “Plastic Pyramid,” the song that eavesdrops on Frobos’ super-sexy call and response with Automatic’s Izzy Glaudini (“Are you hydrated baby?” “What are you, a tall drink of water?” etc.). Sure the band tackles the ever-punk topic of consumerism but does so from a soft bed of longing. “Unbox paradise,” stutters Frobos, as his bass pumps up the dance vibe, and he doesn’t sound entirely averse to the process.
“Exacto,” likewise, jitters and freeze frames like a robot at the disco, a steady pulse of bass and rigid, rectilinear structures of drums. But hold on a second, it also pauses for lyrical intervals. “I love you like the first night, for the rest of our lives,” croons Frobos, close to falsetto and very much on the make. Then he undercuts the suavity with an acerbic observation, “Mr. Big Shot always forgets to introduce his wife.”
The word play is often clever in a not-trying-too-hard fashion; you can almost hear the private school drawl in cuts like “F1”which crams multiple photography metaphors into lines about excising people from lives and memories (and snapshots). “You were cropped out of the photo from that long weekend, passed out by the pool, overexposed again,” Frobos rattles off, then comes in for the kicker, “How should I frame this?” It’s good, arch fun, but a little smarmy.
Listening to Souvenir, I can’t help but think of Stuck, the Chicago post-punk-into-no-wave outfits that sometimes refers to itself as “evil Omni.” That’s a funny way to say that it cranks the slashing guitars, the yelps of outrage, the banging drums about three notches tighter than the Atlanta trio. Comparing the two, you might begin to wonder if there’s anything solid behind Omni’s detached cleverness, it’s super clean, super manicured attack. Maybe regular Omni could benefit from a touch of evil. 
Jennifer Kelly
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ducktracy · 6 months
Eliza, I'm going insane. I'm watching Porky and Petunia sing "Would You Like to Take a Walk" in Naughty Neighbors (1939) and I noticed that Petunia has lipstick or something when she goes "Mmm-mmm-mmm" (before the scene cuts to the elderly ducks playing patty-cake and Porky sings "pals are playing fair"). I need to say this as I want to know I'm not going insane.
no she does! throughout the song on and off! for… some reason! seems to be concentrated to the shots by one single animator—my uneducated guessing says Vive Risto? if it’s not him then Izzy Ellis but Vive seemed to be the culprit of these particularly squishy and sometimes a bit ugly :( pigs
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Naughty Neighbors has never been one of my favorites (outside of the bits that come immediately after with all the animals beating the tar out of each other, that is fantastic) but i do love the “””feud pacifier”””. very apt snapshot of Clampett’s adoration of “cutesy sadism” he did so well during this period
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velvetpucks · 6 months
Slapshots and Contracts Blurb:
On a crisp winter day, Sidney Crosby stood proudly at the edge of the ice rink, his skates gliding effortlessly. Beside him, two eager faces, mirrors of Sidney's own features, stared at the ice with a mix of excitement and curiosity.
"Alright, you two, first lesson: balance," Sidney announced, crouching down to their level. His children, adorned in tiny Penguins jerseys, listened intently.
As they tentatively stepped onto the ice, Sidney guided them, his hands gently supporting their wobbly movements. Laughter echoed across the rink as they discovered the joy of sliding on the frozen surface.
Izzy, bundled up with their newborn in her arms, watched from the sidelines with a contented smile. The newest addition to their family cooed, seemingly captivated by the sight of the icy playground.
Sidney, still on skates, called out, "Now, let's talk sticks and pucks!"
He handed each child a miniature hockey stick, their eyes lighting up with anticipation. With a puck at their feet, Sidney demonstrated the basics, his children following suit with adorable determination.
Izzy, holding their newborn close, couldn't help but marvel at the picturesque scene – her husband imparting the love of the game to their little ones. It was a snapshot of family bliss, the rink becoming a canvas for memories that would last a lifetime.
As Sidney continued the lesson, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the winter landscape. The Crosby family, united by the magic of hockey, reveled in the joy of shared moments, building a legacy of love and passion on the icy canvas of their own making.
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focusfixated · 6 months
17, 28, and 30 for the ao3 wrapped ask!
thank you @hallo-catfish!
Favourite character to write this year?
it simply has to be izzy hands in when we fight about love (ofmd). that story is a straight-up character thesis, and i wrote it very much in the vein of that tim minchin quote where he's like "i genuinely think, if i get this, if i nail this, then that's it. end of argument." like if i got this izzy right, it would be the definitive version of the character that would be my flagpost for forever on.
it was also a deeply satisfying creative challenge to attempt to write a point of view character with unapologetically dislikeable traits who was also a very unreliable narrator, who was undergoing and resisting growth and change. writing from the point of view of someone lying to themselves, without defaulting to an omniscient narrative cop-out of "he was lying to himself, of course", was incredibly hard, but ultimately one of the most satisfying things i've ever done.
Favourite work you wrote this year?
WWFAL is a strong all-time contender, but it was also a very slow, difficult writing process that took nearly a year to finish, so i'm going to go with something that was quick, fun, and satisfying, and pick the soft animal of your body (good omens).
my favourite way to write - and the thing i think i'm best at - is writing from an image, translating a scene or snapshot into words, making a visual thing sensory and descriptive, and the best and most fun way to do that is to write something based on artwork, which is what i did for @chernozemm's piece here. writing this fic was delightfully fucking easy, and i loved the result.
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
maybe not a surprise in the process of writing itself, but in the form of a piece of feedback. i couldn't see this person's handle anywhere to tag them or reply to them, but the comment they left on their bookmark for when we fight about love really hit me.
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what surprised me about this comment was a) how fucking insightful a take on the whole story it was, b) how much it was actually an insanely accurate revelation about myself, and i hadn't even noticed. i wrote about self-actualisation as an empowering (if difficult) process. i hadn't considered it could be interpreted as lonely, or that izzy's resilience could be seen as isolating, instead of simply being one of his strengths.
but of course that's what i wrote. and of course, once it was laid out in a comment like that, i realised that's exactly what i think about myself & my experiences, and i was shocked-pikachu.jpg to discover that i'd been so obvious about it the whole time. so i guess i learnt something this year!
a03 wrapped ask
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
First fill for my Izzy Hands Bingo Card, prompt ‘frottage’, is done!
Cjizzy, from Jack’s perspective and frotting is very much NOT the main plot lol, but it’s a nice lil snapshot of Izzy and Jack together in a time when Jack, whether he likes it or not, is going to wind up feeling Things and needing help deal with them. Lucky for him, Izzy isn’t always horrible with emotions, especially if the emotions to be dealt with aren’t his.
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agueforts · 7 months
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— I look deep into Tula's eyes, and I go, "That's for not telling me you were dead."
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broken-clover · 2 years
😭 omg i would love to see a scenario/hcs about the polycule taking care of aria during her pregnancy or after the birth
It's a bit different than what I'm used to, but fun to think about! A happy snapshot where things turned out a bit better...
-It wasn't necessarily a surprise, but Sol and Asuka did panic a little at first. Mostly because, well, Aria's always been a bit sickly, and she's so small, is that really safe for her?
-It's a sentiment that sticks around for quite a while, even if they're less obviously vocal about it. They're hovering over her constantly to make sure she doesn't strain herself in any possible way. It's charming for like a week and then after that Aria has to constantly tell them off about it until the concept sinks in
-Once they're sure that they're all committed to it Sol's immediate next question is if they can name the baby after a Queen song, or just anything to do with his favorite band
-He comes up with a long list of names that only gets longer and more tangential as he keeps getting turned down (if it's a boy, maybe Roger, or Deacon, Oscar, Romeo, William, Saul, Izzy? If it's a girl, then either Tiffany, Dorothy, or Delilah)
-Meanwhile, Aria would really prefer something cuter, maybe flowery-sounding. Asuka has no real preference, although if Aria's doing the heavy lifting, no pun intended, then he thinks she should get most of the say...and secretly he really doesn't want to go with names like William or Dorothy, he finds them pretentious (besides, who's to say they might not have more later?)
-They ultimately come to a group agreement, Aria picks a name she likes that Sol can make a reference out of, and Asuka picks the middle name so he has some sort of contribution (he goes with the name of his maternal grandmother. He has no intention to honor either of his own parents). The full name they go with is Daisy Yui Hale(-Bulsara-Kreutz), and Sol can nickname her 'Dizzy.'
-None of them came from a very good family, and fret about their lack of real experience with good parental figures, but Asuka in specific is terrified he's going to end up like his parents and end up being neglectful or drunk
-Asuka is very by-the-book in terms of his caretaking, he's more confident if he has tangible instructions to follow. Sol is much better at the 'emergency ice cream, pickles and five-alarm chili grocery runs' part. If anything, they actually compliment each other nicely, although they sometimes bicker about whose approach is best.
-Any calming down the guys have done over the last few months is immediately out the window once it comes to the part where they actually have the damn kid, Asuka's hyperventilating in the backseat with a paper bag, and he's not even the one doing the hard part. Aria's actually pretty calm about the whole thing.
-Little Dizzy makes for the most adorable little thing ever (although I suppose everyone says that about their babies) but good lord, are all babies that tiny? They are? Man, it's weird to see that firsthand
-(Aria's secretly glad she has two extra pairs of hands, they can take turns while she can sleep)
-For all their worries the guys take to it pretty naturally, Asuka has been sitting in the corner cooing over the baby in his arms for twenty minutes before he even realizes he's doing it
-Taking care of a kid is still a lot of work, of course, but they got very lucky, Dizzy's pretty much the calmest baby they've ever met, and very curious (Aria jokes that by the time she's five, she'll have figured out how to build a rocket)
-Even if his naming plans were thwarted, Sol still intends to impart his music tastes on Dizzy early. He got a baby mobile covered in forest animals for her nursery and jerry-rigged it to play music-box renditions of classic rock songs (he originally planned on just using the regular songs, but Aria and Asuka argued it wouldn't be relaxing. He vehemently disagrees, but they compromised)
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Dog Dads
by gwenfrankenstien
Snapshots from the married life of Fang and Israel Hands (and their five fur babies).
(First one is just Izzy and the dogs, inspired by the iconic photo of Daniel Radcliffe smoking a cigarette and walking a zillion dogs.)
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Izzy Hands, Original Dog Character(s), Fang (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Fang/Israel Hands
Additional Tags: Fanart, Dogs, Smoking, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47862961
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treesofgreen · 2 years
you asked for ofmd smut prompts!
(i'm not a writer neither am i experienced with giving prompts, so i don't know if these are helpful--i welcome any feedback!)
but i have some random wishes!
- pre-canon ed/izzy, established BDSM dynamic, PWP, i just want to see a snapshot of them having a functional BDSM dynamic, and for the attraction, affection to not be one-sided :(
- first time ed x izzy??
- first time bellhands!!
Thank you anon! These are very nice prompts, I will play around with them and see if I have any luck. Publishing this in case anyone else wants to take a shot at them too :)
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overwhlcmed · 2 years
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ─────── 𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝚈 𝙺𝙰𝙽𝙴 : snapshots.
pictured : levi himaya . ( @cherryflcvoured ) / izzie liao, harrison snyder . ( @foxtcils )
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Isabelle by Amelia Hetherington Via Flickr: This photo captures my beautiful friend, Isabelle, in a candid, unplanned moment from 2022. We were sitting outside a cafe, when both our lighters decided to give up on us. Without a moment's hesitation, Izzy charmingly approached two ladies at another table to ask for a light. As she turned back towards me, I captured this image. It perfectly encapsulates her radiant smile that reaches her eyes and the elegantly feminine way she holds her cigarette. This picture shows the joy we both felt at that moment - relief and happiness from being able to indulge in our cigarettes without the hassle of hunting for lighters or matches. It's a snapshot of our shared need for nicotine, subtly yet joyously conveyed in Izzy's delightful expression.
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