#jackie always giffing the best scenes
backjustforberena · 3 months
heyy, if you still take gif requests, i'd absolutely love seeing a collection of eve best crying/being sad in her various roles? sounds kind of weird to say that out loud hahah, but her acting is unmatched! ohh and i'd prefer it if there was no rhaenys in there (she's amazing, but i'd love seeing eve's other roles in the focus)
i have absolutely no clue about the whole process of making gifs, but i imagine just from a logical standpoint that collecting fitting scenes from different films/shows takes more time than focusing on a single episode or scene, so please, no pressure if you don't feel like it :)
i adore the gifs you post, your collections often brighten my day when i see them on my feed :))
Hi!! I am always taking gif requests. And I can definitely do this for you. I agree, her acting is amazing, so I can probably do you a set of gifs? Nurse Jackie, Maryland, Lucky Man, Life In Squares, Fate & New Worlds.
That should about cover it and they're all pretty decent quality, in terms of the video files. I think I'll make three absolute breakdowns and then three just doing very subtle, sad, shiny eyes. It'll take some time but I really don't do very complex gifs.
But thank you for the ask, the request, and the compliments, and I hope the gifs will live up to your wishes!
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secretaryunpaid · 3 years
18. Scorned Hearts (TRR/OH Riley Brooks/Bryce Lahela)
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I’m glad that you put the ice cream down, lol... This may have turned your stomach, lol...
(This gif shows a heart attack... Something Riley begins to feel she is having over all that is going on between her and Liam... Luckily the skilled surgeon is there to make things lighter, and even offer comfort beyond his charming smile.)
A/N: Riley Brooks joins her best friend Daniel in Boston for a much needed get away after things turn scandalous in Cordonia. She began receiving physical threats and assaults, so Liam thought it best that she leave Cordonia. Riley took this as him deciding that she wasn’t his best choice for love and potential  Queen after all. Daniel is planning a bachelor party bar crawl, and has asked Riley to meet him in Boston. His sister, Sienna Trinh is a resident at Edenbrook Hospital who is getting married at the end of the week. Riley has a week to get to know the alluring surgeon that has captured her attention... Will she seek a new path, or will things in Cordonia warrant her return?
Rating: Explicit (although the attached snippet is not)
After settling in and showering, she starts to feel like a semblance of her old self. She enters the living room to see Daniel dancing to their favorite play list. “Come join me, I need “Wiley Riley”  to help me get into party planning mode. She joins him, laughing hysterically and how uncoordinated Daniel pretends to be. “Will you go to view the bars with me? You know I always need your opinion…” His face lights up as she agrees, “I promised you an adventure, and adventure you shall have.” She hugs him, “You know none of that is necessary right… But I might just lay the first attractive guy that hints towards it… and NO judgement okay…” Hands raised in surrender, Daniel merely smirks, “Do you, my Wiley Riley!”
After touring several bars, Daniel tells Riley that he has to visit his sister at Edenbrook hospital, she has some ideas that she needs to run past him, but she is working a double shift and needs him to stop there. “A hospital… Oh, Daniel… It’s been too long, is this the adventure that you promised?” He laughs at her joke, but muses, ‘You never know …”
Arriving in the atrium, he immediately spots her with a group of people, all laughing at someone within the group who is talking animatedly with wild hand gestures and body movements. Riley finds herself smiling, and even laughing to herself at the scene, wondering what he could possibly be discussing. He turns, noticing the smile on her face. His loss for words has the group turning to follow his gaze. One of them, a gorgeous Indian female, doesn’t pass up the chance to taunt him over it, “Look, someone has finally managed to shut the scalpel jockey up! I have never seen you this way…” Sienna sees Daniel next to the woman who has stolen the attention of the group, and makes her way over, “Hey, Daniel! We all need to know who your friend is and invite her out for drinks! We have been trying to shut Bryce up for a while now,” she laughs, “You two … come meet my friends,”
Riley can see the relation between the two. Sienna has the same kind hearted spirit as Daniel. Upon reaching the group, Sienna introduces Daniel, but looks to Riley for a moment feeling bad for not getting her name beforehand. “Hi, I’m Riley… It’s a pleasure to meet you all…” Bryce sidles up beside Riley, taking her hand, “Oh, it can definitely be a pleasure.” Sienna whacks his shoulder, “Bryce! Reel it in, already!” Riley hasn’t taken her eyes from his, nor removed her hand. He notices, and takes it a step further, “We were all heading to Donahue’s for our break, care to join?” Jackie steps up, shoving Bryce out of the way, “Can we at least finish introductions first? She may find SOME of us more interesting!”
“Hi, I’m Jackie, to my left is Elijah, Aurora and Rafael.” Riley smiles, nodding to each as Jackie gives their name. “You’ve met Sienna and Scalpel Jockey here.” Butting in and assuming his place beside Riley, “Scalpel Jockey is also known as Bryce… Bryce Lahela. Now, back to my earlier proposal” .... Daniel chimes in, “We’d love to join… We can take a break from our bar search.”  Daniel whispers to Sienna as Riley was deep into conversation with Bryce. “Guys, you go ahead. Daniel is gonna go with me upstairs to get my notepad… I totally forgot it before we left…”
Riley gives Daniel a suspicious look, but smiles and winks, letting him know that there was a potential for more with Bryce later. Arriving at Donahue's, the group heads to a booth, but Bryce holds Riley back, offering to show her around the bar… seeing that Daniel was still shopping around for bars to add to the bar crawl.
***** This will take a turn for smut, lol... Seems to be my living area in the writer’s world, lol... *****
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adam-dumortains · 3 years
Heaven In Hiding - Bryce x MC | Part I
Book/Pairing(s): MC x Bryce
Word Count: Part I - 1196 words (oops)
Rating: 18+ due to swearing and mature scenes in later chapters of the fanfic.
Summary: This fanfic is based on the imagined scene after Bryce asks MC to leave separately in the latest open heart: Third Year Chapter.
Category: Mini series, somewhat angst but also fluff later on!
Warnings / Trope: Swearing, mature scenes
Since there are rumours that Bryce’s chapter this week wasn’t plot related and people are disappointed (including me!) I’m gonna do a small dabble in what I would follow up with that scene and the aftermath of how Bryce was so it makes some sort of sense. I haven’t written in a while as I’ve been super busy so I’m nervous to post this but anyway! Also excuse the gif quality, I like using them to set the scene but it came out a bit blurry. They’ll be posted everyday over the next week. :) Hope you enjoy! ❤️ let me know if you wanna be tagged!
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After two years of chasing each other, whispers from friends and stolen moments, Casey Valentine can feel herself falling for Bryce Lahela. Casey is waiting for Bryce to tell her how he feels but after an intimate escape to the garden roof, Casey realises what and who she wants most in the world may hurt her more than anything else.
Song: Strange Love - Halsey | Everybody wants to know about how it felt to hear you scream. They know you walk like you're a god, they can't believe I made you weak. We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night but the ending is the same every damn time.
Casey felt as though there was a lump in her throat and had that awful sinking feeling in her stomach when the words, “we wouldn’t want anyone to see us would we?” left Bryce’s lips. They had been certainly more than friends for the past two years of their residency. Casey knew the moment she saw Bryce and his stupid smirk that she wouldn’t be able to resist him. His confidence and the way he was able to make her pulse race with just his words was intoxicating. But ever since she had been let into his life a little, meeting his sister and listening to him vent about his parents, she realised that Bryce often used his confidence as a shield to hide his vulnerability. Which only made her fall for him even more. After the events that took place at the hospital where she almost died, she really thought that she could be in love with Bryce Lahela. She was falling in love with the surgeon with the best hands and the sexiest smirk. She wondered if Bryce had felt the same, but knowing that he had some walls up, she thought it would be best to let Bryce express his feelings when he was ready. She was sure he would, soon enough.
That all changed the moments those words left his lips. Casey stared at him, her eyes searching for something. She wasn’t sure what, a look of love? Affection? Something. Anything. But Bryce was stiff. He looked at her, a look in his eyes that she had never seen before and couldn’t quite work out. It was like the Bryce she knew and cared for wasn’t in the room. Like the man in front of her was a shell.
“Uh, I’ll go first.” Bryce awkwardly blurted out, rubbing the back of his neck. Casey scoffed.
“No. It’s fine. I’ll go.” Casey shook her head and pushed herself past Bryce, slamming the door on her way out.
Bryce knew he had fucked up. He groaned, his first meeting the wall slightly as he punched it in frustration. His breathing was heavy, and his eyes were closed as he tried to calm himself down. ‘You’re a fucking dumbass’ he thought to himself. After a few moments of cursing under his breath, he straightened his jacket and walked out of the garden roof.
Casey had already gotten back to the party, but she wasn’t in the party mood anymore. She was terrified that she would burst into tears in front of everyone. She sighed as she went to the drinks table, pulling herself a large glass of champagne and downing it in one go. Her thoughts were racing in anger, frustration and slight heartbreak. Get a grip of yourself, Casey. You knew Bryce always had a bit of a reputation and every goddamn nurse in this hospital flirts with him. Why would he stick to just you? Breathe.
Jackie walked over to Casey, laughing at the fact the glass in Casey’s hand had lasted a mere 5 seconds before being downed.
“Well, if this is what you’re going to do to get this party started, then I’m all in.” Jackie joked, clinking her glass with Casey’s. Her laugh faltered when she saw Casey’s weak smile in reply to her joking.
“Wait, what’s wrong?” Jackie raised her brow at Casey.
“Nothing. I’m just not feeling too good.” Jackie knew she was lying. Casey’s eyes trailed behind Jackie, landing on Bryce who was looking around the room. Their eyes met and Casey couldn’t help but tear her eyes away from him.
“Would it have anything to do with the fact you and Bryce were both gone for the last 45 minutes?”
“I can’t do this. I’m going home.”
“Whoa wait, let me come with you.”
“Nah, honestly, I need some time alone. And anyway, who’s gonna force Elijah and Aurora to do shots if you’re not here?” Casey laughed weakly, putting her bag over her shoulders. “I’ll text you when I’m home. Ok?” Jackie nodded, pulling Casey into a hug.
Casey hastily walked out of the hospital, the cold air hitting her as she walked home. The cold, fresh air was welcoming. It made her feel calmer than she had felt in the hospital. She just wanted to go home, curl up into her bed and cry it out. She’d be fine by tomorrow. At least, that’s what she hoped. Wishful thinking.
When Casey had finally gotten home, she slid her dress off and threw on her dressing gown, grabbing a bottle of wine out of the fridge to pour herself a glass. She sat at the kitchen island, staring out at the world beneath her from the penthouse window. She thought about the people going about her lives, which made her think of her residency. She knew it was coming to an end this year, something she has been in denial about for quite some time. She didn’t want to leave her friends... or Bryce behind. She always thought that maybe her place on the diagnostics team may help her stay close to home. Close to Bryce. As Bryce popped into her mind, she sighed gently and put her head in her hands. ‘How unfair is it that the only person you ever want to talk to when something goes wrong, is the one person who hurt you so you can’t go to them?’ Casey thought to herself. When something went wrong in the hospital, Bryce was the first person she’d text or find. When something went wrong outside the hospital, all it took was for Casey to text Bryce a “🖕” emoji for Bryce to know she needed to vent. He always replied within minutes. Even if it was to tell her he couldn’t reply but would as soon as he could.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. ‘That’ll be Sienna’ Casey thought, laughing to herself as she prepared to deal with a very drunk and Disney singing Sienna. She opened the door, and her breath hitched when she looked up.
Bryce was stood at the door, his hair a mess as if he had been running his hands through his hair, a look of regret on his face.
“W-what are you doing here Bryce? I don’t want to talk to you.” Casey mentally cursed herself at her voice cracking.
“Case, please.” Casey scanned his face. He was the only one that ever called her Case. Casey wasn’t sure whether she even liked that nickname, but coming from Bryce, she loved anything that came from his lips. Especially something that was unique between them like her nickname. She could have sworn her heart fluttered when she sent Bryce a funny hospital meme whilst being sat next to him, and whilst waiting for him to see it, realised the name for her in his phone had changed from “Casey Valentine” to “Case”.
As much as she was angry and hurt by him tonight, she couldn’t let him go. She couldn’t bear to see the pain on his face. She opened the door slightly and stepped aside, giving him permission to come inside.
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 7)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Your life was on the edge again as you were close to being sold to men in their dimension. With a kind and selfless heart; you've tried saving Cirilla. Though, despite of the failure of a rescue, a certain witcher wouldn't let you stay in danger as he came to your aid and massacred whoever comes in his way. Thus, he'd recognized the person holding you and it made him curse deep beneath his breath as he remembered what he wanted from him after years of avoiding them for their regal favors.
Warnings: Gore. (I’ve added a gif that kinda..ugh. You get my point. Hehehe.) Death. Swords. Curse words. Modern references. Hehehe. Blood. Anger. More descriptions than dialogues. (I mean, who fights while talking? XD Also, it’s Geralt. You know how he is. XD) Assholes selling women/children.
Words: 6.3k+
A/N: Chapter 7 is out now! I've used Gifs of Geralt while the story goes on. Heehee! Just wanted to. IT’S GETTIN’ LIT IN HERE. AYEEEE!
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well. GIF’s INCLUDED ARE CREDITED TO THOSE WHO MADE THEM! I DO NOT OWN THEM!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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It took a narrow, derelict looking alleyway for Cirilla and her friend to be found. This was why you never trusted kids playing alone because they needed supervision at all times. There were black, grey and brown stone build houses designed for the outmoded era surrounding the alley.
You taciturnly stood in the middle of the dirt ground, scanning the whole place and finding a kid who wore a light blue kirtle. The sound of sand and gravel was apparent as you've taken conniving steps till you were about to enter another aisle that looked deserted. But, you were stopped as a silhouette of two men who wore dark brown furry sheep coats emerge from the gully.
The man holding Cirilla had a horrible beard looking like the man in the movie 300 with a sly smirk that could get you to know that he was part of the villains in a show while the other was a blonde chevalier that can pass as the prince's bodyguard.
They had sharp looking daggers across the children's necks and it made your heart cease because of the panic rising through your head. Yet, you try to calm down to make better decisions.
Not that it was a habit. You were bad a making decisions; look at how your life ended. Forgetting why you were drowning on a lake and suddenly emerging from another dimension like you had your next life in just a snap of Thanos' gauntlet.
"Nice, very nice." you mindlessly mumbled, avoiding their scowls and grins; giving the kids a once over as you've seen the fear straight out of their eyes.
There were no guns, anything to use for defense nor do you know any kung-fu that can make Jackie Chan watch you with popcorn on his hands.
You were currently a useless human especially that you were teleported with no supernatural powers or magic. What a nice way to be brought to a world you didn't know and had people who are experts in brutal fighting.
"Why, why, why," The man looking like King Leonidas mischievously announced as he tightened his hold around Cirilla and held the dagger close to her neck. The princess shrieked and growled before him, struggling against his hold as you winced at your mind who couldn't help but utter the most awkward sentences in panic.
"Delilah?" your nose scrunched so hard you were sure you looked constipated. It was a pun, and so it wasn't the best as you couldn't help but cringe for your stupidity.
"Ain't she a beaut," The blonde knight cackled as he strolled towards a wooden cage that can be used for lions or any feisty animal as Ethelia was dragged and locked in like a fauna being pulled around; never forgetting to give Cirilla's friend a pinch to her delicate cheeks as she flinched away from the asshole.
"Don't hurt Ethelia!" Cirilla struggled against her captor's arms, but he tightened his hold around her a lot more, "---Get her out of the cage!"
You've squinted your eyes at the large cage where Ethelia has been violently captured and saw not only one but a dozen of children taken to their account. Some were grubby and clean, though that one thing that made them all the same was that they were women.
They were freaking women and you definitely saw red because they all seemed innocent with all their wailing and bloodshot eyes.
The princess has managed to bite Tybalt on the arm; making the latter grab onto her roots brutally, igniting a frightened scream out of Cirilla, "You are next to this wench that shall be offered to the king!"
Thus, her screams made your palms sweat. You needed to do something and not just stand there like an idiot.
Tybalt's attention was suddenly turned to you; cocking his head to the side as smugly as he could, giving you a menacing grin that gave you the nervous shivers.
"---Or not?"
"Leave the child alone!" you suddenly had the courage to muster out loud; but it was no use as it didn't sound frightening for the party. Tybalt aimed the sharp edge of his dagger along Cirilla's neck as he moved them both forward, his appearance more discernable from the sudden cloudy day as he stepped outside his shadows. "---If it isn't another whore that I could sell to the duke,"
You could see how tall he was and utterly buff just like Geralt. His face was a complete epitome of a bandit as you noticed those sharp fangs and thinking he just had that type of teeth,  "---Your beauty...Only passes for a knight's whore,"
Well, that sounded mean.
Tybalt continued, keeping Cirilla steady in the width of his arms as the child went on to struggle against his hold, her movements accidentally giving her a short slice of a wound that you quickly saw. Crimson liquid dripping down her neck like a breeze; not much, yet it was enough to give a wince, "---not for a king," the latter continued as he gave a low baleful laugh.
He'd studied you from head to toe, his gaze utterly making you feel uncomfortable. It was obvious that it consists of obscene thoughts running inside his brain. You couldn't help but feel your sweat turn cold from the panic you were feeling, "You are one short fella'! But, also kind of adorable like a dirty mouse not even worth for a penny,"
"Don't--Don't touch her," you stammered, biting on the insides of your lips as you tried thinking quicker. His wicked plans and diabolic ideas inside his head were enough to make your knees tremble; like you were being hunted by an Alghoul for the second time. You always had the luck in being involved with such ill-fate circumstances and it was making you crazy. Tybalt loudly scoffed, brown eyes glowing with malevolence and his smile turning sinister, "What are ye' going to do, little one? Cry like a bairn?"
The princess breathed in deep breaths, her heart beat running as fast as a cheetah. She'd gave you a look and you could quite see that she was deep in thought. Was Jaskier lying about her abilities? Was she a mutated one as well? Were the men holding her the Elvens?
"Cirilla," you subtly shook your head to distract her from doing anything that could give you both more peril than it should have.
"I can bring your little friend and this woman," Tybalt gestured to you and it made you step back; nevertheless, more of his bandits marched into view and roughly grabbed onto your arms, leaving you no chance to escape as you've tried to battle from their hold. "---Ethelia has been sold to the king by her father who had killed one of his knights. You know how King Viduka loves his knights,"
You wrestled against their hold. Two men strenghtened their grasp on you; rooting you to the ground as they were pretty much stronger, lanky and muscly with their fur coats. They were laughing on either side of you because of how you were struggling, "What is your name?" Tybalt drawled his words like a snake teasing his prey.  
You loudly huffed and tried to wrench your arm away from both as you breathed hard; languidly feeling as if you were having a panic attack. It was there; again and it wasn't the right time, "You don't want me dropping down memes, I swear. I'm close to screaming John Cena," pause. "---You're gonna hate me, King Leonidas." A small guiltless smile was given to Cirilla's captor and it was enough to infuriate him because of how you didn't make sense.
Out of the blue, Tybalt unceremoniously pushed the princess off the ground; giving both his men that stood on either side of you a look as they roughly pushed you to him; passing you like a tennis ball as he caught you in his arms. You shrieked and have your heart flying off your chest as the chess piece suddenly moved and you were now their target.
Cirilla coughed her shock out of her chest; face scrubbing the ground which soiled her pretty face as she crawled and trembled away from you; sitting on her backside as she had her eyes focused on the the whole scene; thoroughly staggered at the sudden shift of victims.
Tybalt had his fingers grabbing onto your roots like a bitch; making you yelp as loud as you can to get anyone's attention from the other side of the city. But, no. There was no saviour. "Nobody owns ye', little scrubber! Come, to the palace!" he mercilessly yanked you with a handful of your hair, painfully dragging you to where the cages for humans stayed behind them; covered with a thick brown cloth for decency purposes if they even have dignity in their bloods.
"There's a place for little whores like ye'!" The other man who held you on the arm announced in a snobbish manner; ending his statement with a mirthful laugh that petrified you because of how presumptuous they were to find their actions fine for their world.
Your nerves were spiking up like a sparking electric circuit. The more closer you forcefully strided towards the cage, the more your emotions was flying up the sky. Adding the pain that Tybalt has been pouring on your roots was triggering your sensitive self to shed some tears from the fear of being sold by some dirty, old man who treats women like some kind of doll to relieve their sexual pleasures.
The lioness of Cintra dreaded the moment to see you walking towards a cage full of women going to be sold to different people. She couldn't do anything but think of ways that could get time ticking before Geralt could feel that there was something wrong. Accepting the fear of not saving you will never die down; if she would've not tried to help as she was saved by you.
Cirilla stood on her soles, feet shaking like a leaf as she had both hands in front; halting the forceful kidnap happening, "No! Stop! A man owns her with the name, Geralt! Geralt owns her! Geralt of Rivia! The Butcher of Blaviken!"
All men had their brows in a twist, tugging you back and making you face her. You were wincing and tears were falling from the hopeless feeling; it was much better to be living in their family rather than another man's home whom could have the power in owning you like a damn animal.
Tybalt jibed at the princess, poking fun at the lies she was saying. The name rang a bell; it was a name that they've been searching for so long but have been considered as a myth that isn't real. They've had their latest witcher be killed by a lethal beast. This known Witcher that they have been searching was no where to be found for years after years; or he just didn't want to be found was more of a logical reason at the same time.
"The Witcher?" he belittled with a grin, "---He's long gone, child. Hiding like a birdie! Cease your fantasy in having a witcher in the Kingdom of Kaedwen! We will all be killed by beasts! Just like them!"
Your captor tightened his hand on your head, giving it a sting that made you shriek. You didn't want to grow bald because of this. It was humiliating; you thought at the back of your mind as you sobbed from the fright. Tybalt inserted his dagger back in his pocket and swiftly opened the cloth to reveal ten children scared to death or even more, "This dirty maiden can be more useful than this lioness of a kid! It bites and roars too much!"
Thus, you never know how satisfying it was to hear a strum of a lute from afar. The echo resonated from the far end as you whipped around in zealous. Your heart beat coming to life as the hope flew back to where it should've been.
"That...is definitely not a good idea,"
Jaskier. There was Jaskier. Only Jaskier, but no Geralt. Still, it gave you a ton of hope to be saved.
"A bard," Tybalt rolled his eyes from all the pathetic interruption. Just getting you was thoroughly time consuming and he didn't know if he was already regretting it. He should be, when he's got his foot six feet on the ground already by touching Cirilla and you.
The bard stood where you could clearly see him. You eyed him with that agitated look. Nevertheless, he'd given you a cheeky wink as he continued to strum; his foot signalling Cirilla to take her flight and leave the hell hole before the men even had second thoughts of grabbing her again.
Hence, she hurriedly did; with a need to find the witcher.
You knew what Jaskier was doing. You've seen this in the movies for a lot of times. Some ended well while some didn't.
He was distracting Tybalt and his men. Hence, the bard was doing a damn great job at it because of how he was great at not showing his anxiety and trembles from being stabbed or beheaded like he was already...used to the thrill and danger.
"Get out of my way!" Tybalt frustratingly barked; giving him a nasty glare, "You are making the massive mistake ever---," Jaskier articulated, sounding like he was telling a story as he sounded informative and factual.
"---You are plotting your own demise, Berk."
The nickname was a wrong move for Jaskier. He'd wince after seeing Tybalt's nose flare like a dragon in heat. Now, it was the perfect time you've seen his fingers stop from strumming his lute and actually seeing the little tremble from his fingers.
He was doing good; so good, but he had to just insult the guy and let the mistakes flow.
You've sniffed and felt the tears have subsided. Eyes thoroughly bloodshot as well because of how you've felt the man holding you captive exhale a breath of vexation. Tybalt was mad.
Which gave you a reason to mouth at the bard that he had only one job, one job and he ruined it.
"What did you just call me?" Tybalt seethed like there was fire coming out of his mouth. Forehead creased to the extent that he was tempted for his horns to come out. "Ughm," Jaskier spluttered, eyes rolling elsewhere as he heard footsteps coming closer from behind.
"I'm--I'm--I'm just actually uttering out the most foolish things ever! Just wasting time until a witcher has your head in a platter or more so; cut in half!" Jaskier spun around and saw those two men who has held you was now treading near and his eyes wanted to come out of his eye sockets when he'd seen them scowling.
A tiny shriek came out of the bard as he swallowed his nervousness and swiftly spun and kept his lute behind him.
You've felt Tybalt shifting behind you; fishing for his dagger as you'd remember it from a while ago. "There are no more witchers in this kingdom," he harshly spat with spite, "---If so, Sorceress Ingrith and I would've found him and asked for help,"
The bard halted from backing away from the two men who wanted to corner him, peeking back at Tybalt as his back felt the stone walls and they were looming before him. "What?"
"---So, just let me take her, bard!"
Jaskier was swift enough to dodge out of being cornered, quickly jogging to where you were at arms reach from him as he had his hands on his hips; still having the time to be sassy after being threatened. "No, no! You cannot take her! I second the notion and refuse for you to take her!"
Those two bandits who had eyes on him unsheathed their swords from behind. He'd heard the metal slash out of its home as he felt the tip of the sword from one man on the edge of his neck; like a warning to shut his flowery mouth from even saying anything less.
"Impossible! You are close to being beheaded!" Tybalt scoffed, cackling as he saw the bard tap his foot in anxiety when he'd seen another pair of Tybalt's men emerge from behind you. Jaskier was thinking and also having an internal monologue of feeling the adrenaline rush. There were more; maybe a maximum of nine people who came with the kidnapping monster.
"Oh gods, where is Geralt when we need him," Jaskier mumbled to himself and calmly breathed out of his nose; languidly closing his eyes to keep him from panicking out loud.
Yet, the bard couldn't control it and began to yell for help.
"Fuck!---GERALT! This is no time for your bone aching moments because of how senile you are! You are certainly getting old when you want me bleeding after this just to rescue your darn midget!"
Jaskier was heaving deep breaths as he was having his panic attacks right now. He stared at you with hysteria and thinking if Geralt didn't come too early, he would already be beheaded. You swallowed the fear stuck in your throat for the third time around; patiently waiting for your demise that you had been wishing on the first day but was now dreading the idea of it when you had lived in for days in their dimension.
You thought it would take hours for the witcher to find you; or even days after being captured. But, seeing him make an appearance as he finally turned a corner was the best feeling you've ever felt.
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Now, you know how it feels to be captured then saved by a man who lives in your fantasy. It felt utterly fulfilling and joyous. Specially, when he'd cautiously trudged along with that brooding facade he had.
You were elated to see him; huffing out a breath you were holding for far too long. Too happy as you were saved for the second time; having a chance to live for the second time.
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"Geralt! Oh gods, great timing!" Jaskier yelped when a man roughly kept him still. The witcher came with nothing but his bag of sword strapped behind him and his brooding charm, his anger obvious on his face and a humorless expression.
"Fuck," thus, he deeply snarled beneath his chest; knowing what was bound to happen.
A look you have never seen before; ever. Hence, it was a facial expression you didn't want to encounter because it was as if you felt like he wouldn't bat an eyelid to everyone who would come his way and end up creating a massacre.
It technically resembles the look of destruction.
Geralt stood on the middle of the area, a few meters away from you; thoroughly calm and collected but with a stony-face you didn't want to poke on. Shoulders and chest puffed to an extent that screams strength and resilience. He'd given Jaskier a once over to check if he was okay and based on how talkative he still was; the bard was totally fine.
Then, he'd taken a look at you. Those golden eyes were blazing with indignation. His forehead slowly creasing together so tightly as he realized Tybalt's fingers grabbing onto your roots; a shiny dagger catching his eye that was hidden behind your clothing. Your attention right on the witcher as you didn't realize that it was painstakingly lifting Geralt's tunic in which you wore as the asshole grinned back at him with devilry.
"What took you so long?!" Jaskier still managed to hollered out loud. But, took no answer from the witcher as he squinted his eyes at you who was held captive.
You felt the cold, brisk wind hit your thighs; lately realizing that Tybalt was playing with your clothes like the debauched man that he is as he was slowly lifting the damn tunic and making people see your black underwear which made the man eyed it weirdly. Your heart was hammering out of your chest as you stared back at the witcher who was sending a grimace at the man behind you.
Your eyes was pleading for him to come and get you. Geralt knew and could see it in your eyes and it was making his blood boil for everyone.
"The infamous witcher," Tybalt announced in shock. The tip of his dagger probing at the side of your hip like a warning to never move. Geralt hoarsely gave a groan deep within his chest, languorously unsheathing his sword from behind him and never shifting his eyes away from you.
“---He’d finally shown himself to us! Perhaps, you really aren’t just an epic created by the blue-eyed dunce!” 
The men who held Jaskier was foolishly eyeing the witcher with their faces twisted like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They've seen his face in the parchment paper that they had. Though, Geralt was considered as a myth that was never true. To Jaskier's luck, it was the right time to snatch the blade from one who has held it loosely; spinning on his heel and aiming the nib on his neck with an awkward stance. A triumphant grin given from the bard as his friend continued to gawk at the witcher like he'd seen the heavens.
"We've been finding yer' kind!" Tybalt grinned from ear to ear, feeling the tine of his whetted dagger pointed on top of your hip bone and you felt your blood rise from the adrenaline starting to take over. Your feet shuffled and it took one move for him to yank at your roots that was already throbbing from the soreness, "---Or a particular one! Long white hair, brooding and a stubborn arsehole who keeps on rejecting the king's favors like some notable man!"
You can feel Tybalt sniffing out loud, thus a loud shriek came out of you when he'd vulgarly dropped his head to inhale your scent in between the pillar of your neck which made your face twist in utter disgust because of how peculiar he was acting; like a vampire in the movies who couldn't get enough of your scent. "Oh, hell no! You're no Edward Cullen! I'm also no Bella! You don't glimmer against the sunlight and you're not as pale as I think you are!" you were terror-struck from his actions and tried to fight away from his face that was strapped on the edges of your neck and suddenly felt canines teasing that part of your neck where he wanted to bite, "---OH MY GOD, A VAMPIRE! PLEASE DON'T BITE MY NECK! NOBODY HAS DONE IT YET!"
All hell broke loose as Tybalt plunged his mouth on your neck like a deprived creature; but not giving a bite. Thus, his men rashly took charge from the moment Geralt lifted a foot as he fully drew his blade out from behind; including the man who'd tried threatening Jaskier; leaving the other weaponless man to the bard as they both looked at each other in wonder.
The witcher knew Tybalt was a vampire. A higher one. He sensed it and he knew him.
A knight from the palace was the first to pounce on the witcher with persistence, lunging after Geralt as he dodged his attack and stabbed him from the back with no penitence. His focal point on you and his senses were heightened a lot more than it ever does with a will to keep you from harm.
Without even batting an eyelid, the witcher was aware of the men ambushing him one by one. Second man who had an unlucky fate tried to strike a blow to his upper leg but the witcher was more skilled than the latter and shielded the attack by his sword; the loud metallic retorts when the blades collide with one another, it was ringing in your ears as you felt Tybalt licking a stripe from your nape to your jaw, making you shiver from disgust.
You shrieked out loud as you felt so gross from his ministrations; but never taking your eyes off Geralt who managed to skillfully dodge all blows from the fighters like a virtuoso as he stabbed them to anywhere they were vulnerable and fatal; giving them no chance to live. There was blood, lots of bloodshed happening as Tybalt cackled from behind you; watching his men be killed with one stab of the witcher's sword; amputating them with no pangs of conscience.
He was that dedicated that he'd assassinated five of his men without a blink of his eye.
You've felt the dagger poke at your sides, and you were too distracted on watching the witcher edge closer to where you were as he fought men. You didn't feel Tybalt stabbing you on the hip; not fully sheathing it inside you but it was enough to ignite a loud cry that made Geralt stop and snap his head away from the previous attacker as he fought him off, his Aurum eyes narrowing as he gruffly growled to himself and saw Crimson dripping from your hip to your thigh; tears dripping down the sides of your eyes when you've felt the excruciating pain sting like a damn train hitting you on the face.
Tybalt took a loud whiff as the pungy, metallic smell wafted through the air; from you and from his men that Geralt have slaughtered; his eyes burning you as it has been on you since the start of the fight. "She smells different," your captor mirthfully foretold to the witcher who was quick to cast a sign towards a charging man with a mere use of his palm and it was enough to make you breath hitch as it seemed to look like he just used a spell. It was magic. The man propelled backwards as his head hit the stone wall; knocking him out.  
So, magic really does happen in their world. You silently thought to yourself.
The dagger was slowly being dragged out and it even hurt more than it ever should. You sobbed and felt your knees weakening from the pain because of how low your pain tolerance was. Tybalt dragged the dagger to his mouth, his sharp, long tongue giving himself a little taste of your blood, "---Even tastes different," he grinned, inhaling deep as your focus was on the witcher who penetratingly stabbed a man's mouth; slashing him open in between his head without regret with blood splashing his face and on the ground he stood. His focus on exterminating who comes in his way. Your face was twisting in a cringe by the pain on your hip and by also seeing the gore happening around the area made by the witcher.
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"---Witcher got himself a bizarre woman!" Your captor announced out loud with a laugh when Geralt was finally close enough. Assassinating every bit of his men into lifeless dolls.
No exhaustion was written on his face except for the sweat. There were splutters of human blood soiling his dashing features. He'd relaxed his stance and had his hands on either side of him, palms on show but the other holding his sword, yielding it away from your captor, yet still showing sign that he wouldn't be doing any more violence.
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Jaskier had managed to kick the unarmored man with his foot and hit the butt of the sword on the latter's head, knocking him unconscious as he scanned the whole area with a terrified look on his face.
It was a complete massacre.
The witcher had his eyes solely on you; your eyelashes batting languidly when you've taken a good look at your brawny savior and felt yourself turn jello from the blood pouring out of you. You didn't know if it was already hallucination but there was anger, dismay and fear pouring out of those blazing, golden peepers like he'd already seen the whole event, hoping it wouldn't end the way it was before.
"I take what's mine," Geralt rasped and firmly pressed with that low baritone of his. If one was aware of his change of emotions, you could hear how earnest he sounded as he took cautious steps closer; facial expressions still apathetic and non-readable for the people who sees him. The witcher kept his mouth closed as he breathed and looked away, before keeping a weather eye on you again. His half-tied hair disheveled, dirty and looking greasy from the sweat.
"---Release her," It was a demand from the witcher himself. An ultimatum sent as you've noticed Geralt's fingers tightly wrap around the handle of his silver sword; like he was trying hard not to stab Tybalt who stood behind you because he had you shackled.
Tybalt noticed Geralt who was stealthy prowling to reach you up close and so, he'd positioned his dagger across your neck as you heaved breaths; yanking your head back to show Geralt that he wouldn't think twice in slitting you dead. The witcher was quick to cease his steps when he was a meter away from you; tightly keeping his lips in a straight line as he exhaled a frustrated breath.
"The king will be delighted to see you," Tybalt deliberately observed the witcher from head to foot, shaking his head in disbelief that it only took one woman to kidnap for him to reveal himself from hiding. Your breathing was staggered as you blinked repeatedly back at the witcher as his nose was scrunched to his discontent for everything, "I don't have time for your royal shit," he seethed back at the man; giving him a tight scowl.
Tybalt frowned back at Geralt, feeling the tip of his dagger heavily pressing against the pulse on your neck;  making you whimper, "---But, you wasted your time on killing my men for this useless wench, Witcher."
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"She's...She's a different case," The witcher trailed off as you felt his stare on your face, definitely pining than it ever intended to before he'd given the stink eye to the vampire holding you captive, "---I don't want anything to do with the castle,"
"The prince is slowly losing himself, reaching his demise," Tybalt stressed; worried about the royal family whom he was devoted to for already a decade. Geralt scoffed back with a rude remark, "I don't have anything to do with any of their horseshit, Tybalt. I wasn't the witch who have cursed prince Althalos,"
He said his name out loud, catching you off guard as you peered back at the witcher with an intrigued haze of your bloodshot eyes because he knew him.
"You witchers are fucking useless!" Tybalt groaned and loudly sneered before violently fishing out his dagger. Geralt knew what he was about to do and your life held no value for Tybalt as he had no second thoughts on ending you with a stab to the chest.
Yet, from the moment Tybalt held the dagger over your chest; the witcher was fast enough to cast a sign towards the both of you; dragging you from the force as you were pushed off in the air. Though, Geralt was immediate enough to catch you around your wrist, pulling you to him before you could even fall flat on the ground.
The witcher secured his musclebound arms around you, his sky scraping height thoroughly used as your support as you were holding him for dear life. You didn't know how comforting his warmth was when he carefully sat you down against the stone walls as your vision was starting to spin a horizon.
"Ge...Geralt," you whispered as you heave for long breaths, tightly closing your eyes as you tried to take a good look at the witcher who was crouched in front of you; examining your face for more injuries and too dizzy to realized that he'd tuck a disheveled strand of your hair away from your face to observe your status.
You were probably losing blood, having a panic attack and feeling weak from the stab wound.
Your eyes were just straightaway staring at the witcher; seeing his face contort into pure rancor and you tried to smile despite of the pain. It took a kidnapping for him to finally notice you or even care in giving you his attention and you wanted to laugh by how you needed to shed blood for the witcher to care like this.
It looked entirely pleasing and also satisfying to see him care.
"I'm okay! J-Just bleeding--??" it was a yelp as you tried to move your hips and felt your muscles spasm as it gave you another strike of excruciating pain; making you moan and whimper; looking away from Geralt to inspect the cages for the poor children still in the background.
Jaskier finally got off on his feet, running towards where you were and you've seen him crouch beside the witcher with a look of panic and worry. Never uttering a word as his mind was in a mess at all the blood that was flowing. You languidly blinked; trying to fight off from fainting because you didn't want to fall unconscious. The heat from Geralt's palm cupping your face forcefully made you take a look at him and his expressions were unreadable as per usual, "The...The children,"
Geralt couldn't help but sigh; his face frowning from your words. Despite of being wounded and on the verge of fainting, you were still selfless enough to ask to release the children from their cage. Jaskier blinked at the image in front of him. The witcher was cupping your cheek as he worriedly stared into your eyes and the bard needed to blink to stop himself from watching; lifting himself off his feet to answer your requests. "I-I'll free them!"
The Ivory haired man checked your wounds; seeing Carmine liquid dripping from the wound like a slightly open faucet with every breath you take; staining his dark Tunic till blood was dripping down your unclothed thighs. He'd stood on his feet as he was sure to leave you in a position that would lessen for the blood to spill, his angered; golden eyes scanning the area as to where Tybalt was. But, to his dismay...He was gone.
"Worry no more, children or...women! The witcher has saved the day! Come on now!" the bard hooted as he freed the children; noticing some were teenagers and actually close to being young adults. Some of the women gasped at his words because of the fact that they were saved by a monster slayer who was only capable of taking lives and continued to gawk at the witcher who stood in the middle of the area; seeming to be in a deep contemplation within himself.
Geralt closed his eyes to try and get a scent from the vampire. Though, none. It was never found as the metallic scent of your blood has heightened it all; including those he have exterminated. A low grumble vibrated out of his chest as he sheathed his sword and kept it strapped on his back again despite of all the blood it had.
He thought Tybalt wouldn't have lasted long in the castle; even having the luck on earning a spot in the military forces despite of doing all the dirty work for the royalties. His hatred for the vampire growing back in a bigger fire; adding more wrath because he'd butchered the witcher that worked for the king last time because of certain purposes.
It wasn't a little later that you were being carried in somebody's arms. Based on the long hair hitting your face and the strong scent of blood, you knew it was Geralt. Your arms were feebly encircling his neck as you closed your eyes, fighting off from being knocked out. "I...don't...want to sleep," you saplessly whispered to the witcher who was talking to Jaskier and asking if remembers the healer that was close from the city.
You didn't want to sleep because you were worried that when you wake up, he would be back in being distant again; that everything that has happened was all a dream, being carried and saved by Geralt for the second time as he even had the look that he cared and not actually feel as if you were a baggage to their family.
Your forehead leaned on the witcher's neck as you could feel yourself smile as he'd hummed to inform you that he was listening; putting his attention solely on you alone, "I...I...didn't do anything...mean, right?" you continued to question and whispered against his neck, the beat of your heart skipping a beat despite of how shallow it was sounding right now.
Geralt exhaled a deep breath, giving you the side eye as he tried to peer down at you but it was impossible as you hid on the corner of his neck. A weak smile lifting your lips as you continued and felt your head so light; the words coming out of your mouth completely like a whistle of the wind as you accepted the daydream of talking your thoughts out in the open, "I..I...don't want you hating me..and I don't want you avoiding me...at all costs," the vulnerability of your words can be heard. You were too weak to even feel Geralt swallow that uncomfortable but equitable feeling down his throat as he strode past people who were looking at you in bafflement.
It took one last sigh before Geralt felt your head fall in between his neck in unconsciousness and for the first time, ever again. The witcher was scared.
Thus, you were sure you were thoroughly fond of his presence. As if, you were surprisingly taking more than a liking to a witcher without your consent and unbeknownst to your conscience, it has always been from the start as destiny made it out to be.
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​​ @grungelovebug​​ @fangirl-inthe-us​​ @nympeth​​ @amirahiddleston​​ @gabethelobster​​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​​ @uncoolcloudyhead​​ @melaninstylezz​​ @psychosupernatural​​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​ @marvelousell​​ @kingniazx​​ @angelias134​​ 
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choicesenthusiast · 4 years
Open Heart 2, Ch. 12 AKA Recovery
What happened this week:
A few days after the incident, you’re discharged from the hospital, so visit Rafael at his lovely grandmother’s where she peppers you with snacks in true Brazilian grandmother fashion, and learn that he’s recovering from the incident okay. Except if you go on a walk with him, you learn that he’s also dealing with a lot of survivor’s guilt, and after months of absence and a near-death experience, finally kiss him again. Hopefully this confirms his reinstatement as an LI!
Show up at the cemetery for that funeral scene, for Danny and Bobby. The memorial is just as sad and heartbreaking as you’d expect. Characters are crying. Readers are crying. Everyone’s crying.
At the reception, check up on Sienna, who’s taking this loss especially hard, for good reason. I really want to spend more time with her, especially since she was the closest with Danny. Exploring her reaction would be an excellent direction to take the story (if they can even clean up the 2598 other plots in this book), and may even be a great time for some good social commentary on mental health. Actually, said social commentary can fit in anywhere in this book, and it would be a shame if PB didn’t take this opportunity at all.
Urged to do something, ask Ethan to get over his rivalry and pitch Aurora’s hospital collaboration idea to the board to save both hospitals. Even offer up your job if it saves more people.
Take your LI home (minus Raf), where they break down emotionally, a rare sight for these LIs, and finally do the horizontal tango in a moment of complete emotional vulnerability. That’s right, everyone, the long awaited 30-diamond scene with 75% of the LIs! *Insert 10 million “Congrats on the sex!” gifs*
Remember your landlord, Farley? He sent you flowers earlier. Anyways, he has a suspicious looking rash on his wrist, and you offer to get it checked out pro bono, which means you’ll have to return to the hospital for the first time since the accident. I wonder how it’ll go. I guess we don’t have to wait long to find out.
The LIs of this book are truly EliteTM and I’m so, so happy finally they’re getting their balanced screen time. If the first half of this book went the way it seems to be heading now in terms of LI treatment then we really could have had it all.
Don’t worry Raf stans, at least when you (hopefully) get your scene, he won’t be wheezing through it. Or maybe he will, for a different reason. Haha.
They changed a lot of the narration from the first chapter. I don’t know if I noticed because the first version resonated more with me, but the line about MC looking at the paper and seeing “They say that the people you love are never really gone” was removed. And initially there was only going to be one casket (any guesses on who it was supposed to be? That’s right). I did like the writing in the first one better, though.
Seeing everyone dealing with the trauma and the emotion really hurt hard. Seeing stoic Ethan’s fear, and the always-confident Bryce and Jackie break down in front of you, Sienna angry at the world despite being the most optimistic person in the book, Elijah and Aurora, and Raf and MC’s survivor’s guilt. It was heavy.
Remembering that the funeral was initially meant for Raf made me a whole lot sadder. Imagine the gang crying over him instead? Actually, don’t imagine that. We avoided a huge bullet.
Could MC’s recovery be symbolic of this book’s recovery back into the series we know and loved? Absolutely. Who let me get into the dumb metaphor and symbolism cabinet again? But I’m seriously excited for what’s in store for this book. Things seem to be heading up, and one can only hope for the best.
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Our Do Nothing Day
Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Characters: Bryce Lahela, Casey Valentine, Louis Lahela(OC), Keiki Lahela, Sienna Trinh, Jackie Varma, Elijah Greene.
Rating/Warnings: G/FLUFFY AT ITS FINEST.
A/N: Hi! I am back with a new one, and this is inspired by the legendary show ‘Phineas and Ferb!’ I loved that show so much, and I decide to use one of the songs from the show as an inspo! (I am actually binging P&F songs at the moment lol). I had a pretty rough day with everything that is happening in my life, and...writing really helps a lot and.. writing Bryce especially made a girl happy :) . I hope all of you enjoy it! 
PS- Link to the inspo song, Do Nothing Day  from Phineas and Ferb! Also, the gif is somehow not from the inspo episode , since the real one can’t be found! I apologize for any grammar mistakes and all! Enjoy! 
Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball​​ , @storyofmychoices​​ , @jaxsmutsuo​​ , @mvalentine​​ , @princess-geek​​ , @lahellacute​​​ , @kacie-0156​​​ , @simp-for-villains​​​ , @annekebbphotography​​​ , @brycelahel​​​ , @mrsbhandari​​​ , @dcbbw​​​ , @choicessa​​​ , @choices-confessions​ , @aylamwrites​​ , @fantasyoverreality98​
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 A day off is rare for both of the doctors since they aren’t used to a free day without emergencies surrounding them. They decide to have the day for the two of them since, with Louis being born and their hectic shifts, they haven’t gotten to chance to have much alone time with one another. 
The day was early, as the knock on the door was heard. Casey happily opened the door to be greeted with her friends, and a smiling Keiki waiting outside their door. All of her friends made their way inside to the apartment, as they settled in. 
‘All of them agreed on watching Louis, as Keiki wanting to spend more time with her nephew. Louis is growing every day, and Keiki had vowed on not wanting to miss a thing after he was born. 
Bryce walks into the living room, with 2-year-old Louis fresh out of the bath. He is smiling happily at the sight of the company, especially when Keiki holds her arms out to hold him. Louis accepted her arms happily, as the two of them bond away. 
Casey smiles at the sight of them, as her friends are trying to entertain Louis with the help of Keiki. Bryce took a cup of coffee that was made, as his eyes follow her direction.
‘We are really lucky to have them.’ 
Casey nods, as she took a sip of the coffee once more before she placed it in the dishwasher. 
‘We do. Your sister is something else, Bryce.’ 
A smile appears on his face, as his eyes followed Keiki who is singing along to the nursery rhymes on the television with Louis happily clapping his hands. Sienna and Elijah were singing in harmony whilst Jackie just let out a sigh followed by a laugh at the commotion in front of her. 
Bryce and Casey said goodbye to Louis and the others, as they started their date for the day. Casey pulls out her phone, as she examined each plan she had for the day while he shook her head at her.
‘They say if you plan. Life tends to end up pretty badly y’ know.’ Bryce stated as he placed an arm around his wife.
Casey shook her head, as she leaned into his touch.
‘Nope, not true! I have lived my life to plan everything, and… it went by perfectly.’ Casey stutters a bit as she walks faster with Bryce besides her who just nodded at her argument.
They made their way to a local theme park she found on the web. She did a few research as she wanted to make this day perfect, for both herself and Bryce. Casey felt herself being optimistic, as she scatters on forward only to be stopped by the long line in front of them. 
‘Wha-? How?! I saw the posts, they said people won’t be coming today!’ Casey lets out a sigh as the line in front of them was very very long.
‘Hey, it’s okay. We can do something else, as long as we are together okay?’ Bryce reassures her, as Casey felt a bit better. They left the theme park, as Casey pulled up the list once more to their next destination. The theatre, and unfortunately. All the tickets were sold out as well. She is still standing tall, as Bryce giving her thumbs up in a supporting manner. Moving on to the next destination, the city aquarium. As they said, third time’s a charm, right? But… little did they know, the aquarium was closed for renovations as they arrived at the entrance. 
Casey smiles falter as the sign says, ‘Closed for renovations.’ Bryce stopped in his tracks at the sign, as he glances at Casey who is looking disappointed. Casey felt given up, as she sat on the sidewalk. Bryce followed suit, as he sat beside her. 
‘You are right as always, ugh!’ Casey lets out a groan and she buried her face in her hands. 
Bryce rubs her back slowly before he could say anything. Both of their phones beep in unison, as they took it out at the same time. 
Both of them receive a message from their friend’s group chat and Keiki, with various pics of Louis playing with his toys and happily smiling from the pics. One of the pics that stood out to them is the one with Keiki holding Louis in her arms, as he is smiling widely. There was a video attached to the group chat, as Casey played it.
Sienna’s voice could be heard, as she is holding the phone.
‘Hi, Louis, smile for the camera honey!’ Sienna called out to him, as he jumps happily in Keiki’s arms.
Louis was facing the camera, as he jumped happily. Keiki is holding his arm, as a small attempt to wave at the camera. 
‘Louis said, have fun to mommy and daddy!’ She said as Louis moves his little arms slowly as an attempt of waving to the camera before the screen fades. 
Casey felt a smile appear on her face, as she played the video once more. Bryce did the same, as he pulled her into his arms as they stood silently on the pavement. 
‘It’s not your fault Cas, you didn’t know.’ He rubbed her back as she leaned her head on his shoulders.
‘I know… I wanted today to be perfect for us.’ Casey’s voice is small as she lets out a sigh.
‘It’s already perfect with you here okay?’ He reassures her once more as her smiles appear once more.
Bryce’s face lit up as an idea dawned on him. He stood up, as she followed suit. 
‘I have an idea, let’s go.’ 
They drive for half an hour, as they finally arrived at the spot. It was already evening, as they reached the destination. There were parents and kids are having fun, vendors were selling food, and they even had a stage set for performing along with a projector where the kids were watching Phineas and Ferb happily. The place has its charms as Casey’s eyes went wide at the beauty of the whole place.
‘How did you find this place?’ 
Bryce shrugs as they started to walk towards the entrance. The places weren’t as packed as the theme park, but… the sight of it had made her smile as her eyes traveled through the whole landscape of the place. 
Casey was mesmerized by the whole place that she left Bryce behind, as she stopped as smelled the flowers. There was a variety of them, as she took a couple of photos for future-keeping. She turns around, as she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Her head turns, to be meet with Bryce who was holding a picnic basket and a bundle of flowers in his hands. Casey felt her eyes widen at it all.
‘How did this get here?!’ Casey asked in disbelief gesturing to the basket and the flowers. He passed the flowers towards Casey, as she accept it happily. 
‘I magically appear it on my own.’ Bryce replies happily as Casey groans at him. He shakes his head, as he walks forward leaving her behind. She immediately runs towards his direction, as he leads them to an empty spot a few feet away from the projector area where the kids were happily watching the show.
The spot was empty, as Bryce pulls out a blanket from the basket. He places it down the grass, as they sat down happily. The sight of it all made Casey happy. The kids running around, as bubbles were floating into the sky. It somehow felt like it was taken from a movie.
Bryce lays out the food, as Casey glances at him with gentleness in her eyes. 
‘You are amazing, you know that?’ Casey said as she took a bite from the deliciousness in front of her.
‘Hey, I did what I can. We deserved this, and it feels amazing to just… settled down for a while.’ Bryce said happily as they sat continue eating. After the food is done, Casey lays her head on his shoulders as they watched Phineas and Ferb as the park was doing a marathon of old episodes. She smiled at the sight of the classic show, which is one of her favorites growing up.
‘I remember every detail about this episode!’ Casey said as she is reminiscing her whole childhood through that one episode.
‘Is that so? Tell me what happens next.’ Bryce challenges her, like the scene where the dinosaur slide that Candace is building starts to fly away. 
‘Alright, the dinosaur would land at the town’s fair where Candace’s boyfriend, Jeremy, and his band are performing there.’ Casey said with full confidence as she observes the scene closely and, lets out a whoop as she nailed it.
‘Fine, fine. Never underestimate the one and only Casey Lahela.’ He said as he kissed her cheek. 
They sat in silence as the song started to play from the episode, which is one of Casey’s favorite song from the whole series. Honestly, all of the songs from the show are amazing, like… good. But, this one stood out to her today somehow, as she is having a good and relaxing day-off with the love of her life as Jeremy sings the lyrics that describe their day perfectly.
Slow down and look around you (all around)
Throw your to-do list away
The clouds look like sheep and vice versa
On a do-nothing day (on a do-nothing day) 
On a do-nothing day.
The episode ends with the credits, as the song was played once more. Casey sang along to the lyrics as she reminisces the day they had today… she would learn a thing a two of living in the moment with Bryce. She didn’t worry much as they have a whole lifetime together to enjoy the ride. But, right now. 
She took a glance at him, as the world around them fades. 
‘This is the best day ever.’ She whispered to him, as he lets out a small laugh at the statement.
‘Are you sure? What about our wedding day? Or… the day Louis is born?’ He raised an eyebrow as an attempt to play with her.
‘It’s in the top-five list alright!’ She lays her foot down with that statement as they are finally ready to call it a day.
The sun is setting, as they made their way back home. It wasn’t the perfect date she had planned out instead, its something entirely different. It was their do-nothing-day and, Casey looks forward to more days like this with her family in the future. 
A/N #2: I hope all of you enjoy it! Thank you so much for reading it! - A
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Forgotten Birthday [Jooheon and Changkyun]
This is part of the daddy!au.
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With her fiance, Jooheon, out of the country on tour with his band and her family back home in New York, Jackie filled all her time in her job and the wedding planning. Due to her focus, she hadn’t even realized that her birthday was just around the corner.
Even though Jackie didn’t realize her birthday neared, Jooheon did and when he realized that she didn’t talk about any plans for her birthday Jooheon knew she had forgotten. He was looking forwards to her birthday as he had planned a birthday surprise that would give her a good shock.
It was a week before Jackie’s birthday and she was preparing for a flight to somewhere she didn’t know. Phoebe refused to tell her anything asides they were traveling overseas and needed her passport. It wasn’t just Phoebe and her, but Amanda was going with them as she was the main planner with Jooheon in the surprise.
Jackie wasn’t able to keep her plane ticket with her as it would ruin the surprise as Phoebe said after she snatched the ticket from her. The trio boarded the plane and headed off to New York something the pilot had announced on the overhead speakers.
“We’re going to New York?” Jackie asked in confusion.
Phoebe looked up from her book and shook her head, “Yes, because we have to change flights.” She could lie so easily with that smile on her lips. Jackie said nothing as she relaxed in her seat and fell asleep.
Once they landed in New York they grabbed their bags and headed to the check point.
The three got out of the check point after an hour and a half of waiting for their turn. Jackie stretched, “Where to next? What’s the next flight?”
Phoebe pointed ahead, “Our next destination is over there.”
Jackie looked where Phoebe pointed. Her eyes widened as she saw a giant sign HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACQUELINE ALONDRA GUERRA! There were a couple of balloons and the one hold the sign was none other than her family. Jackie let go of her suitcase as she took off towards her family and jumped into her brother’s arm.
The other two girls headed over, Phoebe hugged Jackie’s family as Amanda introduced herself to them. After all the introductions were done with, the group headed to the cars and to Jackie’s home where she found out this was all her birthday surprise.
The day of her birthday, Jackie was awoken by Amanda who ushered her downstairs to eat before the two, Phoebe, and Jackie’s mom headed to a flea market. One of Jackie’s favorite places to go to.
While shopping around the flea market, Jackie lost her mom and friends. Not that she minded, she could get lost in the unique items through the store to keep her attention for hours. She picked up a statue of an elephant and admired the intricate design when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She had expected it to be Phoebe or the others as she spun around, “Look at this cuuuu…” She trailed off as she was staring at her fiance. “Jooheon” she let out a breathless sound as she spoke his name.
“Hey, birthday girl!” He smiled as he waved at her. Forgetting about the slightly heavy elephant in her hand, she threw her arms around his shoulders and jumped on him. He held her with ease as he hugged her back, “I take it you missed me.”
Jackie felt her eyes water as she shook her head. She’d never admit something as silly as missing her fiance who was only gone for two months.
Jooheon chuckled, “Really? Because I missed you every single day.”
Jackie put her feet on the ground as she pulled away from him, “Why are you here?”
“What do you mean? We have a concert here in two days. It’s our day off, so we’ve split up to travel and see things.” He took the elephant from her, “Don’t you have enough elephants at home?”
Jackie clicked her tongue as she brushed her hair off her shoulder, “I could never have enough elephants.” Jooheon wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he handed the elephant back to the seller so he could purchase it. “Wait, you don’t have to buy it. I was just looking.”
Jooheon handed the cash over as the seller placed the elephant in a box and handed it back to Jooheon. He grinned as he lead her away, “This will be part of my birthday gift to you.”
“Part?” Her eyebrow rose.
“Well flying you out here was another part, but I have one more part.” He made his way to Kihyun and Hyungwon who were with their loved ones and Jackie’s mom. “We’re going to have a great time celebrating your birthday.”
Jackie tried to keep from smiling too much as she brushed off his words with a shrug, “Sure, that’s fine. Whatever.” Her words only made the others laugh as they lead her out the market and towards the last of her birthday surprise.
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McKenzie was always the first one to announce her birthday days before it actually came up. It was something her husband, Changkyun, found absolutely adorable. So when it was a two days before her birthday and McKenzie made no announcement, he wondered what was wrong, but didn’t voice it. He couldn’t blame her, they were so busy. Aside from having their year old son around, they were preparing for their biggest move ever as they were a week from moving to California.
So when the day of her birthday came, Changkyun noticed how McKenzie went about the day as a regular stressful day. She entered the empty living room with their year old son in her arms, “Babe, I’m going to go grocery store to buy some baby supplies and food for the next week. You wanna come?”
He looked up from the tv with a guilty smile, “I made plans with the guys. Since we’re leaving soon I wanted to hang out with them a little.”
“That’s fine. You boys have fun–” she turned to Minkyun, “and you get to be with mommy all day long!” She cooed. Her nose rubbed against her son’s.
Changkyun chuckled as he got off the couch and approached his little family, “Be safe.” He watched McKenzie leave with their son and he pulled out his phone. “She left. Let’s go.” His eyes were trained on the suv pull away from the house and his lips pulled to a smile.
When McKenzie got home, she put away the groceries while Minkyun was down for a nap. After she was done she got a text from her cousin, Marcie, who wanted to meet up with McKenzie for lunch. McKenzie packed the baby bag, carefully picked up her sleeping son, and headed out to the location. From there the two moms and their babies went out walking, light shopping, and just hung out.
McKenzie drove the four of them to her home by sunset. “I’m sure Changkyun is still out for the day. You guys wanna stay the night here?”
Marcie smiled, “I’d love to, but we’re leaving Korea mid-afternoon and with Tyler-” she let out a sigh. “I understand why parents hate dragging their kids on a plane. When he’s hungry, he’s hungry and he let’s us know. It’s so awkward breastfeeding on a plane too!” She complained as she got out of the car and retrieved her son.
McKenzie let out a laugh as she did the same and got out Minkyun. “That’s one of my biggest fears when Changkyun and I head out to San Diego. The flight time makes me nervous, but I know Changkyun will help me.”
“Oh yea, without Mark, I don’t know what I’d do. He immediately covers me when I need to feed Tyler or when he cries when we’re asleep on the place, Mark takes him from me and entertains him. I love that man.”
McKenzie let out an awe as she unlocked the front door, “He’s super sweet. I don’t know how you ha–”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Poppers went off and McKenzie let out a shriek. Minkyun began to cry as McKenzie looked to see her friends in the now full and decorated living room.
Changkyun went over to his wife and son. He picked up Minkyun to calm him as McKenzie was absorbing the scene in front of her, “What is all this?”
“Your birthday surprise” Changkyun grinned.
Marcie handed Tyler off to Mark as she took her cousin’s shoulders in her hands, “You couldn’t leave Korea without one last birthday party. So, Changkyun called us all up to help set up the party.”
McKenzie’s eyes watered and she wiped her eyes before her tears fell, “You guys… That’s why you came in? It’s just a birthday.”
Bailey scoffed, “Just a birthday for an amazing woman. It has to be celebrated!”
Melly jumped on McKenzie as she hugged her, “Today it’s only us. Tomorrow, we’re celebrating with all the girls.” McKenzie hugged Melly back. “Come on! You got lots of gifts. I don’t even know how you’re going to pack them all up either.” Melly released her from the hug as she pulled her further into the living room to see a pile of gifts.
After the party ended and the guests were gone, McKenzie put Minkyun to bed as Changkyun finished cleaning up the left over trash. When she returned to the living room, she saw Changkyun relaxing on the couch. She smiled as she walked over and threw herself beside him. His hand instantly wrapped around her shoulder pulling her close.
“Thank you for the birthday party. I loved it” she looked up at Changkyun who leaned down and pecked her lips.
“Of course. I wanted to give you the greatest birthday you could have. You deserve the best.” He rubbed her shoulder, “Happy birthday, my love.”
McKenzie’s eyes twinkled, “Thanks, babe.” She pecked his lips once more before she curled into him and the two reminisced on their life together in Korea.
Part I | Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
4 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x14 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  good night babe
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
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Giulia: Splash
14x14 Ouroboros
Zee: Can’t relive this. With Jack
Nat: I cry
Zee&Giu: I believe in us
Nat: Fuck this
Giulia: Ok sam
Zee: I do believe in us
Giulia: I ain’t got enough coffee in my blood
Zee: The end?? How dare he?
[ Retro French pop music plays ] IS THIS A THING NOW?
Nat: Uhh...Mexico, Ellaaaa
Zee: Giuls, thoughts??
I see no wrongdoing here. The pasta is being dump into the water while it’s boiling. Garlic! YUM. That looks like too much sauce for that much pa- let’s be honest here, once can never be have too much sauce who cares. Ok I see olive oil, yellow bell pepper ( which is the best one ok) , garlic, onions, zucchini, and I think there’s parmigian cheese and *disgusted sound* cilantro, and a body....
Nat: Well, isn't that tasty
Giulia: ...I’M HUNGRY
Zee: Strike that
Nat: Fresh liver
Nat: NO
Oh he’s making like fried liver, that was not cheese but grated bread ok ok I see you THAT LOOKS TASTY( you forgot the flour tho ok)
Nat: I'm more grossed out by the liver than the snake
Zee: Excuse me while I barf
Theeeey’re HEEEEEERE
Nat: Ohhh... babes
Zee: Shut. The. Fuck. Up
Giulia: those look tasty too
Creepy motherfucker , who is weirdly making me tingling with his cooking skill, : time to go Felix.
Giulia: I WISH
Nat: NO How about no, He just left his meal cooking. Could burn the house down
Giulia: yeah real rude. Killing people and burning houses down
Nat: Mmmhh...snack
Giulia: Omg Jack’s plaid coat. Jack has amazing coats game y’all.
Nat: snacks
Zee: Three of them
oh...now they are all 4 of them ?
Nat: all of them,  well, no except one
Zee: Jack is a baby
Dean has a surprisingly soft steps. 
C: Oh no
I know Cass baby, that bitch fucked up a perfectly good pasta that’s what he did.
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Giulia: Dean is us
D: Yeah who just let themselves be eaten?
Giulia: I’d let myself be eaten by you 
D: My money is on witchcraft.
R: Och, you, always blaming witches
D: Cause a lot of times is witches
Rowena basically : I was minding my glorious business when you whiny bitches called to beg for my help
D: Well we’ve been chasing this guy for weeks. What’s your point
Nat: Awww...Deano calm yo tits
Nat: Dean tossing things is my kink
Zee: Kinks again Nat?
Nat: Can you blame me? I'm FINE
Giulia: Hello castiel
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R: Not enough Pantera posters for one.
Dean looking almost amused
Giulia: Coughing jack is my (1) fear
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Jack: I’m fINe , I’M NoT dYinG . 
Nat: yeah, right, Jack
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Nat: Dean..please!
R: Darling boy, everything means something.
Giulia: Be a dear and bring the snakeskin
Sam and Rowena research date night
R: You say [high pitched voice] ‘oh it’s just some magic and you think I’d leave it at that?’
Nat: Ahh..Sam puffing his chest
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R: I’m more curious about how your brother is managing to keep an archangel locked away inside his mind.
S: Because....he’s Dean [read this as Batman]
Giulia&Zee: Dean is dean
Zee&Giulia: He’s fine
Zee: Giuls. Shut up
Giulia: Zee 🖕🏻
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Look at them HAAAAANDS cradling the mug.
D: You know, I got to say, I got a pretty good feeling about bringing Rowena in on this one. I think her and Sam have a chance of cracking it.
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me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
C: They do have many books.
D: Yes, they do.
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Zee: Worried husband
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C: Hey Dean...
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D: I’m fine....
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ok ok ok ...I ADORE this shot! you’ll see this often in my feed , just fyi
C: What you're doing, even just sitting here and having a cup of coffee, is a Herculean feat. I can't imagine the willpower
Giulia: hey dean. Oh how I adore how he talks  
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[Jack dying in the bathroom]
[Jack spitting blood] 
me : *stares in the distance, lost in my ptsd vietnam episode*
Zee: Are you really fine?
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Cas is like.... DONT U LIE TO ME, i have no right to tell you this because of a recent stupid thing I did but DON’T LIE TO MY FACE
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Zee: That’s what I’m supposed to say
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D: ...That’s what we all say
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Dean’s like.... yeah ok he can read right through me.
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[ starting operation ‘ let’s lower our walls’ in 3....]
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Giulia: Still even more convinced that they will use michael grace on jack
Giulia: Those eye lines are ruining me
D: There's this pounding in my head. It never stops. 
Castiel’s face:
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D:  Michael's in there, and he is fighting hard to get out.
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D: And I can't let my guard down... not for a second.
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Me: I’ll cheer to that bro
C:  Well, that is not sustainable.
D: ....It's on me.
C: We are here to help you.
me: *SOBS*
D: I know that, and I appreciate that. I do.
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Nat: fuck this
Zee: That kid is gonna die in the fucking bathroom
Nat: IF... IF.... IF
D: If you don’t ....
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D: We still have plan B
Nat: Fuck plan B
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Zee: Coffin Ocean Done
Nat: NOT even plan B likes Plan B
Jack’s like : yo you finished with the eye fucking and feelings sharing so I don’t feel embarrassed by you two in public? 
Castiel’s like : I’m out with two problematic kids who don’t tell me nothing
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Giulia: We are fiNe
C: Okay, um...these killings -- it seems like there's a ritualistic quality to the crime scenes, right? It's almost liturgical.
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Zee: Greek there for ya
Giulia: thank you Mr.Portokalos 
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D: Ah yeah. See that one I knew.
Dean...you cute fucker I swear
J: Anyone who could do this is a monster...I mean, even if they're human.
D: Looks like Sam and Rowena have something
Nat: Sam and Rowena have something wink wink
THEY DOOOOO ? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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D: This is like an A.V. Club presentation.
J: What's an A.V. Club?
C: It's a special group for people who do not play sports.
Giulia: I love the av club, where do I sign in?
Dean points at Cas “He’s the av club” [insert Oprah gif]
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Giulia: IM DEAD
also how does Cas knows that? was that included in Metatron’s pop culture packet?
Nat: Of course he'll know
Zee: Jack is precious
R: Excuse me, boys, but this is a bit more pressing than your hilarious banter.
Excuse me Rowena , nothing is more pressing than their hilarious banter
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Giulia: clash of the titans. (Not gonna lie, I almost wrote clash of the tits). Just fyi
Zee&Nat: Of course you did
R: You know about Medusa?.
I’m sorry but....everyone knows about Medusa.  Ok ok this was mainly for the giggles and all because, you bet your ass that Dean would know who the fuck Medusa was, STOP MAKING DEAN THIS DUMB WHEN IT’S NOT REALISTIC.
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Giulia: How caffeine is working
Nat: Because why else should the writers write this episode
Nat: Definitely...anything you want. Get on your knee. lol
Giulia: ...ooooh i can smell all the meta from here
Nat: They all gay for dick
Well Nat I guess….I mean... ...well that’s...that’s the goal
Giulia: U would all be gay for them
Nat: you not wrong
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Giulia: MMMMMM
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Zee: Fucking hell
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Now turned on and scared Guy : No SIR
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yeah that’s right call me Sir
Nat: Psycho penpal
Y’all my psycho text pals tho
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Nat: you're not his type
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R:For the record, I don't love being included on his little hit list.
S: Apparently he can’t see angels
J: I’m not an angel
D: Close enough
C: So, if Jack and I approach Noah on our own, we -- we may surprise him.
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Zee: Happily surprised moose
Giulia: i’d get sloppy....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Zee: I’m here for Sam’s short shirt
I’m here for them short of clothes 
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Nat: OMG
S: We -- We think he might have eaten something.
R: "We think"? "We think"? He means that it's my fault for not keeping an eye on the poor dear. He thinks that everything is my fault.
S: Can we not fight in front of the vet?
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S: I mean, I guess it's not entirely your fault that you looked away!
R: He blames me for everything! I let his mother ride the Jet Ski one time!
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Nat: Wee Jackie Boy
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Giulia: I CAN T
Zee: Sam got a dog and it’s his “son”
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S: What are you doing?
R: Oh, I mean, I realize it's not...[Deep voice ]...pretending to be the FBI. [Normal voice] But there are other ways of doing things, Samuel. Plus...I thought my performance was quite magnificent.
Zee: The thermometer
Giulia: i bet he liked being a dog 
Giulia: *seeing just now Zee’s thermometer text*  THIS IS HORRIBLE TIMING
Nat: Did Jack just get something in his ass for this
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Nat: YES
J: Just wish I could've got it before she took my temperature.
Giulia: ...he took one for the team.
R: Oh, uh, a moment, Samuel. What did you do to that boy?
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R: It's volatile magic, powerful, and it's stitched to him like some kind of parasite.I was curious before, but now I am worried, so I'll ask you again, Sam What did you do?
I can’t believe Rowena is lecturing Sam, and being right too
R: using dangerous, mysterious magic, regardless of the cost, that's a very on-brand me thing to do.
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Nat: She's still so much shorter than him standing on the curb
Zee: Everyone is shorter than him
R: Of course, Samuel. Until very recently, I was the villain.
So I ordered this SamWitch extra spicy I guess.
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Meanwhile scarred Jack :
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Nat: That guy is creepy
Giulia: He’s so flamboyant loves every minute of it
Zee: That gorgon is a total bitch
Noah: "Helpless men" -- that's rich. No, I do eat ladies, too, but women have become so cautious lately. Must be all that finally waking up from centuries of misogynistic oppression. Good for them. Bad for you.
Nat: Ok but I like that
D: But if we cut off their head, then is more creatures gonna crawl out?
Ok but ...hey...legit question
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knock first , kick doors later
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Zee: Enter the angel of the lord
Noah a bit turned on and scared
Nat: does he do anything else
Nat: NO fair
Noah : demi-god actually
Zee: I’m a lover not a fighter
Nat: Slapping
Zee: Oh he didn’t
Nat: NO cas
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#mood  #same
Nat: wHAT
Giulia: NO , WHAT
Zee: Real pleasure
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Zee: Why is he kicking their asses?
Giulia: Stop making him bump his head
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Zee: Fuck yeah
Zee: My baby is hurt
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Zee: Swallow Cas
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Nat: I can't even see
this is painful 
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Zee: Look how precious jack is
Nat: Dean's still too tall for the bed
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Sam asking Rowena what to do is making me weak.
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Giulia: GOD DAMN IT. I CHOKED . that was scary
Nat: that's what she said
Nat: Cas wants to make up for it
[VIDEO] because I’m a sucker for these moments and you need to appreciate them more.
Giulia: We do too Jack
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Zee: Special humans
Nat: sometimes we forget that too
Zee: Humans burn bright
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Giulia: They are still human
Giulia: For a very brief time
Zee: He have to carry on
Giulia: DAMN CAS
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Nat: Jack has it right
Zee: It will hurt
Nat: Stop talking like that CAs
This scene is one of the best one , I can’t 
Zee: Can Cas shut up already?
Giulia: MY GOD CAS
Nat: Jack calm yo tits
Giulia: He s keeping the snake . LUCIFER SON IS KEEPING THE SNAKE. I DON T LIKE IT
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Giulia: what is th
Zee: He woke up alright
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Giulia: The screaming
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Zee: He out
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Nat: He's gone?
Nat: NO
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Giulia: OH SHIT
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Giulia: OH FUCK
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Giulia: FUCK
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Zee: Shut the fuck up
Giulia: OH SHIT
Nat: Michael!Rowena x Sam
Giulia: NOT NOW NAT!
Giulia: SHUT UP NAT .i can t watch this
Nat: Always taunting him. "come on sam, you can go harder than that, boy" .OH GOD SHUT UP NAT
Zee: I fucking love him
M: It didn’t work out. It was him, not me.
Michael making promises.....DOESN’T WORK.
R: I’ll live either way
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Zee: Sam is gonna off me
R: ..which makes dinner a little awkard
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Nat: Fuck this
Nat: how can americans watch it with commercial breaks?
M: Burning off your soul? You'll run out soon enough.
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Giulia: i have no idea what to do
Giulia: How dare u
M: I am the commander of the host!   I am the cleanser of worlds!  I will not be challenged by a child!
You are a drama queen , that’s what you are
Nat: Of course
J: I'm not a child! I'm the son of Lucifer. I'm a Hunter. I am a Winchester!
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Giulia: JACK
Zee&Nat: I am a Winchester
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Nat: OH did he just swallowed Michael's grace
nat doN’T BE NASTY
J: Michael is dead
I don’t trust it
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Nat: I'm confused
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[after credits comments]
Giulia: PROMO. NOW
Zee: What??!!
Nat: I'm confused
Nat: Someone hold me
Zee: There there pats your back
Nat: I have no idea and I didn't like it
Zee: Hello. Are you new to SPN ?
Nat: What Michael is dead? Are we supposed to believe that?
Zee: No
Giulia: Jack worries me tho. And ya know the last ep of the season is called “Jack in the box”
Zee: Don’t go there
Giulia: How I cannot
Zee: Don’t know. Just don’t
Zee: You’ll never get off
Giulia: That what he said
Zee: Stop it
Giulia: Fuck u all
And fuck spn
And dean
And sam
And cas
And fucking jack
I can t
*throw tables out the window*
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day    @4evamc      @dammitsammy    @legendary-destiel  @winchesterprincessbride   @destielhoneybee   @castiellover20  @jacks-word-of-the-day @ravenhg @evvvissticante 
65 notes · View notes
clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
The Gauge Gifter: Finale
When Jack walked into the living room around noon time, as expected he saw each and every one of the egos in there, too, either standing around or sitting on the sofa or floor. He smiled as he took notice of the gauges they all had on.
“Hey fellas, nice piercings!”
“Zhank you, my friend,” Henrik chuckled, although a frown settled on his face as he rolled up his sleeve and checked his watch. “Huh, it’s noon already.”
“I still got 11:59 on my watch, Doc,” Chase told him. “You might be a little behind.”
“Ugh, who gives a shit what time it is?” Anti hissed, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance as he brandished his knife. “We’re all here, aren’t we?” He surveyed the room, seeing his fellow egos talking to each other and sharing the other gauges and notes they received. “Where is this so-called Gauge Gif-?”
“Hey guys~”
One by one, all of them fell silent as they looked towards the front door, eyes widening when they saw it was none other than-
You blinked in surprise, chuckling and putting your hands up. “Hey, hey, one at a time now.” Lowering them, you smiled sweetly at the egos, fiddling with one of your own gauges. It was completely black and had a [f/c] spiral. “I see you all love your little gifts~”
“W-Wait..you were the one who gave us all of these?” Marvin gawked. “I mean..this was so nice and we love them so much. But…why?”
“I figured I’d help spread the PMA around.” You grinned, unable to mask the happiness in your tone of voice. “I’ve noticed that some of you have been feeling down in the dumps as of late..” Your gaze flickered to Chase, who smiled back at you with tears in his eyes.
“So I decided to give you guys some nice gauges and some reminders of how awesome all of you are. Then just for fun I added those little clues at the end so you had something to do while I was away~”
At first, nobody moved nor said a word as they took in everything you just revealed to them.
Then Jack walked over to you and smiled, bringing you into a hug which you happily returned. “Thank you so much, [y/n],” he whispered, squeezing you tight. “I guess me chantin’ “PMA” nonstop finally got to your head, huh?”
“Maybe,” you chuckled as you let go of each other. “But I just..want this to be a good year..for all of us.” You looked back at the egos. “We may already be two months in but it’s never too late to start on a clean slate.”
“That’s really sweet of ya,” Angus nodded, although he frowned slightly. “But…weren’t ya all the way across the ocean or somethin’? How did ya manage to leave these for us and not blow your cover?”
“Let’s just say..Dark and Wilford owed me a favor.” You shrugged. “I won’t go into details but basically..they were able to teleport me in and out of here and erase any trace of my presence.”
“So that’s why I was unable to detect any prints..” S-3-4-N realized, looking down at his hands. “..at least now I know it wasn’t due to some flaw in my code..”
“But that…a-all of this that you did, just for us and for the sake of spreading PMA is phenomenal, [y/n],” Jackie smiled brightly, being the next person to give you a bear hug. “We can’t thank you enough.”
You simply chuckled and returned the embrace, before you let go and allowed the others to come up to hug you or thank you next.
Even Anti did after some encouragement. He walked towards you with a bored expression, putting his arms around you in an awkward hug. You did the same, sighing softly and patting his back.
In your mind, you knew that the demon will shove you away after a few seconds and glitch back to his room.
Much to your surprise, though, he was still hugging you.
“Why me, though?”
Everyone froze at the glitch’s question.
“What do you mean, Anti?” You asked him, confused, although you felt him tremble a bit as he rested his head on your shoulder. In that same moment you could feel tears start to soak your clothing.
“Wh-Why did ya include me in this…this stupid…PMA bullshit, too?” He sniffled. “It’s not like it’ll..f-fuckin’ work on me. I-I don’t….g-get…what dumbass would th-think I’m worthy of a-any kind of-?”
“Me of course.” Your smile returned as you held him close, rubbing his back comfortingly. “Believe me when I say that you are worthy of having some PMA in your life, just as much as everyone in this room does. Give it time and it will work its magic. I promise.”
Anti didn’t answer, but given how tightly he was hugging you, it was clear that he understood and held onto each and every word you just said to him.
The others remained silent as they all observed the touching scene with smiles on their faces, already feeling the positive vibes circulating in the air. All of them knew that it was gonna be a good year for them.
Even Jack had tears in his eyes, seeing that you managed to spread that PMA he always talked so passionately about…
In the best possible way.
Previous Summary -
Sooooo yep!! That’s it! That’s the end of this lovely mini-series, lovelies~!! I hoped you all enjoyed it. I surely enjoyed writing this~
Just remember to keep a
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resbang-bookclub · 6 years
AMA Transcript: Close Your Eyes
Next up, @redphlox​ & @mrsashketchum​ stopped by to chat about their Resbang, Close Your Eyes. Here’s some of what went down:
Q: What inspired the concept behind the fic?
redphlox: WELL, I've had the idea to write a left-at-the-altar fic for a while, but I never quite had it envisioned in my mind scene/plot wise. I only had the premise. Then this year I decided to research wedding planning and ask my married friends [about] their wedding planning experience, and after brainstorming/talking it out with @professor-maka​ I had a solid idea finally. I love writing about emotions, especially coming-of-age/working through difficult situations, but writing this was difficult because I've never been in that situation (being left at the altar) so it was a journey.
Q: Mak, what went into how you chose which scenes to art/gif?
Mak (mrsashketchum): I actually had to work closely with Julie on what scenes to art and for the animatic :D But for the first piece, I really loved the bathtub scene and I thought it was such a unique challenge for me to draw the backgrounds and to bring the scene to life visually :0 If it makes sense?
redphlox: Mak drew the bathtub scene first right after she read the first chapter, like she mentioned, and we worked on picking out the scene for the icon collage together! I had the characters closing their eyes during specific moments and wanted to highlight those, and Mak brought them to life!
Q: Jackie/Soul brotp is a thing that you've created in not only this fic but some of your past ones as well! What inspired that? :D
redphlox: I LOVE Jackie so much, I think it's because I see her as a snarky, quietly sarcastic type that I relate to, so writing her with grumpy ass Soul just makes sense to me. They both are so reticent in canon, it just fits to me to put them together and have them be BFFs :D
Q: Mak, what made you decide to do an animatic?? It was so cool I looooved it.
Mak (mrsashketchum): I enjoy making animatics so much and I've always wanted to be a storyboard artist. I've also been planning to make an animatic anyway for Resbang, but when I saw Julie's fic summary I knew that the animatic was absolutely something I wanted. And I thought a trailer-like thing would go very well with the story? (This is definitely not because of watching so many wedding themed movies before, nope, lol).
Q: For Julie: There were a lot of feelings spread out through the fic, some that nearly brought me to tears. Did you have the same reactions to writing it? What emotions exactly were you trying to bring out in the reader? (because you brought out a lot).
redphlox: Hmmm, well... I wanted to bring out a sense of loss in reference to relationships, and rebuilding, and growing together after the trust is lost or the other person seems to be changing in a way you aren't. I also wanted to touch on Soul and Maka's separate and individual relationships with other people outside of their relationship, if that makes sense? I also aimed to highlight all sorts of love, so it was important to me to talk about everyone's relationships with each other. Friendship, lala, haha. My reaction to writing it was... ahh, frustration, because certain scenes were beyond reasonably difficult to write.
Q: What brought about the Soul and Wes conflict? Because like I was telling you in DMs, that wounded me ahahaha it was way too real.
redphlox: The Soul and Wes conflict was something that came up as I writing. Originally Wes was supposed to be the all-knowing, all supportive and understanding brother, but the more I wrote the more Soul started to resent Wes's blind optimism, and it makes sense - Soul can be a negative person, and it seems like he needs to sulk to process, and Wes just wasn't having it. Their personalities are too different, and showing that was important because it's okay to love someone and not know how to comfort them.
Q: That felt so real julie I loved it. As the owner of many siblings it read as absolutely true. Did your life influence that?
redphlox: Wes and Soul's relationship issues are inspired by some self-reflecting I've been doing, and taking the Love Languages test and comparing it to my loved one's results.
Q: For Mak: What inspired your color palette for the bathroom scene? It was very warm and it brought out as much emotion through visuals as the words themselves did. Was that intentional?
Mak (mrsashketchum): Yes it was definitely intentional! Like I said in my previous answer, I worked so closely with Julie (we fangirled so much over everything honestly), she helped me with colors and their poses and if there were tiny details I missed. She sent me a lot of references too which is very helpful for me since I tend to make use visual references more. It's always helpful to work closely with the author so that the feeling of the artwork doesn't wholly overwhelm the feeling of the writing style? Like I wanted it to match as well :") I'm glad it turned out amazingly.
Q: I was wondering Julie how you came up with the concept of the radio confession. I loved that Jackie's show was commandeered.
redphlox: Well, I was thinking, what's the opposite of having Soul be constipated with his feelings?? Blurting them out in public of course, haha, so that's how I came up with that scene. It's the first scene I had actually, and I plotted the fic for that ending. I also have Jackie as a public figure in many of AU's, she was a blogger in my model au, so the role seems a running gag in my writing.
Mak (mrsashketchum): Constipated was the best way to describe him with his feelings.
Q: So weird question for Julie: There's a movie I remember watching years and years ago, that I was reminded of when reading the radio confession scene, unfortunately for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. Did you draw that scene up from what would have fit into the story, or were you influenced by an outside source, like perhaps that mystery movie?
redphlox: I like to listen to the morning radio and always wonder how people are brave enough to go live on air and talk about their relationships or embarrassing moments etc, so that kind of inspired the radio scene too!
Q: I really enjoyed TsuWes btw, and it's not a ship I've really seen. What made you decide on it?
redphlox: AHHH well, they're both Tall, and I love both of them so.... I made them love each other. Also the ship name WesTsu Bestu got me.
Mak (mrsashketchum): I always thought that Tsu and Wes love to tease Soul and Maka together, so the ship happened like that haha.
Q: Btw Tsubaki owning a flower shop is greaaat was that always the plan?
redphlox: Tsu owning a flower shop was also one of those things that just came about because I needed someone to deliver those "I still love you" flowers, but it fit so perfectly because of how Soul fit into learning flower arranging from her and thus getting him to stay in Death City. It was one of those things that fell into place.
Mak (mrsashketchum): Those stuff in AUs that fall into place are the best accidents, if u can call it that.
Q: Question for Mak; the animatic, that collage, the illustration; how did you manage to capture the fic in its entirety, while still giving each piece made its own personality so to speak? For example; the bathroom scene with your color choices made it warm, melancholy, touching, the watercolor for the collage was deep and soothing at the same time, intense, and the animatic, the monotones give it a blank canvas for each viewer to create their own emotional interpretation. How are you absolutely amazing I guess is my overall question??
redphlox: This is the most important question of this AMA tbh. I love the lighting in that piece akfdsgnfkdfdss. I felt it in my heart.
Mak (mrsashketchum): Oh my god. Thank u for the question!!!! I... actually honestly have no idea haha. I guess it's just that when you love a concept so much and completely have a wonderful connection with your partner that it just flows? I wanted to really make the artworks fit into the theme and the feel of the writing. I made sure that while Julie checked if my artwork had the feel she was going for, I also wanted to make sure that what I was feeling was gonna reflect on it as well. This is for the bathtub scene btw haha. The collage was actually supposed to be monochrome as well but I wanted to give it some color too? Like the fic in its entirety is just blasting with emotions? And yet it's generally so soft to me. The animatic was really supposed to have that gray background because I've seen a lot of animatics drawn that way haha. But I did make it work to my advantage that it wasn't too overwhelmingly dark but it's so that you could see the tears as well? It would be hard if the background was white and the tears were white too, right? :0
Q: By the way I loved the weddings in the fic. Like I wanted to attend them they sounded gorgeous. How did you decide on those elements?
redphlox: I have an aesthetic/personal blog where I reblog a lot of pictures of flowers and I came across one that was a ball room covered in flowers and I thought - yep, Wes and Tsu would be married here. As for Soul and Maka's wedding, I LOVE being out at night, and I love soft lighting and would like a night wedding if I ever get married, so yeah. Aesthetic, haha.
Q: How did you manage to capture a canon-like Soul in an AU?
redphlox: Ahhh I just... plot out the fic centered with feelings first and go from there.
Q: I wanna know more about this fantastic partnership. it sounds like you guys were a great team and worked so well together - any tips on communication for anyone out there who may have felt shy? Also, give us the beta comments >:)
redphlox: Okay I LOVED working with Mak! Even though we're like, what, twelve hrs time difference??? we still managed to be online at the same time and work on our projects together. She'd draw line art and show me and I'd write a scene and show her and we'd keysmash at each other. It was soooo rewarding and fun!
Mak (mrsashketchum): I would like to say that Julie and I are the Angst Twins actually. I love working with Julie too???? Like everything just really worked out.
redphlox: It wasn't even planned tbh, I would see her online and go like :eyes: and she'd be like "im working on the collage!" or vice versa. It really felt like it was OUR resbang and not just MINE y’know? Tip wise, I'd say find a platform you really enjoy being on/are available on the most and communicate through there, that really worked for Mak and I.
redphlox: Since this was a srs fic most beta comments were of surprise and like, offended bc I did something Bad.
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Jaded [@jaded-envy​] made a lot of silly comments! She is amazing. Like when Maka is at the bookstore and looking up self help books for looooove, jaded titled them after some fics i've written.
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Q: Question for both Mak and Julie; your partnership sounded like it flowed like a dream. Did you guys ever feel like you were overpowering one another? I know alot of partnerships struggle with the "am I bugging them too much" or "what if i'm doing it wrong" mindsets, so how did you guys get past that, for anyone who suffered from those feelings.
Mak (mrsashketchum): Oh that's actually an interesting question!  I never thought of me overpowering Julie or her overpowering over me? It's more like I want to be able to do as much work as she does? Since we're partners we must work hand-in-hand and not with one of us being the overpowering one? So to speak.
redphlox: SAME what Mak said, I always offered her to give suggestions for the fic and she always asked me for advice on colors and we listened to each other. Basically we were considerate of each other, it was/is amazing :' D
Mak (mrsashketchum): aaaaaaa true ;w; Since it is technically a partnership, we treated it as if it were like something we needed to work on together, and doing stuff at the same time really helped put it into perspective in a way?
Q: Where did the inspo from the bathtub scene came from? Did you draw from a specific experience/influence for that?
redphlox: Hmm... well, no specific experience influenced that, it just like, happened? I thought like, "ok where would Maka be if she were crying?" and it made sense to put her in the bathtub after she spilled the ink on herself, and she prob had no energy to leave, so there she stayed until Soul found her.
Q: Also Julie, I know you suffered from writers block I kicked your butt into gear once, lol. How did you overcome it? When I get to a sentence or idea that I can't exactly word or find a way to explain, I usually drop it for weeks and then come back to it. Can't do that with Resbang to an extent so how'd you get past it within a limited amount of time without rushing the pace, or glossing over an idea that was meant to be incorporated into the fic?
redphlox: ahhhh WELL, I wrote 40kish between Jan 1st and Jan 16th, so a deadline kicks me into high gear. A lot of the block was not knowing what happens in weddings and doing research tbh x) I died a little but it made me stronger.
Q: Okay you broke my heart a number of times, can you explain the thought process of why Maka never texted Soul?
redphlox: Maka was just too shook to think rationally :0 Have you ever been so anxious it feels like you're going to die? That's basically how it was for her, the emotion was too strong. She realizes later she could have done better and coming to terms that she makes mistakes is also a lesson she had to learn.
Q: How long did recording voices for the animatic take? And did you have any silly moments while doing so? haha
Mak (mrsashketchum): I actually had the weirdest time doing every voice, it's crazy. It took half an hour to be honest? It didn't need to be perfect, it just needed to have the right emotion. I had to channel every angsty fiber of my being for crying!Maka.
Q: For Mak: Do you feel like you grew in your art skills through this bang? If so, how?
Mak (mrsashketchum): I actually did grow a lot in my art skills with this bang! I felt that giving myself more challenges in backgrounds helped a lot in dealing with drawing perspective. And also with hair. I learned so much with color as well and how each shade and palette is definitely super important.
Q: What are you most proud of for the piece/pieces you did?
Mak (mrsashketchum): I’m really proud of all my pieces! But if i could only pick one then it would be the bathtub scene for sure! I spent most of my waking hours for it and I even made a 3d model for the perspective just for a reference.
Q: What are you working on next?
Mak (mrsashketchum): I’m definitely working on some more animatics and animations and my Vday art will be super late haha. Also SoMa Week is near and I'm planning really big things!
Q: Favorite/least favorite moment/scene to write?
redphlox: Mmm my fave scene to write was all of them, I felt like I looked forward to all of them now that I look back to it, if that makes sense?
Q: Hardest scene/part to write?
Redphlox: A difficult scene to write was the very end where Soul and Maka finally talk it out bc I felt that I had gotten them in SO MUCH TROUBLE that I was like "how the fffff do I fix this?" But luckily I had the best betas, jaded and proma, there as I wrote it and we were all on the doc at the same time and we were all just, live writing/betaing. I’m v happy to have explored Soul and Maka's friendships and family life. One of my favorite scenes was the scene where Liz talked Maka through some Hard Truths. I love Liz. I think there was a scene I had to delete bc it just wasn’t fitting, it was with Kim and Soul, but I ended up using bits of it later.
Q: Tell us about your writing process.
redphlox: My writing process was basically writing like a turtle at the beginning/struggling to find inspiring music to write to/plotting, and then the last bit was writing 7k daily and going !!!! internally. Lots of keysmashes to my betas.
Q: What are you most proud of this Resbang?
redphlox: Im really proud of writing and finishing this resbang tbh, I had an amazing partner and had fun with my betas, and I pushed my writing speed/abilities because I explored some feelings I hadn't ever experienced before (being left at the altar) I'm happy with the outcome!
Q: Was music important to your process at all, and if so, are there any songs/playlists that were relevant?
redphlox: Yesssss so jaded made a playlist! Lemme get it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7rssdV2CkoNRl4-cPWuqm7ocC-QxP0Vn
Q: What are you working on next?
redphlox: Next, I'm working on plotting this year's Resbang, finishing Siren AU, writing and posting my longfic Sailor Moon AU, and aside from writing I'm working on being a better reviewer/commenter and beta :D
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
Top 5 Jackie/Hyde moments xD Original, right? lmao
1. “I think it’s a real waste because I love you!”
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Listen, I already did a long ass meta about the kiss after he makes it clear he forgives her and believes her. But let me tell you some more about this moment:
Jackie is used to get what she wants, no matter what. She is also used to Hyde’s rejection and hard words, but by this point, she has been in love with him in spite of those things for a while. I believe she fell for him before the summer started, it was just somethig that was growing in both of them until it exploded that afternoon in the basement.
She has pined for him, has tried to show her interest in all the ways possible, go out with him, rejected him and then ended deeply in love with him.
When she realizes she has fucked up and she not only hurt his pride, but his heart, she knows she has to be honest and firm. She’s scared to lose him and its shown by the way she tries all the episode to make things clear and understand what is that she is feeling with all this mess. 
Once Jackie realizes the only man for her is back at that nasty basement, she goes right away and decides she has had enough.
Jackie knows him so well. He won’t listen, he needs actions. His insecurities are triggered by his sudden want and love for her, and when he heard her call someone else as her boyfriend and saw her get jealous for someone else, he not only felt betrayed but rejected, he feels like if he isn’t enough. 
He thinks she was using him, when he is opening himelf for the first time and letting himself love and be loved, this happens.
Once she confesses love, he stops his shit and looks at her like if he couldn’t believe any of it. But he has all the signs that she isn’t lying: she went for him, decided to speak for herself, tell the truth (that she still has feelings for Kelso and will have all her life, because he was her first boyfriend anyway, AND THAT’S FUCKING NORMAL, especially at 16 years old) and even as he was rejecting her and treating her bad, she still confesses love.
“I’m not saying it back!”
OH BOY! He is not just implying he feels the same way, by saying this he is also saying “yeah, ok, me too, but I’m NOT saying it!” and she looks at him firm and hard: “I don’t care”. DUDE. Again, this is a girl who has always got all she wanted but she is willing to let go of a love confession if that means he will understand that she loves him, him, not Kelso, not anyone else, but him.
After they kiss and she hugs him, there’s such relief on Hyde’s face and the way he grabs onto her like if he doesn’t want her to go ever again, gosh. God bless.
2. “Oh. Nobody I know. Anyway, thanks.”
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Not just this smooch is fucking cute as hell, look at their hands and Jackie’s face and the way they lean into each other. Everthing about this scene is not only adorable, but deep, an important moment for their relationship.
They were fighting. She lied to him and he did something honest to god inapropiate at her back, they have this huge fight that could have ended what they already had. 
But even then, he helps, and even then, she tries to protect him (and it works!). She takes the blame for his pot so he won’t be in trouble and this touches him deeply.
Jackie explains to him she did it because she cares about him, and people who cares about each other do those kind of things. He then says and realizes, no one he knows has ever done something like that for him (after the punchline, of course). 
He is the one that does those things (see, him going to jail instead of Jackie), no the other way around.
But suddenly this girl that not only makes him feel ~~stuff~~, but also means so much to him to the point he gets angry if she lies to him about her damn personal problems, wants to protect him and does it without waiting something from him. 
Hyde sees for the first time someone caring so much for him, they would get in trouble if that saves him from that. And it’s beautiful.
The way Hyde grabes her face, and how he kisses her, gosh. This is so damn cute. I love it.
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Look, I know people loves Hyde worshipping Jackie but my real kink here is Jackie worshipping Hyde, and this little moment gave me all the damn feelings.
Because, he just’ve been rejected by his goddamn fucking biological father after getting the courage enough to contact him and ask to see him. This is a man who was rejected by his mother and adoptive father all his life, who had to be taken by his best friend’s family because his mother abandoned him with nothing but dust and a decaying home. So the second he hears this man thinks so little of him without giving him a damn chance, he is done.
Hyde storming off the place is understandable, but just because he isn’t there, it doesn’t mean nobody will put W.B. on his place. The moment Jackie stands up, I was already cheering when she called out W.B. and yells with such affectionate tone “He’s perfect!” because– BECAUSE HE FUCKING IS TO HER.
It’s so damn beautiful, she is so capable of make it clear she adores this man without him in the room. If she says this to other people, how many times do you think she has overwhelmed the shit out of Hyde while alone? How many times have she make him blush with her words? She’s such a loving woman, of course she would think of him as perfect.
What I love the most is that we don’t often see her give praises to anyone but herself. Right now, I don’t actually remember her calling Kelso perfect either (let alone Fez, sorry not sorry); pretty? sure, but perfect? That’s her Steven.
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You know, a lot of people started shipping them when this happened and it’s not only because is a fun moment and episode in general, but because this is Hyde not only being nice to Jackie but letting her know him in a way no one has done before.
This is his way of protection, his version of Zen. This is the way he has build the walls she later takes down herself. So when he decides to teach her his way of protection, he is letting her in and is putting himself in a vulnerable place since she could know now how to destroy his barreries if she wanted.
What is more cool about this, is that she doesn’t. 
She has gain some sort of respect from him by this episode; he has been supporting her during her time without Kelso and has been protecting her too, the building for a friendship between them by this moment is very important and great (such a shame it was dropped in season 3). No wonder why she fell for him.
Besides, this is the moment that gave us our shipname: zenmasters ;)
5. “she’s my chick”
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Let me tell you about this, I enjoyed it so much the first time I saw this episode! I still enjoy it a lot, even with how this season treated my favorite characters and their relationship.
I love everything about this. Not only because my favorite ship goes out with my other favorite ship, like some sort of double date, but because Hyde makes it clear his priority is Jackie and he has no problem showing it. It’s wonderful because he isn’t being ooc and he is being romantic in his own way, and also because is clear that Jackie knows him pretty well.
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She says to Kitty that he won’t ditch her, not because she has told him not to, but because she knows the way her boyfriend loves her and that, for Hyde, being with her is what matters when they are together. For the way he acts in this scene, I’m sure he is enjoying himself and the fair pretty much, but he is also enjoying Jackie’s comapny.
Just a few days ago I found out that there was a delated dialogue in which Jackie tells Kitty she hopes he puts extra sugar in the thingy he buys for her, because she forgot to tell him. He does. Hyde knows how Jackie eats her food. MAN, HE KNOWS. It means he has done this before, it means that he puts especial attention to even her food, the way she likes things.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY, is such a cute detail!
And of course, the moment of the moments. Kitty seems to not get this, that Hyde is in love with Jackie and he prefers her company to cars and chicks on cars. When she asks, Hyde doesn’t even blink or even THINKS his answers, because is obvious. Why would he want to expend his time with Jackie on a cars shows? “She’s my chick”.
The thing doesn’t just end there! Jackie’s reaction to his answer is the damn cutest! She is so happy that her Steven calls her that, and she is so proud to call herself his chick, all this moment is so preocious! I love it!
I love this… belonging Hyde and Jackie share with each other, this like good jealousy of feeling like they are it for each other, they belong in each other’s arms, so of course she is his chick and of course she loves being called that, just like he is her Steven.
You see, this is people that has never truly been wanted. That found a home later in life when they had to grow up in empty houses with distant adults (and god knows what horrors in Hyde’s case) that happened to be their parents that never wanted them before.
But they belong together and build a home for themselves in each other’s arms. They are their own family out of two people who genuinely love each other. So yes, of course she is happy he calls her his chick and of course she is happy to call herself his chick.
And seriously… Steven Hyde can be the sweetest guy ever without trying. I mean, look at the beauty of this: he wants to spend the day with her even when they went to see cars! Imagine if writers would have remembered Jackie loves cars and to work with cars! IMAGINE HOW MUCH FUN AND HOW MANY CUTE SHIT WE COULD HAVE HAD FROM THIS SAME EPISODE!
In the end, this is still wonderful for me :) And I mean, look at her face, she’s so happy:
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Other moments I love: 
– “I have never felt the way I feel for her before. I’m sorry, Kelso, but I wanna be with her”, says Hyde to one of his best friends who hurt the love of his life and is now trying to get back to her out of some childish jealousy shit. 
– That one time this cutie pie that is Steven Hyde shaved to make her feel better about a very horrible situation she was going through.
– “You’re beautiful”, says Hyde, the man who is afraid of commintment and says he is never getting married, to Jackie, a woman who has wanted to get married and have her own family her whole life, who happens to be the love of his life wearing a wedding dress in front of him.
– “I know that I love Steven because he is smart. And deep. And when we talk, he makes me think– which used to give me a headache, but now I really like”, says Jackie. A girl who has been making herself dumb for her stupid ex-boyfriend, who has been told a million times by her own best friend she’s dumb and her likings and desires are not valid.
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flordeloona · 7 years
list of my non-endgame otps:
1.- Steven Hyde and Jackie Burkhart.
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No other couple that wasn't endgame had left like this (maybe dair) but gosssh, these two, THESE TWO, they started off as one of my favorite couple tropes: enemies to friends to lovers, and it was done perfectly, every part of it, Hyde went from not even wanting her to be in the basement to let her sleep in his small space in the latter because she had no other place to go, Jackie said she liked Hyde for the way he made her see things, and if y'all know this girl you know that's the most precious thing ever. Long story short, they are endgame in every other universe but this, sadly.
2.- Dan Humphrey and Blair Waldorf.
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*sighs* these two... if you hear closely you can literally hear me crying. Let me say it: SOULMATES, THE EPITOME OF SOULMATES, Dan and Blair are the most fitted couple to ever grace the TV, and the best part is how dysfunctional they seemed to be, but once they got together... man... the connection was out this planet, BLAIR SAID IT HERSELF, "Dan and I have a real connection" excuse me but yours could never, Dan and Blair enjoyed the same music, both cinephiles, art loves, literally the most adorable assholes of the whole show, they were each other safe place and ruined my whole life, bye.
4.- Ryan Atwood and Marissa Cooper.
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5.- Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky.
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THESE TWO LITERALLY GOT MARRIED AND TALKED ABOUT HOW THEY WERE SOULMATES IN THE DAMN FUCKING SHOW, BARNEY ABANDONED HIS WHOLE PAST FOR ROBIN AND ROBIN FOUND A MAN SHE REALLY WANTED TO GET MARRIED TO, LIKE, NAME A MORE ICONIC DUO I'LL FUCKING WAIT FOREVER. I can't stand thinking about that finale without wanting to break everything, Barney did such amazing things for Robin, they healed each other and worked they way to the altar together and... they made it... they proved they were each other half, and... Like that they were ripped off our hands, leave me alone.
6.- Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer.
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They were in love... Perfect for the childhood friends to lovers trope😭 they were each other best relationship and loved each other more than anything, my heart aches. Let's not talk about the queerbait because i might get angry... But yeah, Peyton even told Brooke she was in love with her in this same scene *sighs* deserved a life together.
7.- Rich Hardbeck and Grace Blood.
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Could write an easy on why they are the best couple on skins and why they deserved so much better. OPPOSITES ATTRACK PEOPLE, and these two proved that to the maximum limit, ballet and metal music never looked so good together. Rich grieving over Grace is the saddest thing I've ever seen, and I wish they had gotten their well deserved endgame.
8.- Sheldon and Penny Cooper.
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Ahhh yes, remember when Sheldon proposed to Penny in a argument about climate change? And then they got married at the comicbook store because none of them could affort a proper wedding but they couldn't wait to get married? And Penny decided to go as "Penny Cooper" and Sheldon felt so happy he just hugged her an hour straight? *the biggest sigh ever* We. Could. Have. Had. It. ALL, EVERYTHING, THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THESE TWO SLAPS ME IN THE FACE EVERYTIME THEY INTERACT, i waited for their canon and endgame for FIVE YEARS, and now i won't get either... Life sucks guys, and so do the tbbt writers.
9.- Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez.
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These girlfriends😭 okay so I prefer Finchel over them, but, it was impossible to have their endgame at all... So, I'd have to go with my two babies whom recently been owning my ass so much. Rachel and Santana are THE power duo, badass actitude, talented af, want it all, but always feel alone, just imagine how amazing their relationship would have been, i'm so sad, Santana loved her so much....
10.- Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey.
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WASTED POTENTIAL OH MY GOD, CAN'T BELIEVE A GAY MAN QUEEBAITED THE SHIT OF ME THIS UGLY, LIKE, TRY TO WATCH THEIR SCENES AND TELL ME THEY WEREN'T IN LOVE, YOU LITERALLY CAN'T, if it wasn't for them Scira would have made the top 10/10 but... I'm a slut for non-canon queerbait :) Scott was Isaac's anchor): and Scott loved him so much it hurts me too see it. They should get married and move to Paris together bye.
Especial mentions:
Noora Sætre and Eva Mohn.
Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson.
Naomi Campbell and Emily Fitch.
Michael Kelso and Brooke Rockwell.
Jal Fazer and Chris Miles.
Riley Matthews and Maya Hart.
Scott McCall and Kira Yukimura.
Peyton Sawyer and Jake Jagielski.
Rachel Green and Joey Tribbiani.
Ted and Tracy Mosby.
[none of the gifs are mine, credits to the owners].
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Dear Father Christmas... December 24, 2023
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Tony Tyler; OC Hope Tyler-Noble; OC Charlotte Tyler-Noble; OC Wilfred Tyler-Noble
Rated: Teen
Tags: Family!Fic; Kid!Fic; Pete’s World; Letters to Santa; Christmas Fic; Family; Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Romance; Love
Summary: When Rose Tyler was little, she always wrote a Christmas wish list to Father Christmas. As she grew older, the wish list became more of a letter to someone she could confide in once a year, but she fell out of the habit somewhere along the way. Now, as a new mum, celebrating her daughter’s first Christmas, Rose takes up writing her Christmas letter to Father Christmas once again.
Rose’s Christmas letters are excerpts from her life with her beloved Tentoo and their children in Pete’s World, written once a year, for each of 31 years.
Chapter Summary: Rose and the Doctor’s children have been campaigning their parents to get them a pet.
Notes: This one was pure fun. I was trying to come up with a critter name for the creature I was picturing when writing this. But in my mind, it looked just the way I imagined a creature briefly mentioned in one of my earlier stories (The Cupid’s Arrow - revised edition) to be like… So why not reintroduce it here? Say hello to the Geruhundian Greehog!
Forever and always, I am so grateful for my talented and dedicated betas, Rose_Nebula and mrsbertucci. Crack that whip, ladies! I’m starting to fall behind! LOL
Thanks to @doctorroseprompts for their 31 Days of Ficmas prompts. A reminder that I am using the prompts very much out of order, but I intend to use them all. The prompt I used today was Snowflake.
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
December 24th, 2023
Dear Father Christmas,
My children all have different strengths and abilities, and unique, bigger-than-life personalities. It’s funny how you sometimes get glimpses of what they’ll be like as adults as you watch them grow and mature.
Hope (she’s seven years old now. Actually seven and a half!) is the relatively quiet, thoughtful one; she’s the negotiator; the healer; the musician. Once she learned she wasn’t better than the rest of the universe just because she was intelligent, she just wanted to use her intelligence to make the universe better.
Charlie has just started school this year. In addition to being every bit as intelligent as her sister, she’s clever with her hands, clever with gadgets, an engineer, an inventor, an athlete. She is fierce and strong-willed, a passionate activist who wants to save the universe, one being at a time. She’s determined to make the universe bend to her will.
Wilfred is only three and a half, but has as strong a personality as either of the girls, and a logical brain. He’s the opportunist, the puzzler; he loves nothing more than to figure things out. For such a little boy, he has a strong sense of justice: everyone and everything in their correct place. He’s not out so much to change the world as to make sure everything is working the way it’s supposed to, and that everyone gets the chance they deserve.
Alone, each is a force to be reckoned with, but when all three work together, they are indomitable, as me and the Doctor have frequently discovered in the few short years we have been blessed with their presences in our lives.
Recently, their joint effort has been to convince us to get them a pet. Now, most parents would have caved ages ago. But not us. Nope! We’re made of sterner stuff than that, yeah. And trust me, these kids have pulled out all the stops.
Their latest attempt was on Geruhundia. They spotted a baby greehog bleating in the middle of a busy avenue. All of the natives, and most of the non-natives were giving this animal a good, wide berth, yeah, and for all of the best reasons. I mean, you just had to look at this bloke to know that, even as a baby, he just isn’t pet material. But not our kids. Oh, no! They were over there kneeling down and fawning over it before I could say Raxacoricofallapatorius (and I’m getting quicker at saying that, by the way, as the years goes by!)
Now I’ve never seen a greehog before, but the Doctor has told me a bit about them. They are vicious animals, with razor sharp teeth, whose mouths are almost half the size of their bodies. They are highly territorial and fiercely protective of their young. Oh, there’s the Doctor now, with my cuppa. (Ta!) He just said the greehog sounds a bit like my Mum! (I’ll tell her you said that. And I’ve just told Father Christmas. You’ll get a lump of coal in your stocking this year, you will!)
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, the baby greehog. Of course, the Doctor had disappeared on me, gone off to check out a little shop (he still loves a little shop), and we were wandering ahead on the lookout for a good place to stop for lunch, when we come across this baby greehog. I’m frantically trying to get the kids back to my side, where they bloody should be, and, at the same time, keeping an eye open for Mummy-greehog, who honestly, can’t be far behind with her baby blubbering away the way he is.
“But Mummy,” Charlie points out, “he’s orphaned. He needs someone to take care of him. We have to save him!”
I have the counter-argument all ready to go: he’s just lost. No doubt his Mummy will be along, very, very shortly.
“She may never come, Mummy,” pipes up Hope with big doe eyes. “She may be sick or injured, herself. We can’t let this little chap come to harm. I mean, look at him, how sweet he is.”
Let me tell you, Santa, there was nothing, and I mean nothing, sweet about the “little chap”. He may have been enjoying cuddles at the moment, but I was pretty certain I knew the kind of creature he was going to grow into, and I told them as much.
“We juth need to gif ‘im a chanthe, Mama, to pwove he can be a good pet,” Wilfred lisped with a concerned frown crinkling his serious little face.
At this point, I admit, I’d had enough. I stepped forward, and one by one, took my babies by the hand, pulled them away from the greehog (who started whinging again as soon as the cuddles stopped), and tucked each of them behind me. Sure enough, just then, there was a huge commotion from the brush by the side of the road, and this enormous, slathering creature, easily the size of a small car, came bounding into the middle of the road, roaring at us and opening its enormous toothed mouth wide enough to swallow Wilfred whole.
I stood my ground, fully aware of the three astonished and excited little faces peeking out from behind me, and spread my arms wide, making myself look as big and threatening as possible. That greehog may have been protective of her young, but I am Jackie Tyler’s daughter and I come by that same trait honestly, myself. She also passed along to me her stubborn, pig-headedness: I was not going to back down from this threat or any other.
I was aware of the crowd we were attracting, and I suddenly catch a glimpse of pinstripes and great hair from the corner of my eye. He starts in with the “Honestly, Rose…” and then you could hear the gears grinding as he takes in the scene playing out in front of him. Then: “Oh, aren’t you gorgeous! Rose, that’s a Geruhundian greehog! She’s magnificent!”
I might have used some strong language at that point, but the gist was that I fucking knew what the fucking thing was, and did he fucking think he could do something about the fucking fact that it was about to eat his whole fucking family for lunch.
“Oh, easy peasy!” And with typical Doctorish nonchalance, he pulls out his sonic and sets it to emit an ultrahigh frequency that knocks both greehogs out cold. Then he has the nerve to suggest I watch my language in front of the kids.
Anyway, the crowd dispersed, and someone from the Geruhundian equivalent of the SPCA eventually came along to relocate the mum and baby away from the public. I decided we would get lunch to go. I’d had enough of Geruhundia to last a lifetime.
That happened over a month ago now, and while they’ve been campaigning hard, I’m proud to say the kids have yet to break down our resolve to get them a pet.
Life’s funny though, and comes back to bite you in the arse sometimes.
Like I said before, you often get glimpses of what your kids will be like as adults as you watch them play and learn, but sometimes you even catch glimpses of yourself in them. I shared my compassion with Hope, and my headstrong convictions about right and wrong with Charlie. (I’ve also been known to bend the universe to my will, once in a while.) In Wilfred, I see my passionate belief that everyone should get a proper chance in life.
So when I saw that scrawny white kitten floundering through the snow at the end of our drive today, nearly collapsing with exhaustion and starvation, I just couldn’t let her suffer. It wasn’t right, when I could do something to help the sweet baby. After all, she deserved a chance to be a part of a good, loving family, just like anyone else.
Her name is Snowflake, because she’s so delicate and pretty and white, and she’s Mummy’s cuddly little girl, (aren’t you, my love?)
The Doctor’s had a thing or two to say about Snowflake, but among the many traits I’ve passed on to my children, the most powerful of all is knowing how to keep their daddy wrapped around their little fingers. With all four of us working on him, he never stood a chance.
Snowflake is here to stay, a Christmas gift for us all.
Happy Christmas to you, Santa, and Mrs. Claus, and all the elves and reindeer too!
love, Rose
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#24: Season 3, Episode 10 - “Hutch Boy”
School bully Lloyd Offler targets Louis as his next victim. Meanwhile, Ren’s hair is accidentally dyed blonde!
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First off, I just want to say that I'm dedicating this review to Brad Bufanda, the actor who played Lloyd. It was brought to my attention on Instagram that he just recently passed away on November 1st. He was 34. Very strange timing because this episode was next on my list already and I was working on the review as I found out. My heart kinda sank. I feel really weird segueing into my regular, light-hearted style now after the fact -- but I figure it's actually better to keep things light during darker times. So yeah. Let's do this!
This one opens with one of the most incredible things ever: a flying squirrel. Not an actual flying squirrel of course, but a mechanical one that Louis and Twitty rigged to scare Tom -- who happens to have an extremely specific and strange fear of flying squirrels. I wonder what instilled that fear? lol. How many squirrels have you seen flyin' around out there? 
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This bit used to have me in stitches. Tom’s terrified scream is something you have to hear for yourself. 
Just then, some guy named Lloyd Offler approaches them and starts yelling at Louis for giving him "hard looks." Like, excuse me? I'll never understand how bullies pick their victims. Louis is the best, leave him alone. I know that Louis, Tawny, and Tom are supposed to be outcasts of sorts (leaving out Twitty because we’ve seen that he’s actually pretty popular)... But still. Louis is cool imo. Lloyd walks away, but not before letting Louis know that he’s on his radar now. Great. 
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Cut to the subplot. Ren volunteers her hair to the “Future Beauticians” Club, and let me tell you... I had such an ah-ha moment when I was re-watching this episode. For whatever reason, I always thought the club was called the Future PETITIONS club. Ruby says the name so fast it’s hard to understand. I was always so confused, like... What the heck is that? What petitions? And what do they have to do with dyeing hair? And then it hit me. I kid you not, it was like the skies opened up! "Beauticians” obviously makes so much more sense, lol. 
To Ren’s horror, her hair turns out platinum blonde. Ruby has a flashback to the moment it all went wrong. We see that mid-gossip, she was distracted and poured soda into the dye mixture instead of whatever else she was supposed to use. I always felt personally responsible for this accident because she starts off the gossip with "So, I'm talkin' to Brittany..." Don't drag me into this, Ruby. 
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At least it was “natural” soda. 
Ren is furious at first but soon notices that her hair is garnering attention. So she starts strutting down the hall to a "Walking on Sunshine" rip off. 
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This is another situation like the "Staying Alive" rip off in Stevens Genes. From memory, I would've bet money that the actual "Walking on Sunshine" was used here!! But nope. I'm still fascinated by how the brain can be tricked like that. Girls are staring at Ren with jealousy now and guys are checking her out... including Louis -- who doesn’t recognize her at first. It’s highly disturbing. 
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“hey, blondie... how u doin?” - Louis stop. Ignoring the fact that it’s Ren, it’s so weird to see Louis attempt to hit on someone. *shivers with disgust* I take back what I said about him being cool. 
At lunch, the gang is laughing about how Lloyd’s name is spelled with two L’s. “Maybe he pronounces it La-Loyd?” Tawny jokes. Louis dies of laughter and says “...And my name’s La-Louis” so sarcastically. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME. Shia is so full of joy here and the whole scene has such an organic feel to it. You get the sense that these are real friends at school having a laugh. It’s contagious and warms my heart. 
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So pure.
Suddenly.......... this iMovie “suspense” sound effect plays twice as Lloyd appears hovering behind Louis asking “You having a good time, La-Louis?” Why are these double L jokes so funny to me?! Oh my god. Lloyd picks up Louis’ sandwich, licks it dramatically, and puts it back on his tray. Nice guy! Louis tries to reason with him, but Lloyd refuses and says “See you in shop class” ominously.
During shop class Louis is so afraid of what Lloyd might do, he’s quite literally shaking like a leaf. Twitty tries to reassure him by saying the teacher is nearby and won’t let anything happen to him. But then the teacher is all “I’m gonna step out of the room for a minute and I will take my time.” This is so good. Now that they’re alone, Lloyd snatches away Louis' “shelf” project and puts it in the hutch he's constructing. This is a great bit though because Louis decides to face Lloyd then and apologize (even though he did nothing wrong.) It’s really nice. Louis is so sincere and mature here. Lloyd seemingly accepts the apology... but then stuffs Louis into the hutch as well. (see cover photo)
Tom politely confronts Lloyd insisting he let Louis out of the hutch, before he says “I’m sorry it’s come to this...” and randomly goes completely black belt on Lloyd to everyone's shock. Then again, was it to everyone’s shock? Because their classmates emerged from their workstations, conveniently holding up wood for Tom to break lol. I love how the teacher walks back in while Tom is kickin’ around like he’s Jackie Chan, and has one of those “f this, I’m out” moments: 
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This show’s humor was way ahead of its time. 
Louis is beyond shocked and it always cracks me up when Tom calmly helps Louis out of the hutch and whispers “Come on, buddy.” I don’t know what it is... but it’s just so freaking funny. There’s this hilarious ~zen~ music playing as well which is the icing on the cake. There’s a great line later that day when Louis starts evaluating the situation: “If Tom was the biggest wimp at school, and he saved MY butt? That means I’M THE BIGGEST WIMP AT SCHOOL.” ....true tho. Twitty mentions our good ol’ buddy Pete who everyone apparently prays to on this show when he says “Who would’ve known he was an honest to Pete, second degree black belt?!” lol. 
To wrap up Ren’s plot, because not too much else happens: She basically becomes an overtly stereotypical blonde overnight. Constantly saying “oh muh gosh!,” reading fashion magazines during class, and blowing off her commitments to roller skate in the house instead. 
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Okay, is she curling her hair now? or did they honestly think we wouldn’t notice that Ren’s hair magically became curly after it was dyed blonde. Who picked this wig? 
She also went out and got a whole new wardrobe to go with her hair or something?! Because these clothes she’s wearing do not seem like stuff she already had in her closet. Ruby rounds up a bunch of blondes from LJH and holds a mini intervention for Ren -- telling her that she’s giving blondes a bad name. And that’s pretty much it! Ruby dyes her hair back to normal.
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I love how Ruby left her “a little souvenir” of blonde! I’ve been dyeing one small section of my hair blonde for years now, so this always makes me happy lol. Look at how much body Ren’s “hair” has when she’s blonde and how flat it is when she’s back to normal lol.... seems legit. I also definitely owned that yellow and blue striped top that girl on the left is wearing.
Back to Louis’ drama. Tom is outside casually practicing his martial arts when Louis approaches him with some hot chocolate from Doris. Tom’s so ~in the zone~ that he almost roundhouse kicks Louis in the face. I needed to gif it:
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Louis tells Tom that he wants to be just like him, he wants to learn how to fight. Tom agrees to teach Louis ~his ways~ and I swear this is one of my favorite bits EVERRRRRRR. There’s no way I’m typing all of this out. You have to feast your eyes on the greatness yourself:
“Louis... did I mention it takes 9 years to learn my ways?” - This show is absolute GOLD, I do not care what anyone says. 
Who knew Fred Meyers could actually do all of that, though?! So yeah, after telling Lloyd he’d fight him, even though he can’t fight -- Tom tells Louis his only option is to “find his inner strength and harness it.” And Louis, being the actual genius he is, takes that advice quite literally. I also love how Louis just says “meet me in the alley at 7″ .......which alley, bro? Ya also gotta love that “The Rock” reference. (”If you smell what Louis is cookin’!”) This show really did pick the BEST things to reference when it came to pop culture. It feels like Dwayne Johnson is everywhere these days!
The last big scene of the episode is the alley sequence, and I love it so much. Louis has Beans and Twitty secretly help him work a harness he rigged to fly around like some crazy martial arts master just to freak Lloyd out and avoid fighting altogether. It starts off pretty hilarious (Louis literally does the macarena as a “kung fu” move) but then it gets serious for a minute and it’s perfect. Of course, it all goes down in flames and Lloyd sees the wire. It feels so satisfying to reach the heart of a bully. It's great when you start to see Lloyd feel bad about how he’s treated Louis and I freaking love how Louis gives in, but at the same time -- stands up for himself. He tells Lloyd to beat him up, almost pressuring him to do so -- which obviously makes Lloyd NOT want to beat him up. It's great. 
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“I’ve come to the realization that if I’m gonna get hit, I’m gonna get hit. You know what you’re gonna wanna do? Get some towels. ‘Cause I’m a bleeder.” - Yesss, Louis. 
This leads to one of my favorite little exchanges in the series. Lloyd immediately becomes a huge softie and wants to know how Louis pulled off the harness trick and they quickly start bonding over engineering. Lloyd is all "I didn't know you were into mechanical stuff!" And Louis says "Yeah, dude. I am. But you were too busy putting me in your hutch." - I'm sooo glad they actually had Louis say that engineering is something he's into! Because otherwise, his inventions come across as nothing but wacky things that only exist to support the gags he pulls with no further explanation. Idk. It's such a short moment, but it makes me so happy every time!!! Louis even gives Lloyd a quick rundown of the materials he used to rig the harness and idk man, it just makes me smile. I LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH. (I also just noticed that the flying squirrel gag was solid foreshadowing for this harness rig.)
I always get a little sad that Lloyd didn't become a bit of a recurring character for the rest of the season or something. This final scene between them has a ~beginning of a beautiful friendship~ sort of vibe. Lloyd invites Louis to check out his home workshop and ugh it’s so nice. We hardly ever see Louis with any friends outside of his core group, let alone someone else who shares his love of engineering, so maybe that’s why this scene always hits me.  
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I really like this episode for some reason. Always have. Like, A LOT. I think it’s because of the big showdown in shop class. And Louis wanting to learn martial arts from Tom. And the flying squirrel. And Louis and Lloyd in the alley. It's all amazing. And Ren’s plot is pretty fun, too. This is just an awesome episode all around. 
Rest in Peace, Brad Bufanda. 
Thanks for reading! And please contribute to the conversation below if ya like. 
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madeline-kahn · 7 years
A look behind the curtain: Score/Soundtrack Sets
I thought, for no particular reason, that I’d talk a little bit about how I make my film score gifsets. 
This isn’t really much of a tutorial, because honestly there’s not a whole lot to these sets that needs to be tutored. It’s not a matter of techniques so much as it is a matter of just a lot of decisions and planning. This is kind of just me way over-elaborating on the various decisions and approaches that I take to working on them! This might be very long and occasionally seem like I’m complaining because it’s hard work, but honestly I do it because I enjoy the work that I put into it. If it was really too much, I could just stop.
[Warning: this is about 4000 words. You don’t really have to read it]
How I Got Started
The first time I made a gifset for a film score was for Steve Jobs. I was making sets devoted to my favorite things about the movie and I loved the score, so I figured the best way to visually depict that was the title of each track over the corresponding scene. At the time this ended up being one of the hardest sets for me. I wanted so badly to do each song justice that for some of the songs I picked multiple shots that I wanted to use and faded them together. I did this without being mindful of the fact that I would need to pair up all but two gifs. This gif was one of the only times that I paired them vertical, which I kept screwing up by pairing the wrong ones. After I was done I noticed that a lot of my labels didn’t even line up, so it was all a very frustrating process.
The set didn’t get a lot of notes because it wasn’t good or particularly popular. I saw a similar style set for Carol and decided to try to do it for more movies. It took awhile for me to perfectly settle on a style, but eventually I set on it being my thing.
Picking A Score
This sounds like an unbelievably easy step, more so than it ends up being. Sure, sometimes it’s pretty simple or straightforward. There have been a fair number of scores that I’ve known immediately that I want to gif, that it only became a question of when and how (Arrival, La La Land, Moonlight, Jackie are all examples)
I consider a few factors when deciding whether I want to gif a certain film score. One pretty important factor is scores that are good or that I like. Even if I just like a few tracks that could be good enough. It’s also kind of helpful not just to have scores I like but ones that other people like. This is definitely where I listen to requests from other people, I look at what people have said their favorites are, and it never hurts to rely on the Oscar nominees and winners in this department either.
I tend to prioritize movies by how popular they are. Some of my favorite scores I still haven’t made gifs of yet because they just won’t be very popular. Even popular movies don’t necessarily have popular scores. And to be honest, I don’t expect score sets to ever get a lot of notes. I know that they’re not always the most visually appealing (although I do try my best to make them so) and that they often require a much deeper interest in the movie than a regular set would. Take for example, my gifset of the score of True Grit versus my regular 8 gif set of True Grit. The regular set has roughly five times the notes that the score set does. That’s roughly the ratio I’d expect for any set I make. So that forces me to ask myself at any point if I like an unpopular score/movie enough to spend several hours on it and get not very many notes.
And then the last thing I look at is a matter of trying to predict the rest of the process. I might look at the titles of the track and try to mentally figure out how hard this is going to be this involves a few things, all of which I’ll elaborate on later:
Is the album on Spotify?
Do the tracks (on Spotify, Wikipedia, Amazon, etc) appear to be in order?
Are the names interesting?
Do their names indicate what scene they appear in?
Will the number of tracks fit into a set?
Does the number of tracks split nicely into rows for a set?
Are tracks single titles as opposed to being paired up (i.e. are they two parters written as “Part A/Part B”) or even tripled?
Now the answers to these questions varies all over the place and there’s not necessarily a certain number that I need to decide to do it. But it is nice to have at least one yes. And for example, take the score for Arrival. It is on Spotify, the tracks were not in order, not terribly interesting, somewhat indicated the scene but not always, did fit in a set, did split into rows nicely, and were single titles. So while it’s about half yes and half no I decided to do it, but mostly because I liked the score and it’s a pretty popular and well liked film, so why not!
Finding the Tracks in the Movie
Sometimes I merge this step with the step of actually picking the shots and collecting the frames for the gifs. But regardless of whether I multitask the finding and the collecting, figuring out the tracks is crucial and sometimes very hard.
In a perfect world, with a perfect score and movie it could be really easy. I mentioned earlier that I try to estimate whether the tracks on the album are in the order they would be in the movie, that goes a long way to figuring out when they play. Likewise, if the title describes or relates to the scene in some clear way. For example; one of the easiest scores for this step was Brooklyn. The titles aren’t anything special, but they perfectly describe a single scene and the tracks on Spotify are all in order. A fair number of scores are at least somewhat helpful with their titles and sequencing.
Regardless of how easy or hard it is I usually try to watch the movie and every time I hear music playing, I try to figure out which track it is. I do this by trying to play the song and once I hear a bit that sounds like what I heard in the movie, I’ll play a couple more seconds. Then I pause the song and play a couple seconds of the movie and try to hear the same thing I heard in the song. I do this back and forth until I can be reasonably confident. When I do this what I’m hoping to hear is something distinct that can make me absolutely sure, like a specific melody that happens at the exact same point on both. Then I either write down a note with the song and the scene or skip to the step of picking the shot and collecting the frames.
So what if it is hard? Well in that case I have a number of options that I can consider. The least fun of the options is just keep trying on my own until I get it. That was the solution when working on Arrival. I REALLY struggled to figure out where Xenoanthropology and Xenolinguistics played; the names are kind of vague, the Arrival soundtrack is very out of order in some places, and some of the songs sound quite similar. But I ended up just playing sections of the movie over and over listening for the track I needed until I got it.
The most desperate option is just leave the track out of the set altogether. This was the unfortunate case for my The Neon Demon set. There were some tracks on the album that not only could I not really find in the movie, in some cases they sounded nothing like the scene they described. I cut a fair number, guessed that it may have been due to how the movie was edited (as opposed to my fault), and hoped nobody noticed. You didn’t, did you?
Luckily sometimes I can get some help! No, I don’t mean from friends, they’ve never been helpful :). There are a few websites that serve to identify songs used in movies and (occasionally) have the scene that they play during. I primarily use what-song.com and tunefind.com. Often I find what-song more helpful for score and tunefind more helpful for soundtracks (what-song has been very helpful for Black Swan and True Grit and tunefind was extremely helpful with American Honey).
Next, I’ll look at youtube. I’ll search on youtube for the track title and find any videos with the song, especially ones with a lot of views. Then I look through the comments for any mention of a scene. Sometimes I’ll get very lucky where somebody will ask in the comments what scene it plays during and somebody else will give an answer. Other times people will comment with quotes or moments that happened during the song. (Such as “you can hear at 2:35 when this cool thing happens”). That’s a very helpful approach for major franchise and action movies like Rogue One and Captain America: Civil War and even some more classic movies like Pride & Prejudice.
So what if the film music websites aren’t working and youtube came up with nothing? Well at that point I’ll keep googling. I’ll try googling things like “[movie title] [track title] scene” or “what scene does [track title] play in [movie title]”. A lot of times I come up with nothing. But I can get lucky sometimes and come up with something. Some of the fortunate searches have turned up with forum questions for more popular movies like Interstellar and Titanic. I got absolutely blessed with Inglourious Basterds; in the FAQ on IMDB was every song on the soundtrack and the corresponding scene. They basically did this step for me! I don’t usually get that lucky though.
Picking the Shots
So now that I finally know when the song plays, it’s time to pick and collect the frames for each gif. This is relatively straightforward. And in many ways similar to picking shots for any gifset, but there are a few added considerations.
The first thing to consider is whether I’ll be grouping this gif with any others, which is necessary at some point for any set that is more than 10 tracks. Typically if I’m going to pairing or tripling gifs, I try to make them the same number of frames from the beginning. So for example if I know I have 20 tracks in the album, I’m going to need 10 rows of two which means every gif is going to be paired with another. In this case I’ll try to stick to a number of frames that (I hope) will fit under the tumblr size limit when paired with another. Typically that’s around 40-50.
I also want to be somewhat deliberate about what shot I use. Of course, like any gif, I want something that’s aesthetically pleasing in any way, including all my personal preferences and quirks. But more than just that, I want something that in some way indicates the song (unless the song title is entirely irrelevant). I don’t usually like gifs where you can see people talking since I think it looks weird, but occasionally I’ll make an exception if someone is saying the title of the track. If I’m smart, I’d also be mindful of the fact that I need to put text over the center of the gif and plan accordingly. I’m not usually smart. I’ve had incidents where I’ve had to reselect or recrop a gif because the text was completely covering up the only good thing in the shot.
Finding the Right Font
This is probably my favorite step! Because for one thing, it’s the step that makes what I work on the most unique to me. To put it really simply: I like to use a font that’s in the movie. Of course this can have many options. Some movies use the same font all over the movie (e.g. Arrival pretty heavily uses Gotham and 20th Century Women used News Gothic except for where it appears custom made), so that makes my decision pretty simple and I might play around a little bit with size, weight, and spacing. But other times there are a few different options; the poster, the opening credits, closing credits, titles within the movie, etcetera.
I don’t always make the decision the exact same way every time. It all depends on what my options are and how I think they’d look. I like fonts that might be unique to the specific movie and have some distinct character. This is why I used a kind of bigger and bolder font for Captain America: Civil War as opposed to the more plain and simple font that was used for the (big ass) location titles.
Sometimes one place has a really common font (e.g. Trajan or Futura), I’ll opt for the other font. This was the case for Black Swan and Brooklyn.
In some cases, I tend to prefer the fonts used in the film opening/closing/intermediate titles since that has a more similar usage to what I’m using it for as well (text on the screen, perhaps even over video as opposed to large and on a poster). For example, with Moonlight there were nice fonts in the title card (Impact) and poster (Gotham), but the font for the act titles and credits (Times New Roman) seemed particularly useful.
But it can go the other way as well. The Man From UNCLE font within the movie is bigger and blockier and actually the same font that I used for Inglourious Basterds. But I really liked the sans serif font on the posters instead, so I used that.
A brief aside on how to actually find the specific title of the font. In general I start by googling phrases like “[movie title] movie font” or “[title] poster font” or “[title] credits font” and see what I get. There are a number of websites that come up frequently that I end up relying on: AllMovieFonts, FontFeed, FontMeme, FontsInUse, DaFont, WhatTheFont Forum, etc. If I can’t find the font through those means, upload a sample to a font identification engine (WhatTheFont, fontspring.com, fontsquirrel.com) and use whatever appears to be the nearest match to the letters I have available.
This can be rather difficult for certain kinds of fonts. Script fonts can be difficult because the letters run together so much that the website can process the separate letter. This was the case for the La La Land script font used in the credits. In order to make it work, I tried to crop just the capital letters where they were clear enough from the rest and then using the potential fonts that I got as a result I visually compared the rest of the letters.
But there may be no font. A fair number of old movies were before fonts exist. If I’m lucky, like for Jaws or The Godfather, somebody’s made a font themselves based on the letters used in the movies. This is also the case for some disney movies (Frozen, Zootopia, Moana) where the font was custom made for the movie and then a fan made an imitation font. However for other old movies (e.g. Singin’ in the Rain) there’s no specific font available, so I just try to find something that looks close using the websites with the matching engines.
There’s also a similar problem where the title was intentionally made to look handmade (e.g. Swiss Army Man). In this case, I’ll look for handwriting looking fonts that look similar enough, usually just via google.
Of course I’m limited by what is actually available. Sometimes I can easily find the font name but can’t find it available for free. This, sadly, happened with The Neon Demon. I had no trouble finding the font used (Vanitas Bold) as it was on several websites. But I looked super hard and couldn’t find that font, so I had to try to settle with a similar font that was nowhere near as pretty. I’m really disappointed about that still.
Making the Individual Gifs
This part is pretty straightforward gif making. I make all the gifs first before I add the titles. The only thing that is a little unique in this step is the dimensions. It all depends on the number of gifs that I have. There’s something of a flow chart approach for determining this. 
If there are less than 10 gifs (or 11 where one is almost all black, as with Nocturnal Animals) I can make them full width (i.e. 540 px wide). However, with 8 or 10 gifs I may prefer to make them half width (i.e. 268 wide). Even numbers between 10 and 20 I’ll make half width, pairing up in one gif as necessary. (I’ve elaborated how to combine multiple gifs into one document a tutorial).  Numbers between 21 and 30 that are divisible by three I’ll make third widths (i.e. 177 wide). Numbers that are still divisible by 2 or 3 but would require more than 10 rows of gifs, I can do (especially with the new gif limit) but it’s kind of hard and looks kind of ugly and I don’t love having to do this. Other numbers that are odd or prime I’ll usually make all half width except the odd one out that has to be full width… this looks ugly I kind of hate doing it.
Adding the Titles
This step isn’t a technically very hard one at all, but it can be a little challenging aesthetically. Once I’ve got all the base gifs done and I’ve picked the font I want to use, I begin adding the track names. However, I don’t just start with the first one. I find the longest track title and first add that one, so that I can size the font correctly that it can be consistent over all the gifs.
If possible I want to keep the title on one line, so I go as small as necessary to achieve that. If that’s just not possible to make it legible and one line at the same time, or there’s a giant discrepancy between largest and next largest title, I’ll try to just get the longest fitting comfortably on two lines (or three or four if I’m using small gifs and a bigger font, like in my La La Land set). This is a part that I really play by ear based on the font I’m using and the the titles in question. Just because I have a relatively thin font and short titles doesn’t mean I need to fill the entire screen with the words. There’s a balance of just how much space I want to use for the titles and it really varies from case to case. But in general, I first play around with the different lengths of titles and find a font size that satisfies all my requirements. I do this all on just the first gif until I’m satisfied and then I actually go about putting titles on all the gifs.
Text Effects
For every gif I have to pick a color. My default is usually white, but if the movie has some credits or titles in a different color, I might use that. For example, I used yellow for Slow West, red for Macbeth. But often times even the movie just uses white, so that’s what I stick with.
Sometimes movie posters do a simple yet nice looking effect where some of the words are in bold, which is relatively easy to imitate, like in The Man From Uncle.
To mimic a movie’s font even further than just the typeface I might try to copy the font decoration as well, especially since it’s rare that I get the chance to. For example, the Chicago poster font was in Futura, but black with a red shadow instead of just a color.
If the text that I’m mimicking from the movie is something other than standard white text I really try to have a little fun evoking that with colors and effects, some examples:
Chicago: black font with a red glow to look more like the movie poster, since the font was sort of plain on its own
Sing: to look like the poster, which was big letters with a lightbulb pattern and a brick red outline, I made a similar yellow and white pattern for the text color and used a 2-pixel red stroke.
True Grit: to look a little more like a western font in the poster, I added a slightly wider than usual stroke.
American Honey: Had to do a lot of tinkering to figure out how to make a psd to overlay an American Flag pattern over the text. I wish it had looked a little more faded and dusty like the poster, but I wasn’t able to achieve that and legibility at the same time.
Sometimes in order to increase legibility I have to use drop shadow. I used to never use it, then I started using it in almost all my sets, and now I’m trying to use it less again. My issue with it is that it’s kind of ugly in a lot of cases and it sometimes makes it look less like the movie in the process.
Grouping Gifs as Necessary
Now the last step is just combining the gifs into one document as necessary. I’ve done so many sets that need pairs that it’s become pretty much routine, I’ve even made my own actions so that it’s just a matter of clicking a couple buttons. Rows of three are only slightly harder than rows of two, but not significantly at all.
If I have to make any groups of 4 (e.g. my Moulin Rouge and Hidden Figures sets), I usually try to eyeball which ones will be easiest to do this with by adding up the file sizes in groups of 4 and then using the ones that are the closest to 3 MB.
That’s sort of all of it. All that’s left is the uploading, and the tagging, and the waiting for it to get a disappointing number of notes. I’m kidding, I’m really excited when anybody at all likes my work.
If you made it all the way here--without just scrolling straight to the end to see where all this babbling was going--wow! Thank you! I really appreciate it! And if you have any questions I’m clearly more than happy to answer, but I like talking about this way too much :D
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randomrichards · 4 years
The Mall Climax from POLICE STORY
Jackie Chan’s early hit Police Story saw a recent re-release via the Criterion Collection. Northern American audiences could finally see the film and its sequel in its original language. I got the opportunity to see this film in a theatre and I was treated to one of the greatest action sequences of all time.
Officer Chan Ka Kui (Chan) is framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and the mob is after him. The only one who can clear his name is gangster moll Selina Fong (Brigitte Lin), who has just collected incriminating documents and is being chased in a mall by mob henchman. With the help of his girlfriend May (Maggie Cheung), Chan takes on the bad guys to save Selina and get the documents.
This sequence is itself a masterpiece of action filmmaking. It has everything you want in a Jackie Chan movie. The martial arts are fast and intense, with mobsters flying of their feet and falling down floors. There’s destruction galore, with many kiosks and glass smashed to pieces. There’s even a motorcycle chase. But that’s nothing compared to the piece de resistance when Chan slides down a long pole with sparks literally flying on the way down. It was so nice they showed it thrice.
What makes it all work is the pacing. Chan and his stunt team do a perfect job building tension throughout, maintaining focus on the story. Of course, it’s not a Jackie Chan movie without visual gags, and this sequence delvers between Chan blocking baseball bat attacks using a clothes rack or causing a henchman to slide down an escalator rail.
If I were teaching at a film school, I’d use this sequence to show how to pace an action sequence.
10)                                  The Final Confrontation from THE ART OF SELF DEFENCE
Sure, you may have predicted the outcome when meek martial arts student Casey (Jessie Eisenberg) challenges the psychotic Sensei (Alessandro Nivola) to a fight to the death. But it’s still hilarious when he puts a bullet through Sensei’s head. And in a very Eisenberg moment, Casey states he can’t decide which one liner to use, so he uses both. And as an icing on the cake, he brags that he killed Sensei using the finger-punch technique.
9)                                    “I Love Me” from ISN’T IT ROMANTIC?
I don’t know about you, but I enjoyed this movie. Sure, the romantic comedy clichés are nowhere near as frequent as they used to be (unless they’re Hallmark movies), but it’s still fun to watch them get mocked remorselessly. But the high point of this film subverts the classic wedding climax.
You know the scene. The object of the hero(ine)’s affections are about to marry another person and he/she must stop the wedding and proves his/her love. At least, that’s what Natalie (Rebel Wilson) thinks when she crashes Josh’s (Adam Devine) wedding. But in that moment, she realizes the person she needs to love is not Josh, but herself. Thanks to a cruel mother (Jennifer Saunders), Natalie has left herself get pushed around by everyone, believing she isn’t worthy. So, she’s brought into the world of a romantic comedy universe to teach her a lesson in self-worth. It’s an important lesson for a little girl to learn.
8)                                    “I don’t have to prove anything to you” from CAPTAIN MARVEL
This scene was a true standout in an otherwise superhero movie.
When Carol Danvers’ (Brie Larson) former mentor/nemesis Yon-Rogg tries to goad her into fighting him without her powers, she takes a lesson from Indiana Jones and instead blasts him with her light beams.
This of course plays into the cliched scene where the bad guy goads the hero into fighting him/her without powers, seeing if they’re so tough without it. Admit it, there are time you’d wish the hero would just shoot the baddies when he/she’s got them dead to rights.
Plus, I love that this is now a gif used to mock douchebags who cry “Debate Me”.
7)                                    Rey Vs. Kylo Ren from STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER
No matter how weak the film, Star Wars always delivers an awesome lightsaber battle, no matter how far the two opponents are.
While the film goes out of its way to distance itself from the Last Jedi, the film takes advantage of the psychic connection (or force connection) between Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey (Daisy Ripley) for an awesome lightsaber battle. As Rey fights from the Star killer base and Kylo from Kijimi, their connection becomes strong enough they can make physical contact. It leads to a mind-blowing visual where Kylo cuts a bag in Kijimi and it spills out in the Star killer base. But it causes Rey to give away her location when they smash the pedestal holding Vader’s destroyed mask.
The recent film had the same problem as Return of the Jedi with playing it too safe. But at least both have great lightsaber battles.
6)                                    Woody Says Goodbye from TOY STORY 4
Pixar always knows how bring on the tears. They certainly gain a lot of tears when Woody (Tom Hanks) says goodbye to his friends.
When Woody finds himself stuck in the closet with the preschool toys (played by comedy legends Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Carol Burnett and Betty White), I suspected the film would end with Woody leaving his friends and staying with Bo Peep (Annie Potts). That never stopped me from welling up when Woody says goodbye to Bo for the last time. But the real gut punch is when Buzz (Tim Allen) gives him permission to leave with four words “Bonnie will be okay.”
I suspect this film is an allegory of either retirement or a parent’s life after the parents leave. Woody’s devoted his life to being played with by Andy and Bonnie. Even when he’s ignored by Bonnie, he still goes out of his way to take care of Bonnie, leading him to create and watch over Forky (Toby Hale). Then he reunites with Bo, who shows him an alternate life free from owners. When he decides to stay with Bo, it feels like he’s finally being rewarded for all the sacrifices he’s made for others. After some hard-learned wisdom, he has earned the right to do something for himself.
5)                                    The Final Battle Scene from AVENGERS: ENDGAME
MCU had a lot to live up to after Avengers: Infinity War. After the previous film has not only managed to pull off an enormous ensemble while giving ups one of the most compelling villains in movie history, Avengers: Endgame needed to deliver the mother of all battles. Once again, the Russo Brothers have done the impossible, giving us one of the best final battles in comic book history.
Just seeing all the Marvel heroes assemble to take on Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his minions is an awe-inspiring image worthy of a splash page. And the film keeps on deliver, giving many heroes a chance to shine, whether it’s Captain America (Chris Evans) finally holding Mjorner, All the female heroes standing together to assist Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) or just Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) holding one finger. And it all leads up to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) making a final sacrifice, not before delivering his iconic line “I am Iron Man”.
Credit should go to screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeeley for juggling and endless array of characters while keeping a consistent flow with the story.
4)                                     Combining Two Worlds in a Soup in RAMEN SHOP
Here’s a moment to showcase the heal power of food.
Ramen chef Masato (Takumi Saito) has gone to Singapore in hopes of finding out more about his family after finding his late mother’s notebook. But his grandmother (Beatrice Chien) wants nothing to do with him, still haunted by WW2. So, one night, he serves her a dish combing ramen and bak kut teh. With one take, his grandmother bursts into tears, finally tearing down the wall of pain.
3)                                    The Pale Lady from SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK
This year has seen many movie monsters, whether it’s Chucky’s (surprisingly good Mark Hamill) successful return, the Tethered or Pennywise’s many horrifying transformation. But none have terrified me more than this enormous blob with the warped smile.
Allan Schwartz’s macabre illustrations for the Scary Stories series are as iconic as the stories themselves. As such, it was important creature designs to match Schwartz’s style, especially with Guillermo Del Toro producing. But a character as stylized as the Pale Lady is a challenge to bring to life. It’s so easy for it to come off as unintentionally hilarious. But this film not only succeeds in bringing the Pale Lady (Mark Steger) to life, but makes it look downright terrifying. Just seeing it twiddle its fingers and blink sends a chill down your spine.
It all helps with the mis-en-scene. While most horror films would show a scene like this in darkness, Andre Ovredal and cinematographer Roman Osin break the rules by shooting this scene with bright red. And it works; giving the scene a nightmarish feel.
What makes this film truly terrifying is the feeling of helplessness. As the Pale Lady slowly approaches, Chuck (Austin Zajur) runs across the hospital hallways. But no matter where he turns, the Pale Lady appears in front of him. And it’s getting closer. Seeing that demented smile and beady eyes coming closer to the camera feels all too real. But that’s nothing compared to what it does when it catches you.
2)                                    The Final Sacrifice from MIDSOMMAR
Here’s one of the best endings of the year in the Break-up movie of the year.
Throughout their trip to a Swedish Midsommar ritual, Dani (Florence Pugh) has been reeling from the trauma of her murder/suicide. Her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) and his friends are no help at all, caring way more about their thesis than offering emotional support.[1] Despite their foreign customs (and murderous rituals), this pagan society offers way more emotional support than her boyfriend does. It’s here that she finds a twisted triumph over Christian when she’s named May Queen and he’s paralyzed by drugs, stuffed in a bear carcass and offered as a ritual sacrifice.
Sure, the earlier scene of two elders jumping to their deaths is gruesome and horrifying, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the idea of being burned alive and unable to even blink. But what makes this scene so unforgettable is that it’s shot in the least horror ways imaginable. Cinematographer Pawel Pogorzelski makes colours pop with bright blue skies, the clean white wardrobes and the bright yellow burning house, to contrast with Christian’s horrible fate. But the icing on the cake is the haunting score by Bobby Krlic, delivering some sad strings.
And that’s not even getting onto the layers of subtext writer/director Ari Aster leaves for the audience to discuss once they leave the theatre. When Dani smiles in the end, has she found healing in the most bizarre way or is she a vulnerable woman manipulated and driven mad by a cult? Aster never offers an easy answer.
1)                                    When Housesitting Goes Wrong from PARASITE
Things seem to be finally working out for the Kim family. They have successfully tricked the rich Park into hiring them as servants and now they have less financial insecurity. And the matriarch Kim Chung-sook (Hye-jin Jang) housesitting the Park’s home while they’re out camping, she, her husband (Kang-ho Song) and children (Woo-sik Choi and So-dam Park) seize this moment to live like they own the place. Life is good.
Of course, you’re waiting for the shoe to drop. And that shoe drops when a former servant comes ringing the doorbell. From that moment, the story takes one unexpected direction after another, keeping you off guard without sacrificing story. And that’s before the Park family come home. Most filmmakers wish they could create as much suspense as Bon Joon Ho does as the Kims hide from the Parks while Chung-sook distracts them.
But at the core of this sequence is how poverty forces people to hurt others and degrade themselves for survival.
[1] Hell, Christian’s not even good to his friends, even stealing Josh’s (William Jackson Harper) thesis idea.
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