#jaeho fanfic
gosiksmallspace · 9 months
fic stats meme
Tagged by @godotismissingx (thank you Min! ❤️)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Okay, here we go!
most hits: Silk (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless)
It started with seeing a photo of Siwan in a silky shirt and things went from there. It was also the first smut I've ever written (and posted) so I’m really happy it got so popular :)
second most kudos: CEO, Jae Ho. Han. (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless)
Jaeho became the boss of Ocean Trading after Chairman Ko’s death! It means promotion! Jaeho and Hyunsoo should celebrate! In the movie there was not a lot of time for that and I wanted Hyunsoo sitting on Jaeho's lap.
third most comments: Back Together (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless)
I really wanted to add more to the day Hyunsoo got released from prison and I believe that he and Jaeho lived together in the older man’s apartment from that point on. Also writing Jaeho being struck by Hyunsoo's presence and beauty because he’s so in love is fun.
fourth most bookmarked: Silk (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless) and Cuddles and other sleeping habits (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless).
Both fics have the same number of bookmarks and I already talked about Silk, so, Cuddles and other sleeping habits. It was the first fic I wrote and posted. After watching Merciless I had a lot of thoughts, joined the Merciless Discord Server, and then I had to write something. I have to update that fic a bit because it was a long time ago since I wrote it but I’m proud of it. Jaeho and Hyunsoo being cute and cuddly brings me happiness.
fifth most words: Silk (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless) (once again), Words: 3,924
I’m in the middle of writing another fic and already now it’s the longest I've ever written so the ranking will change soon. But the writing goes slowly. I have to finally sit down and finish it.
least words: World Apart (Han Jaeho x Jo Hyunsoo from The Merciless), Words: 476
I wrote it inspired by a prompt by @sofarraway. It was inspired by the song World Apart by Asian Kung-Fu Generation and the lyrics fit Jaeho and Hyunsoo's situation perfectly. I wish that short fic was a tiny bit longer so maybe one day I will do something about it.
It was fun to see some statistics and go through my fics again (and I love talking about them too 😆). Once again, Thank you Min! ❤️❤️❤️
Tagging: @daxianme @bobafvcks @yardmargs @verochkasnightmarecorner @frayed-at-the-seams @stanaclown and everyone else who I'm forgetting now
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babischlong-six · 7 months
20 Questions Writer Meme.
tagged by @the-marron <3 Thank you darling <3
How many works do you have on Ao3? Officially? 93. Unofficially, over 120.
What's your total Ao3 word count? 358,732
What fandoms do you write for? Currently Babylon 5, Star Trek (TOS, DS9, ENT), WeiLan Derivs. But there are always more things I get into.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Sorry about the blood in your mouth, I wish it was mine. (The Merciless: canon-compliant alternating POV of Jaeho/Hyunsoo's relationship, angst and romance) "Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" (Star Trek DS9: Garak and Bashir discuss Jane Austen and Cardassian flirting, humor) The Admiral (Star Trek TOS: Post-TSFS, Spock grapples with the memories he is regaining, introspective) Desperate Times (Star Trek DS9: Set during "Doctor Bashir, I Presume," Garak and Bashir's relationship develops, romance and angst with a happy ending) hold me tight and never let go (Star Trek ENT: Archer and Shran get it on, but alien biology proves to be an unexpected hurdle in the relationship, sexual humor)
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? Yes, absolutely. If someone liked my fic enough to tell me about it, I appreciate it! Also a lot of people say interesting or insightful things that I hadn't thought of, or HAD thought of but didn't include, and I'm always down to talk about things I'm interested. It's a great way to make fandom friends!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh that's a hard one. I'm an angsty writer tbh. There are a lot of fics I've written where one or more characters die. I think one of them would be the Detecive L/The Rebel crossover - We Both Know How This Ends: where two former spies, who had once placed their hopes in a new, better era, have to live with the truth of what bitter end they have achieved. It's also heavily implied that Lin Nansheng will not be allowed to survive long by the very system he sacrificed everything to help instate.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This is also a hard one. Most of my longer fics are angsty. I guess there's Da-ge's Midlife Crisis Boyfriend: a Mo Sanmei/Qiao Yicheng slice-of-life romcom where nothing particularly bad ever happens, and everyone ends up happy together in the end.
Do you get hate on fics? Oh yeah I used to, for sure. Cray-cray shit. But that was more of a fandom issue. I tend to leave fandoms that get toxic, and I'm happy to report that nowadays I no longer do. (niche retro sci fi fandoms my beloved <3)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Occasionally. Usually it's either humorous or some kind of character development. Smut is like fight scenes, there's a lot of movement going on, it's hard to keep track of who's doing what with which body part, so I tend to avoid it, but now and then I dabble. I've found that it's easier to write smut when one or both characters is not Human, for whatever reason.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? WeiLan Derivs babeyyy! Yeah, I've written a ton. The craziest one would probably have to be the little one-shot prompt collections I've written about two characters from different fandoms shipped together, but they're played by the same guy.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I've had concepts and plots stolen, bits of dialogue stolen, and way back in the day, someone re-uploaded my shitty InuYasha fanfic from ff.net to WattPad, but it's been deleted since.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! A few different ones.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. Sometimes I bounce ideas around with someone, or ask for help when I'm stuck. But I'd be curious to try it, if only it wasn't so involving - IRL is a bitch.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Just ONE?? You're kidding, right??? I'm currently obsessed with G'Kar/Londo Mollari from B5, but then there's also Garak/Bashir from DS9, and I can't ever forget Lan Qiren/Wen Ruohan from MDZS, but also ENT's Shran/Archer have a special place in my heart---- [gets shot]
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Oh fuck dude... So many. There are so, so many.
What are your writing strengths? Beyond a shadow of a doubt, dialogue. I just like writing people talking. Everything else is so hard...
What are your writing weaknesses? Run-on sentences. Repeating stuff I already said, even in the same words. Scene blocking. Scene description: I tend to just offer up a paragraph of "where this is happening" and then completely forget where everyone is standing or sitting and what room they're in. I keep having to go back and add characters interacting with their environments between dialogue tags smh...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it's a language you know? Go for it! If it's a language you don't know, ask someone who speaks the language whether the dialogue sounds insane. You have no idea how many times I stumble across someone having decided to slip in some Russian or Chinese into a character's speech, and it sounds ridiculous, and I have to immediately stop reading because of the cringe (even if it was a good fic up until then!)
First fandom you wrote for? I'm pretty sure it was InuYasha? Maybe Bleach or Naruto? I was 14 and a weeb, for sure tho.
Favorite fic you've written? That's another hard question! Most of the time, I'm pretty neutral on the stuff I've written, unless I actively despise it. For me it's about hearing the characters in my head as I write, rather than even the finished result. I think that's what I tend to mean when I say I'm writing for myself - I'm trying to recapture the feeling of watching or reading that media for the first time, by creating some extension of it in my head, and then bringing it out on "paper." That aside, I've been getting quite a lot of enjoyment out of my Babylon 5 ficlets lately.
'whoever wants to do it, please feel tagged' is a fantastic concept <3 I'll add in: @elemental-queen-writes @hingabee @polkadotcravat @spaceoperajay just for funsies, no pressure <3
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
☀️ Imagine 🌙 Fanfic
🌼 Fluff 🥀 Angst 🌷 Comedy 🍄 Suggestive
Wish/Kwak Dawit
Coming soon
Keum/Keum Donghyun
Attention ☀️🌼
Mu/Seo Kyungmin
Coming soon
A-Min/Cho Minwoo
Coming soon
Baekseung/Kim Hyunwoo
Coming soon
Ayden/Kwon Yejun
Coming soon
Seo Yewang
Coming soon
Jeff/Lee Jaeho
Coming soon
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cily-fanfic · 6 years
Tumblr media
A los 19 años, Jaejoong se había convertido en un muchacho muy atractivo, tanto para hombres como para mujeres. Su belleza, con rasgos algo femeninos le hacían ganar mucho terreno en su clientela masculina, y sus hermanas no perdían la oportunidad de ayudarle, con un poco de maquillaje, a resaltar su encanto natural.
Con dos años de experiencia en el mundo de la prostitución, y las charlas con sus hermanas –ese puñado de chicas que lo habían visto llegar con 9 años a la casa, y que lo habían visto crecer- le habían enseñado muchas cosas, al punto de considerarse casi un experto en ese ámbito. Conocía a sus clientes habituales como la palma de su mano. Sabía con quienes debía gritar, con quienes gemir suavemente, con quienes cerrar los ojos o no, o con quienes hablar sucio... conocía todos esos pequeños detalles que le concedían el aprecio de sus clientes, y un dinero extra, además del que ya pagaban por poseerlo 60 minutos. Por supuesto, poco después de haber empezado este trabajo, Jaejoong se había dado cuenta de que tener sexo con los hombres que lo compraban no era nada comparado con su primera vez con Jonghyun, pues a pesar de que esa vez ambos estaban nerviosos, y para los estándares actuales de Jaejoong eso casi ni podía contarse como ‘sexo’, Jonghyun había sido gentil y cariñoso con él; le había hecho sentir como si realmente lo amara y se lo estuviera demostrando en cada toque, en cada beso... “¡Joongie, vamos a hacer la cena!” Le gritó su hermana preferida, Bora. “Ya voy!”.Dejando el espejo con el que se había estado mirando, Jaejoong se levantó del piso y corrió a encontrarse con la chica, quien lo esperaba ya en la puerta de la humilde cocina. “¿En qué te tardaste tanto, eh?” La muchacha, apenas dos años mayor que Jaejoong, le sonrió maliciosamente. “Apuesto a que ya te estabas mirando en el espejo! ¿Que no te cansas?” “¡Ustedes me malcriaron de esta forma! Ahora aténganse a las consecuencias” Jaejoong le sonrió de la misma forma, entrando a la cocina para empezar a preparar la cena para todos en la casa. Antes de empezar con la labor, Jaejoong siempre se aseguraba de tomarse el cabello en una coleta, y ponerse un delantal sobre la ropa. No podía permitirse ensuciar la poca ropa con la que contaba, ni tampoco que algo le pasara a su cabello, que le llegaba casi hasta el codo. A sus clientes les encantaba su largo cabello oscuro, al igual que sus demás rasgos delicados. Por eso es que llegada la noche se ponía su mejor hanbok -vestido tradicional coreano-, se peinaba cuidadosamente y dejaba que le aplicaran algo de maquillaje. A sus clientes les gustaba verlo vestido de chica, y a él realmente no le molestaba. Por 60 minutos podían pretender que era quien se les diera la gana, con tal de que después le pagaran la suma convenida... “Jaejoong... ¿ya estas mejor de tu hombro?” El mencionado llevó una mano al lugar que la chica indicaba, a pesar de que no le dolía. “Sí, no paso nada grave. Ese tipo no me hizo daño...” “Si vuelvo a verlo aquí, lo golpeare con este sartén!” Bora hizo un gesto amenazador con el utensilio de cocina, antes de ponerlo al fuego. “Ya te dije que no te preocupes, hermana. Además, no era uno de mis clientes habituales, así que no creo volver a verlo aquí. De todas formas, si vuelve, no creo que mamá lo deje entrar” “Tienes razón. Tiene bastantes años, pero recuperó toda su vitalidad cuando hablaba de que si volvía a ver al tipo ese, lo mataría por haber dañado a su bebé” “No soy un bebe...” Jaejoong hizo un puchero frunciendo el ceño, mientras terminaba de saltear unos vegetales. “Es verdad... ya eres todo un hombre...” Bora se quedó mirándolo un momento, con algo de melancolía por ese muchachito de 9 años, asustado y enfermizo, que se escondía tras de su falda cada vez que veía a un extraño. Ahora ese muchachito era un apuesto joven que hacía lo mismo que ella, luchar para ganarse la vida. Cuando la cena estuvo lista y servida en la gran e improvisada mesa, la cual apenas alcanzaba para todas las personas que allí vivían, Jaejoong tomó su porción, y la porción de su mamá, y la llevó a la habitación de la anciana mujer. Mamá, como todos la llamaban en la casa, era una de esas mujeres con mucha edad, pero jóvenes en espíritu, y con un inmenso corazón. Para ella, todos los que trabajaban en su casa eran su familia, y los cuidaba como tal. Constantemente llegaban chicas nuevas a trabajar, algunas muy jóvenes, con no más de 15 años; algunas incluso parecían de familias pudientes, que habían sido rechazadas por sus padres por algún embarazo no deseado, o alguna otra mancha en su historial. De todas formas, mamá las acogía y les daba un sitio donde dormir y comida, a cambio de que trabajaran para ella. Por sobre todo, mamá nunca les ofrecía el trabajo de prostitutas, sino que les pedía que ayudaran en la casa, pero las chicas siempre terminaban, al igual que Jaejoong, seducidas por una manera al parecer fácil de ganar dinero. Sea como fuere, mamá los cuidaba, a todos, y con la parte del dinero que ganaba de las chicas, conseguía buena comida y atención médica para quien necesitara. “Mamá, puedo pasar?” El joven tocó suavemente la puerta, y cuando escuchó la débil respuesta, entró a la habitación, con ambas porciones de comida en las manos. “Te traje comida” “Gracias, mi niño...” la anciana mujer sonrió con los dientes que le quedaban, y le indicó que se sentara a su lado en su improvisada cama en el piso. “Escuché que el señor Seo se fue de viaje a China... así que hoy tendrás un cliente menos...” “Así parece...” Jaejoong dejó de lado su comida para ayudarle a su mamá a comer. “Es increíble como, aunque estás enferma y encerrada en estas cuatro paredes, buscas la manera de enterarte de todo.” “Nosotras las viejas tenemos nuestros trucos...” Ambos permanecieron en un cómodo silencio, mientras el joven alimentaba a la anciana, con un cariño y devoción que solo podían ser causa del inmenso agradecimiento que Jaejoong tenía por esta mujer, que lo había recogido y amado como a un hijo. “Ya tengo que irme.” dijo el joven de pronto, mirando con dulzura a su madre postiza. La señora hizo una mueca de desagrado, pero se aseguró de sonreírle también a su Jaejoong, a pesar de que lo que más le gustaría es poder mantenerlo lejos de los hombres que lo único que buscaban era abusar de su cuerpo; a pesar de que pagaban grandes cantidades de dinero, la mujer pensaba que nunca sería suficiente por el daño que le hacían a su niño. “No pongas esa cara… No te preocupes, es mi opción.” “Lo sé, Joongie. Mejor ve, antes de que se te haga tarde” . El chico depositó un beso en su mejilla, y luego se llevó consigo los platos vacíos. -- Luego de revisar su apariencia por enésima vez en el pequeño espejo ubicado en una esquina de la habitación, decidió que estaba listo para empezar otra noche. Su largo cabello negro lo llevaba suelto, con un pequeño adorno en forma de mariposa en un costado. Con un poco de maquillaje en los ojos, para que sus pestañas se vieran más largas, y un poco de lápiz labial levemente rojizo, lograba mantener la imagen femenina que a sus clientes tanto les excitaba. Para vestir, llevaba su usual hanbok, de color rojo y blanco. Era la única vestimenta decente que poseía, y la atesoraba con todo su ser. Aunque con cada cliente no le duraba puesto ni 10 minutos, pero debía lucir bien para ellos, sin importar que la prenda terminara tirada en un rincón. Como era habitual, Jonghyun se encontraba en la entrada de la casa, para recibir a los clientes. Ese era su pequeño aporte al negocio, además de ayudar a limpiar la casa. Con los años Jonghyun se había tornado un chico serio y con ansias de proteger a mamá y a las chicas que trabajaban en la casa. Por supuesto en eso también incluía a Jaejoong, a pesar de que este dijera poder cuidarse solo. A las 10 en punto los clientes comenzaron a llegar, y de a uno se iban con cada una de las chicas. Cuando alguien llegaba a pedir a alguna en especifico, y esta ya estaba tomada, Jonghyun le indicaba que volvieran más tarde y dejaba su nombre anotado en una caligrafía impecable. La madre de Jonghyun solo había sido una prostituta sin recursos, pero de todas formas este se había empeñado en aprender a leer y escribir por su cuenta; en un vano intento había tratado de que Jaejoong se le uniera en el estudio, pero el mayor nunca había dado importancia a ese aspecto. Y de hecho, como siempre argumentaba: para su trabajo no necesitaba ni leer ni escribir. Ya pasada media hora, Jaejoong aun esperaba algún cliente. Generalmente el primero en venir siempre era el señor Seo, y como ahora se encontraba de viaje... no le quedaba otra que acompañar a Jonghyun y charlar un rato con el chico que consideraba su hermano. “¿Así que hoy no estás solicitado?” Dijo el menor, con un dejo de amargura en la voz, algo que pasaba desapercibido para Jaejoong. “Mmm…” asintió.”No importa, ya llegará alguien. Además, dime que no disfrutas de mi compañía, Hyun.” “Mejor solo que mal acompañado, tonto” en un tierno gesto le desordeno el cabello, sabiendo lo mucho que al mayor le molestaba eso. “¡No!” Jaejoong recogió el adorno de mariposa del suelo y rápidamente ordenó su cabello, volviendolo a su hermoso estado, mientras Jonghyun reía a carcajadas. Unos fuertes toques en la puerta se hicieron escuchar, y Jaejoong corrió a su habitación – la cual no quedaba muy lejos de la entrada. Tomó su espejo y se miró, arreglando los últimos detalles para quedar decente. Luego de unos minutos, Jaejoong escuchó lo que parecía una discusión en la entrada, y se apresuró a ver qué pasaba. Allí vio a un joven no mucho mayor que él mismo, ataviado en un elegante traje negro, balbuceando en voz alta mientras se apoyaba firmemente en la pared. A juzgar por su estado, Jaejoong habría jurado que había consumido una buena cantidad de alcohol. “Señor, es mejor que se vaya.” Jonghyun trataba de convencerlo, pero el joven insistía en que pagaría lo que fuera, pero que necesitaba a alguien. Desafortunadamente todas las chicas estaban ocupadas en ese momento, así que Jaejoong se acercó, tímidamente, y se detuvo al lado del menor. “Yo me haré cargo, Hyun” le dijo seguro de sí mismo, pero éste se negó rotundamente. No podía permitir que alguien en ese estado se metiera con su Joongie. Ya era suficientemente doloroso verlo con todos esos viejos adinerados y pervertidos. No podía dejar que un muchacho, por más adinerado que fuera, se acercara a Jaejoong con ese nivel de alcohol en la sangre. Algo malo podría pasar. “Jonghyun, es trabajo. Y si digo que yo me haré cargo, es porque puedo.” Su tono fue tan duro e implacable que lo único que Jonghyun pudo hacer fue mirar como su amigo llevaba casi a rastras al ebrio joven a su habitación. -- Una vez que hubo dejado al joven sobre su futón, se sentó en el suelo a su lado, para observarlo. Por sus rasgos, supuso que debía tener unos años más que él; sus facciones parecían mucho más maduras que las suyas. El elegante traje que llevaba estaba algo sucio, probablemente manchas de alcohol, y llevaba la camisa a medio abrochar, revelando una deliciosa porción de piel bronceada. Generalmente Jaejoong no le daba mucho espacio en su cabeza a preguntarse si sus clientes eran atractivos o no; al fin y al cabo eso no era importante. Sin embargo no pudo evitar como sus ojos se posaron intensamente en esa porción de piel. Nunca había visto una piel tan deseable como esa, ni unas facciones tan masculinas y atractivas al mismo tiempo. Por casi media hora el joven permaneció recostado como un bulto en el futón de Jaejoong, respirando pacíficamente mientras Jaejoong lo observaba sin terminar de explicarse el porqué ese chico le causaba tanta curiosidad. Cierto que no tenía la oportunidad de ver a jóvenes de su edad muy seguido, excepto por Jonghyun: sus clientes eran señores ya mayores, y en la casa estaba rodeado de solo mujeres. Sin embargo había algo más en sus facciones que le cautivaba, ese aire de elegancia y distinción, a pesar de encontrarse tirado en el suelo y ebrio hasta perder la conciencia. Nadie que Jaejoong conociera podía lucir tan bien en condiciones tan degradantes. Un leve movimiento de parte del chico alertó a Jaejoong, y se apresuró a buscar un paño húmedo para limpiar su rostro y refrescarlo un poco. No era su obligación, pero sentía que debía hacer algo por ese chico. “Hmmm…” se quejó el que estaba tirado en el suelo, masajeándose la sien con una mano, y mostrando una expresión bastante perdida. Cuando se dio cuenta de la presencia del otro, pestañeó varias veces antes de volver a recargar la cabeza en las cómodas mantas, dejando que Jaejoong limpiara suavemente su rostro con el paño húmedo. La mirada del chico no se apartó de su rostro durante todo el proceso, lo que lo ponía inmensamente nervioso. “¿Te sientes mejor?” A juzgar por su estado, Jaejoong juraría que el mareo causado por el alcohol aún no se iba de su cuerpo, pero tenía que preguntarle algo, a ver si así lograba distraer su atención y hacer que dejara de mirarlo tan fijamente. Por un momento, el joven se quedó en silencio, solo observando, y luego, con una mirada bastante afectada por el exceso de alcohol en su sangre, se dirigió a Jaejoong en un tono grave. “¿Cómo te llamas?” Ciertamente el menor no esperaba esto. Preguntas como ‘¿Donde estoy? ¿Quien eres? ¿Qué pasó?’ podrían haber surgido de la boca del joven, sin causar ninguna sorpresa en Jaejoong, pero no se esperaba que lo primero que dijera fuera preguntarle su nombre. “J-Jaejoong…”.Por un momento dudó, pero luego decidió que tenía el derecho de preguntarle lo mismo. “¿Y tu nombre cual es?” “Yunho. Jung Yunho…”su voz se perdió en un exhalado suspiro, y luego cerrando los ojos completamente, llevó una mano a su estómago y, ante la incrédula mirada del menor, la introdujo en sus pantalones para comenzar a masajear su miembro. El rostro de Jaejoong fue del crema pálido a un rojo intenso en las mejillas. Había visto a muchos hombres hacer eso, ¡incluso él lo hacía! Masturbarse no era nada del otro mundo para él, pero ver a ese chico hacerlo, como si no le importara ser observado, le provocaba algo. Sobretodo, le perturbaba. De algún modo se sentía un invasor de su privacidad, como si estuviera de espectador en un lugar en donde no debía estar. “Uh… Jaejoong” el rubor se intensificó cuando su cerebro terminó de procesar las palabras emitidas por el otro chico, Yunho, y darse cuenta de que en ningún modo había dicho su nombre para llamar su atención. Muy por el contrario, Yunho aún permanecía con los ojos cerrados, su mano aún masajeando el bulto en su entrepierna. Se estaba masturbando mientras gemía su nombre. A cada minuto que pasaba, Jaejoong sentía que esa voz, esa grave vibración de sus cuerdas vocales llegaba profundo en él, haciendo que su corazón latiera fuerte. No podía ignorar lo que pasaba frente a sus ojos; lo que más le sorprendía era que ese chico, teniéndolo ahí, en lugar de aprovecharse de eso, solo prefería tocarse pensando en él. Definitivamente eso era nuevo para Jaejoong. “Mmmh....” el calor que emitía su cuerpo era tan sofocante, que Jaejoong comenzó a sentir su propia piel arder. Era un fuego que nacía en su interior, que se expandía por su ser y finalmente terminaba en su bajo vientre. Y era la primera vez que alguien lograba excitarlo sin siquiera ponerle una mano encima.
Aún tenía la mirada fija en el rostro del chico, cuando éste abrió repentinamente los ojos, y los fijó en el ahora ruborizado rostro del menor. Sin darle tiempo para reaccionar siquiera, Yunho estiró un brazo y atrajo el cuerpo de Jaejoong al suyo, quedando sentado con el pecho de Jaejoong pegado al suyo, su respiración chocando contra su pálido cuello. Jaejoong dejó escapar un gemido tímido ante el contacto, pero se quedó quieto, inmóvil, sin saber que hacer ni que decir; solo podía sentir, sentir la ansiedad crecer en su cuerpo, y los latidos de su corazón golpeando tan violentamente, que estaba seguro que Yunho podía sentirlos contra su propio pecho. Una vez más la mano de Yunho retomó su labor, moviéndose frenética sobre su miembro, y ahora sus gemidos eran ahogados contra la sensible piel del menor. Y cada vez que Yunho dejaba escapar su nombre, Jaejoong tenía que morderse el labio para no gemir con él. Las sensaciones eran demasiado intensas, demasiado para su cuerpo. A pesar de que su miembro no había recibido atención alguna, sentía que podía venirse en cualquier minuto, solo sintiendo como Yunho se masturbaba diciendo su nombre. Como si Yunho hubiera escuchado sus pensamientos, sus gemidos comenzaron a ser más desesperados, más cerca del clímax. Las suaves vibraciones de la voz de Yunho golpeaban sin descanso contra su oído, brindándole aún más calor del que creía que podía sentir. El mayor aún lo tenía sujeto contra su cuerpo, y sin querer comenzó a temblar y a jadear profusamente. Lo único que atinó a hacer en el momento en que Yunho comenzó a emitir gemidos ahogados fue aferrarse al pecho del mayor con ambas manos, como si así esperara aferrarse a un poco de cordura. El orgasmo de Yunho fue como un asalto a su cuerpo; al momento en que el mayor pronunció por última vez su nombre en un erótico gemido, Jaejoong gimió también contra el pecho de éste, cerrando fuertemente los ojos. Pasados unos minutos en que todo lo que se escuchaba en la habitación eran sus respiraciones aun agitadas, Jaejoong se sentía agotado, aturdido, y no lograba pensar coherentemente. Cuando notó que Yunho le acariciaba el cabello con la mano que lo sostenía contra su cuerpo, se separó violentamente de éste y balbuceó un par de cosas incoherentes, antes de salir de la habitación para buscar más agua y otro paño húmedo para que Yunho se limpiara. Al llegar al baño a buscar lo que necesitaba, se miró al espejo y avergonzado descubrió que su rostro aún estaba colorado. De hecho, parecía como si hubiera tenido sexo hace solo unos minutos, por su apariencia y su aturdimiento. Sus mejillas se ruborizaron más al darse cuenta de que estaba en ese estado sin haber sido tocado sexualmente ni una vez por el otro joven. Con cuidado se arregló un poco el vestido, se ordenó el peinado y se mojó el rostro. Tenía que lucir presentable y compuesto, aunque por dentro aún sintiera que estaba ardiendo. Una vez de nuevo en la habitación, se acercó a ayudar al chico a limpiarse. Estaba un poco incómodo pasando ese paño húmedo por el estómago y miembro de Yunho, aunque ciertamente no era una acción que no haya tenido que hacer antes con sus clientes. Con Yunho, sin embargo, se sentía diferente. El hecho de saber que la intensa mirada del mayor estaba solo fija en él le hacía erizar la piel. Aunque siempre era muy estricto en los horarios con sus clientes, preocupándose de que sus visitas fueran de una hora exacta, ni un minuto más, ahora Jaejoong se encontraba deseando que esa hora fuera eterna, pues no se cansaba de la presencia del otro chico, aunque también le hacía sentir confundido. Nunca antes se había sentido así, y no entendía qué estaba pasando. Una vez que hubo limpiado los residuos de semen del cuerpo de Yunho se sentó a su lado, en un silencio incómodo. ¿Que podía decirle? Generalmente no hablaba con sus clientes, y ellos tampoco mostraban interés en querer gastar la hora por la que pagaban hablando con él, así que una situación así era algo a lo que nunca se había visto sometido. Yunho seguía recostado en el suelo, con las piernas abiertas y los ojos cerrados, respirando profundamente. Por un momento Jaejoong se preguntó si estaba despierto, pero luego de varios minutos de que el joven se mantuviera en esa posición sin decir ni hacer nada más, el menor concluyó que, efectivamente, Jung Yunho se había dormido. Una tímida mano se acercó a su pacífico rostro y quitó el cabello que cubría sus ojos, mientras lo observaba, grabando en su mente cada detalle de sus facciones; probablemente nunca volvería a verlo. Tenía mucho dinero -como sus clientes-, pero se veía demasiado joven y atractivo como para necesitarlo a él, un muerto de hambre que tiene que vender su cuerpo para sobrevivir, para saciar sus deseos sexuales. Con su atractivo podría conseguir a cualquiera que quisiera. Al escuchar pasos afuera de su puerta, retiró su mano del rostro de Yunho, y se quedó quieto esperando ver a Jonghyun al abrir la puerta, pero solo se encontró con la cara de un desconocido apareciendo frente a él. “Yunho!” el joven exclamó, mirando el cuerpo del joven en el suelo, y luego notando a la persona sentada a su lado.”Uh, disculpe...” hizo una pausa antes de hacer una pequeña reverencia, algo que sorprendió a Jaejoong. “Mi hermano... Perdon si le causó muchos problemas.” Jaejoong quería decir que sí, que Yunho si le había causado problemas, que incluso ahora que debería estar mentalizándose para otro cliente, imágenes del mayor masajeando su miembro fervientemente mientras respiraba cerca de su rostro le invadían. Sin embargo solo sonrió levemente y le respondió “No, no fue problema” “Soy Jung Shiwon. Un gusto.” El recien llegado examinó rápidamente a la persona frente suyo, sin sorprenderse por su apariencia. Aunque no se hablara abiertamente de lugares como éste en el pueblo, siempre era posible escuchar rumores, comentarios por lo bajo, y así Shiwon había oído hablar varias veces de este chico con belleza tan femenina, tan popular entre los señores adinerados. Y ahora que lo veía frente a frente podía entender el por qué de su popularidad. El chico era simplemente hermoso, nada en su ser parecía fuera de lugar, todo impecable y perfecto, como si se tratara de un ser etéreo. “...Kim Jaejoong...” el menor bajó levemente el rostro en señal de reverencia, y luego miró rápidamente a Yunho. “Su hermano llegó aquí en bastante mala condición.” intentando usar el vocabulario más educado que conocía, Jaejoong continuó. “Afortunadamente, ahora sólo duerme” Shiwon se acercó un poco al desorden de mantas en donde se encontraba el cuerpo de su hermano, y se arrodilló para tratar de incorporarlo. Pasando un brazo por debajo de su cuerpo, y otro por su espalda, lo levantó del suelo, y Jaejoong quedó asombrado de la fuerza de éste. Yunho parecía de por sí bastante grande, pero Shiwon lo era aún más. “Perdon por las molestias” el más alto hizo otra reverencia, y luego de unos instantes agregó. “Cuánto es...?” Al principio Jaejoong no supo a qué se refería, pero le bastó un momento más para darse cuenta de que se refería a dinero. Y por enésima vez en la noche desde que Yunho había llegado se sintió perdido, esta vez por haber olvidado, por un momento, que estaba trabajando. “Nno, no es nada.” Ante la mirada confundida de Shiwon, el menor se sintió un poco tonto. ¿Desde cuando estaba dispuesto a no cobrar por sus servicios? Aunque Yunho no le hubiera hecho nada, si hubiera sido cualquier otra persona, no hubiera dudado en pedir la cantidad usual. Pero por alguna razón, no podía cobrarle a Yunho. No se sentía correcto. “Cuide bien a su hermano, señor Jung” Pasados unos minutos después que los hermanos Jung se fueran, Jonghyun llegó a su habitación, con una mirada seria. “¿Qué pasó?” “Nada. ¿Por qué?” “¿Cómo que ‘nada’? ¿Te hizo algo?” Jonghyun se sentó a su lado en el suelo, sin dejar de mirarlo fijamente. Jaejoong quería reír ante la ironía de esa pregunta, porque en realidad Yunho no le había hecho nada, sin embargo con ninguna otra persona se había sentido tan expuesto. “No me hizo nada, tontito. Ahora quiero dormir, así que dejemos la charla para mañana.” Sin esperar respuesta, Jaejoong comenzó a quitarse la prenda de su cuerpo, para cambiarse a la ropa que usualmente usaba para dormir. Jonghyun lo miró preocupado unos segundos más, y luego, rehusándose a salir de la habitación, le ayudó a quitarse el hanbok. Suerte que Jaejoong no atendiera a más de dos clientes por noche, y que con el incidente del tal jung Yunho se hubiera hecho suficientemente tarde como para no recibir a nadie más. “Escuché a las chicas hablar, y decían que el señor Seo no volverá hasta dentro de un mes...” comentó casualmente el menor, desanudando la parte inferior del hanbok. “Mmm... “ De entre todos sus clientes, el señor Seo era el que más pagaba por él, y también quien más promesas vacías le hacía. A Jaejoong no le importaba que le prometieran cosas; ‘Voy a sacarte de este lugar’, ‘Vamos a huir a otro país’, ‘Dejaré a mi familia...’, Jaejoong ya no creía nada de eso, y solo asentía con la cabeza, aunque no entendía como esos hombres podían esperar que les creyera que dejarían a su familia por él. “Estás muy callado. ¿Seguro que no te hizo nada?” “Sí. No te preocupes.” Jaejoong terminó de colocarse la camiseta que usaba para dormir, y se acomodó entre las mantas. “¿No vas a dormir conmigo?” preguntó el menor, sabiendo que a pesar de que esta era la habitación de Jaejoong, el mayor siempre dormía con él en su habitación, pues decía que no podía dormir con el olor a sexo y sudor de su habitación. “No, hoy quiero estar solo.” La expresión dolida del menor pasó desapercibida para Jaejoong, y minutos después estaba solo en su habitación, cubriéndose con las mantas que, por primera vez en su vida, no tenían un olor desagradable.
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y-jw1 · 3 years
go to sleep
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pairing. jeff × reader
genre. fluff
word count. 863 words
synopsis. jaeho was sick and the others loved to tease him about you ─ could he have ever risked himself getting teased more than now?
now playing. grass, " babyblue"
warnings. sick character, mentions of sicknesses─ fever and a headache, descriptions of physical effects on fever and a cold
note. sorry the requests are kinda slow </3 i have so much projects to finish & hw to submit but i will always try to update ! also, i'm sorry to the anon if this isn't what exactly you wanted ueueue but have a great day ahead, everyone !
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JAEHO WASN'T MUCH OF A FAN TO SHOW AFFECTION to you in public due to his shyness─ and because the others teased the shit out of him. but now that he really couldn't go out because he was sick, he had no other choice but to invite you over to see you. jaeho was a clingy boyfriend, though not a lot would know about that fact, but he indeed is so cute you couldn't resist him.
" okay ─ so, my favorite person in this whole wide world is coming and i have a favor to ask you guys" jaeho says, making everyone in the living room turn towards him. yejun was the first to react, elbowing minwoo who was beside him and flashed jaeho a smirk.
this is what jaeho meant ─ he didn't even get to mention your name and now they're looking at him with a smirk on their faces. jokingly, it made his fever even worse when the others started teasing him.
" oh so your honeybunch sugarplum pumpy yumpy yumpkin is arriving ─"
" you are my sweetiepie!"
“ jesus ─ why do you both even know that song?”
" i see. let's make food for our visitor, everyone! you can just rest, jaeho. we'll just tell you if your favorite visitor is coming over" dawit says, shooing the youngest into his room and dragged kyungmin into the kitchen, hurriedly making snacks in case you arrive early or something.
but fortunately, you arrived just right on time when they had finished getting ready. hearing the doorbell, jaeho immediately rushed towards the front door despite his headache and his body feeling heavy as cement just to greet you.
" hi!" you greet as hyunwoo opened the door for you, flashing you a smile and letting you in after you took off your shoes. you weren't really new or unfamiliar to them since you visited from time to time─ but you could say they had cleaned their dorm better now.
" jaeho is in his room so you should just go. oh─ he's here" hyunwoo pauses, pointing at your boyfriend who was standing by the doorway with a blanket wrapped around him and waving at you. you and hyunwoo bid goodbyes to each other and went on your own ways ─ him to the kitchen and you to jaeho.
“ baby!” you call out, running towards jaeho and engulfed him in a hug. he felt a little too warm and his face was a little too pale, making your worry grow ten times worse. he buries his face on the crook of your neck, hugging you back.
“ you shouldn’t get too near me or you’re going to get sick too” jaeho scolds, breaking the hug and holding you by your shoulders. his eyes were droopy that he felt like he was going to sleep if he ever closed his eyes but you’re here ─ he didn’t want to miss the chance to talk to you.
“ it’s fine, jaeho. i’m here to take care of you, okay? now, go back to your room and get enough sleep” you assure, turning him around and gently pushing him towards his room despite his protests and whines.
“ sorry ─ my room’s kinda messy. i didn’t get to clean around because i was sick” he says, sitting down at the edge of his bed and cupping his head with his hand. you nod understandingly, sitting next to him and wrapping your arms around him to warm him a little. jaeho instinctively leans against you and hugs your waist, relaxing in your embrace.
you didn’t even care if you were going to get sick next or if you’re going to catch a fever after a few days ─ your thoughts were only consisting of jaeho and taking care of him, your boyfriend and the only boy you would ever love.
“ go to sleep now” you mumble, untangling yourself from his arms and stood up to assist jaeho to lay down. luckily for you, your boyfriend wasn’t much of a stubborn boy and laid down tiredly. you could see how tired jaeho was, making you feel sorry for him to even stand up and greet you by the doorway.
“ are you going to stay here or are you going to leave when i fall asleep?” he asks as you gently tuck him into his bed, wrapping him with his blanket and placing a fever strip in his forehead. you chuckle at his cuteness ─ jaeho made it clear he didn’t want you to go any time sooner and he wanted you to stay a little longer.
who were you to refuse?
“ i’m staying here until you wake up, dummy. get some sleep, okay? i promise i’ll still be here when you wake up” you assure jaeho who was still looking up at you with pleading eyes and you watch how his eyes smile at the statement, getting comfortable in his bed before drifting to sleep.
“ damn, when is it going to be my turn?”
“ you’re going to be single until you go bald, yewang”
“ i’m younger than you!”
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I was not aware I could experience that range of emotions within 2 hours but apparently I can
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augustmoon259 · 3 years
The Strongest Florist x Your Smile Is A Trap
Lily Cha was having a terrible day.
It all started earlier at school. She was used to being ignored by others because of her intimidating appearance. The only reason people even looked in her direction was because of her incredibly beautiful neighbor Kiyu. In other words, they would gossip about her and Kiyu’s relationship: the bully and her victim, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc. Lily knew it wasn’t Kiyu’s fault, but it was still annoying for someone like her who only wanted to be left alone.
That day, Lily was minding her own business as per usual, until two of her classmates went up to her to ask her a question.
“Um, Lily, are you…”
Lily remembered these two girls. They both had shoulder length hair, but one of them had bangs while the other did not. The girl with bangs was Somin, and the girl without bangs was Yijeong. These two girls (mostly Yijeong) were the beginning of her and Kiyu’s troubles.
Somin was attempting to finish asking her question, but lost her nerve the longer she was faced with Lily’s menacing aura. With an “eek!” of terror, she quickly hid behind Yijeong. Yijeong looked nervous as well, but managed not to run away or hide like Somin did.
“Um, so, we were wondering...are you related to Jaeho Hwang?”
The question shocked her, of course it did (who randomly asks a person if they’re related to someone else? Lily didn’t even know these two that well, and she wasn’t inclined to get to know them better with how inconvenient they had made her and Kiyu’s lives at school). But what really surprised her was who they mentioned - Jaeho Hwang.
“Why are you asking me that?”
Lily knew that she was nervous and trying her best to be calm, while to others, it probably looked like she was sending them her most terrifying death glare.
“Um, uh, we’re sorry, it won’t happen again! Sorry for bothering you!”
Whatever liquid luck that had allowed Yijeong to face her seemed to have disappeared, as she quickly grabbed Somin and they left Lily’s vicinity soon after.
How did those two know I was related to Jaeho?
She needed to get to the bottom of this, and there was one person who she knew would be knowledgeable of what was going on. Lily found him talking to a few of his other friends, but he parted ways with them when he caught sight of her.
“Lily! What’s up? You don’t normally find me first; it’s usually the other way around. And where’s Kiyu? I haven’t seen him at all today.”
This was Honggu, her second friend she made after Kiyu. He could be loud, overconfident, and easily excitable, but she found that his presence grew on her, much like Kiyu’s (except he didn’t make her go blind just by looking at him).
“Honggu, I need to ask you about something. And Kiyu is doing something important today with his grandma. He didn’t tell me what.”
“Oh, okay. So what did you wanna ask me?”
She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to continue, before deciding that answers were more important at the moment.
“Do you know who Jaeho Hwang is?”
“Jaeho Hwang?! Do I know him?! Who doesn’t know him?! He’s only the biggest name in New World right now!”
Temporarily blindsided by Honggu’s enthusiasm, Lily took a moment to collect her bearings. I’ve never seen Honggu this excited before, and that’s saying something.
“What is this New World you’re talking about?”
“HUH?! You don’t know what New World is?!”
Honggu looked incredibly disappointed in Lily.
“No, which is why I asked you.”
“Oh, right…” Here, Honggu had the decency to look embarrassed, before perking up again. “New World is the most popular virtual reality game right now. Everyone plays it!”
“Including you?”
“Yes! And, ahem, not to brag, but I’m pretty good at it. I could even go pro one day!”
Coming from Honggu, this is most likely an exaggeration, but Lily decided not to burst his bubble. Now it was Honggu’s turn to ask Lily a question.
“But why do you want to know about Jaeho Hwang?”
“He’s my cousin.”
“Oh, I see. He’s your - WHAT?!”
If this was a cartoon, Honggu’s jaw would have dropped to the floor. As it stands, his mouth was wide open in disbelief after Lily’s shocking revelation.
“You…! You’re…! Cousins….?! B-but, how?!”
“Our dads are brothers. My dad and Jaeho’s dad had a falling out over my dad deciding to open a flower shop though, so I haven’t seen Jaeho since then.”
“Wow. So you haven’t seen him in years?”
“I think so. He was a high schooler and I was still in elementary school.”
“Aw man, life is so unfair! One of my friends is an ex-idol trainee, and the other is related to the King of Elysia Flower Garden?!”
Lily imagined mushrooms growing out of Honggu’s head...With the characteristic enthusiasm he was known for however, Honggu soon bounced back.
“Please Lily, you have to let me meet Jaeho-nim!”
Honggu’s face was uncomfortably close to hers, and looking at his pleading face was too much to bear for Lily.
“Fine. But I’ve never even played New World before. Or any virtual reality game.”
“I can teach you! I have a friend who knows how to get a New World capsule for cheap!”
“Okay. I’ll let you teach me, Honggu.”
“Yay! Now allow me to tell you more about New World…”
So Lily listened to Honggu on her way home as he told her about New World’s character customization (or rather, the lack thereof - character customization was locked, so her appearance in the game would mimic real life), character classes, different locations and kingdoms, etc. Lily had never really played too many video games, but even she would admit that New World sounded interesting to her.
“Tomorrow is the weekend, so I’ll contact you whenever I can get my friend to get me a deal on a capsule. See you, Lily!”
“Bye Honggu.”
She waved goodbye to Honggu before entering her apartment. Lily’s dad was waiting happily for her when she closed the door.
“Dad? What’s going on?”
“Lily! You won’t believe what Mrs. Ahn got for you!”
She saw Kiyu and his grandma waiting for her as well. Kiyu looked shy and blushing as he always did when he was around Lily, and Mrs. Ahn was smiling contentedly.
“Kiyu? Mrs. Ahn? What’s this about?”
“Oh, Lily my dear, I have wonderful news! Today Kiyu and I went shopping, to reward him for adjusting to school and making new friends. I hear that games are all the rage these days among the youth, especially the...what do you call it? V-R-M-M-O? So we went to buy one of those capsules for Kiyu, and the worker there was nice enough to give us a 2 for 1 deal!”
“That’s great Mrs. Ahn, but what does that have to do with me...?”
“The extra capsule is for you of course!”
“I...I don’t know what to say. Thank you Mrs. Ahn.”
“You deserve to have some fun in your life dear! I do hope that this will help with that.”
Mrs. Ahn hugged Lily before leaving with Kiyu. Lily talked with her dad for a while before checking out the new capsule in her room. It was every bit the advanced, high tech capsule she imagined it would be. Lily heard a ping from her phone as she got a new notification. It was a text from Kiyu.
Kiyu: Do you like your new capsule?
Lily: Yeah, I like it.
Kiyu: Then, maybe we can play together? (*´∀`*)
Lily: You play New World?
Kiyu: Ah, actually, no...It’s my first time.
Lily: Oh. Let me text Honggu. He plays.
Lily sent a text message to Honggu on her, Kiyu, and Honggu’s group chat.
Lily: Hey, Honggu. Kiyu went shopping with his grandma today and they got a free capsule with their purchase of one, so they gave the extra one to me. Since neither Kiyu or I have played, can you teach both of us?
Honggu: Wha??? How lucky are you Kiyu?! As if it wasn’t enough you’re so beautiful!!! 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
Honggu: Okay, I’ll teach you guys. Meet me at the Kruma Desert tomorrow! It’s the easiest area for newbies!!!
Lily: Ok. See you guys tomorrow.
Kiyu: Okay! Good night Lily!!! And you too, Honggu. :)
o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
Lily woke up and did everything she usually did in the morning: brush her teeth, eat breakfast with her dad before he left for work at the flower shop, etc. Except today, she would be playing a virtual reality game with her friends. Honggu had texted her and Kiyu what his ID was in the game, and told them to “whisper” him when they logged in.
The inside of the New World capsule was fairly comfortable. When the game booted up, it asked her to choose a server and starting area. After doing so, Lily had to enter an ID for herself. She had spent some time thinking about it the night before, and asked her dad for some ideas. He suggested “Sida” [seed-ah], from a genus of tropical plants and flowers.
She typed in “Sida” as her ID, and closed her eyes as a bright light flashed in front of her. When Lily opened her eyes again, she found herself in a desert town, surrounded by other players. Lily observed her new appearance: fingerless black gloves, a plain white collared shirt, brown vest, black trousers, leather boots, and a belt with a small bag attached to it.
“Honggu, can you hear me? I just logged on.”
“Lily? You named yourself Sida?”
“Yes. You’re not going to say I should have come up with a better name, are you? Because I don’t want to hear that from someone who named himself AwesomeGuy.”
“Okay, point taken. Head to the Kruma Starting Hall! I’m already there with Kiyu.”
She thought things would be different in the game, but it seemed like her intimidating presence carried over from the real world too. Players avoided her, and even the NPCs were wary of approaching her. Lily hurried to the starting hall as fast as she could.
“Honggu, where are you? I don’t see you. There’s a crowd of people blocking the way.”
“Lily, check behind that crowd!”
By this point, she was beginning to get annoyed, so her “glare” was now genuine. It was enough to clear a path in the crowd. Lily recognized Honggu, who was wearing a set of armor, and Kiyu, who was wearing a starter outfit like her. Lily was able to look at Kiyu within the game, perhaps because he wasn’t as shiny as he was in the real world.
“Why are there so many people here?”
“Well, I guess you can say it’s Kiyu’s, or rather, Navi’s [nav-eee] fault.”
“Yes, that’s the ID I chose. It’s a name that means ‘kind to people’.”
Kiyu was smiling, thinking about all the fun he and Lily would have in New World.
“ ‘Kind to people’? That’s weirdly fitting for you.”
Kiyu blushed at the apparent compliment from Lily. Honggu, feeling like a third wheel, interrupted their conversation.
“Okaayyyy....Anyway, let’s hurry and get you two started on a quest! We should leave here as soon as possible. Kiyu is attracting too much attention with his looks.”
Honggu guided Lily and Kiyu out of the starting hall, and got them started with a beginner’s quest. He bought them weapons to use for fights.
“Do we really need to fight?”
“Kiyu, this is a MMO. You need to fight monsters for quests, and other players too.”
“I’ll repay you for the weapons when I get money.”
“Nah, what are friends for? Besides, Lily, you’re already letting me meet your super cool cousin!”
“Lily has a cousin?”
“YES! Jaeho Hwang! The amazing King of Elysia Flower Garden! The legendary spirit gardener! The only player who managed to survive Luxy Forest and befriend the elves!”
“Are elves in this game not friendly?”
“Oh right, I guess I should have mentioned this sooner if we’re meeting your cousin, haha. Yeah, elves of New World are notorious for hating humans.”
“Are you serious?! How am I supposed to meet my cousin then if the moment I step into his kingdom, I’ll be killed by bloodthirsty elves?!”
Lily angrily frowned at Honggu. Honggu was now trembling in fear, and hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground to beg for Lily’s forgiveness.
“I’m sorry! It’s just that, I hear that the elves aren’t killing humans that much anymore! Nowadays, they are forcing people to do labor instead!”
“Is that supposed to be better?”
“Yes! Humans are doing construction for Elysia Flower Garden! While we’re doing that, we can ask to meet Althea, your cousin!”
“Fine. I suppose that’s better than outright being killed.”
Honggu could have wept tears of joy as he got up from his prostrated position. Kiyu had been nervously watching Lily and Honggu, off to the side. After they finished their argument, Kiyu asked Honggu how to do this or that for the quest. Honggu continued teaching Lily and Kiyu the basics, until they successfully finished their first quest.
“Woohoo! Now it’s time to visit Luxy Forest!”
“How do we get there?”
“By walking through the desert! Kruma Desert is right near Luxy Forest, we just have to walk through all the empty desert first!”
“You’re making us walk through a desert? In that case, why didn’t Kiyu and I just choose Luxy Forest as our starting area?”
Lily was gritting her teeth and glaring daggers at Honggu.
“Eeep! I - I just wanted you guys to start off in the easiest area first and get some experience…! Luxy Forest isn’t just filled with elves…! It also has dangerous wild animals…!”
“Honggu, whatever enemies we come across in the desert, you’re fighting them alone.”
“Ahahaha, w- whatever you say, Lily…”
That’s how Honggu found himself battling enemies without any aid from his friends. By the time they did make it to Luxy Forest, Honggu was panting and gasping. Kiyu had wanted to help him, but Lily prevented Kiyu from doing so.
“Let’s go find those elves. They can’t be hard to miss. They’ll probably be ordering around the other players.”
Lily led the way into the forest, Kiyu behind her, and Honggu at the rear. They didn’t run into any dangerous wild animals, contrary to Honggu’s claim. If there were a lot of new players in Luxy Forest, it was most likely that the enemies had been killed so they wouldn’t kill the newbie players first. The elves couldn’t lose their source of manual labor, after all.
The three friends finally came across a group of humans cutting down trees, watched over by elves. The players spotted them first.
“You three! Are you here to join the Forever Luxy Association?!”
“More immortalians? Ugh. If it weren’t for Althea-nim….”
“I agree with you, brother. But wait, doesn’t that one immortalian look strange?”
“Which one? The one that looks like Althea-nim, or the beautiful one?”
“....wait. WHAT?!”
The elves rushed towards Lily and Kiyu.
“Look at this one! Doesn’t she glower just like Althea-nim?!”
“And look at that one! There’s no way he could be an immortalian! He’s not an ugly monkey like the third one!”
“Ugly monkey?!”
Honggu had regained enough energy to be offended upon hearing the elf’s comment.
“We need to bring them to Althea-nim! Quickly!”
“Yes! But leave the ugly one behind.”
Honggu’s spirited protests were ignored, as the elves took Lily and Kiyu to Jaeho. Jaeho was having a meeting with Samantha and May on the ongoing construction of Elysia Flower Garden when they were interrupted by the elves.
“My deepest apologies for disturbing your meeting Althea-nim, but we have an emergency! We found these two immortalians in the forest!”
“More players? What’s so strange about that -”
Jaeho’s words caught in his throat when he caught sight of Lily.
“...Lily Cha?”
“Uh, hey, cousin Jaeho.”
When two socially awkward people meet, who just so happen to also be cousins who haven’t seen each other in years, the combined awkwardness is enough to stop any conversation from continuing. Fortunately, there were less socially awkward people in the room.
“Ah, you’re Althea’s cousin? Younger cousin, I presume?”
Lily was startled after being addressed by a pretty red-haired lady. She had a spaulder armor covering her left shoulder, and a purple cape that extended to her right. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she wore a casual but form fitting outfit.
“Oh, uh, yes, I’m Jaeho - um, Althea’s, cousin.”
“Is your friend an angel?! There’s no way he’s human!”
The other lady who spoke up was a cute, pink haired woman. Unlike the red-haired lady, she still had on the starter outfit, but with some armor equipped. Currently, she seemed to be starstruck by Kiyu’s appearance.
“Ah, forgive my friend here, she likes pretty things...my name is Samantha, and her name is May. May we know the name of your companion, Ms. Lily?”
“Oh, his name is Kiyu, but his in-game name is Navi. And please, just call me Sida.”
Kiyu had yet to make a single sound because of Jaeho. He had gotten used to Lily and her dad, but Lily’s cousin Jaeho was more intimidating than them combined.
“I-it’s nice to meet you all.”
“So, uh, Lily, since you’re here, do you want to catch up…?”
“Um, yeah, I’d like that, cousin Jaeho.”
“Is it just you and your friend, Lily?”
“No. Well, I had another friend come with us. His name is Honggu. But he’s with the other players in the forest. I think they called themselves the Forever Luxy Association…?”
“Right, those guys…”
“He wanted to meet you actually, cousin Jaeho.”
“Meet me…?”
“Yeah. You have a lot of fans, don’t you? It’s kind of why I wanted to meet you again after all these years. These two classmates of mine asked if I was related to you.”
“What?! How do people already know we’re related?! How did they even track you down?!”
“I don’t think the general public knows. I think it’s just those two girls. They must have seen my scary face, and saw yours, and thought we were related. But they ran away after I didn’t answer their questions. I think they’ll keep it to themselves. They didn’t tell other students at my school about Kiyu at first either, before his identity was revealed.”
“What do you mean, his identity was revealed?”
“Oh, Kiyu’s an ex-idol trainee.”
“What?! Seriously?!”
The three adults in the room shouted in surprise after Lily’s laid-back remark. Jaeho placed a hand on his forehead in exhaustion.
“I don’t see you for years, and suddenly you’ve got an ex-idol trainee boyfriend…”
“We’re not in a relationship!”, both Kiyu and Lily shouted at the same time, although Kiyu looked less embarrassed at the thought than Lily.
Samantha and May mumbled to themselves inaudibly, “They’re totally in a relationship…”
“Cousin Jaeho, you’re one to talk! You’re the king of your own kingdom!”
“Sure I am. But that’s no big deal. I didn’t plan on being a king, or even some legendary spirit gardener. I just really like flowers and wanted to open my own flower shop. Oh by the way, make sure to thank your dad for me. He’s part of the reason I never gave up on loving flowers.”
“Dad! That’s right, I’ll have to tell him about meeting you…”
“Yeah, same goes for me. Maybe it’s about time we got our dads to talk to each other again. My dad’s still dedicated to being macho and thinks a real man should be working out at the gym and not taking care of flowers, but...he’s been surprisingly okay with all of this. That’s probably because of my mom’s influence too. She was pretty upset about my dad and your dad’s falling out…”
“Aunt Hwang? Glad to hear my favorite aunt is still as amazing as she always is…”
“Haha, she’s your only aunt, kiddo.”
Jaeho and Lily passed the time getting each other caught up in recent affairs. Meanwhile, May and Samantha went with the elves to fetch Honggu from his torture manual labor. Honggu was all too happy to accept a volunteer position in Elysia Flower Garden. He had cut enough trees in a few hours to last a lifetime. The elves had not succeeded in killing Honggu, but he died and went to heaven when he finally met his hero Jaeho Hwang.
At the end of the day, everyone said their goodbyes and logged out of New World. Lily had taken a break for lunch, but then she logged back into the game, met Jaeho, and wasn’t aware of how much time had passed after that. It would now be time for dinner, and Lily’s dad was already home.
Lily decided to rip the band-aid off and tell her dad right away that she had met Jaeho in New World. Her dad was understandably dumbfounded upon hearing his daughter’s revelation, but was happy to hear that Jaeho was doing well for himself. A few years ago, he had wanted Jaeho to apprentice with him at his flower shop, but his brother had disagreed, which led to their fall out. Privately however, he did miss talking to his brother. They were like polar opposites, but they always had each other’s backs. Being treated unfairly by others made it so that they only had each other to depend on. While his brother took to working out and becoming stronger in order to cope, he tried his best to make a good impression on others. It was one of his teachers who suggested he join a club, so he joined the gardening club. Not only did he discover a passion for flowers, he also made lifelong friends at that club.
Lily was aware that meeting Jaeho would bring more changes to her life. While she was talking to her dad, Jaeho would be doing the same with Lily’s aunt and uncle.
New World wasn’t just a new world for her, it was also...a new beginning.
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kyejuns · 3 years
sleepless stars
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✎ᝰ┆jeff × reader % pt. 1 bad boy
✎ᝰ┆fluff ; warnings: none
hello everyone im back heh 🤩 i was just doing my work and listening to the song: the stars insomnia by halleeee 🤩 highly recommend
edit : the way i forgot to add tags was embarrassing 💀
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"i can't sleep." you muttered to haein who was tossing and turning beside you.
"go out and stroll or whatever, i'm sleepy..." she groaned and you could hear her soft snorings after.
you decided to heed her advice and got out from the tent, the breeze immediately greeting you. your teeth chattered at the cold and you thought of heading back into your tent but you saw jaeho, getting out from his tent too.
you thinned your lips, braving the cold and walked towards the campfire where he was sitting near to.
"what are you doing here?" jaeho eyed you as you sat down beside him, the campfire providing you warmth.
"can you believe we're graduating soon?" you sighed, hugging your knees while jaeho observed you. "don't wanna be cheesy or anything but i'll miss you once you move to america." you punched his arm lightly and smiled.
"weren't you the one dreading to sit beside me on the first day of school?" he scoffed and the two of you remembered that scene of you unwillingly sitting down next to him.
you snickered at the memory and looked up at the stars that were twinkling brightly.
"looks like it's a sleepless night for the stars as well." you commented as the stars continued to twinkle.
"stars don't sleep." jaeho countered and you gave him a look.
"yes they do! if not why are you sleeping during lessons?" you huffed, hugging yourself tighter as the wind grew stronger.
"your pickup lines suck." jaeho chuckled, removing his jacket and tossed it at you. "as a reward, i guess." he said nonchalantly but the smile he was trying to hide his happiness.
you took his jacket gratefully and bit onto your bottom lip to prevent yourself from smiling.
"lee jaeho." you called him and he looked up at you. "you'll come back... right?" you asked nervously and started to tear up at the thought of never seeing him again.
"won't you be glad then?" he joked, ruffling your hair. "don't cry, i'll be back."
"you idiot, you better be back because you're right..." you trailed off, making eye contact with him. "girls do love the player, but i love who you are, before and after." you confessed. "you don't have to like me back, i just wanted to say it. it feels good to finally let that out now that it's midnight and we've graduated. my dating ban is finally gone." you let out a sigh of relief.
jaeho stares at you for a while and pulled you in for a hug. "promise to wait for me to return." he whispered into your ear and you grinned, nodding.
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bitacrytic · 3 years
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Writers and prompters are showing up for potential fanfics in the fandoms, so let me drop my own contribution to the collection by working out a Mega Timeline for the Merciless, Evil Devil from Hell.
Spoilers for the following shows:
The Merciless
Beyond Evil
The Devil Judge
Strangers from Hell
It occurred to me that even though Gaon was probably the oldest pretty boy during the events of his own show, when you compared it to other characters, he might be the baby. So I went ahead and compared it and turns out, by 2026, a character like Juwon that was 27 during his own show in 2020, will be 33 during the events of The Devil Judge. Making Gaon the youngest. Which also made Yohan the youngest DILF, along with Moonju. I don't know if it was only me who was wondering about this, so I went ahead and made a post.
I'm going to start by lining up the movies according to their dates of occurrence, as well as the ages of the characters when the events occur. If their ages aren't mentioned, I will use the actor's real age.
*edited with help from @braceletofteeth
The Merciless (2017)
Jaeho 50
Hyunsoo 28
Strangers from Hell (2019)
Moonjo 37
Jongwoo 27
Beyond Evil (2020)
Dongsik 41
Juwon 27
The Devil Judge (2026)
Yohan 44
Gaon 29
From this, we can extrapolate how old they were, at what time and what was happening.
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I hope this helps someone work out their timeline.
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braceletofteeth · 3 years
Jaeho is a "free spirit" and Goeun is a "perfectionist". Despite their differences, they are both insufferable.
The fanfic writes itself.
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gosiksmallspace · 1 year
Wrote a smut some time ago
So I’m finally decided to post it
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yunjaefanfics-blog1 · 7 years
Author: Aquariuslover
Status: Completed 
Ratings: NC-17
Length: + 20 Chapters
Genre: Adventure AU Crossover Fantasy M-Preg Romance Sci-Fi 
Theme: Star Trek
Personal rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Summary:  This story is inspired by Star Trek. The crew of the Expectations will be made up of members of DBSK and Super Junior.   Yunjae will be the main couple in this story, but not the only couple. This story will be broken up in adventures and each adventure might have several parts.
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dbskfanficlist · 5 years
Hiii can you recommend som- cough** a lot**cough vampire and wolf fanfics of TVXQ although I prefer YunJae ship it could be any ship in tvxq since their my ultimate bias group ya know😏 it could be bloody and smut and angst etc. I just need some good stories. thank you
I’ll try my best to help ^^
To all under-aged readers, heed any andall warnings that the author’s post if the story happens to be rated.
If anyone has other vampire fics that they’d like to rec, please feel free to do so. This isn’t a definitive list. It’s just what came to mind while I was thinking up titles ^^
Possess by little-passions (vampires)
Claire de Lune series by Caleyedoscope(werewolves)
Feather Hurricane by Caleyedoscope(werewovles)
A Taste of You by _Mirabella_ (vampires, wip but the author still updates regularly and has a goodtrack record of finishing her work)
Touch by Caleyedoscope (vampires,Jaeho)
Mine by hattukissa (vampire)
The Wolf Within by hattukissa(werewolves)
Join Me in Death by hattukissa(vampires)
In Joy and in Sorrow (sequel to Join Mein Death) by hattukissa (vampires)
Daydreaming by fanficaddiction(werewolves + click the tag titled “extra: werewolf!verse” at thebottom of the story for companion fics featuring other DBSK pairings)
Enigma by hurleysunn (vampires)
The Alpha Sub (werewolves)
Red Windmills in Moonlight by Wedspawn(vampires)
Lupis Cavi Cautum by Orionsroad(werewolves)
Eternal by meheartyunho (vampires)
My Pretty Hero by be-ddelusionall(vampires)
Les Miserables by Quilla aka tempo(vampires)
Nothing but the Blood by yukimiya877(vampires + I think you need to join her livejournal community toread this one. Joining isn’t moderated though).
A Century of Sleep by arrowlights(vampires)
At the End of Forever by orinionsroad(vampires + I’ll be nice and give a warning that this fic isconsidered a sad one).
Turned by beeswaxing (vampires + thisone is unfinished and probably not likely to be finished, but it’sstill a fun read).
Bloodlust by Yuniquekimchi (vampires)
Beast of the Matter by Lunarrays (werewolves and vampires + link leads to the masterlist. Just scroll down til you find the story title)
Craving Sin by Queenlucifer (vampires)
Under the Red Moon by habitate(werewolves)
The Chase by habitate (werewolves)
Feral by habitate (werewolves)
What’s Hidden in the Woods by megera23(werewolves)
Corruptela by leprixx (vampires? Ithink Jaejoong’s a vampire, but it’s never explicitly stated)
Moonshade by Smartcat ( werewolves,also unlikely to be finished, but what was written still makes for anice read)
Bites by be-ddelsionall (vampires)
Do We Sparkle? By intacte (vampires)
Blood Siren by equilibrium (vampires)
Soul Burner by Caleyedoscope(werewolves)
The Colors of Mercy by Atriums(werewolves)
Fixation by enigmaxempress (vampires +lots of other pairings in this oneshot)
Contract Kisses by Caleyedoscope(vampires)
Heartbeat by be-ddelusionall (vampires)
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y-jw1 · 3 years
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☆˚ pairing : jeff  × reader
☆˚ genre : fluff
☆˚ warnings : none
☆˚ note : how's everyone doing?? hope y'all have a great day ahead of you ! <3
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“ i’m here!” someone calls from outside your room, making a smile tug on your lips as you excitedly open the door. there stood jaeho with his arms open wide, a big smile on his face just like yours. 
“ i missed you” you mumble quietly as you step forward and let him trap you in his arms. the scent of his perfume was the same, making you sigh. his other hand tangles in your hair, gently combing through his fingers as you both swayed lightly even without music.
“ i missed you too” he says and you chuckle lightly before pulling him inside your room. dropping the snacks he brought on your bedside table, he lays down beside you as you faced with each other.
with him away from you, it wasn’t all the time you’d see him. you both would rely on voice calls or video chats when you both were far away yet you knew it couldn’t compare to the fact jaeho was in front of you.
“ i wish we’d just be like this all the time” he says as he lays beside you again, now clad in banana pajamas you bought for him. you both always wanted to have matching clothes and buying these was something you’d always love.
“ me too. promise we’d do this sooner?” you ask and jaeho nods, scooting closer and draped his leg over you. scolding him, you hissed as you kicked his leg away from you. he laughs, rolling over to you instead as he lightly crushed you.
“ hey, lee jaeho! you’re not as light as you think you are!”
“ i’m a baby so of course i’d be light” mischievously smiling to himself, you kicked him again and he rolls over before falling off the bed. you gasped as a thud resonates, jaeho’s head peeking out of the cushion.
and instead of falling asleep, you both took pictures of each other, watched movies while eating snacks, and talked and talked. and even if you knew it would take long before you’d see each other, you were willing to wait.
but it’s alright because as the sun risen, you were greeted by a jaeho at your kitchen cooking breakfast, and even if he didn’t know how to cook and all, you knew you would never find anyone as close as him ever.
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rkhosung · 6 years
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time for a trip down the rabbit hole~
so I’ve been in rookies two times actually, my first muse being @rkjaeho (who I do miss a lot tbh). in a way rkmbin is basically rkjaeho 2.0: they’re both dumb big puppers who are soft and love everything a lot EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION MY BRIEF STINTS AS KANGMINARK AND RKYONGHYUN
first heard of it in what... 2016? but then joined in 2017 just a bit before the cherry blossom festival event but then got cleared in june bc forgot to post kfjkldf so RIP JAEHO YOU WERE LOVED
then was out of rk until october when I came back with this cute dumb and who has miraculously survived for one year and what a fucking year it’s been!!
so from being a giant bean with three left feet and a youtube channel he’s now a signed public trainee with highlights such as winning the market o event and being an mga4 finalist under his belt :’) he’s working on getting those debut points currently and soon !! will be ready (feb/mar 2019)
his development on a personal level has been slow, mainly bc of me being a disorganised mun and slow to reply to threads lsjaskd and also slow at cultivating in depth relationships with other muses
but on to some shoutouts for those who have put up with me
@rkdoyexn: when we first started writing I never did think we were gonna have them end up together but then as I was writing bin’s birthday thread it just felt so right? he loves her so much and has taken such time to realise that it was romantic love and not just familial. and thank you, gab, for always putting up with my snail’s pace replies and always talking to me about our cute babies ;u;
@rksunwoo: we started their journey together ages ago but it hasn’t really taken off until now (bc I am slow) but it’s really made bin have to re-examine some things about his past and the way he deals with feelings. bin wants have the friendship they used to back even if it can never be perfectly the same. he just wants sunwoo to know that he is loved ;v; also ilu and you make me smile with all our chats, headcanons, and aus uwu
rkastro ( @rkdongmin, @sanhark, @rkpmh ): thank you for always making me laugh with the gc shenanigans, even if I’m the worst at plotting and haven’t actually had a thread ic with half of you orz I love u guys and ur muses and one of these days I will meet with the rest of u europeans!!
nova boys ( @rkrxcky, @rkhuidong, @rkhugo, @bambamrk, @rkjungwoo, @haknyeonrk, @rksxngyeol ): I’M SORRY IF I FORGOT TO TAG ANYONE!! but this is a shout out to all you boys for entertaining all the crack ideas and making me cry laugh with the stupid ao3 tags that nova boy fanfic writers 100% will use. I was worried about being signed tbh but you (and the rest of nova) were all so welcoming and made me feel at ease! ;w; nova is for the gays and the gays only, confirmed.
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chipsandwaffles · 7 years
thank you so much for writing today... with your blog, i seriously come here to have a laugh unlike a lot of fanfic blogs who are quite stoic and just do requests... they don't show personality like you and i'm super thankful
ps// even tho i love ur blog i’m a jaehoe stan so  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i’m assuming these two asks are the same person if not i’m gonna still assume you’re a jaehoe because that’s what most of you are
I’m glad I can make you laugh and that I show a lot of personality ;;;; i don’t know much about other writers since i talk to approximately two but i’m sure they’ll come out of the shell they might be in or. i don’t know.
bless your face lovely
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