#jaehwan fanfiction
witchakyeon · 2 years
Vixxtober 2022
This will be my first time participating in something like this + bc of circumstances I am starting later than most folks in other fandoms & doing things a bit differently! Translation: I apologize in advance for the person I am about to become & the mess that will ensue as I attempt to pull this off. I have a plan but I also have a life, so if you notice that I skip around or anything, no you don’t <3
Most of these works will contain smut. Please read the content warnings!
Pairings will basically be announced on an update-to-update basis. I’m not really the plan in advance type (I usually write whatever I’m in the mood for when it comes to shorter works) + if anyone else decides to do this they too can pick whatever pairings they want!
Works will be posted on my ao3 + tagged on this post ·ᴗ·
❦ Week One (10/1-10/8)
— Overstimulation ❧ Ken, Leo, Hyuk (explicit)
— “Tuck in your shirt” ❧ Neo (general)
❦ Week Two (10/9-10/15)
— Aftercare ❧ Chabin (general)
— Creature scenario ❧ Chabin (explicit)
— “Come to bed” ❧ Kenvi (general)
— “Spread your legs, sweet thing” ❧ Chasang (explicit)
— “You have the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen” ❧ Hyuken (general)
❦ Week Three (10/16-10/22)
— Spanking ❧ Sanghyuk solo* (explicit)
— Shower sex ❧ Luck (explicit)
— “Hey, kiss me?” “You’re bleeding on my carpet” ❧ Hyuken (general)
— “Sounds like a you problem” ❧ Hyukbin (general)
❦ Week Four (10/23-10/29)
— Lingerie ❧ Keo (explicit)
— Creampie ❧ Chaken (explicit)
— Morning sex ❧
— “You know I’m not real…don’t you?” ❧
— “What are you doing to me?” ❧ Kenbin (explicit)
❦ Week Five (10/30-10/31)
— ot6; Hongbin-centric ❧ Hongbin solo* (explicit)
— “Do you believe everything you read?” ❧ Chabin (general)
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vixxiedust · 5 years
The Scholar’s Love Ch. 1
Genre: Romance, Drama, Alternate universe
Pairing: KenxOC
Warning: none
“Don`t you want to find a good husband and get married?” he raised an eyebrow, “Someone noble, handsome, valiant, brave, courageous…”
I narrowed my eyes. Was he trying to describe himself? My sister would probably gush over a man like him but I wasn`t really familiar with men. I never paid much attention to them and as expected I spent most of my life away from them because propriety demanded that.
“My parents will choose a husband when the time comes,” I answered flatly.
I straightened myself in my blue robes trying to look taller and more authoritative. I knew that it was useless since I hardly looked the part but I could see the girl in front of me trembling with fear and it wasn`t a pretty sight.  I wondered why she was so scared, none of us were going to be slaughtered, none of us was a criminal. It was Acceptance day, a day of glory for all of us. Maybe she felt small and visible because there were only twenty of us. Our line was practically non-existent compared to the men`s one. One hundred of them, advancing towards the Palace in steady strong pace expecting to have a bright future as officials, to help governing our country of Nava.
All of us wore navy blue robes with a tiny white dragon embroidered on our chest. Those who`d be elevated in rank later would switch to a bigger silver dragon but the gold embroidery was reserved only for the royal family. The robes made for the future female officials were slightly wider, made to resemble a dress but other than that the uniform wasn`t so different. The difference lied in the fact that most of us would probably never make it beyond librarians or historians. But had I been born fifty years ago I`d have only dreamed about being accepted here. I`d have remained the daughter of a third rank scholar doomed only to marry and produce kids.
I threw a glance at the male line. Some of the young men there were ogling at  us. Probably not me since I rarely looked agreeable and consciously kept my face as stern as possible but there were some very beautiful daughters of scholars around me. The girl in front of me was blushing furiously from what I could see.
“Raise your head,” I whispered to her and tried to steady her when she swayed startled by my voice, “They won`t dare to say anything to you if you don`t look scared.”
She drew a weak shaky breath and tried to look at me while walking. Unlike me she was wearing makeup. She was beautiful; her hair lighter than mine and braided in the obligatory way for female officials.
“But it`s scary.”
“It`s not,” I said reassuringly, “We are going to serve His Majesty and our country. You can`t be a mess. You represent yourself, your family and the monarchy.”
She nodded hastily, and then she straightened her body a little.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
I patted the side of her arm and continued our solemn march towards the gates. Then we stopped at the parade ground in front of the House of Justice and Valor. There was the male part of the Royal family. I couldn`t see them well because I was too far behind but I could make out  the ceremonial robes of our King, the Crown prince and his two brothers. On both sides there were the Ministers in robes of brilliant azure blue.
I heard the ceremonial drums and fell to my knees along with everyone around me. Suddenly I felt so small, like a tiny ant in the sea of more ants, pressing my forehead to the cold ground. I wondered how my sister was doing.
She was probably very excited for her own Acceptance day. I tried to think of her to seek some comfort and feel less alone. She wasn`t far away from here and she was probably now bowing to the Queen and the Princess in front of the House of Elegance and Virtue. I knew that she used to dream of this day for years. She always wanted to be a lady-in-waiting, and then part of the harem, a glorious concubine dressed in silk and precious stones.  She wouldn`t stop dancing when our robes arrived three days ago. This is when we knew that we were approved. For me it was countless of nights of studying and writing and for her ruthlessly cultivating her beauty and talents. And in the end it all paid off. Now we needed to make our family proud, each of us in her own way.
“Future officials,”  the booming voice of the King reached my ears and I quickly directed my thoughts towards the current task, “Today you begin a journey towards self-cultivating to serve your country and its citizen. From now on you shall dedicate your lives to this purpose and the this purpose alone because the nation needs you. We have the army to protect it but we also have you to help me govern it well.”
King Jiyeong, I thought, the second King of the Dragon Dynasty. My father used to describe him as a trustworthy ruler, one who never let things out of control, who looked into the details. And probably rightfully so. His dynasty was young to our ancient kingdom, his ancestors fought with King Yalta from the Crow Dynasty to get to where they were today. They had to set new customs, new rituals, new fashion, everything to erase the previous rulers and their ways.
The Kingdom of Nava was founded by too many tribes and each of them had different beliefs. It wasn`t easy to unify all of them even after centuries of settling on the same piece of land.
I sighed and returned my attention to the Kings`s speech.
“Follow the laws and keep the order. Strive for perfection and bring glory to Nava.”
There was a moment of silence so that we make sure that the King had nothing more to say. Then all of us bellowed:
“Glory to the one true king!”
I finally rose from the ground. I did what I could to rub my sore knees and looking at the other officials around me I wasn`t the only one.
We didn`t have much time to tend to our poor joints though because we were herded by people in brown robes towards three massive stone tables. I saw the long lists spreading like bed sheets. Somewhere there was my name and its assigned position. We weren`t supposed to start with any important position but it also depended on the ranks of our families. Having a third rank was neither good, nor bad, just in the middle. What was worse was the fact that I was a woman.
I was grouped together with girl in front of me. She looked a lot calmer now, as if the worst part was over when in fact it had only just began. It was up to us now  to show what we were really capable of.
We waited patiently and it didn`t take much time before it was her turn.
“Name,” the man at the table demanded without even raising his eyes.
“Adra An,” she mumbled, her voice trembling once again.
“Library,” the man said, “Next.”
“Nala Ae.”
He threw a quick glance at me. Maybe he had heard of my father.
“Library. Next.”
I knew I couldn`t expect much but I still felt disappointed. Adra was there waiting for me. She looked relieved.
“We`re together,” she chimed happily clinging to my sleeve.
I wish I could return the smile. The Grand Library was the standard starting point for most female officials. Men usually got assigned to different departments at  the ministries. I sighed deeply at the thought of spending my time with dusty books rather than people.
“Well, let`s go,” I did my best to look enthusiastic and headed towards the group of officials who were supposed to work there as well.
“It`s not that bad,” Adra tried to comfort me, “Many others never had the chance to come to the Palace in the first place.”
I nodded. After all she was right.
I slowly went down the polished wooden ladder after returning a couple of atlases to their rightful places. Then I scanned my desk where a dozen more lied stacked neatly.
Three days had passed since Acceptance day and things were going as expected. Boring. It was boring. Mornings were nice since we had lectures with renowned scholars but afternoons dragged on and on at least here in the library. It was something I had to endure for now. Later when gaining more experience I could submit a memorial to the King and eventually attract his attention. I had a long way ahead of me though. No one came with brilliant ideas three days into their new duties, so in order to outshine hundreds of intelligent men in His Majesty`s court I had to study diligently for years.
I had this dream of attending court like a proper high rank official but in the history of this dynasty there had been only one woman who was able to achieve that and she lived during the reign of the previous king. I knew my chances were low.
I grabbed a few maps and checked if they were rolled properly. And since they were I headed to the shelf dedicated to topographic maps.
It wasn`t that bad, I tried to soothe myself, I liked the smell of books. The other officials here were nice and helpful. We slept in good rooms and all of us, the new ones, had our own small court. It was quiet most of the time so I could focus on my studies and work. I couldn`t complain really.
I carefully placed the maps on the shelf and headed back to my desk. To my surprise there was someone standing there. I could only see his back but he was tall and lean and was tracing an open map with his finger.
I slowly approached the stranger and sensing a movement behind him he spun his body to face me. I stopped dead in my tracks. He was a young man with soft pillowy lips, full eyebrows and dark eyes. His robes were the color of honey and despite being sewn to be only informal attire, they were adorned with elaborate embellishments such as branches and leaves. He was what most people would categorize as charming I suppose.  And noble. He was definitely noble. Probably part of the extended royal family.
I curtsied awkwardly partly because I never cared to learn these things properly. My mother used to scold me a lot for that.
“May I help you?” I asked.
He didn`t bow in return which confirmed that he was indeed way higher in the hierarchy than me. Instead he looked at me from head to toe and his eyes lit playfully. I wasn`t ugly but I also wasn`t the prettiest girl out there, so it baffled me.
“You`re new,” he stated and to  my horror he casually sat on top of my desk.
I felt the urge to pull the open map away from him before it crinkles but I had to contain it somehow because I couldn`t afford to face the consequences of pushing a nobleman from his seat of choice. So I just swallowed hard and nodded.
“Which house?” he puffed his full lips.
“Ae,” I almost hissed at him. I needed him to remove his bottom from the map as quickly as possible but he didn`t seem in the mood to budge, “Do you need me to help you with something?”
“Ah, I was just looking for a map but that`s not important now,” he waved dismissively and continued mumbling to himself, ”Ae… Ae… Ah, could it be that your father is Ying  Ae.”
My father has been active in court lately, so no wonder that his name was familiar to the young man.
“The very same, my lord,” I answered and grabbed the map from the desk.
He almost tumbled down trying to dodge it but I wasn`t going to care at this point. But he didn`t seem to mind it at all actually because he let out a giggle.
I rolled the map carefully and walked to its respective shelf. I heard his steps behind me. He wasn`t going to let meoff so easily.
“It must be pretty boring to work here.”
“It`s only temporarily, my lord, everyone should start their career from somewhere,” I placed the map.
“Oh, an ambitious lady!” he exclaimed. I couldn`t shake off the feeling that he was toying with me.
           He leaned on the shelf casually towering over me. His body omitted a sweet musky smell.
“Don`t you want to find a good husband and get married?” he raised an eyebrow, “Someone noble, handsome, valiant, brave, courageous…”
I narrowed my eyes. Was he trying to describe himself? My sister would probably gush over a man like him but I wasn`t really familiar with men. I never paid much attention to them and as expected I spent most of my life away from them because propriety demanded that.
“My parents will choose a husband when the time comes,” I answered flatly.
Many female officials never married. At least those without a proper backing. They basically led a life of a nun till the day they died. I tried to push this thought out of my mind.
“So you don`t want to choose for yourself?”
He bent a little so that his face was inches away from mine. The fragrance which came from him intensified.
I wasn`t someone who blushed easily but his closeness made me uncomfortable. Partly because I was taught my entire life that men and women go separately except if they are married. His frivolous behavior was too much for me. Yet I spent a minute studying his eyes. They were deep dark brown like bottomless pits which devoured light.
“Everyone with an able body and bearable personality would do,” I answered at last and took a step back to break the spell between us, “As long as my marriage does not interfere with my job as an official, I am fine with anything.”
He bit his lower lip to suppress his laughter.
“Every girl dreams of her future husband,” he said confidently, “Even  those who take the official exams.”
I shook my head.
“I never did.”
He stared in me and I could see that he was very skeptical about it.
“Maybe you haven`t met the right man… until now.”
I blinked a couple of times. Was I mistaken or his voice sounded almost seductively?  
For the first time in my life I met someone who`d openly say indecent things. I have heard that some of the members in the royal family were spoiled rotten and good for nothing but I imagined they would indulge in such behavior in the privacy of their own manors. Or brothels.
“I can assure you, my lord, that I have YET to meet such man.”
He clasped the fabric of his robes right above his heart dramatically.
“Ah, that hurts so much,” he whined, ”But the future lies ahead and I have just planted the seed of love in your heart.”
The seed of love? I wanted to say something clever to him, something to insult him in a subtle but my mind was blank. All I felt was indignation which threatened to make me faint. Luckily I wasn`t that frail.
Who was that man after all? He never introduced himself in the first place.
“We shall meet again, my lady,” he said finally making his exit, “I`ll come to keep you company some other time.”
I was ready to gladly send him off when something flashed in front of my eyes.
“My lord!” I called after him.
He stopped and looked at me. But my eyes were fixed on his chest. It has been there the entire time, hidden between the embroidered leaves in plain sight.
“I could do without your company, my lord,” I said with all the courage I managed to muster. Because, gods, I needed it considering who stood before me.
He smiled and disappeared down the staircase.
A tiny golden dragon in between the leaves. A tiny golden dragon on his chest. He wasn`t just part of the extended royal family. He was from the royal family.
The entire time  I had been talking to a prince.
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hailcyeon · 4 years
hiraeth | 08
When your cousin the Crown Prince calls in on a decade-old debt, you have no choice but to answer. You’re rewarded for your troubles with your nightmares finding new life, danger around every corner, and a fiendishly irritating bodyguard. As each new discovery unearths more secrets, you learn the true costs of your homecoming.
⇾ Pairing: Lee Jaehwan x Reader ⇾ Genre: Sci-Fi, Royal AU, Bodyguard AU ⇾ Word Count: 4.5k ⇾ Warnings: Mild swearing, descriptions of anxiety
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He bores into your eyes with his gaze, and you think Hakyeon has more of his father in him than you remember. 
The next morning finds you in yet another unfamiliar apartment. Your legs are jelly descending the stairs, and the three-inch heels on your feet aren't helping. There's a railroad spike through your brain in the form of a migraine, all the while you fight the urge to rub your eyes so you don't ruin Sora's hard work. Hakyeon is already downstairs, dressed impeccably as ever in a navy suit. He adjusts his cuffs, looking up with a frown as he takes in your stiff expression. 
"Are you feeling okay? I told you to eat breakfast." 
The click of your heels on the tiled floor— somehow even shinier than the one in Hakyeon's other apartment — rings out loudly as you walk over. "Hakyeon, I will throw up on this very expensive dress if you make me eat." 
He purses his lips and gives you a disapproving look. "Forgive me for thinking you need a little nutrition beyond caffeine and painkillers." He runs his gaze up and down your form, inspecting Sora's work as his eyes look for even a single thread out of place.
"The third-degree is a little creepy, Hakyeon," you say in response, irritated and tired. You were dragged to this decoy apartment at an ungodly time to meet Sora. Two hours of hair, makeup, and wardrobe later, you still don't feel ready to face the public, let alone the King. You rub your temple gently as if to massage out your headache. The coffee and aspirin you'd downed first thing in the morning have not only done little to help, but also seem to have turned your stomach to molten lava. 
Hakyeon has the grace to look contrite as he brushes invisible dust off your shoulder. "I hope you don't expect to speak to my father that way." There are no wrinkles or excessive folds to be found, as your new clothes have been tailored just for you, but he straightens out the sleeves anyway. You take this with all the patience of a doll, resigning yourself to only internal screaming. 
"She looks fine, I did a great job," Sora says as she hauls the last of the makeup cases down the stairs. “The King isn’t going to be fixated over her outfit anyway.” She'd instructed you to bring a few of the items you bought yesterday, and had arrived this morning with her own personal trove of beauty tools. Armored in a smart blazer and a dress cut just on the edgier side of conservative, your polished attire belies the true discomfort you feel. 
"I intend to speak as little as possible, actually." You swallow down the burn in your esophagus and fiddle with your sleeves as Hakyeon steps back for one last look over, making you feel very self-conscious. “I’m not good at your type of political subterfuge, you know that.” 
Hakyeon nods and checks his watch. "That's probably for the best. I’ve done what I can to take the situation out of his hands." You wonder what he means by that, but no explanation comes. “Still, you must be rock-solid in your defense. Why are you here, Princess of Asadal?” He bores into your eyes with his gaze, and you think Hakyeon has more of his father in him than you remember.
“To serve the King,” you answer mechanically. Your voice is less steel and more soft than you’d like, but you force your shoulders back and face your cousin, unwavering.
Hakyeon nods again, a quick decline of his chin, and turns to the door. “Then it’s time that we left.”
The elevator ride down is too quick for your liking, and before you know it you’re standing in front of a sleek, black limo adorned with the flag of Asadal. Jaehwan, your ever-present shadow, is leaning up against the idling car, hands in pockets and looking more formal than ever in his own dark suit. Sora turns around, carefully balancing the various makeup boxes she has, and takes your hand in hers. “I have to run to a photoshoot this afternoon, but I’ll be in touch. You’re gonna kill it, don’t worry,” she says with a last squeeze of your hand. 
“I’d prefer to get this over with as little violence as possible actually.” Your retort is clipped with a stiff smile. 
Sora leaves, and so does your general sense of bravado. If the events of the past few days have felt strange to you so far, this situation feels positively surreal as Jaehwan opens the door to the limousine for you and Hakyeon to slide in. You're sitting sandwiched between your cousin the prince and a man you hardly know, dressed to the nines in clothes so expensive they could pay a year's rent for your apartment back home.
“This is rather ostentatious,” you mutter quietly, moving your gaze around the luxurious interior.
Hakyeon shifts over to the opposite seats to give you some more room. “The aide insisted. Our entrance won’t be subtle, to say the least.”
This is not the most comforting thing to say, as your jaw clenches once more in anticipation. Jaehwan spares you a side glance, cool as the early morning air outside in his dark suit and upswept hair. 
“All right, Princess?” Jaehwan’s tone is neutral, the ubiquitous smile playing in one corner of his mouth. It only serves to irritate you further. You compulsively smooth out your dress and aim for a measured response.
“I’m excellent.” The hem of your dress has ridden up to mid-thigh over your dark tights, and though the exquisite tailoring means there’s nary a stray thread, your fingers keep rubbing the stitching. “No sleep, murderous uncle, not a problem. I am a-ok.”
Not quite.
Hakyeon places a hand over your clenched fist. Whether it's meant to be soothing or a warning, you're not sure. Nevertheless, you force yourself to take a deep breath. Your nerves are already frayed, but you can't afford to fall apart just yet. Not yet.
The ride to the king’s tower is spent in terse silence. You have been to the Assembly House over which the new administrative building was built, but so much of the city is unfamiliar to you that it may as well be an unknown route. Hakyeon's apartment is located in what seems to be a luxury residential area of the Capital, you realize, as you pass high-rise after high-rise, gleaming in the morning sun. These neighborhoods are separated from the business and administrative sectors by the Yuseong River.
The trip over the bridge does your nerves no favors. The limousine is insulated to all outside noises, but the rush of the river below sounds through your memories regardless. The western banks of the river are dotted with construction projects, workers already scrambling around the sites. It’s clear to you that these new buildings are meant to serve your uncle’s pet councilmen and others on the higher rungs of society, given how far they are from the cheaper parts of the city. Unable to sleep in your anxiety, you had done a little research on the state of the city nowadays. Street names and neighborhood designations can only tell you so much, but a quick glance at the housing markets clearly delineates the various strata of society in the Capital.
More interesting is the King's official seat as it draws nearer. In the dark of night when you first saw it, the tower looked like a single dark obelisk thrust up into the sky. Upon closer look now you can see it is actually three different towers circling each other and connected at the base, forming an elongated trident. The Assembly House had never been your favorite piece of architecture, with its dusty corners and old-fashioned facade, but you quite miss it in the face of the tower’s imposing presence.
The streets leading up to the building are lined with trees and fountains and more people than you think should be the case for an otherwise innocuous weekday. The gentle trickle of people escalates and promptly explodes into a thronging mass spilling off the sidewalks as the limousine reaches a stone slab etched with a very generic-sounding “Administration Headquarters” in gold. Your eyes widen at the crowds held at bay by metal dividers to create a path for the car. Had the citizens decided to protest after all?
You purse your lips and swallow thickly at the sight of several news vans and a thicket of flashing cameras. The crowd, initially standing around idly, is spurred into action at the arrival of the limousine, pushing against the barriers and craning over others to catch a better look. You don’t know what to make of the clamor, and Hakyeon answers your unasked questions. 
“The news of your return broke early this morning.” Hakyeon looks straight ahead, hands folded in his lap and voice betraying nothing. You know your cousin has many years of playing the imperious monarch on you, but in this moment you feel the gulf in experience particularly strongly.
“The paparazzi move quick,” you say tersely, trying to hide how much your breathing has quickened.
“The paparazzi had nothing to do with it,” interjects Jaehwan suddenly with a side glance toward Hakyeon.
You’re struck with a sudden sense of alarm as your eyes snap to your cousin’s. “Did you do something?”
“You were tailed yesterday.” Hakyeon’s face is stone, as impassive and unfeeling as yours is alarmed and shaken. “The King and his administration know of your presence, and it would only be a matter of time before the news spread. At least this way we can control the narrative.”
"Of course," you mutter. The anxiety is taking over your mind, so you default to anger. "Of course we were tailed."
“The King had a man following us around to every location we hit yesterday," Jaehwan adds unhelpfully. "He stopped sometime before we got back to the apartment, but it’s likely the King knows about that location anyway.”
“You were going to tell me this when, bodyguard?”
Jaehwan shrugs. “I’m telling you now.”
"This is nothing we hadn't already anticipated," Hakyeon hastily interjects before the two of you can start arguing.
In any case, you’re halted in your thoughts as the limousine passes through the official gates to the tower grounds, cutting off the bustling crowd from the kingdom’s highest administration. You catch a glimpse of a long set of marble steps before the view outside is swallowed by the walls of the tower. It’s hard to make out much beyond the dark tinted windows, so you settle for staring at the floor and counting your breaths. The ride continues steadily over the next few minutes, during which a stifling sort of silence has fallen over the three of you inside. The darkness of the tunnel you’ve entered is punctuated by the flash of guiding lights every few seconds, ramping up your already racing heartbeat.
“Don’t start hyperventilating now,” comes from your left in Jaehwan’s smooth tenor. You shoot him a glare, but the effect is rather diminished by the lack of light. 
Hakyeon's voice is quiet and steady as he says, "We're in the VIP tunnel. Flattering as the name may be, we're really just going through high levels of security. There is no access to the King's office from the public entrance." 
"What kind of security?" Somehow, focusing on the details helps you ground yourself to the moment. 
You hear Hakyeon shift in his seat slightly. “The usual scans, identification, some biometrics. Only the security team knows the full details, but I’ve gone through the checks several times myself.”
You suck in a deep breath and force yourself to let it out slowly. The car continues on for a minute longer before coming slowly to a stop. The door to your right opens suddenly to a man bent over in a deep bow. 
"Good morning, Your Highness. I trust your trip was comfortable?" 
Hakyeon steps out smoothly, buttoning his suit jacket as he stands. “Thank you, Ryu. The car was most appreciated.”
The man then extends a gloved hand to help you out of the limousine. Jaehwan hops out the other side without a glance back, and you have no choice but to take the offered hand. Gingerly you step out onto the concrete floor, balanced by the aide’s arm. The light is dim in the underground VIP garage. You make out a fleet of dark limousines very similar to the one you just exited, all adorned with the navy and gold livery of Asadal, waiting in the surrounding spots. Large vents and cold fluorescent lights are built into the ceiling high above, providing a cavernous quality to the garage. Your feet are illuminated by lights built into the concrete platform spelling out “Council Chamber and Main Royal Entrance”, with a small bay of elevators laying just beyond. 
“Welcome, Princess. It’s wonderful to have you back in the kingdom.” The aide’s ear-to-ear smile makes you think the sentiment is genuine, but you can only manage a small incline of your head in response. Hakyeon strides ahead to the central elevator, which opens at his approach without prompting. You follow along less confidently with the aide at your side, trailed by Jaehwan to your back. 
The elevator is large enough that the three of you can stand without touching elbows, but you still feel suffocated by the gleaming metal walls and the presence of the government official. Bespectacled and clad in a dove gray suit, he’s hardly the most intimidating man, but you are ever wary of strangers. Hakyeon absentmindedly checks his watch again while the aide fills him in on the details of the meeting. 
"The King is in with Magistrate Moon currently, but he's scheduled to be done by the time we clear processing. The princess's data shouldn't take long, but it's good to be thorough." 
"What do you mean, my data?" you interject. 
The aide starts as if he'd forgotten you could speak. "Oh, it's just simple protocol Your Highness—" He's cut off by a ding as the elevator opens to a brightly lit lobby. 
Despite being such a high-profile area, the lobby itself is fairly sparse. Hakyeon shuffles you through past a set of cushy armchairs and a table, which honestly feel like a decoy more than anything, into a blank white hallway. At the end are several full-body scanners glowing a neon green. Hakyeon strides through them proudly without pause, and you have no choice but to follow. Despite having nothing on your person to cause suspicion, some irrational part of you blanches as you walk through the scanners. Thankfully, you walk out the other side with no incident.
You let out an unnecessarily-held breath and are immediately shuffled into a side room. There's not a lot to the space save for a few monitors and seemingly medical equipment. The sting of antiseptic tickles your nose and the extreme sterility in fluorescent lighting gives you an uneasy feeling. Confused, you look to Hakyeon for guidance, only to be met with the passively smiling face of Jaehwan. Hakyeon is instead just outside the door talking to a woman in a white lab coat. If he senses your eyes on him, he gives no indication. The woman, however, turns and flashes you a smile, striding into the room with clipboard in hand. 
“Good morning, Your Highness,” she chirps with a quick bow in your general direction before shuffling off to some equipment on a far counter. You shift your feet nervously, glancing again at Hakyeon. He checks his watch again and joins you inside the room, leaving the aide outside.
“This won’t take very long at all, we have the entire process streamlined,” says the woman from the counter, pulling various equipment out of shelves and inspecting them. “My name is Dr. Yang, and I will be administering your locator chip today.” 
“My locator chip?” The words come out shriller than you intend, and you see Hakyeon wince out of the corner of your eye. 
"It's just for security purposes," he says quickly in a low voice. "It's necessary for being in the VIP parts of the building." 
"It's very small," the doctor reassures. "You won't feel a thing!" 
You swallow roughly and take a few steps back. "Hakyeon, could I speak to you for a moment?" You wait for him walk closer before mouthing, "What the fuck?" 
He glances at Jaehwan, who has also joined your little enclave, and crosses his arms. "I know you don't like it, but there's no other way to speak with the King."
You snort. "I didn't want to meet with him in the first place if you remember." 
Hakyeon purses his lips and exhales an impatient little sigh. "I know, and I know this whole thing is a mess. There are certain concessions that just have to be made. Security is tight around here; we all have a tracker to monitor our movement around the building." To make his point clearer, he extends his thumb. Jaehwan says nothing but absently scratches his left wrist. 
"This is some insane surveillance state nonsense, Hakyeon," you hiss. You weren't expecting to just prance into the King's office, but the idea of having his influence literally implanted in you? Your skin is crawling without anything even having happened. It monitors your location at that? Not to mention what else could be in there that isn’t being disclosed to the public.
“Our last royal family died,” Jaehwan chimes in an almost singsong way. You meet his eyes with a glare that does nothing to budge the pleasant look on his face. “Counter measures had to be taken.” 
Somehow Jaehwan’s stern look behind his sunny smile rattles you more than Hakyeon’s impatient pushing. You hold their gazes for a beat longer before looking down and swinging back around to the doctor. We’re not done talking about this, Hakyeon.
To her credit, Dr. Yang has maintained the utmost professionalism through your little meltdown. She stands next to a leather stool holding a tablet in one hand, patting the seat gently with the other. You stride over, head held high as you can, and sit down delicately. You can just touch the floor with your toes from this height, and you grip the edges of the seat with your hands, feeling as if on the precipice of something you can’t walk away from. 
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” starts Dr. Yang, handing you the tablet. “The chip is microscopic and is only inserted into the topmost layer of the epidermis, so you won’t even feel the insertion. The shallow location is so that the chip can be removed through your body’s natural shedding of its skin cells, meaning there’s no hassle to dig back in there when you’re done here.”
Pain is hardly the thing you’re worried about. You swipe down through the extensive legalese on the tablet, which seems to be a permission form of sorts. There is no option not to grant it. “What’s the purpose of this chip, just to monitor my location?” you ask while signing your name with the attached stylus. 
The doctor nods. “It follows your presence through the building, and only within the building. There are additional forms to detail your identity and security clearance, but of course you don’t need any sort of verification on that front, Your Highness.” She ends her sentence with a tinkle of a laugh, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
You hand the tablet back, wishing you could examine the system yourself. Undoubtedly it’s a database keyed to the individual chips, but you wonder what tech they’re using to detect the trackers throughout the building. And how much interference they could handle before they fry. Dr. Yang returns, having deposited the tablet on the counter, with gloved hands and a metal pen. 
“Now, as I said, the chip is inserted in the first layer of skin, for which we’ll need a particularly dense area so it stays put for the time being.” She tears open a packet of antiseptic and smiles. “If you’ll please extend your index finger?” You've got half a mind to offer her your middle finger instead, but you grit your teeth and uncurl your left index finger. A quick swipe of the alcohol-soaked wipe later, she presses the pen to your finger, cold and solid.
“Wait.” You take your finger back, clenching your hand into a fist. You look up, eyes darting to Hakyeon’s. Impassive as he is, you think you see some hint of guilt in his gaze, and dark circles under his own layers of concealer. Jaehwan, for his part, simply looks on boredly. 
“Is something wrong?” Dr. Yang has taken a step back and is looking at you with concern. 
You swallow, throat very dry all of a sudden, and shake your head. “No, it’s fine.” You extend your finger again, the nails of your other hand digging into your palm. “Go ahead.”
The doctor clicks her tongue and opens another packet of antiseptic. “You have no idea how many people come through here with a serious fear of needles,” she says, wiping down your finger again, even more gently than the last time. “All these big Councilmen, afraid of a little poke!” She chortles to herself and presses the pen down. 
True to her words, you feel nothing. 
You hop off the stool as soon as she pulls the pen away. The nausea from this morning has returned with a vengeance, which it tends to do when you indulge your anxiety rather than dissipating it. The doctor bows in goodbye and before you know it, you are ushered out the door by Hakyeon.
From there it’s a short walk to another bank of elevators. “That was very quick, wasn’t it?” starts the aide. “We’re a little ahead of schedule, so I thought perhaps we could show the Princess around the Council chambers and then—”
Hakyeon cuts him off abruptly. “Thank you Ryu, but that won’t be necessary. I think we can take it from here. Please send the alert upstairs to let them know we’re coming.”
The aide blinks. “The King is likely still in his meeting, Your Highness, if you’ll—” 
Hakyeon halts his speech again with a swift raise of his hand. “I’m aware of the King’s schedule. Be on your way.”
The ease and confidence with which your cousin addresses the aide is weirdly comforting. Hakyeon is Crown Prince. Hakyeon can handle this. You are just playing a part, but Hakyeon, he's the real deal. 
The aide makes a quick bow and disappears down a side hallway. Hakyeon wastes no time in calling down an elevator, and before long you’re ensconced in tense silence again. You feel eyes on you, but resolutely look forward. In the shiny metal of the elevator doors you see Hakyeon’s reflection turn to face you properly. “Doing ok?” You flick your gaze to him for but a second. Your jaw is starting to hurt from grinding your teeth so hard, and you keep compulsively rubbing your thumb against your other fingers. “I’m—” comes out in a rasp, your throat bone-dry. You swallow and try again. “I’m fine.” Hakyeon’s eyes don’t leave your face, and Jaehwan is now looking at you with an expression somewhere between curiosity and amusement. “I’m fine, it’s fine,” you reiterate, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze. “It just—” you start, then stop. It just terrifies me. It just makes me want to rip off my own skin. “It got too real,” you say quietly. Jaehwan chuckles, a soft gust of air through his nostrils and the crinkling curl of one corner of his mouth. 
Your glare at his reflection is cut short when the doors suddenly open to blinding light. This lobby is much busier than the last, with people scurrying to and fro, disappearing off into more elevators and hallways. As Hakyeon leads you into the mess, you notice several people stop right in their tracks and make very low but very quick bows in your general direction. You get a cursory glance out the glass walls to where the rest of the city sprawls before Hakyeon stops before what seems to be the main elevator, all chrome and gold leaf. A press of his palm to a nearby touchpad opens the doors to reveal elegant carpeting and crystal-studded walls. You roll your eyes at the predictable opulence.
Following Hakyeon into the elevator, you turn around only to find that Jaehwan hasn’t joined as usual. You blink. “Where are you going?” “Shh, secret mission,” he says in a hiss. The last thing you see before the doors close is Jaehwan’s grin with a finger pressed to his lips. 
What secret mission? You feel the tug of gravity as the elevator glides upward and furrow your brows. “You put Jaehwan on some other task?”
Hakyeon rolls his eyes. “He’s being dramatic. He’s just gone to talk to some old friends at my suggestion.” 
You’re well aware of who Jaehwan’s old friends are. “The Swords are loyal only to the King,” you say, on edge again at the remembrance of Jaehwan’s involvement in the special forces. 
Hakyeon ignores your statement in favor of some last-minute pep talk. “I know you must be feeling apprehensive, but I have full trust in your ability to sway my father. I’m positive you can assure him you’re not a threat, and it won’t be hard, since you’ve been away for so long. You’re hardly a scheming politician after all, and—”
“I get it, Hakyeon.” You cut off his rambling, nerves raw and screaming. “Play nice, or die.” The elevator opens again to two guards — Swords, speak of the devil — and an otherwise empty hallway. They bow as Hakyeon exits, the barest hint of a frown on his face. You follow, trying your best to match his confident strides. Think simpering sycophant thoughts. Should you pretend to be happy to see your uncle? Grateful to be back in your— no, his kingdom?
The hallway turns a corner and leads to the most nondescript wooden doors you’ve ever seen. The double doors are handleless and flanked by four-foot tall ceramic vases holding each a cascade of orchids. You can’t see any physical indication as to the importance of these doors, but your heart pounds harder with every step forward. As if sensing your hesitation, Hakyeon stops just short and turns to you.
“I’m not going to lie and say this will be easy,” he starts. His gaze is too difficult to hold, so you turn your eyes to a blank spot on the wall just behind his ear. “But this has to be done, for better or worse. Are you ready?”
No, you think to yourself. In what world could you ever be ready to face the instigator of all your nightmares?
“Yes,” you say.
Hakyeon gives you a quick, terse nod and raises his hand. He raps his knuckles against the wood of the door twice, the beats ringing out in the quiet hallway.
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squeallywrites · 4 years
My Emperor Ch.6
You didn’t know what to expect when you were brought to the Prince’s study. Heck you were still reeling from what just happened.
“You’ll be fine,” Ravi reassures you before opening the door. He must’ve heard your racing heart.
“Your Highness, Miss Y/N L/N of the American Kingdom,” he announces as he bows in front of you.
You couldn’t see the Crown Prince due to the partition of frosted glass. His features were obscure, but you could see the glowing red of his eyes and his hair looked to be white. After you bow, Ravi turns and leans in close to your ear, “He won’t talk, but you’re to be with him until he signals you to leave. Just..don’t go beyond the barrier.”
After that, he leaves.
 Alone with the one man you came here for. The bane and saviour of your life at this moment.
 You just stand there for a while, unsure what to do. Looking around, you take in the study. It has a minimal yet luxurious décor. To your left, you know a spare calligraphy set. That’ll help you get your mind off of earlier.
“I don’t know what you expect from me,” you declare, “or how long you want me to be here, but I’m going to do my own thing during these sessions.”
As you turn to go grab the set, a small bell rings out. Instantly, Ravi enters, eyebrows furrowed as your heart stops. Were you not supposed to do that?
Right as Ravi grabs your arm, the bell rings out again. You share a confused look with the guard before he goes to the prince. You can’t hear what they’re saying, but you see Ravi go to move something to be in front of the prince. Soon he returns to situate you close to the partition before placing a small desk on the floor. After giving you the calligraphy set, Ravi bows to the prince and then leaves yet again. You look up at the partition to see what looks like the Crown Prince himself writing. Shrugging, you begin to write. It starts as nonsense, but soon you fall into writing a letter for your father, pushing the event with Sarah to the back of your mind.
Two hours had passed when you next looked at the clock. Standing, you gather your letter and bow to the prince.
“Your Highness, I will be leaving now.”
You watch him for a second and right before you turned, you barely catch him nodding. As you walk out of the study, Ravi is standing there facing the hallway.
“Ravi, will you take me back to my room?”
The idea of walking back to your room has you shaking and forgetting the fact that he has to walk with you anyway. He spins around, red eyes wide, “Why wasn’t I called to get you?”
“I asked if I could leave. Now I just want to sleep please.”
 You didn’t sleep that night.
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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When you sneak out the morning after (Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaehwan)
requested by: anon
Can i request how vixx would react to you sneaking out after you guys were intimate & they saw the next day 🌸
(So... these have been in my drafts for literally a year, and I don’t even have the original request ask anymore, oops.)
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vixx-edits · 4 years
An NxLeo one shot. Here is the first part.
Originally posted on AO3 and AFF.
Here's the first part
[Maybe I'm Jealous!]
Pairing: Neo, Hyukbin, Raken
Taekwoon put his luggage down and breathed in the air of Korea, a smile finding its way to his lips. Wonsik was beside him in a moment, and he too started smiling. They haven’t been away from Korea for too long, and they didn’t hate Japan, but Korea was their home country. It was where they truly belonged. Also, they had missed their lovers terribly, so the idea of finally getting back home was more than appealing.
A few minutes later, one of the managers came and picked them up. Wonsik fell asleep the moment he got comfortable in his seat, his snores filling the small space of the van. Taekwoon was also tired, but he was too excited to sleep. He kept thinking about Hakyeon, his voice, his laughter, his bright smile that could light up Taekwoon's world. Everything about Hakyeon was perfect in Taekwoon's eyes, and he had missed this perfection terribly.
Both men were mildly disappointed to find the dorm empty, all the other four probably somewhere on their own schedules. But looking at the bright side, they had some time to tidy up a bit and be decently prepared to greet their loved ones.
It wasn’t till 5 hours later, at 9 in the afternoon, that the members started coming back one after another. By that time, Wonsik and Taekwoon had taken showers, unpacked their bags and had a light meal. By the time Sanghyuk entered the dorm, Wonsik was dozing off again, and Taekwoon was looking at the TV without actually watching the show that was on.
"Oh, hyungs, you're back!" the maknae exclaimed loudly and grinned. Taekwoon just nodded and smiled at him. He had missed the cute giant, too. But it couldn’t be compared to how much he was craving Hakyeon right now. Sanghyuk looked at Wonsik's sleeping figure and shook his head before heading to his and Hongbin's shared bedroom.
Jaehwan was the second to arrive at the dorm, completely ignoring Taekwoon and almost flying to get to Wonsik. Taekwoon rolled his eyes at that. Wonsik, as if waiting for Jaehwan's arrival even in his sleep, woke up with the first touch of Jaehwan, and then they were embracing like there's no tomorrow. Taekwoon looked at them for a few seconds, and he thought he heard a small sob escape Wonsik's mouth. Geez, that sappy man. Taekwoon sucked his upper teeth and then got up and retreated to his and Hakyeon's bedroom, giving the lovebirds some time together.
He sat on the bed and stuffed his ears with his headphones after hearing the faint sound of kisses coming from the living room. It was not that he was severely disgusted by it, rather, he was getting more and more impatient by the second to see his own lover.
An hour or so passed before finally the door was opened, and in came the object of Taekwoon's affection. Taekwoon's face broke into an uncontrollable grin, the earpieces were thrown on the bed in a blink, and he was in front of Hakyeon before he knew what he was doing. But right before his arms went to encircle the tanned male's smaller body, he froze. The expression on Hakyeon's face was something he'd rarely seen, only when he was truly mad at one of the members, and everybody in VIXX knew that they should avoid Hakyeon in this state if they wanted to survive. But why was Hakyeon looking at him like that?
Taekwoon's arms were hanging in the air awkwardly, but he didn’t dare to put them around Hakyeon for now, so he lightly went for Hakyeon's biceps.
"H-hey Hakyeon…" his voice came out softer than he intended, and he mentally cursed himself for stuttering. Hakyeon's gaze on his face didn’t waver, and Taekwoon had to swallow before speaking once again.
"I missed you so mu-" Taekwoon was cut off midsentence when Hakyeon harshly pulled his arms back, successfully untangling Taekwoon's fingers from his body.
"Okay, I get it. Now step aside, I need to take a shower." Hakyeon's voice was cold and emotionless, almost robotic. Taekwoon bit his lower lip and stepped back wordlessly. Hakyeon left him just like that, and Taekwoon fell asleep while sniffling Hakyeon's pillow and trying not to let the tears out.
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Hi you guys! It’s been a while!
After a very tulmutous period, I’m excited to announce that I’m finally settled down and in a situation where I can begin writing again, yay!
However, I feel like I’ve outgrown the use of tumblr, so this blog will be here as an archive of sorts for the time being.
I’ve moved my social media presence to twitter. You can find me over there at https://twitter.com/moonchalice
My fics will still be posted/updated on AO3, though I’m considering changing my username there too.
At the moment I’m currently re-editing both of my currently on-going fics, and once that task is finished, I’ll be posting new content on AO3. Please follow my Twitter if you’d like to stay in the loop for furure updates!
Thanks everyone. :3
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witchakyeon · 2 years
❧ Celestial | Hyuken Oneshot
Jaehwan wanted to do something special for Sanghyuk.
He still had much to learn about mortal affairs, but he had been with Sanghyuk for many seasons, long enough to know that he was extremely busy and stressed every winter. Jaehwan didn’t particularly understand—school was one the most enjoyable periods of his existence as an angel—but apparently, mortals even did education differently. His lover insisted it was hell on Earth.
Jaehwan thought that was a bit dramatic. If hell had come to Earth, they surely wouldn’t be alive anymore, especially if Taekwoon was in a sour mood. The celestial of death and the underworld was known to be temperamental most of the time, even when the celestial of seasons and vegetation was home. Taekwoon adored Hakyeon more than any other living thing in the universe, and he was still the same condescending, moody person that bickered with the celestial of the heavens until Wonshik was ready to physically wrestle him that Jaehwan always knew.
Regardless, Sanghyuk had exhausted himself so much this season that he had fallen ill, and the moment he recovered, he was back to his studies and his work. Things had settled down since then, but Jaehwan felt awful about his lover pushing himself so hard. Sanghyuk only spent a few days resting—and fussing about being contagious while Jaehwan took care of him even though the angel insisted he was immune to mortal diseases—and it took weeks for his symptoms to go away.
Jaehwan hated how tired he looked, how he had recently lost interest in his hobbies because of the change in the seasons, and how many hours he spent in front of his computer. The angel often had the entire day to himself even when he set aside time to work on his art while his lover only had a few hours to sleep. He didn’t like that at all.
He wanted to help Sanghyuk rest during his break. He wanted to do something special for him that would make the end of such a long year meaningful—memorable—but he was having a hard time figuring out exactly what that something special should be.
So he asked the second most important mortal in his life for help. Hongbin suggested a few things—an expensive gift for the upcoming holiday, a vacation out of their realm, a fancy meal. None of those things rang any bells. Birthdays warranted the biggest celebration in their relationship, and Jaehwan prepared most of the meals in their home on the account that Sanghyuk could not cook a proper meal if the universe itself were in danger. And Sanghyuk had only processed the fact that Jaehwan was an angel—technically fallen but not banished yet willingly Earthbound—very recently. He wasn’t ready to travel between realms yet. He had a sensitive stomach.
The angel was nearly on the verge of despair when Hongbin proposed another idea.
“Why don’t you dress up for him, then? Do you have any lingerie?”
“You mean underwear? I wear that all the time. Sanghyuk spends more time complaining about it getting in the way than he does appreciating it.”
“First of all, I didn’t need to know that. Second, lingerie and underwear are two completely different things. Lingerie is for appeal. It’s fancier, more expensive, and more suggestive than underwear.”
“How is fancy underwear going to make Sanghyuk feel better?”
Jaehwan didn’t understand the so-called appeal until Hongbin showed him some pictures, then some videos, then some of his own sets. Lingerie rang many bells—it rang every bell in Jaehwan’s brain, actually.
After recording his measurements and blowing up Hongbin’s phone with questions about conversions, he secretly placed an order with an overseas company and counted the days until his surprise arrived. Whenever his lover asked why he had blue stars marked on their calendar, Jaehwan could only grin mischievously.
The package coincidently arrived the same day Sanghyuk was out running errands with his older sister Sowon for the afternoon, leaving Jaehwan plenty of time to soak in a warm bath and figure out all the buckles and adjustable straps over the phone with Hongbin’s help before he returned home.
“Jae,” Sanghyuk called softly from the living room as the front door clicked shut behind him. “I’m back from unwillingly driving my obnoxious sister around and trying not to swerve into oncoming traffic every five minutes. Where are you?”
Jaehwan felt his cheeks flush as he stared at himself in their bathroom mirror. He had never felt this pretty in clothes before. Most angels were comfortable nude, and when they did dress, it was always in something loose and breathable, never in restrictive, limiting garments—which mortals had been wearing for centuries. Lingerie was definitely a fine line between nude and dressed, and as Jaehwan teased the thin, lacy fabric on his hips, he wondered if Sanghyuk would think he looked pretty, too. He wondered if he would appreciate his surprise. He wondered if he would finally be able to unwind, if only for a little while.
“Jae?” Sanghyuk called, his footsteps drawing closer as Jaehwan’s heartbeat rang in his ears. The angel turned off the light, stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the end of their bed as he waited for his lover to find him. “Are we playing another hiding and seeking game? I brought-”
Before Jaehwan knew it, Sanghyuk pushed the door to their bedroom open and stood in the doorway with his mouth open and a bundle of red adonis in his hand.
They stared at each other for a long time. Was this supposed to happen? Jaehwan should have asked Hongbin for more advice. His best friend insisted they would both know what to do, but he wasn’t sure if Sanghyuk was even breathing.
“I brought you flowers...” Sanghyuk finally exhaled. He had a mixed expression on his gorgeous face and snowflakes in his hair. It was almost as if he was struggling to understand what was going on and attempting to let go of control at the same time. Jaehwan wanted to kiss him senseless, but he stayed put on their bed.
“Come over here and give them to me, then,” Jaehwan responded, his voice soft and sweet as he blinked slowly at his lover.
Read the rest here 💙 My AO3 💙
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Map of Ilsa Nettelia, or Utopia Island
Featured in ‘Petrichor’
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dissoluteways · 5 years
PAIRING: Jaehwan/OC RATING: Explicit WARNINGS: Oral sex :-). WORDCOUNT: 1146
Notes: This is for the Jaehwanie anon. You mentioned his lips so I kept that in mind basically lmao, this is just a drabble, but I have a longer fic in plans for Jaehwan so stay tuned!
There was something about Jaehwan that made him an amazing boyfriend. She really couldn’t quite point out what it was. But he was so eager to be with her, so eager to please. It made her so happy to have someone like that.
And that was certainly one of those occasions when he showed it to her; Jaehwan kneeling down in front of her, between her legs. She was sitting at the edge of the bed, with all her clothes still on. Jaehwan had almost drag her to the bedroom and pushed her towards the bed.
“Jaehwan, I was making dinner,” She said, half amused, half embarrassed that he was peppering kisses along her knees.
“Bon Appetit,” Jaehwan said, in his cute childish voice, his hands sliding up her skirt to caress her thighs.
She really couldn’t believe he would say those kinds of things at that kind of moments. She covered her face with her hands, flustered, but quickly pulled them away when Jaehwan pushed up her skirt, bunching it up her hips.
With his lips trailing up her thighs, she lost all will to even talk. Jaehwan hummed happily with each kiss he pressed against her skin as he nuzzled closer to her groin. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, bringing her closer to his face.
The moan that escaped from her lips when he pressed his tongue against her clothed core should have been embarrassing. But she was so needy, she was so needy since the moment had that look in his eyes when he approach her at the kitchen earlier to drag her to the bedroom. Not to mention that having him so close and between her legs always had that effect on her, especially when he was so happy and eager to please her. And he actually looked so content there, staring at her with dark sly eyes and a playful smile on his lips as he dragged her panties down her legs, discarding them haphazardly.
Jaehwan sing-songed as he settled between her legs once more, holding her legs open and throwing them over his shoulders. She was about to tell him to hurry up, beg him to take care of her, a bit embarrassed about how desperate she got in just a few seconds. Luckily she didn’t have to utter a word, his tongue immediately stroking her folds all the way up to her clit.
“Oh fuck,” She cursed loudly when he flicked his tongue over her clit once more.
“So needy,” Jaehwan commented, smug, as he licked across her.
“You made me like this,” She replied, her voice breathless.
The chuckle that came from his lips made her feel even more embarrassed, and she nudged him with her feet. He gently nibbled the inside of her thigh, making her whine, before resuming his previous task, nestling closer and licking over her core with long stokes of his tongue.
His lips quickly locked over her clit, kissing and sucking hard, and she sobbed loudly. Jaehwan was enthusiastically pleasing her, and she almost flopped onto the bed, prompting herself up on one of her elbows. Her fingers tangled in his hair, keeping him close as he flicked his tongue over her clit.
“You taste so good, baby girl,” Jaehwan commented in such a casual tone, his breathe washing over her core, it made her legs twitch.
She really couldn’t find the words to reply, stuttering when he looked up at her.
“Ju-Just keep going,” She snapped when Jaehwan started laughing again.
“As you wish, princess.”
He dived back, his tongue stroking her eagerly, before latching onto her clit once again. She whined loudly, unashamed then because she was craving him more than anything. From the position she was in, she could perfectly well see what he was doing, his sinful lips wrapped around her clit, and his tongue moving when he decided to lap at her instead.
Her legs jolted when he inserted a finger, her eyes shutting and a gasp spilling from her lips. Jaehwan hummed happily at her reaction, kissing her clit as he curled his finger inside her. The wet noises that filled the room were obscene; Jaehwan had always been loud in almost every way, and this wasn’t the exception, little moans sliding from his lips as he eat her out, mixing it with the sounds of his finger pumping in and out of her.
She couldn’t help the way her hips arch into his face when his tongue glided inside of her, just along with his finger. She wailed when he pressed closer, his nose touching her clit, the knot in her lower stomach growing incredibly tighter with each of his moves. The position she was in made her more vulnerable than ever, especially with one of Jaehwan’s hands keeping her legs open with a strong grip.
She grasped at the sheet, letting go of Jaehwan, knowing fully well she might even rip off his hair if she kept going. She was so close, her hips jerking with each stroke of Jaehwan’s tongue and every move of his finger inside her.
“Jaehwan,” She moan, breathless, staring at him with hazy eyes, “I’m gonna come.”
Without stopping any of his ministrations, Jaehwan looked up at her with cunning eyes, and he smirked at her, so darkly, with his tongue still working inside her. It was one of the most sinful things she had witnessed, but she really couldn’t focus on that at the moment when he was pressing his nose against her clit once more, his finger curling inside her, touching her most sensitive spot inside.
It was all it took for her to let go, her body flopping onto the bed and her legs shaking at the same time her mind went blank with pleasure. Her orgasm sent waves through her entire system, making her tremble, back arching, just as Jaehwan kept flicking his tongue inside her, her walls clenching around his digit.
He pulled away just when she started sobbing, Jaehwan helping her pressing her knees together and planting each a kiss before he crawled on top of her. He kissed her cheek before catching her mouth, and she moans when she realized she can taste herself in his mouth.
“You’re going to kill me one day,” She commented as he peppered kisses down her jaw.
“From pleasure, I hope.”
She lightly tapped him on the head when he started chuckling, before wrapping her arms around his shoulders, kissing his lips once more.
“I should return the favor now, shouldn’t I?” She asked after a while, pushing at his shoulders so they could roll over, Jaehwan lying on the bed instead as she straddle his hips.
“As you wish, baby,” The complacent smile on his face was impossible to hide as she got off his lap to sit on the floor between his legs.
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muselin · 4 years
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Mood board for my Ken (VIXX) fic “Hide Me, Take Me”. My contribution to the Intimacy Anthology Project: https://kpopanthologyprojects.tumblr.com/post/630110166945316864/the-intimacy-anthology-directory 
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hailcyeon · 5 years
hiraeth | 07
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Pairing: Jaehwan x Reader Genre: Sci-Fi, Royal AU Word Count: 3.1k Warnings: Mild cursing
“It’s nothing, thought I spotted an old friend. He’s still smiling in his usual irritating way, lips stretched wide at a joke you’re not in on.”
Sora’s declaration spurs forth a flurry of activity that results in your standing outside an elegant bistro half an hour later, feeling woefully under-dressed in your faded jeans and sweater. Judging by the trendy gaggle of diners on the outdoor patio, this restaurant is well out of your usual price range. You understandably had the space to bring only so much when fleeing Armistice, but next to Sora in her long skirt and designer boots, you feel rather inadequate. Even Jaehwan, still accompanying you on Hakyeon's orders, cleans up nicely in his dark jeans and button down.
Oblivious to your sartorial distress, Jaehwan has been staring at something behind you over your shoulder for the past five minutes. You spare a glance, somehow both bored and agitated, but it’s just another gaggle of highly fashionable pedestrians on the opposite sidewalk. It’s strange being in the throngs of normal society, people laughing and going about their day, as if you’re not acutely aware of every passing stranger and their likelihood of being under the king’s command.
Sora huffs and checks her phone. “Ugh, it is just like Sanghyuk to keep us waiting this long.”
With the thought of meeting the king still looming over everyone's heads, Hakyeon had declared you needed a new wardrobe to properly fit the part of court mascot and roped Sora into being your guide for the day. Then once Sora realized you hadn’t eaten yet, she insisted on treating you to lunch first, calling up her brother as well on the assumption he would like to see you. From what you gather though, Sanghyuk is a late sleeper, leaving the three of you to wait outside the restaurant for his arrival.
Jaehwan scoffs, hands in pockets and lips quirked in a smile. “He's probably still hungover.”
Sora rolls her eyes. “I know he's still hungover. He threw a pillow at me this morning when I tried to wake him up.”
It's strange to think of the young boy you knew at one time having anything to do with alcohol consumption, but sudden movement in the corner of your eye cuts off any further thought. A jolt of panic runs through your body, but before you can react, Jaehwan pivots to shield you and shoulder checks the encroaching figure, sending him sprawling on the sidewalk. The chatter around you pauses briefly, the diners outside startled into silence.
“What the fuck, Hyuk?” Jaehwan pulls a groaning Sanghyuk up by the hand, both annoyed and amused. “You can't just run at people.”
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” Sora says, glaring up at her brother.
Holding his head, Sanghyuk stands and grins sheepishly. “I just wanted to surprise the princess. I didn't think you'd go all macho-Sword-man on me.”
“Han Sanghyuk, how many times have I told you that no one likes it when you do that?” Incensed, Sora has her hands on her hips, and you're struck by how much she's channeling her grandmother right now.
Trying to calm your still racing heart, you crane your neck upwards to peer at Sanghyuk. The last time you saw him, he was about shoulder height with you, but apparently, he takes after his giant of a grandfather, considering his current condition.
“Ahh, she doesn't mind,” Sanghyuk says, giving you a proper hug in greeting. “Do you?”
“Just don't do it again,” you respond, awkwardly bent back by his embrace. “What happened to you, Hyogi? I can't ruffle your hair anymore.”
Sanghyuk releases you, grinning, and Jaehwan opens the glass door to the restaurant, ushering your group in.
“Puberty is a magical thing, I'll tell you all about it later,” Jaehwan says, deadpan and holding the door open for you to walk through.
You stick your tongue out at him childishly before you can stop yourself. “We're getting lunch and buying some clothes, why are you here exactly?” You know the answer to that, of course; Hakyeon was very clear that you are not to go anywhere in the city without your “bodyguard”, but you hate feeling babied.
“He can hold the bags for us,” Sora says soothingly. She strides forward to the maître d’ of the restaurant who is busy jotting down reservations in a large tablet.
“I'm sorry, we are booked full through today,” he says as your group approaches without even looking up. “You'll have to call ahead next time.”
Undeterred, Sora smiles. “I'll just need my usual table, Jisoo.”
The man immediately looks up from his task, eyes widening in shocked apology. “Lady Han! I am very sorry, I didn't realize it was you.” He jumps out from behind the desk, bowing a full ninety degrees. “Right this way.”
You haven’t seen this much bowing and scraping since your days at the palace, but you follow Sora and the man anyway to the back of the restaurant where there is a lovely paper screen set up for privacy. Snippets of conversation heard from diners you pass along the way only add to your confusion.
“Ohmygod, don't look now, but the Han Sora just walked in.”
“Holy shit, think we can get a picture? Who's the hottie she's with?”
“Gross, that's her brother.”
“No, the blond one! Next to that frumpy chick.”
Your cheeks heat in embarrassment and you quicken your pace, desperate to be out of view. The maître d’ eventually leads the group to an elegantly set table toward the very back, set against some more screens and bathed in sun from an overhead skylight. He pulls out a chair for Sora, and Jaehwan, to your surprise, pulls one out for you. At your questioning look, Jaehwan simply flashes a cheeky smile and seats himself to your left. On your right, Sanghyuk immediately grabs a menu to peruse.
“Would you like a wine list, my lady?” says the maître d’ to Sora, once again in a deep bow. “We recently received a shipment of excellent vintage wine from Imsal that I'm sure you would find to your taste.”
“I'll just have a bottle of that then,” Sora responds, sending the man scurrying off in haste.
“A little early for alcohol,” you say, paging through the menu. As everything since your exodus has been, the expensive choices are overwhelming.
“Never too early for alcohol,” Sanghyuk states dryly, nose still stuck in the menu.
“Maybe just a glass of milk for this one,” you say, narrowing your eyes.
“I'm lactose intolerant, actually,” he says smugly as the maître d’ returns with a bottle of wine and an ice bucket.
Uncorking the bottle, Jaehwan takes it upon himself to pour out glasses for everyone. He passes over Sanghyuk’s offered glass, eliciting a furious pout from the offended party.
“You can't be serious.”
“Shut up and drink your milk, Hyogi,” quips Jaehwan, smirking as he pours you a glass.
Sanghyuk flips Jaehwan a finger, making you snort in laughter and Sora sigh.
“Boys,” she says in exasperation. “Can we pretend to be nice and civilized for like, half an hour? That's all I ask. And are you not still hungover?” Sora glares pointedly at Sanghyuk, who has decided to take matters into his own hands by pouring himself a glass.
“Nope!” he responds, popping the ‘p’. “Didn’t even go out last night. Was up until four gaming; Changkyun set our raid real late.” A waiter comes by briefly to take orders, bowing several times in the process. Swirling the wine in his glass, Sanghyuk lays his chin on his hand boredly. “I’ll behave. Wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of your adoring fans.”
Sipping your own wine slowly, you look at Sora sitting across the table. “What's this about adoring fans?”
Jaehwan lets out a laugh that he tries, and fails, to cover with a cough. “Wow, you really lived under a rock back in Armistice, huh?”
You glare at him, and Sora flushes slightly. “I didn't really have time for much outside of school and work,” you mutter.
“That's quite alright.” Sora smiles and fiddles with her hair self-consciously. “I act a bit now, that's all.”
Both the boys scoff at that. “She's the kingdom's sweetheart,” Jaehwan supplies. “Can't turn on a screen without seeing Sora.”
“Did you have to take the one voice over gig though?” Sanghyuk complains. “My friends keep trying to get me to play that game, and it looks so cool, but I refuse to play anything where I have to listen to my sister the whole time.”
Sora rolls her eyes in response. “My agent thought it'd be a good idea to engage the younger demographic. Deal with it.”
“The point is,” Jaehwan says, “she's the perfect candidate to teach you how to behave in Capital culture.”
You narrow your eyes, trying hard not to be offended. “Are you saying I don't know how to behave?”
The waiter returns with several trays, distracting Jaehwan from an answer for a moment. “You're prickly,” he responds eventually with a mouth full of pasta. “And abrasive.”
“I am not prickly.” You try not to sound defensive, but you have to admit his words have some truth to them.
“I wasn't done,” Jaehwan says holding up a finger and swallowing heavily. “You freeze in tense situations and you're so out of touch with the kingdom that you didn't realize its most famous celebrity is actually your best friend from childhood.”
He smiles widely as you grit your teeth and glare. “Am I wrong?” he asks with the quirk of an eyebrow.
You stare down at your plate, unwilling to answer. He isn't wrong. No one knows better than you that the task Hakyeon has given you is monumental. You were forced to grow into a different person after leaving the kingdom, and now you're supposed to prance back into court high society like none of it ever occurred.
Remember Hakyeon, is all you can think through your clenched jaw, clenched fists. Remember Hakyeon and remember the debt.
“You're not doing it alone,” Sora says softly from across the table. “Okay? We'll be here to prepare you for everything.”
You sigh, feeling defeated before anything has even happened. “That’s all well and nice, but I’m the one going into the lion’s den.”
“The king’s not going to murder you in broad daylight,” Jaehwan says with the slightest roll of his eyes. “He’s left you alone so far anyway. If he'd wanted to make a move, he would have already.”
This does nothing to help your fears and you glare at him again. “Do you think I would have been allowed to enter this city if the king didn't want me here?” You can't shake the feeling that you're walking right into his hands.
“Well,” Sanghyuk pipes up. “If nothing else, don't worry too much about the court and the general public. A little ass kissing here, a couple photo ops with Sora there, and they'll be eating out of the palm of your hand.”
Sora nods. “Exactly. Stick you in a designer dress and you’ll fit right in. Maybe a haircut too,” she adds as an afterthought.
“What's wrong with my hair?” you ask, frowning. You hadn't cut your hair in a while for lack of time and initiative, but you don't think you look terrible.
“Don't worry,” Sora says waving her hand dismissively. “I'll take care of everything, and when I'm done the tabloids won't know what to do with themselves.” Her grin is meant to be encouraging but it feels like an ominous portent for the rest of the day at your friend's mercy.
As it is, your instincts had the right idea to be frightened.
Shortly after lunch, Sora leads you and Jaehwan on a whirlwind of a shopping spree. Sanghyuk ditches early, citing an urgent appointment with his bed and his utter disinterest in taking part in his sister's madness as reasons.
For once you’re glad to have Hakyeon's unlimited credit line, considering the high-end boutiques and department stores you keep being pulled into. You're continuously forced into fitting rooms, arms laden with clothes Sora wants you to try, each time aided by boutique owners who inevitably end up being huge fans of your friend. Between your impromptu fashion show and the salon where your hair and skin are poked, prodded, and plucked, you feel like you’ve walked through a hurricane of perfume and finery.
Sora excuses herself to check on an order she has coming in at yet another boutique, leaving the two of you to awkwardly wait outside. Jaehwan is buried in various shopping bags, and you're leaning against the brick facade in an attempt to catch your breath. It’s a busy shopping district, pedestrians flooding in and out of the many storefronts and restaurants.
You close your eyes for a moment, head bent in a futile attempt to hide yourself under the giant ferns flanking the boutique doors. No matter how much rest you get, you can’t seem to shake this exhaustion that’s settled into your bones ever since you made the decision to leave Armistice. It’s a strange feeling to be so very tired and at the same time wary of every little bit of your surroundings. The anxiety and fatigue combine to make your insides feel inflamed.
A deep breath later you straighten up and peek up at Jaehwan on the off chance he’s also tired enough to let you leave early, but he’s all furrowed brows and tense shoulders, once again distracted by something across the street. You follow his gaze to the cafe immediately in front of you, confused by the seemingly innocuous scene. There’s a man with close-cropped hair seated outside who feels vaguely familiar, but there are millions of men with buzz cuts in the world and you’re all out of long-lost childhood friends.
“What have you been staring at all day?” It comes out snippier than you intended, and Jaehwan snaps his eyes to yours, an easy smile plastered back on.
“You’ve been staring off into space,” you say, suddenly annoyed. “All day.”
“It’s nothing, thought I spotted an old friend.” He’s still smiling in his usual irritating way, lips stretched wide at a joke you’re not in on.
“Some bodyguard,” you scoff, pushing off the wall. Instead you find a seat at a bench a little down the block, ignoring your shadow as best you can while he settles down next to you. Your position gives you an unhindered view of the riverside promenade, the gap in buildings allowing a small breeze to filter through. You absently play with your hair as the wind picks it up, now cut shoulder length and blow-dried straight.
“It looks good,” Jaehwan says suddenly, face peeking out from under the pile of boxes and bags he's holding.
“What?” His voice wrenches your gaze away from the river, where the setting sun is turning the surface of the waters to molten gold.
“Your hair,” he explains. “It looks good, don't worry.”
You blink and look at him, not quite sure how to react. “Thank you?”
Amused, Jaehwan gives you a lopsided smile and copies your tone. “You're welcome?”
You turn away quickly, trying to hide your embarrassment, and caught off guard by his friendliness. You still don't know what to make of the man who has been your constant companion for the past few days. He seems determined to get under your skin, all smiles and jokes, but then his sudden serious moments give you whiplash.
“What's that?” you ask, pointing toward several structures clustered up against the river. Some of the buildings look half-complete, with their steel skeletons stretching up to the open sky, while others look fully functional but nonetheless abandoned. The largest straddles the river, arched towers on each bank meeting in the middle elegantly.
“What’s what?” Jaehwan cranes his neck to look at where you're pointing. “That ugly thing? It was supposed to be a hotel, I think, a whole resort complex type deal. There's always some new construction project going up, but this one ran out of money and stopped building a while ago.”
You nod in understanding. “The city's expanded a lot since I was last here.”
“All the development companies are owned by the king's new magistrates,” he murmurs.
“All of them?”
“Not in name,” he amends. “But it's all the same people if you trace the contracts far back enough. Hakyeon's been trying to fight it, but it's an uphill battle.”
“How is he doing that?” you ask, genuinely curious. You have no idea what your cousin has been up to beyond court politics.
“He's been funneling money to competitors and foreign investors. A lot of business shit I don't fully understand.” Jaehwan shakes his head and grimaces a little. “He's the one that convinced TirTech to open a branch here.”
You raise an eyebrow. “And the king just lets him do it?”
Jaehwan's face grows dark for a moment, mind elsewhere. “The king is pretty busy with other things.”
You're about to ask what he thinks the king is up to when Jaehwan suddenly exclaims and shoves the bags off himself.
“Oh! Wait here a second.” He jumps up and makes to walk away, then turns back around. “Do not move, understand?” he says firmly, wagging a finger for good measure.
“Yes sir,” you mock, rolling your eyes.
You watch as he quickly jogs across the street to a food cart on the corner. You're both confused and amused by his sudden change in demeanor as he animatedly points to what you assume is a menu, glancing back every now and again to make sure you're still sitting on the bench. He jogs back a few minutes later with a paper bag in hand.
“Churros!” Jaehwan grins, pulling one out of the bag for you.
You accept the proffered fried stick of dough and take a bite, careful not to dust yourself in sugar in the process. Warm and sweet, the dessert is an immediate mood lifter.
“Did you have a sudden craving?” you ask, half joking.
Jaehwan shakes his head, mouth full of his own churro. “This is the best churro cart in the city. I remember from the last time Sora dragged Hyuk and me this way.”
“What, like you've tried all of them?” you mumble around a mouthful of churro.
“I get around,” Jaehwan says, wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively.
It's an effort not to inhale dough as you snort in laughter, caught off guard by his silly expression. He seems rather proud of himself, smiling broadly at your laugh. You bite your lips in an attempt to keep a straight face, but your efforts are in vain. With a roll of your eyes you turn away from him, but the laughter has sunken into your face as a contented smile, the omnipresent dread on your shoulders held at bay for the moment.
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squeallywrites · 4 years
Neighbours - Ken Oneshot
About a month ago, you had moved into your new apartment in Gangnam. It was a big step moving from New York City to Seoul, but something was calling you here. The galleries. That was what was calling you. But what was strange was that you had yet to meet your neighbour. There was only one other on the floor since the building was rather new, but you never heard them. Day or night, no noise came from them in the hallway or more importantly, from their apartment. So you assumed that the walls were much thicker than your last apartment, much to your delight.
Another month later, you found a gallery that suited your style and content. Only problem was that they needed you to create a new series of paintings to showcase amongst your older works. So your sleep schedule was thrown out the window as you began to work. During the early hours of the morning, you tended to play classical and lofi study beats music to pass the time. Lately though, you’ve been into this one channel on youtube, 재환JaeHwan. His bubbly and cute personality was just what you needed while painting such a dark series. What intrigued you was that he kept mentioning that he was the cutie main vocal of this band call VIXX. Now you weren’t that much into pop music, let alone this Kpop stuff, so you made a note to check them out after this show opens.
As of late, you’ve been on a painting streak, making you work at 3am almost every night. So, naturally, you drown out yourself with some good ole 80s classic bops. As you were jamming out to Queen, your phone dings with a instagram alert: Jaehwan was live.
Not wanting to stop your music, you shift the music to your laptop before tuning into Jaehwan’s stream. Placing the phone on the easel, you get back to work on the details.
“Ahhh,” you hear him sigh, “Long day again. Photoshoots for my Starlight babies~~, but I can’t sleep. My neighbour’s being loud again.”
You sigh, pitying the poor man.
“That’s awful. He should move into an apartment like mine. It’s so quiet.”
He’s silent for a while, making you think he fell asleep, but then he speaks up again, “I don’t know. Going to ask them? What if they’re mean?”
You don’t hear anything else as your focus takes over. Some time later you notice that the live had ended and it’s going through others’ stories. With a sigh, you put your phone away and look at the painting. You shake your head. You’ll deal with it tomorrow.
Right as you turn off the music, there’s a knock at your door. Spinning to look at the clock, your eyes widen. Who the hell would be knocking at 4am?? You look out the peep hole and your choke. Shyly opening the door, you’re greeted by a very nervous, tense and tired looking Jaehwan.
“Um, excuse me,” his voice is gentle, the exhaustion evident, “Can you please turn down your music?”
You’re so speechless. You’re his neighbour!!
“I-I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise..I didn’t know you could hear me,” you stutter out, “I thought the walls were thick.”
His shoulders relax as he breathes out, “I know I should have mentioned it earlier, but I’ve been busy with my job.”
“No one really complained so I just assumed,” you look down at your feet, “If I could make it up to you, how about I buy you coffee for a month?”
You didn’t know where this was coming from, but you really did own it to the guy.
“That’d be nice. Are you home often?”
You nod.
“I’ll knock on your door some time,” a soft smile gracing his lips.
“Good night then. I’m so sorry again.”
He says good night before shuffling off to his door.
After you close the door, you slam your back against it and sliding down to the floor.
F u c k.
You slap yourself in the head. Of course he could hear you. With a frustrated sigh, you clean up and head to bed.
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch3 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
“I think the past couple of days has been enough to assess Choi Sooyeon’s battle sim,” Hongbin said, walking to the white board at the front of the training room.
“No, wait!” Jaehwan cried. “You should give Sooyeonie more days and more chances--”
“Is that really going to change anything?” Hongbin questioned. When Jaehwan pouted in his seat, Hongbin looked around. “Are we all in agreement that we grade this simulation a zero?”
Jaehwan and Wonshik broke into protests, while Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom all cheered their approvals; Chansik physically reined them all to settle down. Sooyeon’s shoulders slumped. Am I really going to leave Cha Hakyeon’s team like this?
“Zero is a starting point,” Hongbin said. “If we develop the battle sim, then it could become something more.”
It was Mingyu’s turn to raise a protest: “Ehhh?”
BamBam and Yugyeom yelled with their friend; Jaehwan and Wonshik hugged each other and jumped in a circle; and Chansik simply shook his head and returned to his seat, giving up on restoring any sense of order.
“Wait!” Sooyeon cried. “Does that mean... I’ll stay in this team?”
Hongbin shrugged. “Don’t you want to?”
“I do!” she shrieked, throwing herself at him before she could realize what she was doing. He caught her in his arms on instinct and froze, eyes widened at her.
She felt her face burn. “I’m sor--eek!” She was launched backwards when he pushed her away, but her stumbling was stopped short by pressure against her back. She looked over her shoulder and saw Chansik, who folded his hands as soon as she had regained her footing.
There was the slightest scrunch upon Hongbin’s nose as he frowned at her, his fingers curled. “Anyway... if we could all volunteer more time to test the battle sim, then it will become better, faster.”
“I refuse,” Mingyu asserted. “I’m busy enough with school and endorsements--Boss already required us to use the sim in training, isn’t that enough?” Yugyeom and BamBam nodded in agreement.
"Point taken,” Hongbin accepted. “Since I’m the one who doesn’t have school nor any other work aside from being the captain, I’ll put in the time in the development until you yourselves feel like the battle sim is worth your time.”
“Hyung, you can’t!” Mingyu objected. “That’s a waste of your time! You should worry about regaining the MVP title...” He pressed his lips together even as BamBam and Yugyeom elbowed him. “Hyung, what i’m saying is--”
“I think I didn’t teach you well enough, that’s my fault.” Hongbin looked the youngster in the eye, even as the latter avoided him. “Glory isn’t a single player game. Of course we should always try to make our own individual selves better, but those titles aren’t as important as the team victories.
“Investing my time for the eventual benefit of the team isn’t a waste of my time.” Hongbin looked at her. “Programmer... Choi Sooyeon. Notify HR that you’ll be working overtime for the foreseeable future, as requested by Lee Hongbin.”
“Hongbin, I can help too,” Chansik said. “You don’t have to be the only one to do overtime for it.”
Hongbin shook his head. “You should focus on school until the sim gets better.” Before Jaehwan and Wonshik could say anything, he added: “And you both have some other jobs right now, right?”
Her friends nodded. “As soon as I’m done with that project, I’ll help out,” Wonshik promised.
BamBam was biting his lip, apprehensive. “Hongbin-hyung, maybe...”
Hongbin patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. The rest of you are free to go now, except you, Choi Sooyeon.”
As she followed Hongbin to his PC station, she could hear Mingyu muttering.
“Hana-noona is so not going to like this.”
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 6 years
The Red Moon Rises (Leo Vampire!au Fic) Chapter 1 - Things That Go Bump In The Night
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Warnings: human trafficking
I got my inspiration for a Leo vampire!au from his recent appearance in the musical Elisabeth. Damn he was sexy lol. Please enjoy!
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3,  Ch. 4
“You should feel honored that you were chosen...out of all of the disgusting humans in this building, you five were chosen by Lord Wonshik himself, to stand in front of Lord Taekwoon and possibly become his pet. To have the lips of a pureblood such as one from the VIXX clan is a honor that you should be grateful for…” our “caretaker” Marta began to ramble as myself and four other girls stood waiting for Lord Taekwoon to enter the room.
If it wasn’t bad enough that I had been captured and told that I had ‘good blood’ and that I would be better suited for high class vampires rather than possibly being caught by lower class vampires. Now I was all prettied up and waiting...waiting for the man who would possibly decide my fate.
The atmosphere in the room changed as the doors opened and our caretaker gave us a low growl. “Stand straight, look forward….do not cause me any embarrassment.”
I tried to look forward, tried not to lose my composure but it was hard knowing that my fate could be resting in the hands of the man...the vampire….slowing making his way towards me.
“You actually made a good selection this time Marta...I’m impressed,” he said, before finally getting to me, “My my...why do you look so down little one.” Taekwoon put his cane under my chin and gently lifted my head up so that I would look at him.
I had heard about his beauty, but never quite believed the rumors to be all that they were cracked up to be. Tall, lean, deep brown eyes, black hair glazed with light streaks of silver only adding to his regal appearance.
My heart began to race as he looked down at me and I knew it was all too clear that he could hear the quickening of my pulse and his eyes began to turn a deep shade of crimson. He leaned down and I could hear him inhaling as his face neared mine.
“Your blood smells so sweet when your heart is racing,” he whispered, breath tickling my ear as he did so, “Tell me, do you supposed it smells that sweet all the time?”
I gulped not knowing how to react to his closeness and to what he had just said. I should have been wanting to flee from him, but I was frozen in place.
“I want this one,” he said, straightening up and looking at Marta.
“As you wish...but I will warn you as I did Lord Wonshik that she can be a bit of a troublemaker,” Marta warned, a scowl twitching on her lips as she glanced at me.
“Is that so?” he questioned looking back down at me, “Well...she will just have to be trained to do what she’s told.” He grabbed my chin and made me look at him a smirk creeping onto his lips. “And good little humans do as they are told by their master, correct?”
I gulped. “Y...Yes sir.”
“Hmm….I’ll accept that,” he said letting me go, “Now come along little one, the sun will be up soon.”
He walked towards the exit and when I hesitated Marta gave me a look that told me that if I didn’t go, she would be the one to kill me. So, naturally I quickly followed Lord Taekwoon out into the fresh night air.
I had a sense of freedom yet at the same time...I was still a prisoner and Lord Taekwoon ushered me into the waiting car in complete silence. The ride was just as silent and I just fiddled with the hem of my dress until finally he spoke up.
“Do you know what it means to belong to me?” he questioned.
“I do everything you ask me to do,” I replied, “And I also give you blood when you need to feed.”
“That is correct,” he replied, “And you do know what it means to have me feeding off of you?”
“Um...sir?” I questioned, not knowing where he was going with this.
He reached over and pulled down the collar of my dress, the marks from the vampires at the imperial market still healing. “It means no one...and I mean no one ever feeds on you, but me,” he stated, an animalistic growl eminating through his chest.
I carefully pulled away and pulled the collar of my dress back up. “I had no choice sir...please forgive me.” I really had no reason to apologize, I had been fed on before my life was put into his hands, but the way he looked at me….the way he looked at the marks...almost made me feel like I had done something wrong.
The car pulled up to an architecturally modern mansion, not what I would expect from a vampire, but then again...what did I truly know about them. All I knew was their blood thirsty, killing, kidnapping, and imprisoning habits.
As we stepped into the mansion, Taekwoon shrugged off his long coat and tossed it at me. “Noeul!” he called as the soft fabric hit my hands.
A woman who I could tell was human, appeared and offered a smile when she saw me but yet her eyes also showed something of concern. “You called, Taekwoon?” she questioned.
“Take….” he stopped and looked at me at the realization that he hadn’t even asked my name.
“Honestly Taekwoon, if you’re going to go to the market to find a mate you might as well find out her name in the process,” Noeul said, as she walked over to me.
It was strange seeing a human almost chastising a vampire, especially one of Lord Taekwoon’s standing...but wait…
“Mate?” I questioned.
“She’s not a mate, she a concubine and food,” he replied.
“A concubine? Taekwoon, this is not the dark ages...you can’t just treat a woman like that...and you should know better.”
“Noeul...I do not need to hear this from you,” Taekwoon said lowly.
“Would you rather hear it from me?” a male voice questioned.
At the top of the stairs stood another man, this one tall and slender like Taekwoon but oddly unlike most vampires his skin wasn’t as pale and his eyes reminded me of a cats’.
“Probably wouldn’t make any difference, Hakyeon,” Taekwoon replied, “She’s not a mate...I don’t need one. Especially not a human one.”
As Taekwoon climbed the stairs to pass him Hakyeon grabbed his arm and their eyes met with dangerous glares. “She may be a human now, but she has good blood and you chose her...when the time comes you can change her-”
“You have no place you talk Hakyeon, Noeul is still human...so don’t give me any grief about-”
“The red moon passed when she was still new here and-”
“Boys!” Noeul snapped. They stopped and looked at her and all she could do was shake her head at them. “Dawn is fast approaching, I will show…”
“Y/N,” I said.
“I will show Y/N around, you two need to go to bed,” she stated. They both gave a low growl but surprisingly listened to her.
“They...they listened to you...even though you’re human?” I questioned in disbelief.
“Once you’re here long enough you’re not just a human on the piece of the food chain,” she said taking Taekwoon’s coat from my arm’s, “I mean you are still on the food chain in term of letting them feed but...they tend to listen, you just have to learn to be stern with them. But enough about all of that, let me show you to your room and tomorrow I can give you the true grand tour.”
“Okay, thank you,” I said.
“You’re very welcome,” she replied with a smile, “Oh by the way. It would be better that at night once you’re in your room, until everyone gets use to the fact that you belong to Taekwoon it would be better if you were to stay in your room until after dawn unless you have someone with you.”
“Because they’re vampires?” I questioned.
“That….and there are other things that go bump in the night in this house…”
To Be Continued....
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
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