#jai courtney smut
theaawalker · 9 months
A Run For Your Money [Eric x Reader]
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Pairing: Eric x gender-neutral!reader Song Inspo: One Dance by Drake ft. Justin Bieber Word Count: 2,004 Summary: A new Dauntless initiate, y/n, captures Eric's attention. As trouble follows you, Eric is always nearby with a keen smirk. But you won't go down without a fight, promising to give the brutal faction AND instructor a run for their money. Warnings: violence, fighting, mentions of death Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
Bam! Bam-bam, bam!
You are by yourself in the initiate training room beating on a punching bag. Today is one the rare days off that initiates get, and you chose to spend your time training. You made up your mind to transfer to this faction, so you did't intend to ease up on your pursuit until you make the cut. It seems that a group of female initiates were attracted by the punching sounds and have come to investigate. After seeing you, one of them attempts to show you how it's done.
Jace is bigger than her friends; one would assume that she was Dauntless born had the classes not been separated. She picks you up and throws you to the side, ready to set an example. You come back, jump and hock a leg around her neck, flipping her on her back to the ground. You land in a crouch, "Come on dude, don't be an asshole."
It's obvious that she nor her friends expected you to take her down. They thought that you would be intimidated like most of the other initiates, but Jace didn't hold her surprise for long.
"Well, that was unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome." She pushes off the floor and hops to her feet. You rise up with her as they meet for a handshake.
"Jace, Candor."
"Y/N." You turn away from her to go drink from your water bottle. Jace watches you for a moment.
"Which faction are you from, Y/N?" She asks. You blink and drink from your bottle before setting it back down.
"That's not important." You say. Jace isn't satisfied with your answer and is about to ask you another question.
"I couldn't agree more." The girls stiffen and jerk around to face Eric, posted up like a soldier with a sadistic glare in his eyes. "Do any of you want to explain to me why you're not downstairs?" His voice is menacing and full of authority. Jace and her friends look at each other confused. One of them tries to respond, but she's a stuttering mess.
"Bu-but w-w-we uh, I thought um.. I mean, we uh-."
Eric, having heard enough, cuts her off, "Got it. I'll give you a chance to make it down there, and you'd better make it before I get back down there." The girls scramble past him and rush down the stairs. You hadn't moved, choosing to remain silent until they had gone.
"Isn't today our day off?" You look at Eric expectantly. You aren't surprised when he starts grinning at you.
"Correct." He's walking towards you while shrugging off his jacket.
"Then why did you scare them away?" He smirks at the question and sets his jacket down near your water bottle.
"I'll be your sparring partner for today." You blink slowly.
2 hours later, you and Eric are both sweaty on the mats, breathing heavily as you stretch together.
"Thanks for the workout." Eric was impressed with you, and he's looking forward to welcoming you into Dauntless.
"No problem, I really enjoyed it. Thank you." You didn't expect the offer, but you appreciated it. Eric isn't known to associate with initiates outside of making sure Four is training them properly. So, while surprised that he wanted to spar, you weren't going to say no.
He nodded his head at you, grabbed his jacket and walked away. You watched him leave, strutting out of the training room with such confidence. He didn't even look like someone who'd been in a fight. You honestly feel inspired. One day, you're going to really give him a run for his money.
[ time skip - visitng day ]
When visiting day rolls around, Eric doesn't see his source of amusement. He wanders into the training room to see you finishing a set of pull ups. He stands in the entry way watching you come down to stretch. You bend down to the front, holds it, and then bend back into a back-bend.
You see him but don't say anything. You don't know how long he's been standing there watching, but since he didn't say anything neither will you. You take a few minutes to quickly stretch your body before picking up your water bottle and walking away. You almost makes it past him, but he stretches out an arm to stop you.
"Not so fast." You aren't looking at him, but he's looking at you. "Why aren't you down there with everyone else?"
"There's no one down there for me." You walk around him, and he lets you go. He sees that you're upset, but it isn't his place to comment on it.
[ time skip - next day ]
Early the next morning, Eric comes across you doing laps around the training room. You pause at seeing him there.
"You want to run?" You nod, your chest heaving with your breathing. "Come with me." You look around, unsure if you should follow him.
"I have training in an hour." He smirks at you.
"I'll make sure you're back in time." You nod again and follow him.
They run to a cliff spot with a full view of the sunrise. You hadn't watched the sunrise since being in Dauntless; you missed it. You wonder if this could be a regular thing for you again.
"Ready to head back?" You nod. "Can I come here every morning?" He regards you for a moment before replying.
"If you remember the way."
They jog back together and make it just in time for Four's class. You head over to join the other initiates lined up. Eric walks past them, ignoring Four completely as he heads to take a shower.
The next morning, you're running back to the Dauntless compound, coming back from your sunrise viewing. You're definitely going to make it part of your routine to run there in the mornings. Halfway back to the compound, you see Eric running toward you. You pass each other, making eye contact but not exchanging words or stopping.
[ time skip ]
Despite their rocky start, you and Jace form a competitive friendship. You're often seen sparring with one another, or with Jace's friends. With individual training, you two are always trying to out-do the other. Friendly competition became a great way for the both of you to become and maintain high ranks among the initiates.
Lately, Four has the group randomly paired every day for mock fights in the ring. Somehow, you always get paired with one of Jace's friends. You haven't lost a fight yet thanks to all the practice you had with Jace. The friend, Byron, was the biggest initiate of the class, so taking down anyone else was easier for you. Bruised, blustered, and bloodied, you managed to beat him. Even Four was impressed, with Eric nodding and smirking like he predicted your victory. Byron seemed pissed as he limped back to his spot. The fact of Jace teasing him didn't make it any better. Perhaps that was the catalyst that led to this unfortunate event.
[ time skip - that night ]
You were already in bed while everyone else was at dinner. You're an early riser which also means you're an early sleeper. That particular day had tired you out more than usual, so you slept heavy enough for someone to pick you up, cradle-style, and carry you away.
The culprits? Three men disguised in all black and ski masks who tried to dump you over the chasm.
One of the Dauntless members on the cameras sees them. He's in the camera room watching them almost drop you over until you wake up suddenly. Kicking and punching, you swing around on the railing to kick one of your attackers in the head. He hits the back wall and falls unconscious. One of them somehow is shoved over chasm railing, while you punch the other one in the throat and head until they fall. You snatch off the masks of the remaining two, and your face crumbles. Hurt and betrayed to see two of Jace's friends. You recognize Byron, and knee on the other one's dick. He tries to cover himself, but you kick his head, hammering down on it with both feet. As a floored Byron and his accomplices groan, you spit on him as a final assault before you stagger up and stalk off.
Four and Eric coincidentally show up in the camera room while this fight was taking place. Four notices that particular camera feed as he glances around the room when he first walks in. He immediately zeroed in on it, coming closer as he sees the victim, who he recognized as you, wake up and fight off their assailants. Four flips out, snapping at the guy sitting in front of him for not reporting this.
Eric, at seeing Four agitated, walks over behind him to see you in action. He finds it humorous, not caring at all about the sorry excuse for an initiate that fell over. Lucky him that he died before Eric could get to him. Those other two would pay dearly for what they just attempted, then maybe after he's done with them will he allow them to die.
Four tries to go to the chasm, but Eric tells him to take care of the guy in front of him first. "It's over now; I'll take care of them."
Eric tells the swarming Dauntless members to get those two initiates in a holding room until he gets there. Eric left the room in search of you, but he couldn't find you. Unbeknownst to him, he passed your hiding spot -- a hallway vent -- several times, but you didn't want to reach out to him. You saw a mix of other Dauntless members and initiates milling around, and you didn't trust them. So, instead, you tucked yourself deeper into your hiding hole and slept.
[ time skip - the next morning ]
You return to your bunk after you've calmed down. Jace tries to approach you, but you flinch away from her. Who's to say she didn't orchestrate the attack? Shortly after, Four, with Eric right on his heels, sped into the room. He's relieved to find you there, and he asks if you could come with them.
You're called to a meeting with the Dauntless leaders, the parents of the dead boy, and for some reason, Jeanine Matthews. The child's mother accused you of killing her son.
"Your son tried to kill me." His mother vehemently denied it, until she's shown the video feed. Then, she flips her argument.
"But you're not dead, now are you?" You, done with the conversation already, looks over at her.
"Let me guess, you'd rather I be dead."
"Tough." You turn your head, dismissing her.
Eric is full-on grinning as the mother is short circuiting. Jeanine, ever observant of Eric and his mannerisms, notices Eric's interest in you. Thus, Jeanine also takes an interest in you. Reviewing in her mind the initiate's combat skills, she shifts her eyes over to you, who is busy staring out of the window. You could be another Eric, a great soldier to carry out her plans.
After much debate, mainly from the parents' end, you are dismissed. Due to the video evidence of the boy being involved with trying to kill you, and that he was actually bumped over by one of the boys, you are exempt from any punishment.
After the meeting, Jeanine pulls Eric to the side. He instead takes her to his office to hear what she has to say. She asks Eric what he thinks of you, to which Eric responds with a mediocre answer. He doesn't want you involved in this, but it seems his tactic isn't working. Jeanine doesn't buy it after seeing the video, and she gives Eric instructions to introduce you to the plans and get you working under him. After, she excuses herself and leaves him alone to his thoughts.
After lunch, Four escorts you to Eric's office. Four warns him not to be mean to you, and Eric tells him to get the fuck out of his office. During your meeting with Eric, he tells you the rundown of what's going to happen after you've passed your initiation. He doesn't go into too much detail, in case you have too much of an adverse reaction.
After he's done explaining, you're blunt with him, "That's stupid." Eric looks at you, but you keep your eyes on his computer and continues, "It doesn't make sense. She wants to kill people to keep the peace. And these serums, it sounds like some mind control scheme."
You look at Eric. He sees that you're smart enough to pick up on what he didn't say.
"You don't believe her, right?" You ask him. "You know that she wants to make everyone, except a select few, into mindless slaves that do whatever she wants while she rules over everything. You know that she wants a dictatorship and not peace, right?"
You pause for a moment to hone in on his unfazed expression. "Or maybe you do know, but you don't care." You look at him for a few more moments before leaning up and looking away, taking a stroll around his office.
He contemplates life while you busy yourself with looking around his office. How didn't he think about what life would be like with everyone under her new serum? He thought that he'd be done with Jeanine, and he could do whatever he wanted with Dauntless. He didn't care about the other factions. He really doesn't care about the people, but there's not much enjoyment in bossing around mindless slaves who are programmed to do what they're told anyway. How weird it would be to walk down the halls and pass people that aren't really there. Yes, there'd be no more people to piss him off, but there'd be no idiot to amuse him either. No one to hold a conversation with; no one to ignore for being stupid; and no one to threaten and watch them cower.
At that moment, he realizes that he would be bored and alone with not a soul for company other than Jeanine and her lackeys. He grimaces at the thought and sees how unpleasant it would be. He feels ignorant for not seeing the whole picture and not thinking ahead. He's going to rectify that.
[ time skip ]
It took Eric a few weeks to get together his evidence of Jeanine's crimes and organize a trial in Candor. It was unavoidable for some of his skeletons to be exposed, but fortunately, they were overlooked in light of him turning Jeanine in. She was found guilt and set to be executed, which was done by Eric himself immediately after the sentencing.
You passed your initiation ranked #1, with Jace pulling up #2. It took you a while to feel comfortable around her again, but ultimately, it wasn't her who hurt you. Thus, it wasn't fair for you to shut her out. Plus, she physically defended you whenever one of the guys got too aggressive with you, which was a nice plus.
You were also set to start your job working under Eric. The paperwork had already been approved by the time Jeanine's plans were foiled. Also, Eric had taken to courting you. Speaking to you more and spending time with you. He wouldn't date you until after you passed initiation, but now that you had, you and Eric have been together for about 3 weeks now. He was currently taking you to meet his parents for dinner.
Five minutes in, and you were not having a good time. Still, at least there was free food. Eric's mother, Blythe, addressing you, asks yet another insulting question. "So, how long have you been sleeping with my son?"
"Blythe!" Eric and his father shout her name, but you ignore her.
"Not going to answer?"
"No, I don't see how that's any of your business."
Taken aback, Blythe seethes before responding. "My son is my business."
"Yea, you're such a great parent, so supportive of your son's choices." You hear her gasp as you sip your water, not giving her the attention.
"How dare you-"
"That's enough," Eric hisses at her. He's pleased that you're not intimidated by his mother, but he doesn't like her being insulted.
"Are you going to eat that?" Eric asks you, eyeing your plate. You cut the steak and broccoli on his plate and fork it before turning to offer it to him. You have your other hand underneath in case anything falls from the fork. He eyes you again and you blink at him expectantly. He leans in, his eyes boring into yours as he eats off your fork. You turn back to spear more food onto the fork before turning to repeat your actions.
"I can eat my own food." He says while leaning in.
"Then why didn't you?"
As the night goes on, you two pay no mind to his parents. Even though Eric's father seems to genuinely support him, you don't see any sort of relationship blossoming with him or his wife. Yet, judging by Eric's reaction to Blythe, you won't have to worry about pleasing her. Sweet.
• ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ •
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minihotdog · 1 year
Captive - Eric Coulter x OC Eden Rossi
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Chapter 1: Where Am I?
Chapter 2: The Ghost From Amity
t/w: death
"Eden, go help your father in the field. I'll let the two of you know when dinner is ready" I let go of my mother's dress and run out into the fields. The endless flow of wheat towering over. I follow the voices of my neighbors telling each other tales as they work.
"Eden, you came to join us, didn't ya?" Uncle Josh says to me with his permanent lopsided smile.
"Momma said I have to help y'all till dinner time, I think she's mad because Sam and I broke somethin' when we were playing hide and seek."
"That's alright then, you can come pass the time with us till she cools off."I look around and the townsfolk for my father, his kind eyes and thick black beard nowhere to be found.
"Where's pops at? Momma said he was out working the field."Uncle Josh lets out a frustrated sigh, "He headed out to the outskirts. Dauntless wanted to have a little talk with him, pro'lly gonna steal more of our grain and leave us hungry for the winter. Ol bastards!"
"Why didn't he tell momma?"
A concerned look flashes on Uncle Josh's face, "You know how she gets when the other factions come knocking. He pro'lly didn't want her to worry."He looks off in the distance towards the gates separating Amity from the miles of nothing between the other factions. "You don't go running and telling her, alright."
"Yes, sir! My lips are sealed."
A loud blast from the distance. I cover my ears trying to suppress the frightening noise. The birds fly away from the trees in all different directions.Uncle Josh grabs my hand and we start running through the hills leading to my house. He's running so fast I almost can't get a foot on the ground.The house finally comes into view, I see my momma standing outside yelling out to us.
"Go inside and don't come out till I say!" She yells at me.
"What the hell was that?!" I'm listening to her and Uncle Josh talk, eavesdropping from the hallway leading to the kitchen.
"Now, Evelyn." He sounds nervous, "You know Dauntless keeps asking us for more than we can provide." He's standing in front of her with his hat in his hands.
"What does that have to do with anything?!" She's almost at his neck with anger, "You tellin' me my husband's been meeting with 'em behind my back?!"He's trying to get a word in but she doesn't let him even catch his breath. 
"Explain to me what that noise could have been, what part of talkin' is that?!"
"He said that he could handle them and tell 'em that we can't give them more than what they are being rationed. They agreed to come unarmed this time and talk."
"UNARMED!? They've come armed and the two of you didn't bother to tell anyone!?"
The sound of footsteps comes closer, digging into the gravel. The voice of my oldest brother mixed with heavy breathing shoots through the house.
"Momma! Dauntless is comin' through the gates!" He falls apart, and I hear the gravel shifting. "They killed Poppa!" His screams shake the house.
I jolt awake, covered in sweat. My heart pounding through my chest. The stress slowly being replaced by the deep sadness that usually sits in its place.
“Eden Rossi.”
A deep voice fills the unfamiliar room. 
I turn towards the voice, sitting up on the rock-hard surface, just a thin layer of cushion separating me from the concrete slab. 
The man sitting on a metal chair just inches from the bed twirls a plastic card in his fingers before holding it in between his index and middle finger. He flashes the card displaying my photo and name, “you’re a little far from Amity, don’t you think?”
“Where am I?” I ask, still dazed by the painful dream.
“The more important question is: What were you doing within the walls of Dauntless during a time of conflict?” He lifts an eyebrow at me, the piercing above his right eyebrow catches my attention. I look him up and down noticing his tattoos and large frame. 
“I was delivering this month’s ration, I don’t remember what happened.” 
He sucks his teeth at me as he shoves my I.D. into his pocket, “Doesn’t sound very likely.”
He sighs impatiently, “No vehicle, no escort, reports say you were snooping around the housing area. Not much delivering in my opinion.”
The room was cold, in temperature and in color. The walls were concrete, the floor was concrete, everything was either gray or black. The small room only had a backbreaking bed and a metal table chained to the floor with a chair to match. Next to the table, window facing the lifeless outside that surrounded dauntless in the last decade. Opposite, was a heavy metal door and a large window that allowed more than enough view into the depressing room.
“You don’t have the authority to hold me here, even if you suspect me of doing whatever it is you think I did,” I argued.
The strange man lets out a humorless chuckle, “No one gives a shit about the Communal Laws. We operate above them.” He looks away for a second before looking back at me, “You’ve been detained under suspicion of espionage, regardless we’re within our right.” 
He stands suddenly, the chair letting out a screech as it slides against the hard floor.
“I’ll be back,” He says, the heavy metal door slides open, green lights flashing around it. “The sooner you talk, the sooner this ends.” The door slams shut behind him, and I see his figure walking past in the darkened glass.
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It Takes A Village
Fandom: YJ98, Flashfam, DC Comics
Summary: After witnessing Bart murder someone, his friends scramble to cover Bart's tracks and stumble upon an international scandal as a result.
(Minor background: Bart took a gap year, and Conner did two years of community college. This starts shortly after Bart's 19th birthday. So, Conner and Jenni are 20, Bart and Cissie are 19, Tim and Cassie are 18, I made Greta 17 for the sake of the fic, and Judy is 15. I decided to make Owen 22 and Thad 16 for plot reasons. Clark and Conner are brothers in this fic, and Clark is 12 years older for the sake of this fic, so he's 32.)
Chapters: 11/?
Characters: Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Judy Garrick, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Greta Hayes, Jenni Ognats, Thad Thawne, Owen Mercer, Meloni Thawne, Clark Kent, Wally West, Linda Park, Courtney Whitmore, President Thawne
Relationship(s): KonBart, CissieCassie, WallyLinda
Additional Tags: Serial Killer AU, No Powers AU, Angst, Dark Comedy, Bart Allen Kills in This Fic, Minor Thad Thawne, Separated in Childhood, Some Smut in This
Chapter Eleven: The Road to Hell
Bart lay motionless for nearly an hour, staring upward with laser focus. His mind played over everything he’d planned, and he kept his breathing even and slow. The door opened, and he heard a weak cough, Bart waited for the car to go dark as he raised up. His arms rested on his chest as he used his stomach to raise up, gently and quietly to keep from shaking the car. By the time the man noticed him, it was too late. Bart pulled the cord tight around the man’s neck, He leaned back, bearing down as he tightened his gloved grip on Dr. Donnovan’s neck. The man struggled for air and a grip on the cord, fighting for nearly two minutes before he lost consciousness. Bart held on for several minutes before he finally let go. The man was dead. Undeniably dead. Bart got out and opened the front door. Bart took a melon baller and scooped the man’s injured eye out. He set it on the dashboard, a tongue in his back teeth as he focused on the act. He shut the door with his hip and quickly shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked out the opposite end of the alley before placing his soiled gloves in a plastic zip-sealed bag. He walked to his grandfather’s office and washed the coveralls and gloves in the washing machine twice while he showered. 
The ice-cold water kept him calm while his adrenaline pumped. He slowly turned the water up as he deep cleaned. Despite wearing gloves, Bart still insisted on scrubbing his hands. He conditioned his hair, trying to calm himself down, but he was giddy and warm inside. The warm water didn’t help, so he turned the water down again, rinsing and scrubbing his body under ice water until he started shaking violently. Bart moisturized his skin, putting powder on, and lightly spritzing himself with cologne.
He stashed a few pairs of underwear in the locker and dressed in another one of Barry’s sweatsuits. He put the coveralls in the dryer. His sweatpants fit baggy and the sweatshirt swallowed him, but he left in them as soon as his coveralls were dry and put away. Bart’s car was parked out front with his travel bag in the car, so he drove straight from there to Conner’s. 
He was a day early, so Conner didn’t expect him. His hands shook and his heart pumped as he approached Conner’s dorm apartment. He called Conner, so he wouldn’t wake Cassie and Greta. And Conner crept to the door, half-asleep and smiling. “You said you’d be here tomorrow mor—.” 
Bart kissed Conner’s neck as he reached underneath his shirt. “Take your clothes off,” Bart whispered as he kissed Conner's neck, up his jawline to his lips. He rubbed the front of Conner’s shorts as he begged. “Please…” Conner pulled away. 
“Not here… You’re gonna wake the girls up,” Conner whispered. Bart let his teeth graze Conner’s neck as he breathed on him. “Let me show you my room.” 
Bart followed Conner to the bedroom where he dropped his bag and stripped down to nothing, and he lifted Conner’s shirt, kneeling on his uninjured knee as he kissed Conner’s stomach, his lips dragging against Conner’s belly button down to his waistband. Teeth caught Conner’s waistband, and Bart pulled his basketball shorts off with his mouth, his chin grazing Conner’s bulge on the way down. Conner stopped him. “What are you doing here?” Conner chuckled. 
Bart looked up, blinking hard as Conner pulled him to his feet. “I couldn’t sleep… I got so hard on the drive here just thinking about you—.” Bart stopped mid-sentence to pull Conner’s shirt off. “Why do you still have your clothes on?” 
Bart lifted him up before falling onto the bed. Bart kissed Conner all over, his mouth open and hungry, tongue tasting skin, teeth gently biting tender flesh. “Don’t stop,” Conner whispered. 
Bart nodded, spreading Conner’s legs to kiss his inner thighs. He lay on his stomach while he did it, grinding against Conner’s sheets as he came up for air. Conner reached into a tin lunchbox and gave Bart a condom. Bart was impatient, returning to Conner’s inner thighs. He sucked and kissed them, and Conner spread out on the bed, reaching out to clutch the sheets. Conner accidentally grabbed the remote, turning on the TV, and it drowned out his moans. “I missed you too… but if you don’t slow down—.” Bart pressed a knuckle to Conner’s taint as he took Conner into his mouth. Conner’s toes curled, and he arched into Bart’s mouth. Bart bobbed a few times before rising up for air. 
“You can cum. It’s okay… Whenever you want…. Wherever you want,” Bart whispered, almost begging. 
“I—.” Conner patted the bed, searching for the condom he dropped, and he touched Bart’s chest with it. Bart gripped his thighs, pulling him close as he thrust inside him. “Bart—. Fuck.” 
Bart pulled out, unsatisfied with their position, and he flipped Conner onto his stomach. Before Conner could catch his breath, Bart grabbed his hair, pulling him up by wrapping his arm around Conner’s chest, and driving into Conner by rolling his hips and stomach. Conner gasped, surprised at how fast and rough Bart moved. Bart wrapped a hand around Conner’s dick, licking Conner’s neck as he pumped into him. Bart grunted. “Cumming,” Bart groaned. Conner fell onto his palms, and Bart stroked Conner faster before stopping to spit into his hand. Conner reached for a towel with just seconds to spare before he collapsed into the pillows. 
Several minutes passed in silence. Conner lay on his stomach, his eyes drooping, and his body warm. Bart caught his breath, but he couldn’t turn off his mind. As soon as Conner started to nod off, he felt Bart grinding against him. “Bart?” Conner chuckled. 
“Please… More,” Bart mumbled as he kissed Conner’s shoulder. Conner lay on his back, gently stroking as he looked at Bart. “Can you—?”
“I can…”
Conner trembled as Bart kissed his neck and shoulders. “Okay,” Conner sternly whispered. 
“Okay?” Bart asked.
“I’m exhausted,” Conner answered. Bart lay on his side, pushing Conner’s bangs out of his face. 
His eyes softened as he looked Conner over. “Did I hurt you somewhere?” Bart asked. He could make out a few bruises on Conner’s thighs, and he frowned at Conner’s ruddy and sweaty appearance. 
“No. No, you didn’t hurt me… I just didn’t expect—. It was crazy,” Conner laughed as tears streamed down his cheeks. Conner couldn’t catch his breath, his body and mind were completely overstimulated by their exchange. Bart sat up. “Oh no, I’m not… I just need to cool down. You didn’t hurt me. No… I’m just a little overwhelmed. Let me catch my breath for a minute.”
Bart grabbed his sweatshirt off of Conner’s desk and offered it to Conner to keep him warm. “I’m sorry. Maybe I could get you—. I won’t do this—.” 
Conner pulled Bart into his arms, and he kissed Bart’s cheek. “You didn’t hurt me. I promise. You didn’t do anything that I didn’t like. I promise… How are you feeling? Do you feel better?” Conner questioned as he wiped the sweat from Bart’s brow. 
“I feel better… I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Bart replied. “You’re so soft.” 
“That’s because I’m sleepy,” Conner whispered. 
“Okay… Goodnight,” Bart whispered. Bart got up, searching his bag for a sleeping pill, and he took one with water. Conner was fast asleep before Bart returned to the bed, and he climbed in, closing his eyes as he allowed sleep to flood in. 
Bart woke up before dawn, stretching out and glancing down at Conner who hadn’t moved an inch since they fell asleep. He pulled the blankets over Conner’s shoulders before going to shower and brush his teeth. 
After he got dressed, he joined Conner, sitting beside him. Conner smiled, still half-asleep as he reached for Bart. “You smell so good,” Conner mumbled. 
“Thanks,” Bart whispered. He traced the line of Conner’s jaw. “Gorgeous… Good morning.” 
“It’s morning?” Conner questioned. 
Bart chuckled, reaching under the covers to rub Conner’s back. “Do you want breakfast in bed?” Bart offered. Conner opened one eye. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Conner grinned. Bart scrunched down beside him, looking him in the eyes as he moved close enough to almost kiss him. Close enough for Conner to lose his breath. 
“I just want you to know how important you are to me… And I want bacon,” Bart replied. Conner laughed. 
“Eggs and pancakes too?” Conner asked. Bart smiled, his lips brushing against Conner’s. 
“Keep talking like that, and I’ll never leave,” Bart teased. “Go shower. I’ll start breakfast.” 
Greta yawned as she left her room, smelling the bacon, and she shuffled toward Bart with her eyes shut. Greta’s head drooped forward drowsily against Bart’s back. “Good morning,” Greta mumbled. 
“Are you hungry?” Bart asked. Greta opened her eyes and squealed as she embraced him. Bart chuckled. “I missed you too.”
Bart turned toward her, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. “When did you get here?” Greta asked. 
“Two-ish. How’s school?” Bart asked. 
Greta stood on her tiptoes, looking at the bacon sizzling in the skillet. “School’s fine. I’m taking a film class. I think you’d enjoy it. We’re in this unit called Elements of Genre. It’s a two-term class. At the end of this unit, we have to write a paper on our favorite genre and pick a few key elements from a movie of our choice. Conner said you were a good writer, so I was wondering if you’d proofread it for me when I’m done,” Greta requested. Bart turned the fire off and turned his attention to the eggs. 
Bart grinned at her. “I’ll do you one better... When you pick a movie, I’ll watch it with you. How about it?” Bart offered. Greta nodded excitedly before she noticed something… And she always noticed something. Even if she didn’t say anything. She cocked her head, letting her pursed lips tilt to the side. “What’s wrong?” 
“You’re different… Why are you different?” Greta asked. 
“I was sick last week… But I’m better now,” Bart answered. 
She shook her head. The distinct glimmer in her downturned eyes told Bart everything he needed to know. Greta saw the shift in his behavior, but she couldn’t attribute it to anything he’d seen or done. He pinched her cheek and turned away from her, trying to keep her from digging further. “You’re happier today. A lot happier,” Greta whispered. Bart pinched her cheek between his pointer finger and middle finger knuckles. 
“Does it scare you?” Bart asked as he leaned forward. Greta shook her head. 
“You don’t scare me,” Greta grinned. It set Bart’s heart at ease. “Cassie’s still sleeping, but I can wake her up.” 
Bart turned the fire low, and he shook his head. “Do you think she’ll mind if I go in there to talk?” Bart asked. Greta shook her head. “Can you do me a favor and watch the eggs? I’ll come back.” Greta took the spatula from him, and he left the kitchen. 
He entered Cassie’s room and nudged her. She opened her eyes and jumped. “Bart, oh my—. When did you get here?” Cassie asked. 
Bart scrunched his nose up as he grinned. “Two. I didn’t wanna wake you guys up, so I texted Conner. I couldn’t sleep, so I got on the road... If you don’t want me here, ” Bart teased, “Sorry, Cissie couldn’t come. She had a game.” Cassie hugged him. 
“That’s alright. How are you? You were sick,” Cassie replied. 
Bart softened. “I’m good. It was an overexertion thing,” Bart replied. Cassie frowned and nodded. “If I rest any more, you’ll have to put me in a coffin. I’ll bring you guys breakfast in a minute.” 
Bart typed his paper for class while Conner did chin-ups in the doorway. The news played in the background, and Conner watched quietly. Bart’s phone rang, and he answered. “Hi, Thad,” Bart greeted him warmly. 
“My doctor is dead… Dr. Donnovan was—.” 
“Which one is that?” Bart interrupted. He hated lying to Thad, but he refused to pull him into a mess. 
“I want to talk to you. I have to tell you I’m scared,” Thad cried. 
Bart sat up straight. “Don’t be upset. I’ll get you a ticket here if you need me. I’m not home until Monday, but you can come here then. Will you be okay until then?” Bart questioned. Thad sobbed and gasped. “Thaddeus, breathe. I promise you can come with me as soon as I get home.” Conner dropped down from the chin-up bar, and he cocked his head. 
“I can wait,” Thad cried. 
“Good… Now, give the phone to Helen or Max. I gotta explain this to them,” Bart gently commanded. It hurt his heart, and he had to step up and do something to make it better. 
He listened as Thad gave his phone to someone, and he could hear Helen’s boyfriend in the background. “Bart, what’s going on? Thad won’t explain anything to me, but he’s been hysterical since he woke up this morning,” Max asked. 
“He wants to stay with me for a little while, but he’s afraid you’ll say no. I told him I’d fly him out on Monday if it’s alright with you. I’ll take him to class with me,” Bart offered. 
“What’s going on?” Max questioned. 
Bart sighed. “I’m not sure… He sounds like he’s freaking out, though. I don’t want him worrying himself sick. Let me fly him out on Monday, Max,” Bart pleaded. 
“Okay… How long do you plan on keeping him?” Max asked. 
Conner wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt before kissing Bart’s temple. “Um… I don’t know. Maybe a week. I’ll call you beforehand if something changes,” Bart answered. Max hummed.
“You know what, Bart? I’m proud of you. I’m glad you’re offering to look after your brother,” Max whispered. 
Bart lay back on the floor. “It’s good… Let me give him the good news,” Bart replied. His stomach was in knots as he listened to the exchange. 
“Max said it’s okay… I’ll pick you up from the airport Monday afternoon. I’ll send your ticket tonight. Don’t talk to Mom about the doctor who died. Why’s that got you in knots anyway? Stupid sprokking doctors were evil. I hope they all—.” 
“Bart, don’t… Grandpa might—. I think Grandpa’s going to send people to look into it. Retrieval people,” Thad whispered. He seemed much calmer, but Bart could hear the fear in Thad’s voice. 
“What the hell do you mean? What do you mean retrieval people?” Bart asked. 
Thad didn’t say anything for a long time. “The people that killed our father and aunt… And people from the observatory. Lawyers and doctors. Scientists. I think it’s an observatory kid. It has to be. What if they—?”
“No one will ever hurt you again. Do you hear me?” Bart asked. “I will never let anyone do anything bad to you ever again. I love you, and I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore. Go pack. I’ll call you again before bed.”
“Okay,” Thad replied, “Bye.”
“Bye,” Bart whispered before hanging up. He groaned and pressed his palms to his eyelids. 
Conner leaned over him. “What’s the matter, hon?” Conner asked. 
Hon. That was cute. Bart smiled, but it didn’t take away the anxiety of Thad’s situation. “My brother’s freaking out. He wants to stay with me for a little bit. I said yeah,” Bart mumbled. 
“Do you regret it?” Conner asked. 
“Nuh uh… He’s my baby brother. I knew he’d end up staying with me once I moved out this way… He’s just a kid. I just—. I didn’t realize how much I cared. I just offered to fly him out. I don’t know why I did that,” Bart mumbled. 
Conner pulled Bart up into his arms. “I love you. I sometimes forget how big your heart is. I need you to know that,” Conner whispered, “You’re gonna be fine.” 
Bart didn’t say anything as he let his weight drop into Conner’s arms. Conner kissed Bart’s cheek, pressing his nose to the side of Bart’s face. “Can you tell me again?” Bart asked. Conner smiled. 
“You’ll be fine… And Thad will be, too. You know, this makes me think about Clark and the little bit of time that I stayed with him. Bart, take it from me. Sometimes younger brothers just want to know they mean something to you,” Conner whispered, “I try to pretend I don’t care, but I look at Clark like he’s perfect. I try to look for the flaws sometimes, but I know it’ll just—. Sorry. It’s not—.”
“No. Don’t apologize. I want to hear it,” Bart whispered. Conner smiled against Bart’s cheek. 
“I’ve been through so many phases because of Clark. At first, I wanted nothing to do with him. I was hit with so many comparisons that I was convinced I had to be his polar opposite to be seen as my own person… And then some... stuff happened that made me want to—. I didn’t want to be me, but he figured it out pretty fast. I think it made us close. We both had stuff going on at the time, and Clark was really understanding when I finally told him everything I’d been going through,” Conner explained. Bart didn’t press for Conner to elaborate. He worried that it would only open up old wounds. Without words or any idea of an appropriate response, he took Conner’s palm and kissed it. 
“I—. I feel weird like I’m keeping a secret from you… But, I—. I don’t know how to talk about what happened without feeling like—.”
“Is it something I have to know?” Bart asked. Conner looked down, pondering over Bart’s question. 
“No,” Conner answered. 
“Would it help me treat you better?” Bart questioned. Conner shook his head, timidly pressing his forehead into Bart’s shoulder. “Then, it’s none of my business… And until you feel comfortable, I’m okay with that. You’ve never forced me to talk about anything I didn’t want to.” And he meant it. It was an accidentally transactional agreement. A perfectly expressed and partially selfish loophole, but he thought his heart was in the right place.
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jernigans · 2 months
my direct messages are always open in regards to my plot call as well as pitching ideas for your own plots involving my characters. discord available on request to further plot or just talk about wrestling in general. please note that the mun is a slut for writing all things whether it be fluff, angst, smut, drabbles, collabs and so on. this is a general plot call for the following muses: anna jay, izzi dame , isla dawn & karmen petrovic. | click below for more details. ↓
anna jay ( @jernigans ) * most plots for anna are currently open. 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: - best friend. [ OPEN ]someone that anna can talk to about anything and everything & someone that can, in return, talk to anna about anything and everything. no topic is ever off limits and all secrets are kept private. - romantic interest. [ OPEN ]rest assured that if anna is in love, that love runs deep. open to having a toxic relationship with a lot of rough starts & stops. hot and cold. are they or aren't they? open to polyships. - the ex. [ OPEN ] someone that anna stalks on social media from time to time just to see what they are up to. obviously there is still some form of attachment there, whether she will openly admit to it or not. - enemy. [ OPEN ]there won't be any mixed signals with this one. if anna does not like you -- you'll know it undoubtedly. - mentor. someone that's been in the business for 10+ years preferred. anna idolizes the diva's era as it was the one she's most acquainted with. - always seeking more friendships, too.
izzi dame ( @frankizzi ) * some plots for franki are currently open. 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: - best friends there will be lots of gossip and general mean girl snarky attitude with this one. prepare for lots of drama being shared and a lot of secrets being spilled. - romantic interest. spoil her. it's that simple. prepare for a brat if she doesn't get what she wants. - the ex. [ OPEN ] ew, get away. don't remind her she ever even went there. - enemy. [ OPEN ] get checked. get wrecked.
isla dawn ( @unhclydepths ) all plots for courtney are currently open. 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: - best friend. [ OPEN ]spend the night just to wake up early to go to Disney together. Taylor Swift playlists will be exchanged as well as swapping outfits from time to time. - romantic interest. [ OPEN ]the trust issues are massive. the insecurities will run wild. this will be a rocky romance for the ages. they will be charged with putting back the pieces to a heart they did not break. open to polyships. - the ex(es). [ ALWAYS OPEN FOR MORE MESSY EXES ]oh unrequited love, how it hurts. she will not ever be able to be friends with a former lover. point, blank, period. expect to have lots of sub posts containing quotes, soft digs, heartache and song lyrics. faceclaim request: MALAKAI BLACK requests are suggestions & absolutely not deal breakers. - enemy. [ OPEN ] will suffer in silence on this one. might be a few squabbles here and there.
karmen petrovic ( @karmenxt ) * all plots for monika are currently open. 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: - best friend [ OPEN ] lots of shopping and in-ring training / working out together. prepare to hear all about monika's canadian olympic stories, over and over. - romantic interest [ OPEN ] relatively easy romance or hot & cold angst. totally up to you which direction this connection leads. open to polyships. - mentor [ OPEN ] someone that monika can take advice from, both in and out of the ring.
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I'm Leo, or Leon. This is my first account on here for writing, so I thought I'd do an introduction since I see everyone else doing them!!
I'm new to writing for characters that aren't just my own, but I do have some (keyword: SOME) experience with fanfiction and such! My pronouns are he/they, and I'm a transmasc minor.
I think I'm mainly going to upload oneshots and headcanons for Total Drama (I've seen up to All Stars so far, but I'll update this anytime I finish another season!) but I'll also write for a few other things if requested :] (all fics will be gender neutral unless gender is specified.)
Things I WILL write:
Total Drama (seasons 1-5)
Ninja Turtles (2012 or 2018, but I'm better at 2018.)
FNaF? Maybe? Depends on what it's about, I guess.
Gravity Falls
Lego Ninjago
In Space With Markiplier, and all his series like that.
Jacksepticeye egos!!! I might need a little time to get back into it but I'll write some if requested!
Maybe some character x character? Depends on who and what, but I'm willing to give it a shot!
Character x reader (both platonic and romantic)
General character headcanons
Fluffy fluffy fluffy!!! I LOVE fluff. It's so much fun to write
Comfort! Both ways! (but I'm better at reader being comforted)
Probably more stuff I can't think of right now.
Stuff I WON'T write. No exceptions.
Any sort of smut. lemon, lime, whatever it's called. Absolutely not.
No suicide. Bothers me quite a bit. A self-harm comfort/recovery fic? Maybe, depending on how strong it is, but no suicide. Especially if it's like. romanticized. Get out and never come back if you do that with something like that. What the fuck is wrong with you. (I have in fact seen people do that.)
Just.. nothing gross, y'know? Nothing illegal. "Basic DNI criteria stuff", some call it.
No abuse??????? I've seen multiple people ask others for that on other websites and I just. Why would you want to read about yourself or someone else in that situation..? I don't get it.
No pedophilia, incest, or anything of the sort. That much should be obvious.
Um. I can't think of anything else at the moment, but I'll add more if I remember.
Characters I'll (try) writing for:
(feel free to request characters that aren't on this list, this is just here to show who I understand more and will be able to write for better.)
Total Drama:
Basically all the Total Drama cast, but I'll probably be best at:
Mike and any of his alters <3
mmaybee Courtney or Gwen? Still trying to understand their personalities more.
Gravity Falls:
Lego Ninjago:
Any fandoms I didn't specify in this list means that I'm willing to try and write for any of the characters. You can request characters that aren't on this list, but these are just the ones I'll be better at. <3
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cutebcys · 1 year
hello, it's barth, yes, it's me. i'm looking for partners to write m/m stuff on discord or even on tumblr. i have some guidelines that i'm linking here. i like doing slice of life stuff and some sweet cute stuff. smut is always fun too (i prefer doing the bottom side of it) ). i'm always open to discuss plots and worldbuilding, even mumu with more than one couple. please be over 21+. and under the readmore is a a list of fc i'm interesting in playing and opposites i would love to play against (i accept suggestions too)
faceclaim (in bold are favorites)
brandon perea avan jogia tom hardy emilio zakraya jacob artist
beau mirchoff oliver stark max riemelt ki hong lee peter thrunwald winston duke
opposite (in bold are favorites):
jake johnson noah centineo gavin leatherwood tyler posey mason gooding angel bismark curiel jai courtney young mazino channing tatum dylan obrien jeffrey dean morgan jeremy allen white david harbour
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geekfanficwriter · 4 years
Call Me Captain [REWRITE]- Captain Boomerang x Reader *18+*
Summary: You’re married to Captain Boomerang, so when you find out he’s been released from prison as a member of the Suicide Squad, you go and find him. Words: 2139 Warnings: Smut, Oral (male receiving), Mild Bondage
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Your husband was out from prison. You had connections that had told you he had been forced to join some task force and they had taken him out of prison to go to Midtown City and defeat some evil thing. You had made it to Midtown City the second you heard what had happened and now you were waiting for the perfect opportunity to free your husband. You had to be careful you knew that much. You had seen one of the other guy’s head had been blown off by some bomb they’d injected in their neck so you knew that if you weren’t careful, that would be the fate of Boomer as well. Your sweet Boomer. He wasn’t a good man, but he was good to you. He loved you deeply, and he treated you with respect. You worried at first that it was just a show that he was using you but over time you had become convince he truly loved you. He had shown you a million times, now you had to save him.
You sat behind a bin watching the fight go on when suddenly something flew in front of you. It was Pinky, the stuffed unicorn that Digger always kept around. You laughed and picked it up. After the fight was over he came into the alley looking around.
‘Looking for this?’ You said standing up and handing him Pinky.
‘Babe!’ He hugged you close and kissed you, laughing. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘I’m here to get you out of here.’ You mumbled back.
‘As much as I love that, I’ve got a bomb in my neck. Can’t go anywhere without fucking dying.’
‘I know that, I was planning on cutting in out.’ You held up your knife.
‘No, you’re bloody not!’ He backed away.
‘Relax, I’ve got a needle and thread. I’ll sew you back up afterwards. And remember I have the training.’ You thought back to when you first met Digger.
 You were walking through the hospital on your placement. You were currently a medical student; you were in the last years of your general training, and then you’d be able to start your surgical training. You had always wanted to be a surgeon. As you were walking through the hospital, you slipped into an empty room; you had nothing to do right now and you’d be working for 12 hours straight, you just needed a five-minute break. As you went to turn on the light switch, you felt a hand cover your mouth.
‘Don’t scream.’ A male voice whispered in your ear. Don’t scream? Was he insane? Of course, you would scream! He slowly removed his hand from your mouth but quickly but it back when you went to scream. ‘What the fuck did I just say? Scream again and I’ll kill you before any help can get here.’ You believed he would so when he removed his hand again, you kept quiet. You turned around to face him and saw a tall man with scraggly hair. He was wearing a dirty grey coat that was covered in blood.
‘You’re a doctor, right? Well, I need fixing up.’
‘I’m only a student. I can get an actual doctor.’ You responded.
‘No, no one can know I’m here.’ Who was this guy? What did he do? ‘You gonna help me or not?’ He held up a boomerang. Oh god, you knew who it was. It was Captain Boomerang, a notorious thief and murderer. You nodded in response, too scared to say anything.
‘Great.’ He took off his jacket and hoodie and pulled off his shirt to reveal a massive gash in his side. You walked over to the cupboards in the room and grabbed a needle and thread and some antiseptic gel and gauze. You went to sew him up, but your hands were shaking so bad that the needle kept slipping.
‘Is there a problem?’ He asked.
‘No.’ You responded. You took a deep breath and tried not to think about the fact that you had basically been kidnapped by a criminal or the million HIPAA violations you were committing right now. You managed to get the thread through the needle and starting to stitch him up.
Once you were done, you covered the wound with gauze and stuck in down with medical tape. You then went over to a cupboard and grabbed some extra gauze and some antibiotics.
‘You need to take these three times a day until the pack is finished and change the gauze at least once a day. Just take regular painkillers for the pain.’
‘Thanks, Doc. I’m going to need your number. In case, this happens again.’ He said standing up and pulling his shirt back on.
‘What?’ You were not giving a psychopath your number!
‘You heard me, number.’ He handed you a burner phone. You could give him a fake number but if he tested it and your phone didn’t ring, he would definitely kill you, so you entered your number and handed the phone back to him.
‘Thanks, darling.’ He said walking out the room. You leaned against the wall and sighed. You really hoped you never saw him again.
 You laughed at that memory. You’d been so scared of him at first, but the more you got to know him, the more you fell from him. He definitely isn’t as scary as he came across, he was actually a big softie.
‘Who the hell are you?’ You heard a voice say, you looked up and saw a soldier stood there. You knew his name was Rick Flag, and he was the leader of this whole group. You lunged at the soldier with your knife drawn, but Digger pulled you back before you could do anything.
‘This is my wife.’ Digger told him.
‘Your wife?’ He responded shocked. ‘I didn’t know you were married.’
‘Yep, been married for 3 years.’ He held up his hand to show the ring on his finger.
‘Great, what the hell is she doing here?’
‘I wanted to see my husband considering they’ve denied me visitation this whole time.’
‘Well, you’ve got to get out of here. You’re a liability.’
‘I’m not a liability. In fact, I’ll join your stupid team.’
‘You’re going to willingly join this team?’ He raised his eyebrow.
‘If it means that I get to be with my husband, then yes.’
‘Fine, but if you do anything, his head gets blown the fuck off.’ You nodded in understanding.
 ‘Digger! Watch out!’ You yelled as one of the creatures stabbed him. You watched him fall to grow and immediately ran over to him. He couldn’t be dead there was no way he was dead. As you knelt next to him, he sat up and pulled the knife out his chest with a big wad of cash on the end. You sighed knowing the cash had stopped the knife from going all the way through. You wrapped your arms around him.
‘God, I thought you were dead.’ You spoke.
‘Can’t get rid of me that easy.’ He told you as he wrapped his arms around you.
‘I can’t lose you, not again.’ Him being in prison was so hard, you missed him every day and now you’d got him back you wouldn’t let him go that easily.
‘You won’t lose me again, don’t worry.’ He grabbed your head in his hands and pulled it towards him, kissing you lightly. You then both stood up and got back to fighting.
 You were all sat in a bar after finding out that Rick had lied to you. Well, not to you but to the others. Digger was drinking a beer while you had a glass of rum. Flag eventually walked in and everyone seemed pretty annoyed to see him there.
‘You’re free to leave if you want to.’ He said smashing the device that controlled the bomb in their necks and Digger immediately ran off. You stood up and followed him.
‘So now that you’re free what do you want to do?’ You asked him when you finally caught up with him.
‘Well, I can think of a few things.’ He said placing his hands on your hips and pulling you close.
‘Yeah, and what would that be?’ You whispered back, wrapping your hands around your neck.
‘I want to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk.’ He leant down and kissed you hard. You pulled him closer and laced your fingers through his hair. You eventually pulled away.
‘Come on, let’s go find a room.’ You took his hand into yours and pulled him through the corridor. You came to a hotel room and easily broke into the room.
Once you were in the room, Digger immediately pushed you on the bed. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs from one of the many pockets on his jacket and smirked at you.
‘Why would you bring those on a mission with you, Captain?’ You knew he loved it when you called him Captain.
‘I was planning on seeing you no matter what.’ He came over to the bed and sat on top of you, straddling your hips. You leant back up and kissed him, god you had missed this so much. He moved his hands from waist and pulled off his coat and jacket, leaving him in a white vest. You moved your hands underneath his vest and ran them up and down his chest and stomach. You pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him, you pulled his shirt over his head and leant down to kiss his neck. You kissed your way down his chest and stomach, as you reached his trousers, you undid his belt and trousers and pulled them down along with his boxers. You grabbed his cock in your hand and moved your hand up and down, feeling him grow in your hand, you then moved your head towards his cock and took him into your mouth. You heard him groan as you took him deeper, eventually deep throating him, you moved your head up and down licking him as you moved your head.
‘Fuck, baby.’ He groaned lacing his hands into your hair and pulling at it, making you groan. Just as he was about to come, he pulled you back up and laid you flat on the bed. He pulled off your shirt and undid your bra, pulling that off, he then took the handcuffs and placed him around your wrists, strapping you to one of the poles on the headboard. He leant down to kiss you and then moved his hands down to the waistband of your shorts. He undid the button on them and pulled them down. He rubbed you through your underwear and you moaned into his mouth.
‘God babe stop teasing.’ You moaned at him.
‘Tell me what you want, baby.’ He whispered in your ear.
‘I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard.’ He obliged and pulled down your underwear. He spread your legs on either side of him and you automatically wrapped your legs around his waist. He positioned himself and then pushed into you, making you both groan. He moved in and out of you, slowly at first as you got used to him, then he sped up making you moan more.
‘Fuck, I’ve missed you so much.’ He groaned as he pounded into you. He moved his hand down to your clit and started rubbing it making you moan even more. He continued to fuck you while rubbing your clit as you felt your orgasm coming on.
‘Babe, I’m going to come.’ You moaned at him. He pounded into even faster and you felt yourself about to come. You moaned with every thrust, trying to keep your voice down but not being able to contain yourself. You pulled against your restraints and grabbed at the headboard with your hands, needing something to grab onto. Then, you felt yourself come, you let about a moan as Digger continued pounding into you riding out your orgasm. He let out on final groan before coming and then pulling out of you. He slumped down on top of you as you both breathed deeply.
A few moments, later he stood up and went to go grab the key to the handcuffs, he undid them and you pulled your wrists out; he places two gentle kisses on the marks on your wrists before laying down next to you and pulling you close to him; you wrapped your arms around his chest and snuggled into him smiling.
‘We should probably get going soon.’ He spoke. You mumbled in response; you would get up soon but right now you just wanted to stay here with him for a moment.
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duramaters · 2 years
Aches and Adoration // Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: It’s been a few years since you became a member of Dauntless and you want to brush up on your fighting skills. Getting Eric to help you was probably not your best idea.
Warnings: Explicit language, violence and injury, fem!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Taglist: @ask-the-inserts @not-the-teen-witch @danthegirl99
The layout of the leader’s room matched you own but the space itself was larger despite Eric’s minimalistic style. You compared the kitchen to your own, where yours was littered with appliances, cookbooks and ingredients the only things you could see in Eric’s were a coffee machine and a small, heaped fruit bowl. You let your eyes flit across the living room to his bookshelves, overflowing with an unexpected variety of texts. You didn’t have him down as a voracious reader but he had proven you wrong before. While you had been studying his space he had collapsed onto the couch with a grunt, the motion clearly upsetting his sore ribs.
“Ice?” You questioned, tilting your head towards the kitchen. He gave an almost imperceptible nod and you stepped lightly towards his freezer, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his private space. You rifled around in the draws and grabbed a bag of ice and a towel from the side before returning to the couch. Intending to just hand the ice to Eric you were shocked into silence when he began to lift the hem of his vest, drawing your attention to his red-raw knuckles. You sucked in a breath at the sight of his fluttering abs as he struggled to breathe through the pain across his ribs. Gently lowering the cool ice-filled towel to the developing bruise you tried to keep your gaze steadily on the arm of the couch, hoping that you could fight down the blush rising to your cheeks. Maybe you should have grabbed some ice for yourself, because you felt as though you were on fire and you weren’t even directly touching Eric’s skin.
“You’re a terrible teacher, you know that?” You whispered as you lowered yourself to crouch by his side.
“How so?” He grunted through clenched teeth and you couldn’t tell if his injury or the cold bothered him more.
“Aren’t you supposed to set a good example? He totally tapped out and you ignored it.” You ventured a glance up at his face and noted the confused quirk of his lips.
“You didn’t get that luxury from him.” Eric mumbled, and you realised then that his attack on Thelonious had been entirely for your benefit. Revenge on your behalf.  
“Oh,” you shyly returned your attention to his ribs, “thank you, Eric.”
A muffled “didn’t do it for you” was all you got in response and it caused your lips to pull up in a knowing smile at the blatant lie.
You removed the bag of ice and brazenly ran your hand over the purpling skin, checking for any further wounds, your thumb caressed the ridges of muscle and pale flesh and your brows pinched in concern. Eric sucked in a harsh breath above you and you withdrew your hand so swiftly you almost hit yourself in the chest.
“Sorry.” You muttered sheepishly. “Give me your hands?” Eric stared down at you, sat delicately on your knees next to his stretched out legs, and pulled a face of disgust. You rolled your eyes, fully aware that he was embarrassed by your touch. “They’re all cracked and covered in blood Eric, c’mon, please?”
His hands landed gracelessly on his knees and you lifted his large palm softly into your own so that you could wipe at the scrapes with the dampened towel. You noticed him fisting his neglected hand into the fabric of his cargos and pretended to ignore the almost imperceptible shake of the hand you were currently working on. Was Eric nervous? No, he was clearly just trying to hide his pain, you reasoned, wiping his knuckles even more gently and moving up to sit beside him on the couch. Your knee lightly bumped into his muscled thigh and you shifted to put some distance between you since he didn’t seem to be enjoying the contact of your hands on his and you didn’t want to test his patience.
You had almost finished cleaning both hands of blood when you felt his thigh press back against your knee, filling the space, protesting the distance you had created. It was surprisingly soothing and a stark contrast to your usual bodily contact during training. It almost made you gasp but you both remained silent, not daring to acknowledge the lingering touch and the tension that was beginning to build. Feeling emboldened, you sat up on your knees to reach across Eric’s lap and check on the bruising of his ribs, his eyes level with your throat as you wiped away the wayward drips of freezing water from his exposed stomach, the muscles trembling beneath your touch. You were distractedly balling up the towel in your fists and preparing to move back to your side of the couch when you felt the dampness of lips at the base of your neck and a thank you murmured into your smooth skin. The pleasure of his warmth against your own had you releasing a soft moan before you came back to yourself.
You felt yourself tense, your eyes flew open and you fell backwards into the armrest, almost winding yourself in the process. You directed your wide-eyed stare towards your leader and the thunderous expression that marred his handsome features sent a wave of fear through you.
“Shit Eric, I’m sorry-” Any chance to explain yourself was crushed by Eric shooting up without even a twinge of pain and marching towards the door.
You gaped at him for a second before his deepening scowl had you following his orders, looking around the room in shocked desperation. You turned to face him at the entrance with pleading, watery eyes.
“Eric, I-”
The door slammed in your face.
Saturday was typically a rest day but you often took up residence in the training room to practice your weapons handling so that you weren’t completely idle. Today, however, you fully intended to stay in your room and mope. You had barely slept and had been plagued by the phantom sensation of Eric’s pouty lips against the base of your throat, the memory of his face as you practically leapt across the room to get away from him taunting you every time you closed your eyes.  You had just gotten comfortable with a book when a knock sounded from your door. A spark of hope lit up in your chest at the prospect of it being Eric standing out there in the corridor and you padded your way across the room, aiming for nonchalance but not being able to contain your small smile.
“Don’t seem too disappointed.” Your friends eyes were alight with mirth at your failure to hide your dissatisfaction. “I just came by to ask if you wanted to join me on my run? Christina was saying how your endurance needs some work.”
“That snake.” You scrunched up your nose, but laughter bubbled out of you at the thought of Christina imploring Will to get you to work out. It was your rest day, but a light jog couldn’t hurt. You pulled Will into your apartment by his sleeve and abandoned him in your living room so you could go and change into some proper clothes without leaving him standing in the corridor.  
You were pulling your sports bra over your head when you heard your front door close heavily. Grabbing your running shoes you stepped back into your living room to find that your sweet brunette friend had been replaced by the imposing blond leader you hadn’t been prepared to see.
“Where’s Will?” In your confusion, you had completely forgotten the previous nights dismissal, but you were quickly reminded of it as your eyes landed upon Eric’s tongue, flicking out to moisten his reddened lips. It looked as though he had been chewing on them, they seemed sore and you so desperately wanted to soothe them. His eyes were firmly planted on your chest since it was not particularly well hidden in your current attire.
“I don’t want him sabotaging my hard work.” He pulled his gaze up to your face, registering the look of uncertainty in your eyes, the tips of his ears turning a dark shade of pink.
“I take it the light jog I had planned in now going to be a brutal sprint around the city?” You cocked your hip and crossed your arms, subtly lifting your chest in defiance.
“Of course.” He grinned at you wolfishly, any hint of last nights rage disappearing with a smirk.
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imgoldielikehawn · 7 years
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Kinktober Day 8 (Rick Flag x F!Reader x Digger Harkness)
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Kinktober Day 8 - Voyeurism
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, choking, pinv sex, voyeurism (so sexy btttwww), language, office sex, spanking, anal, cum shot, anal cream pie, cum on face 18+
Author’s note: hehehehehe look at them, so precious
@xoxabs88xox @rachelh1992 @himbovillain-anon @cosmicak @h-hxgirl @artemis-cr0ck @theloresweety @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @weallhaveadestiny @aestheticallywinchester @yourjacketisnowdry @mess-in-side​ @lunaticsandidiots​ @feralrunaway​
Rick sits in his office chair, his hardened member in his hand as he pumps slowly, breathing remaining steady as he watches you and Digger fuck on the couch. You had admitted to him a long time ago that you always wanted to fuck Digger just for the fun of it and Rick has been getting into voyeurism recently and so when the opportunity came up, Rick decided to take it for the both of you.
“Pull her up against your back by her throat, she loves that,” Rick comments as Digger nods, grasping your throat and pulling your back flush against his chest as his hips snap up into you.
“You like that sweet’art? Do ya like when I got me hand ‘round your pretty throat,” you nod, moans slip past your lips as Rick motions to Digger to slap your ass.
“He asked you a question, darlin. You best answer him,” Rick commands as he jerks his dick.
“Yes, please Dig, harder,” you beg as Digger smirks, hand closing around your throat more as he thrusts up with more vigor. You whimper as your hands claw against his hand as Rick throws his head back, his hand pumping his aching cock, thumb swiping over the tip to collect the precum that was starting to leak out. Pulling out of you, Digger smacks your ass before walking you over to Rick’s desk before shoving you down against it, ass in the air as your chest presses against the papers that Rick was working on.
“Hey Ricky,” you smile lightly at him as Rick groans, the sight of you bent over his desk makes his dick twitch.
“Have ya ever had it in the ass princess?” Digger asks as you eagerly shake your head no, “what have you been waiting on Flag? You need to fuck her ass when you get a second,” Digger states as Rick’s eyes flutter close, “nuh uh, you’re gonna watch this and you’re gonna like it,” Digger comments before running the tip of his dick along your slick folds before gently pushing the tip of his dick in your ass, causing you to jerk.
“Holy fuck,” you moan as he continues to push into you, slowly but steadily. Looking up, your eyes lock with Rick’s hazel ones as his hand begins to quicken. Digger pulls back out before pushing back into you with more force, your body sliding up Rick’s desk with each thrust. Rick’s breathing hitches as your hand moves down to your clit, circling it with deft fingers while Digger’s hand reaches in your hair and pulls your face up from the stack of papers so Rick could watch your face as Digger fucks you.
“Ain’t she a pretty sight, Colonel?” Rick rapidly nods as he takes note of the drool beginning to slip out of your mouth and onto his desk, not that he cares of course.
“Oh yeah, she’s a beauty,” Rick comments as his abdomen muscles tighten up. Noticing the way Rick’s breathing becomes more rapid, your fingers hurry around your clit as your orgasm approaches.
“Fuck, Digger, I’m close,” you moan as Digger smacks your ass, his thrusts becoming more sporadic.
“Me too Darl,” Digger looks at Rick who nods, “cum on her face.” “Oh fuck, I’m cumming,” you stammer out as waves crash over you, your eyes shutting as you let the white hot feeling cascade over your body.
“Fuck,” Rick grunts as his spend paints your face, some shooting over your head and most sticking to your forehead while some drips down onto your eyelashes.
“Blimey, you’re so fucking tight Darl,” Digger growls as his hands move to grab your hips and pull you against him as he buries his own spend in your ass, savoring the way the tight warmness of your hole envelops his dick. After coaxing his orgasm, Digger pulls out of your ass before moving to look down.
“Hey Flag, come over ‘ere,” Digger comments as Rick moves to stand, already tucked back into his pants as he walks over to where Digger stands, his eyes falling to the way your ass pushes out Digger’s cum.
“Well Harkness, you did a great job. You can go back to your cell now,” Rick comments as Digger feigns hurt.
“What, that’s all I get? How ‘bout a thank you.”
“Thanks Boomer, you were great,” you kiss his cheek before getting dressed and wiping off your face.
“Un-fucking-believable,” he comments as two guards enter, placing cuffs on his writs.
“Hey Harkness, if you behave, you’ll be able to do that again. Understand?” Rick questions as Digger’s eyes light up.
“Ya got it, boss.” He winks at you as the guards take him away. Turning back to Rick, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him in for a kiss.
“You are definitely fucking my ass when we get home. That felt amazing.”
“You got it darlin’.”
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lunaschild2016 · 2 years
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Chapters: 70/? Fandom: Divergent Series - Veronica Roth, Divergent (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eric (Divergent)/Original Character(s), Four/Tris Prior, Marlene/Uriah Pedrad, Zeke Pedrad/Shauna, Andrew Prior/Natalie Prior, Christina (Divergent)/Will (Divergent)/Original Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Eric (Divergent), Tris Prior, Four | Tobias Eaton, Original Male Character(s), Peter Hayes (Divergent), Will (Divergent), Lynn (Divergent), Uriah Pedrad, Marlene (Divergent), Amar (Divergent), Evelyn Johnson-Eaton, Natalie Prior, Andrew Prior, Zeke Pedrad, Shauna (Divergent), Marcus Eaton, Jeanine Matthews Summary:
He was ruthless, cunning, and completely committed to protecting his city; but her arrival to Dauntless called everything he ever thought he believed into question. She was haunted by a past she vowed to make amends for and resolved to sacrifice her very life it meant she could protect her family, faction and city. Duty and following orders were no longer enough and they both found more than they ever hoped for. They both found something worth fighting for. Eric/OC AU M (Language, Sexual Content, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Tragedy)
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Midnight Snack
Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut! Its all consensual! Oral, slight voyeurism and dirty talk. this is mild plot but mostly smut. 
(might do a part two with Four..) 
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You woke up a little startled but mostly stuck in a haze of sleepiness. Warm soft and hungry lips trailed along your neck and jawline leaving wet marks behind. The sensation made your entire body break out in goosebumps but underneath it felt electrified and hot. Strong large calloused hands worked their way up your abdomen searching slowly for your breasts. A large muscular leg slumped over your thighs and pushed between them forcing you to spread your legs and pinning you in place.
The fingers danced along the swell of your breasts. You twitched at the feeling and your hands sluggishly reached for the wrist buried under your loose night shirt. You tried to pull down and remove the hand but you were too weak. The wondering Fingers found your nipples and teased them until they peaked. They pinched and tugged gently at the puffed up nubs. You couldn’t help but lean into him and moan softly. The feeling caused a bolt of arousal to stir an aching flame between your thighs.
“Wh-what are you doing.” You mumbled barely piecing the correct words together.
There was no reply but you were silenced with a mouth. Your lips locked and opened in the middle. He consumed you through a kiss. His tongue slipped in and You welcomed it. He began to tug and pinch your nipples harder making you arch your back and moan into his mouth. You wanted him to stop for all right reasons yet you never wanted someone to take you more than you wanted him to right now. You should of hated this, You should have snapped out of it and screamed at him. You could probably lose friends for sleeping with him or even your ex Four.
He tasted like mint and honey but smelled of smoked cedar and fresh water springs. You felt so warm pressed up against his muscular body. He exuded a heat that could keep you warm in the winter time.
You gasped again as he took one nipple in-between his thumb and finger. Your hands relaxed and you allowed him more room to work. You were so lost in a war deep inside your mind. Between what felt right and what was morally correct. That you hadn’t noticed his lips peppering kisses away from your mouth until his teeth and tongue grazed over your sensitive tips. He switched from one breast to the other making you whimper into darkness.
“Stay quiet.” He hissed around your nipple. It made your blood run cold. You knew he was right given the fact that six other initiates slept only a few feet away.
It also angered you. How was anyone to stay quiet when someone such as Eric was so skilled in making a person quiver and come alive the way he did.
It was the way he made you feel that kept you submissive to him. In these late hours he could probably get you to do anything he wanted. While during the day. Your mouth and stubbornness often got you in trouble. The fear of getting caught is what kept you from fighting with him now. You covered your mouth with your hand. Trying to control your breathing would help but it would only get worse.
“Good girl.” He taunted you. Knowing you hated when he said that. Something about it made you wet while also making you cringe.
Maybe it was the acknowledgement of his success in having power over you. Everything he did was controlled and calculated.
You tried to clear your mind. Eric left your breasts and slowly disappeared into the darkness. All you could do was stare up at the jagged ceiling while his lips kiss and nipped at your stomach. You held your breath when he was centered over you sex. He made sure to not touch the most sensitive parts.
His movements slowed to a very gentle and loving nature. This always confused you because it seemed out of place for Eric. He was usually cold and rough, straight to the point. This was where it was dangerous, if you didn’t keep your guard up this is what could make you soft for him. This is what would make you fall for him.
His lips felt hot as he pressed them into your inner thigh. It felt like he was branding you. He nipped hard enough to catch the skin, not enough to really hurt you. He sucked on the tender flesh and it made your groan deep in your throat. Your chest rose and fell in ragged breaths and your legs shivered. He kissed moving down. His hand gripped the outsides of your thighs keeping you right where he needed you.
The warmth spread across your mound and you wanted so badly to thrust your hips up so that he would be aligned with your sweet spot. Instead he went right to the other thigh. Kissing and then biting again to suck on the supple flesh. The teasing was starting to really set in. You wanted him more than anything and the urge to beg sat on the edge of your tongue.
“Eric!” You whispered harshly. It was a warning as he placed a chaste kiss against your folds like he would to lovers lips.
You swore you could feel him smirk against you. His grip tightened on your legs as you threatened to shut them. He continued to kiss your softness. Tasting the moisture that was collecting there. Feeling heat that was building deep inside of you. Your body shivered again and you tried to wiggle away but his grip was too strong and only added to the effects he had on you.
Slowly and gently he parted your folds with his lips. It made you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, anticipating what would come next. He breathed against you letting cool air hit your molten core. You whimpered alerting him that your guard was fully down and that you were his now. He stuck his tongue out and slowly slid it over your entrance and up towards your clit. You gripped the sheets and gritted your teeth waiting for it.
The Bastard stopped and only continued to softly kiss around your thighs again.
“Eric, pleeeease. Please. I need more.” You cried as softly as you could hoping he could hear but no one else would.
Eric seemed to ignore your pleas. He planted a hot wet kiss right over your clit. His tongue darted out quickly causing you to jerk at the sudden attack. A strangled moan slipped up causing you to slap your hand over your mouth.
The man was cruel he had teased you until you couldn’t take it anymore. And now he was licking and sucking on your clit with no mercy. You couldn’t hold back anymore you let out soft quiet moan and your hips started to push up and down. The bed creaked quietly enough to make you slow your movements even though Eric didn’t let up. Your whole body shook and it wouldn’t be long before you spilled over the precipice.
“Fuck you’re wet.” Eric whispered against your hot folds as he slipped a finger inside of you. You were tight but so wet that his finger just slipped right in. He pushed in until he was buried up to his knuckles, then he flexed his finger around in search of your G-spot.
“No!” Was all you could say as he hit it. You wanted to scream and cry out how good he made you feel but you had to remain quiet.
He sucked on your clit, giving a few good thrusts with his finger before he had you mewling into your pillow. You came hard and Eric didn’t let up. There was no way to stay quiet at that point. You moaned loudly into the pillow gripping it so hard that your knuckles turned white and it started to become hard to breathe.
To your horror the bed creaked to your left and you both froze. Eric moved away from your thighs but laid still against the bed. You peeked out nervously from the pillow to see Will turning to face the wall. After what seemed like an eternity he stilled and his breathing went back to a deep almost snore like rhythm.
You took a deep breath and turned to Eric who was now positioning himself at your entrance. You could feel his tip at your entrance as he leaned forward one hand went to your mouth covering it fully to keep any moans or whimpers in the palm of his hand. His free hand gripped your shoulder as he pushed in. Your eyes fluttered as he stretched you and filled you up. You were thankful for his hand because a groan of pleasure erupted in your throat.
“Isn’t this better than fighting me all the time?” His voice deep and full of lust. He whispered into your ear before nipping at the lobe.
He didn’t give you much time to adapt to his size but from being well lubricated it didn’t hurt. He pulled back and pushed in slowly it was almost agonizing. You could feel every inch and detail of the shape of his cock pushing past your walls.
He grunted softly staring down at you. It was more for his pleasure to watch you squirm and moan for him than it was to be intimate with you. You thought to look away but your eyes were locked onto his. Those beautiful yet devilish blue eyes. You wrapped your legs around his waist and tried to match up with his thrusts.
Something changed and you suddenly felt like you could relax and totally let him take care of you. He kept his same slow tempo, only he was starting to push deeper a little harder. Every time he’d brush against your sweet spot, the patch of nerves deep within your sex. 
“Next time you mouth off to me at training. I’ll take you like this behind the punching bags.” Eric kissed your neck pushed in deep. You arched your back another orgasm slowly building this time it felt more intense.
“Would you like that? The risk of Four and everyone knowing what a slut you are for me?” Eric gripped your shoulder tighter and pumped in and out of you faster.
The metal frame creaked in the room. All noises seemed to echo around the cement structure and Eric didn’t seem to care anymore if someone heard you. You moaned lewdly into his hand. Both your eyes became glassy as both of you neared your ecstasy. Eric grunted a deep and guttural grunt you could almost feel it through his chest. You begged him with your eyes. He seemed to know what you were saying. He moved his hand to replace it with his mouth. He kissed you passionately and hard as he picked up the pace. Both you were Moaning as your tongue sloppily danced in your mouths. His hand found your breasts and he flicked his thumbs over your nipples sending you faster over the edge.
Your arms wrapped around Eric’s neck and you held him tightly to you as if his oxygen was the only thing keeping you alive. Your toes curled and your body shook violently as your walls clenched and released. Eric groaned loving how tight you felt around his cock.
You felt sensitive and overheated as you came down from your high. Eric nestled himself in the nook of your neck as he neared his own orgasm.
“Eric, please don’t come in me.” You begged him calmly. You meant it but you were stuck in a world of bliss. You meant to say it confidently but your voice cracked into a soft moan. 
Eric only replied with growl as he pressed himself deep inside of you before coming himself. He stayed inside of you until he was sure there wasn’t even a drop left. Both of you lay there a hot sweaty mess. Eric didn’t lean back or pull out until he was completely soft. Once he did you could feel it drip out of you making a small puddle on the bed. Eric said nothing he just pulled up his pants and left.
The next morning you felt sore and tired. You were still forced to get up early and to go to training. You knew today would be hell. All you wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep until tomorrow morning.
“Y/N are you ok?” Tris asked with look of worry on her face.
“Yeah, you look like shit.” Peter said pushing past to get ahead of the group. His comment and pushiness earned him a few eye rolls.
Your lack of sleep showed, you could barely throw an elbow or punch. You felt like a ghost trying to move a solid object. Eric walked by and everyone went silent. You swallowed hard and turned to see him staring at you. Once you made eye contact he smirked slightly, just enough for you to notice. He subtly licked his lips. That was it just that one gesture and you came undone. Your knees felt weak and the fire deep in your core came to life. You turned away and bit your lip, trying to focus on throwing some punches.
“Looks like I know how shut you up now.” Eric said in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
You would let Eric have his victory because now all you could think about was when the two of you would have a chance to be alone again.
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It Takes A Village
Fandom: YJ98, Flashfam, DC Comics
Summary: After witnessing Bart murder someone, his friends scramble to cover Bart's tracks and stumble upon an international scandal as a result.
(Minor background: Bart took a gap year, and Conner did two years of community college. This starts shortly after Bart's 19th birthday. So, Conner and Jenni are 20, Bart and Cissie are 19, Tim and Cassie are 18, I made Greta 17 for the sake of the fic, and Judy is 15. I decided to make Owen 22 and Thad 16 for plot reasons. Clark and Conner are brothers in this fic, and Clark is 12 years older for the sake of this fic, so he's 32.)
Chapters: 9/?
Characters: Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Judy Garrick, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Greta Hayes, Jenni Ognats, Thad Thawne, Owen Mercer, Meloni Thawne, Clark Kent, Wally West, Linda Park, Courtney Whitmore, President Thawne
Relationship(s): KonBart, CissieCassie, WallyLinda
Additional Tags: Serial Killer AU, No Powers AU, Angst, Dark Comedy, Bart Allen Kills in This Fic, Minor Thad Thawne, Separated in Childhood, Some Smut in This
Chapter Nine: Rubber Band
Bart played with Conner’s hair while he slept, naked and warm in the summer heat, a leg draped over Bart’s. Conner tucked his body inward, almost in the fetal position, breathing heavy, even breaths. He rolled closer inward, throwing an arm over Bart’s lap, hugging him like a cherished childhood toy. Conner pulled him in close and when Bart couldn’t be pulled any closer, he shifted his body, slowly climbing on top of him to share his endless warmth. The fan oscillated, buzzing low and slow, keeping the room cool and comfortable while Conner clung to him. 
When he was sure Conner was fast asleep, he pulled his file from underneath the bean bag chair, and he started to read through the thick stack of pages detailing his psychological health. It all seemed foreign to him until he read a name. It shouldn’t have been familiar, but it was. Dr. Michael-Marie Pearson... And for some reason, that name reminded him of the previous summer when he came to the Kent house soaking wet. 
“Bart?” Conner mumbled, his eyes still closed. “Bart, you’re shaking.”
Bart exhaled, breathing hard as he strained for a memory that bubbled just beneath the surface. His memory was near-perfect when he wasn’t in a dissociative state but the past two summers were spent in a dulled state of consciousness even when he was aware. He didn’t hear Conner’s sleepy whispers or feel the shift in Conner’s weight. Dr. Pearson. Michael-Marie Pearson. Dr. Michael. She noted Bart’s propensity for violence, and his explosive outbursts. She called him a ‘terrorist in the making’ and a ‘potential threat to the Interlac government’. He thought he almost drowned the night he stumbled to the Kent farm, but it was clear now. 
Flashes of a struggling woman, her dress floating as he pushed her shoulders down. She coughed and gasped, struggling against him as he drowned her. She couldn’t grasp his arms to scratch his skin, and he was far too strong for her. And then, he came across a picture showing her face. He remembered her hands, holding him down, bruising his skin. Just a little boy. Helpless. He asked her how it felt to be helpless as he tried to drown her. It took so long to drown her, that he wasn’t sure she died from the drowning. Maybe it was the cold. 
“Baby,” Conner loudly whispered as he sat up in Bart’s lap, sitting face to face with him. Bart shut the file, setting it aside as he looked at Conner. “What’s that?” Conner put his glasses on and sat next to him.
“I’m going to say something, and I want to know if it sounds familiar to you,” Bart whispered. 
“Okay,” Conner whispered. 
Bart took a deep breath. “ I killed her. I need you to come with me, ” Bart replied. Conner nodded.
“What does it mean?” Conner asked. 
“It was a confession,” Bart answered before kissing Conner’s cheek. 
“What were you reading?” Conner asked. Bart shook his head. 
“My medical records,” Bart answered. Conner lay on his side, settling back into bed. Bart reopened the file and continued to read through the pages. Conner grabbed his phone and started scrolling while Bart read quietly. “Conner, I’m sorry that I woke you up.” 
“It’s alright… I don’t mind. I noticed something,” Conner whispered, “You’ve been sober all weekend. What gives?” 
Bart didn’t answer immediately. He was so preoccupied with getting answers from Jacob, that he didn’t feel the need to smoke to calm his nerves. And he already had his sights set on another person. “I wanted to spend time with you,” Bart replied. 
“Baby… It’s getting late. Let’s get some sleep,” Conner whispered as he plugged his phone up and set it aside. “Bart, can I tell you something?” 
Bart nodded as he put the file away and turned toward Conner. “You can tell me anything,” Bart answered, still looking into Conner’s eyes, still wearing his glasses. “There’s nothing you can say that would change the way I feel about you. I love you so much.” 
Conner took a deep breath. “For the longest time, I didn’t feel like a person… Like… I don’t know. I guess I’ve always just felt less important than other people. I didn’t really know who I wanted to be, so I tried to be what everyone liked. I’m—.” 
“You don’t have to be anything with me. Be yourself. We were best friends first, remember?” Bart whispered. Conner smiled. 
“That’s what I’m saying. This feels safe. This feels right,” Conner answered. Bart grinned as he pulled Conner into his arms. Conner took his glasses off and wrapped his arms and leg around Bart, holding on tight as he pressed his face into Bart’s chest. 
Bart tossed and turned, mumbling in his sleep. He groaned and whimpered, waking Conner out of his sleep. Conner lay there, listening. “Kill me, not them… Me… Not—.” 
“Bart,” Conner whispered. Bart opened his eyes, his body rigid as he tried to differentiate between the dream and reality. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah… My nightmares… I guess they’re different now. It almost makes me miss the old ones,” Bart replied as he sat up and took a sip of water. And the rage he thought he’d beaten came creeping back. It started in his shoulders, stiff and aching as he trembled. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Conner asked. Bart shook his head. The sun peeked through the blinds as Bart’s phone vibrated. Conner’s eyes didn’t leave Bart. 
“It’s my cousin,” Bart whispered as he answered his phone.
“ Jenni, what’s wrong? ” Bart asked in Interlac. 
“ Nothing… Bart, I—. I wanted to check in. What time is it for you? I know it’s later over there than—. ”
“ Jenni, it’s six o’clock… But, you didn’t wake me up. I’m alright. How are you? ” Bart asked. 
“ I’m good! Why are you awake so early? ” Jenni asked. 
“ Conner’s visiting, ” Bart answered. 
“ Oh! I’m sorry! Call me later and tell him I said hi, ” Jenni replied before hanging up. Bart laughed, chewing his lip as he looked at Conner. 
Conner squinted before putting his glasses on. “What’s so funny?” Conner asked. 
“Jenni thought she was interrupting ,” Bart laughed. 
Conner took his glasses off, his eyes wide as he covered his face. “Terrible,” Conner laughed, “I’m gonna get dressed and hit the gym. Wanna come with?” 
“Okay… Maybe it’s time for a shower, too,” Bart suggested as he kissed Conner’s neck. 
“Quit,” Conner laughed. 
Bart pulled away, looking into Conner’s eyes. “Too much?” Bart asked. 
“I’m not saying that… If you start here, we won’t make it to the bathroom,” Conner whispered. 
Bart’s doctor cleared him to run the previous year , but he couldn’t muster the emotional energy to get back out to the tracks. He’d almost forgotten how good it felt to let the wind whip his cheeks and blow through his scalp. Conner took it easy, knowing Bart wasn’t ready to run at their old pace, and they stopped at a park bench to sip their water and watch the ducks. “How’s the knee?” Conner asked. 
Bart nodded. “It’s fine. I might feel it later, but I’m good right now,” Bart answered. Conner kissed Bart’s cheek, and Bart recoiled. “No, I’m sweaty—.”
“You were sweaty in the bathroom, too—.” 
Bart laughed, but his smile quickly faded as he noticed a man on the other side of the pond, feeding the ducks frozen peas. His throat tightened as he remembered the physical sensation of a needle in his lower back. He remembered a hand holding his head down, a palm pressed firmly against his ear, and a man cursing at him in Interlac. The pain was unbearable. His jaw tightened as he remembered the scream that escaped his throat. No anesthetic. A spinal tap. God! A spinal tap with no anesthetic. He didn’t know that then, but it was in the medical records. It was poorly done and resulted in an infection that nearly killed him. He was seven. The man in the park nearly lost his eye in the struggle. Bart could never forget that man’s face. The one that held his head down while the others helped restrain him. The one that ordered the procedure be done without anesthetic. 
Conner touched his arm. “Are you in there?” Conner asked. Bart blinked hard and nodded. Bart leaned forward with his head between his knees as he tried to pull himself together. “Do you feel like you’re gonna pass out?” 
Bart nodded. His blood ran so hot, he thought he’d explode if he moved, so he let Conner believe it was something else. He couldn’t bury his rage, so he masked it as illness. Conner rubbed his back. “Stay here, I’m gonna go across the street and get you something to eat,” Conner whispered. Bart nodded. 
Bart scarfed down half a pizza when they got home while Conner explained everything to Cassie and Cissie. “He okay?” Cissie asked. Conner glanced at Bart, watching as he devoured slice after slice. 
“I don’t know… I can’t tell if he’s out of it or if he’s just worn out,” Conner whispered, “Will you look out for him when I leave? I’m worried… He seemed like he was doing so well.” 
“What do you mean? Did something happen this summer?” Cassie asked. 
Conner chewed his lip. Bart took a sip of water and dove back in. “Baby?” Conner asked in a slightly raised voice. Bart didn’t budge. “Like that.” Conner lifted a hand, gesturing in Bart’s direction. 
“How long has that been going on?” Cassie asked. 
“A long time… He just told me before the end of the summer, but it’s been going on for longer than that. Please don’t tell him I told you. He’d hate that,” Conner pleaded, “I only told you for his safety. I don’t want anything to happen to him because I stayed silent.” 
“Should we slow him down?” Cissie questioned as she watched Bart eat. 
Conner stood up and walked over to Bart, rubbing circles on his back. “Bart? Can you look at me for a minute?” Conner asked as he reached for the pizza box. “Stop… Okay?” 
Bart blinked hard. “Conner?” Bart whispered. “Do you have a soda?”
“Yes, baby. I’ll get you a soda. Do you feel a little better?” Conner asked. 
Bart nodded. “Mhm… Can I have my box back now?” Bart replied. Conner nodded, sliding it over before grabbing a soda from the fridge. 
“Scared me for a minute there… Bart, maybe you should catch some z’s after your shower,” Conner suggested. Bart shook his head. 
“No… No, I’m good. You’re leaving soon. I’ll sleep after you’re gone,” Bart replied.
“Please don’t baby me, Conner. I’m okay,” Bart insisted.
After Bart showered, he fell asleep beside Conner in bed, despite his insistence on staying awake to say goodbye. Conner waited until Bart was in a deep sleep to leave with Cassie. Cissie slipped into the room to check on Bart. He groaned and turned on his side, reaching for Conner. 
“He’s not here,” Cissie replied. 
Bart covered his face. “Do you wanna hang out for a little bit?” Bart mumbled as he patted the bed. Cissie climbed in beside him. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Cissie asked. Bart made a soft noise. 
“Why am I so tired?” Bart mumbled as he pushed up on his forearms. He turned and grabbed Cissie’s arm. “Did Conner seem upset when he left?” Bart asked. Cissie shook her head. “You wanted to talk to me about something before Conner came—?”
“Oh no… I wanted to know if you had a crush on Conner… Are you okay, though? You’ve been so muted lately,” Cissie whispered. 
“Muted?” Bart asked. 
“Like I don’t know—. Like something in you isn’t as bright as it was when I met you,” Cissie replied. 
Bart sighed as he grabbed his laptop and picked a movie. “I don’t like change… But I’m trying to adjust to how things are now,” Bart replied. He tried to recall the events of his day, poring over useless details until he remembered the man feeding ducks. The microwave beeped, and Cissie climbed over Bart to get it. While she was gone, Bart started thinking about the man and his face. The memory of the pain he felt played in his head over and over. Without realizing it, Bart started to shake. 
Cissie returned to the bedroom, and she set the pizza box to the side. Cissie opened the box and stopped to run her cold knuckles against Bart’s cheek. “Hey? You okay?” Cissie asked. 
“Mhm… I think—. I think maybe I’m coming down with something,” Bart mumbled as he lay on his side, facing away from her. Cissie frowned, and she felt his forehead. 
“Hm… Yeah. You look like you don’t feel good. I’ll put the food away, and I can come—.” 
The memory played over and over as he stared at the cracked door. It overwhelmed his senses as he rolled out of bed. He barely made it to the bathroom to throw up, and Cissie followed him, sitting outside, politely waiting for him to calm down. “Maybe you should call in tomorrow?” Cissie whispered. 
“Nuh-uh. I’ll be alright,” Bart mumbled as he clutched his stomach with one hand. “I’m sorry… Maybe we can watch a movie another time.” 
“Okay… You want me to sleep in there with you?” Cissie asked. 
Bart flushed and stood up, checking the mirror before rinsing his mouth, and he rinsed his face. “Cissie, don’t tell anybody I’m sick. I’ll take vitamin C in the morning… I—.” Bart leaned forward and dry heaved. “God…” 
“Bart, I don’t think—.” 
“I’m alright… I think it’s just the onset of a migraine. I’ll be okay once I go to sleep,” Bart answered. He spit in the sink and released a shaky breath. 
He knew it would take time to do what needed to be done. His jaw clenched, putting pressure on his teeth until they started to feel loose, and Cissie knocked on the door, pulling him back to the current moment. “Bart? You want me to sleep in there with you tonight?” Cissie asked. 
“It’s okay… I don’t want to bother—.” 
“I’ll see you in there,” Cissie interrupted. Bart smiled, but his eyes were sad. He had amazing friends. He knew that… But it wasn’t enough. The desire to hunt and kill consumed him. He knew what he wanted wasn’t entirely realistic, but he knew it’d grab someone’s attention if he could kill a few more. Maybe six people. Maybe all the ones on the east coast. He didn’t see them as people. He saw them as nightmares. Shadows given shapes and faces. Shadows given names and voices. They had to die. 
Bart went to work the next morning, his head pounding as he set aside regular customers’ subscriptions in a box of files under the counter. The shop was mostly empty in the early hours, so Bart took that time to organize subscriptions and update the figures on display. His boss was laid back about how the store was set up, but she insisted on organizing the boxes in an intricately specific order. She insisted each section be organized by franchises or companies, which didn’t bother Bart. He liked the challenge, but his headache kept him from enjoying his work. 
He hadn’t eaten, so his stomach growled, adding onto the stress he already felt. It left him in a daze, keeping him from noticing everything going on around him. He almost didn’t notice the customer approaching the counter. “Good morning,” Bart answered without looking up. Holding the counter in a white knuckle grip did nothing to hold him together. Between the anger raging through his already feverish body like a forest fire and the physical pain he felt in his head and stomach, he could barely walk let alone hold a conversation. “Bart?” a familiar voice questioned. Bart looked up, wondering why the person at the counter knew his name, and he painted on a smile, trying to appear normal for a moment.
“Grant? What are you doing here?” Bart asked. Grant set a Star Trek omnibus on the counter while he dug through the pins, looking for a horror-themed one. 
“My friend’s dad has a fight here tonight. I didn’t expect to see you here. How’s it going?” Grant questioned. 
“I’m doing alright,” Bart lied, taking a breath before he continued with something true. “I’ve got a split shift here today, and I’m about to go to my foundational design and drawing classes.” 
Grant leaned forward, getting a better look at Bart. “You don’t look so good—.”
“I’m fine,” Bart interrupted to keep his mind off how he felt, “What time is the fight?” 
“Nine,” Grant replied, “I’ve got another ticket if you wanna go after you get off work.” 
“Sick. I get off at five. I’ll shoot you my address. If I’m running late my roommate, Cissie will let you in,” Bart smiled. 
“Cool,” Grant replied as he paid for his book, “I’ll text you way before then!”
“See you later,” Bart smiled and waved, slumping over the counter only after Grant was out of sight. 
Cissie stopped by a few minutes after Grant left to bring Bart a gel cap pill for his fever and aches, touching his forehead with the back of her hand. “You’re burning up… Bart, you should let me drive you home,” she whispered. 
“I’m fine… But thanks for the pill. I didn’t expect you to come here so early,” Bart replied. 
“Bart, you can’t get through a whole day like this. You should come home. I’ll explain it to your boss—.” 
“You won’t. Because I’m fine. Don’t baby me, Cissie. I know what I can and can’t handle,” Bart interrupted. He didn’t raise his voice at her. He couldn’t. Bart knew Cissie didn’t mean any harm, so he contained his anger, saving it for his task. Cissie smiled with her soft, relaxed eyes, and she kissed his forehead. 
“Okay… I work late tonight, so I might not get home until you’re asleep. The leftovers in the fridge are for you. I’ll be in the car waiting for you to clock out,” Cissie whispered. Bart smiled at her. It wasn’t her fault. He had to keep reminding himself of that, but the tension in his body felt exactly like a rubberband. He had to snap sooner or later.
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that1girloverthere · 3 years
Teaching the Stiff 
*warning* contains LOTS of smut
"Okay so what do you want to do?" He asks, eyes meeting mine in the hazy light of the sunset. His curtains open to the otherwise dark room, his fourth floor view one to envy.
A nervous laugh falls from my lips, my eyes falling to his bare chest. "I don't know, I've never done anything like this before."
"Well that much is obvious," he smirks. As I start to snap back at him his hand finds it's way to my hip, pulling me forward onto his lap. The satin fabric of his sheets brush my skin through the rips in my jeans.
"How do you feel about this?" He asks me, his voice lowered now that I'm pressed against him. My legs find their place on either side of his, my hands dangle at my sides.
Through a shaky breath I reply, "I like it."
He nods, that smirk still on his lips. "You can touch me, you know?" I stare down at my floating hands, then his chest. I let them find their way to his body, the tips of my fingers entwining in his patch of chest hair, the skin underneath is warm.
"That's better." He replies.
"Tell me what to do." My hands shake slightly as I speak, needing some kind of instruction.
"Ah, ah, ah. This was your idea, remember? You get to make the calls here."
My breath shakes in my chest, my eyes stuck on the thick black blocks of tattoo that rise up his neck.
"Okay." I get out, the word rushed and in no way as confident as I would like it to sound.
My hand moves with a mind of its own, my fingertips brushing over the slight scruff that decorates his jaw. I let my eyes meet his and I'm granted a wave of heat over my body at the look he gives me. His pupils have overtaken the normally stark grey irises, leaving him to stare at me like a predator does to prey. My fingers' movements pause; concern briefly flashes across his features.
"You good?"
God, even his voice has become darker.
"Yeah, yeah..." I wobble through the sentence. "Well, no." His hands leave my waist with the release of that single word, making a cold chill run up my back at the loss of warmth.
"Wait," I use my hands to guide his back to their original place, making eye contact yet again. "I still want to do this, I just really need some instruction here."
The cocky grin on his face nearly makes me lose it as he speaks, "Alright, but tell me to stop if it gets too much for you."
Before I can reply his lips are connected to mine, all brain process lost to his movements. His hands run over my hips, one settling in my back pocket, the other at my waistline. A gentle push has me meeting his lap fully, making my hips buck instinctively.
A sigh comes from his lips and my cheeks are set aflame.
He bites my bottom lip lightly, making me gasp and granting him full access to my mouth. His tongue is warm as it slides around my mouth making me pout when he pulls away.
"Why did you-" I'm cut off when his lips touch my neck. They work their way down, gently nipping and licking as he goes.
Goosebumps follow the path his hands make beneath my shirt, getting closer and closer to my peaked nipples all while his lips never leave my neck and jaw. He cups me in his palm, a finger passing over the bud, making me moan.
"No bra, huh?" He taunts, his voice husky.
"Shut up." I manage to gasp out.
His hands continue along their path, his thumb continuing to tease me. My head tilts back and my eyes shut slightly, my breath coming out in sighs.
Before I know what I'm doing I push myself against him, rocking back and forth, searching for any kind of friction.
He groans and my stomach flips.
His fingers grasp the bottom of my shirt, "Off." I let him take it over my head, arms raised.
For a moment he sits there, staring at me and I can't help but feel the urge to cover up, my hands leaving his body to shield myself from his view.
He shakes his head, "Don't, you look good."
Placing my hands back on his chest for me, he leans in slowly, letting his lips gently glide over my neck. He makes his way down to my breasts, nipping and sucking at the raised flesh. A moan escapes me at his ministrations. My back arches in response.
Before I realize what's happening i'm being flipped onto my back, Eric laying over me.
His eyes lock on mine for a moment and the sheer lust in the stare almost breaks me. His lips trail down my body, occasionally biting at the sensitive skin, only to run a soothing tongue over the area before continuing.
My hands grip the sheets above my head, holding me to reality.
"Lift your legs up," his voice is so gravelly it shocks me but I do as he says, my hips rising as the jeans I didn't even realize were unbuttoned are slid from my body. I lay there, naked besides the small piece of fabric I somehow call underwear. His gaze makes me miss the feeling of his lips on my breasts.
"What are you waiting for?" I mean to taunt, the infliction is all off however thanks to a new rasp in my voice I've never heard before.
He lets out a small chuckle. "Easy there, Stiff or I might start to think you're a Dauntless."
I raise myself onto my elbows, staring forward to the man seated between my legs.
"I am Dauntless." I say but it doesn't seem to convince him.
He raises his eyebrows as if referencing the clear "Stiff" behavior I had moments before. How this entire time I've yet to do more than lay there and moan.
Fine, two can play at that game.
I fully stand from the bed, and turn to face him. Trying my best to ignore my nakedness, I come close to his face, placing hands on his shoulders.
"Lay down." I command, not sure how I manage to pull off the air of confidence.
He seems surprised but does as I say, moving further onto the bed, his head resting at the headboard.
I trail my hands down his body, starting at his neck. Leaning forward I let my tongue follow the path my hand takes, tracing over his skin.
A sigh vaguely resembling my name comes from his lips and it only spurs me on.
His skin tastes slightly salty and I can't get enough. Without thinking I let my hand travel past his navel, my fingers sweeping over his waistband. I run my nails gently over the exposed skin, making his hips buck. I smirk in satisfaction.
"Quit playing." He groans, eyes set intensely on mine.
"Be patient." I retort, not giving him time to snap at me again as I let my hand fully dip beneath his sweatpants and boxers. The skin I'm met with is softer than any other on his body and I can't stop myself from gliding my fingertips over it multiple times.
I wrap my hand around his length, new to the experience but trying to remember the advice I was given by my friends through the years. Twisting my wrist slightly with each rise and fall, I sit in awe at the sounds that come from Eric's mouth.
Just as I feel his body tensing beneath my hand, I let go. Attempting to make quick work, I move to pull off his remaining clothing but find it impossible with a his unrelenting weight bearing down on one side of it.
I give him a look at my predicament and he moves to rise from the bed, playfully pinching my exposed nipple in the process. He chuckles at my uncontrollable moan.
I watch as he stands in front of me, finding myself on my knees before him, a faint scratch of fabric against my shins. His eyes stare down at me as he slowly removes his last articles of clothing, his entire being nude for me to observe. Its impressive, though I'd be damned before I admit that to him.
"Well?" He taunts, seeing as though I'm at a loss for words.
His cock stands at attention directly in front of my face, larger than I ever realized it was. Gripping him in my hand again, I take my time deciding to taste him. My tongue darting out to lick from his base to the tip, letting my entire mouth encircle him when I reach the end.
His hips buck slightly, a hand coming down to grip the back of my head, tangling in my hair. A moan escapes him and it shoots right to my core, burning me up.
Just as I'm about to take him fully, he pulls my head away from him, a pop sounding at the release of my lips from him. Faster than I though was possible, I'm being pushed onto my back, hands tearing at my last scrap of clothing, my underwear being thrown off to the side.
"My turn," he practically growls. I stare at him, body practically pulsating with need and lust. His callused hands grips my knees, making my legs bend and then spread, exposing myself to him fully. He gives my body a long, hungered look before leaning down. He starts at my thighs, kissing and biting them to the point that I feel like I could combust.
"Quit playing," I say, a mirror to what he said moments ago. I feel more than see his smirk as he at last stops the assault, and begins a new one. When his tongue touches me my eyes roll into the back of my head, a moan that just might be his name rasping out of me. In all my years I never knew it could feel this good.
He goes to work on me, lips sucking at my clit, tongue flicking against it. My back arches and my hands search for something, anything, to grab on to. One finds its way into his hair, the other the sheets beneath us.
"Fuck Eric, don't stop," I gasp. My body starts to tense and I know what's coming.
Eric seems to too, as he replaces his mouth with his hand, moving against me in ways I know I'll crave for the rest of my life. His eyes meet mine while he sucks on the skin around my sensitive area. I can barely see him through the building haze.
"That's it," he says, voice deep and powerful, the voice of a leader. "Cum for me like a good girl."
And with that, I do.
My vision falters and if I didn't know any better I would dare to say I passed out for a moment. My legs shake in satisfaction and I can't help but stare in awe at the man that is still between my legs.
"Come here," I nearly growl. With a hand on his jaw I taste myself on his lips, letting my fingers drift around his torso. He groans as I reach the deep V his muscles make at his waist.
"Are you sure about this?" He asks, hand reaching back down to rub against my folds, making my hips buck uncontrollably.
I'm nodding long before I can gather enough breath to answer.
"Yes," I plead. "Please, Eric."
He kisses me again, softer than before, but still with a hunger I didn't think was possible. I feel him shift against me and where his fingers - and mouth - were moments earlier the pressure of his head rests. A hand holding himself, I watch as he guides his dick to rub my clit. A similar heat builds inside of me again and I let out a sigh.
"You like that?" He questions.
I'm about to reply when his thumb replaces his member and I sense a deep pressure begin. With a gentleness I didn't know the feared leader could have, he enters me, leaving me feeling full beyond thought.
His hips begin to move, slow and deliberate, thumb moving in time.
"Oh, God." I gasp, hips pushing to meet his. A different kind of pleasure takes over and I fade in and out of reality for a moment.
"Such a dirt girl," He comments. He thrusts into me, hand reaching up to pinch my peaked nipple. "No wonder you left Abnegation. Imagine what they would think of you now, being a little slut for me."
My cheeks burn with his words but a sense of euphoria rushes through me at his degradation and praise.
He's mid movement when he flips us over, never disconnecting from me. I sit above him, his back fully against the bed, my knees digging into the sheets. He grips the back of my neck, pulling my hair slightly as he forces me down to his level, his eyes on mine.
"Now, ride me." He releases his grip on me, but quickly relocates it on my hips. I rise from my position, letting myself bounce on his cock, hearing the sounds our bodies make as they slaps together.
My hand drifts to his throat, simply resting there, feeling the fast pulse beneath the skin. I let my back arch, knowing full well that my breasts are directly over his face and feeling empowered by it.
My thrusts quickly get erratic and I can feel him begin to tense beneath me.
"I'm getting close," I practically moan, my legs shaking again. With that, his hand finds its way back to my clit, his callused fingers teasing the bundle of nerves.
"Let go," He says, out of breath. His skin glistens with sweat, his thighs twitching under me.
"Eric... Eric... fuck." I topple over the edge, shouting his name loud enough that all of Chicago can hear. My body becomes limp but he holds me up with his hands, grabbing at my ass as he thrusts into me with newfound speed.
I listen, dazed and over stimulated, as he groans and echoes my name back to me.
Slowly, he slips out of me, leaving me shivering and feeling empty. I lay on his chest, not having the bodily ability to move myself just yet.
"How was it?" He asks, wiping my sweat slicked hair from my face, kissing my forehead.
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Dauntless: Daddy Dearest (Part 10)
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Eric x OC
Warnings: Language, Violence, Smut
"Come on, buddy, you're doing so good. Just a little farther --- that's my boy!" I said proudly, grinning from ear to ear where I knelt on the floor, holding my hands out to my son. He crawled towards me, wobbly still on his knees, fat limbs shuffling forward until he's within reach. I lifted him up proudly, and he gave me a peel of giggles as I brought him down to plant a loud kiss on his soft tummy.
Camille laughed softly from where she sat on the sofa, her hands curled around a steaming cup of coffee as I kept the loaf entertained. I'm insanely proud of him for crawling, and he's only five months old, which is ahead of the other babies his age!
Okay, so his type of crawling was still sort of scooting on his stomach or butt, but we're working on it.
Already he's the best baby in Dauntless!
I grinned at him as I set him down on his feet, bouncing him a little as he gave me a toothless grin, his eyes wide and taking everything in. Admittedly, even though I cared about him when he was a tiny loaf, being able to interact with him a little more is better.
"I have to run to the Pit to pick up some things for Kai, do you want to come?" Camille asked after a moment, setting her coffee to the side.
I hesitated. I hadn't been to the Pit in a while, other then to drop Kai off at daycare. I had never actually been down there with Camille and Kai, not just casually.
"Sure," I said after a moment, unsure if I meant it. I mean, I had a reputation to keep, of being a badass, pretty cruel and heartless as a matter of fact. Could I still keep that up when I was carrying the kid around and holding shopping bags?
"He just needs some new clothes, he's getting too big for his already." Camille said, oblivious to my internal struggle.
"Well, he's a growing boy," I chuckled, holding his hands as he wobbled back and forth on his feet, legs not quite strong enough to hold him yet. "When does he start getting teeth?"
"Like I have any clue." she shrugged her shoulders, slowly getting to her feet and stretching her arms over her head. "When he starts wailing and we have to buy those little teething rings, I guess. Or when he bites you and it actually has an affect."
I snorted, letting Kai drop by onto the rug on his back. He flailed his little fat legs a minute before rolling onto his stomach, reaching for my shoe laces.
"He's going to get all the ladies when he's older."
"Oh yeah?" Camille sounded amused as she moved past me, her fingers brushing through my hair as she started for the bedroom.
"Yeah. He'll have plenty of girlfriends by choosing day."
"As long as he doesn't get any of them pregnant."
"I never did. I only ever fucked up with you." I called to her, handing Kai one of his toys to smash repeatedly against the ground and shove in his mouth. "And look how long I managed."
"Let's hope he takes more after you then," she sighed, returning with a jacket for him. "And doesn't give us a shock as soon as he hits puberty."
I smirked. "Not to worry, I'll show him how to be careful. We won't get anyone pregnant, will we?" I cooed at him thoughtlessly, taking the jacket and helping get his arms in it. "Nope. And if we do, we get to know what catrastion is."
"I'm just saying! Neither of us are going to raise it for him."
"We don't even know how to raise him right, let's not talk about our grandchildren." She grimaced, picking him up and setting him on her hip. "That makes me feel incredibly old."
"Ah, you're going to age well, don't worry."
"And you're going to go bald and get fat, right?"
"Nope. I'll shave my head, no one will notice."
"Well, if you keep eating all his cookies, someone's going to notice that gut," she tossed over her shoulder, and I rolled my eyes as I clambered to my feet.
So baby cookies taste good, yeesh.
I lifted Kai up into my arms, he still happily gnawing on his toy as Camille grabbed a few other things. She looked badass as usual, black jeans tucked into her boots that made her ass look great, her black --- actually that was my jacket she was wearing.
"I thought you had that made for me," I smirked, holding Kai easily in my arms as he kicked his legs, bright eyes taking everything in.
She glanced down, then shrugged. "When I moved in it became mutual property."
"Ahuh." I gave her a quick kiss, taking the keys from her and offering her the child in return. She sighed as she took him in her arms, propping him in the crook of her arm.
"Should we take the carrier?"
"Do you really want to lug it around the crowded Pit? How long are we gonna be?"
"An hour, maybe?"
"Ah, we can carry him around," I said, holding the apartment door open for her, tapping the heel of my boot against the floor. "He'll be tuckered out pretty soon."
"You've not seen him when he gets his second wind."
"How about this one?"
"Eric, that's too big."
"He'll grow into it." I looked down at the black thing in my hand. It actually wasn't that big, which made me remember how small the loaf really was.
Camille sighed at me, shifting Kai over to the other arm. He had a fistful of her hair already, but she didn't even seem to care if he got drool in it; she must be immune.
I glanced around the small clothing store, finding it didn't have too many people inside. I wasn't much of a shopper, just when I really needed something, so I wasn't exactly comfortable, not that anyone could tell. I didn't know any of the Dauntless inside, not off the top of my head, so that meant they were just peons.
"The new recruits are finally allowed to wander around," Camille said after a moment, picking at some yellow baby blankets with animals on it.
"Yeah. I saw a few of them trying to get into the bar." I frowned, glancing back out the open door. "Tako had to toss their assess out."
"Fuck, I miss the bar," Camille groaned softly, Kai snuggling his face into her neck. "I miss going out and getting plastered and having to go to your place because I'm too drunk to go to mine."
I snorted at the memory. "We've been living together for a few years now."
"And what's your point? Think that I was sober enough to remember that?"
I grinned; we always had great drunk sex.
Possibly how Kai came along tho.
"Why don't you go out one night then?" I asked, propping my arm along one rack of clothes as I looked down at her. "I can watch the loaf and you can relax."
"You want me to leave him alone with you?"
"I'm his father."
"You're also the one who can't swaddle."
"What the Fuck is even the point of that bullshit?" I scoffed, letting my hand rest on my belt. "Its unnecessary! Put him in his bouncy thing or his carrier and he's fine."
Camille rolled her eyes at me, grabbing another outfit by the hanger and holding it up.
"Hell look like a little bitch in that."
"Eric, he's five months old."
"Yeah, and he has a reputation to uphold. No little bitch outfits."
She glared at me, but did put the outfit back up. I doubted she'd ever ask me to go shopping again, but that's fine with me.
"Camille, Eric."
I glanced over the rack, narrowing my gaze as I saw Four and his bitch girlfriend; I never used to think of her like that, but that's all Camille ever used to describe the Stiff.
"Four." Camille gave him a friendly smile. "You two out shopping too?"
"Yeah. The initiates are free tonight, thought we'd take a break as well." Four said, and it was all I could do not to roll my eyes.
I'm surprised the guy knew how to relax.
"Your baby is getting so big," his girlfriend offered after a moment, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"You don't have to tell me that," Camille chuckled, shuffling him slightly. "He's growing up fast."
Not that fast.
Kai snoozed on her shoulder, completely oblivious to the world as his mother made annoying small talk with the enemy. I didn't see why we were even acknowledging him, even should be somewhere else being a smartass.
"Eric, can you take him?"
I blinked, focusing and realizing Camille was handing me a fussy baby before her words processed. I reached out automatically, taking the squirming loaf and resting him against my shoulder. His face puckered the second he was away from his mother, and I could see it, the deep inhale as he prepared to let out a death defying wail of discontent.
I shoved the pacifier in his mouth so quick he blinked, and he actually looked up at me accusingly, as if I'd ruined his big crescendo.
Sorry, kiddo.
Not today.
Camille jabbered a few more minutes before Four and his girlfriend finally left, giving us some peace. I might have gone down a little on the intimidation scale holding my kid, I'd have to earn some more respect soon; I didn't like people looking at me and thinking I've gone soft.
"What about this one?" Camille asks, looking through a few more things. "He's growing so quick, I guess they do need to be a little bigger to accommodate."
"Yup," I watched as Kai practiced his spit bubbles, getting some drool on my shirt I ignored. My eyes flicked around uncomfortably, but no one was paying the two of us any attention. It's not unusual for kids to be frolicking during the later evening, or for people to have their little ones with them; I just never thought I would be one of those people.
"Can you imagine what it would be like if we had a second one?" Camille muttered, hearing the wail of someone's kid. She glanced at Kai, but he was falling asleep again, drool running down his chin and dripping onto his bib thing. She sighed as she wiped at his face with it, shaking her head.
"He sleeps like you do."
"I don't drool."
"So you think."
I rolled my eyes, shifting the loaf a little when my arm ached. He's getting to be a pretty hefty little thing.  
"Have you found enough yet?" I sighed, growing impatient the more we wandered around. "It's been longer than an hour and he'll never sleep tonight."
"Yeah, I think we do." She grimaced, looking at the tiny clothes draped over her arm. "At the rate he's going, though, we're going to have to do this again next month."
"Yes, we. It's not going to hurt you to come out with him in public."
"I go out with him in public."
"You take him to daycare, and that's like five minutes. You can't just spend time with him in the apartment and never go out with him."
"He doesn't care, he can't even walk yet."
"Yes, but ---."
"You just want people to see me out with him, don't you? Trying to ruin my reputation."
"Eric, for fuck's sake."
I chuckled, glancing at the dark-haired baby snuggled up into my neck, his little fist clenched in my t shirt. I didn't mind that much, if I was being honest, but it meant I was going to have to be pretty harsh when it came to the initiates and their training if they saw me. Just because I was a softy when it came to my kid, didn't mean I wouldn't kick their ass regardless.
"Did you want to see Tori while you were here?" I asked after a moment, her eyes flicking over to me in surprise. "I know it's been a bit."
"Well, I wouldn't care, but we can't bring Kai in the tattoo shop. And we have all this stuff, so we should just ---."
"I can just take it all back to the apartment, it's not a big deal. You said you wanted some time to relax."
"Yeah, I do, but you're going to be alone with Kai for a few hours."
"I literally am the only one who gets up at night with him, I think I can handle it. I have mastered the art of ---."
"Don't you fucking say swaddling. You turned him into a Q-tip last time."
I shrugged my shoulders. "He was fine, wasn't he? Don't be so worried, it's not like I'll drop him."
I grinned at her, feeling Kai's fingers flex against my chest. "Trust me, if I can kill someone with just a knife in three feet of water and with only one good eye, I can take care of a baby for a few hours."
"Somehow, I don't think those are comparable, Eric." She didn't look impressed, but I figured I could do something nice for her for once. She should go out and see Tori, even though I knew the tattoo artist didn't like me much; I didn't blame her, I was an asshole, but I considered Camille to be my redeeming quality.
Well, her and the loaf.
Without these two, I'd be just as bad as Mel and I knew it.
"Well, little man, it's just the two of us," I stated, dropping the bags onto the coffee table. Kai ignored me, kicking his fat legs a minute to let me know he wanted down. He rousted up a little on the walk back, and we didn't meet too many people, so I figured my badass reputation was probably still in tact.
I leaned down, sitting him on the rug and nudging one of those inflatable chew toys at him; having a baby wasn't too far from having a puppy.
Kai's fingers closed around the toy, and I watched as it immediately went to his mouth. He seemed so small, sitting on the rug, barely tall enough to go past the top of my boot. It still felt strange, knowing that I had a kid, someone who relied on me solely for their protection and their life; he wouldn't survive without someone looking after him.
I looked down at my hands, at the scars crawling across my skin, the rough patches from years of fighting and using weapons. I was a trained killer, I had murdered more people than I'd ever saved, and I didn't regret any of it. I used to think I didn't even have a conscious, that maybe that part of me just didn't exist --- turns out I was wrong.
Growing up in Erudite, everything was different. I grew up tall and lanky almost immediately, but my height didn't matter there. The nerds, the most intelligent of us, those are who got the most attention, who everyone cared about. My parents were just like all the rest, scientists who worked with the Erudite leader. That was the only reason I knew Jeanine Matthews, why she always wanted me to be around during the meetings; I was a familiar face, even though I'd defected to a faction that I belonged in.
I'd always liked fighting, I was bigger than most of those my age, and I didn't take their shit just because I didn't catch on as quick as they did. They might be smart, but I could pack a punch a lot better than they could.
So what would Kai be?
I sat down on the edge of the sofa, watching him for a few moments.
Would he be a fighter like me and Camille? She was born here, and her parents before her, so her bloodline ran strong in Dauntless. Would he take after her, show leadership, show ambition and want to do good for himself in life? Would he be strategic, be able to read people and understand that you can't trust even those you've grown up with?
Would he be smart? Peaceful? Would he defect to another faction if he felt he didn't fit in?
Would he think we wouldn't love him if he didn't?
This kid meant the world to me, without doubt, and I'd kill over him just like I did his mother. I would give my life protecting him, even if he grew up to hate me because I was hard on him. I wanted him to be strong, able to take care of himself no matter where he let life take him --- so long as he didn't end up factionless.
That's what I was worried about, though. What if he didn't like this faction? I had a lineage to uphold, I intended to be the leader of Dauntless one day, and I couldn't very well have my own showing me up and leaving, now could I? that's why I wondered if maybe we shouldn't have another kid, just in case Kai didn't --- fuck, I sounded like an asshole, even to myself.
We couldn't handle a second one right now, Camille wouldn't have it, and honestly I didn't want one. We were just now getting our sleep schedules back to normal, getting our lives back on track, and I didn't want to fuck that up.
Camille was working with the initiates, and her separation anxiety over being away from the loaf was getting better and better. I didn't want to go through all that with another baby, her being so attached and clawing me eyes out if I even suggested sending it to daycare early.
So no, we'd just stick with Kai right now.
And what if he had a brother? What would we even call it? Or a girl? I wouldn't know what to do with a girl, and I wasn't sure if we could get another apartment or not. Generally two kids is about the limit when it comes to procreating, just because of how our housing arrangements are.
So we couldn't have more than that.
I sighed, and reached forward to brush my fingers through Kai's black curls. Right now he just had a lot of fuzz, sticking up in every direction,but he made it work pretty well.
"C'mere, buddy." I reached for him, curling my hands around his small torso and lifting him up. "Let's get you some supper, shall we? Then it's bed time."
Kai didn't look pleased at that.
"So, tomorrow the initiates are taking their expedition out to the wall." Camille said as she stood beside me in the training room, stretching her arms over her head. I glanced down as her shirt came up, revealing her stomach, one red scar visible for a few seconds before her hands returned to her hips; she'd kept a little weight on after Kai was born, but she was fit, so she was already slimming up again.
"Yeah. Four's taking them, isn't he?"
"So I heard."
"That doesn't give us much to do then, does it?" I smirked, letting my hands rest in my pockets. Right now the initiates were practicing their knife throws, either hitting the wooden targets before them or missing terribly. My eyes flicked around, wondering who I could pick on and make an example out of.
"We'll get a little extra time, I guess."
"Does anyone else know about the field trip?"
"Uh, I figure so, why?"
"No reason." I muttered, keeping my thoughts to myself. I suddenly had a great idea to get Camille up on a rooftop and fuck the hell out of her; I missed hearing her gasps and loud moans, we had to be too quiet right now.
We had a time bomb in the other room, after all.
Camille ran a tired hand through her hair, and finally she stepped forward, getting onto one of the initiates for slacking. She grabbed his wrist, lifting his hand and showing him how he should be holding his weapon. He frowned, but listened, so at least he wasn't a bitch about criticism.
I glared at the one beside him who appreciated her ass.
Again, how many times was I going to have to show these boys manners? They might not be Dauntless born, but I thought respect was something all factions had. She wasn't here for their fucking enjoyment, she was their superior, and it didn't matter how nice of a piece of ass she was, I would break their fingers and shove them in their eye sockets if they so much as leered at her!
I seethed silently to myself, making a mental note for the next war game we had.
I was shooting that one in the balls.
"Why do you look ready to tear someone's head off?"
"This is just how I look."
"True." Zeke chuckled as he stepped beside me, slouching a little. I glanced at his mohawk, at the snake tattoo crawling across his skin and multiple piercings. I thought he was a lazy smuck, but Camille liked him well enough and he'd gotten her a baby gift when Kai was born. "How's your kid doing?"
"You and Camille good?"
I glared at him; he asked too many questions.
"Hey, just trying to make conversation."
The fucker had kissed my girlfriend once, I hadn't forgotten that despite it was a few years back. I owed him a good beating, and one day I'd give it to him.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I grumbled, watching the initiates again and doing my best to ignore him.
"Don't you? You don't have to be here all the time looking after them. I get you're just spending time with Camille, but ---."
"You have no idea what my job is." I interrupted him, scowling as I looked down at him. Actually, he was right, I didn't have to be here, but I didn't like leaving Camille by herself with these punks. If they got out of hand, I wanted to be able to beat their asses so she wouldn't have too. Max hadn't called me in for any undercover missions, I hadn't actually shot a gun since I got back to Dauntless, everything had been peaceful.
For now, but it never lasted. I was just sort of waiting every day for when I would be called in, if I was even still in that sort of position. Max knew he could trust me, I'd never failed him so far, but I wasn't naive, I knew he would turn on me one day.
So I'd have to kill him then, and I worried if it would be sooner than I'd like.
Kai was still so little, and I had some allies to make if I wanted to overthrow him.
Mel, of course, would be on my side, just because she's a bitch and loves to fight. We'd been through so much shit, I knew she always had my back, no matter what the situation.
She, however, would not be enough. I needed more, which meant... fuck, I was going to have to be convincing.
I propped my chin on my hand, gazing around the room, listening to the pings of knives embedding themselves in the wood.
Did I really want to start a war in Dauntless? Half of us would be loyal to Max regardless, because he's our rightful leader and I would just be a traitor. Plus, no one liked me, but I didn't blame them.
Still, I didn't want to just be someone's hitman for the rest of my life, not anymore. I figured I was advanced as possible at this point, and really, admittedly, as long as I kept going as I was, I'd be fine. Keep murdering some people here, do some dirty work there, and I'd always have a place.
If I did try to overthrow Max, and I failed, he would without doubt come after Camille and Kai. He would come after them mercilessly and I'm not sure anyone would stand up for him --- at the very least he'd kill Camille, even if it looked like an accident.
Did I really want to endanger them just because I wanted rid of Max and his job? Who's to say I would even get to retain it should I win, anyway?
There's so many risks to mutiny.
But... if I had the backing of another faction...
"You're thinking up something devious, aren't you?"
I glanced down as Camille came to stand beside me, bumping her shoulder into my arm.
"I can always tell when your plans are maniacal."
I chuckled, discreetly letting my hand rest along her lower back, as if it wasn't well-known already we were a couple. I tried to keep it strictly professional when we were working, except for the spontaneous fucking sessions, but sometimes it felt nice to relax a little.
"They're not maniacal."
"Yeah? Then what are they about?"
I couldn't tell her; not only would she not agree, she'd pitch a fit because what we had now was stable. We have a nice apartment, nicer than we should, and a baby who needs our full attention; I shouldn't even have time to be plotting a mutiny.
But hell, what else am I going to think about in my free moments?
"You'll find out later," I merely say, giving her a smirk as I cut my eyes down at her. She narrowed hers up at me, her long black hair falling loosely down her shoulders. I knew she hated it when I said things like that.
"That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, Eric."
Camille moaned against my lips as I pressed her against the brick wall of the building, my hands on her hips.
Of course, as soon as Four had taken those initiates on their trip, I'd grabbed her and drug her up here to have my terrible way with her. It had only taken my three seconds and a rough push into the wall to turn her on, and, well, it felt nice to be back up here.
We'd used to sneak off all the time up here, it's sort of our spot. We'd fucked here so many times when we were supposed to be working I couldn't even count, and I'm honestly a little surprised that no one ever caught up.
Plus, Camille is a screamer when she's really feeling it.
I cradled the back of her head as I kissed her, my tongue delving into her mouth. I wanted to make it explicitly clear to her that we're going to fuck up here, but so far she didn't seem to mind. Her eyes are closed, her fingers curled against my shoulders as she gave into me, just like always.
I loved kissing her, how sweet she tasted, how soft her lips were. I'd never been much for kissing, just a few make out sessions before I pushed things more towards the heavier side, but with Camille it was a little different. She liked kissing, she liked the long, slow kisses, the soft ones, the gentle pecks that caught her off guard. I was more affectionate with her than I had ever been with anyone else, mostly because she didn't expect it but liked it so much.
I eased my fingers a little lower, popping open the button of her jeans as I placed warm kisses along her neck. She tightened her fingers on my shoulders, titling her head to give me more access as my teeth graze her skin. I wasn't going to mark her neck, but the rest of her was a completely different story.
"We haven't done this in a while," she breathed, her nails raking down the front of my t shirt hard enough to make my skin sting. Her fingers tugged on my belt, getting it open before I could even offer to help.
"I figured we should make up for lost time," I nipped at her ear, feeling her hips shuffle against mine. "I think our blankets and shit are still up here, too."
"Who says we ever used them?"
I smirked slightly at the thought, keeping my lips on her neck as she opened my belt, tugging hard enough to move my hips as she brought them lower. I started slightly as her hand slipped into my shorts, curling around my hardening cock and giving it a few good strokes to make me groan. Her thumb brushes my head before her nails trail upwards, and I closed my eyes. Fuck, that felt good to have someone touch me again, our sex life had been so miserable until lately.
Her hand tightened, giving just enough pressure to make my hips want to buck forward. All I could think about was fucking her, taking her up against the wall just like old times. This woman knew all my weaknesses, how to get me off with just hot whispers of words in my ear and a twist of her wrist.
I nibbled along her ear, trying to stay focused, to not arch into her hand like some adolescent.
"Do you have a condom?" She asked breathlessly, and I snorted, forcing myself to lean up slightly. She had me in quite a spot to be asking me that now.
Fortunately. "Yeah, I got some. No worries."
She looked relieved, but then her lips were on mine, drawing me into a hard kiss as her hand left my cock. I didn't waste any time, my hands going to her jeans, jerking them down her hips the best I could as I pressed her back up into the wall. I had so many ideas in my head on how I wanted to take her, I wasn't sure I could pick just one --- face-first against the wall, both of us on the ground, her on top of me --- fuck, so many options!
Somehow, we both ended up on the ground, her under me on the rooftop. I kissed her hard, hearing the clink of my belt buckle occasionally as I pushed my hips teasingly into hers. She was already hot, her skin flushed, and I never had to work too hard to get her wet for me.
Her hands cup my face as my fingers slip between her thighs. I kiss her deeply, my tongue moving against hers, wishing more than anything I could strip us completely naked and not have to worry about someone catching us; that's sort of the thrill though, someone coming in, seeing me fucking the daylights out of my woman and hearing her moans; I wasn't shy about the fact I was a great fuck, that I knew what I was doing, and Camille never used to be.
Although she did have some limits.
I pressed a finger against her clit, just enough to make her shiver beneath me, her head pillowed by my jacket. I teasingly dip lower, feeling her wet folds, the warmth waiting for me there with a heavy sigh. I'd missed her body so bad, I'd --- I'd missed all of this. I lightly circle her clit, keeping just enough pressure until her hips are rocking up into mine, her kisses becoming more breathless and her sharp gasp perfect.
I chuckled against her lips as her thighs clenched around my legs, my fingers finally delving lower, feeling how wet she really was for me.
I propped myself on my elbow, nibbling along her jaw, my fingers coasting across her skin. I teased her core, watching as her eyes closed, as she let herself enjoy my touch. She's already a little shaky beneath me, her fingers clenching in my shirt, and I loved watching her get off. I pressed harder against her clit until she gasped, her hips surging up against my hand as I slipped my finger inside of her.
"Still so tight," I purred in her ear, running my tongue along the curve of her throat. "I can't wait to feel that tight cunt around me again."
"You're all big talk, aren't you?" She said breathlessly, cutting her dark eyes at me. Her lips are parted, cheeks growing red, especially when I began to thrust my finger inside of her rather mercilessly. I slipped a second one, making sure to keep my thumb on her clit, her desire starting to coat my palm the rougher I got; Camille didn't usually like it when I was easy on her.
"Mmm, fuck, Eric," she groaned, and I smirked, gazing down at her. I wanted her to cum, I wanted to feel her writhing under me and know that I was the only guy that could make her feel like this. Her body squirmed, but I didn't let up, not until I could feel her muscles starting to clench.
I kissed her quickly as I pulled away from her, hearing her whine of dissent. I gave a chuckle as I brought my fingers to my lips, sighing as I felt her taste on my tongue. Her eyes flicked open, watching as I ran my tongue along them. her own lips parting.
"I want to taste more of you," I murmured, my voice husky as I shuffled. I dropped between her thighs, curling my fingers around them and peeling them wide. She hefted herself up onto her elbows, her eyes flicking almost nervously to the roof door before back to me.
Yeah, we didn't have a lot of time, but I was confident enough that she'd be getting off before the next train came by --- and if not, guess we'd just have an audience. It was hot today, the sun was beating down on us and already my body felt damp, but the breeze helped. It could have been raining and it wouldn't have stopped me, I just would have fucked her in the stairwell instead, cameras be damned.
Not like we haven't before.
I felt her nails brush against my scalp before her fingers curled into my short hair, hips already shifting where I'd have an easier time. I didn't wait to bring my mouth to her heat, hearing her inhale sharply as I kissed her wet lips.
I slowly draw my tongue up her folds, hearing her loud moan as her head immediately drops back in pleasure. Her taste coats my tongue, and my second lick is much harder, teasing her clit before slipping back down. I seal my lips against her, delving my tongue inside of her like I'm kissing her all over again.
Her hips buck almost instantly, her fingers clenching against my hair as I thrust my tongue inside of her, twisting and curling it in all the ways I knew she liked. She writhed slightly, but I had never been known to be any kind of merciful; my fingers pinched her clit, and this time when she moaned, it was my name.
That's my girl.
I rolled the sensitive bud between my fingers, feeling her thighs trembling against my shoulders as my tongue rolled through her heat. She was soaking at this point, and I hummed as her desire flooded my mouth. She wasn't far from cumming, she just needed a little push.
I sealed my lips around her clit, giving a harsh suck just as two fingers thrusted into her. Camille gasped, and her hips back up against my hand as she clamped her fingers against her mouth, trying not to shriek. I tried not to grin as I kept a harsh pace, sucking on her clit and rolling my tongue around it until she was whimpering, writhing helplessly against my mouth.
"E-Eric ---!"
"Cum, Camille." My eyes flicked up to hers where she looked at me, those dark eyes dilated as her chest moved heavily. I needed her to cum, to know I hadn't lost my edge, that I was pleasuring her until she couldn't control herself anymore. From the heavy breathes leaving those swollen lips, I figured she only had about one, two, three more thrusts ---.
She cried out immediately, her thighs suddenly tight around my face as she came against my lips, her entire body shuddering with pleasure. I sighed in relief, slowly running my tongue through her wet folds, rather pleased with myself.
My cock throbbed against my thigh as I listened to her pant, try to regain her composure. It was hard to ignore the fact that my girlfriend was beautiful, and hot, and that her body was wet and waiting for me. My fingers caressed her outer thighs, watching her, waiting for her to return to her senses so I could fuck her and make her cum again.
We probably had another thirty minutes to an hour left, and I didn't intend on wasting one second of it.
I gave her thigh a quick kiss before I shuffled, pushing up onto my hands and knees and leaning over her. Her fingers rose, brushing my shoulders before cupping my jaw and bringing my lips to hers.
"You haven't lost your touch," she whispered, and I chuckled bumping her nose with mine.
"I know."
I doubted I ever would.
Now to finish what I started.
P.S. If you’re feeling generous, you can leave a tip for me in the tip jar! I have a link in the blog description! :D
Tags: @jcause.    @elaacreditava.       @riegan.   @deathbyamonster @pathybo@buried-in-books   @miss-evil-oneggggggg.  @maquet-lambb.  @jojuarez26. @ljvosscmt    @beltz2016 @magellan-88     @kenzieam     @tigpooh67   @rred87@lauraaan182    @fuckthatfeeling 
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tawneybel · 5 years
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Imagine Eric walking in on you and Peter having your first time. It’s pretty obvious you’re both virgins so your trainer decides to stay and show you what to do.
“Come on, stop playin’ with each other.”
250 notes · View notes