#jake dillinger fluff
Richjake week day four babyyyy
prompt: fire
word count: 2.1k
Summary: Rich struggles to light a candle for a romantic dinner with Jake.
Rich was pretty sure he was going to light the candle wick on fire with just his gaze. 
He’d been there for ten minutes already, the match in his hand unreasonably heavy and the matchbox even more so. It was just a candle. A small, cheap candle he’d bought for $1.39 at a Walgreens down the street. He was going to light it on fire. He was not going to freak out. Jake was going to think it was romantic. 
Everything else was already set up: the usually bare kitchen table they’d snatched from a curb a couple of miles away had been replaced by a smaller, round, dark-wood table and a fancy white tablecloth (the table from a second-hand antique store downtown, the white table cloth from Brooke’s attic—he’d gotten it when Jake and him had returned to Jersey for the holidays. Three months ago.). 
There was a small vase with a single rose at the center. Plates and Jake’s parents’ fancy silverware that had miraculously survived the fire were already set out.
And there was a candle. 
Though it was smaller than almost everything else on the table it seemed to stand tall, looming over Rich with a cruel smirk on its nonexistent waxy lips. 
Rich inhaled a shaky breath. 
He could do this. It was just a candle. There was nothing destructive about a candle. Rich wouldn’t knock it over and catch the tablecloth on fire, then the kitchen, then their entire apartment. Jake wouldn’t come home to ashes instead of his boyfriend and a romantic dinner. Candles were normal. Candles were fine. Rich could light a candle. 
But he could hear the SQUIP’s voice in his head. It’d been disjointed on Halloween, robotic and borderline meaningless. If anyone else had been listening—Jake, Jeremy, Michael—they would’ve heard pure nonsense. The ramblings of a lunatic. 
Rich had understood every word. He didn’t need to hear its voice to feel his entire body being shot with electricity repeatedly. He’d barely been conscious of his own hands as they poured gasoline all over Jake’s bed and in his closet. Fire, fire, fire, fire. He’d done it trembling, half unconscious and half possessed. He could do it now if he wanted. He didn’t. But he could. He just had to…
Rich dropped the match. Dropped the matchbox. He fell to his knees, his body shaking uncontrollably just like it had when it was still in his head, when it’d told him Rich deserved hell manifested on Earth, when it'd forced him to destroy everything he'd ever loved.
He wanted to cover his face, to hide his shame and the tears he knew were boiling over out of his eyes, but he could’ve sworn he saw the residue of gasoline on his fingertips. He couldn’t bear the thought of contaminating the rest of himself with such a destructive, infectious substance. He held his hands out as far as he could, the terror of what he’d done choking him, the weight of it so heavy he thought he could see the floor opening up, swallowing him and everything he’d done since to try and undo what he’d done, to erase—
And suddenly keeping himself pure meant nothing. He pressed his hands against his abdomen, hiding them in his shirt. Just as long as Jake didn’t see, as long as he didn’t get ruined, then Rich would be okay.
Rich hadn’t realized how bad it’d gotten until he tried to respond to Jake and the words burned so bad he couldn’t get them past his throat. He opened his mouth helplessly, every apology he could muster trapped between his teeth, and looked up at Jake for… for something. For help. For comfort. For damnation and guilt-tripping and everything he probably deserved.
Jake dropped his bag and, using his cane for support, knelt in front of Rich. 
“Baby? Hey,” as if he somehow knew of every self-destructive thought that had run through Rich’s head since he’d first bought that candle from goddamn Walgreens, he grabbed both of Rich’s hands and carefully unclenched them, his touch softer than anything Rich had never known. “What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong? It’d been so long since Junior year that being on the floor crying didn’t always mean the fire anymore. Sometimes it was missing his dad. Sometimes it was fear of graduation. Sometimes it had nothing to do with the SQUIP and everything that had happened because of it. 
Rich choked out a sob as he pulled himself closer to Jake, desperate for the warmth he provided. He was a magnetic sun—technically Rich could look at him and see fire and destruction but all he saw were beaches and flowers and summertime. Thank the lord for that. 
“It’s okay,” Jake whispered. He didn’t know what was wrong, yet he said it with visceral confidence—it’s okay. Rich will be okay. Jake will be okay. He ran his hands through Rich’s hair and repeated the words again and again. At some point he tried to slip in other reassurances, things he’d heard from Rich’s therapist—five things you can see, you’re worthy, can you breathe?—but he was cut off by Rich’s murmuring against his shoulder. 
“I just wanted a candle,” he borderline sobbed out, snotty and muffled, “So I could give you dinner and it could be romantic and I’m sorry, I couldn’t do it.”
“Babe—” Jake lifted Rich off his shoulder, a small smile on his face, “—we don’t need a candle for dinner.”
Of course, Jake would say that. Of course, he wouldn’t even notice, the goddamn angel. He wasn’t the one who got dragged to expensive restaurant after expensive restaurant for grand anniversaries and birthdays while struggling with the knowledge that he could never afford any of this on his own. That the paycheck he brought home every month was minuscule compared to even a small percentage of Jake’s fortune. Jake never had to wonder if he was a leech, sucking up spare bits of affection and funds where he could. He didn’t notice the candles and roses at every restaurant they went to. That was Rich’s job.
Rich squeezed his eyes shut against Jake’s open expression. Even faced with complete darkness, he heard Jake’s voice saying, “Deep breaths.”
Rich obliged. One breath in, one breath out, slow and steady, until he could look at it like Jake was: Just a candle. 
“I’m still thoroughly romanced, y’know,” Jake whispered. He cupped Rich’s jaw and ran his thumb over his eyelashes, “I've got those stupid butterflies and all.”
Rich scoffed, the cruise Jake had taken him on for his twenty-first birthday still playing in his mind. The concert they’d gone to for his twenty-second. Objectively, he knew this was enough. He was enough. He’d been to countless therapists and fought endless battles to get to the point where he knew Jake didn't need more than this, that money didn’t matter, that Jake loved him for things like this, but that doubt—bitter, poisonous, ruinous—hovered, waiting for its moment to sink its teeth into Rich’s skin. 
“Yeah,” Rich replied, and it was more to himself than it was to Jake—a vocalization of his own self-deprecating thoughts, not meant for anyone else to hear, “Romanced enough to marry me?”
He didn’t realize what he’d said until he felt Jake’s hand go slack on his face. Fuck. Fuck, no, he had a fucking speech. He wasn’t supposed to say that—
Rich looked up, eyes wide, everything else blurred and forgotten—fuck candles and fuck money and fuck the dinner he planned, he’d just accidentally fucking proposed. All he saw was Jake’s expression, all he felt was lightning in his chest and stomach. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
“Hm?” Jake squeaked. He looked about as shell-shocked as Rich, if not more so.
Rich had two choices: chicken out or own up to it. The fact Jake’s panicked expression—comically wide eyes, lips pressed together to stop himself from breaking out into a smile, cheeks bordering between pink and red—was so beautiful Rich was pretty sure he wanted to kiss it until he died was an answer in and of itself. 
He fumbled for the ring in his pocket only vaguely aware of Jake’s jaw dropping as he pulled it out. He wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt, erasing the remnants of his breakdown to the best of his ability. He had a boyfriend to propose to. A perfect, pretty, loving boyfriend, and he was not going to let that be tainted by his own lingering insecurities. 
“Okay,” he said, taking a deep breath. Jake looked like he was going to pass out. “Okay, I was supposed to do this later, but you’re—shit, I’m supposed to be on one knee.”
Still shaking, Rich struggled to untangle himself from Jake’s limp grasp enough to prop himself up on one knee. 
“Okay, starting over, I wanted—I was gonna do this while we were eating dessert, I thought you might be more likely to say yes if I was feeding you ca—”
“Yes,” Jake blurted, “Yes. The answer’s yes. Right now.”
Rich blinked. 
“I’m uh, I haven’t even talked about how much I love you yet.”
“I don’t care. Yes. I want to be engaged to you as soon as possible. Get fucking—” he scrambled over to Rich, glowing like a buttercup or sunflower. Rich was so enchanted by the sight he couldn’t find it in himself to protest as Jake shakily took the ring ($3,471—Rich spent eight months saving up) from the box and held it out to Rich. 
“Put it on me,” he said, “Put it on, I—”
Rich took the ring and slipped it on Jake’s finger. He got the privilege of watching the stars and sky light up as Jake broke out into a golden grin. Pretty, he thought, pretty, pretty, pretty—
Jake launched himself at Rich, knocking them both flat onto the floor, his arms finding their way around Rich’s waist with starved desperation and his lips colliding with whatever skin he had access to: first Rich’s neck, then his cheek, then his lips, over and over until Jake was crying so hard he had to stop just to get the chance to breathe. 
“You proposed to me,” he giggled, “You fucking proposed, you… oh my god.”
Rich threw his head back laughing. He couldn’t say it, couldn’t vocalize it like Jake was trying to do, but everything felt coated in unbridled elation. Jake wanted to marry him. Jake said yes. He was getting married to his best friend and they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.
“I do,” Jake said, propping himself up on his elbows so he could look down at Rich, “I do. Can we get married right now?”
“I think we should eat dinner first, sweetheart, I spent all day cooking.”
Jake perked up.
“Yeah, I made those scallops the way you like ‘em and pasta.”
Jake’s eyes lit up. Like a kid in a candy store (except that candy store only sold expensive seafood), Jake climbed off Rich and sat at the table. 
“I am so fucking glad I’m marrying you,” he said, already laying his napkin out on his lap. 
Rich flushed as he got to his feet, planning to grab their plates from the kitchen to show Jake the fruits of his labor, but was stopped by his foot colliding with—
With a matchbox. A small, unassuming matchbox that singlehandedly had the power to tear Rich apart limb by limb. 
Nothing could dim the giddiness he’d felt since Jake said yes. With unfounded confidence, he picked up what would usually be made of flames and fear and opened it, carefully taking a match into his hand. 
He could do this. He could light a candle for a romantic dinner with his boyf—fiancé.
He struck the match. 
Jake blew it out. 
Rich stared at the charred wood for a second, uncomprehending, before looking up at Jake. He almost wanted to scream. He couldn’t do that again. Once was enough, there was no way he’d be able to make more fire. 
“There’s no point,” Jake said.
“I want—”
“I broke it.”
Rich blinked at him.
“I broke the candle.”
“How do you break a candle—”
Jake glanced nervously under the table. Despite Rich's disblief, there the candle was. Broken.
 It’d been mushed down into a mound of wax, the wick bent and covered in so much wax there was no way it’d light even if Rich wanted it to. Rich felt like he’d just been pulled from the brink of insanity by an angel. 
“I don’t need a candle,” Jake said, flashing Rich a crooked, nervous grin.
A pause. It was a hurricane of a moment, the silence complete and violent despite the exultation that had drowned the room a moment earlier. 
Then, voice quiet with shame, Rich said, “I… I fucking hate candles.”
Jake reached out and squeezed his hand. 
“Not you, though,” Rich continued, squeezing Jake’s hand back, “I don’t hate you. I actually really fucking love you.”
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laines-laments · 11 months
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・:*:・゚★ intro and masterlist
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・:*:・゚★ greetings and salutations
hii ! welcome to my blog, i'm laine !! i suffer from chronic teenage girl-ism and i fear i may never recover lolz !! my requests are always open as i am in constant need of inspiration, just send me an ask !! if you want to support me by funding my spending habits do so here !!
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・:*:・゚★ masterlist
♥︎ - smut / mature
✿ - fluff
★ - angst
House, M.D
Gregory House -
Jame Wilson -
Lisa Cuddy -
Robert Chase -
Thirteen -
Be More Chill
Michael Mell -
Jeremy Heere -
Richard Goranski -
Jake Dillinger -
John Egbert -
Dave Strider -
Rose Lalonde -
Gamzee Makara -
Karkat Vantas -
Mituna Captor -
Sollux Captor -
Nepeta Leijon -
Cronus Ampora -
My Chemical Romance
Ray Toro -
Mikey Way -
Frank Iero -
Gerard Way -
Kobra Kid (Mikey Way) -
Jetstar (Ray Toro) -
Party Poision (Gerard Way) -
Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero) -
Alexander Hamilton -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Laurens -
Phillip Hamilton -
Sal Fisher -
Larry Johnson -
Ashley Campbell -
Travis Phelps -
Gonta Gokuhara -
Rantaro Amami -
Nekomaru Nidai -
Kazuichi Soda -
Sakura Ogami -
Leon Kuwata -
Kokichi Oma -
Mondo Owada -
Yasuhiro Hagakure -
The Magnus Archives
Jonathan Sims -
Martin Blackwood -
Timothy Stoker -
Elias Bushard -
Peter Lucas -
Jerad Keay -
Nikola Orsinov -
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
Law and Order : SVU
Olivia Benson -
Elliot Stabler -
John Munch -
Fin Tutuola -
Shinji Ikari -
Rei Ayanomi -
Asuka Langley -
Stardew Valley
Sam -
Sebastian -
Abigale -
Harvey -
Jeff the Killer -
Ticci Toby -
Eyeless Jack -
Ben Drowned -
Laughing Jack -
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Grave Robber -
Pavi Largo -
Luigi Largo -
Amber Sweet -
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer -
Heather Mac -
Heather Duke -
Heather Chandler -
Ram Sweeney -
Kurt Kelly -
Jason Dean -
Veronica Sawyer - how veronica would be as a teen mom (PG13)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou -
Shoto Todoroki -
Izuku Midoria -
Touya Todoroki (Dabi) -
Endeavor -
Tomura Shigiraki -
Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) -
Lydia Deetz -
Beetlejuice -
Bojack Horseman
Bojack Horseman -
Mr. PeanutButter -
Princess Carolyn -
Diane Nguyen -
Sarah Lynn -
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badteavee · 6 hours
Sit With Us
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Tws / Cws : None
Genre : Fluff (?)
Word count : 1,063
Parings : Regina George and Rich Goranski / Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee , Vague Rich Goranski x Jake Dillinger
Ever since they started middle school , Veru and Mike never on the same social tier. Veru was typically treated how she always was at home , like the queen bee , she rose to popularity quick. Mike , on the other hand , wasn’t as easily accepted. Being home schooled all his life and his general not wanting to interact with anyone attitude meant that he was largely bullied or otherwise ignored.
That’s how it was up until their Sophomore year , Mike had stopped showing up at Veru’s house to bother her when their friends weren’t around a few weeks before the school year started , which she wouldn’t admit that she did anything but not care about that fact. It felt off but whatever , he still texted them at ungodly hours. He most likely got himself sick from being outside for more than a minute or something even more stupid. She wouldn’t put it past him. Unfortunately , he did show up at his usual time so they could drive them to school , but he looked a little different this year. Thankfully , he wasn’t wearing any of those ugly Underarmor shirts he owned , instead he wore a blue sleeveless shirt with an eye and his camo pants were actually normally colored this year. What a miracle. 
She gave him an unenthused stare while she grabbed their things , adjusting their outfit as she dragged him out of the house. “Why do you..” She couldn’t ask him why he looked cool , that’d be admitting that he was. “Why’s your hair pink.”
“Because I wanted it to be ?”
She slowed down their pace , turning and squinting at Mike. Where the hell is his lisp ? “.. It looks soo good.”
“Hey , the ladies will love it.”
They rolled their eyes , ‘the ladies’ haven’t loved anything he’s done since he was born. She threw her bag into the back of their car , “Get in the car.” and got in , Mike following suit. She took another glance at him before starting the car , he looked too weird like this. Not just the clothes , his posture was straighter , a green bandanna in place of the headphones he’s been wearing since they met , just weird. At least he didn’t look like a ten year old dressed him anymore.
They eventually pulled into Veru’s designated parking spot that she technically shouldn’t have yet , her stopping to adjust their makeup in the rear view mirror. Usually Mike would begrudgingly stay in the car with her and fuck around with his phone since there was no one to run off to and bother but this time he almost immediately go out , leaping over the car door to jog over to Jake. “Yo , Jakey D !” Veru almost stabbed themself in the eye with her mascara from how fast they turned their head to the boys direction. She watched , bewildered , as they dapped each other up like they’ve been friends forever. What the fuck happened over those weeks.
Whatever. Whatever , they were going to ditch him for Gretchen and Karen anyway. At least she wasn’t going to be bothered about every little thing she did. They put their makeup in her bag and got out to go meet up with her friends , now that they were finally pulling up , they tried to push how Mike was acting to the back of her head for now. This could be dealt with later.
Unfortunately , later meant Mike sitting with Jake at her lunch table. Damn. She inwardly huffed as they sat down next to Gretchen , who was way too excitedly questioning Mike and Jake. “Are you sure you’re not new ? I don’t remember you.”
“You just didn’t notice , nobody did.”
Karen butt in , “Are you a magician ?” She unfortunately sounded like she’d believe him if he said yes.
Veru cut him off before he could answer to ask her own question. “Mike , did you get rejected from your loser table ? Why are you here.”
“I hoped you wouldn’t mind , I wanted to invite my boy to eat with us.”
“I didn’t know you two were that.. close. Good for you.” She eyed the two , putting on that ‘ally !!’ Type smile.
“It’s not like that !” For whatever reason , Veru genuinely laughed at that , maybe she didn’t believe it or Mike was suddenly funny.
“Whatever you say , Michael.”
Actually , Veru found themself half stifling laughs at a lot of the things Mike said during lunch , everyone at the table seemed to agree he was funny. Mike was never this funny before. Not from what Veru remembers. But at least he was tolerable now.
At some point two geeks walked by , Veru never remembered their names , just the red hoodie and the awkward one always with the red hoodie. Mike suddenly turned , putting his leg out and tripping the awkward guy. She had to take a second to process what just happened , Mike just tripped a guy on purpose ? And he’s not getting his ass kicked ?? Either way , she couldn’t hold the snicker this time , joining her table in laughing at the poor guy , who’s already been hauled up and away by red hoodie.
The table spent the remaining time laughing the losers , watching the boys make competitions out of throwing trash and Karen occasionally asking Mike questions. Apparently , Mike now skateboarded and was best friends with Jake , who he only started talking to in those few weeks he was gone. So that’s who she was ditched for. Huh.
In the middle of their conversation , the lunch bell rang and the entire table sighed. Nobody wanted to go to their next class , almost all of them had the same math class with the worst teacher ever. They cleaned up and got their stuff together , Karen and Jake splitting off to go to their classes and leaving the rest to talk as they walked. Veru knew they didn’t have time but stopped Mike before they went into the classroom anyway , Ms. Smith can wait. “I don’t know what happened to you but you should totally sit with us. You actually qualify now.”
“You want me near y-“ Mike’s posture straightened a bit more as he cut himself off. “Yeah , cool.”
Veru took Mike’s hand , interlocking their index and pinky fingers in the handshake that they made when they were young. “You’re still weird.” They let go , both of them walking in to Mrs. Smith already yelling about lateness.
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rebuke-me · 11 months
so you wanna read my deere fics but you have no idea where to start because there's a lot of them?
here's a little guide for all of you under the cut :D
(for some of these, please read the tags! more details in descriptions + tags clearly, these r just basic teasers)
do you like long-form fics and feeling a Rollercoaster Of Emotion?
read live a movie (life is hard) 40k words, 15 chapters, and a bunch of bonus content.
do you like the idea of showmances and stage kissing?
read never acting at all 16k words, 3 chapters, a bit of miscommunication.
do you like fluff and getting together fics?
read take me back (like nintendo) 4k words, one-shot. aged-up characters. single dad jeremy.
do you like fluff and established relationships?
read the dream companion stories, you're rooted in my soul and how lovely love could be 2k words each, can be read in any order. college setting.
do you like soulmate aus (soft)?
read sweep me off my feet 3.5k words. one-shot. everyone gets a pet that leads them to their soulmate
do you like soulmate aus (hurt/comfort)?
read wish you were gay (so you could just hold me) 5k words. one-shot. red string of fate. miscommunications.
do you like second chance romance?
read you're always looking for some company 7k words. one-shot. both of them are high school teachers.
do you like angst and also think jeremy should get to punch someone?
read smokey eyes (that's your name isn't it?) 8k words. start of an ongoing series. punk jeremy au. lore heavy.
do you think jeremy heere would write fanfic?
read i'm socially absure (but who cares?) 2k words. one-shot. it's the most canon-compliant thing here probably.
do you think jake dillinger would be a huge karaoke fan?
read girlfriend 1.4k words. one-shot. literally just silly fun.
feel free to reblog with tags of thoughts if you read any of them! i love hearing about your ideas of my writing, it brings me joy :D
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male-yn-simping · 1 year
Fandoms+characters I'll write for:
-stranger things
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Jonathon Byers
-Billy Hargrove
-Nancy Wheeler
-Robin Buckley (platonic of family)
-any of the kids (platonic of family)
-Ajax Petropolus
-Xavier Thorpe
-Tyler Galpin
-Enid Sinclair
-Wednesday addams (platonic or family)
- Once Upon A Time
-Killian Jones/Hook
-Peter Pan
-Henry (platonic or family)
-Billy Loomis
-Stu Macher
-Ethan Landry
-Chad Meeks-Martin
-Tara Carpenter
-Randy Meeks
-Umbrella Academy
-Peter Parker (Andrew or Tom)
-Miles Morales
-Michael Mell (BMC)
-Jeremy Heere (BMC)
-Jake Dillinger (BMC)
-Rich Goranski (BMC)
-Jared Klienman (DEH)
-Connor Murphy (DEH)
-JD (heathers)
-Felix Weston (Love, Victor)
-Stanley Barber (I am not okay with this)
-Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
-Reggie Peters (Julie and the Phantoms)
-Vigilante/Adrian Chase (Peacemaker)
-Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a wimpy kid)
-Jack Frost (rise of the guardians)
-Kurt Kunkle (Spree)
Making requests:
I'm open to requests, but if I'm not comfortable and don't want to write something, I won't.
I will write for male and gender neutral readers.
I will write smut, fluff and angst, but mostly fluff.
All I ask is that you don't be weird or creepy and you respect that I might not want to do a request.
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lesbian-stu-macher · 6 years
what am i doin’ hangin’ ‘round? [bmc, j.d. x reader fluff]
A/N: HEY YALL HERE’S MY BELATED BIRTHDAY GIFT TO MY FAV PERSON EVER AND LOCAL JAKE DILLINGER STAN @stargirl-murphy !!!!!!!!!! this is uhhhh my first jake fic ever and my first bmc fic and uhh wow first fic of 2019 wooooooooo lets get this show rollin (the title is based off a song by the monkees ok it’s a bop and also it fits so shhhhhhhh) Triggers: not a lot ???? this is pure fluff uhhhhhhh,, cursing but defs not as much as in my like connor fics obv, jake being jake,,, yeah he’s like shirtless for a good 30%(?) of this so enjoy that ig,,,, probably minor sex jokes but yeah this is like all the cheesy ass tropes (shoutout to the Official AU Queen @cleverbroadwayurl)
Word Count: 2,209 (jESUS CHRIST WHO IS  T H I S  B I T C H)
You mumbled a small thank you to the desk clerk, glancing over the minute details of the card for your room. B19, it said in bold letters. Smaller, lesser important details covered the card, along with the barcode and the name of the hotel in a gold, cursive font. The McDoon Hotel; Take yourself away.
You began to walk, per the directions of the concierge, your carry-on rolling behind you as you glossed over the numbers to look for your room. 15, 16, 17, 18… 19. It took a second of fumbling with the keycard to put it in the right way before it gave off the unlocked sound. You opened the door and walked in, only to be met with some complete strangers in your room. He was tall; there wasn't much else you could tell from the back. He wore a muted green jacket with some dark jeans- pretty basic stuff, but his stiff muscles filled the clothes well.
Your immediate reaction was a small scream, followed by a completely subtle “Jesus!” as you jerked back by impulse. He turned around slightly, only to give a similar, yet toned down remark of only, “whoa.”
Once you saw his face, your eyes somehow managed to widen a little more. That one scene in Inside Out? When all the emotions are freaking out over a girl? That was exactly what was going on as you saw his face. Yeah, he was in your room, but with that surprised look on his face, he looked… was the right word ‘hot’ or ‘cute’?
Did it matter? Why was he here?
“What the hell are you doing here?” It only took a second to notice that he was unpacking and the room was barely touched, which likely meant he sure as hell wasn't just leaving.
“Uh, unpacking?” He said as he slowly set his toothbrush on his folded clothes. “What the hell are you- doing here?”
“I was about to unpack. In my room. But then I walk in and I see 6 foot of you in here.” You didn't want to get on his bad side, but he was clearly in the wrong. “You need to leave.”
“You sure?” He asked, picking his keycard off the bed. “B19?” He took a couple steps, showing you the card, and even offering it for you to get a closer look. You showed him yours, revealing how they were, in fact, both for the room.
“How did they manage to double book a room?”
He merely shrugged, a hand sneaking to his brown hair and pushing it back- he had a very fuckboy-esque appearance, but slightly more fashionable, his muscles definitely indicated someone who went to the gym, leg day included. Once he faced you, you realized his shirt said “GENDER IS OVER! (IF YOU WANT IT)” in black letters over white, a la John Lennon. “Don't know. Couldn't you just get a different room?” He paused for a second, before figuring he should add to that. “I don't wanna sound rude, but uh, I'm here for my best friend's wedding and uh, everyone's already got a room and stuff, so I gotta be in the… block… thing...” he explained, almost sheepishly. Not what you'd expect to hear.
“Lohst-Murphy?” You asked as he gave a small nod, almost surprised, as if it seemed coincidental. “I'm here for the same one. Don't you have a friend or someone you could share with?”
“Well, my best friend is one of the brides, Rich is with Michael, a maid of honor is with her girlfriend, Jeremy's with his date, Jenna is with her boyfriend, and Chloe is with her boyfriend,” He explained it like a list, exhaling at the end.
“I mean, I would, but my cousin is the other bride and Connor, Evan, Jared, and Alana, also have girlfriends they are spending the night with.”
“Huh,” he remarked. “Looks like we've both been third wheeled.”
“More like thirteenth wheeled.” You said with a small laugh.
An awkward bit of silence passed before the other extended his hand. “I'm Jake by the way,” he said with a small clearing of his throat. “Dillinger.”
You accepted his hand, before giving your name in addition.
“So,” he mumbled, glancing at the carpet.
“So,” you responded, looking up at him. Holy shit, he was hot. Or cute. Same difference.
“Roomies.” You smiled, wheeling your bag into the room.
“Here, lemme help you with-”
“Thanks, but it's just one bag. I got it.” It wasn't that you didn't like Jake; he seemed nice. But seeming nice and being nice were two different things. As of now, he was still a stranger. Maybe an acquaintance if you squinted. But it's not like you were completely sure that he wouldn't murder you or something.
You slowly moved to the other side of the bed, where you began to unpack what you needed to for the night.
But of course, the silence was killing the both of you.
“So,” you said, glancing at Jake from across the queen size bed. “How long have you known Brooke?”
“Uh, middle school maybe?” He said, unfolding another graphic tee- grey with the words “Athletes Against Alzheimer's” on it in navy. God, you hoped he wasn't some creep, because he seemed almost too good to be true. “But it wasn't until this whole thing happened and she realized her best friend, almost my ex at the time, was just not good for her, then we kind of just… befriended each other. She's like, the sweetest girl with the biggest heart. I mean, we're both pan and all, but we know we'd never date each other or anything. And she met your cousin, who I'm guessing is good enough for her.” He finished his small spill as he slipped his jacket off, merely tossing it in his duffel bag on top of the neatly organized things still inside.
“Oh, definitely. Zoe's great. She's so independent, I was surprised she'd ever get married. She's a strong person, but still so sweet and-“ You paused, noticing him casually pulling his shirt off revealing a bare, yet well defined chest. “What the hell are you doing?” You nearly screeched, looking away and shielding your eyes as if by impulse.
“Uh, changing? What, do you think, I'm gonna sleep in jeans and a tank top?”
“I didn't think you'd start changing out of nowhere!” Really, there was nothing that you needed to look away for. It wasn't like you hadn't seen men's underwear ads before. But to see it in front of you was still… something new.
“I could change in the bathro-”
“Yes! Do that! Please!” You insisted, still keeping your eyes averted. Your temptation to say ‘take your six pack with you’ was strong, but you managed to hold it in as he grabbed… whatever he needed.
Once you heard the door shut, you finished laying out the things you needed. Your change of pajamas, toothbrush, all that jazz. As you set out each thing, you realized something that lingered in the back of your head that only just now came to light.
There was only one bed.
You would be sharing a bed with a stranger.
Suddenly, Jake stuck his head out of the bathroom. “Do you need anything right now? I'm gonna take a shower if you don't mind,”
“Go ahead. I'll probably brush my teeth later though.”
The second you heard the shower turn on, you immediately went to change your clothes, getting ready for bed, despite knowing very well that you'd spend a long time before you actually slept. The fact that you still had to share a bed… would be awkward. Jake seemed so comfortable, it was pretty obvious he was some level of high school fuckboy. But at least he was a little more… sympathetic. Checking on things. Asking if you needed the bathroom before him.
Jesus, why couldn't you get over such a... sexy stranger?
You needed to get your mind off it. And brush your teeth.
You grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste and slipped into the bathroom; surely he wouldn't be done already. But by the time you were spitting out toothpaste, Jake had slipped his head out from behind the curtain. “What are you-” before he could finish his thought, he must've leaned too much as he peaked out of the curtain, slipping, and yanking the white curtain down with his tall body as a curse slipped out of his mouth.
You jumped back, watching him frantically cover up the hips and below, his face looking up at you with and startled look, his dark hair all wet and matted. Jesus, how was he still hot?
In full rom-com fashion, he stood up, keeping the shower curtain covering his waist as he awkwardly reached for his towel. He finally managed to wrap the white cotton around himself, dropping the curtain and finally saying something. “What the hell were you doing?”
“Brushing my teeth? I didn’t think you’d be done so quick!”
“Well,” he sighed, trying to fix the shower curtain with careful attention to his towel. “Guess it won’t be so weird when we sleep together now I guess, right?”
“Yeah, I phrased that weird.” He said with an awkward chuckle. “Unless you want me to sleep on the floor or something! I can do that, I-”
“No, no, it’s fine!” You insisted, trying to keep things from getting any more awkward. “I mean, you deserve the bed as much as I do- it’s a queen, right? There’ll be some… space.” Hopefully you both were able to respect each other’s boundaries, but that apparently was not a thing between you guys. “Anyways. I guess I’ll leave you be, I’ll be on the side of the bed with all my stuff I guess. What time are you getting up?”
He shrugged. “Whatever works is fine with me.”
“Seven-ish then?”
“Seven-ish.” he repeated with a small smile.
Jake walked out of the bathroom a couple minutes later, seeing you hang up your dress for tomorrow so it would be ready. He gave a small smile as he looked at the color. “Purple. Nice.”
You were almost startled as you turned around and saw him there, simply in boxers and his aforementioned t-shirt, his hair fixed to some extent from its former messy state, but it looked cute either way. “It’s actually orchid, you uncultured swine,” you scoffed gently as you moved closer to the bed, still unsure of what exactly was about to happen.
“Well, whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll look great in it tomorrow.” Was he flirting?
“Thanks,” you smiled. “I’m sure you will too- unless your wardrobe for tomorrow is another tank top, jeans, and jacket ensemble.”
“Nah, I wouldn’t ruin Brooke’s special day like that. I’m actually a, uh, pretty good dresser.”
“We’ll see in the morning.”
The conversation was nice and fun, it was like you guys were actual friends. But there was still five feet that stood between you two, and you weren’t exactly sure what would be next. Jake glanced down at the bed as you did, looking at the thick, crimson sheets before back up at you. “Well, uh, ladies first.” he said, his arm extending in a welcoming manner over the bed.
Slowly, you slipped into the bed, trying to focus more on the comfort than the awkward. Jake, however, didn't get in bed, but got on the floor instead, doing, of course, push-ups. “I'll be there in a sec,“ he mumbled as he began counting to himself semi-audibly.
All you could do was laugh slightly as you saw some of what he was doing. Was he trying to be hot right now? You two at least managed to hold a conversation while this happened, learning a couple new things about each other.
You learned Jake had two sisters, both younger. You learned about the really weird junior year he went through, featuring his two broken legs. The two of you exchanged a lot of stories- you guys even had more interests than you’d expect. By the time you two fell asleep, it didn’t even seem awkward that you two slept in the same bed.
Stripes of sun shot through the crevices of the blinds and curtains over the windows, giving the basic effect of the morning inside the hotel room. You woke up to the sound of your alarm, noticing the two of you had apparently moved around a lot in your sleep. So much so that you wound up asleep on Jake’s chest, an arm loosely slung around you. You almost panicked by impulse- but you managed to study his features a little. Half his face was buried in the amber hue of the pillow, his hair disheveled once again and pointing every which way. His torso gently rose and fell with each breath as he continued to sleep, despite the sun indicating it was time to get up.
You smiled slightly, pressing snooze on the alarm as you tucked your head under his chin, inching slightly closer to him as you closed your eyes again. Surely no one would mind you guys getting sleep for another five minutes… ish.
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flan-anon-blog · 7 years
Doing the tango with Jake after he sees a guy flirting w/ you and gets jealous
“Jake, what are you doing?” You asked. Jake was leading you by the arm away from the snack table. He’d never done anything like this before. “Getting you away from the asshat. I don’t like how he was looking at you or talking to you.” He growled. You raised an eyebrow. Was Jake Dillinger jealous? He made a quick stop at the Dj’s stand, passing the teen standing there a piece of paper, that you assumed was a song request, along with a five dollar bill. Jake then lead you to the dance floor and pulled you in front of him, guiding your free hand to his shoulder and placing his own on the small your back, bringing you closer to him. A new song started blasting from the speakers above. Tango music. You couldn’t help but laugh.“Jake, what had gotten into you?” You asked through giggles. “Nothing’s gotten into me. Can a guy just tango?” Jake asked innocently.He pressed his body into yours, pushing your left leg back with his right. “Just dance with me.” be more chill,be more chill musical,bmc,be more chill fluff,be more chill musical fluff,bmc fluff,Jake Dillinger,Jake Dillinger fluff,Jake Dillinger x reader,Jake Dillinger x reader fluff,fluff
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lohstandfound · 3 years
I want to write some Jake Dillinger fluff but I have no ideas
Suggestions? Requests? Whatever?
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the-anonymous-ones · 4 years
girl in red || Christine Canigula x Female Reader
TW: none!
Today was the best day of my life. I played Romeo and Christine Canigula played Juliet in the school play.
She kissed me. It was a stage kiss-- but still.
And now here I am. At the after party at IHOP! jake Dillinger thought it'd be funny to spike the "poison" that I drank in the play, and so now,,, I might be a little drunk.
Christine and I sit at a table. We order a giant stack of pancakes to share.
"You killed it today Y/N!" Christine says.
"You did too!" I reply.
she smiles and holds my hand.
"you've been the best Romeo, better than Jake before he quit to join stage crew." Christine says with a laugh.
I smile, he laugh is so cute.
"you're the best Juliet. Always will be Chrissy," I say, reaching out and holding her hand.
"oh and N/N," Christine says.
"yeah?" I ask.
"I also wanna let you know that I don't just listen to broadway.." she says.
I nod.
"I also listen to girl in red," she finishes.
I pull her into a kiss.
a real one
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igottoomuchwriting · 5 years
give me some of that angsty post-squip trauma richjake i love the hurt/comfort deal nad these boys need it pls :v
Okay I am definitely taking this from a story I was writing and forgot about so you may see a longer version of this later???? Who knows I may hate it.
Pyrophobia is a fear of fire, which can be considered irrational if beyond what is considered normal
Rich kept scrolling. That definition doesn’t tell him anything. Doesn’t help him in any way.
Symptoms of Pyropobia - Extreme and irrational fear of fire, smoke and even small flares
Well, everyone is afraid of flares. You never know where they can land or what they will hit. Also smoke ignites fear, especially if you can’t see where it’s coming from.
- Complete avoidance of situations involving fire like barbeque or campfires
Okay, well sometimes Rich is tired. That’s why he doesn’t want to go to barbeques. It’s a valid reason.
- Feeling uncomfortable and sickened upon the sight of fire
That’s normal. A lot of people get sick at the sight of fire.
- Realization that the fear is irrelevant ( except in children)
Why not in children?
- Panic attacks with physical signs such as trembling, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, sweating, numbness and getting fixed, trouble in breathing, racing heart beat and dry mouth
Rich let out a deep sigh and leaned back, staring at the screen in disbelief. There was no way that he had pyrophobia. That would be such a stupid fear to have. Why would people be so scared of fire that they had a panic attack? It would make sense if it was big fires, but small fires on candles or lighters were ridiculous.
Guess Rich was ridiculous. 
“Rich?” Rich heard Jake mumble. That’s right. Jake had come over for Rich’s 18th birthday so that they could celebrate by themselves. It was a surprise to Rich. Michael and Jake had taken Rich out so that Jake could set up. When Rich got back, Jake was standing on the other side of the door, cupcake in hand with a candle burning in the middle.
Rich had blown out the candle at an alarming rate, and before Jake could ask what was wrong, Rich as walking past him towards his bedroom to hide. It had taken Jake twenty minutes to convince Rich to come out and tell him what was wrong. 
“You were freak out by the fire?” he asked, surprised.
“Well when you say it like that I sound like a fucking pussy,” Rich snapped. Jake grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. Jake knew that Rich would lash out when he was anxious,
They decided to look up what could possibly be wrong. They typed in panic attack at the sight of birthday candle burning and the first thing that popped up was pyrophobia.
“Yeah?” He was in denial. There was no way that he had pyrophobia. But all of he evidence was pointing to the fact. Why else would he have a panic attack at the sight of his boyfriend holding a candle?
“Are you okay?” 
“No.” Why lie? 
Jake grabbed Rich’s phone out of his hand and turned it off. Rich did nothing to stop him. Jake wrapped his arm around Rich’s shoulder and pulled him closer, forcing his boyfriend to lay his head down on his chest.
“It’s okay. This is nothing to be ashamed about.”
“I had a fucking panic attack at the sight of a goddamn candle!” he almost yelled. “What kind of man does that!”
“The kind that has been through a tramatizing event,” Jake calmly whispered.
“An event that he caused.”
“No,” Jake scolded. They have had this conversation one too many times. “An event that came as a result from two years of abuse from a super computer.”
“Jake,” Rich mumbled. 
Jake shushed him. He turned his body so that he could wrap his other arm around Rich in a full hug and placed a kiss on top of the boys head. “It’s not your fault. No one who actually cares about you blames you. You were in pain and wanted it to stop.”
Rich shrugged his shoulders in response. He has no idea why Jake even cares about him, but he does truly appreciate him. He can be suffering from the worst thing in the world, or whining about missing one episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Jake would love and care for him no matter what.
“I love you,” Rich said. Jake placed another kiss on Rich’s head.
“I love you too.”
This is not the best that I could have done but I am tired and have homework. I will get to the next ask either tonight or in a few days!
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cad-av-er · 6 years
Just imagine: Our precious bean Rich Goranski giving a presentation about ethnicities post-squip
Bonus points for Jake being in the back of the classroom dying because Rich’s lisp is just so adorable
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fanfic-writer58 · 5 years
Shirts Are Hard To Put On
Jake x Rich- Bad Ideas by Tessa Violet; Full Fic
Word Count:492
Summary: Jake has some clothing troubles and Rich helps him out. Right after he laughs at him. Enjoy.

"Jaaaaaaake." Rich bellowed from the bottom of the steps of Jake's house. Rich pouted at the silence following his shout.

"Jaaaaaake, I really don't want to come upstairs." He yelled again. With no response he begrudgingly made his way up the stairs.

Rich pushed Jake's door open with a glare and was about to tell his boyfriend off for not responding, because there was no way he didn't hear him but was stopped by the scene in front of him.

In about 5 seconds Rich was on the floor tears rolling down his cheeks and laughs louder than he was earlier screaming for Jake.

Jake, his wonderful and beautiful boyfriend, was stuck in his t-shirt his arms crossed and tangled in the sleeves of the shirt and his head in the wrong hole somehow.

"Are you going to keep laughing at me or help?" Jake grumbled out.

"I'm sorry," Rich weazed, "That is just not what I expected." Rich explained standing, tears still rolling down his face from sheer laughter.

Rich made his way over to his grumpy boyfriend and pulled the shirt off of him and fanned it out to rid the odd wrinkles now on the shirt.

"You know you look better without the shirt," Rich slyly added in.

Jake moves to snatch the shirt from his boyfriend's grasp but Rich was quicker and moved the shirt away before he had a chance to steal it.

"I'm serious," Rich said stepping forward and slinging the shirt with one hand around the others torso and catching it with the other to tug Jake closer.
Rich sent a cheeky smile upward to Jake before rising on his toes to melt into a kiss with his boyfriend.

Jake moved his hands down to Rich's hips as Rich's hands dropped Jake's shirt and moved to press against Jake's toned chest.

As they pulled away Jake smiled happily at his boyfriend as Rich lowered down and the two gazed lovingly at each other for a few moments before Jake cut in, "So where is my shirt."

They broke their trance for Rich to shake his head and lean down to grab the shirt off the floor.
Rich smirked as he rolled the shirt and held the head so Jake could properly stick his head in. 
Jake chuckled as Rich fit the shirt over his head and help him put his arms through.

Rich tugged the shirt down and smoothed it out as Jake's hands followed and covered Rich's with his own.

He pulled their hands up to their lips and pressed a gentle kiss against his boyfriend's knuckles, "Thanks for helping me put my shirt on."

"Oh I don't mind," Rich smiles up at his boyfriend.
"I'll probably help you take it off later anyway." Rich smirked and turned to walk out the door as Jake chuckled and followed behind the shorter man, draping his arms around Rich's shoulders from behind as they walked out.
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galaxygerm103 · 6 years
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buncha drawings
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Christmas Jake Dillinger x Reader Headcanon
This is a DEH BMC crossover (I like the concept idk why)
You were all at your little mini Christmas party at Christine's house for the Squip squad
And like obviously Jake was sad bc he knew that in 2 days everyone there would be with their families for Christmas
So you ask him if he wants to be there at your house
So he goes home with you from the party
When you get home your Mom is a little shook but she's fine with it
Your Mom loves Jake like she's so happy that y'all are together
So you just go to your room and watch Christmas movies and occasionally go downstairs together to get something to drink or help your Mom with some of the food (like the desserts and turkey)
Eventually you fall asleep on your bed and your Mom comes in and covers you with this one brown blanket and turns the tv off
In the morning you are like a five year old
And Jake is like it's Christmas Eve chill
So you go downstairs and your Mom is like hiii could you maybe help me, get some breakfast, and like clean up a bit before the peeps get here
So you and Jake get dressed and run to McDonalds bc your broke teenagers who want food
And when you get back you watch the Christmas specials on tv while you help in the kitchen
Then like everything is done and the turkey needs to be cooked so you and Jake change
that's what you do
When people arrive you introduce Jake as your boyfriend
And he's blushing so hard omg
And y'all eat then like sit on the couch and socialize or entertain the little kids
And then you go to sleep after everyone leaves
So Christmas Day
You go downstairs to find your mom making cinnamon rolls
And you just eat them, open your gifts to each other, and just enjoy each other's company
And Jake is just so thankful to have somewhat of a family
Like even your Dad him and Jake are just bonding over sports
Eventually Jake goes home bc responsibilities
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lunarlaser333 · 6 years
Expensive Headphones fic that's angsty and fluffy. Doesn't just focus on Rich and Michael, but the relationships between Jeremy and Michael and Rich and Jake. Also developments with other characters.
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