#jake gyllenhaal x child!reader
rebelliousstories · 1 year
The Secret to a Good Relationship
Relationship: David Loki x Reader
Fandom: Prisoners
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 1,564
Masterlist: Here
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co. Masterlist: Here
Summary: Everyone always says that the secret to a good relationship is communication. Now to see if you can teach an old dog new tricks.
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This case was something different. Child cases were always the toughest for law enforcement and Loki took everything to heart. He made it his life’s work to find these children and bring them home safely. He made sure to be there for them when no one else was. however in devoting his entire life and being into these cases, other aspects fall short. Eating, sleeping, even relationships.
Dating was tough in general. Learning how to cohabitate with another person, love them unconditionally, and build a life together; it was a lot of work. That didn’t mean that it wasn’t worth the effort, but it sure was a lot. Dating anyone in law enforcement was even more difficult. The long and ever changing schedule, the toll of the work on their lives, but they made it work. At the end of the day, they always made it work.
But when you’re going on week two of interrogations, interviews, and patrols, it makes it very difficult to keep up with things that aren’t necessary for survival. David slips out of bed early in the morning, well before the sun has thought about waking up, to get ready for the day. He’s not chronically addicted to coffee like his colleagues but his second cup comes around lunch if he’s just doing paperwork for the day. By the time he’s “done” for the day, i.e. the captain told him to go home, he was itching for his third cup of coffee of the day. But he held off until he went home, deciding then if he wanted another one.
Then it was straight to the shower, then the bed, hoping he’d actually be able to sleep. David was lucky if he got a couple hours during these cases. Endless facts, theories, evidence, and crime scene photos playing on an endless loop in his head. It plagued his waking hours, and infected his dreams, if you could even call them that.
But nothing drained him more than being away from her. His rock. His shelter from the storm in his work and head. His partner. Cases like this required all of his attention, meaning he didn’t have the self preservation skills like eating in his head, much less keeping up with his girl. But he tried, in some way. Holding her when she was already fast asleep when he finally dragged his body to bed. Kissing her forehead and slipping out so as to make sure she gets as much rest as possible. Even fixing her a cup of coffee just how she likes it, and keeping it in her favorite temperature controlled tumbler so it’s perfect when she does wake. Other than that? They hadn’t really spoken the past couple of weeks.
Another day. Another lead. Another interrogation. Another dead end. Loki threw himself into his work the second he arrived, desperately trying to finish this case. He knew he had the guilty man in custody, now it was a matter of proving it. But the evidence was all circumstantial. He’d never make it stick which left him feeling even worse than he had been. It had been a grueling fourteen hour day for him when he finally called it quits and came home. And there she was; waiting for him over the stove that smelled delicious. It was late for either one of them to be up and eating, but there was a routine. David made his way to the shower as he heard the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen. As he emerged, feeling better after the scalding shower, he watched as she plated their dinner.
“What are you doing up this late?” He questioned softly, watching the clock read 11:30. She shrugged and placed his plate down on his side of the table.
“Work ran late. I didn’t get home till ten.” David nodded, and tried to dig into his food. There was silence between them and it was anything but comfortable. He pushed his fork around his plate, but nothing actually made it to his lips. While his lover was quietly looking at her own plate and trying to get food in her stomach, Loki could not. His mind raced too much about the day he was trying desperately to forget.
“How was your day?” She asked in between mouthfuls of food. He quickly tried to place a bite in his to avoid answering, but he could not make his hand comply.
“Same old.” David answered quietly. His hand stilled at the side of his plate. The woman across the table from him noticed, and reached her hand across to rest on his but did not expect the reaction she got. David hand shot up as if he had been burned, and his plate was cast to the side, spilling the contents on the table and a little on the floor.
“I’m fine. Why does no one believe me when I say to listen to me?” He exclaimed, clenching the fork in his hand so tight his knuckled paled. Loki stormed off to their room in a flurry and shut the door loudly behind him, leaving his partner at the table, dumbfounded. She had never once seen him go off like that. He never liked to do it around her, preferring to keep that side of him far away from his lover. While David would never go into detail as to why, she had a sneaking feeling there was an abusive relationship he witnessed at a very young age that scarred him.
She took a deep breath in, and got to work. Waiting to see if any other noises sounded off from the bedroom, she worked to clean up the food from the floor and table. Placing the dishes in the sink with a little water in them, she figured that’s would be tomorrow’s task. Right now, she had a lover and detective to see. Again, listening for anything bing thrown or broken, all she was greeted with was silence. Silently pushing open the bedroom door, the sight broke her heart. David sat on the bed with red knuckles, disheveled hair, and the saddest expression she had seen on the man. A cautious step forward, but no response from the man in front of her. She sat on the bed, far enough away that she was not touching her partner, but close enough that she could if she wanted to. There was no response. No verbal acknowledgment. No visual cue. Nothing to indicate that he was even aware off her presence. That was, until, he began to lean over. Leaning closer and closer towards his lover until his head passed in front of her chest, and landed in her lap.
The angle was uncomfortable for him, but a quick readjustment ensured that he could have stayed there as long as he wanted. Almost as soon as he got settled, David felt his lover’s hands start to card through his hair and massage his scalp. No words were said as the lovers embraced each other.
“I’m sorry I lashed out.” A very quiet voice came from the man. It was uncharacteristically soft and fragile.
“I know.” A soft voice from above said plainly. Her hands did no cease there ministrations as the couple quietly conversed.
“Work has me so stressed lately and I don’t know how much longer I can take this.” No one interrupted the man on his speech. Just soft breaths and gentle hands.
“I wanna keep doing what I’m doing. I don’t wanna stop but its…” he tried to finish the sentence but no more words passed his lips.
“Do you want me to listen or give some advice?” She asked her lover that was in her lap. Two taps on her leg gave her all the answer she needed.
“First of all, the fact that you recognize the need for communication is important. I understand you are going to lash out from time to time, but always come back to me.’
“Secondly, you need a break. Not a day or two, but a true vacation. You haven’t had one ever and you need to relax a bit and get away from work. I know you don’t want to but if you keep going like this, you’ll put yourself in an early grave. And I can’t find anyone else like you, David Loki. So you can’t die on me.” She joked as she finished. She felt her lover crack a small, genuine smile at this and rolled over so he could see her face.
“How did I get so lucky?” He asked, mesmerized by the moonlight on her face.
“Because the universe knew you deserved someone nice.” Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his forhead, which he relished in. Pulling him up, the couple quietly got ready for bed. Tucking themselves in their sides of the bed, Loki welcomed his lover into his arms as they laid there while he faintly registered the clock struck midnight.
“I don’t deserve you.” He whispered, tucking in a stray strand of hair.
“Yes you do.” She replied, just as softly. Meeting in the middle, the couple shared their final kiss for the day, and allowed themeselves to rest in the arms of their lover. Knowing that tomorrow, if it got too much, they would have someone reliable to come home to.
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Hollywood’s Angel 🎬 | Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado Imagine
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x actress!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: slight profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 5k
Requested 📨 Yes/no (for @stephthestallion 🤍)
Premise: Lights. Camera. Action!! Whether it be on the big screen in movie theaters across the globe or at home streaming the latest hit show, the name Y/n L/n would forever be known one of the world’s greatest entertainers. From humble beginnings the odds didn’t appear in her favor at first, but sometimes taking a risk could lead to endless opportunities. And maybe even love along the way…..
Note: This was so fun to write and I’m so sorry it took so long. I’ve been so busy lately with work and trying to get stuff settled. I hope I did this work justice for you 🥹 Also Y/Z/S stands for your zodiac sign.
“Hello, my name is Y/n L/n,” A beaming smile was sent to the camera once the producer gave a thumbs up. “And I’m here to do the Wired autocomplete interview.” She clapped her hands, “Let’s do this.” Handed a card stock with a printed google web search filled with blanks save for the, ‘Who Y/n L/n….’, her eyebrows rose with curiosity.
“You know I’ve watched dozens of these interviews in my free time. My favorite being the one with Ryan Renolds and Jake Gyllenhaal.”
“Have you ever searched yourself?” The producer asked off screen. Y/n’s response was a cheeky smirk.
“A long time ago when I was teenager and social media was first becoming a thing—you know when we had MySpace, but since then I have not. While I love the internet sometimes it can be a little,” she makes a face, “too much you know.” Focusing back on the card stock, Y/n takes a deep breath as the nerves start to arise. “I’m starting to feel a little worried but what I’m gonna discover is searched about me on Google.”
Her fingers grip the first piece of paper, reading off the statement as it peels away, “Who is Y/n L/n?” An instant chuckle leaves her lip, turning to the camera. “Y/n L/n is um…,” she shrugs, not sure how to really answer the question, “a 28-year-old woman who started out as a child actress in the mid 2000s. She’s a Y/Z/S, a newly-wedded wife, producer, and sometimes sings and dances or models in her free time.”
In truth, Y/n L/n was so much beyond that. Her name and legacy was embedded into history at such a young age the whole world knew who she was by the time she was 14.
Born to a middle class family in 1995 in New York City, Y/n’s parents were hardworking people who raised her and her siblings to appreciate the beauty in life. Though there were times of struggle, living paycheck to paycheck and having to sacrifice the lights in order to have food on the table, there was always love, support, and care in their family. Y/n witnessed her parents do everything they could to provide for them, her mom working double shifts at the hospital and dad on the road thirty weeks out of the year as a truck driver, and made the vow to repay them. Whether it be working her ass off in school in order to graduate from a prestigious university with a degree that would get her a stable career, or succeed in her dreams of breaking through in the entertainment industry.
Acting, singing, dancing. One could consider it the love of her life. Being on stage to a crowd made Y/n feel on top of the world. Playing dress up and house with her friends and family, pretending to be someone else was so much fun to the little girl. Y/n loved the little school plays she would do in preschool and kindergarten.
“One day,” she said to her childhood best friend while they swung on the swing set, “I’m gonna be on Tv like Disney Channel,” a squeal left her when she leaned back a little too far. “In front of cameras where I get to be someone else.”
Little kids always tend to dream big. Their desires and goals often shift. One day they wanna be a popstar. The next a veterinarian or an astronaut. But Y/n always knew what she wanted in life. To be in Hollywood with her face on the big screen for the world to see. To give back to her parents and support her family so they could accomplish their own dreams and aspirations.
She was destined for greatness. Now fast forward to the present, and Y/n is celebrating 20 years of being in Hollywood.
“Who was Y/n L/n’s first TV role?” The next question read, mentally traveling the actress back to the year 2003 when she was eight years old. She had been in Los Angeles to visit her grandparents and practically begged her grandma to take her to open auditions. Whether it was for a commercial or as an extra in a show, Y/n simply wanted to at least try despite being so young. She’d maybe auditioned for six roles in various media before getting a call back.
“My first role,” she begins with a grin at the memory, “was Rosie Whittman on Law & Order: SVU. Season five, episode 25 which was the season finale and the most viewed episode of the season,” Y/n remembered how intimidating the whole experience was, but loved every minute of it. “I was eight-years-old. No agent, no experience in Hollywood and was only in town to visit my grandparents for the summer. My grandmother took me to auditions that were open—because I didn’t have an agent and was a nobody,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “My parents obviously let me watch SVU as a child, but I wanted to audition for every open casting I saw so it took a lot of convincing on my part for my parents to allow my grandma to take me.” Boy it sure was a lot. Y/n was fighting for her life on the phone while her mother voiced disapproval.
“I was a pretty confident child,” a smirk takes her features, “I went in and did my thing—impressing the casting director, the producers, and Mariska Hargitay who happened to be there to do a chemistry read— since the character I was auditioning for was being questioned by Olivia Benson for what she witnessed.” Y/n pauses for a brief moment. “And yeah, Mariska was very impressed with me, going as far as to set me up with my first agent. I really owe my entire career to her and I love any chance we get to work together. She took a chance on me when I was just a child with big dreams with little connections and,” Y/n lifts her hands, “look where it got me. Here with Wired to see what people have been searching for about me over the years.”
After a few more questions about her personal life before she was an Emmy winning actress, Y/n moved to the next card. “What was Y/n L/n’s breakthrough role?”
Y/n made a face to the camera, “This is an interesting question. And I say this because depending on who you ask, the answer might be different.” She tilted her head back and forth, “Most would say Wren Stone—after all I played that role for nearly a decade. I got quite a bit of recognition in the 2000s as Viper in the X-Men films and of course as Padaline in the Hunger Games franchise—you could say people who grew up with those films know me best by that. But,” she licks her lip, “I would consider my run as Jodie Pip to be my breakthrough role.”
Jodie Pip, the longest running companion to the Tenth Doctor in the BBC hit series Doctor Who threw Y/n into worldwide recognition. After appearing in episodes of television hits like Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Dexter, Y/n took a risk by traveling to England in hopes of securing a main role in a show rather than a supporting one. She was itching to play a character for longer than one episode. And sadly, Hollywood just wasn’t doing it for her.
Therefore going across the Atlantic seemed to be the solution. A decision which would change her life for the better.
“Picture this: you’re twelve-years-old in a country you’ve only been to maybe once and this time around you’re looking to permanently move there. Your family is back in America waiting for the call from your Agent, who’s your legal guardian at this point, to tell them you’ve got a contract and will be there for God knows how long.” Y/n lets out a sign, reliving the nerve racking first few months in England with only her agent and Godmother with her. “It was a stressful time. I was losing hope while waiting patiently for a sign. Getting the call that I got the part—I was going to be the companion to one of the most iconic television characters of all time…” she shrugs as if it was obvious, “Getting to work with David Tennant, Freema Agyemen, Catherine Tate, and Alex Kingston….It was the best day of my life.” Placing her hand on the next slip, she adds, “I cried for a good couple hours—pure happiness.”
“Is Y/n L/n British?” A full blown laugh escapes, hand flying up to muffle the sound. “Oh my Gosh this is too funny. The amount of people I meet every year—whether it be costars, colleagues, or fans at cons—who are so surprised to discover I’m not British,” she raises a hand in defense, “It doesn’t happen quite as often as it did ten-fifteen years ago. And I understand why people assumed I was because for so long I played characters who were.” Making herself comfortable in the chair, Y/n explains her career further in depth.
“First was Jodie, who I played for three years from 2007 to 2010 and then again in 2013 for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special. Playing her put me on the map in the UK. I was on Skins for several episodes, one season of Merlin. I had supporting roles in the Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy. And because I had worked with Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall on Doctor Who, I booked Eurydice on Sherlock and Shania on Broadchurch years later—getting to work with the lovely, talented, and amazing David Tennant for a second time.” Y/n’s face turns semi serious, “I love that man. He’s like my work dad for real—he was at my wedding,” she counts off on her finger, “I was at his. I’m Godmother to his daughters..he’s my ride or die.”
Getting back to the original point, Y/n snaps her fingers twice, “But back on track. Jodie, Eurydice, Shania..then of course playing Wren Stone on Game of Thrones for eight years had everyone on the planet believing I was British.” Wren Stone was the bastard of Jon Arryn in HBO’s critically acclaimed series Game of Thrones based on the books by George R. R. Martin. A ward of the Arryn family due to her status, Wren was introduced in the first season and went on to become a close ally to the Starks as well as a one of the longest running characters on the show when she appeared in all eight seasons. A fan favorite, her surviving the last season was one of the only good things to come out of it.
Cause…well we don’t talk about season 8.
“The last BBC show I did, what had me move back to the U.S permanently, was Killing Eve since it was with BBC America. By the time I booked Hunger Games and Ellie,” she corrects herself, “Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool, people were like, ‘you do a great American accent.’ And I just smile and nod, going, ‘yeah, I’m from New York.’ Their reaction,” she laughs, “every time was priceless.” Going to remove the next strip, Y/n pauses and looks back at the camera, ending with a wink, “Considering I’m joining Bridgerton this upcoming season as Sophie Beckett, I feel I will be having this question come up again a lot.”
‘What are some movies Y/n L/n has been in?’
“Well,” the actress rubs her chin with a knuckle, deep in thought. “I’ve been in a few—give or take,” she winks again. “My first movie role was X-2 in 2003, playing Viper although the role was minor compared to what it was in The Last Stand and Days of Future Past. In Spider-Man 2 I was in the train scene for a brief moment,” she pauses to laugh, “now that I think about it I have been in several projects related to Marvel. X-Men, Spider-Man and Deadpool. Not to mention I'll be taking on the role of Felicia Hardy in the MCU—that I’m really excited for. Umm what else,” she clicks her tongue to think.
“I had a small part in Constantine with Keanu Reeves, who along with David Tennant is someone I’ve worked with several times and love him to death,” she points a finger up, “The Golden Compass and Nowhere Boy as I mentioned earlier. In the 2010s I was in several features like Snow White and the Huntsman, The Help, New Year’s Day, Furious 7. I was in Catching Fire and parts 1 and 2 of Mockingjay—again I would say is one of my most recognizable roles. John Wick Chapters 2 & 3. In 2017 I was in The Greatest Showman. Oh!” She exclaimed with a grin, “Can’t forget I was in three Bond films: Skyfall, Spectre and the most recent No Time To Die. Another example of why the whole world believes I’m from England. Honestly England is my second home and where my career initially took off. I miss it there terribly, but coming back to the States has been a blessing—being close to my family and getting to do projects in Hollywood which was my dream since I was a little girl.”
Biting her lip the actress finishes up with, “my most recent movie roles have been Annihilation in 2018, Knives Out, Dune, The King’s Man, Uncharted, and Mortal Kombat—both of which are based on popular video games.” If she were being honest, playing Mileena in Mortal Kombat was one of her favorite movie roles to date—especially after having to fight with the studio to give the character justice when they were the ones calling her for the role. As a fan of the game and character, Y/n wasn’t going to settle for a small cameo. Ed Boon loved her interpretation of the character so much he asked her to voice Mileena in the next installments of the game.
Not to mention in the last several years any project with Y/n attached to it already had support and a loyal fan base to promote the show/film. After winning five Emmy’s—for her roles in Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, and Euphoria—Y/n was a household name.
So yeah, she wasn’t gonna be cheated out.
“Last year I was in Elvis plus back to back features with A24. X and Pearl were a lot of fun—and we’re currently filming the final installment to the trilogy, maXXXine.” Moving on she revealed the next statement, “Who was Y/n L/n in Euphoria?”
“In Euphoria,” she clears her throat, trying not to physically cringe at the thought of its creator, “I played Rue’s cousin Reece, who like every character on the show was dealing with difficult issues. I did a lot of research into my role so I could remain authentic and true to the character and the real life struggles people like her face.” Y/n softly smiled, “I won the Supporting Emmy next to Zenday’s leading—and it was a wonderful feeling to be recognized for a fifth time by the Academy while next to one of my best friends. Zendaya and I met when we were teenagers and have been so close. Working together on Euphoria was a wonderful experience and I’m so blessed to have received the honor alongside her.”
‘What episode of Black Mirror is Y/n L/n in?’
“Nosedive,” she turned to the camera, “it was in season three with Bryce Dallas Howard and Michaela Coel—both whom I adore. Aaaaand the episode was terrifying.” She simply said with a blank expression. “Watching it back gave me actual chills because one day technology will be so advanced that what took place in the episode could become our reality. And when I read the script my immediate reaction was like, ‘this is gonna be intense,’ and sure enough it was.”
‘Does Y/n L/n sing?’
A childlike grin appeared once again, “I do sing! Anytime I get a chance to sing I immediately say yes. It’s something I love. All the time on set I’ll be humming a tune or belting out lyrics to whatever music is playing. I got to sing a lot in The Greatest Showman so I was very happy about that. It’s my actual voice in the karaoke scene in season 2 of Euphoria. The one at Maddy’s birthday party—I had to beg them to let me do it live and not pre recorded. So when you see Lexi, Maddy and Kate filming me it’s actually Maude, Alexa, and Barbie using their personal phones, not the ones their characters use.” Offering a smirk she finishes with, “A little BTS you may have not known.”
‘Who does Y/n L/n model for?’
“Hmmmm” the actress puckers her lips. “As someone who was a fashionista growing up, I am filled with gratitude at being able to answer this.” Where could she really start with this? Having been labeled a fashion icon in 2020 Y/n had a long resume of working with brands and designers. “To start, I am an ambassador for Prada as well as its subsidiarie Miu Miu. We’ve partnered together for years and I’ve gone to the Met Gala with them a few times—most recent being in 2022. I’ve done campaigns for Calvin Klein and Stella McCartney. I recently did a collaboration with Dior. This year I went to the Met with Chanel—wearing vintage Chanel and ended up doing a campaign with them. Donatella Vesache and I have worked together.” Y/n scrunches her nose, “Every year I look forward to fashion week as you can imagine.”
‘Does Y/n L/n have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?’
“If you asked me this the other day I would’ve said no,” she replies cheekily, “But….if you’ve seen the news recently then you would know that I’ve been selected to receive one this year and I….can’t even put into words the feeling. I better stop before I get emotional,” she felt her eyes well up slightly. “I’m extremely honored and blessed to receive such recognition. All I dreamed about as a kid was to have my name on one of those stars and now it’s coming true. I’m overjoyed.”
‘What did Y/n L/n win the Tony for?’
“I won the Tony back in 2018 for my role in Wicked.”
“Will Y/n L/n be in DW 60th special?” Throwing a look to the camera, smirk threatening to appear on her lips she goes, “I don’t know…you’ll have to watch and find out.”
“Is Y/n L/n in Stranger Things?”
“I am not, but I would love to be,” she shrugs with a smile. “I love that show and everyone is so talented. I can’t wait for season five—it needs to hurry up before I lose my mind.”
‘Who is Y/n L/n in Star Wars?”
“So I voiced the absolute badass and Jedi master Ahsoka Tano during Clone Wars from 2008 to 2014, returning for the Rebels series form 2014 to 2018,” she pauses to cross her legs to make herself more comfortable. This was one of her favorite characters to play and despite the criticism and dislike for Ashoka in the beginning, she grew to become a fan favorite in the Star Wars fandom. “I was thirteen when I first voiced Ashoka and I got the privilege to bring her to life again by playing her in live-action for the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett—not to mention getting to have a voice cameo in The Rise of Skywalker.” Y/n gets ready to move on, “Now you’re about to see Ashoka again for her spin off show coming this summer on Disney plus.”
‘What all has Y/n L/n and David Tennant worked on?’ The question made her chuckle, surprised it was a top search on Google.
“David Tennant—the man, the myth, the legend. I’ve been lucky to work with him on several projects over the years,” the memories appear in her mind as she recalls them. “We first met in 2006 after I got the role of Jodie Pip opposite his Tenth Doctor. That lasted almost three years but during that time we both did Clone Wars—he voiced Huyang and he actually will be retuning as Huyang for the Ashoka series.” The moment she got the news the woman had FaceTimed him screaming. Although he was only voicing the droid they still made plans to reunite since they hadn’t seen each other since before Covid when Y/n moved back to the states.
“Broadchurch happened a few years after we both left Doctor Who—around the same time as the anniversary special—and then I got to work with him again when I appeared in an episode of Good Omens as one of the demons passing judgement on Crowley. Finally I wanna say before the Ashoka series the last thing we did was Staged back when quarantine was a thing.” Y/n’s face turns serious, “Anytime I get to work with David I take it. Like I said, he’s my ride or die,” she crosses her fingers, “we like this. And I love when people send me those YouTube videos where it’s like, ‘Jodie Pip and The Doctor sharing a brain cell for 10 minutes straight,’ or ‘David Tennant and Y/n L/n being a father-daughter duo on and off screen.’ Really brightens up my day.”
A few more questions went on, Y/n answering as best as she could with details. Doing this interview really gave viewers a more personal outlook on the actress. She was known for being reserved and private in her career expanding two decades. As a child star, her agent really shielded her from a lot due to the cruel nature of Hollywood and the media. And as a result of criticisms Y/n only was active on social media when it came time to promote projects and events.
She had a large and loyal fan base. Probably one of the largest for a celebrity due to her being in so many popular shows and high-grossing movies. On TikTok she & her characters were the most edited when it came to fancams. Pinterest had its own board dedicated to all the outfits Y/n wore.
She was Hollywoods Angel. Fans loved her, celebrities adored her. Before joining the cast of Bridgerton she met them at the Bafta’s the year prior and had them all starstruck when she approached. Nicola Couglan, who plays Penelope Featherington, even mentioned in an interview how the cast pretty much lost their minds when they found out she would be coming onto the show.
“No one knew about the end credit scene at the end of series three,” she told Graham Norton, seated alongside her costar/leading man, Luke Newton aka Colin Bridgerton on the show. “It was a big secret between Shonda and the crew. After we wrapped up, they went ahead and secretly filmed the scene with Sophie getting ready for the masquerade ball,” Nicola raises her hands, grinning from ear to ear, “and when I tell you we all were freaking out.” The audience laughed, Graham leaning foward in his seat with an awe-struck expression.
“So how did you find out? Was it when you watched the finale?”
Luke was the one to answer. “When I watched the episode,” he points to Nicola, “and I think you said you did this too—same with some of the others, I exited Netflix once the credits started to roll. Not thining much of it,” he shrugs, “then later that night Claudia Jessie who plays Eloise FaceTimes the iMessage group chat we have—.”
Nicole gently cuts in, “I’m surprised so many picked up.” That ignites a laugh from everyone.
“Yeah,” Luke agrees as he sits up. “Luke Thompson, Johnny Bailey, Simone, Nicola, Bessie, and I all answer—one after the other—and Claudia is shouting, ‘Did you see the end credit scene!?!’ Of course I’m confused because I’m like, ‘what is this, the MCU?’” Nicola bursts into laughter along with Graham. “Everyone’s asking what the hell she’s talking about because we’ve all seen the finale and were texting about it—but nobody mentioned an end credit scene. It completely went over our head. So…as you can imagine we all turn our tv, still on FaceTime mind you, and low and behold not only is there end credit scene….but Y/n L/n is gonna be Sophie Beckett.” Just the name alone ignites eruption from the crowd.
“Wow,” Graham exhales, “And you guys met her at the Bafta’s last year, yes? I remember seeing a picture of you two and other cast mates from Bridgerton with her.” Nicola nods excitedly.
“We did. It was such a surreal moment. She was with her then fiancee and the Euphoria cast—it kinda looked like a school mixed with Euphoria cast on one side and us on the other. But she came over and we were all buzzing in the corner, ‘Y/n L/n is coming over here. Oh my God-oh my God.’ Most of us have been watching her since she was on Doctor Who so this was like meeting your childhood idol,” Nicola used her hands to emphasize the point, “And she expressed how she was a fan of the books and loved the show. She even made a joke like, ‘Tell Shonda to call my line.’”
“And did you?” Graham asks for the audience and viewers at home, on the edge of his seat. “Cause didn’t they work together before on Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal?”
Luke nods, “we brought it up during press for series 2. I forgot Y/n was on those shows actually so when I told Shonda I thought ‘there’s no way they’re gonna get her’.” He glances at Nicola, excitment on his features, “I think everyone is ready to get back to set and start filming series four. I know I’m already missing everyone and I’m excited to pass the torch to Luke and Y/n.”
Coming down to the final cardstock, Y/n was sad to end the interview. It was fun seeing what people searched on the web and giving a more in-depth look at her life.
Peeling back the paper on the final card, the statement read, “Who is Y/n L/n’s husband?” Cue the butterflies in her stomach, picturing the man’s gorgeous face. “My husband is Lieutenant Commander Javy Machado. Although he is known to his colleagues as ‘Coyote’.” Lowering the cardstock she went on to say, “Javy and I met four years ago in 2019, he’s a fighter pilot for the Navy and was stationed in San Diego for an assignment. It happened to coincide at the time I was filming a small part in ‘Friend of the World’.” A small independent film her friend was producing and asked if she would take a small role to help promote the project. It’d been the first film Y/n had taken on after moving back to the States following her nearly 12 year residence in the United Kingdom.
If she thought hard enough, Y/n could feel the warmth of the sun on her arms and smell of the ocean salt water as her eyes landed on a group of people playing football with two balls. Instantly drawn to the man sticking his tongue out at his friends when running backwards to the end line. “My costars and I had wrapped up for the day and decided to go to the beach. We were waiting for this bar to open at five so we strolled for a good bit to pass time. That’s where I saw him playing football with his colleagues,” a shy smile stayed on her lips the entire time Y/n relayed the story.
“And then when the bar opened that night we formally met.” Man what a night it was. Every social media platform was buzzing with pictures and videos of Y/n behind the bar of The Hard Deck surrounded by patrons. The bartender, Penny, was so cool and didn’t mind the actors coming in despite the madhouse they caused. She did, however, have to close the doors once it got too packed due to locals sending word the five-time Emmy award winning actress was there. Before she knew it, Y/n was making drinks with her while taking pictures and signing autographs to everyone who approached. Y/n even rang the bell a couple times and bought the first round for those in attendance.
And when Javy appeared in front of her, it was like time had stopped. The noise eloping them was muffled, movement slowed to where the only clear focus was on each other.
“Hi,” he beamed, looking at her like she was the only person on the planet. “I know you’ve heard this all night, but is it alright if I get a photo with you?”
“Of course,” Y/n found her voice after a second, smiling wide as she inched closer to the bar counter. Javy thanked her, moving so his back was to the surface since the bar stood in between them and positioned his phone so it captured both of them. They posed, Javy snapping a couple pictures with Y/n making a kissy face at one point. When it ended Y/n motioned to the draft beers beside her, “Can I get you anything? Round is on me.”
Well Javy couldn’t say no could he? Pocketing his phone he replied, “Whatever you recommend, I’ll take.” Had he been to the hard deck several times in the past two weeks? Yes. Did he know what all was on draft and bottled? Sure did. But he wasn’t gonna pass on the chance to flirt with one of the greatest actors Hollywood had ever produced.
It was Y/n L/n for Christ’s sake. Hollywood’s Angel as they called her.
But what the pilot didn’t expect was to have found the love of his life. The same went for Y/n. Sure they had a moment movies often depicted as ‘love at first sight’ but c’mon, that was only in the movies…right?
Well perhaps it wasn’t just in the movies.
“Okay I see you!” Javy hollered from the side, standing on the red carpet a few paces away from where Y/n was posing for the cameras. Dressed to the nines in a black tux, Javy hyped up his fiancée like he always did at premieres and carpet events. This one happened to be at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival for the premiere of Elvis. “Give me face—yes ma’am! Work it-work it! Mmmh.”
Giggling the whole time, Y/n reaches out with her hand for him. He skips over, stopping to snap a picture on his phone. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, the two embrace for the photographers—who eat up every second they get with the couple. Ever since they announced their relationship in 2020 they were the it couple of Hollywood despite Javy not being in the industry. But his energy, personality, and of course his adoration for Y/n, made him well liked by her fans.
He worshiped the ground she walked on. Never did he give any indication he was with her for malice. Social media accounts he had were private and mostly to keep in touch with people he worked with. Her family loved him and his loved her. Whenever reporters approached him to try and ask invasive questions Javy would redirect to whatever project was staring in. “Isn’t the show amazing? I would say this is her best work yet—and the cast was amazing throughout.” He was definitely a keeper.
With similar personalities, though Y/n was more reserved in the public eye, the two were like a lock and key. Fitting together with a love so natural they couldn’t believe they got to experience it. They enjoyed going to concerts and the movies—getting into disguise whenever they didn't want the paparazzi following them. Sang and danced in the kitchen while they cooked, having their own karaoke parties with friends.
At one point in their relationship Y/n was to play a fighter pilot. So, what better way to prepare for the role than to shadow her partner and his colleagues. Once they got the green light from the Navy, Y/n had to do all the necessary training a pilot did to get into a jet. From there she was allowed to get in the backseat with either Javy or Natasha flying.
Flying with Natasha went smoothly….but her boyfriend was a different story. Of course she trusted him with her life and knew he would never put her in harm's way, but damn did he unlock his inner Maverick when she got in the plane with him.
“Javy Machado!!” She screamed, holding onto her seat for dear life when he flipped them upside down. “I swear I will kick your ass in the afterlife if you kill us!”
“Relax, baby,” he laughed, earning a groan from his girl. “I promise we’ll have a graceful landing.”
“It won’t be graceful when I’m puking my guts out!” She actually did vomit in the bag he provided her with before they took off. Instead of embarrassment she was just annoyed with him, but still enjoyed the ride no less. “I’m sticking with Natasha from now on.”
When it came to the squad, they were Y/n’s biggest supporters. After the initial shock and fangirl/fanboying—nearly shitting their pants at the fact their best friend was dating an absolute Icon—Y/n became part of their family. They pre-orders tickets to her movies, attending midnight premieres and after parties the actress invited them too. Sunday nights were reserved for watching her HBO shows, while Netflix series that were to binge watch were planned accordingly.
Nat loved having another gal in the group. It was a breath of fresh air and the two would go to lunch or have their own movie nights. “I’m surprised Machado hasn’t crashed in yet,” the pilot commented with a mouthful of popcorn as they sat in Y/n’s living room. Javy was in his office playing COD with the guys after pouting when Y/n said no to him joining in on their girl time.
“He’s occupied with his game. I’m surprised we haven’t heard any screaming at the tv yet.”
“Spoke to soon.”
The couple were stars at award shows. It was no surprise they were always the best dressed. People constantly tweeted their excitement to see them attend, and expressed disappointment when they would not. And often the two’s reactions to cringe/unexpected moments resulted in them becoming popular memes—something Y/n already had a reputation of long before they got together.
2022 Oscars? Y/n’s Twitter froze due to the amount of tags from the snapshot of her and Javy’s expressions to Will Smith slapping the shit out of Chris Rock. “Did he just—?” “he did.” “Holy shit. Where’s the popcorn—I feel I need some right now.”
2023 Met Gala? People kept replaying the moment the couple did a double take at seeing Doja Cat dressed up as Karl Lagerfields cat. “What the actual…” “now that’s what camp should’ve been.”
And of course they couldn’t forget the most recent one of their unimpressed look from Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue at the most recent Oscars. “Should I go up there and pull a—.” “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Machado.”
Expect YouTube to be filled with videos complications titled, “Y/n L/n & Javy Machado being flabbergasted at award shows for 15 minutes straight,” and, “Y/n L/n & her husband Javy being Hollywoods favorite couple.”
Then there was Javy’s to die for reaction to Y/n recieving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at only 29 years old. The only other day besides their wedding day where the man was in a heap of tears. “I’m just—,” he sniffed, “so proud of you, baby. You’ve earned this.”
When it came to live reactions at events years after getting married and Y/n embedding her legacy as the greatest actress of her generation, let’s just say Hollywood’s Angel and the Navy’s Coyote would always be its champions.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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jakegooglyeyes · 2 years
Emblem or Roses - Prologue
Prologue > Next
Pairings: Jake Gyllenhaal x reader, Maggie Gyllenhaal x reader (Medieval AU)
Summary: You were content with your quiet life as an illegitimate daughter of the King, hanging out with the maids and learning your craft. All that ended when your father married you to Jake of House Gyllenhaal, the Usurper, as a peace offering, a hostage. The rebellious Lord, believing you are the same as your father, has no intention of letting you live comfortably while the people suffer.
Word count: 2,800
Warnings: 18+ MINOR DNI, RPF, DUBCON, angst, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, hate to pining, polyamory, slow burn with smut, political marriage, mean!Jake to pining!Jake, cunning!Maggie, kind!reader.
Chapter warnings: brief mentions of violence/torture/child abuse.
*** Your online experience is your responsibility. You have been warned. If any of these content upsets you, DO NOT READ!!! ***
A/N: Fictional medieval settings, not based on real history. I drank too much coffee and stayed up until 4 in the morning (on a work day) to breeze through the prologue.
@gyllenhaalstories​ Thank you for indulging my coffee-craze.
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics​ (thank you, please message if you want it removed)
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"Princess, where are you going?"
You jump and almost drop the burlap sack you are carrying. You turn around and meet the head maid's stern eyes. The middle-aged woman doesn't care much for you, and there is no respect in her voice when she addresses you. None of the servants see you are the King's daughter. Some are friendly with you and treat you like one of theirs. Others, like the head maid, think a bastard like you is a disgrace to the royal family. But whether or not you are a trueborn, you are still a princess. Thus, she cannot simply ignore you.
"I... I'm going to the garden."
She scans you from head to toe with her eyes full of disdain. To her, you don't have the grace and charm of a lady of noble birth. Your hair is tied and covered like a servant who has to work in the kitchen all day. You dress worse than a maid. The fabric has faded to a horrid off-gray and is full of mismatched patches. There is always soot and dirt on your face and under your fingernails from working in the "garden," an unused training yard you repurposed into a place to grow your herbs. And when you are not digging up dirt, you bury your face in books and your rusty cauldron, cooking up god-knows-what. Not only do you look disgusting, but you also smell awful, a mixture of burned herbs and fire smoke. And those are the days when you don't hang around with the servants at the horse stable or the pig pen.
"What are you holding?"
She wrinkles her nose as she yanks open the sack in your hands. There are a few pieces of bread, a couple of apples, several slabs of smoked meat, and a half-eaten pie. Leftover. The head maid sneers at you. The King never allows you to have meals with him and your trueborn siblings. They won't let you starve, but you can only eat with the maids. That is, you can have whatever is left by them. Even the head maids and other high-ranking servants have better food than you.
"My lunch."
You reply curtly and grab your stuff back from the woman, hoping she will let you go soon. You know she really couldn't care less even if you trip and break your neck in front of her. But you're still afraid you'll get caught bringing food for that person. You hear the head maid laugh through her nose as she turns her heels and leaves. You sigh in relief and take your sack to the old shed. This place is on the far side of the garden, and no one comes around here. It used to be a place to store firewood for the winter. But the thing has been abandoned along this training yard for a long time. It's the perfect place to run away from your cruel half-siblings and their maids or hide an injured dog.
Speaking of dogs, it's what you called the man inside the shed. He refused to tell you his real name no matter how many times you pried. Not that it matters. As far as your concern, he looks like a filthy wild dog with tattered and bloody clothes, an overgrown beard, and shaggy hair like a crow's nest. And he smells like the last time he bathed was when the midwife cut his umbilical cord. So, you named him Jackal. He was pretty upset when you called him that, but the alternative was Racoon or Rat, so he ceased his protest.
You found this man bloody and unconscious, lying on (and ruining) your white sage bush. You thought he was a thief running away from the guards or maybe a servant who was beaten by his master. Either way, you knew if the guards were to find him, he would be as good as dead. So, you dragged him all the way to the shed to treat his injuries, which you soon realized were from being tortured. There were bruises, cuts, and burns all over him. Some of the worse wounds had started to fester. Not only that, his eyes were impaired from infection. He was lucky the damage was only temporary, or he could have lost his eyesight.
It took you two days to clean all of the puss and a whole week to stabilize his condition. But instead of a thank you. He almost killed you the moment he opened his eyes. You were spared only because the man was still too weak to strangle you. You've let him stay and recover in this shed for a month, bringing him food and changing his bandage daily. More importantly, you get a living human on which you can test your absolutely safe healing salves and potions. But, of course, you never told him that.
"Hey, Jackal, look what I brought."
You wave the leather sack at him, only to earn an irritating stare from the man. His eyes have recovered, but he is still unable to see clearly. But, at least he can make out where he goes. You shrug and ignore his sour mood. He always has had this terrible attitude ever since he woke up. It reminds you of aggressive dogs who are aggressive because they've been chained up for so long. 
You start taking the food out and put them on a piece of clean tablecloth like you're preparing a feast. The man sits still and squints at the meager food on the ground. Honestly, this is much fancier than the usual stuff you bring here.
"The King is having a feast. The guards said the Usurper will be executed by noon tomorrow, so the King and his council are celebrating."
You explain despite him never asking. Jackal looks at you with barely any interest in your gossiping. Instead, he takes a bite out of the soft bread, savoring something that's not stale or dry for once. The man patiently enjoys the food as you ramble on. He has learned to be a willing, supportive, not-at-all sarcastic audience whenever you come here. Good dog.
These days, all the gossip in the capital revolves around the General. Even if you never ventured outside, you still hear countless tales about the General and his family from the maids. Stories that, if the King happens to hear, heads will roll for sure. The royal family considers General Gyllenhaal a traitor, even though he had fought to protect the Kingdom, just as his family had loyally served the Kings before. But his righteousness and his opposition have made him an eyesore to the corrupted nobles.
"What a pity. The General is an honorable man. Things were better when he used to lead the capital guards. House Gyllenhaal still holds much power in the North, and many other old houses chose to back them too. People are worried there will be a civil war soon because the General's family won't let this slide."
He eats, not even pretending he's listening.
"The servants who have families in Goldenhall said that the peasants there are treated much better than here. I want to visit there if I can get out of the capital. But the place is too far away from here. Do you know that they let women rule in the North? I heard his sister has taken charge of the family since the General was captured. Do you think lady Gyllenhaal would avenge her brother?"
There is no response, but Jackal's eyes shift. He becomes lost in thoughts. But it goes by so fast that you only catch a glimpse of it. He quickly returns to normal, having zero interest in your rambling.
"You eat too."
In a rare display of human affection, the man gestures at the food, telling you to eat with him. He has consumed most of the bread, one of the apples, and a little more than half of the meat. You look at a single piece of bread, a side of leftover meat, and pie.
"Don't mind if I do."
You already ate before coming here but to be honest, you don't mind having a little more. You don't have to watch your table manners in front of someone who doesn't know who you are (and can't see). You can't even be this free around the servants when eyes and ears are everywhere. You grab the meat with your bare hand and throw it in your mouth. No need for fancy silverware. After a while, you finish the last piece of the pie and rub your stomach with satisfaction.
"It's almost noon."
You look outside and see that the sun is almost at its highest. You sigh, thinking of what is going to happen tomorrow. With your things all gathered, you bid farewell to your Jackal, telling him you will be back. To your surprise, he nods at you, something he never did. You wonder why he is a little different today, more pleasant. Maybe he is like a dog who gets friendly with the one feeding it.
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The following day, you leave the castle and go to the town square to buy supplies with the money you earn from selling your herbs and potion.
There are more guards than usual, all of which are armed to the teeth. You suddenly remember the execution today. But is it necessary to install this much security? Did something happen? Curious, you strain your ears, listening to some chattering merchants.
"The General escaped. I heard the guards say he wasn't there when they went to the dungeon to fetch him. It was a dead guard in his cell."
"Wait, for real?"
"Yes, and the guy has been dead for weeks too. Does no one check on the prisoner?"
"Incompetence. The King must be furious."
Suddenly, a column of smoke rises from afar. One of the guard garrisons has been set on fire. The bell in the town square starts chiming, alerting the citizens to return to their homes or seek shelter. A cloud of dust coming from the North, accompanied by sounds of hundreds of metal horseshoes striking the earth. You hear screaming, and before you can even react, the panic shoving and pushing cause you to get lost in the sea of people.
Back at the castle, several capital guards on their steeds rush into the banquet hall, where the feast is ongoing. They barely have time to announce their arrival before one of the men immediately addresses the King.
"My King, the Usurper! He is leading an army heading to the Northern gate!!!"
The entire hall suddenly erupts into chaos. Things are already bad enough that his enemy escaped right under his nose. Now, this? The King knows even if the General did escape weeks ago, he is badly injured enough that there is no chance he could return home to gather his men. It takes 2 months, riding the best steed, to travel from the capital to Goldenhall and another 2 months to circle back. A tortured man can't ride a horse for that length of time, let alone lead an army. But what if it is him? The old King slams his fist on the armrest of his chair. 
"Send the men to the Northern gate immediately!"
You have no choice but to follow the crowd to find safety. The people start clamoring as they see Gyllenhaal banners approaching. Nosy, you try to stand on your toes to hopefully catch a glimpse of the one they call Usurper. The army is already at the town square, clashing with the King's guards. At the front of a group of soldiers, you spot a majestic figure riding a horse as dark as night, wearing armor with the Gyllenhaal emblem: two roses, red and white, sprouting from a single stem covered in thorns. You feel a little disappointed because his face is entirely obscured by his visored helmet.
You keep pushing through the ground until you are backed into a street corner with a group of frightened children and a few others who cannot find their way through the mob. The kids must have been playing together before the army came. You, the kids, and the other people huddle together, hoping this will pass soon. Before anyone can do anything, the sounds of unleashed horses approach fast. The loud noises and the smoke aggravate the animals, and they ram and kick anyone in their path. And they are heading straight at you.
Without thinking, you raise your arms and shield the terrified, screaming children behind you. Your eyes shut tight, waiting for impact, thinking this may be your end. But it never comes. 
"Back off, you beasts!"
You cannot believe your eyes. Standing between you and the restless horses is the General and several of his men. The armored warriors point their weapons at the animals. The General's jet-black stallion is much larger and more intimidating than the other horses. As a warning, the black steed flares its nostrils and hurls its front legs at the others. The General's men quickly move to the sides of the loose horses and grab their harnesses, forcing them to quiet down.
"Go home. Avoid the main streets."
The General's voice is so different from what you've imagined. You thought someone like him would possess a gruff, scary voice (like Jackal's). But his voice sounds smooth and warm, like honey. You find it a little... if you dare to say, alluring like the song of sirens.
Your attempt to thank him is cut short by another of the General's men. This person whispers something to him, and the General nod. The next moment is probably a memory you will never forget. The "General" removes their helmet, and locks of soft, dark, wavy hair fall on their shoulders. Your eyes widen, and your jaw drops to the floor. A woman.
"Tell the men to retreat. We're done here."
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Only after nightfall do you learn: Lady Maggie Gyllenhaal, dressing like her brother and riding his horse, led 300 men to attack the Northern gate. They deliberately instigated an enormous fanfare, with fake battering rams constructed from very light wood, that the nobles thought the whole thing was the actual General leading House Gyllenhaal's main army to lay siege to the castle.
But the attack was only a diversion. When most of the guards flocked to the Northern gate, leaving only a few defending the other places, a dozen of the strongest of Gyllenhaal's men infiltrated the Southern entrance with barely any resistance. Lady Maggie's army withdrew shortly after the Southern gate was breached, leaving nothing but a burning effigy of the King in the middle of the town square. Everyone can guess. She got what she came here for, rescuing her brother and delivering a message.
For that, House Gyllenhaal, and everyone who supports them, are now branded as traitors. As a result, the King declares a full-on war with House Gyllenhaal and their allies.
You clutch your burlap sack close to your chest and hurry your feet. You can hardly wait to see Jackal because there are so many things you want to tell him. So many that his ears will fall out by the end of the day. The escaped General. The fake siege. The crazy horses. Oh Gods, the armored lady leading an army wielding a long spear riding the most giant horse you've ever seen in your life. Are many Northern women like her. You aren't allowed to ride a horse. No, you can't even ride a donkey.
You open the shack door, but the man is nowhere to be found. Your heart sinks. The King's guards thoroughly searched the castle after yesterday's incident. What if Jackal was arrested? As you wallow in dread, you notice a scrap of paper on the ground, together with a pendant. Jackal must have left these for you and left.
You look at the paper. It is the drawing of the pendant, followed by an arrow and then what looks like a bag of gold. You want to curse. Is this a way of telling you to sell this pendant for money?
"Not even a thank you. How rude."
You murmur to yourself as you look at the pendant. The gold frame circles around a smooth, oval stone. You've never seen a gem like that. It looks black at first glance. But when you raise the stone to sunlight, you can see little rainbow-colored spots all over the surface. Even without any knowledge about precious gems, you can still discern that this piece of jewelry must cost a fortune. Not something a commoner could possess. It suddenly dawns on you that you've been harboring a criminal.
An illiterate thief!
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Pairings: Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader
Imagine: Jake (your father) gets surprised when he sees that you had taken home two dogs
Warnings: none
A/N Again sorry for a shitty post, but I can’t get this interview out of my head ever since I saw it, he looks so cute with the puppies, and it’s a plus that the puppies are cute too (is it even puppies, I’m not good at knowing these stuff with dogs)
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You couldn’t help it, when you had walked by a store that had a box filled with two puppies inside outside of the windows
It didn’t help that it was raining and the puppies looked so frozen in the cold rain
It wasn’t like it was a crime, you had not stolen the puppies from anyone
No, there had been a paper, attached to the box
Someone had written with a marker stating that they couldn’t take care of these pups and whoever wanted them could take them
And that’s how you got to where you are now
At home trying to warm up two pups
Luckily on your way home, you had passed by a pet store and bought dog food
And the two puppies had eaten most of the food
The three of you were curled up together on the couch
A movie playing on the tv in the background
Put all of you had fallen asleep to the sound of the movie and the comfort and warmth from each other
Drained from your long day in the rain
And Jake who was on his way home didn’t have any clue of what you had done
But he would soon find out
As he opened the door and walked inside, he could see tiny footprints from an animal on the floor
He followed them to the kitchen
There he was met by a pup eating food out of a bowl
As soon as the dog saw him it came running straight to him
It jumped up on him and, Jake decided to come down to the floor
And as he sat on the floor he was soon joined by a second dog + you, a sleepy teenager
Being as sleepy as you were you hadn’t noticed that Jake was home, and you went to take a glass of water
But as soon as you turned around again and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, you could see him there
And you couldn’t help but to stare at him
He sat in a comfortable position with the two puppies in his lap, as he stared right back at you, with a questioner expression on his face
None of you said anything before you finally found your voice after your inside panic had passed
You had not thought about how to explain to your father why there was now two dogs at your home
“Surprise” was what your awkward answer turned out to be, followed with a nervous laugh and smile
He stared at you for a moment before he started to play with the dogs.
After diner that night Jake had finally confronted you about the pups
“Okay but seriously why are there two dogs here”
“Uh… I found them on the street, what was I supposed to do leave them, it was freezing, freezing.
At the end of that conversation, Jake had accepted the pups
And the next day the two of you bought everything the two pups could need in their lives
But it had also led to the discussion of names, as none of you had any ideas on what to name them
You ultimately ended up naming them Steve and Bucky
A reference to the fact that you were a big marvel fan and well, one of the pups had Steve’s hair colour while the other had Bucky’s hair colour
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
Gyllenhaal!reader Moodboard
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Babies- Drabble
(Jake Gyllenhaal x child daughter reader)
Requested by @stillmanicc :
May i request a daughter! Reader x Jake Gyllenhaal? Where both are eating with the rest of the cast and she ask him where the babys come from and he's in shook and don't know what to say. Maybe really fluffy and funny?
A/N: haha this was so funny to write. I hope you enjoy!
Words: 409
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On the night of the premier for Spider-man Far From Home, your dad and you had gone out to dinner with the rest of the cast to celebrate.
The pair of you pulled up to the restaurant. Jake in his fancy suit and tie, and you in your tiny little dress.
So far, all of you were having a great time. You had already eaten and was starting to get a tiny bit bored.
You looked around the restaurant. The only people that were remotely close to your age were babies.
Those tiny, miniature versions of children. Where did they even come from? Surely your dad would know. He’s your father!
You prodded Jake’s side with your small finger.
He looked down at you. “What is it sweetie? You okay?”
“Where do babies come from?” You asked him as politely as you could.
The whole table suddenly erupted with laughter. You looked at the cast confused. They were all laughing so hard. Well, all except for your dad.
Jake looked extremely uncomfortable with the situation.
“Well… um- you see.” Jake stumbled over words.
How on Earth was he supposed to tell his eight year old daughter where babies came from?
“When a mummy loves a daddy very much-“ Jacob started, only to be interrupted by Zendaya hitting the back of his head.
You sat there, confused. What was the big deal?
“You better not tell her,” You hear Samuel say, tears rolling down his face from laughing.
Jake sat there, still trying to find his words.
“What Jacob was trying to say,” Tom spoke up, glaring at Jacob, “is that when a mum and dad want a kid, they go to the magical fairy doctor.”
You looked at Tom, listening intently.
“The fairy gives them a special potion that will give them a child. A few months later, because fairy doctors are slow,” Tom mentioned, “a baby comes and they start the family.”
You started at Tom with wide eyes. “Woah.”
You nudged Jake, “Is that how I came?”
Jake looked at Tom, mouthing a ‘thank you’. He cleared his throat.
“Yes, that’s exactly how you came, honey.”
Let’s just say, when you found out where babies really came from, you were both shocked and annoyed. You had gone through most of your life believing Tom’s story.
The worst part was that you even told some of your friends that Tom Holland told you where babies came from.
@ssebstann @lozzypoz321 @hera-the-writer @emmasdrowned @stillmanicc @peachyprincessss
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labrunereve · 3 years
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Last updated: 12th January 2022
💯 super great fic║⭐️ chef’s kiss
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❆ Get Popcorn by @slytherinchevy
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Reader’s script is missing a page. The most important page—one which involves a kissing scene with Tom Holland.
❆ The Marvel Cast Treating Y/N As Their Own Child by @lovemarvelcast0105
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: In which the reader is treated like the Marvel casts’ own child.
❆ Being a High School Student on a Marvel Set by @itsallyscorner 💯
Summary: Being a high school student while being a Marvel actress at the same time is hard, but it gets easy because the casts are there to help you.
❆ Star Struck by @rae-is-typing 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie & (Hints of NON-PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Spiderman a.k.a Tom Holland for the first time and he’s star struck.
❆ Memories Last Forever by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt x Reader
Summary: In an interview your co-stars gush over your talent and awesomeness, and reflect on all the good memories from set.
❆ Stackie Sandwich by @itsallyscorner 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie & (Hints of NON-PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader gets squished in the sofa by the two beefy men at Comic Con.
❆ Praise Unheard Of by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Summary: You and Jake have grown close while filming together for a new movie. You have a very jokey friendship, and you keep it lighthearted most of the time. Although, in a certain interview Jake mentions how much he admires you, and as someone who hasn’t heard that from anyone before, you can’t help but cry about it.
❆ The Runt by @morizoras-cave
Summary: Headcanon of how each Marvel actors and actresses would treat the reader, the youngest Avenger.
❆ Little Coworker by @morizoras-cave 💯
Summary: Reader is so young yet she has been in numerous movies with some of the Marvel actors and they were so happy when they get the chance to reunite with her again at the Avengers movie.
❆ We’re Family by @marvelgiggles
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr. x Reader
Summary: Evans, Hemsworth and Downey finds out that the reader has a crush and forced her to tell them about him!
❆ No Harm Done by @marvelgiggles
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr. x Reader
Summary: Downey acts like the reader’s adoptive father and asks all the Marvel casts not to prank her, but what happens when the reader teases Chris Evans about his favorite sports team?
❆ Show and Tell by @snarky--starky 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo x Reader
Summary: Reader surprises the MCU cast with a hidden talent on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
❆ [Untitled] by @culturebay 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader is the youngest cast of Civil War and is really close to Evans, Stan and Mackie.
❆ Meeting the Cast by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Russo x Reader
Summary: Reader plays young Black Widow and Scarlett introduces her to the other Marvel casts.
❆ Come On, Little Lady, Give Us A Smile by @afictionaladventure16 ⭐️
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Evans, Mackie and Stan saves you from a creepy paparazzi.
❆ Lost in Disney World by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader is left with Anthony in Disneyland and he lost her.
❆ The Baby by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: You are the youngest member of the Marvel cast.
❆ Besties4Life by @mellowavengersstuff
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie x Reader
Summary: Breakups are always hard. Luckily, you have friends to sort you out.
❆ Beach Day by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: Imagine having a beach day with the Marvel cast.
❆ The First Ever Press Conference by @mellowavengersstuff
Summary: Press with even the world mightiest heroes still freaks you out.
❆ Prank Master, huh? by @mschrisaholic
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, mentions of Elizabeth Olsen and Mark Ruffalo, (NON-PLATONIC) Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Before you and Chris started dating, Chris had pulled a prank on you. This happened when you’ve just started joining the set of Avengers. You were so terrified of the fact that you’re a part of them. RDJ’s face fear you the most when you’re filming and you realized it was all a prank planned by Chris.
❆ How I Think the Marvel Cast Would React To You Falling Asleep in Their Arms by @lovemarvelcast0105
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson, Hayley Atwell x Reader
Summary: The title is pretty self-explanatory, right?
❆ Quiz by @borkkybarnes
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: You’re at the BuzzFeed studio for the promo of your next film with Sebastian and Chris and you have to take the “Do you belong with Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan” Quiz.
❆ Brother From Another Mother by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: It’s chaotic when Tom and the reader who has brother-sister relationship is put together on a press tour.
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❆ Baby’s First Heartbreak by @itsallyscorner 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson & Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: The reader, youngest cast member of the Avengers, experiences her first heartbreak.
❆ Trespasser by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Jake and Tom gets super protective at the reader after being inappropriately touched by someone at the red carpet.
❆ Persistent by @morizoras-cave 💯
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Winston Duke x Reader
Summary: The reader and some of the male Marvel actors goes to the mall where a guy keeps hitting on the reader when she politely declines him. The guys take action.
❆ Baby Don’t Cry by @forever-more-never-again
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Chris accidentally hurts the reader while doing a stunt which left the male actors worried when the reader became unconscious.
❆ Sexualization by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary: Reader was asked sexist and dirty questions by an interviewer and Tom Hiddleston stepped up to defend her.
❆ Don’t Apologize by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Reader suddenly cries when the interviewer decides to attack her with a lot of questions.
❆ I Don’t Owe You a Goddamn Thing by @afictionaladventure16
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Brie Larson x Reader
Summary: In which the female casts stands up for each other when faced with sexist questions on an interview.
❆ [Untitled] by @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, mentions of other Avengers cast x Reader
Summary: A guy kept on eyeing the reader creepily on a dinner together with the whole cast.
❆ The End? by @lovemarvelcast0105 💯
Summary: You’re part of the Marvel cast and you’ve grown up with them. Now you’re promoting Endgame and you can’t hold back your tears.
❆ Survival by @writersblog20
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, mentions of other Avengers casts x Reader
Summary: There was a terrorist attack in the building the reader was on, the boys were panicked when they saw her stabbed.
❆ Obsessive by @morizoras-cave
Pairings: (PLATONIC) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A super creepy fan gets too close to the reader and Tom is ready to protect his ‘little sister’.
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parkers-gal · 4 years
requests | closed to complete current requests <3
last updated | aug 5th, 2021
do not repost my work anywhere !! respect this please. | fics are not ordered in any particular way. these headers are mine so pls don’t use/take them
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tom holland
insomnia - reader can’t get to sleep; tom finds out why
driving in the rain - fluffy dinner date and rainy drive back home
workouts and warmth - when all tom wants is some after-workout cuddles
from across the living room - announcing your engagement to your families
the one - you want to move out and get your own place as a couple, but tom doesn’t. nikki talks to him. 
anything for the twins - tom massages reader’s boobies during her period
moms, makeouts, and mishaps - nikki walks in during your makeout sesh
simple acts of intimacy - a fluffy 3.1k words worth of blurbs
silver surprises - the reader surprises tom at a premiere
twenty questions - questions ensue after tom & reader get stuck in an elevator
my gut - spinoff of twenty questions with claustrophobic!reader (tw/ anxiety + attacks)
stealth mode - tom & reader scaring each other
unicorns vs pegasuses - tom shuts the reader up by kissing them
a good story - tom meets reader at a meet & greet — friendships blossom to lovers
deal breaker - tom wants kids, but the reader does not
his lap - reader asks for help in overcoming an insecurity; tom misreads the situation
pool day - pool day w/ tom + the boys
hot - the reader picks a certain song that reminds her of tom - the boys go wild
grounded by rocks - tom talks about you in an interview for cherry
your hands - when all he wants is a simple head massage
late flights - in which tom takes too much time with the fans
nobody wanted to - where only one person makes it out alive
way more than 50 - the hollands trick the reader into thinking they did something they weren’t supposed to 
why [ pt ii ] - sweet cupcakes, and a not so sweet breakup
what looks suspicious - nikki doesn’t exactly approve of tom dating the reader
something sweet - reader drops off small gifts while tom’s on set
he remembers - when tom finds the letter
missed you - reuniting w/tom after four long months
soft gangsta - tom tries to dress edgy; the reader is unconvinced
the shoe game - reader & tom play the shoe game at their wedding
too much - when the reader has a rough time with work, tom comforts them
losing grip [ pt ii ] - a losing battle between the reader and a hereditary disease causes heartbreak
your captain america - protective!tom holland of young reader (age gap)
sexy genius - reader is a fan of (and meets) jake gyllenhaal
teddy bear cuddles - tom wears an oversized hoodie
nonsense - the boys think the reader is meddling with tom’s work
circles before yourself - rule #2 - osterfield!reader gets caught with tom
seventeen times - when the reader is having a hard time in lock down, tom tries to help (TW // depression)
pixie dust hair - tom assures insecure!reader that the pixie haircut looks good <3
a few more months - reader passes out during a run; tw // excessive exercising
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tiktok au’s
body ody ody - tom gets a little jealous over a few social media comments 
sweats in the supermarket - getting tom hard when he wears sweats
put your records on - trying not to kiss each other first
mood killer - saying dirty things into tom’s ear
say it back - pranking tom by not saying ily back to him
two different ways - tom choking the reader to get two different reactions 
brutal - doing the “did you mean to post this?” trend on tom 
worst thirty minutes of my life - playing a drinking game with tom to see who gives into cuddles first
my girl’s cuddles - crawling into tom’s lap 
even - buying hot leggings & taping tom’s reaction 
goofball - a silly way to reveal reader’s pregnancy to tom 
end the debate - “i found out why my boobs are small” trend
slam the car door - doing the car door prank on tom 
water bottle wars - the boys ask you and tom questions about each other. wrong answers result in sprayed water 
get you back real good - you & the boys prank tom after watching a scary movie 
peachy - sighing / moaning in front of tom playing video games to get his reaction
my princess - tom does a tiktok where he guesses all your answers to everyday questions
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needles and needs - when scarlet has to get shots, you realize she may not be the only one that needs comforting
all my girls - scarlet meets her baby sister for the first time (dad!tom)
everything i love about u - tom is afraid baby red might hate him for leaving home too much
a little extra help - stepdad!tom being the best dad to your daughter
through the tears - pregnant!reader goes into labour, and baby holland meets the family
first feed - tom watches you breastfeed for the first time
warmth from the love - baby holland’s first Christmas
first words - baby holland speaks for the first time
breaking the internet - when your pregnancy announcement crashes multiple apps/websites (pregnant!reader)
breaking the internet... again - when baby holland breaks the internet
boyfriends and brunch - when jade brings home her boyfriend (aged!up)
big sister + how are babies made - telling scarlet about the baby on the way (pregnant!reader)
too many kids - the reader’s dad has some commentary about the twins
mumma’s girl - tom gets jealous when scarlet isn’t a daddy’s girl
angels - a little skin to skin time with his best girl
family man - after a nasty breakup, tom finds out you had his child
cheesy uncles - telling paddy he’s going to be an uncle
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ag!reader (more to come !!)
y’all really get nasty - tom and the fans discuss ag!reader’s songs
my favorite things - ag!reader performs in front of the mcu cast at the grammy’s
34 + 35 - the boys react to reader’s new song(s)
34 + 35 remix - the boys reacting to the remix
his remedy - the boys react to positions deluxe
neglected - AG!reader breaks up w tom because of their job; tom searches for answers
low-key wants him - reader talks about how much nonna (+ her fam) loves tom
see u soon - reader interacts with tom while on stage for the swt
a few spilled secrets - AG!reader performs on jimmy fallon’s show.. tom and her confess a few secrets
for the first time - when the reader breaks down crying while singing about her ex, tom is there to comfort her
dance with me, rain on me - reader has a hard time on set, tom to the rescue
every tomorrow - the first album release night after your breakup
here we go again - introducing tom (+ the boys) to your celebrity friends
condoms or safety nets - the boys react to AG!reader’s song “safety net”
we’re not engaged - AG!reader announcing to the world why they no longer have a fiance... (fluffy)
the late late show - AG!reader & tom do spill your guts or fill your guts
pain from pleasure - dad!tom goes through a birth simulator — controlled by the reader
never have i ever - tom & the reader play a game on the late late show
fluffy hair - ag!reader has a zoom interview with zach sang. tom makes an appearance
fighting off the haters - ag!reader and older!tom holland (age gap) attend an award show after going public
run your hands thru my hair - tom reacts to ag!reader’s song “my hair”
stick to acting - tom tries to make a beat for ag!reader
practically twins - reader meets sebastian & anthony at comic con
damn lucky - black!reader wears her hair naturally during an interview
what a piece - reader talks about tom related songs & tattoos
flip it - tom talks about reader in an interview
at the door - older!reader & tom fight off haters
a headcannon of ag!reader being a marvel cast member
a headcannon of tom & the reader attending the avengers endgame premiere
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styles!reader (more to come !!)
bathroom kisses - makeout sessions with tom and styles!reader in the bathroom
yeah, he is - tom holland x styles!reader meet the styles family; protective older brother harry makes an appearance
unparalleled love - older brother harry styles makes a speech at reader’s wedding
grilled - date night for tom & styles!reader is a bit difficult with two kids; older brother!harry to the rescue
baby showers and brothers - dad!tom & styles!reader are going to be parents
potential boyfriend - tom has a crush on the reader when they first meet
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ts!reader (more to come!!)
trust me - tom & the reader defend her after nikki doesn’t approve
your london boy - tom & co. + the world reacts to “london boy”
boy of my dreams - tom being proud of the reader for winning a grammy
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tom records your sounds during sex for his music (hc)
tom talks about you in an interview
concepts: one , two , three
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my pretty girl - tom gets jealous when reader gets many valentines
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other reader tropes
cherry - reader is a screenwriter for tom’s upcoming movie
no shouting - singer!reader needs some help after paparazzis are too much (based on a video of tom)
pregnancy belly - actress!reader has to wear a pregnancy belly for her role, and the boys tease tom about when it’ll be real
we march - actress!reader being a huge feminist
passions & pediatricians - pediatrician-to-be!reader meets tom
politics - reader’s granpa is joe biden (requested) and tom meets him
extra support - psychiatrist!reader helps tom on the set of cherry
you made it big - tom holland x actress!reader at the after party
partition - the boys react to famous!reader singing partition
senorita - singer!reader makes a music video with shawn, who’s tom’s new best friend
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boomerang: one , two , three , four [completed]
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peter parker
making amends
➢ enemies to lovers ; college!peter x super soldier!reader ; 30k words ; sorta slow burn
cheeky guy, favorite thighs - college!peter doing a tik tok challenge — between the reader’s thighs [tik tok au]
a little nicer - doing the prank on peter (”you could’ve been a little nicer to me today”)
start searching - first make out sessions with our best boy :)
hidden hickeys - the avengers think innocence of peter, until they’re proven wrong
the team - part two of hidden hickeys; reader meets the avengers
all of you - late night talks about your future with peter :’)
like you wouldn’t believe - reader tells mj about her & peter’s awesome sex
slip from my hands - roommate!peter comforts the reader after a nightmare
i’d wait for her - college!peter parker needs to come to terms with you and your boyfriend
shut up and kiss me - soft make out sessions with peter :)
all the good things in the world, and i get you - insecure!reader needs a little reassuring 
modern chivalry - peter being a gentleman on the subway
eggnog and mistletoe - peter helps you love the holidays
the force awakens? it sleeps - a little extra comfort & care from our favorite baby boyfriend 
a prince - wonder woman!reader meets spider-man (& avengers) in a mission
steve rogers fics - peter finds you reading fanfiction abt steve rogers
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fanboys and bracelets - fanboy!peter parker goes to famous!singer!reader’s meet and greet
fanboys and phone numbers - fanboy!peter parker continuation 
showing around - fanboy!peter gets VIP access; some dancing ensues
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stark!reader + avengers!reader
if you knew feelings - the avengers want you & peter to break up
sleeping - peter misinterprets a few important questions
the may to your ben - college!best friend!peter parker x stark!reader fluff
race ya - peter confesses his feelings for rogers!reader after a mission — on comms
frat bathrooms - stark!reader joins the avengers where she sees college!peter, the boy she slept with at a frat party
rainy days - reader doesn’t like rainy days, a certain wall-climber changes their mind
already got her - jealous!peter makes a public confession
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a nervous one - flustered!peter parker sees cheerleader!reader in her uniform
one day soon - flustered!peter parker x affectionate!reader
all better - flustered!peter parker does some lab flirting with reader
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dad!peter + pregnant!reader
unplanned  [ part ii ] - reader gets pregnant... breaks up with peter to avoid it all
burrito wraps - reader worries that baby parker might be cold
a name to remember - latine!reader & peter give their girl a special name
you’re magic - a certain wall crawler hears two heartbeats
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sgt. bucky barnes
first cuddles - bucky asks to cuddle for the first time
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harry holland
golden light, the love of my life - the boys tease harry —on a live video— for being whipped
it won’t f^cking open - harry lends a helping hand
how much i - those three magical words are exchanged for the first time
cuddly koala moments - time the reader just needed harry’s warmth
anything for hands - the reader cuts harry’s hair on instagram live
your other best friend - the reader is sam’s new friend, but harry thinks they like tom instead
you’re my anchor - harry has an anxiety attack, but the reader knows what to do
what’s his [ pt ii ] - when everything thinks the reader should date tom instead, harry snaps
whipped fries - harry brags about the reader winning the pub quiz for them
tell me, show me - the reader makes harry flustered by playing w/the strings from his sweatpants
keep your cool - tom setting u up with his brother // nikki being wary
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you’re such a dream to me — ag!reader writes r.e.m. about harry
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harry styles
intoxicating - soft bubbles baths with long haired!harry 
frayed braids - reader braids long haired!harry’s hair
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harrison osterfield
not anymore - when harrison comes back from filming, he’s determed to win the reader’s heart
irreversible - when relationships fall apart, people fall apart. (infidelity)
circles before yourselves - rule #1  - harrison x osterfield!reader (sister) when brothers talk, bad things begin
think of her - harrison asks your family for their blessing [holland!sister]
steve harrington
together not never - steve discovers the reader is pregnant
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Plank All Over Me - 72 Questions With Vogue Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Plank All Over Me Series Masterlist
Regular Masterlist
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“Hi. I’m here from Vogue. Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“Oh, hey. Didn’t see you there.” You flirtatiously flipped your perfectly curled hair over your shoulder and winked at the camera. “Come on in.”
You walked inside your house, and gestured for the camera man to follow. In preparation for the interview, you and Tom had gotten out every award you’d ever won and strategically placed them around the house. You smiled at the camera and rubbed your hand over your growing baby bump.
“Welcome to my crib. Sorry it’s such a mess.” You rolled your eyes and faked a laugh, knowing the house was far from being a mess. You kept walking and saw Tom in the living room, polishing on of his awards with a feather duster.
“Oh my stars.” You feigned a gasp once you spotted Tom. “Is that my husband, the critically acclaimed movie star and Lip-sync battle winner, Tom Holland? I had no idea he was home.” You winked at the camera again.
“Oh, hello.” Tom stopped dusting and posed with a smile. “Don’t mind me. I was just cleaning this.”
“Might want to give that a dusting too.” You pointed to one of your awards before sending the camera another huge smile.
“Are you guys ready to answer some questions?” The camera guy asked.
“I was born ready.” Tom concurred with a smile.
“You were a C section baby.” You reminded him. “You weren’t even born.”
“I was removed ready.” He kept the same tone in his voice.
“Where did you meet?” The camera man asked as you and Tom began to walk towards your backyard.
“We met at BBC Radio 1 while doing the Plank All Over Me challenge.” Tom answered.
“Where was your first date?”
“Cracker Barrel.” You winked at the camera as you opened your back door. Tom laughed and shook his head at your joke.
“It was not. We got milkshakes at an Ice Cream Shop in Soho.” He corrected you.
“Who made the first move?”
“Why, he did.” You touched a hand to your heart. “He found me after the planking challenge, both our arms sore and aching, and asked me out on a date. We’ve been together ever since.”
“When you did you move in together?”
“About six months into the relationship when I realized she had a bigger bathroom than me.” Tom answered as he took a seat in one of your decorative deck chairs.
“How long have you been together?”
“Since September 29, 2019 at precisely 6:33 p.m.” You responded.
“Wow. Just a year?”
“Realistically, we’ve been together for a few years, but that’s when this series was first posted.” You shrugged. Tom and the camera blinked in confusion for a few minutes as they processed what you said.
“Moving on.” The camera man cleared his throat. “Tom, how did you pick an engagement ring?”
“I went into the shop and I said “which is the least expensive because I’m trying to buy a Porsche” and that’s how she ended up with this bad boy.” Tom smirked as he held up your hand to show off your engagement ring.
“I can’t wait to tell our baby that story.” You played along as you rubbed your baby bump.
“When did you know you wanted to propose?”
“As soon as she started whining because the planking was hurting her arms, I knew she was the one.” Tom joked.
“Did you know he was going to propose?”
“Surprisingly, no.” You laughed. “It’s the one secret he’s ever kept.
“I nearly got an ulcer from trying to keep it from her.” Tom blew out a breath.
“Who planned the majority of the wedding?”
“I did.” You declared. “I had to text Tom the morning of the wedding to remind him where the venue was.”
“Did either of you cry?”
“As soon as I mentioned the yoga challenge in my vows, the whole room was sobbing.” Tom teased.
“How big was the reception?”
“Let’s just say, we had all the Avengers there.” Tom nodded.
“All the important ones, anyway.” You joked. “Mackie couldn’t make it.”
“How did you spend your honeymoon?”
“We went to Bali and didn’t see any of it.” Tom smirked, earning a playful smack on the arm from you.
“What’s been your favorite video together?”
“I loved the prank with Josh.” You answered with a smile.
“I didn’t.” Tom shook his head. “I nearly threw hands with a ginger that day. I quite liked the friendship test.”
“What video gave you the fondest memories?”
“Spill your Guts, for sure. That’s when I learned about the existence of this one.” Tom beamed as he rubbed your baby bump.
“What was your least favorite video to film?”
“We already know Tom’s answer.” You chuckled.
“Prank interview.” He stated. “To this day, I hate it.”
“Did you see yourself getting married when you first met?”
“All I saw were the nose hairs in Tom’s nostrils when we first met.” You laughed. “After all, he did plank on me for six and a half minutes.”
“I had a feeling we would.” Tom smiled shyly. “Or a hope, at least.”
You pouted at his sincerity and leaned forward to kiss him, which his happily accepted.
“Have you thought of baby names?”
“Josh.” You answered immediately and Tom groaned.
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I really like the name Ryan Reynolds though.”
”What are you hoping for?”
“An oscar.” Tom answered at the same time you said “A divorce.”
“You already want a divorce?” The camera man laughed.
“Oh, not a divorce from Tom.” You assured him. “I want Ryan Reynolds to divorce Blake Lively so he can marry me instead.” You explained as Tom nodded along.
“And I want to die every time she says that.” He cracked a smile.
“Let’s get back to the baby questions.” The camera man said as you began to move around the yard. “Do you know the gender?”
“We do.” Tom said deviously. “But we’re not telling.”
“Do you think the baby will be more like their mother or their father?”
“Definitely me.” You stated.
“Why are you so sure?”
“Because Tom’s not the father.” You smiled sweetly. Tom stared at the camera with an unamused expression and shook his head.
“Who’s going to be the fun parent?”
“Considering I’m the parent who can swing from buildings, I say me.” Tom boasted.
“Who’s going to teach the baby how to read?”
“I am. And after the baby learns, they can teach Tom.” You smiled as you patted Tom’s shoulder.
“Do you think the baby will like to plank?”
“If they’re anything like their mommy, no.” Tom poked fun at you.
“And if they’re anything like their daddy, they’ll grow up to play the Green Lantern.” You shot back.
“Hahahah. She’s so funny.” Tom forced a laugh at your joke.
“Do you think the baby will develop your senses of humor?”
“Wait, you have a sense of humor?” You asked Tom. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“She loves me so much, it’s crazy.” Tom deadpanned towards the camera.
“Do you want the baby to grow up to be an actor or actress like you guys?”
“I just want the baby to be happy.” Tom gave a serious answer. “Every thing else will fall into place on its own.”
“That’s a great answer. Do you think you’ll post about the baby a lot of keep them out of the spotlight for the first few years of their life?”
“I think we’ll wait until they’re at least 4 months old until we exploit them for our own financial gain.” You said and Tom nodded along.
“Have you picked out the godparents yet?”
“Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal.” You joked. “They’re so excited. Jake said he would take the baby fishing.”
“He’s taken me fishing a few times.” Tom said as he stared off.
“How have you been preparing for the baby?”
“Well, I personally stopped sleeping, changed my whole diet, started lactating, and my pelvic bone separated in the middle so that I could push the baby out. Tom, what did you do?” You tilted your head at him.
“I bought the car seat.” Tom said proudly. “My wife picked it out, though.”
“I also drove him there.” You glared at the camera for a moment, cracking a smile after your joke.
“What are you most looking forward to after the baby is born?”
“Laying on my stomach.” You laughed as you looked down at your protruding bump.
“I also miss laying on her stomach.” Tom pouted as he rubbed the bump. “That was my favorite cuddle position.”
“Aw. I’m sorry we can’t cuddle the way you want to anymore because I’m growing your child inside my body.” You said sarcastically, making Tom laugh.
“Thank you for growing our child inside your body. I don’t say it enough.” Tom praised as he leaned in for a kiss.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled at him before turning to the camera man. “Anything else you want to know?”
“Actually, I have a question.” Tom stated as he looked at the camera.
“What’s that?” The camera man asked. You and Tom looked at each other and exchanged a smile before turning back the the camera.
“Are you excited to meet our baby girl?”
Tag List 🏷
@thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Marvel Cast Masterlist
** = Trigger Warnings
X Teen!Co-Star!Readers
Praise Unheard Of - Jake Gyllenhaal x f!teen!reader: You cry when you hear just how much Jake appreciates you and admires you.
Purple Patches** - Benedict Cumberbatch! f!teen!reader, Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: Benedict and Tom realize that your home life is not so great, to say the least.
You Need Rest** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: Tom finds you, broken down from all the stress of school and work.
Knowing Yourself** - Sebastian Stan x f!teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x f!teen!reader: Sebastian and Anthony as well as your other cast members joke about your sexuality, but you don’t find it as funny.
Expectations** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: Tom overhears you in a heated discussion with your parents, fighting their unreasonable expectations of you.
Uncomfortable** - Jake Gyllenhaal x f!teen!reader: You open up to Jake about how your boyfriend forced you to do something you’re uncomfortable with, and Jake is not happy about it.
Unreal** - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: You experience an episode of dissociation and Tom helps you down again.
Sexualization** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: An interviewer asks you inappropriate questions and Tom is not having it.
Big Smile** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: Tom sees you cry for the first time, when you struggle to deal with the stress of school.
Too Loud - Jake Gyllenhaal x f!teen!reader: Jake discovers that you are not all shy, but actually loud and outgoing.
Swell** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader:  Tom finds out that you self harm and he does his best to help.
Bullies** - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: Tom finds out about your bullies.
Brother From Another Mother - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: You and Tom just have fun.
Action - James McAvoy x f!teen!reader: You get hurt whilst doing an action scene and try to hide it in shame, but James sees right through you.  
Premiere Nerves** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: Tom calms you down from a panic attack during the premiere. 
The Legend Of Bepis - James Mcavoy x f!teen!reader: You and James terrify everyone with your horrific inside jokes..
Fat** - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: Tom discovers your eating disorder. 
Red Lines** - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader, Benedict Cumberbatch x teen!reader: Tom and Ben discover your self harming habit. 
Obsessive** - Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: At a meet n’ greet a fan creeps you the hell out. Tom doesn’t like that.
Reflection** - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: Tom finds out that you are terribly insecure about your body and does his best to comfort you.
Trespasser** - Tom Holland x gn!teen!reader, Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader: At a premiere a fan trespasses and inappropriately touches you. Tom and Jake are majorly pissed off. 
Sleepyhead** - MCU cast x gn!teen!reader, Benedict Cumberbatch x gn!teen!reader: You’re always asleep around set and the cast wonders why. 
Persistent** - MCU cast x f!teen!reader: With some of the marvel cast out at the mall, a boy won’t stop hitting on you, even when you politely decline. 
Take Care** - Chris Evans x gn!teen!reader: After a solid week of overworking yourself, forgetting to eat, and having no chance to sleep, you faint, and Chris is not happy about it.
Weird** - MCU cast x gn!teen!reader: When you get bullied at school for your rather unconventional personality, you clam up, fearing that you are annoying. 
Just a Cold - Tom Hiddleston x gn!teen!reader: It’s just a cold. Nothing too bad. That’s what you say, but then you faint on set, and Tom is not very happy about it.
Alley** - James Mcavoy x gn!teen!reader: James saves you from a creep in an alleyway. 
Noise** - MCU cast x gn!teen!reader: you’re overwhelmed by all the noise, and your castmates help you calm down.
Memories Last Forever - MCU cast x f!teen!reader: In an interview your costars gush over your talent and awesomeness, and reflect on all the good memories from set.
Sleepover - Sebastian Stan x f!teen!reader, MCU cast x f!teen!reader: You and the MCU cast have a secret sleepover. Things go off the rails.
Don’t Apologize** - Sebastian Stan x gn!teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x gn!teen!reader: An interviewer makes you feel really uncomfortable, so Sebastian and Anthony get angry. 
Pick Me Up** - Tom Holland x gn!teen!reader, Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader: Your bullies beat you up, so you ask Tom and Jake to pick you up.
Over The Line** - Tom Hiddleston x gn!teen!reader: Tom finds out your manager abuses you, and gets pissed as all hell.
Delicate - Marvel Cast x gn!teen!reader: You’re an ex-stunt double, but the cast don’t know that, and are immensely scared that you will hurt yourself doing a risky stunt. You impress them.
Pass Out - Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader, Tom Holland x gn!teen!reader: You’re sick and insist that you’re fine, but you end up passing out in front of fans. 
Paper Bag** - MCU Cast x gn!teen!reader: You get pimples and struggle so much with your insecurity, that you end up putting a paper bag over your head to conceal your face. 
Robbed** - Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader, Tom Holland x gn!teen!reader: You get mugged and Jake and Tom help you feel like yourself again.
Treatment** - Sebastian Stan x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Anthony Mackie x gn!teen!co-star!reader: Your costars find out the terrible treatment you get at your foreign acting agency. 
Mentor - Tom Hiddleston x f!teen!reader: In which Tom is your mentor, and a description of what your friendship is like.
Soul Sister - Elizabeth Olsen x f!teen!reader: You’re a very closed off person, but Elizabeth just knows the way to your heart.
The Runt - Marvel cast x f!teen!reader: You’re the new youngest person in the MCU cast, and this is how several different people would react to and treat you. 
Substitute Dad** - Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader: Jake discovers that you’ve never had a father figure and subconsciously takes that role into his own hands.
Young** - Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!reader: Jake is overprotective of you because you’re very naive. 
Father Figure** - Tom Hiddlestonx gn!teen!reader: Tom is like your father figure. That’s exactly why you feel so sad, when you find out he’s gonna have a baby of his own.
X Teen!Family!Readers
The Story Of Many** - Chris Evans x teen!little sister!reader: Your role is taking an emotional toll on you, and Chris discovers that you have secretly been taking pills to cope with your mental health.
Road Trip - Sebastian Stan x teen!daughter!reader: Sebastian has planned a road trip for the two of you, but you’ve gotten a sick, and you hide it in fear of ruining the trip.
Misunderstanding - Chris Evans x teen!daughter!reader, Jaeden Martell x f!reader: You and Jaeden sneak out of a premiere to joke around and take pictures, but Chris thinks you’re doing something entirely different..
Drink** - Ryan Reynolds x teen!daughter!reader: Your drink is roofied at a party and Ryan comes to pick you up.
Break Up - Holland Brothers x gn!teen!sibling!reader: You experience your first break up, and the brothers are there to comfort you. 
Award Winning - Chris Evans x teen!daughter!reader: Chris’ reaction to you winning an award for Rising Star. 
Romantic X Readers
Jealous - Jake Gyllenhaal x f!reader: At an award show a celebrity tries to chat you up and Jake is NOT having it. 
X Child!Readers
Kid Problems** - MCU cast x f!reader, Mark Ruffalo x f!reader, Scarlett Johansson x f!reader: The MCU cast discover that your mom and their coworker is an abusive asshat.
Be My Date - Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!reader: Jake finds out your parents can’t go to the premiere and joins you instead. 
Bubble Laugh - Sebastian Stan x gn!reader: You’re shy, but you accidentally reveal your pure, loud, uncontainable laughter, and the cast loves it. 
Little Coworker - MCU cast x gn!reader: You’ve worked with a couple of marvel actors before, and they’re glad to show off your amazing acting skills to the rest of the cast.
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
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request: hii idk if you could write a leo gyllenhaal x reader part 2 like how would he react if the reader already had a dog and how would jake be meeting the dog's reader. i just need more leo fluff
notes: you can find the original headcanons on my pinned post/masterlist. this is a friendly reminder than leo is the greatest gyllenhaal (and that jake looks slightly scary in this photo but details).
You know how a single parent introducing their child to their new significant other is a big deal? How when they both have children, it becomes such a delicate mission, a dealbreaker, a do or die? It’d be the same when the time comes for Leo and your dog to meet.
Your dog had already adopted Jake, Leo had already adopted you. You had to trick them into not paying attention to the smell of another dog on your clothing by giving them more ear rubs and treats, so this cruel act of treason that is having more than one dog to give your love to had little to no consequences.
Scents, that was the common solution both you and Jake came up with when your relationship became very serious and the more nights you spent apart, the sadder it made the two of you. You started by taking one of Leo’s stuffed animals home to your place, pretending it was a new toy for your pooch to play with. Jake did the same with your dog’s favourite ball. Soon enough, both dogs adopted the new items as their own and it became their favourite thing to play with.
Just like you would do with kids, you started slow. You turned the volume up when Jake FaceTimed you so your dog would be intrigued by the sound of Leo’s barking. You could swear that, one time, your dog sat next to you on the couch while Jake was cleaning his kitchen after dinner and he filmed Leo as he showed you the new trick he learned (well, the new trick you taught Leo who refused to perform it without your presence), and barked at Leo in the same playful manner he would do an unknown dog at the park. The call ended with Jake and you nodding, feeling like there was no need to wait any longer.
The next day, you two had planned a picnic. You had brought lots of extra treats and new toys while Jake promised to bring the food. You found a park you both had never visited that was dog friendly, judging that unknown territory was a better bet and no one had any advantages over the other. While dominant and submissive dynamics were completely normal with dogs, you wished for them to be friends and to be equal.
After all, they were both winning big. Double the attention, double the love, double the belly scratches and a whole new playing partner who was fast enough to chase and lazy enough to crash on an abandoned blanket on the floor for hours until the scent of chicken summoned them back to reality.
The day was sunny and warm, the breeze was calm and tickling your skin. You had put your dog in their prettiest bandana, so did Jake with Leo’s. They were matching ones that you bought one another for your six months anniversary of dating. Yes, you had waited that long to introduce your dogs.
Time finally came that Leo and your dog met. You could see their happy tails waggling away and just how much their were pulling on their leashes. They did their introductions, you and Jake pretending to voice their interactions.
“So you’re my new best friend?” Jake used a low voice, resembling an old grumpy man.
“Heck yes! We’re gonna steal all the chimken!” You laughed, imitating what you thought your dog would sound like in an alternate universe where they would speak.
“We have lots of peanut butter at home too!”
“Peanut butter!” You repeated and the dogs completely lost it. They were hopping around, excited by the mention of one of their favourite foods.
Jake helped you set down and gave you a spoon, with which you scopped some of the peanut butter he brought in a tiny container and fed your friends. You earned another nod from your boyfriend, everything was going well.
Your dog tried to impress Leo by chasing their tail, while the German Sherperd just sat and raised his eyebrows in confusion, until he joined the party as well and brought the cutest laughters from both Jake and you.
The rest of the date went smoothly, other than the fact you had to adjust to two hungry mouths trying to steal bites of your food at any given occasion. All they had to do was cause a distraction by sitting pretty of giving either Jake or you a high five while the other one was happily munching on whatever you had on your napkin you used as a plate.
Every now and then, Jake would squeeze your hand. You could almost see the tears of joy pooling in his sky blue eyes. When he looked at you, he saw nothing but sparkles of love.
You agreed on staying the night at your apartment, hoping to watch a movie all cuddled up on the couch. You knew you had to tire the dogs out if you wanted to have any minute alone at all.
Jake started to throw a frisbee, it only reached a few feet and Leo was already exhausted from lazily walking to get it and bring it back to you. You had to agree with him, Jake was a terrible pitcher. You bumped your hip on his before you threw the disc in the distance, your dog rushed to catch it and ran back to show their skills to his new friend. Jake poked his tongue out at you every time you tossed the frisbee in a perfect motion. What was it, that they say? You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
Clearly this saying was false, you had taught Leo, and Jake, a lot of things already, but there was so much left to discover.
“I’ve been thinking...” You looked exactly like Leo when you tilted your face, and raised your eyebrows at Jake. “When we’ll get married, I can adopt your dog so we all have the same last name.”
Your eyes widened at the mention of marriage, your heart was beating faster than when you were walking to the park, fileld with doubts and anticipation.
“And then we can adopt another one and have one big family!”
You reached up to kiss his cheek lovingly while the new friends seemed to have fallen asleep, each biting a side of the frisbee you threw around earlier. “We already are a family.”
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Safe In Your Arms
Relationship: David Loki x Reader
Fandom: Prisoners
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Dark Themes, Crimes Against Children, Anxiety, Strong Language
Word Count: 2,100
Masterlist: Here
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co. Masterlist: Here
Summary: Loki hasn’t been home in days; no problem.
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Letting out a deep sigh, a man sat at his desk and ran his hands through his hair harshly. His tattoos looked dull against his skin form lack of sleep, nutrition, and well, sunlight. He let his phone ring for the 3rd time that hour; the hour that he was suppose to be home. In all honesty, he was suppose to be home several hours ago but this current case was hitting him hard. Child cases were always the roughest for him. They reminded him of the past he tried so hard to be better than.
“Loki!” Another sigh. David looked up to see his captain walking closer to him with that stupid look on his face.
“We got that suspect in custody. Picked up for a traffic violation, can ya believe it? Anyways, he’s all yours. Room two.” This was just what he needed when his body was screaming for rest. The interrogation was cold, but it helped keep both detective and suspect awake through the grueling process. Two hours had gone by and nothing. He was getting absolutely nothing from the guy. The frustration had long since creeped in; all he wanted was a confession. Loki knew the man was guilty. There were too many eyewitnesses that placed this man with the kids, too many stories from the children they were able to get released. He was about as guilty as anyone could get, but without the lab results coming back or a confession, the man would walk.
“What’d you do to those boys, Steve?” Loki had moved to crowding the man in the corner. He never touched him, but he made sure to stay in his bubble. Steve didn’t look the detective in the eyes as he cowered in the corner of the interrogation room. All through the questioning, Steve had maintained that he did nothing, but Loki knew different. Growing up in the way that he did; it gave him a unique perspective on types of people. The horrors of the boys home he grew up in left scars that he would never be rid of, but they helped in these situations.
“I didn’t do anything. You got the wrong guy. I only cared for those boys; I didn’t do anything wrong.” The man cried as he shook in the corner. He cowered away from Loki, trying to keep as much distance between the two as possible. David’s eyes blinked rapidly, and he let out a deep sigh. He stepped away, and watched as Steve visibly relaxed. His hands stopped shaking, his body too. Steve’s eyes darted quickly around the room and over Loki’s figure, like a scared, cornered animal. He made a mad rush for Loki and both of them fell to the floor. Grappling, and trying to get dominance, the men were caught in a power struggle. David finally managed to get his hands up to where he could grab Steve’s shoulders. He brought his knee up and connected to his gut. The assailant groaned in pain and fell to the floor, while Loki moved around and got his cuffs on the man.
“Wrong move, asshole.” Loki hauled the man up and shoved him down in the seat while the door to the room opened. Two uniformed police officers moved in to help subdue the man, and get him properly detained. Steve started to laugh as the chain was attached to the cuffs, and the bar on the table, which caused David to stop before his hand reached the handle of the door. Confused, the detective turned back to look at the man.
“What?” Steve continued to laugh to himself. Loki moved closer and placed his hands on the tabletop.
“What the fuck’s so funny?” Slowly, Steve laughter dwindled down. He took just a moment to collect himself before he leaned forward and spoke quietly. So quietly, that Loki was doubting if he said anything at all.
“You. Big, bad, Detective David Loki. Rising up and leaving that boys home. Huntington, right? Shame it closed down. Those boys were so cared for. Just like these boys are,” Steve leaned even closer, and stood up to be eye level with Loki, “you won’t make it stick. I’ll walk out of here without any charges and you’ll obsess over this case. Those boys love me, and they won’t speak out against anyone at the home. They know what will happen.” With that, the man sat down and smiled. He stared Loki down, while his mind tried to wrap itself around the situation. Loki mirrored Steve and got close to his face to where they shared the same breath.
“I will make this stick. Those boys are terrified of you; that’s not love. And you know what, I’ll put you away on child charges which will be great for you in prison. And once I’ve gotten you, I’ll get everyone else that allowed that to happen in the boys home. I will make sure that happens.” David turned and left the room swiftly, ignoring Steve’s calls of his name. The whole ordeal made his head swim and not in the way that he liked. Everything was too much; too bright, too loud, too smelly, too itchy. His steps to his desk may have looked confident, but inside he was crumbling down.
He held his head in his hands and took deep breaths, trying so desperately not to fly off the handle. The noise around him muddled into pure white noise, and his eyes slipped shut. Saliva started to pool in his mouth as his heart dropped. He could feel himself get sick and want to throw up, but he pushed it down. If he could just make it through this day, this case; he could reward himself with a night in with his wife. That would be lovely. But what if she was planning on leaving him because of his work schedule? He was never home, but he tried to make it home in time for dinner. It didn’t always work but every dinner he missed, would just be a chance at asking it up to her. She truly had that patience of a saint but was it enough. Thoughts ran wild in his head, as he tuned out the outside world.
“Dave? David? Honey, are you alright?” A hand waved in front of his vision. Startling himself back into his chair, he slowly calmed down. She was here. His darling wife. In her hands were several bags that each had smells galore coming from them. Blinking a few times, Loki stood up abruptly from his desk and grabbed on of the bags out of her hands, and grabbed her wrist to lead her through the station. She never questioned where he was leading her, trusting him to make the decisions he needed to. David led his wife into an empty conference room and dumped the food on the table. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him, immediately putting his nose in her neck. The strain hurt beyond belief, but the comfort trumped the pain in his neck.
Breathe in, hold, breathe out. The routine that he had developed over the last few decades, now had the added component of being in his wife’s arms. Her hands came up and stroked through his dark hair gently. Careful not to tug, she stood on her tiptoes to make it easier for her husband to decompress. She tried to follow his breathing, which helped keep her calm.
“Rough case?” She felt him nod into her neck. Mrs. Loki realized early on that if David was this worked up, it was best to ask him yes or no questions as forming words would lead to a complete breakdown.
“Can you eat a little something please? That will help the sick feeling in your stomach right now.” David nodded again, knowing that his wife had witnessed this before and knew the signs. She led him over to the chairs nearby and gently dropped him in one, before placing herself in one right next to his. His hands stayed on her while she dished out the meal she had prepared for the both of them. David’s eyes were unfocused but he tried to keep them on her. His head like it was floating upside down. Swimming in the negative emotions that were there, and repressed memories that had resurfaced after years of trying to keep them buried.
“Here, honey. Small bites, okay? Think you can do small bites?” The fork was transferred to his hand after she cut up the meat in the box. As David got pulled back to reality, his wife tried to keep him eating and listening. She even went as far as to take over when his fork slipped from his unclenched hand, and feed him small bites of meat and rice. Slowly but surely, David was finally able to make out his wife’s face and voice clearly. When she noticed the switch, her smile softened as her heart swelled.
“Hey, honey. You okay now?” David nodded and went to go eat more food, but noticed that it was all gone. They must have finished their meals while he was zoned out.
“Thank you for this. Just a… rough case. A really fucking rough case.” He muttered quietly, looking down at his hands. He grabbed hers as well and toyed with the wedding ring he had put there years ago. The little ‘DL’ on her finger was barely visible with the bands blocking the view.
“No need to thank me. No matter what it is, I’ll be there for you. And I know that whatever case your on, no matter how hard, you’ll solve it. You’ll take on the full weight of the case, not accept practically anyone’s help, and you won’t come home for days on end because you’ll sleep in one of the cells so you’re close in case you’re needed. And then you’ll come home once you’ve solved it, and we’re going to have a nice dinner where you tell me about how you knew it was the right person all along. Then, we’ll go to bed in each others arms. When we wake up the next morning, we’ll do the cycle all over again.” David looked into her eyes as she concluded her mini speech. It may not have been the most inspirational and uplifting, but to him, it meant the world. His face cracked into a rare, genuine smile as he leaned in closer to his wife. Pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, it quickly turned into a full lip lock as the couple reached up to grab the other’s face.
“Thank you.” Loki whispered as he pulled away. He was a man of few, emotional words, but he always believed that actions spoke louder than words could ever. His lover just patted his cheek and pulled away, starting to stow away the boxes that held their lunches and drinks.
“Of course, honey. It’s what I’m here for. Now, do you need anything else before you get back to your case, detective Loki?” She said, teasingly. Her hands were suddenly free from the bags as David walked closer and grabbed her hips.
“Maybe one more kiss?” His question was near silent, just like his partners answer. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she guided his head towards hers. The instant their lips touched again, David felt his body relax, and the tension leave.
Soon, she had to leave, as work called both of them away from each other. While David sat at his desk, his mind wandered. This case was going to be hard on him; that was certain. Child cases were hard on anyone, but he had to keep trying. No one helped him when he was their age. No one came to his rescue except his own self. But if he could help these boys be better than him, that would be a win in his books. David’s personal phone buzzed on the table in front of him.
There’s going to be meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and veggies for dinner tonight if you come home. Love you <3
It was difficult to curb the smile that threatened to overtake his face. He only allowed a small smile to peak through before returning his face to neutral. Maybe he should go home and sleep in his own bed tonight. It might help to give him a fresh set of eyes. Yeah, that was what he needed. To fall asleep in the arms of his wife, where he was safe.
It was difficult to curb the smile that threatened to overtake his face. He only allowed a small smile to peak through before returning his face to neutral. Maybe he should go home and sleep in his own bed tonight. It might help to give him a fresh set of eyes. Yeah, that was what he needed. To fall asleep in the arms of his wife, where he was safe.
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angelkurenai · 4 years
In the process of updating my masterlist I gathered every fic that is not currently included there, but will be added in a couple minutes. As of now, in case you have been checking my masterlist and missed something, here it is:
Dean Winchester Imagine
Imagine confronting Dean after his argument with Castiel and finding out he blames himself for your child’s death. Even if Jack was the one who accidentally did it.
Imagine spending the holidays with the boys and celebrating properly as it is Jack’s first Christmas.
Imagine playing a game of 20 questions with Dean in a bar where he shamelessly flirts with you with cheesy pick up lines, trying to tell you how he feels.
Imagine having to pretend to be a couple with your boss, Dean, for a case of a serial killer who targets couples and you have to make out the whole while.
Imagine asking for Dean to watch your back during a case and him taking it rather literally to the point he’s distracted during the job by you.
Imagine Dean introducing you, his wife, to Jody and the girls and recounting the way you got together in a rather interesting way.
Imagine running into an old friend of yours while out on a bar with Dean. Only problem being how flirty your old friend is and how much that pisses Dean off.
Imagine telling everyone how good of a kisser Dean is and how you know that.
Imagine Sam trying to get you and Dean to be productive by working a case, but you two are in the honeymoon phase and unable to pull away from each other.
Imagine spending the holidays with the Losers Club that come to visit you in the bunker where you like with Sam and Dean.
Imagine eating the last slice of pie and in the funny argument that follows you end up telling Dean you love him, only to make him forget how to speak.
Imagine Sam finding out you and Dean are dating, even though you thought Dean had already told him.
Imagine trying to tell to your best friend, Sam, that you are dating his brother, Dean.
Imagine saying you volunteer when Sam says Dean needs to get laid because of how on edge he has been lately.
Imagine Dean using pick up lines on you because he likes you and wants to ask you out but you keep taking things too seriously, not getting his flirting.
Imagine your fiance, Dean, finding out you met his other self from another world and got way too close with him, only to feel jealous.
Imagine calling Dean out on having feelings for you when he’s too nervous to admit it.
Imagine getting stuck with Dean in a cabin while it’s snowing heavily outside and having to find a way to keep warm.
Imagine you and Dean being unable to stand each other, but it’s only because you get often jealous. The unresolved sexual tension makes Sam lock the both of you up until you solve it out.
Imagine always being the strong one, insisting on being fine all the time and not showing weakness, until one day you can’t hide how much the pain around you is affecting you and Dean is there to support you.
Imagine accidentally confessing to Dean how you love him, after years of hurting because he slept around, and expecting a rejection. Only for his answer to shock you and change it all.
Sam Winchester Imagine
Imagine being Sam’s dead girlfriend and seeing him again as a ghost after a long time and him trying to find a way to bring you back to life, because he can’t live without you.
Imagine spending the holidays with the boys and celebrating properly as it is Jack’s first Christmas.
Jack Kline Imagine
Imagine spending the holidays with the boys and celebrating properly as it is Jack’s first Christmas.
Imagine dating Jack in secret and after a hunt you swap bodies with your brother, Dean.
Steve Rogers Imagine
Imagine Steve wanting to introduce you, his fiance, to his friends for a long time  but hesitating because he hasn’t told them something about your past and how you met. You were once his student.
Sebastian Stan Imagine
Imagine being part of the Black Widow movie with a character who is Bucky’s wife in the comics. Only you and Sebastian have a crush on each other so your costars try to set you up.
Imagine Sebastian organising an event to raise money for a good cause and wanting to ask you, a famous singer and his not-so-secret crush, to sing but being too afraid too. So his manager does so as a surprise for him.
Jake Gyllenhaal Imagine
Imagine Jake thinking you want to break up with him and are hiding it from him only to realise that the only secret you have is that you’re pregnant.
Dean Winchester One/Two-Shots
Better late than never - Dean Winchester x Reader
All Hail - Dean Winchester x Reader (Medieval AU)
For Jacob - Dean Winchester x Reader
Earth 616 - Dean Winchester x Reader x Steve Rogers
Lucky idiot - Dean Winchester x Reader
Steve Rogers One/Two-Shots
Taste of beer - Steve Rogers x Reader
Draw me, like one of your French girls - Steve Rogers x Reader
Earth 616 - Dean Winchester x Reader x Steve Rogers
Chris Evans One/Two-Shots
Find me - Chris Evans x Reader
Part 1
Twisting the knife - Chris Evans x Reader
His Princess - Chris Evans x Reader
When in quarantine - Chris Evans x Reader
Sebastian Stan One/Two-Shots
Worth it - Sebastian Stan x Reader
Tom Hiddleston One/Two-Shots
Qualified cuddler - Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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multific · 4 years
Best Anniversary
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Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Warning: SMUT.
Summary: You and Jake celebrate your tenth anniversary.
Your heartbeat picked up. You couldn’t believe you lost it.
The very first present that you received from your husband. Diamond earrings.
Jake gave you the gift for your birthday when you started dating. At the time you thought that he was going overboard, but later on, you learned that it was normal to him. He loved to get you fancy stuff and after you got married, it still didn’t stop. But the earrings meant more than all of the other. They were special.
And now you couldn’t find them.
You and your husband were celebrating your tenth anniversary and he planned to take you out. Your hair was already done, your dress was already on with matching shoes, all there was left to do is accessories and you planned on wearing those earrings.
You were borderline frustrated and let out a groan.
“Mommy, look Teddy is pretty!” you heard your daughter call out from the door. You immediately looked in her direction.
She was smiling with her favourite stuffed animal in her little arms, the bear was a gift from her favourite aunty. Her smile reminded you of Jake’s and this is when you noticed the very earrings that you were looking for were placed into the bear’s ears.
“Oh, honey. He really does look pretty.” you said and when you saw her smile grew, you knew you couldn’t just take them away from her.
She was everything. You and Jake have been trying for so long before you got pregnant.
“I’ll show it to Daddy!” she said and ran off. You followed her down the stairs to the living room where Jake was standing, waiting for you while talking to his mom who was kind enough to come over to look after her granddaughter for the night.
“Daddy, Daddy look! Teddy is pretty.” Jake looked at his daughter than at the very expensive jewelry the bear was wearing. Finally, his eyes locked with yours. You gave him a smile.
Jake knelt down, kissing his daughters head. “He really is. Where did you find those?”
“In Mommy’s box, the one in the bathroom.”
“I see.” he said kissing her once more before standing up. “Ready?”
“Yes, Sir.” you said.
You said your goodbye’s to Jake’s mom and your daughter. “Be good to Grandma, don’t stay up late, and-“
“I won’t Mum!”
“And I love you.” you said and she hugged you.
“Love you too.”
Jake also said his goodbyes and soon you were on your way to the restaurant.
“Why are you smiling?” you asked when you noticed the weird smile on your husband’s face.
“Just, what my mom said. She said not to come home early and have fun.”
“And? That’s kind from her.”
“She also said that she wants a second grandchild.” you laughed out loud at that. It’s not that you would mind another child. But Jake’s and your parents have been nagging you from the moment your daughter was born.
Then an idea popped into your head.
“Just how hungry are you?”
“Not that bad, why?”
“There’s a hotel on the way to the restaurant. Maybe we could stop there?”
“What? Just because my mom said to you-“
“No, it’s not what she said. It’s just that I missed you. When was the last time we had sex?”
You could see Jake really giving your idea a thought.
“The hotel will be the next left. You decide.”
Jake did really think it through.
However, when he took the next left, your grin grew.
The room was simple, obviously not a fancy place, but the room had the most important thing, the bed.
However, you never made it to it.
Jake pushed you right up against the wall, kissing your neck, chest and earlobe. He left marks wherever he went.
You remember taking extra time to make sure your dress looked perfect, it took him half a second to pull it off of you and you were left in your underwear. Your hands were also busy getting his naked.
It was animalistic, pure instinct. He didn’t waste time and nor did you. He turned you around and immediately thrusted into your awaiting hot and wet core. He didn’t waste time as he pounded you into the wall. You moaned so loudly, you felt his hands hold you up by the waist, your legs started to give out due to his harsh movements. But you didn’t stop him. You needed him to fuck you just as much as he wanted to.
He continued pounding while letting our groans. From time to time he leant forward, kissing your back, neck while his hands massaged your ass or breasts.
“Fuck.” was the only word he said besides your name. You were also a mess, clinging onto nothing, doing your best to keep yourself up just so he can ravish your body. It felt so good. Almost too good to be real.
You knew he was getting close to his climax when his movements became quicker and deeper. His breathing picked up as he moved a hand to your clit and mercilessly began to massage it as he continued pounding into you.
“Jake.” you called out as a final cry as you reached your high.
You felt him bite down on your shoulder as he completely sopped moving before he moved even deeper into you. He let out a low groan. You felt him fill you up, up to the point where you felt it slipping out of you. It was such raw emotion, a man claiming his wife, giving both of them pleasure as they reach their highs.
And when the moment left, you realized what just happened. Your legs almost gave out, but you managed to make it to the bed with Jake holding you to his chest, helping you move.
You just laid there, mind completely blank from the pleasure. Your back was pressed to Jake’s chest. His member still inside you, soft, but he didn’t pull out.
He started kissing your neck and shoulder. You moved your head so he could kiss you better on the lips.
“Happy Anniversary.” you said and Jake smiled.
“The best anniversary we ever had.” he said.
“And it’s only the beginning.”
Hours passed and you completely forgot how many climaxes you reached.
Your husband made sure to please you with his mouth, fingers and cock. You made sure to please your husband with your mouth, tongue and vagina.
You forgot how many positions you already have done it in. All you know is that you were riding him, his hands gripping the headboard as it slammed into the wall. Creaking under your weights, loud moans filling up the room.
You moved up and down, your movements sloppy and a bit clumsy, but Jake didn’t care. He loved to watch you ride his cock, and you loved how deep his head hit inside you every single time you moved down. Your pussy was so wet, it made sounds. But you didn’t care, all that mattered was to please and get pleasure. Your mind was still blank. Jake sat up, getting one of your already numb nipples into his mouth, he might have paid too much attention to them already. But you didn’t stop him. You moaned louder, feeling his cock hit deeper and deeper as he sucked your nipple. Your hands moved into his hair, pulling it, scratching his skin. And again, you reached your climax. Jake laid you down and continued to fuck into you, desperate to have his release. And soon enough he found it, with your leg on his shoulder and fingernails in his back. You felt him fill you up yet again.
Completely exhausted he laid down next to you.
He was completely out of breath and so were you. The only thing you managed to say was.
“Best Anniversary.”
Indeed it was.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsacastellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch snoopy3000 firstangeldragonranch puknow crazzyter alwayshave-faith  soleil-dor  alex12948 scream-kiwi79
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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I am so sorry for not posting anything lately, school has just been a pain in the ass and it’s given me a lot of stress and anxiety, but I have a break in about two days and a week so I will get back at writing soon
One last thing thank you for everyone who has liked my imagines / headcannons, and damn you guys seem to like the one where I made a headcannon on how I thought it would kind of be like to date Kate Bishop, I’m glad you all like it, so I’m going to tag it here if anyone wants to read it, and I would be more than happy to write more of Kate Bishop as I do love her, and I have some works that are half done that I will try to be done with as soon as possible, but like I stated before school is giving me a lot of stress and anxiety so I’m taking it slow for a while now.
The absolute last thing I wanted to tell you all is that for some weeks ago I watched Arcane League of Legends and I absolutely loved it cough* Silco cough* so I wanted to start write for arcane too is that something someone would be interested in
Anyway sorry in beforehand if some imagines are kind of late or super late
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
Baby!gyllenhaal hearing we are never ever getting back together
Jake was driving you home from school and had the radio playing. He had it set to your favorite station and he could hear you singing along from the backseat. Your words weren’t very coherent yet but you were trying.
The current song ended and the new one started. Jake instantly recognized it and went to change it but you stopped him.
“You don’t want me to change it?” He asked, glancing at you from the rear-view mirror.
“No!” You yelled again, making him take his hand off the radio dial, “My favowite.”
“Oh I see,” he said, “This is your favorite song?”
You nodded.
“Great,” Jake mumbled to himself. He had hoped within the next few days, you’d move on from liking that song but he was wrong. For the next four weeks, it was the only song you listened to and you memorized all the words to the best of your abilities.
It was a rough few weeks for Jake.
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